Re: [newbie-it] settaggio della stampante

2000-09-25 Thread Andrea Celli

Daniele Morabito wrote:
 continuo a scontrarmi con un grande problema: non riesco a configurare
 la mia stampante Epson Photo 700, 

Prova a dare un'occhiata a
Per ogni stampante ci sono delle indicazioni sul livello di
ed eventualmente su come configurarla.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Corel e fonts di X windows

2000-09-25 Thread Andrea Celli

Daniele Morabito wrote:

  Qualcun altro ha riscontrato problemi simili con i prodotto Corel?
 Cosma Scaramella
 A me è successo una cosa simile: dopo l'installazione di , sia per KDE
 che per GNOME, erano sparite le icone associate ai programmi del menu avvio. Non
 ho capito assolutamente perchè: cercherò di indagare.

Credo ci sia un qualche conflitto tra fonttastic e drakxfonts.
Tutti e due vogliono intervenire sulla gestione dei fonts
ed ho l'impressione che facciano a botte :-(

Per fortuna ho provato l'installazione dei prodotti Corel solo
su installazioni test di Mandrake e non su quella di lavoro. ;)

Comunque il problema si e` ripetuto sia con PhotoPaint 9 che con

ciao, andrea

R: R: [newbie-it] mandrake con partizione superiore a 1024 settori!!

2000-09-25 Thread BELLAN Andrea

grazie per la precisazione...
già risolto .
ps: le pulci facciamole da un'altra parte
può scappare qualche boiata mentre si scrive
ti assicuro che so la differenza tra le varie
cose altrimenti non averi montato un 8 gb scsi
forzando i cilindri le testine e i settori nonchè
i byte per traccia su una sparc 1+ che no ha neanche
idea di che cosa sia un settore 1024 in quanto non
esistevano ancora tali dischi quando è nata!!

bando alle polemiche grazie per l'aiuto!!

Saluti KINO

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Simone Ravarotto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 25 settembre 2000 10.40
A: peppesan
Oggetto: RE: R: [newbie-it] mandrake con partizione superiore a 1024

= Original Message from peppesan [EMAIL PROTECTED] at
23/09/00 02.04
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:22 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] mandrake con partizione superiore a 1024 settori!!

 Qualcuno ha idea di come creare un'unica partizione
 con oltre 1024 settori ed evitare che il lilo
 (nel mio caso silo) si inkazzi nella fase di
 creazione/configurazione del bootloader?

 Grazie a tutti, saluti KINO

Si chiamano cilindri,i settori sono un'altra cosa..
Il nuovo Lilo e Grub non hanno il famosissimo problema
del 1024° cilindro.
Vedi tu...

R: [newbie-it] Configurazione modem isdn esterno.

2000-09-25 Thread BELLAN Andrea

hai perfettamente ragioneforse nel mio caso ero riuscito a fregare
il kppp per il fatto che il mio TA 3com ha l'ultimo bios che in automatico
anche se chiami un provider che risponde sempre in digitale ma pretende
il dialogo con tipologia analogica si setta come tale amico pretende, in
più...anche con modem l'ho sempre configurato come modem
standard 75600 analogico..pur essendo un TA ISDN.

devo essere un caso particolare

Saluti KINO

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Simone Ravarotto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 25 settembre 2000 13.14
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Configurazione modem isdn esterno.

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Vincenzo Forciniti
Inviato: domenica 24 settembre 2000 1.43
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Configurazione modem isdn esterno.

Salve a tutti, vorrei poter configurare il mio modem su una mandrake 7.1 ...
Il modem e' un Asuscom IsdnLink 128-ST, esterno installato su COM1 (o ttyS0
che dir si voglia),mi si verifica il seguente problema:
Riesco a connettermi al provider, e prima di poter effettuare il login mi
muore il modem (messaggio di Modem Hangup).
Ho provato a immettere manualmente i comandi col terminale di kppp, immetto
i seguenti:
dopo che ricevo OK
 mi viene fuori la scritta NO CARRIER
e mi cade la connessione.
Cosa posso/devo fare per far funzionare il modem?
Non ce la faccio piú a vedere schermate blu quando navigo/scarico/ecc/ecc
Grazie a tutti.
P.S. resolv.conf é configurato correttamente, ed anche il resto dei file di
configurazione ... li ho configurati come se avessi un modem analogico
esterno (a parte la velocitá della COM1 che é stat settata a 115200)


Il tuo adattatore ISDN non e' un modem analogico,quindi va configurato
come un adattatore ISDN. Scarica le ultime versioni di pppd ed i tools
per la comunicazione ISDN (mi sembra si tratti di isdn4Linux o isdn4k ,
o qualcosa del genere).Se leggi il file "Changes" contenuto nelle
sorgenti di uno degli ultimi kernels,noterai che se ne parla
espressamente e viene indicato il sito dove puoi scaricarle;purtroppo io
non lo ricordo avendo un modem analogico e non essendomi interessato
piu' di tanto.
Per le sorgenti,se non le hai : http:\\\ ;li' troverai
anche un mirror ftp tedesco molto piu' veloce.
Con un pochino di sbattimento nella lettura dei vari readme relativi
non dovresti avere piu' problemi,anzi ,dovresti riuscire a configurare
una connessione stabile come una roccia.


KINO ,nel suo messaggio,ha quasi centrato il bersaglio,ma il problema non e'
certo del provider,il quale fornisce abbonamento ISDN o analogico,a seconda
delle richieste.
Sento molto parlare di "modem ISDN"...
Ricordiamoci che la linea ISDN e' gia' digitale,e quindi non ha bisogno
di essere codificata in analogica dal modem chiamante per poter passare
dal doppino telefonico,quindi decodificata di nuovo in digitale dal modem
E giustissimo ricevere dal demone pppd il messaggio "NO CARRIER",se si
tenta di cercare la linea analogica (come da tua conf) su di una digitale
(valido anche viceversa).Il modo corretto di definire la "borchia" e'
"adattatore ISDN" e non "modem ISDN" ,visto che nulla viene modulato,ma solo
Scusate il puntiglio, ma se si ci fa un po di cultura hardware si possono
capire molte piu' cose in caso di messaggi come questo.



[newbie-it] Configurazione modem isdn esterno.

2000-09-25 Thread Simone Ravarotto

Penso che il tuo 3COM (visto il nome non da poco),possa essere utilizzato
sia come modem analogico che come ISDN adapter.
Kppp dovrebbe capirlo senza bisogno di driver visto che si parla di una
applicazione Linux...
Molti apparecchi validi supportano questa possibilita',soprattutto quelli
esportati nei paesi dove la linea ISDN e' in via di implementazione;
Il driver x winz fornito dalla 3COM stessa dovrebbe permetterti di
scegliere, vero?
Nel tuo caso sarei curioso di fare un poco di wget da Linux
saluti ,


= Original Message from BELLAN Andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] at
25/09/00 13.38
hai perfettamente ragioneforse nel mio caso ero riuscito a fregare
il kppp per il fatto che il mio TA 3com ha l'ultimo bios che in automatico
anche se chiami un provider che risponde sempre in digitale ma pretende
il dialogo con tipologia analogica si setta come tale amico pretende, in
più...anche con modem l'ho sempre configurato come modem
standard 75600 analogico..pur essendo un TA ISDN.

devo essere un caso particolare

Saluti KINO

[newbie-it] Grosso problema con POP3

2000-09-25 Thread Michele Tognon

Non riesco a capire se il demono POP3 funziona sul mio server. Ho una rete 
di 80 PC e sto' provando postfix. Se mando una email da Postfix e la ricevo 
dal server exchange che c'e' qui tutto funziona. Se mando una email da 
Postfix e volgio riceverla sempre in un account di LInux non funziona 
nulla. Ho visto che al boot non parte nessun demone pop3 o imap pur essendo 
configurati su inetd.conf e su services. Se vado nella directory dove sono 
(/usr/sbin) e li lancio non riesco piu' a tornare al prompt. In init.d non 
e' presente nessuno script per lanciare ipop3d o imapd. Comincio ad essere 
disperato. Cosa devo fare???

Michele Tognon

- Ufficio CED - Calzaturificio Carmens S.p.A.


[newbie-it] Configurazione stampante Lexmark CJ 2050 su Linux Mandrake 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Tosato Diego

Salve a tutti, vorrei sapere se c'è la possibilità di 
utilizzare la mia stampante Lexmark CJ 2050 con la distribuzione Mandrake 7.1. 
Io ho provato, e considerando che sono alle prime armi con Linux, non sono 
riuscito a fare niente.


[newbie-it] [fwd] [Security Announce] MDKSA-2000:041-1 - xpdf update (from:

2000-09-25 Thread Fabio Coatti

- Forwarded message from Linux Mandrake Security Team 

From: Linux Mandrake Security Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mandrake Security Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:01:01 -0600
Subject: [Security Announce] MDKSA-2000:041-1 - xpdf update

Linux-Mandrake Security Update Advisory

Package name:   xpdf
Date:   September 25th, 2000
Advisory ID:MDKSA-2000:041-1

Affected versions:  6.0, 6.1, 7.0

Problem Description:

 There is a potential race condation when using tmpnam() and fopen() in
 xpdf versions prior to 0.91.  This exploit can be only used as root to
 overwrite arbitrary files if a symlink is created between the calls to
 tmpname() and fopen().  There is also a problem with malicious 
 URL-type links in PDF documents that contain quote characters which
 could also potentially be used to execute arbitrary commands.  This is
 due to xpdf calling system() with a netscape (or similar) command plus
 the URL.  The 0.91 release of xpdf fixes both of these potential
 problems.  Although there are no known exploits, users are encouraged
 to upgrade their system with these updates.


 There was an incorrect dependancy on the t1lib package in the previous
 updates for xpdf for Linux-Mandrake 6.x and 7.0.  This update resolves
 those dependancy issues.

Please verify these md5 checksums of the updates prior to upgrading to
ensure the integrity of the downloaded package.  You can do this by
running the md5sum program on the downloaded package by using
"md5sum package.rpm".

Linux-Mandrake 6.0:
9210a209bbd52854078e77c5edc35158  6.0/RPMS/xpdf-0.91-4mdk.i586.rpm
305a3ed2da20108baf16ce716e4f56f0  6.0/SRPMS/xpdf-0.91-4mdk.src.rpm

Linux-Mandrake 6.1:
552d48f5053ad5f348df823cb759a8c9  6.1/RPMS/xpdf-0.91-4mdk.i586.rpm
305a3ed2da20108baf16ce716e4f56f0  6.1/SRPMS/xpdf-0.91-4mdk.src.rpm

Linux-Mandrake 7.0:
8a8bca08989416014a2c91bac79eddc5  7.0/RPMS/xpdf-0.91-4mdk.i586.rpm
305a3ed2da20108baf16ce716e4f56f0  7.0/SRPMS/xpdf-0.91-4mdk.src.rpm

To upgrade automatically, use « MandrakeUpdate ».  

If you want to upgrade manually, download the updated package from one 
of our FTP server mirrors and uprade with "rpm -Uvh package_name".  

You can download the updates directly from:

Or try one of the other mirrors listed at:  

Updated packages are available in the "updates/[ver]/RPMS/" directory.  
For example, if you are looking for an updated RPM package for
Linux-Mandrake 7.1, look for it in "updates/7.1/RPMS/".  Updated source
RPMs are available as well, but you generally do not need to download

Please be aware that sometimes it takes the mirrors a few hours to 
update, so if you want an immediate upgrade, please use one of the two 
above-listed mirrors.

You can view other security advisories for Linux-Mandrake at:

If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact



- End forwarded message -

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

 PGP signature

[newbie-it] installazione di Mandrake7.1

2000-09-25 Thread tonibl

Nell'installazione di Mandrake7.1 ho un problema: quando mi si 
dice di inserire il secondo CD non riesco a recuperare il rpimo (lo sportellino 
del lettore non vuole aprirsi). Qualcuno può aiutarmi?


Re: [newbie-it] problemi con sk di rete

2000-09-25 Thread marco

il problema è un altro:
la scheda non vede la rete.
In altre parole, pingando l'ip della macchina win, questo non arriva.
Inoltre il led dietro la sk resta spento, quindi è come se non ci fosse continuità.
Il cavo comunque funziona ed è anche invertito, quindi non è un problema di
tra cavi (già testati tra l'altro tra 2 macchine win).
Con il comando dmesg mi sono accorto che la sk di rete si ostina ad usare
il BNC anzicchè l'RJ45. Visto che per necessità occorre che funzioni l'RJ45,
come fare ad imporre alla scheda questo tipo di collegamento?
Utilizzo una 3Com 3C509B, e non sono riuscito a trovare il dischetto di questa sk
(come consigliato dagli HOWTO) per forzare la configurazione sotto DOS.
cordiali saluti

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con sk di rete

2000-09-25 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 11:59:40PM +0200, marco wrote:
 come fare ad imporre alla scheda questo tipo di collegamento?
 Utilizzo una 3Com 3C509B, e non sono riuscito a trovare il dischetto di questa sk
 (come consigliato dagli HOWTO) per forzare la configurazione sotto DOS.

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] Corel e fonts di X windows

2000-09-25 Thread trasca

Il lun, 25 set 2000, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 Daniele Morabito wrote:
   Qualcun altro ha riscontrato problemi simili con i prodotto Corel?
  Cosma Scaramella
  A me è successo una cosa simile: dopo l'installazione di , sia per KDE
  che per GNOME, erano sparite le icone associate ai programmi del menu avvio. Non
  ho capito assolutamente perchè: cercherò di indagare.
 Credo ci sia un qualche conflitto tra fonttastic e drakxfonts.
 Tutti e due vogliono intervenire sulla gestione dei fonts
 ed ho l'impressione che facciano a botte :-(
 Per fortuna ho provato l'installazione dei prodotti Corel solo
 su installazioni test di Mandrake e non su quella di lavoro. ;)
 Comunque il problema si e` ripetuto sia con PhotoPaint 9 che con
 ciao, andrea

P.S.: Se può essere d'aiuto, mi ha fatto lo stesso scherzetto anche con Red Hat

Saluti a tutti

Cosma Scaramella

Re: [newbie-it] Gestione posta

2000-09-25 Thread Franco Vite

Il Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 01:45:15PM +0200, cosscara scrive:
 Salve a tutti,
 chiedo assistenza per un problema quasi risolto (è il quasi che mi brucia!!)
 Ho deciso di usare netscape per la lettura della posta, ma siccome ho più
 caselle e-mail da controllare (ovviamente non IMAP ma POP3), devo fargliele
 leggere su una inbox interna.

Non usare netscape, che ti incasina la vita e come mailreader non e' dei
migliori (eufemismo).
Se proprio vuoi usare qualcosa di grafico prova xfmail, o evolution.
Cmq, detto tra noi, meglio di mutt .

 Ho configurato allora fetchmail che corretamente mi scarica la posta in
 /var/spool/mail/-nomeutente- (ho controllato e fin qui tutto ok)
 Ho detto a Netscape di controllare la posta da una casella interna e gli ho
 dato la directory sopra indicata.
 Scarico la posta, la controllo con netscape: non c'è nulla!
 Controllo con pine o mutt e la posta c'è.
 Dove sbaglio?
 Devo dire a fetchmail di mettere la posta in /home/-nomeutente-/nsmail/inbox ?
 e come faccio a dirglirlo?

Usa procmail, che ti smista tutta la posta nella/e directory che preferisci.

 Oppure devo creare una sottodirectory "inbox" in /var/spool etc? e dire a fetch
 mail di mettere la posta li?
 Ho bucato il monte da due lati per fare una galleria, ma i treni non passano!
 Qualsiasi dritta è gradita! Grazie a tutti e saluti



Franco aka caparossa
Key fingerprint = DE14 622C 623F 0E02 69BA  D893 6934 A41A BFD2 6C56
bash# cd /pub
bash# more beer

[newbie] My login managers (gdm kdm) don't work

2000-09-25 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Following the instructions on how to install KDE2 beta 5 (the final beta) on
Mandrake 7.x, I installed the RPMs menu and mandrake_desk from Mandrake 7.2
beta 3 before doing anything else. I did not install KDE2 over my KDE 1.x at
this stage. After a reboot I found that kdm (my default login manager at boot)
only displayed kde and default as choices, and whatever I chose I got IceWM. I
managed to get GNOME running manually by killing kdm with init 3 from a root
console and then running startx. I tried gdm (from Helix GNOME)  instead of kdm
but this doesn't let me log into anything. By this stage I had not installed
KDE2 but my system was already a mess.

So my question is: how do I get things working as they were before, with a
fully working login manager?


Sridhar Dhanapalan
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!
Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

[newbie] About Mandrake 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread iagoba

Hi to all,

I finally got installed Mandrake 7.1 but I got some comments about him.

First, the installation wasn't as good as I hope, with some errors in
some parts, for example, why is the Installation program giving me one
LILO error in the bootloader section, when I'm trying to Install Grub?
this is in Actualization mode, I think that this is an error, other
thing, why it don't find my ne2000 CARD during the Installation if I'm
giving it all the Information? I/O, IRQ, etc... and It detect it in
Drakconf after the installation?

Also, I can't understand why an actualization needs more than 2 hours
to be completed and one Installation only 40 minutes? I think that
mandrake must resolve this, also the big number of applications that
install by defect, more than 1,7 Gb 

Well, I must say that when is installed all works very fine, the KDE 
GNOME works fine and looks fast and pretty, but the installation is one

See ya, and sorry for the off-topic, this are only my impressions,
anything more.


Re: [newbie] Problems with Via Sound card 82c686 on 694D(Microstar)and LM 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread John Couturier

The only thing I can think of is to see if there is a setting in the BIOS to change 
your sound card IRQ.  My guess it would be in the PCI section.   "Device or Resource 
Busy" is an IRQ conflict.

-- Original Message --
From: "Sounak Sinha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 23:14:02 -0700

Hi guys,
I have been struggling to get my sound card working with Mandrake 7.1.
This sound card is on board and is part of the Southbridge (Via 82c686).
This particular chip is reported to be supported.

What I believe is the problem is IRQ sharing. This card is sharing IRQs
(IRQ 9) with the USB controller. Although there are quite a few IRQs
vacant(like IRQ5), I dont know how to move the IRQ from 9 to 5 under
Linux. Anyone with any help on this ?

This is with stock 2.2.15 SMP kernel. Sometimes with 2.4.0test8 kernel
I can get my sound card to work, but just barely. I can listen to Audio
CDs. Change the volume using the mixer; but momemt I try to play a
RealAudio clip, the sound gets all locked up and the first syllable
keeps repeating.

I also tried with the latest OSS files, after installing those(what a
pain !!! told me Mandrake was not a supported kernel) I could play my
audio cds fine but had problems with .ra files again. OSS actually
warned me since the card was sharing IRQs there could be problems.

So what is the solution here ? Can anyone help ? Anyone with any
experience with the Redhat install ? Could you get sound working
flawlessly ?

I tried with both setting on the motherboard - Soundblaster mode on
(part 1) and Soundblaster mode off (part 2). The boot.log messages from
Part 1 and 2 are appended below.

Any help is highly appreciated !



Sep 20 18:29:25 xxx rc.sysinit: Mounting loopback filesystems succeeded
Sep 20 18:29:25 xxx rc.sysinit: Turning on user and group quotas for
local filesystems succeeded
Sep 20 18:29:25 xxx rc.sysinit: Enabling swap space succeeded

Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o failed
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx sound: Loading sound module (via82cxxx) failed
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
insmod via82cxxx failed
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx mandrake_everytime: Building Window Manager Sessions
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx kudzu:  succeeded
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o failed
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
insmod via82cxxx failed
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx sound: Loading sound module (via82cxxx) failed

Sep 20 18:29:47 xxx sysctl: error: 'net.ipv4.tcp_timestamp' is an
unknown key
Sep 20 18:29:47 xxx network: Setting network parameters succeeded


Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx kudzu:  succeeded

Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o: init_module: Device or
resource busy
Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o failed
Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o: insmod via82cxxx failed
Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx sound: Loading sound module (via82cxxx) failed
Sep 20 18:48:03 xxx sysctl: error: 'net.ipv4.tcp_timestamp' is an
unknown key
Sep 20 18:48:03 xxx network: Setting network parameters succeeded

Re: [newbie] Instilation of Linux Mandrake for Windows

2000-09-25 Thread Denis Havlik

:~Dear Sir/Madam
:~I have a copy of Linux Makedrake 7.1 and I would like to install it as linux
:~for windows but when I click on the button when the cd has autorun it says
:~that the program runs in real dos mode that this versionof windows does not
:~support. I suppose this is because I run Windows me but there must be a way
:~round it. Please help as I am desperate to install linux.
:~Adam Sanders ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Actually there IS a way around it, but I have no idea how good is it, it 
has not been tested so far, and it requires patching of windows ME. 

If this did not scare you, take a look at these pages:

good luck
Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working conditions,
paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[newbie] Install on formatted HD

2000-09-25 Thread webmaster


 I just formatted my C: drive.
 Im looking to do clean install [mandrake 7.1]

 Do i need a boot disk to install it?
 Where can i find a boot disk or how can i make one from the DOS prompt.

 Remember my c: drive is  now formatted.

 Im at the GRUB command line. Im needing some help here.

Thanks Guyzz
Dominick - 

[newbie] DSL

2000-09-25 Thread Steve Dressler

  I have 2 win98 machines, and networked with ADSL going to both computers, 
I also have a IBM Server 320 with mandrake 7.1 installed on it.  How much 
trouble is it to connect it to the network so I can have DSL going to it?

  Sorry if this has been topic before.

Re: [newbie] Install on formatted HD

2000-09-25 Thread Steve Dressler

At 08:40 AM 9/25/00 -0400, you wrote:

  Do i need a boot disk to install it?
  Where can i find a boot disk or how can i make one from the DOS prompt.

  I just booted off the cd itself and it prompted me from boot up

Re: [newbie] Tech Support from Macmillan -- Personal Inquiry

2000-09-25 Thread Denis Havlik

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

:~Mandrakesoft taking over support is good new for all of us, Dennis!  The 
:~MacMillan support did less than nothing for me--it wasted my time and effort. 
:~ [I had bought the 7.0 Deluxe with e-mail support from Linuxcare.]  This kind 
:~of experience can only hurt Linux Mandrake's reputation and sales.  If 
:~Mandrakesoft can turn this support issue from a liability into an asset.  

Ufff... You should see the s* we just made ourselves, you would start
shouting "give us back the linuxcare" :-( But, as I said, we WILL get this
working, and when we have done it, I will not hear any more "your support
stinks" letters. 

:~Personally I believe in supporting good things, and I will purchase Linux 
:~Mandrake again when I will be able to get what I'm paying for, which includes 
:~the support should I need it.  I'm not still working out of Windows based 
:~e-mail for nothing.  [For those new to newbie let me explain that I'm 
:~disabled with Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue and I literally haven't had the 
:~effort available to apply to solving my modem issues myself, even with the 
:~help of newbie people.]  -Gary-

OK, folks - here are the facts: 

1) Linuxcare is/was not bad, they generally did the job very well, but we
had problems in certain cases where feedback simply did not work, so small
problems ended up with very unhappy customers.

2) we just took this over from linuxcare few days ago, and
we do have problems. As a matter of fact, we screwed it full-time last
week, but by now things should be back in normal (I HOPE!) now.

If you think that running our support is a simple task, it is not, but we
are determined to get it right this time, and I don't see why we shouldn't
succeed: we got our security-updates right, 7.2 is full of goodies
you have been asking for, overal quality of the product is improving too,
so why shouldn't we be able to handle support as well?

But i repeat the warning: "taking over" is a big task, and there may be
some more troubles ahead of us (yup, we just passed on e big hump last
week!), so please don't get too pissed-off. 

We do what we can, i.e.:

- impossible is done at once
- wonders take some more time.

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working conditions,
paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[newbie] Booting Question.

2000-09-25 Thread John Rye

My kernel is 2.2.16-9mdk.

Fellow list member and I are attempting to upgrade from ver 6.1 to
7.0(air) via email

There is a flaw in the cd or install script which causes the generation
of the boot floppy to fail with a 'can't find insmod' or similar

Ver 7.0 uses the stock 2.2.14 kernel.

Is it legitimate to try and boot the part install with a 2.2.16 boot
floppy to get a couple of glitches sorted...


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Mark Johnson

I want to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1, should I reformat and do a total
reinstall or should I just do a regular upgrade. I don't have anything I
want to save on the 7.0 installation, I have just been putzing around to get
familiar that system.  Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions...


Re: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux

2000-09-25 Thread Jeff Malka

I had thought of the second one and found it too onerous, but the first one
is certainly workth trying.


Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: Steve Weltman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux


 Wouldn't it be easier to 'pull' the messages than 'push' them there?
 try doing an import from OL-Express to the mail client in Netscape
 Communicator...It's not the best, but it works for me (most of the time,
 pretty well, I might add).  You can find the mail that your using in OL
 Express in c:\winnt\profiles\(username)\Application
 Data\Identities\(lotsoflettersandnumbers)\Microsoft\Outlook Express.
 Everything in dbx extension is a message folder, and can be imported.

 ORYou can spend some quality time forwarding every single keepable
 e-mail message back to yourself under another e-mail account, and download
 it onto your Linux partition.  Kinda spendy on the bandwidth and time, but
 it'll get the job done.


 Steve W.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Jeff Malka" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Linux Newbie Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:15 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux

  While in transition as I learn Linux, I am still have a load of received
  emails in Outlook Express under NT.  A number of these are email
  to questions I asked about Linux.
  Rather than print them all out on paper, is there a way for me to be
  read these (already received emails, now on my HD) from within Linux
  need to access them to try the various suggestions made?
  Registered Linux user  183185

RE: [newbie] Install on formatted HD

2000-09-25 Thread webmaster

Hello Newbies:::

 OK well as i found out, I made a boot disk for mandrake 7.1
 I attached it to this email. ( got it from
 Its a perl script.


 PS: not to spam or anything, I made a newbie website for us linux users.
 It will be fully functional by the end of this week hopefully. Here is the
URL:  || and we also have a chatroom for realtime
help on an IRC Server Called - thought this might help the


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Dressler
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Install on formatted HD

At 08:40 AM 9/25/00 -0400, you wrote:

  Do i need a boot disk to install it?
  Where can i find a boot disk or how can i make one from the DOS prompt.

  I just booted off the cd itself and it prompted me from boot up

Re: [newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread iagoba

select Installation, is you make an upgrade, the installation would be
about 2 or 3 hours, and is you don't upgrade it, it can be only 40

Mark Johnson wrote:
 I want to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1, should I reformat and do a total
 reinstall or should I just do a regular upgrade. I don't have anything I
 want to save on the 7.0 installation, I have just been putzing around to get
 familiar that system.  Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions...

RE: [newbie] Trying to do a rpm -Uvh

2000-09-25 Thread Josh Shirey

Ok, I'm confused.  I thought I was running Mandrake 7.1 (Helium) Kernel
2.2.15.  Does this give an indication that I'm not running Linux Mandrake
7.1?  I'm not trying to be stupid here but someone else told me the same

-Original Message-
From: Philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Trying to do a rpm -Uvh

I'll have to track down my notes, but I also had to get updated drivers for 
my nvidia geforce 256 card - that did the trick for me to be able to run 
Q3. In Cooker, there are a few other 4.01 xfree RPMS - theres a 
XFree86-libs4.0.1, a devel rpm,docs, etc..
Maybe you should try installing or upgrading to 7.1 - is that an option for 
you ? if you do an expert install you have the option to install and start 
4.01. I did that with the 7.2 beta and it worked out nicely.


At 01:55 PM 9/22/2000 -0500, you wrote:

 No problemo.  Yeah, I reran the rebuild command again and same
thing. You know I renamed the packages.rpm to packages.bak(don't know if I
was supposed to do that or not) and tried running the rpm -Uvh and it told
me that a bunch of dependiences failed.  Are the dependiences that it is
refering to in the packages.rpm.  May I ask what specifically you had to do
to upgrade to 4.01.  I need 4.0.1 to be able to get full use out of my
card and to play quake 3.



-Original Message-
From: Philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Trying to do a rpm -Uvh

Sorry Josh - I should have been more specific and asked did you run the
rebuild *again*, after you updated to the 4.0 version ? Does running
kpackage or rpmdrake give the same database error ?
I had upgraded to the 4.01 a little while ago and I was pretty sure there
was more than one RPM to install, not that it should be causing the problem
you are seeing .


At 10:20 AM 9/22/2000 -0500, you wrote:
 Ok.  I've loaded 4.0 version of rpm and I am still getting the error when
 trying to do rpm -Uvh filename.rpm "An rpm in db1 format exists in
 /var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm.  Please convert to db3 format by running "rpm
 --rebuilddb" as root.  What is db1 and db3 format's?  Thanks...
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 9:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Trying to do a rpm -Uvh
 look there, there should be new RPM's for Mandrake :P (*hint* i586)
 makes RPM browsing so much faster
 - Original Message -
 From: "Josh Shirey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 8:41 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Trying to do a rpm -Uvh
   Hi, I am running MD 7.  I'm trying to update/install XFree86.4.0.1
   as a single 15 meg rpm.  I was told to do rpm -Uvh filename.rpm and I
   be good to go but I an running into this error message and I don't
   to do next.  The error message I'm getting is "An rpm in db1 format
   in /var/lib/rpm/parckages.rpm.  Please convert to db3 format by
   --rebuilddb" as root."  I do the rpm --rebuilddb and it acts like it
   something but when I go back and try rpm -Uvh filename.rpm it gives me
   same error message. When i do a rpm -q I see that I am running version
   Could the version of rpm I am running be my problem and if so how and
   would I go to update my version of rpm for MD.

Re: [newbie] Booting Question.

2000-09-25 Thread the Duchess of the Antipodes

 My kernel is 2.2.16-9mdk.
 Fellow list member and I are attempting to upgrade from ver 6.1 to
 7.0(air) via email
 There is a flaw in the cd or install script which causes the generation
 of the boot floppy to fail with a 'can't find insmod' or similar
 Ver 7.0 uses the stock 2.2.14 kernel.
 Is it legitimate to try and boot the part install with a 2.2.16 boot
 floppy to get a couple of glitches sorted...

what about a 2.2.13 bootdisk? i could reinstall 6.1 and make it there...

the fellow list member.

[newbie] Problems with X in Mandrake 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Figueroa Carlos (CAP)

I have Mandrake 7.1 and when I install and run KDE it show the blue screen,
but it goes back to the shell. I think there is a problem with the ATI XPERT
200 that I have. Anybody Know how to fix it?

   Thank you!

RE: [newbie] Problems with X in Mandrake 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

I had the same problem with two different computers, one of them a Toshiba
Laptop. One day, I tried to do the text mode installation and ¡hale opp!!!
It worked.
Now it works very nice. Try it, perphaps it worths

Francisco Alcaraz

-Mensaje original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Figueroa Carlos
Enviado el: lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2000 16:10
Asunto: [newbie] Problems with X in Mandrake 7.1

I have Mandrake 7.1 and when I install and run KDE it show the blue screen,
but it goes back to the shell. I think there is a problem with the ATI XPERT
200 that I have. Anybody Know how to fix it?

   Thank you!

[newbie] RPMDrake and Mandrake Update problems

2000-09-25 Thread michaelheinz


I'm having two problems with managing RPMs right now. 
The first is that when I try to add an HTTP or FTP site 
to RPMDrake, it quits. When I restart it there's no 
trace of the new site.

The second is that when I try to update my system with 
Mandrake Update I seem to be getting lots of spurious 
dependancies. Generally, when I click on any item, 
Update then selects the rest of the list, claiming that 
(for example) the new version of Update requires the new 
Samba Server package to run.

Any suggestions on handling either of these problems?

Michael Heinz, Java Certified Programmer

206 Debbie Lane, Phoenixville, PA 19460

[newbie] Incoming ppp connections?

2000-09-25 Thread George Brooks

I am still having trouble configuring my system for incoming calls.  I found
something on the Internet about it, but it did not work.  I have a 3com USR
voice faxmodem hooked to S1 (com 2).  I can get a dialtone and the modem can
call out.  (I have not successfully authenticated to my ISP, but I know that
the modem works).  At this time, I just want to dial in and used the local
LAN and Internet.  Sort of like my own mini-ISP.  My version 7.1 machine is
hooked up to an ethernet LAN that gets to the internet by a dial-on-demand
ISDN line.

Any help would be appreciated.

[newbie] apache

2000-09-25 Thread freeman

Does anyone know what version or how to check what version of apache comes with 
mandrake 7.1??

And how to upgrade it to xssi etc.  it told me to goto my apache dir 
/apache_1.3.X/src/modules.  I don't have a apache_1.3.X dir or a src dir or a modueles.

I have a /usr/lib/apache and a usr/include/apache

I also wanted to know if I could use iis and apache.  And if so how?  And will it work 
from a win box



Get your own free email account from


2000-09-25 Thread freeman

 Can samba work with windows 95 environment or is it just NT?
 My server side is solaris 2.7 and my client side is all laptops running
 win'95, how do I configure samba in this scenario?
 Please write back as soon as possible.
It will work fine with win95 

If your are running win95 rev 2 or higher (I believe) you will have to enable password 
encryption in the global settings



Get your own free email account from

[newbie] AX25 problems

2000-09-25 Thread Kyle Chavis

Can anyone help with a simple guide to install AX25? I have read through the
HOWTO and I guess I don't see it or understand the installation process in
the HOWTO. Please be easy on me, thanks!

Mandrake 7.2

Re: [newbie] apache

2000-09-25 Thread F. E. Schaper


Apache will work fine with IIS, but the question is.why on Earth would
you want to use IIS???

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: [newbie] apache

 Does anyone know what version or how to check what version of apache comes
with mandrake 7.1??

 And how to upgrade it to xssi etc.  it told me to goto my apache dir
/apache_1.3.X/src/modules.  I don't have a apache_1.3.X dir or a src dir or
a modueles.

 I have a /usr/lib/apache and a usr/include/apache

 I also wanted to know if I could use iis and apache.  And if so how?  And
will it work from a win box



 Get your own free email account from

[newbie] Backspace doesn't

2000-09-25 Thread Aaron Mulder

I'm having trouble with backspace under X-Windows.  It works for
some apps (kvt, xterm), but not others (emacs, rxvt).  When it doesn't
work, it behaves like "delete" instead - it deletes the character under
the cursor, when I want it to delete the character to the left of the
cursor.  And in those cases the "delete" key works the same way.  I'd be
happy enough to fix it for emacs alone, though I'd really rather know if
there's some X-Windows global setting I can use.


P.S. Looked like this has come up before in the archives, but there was
never a satisfactory answer.  "stty erase" does not work.  In all cases
things work fine outside X, and I tried 4 Window Mangers.

Re: [newbie] Install on formatted HD

2000-09-25 Thread GAPrichard

IF you can boot from the CD your in business.  If not you will need 
access to a working machine so that you can go to /dosutils (on the Linux 
Mandrake CD) and use rawrite to make the install boot disk you will need to 
boot the machine into Linux and do the install.  -Gary-

In a message dated 9/25/2000 8:41:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

  I just formatted my C: drive.
  Im looking to do clean install [mandrake 7.1]
  Do i need a boot disk to install it?
  Where can i find a boot disk or how can i make one from the DOS prompt.
  Remember my c: drive is  now formatted.
  Im at the GRUB command line. Im needing some help here.
 Thanks Guyzz
 Dominick - 

Re: [newbie] Install on formatted HD

2000-09-25 Thread GAPrichard

Or go to /dosutils on the CD.  There will be an information file that 
will tell you how to use rawrite to make a Linux install floppy, if your 
machine cannot boot from the CD.  -Gary-

In a message dated 9/25/2000 8:52:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 At 08:40 AM 9/25/00 -0400, you wrote:
   Do i need a boot disk to install it?
   Where can i find a boot disk or how can i make one from the DOS prompt.
   I just booted off the cd itself and it prompted me from boot up

[newbie] Problems installing Mandrake Linux

2000-09-25 Thread Syed Khalid

I recently installed Linux on a HP Vectra which comes with the Tornado
(3c905) ethernet card. I have configured the ip address for eth0.
However, "ifconfig"does not display a hardware address for the ethnernet
card. The "arp-a" does not show any entries. The "link" light on the hub
indicates link up. Do I need to load a special 3c905 driver?

Re: [newbie] apache

2000-09-25 Thread Paul

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Load your browser, go to and go into the documentation
link.  My apache (even though I don't need/use it) shows that it is
version 1.3.

Does anyone know what version or how to check what version of apache comes with 
mandrake 7.1??

And how to upgrade it to xssi etc.  it told me to goto my apache dir 
/apache_1.3.X/src/modules.  I don't have a apache_1.3.X dir or a src dir or a 

I have a /usr/lib/apache and a usr/include/apache

I also wanted to know if I could use iis and apache.  And if so how?  And will it 
work from a win box



Get your own free email account from

Don't deny the feeling. Deny the explanation. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Paul

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I just run the upgrade. I don't even format the root partition. Works
great for me.


I want to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1, should I reformat and do a total
reinstall or should I just do a regular upgrade. I don't have anything I
want to save on the 7.0 installation, I have just been putzing around to get
familiar that system.  Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions...

Don't deny the feeling. Deny the explanation. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] StarOffice and other wordprocessors

2000-09-25 Thread Renaud OLGIATI

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Robin Regennitter wrote:

 I think if you go to  

Could you please confirm the url ? I get en error  ;-(


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on.
  ---  ---

RE: [newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Mark Johnson

how long did it take to run the upgrade?

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:02 PM
To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I just run the upgrade. I don't even format the root partition. Works
great for me.


Re: [newbie] apache

2000-09-25 Thread Aaron Mulder

You could also try "rpm -qa | grep apache" - but that will only
work if you're using the default install, not if you've overwritten it
with your own.  To find where the files went, you can try
"rpm -ql apache | less"


On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Paul wrote:
 2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Load your browser, go to and go into the documentation
 link.  My apache (even though I don't need/use it) shows that it is
 version 1.3.
 Does anyone know what version or how to check what version of apache comes with 
mandrake 7.1??
 And how to upgrade it to xssi etc.  it told me to goto my apache dir 
/apache_1.3.X/src/modules.  I don't have a apache_1.3.X dir or a src dir or a 
 I have a /usr/lib/apache and a usr/include/apache
 I also wanted to know if I could use iis and apache.  And if so how?  And will it 
work from a win box
 Get your own free email account from
 Don't deny the feeling. Deny the explanation. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] Installation of Java JDK (I need JAVA!!!)

2000-09-25 Thread John Wright

Hello.  I need help with the installation of a Java JDK for 
Mandrake (preferably Sun's 1.2.2).  Apparently MandrakeSoft 
Professional Services technical support does not support the 
installation of the JDK off of their CD set. 

   A) I tried to install the sun Java jdk off of the 2nd Applications CD
   and I got the following "dependency" error list:

   "Dependency problem
   unixODBC is needed by jdk-sun-1.2.2-2mdk.i586.rpm is needed by jdk-sun-1.2.2-2mdk.i586.rpm is needed by jdk-sun-1.2.2-2mdk.i586.rpm"

   B) So I downloaded/built the JDK off of the
   web site.  The JDK was installed as directed by their "Java 2 Runtime
   Environment, Standard Edition" install doc for Linux.  See  When trying
   to run a sample program to test the installation of the JDK I got the
   warning messages listed in the Javaprob.txt file that is attached 
   "Warning: cannot convert string "KeyHome,_Key_Begin" to type
   VirtualBinding . . .").  I was able the sample program with the
   installed JDK.

My system data follows.  Thanks for your help with this matter.

 processor=AMD K6
 harddrive=IDE, 1 G Linux/ 5 M Swap
 graphic=3dfx Voodoo3
 graphic_mem=2 M
 sound=SB live 16

--- John Wright

Re: [newbie] Backspace doesn't

2000-09-25 Thread michaelheinz

If you watch your boot sequence, there's a message that 
goes by about how your backspace key has been mapped to 
DEL. That's why it doesn't work in EMACS - both keys 
send the same character code.

Like you, I like have two different kinds of delete in 
EMACS, and I've been thinking about digging around and 
figuring out how to change the setting, but I haven't 
had a chance to yet.

Michael Heinz, Java Certified Programmer

206 Debbie Lane, Phoenixville, PA 19460

   I'm having trouble with backspace under X-Windows.  It works for
 some apps (kvt, xterm), but not others (emacs, rxvt).  When it doesn't
 work, it behaves like "delete" instead - it deletes the character under
 the cursor, when I want it to delete the character to the left of the
 cursor.  And in those cases the "delete" key works the same way.  I'd be
 happy enough to fix it for emacs alone, though I'd really rather know if
 there's some X-Windows global setting I can use.
 P.S. Looked like this has come up before in the archives, but there was
 never a satisfactory answer.  "stty erase" does not work.  In all cases
 things work fine outside X, and I tried 4 Window Mangers.

Re: [newbie] StarOffice and other wordprocessors

2000-09-25 Thread Paul

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Robin Regennitter wrote:

 I think if you go to  

Could you please confirm the url ? I get en error  ;-( will work.


Don't deny the feeling. Deny the explanation. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Backspace doesn't

2000-09-25 Thread Paul

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

When my machines boot, they tell me that backspace is set to ^?.
Not sure where that comes from, but that is the regular one that works
everywhere here.


If you watch your boot sequence, there's a message that 
goes by about how your backspace key has been mapped to 
DEL. That's why it doesn't work in EMACS - both keys 
send the same character code.

Like you, I like have two different kinds of delete in 
EMACS, and I've been thinking about digging around and 
figuring out how to change the setting, but I haven't 
had a chance to yet.

Don't deny the feeling. Deny the explanation. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Paul

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On my P-II/400 (128Mb ram) it took about 45 minutes. On the P-II/350 64Mb
little over an hour.


how long did it take to run the upgrade?

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:02 PM
To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [newbie] Upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-09-25. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I just run the upgrade. I don't even format the root partition. Works
great for me.


Don't deny the feeling. Deny the explanation. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] new install..troubles

2000-09-25 Thread Glenn Baker

New to the list and Linux.

I just bought Mandrake 7.0 and am attempting to install, and not having
much luck.  The problem is that during the install, my PC keeps
re-booting.  Each time a get a bit further in the process, then it
re-boots??  I have formatted my c drive, and have no Windows installed
:)  below is my system info, if I left out anything critical, please let
me know.  I am very new to this, so your help is greatly appreciated.

My system:
AMD k62  450mhz
Bus Type: ISA
standard keyboard and mouse
Award Bios, ver 4.51pg
DVD Toshiba CD Rom
ESS Solo Audio Drive
Netgear 310TX Fast Ethernet card
SIS 7001 PCI to USB Open Host Controller
IRQ Holder for PCI Steering
SIS 5513 Dual PCI IDE controller
SIS 530 chip set

tel;pager:360) 428-5568
tel;home:360) 468-3092
tel;work:360) 468-3716
org:North American XJ Association;Board of Directors
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Glenn Baker

Re: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux

2000-09-25 Thread Goldenpi

Why cant microsoft find one path thd stick with it? Why does outlook express
have to take over three seperate parts of the drive and who knows how much
of the registry.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:17 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux

 If you don't mind the lack of formatting, go to c:\windows\application
 data\identities\{bunchofnumbersandletters}\microsoft\outlook express\

 Find the .dbx file of the box you're looking for (inbox I assume) and open
 it with a text editor - viola!  It won't be in mailbox format, but it
 in a pinch.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Malka
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:16 AM
 To: Linux Newbie Mandrake
 Subject: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux
 While in transition as I learn Linux, I am still have a load of received
 emails in Outlook Express under NT.  A number of these are email
 to questions I asked about Linux.
 Rather than print them all out on paper, is there a way for me to
 be able to
 read these (already received emails, now on my HD) from within
 Linux where I
 need to access them to try the various suggestions made?
 Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] How do i run Aol on linux?

2000-09-25 Thread Goldenpi

Im not sure if AOL even has dns. I think there psudo-internet software
doesn't bother with anything so user-unfriendly. I know that it doesn't
bother with ip addresses, as I tried to trace someone while playing

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do i run Aol on linux?

 On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, you wrote:
  How do i run AOL on linux? they wont give me the DNS numbers, if i cant
  AOL on linux does anyone know a good free ISP for linux?
 AOL is E-V-I-L!!

 "May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your
heart with gladness, that stays forever after."
 "May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."

Re: [newbie] Mounting new drive

2000-09-25 Thread Goldenpi

Advice taken, but I have already tried and have just had to reformat :-( I
used the reformat to set the home partiton anyway.

I found out about permissions on fat filesystems while failing to move the

I have also learnt that 500mi is a bit too big for just me and root. I am
useing just 1% of it. Is there anyway to use fdisk to resize a partition?

Also noticed that when I moved the home directory under x while loged in as
root, it set every file and directory to owner root.

- Original Message -
From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mounting new drive

 hi goldenpi, your stuff currently on /home would simply become invisible
 unless your current /home is a seperate volume that you can mount
 elsewhere but i guess not from your intention to use your new drive as
 /home. use ext2 unless for some reason you 'have' to be able to see this
 drive in dos/windows, permissions don't work the same on a dos drive
 (basically there are none - sort of) so i can see things becoming
 confused with such a basic part of the filesystem on a dos partition -
 expert needed here i think!

 rename /home to /home.old or similar, create /home again, mount new
 drive to /home and copy the contents of /home.old over, my hunch would
 be to do this as root with X not running to avoid having files from
 /home open while performing this action.

 not knowing how your drive is connected or if it is scsi or ide i cannot
 tell you what a suitable fstab should be, but if you run drakconf and
 then linuxconf and choose file systems and then access local drive; you
 should see your new drive detailed as not mounted, click on it's entry
 and enter the options you want including mount point, this will create
 your fstab for you and you can mount and unmount the drive to copy your
 files over

 i hope this is cogent (and correct!), i think i've confused myself!


 Goldenpi wrote:
  I have just inserted my new old 500mi drive, to hold my /home partition.
  Now, should I use ext2 or dos filesystem? If I  use ext2, what is the
  correct format for fstab? If I just mount it to /home what will happen
  the stuff in my /home partition now?
  I see a reformat looming.

Re: [newbie] Incoming ppp connections?

2000-09-25 Thread Goldenpi

Its the outlook express attacker again. How do you get it to show that
dialog box each time I open a message.

- Original Message -
From: "George Brooks" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 4:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] Incoming ppp connections?

 I am still having trouble configuring my system for incoming calls.  I
 something on the Internet about it, but it did not work.  I have a 3com
 voice faxmodem hooked to S1 (com 2).  I can get a dialtone and the modem
 call out.  (I have not successfully authenticated to my ISP, but I know
 the modem works).  At this time, I just want to dial in and used the local
 LAN and Internet.  Sort of like my own mini-ISP.  My version 7.1 machine
 hooked up to an ethernet LAN that gets to the internet by a dial-on-demand
 ISDN line.

 Any help would be appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Is it my imagination or------

2000-09-25 Thread Goldenpi

My first needed me to hold the sims in. It had elctrical tape as an
important part of the case. The next one I built was, and still is, held
together by superglue. Its not that im no good at it, its just that they
were both built from scrap.

- Original Message -
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Is it my imagination or--

 You are partially correct. I've seen a lot, and I mean a lot of crappy PCs
 built by people who think they know how to build a custom PC. Just my


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Curtis
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Is it my imagination or--

 Hand-built pc will tipically be more stable and faster. This comes with
 higher quality parts. Prebuilt pcs are less expensive for a reason, lower
 quality parts. Also prebuilt units will have several applications that are
 made by the manufacturer, thus can cause problems with other apps or the
 in general. Most users that are willing to build a custom pc will put more
 effort into research and compatiblity of the parts they are going to by.

 In short you get what you pay for.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 6:26 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Is it my imagination or--

  Hello Linuxers.
  I just wondered, am I imagining it or do hand-built
  systems tend to run better than a pre-built
  PC bought at like either "?triangle" or
  "?Best Buy" or something of that ilk?
  I noticed for myself that my hand-built system
  seems to run better than my roommate's
  pre-built system.

Re: [newbie] Acroreadxpdf

2000-09-25 Thread Mark Weaver

  Dear All, I will try your suggestions with xpdf. It was suggested to me to
  install Mandrake 7 again because of some of my strange problems. I am leaning
  towards that strongly. Is it better to do a totally fresh install or to
  upgrade over the existing? I have done an upgrade before after my first
  install and it improved some things.
  I want to thank you all for your prompt and very excellent help. Sincerely,
 MarciaI'd lean towards a fresh install.  The only reason
 to consider an upgrade at this point would be if you've
 customized your system so heavily (or had a lot of data that
 would be difficult to backup and restore) that it would be
 difficult and/or highly time consuming to restore it after a
 fresh install.

You know what though, if you have /home on it's own partition, then all
your data files will be just fine even if you do a fresh install. Just
don't format the /home partition.


Re: [newbie] Mounting new drive

2000-09-25 Thread bascule

i don't know about resizing a partition with fdisk (i use partition
magic) but if you are only using 5mi then backup and reformat with
whatever partitions you like, as for permssions when copying, ah not
being an expert that didn't occur to me, but i guess from the option to
preserve permisions that can be used when untarring a tarball, that
tarring your stuff would be able to keep the permissions but i don't
know the syntax for that - i've never done it!

it would be comforting for someone who has done this successfully to
comment here!

thats all i have goldenpi,


Goldenpi wrote:
 Advice taken, but I have already tried and have just had to reformat :-( I
 used the reformat to set the home partiton anyway.
 I found out about permissions on fat filesystems while failing to move the
 I have also learnt that 500mi is a bit too big for just me and root. I am
 useing just 1% of it. Is there anyway to use fdisk to resize a partition?
 Also noticed that when I moved the home directory under x while loged in as
 root, it set every file and directory to owner root.
 - Original Message -
 From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 10:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mounting new drive
  hi goldenpi, your stuff currently on /home would simply become invisible
  unless your current /home is a seperate volume that you can mount
  elsewhere but i guess not from your intention to use your new drive as
  /home. use ext2 unless for some reason you 'have' to be able to see this
  drive in dos/windows, permissions don't work the same on a dos drive
  (basically there are none - sort of) so i can see things becoming
  confused with such a basic part of the filesystem on a dos partition -
  expert needed here i think!
  rename /home to /home.old or similar, create /home again, mount new
  drive to /home and copy the contents of /home.old over, my hunch would
  be to do this as root with X not running to avoid having files from
  /home open while performing this action.
  not knowing how your drive is connected or if it is scsi or ide i cannot
  tell you what a suitable fstab should be, but if you run drakconf and
  then linuxconf and choose file systems and then access local drive; you
  should see your new drive detailed as not mounted, click on it's entry
  and enter the options you want including mount point, this will create
  your fstab for you and you can mount and unmount the drive to copy your
  files over
  i hope this is cogent (and correct!), i think i've confused myself!
  Goldenpi wrote:
   I have just inserted my new old 500mi drive, to hold my /home partition.
   Now, should I use ext2 or dos filesystem? If I  use ext2, what is the
   correct format for fstab? If I just mount it to /home what will happen
   the stuff in my /home partition now?
   I see a reformat looming.

[newbie] kdesu malfunction

2000-09-25 Thread Vic

I can't click my kdesu anymore its not in the menu.

Would some kind soul please tell me how i can
put it back?

I tried typing kdesu and it did nothing


[newbie] Ulysses-3 iso

2000-09-25 Thread root

anyone got another  mirror of  ulysses-3 iso's

If you have to ask you can't afford it.

[newbie] default editor in tin

2000-09-25 Thread KRITZBERG DAVID OWEN

How do you change the default editor to for example emacs? I wanted to
post a usenet article from within tin. I don't know if tin is flexible
enough to allow me to use emacs but I'm pretty sure it stuck me in vi.
Anyone post to usenet using emacs? Should I just learn the newsreader in

David Owen Kritzberg (
Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder
Campus Box 256, Boulder CO 80309-0256
Tel: 303-492-7709 Fax: 303-492-8960

[newbie] Sounds Uneven.

2000-09-25 Thread Robin Regennitter

Hi Everybody,
The sounds are pretty uneven on my it been like this
for awhile.  all the KDE system sounds goes loud and profound while all the
other wave sounds sounded so muted.   but if I turn the volume up.  The KDE
sounds blasted way through and the other sounds are noticeable.  Are there any
way I can balance out those sounds?  So all the sounds are all even.  I have
Cirrus Logic CS 4614/22/24 CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator.


Re: [newbie] 6202

2000-09-25 Thread Mark Weaver

what us a 6202?


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | ICQ#27816299
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Jose Pablo Orozco Marin wrote:

 How can i configure my vdeo card if is sis 6202, my monitor is techmedia

Re: [newbie] Ulysses-3 iso

2000-09-25 Thread Larry Hignight

I'm able to dl them from rpmfind   you may want to stop loging in as
root.  Someone might be tempted to play a joke on you. ;)

root wrote:
 anyone got another  mirror of  ulysses-3 iso's
 If you have to ask you can't afford it.

Larry Hignight  Descent 3 Beta tester  Caldera Linux 2.4

 12:45am  up 1 day,  8:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

Re: [newbie] Geforce 2 driver

2000-09-25 Thread markOpoleO

What are you talking about?!  MD 7.1 Supports Geforce 2 and 1 cards right
during install.
You can allways upgrade to 4.1.0 if you want..

- Original Message -
From: "Larry Hignight" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Geforce 2 driver

 Dominus Paparum wrote:
  quick question before I install LM, does it come with drivers for the
geforce2? i can download them from nvidia how do i install these drivers?
the file extention is .rpm what do i do with it?
  Get Email, News, Links and The Best Selection at


 First, do us all a favor and set your email client to wrap outgoing
 messages at 72 characters or less.  Thanks.  If your new to Linux and
 not comfortable working from a command line then forget about it for
 right now.  I don't think any distro currently has support for Nvidia
 "built in".  That may have already changed with the release Red Hat 7
 though.  I'm sure Mandrake 7.2 will also support Nvidia cards out of the
 box.  If you still feel up for a project here is what I did in a
 nutshell to get my Gforce working.

 A.  Your gonna have to upgrade to XFree4.01
 .5  Almost forgot ... mv /etx/X11 and /usr/X11 to /etc/X11-old and
 1.  goto and download and extract
 2.  take a look at the readme files while your there
 3.  run 'sh' then download the correct binaries
 4.  install the binaries
 5.  run /usr/X11/bin/xf86config ... be sure to have your monitor manual

 B.  Install the Nvidia drivers
 1.  Install the both rpm's ... no sweat here.  I had to --nodeps one of

 C.  Tweak XF86Config
 1.  Refer to the faq at Nvidia under linux drivers
 2.  I recall having to uncomment the glx line under modules
 3.  Had to change the driver from nv to nvidia

 voila ... your done for now.  I'm just leaving my machine on inittab 3
 for now.  Whenever I want to play a game I simply 'startx' and run the
 game from inside of twm which seems to be more stable then before I had
 a Nvidia card.  Incedently, I'm also getting fairly significantly higher
 frame rates under this setting then under WinME.

 Larry Hignight  Descent 3 Beta tester  Caldera Linux 2.4
  12:45am  up 1 day,  8:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

Re: [newbie] Ulysses-3 iso

2000-09-25 Thread root

shouldnt be listed as root it is not in my preferences

Larry Hignight wrote:

 I'm able to dl them from rpmfind   you may want to stop loging in as
 root.  Someone might be tempted to play a joke on you. ;)

 root wrote:
  anyone got another  mirror of  ulysses-3 iso's
  If you have to ask you can't afford it.

 Larry Hignight  Descent 3 Beta tester  Caldera Linux 2.4
  12:45am  up 1 day,  8:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

If you have to ask you can't afford it.

Re: [newbie] Sounds Uneven.

2000-09-25 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Robin Regennitter wrote:
 Hi Everybody,
 The sounds are pretty uneven on my it been like this
 for awhile.  all the KDE system sounds goes loud and profound while all the
 other wave sounds sounded so muted.   but if I turn the volume up.  The KDE
 sounds blasted way through and the other sounds are noticeable.  Are there any
 way I can balance out those sounds?  So all the sounds are all even.  I have
 Cirrus Logic CS 4614/22/24 CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator.

Robthere's an icon on your panel that consists of a gray
box  a blue speaker (it's usually referred to as the mixer). 
Click that icon and set the different sound sources to your


Re: [newbie] Geforce 2 driver

2000-09-25 Thread Larry Hignight


Well that's kind of funny.  Because if you go to the supported hardware
section of the linux-mandrake web site there is a link to instructions
that are awfully similar to the ones I posted below.  But just to be
sure.  I ran over and checked the Linux Drivers page ... funny thing. 
Requirement 2.1 says that Nvidia drivers require XFree4.01 to work. 
Directly above that it says that the Riva and NV1 chips are supported
under XFree4.0 ... not Gforce 1 and 2.  Which would probably explains
some of the threads we get around here about once or twice a month
bitching about installing XFree4.01.  If you don't believe me go to channel #loki and ask jlundy if nvidia drivers are
supported by Mandrake 7.1  he works in the driver dept. at Nvidia so
I think he should know.  


markOpoleO wrote:
 What are you talking about?!  MD 7.1 Supports Geforce 2 and 1 cards right
 during install.
 You can allways upgrade to 4.1.0 if you want..
 - Original Message -
 From: "Larry Hignight" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 7:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Geforce 2 driver
  Dominus Paparum wrote:
   quick question before I install LM, does it come with drivers for the
 geforce2? i can download them from nvidia how do i install these drivers?
 the file extention is .rpm what do i do with it?
   Get Email, News, Links and The Best Selection at
  First, do us all a favor and set your email client to wrap outgoing
  messages at 72 characters or less.  Thanks.  If your new to Linux and
  not comfortable working from a command line then forget about it for
  right now.  I don't think any distro currently has support for Nvidia
  "built in".  That may have already changed with the release Red Hat 7
  though.  I'm sure Mandrake 7.2 will also support Nvidia cards out of the
  box.  If you still feel up for a project here is what I did in a
  nutshell to get my Gforce working.
  A.  Your gonna have to upgrade to XFree4.01
  .5  Almost forgot ... mv /etx/X11 and /usr/X11 to /etc/X11-old and
  1.  goto and download and extract
  2.  take a look at the readme files while your there
  3.  run 'sh' then download the correct binaries
  4.  install the binaries
  5.  run /usr/X11/bin/xf86config ... be sure to have your monitor manual
  B.  Install the Nvidia drivers
  1.  Install the both rpm's ... no sweat here.  I had to --nodeps one of
  C.  Tweak XF86Config
  1.  Refer to the faq at Nvidia under linux drivers
  2.  I recall having to uncomment the glx line under modules
  3.  Had to change the driver from nv to nvidia
  voila ... your done for now.  I'm just leaving my machine on inittab 3
  for now.  Whenever I want to play a game I simply 'startx' and run the
  game from inside of twm which seems to be more stable then before I had
  a Nvidia card.  Incedently, I'm also getting fairly significantly higher
  frame rates under this setting then under WinME.
  Larry Hignight  Descent 3 Beta tester  Caldera Linux 2.4
   12:45am  up 1 day,  8:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

Larry Hignight  Descent 3 Beta tester  Caldera Linux 2.4

 12:45am  up 1 day,  8:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00

Re: [newbie] rebooting during install

2000-09-25 Thread Dennis Myers

Glenn Baker wrote:
 Glenn Baker wrote:
  Hopefully somebody will be able to give me some pointers here..
  I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.0 all day.  The problem I have
  is that during the set-up/install, my PC reboots all on its own, forcing
  me to start all over.  I have looked at literature till I am blue in the
  face, tried to register for support via www, but the form is not working
  for me?  Anyhow, I have swapped out the DVD ROM for a CD ROM, pulled the
  jumper on the motherboard to eliminate the on board sound, removed the
  NIC card, removed the modem.  The thing still re-boots on me during
  install?  Need some pointers...the wife thinks she will not see me
  tonight if I don't have any luck with this install.
  Pasted below is my earlier post with the sytem specs.  Thanks.
  New to the list and Linux.
  I just bought Mandrake 7.0 and am attempting to install, and not having
  much luck.  The problem is that during the install, my PC keeps
  re-booting.  Each time a get a bit further in the process, then it
  re-boots??  I have formatted my c drive, and have no Windows installed
  :)  below is my system info, if I left out anything critical, please let
  me know.  I am very new to this, so your help is greatly appreciated.
  My system:
  AMD k62  450mhz
  Bus Type: ISA
  standard keyboard and mouse
  Award Bios, ver 4.51pg
  DVD Toshiba CD Rom
  ESS Solo Audio Drive
  Netgear 310TX Fast Ethernet card
  SIS 7001 PCI to USB Open Host Controller
  IRQ Holder for PCI Steering
  SIS 5513 Dual PCI IDE controller
  SIS 530 chip set

I'm not really sure what could be doing this, but you might want to make
sure the PNP OS and virus detection are set at no or off in the
Motherboard Bios. You might also try a search in the newbie archives.
They are on the mail list page of Linux-Mandrake website. Any one with
better ideas just jump right in here.  Luck, Dennis
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] rebooting during install

2000-09-25 Thread Glenn Baker

Thanks for the reply Dennis.  As far as I know, PnP OS is off, as well as virus
detection, i have double checked..but ya know how that can be.
I did finally get the OS to load.but it still crashes, most often related to
a mouse movement.  I will do some more research, now that it *may* be mouse
related.  Any more thoughts would be great.

Dennis Myers wrote:

 Glenn Baker wrote:
  Glenn Baker wrote:
   Hopefully somebody will be able to give me some pointers here..
   I have been trying to install Mandrake 7.0 all day.  The problem I have
   is that during the set-up/install, my PC reboots all on its own, forcing
   me to start all over.  I have looked at literature till I am blue in the
   face, tried to register for support via www, but the form is not working
   for me?  Anyhow, I have swapped out the DVD ROM for a CD ROM, pulled the
   jumper on the motherboard to eliminate the on board sound, removed the
   NIC card, removed the modem.  The thing still re-boots on me during
   install?  Need some pointers...the wife thinks she will not see me
   tonight if I don't have any luck with this install.
   Pasted below is my earlier post with the sytem specs.  Thanks.
   New to the list and Linux.
   I just bought Mandrake 7.0 and am attempting to install, and not having
   much luck.  The problem is that during the install, my PC keeps
   re-booting.  Each time a get a bit further in the process, then it
   re-boots??  I have formatted my c drive, and have no Windows installed
   :)  below is my system info, if I left out anything critical, please let
   me know.  I am very new to this, so your help is greatly appreciated.
   My system:
   AMD k62  450mhz
   Bus Type: ISA
   standard keyboard and mouse
   Award Bios, ver 4.51pg
   DVD Toshiba CD Rom
   ESS Solo Audio Drive
   Netgear 310TX Fast Ethernet card
   SIS 7001 PCI to USB Open Host Controller
   IRQ Holder for PCI Steering
   SIS 5513 Dual PCI IDE controller
   SIS 530 chip set

 I'm not really sure what could be doing this, but you might want to make
 sure the PNP OS and virus detection are set at no or off in the
 Motherboard Bios. You might also try a search in the newbie archives.
 They are on the mail list page of Linux-Mandrake website. Any one with
 better ideas just jump right in here.  Luck, Dennis
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

tel;pager:360) 428-5568
tel;home:360) 468-3092
tel;work:360) 468-3716
org:North American XJ Association;Board of Directors
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Glenn Baker

Re: [newbie] rebooting during install

2000-09-25 Thread Glenn Baker

Sorry...mouse is a two button ps/2 mouse, no frills, no brand.  The video is on board,
sis-530, shows it to be supported.  It has crashed/rebooted several times now that I
finally got it installed, but *at this time* it is stable.  Kinda strange, am having a
look around the system right now, looks great...but am waiting for it to reboot on
it's own :)

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Glenn Baker wrote:
  Thanks for the reply Dennis.  As far as I know, PnP OS is off, as well as virus
  detection, i have double checked..but ya know how that can be.
  I did finally get the OS to load.but it still crashes, most often related to
  a mouse movement.  I will do some more research, now that it *may* be mouse
  related.  Any more thoughts would be great.

 Glennin earlier posts you called your mouse 'standard',
 could you be a bit more specific, like brand, model and
 interface type.  Also you didn't specify your brand and model
 of video card.


tel;pager:360) 428-5568
tel;home:360) 468-3092
tel;work:360) 468-3716
org:North American XJ Association;Board of Directors
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Glenn Baker

Re: [newbie] rebooting during install

2000-09-25 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Glenn Baker wrote:
 Thanks for the reply Dennis.  As far as I know, PnP OS is off, as well as virus
 detection, i have double checked..but ya know how that can be.
 I did finally get the OS to load.but it still crashes, most often related to
 a mouse movement.  I will do some more research, now that it *may* be mouse
 related.  Any more thoughts would be great.

Glennin earlier posts you called your mouse 'standard',
could you be a bit more specific, like brand, model and
interface type.  Also you didn't specify your brand and model
of video card.

Re: [newbie] rebooting during install

2000-09-25 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Glenn Baker wrote:
 Sorry...mouse is a two button ps/2 mouse, no frills, no brand.  The video is on 
 sis-530, shows it to be supported.  It has crashed/rebooted several times now that I
 finally got it installed, but *at this time* it is stable.  Kinda strange, am having 
 look around the system right now, looks great...but am waiting for it to reboot on
 it's own :)

Glennwell if I were in your situation I'd attempt to
stabalize things by experimenting with different mouse types
in my /etc/X11/XF86Config file.  But it would depend on how
comfortable you are with doing that sort of thing.


[newbie] rpmdrake (helium) does not add to install list

2000-09-25 Thread Kevin R. Bulgrien

I have a new Mandrake 7.1 installation.

rpmdrake used non-meaningful descriptors for the CD's that it needed in
order to
install package.
I. E. cdrom_1, cdrom_2, cdrom_3, cdrom_4.  Like a newbie, I remembered
that there
were 4 CD's
referenced in the initial installation, but, I had no idea what order
they were
in, so when it asked
for cdrom_2, I had no idea which CD it really wanted.

Well, like a newbie, I figure, heh, I can fix that, so I deleted the
dumb titles
and went to re-add the
installation CD's into rpmdrake. Well, blat, rpmdrake will not add
anything into
the menu, so my
install list is totally blank.  I know it's at least looking at the cd,
because it
hollers if no CD is in
the drive.

From looking at the script, it seems to be expecting to look at
/mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/base for
something, and sure enough, the CD's have what appear to be package tree

information at that

So, my question is an either or, I suppose...

1) Is it conceivable that I can restore the original package list, and
how might I
do that without doing
 a total reload (yeah, yeah, no, I didn't have a backup somewhere).


2) Is rpmdrake broken?  Is there a fix?


3) Might I be doing something wrong.


4)  Am I asking the wrong questions?  If so, what do I need to know.


Kevin R. Bulgrien

RE: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux

2000-09-25 Thread Mike Tracy Holt

Answer that and you'll have the meaning to life...  Seriously though, there
are several different operating systems out there (I personally use about 3
on average to get things done) pick the ones you like and go after it/them!
I think they're all a blast!


Why cant microsoft find one path thd stick with it? Why does
outlook express
have to take over three seperate parts of the drive and who knows how much
of the registry.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:17 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux

 If you don't mind the lack of formatting, go to c:\windows\application
 data\identities\{bunchofnumbersandletters}\microsoft\outlook express\

 Find the .dbx file of the box you're looking for (inbox I
assume) and open
 it with a text editor - viola!  It won't be in mailbox format, but it
 in a pinch.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Malka
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:16 AM
 To: Linux Newbie Mandrake
 Subject: [newbie] Reading Outlook email files under Linux
 While in transition as I learn Linux, I am still have a load of received
 emails in Outlook Express under NT.  A number of these are email
 to questions I asked about Linux.
 Rather than print them all out on paper, is there a way for me to
 be able to
 read these (already received emails, now on my HD) from within
 Linux where I
 need to access them to try the various suggestions made?
 Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] Problems with Via Sound card 82c686 on 694D(Microstar) and LM 7.1

2000-09-25 Thread Sounak Sinha

Hi guys,
I have been struggling to get my sound card working with Mandrake 7.1.
This sound card is on board and is part of the Southbridge (Via 82c686).
This particular chip is reported to be supported.

What I believe is the problem is IRQ sharing. This card is sharing IRQs
(IRQ 9) with the USB controller. Although there are quite a few IRQs
vacant(like IRQ5), I dont know how to move the IRQ from 9 to 5 under
Linux. Anyone with any help on this ?

This is with stock 2.2.15 SMP kernel. Sometimes with 2.4.0test8 kernel
I can get my sound card to work, but just barely. I can listen to Audio
CDs. Change the volume using the mixer; but momemt I try to play a
RealAudio clip, the sound gets all locked up and the first syllable
keeps repeating.

I also tried with the latest OSS files, after installing those(what a
pain !!! told me Mandrake was not a supported kernel) I could play my
audio cds fine but had problems with .ra files again. OSS actually
warned me since the card was sharing IRQs there could be problems.

So what is the solution here ? Can anyone help ? Anyone with any
experience with the Redhat install ? Could you get sound working
flawlessly ?

I tried with both setting on the motherboard - Soundblaster mode on
(part 1) and Soundblaster mode off (part 2). The boot.log messages from
Part 1 and 2 are appended below.

Any help is highly appreciated !



Sep 20 18:29:25 xxx rc.sysinit: Mounting loopback filesystems succeeded
Sep 20 18:29:25 xxx rc.sysinit: Turning on user and group quotas for
local filesystems succeeded
Sep 20 18:29:25 xxx rc.sysinit: Enabling swap space succeeded

Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o failed
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx sound: Loading sound module (via82cxxx) failed
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
insmod via82cxxx failed
Sep 20 18:29:37 xxx mandrake_everytime: Building Window Manager Sessions
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx kudzu:  succeeded
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o failed
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/sb.o:
insmod via82cxxx failed
Sep 20 18:29:46 xxx sound: Loading sound module (via82cxxx) failed

Sep 20 18:29:47 xxx sysctl: error: 'net.ipv4.tcp_timestamp' is an
unknown key
Sep 20 18:29:47 xxx network: Setting network parameters succeeded


Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx kudzu:  succeeded

Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o: init_module: Device or
resource busy
Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o failed
Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/misc/via82cxxx.o: insmod via82cxxx failed
Sep 20 18:48:02 xxx sound: Loading sound module (via82cxxx) failed
Sep 20 18:48:03 xxx sysctl: error: 'net.ipv4.tcp_timestamp' is an
unknown key
Sep 20 18:48:03 xxx network: Setting network parameters succeeded

[newbie] linux mandrake 6.5

2000-09-25 Thread bux m.k

dear sir.
we have purchased the above software and when we are
trying to intall this programm we are unable to
install it we are getting the message 'install exited
abnormally received signal  11...whenever we are
trying to install after some installation the above
message comes.
we are installing as server net working system,is it
possiblle that the workstation thrugh window 95 and
windows 98 if it is possible than let us know a to how
it is to set up on server and windows workstation.
kindly let us know step by step how to set it up.
thanking you verymuch awiting for your reply soon.

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Re: [newbie] linux mandrake 6.5

2000-09-25 Thread F. E. Schaper

Your best bet would be to check the docs or to check online at for the install guide. The install should
be pretty self explanatory. Also you may want to check your hardware to be
sure that your devices are compatible, there is a list
(I'm pretty sure) of compatible hardware at the site on the above link.

Are you installing from a cd? You do realize that this is not a program but
an O/S that should be used as the only Operating System on the machine, more
so if you are attempting to use it as a server. I can't imagine a dual boot
machine using Windows and Linux and operating as a server.

One more thing, if you are going to use the box you are installing on as a
network server to communicate to Windows machines, you will want to install
(and read up and and get real real familiar with) Samba. You can more info
on Samba with the users docs and at the following site:

Good Luck!


- Original Message -
From: bux m.k [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 10:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] linux mandrake 6.5

 dear sir.
 we have purchased the above software and when we are
 trying to intall this programm we are unable to
 install it we are getting the message 'install exited
 abnormally received signal  11...whenever we are
 trying to install after some installation the above
 message comes.
 we are installing as server net working system,is it
 possiblle that the workstation thrugh window 95 and
 windows 98 if it is possible than let us know a to how
 it is to set up on server and windows workstation.
 kindly let us know step by step how to set it up.
 thanking you verymuch awiting for your reply soon.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Linux Uninistall HD/Partion Prob.

2000-09-25 Thread Michael McGibben

hi there,

 i suggest that you format your hard drive to start with. having
finished that i would then load windoze (for simplicity) giving it the
full 9Gb. once you have 'doze loaded, use 'fips' to shrink the partition
to 2 - 4 gb or whatever size you decide on.

 at this point you can reload linux, setting up the partitions as you do
so. for mandrake you need at least a swap partition as well as your root
partition but this only a short term requirement. longterm you will need
to give some thought to creating (perhaps) /usr and /home partitions.

 can you get your hands on a copy of partition magic? if you can it will
make life much easier for you since you can use it to create both 'doze
and linux partitions. whatevere you do, don't panic. you can always wipe
your hard-drive and start again. you'll soon get the hang of it.

 give it a go and if you have any probs. mail me.

 cheers .. michael

RE: [newbie] Linux Uninistall HD/Partion Prob. use FIPS

2000-09-25 Thread Rick Bonczek

A useful utility that comes with most Linux distributions is a DOS utility
called FIPS.  With this you can break apart a hard drive into several
partitions.  I used it to partition my existing windows95 hard drive.
Basically, first run defrag, then fips.  There is a good readme that comes
with fips.

Rick Bonczek
Systems Administrator

-Original Message-
Michael McGibben
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux Uninistall HD/Partion Prob.

hi there,

 i suggest that you format your hard drive to start with. having
finished that i would then load windoze (for simplicity) giving it the
full 9Gb. once you have 'doze loaded, use 'fips' to shrink the partition
to 2 - 4 gb or whatever size you decide on.

 at this point you can reload linux, setting up the partitions as you do
so. for mandrake you need at least a swap partition as well as your root
partition but this only a short term requirement. longterm you will need
to give some thought to creating (perhaps) /usr and /home partitions.

 can you get your hands on a copy of partition magic? if you can it will
make life much easier for you since you can use it to create both 'doze
and linux partitions. whatevere you do, don't panic. you can always wipe
your hard-drive and start again. you'll soon get the hang of it.

 give it a go and if you have any probs. mail me.

 cheers .. michael