[newbie-it] Mantenimento volume audio

2001-01-14 Thread Alberto Zanoni

 Il 00:04, giovedì 11 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:
  Sono un neofita.
  Ha installato il primo CD della 7.2.
  Qualcuno sa dirmi come si può regolare il volume dell'audio in uscita dalla
  scheda sonora?
  Non credo si possa agire solamente sugli altoparlanti.
  Grazie a tutti per l'aiuto.  Alberto
 Devi usare kmix, dal menu K - multimedia - suono - sound mixer

Ogni volta che entro in Linux devo aggiustare i volume con kmix.
Come si puo' fare in modo che vengano mantenuti i valori settati una volta per
tutte ?


[newbie-it] CILINDRO

2001-01-14 Thread UBER

salve a 
mi sto orientando 
verso la versione mandrake di Linux anche perchè ho letto su Linux magazine che 
questa versione ha superato il problema della scrittura del filesystem entro il 
cilindro 1028 dell'HD ed ha portato lo spazio a 4Gb.Avendo un HD cosi' 
-10 gb fat 32 con 
win Me
-5 GB fat 
-5 GB fat 
vorrei intallare 
Linux sull'ultima partizione.
Qualcuno puo' 
dirmi se sto sognando o se son desto?


Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento!

2001-01-14 Thread Dexter

se 6 stupido nn  kolpa mea

- Original Message -
From: "Wintozsucks" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:38 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Mi presento!

Salve a tutti!
Sono un nuovo arrivato. Ho appena instalato Linux Mandrake 7.2 su un
vecchio PC 166, dopo aver tentato di installare la versione per Power
Mac su un G4 (senza successo, per via di alcune schede non
identificate che creavano un 'kernel panic' all'avvio - spero vada
meglio con la nuova versione, che non, ho ancora provato).
Ho gi un piccolo problema da sottoporre all'attenzione di chi vorr
gentilmente aiutarmi: ho installato sul PC 166 una scheda USB
economica, windows 98 l'ha riconosciuta, invece Linux me la segnala
come hardware sconosciuto. A questo punto che posso fare per farla
'vedere' anche a Linux?

grazie e a presto

Sergio Orrao

ICQ 19394829

See my photos at:
and don't forget to sign the guest book!

[newbie-it] Vmware e altro...........

2001-01-14 Thread Francesco

Ciao ragazzi,
Vorrei esporre un altro problema:ho installato da mandrake 7.2, credo
con successo(speriamo)
"vmware" per lavorare con windows 98 in linux ma quando clicco su power
on mi d il messaggio che devo 
ottenere la licenza ed installarla ,ho provato ad andare al sito
descrittomi ,mi sono registrato,ma: 

1.non trovo questa benedetta licenza,potete aiutarmi?? e come si
2.inoltre  normale lanciare da terminale "vmware" dato che non lo trovo
nella lista applicazioni e neanche
come icona? 
3.si pu creare un icona sul desktop o un altra scorciatoia per avviarlo
subito senza terminale?
4.nel configuration editor mi chiede se voglio installare la maggior
parte del hardware tipo porte com/lpt
guest-os/etccome devo procedere? non sono gia installate sia in
windows che in linux?
insomma aiutatemi a configurare questo benedetto vmware (credo sia un
programma molto interessante per
chi purtroppo deve usare windows per lavoro :[
ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] Vmware e altro...........

2001-01-14 Thread Giuliano Zorzi

la licenza dovrebbe venirti inviata via email assieme alle istruzioni.
quindi la salvi in un file chiamato license (mi sembra) sotto


- Original Message -
From: "Francesco" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 7:42 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Vmware e altro...

 Ciao ragazzi,
 Vorrei esporre un altro problema:ho installato da mandrake 7.2, credo
 con successo(speriamo)
 "vmware" per lavorare con windows 98 in linux ma quando clicco su power
 on mi d il messaggio che devo
 ottenere la licenza ed installarla ,ho provato ad andare al sito
 descrittomi ,mi sono registrato,ma:

 1.non trovo questa benedetta licenza,potete aiutarmi?? e come si
 2.inoltre  normale lanciare da terminale "vmware" dato che non lo trovo
 nella lista applicazioni e neanche
 come icona?
 3.si pu creare un icona sul desktop o un altra scorciatoia per avviarlo
 subito senza terminale?
 4.nel configuration editor mi chiede se voglio installare la maggior
 parte del hardware tipo porte com/lpt
 guest-os/etccome devo procedere? non sono gia installate sia in
 windows che in linux?
 insomma aiutatemi a configurare questo benedetto vmware (credo sia un
 programma molto interessante per
 chi purtroppo deve usare windows per lavoro :[
 ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] zip 250

2001-01-14 Thread Giuliano Zorzi

esiste la directory /mnt/sda ?

- Original Message -
From: "Francesco" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 8:21 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] zip 250

 Altro problemino a chi avesse la pazienza di aiutarmi...
 ho installato uno iomega zip 250 visto correttamente da mandrake 7.2 ,il
 problema  che non riesco
 a montarlo ,il messaggio  questo mount: impossibile trovare /mnt/sda in
 /etc/fstab o /etc/mtab
 sono andato a curiosare in /mnt/sda  effettivamente non c'!
 come posso fare?
 se come root clicco sull'icona del dispositivo con le altre voci
 disponibili c' la possibilit di
 espellere lo zip ,ho provato e magia lo espelle ,bo
 le propriet del dispositivo sono: /dev/sda punto di montaggio: /mnt/sda
 filesystem: supermount
 grazie per l'aiuto :-)

Re: [newbie-it] Vmware e altro...........

2001-01-14 Thread Francesco

Giuliano Zorzi wrote:
 la licenza dovrebbe venirti inviata via email assieme alle istruzioni.
 quindi la salvi in un file chiamato license (mi sembra) sotto
 - Original Message -
 From: "Francesco" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 7:42 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] Vmware e altro...
  Ciao ragazzi,
  Vorrei esporre un altro problema:ho installato da mandrake 7.2, credo
  con successo(speriamo)
  "vmware" per lavorare con windows 98 in linux ma quando clicco su power
  on mi d il messaggio che devo
  ottenere la licenza ed installarla ,ho provato ad andare al sito
  descrittomi ,mi sono registrato,ma:
  1.non trovo questa benedetta licenza,potete aiutarmi?? e come si
  2.inoltre  normale lanciare da terminale "vmware" dato che non lo trovo
  nella lista applicazioni e neanche
  come icona?
  3.si pu creare un icona sul desktop o un altra scorciatoia per avviarlo
  subito senza terminale?
  4.nel configuration editor mi chiede se voglio installare la maggior
  parte del hardware tipo porte com/lpt
  guest-os/etccome devo procedere? non sono gia installate sia in
  windows che in linux?
  insomma aiutatemi a configurare questo benedetto vmware (credo sia un
  programma molto interessante per
  chi purtroppo deve usare windows per lavoro :[
  ciao e grazie

Grazie Giuliano,
ma vmware lo installato dal power pack di mandrake 7.2 ,come dicevo sono
andato al sito
e mi sono registrato ma non  arrivato un cavolo boh

Re: [newbie-it] kernel 2.4, installazione?

2001-01-14 Thread Alessandro

 Ho scaricato il kernel 2.4, ma ora, prima di fare qualche grosso
 pasticcio vorrei qualche dritta per sostituirlo al kernel esistente.
 Come posso fare?

Secondo me e' meglio se per un po' li tieni tutti e due: prova a vedere se
il 2.4 ' quello che fa per te, poi sostituiscilo al tuo vecchio 2.2 (o
quello che e'). Io, facendo cosi', ho salvato il PC da una reinstallazioen
erpche' il 2.4 non mi parte uan volta compilato.
Per mantenere tutti e due i kernel basta editare i file di cinfigurazione
del tuo bootloader indicando come immagine avviabile quella che hai creato
con la compilazione del kernel

Re: [newbie-it] Mi presento!

2001-01-14 Thread Wintozsucks

se 6 stupido nn  kolpa mea

- Original Message -
From: "Wintozsucks" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:38 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Mi presento!

Salve a tutti!
Sono un nuovo arrivato. Ho appena instalato Linux Mandrake 7.2 su un
vecchio PC 166, dopo aver tentato di installare la versione per Power
Mac su un G4 (senza successo, per via di alcune schede non
identificate che creavano un 'kernel panic' all'avvio - spero vada
meglio con la nuova versione, che non, ho ancora provato).
Ho gi un piccolo problema da sottoporre all'attenzione di chi vorr
gentilmente aiutarmi: ho installato sul PC 166 una scheda USB
economica, windows 98 l'ha riconosciuta, invece Linux me la segnala
come hardware sconosciuto. A questo punto che posso fare per farla
'vedere' anche a Linux?

grazie e a presto

e se 6 kafone non  colpa di nessuno, pensa un po'!

Sergio Orrao

ICQ 19394829

See my photos at: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=217794Auth=false
and don't forget to sign the guest book!

[newbie-it] Mandrake 7.2 e stampante

2001-01-14 Thread Tosato Diego

Ciao a tutti,
ho da poco installato sul mio pc la distribuzione Mandrake 7.2 di Linux.
In questa distribuzione si trova un pacchetto chiamato CUPS che ha
all'interno diversi 'driver' per le diverse stampanti in commercio.
Io ho attualmete un Lexmark 2050 a getto di inchiostro che per non riesco
a far funzionare sutto linux.
Per diversi motivi ho la necessit di cambiare stampante acquistandone
una di nuova.
Vorrei tanto sapere se qualcuno di voi  riuscito a far funzionare una
a getto di inchiostro sotto linux. Quello che voglio dire io  che vorrei
una stampante che funzioni sotto linux.
Se qualcuno mi sa dare qualche informazione di questo genere su stampanti
Epson o HP ne sarei veramente felice.

Grazie a a presto.

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 7.2 e stampante

2001-01-14 Thread Corrado

Tosato Diego wrote:

 Ciao a tutti,
 ho da poco installato sul mio pc la distribuzione Mandrake 7.2 di Linux.
 In questa distribuzione si trova un pacchetto chiamato CUPS che ha
 all'interno diversi 'driver' per le diverse stampanti in commercio.
 Io ho attualmete un Lexmark 2050 a getto di inchiostro che per non riesco
 a far funzionare sutto linux.
 Per diversi motivi ho la necessit di cambiare stampante acquistandone
 una di nuova.
 Vorrei tanto sapere se qualcuno di voi  riuscito a far funzionare una
 a getto di inchiostro sotto linux. Quello che voglio dire io  che vorrei
 una stampante che funzioni sotto linux.
 Se qualcuno mi sa dare qualche informazione di questo genere su stampanti
 Epson o HP ne sarei veramente felice.

 Grazie a a presto.

Generalmente, sia le HP che le Epson non danno problemi
Ma devo comprarla pure io, in questo periodo, quindi non posso essere pi
preciso.. :-)


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 7.2 e stampante

2001-01-14 Thread red_linux

Il dom, 14 gen 2001, scrivesti:
 Tosato Diego wrote:
  Ciao a tutti,
  ho da poco installato sul mio pc la distribuzione Mandrake 7.2 di
  Linux. In questa distribuzione si trova un pacchetto chiamato CUPS che ha
  all'interno diversi 'driver' per le diverse stampanti in commercio. Io ho
  attualmete un Lexmark 2050 a getto di inchiostro che però non riesco a
  far funzionare sutto linux.
  Per diversi motivi ho la necessità di cambiare stampante acquistandone
  una di nuova.
  Vorrei tanto sapere se qualcuno di voi è riuscito a far funzionare una
  a getto di inchiostro sotto linux. Quello che voglio dire io è che vorrei
  una stampante che funzioni sotto linux.
  Se qualcuno mi sa dare qualche informazione di questo genere su stampanti
  Epson o HP ne sarei veramente felice.
  Grazie a a presto.

 Generalmente, sia le HP che le Epson non danno problemi
 Ma devo comprarla pure io, in questo periodo, quindi non posso essere più
 preciso.. :-)


Io ho una Canon BJC 620 e và benissimo,
installata senza problemi scegliendola dalla
lista dei drive a disposizione.
Ciao a tutti Fausto
Cordialmente: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Failed Delivery

2001-01-14 Thread Ralph F. De Witt

On Saturday 13 January 2001 11:37, you wrote:
 I got the same thing. I am forwarding to our mailling list admin to remove
 this address from the list.

 On Saturday 13 January 2001 14:35, you wrote:
   Hi yall, is anyone else getting failed delivery messages from
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] as transmitted by yavin.mandrax.org?  If not
   or even if so,  how does one eliminate them. I tried filters in
   Kmail but must not have it set right cause I'm still getting
   them every time I send a e-mail.
Whew!  Here, for the past couple of days I'd thought I'd either
  been hacked or had downloaded something with a script embedded in
  it.  But, after much searching of that address on my system, I'd
  looked at the headers of the returned mail more closely.  In
  spite of it only being when I use respond (in pine), but not when
  I compose new, it is only happening when I post to ~this~ list.
I'd forwarded the return about an hour ago, but I suppose who
  ever is moderating today is holding onto it to find out what's up
  (though many of my posts are delayed).
I have had the same problem when replying to several messages. I have 
forwarded a copy to the list admin.
Ralph F. De Witt MBA

It said uses Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2
Proud user of Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Powerpack Deluxe
Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234
GPG Public Key available at http://www.keyserver.net
Key fingerprint = 6426 1CFF 0987 9D51 76D6  06BC F22A CFF4 559A 03E7

[newbie] ISA PnP modem won't respond

2001-01-14 Thread Miark

Hi all,

My BIOS is set to non-PnP. My ISA (real) modem can be
jumpered to a specific IRQ, or to PnP. It's currently set to
PnP, which works fine in Win98. Linux is a different story.

Here's what I've done so far: I used pnpdump to get possible
settings, and after verifying at /proc/interrupts that it
was free, I chose IRQ 4 for /etc/isapnp.conf file.
(Incidentally, pnpdump gave me two choices for this
particular setting: one in which you choose the io address,
and the other where you choose the IRQ. Only the IRQ choice
worked.) I then ran "isapnp /etc/iaspnp.conf", and Linux
reported that life was good.

But when I try to connect to the Internet in KDE, I'm told
that the modem "won't respond" to either /dev/ttyS0 or to
/dev/modem (which would be the same, thanks to modemtool).
If I try ttyS1 or anything else, I'm told that the device is
"busy", so it knows something is different about ttyS0.

I've been reading and working through this problem for
almost 4 hours, and I've about given up. What do I do from


Re: [newbie] What Files must I edit to add a new window manager to the kdm login window

2001-01-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Currently, the menu entry must be entered manually (in addition to editing 
the section in Kcontrol) for it to work correctly. open a root console and 
type "chksession -l". It should list all the valid window manager choices 
that have been entered. If something's missing, find out what you you should 
run to execute it. For example, GNOME has "gnome-session" and KDE has 
"startkde". Now visit the /etc/X11/wmsession.d directory. You will see a set 
of text files, each with a name beginning with a two-digit number followed by 
the name of the environment (GNOME, KDE, IceWM ...). The structure of these 
files should be something like this:

exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

Create a text file with a name beginning with a number that has not already 
been used followed by the name of the environment (e.g. 02KDE). Put the same 
information as above into the file, but replace the parts after the equal 
sign and the colon to what suits the environment you wish to enter. So you 
could make a file called 02KDE with the contents:

DESC=The K Desktop Environment
exec /usr/bin/startkde

Run "chksession -l" again. This time, you should see your new entry amongst 
the others. Make sure that you have the new environment installed and that 
you have set X to start at boot (you can use XFdrake as root to do this). 
Reboot, and all should be well.

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:52, msh wrote:
 I've downloaded the latest windowmaker and installed in /usr/local.  I
 used the kde control center - system - login manager to add a new
 entry to the menu of window manager choices offered at login time.
 Invoking this menu item doesn't work.  (I get the icewm instead -- I
 think).  Under MDK 7.1 I edited the file /etc/X11/window-managers in
 order to get the menu to actually do something.  That file seems not to
 be present in my current installation of MDK 7.2.

 Has this information moved to a new file?  Also, are there plans to have
 the kde control center do more than add the menu item (i.e., add the
 menu item and alter whatever files are necessary to cause the menu to

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] user icon and password at login..

2001-01-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Open Kcontrol as root (the KDE control panel) and change the login manager 

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 18:31, jiten wrote:
 i just installed LM 7.2. pls tell me how to solve following problems.

 1. i don't want the icon of user to be displayed at login screen. how do i
  change this default setting.

 2. when i enter the password it shows me the stars  whereas i want
 nothing to be displayed at login screen

 thankx in advance


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] acrobat reader install

2001-01-14 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

There is a RPM package called "ed" on one of the Mandrake CDs (I think it is 
the first). Install this and you should be fine.

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 17:21, Kenneth Legg wrote:
 While trying to install acrobat reader 4.0 on Linux Mandrake 7 under KDE 2
 I got this message. At this point I'm at a lose as to what to do next. The
 text below is copied form my terminal window.

 To accept the terms and conditions of this agreement enter "accept".
 To decline the terms and conditions of this agreement enter "decline".

 Please type "accept" to accept the terms and conditions license agreement;
 Type "decline" to exit. accept

 This installation requires 16MB of free disk space.

 Enter installation directory for Acrobat 4.0 [/usr/local/Acrobat4]

 Directory "/usr/local/Acrobat4" does not exist.
 Do you want to create it now? [y] y

 Installing platform independent files ... Done

 Installing platform dependent files ... Done
 ./INSTALL: ed: command not found
 ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread

 [root@localhost ILINXR.install]#

 Kenneth Legg

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Failed Delivery

2001-01-14 Thread L. H. LOO

Because the address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  has SG country code, I had 
forwarded the related messages to my ISP !

At 14-01-2001 -0800, you wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as transmitted by yavin.mandrax.org?  If not

Re: [newbie] acrobat install

2001-01-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Kenneth Legg wrote:

While trying to install acrobat reader 4.0 on Linux Mandrake 7 under KDE 2 I
got this message. At this point I'm at a lose as to what to do next. The
text below is copied form my terminal window.

Installing platform dependent files ... Done
./INSTALL: ed: command not found
ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread

Hi Kenneth,

apparently the 'ed' command is not installed on your system. When I look
for it:

[paul@internet paul]$ which ed

Not sure in what RPM package it is contained, but this may give you a


Press any key to continue. Any other key to abort.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

Re: [newbie] ISA PnP modem won't respond

2001-01-14 Thread s

Did you setserial the com port, irq, and ioports?  If so, then you just have 
to keep trying the different configurations until you hit upon the right 
combo.  It can take time.  BTW, if your sound card is also isa, you can use 
sndconfig to set up your isapnp.conf, and then just setserial the port and 
irq it sets up for the modem in that file.  (Easier).  

On Sunday 14 January 2001 09:25 am, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 My BIOS is set to non-PnP. My ISA (real) modem can be
 jumpered to a specific IRQ, or to PnP. It's currently set to
 PnP, which works fine in Win98. Linux is a different story.

 Here's what I've done so far: I used pnpdump to get possible
 settings, and after verifying at /proc/interrupts that it
 was free, I chose IRQ 4 for /etc/isapnp.conf file.
 (Incidentally, pnpdump gave me two choices for this
 particular setting: one in which you choose the io address,
 and the other where you choose the IRQ. Only the IRQ choice
 worked.) I then ran "isapnp /etc/iaspnp.conf", and Linux
 reported that life was good.

 But when I try to connect to the Internet in KDE, I'm told
 that the modem "won't respond" to either /dev/ttyS0 or to
 /dev/modem (which would be the same, thanks to modemtool).
 If I try ttyS1 or anything else, I'm told that the device is
 "busy", so it knows something is different about ttyS0.

 I've been reading and working through this problem for
 almost 4 hours, and I've about given up. What do I do from


Re: [newbie] Insane RPM software

2001-01-14 Thread Vic

Hmmm, is there a way I can install rpm 4 and relocate the files
so they can both co-exist and i could rename the rpm4
binary to rpm4 instead of its usual rpm?

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 08:48, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Friday 12 January 2001 03:36 pm, Vic wrote:
   I would like to know why every
   time I attempt to install something
   worthless RPM says:
   "only packages with major numbers = 3 are supported by this version
   of RPM"
   what bullsh** is this?
  user error
 The package was compiled for RPM 4, which comes with Red Hat 7 but not with 
 Mandrake 7.2. These packages cannot be used with Mandrake (unless you install 
 RPM 4, which is not recommended).
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

[newbie] files to open through acrobat by default

2001-01-14 Thread Po Kwok

hi there again.  i have installed adobe acrobat 4 without a hitch, but i
don't know how to get a .pdf file to open through adobe acrobat by
default.  does anyone know?


sydney, australia

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software--OK Here's an answer

2001-01-14 Thread civileme

Folks there is rpm3 which was used to build the packages of Mandrake 7.2 and 
there is rpm4 released by RH and used in cooker (and in RH7, I think).  rpm4 
is backwards compatible, meaning it will install rpm version 3 files but rpm 
3 is NOT forwards compatible.  It will not install files built with rpm 
version 4.  Even if it could, the files are compiled with different versions 
of gcc and require different libraries.

Cooker has been a repository of programs that people used to informally 
update their machines, though it was never intended as more than a very open 
and public method of showing the development process and getting more users 
involved in the testing.  While some minor incompatibilities have existed in 
the placement of directories or in the menuing structure from distro to 
distro, it has never before been a total lack of forward compatibility.

Backporting the new developments to 7.2 is a rather large task limited by 
available developer time and interest.  The directory 
/Mandrake-devel/unsupported at your favorite mirror contains some backports.  
Others, done by users, are at ftp://mandragon.org/pub/mandrake.

The newer rpm is improved in performance and should provide enhanced 
installation for most users, once it is released in the next distribution.  
It is possible to upgrade to rpm version 4.  If anyone is interested, I'll 
put up detailed instructions on www.mandrakeforum.com tomorrow, but remember 
there is still a library problem, and installing the new library is 
intentionally breaking your system.


Re: [newbie] menu editor changes don't work

2001-01-14 Thread civileme

look in /etc/menu

We no longer use the kde menu system--it is one system for ALL wms though you 
can set context so it will show up only in some.


Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software

2001-01-14 Thread Mark Weaver

Ok, but if one upgrades RPM to version 4 will it have problems with packages 
compiled with an earlier version of RPM?

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Saturday 13 January 2001 06:25 pm, you wrote:
 do a rpm query.

  rpm -qa|grep rpm

 if your rpm version is higher than 3.0.5 then that is your problem.
 rpm4 is not backwards compatible with some packages compiled with rpm3.0.5
 or earlier. Got to the RPMS tree of a LM7.2 ftp site and download the
 source rpm (it should have src.rpm in the package name). Compile the

 rpm --rebuild [package].src.rpm

 Go to the directory where it was compiled (ie.

 and then install the compiled rpms from that directory (ie. 

 rpm -ivh [package].src.rpm

 This should do it. I hope I've been of some help.

 -- Al

  It just means you need to upgrade 'rpm' to a newer version.
  I wouldn't mind knowing the answer to this one myself. I've seen that
   one a few times myself and it was only when I was trying to install KDE
   2.x and up.
  On Friday 12 January 2001 05:28 pm, you wrote:
   ok what is my user error?
   On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Friday 12 January 2001 03:36 pm, Vic wrote:
 I would like to know why every
 time I attempt to install something
 worthless RPM says:
 "only packages with major numbers = 3 are supported by this
 version of RPM"

 what bullsh** is this?
user error
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: [newbie] ISA PnP modem won't respond

2001-01-14 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 02:25:20 -0700, Miark wrote:

But when I try to connect to the Internet in KDE, I'm told
that the modem "won't respond" to either /dev/ttyS0 or to
/dev/modem (which would be the same, thanks to modemtool).
If I try ttyS1 or anything else, I'm told that the device is
"busy", so it knows something is different about ttyS0.

I've been reading and working through this problem for
almost 4 hours, and I've about given up. What do I do from

Sun, 14 Jan 2001  08:01:16
Hello Miark...when I struggled with this problem it turned out to be
an IRQ conflict between the modem and a USB controller...I did not
find this easy because I had deactivated the USB in bios and thought
it dead...
However it still sucked the life from the modem and gave me
the "modem is busy"  not very helpful error.

Run this tric  procinfo  and see what is listed on the

Run this tric  cat  /proc/pcithat may give you some
info also?

Run this tric   setserial -g  /dev/ttyS*it gives all the
tty and irq info
Look for stuff on the same irq as the modem is using like
especially a mouse and try moving the irq of the modem around?

Four hours?? no big dealI fought it for many weeks 8-)

Luck to you 
Olly P

Re: [newbie] mandrake boot problem

2001-01-14 Thread civileme

I installed 7.2 on three PPros before leaving Alaska.  Two went fine and the 
other showed the same error.  It worked fine after I replaced one stick of 
memory--it had 4 16Mb and I took one known good and kept swapping til it 

I would guess offhand that you have a problem with memory, either not enough 
or some just marginal.  Remember that windows uses memory much differently 
from linux--usually leaving the upper middle vacant, and linux tries to 
employ most of your memory all the time.

If your HDD happens to be WD, then you may have an undetected write error 
during install, because WD disks don't do CRC.  This is less likely than the 
direct memory problem with one exception--cables old or subject to stress 
might have caused a write error during install which would be undetected on a 
WD drive..


On Sunday 14 January 2001 07:56, you wrote:
 Hi All, I've been in the computer game a long time but new to linux... I
 just got an old compaq 6000 PC, 200mhz Pentium Pro, with a 6gig IDE Maxtor
 HDD, IDE cdrom, Matrox MGA video card. Blank HDD to install linux on.

 I installed mandrake a few days ago fine, no problems the instalation went
 great. The from console mode i did a reboot command. It reset and came up
 with the GRUB boot screen started linux automatically then almost right
 away says uncompressing kernel and the machine reboots.

 I tried failsafe mode did the same thing. So thought easy fix, format the
 drive and reload linux back on. Did that, but on the first bootup after
 installation, the same problem occured. I've tried everything from
 different video cards to resetting the bios etc.

 Any ideas? I'm ready to give up.


Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software

2001-01-14 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Ok, but if one upgrades RPM to version 4 will it have problems with packages 
 compiled with an earlier version of RPM?

Be very carefull here. This is a newbie list, and I DO NOT RECOMMEND

There are things that will break. For example MandrakeUpdate will no
longer work. You may loose part of your rpm database. The libs have
changed. You will HAVE TO update kde to the 2.0.1 or even 2.1 (better


Sorry for the caps, but it is nice to have the latest software, it is even
nicer to have software that works. This is why a lot of times you do not
see updates for every package before the next release, some are just to


Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software

2001-01-14 Thread Mark Weaver

On Sunday 14 January 2001 10:44 am, you wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:
  Ok, but if one upgrades RPM to version 4 will it have problems with
  packages compiled with an earlier version of RPM?

 Be very carefull here. This is a newbie list, and I DO NOT RECOMMEND

 There are things that will break. For example MandrakeUpdate will no
 longer work. You may loose part of your rpm database. The libs have
 changed. You will HAVE TO update kde to the 2.0.1 or even 2.1 (better


 Sorry for the caps, but it is nice to have the latest software, it is even
 nicer to have software that works. This is why a lot of times you do not
 see updates for every package before the next release, some are just to


Then why in the world is there even anything being compiled for Mdk 7.2 in an 
RPM4 format? to begin with I was mostly just curious about RPM4 packages 
what-nots, but now I'm absolutely convinced that RPM4 IS from the very pit of 
hell and one should have nothing at all to do with it.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software

2001-01-14 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Then why in the world is there even anything being compiled for Mdk 7.2 in an 
 RPM4 format? to begin with I was mostly just curious about RPM4 packages 
 what-nots, but now I'm absolutely convinced that RPM4 IS from the very pit of 
 hell and one should have nothing at all to do with it.
Where are RPMS's being compiled by MandrakeSoft for 7.2 in an RPM 4
format? Seriously, where are you finding these?


Re: [newbie] partitions for Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-14 Thread Me

On Monday 08 January 2001 02:40 am, you wrote:
 This is my very first post. hope it doesn't violate any of your rules.

 When I try and install my 7.2 powerpack deluxe distro I get to the stage of
 repartitioning my hard disk. The software gives you a choice of three
 options. The manual says that if you choose the middle option it will
 automatically repartition your hard disk for Linux use (I don't want to get
 rid of windows). When I select the middle option (use free space on the
 windows partition) it gives me this error message:
 Partitioning failed: The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition,
 the following error occured: Can't locate object method "new" via package
 "resize_fat::main" at /usr/bin/perl-install/install-interactive.pm line
 108,  line 6.

 Whats up?
 If the installation software can't repartition my hard drive then I'll have
 to do it myself. How many partitions do I need to make with diskdrake and
 what do I need to set the mounting points as?

Now, I'm a newbie myself, but I somewhat grasp how this partitioning thing 

At a minimum, you only need one partition mounted as /.  You can create as 
many as you want and mount them as any other folder.  Also, I've never used 
any partitioning software in Linux so you have to make sure it resizes the 
other partition(s) on that disk in order to create your partition and not 
just deletes it since this may make your other OSes or programs in the OSes 
not work correctly.

[newbie] -C code=

2001-01-14 Thread lll

i just downloaded a c program and it said to make 
it executable 'chmod +x file', and when im going to 
run it it just says that the file doesnt 

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software

2001-01-14 Thread Mark Weaver

On Sunday 14 January 2001 12:02 pm, you wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:
  Then why in the world is there even anything being compiled for Mdk 7.2
  in an RPM4 format? to begin with I was mostly just curious about RPM4
  packages what-nots, but now I'm absolutely convinced that RPM4 IS from
  the very pit of hell and one should have nothing at all to do with it.

 Where are RPMS's being compiled by MandrakeSoft for 7.2 in an RPM 4
 format? Seriously, where are you finding these?


It was an assumption made on my part based on what I had been reading on this 
list. If I've made this assumption in error then the egg is clearly on my 

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Sunday 14 January 2001 11:11, Mark Weaver wrote:
 On Sunday 14 January 2001 12:02 pm, you wrote:
  On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:
   Then why in the world is there even anything being compiled for Mdk 7.2
   in an RPM4 format? to begin with I was mostly just curious about RPM4
   packages what-nots, but now I'm absolutely convinced that RPM4 IS from
   the very pit of hell and one should have nothing at all to do with it.
  Where are RPMS's being compiled by MandrakeSoft for 7.2 in an RPM 4
  format? Seriously, where are you finding these?

 It was an assumption made on my part based on what I had been reading on
 this list. If I've made this assumption in error then the egg is clearly on
 my face.

No, I think there is a common mis-understanding here that is worth clearing 
up. A lot of the packages people mention in any of the lists is from our 
"cooker" development tree. For those folks who like living on the bleading 
edge (dangerously) they have access to the development tree and get the 
updates and are able to test them as they are packaged for the next build. 

Unfortunatly this time the development tree is incompatable with 7.2. The 
version of gcc is updated, the kernel is updated, libraries are being moved 
around and much more. RPM 4 is another reason, any utility that uses RPM must 
be updated the minute you update to RPM 4, this is something most people do 
not think of.

Does anyone realize that the "menu" package, used to generate and update the 
menu structure uses rpm? It will fail and you will be left without menus if 
you update. (I know from experience).

Users have a choice here. If they want to go to the rpm 4 they need to do a 
total update to cooker, it is just to much problem to do anything else. 
Believe me, I would like to update to RPM 4 on my production machine, but I 
also like making kde 2.1 CVS builds available for all on 7.2 and 7.1 and if I 
update these rpm's would no longer work.

The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the 
Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in 
Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker 

Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.


[newbie] HP710 printing with CUPS?

2001-01-14 Thread Bob Paddock

When I got my upgrade CD for 7.2 in the mail, I feed it to my
machine and this cool looking LASER Printer icon showed up
on my desk top, don't know why.  But I went a head and set
up my HP710 printer.  Every thing worked fine, got a very
nice looking test page out of it.

However yesterday, I did a complete reinstall.

Now I can't get any thing to print.

The printer is hooked up locally on the parallel port.

I've tried (K)CUPS to install my HP710, using the data base
on the upgrade CD etc., but every thing just hangs up at the
end for some reason.

For example if I try to install using Linuxconfg/Printer
Config that icon turns gray and nothing more happens after I
tell it my printer is a HP710.

I have seen the message CUPS Dammon not running come out of
KCUPS, but if I look with the Linuxconfig/Control Panel it
says it IS running, doing a 'ps -A' shows cupsd running as
well.  They seem disconnected some how.

So how to get back to being able to print?

Also when a program dies, likes seem to be happening with
KCUPS here, how do I get it to go away?  In Windoze I used
the three finger salute CTRL-ALT-DEL.  Whats the equivalent
under KDE?

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
 Chronic Pain Relief, Philadelphia Experiment, better Spelling via UNIFON
http://www.chipcenter.com/circuitcellar/crparciv.htm http://www.uCOS-II.com

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread Mark Weaver

 No, I think there is a common mis-understanding here that is worth clearing
 up. A lot of the packages people mention in any of the lists is from our
 "cooker" development tree. For those folks who like living on the bleading
 edge (dangerously) they have access to the development tree and get the
 updates and are able to test them as they are packaged for the next build.

 Unfortunatly this time the development tree is incompatable with 7.2. The
 version of gcc is updated, the kernel is updated, libraries are being moved
 around and much more. RPM 4 is another reason, any utility that uses RPM
 must be updated the minute you update to RPM 4, this is something most
 people do not think of.

 Does anyone realize that the "menu" package, used to generate and update
 the menu structure uses rpm? It will fail and you will be left without
 menus if you update. (I know from experience).

 Users have a choice here. If they want to go to the rpm 4 they need to do a
 total update to cooker, it is just to much problem to do anything else.
 Believe me, I would like to update to RPM 4 on my production machine, but I
 also like making kde 2.1 CVS builds available for all on 7.2 and 7.1 and if
 I update these rpm's would no longer work.

 The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the
 Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in
 Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker

 Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.


Thanks Chris...this definitely clears things up much more the they had been 
before for me as far as the RPM's go. Rpm's are definately a breed apart from 
other application delivery systems. I've been using Linux for neigh on to 2 
years now and I'm only just now getting to the place where I'm getting 
confortable with them instead of installing everything using tarballs.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

Re: [newbie] -C code=

2001-01-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, lll wrote:

i just downloaded a c program and it said to make it executable 'chmod
+x file', and when im going to run it it just says that the file doesnt
exist.. helP.

What did you download? The c-source code?
Making that +x won't help. You have to compile it first:

gcc programname
The result is "a.out". You can keep that or make that another name:

mv a.out sensible_name

Then chmod +x sensible_name
After that you have to

./sensible_name (note the ./ at the start) to make things run.

Good luck!

Press any key to continue. Any other key to abort.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

Re: [newbie] -C code=

2001-01-14 Thread Don Sundberg

lll wrote:

 i just downloaded a c program and it said to make it executable 'chmod 
 +x file', and when im going to run it it just says that the file 
 doesnt exist..
are you using the format ./program_name or typing the full path of the 
program.  If the directory that the program is in is not in your path 
you need to use one of the above methods.

Don S

Re: [newbie] menu editor changes don't work

2001-01-14 Thread bascule

er, but my /etc/menu appears to be completely empty
as reported by both konq and a terminal ls command (odd though, even though 
konq shows an empty directory there is a scroll bar on the right, this only 
happens for this empty directory)


On Sunday 14 January 2001  2:27 pm, you wrote:
 look in /etc/menu

 We no longer use the kde menu system--it is one system for ALL wms though
 you can set context so it will show up only in some.


Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:17:39 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

 BIG snip 
  The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the 
  Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in 
  Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker 
  Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.

Can one still download the source code packages filename -x.x.x.
scr.rpm and compile them oa 'stock L-m 7.2 box?  


David Boles

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread David Boles

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:17:39 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

. BIG snip 

  The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the 
  Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in 
  Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker 
  Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.

Can on still donwload source packages, IE filename-X.X.X.mdk.src.rpm,
and compile them on a "stock" L-M 7.2. Or have they be changed "inside"
to only compile on Cooker type setup?  


David Boles

Re: [newbie] ISA PnP modem won't respond

2001-01-14 Thread John Rye

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 02:25:20 -0700, Miark said:

But when I try to connect to the Internet in KDE, I'm told
that the modem "won't respond" to either /dev/ttyS0 or to
/dev/modem (which would be the same, thanks to modemtool).
If I try ttyS1 or anything else, I'm told that the device is
"busy", so it knows something is different about ttyS0.

I've been reading and working through this problem for
almost 4 hours, and I've about given up. What do I do from

 Your mouse of whichever type will be assigned to /dev/ttyS0.
 You should use one of the other /dev/ttySx devices.
 /dev/ttyS0 = Com1
 /dev/ttyS1 = Com2
 and so on.


"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
   (The UNIX Programmers' Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972)

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread abe

thanks Chris!  I appreciate your explanation.


Christopher Molnar wrote:
 On Sunday 14 January 2001 11:11, Mark Weaver wrote:
  On Sunday 14 January 2001 12:02 pm, you wrote:
   On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:
Then why in the world is there even anything being compiled for Mdk 7.2
in an RPM4 format? to begin with I was mostly just curious about RPM4
packages what-nots, but now I'm absolutely convinced that RPM4 IS from
the very pit of hell and one should have nothing at all to do with it.
   Where are RPMS's being compiled by MandrakeSoft for 7.2 in an RPM 4
   format? Seriously, where are you finding these?
  It was an assumption made on my part based on what I had been reading on
  this list. If I've made this assumption in error then the egg is clearly on
  my face.
 No, I think there is a common mis-understanding here that is worth clearing
 up. A lot of the packages people mention in any of the lists is from our
 "cooker" development tree. For those folks who like living on the bleading
 edge (dangerously) they have access to the development tree and get the
 updates and are able to test them as they are packaged for the next build.
 Unfortunatly this time the development tree is incompatable with 7.2. The
 version of gcc is updated, the kernel is updated, libraries are being moved
 around and much more. RPM 4 is another reason, any utility that uses RPM must
 be updated the minute you update to RPM 4, this is something most people do
 not think of.
 Does anyone realize that the "menu" package, used to generate and update the
 menu structure uses rpm? It will fail and you will be left without menus if
 you update. (I know from experience).
 Users have a choice here. If they want to go to the rpm 4 they need to do a
 total update to cooker, it is just to much problem to do anything else.
 Believe me, I would like to update to RPM 4 on my production machine, but I
 also like making kde 2.1 CVS builds available for all on 7.2 and 7.1 and if I
 update these rpm's would no longer work.
 The only update that will work on 7.2 are those that are found in the
 Mandrake/Update directory for 7.2 and those that are found in
 Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586 on the Mandrake development trees on cooker
 Anyways I hope that helps a little. Ask if your have any questions.

RE: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-14 Thread Jeff Norris

Ditto on the U.S. Robotics modem, 7.2 on the Linux.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L. H. LOO
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

At 13-01-2001 -0800, you wrote:
im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some
I am using external 3Com U.S. Robotics 56K FaxModem with Linux-Mandrake 
7.1.The modem works; also 'cured' my Bios port IO conflict at 2f8 : com2 
aka /dev/ttyS1.

Re: [newbie] Hostname problems...

2001-01-14 Thread Carl Lafferty

-Its probably trying to lookup hostname "darkforce" from the network and
-can't find it? 
-Same thing happens to me when I change mine. 
-For example the Floyd County Library here in Prestonsburg uses netins.net
-as the hostname. It can look that up on the network. 
No I don't.  I use starfury.netins.net as my hostname for linux as well
as my windows boot on that machine (got the 30gig installed friday)
netins.net simply is the email service I have used for the last 8 years
and since you know I hate change, I don't wanna switch.

tho you are probably correct in the actual diagnosis.  probably a hosts file
that needs to be updated but since I have never installed linux without
a network to put it on (even my home network) I have had no problems 
like this.

 Carl Lafferty | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.netins.net/showcase/carl
 -The-UQWK-guy-| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.fclib.org
Need your daily fix of B5??  Check amazon.com or your local bookstore
for B5 in print.

RE: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Leone

On 14 Jan 2001 13:40:31 -0500, Jeff Norris wrote:
 Ditto on the U.S. Robotics modem, 7.2 on the Linux.

ALWAYS get an external modem. Pay the extra money, and avoid all those
potential problems about WinModems, IRQ conflicts, etc.

I like USR and Zoom modems, myself.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of L. H. LOO
 Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 1:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] =ModeM-
 At 13-01-2001 -0800, you wrote:
 im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some
 I am using external 3Com U.S. Robotics 56K FaxModem with Linux-Mandrake 
 7.1.The modem works; also 'cured' my Bios port IO conflict at 2f8 : com2 
 aka /dev/ttyS1.

Michael J. Leone mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

[newbie] -gcc=

2001-01-14 Thread lll

ok ithink thats the problem i cant find the gcc is 
not in /bin an when i use the package tool an watch the file list there is none 
like gcc in /bin
what can i do without gcc?
is there other compilator? an y is not there in the 
mandrake the gcc?
im sure i installed it..

Re: [newbie] -gcc=

2001-01-14 Thread Penndragon


to find out if you have gcc, type "gcc -v" minus 
the quotes of course at the prompt in console mode. If you get a version, then 
you have it.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 5:08 
  Subject: [newbie] -gcc=
  ok ithink thats the problem i cant find the gcc 
  is not in /bin an when i use the package tool an watch the file list there is 
  none like gcc in /bin
  what can i do without gcc?
  is there other compilator? an y is not there in 
  the mandrake the gcc?
  im sure i installed it..

Re: [newbie] -gcc=

2001-01-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 14 January 2001 01:08 pm, lll wrote:
 ok ithink thats the problem i cant find the gcc is not in /bin an
 when i use the package tool an watch the file list there is none like
 gcc in /bin what can i do without gcc?
 is there other compilator? an y is not there in the mandrake the gcc?
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X-Priority: 3
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   Please post in ASCII plain text.

   http://mandrakeuser.org/basics/bsource.htmlread this whole 
section, but pay particular attention to "Needed Packages" towards the 
bottom of the first page.  It lists what's needed to compile source, 
where to get it, and how to install it.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 14 January 2001 01:02 pm, Michael Leone wrote:
 On 14 Jan 2001 13:40:31 -0500, Jeff Norris wrote:
  Ditto on the U.S. Robotics modem, 7.2 on the Linux.

 ALWAYS get an external modem. Pay the extra money, and avoid all
 those potential problems about WinModems, IRQ conflicts, etc.

Some external modems are winmodems
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] cdroms

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Keener

pls bare with me with my question..
i have 2 cdroms in my box one is a toshiba regular cdrom
the other is a plextor 12/10/32 recordable.
after boot and checking the hardware config, i get the following
the toshiba reads correctly on /dev/hdc
the plextors reads as follows
device /dev/hdc
bus type atapi/ide

the third reading is
device /dev/scd0
bus type scsi

and when i check /mnt i show cdrom and cdrom2

why is cdrom1 skipped??
and when i attempt to use either of these cdroms
i always get "input output error
and when I attempt rpm pkg and or live update it will not read from
either cdrom.

any assistance is greatly appreciated
even as a senior programmer I am stumped on this on
help help help

 mike keener

Re: [newbie] LM7.2 Win2000

2001-01-14 Thread Mark

You will not need to format the 20GB at all if you install mandrake 7.2, 
lilo and grub will work fine. Both of these boot managers will default 
to linux so if you don't press anything on boot it will just boot to 
linux. The only problem that may happen is if he has a virus checker on 
his windows installation that scans the boot sector and replaces it 
because then he won't be able to boot linux.So make sure that he 
switches any feautre like this off. Also make sure he keeps the boot 
disk that the mandrake install program will make.

So just to put you mind at ease, linux will do nothing to windows. You 
just need to check wether there is anything on windows that will rewrite 
the boot partion.

Mark Hillary
Registered Linux User 200755

AL wrote:

 A friend's computer currently has Windows 2000 installed in his primary
 master 20GB hard drive.
 His 8.4GB primary slave hard drive is currently free and wishes to
 install Mandrake 7.2 in it.
 Will this setup be hassle free in the sense that:
 1. No re-partitioning on the 20GB drive be made, if possible.
 2. Win2000 is the default OS to boot until he gets the hang of Mandrake.
 Any feedback, suggestions from the gurus welcomed and appreciated
 (before I start thrashing his partitions)

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-14 Thread Mark

using the expert mode on the install, my package install was 347.2mb. 
That includes KDE2 with Koffice the network stuuf. Blackbox. Abiword and 
all the other stuff that is needed.
  After adding a bunch of updated and stuff from the unsupported dir it 
whent up to 422.7 mb.

Now mandrake make it so easy to add/remove packages that when I need to 
compile a program from source, I install those packages then and remove 
them when I am finshed.

Mark Hillary
Registered Linux User 200755

eryl wrote:

 john rigby wrote:
 The 99.99% of people out in the Cyberbog that Linux NEEDS to
 reach/convert to save us all from Bill, do not need now, in the
 future, ever, ANY Development Tools.
 I agree.  That's been one of the problems I have with linux.  When I
 hand a linux disk to one of my Windows using friends to try, I tell them
 that the minimum workstation GUI install will take about 1.5 gigabytes. 
 Everyone gives me the "Huh".  Why?  Because Windoze 98, with office and
 a bunch of other programs takes about 600 meg.  The distros need
 something like a "Minimal GUI Install" that includes KDE office, One
 text editor, one file manager, etc.  Everything should be available, but
 face it--for these newbies it's not necessary.  Once they find out that
 they really like using linux, then they have room to experiment.  My Mom
 does not need 5 different terminals or 6 window managers, and she will
 never have any use for developmental tools.

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-14 Thread Mark

I don't think so as that was my inpression as well. Also don't forget 
programs that have millions of features that are pointless and no one uses.

Mark Hillary
Registered Linux User 200755

Miark wrote:

 Dan, great letter, and good follow-ups from the rest of you.
 I do a decent job of trying to understand others' viewpoints
 before  condemning them to eternal fire and Liberace
 records, but Todd's view here is just lame. Again, the truth
 is beautifully expressed thusly: "Obviously, things need to
 be simple for users, but I don't think restricting choice is
 really the answer."
 Lame-o seems to have used the term "bloatware" to describe
 the number of packages in a given distribution, but I've
 been using it to mean a _single_ package that is
 * Sloppily written, and so takes up lots-o-disk space,
 * Eats up system resources as if it's the only app in
 * And, consequently, works slower than it should.
 Have I been leading a life of error?
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 4:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux
 Folks, don't worry about it. Journalists think that it's
 fancy to
 cryticise linux this season, so they do. What Henri said
 counts, and
 yust my .022 euro...
 On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, abe wrote:
 :~Now, if you just say yes to everything then you are
 going to get one
 :~hell of an install!  But my favorite passtime with my
 linux box for the
 :~first few months was to sit down and try all those
 programs.  Fire em up
 :~and see what happens.  It was great fun and a good way
 to get
 :~comfortable with the new environment too.
 :~That article is just more FUD.
 Dr. Denis Havlik   http://MandrakeForum.com
 Mandrakesoft   ||| e-mail:
   (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working
 paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[newbie] cdrom (unable to read from)

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Keener

pls bare with me with my question..
i have 2 cdroms in my box one is a toshiba regular cdrom
the other is a plextor 12/10/32 recordable.
after boot and checking the hardware config, i get the following
the toshiba reads correctly on /dev/hdc
the plextors reads as follows
device /dev/hdc
bus type atapi/ide

the third reading is
device /dev/scd0
bus type scsi

and when i check /mnt i show cdrom and cdrom2

why is cdrom1 skipped??
and when i attempt to use either of these cdroms
i always get "input output error
and when I attempt rpm pkg and or live update it will not read from
either cdrom.

any assistance is greatly appreciated
even as a senior programmer I am stumped on this on
help help help

 mike keener

[newbie] matrox millennium G200

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Keener

no matter how many times I retry harddrake and or graphics config
it will only show my millennium g200 at 4 megs but
it has 8, this I know for a fact, I had used it on
my freeBSD box with proper probing

any suggestions??
thanks in advance
mike keener

[newbie] cdroms, fail to read

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Keener

pls bare with me with my question..
i have 2 cdroms in my box one is a toshiba regular cdrom
the other is a plextor 12/10/32 recordable.
after boot and checking the hardware config, i get the following
the toshiba reads correctly on /dev/hdc
the plextors reads as follows
device /dev/hdc
bus type atapi/ide

the third reading is
device /dev/scd0
bus type scsi

and when i check /mnt i show cdrom and cdrom2

why is cdrom1 skipped??
and when i attempt to use either of these cdroms
i always get "input output error
and when I attempt rpm pkg and or live update it will not read from
either cdrom.

any assistance is greatly appreciated
even as a senior programmer I am stumped on this on
help help help

 mike keener

[newbie] zip drive permissions

2001-01-14 Thread marcia

Dear All, 
I have been trying to straighten out this zip drive permission problem
for months now. 

I did not have this problem with Mandrake 7. I have LM 7.2 and an Atapi
IDE internal zip drive that worked fine at first then just started to
refuse me (as user) to access the zip drive. 

I have tried all previous suggestions, read my books, studied the
archives, man pages, everything I can think of. I did chmod, chown,
nothing is working.I worked with Linuxconf and the /etc/fstab, etc. I
used supermount then did not and nothing worked to give me as user
access to opening files or placing files into my zip drive. As user I
cannot use my zip drive now at all. As root I can use it just fine. Any
ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

[newbie] Netsc-rash?

2001-01-14 Thread Paul

Hi all,

I have a strange thing going with netscape.
It crashed on me, so I killed all remaining processes. Did not work, the
window is painted partially and then it hangs again.
I rebooted, same thing. When I run netscape as root, then there's no
problem, the whole thing just loads without any problem.

So it can't be the program itself, there must be some stupid setting that
I also renamed the ~/.netscape folder and restarted things, but even that
did not help. Does anyone have an idea what I could try next?


Press any key to continue. Any other key to abort.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

[newbie] Internet connection sharing

2001-01-14 Thread Andris Maziks

Hi, all
I have the following problem:
my previous configuration for ICS (to connect home network to internet using
dialup) was easily installed from Drakconf panel and work well with kernel
2.2.17 , but after kernel update to 2.4.0 its doesn't work any more and how
understand from error messages
the ics method used by kernel 2.2.17 an drakconf doesn't supported or
implemented by 2.4.0 .
In this case please give me any suggestions how to setup ICS under kernel

many thanks in advance

Re: [newbie]Problem opening photo attachments

2001-01-14 Thread Kam Panesar

marcia wrote:

 Dear All, Someone sent me some photos in BMP format and I cannot find a
 way to open them. Is there a way to do this? I have Netscape 4.75 and
 LM7.2. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia
Use gphoto, gimp, xv etc to open it?

[newbie] Kernel update?

2001-01-14 Thread Robert Beach

This is probably a stupid question for some of you on this list,(and I am 
new with linux), but what advantages do I get with updating the kernel from 
the 2.2.17 to 2.4.0?

I would imagination it is a plus for the software, but I would just like to 

It said "Close all open windows and restart.  So I rolled up the windows and 
turned the key again.  It just made the starter grind really bad and it got 
really hot in the car.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] cdrom (unable to read from)

2001-01-14 Thread bascule

i have a (old i know!) 2x2x6 ricoh cdrewriter which is also scsi and it is 
only seen by lm7.2 as just that - a scsi device- i see no reason for your 
system to see the scsi drive as an ide one, and not as the same device as 
your ide cdreader! perhaps you could check /etc/fstab and see what cd drives 
are listed there adn maybe remove any reference to '/dev/hdc' (backup first 
of course) this might then get the scsi drive working as i think it should 
only been seen as /dev/sd0, then you could try (if you have the room to 
rearrange) putting the ide drive on a different ide channel, slave on 
secondary channel might get it seen as /dev/hdd, i'm not sure if linux  
assigns device names to 'unused' devices -i'm just thi8nking off the top off 
my head here!

even if this works i have no idea why the problem in the first place
i reread your post, you didn't actually say the plextor was scsi, in which 
case if it isn't then i do know that linux uses a trick to fool itself inot 
seeing an ide writer as a scsi drive to get the writable functions to work 
this is a module called (i think( ide-scsi) maybe there is a problem with 
that, i pulled the following from the cdwriting HOW-TO (www.linuxdoc.org)
note the bit about appending to the boot command in lilo...

begin quote.

 Next thing to ensure is, that the Linux kernel is equiped with the
  necessary drivers. The following commands check various files for the
  presence of drivers in the running Linux kernel. Usally the command
  "cdrecord -scanbus" should trigger an automatic loading of all
  drivers. In case a driver is not present in the kernel afterwards, it
  is reported and the modularized driver (module) is manually loaded
  through insmod.

   test `whoami` = 'root' || echo "You must be root to execute the 
   cdrecord -scanbus  /dev/null
   if ! (pidof kerneld || test -f "/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe"); then
   echo "Neither kerneld nor kmod are running to automatically load 
   report_no_autoload() {
   echo "Ensure the module $1 is loaded automatically next time."
   if test ! -f "/proc/scsi/scsi"; then
   report_no_autoload scsi_modinsmod scsi_mod
   if ! grep "^ sg_" /proc/ksyms  /dev/null; then
   report_no_autoload sginsmod sg
   if ! grep "^ sr_" /proc/ksyms  /dev/null; then
   report_no_autoload sr_modinsmod sr_mod
   if ! grep "^ loop_" /proc/ksyms  /dev/null; then
   report_no_autoload loopinsmod loop
   if ! grep iso9660 /proc/filesystems  /dev/null; then
   report_no_autoload iso9660insmod iso9660
   echo "The following is only needed for IDE/ATAPI CD-writers."
   if ! grep ide-scsi /proc/ide/drivers  /dev/null; then
   report_no_autoload ide-scsiinsmod ide-scsi
   cdrecord -scanbus

  Please read the next chapter if insmod complains about missing module
  files.  If you are in text mode (console), the loading of modules may
  cause some messages to be printed on your screen. If you are in
  graphics mode (X11, KDE, Gnome), you can recall these messages with
  the command dmesg.

  There are several ways to load the modules next time you start up your
  Linux system:

   (1) Put the relevant insmod command into the startup sequence
   (a shell script named rc.local or equivalent).
   (2a) Run kerneld or kmod and
   (2b) configure them in /etc/modules.conf (to be more precise,
you configure the utility modprobe, which is called by the 

  People with a SCSI-writer can skip the rest of this section, because
  cdrecord will most likely already detect their hardware. If not, then
  please send me an email with some information about your setup, so I
  can improve the section about SCSI-writers.

  Now to the people with CD-writers for IDE/ATAPI.  As written in the
  previous chapter, you have to load the compatibility driver ide-scsi.
  But this driver can only access your CD-Writer if no other driver has
  already done so. In other words, you have to tell the regular IDE
  driver to leave your CD-writer unrecognized, so the ide-scsi driver
  can grab it.

   hda = IDE bus/connector 0 master device
   hdb = IDE bus/connector 0 slave  device
   hdc = IDE bus/connector 1 master device
   hdd = IDE bus/connector 1 slave  device

  The table above shows the relation of device file names and the
  placing of devices on the IDE busses. The device file name
  representing your CD-Writer has to be passed to the driver in the
  Linux kernel. Example: hdb=ide-scsi.  Such a setting should be added
  to lilo.conf or chos.conf if the driver is statically compiled into
  your kernel, which seems to be the most common setup. If you need to
  pass more than one parameter to the 

[newbie]Problem opening photo attachments

2001-01-14 Thread marcia

Dear All, Someone sent me some photos in BMP format and I cannot find a
way to open them. Is there a way to do this? I have Netscape 4.75 and
LM7.2. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Netsc-rash?

2001-01-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Paul wrote:

Hmmm... for some strange reason the problem is fixed.
All I had to do was go online, and start netscape. 
After that the problem disappeared. I don't get it...


Hi all,

I have a strange thing going with netscape.
It crashed on me, so I killed all remaining processes. Did not work, the
window is painted partially and then it hangs again.
I rebooted, same thing. When I run netscape as root, then there's no
problem, the whole thing just loads without any problem.

So it can't be the program itself, there must be some stupid setting that
I also renamed the ~/.netscape folder and restarted things, but even that
did not help. Does anyone have an idea what I could try next?


Press any key to continue. Any other key to abort.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

[newbie] test

2001-01-14 Thread Sean Kenny


[newbie] Time management

2001-01-14 Thread Phil


I'm looking for a tool to track my internet connection time. I want an 
accumulated total time.

The task seems simple enough so surly a tool already exists. And, if one 
doesn't then I could probably write my own if I knew how to access kppp's 
connection time variable. 

[newbie] XFree 4 and Quake 3

2001-01-14 Thread Robert Fargher


 Is it possible to get Quake 3 to run in Mandrake 7.2 using XFree 4?  

 Whenever I try, I get: 
Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Couldn't get a visual
...WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)

  I have a Matrox G200 video card and had Q3 running in Corel Linux no 
problem (with the 2.4 kernel test series).  I'm hoping that I don't have to 
go back to Corel.  I'm also running the 2.4 kernel in Mandrake. 

  I went to get the Utah GLX code for XFree 4 but it's only for version 3.  
Supposedly, I don't need it for XF 4 as DRI supplies the necessary support.  
Damned if I can get it to run, though.  

 Is there a HOWTO or FAQ somewhere that describes how to get Q3 to run in 
Mandrake 7.2? 


[newbie] monitor setup

2001-01-14 Thread Dave

I just put a new monitor on my system and now the grapical part of linux 
won't come up. Question is: how do I change the settings from the command 
line. I have tried Xconfigurator and XFdrake , but both take me to selecting 
a video card only.

[newbie] A quick cuestion

2001-01-14 Thread Walter López

hello. i am very newbie en linux world, i have LM 7.2, but i wanta know, how 
i install desktop themes.

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Re: [newbie] Hostname problems...

2001-01-14 Thread Chris Hall

Yeah, I was just using that for an example. 

 From: Carl Lafferty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Hostname problems...
 Date: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:00 PM
 -Its probably trying to lookup hostname "darkforce" from the network and
 -can't find it? 
 -Same thing happens to me when I change mine. 
 -For example the Floyd County Library here in Prestonsburg uses
 -as the hostname. It can look that up on the network. 
 No I don't.  I use starfury.netins.net as my hostname for linux as well
 as my windows boot on that machine (got the 30gig installed friday)
 netins.net simply is the email service I have used for the last 8 years
 and since you know I hate change, I don't wanna switch.
 tho you are probably correct in the actual diagnosis.  probably a hosts
 that needs to be updated but since I have never installed linux without
 a network to put it on (even my home network) I have had no problems 
 like this.
  Carl Lafferty | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.netins.net/showcase/carl
  -The-UQWK-guy-| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.fclib.org
 Need your daily fix of B5??  Check amazon.com or your local bookstore
 for B5 in print.


2001-01-14 Thread Richard Orme

subscribe newbie

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software (EVERYONE PLEASE READ!)

2001-01-14 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Sunday 14 January 2001 12:20, David Boles wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 11:17:39 -0500, Christopher Molnar said:

 . BIG snip 

 Can on still donwload source packages, IE filename-X.X.X.mdk.src.rpm,
 and compile them on a "stock" L-M 7.2. Or have they be changed "inside"
 to only compile on Cooker type setup?

You can try. If they interface with rpm 4 at all they probably have been 
changed. As always, ask the packager if you have a question (rpm -qi package) 
will give you the name of the packager.


Re: [newbie] Hostname problems...

2001-01-14 Thread rdsuster

Hi Carl

I hate to say I am a newbie, but we have all been there.

Have windows 98 and Linux Mandrake  7.1 Deluxe loaded independently on my
computer.  Don't have books on them but do have a need for a guru.

They were joined at the hip by my friend David.  Can't wipe one with out
killing the other. The windows programe is not running well at all. Get a blue
screen in a heart beat. Linux is great but I need to tweek it to make it more
user friendly.

Need help if you have the time.

Thank You  Art

Chris Hall wrote:

 Yeah, I was just using that for an example.

  From: Carl Lafferty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Hostname problems...
  Date: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:00 PM
  -Its probably trying to lookup hostname "darkforce" from the network and
  -can't find it?
  -Same thing happens to me when I change mine.
  -For example the Floyd County Library here in Prestonsburg uses
  -as the hostname. It can look that up on the network.
  No I don't.  I use starfury.netins.net as my hostname for linux as well
  as my windows boot on that machine (got the 30gig installed friday)
  netins.net simply is the email service I have used for the last 8 years
  and since you know I hate change, I don't wanna switch.
  tho you are probably correct in the actual diagnosis.  probably a hosts
  that needs to be updated but since I have never installed linux without
  a network to put it on (even my home network) I have had no problems
  like this.
   Carl Lafferty | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.netins.net/showcase/carl
   -The-UQWK-guy-| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.fclib.org
  Need your daily fix of B5??  Check amazon.com or your local bookstore
  for B5 in print.

Re: [newbie] A quick cuestion

2001-01-14 Thread Christopher Molnar

On Monday 18 December 2000 18:44, Walter Lpez wrote:
 hello. i am very newbie en linux world, i have LM 7.2, but i wanta know,
 how i install desktop themes.

Wait for kde 2.1.  - 2.0 does not have them management. It was not ready in 
time. (wait until Tuesday and update from the unsupported directory).


Re: [newbie]Problem opening photo attachments

2001-01-14 Thread Meph Istopheles


 Dear All, Someone sent me some photos in BMP format and I
 cannot find a way to open them. Is there a way to do this? I
 have Netscape 4.75 and LM7.2. Any help will be greatly
 appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

  If you'd not quite figured it out from the previous guy's
response, NS Communicator doens't support bmp (why, when it's
probablay the oldest, remaining image format, I'll never
understand).  You'll have to save it  open it in any one of your
image viewers/editors.  I use gqview for most stuff, ee for
quick, command line views  the gimp for editing.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] configuring LILO.

2001-01-14 Thread Sean Kenny

Klilo keeps telling me my Hd is too big for it to reconfigure the boot
sequence, and although I've edited lilo.conf I still can't get my machine to
boot into the win partition by default, lilo seems to be ignoring the edit
I've done. Have I missed something?


Re: [newbie] .welcome

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Falzon

Hi Sven

Thanks :-

- Original Message -
From: "Sven Heinicke" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 9:01 AM
Subject: [newbie] .welcome

 man ftpaccess

 and search for %T

 Michael Falzon writes:
   Hi All
How do i get the list of macro for the .welcome.msg ( for a
   server )
   Michael Falzon
   Gremlin Consultancy  P/L
   Phone : (+61 03) 9315 3855
   Fax   : (+61 03) 9315 1585

Re: [newbie] configuring LILO.

2001-01-14 Thread Meph Istopheles


 Klilo keeps telling me my Hd is too big for it to reconfigure the boot
 sequence, and although I've edited lilo.conf I still can't get my machine to
 boot into the win partition by default, lilo seems to be ignoring the edit
 I've done. Have I missed something?

  Here's the first bit of lilo.conf:

boot = /dev/hda
map = /boot/map
timeout = 50
  message = /boot/message
  default = linux

  That last line should read whatever you've name your Windows
partition in /etc/fstab.  If you've done that,  it's still not
working, try editing the file again, but this time, as root, run:

# /sbin/lilo

  That, instead of using klilo, should do it.


  PS Speaking of lilo, anyone know why grub would still come up
during boot if /sbin/lilo has been run?  It's not supposed to.

And what's this:


  I don't even remember any "menu-scheme" in RH's lilo.  If
it was there, I suppose it was blank.  Could this be why grub
still comes up?

  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] Scroll wheel not working with Netscape

2001-01-14 Thread Andrew Iovannisci

Hi all,

Seems that my scroll wheel doesn't scroll with Netscape (v4.75). It works 
just fine with Konqueror and Kmail, however.

I also get some interesting reactions when I click  the wheel.  
( By click, I mean push down on the wheel like it was a third button)
In Kmail, it pastes the last item copied to the clipboard.
In Netscape, when I click the wheel, it does a search for whatever was last 
copied to the clipboard. Is this normal?

Here is what is listed in my /etc/X11/XF86config

Section "Pointer"
Device  "/dev/mouse"
ZAxisMapping 4 5

 # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice



I'm running Mandrake 7.2.  The mouse is a Logitech cordless wheel mouse.
I've also tried a Microsoft Intellimouse with the same results.

Any input would be appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Stop Spaming

2001-01-14 Thread Michael Falzon

How do i get a copy or is it a part of mandrake ?

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2001 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Stop Spaming

 Michael Falzon wrote:

  Hi holly
   What type of server?
  Linux Mandrake 6.1
   If it's a Linux server, linuxconf has a menu for
   sendmail configuration that's pretty easy to use and will work for
   versions of sendmail. For other types of *nix and later versions of
  hmmm that works ok with one be not with system 2
   webmin is great for configuring sendmail.
  what is webmin ?

 Is a program to integrate a Acess to Internet and more

   I can write out the steps to compile a sendmail.cf using m4 files if
   you've got those. Or answer questions you have about the spam control
   choices on webmin or linuxconf. I think the latest version of webmin
   only work with sendmail 8.10 and 8.11 though.
  i try to insrtall 8.10 and then it stop working :-/ wich did stop the
  spaming but did not make life easy too

[newbie] lpr mystery

2001-01-14 Thread mrc

On my Mandrake 7.1 I installed my HP Laserjet printer. Later verified that it was 
installed using printerdrake.

Yet, when I

$lpr file.txt

I get

lpr: printer unknown.

Is lpr faulty or just my understanding of what is needed to fully install a printer on 


[newbie] Kmenu

2001-01-14 Thread kompukit

HELP-please !!
I need help...in editing the kmenu system...
when I click 0n the big "K" on the kpanel...
I now see...4 menuitem LINKS to each app mentioned..

I tried re-installing kdebase, menu, and everything else I could think
in RPMsI tried SUing to root...and commanding:
update-menus -v

and menueditor
both in user, and in root mode

how can I fix this...?

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Shop online without a credit card
RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

[newbie] windows shares

2001-01-14 Thread bascule

heres a thing, accessing a shared win drive using 
kconfig..kdenetwok...windows is pretty easy but if i want to refer to 
the share in a console (thinking of xmame but don't want to transfer the 
roms) what path do i use?
i'm thinking that maybe the share is only mounted in a 'virtual sense' and 
not actually connected to the filesystem outside of the kde browser - 
win9x special folders anyone?- 


[newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites like Yahoo?

2001-01-14 Thread Bob Currey

The machine is running Mandrake 7.2.  Is there a way to fix it?  I already
enabled it globally and searched this list and expert list archives to see
if anyone had found a solution, but didn't find any.  I do like konqueror
better than Netscape, but need to be able to access sites that use stuff
like this.

Is there really a good reason they have to code stuff so it breaks
everything?  So far, the only browser I've found that works on Yahoo is
Netscape, and its just too slow for normal use.


Re: [newbie] -gcc=

2001-01-14 Thread Altoine Barker


 On Sunday 14 January 2001 01:08 pm, lll wrote:
  ok ithink thats the problem i cant find the gcc is not in /bin an
  when i use the package tool an watch the file list there is none like
  gcc in /bin what can i do without gcc?
  is there other compilator? an y is not there in the mandrake the gcc?
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 X-Priority: 3
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Please post in ASCII plain text.
http://mandrakeuser.org/basics/bsource.htmlread this whole 
 section, but pay particular attention to "Needed Packages" towards the 
 bottom of the first page.  It lists what's needed to compile source, 
 where to get it, and how to install it.
 Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

type this command to see if you have the packages:

rpm -qa|grep gcc

if you receive a list of packages then you have this file. Now to find where the 
binary(executable is usually gcc -o binaryname filename.c) is located type this 

whereis gcc

mine is located in /usr/bin/gcc.

If you don't have the packages at all then go to http://rpmfind.net and type withing 
the search field:


or just type:


and look for the packages with mdk in the package name.

I hope I helped.

-- Al
If you were expecting a GUI environment or a GUI development environment type program 
then gcc is not the case. It is console based. Just simply type:

gcc -o preferredbinaryname somefile.c

(ie gcc -o netscrape nethack.c or gcc -o netscrape whateveriam)

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] Time management

2001-01-14 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 14 January 2001 09:47 pm, you wrote:

 I'm looking for a tool to track my internet connection time. I want an
 accumulated total time.

 The task seems simple enough so surly a tool already exists. And, if one
 doesn't then I could probably write my own if I knew how to access kppp's
 connection time variable.

Hi, if your using KPPP then you might try setting the accounting  mode to 
work. You could put the rate at something like $.01 so that the total costs 
numbers don't get to big and then the log should keep track of your on-line 
time for you. I haven't used it cause I have unlimited access, but if your 
just looking to track time on-line that might be one way to do it without to 
much trouble. Sorta ready made, kinda.? Let us know if it works.
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

[newbie] How do I install .tgz files in Mandrake 7.2?

2001-01-14 Thread mcdowell

I have just installed Mandrake 7.2 and have successfully installed 
additional programs from the cdroms using the rpm utility.  
However, my prior Linux experience is with Slackware which has 
the installpkg and pkgtool programs to install .tgz files.  If I find 
programs in .tgz format, how do I handle installation of such 
programs in Mandrake 7.2?

Re: [newbie] Netsc-rash?

2001-01-14 Thread rob

For some reason, Netscape seems to look for a connection before it fully 
displays itself.unless you're willing to wait forever.  I have this 
problem when we get hit in the middle of our sessions with a change in lease 
of our IP from our DSL (pppoe).  Opera, on the other hand does not seem to 
have this problem.  I know this because I have to use the browser to enter 
the setup for our Linksys BEFSR41 router to "disconnect" and then "connect" 
to get the connection going again...


On Sunday 14 January 2001 16:35, you wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jan 2001, Paul wrote:

 Hmmm... for some strange reason the problem is fixed.
 All I had to do was go online, and start netscape. 
 After that the problem disappeared. I don't get it...

[newbie] Will U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem work with Linux?

2001-01-14 Thread mcdowell

Egghead has the U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem 
on sale.  It appears from the description that it is not a winmodem.  
Can anyone tell me if it will work with Mandrake 7.2?

Re: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites like Yahoo?

2001-01-14 Thread Dave

Do you have no JavaScript at all, or only "limited" support (i.e., some 
scripts work fine, others don't)? konqueror is known to lack complete 
JavaScript support, so certain pages will have trouble ... Yahoo may be one 
of those, I don't know.


At 09:38 PM 1/14/01 -0600, you wrote:
The machine is running Mandrake 7.2.  Is there a way to fix it?  I already
enabled it globally and searched this list and expert list archives to see
if anyone had found a solution, but didn't find any.  I do like konqueror
better than Netscape, but need to be able to access sites that use stuff
like this.

Is there really a good reason they have to code stuff so it breaks
everything?  So far, the only browser I've found that works on Yahoo is
Netscape, and its just too slow for normal use.


0101 1010 0111 01101100 0110 01100111   01101001 
01110011   01100100 01100101 0111 01100100   01001110 0110 01101110 
01100111   01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101   01100100 01101001 01100111 
01101001 01110100 0111 01101100
(Go figure it out.)

Re: [newbie] -C code=

2001-01-14 Thread Dave

Did you replace the word 'file' with the actual file name? If the file is 
'myprogram.c', then you should 'chmod +x myprogram.c', and you need to be 
working in the same directory ('cd mydir', where 'mydir' is the directory 
where your *.c file exists) as the file is in, or include the path to the 
directory if not.


At 11:06 AM 1/14/01 -0500, you wrote:
i just downloaded a c program and it said to make it executable 'chmod +x 
file', and when im going to run it it just says that the file doesnt exist..

0101 1010 0111 01101100 0110 01100111   01101001 
01110011   01100100 01100101 0111 01100100   01001110 0110 01101110 
01100111   01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101   01100100 01101001 01100111 
01101001 01110100 0111 01101100
(Go figure it out.)

RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites like Yahoo?

2001-01-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Currey
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites
like Yahoo?

The machine is running Mandrake 7.2.  Is there a way to fix it?  I already
enabled it globally and searched this list and expert list archives to see
if anyone had found a solution, but didn't find any.  I do like konqueror
better than Netscape, but need to be able to access sites that use stuff
like this.

Is there really a good reason they have to code stuff so it breaks
everything?  So far, the only browser I've found that works on Yahoo is
Netscape, and its just too slow for normal use.


I can access Yahoo and use all links there-in with konqueror.

What is the problem you are having?
Are you having a problem with java script or with java?
Java script support is built into the browser, where as you must support
java by having a jre or jdk package installed on your system which your
browser can draw from.

   Charles  (-:

 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

RE: [newbie] Will U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem work with Linux?

2001-01-14 Thread Bob Currey

The external version wont work with vgetty when i tried it.  The sportster
modems work fine from what i heard.  I wouldn't chance it unless i found
someone with it doing exactly what you want to do.  I paid $139 for mine and
its useless for voice.  A $39 Actiontec did work.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:21 PM
Subject: [newbie] Will U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem work
with Linux?

Egghead has the U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem
on sale.  It appears from the description that it is not a winmodem.
Can anyone tell me if it will work with Mandrake 7.2?

RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites like Yahoo?

2001-01-14 Thread Bob Currey

The link to "check all" and "delete" in Yahoo email, neither work.  You can
check off individual emails, but the "Delete Checked" doesn't work at all,
even if marked manually.  The code appears to be javascript and works under
IE 5 and Netscape 4.73.  The check all button appears to show
"javascript.SetChecked(1)" and does nothing that I can see under konqueror.
The "javascript.SetChecked(1)" doesn't appear if you try to search for it in
the code, and the code that appears to be running appears to be commented
out.  But I've heard they use comments to run code that is otherwise invalid
on the web, before.  Not a good practice, IMHO, as it leads to spaghetti


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript
sites like Yahoo?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Currey
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites
like Yahoo?

The machine is running Mandrake 7.2.  Is there a way to fix it?  I already
enabled it globally and searched this list and expert list archives to see
if anyone had found a solution, but didn't find any.  I do like konqueror
better than Netscape, but need to be able to access sites that use stuff
like this.

Is there really a good reason they have to code stuff so it breaks
everything?  So far, the only browser I've found that works on Yahoo is
Netscape, and its just too slow for normal use.


I can access Yahoo and use all links there-in with konqueror.

What is the problem you are having?
Are you having a problem with java script or with java?
Java script support is built into the browser, where as you must support
java by having a jre or jdk package installed on your system which your
browser can draw from.

   Charles  (-:

 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

[newbie] @home and Mandrake

2001-01-14 Thread Pascal Poirier

Just asking a quick question for a friend that I am helping install

She is on the @home network and is having trouble logging in.  There are
directions on the mandrake user website on how to do it for a static ip
and I am looking to do it for a dynamic one since she has had little luck
with a static one.  Not to mention that the directions given are very
unclear (maybe because they where written with an older version in mind?)
and I am not sure of some the setup procedures...   I want to help
but I my self have DSL which with simple autodetect on everything.

So if anyone has a up to date and simple procedure for the @home network
let me know.

Pascal Poirier 8^)

"Time is just one damn thing after another!" -Anonyms

Fifth Year Electrical Engineering Daltech, Nova Scotia


RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites like Yahoo?

2001-01-14 Thread Bob Currey

Well, I didn't have that "quite" right...  I found the code itself.  I don't
profess to being a great web programmer, and I can't see real well the code,
especially since I don't know what its supposed to be.  Anyway, in the frame
source, there is:

a href="javascript:SetChecked(1)"Checknbsp;All/m

It appears not to work...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript
sites like Yahoo?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Currey
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites
like Yahoo?

The machine is running Mandrake 7.2.  Is there a way to fix it?  I already
enabled it globally and searched this list and expert list archives to see
if anyone had found a solution, but didn't find any.  I do like konqueror
better than Netscape, but need to be able to access sites that use stuff
like this.

Is there really a good reason they have to code stuff so it breaks
everything?  So far, the only browser I've found that works on Yahoo is
Netscape, and its just too slow for normal use.


I can access Yahoo and use all links there-in with konqueror.

What is the problem you are having?
Are you having a problem with java script or with java?
Java script support is built into the browser, where as you must support
java by having a jre or jdk package installed on your system which your
browser can draw from.

   Charles  (-:

 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

Re: [newbie] Will U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem work with Linux?

2001-01-14 Thread Don Sundberg

If you are referring to the 3cp5610 model - yes it's supposed to work.
There is a page at http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/3cp5610.txt that describes
how to configure it.  I used it to reconfigure my 5613 (gaming modem) and it
still works except I had to get rid of the ^fourport option (didn't work -
got modem busy).

Don S
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:20 PM
Subject: [newbie] Will U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem work with

 Egghead has the U.S. Robotics 56K PCI Performance Pro Modem
 on sale.  It appears from the description that it is not a winmodem.
 Can anyone tell me if it will work with Mandrake 7.2?

RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites like Yahoo?

2001-01-14 Thread Bob Currey

I forgot to say, that I'm running the 1.9.8 (using KDE 2.0) version of
Konqueror.  I read on the expert list that installing java would not help,
so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong or am missing that you have, that
makes yours work...

Thanks for responding...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript
sites like Yahoo?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Currey
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 10:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Has anyone got Konqueror working for javascript sites
like Yahoo?

The machine is running Mandrake 7.2.  Is there a way to fix it?  I already
enabled it globally and searched this list and expert list archives to see
if anyone had found a solution, but didn't find any.  I do like konqueror
better than Netscape, but need to be able to access sites that use stuff
like this.

Is there really a good reason they have to code stuff so it breaks
everything?  So far, the only browser I've found that works on Yahoo is
Netscape, and its just too slow for normal use.


I can access Yahoo and use all links there-in with konqueror.

What is the problem you are having?
Are you having a problem with java script or with java?
Java script support is built into the browser, where as you must support
java by having a jre or jdk package installed on your system which your
browser can draw from.

   Charles  (-:

 Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

Re: [newbie] smb.conf file.

2001-01-14 Thread -michael-

On Sunday 14 January 2001 18:07, regarding [newbie] smb.conf file., you said:

   By mistake I erased some parts of the /etc/smb.conf file.  Can
  anyone can send me the one which comes with samba-2.0.7-19mdk?

   Thanks a lot,

# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too
# many!) most of which are not shown in this example
# Any line which starts with a ; (semi-colon) or a # (hash) 
# is a comment and is ignored. In this example we will use a #
# for commentry and a ; for parts of the config file that you
# may wish to enable
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command "testparm"
# to check that you have not many any basic syntactic errors. 
#=== Global Settings =
# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name
   workgroup = MDKGROUP
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
   server string = Samba Server %v
# This option is important for security. It allows you to restrict
# connections to machines which are on your local network. The
# following example restricts access to two C class networks and
# the "loopback" interface. For more examples of the syntax see
# the smb.conf man page
;   hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.
# Enabling internationalization:
# you can match a Windows code page with a UNIX character set.
# Windows: 437 (US), 737 (GREEK), 850 (Latin1 - Western European),
# 852 (Eastern Eu.), 861 (Icelandic), 932 (Cyrillic - Russian),
# 936 (Japanese - Shift-JIS), 936 (Simpl. Chinese), 949 (Korean Hangul),
# 950 (Trad. Chin.).
# UNIX: ISO8859-1 (Western European), ISO8859-2 (Eastern Eu.),
# ISO8859-5 (Russian Cyrillic), KOI8-R (Alt-Russ. Cyril.)
# This is an example for french users:
;   client code page = 850
;   character set = ISO8859-1
# (as cups is now used in linux-mandrake 7.2 by default)
# if you want to automatically load your printer list rather
# than setting them up individually then you'll need this
   printcap name = lpstat
   load printers = yes
# It should not be necessary to spell out the print system type unless
# yours is non-standard. Currently supported print systems include:
# bsd, sysv, plp, lprng, aix, hpux, qnx, cups
   printing = cups
# Uncomment this if you want a guest account, you must add this to /etc/passwd
# otherwise the user "nobody" is used
;  guest account = pcguest
# this tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
# Put a capping on the size of the log files (in Kb).
   max log size = 50
# Security mode. Most people will want user level security. See
# security_level.txt for details.
   security = user
# Use password server option only with security = server
;   password server = NT-Server-Name
# Password Level allows matching of _n_ characters of the password for
# all combinations of upper and lower case.
;  password level = 8
;  username level = 8
# You may wish to use password encryption. Please read
# ENCRYPTION.txt, Win95.txt and WinNT.txt in the Samba documentation.
# Do not enable this option unless you have read those documents
;  encrypt passwords = yes
;  smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
# The following are needed to allow password changing from Windows to
# update the Linux sytsem password also.
# NOTE: Use these with 'encrypt passwords' and 'smb passwd file' above.
# NOTE2: You do NOT need these to allow workstations to change only
#the encrypted SMB passwords. They allow the Unix password
#to be kept in sync with the SMB password.
;  unix password sync = Yes
;  passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
;  passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n 
# Unix users can map to different SMB User names
;  username map = /etc/smbusers
# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting
;   include = /etc/smb.conf.%m
# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See speed.txt and the manual pages for details
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
# Configure Samba to use multiple interfaces
# If you have multiple network interfaces then you must list them
# here. See the man page for details.
;   interfaces = 
# Configure remote browse list synchronisation here
#  request announcement to, or browse list sync from:
#   a specific host or from / to a whole subnet (see below)
;   remote browse sync =
# Cause this host to announce itself to local subnets here

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