Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto per condivisione internet

2001-05-25 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 13:36, venerdì 25 Maggio 2001, scrivesti:
 La mia configurazione è questa:
 Ho una connessione internet adsl che entra in una macchina linux con
 mandrake 7.1.
 Mandrake la condivide con una rete di macchine windows.
 Nessun problema, ma quando utilizzo netmeeting o altri programmi (tipo
 c6) ho problemi: neetmeting non sente le chiamate in entrata.
 La stessa cosa si verifica con C6 che mi permette di mandare files, ma
 non mi permette di riceverli.

 Credo sia un problema di ip masquerading.
 Come faccio a risolverlo?

Domanda: come hai configurato il tutto? è la macchina linux che effettua 
il masquerading oppure è qualche dispositivo (router, ecc...) situato 
tra la connessione ADSL e la tua rete locale?

Il problema è che se la macchina linux è dietro il firewall, per 
definizione non è visibile dall'esterno, a meno di non configurare le 
regole in modo che i pacchetti destinati alla porta X del firewall 
vengano da quest'ultimo girati sulla porta X della macchina Linux.

Se invece la macchina linux è visibile da fuori, devi semplicemente 
configurare il firwall in modo che non blocchi i pacchetti, ad esempio 
di netmeeting, destinati alla macchina stessa.


Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
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Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] Fine iscrizione

2001-05-25 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Fri, 25 May 2001 10:42:09 +0200
Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Altrimenti, il primo giorno di iscrizione hai ricevuto un 
 messaggio da sympa (il robot che gestisce la lista) con
 le istruzioni per gestire la propria partecipazione
 alla ML  via e-mail (compresa la rimozione).

Sapete dirmi perche' da un po' di tempo (da meta' aprile mi pare) questo
sympa non mette piu' l' indirizzo della lista nel campo Reply-to ma lascia
quello del mittente?
Almeno da me e' cosi' ed e' mooolto scomodo..


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie] X and FontPaths

2001-05-25 Thread Johnny Stockdill


I am very new to Linux. I changed my 
default font setting in one of the properties, and now X will not start. I can 
login through a non-graphical interface, but when I run 'startx', I get the 
following error messages:

Could not init font path element 
unix/:-1, removing from list.

Fatal server error:
could not open default font 

here it says some things about 
reporting bugs

XIO: fatal IO error 104(connection 
reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 
events remaining.

I was poking around for a fix and 
found this page ( 
that described what seemed to be my problem. (Under Common Errors and 
Given my extremely limited background 
in linux, I tried to follow the instructions as best as I could. 

I found my FontPath setting looked 
nothing like what they described, and when it asked if i had "all the font 
directories that are listed therein?" I first checked to make sure I had the 
directories listed in the file (/etc/X11/fs/config), then proceeded to cross 
reference them with the FontPaths on XF86Config. I edited the XF86Config file to 
add all the directories and the line (FontPath "unix/:-1") and saved 
it and rebooted, with no luck. 

I saw a file named XF86Config.old, 
and wondered if I reinstated that, would it reset my fonts and make X 

Basically, I'm looking for a fix to 
what I've described above. I have not added or removed any fonts, simply changed 
the default. I've tried implementing the steps taking to add fonts as well, to 
no avail. If anyone could help me out in any form, I would be greatly 
appreciative of you.

Sincerly, Johnny S

PS: If anyone knows how to get a 
Logitech iFeel optical USB mouse to work in LM 8.0, I'd appreciate that too... 
but thats a whole other novel.

[newbie] Bootup Problems

2001-05-25 Thread Adam Henson


  Having just installed Linux Mandrake 8 on my laptop I'm faced with a
problem.  It installed fine and autodetected the hardware, - impressive!
However, on rebooting, the laptop completely freezes after INIT 2.78.
Nothing responds, even ctrl-alt-del.  

 My specs:

 Pentium III 600
 ATI Rage LT Pro Graphics
 Crystal Soundfusion sound
 128Mb RAM
 12Gb IDE disk

 Any ideas?  A google search indicates many others have had this problem
but no solutions are apparent.

 Any help would be very much appreciated.



Re: [newbie] Getting the network to work

2001-05-25 Thread BamBam

How do I remove myself from this list?
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 2:26 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting the network to work

  I have put a line in /etc/modules.conf alias eth0 8139too, and that
  seem to do the trick.

 hello Ed, i think your are wrong with the name of the file (conf.modules
 instead of modules.conf) but i am not sure.
 I also have problems to share files betwen windows and linux.

 If anyone can help me :
 with ping i get answer from the other computer but I still cant have a
 in the network (with konqueror)
 it says to me that i havent configured it yet properly in drakeconf but i
 did (maybe badly)

 i want to share /home, what do i need ? do i have to use samba ? what is
 program given in the configuration (which says only samba users will see
 it or about)

 what is the way to share files once the network looks like working (hosts
 and hardware well configured)

 any help is welcome

 a very linux newbie used to (and by) windows
 PS : excuse my english

[newbie] sound problems

2001-05-25 Thread Simon Naish

Dont know if you got this message (mail probs at the moment) BUT if you like heres 
some more info...

If you have an app running artsd that gets killed with xtreme prejudice it leaves a 
bunch of lock files in /tmp/YOURUSERNAME/ with the prefix art.

these files stop a fresh artsd running, check by opening a console and invoking artsd, 
(just type artsd) it will give you an informative error message.

If these files do exist, rm them and try running artsd again then xmms or kde media 
centre. If they work shut them down and reboot. Voila instant sound.


Check that you've got an artsd sound server running on your system - use gtop if 
you've installed it, its much friendlier than top. 
If you havent got it set to run on start up then you wont get any sound. 7.2 had 
problems with this that 8.0 has sorted. I'd advize a total reinstall if upgrading to 
8.0, I tried an upgrade from 7.2 and had LOADS of trouble, just bakup yoour data and 
go for the clean instal, then go and get the security patches esp the bash patch if 
you do any C, and hopefully it'll all work. 


Get your free email from

[newbie] XFRee86 3.3.6 + Laptop

2001-05-25 Thread sean gibbins

I now appear to have a functional X windows running on my laptop, with one 
small problem: I appear to have acquired a virtual rather than actual 
desktop. By this I mean I can see approximately one quarter of the desktop, 
and can navigate to the remaining three quarters using the mouse to move the 
aperture with which I view the desktop.

I can see no virtual desktop specified in the XF86Config file, and was 
wondering if anyone can suggest how I can get back to a 1024x768 desktop that 
is viewable all over?



Re: [newbie] Block Samba Telnet

2001-05-25 Thread ZeynalBandari


 Hi! Linux Friends
 I am setting my SAMBA server . How to deny samba user to access the telnet
 session. Or how to block user IP address from accessing telnet into my Linux
 Best Regards,
using ipchains in LM 7.1 i used this rule to block all ip trafic to port 23 on eth0. i 
hope this will help you.
ipchains -A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 23 -i eth0 -j DENY -l 
ipchains -A input -p udp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 23 -i eth0 -j DENY -l

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: [newbie] KVM switches

2001-05-25 Thread Lou Lipnickey

I use a Belkin Omni View SE 4-port with my PCs and Mac (with Mac adapter).
Should be transparent to all OSs - LL

Randy Kramer wrote:

 Have you (or anybody else) used the KVM with adapters to drive AT
 style computers (computers with serial mouse and AT keyboard inputs)?

 I (not the original questioner) need that capability, plus PS/2 for
 future upgrade capability.

 Randy Kramer

 Tim Holmes wrote:
  I CAN!
  I have a BELKIN OmniCube 4-Port KVM, and I love it!  I've been telling
  friends to get them, who don't even have multiple machines!  That's how
  much I swear by it.
  I bought mine through  At the time I believe this
  model was $120, and then it was $12 for KVM cables.  (One 6' video cable,
  one 6' PS/2 keyboard cable, and one 6' PS/2 mouse cable.)  I've seen that
  same package at CompUSA for $19.99.  I also believe the KVM was a good
  $160 at CompUSA as well.
  It comes with a version of TurboLinux, I personally don't like TurboLinux,
  but hey... it was Linux!
  It has Hot Keys.  Hit Scroll Lock twice then the number for that
  machine.  1 through 4 in my case.  The box also has a button on it to go
  from machine to machine.  I have 3 machines on mine right now, and if
  a friend comes over, I can just plug them into the back of the box and
  go from there.
  So I highly recommend it!
  T. Holmes
  Real Men use Vi.
  * Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010523 18:12]:
  | Could anyone recommend a good 2/4 port KVM switch?

Re: [newbie] DRAM -- but which one?

2001-05-25 Thread s

That's easy cause sdram only comes in 66, 100, or 133 mhz bus speeds.  Think 
of bus as the roadway (speed=the speed limit) on which your data/info 
travels.  And all are backward (downward?) capable.  You could get 133 and it 
would function at the mainboard's/cpu's bus speed.  Used to there was a price 
difference that would help make your decision, but now all sdram is 
relatively inexpensive.  Go to and they have most 
systems or motherboards crossreferenced where you can easily find the kind 
that would work best and theirs is one of the more respected products.  But 
basically, it's almost interchangeable.  

On Friday 25 May 2001 04:12 am, you wrote:
 Dear friends:

 I would like to add extra memory to my system, and I have one last slot
 left. My SY-5EMA motherboard manual makes reference to 66MHz host bus CPU's
 and to 83MHz host bus CPU's. What are they talking about and how can I tell
 in Linux which ones my system uses and needs. I couldn't find any info in
 KDE's System info on this.

 How do I find out, please, if my CPU uses a 66Mhz or 83 Mhz host bus?

 Thank you.


RE: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

2001-05-25 Thread Franki

The Simple answer is this,, There is a problem with the config or something
on the computers that are having slowness probs with KDE2,, I have it
running an a 200mmx with 64 mb of ram, it takes about 25 to 30 seconds to
load, and is as fast as my PII450, it is also faster then win98 was on the
same box...

first thing I'd do if I ran into this problem, is download the src rpm's and
rebuild them on the system that you plan on using them on... That will make
some difference. (it probably runs well on my 200mmx because mandrake
compiled it to me its all i586

(unless of course you only have an i586 in which case you will probably get
no improvment at all)

From this point on, I have decided as a general rule to rebuild all updates
and downloads I do to any of my machines... It doesn't take much extra
effort, and I think when I have my entire distro running on optimised code
for my systems, it will make a substantial difference overall.

give it a shot,, it certainly can't help



-Original Message-
Of poogle
Sent: Tuesday, 22 May 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

On Monday 21 May 2001 14:11, you wrote:
 Irv wrote:
  From: Pelle Poluha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8
   I'm working as a developer and needs a stable environment to develop
   and test deployments in. So I want to switch from Windows. I need
   at the same time I want speed and a practical UI (read GUI). I need a
   file manager, easy  access to OS, an editor, browser, email client
   usual I guess) and a C++  Java IDE.
  That you'll have  - but not with KDE 2, I'm afraid.
  Even people with 1ghz / 256 mb machines have reported slowness.
  My 300mhz / 128 meg pc is too slow to be usable, but not quite as
  slow as you report - usually KDE takes 30-40 seconds, and new apps
  or windows 10 - 20 seconds.
  The good news is that KDE 1.x works just fine. Try an older version of
  Mandrake or SuSE or RedHat. They're all plenty fast.

 I feel compelled to add to this.
 I'm running LM 8.0 w/KDE2 on a 400 PII, with great success!
 I've experienced NONE of the slowness reported. While I admit that some of
 the lean  mean windows managers come up a lot faster, they're also
 a lot less for you. KDE is more than just a window manager, it's a desktop
 environment. Big difference.

 Anyway. Just wanted to throw that in. My KDE 2. runs great on a 400 PII.
 has a modest 256MB ram, and about 30GB of disk to roam on. I'd suggest
 anyone getting performance as slow as is being reported, needs to do some
 serious digging into their configurations. Something is wrong.


   I opted for Mandrake because I've heard a lot of good things about it.
   downloaded 8.0 last week and eagerly installed it on my AMD K333
   mb, Riva TNT) on a 2 gig partition. As I've followed the development
   with great interest, I  chose KDE as default windows manager (and it
   has KDevelop).
   But it's really slow. Just loading Mandrake takes like 3-4 minutes.
   it, I can understand. In the installation process, I included lots of
   apps and some of them gets loaded when Mandrake starts (like MySql and
   probably some more servers). But that surely doesn't account for the
   immensly slow loading of the OS.
   And then I start KDE... It takes another 2-3 minutes. And using it is
   Loading a simple app might take 10-20 secs and everything just crawls.
   I just can't use it. I tried Window Maker instead and it worked better
   don't want to drop KDE just yet. There must be something wrong with
   configuration. I also tried Gnome but it started to look for a trash
   which it didn't find. Although I canceled that search, it seemed like
   it continued to search for the folder because the hd were working
   really hard all the time and everything worked even slower than in
   There are also some more strange things happening:
   - when I leave the windows manager and come to the 'console', I get a
   line typed on the screen all the time: Sending ICMP signal...failed
   (or something like that). It effectively stops me from working in
   - it seems like I've lost my internet connection. During installation,
   I selected 'DHCP-server' when asked for IP address. And I managed to
   some surfing using Konqueror. But after installing Gnome and Window
   Maker, something must have happened to the configuration.
   - shutting down or restaring the OS always hangs the machine.
   - when I start Windows instead, using the boot manager, the initial
   process seems to be slower now than before. It's not a big deal

Re: [newbie] ipchains/iptables in 8.0

2001-05-25 Thread Jeff

Ok I have a bit of an answer to my question :)
Well I found a really super small thing in this how to
that got the connection sharing up but I just wonder
if everything will work.  I still dont see the modules
for things like quake, ftp, irc, etc.  Ok now same
boat basically.  I still can't access some things. 
For example like when trying to get an ftp site I get
an error (many different ftp sites not just one, I
can't get to even one from the windows box).  Here's
the script from the NAT how-to:

# Load the NAT module (this pulls in all the others).
modprobe iptable_nat

# In the NAT table (-t nat), Append a rule (-A) after
# (POSTROUTING) for all packets going out ppp0 (-o
ppp0) which says to
# MASQUERADE the connection (-j MASQUERADE).
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

# Turn on IP forwarding
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

All I did was copy it though so I'm not familiar with
iptables yet.  I'll keep reading and hopefully some
one can tell me where the modules are (or even one
hackish one that 'does it all').

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[newbie] rpm 4 macros

2001-05-25 Thread newbie-mandrake


I'm trying to rebuild postgresql-7.1.1-3mdk.src.rpm in LM72.
Suddenly, It just stop. I looked at the spec file and found out
that it was written in rpm 4 (using new macros). Too bad because
I only have rpm-3.0.5-27mdk.

Macros like %serverbuild.

Can somebody tell me where to find the definition of rpm 4 macros?
If I can just get my hands on LM80, I would execute rpm --eval

Thanks for the time.


RE: [newbie] OT: Intel Performance

2001-05-25 Thread Franki

My Experiance with Laptops is that they are always slower then comparable
desktops, generally the hard disks are slower, the ram runs slower, the PIII
notebooks may even be having some weird issue with linux and speedstep,
anything that can be done to make it use less power or generate less heat is
generally done in notebook manufacture.

particularly hard disks, only the new generation of disks are catching
up most still run 4300 rpm drives...

and as stated many times in this thread, the hard disks are the bootle neck
of a system...

guess we wait until the powers that be make some suggestions...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David E. Fox
Sent: Friday, 25 May 2001 12:38 PM
To: Ric Tibbetts
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: Intel Performance

 Wow, some great comments!
 Thanks to everyone who has replied to this.

Ric - I've cc'ed your message to my brother, who runs Win 98 on a
PIII/600. Maybe it'll be a good comparison point, but his system is
a desktop, not a laptop (and I'm not clear why laptops should run it
slower ... but it's a lower power CPU, isn't it? All other things aside,
should there be any reason why a laptop PIII isn't the same thing as a
desktop PIII? My gut feeling would be of course not, but that doesn't
explain your (relatively) poor performance.

 runing on an SMP system is faster only because you run more than one
 instance...).  I'd not seen a large difference, until I fired it up on
 this PIII (and a few others around here).

 So, having said that. A brief comparison:

 The SMP PII 266.
 Running Linux (Redhat 6.2).
 integrated SCSI Fast Wide/Ultra. (adaptec).
  128 MB

 Average Processing speed: 8 hours per cpu (2 instances running)

 PII 400 UP
  IDE, whatever I had handy to throw in it.
  256 MB
 Operating systems:
 Win2k, Win98, Linux (Mandrake 8.0), and Solaris 8.0 (busy box...)
 Average processing speed: 8 hours (regardless of OS. I only see minor
 variations is processing speed between the different OSs. The fastest
 being Linux  Solaris).

 The PIII 650 Laptop UP
  Whatever Dell threw in it at the factory (IDE)
   128 MB

 Operating System:
 Average processing speed (I checked this): 72-80 hours.

 I only have it ruinning as the screen saver on the laptop, but it's in
 that mode 16 hours a day, and all week-end. That's not a reason for the
 slow performance. It's doing NOTHING else at that point. I've also

Yeah, and based on my brother's timings on setiathome, it's getting
enough CPU while just in screensaver mode, I would think.  Incidentally,]
his average times are about 19 hrs per work unit, and mine are close to
10 hrs per work unit (but normally two other cpu-intensive things run
as well -- dnetc  genomeathome. My load average hovers around 3.0.)

 I reflected on this, only because I was seeing people reporting slow
 performance with KDE (among other things) with PIII systems, and it
 sparked a note with me. Could be a problem with the PIII's, or there is
 code in the newer Linux that some PIII's just don't process well.

The only thing I can think of (and which I partially addressed in another
message to the list) is that there's a possibility that the extra memory
usage incurred with KDE is impairing setiathome's ability to stay 100%
in the RAM and/or cache memory. Remember, setiathome is a 'niced' process,
so it runs at lower CPU than other tasks by default. Of course, if some
other task starts paging in RAM there rests the possibility that part of
setiathome might get swapped out. Ordinarily, of course, only systems with
*really* limited memory would be adversely affected, because the memory
footprint that setiathome needs is only about 15 megs. KDE of course uses
a large amount of RAM, much of it shared between a literal 'forest' of
separately running processes (do a 'ps alx' on your system and you'll see
what I mean) :). And with the recent reports of X hogging up vast amounts
of RAM, hell, anything can be happening :(. But on a system with ca. 128
megs of RAM this shouldn't make that big of a difference. I have 256 megs
of RAM now, and my previous P-100 system had 96 megs.

There's another possibility, and that depends on whether you are using
setiathome's server stats page to tell you what your average is, and whether
that laptop is 100% connected to the internet. If setiathome is done with
a work unit and the internet link is not up, it'll just sit there and wait
until the connection becomes available. On a dialup or other connection,
you could be doing nothing for a long time :(. Both my brother and I have
DSL so the system can put up and grab work units without having to wait
hours for a link to come up.

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me

[newbie] apache php

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Johnson

Sorry, this is probably a really newbie question.  It doesn't appear that I
have PHP enabled for apache.  Is there a way that I can check to see if
Apache is compiled with PHP support or is there a flag that I can pass it to
enable php?

I'd like to avoid recompiling this kind of stuff because it really
frustrates me because it hardly ever works for me, however, if that's what I
have to do let me know...

Re: Re: [newbie] KVM switches

2001-05-25 Thread Jim Dawson

The Serial mouse versions work fine.
The PS/2 mouse versions, on the other hand, might work in a 
all-Windows environment (I haven't tried it) but do not work 
in a Linux environment.

BTW: I am talking about the mechanical KVM switches. 
Electronic switch KVMs (e.g. Cybex, etc.) work fine. Also 
with mechanical keyboard switches you may want to set your 
BIOS not to stop on keyboard failure, otherwise your 
computer will hang on 'Press F1 to continue' on reboot 
unless the keyboard switch is set to that computer.

 Have you (or anybody else) used the KVM with adapters to 
drive AT
 style computers (computers with serial mouse and AT 
keyboard inputs)?
 I (not the original questioner) need that capability, plus 
PS/2 for
 future upgrade capability.
 Randy Kramer
 Tim Holmes wrote:
  I CAN!
  I have a BELKIN OmniCube 4-Port KVM, and I love it!  
I've been telling
  friends to get them, who don't even have multiple 
machines!  That's how
  much I swear by it.
  I bought mine through  At the 
time I believe this
  model was $120, and then it was $12 for KVM cables.  
(One 6' video cable,
  one 6' PS/2 keyboard cable, and one 6' PS/2 mouse 
cable.)  I've seen that
  same package at CompUSA for $19.99.  I also believe the 
KVM was a good
  $160 at CompUSA as well.
  It comes with a version of TurboLinux, I personally 
don't like TurboLinux,
  but hey... it was Linux!
  It has Hot Keys.  Hit Scroll Lock twice then the 
number for that
  machine.  1 through 4 in my case.  The box also has a 
button on it to go
  from machine to machine.  I have 3 machines on mine 
right now, and if
  a friend comes over, I can just plug them into the back 
of the box and
  go from there.
  So I highly recommend it!
  T. Holmes
  Real Men use Vi.
  * Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010523 
  | Could anyone recommend a good 2/4 port KVM switch?

RE: [newbie] OT: Intel Performance

2001-05-25 Thread skip

franki My Experiance with Laptops is that they are always slower then
franki comparable desktops, generally the hard disks are slower, the
franki ram runs slower, ...

Cache memory takes up a lot of space on the CPU die and consumes a lot of
power.  When you compare cache sizes between comparable laptop and
non-laptop systems (comparable == same model and same clock speed), you will
generally see significantly smaller caches on the laptops and
correspondingly lower performance on real tasks.  Smaller caches mean
smaller dies, which means lower power consumption.  Modern CPUs are heavily
pipelined and generally run at much higher clock rates than main memory.
Along with all the other stuff that affects pipeline performance, to keep
the pipes moving you have to have the data you want in the cache.  Even on a
system that is not paging, you will see substantial performance degradation
if it's not getting almost all its data from cache.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie]cups printing(a mess)

2001-05-25 Thread Marcia Waller

On Thursday 24 May 2001 12:16, Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear All, I cannot print at all now in my LM8 with my Epson Stylus Color
 with cups+gimp driver. I did download the new cups, too. It will printout a
 test page and do the calibration but will not print from any application.
 If I try to print from an app. I just get tons of papers going through with
 sometimes some gibberish color and BW print. When it does this, I then go
 to the terminal to cancel the jobs, but lpstat shows that there are no jobs
 and I cannot cancel them that way. I can from the website for cups but that
 is the only place.

 Are there some files that I can check on to find out what is going on or to
 get this to work? Again my printing worked fine in 7, 7.2, and works fine
 with my WIn98 on my laptop. I know that it is not the printer itself. When
 I first installed 8 the printer worked but the printing quality was
 terrible and even with changing resolution, etc, nothing improved. After
 trying many suggestions here plus reading on solutions, I just ended up
 messing it all up more. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so
 very much.

 Sincerely, Marcia
I thought I resolved my printer problem last night except for the quality. 
When I went to the web cups admin and changed the resolution, the problems 
only became worse. When I tried a test page it just would pour out paper 
after paper with some print gibberish occasionally. I tried to cancel the 
jobs from both the command line and from the web and neither have worked. The 
jobs will not cancel. I have deleted all of my printers from the web and it 
still does this kind of eternal printing. How do I cancel the jobs now? Also, 
I want to get my printer working correctly. I have tried everything that I 
can think of so far including all of your suggestions. Any help will be 
greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All, I would like to compress a directory with the zip format so that I 
may send it to my Win98 laptop through email. How may I do this by hand?
I need to print out some info and I still cannot get my Epson Stylus Color to 
work with LM8 so I am forced to send the files to my laptop. My laptop only 
has Win98 which is why I want to use the zip format.Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake

2001-05-25 Thread Marc Audard

-Original Message-
 Perhaps you can correct things by rebuilding the RPM database:
 rpm --rebuilddb
 I have had these strange things happen too, and this seems to help.

Unfortunately, this did not help much.



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[newbie] necesito saber.....

2001-05-25 Thread jgarrido

Hola lista

Soy nuevo en la lista y necesito saber si por aca hay alguien de habla
hispana, ya que no soy muy bueno escribiendo en ingles...

De antemano Gracias


RE: [newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Thread Franki

Winzip can open tar files, so tar it first

Here is the syntax to copy a directory to a tar file..

tar -cvvf somedir.tar somedir/

where somedir.tar is the name of the file it will create and somedir/ is the
name of the directory...

doing it to a file is pretty much the same thing,, try: man tar
to see more details...

winzip will open the tar file,, I do it all the time..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marcia Waller
Sent: Saturday, 26 May 2001 12:24 AM
Subject: [newbie] Compressing files with zip

Dear All, I would like to compress a directory with the zip format so that I
may send it to my Win98 laptop through email. How may I do this by hand?
I need to print out some info and I still cannot get my Epson Stylus Color
work with LM8 so I am forced to send the files to my laptop. My laptop only
has Win98 which is why I want to use the zip format.Thanks for your help.
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]cups printing(a mess)

2001-05-25 Thread s

On Friday 25 May 2001 11:45 am, you wrote:
 On Thursday 24 May 2001 12:16, Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear All, I cannot print at all now in my LM8 with my Epson Stylus Color
  with cups+gimp driver. I did download the new cups, too. It will printout
  a test page and do the calibration but will not print from any
  application. If I try to print from an app. I just get tons of papers
  going through with sometimes some gibberish color and BW print. When it
  does this, I then go to the terminal to cancel the jobs, but lpstat shows
  that there are no jobs and I cannot cancel them that way. I can from the
  website for cups but that is the only place.
  Are there some files that I can check on to find out what is going on or
  to get this to work? Again my printing worked fine in 7, 7.2, and works
  fine with my WIn98 on my laptop. I know that it is not the printer
  itself. When I first installed 8 the printer worked but the printing
  quality was terrible and even with changing resolution, etc, nothing
  improved. After trying many suggestions here plus reading on solutions, I
  just ended up messing it all up more. Any help will be greatly
  appreciated. Thanks so very much.
  Sincerely, Marcia

 I thought I resolved my printer problem last night except for the quality.
 When I went to the web cups admin and changed the resolution, the problems
 only became worse. When I tried a test page it just would pour out paper
 after paper with some print gibberish occasionally. I tried to cancel the
 jobs from both the command line and from the web and neither have worked.
 The jobs will not cancel. I have deleted all of my printers from the web
 and it still does this kind of eternal printing. How do I cancel the jobs
 now? Also, I want to get my printer working correctly. I have tried
 everything that I can think of so far including all of your suggestions.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

This ain't the correct way, I have done a turn off printer, locate spool, 
then rm /var/spool/cups/* and rm /var/spool/cups/tmp/* and rebooted.
That sucks, but I was starting to get low on the $100/ounce ink!  :-)  
Sorry you're having so much trouble, you been working on this for quite some 
time and I wish I could help.  I wish Civilme could jump in here with some 
epson printer advise.  Mine ain't doing much better.  If you can find one of 
the drivers that will print anything near correctly and then up the dpi maybe 
that'll work.  That's what I did.  I have a 777 and found the 680 almost 


Re: [newbie] necesito saber.....

2001-05-25 Thread jgarrido


Gracias, mira tengo un problema cuando trabajo con linux, en realidad
esto me aparecio hace poco Cuando Instalo o ejecuto linux en la
maquina si no presiono ninguna tecla el sistema se pausa

Suena dos veces el speakers del pc y se detiene, eso me ocurrio hace
poco pero no se que pueda ser, cuando estoy en modo X windows no me
arroja ningun problema pero cuando trabajo en modo texto si no escribo
nada dentro de 1 minuto se detiene... pense que era problema de linux
pero al intentar tratar FreeBSD ocurre lo mismo

Espero me puedas ayudar, Gracias...

[newbie] Running two DNS on network

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Johnson

Is it possible to run a local DNS on my linux machine at work in addition to
the corporate DNS?

What I think I want to do is setup my own DNS so that I can resolve names
without having to bother the IT group.

For example, what I would like to do is on my windows machine setup the
secondary DNS to be my linux machine so when I try to do something like:

http://voodoo , or http://foobar, etc...

it'll hit my linux machine.  I realize that I could easily edit my
/etc/hosts file on windows, but I'd like to have everyone in my little cube
pod be able to do the same thing.

Do I understand this stuff right?

Re: [newbie] List Removal, was: getting network to work

2001-05-25 Thread s

Go back to mandrake's site where you signed up.

On Thursday 24 May 2001 09:03 pm, you wrote:
 How do I remove myself from this list?

Re: [newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Thread Michael D. Viron


If you have win 98, you can install a program called winzip
(, which will handle .tar.gz files, or you can try zip on
linux--not sure if it'll deal with a directory though.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:24 PM 05/25/2001 -0400, Marcia Waller wrote:
Dear All, I would like to compress a directory with the zip format so that I 
may send it to my Win98 laptop through email. How may I do this by hand?
I need to print out some info and I still cannot get my Epson Stylus Color
work with LM8 so I am forced to send the files to my laptop. My laptop only 
has Win98 which is why I want to use the zip format.Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] Trash Bin in KDE will not empty in MDK 8.0

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Weaver


;)  this isn't a's a feature.


On Thu, 24 May 2001, Romanator wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 I am using Lunux Mandrake 8. For some reason my
 /home/roman/desktop/Trash Bin will NOT empty. Any idea what is causing
 Which file should I edit? Is this a bug?


 Registered Linux User #179293
 Freedom Fighter for Penguins Everywhere

Re: [newbie] Looking for C++ type programming tool for LM8

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Weaver


Are you talking about a developement environment or the compilers that you
would use to compile the programs you code. There are already both
included on the install CD's.

On Thu, 24 May 2001, Romanator wrote:

 Hi all,

 Is there a C++ program that will run on LM 8.0?

 Registered Linux User #179293
 Freedom Fighter for Penguins Everywhere

Re: [newbie] necesito saber.....

2001-05-25 Thread jgarrido

No sabia que habian tantos, asi que para todos suerte y animo...
Nuevamente Thanx.. for all...


Re: [newbie] necesito saber.....

2001-05-25 Thread jgarrido

Gracias de todas formas.



[newbie] Problemas con KDE

2001-05-25 Thread jgarrido


Tengo un problema con KDE y LM 7.1, cuando lo cargo me arroja un error
con una imagen que aparece una bomba, a que se debe este error
Al cargar Gnome me funciona perfectamente...
Me podrian ayudar...



Re: [newbie] XFRee86 3.3.6 + Laptop

2001-05-25 Thread Alan Shoemaker

sean gibbins wrote:
 I now appear to have a functional X windows running on my
 laptop, with one small problem: I appear to have acquired a
 virtual rather than actual desktop. By this I mean I can
 see approximately one quarter of the desktop, and can
 navigate to the remaining three quarters using the mouse to
 move the aperture with which I view the desktop.

 I can see no virtual desktop specified in the XF86Config
 file, and was wondering if anyone can suggest how I can get
 back to a 1024x768 desktop that is viewable all over?



SeanIn your /etc/X11/XF86Config file in the Screen 
sections part each of the different color depths has a list
of resolutions (the below example is from my computer).  Mine
(below) are listed largest to smallest.  Yours are probably
listed smallest to largest.  Edit the file and change the
order to largest to smallest and your problem should go away.

# **
# Screen sections
# **

# The Colour SVGA server

Section Screen
Driver svga
Device  Voodoo3 (generic)
Monitor monitor1
DefaultColorDepth 16
Subsection Display
Depth   8
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0
Subsection Display
Depth   15
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0
Subsection Display
Depth   16
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0
Subsection Display
Depth   24
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0
Subsection Display
Depth   32
Modes   1280x1024 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0

Re: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively

2001-05-25 Thread James Massardo

where did you download that from?
it sounds like that might be driveimage image or a norton ghost image.
you might want to download the .iso image b/c you can burn it directly to a
cd and you then have an exact copy of the distro cd. thats what i did. only
bad thing is you have to download a 650mb file.

hope this helps. if you have any other  questions just ask
james massardo
- Original Message -
From: Michael Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: james massardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:30 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively

 It's the image downloaded for 8.0 -- hd.img
 A single file, *.img

 Thanks for any help!

 -Original Message-
 From: james massardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively

 what kind of image do you have??
 is it a *.iso or is a bunch of folders

 james massardo

 From: Michael Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively
 How do I get my hard drive image to actually work?
 Got a current windoze install (win98se).  Downloaded
 the hdd image file for 8.0.  However don't know how to
 get it to be there.  How is it extracted or
 Thanks much for any help!
 Michael Mitchell
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Re: [newbie] rpm 4 macros

2001-05-25 Thread Paul Cox

On Friday, May 25, 2001, newbie-mandrake wrote:

 Macros like %serverbuild.
 Can somebody tell me where to find the definition of rpm 4 macros?
 If I can just get my hands on LM80, I would execute rpm --eval

On my system it's:

[paul@anne paul]$ rpm --eval %serverbuild
export CFLAGS=-O2 -march=i686 -fno-omit-frame-pointer 
CXXFLAGS=-O2 -march=i686 -fno-omit-frame-pointer 
RPM_OPT_FLAGS=-O2 -march=i686 -fno-omit-frame-pointer

[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ#: 25370820, OpenPGP key at
1024D/39F0BBF4 2024 B7CB 10BF 6BE7 2ECE  E0FD 1360 0181 39F0 BBF4

Current Linux uptime: 2 days 1 hour 8 minutes.

Re: [newbie] apache php

2001-05-25 Thread Paul Cox

On Friday, May 25, 2001, Mark Johnson wrote:

 Sorry, this is probably a really newbie question.  It doesn't appear that I
 have PHP enabled for apache.  Is there a way that I can check to see if
 Apache is compiled with PHP support or is there a flag that I can pass it to
 enable php?

Create a file called phpinfo.php in your web directory containing:


When you load that page in your browser, it should tell you all about
your PHP configuration if it works.  It it doesn't work, you'll know.

[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ#: 25370820, OpenPGP key at
1024D/39F0BBF4 2024 B7CB 10BF 6BE7 2ECE  E0FD 1360 0181 39F0 BBF4

Current Linux uptime: 2 days 1 hour 9 minutes.

[newbie] case change?

2001-05-25 Thread Michel Clasquin

Is there a standard Linux command to change all files in a directory and in 
all its subdirectories to lower case?


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)

This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Re: [newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Use tar.

tar -czvf /destination/archive name.tar.gz /directory to

So if you wanted to zip up /home into /tmp:

tar -czvf /tmp/home.tar.gz /home

Will create a compressed tar file named home.tar.gz (or alternately 
home.tgz) in /tmp containing all of /home

You can open these on Win98 with WinZip.


Michael D. Viron wrote:

 If you have win 98, you can install a program called winzip
 (, which will handle .tar.gz files, or you can try zip on
 linux--not sure if it'll deal with a directory though.
 Michael Viron
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida
 At 12:24 PM 05/25/2001 -0400, Marcia Waller wrote:
Dear All, I would like to compress a directory with the zip format so that I 
may send it to my Win98 laptop through email. How may I do this by hand?
I need to print out some info and I still cannot get my Epson Stylus Color

work with LM8 so I am forced to send the files to my laptop. My laptop only 
has Win98 which is why I want to use the zip format.Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller


Re: [newbie] necesito saber.....

2001-05-25 Thread TezcatlipocA

Hola PP
Yo apenas me apunte en la lista. Tambien soy nuevo usando Linux pero ya se un 
buen de cosas porque he estado leyendo libros.  Bueno si necesitas un amigo 
ya sabes, aqui tienes a tu compa. :-)


On Friday 25 May 2001 10:21, you wrote:
 Hola lista

 Soy nuevo en la lista y necesito saber si por aca hay alguien de habla
 hispana, ya que no soy muy bueno escribiendo en ingles...

 De antemano Gracias


Re: [newbie] KVM switches

2001-05-25 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Friday 25 May 2001 16:52, Lou Lipnickey wrote about Re: [newbie] KVM 
switches that ...
 I use a Belkin Omni View SE 4-port with my PCs and Mac (with Mac adapter).
 Should be transparent to all OSs - LL

I use a 2-port from the same company. It requires ps/2 mouses and keyboards, 
but serial or DIN --- ps2 adapters can be found if you look around. Totally 
OS-transparent - I've run the thing with dos, dos + win, linux and beos 
computers connected to it. Recommended.


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)

This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

[newbie] Sound Card Problems in mandrake 8.0

2001-05-25 Thread James Bond

I finally got a good install of mandrake (yay!!!).  However, my
problems have only begun.  Aside from a bunch of small things I'll
hopefully figure out later, my biggest current problem is the lack of
sound.  I have installed Linux on a Thinkpad i1400 with an ESS Solo-1 
Audiodrive card.  If I go to the mandrake control center and click on 
hardware then soundcards, I see that Mandrake identifies my soundcard as a 
ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive. This is correct.  Then, when I go to the kde 
control center, I see under Informationsound, that that the sound driver 
being used is 3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v0.5.10b emulation code).  Further down, 
it says Installed drivers: type 10: ALSA emulation.  Then, it says Card 
config: ---no soundcards--- followed by this stuff


If I run sndconfig, It detecs my sound card correctly as a ES1969, but
then informs me that there is no support for it.  What can I do?  Any
help is very much appreciated.

Note: I tried downloaded the latest alsa drivers (0.5.11 and followed
the directions, but I got compile errors when I typed in make)

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Compressing files with zip

2001-05-25 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All, 
Thank you for your answers about zip. It seems quite easy. I will try this. 
Thanks again. 

Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively

2001-05-25 Thread s

That file hd.img is a 1.4 meg file one puts on a floppy to boot and begin the 
install from a harddrive after they have downloaded all those 8.0 files in 
all those directories.  You transfere it to a floppy by typing into a 
dd if=hd.img of=/dev/fd0   (or /mnt/floppy).   

others:  cdrom.img and network.img

On Friday 25 May 2001 03:58 pm, you wrote:
 where did you download that from?
 it sounds like that might be driveimage image or a norton ghost image.
 you might want to download the .iso image b/c you can burn it directly to a
 cd and you then have an exact copy of the distro cd. thats what i did. only
 bad thing is you have to download a 650mb file.

 hope this helps. if you have any other  questions just ask
 james massardo
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: james massardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:30 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively

  It's the image downloaded for 8.0 -- hd.img
  A single file, *.img
  Thanks for any help!
  -Original Message-
  From: james massardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively
  what kind of image do you have??
  is it a *.iso or is a bunch of folders
  james massardo
  From: Michael Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] Putting the hdd image file on effectively
  How do I get my hard drive image to actually work?
  Got a current windoze install (win98se).  Downloaded
  the hdd image file for 8.0.  However don't know how to
  get it to be there.  How is it extracted or
  Thanks much for any help!
  Michael Mitchell
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
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  Get your free address at

Re: [newbie]cups printing(a mess)again

2001-05-25 Thread Marcia Waller

On Friday 25 May 2001 12:45, Marcia Waller wrote:
 On Thursday 24 May 2001 12:16, Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear All, I cannot print at all now in my LM8 with my Epson Stylus Color
  with cups+gimp driver. I did download the new cups, too. It will printout
  a test page and do the calibration but will not print from any
  application. If I try to print from an app. I just get tons of papers
  going through with sometimes some gibberish color and BW print. When it
  does this, I then go to the terminal to cancel the jobs, but lpstat shows
  that there are no jobs and I cannot cancel them that way. I can from the
  website for cups but that is the only place.
  Are there some files that I can check on to find out what is going on or
  to get this to work? Again my printing worked fine in 7, 7.2, and works
  fine with my WIn98 on my laptop. I know that it is not the printer
  itself. When I first installed 8 the printer worked but the printing
  quality was terrible and even with changing resolution, etc, nothing
  improved. After trying many suggestions here plus reading on solutions, I
  just ended up messing it all up more. Any help will be greatly
  appreciated. Thanks so very much.
  Sincerely, Marcia

 I thought I resolved my printer problem last night except for the quality.
 When I went to the web cups admin and changed the resolution, the problems
 only became worse. When I tried a test page it just would pour out paper
 after paper with some print gibberish occasionally. I tried to cancel the
 jobs from both the command line and from the web and neither have worked.
 The jobs will not cancel. I have deleted all of my printers from the web
 and it still does this kind of eternal printing. How do I cancel the jobs
 now? Also, I want to get my printer working correctly. I have tried
 everything that I can think of so far including all of your suggestions.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia
Dear All,
I just found out there is a new version of cups. It is cups 1.1.8. I 
downloaded the rpm and tried to install. It was conflicting with the 1.1.7 
cups so I went about uninstalling that version with all of its dependancies. 
The problem is it seems there are a never ending amount of dependancies in 
order for me to delete the old and install the new. Is there a better way to 
do this? Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller

[newbie] Sound Card Probe Problems

2001-05-25 Thread gizim69

For some odd reason while installing linux it did NOT probe for a sound 
card and if it did it didn't find it
it's a Sound Blaster Pro.
And for some reason i can't find a place in linux to setup my 
Were is the conf for sound
~ GiZiM ~"Angelis Errare" - "Where Angels Lose Their Way""Due 
to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off 
untill futher notice."

Re: [newbie] Running two DNS on network

2001-05-25 Thread Jeanette Russo

On Friday 25 May 2001 14:22, Mark Johnson wrote:
 Is it possible to run a local DNS on my linux machine at work in addition
 to the corporate DNS?

 What I think I want to do is setup my own DNS so that I can resolve names
 without having to bother the IT group.

 For example, what I would like to do is on my windows machine setup the
 secondary DNS to be my linux machine so when I try to do something like:

   http://voodoo , or http://foobar, etc...

 it'll hit my linux machine.  I realize that I could easily edit my
 /etc/hosts file on windows, but I'd like to have everyone in my little cube
 pod be able to do the same thing.

 Do I understand this stuff right?

Yeah you can do  it but the IT people are going to be real pissed when they 
find out

So don't


Re: [newbie] Sound Card Probe Problems

2001-05-25 Thread s

Best thing to do is to go to run level 3 and type:  sndconfig

On Friday 25 May 2001 07:12 pm, you wrote:
 For some odd reason while installing linux it did NOT probe for a sound
 card and if it did it didn't find it
 it's a Sound Blaster Pro.
 And for some reason i can't find a place in linux to setup my sound card.
 Were is the conf for sound

 ~ GiZiM ~
 Angelis Errare - Where Angels Lose Their Way
 Due to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been
 turned off untill futher notice.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: [newbie] case change?

2001-05-25 Thread David E. Fox

 Is there a standard Linux command to change all files in a directory and in 
 all its subdirectories to lower case?

No, not a single command, but this is the type of thing that can be
relatively easily done with a shell script.

First, as you probably know, 'mv' renames as well as moves (there is no
separate rename command in Unix, since a 'mv' suffices to move the
file to a new name.)

Second, if you take a string and/or file and use the 'tr' command on it,
you can (among other things) change the case from upper to lower case, or
vice versa. You can also use 'sed' for this purpose.

In order to do what you suggest, you will need to feed the file names
one at a time through 'tr' or 'sed' and them use 'mv' to rename the upper
case filename to the equivalent lower cased filename. And, you'll need to
automate this through a whole directory and any other directories under-
neath it. Seems like a tall order, but it's only three or so separate

(Incidentally, when tackling something like this for the first time, it's
best to try the commands individually -- for instance, use 'echo' and other
methods to simulate the task, just to see what will happen, and try the 
innermost command first rather than trying to do the whole directory at

So, let's try an example:

# echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z]

What does that print? It should print 'first'. This is the crux of the
whole operation. What did we do here? Well, we assigned a variable the
contents FIRST and then we echoed the contents of that variable, piping
it to a 'tr' process that handles the lowercasing.

Now, to make it a bit more complicated, we can take that previous expression
and substitute it for a second filename in a 'mv' command. To pull off this
trick, we need to put the command in backquotes `   ` (the character above
the tab key on most US keyboards). What the shell does is literally takes the
output of the command and *substitutes* the output right in place on the
command line. 

Try this:

# touch FIRST
# mv $i | `echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`

Try that in a directory. Do an 'ls'. What do you see? You should see a
filename named 'first'. Line #3 is the workhorse of the whole thing; it
takes a filename, sends it to a tr process, then renames the uppercase with
the output of the command in backquotes -- the result the shell sees
is 'mv FIRST first'.

Now, all we need to do is to automate this through a script that finds all
files under a given subdirectory. 'find' is the command we can use for this,
and a 'for' loop suffices, since it will visit each filename in turn:

# for i in `find -type -f` (we don't want to lowercase directories)
# do
# mv $i | `echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`
# done

Pretty simple, once you understand the background. And you can do quite 
a bit of powerful stuff with little constructs like this, called shell

 Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] Star Office Can't Save

2001-05-25 Thread Neville Cobb

After Install of 8.0 I could not save a document to a vfat partition, 
neither could root. However I can write to it using the file manager.

Any clues?


[newbie] X shutdown

2001-05-25 Thread Navin Daryanani


I have finally 
managed to install LM8.0 on my laptop and use it with Framebuffer mode. But 
there is one more problem with X. When I exit X I get a total blank screen on my 
laptop. I can see that it does reach the bash prompt bec' I can type in shell 
commands like restarting X or rebooting etc. But I do not know how to bring the 
text console back when I end the X session. 

I have tried all the 
shortcuts like Ctrl+F1 etc... Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace (incase X is still running), 
and some more combinations) but nothing works.

Thanks for your 


RE: [newbie] Sound Card Probe Problems

2001-05-25 Thread George Petri

On Fri, 25 May 2001 19:12:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For some odd reason while installing linux it did NOT probe for a sound
 card and if it did it didn't find it
 it's a Sound Blaster Pro.
 And for some reason i can't find a place in linux to setup my sound card.
 Were is the conf for sound

Try typing 'sndconfig' in a console.  It is a Red Hat program (that should 
come with your system) but it works for me in Mandrake 7.2.  Avoid running it 
in an X Session.

Hope it helps,

[newbie] connection sharing (iptables) in 8.0

2001-05-25 Thread Jeff

Ok my setup is Linux Mandrake 8 with a modem
connection to the net.  I'm using samba to share files
through eth0 with a windows 98se box.  All is working
well and I even have the net connection shared with
iptables but...

Ok after modprobing ip_conntrack, ip_conntrack_ftp,
ip_conntrack_irc, ip_nat_ftp, ip_nat_irc, and
ipt_unclean (unclean one being optimistic) I found
that I still can't do file trnsfers in AIM or use
NetMeeting or play Quake (online).  Well these things
I really need to do with the windows box so I was
thinking of trying a proxy server (squid?) but would
that solve my problem?  I'm really not familiar with
iptables and the man page doesn't seem to say anything
about how to get these different protocols going.  I
even installed the kernel source and looked through
the Documentation directy and in the net directory
(and read the source files for all the ipv4 modules)
but can't find anything...  Help would be greatly
appreciated.  Even ideas?

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[newbie] My favorite feature in 8.0

2001-05-25 Thread Jon Doe

I know most will think this is stupid but it was one thing that bugged me 
alot with 7.2. I don't know if its a mandrake thing or a KDE thing, but I can 
now have the menu open when a program comes up and the menu stays up!
In 7.2 anything that came up when the K menu was open it would shut down the 
K menu. Stupid little thing but its a great advance.

ICQ# 27396393

Registered Linux User #181996

Re: [newbie] Star Office Can't Save

2001-05-25 Thread Daniel Meier

Hi there,

Neville Cobb wrote:

 After Install of 8.0 I could not save a document to a vfat partition, 
 neither could root. However I can write to it using the file manager.

I have the same problem and unfortunately have not found a solution yet. 
The permissions seem fine and all other programs can write to my vfat 
partitions. The problem also occours in OpenOffice.



[newbie]cups printing Mess

2001-05-25 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All, 
I have not been able to install the new cups 1.1.8. Has anyone successfully 
installed this in LM8?

I am the one who has been asking for cups printing help for my Epson Stylus 
Color printer on LM8 for days now.

I installed all of my cups rpm's from my LM8 again. Nothing is working I got 
everything configured and whenever I try to print it just pours out an 
endless stream of paper with gibberish. When I go to the terminal and do 
cancel or lprm it says that I cannot cancel lp. When I check into lpstat it 
shows nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? How can I cancel these jobs once 
this gets started?

May I use a whole different printing system other than cups and how would I 
do that? How do I install the lpr system so that I that I do not need cups. I 
would appreciate any help. As of now I cannot print anything from Linux. My 
printing worked well in Lm 7 and Lm7.2.Thanks.
Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie]cups printing(a mess)again

2001-05-25 Thread Michael D. Viron

Dear All,
I just found out there is a new version of cups. It is cups 1.1.8. I 
downloaded the rpm and tried to install. It was conflicting with the 1.1.7 
cups so I went about uninstalling that version with all of its dependancies. 
The problem is it seems there are a never ending amount of dependancies in 
order for me to delete the old and install the new. Is there a better way to 
do this? Thanks for your help. 
Marcia Waller


For upgrades of software packages, do an rpm -Uvh whatever.i586.rpm, which
will upgrade the cups install instead of trying to replace it.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida