[newbie-it] Come configurare un server di posta per una rete locale?

2002-06-29 Thread Paolo Astengo

  Premetto che contemporaneamente sto effettuando una ricerca sugli 
  archivi della lista... ;-)
  Il problema è questo:
  Abbiamo una rete di circa 25 PC (quasi tutti winzoz), un firewall SNF 
  7.2, un server MDK8.2 ed un server WIN2000.
  Attualmente navighiamo attraverso SNF con squid: nessun 
  I nostri files sono conservati sul server MDK8.2 che viene usato 
  anche per la gestione di un sito intranet con phpgroupware.
  Il sistema WIN2000 è utilizzato per collegarsi periodicamente a 
  Tiscali e ricevere ed inviare la posta elettronica.
  Vorremmo eliminare il server WIN2000 (e vai!!!) e gestire la posta 
  elettronica attraverso MDK.
  Ad oggi i nostri PC si connettono a WIN2000 (port 110 e 25), inviano 
  e ricevono la posta. Cosa devo installare su MDK ???
  Aiutatemi a demolire l'ultimo server Winzoz!
  Grazie a tutti.


___ IncrediMail - il mondo della posta elettronica si 
è finalmente evoluto - Clicca 

Re: [newbie-it] shell-script (freefred e Lukenshiro)

2002-06-29 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Grazie ragazzi per i preziosi suggerimenti. Adesso smanetto un po'... :)

At 14.38 29/06/2002 +0200, you wrote:
In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Emiliano La Licata esclamo':
  scrivere password

  Questo lo eviti inserendo i comandi (o il riferimento al file di script
in cui questi sono contenuti) nel file rc.local o eventualmente in altri
script di avvio.

  rm /dev/usb/lp0
  scrivere y
  mknod /dev/usb/lp0 c 180 0

  uhm .. il dispositivo che vai a cancellare esiste / non esiste / ha un
codice diverso da 'char 180 0' ? Questo perche':
  a) se esiste con lo stesso codice, quelle 3 righe sono inutili;
  b) se esiste con un codice diverso, la cosa e' molto strana ...
  c) se non esiste, stai utilizzando ancora il devfs che crea e distrugge
dinamicamente i dispositivi e se ne frega altamente di quello che gli
dici. Una volta disattivato il devfs puoi star certo che il dispositivo
che dovessi creare resterebbe li' in eterno, senza bisogno di ricrearlo

  modprobe printer

  inseriscilo p.es. in /etc/modules (mi pare che esiste poi il modo di
inserirlo in /etc/modules.conf come alias)

  cat  /etc/printcap
  editare printcap nel modo giusto
  uscire da cat con control d

  qui ti ha gia' risposto freefred (per la serie semplifichiamo e sono
perfettamente d'accordo). Ho motivo di credere che comunque /etc/princap
sia ricreato di volta in volta dal sistema di stampa CUPS, dovresti fare
riferimento al contenuto dei file di configurazione di questo (la
sovrascrittura e' un escamotage piu' che essere una soluzione ;).

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]
Altola' alle violazione delle liberta' digitali nel mondo da parte
delle Autorita' federali USA.

Re: [newbie-it] file .avi

2002-06-29 Thread Roberto

prova a scaricare il codec da www.xvid.org/download.php
il codec o magari divx4linux da avifile.sourceforge.net/download.html
(informazioni tartte da Linux magazine di Giugno.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] file .avi

Hash: SHA1

Il 22:24, venerdì 28 giugno 2002, in merito a Re:
[newbie-it] file .avi, Francesco Speranza ha scritto:
 Puoi installare KDE3 ( da scaricare  dal sito KDE.org ) e
 usare Aktion . Ciao , Francesco

gli avi che non vede, molto probabilmente sono dei divx..
bastano i codec...

se poi vuoi proprio leggere tutto,
scarica e compila (è semplice..)

legge qualsiasi file multimediale


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] Userdrake

2002-06-29 Thread Santo Patti

ciao ragazzi,
tento di avviare userdrake e il sistema mi comunica:

Non posso bloccare la user lib
i file /etc/ptmp e /etc/gtmp sono già presenti

Non so come ma mi si è chiuso userdrake mentre aggiungevo un gruppo da 
un utente, ed ora non riesco più ad avviarlo,(estremi rimedi?)

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[newbie-it] DiskDruid

2002-06-29 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  Scusatemi se ritorno su questo argomento che è passato inosservato per 
altre domande più importanti sulla lista.
Sto utilizzando da poco la RedHat 7.3 presa su Internetneuws. Dopo 
l'intallazione questa versione rende disponibile DiskDruid con la sola 
funzionalità di lettura. Confesso che non vedevo l'ora di aver 
installato il sistema operativo per provare  questo ottimo tool di 
gestione e partizionamento che ho avuto modo di apprezzare molto in fase 
di installazione; anche la SuSE ne ha uno simile, molto potente e 
affidabile e volevo confrontarli.
Con RedHat sono rimasto deluso ma penso che dipenda dal fatto che quella 
sulla rivista sia una versione ridotta.
Vorrei sapere invece se la relativa versione originale della 
distribuzione  DiskDruid funziona completamente, altrimenti mi pare un 
controsenso. Mi potete dare delle conferme o smentite su questo ?
Grazie e saluti a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Come configurare un server di posta per una rete locale?

2002-06-29 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 09:42, sabato 29 giugno 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] 
Come configurare un server di posta per una rete locale?, 
Paolo Astengo ha scritto:

diciamo che ha allegato una serie di cose quasi 

comunque è semplice

si configura un dns locale
quindi sendmail-qmail-curier
e  gnu/pop3

(intranet server-howto, mailserver-howto)

con questi, potrai anche offrire un servizio interno di 
per l'uscita, è meglio usare il server smtp del provider, 
che è online h24
(altrimenti devi controllare sul server se la coda di posta 
è libera, prima di disconnetterlo)

in questo caso il server stabilirà la connessione e farà da 
mascheramento sulla lan


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] quesiti su Kmail - impostazioni risposte

2002-06-29 Thread arwan

C'e' la possibilita' di personalizzare le intestazioni alle risposte a 
seconda della cartella in cui e' conservata la mail cui si risponde?
Per esempio, ho una cartella con una mailing list, e voglio che tutte le 
risposte inizino con ciao gente e finiscano con una firma particolare. Come 
Altra cosa: come associo un tipo di intestazione di una mail ad un indirizzo 
(della serie: quando scrivo a tizio, e solo a lui, voglio che la amil inizi 
sempre con ciao tesoro!)
Su configurazioni di Kmail - composizione - generale c'e' qualcosina, ma mi 
ci vorrebbe una cosa del genere per ogni profilo che creo...


[newbie-it] /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

2002-06-29 Thread Di Fresco Marco

Ciao a tutti,
sto cercando di usare la versione linux di Quake2, pero' ottengo il seguente
messaggio di errore:

[root@localhost quake2]# ./quake2
usage: set variable value [u / s]
Added packfile ./baseq2/pak0.pak (3307 files)
Added packfile ./baseq2/pak1.pak (279 files)
Added packfile ./baseq2/pak2.pak (2 files)
execing default.cfg
execing config.cfg
usage: set variable value [u / s]
Console initialized.

--- sound initialization ---
/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
Could not open /dev/dsp
Segmentation fault
[root@localhost quake2]#

Cosa vuol dire? cosa devo fare per liberare /dev/dsp e farlo usare da
Quake2? Faccio presente che la shell dove avvio il comando, e' l'unico
programma aperto quindi non ci dovrebbe essere nessun programma
(ufficialmente aperto) che usa /dev/dsp!

Grazie mille!

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

[newbie-it] 1/2 OT: ntwrap.dll

2002-06-29 Thread Di Fresco Marco

Ciao a tutti,
sto cercando di usare VMware Workstation per Windows in modo da avviare
Linux da Windows; purtroppo VMware Workstation e' disegnato per WinNT/2K/XP
ed io ho WinME e quindi quando cerco di avviarlo mi dice che non trova la
libreria ntwrap.dll (che credo che sia inclusa WinNT/2K/XP)

Se qualcuno ha WinNT/2K/XP (o sa dove farmi trovare il suddetto file in
internet), potrebbe mandarmi il suddetto file in privato (o darmi l'URL) per

Grazie mille!

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0.1

2002-06-29 Thread Terry Sheltra

Thanks for the help Paul!  That did the trick.  Thanks to everyone who helped 
me out with this.


On Thursday 27 June 2002 08:45 pm, Paul Kaplan wrote:
 On Thursday 27 June 2002 10:47 am, Terry Sheltra wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've just installed KDE 3.x on my LM 8.2 machine, and am coming across a
  minor annoyance I wish to try and correct.  Every time I login in to my
  machine in KDM and start KDE, it always goes through the configuration
  wizard for KDE, as if I'm running it for the first time.  I already have
  made my settings the first time I ran it, so I just click to quit the
  wizard and keep my current settings.  Is there a way to tell KDE that
  I've already done this and not to show me the wizard anymore?

 Find the file .kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerrc in your local directory.

 Add the line


 That did the trick for me.  (I ran across this on Mandrake Forum shortly
 after kde3 was released.)


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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-29 Thread Michael Biddulph

On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 13:55, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have set up privoxy a couple of times in konqueror and each time I
set it I 
 can no longer connect to the internet at all.  could not connect to
host, try again later  Disable the proxy server and all works. 
Yes I 
 have RTFM.  According to the manual I should have no problems setting
up and 
 using privoxy, but as usual the manual has left something out that is 
 important to my configuration.  Anyone had this kind of problem and
how does 
 it get fixed? Sometimes I need to have my hand held.  TIA
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


I installed and used privoxy for a day or two last week. It
worked...sort of. Didn't lose my net connection but it is very fussy as
to what sites it will connect to and load. I had to try again for six
out of every ten sites I went to. Too annoying to be really useful so I
wiped it off.

I think it will be really useful when it is developed further, but right
now I'll pass on it.

Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2002-06-29 Thread John Richard Smith

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

 daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, John Richard Smith wrote:

 How do I get Mozilla Composer to add a signature to the text of an 

 In  view settings for the account  I have
 | ticked | attatch signature, but it does not.

 Idon't seem able  to store message in outbox, a warning reports,
 Please veryfy your Mail and Newsgroup account settings are correct 
 and try again.

 The setting appear to be correct. I wondered in what way are my 
 setting incorrect
 then .




 do you have a file somewhere in your home dir that has the text in 
 it that you wish to have attached at the end of each email? if not, 
 then you should make one, and after doing so go back into the 
 preferences and tell Messenger where this file is so that it can 
 read the file and append the contents of the file to the end of 
 the email message.

 Composer is the HTML editor part of Netscape/Mozilla suite. it does 
 *not* do email.


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 

 Thank you,

 I do not have any file in my home directory that appears to hold the 
 signature for my emails.
 and so I created a text file with the necessary info in it:-
 I cannot understand from the above where the link is to be made, can 
 you be more specific,because,

 view settings for this accoun t- account settings - choose  -  choose 
 a file,   however the various tabs do not allow access to the newly 
 created signature file

 Or,  edit-preferences mail and news settings,
 similarly do not seem to have any provision for linking to the newly 
 created signature file.

 When I attempt to send the newly composed message to my out boox if 
 fails, with the abovementioned warning, it only allows me to send 
 straight away, without delay. Why ?


 Tell ya what John. I'll go ya one better. Here's an image of the Mail 
  News Preferences in Messenger where the signature file setting is 
 taken care of. Take notice to the areas that are highlighted in Red.





This is in Tasks - Mailand Newsgroups - view settings for this account -

| tick | attatch this signature
|   | Choose |

which is where I suggested in my first email.

The problem then is that the | choose | tab  does not leed to the newly 
created signature file.
Indeed if you go down this root I get nothing but a blank window. I 
don't know why.

So instead of using the  | choose | tab I merely typed  the command line 
instead to where I created myself
the new signature file, that is 
/home/.mozilla/home/515ggioc.sit/signature-fsnet and it addopted it, as 
you can see.

I still do not know why the | choose | tab does not work. I do have 
unhide hidded files in konqueror - view .
As far as I can see it ought to work.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On 29 Jun 2002 17:30:49 +1000, Michael Biddulph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 13:55, Dennis Myers wrote:
  I have set up privoxy a couple of times in konqueror and each time I
 set it I 
  can no longer connect to the internet at all.  could not connect to
 host, try again later  Disable the proxy server and all works. 
 Yes I 
  have RTFM.  According to the manual I should have no problems setting
 up and 
  using privoxy, but as usual the manual has left something out that is 
  important to my configuration.  Anyone had this kind of problem and
 how does 
  it get fixed? Sometimes I need to have my hand held.  TIA
 I installed and used privoxy for a day or two last week. It
 worked...sort of. Didn't lose my net connection but it is very fussy as
 to what sites it will connect to and load. I had to try again for six
 out of every ten sites I went to. Too annoying to be really useful so I
 wiped it off.
 I think it will be really useful when it is developed further, but right
 now I'll pass on it.

I've been using Privoxy for about six months and I've had very few problems. The
error given above should not really have anything to do with the proxy. The IP
address that is causing the problem,, refers to yourself. When you
communicate with, the network messages are 'looped back' to you, and
you communicate with yourself.

In your browser proxy settings, there should be a text box titled something like
'No proxy for'. In this box, enter 'localhost' (without the quotes). Save the
settings and reactivate Privoxy. Make sure your browser is set to use Privoxy as
a proxy. Now everything should work as it should, minus the advertising on Web

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten programmers and deluge
the hobby market with good software.
  -- Bill Gates, 'An Open Letter to Hobbyists', 1976-02-03

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[newbie] BUG WITH MANDRAKE POSTGRES (postmaster.opts and -i option)

2002-06-29 Thread tek1

i tried specifying -i in the /var/lib/pgsql/data/postmaster.opts file, 
but everytime i restart the machine, for some reason, the contents of the 
postmaster.opts reverts back to the original contents and the -i that i 
specified is lost.  i also tried specifying the -i option in the 
/etc/init.d/postgresql file, but it didn't seem to work.  i've gotten 
postgres to work with the -i by specifying it in the postmaster.opts file 
and restarting postgres, but again, the -i is lost when i restart the 

another person has been experiencing the same problem:

is there any solution?

btw, i'm using mandrake8.2 and postgres7.2.1.

thank you. 

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[newbie] Adding another window manager by hand to login screen

2002-06-29 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

I can't find a completely clear exposition of this - all the usenet 
posts I've found are of the type look in X, Y and Z or it might be 

I've downloaded and built Garnome in ~/garnome, and would like to have a 
'gnome2' entry in the login screen's dropdown list.

So far I've found where it's entered - Configurator | System | Login 
Manager, Sessions tab - but there's no indication how this entry is 
linked to anything. (man xdm, which the rather thin KDE 3.0.1 Help 
points to, is also unhelpful, giving far too much irrelevant 

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] OO Writer

2002-06-29 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 28 June 2002 2:13 pm, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Depending on your needs, don't overlook AbiWord.  I expect it to be
 the best Linux word processor within a few years, with almost all the
 features of Word, and many similarities in the menus and so forth.

 AbiWord 1.0 has been released, and good progress is being made on
 incorporating tables for the next major release (tentatively 1.2)
 which I'd guess could be released before the end of the year.  (That
 is strictly a guess, it could be earlier, it could be later.)

I have to say that not supporting tables is a pretty spectacular 
omission for version 1.0 of a word processor! For that reason AbiWord 
is no use to me at the moment; every document I work with has multiple 
tables and some of those complex (cells spanning columns and other 
tricks). I'd say any technical document is almost bound to contain 
tables of one sort or another ...

That said, if it wasn't for that mistaken (IMO) omission AbiWord is a 
very impressive package and, if there's beta testing, I shall set my 
documents on it (if its table support can cope with them it can cope 
with anything ...).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Adding another window manager by hand to login screen

2002-06-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002 10:40:21 +0100, Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't find a completely clear exposition of this - all the usenet 
 posts I've found are of the type look in X, Y and Z or it might be 
 I've downloaded and built Garnome in ~/garnome, and would like to have a 
 'gnome2' entry in the login screen's dropdown list.
 So far I've found where it's entered - Configurator | System | Login 
 Manager, Sessions tab - but there's no indication how this entry is 
 linked to anything. (man xdm, which the rather thin KDE 3.0.1 Help 
 points to, is also unhelpful, giving far too much irrelevant 

Open a root console and type chksession -l. It should list all the valid
window manager choices that have been entered. If something's missing, find out
what you you should run to execute it. For example, GNOME has gnome-session
and KDE has startkde. Now visit the /etc/X11/wmsession.d directory. You will
see a set of text files, each with a name beginning with a two-digit number
followed by the name of the environment (GNOME, KDE, IceWM ...). The structure
of these files should be something like this:

DESC=Lightweight desktop environment
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/starticewm

Create a text file with a name beginning with a number that has not already 
been used followed by the name of the environment (e.g. 02GNOME). Put the 
same information as above into the file, but replace the parts after the 
equal signs and colon to what suits the environment you wish to enter. So 
you could make a file called 02GNOME with the contents:

DESC=Gnome Environment
exec /usr/bin/startgnome

Run chksession -l again. This time, you should see your new entry amongst 
the others. Make sure that you have the new environment installed and that 
you have set X to start at boot (you can use XFdrake as root to do this). 
Start/restart X (or reboot), and all should be well. If not, you may need to go
through the setup utility for your login manager and add the new entry to it.

Alternatively, you can use the Xtart utility if you prefer to load X from the
command line (negating the need for a login manager).

Sridhar Dhanapalan

After you install Windows XP, you have the option to create user accounts. If
you create user accounts, by default, they will have an account type of
Administrator with no password. -- Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q293834

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Re: [newbie] Ok you got me started

2002-06-29 Thread tom brinkman

On Sunday 31 December 2000 11:33 pm, Terence J. Golightly wrote:
  Not done with 'ya yet Terry ;)   Try up to 12.5 x 143 (1788

 I couldn't get a 12.5 x 143, So I left the multiplier on auto and
 bumped the fsb up to 143 noticeable improvement!

  Multipliers on XP's are locked, and quite difficult to unlock.  
There's some (messy) workarounds posted on various websites, but I 
wouldn't fool with it.   My 1.4 Tbird is factory unlocked, so rather 
than run it at 10.5x133, I can set it to 11.5x135 (1553mhz).

 You'll be in the XP 2200+ ++ range, solid as a rock ;~

 post displayed 1788mhz!!

XP 2200+ runs at 1767mhz, almost equals the performance of a P4 at 
2.5 Ghz.   Just to be clear here, I advocated tryin up to 143mhz, but 
not to neccesarilly run at that speed. Now that you know it's stable 
at 143, run it at around 140.  That'll give you  1750mhz (nearly a 
2200+ ;) and your PCI will be close at 35mhz.

 As noted in a later post about heat problems my machine was
 experiencing you recommended I install lm_sensors.  I did that and
 now I am unable to set it up.

 sensors -s gives a no sensors found message.  I looked at the
 sensors.conf file and I know I need help in setting it up.

   Did you read the docs, run 'sensors-detect', and put the 
appropriate lines in modules.conf and rc.local ? You don't need to 
change anything in sensors.conf. As to, no sensors found, you'll 
probly still get that warning, but if you look at 'dmesg |less', 
you'll see the later on in the boot process the i2c modules are 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] enlarge a linux partition?

2002-06-29 Thread Zlatko Savic

Hey everyone,
my question is simple but solution might not be.
I have installed some time ago MD 7.2 and have only / and /home mounted 
on two partitions. I need to enlarge my / (root) partition because I 
continue adding applications but there is not much space left. Should I 
simply use Partition Magic and enlarge it, or maybe create another 
partition and mount it on /usr or /etc or any other space-consuming 

Thanks for any help,

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when 
there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint Exupery 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-29 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 29 June 2002 03:56 am, you wrote:
 On 29 Jun 2002 17:30:49 +1000, Michael Biddulph [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 13:55, Dennis Myers wrote:
   I have set up privoxy a couple of times in konqueror and each time I
  set it I
   can no longer connect to the internet at all.  could not connect to
  host, try again later  Disable the proxy server and all works.
  Yes I
   have RTFM.  According to the manual I should have no problems setting
  up and
   using privoxy, but as usual the manual has left something out that is
   important to my configuration.  Anyone had this kind of problem and
  how does
   it get fixed? Sometimes I need to have my hand held.  TIA
  I installed and used privoxy for a day or two last week. It
  worked...sort of. Didn't lose my net connection but it is very fussy as
  to what sites it will connect to and load. I had to try again for six
  out of every ten sites I went to. Too annoying to be really useful so I
  wiped it off.
  I think it will be really useful when it is developed further, but right
  now I'll pass on it.

 I've been using Privoxy for about six months and I've had very few
 problems. The error given above should not really have anything to do with
 the proxy. The IP address that is causing the problem,, refers to
 yourself. When you communicate with, the network messages are
 'looped back' to you, and you communicate with yourself.

 In your browser proxy settings, there should be a text box titled something
 like 'No proxy for'. In this box, enter 'localhost' (without the quotes).
 Save the settings and reactivate Privoxy. Make sure your browser is set to
 use Privoxy as a proxy. Now everything should work as it should, minus the
 advertising on Web pages.

Thanks for the help Sridhar, I tried the no proxy setting and still get the 
can't connect to  Guess I don't understand proxy and will just put 
up with the junk for now.  I will continue to study docs and manuals to get 
an understanding and try again later. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Is there anything similar to HyperTerminal?

2002-06-29 Thread Randy Kramer

 Is there an app that will alow me to configure routers, switches etc via serial 
console connections?

Well, I know there is, I've just never tried it from Linux.  Don't know
if telnet would do the job, if not there are some tools with tty in the
name (like mintty, etc.??) that might do the job.  

Hopefully someone with more knowledge will answer you!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Is there anything similar to HyperTerminal?

2002-06-29 Thread Bill Spatz

On Saturday 29 June 2002 08:07, Randy Kramer wrote:
  Is there an app that will alow me to configure routers, switches etc via
  serial console connections?

 Well, I know there is, I've just never tried it from Linux.  Don't know
 if telnet would do the job, if not there are some tools with tty in the
 name (like mintty, etc.??) that might do the job.

 Hopefully someone with more knowledge will answer you!

 Randy Kramer

minicom maybe? I've used it to configure external modems when I was running 
MDK 7.0


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Re: [newbie] Switching from Voodoo to GeForce2

2002-06-29 Thread Randy Kramer

D. Olson wrote:
 Well, the link worked for me 

Ok, I suspected the email problem might depend on the client you're
using -- what client do you use?  (I'll have to recheck when I don't
have a headache, but, IIRC, the link did not work for me yesterday from
my Netscape 3.04 mail client, but then, they almost never do -- I cut
and paste them to IE.  (Sorry!))

But anyway, that's all beside the point...

 But I meant the link on the site...

Yeah, you're right!  Found the problem -- it's due to the square
brackets that were around newbie.  Fixed that, but now having trouble
navigating from the cited post to the one by you ==  probably will have
to re-search the archives and put a new link in.  

I've probably got several pages with the same problem (square brackets
around newbie or expert).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Is there anything similar to HyperTerminal?

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 10:28, Bill Spatz wrote:

 minicom maybe? I've used it to configure external modems when I was running 
 MDK 7.0

Minicom will work, I think that's one of the things it was intended for.

Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Switching from Voodoo to GeForce2

2002-06-29 Thread D. Olson

All you're mail are belong to KMail.

On Saturday 29 June 2002 10:53 am, you wrote:
 D. Olson wrote:
  Well, the link worked for me 

 Ok, I suspected the email problem might depend on the client you're
 using -- what client do you use?  (I'll have to recheck when I don't
 have a headache, but, IIRC, the link did not work for me yesterday from
 my Netscape 3.04 mail client, but then, they almost never do -- I cut
 and paste them to IE.  (Sorry!))

 But anyway, that's all beside the point...

  But I meant the link on the site...

 Yeah, you're right!  Found the problem -- it's due to the square
 brackets that were around newbie.  Fixed that, but now having trouble
 navigating from the cited post to the one by you ==  probably will have
 to re-search the archives and put a new link in.

 I've probably got several pages with the same problem (square brackets
 around newbie or expert).

 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Can anything be done about this?

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 06:18, D. Olson wrote:
 That has some interesting points of view, however, this most likely will 
 Because people are stupid. I signed the petition stating so too.
 People were warned about XP, what do they do? They buy it anyhow.
 People were warned about the serial numbers on Intel CPUs, what do they do? 
 They buy it anyhow.
 They were warned not to believe every email they receive, what do they do? 
 They start deleting their sulfnbak.exe files.
 Face it. People are dumb. They are going to continue Microsoft's path to the 
 utter destruction of the entire computer industry.
 Disclaimer:  In the event that someone gets a clue and doesn't buy into this 
 shit, then hey, I guess I was wrong. Well, that has happened once before, so 
 it's not a big surprise to me. And I am not disappointed, more... Shocked.

There is more than a little merit in what you are saying, my friend. 
Most of our woes today are the result of worldwide mea culpa.

Unfortunately most people lack the wisdom to see past their own
experiences; therefore they remain caged within them.  As a result their
cage becomes our cage, since their malformed buying decisions and
actions shape the destiny of the world.

If people sought excellence in all things instead of a quick fix to all
things we would be running linux right now and Gates would have never
made it.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Is there anything similar to HyperTerminal?

2002-06-29 Thread Randy Kramer

Bill Spatz wrote:
 minicom maybe? I've used it to configure external modems when I was running
 MDK 7.0

Yes, I think that's what I was actually trying to remember (as opposed
to mintty).

Thanks, hope that helps the original poster.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Switching from Voodoo to GeForce2

2002-06-29 Thread Randy Kramer

D. Olson wrote:
 All you're mail are belong to KMail.

;-) Thanks!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Can anything be done about this?

2002-06-29 Thread robin

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 06:18, D. Olson wrote:

That has some interesting points of view, however, this most likely will 


Because people are stupid. I signed the petition stating so too.

People were warned about XP, what do they do? They buy it anyhow.

I wonder what the sales figures are really like.  As I said before, I 
only know one person who uses XP, and that was only because he bought a 
new computer.  He's persevering with it, but is still considering going 
back to Win98.  More stable it may be, but my brief experience of trying 
to get it connected to the Internet so it wouldn't self-destruct in five 
days made me really appreciate how easy Mandrake is to configure.

In contrast, although I sometimes see posts from people using Mandrake 
7.2 or 8.0, most of us upgrade whenever a new distro comes out; it's 
partly curiosity, and partly a feeling of confidence that even if 
upgrades are someimtes disappointing, they're not likely to screw us 
completely.  I still find it amzing that people are still writing 
articles with titles like Is Linux ready for the desktop?  Linux has 
been ready for some time now; the question is how far ahead will it get, 
how fast?

Sir Robin

It suits the poet himself to be dutifully chaste,
his verses not necessarily so at all - Catullus

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Can anything be done about this?

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 16:03, D. Olson wrote:
 That's fine. You are entitled to your opinions. And so am I. And as you know, 
 my opinion is that people are stupid.
 I know people that KNOW that Linux is much better than Windows, that OSS is 
 better than proprietary crap, and so on. Do they use the better stuff? No. 
 They try it, then they go back to Windows, because I don't want to configure 
 my scanner or I can't play Tribes 2 both of which have workarounds... They 
 laugh at me because I talk about Linux too much.  I tell them all the evil 
 shit that MS is doing, and they don't care... The VERY sad part about it is 
 that we are all in a CNET course, almost done, and this is going to play a 
 major part of our future... Maybe it's just me, but I think that they are 
 stupid. They aren't ignorant, as ignorant implies that they don't know which 
 is better. They don't have very valid reasons for going back to Windows, 
 which isn't because they learned that Linux sucks, but because they are 

This is kinda scary cause I get the impression that this email somehow
crossed the boundaries of a parallel universe, and I have an alternate
self over there relating his experiences.  Real spooky...cause I have
exactly the same experiences and conclusions as you do; right down to
the Mandrake erasure thing for more space.

Now...on the content of your message.  I'm compelled to respond because
I agree with your conclusions and I understand what you are saying. 
I've had an identical experience with someone that is technically
capable, but yet makes a conscious adult decision to further the cause
of M$ by continuing to use XP.  When he KNOWS that he can get the same
functionality in Mandrake, and more stability, and NOT be in the
position of promoting a negative social force.  Hell, I installed it for
him, for pete's sakeplayed Diablo 2 in front of him for 30 minutes,
after a protracted argument about the problems with command lines and
clueless users; neither of which are valid rebuttals since the advent of
Mandrake Linux.

The conclusion I reluctantly arrived at was that proving somebody wrong
does not necessarily obliviate their need to continue being wrong.

As for an examination of this person's motivations, I think that his ego
dictates that he be able to look and feel (feel is important here)
*competent* to both himself and those around him.  For some static
individuals who cut their teeth on Winblows, this is the only way they
can maintain their fiction; their illusion.  For some, as long as they
don't *feel* competent in a certain bailiwick, they won't stay

To me, stupidity is the act of making a conscious adult choice to do the
wrong thing; and although we have alot of winblows users that got there
by accident and stay there by accident, we also have alot of informed
experts that decide to stay there and promote it simply because they
lack the balls to advance their status quo, or the world's status quo.
Now that's stupidity.

 I offered to configure the scanner for the guy, and I 
 don't expect everyone to just know Linux stuff off the bat... That's not what 
 I am saying. But this guy knows all about it, he's good on the command line, 
 he was using it for about 2 months with no Windows... But now he's back to 
 Win2K... Another guy makes jokes about freeing up space on his hard drive 
 by deleting Mandrake... It isn't a very funny joke, but a stupid joke. And I 
 could go on and on and on, but the point is, people are still stupid.
 In relation to this topic, the new Microsoft crap, no matter how informed 
 people are, they are STILL going to buy the CPUs, they are STILL going to buy 
 Longhorn, they are STILL going to buy Clippy -er, Office I mean, they are 
 STILL going to write Linux off as a geeks-only OS.
 I hope that this changes, but as you can tell, I don't have faith in people 
 at all.
 I don't mean to offend anyone by saying people are dumb or stupid, so PLEASE, 

I'm not because I understand what you are getting at.

 I just mean, that in my experience, people will find out truths and continue 
 to ignore the facts. That's how it is.
 Face it, if you are on this list, you are an enlightened person. Not ONLY 
 people on this list, but you are some of them.
 Now, please, don't start attacking me.
 This is not a censored list (apparently) and I am free to express my opinions 
 however I want. And I am willing to bet that how I have expressed them above 
 is going to be misinterpreted, as that's what often happens to me via text 

I would strongly suggest that you continue your expression here because
your experiences and conclusions have intrinsic value.

Keep on truckin,


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  

Re: [newbie] [OT?] Can anything be done about this?

2002-06-29 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 29 June 2002 12:17 pm, robin did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I wonder what the sales figures are really like.  As I said before, I
 only know one person who uses XP, and that was only because he bought a

i don't know what they are like now, after the comes installed factor, but 
after MS had a press statement a month after release that said they can't 
keep it on the shelves i asked a guy at compusa about it.  he said, and i 

maybe they can't keep it on the shelves because the box is top heavy and it 
keeps falling off.  i stock our software shelf and in 4 weeks i have 
replaced 2 boxes.

my brother does tech support for dell (i know, i know, i told him to have 
_some morals and become a pimp, did he listen?) and the techs there refer 
to XP as the only OS to eat its own certified drivers and ask for 
seconds.  :)

- -- 
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-06-29 Thread Norm

Alastair Scott wrote:

 Oh no you don't have to pay for it and QT and KDE are installed in a 
 oner :)
 Not sure if there are any up-to-date HOWTOs around, but the drill is:
 i. Download *every* package from here and put them all in one directory:
 ii. Log in as root:

Thanks Alastair,

I've done the above steps, now when I type

 urpmi.addmedia kde3 file://path to directory

I get this message,
unable to access medium kde3
unable to create medium kde3

is it because I'm typeing these commands in a console running under kde? 
  or am I doing somethig else equally as stupid ?


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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2002-06-29 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

John Richard Smith wrote:
| John,
| Actually it does have an outbox. The send-later function is
| [CTRL+SHIFT+RETURN] will queue the message for sending later. ut of
| curiosity, what version of Mozilla are you running?
| mozilla -v
| Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204,
| build 2002031216
| Mandrake 8.2 standard issue
| I tried [Ctrl+Shift+Return] and it just zapped this message off to you.
| John

Hi John,

Ok...now things are starting to make a little more sense. you will want
to upgrade to the latest release of Mozilla. The latest release is 1.0
and it's definately awesome, and in much better shape then the version
you're currently running. you'll see the difference immediately. you can
grab it from my ftp server if you like. It's a nice fast cable
connection so you should have any trouble getting good download speed.

host: mdw1982.dyndns.org
password: your-email-address
path: /pub/linux/online
filename: mozilla-i686-pc-linux-1.0-sea.tar.gz

This particular tarball comes with an install script so all you have to
do is untar it, enter the directory created when untarring the package
and run the install script. real straightforward.

- --
- --
Registered Linux User 182496
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-06-29 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 29 June 2002 5:56 pm, Norm wrote:

 Thanks Alastair,

 I've done the above steps, now when I type

  urpmi.addmedia kde3 file://path to directory

 I get this message,
 unable to access medium kde3
 unable to create medium kde3

 is it because I'm typeing these commands in a console running under
 kde? or am I doing somethig else equally as stupid ?

urpmi is just a plain old command, so what the console is running under 
shouldn't matter.

When doing this are you logged in as root (type su then the root 
password) and is file://... pointing to the right directory? If both 
these are OK this is baffling - urpmi.addmedia should work :/

BTW I should've read the original email more carefully - if you're 
installing KDE 3.0.1 on Mandrake 8.0 and/or 8.1 you need to download 
the files from


- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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[newbie] Repeat answer please

2002-06-29 Thread Thomas Beno

Someone posted an answer to how to convert a three quarter view into a 
profile in Gimp.  Would that person please repost the answer?

Tom Beno

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Re: [newbie] Adding another window manager by hand to login screen

2002-06-29 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 29 June 2002 11:40 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 Open a root console and type chksession -l. It should list all the
 valid window manager choices that have been entered. If something's
 missing, find out what you you should run to execute it. For example,
 GNOME has gnome-session and KDE has startkde. Now visit the
 /etc/X11/wmsession.d directory. You will see a set of text files,
 each with a name beginning with a two-digit number followed by the
 name of the environment (GNOME, KDE, IceWM ...). The structure of
 these files should be something like this:

It adds the entry although Gnome2 bombs out halfway through starting up 
(to be investigated) :/

Thanks for the help - this is a rare case where the correct answer is 
_simpler_ than would first appear!

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] KDE 3.0

2002-06-29 Thread Norm

Hi Alastair,

Got to the bottom of it, the path didn't seem to work when I used the 
absolute path ie /home/norm/temp/kde so I cd'd to /home... and used 
file://. and it worked perfectly ( well except for a few dependencies I 
had to fetch ).  Now I can see what I think of KDE3.

Thanks for being so helpful.


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[newbie] P/S Needed for XP2000?

2002-06-29 Thread Sevatio

I'm shopping to build a linbox for a friend and I'm having trouble 
getting information on how big of a power supply I need for the AMD 
XP2000 chip.  I'll have two HD and a CD and CDRW drive.

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[newbie] Opinion on MSI Motherboards?

2002-06-29 Thread Sevatio

Can any of you offer your opinion on MSI Motherboards and any issues 
that you've experienced?  I'm considering one for a new box I'm building 
and have never used MSI.


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Re: [newbie] enlarge a linux partition?

2002-06-29 Thread Serge

On Saturday 29 June 2002 17:01, Zlatko Savic wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 my question is simple but solution might not be.
 I have installed some time ago MD 7.2 and have only / and /home mounted
 on two partitions. I need to enlarge my / (root) partition because I
 continue adding applications but there is not much space left. Should I
 simply use Partition Magic and enlarge it, or maybe create another
 partition and mount it on /usr or /etc or any other space-consuming

 Thanks for any help,

With MDK 8.2 you have the possibility with harddrake to create a new partition 
, for instance /usr. you will be asked if you want to move the data which is 
in your old /usr partition. Then say yes and you will get a new /usr 
partition and then your / partition will be bigger.

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Re: [newbie] P/S Needed for XP2000?

2002-06-29 Thread Charlie

June 29, 2002 01:01 pm, Sevatio wrote:
 I'm shopping to build a linbox for a friend and I'm having trouble
 getting information on how big of a power supply I need for the AMD
 XP2000 chip.  I'll have two HD and a CD and CDRW drive.
You should be able to find everything you'll need from the AMD Athlon XP+ 
configurator pages at:


for power supply recommendations, and at:


for mainboard recommendations for that specific processor.

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Pascal Users:
The Pascal system will be replaced next Tuesday by Cobol.
Please modify your programs accordingly.

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Re: [newbie] P/S Needed for XP2000?

2002-06-29 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 29 June 2002 8:01 pm, Sevatio wrote:

 I'm shopping to build a linbox for a friend and I'm having trouble
 getting information on how big of a power supply I need for the AMD
 XP2000 chip.  I'll have two HD and a CD and CDRW drive.

The best resource (better than the ones posted) is:


(6MB PDF file).

It is a crucial paper and, among much else, provides an algorithm which 
allows you to work out exactly how much power you need.

Off the top of my head I would recommend a 350W PSU; too big is better 
than too small. My XP2000+ system has a 300W one but only one HD and 
one CD-RW drive (those together use about 45W as I remember).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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[newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread Barry Michels

The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more space on
another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have one big
/ partiton?

What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?


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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-29 Thread Derek Jennings

On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 4:55 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have set up privoxy a couple of times in konqueror and each time I set it
 I can no longer connect to the internet at all.  could not connect to host, try again later  Disable the proxy server and all works.  Yes I
 have RTFM.  According to the manual I should have no problems setting up
 and using privoxy, but as usual the manual has left something out that is
 important to my configuration.  Anyone had this kind of problem and how
 does it get fixed? Sometimes I need to have my hand held.  TIA

I'm running privoxy without any problem version privoxy-2.9.13-3.i386.rpm 
which I got from the privoxy download page.
The only things I had to do was start the service (service privoxy start) and 
then point my browsers to port 8118 on localhost for http and https.
Is your privoxy service running? It comes up in Mandrake Control 
I have not had to do any customising at all. Default settings work great.



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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread mike

Barry Michels wrote:
 The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more space on
 another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have one big
 / partiton?
 What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?

the main reason I use a / partition and a separate /home is

for the occasional update and or reinstall. that way I only change the
operating part of the system, without losing all my personal files, like 
music, or documents , etc. a reasonable / partition ( in my case a 4-5
gig partition ) has always been ample. on my laptop I only have a 2 gig
root partition and a 3 gig /home. still plenty. It's really handy to
have different partitions for different purposes too. I also have a
/backup partition of 10 gig on my main box I use for storage. I would
hate to lose anything on that partition if I had to reinstall because i
broke something playing around with stuff.

and there are no doubt other good reasons to use multiple partitions.

My two cents. ;-) 

Mike McNeese

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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread Derek Jennings

On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 9:21 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
 The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more space
 on another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have one
 big / partiton?

You are correct. That is why my laptop which only has a 2G HD uses one big '/' 
partition. You can resize and move partitions, but that is obviously a pain.

 What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?

You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories when 
you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0. Performing an 'upgrade' to a distro is still not 
as reliable as users would like, and many people are more comfortable with a 
fresh install right down to reformatting the partitions. If you have just one 
big '/' partition that would mean you would lose all your user data in /home, 
all your configuration settings in /etc and all your 'extra' applications you 
mat have put in /opt.  So by having separate partitions you can reformat '/' 
and '/usr' without destroying all the other data.
Also if you were running a heavy duty server you would want to have different 
partitions to optimise HD performance, but that is not usually a 
consideration in a desktop system.


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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread Barry Michels

So, are there any recommendations on size for these different partitions?
I've got a 60gb drive that I want to dedicate to Linux.  The 100GB and 120GB
are going to be for miscellaneous storage.


- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Pro's  con's for separate partitions?

 On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 9:21 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
  The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more
  on another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have
  big / partiton?

 You are correct. That is why my laptop which only has a 2G HD uses one big
 partition. You can resize and move partitions, but that is obviously a

  What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?

 You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories
 you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0. Performing an 'upgrade' to a distro is still
 as reliable as users would like, and many people are more comfortable with
 fresh install right down to reformatting the partitions. If you have just
 big '/' partition that would mean you would lose all your user data in
 all your configuration settings in /etc and all your 'extra' applications
 mat have put in /opt.  So by having separate partitions you can reformat
 and '/usr' without destroying all the other data.
 Also if you were running a heavy duty server you would want to have
 partitions to optimise HD performance, but that is not usually a
 consideration in a desktop system.


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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-29 Thread Derek Jennings

 I installed and used privoxy for a day or two last week. It
 worked...sort of. Didn't lose my net connection but it is very fussy as
 to what sites it will connect to and load. I had to try again for six
 out of every ten sites I went to. Too annoying to be really useful so I
 wiped it off.

 I think it will be really useful when it is developed further, but right
 now I'll pass on it.

 Michael Biddulph
 Brisbane Australia

That message you get is often because the web site you were at redirects you 
to another site in a different domain. Since that sort of behaviour is 
indicative of 'advertising', privoxy's default behaviour is to block the page 
but offer to take you there if you really want to go.  You can change the 
default behaviour either globally or on a site by site basis quite easily. 
Unfortunately it is very difficult for any proxy to 'know' if a page is 
advertising and to be blocked, or is a legitimate page. It can only follow 
general rules. The nice thing about privoxy is that it puts *you* in control 
of what those rules are.
Personally I welcome the fact that I have not seen a pop up for On Line 
Casino Gambling,   rated sites or Tiny video cameras for many months  


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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread Derek Jennings

On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 9:56 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
 So, are there any recommendations on size for these different partitions?
 I've got a 60gb drive that I want to dedicate to Linux.  The 100GB and
 120GB are going to be for miscellaneous storage.

Recommendations?  Hmm.. Well first of all remember that almost everyone 
changes their partitions when they upgrade because they got it wrong first 
time :-) Also *everyone* has their own opinion. There is no 'right way'.

Here is what I have at present (and why)

/ 2.3GB 28% full

/usr 6.5GB  30% full  (almost every app goes in here so it needs to be 

/usr/src 2.6GB 24% full  (most people do not have a /usr/src partition. I keep 
one because I like to keep copies of all RPMs not on the install CDs that I 
have installed here. That way I can reinstall those apps very quickly after 
an upgrade)

/home   8GB   21% full   



 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 4:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Pro's  con's for separate partitions?

  On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 9:21 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
   The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more


   on another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have


   big / partiton?
  You are correct. That is why my laptop which only has a 2G HD uses one


  partition. You can resize and move partitions, but that is obviously a


   What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?
  You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories


  you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0. Performing an 'upgrade' to a distro is still


  as reliable as users would like, and many people are more comfortable


  fresh install right down to reformatting the partitions. If you have just


  big '/' partition that would mean you would lose all your user data in


  all your configuration settings in /etc and all your 'extra' applications


  mat have put in /opt.  So by having separate partitions you can reformat


  and '/usr' without destroying all the other data.
  Also if you were running a heavy duty server you would want to have


  partitions to optimise HD performance, but that is not usually a
  consideration in a desktop system.

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Re: [newbie] Opinion on MSI Motherboards?

2002-06-29 Thread tom brinkman

On Saturday 29 June 2002 02:14 pm, Sevatio wrote:
 Can any of you offer your opinion on MSI Motherboards and any
 issues that you've experienced?  I'm considering one for a new box
 I'm building and have never used MSI.


   MSI makes good stuff.  BUT you really need to add what cpu (ie, 
AMD, Intel, etc) you want to use, and what for ?  with what?

  If I can add anything to your general query, MSI has long been a 
overclocker's favorite. If a board's built to oc, it'll usually more 
than satisfy a regular users needs (stabiltity!). Between, price and 
features, you might also look at Asus, Soyo, Epox, Gigabyte, Aopen, 
maybe Iwill ...These are the well known quality boards, have been 
for some time.  For a AMD centered machine, I'd suggest one of their 
recommended boards (www.amd.com, MSI's on the lists ;)

   Still a particular users needs should rule the roost. Buy a board 
based on how it matches what you're lookin for, what you wanna use it 
for. I usually avoid the latest and greatest.  So what do you wanna 
run on it ?  If you're lookin to build an Intel based system, IMO, 
all i8xx chipset boards suck, avoid SiS, and nForce. Y'all'sMMV
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice.org 1.0

2002-06-29 Thread Graham Watkins

Len Lawrence wrote:

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Derek Jennings wrote:

It does.  That seems the best course of action, especially as I usually
buy from Linux Emporium.  On another thread it was pointed out that there
might be an advantage in obtaining both the download and boxed sets of
latest releases, to fill in the gaps.

Thanks again for everybody's replies.

Good news. Open Office 1.0 is on one of the CDs that comes with the 
latest issue of Linux Format magazine. Don't know how widely throughout 
the world it's available.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] enlarge a linux partition?

2002-06-29 Thread Graham Watkins

Zlatko Savic wrote:

 Hey everyone,
 my question is simple but solution might not be.
 I have installed some time ago MD 7.2 and have only / and /home 
 mounted on two partitions. I need to enlarge my / (root) partition 
 because I continue adding applications but there is not much space 
 left. Should I simply use Partition Magic and enlarge it, or maybe 
 create another partition and mount it on /usr or /etc or any other 
 space-consuming partition? 

Here's what I did.

I did tar.gz backups of both / and /home partitions. Copied them to 
spare space on my Windows partition (one of the few uses for it these 
days), also backed them up onto cdrw (belt and braces). Then did a 
re-install of MDK 7.2 (since migrated to 8.2), adjusting partition size 
- transferring space from /home to /  during this procedure.  Having 
completed all that, I restored the backups. All accomplished in about 
half a day.  Experts may know of a shorter route.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice.org 1.0

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-06-23 at 15:54, Miark wrote:
  That is what I wanted to check.  Downloading impossible at 28.8 kbs.  
 Why impossible? Download only at night, and use a download manager
 so you can resume the download each night. Shouldn't take more than
 two nights--it's not _that_ big a download.

Yeah, that's what I say too, Miark.  I used to download entire slackware
CD ISO's off a 28.8 connection.  Not a biggie; you just use an FTP site
that's capable of resume.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Unix Book

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 02:40, Gerard G. Dangca II wrote:
 can you suggest a good book in Unix C network programming?  what do you
 think of Richard Stevens book?  im a novice in Networking so I was
 thinking of a great buy to help me in my studies.
 intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent

I don't know about targeting network programming.  But the best book
I've ever seen on C programming is C How To Program, second edition,
by H.M. Deitel and P.J. Deitel.  They've got a third edition, but I
still like the second edition better. I can do without the cute little
bugs, highlighting works just as well for me.

They've also got a C++ version, second and third.  Content is superb in
all of them.

The one i have here is ISBN 0-13-226119-7.



Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] reinstalling a package with dependencies

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 17:36, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 16:22:17 -0500 (CDT)
 Anand Kumar Kalyanasundaram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
  I found that one of the packages installed has been compiled
  with the wrong options. The problem is, this package has
  dependencies (so I cannot remove this package). How do I
  reinstall this package ?
 From CMD line su to root and
 rpm -e --nodeps (pkgs)
 then cd to the dir that contains the correct pkg and
 rpm -ivh (correct pkg)

Or you can recompile the rpm with the correct options, and then
reinstall it with the -Uvh option. Cuts out a few steps and doesn't
break anything.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Broadcastig

2002-06-29 Thread Todd Slater

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002 20:22:44 +0700
mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does any one know how to Broadcast from a linux server?


Todd Slater
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: [newbie] Privoxy

2002-06-29 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 29 June 2002 05:03 pm, you wrote:

  I installed and used privoxy for a day or two last week. It
  worked...sort of. Didn't lose my net connection but it is very fussy as
  to what sites it will connect to and load. I had to try again for six
  out of every ten sites I went to. Too annoying to be really useful so I
  wiped it off.
  I think it will be really useful when it is developed further, but right
  now I'll pass on it.
  Michael Biddulph
  Brisbane Australia

 That message you get is often because the web site you were at redirects
 you to another site in a different domain. Since that sort of behaviour is
 indicative of 'advertising', privoxy's default behaviour is to block the
 page but offer to take you there if you really want to go.  You can change
 the default behaviour either globally or on a site by site basis quite
 easily. Unfortunately it is very difficult for any proxy to 'know' if a
 page is advertising and to be blocked, or is a legitimate page. It can only
 follow general rules. The nice thing about privoxy is that it puts *you* in
 control of what those rules are.
 Personally I welcome the fact that I have not seen a pop up for On Line
 Casino Gambling,   rated sites or Tiny video cameras for many


Ok, I am going to give it a trial run. Someone else also asked if it was 
running so I did services privoxy start from command line and now it seems 
that it is working in Netscape. I will set it for Konqueror also since that 
is my prefered browser.  Thanks for all the help folks.  I already see a lack 
of popups, so let's see what else doesn't show up.  Thanks again,
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread dfox

 You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories when 
 you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0. Performing an 'upgrade' to a distro is still not 

Agreed, especially in the case of /home. When I last did a fairly major
upgrade, /home was on a 150 meg partition sitting on a old drive that
I just pulled from the system when I upgraded to a new hard driev. Having
home separate was easy - I just tared up the old partition and transplanted
it into a bigger space.

I don't see how /etc can be on a separate partition, but still, tarring
up /etc is pretty easy to do - I've done it a few times during upgrades
or reinstalls. My biggest changeover was from a 1.6 gig drive with Redhat
6.2 to Mandrake 7.2 on a 30 gig drive. I had plenty of space, so I made
/ rather large, but still had separate partitions for /usr/local, /home,
/var, and oene or more others. 

I've had enough space *someplace* (I can usually throw stuff in /tmp, 
and / is large) to make moving partitions around, which I've had to do
a few times. Underestimating one's needs usually causes one to have to
resize :( -- in that respect, having a large / is good. Typically, 
a large / also gives you enough room in /usr, where all the 'goodies'
are, and there seems to be fewer instances of a partitino split 
between / and /usr. But that's probably subjective. 

One point about /opt -- I figured originally I was going to need more
room for 'extras' and found that it was mostly wasted: I didn't need
5 gigs of space for KDE and star office and maybe some other stuff - so
I just folded /opt back into /, and used the space elsewhere.

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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread dfox

 The way I look at it, if I run out of space somewhere and have more space on
 another partition, I'm screwed, right?  So, isn't it better to have one big

It's certainly inconvenient when that happens, but as long as you have
enough space spmeplace else - enough to hold the image of whatever you
need to transplant, that way you don't have to stuff it somewhere external
like tape or CD-RW.

It's not a good idea to have everything in one massive partition because
often if one segment fills up (/var for instance) it can hose your
system. Even putting /var on a separate partition can hose things if
/var fills up, though. It's easier to recover from if it's separated
out, I think. 

Over here, I have two drives, and I've hosted /var and /var/spool on the
same drive -- then I found that my /var was filing up, and I had to do
some moving things around, end opted to have /var all by itself on the
old drive, and /var/spool on its own partition (I pull news down, and that
generates copious amounts of data in /var). 

Having a separated out /home is a very good idea so you don't have to
lose your data between upgrades. Other partitions can be kept as part of
/ : it really depends on what you are going to use them for. 

Back in the older days wehn most had smaller drives, it was easy for the
novice to underestimate how much space would be required, and that is 
still a strong argument for not having multiple partitions - at least
until you can guage your disk usage for a while. But nowadays with larger
drives - typically 30 gigs on up - making a 30 gig / partition is hardly
the right approach.

For what it's worth over here, my main Linux is on about 11 gigs of what
was left over after I figured what I'd want for everything else, like
5 gigs for /home, 5 gigs for /usr/local, 5 gigs for spool, etc. The way
I'm going, I'm probably going to run close to running out of room on
/home, and realistically (tm of Radio Shack) ;) that was a poor choice
on my part - 11 gigs is way more than enough for the OS / applications
portion. (That's one reason I just folded /opt in rather than having
it as a separate partition).

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Re: [newbie] P/S Needed for XP2000?

2002-06-29 Thread Sevatio

tom brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday 29 June 2002 03:12 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:
On Saturday 29 June 2002 8:01 pm, Sevatio wrote:

I'm shopping to build a linbox for a friend and I'm having
trouble getting information on how big of a power supply I need
for the AMD XP2000 chip.  I'll have two HD and a CD and CDRW

The best resource (better than the ones posted) is:
docs/26003.pdf  (6MB PDF file).
It is a crucial paper and, among much else, provides an algorithm
which allows you to work out exactly how much power you need.
There's websites that'll do the same w/o the 6mb d/l
APC has one.  IMO, they tend to inflate usage tho
Off the top of my head I would recommend a 350W PSU; too big is
better than too small. My XP2000+ system has a 300W one but only
one HD and one CD-RW drive (those together use about 45W as I
Most desktop systems average 150w to 180w usage, even with 2 HDD's, 
 2 CD drives, and hog monitors and separate hog sound systems. Still, 
 like a car with 250hp that runs down the freeway at 70 mph usin maybe 
 65hp ... horsepower's not everything  ... neither are watts, steady 
 torque is. (BTW y'all, do a Google on James Watt and horsepower and 
 you'll learn all about mule ponies in coal mines in the 1800's ;)
What is of very most importance in a PSU is not raw power ouput in 
 watts, but the cleanness and steadiness of those watts (sort'a kind'a 
 like torque ;).  Call it quality.  Brand names are of little import, 
 since a few good manufacturers sell under many brand names. Model 
 numbers tell the story. Best database of good ones can be found at  
 www.amd.com   And again, you might find a appr'vd Sparkle, sold under 
 the name Powerman, but with the same model number.  It's the same 
 unit.  So pay attention to model numbers more than names. 300w 's 
 about all that's needed, but they _need_ to be a _good_ 300 for newer 
 desktop systems.   Lot'sa torque ;
This is a good hardware subject IMO.  The motherboard and PSU are 
 the very heart and foundation of any system. Skimp there, and 
 everything else sux
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Thanks!  You brought up an interesting point that relates to the quality 
of the power supply.  I never thought about it until you mentioned. 
Perhaps this is the cause of my Asus board rebooting at random times.


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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread Pascal Goguey


On 2002.06.30, at 06:16, Derek Jennings wrote:

 On Saturday 29 Jun 2002 9:56 pm, Barry Michels wrote:
 So, are there any recommendations on size for these different 
 I've got a 60gb drive that I want to dedicate to Linux.  The 100GB and
 120GB are going to be for miscellaneous storage.

 Recommendations?  Hmm.. Well first of all remember that almost everyone
 changes their partitions when they upgrade because they got it wrong 
 time :-) Also *everyone* has their own opinion. There is no 'right way'.

 Here is what I have at present (and why)

 / 2.3GB 28% full

 /usr 6.5GB  30% full  (almost every app goes in here so it needs to 

Yes, these are reasonable figures.
And if you take into account that there are 7 CDs for one distro, and 
you have 2 cds of source, 5 CDs if you install everything (very 
will represent 5 x 650 = 3250 MBytes.
Mandrake's auto-format creates a 3.4 GB root partition, at least if your
HD allows it.
So it sounds like in most of the cases, you will not install more than 
3.4 GB
in the root partition.
So with a disk like 60 GB, I would simply let Mandrake installer take
care of everything.


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Re: [newbie] Writing .iso file to CD (Gcombust)

2002-06-29 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-06-18 at 13:54, RichardA wrote:
 Hi all,
 This sounds like a daft question... but how do I write an .iso file to a cdr 
 using cdrecord?
 I know this often comes up as a problem, but I actually want to do it (to 
 archive an .iso image, is that so strange?).

Gcombust does an excellent job of writing ISO's to CD.  It's also
capable of alot more; like writing entire directories and sets of files
to CD.  It acts primarily as a gui frontend to cdrecord.  Very useful


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Pro's con's for separate partitions?

2002-06-29 Thread Pascal Goguey


 What's the benefit to having separate /, /home, /var, etc?

 You will notice the benefit to separate /home /opt and /etc directories 
 you upgrade to Mandrake 9.0.

Yes, the advantage of having /home, /opt, and /etc _DIRECTORIES_,
as you write yourself, no doubt about that. But is there any benefit
of having these on different _PARTITIONS_?

 Performing an 'upgrade' to a distro is still not
 as reliable as users would like, and many people are more comfortable 
 with a
 fresh install right down to reformatting the partitions.

But if you want to install, you don't have to reformat the partition. 
The installer
will install every file (thus replacing all the files having the same 
name), and
it will work exactly as it would on a clean partition, the only 
difference being
that the files that are not use anymore would still remain. as far as 
the installer
installs all the necessary files, I cann't see any reason that could 
make it less
reliable than a clean (i.e. with formatting) install.
As for upgrade, you may be right. It depends how the upgrade is done, 
files are kept and which ones are overwritten...

 If you have just one
 big '/' partition that would mean you would lose all your user data in 

Only if you reformat.
I use Mandrake's default formatting, so in case of installing a new 
I format the  partition in order to clean everything, but it's not 
BeOS used a single partition and it was perfectly possible to install
without formatting, and without loosing your previous settings.

 all your configuration settings in /etc and all your 'extra' 
 applications you
 mat have put in /opt.  So by having separate partitions you can 
 reformat '/'
 and '/usr' without destroying all the other data.
 Also if you were running a heavy duty server you would want to have 
 partitions to optimise HD performance, but that is not usually a
 consideration in a desktop system.


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