Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-10-30 Thread syd
* anna wrote:
 E adesso direte che sono veramente un disastro. 

Te lo diciamo bellamente, mozilla o non mozilla ;-)

 Non riesco a
 installare Mozilla 1.4: ho la 1.0 su, ho recuperato un tar.gz; lo
 scompatto, leggo le istruzioni e c'e' scritto solo di lanciare
 ./mozilla, dopo essersi posizionati nell'apposita cartella. Cosi' il
 moz 1.4 parte, ma se lancio normalmente mozilla mi va la vecchia 1.0.

Evidentemente in uno dei path dell'utente hai ancora il vecchio
mozilla (in /usr/bin oppure in /usr/local/bin). Al suo posto mettici il
binario del nuovo mozillone. Magari fai un link simbolico al binario
contenuto nella dir da dove lanci ./mozilla
Ad esempio

# ln -s /usr/local/bin/mozilla pathdelladirchehaiscompattato/mozilla

Lo stesso procedimento se vuoi infilarlo in /usr/bin; dipende dalle
tue preferenze.

MajaGlug e' bello

R: R: [newbie-it] localhost

2003-10-30 Thread Luciano Varotti
snip per piacere non richiedere la conferma di lettura grazie ciao

ok ... fatto

[newbie-it] Ambiente di programmazione

2003-10-30 Thread BEZIER Database e Web Service

Un saluto a tutti,
qualcuno può consigliarmi un ambiente di 
programmazione RAD simile al Delphi o al Visual C, sempre che esista in maniera 
veramente visuale ??
UrruDatabases DeveloperBEZIER Database e Web Servicevia S.Ignazio, 
2409098 TERRALBA (Or)Web: www.bezier.itMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]---

Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-10-30 Thread artasersec
Alle 07:18, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, Arwan ha scritto:
 E adesso direte che sono veramente un disastro. Non riesco a
 installare Mozilla 1.4: ho la 1.0 su, ho recuperato un tar.gz; lo
 scompatto, leggo le istruzioni e c'e' scritto solo di lanciare
 ./mozilla, dopo essersi posizionati nell'apposita cartella. Cosi' il
 moz 1.4 parte, ma se lancio normalmente mozilla mi va la vecchia 1.0.
 Ho pensato dunque che sarebbe bastato cercare una cartella con tutti
 i file del moz per sostituirli, ma non e' cosi', perche' sono
 sparpagliati in piu' directory... che cacchio devo fare?


Perché non provi Mozilla Firebird 0.7? Scarichi il file tar.gz, lo scompatti 
in una cartella a piacere e il browser è già pronto per essere usato, fai un 
collegamento allo script per la shell MozillaFirebird e sei a posto.


Re: [newbie-it] backup

2003-10-30 Thread Germano
il Wednesday 29 October 2003 23:10, Matteo Villani ha scritto riguardo a 
[newbie-it] backup
Ciao a tutti.
Chi mi sa indicare un software per il backup in remoto?
Mi spiego devo fare il bakup di un area samba, non sulla macchina stessa ma
 su un altra che dovrà prendere i dati via lan dell'area samba residente sul
 server (ovviamente con su linux). Grazie ciao

Non so se ho capito ma guarda se rsync e rdist possono fare al caso tuo.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] backup

2003-10-30 Thread carmine de pasquale
prenditi le tue responsabilità, Germano, non puoi negarlo,
 tu alle 13:19, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, 
 hai digitato sulla tastiera del tuo computer 
 credendo che forse non me ne sarei accorto:

 il Wednesday 29 October 2003 23:10, Matteo Villani ha scritto
 riguardo a [newbie-it] backup

 Ciao a tutti.
 Chi mi sa indicare un software per il backup in remoto?
 Mi spiego devo fare il bakup di un area samba, non sulla macchina
  stessa ma su un altra che dovrà prendere i dati via lan dell'area
  samba residente sul server (ovviamente con su linux). Grazie ciao

 Non so se ho capito ma guarda se rsync e rdist possono fare al caso

io faccio così, monto la partizione samba sul pc remoto e backuppo 
oppure come destinazione del backup dò una cartella condivisa della 
partizione condivisa dal pc remoto, con il tool per il backup che sta 
in centro di controllo mandrake

 Ciao, Germano

messaggio cifratohjgksnmvndsvlhelpueblounidojhjjghjf
bjamasserasvencidosdrc985yfine del massaggio cifrato

[newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread paolo brusasco
scusate, non riesco a capire come si scarica 9.2
vado su mandrakelinux
scelgo download, a fine pagina mi dice di scaricare due o tre iso
scelgo i586
vado su uno dei mirror
mi presenta una directory di ftp
non trovo una cosa che si chiami iso come dicono le istruzioni
c'è una dir isolinux
dentro ci sono
Up to higher level directory
advanced.msg1 KB23/09/2003  10:03:00
alt023/09/2003  10:03:00
alt123/09/2003  10:03:00
boot.msg171 KB  23/09/2003  10:03:00
help.msg2 KB23/09/2003  10:03:00
isolinux.bin10 KB   23/09/2003  10:03:00
isolinux.cfg2 KB23/09/2003  10:03:00
dentro alt0, forse è il cd0, c'è
Up to higher level directory
all.rdz 3032 KB 23/09/2003  10:03:00
vmlinuz 648 KB  23/09/2003  10:03:00
dentro alt1 c'è
Up to higher level directory
all.rdz 1970 KB 23/09/2003  10:03:00
vmlinuz 515 KB  23/09/2003  10:03:00
cosa scarico per favore? grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] Ambiente di programmazione

2003-10-30 Thread Giorgio Mattioni

.. in special modo se provieni da Borland Delphi o Builder c++ ce 
Kylix -

BEZIER Database e Web Service wrote:

  Un saluto a tutti,
  qualcuno pu consigliarmi un
ambiente di programmazione RAD simile al Delphi o al Visual C, sempre
che esista in maniera veramente visuale ??
Giuseppe Urru
Databases Developer
BEZIER Database e Web Service
via S.Ignazio, 24
09098 TERRALBA (Or)

Re: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread artasersec
Alle 14:32, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 scusate, non riesco a capire come si scarica 9.2
 vado su mandrakelinux
 scelgo download, a fine pagina mi dice di scaricare due o tre iso
 scelgo i586
 vado su uno dei mirror
 mi presenta una directory di ftp
 non trovo una cosa che si chiami iso come dicono le istruzioni
 cosa scarico per favore? grazie.

Non sono ancora uscite ufficialmente le immagini iso della distribuzione 
Mandrake 9.2, per ora sono disponibili solo per i soci del Mandrake Club.
Qualche tempo fa hanno fatto passare in lista un link, prova lì:


Re: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread paolo brusasco
grazie non avevo capito che non c'erano le iso. non mi iscrivo perchè a 
casa non ho banda per scaricare, provo in ufficio ma ho delle 
restrizioni. ho comprato 9.1 ed ora aspetto un kernel 2.6 per comprare 
di nuovo. adesso provo il link. ciao
artasersec wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 14:32, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, paolo brusasco ha scritto:

 cosa scarico per favore? grazie.

la 9.2 non è ancora disponibile in fomato iso (tranne che per i soci del 

Purtroppo, temo che ci saranno grossi ritardi. 
Un messaggio del MandrakeSoft TeamGael sul sito MandrakeClub 
dice che sperano di farcela verso Natale.

Ho l'impressione che il casino generato dalle unità CD balorde
della LG abbia costretto Mandrake a buttare tutti i CD già incisi e
preparare nuove confezioni per la vendita. :-(
Una botta del genere è sopportabile da una società che è
già in amministrazione controllata?
Speriamo in bene e in ... Babbo Natale

ciao, andrea

Re:[newbie-it] WM e orologi

2003-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ancora su WindowMaker... c'e' un modo per far comparire un orologio,
 tipo quello della barra di kde, sul desktop?

Certo. Probabilmente ci sarà già una dock app per l'orologio (prova scrivendo in
una shell wm e dando doppio tab per vedere tutte le applet che già ci sono
In ogni caso un'ottima risorsa per le dock app è:
Ci trovi veramente di tutto (anche il timer per la lavatrice)! =)

Ciao ciao!


Re:[newbie-it] MW, mutt, terminali e CARATTERI

2003-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Buongiorno ;-)
 Ho deciso di passare a un uso intensivo di windowmaker, e il primo
 impatto problematico e' quello visivo: come posso regolare la
 dimensione delle finestre della shell

Bè, tutte le finestre le puoi ridimensionare trascinando l'angolo in basso a
destra. Oppure puoi clikkare col tasto destro sulla barra in alto e scegliere
maximize (o qualcosa del genere).
Inoltre puoi ovviamente passare la geometry della finestra quando lanci

 e, soprattutto, quelle dei

Per quanto riguarda i caratteri credo dipenda dal tipo di terminale che usi
(xterm, konsole, etc.)...



R: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread Salvatore Califano
Poi dice che uno scrive RTFM!

Fate una ricerca su Google con mandrake 9.2 iso download e vedrete che ne
esce! ;-)

P.S.: All'erta, che le iso siano updated x via del bug sui lettori LG!


- Original Message -
From: artasersec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

Alle 14:32, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 scusate, non riesco a capire come si scarica 9.2
 vado su mandrakelinux
 scelgo download, a fine pagina mi dice di scaricare due o tre iso
 scelgo i586
 vado su uno dei mirror
 mi presenta una directory di ftp
 non trovo una cosa che si chiami iso come dicono le istruzioni
 cosa scarico per favore? grazie.

Non sono ancora uscite ufficialmente le immagini iso della distribuzione
Mandrake 9.2, per ora sono disponibili solo per i soci del Mandrake Club.
Qualche tempo fa hanno fatto passare in lista un link, prova lì:


[newbie-it] Corrispondente Autoexec.bat

2003-10-30 Thread Santarella Benedetto
Salve a tutti,
avrei la necessita' di far eseguire dei comandi alla partenza 
della macchina, a prescindere dall' utente che si loga.
 volevo sapere se esiste un file tipo l'autoexec.bat 
del DOS che mi permetta di fare questo.

Grazie a tutti

  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

 Home Page ==
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-10-30 Thread NIC

 Perché non provi Mozilla Firebird 0.7? Scarichi il file tar.gz, lo
 scompatti in una cartella a piacere e il browser è già pronto per essere
 usato, fai un collegamento allo script per la shell MozillaFirebird e sei a
 posto. Ciao.

Io uso la versione precedente ed è validissimo ma c'è la possibilità come nel 
suo fratello maggiore di modificare la lingua e cambiarla in italiano?
...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

Re: [newbie-it] WM e orologi

2003-10-30 Thread Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:41, mercoledì 29 ottobre 2003, Arwan ha scritto:
 Ancora su WindowMaker... c'e' un modo per far comparire un orologio,
 tipo quello della barra di kde, sul desktop?

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] MW, mutt, terminali e CARATTERI

2003-10-30 Thread Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:49, mercoledì 29 ottobre 2003, Arwan ha scritto:
 Buongiorno ;-)
 Ho deciso di passare a un uso intensivo di windowmaker, e il primo
 impatto problematico e' quello visivo: come posso regolare la
 dimensione delle finestre della shell e, soprattutto, quelle dei
 caratteri? Quando poi apro mutt le lettere sono scritte con tratto
 molto grosso, ed essendo gia' il carattere piccolo si fa una fatica
 boia a leggere (a scrivere, invece, vado bene, dato che mi parte vim
 e questo ha lettere piccole ma decenti): come posso migliorare la
 visibilita'? Quando ero su KDE tutto si leggeva bene...

Devi aggiungere varie opzioni :
- -fn per la dimensione dei caratteri (prova 9x15, se ricordo bene), -fg per il 
colore, -bg per il colore di sfondo, etc., etc...
Un consiglio: prova xfce

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: R: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:34, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, Salvatore Califano ha scritto:
 Poi dice che uno scrive RTFM!

 Fate una ricerca su Google con mandrake 9.2 iso download e vedrete che ne
 esce! ;-)

 P.S.: All'erta, che le iso siano updated x via del bug sui lettori LG!

Ma hanno risolto?
Il mio lettore LG è trepidante...

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: R: [newbie-it] download iso cdrom

2003-10-30 Thread paolo brusasco
mah forse si grazie il nome dice
 Mandrake92-updated-c.. 24-Oct-2003 20:09  650M
 Mandrake92-updated-c.. 24-Oct-2003 20:22  649M
 Mandrake92-updated-c.. 24-Oct-2003 20:30  649M
 Mandrake92-updated-c.. 24-Oct-2003 20:39  643M
 Mandrake92-updated.m.. 25-Oct-2003 10:54  244
ed anche la data è recente.
sto scaricando dall'ufficio ma non so perchè mi va a 5-6 K/sec forse è 
il sito carico. preventiva 30 ore per 1 cd non so se ce la faccio.

p.s. che è rtfm? so che esiste una cosa che si chiama rich text format 
ma mi sembra che i messaggi siano impostati in formato text.

Salvatore Califano wrote:
Poi dice che uno scrive RTFM!

Fate una ricerca su Google con mandrake 9.2 iso download e vedrete che ne
esce! ;-)
P.S.: All'erta, che le iso siano updated x via del bug sui lettori LG!

Re: [newbie-it] Corrispondente Autoexec.bat

2003-10-30 Thread freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 30 October 2003 15:38, Santarella Benedetto wrote:
 Salve a tutti,
 avrei la necessita' di far eseguire dei comandi alla partenza
 della macchina, a prescindere dall' utente che si loga.
  volevo sapere se esiste un file tipo l'autoexec.bat
 del DOS che mi permetta di fare questo.


/etc/rc.d/rc.local (nella slackware)

(nella debian forse boot.local?l'ho visto una volta sola)


- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-10-30 Thread artasersec
Alle 19:13, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, NIC ha scritto:
  Perché non provi Mozilla Firebird 0.7? Scarichi il file tar.gz, lo
  scompatti in una cartella a piacere e il browser è già pronto per essere
  usato, fai un collegamento allo script per la shell MozillaFirebird e sei
  a posto. Ciao.

 Io uso la versione precedente ed è validissimo ma c'è la possibilità come
 nel suo fratello maggiore di modificare la lingua e cambiarla in italiano?

Non lo sapevo ma ho scoperto di sì, vai a questa pagina:
Localized builds  Italian, clicchi su: installable language pack e lo 
installa automaticamente, segui le istruzioni ed è fatta.


[newbie-it] aiuto!!! Kit non funziona!!!!

2003-10-30 Thread mediatv
Skusate se disturbo ancora, ma non riesco a dare una spiegazione al mio 
problema. Cerco di usare Kit, istant messenger di aol, ma non funziona. 
Sono regolarmente iscritto alla comunit di aol, ma i miei amici non mi 
vedono. Ha funzionato solo una volta, poi nulla pi. Vi  capitato qualcosa 
di simile? E' mai possibile che mandrake 9.1 sia negato per queste cose?

Quando odiamo qualcuno, odiamo nella sua immagine qualcosa che sta dentro 
di noi.

[newbie-it] Scanner Mustek 1200 UB Plus

2003-10-30 Thread Nevermind
Io torno a picche, visto che non ho ricevuto risposta, magari stavolta sono 
più fortunato...

So che già un certo Antonio, a giugno, aveva dato indicazioni sullo scanner
 in oggetto, ed infatti con le sue indicazioni ero riuscito a configurarlo.
 Ora, dopo aver reinstallato il tutto, lo scanner viene riconosciuto
correttamente dal sistema, ma quando vado a lanciare XSane mi dà

Impossibile aprire il dispositivo 'gt68xx:/dev/usb/scanner0': Argomento non

Suggerimenti sui passi da fare per risolvere il problema?

E già che ci sono ci aggiungo anche questo: dopo aver reinstallato mandrake 
nel boot mi dà un bel FAILED al servizio squid. Per ora l'ho disabilitato, 
ma chi mi spiega a cosa serve?

  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] aiuto!!! Kit non funziona!!!!

2003-10-30 Thread artasersec
Alle 19:54, gioved 30 ottobre 2003, mediatv ha scritto:
 Skusate se disturbo ancora, ma non riesco a dare una spiegazione al mio
 problema. Cerco di usare Kit, istant messenger di aol, ma non funziona.
 Sono regolarmente iscritto alla comunit di aol, ma i miei amici non mi
 vedono. Ha funzionato solo una volta, poi nulla pi. Vi  capitato qualcosa
 di simile? E' mai possibile che mandrake 9.1 sia negato per queste cose?

Prova a lanciarlo da console e vedere se ti da qualche messaggio di errore, 
dopo la prima volta che ha funzionato hai fatto qualche cambiamento?
Io ho provato a usare GnomeICU e Licq e vanno bene.


Re: [newbie-it] aiuto!!! Kit non funziona!!!!

2003-10-30 Thread mediatv
E' una parola! Come si fa a lanciarlo da consolle?

In data Thu, 30 Oct 2003 20:31:40 +0100, artasersec [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
ha scritto:

Alle 19:54, gioved 30 ottobre 2003, mediatv ha scritto:
Skusate se disturbo ancora, ma non riesco a dare una spiegazione al mio
problema. Cerco di usare Kit, istant messenger di aol, ma non funziona.
Sono regolarmente iscritto alla comunit di aol, ma i miei amici non mi
vedono. Ha funzionato solo una volta, poi nulla pi. Vi  capitato 
di simile? E' mai possibile che mandrake 9.1 sia negato per queste cose?
Prova a lanciarlo da console e vedere se ti da qualche messaggio di 
errore, dopo la prima volta che ha funzionato hai fatto qualche 
Io ho provato a usare GnomeICU e Licq e vanno bene.


Quando odiamo qualcuno, odiamo nella sua immagine qualcosa che sta dentro 
di noi.

Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-10-30 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro Syd, perche' ho le 
prove, il giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, alle 08:27 hai scritto: 

 Evidentemente in uno dei path dell'utente hai ancora il vecchio
 mozilla (in /usr/bin oppure in /usr/local/bin). Al suo posto mettici il
 binario del nuovo mozillone. Magari fai un link simbolico al binario
 contenuto nella dir da dove lanci ./mozilla

Certo, e' proprio cosi', solo che ieri (lingue malfidate :-P) avevo
troppo sonno per spiegarmi bene... intendevo: nel path dell'utente
c'e' solo il binario, visto che l'installazione mi chiedeva di
lanciare /percorsocartellascompattamento/mozilla pensavo di dover
copiare nel mio usuale percorso _tutti_ i file scompattati... e
dunque cercavo dove fossero, tutti assieme, riuniti appasionatamente.
Insomma, il problema non era tanto far funzionare tutto (che con un
link come dici tu non dovrebbe creare problemi) quanto spiegare i
dati sperimentali raccolti e che mi sembrano essere discordanti.

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] MW, mutt, terminali e CARATTERI

2003-10-30 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
perche' ho le prove, il giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, alle 18:14 hai scritto: 

 Bè, tutte le finestre le puoi ridimensionare trascinando l'angolo in basso a
 destra. Oppure puoi clikkare col tasto destro sulla barra in alto e scegliere
 maximize (o qualcosa del genere).
 Inoltre puoi ovviamente passare la geometry della finestra quando lanci

Ci avevo provato senza risultati, e' stata la prima cosa che ho
fatto. smanettando sono riuscita a ridurla in altezza ma non in
larghezza, a massimizzarle ma non a farle tornare piccole...

  e, soprattutto, quelle dei
 Per quanto riguarda i caratteri credo dipenda dal tipo di terminale che usi
 (xterm, konsole, etc.)...

Ora sto usando xterm, forse provando con konsole (se riesco a capire
come si lancia - OK, fatto ;-) )... pero' ritorno al problema di
appesantire il sistema: xterm mi pare un po' piu' leggero del
konsole... o no?

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] WM e orologi

2003-10-30 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
perche' ho le prove, il giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, alle 18:10 hai scritto: 

 Certo. Probabilmente ci sarà già una dock app per l'orologio (prova scrivendo in
 una shell wm e dando doppio tab per vedere tutte le applet che già ci sono

Nun c'e' :-(

 In ogni caso un'ottima risorsa per le dock app è:
 Ci trovi veramente di tutto (anche il timer per la lavatrice)! =)

Ho seguito il cosiglio di lanciare xclock ;-)

Raga', siete dei tesori...

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] MW, mutt, terminali e CARATTERI

2003-10-30 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro Fabio Manunza, 
perche' ho le prove, il giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, alle 19:14 hai scritto: 

 Devi aggiungere varie opzioni :
 - -fn per la dimensione dei caratteri (prova 9x15, se ricordo bene), -fg per il 
 colore, -bg per il colore di sfondo, etc., etc...

Ottimo, lo faccio appena riesco a svicolarmi dalla barra dei menu' e
dalle sue icone... cosi' non riesco a passare i parametri.

 Un consiglio: prova xfce

E due. due consigli uguali in una stessa sera... ma perche' non me
l'avete detto rpima di farmi dannare con WM???

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] moz

2003-10-30 Thread Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro artasersec, perche' 
ho le prove, il giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, alle 11:08 hai scritto: 

 Perché non provi Mozilla Firebird 0.7? 

Ancora: due consigli uguali nella stessa sera. OK, ce provo.

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] aiuto!!! Kit non funziona!!!!

2003-10-30 Thread artasersec
Alle 20:39, gioved 30 ottobre 2003, mediatv ha scritto:
 E' una parola! Come si fa a lanciarlo da consolle?

Menu  Terminali  Konsole (Terminal program) o GNOME Terminal,  lo stesso, 
digiti kit e primi invio e il programma parte.


Re: R: [newbie-it] localhost

2003-10-30 Thread Moreno T
Tutto era filato liscio fino alle 09:41, mercoledì 29 ottobre 2003, quando 
Luciano Varotti ha scritto:

 e in effetti e' fatto davvero !!
 grazie mille...

 ma quello che non ho capito e' quali file modifica linuxconf...

Il comando hostname cambia il nome della macchina solo per la sessione 
Linuxconf va a cambiare /etc/sysconfig/network (credo)


Re: [newbie-it] Scanner Mustek 1200 UB Plus

2003-10-30 Thread AF
Alle 20:22, giovedì 30 ottobre 2003, Nevermind ha scritto:
 Io torno a picche, visto che non ho ricevuto risposta, magari stavolta sono
 più fortunato...

 So che già un certo Antonio, a giugno, aveva dato indicazioni sullo scanner
  in oggetto, ed infatti con le sue indicazioni ero riuscito a configurarlo.
  Ora, dopo aver reinstallato il tutto, lo scanner viene riconosciuto
 correttamente dal sistema, ma quando vado a lanciare XSane mi dà

 Impossibile aprire il dispositivo 'gt68xx:/dev/usb/scanner0': Argomento non

 Suggerimenti sui passi da fare per risolvere il problema?

 E già che ci sono ci aggiungo anche questo: dopo aver reinstallato mandrake
 nel boot mi dà un bel FAILED al servizio squid. Per ora l'ho
 disabilitato, ma chi mi spiega a cosa serve?

Ciao sono Antonio,
scusa se non ho risposto prima e spero di esserti di nuovo utile. Insieme a 
NIC, che pure ha usato le mie indicazioni, ho preparato un mini-howto per 
questo scanner (che è anche il mio). Anche se incompleto, perché non riesco a 
trovare il tempo di sistemarlo (ma il piacere di poter aiutare per una volta 
qualcuno dopo aver chiesto spesso è un grosso stimolo), te lo allego. Il file 
di backend sbfw.usb di cui si parla si trova all'indirizzo seguente:


Title: Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus mini-HOWTO

Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus mini-HOWTO
v1.0, 20 settembre 2003

Come installare lo scanner Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus
con Sane.

1. Introduzione

1.1 Distribuzione
1.2 Cronologia
1.3 Disclaimer
1.4 Copyright
1.5 Ringraziamenti

2. Premessa
3. Sane e gli scanner

3.1 Qualche chiarimento
3.2 Installazione

1. Introduzione
Questo documento  da intendersi ancora in stato di bozza,
ma speriamo sia di aiuto a molti.
Critiche, correzioni, consigli e suggerimenti per migliorare questo
testo sono ben accetti. Contattateci pure tramite posta
Torna su
1.1 Distribuzione
L'ultima versione di questo documento  reperibile presso il
seguente indirizzo: ...
E' disponibile in formato html e testo semplice.
Torna su
1.2 Cronologia

v0.1, 10 luglio 2003
Prima versione, creata la pagina web, scritto un semplice
sommario. Da completare e verificare.

Torna su
1.3 Disclaimer
Questo documento  stato scritto con tutta l'accuratezza
possibile ma se usate le informazioni in esso contenute lo fate a
vostro rischio e pericolo. In nessun caso potremo essere ritenuti
responsabili di eventuali danni causati dall'utilizzo del presente
Torna su
1.4 Copyright
Copyright (C) 2003 NIC ..., Antonio Forgione. This document is
free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more
details. You can get a copy of the GNU GPL here.
Torna su
1.5 Ringraziamenti
Si ringrazia il FLUG per aver ...
Questo documento si basa in gran parte su informazioni reperibili
sul sito di SANE: ...
Torna su

2. Premessa
Questo documento  stato scritto per risolvere i problemi di
installazione di questo scanner sulla distribuzione linux Mandrake,
ma dovrebbe funzionare altrettanto bene su altre distribuzioni e
anche per i seguenti scanner:

Artec Ultima 2000 (only product 0x4002)
Artec Ultima 2000 (only product 0x4002)
Boeder SmartScan Slim Edition
Lexmark X70
Lexmark X73
Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron MD/LT 9385
Medion/Lifetec/Tevion LT 9452
Medion/Lifetec/Tevion MD 9458
Mustek BearPaw 1200 CS
Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU (Plus)
Mustek BearPaw 1200 TA
Mustek BearPaw 2400 CU (Plus)
Mustek BearPaw 2400 TA (Plus)
Mustek ScanExpress A3 USB
Mustek ScanExpress 2400 USB
Packard Bell Diamond 1200
Plustek OpticPro 1248U
Trust Compact Scan USB 19200
Trust Flat Scan USB 19200

Torna su

3. SANE e gli scanner
3.1 Qualche chiarimento

Torna su
3.2 Installazione
Configurare il Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus

per vedere se  stato riconosciuto:

$ scanimage --list-devices

(che adesso restituisce: device `gt68xx:/dev/usb/scanner0' is a
Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus flatbed scanner; senza
configurazione invece d Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU flatbed

il backend per 'mustek_usb'  'gt68xx'
(controllare che in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf non siano commentate le
righe 'mustek_usb' e 'gt68xx' e che in /etc/sane.d/mustek_usb.conf
non sia commentata la riga 'option 1200ub')

in /etc/sane.d/gt68xx.conf decommentare la riga:

# override "mustek-scanexpress-1200-ub-plus"

e subito dopo aggiungere:

firmware "/opt/gt68xx/sbfw.usb"

In /opt/, creare la dir 'gt68xx' e copiarci il file 'sbfw.usb' (con
chmod 0644).

Torna su

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner Mustek 1200 UB Plus

2003-10-30 Thread Nevermind
Alle 00:41, venerdì 31 ottobre 2003, AF ha scritto:

 Ciao sono Antonio,
 scusa se non ho risposto prima e spero di esserti di nuovo utile. Insieme a
 NIC, che pure ha usato le mie indicazioni, ho preparato un mini-howto per

Grazie Antonio e Grazie NIC! Ora si che lo scanner funziona! in pratica non 
era settato il CHMOD giusto sul file sbfw.usb, una volta settato quello è 
andato tutto a posto!

Grazie davvero di nuovo!

Sto implementando un portale sull'informatica, e vorrei farci una grossa 
sezione dedicata a Linux, se a chiunque di questa ML va di collaborare, 
fatemelo sapere, che ne sarei davvero felice!

  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie] Password Expiration

2003-10-30 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 30 Oct 2003 1:12 am, Matt Winer wrote:
 Is there any way to do it thought CLI?  This machine has no working GUI
 and I don't ever care to get it to work.


There is bound to be, but I do not know it. Try looking at

FWIW you do not have to have X running to use the graphical tools.
Just log in with ssh from a machine that is running X and start draksec.  The 
GUI will be displayed on the remote computer.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
 Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Password Expiration

 On Wednesday 29 Oct 2003 2:19 pm, Matt Winer wrote:
  I am running my Mandrake 9.1 in msec level 4.  I want to keep it in
  level 4 because I love all of the other security features.  But how do


  prevent password expiration system wide without changing msec levels?




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[newbie] Password Expiration

2003-10-30 Thread Matt Winer

Is there anyway to do this from the CLI. I do not have Xwindows
or anything installed nor do I plan on installing it.






I am running my Mandrake 9.1 in msec level 4. I want to keep it in level 4 because I
love all of the other security features.
But how do I prevent password expiration system wide without
changing msec levels?


[newbie] Alternative configurations

2003-10-30 Thread Paul Kaplan
I use a Thinkpad T40 w/ 9.2.  At my desk, it is connected through a port 
replicator to an external monitor 1280x1024 and through a USB2 connector to 
an external keyboard.  The keyboard is further connected through it's own 
USB1.1 port to a mouse.  Works fine.

When I try to boot when not attached to the port replicator, X starts at the 
external monitor's resolution, not the internal 1024x768, so only the upper 
left 75% of the display is visible AND neither the internal trackpad or 
trackpoint pointing devices are active, so I have to run GUIs using keyboard 
commands only.

How do I get the system to detect the difference in states and activate the 
pointing devices and call the correct screen resoultion.  It did this in 9.1, 
but I never made any specific settings to do this.  (I'm less conerned about 
the screen since I know I can change that in  Mandrake Control Center.)


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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-30 Thread John Richard Smith
Tom Brinkman wrote:

 Yes, packet writing is the only process that enables it.

 There's more to it than just a patch for the Linux kernel. As the 
article states, it has to be supported by hardware also and does 
use the UDF file system. This project had been around quite a 
while. It's already a reality on windoze and most already drives do 
support it. Even older ones.

  Run 'cdrecord --checkdrive dev=0,0,0'  and if you see
.   ^^ (amend dev= to your CD drive)
Here is one of mine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cdrecord --checkdrive dev=1,1,0
Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg 
scsidev: '1,1,0'
scsibus: 1 target: 1 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'MITSUMI '
Identifikation : 'CR-48X9TE   '
Revision   : '1.0C'
Device seems to be: Philips CDD-522.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96R

compare to  yours: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P 

Looks like mine is missing something.
I can track at once and disc at once, but packet write ?
  in the output, your drive does. That return is from my nearly 
ancient Plextor 8432t. Looks like this effort has suffered a major 
setback for Linux users now. Damn shame, 'cause I still believe 
it's due to collusion by OEM ONLY's and M$, misinfomation and 
ignorance on the part of users.  Any OS. Mandrake tried to get it 
introduced into a current Linux distro, now they're get'n their 
head bit off. Should be users rasin hell with Dell, Compaq, HP, 
etc. and Billy Goat.  LG's just caught in the middle of those 
crooks.  Search for the guilty, blame the innocent.


You know Tom, I don't think the likes of mandrake will be hurt by
this in the long run. All right so there is a bit of short term angst.
But already we now know of drive deficiencies in some models
armed with that knowledge you are far better empowered to
make good equipement decisions than if we had not been made
fully aware. I just think TWIKI needs to paint the situation in that light.
As the knowledge spreads people demand better of their suppliers.
It's basically ignorance that allows these slight of hand hardware
matters to prevail. By cutting out built in capability 
and resorting to software solutions  , they may get an
initial sale but the user learns of the fraud eventually, and questions
why they need it that way. Of course the motive is profit and monoplistic
software practices. Getting the user stuck with one OS, narrowing
down choice of OS's etc etc. In the end the user gets pissed off
and goes else where, but they wont do that unless they become
empowered with the knowledge in the first place. So I
think it is better to bring it all out into the open. Just my view.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] JAVA compile

2003-10-30 Thread Raffaele Belardi
Do you have the java compiler installed? I am not sure it is installed 
by default. javac is probably the compiler provided by SUN.


Hi all,
I am trying to compile with java but when i try from
shell javac i am geting
bash:javac:command not found  message.
How could i fix this?
my system is mdk9.1
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Re: [newbie] broadband and stopping connection to internet at will

2003-10-30 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 29 October 2003 09:51 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

 Thanks Bryan. First thing first. First `service nerwork stop` will do the
 trick for me as I understand. 

Yes, either that or just issue an ifdown eth0 from CLI or script but you 
need to do that as root, you shouldn't be able to do that as a user.

 Whether in will stop local loop also. My 
 broadband cable provider charges me by Bytes transfer. I am using wwwoffle
 for offline browsing with dailup account now. With broadband ie always on
 system if I want to relook a page it will connect to net for the page. As
 this will lead to data trafic and it will cost, I want to avoid this. I
 want to go to net only when I want. Stored pages by wwwoffle proxy I would
 like to see without connecting to net. I hope I have made myself clear.

Well, I am not familiar with wwwoffle, but if it is a caching proxy, then 
issuing a reload command will NOT draw the files from the net but will pull 
them from the proxy storage.  The whole point of having a caching proxy is to 
speed up browsing time for frequently accessed pages by pulling the files 
from the cache instead of downloading them from the net.  The only time that 
you download from the net is when the page is not present in the cache.  So, 
dropping the net connection would seem like overkill if you are simply trying 
to minimize your bandwidth load.  Better to use a caching proxy and make the 
cache really big.

I am pretty sure that you could do that with Squid or any other caching proxy 

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] JAVA compile

2003-10-30 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 29 October 2003 11:10 pm, emim limam wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to compile with java but when i try from
 shell javac i am geting
 bash:javac:command not found  message.
 How could i fix this?
 my system is mdk9.1

Make sure you have java installed and then make sure that java is in your 

echo $PATH should show you something along the lines of:


if you don't have java in the path, you need to add it in or explicitly point 
to it.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] df command output

2003-10-30 Thread Paul Kaplan
But these are symlinks in 9.1 as what is different about df in 9.1 
and 9.2 and how does one get the old behavior back?

On Wednesday 29 October 2003 01:19 pm, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 Oct 2003 4:57 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Wednesday 29 October 2003 10:05 am, Eric Huff wrote:
  tom $ df -h -x supermount
  FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
8.5G  1.7G  6.9G  20% /
 46M  9.3M   34M  22% /boot
 12G  4.3G  7.6G  36% /home
 25G   11G   15G  44% /stor
 56G   46G   11G  82% /stor2
 13G  8.5G  4.0G  69% /stor3
 So that doesn't clean it up. IIRC, this 'new' output from df
  appeared early in 9.2 development (maybe sooner). I believe it was
  explained on the cooker list as being due to changes, improvements
  in devfs.

 Since /dev/hda1 is a symbolic link to /dev/blah/blah it should be possible
 to write a script to convert the output. Who wants to learn bash/cut/sed
 etc. and wants an interesting and rewarding project?

 (or maybe just perl)

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[newbie] k3b or not to be

2003-10-30 Thread Brian Parish
I'm using k3b-0.9-2mdk on my main workstation - works great!

Just installed it on another 9.1 machine, ran the setup, all looks fine,
but then running as a normal user I get all these issues with not
finding mkisofs etc.  

Is there some magic here?  Can I wipe out a config file somewhere and
start again?


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Re: [newbie] Password Expiration

2003-10-30 Thread Schwartz Avi
On Oct 29, 2003, at 22:35, Matt Winer wrote:

Is there anyway to do this from the CLI.  I do not haveXwindowsor  
anything installed nor do I plan on installing it.



I am running my Mandrake 9.1 in msec level 4.  I want to keep it in  
level 4 because I love all of the other security features. But how do  
I prevent password expiration system wide without changing msec  

I have in my /etc/security/msec/level.local the following line:

password_aging (9)

If you don't have this file or it is empty you may need to have the  
following line at the top:

from mseclib import *


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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread John Wilson
On October 29, 2003 08:48 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 08:11:47 -0800
 Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I do remember Wilma, though...
 Oh, ya, I was gettin' to 13 then, so you can imagine the response to
 those satin tights... ;-)

 Who can remember dragnet


In black and white or colour? :)



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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 30 October 2003 04:37 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96R

 compare to  yours: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16

 Looks like mine is missing something.
 I can track at once and disc at once, but packet write ?

The something is a little less raw write options, but that's 
NBD.  You've got TAO (task at once), and SAO (which is DAO disk at 
once), and packet writing support. So you're good to go.

   For packet writing there's 3 ingredients, kernel support for 
packet writing and UDF, and we'll need something like cdrecord to 
support it.  I post this link in another post, but if you read thru 
it I believe you'll see what needed, (Google will get you a lot 

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 29 October 2003 09:50 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
 Hopefully packet writing won't dry up just because of this
  deal. I can see where it would be very useful to some,
  specially in an office environment.

 Wouldn't it be possible to enable packet writing for good
 devices, but prevent sending the bad-for-LG commands to the LG's,
 now that the programers know they suck?


   I suppose eventually, once they get to the bottom of the deal and 
are able to figure out just which firmware (not model numbers) is 
involved. There's been some reports of DVD drives affected, and 
some that are different brands than LG.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] moving mandrake to another HD

2003-10-30 Thread Johan
Since my last posting I did some tests.(on my system all drives are
It can be done to change drive positions BUT carefull attention should
be given to FSTAB and BOOTLOADER.

PLEASE read all of the posting before attempting the changes. 
Make sure you have means to access your system if anything should go wrong.

In your case I would suggest the following..
.(because hdc mbr is not wrtten to and need to be written in hda)...

BEFORE you log out

1-Change in fstab hdc to hda and visa versa.
2-Log out and power down.
3-Switch the HD's.
4-Power on and insert CD1 of your installation in the cdrom.
5-Go through the motions untill you reach upgrade/install - select upgrade.
6-Go thruogh the motions untill screen where a lot of configuration is required.
7-Some of the choices may need to be corrected.
8-Select bootloader - select hda - select your bootloader choice - maybe some changes 
ANYBODY - you are tired of your bootloader and want to change but fear
 a mistake - let Mandrake do it for you -Step 2 to 10.
9-All done choose next.
10-Go through the motions untill reboot.

If all went well you should be booting in to new hda previous hdc.

I have tested the above on a single HD - moving it from hde to hdg and then from hdg 
to hde -
 only changes required was in fstab. (again the other way around - and also changed 
- worked every time for me). (MDK 9.1 and 9.2) I will NOT suggest that this WILL work 
on all
 other PC's - you do so at your own risk.

I am sure there are many other ways to do this.
(even less work).

If you are using grub and would like to make a GRUB boot floppy and need
assistance I can give you detailed instructions to create one. It works
every time for me.

Feel free to ask.

On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 22:19, Johan wrote:
 Watch it - moving linux drive position - you will get KERNEL PANIC - and
 that is the end of it, thats my experience.
 (only windows does not care if you move drive positions).
 When I had this problem and posted to list nobody replied.
 I am looking forward to your feedback or anybody else.
 On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 03:36, Bryan Phinney wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 October 2003 08:18 pm, racerpup2 wrote:
   I am finally able to get rid of windows xp from this computer. I would
   like to put Mandrake 9.2 on hda. Right now it is on hdc. Should I just
   do a fresh install and start over again or can I use backup to save
   system files and setting and personal files, do the install and restore
   everything? I have spent days setting everything up the way I like it
   and have it working perfectly for me. The bootloader is on hda on the
   MBR. Any ideas guys??? Now to figure out what I can do with the extra
   120 gig drive.
  There are several tools that you can use to simply copy the partitions over to 
  hda, go in and edit the fstab to change the partition mappings and change 
  lilo.conf to boot from the new drive and then simply rewrite lilo to the MBR 
  and boot and you are now operating off of hda.
  Seems to me that it would be easier than trying to reinstall and then restore 
  all of your files.
May this be a good day for learning
Registered Linux User #330034 - still learning

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Re: [newbie] Gcombust Question

2003-10-30 Thread RichardA
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 06:20:18 -0500, Lee Wiggers
 ...Dang it, I know I checked dev.  Is there anything that would
 change it back when I wasn't looking?  Maybe I'm losing it?  Early

msec changes permissions, as discussed endlessly on this very list.

Art is not a reproducible result.
Creativity is a profoundly subjective act.

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[newbie] Damn these spammers! : ISP ip-ranges

2003-10-30 Thread Ralph Slooten
Hiya group,

I run my own private SMTP server for my mail, and just checking in the logs I
realised that these spam-ridden ISP's are trying to use me as a relay. They
fortunately aren't succeeding as I'm getting things like this:

Oct 30 15:14:54 axljab postfix/smtpd[27285]: connect from
unknown[] Oct 30 15:14:56 axljab postfix/smtpd[27285]:
0863E5D923: client=unknown[] Oct 30 15:14:56 axljab
postfix/smtpd[27285]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 554
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Recipient address rejected: Relay access denied;
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED] to=[EMAIL PROTECTED] Oct 30 15:15:02 axljab
postfix/smtpd[27285]: disconnect from unknown[]

And what a surprise, KorNET, the biggest wankers of 'em all but still, I
have many many more, and not only from KorNEt but also knows spammer-ridden
ISP's like China Net.

The fact that they aren't getting accepted is a small problem, but it doesn't
ease my feelings on this matter. I want to block totally, any connection ever
made on any port by anyone on these networks, plus a few more, but I need to
find out their ISP ranges.

Does anyone know where I can find such information, to ease my troubles? ;-) I
need to find out the full ip-ranges of certain ISP's.

...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread Franki
Eric Huff wrote:

People don't know what Twiki is?  :)
I don't think I heard that term outside of these lists.

Oh, i was just kidding.  Until i joined this list Twiki was just the
little robot on Buck Rogers that said Biddie biddie biddie.


I remember him.. and Theopolis the flashing talking breadbox.  :-)

we are really showing our age...  :-)


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Re: [newbie] How did 9.2 get here ?

2003-10-30 Thread RichardA
 Just got my copy of Linux Format magazine it comes with 9.2 d/l
 edition on
  it's DVD. I'm wondering where they got it, could they be subscribed
  to MandrakeClub ?

It's RC2.

(and I've never managed to get that jigdo program to write proper iso
images, anyway).

Art is not a reproducible result.
Creativity is a profoundly subjective act.

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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread aronsmith
On Thursday 30 October 2003 06:35 am, John Wilson wrote:
 On October 29, 2003 08:48 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  HaywireMac wrote:
  On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 08:11:47 -0800
  Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   I do remember Wilma, though...
  Oh, ya, I was gettin' to 13 then, so you can imagine the
   response to those satin tights... ;-)
  Who can remember dragnet

 In black and white or colour? :)
The facts mam just the facts ;-)



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Re: [newbie] mouse speed

2003-10-30 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:48:45 +0200
Anarky [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 fluxbox. Why? is this desktop speciffic?

Well, not exactly, but the method can vary.

If you are running Flux from runlevel 3, ie. startx, then you can add
this line to your .xinitrc

xset m 50/10 3 

that's pretty fast, the way I like it. See man xset for how those
values work, I can't remember offhand. Reducing the 50 would mean less
acceleration, I'm pretty sure of that.

If you run Fluxbox from a GUI login, I believe in that case you would
want to add the entry to .xsession instead.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
When the speaker and he to whom he is speaks do not understand, that is
-- Voltaire

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[newbie] Hostname in 9.2

2003-10-30 Thread poogle
I can't make my hostname stick at localhost, my IP is dynamic.
I've edited various files (see below) and thought I'd solved it but then I 
rebooted and it changed back to public1-derb2-3- 
The edited files :-

/etc/sysconfig/ network




and etc/hosts   localhost

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Re: [newbie] mouse speed

2003-10-30 Thread John Richard Smith
Anarky wrote:

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Wednesday 29 October 2003 01:41 pm, Anarky wrote:

   how do I set my mouse movement speed? I didn't find it at the mouse
ocnfiguration in mcc :-(

KDE Control Center - Peripherals - Mouse - Advanced

should give you what you want.

do you by any chance know the executable name so I can run it without 
those menus? 

kcmshell mouse

any good ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Damn these spammers! : ISP ip-ranges

2003-10-30 Thread Ralph Slooten
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:25:36 +
Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And what a surprise, KorNET, the biggest wankers of 'em all but still,
  I have many many more, and not only from KorNEt but also knows
  spammer-ridden ISP's like China Net.
 In my experience, china9988 gives up after about six months. I got my mail 
 server up around March and I was getting two or three attempts a day from him 
 and his mates. Now I very rarely see one.
 Why worry? If your server is tied down tight those attempts are already 
 bouncing as hard as you could make them with IP rejections.
 Richard Urwin

Umm, six months of attempted abuse... naah, I don't like it one bit, and an nmap
of his IP revealed the following:

TCP/IP fingerprint:

Oh lookie lookie ... our spammer is using MDK! It's not that he tried, but that
he might succeed one day, and another thing is he's trying. KorNet don't give a
shit about abuse reports via spamcop either. I just don't trust them one bit,
and would rather not even give them a chance to try. I get many users on my
webserver, mainly for dcgui rpm's, but the fact that some off these users may
also use KorNet doesn't worry me. An ISP with such a bad name should not be used

BTW, found something in connection to this: (just click cancell when it asks for
username / password a couple of times and you'll get huge (+- 3.5MB html files
with all the data)

...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Stopping HTML Mail

2003-10-30 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 30 Oct 2003 4:28 pm, aronsmith wrote:
 Any way That I can get Kmail or Evolution to automaticly bounce
 mail Fomatted as HTML ?
 Thanks smitty

I haven't done it, but it looks possible in KMail.  Do it in two 
phases.  First make sure that you are isolating the html mail, but 
setting a filter that says message contains html move to Trash.  
If that works properly you can then change the 'move to trash' into 
'bounce'.  HTH

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] Stopping HTML Mail

2003-10-30 Thread aronsmith
On Thursday 30 October 2003 09:27 am, robin wrote:
 aronsmith wrote:
  Any way That I can get Kmail or Evolution to automaticly bounce
  mail Fomatted as HTML ?
  Thanks smitty

 I can't answer for the clients, since I'm a moz man, but I would have
 thought the place to do this would in any case be procmail (assuming
 you are running your own mailserver or have access to a home
 directory at
Nope don't know how

 Sir Robin
proc I can find but where are the rc files kept ?

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Re: [newbie] Damn these spammers! : ISP ip-ranges

2003-10-30 Thread Richard Urwin
On Thursday 30 Oct 2003 7:14 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:25:36 +

 Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   And what a surprise, KorNET, the biggest wankers of 'em all but
   still, I have many many more, and not only from KorNEt but also knows
   spammer-ridden ISP's like China Net.
  In my experience, china9988 gives up after about six months. I got my
  mail server up around March and I was getting two or three attempts a day
  from him and his mates. Now I very rarely see one.
  Why worry? If your server is tied down tight those attempts are already
  bouncing as hard as you could make them with IP rejections.
  Richard Urwin

 Umm, six months of attempted abuse... naah, I don't like it one bit, and an
 nmap of his IP revealed the following:

 TCP/IP fingerprint:

 Oh lookie lookie ... our spammer is using MDK! It's not that he tried, but
 that he might succeed one day, and another thing is he's trying. KorNet
 don't give a shit about abuse reports via spamcop either. I just don't
 trust them one bit, and would rather not even give them a chance to try. I
 get many users on my webserver, mainly for dcgui rpm's, but the fact that
 some off these users may also use KorNet doesn't worry me. An ISP with such
 a bad name should not be used ;-)

Granted if you have a webserver up you've got enough ports open to start to 
get worried. I've only got SMTP open.

 BTW, found something in connection to this: (just click cancell when it asks for
 username / password a couple of times and you'll get huge (+- 3.5MB html
 files with all the data)

I use

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Damn these spammers! : ISP ip-ranges

2003-10-30 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Thursday 30 October 2003 10:24 am, Ralph Slooten wrote:

 Does anyone know where I can find such information, to ease my troubles?
 ;-) I need to find out the full ip-ranges of certain ISP's.

You can get ranges from whois if you really want them.  However, you appear to 
have the opportunity to do the new a valuable service.  If you set up your 
machine to honeypot and tarpit the spammers attempting to use your mail 
server, you can infuriate them much more than by simply banning the IP range.  
There is info available on the net to allow you to do that.  Short story, you 
set your machine up so that it doesn't relay deny attempts for relays but 
simply bitbuckets the message.  The spammer, thinking that the relay is 
working starts a spam run and wastes valuable time sending messages that end 
up in /dev/null.  

With the tarpit, you rig your mail server to accept the connection attempt but 
then receive the traffic e  v   e   r s  osl   o   w   l   y, 
which wastes the spammers time and keep his connections from being used to 
actually send spam.  By the time they figure it out, they have missed the 
opportunity to send tons of spam that otherwise would have gone out.

If you want to find out more, let me know and I can send you some links to 
point you in that direction.  If you simply want to get lists of ISP ranges, 
or even entire country ranges known to be friendly to spam,   you can go to  for a lot of ranges to block.  Specific spammer 
ranges are available from and, although you can also configure Postfix 
to use the RBL's directly to block these ranges which saves you time from 
having to transcribe the list.  You can also go here to get a full list of 

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Stopping HTML Mail

2003-10-30 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Thursday 30 October 2003 11:28 am, aronsmith wrote:
 Any way That I can get Kmail or Evolution to automaticly bounce mail
 Fomatted as HTML ?
 Thanks smitty

Only problem I can think of with bouncing html mail is that some clients 
automatically send both.  In Kmail, you will see the text part and the html 
part is attached as MIME and can be ignored.  However, if you autobounce, you 
will bounce the mail back that may have actually been readable.

What you might want to consider doing is bouncing html only mail.  If you use 
SpamAssassin, you can up the score on html_only and then flag it as 
automatically spam.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] convert all my mp3s to oggs

2003-10-30 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 30 October 2003 12:50 pm, Anarky wrote:

 yes, but that program only does 1 file at a time .. I'm talking about
 batch converting everything. I'd be willing maybe to accept the losses :)

Umm, it does do more than 1 file at a time. Do:

mp32ogg *.mp3

and it will do the files in the directory its in, one after the other.



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Re: [newbie] Re: How did 9.2 get here ?

2003-10-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 30 October 2003 12:43 pm, Exiddor wrote:
 Are you sure?  In the magazine it says Note that the screenshots
 are from an install of Mandrake 9.2 RC2, the final release
 candidate.  This is because these pages were written before
 Mandrake was able to send us the final 9.2 release for the

 To me that sounds like it's the final version.

  What does  'cat /etc/mandrake-release'  say?
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Stopping HTML Mail

2003-10-30 Thread aronsmith
On Thursday 30 October 2003 11:31 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 30 Oct 2003 4:28 pm, aronsmith wrote:
  Any way That I can get Kmail or Evolution to automaticly bounce
  mail Fomatted as HTML ?
  Thanks smitty

 I haven't done it, but it looks possible in KMail.  Do it in two
 phases.  First make sure that you are isolating the html mail, but
 setting a filter that says message contains html move to Trash.
 If that works properly you can then change the 'move to trash' into
 'bounce'.  HTH


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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carroll Grigsby wrote:

A suggestion: How about a topic-of-the-week?
-- cmg
... or an 'award' for the most obfuscated, geekie response? This could 
be determined by the number of newbies left bewildered with heads 
spinning by the answer to their question. :-)

I'm kidding. I think.


Final Filer Software
Worrigee, NSW, Australia  2540
Life's like a roll of toilet paper-
The closer it gets to the end,
the faster it goes.

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Re: [newbie] broadband and stopping connection to internet at will

2003-10-30 Thread Merlin Zener
On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 23:29, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I'm not real sure what LV's tryin to do, but I think this whole 
 deal is ISP/phone line specific. In my case when I got DSL I kept a 
 dialup Earthlink account for a while.  The DSL line uses micro 
 filters to split out analog voice signal from the digital line. So 
 I figured, no problem, I can connect both my ATU-R (dsl modem) and 
 my dialup modem. DSL line to the ATU-R, filter out an analog signal 
 to the dialup modem.
 No go. With both connected, neither would work even tho the 
 other was not in use. Only physically disconnecting one or the 
 other would allow me to to switch between digital DSL and analog 
 dialup. OTOH, I've got the DSL line into the ATU-R, and using a 
 micro filter to also connect my phone, that works. Since LV's cable 
 is a digital line, and dialup needs analog, I reckon he's in a 
 similar situation as mine.

FWIW I ran across a similar problem a while back, in Australia. A
co-worker had just got ADSL set up at home, and then found that his
all-in-one fax machine/answering machine/printer/scanner/etc gadget
would kill his ADSL connection anytime he tried to send or receive a fax
on that same line. It would then require a call to the helldesk [which
often involved more than 30 minutes on hold...] to get them to reset
his username so he could get net access again.

Merlin Zener
Piano, Synthesizer

registered Linux user number 328618

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Re: [newbie] LG CDRoms

2003-10-30 Thread John Richard Smith
Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Thursday 30 October 2003 04:37 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96R

compare to  yours: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16

  For packet writing there's 3 ingredients, kernel support for 
packet writing and UDF, and we'll need something like cdrecord to 
support it.  I post this link in another post, but if you read thru 
it I believe you'll see what needed, (Google will get you a lot 


Of course I have cdrecord, doesn't every mandrake.
I downloaded these 4 from the above links,

not sure what or whether all are needed to make this work.
There looks to be some bash scriptwork necessary, as well
as fstab entries. Still, if I do this will it likely muckup the existing
usage, if not, I'm will to give it a go if I can sort out what is
actually required.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] convert all my mp3s to oggs

2003-10-30 Thread hashi
On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 09:19:45PM +0200, Anarky wrote:
I'd like to influence the to ogg transition of the world by 
 converting all my mp3s to oggs ... .. is there anybody here who's good 
 at scripting that could maybe give me a script that I could run on a 
 folder and it would traverse all it's subfolders and transform them into 
 oggs if they are mp3s ... or otherwise leave them alone? Then I could 
 run this every once in a while .. and assure I'm spreading the ogg format :)
  I know a script is not a light thing to ask .. so many many 
 pretty pleases with sugar  cream  straberryes on top ... with hopes  
 anticipated eternal gratitude, greets.

I don't know how to do it, but I have heard that mp3 and ogg each accomplish their 
compression in part by suppressing information that human hearing can detect.  But, so 
I have been told, the suppress different information, and if you suppress *both* sets 
of separately inaudible data, the combination *is* audible.  So if you succeed, give 
it an ear test before you discard your old mp3's.

-- hendrik


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[newbie] compiling openldap source

2003-10-30 Thread brian
Title: Message

has anyone compiled 
the source code for openLDAP, i am having so much trouble when it comes to 
making it

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Thank you.
STI Computer Services

[newbie] Evolution or no?

2003-10-30 Thread Grant
I'm slowly migrating from Windows software to Linux software with the help
of Win4Lin.  It's time to ditch Outlook, and Evolution looks like the
natural alternative.  Would anyone recommend something else instead?  I need
email, tasks, contacts, and a calendar.  My goal is to have everything I use
accessible through the Internet, but I plan to use VNC so I could just
access Evolution that way.

- Grant

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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 14:46, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:41:07 +
 Margot [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Half an hour? You think it would take me that long to do with him what
  he's done with the rest of the computing world? ;-)
 No, but who's to say you would only do it once?
well, I am pretty sure you could only pull off his finger and toenails
once a month.

Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] compiling openldap source

2003-10-30 Thread HaywireMac
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:39:50 -0500
brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 i am having so much trouble when it comes to making it

1. Is there some reason you don't want to just urpmi openldap?

2. If you *really* want to build it yourself, what are the errors you
are getting? You are probably just missing some development libraries,
openldap-devel would be my 1st guess. Again, just urpmi openldap-devel,
depends on what version you are building though as well.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
You have all eternity to be cautious in when you're dead.
-- Lois Platford

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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread HaywireMac
On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 08:09:37 +1100

 This could be determined by the number of newbies left bewildered
 with heads spinning by the answer to their question. :-)

Problem is, I would win that one every time ;-)

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Rule of Life #1 -- Never get separated from your luggage.

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Re: [newbie] Evolution or no?

2003-10-30 Thread rluchor

On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 16:51, Grant wrote:

I'm slowly migrating from Windows software to Linux software with the help
of Win4Lin.  It's time to ditch Outlook, and Evolution looks like the
natural alternative.  Would anyone recommend something else instead?  I need
email, tasks, contacts, and a calendar.  My goal is to have everything I use
accessible through the Internet, but I plan to use VNC so I could just
access Evolution that way.

- Grant

I've been using Evo for a couple of years and recommend it highly. I just bought a Palm compatible PDA (OS5) and found that it can sync with Evolution using the Gnome tool.



Re: [newbie] Evolution or no?

2003-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I really like Evolution. Honestly though, I've never used anything but
Evolution.  So far it does everything I need it to do.


On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 15:51, Grant wrote:
 I'm slowly migrating from Windows software to Linux software with the help
 of Win4Lin.  It's time to ditch Outlook, and Evolution looks like the
 natural alternative.  Would anyone recommend something else instead?  I need
 email, tasks, contacts, and a calendar.  My goal is to have everything I use
 accessible through the Internet, but I plan to use VNC so I could just
 access Evolution that way.
 - Grant
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[newbie] Raw tree installation of mdk 9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Mukul Sabharwal

How does one install the Raw tree 9.2 download edition. Do I just
download the whole contents.

Then just burn them ? On to 3 CD's?


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Re: [newbie] Re: How did 9.2 get here ?

2003-10-30 Thread RichardA
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:43:03 +, Exiddor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 15:41:17 +, RichardA wrote:
  It's RC2.
 Are you sure?  In the magazine it says Note that the screenshots are
 from an install of Mandrake 9.2 RC2, the final release candidate. 
 This is because these pages were written before Mandrake was able to
 send us the final 9.2 release for the discs.
 To me that sounds like it's the final version.

My bad.

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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread Heather/Femme
On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 08:09:37 +1100

 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  A suggestion: How about a topic-of-the-week?
  -- cmg
 ... or an 'award' for the most obfuscated, geekie response? This could
 be determined by the number of newbies left bewildered with heads 
 spinning by the answer to their question. :-)
 I'm kidding. I think.
lol you are not~  thats the scary part ;p

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Re: [newbie] Raw tree installation of mdk 9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 30 October 2003 08:29 pm, Mukul Sabharwal wrote:

 How does one install the Raw tree 9.2 download edition. Do I just
 download the whole contents.

 Then just burn them ? On to 3 CD's?

There are many ways.  The following is excerpted from the cooker twiki at


Via FTP from a Public Mirror 
Make a bootdisk from the network.img file available on any of the public 
Cooker mirrors. The file should be located within the cooker/i586/images/ 
directory of the mandrake-devel tree on the mirror. If you are already 
running Linux, you can use dd to copy it to a floppy disk 

 dd if=network.img of=/dev/fd0

If you are not already running Linux, you can use the rawwrite utility to make 
the boot disk in DOS or Windows. This utility is normally located in the 
/mandrake/i586/dosutils directory of the mandrake-devel tree. 

If your system has no floppy drive, you can burn the image (network.img, 
pcmcia.img, or whatever) to a bootable CD-ROM. 

 mkdir image
 cp network.img image
 mkisofs -b network.img image  network.iso
 cdrecord dev=0,0,0 network.iso
 rm -fr image

From a Local Mirror 
If you have about 6GB of diskspace available, it is faster and easier to 
install from a local mirror on your hard disk or on a local server. There are 
even scripts available to make a set of iso images that can be burned to cd 
to install in the traditional way. Use fmirror or rsync to create a local 
mirror and keep it up to date. 

Via NFS Over the Local Network 
Use the network.img image to create a boot floppy using one of the methods 
described above and select NFS instead of ftp. 

Via Hard Disk Install 
If your local mirror is on a partition that is on the machine you intend to 
install Cooker on, use the hd.img floppy image to create a boot floppy using 
one of the methods described above. 

Via Hard Disk or Network with No Floppy or CD-ROM 
Some machines nowadays do not have a floppy drive or a cd-rom. How does one do 
an installation without either of those. Well thanks to some enterprising 
young cookers, We have figured out how to boot the installer from the LILO or 
GrUB menu. 

Extract the necessary files from the appropriate floppy image. To do this, 
mount the floppy image as a loopback device in your tmp directory and then 
copy the appropriate files to your boot directory. 

 cd /path/to/hd.img
 mount -t vfat hd.img ~/tmp/ -o loop=/dev/loop3
 cp ~/tmp/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz-hdimg
 cp ~/tmp/hd.rdz /boot
 umount ~/tmp
Make an entry in /etc/lilo.conf if you use LILO or /boot/grub/menu.lst if you 
use GrUB 

Example entry for LILO bootloader 

As always, after you have finished editing /etc/lilo.conf, you need to run 
/sbin/lilo before your changes take effect. 

Example entry for GrUB bootloader 

 title hd-install
 kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-hdimg root=/dev/ram3 ramdisk_size=32000 
 initrd (hd0,0)/boot/hd.rdz
If you want to do the same thing but are installing from an NFS or FTP source, 
just use the network.img floppy image instead of the hd.img floppy image. 

Making CD's with MakeCD 
MakeCD is a wrapper script that runs mkcd, and it will create a set of iso's 
for you to burn to CD. If you have a local Cooker mirror, it is quite easy to 
make you own set of disk's.

It is a script located in the misc directory of the distribution tree that 
will make a set of ISO images to burn to CDR. The basic syntax for automatic 
operation is: 

./misc/MakeCD -a ./

To limit the number of ISO images that are created, use the -c option followed 
by the number of disks you want: 

./misc/MakeCD -a -c 2 ./

By default, the script makes ISO images that will fit on 650MB blanks. If you 
want to change this, use the --discsize option to select an alternative image 

./misc/MakeCD --discsize 700m -a ./


Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Thursday 30 October 2003 07:05 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 08:09:37 +1100

  Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   A suggestion: How about a topic-of-the-week?
   -- cmg
  ... or an 'award' for the most obfuscated, geekie response? This could
  be determined by the number of newbies left bewildered with heads
  spinning by the answer to their question. :-)
  I'm kidding. I think.

 lol you are not~  thats the scary part ;p

I suppose that it would only be fair if there were various divisions, based 
upon the amount and nature of various chemical substances consumed by the 
contestant within the previous 24 hours.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Password Expiration

2003-10-30 Thread Michael Holt
Matt Winer mused:
 I am running my Mandrake 9.1 in msec level 4.  I want to keep it
 level 4 because I love all of the other security features.  But
 how do I
 prevent password expiration system wide without changing msec


man chage

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Re: [newbie] Raw tree installation of mdk 9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Joe
Mukul Sabharwal wrote:


How does one install the Raw tree 9.2 download edition. Do I just
download the whole contents.
Then just burn them ? On to 3 CD's?


Easier and faster to just download the network.img file from the /images 
directory on any of the mirrors. Then (assuming you're already running 
linux) from the comand line (as root, from the directory where you saved 
the image) type: dd if=network.img of=/dev/fd0

If you are currently running some MS OS you can use rawrite to do the 
same thing. See:

This will write the network boot image to a floppy.
Write down the ftp address of the mirror (european mirrors are generally 
Boot  from the floppy and install directly from the mirror.

You will have to know what settings you use for your broadband (ie. all 
I need to know is that my cable modem gets an IP address using DHCP). 
Specify the ftp site you want to install from and you're good to go. A 
big advantage of an ftp install is that you only download the packages 
you actually want to install (total install time for me, including 
downloading = aprox. 2 hrs). And if (when) you decide to install more 
packages later you don't have to swap disks because urpmi is allready 
set up to get them from the mirror.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you need more help, that's what 
we're here for. Joe.

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Re: [newbie] df command output

2003-10-30 Thread Eric Huff
 [sorry, I hate top-posting in situations like this.]

You shouldn't be sorry *unless* you are top posting.  :)


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Re: [newbie] convert all my mp3s to oggs

2003-10-30 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 07:50:44PM +0200, Anarky wrote:
 Todd Slater wrote:
 Seriously, there could be some limitations depending on your view.
 1. You're going lossy to lossy so quality will be degraded
 2. You *may* lose ID3 tags
 3. Depending on how many mp3's you have, it could take a lng time
 Google for mp32ogg and see what you come up with.
 yes, but that program only does 1 file at a time .. I'm talking about 
 batch converting everything. I'd be willing maybe to accept the losses :)

OK, here you go. As an added bonus, it keeps ID3 tags. Requires mpg123
to convert to wav, mp3info to read id3 tags, and of course oggenc.

# ommtoc one more mp3 to ogg converter
# remember, lossy to lossy = lower quality sound
# this names ogg files to format:
# track# - title - album - artist.ogg
# requires mpg123
# requires mp3info
# not extensively tested!!
# top level directory to search (search is recursive)
# quality for ogg encoding
# remove wav file? yes/no
# remove original mp3? yes/no
# no more variables!
# find all mp3's
find $searchPath -type f -iname '*.mp3'  mp3list
while read mp3
workingPath=`dirname $mp3`
wavName=`basename $mp3|sed s/\.[mM][pP]3/\.wav/`
testID3=`mp3info -p %t $mp3`
if [ -z $testID3 ] ; then
noID3Name=`basename $mp3|sed s/\.[mM][pP]3/\.ogg/`
echo Converting '$mp3' to wav...
mpg123 --wav $workingPath/$wavName $mp3 /dev/null 21
echo Encoding $wavName to ogg...
oggenc -q $quality -o $workingPath/$noID3Name 
$workingPath/$wavName /dev/null 21
 if [ $rmMp3 = yes ] ; then
 rm -f $mp3
 if [ $rmWav = yes ] ; then
 rm -f $workingPath/$wavName
album=`mp3info -p %l $mp3`
artist=`mp3info -p %a $mp3`
genre=`mp3info -p %g $mp3`
title=`mp3info -p %t $mp3`
track=`mp3info -p %n $mp3`
prettyTrack=`printf %02d $track`
year=`mp3info -p %y $mp3`
echo Converting '$mp3' to wav...
mpg123 --wav $workingPath/$wavName $mp3 /dev/null 21
echo Encoding $wavName to ogg...
oggenc -q $quality -a $artist -N $prettyTrack -l $album -t 
$title -G $genre -d $year -n $workingPath/$prettyTrack - %t - %l - %a.ogg 
$workingPath/$wavName /dev/null 21
if [ $rmMp3 = yes ] ; then
rm -f $mp3
if [ $rmWav = yes ] ; then
rm -f $workingPath/$wavName
done  mp3list
rm mp3list
echo Done!
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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carroll Grigsby wrote:

upon the amount and nature of various chemical substances consumed by the 
contestant within the previous 24 hours.

Only those producing mind altering states, I hope.


Final Filer Software
Worrigee, NSW, Australia  2540
Life's like a roll of toilet paper-
The closer it gets to the end,
the faster it goes.

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[newbie] test

2003-10-30 Thread Eric Huff
To unsub from the list, send an email to
sympa at linux-mandrake dot com 
and put unsubscribe newbie in the subject

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Re: [newbie] ** Welcome to Newbie **

2003-10-30 Thread aronsmith
On Thursday 30 October 2003 07:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  upon the amount and nature of various chemical substances consumed
  by the contestant within the previous 24 hours.

 Only those producing mind altering states, I hope.

It being Halloween Take the fog Machine remove the fogging liquid then 
put 1/4 oz. of Haywires favorite Boo in it ..vola' smoke that nobody 
complains about. (kids do _not_ try this at home )

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[newbie] Welcome to Newbie

2003-10-30 Thread newbie
This is an automated weekly message mainly intended
for people new to Mandrake's Newbie List.

Welcome to Mandrake!

Our Mandrake TWiki:

A TWiki is a user-driven webservice, where many members
of the lists have helped organize useful information about
Mandrake and Linux in general. Anyone can contribute.

The Home page of the Twiki is at:

An easier to remember link is

The Index lists all topics and is here:

List Etiquette:

We have prepared a page describing common mailing list
etiquette that will make your posts more effective and
make fellow list members happier to help.

It can be found at the community Twiki:

General Mailing List info is available at:

To unsub from the list, please follow the directions at


If you have trouble with subscribing or unsubing
(or other list issues), you can contact Eric:
newbie at ehuffy dot com

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Re: [newbie] test

2003-10-30 Thread Eric Huff
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:53:06 -0800
Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To unsub from the list, send an email to
 sympa at linux-mandrake dot com 
 and put unsubscribe newbie in the subject

This is nuts.  If i put the above paragraph in the welcom letter, it
gets rejected by sympa (with no bounce message)

Must be come kind of baeysian filtering that prevents people from
publicly discussing sympa in too much detail. :)

Mandrake HowTo's  More:

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Re: [newbie] Password Expiration

2003-10-30 Thread Chuck Vose
Michael Holt wrote:

Matt Winer mused:

I am running my Mandrake 9.1 in msec level 4.  I want to keep it
level 4 because I love all of the other security features.  But
how do I
prevent password expiration system wide without changing msec


man chage


If you're ever curious about how to do something and don't know where to 
start try the 'apropos' command. Were you to type 'apropos password' you 
would see 'chage' come up as about the third entry :)
Good luck!


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RE: [newbie] Raw tree installation of mdk 9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Mukul Sabharwal

Hi thanks for the reply.

Well I want to know (before starting) that I have Mandrake 9.2 RC2
installed, and I have WinXP running too.

Basically if I do the floppy boot, and let it run, I won't be able to do
anything I presume. Anyway, that seems ok.

The problem is that will it screw up my previous installation or
something of XP and RC2. I do want it to go in the RC2 partition that
I've created.


P.S. - Does anybody know when the ISO's come out ?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Raw tree installation of mdk 9.2

Mukul Sabharwal wrote:


How does one install the Raw tree 9.2 download edition. Do I just 
download the whole contents.

Then just burn them ? On to 3 CD's?


Easier and faster to just download the network.img file from the /images

directory on any of the mirrors. Then (assuming you're already running 
linux) from the comand line (as root, from the directory where you saved

the image) type: dd if=network.img of=/dev/fd0

If you are currently running some MS OS you can use rawrite to do the 
same thing. See:

This will write the network boot image to a floppy.
Write down the ftp address of the mirror (european mirrors are generally

Boot  from the floppy and install directly from the mirror.

You will have to know what settings you use for your broadband (ie. all 
I need to know is that my cable modem gets an IP address using DHCP). 
Specify the ftp site you want to install from and you're good to go. A 
big advantage of an ftp install is that you only download the packages 
you actually want to install (total install time for me, including 
downloading = aprox. 2 hrs). And if (when) you decide to install more 
packages later you don't have to swap disks because urpmi is allready 
set up to get them from the mirror.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you need more help, that's what 
we're here for. Joe.

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Re: [newbie] Raw tree installation of mdk 9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Chuck Vose
Mukul Sabharwal wrote:

Hi thanks for the reply.

Well I want to know (before starting) that I have Mandrake 9.2 RC2
installed, and I have WinXP running too.
Basically if I do the floppy boot, and let it run, I won't be able to do
anything I presume. Anyway, that seems ok.
The problem is that will it screw up my previous installation or
something of XP and RC2. I do want it to go in the RC2 partition that
I've created.

P.S. - Does anybody know when the ISO's come out ?


Mandrake is really good about not killing your other installations. I'm 
currently running Mandrake 9.2 and XP just like you are. But no matter 
what if Mandrake or any other distro (or practically anything for that 
matter) screws with your bootloader and makes it impossible to boot you 
can boot into the recovery console through the XP install cd and run 
FIXMBR and it will make XP bootable again. That is unless YOU nuke your 
xp partition or something (read: Partition Magic Pro, etc).
As for the official cd's, they're already shipping so you should 
probably see them popping up on mirrors shortly. Nice place to check is . It's a little clearer 
than the Mandrake download page :)

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Re: [newbie] Stopping HTML Mail

2003-10-30 Thread robin
aronsmith wrote:
On Thursday 30 October 2003 09:27 am, robin wrote:

aronsmith wrote:

Any way That I can get Kmail or Evolution to automaticly bounce
mail Fomatted as HTML ?
Thanks smitty
I can't answer for the clients, since I'm a moz man, but I would have
thought the place to do this would in any case be procmail (assuming
you are running your own mailserver or have access to a home
directory at
Nope don't know how


Sir Robin
proc I can find but where are the rc files kept ?
[Assuming Aron is not taking the piss]

You need two things: a file called .procmailrc and a directory called 
.procmail (you coud call it anything, but this is a common name). These 
go in your home directory if you're running your own mail server, or 
your home directory on your ISP if you're not.  The .procmailrc file 
tells procmail what to do and looks something like this.

SHELL=/usr/local/bin/bash # Change if bash is somewhere different
FGREP=/usr/bin/fgrep # Again, this may need to be changed.
#Set on when debugging
#Your mail directory
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail # Could also be Mail
#Directory for storing procmail log and rc files
#Log file
Your procmail recipes go in rc.mail inside the .procmail directory. 
rc.testing is for when you need a sandbox for playing around with new 
recipes.  There are plenty of sample rc.mail files around on the web 
with useful recipes.

For the full story, see
Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Stopping HTML Mail

2003-10-30 Thread aronsmith
On Thursday 30 October 2003 10:01 pm, robin wrote:
 aronsmith wrote:
  On Thursday 30 October 2003 09:27 am, robin wrote:
 aronsmith wrote:
 Any way That I can get Kmail or Evolution to automaticly bounce
 mail Fomatted as HTML ?
 Thanks smitty

 For the full story, see

 Sir Robin

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