Re: [newbie] installation problem: no enough disk space

1999-07-15 Thread J Mann

 From: Chun-wah Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] installation problem: no enough disk space
 Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 1:48 PM
 I have installed mandrake 6.0 in my AMD6-2 300 PC with 64MB RAM and 4.3G
 hard drive. I have tried making 1004MB linux ext2 partition (for path /
 ) and 70MB swap: 1) by partition magic under win 98; and 2) by disk
 druid from empty space during installation. however, in either case, I
 got the following error msgs:

First of all, Mandrake is optimized for INTEL chips. So it may crash or not
work properly with AMD chips.
 (after choosing packages)
 error msg: You don't appear to have enough disk space to install the
 packages you've selected. you need more space on the following
   Mount point space needed
  / 290M

Try and make these partitions. 

If you ever have to reinstall again, your /home directory will be fine and
won't be reformatted.


Re: [newbie] No network connection

1999-07-15 Thread J Mann

 To: newbie list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] No network connection
 Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 1:54 PM
 I've got Linux installed on a 5x86 133 with 12MB of RAM, and a 400MB hard
 disk with an Allied Telesis 1500T ethernet card.  I have a network
 set up with the linux machine, and two
 windows machines.  The network card in the Linux box is recognized by the
 OS, and when I try to ping the other machines, the transmit light
 but it doesn't get any responses from either windows machine.  Likewise,
 when I ping from the windows machines, they can hear each other fine, but
 they don't get a response from the Linux machine.  Can anyone help?

From personal experience, it sounds like your ethernet card isn't support
with Linux. Even though it detects and works, I had to same problem with an
NE2000 card (which is way common by the way). If I ran TCPDUMP and pinged
from a windows or another linux machine I could see it coming in just fine.
I changed cables and nothing, then I swapped the card for another ethernet
card (a 3com 3c509) and it finally worked. 


[newbie] Fwd: Re: [SATLUG] more networking help

1999-07-09 Thread J Mann

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [SATLUG] more networking help
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:07:42 -0500

On Fri, 09 Jul 1999, you wrote:

 Ok people, I got the new cable today and I'm having even more
problems.  I have 2 machines ( Now my
problem. If I ping  from .0.2 to .0.1 I get no response, BUT if I
launch ifconfig on the  .0.1 machine I can see the packets coming in.
So what am I doing wrong?  II've double checked all my settings and
I'm very desperate here. Any  help would be appreciated. 

I've done some more tests since that post. If I ping from the  0.2
machine to the whole network (, I can see the packets
coming in on the 0.1 machine, BUT if I reverse the process I get
nothing.  Sounds like my 0.1 machine receives packets but doesn't send
them back. I'm using a BNC cable with 2 'tee's' with caps on each end.
Should I do away with the 'tees' just plug them in directly to solve my


Re: [newbie] USR Internal Modem

1999-07-09 Thread J Mann

On Fri, 09 Jul 1999, you wrote:

 I have a US Robotics Sportster 56K + Voice internal modem which I
cannot get  working.  It is set up on COM2.
 It is -not- a Winmodem.
 I am wondering if anyone has any advice.  I have tried addressing it as both
 cua1 and ttyS1 without any success.

Sounds like its conflicting with the motherboards builtin COM ports
which are 1 and 2. Try setting the USR modem to 3 or 4 instead.


Re: [newbie] Licq errors

1999-07-08 Thread J Mann

Dennis Podein wrote:
 Hello , I've installed Licq . It went pretty well , but ...
 When I try to connect - Online , I get this error message  :
 Unable to resolve : No such file , or
 directory . Whats up with this ? I have tried to install Kicq
 , Kxicq , everything else icq  and not one of them will work
 correctly . There are no manuals , or docs, or help files .,
 They didn't come with the RPM . Help please

The only thing I could tell you is to check the licq.conf and other
config files.

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] icq

1999-07-07 Thread J Mann

Yants wrote:
 Is it possible to run ICQ on Linux using WINE? If so, how..?

There are plenty of ICQ clients for Linux. Surf on over to and search for ICQ.

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] Lack of security when booting in Linux single

1999-07-06 Thread J Mann

Ripcrd6 wrote:
 I read recently about people on the cable network being able to access other
 users computers if they had the knowledge of a sysadmin.   Likely they were
 also using Linux to do so.  They could see files and everything is a browse
 mode on other people's PCs.   In the same article they discussed the
 benefits of DSL (digital subscriber line).   One benefit was that this could
 not happen.  A person would have to be at the phone company in the
 switchroom or building or whatever to have this kind of access.   Another
 benefit being that you could use your phone at the same time to make a call
 due to the way the setup worked.   YMMV, but I can't try either since we
 don't have that kind of service in my area yet.   We actually may, but we're
 talking paying an arm and a leg per month for it.

Your right, cable modems have serious security risks because everyone
uses the same pipeline. DSL just became available here in Texas and it
is too expensive. $200 setup fee, $40 per month for the DSL line, then
another $40-100 per month for internet usage depending on the up/down
stream you want. 256k up / 384k down ($40 per month), 384k up / 1.5mb
down ($100 per month).

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] Window managers

1999-07-06 Thread J Mann

darkknight wrote:

 It can be done in two ways, which works best for you depends on how you start
 Xwindows. If you have Linux set up to boot to Xwindows (init level 5) then you
 should be seeing a screen with an dialog box for entering your username and
 password, just below the password box on the left is a box with KDE in it and
 an arrow to it's right, click on the arrow and the window expands to show many
 other choices, one is gnome which uses Enlightenment as it's default window
 manager (this is what I use, I love Enlightenment and gnome)
  If you boot to text mode, then after signing in and giviing your password at
 the prompt type: switchdesk  then choose gnome as your desktop. Then type startx
 and gnome should startup with Enlightenment as the window manager.

Thanks for the reply but I don't have that option if I use the GUI boot
option. I suppose its because I'm using 5.3 and I've heard that option
is standard with 6.0. But I did manage to find a simple program called
Start to switch between desktops. But I have to admit, I haven't gone
back to KDE :)

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] Graphical Login

1999-07-06 Thread J Mann

Whittaker, Kevin wrote:
 Thanks :) Yeah my tnt2 will handle that rez, looks the best anyways.  I
 couldn't be more pleased with mandrake, it's become a great distro for me to
 learn on...
 If anyone is interested, nvidia has posted an x server for all their cards
 that includes support for the new tnt2 ultras...

What advantage other the basic X TNT driver do the NVidia drivers have?

Jeremy Mann

[newbie] Window managers

1999-07-05 Thread J Mann

Hello, I want to use other window managers like AfterStep and Enlightenment.
How do I change from KDE? I've looked at all the configuration screens, but
where do I tell it I want AfterStep instead of KDE?

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] Slower Modem Speed in Linux

1999-07-05 Thread J Mann

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999, you wrote:

 I have been living with netscape 'cos there are not many browsers on
 the market with its feature set.  I am looking forward to a stable and
 usable mozilla or any browser (i am a developer and cannot use lynx
 exclusively cos i need to check graphics and javascript stuff)

If only they had a decent release of KFM. I prefer it over Netscape for its
small size, ease of use. But somethings I don't like about it. It won't handle
JAVA enabled sites, it won't do Forms pages (like Hotmail, ExciteMail) and
downloading takes an extra window to drap and drop. Anybody know when the next
version will be available?

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] Window managers

1999-07-05 Thread J Mann

Axalon wrote:

 Ok how about, /usr/sbin/desktopcfg. Just kidding, desktopcfg is on
 your cdrom as Mandrake/RPMS/desktopcfg-1.1.0-2mdk.i586.rpm

Well its not on my CDROM. But I did find another one that worked. Once I
ran the program, Afterstep launched great. But now how do I get back to
KDE? When I select KDE from the menu, its says KDE not found. So I
doubled checked the file, and its there.


I have Afterstep launching from /usr/X11R6/bin/afterstep. So what gives?


Re: [newbie] Window managers

1999-07-05 Thread J Mann

Axalon wrote:

 Not sure off hand what the util you did use was, but if need be you can
 always give it "a slap in the face" and manualy edit your
 (~/.xinitrc || ~/.Xclients) startup files.

I checked that too, but the program I used (called Start) didn't make a
backup of the old one ;( bo...

 This could be the source of the problem, is this a link, a script, or a
 binary? KDE usualy starts with a script file "startkde" which starts all
 the seperate pieces. this script will be located in either
 a) /opt/kde/startkde
 b) /usr/bin/startkde
 depending on your Mandrake version.

Being the newbie that I am, I figured KDE would start how Afterstep does
with the /usr/X11R6/bin/kde command. But I will try the 'startkde'. I'm
still experimenting with Afterstep and I think I like it more and more
everytime I use it.


Re: [newbie] Resolution

1999-07-04 Thread J Mann

On Sun, 04 Jul 1999, you wrote:

 Tech Support,
 Hello, I just purchased Linux Mandrake "The Complete Operating System"
 v6.0 and I've had no problems installing at all, except one thing.  My
 monitor or video card are not in the lists, I know the setting and set
 it up manually, but when I get into Linux's desktop the resolution is
 low and the desktop extends FAR off the screen and it will not allow me
 to pan across the desktop at all.  I cannot change the resolution
 because I cannot see what I am doing.  Please let me know how to do so,
 I would like it to be in at least 800x600 res and in 24bit.  Please

When you ran Xconfigurator did you select multiple screen resolutions? If you
did, to switch between them press CTRL ALT + or - . 

 my cpu: PII 350MHz, 256mb ram, Creative Labs 16mb Banshee 3D video card
 (AGP), 17" Daytek monitor

Linux drivers for your 3D Banshee ;)

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] X screen resolution

1999-07-02 Thread J Mann

On Fri, 02 Jul 1999, jsm wrote:

 In Xwindows with Redhat you can change screen resolution with Ctrl+Alt
 + or - . It does not work with my Mandrake 6.0  KDE . How can I change
 resolution ?

From my knowledge, when you install RH and Xwindows, and after it
probes your video card, if you just select the default resolution you
can't change different resolutions. Just run XConfigurator from a
prompt and select all the resolutions you want. Now you can use the
CTRL-ALT + or -.

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] anymore updates?

1999-07-01 Thread J Mann

I finally got my Linux to use kernel 2.2.5mdk! Oh what a night!!
Anyway, I followed the directions on linux-mandrake. Everything went
perfect. My questions are:

(1) The logo screen (with the penguin logo) isn't in color anymore,
plus its not in the right resolution.

(2) What other programs do I need to update to take advantage of the
new kernel? I haven't touched libc yet (its libc5) should I update this
to 6 as well? And what programs do I need updated going from libc5 to

Thanks for you time!

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] Updating

1999-06-29 Thread J Mann

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, you wrote:

 Oh, and another question, does anyone know where a lot of the applications
 went that I installed?  Do I need to run them from command line or what?
 Examples are lICQ, CD-Toast, and some various others...

Click the 'App Finder' icon. It will put another menu select called 'Non KDE
Apps'. Most of them will show up there. To launch LICQ, if starting for the
first time, type licq at a command prompt. It will ask for you UIN, password,
blah, blah To keep from typing licq everytime to launch it, right-click on
your desktop and select New - Application. Type a name for the link press OK.
Now right-click the link you just made on your desktop and select Properties.
Now select Execute, type in licq in the space provided. Now click the icon box
to choose an icon for your new link. Once you select an icon, click OK. And now
your shortcut to LICQ is on your desktop. Enjoy!!

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] help with X11amp

1999-06-28 Thread J Mann

On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, you wrote:

 By any chance, are you trying to use a Mandrake 6.0 RPM on top of Mandrake
 5.3 or something similar?

No, I haven't downloaded anything for RH 6.0. My problem went away when I
unstalled 1.2.0 and installed 1.2.1.

  As per the readme file it said to download and install these
 Argh... Never believe in what READMEs say. ;)
 This was a big mistake. glib/gtk+ 1.2.0 are seriously broken, and the RPMs
 you're referring to weren't made for Mandrake. Use the 1.2.3 versions on
 the Mandrake CD and it'll work better.

Thanks. I will make a note of that. Another question, since I already have
1.2.1 installed, if I upgraded to 1.2.3 would I have to uninstal 1.2.1 first?
Or just use the 'Upgrade' function in the RPM?

Jeremy Mann

Re: [newbie] files needed!!

1999-06-27 Thread J Mann

Can anybody tell me which RPMs on the Mandrake CD contain

I'm trying to install X11amp alpha 3-2 and I've done it before successfully,
but its not working this time.  I've downloaded glib-1.2.0 and gtk+-1.2.0
(files needed for x11amp) and tried to install them but both need the above

I know I'm not dreaming since i've installed it before just fine. Anybody help?


[newbie] Re: need to set a path

1999-06-27 Thread J Mann

I just installed FreeAmp 1.2.3 for Linux. Good problem, but I'm having trouble.
The problem installs in /usr/local/bin by default and that's where mine is. My
question is how do I set a path to /usr/local/bin so I can just type 'freeamp
/mp3s/*.mp3' instead of typing '/usr/local/bin/freeamp' to launch the program.
Any suggestions?


P.S. Would anybody know how to remove a double entry RPM? I have gtk 1.0.6 AND
gtk+ 1.2 installed together. When I goto uninstall gtk1.0.6 it says it can't
uninstall because of the double entry. Any help?

Re: [newbie] files needed!!

1999-06-27 Thread J Mann

On Sun, 27 Jun 1999, you wrote:

 install Mandrake/RPMS/glib10-1.0.6-6mdk.i586.rpm from your cd

Found out what I did. I accidentally installed both version 1.0.6 AND 1.2.0 of
glib and gtk+. And now I can't uninstall any of them.
