[newbie-it] Ricompilazione Kernel Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-13 Per discussione Stefano Pessini

Ho installato Mandrake 7.2
Sto tentando di ricompilare il Kernel, ma alla fine del processo mi da
questo errore:

drivers/sound/sounddrv.o: In function `start_cards':
drivers/sound/sounddrv.o(.text+0x256c): undefined reference to
drivers/sound/sounddrv.o(.text+0x2660): undefined reference to
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

Ho un Pentium 166 MMX
Scheda Audio: Sound Blaster Awe 64
Scheda Video: S3 Trio 64 V2 (DX/GX)
Scheda di Rete Ethernet Realtek RTL 8139

Ho provato a compilare il kernel disabilitando il supporto ai "lowlevel
drivers", crea il kernel, ma poi quando eseguo "Make Modules" da nuovamente

...se a qualcuno viene un'idea...

grazie, Stefano.

Re: R: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

2001-01-13 Per discussione ioadamo

Il 09:14, sabato 13 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:
 Anche io vorrei riuscire ad installare star office  ma i comandi che
 impartisco dove li devo impartire?
 per esempio:
 se io entro come root, e vorrei installare un programma, su quale cartella
 devo andare?...sulla cartella del programma..ma io nella mandr7.2 avevo il 
setup di installazione di Star Office direttamente nel menu di Kde ed  
partito da solo...e poi dipende da quale programma installi e che tipo di 
file  ...se  un rpm basta installarlo con Pakage manager sempre che le 
dipendenze siano soddisfatte ...se  tar.gz devi scompattarlo con 
tar xvzf (nome programma) 
entrare nella cartella scompattata e poi fare nella shell:
make install
nella maggior parte dei casi
 i comandi che tu scrivi di seguito dove devono essere inseriti? 
Questo se vuoi far partire Star Office come desktop da solo
Ti devi creare un file in /etc/X11/wmsession.d con tutte le restanti 
impostazioni che hai letto qua.
Ciao Fede

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

  ioadamo wrote:
Configurazione di Star Office come desktop in mndk-7.2
 drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 dic 24 20:28
A questo punto e` bastato copiare 01KDE in 03StarOffice
   DESC=Star Office Environment
   exec /usr/bin/startsoffice
  Due cose:
  1) cos'e` "startsoffice"? /usr/bin/startkde e` il programma di
  avvio di kde, "startsoffice" non l'ho mai sentito.
  $ which startsoffice
  /usr/bin/which: no startsoffice in
  2) in tutte e due gli exec metterei "$HOME/office52/soffice"
  in modo che ogni utente avvi il proprio soffice con le proprie
  configurazioni. Questo a meno che tu abbia messo personalmente
  un /usr/bin/soffice come link simbolico o come script
   ma non  successo nulla e al momento del login non parte e mi
   ritorna la finestra di login.
  Se come exec gli dai dei programmi inesistenti e` naturale che
  non faccia nulla :-)
  ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Mi presento!

2001-01-13 Per discussione Wintozsucks

Salve a tutti!
Sono un nuovo arrivato. Ho appena instalato Linux Mandrake 7.2 su un
vecchio PC 166, dopo aver tentato di installare la versione per Power
Mac su un G4 (senza successo, per via di alcune schede non
identificate che creavano un 'kernel panic' all'avvio - spero vada
meglio con la nuova versione, che non, ho ancora provato).
Ho gi un piccolo problema da sottoporre all'attenzione di chi vorr
gentilmente aiutarmi: ho installato sul PC 166 una scheda USB
economica, windows 98 l'ha riconosciuta, invece Linux me la segnala
come hardware sconosciuto. A questo punto che posso fare per farla
'vedere' anche a Linux?

grazie e a presto

Sergio Orrao

ICQ 19394829

See my photos at: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=217794Auth=false
and don't forget to sign the guest book!

[newbie-it] kernel 2.4, installazione?

2001-01-13 Per discussione Lele Gardelli

Ho scaricato il kernel 2.4, ma ora, prima di fare qualche grosso
pasticcio vorrei qualche dritta per sostituirlo al kernel esistente.
Come posso fare?
Grazie per l'eventuale aiuto

R: R: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

2001-01-13 Per discussione francesco

Ti ringrazio Fede ora provo e poi ti dico...
- Original Message -
From: ioadamo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: R: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2

 Il 09:14, sabato 13 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:
  Anche io vorrei riuscire ad installare star office  ma i comandi che
  impartisco dove li devo impartire?
  per esempio:
  se io entro come root, e vorrei installare un programma, su quale
  devo andare?...sulla cartella del programma..ma io nella mandr7.2 avevo
 setup di installazione di Star Office direttamente nel menu di Kde ed 
 partito da solo...e poi dipende da quale programma installi e che tipo di
 file  ...se  un rpm basta installarlo con Pakage manager sempre che le
 dipendenze siano soddisfatte ...se  tar.gz devi scompattarlo con
 tar xvzf (nome programma)
 entrare nella cartella scompattata e poi fare nella shell:
 make install
 nella maggior parte dei casi
  i comandi che tu scrivi di seguito dove devono essere inseriti? 
 Questo se vuoi far partire Star Office come desktop da solo
 Ti devi creare un file in /etc/X11/wmsession.d con tutte le restanti
 impostazioni che hai letto qua.
 Ciao Fede
  - Original Message -
  From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 11:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] star office come desktop in mndk-7.2
   ioadamo wrote:
 Configurazione di Star Office come desktop in mndk-7.2

  drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 dic 24 20:28

 A questo punto e` bastato copiare 01KDE in 03StarOffice

DESC=Star Office Environment
exec /usr/bin/startsoffice
   Due cose:
   1) cos'e` "startsoffice"? /usr/bin/startkde e` il programma di
   avvio di kde, "startsoffice" non l'ho mai sentito.
   $ which startsoffice
   /usr/bin/which: no startsoffice in
   2) in tutte e due gli exec metterei "$HOME/office52/soffice"
   in modo che ogni utente avvi il proprio soffice con le proprie
   configurazioni. Questo a meno che tu abbia messo personalmente
   un /usr/bin/soffice come link simbolico o come script
ma non  successo nulla e al momento del login non parte e mi
ritorna la finestra di login.
   Se come exec gli dai dei programmi inesistenti e` naturale che
   non faccia nulla :-)
   ciao, Andrea

[newbie] Installing a printer on 7.1

2001-01-13 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I've got an Epson Color 850 I want to install on my Mandrake 7.1 system,
but I ran into all kinds of dependency problems when trying ot install
Kups 0.9-1, Cups 1.1.5-3, Cups-common, and Cups-drivers. Although, I was
able to install the Red Hat rpms for Ghostscript 6.50-2 and Ghostscript
fonts 6.0-2.

What do  I need to do now? Are there any good directions on the web?

Any help appreciated,


RE: [newbie] modem..kernel Hsp56 micromodem

2001-01-13 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

This is a WinModem, created specifically to be run with Windows.

There is an attempt to get WinModems to run with Linux, but you are much
better off getting rid of your modem and getting a "real" one...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of german torres
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 9:09 PM
Subject: [newbie] modem..kernel Hsp56 micromodem

some1 know what to do with my problem,
i just get the right linux driver 4 my modem and now
ther is a problem because of im using lnx4win and the
driv3er said that it was 4 kernel 2.2.5 and ln4win is
2.2.17k im new at linux and i would like to know what
to do, i dont know maybe updating kernel or something.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] free VMWARE

2001-01-13 Per discussione Paul

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Emilio Correa wrote:

VMware is a commercial product...

Hi, thanks for all whose answer my questions. I could fix my problem with kppp.
No I wonder if exist a free version of VMWare and where I can download it
and where to find information abut the free soft.

Thanks on regards,


Whats so fine with Pagans?
They worship the ground you are walking on!

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

RE: [newbie] booting disaster

2001-01-13 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

Boot your installation CD and type rescue at the prompt.


Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vicar In A Tutu
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 12:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] booting disaster

Oh, all right, I'm an idiot. Flame away if you want to. The thing is,
when I ran DiskMinder under Winbloze (I wanted to defrag the win
partition, and the bloody thing saw "errors" on the hdd), it somehow
mangled my boot sector (hint: never press enter thoughtlessly), so
now the Mandrake partition won't boot! I've got about three or four
reserve lilo floppies, but not one that would boot my current Mandrake
7.1. They all start a kernel panic while booting... any boot floppy
images that look for your local Tux realm at /dev/hda5 lying around ???


Mickey, dropping his long string of titles out of despair.

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

yes...thank you MandrakeSoft. I'm in 100% agreement there with Dennis. I
love what you're doing with this Distro. Absotlutely the best. :) Even if
it does make me nuts sometimes. Just means I have more to learn.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Dennis Myers wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, you wrote:

 HM. I'm afraid I agree with Mr. Poole. There's a difference between bloat
 and choice. Frankly, I like the choices I'm given with the Powerpack Deluxe.
 If I wanted just a desktop I would have stayed with the net d/l or bought the
 Deluxe box. This way I can try a lot of different things and work my way into
 development as I slowly learn how to do the programming.  Thanks
 MandrakeSoft, I enjoy your product.

 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] problem with nvidia tnt2 m64

2001-01-13 Per discussione Robert Wyatt

Isn't glide for 3dfx based video cards ?

Meph Istopheles wrote:


   Don't really wanna "horn" in, but I've a simillar situation
 with my Diamond Viper 770D (it's got the tnt2 chip).  With
 XFree4.01 it's almost dead.  I'd installed the glide module 
 some games picked up, but (I suppose those not using glide) are
 unchanged.  Switched to the other XFree 3.xx?) with lm7.2,  have
 little change.

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Come now...taking over the world PC market isn't going to happen over
night. It has to progress normally one PC and one user at a time. In my
opinion what really needs to happen is that all the different distros and
window managers need to quell "aLL" of the infighting and fussing that is
going on between them, i.e. the Gnome - KDE war of this past summer, and
show a united _LINUX_ front.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, john rigby wrote:

 Ha folks,
 The real problem with the slow uptake of the fantastic Linux
 System is that it *is* trying to be all things to all people.
 There is a VAST difference between the BASIC USER and the
 The 99.99% of people out in the Cyberbog that Linux NEEDS to
 reach/convert to save us all from Bill, do not need now, in the
 future, ever, ANY Development Tools.

 The ideal install situation is maybe a 2 disk set:
 Disk A:  SIMPLE up-and-go basic Linux with USEABLE *OFFICE*
 APPLICATIONS vis: StarOffice, KDOffice, Browser, IE Lookalike
 Mail program and that is it. NO, repeat NO, Developer stuff

 Disk B: All the Developer stuff - and certainly no GUI needed.
 Hackers like to get dirty and "change their own oil".  :-)


 John-The-Perpetually-Frustrated-User-ONLY- (Since Fortran and

 - Original Message -
 From: "Adrian Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 2:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

 quote from the artical:
 The week before Christmas, CNET News.com editor Todd Volz blasted
 most of the major commercial distributions, including
 Mandrakesoft, for shipping bloated product. While most of the
 bloat comes in the area of developer-oriented features, i.e.
 mulitple compilers, screen setting controls etc., Voltz viewed
 the business community's reluctance to slim things down for the
 regular user a distressing sign.

Re: [newbie] menu editor changes don't work

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 12 January 2001 08:21 pm, bascule wrote:
 can someone tell me exactly what files menu editor edits 

   I don't really know, but take a look at /home/user/.menu/menu
Somewhere I saw a mini-howto on how to manually edit that file to add/
subtract menu items, but I don't remember where.

 i cannot therefore personalise my menus except by editing the icon
 files by hand and this only lasts until i logon again, this isn't th
 only sort of change that gets undone but that's another story

 i would be grateful if someone could help me to personalise my menus
 with some certainty of those change being permanent!


  I had similar behavior, particularly for menu items I added for 
non-Mandrake apps I've added, and for some reason a few apps like 
Archiver.  Here's my work-around.  When the menus are how I want them, 
I copy /home/user/.kde/share/applnk/  (the dir and all it's files) to 
a bakup dir (eg, /home/tom/bakup/applnk). Then I logout as user and 
login as root.  I start two instances of Konqueror, and drag the 
/home/user/bakup/applnk dir onto the /home/user/.kde/share/applnk/ 
dir and OK the overwrite.  Really all I'm doing by this is to make root 
the owner and group of my user menus, and I also have menu bakup.

I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this, but I've been doin 
it this way since 7.2b3/KDE1.94.  Thru numerous upgrades to KDE2, XF-4,
etc.  I've never lost my user menu changes.  'Course I have to go thru 
the above process all over again to add or delete anything on my menu, 
but it works, so I keep doin it this way.  Also, some apps, eg, 
Staroffice, aren't 7.2 menu compatible. So you'll need to make your own 
menu item for those since, my method above won't keep them.

   Also, I don't use icons. I hate 'em.  First thing I do after an 
install, any OS, is to delete all the icons in /Desktop to clean 'em 
off the desktop (trash can is a little difficult) ;
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] modem..kernel Hsp56 micromodem

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 12 January 2001 08:08 pm, german torres wrote:
 some1 know what to do with my problem,
 i just get the right linux driver 4 my modem and now
 ther is a problem because of im using lnx4win and the
 driv3er said that it was 4 kernel 2.2.5 and ln4win is
 2.2.17k im new at linux and i would like to know what
 to do, i dont know maybe updating kernel or something.

   Here's your real problem

... and the fix is to get a real modem
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Nutzo-insane RPM software

2001-01-13 Per discussione Pascal Poirier

 OK, I apologize for funnin with ya. But Michael's right, you'd only 
 get that error with a current cooker, or an incompatible RH7 package.  
 Please post the rpm's full name that you're tryin to install. It's 
 possible to install cooker/RH7 rpm's, but you have to be very careful 
 as to what, or you'll break your system.  Current cooker  RH7 is 
 almost completely incompatible with 7.2 due to abrupt changes in glibc, 
 rpm-4, gcc 2.96, etc.  Your best chance is to get a cooker src rpm and 
 rebuild it with 7.2's gcc-2.95.3/glibc-2.1.3. As simple as 'rpm 
 --rebuild package'.  Even then, the resulting rpm can be a system 
 buster  (which would be a 'user'error' ;).  So what're ya tryin?

Well that explains why me trying to go to upgrade my system somewhat was
bombing all the time... Has anyone one managed to find a somewhat easy way
to upgrade the system.  There are so many interdependencies for the new
kernel its a mess... I might try the above but would perfer to know if it
will break the system before I do it... that way I can have my disks
ready :^)

Pascal Poirier 8^)

"Time is just one damn thing after another!" -Anonyms

Fifth Year Electrical Engineering Daltech, Nova Scotia


Re: [newbie] menu editor changes don't work

2001-01-13 Per discussione civileme

On Saturday 13 January 2001 03:21, you wrote:
 can someone tell me exactly what files menu editor edits because on my
 system it does not edit those files under ~/.kde/share/applnk/i know
 this because if i use the menueditor to change the command for kpackage
 to include kdesu at the beginning it is not reflected in my menu, in
 fact menu editor reports the command to execute as kpackage -u, whereas
 clickpropertiesexecute shows kpackage -u -caption etc.etc (or some
 such-it's definitely not the same though).  if i change this here to
 read 'kdesu kpackage etc' then launching from the menu gives me a
 password box before launching kpackage BUT, AFTER I LOG OUT AND LOGON
 AGAIN it has been reset to launch kpackage in user mode,

 i cannot therefore personalise my menus except by editing the icon files
 by hand and this only lasts until i logon again, this isn't th only sort
 of change that gets undone but that's another story

 i'm using kde under lm7.2 i have always found this to be the case depite
 several reinstalls (for other reasons), the last reinstall was onto
 freshly formatted space incl. the /home partition.

 i would be grateful if someone could help me to personalise my menus
 with some certainty of those change being permanent!

do not use the kde menu editor...

Do not use the editor off the panel

bring up a terminal

$ su -
password: (root password)
# cd /home/username
# menudrake
Make your changes in the menu and then hit the Save button and wait.

When the message banner at the bottom says save completed--you are OK

If you try to edit menus as a user with menudrake in a terminal, you will see 
that it fails to save to /etc/menu because the permissions are wrong.


[newbie] Dual PIII 600 7.2 install went well

2001-01-13 Per discussione Bob Currey

Sometimes things just work.

7.2 Mandrake went on easier (much) than Win/98.  Quite a pleasant surprise.
I haven't tried the modems, yet, but all the basic stuff went in without a
hitch, excepting my 640 x 480 Zenith Flatscreen, which the install code
didn't like in combo with my 3D Blaster Savage4 card.  I substituted a 1024
x 768 Optiquest 17" while the install was still running and it worked.

System config:

Gigabyte 6BXDS Dual Pentium MB (with IDE and Dual Adaptec 3895 UW SCSI
2 - Intel PIII 600's
512 mb SDRAM
2 - Seagate 18xl 5.4 ms UW SCSI 9.1 gb drives (one on each channel)
1 - IBM SCSI CD Boot
1 - Ricoh IDE CDRW MP7040A (not tested, yet)
1 - Motorola ModemSurfr 33.6k Internal Voice Modem
1 - US Robotics 56k Ext Voice Modem Pro (probably won't work), have
Actiontec 56k Voice to swap
2 - SMC 10/100 Fast PCI Ethernet cards (from CDW for under $20 ea)
1 - Creative Ensoniq PCI Sound board (not tested)

The 2nd Barracuda didn't get partitioned by the install, automatically, but
I'm sure thats not major...


[newbie] system hangs at LMK 7.2 installation

2001-01-13 Per discussione c-3

After problems installing Mandrake 7.0 (mouse didn't work) I've got 
LMK 7.2 and now I have an even worser problem:
After booting from CD and loading the kernel, the system hangs 
with the message 'starting   please wait'.
I've already tried to boot from diskette and also using text-
installation, but same problem.

Is this a known bug?


my hardware:
  - Diamond Viper V330 4MB graphical interface
  - Asus SP98AGP-X mainboard
  - IBM 6x86MX-PR200 processor
  - 64 MB RAM (DIMMs)
  - IBM DHEA-36481UltraDMA/33 hard disk (6.5 Gigs)
  - SCSI-controller (SYM53C810)
  - Samsung SCR-3230 32x CDROM
  - Mitsumi CR-2600TE CD-writer
  and some more...

Re: [newbie] Earthlink and CHAP and PAP

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 12 January 2001 09:28 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Strange. I've been logging on to Earthlink for four years using PAP.
 But Tom swears by CHAP. 
  Well, I don't swear by, at it maybe ;)  Here's how I got the correct 
Earthlink info before their Windoze CD came.  I went over to a neighbor 
who reccommended EL to begin with. In lookin thru his windoze setup, 
besides different DNS numbers than EL gave me, I saw he was setup to 
use CHAP. EL support had told me PAP. Using the neighbor's info I was 
finally able to get a connection. A coup'la days later when my EL 
windoze CD came, I loaded it.  It dials an 800 number during setup and 
gets the login info, even which local number(s) to call.  It got the 
same DNS I got from my neighbor, and also set authentication to CHAP.

BTW, as somebody already mentioned, there's no CHAP choice during 
Mandrake install/ppp setup.  I asked 'em to add it in a post to the 
cooker list some time ago ... we'll see.   I still believe most of EL's 
BS is the 6% market share NutScrap-Enterprise servers they use.  If it 
wasn't for Aol and EL (No 1  No2), NUtScrap-E wouldn't even exist and 
Apache's share would rise to 70% ;
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Getting support

2001-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

yes, and not to mention that is what this list is all about.

by the way...I think the reply-to us broken on here.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Dennis Myers wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, you wrote:
   I've registered my 7.2 and posted a question dated 12 Dec 2000.
   Till date I've not gotten any response from Mandrake. Anyone
   with a similar problem getting help from Mandrake?
Well, while I've not actually posted via their site, I've
  issues with two of my cards (Diamond Viper 770D  a Crystal Audio
  sound card (cs4236)  had sent the info requested in drakconf to
  some MandrakeSoft address a few weeks ago.  I've heard nothing
  from them but the auto-responder to let me know they'd got each
  of the e-mails.
So, is MandrakeSoft any better at support than, say, M$?
 I sent in an e-mail for support and got a response back in about 24 hours.

Re: [newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

You can make Gnome the default X mandager by setting it as such with
Switchdesk. Once you're logged in and X is running it's on the menu
somewhere, but I've always called it from a terminal. Just type in
Switchesk, and then choose Gnome from the menu and tell it to apply the
change. that's all there is to it.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Dennis Myers wrote:
  When it boots to the login box that wants either the user + password or
  root + password there is a button that has kde on it
  click on that button and all of the installed choices including gnome
  will drop down. Click gnome and pull up a
  mushroom. Oh, then click "go"  sorry my strange sense of humor got in
  the way back there.


 Okay, first of all I didn't make my message clear enough. My brother and I both
 know how to change from a *graphical* login. Neither one of us do that though.
 We both boot up to the time-honored command line/prompt. So...how or what do
 you change from there to switch? Thanks!

 PS...or is it still easier to run DrakConf and set it to a graphical login,
 pick Gnome as default, then run DrakConf again, and tell it NOT to start X
 automagically? ;-)

 PSS I'd still like to know the other way, for curiosities sake... ;-)

Re: [newbie] Visor, jpilot, usb, and Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

I've been trying for a few weeks now to do the same thing at work on my
workstation but I've been unsuccessful so far. Is there a problem doing
this with the Mdk 7.2 kernel that it requires kernel 2.4 to be able to
sync with the Visor?


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Aaron Zuercher wrote:

 I have a Visor, which I'm attempting to Sync with Mdk 7.2.  Not much luck
 with the USB.  So i bought a serial cradle, and that has wokrked fine.  Once
 I upgrade to 2.4 I'm going to attempt the USB cradel again.

 Anyhow... about your problem... one thing that is different between the two
 computers is the chipset on your motherboard.  With your older Pentium you
 had an Intel chipset (probaly VX or BX)  But with your new Duron you've got a
 Via KT133 chipset.  Now I don't know if this is the cuase of your problems or
 not, but its something to look into.

 Also, out of curiosity, at what point in the sync does it fail?  I had some
 problems with jpilot trying to sync the mail program on my Visor, even whenI
 didn't use the mail program.


 On Saturday 16 December 2000 10:22, you wrote:
  Does anyone on this list use jpilot to sync their Handspring Visor via a
  USB cradle running Mandrake 7.2?
  I recently purchased a new PC.  Though I never had problems with the
  above configuration on my ol' 133 MHz Pentium, my sync fails after only
  a few files on my new 700 MHz Duron.  I'm wondering if the extra speed
  is the reason???
  -- Jim

[newbie] Linux Mandrake update disk

2001-01-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Hi folks, I received in the mail a disk from MandrakeSoft for updates to KDE 
as well as some other patches.  When I registered the boxed set of LM 
Powerpack Deluxe (the McMillan set) I checked a box indicating I would like 
the update when available. Well, three weeks later here it is and with the 
exception of two packages that said they weren't signed or GNUPG was 
incorrectly installed, the update took KDE 1.99 to KDE 2.0 and some other 
things that are transparent to me, all without a hitch. Thanks MandrakeSoft.  
Just wanted everyone to know that the company is working on customer 
satisfaction and I am.
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Nutzo-insane RPM software

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 13 January 2001 07:47 am, Pascal Poirier wrote:
 Has anyone one managed to find a somewhat
 easy way to upgrade the system.  There are so many interdependencies
 for the new kernel its a mess... I might try the above but would
 perfer to know if it will break the system before I do it... that way
 I can have my disks ready :^)

   Most of the cooker rpms that have been rebuilt and 7.2 compatible 
are in a new dir, /unsupported, on cooker mirrors. 
I've found the European mirrors (France, Germany, Belgium) are the best 
maintained ones, quickest to be updated, YMMV

   There's a few other sources also,   http://texstar2020.tripod.com
and   ftp://mandragon.org/pub/mandrake/I've used rpm's from all 
these sites without problems, YMMV

 Generally cooker src rpms can be rebuilt to your 7.2 system, but 
you might wanna read this first

You can always keep your ear to the ground, find out what 
works/doesn't work with what after lurking on the cooker mailing list 
for a while.  BUT please, it's for developers and active testers, so 
refrain from posting if you're not active in the development proccess.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-13 Per discussione Greg Sarsons

Ah .. the good old days but alas switchdesk doesn't come with 7.2


Mark Weaver wrote:
 You can make Gnome the default X mandager by setting it as such with
 Switchdesk. Once you're logged in and X is running it's on the menu
 somewhere, but I've always called it from a terminal. Just type in
 Switchesk, and then choose Gnome from the menu and tell it to apply the
 change. that's all there is to it.
 "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
 "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
 Linus Torvalds
 On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Dennis Myers wrote:
   When it boots to the login box that wants either the user + password or
   root + password there is a button that has kde on it
   click on that button and all of the installed choices including gnome
   will drop down. Click gnome and pull up a
   mushroom. Oh, then click "go"  sorry my strange sense of humor got in
   the way back there.
  Okay, first of all I didn't make my message clear enough. My brother and I both
  know how to change from a *graphical* login. Neither one of us do that though.
  We both boot up to the time-honored command line/prompt. So...how or what do
  you change from there to switch? Thanks!
  PS...or is it still easier to run DrakConf and set it to a graphical login,
  pick Gnome as default, then run DrakConf again, and tell it NOT to start X
  automagically? ;-)
  PSS I'd still like to know the other way, for curiosities sake... ;-)

It said use Windows 98 or better so I installed Linux.

[newbie] xf86config fails due to : warning server.......

2001-01-13 Per discussione Quaylar

hi all !

I am having troubles to setup my system with xf86config.
The reason why i ran xf86config was my monitor shutting down to standby 
mode every 5 seconds when working in X.
Upon being prompted to choose my video card from the list i didnt get the 
list but following error :

Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident 
TGUI9660  (generic) (line 2513)
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident 
TGUI9680  (generic) (line 2519)
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident Cyber  
9320 (generic) (line 2537)

followed by a cancel of xf86config and a core dump, leaving me at command 

i have been searching this on deja and the mandrake mailing lists archives 
and found indeed lots of other people having the exact same problem, but 
none of them had a solution to this.

my system :

P200 MMX
S3 TRIO 64UV+ video card
mandrake 7.1

hope somebody of u can bring some light into this.
thanx in advance,


Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 

Re: [newbie] Kodak cameras

2001-01-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 13 January 2001 01:29 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 13 January 2001 04:29, you wrote:
  Has anyone  set up a Kodak DC3400 to work in gphoto or whatever in
  linux. Or is there a site set up to check on
  drivers for digital cameras. Kodak support is ok but this camera isn't
  listed in gphoto. TIA for any help.

 I selected the DC 280 from the dropdown list. Not many of the functions of
 the DC 3400 work but I can download pictures. Now if only I could get the
 camera to work with the usb port instead of the serial port!

I can't get a connection on usb either, and when I try on the serial port I 
get a message "missing serial device permissions--check permissions (see 
manual)".  Does anyone know how I would set the serial device permissions? 
Thanks for any help,
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Mark Weaver wrote:
 You can make Gnome the default X mandager by setting it as such with
 Switchdesk. Once you're logged in and X is running it's on the menu
 somewhere, but I've always called it from a terminal. Just type in
 Switchesk, and then choose Gnome from the menu and tell it to apply the
 change. that's all there is to it.

Coolness, Mark...thanks! ;-)


[newbie] BIND File Missing

2001-01-13 Per discussione SoloCDM

My dnskeygen file is missing in the following RPM:


Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
  list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.


Re: [newbie] Gnome/v7.2 question.

2001-01-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

maybe so, but I'd imagine you've still got your 7.1 disks around as I do and 
it wouldn't take but a few minutes to install the switchdesk package from the 
CD to the system.

On Saturday 13 January 2001 09:55 am, you wrote:
 Ah .. the good old days but alas switchdesk doesn't come with 7.2


 Mark Weaver wrote:
  You can make Gnome the default X mandager by setting it as such with
  Switchdesk. Once you're logged in and X is running it's on the menu
  somewhere, but I've always called it from a terminal. Just type in
  Switchesk, and then choose Gnome from the menu and tell it to apply the
  change. that's all there is to it.
  "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
  worthless," "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
  Linus Torvalds
  On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
   Dennis Myers wrote:
When it boots to the login box that wants either the user + password
or root + password there is a button that has kde on it
click on that button and all of the installed choices including gnome
will drop down. Click gnome and pull up a
mushroom. Oh, then click "go"  sorry my strange sense of humor got in
the way back there.
   Okay, first of all I didn't make my message clear enough. My brother
   and I both know how to change from a *graphical* login. Neither one of
   us do that though. We both boot up to the time-honored command
   line/prompt. So...how or what do you change from there to switch?
   PS...or is it still easier to run DrakConf and set it to a graphical
   login, pick Gnome as default, then run DrakConf again, and tell it NOT
   to start X automagically? ;-)
   PSS I'd still like to know the other way, for curiosities sake... ;-)


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

Re: [newbie] problem with nvidia tnt2 m64

2001-01-13 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

  It's been a while since I'd read the docs, but I'm sure I'd
installed it on the recommendation set there.  Evidently, it was
necessary in RH 6.0 for me to play the one accelerated game I
could even compile -- Quake II.  It also had a positive effect in
lm7.2, as I can now get acceleration in a few games which before
lagged for very long periods before indicating they'd not
actually crashed;-).


 Isn't glide for 3dfx based video cards ?

 Meph Istopheles wrote:

Don't really wanna "horn" in, but I've a similar situation
  with my Diamond Viper 770D (it's got the tnt2 chip).  With
  XFree4.01 it's almost dead.  I'd installed the glide module 
  some games picked up, but (I suppose those not using glide)
  unchanged.  Switched to the other XFree 3.xx?) with lm7.2, 
  little change.

  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] Tomcat Apache (Suggestions Please)

2001-01-13 Per discussione Linux Tests

This question is in regards to designing the best system for operating Tomcat 
and Apache on an LM 7.2 box.

The knowns:

First, the peak number of users is 2000 users in one night.

Second, the hardware needs to be an Athlon system.

Third, the hard drive must be a SCSI 40 GB.

HOW would you design this system for the best performance so that every user 
who visits the site is quickly and properly served.


The more RAM the better.
Adaptec's SCSI 29160
Athlon 1.1 GHz

Has anyone tried a system similar to this?  Any known issues or problems?

In terms of the distribution :-)

How much tweaking is going to be required to get this system PERFECT?
Will all of the dependencies work out of the distro box?
Will all of the drivers be present?
Should the Kernel be moved to 2.4.0 before deploying the server?
Apache in the 7.2 distro is optimized by SGI - any hiccups from these code 
changes between Apache and Tomcat?

Do you see anything MAJORLY wrong with designing a system around Tomcat and 
Apache using LM 7.2?

Layne P. Heiny Linux Tests
Webmaster Colored my first punch card in 1968
ICQ #9097776   AIM: DoubleLinux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.linuxtests.org
== Testing New PC Hardware under GNU/Linux =

Re: [newbie] Tomcat Apache (Suggestions Please)

2001-01-13 Per discussione Dan LaBine

I have an Athlon 900Mhz, 768Mb Ram, Asus A7V, but IDE Drives. Absolutely no
Problems. Have fun, Good Luck. Do yourself a favor, though. Before
installing, disable your Plug 'n' Pray in the BIOS. See if you can
successfully disable ACPI as well. Install should go better.

- Original Message -
From: "Linux Tests" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: [newbie] Tomcat  Apache (Suggestions Please)

 This question is in regards to designing the best system for operating
 and Apache on an LM 7.2 box.

 The knowns:

 First, the peak number of users is 2000 users in one night.

 Second, the hardware needs to be an Athlon system.

 Third, the hard drive must be a SCSI 40 GB.

 HOW would you design this system for the best performance so that every
 who visits the site is quickly and properly served.


 The more RAM the better.
 Adaptec's SCSI 29160
 Athlon 1.1 GHz

 Has anyone tried a system similar to this?  Any known issues or problems?

 In terms of the distribution :-)

 How much tweaking is going to be required to get this system PERFECT?
 Will all of the dependencies work out of the distro box?
 Will all of the drivers be present?
 Should the Kernel be moved to 2.4.0 before deploying the server?
 Apache in the 7.2 distro is optimized by SGI - any hiccups from these code
 changes between Apache and Tomcat?

 Do you see anything MAJORLY wrong with designing a system around Tomcat
 Apache using LM 7.2?

 Layne P. Heiny Linux Tests
 Webmaster Colored my first punch card in 1968
 ICQ #9097776   AIM: DoubleLinux
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.linuxtests.org
 == Testing New PC Hardware under GNU/Linux =

[newbie] XFree86

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tomas Hurtig


I have found an RPM package that I need but I do not know where I can
download it, the package that I need is called:
XFree86-devel-4.0.1-26mdk and I found it at:

The thing is I can not find the place to download it! If I click on the
title I get sent back to the listing of RPM's. There I can of course
find the the file that I want, but if I click that link I am back where
I started again!

I know what I want but I don't know where to get it, could someone give
me a hint?


[newbie] LM 7.2 as a Server

2001-01-13 Per discussione Andrew F. Brown

This semester as a project for a class i am hosting a ebsite on my own
person;a server. I would like to here from some people who run web and ftp
servers on LM systems about any problems they have encountered, advice they
have to give, etc. about using Linux Mandrake as a server. How stable it is?
How Secure can it be? Any advice would be much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] XFree86

2001-01-13 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Tomas Hurtig wrote:

 I have found an RPM package that I need but I do not know
 where I can download it, the package that I need is called:
 XFree86-devel-4.0.1-26mdk and I found it at:

 The thing is I can not find the place to download it! If I
 click on the title I get sent back to the listing of RPM's.
 There I can of course find the the file that I want, but if
 I click that link I am back where I started again!

 I know what I want but I don't know where to get it, could
 someone give me a hint?


Re: [newbie] Philips Acoustic Edge Sound Card

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 13 January 2001 02:47 pm, Wilson wrote:
 Does anybody know if this sound card works in Mandrake 7.2.  I'm
 getting ready to purchase a new sound card and have heard good things
 about this one.  If not guess I'll get the Soundblaster Live.

   Well, ya just haft'a ask yourself ... feelin lucky ?  or like Dick 
Tracy  ;

  'SAA7785 PCI'   research that sound chip and it's usabilitiy in 
anything but windoze.  Then decide if ya want to fork out $75 
(pricewatch) based on advertiser driven reviews.

ps, it took me 2 minutes on Google to find out what chipset the card 
uses, "Philips Acoustic Edge"  means nothin'
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione german torres

im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 13 January 2001 06:40 pm, german torres wrote:
 im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] menu editor changes don't work

2001-01-13 Per discussione bascule

thanks civileme,

though  guess this stills begs the question of what files menudrake is 
editing as my example of kpackage still holds, in menudrake the options to 
the command 'kpackage' consist of '-u' and thats it, in .kde/share/applnk/ 
they are '-caption and a few others', not the same!

i get the message in a terminal 
message cannot open: /root/.menu but not if i cd to /root first in the same 
terminal so i'm guessing that running menudrake as root still edits the menus 
for the user whose home directory one is in? but then why would menudrake 
want to load anything from /root/.menu?

okay now i'm really confused, i just looked, there is nothing in 
/root/.kde/share/applnk ! zip in /root/.menu and 3 items in ~user/.kde/menu

the pedant in me is irked and that means some loss of sleep as i research 
this thing!

right now after many attempts to add kdesu to the kpackage menu item i have 
two different entries reported by menudrake and a third different entry in 
the actual ~user/.kde.. .desktop file!, the file, menudrake run from 
the k menu or from the panel and menudrake run from a terminal as root while 
in /home/user 

it's a small thing i guess, but it speaks to the  very usability and 
friendliness of the system, you are a user, you make a change to something 
that only affects you, it is after all the desktop that you as a user  see, 
the changes should stay changed, if for any reason the system allows root to 
prevent such changing in office workstation scenarios then you should be told 
OY! NO!, not instead allowed to mess with the system only to have all the 
changes disappesar at next login, now that could really lead to office 

ah zebedee, there you are!



 do not use the kde menu editor...

 Do not use the editor off the panel

 bring up a terminal

 $ su -
 password: (root password)
 # cd /home/username
 # menudrake
 Make your changes in the menu and then hit the Save button and wait.

 When the message banner at the bottom says save completed--you are OK

 If you try to edit menus as a user with menudrake in a terminal, you will
 see that it fails to save to /etc/menu because the permissions are wrong.


Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione eryl

german torres wrote:
 im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

USR V-everything external.  Expensive, has every bell and whistle and
every setting is configurable.  

But really, any external serial modem will work, and work well with
linux.  I have the above modem, an old Hayes 56K external, a regular
sportster external, and a Phoebe ISA internal with a Cirrus Logic
chip--all work fine, but avoid any possible hassles and get an external
serial port modem.

Re: [newbie] XFree86

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 13 January 2001 05:32 pm, Tomas Hurtig wrote:
 I have found an RPM package that I need but I do not know where I can
 download it, the package that I need is called:
 XFree86-devel-4.0.1-26mdk and I found it at:
 The thing is I can not find the place to download it! If I click on
 the title I get sent back to the listing of RPM's. There I can of
 course find the the file that I want, but if I click that link I am
 back where I started again!
 I know what I want but I don't know where to get it, could someone
 give me a hint?

  On how to search?   at   http://ftpsearch.lycos.com   a search on
  XFree86-devel-4.0.1-2?mdk   (ask yourself next if you wanna be 
messin' with cooker ;)  returns (as many as you ask for:) :

1 -rw-r--r--1.7M 2000 Oct 27 ftp.darenet.dk   
   [ftp sites 2 thru 30 deleted to spare y'all]
31 -r--r--r--1.7M 2000 Oct 20 ftp.uni-kassel.de

... and another zillion below patch level 28, includin' a bunch of 
26mdk's.  Judgin' by the dates/version tho, they're all very obsolete.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] hdd: packet command error

2001-01-13 Per discussione Jon Dowd

I'm trying to use an older CD-ROM drive, but am getting error messages at 
startup. I have a dual boot machine and the CD-ROM drive works ok under 
Windows. I have included the output of dmesg.

Thanks, Jon Dowd

Linux version 2.2.17-21mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.3 
19991030 (prerelease)) #1 Thu Oct 5 13:16:08 CEST 2000
Detected 501134 kHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 999.42 BogoMIPS
Memory: 127668k/131072k available (1136k kernel code, 416k reserved, 1724k 
data, 128k init, 0k bigmem)
Dentry hash table entries: 16384 (order 5, 128k)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 131072 (order 7, 512k)
Page cache hash table entries: 32768 (order 5, 128k)
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.4.0 initialized
CPU: L1 I Cache: 32K  L1 D Cache: 32K
CPU: AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor stepping 0c
Checking 386/387 coupling... OK, FPU using exception 16 error reporting.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.35a (19990819) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfb490, last bus=1
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
TCP: Hash tables configured (ehash 131072 bhash 65536)
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd v 1.5 
Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.
Serial driver version 4.27 with MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT SHARE_IRQ enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.13)
Real Time Clock Driver v1.09
RAM disk driver initialized:  16 RAM disks of 4096K size
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.30
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
ALI15X3: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 78
ALI15X3: chipset revision 194
ALI15X3: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0: BM-DMA at 0x2800-0x2807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0x2808-0x280f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
hda: ST310212A, ATA DISK drive
hdc: ST34340A, ATA DISK drive
hdd: FX400D, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: ST310212A, 9768MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1245/255/63, UDMA(33)
hdc: ST34340A, 4103MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=8894/15/63, DMA
hdd: lost interrupt
hdd: packet command error: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest 
Error }
hdd: packet command error: error=0x04
hdd: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
hdd: drive not ready for command
ATAPI device hdd:
  Error: No sense data -- (Sense key=0x00)
  No additional sense information -- (asc=0x00, ascq=0x00)
  The failed "Mode Sense 10" packet command was: 
  "5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 "
hdd: lost interrupt
hdd: packet command error: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest 
Error }
hdd: packet command error: error=0x04
hdd: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
hdd: drive not ready for command
hdd: lost interrupt
ATAPI device hdd:
  Unknown Error Type: No sense data -- (Sense key=0x00)
  No additional sense information -- (asc=0x00, ascq=0x00)
  The failed "Mode Sense 10" packet command was: 
  "5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 "
hdd: request sense failure: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest 
Error }
hdd: request sense failure: error=0x04
hdd: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
hdd: drive not ready for command
hdd: lost interrupt
hdd: packet command error: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest 
Error }
hdd: packet command error: error=0x04
hdd: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
hdd: drive not ready for command
hdd: lost interrupt
ATAPI device hdd:
  Unknown Error Type: No sense data -- (Sense key=0x00)
  No additional sense information -- (asc=0x00, ascq=0x00)
  The failed "Mode Sense 10" packet command was: 
  "5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 "
hdd: request sense failure: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest 
Error }
hdd: request sense failure: error=0x04
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.11
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M, fd1 is 1.2M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MAX_REAL=12
raid5: measuring checksumming speed
raid5: MMX detected, trying high-speed MMX checksum routines
   pII_mmx   :  1053.846 MB/sec
   p5_mmx:   993.648 MB/sec
   8regs :   709.041 MB/sec
   32regs:   456.438 MB/sec
using fastest function: pII_mmx (1053.846 MB/sec)
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
md.c: sizeof(mdp_super_t) = 4096
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2  hda5  hda3 hda4
hdd: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
hdd: drive not ready for command

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 14 January 2001 12:51 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 13 January 2001 06:40 pm, german torres wrote:
  im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some


Do the research like Tom shows above so that you have a good idea of what to 
look for and what to reject. Now, in my case I have two internal and 
1external modems.  The external and 1 internal are Best Data Modems. That 
doesn't tell you much except that as a general rule external modems that say 
on the box " works with all operating systems" will and internal modems that 
are jumpered so that you can preconfigure the IRQ and Com Port are generally 
ok with linux whether they be ISA or PCI architecture. The key is generally. 
So find the ones that are not winmodems in the online websites and go 
shopping accordingly.  By the way Best Data Modems say right on the 
box.."works with linux OS". Have fun,
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

[newbie] floppy permissions query

2001-01-13 Per discussione Jordan

Icon on desktop as per default on installation, but access not
permitted. Right click to Properties and ticking (already seemed
correct) doesn't fix.

Re: [newbie] Worthless RPM software

2001-01-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 08:48, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Friday 12 January 2001 03:36 pm, Vic wrote:
  I would like to know why every
  time I attempt to install something
  worthless RPM says:
  "only packages with major numbers = 3 are supported by this version
  of RPM"
  what bullsh** is this?

 user error

The package was compiled for RPM 4, which comes with Red Hat 7 but not with 
Mandrake 7.2. These packages cannot be used with Mandrake (unless you install 
RPM 4, which is not recommended).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] VMware

2001-01-13 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Do you have the latest version of VMware? Earlier versions will not work in 
Mandrake 7.2.

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 02:57, James Hallam wrote:
 hi all,
 i am trying to get VMware to run on Mandrake 7.2
 the install goes ok, but when i run the config script vmware-config.pl
 it throws back an error about half-way thru the set-up
 it asks something about header files.

 i was wondering if anyone came across this prob and if they managed to fix

 the error it gives is :


 thanks in advance

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] hdd: packet command error

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 13 January 2001 07:33 pm, Jon Dowd wrote:
 I'm trying to use an older CD-ROM drive, but am getting error
 messages at startup. I have a dual boot machine and the CD-ROM drive
 works ok under Windows. I have included the output of dmesg.
 hdd: lost interrupt
  hdc:hdc: irq timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
 hdc: DMA disabled

  Well, there's a lot there, but mostly it smacks of marginal and/or 
misconfigured hardware.  You've got some problems on ide1 (second ide), 
_both_ drives (hdc and hdd) .  "works ok under Windows" is a derogatory 
statement. Windoze' claim to fame is a tolerance for poor hardware/ 
sloppy configuration.  Hell, Billy seems to encourage it more'n 
more lately.  

   Both the master HDD on ide1 and the slave Cdrom are havin problems.
Check your connections (eg, re-seat ide cable) and bios config's. 
Double check the jumper setings. If one or both are set to 'cable 
select', that might be the problem. hdc should be set MS, hdd should be 
set SL, but it might be better to have that second ide HDD as a slave 
on ide0(?)  I've got'a feelin one or both those ide1 drives has a 
yellow! by it in windoze device manager.

   Post the results of (as root) 'hdparm -i /dev/hdc'  and 'hdparm -i 
/dev/hdd'   plus 'hdparm -v /dev/hdc'  and ../hdd' might help too.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] What Files must I edit to add a new window manager to the kdm login window

2001-01-13 Per discussione msh

I've downloaded the latest windowmaker and installed in /usr/local.  I
used the kde control center - system - login manager to add a new
entry to the menu of window manager choices offered at login time. 
Invoking this menu item doesn't work.  (I get the icewm instead -- I
think).  Under MDK 7.1 I edited the file /etc/X11/window-managers in
order to get the menu to actually do something.  That file seems not to
be present in my current installation of MDK 7.2.

Has this information moved to a new file?  Also, are there plans to have
the kde control center do more than add the menu item (i.e., add the
menu item and alter whatever files are necessary to cause the menu to

Re: [newbie] Kmenu

2001-01-13 Per discussione Dan LaBine

I have the exact same problem and symptoms. If you get a reply I'd like to
hear about it.  Thanks in Advance.

- Original Message -
From: "KompuKit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] Kmenu

 HELP-please !!
 I need help...in editing the kmenu system...
 when I click 0n the big "K" on the kpanel...
 I now see...4 menuitem LINKS to each app mentioned..

 I tried re-installing kdebase, menu, and everything else I could think of
 in RPMsI tried SUing to root...and commanding:
 update-menus -v

 and menueditor
 both in user, and in root mode

 how can I fix this...?

 Shop online without a credit card
 RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione mcdowell

How about external USB modems?

On 13 Jan 2001, at 17:30, eryl wrote:

 german torres wrote:
  im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
 USR V-everything external.  Expensive, has every bell and whistle and
 every setting is configurable.  
 But really, any external serial modem will work, and work well with
 linux.  I have the above modem, an old Hayes 56K external, a regular
 sportster external, and a Phoebe ISA internal with a Cirrus Logic
 chip--all work fine, but avoid any possible hassles and get an external
 serial port modem.

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Saturday 13 January 2001 11:05 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about external USB modems?

  Some are win-modems.   You can find out here

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione Erylon Hines

 How about external USB modems?

Not supported yet--and word is that many of these are actually
Winmodems, so they probably won't (and shouldn't) be.

How about it, anyone on the list hear of a USB modem that will actually
work with linux?

As far as USB goes, my feeling is that it's such a hassle now, that I
simply don't attach it to any of my linux boxes, even though there is a
lot of hardware supported.  I use my wife's Win98 box as a network USB
server for my printer, zip drive, and Sandisk (which doesn't support
linux either, even though they are the biggest name in memory card
readers).  My linux boxes will read and write fine through the Win box,
though.  Hey, that means I've found a use for Windows!
 On 13 Jan 2001, at 17:30, eryl wrote:
  german torres wrote:
   im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some

Re: [newbie] =ModeM-

2001-01-13 Per discussione L. H. LOO

At 13-01-2001 -0800, you wrote:
im just going to buy a modem i would like to hear some
I am using external 3Com U.S. Robotics 56K FaxModem with Linux-Mandrake 
7.1.The modem works; also 'cured' my Bios port IO conflict at 2f8 : com2 
aka /dev/ttyS1.

[newbie] acrobat reader install

2001-01-13 Per discussione Kenneth Legg

While trying to install acrobat reader 4.0 on Linux Mandrake 7 under KDE 2 I
got this message. At this point I'm at a lose as to what to do next. The
text below is copied form my terminal window.

To accept the terms and conditions of this agreement enter "accept".
To decline the terms and conditions of this agreement enter "decline".

Please type "accept" to accept the terms and conditions license agreement;
Type "decline" to exit. accept

This installation requires 16MB of free disk space.

Enter installation directory for Acrobat 4.0 [/usr/local/Acrobat4]

Directory "/usr/local/Acrobat4" does not exist.
Do you want to create it now? [y] y

Installing platform independent files ... Done

Installing platform dependent files ... Done
./INSTALL: ed: command not found
ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread

[root@localhost ILINXR.install]#

Kenneth Legg

[newbie] sound card

2001-01-13 Per discussione cstoh

Does anyone have a Mandrake Linux driver for my 
sound card?
In Windows it works fine and the driver is 
ESS Allegro-1 Device Manager

Thanks in advance

[newbie] acrobat install

2001-01-13 Per discussione Kenneth Legg

While trying to install acrobat reader 4.0 on Linux Mandrake 7 under KDE 2 I
got this message. At this point I'm at a lose as to what to do next. The
text below is copied form my terminal window.

To accept the terms and conditions of this agreement enter "accept".
To decline the terms and conditions of this agreement enter "decline".

Please type "accept" to accept the terms and conditions license agreement;
Type "decline" to exit. accept

This installation requires 16MB of free disk space.

Enter installation directory for Acrobat 4.0 [/usr/local/Acrobat4]

Directory "/usr/local/Acrobat4" does not exist.
Do you want to create it now? [y] y

Installing platform independent files ... Done

Installing platform dependent files ... Done
./INSTALL: ed: command not found
ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread

[root@localhost ILINXR.install]#

Kenneth Legg

[newbie] mandrake boot problem

2001-01-13 Per discussione Joel Fitzgerald

Hi All, I've been in the computer game a long time 
but new to linux... I just got an old compaq 6000 PC, 200mhz Pentium Pro, with a 
6gig IDE Maxtor HDD, IDE cdrom, Matrox MGA video card. Blank HDD to install 
linux on.

I installed mandrake a few days ago fine, no 
problems the instalation went great. The from console mode i did a reboot 
command. It reset and came up with the GRUB boot screen started linux 
automatically then almost right away says uncompressing kernel and the machine 

I tried failsafe mode did the same thing. So 
thought easy fix, format the drive and reload linux back on. Did that, but on 
the first bootup after installation, the same problem occured. I've tried 
everything from different video cards to resetting the bios etc. 

Any ideas? I'm ready to give up.


Re: [newbie] gcc compiler - no such file ...

2001-01-13 Per discussione David E. Fox

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 15:20, you wrote:
 Hi all, I have installed some programs which use X11 and a compilation with
 gcc, I know, uses the option -lX11 to compiler look for libX11.so, which is
 in the /usr/include directory! OK!

Actually, the libX11.so won't be in /usr/include, but in /usr/X11R6/lib. 
/usr/include is for header files, and /usr/X11R6/lib is for X libraries.

 xdrvr.c:38: X11/Xos.h: No such file or directory

Most likely the X include files and/or libraries are not installed. Check 
your install media for fileswith 'devel' in their names. These are 
development RPMs that you need to install if you compile programs that use 
these services (for instance, if you have a program that uses the jpeg stuff, 
then you need to install the libjpeg and libjpeg-devel RPMs).

Look for the XFree86-devel RPM on your install media and install it (rpm -i 
XFree86-devel-*.i586.rpm as root).



David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] user icon and password at login..

2001-01-13 Per discussione jiten

i just installed LM 7.2. pls tell me how to solve following problems.

1. i don't want the icon of user to be displayed at login screen. how do i
 change this default setting.

2. when i enter the password it shows me the stars  whereas i want
nothing to be displayed at login screen 

thankx in advance  


Re: [newbie] MP# encoder?

2001-01-13 Per discussione David E. Fox

On Monday 08 January 2001 19:06, I previously wrote:

 Hmm. Last time I tried that one it was hard coded to use a different glibc
 than the one I had. I was running Redhat 6.0 (more or less) at that time. I
 will give it another try with Mandrake 7.2.

OK, reinstalled the Music Match software. Upon running the supplied shell 
script (mmjb) I get two lines about not being able to stat /mnt/floppy and 
/mnt/cdrom, which is OK since I don't have those things mounted. Then it sits 
for about a few minutes, and without giving any output, it just ends and goes 
back to the prompt. If I look at the system in another window using ps etc. I 
can tell that a few processes get created by this but they stay in sleep mode 
for the duration.

I filled out a problem report with the MusicMatch people. 


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 and Mime Types

2001-01-13 Per discussione David E. Fox

On Thursday 11 January 2001 11:18, you wrote:
 I would like to shift to Netscape 6 instead of 4.7x because of its
 ability to manage multiple e-mail accounts for a single Linux user
 (under 4.7x I had to keep a separate user account for each e-mail
 account). My problem is that the scripts which come with RealPlayer8 for

Speaking of netscape 6, am I alone in not being able to run it? Netscape 4.7x 
runs OK, but after downloading netscape 6 and running it, all I get is a 
whole bunch of text about java services etc not working and then it's back to 
the shell prompt.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] mandrake boot problem

2001-01-13 Per discussione eryl

 Joel Fitzgerald wrote:
 Hi All, I've been in the computer game a long time but new to linux...
 I just got an old compaq 6000 PC, 200mhz Pentium Pro, with a 6gig IDE
 Maxtor HDD, IDE cdrom, Matrox MGA video card. Blank HDD to install
 linux on.
 I installed mandrake a few days ago fine, no problems the instalation
 went great. The from console mode i did a reboot command. It reset and
 came up with the GRUB boot screen started linux automatically then
 almost right away says uncompressing kernel and the machine reboots.
 I tried failsafe mode did the same thing. So thought easy fix, format
 the drive and reload linux back on. Did that, but on the first bootup
 after installation, the same problem occured. I've tried everything
 from different video cards to resetting the bios etc.
 Any ideas? I'm ready to give up.

My experience with spontaneous reboots is that it is a hardware problem
(has been for me every time -- I'm an overclocker).  So, my guess is
it's iffy hardware, but I can't tell you which piece is the problem.  I
once searched for 3 months on a machine before I discovered my problem
was a bad network card -- I finally found it when the darn card got so
bad it would reboot another machine when I was transferring files.  Who
would have thunk that a network card would reboot a machine?  Had the
same thing happen when an ide controller died, and bad memory did it to
me too.  Since it happens during a disk read the first thing I would
look at would be the hdd or the hd controller.  Anyway, let us know what
you find so that I can file it in the gray matter.  BTW, hardware that
is faulty may still operate with Windoze but linux is less forgiving.