[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] [newbie-it] Configurazione rete: la storia infinit a (2° round)

2001-03-18 Per discussione Random

Ok, ho in mano i file di log ma non ci capisco molto:

dal file "var/log/message"
Mar 16 18:35:27 localhost postfix: Starting postfix:
Mar 16 18:35:28 localhost postfix: postalias: fatal: open /etc/mail/aliases:
No such file or directory
Mar 16 18:35:30 localhost postfix: postfix
Mar 16 18:35:30 localhost rc: Starting postfix:  succeeded
Mar 16 18:35:31 localhost sendmail: sendmail startup succeeded

Dal file "var/log/mail/warning"
Mar 16 18:40:38 localhost postfix/local[1013]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS
domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled
Mar 16 18:45:49 localhost postfix/local[1325]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS
domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled

Non so, a titolo informativo se faccio "sendmail start" tutto funziona, se
per faccio "sendmail stop" mi da failed, lasciando dedurre che si era gi
chiuso per i fatti suoi.

Poi se faccio "postfix start" mi da errore:

"starting postfix: postalias: fatal: open etc/mail/aliases: file o directory

ma postfix viene effettivamente caricato in mem poich con "postfix stop" si

In ultimo ho provato a fare "telnet localhost smtp" e postfix/sendmail (non
ho capito bene) mi risponde, quindi vuol dire che c'...

A questo punto mi chiedo: perch postfix mi da l'errore ma si avvia e si
chiude, mentre sendmail non da errori ma non si chiude?

A voi l'ardua sentenza :)

Grazie ancora

- Original Message -
From: "Fabio Coatti" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] [newbie-it] Configurazione rete: la storia infinit
a (2 round)

Controllate sempre i logs (li trovate in /var/log/); sono messi l
 apposta per scoprire eventuali problemi di questo tipo. Sicuramente
 trovate qualche riga con indicazioni utili per scoprire cosa  successo.

 Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova
 Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
 GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
 Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] Quite OT: libri su linux MDK

2001-03-18 Per discussione Random

 sto cercando dei libri sulla gestione di linux, e soprattutto 
sulla sua configurazione. Utilizzo la mandrake 7.2 ovviamente e mi 
interesserebbe qualcosa di non difficilissimo ma neanche banale che mi 
permettesse di configurare in maniera dignitosa linux sulla mia 

consigliarmi qualcosa?

Re: [newbie-it] Quite OT: libri su linux MDK

2001-03-18 Per discussione freefred

On Friday 16 March 2001 19:43, Random wrote:
 sto cercando dei libri sulla gestione di linux, e soprattutto
 sulla sua configurazione. Utilizzo la mandrake 7.2 ovviamente e mi
 interesserebbe qualcosa di non difficilissimo ma neanche banale che mi
 permettesse di configurare in maniera dignitosa linux sulla mia macchina...

 Sapete consigliarmi qualcosa?

su interpuntonet.linux.it
troverai Appunti Linux di Giacomini
le linux domande e risposte di Paolone
e linux facile di Daniele Medri.
Sull'ultimo numero in edicola, linux facile
e' pure in omaggio stampato.
Sullo stesso sito c'e' il quick easy configuration howto (credo sia cosi').
Questo per non spendere neanche un soldo,
altrimenti le librerie sono ormai piene
di libri e libretti su linux.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - www.davidebanda.nelweb.net
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


[newbie-it] installazione

2001-03-18 Per discussione matteo

Aiuto!! non riesco nenache ad installare la distribuzione! avvio la 
di installazione ma tutto si blocca su Starting Please wait
Devo settare qualcosa da bios (a parte no pnp so)?
il mio pc :
tbird 1000
mobo msi kt7 pro 2a chipset kt133
HD60GB quantum uata100
scheda video ge force 256 32MB ddr
Se vuoi dare un aiuto alla ricerca,
visita il mio sito http://www.itafolding.f2s.com

[newbie-it] installazione mandrake 7.2

2001-03-18 Per discussione stefano

Ciao a tutti,
vorrei installare Mandrake sul mio secondo hard disk, ma il cd di 
installazione si blocca dopo aver riconosciuto correttamente l'hardware.
Ho provato diversi hard disks e diversi cd, tutti con lo stesso risultato, 
sembra che la distro si rifiuti di installarsi sul secondo hard disk poich 
sul primo nessun problema.
Grazie per l'aiuto,
Linux user #204845
Machine #93731 Nessie

Re: R: [newbie-it] SB AWE32

2001-03-18 Per discussione Corrado

Verbal wrote:

 SNDCONF? e dov'??? non esiste sulla mia partizione root :(non c'
 modo nel mio sistema di far funzionare

 Digita sndconf su un terminale.

  1- SB AWE322- ELSA ISDN USB ESTERNO3- ed il monitor LG55I a 1024x768
 mi scentra tutta l'immaginedisastro :(

 Prova a regolare l'immagine con i comandi del monitor... io ho un LG,
 modello differente, e cos ho fatto...


  pensavo meglio da Linux !!!

Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-18 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 20.29 17/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
  Eccomi di nuovo qui, reduce da alcuni esperimenti.
  Il pacchetto awesfx e' installato, ma al posto di /usr/bin/sfxload ho
  /bin/sfxload e della direcotry /usr/share/sfbank neanche l'ombra,
  tantomento del file 8mbgmsfx.sf2.
Hai ragione: il fatto e' che io ho installato un altro pacchetto di awesfx 
(non mdk), invece quello di mdk installa sfxload in /bin e i banchi in 
/usr/share/doc/awesfx-0.4.3a/bank-samples, pero' attenzione che il banco 
da 8mb che ti ho indicato non fa parte di questo pacchetto ma lo trovi sul 
cd  della live.
Lo puoi copiare in qualsiasi dir tu voglia, basta che poi metti il 
percorso esatto nel modules.conf.

Ok, ho capito.

  Allora ho provato ad aggiungere solo le prime due righe di quelle da te
  Ora al'avvio mi carica una marea di moduli e finalmente mi appare la
  directory /proc/asound, ma di sentire i midi non c'e' verso e se interrogo
  le varie voci di /proc/asound (sndstat, cards, device, etc..) sembra 
 che io
  non abbia schede installate, ne' synth, ne' seq, ne' midi.
  Ho provato anche a togliere dal modules.conf le righe "alias
  sound-service-0-*", ma il risultato non cambia.
  Sinceramente non so piu' cosa pensare.
Visto che Alsa non e' installato di default hai cancellato (o commentato) 
la riga
alias sound emu10k1 nel modules.conf?

Si, l'ho fatto.

Comunque questo e' quello che ho io nel suddetto file riguardante il suono:
# ALSA portion
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-emu10k1
options snd-card-emu10k1 snd_index=0 snd_id="SBlive"
alias midi snd-synth-emu10k1
below snd-seq-oss snd-synth-emu10k1
post-install snd-synth-emu10k1 /usr/bin/sfxload 
/usr/share/sfbank/8mbgmsfx.sf2; alsactl restore
pre-remove snd-synth-emu10k1 alsactl store

# OSS/Free portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

Come ho gia' detto cambia i percorsi secondo le tue esigenze

Grazie di tutto


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] SB AWE32

2001-03-18 Per discussione Corrado

Verbal wrote:

 digito, ma non esiste :(non  che  imboscato in qualche parte dell'hd
 ?eppure anche un find / -name *sndconf*non trova nulla :(

 l'hai lanciato come root?
 tra i tool grafici, dovresti avere DrakConf (dal men: Configuration
 - Other - Drakconf)

   per il monitor, ok, ma se poi riavvio sotto W98 siamo da capo :(

   il problema  far rimanere W98 e Linux assieme, e se ogni volta devo
 cambiare a manina i settaggi del monitor :((

 Anche per me  cos, ma devo solo "spostare" l'immagine di qualche cm
 a destra... certo, io Win lo uso si e no una volta a settimana, tu
 avrai altre esigeneze...

 cmq prover anche ad installare i driver nvidia per TNT nuovi..


Re: [newbie] PMFirewall and IPchains

2001-03-18 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Peter; The questions you answered from my previous post were meant as
rhetorical ones, but well done. I wasn't expecting answers! However, I'm
still hoping that Linux will become considerably more popular to the masses,
and I see easy-to-use-and-install packages as one of the ways that the
appeal of Linux can be greatly enhanced. Thanks for your comments.

Dan LaBine
Registered Linux User #190712

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PMFirewall and IPchains

 --- Dan LaBine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why are many Linux-based programs so complicated to
  set up?? Here we are,

 I'm no expert but I've got a few theories for you.

 Theory 1:
 Hacking code is fun. Writing a polished interface
 isn't so much fun. Since most of what you use under
 Linux has been written by volunteers who're writing
 code for the love of writing code, you get software
 that is robust and powerful but lacks polish and/or
 good documentation (until someone else comes along and
 writes the latter).

 Theory 2:
 It's danged hard to write an 'easy-to-use' interface
 that doesn't limit access to the software in some way.
 One of my primary reasons for trying to wean myself
 off of Windows is that every version that comes out
 puts more barriers between me and the machine. More
 and more, M$ 'guesses' at what I really want to do,
 and does it. If it guesses wrong, I have to recourse.
 I'll project my annoyance with this onto the Linux
 community in general (who, from what I've seen, really
 enjoy having full control of the OS) and guess that
 the people who write this software are loathe to do
 anything that might limit what you can do with it in
 any way.

 Now, a comment... things surely are getting better.
 I'm in my 3rd or 4th attempt at becoming a full time
 Linux user. The first time I tried was with RedHat 5,
 iirc, and it was a huge challenge to get that
 installed. Compare that installation to the one in
 Mandrake 7.2 and there's an amazing improvement in

 If/when Linux starts to make real in-roads into the
 desktop space, there'll be commercial incentive to pay
 people to craft nice interfaces to existing
 utilities... until then we'll have to make do, or
 develop the coding skills needed to create nice
 interfaces and build 'wrappers' for powerful but
 unwieldy utilities...

 All the above is just my opinion, of course, and be
 aware that I am NOT a hard-core linux geek (yet). I'm
 trying to get there, though... every time I boot
 Windows these days, I feel a sense of defeat... I'll
 get there!

 Peter Smith, Cambridge, MA, USA
 Various bookmarks = http://people.ne.mediaone.net/jaded
 Chat about games, movies and tv = http://jadedspub.com
 "They were playing Wagner. It's the most fun I've had in about six
months" -Tyr Anasazi

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] PMFirewall and IPchains

2001-03-18 Per discussione Dan LaBine

To all!

As a followup to my previous post to the mandrake group, I did some
snooping around, and found something VERY interesting! Check out this
web-site for something you might find useful -  http:/www.securepoint.cc  .
They have a complete firewall kit which includes Linux and Windows
Administration Clients, as well as thier own version of Linux with it's own
firewall system included. Download all the english files for the FREEWARE
edition ( Man! I just love that term! ). The large file includes a CD image
in ".c2d" format, so a CD burner is required, and get the separate client
and manual files. This firewall system is designed to be used on a separate
firewall PC (Check the manual for minimum requirements). This one looks
really good. I'll be setting it up in the next few days myself. Hope this
helps everyone!

Dan LaBine
Registered Linux User #190712

[newbie] CD Writer's and Linux Mandrake 8

2001-03-18 Per discussione Jason Jesso

Does anybody know if the CD Writer problem in Linux Mandrake 7.2 is fixed in
Linux Mandrake 8?

The problem is having to re-create the cdrom link to /dev/scd0.


Re: [newbie] grub

2001-03-18 Per discussione Romanator

robert macdonald wrote:
  Long story short...tried to dualboot LM 7.2 with NT4.  Really messed
 up! Now all I get is "grub" with a command prompt after it. Tried fdisk and
 format to no avail. Just want to  install LM 7.2 on clean hdd. Can any one
 please give me some info?  VERY new to Linux.
 Thanks in advance,
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Hello Robert,

Boot up your computer with a DOS Boot Disk. At the C:\ prompt, type in:
fdisk /mbr
Press the enter key. Turn off your computer for few seconds and
reboot. Your boot.ini will kick in.

Registered Linux User #179293
Turbo Charged Penguin Email

Re: [newbie] grub

2001-03-18 Per discussione Romanator

Charley  Peggy Robinson wrote:
   I've never run NT but in 95 /98/Me you make a startup disk when you do
 the initial load.  FDISK is on my startup disk and it can be run from
 there.  Also, you may have a boot disk that came with NT.

Use the Windows 98 Boot Disk. Open the files on the CD or floppy. Fdisk
is included.

Registered Linux User #179293
Turbo Charged Penguin Email

[newbie] Running Java Applets

2001-03-18 Per discussione Joe Redd

I have, in the last 2 weeks, installed Mandrake 7.2 on one machine, and SuSE 
7.1 on another, so that i can see which one is better, and which one is 
easiest to setup the advanced server applications, such as samba, and 
sendmail, and apache, for my workplace, as we are very tired of paying 
microsoft liscensing fees.  Anyway, in my quest to setup Linux to have 
everything I used in windows, I have run into a roadblock.  Konqueror doesn't 
even run java applets, such as yahoo chat, netscape, which works in windows 
to run things like yahoo chat, doesn't fully load it in LM 7.2, and even the 
New Netscape6, after downloading and installing the java plugin, doesn't want 
to load yahoo chat.  It acts like it is working, it brings up the applet 
window, it does basically everything, except bring people into the room, and 
I can't change rooms.  I can still access this from my laptop, which is 
running WinME,  but, I am trying to not use winders anymore.

Any help would be appreciated.

Joe Redd

[newbie] What am I missing?

2001-03-18 Per discussione Tech R

I'm getting a little frustrated here. I don't remember 
going through so much trouble with RedHat as I am now with LM 7.2. To be 
specific, I can't connect to LOCALHOST, and Apache.

Tried to connect to WEBMIN by entering http://localhost:1 and all I get is unable 
to connect to localhost error message.

IPCHAINS default policy right now is ACCEPT.

HOST.DENY is not denying anybody,I commented out the 
entry added by LM.

My HOSTS file has 
localhost.localdomain localhost
mymachine.mydomain.com mymachine 

I can ping localhost and mymachine.mydomain.com from a 
terminal and from a DOZE machine.

So, what am I missing???

Oh, and yeah, I can't recieved mail too. 

Tech R

[newbie] Keyboard Question

2001-03-18 Per discussione Tim Holmes

I was looking through Maximum Linux magazine early today, and saw a
shortened key board in the original lay out.  NO caps lot key, no
Windoze key, and all that good stuff.  Doesn't have the number pad
either.  As I was looking at the key board, I was curious if anybody
knew of a keyboard that didn't have the letters printed on the keys.  I
know there's no real NEED for this, but I just thought that was kewl.  I
don't look at the letters when I type, so why are there?  And it would
help me learn the numbers/symbols better.  I figured this would be the
best place to ask, so here I am asking.

If you're interested in the keyboard I mentioned you can find it at
http://www.pfuca.com/products/products.html.  And if you know of a place
to get a keyboard with out the letters printed on them, please let me
know!  Thank you!

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

RE: [newbie] CD Writer's and Linux Mandrake 8

2001-03-18 Per discussione falcaraz

With beta 2 not problem; I just had to do that when to have both,
cdwriter and my secon cdrom (Hitachi dvd), I add to grubber the line to
scsi-emulation for the second cdrom; then I needed to write:
cd /dev  rm cdrom2  ln -s scd1 cdrom2; but in the installation the
cdwriter was perfectly installed.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: "Jason Jesso" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Domingo, Marzo 18, 2001 5:28 am
Asunto: [newbie] CD Writer's and Linux Mandrake 8

 Does anybody know if the CD Writer problem in Linux Mandrake 7.2 is 
 fixed in
 Linux Mandrake 8?
 The problem is having to re-create the cdrom link to /dev/scd0.

Re: [newbie] Pb installing LM 7.2

2001-03-18 Per discussione Ed Tharp

thank you tom.. I did not even realize  I was sending in the same format as
the original...
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Webster" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Pb installing LM 7.2

 I also would recommend you change your e-mail settings to "text" from
 "HTML". A lot of people on mail lists consider it good manners, even for

 You could take heed of this advice also!!

 -Tom Webster

[newbie] How to use WINE?

2001-03-18 Per discussione jeff

I installed 7.2 and I saw the package for WINE install, but I can't seem to 
figure out where it is or how to make it run. I checked the KDE and GNOME 
menus and its not listed anywhere. Please help. Also and little tricks you 
have would be welcomed. Thanks.

Jeff Davis

Re: [newbie] What am I missing?

2001-03-18 Per discussione root

Le Dimanche 18 Mars 2001 17:52, vous avez crit :
 I'm getting a little frustrated here. I don't remember going through so
 much trouble with RedHat as I am now with LM 7.2.  To be specific, I can't
 connect to LOCALHOST, and Apache.

 Tried to connect to WEBMIN by entering  http://localhost:1 and all I
 get is unable to connect to localhost error message.

 IPCHAINS default policy right now is ACCEPT.

 HOST.DENY is not denying anybody, I commented out the entry added by LM.

 My HOSTS file has

 I can ping localhost and mymachine.mydomain.com from a terminal and from a
 DOZE machine.

 So, what am I missing???

 Oh, and yeah, I can't recieved mail too.

 Tech R

You should type https://localhost:1 as Webmin now needs a secure 

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Pices jointes : 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: [newbie] How to use WINE?

2001-03-18 Per discussione Jay needs a Guinness

On Sunday 18 March 2001 12:44, you wrote:
 I installed 7.2 and I saw the package for WINE install, but I can't seem to
 figure out where it is or how to make it run. I checked the KDE and GNOME
 menus and its not listed anywhere. Please help. Also and little tricks you
 have would be welcomed. Thanks.

 Jeff Davis
type (without the quotes)  wine "package name" at a command prompt.  Make 
sure you are in the directory in which the package is located.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Installing LM 7.2 on a Sony Vaio Laptop

2001-03-18 Per discussione poogle

I an inclined to agree with your suggestion of corrupt CD (s),
I installed 7.2 on my Vaio PCG - F250 with no problems at all, it was (before 
upgrade) very similar spec i.e:-
Celeron 366
32mb Ram
4.3Gb HD
Don't know about the F160 but mine uses Neomagic sound and video cards and 
has a 13.0" XGA HPA screen
On Sunday 18 March 2001 05:16, you elegantly scribed:
  Anyway, to get to
 the point, what I found is my copy of Mandrake 7.2 had some corrupt files
 on it, 

 On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you managed to utter:
  I am have problem installing LM 7.2 on my Laptop.
  System Info:
  Sony Vaio PCG-F160
  300 MHz P2
  64 MB Ram
  4 GB Fujitsu HD
  During installation it will do one of the following three things:
  1)  Hangs-up* on installing gpm
  2)  Hangs-up* on installing grep
  3)  Prompts user with: error installing pkgs gpm, grep, perl-base - so,
  I click "Go On".  Then Prompts user with: error installing pkgs gtk+, rpm
  , slang, util-linx, SysVinit - again I click "Go On".  Finally, it
  hangs-up* on installing grub
  * - what I mean by "hangs-up" is that the machine will do nothing other
  than turn the cooling fan on and off, for more than 30 min when I reboot.
  This means no HD operation, no CD-ROM movement, and no screen change.
  All power managements is turned off in the BIOS.  These LM 7.2 CD's were
  created some time in early January (I think).
  It doesn't matter what type of installation I choose, one of the above
  three things will occur.
  Any help will greatly be appreciated,

[newbie] XFree 4.0.3

2001-03-18 Per discussione Chris Cameron

How would I go about upgrading my X to 4.0.3 running Mandrake 7.2?


Re: [newbie] upgrade from 7.2 to 8.0

2001-03-18 Per discussione Jay needs a Guinness

On Sunday 18 March 2001 06:12, you wrote:
 hi all !

 i have a question regarding the upgrade of LM 7.2 to 8.0
 right now i have my linux server set up with 7.1, i was just thinking about
 upgrading it to 7.2 when the advice came to my mind that i was given a few
 weeks before on this mailing list. that was that i would have to completly
 weep out the partitions when upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2.
 now if i re-install 7.2 from scratch - forced to do all my config again - i
 dont want to repeat this when then upgrading to 8.0.
 has somebody experience with upgrading from 7.2 - 8.0 ?
 does it work properly or would one be forced again to completly wipe all
 partitions ?
 i dont want to do all the work twice .



 Icq# 30932448
 ! Knowledge is power 
 For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP
I found that upgrades never work as advertised.  If you have your /home 
partition separate from your /, /swap, etc. partitions, you do not have to 
wipe all partitions, you can keep /home intact.  Do a clean install, it will 
give your PC that "oh-so-fresh" feeling.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] How to use WINE?

2001-03-18 Per discussione Mark

I installed 7.2 this weekend  I too could not see WINE after I supposedly
installed it

- Original Message -
From: "jeff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 5:44 PM
Subject: [newbie] How to use WINE?

 I installed 7.2 and I saw the package for WINE install, but I can't seem
 figure out where it is or how to make it run. I checked the KDE and GNOME
 menus and its not listed anywhere. Please help. Also and little tricks you
 have would be welcomed. Thanks.

 Jeff Davis

[newbie] cups/kups doesn't detect my printer

2001-03-18 Per discussione Charley Peggy Robinson

  The above sez most of it.  Also get a error msg ""can't connect to
cups server" when trying to run setup in kups.  

  I have a 24-pin Panasonic KX-P2135 printer.  It didn't work until I
used the Epson LQ-850 driver in Drakconfig.  Now I can print from WPs
but not from Netscape.



[newbie] List Adminstration question

2001-03-18 Per discussione aifusionextreme

Can somebody please tell me how to get off this 
list ? I have been trying for weeks and its starting to really bug me. 

Since the list mailer doesnt change any of the mail 
headers, I do not know what address it is sending to and so cant cancel it since 
it only works by FULL email address. I get all mail to the domain 
aifusionextreme.netscapeonline.co.uk and could have used 

Please end my subscription to thsi list now. 

Re: [newbie] More printing problems (solved)

2001-03-18 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

I have changed my motherboard, and CUPS now runs (on the old one, the CUPS 
server would not run  ;-(

So I can now print; thanks to all who sent help.

The flip side of it all is that now its my Ethernet card that wont work.


Ron the Frog, on the balmy banks of the Paraguay River.
Solitude: A good place to visit,
   but a poor place to stay.
-- Josh Billings
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

[newbie] Cups and KDE 2.1

2001-03-18 Per discussione Dennis Myers

I got cups working in KDE 2.1! Something didn't click when I upgraded and 
lost my printing altogether.  Using LM 7.2 by the way.  So what I ended up 
having to do is edit the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file by uncommenting the 
"printcap  /etc/printcap " line in the file and then saving. As root I typed 
" service cups stop" and then "service cups start" and lo and behold it 
started working.  Previous instructions just said to do "service cups restart"
 and that didn't seem to work, but stop first and then start did. Go figure. 
So if anyone else has had the problem and this works let us all know. There 
should be a fix done, not by me of course, I can barely write my e-mail 
messages let alone program : )  Onward and upward,

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] cups/kups doesn't detect my printer

2001-03-18 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 18 March 2001 15:24, you wrote:
   The above sez most of it.  Also get a error msg ""can't connect to
 cups server" when trying to run setup in kups.

   I have a 24-pin Panasonic KX-P2135 printer.  It didn't work until I
 used the Epson LQ-850 driver in Drakconfig.  Now I can print from WPs
 but not from Netscape.


See my earlier post, go into /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and edit the line for 
printcap   /etc/printcap by uncommenting it.  Then as root do the "service 
cups stop" and  then " service cups start" and see if that doesn't get you 
going. Let us know,  Guttenberg (spelling?) didn't know what he was doing to 
the world!...  Cheers,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] List Adminstration question

2001-03-18 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 18 March 2001 12:58, you wrote:
 Can somebody please tell me how to get off this list ? I have been trying
 for weeks and its starting to really bug me.

 Since the list mailer doesnt change any of the mail headers, I do not know
 what address it is sending to and so cant cancel it since it only works by
 FULL email address. I get all mail to the domain
 aifusionextreme.netscapeonline.co.uk and could have used

 Please end my subscription to thsi list now.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

You need to go to the Linux-Mandrake web page that has the mail lists, see 
the home page left hand column "maillists". Go to that page, it's the same 
one you signed up on, and it tells you how to unsub.  Stay Cool,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] PMFirewall and IPchains

2001-03-18 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Sounds like a very well informed opinion formed by someone who has done
their homework and put in the time.


Peter Smith wrote:
 --- Dan LaBine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why are many Linux-based programs so complicated to
  set up?? Here we are,
 I'm no expert but I've got a few theories for you.
 Theory 1:
 Hacking code is fun. Writing a polished interface
 isn't so much fun. Since most of what you use under
 Linux has been written by volunteers who're writing
 code for the love of writing code, you get software
 that is robust and powerful but lacks polish and/or
 good documentation (until someone else comes along and
 writes the latter).
 Theory 2:
 It's danged hard to write an 'easy-to-use' interface
 that doesn't limit access to the software in some way.
 One of my primary reasons for trying to wean myself
 off of Windows is that every version that comes out
 puts more barriers between me and the machine. More
 and more, M$ 'guesses' at what I really want to do,
 and does it. If it guesses wrong, I have to recourse.
 I'll project my annoyance with this onto the Linux
 community in general (who, from what I've seen, really
 enjoy having full control of the OS) and guess that
 the people who write this software are loathe to do
 anything that might limit what you can do with it in
 any way.
 Now, a comment... things surely are getting better.
 I'm in my 3rd or 4th attempt at becoming a full time
 Linux user. The first time I tried was with RedHat 5,
 iirc, and it was a huge challenge to get that
 installed. Compare that installation to the one in
 Mandrake 7.2 and there's an amazing improvement in
 If/when Linux starts to make real in-roads into the
 desktop space, there'll be commercial incentive to pay
 people to craft nice interfaces to existing
 utilities... until then we'll have to make do, or
 develop the coding skills needed to create nice
 interfaces and build 'wrappers' for powerful but
 unwieldy utilities...
 All the above is just my opinion, of course, and be
 aware that I am NOT a hard-core linux geek (yet). I'm
 trying to get there, though... every time I boot
 Windows these days, I feel a sense of defeat... I'll
 get there!
 Peter Smith, Cambridge, MA, USA
 Various bookmarks = http://people.ne.mediaone.net/jaded
 Chat about games, movies and tv = http://jadedspub.com
 "They were playing Wagner. It's the most fun I've had in about six months" -Tyr 
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] startx bug in LM72

2001-03-18 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I just noticed that on my LM72, typing any of the following login
commands at the console:

$startx kde

$startx gnome

$startx xfce

will automatically take you ICEWM instead of to their respective
desktops or window managers. 

This is obviously a bug of some sort. I hope somebody at Mandrake
notices it.

Note especially that to log into xfce you must type the SINGLE command:



Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] not enough arguments for update-menus

2001-03-18 Per discussione Jonathan Oppenheim

the folks on the expert list couldn't help,
so thought someone here might know:

i tried to run update-menus, after installing kde2.1 but i get the
following  error message

 Not enough arguments for mkdir at /usr/bin/removekdesysmenu.pl line 42,
near ""${kdehome}/share/applnk/$file")"
Execution of /usr/bin/removekdesysmenu.pl aborted due to compilation

the line in removekdesysmenu.pl is just
mkdir ("${kdehome}/share/applnk/$file");

i have done an export $KDEHOME="$HOME/.kde" so 
not sure what argument is missing, unless it is $file.

i have also made sure that there is a link from
/usr/share/applnk to /usr/share/applnk.kde

so it should get $file.

anyone know what is going on?

i have a hybrid mandrake 7.0/7.2/other install

[newbie] win98, zone alarm and mandrake 7.2

2001-03-18 Per discussione Brian

Hi all

My home network consists of:
cable modem -win98 with zone alarm-mandrake 7.2
Currently I have to shut down zone alarm to access the web from the linux box.
Not the best solution. I know. I've got it backwards. The linux box should be 
set up as the firewall but I've only been using it for 8 days and there is a 
bit of a learning curve. Any and all other suggestions are welcome.


Re: [newbie] grub

2001-03-18 Per discussione robert macdonald

finally got it to work thanks to everyones help.  Much appreciated can't say 
enough thanks.

From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] grub
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 22:10:51 -0500

use your Windows boot disk to start your computer and at the A:\ prompt
issue the command to clean your boot sector - "fdisk /mbr" that will
take care of it.


robert macdonald wrote:
  Yes I tried that But I get   "Error: Unrecognized command"
  From: Jean-Louis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] grub
  Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 09:46:25 -0500
  Did you do a "fdisk /mbr" to clean to boot sector?
  On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you wrote:
 Long story short...tried to dualboot LM 7.2 with NT4.  Really
up! Now all I get is "grub" with a command prompt after it. Tried 
format to no avail. Just want to  install LM 7.2 on clean hdd. Can 
please give me some info?  VERY new to Linux.
Thanks in advance,
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] win98, zone alarm and mandrake 7.2

2001-03-18 Per discussione jeff


Heres what I do, I run a little 14 port hub so each computer is seperate. 
Also if you call @home tech support and ask for a 2nd level tech they can 
give you a static IP in a bout 1 minute, and it doesn't cost anyting. Hope 
this helps.

On Sunday 18 March 2001 17:41, you wrote:
 Hi all

 My home network consists of:
 cable modem -win98 with zone alarm-mandrake 7.2
 Currently I have to shut down zone alarm to access the web from the linux
 box. Not the best solution. I know. I've got it backwards. The linux box
 should be set up as the firewall but I've only been using it for 8 days and
 there is a bit of a learning curve. Any and all other suggestions are


Re: [newbie] List Adminstration question

2001-03-18 Per discussione Rog

The best way to get off the list is to put your PC out on your front
lawn. Leave it there for about a week, week and a half, then bring it
back in. You shouldn't be bothered by this list anymore at that point.

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 18:58:56 -, you wrote:

Can somebody please tell me how to get off this list ? I have been trying for weeks 
and its starting to really bug me. 

Since the list mailer doesnt change any of the mail headers, I do not know what 
address it is sending to and so cant cancel it since it only works by FULL email 
address. I get all mail to the domain aifusionextreme.netscapeonline.co.uk and could 
have used anything@aif.

Please end my subscription to thsi list now. 

[newbie] Can't install WINE

2001-03-18 Per discussione Branislav Karic

   When I try to install WINE it says that I have to
install glibc 2.2.2 first. I have found that rpm and
tryed to install it but glibc sayes that it needs
ldconfig. I check it out and found that ldconfig is
installed on my system.

  Does anyone know why glibc can't see it?


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.ca address at http://mail.yahoo.ca

[newbie] some possible error in cdrecord

2001-03-18 Per discussione eric

Dear lm  record user:

   If we see

cdrecord:  Numerical argument out of domain, Can not send SCSI cmd via

should I stop or let it go on

I put in a cd rw disk with some files (probably windowME format)
then I issue
cdrecord  dev=0,0,0  blank=all  8.0beta2CD1.i586.iso

I ever meet such error with disk having some file(probably also windows)
in 7.2 , then I replace a whole new cd-rw disk
then no error appear in record.

need help

Re: [newbie] Installing LM 7.2 on a Sony Vaio Laptop

2001-03-18 Per discussione Jason Stegman

Okay...I am officially a moron.

The CD's were corrupt alright...corrupt with dirt and grime.  Nothing a 
little elbow grease couldn't fix.  So, in spite of my pea-size brain, I am in 
the ball game...LM 7.2 is installed on my Sony Vaio PCG-F160.

Now, I got one more question:

The LCD display is working OK with the Generic LCD 1024x786 resolution
XFree86 driver.  Would I be better off with the Neomagic driver with the
XFCom server?

Keep in mind, I'm not new to Linux. A little down-n-dirty configuration
doesn't scare me.  I have been using Linux for some time now, just new at the 
whole laptop thing. And beside I usually get better responses in the Newbie 
mailing list (go figure).

thank you every one,

 I an inclined to agree with your suggestion of corrupt CD (s),
 I installed 7.2 on my Vaio PCG - F250 with no problems at all, it was
 (before upgrade) very similar spec i.e:-
 Celeron 366
 32mb Ram
 4.3Gb HD
 Don't know about the F160 but mine uses Neomagic sound and video cards and
 has a 13.0" XGA HPA screen
 On Sunday 18 March 2001 05:16, you elegantly scribed:

   Anyway, to get to
  the point, what I found is my copy of Mandrake 7.2 had some corrupt files
  on it,
  On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you managed to utter:
   I am have problem installing LM 7.2 on my Laptop.
   System Info:
   Sony Vaio PCG-F160
   300 MHz P2
   64 MB Ram
   4 GB Fujitsu HD
   During installation it will do one of the following three things:
   1)  Hangs-up* on installing gpm
   2)  Hangs-up* on installing grep
   3)  Prompts user with: error installing pkgs gpm, grep, perl-base -
   so, I click "Go On".  Then Prompts user with: error installing pkgs
   gtk+, rpm , slang, util-linx, SysVinit - again I click "Go On". 
   Finally, it hangs-up* on installing grub
   * - what I mean by "hangs-up" is that the machine will do nothing other
   than turn the cooling fan on and off, for more than 30 min when I
   reboot. This means no HD operation, no CD-ROM movement, and no screen
   All power managements is turned off in the BIOS.  These LM 7.2 CD's
   were created some time in early January (I think).
   It doesn't matter what type of installation I choose, one of the above
   three things will occur.
   Any help will greatly be appreciated,

Re: [newbie] Installing LM 7.2 on a Sony Vaio Laptop

2001-03-18 Per discussione Rog

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 20:05:39 -0500, you wrote:

Okay...I am officially a moron.

Don't worry, it gets way easier once you're past the denial stage ;-)



Re: [newbie] KPPP problems (update)

2001-03-18 Per discussione mazdaracer

Another kind user suggested I try 'ifup ppp0'. Unfortunately, I had to
ctl-c out of it and I got an error 8 when it couldn't actiate the
interface. I haven't figured out what that exactly means yet.

So I thought maybe I should try re-loading the pcmcia package (I'm
having the same issue with my formerly working laptop). I noticed 'lynx'
the text based browser.  So I thought I'd try to laucnh that. I did so
at first without launching kppp. Just to see. Couldn't find the
linux-mandrake site of course. So I then launched kppp via the
'internet' icon on the KDE desktop. After it connected I restarted Lynx.
Lo and behold!!! There's a response!  Then I started netscape and it too
was ok! I quit lynx and held my breath. All was still good!

Now dear souls, any ideas why Lynx started ok and Netscape never did?
The question too, will it start netscape again if I reboot, or will I
have to launch Lynx, then netscape? I'll have to try this on the desktop
when I get home next week.


[newbie] Login screen options

2001-03-18 Per discussione Ross Slade

[Mandrake 7.2]

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 Go to the directory /etc/X11/wmsession.d. You will see that the
 contents are text files with names like 01KDE, 02GNOME and 06XFce,
 depending on what you have installed. If you have an environment
 installed that is not represented by one of these files, add a file
 with a filename beginning with a unique two digit number followed by
 its name (e.g. 07IceWM). The contents should look like this (depending
 on the WM):

 DESC=Lightweight desktop environment
 exec /usr/X11R6/bin/starticewm

 After you have made entries for all your desktop environments, run (as
 root) "/usr/sbin/chksession -l". Reboot and all should be well.

Ok, still trying to correct the problem...I have fixed the "locale" error from
my first attempt but still have a problem with the WM selection box on the
graphical login screen.

I created the files listed below:

-rw-r--r--   1 root root  117 Mar 15 16:40 01KDE
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  125 Mar 15 16:40 02Xfce
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  143 Mar 15 16:41 03IceWM

...and run 'chksession -l' and get this:

chksession -l
Xfce default failsafe

Now when I log in the drop box appears just like that - the three WMs listed
on one line, comma separated. Naturally this doesn't work and it defaults to
Twm again.

Perhaps something corrupted in the script which parses the three files above?
Perhaps tell me where that script is located and where to find it on the CD
so I can replace it?


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 [ICQ No. 9391313][change borg to org to email]

A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.

Re: [newbie] win98, zone alarm and mandrake 7.2

2001-03-18 Per discussione pkaplan1

If you want to leave the W98 box as your web gateway, reset ZA to 
low local security and medium internet security.  Not ideal, I agree, 
but not everyone in the family is prepared to dump MS.
If you use KDE as your desktop, the learning curve is pretty 
shallow.  Check out Mandrake User (www.mandrakeuser.org).

On 18 Mar 2001, at 16:41, Brian wrote:

 Hi all
 My home network consists of:
 cable modem -win98 with zone alarm-mandrake 7.2
 Currently I have to shut down zone alarm to access the web from the linux box.
 Not the best solution. I know. I've got it backwards. The linux box should be 
 set up as the firewall but I've only been using it for 8 days and there is a 
 bit of a learning curve. Any and all other suggestions are welcome.

[newbie] Sound cards with Linux

2001-03-18 Per discussione Derek Rayne

Hi there,

I would like some help with soundcards and Linux.  Here's what I did...

logged in under root
typed in sndconfig
it recognized a sound card saying Equinox and some numbers
it then said it wasn't recognized by Linux and then quit

I did this
typed in sndconfig --nodected (or something like that, can't remember
it was a few days ago)
looked for my sound card, which is the SoundBlaster 128 (PCI).
It was listed, I selected it, it said gave me some selections and it
did NOT work.

Does Linux support a ISA sound card...I am thinking of getting the
SoundBlaster 64 ISA card to save a PCI slot for a network card I am
getting.  I know they make a SoundBlaster 64 PCI.  Will it work with an
ISA card?



Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] KPPP problems (update 2)

2001-03-18 Per discussione mazdaracer

I got kicked off the net. Then I closed all the windows, clicked on
'internet', after it minimized, I clicked on netscape, and guess what, I
got connected!  I'll have to try this tomorrow after a re-boot.  I'm on
my work laptop, so I shutdown and have to take it to work, bummer eh?


Re: [newbie] Sound cards with Linux

2001-03-18 Per discussione s


On Sunday 18 March 2001 09:18 pm, you wrote:
 Hi there,

 I would like some help with soundcards and Linux.  Here's what I did...

 logged in under root
 typed in sndconfig
 it recognized a sound card saying Equinox and some numbers
 it then said it wasn't recognized by Linux and then quit

 I did this
 typed in sndconfig --nodected (or something like that, can't remember
 it was a few days ago)
 looked for my sound card, which is the SoundBlaster 128 (PCI).
 It was listed, I selected it, it said gave me some selections and it
 did NOT work.

 Does Linux support a ISA sound card...I am thinking of getting the
 SoundBlaster 64 ISA card to save a PCI slot for a network card I am
 getting.  I know they make a SoundBlaster 64 PCI.  Will it work with an
 ISA card?


 Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
 e-mail address I chose!

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] Login screen options

2001-03-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan


Perhaps the numbers at the start of the filenames are the problem, 
although I wouldn't think so. I have the files 01KDE, 02GNOME, 06XFce 
and 07IceWM. Their contents are as follows:

--  01KDE  --
DESC=The K Desktop Environment
exec /usr/bin/startkde

--  02GNOME  --
exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

--  03XFce  --
DESC=Lightweight desktop environment
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/startxfce

--  07IceWM  --
DESC=Lightweight desktop environment
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/starticewm

I hope this helps.

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:40, Ross Slade wrote:
 [Mandrake 7.2]

 On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  Go to the directory /etc/X11/wmsession.d. You will see that the
  contents are text files with names like 01KDE, 02GNOME and 06XFce,
  depending on what you have installed. If you have an environment
  installed that is not represented by one of these files, add a
  file with a filename beginning with a unique two digit number
  followed by its name (e.g. 07IceWM). The contents should look like
  this (depending on the WM):
  DESC=Lightweight desktop environment
  exec /usr/X11R6/bin/starticewm
  After you have made entries for all your desktop environments, run
  (as root) "/usr/sbin/chksession -l". Reboot and all should be

 Ok, still trying to correct the problem...I have fixed the "locale"
 error from my first attempt but still have a problem with the WM
 selection box on the graphical login screen.

 I created the files listed below:

 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  117 Mar 15 16:40 01KDE
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  125 Mar 15 16:40 02Xfce
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  143 Mar 15 16:41 03IceWM

 ...and run 'chksession -l' and get this:

 chksession -l
 Xfce default failsafe

 Now when I log in the drop box appears just like that - the three
 WMs listed on one line, comma separated. Naturally this doesn't work
 and it defaults to Twm again.

 Perhaps something corrupted in the script which parses the three
 files above? Perhaps tell me where that script is located and where
 to find it on the CD so I can replace it?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Sound cards with Linux

2001-03-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Your card *should* have been detected without any trouble. Have you 
tried turning off the "PnP OS" (or something similar) setting in your 
BIOS? AFAIK, the SoundBlaster PCI128 is supported. The SB AWE64 (ISA) 
is well supported as well (I have one and it works perfectly).

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 14:18, Derek Rayne wrote:
 Hi there,

 I would like some help with soundcards and Linux.  Here's what I

 logged in under root
 typed in sndconfig
 it recognized a sound card saying Equinox and some numbers
 it then said it wasn't recognized by Linux and then quit

 I did this
 typed in sndconfig --nodected (or something like that, can't
 remember it was a few days ago)
 looked for my sound card, which is the SoundBlaster 128 (PCI).
 It was listed, I selected it, it said gave me some selections and it
 did NOT work.

 Does Linux support a ISA sound card...I am thinking of getting the
 SoundBlaster 64 ISA card to save a PCI slot for a network card I am
 getting.  I know they make a SoundBlaster 64 PCI.  Will it work with
 an ISA card?


 Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
 e-mail address I chose!

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson