Re: [newbie-it] 7.2 e ISDN

2001-05-19 Per discussione Germano

Il 11:53, sabato 19 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
 Salve, ho provato a fare quanto descritto nel file che Germano mi ha
 gentilmente indicato ma purtroppo ho ancora dei problemi:
 ho configurato manualmente il file /etc/isdn/profile/link/myisp  (e
 comunque era stato configurato correttamente, credo, dal DrakConf)
 ho configurati il File '/etc/isdn/profile/card/mycard' utilizzando i
 parametri che ho in windows System e cioè:

 ed ho fatto un tentativo sia con
 (visto che in realtà trovavo degli intervalli in Widows)

 ed un altro tentativo con
 visto che in teoria il parametro MemBase non dovrebbe essere necessario per
 la ASUSLINK in base a quanto descritto nel FILE:

 il problema è che quando testo il MODPROBE ottengo il seguente, per me
 criptico, risultato:
 [root@localhost /root]# modprobe hisax io=0x1000 irq=09 mem=0x100
 type=12 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o: unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o: unresolved symbol
 slhc_init_R1ca65fca /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o: unresolved
 symbol slhc_free_Rb99033d9 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o:
 unresolved symbol
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o: insmod
 failed/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/isdn.o: insmod hisax failed

 e questo per qualunque parametro che io passi o non passi al comando.

 Se qualcuno vuole aiutarmi glie ne sarei infinitamente grato.
 Cordiali Saluti
 Giuseppe Foti

Se non ho capito male hai una scheda interna ISDN (la stessa che ho io)
e dovrebbe essere PCI quindi non devi dare nessun indirizzo IRQ o qualunque 
altra cosa che una scheda PCI si trova da sola.
Devi solo passargli il parametro che indica che tipo di scheda hai (per le 
asuscom è 12).
Qui però potrebbe esserci il primo problema: Karsten Keil  (SUSE) , che è il 
tizio che ha scritto i programmi per Linux che gestiscono l' ISDN mi ha detto 
che il software della Mandrake ha un bug quindi bisogna provare invece che 
con 12 con 35 (o 36 non ricordo).

Quindi , se stai seguendo i consigli di quel sito,  devi modificare il file 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/isdn4linux, li dentro c'è un pezzo (riga 159) in cui 
confronta il type con quello che gli hai scritto precedentemente (che dovrai 
riscrivere), invece di 12 cambi il numero in uno di quei due che ti ho detto 
(fai un po di prove) e rifai /etc/rc.d/init.d/isdn4linux restart.
Non ci dovrebbero essere più problemi.

Riscrivi sia che sia andato tutto bene sia che tu abbia riavuto qualche 

Ciao, Germano

[newbie-it] Scanner

2001-05-19 Per discussione Daniele Micci

sul mio PC con scheda ASUS A7V è installato uno scanner EPSON Perfection 
1240U (USB). La mia distribuzione è una MDK 7.2. Dove posso trovare le 
istruzioni per installare e far funzionare il mio scanner sotto Linux?
Un grazie anticipato a chi vorrà rispondermi...


Re: Fw: [newbie-it] Problemi MOUSE nella console PROBLEMI INSTALLAZIONE MDK8

2001-05-19 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sun, 20 May 2001 02:18:11 +0200
Matteo Merlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ops scusate, avevo sbagliato a ricordarmi l'elenco e al posto di
 dovevo scrivere MouseMan+:P
 (cmq se sbaglio ancora sto intendendo l'unico modello logitech su PS/2
 compare nell'elenco delle scelte)
 Cmq ho provato a configurarlo come normale e non cambia niente, quando
 do ok... mi accetta la cosa e poi però non mi cambia le impostazioni sul
 file (credo) perché non mi cambia neanche nell'elenco di DrakConf da

Perche' non provi a mettere la configurazione direttamente nel file di
Io per esempio ho questo, nella sezione 
# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section InputDevice

Identifier Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option Protocolimps/2
Option Device  /dev/psaux
Option Buttons5
Option ZAxisMapping4 5

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#Option ChordMiddle


e va ok, ricorda pero' che se vuoi il mouse in console devi attivare gpm
tra i servizi all' avvio.
Non ho provato la 8.0 (ho la 7.2) ma credo che sia uguale...


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner

2001-05-19 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Fri, 18 May 2001 12:43:08 +
Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sul mio PC con scheda ASUS A7V è installato uno scanner EPSON Perfection

 1240U (USB). La mia distribuzione è una MDK 7.2. Dove posso trovare le 
 istruzioni per installare e far funzionare il mio scanner sotto Linux?
 Un grazie anticipato a chi vorrà rispondermi...

Ho il tuo stesso scanner e stessa distro:-))
Se usi un kernel 2.4 ricompilato devi attivare il supporto per l' usb e
per il device che ti interessa, mentre con il kernel di default (2.2.17)
questi moduli dovrebbero gia' essere disponibili.
Innanzitutto crea il device
mknod /dev/usbscanner  c 180 48
chmod 666 /dev/usbscanner
poi inserisci nel /etc/modules.conf le seguenti righe
above scanner usb-uhci
options scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=0x010b
e nel /etc/modules solamente
Infine devi aggiungere in /etc/sane.d/epson.conf
usb  /dev/usbscanner
commentando tutto il resto.
A questo punto dovrebbe comparire la voce Acquire Image nel menu Xtns di
Gimp oppure puoi usare Xsane.
N.B.: la voce above scanner usb-uhci nel modules.conf funziona con il
kernel 2.4 mentre se hai il 2.2.17 dovrebbe esserci una riga tipo alias
char-major 180 usb, eventualmente fai delle prove


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] Giochi per linux

2001-05-19 Per discussione Gigi Cyber

Ciao a tutti,
sono finalmente riuscito a installare i drivers Nvidia
per la mia scheda su linux. Ho provato i demos della
loki e funzionano. Qualcuno sa dirmi dove potrei
acquistare le versioni complete?
Grazie e ciao a tutti

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-19 Per discussione Ed Kasky

I got it mounted using fstab which is what I wanted.  However using the 

/dev/hde1  /mnt/windows  ntfs  user,exec,umask=0 0 0

it is browsable but read only...

Am I missing something to make it writeable??

At 09:26 PM Friday, 5/18/2001, Dave Sherman wrote -=


On Friday 18 May 2001 20:12, thus spake Ed Kasky:
  If it's an ntfs formatted partition do I use ntfs in place of vfat?
  At 01:20 PM Friday, 5/18/2001, Dave Sherman wrote -=
  Try this:
  /dev/hde1/mnt/windows   vfatuser,exec,umask=0 0 0
  It should give you full read/write access.

Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
. . . . . . . .
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.

RE[newbie] java. why doesn't it go? (still no joy)

2001-05-19 Per discussione mike cola

thanks to everyone who has helped me with this. i've now managed to extract the tar 
file but the instructions say to add the location of the sdk to the PATH settings. 
Where do i find path to modify it? 

i'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this. Looking forward to getting this up and 
running now.


I have not followed this discussion, but if you have a tar.gz file and you 
unzip it first, then you don't need the 'tar xvzf' command, but just the 
'tar xvf' command (since it is just a .tar file)
To unpack a tar.gz in one command you could use 'tar xvzf'
See 'man tar' for more information.

Concerning this java sdk .bin-file:
This is a shell script, which automatically extracts the files for you, so 
try chmod to 755 and then execute it.



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Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100, Lockups, only sees one channel

2001-05-19 Per discussione Civileme

On Friday 18 May 2001 09:45, John Clark wrote:
 I understand how the controller works, I just want a driver that works with
 it.  I don't care how the drives come up I just want to be able to use
 them, software raid or not.

 From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100,
 Lockups, only sees one channel
 Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 10:28:34 -0700
 On Thursday 17 May 2001 07:32, John Clark wrote:
   I have a MSI 694D motherboard with onboard VIA 686a chipset ide
   and Promise FastTrak 100 w/ lite bios.
   I also have an additional Promise FastTrak 66 with full bios.
   I am trying to use Mandrake 8.0

Well, the best thing to do is write to Promise and encourage them to issue 
more information on their controller.  There may be a driver for RH by now 
that will work with kernel 2.4 but all 2.4s seem to be having some trouble 
with Promise FasTraks, especially since 2.4.3-ac5.  You can read about it in 
the kernel-traffic mailing list.

The point is, if Promise doesn't write one, and doesn't provide enough 
information to others to write one, there will be no driver.  Other distros 
might enter a Non-Disclosure Agreement and provide a binary-only driver, but 
if we did something like that, we would lose most of the folks who help us, 
overnight.  We have to be part of the culture that made us.

Finally, that VIA bug is a real bug, with the chipset, and it can be 
corrected and worked around by setting up the PCI resources differently in 
the BIOS-I urge you to update the BIOS before you try copying several hundred 
megabytes between disks.  It is a logic race condition between competing IDE 


Fwd: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 128/512

2001-05-19 Per discussione s

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 128/512
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 02:13:58 -0400
From: Brandon Caudle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if your not doing gaming keep the sb 16 i have them in all of my machines
(home + school) their the easyiest to configure

brandon caudle


Subject: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 128/512
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 20:28:43 -0500

Yeah, I bought one for about 35 bucks about 6 months ago and for some
it sounded pretty bad in Mandrake and Caldera.  (Bad-bad, not bad-good).
was an oem, and I was worried it may be defective.  But I recently put it
my son's machine running win98 and he loves it.  It sounds great.  So I
know what the deal in linux was, but might as well go a few more bucks and
the get the Sound Blaster LIve - Value.  (The value is the same basic
hardware as the x-gamers and platnium, it's just the software that makes
price and name difference.)
Others may have had better luck, I don't know.

On Friday 18 May 2001 02:11 pm, you wrote:
  As I mentioned earlier, I'm building a new machine this weekend.
  I wanted to know if anybody has used or had good dealings with
  SoundBlaster 128, or SoundBlaster 512 in their Mandrake 7.2, or
  Mandrake 8.0 machines.  I've found a place that has them for a
  pretty good price, and was wondering if I should just stick with
  the SoundBlaster 16?
  Any input would be appreciated!

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Re: [newbie] menu editing again!

2001-05-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

bascule wrote:
 i had spotted that, but the point is that no matter what i
 choose, whether it be system configuration, user
 configuration, allow mandrake customisation or whatever,
 there is no effect, i save, wait for the process to finish,
 run update-menus in a console to be super sure and still
 nothing, the one time i made a change by manually editing
 the .desktop file i wanted to alter the properties of, the
 effect was lost when i logged in again,

 again i if  knew what files and routines were being used in
 this whole process maybe i could make something happen


 On Saturday 19 May 2001 02:57, you wrote:
  bascule wrote:
   it's such a tiny thing but it's driving me mad, how
   does one alter a menu item and have it stay changed?
  basculeK(menu)-Configure Panel-Menu Editor...

basculethe info is stored in:


and after changing/adding info to that file then update-menus 
needs to be run.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0, XF86Config and SiS 630

2001-05-19 Per discussione Civileme

On Saturday 19 May 2001 07:55, sean gibbins wrote:
 Hi All.

 Having installed Mandrake 8.0 on my Pico Graduate laptop (opting for
 XFree86 3.3.6 + experimental acceleration), I find that only the top left
 portion of my desktop - approx. 1/6th or 1/8th - is viewable/navigable. I
 am hoping that it is a simple XF86Config issue, but knowing what a complete
 pile of dung the first lot of SiS 630 drivers were, I suspect something
 more complicated.

 Any thoughts?



 PS I have tried the install without experimental hardware acceleration, to
 similar effect.

Check the SiS site for updated drivers.  The 630 and 730 are the most 
linux-friendly chipsets around, and SiS has started issuing GPL drivers for 
lots of it.


[newbie] DNS: No response from server

2001-05-19 Per discussione Everill1

Can anyone help please.

I'm using Mandrake 7.0

I've installed the Bind rpm package from the installation cd.

run rpm -q bind has returned bind-8.2.2P5-1mdk

which named has returned /usr/sbin/named

Then I've run /etc/rc.d/init.d/named start and not recieved any error 

However when I've tried to do nslookup I've got  the message,  Can't find 
server name for address No reponse from server

Where I'm I going wrong

Thanks Everill

Re: [newbie] Detecting USR Modem

2001-05-19 Per discussione lee

Start Then tell us more detail on your modem 
perhaps...internal..external,pci..isa maybe ? Just makes sure this is still 
not a winmodem.
You can also try going into minicom from a terminal,and querying the modem 
from there.

On Sat, 19 May 2001, you wrote:


 I am trying to setup a new USR 56k modem on my system (LM 7.2)

 I had a winmodem in the system when I installed LM and after beating my
 head against the wall I went out and bought the USR.

 I still can't get the modem to work however and I have read and tried every
 howto, faq, userguide I can find to get it fixed.

 It shows up on port 0x03e8 (com3) IRQ 4 which is what the jumpers are set
 to, PNP is disabled in the BIOS and there are no conflicts. seterial shows
 no problems and detects the UART but I still can't initialize the modem?

 Anyone have any suggestions?

 I am getting a little desperate here any help would be greatly appreciated.


Content-Type: text/html; name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] Mandrake 8.0, XF86Config and SiS 630

2001-05-19 Per discussione sean gibbins

Hi All.

Having installed Mandrake 8.0 on my Pico Graduate laptop (opting for XFree86 
3.3.6 + experimental acceleration), I find that only the top left portion of 
my desktop - approx. 1/6th or 1/8th - is viewable/navigable. I am hoping that 
it is a simple XF86Config issue, but knowing what a complete pile of dung the 
first lot of SiS 630 drivers were, I suspect something more complicated.

Any thoughts?



PS I have tried the install without experimental hardware acceleration, to 
similar effect.



Re: RE[newbie] java. why doesn't it go? (still no joy)

2001-05-19 Per discussione Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Mike wrote:
 thanks to everyone who has helped me with this. i've now managed to extract 
 the tar file but the instructions say to add the location of the sdk to the
 PATH settings. Where do i find path to modify it?  
 i'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this. Looking forward to getting 
 this up and running now.

Edit the file .bashrc(note the leading dot)
Add two lines like the following:

export PATH

Replace /home/irv/euphoria/bin:  with the full path to your  sdk
probably /home/mike/something/something.

Once you logout and back in, the new path will be in effect.



2001-05-19 Per discussione Tony Prawiro

Hi all !
My compie is :
P3-700, RAM 128, Mainboard Intel 815, VGA i-815 + Soundblaster 128(detected as
Ensoniq but runs properly), both are onboard.
I installed Mandrake 7.0 a few days ago and I couldn't set my graphic card
properly. I tried to change my vga card to Intel Express AGP 3D (it's for
intel 810 and 815, i've gotten the RPM file from Intel-Web site), set res mode
to 800x600x16, and then I tested the mode, and I got an error message :
Couldn't get memory from gart module, and i810_UNSUPPORTED_GTT_FALLBACK not
set. Try changing some parameters. I think it somehow connected with
agpgart.o thing.
What's wrong with that error message, and where to download the agpgart.o ???

Anybody could help me ? Thanks a lot !

Tony ^_^x

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[newbie] Internet Keyboards

2001-05-19 Per discussione Jose Mirles

Any way to use Internet keyboards with Mandrake 7.2 or 8? I would like 
to try it.

Re: [newbie] Enabling Screensaver in KDE

2001-05-19 Per discussione Derek Rayne

--- Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Awhile back, someone gave the terminal
 command for enabling the screensaver in KDE. 
 I thought I had saved a copy of that, but I
 haven't been able to find it.  I also came up
 empty with a search of the archives.  Can
 someone repost that?  
 Although I have set up the screensaver in KDE
 config., I have yet to see it come up

I don't know about a terminal command, but to do it in the KDE Desktop
you do the following:

CLick the K (or right click on the screen)

Then click KDE (not KDE SETUP)


Richard Wegner - Linux User - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

I don't do Windows me (Proud Linux User)  ICQ #: 12781393

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2001-05-19 Per discussione Civileme

On Saturday 19 May 2001 05:56, Tony Prawiro wrote:
 Hi all !

 My compie is :
 P3-700, RAM 128, Mainboard Intel 815, VGA i-815 + Soundblaster 128(detected
 as Ensoniq but runs properly), both are onboard.

 I installed Mandrake 7.0 a few days ago and I couldn't set my graphic card
 properly. I tried to change my vga card to Intel Express AGP 3D (it's for
 intel 810 and 815, i've gotten the RPM file from Intel-Web site), set res
 mode to 800x600x16, and then I tested the mode, and I got an error message
 : Couldn't get memory from gart module, and i810_UNSUPPORTED_GTT_FALLBACK
 not set. Try changing some parameters. I think it somehow connected with
 agpgart.o thing.

 What's wrong with that error message, and where to download the agpgart.o

 Anybody could help me ? Thanks a lot !

Yeah, try a newer version of mandrake with XFree-3.3.6 or 4.0.1  Versions 
7.1, 7.2 and 8.0 are all easily available.


 Tony ^_^x

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

[newbie] Laptops

2001-05-19 Per discussione Jose Mirles

Anyone ever install Mandrake on a IBM Thinkpad 760XL laptop? I am 
thinking of doing this but have yet to see any documentation on it. The 
docs on laptops is dated and of little help.

Re: [newbie] Installing apps under linux

2001-05-19 Per discussione Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Ujang wrote:
 I've downloaded few applications with extension tar.gz but dont
 really know how to install it. I understand that there's command to
 install it. Could someone guide me how to install the applications
 under linux?
 My PC running Linux Mandrake 7.1.
If you are using KDE, just right-click on the downloaded file,
and select  'Archiver'.

That will open a window showing a list of files which are included in the
package, and a click on the little 'magnifying glass' , 
(or menu selection File-Extract To) 
will extract the files to a location of your choice.  Once complete, 
navigate to that location using KFM.

What you need to do from there depends upon how the package was 
prepared. There should be a readme file explaining what to do. Many 
packages need to be compiled, which is pretty simple. Others can be 
run without compliing. The instructions should be included, or available 
on the website from which you downloaded the package.


RE: [newbie] what is this secret code?

2001-05-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

This is just a probe of the Super/IO chip on the motherboard.

If you want more info on it see:


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jeffrey M. Reed
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 2:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] what is this secret code?

i'm getting this at my login prompt when i boot. anyone 
else seeing this weird stuff?

Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports 
3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
Winbond chip at EFER=0x3f0 key=0x87 devid=52 devrev=f4 
Winbond chip type 83977EF / SMSC 97w35x
Winbond LPT Config: cr_30=01 60,61=0378 70=07 74=03, f0=00 Winbond LPT
Config: active=yes, io=0x0378 irq=7, dma=3 Winbond LPT Config:
irqtype=pulsed low, high-Z, ECP fifo 
Winbond LPT Config: Port mode=Standard (SPP) and 
SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370 ...

i think this could mess up security a  :)

+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Installing apps under linux

2001-05-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

THis type of file is commonly called a tarball, and generally it is in 
source format. What you need to do is, run (in a terminal window) the 
tar -xvzf mytarball.tar.gz
You will see a bunch of lines scroll by in your xterm as the file is 
decompressed, then you will have your command prompt again. If you type
you should now see a new directory in your current directory, typically 
named the same as the tarball, except without the .tar.gz extension. Thus 
is my example, your diretory is called mytarball/. If you now
cd mytarball/
to get into this directory, you should see at the very least a README 
file, and probably also an INSTALL file, which will give directions on 
compiling this application and installing. Usually, all you need to do is
su (must be root to actually install)
make install
exit (to get out of root)
Then run your new program.

Hope this helps,

On Saturday 19 May 2001 00:35, thus spake Ujang:
 I've downloaded few applications with extension tar.gz but dont
 really know how to install it. I understand that there's command to
 install it. Could someone guide me how to install the applications
 under linux?

 My PC running Linux Mandrake 7.1.

 a Linux Newbie

Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-19 Per discussione Irv Mullins

On Fri, 18 May 2001, dfox wrote:
 I wrote:
  If I open all programs I am going to use, then switching between them
  seems reasonably fast. However, if one of them needs to open a new window, 
 Does this happen independently of how many windows are already open, or
 what window manager is being used? For instance, if you open up an xterm
 (should be pretty instantaneous) on a lightly-loaded system, does it take
 the same (slow) time as under other situations? 

With nothing open, an xterm takes several seconds to appear. Using Mandrake
7.1,  the same xterm comes up in about half a second. 

 I'm thinking that it might have to do with your X server - since opening
 a window does take at least some effort from the server, maybe it's eating
 up a lot of memory and part of it is in swap. That could explain the slow-

Thanks, I will file this with the other suggestions - some day when I have
nothing better to do, I'll re-load Mandrake 8.0 and go thru all the
suggested solutions. If I find one that works, I'll be sure to post it here.


Re: [newbie] Detecting USR Modem

2001-05-19 Per discussione Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, you wrote:
 I am trying to setup a new USR 56k modem on my system (LM 7.2)

Which USR 56k modem? 
If it's the Performance Pro modem (about $80) then it should work.
If it's the Internal FaxModem, (about $40) then it clearly states
'Designed exclusively for the Windows operating system' - 
so no, it won't.


RE: [newbie] ip address of ppp0

2001-05-19 Per discussione Reggie Burnett

Yep, pppoe.  pretty sucky, though I have had good uptime.  Actually, I just
saw how to do it.  I created a perl script and put it at /etc/ppp/ip-up and
that works.  Thanks for the reply

-Original Message-
From: David E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 10:53 PM
To: Reggie Burnett
Subject: Re: [newbie] ip address of ppp0

 have my adsl connection up and running but I have to update
 manually.  I want to update it automatically.

I'm confused. You have adsl, then why are you using ppp? Do you have some
kind of PPP over ethernet setup? Also, adsl is pretty much 24/7, so even
if you have dynamic IP, it'll be the same until something drops the


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

solved (i hope) was: Re: [newbie] menu editing again!

2001-05-19 Per discussione bascule

hi alan, 

i looked at that file and i found that are two references to the command i 
wanted to alter to read 'kdesu' before it, why and how i don't know but after 
all my faffing about with kmenuefit and menudrake only the first of these was 
showing a change, i edited the second reference to the command i wanted 
changing in a text editor and viola!

i still had to actually reboot though, 'menu-updates' by itself wasn't enough

to explain i have enclosed the last line of my ~/.menu/adding_by_menudrake to 
illustrate for any one else that this info might help, the following is all 
one line:

?package(kdeadmin): needs=x11 icon=kpackage.png 
section=Configuration/Packaging/ title=Package Manager 
longtitle=kpackage RPM and DEB manager command=kdesu kpackage %u 
charset=ISO-8859-1 kde_filename=kpackage 
kde_command=kdesu kpackage -caption \%c\ %i %m %u

note the two references to 'kdesu kpackage'? that is all i have been trying 
to do, make kpackage prompt for password rather than open a console or fiddle 
with alt-f2

crossing fingers the effect stays! :-)


On Saturday 19 May 2001 09:48, you wrote:

 basculethe info is stored in:


 and after changing/adding info to that file then update-menus
 needs to be run.

Re: [newbie] konqueror question

2001-05-19 Per discussione poogle

On Friday 18 May 2001 08:29, you wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear the location bar in Konqueror
 web browser.  I was not able to find anything in their help or on the
 online FAQ.  I am really stumped over this one.

 Thanks all for looking at this



Found it ! tucked away in the Konqueror manual is this bit (9.4)
it tells you to delete  ~/.kde/share/config/konq_history file and Konqueror 
will create a new, empty one when you next use it. It also says  that you 
can't use Konqueror to delete this file; you have to open a text terminal and 
do rm ~/.kde/share/config/konq_history but, just to be perverse :-)  ,I did 
it from within Konqueror 
It will still autocomplete after http:// - if you don't want this right click 
on the location box (where you would type http:// and deselect 
auto complete)

Re: [newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

My best suggestion is to 'man fstab', and see what it tells you. I'm not 
sure if there is anything special about mounting ntfs partitions, but I 
suspect there might be, because of the permissions used in ntfs which are 
similar to ext2 in linux.

Good luck,

On Saturday 19 May 2001 01:37, thus spake Ed Kasky:
 I got it mounted using fstab which is what I wanted.  However using the

 /dev/hde1  /mnt/windows  ntfs  user,exec,umask=0 0 0

 it is browsable but read only...

 Am I missing something to make it writeable??

Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Re: [newbie] netscape sticky bookmarks

2001-05-19 Per discussione s
might work for u.

On Friday 18 May 2001 10:22 pm, you wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 Can anybody help me please. I am wanting to get rid of the bookmarks in
 Netscape 4.73, i.e. the ones stored in the Personal Toolbar Folder,
 Webmail, Radio etc

 Whenever I delete them they just regenerate.


[newbie] install WPO2000 in 8.0?

2001-05-19 Per discussione s

Has anyone figured out how to get around the installation wanting glibc2.1 
rather than the 2.2?


Re: [newbie] FTP Log Files

2001-05-19 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Even though it's not a Mandrake box still the all the log files should be
kept under /var/log. you may want to pay specific attention to the kernel
info and warning log files.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Mike Carlson wrote:

 Where does linux put log files for FTP? I had a box hacked and I am trying
 to find the log files to get an idea of what happened but I dont know where
 they get put.

 The box was running WUFTP I believe on Red Hat 5.2. I know it isnt Mandrake.

 Any help would be appreciated. I mounted the drive on my Win2k box with a
 driver that will mount Ext2 partitions in Windows.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0, XF86Config and SiS 630

2001-05-19 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Civileme wrote:
Thanks, this may help me also!

Here's a link to the SiS drivers for Linux:

(I had some trouble finding their home page.   BTW, is tw taiwan?)

Randy Kramer

 On Saturday 19 May 2001 07:55, sean gibbins wrote:
  Hi All.
  Having installed Mandrake 8.0 on my Pico Graduate laptop (opting for
  XFree86 3.3.6 + experimental acceleration), I find that only the top left
  portion of my desktop - approx. 1/6th or 1/8th - is viewable/navigable. I
  am hoping that it is a simple XF86Config issue, but knowing what a complete
  pile of dung the first lot of SiS 630 drivers were, I suspect something
  more complicated.
  Any thoughts?
  PS I have tried the install without experimental hardware acceleration, to
  similar effect.
 Check the SiS site for updated drivers.  The 630 and 730 are the most
 linux-friendly chipsets around, and SiS has started issuing GPL drivers for
 lots of it.

[newbie] IBM X20/Trackpoint

2001-05-19 Per discussione Lou Lipnickey

I have an IBM X20 subnotebook with a trackpoint. I heard a rumour to the
effect that the Trackpoint isn't yet supported in 8.0.

Can anyone confirm this one way or another. In addition:
- does anyone have 8.0 working on an X20
- Does anyone have 8.0 working with an X20 and the X20 dock?

I am most interested in the trackpoint question, thank


[newbie] DSL issues

2001-05-19 Per discussione DeadlyMewtwo
Hey all. I'm running a Hewlett Packard Pavilion 733 Mhz pentium 3 with 128 
ram and an ATI radeon 32 MB graphics card.
So far, so good. 
LM is installed (Lnx4Win) and seems to be wortking well with my graphics card.
The only problem I'm having is setting it up to access the internet. 
I've tried entering various numbers from my ISP's info sheet, but to no avail.
In the Control Panel - Network section of Windows it has two different ones-

3com EtherLink 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX)
HP EN1207D-TX PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter

Both are configured in the same way. When I run the internet configuration 
program in Linux it says it will restart the device "Eth0" or something of 
the sort.
Why can't I select between these two? Why are there 50 more fields to enter 
information on Windows than there is in Linux? Is there a way I can get a 
more *Custom* configuration with Linux that will help me?

I am really looking foreword to using Linux as opposed to Windows but I first 
need to get it on the internet.
Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks!

[newbie] kppp

2001-05-19 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

My son logged off his account without stopping kppp. A few minutes later I 
logged into my account and found that it was still active. Is there a way to 
ensure that kppp halts on any users logout?

Bill W.

Re: [newbie] Network printing problem

2001-05-19 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Maybe you (or someone else) can help me.  I tried setting up kups last
night with no luck.  I want to print from my Linux machine to a printer
on a Windows machine.  I tried setting this up when I installed Mandrake
7.2, and the  print test worked.  Since then (and after several
reinstalls and an upgrade to MandrakeFreq) I still cannot print to the
Windows machine.

Other info: 
-No printer on the Linux machine
-Samba server is not running (I would not expect to need it, and
therefore don't want to run it for security and resource reasons)
-I have used a Samba mount (smbmount in fstab) on the Linux box to
access files on the Windows machine
-When I start the kups configuration dialog (as root) I see the message
Can't connect to cups server, check your options
-All the fields on the Infos page are blank
-On the options page:
--I left user and password blank (because my Windows machine does not
require a userid and password to access the printer (I print OK from
other Windows machines))
--I filled in Host as Office6 (which works on the Windows machines), and
I also tried Office6.Home (my workgroup at home)
--No idea what port to use so left it at the default 631
--Configuration file is listed as /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and it exists,
but it looks like no settings have been entered.  In fact, it looks like
the only file that appears to have any modifications that might have
come from my installation is the printers.conf file.

Motherboard is a TX-Pro II with onboard sound and video.  WinChip IDT
200 mhz, 128 MB Ram, Realtek 8029 NIC, 8.1 G hard drive.  Sound doesn't
work but that's because Linux does not support the on board sound chip.

Any suggestions?

Randy Kramer

Sam wrote:
 KUPS is simply amazing - it can scan for a networked printer, and
 installation proceeds in an entirely point-and-click fashion, without
 any typing whatsoever (except for printer name..). I hope Mandrake will
 one day incorporate this ease of use into its Printer configuration
 applet. :)
 On Saturday 19 May 2001 05:47, Todd Flinders wrote:
  Have you tried setting the printers up with kups?
  That makes it super easy.
  --- John Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This is a cross-post.
   I've set up a local network of 2 1/2 machines (well
   one is only half
   working til I find some monitor specs grin), and I
   have no trouble
   transferring data and using a common dialup
   My problem is getting printing to work.
   I can print from any of the machines if a printer is
   connected to the parallel port - that's easy. What I
   haven't been able
   to do is print across the network.

Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100, Lockups, only sees one channel

2001-05-19 Per discussione John Clark

ASAIK Andre GPL'd the driver and it has supposedly been in the kernel since 
2.2, but still it doesn't work right.  I installed SUSE and it at lease came 
a bit closer to working but it still only recognized the 1st channel too.  
So I went back to 2000 just to find out promise doesn't support 2 fasttrak's 
in one machine in windows.

This whole promise fasttrak BS is for the birds, I wouldn't care so much but 
I got the cards for free (not so free when you consider the time I have 
spent trying to get them to work) and I don't have $ sitting around for a 
decent controller (see motherboard cost:)).

Well thank's for chatting about it, looks like I am SOL and promise is 
giving its users the big bird for support.  You would think that a company 
that try's to push off lame soft raid cards for $99 would at least have the 
decency to support them for the money they are making.  I mean is it REALLY 
to much to ask for a decent driver?  Guess so.

From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100, 
Lockups, only sees one channel
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 09:34:58 -0700

On Friday 18 May 2001 09:45, John Clark wrote:
  I understand how the controller works, I just want a driver that works 
  it.  I don't care how the drives come up I just want to be able to use
  them, software raid or not.
  From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: John Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100,
  Lockups, only sees one channel
  Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 10:28:34 -0700
  On Thursday 17 May 2001 07:32, John Clark wrote:
I have a MSI 694D motherboard with onboard VIA 686a chipset ide
and Promise FastTrak 100 w/ lite bios.
I also have an additional Promise FastTrak 66 with full bios.
I am trying to use Mandrake 8.0

Well, the best thing to do is write to Promise and encourage them to issue
more information on their controller.  There may be a driver for RH by now
that will work with kernel 2.4 but all 2.4s seem to be having some trouble
with Promise FasTraks, especially since 2.4.3-ac5.  You can read about it 
the kernel-traffic mailing list.

The point is, if Promise doesn't write one, and doesn't provide enough
information to others to write one, there will be no driver.  Other distros
might enter a Non-Disclosure Agreement and provide a binary-only driver, 
if we did something like that, we would lose most of the folks who help us,
overnight.  We have to be part of the culture that made us.

Finally, that VIA bug is a real bug, with the chipset, and it can be
corrected and worked around by setting up the PCI resources differently in
the BIOS-I urge you to update the BIOS before you try copying several 
megabytes between disks.  It is a logic race condition between competing 


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] was install WPO2000 in 8.0? Now: in/sh .5.1 is needed by wpo2000-

2001-05-19 Per discussione s

Ok, got that.  Now I'm getting this error:
in/sh  .5.1 is needed by wpo2000-...

Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?


On Saturday 19 May 2001 12:47 pm, you wrote:
 Has anyone figured out how to get around the installation wanting glibc2.1
 rather than the 2.2?


Re: [newbie] Detecting USR Modem

2001-05-19 Per discussione Irv Mullins

On Sat, 19 May 2001, you wrote:
 No it is not a winmodem according to USR it is model 5687-03 which is
 controller based.
Then look here for instructions:


Re: [newbie] Is Linux-Mandrake mailing list a Newsgroup?

2001-05-19 Per discussione Randy Kramer


You're welcome!

Randy Kramer

TezcatlipocA wrote: 
 Thanks for the explanation Randy. I followed the advice of you guys and I setup
 a Filter on Netscape. Now all the e-mail about (newbie) goes to a different

[newbie] RE: detecting USR

2001-05-19 Per discussione John Morine

Thanks for all the help everyone...I am writing this in KMail.

[newbie] LM 8.0 + Cyrix 150Mhz

2001-05-19 Per discussione Herbert

My system is a Cyrix 150Mhz with 64mb Ram
Linux Mandrake 8.0 hangs sometime.
In Bios PNP+APM is off
I have try: kernel-2.4.3-20mdk.i586.rpm and 2.4.4
Please help me..

Re: [newbie] help

2001-05-19 Per discussione TezcatlipocA

Roberto Fonseca wrote:

 I'm new using linux and I installed mandrake 7 but I'm
 having trobles configuring  my sound card(ESS 1868)
 because the lotus said that ther is a a wrong file but
 there is noting wrong aperently and the drake dosen't
 detect my modem What can do ? please help me i wil

cyberbob [:]


Hola Roberto,

Look, I'm new using Linux too but, since your about to get desperate I
will tell you anything I can to help you.  First of all are you talking
about Linux Mandrake 7 or LM 7.2  Because if it's 7 maybe that's why is
not detecting your sound card.  You should try to get LM 8.0 or 7.2.
About your modem if it's an internal modem (probably a WinModem) it will
not detect it. They don't work on linux.  Go to this web page and check
if your modem is a winmodem, a linmodem (winmodem that works under
linux) or an external (which all should work)


Re: [newbie] kppp

2001-05-19 Per discussione Jay DeKing

I found that kppp would not even hang up the phone line unless I shut
down the machine. I couldn't get gnome's ppp client to work at all; now
I'm using xISP and all is good in the world.


Bill Winegarden wrote:
 My son logged off his account without stopping kppp. A few minutes later I
 logged into my account and found that it was still active. Is there a way to
 ensure that kppp halts on any users logout?
 Bill W.


There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.

Re: [newbie] help

2001-05-19 Per discussione TezcatlipocA

Roberto Fonseca wrote:

 I'm new using linux and I installed mandrake 7 but I'm
 having trobles configuring  my sound card(ESS 1868)
 because the lotus said that ther is a a wrong file but
 there is noting wrong aperently and the drake dosen't
 detect my modem What can do ? please help me i wil

cyberbob [:]


It's me again I forgot to include the address in the last message. here
it is.

Winmodems are not modems:


Re: [newbie] Forgot wheel mouse thing

2001-05-19 Per discussione John Farrell

On Thu, 17 May 2001 23:45, Jim Dawson wrote:
 I've had a wierd problem with my M$ wheel mouse. When I
 select 'M$ Intelimouse PS2' during setup, the mouse pointer
 goes crazy (moves to the upper right hand corner of the
 screen every time I try to move it). If I go back (via
 keyboard) and re-select Intelimouse everything works fine.

Me too. I have an MS Trekker mouse. I followed the directions

and it works beautifully until I restart the X server. I suspect
a bug in XFree 4.0.3. Please let me know if you sort this out.


Re: [newbie] was install WPO2000 in 8.0? Now: in/sh .5.1 is needed by wpo2000-

2001-05-19 Per discussione Sam

you might want to check out the new install script available at I didn't get any error msgs using it.

On Sunday 20 May 2001 03:59, s wrote:
 Ok, got that.  Now I'm getting this error:
 in/sh  .5.1 is needed by wpo2000-...

 Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?


 On Saturday 19 May 2001 12:47 pm, you wrote:
  Has anyone figured out how to get around the installation wanting
  glibc2.1 rather than the 2.2?

Re: [newbie] menu editing again!

2001-05-19 Per discussione TezcatlipocA

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 bascule wrote:
  i had spotted that, but the point is that no matter what i
  choose, whether it be system configuration, user
  configuration, allow mandrake customisation or whatever,
  there is no effect, i save, wait for the process to finish,
  run update-menus in a console to be super sure and still
  nothing, the one time i made a change by manually editing
  the .desktop file i wanted to alter the properties of, the
  effect was lost when i logged in again,
  again i if  knew what files and routines were being used in
  this whole process maybe i could make something happen
  On Saturday 19 May 2001 02:57, you wrote:
   bascule wrote:
it's such a tiny thing but it's driving me mad, how
does one alter a menu item and have it stay changed?
   basculeK(menu)-Configure Panel-Menu Editor...

 basculethe info is stored in:


 and after changing/adding info to that file then update-menus
 needs to be run.

Hi Everyone,

Today I was just editing my Menu with DrakeMenu. I downloade IMICI and
installed it but since it didn't put any entry on the menu I had to do
it with DrakeMenu.  I did it as root and did it as System menu so it
would appear for all users.  When I was finish I noticed that there was
no entry for the root or any other user. I did it 3 more times until I
found out that if you don't put an icon for the application you are
adding , it won't add it. Since there was no icon for IMICI I just
picked any icon.  After loggin the application entry was on the menu.


Re: [newbie] Laptops

2001-05-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Never done it on a 760, but my ThinkPad 1400 runs great with Mdk 7.2.


On Saturday 19 May 2001 08:18, thus spake Jose Mirles:
 Anyone ever install Mandrake on a IBM Thinkpad 760XL laptop? I am
 thinking of doing this but have yet to see any documentation on it. The
 docs on laptops is dated and of little help.

...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

Re: RE[newbie] java. why doesn't it go? (still no joy)

2001-05-19 Per discussione John Farrell

On Sat, 19 May 2001 23:34, Irv Mullins wrote:
 Edit the file .bashrc(note the leading dot)
 Add two lines like the following:

 export PATH

 Replace /home/irv/euphoria/bin:  with the full path to your  sdk
 probably /home/mike/something/something.

Mike, when you want to change your CLASSPATH, you do that in
exactly the same way, except that you won't already have a 
CLASSPATH line in the .bashrc file. The path setting is a list of
directories separated by colons (in case that wasn't clear), and
$PATH means 'whatever PATH is already set to'. So the statement


means 'change PATH to be /home/irv... followed by whatever it
already was'. The export statement tells the shell that when it
starts another program (e.g. java) to pass on the value of the 
PATH variable. If you don't export PATH, java won't be able to
see it. For more details on shell variables, you can do 'man bash',
but shell manuals are usually VERY long.
