Re: [newbie-it] Quando Linux non sta piu' al suo posto! (E winzoz fa l'offeso)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Ho trascorso il venerdi' notte ed il sabato ad
 archiviare vecchi dati
 della partizione di Winzoz98, e visto che quella di
 Linux e' stretta
 stretta, ho deciso di allargarla un po'. Ma...
 partition Magic non
 vuole saperne. Ridistribuisco lo spazio e poi do
 Applica, pero' invece
 di partire co l'operazione si apre una casella di
 avviso con su scritto
 che, per compiere l'operazione, deve riavviarsi in
 modalita' Dos, e
 che fa tutto lui... col cavolo! ho provato quattro
 volte e la
 partizione e' come prima. Cosa consigliate (si', lo
 so, buttare via
 Winzoz, e' quello che sto cercando di fare!)? Tenete
 conto che in
 entrambe le partizioni ho dei dati che non vorrei

Ri-posto il msg perche' mi sono accorto di averti
risposto privatamente (scusa Arwan!) ---


  Diskdruid dovrebbe permetterti di ridimensionare
partizioni esistenti, pero' e' un lavoro che non ho
mai avuto bisogno di fare. Funziona in modalita'
grafica sotto X. Prima del ridimensionamento devi
comunque deframmentare le unita'.

Ciao! Steo.


Dillo con una cartolina!

[newbie-it] wolfatIN GAME

2002-02-04 Per discussione Mino Mitrugno

Cari amici,

qualcuno ha provato
ad installare su MDK8.1 il gioco della IDSoft wolfstain?

Ho letto sulla rivista THE GAMES
MACHINE che esiste un file da eseguire x linux da
scaricare dal ftp del sito e successivamente copiare dei file .pak dal cd originale del gioco sul disco.

Non riesco ad installarlo mi dice che il permesso e
vietato anche come root.

Qualcuno puo aiutarmi?


Re: [newbie-it] Informazione su LISa

2002-02-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Natalo wrote:
 Ciao a tutti
 Il mio problema e' il seguente:
 Come ben sapete se apriamo la cartella home dal desktop di KDE ad
 esempio vediamo sulla sinistra l'iconina dei due computer con scritto
 rete locale..bene

come hai usato Samba per dialogare con la macchina win,
devi usare NFS (network file system) per condividere file tra macchine
Linux e/o Unix.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Mandrake

2002-02-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Bigatt wrote:

 Durante la fase di boot, quando arriva a fare il check filesystems si ferma per 
diversi minuti
 (tre o quattro), dopo di che riprende normalmente.

fai un avvio senza grafica (nofb) e vedi cosa scrive a terminale quando
si blocca.
Probabilmente cerca (di avviare) qualcosa che non c'e`
e passato un certo timout riparte anche se non lo ha trovato.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] driver

2002-02-04 Per discussione manosimo

grazie in anticipo
ho visto sul sito epson la possibilita' di scaricare driver per stampanti e scanner in 
formato rpm
mi chiedo pero' nel momento che li carico sulla mai mandrake 8.1 come posso 
utilizzarli per la mia stampante
come faccio attraverso per esempio con hard-drake, nel senso di un interfaccia 
grafica, ad attibuire il driver scompattato alla mia stampante epson stylus c60 che 
tra l'altro non e' nominata nell'elenco delle stampanti

altra cosa esiston nel sito di nvida i drivar per la mia scheda grafica, quando li ho 
installati in questo caso e' automatico che vengano attibuiti alla scheda?
come faccio a capire se tutto e' o.k. ed ho abilitato l'accelerazione grafica?


Re: [newbie-it] problemi con Mandrake

2002-02-04 Per discussione Bigatt

 Mi chiedo: Prima di spegnere fai il reboot?
 Altrimenti il check prende tempo.

Non ho capito la domanda. Quando esco da una sessione Linux, talvolta esco 
con halt, talvolta con reboot a seconda di cosa voglio fare dopo.
Comunque, un check di circa quattro minuti ed anche piu' (senza messaggi di 
sistema su cosa sta succedendo) mi sembra poco ortodosso. 


[newbie-it] Non riesco ad entrare con Gnome

2002-02-04 Per discussione ku68

Salve a tutti. Ieri ho installato mandrake 8.1 su un hd tutto per lui.
Quando parto mi chiede con quale identità voglio entrare (ne ho inserite 2)
e con quale tra Kde Gnome e altri.
Con Kde tutto fila liscio ma se, dopo aver fatto il log out rientro e
inserisco gnome lo schermo si spegne e viene nuovamente visualizzata la
finestra per il login e password fino a che non metto kde.
Ho provato con l'altra identità e tutto è filato liscio.
Come posso fare? C'è un gestore dei vari user?
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

Re: [newbie-it] driver

2002-02-04 Per discussione Daniele Micci

At 15.54 04/02/02 +0100, you wrote:
grazie in anticipo
ho visto sul sito epson la possibilita' di scaricare driver per stampanti
e scanner in formato rpm
mi chiedo pero' nel momento che li carico sulla mai mandrake 8.1 come
posso utilizzarli per la mia stampante
come faccio attraverso per esempio con hard-drake, nel senso di un
interfaccia grafica, ad attibuire il driver scompattato alla mia stampante
epson stylus c60 che tra l'altro non e' nominata nell'elenco delle

Ciao, ho anche io una stampante Epson. Ma utilizzo i driver forniti da 
Mandrake insieme a CUPS. Non so dei driver Epson. Hai provato a vedere se c'è 
qualche README sul sito che possa chiarirti le idee? Altrimenti, prova a 
contattare la stessa Epson. In fin dei conti, li hanno messi loro i driver 
sul sito... ;)

altra cosa esiston nel sito di nvida i drivar per la mia scheda grafica,
quando li ho installati in questo caso e' automatico che vengano attibuiti
alla scheda?

Sì. Installali seguendo attentamente le istruzioni.

come faccio a capire se tutto e' o.k. ed ho abilitato l'accelerazione

Potresti guardare nel file di configurazione del server X. Ma la cosa più 
semplice e veloce è provare a caricare un gioco come Tuxracer: se gira a più 
di 3 frame al secondo, ce l'hai fatta!


R: [newbie-it] skeda audio Yamaha

2002-02-04 Per discussione Tom

Anche io ho la tua stessa scheda e immagino che anche tu usi la mdk8.1.
Io ho risolto il problema mettendo tra gli append di grub (o lilo) il
seguente testo: nobiospnp
Ora dovrebbe funionare tutto.

ciao, Pollo.

Ti ringrazio x la risposta.Si anche io ho la mdk8.1.
ma quello che hai detto è arabo per me.
Considerando che è la prima volta che vedo un sistema diverso da winz e
conseguenti comandi DOS, vi chiedo se qualcuno ne ha la pazienzadi
spiegarmi meglio che dovrei fare.


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[newbie-it] Stampa con Hp 930c

2002-02-04 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ho installato con successo la mia stampante hp 930c su
Mandrake 8.0, pero' la qualita' di stampa in modalita' foto
non e' per niente buona, soprattutto se paragonata, a
parita' di immagine, alla stampa sotto windows.
Da profano direi che non viene utilizzata la modalita' RET
Le stampe da Linux sono fatte con Gimp.
C'e ' qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare?
Naturalmente spiegandomi il tutto per filo e per segno..

Ciao e grazie.

Re: [newbie] Samba Question

2002-02-04 Per discussione Mark Lucas

Another thing to check is the use of plain text vs encrypted passwords.
Samba can be configured for either. I recall that the default for Samba and
the default for Windows may be different.


- Original Message -
From: Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake-newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba Question

 On Sun, 2002-02-03 at 17:29, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:
  When at my Windows XP computer I do a search using the IP of the linux
  computer and it shows this:
  Name  Folder  Comment   unknown
  If I double-click the IP address shown above I get a login prompt and I
  in the username bob and the password test but it never logs in. It
  keeps giving me the same prompt. If I go to the linux computer and open
  Network Monitoring I can see that it is sending and receiving but I
  figure out why it's not letting me log in.
  If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.

 Do you have a share setup on your Samba box? What are its permissions?
 What is the version of Samba you are running (I seem to recall there
 being a problem with some fairly recent versions of Samba having trouble
 with WinXP)? Have you looked at your Samba logs ( /var/log/samba/log.*
 )? Let us know, and we can proceed from there.

 Beware the wrath of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup.

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[newbie] AS*

2002-02-04 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu

In which package on the Linux CDs can I find the above
program?  It's for GCC (I'm guessing it's the


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[newbie] xmms has gone haywire - wont play.

2002-02-04 Per discussione Walter Logeman

xmms has gone haywire - wont play.

I fiddled with the visualisations and now xmms wont load.  The 
visualizations load but quickly die.

If this were windows Id remove the ap and reinstall!  Same here? 
 Or can I fix this?

Here is the output from the console.



793 walter@psybernet:~ (01:59:30)
$ xmms
Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

** CRITICAL **: opengl_spectrum.c: unable to create window
Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x111)!
Xlib: sequence lost (0x10111  0x116) in reply type 0x0!
Gdk-ERROR **: BadImplementation (server does not implement 
  serial 273 error_code 17 request_code 20 minor_code 0
794 walter@psybernet:~ (02:00:16)

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Re: [newbie] Sound from a VMWare workstation

2002-02-04 Per discussione Greg Smith

Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried that.  When I move the volume 
slider up and down or the balance slider side to side, all I hear is some 
scratching sounds.  Weird.  Any other ideas?

On Sunday 03 February 2002 06:07 pm, you wrote:
 Greg Smith (by way of Greg Smith ) wrote:
  Is anyone having trouble getting sound to work from within a VMWare
  I'm running VMWare version 3.
  I've tried to configure the sound from within Linux Mandrake 8.1 using
  the sndconfig command in a terminal.  All I can get is a very quick noise
  that sounds a s if it is the start of a word.
  Any ideas?

 Greg, a suggestion - just guessing :
 Open Sound Mixer (multimedia -- sound -- Sound Mixer) and try
 adjusting the sliders.
 Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] xmms has gone haywire - wont play.

2002-02-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Delete  .xmms directory in your home

that will fix it


On Tuesday 05 February 2002 01:04, Walter Logeman wrote:
 xmms has gone haywire - wont play.

 I fiddled with the visualisations and now xmms wont load.  The
 visualizations load but quickly die.

 If this were windows Id remove the ap and reinstall!  Same here?
  Or can I fix this?

 Here is the output from the console.



 793 walter@psybernet:~ (01:59:30)
 $ xmms
 Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

 ** CRITICAL **: opengl_spectrum.c: unable to create window
 Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x111)!
 Xlib: sequence lost (0x10111  0x116) in reply type 0x0!
 Gdk-ERROR **: BadImplementation (server does not implement
   serial 273 error_code 17 request_code 20 minor_code 0
 794 walter@psybernet:~ (02:00:16)

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Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-02-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir


If you are in LM81, that means devfs is in place.  Devfs is probably one of 
the better advancements in the Linux world within the last few years.  It 
carries with it quite a few advantages; one of which is to actually be able 
to see what devices have been detected on your system.  Of course you can 
also do this with the /proc directory; however, if you go into the devfs 
directory you can see the true names of the devices in addition to  there 
being only what has been detected.

In the old dev system, when the devices were created on your system, they 
were all put there at once, wether they existed or not.  Devfs puts a brain 
to the problem, and the daemon only places items in their real designated 
spots if they actually exist, using a directory structure as a means of 
categorization, as it was meant to be used.  Devfs gives you many other 
features and abilities, I'm nutshelling one aspect of it here for brevity.

Caveat:  In order to maintain backward compatibility, softlinks are created 
in the /dev directory that all correspond to the old device names that used 
to be there.  These names link you up with the *real* device names, the ones 
that have been properly categorized within their respective directory 
structures.  This is what you are trying to mount when you designate /dev/hdd 
or whatever.

To check what devfs has actually detected on your system, in your scenario 
you would go to


and do something like

ls -ail

To see what you have.  What you see (if anything) is all that you have 
available to use for mounting.  In my case, I see the following:
[root@tamriel lun0]# ls -ail

total 0
374 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ./
373 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
387 brw---1 root root   3,   0 Dec 31  1969 disc
388 brw---1 root root   3,   1 Dec 31  1969 part1

[root@tamriel lun0]# pwd


[root@tamriel lun0]#

At this point you may use the real filenames to mount your device.  For 
instance, disc  is telling me that that is the device I would use for the 
fdisk command to create or  delete partitions; ie, it represents the whole 
enchalada of that device.  On the other hand, part1 is telling me that 
there is a partition already there.  So therefore I could issue the following 

mount -t vfat /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /mnt/disk

which would mount that dos 7.10 drive to /mnt/disk.  I just happen to already 
know that it's formatted as a Win95 LBA partition, so I told mount that it 
was a vfat filesystem.  Telling mount what kind of filesystem you are 
mounting tends to make it happy.

So do a dir of that spot and see what you've got.  ;)



On Monday 04 February 2002 08:35, you wrote:
 I've got an ATAPI ZIP drive, and tried the following, based on Roman's

 Mkdir /mnt/zip
 Mount /mnt/zip /dev/hdd4 (harddrake reports the ZIP drive as HDD -- it's
 the 2nd device on the 2nd IDE channel)
 ...and I got this error:
 mount: /dev/hdd4 is not a block device I tried:
 Mount /mnt/zip /dev/hdd
 ...and I got this error:
 mount: /dev/hdd is not a block device

 Any ideas?

 Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the University of
 Cincinnati College of Pharmacy   (513)-558-3784

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[newbie] lilo versus fdisk/mbr

2002-02-04 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky


I am unclear about how exactly somebody can remove linux from a multi-boot 
machine. I am interested in two cases:

a) the machine already is multi-boot with, say, Windows98 and Windows2000 
installed.  When linux is installed, linux places lilo in the mbr and lilo 
gives give the option to either select linux or windows in which case a menu 
to choose between W98 and W2000 appears.

b) a machine only has W2000 and linux is added.

To remove linux - I was told that one only needs to boot with DOS and type 
the command fdisk/mbr.  This then removes lilo from the master boot 
record.  So fine so good.  But HOW does it place the loader which gives 
the choice between W98 and W2000 (in the first case above) or how does it 
then allow for the selection of W2000 in the second case.  fdisk/mbr 
cleans the mbr - but it should not replace the windows options back into 
the mbr, right?

Thanks for your help!


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RE: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?

2002-02-04 Per discussione Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)

Thanks for the message. I am hopeful that this may, yet, be resolved! I
mostly want to use the ZIP drive from the terminal (though it would be nice
if it were accessible in GNOME as well)...

I did what you suggested, and got the following:

root.drewvogel:~$ cd /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0
root.drewvogel:/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0$ ls -ail
total 0
3680 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ./
3670 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
3810 brw---1 root root   3,   0 Dec 31  1969 disc
3820 brw---1 root root   3,   1 Dec 31  1969 part1
3830 brw---1 root root   3,   2 Dec 31  1969 part2
3840 brw---1 root root   3,   5 Dec 31  1969 part5
3850 brw---1 root root   3,   6 Dec 31  1969 part6

What do I do from here? Thanks for all your help!

Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the University of
Cincinnati College of Pharmacy   (513)-558-3784

 -Original Message-
 From: Lyvim Xaphir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] ZIP drive under Linux-Mandrake 8.1?
 If you are in LM81, that means devfs is in place.  Devfs is 
 probably one of 
 the better advancements in the Linux world within the last 
 few years.  It 
 carries with it quite a few advantages; one of which is to 
 actually be able 
 to see what devices have been detected on your system.  Of 
 course you can 
 also do this with the /proc directory; however, if you go 
 into the devfs 
 directory you can see the true names of the devices in 
 addition to  there 
 being only what has been detected.
 In the old dev system, when the devices were created on your 
 system, they 
 were all put there at once, wether they existed or not.  
 Devfs puts a brain 
 to the problem, and the daemon only places items in their 
 real designated 
 spots if they actually exist, using a directory structure as 
 a means of 
 categorization, as it was meant to be used.  Devfs gives you 
 many other 
 features and abilities, I'm nutshelling one aspect of it here 
 for brevity.
 Caveat:  In order to maintain backward compatibility, 
 softlinks are created 
 in the /dev directory that all correspond to the old device 
 names that used 
 to be there.  These names link you up with the *real* device 
 names, the ones 
 that have been properly categorized within their respective directory 
 structures.  This is what you are trying to mount when you 
 designate /dev/hdd 
 or whatever.
 To check what devfs has actually detected on your system, in 
 your scenario 
 you would go to
 and do something like
 ls -ail
 To see what you have.  What you see (if anything) is all that 
 you have 
 available to use for mounting.  In my case, I see the 
 following: __
 [root@tamriel lun0]# ls -ail
 total 0
 374 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ./
 373 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
 387 brw---1 root root   3,   0 Dec 31  1969 disc
 388 brw---1 root root   3,   1 Dec 31  1969 part1
 [root@tamriel lun0]# pwd
 [root@tamriel lun0]# 
 At this point you may use the real filenames to mount your 
 device.  For 
 instance, disc  is telling me that that is the device I 
 would use for the 
 fdisk command to create or  delete partitions; ie, it 
 represents the whole 
 enchalada of that device.  On the other hand, part1 is 
 telling me that 
 there is a partition already there.  So therefore I could 
 issue the following 
 mount -t vfat /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /mnt/disk
 which would mount that dos 7.10 drive to /mnt/disk.  I just 
 happen to already 
 know that it's formatted as a Win95 LBA partition, so I told 
 mount that it 
 was a vfat filesystem.  Telling mount what kind of filesystem you are 
 mounting tends to make it happy.
 So do a dir of that spot and see what you've got.  ;)
 On Monday 04 February 2002 08:35, you wrote:
  I've got an ATAPI ZIP drive, and tried the following, based 
 on Roman's
  Mkdir /mnt/zip
  Mount /mnt/zip /dev/hdd4 (harddrake reports the ZIP drive as HDD -- 
  it's the 2nd device on the 2nd IDE channel) ...and I got this error:
  mount: /dev/hdd4 is not a block device I tried:
  Mount /mnt/zip /dev/hdd
  ...and I got this error:
  mount: /dev/hdd is not a block device
  Any ideas?

Re: [newbie] pdf and postscript

2002-02-04 Per discussione julie

Killustrator was forced to be renamed and is now Kontour. Kontour is in the 
8.1 distribution. Don't know if it opens Illustrator or not. Another thing to 
look at might be Scribus which is similar to PageMaker and might be able to 
open some of your files. Check the Scribus home page (use Google search as I 
don't remember the URL, sorry).


On Monday 04 February 2002 12:26 pm, you wrote:
 Re: [newbie] pdf and postscript
  From: Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  In terms of reading the postscript file, you probably don't
  have the needed parser with ghostscript. Linux, unfortunately
  is not strong in publishing, even with TeX.

 I saw there was a program in development called killustrator,
 could that be of use?  I hope it will be soon, as i am hoping to
 do something similar, however i am too new to explore it right


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[newbie] Evolution or kmailkorganizer ?

2002-02-04 Per discussione Joan Tur


I'm now using kmail  korganizer.  Would you recommend me to change to 
evolution or to stay using this 2 programs??

Thanks for your answer!  ;)
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] lilo versus fdisk/mbr

2002-02-04 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

AR Hi!

AR I am unclear about how exactly somebody can remove linux from a multi-boot 
AR machine. I am interested in two cases:

AR a) the machine already is multi-boot with, say, Windows98 and Windows2000 
AR installed.  When linux is installed, linux places lilo in the mbr and lilo 
AR gives give the option to either select linux or windows in which case a menu 
AR to choose between W98 and W2000 appears.

AR b) a machine only has W2000 and linux is added.

AR To remove linux - I was told that one only needs to boot with DOS and type 
AR the command fdisk/mbr.  This then removes lilo from the master boot 
AR record.  So fine so good.  But HOW does it place the loader which gives 
AR the choice between W98 and W2000 (in the first case above) or how does it 
AR then allow for the selection of W2000 in the second case.  fdisk/mbr 
AR cleans the mbr - but it should not replace the windows options back into 
AR the mbr, right?

AR Thanks for your help!

AR Andrei

 Well, there is no cleaning of mbr actually. Fdisk /mbr just
 re-writes the mbr. You can do it with fdisk /mbr to make windows
 rewrite it, or do a lilo -U to make lilo write the original mbr
 that it had backed up.

 W2K and W98 multiboot is not limited to mbr. If you investigate more,
 you will see that in the c: there are files like ntloader.exe ,
 xxx.bin or stuff like that. As they are not at the mbr, they are
 not affected by lilo. When lilo boots C:, it boots nt loader, that is
 the MS multiboot menu.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] backup app for LM 8.0

2002-02-04 Per discussione RichardA

Andy, this:
says this:
Prepare as many floppies as you think you'll need by using the fdformat(8) 
command. You do not need to make filesystems on them however, as you will be 
using them in raw mode. 
If you are backing up a large set of subdirectories, switch to the base 
subdirectory and issue the following command: 

cd directory
tar  -cv -L 1440 -M -f /dev/fd0  .

This command will prompt you when to change floppies. Wait for the floppy 
drive light to go out of course! 
If you need to backup or transfer multiple files or directories, or just a 
single large file, then specify them instead of the period at the end of the 
tar command above. 
Unpacking the archive is similar to the above command:

cd directory
tar  -xv -L 1440 -M -f /dev/fd0
It might be five years old, but I'll bet it's still true.
(I'm sure I've read of a command you can pipe the output of tar to, which 
will cut it into pieces of any size you want. Wish I could remember what it's 


Andy Gay, Monday 04 February 2002 04:31:
 I could use a simple data backup do store nothing but a /data directory
 in my /home/me/data.  I would like to compress (tar, I guess) it on
 floppies (I don't have a whole lot of data-.maybe 10 meg uncompressed)
 and be prompted when to change the floppies.  Is there a utility for


 On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 20:20, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  On Saturday 02 February 2002 18:28, you wrote:
  I know how bad it can be when you're starting from ground zero.  I had
  the same problems when I had to learn IBM Dos version 2 from scratch by
  The syntax can be arcane and hard to understand at times.  Plus, the man
  pages are not oriented to new users.  The best source of information for
  new users are HOWTO resources, which list concrete real world examples,
  put forth in no nonsense easy to understand format.  I appreciate these
  resources greatly because I did not have them 15 years ago when I got a
  generous crash course by an asshole administrator.
  There are many HOWTO's, but after checking I found precious little in the
  way of tar information.  This was a little disturbing, as tar is a
  heavily used resource in the UNIX world.  On discovering this, I
  empathized with your situation even more.
  To access this information locally on your system, assuming you've got a
  Mandrake system and I don't have any reason to assume otherwise, put the
  following in your browser:
  If by chance the docs are not installed, go to the following net
  Since this is a new user's list, there should'nt be any subscribers that
  have any misplaced preconceptions concerning a list member's
  foreknowledge about anything regarding Mandrake Linux.
  Having said that, your original question concerned backup programs. That
  in itself tells us alot about what you are asking.  First, whenever you
  are talking about a script or utility that does backups, it's generally
  desirable to be able to grab everything in a given location, plus save
  permissions and ownership information; not to mention the hidden
  .dotdirs.  That's generally what backup programs do.  If you tend to back
  your stuff up to CDRW like I do, you might want to make a tar.gz archive
  of your directory.  In my case, I like to save the home user's directory
  to a tar.gz archive, then put it on CDRW temporarily until I've upgraded
  the system to the next latest distro. The following command will save
  everything unilaterally and keep all ownership and permissions
  information verbatim:
  cd /home
  tar -zxpvf /tmp/storage/home_dir.tar.gz *
  If you then want to view what you've done after you complete this, you go
  to the /tmp/storage directory and type:
  tar -ztpvf home_dir.tar.gz
  This doesn't do anything but pull a list of what's in the archive.  The
  z option on the tar command line tells the program to process the
  archive with gzip, which gives it a respectable compression; saving you
  alot of space.
  Hope this gets you started.  Email again if you've got further questions.
   shane wrote:
tar springs to mind.
   If I knew how to use tar to backup / or /home
   I would not have asked the question.
   would you mind to tell me how to do this ?
   Just smugly saying tar ( Duh ) springs to mind, doesn't really answer
   the question.
   For anyone reading this , most of us when we ask a question , we mean
   Ok, HOW do you do that?
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Re: [newbie] 8.1 CD-ROM install problem

2002-02-04 Per discussione skinky

On Tuesday 05 February 2002 05:47, John Cichy wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am attempting to install LM8.1 from an ISO image I burnt.

 System specs:
 AMD K6/3 450
 768meg RAM (ran memtest86 for 24hrs with no errors)
 ATI Mach32 ISA (swapped video after failure to ATI Radion w/same result)
 AHA-2940U2W scsi adaptor
 3 9gig 10,000rpm WD drives

 Install program boots (from CD-ROM) and makes it through initial setup and
 package selection. As it starts coping/loading software the system hangs. I
 have done this MANY times, and the hang occurs while loading different
 package each time,  so I have been unable to attribute it to a particular

 The install images have been used to install a 950Athlon (twice), and an
 AMD K6/2 300 with no problems. The machine was running RH7.0 (for almost a
 year with no problems).

 This machine will be a server, and I don't need X, so video should not be
 an issue. I have run the install in both GUI and TEXT mode, with same
 results (although TEXT did freeze once while it was trying to see what
 packages were available).

 Any suggestions would be appreciated...


Firstly, I don't exactly know why, what or how but here goes...

The problem could be with your memory (?).  I had the same thing happen a few 
months back with about 12-15 attempts at installing LM8.1.  Sometimes it 
would start to copy files then hang with no error messages, other times it 
kept giving me errors about ldconfig after selecting the packages, and during 
one text install the system froze with an error message that was unreadable 
(words spread randomly on the screen) but I noticed one of the words was 
memory.  At the time I had recently increased my ram from 128 to 1152 MB so I 
wondered whether I had bought dud ram.  My cpu is also AMD (Athlon tbird 1.0 

Anyway, I thought I'd read something about (most likely I just made it up or 
dreamed it) the system keeping things (don't ask me what) going on a reboot 
instead of releasing/flushing everything like it supposedly does on shutdown 
and cold boot.  So out of sheer desperation I shut down the computer and left 
it for 5 mins before starting it and trying to install again.  Voila!  No 
more install problems.

Since then I have reinstalled several times without a hitch and each time I 
have shutdown the computer and left it for a while before starting it again.

Might work on your pc???

BTW, I later ran memtest which gave 0 errors so ?

Oh, and Civileme has mentioned in a post to this list this type of problem 
sometimes indicates that its your cdrom thats the problem.  Perhaps you could 
search the list archives.

Good luck
oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] backup app for LM 8.0

2002-02-04 Per discussione Randy Kramer

RichardA wrote:
 It might be five years old, but I'll bet it's still true.
 (I'm sure I've read of a command you can pipe the output of tar to, which
 will cut it into pieces of any size you want. Wish I could remember what it's

Are you thinking of split?

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] multiple NICs problem

2002-02-04 Per discussione vijay750


Due to an FS corruption, I re-installed 8.1 from scratch
on my system. I have been having problems with my NICs
ever since.

I have 2 NICs - one useing the ne2k-pci driver, and the
other using 8139too. Previously, the ne2k card was eth0,
and the 8139 eth1. I was using eth0 to connect to the
inernet, and eth1 to serve my lan.

Now, I am not sure which is which. If I use the same
configuration as above, the NIC connected to the internet
gets the static 192.* ip address. How can I find out
which NIC is eth*? Also, are the drivers auto-loaded?

Finally, if I try to use the control-center to configure
the NICs, I see 2 NICs in the hardware portion, but
connection sharing says that it can see only 1 NIC -
eth0 running 8139too.

I am very confused. Please help!


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[newbie] Apache and Frontpage

2002-02-04 Per discussione Matthew Harrison

Hi all,
I was wondering if there was any way to get FrontPage 2000 server
extensions on an Apache web server (not sure what version).  Also, if there
is a way, I think I remember hearing about a frontpage module for apache, is
there any major security risks besides the fact it is Microsoft?  Thanks in

Matt Harrison

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[newbie] networking - I can get into my box but not back out

2002-02-04 Per discussione Elizabeth Jones

Hi - I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new box.  I am trying to
duplicate a box that died last week and reusing the same server
name and IP address.  But I clearly have something set wrong.  I
can see this new box from the network and I can telnet and ftp
in to it, but I can't get out to the network when I'm on it.
I have a PC plugged in to the same subnet, and I used the same
subnet mask on the linux box that is used for the PC.  but on
the PC I have a default gateway, I put this in as the default
gateway on the linux box as well.  I guess I'm missing the
broadcast address?  any ideas on how I would determine what
that should be?

thanks -
Ebeth Jones

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Re: [newbie] networking - I can get into my box but not back out

2002-02-04 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Elizabeth Jones wrote:
 Hi - I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new box.  I am trying to
 duplicate a box that died last week and reusing the same server
 name and IP address.  But I clearly have something set wrong.  I
 can see this new box from the network and I can telnet and ftp
 in to it, but I can't get out to the network when I'm on it.
 I have a PC plugged in to the same subnet, and I used the same
 subnet mask on the linux box that is used for the PC.  but on
 the PC I have a default gateway, I put this in as the default
 gateway on the linux box as well.  I guess I'm missing the
 broadcast address?  any ideas on how I would determine what
 that should be?

I'm a Linux newbie, also, but I'd try:

   * pinging the gateway by ip address (from the new box)
   * pinging something on the Internet by domain name

If the first works and the second doesn't, I'd suspect that your DNS
server addresses are not set (in the new PC).

Re: Broadcast address -- tell us the ip and subnet mask on the new box
-- IIRC, the broadcast address is (in complicated terms) the ip address
of the new box, masked by its netmask, and everything in the netmask
replaced by binary ones (or is it zeros).  If you tell us the ip and
subnet mask, I or someone else can tell you the broadcast address.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Sound from a VMWare workstation

2002-02-04 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Greg Smith wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried that.  When I move the volume
 slider up and down or the balance slider side to side, all I hear is some
 scratching sounds.  Weird.  Any other ideas?
 On Sunday 03 February 2002 06:07 pm, you wrote:
  Greg Smith (by way of Greg Smith ) wrote:
   Is anyone having trouble getting sound to work from within a VMWare
   I'm running VMWare version 3.
   I've tried to configure the sound from within Linux Mandrake 8.1 using
   the sndconfig command in a terminal.  All I can get is a very quick noise
   that sounds a s if it is the start of a word.
   Any ideas?
  Greg, a suggestion - just guessing :
  Open Sound Mixer (multimedia -- sound -- Sound Mixer) and try
  adjusting the sliders.
  Kaj Haulrich

Hmm...I remember having some sound-related probs too. It's all working
now, so for your information, here are my settings : I've turned ALSA
off ( Control Panel -- [root passw] -- System -- Services -- ALSA
deselected ). Then, in  the other (local - Small icon in kicker) Control
Center -- Sound -- Sound Server, I've enabled aRts on KDE startup.
There's a button : Test sound that should play the opening fanfare.
Finally, in my /etc/lilo.conf the append line looks as follows :
append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
Especially, the nomount made everything OK.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] networking - I can get into my box but not back out

2002-02-04 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Mon, 04 Feb 2002, Elizabeth Jones wrote:
  %_Hi - I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new box.  I am trying to
  duplicate a box that died last week and reusing the same server
  name and IP address.  But I clearly have something set wrong.  I
  can see this new box from the network and I can telnet and ftp
  in to it, but I can't get out to the network when I'm on it.
  I have a PC plugged in to the same subnet, and I used the same
  subnet mask on the linux box that is used for the PC.  but on
  the PC I have a default gateway, I put this in as the default
  gateway on the linux box as well.  I guess I'm missing the
  broadcast address?  any ideas on how I would determine what
  that should be?
 It would be the highest address in the subnet.
 for instance 
 do an 'ifconfig' and post the output.
 also do a route -n and post the output.
 Then maybe someone can help.
 Gerald Waugh
 Registered Linux User 255245
 register at

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[newbie] HP Omnibook 6000

2002-02-04 Per discussione Joan Tur


Now i know through that linux works fine on it I'd like 
users of this notebook to send me their impressions with 3D games... that's 
the only thing i'm afraid of (Mobility M1 is a 64 bits video card, isn't it?)

Thanks in advance!!  ;)
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Putting LM on for-sale computers

2002-02-04 Per discussione Nelson Bartley


I have a legal question to propose to the list experts. 

I currently run a computer company, and some of my clients are
interested in having LM or RedHat loaded on to their computers as
default, rather then pay 150$ for winme /xp home.

My question, is there anything wrong with me putting LM on a computer my
company is selling? Is there some form of royalty I should be concerned
about? I'm not required to have special permission am I?

Just some silly legal questions, and any response is greatly

Nelson Bartley

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Re: [newbie] HP Omnibook 6000

2002-02-04 Per discussione Joan Tur

Er... please email me instead to the list.  Thanks.

Es Mon 04 Feb 2002 22:23, en Joan Tur va escriure:
 Now i know through that linux works fine on it I'd
 like users of this notebook to send me their impressions with 3D games...
 that's the only thing i'm afraid of (Mobility M1 is a 64 bits video card,
 isn't it?)

 Thanks in advance!!  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] networking - I can get into my box but not back out

2002-02-04 Per discussione Elizabeth Jones

This worked, I changed the broadcast address as Gerald said and
now it is working.  Thanks alot! 

 On Mon, 04 Feb 2002, Gerald Waugh wrote:
  On Mon, 04 Feb 2002, Elizabeth Jones wrote:
   %_Hi - I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new box.  I am trying to
   duplicate a box that died last week and reusing the same server
   name and IP address.  But I clearly have something set wrong.  I
   can see this new box from the network and I can telnet and ftp
   in to it, but I can't get out to the network when I'm on it.
   I have a PC plugged in to the same subnet, and I used the same
   subnet mask on the linux box that is used for the PC.  but on
   the PC I have a default gateway, I put this in as the default
   gateway on the linux box as well.  I guess I'm missing the
   broadcast address?  any ideas on how I would determine what
   that should be?
  It would be the highest address in the subnet.
  for instance 
  Gerald Waugh
  Registered Linux User 255245
  register at

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Re: [newbie] networking - I can get into my box but not back out

2002-02-04 Per discussione tester

Elizabeth Jones wrote:

 Hi - I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new box.  I am trying to
 duplicate a box that died last week and reusing the same server
 name and IP address.  But I clearly have something set wrong.  I
 can see this new box from the network and I can telnet and ftp
 in to it, but I can't get out to the network when I'm on it.
 I have a PC plugged in to the same subnet, and I used the same
 subnet mask on the linux box that is used for the PC.  but on
 the PC I have a default gateway, I put this in as the default
 gateway on the linux box as well.  I guess I'm missing the
 broadcast address?  any ideas on how I would determine what
 that should be?
 thanks -
 Ebeth Jones

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Ummm, maybe you could tell us a bit more about your network/internet 

/etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/resolv.conf contents would also be helpful

You can put them to a file by
putting in a floppy disk (dos formatted)

cat /etc/resolv.conf  somefilename
cat /etc/sysconfig/network  samefilename
cp somefilename /mnt/floppy

then you can send us the info by copying it to your windows machine and 
pasting it into your email.


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Re: [newbie] su

2002-02-04 Per discussione Geoff Thomas

I did. Found a fix, by editing the /etc/security/limits.conf by adding two
zero's to the limit.
Not sure what IIRC is.
Geoff Thomas
- Original Message -
From: Fr Kipling Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] su

 * Geoff Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [03 Feb 02 14:51]:
  I've been using su to change to root for admin. tasks.
  Suddenly it won't work and it says file limit is exceeded.
  What gives?

 Did you perchance suddenly install Bastille-linux (firewall?)  it
 defaults to shutting off su's IIRC


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Re: [newbie] su

2002-02-04 Per discussione Geoff Thomas

Thanks,  it worked great. The file is /etc/security/limits.conf.
But by increasing the file limit to a higher number, is a log file somewhere
getting bigger and bigger?
G Thomas
- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] su

  Geoff Thomas wrote:
  I've been using su to change to root for admin. tasks.
  Suddenly it won't work and it says file limit is exceeded.
  What gives?

 Sounds like you just installed Bastille and picked that option. You can
 a line in the Bastille configuration file that limits file sizes. Sorry, I
 can't remember the exact line.

 Best bet is to go to Mandrakes home page, then to mailing lists, then pick
 archives and do a search on bastille...this has come up a couple of times
 you should be able to find it pretty easily.

 Hope this helps!




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Re: [newbie] Putting LM on for-sale computers

2002-02-04 Per discussione shane

On Monday 04 February 2002 13:36, you spoke unto me thusly:

 My question, is there anything wrong with me putting LM on a computer my
 company is selling? Is there some form of royalty I should be concerned
 about? I'm not required to have special permission am I?

well this is not the answer you want, but.

assume you can indeed install mandrake on machines for clients for nothing, 
from your disks (as far as i know you infact can, but what do i know?) and 
you do so.  as a friendly member of the open source community, wouldn't it be 
nice if you charged an extra $10 on the sale and then donated that money to 
mandrake?  maybe make 10 or 20 sales and do it all at once?

selfishly, i think of it as encouraging mandrake to continue making a fine 
product.  i have loaded many a mandrake system since i started using 7.1, and 
i try to make small donations to them as repayment, just a thought.

you might also try contacting them,

Followers of tao are nonconformists.  The conventional label our behavior 
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Link different.
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[newbie] XMMS CDs

2002-02-04 Per discussione Rick

OK... I'm sure the answer to this is so simple that it is staring me
in the face. How do I get XMMS to play an audio CD? For the life of me,
I can't figure it out. I assume that it can do so since you can set it
to check CDDB.

Someone make me feel stupid and tell me how! :)

Rick Friedman
(212) 894-3753 x1212 - voicemail/fax

He's dead, Jim. You get his wallet. I'll get his tricorder.

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Re: [newbie] Putting LM on for-sale computers

2002-02-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Monday 04 February 2002 21:36, Nelson Bartley wrote:

 I have a legal question to propose to the list experts.

 I currently run a computer company, and some of my clients are
 interested in having LM or RedHat loaded on to their computers as
 default, rather then pay 150$ for winme /xp home.

 My question, is there anything wrong with me putting LM on a computer my
 company is selling? Is there some form of royalty I should be concerned
 about? I'm not required to have special permission am I?

 Just some silly legal questions, and any response is greatly

 Nelson Bartley

If you plan to sell a lot of them Mandrake offer a 'master CD' service 
desribed here

If you are just talking about a few then read this

It seems the OEM boxes are just $15 each, so you might as well give them a 
box !!


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Re: [newbie] Wanting to replace / or run these windows apps.

2002-02-04 Per discussione Terry Smith

I use Moneydance for bank (checking, saving) accounts and gnucash for
mutual fund portfolios. Both work quite well. Not as much glitter as
Quicken but they both use true double-entry accounting and can both
import Quicken files. Check printing is possible (although quite a pain)
in Moneydance.

Moneydance is not free. The demo version is but if you want to save more
than (I think) 100 transactions you need to purchase a license (~$40).
Moneydance has a more complete interface and can do a few extra things.
It's written in java so it can be a bit slow unless you have a fast

If you just want to get the job done, gnucash is fine.

BTW, both leave a lot be desired in terms of producing useful reports
(on investment performance, for example).

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 10:42, Jose Mirles wrote:
 Paul Kraus wrote:
  Is there a way to run Ms Money is Linux or is there a comparative, just 
  as good, Linux application. Are there any windows emulators? I have a 
  couple 16bit windows apps that I would like to run. They don?t do 
  anything special and ran on win95.  Thanks.
 Well you could try WINE. It works better with older Win apps. However I use 
 Win4Lin. You load Windows 95/98 as an application under Linux. I use it to run 
 Quicken and Turbo Tax.
 You may also want to take a look at MoneyDance (shareware), GNUCash, 
 KDEMyMoney2 and Kapital. MoneyDance and GNUCash are usable now.
 The box said Windows 2000 or higher required, so I used Mandrake Linux...

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[newbie] Sandisk USB CompactFlash Reader

2002-02-04 Per discussione Terry S.

Does anyone have one of these working?  I have plugged it into my USB port,
and Linux seems to recognize it, even mounts it (as Floppy2 or Floppy, I
can't remember which), but when I try to access it through either a command
prompt or thru Nautilus, it either tells me that it was unable to access the
device, or it tells me nothing at all, like there's nothing on the CF memory
card (which there is).

Any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] Putting LM on for-sale computers

2002-02-04 Per discussione William R. Nash


 Try look at the following links:  i copy them from the Linux-mandrake 8.1

Original Copyright

hope this help you. good question.

Bill Nash
- Original Message -
From: Nelson Bartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:36 PM
Subject: [newbie] Putting LM on for-sale computers


 I have a legal question to propose to the list experts.

 I currently run a computer company, and some of my clients are
 interested in having LM or RedHat loaded on to their computers as
 default, rather then pay 150$ for winme /xp home.

 My question, is there anything wrong with me putting LM on a computer my
 company is selling? Is there some form of royalty I should be concerned
 about? I'm not required to have special permission am I?

 Just some silly legal questions, and any response is greatly

 Nelson Bartley

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[newbie] Installation blues

2002-02-04 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer

Hi all,
Whilst helping a friend install mandrake 8.2 we ran into a problem I have
never come up against, maybe some of you have.
On booting from the CD Rom and pressing the enter key, instead of going into
second stage install and loading the main installation dialogue screen the
monitor goes blank and after about 20 seconds both the CD and the hard drive
stop.  In other words on pressing enter at the initial welcome screen
everything stops.
Has anyone had a similar experience or any thoughts on what may be the
problem and how to fix it.
His PC spec is:  300Mhz Pentium, 64Mb RAM, two hard drives - a 1Gb original
and an extra 4GB.  It is an old machine (about five or six years old) and
the video card is unknown.  I was thinking this may be the problem (the
video card) but then why shold the CD and hard drive stop?

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Re: [newbie] Evolution or kmailkorganizer ?

2002-02-04 Per discussione Terry Smith

I prefer evolution. I'm running v. 1.0.4 downloaded from the Ximian site
(using Red Carpet...a very slick updater/installer).

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 12:39, Joan Tur wrote:
 I'm now using kmail  korganizer.  Would you recommend me to change to 
 evolution or to stay using this 2 programs??
 Thanks for your answer!  ;)
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] XMMS CDs

2002-02-04 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:44:13 -0500
Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

OK... I'm sure the answer to this is so simple that it is staring me
in the face. How do I get XMMS to play an audio CD? For the life of me,
I can't figure it out. I assume that it can do so since you can set it
to check CDDB.

Someone make me feel stupid and tell me how! :)
Hey Rick,
I don't ever do anything special.  I just go to the add button (I keep
playlist open) and navigate to /mnt/cdrom.  But do NOT mount the cdrom. 
Just navigate to the folder, add all the files an it should play just
fine.  I do it all the time, swtiching back and forth between mp3's and
CD's. Mike

Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there.
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century

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Re: [newbie] Evolution or kmailkorganizer ?

2002-02-04 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On 04 Feb 2002 17:30:01 -0500
Terry Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

I prefer evolution. I'm running v. 1.0.4 downloaded from the Ximian site
(using Red Carpet...a very slick updater/installer).
1.04???  Wedensday while I was at LinuxWorld they had JUST upgraded to
1.02, that day!  What...,  do they develop daily patches?  ;o) Mike
Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there.
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century

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Re: [newbie] XMMS CDs

2002-02-04 Per discussione Fr Kipling Cooper

* Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] [04 Feb 02 18:57]:
 OK... I'm sure the answer to this is so simple that it is staring me
 in the face. How do I get XMMS to play an audio CD? For the life of me,
 I can't figure it out. I assume that it can do so since you can set it
 to check CDDB.
 Someone make me feel stupid and tell me how! :)

I had problems doing this until I figured out that I had to plug the
speakers into the headphone jack on the cd drive.

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Re: [newbie] XMMS CDs

2002-02-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Monday 04 February 2002 23:55, you wrote:
 On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:44:13 -0500

 Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:
 OK... I'm sure the answer to this is so simple that it is staring me
 in the face. How do I get XMMS to play an audio CD? For the life of me,
 I can't figure it out. I assume that it can do so since you can set it
 to check CDDB.
 Someone make me feel stupid and tell me how! :)

 Hey Rick,
   I don't ever do anything special.  I just go to the add button (I keep
 playlist open) and navigate to /mnt/cdrom.  But do NOT mount the cdrom.
 Just navigate to the folder, add all the files an it should play just
 fine.  I do it all the time, swtiching back and forth between mp3's and
 CD's. Mike

If I can just add to that. You must have the 'CD Audio Player' Plugin 
installed and configured/enabled  in order to be able to see the tracks on 
the CD.


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Re: [newbie] Sound from a VMWare workstation

2002-02-04 Per discussione Greg Smith

On Monday 04 February 2002 03:06 pm, you wrote:
 Greg Smith wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried that.  When I move the volume
  slider up and down or the balance slider side to side, all I hear is some
  scratching sounds.  Weird.  Any other ideas?
  On Sunday 03 February 2002 06:07 pm, you wrote:
   Greg Smith (by way of Greg Smith ) wrote:
Is anyone having trouble getting sound to work from within a VMWare
I'm running VMWare version 3.
I've tried to configure the sound from within Linux Mandrake 8.1
using the sndconfig command in a terminal.  All I can get is a very
quick noise that sounds a s if it is the start of a word.
Any ideas?
   Greg, a suggestion - just guessing :
   Open Sound Mixer (multimedia -- sound -- Sound Mixer) and try
   adjusting the sliders.
   Kaj Haulrich

 Hmm...I remember having some sound-related probs too. It's all working
 now, so for your information, here are my settings : I've turned ALSA
 off ( Control Panel -- [root passw] -- System -- Services -- ALSA
 deselected ). Then, in  the other (local - Small icon in kicker) Control
 Center -- Sound -- Sound Server, I've enabled aRts on KDE startup.
 There's a button : Test sound that should play the opening fanfare.
 Finally, in my /etc/lilo.conf the append line looks as follows :
 append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
 Especially, the nomount made everything OK.

 Kaj Haulrich

Below is what the lilo.conf file looks like right now.  Are you saying I 
should change the append line to say what you quoted above?

append= devfs=mount
append= devfs=mount failsafe

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[newbie] EBDE TOO BIG

2002-02-04 Per discussione Steven Spears

Has anyone seen this error before. It's my brothers linux box and he gets the 
graphical LILO loader, hits linux and then this thing pops up. Never seen it 

Could this be failing memory? Tell me what other info you need. It's wierd 
and he just did a fresh install. 

Thanks a bunch,


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[newbie] Linux on hp Jornada 548

2002-02-04 Per discussione William R. Nash


I would like to install linux on my hp 
jornada 548. Is there any way i can do this?Is there a program that 
will let my jornada sync with a linux program?I would like to use 
evolution, but they just support palm.

Bill Nash

[newbie] 8.2 beta, :) very impressed

2002-02-04 Per discussione Jon Doe

Well I installed the mandrake 8.2 beta last night. Why is it called beta? It installed 
on a test computer that has never been liked by mandrake. Could never get any version 
installed on it before 8.2. Kudos to the mandrake team! My i810 chip works great!
I have only found one problem so far(granted it was only installed last night) the 
sound. It says it found the card and its the correct card but I get an error at every 
boot saying it can't open sound server and obviously I don't get any sound from the 
speakers, but hey thats just minor!
Just my .02 cents.

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Re: [newbie] su

2002-02-04 Per discussione David Reynolds

On Monday 04 February 2002 04:11 pm, Geoff Thomas wrote:
 I did. Found a fix, by editing the /etc/security/limits.conf by adding two
 zero's to the limit.
 Not sure what IIRC is.

Formatting casualty. *grin*

It reads as, Did you perchance suddenly install Bastille-linux, the 
firewall? It defaults to shutting off SUs, if I recall correctly. is a wealth of useless information.

David Reynolds
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, design a building, write a sonnet, set a bone, comfort the
dying, take orders, give orders, solve equations, pitch manure, program
a computer,  cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. 
Specialization is for insects.  -- Robert Heinlein

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common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk

what else? hmmnnn.

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:11:58 -0500
Geoff Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 I did. Found a fix, by editing the /etc/security/limits.conf by adding two
 zero's to the limit.
 Not sure what IIRC is.
 Geoff Thomas
 - Original Message -
 From: Fr Kipling Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 3:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] su
  * Geoff Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [03 Feb 02 14:51]:
   I've been using su to change to root for admin. tasks.
   Suddenly it won't work and it says file limit is exceeded.
   What gives?
  Did you perchance suddenly install Bastille-linux (firewall?)  it
  defaults to shutting off su's IIRC
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] Windows CE and Linux

2002-02-04 Per discussione William R. Nash

Hello, I can across this has any one tried 
this? if so does it work.
IntroductionThis will tell you 
how to set up a masqueraded PPP connection via. IrDA from a Windows CE PC 
Companion to a Linux based notebook computer. Once you are IP connected, the 
rest is up to you. We put this together as a guide for Sony notebook users with 
Casio I-100/105 PDA's, though the procedure should work for any Windows CE 2.11 
device with infrared capabilities talking to any notebook. Do all the Linux side 
testing signed on as root, standard warnings apply.
Step by Step
1. Configure a network connection for your Windows CE device. Go 
into "Connections" and create a "Direct Connection" Name it something 
meaningful, for device select "Infrared Port". Go into settings and change the 
baud rate to 115200, this is the max for Windows CE. Go to TCP/IP settings and 
check "Use server-assigned IP address," and "Use software compression," and "Use 
IP header compression" Make sure "Use Slip," is unchecked. For Name Servers, 
make sure "Use server-assigned addresses" is checked. Go to Start, Settings, 
Communications, Identification and enter something for the Device Name. (I used 
"cetoy") You most likely already have these values set if you have synced with a 
Win9x desktop using ActiveSync.2. Set up IrDA support on your notebook 
(described elsewhere) and get to the point where your notebook will discover an 
IrDA compliant device. A good sign is the irda0 device will show up when you 
execute "ifconfig". It will not have an IP address, this is ok.3. Test 
the discovery by setting an IrDA device in range of your IR port, wait 5 
seconds, and;" cat /proc/net/irda/discovery"For example, the 
Ericsson I888 World Phone with IR port enabled should immediately show something 
like this:"name:I 888 WORLD 
,hint:0x9104,saddr:0x838470e5,daddr:0x152dceaa"Your Windows CE machine 
will not be discovered unless it's actively looking for a connection. So, if you 
want to test with Windows CE position your device and double tap on the network 
icon you created in step 2, you should see something like 
name displayed will be whatever value you have entered into the Start  
Settings  Communications  Identification as the Device Name. At this 
point, with basic IrDA functioning- we can move on to establishing a PPP 
connection for Windows CE. These scripts can also be used for serial cable 
connects. Create the following files and copy them into the directory 
indicated.[/usr/sbin/ - make it executable]#!/bin/shpppd 
call ceboxBecause Microsoft likes to break standards, you need the 
following chat script. This will feed Windows CE the proper ASCII keywords it 
wants before allowing a PPP connection.[/etc/ppp/]TIMEOUT 
"CLIENT\c""" "SERVER\c"The 
following file will allow you to specify the IP addresses, IR (or serial port if 
using a cable) device, DNS and so forth. I do not recommend you change the 
192.IP addresses below. Windows CE really has an affection for 
because all the MS synch tools seem to have it hardcoded. DNS can be whatever 
you normally use.[/etc/ppp/peers/cebox]/dev/irnine 115200 
crtsctsconnect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f 
/etc/ppp/'noauthlocal192.168.55.101: the 
connectionOk, now you can test the connection to 
make sure it all works. Reboot your Linux machine, run "irmanager -d 1", it 
should automatically run "irattach /dev/ttyS2" (/dev/ttyS2 being the serial port 
your BIOS sees the IR device as, if irattach is not running, start it) Align the 
IR ports, at the Linux command prompt type "/usr/sbin/", and 
simultaneously press return to start cebox and double tap your connection icon 
in Windows CE. You should get a happy message from Windows CEreporting 
Connecting to Host, Device Connected, Authenticating User, User Authenticated 
and finally Connected. You should see something like this when you are 
connected;irda0 Link encap:IrLAP HWaddr 06:89:d0:58UP RUNNING NOARP 
MTU:2048 Metric:1RX packets:246 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0TX 
packets:251 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0collisions:0 
txqueuelen:8ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocolinet 
addr: P-t-P: Mask: POINTOPOINT 
RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 
overruns:0 frame:0TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 
carrier:0collisions:0 txqueuelen:10The following script sets up 
IrDA, establishes a PPP connection with Windows CE, and then sets up IP 
masquerading. It is provided as an example of how you can tie this all together. 
This is more or less a manual approach. You can get creative, start irmanager at 
boot and stick a line in inittab to constantly look for a Windows CE connection 
on the IRport. This will however, run down your batteries and limit your 
ability to access other IR 

Re: common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Tue, 5 Feb 2002 09:03:33 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Anuerin G.  Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
 YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
 RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
 STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
 DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk

HTH - Hope That Helps
FWIW - For What It's Worth
IANAL - I am not a lawyer (always followed by but...)

- C

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 beta, :) very impressed

2002-02-04 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

JD Well I installed the mandrake 8.2 beta last night. Why is it called beta?
JD It installed on a test computer that has never been liked by mandrake. Could
JD never get any version installed on it before
JD 8.2. Kudos to the mandrake team! My i810 chip works great!
JD I have only found one problem so far(granted it was only installed last night)
JD the sound. It says it found the card and its the correct card but I get an error
JD at every boot saying it can't open
JD sound server and obviously I don't get any sound from the speakers, but hey thats 
just minor!
JD Just my .02 cents.

 Seems like you are using kde. Just open the sound server in kde
 control center and disable arts. And all your troubles will be over

 PS: You may also need to disable the alsa services starting at boot.
(Mandrake control center -- system-- services )

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] Windows CE and Linux

2002-02-04 Per discussione Rick [Kitty5]

why not try it and find out?


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[OT] SASA ( was Re: [newbie] Is mail to the list for some, or all, people moderated ?)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Anuerin G. Diaz

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 10:34:40 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Chris Keelan wrote:
  Oops. The dangers of plain text humour. There is no metric setting for
  TCP/IP packet sizes. I was kidding. Back in the day SmartAss SysAdmins used to
  blame slow performance on fat electrons which tend to get stuck in the
  curves and bends of printed circuit boards. Sunspots was another good pseudo
  explanation you'd offer to particularly stupid users. e.g.:
  - Chris
 Oops, the yolks on me wiping face... smile Guess my rather recent switch
 (2-3 years ago) to Linux shows.
 Reminds me of a friend who had just started working for a local Telecomms.
 company - a senior tech had told him to always make sure that the lines ran
 *down* into each house, because the current wouldn't flow uphill. ;-)

wow! at least im younger as my linux age is only 7 months old *slides to the 
background so nobody will notice the flimsy alibi being woven*



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-04 Per discussione mike

Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
 IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
 YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
 RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
 STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
 DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk
 what else? hmmnnn.

What is this AWAIK or something like that.


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Re: [OT] SASA ( was Re: [newbie] Is mail to the list for some, or all, people moderated ?)

2002-02-04 Per discussione ed tharp

On Tuesday 05 February 2002 09:43, you wrote:
 On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 10:34:40 -0500

 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:
  Chris Keelan wrote:
   Oops. The dangers of plain text humour. There is no metric setting
   for TCP/IP packet sizes. I was kidding. Back in the day SmartAss
   SysAdmins used to blame slow performance on fat electrons which tend
   to get stuck in the curves and bends of printed circuit boards.
   Sunspots was another good pseudo explanation you'd offer to
   particularly stupid users. e.g.:


   - Chris
I personally like to blame gamma radiation.

  Oops, the yolks on me wiping face... smile Guess my rather recent
  switch (2-3 years ago) to Linux shows.
  Reminds me of a friend who had just started working for a local
  Telecomms. company - a senior tech had told him to always make sure that
  the lines ran *down* into each house, because the current wouldn't flow
  uphill. ;-)

 wow! at least im younger as my linux age is only 7 months old *slides to
 the background so nobody will notice the flimsy alibi being woven*


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Re: [newbie] Sound from a VMWare workstation

2002-02-04 Per discussione Greg Smith

On Monday 04 February 2002 03:06 pm, you wrote:
 Greg Smith wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried that.  When I move the volume
  slider up and down or the balance slider side to side, all I hear is some
  scratching sounds.  Weird.  Any other ideas?
  On Sunday 03 February 2002 06:07 pm, you wrote:
   Greg Smith (by way of Greg Smith ) wrote:
Is anyone having trouble getting sound to work from within a VMWare
I'm running VMWare version 3.
I've tried to configure the sound from within Linux Mandrake 8.1
using the sndconfig command in a terminal.  All I can get is a very
quick noise that sounds a s if it is the start of a word.
Any ideas?
   Greg, a suggestion - just guessing :
   Open Sound Mixer (multimedia -- sound -- Sound Mixer) and try
   adjusting the sliders.
   Kaj Haulrich

 Hmm...I remember having some sound-related probs too. It's all working
 now, so for your information, here are my settings : I've turned ALSA
 off ( Control Panel -- [root passw] -- System -- Services -- ALSA
 deselected ). Then, in  the other (local - Small icon in kicker) Control
 Center -- Sound -- Sound Server, I've enabled aRts on KDE startup.
 There's a button : Test sound that should play the opening fanfare.
 Finally, in my /etc/lilo.conf the append line looks as follows :
 append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
 Especially, the nomount made everything OK.

 Kaj Haulrich

Also, forgive the stupid question being I'm new and all, but how do I edit 
that file.  I can view the contents through Konqueror, but it won't let me 
edit the file.

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Re: common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 04 February 2002 20:01, you wrote:
 Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
  IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
  YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
  RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
  STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
  DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk
  what else? hmmnnn.

 What is this AWAIK or something like that.

AFAIK- as far as I know.  And that is about as far as you can throw me.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, mike wrote:

 Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
  IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
  YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
  RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
  STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
  DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk
  what else? hmmnnn.

 What is this AWAIK or something like that.

AFAIK is As Far As I Know


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Re: [newbie] EBDE TOO BIG

2002-02-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Monday 04 February 2002 18:41, you wrote:
 Has anyone seen this error before. It's my brothers linux box and he gets
 the graphical LILO loader, hits linux and then this thing pops up. Never
 seen it before.

 Could this be failing memory? Tell me what other info you need. It's wierd
 and he just did a fresh install.

 Thanks a bunch,

Don't remember the solution for sure, but it should be spelled out in the 
mail archives, I think you will need to boot with the CD1 in rescue mode. 
Check the archives if one of the folks on the list who has had the problem 
doesn't answer in the next few minutes or so.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Windows CE and Linux

2002-02-04 Per discussione William R. Nash

I do not have a laptop to test it.

Bill Nash
- Original Message -
From: Rick [Kitty5] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windows CE and Linux

 why not try it and find out?


 Kitty5 WebDesign -
 POV-Ray News  Resources -
 TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037

 PGP Public Key

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Re: [newbie] Sound from a VMWare workstation

2002-02-04 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 04 February 2002 09:03 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 04 February 2002 03:06 pm, you wrote:
  Greg Smith wrote:
   Thanks for the suggestions, but I've tried that.  When I move the
   volume slider up and down or the balance slider side to side, all I
   hear is some scratching sounds.  Weird.  Any other ideas?
   On Sunday 03 February 2002 06:07 pm, you wrote:
Greg Smith (by way of Greg Smith ) wrote:
 Is anyone having trouble getting sound to work from within a VMWare

 I'm running VMWare version 3.

 I've tried to configure the sound from within Linux Mandrake 8.1
 using the sndconfig command in a terminal.  All I can get is a very
 quick noise that sounds a s if it is the start of a word.

 Any ideas?
Greg, a suggestion - just guessing :
Open Sound Mixer (multimedia -- sound -- Sound Mixer) and try
adjusting the sliders.
Kaj Haulrich
  Hmm...I remember having some sound-related probs too. It's all working
  now, so for your information, here are my settings : I've turned ALSA
  off ( Control Panel -- [root passw] -- System -- Services -- ALSA
  deselected ). Then, in  the other (local - Small icon in kicker) Control
  Center -- Sound -- Sound Server, I've enabled aRts on KDE startup.
  There's a button : Test sound that should play the opening fanfare.
  Finally, in my /etc/lilo.conf the append line looks as follows :
  append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount 
  Especially, the nomount made everything OK.
  Kaj Haulrich

 Also, forgive the stupid question being I'm new and all, but how do I edit
 that file.  I can view the contents through Konqueror, but it won't let me
 edit the file.

Open the file in a text editor -- Applications - Editors - take your choice 
(I'm not getting into that vi vs emacs thing.)
-- cmg

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Re: [OT] SASA ( was Re: [newbie] Is mail to the list for some, or all, people moderated ?)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Mon, 4 Feb 2002 21:01:07 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 I personally like to blame gamma radiation.

The BOFH has a day calendar with excuses on each page. He'll flip through

Hmmm. Static from nylons. Nope, too plausible

- C

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Re: [OT] SASA ( was Re: [newbie] Is mail to the list for some, or all, people moderated ?)

2002-02-04 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Tue, 5 Feb 2002 09:43:37 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Anuerin G.  Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 wow! at least im younger as my linux age is only 7 months old *slides to the
 background so nobody will notice the flimsy alibi being woven* 

Like I said, anybody who knows enough to actually cd to /etc and start looking
for packetsize.conf, with the absolute intention of firing up vi and changing
a setting is NOT clueless.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

- C

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Re: common acronyms (was Re: [newbie] su)

2002-02-04 Per discussione R . Constantine

AFAIK-as far as I know
On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 20:01, mike wrote:
 Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:
  IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
  YMMV - Your Mileage Migh Vary
  RTFM - Read the F**k*ng Manual
  STFW - Surf the F**k*ng Web
  DAYOR - Do At Your Own Risk
  what else? hmmnnn.
 What is this AWAIK or something like that.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [newbie] Request for reposting of HP laptop info

2002-02-04 Per discussione shane

could have been me refering to,14179,5102495,00.html
assuming zdnet leaves it at that URL long enough for you to go there...

it is not clear from that article if it is buis only or anyone can buy one, 
so i keep waiting for it to hit the webpage at either HP or mandrake

On Monday 04 February 2002 20:23, you spoke unto me thusly:

 I _thought_  someone recently posted on this list stating that HP was
 about to start offering laptops with Mandrake preinstalled. However, I
 cannot find the message in my old mail.

Followers of tao are nonconformists.  The conventional label our behavior 
erratic, antisocial, irresponsible, inexplicable, outrageous, even 
scandalous.  We hear other voices than they do.  -Deng Ming-Dao

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Emulatio

2002-02-04 Per discussione Dan Shackelford

Edit your configuration file.

If you use LILO, edit /etc/lilo.conf so that under your present boot
section you have
append = hd?=ide-scsi
(where the question mark is replaced with the drive designation of the CD-R
or CD-RW drive, for example for the common arrangement where it's the
secondary master ide device you would have hdc=ide-scsi). If there's
already an append line there, just add this to it. Save the lilo.conf you
just edited and then type: /sbin/lilo (on a root command line).

At 12:28 AM 2/5/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Pardon my asking this question, which I know has been answered a bunch of
times, but I have tried unsuccessfully to find it in the archives - what
is the line I put in lilo.conf to make the system think my IDE CD-RW is
SCSI? And where?


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o o o o o o o o  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  o _ 
o  _|   | 
  .][__n_n_|DD[  _  |   | 
_/oo O oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o o!o!o` 

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Re: [newbie]

2002-02-04 Per discussione Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

linuxdocumentation project .. or then look
for the link
- Original Message -
From: Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: [newbie]

 Can anyone recommend a good Howto site? I'm looking to set up an
 ftp (proftpd) and my samba server.

 Thanks in advance,

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