Re: Language Pack Pt

2012-10-16 Thread TJ Frazier

On 10/16/2012 10:35, Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Keith N. McKenna

Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

Jean is not subscribed, so he missed all your answers.
Recall that moderated messages have a header field

Delivered-To: moderator for SOME_AOO_LIST

that can be used to filter/tag moderated messages with (any decent) mail
user agent.

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 02:44:05PM +0200, Jean Milot wrote:


I search some informations about the pt language pack.




One of the problems with using the Delivered-To: to filter on is an
outstanding bug in Thunderbird,which I hope you would agree is a decent mail
agent. There are two (2) Delivered-To headers in a moderated mail. The
mailing list manager puts the Delivered-To: Mailing list before the
Delivered-To: Moderator and TB only sees the first one.

Unless and until Mozilla decides to fix the bug those of us that use it are
damned to using view source to manually search out the header or finding
some other way to filter the messages.

GMail has the same issue:  you can only filter on the first instance
of the header.

So my practice is simple:  If the person's name is not familiar I cc
them on my response.  I've never had someone complain about receiving
two copies of the note.  And if they did complain, then their name
would become familiar to me ;-)

Perhaps we could coerce ezmlm into putting out only one header?




Re: New spreadsheet functions

2012-10-07 Thread TJ Frazier

On 10/7/2012 09:06, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

it might be overlooked, so I want to draw your attention to the commit
of CWS calcishmakkica in r1381446 to r1381452 on 5.Sept. 2012. (You
remember the long lasting attempt to get it?) It contains in the main
the work of Marina Plakalovic from the Summer 2010
Internship. She has implemented the function XOR, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS,
and SUMIFS. Daniel Rentz added Excel filters. Thanks to Eike, who
rebased the CWS and has brought this all forward, and to Andrew, who
finally committed it.

There are still things to do. There are no help texts and the reference
in the Wiki [1] is missing too.

Kind regards

[1] Start for example in

Hi, Regina,

I added some redlink references for the new functions, to make it easier 
for somebody to write their descriptions. (I couldn't even write a 
description for the XOR function, without knowing what the code does. 
I'd presume that it evaluates each operand for TRUE or FALSE, then 
returns TRUE if the number of TRUE operands is odd.)

If someone who knows what to write will create the pages, I'll come 
along behind and tidy up any wiki stuff (like categories).


Re: [UX] New words for toolboxes in customize dialog

2012-10-01 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/30/2012 12:50, Regina Henschel wrote:


when you customize the drawing bar in Draw or Impress, you will notice
that the commands "Curve", "Rectangle", "Ellipse", and "Text" are used
twice. One of them is the simple object, the other is the toolbox, which
contains similar objects.

This is confusing and should be changed. Issues are and Technically it is
an "easy hack", but I'm not sure about the wording.

In the issue the plural is suggested for the toolbox, for example
"Rectangles" instead of "Rectangle" for the command .uno:RectangleToolbox.

I suggest to use "Rectangle Toolbox". That does not need a careful look
to detect the s, but is longer.

What text should I use?

Kind regards

Hi, Regina,

I agree that more than an 's' is needed. "Rectangle Tool" (without the 
"box") would do as well, and is shorter.


Re: mWiki logo design

2012-09-27 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/27/2012 12:35, imacat wrote:

On 2012/09/27 17:25, Alexandro Colorado said:

Hi I worked on the updated header of the mWiki site with the current Apache
OO Logo including the gull symbols and the correct integration with the
gradient background. Anyone can help me out understand how to commit this
to the mWiki site, AFAIK this is not on the svn since is a service.
I added an issue with the images assigned to the www-website category:

 OK.  I have updated it.  Please check if it works. ^_*'

I see the new logo on the wiki main page, but nowhere else. Is that a 
problem? (Not a new problem.)


 Also issue tracker administrator please close #121107, alone with
#121131. ^_*'  Thanks.

I also have 2 types of approaches about using CSS to design the logo as
opposed to be just a rasterized sequence of images.

Re: [QA] Quality of bug reports and QA in bugzilla

2012-09-20 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/20/2012 00:12, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 19.09.2012 20:34, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 02:24:11PM +0200, Oliver Brinzing wrote:

Hi Regina,

Your own new issue should be UNCONFIRMED. Someone else should confirm
your issue, if possible on a different operating system.

i am pretty sure that i did not set the "confirmed" status when
submitting a new issue,
default status is "confirmed" - and you have to select "Show Advanced
to see the listbox ... this seems to be the root cause of the problem

I agree with Oliver, the default status should be set to UNCONFIRMED
even if the reporter has canconfirm privileges. IMHO "confirmed" means
"confirmed by some else".

Seeing so much consensus I'm confident that we'll reach "lazy consensus"
by next monday (2012/9/19 + 72h) and I volunteer to change the behavior

So please speak up now if you disagree with the opinion that the extra
step to the "confirmed" status is an idea that does benefit the quality
of our project.



Just for the record, is this as simple as removing the check-mark from 
one entry in BZ > Administration > Bug Status Workflow ?


Re: [QA] Quality of bug reports and QA in bugzilla

2012-09-19 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/19/2012 07:47, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I notice a quality problem in bugzilla. Far too many issues are in
status CONFIRMED which should not be there.

For comparing do a search with:
Bug created 'greater or equal' 2008-09-18 and 'less than' 2009-09-18
and status changed from CONFIRMED
and resolution is any of DUPLICATE, INVALID

and same for the next years.

And then do the same with status changed from UNCONFIRMED

You get
2009  >5003
2010  >5001
2011  >5007
2012   20482

Please, all those who have 'can confirm' rights in bugzilla, be more
- Your own new issue should be UNCONFIRMED. Someone else should confirm
your issue, if possible on a different operating system.
- Include duplicates in your search. You might not use the same words as
the older active issue, but your words are likely used in already
existing duplicates and those lead you to the active, already existing
- Make sure it is really a bug, and not only some settings or handling
you miss.

There are additional problems:
- Operating systems are set to "all" although submitter has only used 1
- It is not clear, whether a problem occurs only with a special existing
document or can be seen with new documents.
- It is not clear whether the problem is new in our AOO or is inherited
from OOo.
- For import/export it is not clear, whether the different formats allow
a correct mapping, or a mapping is not possible because of missing

To be clear, this is not about bug reports from users or persons, that
are not familiar with the special problem, but about issues, which were
set to CONFIRMED by someone. And from that person I expect, that he/she
cares for such things.

Kind regards

I think I see how to prevent an initial CONFIRMED status in BZ. If we 
reach consensus, I will do that. (I am in favor.)

/tj/ (BZ admin)

Re: [DOCUMENTATION] is the "contribute" information still valid

2012-09-18 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/18/2012 15:34, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 09/18/2012 04:26 AM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 9/17/2012 18:22, Kay Schenk wrote:

Just a quick question since we're discussing documentation lately.

I'm looking at:

Are we still OK with this information?

(from navigation: ->
contributing link)

I will be making a few changes to fix some broken links etc and just
thought I'd ask

Hi, Kay,

AFAIK, the info there is mostly valid. There are some product names to
be changed a little; I would have done that, but maybe you work like I
do: having some little stuff to fix helps me to concentrate on the rest
of the text.

There are some things, like the lack of mentoring, which I wish weren't
valid, but fixing those is a much bigger problem.



Thanks for the feedback. I also see that using the wiki to contribute
isn't really mentioned except for the Developer Guides. So...I will
probably add something about that. Also, I'm not sure about suggesting
direct contribution to Developer Guides. Maybe someone else can comment
about that.

On that section regarding "lack of mentoring", etc. Would it be better
to just delete this?

I sure wish we /could/ but we can't. While moderating the OO.o doc ML in 
its dying days, I got about one volunteer per week, like this: "I just 
love OpenOffice! I've done some writing in school, and I have some free 
time. How can I help?" The brutally honest answer, at the moment, is 
"You can't. Most of the what-to-do info is available on the wiki and at 
the ODFA site, but you are not enough of a self-starter to have read it. 
We have no hands available for hand-holding, sorry." (Please note that I 
would hate having to say this.)

Vagrant thought: maybe we (whatever doc project AOO puts together) could 
recruit some "volunteer coordinators", i.e., hand-holders. They wouldn't 
have to be writers themselves; literary criticism /is/ available through 
the review process. They would have to learn the system, and where 
everything is, and enjoy guiding fledglings. It's a "people" job, for 
"people" people. IIUC, this is part of the work for editors and 
editorial assistants, at publishing houses.

We need to all work together to maintain all these areas. Any help is
greatly appreciated to maintain information.

I don't really do any writing (only one page in the Basic Guide). My 
help is limited to proofreading, light copy-editing, and technical 
(wiki-tech) assistance. I'm not much use at maintaining the information 

Thank you very much for taking an interest.


Re: uno_packages\cache and roaming profiles?

2012-09-18 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/17/2012 19:23, Rob Weir wrote:

This brought to our attention on Google+:

If I understand correctly, the contents of the roaming profile are
copied to the local machine at login time, and then copied back to the
server at logout time.  So if we are storing unnecessary data in the
roaming profile this will perform poorly in scenarios like this.


Link gives 404 error.

Re: [DOCUMENTATION] is the "contribute" information still valid

2012-09-18 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/17/2012 18:22, Kay Schenk wrote:

Just a quick question since we're discussing documentation lately.

I'm looking at:

Are we still OK with this information?

(from navigation: ->
contributing link)

I will be making a few changes to fix some broken links etc and just
thought I'd ask

Hi, Kay,

AFAIK, the info there is mostly valid. There are some product names to 
be changed a little; I would have done that, but maybe you work like I 
do: having some little stuff to fix helps me to concentrate on the rest 
of the text.

There are some things, like the lack of mentoring, which I wish weren't 
valid, but fixing those is a much bigger problem.


Re: [User Docs] What do we as a community want for user documentation or AOO

2012-09-16 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/16/2012 14:04, Keith N. McKenna wrote:

Kay Schenk wrote:

On 09/15/2012 06:18 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:

Greetings All;

In order to stimulate some discussion on user documentation I have added
the hollowing page to the User Documentation Plan on the Plannig Wiki:

It offers 3 scenarios or the creation of the docs. I believe that we can
no longer put this issue aside.

Please take a look at the page and eel free to comment there and on this
list. Also feel free to add to or change any content there.

Keith N. McKenna


Thanks for starting this and for the wiki doc -- it will be very
helpful. Because writing documentation (user guides, howtos, tutorials)
is a relatively easy entry point for new volunteers to help out, I've
been thinking about this as well the last few days. So, I will make some
comments on the wiki page, and probably some changes on both area and the Documentation wiki start
page as well.

Hi Kay;

Thanks or the comments, fell free to edit the hell out of the wiki doc.
It is meant to generate some serious discussion on how  we go about
getting *Quality* documentation.

I agree that Howtos and even some tutorials are a good entry point for
people, user guides however may be a bit of a different story. There the
services of good tech writers are important. That point is what drove
Scenario 2. Utilizing the work that has already been done as a leverage
point to get Quality work out in a timely manner. Also there are some
folks at the ODFAuthors site that have expressed an interest in working
on the AOO docs, but have shied away due to inactivity. Hopefully if we
show that we are serious in our attempt we *_MAY_* be able to get some
additional help.

Hi, Keith,

As a long-time volunteer with ODFA (formerly OOA), I can promise that we 
(AOO) can get documents from them. The cost of this option is (1) a 
legal review and approval of CC-BY v3; (2) some storage (WG v3.2 is 15.5 
MB, so call it 100 or 200 MB per version, probably as .odt and .pdf 
files on the Mwiki. The download volume/bandwidth has been too low to 
cause any problems, but I have no stats); and (3) a little politeness.

If someone will handle Point (1), so that we have our ducks in a row, I 
will volunteer to handle Point (3). I can check on Point (2), but I 
don't think it's a problem.


I will look forward to your edits on the wiki and the doc site.

As an aside, is there a developer snapshot available or 3.5 yet? I would
like to start work on the Getting Started Guide on the ODFAuthors site
and it makes sense to make edits based on 3.5 since that will be the
most likely next release.


Re: OpenOffice file loss on crashes

2012-09-14 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/14/2012 05:52, RGB ES wrote:

2012/9/14 FR web forum 


I strongly suggest that an important alteration to all future releases of


should be a file save protocol whereby at least a version of the file


edited is saved as a backup file.

See this issue:

Another way will be to modify by default Options > Load/Save > General.
Always create backup copy should be checked and Save AutoRecovery take
too much time. It shouldn't be 15 min, but 2-3 minutes.

+1. But with a difference: those backup files are saved on the user profile
folder. That user profile is hidden on all OSs and for most users a hidden
folder means they will not be able to find the backup file without


Hi, folks,

The changes you're suggesting would probably help. But what would help 
more is fixing the !#$%* problem! I use Writer heavily, and since 2.0 I 
have never seen this bug. However, I run with a big UPS, and *never* 
have power failures. AOO should behave gracefully for those. There 
should be some way to rig a VM to simulate a power failure for the o/s 
(which is much easier on the hardware than testing with actual power 
failures). Then maybe the devs can find and fix the bug.


Re: Moderating AOO Public Lists - #2 Moderation

2012-09-10 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/10/2012 16:36, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

[Part 2 of tips for list moderators]


Since the request is sent as an e-mail, each moderator receives the same 

The first moderation wins.  You'll receive a notice if your moderation arrives 
when another moderator's action has already been taken.  That doesn't happen 
very often.

The moderation request has the message being moderated as an attachment.  Be 
careful with it.

I will cover only moderation requests here.  Subscription requests for private 
lists are rather tricky.


If the message is clearly spam, IGNORE IT.  Using the moderation-request 
rejection option will send a message back to the original sender.  That is 
undesirable.  It confirms to spammers that they've reached a working e-mail 
address.  Don't do that.


As a moderator, I don't make it my job to handle messages that appear 
legitimate but are sent to the wrong list.  List subscribers can do that.  And 
if this is happening too much, it suggests that something needs to be done to 
help submitters find the correct place more easily.

What I do is moderate the message onto the list.  I have rarely used the reject 
option, and only when I am confident the e-mail is from a legitimate sender.

There are two basic ways to moderate a message onto the list.

  1. The message can be accepted in accordance with the instructions in the 
moderation-request e-mail.  That is a one-time acceptance.

  2. Another way is to accept that message and all future messages to the list 
from that sender.

The way to accept all messages from the sender is to make a REPLY ALL to the moderation-request 
message.  That is, your reply to the request is addressed to both the accept and the reject 
addresses.  (This solution is not always listed in the -help message.  It works though.) You will 
have to delete the "non-disclosed-recipients" e-mail address if that appears in your 
"Reply All" message.

  3. An alternative is to send a rejection with explanation.  That is probably 
not great.  The messages from the robot are lengthy and cryptic.  It may be 
difficult for the original sender.

  4. Finally, you can reply to the attachment and be helpful directly.  I've done 
that.  I don't make a practice of it.  It moves response and awareness of the kinds 
of questions from the list to the moderator.  If you *do* do this, it is wise to copy 
-owner@ so that other moderators will know what happened.  It is also 
good to check the list to verify that some other moderator did not already allow the 
message through.


I recommend the second moderation-in technique for these.  This can also happen 
when a list subscriber uses a different e-mail than the one they have 
subscribed to the list.


  - Dennis

When moderating a couple of OO.o lists in their dying days, I took a 
more aggressive approach to spammers. If they were sending from any of 
the large U.S. ISPs (MS, Google, Yahoo, ATT, et al.) I would follow the 
complaint procedure to try to get the account closed. (This is a little 
different for the different companies: MS wants attachments, while 
others want pasted parts of the offending email.) MS in particular is 
polite about it; I'd get a note saying that the account has been closed. 
Others say thanks, but cite privacy regs, which I consider bogus; 
nonetheless, I don't recall ever getting any more spam from a 
complained-about account, if the ISP acked the complaint.

Note that this requires careful analysis of the internal headers: the 
main address is often munged, and you need to go way down to the last 
"received from" header. I have a little list of useful URLs to look up 
IP owners and ISP complaint addresses, if anybody wants it.

One real success was with a number of spammers from a .edu address. The 
admin I wrote to replied politely that the situation would be handled, 
and it was: their spam vanished.

This kind of work takes some time, but it makes the Net better for 
everybody, not just our ML.


Re: Volunteers needed to pickup some tasks

2012-09-10 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/9/2012 12:25, David McKay wrote:

On 09/09/12 17:19, David McKay wrote:

On 08/09/12 22:06, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 9/8/2012 16:50, tj wrote:

On 9/8/2012 12:01, David McKay wrote:

On 08/09/12 06:50, Rob Weir wrote:

2. Bugzilla Admin

I can probably help out on this item, if someone can send me some
details of what is involved/expected (I have been a Bugzilla admin as
part of a paid role in a previous job).


Hi, Dave,

I remember your previous posts on this, and your help will be very
welcome. I am totally ignorant of the underlying code, so as a BZ admin
I stick to the little day-to-day stuff: adding privileges or deleting
too-personal attachments. Others are of course welcome to do those,
if I don't "know" somebody from the list, I generally wait three days
(lazy consensus) and add privileges if nobody objects.

Some of the larger things which have been done by others (including
involve adding fields or groups, and adding values to field lists (e.g.
"3.4.1" to the version options).

If you are not already an admin, let me know your BZ id.

Never mind, found it. Welcome to BZ admin. --/tj/

Great, thank you. I'm on vacation right now and away from home, so my
access to email and the net are sporadic. Thanks for the inclusion to
BZ Admin.

I just checked and I do indeed have admin rights. Is there a list
somewhere of things that need doing, or do they arrive in an ad-hoc
fashion? And is there a list of the BZ admins so we all know who the
others are?


Things-to-do have been just trickling in, at a low rate, maybe 1 per 
week. Last week was really busy: 4 requests! :-) If the volume picks up, 
we might discuss some more formal list arrangement.

For BZ admins, won't BZ give us a group-membership list? Haven't looked.


Re: Volunteers needed to pickup some tasks

2012-09-08 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/8/2012 16:50, tj wrote:

On 9/8/2012 12:01, David McKay wrote:

On 08/09/12 06:50, Rob Weir wrote:

I'm raising my focus a little in this project to look more into some
larger ecosystem opportunities. As part of this change in focus I'll
have less time to deal with day-to-day operational aspects of the
project. So I'd like to shed some responsibilities and I hope there
are volunteers able or willing to learn to pick up the following:

1. List moderation. I intend to stop moderating dev, users, marketing,
qa and private.

2. Bugzilla Admin

I can probably help out on this item, if someone can send me some
details of what is involved/expected (I have been a Bugzilla admin as
part of a paid role in a previous job).


Hi, Dave,

I remember your previous posts on this, and your help will be very
welcome. I am totally ignorant of the underlying code, so as a BZ admin
I stick to the little day-to-day stuff: adding privileges or deleting
too-personal attachments. Others are of course welcome to do those, too;
if I don't "know" somebody from the list, I generally wait three days
(lazy consensus) and add privileges if nobody objects.

Some of the larger things which have been done by others (including Rob)
involve adding fields or groups, and adding values to field lists (e.g.
"3.4.1" to the version options).

If you are not already an admin, let me know your BZ id.

Never mind, found it. Welcome to BZ admin. --/tj/

Re: [QA][Request]Apply for the membership of AOO QA and edit permission in Bugzilla.

2012-09-02 Thread TJ Frazier

On 9/2/2012 21:40, dongjun zong wrote:

I still can't confirm bugs in BZ. my id
Would you pls help have a look?

You seem to have two separate BZ accounts: zongdj001 and zongdongjun. 
Neither has canconfirm permission.  Since no one has objected, I have 
set the "001" account for confirm, edit, and QA. Have fun!

/tj/ (BZ admin)

2012/9/1 tj 

On 8/31/2012 08:27, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

In the original OOo, I had the role to confirm bugs and such, did those
roles transfer to the Apache system?

  According to what I see in BZ, they did for you. If you run into

limitations, please write again; I'll do my best to fix them.

/tj/ (BZ admin)

Re: Torrent connection for AOo 3.4.x download

2012-08-30 Thread TJ Frazier

On 8/30/2012 08:09, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012 13:10:37 +0200
Raphael Bircher  wrote:

Hi Rory

Am 30.08.12 12:57, schrieb Rory O'Farrell:

This morning the en-Forum received the following query

To save you looking it up, the User asked if there would be a torrent 
connection for AOO 3.4.x, as there had been for OOo 3.3 and earlier.

At the Moment no. But it's not the first request for torrent. Torrent
would be also interesting for unofficial Developer builds, to distribute
the load a bit on defferent computer. The problem is: at the Moment we
have no Torrent Tracker.

But I could ask my brother if he is willing to setup a torrent tracker
for us. He was working on the torrent at the old OOo project.

I'm willing to host a seeding peer

Greetings Raphael

Thank you, Raphael.  I'll reply to the query that torrent downloads are under 
consideration and that I will post further information when/if available.

Hi, Rory, Raphael,

The technical side is no problem: anybody can distribute AOO, by any 
means from torrent to carrier pigeon. The problem is, do we put a link 
on the AOO site? The PMC is going to want to get involved with that.

Good luck.

Re: [QA Report]Weekly report

2012-08-27 Thread TJ Frazier

On 8/27/2012 02:52, Ji Yan wrote:

Hi all,

  I put QA weekly report in [1]. also defect status report in [2]. Please



shows the same Issue number for all entries.


Re: [DISCUSS][VOTE]: Release Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 (incubating), RC2

2012-08-15 Thread TJ Frazier

On 8/15/2012 18:52, Rob Weir wrote:

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Dave Fisher  wrote:

On Aug 15, 2012, at 2:22 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:

Is there a reason that the README in the source release is still pointing at for Mac Builds?

Minimally this then points to this 
doesn't seem exactly like what was used for 3.4.0?

Would someone check the Build instructions and then update to be very clear 
what is current.

I am proceeding with my tests as if the prerequisites have not changed and that 
I have them from my AOO 3.4 tests build.

I am stuck and I am stopping. I am very unhappy with the instructions on the 
WIki page. I needed help with 3.4 and now I need help with 3.4.1.

Please show me the simplest way to build on a Mac from Source and show me on 
the Wiki based on


That is your opinion, expressed loudly;  it is not Apache or IPMC
policy.   We are officially voting on binaries as well and these are
being inspected and these will be part of the official release.  The
IPMC doc calls the source artifacts "canonical", but the same docs
talk about binaries being included in the official release as well.
In fact, it says of binary packages, "For some projects, this makes
sense. For others, it does not."  Obviously you have your own opinion
on this, but it is equally true that the vast majority of PPMC members
have a different opinion.



Please consider the blistering email from Roy T. Fielding, to 
general@inc and to infra, on 3/27, 05:50, opposing "released' binaries. 
IMHO, he will need to change his mind. OTOH, he is a founder and board 
member ...

(Sorry for no neat refs; I keep my own archives :-) )

(I really don't want to -1 this release.)


Thanks & Regards,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jürgen Schmidt 
Date: August 15, 2012 7:01:47 AM PDT
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [VOTE]: Release Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 (incubating), RC2
delivered-to: mailing list


please vote on this email to ooo-dev only, thanks.

On 8/15/12 2:02 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi all,

this is a call for vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache
OpenOffice 3.4.1 (incubating). This will be our first bug fix release
after the AOO 3.4 from May 8th. A further milestone to show that we
deliver good and stable software with focus on quality. It will again
help to continue the success of and will gain confidence
in OpenOffice.

This time I did not prepare a separate page to highlighting the release
candidate. We had developer snapshot since several weeks and the latest
one based on revision 1372282 is intended to become released if the
voting succeeds. That means and to make it clear you vote here on the
final release based on this snapshot build.

This release is intended to be a bug fix release and to introduce some
further languages:
(1) 71 issues are fixed and a detailed list can be watched under
(2) 5 further languages are now officially supported: British English,
Khmer, Slovenian, Slovak, and Finnish.

For a detailed feature overview please see the release notes under

The release candidate artifacts (source release, as well as binary
releases for 20 languages) and further information how to verify and
review Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 (incubating) can be found on the
following wiki page:


Please vote on releasing this package as Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1

The vote starts now and will be open until:

  Saturday, 18 August: 2012-08-18 2:00pm UTC+2.

After the vote of the PPMC the vote will start on mailing and will be open for further 72 hours.
But we invite all people to vote (non binding) on this RC. We would like
to provide a release that is supported by the majority of our project

  [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache OpenOffice 3.4 (incubating)
  [ ]  0 Don't care
  [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Re: [INFO][WEBSITE]: improved usability with simplified Urls to reach some of our services

2012-08-15 Thread TJ Frazier

Uh, Dave,
Do you mean s/wiki/forum/?

On 8/15/2012 12:55, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 15, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 15, 2012, at 9:37 AM, drew jensen wrote:

On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 17:08 -0700, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 14, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 14/08/2012 RGB ES wrote:

2012/8/14 RGB ES:

Good! But I'm finding a weird behaviour on the forums... If I enter on
the old url
I'm NOT redirected. If I open bot, the new and the old address and
log-in in the new, in the old one I'm still logged off

I would consider this to be normal behavior. Authentication is probably managed 
through a cookie that is sent back to the originating site (the originating 
subdomain) only. So has no way to know that you 
are logged in at, unless we completely rewrite all URLs in 
the form to .

Not only confusing, but also problematic: if you log-in on the new
address and then click on an old link that cross reference to another
post you'll arrive to a page on which you are not logged in any

If we have hardcoded links that are not rewritten (i.e., if pages on contain 
"internal" links that reference explicitly), then it would 
be better to use an "external" redirect as explained above.

Currently both and are 
directed to the same IP by DNS.

Also and are directed to the 
same IP by DNS.

What is different is that for the wiki the Apache Traffic Server is in front 
and it does do the necessary redirection to

Should we do something similar for the user forums?




Just checked and the phpBB installation, for En at least but I'd assume
same for all, list the base URL of the site as,  all generated links then use this.

Isn't it proper now to use the address?

Don't suppose doing so would help alleviate the currently discussed
problem though.

It would be proper in combination with a virtual host entry in the ooo-fourms' 
apache2.conf file for and then to redirect all of 
that traffic to permanently.

# change to
RewriteCond ${lowercase:%{HTTP_HOST}} ^wiki\.services\.openoffice\.org$
RewriteRule ^wiki\.services\.openoffice\.org/(.*)$1 [NE,L,R=permanent]

However - it is also possible to configure phpBB such that the software
determines, at runtime versus a hard coded setting, what the proper base
domain name is - now that might be worth a test..

@imacat - what do you think?

Yes, what do you think?




Re: Need MWiki Admin assistance to correct Google Analytics code

2012-08-14 Thread TJ Frazier

On 8/13/2012 23:09, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 13, 2012, at 4:39 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 8/13/2012 17:20, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 13, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Rob Weir wrote:

No response to this note or BZ issue :-(

I'm told that we have only two people who have sys admin access to the
wiki:  imacat and Raphael.

I appreciate that we're all busy with many other things, but I'd
greatly appreciate it if this change can be made.  It should be easy
since Google Analytics is already integrated.  We just need to update
the account codes.

I am also looking for help from the MWiki Admin to complete the activation of It looks like the ATS code needs to recognize the URL (or 
MWiki does). The httpd config is simple so the trouble is not there.


AFAIK, Mwiki is only listening on, or some such, with ATS on the 
other end. I know of no one with ATS expertise (I would like to complain about 
stale pages), but it /is/ an active Apache project ...

BTW - The MWiki now answers to, and are all redirected to

This all happens in DNS and Apache Traffic Server.

Please describe the stale page problem.


Thanks for your work; the users will appreciate it.

The "stale page" problem has been on the back burner for several 
reasons: (1) it is "flaky" (unable to reproduce to order); (2) there is 
a 100% workaround, although tricky: see

 (which, looking up the above link, I just this minute needed to use!); 
and (3) the cache times out on its own, eventually.

Most commonly, I land on a page displaying the "Log In / Create Account" 
link. Sometimes (like today) I need to log in; other times I see the 
"You are logged in as" dialog, with the login box all filled out. 
Whatever I do, the subsequent display still shows the un-logged-in page. 
Rarely, I am already logged in, and link to a page which displays "Log 
In" (frequently not in English; usually German).
Worst, after editing a page and saving, the subsequent display shows the 
unchanged original (scary!). In all cases, the "&purge=1" returns to 

You can see on the ML's that other users hit the same problem. I refer 
them to "Moving Day".

I attribute the problem to ATS, only because I never saw it until ATS 
was added (not definitive). So far, I have not seen any stale pages 
logged in to another user, as I did at Collabnet. That would be a major 
security breach, and I would raise hell.

Thanks for listening. Anything you can do about it would be a big help.





On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:

I need some help, from a MWiki admin, to fix the issue reported here:

I tried a JIRA issue with Infra, but they said that our admins need to
handle this.

I'd be happy to do this myself, but I don't have permissions.



Re: Need MWiki Admin assistance to correct Google Analytics code

2012-08-13 Thread TJ Frazier

On 8/13/2012 17:20, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Aug 13, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Rob Weir wrote:

No response to this note or BZ issue :-(

I'm told that we have only two people who have sys admin access to the
wiki:  imacat and Raphael.

I appreciate that we're all busy with many other things, but I'd
greatly appreciate it if this change can be made.  It should be easy
since Google Analytics is already integrated.  We just need to update
the account codes.

I am also looking for help from the MWiki Admin to complete the activation of It looks like the ATS code needs to recognize the URL (or 
MWiki does). The httpd config is simple so the trouble is not there.


AFAIK, Mwiki is only listening on, or some such, with ATS on 
the other end. I know of no one with ATS expertise (I would like to 
complain about stale pages), but it /is/ an active Apache project ...




On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:

I need some help, from a MWiki admin, to fix the issue reported here:

I tried a JIRA issue with Infra, but they said that our admins need to
handle this.

I'd be happy to do this myself, but I don't have permissions.



Re: Install developer build side by side with regular version instead of overwriting it

2012-07-21 Thread TJ Frazier

On 7/21/2012 16:17, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

RGB ES wrote:

2012/7/21 floris v:

I just downloaded and installed the latest developer snapshot/build and
found that it replaces the stable version.

I think that that was on purpose: we are really close to 3.4.1 release
so it's time to test install issues.

Exactly, it was discussed earlier on this list. Anyway, there was a
quite prominent warning on the download page last time I checked (it
is temporarily unavailable at the moment).

You can always install several versions in parallel. For Linux the
procedure is here

We have a "semi-official" page about this on the wiki too:


FWIW, I'm currently running (under WV) 3.3 (regular install), 3.4 beta 
(dev install), and AOO 3.4 (parallel install, per Andrea's link). I 
don't turn on any of the Quickstarters (that would be pushing it), and 
only run one version at a time, but all work well. Depending on where 
you specify the data should go, the parallel version may cause security 
hassles with Windows permissions, but there are several ways around that.


Re: development question of future feature

2012-07-20 Thread TJ Frazier

On 7/16/2012 18:07, Kevin Grignon wrote:

KG01 - Hey all, I'm back from the unconnected world.

Great topic. See comments inline.

On Jul 16, 2012, at 11:22 PM, Yong Lin Ma  wrote:

Just for the property sidebar. Kevin have done some analysis about how
it can be integrated into AOO.

KG01 - Indeed, Symphony sidebar has some great behavior that we should adopt. 
My assessment identifies specific aspects of the Symphony UX to adopt, and 
identifies opportunities for AOO improvement as well. Ideally, we can provide a 
hybrib that reprenents the best of both tools. Next step is to move the line 
items into Bugzilla.

I would also note that there ate many aspects of Symphony UX that would be 
great to adopt. See. AOO UX wiki for more details.

The problem is the migration of it from Symphony won't be
straightforward and no one is actually working on it as far as I know.

KG01 - h

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Guy Waterval  wrote:

Hi Yong Lin Ma,

2012/7/16 Yong Lin Ma 

You may share ideas with Kevin who is working on UI changes backlogs.

Or propose ideas by yourself here

KG01 - visit the AOO UX wiki for more information on how we can move forward on 
our next generation UI.

What I find a great feature in LS is the "Context sensitive toolbar" which
allows to reduce the number of available toolbars in the Vue menu.

KG01 - Context sensitive toolbars are a great way to manage complexity and to 
progressively disclose tool actions. The Symphony task pane is a great start. 
We could explore other approaches to reduce the number of commands presented in 
the toolbars and make the available sections more contextual.

But OK,
I'm a Symphony user. Perhaps this feature would be found unpleasant for
most OpenOffice users.
Meanwhile, the impossibility to deplace this toolbar in the work area is
perhaps discutable.


KG01 - Re: next generation AOO UI. I will start a discussion thread on the AOO 
wiki to advance this exploration. See wiki for details.

Hi, Kevin,

Two quick comments:
(1) Links to the wiki are helpful to your readers here.
(2) Pictures of the Symphony details are worth 10K words, especially in 
the .ODT documents (it's easier there than on the wiki).


Re: [CODE][UX] Bugs 25945 Show/Hide Scroll Bar Tips on Writer

2012-07-19 Thread TJ Frazier

On 7/18/2012 11:19, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

"The current page number is displayed in this field of the status bar.
A double-click opens the Navigator, with which you can navigate in the
document. A right-click shows all bookmarks in the document. Click
a bookmark to position the text cursor at the bookmark location."


Thanks for the tip. I will be using this right-click option a lot, 
because the bookmark list here has the very useful property of being in 
document order. On the Navigator, they appear in alpha order. For a long 
list of bookmarks, alpha order may be useful, but for my lists (6 or 8 
marks), document order is much handier.

(learning something every day ...)

PyUNOServer link dead

2012-07-08 Thread TJ Frazier
On the PyUNOServer wiki page [1], the download should be available from 
[2], but that gives a 404 error. Anybody know where the zip file might 
be, or a better one? I'll be glad to update the wiki, if someone can 
provide a good URL.




Re: [UPDATE SERVICE] proposal to activate the update service for OOo 3.2 and OOo 3.2.1

2012-06-28 Thread TJ Frazier

On 6/28/2012 16:07, Hagar Delest wrote:

Le jeu. 28 juin 2012 11:27:54 CEST, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
 a écrit :

On 27.06.2012 14:58, Rob Weir wrote:

But one question:  Has anyone actually tested the upgrade experience
from OOo 3.2 to AOO 3.4?

As far as I know, it was not tested yet.
But, I think we need to assure that is works.

I'm rather confident it will work.
But the problem is with the user profile. Since AOO 3.4, we have many
topics in the forums where the fix is to reset the profile. The problem
is that it can lead to frustration because of the loss of customization.
Worse, when users want to downgrade, the new profile is sometimes no
more compatible and definitively wrecked for them.
Could something be added during install to make a copy of the user
profile (at least silently)?

But on the other hand, I doubt we will ever have a robust solution for
such upgrades. So in the end, the users may have no choice and redo all
the customization in case of upgrade.
But if so, the user should be at least warned. Not that easy, I agree.


Hi, Hagar,

Is it really necessary to delete the whole User folder, or is it enough 
to delete the registrymodifications.xcu file in that folder? AFAIK, the 
user will lose only the "recent documents" entries for the item on the 
File menu, but other settings may vanish, too. The keyboard, toolbar, 
and autotext/autocorrect settings should be preserved.

If deleting rm.xcu fixes the users' problems, we really should be asking 
them to attach a copy of the old one to a BZ issue, so somebody can see 
what's going wrong.


Re: [HELP REQUIRED]: edit reference version on the website

2012-06-23 Thread TJ Frazier

On 6/22/2012 17:35, Dave Fisher wrote:

Hi Jürgen,

I've moved the navigation over to the righthand side. I think that looks much 

Please see


A few thoughts on the nav column:

* (Personal): "You are messing with the tools in my workshop. You need a 
very good reason to do that ... "

* Both Mwiki and Cwiki have their nav info on the left. For those 
accustomed to LTR languages, there is a certain natural hierarchy of 
position involved.

* Is a nav column really the best use of screen real-estate? The Apache 
main site cleverly relegates a lot of navigation to the footer. Perhaps 
a "Navigation" button link thereto?

* IIRC, the SDK provides a local copy of the API. Will that look the 
same as the web site?


Re: Propose to Integrate Old OO Wiki and New AOO Wiki

2012-06-10 Thread TJ Frazier

On 6/10/2012 12:51, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 06/06/2012 01:48 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton>> wrote:

+1 on MediaWiki

The convergence on the Community Wiki was considered early in the
migration and it was concluded that would not be done. �Kay Schenk
might have much to add on that, based on her interest then and
experience since.

�- Dennis

Well, oddly, I don't have much of a dissenting opinion.

I personally don't use the OO MW much, but have been using the cwiki a
lot. I find it less quirky than MW to tell you the truth.

I would be much much better to only maintain ONE wiki though regardless
of what it is.

Mostly I use the "Project Planning" area.


+1 on only one wiki, and given the scope of MW over cwiki, I'm happy to
go with MW providing the existing info -- marketing, planning, etc.
gets moved

I would like to add one more thought/request on this topic.

I've actually used Confluence -- the cwiki environment -- more over the
course of my wiki work than MediaWiki, but there are pros and cons to each.

What I REALLY like about our current cwiki setup, is the apparently
automatic navigation generation feature. So, when you add a page under a
category, you can quickly see what other pages are there for that area.
This makes putting ideas "out there" very quick and efficient.

I don't know MW provides in this this regard. But features like this
make using cwki for planning pretty easy since there's no futzing with
filing into categories etc. SO, if there is a way to do this same kind
of thin in MW, we should definitely enable such a feature.

Hi, Kay,

IIUC, the automatic nav in cwiki is a genealogical thing: every page has 
a parent, and that's what the nav display shows. That is easier than 
categories — if you only want one category for that page. Mwiki is less 
convenient, but gives you more control. You /can/ create child pages, 
using the "slash" (/) notation; see my user page [1] for several 
examples. On the child page, you get breadcrumbs at the top.

While I admit I'm biased, I doubt that the cwiki nav scales well; it's 
good for a small number of pages, but as the information gets richer, it 
gets harder to find.



Re: MediaWiki update

2012-05-27 Thread TJ Frazier

Thank you, imacat! I confirm that math problems have disappeared.

There is a lot of good maintenance information listed at:

Please feel free to add notes, or a new page, wherever you think they 


On 5/27/2012 01:42, imacat wrote:

Dear all,

 I applied some fixes.  This problem around the math plugin should be
fixed.  Please check and confirm if this issue still exists.

Page to check Math formulas against:

Bugzilla issue ticket:

* Compiled texvc
* Installed texlive-latex-base
* Cleaned-up math cache

On 2012/05/22 03:42, Dennis E. Hamilton said:

I created this issue

to capture the requests related to addition of MediaWiki extensions along with 
the upgrade.

It seemed like a good idea to use a stable location.

Have fun,

  - Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Claudio Filho []
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 12:12
Cc: imacat
Subject: Re: MediaWiki update


2012/5/21 Regina Henschel:

If you are working in that area, please have also a look, whether texvc is
correctly installed and actual. I still get rendering errors, see for
example bottom of

I saw. We haven't the extention Math.

@Imacat, please, add to list more this:


Re: A wiki about how to support a VBA API

2012-05-07 Thread TJ Frazier

On 5/7/2012 20:02, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

If your changes show properly in the Preview mode, then they will be
correctly saved when you Save. Sometimes the ATS delivers stale pages,
so you might see the original page, unchanged, after the Save. The
workaround is described in "Moving Day":

Taking a break also works; the stale pages expire and go away.
Sorry for the problem, but it's quite beyond my poor powers to fix.

Thanks Time permitting, I will make some more changes as needed. The
important thing, however, is that it is already understandable :-)

I owe you one, for the help your (on-line) book provided, when I was 
writing the temporary GUI for the new encoding feature:

I might never have found the Config Provider without the magic word in 
your example: "" It seems that "comp." is not listed 
as a module under c.s.s., nor have I seen it mentioned in the Dev Guide. 
But it works.


Re: A wiki about how to support a VBA API

2012-05-05 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, Andrew,

On 5/5/2012 02:48, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

On 05/02/2012 04:29 AM, Peng Chen wrote:

Hi All,
I post a wiki about how to support a VBA API in OpenOffice,

Any feedback will be appreciated, thanks.

Now that I know what the page describes (thanks everyone), I gave this a
pretty careful read. It seems to provide significant information, and I
learned much. There are some issues with respect to language usage, and
they are easily fixed; I started to fix the wording (after I figured out
that I can), but I stopped after the first paragraph for two reasons:

1. It is not clear to me that my changes really did save, and

If your changes show properly in the Preview mode, then they will be 
correctly saved when you Save. Sometimes the ATS delivers stale pages, 
so you might see the original page, unchanged, after the Save. The 
workaround is described in "Moving Day":

Taking a break also works; the stale pages expire and go away.
Sorry for the problem, but it's quite beyond my poor powers to fix.


2. It is very late and I need some sleep before my little girls drag me
out of bed (not to mention the bigger girl that I married).

Re: Dwontime sheduled for the MediaWiki

2012-04-23 Thread TJ Frazier

On 4/23/2012 10:46, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Hi at all

I will do same admin work at the wiki.service this night, The wiki will
maybe not be aviable every time. I try to keep the off time as short as

Greetings Raphael

Hi, Raphael,

The two major problems I know of are:

(1) Stale pages being served. MW and ATS need to talk to each other better.
(2) Math parsing problem; see my user page for an example.

Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: RC Readmes point to Wiki ML Page that needs Update

2012-04-22 Thread TJ Frazier

On 4/22/2012 15:31, Dave Fisher wrote:

Hi -

While evaluating the RC, I reviewed the MacOSX Readme file. This points to the 
old OOo wiki page[1] with OOo MLs:

Would someone please update this page?



Hi, Dave,

I fixed the sub-unsub links, but (sorry to admit it) I don't know enough 
to provide the archive link(s). I'd really like to say something like, 
"The ooo-users ML is archived at "[LINK]". The former ML 
is archived at "[LINK2]"." If I knew what to say ...


Fwd: Re: [ooo-site] Bad Spanish download links-reverts to english version

2012-04-20 Thread TJ Frazier
JIC you didn't get a copy, as you are not subscribed to this list.  Best 
of luck.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [ooo-site] Bad Spanish download links-reverts to english 

Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 09:41:25 -0700
From: Dave Fisher 

Sorry we are still adjusting for localization on the top navigation.

Try this link:


Re: Add defect product

2012-04-16 Thread TJ Frazier

On 4/16/2012 10:37, Rob Weir wrote:

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 10:32 AM, linyi li  wrote:

Hi all,

I opened a defect about compatibility:
I chose "Word 
to enter a defect, but I think I did not choose the appropriate one.
Because the file formats are not only .docx.

The scenario is:
1. Open MS 2007 files in AOO3.4
2. Save it as MS 2003 format
3. Reopen it in AOO3.4

When saving files, files will be froze. The problem exists in .docx, .xlsx
and .pptx.

But when I raised a defect, there is no appropriate product to choose. Pls
anyone who has the permission add a appropriate product for this situation
or tell me whick one to choose.

Simplest thing is to just add it to Wordprocessor and then note in the
comments that the same issue occurs with other MS document types as


When a bug occurs in more than one application, it is usually assigned 
to the "framework" product (the common code that underlies all the 
apps). For this bug, which sounds like it's in the filters, "framework" 
may or may not be the right place.

For now, Rob's advice sounds good. Whoever goes to work on this can 
adjust the BZ fields as needed.


Thank you.

Best wishes.


Re: [WWW] More OO.o 404 URLs

2012-03-26 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/26/2012 17:01, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:42 AM, TJ Frazier  wrote:**common/configuration/oor-**

These URLs are referenced in the Dev Guide, but currently return 404
errors. I would really appreciate being able to access this information.



These no longer even have an "nslookup" entry (!!??) Maybe something that
went out of existence a while back, but the Dev Guide was never updated?

("nslookup" ? :-) )

AFAIK, nothing ever went away from the old web-site; it just moldered, 
unused. Is there any access to a "project" area, "util"? Sounds like 
there should be some good stuff, there.


[WWW] More OO.o 404 URLs

2012-03-26 Thread TJ Frazier

These URLs are referenced in the Dev Guide, but currently return 404 
errors. I would really appreciate being able to access this information.


Re: [RELEASE,CODE]: Bug 119090 - Default Encryption Fails for Down-Level Implementations

2012-03-24 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/24/2012 12:22, Rob Weir wrote:

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton

Correcting my own typos and over-abbreviation of the previous post ...

-Original Message-
From: Dennis E. Hamilton []
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 06:28
Subject: RE: [RELEASE,CODE]: Bug 119090 - Default Encryption Fails for 
Down-Level Implementations


  1. It is absurd to make headway to strengthen security without addressing the 
weakest links first. When has that ever been a design principle?

It is not absurd at all.  When I leave my house I lock the back door
before the front, even thought I know the back door would be easier to
break through.  There is no mandated order in which we do things.
But you seem to be arguing for leaving the back door open just because
you think the front door's lock is weak.  That is absurd.

So -1 from me to changing the default unless you can come up with a
far better technical argument than you have.  For example, you might
demonstrate that users are actually confused by this change.  It would
be good to show some evidence of this.  Since OOo 3.4 beta had this
same change, and LibreOffice has made it as well, there should be 10
million+ users with the AES encryption enabled by default.  Can you
point us to something in the support forum or user lists where such
complaints/confusion are reported?   If it is a real problem we surely
would be hearing this from users.


-1 for the arguments, and the release as it is, because:

(1) The new encryption setting is *not* a user-changeable default. There 
is no current way to change it at the user level; where it is in effect, 
they're stuck with it.
(2) IIRC, the adoption by LO is very recent. Do /they/ have a GUI 
option? If not, bad on them, too.
(3) OO.o 3.4 Beta is trumpeted as experimental, not for production. We 
have no idea how many users may have tried to read a 3.4 encrypted file 
with 3.3, failed, and snorted, "Hmpf! /That/ doesn't work! Well, no need 
for me to write a bug report on it; it's so obvious, they're sure to 
catch it."
(4) What's the almighty great push to do this wrong? The fix seems 
simple and isolated, the testing is certainly simple: nothing to delay 
the release. It is *wrong* to break compatibilities as this does, 
without long lead-time, and opt-in possibilities, unless there exists 
some drastic need. That has not been shown. Improvement, yes; crucial, 
no. (Taking into account the recent history of occult exploits, in such 
a case I would offer the same course of action, with one addition: "We 
SHALL offer an opt-in UI method.")
(5) I have offered to help with a temporary UI, via macro or extension. 
I would much rather get back to that work, rather than argue further. 
"Which is more important?" is not a rhetorical question.


Re: [RELEASE,CODE]: Bug 119090 - Default Encryption Fails for Down-Level Implementations

2012-03-23 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/23/2012 06:47, Andre Fischer wrote:


there has been a longer discussion about this in the issue ([1]), most
of it very technical. I previously thought that this is not a show
stopper but I changed my mind but more for usability than technical
reasons: I had expected that I could choose the encryption algorithm
either in the save dialog or in the Tools->Options menu, but did not
find a way to do it. Without this choice the user has two options:

1. Save as ODF 1.1

2. Not use encryption

I don't find option 2 acceptable. Option 1 requires users to know that
this solves their problem, i.e. that ODF 1.1 uses another encryption
method than ODF 1.2. I did not know that before and assume that many
others do not either.

I see this now as a severe problem, even as a show stopper.



I agree that this should be a show stopper, so that the patch from 
Dennis (or something to accomplish the same effect, and retain the 
current Blowfish method as the default) should be integrated.

Given that, there are two more options to consider:

3. User change to config file, to use the new option.

I have suggested a writeup on this, but such instructions are much 
better aimed at the (few?) users who want the "latest and greatest" 
security option, and will do a little work to get it. (Does anybody know 
what that file name is? Given that, I volunteer to update the Release 

4. Macro to toggle the settings.

This could be distributed in a BASIC library (new or existing); no 
extension necessary. User instructions to find and run the macro are 
simple. I may be able to write this; preliminary investigation is 
promising but not certain. I volunteer to try. There are several real 
experts on this list, whom I might ask for help.



On 19.03.2012 14:48, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

On 3/19/12 2:16 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 3/19/2012 08:48, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:


I think issue 119090 is no show stopper from my point of view. The new
default provides a better security than before when I understand it
correct. And if people detect potential problems they can save the
document again with other settings.

I agree that this is important for interoperability but no show

Any other opinion?


Hi, Jürgen,

Like Dennis, I'm nervous about this. Perhaps we can handle it with a
mention in the Release Notes; something like,

PLEASE NOTE: the default options for [technical details here] should
provide your best /individual/ security. However, if you intend to share
the document in secure fashion, the default mode cannot be read by
* previous versions of
* current versions of LibreOffice, at least through [version]
* Ms Office [version info]
For compatibility, use the options [details here].

I agree that it make sense to mention it in the release notes.

Any volunteer for updating the release notes?


Re: HEADS UP: install sets were renamed from OOo* to Apache_OpenOffice_incubating*

2012-03-23 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/23/2012 05:48, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 22.03.2012 21:46, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 3/22/2012 16:28, Rob Weir wrote:

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Juergen Schmidt

On Thursday, 22. March 2012 at 15:19, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 22.03.2012 13:51, Herbert Duerr wrote:

Please note that the install sets that fall out of a build have
been renamed
from OOo* to Apache_OpenOffice_incubating* so that e.g.
now has the file name

I would prefer a shorter AOO_incubating_3.4.0_...
I used for example a scheme like aoo-3.4-incubating-src... for our
source release. Similar to for example the odftoolkit (incubating)
Why expanding OOo to Apache_OpenOffice_? Ok it seems we have to
include "incubating" but that's it.

It looks like the recommendation is to use the full product name, but
the "Apache" part is optional for podlings.

So "openoffice-3.4.0-incubating" would be one possible root.


Has anybody checked to see if we'll run into that idiotic 72-character
limitation on path names?

Can you explain where there this a 72-character limitation ?


Hi, Andre,
The best I can find is an old issue, 109096
but that is a 260-character limit, and supposedly fixed (considering the 
dates, the fix may or may not have made it into the code base).

Some similar problem was mentioned as a build breaker on this list, last 
fall, but I don't recall enough detail to search for it successfully. 
IIRC, some change to paths and directories hit the bug.

I cannot substantiate the "72 character" part. Possible parity error in 
the old jelly-ware.


Just my 2 cents


and another heads up ;-)

The next developer snapshots, proposed by Jürgen, will _not_ contain
this change.

Best regards, Oliver.

Re: HEADS UP: install sets were renamed from OOo* to Apache_OpenOffice_incubating*

2012-03-22 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/22/2012 16:28, Rob Weir wrote:

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Juergen Schmidt

On Thursday, 22. March 2012 at 15:19, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 22.03.2012 13:51, Herbert Duerr wrote:

Please note that the install sets that fall out of a build have been renamed
from OOo* to Apache_OpenOffice_incubating* so that e.g.
now has the file name

I would prefer a shorter AOO_incubating_3.4.0_...
I used for example a scheme like aoo-3.4-incubating-src... for our source 
release. Similar to for example the odftoolkit (incubating) project.
Why expanding OOo to Apache_OpenOffice_? Ok it seems we have to include 
"incubating" but that's it.

It looks like the recommendation is to use the full product name, but
the "Apache" part is optional for podlings.

So "openoffice-3.4.0-incubating" would be one possible root.


Has anybody checked to see if we'll run into that idiotic 72-character 
limitation on path names?


Just my 2 cents


and another heads up ;-)

The next developer snapshots, proposed by Jürgen, will _not_ contain this 

Best regards, Oliver.

Re: [Pootle][Translation] Why needs to translate VCLTesttool strings?

2012-03-21 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/21/2012 14:36, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Am 21.03.12 19:29, schrieb Reizinger Zoltán:

My second question to translation:
The po file /basic/source/app.po contains strings to VCLTesttools. Why
it needs to be translated?
IIRC we decided not to use VCLTesttool in QA work, because we not want
to use it, and no one want to learn BASIC.

I write in a mail, that the /basic/source/app.po is for the VCLTesttool.
We still have this tool in the source AND in the binary. But it's hidden
and I see no reason why to translate this strings.

Greetings Raphael


If anybody decides they want to use that tool, point me at it. I know 
Basic pretty well.


Re: [www] 404 on API references

2012-03-20 Thread TJ Frazier

Update: nudged Infra about possibly related commits r809221 and r809223.

On 3/20/2012 07:15, tj wrote:

This has been working, but not today. I can change these generated links
on the wiki, but I hope it's not necessary.


Re: [RELEASE,CODE]: Bug 119090 - Default Encryption Fails for Down-Level Implementations

2012-03-19 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/19/2012 08:48, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:


I think issue 119090 is no show stopper from my point of view. The new
default provides a better security than before when I understand it
correct. And if people detect potential problems they can save the
document again with other settings.

I agree that this is important for interoperability but no show stopper.

Any other opinion?


Hi, Jürgen,

Like Dennis, I'm nervous about this. Perhaps we can handle it with a 
mention in the Release Notes; something like,

PLEASE NOTE: the default options for [technical details here] should 
provide your best /individual/ security. However, if you intend to share 
the document in secure fashion, the default mode cannot be read by

* previous versions of
* current versions of LibreOffice, at least through [version]
* Ms Office [version info]
For compatibility, use the options [details here].

/tj/, his 2¢

Re: [WIKI] Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable)

2012-03-18 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/18/2012 11:52, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

TJ Frazier wrote on Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 11:22:37 -0400:

\sum_{k=1}^N k^2
I confirm that changing the subscript value, s/k=1/k=2/, causes the
error indication. Other changes seem to work properly.

@Daniel or Raphael: can you check the error logs and installation?

Nothing in the error log.  I don't see a texvc binary.  Beyond that I'll
leave it to Raphael.

Raphael --- if you fix this yourself please document what you did in the

Otherwise please ask on IRC or see that a jira gets filed.


I'm not sure I believe the error message:
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to
configure.): \sum_{k=2}^N k^2

Probably useful link:

Re: [WIKI] Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable)

2012-03-18 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/18/2012 10:22, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Thomas,

tj schrieb:

Hi, Regina,

On 3/17/2012 19:59, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I can no longer enter a formula (for example \sum_{k=1}^N
k^2), but I get the error in German "Parser-Fehler (Das
texvc-Programm wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte math/README beachten.)" which
is the translated "Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable. Please
notice math/README)"

Perhaps something missing in the setup of MediaWiki at Apache?

Kind regards

I don't know if Daniel fixed something, but this now works for me. I
left your example on my user page

The first inserting seems to be correct, but I cannot edit it. Can you
please try to edit it, for example write 2 instead of 1.

You may also edit it on

Kind regards

\sum_{k=1}^N k^2
I confirm that changing the subscript value, s/k=1/k=2/, causes the 
error indication. Other changes seem to work properly.

@Daniel or Raphael: can you check the error logs and installation? I'm 
not sure I believe the error message:
Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to 
configure.): \sum_{k=2}^N k^2


Re: [WWW] Augment mailto links

2012-03-16 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/16/2012 17:27, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 03/16/2012 05:31 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 7:12 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:50 AM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 3/16/2012 08:58, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:14 AM, tj wrote:


(Note: the "#" links on the main page are not finding the anchor, but
the page.)

Which "main page" is not finding the anchors? The navigation within
that page seems to work fine.

hyphens versus underscores in the anchor text.

Good eye, Rob...I will check this out later today! OOPS!

I had a bit time to fix this but needed 3 commits to fix this. Hm, I'm
getting old. ;-(


Thanks, Marcus, links work fine now. I'd still like some guidance on 
whether the additional params on the mailto links are a good idea.


P.S.: Nobody's getting younger. "I'm not losing hair; I'm gaining 
forehead!" --/tj/ :-)

The links on in the news section point to
announce and users ML's, but go to the top of the page. The links look


same on both pages, but work differently. Very interesting ...

What do you think of augmenting the mailto links with
or even ?Subject=Subscribe&Body="Subscribe"
(or Unsubscribe, as the case may be)? I think that really blank
be getting caught in spam filter traps.

Syntax reference:

Re: [WWW] Augment mailto links

2012-03-16 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/16/2012 08:58, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:14 AM, tj  wrote:


(Note: the "#" links on the main page are not finding the anchor, but only
the page.)

Which "main page" is not finding the anchors?   The navigation within
that page seems to work fine.


The links on in the news section point to the 
announce and users ML's, but go to the top of the page. The links look 
the same on both pages, but work differently. Very interesting ...


What do you think of augmenting the mailto links with ?Subject="Subscribe"
or even ?Subject=Subscribe&Body="Subscribe"
(or Unsubscribe, as the case may be)? I think that really blank emails may
be getting caught in spam filter traps.

Syntax reference:


Re: [MIGRATION] Shut down on remaining Oracle web resources

2012-03-15 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/15/2012 15:10, Rob Weir wrote:

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Roberto Galoppini  wrote:

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Roberto Galoppini  wrote:

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:

Sure..   What do you want me to add to that post?  Are there some
specific instructions?


We might instruct users that to convert their accounts they just need
to enter their username and password and ask them to
read the messages shown. If they do not remember the password, the
link "Request new password" pages
allows them to receive a link to change e-mail address and password
(note that the two websites use different logins).

Note that the "request new password" will work until the alias will be active.
Last but not least, the possibility to use the old password will work
until the Oracle authentication server is operational.

VERY IMPORTANT: Consider that both kiling the alias forwarding and
shutting down the Oracle authentication server will prevent users to
login. I hope we can keep alive at least one of those services at
least until we'll get from Oracle all necessary information to migrate

OK.  I updated the blog post here:

But note that there is no guarantee that the announcement list reaches
all of those people who have accounts on the extensions or templates

Is there another list that can be used to contact them?  Or is it
possible to extract the names of the extension/template owners from
the DB and send them an administrative note about the migration?

Of course we can do that, but maybe the PPMC doesn't want to send out
a message to 40k persons while actually only a tiny fraction of them
are or have been active users of the Extensions or Templates website.
What do you think?

Right.  I was hoping there was a way to send an email to only those
users who have published an extension or template.


Fortunately, the extension publishers usually have a website listing in 
their descriptions. If any of those have an oo.o address, we can deal 
with them slowly and individually.


Do you have any metrics on what % of accounts have converted?

Extensions: about 12k users, few hundreds have a published content, a
dozen or two have converted.
Templates: about 28k users, few hundreds have a published content, a
dozen or two have converted.




Re: [MIGRATION] Shut down on remaining Oracle web resources

2012-03-12 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/12/2012 09:31, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 09:14:35PM -0800, Andrew Rist wrote:

I would like to set the date for shutting down these Oracle hosted
resources as March 15. (no Shakespeare references, please)

This will include mailing lists, mail forwarder, remaining web pages,
identity server.

are the mailing lists already dead? I tried to send an announce to the
ES mailing lists, announcing the creation of but it seems the lists are all dead,
even the web interface looks "strange"


Hi, Ariel,

Dave Fisher gave us (moderators) the answer: add to your etc/hosts file

Your es/lists page looks fine to me, with those redirects installed.


Re: AOO timeline of accomplishments

2012-03-10 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/10/2012 17:59, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 10/03/2012 Rob Weir wrote:

A draft blog post using the timeline to make a point about our
migration efforts:

Nice. A few observations:
- Check "has the timeline above shows"
- Now that I notice, the New Color Picker is not that interesting in
strategic terms. It is a nice feature and very good to have, but it was
contributed to other projects before, so it's not something peculiar to
Apache OpenOffice.
- I would include links to all resources you list in the paragraph
"includes mailing lists, support forums, wikis, bug databases..."


Nice, indeed. I concur on links and s/has/as/, plus you might check the 
order of the legend against the order of the plots.

AOO's Chart module could probably be extended to produce a diagram like 
this, as a type of XY ("scatter") chart.


Re: AOO timeline of accomplishments

2012-03-09 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, Rob,

On 3/8/2012 21:47, Rob Weir wrote:

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Rory O'Farrell  wrote:

On Thu, 8 Mar 2012 17:09:33 -0500
Rob Weir  wrote:

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Rob Weir  wrote:

I am working on a blog post that will feature a timeline showing what
we have accomplished since the project has started.  Obviously a
timeline is based on dates and events.  The ones have so far are here.

You might perhaps enter dates (even approximate) for Commencement of IP 
clearance and Completion of IP clearance. I remind you that this timeline may 
be viewed by the unskilled, so terms such as IP and Pootle need some 

Interesting idea.  I made the copyleft removal be an extent rather
than just indicate the points.  See the revised version here:

One of the memes about this project that you hear is that we spent an
exorbitant amount of time just removing copyleft components.  This
puts it in perspective and shows that we spent relatively little time
doing that.


Rory O'Farrell

This is really lovely: both informative and attractive. Could you say a 
few words about how you produced it?


Re: AOO timeline of accomplishments

2012-03-08 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/8/2012 10:50, Rob Weir wrote:

date Japanese list started
created 13-Sep


Re: email forwarder shutdown: That time is now

2012-03-06 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/1/2012 09:17, TJ Frazier wrote:

There is still a little (very little, <1%) traffic on the development
lists which I moderate, authors@ and dev@. I will handle their



Re: Executing UNO Dispatcher in VBScript doesn't reflect any changes in ODS file

2012-03-05 Thread TJ Frazier

Try adding a Store request:
> Call UnoObj.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BackgroundColor", "", 0,
> propertyset)
> oSpreadsheet.Close(True)
Close won't do that for you.

On 3/5/2012 05:10, Subodh Asthana wrote:

Executing UNO Dispatcher in VBScript doesn't reflect any changes in ODS file

Following is the code that I wrote to try formatting ODS using VBSript. It
runs without any error but it *does not reflect any change* in the ODS file.

Dim propertyset(0)
Dim arg()
Set oServiceManager = CreateObject("")
Set oDesktop = oServiceManager.createInstance("")
Set UnoObj = oServiceManager.createInstance("")
sFileName = "D:\Untitled 1.ods"
sFileName = Replace (sFileName, "\", "/")
sURL = "file:///"&  sFileName
Set oSpreadsheet = oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_blank", 0,
arg)'load existing spreadsheet

set oSheet1 = oSpreadsheet.getSheets.getByName( "Sheet1" )
set document   = oSpreadsheet.CurrentController.Frame

Set propertyset(0) = MakePropertyValue(oServiceManager, "ToPoint", "$A$1")
Call UnoObj.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, propertyset)

Set propertyset(0) = MakePropertyValue(oServiceManager,
"BackgroundColor", 16711680)
Call UnoObj.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:BackgroundColor", "", 0,
set UnoObj = Nothing
set oSpreadsheet = Nothing
set oDesktop = Nothing
set oServiceManager = Nothing

Function MakePropertyValue(oServiceManager, cName, uValue)
Dim oStruct
Set oStruct =
Set MakePropertyValue = oStruct
End Function

Re: [TEST] procedures for no overwrites of existing OOo 3.3?

2012-03-03 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/3/2012 13:13, Kay Schenk wrote:

Hello all--

I run Linux and know how to avoid overwrites with our current test
packaging by using the "--prefix" option when I do an RPM install. And this
is what I used for the test I recently did.

Are there similar options available for Mac and Win users? It seems some of
our testers are not happy with the overwrite of their existing version.

If someone would forward instructions to me, I will add a new wiki page on
"Testing Procedures".


There is some useful info on the Mwiki; I used the Windows section as 
recently as 3.2.


Re: Calling all volunteers: It is time to test (Norton quarantine)

2012-03-02 Thread TJ Frazier

On 3/2/2012 05:22, Joost Andrae wrote:


after downloading the multi language OOo-Dev 3.4.0_m1 build (r1293550)
for Windows from
Norton Internet Security found WS.Reputation.1 and removed the
installation set from my system.

Kind regards, Joost

Hi Joost,

Norton AntiVirus gave me the same problem on my WV system. This is 
related to the "Norton Insight" feature, which I have now turned off. 
Meanwhile, the file is not deleted, merely quarantined by NIS. You can 
restore it by following the "quarantine" link and looking for options.

I will try to follow up on this with Norton; maybe they have a better 


Re: email forwarder shutdown: That time is now

2012-03-01 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/29/2012 14:29, Rob Weir wrote:

In case you missed it on the other thread, we heard from Andrew that
the remaining Oracle servers that supported the legacy OOo project
will be shut down starting on March 15th. This includes the mailing
list and the mail forwarder.

We dealt with the mailing lists before, sending notes to the active
ones that the project had moved over to Apache and gave them the new
addresses.  I subscribe to many of these lists and they have been
silent for months.  I moderate one and it is all spam, and has been
for months.  If you are seeing any list that still has
real traffic on it, then please speak up.  We need to identify any
active remaining lists and send them the information here:

At the same time we need to notify users that the email
forwarding service is being retired as of March 15th.  I had already
drafted a note for this, and it was previously reviewed.  I've just
updated it to put in the actual shutdown date:

If there are no objections, my plan is to:

1) Move that wiki page into a blog post, clean up for formatting and publish it

2) On Monday morning send a note out to ooo-announce, referring to
that blog post for details.

3) Open a JIRA issue with Infra on a custom bounce notification

I could use help with:

1) Reaching out to NL groups that might not read or understand the
above announcement

2) Updating our migration status wiki page
  This is referred to in the post as giving "current" information, but
it is no longer current.

3) Responding to questions that this note may receive on the ooo-users list.



There is still a little (very little, <1%) traffic on the development 
lists which I moderate, authors@ and dev@. I will handle their notification.


Re: email forwarder shutdown: That time is now

2012-02-29 Thread TJ Frazier

Need to mention Extensions and Templates sites?
("under construction on a daily basis", "should be able to log in there 
even after the shutdown")


On 2/29/2012 14:39, Rob Weir wrote:

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:

In case you missed it on the other thread, we heard from Andrew that
the remaining Oracle servers that supported the legacy OOo project
will be shut down starting on March 15th. This includes the mailing
list and the mail forwarder.

We dealt with the mailing lists before, sending notes to the active
ones that the project had moved over to Apache and gave them the new
addresses.  I subscribe to many of these lists and they have been
silent for months.  I moderate one and it is all spam, and has been
for months.  If you are seeing any list that still has
real traffic on it, then please speak up.  We need to identify any
active remaining lists and send them the information here:

At the same time we need to notify users that the email
forwarding service is being retired as of March 15th.  I had already
drafted a note for this, and it was previously reviewed.  I've just
updated it to put in the actual shutdown date:

If there are no objections, my plan is to:

1) Move that wiki page into a blog post, clean up for formatting and publish it

Draft of the blog post is here now:

2) On Monday morning send a note out to ooo-announce, referring to
that blog post for details.

3) Open a JIRA issue with Infra on a custom bounce notification

I could use help with:

1) Reaching out to NL groups that might not read or understand the
above announcement

2) Updating our migration status wiki page
  This is referred to in the post as giving "current" information, but
it is no longer current.

3) Responding to questions that this note may receive on the ooo-users list.



Re: Apache OpenOffice Traffic Tracking

2012-02-27 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/27/2012 17:13, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Roberto Galoppiniwrote:

Hi all,

The main site at seems to
have a weird Google Analytics setup. It has a local copy of the GA
javascript instead of using the real one.

well this is a bit odd. Maybe some no longer current implementation.

Do you know to who belongs


If you're ok with that we might get rid of that and create a new one,
so that we can all have a better understanding of the traffic streams.



I don't know anything about the current setup. I, personally, would
certainly be fine with changing it.

The site tracks downloads by extension per day, week, month, and year 
(no idea how; script-related?), and displays these for users. If it 
gathers anything else, nobody is listening.


Re: [PROPOSAL] Creation of a mailing list for Italian volunteers

2012-02-26 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/26/2012 10:12, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

With the release approaching, I see the need for a second mailing list
in Italian: we now have ooo-it-utenti (users) and I would like to add
ooo-it-progetto (project).

I'm thus asking for creation of this new mailing list in 72 hours, and
assuming consensus if nobody objects.

The two lists are completely different in scope:
- the users list is for peer-to-peer support, announcements, generic
discussions and has been functioning correctly since December, with
traffic varying according to the topics being discussed)
- the project list is for volunteers only (not for users) and it is used
to coordinate activities, especially QA and localization; it will
produce very high traffic from now to the release time, and then
occasional traffic until we are back in a pre-release period or a
scheduled localization/QA sprint. I expect the traffic to be too high
for people on the users list, so I would prefer to use a separate list;
of course, we will inform users any time an activity (such as the
OpenOffice 3.4 localization or QA cycle) begins on the "project" lists.


Hi, Andrea,

One small quibble.

If you mean that the list is /intended/ for volunteers, but users are 
welcome to subscribe if they want to, that's probably okay.

If only volunteers can subscribe, that's probably not okay; we should 
keep everything as publicly available as possible.


Re: Apache OpenOffice Extensions Website restored at SourceForge

2012-02-25 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, Ross,
Yes and no.

On 2/25/2012 05:40, Ross Gardler wrote:

I totally agree that this is "(3) This is /super/ good news" however,
i request that a little time is taken to properly review the site and
have the DNS updated appropriately before "and should go out on
ooo-announce, blogs, et al. I will forward to ooo-users."

I did a cursory review of the site: logged in (worked fine), found my 
history, found favorite extension, noticed no ads, and concluded it's 
good to go. Already forwarded to ooo-users. Strongly suggest 
ooo-announce, /now/!

Thanks to your observation, I see that I should have emphasized the 
temporary nature of the URL. I will do a follow-up ASAP, as soon as 
we're sure either (a) what the permanent URL will be (same as the old 
one?), or (b) where the users can find the new address (web page?).

I'm not likely to be able to review myself for at least a week. There
is no need to wait for me to do so, the PPMC is perfectly capable of
this. However, remember that the approval from the board was
conditional on there being no advertising on any ASF owned domain
name. We need to verify that this is the case. I did remind Roberto of
this condition during development so I have no reason to suspect that
this is not the case already. I'm just requesting a full review from
the PPMC before we make public statements.

Roberto asked for feedback. IMHO, we will get better feedback from a 
wide range of curious users.

Our audience could use some really good news, and the chance to get 
involved, and this is both. ("Surf's up!" This is a big wave, and we 
should ride it. Waves don't wait.)

Of course, if the domain is going to be the official
domain then this requirement is irrelevant.

In addition, I'd like to ask the community here to consider how best
to engage the TDF in the future of this service. I doubt they will be
comfortable with this service being a main repository for Libre Office
and I guess that, over time, there will be some extensions that will
not work in both applications. However I wonder if there is an
opportunity here to invite the TDF to work with us as we move forwards
on the extensions service?


Finally, and most importantly, a big "thank you" to Roberto and the
team at SF or making this work out for the AOO project.

+1, amen, so mote it be!


On 25 February 2012 08:32, TJ Frazier  wrote:

On 2/24/2012 21:47, imacat wrote:

On 2012/02/25 08:34, Roberto Galoppini said:

As of today, the Extensions website is available at this address
located on our domain, at the following address:

 This is great!

 But I see it is still " repository for Extensions" and
"Get". Shouldn't they be "Apache OpenOffice repository
for Extensions" and "Get Apache OpenOffice"?

 Also, do we have a new logo now?

(1) Yes, the re-branding will be needed, but that matter is not urgent.
(2) Preserving user logins /is/ urgent, with Kenai-related shutdown possibly
as early as March 15.
(3) This is /super/ good news, and should go out on ooo-announce, blogs, et
al. I will forward to ooo-users.


Re: Apache OpenOffice Extensions Website restored at SourceForge

2012-02-24 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/24/2012 21:47, imacat wrote:

On 2012/02/25 08:34, Roberto Galoppini said:

As of today, the Extensions website is available at this address
located on our domain, at the following address:

 This is great!

 But I see it is still " repository for Extensions" and
"Get". Shouldn't they be "Apache OpenOffice repository
for Extensions" and "Get Apache OpenOffice"?

 Also, do we have a new logo now?

(1) Yes, the re-branding will be needed, but that matter is not urgent.
(2) Preserving user logins /is/ urgent, with Kenai-related shutdown 
possibly as early as March 15.
(3) This is /super/ good news, and should go out on ooo-announce, blogs, 
et al. I will forward to ooo-users.


Re: [WWW] Feedback/"contact us" about the website link needed...

2012-02-09 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/9/2012 19:04, Kay Schenk wrote:

I'm just noticing that we do not seem to have a "Contact Us about this
website" link on either


A somewhat minor thing I know given our focus at the moment, but...any

Header area? Footer area? Side bar?

I think a prominent "Contact Us" (some place) would serve us well in
customer satisfaction.

My 2¢: if I were looking, I'd look for that link in the footer.

Re: Conventions in help files

2012-02-06 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/6/2012 11:11, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi Regina,

On 2/6/12 4:50 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going to add help texts for the new line caps and for corner style.
I found that the extended help tips have to go into

Inside that file the nodes get id-values. The first part is 'bm_id' or
'hd_id' or 'par_id' according to the kind of node. That is followed by a
number. Does a convention exists, how to build that number?

The attribute l10n had been used for the change from OOo1 to OOo2 but no
longer. What value is used for content, that has not exist in OOo1?
Should it be l10n="" (which means empty) or l10n="NEW"? The attribute is

I see bookmark nodes with identical branch attribute, for example
branch="hid/.uno:LineWidth" but different id-values. That makes no sense
to me, because the hid has to be a unique target in the help files.
Reason for the duplicate nodes?

There are some remarks needed, which go beyond an extended help tip.
Where should I add them, to one of the 'guide'-files or make a new one.
Or exists plans to drop such information from help totally and only use
a Wiki for more detailed help?

you haven open pandora's box and probably nobody really knows how
exactly it is used and were handled in the past. Or better the people
who knows are not really active anymore in the project.

I have some experience with creating help files for extension but these
were very small and I had everything under my control ;-)

I think Frank Peters have mentioned the help extension (xslt filter + a
macro collection) that can be used to edit xhp files in the office and
which provides some helper to manage the id's. That is at least what I
remember but without guarantee.

Hopefully the extension is available or we can find the code for it. It
will probably help to understand it.

Sorry that I can't provide more help here (or should I say information)


Uwe Fischer has posted on this list (12/08 and 12/09, re the 
BerkeleyDB). He should know the answers right away.

My strong suspicion is that the l10n tag has to do with warning the 
translators that localization is needed.


Contributed code (was Re: Fake OpenOffice site?)

2012-02-03 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/3/2012 16:37, Andrew Rist wrote:

On 2/2/2012 4:50 AM, Shane Curcuru wrote:

On 2012-02-01 9:01 PM, Rob Weir wrote:

1) Oracle contributed the source code and trademarks
to Apache

Really? I thought Oracle granted a license of most of the source code to Apache, not all of it. If they had
granted a license of all the source code, we'd probably be about a
month further along in the schedule, maybe? But we've done amazing
work filling in the pieces and making the current Apache OpenOffice
releases work while ensuring we only use permissively licensed code.

Hey Shane - probably just an issue with wording, but just want to add
this to the discussion...
Oracle granted a license to the stuff that Oracle had clear copyright
ownership on. I don't think there is anything owned by Oracle that was
not donated - especially nothing that is pushing the schedule back at
this point.
There are a lot of non-Sun/Oracle code used by the project (some of it
copyleft) - obviously this could not be 'donated' by Oracle.
It is the remediation of this code that has been the source of the last
few months of work - mostly copyleft dependencies and 'extensions' (I'm
thinking dictionaries and the like here)



The only code I know of that got lost is the crash-dump analysis code 
(Jürgen is the expert on it). It is a bee in my bonnet, because I 
consider it indispensable for certain kinds of problems. It was 
Sun-proprietary code, run in Hamburg.

IMHO, its reincarnation would be worth considerable effort.


Re: Fake OpenOffice site?

2012-02-01 Thread TJ Frazier

On 2/1/2012 18:37, Nardia Keenan wrote:


Is this site part of It has the seagull logo but says it's
free then asks for money

Thank you
Nardia Keenan

In a word, NO.

For the site's status, read the very small print at the bottom of its page.

For the real OO.o, try where you may find 
requests for donations, but the downloads are *absolutely* *free*.

I propose we (the PPMC) refer this to Branding, for trademark vio, if 
others see it as such.


Re: Redirects vs. SYMPA

2012-01-31 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/31/2012 20:55, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

TJ Frazier wrote:

SYMPA sends me these messages, but when I try to follow the links, I get
a 404 on the Apache server. Perfectly reasonable, since I need to reach
Kenai/SYMPA. Does somebody have to play with the redirects, or can I do
something in my hosts file (I'm probably the only one who needs this)?

Honestly I never tried to access pages to manage bouncing subscribers,
but you can manage subscribers (after making the obvious replacements)
at addresses like
(replace it -> documentation and qa -> authors or whatever you need).

This still doesn't answer your question completely, because it lists all
subscribers and not only the bouncing ones. But you won't need any
tweaks to your hosts file to reach this page.


Thanks, Andrea, that is indeed the page I usually use for moderating:
but I can't get all the way to SYMPA from there.

Redirects vs. SYMPA

2012-01-31 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, Dave, or anyone who can help,

SYMPA sends me these messages, but when I try to follow the links, I get 
a 404 on the Apache server. Perfectly reasonable, since I need to reach 
Kenai/SYMPA. Does somebody have to play with the redirects, or can I do 
something in my hosts file (I'm probably the only one who needs this)?


 Original Message 
Subject: List automatic bounce 

Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 22:54:57 + (GMT)
From: SYMPA 

  Because we received MANY non-delivery reports, the 1 subscribers 
listed below have been
notified that they might be removed from list

[user email address removed]

Managing bouncing subscribers:

Managing bouncing subscribers:

Re: admin permissions on old OOo

2012-01-30 Thread TJ Frazier

I am not taking this personally, but I /am/ replying personally, below.

On 1/30/2012 15:57, Ross Gardler wrote:

On 30 January 2012 19:45, TJ Frazier  wrote:

On 1/30/2012 14:22, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:


What specific things are being asked of you?

To remove a specific email message posted to a public list
(documentation) by mistake.

If the message is on one of the two documentation ML's (author or dev
@doc.oo.o) I can remove it, or at least the SYMPA page says I can.
You or the user can mail me at, or bring the matter
to this list (ooo-dev). I need sender and date.

The ASF has a policy of *not* removing mails in the majority of cases.
It simply is not possible to do so since our mailing lists are
archived all over the place. See

Most organizations, like most individuals, have a few suboptimal 
policies (calling them "damn-fool" would be rude, so I won't). The ASF 
is no exception, and this policy is one of them.

AFAICS, the rationales for the policy are:

(1) "Can't do it perfectly." True, but this is the age-old conflict 
between "the good vs. the best", or "improvement vs. perfection". I 
assert that there is no overarching answer to these, hence the decisions 
must be made at a lower level. In this general case, I lean strongly 
toward "improvement". It is the friendly thing to do, and we build 
community one friend at a time.
(2) "Publisher of record." Let's not get too full of ourselves, here. If 
a post makes a point in a discussion and prompts replies, or otherwise 
meets some criterion of "general importance", I would argue to keep it. 
If not, and if the user wants it gone, it's toast.
(3) "Too much work." (a) Frequency: I have moderated two (admittedly not 
very active) lists for about 6 months. This is the first such request I 
have received. YMMV. (b) Level of effort: This user provided a direct 
link to the archived message. It took me one click to get there, maybe 
10 seconds to confirm that this was the information in question, one 
click to delete it, and a third click to close the browser. This might 
be harder under ezmlm, but that's something for ezmlm moderators to take 
up with Infra.

(4) "The user should have known better." True, but don't be snide.

Interestingly enough, despite my rant, my action (I have deleted the 
post) seems to fall within policy!



Why aren't they being brought to the list (either details, or at least an
overview of what this work is about)?

Because the person wanting the removal, I presume, did not know about
the new changes. I have no problem explaining things--have--but I'm
simply laying out the facts.

The point is that you are not a contact point for the AOO project,
this list is. If you, as a single individual, choose to act on
requests like these and others that you frequently claim are coming
your way you will quickly run out of time or you will fail to address
the requests. Please share everything here (or on the private lists if
absolutely necessary).

Personally I would rather see you spending time addressing the issue
with SPI funds since you are the named individual dealing with the SPI
(or alternatively indicating that you do not intend to do so, thereby
making way for someone else to do it).


Re: admin permissions on old OOo

2012-01-30 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/30/2012 14:22, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:


On 30 January 2012 14:07, Shane Curcuru  wrote:

On 2012-01-30 1:37 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:

On 30 January 2012 13:35, Dave Fisherwrote:

On Jan 30, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:

Hi all,

I used to have admin permissions on the old site. I no longer seem to.
I receive requests (as does Florian E.) to delete mail mistakenly
posted to the public lists, but I cannot do much about it directly.

I can route to those who *do* have admin permissions on the old site,
if you like. There are other small things to do, too, that require
admin on the Kenai site.

You should be able to get to the old site, but it will be going away.

I can easily get to the old site.
The point of my email was that I no longer have admin privileges. I
need them to do the things asked of me.

What specific things are being asked of you?

To remove a specific email message posted to a public list
(documentation) by mistake.

If the message is on one of the two documentation ML's (author or dev 
@doc.oo.o) I can remove it, or at least the SYMPA page says I can.
You or the user can mail me at, or bring the 
matter to this list (ooo-dev). I need sender and date.

/tj/ (owner + moderator, authors and dev)

Why aren't they being brought to the list (either details, or at least an
overview of what this work is about)?

Because the person wanting the removal, I presume, did not know about
the new changes. I have no problem explaining things--have--but I'm
simply laying out the facts.

What of this work will still need to be done once the old site goes away?

No idea, as not sure what precisely will replace the old. Actually,
and my apologias, but I have to fill in a lot of gaps in your question
to arrive at any kind of sense. I think you mean, "Speaking of this
matter, where you had admin privileges that allowed you to do things
on behalf of mistaken users, will you, or someone like you, still be
needing that order of privilege, once we decommission and remove the
old site? Removal would mean that all queries related to admin tasks
would have to come to this public list, which required subscription."

The interesting thing, perhaps: Would the old archives holding the
mistaken mail posts also migrate and if so would they still need ad
hoc pruning per request? I'd goes two yeas won't make a nay.


- Shane

If none of this is needed, good to hear. But the messages are there

As soon as we decide to cut it off we will. We thought we needed to keep
it around for template and extension site login, but that is already broken.

I did find it necessary to go to the Kenai svn to finish the specs
migration, but that was done by altering my /etc/hosts/.

Is it time to remove the old OOo?




Re: [CODE]: "Registration..." menu entry in the Help menu

2012-01-28 Thread TJ Frazier

@Dennis, in line,

On 1/28/2012 18:41, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:


Thanks for opening up some interesting aspects to think about
concerning initial user experience and support for newcomers to AOO.

One reaction: I see a big difference between configuring builds to
have one more language-dependency and configuring a URL to sniff
languages though.  The life-cycle and skills/karma required could be
quite different.  What is a good way to invite broad participation in
this area?

I don't see any need for a URL. I envision the Welcome doc as part of 
the download.

Also, I don't think the document should be put in a writable location
if it is part of the install.

I tend to favor a writable location because it empowers the user. It 
behooves us to remember that our software is a guest on the user's 
hardware (programs that persistently forget this, on /my/ machine, tend 
to end up in the bit-bucket). Also, every location is "writable" – just 
some are easier than others.

However, considering the needs of multi-user central installations, I am 
not unalterably opposed to an unalterable doc. We should merely mention 
that users need to save any changed version to their own space.

For writable documents, that seems to be something that is more
appropriate for a sample or even part of an included mini-tutorial.
It might then be better to identify them as templates so they will
not over-write the initial file by default if modified and saved.

Finally, as a means for feedback, encouraging exploration and
contribution, wouldn't a link to a web/wiki page be better for that?

These are not mutually exclusive. We should have both.

This is an interesting area.  I wonder how to avoid scope creep and
deal with the registration menu entry in a way that works for now and
that can be expanded into a broader "welcome/starter" link.  I know
some first-run presentations tend to be sticky, with a way to stop it
(and an indication on how to obtain it from the Help pull-down
whenever it is to be revisited).  Is this a candidate for that sort
of thing?

I'm trying to design out any avoidable maintenance headaches. I envision 
a simple link to a page like the Mwiki documentation:
where we always have to update links for different versions, new stuff, 
&c. If we ever have a good "getting started" tutorial, it should be 
listed there. The link in the Welcome doc wouldn't change.

I also see the Help menu link ("Welcome") as a simple "open the 
Welcome.odt doc" command, which also wouldn't change. --/tj/

-Original Message- From: TJ Frazier
[] Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 14:34
To: Subject: Re: [CODE]:
"Registration..." menu entry in the Help menu

Hi, all! Comments in-line.

On 1/28/2012 14:23, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

If the welcome document is stored locally in the installation
locally, having it as an ODT might work.

It does mean that translations will be required.

Opening of a web page has the advantage of being able to adapt to
browser language settings on a server and also being able to
update the document over time.  The URL could also be release-
specific (which would allow further customization).

I think it is also important to consider the threat surface of
both approaches, especially if the document will be opened or the
URL fetched under the privileges of the install process.

- Dennis

PS: I suppose this is also an area that might be subject to
distribution-specific customization, including in-enterprise

@Dennis:  all good points to keep in mind, but please also keep in
mind that the same work has to be done for a welcome in a doc or on a
web page (customize, translate,&c.). We have lots of folks who can do
that in Writer ...

-Original Message- From: Kay Schenk
[] Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012
09:37 To: Subject: Re: [CODE]:
"Registration..." menu entry in the Help menu

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Rob Weir
wrote: [ ... ]

The closest to registration that we might have is to encourage
the user to sign up for the ooo-announce list.  But this is just
one of several things we want to tell the user.  Maybe after
install we automatically launch a web page, or even load an ODF
document, with content like:

-- Welcome message from the project -- Highlights of the
release, link to detailed release notes -- Where to for
documentation -- Where to go for support -- Extensions and
templates informations -- Invitation / Instructions on joining
ooo-announce mailing list -- Links to official social media, our
blog. Google+, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

If we do this in ODF format, as a document, then we can also use
it as a quick demonstration of the capabilities of the editor,
showing a really

Re: [CODE]: "Registration..." menu entry in the Help menu

2012-01-28 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, all! Comments in-line.

On 1/28/2012 14:23, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

If the welcome document is stored locally in the installation
locally, having it as an ODT might work.

It does mean that translations will be required.

Opening of a web page has the advantage of being able to adapt to
browser language settings on a server and also being able to update
the document over time.  The URL could also be release- specific
(which would allow further customization).

I think it is also important to consider the threat surface of both
approaches, especially if the document will be opened or the URL
fetched under the privileges of the install process.

- Dennis

PS: I suppose this is also an area that might be subject to
distribution-specific customization, including in-enterprise

@Dennis:  all good points to keep in mind, but please also keep in mind 
that the same work has to be done for a welcome in a doc or on a web 
page (customize, translate, &c.). We have lots of folks who can do that 
in Writer ...

-Original Message- From: Kay Schenk
[] Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 09:37
To: Subject: Re: [CODE]:
"Registration..." menu entry in the Help menu

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Rob Weir
wrote: [ ... ]

The closest to registration that we might have is to encourage the
user to sign up for the ooo-announce list.  But this is just one
of several things we want to tell the user.  Maybe after install
we automatically launch a web page, or even load an ODF document,
with content like:

-- Welcome message from the project -- Highlights of the release,
link to detailed release notes -- Where to for documentation --
Where to go for support -- Extensions and templates informations --
Invitation / Instructions on joining ooo-announce mailing list --
Links to official social media, our blog. Google+, Twitter,
Facebook, etc.

If we do this in ODF format, as a document, then we can also use it
as a quick demonstration of the capabilities of the editor, showing
a really good looking, well formatted document, etc.  A good first
experience for the user.


I like this proposal a LOT! We tell them something interesting and
we don't have to maintain any additional DBs. Much less hassle in the
long run! :) So simple, and yet so good!

+1 also. A three-bang good idea!!! Some more thoughts:
* Store the doc as writable, so the user can make changes. Empowerment.
* Turn on the Record Changes feature (mention this in the doc), and 
solicit advice from the users as to what is helpful, what is not, and 
what would be helpful.


[ ... ]

Re: [CODE] update services

2012-01-25 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/25/2012 19:18, Kay Schenk wrote:

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 05:04:18PM -0300, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

The code is in main/extensions/source/update/
rather illuminating

The format is xml, you can see main/instsetoo_native/util/update.xml

it seems to support also an update feed format:

There should be an specification somewhere, but the old site has become rather broken after the

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Hey, kudos to both Regina and Ariel... something to go on! :)

FYI -- is now

All the previous top-levels are now subdirecotires, but thanks for the
alert -- more redirects to do.

Thanks a bunch for looking into this...really some good finds

Hi, Kay,

That's a pretty page, .../specs, but all the links are 404 ... :-(


Re: [CODE]: "Registration..." menu entry in the Help menu

2012-01-25 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/25/2012 11:49, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:


I have seen the "Registration..." menu entry in the "Help" menu. I tend
to remove this entry completely or at least remove it by default and
make it configurable for potential later use.

At the moment it opens a Url [1] in the browser that is not working at all.

Any opinions or comments on this?

If not I will remove it as proposed.



When I try from the Help menu in 3.3, I get the Oracle site:

which is certainly not what we want, whether or not it works.

+1 for remove.

Re: Bugzilla Administration Ideas

2012-01-24 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/24/2012 10:19, Herbert Duerr wrote:

I'm starting a thread on what should be done in our Bugzilla.

Here are some ideas:

- remove fields that confuse more than they help to describe or solve
the problem, e.g. the fields "Hardware"

- reduce field choices, e.g. for the field "OS" the options "Windows
3.1", "Mac System 7" or "OpenVMS" should go

- if the default owner of a component is no longer active in the project
then that should be changed to a generic name

- if it is possible at all then add a hierarchy to the components, e.g.
all the localization projects should go into a l10 group, e.g. l10/ja

- if it is possible to reduce the choice of impacted versions when a new
issue is entered then that should be done. Bugs reported against ancient
milestones such as 644m11 are just not interesting

Here there is a small problem. We need to know, eventually, two 
different version numbers: the earliest version that shows the problem, 
and the latest version tested. In the past, the "reported" version was 
supposed to be the earliest ("oo.o 3.2.1"), and the user should add 
something like, "also fails under 3.4 Beta". We could do a better job of 
making this clear, or maybe we need another field, or both.



Re: [dev] Dependencies required to create an executable

2012-01-19 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/19/2012 09:27, HICHEM ZARROUKI wrote:


I developed a C + + application based on Open Office SDK version
3.3. The application works perfectly in conjunction with Open Office
3, and it is time for me to create the installer which will be
delivered to users.

To do so, I need to know the necessary dependencies (DLLs,
executables, ...) to bewith my application, and if it is possible to
run the application without the need to install Open Office, because
if it is not installed I receive an error when running my program ?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Because this list is going away soon, I have taken the liberty of
forwarding your message to the new list at Open Office's new home, the 
Apache Software Foundation. You will need to subscribe to that list to 
see any replies. (Please be aware that it is a very busy list.)

Send an email to:
You will get a confirmation message, and you need to reply to that as it 

You may want to post a follow-up message there, telling us what o/s you 
plan to install on. Installation details are very system-dependent.


Re: Question related derivative code based on our Apache licensed code

2012-01-17 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/16/2012 10:28, Pedro Giffuni wrote:

Hi Michael;

Just to be clear ...
I am not a lawyer, and even if I were whatever I say in
respect to licensing doesn't have any legal permission
or state any rule wrt what should be done.

just to make that clear :).

--- Lun 16/1/12, Michael Meeks  ha scritto:

Hi Pedro,

On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 06:38 -0800, Pedro Giffuni wrote:

What will happen is that the code will keep the


restrictions in addition to the AL2.

 That would be the plan; though our code
will -emphatically- not be
available under the AL2; only an MPL/LGPLv3+ [as well as
any lingering terms from the AL2].

In the projects I participate we never *ever* replace a
license, we just add a copyright header with our license
when relevant. I would expect LO will have to comply
with AL2, adding the respective restrictions imposed
by your own licensing scheme (MPL/GPL).

- They will have to carry the AL2 license among their


and headers, and the clause 5 is particularly nice to


 Clause five of the AL2 is:

 "5. Submission of Contributions. Unless
You explicitly state
  otherwise, any Contribution
intentionally submitted for
  inclusion in the Work by You
to the Licensor shall be under the
  terms and conditions of this
License, without any additional
  terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein
  shall supersede or modify the
terms of any separate license
  agreement you may have
executed with Licensor regarding such

 IANAL, but to create a superabundance of
clarity - no contribution
submitted to LibreOffice is a 'Contribution'. It is not
submitted to
'Licensor' which is ASF (cf. definition of Contribution).
infrastructure is not /managed by, or on behalf of, the

Issue 5 only applies to contributions made to the Apache
project. Surely the code that has been contributed to LO
cannot be taken by us unless the author specifically
authorizes sends it to us too.

 If it would help to clarify this, we can
add a "Not a contribution"
line or similar language to our new (MPL/LGPL)onAL2 header
as/when we've got that worked through.

This type of sillyness, attempting to obfuscate the language,
is one of the reasons why I keep away from projects with
unreadable licenses.

 Of course, individuals are quite at
liberty to choose to license their
contributions to the ASF if they so choose, and to include
-their- code
into either project; though that is something I'd
discourage :-)

 So - any expansion on "is particularly
nice to have" would be helpful
Pedro - why do you think this is particularly nice ? :-)

It is really nice because in this project we don't request
silly licensing statements. We assume people are not
stupid enough to send us code that we can't use. Here
the term "stupid" has the same connotation as defined in
Carlo Cipola's classical paper:

(BTW, Anyone has a link to the original in italian?)



A commercial link, but maybe a good starting point.

Re: Wiki configuration problem

2012-01-16 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/15/2012 23:03, Yakov Reztsov wrote:


Apache OOo Wiki configuration problem
Can not  edit math formula, "Can not parse expression (texvc not found)"

Problem is visible on next-to-last revision here:

The addition of a final "^2" operand triggers an error. Investigating.


Re: Error 126

2012-01-11 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, Andre,

On 1/11/2012 16:19, Facundo Cevey wrote:

Error 126 is usually displayed at run time when some of the DLLs on your
system are missing. The message with the error code 126 may also be
displayed when an application is trying to connect to a database and a
required DLL is not specified in your machine’s PATH.
many databases require that you install and configure a client side library
to enable any client to connect. Some of the databases that require a
client side library are WinSQL Oracle Driver, Oracle ODBC Driver, and
Microsoft Oracle Driver.

*reinstall the application or update it.*

A simple case of this kind of 126 error would be permanent, but this one 
is transient. However . . . are you running parallel builds (-Pn or 
whatever)? Maybe some library isn't built / moved / installed yet, when 
another fork needs it. --/tj/

2012/1/11 Andre Fischer

Hi all,

On Windows7 my build breaks frequently with an error 126.  This happens
apparently randomly, not tied to a specific module or file.  Restarting the
build in the module where it broke works fine.

At the moment I suspect the virus scanner (different ones on different
computers) to cause this.

Does anybody *know* the reason for the build breaks?


Re: Bugzilla Help [Was Re: Moving ahead with the AOO logo and rebranding]

2012-01-09 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/9/2012 19:40, Dave Fisher wrote:

Here we are in a new thread. Let's discuss the state of Bugzilla:

On Jan 9, 2012, at 5:32 PM, Graham Lauder wrote:

On Tuesday 10 Jan 2012 13:14:27 Dave Fisher wrote:

On Jan 9, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:

Hi *,

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Dave Fisher  wrote:

Who are our projects BZ admins? Are there remaining issues.

No idea if there are any, at least the contact given on the bugzilla
page itself to report problems is a black hole, no response nor fixin
ghte reported problem (xmlrpc).
E It has been suggested that infra issues via jira are necessary to get
in touch with the AOOo-bugzilla admins, but still
"This is Apache OOo Bugzilla: the Apache OOo podling bug system. In
case of problems with the functioning of Apache OOo Bugzilla, please
contact Please Note: this e-mail address is
only for reporting problems with Apache OOo Bugzilla. Mail about any
other subject will be silently ignored."

There are inconsistent instructions. We need to change this address.

IMO bugzilla trouble should be directed here.

Bugzilla admins?


Hi, Dave,

While we're at it, David McKay ( has twice 
mentioned that he is willing to help with BZ, and BZ administration is 
part of his day job. Has anyone taken him up on this?


Re: Couldn't enter login status on service wik after longin

2012-01-09 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/8/2012 21:42, xia zhao wrote:

Hi all,

I am working on AOO 3.4 testing, and I need post my test result to below page:

After login, I still be kept with unlogin status and couldn't edit this page.

Who can help to take a look? Thanks!

Best Regrads


This is a known problem with "stale cache" pages being presented. Please 
see "Moving Day" for the workaround.


Re: Problems with SVG in Writer

2012-01-05 Thread TJ Frazier

On 1/5/2012 11:32, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Armin,

Armin Le Grand schrieb:

Hi Ariel and Regina,

one more question: Is this only for Svg's or also for other graphics?

Linked png-pictures are handled correctly.

Kind regards

Hi, Regina, Zoltan, Armin,

Please also see

and my comment on it.


Re: Two documents that had issues with OOo 3.3.0

2012-01-05 Thread TJ Frazier

Hi, Marco, Rob,

The usual practice at OO.o (I've done it myself) is to file an issue, 
mentioning that you have confidential files to show it. Then, when 
someone picks up the issue, they say, "Send me the files to my private 
address." The dev keeps the file private, and usually isolates the bug 
so that no file is needed, or a simple, public file will show the bug.


On 1/5/2012 11:01, Rob Weir wrote:

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Marco A.G.Pinto<>  wrote:


I have two documents which had issues with OOo 3.3.0:
- A .DOCX one whose image in the header (I wrote "footer" by mistake a
week or so ago) appears stretched.
- A DOC which only allows to edit a few fields since it is password
protected and OOo asks for the password
   when we open the document and doesn't allow to edit the fields.

I sent the DOCX to Rob Weir since I didn't know where to send it to, but I
didn't receive any reply.

I see you sent this response to a post I made:

But the ooo-dev list strips attachments.

Is there someone to whom I can send both documents? Please notice that
they are classified documents and I can't share them with the mailing list.

As Pedro mentioned, attachments can be made to Bugzilla issues.  That is
how we track bug reports.  If the full document is classified, then you
will want to reproduce the same bug in a new, unclassified document,
something that can be shared.

(A thought for the PPMC:   Note that in exceptional cases we do accept
confidential documents on private lists.  For example a security
vulnerability report can come with a test document that demonstrates the
vulnerability.  Such documents are received on our security list, verified,
but not made public.  There is a level of trust between the security team
and the reporter to treat such information sensitively.

If we wanted to, we could have a similar practice with documents indicating
other kinds of errors, non-security.  Although it is easy for us to say
that Marco should reproduce the error in a clean document, etc., the fact
is this is often not possible.  For example, when the bug is related to
importing a document that was created in an earlier version of OOo, or even
created in another application, one that the reporter does not have
installed.  I think only a small number of users will take the extra step
to create a new test file for us. The net result is we fail to get some
perfectly valid bug reports, and miss the opportunity of fixing some real



Kind regards,
>Marco A.G.Pinto


Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2012-01-01 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/31/2011 16:31, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 31, 2011, at 12:10 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:


Well, not quite :-)
The background's white
The links are blue
The trouble is,
The text is, too!
/tj/ (believing that if "Lighght" can win a prize, anything goes)

Links are now red and underlined too.
Titles and subs are bold white on blue.

Please make sure your css reloads.



A belated but heartfelt "thank you" for the lovely job on the API. FWIW, 
I've been busy using it, for:
which now works.

I need to follow through with a serious update on the cursor-movement 
documentation, on the wiki. That will involve even more API lookup and 

Thanks again, /tj/

Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2011-12-31 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/31/2011 14:36, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 30, 2011, at 2:26 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:43 AM, TJ Frazier  wrote:

On 12/29/2011 18:26, kay.schenk wrote:

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 3:45 AM, TJ Frazier   wrote:

On 12/28/2011 23:50, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 28, 2011, at 7:19 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:


There's some more CSS trouble with the API:**star/**<**docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/**>


All the red has disappeared, and it's needed. The horizontal title
are now blue on blue, and very hard to read.

If I am following it properly this is due to background images that have
the wrong color.

See this css: /api/docs/common/ref/idl.css

Look for subtitle. I would suggest we change to pure background colors.
What color of red do you want and for which elements. It is easy to
play by
editing the css.

I'm only going by my poor old jelly-ware here. Had I been smarter, I

would have saved a few screenshots. If you can supply some magic numbers
for the /etc/hosts file ("Twang your magic twanger, Froggy!"), I'll take
look at the old api.whatever and report more comprehensively. This may
to do with anchors: the obscure title in my reference is the target of a
link at the top of the page. (The link works fine.)

As for looking at the CSS myself, that's beyond my fu at present. The
color scheme for API was unique, and IMHO could stand some improvement,
it's got to /work/. AFAIK, the red was   .

the css comes originally from the autodoc tool and when i remember it
correctly I made minor changes to adapt the colors not more. I hope we can
replace the autodoc tool with another generator that use the type library
directly instead of parsing the IDL files again. And another tool that can
parse the UNO C++ runtime better than autodoc. I would love to drop autodoc

/tj/ (who is very tired of fumbling with things he doesn't understand,
would like to get back to fumbling with things he does understand, but
involves a lot of API look-up ...)

Things look fine with the white only background on this now. But... from

the api "home" page at

I don't even see where this particular item is linked in. All the API docs
seem to be on the wiki.

Please examine the second horizontal blue bar. It says, "Nested

Modules", in darker blue on lighter blue, if you can read it. The link to
it is the first words on about the third line of the page; that, too, is
not marked very clearly (as a link). IIRC, these were bolded when they were
links, but YMMV. /tj/

i can't find it either way. The reason is that i have made heavy use of the
navigation bar on the left side of the old page and have inserted some more
items there. These are completely missed now. I will rework the content of
the page asap to bring back some missing links.

I have repaired the missing and improper css.

I think that the api docs are now in good shape.

Well, not quite :-)
The background's white
 The links are blue
The trouble is,
 The text is, too!
/tj/ (believing that if "Lighght" can win a prize, anything goes)

Tell us about the kinds of special links you had on the Kenai lefthand 



Re: 3.4 release plan

2011-12-30 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/30/2011 16:23, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Rob Weir wrote:

OK. So are 3.3.0 users getting error messages today because that
service is down? Or is the problem only that pre-3.3.0 users are not
getting update notifications telling them about the 3.3.0 release?

Both, but all users who are on 3.3.0 (the vast majority) get an error
message similar to "Could not establish Internet connection to" as TJ wrote. If you open a search
engine that autocompletes queries, writing "update3" will give you a
nice list of popular queries for this problem, referencing different

I'd argue that if 3.3.0 users are getting error messages today, then
it might be a good idea to set up the update notification server now

They are getting the error message, and indeed the sooner it is fixed
the better, even though the moment when this becomes quite embarrassing
is when Apache OpenOffice 3.4 is out and 3.3.0 users are
shown an error message on trying to know whether updates are available.

Is this the protocol that we are using:

Not sure. The wiki page seems to concern a proposed protocol upgrade, it
might be that the current one is simpler. The address is set here:

(search for UPDATEURL, set to
but I don't know where the code uses it. And I don't know whether the
neon library removal affects the client side of this service or not.


Fascinating! From 3.4 Beta I get: does 
not exist.


Re: 3.4 release plan

2011-12-30 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/30/2011 15:14, Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Andrea Pescetti

Rob Weir wrote:

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Kay Schenk  wrote:

Specifically I get comments from friends that the "Check
for Updates" from the Help menu no longer functions due to URL update
changes. Are there similar areas that we need to document?

Is this an issue with OOo 3.3?  The earlier 3.4 beta?  Or with the
recent AOO 3.4 test builds?

The only place where this is an issue is 3.3. I don't know
about 3.4 beta, but update notifications do not make much
sense in (unfrequent) beta releases anyway. The recent Apache OpenOffice dev
builds do not support notifications: the menu item is not there.

By the way, the problem users experience is not related to code changes but
to infrastructure changes: the update notifications server is unreachable
since it was not migrated together with the other *

OK.  So are 3.3.0 users getting error messages today because that
service is down?  Or is the problem only that pre-3.3.0 users are not
getting update notifications telling them about the 3.3.0 release?

3.3.0 users get "Could not establish network connection to"

I usually answer users along the lines of "The update server is unavailable
due to migration; it's not important to restore it now since there would be
no update to announce anyway; it might be that things change when a stable
release is out" (I remember Martin Hollmichel or some other well-known guy
saying that in principle it would be possible to get that service running

I'd argue that if 3.3.0 users are getting error messages today, then
it might be a good idea to set up the update notification server now,
even if it just tells 3.3.0 users that they have the latest official

+1 --/tj/

To anybody not familiar with the concept: update notifications are not
product updates (don't think Firefox); the command just tells the user "No
updates available" or "A new version of is available, please
open and download it". So it seems feasible to replace

Is this the protocol that we are using:


Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2011-12-29 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/29/2011 18:26, kay.schenk wrote:

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 3:45 AM, TJ Frazier  wrote:

On 12/28/2011 23:50, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 28, 2011, at 7:19 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:


  There's some more CSS trouble with the API:**docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/**
All the red has disappeared, and it's needed. The horizontal title bands
are now blue on blue, and very hard to read.

If I am following it properly this is due to background images that have
the wrong color.

See this css: /api/docs/common/ref/idl.css

Look for subtitle. I would suggest we change to pure background colors.
What color of red do you want and for which elements. It is easy to play by
editing the css.

  I'm only going by my poor old jelly-ware here. Had I been smarter, I

would have saved a few screenshots. If you can supply some magic numbers
for the /etc/hosts file ("Twang your magic twanger, Froggy!"), I'll take a
look at the old api.whatever and report more comprehensively. This may have
to do with anchors: the obscure title in my reference is the target of a
link at the top of the page. (The link works fine.)

As for looking at the CSS myself, that's beyond my fu at present. The
color scheme for API was unique, and IMHO could stand some improvement, but
it's got to /work/. AFAIK, the red was   .

/tj/ (who is very tired of fumbling with things he doesn't understand, and
would like to get back to fumbling with things he does understand, but that
involves a lot of API look-up ...)

Things look fine with the white only background on this now. But... from
the api "home" page at

I don't even see where this particular item is linked in. All the API docs
seem to be on the wiki.

Please examine the second horizontal blue bar. It says, "Nested 
Modules", in darker blue on lighter blue, if you can read it. The link 
to it is the first words on about the third line of the page; that, too, 
is not marked very clearly (as a link). IIRC, these were bolded when 
they were links, but YMMV. /tj/

Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2011-12-29 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/28/2011 23:50, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 28, 2011, at 7:19 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:


There's some more CSS trouble with the API:
All the red has disappeared, and it's needed. The horizontal title bands are 
now blue on blue, and very hard to read.

If I am following it properly this is due to background images that have the 
wrong color.

See this css: /api/docs/common/ref/idl.css

Look for subtitle. I would suggest we change to pure background colors. What 
color of red do you want and for which elements. It is easy to play by editing 
the css.

I'm only going by my poor old jelly-ware here. Had I been smarter, I 
would have saved a few screenshots. If you can supply some magic numbers 
for the /etc/hosts file ("Twang your magic twanger, Froggy!"), I'll take 
a look at the old api.whatever and report more comprehensively. This may 
have to do with anchors: the obscure title in my reference is the target 
of a link at the top of the page. (The link works fine.)

As for looking at the CSS myself, that's beyond my fu at present. The 
color scheme for API was unique, and IMHO could stand some improvement, 
but it's got to /work/. AFAIK, the red was   .

/tj/ (who is very tired of fumbling with things he doesn't understand, 
and would like to get back to fumbling with things he does understand, 
but that involves a lot of API look-up ...)

Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2011-12-28 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/28/2011 17:20, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 28, 2011, at 2:06 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 12/28/2011 16:46, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 28, 2011, at 1:16 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 12/28/2011 15:28, Dave Fisher wrote:

Hi Joe,

I'm looking at

There are missing assets.

I think that a lot of these are from people who were in the Kenai site when 
their DNS changed.

For example: /branding/kenai/stylesheets/style_kenai.css?20111216.8cc5bc9

Like some of these.

asset-* subs should continue to go to oracle's Kenai.

Not much to do there. Sooner or later they'll refresh / reload.

So, there is something to do ... for some of the 404s.


Hi, Dave,

There are some problems with the ML management pages. The CSS is apparently 
fubar. That's not so serious, as long as the links work.

Joe should be able to restore the assets make this get better. We are capturing 
assets-* to ooo-site and we should let it continue to go to 

But on the "moderate" page, all the action links point back to "moderate".
For a moderator, the "moderate list" link points to:
But all of the action links (like "Reject All") point to:
which is not useful.

Adding the following to my /etc/hosts/ restores the UI on

Does it fix your moderation trouble?


YES! But I get a little warning message, "waiting for" which doesn't seem to affect anything.

It's a piece of php the Kenai framework pulls - a ShareThis segmenter.


There's some more CSS trouble with the API:
All the red has disappeared, and it's needed. The horizontal title bands 
are now blue on blue, and very hard to read.


Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2011-12-28 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/28/2011 16:46, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 28, 2011, at 1:16 PM, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 12/28/2011 15:28, Dave Fisher wrote:

Hi Joe,

I'm looking at

There are missing assets.

I think that a lot of these are from people who were in the Kenai site when 
their DNS changed.

For example: /branding/kenai/stylesheets/style_kenai.css?20111216.8cc5bc9

Like some of these.

asset-* subs should continue to go to oracle's Kenai.

Not much to do there. Sooner or later they'll refresh / reload.

So, there is something to do ... for some of the 404s.


Hi, Dave,

There are some problems with the ML management pages. The CSS is apparently 
fubar. That's not so serious, as long as the links work.

Joe should be able to restore the assets make this get better. We are capturing 
assets-* to ooo-site and we should let it continue to go to 

But on the "moderate" page, all the action links point back to "moderate".
For a moderator, the "moderate list" link points to:
But all of the action links (like "Reject All") point to:
which is not useful.

Adding the following to my /etc/hosts/ restores the UI on

Does it fix your moderation trouble?


YES! But I get a little warning message, "waiting for" which doesn't seem to affect anything.

Moderator, dev-doc

Re: [www][announce] Beginning the Website DNS Migration in 1 Day

2011-12-28 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/28/2011 15:28, Dave Fisher wrote:

Hi Joe,

I'm looking at

There are missing assets.

I think that a lot of these are from people who were in the Kenai site when 
their DNS changed.

For example: /branding/kenai/stylesheets/style_kenai.css?20111216.8cc5bc9

Like some of these.

asset-* subs should continue to go to oracle's Kenai.

Not much to do there. Sooner or later they'll refresh / reload.

So, there is something to do ... for some of the 404s.


Hi, Dave,

There are some problems with the ML management pages. The CSS is 
apparently fubar. That's not so serious, as long as the links work. But 
on the "moderate" page, all the action links point back to "moderate".
For a moderator, the "moderate list" link points to:
But all of the action links (like "Reject All") point to:
which is not useful.

Moderator, dev-doc

Re: [CODE] Replace buildid by svn revision, and fix broken --with-build-version

2011-12-28 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/28/2011 14:08, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

Hi Marcus,

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 12:32:11AM +0100, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

As I haven't seen any other comments to this, are you planning to
commit the changes in this way or have you got other thoughts in the

I committed the patch for the About dialog, fixing the broken
--with-build-version, this allows the string with smaller font you can
see in my Linux builds.

But setting the svn revision as build-id has issues on windows (that's
why they are missing in my Win builds). The buildid is used in the
installer setup.ini as ProductVersion:


This breaks the installers, because "The first field is the major
version and has a maximum value of 255. The second field is the minor
version and has a maximum value of 255. The third field is called the
build version or the update version and has a maximum value of 65,535."


here the third field is>  65,535, as we are in revision 1224961
This breaks the installer with a cryptic message
it took me quite to find out.

In conclusion, I have to think some work around.
In the meantime, --with-build-version can be used to set the date and
the revision on the nightly builds.


Hi, Ariel,

May I suggest a two-digit year, followed by the Julian day? That will 
work until 2066.


Re: Early User-QA Engagement (was RE: Ip Clearance: 1st version of Svg replacement available)

2011-12-26 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/26/2011 15:06, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

I think that is a good idea with regard to a lot of feature adjustments, and 
especially the SVG one.  It would be useful to blog or wiki both a view of how 
it is brought along and a view of how folks can participate in confirming the 
operation of features and other changes in these early technology builds.

Are bug reports going to be accepted against nightlies and technology/developer 
builds that are now being made available to those who know where to find them?  
There are the builds that Ariel has made and there are the builds that Raphael 
makes available as well.

If so, how will they be identified?  One suggestion is to use the latest SVN 
update number applicable to the working copy when the build was made.  That 
seems like a simple enough procedure.  There are recommendations for additional 
details (such as a build date), but anything that gets us a non-decreasing 
unique identifier between builds will work.

For us to handle the QA, there needs to be some kind of scheme for this.  It is 
also important to not expect folks to keep retesting the same things when there 
is no change to them, so something helpful is needed for that too.

  - Dennis

[Anecdotal experience: When I noticed an early beta of LO 3.4.0, I tried it.  
When I noticed betas coming out at weekly intervals I threw my hands up and 
stopped testing altogether.  Oddly, with AOO nightlies and individual committer 
builds being made available, I don't mind so much, knowing that I will simply 
be behind and whether it is wasted or not depends on whether somebody else 
noticed and it was fixed already.  I could apply that attitude to LO 3.5 and 
WLO 3.3.1 but I am already running on overwhelm with AOO and it gets my first 

Hi, Dennis,

For a peek at how the devs are JFDI, see:


Re: What about the public HTML-docs of UNO classes rooted in "" ?

2011-12-23 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/23/2011 10:02, Dave Fisher wrote:

On Dec 23, 2011, at 4:17 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Just a quick question: will the ""-links like e.g.
""; and 
the like keep on
working? (These are the Javadoc-like HTML-based documentations of all the UNO 
classes, which is very
helpful and important.)

If the URL changes, what would be the new URL one should use in the future? In 
this case, what
timeframe exists to do a changeover?

These links will be permanently redirected.

will be:

Either will work. The discussion has been that release for the api will remain 
on while eventually the api docs for the trunk will be on on 
the project site.


Very good to know. The wiki (Developers' Guide, Basic Guide) has a /lot/ 
of links like that.



Re: [WWW] Changeover is Close - Final Tasks!

2011-12-22 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/22/2011 03:27, Dave Fisher wrote:

Exactly. It doesn't exist on Apache Infra. It's Kenai.  What do we do? Do we 
care? I don't. Who will change the site and how? Should it be before the 
migration or after?


*I* care! As owner/moderator of a pair of the old lists, I use that page 
daily. SYMPA has problems, which I haven't bothered to complain about – 
who cares? SYMPA and Kenai are going away – but I can compensate by 
moderating from that page.

The need for that page is certainly temporary, until the old site, and 
the old lists, go away. In the meantime, I would certainly appreciate it 
if you can arrange to maintain access thereto.


On Dec 22, 2011, at 12:17 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

I don't see any ooo-site/trunk/content/projects/www/lists at all.

I am at a loss to know how I might be helpful in that respect.

It looks like dynamically-generated content when I go 
to.  The display is different 
depending on whether I am logged-in or not and when I am logged-in the display is 
different for lists I am subscribed to than ones that I am not subscribed to.

- Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Dave Fisher []
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 23:26
Subject: Re: [WWW] Changeover is Close - Final Tasks!

On Dec 21, 2011, at 11:11 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Dave Fisher []
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 22:55
To: OOo-dev Apache Incubator
Subject: [WWW] Changeover is Close - Final Tasks!

Hi Everyone,

The version of is ready for review 
before migration. There are several last issues for people to review.

(1) What news stories should we have on ready for migration 
on /index.html?

(2) /mail_lists.html needs review and/or redirection to the podling site. 
Please help.

The email subscribes, unsubscribes and links have been updated for:

ooo-users   for user@oo.o
ooo-dev for dev@*oo.o and discuss@oo.o
ooo-announcefor announce@oo.o
ooo-marketing   for d...@marketing.oo.o
ooo-utenti  for utenti@oo.o (is this correct? it should be 

  It is ooo-utenti-it (-il is a different language/country [;<)

Other addresses will continue to function. That is a different 
migration for another discussion.

There are web pages for managing lists @ over the web.
See, for example,<>.
Will these go up in smoke with the cut-over or what?

Yes. Managing lists certainly differs, it is Apache. I spent no time adjusting 
/mail_lists.html, I am asking for someone else to JFDI. Is that you? I'll 
certainly help you tomorrow.

This touched on point (5) - Where are the archives?


PS. This last publish was large and is taking longer than expected. For now. 

(I know that ooo-site doesn't have this page.)

[ ... ]

Re: What do we want to do with spam on lists?

2011-12-18 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/18/2011 21:55, Jean Weber wrote:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:42, Rob Weir  wrote:

Some spam on the ooo-users list this evening:

The poster is subscribed to the list.  This was not moderated in.

What do we want moderators to do in this case? Warn the user?
Unsubscribe them?

We should probably have a common understanding about how we handle this.


My opinion: blatant spam (such as in this case) should be grounds for
immediate expulsion and blocking.

More ambiguous cases should be warned.


+1  or tar and feathers ...


Re: URL redirection lost

2011-12-14 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/14/2011 00:13, Dave Fisher wrote:

Hi Luis,

It is in the redirection list for moving the web site. See the long thread 
where Rob harassed me on Sunday.

We can't know any complaints if they are not brought here.


Speaking of redirects and complaints, I have a marvelous collection of 
antique messages from the OO.o instance of Bugzilla, with links like:
which don't work. --/tj/ (Harass! Harass! :-) )

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 13, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts  wrote:

Hi all,

On 7 December 2011 10:53, FR web forum  wrote:

Since 4th nov. always "page not found", is it possible to do something?
We have a lot of links. Unable to rewrite it all.

- Mail original -
De: "Dave Fisher"
Envoyé: Samedi 12 Novembre 2011 20:37:20
Objet: Re: URL redirection lost


On Nov 12, 2011, at 9:49 AM, FR web forum wrote:


On the french forum, we have many hyperlinks to ex-QA website like:
This is jump to a "not found" page.
Is it possible to have an automatic redirection to 

Somebody can do this redirection?

Our users think that the issues system has been removed.

It's annoying for volunteers to make good support.

Thanks to fix it

Thanks for the reminder. I've made the request from Apache Infrastructure.

Sorry for the delays.


Has this been resolved? I only ask because I have lately been
receiving more than usual complaints about this or that link—usually
to the extensions or templates—not working. I suspect the bitrot
eating at the old site is accelerating?


Re: Build AOO on Ubuntu

2011-12-13 Thread TJ Frazier

On 12/12/2011 10:29, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 12/12/2011 09:30, Andre Fischer wrote:


On 12.12.2011 15:11, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 12/12/2011 07:24, Raphael Bircher wrote:

Am 12.12.11 13:06, schrieb Andre Fischer:

On 12.12.2011 12:55, TJ Frazier wrote:

On 12/12/2011 05:38, Andre Fischer wrote:

On 12.12.2011 10:49, linyi li wrote:

I can edit the page


I can edit that too. The page that I can not edit is

Please, folks, add a little more detail? When you say you "can not
a page, are you getting an error message from the wiki? Or, are you
seeing your changes, after you save your edit?

I do not see the edit button. The page does not show me as logged in,
but when I navigate to other pages, I am logged in. It appears like I
were switching between servers, logged in on one, not logged in on the

I think what's happening is that the last user to look at that page
wasn't logged in, so that's the (stale) cached image you are seeing. The
cgi magic should work here; please try it.

What would the full URL look like? I tried

but that did not work (something about page with title
"Documentation/Building Guide/Building on Linux.cgi&purge=1" not being
present; no surprise).

Your example is exactly what it should look like, and it doesn't work
for me, either :-/
I don't know enough about cgi and php to play with these things
effectively. If you do, take a look at the URL for "edit this page", on
the "page does not exist" page you get. If it can specify
"&action=edit", then "&purge=1" should also work. Somehow. --/tj/

The link that seems to work for most of these situations is:

suitably edited for your page; for instance,

"purge" sounds drastic, but all it does is tell the wiki to invalidate 
any stored (cached) image of the page and build a new one. --/tj/

If your changes are not showing, try a little cgi magic: add
".cgi&purge=1" to the end of the URL in your browser bar, and go
The problem is with the caching by Apache Traffic Server (ATS), and
purge directive will fix it for the moment. Also, if you just wait a
while (how long? I don't know), the cache will update by itself.

Yes, ATS plays sametimes bad boy. Sametimes it helps to click on the
Login/Logout link. Then you can login again.

Yes, anything that persuades the wiki and/or ATS to clear the cached
page will work.
P.s.: Thanks for blocking those spammers. More later.

This is a bug. We will have to fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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