[osol-discuss] Re: Solaris on Intel Macs??

2006-04-12 Thread UNIX admin
 By adding debug printfs to the grub source code; I
 console_putchar(char) calls.  And building a custom
 bootable Solaris x86 CD
 with the modified boot/grub/stage2_eltorito file.
 The character printed before the gateA20(1) call in
 appeared on the console, the character printed after
 the gateA20(1) 
 call doesn't appear on the console.
 The next try was with more console_putchar calls
 added to the
 gateA20() code.  This narrowed it down to the loop
 waiting for an 
 empty keyboard controller input buffer.

Damn you're good. But this also brings up a point... do we have any DEBUG 
facilities in Sun GRUB like there are in the rest of Solaris?
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: SUNWscpu ? Am I old fashioned and confused ?

2006-04-12 Thread UNIX admin
 Do we need vipw to safely edit the /etc/passwd
  file ?

Yes, if you want sanity checks performed on the edit.

 SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package Commands
 - edit the password file

 Well, perhaps this manpage has not be touched in 14
 years because if its
 not broke then don't fix it.  I then look for this
 thing :
 $ which vipw
 no vipw in /usr/xpg4/bin /sbin /bin /usr/sbin
 /usr/bin /usr/dt/bin
 /usr/openwin/bin /usr/ccs/bin
 e that my PATH has /usr/xpg4/bin first.  My shell is

What did it say up there on the top of the man page?

It says SunOS/BSD,
so right there at that point in time you know that we're talking /usr/ucb/, and 
that should be your 0.01ms answer at 03:00 AM in the morning when I wake you up 
and ask you where `vipw` is (;-)

 I recently adopted a style of doing things that may
 be Linux like and
 thus a bad thing in the strict UNIX world.  I began
 to put my root user in a
 home directory of /root along with all of the dot
 files that get created for
 the root user.

Oh no, et tu, Brutus?

That is indeed a very Linux-centric way of doing things.  But honestly, why in 
the world should I care if there are a bunch of root's .*rc files in /?  Why, 
why, why?!?!?!?  What difference does it make?  How does it damage system's 

People create /usr/local/ and violate the entire System V FileSystem layout 
mandate, and yet we fret over whether root's files are stored in /?
Or am I the only one seeing the absurdity of /root?
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: SUNWscpu ? Am I old fashioned and confused ?

2006-04-12 Thread UNIX admin
 Do you realize what this could mean ?
 It could mean that separate filesystems could be
 abolished.  At least once
 upon a time, way way back in the Solaris 2.5.1 days I
 would regularly create
 a separate / and /var and /usr and certainly a
 separate /opt on any server
 or workstation.  These days I have made to switch to
 big fat root with
 /opt still separate.
 Perhaps ZFS will allow me to toss _everything_ into a
 ZFS hierarchy.

What the...

I haven't used separate FileSystems since PROM 1.x, where the / FS couldn't be 
booted by the PROM if it had been greater than 1GB.


df -h
Filesystem Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d0  16G   7.6G   8.1G49%/
/devices 0K 0K 0K 0%/devices
ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0%/system/contract
proc 0K 0K 0K 0%/proc
mnttab   0K 0K 0K 0%/etc/mnttab
swap   1.1G   648K   1.1G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
objfs0K 0K 0K 0%/system/object
fd   0K 0K 0K 0%/dev/fd
swap   1.2G   175M   1.1G14%/tmp
swap   1.1G44K   1.1G 1%/var/run

Do you see that?  That's one single FileSystem for everything, on an 18GB disk 
no less.
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] However, the zfs file system /export/zfs_0 must be shared ?? What ?

2006-04-12 Thread Darren J Moffat

Dennis Clarke wrote:

What the heck is that /export/zfs_0 is already shared. ??
No its not.

So I setup the share manually in /etc/dfs/dfstab thus :

# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
/etc/dfs/dfstab 1 lines, 97 characters
share -F nfs -o ro=isis,root=isis -d jumpstart

So why did you do that rather than what it suggested you should do which is:

# zfs set sharenfs=ro=isis,root=isis zfs_0

Darren J Moffat
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [request-sponsor] Re: [osol-discuss] Contributing Code

2006-04-12 Thread James Carlson
John Levon writes:
 I really wish people would just remove themselves as RE when they're not doing
 anything, I find it really annoying. I bet there's a number of bugs that
 actually aren't getting fixed due to old RE entries.

There's no way to tell.  The standing rule I've heard is that if you
see something you're interested in, and it hasn't been touched in a
long time, then contact the RE to see if he'd be willing to give it
up.  The answer is almost always yes.

That's why those fields don't get reset.  It's just too easy to work
around the problem, so nobody bothers fixing it.

Listing bugs by time of last modification (rather than RE != NULL or
dispatch/accept) might be more interesting.

  I still think, though, that the accepted/dispatched distinction is
  important, and that finding ways to encourage better use of the tools
  is a better plan.
 I have no idea how you plan to encourage people to keep information in bugster
 accurate, but I wish you the best of luck :)

Extremely irritating cron jobs and pointed sticks come to mind.  :-/

James Carlson, KISS Network[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive 71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] However, the zfs file system /export/zfs_0 must be shared ?? What ?

2006-04-12 Thread Peter Tribble
On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 14:01, Dennis Clarke wrote:
 I like to perform little experiments.  Its my nature.
 So I wondered to myself .. just how small a footprint can SXCR have?
 I know that Eric Bootilier did some interesting work with the reduced core
 install cluster and I was thinking of starting there and then ripping out
 packages until the system fell over or became just barely useable.

I spent some time on this too, at about the same time Eric
was doing his stuff. I got production servers down to 74
packages in S10 - and you could slash that quite a bit 
further if you don't mind losing functionality.


-Peter Tribble
L.I.S., University of Hertfordshire - http://www.herts.ac.uk/
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris Featured in Linux Format Magazine--with BeliniX DVD!

2006-04-12 Thread Laura Ramsey

This just in from Chhandomay--the OpenSolaris feature and BeliniX DVD
is out.. in the April edition of Linux Format.
Congrats Moinak! thanks Dennis! Thanks ERIC! Great visibility for the
OpenSolaris community!




Mike Saunders published a very
positive, in-depth 'how to' article
for OpenSolaris in this month's Linux Format. The article was
by a DVD of OpenSolaris distribution Belenix 0.4a. Linux Format is the
top selling
Linux publication in the UK and also has significant readership in the

wrote the how-to and installation guide based on his own testing of
using the included Belenix distribution in the accompanying DVD. The combined how-to and DVD in this publication
are ideal for reaching out to Linux developers and users, and should
be a great lead generator for additional trial runs of OpenSolaris. 

Overall this is a very positive piece. Saunders opens the article
by praising Solaris, highlighting "it has an excellent and
reputation of being rock-solid and speedy on multi-CPU servers  its
very much the OS of choice for large-scale Oracle database systems."
He then goes into the benefits of running opening up Solaris to a
community audience.

The piece is quite technical
and walks users for the steps of installing and running
OpenSolaris. On the feature side, Saunders encourages users to visit
the open
versions of Dtrace and Solaris Zones -- highlighting these as two
features of Solaris 10. 

Saunders highlights through the 'how-to'
piece that while OpenSolaris - and Solaris in general - are decent for
desktop environment, that it really shines with large servers. He
mentions, " Cosmetically, Belenix is similar to many Linux
Solaris was already heading in this direction before Sun open sourced
as Solaris 10 (the current release) uses the Gnome-based JDS as its
desktop environment. It's when you dig under the surface that you
uncover the astoundingly powerful features and capabilities that have
Solaris a favourite of many admins. Theyre not the kind of features
will revolutionise a desktop experience, but on big iron machines
mightily valuable." 

The article is only available in print, but
we received a PDF of the article and have attached below. 

Many people contributed to the success of
this piece. Many thanks go to Laura
Ramsey for pulling this all together under a very tight deadline, and
to Moinak Ghosh, Dennis Clarke, and
Eric Boutlier for contributions to the DVD.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Glynn Foster

On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 20:03 -0400, Bill Rushmore wrote:
 I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.  We have two 
 good places to get what we need what could a new community here provide 
 besides usurping what has been done already?  Again, I am not saying this 
 to be arguementive, I am just still not getting why we need this.
 Now Sun may have need for this to address open source software for 
 Solaris, but if I ran the show at Sun I would just put the resources that 
 would be used for the CCD into Blastwave.)

I think we need to scope this out, both in terms of process, technical
and user requirements - if proposing a new project does that, then I
think it's for the best. 

I don't think anyone can really morally stand up and say 'Use Blastwave'
or 'Use X, Y and Z' without really sitting down, putting some hard
thought into what we need, and figuring out what the current situation
is. Political or personal problems aside, if this is going to fly, we're
all going to have to make compromises for greater gain, Sun included.

I'll be the first to stand up to say that I'm disappointed in how the
opening in CCD has been handled, but given that I've gone through a
similar thing in helping to get the JDS source and build environments
opened, I'm not hugely surprised.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread lianep

Bill Rushmore writes:
 I see no reason why the community needs yet another project. 

I hope we're not heading down a path where project creation can be 
vetoed.  The Project support on opensolaris.org should be available
for all ideas -- good, bad, and even duplicate ones.  The existence of 
a project doesn't dictate acceptance, and it is reasonable to point
out areas of overlap or foreseeable issues to new projects.  That's
been done here and heard loud and clear.

Still, a project is simply a place to discuss and maybe even prototype
ideas in an open manner.  If there isn't such a place, people will be
driven to other venues than opensolaris.org to collaborate on as-yet
unproven ideas.  That seems like an unfortunate outcome worth avoiding.

(Communities, of course, have stricter non-duplication rules.)

To me, the initial goal of the Companion project is to get what Sun's been 
doing for years out in the open.  That way we can all discuss the goals of
each freeware-distribution mechansim objectively and see if they can be
reconciled in such a way that a single source base can meet the
requirements of the many constituents.  I sincerely hope such reconciliation
of technical goals is possible.

All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone 
can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?

(a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time)
Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blogs.sun.com/lianep

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Dennis Clarke

 On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 20:03 -0400, Bill Rushmore wrote:
 I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.  We have two
 good places to get what we need what could a new community here provide
 besides usurping what has been done already?  Again, I am not saying this
 to be arguementive, I am just still not getting why we need this.

 Now Sun may have need for this to address open source software for
 Solaris, but if I ran the show at Sun I would just put the resources that
 would be used for the CCD into Blastwave.)

 I think we need to scope this out, both in terms of process, technical
 and user requirements - if proposing a new project does that, then I
 think it's for the best.

 I don't think anyone can really morally stand up and say 'Use Blastwave'
 or 'Use X, Y and Z' without really sitting down, putting some hard
 thought into what we need, and figuring out what the current situation
 is. Political or personal problems aside, if this is going to fly, we're
 all going to have to make compromises for greater gain, Sun included.

 I'll be the first to stand up to say that I'm disappointed in how the
 opening in CCD has been handled, but given that I've gone through a
 similar thing in helping to get the JDS source and build environments
 opened, I'm not hugely surprised.


  There must be a way in which we can work together.  Compromises made
  and fences dropped.  I am always trying to be a peace maker despite
  all my noise and passion.

  There must be a way to proceed with a dream that I have had for years
  and years.  I once had this vision that Solaris users could simply
  jump into a The Network is the Computer sort of project and have
  instant access to software tools, people, documentation and a whole
  community that works together to solve each others problems and openly
  exchange ideas.  The open source needs of Solaris users begs for such
  a construct.

  Blastwave was created such that people in the Solaris community could
  get a free account and have access to the tools and the hardware and
  the people.  For free.  They could create and share.  Back when those
  tools were big money this was a cool thing.

  I have been holding in reserve a whole other domain name, OPN4.org and
  all other extensions.  Open for users.  Open for corporate and even
  just Open for me.  I had this dream that I could somehow build a net
  of systems running a host of services that people could join, access
  use and share.  For free.

  I'm most likely just a dreamer.

Dennis Clarke

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Alan Coopersmith

Dennis Clarke wrote:

  There must be a way in which we can work together.  Compromises made
  and fences dropped.  I am always trying to be a peace maker despite
  all my noise and passion.

So that's a +1 from you in favor of Keith's proposal to set up a project
area/mailing list on opensolaris.org where the Companion Software project
can work together with the community to determine what the best path forward
is and tear down the fence that's kept the Companion Software project internal
until now?

-Alan Coopersmith-   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread lianep

Dennis Clarke writes:
  All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone
  can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
  own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?
Have a look at :  http://svn.blastwave.org/
   Please read : http://svn.blastwave.org/wiki/GettingStarted
There are 478 of the packages data in there plus the entire ON src.
The other 1000 or so packages are being migrated in place.
This is all being done and has been in progress for 6 months.

Cool!  I'll take a look.  Glad to see that this aspect of our 
goals are aligned. :)

Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blogs.sun.com/lianep

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread James Dickens

 Bill Rushmore writes:
  I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.

 I hope we're not heading down a path where project creation can be
 vetoed.  The Project support on opensolaris.org should be available
 for all ideas -- good, bad, and even duplicate ones.  The existence of
 a project doesn't dictate acceptance, and it is reasonable to point
 out areas of overlap or foreseeable issues to new projects.  That's
 been done here and heard loud and clear.

perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects. This
project was okayed only by Sun employees, I didn't notice anyone
outside of Sun giving an okay on this project, and at least one of the
one of the two people that okayed the project had a vested interest in
it, (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time),  
Perhaps persons with a vested interest in a project should recuse
themselfs from the approval proccess.

I feel something as important as an OpenSource instalation standards
needs broarder support than just a couple members of the project
approving it. It will be too easy for this project to create a
standard that doesn't meet the current needs of the community, that
appears to have chosen sunfreeware and blastwave as standards

 Still, a project is simply a place to discuss and maybe even prototype
 ideas in an open manner.  If there isn't such a place, people will be
 driven to other venues than opensolaris.org to collaborate on as-yet
 unproven ideas.  That seems like an unfortunate outcome worth avoiding.

this particular project seems to need more than a project offers, it
really needs to be a community to support the numerous packages that
this encompasses.

 (Communities, of course, have stricter non-duplication rules.)

 To me, the initial goal of the Companion project is to get what Sun's been
 doing for years out in the open.  That way we can all discuss the goals of
 each freeware-distribution mechansim objectively and see if they can be
 reconciled in such a way that a single source base can meet the
 requirements of the many constituents.  I sincerely hope such reconciliation
 of technical goals is possible.

it would of been better to engnlist parties that are involved to work
together on this task, so that you would have broarder support.

 All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone
 can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
 own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?

yes its planned, a subversion repository is being setup and will be
ready for code to be added to it shortly.

James Dickens

 (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time)
 Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blogs.sun.com/lianep

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Keith M. Wesolowski
On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 08:03:54PM -0400, Bill Rushmore wrote:

 I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.  We have two 
 good places to get what we need what could a new community here provide 
 besides usurping what has been done already?  Again, I am not saying this 
 to be arguementive, I am just still not getting why we need this.

No one is 'usurping' anything.  This project team is not demanding
that Blastwave be disbanded.  Nor are we intending to go off and
reimplement exactly what others have done and call it the Official
OpenSolaris Software Distribution And All Others Suck And Must Not Be
Used Because Sun Says So.  That name would be way too long and does
not have a convenient abbreviation (you can laugh here; that's not the
real reason).

The Companion has a few advantages over Blastwave.  One of the most
important is that we do not duplicate software which is already in
current builds of Solaris (put another way, it's in another
OpenSolaris consolidation).  This comes at a price - we don't support
older releases.  Neither Blastwave nor Sunfreeware has solved this
problem, and it's quite a serious one, especially where libraries are
concerned.  James touched on this issue in one of his earlier
messages.  One of the things we'd like to do with the Companion is
find a really good way to gracefully retire components once they're
integrated into another consolidation, while still providing the
necessary functionality to users of older OS releases.

Another advantage, while not a technical one, is that some Solaris
customers are more comfortable using the Companion than software
obtained elsewhere.  I'll be the first to admit that there's no good
reason - Sun provides no support whatever for this product.
Nevertheless, whatever we produce will see the widest usage if it's
considered Sun-blessed.

The Companion also offers us a way to start testing some of the
processes and tools needed by the rest of OpenSolaris.  Because the
process around the Companion is much lighter-weight than that used by
most other consolidations, we'll be able to start simple and add more
tools and process steps when other consolidations are ready to use
them.  Ultimately, the processes and tools we'll need for ON and other
large consolidations will have to scale far better, and offer more
stringent quality checks, than Blastwave's current processes can.
That means it will be possible to deliver a better product with less
work.  I know Dennis and the many package maintainers spend tens of
thousands of hours every year in support of Blastwave.  With better
tools - tools which they won't have to build and maintain themselves
and which will in time become familiar to and comfortable for all
OpenSolaris contributors - much of that time might be saved.  The same
could be said for Sunfreeware.

Certainly Blastwave is way ahead of us in terms of distribution - if
you look at the Sun pages for the Companion, they're laughable,
especially dependency management (or lack thereof).  I'm not convinced
that pkg-get is the best solution to this problem, despite its readily
apparent efficacy.  In many ways it seems that pkg-get exists mainly
because the right fix would have required changes to the packaging
tools themselves, and the source was simply not available at the time.
With that problem addressed, this issue deserves a second look.  But
we all recognise that the future of third-party software distribution
is a network-enabled one, and it's embarrassing that Sun has done so
little to move in that direction with the Companion.

Even in the worst case, Sun will need to continue to offer something
like the Companion.  If we can't work together on this project with
contributors to other efforts, there's little chance that management
would desire to co-bundle the product of one of those other efforts,
either.  Even if that unfortunate outcome results here, it's still
preferable that the Companion be developed openly.  Thus, this project
is still needed; projects are the basic containers for work.

But more hopefully, we invite and encourage the Blastwave team and any
other interested parties to participate - this is not a
reimplementation or usurpation but rather an exercise in improvement
and unification.  One thing I think everyone will agree with is that
users benefit greatly from having a single place to get the latest
software, linked consistently and in a way that avoids both
duplication and conflicts.  In the best case, this project will
deliver on this goal.  We're a long way from there if the bitterness
in this thread is any indication.  So let me make clear that there are
no preconceived notions about how the endgame is to be reached.  If
everyone agrees that Blastwave is ahead of the Companion in every
conceivable way and that every solution chosen by Blastwave is clearly
correct, perhaps this project becomes a thin wrapper around the
existing Blastwave effort, providing the Sun stamp of approval that

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread lianep

James Dickens writes:
 perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects.

Or any community member's pet project...  The projects page says:

  The process for requesting a new project requires that a community
  member write a proposal to the opensolaris-discuss list and at least
  one other community member agree with the proposal.

There's no statement about employer there.  If you'd like one, perhaps 
that's a matter to take up with the OGB?

 and at least one of the
 one of the two people that okayed the project had a vested interest in
 it, (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time),

I said that in the interest of full-disclosure.  It seemed dishonest to
not reveal my participation. 

 it would of been better to engnlist parties that are involved to work
 together on this task, so that you would have broarder support.

I hope all interested parties will participate in the discussion once 
the project mailing list is open.

Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blogs.sun.com/lianep

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread David J. Orman
 perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects. This
 project was okayed only by Sun employees, I didn't notice anyone
 outside of Sun giving an okay on this project, and at least one of the
 one of the two people that okayed the project had a vested interest in
 it, (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time),
 Perhaps persons with a vested interest in a project should recuse
 themselfs from the approval proccess.

Sorry if I'm mistaken, but if nobody with a vested interest okayed
things, nothing would ever get okayed. You quite obviously have a vested
interest in this topic (or at least appear to have one..) Does that make
your input/okay/yes/no not worthwhile?

 I feel something as important as an OpenSource instalation standards
 needs broarder support than just a couple members of the project
 approving it. It will be too easy for this project to create a
 standard that doesn't meet the current needs of the community, that
 appears to have chosen sunfreeware and blastwave as standards

I think starting a project/community to discuss this kind of collaboration
as asked for by Dennis and so forth isn't creating a standard dictated by
Sun. It's just a discussion forum.. Time will tell how standards come out
of it, from the looks of things they will come when everybody involved
comes to a general consensus. That's how things should happen, anyways. I
don't agree with having packages only built one way, with no recourse in
changing options. Currently, that's where I'm stuck with blastwave. I
understand this is changing, but this kind of discussion would be better
served by a forum *for* this kind of discussion, instead of on a general
discussion list.

 this particular project seems to need more than a project offers, it
 really needs to be a community to support the numerous packages that
 this encompasses.

So starting a project/community/whatever you want to call it in order to
plan and lay out the future direction of this particular facet of
OpenSolaris is bad? I don't understand your logic. It would seem to me
this would benefit all of those involved, Dennis and so forth included. I
don't see this as some kind of draconian Sun-run group that doesn't allow
anybody any freedom, and whatever they say goes. It looks like a simple
attempt to create a *place* to discuss these topics and come to agreement
on what the future plan should be. If that's using Blastwave, so be it. If
it's taking Blastwave and morphing it into something else, so be it. It
sounds like Dennis is open to anything as long as we move *forward*.

 it would of been better to engnlist parties that are involved to work
 together on this task, so that you would have broarder support.

Isn't that the idea of this?

 yes its planned, a subversion repository is being setup and will be
 ready for code to be added to it shortly.

Cool, Dennis went into more detail on this in an earlier post. It sounds
great, and it's a necessary step in order to progress.

 James Dickens

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Alan Coopersmith

James Dickens wrote:

perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects.

Why should it be hard for any project?  Perhaps Project Approval
is the wrong term - this process is not supposed to indicate any
stamp of approval of a proposed solution or exclusivisity - just
that there's enough people interested in it to set aside a section
of the opensolaris.org website and a mailing list/forum for further
discussion.   Project Hosting Request would be a better description,
as it's akin to asking for a spot on sourceforge for project hosting,
not asking for endorsement of the project goals.

+1 to this does not say The Companion CD must be the one and only
way of distributing packages or even The current Companion CD
is the right model.   All it says is This is something related to
opensolaris which can have it's own section on the website and mailing
list.   It doesn't preclude any other projects, presuppose any
conclusions, just says Let's talk - and clearly there's a lot of
people who want to talk about this, including you.

As for Sun's pet projects, I don't see how that has any relevance
- the ksh93-integration was certainly not one of Sun's pet projects,
and it sailed through.   I doubt you'ld have any problem getting a
second for a Blastwave project if you decided you wanted to run the
blastwave mailing lists through opensolaris.org instead of blastwave.org.

And even if it was easier for Sun, so what?   Given that all that
creating a project does is provide web space  mailing lists on
servers that Sun is providing and maintaining, would it be so terrible
that Sun is making use of these services to provide the community
with more information and opportunities for participation than they'd
otherwise get?

-Alan Coopersmith-   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Al Hopper
On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, James Dickens wrote:

  Bill Rushmore writes:
   I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.
  I hope we're not heading down a path where project creation can be
  vetoed.  The Project support on opensolaris.org should be available
  for all ideas -- good, bad, and even duplicate ones.  The existence of
  a project doesn't dictate acceptance, and it is reasonable to point
  out areas of overlap or foreseeable issues to new projects.  That's
  been done here and heard loud and clear.

 perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects. This
 project was okayed only by Sun employees, I didn't notice anyone
 outside of Sun giving an okay on this project, and at least one of the
 one of the two people that okayed the project had a vested interest in
 it, (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time),

If you, or anyone else, sees flaw(s) in the OpenSolaris project or
community request/creation process, or *any* other process, then please
address it on cab-discuss.  Don't punish and victimize the next
person/group/organization that proposes a new project.  If the *process* is
flawed, correct the process.  As my flight instructor would say work the
problem ... work-the-problem.

 Perhaps persons with a vested interest in a project should recuse
 themselfs from the approval proccess.

Again - if its an approval proccess issue and you, or anyone else, feels
that it needs to be addressed, bring it up on cab-discuss and encourage
the CAB/OGB to work it.  And continue to work the problem until you feel
that it is resolved to your satisfaction.

Problems with any OpenSolaris process should not manifest themselves when
someone (anyone) proposes a new project or community.  And I'll tell you
right now, I won't/don't support or condone any form of favoritism based on
anyones' email domain name or employer.  We can't possibly have a workable
community if there is any form of favoritism or preferential treatment.

As an aside, if I live at logical-approach.com and discuss my desire to
form an OpenSolaris project with my colleagues and co-workers and we reach
consensus ... it's pretty obvious that if I were to propose a new
OpenSolaris project, my colleauges would probably second and third the
project creation request.  That seems pretty natural to me

 I feel something as important as an OpenSource instalation standards
 needs broarder support than just a couple members of the project
 approving it. It will be too easy for this project to create a
 standard that doesn't meet the current needs of the community, that
 appears to have chosen sunfreeware and blastwave as standards

Addressed above.

  Still, a project is simply a place to discuss and maybe even prototype
  ideas in an open manner.  If there isn't such a place, people will be
  driven to other venues than opensolaris.org to collaborate on as-yet
  unproven ideas.  That seems like an unfortunate outcome worth avoiding.

 this particular project seems to need more than a project offers, it
 really needs to be a community to support the numerous packages that
 this encompasses.

Keith already proposed a Community and did'nt receive any CAB votes.  Why?
Because there are already too many communities.  And I'm delighted to see
Keith recover from this rejection and come back with a project creation

  (Communities, of course, have stricter non-duplication rules.)
  To me, the initial goal of the Companion project is to get what Sun's been
  doing for years out in the open.  That way we can all discuss the goals of
  each freeware-distribution mechansim objectively and see if they can be
  reconciled in such a way that a single source base can meet the
  requirements of the many constituents.  I sincerely hope such reconciliation
  of technical goals is possible.
 it would of been better to engnlist parties that are involved to work
 together on this task, so that you would have broarder support.

  All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone
  can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
  own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?

 yes its planned, a subversion repository is being setup and will be
 ready for code to be added to it shortly.

 James Dickens

  (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time)
  Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blogs.sun.com/lianep

Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris.Org Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Al Hopper
On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bill Rushmore writes:
  I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.

 I hope we're not heading down a path where project creation can be
 vetoed.  The Project support on opensolaris.org should be available
 for all ideas -- good, bad, and even duplicate ones.  The existence of
 a project doesn't dictate acceptance, and it is reasonable to point
 out areas of overlap or foreseeable issues to new projects.  That's
 been done here and heard loud and clear.


 Still, a project is simply a place to discuss and maybe even prototype
 ideas in an open manner.  If there isn't such a place, people will be
 driven to other venues than opensolaris.org to collaborate on as-yet
 unproven ideas.  That seems like an unfortunate outcome worth avoiding.


 (Communities, of course, have stricter non-duplication rules.)

 To me, the initial goal of the Companion project is to get what Sun's been
 doing for years out in the open.  That way we can all discuss the goals of
 each freeware-distribution mechansim objectively and see if they can be
 reconciled in such a way that a single source base can meet the
 requirements of the many constituents.  I sincerely hope such reconciliation
 of technical goals is possible.


 All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone
 can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
 own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?

 (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time)

Alert!  Alert!  Massive outbreak of sarcasm detected!  Possibly a 9 on the
Reichter Scale.  Seek immediate shelter.  Alert!  Alert!  :)


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris.Org Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Eric Boutilier

Glynn Foster wrote:


On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 20:03 -0400, Bill Rushmore wrote:

I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.  We have two 
good places to get what we need what could a new community here provide 
besides usurping what has been done already?  Again, I am not saying this 
to be arguementive, I am just still not getting why we need this.

Now Sun may have need for this to address open source software for 
Solaris, but if I ran the show at Sun I would just put the resources that 
would be used for the CCD into Blastwave.)

I think we need to scope this out, both in terms of process, technical
and user requirements - if proposing a new project does that, then I
think it's for the best. 

I don't think anyone can really morally stand up and say 'Use Blastwave'
or 'Use X, Y and Z' without really sitting down, putting some hard
thought into what we need, and figuring out what the current situation

+1 but I have to admit, my gut is kinda saying the Companion project is 
not the best place to do the scoping. The problem is, I can't think of a 
better way to go about it under the circumstances. Maybe that's because 
no meaningful scoping could even be done as long as one of the ports 
systems was not open to scrutiny (that being the Companion). So now that 
the Companion _is_ going to be released, its mail-list and project site 
are the default and logical place to do the general scoping.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-12 Thread Dennis Clarke

 Dennis Clarke wrote:
   There must be a way in which we can work together.  Compromises made
   and fences dropped.  I am always trying to be a peace maker despite
   all my noise and passion.

 So that's a +1 from you in favor of Keith's proposal to set up a project

  I blatantly disagree with the creation of yet another separate project
  that completely replaces services and processes that already exist and
  have been built at great expense by the community.  Anything missing
  is being worked on and slowly we make progress.  Month after month
  with great effort and care.  If you would like to discuss the process
  then you may join the Blastwave project and get involved in making
  change.  Its a community project that pre-dates OpenSolaris.

  I can tell you for sure that we do need to have an open line of
  discussion and I will not sit back and silently nod.  I have no
  reason to do such a thing.

  There has to be some middle ground.  Somewhere.  I generally trust
  my gut instincts and I am uneasy.

  That is why I have sat here silent for 3 hours.

  Now I need time to think it through.

Dennis Clarke

opensolaris-discuss mailing list