Re: [osg-users] Node Callback never called

2012-08-23 Thread Vincent Bourdier


Nice idea, but there is no other callback antwhere in the code, so i 
don't think so.


Le 23/08/2012 08:55, Stephan Huber a écrit :


any chance there's another updatecallback attached to one of the geode's
parents and it is missing  a "traverse(node, nv)" ?


Am 23.08.12 08:42, schrieb Vincent Bourdier:


I'm currently having some troubles in my code that I didn't understand.
Some help would be very apreciated :

I have a nodeCallback to animate a shader.
I set this callback as nodeCallback on a geode that is displayed, but
the callback operator() is never called.
I set the same callback as CullCallback on the same geode, now it works.

Maybe this is something very simple, but after a day on this issue I'm
getting mad.

Thanks for your help.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] statically linking osgPlugins for Android

2012-08-23 Thread Laurens Voerman

Hi James,

in c++ code add the macro:


link with osgdb_3ds.lib

this is also used in the static linked viewer example: 


On 8/23/2012 12:51 AM, James Cotton wrote:

I managed to get OSG compiled without issue for Android and incorporate it into 
my application.  However, the models I would like to use are .3DS and I'm 
trying to get the 3ds plugin used.  It was disabled in the build process, but 
was reenable without much issue.

However, I don't know how to tie it into my application.  Currently the Android 
toolchain builds OSG statically but when I enable debugging messages the code 
is still looking for .so plugins. This is also an issue for the texture files 
( So I have two questions for possible solutions:

1) is there a way to make things that currently use plugins use statically 
linked code?  Like an alternative registration to permanently register those 
plugins at init and make sure the code gets linked in?
2) if not, can anyone suggest how to make the plugins build as a .so and the 
core code to build as a static library (for Android).

Or any other approaches you guys can suggest.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Node Callback never called

2012-08-23 Thread Sergey Polischuk

iirc update traversals (and may be event traversals too) dont traverse 
subgraphs under nested cameras. Is it your case?


23.08.2012, 11:09, "Vincent Bourdier" :
> Hi,
> Nice idea, but there is no other callback antwhere in the code, so i
> don't think so.
> thanks,
> Vincent.
> Le 23/08/2012 08:55, Stephan Huber a écrit :
>>  Hi,
>>  any chance there's another updatecallback attached to one of the geode's
>>  parents and it is missing  a "traverse(node, nv)" ?
>>  cheers,
>>  Stephan
>>  Am 23.08.12 08:42, schrieb Vincent Bourdier:
>>>  Hi,
>>>  I'm currently having some troubles in my code that I didn't understand.
>>>  Some help would be very apreciated :
>>>  I have a nodeCallback to animate a shader.
>>>  I set this callback as nodeCallback on a geode that is displayed, but
>>>  the callback operator() is never called.
>>>  I set the same callback as CullCallback on the same geode, now it works.
>>>  Maybe this is something very simple, but after a day on this issue I'm
>>>  getting mad.
>>>  Thanks for your help.
>>>  Regards,
>>>  Vincent.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] how to be notified that the viewport is changed?

2012-08-23 Thread wh_xiexing
dear friends:
when the user resize the applicatioin's window,  how do i know the viewport of 
the camera is changed?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Trying to make Qt HUD inside OSG scene

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Max,

Just place the OSG/Qt widget subgraph below an orthographic Camera to
create the HUD effect you are after.  See the osghud example.


On 16 August 2012 09:26, Max Sergeev  wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm kind of newbie in both OSG and Qt, still I'm trying to make Qt HUD upon 
> my OSG window, what I want is Qt interface elements fixed inside OSG scene, 
> not spinning with the model. The thing is, I need Qt elements INSIDE osg 
> scene, not OSG scene inside Qt window (like in OSGviewerQt example).
> What I've got yet is OSGQtWidgets example with --useWidgetImage --fullscreen 
> arguments, which shows fixed Qt controls ontop of OSG Model. The thing is, it 
> creates new (FIXED) camera for qt element ontop of OSG model -- because of 
> that, user cannot spin and move OSG model because camera is not transparent.
> So the question is: is there a way to make transparent camera with useable Qt 
> elements in it? Or is there some other way to achieve my goals?
> Thank you in advance!
> Cheers,
> Max
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] cannot get floating-point multisampled FBOs

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
On 17 August 2012 11:15, Daniel Schmid  wrote:
> Hi Robert
> I wonder if this bug has been investigated further or even fixed.
> Do you have any news concerning this?

I have now news on this front.  I am slowly getting back to
investigating issues/merging submissions but as I have rather a long
backlog I'll be spread rather thinly over topics.  What does scale
better is the community so I'd encourage the community like yourself
to investigate the issue and report back findings/suggestions.

> I face the exact same problem. No AA / multisampling on floating point render 
> targets...

I haven't tried combining multi-sampling and floating point render
targets so can't comment on what to expect.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] play animation backwards?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Thilo,

On 18 August 2012 20:42, Thilo Weigel  wrote:
> I locally changed Animation::update() to be virtual and inherited my own 
> animation class with special "backwards animation" code in the update() 
> function.
> Would it be possible to make Animation::update() virtual in future osg 
> releases? Or is my approach rather discouraged?

I'm not the author of this code so like yourself will have to read the
code and make a decision about it, without this review I can't say
whether changing Animation::update to virtual will present any issues.
 I would suggest that you modify the code and then post it to
osg-submissions so that I or Cedric Pinson (osgAnimation author) can
review the change with a view to merging it with OSG trunk if

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem with GUIEventAdapter mouse wheel event in Qt

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Michael,

I'm rather cold on this topic as I'm no Qt expert but from a general
perspective of how osgGA::EventQueue::mouseScroll() and
osgGA::GUIEventAdapter work together one should expect the X,Y values
return for a scroll event to be of the previous mouse x,y position and
the mouse coordinates previous set up in EventQueue.  The X,Y values
won't be directly related to the mouse scroll event itself, the values
for the scroll event are encoded in the
GUIEventAdaopter::ScrollingMotion value.


On 19 August 2012 20:46, Michael Schanne  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing something strange with mouse wheel (SCROLL) events in 
> GUIEventAdapter.  My app is a Qt app set up following the osgviewerQt 
> example.  I am trying to implement zooming with the mouse where the zoom 
> follows the mouse cursor.  In some cases I want to zoom with mouse clicks, 
> and in other cases I want to use the mouse wheel.  Zooming was not working 
> correctly when I used the mouse wheel.  I noticed that for SCROLL events, the 
> x and y min/max were always -1 / +1, which caused 
> GUIEventAdapter::getX/Ynormalized() to return the wrong values.  So, I 
> figured I would just use getX/Y() instead and use inverse viewport matrix to 
> get the normalized device coordinates.  But, then I noticed I was still 
> getting inconsistent values for the Y coordinate.  For a RELEASE event, the 
> GUIEventAdapter has Y_INCREASING_DOWNWARDS for the y orientation, and getY() 
> returns 0 in the top left corner of the window.  For a SCROLL event, it has 
> Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS and getY() returns 0 in the bott
>   left corner.  Why are the two event types inconsistent?  Is there some 
> attribute I am forgetting to set somewhere?
> I am using OSG 3.0.0 and Qt 4.7.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Michael
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] how to do culling with shader tranformed geometry?

2012-08-23 Thread Alexej Fink

I need an advice regarding the culling setup.
In my application I use a vertex shader to transform 3d geometry from the 
flat-world scene graph to the related position on a sphere (globe).

Having a normal camera, which hovers over the transformed spheric world breaks 
the culling stage, cause the frustum culling is applied to the untransformed 
(flat) world in the scene graph compared to the rendered spheric world with 
transformed geometry.

So how to setup the culling for such a scenario?
* Can I setup two different cameras, one for culling and one for drawing (how)?
* And how to deal with the culling on boundaries in the flat world which shall 
met in the spheric world -- they usually do not fit into a single frustum?


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] HUD disappeared

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi wh? xiexin? Which human name would you like to be addressed as?

There isn't any way we'll be able to pinpoint the problem you are
seeing from just this code extract, there are simply too many unknowns
about the rest of your application to pass judgement.

The best I can do is provide a general comment.  For on HUD compass I
would recommend using a viewer slave Camera rather than a Camera in
the main scene graph - this keeps the various components of the
application behaviour nice and separate both conceptually and
implementation wise.  It might even solve the bug you are seeing as
for all we know it might simply be that you are replacing the main
scene graph with your new model and discarding the compass subgraph.


On 20 August 2012 03:17, wh_xiexing  wrote:
> i create a compass on the screen, but when i open an model , the HUD Compass
> disappeared .   following is my code.
> can some one tell me how to resolve this problem?
> //create hud camera
> theCameraNode = new osg::Camera;
> theCameraNode->setReferenceFrame(osg::Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF);
> theCameraNode->setProjectionMatrix(osg::Matrix::ortho2D(-1,1,-1,1));
> theCameraNode->setViewMatrix(osg::Matrix::identity());
> theCameraNode->setViewport(0,0,200,200);
> theCameraNode->setClearMask(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
> theCameraNode->setRenderOrder(osg::CameraNode::POST_RENDER);
> theCompass = new ocsCompass;  // compass node
> theCameraNode->addChild(theCompass);
> addChild(theCameraNode);
> wh_xiexing
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Evaluation of OpenSceneGraph as scene graph library for embedded devices

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Frank,

The OSG is capable of providing all these features on the desktop with
fixed function pipe and embedded systems with the appropriate shaders.
 Performance wise the OSG will help you in your quest as it provides
are wide range of features are written specifically for maximizing
performance - i.e. culling, LOD's, state sorting, fast paths etc.
Doing all what you require on embedded systems is not exceptional
compared to what others are using the OSG for, and the OSG itself
won't limit you.

What will limit you is the hardware that you are deploying on and as
this is a moving target and what exactly you'll have on screen on any
time, and how well you build for scene graph are all variables that
none of us can predict, so to yes or no would be simply irrational.
The best we can advise is that OSG itself will help you in your quest
as that's it's job.

Any more or less than other API's?  Again one can't really say yes or
no, it depends upon what features the other API's support.  I would
however say that open source API's that are backed by active
communities is a huge asset no matter what middle-ware you choose to
use, and would say that on an evolving target like embedded systems
this is far more critical as the community can pull together to keep
track of new developments.


On 17 August 2012 16:27, Frank Schmidt  wrote:
> Hi,
>we are currently evaluating scene graph libraries for an application in 
> the CAD/Engineering domain, which shall run on embedded devices.
>We would like to visualize data (points, polylines, digital terrain models 
> (DTMs), point clouds) in 2D and 3D views. The estimated amount of data is:
>- number of points: < 5.000 (worst case: 200.000); visualized with a 
> texture
>- number of polylines: < 5.000 (worst case: 100.000)
>- number of vertices per polyline: ~10
>- number of triangles in DTMs: < 100.000 (worst case: 1.000.000)
>- number of points in point clouds: < 100.000 (worst case: 500.000); 
> visualized as 1 pixel per point
>- number and size of textures: negligible
>We have to render mainly wire frame. Triangles half-transparent with 
> lights for a better visualization. Good performance is a must. A good visual 
> user-experience is important (anti-aliasing, stippled lines). There is no 
> need for physics, sounds, materials, etc.
>- OS: Windows EC7
>- Rendering API: OpenGL ES 2.0 (we have HW acceleration)
>- RAM: 50...100 MB available for scene graph and rendering
>- Screen size: WVGA (800 x 480)
>- Floating Point Unit (FPU) available
>The scene graph library has to be portable to:
>- OS: WinCE 6.0, Windows 8 RT, Android
>- Rendering API: any
>- RAM: 50...100 MB available for scene graph and rendering
>- Screen size: VGA (640 x 480) ... WSVGA (1024 x 600)
>- Do you think the requirements could be fulfilled by this scene graph 
> library?
>- What are the biggest challenges you see?
>- Is there a company offering consultancy, customization and support 
> services for this library?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Frank
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Transparent objects distorsion

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Andrey,

On 2 August 2012 05:26, Andrey Zubarev  wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I have a problem with transparent objects. In the code (please, see attached 
> file) there is a red (opaque) sphere inside a yellow (transparent) capsule. 
> But when the capsule rotates, some kind of "distorsions" appear on it... Is 
> it possible to avoid these distorsions? How?

I have so many posts to get through I'll not dive into getting source
code to build, could you explain what you mean by distortion, a series
of screen shots would be a good way to explain this.

I would also recommend looking up on the issues of rendering
transparent objects with z buffer based systems like OpenGL/hardware.
This topic has been covered many times in the OSG community with lots
of explanations and suggestions.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Garret,

Could I suggest that you try out the new
osgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap found in svn/trunk of the OSG, it's
more robust and flexible than the old LispSM implementation.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] window-in-window terrain view

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Dan,

Have a look at the osgcompositeviewer example as this demonstrate how
you set up multiple views that have separate or shared scene graphs.


On 19 August 2012 18:55, Dan Marshal  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using OSG to create a simple flight sim app.
> I want to have a terrain 'window-in-window' to show the aircrafts path over 
> the earth.
> The terrain view would have its own coordinates.
> Is there a simple way to create a view inside another view?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Dan
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG Serialization - changes on custom Classes

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Peter and Rui,

On 21 August 2012 12:59, Peter Bako  wrote:
> It would be nice if we can set an auxiliary version number manually, when 
> writing or reading files.
> This mechanism would be perfect!
> Can I assume that this modification will be implemented in the next month?
> Or what do you suggest to me to do? It is not time critical in the next 
> month, but then it will be :-).

As I have plenty of other work on my plate I'll defer to Rui to come
up with a suggested solution, or yourself if you fancy rolling up your
sleeves up.  I do wonder if a user definable format key/string might
be appropriate - I guess the schema and present version number take us
a bit down this route, but perhaps one needs a list of schema or
versions so that multiple layers can be added on for 3rd party libs
can add their own feature set and rev it independently from the OSG

> This is a little off-topic, but why is the osg web page inaccessible?
> Trac detected an internal error:
> OperationalError: database is locked

The server has been rather beset by problems so we
are working on a replacement.  Try the new when the
.org version is down.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users]

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
On 22 August 2012 16:56, Plaink Eyman  wrote:
> I'm having a hard time getting to the website openscenegraph dot org.  I'd 
> like to read documentation (wiki, manuals etc) on how to use the software.  
> Is anyone else able to get to it?  I'm glad I found the forums here.  I was 
> able to find the code ok /w git.

Sorry about the access problems.  Work on the
replacement can be found at, it's not complete but
might have enough of what you are looking for to help.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to be notified that the viewport is changed?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
On 23 August 2012 10:02, wh_xiexing  wrote:
> when the user resize the applicatioin's window,  how do i know the viewport
> of the camera is changed?

How's about checking for a resize event via an event handler attached
the viewer?  Check the dimensions on each new frame and update

I really can't be more specific about a suggestion as your question
doesn't really say where in your app you need to be informed and for
what purpose.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to do culling with shader tranformed geometry?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Alexej,

Use the osg::Geometry::setInitialBound() to the extents that you
transformed geometry will be placed.


On 23 August 2012 11:52, Alexej Fink  wrote:
> Hello,
> I need an advice regarding the culling setup.
> In my application I use a vertex shader to transform 3d geometry from the 
> flat-world scene graph to the related position on a sphere (globe).
> Having a normal camera, which hovers over the transformed spheric world 
> breaks the culling stage, cause the frustum culling is applied to the 
> untransformed (flat) world in the scene graph compared to the rendered 
> spheric world with transformed geometry.
> So how to setup the culling for such a scenario?
> * Can I setup two different cameras, one for culling and one for drawing 
> (how)?
> * And how to deal with the culling on boundaries in the flat world which 
> shall met in the spheric world -- they usually do not fit into a single 
> frustum?
> Cheers,
> Alexej
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mulitple volume render

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Clement,

On 19 July 2012 16:21,   wrote:
>I would like to know whether osg supports multiple volume rendering.  I 
> created osgVolume and created a number of volume tiles.  Each volume tile 
> contains one layer and each layer has one image.  I tried to add all created 
> volume tiles into the volume, but it only shows the first volume tile on 
> screen.  Does osg support it?

So you are looking for a volume shader that handles multiple volume
layers?  If so right now you are out of luck, but... you can write
your own shaders/provide your own osgVolume::VolumeTechnique that sets
up the required OSG/OpenGL state to render every as you require.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VBO static_draw and memory

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Filip,

On 20 July 2012 13:28, Filip Arlet  wrote:
> if you use static VBO, you can safely delete vertex data from CPU memory. Is 
> there any easy possibility to do that in OSG ?
> Btw. I know you need vertices for culling and picking. But you can precompute 
> bounding box and when pick, you can load vertives back if intersection 
> visitor intersects precomputed BB or load vertices from file.

The OSG doesn't support this for VBO's.  I does support deleting of
osg::Image after Texture objects have been created, but for geometry
the impact on culling and intersection tests means that it's less
generally useful.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performance tips/advice for a large number of objects with OpenGL ES 2

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Preet,

Performance optimization is huge topic, that's been covered many many
times in the OSG community so have a search through the archives.

One small pointer that might help is for modern hardware is to prefer
using a single DrawElementsUShort primitive set with GL_TRIANGLES
rather than separate fans or tri strips.  Use of VBO's will generally
be useful, but profile it for your application and hardware.


On 21 July 2012 10:19, Preet  wrote:
> Hiya,
> I have a scene that contains a large number of relatively simple
> geometries. As the number of objects displayed increases, the
> rendering time for the scene goes up sharply.  These objects are
> dynamically added and removed from the scene but the geometry itself
> is static.
> Each geometrical object is an extruded profile. It's first tessellated
> by osgUtil::Tessellator, and then I extrude the triangulated faces out
> a certain height. The result is two primitive sets, a GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
> from the tessellator and a bunch of GL_TRIANGLES that I manually
> create for the extrusion. I add these both as primitive sets with
> osg::DrawArrays. I doubt any of these geometries have more than 100
> triangles -- most probably have less than a quarter of that.
> I'd like some advice regarding how I can improve rendering speed in
> this situation. I think that the two calls to DrawArrays per geometry
> is part of the problem. It might help if I could merge both parts in
> the geometry as one set of indexed triangles but I'm not really sure
> that would make a huge difference. Should I be using DrawArrays or
> DrawElements? Should I be using VBOs?
> Preet
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to get Current ContextID?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Martin,

On 21 July 2012 11:08, GeeKer Wang  wrote:
> In GLUT, there is a function glutGetWindow to get the current context ID.
> As far as I know, OSG get contextID for osg::RenderInfo in application.
> Are there other ways to get cureent GraphicContext ID in a thread?

All rendering code in the OSG gets passed either a RenderInfo object
which has the osg::State object for the current context or gets passed
the osg::State object directly, the osg::State has a getContextID()

For none rendering code there isn't a current context so there isn't a
single ContextID that is appropriate, rather you have to decide which
active GraphicsContext in the viewer is appropriate, so just get the
windows from the viewer and then examine then for their osg::State
object and ContextID.

However, one must ask what your want the ContextID for, it's also
nothing to do with any context ID that GLUT might want to manage, the
osg::State::ContextID only has meaning with the OSG.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] HUD disappeared

2012-08-23 Thread wh_xiexing
thank you , Robert. you solved my problem.   


From: Robert Osfield
Date: 2012-08-23 18:53
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] HUD disappeared
Hi wh? xiexin? Which human name would you like to be addressed as?

There isn't any way we'll be able to pinpoint the problem you are
seeing from just this code extract, there are simply too many unknowns
about the rest of your application to pass judgement.

The best I can do is provide a general comment.  For on HUD compass I
would recommend using a viewer slave Camera rather than a Camera in
the main scene graph - this keeps the various components of the
application behaviour nice and separate both conceptually and
implementation wise.  It might even solve the bug you are seeing as
for all we know it might simply be that you are replacing the main
scene graph with your new model and discarding the compass subgraph.


On 20 August 2012 03:17, wh_xiexing  wrote:
> i create a compass on the screen, but when i open an model , the HUD Compass
> disappeared .   following is my code.
> can some one tell me how to resolve this problem?
> //create hud camera
> theCameraNode = new osg::Camera;
> theCameraNode->setReferenceFrame(osg::Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF);
> theCameraNode->setProjectionMatrix(osg::Matrix::ortho2D(-1,1,-1,1));
> theCameraNode->setViewMatrix(osg::Matrix::identity());
> theCameraNode->setViewport(0,0,200,200);
> theCameraNode->setClearMask(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
> theCameraNode->setRenderOrder(osg::CameraNode::POST_RENDER);
> theCompass = new ocsCompass;  // compass node
> theCameraNode->addChild(theCompass);
> addChild(theCameraNode);
> wh_xiexing
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Node Callback never called

2012-08-23 Thread Vincent Bourdier


I don't think, there are mutiple camera, for HUD, but the graph is 
attached to the main one.



Le 23/08/2012 10:28, Sergey Polischuk a écrit :


iirc update traversals (and may be event traversals too) dont traverse 
subgraphs under nested cameras. Is it your case?


23.08.2012, 11:09, "Vincent Bourdier" :


Nice idea, but there is no other callback antwhere in the code, so i
don't think so.


Le 23/08/2012 08:55, Stephan Huber a écrit :


  any chance there's another updatecallback attached to one of the geode's
  parents and it is missing  a "traverse(node, nv)" ?


  Am 23.08.12 08:42, schrieb Vincent Bourdier:


  I'm currently having some troubles in my code that I didn't understand.
  Some help would be very apreciated :

  I have a nodeCallback to animate a shader.
  I set this callback as nodeCallback on a geode that is displayed, but
  the callback operator() is never called.
  I set the same callback as CullCallback on the same geode, now it works.

  Maybe this is something very simple, but after a day on this issue I'm
  getting mad.

  Thanks for your help.


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Node Callback never called

2012-08-23 Thread Jeremy Moles
Is your method declared as const? I always forget that...
On Aug 23, 2012 8:28 AM, "Vincent Bourdier" 

> Hi,
> I don't think, there are mutiple camera, for HUD, but the graph is
> attached to the main one.
> Regards,
> Vincent.
> Le 23/08/2012 10:28, Sergey Polischuk a écrit :
>> Hi
>> iirc update traversals (and may be event traversals too) dont traverse
>> subgraphs under nested cameras. Is it your case?
>> Cheers.
>> 23.08.2012, 11:09, "Vincent Bourdier" :
>>> Hi,
>>> Nice idea, but there is no other callback antwhere in the code, so i
>>> don't think so.
>>> thanks,
>>>  Vincent.
>>> Le 23/08/2012 08:55, Stephan Huber a écrit :

   any chance there's another updatecallback attached to one of the
   parents and it is missing  a "traverse(node, nv)" ?


   Am 23.08.12 08:42, schrieb Vincent Bourdier:

>   Hi,
>   I'm currently having some troubles in my code that I didn't
> understand.
>   Some help would be very apreciated :
>   I have a nodeCallback to animate a shader.
>   I set this callback as nodeCallback on a geode that is displayed, but
>   the callback operator() is never called.
>   I set the same callback as CullCallback on the same geode, now it
> works.
>   Maybe this is something very simple, but after a day on this issue
> I'm
>   getting mad.
>   Thanks for your help.
>   Regards,
>   Vincent.
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Re: [osg-users] Node Callback never called

2012-08-23 Thread Vincent Bourdier

Snippet There is not const, isn't it ?

virtual  void  operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv);


Le 23/08/2012 14:30, Jeremy Moles a écrit :

Is your method declared as const? I always forget that...

On Aug 23, 2012 8:28 AM, "Vincent Bourdier">> wrote:


I don't think, there are mutiple camera, for HUD, but the graph is
attached to the main one.



Le 23/08/2012 10:28, Sergey Polischuk a écrit :


iirc update traversals (and may be event traversals too) dont
traverse subgraphs under nested cameras. Is it your case?


23.08.2012, 11:09, "Vincent Bourdier">>:


Nice idea, but there is no other callback antwhere in the
code, so i
don't think so.


Le 23/08/2012 08:55, Stephan Huber a écrit :


  any chance there's another updatecallback attached
to one of the geode's
  parents and it is missing  a "traverse(node, nv)" ?


  Am 23.08.12 08:42, schrieb Vincent Bourdier:


  I'm currently having some troubles in my code
that I didn't understand.
  Some help would be very apreciated :

  I have a nodeCallback to animate a shader.
  I set this callback as nodeCallback on a geode
that is displayed, but
  the callback operator() is never called.
  I set the same callback as CullCallback on the
same geode, now it works.

  Maybe this is something very simple, but after a
day on this issue I'm
  getting mad.

  Thanks for your help.


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Re: [osg-users] how to do culling with shader tranformed geometry?

2012-08-23 Thread Alexej Fink
Hello Robert,
tank you for the fast replay!

Grep-ing the includes reported, that two classes have the setInitialBound() 
interface: Drawable and Node.
I would like to avoid setting this initial-bound for each single peace of 
geometry (~ Drawable).

Can I just put the initial-bounds on the hi-level group nodes and just skip 
this step for underlying refinement nodes?
Do I have to disable the dynamic bbox calculation of the geometry nodes then?

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Alexej,
> Use the osg::Geometry::setInitialBound() to the extents that you
> transformed geometry will be placed.
> Robert.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to do culling with shader tranformed geometry?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Alexej,

On 23 August 2012 13:34, Alexej Fink  wrote:
> Hello Robert,
> tank you for the fast replay!
> Grep-ing the includes reported, that two classes have the setInitialBound() 
> interface: Drawable and Node.
> I would like to avoid setting this initial-bound for each single peace of 
> geometry (~ Drawable).
> Can I just put the initial-bounds on the hi-level group nodes and just skip 
> this step for underlying refinement nodes?
> Do I have to disable the dynamic bbox calculation of the geometry nodes then?

The InitialBound support is only available at the Drawable level.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] cannot get floating-point multisampled FBOs

2012-08-23 Thread Sergey Polischuk
Hi there

I've been using multisampled floating rt in osg for quite some time, and dont 
have any problems with them... does your card\drivers support multisampling on 
float rendertargets?


17.08.2012, 14:15, "Daniel Schmid" :
> Hi Robert
> I wonder if this bug has been investigated further or even fixed.
> Do you have any news concerning this?
> I face the exact same problem. No AA / multisampling on floating point render 
> targets...
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Question for understanding the way OSG internally works

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Werner,

The type of problem you are working to solve is very domain specific
so you'll need to write your custom shaders to support it, what you
are looking requires relatively advanced knowledge of OpenGL and
various associated rendering techniques.  If the material is
translucent then you will need to handle the issue of depth sorting or
depth pealing to make sure that the correct blending can be achieved,
if you require depth sorting then you'll need to segment up the cloth
so it can be rendered from distant to near regions of the overall
cloth.  If the material is opaque then you want need to worry about
depth sorting and could just render it as a single geometry.

For the placement of the vertices I would use a vertex shader with the
flat geometry as input as well as various other parameter per vertex
which are required to compute the final position, normals and texture
coordinates.  You could also encode some of this informative via
textures that are read in the vertex shader.  A fragment shader then
could be used to get the most appropriate lighting model to render
your cloth.


On 23 July 2012 12:57, Werner Modenbach  wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> thanks for the quick answer.
> Actually I'm using both kind of self written shaders already and the
> parallax displacement shader gives excellent results on yarn surface
> calculation.
> Also the problem is not just a displacement problem.
> Imagine some shine through curtains. The lower end has many bows. This
> means that the position of the vertexes has to be moved in 3D space.
> Through the holes of the curtain you even see the backside of some other
> part of the curtain. I know how to create a function for calculating the
> positions of the moved vertexes but I don't know where to apply it.
> unfortunately I see no possibility to implement this in shader code.
> Thaks for any further hints.
> - Werner -
> Am 23.07.2012 13:32, schrieb Christian Buchner:
>> Hi,
>> Programming vertex shaders is most likely what you want, as these
>> allow you to modify your geometry "on the fly" to create a wavy
>> appearance. If your mesh is rather coarse, you may either have to
>> tesselate it finer, or you also have to add a pixel shading as well,
>> e.g. for a per pixel displacement mapping.
>> This gets complicated rather quickly, in particular the pixel shader
>> part if you also want to get the lighting correctly done.
>> Christian
>> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Custom platform specific device initilization

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Joshua,

On 23 July 2012 18:20, Joshua No  wrote:
> So is there really simply no place to hook into the initialization code?

Hows about a custom Viewer RealizeOperation? The osgvolume and
osgshaderterrain examples all provide examples of this in action.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget Missing Resources

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Kim,

On 24 July 2012 11:59, Kim Bale  wrote:
> Does anybody have any idea where the missing resources for the osgWidget
> examples are?
> I use the latest OpenSceneGraph-Data from the svn but they're not in there.
> I'm referring specifically to osgwidgetmessagebox.cpp and
> std::string buttonTheme = "osgWidget/theme-8-shadow.png";
> std::string borderTheme = "osgWidget/theme-8.png";
> I think there are others that are missing but I haven't done a thorough
> search.

If they aren't in OpenSceneGraph-Data then I don't have them.  Perhaps
Jeremy Moles might be able to help now he's back coding on the OSG

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Add user data to Node_readLocalData & Node_writeLocalData

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Tamar,

While the .osg ASCI format is officially deprecated I don't have any
plans to remove it's support from the OSG right now so you are safe,
and even if I did remove it from the core OSG you'll be able to use
the .osg support via an external plugin/NodeKit.

The replacement for .osg is the new generic osgDB serializers, these
make it much easier to extend the serialization with support for you
own custom classes.  The src/osgWrappers/serializers/* modules all
contain plenty of examples of how one wraps classes to support the new
serialization - just pick an OSG class and look it up in appropriate
serialize directory to see how it's done.  The advanage of the new
serializers is they automatically support ascii, XML and binary
versions of the file format.


On 16 July 2012 08:19, Tamer El Nashar  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using an API that depends on osg 2.8.1, and have been asked to finally 
> attempt to upgrade to the latest development release (3.1.1).
> The SDK currently makes a few customization to osg, mainly adding user data 
> to osgPlugins::osg::Node. The following 2 functions are changed in the file: 
> $OSG/src/osgPlugins/osg/Node.cpp
> Code:
> #include "osg/AcousticPropertyData.h"
> bool Node_readLocalData(Object& obj, Input& fr)
> {
> ...
> // change user data to read in acoustic properties
> if (fr.matchSequence("user_data {"))
> {
> int entry = fr[0].getNoNestedBrackets();
> fr += 2;
> while (!fr.eof() && fr[0].getNoNestedBrackets() > entry)
> {
> std::string str = fr[0].getStr();
> if (str.length()>0)
> {
> std::string type = str.substr(0, 
> str.find_first_of(' '));
> const char *cStr = str.c_str();
> if (type == "RoomData")
> {
> RoomData* roomData = new RoomData();
> char type[256];
> int isActive;
> sscanf(cStr, "%s %lf %lf %lf %lf %d 
> %ld %ld %lf %s",
> &(type),
> &(roomData->m_WetMix),
> &(roomData->m_Diffusion),
> &(roomData->m_T60Low),
> &(roomData->m_T60High),
> &(isActive),
> &(roomData->m_DefaultPartitionId),
> &(roomData->m_DefaultReflectorId),
> &(roomData->m_DefaultFlankingBoost),
> &(roomData->m_RoomID));
> roomData->m_IsActive = (isActive != 
> 0);
> node.setUserData(roomData);
> }
> else if (type == "SurfaceData")
> {
> SurfaceData* surfaceData = new 
> SurfaceData();
> char type[256];
> int isActive;
> sscanf(cStr, "%s %lf %lf %lf %lf %d",
> &(type),
> &(surfaceData->m_ReflectorId),
> &(surfaceData->m_PartitionId),
> &(surfaceData->m_FlankingBoost),
> &(isActive));
> surfaceData->m_IsActive = (isActive 
> != 0);
> node.setUserData(surfaceData);
> }
> ++fr;
> }
> }
> iteratorAdvanced = true;
> }
> }
> bool Node_writeLocalData(const Object& obj, Output& fw)
> {
> ...
> // change user data to become acoustic property
> if (!strcmp(node.className(), "Geode") || !strcmp(node.className(), 
> "Group"))
> {
> const Referenced* _userData = NULL;
> _userData = node.getUserData();
> if (_userData)
> {
> AcousticPropertyData* object = NULL;
> object = 
> dynamic_cast(const_cast< Referenced* >(_userData));
> if (object)
> {

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget Missing Resources

2012-08-23 Thread Jeremy Moles
On Thu, 2012-08-23 at 14:02 +0100, Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi Kim,
> On 24 July 2012 11:59, Kim Bale  wrote:
> > Does anybody have any idea where the missing resources for the osgWidget
> > examples are?
> >
> > I use the latest OpenSceneGraph-Data from the svn but they're not in there.
> >
> > I'm referring specifically to osgwidgetmessagebox.cpp and
> >
> > std::string buttonTheme = "osgWidget/theme-8-shadow.png";
> > std::string borderTheme = "osgWidget/theme-8.png";
> >
> > I think there are others that are missing but I haven't done a thorough
> > search.
> If they aren't in OpenSceneGraph-Data then I don't have them.  Perhaps
> Jeremy Moles might be able to help now he's back coding on the OSG
> again...

I'm going to fix these soon, hang tight. If you need immediate help,
send me something offlist or just hit me up on Googletalk.

> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Possible bug in OSG's buffer object management

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Anish,

Good catch, this looks like a bug to me.  I am currently testing out
the follow fix for this bug.

Index: src/osg/BufferObject.cpp
--- src/osg/BufferObject.cpp(revision 13102)
+++ src/osg/BufferObject.cpp(working copy)
@@ -642,7 +642,6 @@

 // update the number of active and orphaned GLBufferObjects
 _parent->getNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects() -= numDiscarded;
-_parent->getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() += numDiscarded;
 _parent->getNumberDeleted() += numDiscarded;

@@ -703,7 +702,6 @@

 // update the number of active and orphaned TextureOjects
 _parent->getNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects() -= numDeleted;
-_parent->getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() += numDeleted;
 _parent->getNumberDeleted() += numDeleted;

 availableTime -= timer.elapsedTime();

If all goes well I'll check this into svn/trunk.


On 24 July 2012 05:26, Anish Thomas  wrote:
> Hi,
> While trying to understand the inner workings of the buffer object management 
> I found this:
> void GLBufferObjectSet::discardAllDeletedGLBufferObjects()
> {
> .
> .
> _parent->getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() += numDiscarded;
> Line no 645 in \src\osg\BufferObject.cpp in v3.1.2
> Why would the 'active number' get incremented when objects are deleted? We 
> wouldn't need to modify the active number here at all. The management of 
> textures doesn't seem to suffer from this bug.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Anish
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Get texture form node

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi ??

It's kinda hard to explain what is going on without first teaching you
about scene graphs in general, and OSG in particular.  Thankfully
there are OSG books that do just this so might I recommend you get
yourself a copy of "OpenSceneGraph beginners book: OpenSceneGraph 3.0
Beginner's Guide".  See the front page of for a
link to it.


On 25 July 2012 03:54, lpfchd_2008  wrote:
> BigPang
> Hi,
> this is my first question about osg, I want get the texture form the node,
> but failed.
> after this,i get the texture form the geode that dynamic transition from
> i want
> know the reason,thank you!
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Possible bug in OSG's buffer object management

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Anish,

The below fix looks good, now merged and submitted to svn/trunk.


On 23 August 2012 15:20, Robert Osfield  wrote:
> Index: src/osg/BufferObject.cpp
> ===
> --- src/osg/BufferObject.cpp(revision 13102)
> +++ src/osg/BufferObject.cpp(working copy)
> @@ -642,7 +642,6 @@
>  // update the number of active and orphaned GLBufferObjects
>  _parent->getNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects() -= numDiscarded;
> -_parent->getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() += numDiscarded;
>  _parent->getNumberDeleted() += numDiscarded;
> @@ -703,7 +702,6 @@
>  // update the number of active and orphaned TextureOjects
>  _parent->getNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects() -= numDeleted;
> -_parent->getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() += numDeleted;
>  _parent->getNumberDeleted() += numDeleted;
>  availableTime -= timer.elapsedTime();
> If all goes well I'll check this into svn/trunk.
> Cheers,
> Robert.
> On 24 July 2012 05:26, Anish Thomas  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> While trying to understand the inner workings of the buffer object 
>> management I found this:
>> void GLBufferObjectSet::discardAllDeletedGLBufferObjects()
>> {
>> .
>> .
>> _parent->getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() += numDiscarded;
>> Line no 645 in \src\osg\BufferObject.cpp in v3.1.2
>> Why would the 'active number' get incremented when objects are deleted? We 
>> wouldn't need to modify the active number here at all. The management of 
>> textures doesn't seem to suffer from this bug.
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,
>> Anish
>> --
>> Read this topic online here:
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OpenFlight crash reading files with "lightPoints" - fix patch

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ulises,

I'm curious how a maxPixelSize of zero would be meant to be
interpreted in OpenFlight files.  My guess is that a max pixel size of
0 would indicate that you should never see a light point, so in fact
one should simply disable rendering for LightPointNode's where this is

I do wonder if the maxPixelSize of zero might be a bug in the
database, as why would you create a light point that can't be seen...


On 13 July 2012 23:55, Ulises Rainoldi  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm working on a project where I need to load and display OpenFlight files. 
> I've found that some of my test files make my program crash. The file is 
> loaded correctly but it crashes when rendering.  I also noticed that 
> osgviewer doesn't  make it with this files.
> After debuging a little, I've found out that the method 
> IndexedLightPoint::readRecord (RecordInputStream& in, Document& document) was 
> setting the osgSim::LightPointNode's maxPixelSize to zero.   This is causing 
> a index out of range exception afterwards in the draw traversal...
> I've solved this problem by simply adding a check for zero before setting the 
>  maxPixelSize read from the file.
>> --- /tmp/LightPointRecords-0.2.cpp
>> +++ 
>> /home/ulises/Development/OpenSceneGrpah/trunk/src/osgPlugins/OpenFlight/LightPointRecords.cpp
>> @@ -392,7 +392,8 @@
>>  if (_appearance.valid())
>>  {
>>  _lpn->setMinPixelSize(_appearance->minPixelSize);
>> -_lpn->setMaxPixelSize(_appearance->maxPixelSize);
>> +if (_appearance->maxPixelSize > 0)
>> +_lpn->setMaxPixelSize(_appearance->maxPixelSize);
>>  if (_appearance->texturePatternIndex != -1)
>>  {
> With this simple patch the flt files that made osgviewer to crash are now 
> loaded and displayed correctly.
> I hope this helps.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Ulises[/code]
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] fire and smoke don't MOVE WITH the model in ??????

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Mca Mca??  If you are human I'd guess you have a name that other
humans can use to communicate with you... so it'd be nice is you could
sign with you name.

As for particle systems, ones that have dynamically moving emitters
need to have the emitter under the transform that moves the model and
the particle system that renders it under the root node in world
coordinates.  The osgparticleeffects example illustrates this in
action so have a look at this example so see how it manages it.


On 30 June 2012 10:43, Mca Mca  wrote:
> I USE OSG IN QT (whith visual c++ 2010), BUT THE FIRE AND SMOKE (PARTICLE) 
> don't move with the model , i use this code to create these effects:
> //to get the intersection with the terrin
> osg::Vec3 posCallback::getCurrentPosition()
> {
> osg::Vec3d pos(0,0,0);
> mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(view,Xpos,Ypos,pos);//pos is 
> vector
> return pos;
> }
> //create the effect
> osg::Node* createExplode(osg::Vec3 a)
> {
> osg::Group* explode = new osg::Group() ;
> osg::Vec3 wind(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
> osg::Vec3 position=a;
> osgParticle::ExplosionEffect* explosion = new 
> osgParticle::ExplosionEffect(position, 14.0f,11);
> osgParticle::ExplosionDebrisEffect* explosionDebri = new 
> osgParticle::ExplosionDebrisEffect(position, 4.0f,11);
> osgParticle::SmokeEffect* smoke = new osgParticle::SmokeEffect(position, 
> 10.0f,7);
> osgParticle::FireEffect* fire = new osgParticle::FireEffect(position, 
> 1000.0f,3);
> fire->setEmitterDuration(smoke->getEmitterDuration());
> fire->setParticleDuration(smoke->getParticleDuration());
> explosion->setWind(wind);
> explosionDebri->setWind(wind);
> smoke->setWind(wind);
> //fire->setWind(wind);
> explode->addChild(explosion);
> explode->addChild(explosionDebri);
> explode->addChild(smoke);
> explode->addChild(fire);
> return explode ;
> }
> //add the model and the smoke+fire  to the position transform to move theme 
> together:
> post=new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform();
> root->addChild(post);
> post->addChild( model3D ); //osg::Node at 0,0,0
> post->addChild(createExplode(osg::Vec3(0,0,0) );//at the center 0,0,0
> post->setPosition(getCurrentPosition());
> //I add some animation (of position) to the post
> //but when the model change its position the fire and smoke don't change 
> thiere position, they still in the center
> --
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Re: [osg-users] osgVolume::SwitchProperty working?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Clement,

On 27 July 2012 15:40,   wrote:
>I tried osgVolume::SwitchProperty on testing code, but how to do to switch 
> property during runtime?  I added keyboard event.  When 1 is pressed, it will 
> call sp->setActiveProperty(1).  I cannot see any change.  Anyone know how to 
> do?  Thanks.

setActiveProperty() should work just fine, I've been using it with
present3D for over a year now without problems via the
PropertyAdjustmentCallback, see src/osgVolume/Property.cpp so see how
PropertyAdjustmentCallback is implemented.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] light and material infomation in shaders when no built in uniforms are available (e.g. GLES2)

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Thomas,

On 30 July 2012 11:27, Thomas Hogarth  wrote:
> Any takers :)

My plan was to add support into osg::Light to manage to setting of
osg_ uniforms that map to the original gl_ uniforms.  I'm a way off
implement this though.  In the interim the best thing to do would be
to use your own osg::Uniform attached to osg::StateSet as you would
for other types of uniforms being passed into a shader.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] FFmpeg video lag

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi David,

I vaguely recall when original worked on the ffmpeg I tested out
reading live video from my webcam and it worked fine without lag, but
there is chance I'm just recalling when I did the same using the xine
plugin...  As I haven't tested it recently I can provide any direct

Could you say how you are setting things up so that others can attempt
to recreate the problem?


On 30 July 2012 20:03, David Longest  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to stream live video to a texture using the FFmpeg video plugin.
> While the video seems to play smoothly, it lags about 6 seconds behind the
> video stream. If I try to play the stream through ffplay, there is only a 1
> second lag.
> One suggestion I found in a previous post to osg-users was to set m_start to
> 0 in FFmpegDecoder.cpp. This did not seem to fix the lag issue. I have also
> tried simply reducing the number of packets that can be held in the video
> queue. Is there any other way to minimize the video stream lag in the ffmpeg
> plugin?
> Thanks,
> David
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to do culling with shader tranformed geometry?

2012-08-23 Thread Sebastian Messerschmidt

Am 23.08.2012 14:34, schrieb Alexej Fink:

Hello Robert,
tank you for the fast replay!

Grep-ing the includes reported, that two classes have the setInitialBound() 
interface: Drawable and Node.
I would like to avoid setting this initial-bound for each single peace of 
geometry (~ Drawable).

Can I just put the initial-bounds on the hi-level group nodes and just skip 
this step for underlying refinement nodes?
Do I have to disable the dynamic bbox calculation of the geometry nodes then?

Hi Alexej,

I had some similiar issue for drawining instanced geometry where the 
geometry indeed has to cover the bounds of the complete instanced patch.
For this i used the setComputeBoundingBoxCallback on the geometry in 
question to set it to the correct bounding box.

Maybe you could use this on your first-class Node?


robertosfield wrote:

Hi Alexej,

Use the osg::Geometry::setInitialBound() to the extents that you
transformed geometry will be placed.



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Re: [osg-users] Full screen with resolution change problem, resources lost

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Michael,

One doesn't normally need to create a new context when resizing a
window.  Why do you need to in your case?

If you do close a context and assign a new one then you'll need to
make sure that you clean up all the OpenGL object handles that the
scene graph maintains when disposing of the one scene graph so when
you assign the new one it properly recreates all the OpenGL objects.
osgViewer has code to do automatically but it sounds like you are
doing stuff at a lower level so you'll need to recreate this.  See the
include/osg/Node for the osg::Node::releaseGLObjects(State*) method
that releases all the OpenGL objects for a given context, and
include/osg/GLObjects helper functions for cleaning up delete OpenGL
objects once they have been released from the scene graph.


On 2 August 2012 11:58, michael kapelko  wrote:
> Hi.
> I want to have window resize with full screen in my OSG game, but I'm
> facing a problem. When I resize the window second time, the loaded
> resources are lost. The resize is done by first setting screen
> resolution and then creating graphics context.
> How can I implement window resize with full screen without reloading
> all game resources?
> Thanks.
> PS: Sample source code is attached.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Create an osg::Texture with a given ID

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

If you are manage OpenGL objects outwith the OSG then it would
probably be best to write your own custom osg::Texture subclass that
does the appropriate OpenGL code for handling your objects.


On 3 August 2012 11:38, Sukender  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Do you know a way of creating an osg::Texture2D witch will have a given 
> OpenGL ID? My goal is to "overwrite" an existing (external) texture. And of 
> course the only thing that I know is the ID (and a few parameters). I tried 
> the following code:
>   osg::ref_ptr tex( new osg::Texture2D(image.get()) );
>   osg::Texture::TextureProfile profile(GL_TEXTURE_2D, numMips, 
> internalFormat, width, height, 1, 0);
>   osg::ref_ptr to(new 
> osg::Texture::TextureObject(tex.get(), textureId, profile));
>   to->setAllocated(true);
>   tex->setTextureObject(contextId, to.get());
>   osg::ref_ptr state( new osg::State );
>   state->setContextID(contextId);
>   tex->apply(*state);
> Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. Moreover, I have another issue with 
> this code: I must delete the osg::Texture2D object WITHOUT deleting the 
> corresponding OpenGL texture...
> Any idea?
> Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Sukender
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] How to prepare LOD dataset from a large model file?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Martin,

How long are you talking about here?  What length of time are you aiming for?

What format is the file in?  What type of model?  What hardware and OS
are you working on?

Personally I'd try to get the model loading quicker before venturing
into more complex tasks like trying to build automatically LOD's and
paging.  The OSG has great support for database paging but creating
the models for efficient paging is far from trivial so it's not
something I'd recommend someone does without first exploring the


On 7 August 2012 10:01, GeeKer Wang  wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I have a large model file, about 100M, and osgviewer can render it directly
> and efficiently. However, the initial loading time is too long.
> Is there a way to convert a large model to a series of small files in a LOD
> structure?
> In addition to decimation, I suppose a split in each level is necessary.
> Did anyone do this before? Any advice will be appriciated!
> --
> Martin
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] PagedLOD - How to not page a specific node ?

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Aurelien,

100Mb of texture and 20Mb of vertex data isn't really that large
relative to what modern hardware is capable of handling.  There is
lots you can do to optimize databases to reduce their footprint, for
instance OpenGL compressed textures are an easy solution that can be
done with a small amount of pre-processing.

You could go to the trouble of creating lots of LOD's or PagedLOD's
but unless it's absolutely necessary I wouldn't recommend going down
this route as it significantly complicates the creation of the

So I'd take a step back and work out what the performance bottlenecks
are then solve these.


On 8 August 2012 18:07, Aurelien Albert  wrote:
> Hi,
> In my application, I display some very heavy models (about 100Mo of textures 
> + 20 Mo of vertex)
> This model is created proceduraly, and I can control the level of detail for 
> the geometry and the textures, so I build 5 PagedLod : from very simple model 
> to full data resolution.
> My problem is about the most detailed level : this one is very heavy and I 
> would like to never keep it in cache to avoid over memory usage.
> Is there any parameter to tweak on this PagedLod (priority, time stamp, 
> minimum expiry time..) to get the following behaviour :
> - when this PagedLod is needed for display, it is loadded and displayed
> - when this PagedLod is no more needed for display, it is deleted from CPU 
> memory and GPU memory, even if the OSG_MAX_PAGEDLOD is not reached
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Aurelien
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSGT does not read nodemask

2012-08-23 Thread Johannes Scholz
The problem appears to be in writing, not reading:

I just figured out, that the osgt writer does not write the "0x" in front of 
the hexint value. That seems to be the problem. Manually adding the 0x on all 
hexint values makes the output file have the nodemask value correct but , 
again, missing the 0x.

Best regards

Johannes Scholz
Software Engineer
P3 Voith Aerospace GmbH

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSGT does not write nodemask

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Johannes,

Thanks for the test file, using this and your osgconv I've reproduced
the problem with the svn/trunk version of the OSG.

As I have a back log of issues to look into I'm hoping that Wang Rui
will spot this post and be able to dive and work out the root of the
problem...  Rui pretty please ;-)


On 23 August 2012 15:32, Johannes Scholz  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> got a problem with the osgt reader NOT READING the nodemasks from the file. 
> Might be a problem with the hexint serializer, but i did not figure that out, 
> yet, because i'm not really familiar with that.
> Writing the nodemask works fine. See the dummy file I attached. I just 
> exported an empty Geode from our software. If a attempt to re-read the file, 
> it works just fine, but without the nodemask - which is set to 0 !
> Reproducer with OpenSceneGraph 3.1.2:
> Just execute
>> osgconv test.osgt test2.osgt
> Then open test2.osgt with your favorite code editor and compare. :)
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Johannes
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSGT does not read nodemask

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Johannes,

On 23 August 2012 17:10, Johannes Scholz  wrote:
> The problem appears to be in writing, not reading:
> I just figured out, that the osgt writer does not write the "0x" in front of 
> the hexint value. That seems to be the problem. Manually adding the 0x on all 
> hexint values makes the output file have the nodemask value correct but , 
> again, missing the 0x.

Could you post a fix to osg-submissions.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSGT does not write nodemask

2012-08-23 Thread Johannes Scholz
Hi Robert,

i changed the title of the Forum topic, which the mailing list didnt get.

i tracked the Bug to where writing of the nodemask happens. It seems that the 
0x in front of the hexint is necessary. But the current osgt writer does Not 
write the 0x. Manually adding the 0x to the hexint make the dummy osgt File 
convert correctly, but then again the 0x's are missing.

didnt have the Time to go further, i have to continue tomorrow.

Thank you!


Johannes Scholz
Software Engineer
P3 Voith Aerospace GmbH

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSGT does not read nodemask

2012-08-23 Thread Johannes Scholz

jup. If i have the time possibly tomorrow. 

Thank you!


Johannes Scholz
Software Engineer
P3 Voith Aerospace GmbH

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Re: [osg-users] Full screen with resolution change problem, resources lost

2012-08-23 Thread michael kapelko
Thanks for the reply, Robert. What Sergey said was enough in my
situation. Thanks for this, Sergey.
I was simply quiet not to generate unnecessary thank you post :)
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] manipulators strange behaviour

2012-08-23 Thread Gianni Ambrosio
I'm experiencing an unexpected behaviour with manipulators and it can be 
reproduced also with osgviewer.exe just playing with rotations and translation 
of the scene.

Open whatever osg file with osgviewer.exe and start translate the scene with 
the mouse (for example left+right mouse buttons + move left), then make a 
rotation of 180 degrees of the scene. Repeat those operations for a while. Then 
zooming the scene becomes very slow and limited in depth. I can see that with 
trackball and terrain but expecially with spherical manipulator.

Is there a reason fot such a behaviour?


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Garrett Cope
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the suggestion! VDSM is nice and concise - nice work! 

But unfortunately I still get the same clipping problem with it, so I'm sure 
it's something wrong on my end. I'll keep plugging away and see what I can come 
up with.

Thanks again,

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Garret,

On 23 August 2012 18:18, Garrett Cope  wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion! VDSM is nice and concise - nice work!
> But unfortunately I still get the same clipping problem with it, so I'm sure 
> it's something wrong on my end. I'll keep plugging away and see what I can 
> come up with.

You'll need to post screen shots so can get an idea of what is
happening at your end.  If it's possible to recreate using the
osgshadow example then it'd be really useful.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgShadow LiSPSM culling problem

2012-08-23 Thread Garrett Cope

Attached are two screen shots. 'shadow_before' is the base state with a box 
casting a perfectly fine shadow. 'shadow_after' is where I have rotated the 
camera such that the box has moved out of view to the right. In this image you 
can see another clipping edge beginning at the bottom of the shadow that moves 
relatively vertically as the box continues to rotate to the right of the 
viewing window.

As with the LiSPSM implementation, if I comment out the clipping section (here 
in adjustPerspectiveShadowMapCameraSettings(..) function), it looks fine but of 
course is then not clipped at all.

Thanks again,
... [/img]

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSGT does not read nodemask

2012-08-23 Thread Wang Rui
Glad to see the problem has been found and solved before I got to this
mail. :-)

Wang Rui

2012/8/24 Johannes Scholz 

> Hi,
> jup. If i have the time possibly tomorrow.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Johannes
> ---
> Johannes Scholz
> Software Engineer
> P3 Voith Aerospace GmbH
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] OSG Serialization - changes on custom Classes

2012-08-23 Thread Wang Rui
Hi Peter and Robert,

I'm glad to consider a backward-compatible way to add custom versioning
mechanism to current plugin. I would submit it as soon as possible so Peter
and everyone else could test it and see if it suitable for pratical uses.

Wang Rui

2012/8/23 Robert Osfield 

> Hi Peter and Rui,
> On 21 August 2012 12:59, Peter Bako  wrote:
> > It would be nice if we can set an auxiliary version number manually,
> when writing or reading files.
> > This mechanism would be perfect!
> > Can I assume that this modification will be implemented in the next
> month?
> > Or what do you suggest to me to do? It is not time critical in the next
> month, but then it will be :-).
> As I have plenty of other work on my plate I'll defer to Rui to come
> up with a suggested solution, or yourself if you fancy rolling up your
> sleeves up.  I do wonder if a user definable format key/string might
> be appropriate - I guess the schema and present version number take us
> a bit down this route, but perhaps one needs a list of schema or
> versions so that multiple layers can be added on for 3rd party libs
> can add their own feature set and rev it independently from the OSG
> versioning.
> > This is a little off-topic, but why is the osg web page inaccessible?
> > Trac detected an internal error:
> > OperationalError: database is locked
> The server has been rather beset by problems so we
> are working on a replacement.  Try the new when the
> .org version is down.
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [ANN] osgRecipes: Integrate OSG with almost everything, the second wave

2012-08-23 Thread Wang Rui
Hi all,

I wish someone here still remember the osgRecipes project I've created and
announced here some months ago. It included 9 different examples at that
time, introducing how to integrate OSG with other 3rdparty libraries and
APIs like Awesomium, Micorsoft Kinect, TUIO, AssImp, etc. Now I'm glad to
tell you that there are another 9 examples out, with 9 completely new
integration examples. They are:

* Box2D: a nice 2D physics engine for games
* Bullet: A professional multiphysics library, this example is very simple
and completely different from the osgBullet project.
* libGizmo: gizmo control library for 3D object manipulation, much
lightweight than osgManipulator and really easy to use!
* MicroPather: a path finder and A* solver, already included in the source
code. Consider add AI to your OSG based games now?
* MyGUI: a fast, flexible and simple GUI, as good as CEGUI, I think.
* ngPlant: a plant modeling software, good for creating trees!
* OpenNI: natural interaction devices middleware, another way to use Kinect!
* OTL: ODBC template library, for DATABASE I/O with only a plugin! Only
tested with Sqllite3 at present
* RVO2: Reciprocal collision avoidance for multi-agent simulation. Thanks
Christian Buchner for the original osgrvo2 example on osg-submissions

All the examples are tested on Windows 7. Hope someone could help me test
them on other platforms.

You may download the project source code in public domain at:

which is also the code repo of the book OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Cookbook.

And see how these examples perform at:

The TODO list of the third wave (still 9 eamples, I think) of osgRecipes is
also listed here for someone who have interests:
Berkelium, Microsoft DirectWrite, GUIChan, MathGL, OIS, Recastnavigation,
ROBOOP, Sundog Silverlining & Triton

Call for more integration ideas now. :-) And glad to see some of the
examples merged into the core OSG trunk, for example, the OTL database
plugin (no dependency), and the AssImp and FreeImage plugins.

Any attentions, feedbacks, and contributions are always appreciated.


Wang Rui
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [ANN] osgRecipes: Integrate OSG with almost everything, the second wave

2012-08-23 Thread michael kapelko
Good work!
I'm not sure if I voted for libRocket, so here it is.
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