[osint] No Speech Means No Defence - Gagging Us Softly

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf


No speech Means No Defence

by sheikyermami on September 12, 2011

Andrew Bolt

Mark Steyn lists some extraordinary examples of the thought police at work,
and I wish I wasn't one of them:

In this anniversary week, it's sobering to reflect that one of the more
perverse consequences of 9/11 has been a remorseless assault on free speech
throughout the west. I regret to say that, in my new book, I predect this
trend will only accelerate in the years ahead.

The fun, such as it is, is in the examples, so read on
http://www.steynonline.com/content/view/4409/26 . But the sting is in the

 if you let them take your right to free speech, how are you going to stop
them from taking all the others?

Update:  Let
lets_all_be_macedonian/ 's all be Macedonian

Do you have to be Macedonian to be free to speak?
column_at_least_our_macedonians_are_free  Are only Anglo-Saxons racist?
For instance

As John Milton wrote in his Areopagitica of 1644, Give me the liberty to
know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all

Or as an ordinary Canadian citizen said to me, after I testified in defense
of free speech to the Ontario parliament at Queen's Park, Give me the right
to free speech, and I will use it to claim all my other rights.

Conversely, if you let them take your right to free speech, how are you
going to stop them from taking all the others?

Here's the whole thing:

Mark Steyn: http://www.steynonline.com/content/view/4409/26  Gagging us

In this anniversary week, it's sobering to reflect that one of the more
perverse consequences of 9/11 has been a remorseless assault on free speech
throughout the west. I regret to say that, in my new book
http://www.steynstore.com/product88.html , I predect this trend will only
accelerate in the years ahead. The essay below was written as last week's
National Review cover story:

To be honest, I didn't really think much about freedom of speech until I
found myself the subject of three hate speech complaints in Canada in
2007. I mean I was philosophically in favor of it, and I'd been consistently
opposed to the Dominion's ghastly human rights commissions and their
equivalents elsewhere my entire adult life, and from time to time when an
especially choice example of politically correct enforcement came up I'd
whack it around for a column or two.

But I don't think I really understood how advanced the Left's assault on
this core Western liberty actually was. In 2008, shortly before my writing
was put on trial for flagrant Islamophobia in British Columbia, several
National Review readers e-mailed from the U.S. to query what the big deal
was. C'mon, lighten up, what could some human rights pseudo-court do? And
I replied that the statutory penalty under the British Columbia Human
Rights Code was that Maclean's, Canada's biggest-selling news weekly, and
by extension any other publication, would be forbidden henceforth to publish
anything by me about Islam, Europe, terrorism, demography, welfare,
multiculturalism, and various related subjects. And that this prohibition
would last forever, and was deemed to have the force of a supreme-court
decision. I would in effect be rendered unpublishable in the land of my
birth. In theory, if a job opened up for dance critic or gardening
correspondent, I could apply for it, although if the Royal Winnipeg Ballet
decided to offer Jihad: The Balletfor its Christmas season I'd probably have
to recuse myself.

And what I found odd about this was that very few other people found it odd
at all. Indeed, the Canadian establishment seems to think it entirely
natural that the Canadian state should be in the business of lifetime
publication bans, just as the Dutch establishment thinks it entirely natural
that the Dutch state should put elected leaders of parliamentary opposition
parties on trial for their political platforms, and the French establishment
thinks it appropriate for the French state to put novelists on trial for
sentiments expressed by fictional characters. Across almost all the Western
world apart from America, the state grows ever more comfortable with
micro-regulating public discourse-and, in fact, not-so-public discourse:
Lars Hedegaard, head of the Danish Free Press Society, has been tried, been
acquitted, had his acquittal overruled, and been convicted of racism for
some remarks about Islam's treatment of women made (so he thought) in
private but taped and released to the world. The Rev. Stephen Boissoin was
convicted of the heinous crime of writing a homophobic letter to his local
newspaper and was sentenced by Lori 

[osint] Muslims Wish Americans to Forget About 9/11

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf

Time to close the book on 9/11, says Al Habtoor

by sheikyermami on September 12, 2011

Another call to “close the book on 9/11″ and pretend it was nothing to do
with islam / never happened at all …  (thanks to Mullah)

Blame Bush!

“Unfortunately, in his haste for retribution, George W. Bush squandered the
Muslim world’s post-9-11 goodwill enflaming anti-American sentiment…..”

The  nerve of these insolent creeps!

The tenth anniversary of 9/11 [photos
s-crashed-into-wtc-towers-419027.html ] should mark the beginning of
renewed relations between the Muslim world and the west, one of the UAE’s
most prominent businessmen, Khalaf Al Habtoor, has said.

http://sheikyermami.com/wp-content/uploads/DownloadedFile-113.jpegWriting in
this week’s Arabian Business magazine
http://www.arabianbusiness.com/time-heal-post-9-11-wounds-419529.html ,
the founder of Dubai’s Al Habtoor Group urged governments and media to move
forward and concentrate on bridging the rifts between the Muslim world and
the US.

Just move on, foggeddabaudit:

“Now we must put old hurts behind us and move on. Governments and the media
have been commemorating 9/11 every year for a decade but in order to heal
and repair the gap between the US and the Muslim world we shouldn’t keep
opening-up old wounds or dwell on sorrow which can so easily derail our
coming together,” he said.

Sunday marks the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in
which al Qaeda militants hijacked four airliners and killed almost 3,000

The attacks sparked a decade of growth in anti-Muslim sentiment. A September
2010 Washington Post-ABC News poll showed that 49 percent of Americans held
an unfavourable view of Islam compared to 39 percent in October 2001.

“The idea that west is west and east is east and never the twain shall meet
should be discarded. We must teach our children that we may hold different
beliefs, follow different traditions and wear different clothes but we all
citizens of one shrinking global village,” said Al Habtoor.

How about you discard the Koran, Al Habtoor?

“The past cannot be changed. The victims of 9-11 should be remembered
always and lessons must be learned. However, the only road open to is
forward; I pray that we’ll take that journey to a better tomorrow in unity
and harmony,” he added.

Under Islam? Thanks but no thanks.

Former president George Bush’s decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq only
served to inflame anti-Muslim sentiment, said Al Habtoor.

“Unfortunately, in his haste for retribution, George W. Bush squandered the
Muslim world’s post-9-11 goodwill enflaming anti-American sentiment, which
served to recruit new batches of Al Qaeda clones. As commander-in-chief he
had to react to the attacks but his methods didn’t bring the success he
craved,” he said.

 The Muslim world’s post-9-11 goodwill? They were dancing in the streets
handing out candy!

New York Major Michael Bloomberg last week called on people to stop calling
the site of the September 11 attacks “Ground Zero
s-crashed-into-wtc-towers-419027.html ” and urged Americans to move past a
term long linked with the World Trade Center’s twin towers destruction.

Yes Bloombugger is complicit, we know that.

“We will never forget the devastation of the area that came to be known as
ground zero. Never. But the time has come to call those 16 acres what they
are: The World Trade Center and the National September 11 Memorial and
Museum,” he said during a speech.

“The rebirth and revitalisation of lower Manhattan will be remembered as
one of the greatest comeback stories in American history,” he added.

No. It was an act of war. And Bloombugger  is not only a coward, but a
traitor in the Arab pocket.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] NIGERIA: Muslims Hack to Death Christian Family of 14 in Show of Peace, Love and Tolerance

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf


h-14-members-of-the-same-christian-family/ NIGERIA: Muslims hack to death
14 members of the same Christian family 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| September 12, 2011 at 3:17 AM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=789139 Persecution of Christians
| URL:  http://wp.me/peHnV-zsH http://wp.me/peHnV-zsH 

September 12, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/  | Filed under:
Persecution of Christians
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/category/persecution-of-christians/  |
h-14-members-of-the-same-christian-family/#comments 4 Comments  

6_jpg240bd5208764e61b2219bd1a6ce65ae01.jpg?w=400h=299Gunmen killed 14
members of an extended family in a midnight raid on a village in central
Nigeria on Saturday. Witnesses said they were all from one Christian family,
and had been shot or hacked to death by Muslim Fulani herdsmen.

Daily Times
http://dailytimes.com.ng/article/gunmen-kill-14-people-family-jos   One
pregnant woman who was in labour was among those killed. They shot victims
and (others) were macheted to death.

In the night around 12.30 a.m. we heard a strange noise. Those people who
came to attack us were speaking the Fulani language and they were pointing
at houses. They all dressed in military uniforms, said local council
chairman Moses Dalyop.

The U.N. human rights office called on Nigeria on Friday to halt the
violence in Plateau, in which it said 70 people had been killed since early
August. The latest killing would bring that number to more than 84.

Plateau state straddles the Middle Belt between Nigeria's mostly Muslim
north and largely Christian south that, though normally peaceful,
periodically flares up, igniting local rivalries over religion, ethnicity
and fertile farmland.

The violence adds to President Goodluck Jonathan's security headaches, after
a spate of bombings by Islamist insurgents in the north and the capital,
including one on the U.N. offices that killed 23 people.

Local government officials have accused the security forces of not doing
enough to prevent the violence. A spokesman of the military Special Task
Force (STF) meant to keep order in Plateau, Captain Charles Ekeocha,
defended its role and said one Fulani herdsman suspected of a killing had
been arrested on Saturday.





No big deal just some people in africa






[osint] London: Muslims Burn American Flag during 9/11 Minute of Silence

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf


-flag-during-911-minute-of-silence/ London: Muslims burn American flag
during 9/11 minute of silence 

 http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/ creeping | September
12, 2011 at 11:30 AM | Tags:
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=creeping-sharia Creeping Sharia,
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=10735225 Stealth Jihad | URL:
http://wp.me/pbU4v-9zq http://wp.me/pbU4v-9zq 

London: Muslims burn American flag during 9/11 minute of
-flag-during-911-minute-of-silence/  silence

Posted on September 12, 2011 by creeping 

via 9/11 memorial events: London protesters burn American flag outside US
embassy | Mail Online
-protesters-burn-American-flag-outside-US-embassy.html .


Protesters set fire to the U.S. flag outside the American embassy in London
today during a minute's silence to mark the moment the first hijacked
airliner hit the World Trade Centre.

A group of 100 Muslim radicals, including members of Muslims Against
Crusades, shouted 'USA terrorists' and brandished anti-American placards.

He said: 'I'm a Muslim. What they're doing is bringing shame on all
Muslims.This is not part of the teachings of Islam.

'Islam is all about peace, but what they want to do is hate other people.

One protester in Grosvenor Square said: 'You will always face suffering, you
will always face humiliation, unless you withdraw your troops from Muslim

A small group of Muslims staged a counter-demonstration nearby, holding up
placards reading 'Muslims Against Extremism' and 'If You Want Sharia, Move
To Saudi'.

Earlier, a group of English Defence [sic] League protesters were ordered to
move on to accommodate the anti-American demonstration.

The 60-strong group briefly scuffled with police as they were forced away
from their original location to a different part of Grosvenor Square.

Twenty people were arrested for breach of the peace as the group was
dispersed towards Oxford Street.

And at least four more arrests were made as police escorted the Muslim group
back towards the Central London Mosque in Regents Park.

Yes, sure. Tiny minority. The real tiny minority were the Muslims protesting
against the flag-burning Muslims. It's great they suggest Muslims who want
sharia should leave, but Mohammad wanted sharia too, and he did much worse
than burn flags.

And why is it that Muslims can protest both sides, but the EDL was ordered
to move on?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf


Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

by Raymond Ibrahim http://www.hudson-ny.org/author/Raymond+Ibrahim 
September 7, 2011 at 5:00 am






 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250username=hudsonny ShareShare 

This series, developed to collate some-by no means all-of the most extreme
instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month,
serves two purposes:

1) To document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not
chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.

2) To show that such persecution is not random, but systematic,
interrelated, and ultimately rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia Law.

As will become evident, whatever the of persecution that took place, it
typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and
other Christian symbols; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions
to Islam; apostasy and blasphemy laws; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya,
the additional tax that can be imposed on by Muslims on non-Muslims in a
Muslin state; overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed
dhimmis, or second-class protected citizens; and simple violence.
Oftentimes it is a combination of the aforementioned.

Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages,
and locales -even in the West, wherever there are Muslims-it is clear that
one thing alone binds them: Islam-whether the strict application of Sharia,
or the supremacist culture borne by it.

Categorized by theme, August's batch of Muslim persecutions of Christians
includes (but is not limited to) the following events, listed according to
theme and in alphabetical order by country, not necessarily severity of the

Attacks on Christian Symbols: Churches and Bibles

Indonesia: Two churches were set aflame
0 ; officials downplayed these cases of arson by arguing that the buildings
were only made of board and not real churches. A mayor also proclaimed
islamic-names-bogor-mayor/460241  that churches cannot be built on streets
with Muslim names.

Iran: Officials launched a Bible burning campaign
d/408824 , confiscating and destroying some 7,000 Bibles; many were
publicly burned. Likening their tiny Christian minority to the Taliban and
n/28492.htm , the regime also cracked down on Christians (who make up
less than 1% of the entire population), arresting many; their whereabouts
remain unknown.

Iraq: Two churches were bombed: the first
hristian-Church-Wounds-23-126569753.html  attack damaged the church and
wounded 23; the second
yrian-Orthodox-Church-22365.html  damaged the church (a third church was
targeted but the bomb was defused before detonating).

Nigeria: Two churches were bombed
http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/nigeria/article_115792.html ,
including a Baptist church no longer in use due to previous Muslim attacks;
when officials arrested Islamist leaders, a third Catholic church was
r-authorities-arrest-clerics-believed-connected-with-boko-h.html .

Apostasy and Forced Conversions

Eritrea: At least eight Christians have died in prisons
, most under severe conditions and torture, simply for refusing to recant

India: A female who was formerly stripped and beaten
http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/india/article_116022.html  by
a Muslim mob for converting to Christianity, continues to receive severe
threats to return to Islam or die; likewise, Muslims held three Christian
women threatening to beat and burn them alive if they continued worshipping

Iran: A Christian pastor in Iran remains behind bars
ist , where he is being tortured; he is awaiting execution 

[osint] Obama's Muslim Allies Refuse to Condemn Terrorism

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf


Islamic Bloc Declines to Condemn All Terrorism

By Patrick Goodenough http://cnsnews.com/source/patrick-goodenough 

September 12, 2011

Subscribe to Patrick Goodenough's posts


 http://cnsnews.com/image/oic-1 OIC

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) leaders meet in Mecca in December
2005 to adopt the organization's Ten Year Program of Action. (Photo: OIC)

(CNSNews.com) - In a statement marking the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the
bloc of Islamic states on Sunday reiterated a stance that has stymied
efforts at the United Nations for well over a decade to develop a global
convention against terrorism - the insistence that any definition of
terrorism should make an exception for resistance against foreign

As long as the loophole exists, critics say, it provides cover for violent
attacks by Palestinians against Israelis, by jihadists fighting Indian
control of part of disputed Kashmir, and by groups who portray the U.S. and
coalition military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan as occupation.

Some of the Islamic countries that have themselves suffered the most from
terrorism, notably Pakistan, are among the most determined in refusing to
back down on the occupation exception - even though that stance has since
1996 held up the drive to formulate an international, legally-binding
terrorism convention.

On the eve of the 9/11 anniversary, U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said
in Australia on Friday he regretted the fact that the goal of a
comprehensive convention has not been achieved, attributing the failure to
some disagreement among member states.

In its 9/11 anniversary statement the 56-country Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) said that it joins the international community in
remembering the horrendous and cowardly act of terrorism and the tragic loss
of thousands of innocent human lives.

The OIC seizes this opportunity to reiterate its firm position of
condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and to underscore
that terrorism is a repugnant malady that seeks to destroy the fundamental
ethos of humanity, it said.

But the statement then added that the OIC's position on terrorism is
clearly stated in a document adopted in 2005, the OIC Ten Year Program of
Action http://www.oic-oci.org/page_detail.asp?p_id=228 .

That document states that the OIC members condemn terrorism in all its
forms, and reject any justification or rationalization for it, but then
adds that they distinguish it from the legitimate resistance to foreign
occupation, which does not sanction the killing of innocent civilians.

The OIC's 9/11 statement also drew attention to another initiative, the OIC
Convention on Combating Terrorism, approved in 1999.

The OIC Convention on Combating Terrorism http://www.oicun.org/7/38/
includes a definition of terrorism. Article One defines the phenomenon as
any act of violence or threat thereof notwithstanding its motives or
intentions perpetrated to carry out an individual or collective criminal
plan with the aim of terrorizing people or threatening to harm them or
imperiling their lives, honor, freedoms, security or rights or exposing the
environment or any facility or public or private property to hazards or
occupying or seizing them, or endangering a national resource, or
international facilities, or threatening the stability, territorial
integrity, political unity or sovereignty of independent States.

Article Two of the Convention, however, states, Peoples' struggle including
armed struggle against foreign occupation, aggression, colonialism, and
hegemony, aimed at liberation and self-determination in accordance with the
principles of international law shall not be considered a terrorist crime.

Definition elusive, 15 years on

The U.N. does have a number of conventions dealing with various aspects of
terrorism, but not one comprehensive and - crucially - legally-binding one.

At the instigation of India - a major target of terrorism - the U.N. General
Assembly in 1996 passed a resolution setting up an ad-hoc committee to
work on a draft convention proposed by India. The committee has met for a
one- or two-week period every year for the past 15, but agreement on a
terrorism definition remain elusive.

At its most recent annual meeting, held over five days last April, the
ad-hoc committee once again came up against the same issue.

Some delegations emphasized that terrorism should not be equated with the
legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and
foreign occupation for national liberation and self-determination, the
committee said in a report
Element  on 

[osint] RE: Islam: Incessant and Relentless

2011-09-12 Thread Beowulf

From: robert butler 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 2:06 PM
To: beow...@westerndefense.net
Subject: Re: Islam: Incessant and Relentless


G'day Beowulf,

Relative to referenced, no doubt, everything posted is very true, but the 
mindset and violent concepts of fundamentalist, Muhammedan Islamists cannot be 
compared to or defined in terms of religion or rational thought processes.  For 
the sake of argument, regarding the animating forces of Islamists / jihadis, 
one needs to eliminate ideologies and reason altogether, and stick to history 
and facts.  Islam is not comparable to any other religions, but is a 
geopolitical, supremacist, cult-belief system, designed to create a global 
caliphate wherein the elements of imperialist, authoritarian control and 
submission replaces all natural laws, rationality and civil, social order.  It 
was conceived out of unmitigated evil, unbridled arrogance and must be 
identified for what it is. 

Isaiah 14:12 NKJV - How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the 
morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!
Isaiah 14:13 NKJV - For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into 
heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the 
mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;
Isaiah 14:14 NKJV - I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be 
like the Most High.'
Isaiah 14:15 NKJV - Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest 
depths of the Pit.
Isaiah 14:16 NKJV - Those who see you will gaze at you, And consider you, 
saying: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms,
Isaiah 14:17 NKJV - Who made the world as a wilderness And destroyed its 
cities, Who did not open the house of his prisoners?'
Isaiah 14:18 NKJV - All the kings of the nations, All of them, sleep in 
glory, Everyone in his own house;
Isaiah 14:19 NKJV - But you are cast out of your grave Like an abominable 
branch, Like the garment of those who are slain, Thrust through with a sword, 
Who go down to the stones of the pit, Like a corpse trodden underfoot.

We have a 1400 year history of the interaction between Islam and Kafir nations. 
The data matches the theory. Centuries after Islam enters the culture the host 
culture is annihilated--see Turkey. There is no compatibility between Islam and 
us. Islam is not now, nor can it ever be, a part of our civilization. It is the 
final goal of Islam to annihilate all Kafir civilizations. Its first stage 
of--we are just like you, only different—should be seen for what it is. No 
amount of preaching by apologists can change Islam’s political doctrine and 


Since the inception and rise to prominence of Muhammedan Islam in the early 7th 
Century A.D. the number of deaths and vitimizations attributed to Jihad may be 
summed up as follows:   (See Tears of Jihad 
http://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad/ , CSPI 
http://cspipublishing.com/statistical/index.html .)

*   Africa - 120 million 
*   Christians - 60 million 
*   Hindus - 80 million 
*   Buddhists - 10 million 
*   Jews (less than 1 million) 
*   Total: 270 million 

97% or more deadly terrorist attacks around the world in this century are 
attributed to Muhammadan Muslims and jihad, 90% of which involve the deaths and 
victimizations of other Muslims.

100% of violent, assault-rapes against non-Muslim females in Sweden and Norway 
in this decade, according to police reports, are committed by Muslim Males.

Obama said at the latest White House Iftar dinner:

Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and 
Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our 
country, in all walks of life.

These words have no basis in fact. Islam is not part of our civilization 
because its foundational principles are opposite to ours. Our civilization is 
built on the foundation of critical thought (how we think) and the Golden Rule 
(ethics). Islam is built on submission (authoritative thought) and ethical 

And people say that Islam just needs to be reformed. Good luck on dealing the 
authoritative rules of thought and reform. It is not that you are wrong, you 
are dead wrong. Want more examples of authoritative thought? Try Salman 
Rushdie, the author of the Satanic Verses, a novel. Islam’s reaction to the 
novel was a death fatwa. When the Mohammed cartoons were published, people died 
in riots.

So far in America what happens if you differ with Establishment thought about 
Islam, you are called names, such as bigot or hater, and insulted as a 
punishment. However, the Establishment keeps flirting with the expanded 
versions of hate speech being criminalized.  Hate speech is speech the 
Establishment doesn’t like.

Critical thought does not deal with punishment, just cause and effect along 
with Aristotelian logic.  Nor do insults and threats play a part in critical

[osint] Anarchy in Egypt: Whose Embassy is next?

2011-09-11 Thread Beowulf
Just Muslims doing what Muslims do.perfectly normal and expected.






Anarchy in Egypt: Whose Embassy is next?

By Rachel Ehrenfeld

The leading role played by the Muslim Brotherhood in the street and in the
Egyptian political system can no longer be denied. The mass demonstrations
that continued after the fall of Mubarak's regime weakened of the military
leadership's power, and led to attacks on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, and
escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Jonathan Dahoah Halevi, a fellow at the American Center for Democracy, and a
former advisor for policy planning at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, saw the writing on the wall in August when Muslim Brotherhood-led
anti-Israeli demonstrations -- fueled by Hamas attacks on Israel from Gaza
-- went uninterrupted by the regime.

The ground was ripe in Egypt. The Brotherhood, Hamas' parent organization,
defined the Egyptian revolution as a necessary first step towards the
liberation of all of Palestine. The Brotherhood successfully seized the
opportunity to use the revolution, especially Mubarak's overthrow and
prosecution to motivate the masses, sending them to the streets. Indeed, the
Brotherhood's organizational capability exceeds that of all the other
political parties in Egypt combined.

On August 19 and 20, the Brotherhood directed hundreds of thousands to
protest in many cities in Egypt, including outside the Israeli Embassy in
Cairo and the Israeli Consulate in Alexandria. The protesters tried to force
their way into the embassy, and some were able to lower the flag of Israel.

The preaching during the month of Ramadan combined with Hamas attacks on
Israel in August which led to the IDF retaliation which eliminated the
terrorists cell, also killing an Egyptian officer and four members of the
Egyptian security forces, were used by the Brotherhood to further incited
the masses to daily demonstrations, demanding to cancel the Camp David
accords, close the embassies in Cairo and Tel Aviv, and take military action
against Israel.

This strategy helps the Brotherhood to strengthen their political power and
to pressure the military to promote democratization in line with the
organization's agenda, to advance Shari'a law, avoid significant
constitutional changes, hold the general and presidential elections as soon
as possible, and to alter the relations with Israel.

Back in August, Halevi warned that an escalation in the protests could lead
to more attempts to break into the embassy in Cairo and the consulate in
Alexandria, even a takeover, as happened with the United States Embassy in
Tehran in 1979.

Halevi further explained: Israel's Foreign Ministry faces a complex dilemma
on this issue. Evacuating the Israeli diplomats out of fear for their safety
would be a great victory for the Egyptian opposition and would signal the
end of the peace with Egypt... Preserving the last thread in the diplomatic
relations with Egypt would compromise the safety of the embassy staff and
the Consulate General of Israel in Egypt. Recent events and the assessment
of the risks require the Foreign Ministry's to be prepared for the
possibility of an emergency and immediate evacuation of Israeli diplomats
until the internal situation in Egypt is stabilized and the regime is able
to effectively control the country.
The military leadership ability to control the masses is very limited --
using force and risking casualties is not an option at this time. The
uninterrupted mob attacks on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, which culminated
last weekend with the ransacking of the embassy and the emergency evacuation
of most Israeli diplomatic staff and their families, should worry all
foreign missions.

This confirmed the failure of Egypt's ruling army council to enforce order,
thus violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1951) that
guaranties the protection of foreign all missions.

This is not the first time that foreign missions came under attack in the
Arab/Muslim world. The mass anti-Western demonstrations and attacks on
foreign embassies following the publication of the Muhammad cartoons were
sanctioned by the Arab/Muslim governments. However, the so-called Arab
Spring that was hijacked by the Brotherhood and its affiliates destabilized
Arab regimes and created anarchy.

Following protests from Israel and the US, Egypt's ruling military council
issued a statement saying this was an ''attack on Egypt's image, deployed
security forces around the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, and recognized Egypt's
''total commitment to respecting international conventions, including the
protection of all (diplomatic) missions''. Still, the unabated incitement
against Israel, America and the West begs a genuine concern about the
military's ability and 

[osint] 9/11 Courtesy of Obama: Muzzling America with Censorship and more Muslim Terror Threat

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf

rror-threat.html 9/11 Courtesy of Obama: Muzzling America with Censorship
and more Muslim Terror Threat 

Saturday, 10 September 2011 07:15 Eliana Benador 

42e11cc79306befba4870a2b394/tmpl,component/ E-mail
rror-threat/print.html Print
m-terror-threat.pdf PDF


 Allah hu akbar, Allah hu akbar were the last voices recorded in BOTH the
aircraft which crashed into the twin towers on 9/11.

Ten years and two presidents later, we are about to commemorate the massacre
perpetrated by Muslim terrorists, haters of American people and American
lifestyle, and who because of that targeted the core of our country. 

Unsuspecting men and women don't know that Barack Hussein Obama is ready to,
surreptitiously and subtly, deliver a blow to the morale of the American

Hiding behind the label of the White House, the Obama Administration has
quietly published 'guidelines' to government officials on how they are
supposed to hold the 9/11 tenth anniversary ceremonies.


For full disclosure, it has been impossible to find anywhere in the White
House http://www.whitehouse.gov/  website the slightest indication of such
guidelines, which have been first shared publicly via an article in the New
York Times, written by Thom Schanker and Eric Schmitt
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/30/us/politics/30terror.html .  

Appears that one set of recommendations is for federal agencies in
American territory, and another set is for overseas allies and their
citizens, made available via American embassies.  As if we were all one
country under one government. 

While 9/11 happened in the heart of New York, seems that the
Obama-guidelines are going to impose a balancing act remembering the
victims -only- and honoring those whose service has helped to prevent
another catastrophic attack on American soil.  

Indeed, it will be a good opportunity to acknowledge in front the world that
it was not only America but also other nations who have being targeted by
terrorists from Al Qaeda and other extremist groups who have carried out
terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world, from Mumbai to Manila, and so on.

Beyond that, the Obama White House 'insinuates' also in which tone we are
supposed to commemorate the work of evil:  It will be by a positive and
forward-looking message with mitigated emphasis on Al Qaeda.

True to himself and consistent with his long-term pro-Muslim agenda, Obama
announced the color during his radio weekly address
member , entitled Coming Together to Remember, on August 27, 2011. 

Pulling the strings behind this, reportedly is, Benjamin J. Rhodes, in
charge of answering some questions during a telephone interview with the New
York Times.  He said that the Administration needs to make sure they are
speaking to a very broad set of audiences who will be affected by the
anniversary.  Good to know. 

But, WHO is Benjamin J. Rhodes?
http://www.whorunsgov.com/Profiles/Ben_Rhodes  He is Obama's foreign
policy writer in the White House and the man who helps shape the
Administration's message on such sensitive topics as our military presence
in post-Liberation Iraq, military intervention in Pakistan and, even more
dangerously, on whether to sit down with rogue foreign leaders --without

But, maybe what will best describe Rhodes is his favorite quote: Our
problems are man-made; therefore, they can be solved by man. Signed: John
F. Kennedy. 

Rhodes version 

Thus, according to Obama and team, commemorations should honor victims of
global terror, arguing that citizens of 90-plus countries were killed as
result of attacks carried out by 19 hijackers who had previously seized four
planes, taking nearly 3,000 lives.


19 beastly Muslim terrorists on 9/11, perpetrated a despicable massacre,
slaughtering almost 4,000 unsuspecting, innocent American civilians in times
of peace. 

Bin Laden's timely death, gives the Obama guidelines a legitimate excuse
to tell us that Al Qaeda is losing their relevance, even in the Arab
Spring uprisings against longtime autocrats in the Middle East and North
Africa -and former allies of America, one must add.  

When, without consulting with the American Congress, Obama took America to
war in Libya, we found out that our men have been put to fight on the same
side as Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi

[osint] Soros: 9/11 Memorials are Nothing but Muslim Hate

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf


Click here: Soros: 9/11 Memorials are Nothing but Muslim Hate - Big Journalism 


George Soros has spent an inordinate amount of his life trying to change the 
landscape of economics to his benefit. Now he’s attempting to manipulate the 
sentiments surrounding the 9/11 anniversary. As the U.S prepares to acknowledge 
the 9-11 10th Anniversary, multi-billionaire financier George Soros released a 
report that claims a conservative cabal of groups and individuals are 
Islamophobic and the 9-11 memorials are more about hatred for Muslims than 
commemorating the killing of close to 3,000 Americans by radical Islamists. ...



 Soros: 9/11 Memorials are Nothing but Muslim Hate 

Posted by P.J. Salvatore http://bigjournalism.com/author/pjsalvatore  Sep 9th 
2011 at 1:18 pm in MMfA Propaganda Watch 
http://bigjournalism.com/category/mmfa-propaganda-watch/ , Soros 
http://bigjournalism.com/category/soros/ , media bias 
http://bigjournalism.com/category/media-bias/  | Comments (88) 

George Soros has spent an inordinate amount of his life trying to change the 
landscape of economics to his benefit. Now he’s attempting to manipulate the 
sentiments surrounding the 9/11 anniversary 


As the U.S prepares to acknowledge the 9-11 10th Anniversary,  
multi-billionaire financier George Soros released a report that claims a 
conservative cabal of groups and individuals are Islamophobic and the 9-11 
memorials are more about hatred for Muslims than commemorating the killing of 
close to 3,000 Americans by radical Islamists.

Soros calls these Americans, most of whom are conservatives, Fear Incorporated.

The Soros group known as the Center for American Progress (CAP) is deliberately 
attempting to take attention away from events in the U.S. that are in progress 
to commemorate the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, and focus that 
attention on claims of Muslim-bashing by members of counterterrorism 
think-tanks, terrorism analysts and some members of the news media such as Fox 
News Channel.

That one of the report’s authors is in custody due to a suspected relationship 
with Hamas says it all.

One of the authors of this Soros-CAP report was interviewed by Al-Jazeera’s 
Samer Allawi, who is now in custody in Israel facing allegations that he’s a 
covert agent of Hamas.

Israpundit http://www.israpundit.com/archives/39121  details CAP’s “proof”:

Center for American Progress released “Fear, Inc.,” yet another report in the 
increasingly hysterical bullying campaign to shout down criticism of political 
Islamist efforts to influence American foreign and domestic policy. Their 
latest “copy and paste” effort duplicates large sections of five nearly 
identical “investigations” just this year, complaining that millions of 
concerned Americans are Islamophobes.

The primary organizations– what should be called the “Shariah Defense Lobby”– 
are the Center for American Progress/ThinkProgress, the Council on American 
Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the 
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Southern Poverty Law Center 
(SPLC) with support from a handful of other far-left or Islamist bloggers and 
Washington lobbyists.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


  Post message: osint@yahoogroups.com
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*** FAIR USE NOTICE. This message contains copyrighted material whose use has 
not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. OSINT, as a part of 
The Intelligence Network, is making it available without profit to OSINT 
YahooGroups members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the 
included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of 
intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, 
techniques, human rights, civil liberties, social justice and other 
intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes 
only. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material 
as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. 

[osint] Terrorists Destroy Israeli Embassy in Cairo; Israel Requests US Assistance - not Forthcoming

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf


Israel requests U.S. aid after protesters attack embassy in Cairo

By Michael Birnbaum
  and Ingy Hassieb, Published: September 9 | Updated: Saturday, September
10, 7:57 AM

CAIRO - Israel airlifted its ambassador home and sought U.S. intervention
with Egypt to help secure its embassy here early Saturday, hours after
thousands of Egyptian protesters besieged the building, with several
managing to gain entry and fling Hebrew-language documents from a balcony.

Protesters knocked down a 12-foot concrete wall that had been built last
week to protect the embassy, which is near the top floor of a 21-story
residential building in the upscale Dokki area. At least two protesters
scaled the front of the building to pull down the Israeli flag, hanging from
the 20th floor. It was the second time in recent weeks that demonstrators
had removed the flag.

The crowd burned Israeli flags and threw rocks at security forces as
protesters denounced the deaths of several Egyptian border guards last
month. The guards were killed as Israeli troops pursued militants who they
said had crossed into Egypt from Gaza to attack the Israeli resort town of

Late Friday, protesters appeared to have reached the embassy's foyer,
throwing documents from a balcony, said an Israeli official quoted by
Reuters news agency. It was not clear whether the documents were sensitive.
Egyptian security forces used tear gas and sent a string of armored
personnel carriers to try to clear away the protesters.

Egyptian Deputy Health Minister Hamid Abaza told the Associated Press that
at least three people died and more than 1,000 were hurt during the street
clashes with police. Earlier the state-run Middle East News Agency said that
448 people were injured in the fighting around the embassy, including 46
police officers. 

In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the incident, which led
to the departure of the Israeli ambassador and nearly all of his staff, a
serious breach of bilateral relations.  

The fact that Egyptian authorities ultimately acted with determination is
laudable, Netanyahu was quoted as saying by an official in his office.
That said, Egypt cannot conduct business as usual after this harsh blow to
the fabric of relations with Israel and gross violation of international

Israeli officials who tracked events during the night described tense hours
during which Netanyahu spoke by phone with President Obama to seek help in
protecting the embassy and extricating six Israeli security guards trapped
inside when a mob broke through an outer door into the public reception and
consular affairs area. The ambassador and other embassy staff were not in
because it was Friday night, the Jewish Sabbath, and a day off in Egypt,
when the embassy is closed.

Netanyahu was also in contact with the Egyptian chief of intelligence,
General Murad Muwafi, a member of the ruling military council, according to
the officials. Defense Minister Ehud Barak meanwhile, spoke to U.S.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and with Dennis Ross, the president's
Middle East advisor on the National Security Council, his office said. 

A senior Pentagon official said Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta spoke
Friday evening with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the head of
Egypt's ruling military council, Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, to
try to ease the crisis. Tantawi told Panetta that Egypt would take necessary
measures to secure the Israeli Embassy, the senior Pentagon official said.

The rioters were literally a door away from the security guards, said one
official, who spoke anonymously in order to talk freely.  There was very
real concern for their safety and their lives. The Prime Minister spoke to
them directly because he moved during the night to a situation room in the
Foreign Ministry, where there is a direct link to the embassy. It was a very
grave incident and we were very concerned that it was going to get worse. 

After tear gas was used to disperse the protestors, the Israeli guards were
eventually extricated at about 5 a.m. Saturday by Egyptian special forces
and escorted to the airport, where they were flown back to Israel on an
Israeli air force plane, according to the officials. Another Israeli plane
left earlier carrying the ambassador, Yitzhak Levanon, the embassy staff and
their families - about 80 people in all, the officials said.   

The deputy ambassador, Yisrael Tikochinsky-Nitzan, remained in a secure
location in Cairo to maintain contact with the Egyptian authorities, said
the official who spoke anonymously. He added that we know that American
intervention with the Egyptian authorities helped stabilize the situation
and get our people out. 

The Egyptian Interior 

[osint] Why U.S. troops should stay in Iraq

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf
A very very stupid idea.


Nation-building  muslims is not worth the effort.impossible in fact.


7th century barbarian scum.






Why U.S. troops should stay in Iraq

By Meghan O'Sullivan, Published: September 9 

As America looks back on this 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the
war in Iraq looms large - and usually not in a good way. At best, it's
regarded as a distraction, a needless conflict that took America's focus
away from Afghanistan and al-Qaeda. At worst, the Iraq war is decried as a
fiasco, the United States' greatest strategic disaster, as retired Gen.
William Odom, the former National Security Agency director, once put it.

There is no question that Iraq, as it stands today, has fallen short of
American - and Iraqi - hopes and expectations. And there is no question that
the costs of the war, for both sides, have been greater than anticipated.
Even so, Iraq's achievements - including the establishment of representative
institutions against all odds - are hardly minor. The country could still
become mired in a civil conflict that destabilizes the region. But it is
equally or even more conceivable that, with relatively small amounts of
continued U.S. support, the greatest strategic benefits of the Iraq
intervention will materialize in the next several years. And these benefits
would more than justify an ongoing U.S. military presence there.

This belief about Iraq's strategic potential is not based on the naivete
that underpinned many optimistic assessments before the war, and it is
rooted in firmer ground than the desperate hopes of someone, like me, who
has devoted much of the past decade to U.S. efforts in Iraq. While by no
means inevitable, there are at least three ways in which Iraq has only just
begun to show its strategic value.

First, Iraq can offer a great deal toward ensuring that the nascent
transitions from dictatorships to more accountable governance in the region
succeed over the long term. Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans
- and perhaps eventually Syrians and Yemenis - have an advantage over Iraqis
in the sense that they carry none of the baggage that comes with having a
regime removed by the armed forces of an external power. But they will face
many of the same challenges tackled by the Iraqis over the past eight years:
how to hold members of the former regime accountable without stripping
society of the expertise needed to rebuild the country; how to manage a
political transition amid competing pressures for both quick results and
inclusive processes; and how to deal with elements of the former regime
determined to unseat the new order.

For sure, Iraqis - and we Americans - did not meet these challenges without
mistakes and missteps. But Iraq's lessons can help other countries of the
Arab world make smoother, more successful transitions. Even before the Arab
Spring, Arab intellectuals had begun looking to Iraq
http://www.cihrs.org/English/NewsSystem/Articles/151.aspx 's experience to
gain insights into their own challenges.

Second, Iraq, perhaps paradoxically, is now one of the Middle Eastern
countries best positioned to maintain ties with the West and with the United
States in particular - no small matter in a region where U.S. strategic
allies have almost literally disappeared overnight. The eight years since
the ouster of Saddam Hussein have been traumatic both to Iraqis and
Americans. But at the same time, the shared experience has built
relationships and sympathies between the two populations that run deep. Even
Americans who lament the U.S. intervention in Iraq must realize that their
country made a large investment there and that there are benefits to some
sort of ongoing relationship.

The Iraqi view of the United States is more complex. Even while there is
real resentment, in private many Iraqi officials recognize that a continued
bilateral relationship is important to the future stability and prosperity
of their country. This mutual understanding is enshrined in the Strategic
Framework Agreement of 2008, which pledges robust, nonmilitary cooperation
between the two nations for the long term. A close U.S.-Iraqi relationship
may be an important asset as other countries in the region draw further away
from the United States, rejecting the policies of their former
authoritarian, but pro-American, regimes.

Finally, and most compelling, there is the role that Iraq may play in
averting a major global energy crisis in the coming years. The world
economic recession eased pressure on global oil supplies and provided relief
from the climbing energy prices of 2007 and 2008. But a quiet trend of 2010
was that growth in global oil consumption grew at the second-fastest rate
ever, at 2.8 percent, while growth in global crude oil production lagged
behind at 2.5 percent. If demand 

[osint] Broke Western countries to give tens of billions to Muslim countries to speed up Islamic sharia

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf


ive-tens-of-billions-to-muslim-countries-to-speed-up-islamic-sharia/ Broke
Western countries to give tens of billions to Muslim countries to speed up
Islamic sharia 

 http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/ creeping | September
10, 2011 at 12:45 PM | Tags:
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=finance finance,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=islam islam,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=legal Legal,
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=media Media,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=muslim Muslim,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=obama Obama,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=politics Politics,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=random Random,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=religion Religion,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=sharia Sharia | Categories:
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=10378 Alerts,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=4115925 Creeping Sharia,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=292 Media,
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=103 News,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=376320 Obama,
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=116 Religion,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=29069 Sharia,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=10735225 Stealth Jihad | URL:
http://wp.me/pbU4v-9yS http://wp.me/pbU4v-9yS 

via Finance officials to speed aid to Arab democracies
rab-democracies/ - Washington Times.

MARSEILLE, France (AP) - Financial leaders from the world's most developed
nations are discussing how to speed up the flow of tens of billions of
dollars to help support democracies in North Africa and the Middle East,
British Treasury chief George Osborne said Saturday.

Osborne told reporters that finance ministers from Europe, the U.S., Canada
and rich Arab countries will also commit to boosting trade with the region
during the talks Saturday.

Osborne spoke ahead of meetings between those finance ministers and the
finance ministers of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan, as well as
representatives of Libya's National Transitional Council.

What you'll see today is confirmation that we want to see the EBRD
(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) expand the commitment of
money now, Osborne said.

The bank is now changing its statutes so it can expand operations out of
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and into North Africa and the
Middle East.

Osborne said financial officials will also try to get some money to the
EBRD in the short term so they can get going ahead of the planned reform.

Along with financing from other international development banks, officials
expect to mobilize tens of billions of dollars in lending over the next
three years to aid the five countries invited to Saturday's meeting, Osborne

The idea was hatched by the Group of Eight nations - Britain, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the U.S. Several international
funds and wealthy Arab countries are also expected to put up money for the

Witnessing the slow suicide of Western civilization couldn't be more


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf
Subject: Fw: FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)


This is serious business!


-  -  -


The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

- Original Message - 

From: 1389AD mailto:ad1...@yahoo.com  

To: 1389 AD mailto:ad1...@yahoo.com  

Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 7:38 AM

Subject: FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)


My own HTML is attached, if you wish to re-post this elsewhere.





FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY) 

September 10th, 2011 | 1389 (blog admin) 
http://1389blog.com/category/1389-blog/authors/1389/ , Florida 
http://1389blog.com/category/world/north-america/usa/florida/ , Islamic 
terrorism http://1389blog.com/category/islam/jihad/islamic-terrorism/ , 
Pakistan http://1389blog.com/category/world/asia/pakistan/ , September 11, 
2001 http://1389blog.com/category/history/9-11/ 

 FBI Wanted Terrorist Jude Kenan Mohammad 
http://1389blog.com/pix/Jude-Kenan-Mohammad.jpg This is believed to be one of 
the men counter terrorism chiefs say are plotting a terrorist attack in America 
on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11.

An image of American-born 22-year-old Jude Kenan Mohammad has been posted on 
the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list.

He has been linked to what officials have called a credible but unconfirmed 
al-Qaeda threat to set off a car bomb on bridges or tunnels in New York City or 

Mohammad is among three al-Qaeda leaders that investigators believe pose a 
particular threat because they have lived in the U.S.

Should that mission prove impossible, the attackers have been told to simply 
cause as much destruction as they can.

Mohammad, who was born in Florida, dropped out of North Carolina’s 
Fuquay-Varina High School in 2006 and left the U.S. two years later to visit 
Pakistan, his father’s homeland.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina indicted him and seven other men in 2009 
on charges that they conspired to carry out terrorist activities around the 
world. Two of the men have pleaded guilty, and the trial of four others is set 
for September 19 in New Bern.

Federal authorities have never arrested Mohammad in the case, saying that they 
believe he has been in Pakistan since the indictment was issued.

(Via vinienco.com 
 ; h/t Tonka Truck)

Click here to view FBI WANTED poster. 




FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)

img src=http://1389blog.com/pix/Jude-Kenan-Mohammad.jpg; alt=FBI Wanted 
Terrorist Jude Kenan Mohammad title=FBI Wanted Terrorist Jude Kenan Mohammad 
style=margin: 20px 20px align=left /

This is believed to be one of the men counter terrorism chiefs say are plotting 
a terrorist attack in America on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11.

An image of American-born 22-year-old Jude Kenan Mohammad has been posted on 
the FBI�s Ten Most Wanted list.

He has been linked to what officials have called a credible but unconfirmed 
al-Qaeda threat to set off a car bomb on bridges or tunnels in New York City or 

Mohammad is among three al-Qaeda leaders that investigators believe pose a 
particular threat because they have lived in the U.S.

Should that mission prove impossible, the attackers have been told to simply 
cause as much destruction as they can.

Mohammad, who was born in Florida, dropped out of North Carolina�s 
Fuquay-Varina High School in 2006 and left the U.S. two years later to visit 
Pakistan, his father�s homeland.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina indicted him and seven other men in 2009 
on charges that they conspired to carry out terrorist activities around the 
world. Two of the men have pleaded guilty, and the trial of four others is set 
for September 19 in New Bern.

Federal authorities have never arrested Mohammad in the case, saying that they 
believe he has been in Pakistan since the indictment was issued.

em(Via a 
 h/t Tonka Truck)/em

h3a href=http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/alert/jude-kenan-mohammad; 
target=_blankClick here to view FBI WANTED poster./a/h3


hr /

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


  Post message: osint@yahoogroups.com

[osint] The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The 200 jumpers who flung themselves from the Twin Towers who have been 'airbrushed from history'

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf
And the fact that it was because of MUSLIM terrorists!


Never forgive, Never Forget.




 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ Description: Description: MailOnline - news,
sport, celebrity, science and health stories

Saturday, Sep 10 2011  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/weather/index.html
9PM 15°C 12AM 14°C 5-Day Forecast 

The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The 200 jumpers who flung
themselves from the Twin Towers who have been 'airbrushed from history'

By  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=authornamef=Tom+Leonard
Tom Leonard

Last updated at 12:48 PM on 10th September 2011

Almost all of them jumped alone, although eyewitnesses talked of a couple
who held hands as they fell. 

One woman, in a final act of modesty, appeared to be holding down her skirt.
Others tried to make parachutes out of curtains or tablecloths, only to have
them wrenched from their grip by the force of their descent. 

The fall was said to take about ten seconds. It would vary according to the
body position and how long it took to reach terminal velocity — around
125mph in most cases, but if someone fell head down with their body
straight, as if in a dive, it could be 200mph.

Description: Description: Horror: A person falls to their death after
jumping from the north tower following the audacious terror strike which
shocked the world a decade ago

Horror: A person falls to their death after jumping from the north tower
following the audacious terror strike which shocked the world a decade ago

When they hit the pavement, their bodies were not so much broken as

Nothing more graphically spells out the horror of the 9/11 attacks on the
Twin Towers than the grainy pictures of those poor souls frozen in mid-air
as they fell to their deaths, tumbling in all manner of positions, after
choosing to escape the suffocating smoke and dust, the flames and the
steel-bending heat in the highest floors of the World Trade Centre.

And yet, tragically, they are in many ways the forgotten victims of
September 11. Even now, nobody knows for certain who they were or exactly
how many they numbered. Perhaps worst of all, surprisingly few even want to

From the earliest days after the 9/11 attacks, the American establishment
and the media showed an overwhelming reluctance to dwell on those who jumped
or fell from the Twin Towers. 

If this was simply down to qualms at being considered intrusive or
voyeuristic when individuals in the most appalling circumstances chose in
desperation to die very publicly, it would be understandable. 

But there are other, more complicated, reasons. In the aftermath of this
attack on America’s sovereign territory — a period of intense patriotism —
some considered that to choose to die rather than be killed showed a lack of

And in this country of intense religious fervour, many believe that to be a
‘jumper’ was to choose suicide rather than accept the fate of God — and
suicide in whatever circumstances is considered shameful or, indeed, a sin
that will send you to Hell. 

At the office of the New York chief medical examiner, a spokesman said this
week that they did not consider these people ‘jumpers’. She insisted they
fell from the 1,350ft tall, 110-floor skyscrapers, for jumping would imply

‘Jumping indicates a choice, and these people did not have that choice,’ she
said. ‘That is why the deaths were ruled homicide, because the actions of
other people caused them to die. The force of explosion and the fire behind
them forced them out of the windows.’

Description: Description: Terror: An estimated 200 people jumped to their
deaths to avoid being killed by the fires on 9/11

Terror: An estimated 200 people jumped to their deaths to avoid being killed
by the fires on 9/11

For those who have discovered that their loved ones may have been among the
estimated 200 or more who plunged to their deaths, this uncomfortable
official reticence can only compound the suffering they have already

University administrator Jack Gentul cannot possibly imagine his late wife’s
torment before she died. Alayne Gentul, mother of two and the 44-year-old
vice president of an investment company, was in the South Tower and had gone
up to the 97th floor to help evacuate staff after the other tower was hit.
In her final moments, she rang Jack to say in labouring breaths that smoke
was coming into her room through vents.

‘She said “I’m scared”,’ he tells me quietly. ‘She wasn’t a person who got
scared, and I said, “Honey, it’ll be all right, it’ll be all right, you’ll
get down”.’

Alayne Gentul’s remains were found in the street outside the building across
from the tower — sufficiently far from the rubble to suggest she had jumped.
Mr Gentul, who has since remarried, is not convinced she took that option
but is clearly irked that some believe jumping was some sort of cop-out.

‘She was a very practical person who would have done whatever she could to
survive,’ he explains in a 

[osint] Mr. President, Please Get Your Feet Off the Desk!

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf

Mr. President, Please Get Your Feet Off the Desk!

by Keith Koffler on March 11, 2011, 10:22 am

It must be a sign of the tone deafness of this White House that they keep 
releasing photos – White House photographer-taken photos – of President Obama 
with his feet on the Oval Office furniture.

Here’s a photo montage of the president not minding his manners.

 Obama with his feet up on the desk

If you’re wondering, yes, the desk you see him with his dirty shoes on is the 
historic Resolute Desk, made from the timbers of the British Frigate HMS 
Resolute and given as a gift to the United States by Queen Victoria in 1856.

It’s been used by many presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt and every 
chief executive since Jimmy Carter.

But it is perhaps best known for this:

Yup, the very same desk cherished by so many for its depiction with the two 
doomed John F. Kennedys.

Mr. President, get your feet off this desk.

Thanks to Granny Jan, who blogs at 
http://grannyjanandjihadkitty.blogspot.com/  Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty, for 
putting together the montage.

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[osint] Iran's Direct and Material Involvement in 9/11

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf
Iran's Dirty 9/11 Secrets

Posted By Kenneth R. Timmerman On September 9, 2011 @ 12:20 am In Daily
Mailer,FrontPage | 3 Comments

It has taken nearly ten years, but the real story of Iran's direct, material
involvement in the 9/11 conspiracy is finally coming to light. And it's
being revealed not by the U.S. government or by Congressional investigators
but by private attorneys representing families of the 9/11 victims in U.S.
District Court.

Just one week before the 9/11 Commission sent its final report to the
printers in July 2004, diligent staffers discovered a six-page classified
National Security Agency analysis summarizing what the U.S. intelligence
community had learned about Iran's assistance to the 9/11 hijackers.

They happened upon the document by chance. It had been tucked away at the
bottom of the last box in the last stack of classified documents they were
reviewing. But it was so explosive that several Commissioners pushed hard to
make sure the information it contained was included in the final report,
despite intense push back from the intelligence community.

The page and a half section that made the final cut (see pages 240-241
http://information.iran911case.com/Exhibit_1.pdf ) details repeated trips
to Iran by 8-10 of the muscle hijackers between October 2000 and February
2001. Flying in from Saudi Arabia, Damascus, and Beirut, the future
hijackers were accompanied by senior Hezbollah operatives who were in fact
agents of the Iranian regime.

The information was so explosive that the CIA lobbied hard to get it
expunged from the final report, in part because they had detected some of
the movements as they were occurring but failed to appreciate their import.
They saw them as travel through Iran, not travel to Iran, a senior 9/11
Commission staffer told me at the time.

By the time the staffers had read into the 75 source documents on a Sunday
morning out at NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, MD, the Commission was
pushing up against the end of its mandate and could not do any additional
work. The information was so serious and had such clear geopolitical import
that it requires further investigation by the U.S. government, they
concluded. Many of the Commissions and senior staff who were aware of the
document find assumed someone else would pick up the ball.

But as attorney Thomas Mellon, Jr. and his colleagues representing Fiona
Havlish and other 9/11 widows and family members discovered, no such
investigation was ever carried out. Not even the Congressional intelligence
committees would go near the subject, despite direct appeals from the
Havlish plaintiffs and a review of many of the original still-classified
documents cited in the report.

I was engaged by the Havlish attorneys in 2004 to carry out the
investigation the 9/11 Commission report called on the U.S. government to
handle. We had no governmental authority, hardly any budget, and no access
to classified intelligence or intelligence assets. But what we found and
made public starting this May is enough to hang a fish. Put simply:

. The Islamic Republic of Iran helped design the 9/11 plot;

. provided intelligence support to identify and train the operatives who
carried it out;

. allowed the future hijackers to evade U.S. and Pakistani surveillance on
key trips to Afghanistan where they received the final order of mission from
Osama bin Laden, by escorting them through Iranian borders without passport

. evacuated hundreds of top al Qaeda operatives from Afghanistan to Iran
after the 9/11 just as U.S. forces launched their offensive;

. provided safe haven and continued financial support to al Qaeda cadres for
years after 9/11; 

. allowed al Qaeda to use Iran as an operational base for additional terror
attacks, in particular the May 2003 bombings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Key elements of our proofs are in bullet points at the end of this article.
For those wishing a more detailed account, here is a partially-redacted
affidavit http://information.iran911case.com/Exhibit_2.pdf  I provided to
the Court that traces the Islamic Republic of Iran's relationship al Qaeda
back to the early 1990s.

Panic at CIA

As the Havlish case was getting closer to making its information public last
year, certain old guard elements within the CIA went into a panic mode,
apparently worried that their failure to act on indicators and warnings in
2000 and 2001 would come to light and ruin their post-Agency careers. I can
now reveal that they made several attempts to suborn two of the Havlish
witnesses who were located overseas.

In the first attempt, in August 2010, an individual presenting himself as a
CIA official, told our witness that the Agency wanted to break the Havlish
litigation against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and considered the
witness's testimony to be 

[osint] NATO's Total Reliance on US for Operations

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf


September 09, 2011

NATO Notes Reliance on US for Operations

pup EuropeNATO: U.S. Capabilities Vital for Allies
By Cheryl Pellerin AFPS

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2011 - NATO-led operations in Libya show NATO forces
are flexible, open and strong, and also demonstrate the need for critical
capabilities such as the unmanned aircraft supplied by the United States,
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said today.

This was the first alliance operation where European allies and Canada took
the lead, and the alliance got the job done, Rasmussen told reporters
during a briefing in Brussels on what NATO calls Operation Unified

European allies and Canada led the air force, he added, but this mission
could not have been done without capabilities which only the United States
can offer. For example, drones, intelligence and refueling aircraft.

Such capabilities are critical for all NATO allies, Rasmussen said, and
include transport and strategic airlift capacity. 

More allies should be willing to obtain [such capabilities] and that is a
real challenge, he added. We will have to find the solutions at the next
NATO summit in Chicago.

At the Lisbon Summit in Nov. 2010, NATO presented its third Strategic
Concept since the end of the Cold War, defining the alliance's 11 strategic
priorities for investment over the next decade, including missile and cyber
defense, and counter-IED technology.

From now until the May 2012 summit in Chicago, Rasmussen said, we will try
to identify a number of areas in which a group of countries could pool and
share resources.

Then in Chicago, he said, hopefully, we can identify a number of elite
nations that would carry forward these projects, building on the priorities
named in Lisbon.

It will be a comprehensive defense package that will contribute to making
more efficient use of our resources, Rasmussen said, but also aim at
narrowing the economic and technological gap between the United States and
Europe. That's my ambition.
In addition to highlighting such gaps, Operation Unified Protector shows the
flexibility, openness and strength of NATO forces, the secretary-general

Though the operation is not over, it has an unprecedented United Nations
mandate -- the responsibility to protect the Libyan people -- and NATO has
implemented the mandate with unprecedented precision, Rasmussen said.

No comparable air operation in history has been so accurate and so careful
in avoiding harm to civilians, he added, noting that the operation in five
months has degraded a war machine that took more than 40 years to build.

NATO and our partners will be there as long as we are needed but not one
minute longer, he said. When we assess that the threat is over for good,
we will conclude Operation Unified Protector. I cannot give a precise date,
but I believe it will come soon.

NATO began the operation on March 31 with the aim of protecting civilians
and civilian-populated areas under attack or threat of attack by Libyan
leader Moammar Ghaddafi's military.

According to NATO, the mission consists of an arms embargo, a no-fly zone
and actions to protect civilians. Since the operation's start, NATO allies
have conducted 21,662 sorties, including 8,140 strike sorties.

NATO's operations commander is Canadian air force Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard,
who operates with his staff from the Allied Joint Force Command in Naples.

To support the arms embargo, 15 ships under NATO command are patrolling the
central Mediterranean. They have hailed 2,500 vessels, boarding 258 and
denying passage to 11.

Also since March 31, NATO has recorded 949 air, ground and maritime
movements by international humanitarian assistance organizations to bring
food, water and medical aid to the Libyan people.

It is now [time] for the Libyan people to shape their future, the
secretary-general said.


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[osint] Terror Threat in DC/NYC

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf
Note: al-Qaeda and most terrorist organizations do not attack on
anniversaries.as they KNOW the West values anniversary dates and mistakenly
anticipates anniversary attacks and increase security at these times.
Muslims do not even use the same calendar as the rest of the world, so THEIR
dates of anniversaries are not the same as the Western dates each year.


If the details of the threat are so well known, why not share them with the
world?  Why is the secret kept from the American public?  The terrorists
know the details of their attack; the US Government knows the details of the
attack.  The terrorists, thanks to the ignorant commentary by US Officials,
know that the US Government knows.From Whom is the government keeping the
details then?  and Why?






September 09, 2011

Terror Threat in DC/NYC

US Intelligence Agencies have released information that Pakistan based
terrorist organizations have stated an intent to attack Washington DC and
New York in the days surrounding the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.

The threat is specific in cities targeted and type.  The information
released indicates the terrorist threat is by car bomb.  The specific cities
mentioned are Washington DC and New York City.  This does not mean that
other cities are not at risk.

Sketchier is the group behind the threat: potentially the Pakistani Taliban
or Al-Qaeda, while other terrorist groups also operate in the lawless tribal
areas of Pakistan identified as the area from which the plot was hatched.

Also sketchy, according to the information released, is if or how many
potential terrorist operatives are already within the country, with one news
source stating it was as few as 5-10.

For obvious reasons, the intelligence agencies did not release statements as
to specific source of their information, the scope of the information they
do or don't know, or if they know the names of those involved.

The military increased its threat level yesterday, due to the heightened
potential of attacks around the anniversaries of previous attacks.



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[osint] Missing In Action: All-American Courage

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf


September 9, 2011

Missing In Action: All-American Courage

Since 9/11, we've wallowed in hysteria and fear.

Ralph Peters

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Comments (1)



Why have conservatives become such captives of fear? Before 9/11,
conservatism stood for stalwart courage and confidence in the United States
of America. Across the past decade, however, we succumbed to a weird mania
that wildly exaggerates threats and revels in our purported strategic
vulnerability to furtive religious perverts sinking along with their doomed


The enthusiasm with which many of my fellow conservatives paint militant
Islam as a mighty movement capable of a takeover of Europe and America is a
grotesque wallow in political masochism. Islam is on the ropes of history,
battered, bleeding and disfigured. And it's never going to be a contender
again. Yet, many Americans appear determined to cower in our corner of the
ring. It's baffling:  We're winning in every possible respect, but tell
ourselves we're losing.




Certainly, Islamist terrorists remain deadly. But we're much, much deadlier.
Since our national humiliation on September 11th, 2001, we've slaughtered
terrorists by the thousands around the world, including almost all of al
Qaeda's top leaders. Muslims overwhelmingly have turned against al Qaeda,
and the organization's popularity in today's Middle East is lower than Casey
Anthony's in Florida. Before his well-deserved death, Osama bin Laden
himself had been reduced to a prematurely aged pornography hound confined to
a virtual prison where he was afraid to walk around in his own courtyard.


Al Qaeda Central has been shattered. Regional franchises struggle to remain
relevant amid popular revolutions that have left the terrorists behind as
yesterday's men. In Europe, teetering elites can no longer contain the
people's rage at left-wing multiculturalist farces. Here in our own country,
radical Islam is little more than a last resort for losers, surviving only
among prison inmates, isolated sociopaths and eroding lobbying
organizations--and in mosques funded by Saudi Arabia's degenerate royals
(who are terrified that American freedoms will transform their stunted


We've made mistakes. First, we took terrorists prisoner who should have been
killed on the spot. Second, Ivy-League-poisoned Washington officials and our
irresponsible media invented legal and human rights for subhuman monsters.
Third, instead of settling for effective, efficient punitive expeditions
that butchered our enemies and left instructive ruins in our wake, a
Republican administration decided that we could rebuild feckless, failed
Muslim societies in our own image-a notion as pointless as it has been
colossally wasteful.


But let's get a grip. Taking stock of the events of the last decade, we
should be proud of the stunning effect our military, our intelligence
services and our law-enforcement organizations have had, as well as of the
knock-on effects of our policies. Al Qaeda can still kill-mostly fellow
Muslims--but can no longer shake the world. When not restrained by political
correctness, our might terrorizes the terrorists. And one after another, the
dictators and terrorist potentates whose oppression generated countless
recruits for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have fallen or are
struggling to survive: Saddam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak (who was not our
friend), Muammar Qaddafi, and Bashar al Assad. Except in Iraq, which has
been abandoned by our current president, Iran's influence is collapsing
beyond its borders, with its sole Arab ally, Syria, under siege from its own
people and both Hezbollah and Hamas refusing to obey Tehran's command to
condemn the Syrian protesters. Contrary to still more reflexive hysteria
among conservatives, Israel will be far safer with a new regime in Syria, no
matter its make-up.


It's been a terrific decade for the good guys. Yet, we're relentlessly glum
about our security. That may be good business for unscrupulous defense
contractors and our 24/7 media, but it's neither sensible nor healthy for
our country.

Under President George W. Bush, conservatives championed democracy and
freedom in the Arab world. Iraq was supposed to be an example that would
spark regional change. Well, the irony is that Iraq's democracy, however
flawed, has, indeed, inspired Arab democracy movements elsewhere. But now
that we have a 

[osint] UK Law Enforcement Favors Sharia over Citizen Groups

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf


UK Law Enforcement Favors Sharia over Citizen Groups

Thursday, 08 September 2011 19:17 Right Side News 

c4b60a2452c2439a44fa0cc00af/tmpl,component/ E-mail
st-radical-muslims-in-london/print.html Print
gainst-radical-muslims-in-london.pdf PDF

US Readers: What you see in the UK is here now...   UK: Tower Hamlets - Not
Just Another Peaceful EDL Demo 

In the run up to the EDL demonstration we saw
s-out-completely-the-wrong-message/ the march banned, we saw the EDL
-edl/ misrepresented and attacked in the press, we faced scaremongering
from the far-Left and then, at the last minute, we were forced to
http://englishdefenceleague.org/tower-hamlet/ change our plans due to the
http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/art.php?id=25909 threat of strikes by the
RMT Union.  

And yet, despite all this, despite the efforts to sabotage our
demonstration, and despite the frustrations that must have been felt, we
managed to hold a peaceful protest. To everyone who attended - thank you.

 If you like this article, please subscribe to our daily newsletter

No_Sharia_in_Western_LandsJust two weeks after we embarrassed scaremongering
local councilors in Telford by holding an entirely peaceful protest
ed/ , we've once again proved that we have no desire to cause trouble, just
a desire to exercise our democratic right to protest.

There will be some critics who will continue to point to the efforts of the
police as the only reason why there was only very few minor incidents. It is
important to remember that alongside them, EDL Stewards did a fantastic job
keeping an eye out for any potential trouble makers, and handed a couple of
individuals over to the police.

But in battling to ensure a peaceful protest our focus was not on the need
to control any unruly EDL supporters. Instead, our main focus was on
combating the ludicrious (and dangerous) fabrications being spread by
far-Left activists, fascists and radical Muslims: claims that we were
intending to assault Muslims, that we were telling our supporters to attack
Mosques, etc, etc.Behind the scenes we worked to disprove these accusations,
and up and down the country our Division Leaders made sure that no one was
under any illusions that our intentions would be anything other than

If these accusations had any grounding in reality, we would have hoped that
those making them would have informed the police, rather than incite
trouble. As it happened, the police did receive intelligence that suggested
that there might be parties in attendance who were intent on violence. But
what the BBC, for one, may have failed to make clear was that these parties
were not on the EDL side. No wonder Scotland Yard's National Co-ordinator
for Domestic Extremism, Adrian Tudway, recently stated
ice  that the EDL are not extreme, and that Muslim groups would do well to
engage with us.

(below: EDL Supporters Cross the Iconic Tower Bridge)

Tower_Hamlets__Not_Just_Another_Peaceful_EDL_DemoPerhaps if they understood
some of the reasons
  why we were in Tower Hamlets, then hostility from the Muslim community
could be avoided. Dialogue, as we will continue to say
a-live-debate/ , is far more effective at ensuring 'community cohesion'
than listening to provocateurs who claim that the only reasons we
demonstrate are to divide communities, 'spread hatred', or incite violence.
What an offensive thing to claim and, ironically, what an effective way of
encouraging conflict.

The ability to exercise our democratic right to peaceful protest, in the
face of people who would rather it were taken away, is of particular
importance. Large numbers did come out in opposition to the EDL
demonstration, but there will always be those who oppose freedom, or who are
deceived by manipulative radical activists. Of the individuals present at
the counter-demonstration, there was at least one man who may have had good
reasons for opposing the EDL demonstration. He was Tower Hamlets Mayor
Lutfur Rahman - the man sacked from the Labour Party because of his links
with Islamic extremists

[osint] Anti-Israel Durban Declaration to be Reaffirmed

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf





For Immediate Release:
September 9, 2011
*NEW* Follow us on 
 Facebook and  
See our September 22 Conference  

Contact:  Anne Bayefsky


Anti-Israel Durban Declaration to be Reaffirmed 


This article by Anne Bayefsky appears on National Review Online 

On Thursday, Western negotiators at the U.N. caved in to the demands of envoys 
from Islamic states to renew a modern-day form of the decades-long U.N. smear 
campaign alleging that the Jewish state is racist. Diplomats agreed on a new 
“anti-racism” declaration that went public Friday at noon. The document is 
intended to be adopted by all the heads of state and government in attendance 
at the U.N. “Durban III” conference to be held in New York City on September 
22. So far, nine democratic countries, including the United States, Israel, and 
Canada, have decided to boycott the event and will not agree to the racist 
“anti-racism” manifesto.

The final sticking point in negotiations, conducted at U.N. headquarters over 
the last two months, was whether the original Durban Declaration adopted in 
2001 in Durban, South Africa, would be reaffirmed. Passed just three days 
before 9/11, with the enthusiastic participation of Yasser Arafat, the Durban 
Declaration grossly discriminates against Israel — the only one of 192 UN 
members charged with racism in the document.

On Thursday, Islamic states led by Benin, as well as South Africa and the rest 
of the bloc of developing states called the G-77 — which constitutes a majority 
of UN members — held firm to their demand to reaffirm the whole message of the 
2001 declaration. Western opposition fell apart. The document therefore reads: 
“We heads of state and government … reaffirm our political commitment to the 
full and effective implementation of the Durban Declaration.”

The document also catapults the Durban Declaration and its racist-Israel libel 
into the center of the U.N.’s “anti-racism” agenda. It “reaffirms” — actually 
for the first time — that the Durban Declaration is “a comprehensive framework 
and solid foundation” for combating racism. It downgrades the relative status 
of the U.N. racism treaty, which has been on the books for 46 years; 
negotiators refused to repeat even the 2009 Durban II statement that the treaty 
was “the principal international instrument to prevent, combat and eradicate 
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” or to call 
for the treaty’s universal ratification. Non-parties to the U.N. racism treaty 
include the likes of Angola, Malaysia, North Korea, and Burma/Myanmar.

In U.N. backrooms Thursday, Islamic states and South Africa taunted the 
weakness of Western negotiators. South Africa said: “You say you want to 
commemorate the ten years of the existence of that document, but you don’t want 
to reaffirm it … Come to terms with the fact that you are celebrating ten years 
of the existence of a document.” Indeed, the goal of the entire spectacle is 
now unmistakably set out in the new declaration’s opening words: “We heads of 
state … gathered at the UN Headquarters … to commemorate the tenth anniversary 
of the adoption of the Durban Declaration.” It will be a celebration of a 
conference best remembered for handing anti-Semitism a global stage.

What happens next? The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, a 
native of Durban and lead champion of the “anti-racism” sham, will begin to 
parade the new declaration as a contribution to the equal protection of human 
rights. Prior to Durban II, Pillay audaciously told reporters: “The Durban 
Declaration transcended divisive and intolerant approaches.” The one and only 
head of state to attend Durban II in Geneva was the tolerant Iranian president 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And as soon as the conference adopted an “outcome 
document,” Pillay held a news conference calling the event “a success story” 
and pointing to the language which related specifically to Palestinians. 

Pillay is well known as the U.N.’s top salesman of the notorious Goldstone 
report, which she continues to push despite the main author’s having retracted 
the central allegations against Israel. Not surprisingly, therefore, Pillay has 
been issuing statements calling objections to Durban III “political 
distractions” “from the 

[osint] Bold New Approach to Foreign Policy

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf



by Beverly Eakman
September 9, 2011

Last week (September 1), columnist Merrill Matthews asked, What is a
conservative foreign policy?
ive-foreign-policy/print  in a Washington Times commentary. He cited
various U.S. Presidents and wannabes as far back as Ronald Reagan, many of
whom had no vision at all, or whose goals devolved into nation-building.
The upshot of his musings was that conservatives have largely avoided a
real foreign policy debate for decades.

Ronald Reagan is the only President in recent times to articulate a specific
vision - i.e., challenging Soviet expansionism and restoring the strength
of, and respect for, the U.S. and its military, to which the left
predictably howled Cowboy Diplomacy! Today, candidate Ron Paul decries all
forms of intervention, decrying what Thomas Jefferson described as
entangling alliances. Given our present predicament, this view has a
certain appeal.

Nevertheless, there is a void. Most conservative candidates do indeed appear
reluctant to fill it - possibly for fear of provoking the liberal media, and
even their own assortment of sometime-allies. And let's be honest: the
Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security
Administration have done more to make Americans angry than to make them

Yet, avoiding the topic does nothing to portray conservatives as bold action
figures with innovative ideas. At least President Reagan's Mr. Gorbachev,
tear down this wall! and the Strategic Defense Initiative were memorable,
from a public-relations standpoint.

The following, then, is a proposal for a vastly altered, unambiguous U.S.
foreign policy message which reflects 21st century fiscal and domestic
realities. Some aspects echo candidate Ron Paul's statements, with a few
important deviations:

The United States has exactly zero interest in appending foreign territory
or people. We have quite enough individuals flocking to our shores as it is
- from asylum-seekers to opportunity-seekers to entitlement-seekers. We are,
however, committed to defending our nation and our citizens from harm,
including those employed overseas. The United States therefore sends this
message to the world: Do not make us go to war with you!

If you attack our country, its properties, its Territories or its private
citizens going about their business in foreign lands, we will consider that
an Act of War and respond forcefully. You will not win. We are light-years
ahead of you technologically; we have the best-prepared armed force on the
planet. Attack us, and your country will be leveled. We can, and will,
demand unconditional surrender so that your people, formally sanctioned by
your government or not, will not attack us again.

This means no more nation-building. No more attempts to buy good will by
providing America's enemies state-of-the-art infrastructures that we cannot
afford for ourselves. If you, or your proxies, commit what we have defined
as an Act of War upon the United States, then you will sit in your own
rubble - if you survive. There will be no more pre-emptive police actions,
no undeclared wars to serve as a warning.

Regarding humanitarian aid: Our nation's many charitable organizations are
free to offer services, accepting the risks and expenses of such endeavors
from donations. The U.S. Government will neither hinder nor help such
efforts. Humanitarian projects are, by definition, philanthropic. Therefore,
the U.S. Government will no longer confiscate (steal) money from citizens,
who may not wish to donate to specialized philanthropic causes. Such effort
must be entirely voluntary - with one caveat, for which a tax break will be
provided to any requesting charity (lest this stipulation be seen as an
unfunded mandate): Any materiel used in a humanitarian effort, whether
from natural disasters (e.g., famines, earthquakes) or war-caused
displacement, sickness and ruin, will dispatch no supplies or literature
that are not embossed with the donating organization's logo, clearly
visible, as well as a U.S. flag. This action serves to curtail the practice
of foreign outlaws appropriating American-made goods for re-transmittal
under their own name. 

As for propping up regimes deemed friendly to the U.S. or its interests,
including the legions of staff we send to fragile and unstable nations to
help construct Constitutions, safeguard voting rights and implement
democracy: The United States is no longer in the business of imposing a
specific type of government on inhabitants of other nations. After nearly 70
years, we now recognize that each country must be ready to move to
representative government and democracy; it cannot be forced from without.
Nor can the United States police the entire world - even in the face of
what we view as grave tragedies - in the misplaced hope that 

[osint] Thank You, America, for the Golden Age of Islam

2011-09-09 Thread Beowulf


Thank you, America, for the golden age of Islam 

By Diana West 

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | It is something to have gone 10 years
without an Islamic attack of similarly gigantic proportions to those of
Sept. 11, 2001, but it is not enough. That's because the decade we look back
on is marked by a specifically Islamic brand of security from jihad. It was
a security bought by the Bush and Obama administrations' policies of
appeasement based in apology for, and irrational denial of, Islam's war
doctrine, its anti-liberty laws and its non-Western customs. As a result of
this policy of appeasement -- submission -- we now stand poised on the brink
of a golden age. 

Tragically for freedom of speech, conscience and equality before the law,
however, it is an Islamic golden age. It's not just the post-9/11 rush into
Western society of Islamic tenets and traditions on everything from law to
finance to diet that has heralded this golden age, although that's part of
it. More important is the fact that our central institutions have actively
primed themselves for it, having absorbed and implemented the central codes
of Islam in the years since the 9/11 attacks, exactly as the jihadists hoped
and schemed. 

Take the U.S. military, symbol plus enforcer of American security. 

In Afghanistan, our forces are now trained on the sanctity of the holy book
(the Quran) and go to significant steps to protect it, as the official
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) website reported last year. 

Are they similarly trained to take significant steps to protect other
books? Hardly. It's reckless and irresponsible to demand that troops make
the protection of any book a priority in a war zone. But it's not merely the
case that U.S. troops have become protectors of the Quran in the decade
following 9/11. Never talk badly about the Qu'ran or its contents, ISAF
ordered troops earlier this year. Did the Pentagon restrict language about
Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto? They, too, were blueprints for
world conquest that the United States opposed. Of course not. But the Quran
is different. It is protected by Islamic law, and that's enough for the
Pentagon. Not incidentally, ISAF further cautioned troops to direct suspects
to remove any Qurans from the vicinity before troops conduct a search -- no
doubt for the unstated fear that infidel troops might defile the protected

None may touch the Qu'ran except in the state of ritual purity, the
Islamic law book Reliance of the Traveller declares. And ritual purity,
naturally, is a state a non-Muslim can never, ever achieve under Islam. 

Since when did Uncle Sam incorporate Islamic law into military protocols? 

Since 9/11. 

Now take the State Department, symbol and nerve center of U.S. action on the
world stage. 

In July, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a collaborative effort
between the United States and the OIC, newly repackaged as Organization of
the Islamic Cooperation. (It used to be C for Conference.) The
get-together planned for Washington, D.C., is supposed to implement a
non-binding resolution against religious stereotyping (read: Islamic
stereotyping) that passed last March at the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Such stereotyping, of course, includes everything from honest assessments
of the links between Islamic doctrine and Islamic terrorism to political
cartoons. This makes this U.S.-led international effort nothing short of a
sinister attempt to snuff free speech about Islam. And that sure sounds like
a U.S.-co-chaired assault on the First Amendment. Not only is this treachery
on the part of the U.S. government, it also happens to be part and parcel of
the OIC's official 10-year-plan. 

Since when did Uncle Sam get in the business of doing the bidding of the

Since 9/11. 

This is just a snapshot of what the rush toward Islamization as a goal of
national policy looks like, 10 years since the Twin Towers collapsed in a
colossal cloud of dust and fire. The air has cleared, but the appeasement
and the Islamization go on. Thus, a golden age begins, but unless we throw
off this mental yoke of submission, it cannot be our own. 

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[osint] The Mullahs Ruling Iran Are Not Iranians

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf



September 8, 2011

The Mullahs Ruling Iran Are Not Iranians

Amil Imani

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Comments (16)



Being Iranian is defined by a state of mind, not by a place of residence.
The barbaric Islamist mullahs and their mercenaries presently ruling Iran
are not Iranians. They are Islamofascists who have betrayed their
magnificent heritage and have enlisted themselves in the service of a most
oppressive, discriminating, and demeaning ideology.


Iranians are proud spiritual descendants of King Cyrus the Great, the author
of the first charter of human rights. Some of Cyrus' children live in the
patch of land called Iran. The overwhelming majority-free humans with human
beliefs-live in every country, city, and village of the earth.


These world-wide people, one and all, irrespective of nationality, color, or
creed are Iranians because they all adhere to the Cyrus Charter; they
practice and defend its lofty tenets; and, transfer this precious humanity's
treasure to the next generation.


Unequivocal genetic findings have clearly established that biologically
there is only one human race; that the genetic variation within a single
troop of chimpanzees, for instance, is greater than that of any two human
groupings, no matter how different they may appear physically.


What makes people different is not their biology, but the software that
runs them. There is ample proof to support the above assertion. A case in
point is the present menace posed by the people whose life is programmed by
the software of Islam: an ideology anathema to the Cyrus Charter. And the
results are self-evident. Hate, superstition, violence, and a raft of other
inhuman beliefs drives these religious fascists. These captive followers of
the primitive Islamic Charter are both the perpetrators and the victims of
much suffering. The result is backward Islamic societies that are intent at
dragging the rest of the world into the same sorry state. Misery likes
company, it is said.


We recognize that the dysfunctional Islamic software is deeply engrained in
the minds of many Muslims who opt to remain in mental bondage rather than
purge their minds of the Islamic software and join the rest of the human
family with a new emancipating program for life-liberty.


Islamic clergy, the parasitic prime beneficiaries of Islam, are master
practitioners of the carrot and stick strategy. By drawing heavily from the
Quran and the Hadith, the conniving mullahs and imams have assembled a
potent arsenal of threats and promises to keep the faithful in line. They
had little trouble in so doing, since Islamic scripture is replete with
graphic horrific punishment awaiting the wayward and the unbelievers, while
the rewards for the obedient docile, if he is male, are described as endless
variety of sensual pleasures. Anyone daring to leave the corral of Islam is
apostate and automatically condemned to death. And that's just for starters.
The punishment awaiting the ungrateful deserter of the one and only true
path, Islam threatens, is a raft of horrific eternal torment in Allah's


And for the true faithful-the mindless robot-the promised rewards, all
physical pleasures, are infinite and eternal.


In spite of these horrid threats and empty  promises, more and more people
are beginning to recognize Islam for what it is. It is difficult, but not
impossible to leave the fraudulent Islam's captivity. Hundreds of thousands
have done so successfully and have enjoyed the blessings of liberty.


A great threat facing free people is the recently petrodollar energized
Islam embarking on a campaign of recruiting more people under its dark
banner. Millions of disenfranchised underclass in the non-Islamic world, and
millions more mentally under-developed may flock to Islam, deluded by its
empty promises.


Islam is no longer in its own self-made cage. It has broken out and has
established powerful presence in much of the non-Islamic world. Islam is a
charter of submission. It is a sworn enemy of freedom and views the Cyrus
Charter as heresy. Freedom and tyranny are incompatible. Free people must do
all they can to preserve their birthright of liberty and assist others to
break from the bondage of Islamic captivity.


The interdependent world community faces great challenges that demand a
united effort, uncompromisingly based on justice, to meet the various ills
it faces. We can no longer be complacent about events in distant world
affecting alien people. Distances are bridged 

[osint] Muslim Briefcase Bomb Kills 11 in India's Capital

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf


Briefcase bomb kills 11 in India's capital

Pakistan-based al-Qaeda affiliate demands repeal of militant's death


By Sujoy Dhar - Special to The Washington Times

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 

NEW DELHI - An al Qaeda http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/al-qaeda/
-linked terror group claimed responsibility for a briefcase bomb that killed
at least 11 people and injured more than 65 others when it exploded
Wednesday morning outside a New Delhi courthouse.

The Pakistan http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/pakistan/ -based
militant group Harkat-ul-Jihadi
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/harkat-ul-jihadi/  claimed
responsibility for the deadly explosion in an email to Indian media
demanding clemency for a terrorist on death row.

India http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/india/ 's main opposition
political party, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/bharatiya-janata-party/ , said the
bombing could be linked to the approaching anniversary of the Sept. 11
terror attacks.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/manmohan-singh/  urged all Indians
to come together to defeat terrorism.

This is a cowardly act. We will deal with it, we will not succumb to
pressure of terrorism, he said in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/bangladesh/ , where he was on a
bilateral visit.

Indian police secure the scene of a blast outside the High Court in New
Delhi on Sept. 7, 2011. A bomb apparently hidden in a briefcase exploded
outside a gate crowded with petitioners waiting to enter the building.
(Associated Press)Indian police secure the scene of a blast outside the High
Court in New Delhi on Sept. 7, 2011. A bomb apparently hidden in a briefcase
exploded outside a gate crowded with petitioners waiting to enter the
building. (Associated Press)

This is a long war in which all political parties, all people of India
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/india/  should stand united so that
the scourge of terrorism is crushed, Mr. Singh
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/manmohan-singh/  said.

Federal officials said it was too early to determine who was behind the
bombing, the deadliest attack in this nation's capital in almost three
years. The blast followed coordinated bomb attacks in July that killed 26
people in Mumbai.

U.K. Bansal http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/agrawal/ , special
secretary for internal security, said the bomb created a large crater in
front of the courthouse and noted that two of the injured were in very
critical condition.

He said a preliminary examination of the blast site and the bomb's remnants
suggest that nitrate-based components with traces of PETN were used.

PETN is a hard-to-detect explosive that was used in the attempted 2001
shoe-bomb and 2009 underwear-bomb airliner attacks in the U.S.

Police said the explosion was caused by a homemade bomb and released
sketches of a suspect.
India http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/india/  issued a nationwide
alert after the blast, and security was heightened across the country,
especially in key places such as airports, railway stations and utilities.

The bomb exploded near Gate No. 5 of the High Court
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/high-court/ , which is about 2 miles
from the Indian parliament
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/parliament-of-india/  building.

The blast occurred outside the High Court
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/high-court/  in the public area
where unchecked people come, a senior police official said. Apparently the
bomb was in a briefcase.

As the bomb exploded, people covered in blood were seen running for their

I saw several dismembered bodies. There were people with severed limbs
crying in pain, an eyewitness said.

The Harkat-ul-Jihadi
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/harkat-ul-jihadi/  terror group said
in an email: We owe the responsibility of today's blasts at high court
delhi .. our demand is that Afzal Guru
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/afzal-guru/ 's death sentence should
be repealed immediately else we would target major high courts  The Supreme
Court of India http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/india/ .

India http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/india/ 's Supreme Court
different from High Court
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/high-court/  issued a death sentence
for Afzal Guru http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/afzal-guru/ , who
hails from the disputed Kashmir region, which India
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/india/  controls, for his role in
the attack on the Indian parliament
http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/parliament-of-india/  in 2001. His
petition for clemency is awaiting a decision by Indian President Pratibha

Indian Home Minister 

[osint] FW: It Ain't Funny, Mohammed

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf


It Ain’t Funny, Mohammed

There is a troupe of Muslim comedians who have been touring the South to 
counter the stereotypical view of Muslims. They contend that these stereotypes 
are the core of the cancer that is American Islamophobia. All the shows are 
free and it is a national tour with heavy publicity. Should there be a 
follow-the-money question about who is paying the hundred thousand dollars for 
the propaganda tour?

But there is a great deal of truth about the idea of a stereotype. The true 
stereotype of Islam is Mohammed. He is declared in 91 verses in the Koran to be 
the divine human prototype, the perfect being and the sacred model of a pious 
life. We find him in the Sira (his biography) and the Hadith (his traditions). 
Guess what? There is a doctrine of humor to found in Islamic doctrine. This 
should be no surprise, given that the Islamic doctrine is the basis for their 

Here are some of the moments of laughter in Mohammed’s life take from the 
Hadith and the Sira:

Muslim 031, 5932: … [At the battle of Uhud]… Mohammed said to Saed: Shoot an 
arrow, may my mother and father be taken as ransom for you. Saed drew an arrow 
and shot a featherless arrow at the Meccan’s side and he fell down and his 
private parts were exposed. I saw Mohammed’s front teeth when he laughed.

Muslim 019, 4450: … I said: Mohammed, let me select from our people one hundred 
men and I will follow the marauders and I will kill them all. Mohammed laughed 
so much that his molar teeth could be seen in the light of the fire, and he 
said: Salama, do you think you can do this? I said: Yes, ….

Bukhari 8, 74, 299: ... Mohammed woke up with a smile. 'What makes you laugh, O 
Allah's Apostle?' He said, 'In my dream some Muslims were displayed before me 
as jihadists sailing over this sea, like kings on thrones.’ 

Umayya: 'Now I had bound my prisoner's thumbs with my bow­string, and when 
Mohammed looked at him he laughed so that one could see his back teeth. He 
asked my news and when I told him how I had killed a Kafir by pushing my bow 
through his eye into his brain, he blessed me.' [1] 

By God, we only met some bald old women like the sacrificial camels who are 
hobbled, and we slaughtered them!' The apostle smiled and said, 'But, nephew, 
those were the Kafir chiefs.' [2] 

‘Mohammed, what makes the Lord laugh with joy at His servant?' Mohammed 
answered, 'When he plunges into the midst of the enemy without armor.' Auf drew 
off his armor and threw it away: then he seized his sword and fought the enemy 
till he was slain. [3] 

A common phrase from both the Koran and Mohammed is:

Bukhari 8, 76, 492: Mohammed said, If you knew what I know you would laugh 
little and weep much. 

We can see that what makes Mohammed laugh a little, makes us weep much. And 
what makes Mohammed laugh in these quotes? Brutality and cruelty to Kafirs made 
Mohammed laugh and smile.

Mohammed found cruelty to Kafirs (non-Muslims) funny, but we Kafirs had better 
never find anything about Mohammed humorous. Have you ever heard a Mohammed 
joke? There are Jesus jokes, Moses jokes, God jokes and Saint Peter jokes, but 
in 1400 years there has never been a Mohammed joke. Why? Why isn’t Mohammed 
funny? There are no Mohammed jokes because of the Islamic reasoning or logic. 
Islamic reasoning is pure authoritarian.

But there is an even better reason that we don’t have any Mohammed jokes. Jokes 
point out our errors and flaws. There are 91 Koran verses that say that 
Mohammed is the perfect man to be followed in the smallest detail by all 
Muslims at all times. If Mohammed is not perfect, then why imitate him? If the 
joke points out error or flaws, then the keystone of Islam is flawed. The joke 
performs the logical task of isolating error. If the joke is based on any 
reality (and they all are, or they would not be funny) then Mohammed has flaws. 
That would mean that a Muslim has to start using reasoning to sort out 
Mohammed’s errors. So the joke destroys the entire edifice of authoritarian 
reasoning and opens up Islam to critical thought. Since Mohammed must remain 
the perfect pattern, then no jokes may be allowed.

Humor is an excellent acid test for the type of reasoning that is used. 
Authoritarian systems never allow humor directed at the authorities. Nobody 
told Stalin jokes. Joke:

An American was visiting a Russian during the Cold War. They fell to arguing 
about who had the better political system. The American said, “Let me show how 
good American politics are.” He tore out a photo of Nixon in a magazine and 
threw it into the trash and said, “To hell with Nixon. Can you do that?”

The Russian said, “Sure.” And he took the photo of Nixon, wadded it up and 
threw it out the window and yelled to the world, “To hell with Nixon.” Then he 
said, “See, we Soviets can do that better than you!”

[osint] Jane Fonda's 'Biggest Regret'? Not Bedding a Mass-Murdering Rapist

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf
Jane Fonda's 'Biggest Regret'

Posted By Humberto Fontova On September 8, 2011 

A new biography of Jane Fonda by Patricia Bosworth reveals a lifelong lament
by the famous actress: My biggest regret Fonda is quoted as saying during
a feminist consciousness-raising session, according to the book's account,
is I never got to f*** Che Guevara.

In case you read Frontpage, Ms. Fonda, here's some consolation: I used to
call him El Gallo (the rooster), recalled Carlos Figueroa, who was Ernesto
Che Guevara's adolescent friend in Alta Gracia, Argentina. I'd be
visiting him and eating in his family's dining room and whenever the poor
servant girl would enter Ernesto would promptly grab her and force her to
lay on the dining room table where he'd have rapid intercourse with her.
Immediately afterwards he'd throw her out and continue eating as if nothing
had happened. http://www.hfontova.com/che.html  (Many of Ms. Fonda's
feminist consciousness-raising fans likely consider much less to be rape.)

Es un gallo-un gallo! (He's a rooster!-rooster!), complained a scowling
Berta Gonzalez a few years later upon emerging from her Mexico City bedroom
in the summer of 1955. This was shortly after Che's Motorcycle Diary trip,
when the hobo Ernesto Guevara was scribbling unreadable poetry and mooching
off women in Mexico City, where he met Fidel and Raul Castro. Berta Gonzalez
was a Cuban exile in Mexico at the time.

Gallo, as you might have guessed, is a common pejorative by Spanish-speaking
women against men who terminate carnal encounters prematurely.

Alas, the reaction of the feminist listeners to Ms. Fonda's above-mentioned
confession is not mentioned in Bosworth's book. But we can guess. After all,
feminist swooning over Cuban Stalinism started early, and by the feminist
movement's very founders.

Not only is [the Cuban Revolution] a great success but an example for the
rest of the world, gushed Simon De Beauvoir in March 1960. Her bellhop,
Jean Paul Sartre, was not to be outdone. He crowned Che Guevara the era's
most perfect man. These intellectual hyperventilations of 1960 set the
tone for future ones http://www.hfontova.com/fidel.html  issued by
everyone from Maxine Waters to Jimmy Carter, from Ted Turner to George Mc
Govern, and from Barbara Walters to Andrea Mitchell.

Fidel Castro is old-fashioned, courtly-even paternal, a thoroughly
fascinating figure, said NBC's Andrea Mitchell.

Alas, Cuban feminists view the Cuban Revolution somewhat differently from
Hollywood, Georgetown and Manhattan feminists. When feminist icon Barbara
Walters sat quivering alongside Fidel Castro in 1977, cooing: Fidel Castro
has brought very high literacy and great health-care to his country. His
personal magnetism is powerful! dozens of Cuban feminists suffered in
torture chambers within walking distance of the hyperventilating Ms. Barbara

They started by beating us with twisted coils of wire, recalls former
political prisoner Ezperanza Pena, today in exile. I remember Teresita on
the ground with all her lower ribs broken. Gladys had both her arms broken.
Doris had her face cut up so badly from the beatings that when she tried to
drink, water would pour out of her lacerated cheeks. 

On Mother's Day they allowed family visits, recalls Manuela Calvo, also in
exile today. But as our mothers and sons and daughters were watching, we
were beaten with rubber hoses and high-pressure hoses were turned on us,
knocking all of us to the ground floor and rolling us around as the guards
laughed and our loved-ones screamed helplessly.

When female guards couldn't handle us male guards were called in for more
brutal beatings. I saw teen-aged girls beaten savagely, their bones broken,
their mouths bleeding, recalls prisoner Polita Grau.

The gallant regime co-founded by Che Guevara jailed 35,150 Cuban women for
political crimes, a totalitarian horror utterly unknown - not only in Cuba -
but in the Western Hemisphere until the advent of the very Castro regime
that was found so magnetic by Barbara Walters, Andrea Mitchell, Diane
Sawyer, Jane Fonda, etc. Some of these Cuban ladies suffered twice as long
in Castro's gulag as Alexander Solzhenitsyn suffered in Stalin's.

Their prison conditions were described by former political prisoner Maritza
Lugo. The punishment cells measure 3 feet wide by 6 feet long. The toilet
consists of an 8 inch hole in the ground through which cockroaches and rats
enter, especially in cool temperatures the rat come inside to seek the
warmth of our bodies and we were often bitten. The suicide rate among women
prisoners was very high.

Upon the death of Raul Castro's wife, Vilma Espin, in 2006 the Washington
Post gushed that she was a champion of women's rights and greatly improved
the status of women in Cuba, a society known for its history of machismo.
Actually, in 1958 Cuba had more female college graduates as a percentage of
population than the U.S.

This Castroite improvement of status and good life for Cuban women 

[osint] FW: So Simple, Yet So Eloquent, and So Correct.

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf


-and-so-correct/ So Simple, Yet So Eloquent, and So Correct. 

 http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/author/stungunsandmace/ Steve |
September 8, 2011 at 4:42 am | Categories:
http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/?cat=1 Uncategorized | URL:
http://wp.me/pKuKY-9f6 http://wp.me/pKuKY-9f6 

Amazing how
something with no vulgarity can be one of the most Insulting and Powerful
Convicting messages to Obama that I have seen to date!




Never heard it said better.

~Steve~H/T Joseph


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[osint] More Intellectual Nonsense from the NY Times: Author Knows Zero About Sharia Except That It's No Problem

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf
e1id=96ea1e62a2e=e1333e4251 Intellectual Nonsense from the NY Times:
Author Knows Zero About Sharia Except That It's No Problem

Sep 07, 2011 01:56 pm | Jeff Dunetz


Jerry [Seinfeld]: I wanted to talk to you about Dr. Whatley. I have a
suspicion that he's converted to Judaism just for the jokes. 

Priest: And this offends you as a Jewish person.
Jerry: No, it offends me as a comedian.
-Seinfeld, The Dentist episode 

The New York Times has
e1id=1437375ea8e=e1333e4251 run (still another) article about how Sharia
law coming to America is nothing to fear. Question: Will the New York Times
ever run an op-ed opposing Sharia law in the United States? Twenty years ago
I would have said: Of course, any responsible newspaper publishes one piece
on each side of an issue. Today, of course, we know there is no chance of

Eliyahu Stern, an assistant professor of religious studies and history at
Yale, seems to be an expert on Jewish history. In fact, Stern is so ignorant
of the topic on Islam that he states most Muslims in America don't even
come from the Middle East (the majority have roots in Southeast Asia).
Really? That's a geographical term usually applied to Vietnam, Cambodia, and
Laos. Perhaps he meant Pakistan, a well-known locale of moderate Islam? If
anyone on the other side said something so obviously ridiculous they would
never be taken seriously. 

And the fact that the Times editors left in such a glaring factual error
shows professional inadequacy and ignorance. But then this is the newspaper
that let Tariq Ramadan claim that the Muslim Brotherhood (then headed by his
grandfather) was an anti-fascist organization when every serious historian
knows that it collaborated with the Nazis in preparing to turn over Egypt to
Hitler and massacre the Jews there. (The documentary proof of this is in my
book -written with Wolfgang Schwanitz - Nazis, Radical Arabs, and the Making
of the Modern Middle East to be published by Yale University Press in 2012.)

Why then is Stern writing that there's no need to fear Sharia law in
America? Well, he apparently has just one argument: once people warned about
Jewish law being dangerous, that was wrong, and we all know where that ended
up. This is not exactly a brilliant argument for many reasons. The
proportion of Jews was far lower than Muslim populations in the West are
quickly becoming; Jews do not expect anyone else to observe their law or
change behavior; there was never any question of compulsion within the
community. Most Jews were not so religious and did not view themselves
governed by Jewish law, except perhaps in the matter of very narrow issues
regarding marriage and divorce that had no effect on the wider society. 

To cite one famous incident that sort of reveals the difference, the
baseball player Hank Greenberg became an American Jewish hero for refusing
to play in the World Series on Yom Kippur. No Jew would have thought of
demanding the World Series be changed to another day. Or, to give another
example, Jews would never think of demanding that public facilities install
special equipment or rooms for their needs at taxpayer expense, nor insist
that work places shut down to permit them to pray, nor that kosher food had
to be provided or else, nor that publications better censor themselves or
they would face legal action and perhaps violent retribution. If passengers
in taxi cabs were regularly bringing pigs into the vehicles-the equivalent
of Muslim cabdrivers with guide dogs and even alcohol in some cases-Jewish
cabdrivers wouldn't have refused them service - they would have found
another line of employment. 

And then there are those little details like Jews not periodically
kidnapping and murdering women for their social behavior or coreligionists
who wanted to convert to other religions. Jews didn't demand time off in the
work day to pray and sue if it weren't granted to them. They knew their
place instead of demanding that others yield to them. Well, over 2000 years
of being a dominated people had taught them to keep a low profile and avoid
trouble. In contrast, Islam really does have the sense of being a ruling
religion before which others must make concessions. 

Such points do not reveal some irrational fear or hatred of Islam but are
merely well-known facts. I often reflect that the phrase Politically
Correct should be contrasted to the usual democratic, Enlightenment and
Western norm of being Factually Correct. Political Correctness-as opposed to
just plain politeness-is an approach that advocates telling lies because
that's really better for us all. But that's not true, even for Muslims

[osint] Prepare for the Big Speech Tonite

2011-09-08 Thread Beowulf


h-tonite/ Prepare for the Big Speech Tonite 

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[osint] Nigeria -Muslim Mob Hacks Christian Family to Death

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf
Odd that there are no headlines from around the world about those barbaric
Christian, Jewish or Buddhist mobs hacking Muslim families to death!





Mob hacks Christian family to death

Posted September 05, 2011 06:19:04 


 http://maps.google.com/?q=10,8%28Nigeria%20%29z=5 Map: Nigeria 

Muslim youths hacked a Christian family of eight to death in Nigeria's
volatile Plateau state, local officials said, continuing a week of religious

More than 40 people have been killed in the ethnically and religiously mixed
area since last Monday when Christian youths attacked some Muslims as they
gathered to celebrate the end of Ramadan in the city of Jos, capital of
Plateau state.

Plateau state spokesman Yiljap Abraham took journalists to the house in the
village of Tatu, where the bodies of the eight victims from the latest
attack were still lying on the floor.

On Sunday morning, in another village in Plateau called Riyom, police found
a bomb planted in a marketplace which had failed to go off because its
battery had run flat, Sergeant Willford Egwu told journalists.

Plateau state, straddling the Middle Belt between Nigeria's mostly Muslim
north and largely Christian south, though normally peaceful, has sometimes
been a flashpoint for tensions between the two faiths.

Plateau unrest is a new security issue for president Goodluck Jonathan, also
coping with near-daily attacks in the north-east by Islamist sect Boko
Haram, which authorities blame for an August 26 bombing of UN offices in
Abuja that killed 23 people.

On Saturday at least four people, including one soldier, were killed in
clashes between local youths and security forces in the town of Biu in the
north-east, a senior police officer said.

The fracas broke out on Friday night when the youth ambushed one soldier
and killed him close to the Army Barracks in retaliation to the killing of a
woman and the arrest of four Islamic clerics, the source said.



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[osint] Multiculturalsim: A Delectable Lie

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf
A Delectable Lie

Posted By David Solway On September 7, 2011 

I begin with a disclosure. Salim Mansur is a friend of mine, so if I were in
any way skeptical of his deposition I would not have consented to write this
review. Friendship is too precious a value to risk giving needless offense,
either by being too brutally honest or by producing a piece of dishonest
puffery. And since even the best of us have written problematic books
(including yours truly), it is best in such cases to say nothing adverse in
print and leave it to others to dissect the writer's efforts.

That I write a review of a friend's book, then, means that I suffer no
crisis of conscience in praising it for its many virtues: clarity,
painstaking research, intellectual scrupulousness, a surfeit of historical
and juridical information, and a powerful argument backed by strict evidence
and leading to a set of forceful conclusions.

Mansur presents his thesis with lucid precision in his Introduction: The
idea of an 'official' multiculturalism program to be sponsored by the state,
supported by tax-payers, and monitored and enforced by thought-police (human
rights commissions) was at best dubious, and at worst by its very nature
poised against Western liberalism. Moreover.it was based on the false
idea-another official lie, really-that all cultures are equal.

The result of this pernicious fantasy was a reversal of cultural norms and
the scuttling of reasonable expectations. If all cultures are equal, the
heritage culture has no priority and no legitimate claim upon foreign
minorities to adapt to the social usages and conventions already in place.
As immigration changes the demographic profile of a liberal democracy,
Mansur writes, multiculturalism empowers immigrants from non-Western
societies to demand that their host country adapt to the cultural
requirements of immigrants instead of the other way round. And this is
plainly what has happened. [I]f the ride continues unchecked, he
concludes, the end then is predictable.

Delectable Lie is a detailed exfoliation of this root argument, examining
how multiculturalism-and, of course, its corollary, political correctness,
which discriminates against the expression of dissent-have inexorably
sedimented themselves in the political process, twisting our history as
they did so, tearing apart national identities and invidiously replacing
them with even older identities of a pre-modern past, thus effectively
eroding the idea of nation as a people.identified on the basis of kinship
relations or language.

One has only to look at the importation of Sharia law into Europe and the
proliferation of no-go zones, in effect Islamic mini-emirates, in European
cities to see how cultural civility and national coherence can be subverted.
In the U.S. Islamic advocacy proceeds apace, terror attacks are a constant
menace, mosques pepper the landscape, the President appoints
http://www.israpundit.com/archives/39090  Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers
to influential posts, and the Shariate relentlessly advances. In
Canada-Mansur's chief concern-Islamic organizations flex their muscles,
terror plots are hatched, mosques and religious schools indoctrinate the
young, and our human rights commissions see to it that criticism of Islam is
muted, punished and all but ruled out. 

One recalls Ottoman thinker Said Nursi who prophesied nearly a century ago,
in his famous Damascus Sermon
ref=sr_1_2?s=booksie=UTF8qid=1314989327sr=1-2 , that Europe and America
are pregnant with Islam. One day they will give birth to an Islamic state.
The way things are going, he may have been right. And it is via what Mansur
calls the delectable lie-the idea of cultural parity, the raising of the
concept of diversity (which really means conformity of opinion) to the
status of a social paradigm, the practice of accommodation to the
sensitivities of immiscible groups in the fatuous conviction that the favor
will be reciprocated, the untenable belief that the desire for freedom,
prosperity and electoral democracy reigns in every human heart, in short,
the diktats of multiculturalism-that Nursi's vision would be realized.

Mansur writes with authority both as a professor of political science
imbrued in his discipline and as a Muslim who understands how the more
extreme elements in his community pose a serious threat to the durability of
the society in which they have refused to integrate. These Islamic
elements-along with certain disruptive and sectarian portions of the South
Asian shame-honor demographic-braid the rope with which we will hang
ourselves. Mansur clearly reveals how multiculturalism has failed to
establish a viable and harmonious pluralism and has instead created an
anarchic and retrograde situation in which old-world identities take
precedence over modern, secular and liberal values. He shows how the Western
political elites have collaborated in their own 

[osint] Putain*: I Saw Jesus in Iran's Leader

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf
* putain:  French for whore.

Putin: I Saw Jesus in Iran's Leader

Posted By 'Reza Kahlili' On September 6, 2011 

Iran's supreme leader is being elevated to sainthood and leader of the
worldwide Islamic movement by the Iranian media.

In commentaries that reflect the dictates of the Iranian regime, the media
for the first time are publishing statements by world officials and others
that deify Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The most significant of such statements comes from Vladimir Putin, the
former president and current prime minister of Russia. The media outlet
Mahramaneh reports that in October 2007, when Putin traveled to Iran, he
specifically requested a meeting with Khamenei and came away dazzled.

During that meeting, according to the report, Khamenei talked about the
history of Russia and what lies ahead, which surprised Putin. Afterward,
Iranian diplomats said that Putin's behavior had changed drastically. When
Putin returned to Moscow, a reporter asked what he thought of the Iranian
supreme leader. Putin is quoted as saying: I don't know much about the
Messiah, the Christ, just what I have heard or read in the Bible, but I saw
Christ, the Messiah, in the leader of Iran.

Kofi Annan, who served as the seventh secretary general of the United
Nations, is also quoted as saying: I have met . many world leaders whom I
came to respect such as Jacques Chirac, the French president, Mikhail
Gorbachev, the head of state of the U.S.S.R., and Helmut Kohl, chancellor of
Germany, but none of these men touched me the way Ayatollah Khamenei did. In
my meeting with him, I forgot about everything else as I was overwhelmed by
his spirituality.

Recently, the Iranian state-controlled TV for the first time publicly
announced that Khamenei is really the mythical figure Seyed Khorasani, who,
a centuries-old hadith (saying) states, will create the circumstances for
the end of the world and the reappearance of the last Islamic messiah, the
Shiites' 12th Imam Mahdi, who will conquer the world under the banner of

Several high-ranking clerics in Iran have publicly announced that Khamenei
is the deputy of the Shiite's 12th Imam on Earth and that refusal to obey
his orders would be to refuse Allah. Some have also stated that Khamenei
once a year travels to the sky and meets with the 12th Imam and confers on
needed actions. During one such meeting, according to the clerics, he was
told to continue on with the Iranian nuclear program despite widespread
world objection.

The media in Iran have credited the supreme leader with predicting the
economic turmoil in Europe and the global awakening of Islam in the Arab
Spring. They have also been adamant about an important prediction of the
leader: the destruction of Israel, which they believe is imminent.

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, secretary-general of the terrorist group Hezbollah,
is quoted as saying, Certain qualities of Iran's supreme leader and aspects
of his wisdom, prudence and spirituality are secret and sealed and
unfortunately cannot be talked about in public. He adds: Though I cannot
reveal much of what I know about Ayatollah Khamenei, I can tell with utmost
certainty that the leader truly believes the destruction of Israel is .

One media outlet reports that what is about to take place is much more than
the destruction of Israel. It claims humanity will witness the greatest
event of its history and that Muslims should prepare themselves because the
final glorification of Islam is at hand.

Khamenei, in a speech last week on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, the Muslim
holiday that marks the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, hinted that
the end is near: An important period in the history of the world is in

Who would have thought that the agents of America and the Zionists in the
region would fall one after another, he declared.

The Iranian leader has also predicted the demise of America and has called
the current sanctions in place by the Obama administration a failure in
stopping Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran has announced that there will be no
negotiations on its nuclear drive. The United Nations nuclear agency in its
most recent report indicated that there is credible evidence that Iran is
working on nuclear weapons and that it already has enough enriched uranium
for six nuclear warheads.

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who is a senior fellow with
EMPact America. http://www.empactamerica.org/index.php
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/143918903X/pajamasmedia-20 A Time
to Betray, his book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran's
Revolutionary Guards, was published by Simon  Schuster on April 6.


Article printed from The PJ Tatler: http://pajamasmedia.com/tatler

URL to article:


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[osint] Naming the 9/11 Enemy

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf
It's Islam that must be understood.not the nonsensical construct of




Fred Siegel and Sol Stern

Naming the 9/11 Enemy

Our long struggle will only get longer if we refuse to understand radical

6 September 2011

For the Obama White House, the anniversary of 9/11 serves an ongoing effort
to detach the attacks on New York and Washington from their Islamist roots.
Like its predecessor, the Obama administration has chosen not to name the
enemy or its distinctive religious history, both as a matter of strategy and
for fear of singling out one world faith. It prefers the abstraction of a
war on terror. Thus the administration offered helpful guidelines for the
9/11 commemorations that would remind Americans of the devastating strikes
against Mumbai, Madrid, and London. Missing from this list of victims was
Israel, which has suffered more from Islamist-inspired terrorism than any
country in the world. What can be the reason for this omission, other than
the fact that including the Jewish state might tell us more about the
perpetrators and their roots than the White House wants us to know? It would
be far better to use the anniversary as a time to reflect on the source of
most terrorism today: revolutionary Islamism. Unfortunately, Americans have
shied away from the implications of the historic struggle between the West
and the political cultures that produced jihadism for 1,000 years before the
United States was created.

Granted, American reaction to the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center had
the sense of a sudden public illumination, especially after our lax response
to the first attack in 1993. The trial of the 1993 ringleader, the Blind
Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, revealed Islamist plans to blow up the Holland
Tunnel and other city landmarks, but these lurid details were buried in the
inside pages of the New York Times. In 2001, the terrorists and their
foreign enablers finally got our attention. The Bush administration
responded with mixed success to an unprecedented challenge to American
security. Despite the civil-liberties hysteria generated by President Bush's
counterterror measures, those policies have largely been continued under
Obama, though his supporters go through semantic contortions to deny it. One
result (and the Bush and Obama administrations deserve credit for this) is
that America is far better defended today.

But while America has learned a good deal about how to prevent catastrophic
acts of terrorism on the home front, it's disconcerting that we have made
little progress in understanding the conceptual mind-set of revolutionary
Islamism, the religious and political construct that underlies international
terrorism. In the early 1990s, the two leading European experts on militant
Islam, Gilles Kepel and Olivier Roy, declared that Islamism was on the wane
because jihad had been defeated. Americans, like Westerners generally, tend
to think in terms of definitive outcomes and decisive battles like those
that brought an end to past conflicts. Our mistaken assumption, when we
entered Afghanistan and Iraq, was that our military interventions could
produce World War II-type victories, in which our enemies would be
de-Talibanized or de-Baathified and reconstructed as peaceful democracies.

And so President Bush's unfortunate Mission Accomplished speech left
America blindsided when a Sunni insurgency, led by ex-Baathists and financed
by Saudi money, started a civil war in Iraq. More recently, the killing of
bin Laden and Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, one of his top deputies, prompted claims
by Obama-administration supporters that the Islamist threat was all but
over-as if the degrading of al-Qaida were tantamount to a deep change in the
hearts and minds of the faithful. Similarly, Muammar el-Qaddafi's fall from
power in Libya has led Obama's media advocates to claim victory there for
Western values.

Our vision is chronically stuck in the short term. As the State Department's
Tony Corn has written, since the end of the Cold War, the strategic
management of time seems to have eluded U.S. elites, whose timelines now
rarely extend beyond the 24/7 news cycle, the quarterly financial report,
and the midterm elections. Even after 9/11, we failed to adapt to the
Islamic sense of time and war. The difference between our clocks and our
enemies' can be summarized by a famous boast among the tribes of Waziristan:
I took my revenge early. I waited only 100 years.

Some have argued that Islamism stands in relationship to jihadism as did
Marxism/Leninism to Stalin's post-World War II aggression. There's something
to this analogy, but it can be pushed too hard. Developing an ideological
counterweight to Islamism isn't likely to bring about victory. What kept the
East Europeans in chains for so long was not Communist ideology but the Red
Army. The day the Soviet military-industrial complex imploded, the war was
over. Revolutionary Islamism, by 

[osint] WEAK Vatican Reaches out to Muslim Friends for Help to Promote Religion!

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf


WEAK Vatican Reaches out to Muslim Friends for Help to Promote Religion!

September 6, 2011

By admin http://loganswarning.com/author/admin/  

-koran-readings/  and over
ting-reverend-rasicci/  I have posted about Christians who have bowed down
to Islam.
ral/  A religion/ideology that calls for the dominance over them.

Koran verse 009.029

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold
that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the
Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves

Now unfortunately even more powerful Christians have joined the I love Islam
list. In a complete state of weakness, the Vatican has reached out to their
Muslim friends in an effort to fight secularism. I could understand the
Vatican wanting to fight secularism, but this is clear promotion of Islam,
and a sign of weakness.

Hat tip to Damien.

'Id al-Fitr 1432 H. / 2011 A.D.

Christians and Muslims: Working together for mankind's spiritual dimension

Vatican City

Dear Muslim friends,

1. The end of the month of Ramadan offers the Pontifical Council for
Interreligious Dialogue a welcome occasion for sending you our most
cordialwishes, hoping that the efforts you have so generously made during
this month will bring all the desired spiritual fruits.

2. This year, we have thought to give priority to the theme of the spiritual
dimension of the human person. This concerns a reality which Christians and
Muslims consider to be of prime importance, faced as we are with the
challenges of materialism and secularisation. The relationship that every
humanperson has with the transcendent is not a moment in history, but is
part of human nature. We do not believe in fate; we are convinced - moreover
it is our experience - that God guides us on our path!

Which God would that be? The God of Christianity, or the one of Islam who
calls for the ultimate destruction of Christianity?

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 657:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the
son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as
a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be
no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance
so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer)
will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it. Abu Huraira
added If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): - 'And
there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must
believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before
his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them.
(4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)

Back to the dhimmican.

3. Christians and Muslims, beyond their differences, recognise the dignity
of the human person endowed with both rights and duties. They think
thatintelligence and freedom are indeed gifts which must impel believers to
recognise these values which are shared because they rest on the same human

This letter was written by Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran, President of the
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Has he actually studied
Islam? Did he miss this class?

Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from
the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.

You know what Jean-Louis? Muslims are doing a great job at that,
n-of-christians%E2%80%8F%E2%80%8F/  and instead of fighting back, you are
looking to join forces with them and help promote Islam. Did your God tell
you to promote other religions?


[osint] Let Him Rot: Israeli Spy Shamai Leibowitz Hated Israel, America; Loves Islamic Terrorists

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf


September 6, 2011, - 4:02 pm

Let Him Rot:
tz-hated-israel/ Israeli Spy Shamai Leibowitz Hated Israel, America;
Loves Islamic Terrorists

By  http://www.debbieschlussel.com Debbie Schlussel

For years I've known about Shamai Leibowitz, the
3795_pf.html FBI Hebrew linguist and former Israeli, who pleaded guilty for
disclosing classified info and allegedly spied for Israel, which actually
isn't the case.  He
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/06/us/06leak.html?_r=1hp spied ON Israel.
And AGAINST Israel.  FOR America.  And he disclosed the information in order
to hurt both Israel AND America.  That's why it's so ironic that the left
and the anti-Semites are gushing that this is evidence about how Jews are
loyal to Israel and can't be trusted.  Just the contrary.  It's evidence
that far-left Jews who shill for Muslims are as trustworthy as Muslims.  As
in, they cannot be trusted at all.


FBI Israeli Spy Shamai Leibowitz Represented Arafat's Terrorist Buddy
Marwan Barghouti 

Leibowitz is and always has been one of the most anti-Israel Jews and
activists on the planet.  In Israel, he was essentially doing Bin Laden's
and HAMAS' legal work.  And I was shocked when I learned he'd been hired by
the FBI to be a Hebrew linguist.  I knew this could only mean one thing:  he
was spying against Israel, NOT betraying America for Israel.

As a kid, when it was the Jewish Sabbath and my father wanted to teach me
the Bible, we would read books by Nechama Leibowitz, a terrific Israeli
Torah scholar.  Her Iyunim or Eyunim were analyses she wrote and
compiled on the Torah, in response to questions people sent her.  She was
the sister of the respected famous Rabbi Yishayahu Leibowitz, and she was a
proud pro-Israel Israeli Jew.  But, as I got older, my dad warned me about
her great-nephew (the rabbi's grandson), Shamai Leibowitz, whom we both
considered the scum of the earth-an uber-kapo if there ever was one.

Shamai Leibowitz, though an Israeli, hated Israel with a passion and was a
big figure in the circles of self-hating Israeli Jews who aided and abetted
Islamic terrorists.  Leibowitz was the attorney for Marwan Barghouti, a
Palestinian terrorist leader who planned homicide bombings that murdered
plenty of Israelis (and a good buddy and henchmen of Yasser Arafat).
Leibowitz represented others of his ilk, too.  And Leibowitz worked for the
New Israel Fund, or as those of us in the know call it, the NO Israel
Fund.  NIF is so anti-Israel that NIF Israeli official, Hedva Radovanitz,
told the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv that the disappearance of a Jewish State
would not be a tragedy,
http://wikileaks.org/cable/2010/02/10TELAVIV439.html according to a cable
in the latest Wikileaks document release.  Leibowitz and his pan-terrorist
activities were very well known.  Given that, it's moronic-and sinister,
that the Famous But Incompetent would hire him for anything, especially
this.  They knew he hated Israel and used it. But, hey, the FBI is known to
be anti-Israel.

And so, when I learned that learned that the Israeli citizen  and FBI
linguist who leaked confidential information about Israel was Leibowitz, I
knew the information could only be stuff he leaked because he wanted it to
harm Israel.  And that's exactly what we have here.  This is not a case of
dual loyalty of American Jews to Israel, as many would love to paint it.
It's a case of the real danger to America:  uber-loyalty to
Islamo-pandering, Jew-hatred, and anti-Israel destructiveness.

One more thing:  a lot of readers wrote me that they were upset that the
U.S. spied on the Israeli Embassy in Washington, which is what Leibowitz was
paid to do (he translated the transcripts from the secret taps of the
Embassy).  I'm not surprised this is going on.  I always expected that we
are tapping the Israelis and spying on them.  And Israel is probably tapping
and spying on the only U.S. Embassy in the world not in the respective
nation's capital (the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel).

The thing is:  the U.S. shouldn't be spying on Israel because Israel is our
ally.  We should be spying on the communists, the Muslims, and the crazy
dictatorships.  Israel isn't a threat to America.  It's a best friend.
Think of how much money we wasted spying on Israel that could have gone to
legitimate national security purposes.  Israel has a good reason for spying
on America:  America doesn't trust Israel and doesn't share information it's
supposed to pursuant to treaties and agreements.  Among the information
Israel sought and got from spy Jonathan Pollard was important information on

[osint] Muslim Consultants Lied to Park Service About Flight 911 Islamic Crescent Memorial

2011-09-07 Thread Beowulf
Muslims lying?  That’s a “dog bites man” story.  The stupidity of the Park
Service is beyond belief.







September 06, 2011

Muslim Consultants Lied to Park Service About Flight 911 Islamic Crescent

Let the record show that there were patriots and freedom lovers who opposed
and fought for years against an Islamic crescent pointing towards Mecca as a
memorial to the American heroes who brought down the last plane taken over
by islamic terrorists. We know what it is. 

Those brave souls on Flight 93 saved the Capitol. Clearly, an Islamic
crescent memorial is a seditious insult to their heroic memory. Atlas has
been very vocal against this insult for years,
Crescent-petitionborderedand many have been fighting this battle for quite
some time. The leaders of the opposition, Tom Burnett Sr. (whose son Tom was
one of those warriors who wrestled the plane away from the allahu
akbar-screaming Muslims) and Alec Rawls, are on the vanguard of the fight.

The bottom line is, why a crescent? Why not a flag? Or a monument to the
group who managed to wrest control of the aircraft away from the Muslim
terrrists? A crescent pointing to Mecca? As if that weren't bad enough, the
dhimmi Park Service asked Muslim consultants and Islamic scholars for an
honest consult? They can't be that clueless; they must be complicit.

Shocka, the Muslims lied. Hey, they're supposed to. It is
http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/011-taqiyya.htm taqiyya, it's in
the koran -- lie to advance Islam.

Muslim consultants LIED to Park Service
vice.html  Error Theory 

The Park Service enlisted three outside consultants to assess whether the
Crescent of Embrace memorial to Flight 93 really can be seen as a giant
mihrab: the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built.
All three consultants, including two Islamic scholars, were blatantly and
provably dishonest.

Consultant #1 (details below) confirmed to the Park Service that the giant
crescent (now called a broken circle) does indeed point almost exactly at
Mecca, then when asked about it by the press, denied that there is any such
thing as the direction to Mecca (insisting that you can face any direction
to face Mecca).

Consultant #2, a professor of Islamic architecture at MIT, lied about one of
the most familiar of all Islamic doctrines, claiming that a legitimate
mihrab must point exactly at Mecca. (The original Crescent of Embrace
pointed less than 2° north of Mecca. The broken-circle redesign points
less than 3° south of Mecca. Both highly accurate by Islamic standards.)

Consultant #3, a professor of sharia law at Indiana University (!), came up
with an almost comically dishonest rationale for dismissing concern about
the giant Mecca-oriented crescent: don't worry, no one has ever seen a
mihrab anywhere near this BIG before. Not so funny is the Park Service's
eagerness to embrace such a transparently ludicrous excuse.

The details are documented in a large advertisement
http://www.crescentofbetrayal.com/MuslimConsultsLIED_8-30-11.pdf  that
Alec Rawls and Tom Burnett Sr. are running this week in Somerset
Pennsylvania as President Obama and the national press arrive in town for
the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

The press has so far been unwilling to check even the most basic facts about
the memorial, like whether the giant crescent really does point to Mecca
(takes about 2 minutes
http://www.crescentofbetrayal.com/VerifyingMeccaOrientation.htm ). Maybe
charges that the Park Service and its consultants are telling easily
verifiable lies will be more up their alley.

That's the hope, but a strong push might also make the difference. If you
want to help, here are email addresses for the new Park Superintendent Keith
Newlin and for a few Pennsylvania newspapers. You can write your own letter,
or just copy the first four paragraphs above, and tell them that you want
these charges checked!

keith_new...@nps.gov, a...@rawls.org, swischnow...@phillynews.com,
ch...@phillynews.com, ajo...@tribdem.com, cminem...@tribdem.com,
n...@dailyamerican.com, skal...@post-gazette.com,
tbirds...@post-gazette.com, mcoll...@sfchronicle.com, newsd...@kpix.com

Ad copy, with links do documentation

After a brief primer on the giant Islamic crescent-and-star flag
ndCrescentBorderedWithCaptio.jpg  that the Park Service is building on the
Flight 93 crash site, the ad exposes the three blatantly dishonest
consultants that the Park Service invited to please pull the wool over their

Academic charlatan calculates the direction to Mecca, then tells the 

[osint] Islam the Enemy

2011-09-06 Thread Beowulf




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::  http://ruleofreason.blogspot.com/ The Rule of Reason ::


:: Monday, August 22, 2011 ::

Our Post 9/11 World: A Ten-Year Retrospective 

:: Posted by Edward Cline at 3:13 PM


New York, Sept. 11 – The new World Trade Center towers, now six years old,
rise in a silvery shimmer over lower Manhattan, both fifteen stories taller
than the originals, commanding a plaza and an assortment of lower towers. In
the daytime, only the plaza, chock full of figures hurrying purposefully on
their numerous errands, gives evidence of the unseen commerce that occurs
inside the fully occupied towers. IRT and PATH trains rumble through the
lower levels of the plaza. Taxis rarely idle for long in the three
designated cab stands that border the plaza as they skitter in and out of
what seems like yellow conveyor belts of business, dropping off and picking
up passengers. Bands, orchestras, and soloists usually occupy the small,
sunken amphitheater; the plaza is rarely without music. Vendors serve hot
dogs, knishes and ice cream from kiosks and wheeled carts. Dozens of stores,
restaurants and fast food shops populate the plaza’s lower levels, even a
movie theater and a bookstore. 

One unkind critic of the sleek new twin towers wrote in The New York Times,
before they were completed, that together they looked like a giant tuning
fork. But another critic, writing for The New York Post, said they were
reminiscent of Winston Churchill’s “V” for victory sign. If the original
towers collapsed because of the heat of an inferno, what replaced them was
an inferno of controversy that resulted in the resignation of a governor,
the dissolution of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation racked by
scandal, corruption, and favoritism, and the relinquishment of the property
by the Port Authority to a syndicate of private developers dedicated to
building a new World Trade Center “as tall or taller.” 

Where the oddly sculptured globe once sat in the original plaza is a modest,
circular black marble plaque, enclosed by an oval pool with calming,
splashing fountains. The plaque contains the engraved names of all who died
here that awful day a decade ago. Benches ring the front of the pool, and
are usually filled with tourists and office workers from the towers at

Similar modest memorials were erected in front of the repaired Pentagon, and
in the Shanksville, Pennsylvania field where passengers on the flight died
fighting to regain control of a hijacked plane destined to crash into either
the White House or the Capitol Building. It has never been determined which
was the hijackers’ target, although authorities are certain that the White
House was the intended target. Monitored Al Qaeda communications repeated
the query, “Is he dead yet?” They could only have been referring to
President Bush, who fortunately was not in the White House that day. 

The Attack 

That day! Ten years ago, on September 11, 2001, the United States was
attacked on its own soil by agents of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, and Iraq.
Complicit in that attack, or at least aiding and abetting it by supplying
resources, training, sanctuaries, and “foot soldiers,” were key enablers,
Pakistan and Afghanistan. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attack, mostly
Americans, including the passengers on the hijacked planes that slammed into
the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and that Pennsylvania field. 

Everyone can remember the response of everyday, rank-and-file “moderate”
Muslims: in Gaza, in Iran, in Cairo, in London, in Paris, in Indonesia, in
Patterson, New Jersey, in Brooklyn, New York, in Dearborn, Michigan,
celebrated, passed out candy, danced in the streets, and shouted their
hatred for the U.S. Their spokesmen and leaders put on pious faces and
published solemn-sounding regrets, but did not chastise their collects of

Two days after the attack, in a stirring, televised speech to Congress and
the American people, still reeling from a greater loss
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2002/aug/18/usa.terrorism  of American
life than the country had suffered during the attack
rlharbor.htm  on Pearl Harbor
http://www.usswestvirginia.org/ph/phlist.php  sixty years before,
President George W. Bush assured the nation – and the world – that the
“parties responsible for the attack will regret and rue the day they decided
that this country had lost its resolve to exist as a free and sovereign
nation. It 

[osint] 911 Outrage ~ Islamic Call to Prayer Coming to Washington DC! September 5, 2011

2011-09-06 Thread Beowulf
· SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 



Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. 
Those people are witless. Islam says: 'Kill all the unbelievers just as they 
would kill you all!' Does this mean that Muslims should sit back until they are 
devoured by the infidel? Islam says: 'Kill them, put them to the sword and 
scatter them.' Islam says: 'Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword.' 
The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for the Holy 
Warriors! Does all this mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from 
waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.

Sir Winston Churchill

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the 
religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, 
Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread 
throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step...

911 Outrage ~ Islamic Call to Prayer Coming to Washington DC!

September 5, 2011

By  http://loganswarning.com/author/admin/ admin

On 911 of 2001  
 Islam shook America, and the response by our so called leaders, George Bush 
included, was to embrace Islam. This line of thinking is the equivalent of  
http://loganswarning.com/2011/03/15/islam-nazism-the-ideologies-of-hate/ Jews 
embracing Nazism Unfortunately this line of thinking has also  
 trickled down to the much of the public, and still continues today. Another  
 example of this is an upcoming “Unity Walk” on the the 10Th anniversary of 
911, taking place in Washington DC. (Unity Walk 2005) 


 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23765813/UW_Flyer_Revised_Final2.pdf Unity Walk’s 
Journey Starting at the Washington Hebrew Congregation with a symbolic Muslim 
call to prayer and keynote speakers, participants walk past open houses at 
places of worship to experience a variety of faith and cultural traditions.

The Islamic call to prayer clearly states Islam is the dominant religion.

Allah is most great. Allah is most great. Allah is most great. Allah is most 
great. I testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify that there is no God 
but Allah. I testify that Mohammad is the messenger of God. I testify that 
Mohammad is the messenger of God. Come to prayer! Come to prayer! Come to 
success. Come to success. God is most great. God is most great. There is no God 
but Allah.

(For those who have never heard the call to prayer, it can be listened to in 
the following video blasting from the loudspeakers of this Brooklyn Mosque.) 

feature=player_embeddedBack to the dhimmi walk….  
http://www.911unitywalk.org/ 2011 Unity Walk – Sunday, September 11

Have you marked your Calendar? Save the Date! The Seventh Annual 9/11 
INTERFAITH UNITY WALK is scheduled for Sunday, September 11th! Registration 
begins at 1:00 p.m. Welcome Ceremony  Program begins at 1:30 p.m. at 
Washington Hebrew Congregation (3935 Macomb Street NW, Washington, DC 20016)

The Walk begins at 2:00 p.m. There are a variety of ways to be involved with 
9/11 Unity Walk. This year, we commemorate 10 years since the terrible losses 
of September 11, 2001, marking our Annual Walk Event Sunday, September 11, 2011 
with the theme From different walks, we serve as one. We hope you learn, are 
inspired by, and serve with us in one or more ways below!

Do the non-Muslims who are attending this event even know the truth about 
Islam? Do they know that Allah calls for the dominance over Christians? If so  
why would Christians even begin support the call to prayer being broadcast? The 
Islamic scriptures also call for Muslims to fight and kill Jews to reach 
judgment day.

Muslim Hadith Book 041, Number 6985: Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger 
(may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the 
Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the 
Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would 
say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill 
him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.



2011-09-06 Thread Beowulf



The 1st Special Air Service Company was raised on 25 July 1957. 

In November 1961 the Company became the 1st Special Air Service Company
(Royal Australian Regiment). 

On 04 September 1964 the Company was expanded to a Regiment and renamed the
Special Air Service Regiment. 

This date was significant as it marked the 21st anniversary of the
Lae-Nadzab operation in New Guinea; the first Australian combined land, sea
and airborne operation. 






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[osint] The PLO Covenant and the Nazi Covenant: Two Sides of the Same Genocidal Coin

2011-09-06 Thread Beowulf


The PLO Covenant and the Nazi Covenant: Two Sides of the Same Genocidal Coin

This chart, a comparison between the Nazi and PLO Covenants, was published
approx 30 years ago in the Canadian Jewish Herald - Oct.1980 (publisher Dan
Nimrod zl).

One year later saw publication of 'On A field of Red' - the Comintern and
the coming of World War II' (Putnams 1981) which revealed that (three years
prior to the appearance of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf') the American Military
Attache in Germany, CaptainTruman Smith, secured a 1922 audience with Adolf
Hitler in Munich. The outcome of that encounter is enshrined in an
extraordinary report - breathtaking for its insight.

Hitler insisted that the 25 articles of the Nazi 1920 Covenant were the
'dogma of our faith and the rock upon which the Party was built'. Captain
Smith, disturbed by Hitler's anti-semitism and the ominous language of
Article 4 (see below -None but those of German.No Jew.may be a member of
the nation) concluded that 'Hitler intended to perform a radical surgical
operation on the Jews and remove them totally from German lebensraum.

The British response to this murderous plan was its 1922 decision to bar
Jews from the eastern part of the Mandated Territories, namely the
expansive, uninhabited desert of the trans Jordan (in short declare it
'Judenrein'). In the meantime the USA buried Colonel Smith's intelligence:
determined to stay aloof from the 'petty affairs' of EurAsia until the day
it was to receive its twin wake-up 'calls' - Hirohito's 'Pearl Habor' 
'Hitler's Declaration of War'.

America's cavalier treatment of Colonel Smith's real time intelligence led
(inter alia) twenty years later to the Holocaust. Likewise, the
unintelligent treatment by Beilin, Clinton, Peres and Co., (a dozen years or
so after Dan Nimrod's real time intelligence) saddled Israel with Arafat and

Israel and the West are once more confronted by a genocidal covenant,
http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/mideast/hamas.htm the Hamas Covenant -
endorsed by the Mad Mahdi of Teheran.

The question is - will the Jews (for the third time) be beguiled to forgo
real-time intelligence and once more succumb to commu-nazi psywar propaganda
intended to wear down their resistance to Hitler's Heirs?



Article 2 of the PLO Covenant defines Palestine as an indivisible
territorial unit with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate 1920
including Trans Jordan

The Articles are abstracted from The Palestinian National Covenant English
Rendition published by the PLO Research Centre Beirut 1969



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[osint] Obama's big chance

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


 http://www.nypost.com/ Description: Description: New York PostUpdated:
Mon., Sep. 5, 2011, 10:11 AM Description: Description: home

Obama's big chance


Last Updated: 10:11 AM, September 5, 2011

Posted: 9:48 PM, September 4, 2011

It's hard to see how the news could be any grimmer for Labor Day 2011: no
net new jobs created in August, the first time since 1945 that's happened.
The unemployment rate of 9.1 percent -- 16.7 percent among blacks -- is
unlikely to dip as low as 8 percent for at least the next year. Millions
have stopped looking for work, consumer confidence is at rock bottom, and
the stock market is having another nervous breakdown.

Plus, the fairy tale of government-fostered green jobs just blew up. The
politically connected California solar-panel maker Solyndra, which got more
than half a billion dollars in loan guarantees from the Obama st imulus,
declared bankruptcy last week -- taking with it more than 1,000 jobs and a
boatload of taxpayer money. 

But have no fear: President Obama on Thursday will give yet another major
speech on the economy as he once again pivots to jobs. 

But he's expected to give us nothing but his usual litany of failed
nostrums, including more green technology, more stimulus, more
infrastructure investment, more nickel-and-dime tax credits and extending
the 2 percent payroll tax cut. Save your breath, Mr. President. 

The fact is, this administration is as bankrupt as Solyndra. Its Keynesian
bromides have failed, and it's pretty much run through the available supply
of academic e ggheads that will give it the economic advice it wants to

True, in the face of the disastrous jobs report, Obama on Friday suddenly
reined in the Environmental Protection Agency, forcing commissar Lisa
Jackson to rescind (for now) a blizzard of vindictive new rules that would
have crippled the nation's coal-fired power plants and sent electricity
prices soaring. 

Naturally, such common sense has enraged environmentalists. But will Obama
be consistent, and also approve the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline from
the Canadian oil-sand fields in Alberta to refineries in the Midwest and the
Gulf Coast? 

Eco-nuts including actress Daryl Hannah protested outside the White House
over the pipeline; they'd rather we remain de pendent on Saudi Arabia and
Venezuela than import oil from a friendly neighbor -- and are threatening to
withdraw their support from Obama if he OKs it. 

Obama is still waffling, promising a decision by year's end. Why not say yes
today -- or, better yet, announce the decision during Thursday's speech? 

If the president really wants to jump-start the economy, he should also lift
his de facto ban on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, which would put
thousands back to work from Florida to Texas. Indeed, if he's serious about
jobs, he'll promise to halt all new regulation.

Oh, and stop holding up those free-trade treaties because the labor unions
don't like 'em.

 span style=font-size:12.0pt;color:black;And if he really wants to
kick-start the economy, he should call for a radical revision of the tax
system: Flatten the rates for everybody (including corporations), eliminate
all or most deductions and tax credits and make everyone pay at least
something, and Americans will move billions of dollars from less-productive
tax shelters to job-creating investments. 

In short, this is Barack Obama's moment. For once, one of his big speeches
actually needs to have specific proposals leading to practical, beneficial

Don't hold your breath. On jobs, the president has pivoted more than the
prima ballerina in Swan Lake, and literally has nothing to show for it even
after more than two years of optimistic promises. 

His signature push was for the albatross of ObamaCare, whose baleful
economic effects haven't even fully kicked in yet. Until its fate is
decided, either at the ballot box or by the Supreme Court, businesses will
stay frozen, unable to gauge the true cost of new hiring. 

It's hard to paint a pretty face on zero jobs growth and new monthly
unemployment claims of more than 4000,000. Economists may argue about
whether we're heading for a double-dip recession, but ordinary Americans
know the first recession never really ended. 

And yet Obama has doggedly pursued a faculty-lounge fantasy of borrowed
pump-priming and imaginary technology in the face of overwhelming evidence
that no amount of governmental borrowing, green jobs and stimulus is going
to pull us out of this tailspin.

But there's at least one business that's booming: state lotteries. Seventeen
states report all-time records as desperate citizens queue up to hand the
government even more of their money in the hope that a dollar and a dream
will free them from the consequences of the 2008 election. 

Alas, the only thing that's going to do that is the next election. 

NEW YORK POST is a registered trademark of NYP Holdings, Inc. 

nypost.com , nypostonline.com , and 

[osint] Afghan Police Chief: Missing Germans Shot to Death

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf
Sep 5, 10:30 AM EDT


Afghan police chief: missing Germans shot to death 

Associated Press

Virginian Pilot

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Two Germans who disappeared nearly three weeks
ago while hiking in the Hindu Kush mountains were shot to death, a police
general said Monday.

Gen. Sher Ahmad Maladani, police chief of Afghanistan 's eastern Parwan
province, said Monday that a rescue team reached the bodies in the late
afternoon. He says the two men had bullet wounds in their chests, but it's
not clear when they died.

He said he had asked the Ministry of Interior and German army for
helicopters to help get the bodies down from the mountains. It took the
rescue team four hours to reach the bodies on foot from the main road.

Police at the scene said they could not recover the bodies Monday because of
darkness and would try again in the morning.

They have several bullet holes to the chest. We are not sure when they
died, but the bodies are in good condition, Maladani said.

The area where the bodies were found is extremely rugged and remote. Police
Gen. Rajab, who like many Afghans goes by only one name, said the two bodies
were inside cloth sacks.

Parwan governor Abdul Basir Salangi said they were discovered under a large
boulder about 2 1/2 miles (four kilometers) from the south end of the Salang
Pass, where they began their hike on Aug. 19. He had no other details, and
it remained unclear who found the bodies. The area is inhabited mostly by
nomadic shepherds who live in tents.

A spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin, speaking on condition
of anonymity in line with ministry rules, confirmed that two bodies were
found in Parwan province but said he could not give any further details
until they had been identified beyond doubt.

In unrelated incidents, a roadside bomb and a suicide bomber killed eight
people and wounded 20 in two attacks around the country, the Interior
Ministry said.

Five civilians were killed Monday when a roadside bomb exploded next to
their vehicle in western Afghanistan's Faryab province. Also, the ministry
said, in southern Kandahar city late Sunday, a suicide car bomber killed
three Afghan private security guards and wounded another 20. The guards were
part of a convoy and had stopped for evening prayers when the attack
occurred. The ministry provided no other details on either incident.

The region where the Germans disappeared is not a Taliban area. Last month
Afghan police speculated the two men could have gotten lost in the high
mountains or may have been the victims of a crime. The agency they were
working for has not been named.

The day they disappeared, the two traveled to the south end of the Salang
Pass, north of Kabul, around 8 a.m. and told their driver they were going
into the mountains. They promised to return at 4 p.m. and the driver waited
until 6 p.m. before contacting local authorities, and the search began.

The Salang Pass is a major ro ute through the Hindu Kush mountains that
connects the Afghan capital, Kabul, with the northern part of the nation.

Germany has been a major contributor to the NATO-led International Security
Assistance Force in Afghanistan and currently has some 5,200 troops
stationed in the country, largely in the north.

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Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
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[osint] The Family Circus

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf
 http://takimag.com/contributor/theeditors/50 by The Editors  

September 02, 2011

 The Obama Family Circus 

Not so long ago, Barack Obama electrified and mesmerized not only America but 
the entire solar system and even parts of the Crab Nebula with his 
transparently empty promises, his smooth mulatto charisma, and an oratory 
prowess that sent  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no9fpKVXxCc tingles running 
up grown men’s legs. Then, roughly five minutes after his inauguration, Obama 
lost all his charm and has flailed for the past two-and-a-half years as a 
frightened-and-flummoxed amateur who’s obviously in way over his oversized 
ears. His  
approval rating has plummeted so precipitously, it reached the point earlier 
this year where “ 
only” 85 percent of African Americans said he’s doing a swell job.

But except for that opening paragraph, we're not here to make fun of Barack 
Obama. Today, we aim our gleeful Schadenfreude at his blood relatives, many of 
whom have names that sound like slight variations of Ooga Booga Yabba Dabba Doo.

Historically, the press has made a bigger deal of Democratic presidents’ 
wayward relatives than it has of GOP prez’s familial flockoffs. Whether this is 
due to editorial negligence or the fact that Republicans’ families have kept 
their noses cleaner, we are not sure. Ronald Reagan’s immediate family members 
did only slightly embarrassing things such as becoming a snarky, gay-seeming 
ballet dancer and a charmlessly meandering talk-radio host. Oh, and George 
Bush, Sr. had a mildly retarded son who became president for twice as long as 
his dad.

Over on the donkey side, America’s media made huge hay of a bucktoothed, 
bespectacled, runway-staining Georgia cracker called Billy Carter and a 
coke-gobbling, talent-free wannabe musician named Roger Clinton.

“It’s funny to hear that Barack Obama has so many half-brothers, because 
genetically, Obama is a half-brother.”

But Barack Obama doesn’t merely have a single embarrassing family member. He 
has a whole litter of them. But he’s protected by the Black Shield, a new kind 
of skin privilege, one it’s impossible to even mention without being branded 
with the irrevocably shameful “R” word. Due to such fears and also their 
elaborate financial and ideological entanglements with the current 
administration, most of America’s press doesn’t leap nearly so eagerly on 
Obama’s familial skeletons as they do on Sarah Palin’s retarded child or 
Michelle Bachmann’s screaming faggot of a husband. The press isn’t even in 
Obama’s pocket—they’re snuggled deep up in his underwear.

We are not constrained by such fears. But because a fundamental spirit of 
fairmindedness animates us, we’ll leave his immediate family members out of it, 
although we can’t help mentioning he was raised almost solely by Caucasians 
after age two and expressed his gratitude by checking off “ 
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/04/02/politics/main6357568.shtml black” 
rather than “white” or “some other race” on his Census form.

Since they’re both dead, we will say nothing mean about his commie-sympathizing 
mud shark of a mother nor his violent, peg-legged, deadbeat alcoholic dad. 
Since they’re still alive, we will refrain from taking cheap shots at his 
daughters Sushi and Mongolia and from disparaging his overbearing, 
insufferable, ball-busting, walking vagina dentata of a wife.

We’re here simply to make sport of his less-immediate family members. It’s 
funny to hear that Barack Obama has so many half-brothers, because genetically, 
Obama is a half-brother. Although we don’t think he’s fully responsible for any 
of their actions, we’ll note that he seems reluctant to “spread the wealth” 
with any of them.

  http://www.jimgoad.net/images/omarobama.jpg Although he moved to the USA in 
the early 1960s, the president’s half-uncle is still an illegal immigrant who 
somehow has managed to finagle himself an authentic Massachusetts driver’s 
license and a valid Social Security card since 1992. On August 24 of this year, 
his erratic driving led to an arrest by Massachusetts police, who pulled him 
over near the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham. A  
http://www.jimgoad.net/pdf/OnyangoReport.pdf police report noted his 
“obviously red and glassy eyes,” a “slurred speech pattern,” and “a strong odor 
consistent with consumption of alcohol coming from his breath.” His 
blood-alcohol level reportedly tested at twice the legal limit, making him a 
drunk uncle, or, if you prefer, a “druncle.” The 67-year-old liquor-store 
employee had reportedly also sold alcohol to underaged individuals on two 

[osint] 9/11 TENTH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL: I suppose Mayor Bloomberg has no room for these first responders either?

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


9/11 TENTH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL: I suppose Mayor Bloomberg has no room for
these first responders either?

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| September 5, 2011 at 4:33 AM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=8328278 9/11 Censored | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-zc2 http://wp.me/peHnV-zc2

a_9PI2jS3hnB7Bhi3HzDMa7N  She was a 3-year-old golden-haired beauty when
she got the call to respond to her first disaster. Now, stiffer, slower and
a bit gray, 13-year-old Bretagne is one of just a handful of World Trade
Center rescue dogs still alive.

We arrived on 9/12 and started working right away, said Bretagne's
handler, Denise Corliss, a search-and-rescue volunteer with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.

.jpg?w=300h=300Bretagne had spent more than a year learning how to find
survivors in concrete rubble, but her Cypress, Texas, training site was
nothing like Ground Zero.

She clambered up ladders to get on top of the huge debris piles, padded
across broken glass and twisted steel beams, wiggled into small spaces and
crawled into dark holes, all the while sniffing through mounds of pulverized
concrete searching for clues that would lead her to survivors. Like all the
rescue dogs, she worked without a leash or a collar.

The dogs also didn't wear protective booties, despite the crushed glass
everywhere - they needed their claws for traction. Every night, she was
given a decontamination bath. Her eyes, ears and mouth were rinsed out, and
her abraded paw pads gently cleaned.

rescue-dog-1.jpg?w=300h=201It was her first mission, but she worked it
like a pro. She didn't get cut up or fall or get hurt, said Corliss. But
Bretagne had a couple of near misses. One day, sniffing along an elevated
steel beam, she lost her footing.

It was real wet because the fires were still smoldering and the water spray
was everywhere, Corliss recalled. She just kind of slipped, but she used
her paws to pull herself back up and kept on going. That was the only time I
was a little unsettled.

Bretagne was also a magnet for distraught firefighters searching the site
for fallen comrades.

A lot of times, firefighters would come by and pet her, talk to her and
tell her stories, said Corliss. One firefighter bonded so closely with
Bretagne that he recognized her years later at a 9/11 memorial.

The gregarious golden retriever has seen several national disasters since
9/11 - she responded to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, going into flooded
areas to find those unable to evacuate. She's retired now, but has a hard
time accepting it, said Corliss.

When Corliss heads out with her new search dog, Aid'n, Bretagne always wants
to go along. I bring her to the training site sometimes and let her run a
few drills - she's still got it, said the proud handler.

Like Bretagne, the majority of 100 or so FEMA dogs sent to Ground Zero
stayed only about 10 days.

Thirty-three NYPD K-9 dogs took over recovery operations - sniffing the
rubble for remains - for eight months. All of those dogs have since died.
The last one, Charlie, a longtime K-9 unit member, passed in January, just a
few months shy of his 13th birthday.

All told, about 300 dogs contributed to the rescue and long-term recovery
effort at Ground Zero, said Roy Gross, a Suffolk County SPCA agent who ran
the mobile hospital that cared for the animals.

Besides the FEMA and NYPD dogs, you had therapy dogs, brought in to help
the rescue searchers, and dozens of volunteers who showed up at the site
with their dogs, too, said Gross.


[osint] Mayor 'dhimmi' Bloomberg says, We can honor 9/11 First Responders at some other place and time

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


Mayor 'dhimmi' Bloomberg says, We can honor 9/11 First Responders at some
other place and time

Posted: August 28, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/  | Filed under:
9/11 Censored http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/category/911-censored/
we-can-honor-911-first-responders-at-some-other-place-and-time/#comments 59

n-photo-paulaloe-a11.jpg?w=183h=441The mayor who said
r-bloomberg-to-ramadan-muslim-audience/ WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS and lights up
the Empire State Building in Islamic green for Ramadan, still won't change
his mind about including FDNY and NYPD first responders at the 10th
Anniversary Ceremony for 9/11.

When debris rained from the sky in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001,
the first responders to the terrorist attack did not turn away. They rushed
to the World Trade Center buildings while the world around them crumbled.

Yet now, after all the wreckage has been cleared and the rebuilding has
begun, their path is again blocked - not by flying chunks of smoldering
rubble, but by space constraints. The first responders are not invited to
this year's September 11 memorial ceremony at ground zero, New York City
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office confirmed again.

It's a painful insult for many of the approximately 3,000 men and women who
risked their lives, limbs and lungs on that monumental day, puncturing
another hole in a still searing wound.


How many of these 9/11 terrorists families will be there?

Only 3 weeks have passed since the first responders got cancer excluded from
the financial package, but this was not enough for Bloomberg apparently. The
first responders that carried their own and other people's family members
from Ground Zero have been excluded from the 10th 9/11 ceremony Bloomberg
officially confirmed only a few days ago.

In a statement, Bloomberg spokesman Andrew Brent said the commemoration
ceremony is for the victims' families. (So I guess that will that include
the families of the 19 9/11 terrorists too?)

While we are again focused on accommodating victims' family members, given
the space constraints, we're working to find ways to recognize and honor
first responders, and other groups, at different places and times, Brent


Comments on Mayor 'dhimmi' Bloomberg says, We can honor 9/11 First
Responders at some other place and time

r=PGcapner http://gravatar.com/capner  says: 

August 28, 2011 at 8:44 PM

Well, those stupid people elected that prick into office so they deserve
what ever he does to them. People got to realize there are consequences for


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] The Israel Arab conflict is here to stay. Here's why.

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf
Exactly.it is NOT an Israel-Arab thing.  This is Muslim against everyone




September 3, 2011

The conflict is here to stay

It's Not Going to Go Away

The Moslem world and its faith as is currently revealed and practiced in
universal society is religion run amuck, as much a danger to itself as to

From Rabbi Berel Wein

In spite of all policies, agreements, hopes and wishful thinking, it should
be obvious that the Israeli-Arab dispute is nowhere near solution or
accommodation. It really is not about borders, land swaps, or even
begrudging acceptance of the two-state solution to the dispute. It is
something far deeper, religious in nature and hardened over centuries of
behavior and custom.

It basically is that the Jew, the dhimmi, the infidel, has no right to rule
over territory that was once under Moslem sovereignty and certainly no right
to rule over Moslem people themselves.

The inability of Israel over lo these many decades to face up to this fact
has in fact only prolonged and deepened the conflict and made the problem
more intractable.

It is in reality a biblical epic that we are currently experiencing, not a
nice modern day dispute that lends itself to creative diplomacy and
realpolitik. In a completely secular world there is no room for biblical

The world - and much of the Jewish world as well - believes that the Bible
is a story book and that little of it is applicable today.

So therefore we find ourselves applying the wrong antibiotic to counteract
the true bacteria of hatred and violence that is in reality playing itself
out in front of our bewildered eyes. In an oped-article that appeared in
Haaretz, the writer stated in the article that we are all people.

And that is the crux of the matter and as long as the Jews are not
recognized as people this dispute is simply not going to go away anytime

Religion, per se, is an ambiguous creature. It can be and has been an
enormous force for good in human history.

However, in the hands of zealots and fanatics, it can be construed to be a
most destructive force. The extremists in the world of Islam have created a
situation of hatred and violence, not only against Israel and the Jews but
also against Christians, especially the Copts in Egypt as well as against
Hindus in the Pakistan - India conflict which continues to simmer after
decades. [Commentary by Dr. Carl Goldberg -NOTE: The trouble with Islam is
that the extremists are mainstream. They are extremists only from our point
of view. From the Islamic religious point of view, they are merely following
Allah's instructions as set forth in the Koran.]

And to further muddy the waters, the violence in Iraq and Afghanistan is
essentially a continuation of the millennia old wars between the Shiite and
Sunni brands of Islam while Syria is engulfed in a rebellion against Alewite
rule - also a form of heresy to Sunni Moslems - and Libya has degenerated
into basic tribal warfare.

And all of this is going on without taking into account Iran's determination
to define the Arab world in purely Shiite terms and Al Queida's attempts to
assert Sunni hegemony over all of mankind.

This is not an essentially pretty picture of the Moslem world and its faith
as is currently revealed and practiced in universal society. This is
religion run amuck, [NOTE: NO! Islam has not run amuck. And, it is not
just as is currently revealed. Islam has always had the goal of
subjugating the world to Sharia law. In the Koran, Allah commands Moslems to
make war on non-Moslems UNTIL Islam reigngs supreme in the world.] as much a
danger to itself as to others. Yet the world is hesitant to call these
forces to account for their behavior and fanatical beliefs.

Whistling past the graveyard now only guarantees more pain, suffering and
bloodshed in the future.

Because of all of the above, I think it safe to say that these problems are
not going to go away anytime soon.

It took centuries for the religious wars of Europe and Christendom to end.
The Arabs are not going away nor are they likely to have an immediate
epiphany and change of heart regarding Israel, the Jews, the Copts, the
Hindus, America, etc. [NOTE: It is NOT just the Arabs! The Iranians are NOT
Arabs. The problem is with all Moslems, precisely because it is a religious
question. And, the Islamic war on non-Moslems can never come to an end
because Allah in the Koran requires eternal war against non-Moslems. This is
part of Islam's holy text. The religious wars of Europe never had any
justification in Christianity's holy texts.]

This is going to be a very long haul for all concerned. All of the peace
plans and agreements fostered until now have proven to be worthless and in
fact counterproductive to any form of true peace.

The change of heart necessary to create a climate of compromise and
accommodation is simply not in the offing in the Moslem world as a 

[osint] You lost the war! UK MUSLIMS plan to disrupt 9/11 Moment of Silence

2011-09-05 Thread Beowulf


plan-to-disrupt-911-moment-of-silence/ You lost the war! UK MUSLIMS plan
to disrupt 9/11 Moment of Silence

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| September 5, 2011 at 1:42 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=4957245 Islamic Britain | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-zcH http://wp.me/peHnV-zcH

On the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, an Islamic group,
Muslims Against Crusades, will make as much noise as possible during the
moment of silence in front of the US Embassy in London.

demonstration - The group hopes to expose the crimes of the American
government, while showcasing its opinion that the U.S. has lost its battle
against terrorism.This is the same group that waged an Islamic law campaign
and disrupted British Veterans' Day last year.

The group will be joined by another radical enterprise - Sharia 4 America.
According to Beliefnet, MAC .calls the 19 hijackers 'martyrs.' The group's
spokesperson, Anjem Choudary, says:

h=177We will be holding a big demonstration and it's going to begin at the
time the first plane hit the building - when everybody is holding their
minute's silence. We will be very noisy during that time. It will be to
expose the crimes of the American government over the past ten years and
showing how they have failed.

sades-demonstration-us-embassy-london-aro_0362.jpg?w=300h=199According to
it's website, Muslims Against Crusades, on September 11 2001, 19 Muslim men
succeeded in bringing the world's only superpower to its knees in less than
60 minutes; amidst the burning rubble of two of America's most iconic
symbols of economic might emerged a brutal crusade that would tarnish the
image of America forever.

10 years on and the timeline has been filled with torture and abuse,
violence and blood; America has unequivocally lost the moral high ground -
from Guantanamo Bay to Abu Ghraib the so-called fight against international
terrorism has ushered (with it) an
4uk-leave-a-london-press-conference-in-january.jpg?w=300h=187era of
unrelenting oppression that has exposed the sinister side of American
foreign policy.

With over $14 trillion in debt the US economy is now on a life support
machine; its military is caught in a gruelling war of attrition that the
majority of analysts regard as unwinnable; on all fronts the US government
is indeed facing defeat as the daunting spectre of death draws closer and

In light of this Muslims Against Crusades in conjunction with
Shariah4America (www.shariah4america.com)  have launched what is likely to
be one of the highest profile demonstrations of the year. On September 11
2011, as people across the world fall silent and reflect on the
unforgettable moments that took place at 8:46am and 9:03am ten years ago,
Muslims will stand united outside the US embassy in the heart of London, to
declare that they have been defeated - that the US has indeed lost the war.


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19 Comments on You lost the war! UK MUSLIMS plan to disrupt 9/11 Moment
of Silence

r=PGKenneth Schustereit http://www.kennethschustereittheoldbolillo.com

September 5, 2011 at 1:50 PM

May Islam be cursed! May all muslims become Christians!
What do we expect from the religion of peace?


[Non-text portions of this 

[osint] Obama: Messiah of Hate

2011-09-04 Thread Beowulf


Messiah of Hate

Sunday, 04 September 2011 07:19 Daniel Greenfield 

93be96de92fa0c86cd9238dcaa9/tmpl,component/ E-mail
ssiah-of-hate/print.html Print
y/messiah-of-hate.pdf PDF

The time when the Obama brand still seemed like it might have something to
offer the American people is long past. There will still be voters who go to
the polls and pull the wrong lever, but they won't do it because they
seriously believe that another term will make America a better place. Rather
they will do it for reasons of identity. Political identity, racial identity
and because 'anything is better than voting GOP' is also an identity.

 If you like this article, please subscribe to our daily newsletter

Obama_Angry_Evil_Eyed_30The emotion that Obama stirred in the hearts of
millions, that illusory sense of history created by so many hours of media
manipulation, the expectation that now things would be better, is gone. And
it isn't coming back. No one will ever look up dewy eyed at a giant
projected image of the Beloved Leader and see the second coming of JFK. All
they will see is the politician they're stuck with.

The feeling isn't unique, it's common enough to second term leaders of both
parties. Republicans were tired of Bush and Democrats of Clinton, by their
second terms. Bush and Clinton fatigue is one reason why Democrats turned on
Hillary in 2008 and why a Jeb Bush run meets with so little enthusiasm. But
neither of those men had been built up so dramatically, which made the fall
less severe.

Bush and Clinton never needed much glamor, they were Ivy League boys with
Yale degrees slumming as rural populists, thickening their accents and
pitching their appeals to the back row. And paradoxically even at their
worst, they could always hide behind this false ordinariness. We're only
human, just like you, they could say.

Glamor is all that Obama ever had. With the greasepaint off, there's nothing
there but a surly kid with greying hair. An obnoxious posturing preening
brat parading down the runways of the world with his media entourage in tow.

Some actors can change from one costume to another, but he is the costume.
Worse yet, he isn't even the costume. He's the lights, the stirring music,
the hours of anchor commentary, the deliberate pauses, the photographic
halos, the teleprompter and the building expectation. Take those things away
and there isn't even an empty suit. There's nothing at all.

The Democrats have come to feel that hollowness deep inside. That set of
unfulfilled expectations that lies like a hole at the heart of their
campaign. An emptiness that can only be filled with hate.

As Obama's popularity has slipped, he has become more openly hateful. The
vindictiveness that was hidden away has been put up for display in the store
window. What Clinton might scribble on a memo or tell an aide-- he delivers
in a speech. And the worse his numbers have fallen, the uglier his words
have become.

Obama was never graceful, but the spitefulness is no longer camouflaged. The
petty insults have become common as his persona has grown charmless. The
scowl hides less deeply behind the practiced smile. Often it no longer hides
at all. The small bag of tricks which he used to get this far has been
exhausted. There's nothing left now but the angry manipulative child

Having failed as the Messiah of Hope and Change, he is swiftly becoming the
Messiah of Hate. With a country in a state of severe economic decline and
his own popularity further down the toilet than a burning Koran, there is no
other choice left to him. And it's an approach that suits his temperament. 

Unlike 2008, he can't expect to coast to victory on Hope and Change. This
time it's his opponents who are running on that. The halo is gone, but the
hate campaign is his best option. No one around him thinks he can sell
himself as a better alternative to a generic Republican candidate. But if he
can make the Republican candidate look like a completely unpalatable choice
to most voters, then he can still win.

2012 is set to be half his 2008 campaign .The dark half. All the smears and
demonization without any of the hope. There are an uncounted number of
Democratic voters who pulled the lever for him, even though they had second
thoughts. Voters who might have naturally gone for McCain, if the media had
not done such an excellent job of making the McCain\Palin ticket look like
the worst thing since the plague. The goal in 2012 is to retain those voters
by doing the same thing all over again.

[osint] How Sharia Undermines Western Justice

2011-09-04 Thread Beowulf

How Sharia Undermines Western Justice

Sunday, 04 September 2011 06:53 Andrew Bostom 

c8bc9b0bb9fd9c8499740f7eb65/tmpl,component/ E-mail
ndermines-western-justice/print.html Print
ia-undermines-western-justice.pdf PDF

Wife-battering imam of the Darul Quran Mosque in Munich, Sheikh Abu Adam, is
the face of Germany
http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,783361,00.html ’s
Islamic “Justice.” Adam gave a lecture at the city’s Catholic University
entitled “An Islam which distances itself from violence,” shortly before
being arrested (12/10) for allegedly assaulting his spouse so violently that
she suffered a broken nose and shoulder and numerous cuts and bruises. Media
ndermines-western-justice.html#ixzz1Wto5pB8v  claimed the woman, who has
borne one of his ten children, wanted to live a more “western” lifestyle,
and was allegedly attacked by him after expressing this wish to her husband.
The icon of Germany’s Islamic parallel Islamic “justice” system,  Sheikh
Adam, purportedly shouted Koran 4:34
utosearchstring=004:034  at his wife as he beat her.



[for eg., Shakir translation: “Men are the maintainers of women because
Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of
their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen
as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion,
admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them;
then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High,

Yale Assistant Professor of religious studies Eliyahu Stern’s 9/2/11 NY
Times op-ed
html?_r=1ref=global  (“Don’t Fear Islamic Law in America”) vilifies those
who seek fair, rational legislative remedies to the encroachment of Islamic
law (Sharia) in America as, “stigmatizing Islamic life.” Stern’s vitriol is
directed specifically at SB 1028
=SB1028ga=107 , a bill which was recently passed by the Tennessee General
Assembly, and includes this straightforward language regarding Sharia
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/see-no-sharia/ :

This bill defines “sharia” as the set of rules, precepts, instructions, or
edicts which are said to emanate directly or indirectly from the god of
Allah or the prophet Mohammed and which include directly or indirectly the
encouragement of any person to support the abrogation, destruction, or
violation of the United States or Tennessee Constitutions, or the
destruction of the national existence of the United States or the
sovereignty of this state, and which includes among other methods to achieve
these ends, the likely use of imminent violence. Under this bill, any rule,
precept, instruction, or edict arising directly from the extant rulings of
any of the authoritative schools of Islamic jurisprudence of Hanafi, Maliki,
Shafi’i, Hanbali, Ja’afariya, or Salafi, as those terms are used by sharia
adherents, is prima facie sharia without any further evidentiary showing.

Michael Nazir Ali. was the first Bishop of Raiwand in Pakistan’s West Punjab
(1984-1986), who emigrated to became the initial non-white diocesan bishop
in the Church of England. During September 2009, he gave up his English
Bishopric to work full-time in defense of beleaguered Christian minorities,
particularly within Islamdom. Nazir Ali has authored Islam: A Christian
Perspective (1984), Frontiers in Muslim-Christian Encopunters (2006), and
From Everywhere To Everywhere (2009).

Contra Stern
html?_r=1ref=global ’s distressingly uninformed polemics, Nazir Ali
offered these scholarly and experience-based observations
nto-itself.html  from his adopted Britain (8/7/11), which support
Tennessee’s eminently reasonable legislative solution.

To understand the impact of Sharia law you have to look at other [i.e.,
Islamic] countries. At its heart it has basic inequalities between Muslims
and non-Muslims, and between men and women. The problem with Sharia law
being used in tribunals [in Britain] is that it compromises the tradition of
equality for all under the law. It threatens the fundamental values that
underpin our society.

Author and veteran television journalist Joachim Wagner has just published

[osint] The Atrocity of 9/11, 10 Years: That Terrible Day

2011-09-04 Thread Beowulf
underpinning of fundamentalist Islamic terrorism is the religion itself.



The Atrocity of 9/11, 10 Years: That Terrible Day

Sunday, 04 September 2011 05:00 John Miller 

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a view from half a world away


At my time of life, some historic events have been etched into my life but
perhaps none more so than 9/11. I was working late in my little office
conducting some basic research with my TV on in the background tuned to a
black-and-white film, which is and was eminently forgettable. My wife had
retired to bed and the house was quiet. The sound on the TV was low, until
out of the corner of my eye, I saw the program had turned to color and
swiveled in my chair. The feed was directly from America's ABC and the
picture was just in time to see the second Boeing 757 slice into the World
Trade Center.

 The commentary was American until a local night shift anchor with a couple
of experts in tow attempted to make sense out of the proceedings. I sat
glued to TV and then moved to where I could watch on a larger screen. I had
one of those dreadful WTF moments as my overpowered senses watched the
horror unfold and the towers collapse. I got no sleep that night and like
many people around the world, in a single instant, I counted myself as an
American, which was not particularly hard as I had many American friends and
thoroughly enjoyed my visits to New York. 

Over the next 36 hours, I had every news outlet covered, while at the same
time recording is much as I could for posterity. The orientation of my work
shifted almost immediately to an examination of fundamentalist Islam and the
notions of jihad. Regrettably I don't speak Arabic but in this case it was
not necessary. As I disciplined myself to a regimen of less sleep and a
massive collection of information from public sources, the names Al Qaeda
and Osama bin Laden were being heard increasingly frequently. I was shocked
to the core but not paralysis and within a couple of days, my help was being
solicited by someone attempting to write a book on the attack and the menace
of fundamentalist Islam. These words are potentially politically incorrect
but they describe accurately the nature of the beast. 

I watched hours of TV including the cleanup and the visceral reaction of
President George W. Bush. I was struck by his fatigue but steely eyes and on
his face I saw signs of shock determination. For many he was regarded as a
national political joke but his speech following the attack was a
masterpiece of brevity combined with emotion for the nation and perhaps the
wider world. It occupies a place of honor in my video library. Apart from
the horror and tragedy of the losses, the accounts of bravery on Flight 93
and the omnipresent TV footage every night my initial shock grew into great
sympathy for the U.S. and its people but it also evoked a great sense of
anger. Coming from a country which was no stranger to war and remembering
the air raids only too well, I could only feel a new sense of purpose
because unlike many, I had read with interest the works of Samuel P.
Huntington on the Clash of Civilizations and as they say in this part of
the world, it appeared that he was: right on the money. 

I soon found my mailbox packed with publications and also requests for
assistance in the preparation of a book. One particularly persistent writer,
a long-standing acquaintance wanted my assistance in analyzing the role
played by the ostensible leader of the attacks, Mohammed Atta. Before I
could instil meaning into the whole affair, I had to know more about Osama
bin Laden, his background and Al Qaeda. It is no exaggeration to say I
burned the midnight oil in my attempts to cover territory and arguments,
which in my world, and until that point, could best be described as of
marginal interest. I had known that bin Laden had fought against the Soviets
in Afghanistan and I knew quite a lot about the arming of the mujahedin and
the role played by the CIA, the UKSIS and the Pakistani ISI. The Soviet
incursion into Afghanistan was by that time known to have been highly
contentious, opposed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Soviet military intelligence
who were overridden by hard-line CPSU cadres and the top echelons of the
KGB, most notably Yuri Andropov, known in some circles as the Butcher of
Budapest for his role in the suppression of the 1956 uprising. 

Our TV sets had been flooded with glowing accounts of the increasing

[osint] Obama's Terror-Supporting Policies: An Islamist Terrorist Takes Command of Libyan Rebel Forces (and that's OK with the U.S.?)

2011-09-04 Thread Beowulf
e1id=41a0476892e=e1333e4251 An Islamist Terrorist Takes Command of Libyan
Rebel Forces (and that's OK with the U.S.?)

Sep 03, 2011 06:09 pm | Jeff Dunetz

Finally, we have evidence that Islamists and even al-Qaeda supporters will
play a central role in Libya's new regime. Up to now there has been
reasonable speculation that the U.S. government and NATO might be installing
an anti-Western, Islamist government in Libya. Now there's proof that this
is so. 

The actual government remains in the hands of non-Islamists, technocrats,
ex-regime officials, and moderates. But the armed rebels who actually made
the revolution have voted and their idol is.an al-Qaeda guy. Political
power, said Mao Zedong, grows out of the barrel of a gun and in Libya's case
this seems a very reasonable expectation. 

According to Al Jazeera, the network recommended by Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton as fair and balanced, Abdul al-Hakim al-Hasadi, also known
as Abdelhakim Belhaj, has been named commander of the Tripoli Military
Council. He was formerly head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an
al-Qaeda affiliate. Moderates are understandably nervous. 

In 1999, the group's spokesman praised Osama bin Laden (remember him?) and
de1id=e2bfcccdefe=e1333e4251 said: The United States no longer relies on
its agents to constrict the Islamic tide; it has taken this role upon
itself. One of its former leaders worked to plan the attacks on the U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, resulting in massive loss of life. In 2003,
members were involved in an al-Qaeda terror attack in Morocco. 

In November 2007, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri announced that the two
groups were merging. True, a number of the group's activists in prison
denounced terrorism and made a deal with the Gaddafi regime in order to be
set free. But since the organization broke its pledge to Gaddafi in order to
overthrow him, presumably that deal no longer stands. 

At any rate, the group was still designated as terrorist by the U.S.
e1id=5ec47bfd06e=e1333e4251 Here it is on the terrorism list (number 26,
in alphabetical order) released by the State Department last May. 

Of course, the appointment of one leader in an al-Qaeda affiliated group
does not an Islamist regime make. But it is an omen and, again, the people
who control the guns are more important than those who control the desks. We
will have to see how things develop. 

But another indication is that there's more. Who put him in this post? The
armed rebels chose al-Hasadi as their commander, not leaving that selection
to the NATO-backed Transitional National Council government. Remember, I
pointed out that the guys with guns don't care what the guys in suits say.
Some council members complained that al-Hasadi is sponsored by Qatar, which
gave a lot of the money and whose rulers like to play radical sheikhs who
often align themselves with Iran. 

In fact, we can quote on this point Palestinian Authority Prime Minister
Salam Fayyad, who told a U.S. official in 2007 - as we now know thanks to
Wikileaks- He was extremely worried about Qatar and its continued support
for Hamas and other Islamist organizations in the West Bank and
Gaza.claiming that they provide 'more support to fundamentalists than Kuwait
or Saudi Arabia.' 

U.S. policy has given no sense that it is aware of this problem. 

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, chairman of the council,
de1id=14a1123c21e=e1333e4251 said he introduced al-Hasadi to his group's
NATO allies to show that he poses no danger to international peace and
stability. Well, that's reassuring. 

We can assume that al-Hasadi said that he was merely young and impulsive,
was driven to extremes by Gaddafi's undeniably horrible dictatorship, and is
now mature. But that argument would miss the point. Even if he has outgrown
al-Qaeda, does he favor the transformation of Libya into an anti-Western
Islamist state? Or perhaps he's been bought off by the Western aid money.
What do you think? 

But let me explain to President Barack Obama, the U.S. government, and NATO
how this thing is supposed to work. Your key liaison, be it the CIA or State
Department, goes to see Jalil and says: 

As you know our soldiers, supplies, advisors, and warplanes have put you
into power. Therefore, you either get rid of all of the al-Qaeda types-at
least in positions of any authority-or we stop all of our support and find
someone else to head the Transitional National Council. No, TLC [Tender
Loving Care] for our interests; no TNC. 

Now, you could call that bullying or imperialistic if you want, but the TNC
doesn't have a right to being supported. NATO backing is not an entitlement.
The purpose of U.S. and 

[osint] FRANCE: Muslim baghead claims to have discovered a loophole in the headbag ban

2011-09-04 Thread Beowulf


-to-have-discovered-a-loophole-in-the-headbag-ban/ FRANCE: Muslim baghead
claims to have discovered a loophole in the headbag ban 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| September 3, 2011 at 5:13 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=6479022 Islamization of the West
| URL:  http://wp.me/peHnV-z92 http://wp.me/peHnV-z92 

Another example of Islamo-IDIOTISM: The result of all that Muslim first
cousin inbreeding.

Share this:



20 Comments on FRANCE: Muslim baghead claims to have discovered a loophole
in the headbag ban

r=PGGondor says: 

September 3, 2011 at 5:25 PM

Fore heaven's sake! Can Muslims just follow the rule of law like everybody

Why must Muslims be always trying to trick the West into letting them stay
and have their own way, when they have absolutely no regard for the
indigenous customs and laws.

This is precisely why they don't belong anywhere outside their Islamic


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2011-09-04 Thread Beowulf




By Debra Rae
August 27, 2011

Cultural Lessons from Girls of Riyadh and Kuwait

Recently I read a fascinating book unlike any other. Translated into English
from Arabic, the Girls of Riyadh compiles a series of emails written by a
young Saudi Arabian woman who, at the time of the book’s release, was in
Chicago pursuing an endodontic degree.[1]

At the same time the author’s portrayals of her peers are culturally
predictable, they are likewise disarmingly surprising. Author Rajaa Alsanea
cleverly applies her keen sense of humor and incredibly insightful
observations to delightful tales of girlish antics. Within the context of
Riyadh’s societal and cultural mores, each girl’s story captures the
imagination of readers from the East—and the curiosity of those from the

A Worldview “Better Felt Than Telt”

As a woman, I am intrigued by accounts of these girls’ romances, coupled
with their remarkable achievements in academia, not to mention their notable
career aspirations. I am further moved that sincerely held religious
convictions guide every aspect of their lives. Moreover, in reading these
published emails, I’m reminded of my own youth. 

You see, from 1971-1973, I taught at the American School of Kuwait and, in
the summer of 1974, I tutored the Kuwaiti Head of Parliament’s daughter in
preparation for her freshman year of college. This young lady was on her way
to the United States, and my job was to school her in colloquialisms and to
increase her English vocabulary. To that end, I was invited into her life at
home, at work, and at play. 

Coupled with Alanea’s portrayals of girls of Riyadh, my experiences with
girls of Kuwait demonstrate how a defined worldview shapes popular culture,
education, economies, and geo-political policies enforced by leaders. For
this reason, those already invested in a worldview do well to reflect upon
that view’s reach and impact, particularly how it relates to competing or
clashing ones. Unfortunately, too many among us choose instead to remain

Failing to grasp worldviews vying for supremacy in our changing times, the
un- or mis- informed fall prey to winds of change that are certain to set
their vessels adrift. Effective dialogue between East and West depends on
knowledge. It’s for this reason that I share simple, but crucial lessons
I’ve learned from rare glimpses into the ordinary lives of affluent young
women of Islam. To these, I add accounts of extraordinary experiences of
ordinary Americans when Islamic philosophy and methodology are imposed on
them against their will. 

Not the Western Way

Set apart by her uncommon background, Alsanea invites readers (both “ladies
and gentlemen”) to join her as if she were a tour guide to a new world, one
“closer than what you’d imagine.” Her expressed task is to provide the
inside scoop of conservative Islamic society as experienced by privileged
young Saudi women. Escapades of the clique of girl friends she introduces
demonstrate how some Muslim women are beginning to carve out their own way—a
reformed way, yes, but not the Western way. Alsanea makes this point very

Keep in mind that “reform” in the Muslim world means something entirely
different to Muslims from what it means to infidels—i.e., non-Muslims. To
Asanea and her peers, liberated womanhood rests somewhere in between
contemporary Western society and sharia.[2]

I repeat: It’s not the Western way. Even girl friend Michelle, whose
maternal family is as American as apple pie, returns “home” to Saudi Arabia
from her “visits” stateside. The faith of her father beckons Michelle back
to her Islamic society largely veiled from Western view.

The Girls of Kuwait

Also among the affluent upper class, my Kuwaiti student was confident,
outspoken, and curious. Myself only twenty-five years of age, we weren’t
much distanced in age. Though I was her teacher, she came across, in many
ways, as “older” (certainly more aggressive) than I. 

Budding Women of Islam

Reading Girls of Riyadh refreshed my recollections of this young lady’s
group of Kuwaiti girl friends, whose everyday lives were akin to those of
the Riyadh girls. Though decades distanced the Saudi clique from their
Kuwaiti counterparts, their experiences as Muslim women were more similar
than not. 

First hand observation of contemporary desert life, framed by
seventh-century Arabian culture, intrigued me in the 1970s, and all the more
today. Whether in Riyadh or Kuwait City, a Muslim woman’s lot in life is
defined by nonnegotiable religious restrictions. While upper class Gulf
women study hard and subsequently receive advanced education degrees, they
remain under the thumb of a decidedly patriarchal system. 

Marrying well (and successfully) tops the list of “to dos” for a dutiful

[osint] It’s Official: Forget 9/11; It’s “Be Kind to Muslims” Week on TV, Etc.

2011-09-03 Thread Beowulf

September 2, 2011, - 2:40 pm

It’s Official: Forget 9/11; It’s “Be Kind to Muslims” Week on TV, Etc.

By  http://www.debbieschlussel.com Debbie Schlussel

Forget any accurate coverage of the 9/11 attacks and who perpetrated them-19
Arab Muslims.  This week on TV and in newspapers is “Be Kind to Muslims”
week.  The 9/11 coverage on TV, which began this week, is an absurd
pander-fest to a huge group of extremists in America-Muslims-and how they
are the “real victims.”  The whitewash is so obnoxious, it’s beyond
disgusting. It began, last night, with the dopey, saccharine Linda
Ellerbee’s “coverage” on Nickelodeon, last night.  As is typical with
Ellerbee (and her dumb bright orange high-top Chuck Taylor tennis shoes),
last night was another pander-fest to Muslims, featuring Akbar Ahmed, an
Islamic studies professor who is a well-known apologist for Islamic


(Thanks to Reader “Doda McCheesle” for the Graphic)

And on Sunday, Soledad O’Brien hosts a CNN special, “Unwelcome: The
Muslims Next Door.”  Hmmm . . . I’ll bet there’s nothing in this show
about the
er-guilty-for-death-threats-against-schlussel/ multiple violent,
Holocaust-denying, anti-Semitic death threats I’ve gotten from Muslims
since 9/11. And I’ll bet she doesn’t ask a single Muslim in the show
whether he or she will condemn HAMAS and Hezbollah.  ‘Cuz they won’t.  Uh,
Soledad, here’s a tip:  that and other reasons, like honor killings (which
I’ll bet also won’t be mentioned), are why Muslims should be unwelcome
here.  But, sadly, they are all too welcome, because, as I pointed out,
licts-w-modern-society-25-came-to-us-under-bush/ 25% of all Muslims
currently in America came here between 2000 and 2011.  So her “unwelcome”
stuff is BS. Soledad O’Brien = moron, liar, propagandist. No surprise for
the Al-Crescent News Network. Here’s a preview of this BS:

Below is a USA Today summary of all the “TV Remembers 9/11″ crap to which
we’ll be subjected.  I call it crap because not a single show-NOT ONE-talks
about the Islamic threat. Instead, the few shows that mention Islam and
Muslims are apologist and pandering.  PBS a/k/a Palestinian Broadcasting
Service, tells us, on “America Remembers - 9/11,” about

efforts of American Muslims to get beyond the mistrust sowed by the attacks.

And “The Space Between” a fictional movie about 9/11 tells us

the story of a flight attendant (Oscar winner Melissa Leo) who accompanies a
young Pakistani-American boy (Anthony Keyvan) from Texas to NYC, where his
father works in the World Trade Center.

Yes, because of all the kids of 9/11 victims about whom they could have made
a fictional movie about, they chose a Muslim kid. Again, 9/11 is all about
the Muslims-as victims, NOT as the perpetrators that they were and continue
to be. And supporters of Al-Qaeda and violence against Americans (as I
noted, this week, the
licts-w-modern-society-25-came-to-us-under-bush/ Pew Research survey of
Muslims in America showed that 1/3 of them support Al-Qaeda to some degree,
as well as suicide bombings).



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[osint] Sharia Takes Hold in Germany

2011-09-01 Thread Beowulf

09/01/2011 04:26 PM

Parallel Justice

Islamic 'Arbitrators' Shadow German Law

By Maximilian Popp

In mosques or tearooms, Muslim elders dispense verdicts that keep their 
communities in line. They mediate between aggrieved immigrants, sometimes at 
the expense of German justice. Some say the arbitrations ease caseloads in 
court, but others see the creeping advance of Sharia law.

The men ambushed Fuat S. on the street, then locked him in a basement and 
tortured him. Fuat was later admitted to the hospital in Berlin's Neukölln 
district with gaping wounds, contusions and broken bones.

Police took his statement concerning the attack the same night. Fuat S., a 
gambler and a recipient of Hartz IV -- Germany's social welfare benefits for 
the long-term unemployed -- gave a detailed statement. He'd conned an 
acquaintance, Mustafa O., out of €150,000 ($217,000) and the man was taking his 
revenge, Fuat said, together with his three brothers. They hit his hands, arms 
and knees with a hammer and threatened to shoot him. 

The public prosecutor's office in Berlin initiated proceedings against Mustafa 
O., a Palestinian man who had come to their attention repeatedly for violent 
acts. Police had investigated him in a number of cases, and now prosecutors saw 
an opportunity to convict a dangerous repeat offender. But when the case began, 
Fuat S., the principle witness, unexpectedly withdrew his testimony. It was not 
Mustafa who had tortured him, he said, but an Albanian man he didn't know. 
Mustafa, he said, wasn't even in the basement at the time. This was clearly a 
lie, as police analysis of telephone data showed, but the judge was forced to 
acquit the defendant due to lack of evidence.

The decision, in fact, was reached by a different judge. According to police, 
the victim's and the perpetrator's families had met at a restaurant in the 
presence of an Islamic justice of the peace, an arbitrator who mediates 
conflicts between Muslims. The two families had reached a compromise: Fuat 
would drop the charges, and in exchange be relieved of part of his debt.

According to Bernhard Mix, the public prosecutor in charge of the case, Fuat's 
false testimony was part of a deal between the families. It's difficult to 
establish the truth using legal means, when the perpetrator and the victim 
reach an agreement, he says.

Judges Without Laws 

Politicians and social workers tend to focus on forced marriages and honor 
killings, but the baleful influence of these Islamic arbitrators has gone 
largely unnoticed by the public. Joachim Wagner, an author and television 
journalist of many years, has taken a closer look at the phenomenon in his book 
Richter ohne Gesetz (Judges without Laws). Reconstructing Mustafa O.'s 
case, he reaches the conclusion that the Islamic parallel justice system is 
becoming a threat to the constitutional legal system.

These justices of the peace don't wear robes. Their courtrooms are mosques or 
teahouses. They draw their authority not from the law, but from their standing 
within the community. Most of them are senior members of their families, or 
imams, and some even fly in from Turkey or Lebanon to resolve disputes. Muslims 
seek them out when families argue, when daughters take up with nonbelievers or 
when clans clash. They often trust these arbitrators more than they trust the 

The late juvenile court judge Kirsten Heisig drew attention to this problem a 
year ago: The law is slipping out of our hands. It's moving to the streets, or 
into a parallel system where an imam or another representative of the Koran 
determines what must be done.

In Wagner's book, judges and prosecutors tell of threats toward public 
officials and systematic interference with witnesses. We know we're being 
given a performance, but the courts are powerless, says Stephan Kuperion, a 
juvenile court judge in Berlin. Federal public prosecutor Jörn Hauschild warns, 
It would be a terrible development if serious criminal offences in these 
circles could no longer be resolved. The legal system would be reduced to 
collecting victims.

So who are these men who make the decisions about justice and love, lives and 
monetary compensation?

'They Trust Me' 

Hassan Allouche sits behind the wheel of his station wagon, steering the 
vehicle through Berlin's rush hour traffic with one hand, talking on his cell 
phone. Two Arabs have called on him for help in a rent dispute. He lights a 
cigarette and says, People are afraid of the authorities. They trust me.

Allouche came to Germany from Lebanon 37 years ago. He acts as a religious 
arbitrator, just as his great-grandfather did before him. People greet him on 
the streets of Berlin, shaking his hand or bowing. He's kept us from a great 
deal of harm, one Turkish businessman says.

Allouche's brother was shot while trying to resolve a conflict, and since then 
he always wears a bulletproof vest when doing his work. He says he mediates 200 
cases a 

[osint] Sharia Law is Arbitrary and Unjust

2011-09-01 Thread Beowulf

09/01/2011 04:31 PM

Islamic Justice in Europe

'It's Often a Dictate of Power'

Using Sharia law to settle disputes can be innocent, but it can also
undermine Western ideas of fairness. Journalist Joachim Wagner, author of a
new book on parallel justice, discusses the influence of Islamic arbitrators
on Germany's legal system.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Wagner, you spent nine months researching the Islamic shadow
justice system. What kind of a world is it?

Wagner: Very foreign, and for a German lawyer, completely incomprehensible
at first. It follows its own rules. The Islamic arbitrators aren't
interested in evidence when they deliver a judgment, and unlike in German
criminal law, the question of who is at fault doesn't play much of a role.

SPIEGEL: What laws do the arbitrators follow?

Wagner: First, they get an idea of the facts. They talk with the
perpetrator's family, who are generally the ones to have called the
arbitrator, and with the victim's family. They ask: Why did this happen? How
bad is the damage? How serious is the injury? But for them, a solution to
the conflict, a compromise, is the most important thing. Who's right and
wrong, guilt and atonement, these aren't particularly relevant.

SPIEGEL: What's wrong with two parties attempting to resolve a dispute
between themselves?

Wagner: Nothing, initially. The problem starts when the arbitrators force
the justice system out of the picture, especially in the case of criminal
offenses. At that point they undermine the state monopoly on violence.
Islamic conflict resolution in particular, as I've experienced it, is often
achieved through violence and threats. It's often a dictate of power on the
part of the stronger family.

SPIEGEL: How prevalent is the phenomenon?

Wagner: As far as I know, very prevalent. There are no reliable statistics,
since these mediations take place almost exclusively in secret. But criminal
investigators who specialize in organized crime and violence within Muslim
immigrant families have confirmed for me that in nearly every conflict in
this milieu, the first attempt is to find a solution outside the German
justice system.

SPIEGEL: You write that Islamic arbitration poses a threat to the
constitutional legal system. Why?

Wagner: These arbitrators try to resolve conflicts according to Islamic law
and to sideline German criminal law. We see witness testimony withdrawn
(from German courts) and accusations trivialized to the point where an
entire case runs aground. The justice system is powerless, partly because
it hasn't tackled the problem vigorously enough.

SPIEGEL: Some reports from judges and public prosecutors in your book sound
like a cry for help.

Wagner: They're overwhelmed, because they don't know how to react. They're
in the middle of a legal case, and suddenly there's no evidence.
Eighty-seven percent of the cases I researched either were dismissed or
ended with an acquittal when Islamic arbitrators were involved.

SPIEGEL: How can we combat this shadow justice system? 

Wagner: Prosecutors need to investigate Islamic arbitrators more
intensively. If they had done so sooner, the arbitrators would have been
convicted of obstruction of justice long ago. And certain lawyers need to
stop behaving as if they were mere servants to a parallel justice system.
They allow themselves to be directed by their clients' desires, regardless
of truth and justice. And finally, my plea would be for judges to hear
witnesses earlier, which would reduce the arbitrators' influence.


*   http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,783843,00.html


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[osint] What Muslim Leaders Say About Islam Dispels the Myth that Jihadists are a Fringe Element

2011-09-01 Thread Beowulf
Yes.they are all trying to convert, enslave or kill us.






tml What Muslim Leaders Say About Islam Dispels the Myth that Jihadists are
a Fringe Element 


00/Ali-Gomaa.jpgWHEN WE discover some basic facts about Islam, our first
impulse is to think, But surely it's only a small minority of extremists!
If you've looked into it, and especially if you've read the Quran, you
realize the extremists are following standard, mainstream Islamic
doctrine. That's a real shock when this first dawns on you.

One day when I was reading yet another popular Muslim leader giving a speech
and saying something that would be considered inflammatory rhetoric if I
said it, but that was nothing more than just plain, ordinary Islamic
teachings, I thought I should start collecting a list. Here's what I have so
far (below). I'm sure I'll add to it as I go along, and I hope you to add to
it in the comments.

I thought you could send this list of quotes to those people who tell you
the terrible stuff you say about Islam only applies to a fringe group of
nutcases who have hijacked Islam and twisted and distorted peaceful Islamic
teachings into something bad. You could quote chapter and verse from Islamic
source books until you're blue in the face without making a dent because
they'll think hardly any Muslims nowadays believe in that stuff.

This list should disabuse anyone of the notion that the incessant
intolerance, hatred, and even violence against non-Muslims is fringe. This
is not just a small group of radicals. This is Islam, plain and simple.
The leaders quoted below are hugely popular, even famous mainstream leaders
in the Islamic world. For each quote, I've provided an online source. Let's

Ali Gomaa, the grand mufti of Egypt, the highest Muslim religious authority
in the world, supports murdering non-Muslims. In the daily Al Ahram (April
7, 2008), he said, Muslims must kill non-believers wherever they are unless
they convert to Islam. He also compares non-Muslims to apes and pigs.
http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/8066 Source

Muhammad Sayyid Al Tantawi, president of Al Azhar University (the most
prominent and authoritative institute of Islamic jurisprudence in the world)
also approves of killing and maiming Christians, Jews, and other infidels.
He added, This is not my personal view. This what the Shari'a Law says, the
law of Allah, the only valid law on the earth.
http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/8066 Source

Syed Abul Ala Maududi, founder of the Pakistani political party
Jamaat-e-Islami, said non-Muslims have absolutely no right to seize the
reins of power in any part of God's earth nor to direct the collective
affairs of human beings according to their own misconceived doctrines. If
they do, the believers would be under an obligation to do their utmost to
dislodge them from political power and to make them live in subservience to
the Islamic way of life.
st-maududi.html Source

The Chief Justice of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid
teaches that at first fighting was forbidden, then it was permitted, and
after that it was made obligatory. He clearly identifies two groups Muslims
are obligated to fight: (1) they who start fighting against Muslims, and
(2) they who worship gods other than Allah.
I4YTMtNjRiNDRmMDExYzg3hl=enpli=1 Source

The most prominent Muslim scholar of the 20th century, Sheikh Abu Ala
Maududi, stated in his book,
as2camp=1789creative=390957creativeASIN=B0006AUS4W Islamic Law and
Constitution, on p. 262, that the Islamic State seeks to mould every aspect
of life and activity. In such a state no one can regard any field of his
affairs as personal and private. Considered from this aspect the Islamic
State bears a kind of resemblance to the Fascist and Communist states.
Maududi added Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere
on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of
t/ Source

http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2007/10/hasan-al-banna-on-jihad.html Hasan
al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (the largest international
Islamic organization in the 

[osint] Rebels, Terrorists, and Anti-Aircraft Missiles

2011-09-01 Thread Beowulf


September 1, 2011

Rebels, Terrorists, and Anti-Aircraft Missiles

Diana West

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France's Sarkozy may find it
-rebel-commander_172553.html perfectly swell that an al Qaeda asset,
Adbelhakim Belhadj, is commander of rebel forces in Tripoli, a story
gradually seeping into MSM consciousness. 


According to the Asia Times' Pepe Escobar, however, Belhadj, founder and
emir of the previously (presently?) al-Qaeda-allied Libyan Islamic
Fighting Group (LIFG), is not alone. He is one of many such jihad
commanders. Escobar
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MH30Ak01.html writes:


Hardly by accident, all the top military rebel commanders are LIFG, from
Belhaj in Tripoli to one Ismael as-Salabi in Benghazi and one Abdelhakim
al-Assadi in Derna, not to mention a key asset, Ali Salabi, sitting at the
core of the TNC. It was Salabi who negotiated with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi the
end of LIFG's jihad, thus assuring the bright future of these born-again
freedom fighters.


The quotation marks around end denote the LIFG leaders' phony renuciation
of jihad against the Qaddafi regime and violence in general that led to
their 2010 release.


Question of the day: Are these same Islamic jihadists who command rebel
forces in Libya the very terrorists the US is now scrambling to deprive of
some 20,000 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles from the Qaddafi arsenal?


unt-for-libya-s-anti-aircraft-missiles.html Bloomberg:


The U.S. plans to deploy two contractors to Libya with the exclusive job of
tracking down and destroying shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles before
they fall into the hands of terrorists.


With so much of Libya in control of US-NATO-supported LIFG-led rebel
forces, the fact that these forces are apparently not trusted to secure
these weapons suggests that the answer is way too much of a yes for


The State Department also will deploy an in-house specialist in controlling
and destroying the portable missiles to oversee the team, which is expected
to arrive in early September, according to an official who wasn't authorized
to speak publicly on the subject.


State Department officials notified Congress of these plans Aug. 15, the day
before rebels stormed the Libyan capital of Tripoli, a decisive break in the
sixth-month-old civil war.


There is evidence that a small number of Soviet-made SA-7 anti-aircraft
missiles from Qaddafi's arsenal have reached the black market in Mali, where
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is active, according to two U.S. government
officials not authorized to speak on the record.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb? As Escobar writes:


In 2007, then al-Qaeda's number two, Zawahiri, officially announced the
merger between the LIFG and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (AQIM). So, for
all practical purposes, since then, LIFG/AQIM have been one and the same -
and Belhaj was/is its emir.


Gee, ya think LIFG might have shipped any of those weapons to their AQIM
brothers...? Congratualtions, America: Ten years after 9/11, Uncle Sucker
has apparently become Al Qaeda's stalwart ally in North Africa.


Meanwhile, there's not even cold comfort to take from evidence that only a
small number of the missiles have shown up for sale, and merely in Mali.
This week, Haaretz
aza-got-anti-aircraft-missiles-from-libya-1.381395  reported:


Palestinians in Gaza have acquired anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets from
Libya during its six-month civil war, enlarging but not significantly
improving their arsenal, Israeli officials said on Monday


Sounds as if the US weapon-hunters are too late.


 http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/ FamilySecurityMatters.org
Contributor Diana West is a journalist and columnist whose writing appears
in several high profile outlets. She also has a website:
http://www.dianawest.net/Default.aspx DianaWest.net.


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2011-08-31 Thread Beowulf


Description: rle


For the few of you who have missed him, R. Lee Ermey is the host of The
History Channel's  Mail Call  and played the Drill Instructor in the
movie,  Full Metal Jacket.  He recently played the totally unsympathetic
psychiatrist in a GIECO commercial. He is a retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant
and a very plain speaker, as you will soon read. So, for your entertainment,
here is Retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant R. Lee Ermey at his first press
conference. The main topic of discussion is the Marine in Iraq who shot an
Iraqi insurgent to death.


We pick up as a reporter asks about  how this potential war crime will
affect our image in the world :


Reporter 1: Well, sir I think



Reporter 2: Don't you think that the world's opinion of our operations is
important ?



Reporter 3: Aren't you going against the freedom of the press by..



Reporter 3: I...I..


Marine DI's have a language all their own. 

God bless them all.



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[osint] Handing Libya to al-Qaeda

2011-08-31 Thread Beowulf


 http://www.prisonplanet.com/libya-the-greatest-betrayal.html Libya: The
Greatest Betrayal 

In handing Libya to Al Qaeda, the line has been forever crossed

Tony Cartalucci
 http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/08/greatest-betrayal.html Land
Monday, August 29, 2011

First - let's not labor under any delusions. Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy are
heads of state in name only. It is the depravity and megalomania amongst
.html the banks, corporations, and the institutions they have contrived,
that are responsible for the most egregious betrayal in Western history. For
10 years the West's leadership have stirred up hatred and fear amongst their
populations to justify a lengthy and very costly global war that has sent
US, British, Canadian, German, French, and many other troops, around the
world, into dangerous adversity, and ultimately to their graves to fight
the forces of terror.

Now, almost as if savoring the irony,
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/19/world/africa/19rebel.html?_r=3 the New
York Times, on behalf of the corporate-financier oligarchs that presume
dominion over the Western world, fully admit that Al Qaeda terrorists,
rists-who-killed-us-nato-troops-in-iraq/ men who literally killed US troops
in both Iraq and Afghanistan are now in Libya and are the benefactors of
billions of dollars in Western aid, diplomatic recognition, training,
weapons, the lending of intelligence assets, the full unwavering support of
the West's media, NATO-member air support, and even graced with Western
special forces fighting side-by-side with them on the ground. This timely
confession is also in response in part to revelations that the Libyan rebel
commander now filling the streets of Tripoli with indescribable horror is a
hardcore Al Qaeda leader, reported
7/Libyan-rebel-commander-admits-his-fighters-have-al-Qaeda-links.html first
in the Telegraph months ago, and again this week
http://rt.com/usa/news/al-qaeda-libya-commander-escobar-269/ on RT and
covered in depth by respected geopolitical analyst
error-in-tripoli-is-the-monster-abdel-hakim-belhadj/ Dr. Webster Tarpley.

While naive Americans are brimming with pride as the military machine
bankrupting them into destitution rolls over another minute nation an ocean
away, they seem ignorant or unable to wrap their minds around how
egregiously they've been betrayed. After 10 years, thousands of dead troops,
tens of thousands broken mentally or physically, an economy diverted to war,
occupation, and nation building overseas while America's infrastructure
rots beneath her, the corporate-financier oligarchs have decided to betray
and infinitely humiliate America's armed forces in the worst manner
imaginable - have them provide air cover, intel, and special operational
support for blood-thirsty mercenaries that hunted and killed their brothers
in arms for the past decade.

Entire families have been destroyed, communities devastated by the loss of
their brothers and sisters, friends, mothers and fathers, sons and
daughters, fighting what they thought was a war for the very survival of
their way of life. Today, in Libya, with Al Qaeda literally being handed a
nation-state by these corporate-financiers through their political and
military proxies, the leaders we have elected and the corporations we have
helped grow to monstrous proportions now squat upon the graves our nation's
fallen and defile their memories and the ideals they believed they were
giving their lives for in an unforgivable way.

And while it will be claimed by many that this is Obama's War, it most
certainly is not. The very cadre of Neo-Conservatives that engineered the
last decade of debilitating global war at the expense of American blood and
treasure have been quietly cheerleading the expansion of NATO's intervention
in Libya. This can be seen in unequivocal terms
ibyan.html in a letter written to US House Republicans imploring them to
end their resistance to the current, unconstitutional war, and instead
discard the UNSC resolution and give even more support for the terrorists
seizing Libya on their behalf. Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Max Boot,
Frederick Kagan, Karl Rove, Ellen Bork, Robert Kagan, Liz Cheney, William
Kristol, Dan Senor, and James Woolsey are just some of the names of
individuals that affixed their signatures at the bottom of this letter.
Quite clearly, this is not exclusively Obama's War, rather one engineered
and promoted by the Fortune 500 banks and corporations that include both
Obama and America's most notorious Neo-Conservatives as 

[osint] Italy: Islam Expo planned for December called a provocation

2011-08-31 Thread Beowulf
Of COURSE it is a provocation…Muslims must be feeling more confident in
their conquest of Europe.






mber.html Italy: Islam Expo planned for December called a provocation

Italy: Islam Expo planned for December called a provocation 


co_una_provocazione_non_se_ne_parla-20594641/ La Repubblica,
o_sara_natale.shtml il Resto del Carlino (Italian): 

The Young Muslims of Italy organization announced its Islam Expo will be
held in December in Bologna. The Northern League says this is a provocation.

Manes Bernardini of the Northern League asked the Bologne municipality not
to approve the expo, and in any case, not to partner with it. Bernardini
added that he wouldn't do such a thing in a Muslim country, and that that
having the expo might lead to requests to remove the Christmas tree in the
nearby square. 

Yassine Lafram of the Young Muslims of Italy says that the expo is not a
provocation against the Catholic Church, and that Christmas time was chosen
because people are on holiday, and it would allow more people to come. He
said that the event is not only for Muslims and that everybody is invited to

Lafram compared the expo to the Festa de l'Unità and said it will be a
gathering of young people from all over Italy who will come to discuss and
affect integration. The expo will offer discussions on the situation of
Muslims, how they should behave and integrate and what added value they

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[osint] NATO Admits UK and France May have Troops in Libya

2011-08-31 Thread Beowulf


NATO admits UK and France may have troops in Libya

AUGUST 29, 2011

by  http://en.rian.ru/world/20110829/166274046.html RIA Novosti

NATO has revealed its member countries may have troops on the ground in

In an interview with the EUobserver website, an unnamed NATO official
admitted Britain and France may have deployed troops in Libya, but said that
it would be unfair to call them NATO forces.

In comments carried by state news channel Rossiya 24 on Sunday, the Russian
ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, said there was direct evidence that
British and French special forces were carrying out ground operations in
Libya in violation of UN Security Council resolution 1973.

The resolution, passed in March, authorized a no-fly zone over Libya and use
of all necessary measures to protect civilians.

NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said last week the alliance had no troops on
the ground in Libya, and would not have any after the regime fell.

The leading role in the post-Gaddafi period in supporting the Libyan people
rests with the United Nations and the Contact Group. NATO will be in a
supporting role. NATO will have no troops on the ground, Lungescu told
reporters in Brussels.

British Defense Secretary Liam Fox told Sky News last week the rebels were
getting intelligence and reconnaissance assistance from NATO.

Last week, Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper claimed Britain's elite
Special Air Service regiment (SAS) were helping the rebels hunt down Col
Muammar Gaddafi, whose forces have lost control of most of the country
including the capital Tripoli.

Gaddafi's whereabouts remain unknown, though the transitional government
says he is still in hiding in Tripoli.

A former member of the SAS told RIA Novosti last week that UK special forces
had been in Libya since day one of the insurrection.

The rebels, who seized Tripoli a week ago, have offered a $1.3 million
reward and amnesty from prosecution for anyone who kills or captures

Meanwhile, the rebels are trying to advance toward Gaddafi's hometown of
Sirte east of Tripoli, but are continuing to meet resistance from the
deposed leader's loyalists.

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[osint] A Handy Video Guide to Durban III

2011-08-31 Thread Beowulf





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Durban III: A Commemoration of Durban I 


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September 22, 2011, New York City 

The Perils of Global Intolerance: 
The United Nations and Durban III 

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Touro College Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust. 

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[osint] Muslim's Establish No-Go Areas in Conquered Europe

2011-08-31 Thread Beowulf


August 31, 2011

The Walls That Divide Europe

Herbert London

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It is something of an old chestnut that good fences make for good
neighbors, but it is also true that walls often keep people in and usually
keep people out. This was true of the Berlin Wall erected in 1961 and it is
true of the walls being erected throughout Europe today. 


These contemporary walls operate under the name of no go zones, areas that
are off limits to non-Muslims. These zones function as microstates governed
by Sharia. In many locations from Malmo to Hamburg, from Liverpool to
Rotterdam host country authorities have lost effective control over this
zones and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such
as police and fire assistance and ambulance services without permission from
the local imam.


Here in unvarnished terms are the influences of multicultural policies that
encouraged Muslim immigrants to live in parallel societies walled in
through a desire for separation and the host's desire to avoid integration.


In Britain, for example, a Muslim group called Muslims Against The Crusades,
has launched a campaign to convert twelve British cities - including
Londonistan - into independent Islamic states. In the Tower Hamlets area of
East London extremist Muslim preachers routinely issue death threats to
women who refuse to wear Islamic veils. Neighborhood streets are plastered
with posters declaring You are entering a Sharia controlled zone; Islamic
rules enforced. The Muslim extremist Abu Izzadeen heckled the former Home
Secretary John Reid by saying, How dare you come to a Muslim area.


At last count the French police maintain there are 751 no go zones (Zones
Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS) listed on the French government website. And
mosques in Paris have been broadcasting sermons and chants of Allahu Akbar
via loudspeakers into the streets. By any stretch, this represents an
occupation force in France.


In a widely publicized event, fire fighters in Malmo Sweden were attacked by
Muslim stone throwers in their effort to extinguish a fire in the town's
main mosque. The argument for the disruption was that the fire fighting team
did not obtain permission from the imams to enter their community.
According to Malmo-based Imam Adly Abu Hajar: Sweden is the best Islamic


These walls that divide are having a profound influence on European
societies. Muslim extremists employ the separation as a tactic to
proselytize and Europeans often describe these zones as evidence Muslims
cannot be integrated. The governments in question, eager to maintain
stability, acquiesce in favor of the multicultural position. However, the
acquiescence does not yield an expected result. The no-go zones breed
hostility; these areas are time-bombs waiting to be set off by even
relatively benign circumstances.


For decades the Berlin Wall was a symbol separating two worlds: freedom and
dictatorship. It is instructive that the new walls separate liberal values
from notions of religious extremism in a manner not entirely dissimilar from
the past. Guns, tanks and barbed wire do not separate no go zones from
host societies, but the separation is real and no less dangerous.  


 http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/authors/ FamilySecurityMatters.org
Contributing Editor
Herbert London is president of Hudson Institute and professor emeritus of
New York University. He is the author of Decade of Denial (Lanham, Maryland:
Lexington Books, 2001) and America's Secular Challenge (Encounter Books).


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[osint] Democrats, Marxists Join Muslim Terror Fronts to Defend Sharia

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf


August 29, 2011

Center for American Progress defends Shariah, charges America with

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

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Image from the cover of FEAR, inc., the CAP's so-called report.


There they go again. Last week, the Center for American Progress released
Fear, Inc., yet another report in the increasingly hysterical bullying
campaign to shout down criticism of political Islamist efforts to influence
American foreign and domestic policy. Their latest copy and paste effort
duplicates large sections of five nearly identical investigations just
this year, complaining that millions of concerned Americans are


The primary organizations--  what should be called the Shariah Defense
Lobby-- are the Center for American Progress/ThinkProgress, the Council on
American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC),
the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC) with support from a handful of other far-left or Islamist
bloggers and Washington lobbyists.


The Shariah Defense Lobby whitewashes and protects political, legal,
military and religious doctrines of Shariah law (Islamic law) from scrutiny.
One of its major goals is to silence all criticism of Islamist aggression,
jihadist violence, or Shariah violations of human rights and civil


Frank J. Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, noted that:


The 'Shariah Defense Lobby' is in a race against time to hide the grim
reality of Shariah law as it is actually enforced, as Islamist movements and
political parties throughout the Arab world are aggressively seeking to
govern by Shariah. Most significantly, the 'Shariah Defense Lobby' refuses
to discuss a simple fact: secular and democratic activists in Egypt and
elsewhere in the Muslim world oppose Shariah in their countries, just as
Americans oppose it here.


The latest report also attacks venerable American family foundations for
supporting educational efforts on national security and counter-terrorism.
The funding sources of the Shariah Defense Lobby should be exposed to
public scrutiny. For example, CAIR-- an unindicted co-conspirator in the
largest terror financing trial in American history--  has reportedly
received  http://t.ymlp193.com/qjwhaxauujeanamuqalauyhjb/click.php
millions in foreign funding from Islamist contributors, including the
Organization of Islamic Conference (aka Cooperation). This year, CAIR lost
its nonprofit tax status because of its refusal to file tax forms that would
have revealed its sources of funding.


In addition to CAIR's foreign financing, this latest paper from the Center
for American Progress reveals that the project depends on money from the
Open Society Foundations, a funding vehicle of far-left billionaire George
Soros. George Soros is chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC. He has amassed
a  http://t.ymlp193.com/qjwwakauujeagamuqazauyhjb/click.php personal
fortune estimated at about $14.5 billion (as of 2011). His company,
http://t.ymlp193.com/qjwqakauujeapamuqaaauyhjb/click.php Soros Fund
Management, controls at least another $27.9 billion in investor assets.
Soros's foundation network-- whose flagship is the Open Society Institute
(OSI)-- has reportedly
http://t.ymlp193.com/qjwyalauujeapamuqadauyhjb/click.php dispensed
billions to a multitude of far left organizations.


The Shariah Defense Lobby, which aggressively defends Shariah from its
critics, has produced a year-long campaign of remarkably identical agitprop
papers, all with a single goal: to attack the millions of Americans who are
concerned about political Islamists' growing power here in the U.S. and
abroad.   In these increasingly shrill reports, the Shariah Defense Lobby
keeps attempting to silence the great majority of Americans who express
legitimate concerns about home-grown Islamist terrorism, and about Islamist
efforts to enforce Shariah law on American Muslim families and even on
non-Muslim Americans. 


The Center for American Progress-- authors of Fear, Inc.-- are trying to
make Americans afraid of discussing one of the greatest national security
threats we face. Thankfully, the American people aren't buying what they're
selling: the campaign is having the opposite effect of what the Lobby


Selected Papers from the Shariah Defense Lobby 'Copy-and-Paste' Essay Series


. January 2011: Thomas Cincotta, Manufacturing the Muslim Menace:
Private Firms, Public Servants and 

[osint] Uncle Omar The Chicken Bone Saloon.

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf
The White house's trailer trash relatives


 President Barack Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, at a closed

immigration hearing last year. Onyango, half-sister of Obama's

late father, moved to the United States in 2000 and she was

ordered deported in 2004. Source: AP



 The arrest ends a mystery over the fate of a relative that the US

President wrote in his memoir had moved to America from Kenya in

the 1960s, although the circumstances of his discovery may now

prove to be an embarrassment for the White House.


 Official records say Onyango Obama, 67, was picked up outside the

Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7.10pm on

August 24. Police say he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4x4 into a

patrol car, and then insisted that the officer should have given

way to him. A report filed with the Framingham District Court said

that a breathalyser at the police station registered his blood

alcohol at 0.14mg/100ml of blood, above the state limit of 0.08mg.


Barack Obama's uncle has been arrested and held as illegal immigrant 

*   James Bone and Catherine Philp 
*   From: The Times 
*   August 29, 2011 10:00AM 

Obama's aunt Zeituni Onyango

President Barack Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, at a closed immigration
hearing last year. Onyango, half-sister of Obama's late father, moved to the
United States in 2000 and she was ordered deported in 2004. Source: AP 

BARACK Obama's long-lost Uncle Omar has been arrested for alleged
drink-driving outside Boston and detained as an illegal immigrant, The Times
can reveal. 

The arrest ends a mystery over the fate of a relative that the US President
wrote in his memoir had moved to America from Kenya in the 1960s, although
the circumstances of his discovery may now prove to be an embarrassment for
the White House.

Official records say Onyango Obama, 67, was picked up outside the Chicken
Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7.10pm on August 24. Police say
he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4x4 into a patrol car, and then insisted
that the officer should have given way to him. A report filed with the
Framingham District Court said that a breathalyser at the police station
registered his blood alcohol at 0.14mg/100ml of blood, above the state limit
of 0.08mg.

According to a local newspaper, Mr Obama was charged with driving under the
influence and driving to endanger, as well as failing to use a turn signal.
He was detained as an illegal immigrant because the US Bureau of Immigration
and Customs Enforcement has an outstanding warrant for him because he was
previously ordered to be deported to Kenya.

The Times has established from his birthdate that Mr Obama is the Uncle Omar
mentioned in President Obama's best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father. In
the 1995 book, President Obama writes of the uncle who had left for America
25 years ago and had never come back.

In 2008, The Times mounted a search for Uncle Omar. Instead of finding him,
we discovered his sister, President Obama's Auntie Zeituni, who was living
as an illegal immigrant on a Boston housing estate. Uncle Omar and Auntie
Zeituni are the children of President Obama's grandfather Hussein Onyango
Obama, by his third wife Sarah, the woman President Obama calls Granny,
because she raised his father, Barack Sr, who was Hussein Obama's son by
Hussein's second wife, Akumu.

The 2008 investigation unearthed public records naming an O. Onyango Obama,
born on June 3, 1944, living at a house in the Boston suburbs, where he was
known as Obama Onyango. Framingham police records list the man arrested last
week as Onyango Obama, with the same birth date, June 3, 1944.

According to local reports, Officer Val Krishtal and another driver had to
slam on their brakes to avoid hitting Mr Obama's car, which rolled through a
stop sign and took a quick left turn. Mr Obama allegedly told the officer he
had right of way and said he doubted the officer was forced to brake hard as
he did not hear his brakes squeal.

Mr Obama pleaded not guilty at his remand hearing, but was held in custody
because of the immigration warrant. He now faces a legal battle. His sister
Zeituni eventually won the right to live in America despite an earlier
deportation order. Margaret Wong, the Cleveland lawyer who successfully
represented Zeituni, confirmed through a representative last night that she
has also been retained to defend Mr Obama.

Before he went to America, we all knew him as Omar. But he dropped that
bit, changing it to Obama Onyango, because he said he preferred his African
name, said Nelson Ochieng, a cousin in the Kenyan city of Kisumu.

Mr Obama's landlady in Boston went to court to evict him in 2000 for
non-payment of his dollars 500-a-month rent. He was also a partner in a
convenience store that was set up in 1992, and was attacked in a robbery at
the shop in 1994 by two men armed with a sawn-off rifle.





[osint] Lockerbie Case: Libyans Won't Deport Bomber Released by UK

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf
Al-Megrahi should be hung, drawn and quartered.




i.e. : First hung by the neck, then taken from the scaffold while still
alive. The entrails and genitals are then removed (drawn), the head cut off
and the torso hacked into four quarters. 





*   AUGUST 29, 2011

Lockerbie Case: Libyans Won't Deport Bomber 

TRIPOLI, Libya-The Libyan rebel government won't deport the man convicted of
the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, its justice minister said.


Associated Press 

In this Aug. 20, 2009 file photo, Libyan Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, who was
found guilty of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, gestures on his arrival in
Tripoli, Libya. The Libyan rebels' interim government says it will not
deport the man convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing. 

New York senators last week asked the Libyan national transitional
government to hold Abdel-Baset al-Megrahi fully accountable for the bombing
of Pan Am flight 103, which killed 270 people.

But the transitional government's justice minister, Mohammed al-Alagi, said
Sunday in Tripoli that the request by American senators had no meaning
because Mr. Megrahi had already been tried and convicted.

We will not hand over any Libyan citizen. It was Gadhafi who handed over
Libyan citizens, he said, referring to the government's decision to turn
Mr. Megrahi over to a Scottish court for trial.

The Scottish government released Mr. Megrahi in 2009, saying it believed he
would soon die of cancer. He was greeted as a hero in his native Libya and
met with Col. Moammar Gadhafi.

New York Senator Charles Schumer had encouraged the new Libyan leadership to
hold Mr. Megrahi accountable. A new Libya can send a strong statement to
the world by declaring it will no longer be a haven for this convicted
terrorist, he said.

Scottish officials overseeing Mr. Megrahi's parole have said they want to
contact him now that the fighting between Libyan forces and rebels has
reached Tripoli.

Mr. Megrahi is the only person convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, Britain's
worst terrorist attack. His release after serving eight years of a life
sentence infuriated the families of many victims, who suspected Britain's
real motive was to improve relations with oil-rich Libya.

Mr. Megrahi's current whereabouts are unknown, and on Saturday no one
answered the door of his villa, hidden behind high walls in an upscale
Tripoli neighborhood. A neighbor, Yousef Mohammed, said he saw Mr. Megrahi's
son in the street on Friday and assumed the family hadn't left the area.

No private guards or rebel fighters were visible in the quiet side street of
walled villas. The neighbor, said he often saw Mr. Megrahi in the
neighborhood. This guy is sick. All the time, I saw him in the heelchair,
he said.

Mr. Mohammed said that he and other neighbors didn't believe Mr. Megrahi was
involved in the Lockerbie bombing and that the family was well liked in the


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[osint] Europe Snubs IMF Call to Force-feed Bank Capital

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf

B: Ain't that neat ??? They are smart enough to know better..one

does not interfere with the free enterprise system. The more you tinker

with a system that is not broke, the more opportunity there is for

calamity.sounds like them and their brains are in the same zip

code. Now if we could get some of the numb nuts in our country to start
thinking the same way.






Europe snubs IMF call to force-feed bank capital


10:55am EDT

By Jan Strupczewski
i  and Edward Taylor

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Europe gave a cool reception to a demand from
the International Monetary Fund's new head Christine Lagarde to force its
banks to bulk up their capital, saying the continent had done enough

The European Commission said there was no need to recapitalize the banks
over and above what had been agreed after a recent annual stress test
check of their ability to withstand economic and financial market headwinds.

I don't think so. This discussion has already taken place between the EU
and the IMF, and the IMF is well aware of the results and the follow-up
decided after the stress-tests, Commission spokesman Amadeu Altafaj said.

Lagarde, speaking at an annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole,
Wyoming, on Saturday urged politicians to act now or risk seeing the
fragile recovery derailed.

Banks need urgent recapitalization, Lagarde said. The most efficient
solution would be mandatory substantial recapitalization -- seeking private
resources first, but using public funds if necessary.

The former French finance minister did not elaborate. The European Union has
already urged national governments to provide capital to banks identified as
weak by the stress tests if they are unable to raise capital on their own.

Last month a summit of euro zone leaders agreed to let the bloc's 440
billion euro ($632 billion) bailout fund finance the recapitalization of
banks if necessary, even in countries which are not receiving international

Earlier this month, large French and Italian banks suffered steep share
price declines on speculation about their financial strength, prompting
France, Italy, Spain and Belgium to impose short-selling bans on financial

Pressure on European banks to raise more capital had increased in July after
European stress tests found eight banks failed to meet capital requirements,
revealing a total capital shortfall of 2.5 billion euros ($3.5 billion).


However, Lagarde's comments came as stocks in Europe bounced back, tracking
a late rally on Wall Street on Friday, after signs that the U.S. Federal
Reserve would continue to support the U.S. economy. European bank stocks
were up 1.2 percent on Monday.

Greek bank stocks gained most, with some rallying 20 percent, as they were
also boosted by a pending merger of local banks Eurobank (EFGr.AT: Quote
http://www.reuters.com/stocks/quote?symbol=EFGr.AT , Profile
http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=EFGr.AT , Research
http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=EFGr.AT , Stock Buzz
http://reuters.socialpicks.com/stock/r/EUROB ) and Alpha Bank (ACBr.AT:
Quote http://www.reuters.com/stocks/quote?symbol=ACBr.AT , Profile
http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=ACBr.AT , Research
http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=ACBr.AT , Stock Buzz
http://reuters.socialpicks.com/stock/r/ALPHA ), raising hopes that Greek
banks will be able to sort out their problems without government help.

(Lagarde's) comments won't help to boost confidence in the international
financial system, said Gerhard Hofmann, board member of the association of
German cooperative banks.

If any European bank needs fresh capital, it would be better to stabilize
the institute properly than to discuss it publicly in such a tense market
situation, he said.

A source at Spain's economy ministry echoed those comments.

The government has already put in place from the start of this year a
recapitalization plan for its financial institutions, with very high
requirements, the source said.

Lagarde's statement was one of her first public calls for Europe to take
policy action since she became head of the IMF in early July. Previously,
the Fund had also urged euro zone leaders to expand the size of the bloc's
sovereign bailout fund, an idea rejected by Germany and France.

The IMF's comments matter to Europe, because Brussels is counting on the
global lender to help finance a second bailout of Greece, announced by euro
zone leaders last month, which envisages 109 billion euros of 

[osint] Post-Qadaffy Libya: The Triumph of the 'Bulgarian Nurses Affair' Cabal

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf
Note the terrorist callus on the forehead of Jalil.indicating too much
time banging his head on the ground in prayer.




Islam delenda est.




August 29, 2011

Post-Qaddafi Libya: The Triumph of the 'Bulgarian Nurses Affair' Cabal

Diana West

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Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the man who twice upheld death sentences in the
Bulgarian nurses show trial and is poised to lead post-Qaddafi Libya. But
don't worry: The State Department says he's a refomer.


While making a correction
Rebels.aspx  in my column regarding Libyan rebel front man Mustafa Abdul
Jalil, the former Qaddafi justice minister who now heads Libya's
government-in-waiting, the National Transitional Council (NTC), I realized
that US and NATO support for this man and the NTC and the rebels is
actually worse than I previously thought, which was already pretty bad.


I don't refer only to the role Abdul Jalil played in the Bulgarian nurses
show trial, which I mistakenly underestimated: I originally wrote that Abdul
Jalil sentenced the five nurses and Palestinian medic to death when, in
fact, as president of the Tripoli appeals court, he twice upheld their death
sentences. Indeed, for these blatant perversions of justice (charges that
the nurses had infected hundreds of Libyan children with HIV virus were
unsubstantiated), Abdul Jalil was well rewarded. According to a March
interview in
euvrait-pour-kadhafi_977428.html L'Express with a Bulgarian journalist who
has followed the case since it began in 1999, loyal and loyal Abdul Jalil
was named [justice] minister in 2007 as compensation for his intransigence
during that trial. (Thanks to Nidra Poller for the translation.)


2007 was also the year the Bulgarian nurses were freed due to EU
intervention (money?), particularly from France, after serving eight years
in Libyan prison. Bulgaria is
0823  still seeking a credible probe into allegations that the nurses were
tortured by the Qaddafi regime into making confessions (later recanted).


Lotsa luck on that. The new and supposedly improved post-Qaddafi
government-in-waiting is a veritable Bulgarian nurses affair cabal.


There's Mustafa Abdul Jalil, as noted above. His lead role in upholding the
show trial death sentences has completely vanished from the record. Now,
he's the
ibyas.html reformer whom Uncle Sam has had his approving if blind eye on
for years. From McLatchey just this week:


A December 2009 cable from the American ambassador in Tripoli, Gene Cretz,
passes along praise for Abdul Jalil, who was then the justice minister.
Officials at Human Rights Watch told U.S. Embassy staff privately that Abdul
Jalil was a proponent of the rule of law, according to the cable, one of a
trove of classified documents obtained by WikiLeaks and provided to
McClatchy Newspapers and other news organizations.


Abduljalil (sic) told HRW that he would continue to fight against the
culture of corruption that allowed security services to operate above the
law, the cable said.


In a cable sent the next month, embassy staff describe the first meeting
between Abdul Jalil and Cretz. Abdul Jalil described efforts to reform
Libya's criminal code - efforts that he spearheaded. The reforms would
replace prison time with fines for some offenses and ultimately reserve the
death penalty for murder only, he told Cretz.


How did Abdul Jalil  keep a straight face? How did Crezt get his job?


There's also Idris Laga, as L'Express also reported. In recent months, Laga
has been
described in Western media as the military coordinator for the rebel
movement. Laga, too, played a prominent role - tres active -in the
Bulgarian nurses show trial as head of the Association of Relatives with
Children with HIV, as Lysiane Gagnon wrote in Canada's
ervice=mobile Globe and Mail in April. Gagnon added a couple of key details
to the story:


Idris Laga, the council's military co-ordinator, was head of the
Association of Relatives of Children Infected with AIDS, an organization set
up by the regime to raise the price exacted for the Bulgarian 

[osint] A Chinese Government Firm Helps Iranian Sanctions-busters

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf
Enemies of a feather...




Tehran's Ghost Fleet

A Chinese state-owned firm in Hong Kong has been helping Iranian ships get

around U.S. sanctions.




*   AUGUST 29, 2011, 2:18 A.M. ET

This June, a merchant ship flying the Hong Kong flag and sailing under the
name of the Atlantic called at the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas-the
southern end of a trade corridor to the U.S., advertised as the fastest
route to the heart of North America. That might be unremarkable, except the
Atlantic, formerly called the Dreamland, and before that the Iran Saeidi,
belongs to a curious network of 19 bulk carriers, all flagged out of Hong
Kong and all blacklisted by the U.S. Treasury for their links to Iran.

According to a recent transcript of Hong Kong's Marine Department Shipping
Register, the Atlantic is owned by a Hong Kong-registered company called
Harvest Supreme Limited. Scratch the surface and Harvest Supreme tracks back
to an Iranian address, as do 18 other obscure and interlinked Hong Kong
ship-owning companies with names such as Grand Trinity Limited and Sparkle
Brilliant Development Limited. These are the hallmarks of the global shell
game with which Iran continues to dodge U.S. and United Nations sanctions.


This shell game began around 2008, when the U.S. imposed sanctions on Iran's
state shipping company, the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, or
IRISL, for its role in provisioning Iran's rogue missile and nuclear
programs. The U.S. Treasury also blacklisted a slew of IRISL affiliates and
123 of its ships, including all 19 of these merchant ships now flagged to
Hong Kong, making it potentially a crime under U.S. law to do business with
them. Treasury also began pressuring players outside U.S. jurisdiction to
shun Iran's proliferators, or risk being cut off from commerce with the U.S.

IRISL responded by camouflaging much of its fleet, reflagging and renaming
scores of its blacklisted ships. It parceled out some to newly minted
affiliates and created shell companies abroad to serve as nominal owners.
Behind the scenes, IRISL retained control.

In 2008, the Delight, now the Adrian, docked in Germany.

The ships themselves remain easy to identify via their unique and permanent
hull numbers, or IMO numbers, which the International Maritime Organization
issues to all cargo vessels over 300 gross tonnage. Treasury posts
blacklisted or blocked IMO numbers on its website. Treasury's blacklists
are the basis for identifying the ships described in this article-all
designated by Treasury for their links to IRISL. But these numbers don't
always appear on cargo-shipping documentation, as the Washington-based
Wisconsin Project's Iran Watch noted in a report last year. This can make it
difficult for people to understand whom they're doing business with. 

This has sparked a game of whack-a-hull. Treasury over the past year alone
has added to its blacklist more than 100 additional IRISL-affiliated
individuals, companies and ships, in places ranging from Germany to Malta,
the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Hong Kong. 

The game continues apace, or so it appears from information uncovered by my
recent inquiries at Hong Kong's corporate and shipping registries, combined
with interviews and information from a leading global shipping information
database, IHS Fairplay, formerly Lloyd's Register-Fairplay (the source for
the shipping movements cited in this article). 

Since Iran launched its shipping shell game in 2008, Hong Kong has become
the corporate home to 19 ships blackballed by Treasury as affiliated with
IRISL and listed by IHS Fairplay as formerly flagged to Iran and owned by
IRISL. Before these ships were reflagged to Hong Kong, they had names,
according to IHS Fairplay, such as Iran Sadr, Iran Mufateh and Iran Navab.
In their initial Hong Kong incarnation, most were given new names starting
with D, such as the Delegate, Diplomat and Destiny. In 2009, they were
renamed again. Perhaps for Iran's convenience in keeping track of its
dizzying global networks of ships and shells, all 19 IRISL-affiliated ships
reflagged to Hong Kong now have names beginning with the letter A. These
include, along with the Atlantic, such monikers as the Admiral, Adventist,
Amplify, Angel, Ajax, Apollo, Agile, Alameda and-my favorite-the Alias.

By early this year, all 19 ships had gone through two rounds of nominal
ownership by shell-companies registered in Hong Kong-the subject of a
detailed series of articles this past January-March in the South China
Morning Post. The U.S. Treasury has exposed and blacklisted the shell
companies involved in these past two iterations, issuing the most recent
bout of designations in January.

But as of late July, Hong Kong shipping registry transcripts showed that all
19 vessels had already come under new ownership, by 19 new companies not 

[osint] Bigots Try to Silence Critics of Islamic Extremism

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf
Silencing Critics of Islamic Extremism

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 29, 2011 

In a staggering expose, the Center for American Progress has released a
130-page report
revealing that organizations which investigate Islamic radicalism are funded
by money, not sunshine. One of the report's authors, Faiz Shakir, was
immediately invited to come on Keith Olbermann's show to discuss this
amazing discovery.

The Center for American Progress' campaign for donor transparency, however,
stops at its own doors. While its own budget is many times that of the
organizations that its report targets - the CAP's policy is to keep the
identities of its own donors
ics  secret.

The CAP report attempts to suppress dialogue on Islamic terrorism with the
charge of Islamophobia, but the center itself is part of a conservaphobia
and Israelphobia network. An industry that pays quite well, as its annual
budgets in the tens of millions show.

Where does the money for the Center for American Progress come from? From
shady billionaires, like Herb and Marion Sandler, listed by Time Magazine
1877343,00.html  (together) as one of the 25 people to blame for the
financial crisis, and George Soros, convicted in France of insider trading.

That dirty money goes to pay people like Faiz Shakir, Wajahat Ali, Eli
Clifton, Matt Duss, Scott Keyes and Lee Fang - the authors of the report.
And their collective credibility is about what you would expect from an
organization whose known donors include a rogue's gallery of the financial

Lee Fang has been described as a serial fabulist
http://www.verumserum.com/?p=14637  for repeatedly manufacturing
conspiracy theories that aren't actually supported by the evidence, like the
claim that the Chamber of Commerce was using foreign money to influence
elections. Fang generates talking points for the Left by making wild claims,
and then moves on.

Fang isn't the only liar of the report's authors. Faiz Shakir tried to
falsely pass himself
off as a conservative blogger to get on a Republican senator's press list.
He exploited the tragic murders in Norway to promote the false claim that
Breivik had cited Robert Spencer 162 times, when actually Breivik's
1,500-page manifesto had pasted in hundreds of documents, one of which was
an independently assembled collection of quotes from Spencer, Tony Blair and
others on Islam.

How much credibility should be assigned to Shakir, who offered to provide
comment and analysis on the links between Breivik and Spencer - based on
conclusions he drew from using the Find function in Word, without
realizing that most of the hits he was getting were from one document that
Breivik didn't even write?

The idea behind the CAP report was probably lifted by Wajahat Ali, from a
Max Blumenthal piece that Ali posted on his blog, Goat's Milk, back in 2010.
The Blumenthal article used many of the same talking points to write about
an Islamophobia network funded by Jewish donors.

The piece is similar enough to the CAP report that Blumenthal should
probably be credited as an author, but the report does not appear to even
mention him. That's not so odd, as Blumenthal's article charged that
representatives of the Israel lobby and the Jewish-American establishment
had conspired to conduct a crusade against mosques and Islam.

Blatant bigotry and Blumenthal's rants about baby killing rabbis would have
made him too dangerous to credit, but his influence is present in the CAP
report, from its opening statistic that blames researchers into Islamic
extremism for a 10-point drop in Muslim approval, to its conspiracy theories
about an Islamophobia network funded by some of the same foundations that
Blumenthal had mentioned last year. The same dated material that Shakir and
Ali are now trying to pass off as a major scoop.

Israelphobia is a common denominator among the majority of the report's

It shows up in Wajahat Ali's writings as he conducts an interview with the
Israel Lobby's Walt and Mearsheimer, and denounces Israel's egregious
crimes and America's slavish loyalty to it.

Your Ad Here

When Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, Wajahat Ali posted a roundup of
Muslim reactions on his blog, one of which said, Bravo Obama! Now while
you're at it, why not get Bush and Blair as well.

Matt Duss, another author, also has a special focus on attacking Israel, and
in one post urged more nuance in viewing Hamas and linked to an article
which suggested that Hamas supporters are not actually dangerous radicals.

Eli Clifton is in the same 

[osint] Labor Dept. Signs 'Partnerships' with Foreign Gov’s to Protect Illegal Workers in U.S.

2011-08-29 Thread Beowulf

Labor Dept. Signs 'Partnerships' with Foreign Gov’s to Protect Illegal Workers 
in U.S. 

Monday, August 29, 2011 
By  http://cnsnews.com/source/74028 Edwin Mora 

 http://cnsnews.com/image/hilda-solis-0 Hilda Solis

U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis (AP File Photo)

(CNSNews.com) - U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis today signed partnership 
agreements with ambassadors from a group of Latin American nations aiming to 
protect what she described as the labor rights of both legal and illegal 
migrants working in the United States.

During the signing ceremony hosted at Labor Department headquarters in 
Washington D.C., Solis said the agreements are aimed at educating migrant 
workers, regardless of how they got here, about their rights under U.S. law and 
to help prevent them from being abused in the workplace, either through wages, 
loss of job, or deportation.

When asked by CNSNews.com, she made clear the agreements aim at protecting both 
documented and undocmented workers inside the United States.

In her address at the signing ceremony, Solis asserted that all migrant workers 
have a “right to a legal wage”--even though the Labor Department itself  
http://www.dol.gov/elaws/elg/aw.htm states that under U.S. law, the 
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), “employers may hire only persons who may 
legally work in the United States (i.e., citizens and nationals of the U.S.) 
and aliens authorized to work in the U.S.”

The INA “protects U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to accept employment in 
the U.S. from discrimination in hiring or discharge on the basis of national 
origin and citizenship status, states the Labor Department Web site.

Nevertheless, during the signing ceremony today, Solis said, “No matter how you 
got here or how long you plan to stay, you have certain rights. You have the 
right to be safe and in a healthy workplace and the right to a legal wage. We 
gather here today to strengthen our shared commitment to protect the labor 
rights of migrant workers in the United States. Unfortunately, due to language 
barriers and immigration status, migrant workers can be those that are most 
vulnerably abused.”

“We’re committed to ending that abuse and in a few moments we’ll sign a new 
partnerships between the Department of Labor and the embassies of Costa Rica, 
the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador,” she said. “These are pledges between 
our governments to work together to educate migrant workers about their labor 
rights and prevent abuses in the workplace.”

“During the past year, we’ve signed similar agreements with the embassies--and 
I’m very proud of this--the embassies of Mexico, Nicaragua, and Guatemala,” 
said Solis,  “and going forward we’ll be pursuing accords with governments from 
South East Asia and others in the Caribbean wanting to educate and protect 
those most vulnerable workers that live and reside in this country.”

“We understand that many migrant workers in America are afraid to report 
mistreatment because it can lead to more abuse, the loss of job, a job, or 
deportation,” she said. “With these partnerships we seek to remove those fears.”

CNSNews.com spoke to Solis on video after the ceremony about U.S. labor laws, 
asking, “Both documented and undocumented workers will be protected under U.S. 
labor laws?”

 http://cnsnews.com/image/immigration-georgia Immigration Georgia

In this photo taken May 10, 2011, fieldworkers pick onion bulbs on a Vidalia 
onion farm in Lyons, Ga. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

“It has always been the case under previous Republican as well as Democratic 
administrations. All we’re doing is enforcing the law and we’re allowing for 
other individual groups and partnerships with other consulate offices to work 
with us in expanding our reach in information,” Solis said. “What we’re trying 
to avoid is that vulnerable communities be abused and that there be an increase 
in more underground activity, economic activity that goes untapped, those 
monies that are being paid to workers.”

“In some cases taxes aren’t being appropriately paid, those taxes should go 
into our [U.S.] Treasury, and if everyone is brought out of the shadow in that 
manner, then we’ll have more assistance to protect people, we’ll have better 
competitive businesses,” she said. “It’s not fair for businesses who come into 
this country or are working in this country now and abuse workers. So we’re 
trying to rectify that and with that we hope that there will be more awareness 
and there’ll be better, how can I say, policies and documentations that can 
counter all that negativity that we’re seeing occurring when we’re seeing a 
downturn in our economy. That’s when most vulnerable are abused when there’s a 
downturn in the economy.”

Altogether, the envoys to the United States that have signed the agreements 
include those from the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. Also, 
envoys from  Mexico, Nicaragua, and Guatemala had signed the agreement prior to 

[osint] FW: U.S. Air Force SSgt And U.S. Marine: Obama A Criminal Who Needs To Be Arrested!

2011-08-28 Thread Beowulf

U.S. Air Force SSgt And U.S. Marine: Obama A
bama-a-%e2%80%9ccriminal%e2%80%9d-who-needs-to-be-arrested/ Criminal Who
Needs To Be Arrested! 

by Volubrjotr 


As things stand, B. Obama
is on notice.  My separation from Active Duty changes nothing for me
personally.  I plan to lead all true Americans
=38.88,-77.016667%20(United%20States)t=h  in the fight to
expose his lies, remove him from his job before the next election, and when
feasible under the rule of law, arrest him.  Only God and the prayer of
thousands kept me from being arrested.

With the introduction of the Koran at AF bootcamp as indoctrination in
Lackland AB, Texas, and B. Obama's dismissal of the deportation laws pending
many illegals, his out and out tyranny is clear to any but an Obot.

Frankly, I have a message to WND, and all of America, B. Obama's days as our
dictator are numbered.  I am not in Germany anymore.  I am in America.  I
will be going to Mayors, City Councils, Police Dept, and lawyers regarding
the Citizen Arrest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen%27s_arrest
procedure.  Also, I will be speaking in public at all places of engagement
possible about ending this War that the enemy, B. Obama is intent on
pursuing.  He will lose, and so will his supporters.

http://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/marines.jpg?w=250h=253You may
want to reference the online you tube video of my participation at a
pitchfork rally at the seat of government in Georgia, via phone.  This is
what is coming everywhere.  Nobody has stepped out to be the leader against
B. Obama.  I will do it.  He breaks our laws, we WILL NOT follow his.

He's out there removing guys like Mubarak and Ghaddafi, who don't know the
Lord.  I know the Lord.  This will be different.  Hear me America, and be
strong!  Pray and join me!  As God is my witness.


Mr. Daryn J. Moran


by Sharon Rondeau


rman-of-the-house-armed-services-committee/ Buck McKeon R-California  New
Chairman Of The House Armed Services Committee: To Block Obama's Repeal Of
Don't Ask Don't Tell.

Will the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell weaken the U.S. military? What
are current enlisted military members learning?

(Aug. 23, 2011) - On August 16, 2011, The Post  Email had reported
-orders-from-obamas-military-expounds-on-his-decision/  on the case of SSgt
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staff_Sergeant  Daryn Moran, a nine-year
veteran of the U.S. Air Force http://twitter.com/usairforce  and former
Marine, who had challenged the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein
Obama as well as objected
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=326477  to the lifting of
the ban
2802281.html  on homosexuals serving in the U.S. Armed Forces
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Armed_Forces  as amended by
Congress in December 2010.

On August 17, 2011, Fox News reported via theAssociated Press
ho-doubts-obamas-citizenship/  that Moran would be discharged from the
military, terming
ho-doubts-obamas-citizenship/  him a hero of the birther movement. Why
the unnamed reporter used that term is unknown.  He did not question why
Moran had called for Obama's arrest, nor whether or not evidence existed
that Obama
's birth certificate must be a fake.

On August 22, 2011, we received an email from Mr. Moran which had been
distributed to numerous parties, which reads:


Good day, and thank God!  This is former SSgt Daryn J. Moran.  My family and
I have arrived safely in Omaha, NE
ha%2C%20Nebraska)t=h .  For a few days we have been traveling and settling
in a little.  Here are some details for your readers, both 

[osint] The Obama Regime doesn't want you to know the details about a tax fraud settlement case with an Islamic bank tied to terrorist groups

2011-08-28 Thread Beowulf


ank-tied-to-terrorist-groups/ The Obama Regime doesn't want you to know the
details about a tax fraud settlement case with an Islamic bank tied to
terrorist groups

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| August 27, 2011 at 4:19 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=13150593 ISLAMOBAMA | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-yQi http://wp.me/peHnV-yQi

The Justice Department has agreed to end its investigation into an
international Islamic financial network with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
and a Saudi prince in a settlement in excess of $37 million. You just
haven't heard about it. The Obama Justice Department has declined to release
the settlement agreement, or even publicly acknowledge its existence.

Main Justice
-mum-on-tax-fraud-settlement-with-islamic-bank/   (H/T Liana) -The Islamic
Investment Co. of the Gulf (Bahamas) Ltd., which reportedly has ties to the
Muslim Brotherhood, agreed to pay some $37 million to resolve an
investigation into whether the firm structured its real estate investments
to unlawfully avoid U.S. taxes on them, according to people familiar with
the matter.

The first third of the settlement is already paid, these people said.

But the company inked a non-prosecution agreement with the government, which
means the deal doesn't require court approval and isn't filed in public.

When asked about the settlement earlier this week, Justice Department
spokesman Charles Miller said: I have nothing on this.

248The secrecy of the deal has prompted interest in Congress. Rep. Frank
Wolf (R-Va.), chairman of the House appropriations subcommittee that
oversees the Justice Department budget and author of  legislation that
created the National Commission on Terrorism in the 1990s,  told Main
Justice he planned to ask the department next week to release the documents.

They've got to let this thing out, Wolf - a persistent critic of the
Barack Obama administration Justice Department - said in an interview,
referring to the bank's alleged ties to terrorism financing.

York lawyer James J. McGuire, who is listed in court filings as a lawyer for
the Islamic bank's corporate parent, did not respond to a voice mail and a
message left with his assistant seeking comment.

In a case that has had many strange twists and turns, the mystery
surrounding the settlement is only the latest. The saga dates back to 2004,
when two former employees of a related firm called Overland Realty Capital,
LLC sued the company in state court in Texas and said they were fired for
blowing the whistle on fraud.

In 2007 the Wall Street Journal reported that a federal grand jury in Boston
was  examining whether the firms evaded taxes on complicated real estate

A prosecutor from the Justice Department's counterterrorism section first
handled the case, according to a
all Street Journal story from that year. But the original terrorism-related
probe morphed into the same kind of strategy used to nab gangster Al Capone,
who was eventually prosecuted not for the Prohibition-era crime syndicate he
ran, but for the easier-to-prove charge of tax evasion.

The firm structured real estate investments through a network of shell
companies in offshore tax havens including the Cayman Islands, the Journal
reported in 2007. Such structures, while not necessarily illegal, become
unlawful when designed primarily to circumvent IRS rules.

While the department is staying mum on the settlement, the company at issue
is linked to the royal family in Saudi Arabia, a powerful U.S. ally. It is a
subsidiary of Dar Al-Maal Al-Islami Trust, known as DMI

[osint] FBI: Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of Obama Administration

2011-08-28 Thread Beowulf



 WND Exclusive http://www.wnd.com/images/header_exclusive.gif 



Underpublicized threat deep in White House

FBI: Penetration by radical agents worse than thought


Posted: August 27, 2011
11:05 pm Eastern

© 2011 WND 


John Guandolo

Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim 
Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special 
agent in Washington.

The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based 
Brotherhood – whose credo is Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah 
is our dream – have penetrated the Obama administration.

The shocking charge was first leveled by Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah during a 
recent speech in Toronto.

When someone says that there is penetration of jihadi Islamists within 
society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant, warned 
Fatah, a Canadian journalist.

Today in the White House, there are three members of the Muslim Brotherhood 
that influence Obama's policy, he told the audience gathered for an IdeaCity 
conference. One is Rashad Hassan, who is the American ambassador to the 
52-nation Organization of Islamic (Conference).

Fatah also named Dalia Mogahed, who writes (Obama's) speeches, who comes from 
the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and another woman, an academic, (who) was 
appointed in that circle.

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo says Obama's ties to agents for the 
Muslim Brotherhood are even more extensive. 

The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep, he said. 
For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood 
folks working with him then.

Equally alarming, the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and 
sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military, 
notes Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer.

The veteran federal agent says such infiltration threatens national security, 
because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a 
secret plan to destroy the U.S. and other Western governments from within.

After the 9/11 attacks, he says the FBI discovered the plan written in Arabic 
among documents seized from the basement of a prominent Brotherhood leader 
living in a Washington suburb.

Guandolo says the stated Muslim Brotherhood strategy for change from within 
includes the installation of loyal Brothers into political office.

President Obama's top Muslim ambassador, Rashad Hussain, has raised suspicions. 
He is U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a 
powerful international group headquartered in Saudi Arabia and closely aligned 
with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Before first joining the White House as a lawyer, Hussain regularly spoke to 
Brotherhood front groups and defended Brotherhood leaders like Sami al-Arian. 
Hussain at first denied defending the convicted terrorist, claiming he was 
misquoted, but then recanted after Politico.com produced a tape-recording of 
his remarks.

Recently, he has been overseas encouraging devotion to Islam, including in 
terror hotspots like Afghanistan.

In fact, Hussain has told Afghans the antidote to Islamic violence is Islam 

I am of the opinion that one of the strongest tools that you can use to 
counter radicalization and violent extremism is Islam itself, because Islam 
rejects violent extremism, he said during a recent speech in Kabul.

Hussain, a devout Muslim, says promotion of the Muslim faith is key to the 
administration's strategy to turn Muslims away from violence.

We see that as one of the key elements of a strategy to address this type of 
violence, he said.

The strategy is at odds with what the co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission 
recently recommended in their follow-up report on homegrown terror, Assessing 
the Terrorist Threat: A Report of the Bipartisan Policy Center's National 
Security Preparedness Group.

The study found that Islam was motivating terrorists not just abroad, but 
inside America's Muslim community. And it scolded U.S. leaders for pretending 
religion is not a factor in growing violence.

Still, Hussain insists: When it comes to the problem of violent extremism, 
Islam is not the problem.

Hussain helped draft Obama's conciliatory Cairo speech to Muslims. Also helping 
with the president's speeches and policies toward Muslims is Mogahed, whose 
pro-Islamist statements have been posted on the Muslim Brotherhood's website, 

Obama appointed the hijab-wearing Mogahed to the President's Advisory Council 
on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. On a British television program, 
Islam Channel, Mogahed defended Shariah law, the barbaric Islamic legal code 
that treats women as second-class citizens.

Muslim women actually associate gender justice or justice for women with 
Shariah compliance, she argued. It is 

[osint] Father Schall on the Fragility of Islam

2011-08-27 Thread Beowulf
Of course it is.which is why Communism endured 70 years and Islam nearly
1400.  Its future MAY be in doubt.but fragility is not the problem.


Islam delenda est.




Father Schall on the Fragility of Islam

Posted By David P. Goldman On August 26, 2011 @ 1:40 pm In Uncategorized |

Fr. James V. Schall S.J. remains at the age of 83 an indispensable voice in
foreign policy, combining theological depth and strategic acuity. The
Fragility of Islam is the subject of his latest pronouncement at the
Catholic Thing blog
 . Western analysts tend to accept the narrative of Muslim triumphalism,
the assertion that the strong faith of the Islamic world will overwhelm the
temporizing and vacillating West. Not so, Fr. Schall argues: Islam itself is
as fragile as communism. He writes:

The major change Islam looks to is not modernization or objective truth but,
in a stable world, the submission to Allah of all men under a caliphate
wherein no non-believers are found.

We still look back at communism, at least the non-oriental variety, with
some astonishment in this regard. Almost no one thought it could fall
without a major military encounter. That it disintegrated so quickly and so
completely seems incomprehensible to anyone but a John Paul II. He
understood its frailty, its failure to understand the human soul and its

Religion or faith, even in Islam through Averroes, has been conceived as a
myth designed to keep the people quiet. The scholars could quietly let the
caliphs and the imams rule if the intelligentsia were left free to pursue
philosophy, which was conceived to be anti-Koranic in the sense that the
Koran did not hold up under scrutiny about its claims.

The fragility of Islam, as I see it, lies in a sudden realization of the
ambiguity of the text of the Koran. Is it what it claims to be? Islam is
weak militarily. It is strong in social cohesion, often using severe moral
and physical sanctions. But the grounding and unity of its basic document
are highly suspect. Once this becomes clear, Islam may be as fragile as

A tiny minority of analysts, this writer included, have argued instead that
Islam cannot be reformed or situated in democratic institutions; its
militancy, rather, stems from the realization that it cannot survive
modernity. Koranic criticism yet may turn out to be the worm in the
foundation of radical Islam, I wrote in 2003
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page/EH05Aa01.html . Much of the Muslim
world is repeating the West's transition out of traditional society, but in
lapsed time.

That is the subject of my forthcoming book, How Civilizations Die (and Why
Islam is Dying Too)
http://www.amazon.com/How-Civilizations-Die-Islam-Dying/dp/159698273X .

An index of Islam's loss of faith is the unprecedented collapse of fertility
in many Muslim countries, most notably Iran. The average Iranian has six
siblings, but will have 1.5 children. The Persian nation will not survive
this demographic collapse. There are seven working-age Iranians to care for
each set of parents; in the next generation there will be one and a half.
That is an impossible tax even for industrial nations whose per capita GDP
exceeds $30,000, and an unimaginable problem for a country with a per capita
GDP of only $6,000. Iran is going to die.

Why so few children? Just as Fr. Schall suggests, we will find when we poke
through the rubble that Muslims are as rare in today's Iran as Communists in
the Russia of the 1980s. According to a BBC account Iran has the lowest
mosque attendance
revolution_one.shtml  of any Muslim country at just 2%.

The problem that the West confronts is not engagement with Islam, or reform
of Islam, or democratization of Muslim countries, but the utter and final
ruin of some of the most important Muslim nations. Turkey
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MC23Ak01.html 's problems are
just as severe: the fertility rate of native Turkish speakers is just 1.5,
the same as Iran's, while Kurdish fertility is around 4.5 - which means that
the Kurds will comprise about half the country's population a generation
from now, in contrast to just under 20% today.

Much of the Muslim world remains rooted in traditional society, to be sure;
44% of Egyptians are illiterate and more than 90% of Egyptian women are
subject to genital mutilation. But that model also has crashed and burned: a
country immured in backwardness cannot survive in the globalized world.
Egypt imports half its caloric consumption, and Chinese pigs will eat before
the Egyptian poor.

The central issue in the Muslim world is its crisis of faith, as Fr. Schall
instructs us. The clarity of his formulation stands in contrast to the
timid, apologetic 

[osint] The failure of Democracy in Eqypt

2011-08-27 Thread Beowulf

This was forwarded from an Arabic speaking member of the Islamic Issues list 
highlighting the following points

a.  The Imam Shihto of Egypt tells the magazine Ros Al Yususf that all 
Christians in Egypt must pay a tax to remain other wise they have to leave 

b.  The Christians will not be allowed to practice or participate in political 

c.  The Muslim Brotherhood is intent on closing down the pyramids and all 
tourist sites for they portray idolatory..etc.




Islam delenda est!






Sent: 8/27/2011 9:04:10 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: شحتو للنصارى:دفع الجزيه أو


Hi Bill...This is an article in Arabic.  The Imam Shihto of Egypt tells the 
magazine Ros Al Yususf that all Christians in Egypt must pay a tax to remain 
other wise they have to leave Egypt..The Christians will not be allowed to 
practice or participate in political life.  Also he added that the Muslim 
Brotherhood is intent on closing down the pyramids and all tourist site for 
they portray idolatory..etc.


Welcome to the new Democracy in Egypt...






Sent: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 9:28 pm
Subject: شحتو للنصارى:دفع الجزيه أو



شحتو للنصارى:دفع الجزيه أو 
 بره البلد 

Error! Filename not specified.

عادل شحتو القيادي بجماعة الجهاد الإسلامية

كتب -حازم العبيدي: 

منذ 9 ساعة 11 دقيقة 

قال الشيخ عادل شحتو القيادي بجماعه الجهاد الإسلاميه إنه في حاله وصول الجماعه 
للحكم في مصر فإنه يجب علي النصاري ان يدفعوا الجزيه أو يخرجوا بره البلد، ويؤمن 
لهم خروجهم لأن المسلم سيطالب بدفع الزكاه وبالتالي فيجب عليهم دفع الجزيه. واعترف 
شحتوا في حوار مع مجله روزا اليوسف الصادره اليوم السبت انه ضد الديمقراطيه ،لانها 
ليست دين الاسلام انما هي دين اليهود والنصاري ولان معني الديمقراطيه ان يحكم 
الشعب نفسه بنفسه وهذا مخالف للش رع لان البشر لايمكن ان يحكم لان الله يحكم فقط.
وعن رايه في الحكام العرب اكد انهم ليسو مسلميين انما هم كفار مرتدون وليسوا كفار 
اصليين كحكام الغرب وامريكا.
وعن تفجير الكنائس قال شحتو انه ضد وليس ضد بمعني انه ضد التفجير لان من حق 
النصاري ان يمارسوا عبادتهم، لكن لوعملوا مشاكل انا ادمرهم . 
وبخصوص خوضهم الا نتخابات البرلمانيه اكد شحتو انهم لن يخوضوا هذه الانتخابات لان 
البرلمان يشرع ويسن القوانين من دون الله.
واضاف انه سي� �وم باغلاق الاهرامات، وابو الهول ،وشرم الشيخ لانها شاهده علي عصر 
وبالنسبه لوضع الفن اكد انه لايوجد فن في الاسلام فالرسم، والغناء ،والرقص، 
والتمثيل، من المحرمات.

اقرأ المقال الأصلي علي بوابة الوفد الاليكترونية  
 الوفد - شحتو للنصارى:دفع الجزيه أوبره البلد

 Message sent via IDM WebMail



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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] Remembering The First American Military Warriors Who Fought Against Islamic Terrorists From 1801-1805

2011-08-27 Thread Beowulf


 http://tinyurl.com/3w96btk http://tinyurl.com/3w96btk 

Remembering The First American Military Warriors Who Fought Against Islamic
Terrorists From 1801-1805

 http://tinyurl.com/3w96btk videos at the link

From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, we fight our
country's battles, in the air, on land, and sea.- Official Hymn of the
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh5OlT-cslQ  U.S. Marine Corps. Have you
ever wondered what is Tripoli doing in our Marines' official hymn? On this
memorial day, let us remember those who gave their lives that we might be
free from muslim terror! 

Ambassador Thomas Jefferson had a wake up
http://www.usvetdsp.com/jan07/jeff_quran.htm  call the day he met with
muslim leaders. Thomas Jefferson asked why are muslims attacking American
ships when we are doing nothing to incite any form of violence. To his
shock, he recorded the following words spoken by the muslim ambassador Abd
Al-Rahman: it was written in the Qur'an, that all Nations who should not
have acknowledged the authority of mohammad were sinners, that it was the
right and duty of every muslim to make war upon nonmuslims they could find
and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every
Muslim who should be slain in battle was believed to go to Paradise.

Remember there was no Israel nation at this point and there was no American
military bases in Saudi Arabia to blame these muslim terrorist attacks. All
America wanted to do was to pass by the open seas and engage in fair trade.
Even liberal PBS McNeil/Lehrer reported one day on America's first war by
President Thomas Jefferson against the muslim terrorists.


To the surprise of many in our modern liberal and libertarian false worlds,
our nation formed its first national Navy and united beyond individual
States to a national force, due to muslim terrorist attacks at the
foundational years of our nation. The founders of our nation believed that
we needed to be united against the threat of islamic terrorism or we would
fall as divided States.  Muslims were terrorizing Americans by forcefully
boarding American ships and beheading our men and enslaving our women and
children. Americans were being sold in the open muslim market.

When they offered America an option to pay a nonmuslim tax of up to 1
million dollars per year so they would allow us to sail without their
attacks on our ships, sadly, John Adams agreed to pay the bribe according to
the European model of that day. At one point, up to 20% of our national
budget was dedicated to paying off muslim terrorists. Thomas Jefferson
argued that the more you pay a terrorist, the more he'll demand. When he
became President, he called on our brave Marines and Navy to go overseas and
kick the butt of those muslim terrorists who were ruthlessly attacking our
American citizens. {Jefferson used the common colloquialism of his day for


Muslims made the grave mistake of believing that a small nation just formed
would not have the power to fight the muslim powers overseas. By the Grace
of God, The LORD granted our Marines and Navy great victories and the muslim
powers were forced to return several hundred American women children and
men. Unfortunately, our first treaty sadly stipulated that America would
agree to pay $60,000.00 for these slaves.  President Jefferson tried to
call it tribute instead of ransom, but rightly, William Eaton remained
strongly opposed to the State Department diplomat Tobias Lear on this
important matter. By 1807, Muslims began to attack American ships once again
and terrorize our citizens abroad. In 1815, Commodores William Bainbridge
and Stephen Decatur led our military victories to force muslims to sign
ending all nonmuslim tax payments by the United States to faithful muslims
and that finally put a stop to the muslim attacks on our citizens for a long

However, Thomas Jefferson knew the danger of islam was not over. He secured
the great Naval Hero rear Admiral John Paul Jones to try to fight off the
muslims in Constantinople and return Constantinople to the Christians who
had been attacked by muslim ottoman forces and overtaken after several
hundred years of failed attempts by previous muslim rulers to attack the
peaceful Christians. In an article
russian-hero/  on this important Naval officer, we read:

John Paul Jones, Father of The American Navy: he engaged in his most famous
battle: the Battle of Flamborough Head.  The battle took place against the
British warship called the HMS Serapis.  It was a long battle that Jones
nearly lost, but he continued to fight until the very end.  His ship on fire
and sinking, he refused to give up.  When the commander of the Serapis asked
him about surrendering, instead of giving the idea any thought, 

[osint] Man Faces 2 Years in Federal Prison For Defending His Family Against Grizzly Bear --

2011-08-27 Thread Beowulf

Man Faces 2 Years in Federal Prison For Defending His Family Against Grizzly 

*   Posted by Jared Law file:///C:\profile\JaredLaw292  on August 25, 
2011 at 1:47pm in Elections, Issues, News,  
*   Send Message 
  View Discussions 

Yet another case of tyrannical, anti-human bullying by incompetent Obama Regime 
DoJ prosecutors.

If, under a certain regime, a man doesn't have the right to protect his family, 
then that regime is tyrannical and illegitimate, and unfit to govern, anywhere 
in the world. Here in America, where we have a Compound Constitutional 
Republic, not only do we have the right to self-defense, and to defend our 
families, but we also have a constitution which guarantees this right. This is 
an anti-Constitutional act by the Obama Regime.

Whether the grizzly bear was endangered or not makes no difference: if it's a 
threat to American lives, it's the one doing the endangering, and it forfeits 
its right to life. End of discussion.

Federal prosecutors say Hill shot the bear with a bolt-action rifle, but they 
have shared few other details of their investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney 
Nancy Cook declined to comment to reporters after the hearing.

A jury trial has been set for Oct. 4. If convicted, Hill could face penalties 
of up to one year in prison and fines up to $50,000. He has been appointed a 
federal public defender and is free on bond.

The Endangered Species Act classifies the grizzly bear as a threatened species 
in the lower 48 states, and it is protected by federal law.

Hill and his wife have six children, and their home is between two federal 
grizzly bear recovery zones - the Selkirk zone to the west and Cabinet-Yaak 
zone to the east. Biologists estimate that 100 grizzlies inhabit the zones that 
include parts of Idaho, British Columbia and Montana.

The bears are a controversial topic in Boundary County, as habitat protection 
by federal agencies has impacted the timber harvest and logging industry.

Supporters say several of Hill's children were playing in the yard when the 
bear approached, and he notified Idaho wildlife officials after shooting it.

It seems unjust to me that someone would be charged when they were protecting 
their family, state Sen. Shawn Keough, R-Sandpoint, said after the hearing. 
I'm at a loss to understand why the U.S. government is pursuing this in the 
manner they are.

Supporters have written letters to state and congressional leaders, and last 
week the community raised $19,500 for a defense fund for the family at a 4-H 
animal sale in Bonners Ferry.

Ronald Smith, chairman of the Boundary County Commission, said the county 
supports grizzly recovery plans but also is struggling to understand the 
charges against Hill.

Jeremy Hill . has been falsely accused of a crime that did not happen, Smith 
said in a statement. This is not some flagrant or malicious act.

Here's the Blaze's reporting on this story:


Posted on August 25, 2011 at 7:22am by Tiffany Gabbay

This is quite a story. A man charged with unlawfully shooting and killing a 
grizzly bear in defense of his family, garnered so many supporters at his 
arraignment in U.S. District Court Tuesday that the judge had to move the 
hearing to a larger courtroom.

Even in the larger space, however, every seat was reportedly occupied as the 
man’s family, friends and neighbors vied for a place to show their support.

Jeremy M. Hill, 33, pleaded not guilty to killing the grizzly with a rifle on 
his 20-acre property near Porthill, Idaho, at the Canadian border.

Because the Endangered Species Act classifies the grizzly as a threatened 
species, Hill was charged with a misdemeanor.

The trial has been set for October 4 and Hill’s lawyer, Marc Lyons, said he 
plans to defend Hill on the basis of self-defense and protection of family.

Jeremy Hill’s father, Mike Hill, said his son was concerned for the safety of 
his children who were playing outside when the mother grizzly and her two cubs 
happened onto his property in May.

Hill has six children ranging in age from 14 years old to 10 months old and at 
least five were reportedly home when the grizzly appeared and was later killed.

CDAPress adds 

[osint] Marines Banned from Farting in Afghanistan

2011-08-26 Thread Beowulf
Something only Obama would think of.




Islam delenda est.



Report: Marines Banned from Farting in Afghanistan 

Posted on August 26, 2011 at 10:56am 
by Buck Sexton Buck Sexton 

Marines in Afghanistan have reportedly been told not to pass gas around
Afghans to avoid offending the indigenous population.

That's right, now any leatherneck who lets one rip on patrol with Afghans
nearby could receive a a talk from his superior officer.

The new flatulence restriction was first picked up by the Military Times,
and has since become fodder for online discussion ranging from the curious
to the ridiculous.

A few military bloggers have taken it seriously and found the ban to be
indicative of a trend among military brass of bending over backwards to
avoid offending the locals.

Others have pointed out that a culture that has allowed stoning, various
forms of execution, and amputations as penalties for criminal offenses
should be able to withstand a little passed gas.

The new regulation is not covered in the Uniform Code of Military Justice,
and the military has not even confirmed it exists.

For now, the fart ban appears to be simply a guideline for good manners
while Marines are out on patrol.

We'll let you know if the Blaze catches wind of any developments.


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[osint] Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf
One of the readers comments:

BEDROOMS: Only one goat per person allowed in individual sleeping quarters. To 
alleviate jealousy and arguments leading to fights, individuals may claim their 
goat, including gay goats, as their own. Naming your goat is allowed but no 
goat can be named 'Obaama.'


Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces

The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign 
workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid 
cell phones and comfy beds.
These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by 
employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform 
sheep herding or goat herding activities.  It describes strict rules for 
sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new 
rules for the counters where food is prepared.
“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family 
arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for 
employment and training administration at the Labor Department.
“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean 
mattress,” the rules state.
Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, 
unearthed the policy in the  http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=45722 
Federal Register​, the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that 
Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Under the Obama Administration, the nanny state has imposed 75 new major 
regulations with annual costs of $38 billion.
“This captures what is wrong with government,” Katz said.  “I could not have 
made this up.”
With unemployment holding steady at 9% and government regulations adding more 
burden to small businesses, such as those run by ranching families, Katz said, 
bureaucrats aren’t helping.
“Instead of remedying the problem, the regulations make it that much harder,” 
Katz insisted.  “We may need a whole set of regulations just to define what a 
comfortable bed is.  I imagine it’s not straw.
The new lighting standards say that in areas where it is not feasible to 
provide electrical service such as tents or mobile trailers, lanterns must be 
provided.  “Kerosene wick lights meet the definition of lantern,” the 
regulations say.
“When workers or their families are permitted or required to cook in their 
individual unit, a space shall be provided with adequate lighting and 
“Wall surfaces next to all food preparation and cooking areas shall be of 
nonabsorbent, easy-to-clean material.  Wall surfaces next to cooking areas 
shall be of fire-resistant material,” the regulations say.
“It makes you wonder,” Katz said, “how they ever did this before the government 
got involved?”
“Who knew we needed all of this federal help for herding goats?” Katz quipped.

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[osint] US DOT's Expanded Airline Passenger Protections Take Effect

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf


U.S. DOT's Expanded Airline Passenger Protections Take Effect

Includes Fee Refunds For Lost Baggage, Greater Protection From Tarmac Delays

New consumer protections for airline passengers established by the U.S. DOT
went into effect Tuesday, which Secretary Ray LaHood says will make flying
more convenient and hassle-free for air travelers nationwide. The new
consumer protections, finalized earlier this year, include requirements that
airlines refund baggage fees if bags are lost, increase compensation
provided to passengers bumped from oversold flights, and provide passengers
greater protections from lengthy tarmac delays. 

The Obama Administration believes consumers have the right to be treated
fairly when they fly, said Secretary LaHood (pictured). The Department of
Transportation's new passenger protections will help ensure that air
travelers receive the respect they deserve before, during and after their

Effective Tuesday, airlines will be required to refund any fee for carrying
a bag if the bag is lost. Airlines are already required to compensate
passengers for reasonable expenses for loss, damage or delay in the carriage
of passenger baggage. Under the new rules, airlines must now prominently
disclose all optional fees on their websites, including but not limited to
fees for baggage, meals, canceling or changing reservations, or advanced or
upgraded seating.

The new rules also double the amount of money passengers are eligible to be
compensated for in the event they are involuntarily bumped from an oversold
flight. Previously, bumped passengers were entitled to cash compensation
equal to the one-way value of their tickets, up to $400, if the airline was
able to get them to their destination within a short period of time (within
1 to 2 hours of their originally scheduled arrival time for domestic flights
and 1 to 4 hours for international flights). If they were delayed for a
lengthy period of time (more than two hours after their originally scheduled
arrival time for domestic flights and 4 hours for international flights),
they were entitled to double the one-way price of their tickets, up to $800.
Under the new rule, bumped passengers subject to short delays will receive
compensation equal to double the one-way price of their tickets, up to $650,
while those subject to longer delays would receive payments of four times
the one-way value of their tickets, up to $1,300. Inflation adjustments will
be made to those compensation limits every two years.

The Department of Transportation's new rule also expands the existing ban on
lengthy tarmac delays to cover the international flights of foreign airlines
at U.S. airports, and establishes a hard four-hour time limit on tarmac
delays for all international flights at U.S. airports. It also extends the
three-hour tarmac delay limit for domestic flights, currently in place only
at large-hub and medium-hub airports, to flights at small-hub and non-hub
airports as well. All carriers subject to the tarmac rule will be required
to report lengthy tarmac delays to DOT. In all cases, exceptions to the time
limits are allowed only for safety, security or air traffic control-related
reasons. Carriers must also ensure that passengers stuck on the tarmac are
provided adequate food and water after two hours, as well as working
lavatories and any necessary medical treatment.

Additional measures under the new rule will take effect January 24, 2012,

*   Requiring all taxes and fees to be included in advertised fares. 
*   Banning post-purchase price increases. 
*   Allowing passengers to hold a reservation without payment, or to
cancel it without penalty, for 24 hours after the reservation is made, if
the reservation is made one week or more prior to a flight's departure date.

*   Requiring disclosure of baggage fees when passengers book a flight. 
*   Requiring that the same baggage allowances and fees apply throughout
a passenger's journey. 
*   Requiring disclosure of baggage fee information on e-ticket
*   Requiring prompt notification of delays of over 30 minutes, as well
as cancellations and diversions. 

The final rule, proposed rule and comments are available on the Internet at
http://www.regulations.gov/ www.regulations.gov.

FMI: www.dot.gov http://www.dot.gov/ 


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[osint] Libya: Dictator Down, Islam Rising

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf


 http://lopez.pundicity.com Clare M. Lopez

 http://www.pundicity.com Pundicity

Libya: Dictator Down, Islam Rising

by Clare M. Lopez
Big Peace 
August 25, 2011


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your friends to like this.

Watching the jubilant Libyan rebels celebrating in the streets of Tripoli, it's 
easy to get caught up in the euphoria of the moment as a brutal tyrant is at 
last being brought down. The spokeswoman at the Department of State was giddy 
with visions of those universal human rights the Libyan Transitional National 
Council (TNC) supposedly espouses. RAND trotted out Frederic Wehrey 
http://m.npr.org/news/World/139857892 , a senior policy analyst at the Rand 
Corporation, who perfectly seriously discussed the weapons buy-back programs 
that he thinks NATO countries might launch in Libya to disarm everybody once 
the fighting is done. Even commentators at the usually more sober-minded Fox 
News were giving President Obama B grades for his success in helping remove 
Qaddafi from power. One of the only analysts of substance who seemed to be 
keeping his head even as all around him were happily losing theirs has been the 
IDC Herzliya Gloria Center's Barry Rubin 
 , who rightly faults the Obama administration for approaching events in the 
Middle East not as a lion but as a jackal and projecting weakness by 
demonstrating a fundamental failure to perceive what is, in fact, a determined 
regional sweep by the forces of jihad and shariah. As Rubin wrote in his 21 
August 2011 post 
 , The gap between dominant Western perceptions of the Middle East and the 
region's reality is dangerously wide.

Part of that reality is actually on full display with the online posting of 
Libya's Draft Constitutional Charter 
  for the Transitional Stage. As the equally level-headed Dr. Andrew Bostom 
wrote in his 22 August 2011 posting 
 , the salient feature of Libya's new draft constitution is Part 1, Article 1: 
Islam is the Religion of the State, and the principal source of legislation is 
Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia). [emphasis added]

For those still unsure of what is actually happening in Libya, that Article, 
which places Islamic law (shariah) at the very top of the constitution, means 
that principles Jeffersonian republicans consider foundational to a democratic 
system—such as equality, individual freedom, pluralism, tolerance, minority 
protections, consent of the governed, natural rights/natural law derived 
through exercise of human reason, independent (secular) judiciary, and a 
vibrant free press—even if mentioned later in the draft text, have no real 
validity. It is what comes first and is stated explicitly in the constitution 
that carries the real weight. In Libya's case, that means Islamic law.

That should not surprise anyone who's been watching Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the 
Libyan Transitional National Council spokesman: that prominent bruise in the 
middle of his forehead is called a zubibah. It's the bump a devout Muslim gets 
from pressing his face to the floor five times daily while praying. Described 
by human rights advocates as a strong proponent of the rule of law, Jalil 
studied Islamic law at the University of Libya. He's also served as a judge, 
prosecutor, and Justice Minister under Qaddafi's rule. So, he's an experienced 
and knowledgeable jurist. The only question, then, is Of which law is Jalil 
such a champion? The obvious answer is Islamic law—shariah.

Western analysts, leaders, and media seem somehow oblivious to the fact that 
Middle Eastern Muslim Arabs have nothing in their experience to prepare them 
for anything remotely resembling universal human rights. Quite to the 
contrary, these Islamic tribal 

[osint] Obama has a 'Competency Crisis'

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf


mpetency-crisis/ Mort Zuckerman: Obama has a 'Competency Crisis' 

 http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/author/scottystarnes/ Scotty Starnes |
August 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM | Tags:
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=competency competency,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=debt-crisis debt crisis,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=economy economy,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=jobs jobs,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=mort-zuckerman Mort Zuckerman,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=president-obama President Obama,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=unemployment unemployment |
Categories:  http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?cat=35145 Political
Issues | URL:  http://wp.me/pvnFC-5KC http://wp.me/pvnFC-5KC 

I love to see an Obama zombie wake up only to suffer from buyer's remorse.

Mort Zuckerman opines via
tml WSJ:

The rising impatience with the leadership of President Obama was epitomized
on Aug. 8 in the middle of one of the now-habitual Wall Street roller
coasters. His speech on the economy was 53 minutes late. What showed on TV
screens was an empty White House podium, an image suggestive of the absence
of leadership. When the president did speak, the best he could come up with
was We've always been and always will be a triple-A country. The market's
response was a Bronx cheer, a drop of another 300 points.

Mr. Obama seems unable to get a firm grip on the toughest issue facing his
presidency and the country-the economy. He now asserts he is going to
pivot to jobs. Now we pivot to jobs? When there are already 25 million
Americans who are either unemployed or cannot find full-time work? Does this
president not appreciate what is going on?

Fewer Americans are working full-time today than when Mr. Obama took office.
We have lost over 900,000 full-time jobs in the last four months alone, and
long-term unemployment is at a post-World War II high. The public's faith in
his ability to deal with the economy has plunged. As Doyle McManus of the
L.A. Times put it, Can this president persuade voters to let him keep his
job when so many have lost theirs? Even Jimmy Carter didn't plumb the
depths of national dissatisfaction revealed in the stunning Gallup poll
taken Aug. 11-13. The president's approval rating was only 39% with a mere
26% approving of his handling of the economy.

All of Obama's economic numbers are worse than Bush's, yet the left
continues to claim they have turned the economy around (see Debbie Wasserman

Meanwhile, everyone in the business world is pleading for some kind of adult
supervision to build a national platform for sustained growth that includes
a long-term fiscal plan that addresses our ballooning debt. They are
desperate for strong leadership and feel that all we are getting out of
Washington is a lot of noise as Democrats and Republicans blame one another.

And Obama blames both plus everything from tornadoes to tsunamis for his
economic policies that have made a bad situation worse.

Since the president is the one who represents all of America and all
Americans, the buck stops with him rather than with the Congress. It is the
president's job to offer a coherent program for the twin threats of a static
economy and an unsustainable explosion of our debts and deficits. But the
only core issue on which he took a clear position in the recent debt-ceiling
negotiations was that it would have to include new taxes on the wealthy-and
he didn't even hold to that.

This is buyer's remorse. This is what happens when you elect an unqualified
individual to run the worlds largest economy simply based on a catchy
campaign slogan (Hope and Change).

He made the politically tested and calculated statement that if you raise
taxes on billionaires and millionaires you could solve the problem. This is
not so. Even for those who support higher taxes on the wealthy, as I do, we
must remember that we have an income tax system in which fully half the
taxpayers pay no tax at all, and in which the variety of loopholes cries
out for a real reform of the tax code. Even if the government instituted a
100% tax on both corporate profits and personal incomes above $250,000 per
year, it would yield enough revenue to run the government for only six
months. Why? Because under Mr. Obama's presidency, government spending has
swelled to 24% of GDP from 18%.

We need real reform of the tax code in which everyone is asked to make some
contribution, however small. Hardly anyone on either side of the aisle has a
good word to say for the present hodgepodge of selective punishment of the
middle class-replete with exceptions, loopholes, and special allowances.
Worse, there are no serious proposals being canvassed among the White House,
the Congress and 

[osint] US Department of Agriculture Partners with Terrorist Group HAMAS

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf
Islam delenda est.


Almost treasonous?










Hamas-linked group eats up your taxes 


Posted: August 23, 2011
1:52 pm Eastern

C 2011  

The line between mosque and state continues to blur under the Obama

What happened to the foundational principle of separation of religion and
state? Do we not even so much as pretend anymore? The White House's official
website Aug. 10 posted a story
st-summer-food-service-program  entitled Islamic Relief USA Starts Its
First Summer Food Service Program, boasting that the U.S. Department of
Agriculture is now helping this Islamic group get its program started. What
kind of help is the USDA giving to Jewish and Christian charitable groups?
Islamic Relief USA has ties to Hamas. How many other groups with ties to
terror organizations are working with the USDA? And why is the United States
government subjugating itself in this way? 

The story featured a photo with the caption: Max Finberg, Director of the
Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships at USDA, and IRUSA's
Abed Ayoub cut the ribbon launching summer feeding program at An Nur (Photo
courtesy of IRUSA). Reporter Marissa Duswalt quoted Kareema Dickens, the
principal of An Nur School in Lanham, Md., as giving heartfelt remarks.
Dickens said: We are very grateful to USDA for helping us feed our students
this summer and letting us know about this wonderful program. We hope to
continue this partnership and serve meals to our students throughout the

I equate Islamic Relief with dhimmi pain. This is jizya, the poll tax
imposed upon non-Muslims by their Islamic betters, who are commanded by
the Quran to make sure that the dhimmis pay it with willing submission and
feel themselves subdued (9:29). 

Join Pamela Geller in her fight to battle jihadist initiatives in our local
communities -- read
erica-A-Practical-Guide-To-The-Resistance-Autographed-Hardcover Stop The
Islamization Of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance 

Islamic Relief USA is a spinoff of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), which is
headed up by Dr. Hani Al-Banna. Al-Banna was formerly with the Muslim Aid
(MA), a London-based Islamic charity based in London that was a
http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=29100 partner
organization with the Al-Salah Islamic Association, a Hamas fundraising
machine headed up by Ahmed Al-Kurd, whom the U.S. government officially
designated as a terrorist. Muslim Aid also worked with groups linked to
Jamaat-e-Islami, the Muslim Brotherhood
http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6386  of

IRW received $50,000 from a front for Osama bin Laden in 1999, and has given
millions to the jihadists in Chechnya. And IRW official Iyaz Ali has
admitted http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2012  to aiding
Hamas while serving as project coordinator at IRW's Gaza branch in late 2005
and early 2006. Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
htm  reported that incriminating files were found on Ali's computer,
including documents that attested to the organization's ties with illegal
Hamas funds abroad (in the U.K. and in Saudi Arabia) and in Nablus. Also
found were photographs of swastikas superimposed on IDF [Israeli Defense
Force] symbols, [as well as photos] of senior Nazi German officials, of
Osama bin Laden
http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=690  and
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=788 , as
well as many photographs of Hamas military activities. Wait, it gets
better. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs also noted: 

The IRW provides support and assistance to Hamas' infrastructure. The IRW's
activities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip are carried out by social
welfare organizations controlled and staffed by Hamas operatives. The
intensive activities of these associations are designed to further Hamas'
ideology among the Palestinian population. These associations' educational
and religious institutions incite against the State of Israel and advocate
terrorist actions against it and its citizens. The associations provide
support to the families of terrorists who were wounded in actions against
Israel, and to Hamas prisoners and detainees. These associations thus
promote Hamas' goals including the destruction of the State of Israel.

IRUSA is no better. Jehangir Malik, its former program coordinator, was in
1999 a featured speaker at a Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) event.
MYNA is 

[osint] The United Nations’ $72 trillion lie

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf

Thursday August 25th 2011


The United Nations’ $72 trillion lie 

United NationsBy Howard Rich – In addition to preserving the inalienability of 
our individual liberties, limited government ideology has always revolved 
around the belief that the invisible hand of the free market creates more 
prosperity for more people than command-and-control economic wealth 

Actually this isn’t so much a belief (or theory) as it is an incontrovertible 
economic law. Unfortunately, this law has been willfully ignored by Barack 
Obama and his congressional allies, who have rung up trillion dollar deficits 
as part of an ongoing socialist crusade to “spread the wealth around” here in 
the United States.

A rising tide lifts all ships, the old cliché goes — while teaching a person to 
fish will feed them for a lifetime, not just one day.

These fortune cookie truisms — ignored both at home and abroad — were lent 
vital new expression earlier this month when the United Nations effectively 
acknowledged that its global wealth redistribution scheme has failed to 
eradicate poverty as efficiently as good old-fashioned capitalism.

In the UN’s “Millennium Development Goals Report 2011 
 ” — released on July 7 to virtually no American media coverage — the 
international organization acknowledged that poverty rates were falling fastest 
in those nations which have embraced free market reforms.

“The fastest growth and sharpest reductions in poverty continue to be found in 
Eastern Asia, particularly in China, where the poverty rate is expected to fall 
to under five per cent by 2015,” the report notes 
 . “India has also contributed to the large reduction in global poverty. In 
that country, poverty rates are projected to fall from 51 per cent in 1990 to 
about 22 per cent in 2015.”

Meanwhile in Sub-Saharan Africa — which has received the lion’s share of 
foreign aid over the last half-century — there have been negligible reductions 
in poverty. Not only that, there is increasing empirical evidence to suggest 
that the massive aid being dumped into this region has actually suppressed 
economic growth while perpetuating popular dependence and government corruption.

“Aid has so spectacularly failed to achieve its intended outcomes in 
Sub-Saharan Africa because high aid intensity is actually associated with an 
erosion in the quality of governance,” notes a 2009 report in the Stanford 
Journal of International Relations 
http://www.stanford.edu/group/sjir/pdf/Aid_11.1.pdf . “Foreign aid appears 
simply to increase the volume of funds at the disposal of already corrupt 
government officials and kleptocratic elites.”

Even studies which argue for the infusion of additional aid into the region 
acknowledge that the impact of this avalanche of foreign cash is “difficult to 
pin down” and that its failure to stimulate economic growth is “confounding.” 

Of course the UN — which has not-so-cleverly disguised its wealth 
redistribution scheme under the guise of climate-friendly “green investment” — 
isn’t the least bit confounded. Even as its own data conclusively proves the 
efficacy of free market reforms (and the futility of government handouts), the 
global bureaucracy is once again inexplicably upping the command economic ante.

After paying lip service in its millennium report to the creation of 
“conditions in which people are able to carve out and sustain a livelihood,” a 
separate UN paper released earlier this month proposes the largest wealth 
transfer in human history.

As part of a $72 trillion plan to “overcome poverty, increase food production 
to eradicate hunger … and avert the climate change catastrophe,” the UN wants 
to shift $38 trillion from wealthy nations to developing nations over the next 
four decades 
http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/wesp/wesp_current/2011wesp.pdf . 
That staggering sum is more than twice America’s annual gross domestic product 
— to say nothing of its $14.3 trillion debt.

America simply cannot afford to continue pouring tax dollars into failed wealth 
redistribution schemes — whether at home or abroad. Not only are these plans 
destined to fail, but they actually prevent the free market from reducing 

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[osint] Michelle Obama: 'She's Like a Junkie'

2011-08-25 Thread Beowulf


White House Sources Dish on Michelle Obama: 'She's Like a Junkie' 

Obviously some people are sick and tired of seeing this woman freeload off the 
public. There's going to be hell to pay for  
 this, no doubt. 

The Obamas' summer break on Martha's Vineyard has already been branded a PR 
disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets. 

But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances. 

White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of 
U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations alone in the past year. 

Branding her 'disgusting' and 'a vacation junkie', they say the 47-year-old 
mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on 
expensive massages and alcohol.

Don't forget the burritos, french fries, shorts ribs and cheeseburgers. Only 
for her, of course. 

The 'top source' told the National Enquirer: 'It's disgusting. Michelle is 
taking advantage of her privileged position while the most hardworking 
Americans can barely afford a week or two off work. 

'When it's all added up, she's spent more than $10million in taxpayers' money 
on her vacations.' 

The First Lady is believed to have taken 42 days of holiday in the past year, 
including a $375,000 break in Spain and a four-day ski trip to Vail, Colorado, 
where she spent $2,000 a night on a suite at the Sebastian hotel. 

And the first family's nine-day stay in Martha's Vineyard is also proving 
costly, with rental of the Blue Heron Farm property alone costing an estimated 
$50,000 a week. 

The source continued: 'Michelle also enjoys drinking expensive booze during her 
trips. She favours martinis with top-shelf vodka and has a taste for rich 
sparking wines. 

'The vacations are totally Michelle's idea. She's like a junkie. She can't 
schedule enough getaways, and she lives from one to the next - all the while 
sticking it to hardworking Americans.'

I believe the left likes calling this greed. 

Posted by JammieWearingFool at  
 9:01 PM

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[osint] Communist-Created Statue to Honor King-MLK LOOKS HALF CHINESE

2011-08-24 Thread Beowulf
It figures!








 A petition launched by Young declared, The planned monument to our
beloved Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been awarded to an artist from a
country with a reprehensible history of civil rights violations against its
people. The granite to be used for King's sculpture will be harvested using
slave labor-Chinese workers are not even provided masks to protect their
lungs from the silica dust. They die in droves because the Chinese
government considers them just as important as the students who protested in
Tiananmen Square. The world watched the tanks roll over them. No human
rights, No civil rights, and yet the honor of sculpting Dr. Martin Luther
King? Not on our watch.---Gilbert Young, a world renowned black artist
known for African American art,


Communist-Created Statue to Honor King 

Cliff Kincaid  -   August 23, 2011 
No comments   |
 Printer Friendly 




With President Obama preparing to preside over the official unveiling of the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, the last thing the administration needs is
a controversy over the Made in China label for the 30-foot structure. But
the shocking truth, known for many years, is beginning to be picked up by
some media outlets as the special event approaches. The project in honor of
the American civil rights figure was outsourced to Lei Yixin, a Chinese
government-approved sculptor best known for creating edifices glorifying Mao
Tse-Tung, father of Communist China and notorious mass-murderer.

The four acres of land for the memorial were granted by Congress and $10
million of the $120 million cost came from U.S. taxpayers. A law authorizing
the memorial was signed by President Clinton in 1996. Ironically, the $10
million in federal funding was in a 2005 appropriations amendment
co-sponsored by Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), a former member of the Ku
Klux Klan.

On Sunday, August 28, 2011, the 48th anniversary of King's historic I Have
a Dream speech, Obama will deliver remarks at the memorial dedication on
the National Mall. The White House says the memorial will commemorate the
life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to world
peace through non-violent social change.

Mao, in a 1968 official Chinese government pamphlet, declared that King had
been assassinated by the U.S. imperialists and that they had killed him
in cold blood.

These statements were featured in a published Statement by Comrade Mao
Tse-Tung, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,
In support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression.

So this is what we've come to. Our national memorials are now being made in
 commented one blogger. The London Telegraph said, Critics have openly
asked why a black, or at least an American, artist was not chosen and even
remarked that Dr. King appears slightly Asian in Mr. Lei's rendering. Other
observers agreed, with one
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/131/480/161/ noting, King looks
half Chinese in the sculpture. 1000 years from now that is what people will

On Monday's NBC Nightly News, however, anchor Brian Williams aired a
Lasting Legacy story about the opening of the monument to the public
without mention of any controversy. The omission may have something to do
with the fact that NBC Universal was
 one of the financial contributors to the memorial. Other
onsors.htm contributors include CBS and the government of South Africa.

Many public and political figures and business executives provided the
eadership.htm leadership for the process of building a national memorial
honoring King. A Donor's Wall will recognize high level ($1,000,000 and
above) donors.

But sculptor Gilbert Young, a world renowned black artist known for African
American art, had formed a group, When King Is Ours, which was designed, in
his words, to protest the appointment of a communist Chinese artist, famous
for glorifying the mass murderer Mao Zedong, to do the King monument. He
 complained that the project was using slave labor.

Chinese human rights 

[osint] Individuals Who Pose A Threat Cleared To Work In Airports

2011-08-24 Thread Beowulf
No Muslim should ever be permitted to work in any sensitive position.






Individuals Who Pose A Threat Cleared To Work In Airports 

Updated: Tue, 08/23/2011 - 10:20am 

A decade after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history the Homeland
Security agency created to protect the nation's transportation system clears
individuals who pose a threat to work in secure areas of American

It may seem like a bad joke but it's reality at the perpetually inept
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the 55,000-employee monster
created after 9/11 to avoid another terrorist attack. Instead the agency
that embarrasses innocent citizens with invasive, genital-groping personal
searches has been marred by a series of gaffes that have left the country
vulnerable amid increasing threats of terrorism.

Since its creation the TSA has made headlines for regularly
missing guns and bombs during random tests at major U.S. airports, approving
background checks for illegal immigrants to work in sensitive areas of busy
airports and clearing dozens of illegal aliens to train as pilots just as
several of the 9/11 hijackers did. The agency has also seen several agents
arrested for official misconduct, including stealing from passengers' bags
at some of the nation's busiest airports.

This month a federal audit reveals that, after nearly a decade, the TSA
still can't guarantee that agents working in secure areas of airports
don't pose a risk. That's because the agency doesn't always verify the
identity of job applicants or even their legal status against a government
immigration database. This means that the TSA can't account for agency
employees with access to secure areas of airports, according to a Homeland
Security Inspector General report made public a few days ago.

Portions of the
http://www.dhs.gov/xoig/assets/mgmtrpts/OIG_11-95_July11.pdf report have
been redacted for security reasons, but the big picture is clear: The
safety of airport workers, passengers, and aircraft is at risk due to the
vulnerabilities in the airport operator badging process, according to the
inspector general. Investigators found that only 193 of 280 airports could
provide reports of the locations where high-security workers were stationed.

The recommendations to fix the problem are almost comical because they
simply require common sense. For example, the IG suggests verifying the
identity of TSA job applicants, accurately vetting their personal
information and requiring airports to conduct criminal record checks for
badge holders to assure individuals who commit disqualifying crimes are
stripped of their access to secure airport areas.

While the higher ups at the TSA work to implement these simple procedures,
the agency keeps getting enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars to fulfill its
mission despite its many failures. President Obama has given the agency more
http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2011/feb/tsa-screeners-rob-passengers $3
billion in recovery funds and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
wants Congress to increase its 2012 budget by $459 million to a whopping
$8.1 billion. 


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[osint] What Will Libya Look Like? Iran Had a Revolution Once

2011-08-24 Thread Beowulf
What Will Libya Look Like?

Posted By Ben Shapiro On August 24, 2011 

Reportage surrounding Libya suggests that everything will be sweetness and
light once sadistic madman Col. Muammar Qaddafi is ousted permanently.
Who, today, does not thrill to the spectacle of freedom in Tripoli? asks
Fouad Ajami in the pages of the Wall Street Journal.  A brave people,
civilians in the main, exiles who returned to their devastated country,
students with no military skills - all headed to the front in their pickup
trucks to reclaim their homeland from a tyrant who had turned it into a
laboratory for his mix of megalomania and derangement.  These are the people
who have made this rebellion.

Really?  Is that who they are?  Ajami himself seems to doubt it.  There is
no way that a blanket assertion can be made that this massive Libyan
upheaval is free of Islamists, he admits.  His only evidence to the
contrary is the more compelling evidence of the rebellion itself - its
composition, the earnestness of the professionals and civil libertarians
active in it, their promise that the terrible autocrat will not be replaced
by a zealous, unforgiving theocracy.

Sparse evidence indeed, and a promise unlikely to be kept, particularly when
the first purported draft constitution for the reconstituted Libya centers
around the primacy of Islamic law.  The document has all of the flowery
buzzwords the foreign press loves to focus upon: justice, equality .
progress and prosperity.  But the first General Provision of the draft
constitution reads, Islam is the Religion of the State and the principal
source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Shariah).  Article 8 of the
draft Constitution is purely socialist in nature: The State shall further
guarantee the fair distribution of national wealth among citizens, and among
the different cities and districts thereof.  Article 10 guarantees the
right of asylum - a right that has been used by Libya in the past to
protect murderers like the Lockerbie bomber.

Forgive me if I do not thrill to the spectacle of such freedom. 

We were supposed to thrill to the spectacle of Egyptian freedom, too.
Instead, Egypt has been largely in thrall to the Muslim Brotherhood since
the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, and is now involved in border skirmishes with
Israel.  Egyptians in Cairo have scaled the Israeli embassy and ripped down
the Israeli flag.  One Egyptian presidential candidate sent a salute of
pride to the public hero who burned the Zionist flag that spoiled the
Egyptian air for 30 years.  Egypt has since been funneling weapons and
supplies into the Gaza Strip.  Is this the freedom we were supposed to

And what of Tunisia?  Everyone seemed endlessly enthusiastic about the
deposing of secular dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.  Now, we hear nothing
about progress in that powerful source of the so-called Arab Spring.  Prime
Minister Beji Caid Essebsi took over for Ben Ali, but Tunisians believe he
is a representative of the old guard - and now it looks as though there is a
serious shot that Ennahda, an Islamist political party, will win the next
open election.  Says one Ennahda opponent, with Ennahda in power, It would
be Iran.  Ennahda pays lip service to openness and moderation, and the
world press seems to have bought the line - but that doesn't mean there's
any evidence at all for it.  Ibrahim Letaief, a radio host in Tunisia, says,
They're doing doublespeak, and everyone knows it.  According to the New
York Times, Letaief says Ennahda has only tempered its rhetoric in a bid to
win votes, but in power would impose strict Islamic law.

Should Muammar Qaddafi have been left in power?  Of course not.  But the
fault here lies with the Obama Administration, which did nothing to find US
allies in Libya and forward their agenda, rather than following the chaos
from behind and dropping bombs from on high.  The Obama Administration chose
the same path in Egypt, and the result has been their strong move towards
Islamism; the Obama Administration did the same thing in Tunisia, and now
they too stand on the brink.  Should we find comfort in the idea that the
Obama Administration is now calling for the ouster of Syria's President
Bashar Assad?  If past history is any indicator, Assad will be replaced by
someone even worse.

There are three real victims in all of this.  The first is the moderates in
these countries, who fight for their freedom, only to fall victim to the
well-organized Muslim Brotherhood-backed movements that usually take power.
They simply transition from life under tyranny to life under more strict
Islamist tyranny.  The second group of victims is the world markets, which
are now subject to the oil whims of Islamists.  The third group is the
Israelis, who are the scapegoat for all Islamist racism and ire, and whom
the first two groups are only too happy to blame for all of their problems.

So, should we celebrate with Ajami?  Not yet.  After all, Iran once had a
revolution, too.  Not 

[osint] bin Laden Documents Detail Terror Threat to Europe, Germany

2011-08-24 Thread Beowulf


Bin laden documents detail terror threat

Published: 24 Aug 11 17:13 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.de/national/20110824-37159.html

%20-%20The%20Localsrc=sp Share  

Data seized from al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden's compound by US forces in
May included plans to destabilize Europe's economy with specific terrorist
attacks on Germany.

According to a report from Stern magazine, the plot was thought up by a
sheikh who belonged to bin Laden's inner circle and continued communicating
with the now deceased Islamist terrorist even while he was hiding in

It involved planting a series of terror cells throughout Europe, ready to

Two arrested German Islamists had warned authorities of the plot after a
series of interrogations last year, but a dispute broke out among security
agencies about how much weight to give them, Stern reported. 

Some saw the sheikh as nothing more than a religious inspiration to al-Qaida
and incapable of planning complex attacks. But German officials eventually
felt concerned enough to issue an unprecedented terror warning last

Stern said the new bid Laden documents confirmed the sheikh's influence in
the terrorist organization and the acute danger Germany faced.


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[osint] True Muslims Follow Koran, and Bukhari Muslim Ahadith

2011-08-23 Thread Beowulf


Dr Zakir Naik: True Muslims Follow Koran, and Bukhari  Muslim Ahadith

August 23, 2011

By admin http://loganswarning.com/author/admin/  

morning infidel team! I found this video on YouTube from Dr. Zakir Naik, and
thought it would be a good resource to use in our debates. Verses from the
Koran and Ahadith from Sahih (authentic) Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are
frequently posted on this site. They are the words and deeds of Mohammad.
Dr. Zakir Naik clearly backs up my stance that the Sahih Ahadith are an Good
morning infidel team! I found this video on YouTube from Dr. Zakir Naik, and
though it would be a resource to use in our debates. Verses from the Koran
and Ahadith from Sahih (authentic) Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are frequently
posted on this site.
hall-follow-the-example-of-mohammad/ For those new to the subject, the
Ahadith are the words and deeds of Mohammad. Dr. Zakir Naik clearly backs up
my stance that the Sahih Ahadith are an essential part of learning about

If any Muslim wants to challenge you by stating the Ahadith does not count,
ask them to show you some credentials that can even begin to compare with
Dr. Naik.

The Sunday EXPRESS, dated 31st January 2010, published The Indian Express
list of the 100 MOST POWERFUL INDIANS IN 2010 amongst the Billion Plus
population of India, with 36 names from the 2009 List deleted, wherein:-

1) Dr. ZAKIR NAIK was ranked No. 89.

2) From amongst the few Muslims in this list of 100, Dr. ZAKIR NAIK is the
Political Secretary, a Politician, a Government Official, a Business Magnate
and 3 Film Personalities.

3) Amongst the Spiritual/Religious Gurus though he was the only Muslim and
No. 3 in 2009 list, this year (2010) Dr. Zakir Naik TOPPED the List of
Spiritual / Religious Gurus at No. 89, for preaching of Islam, followed by
Jaggi Vasudev (at No. 94, for his trees planting work), Baba Ramdev (at No.
99, for his Yoga work) and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (at No. 100, for his
Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique work) respectively.

4) Dr. Zakir Naik was recently also selected and listed in
4 The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World (without rankings)
published by the George Washington University, USA.

Now that we have some background information on the Dr., lets take a look at
some of the verses of the Sahih Ahadith.

Bukhari Hadith Volume 9, Book 92, Number 432:
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
The Jews brought a man and a woman who had committed illegal sexual
intercourse, to the Prophet and the Prophet ordered them to be stoned to
death, and they were stoned to death near the mosque where the biers used to
be placed.

Bukhari Hadith Volume 8, Book 82, Number 795:
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet cut off the hands and feet of the men belonging to the tribe of
'Uraina and did not cauterise (their bleeding limbs) till they died.

Bukari Hadith Volume 8, Book 82, Number 822:
Narrated Abu Huraira and Said bin Khalid:
The verdict of Allah's Apostle was sought about an unmarried slave girl
guilty of illegal intercourse. He replied, If she commits illegal sexual
intercourse, then flog her (fifty stripes), and if she commits illegal
sexual intercourse (after that for the second time), then flog her (fifty
stripes), and if she commits illegal sexual intercourse (for the third
time), then flog her (fifty stripes) and sell her for even a hair rope. Ibn
Shihab said, I am not sure whether the Prophet ordered that she be sold
after the third or fourth time of committing illegal intercourse.

Bukhari Hadith Volume 1, Book 8, Number 427:
Narrated 'Aisha and 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
When the last moment of the life of Allah's Apostle came he started putting
his 'Khamisa' on his face and when he felt hot and short of breath he took
it off his face and said, May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they
built the places of worship at the graves of their Prophets. The Prophet
was warning (Muslims) of what those had done.

Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from
the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but 

[osint] All of the Places In Europe Your Will NEVER Visit Again - Watch the Videos!

2011-08-23 Thread Beowulf
European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating

Occupation Without Tanks or Soldiers

by Soeren Kern http://www.hudson-ny.org/author/Soeren+Kern 
August 22, 2011 at 5:00 am


Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of no-go areas in European
cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims.

Many of the no-go zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia
law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas
and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such as
police, fire fighting and ambulance services.

The no-go areas are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies
that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and
remain segregated rather than become integrated into their European host

In Britain, for example, a Muslim group called Muslims Against the Crusades
http://www.muslimsagainstcrusades.com/  has launched a campaign to turn
twelve British cities
http://www.hudson-ny.org/2278/britain-islamic-emirates-project – including
what it calls Londonistan – into independent Islamic states. The so-called
Islamic Emirates would function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic
Sharia law and operate entirely outside British jurisprudence.

The Islamic Emirates Project
-march  names the British cities of Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury,
Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, as well as
Waltham Forest in northeast London and Tower Hamlets in East London as
territories to be targeted for blanket Sharia rule.

In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic
of Tower Hamlets), for example, extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower
Hamlets Taliban
-threats-women-gays-attacked-streets.html , regularly issue death threats
to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils
men-gays-bid-impose-sharia-law.html . Neighborhood streets have been
plastered with posters declaring You are entering a Sharia controlled zone:
Islamic rules enforced. And street advertising deemed offensive to Muslims
is regularly vandalized
ked-spray-paint-Muslim-extremists-object-women-swimsuits.html  or blacked
out with spray paint.

In the Bury Park area of Luton, Muslims have been accused of ethnic
cleansing by harassing non-Muslims to the point that many of them move out
of Muslim neighborhoods. In the West Midlands, two Christian preachers have
been accused of hate crimes for handing out gospel leaflets in a
predominantly Muslim area
chers-to-leave-Muslim-area-of-Birmingham.html  of Birmingham. In
Leytonstone in east London, the Muslim extremist Abu Izzadeen heckled the
former Home Secretary John Reid by saying: How dare you come to a Muslim
d-on-muslim-brainwashing.do .

In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered no-go
zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones
http://sig.ville.gouv.fr/Atlas/ZUS/  (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as
they are euphemistically called. A complete list of the ZUS can be found on
a French government website http://sig.ville.gouv.fr/Atlas/ZUS/ , complete
with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. An estimated 5 million
Muslims live in the ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has
lost control.

Muslim immigrants are taking control of other parts of France too. In Paris
and other French cities with high Muslim populations, such as Lyons,
Marseilles and Toulouse, thousands of Muslims are closing off streets and
sidewalks (and by extension, are closing down local businesses and trapping
non-Muslim residents in their homes and offices) to accommodate overflowing
crowds for Friday prayers. Some mosques have also begun broadcasting sermons
and chants of
http://ripostelaique.com/Dois-je-subir-tous-les-vendredis.html Allahu
Akbar via loudspeakers into the streets.

The weekly spectacles, which have been documented by dozens of videos posted
on Youtube.com (here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrNSRJAtoHkfeature=related , here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBBWZFb_FjYfeature=related , here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBvQk0QiFhI , here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bwy_dQAN2Ifeature=related , here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZU6KYgz-14feature=fvwrel , here
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[osint] FW: Planet of The Arabs

2011-08-23 Thread Beowulf



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[osint] WHO AM I?

2011-08-22 Thread Beowulf
I was born in one country, raised in another.

My father was born in another country.

I was not his only child.

He fathered several children with numerous women.

I became very close to my mother, as my father showed no interest in me.

My mother died at an early age from cancer.

Although my father deserted me and my mother raised me, I later wrote a book
idolizing my father not my mother.

Later in life, questions arose over my real name.

My birth records were sketchy.

No one was able to produce a legitimate, reliable birth certificate.

I grew up practicing one faith but converted to Christianity, as it was
widely accepted in my new country, but I practiced non-traditional beliefs
and didn't follow Christianity, except in the public eye under scrutiny.

I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young adult, disguising
myself as someone who really cared about them.

That was before I decided it was time to get serious about my life and
embarked on a new career.

I wrote a book about my struggles growing up.

It was clear to those who read my memoirs, that I had difficulties accepting
that my father abandoned me as a child.

I became active in local politics in my 30's then, with help behind the
scenes, I literally burst onto the scene as a candidate for national office
in my 40s.

They said I had a golden tongue and could talk anyone into anything.

I had a virtually non-existent resume, little work history, and no
experience in leading a single organization.

Yet I was a powerful speaker and citizens were drawn to me, as though I were
a magnet and they were small roofing tacks.

I drew incredibly large crowds during my public appearances.

This bolstered my ego.

At first, my political campaign focused on my country's foreign policy...

I was very critical of my country in the last war, and seized every
opportunity to bash my country.

But what launched my rise to national prominence were my views on the
country's economy.

I pretended to have a really good plan on how we could do better, and every
poor person would be fed and housed for free.

I knew which group was responsible for getting us into this mess.

It was the free market, banks and corporations.

I decided to start making citizens hate them and, if they became envious of
others who did well, the plan was clinched tight.

I called mine A People's Campaign.

That sounded good to all people.

I was the surprise candidate because I emerged from outside the traditional
path of politics and was able to gain widespread popular support.

I knew that, if I merely offered the people 'hope', together we could change
our country and the world.

So, I started to make my speeches sound like they were on behalf of the
downtrodden, poor, ignorant to include persecuted minorities.

My true views were not widely known and I kept them unknown, until after I
became my nation's leader.

I had to carefully guard reality, as anybody could have easily found out
what I really believed, if they had simply read my writings and examined
those people associated with. I'm glad they didn't.

Then I became the most powerful man in the world.

And then world learned the truth.

Who am I?

If you were thinking of SOMEONE ELSE, you should be scared, very scared!

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[osint] MORE ISLAMIC BARBARISM: Halal Slaughter in Turkey

2011-08-22 Thread Beowulf


-slaughter-in-turkey/ MORE ISLAMIC BARBARISM: Halal Slaughter in Turkey 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| August 21, 2011 at 1:18 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=44200 Just the Facts | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-yyS http://wp.me/peHnV-yyS 

What do you expect when you export live animals to countries inhabited by
BanLiveExport.com More shocking stories/videos here of: HALAL SLAUGHTER

-slaughter-in-turkey/ See VIDEO at source

-slaughter-in-turkey/#respond Add a comment to this post 




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[osint] French Canada ---the good and the ugly!

2011-08-22 Thread Beowulf

The Solution Is Getting Clearer And Clearer


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Monday, August 22, 2011


Howard Galganov

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Last week, I received an email from the leader of the Jewish Motorcycle
Group I belong to in Montreal. Generally, when broadcast emails are sent to
members of the Maccabees, they're to announce a group ride, but this time,
it was to ask for something far more important.


There happens to be a couple of retail shoe stores on Rue Saint Denis, which
is about 99% French on the East Side of Montreal, where retail boutiques and
cafes abound.

What sets these two shoe stores apart from all the others, is that one of
them, which is owned by a French Canadian couple sells some Israeli made
shoes, while the other, which is owned by a Jewish couple, sells only
Israeli made shoes and handbags.

What they share in common beside their Israeli made products is that both of
them have come under attack from the LEFT, including unions and at least one
French Quebecois Member of the Quebec Legislator, who routinely pickets
these stores demanding that they either STOP selling Israeli products or be
shut down. 

To the great credit of the French-owned store, the owners told the
boycotters and picketers to screw-off - That they will sell whatever
products they wanted to, and no one was going to force them to do otherwise.

To the owners of the Jewish-owned store, it was more than just carrying
Israeli made products, since it has become what it was from the very
beginning, but this time it is out in the open . . .

The picketers and boycotters are nothing more and nothing less than rank
ANTI-SEMITES using the Palestinian canard as their excuse to demean, defame
and PUNISH Jews.

Eight of the Maccabees met in Central Montreal, from where we rode to Saint
Denis Street as a group. 

We're not BIKERS in the classic stereotype.

We're also not tough guys out looking for trouble. But, what we are, are
Jewish middle-aged guys, many of us pushing 60 and 70 years old who
understand the real world and the reality of anti-Semitism. 

We are also not frightened to wear a Yellow Jewish Star on our chests as
Europe's Jews were FORCED to wear during the years of the Holocaust. And
we're PROUD to fly Israeli flags on the back of our Bikes whenever and
wherever we have a mind to. 

And if challenged by Jew-Haters, at least for the eight of us who were
there, there is no question in my mind that we would stand our ground, ask
no mercy, and show no quarter. 

TO MY GREAT AND HAPPY SURPRISE - There were MORE French Quebec demonstrators
than there were Jewish demonstrators, who like the Jews were there to
SUPPORT Israel and the store.

The French carried professional made signs that read Amities Quebec Israel
(Quebec Friends of Israel). In conversation in French with one of their
leaders who spoke English not nearly as well as I can speak French; I asked
him why he was there, and why he was supporting Israel? 

His response was as succinct as it could be: 

These guys are from the far LEFT, and have no use for FREEDOM and the
rights of others. And more than that, if they are not stood-up-to now, this
will spread like a cancer, and we all know from history, that what happens
to the Jews, will eventually happen to the rest of us.


Ironically, the piece of human rubbish leading this pathetic little group of
anti-Semites was in fact a FAR LEFT lawyer wearing a Che Guevara T shirt who
was himself Jewish, who seemed lost in the drug induced 60's. 

To the French supporter of Israel to whom I was speaking, his only comment
about the LEFTIST self-hating Jew was in one word - CAPO, the name for
those Jews during the Holocaust who for one reason or another carried-out
the dirty work against their fellow Jews at the behest of the Nazis. 

The long and short of this story is that nothing happened of any visible

I saw 1932 on that Saint Denis street sidewalk. I saw people walking by,
accepting pamphlets that were nothing more than an expression of Jew-Hatred,
while paying little to no 

[osint] Removing curtains of Muslim harems - II

2011-08-22 Thread Beowulf
Weekly Blitz

August 20, 2011 Saturday

Removing curtains of Arab harems - II

LENGTH: 2610 words


Dhaka, Aug. 20 -- Deep blue brothels', that exactly what the Syrian and
Jordanian under-cover brothels are named, where up to 2010, more than 90,000
Iraqi females had been trapped into prostitution, either by trafficking
racket or so-called lovers. According to estimation, Syrian and Jordanian
brothel alone house more than 400,000 sex workers, whose main customers are
Saudis. Governments are fully aware of such sex rackets, which operate
mostly behind the curtain of 'Family House' or 'Boutique Shops'. In
Damascus, there are at least two large brothels, which run under the cover
of 'Therapy Center'. Syrian law allows establishment of nightclubs, pubs and
bars. In recent years, there had also been mushroom growth of 'Discos',
which in most cases are cabarets.

On weekends dozens of girls will be seen on the outskirts of the Syrian
capital, Damascus, moving half-heartedly on the dance floor, lit up by
flashing disco lights. They are dressed in tight jeans, low-cut tops and
knee-high boots, but the girls' make-up can't disguise the fact that most
are in their mid-teens. It's a strange sight in a conservative Muslim
country, but this is the sex business, and it's booming as a result of the
war in Iraq. At the backstage, the manager sits in his leather chair, doing
business. Saudi clients will be seen quoting for the girls. Next door, in a
dimly lit room, the next shift of girls arrives, taking off the black
all-covering abyss [Burqa] they wear outside and putting on lipstick and
mascara. To judge from the cars parked outside, the clients come from all
over the Gulf region - many are young Saudi men escaping from an even more
conservative moral climate. Ninety-five percent of the sex workers in Syrian
brothels are Iraqis. Most are unwilling to talk, but Zahra, an attractive
girl with a bare midriff and tattoos, says she's 16. She has been working in
this club since fleeing to Syria from Baghdad after the war. She doesn't
like it, she says, but what can we do? I hope things get better in Iraq,
because I miss it. I want to go back, but I have to look after my sister.
Zahra points to a thin, pubescent girl with long black hair, who seems to be
dancing quite happily. Aged 13, Nadia started in the club two months ago.
These girls are not just providing the floor show - they have paid to be
here, and they need to pick up a client, or they'll lose money. If
successful, they'll earn about US$100, equivalent to a month's wages in a
factory. There are more than a million Iraqi refugees in Syria; many are
women whose husbands or fathers have been killed. Banned from working
legally, they have few options outside the sex trade. No one knows how many
end up as prostitutes, but Iraqi women's group named Women's Will, puts the
figure at 90,000.

Saida Zainab is a run-down area with a large Iraqi population. Millions of
Shias go there every year, because of the shrine of the granddaughter of the
prophet of Islam. In this area, a large number of undeclared or private
brothels are operating. It is alleged that Iraqi children are forced into
prostitution in these private brothels, which also are known as 'Deep Blue
Brothels'. Bassam al-Kadi of Syrian Women Observatory says: Some have been
sexually abused in Iraq, but others are being prostituted by fathers and
uncles who bring them here under the pretext of protecting them. They are
virgins, and they are brought here like an investment and exploited in a
very ugly way.

One of such 'Deep Blue Brothels' are operated by a Syrian female named
Samia. She selected a residential building which was more known for having a
cultural center of Iran as well as a Quranic Studies Institute, funded by
Kuwait. This house with such good social esteem was a better location for
Samia to operate a private brothel. One night, neighbours of Samia were
forced to inform the police as a number of male and female in drunken state
were creating public nuisance by loudly playing music. Only minutes later,
the police patrol arrived and the neighbours were delighted that their
suffering caused by Samia and her costumers would now be put to an end. But
to their utter surprise, those police officers, instead of taking any action
against the brothel owner, simply stayed there for couple of hours, and came
out in a joyous mood. It was not difficult for Samia's neighbours to realize
that, such 'Deep Blue Brothels' enjoy patronization from influential
quarters, where law enforcing agencies even cannot take any action. The
spread of the practice of prostitution doesn't cease to be a frightening
matter to everyone and the gravity of the matter lies in the fact that it
has reached the extent of public practice, without dreading the responsible
authorities. The greatest danger is that it is reaching the fabric of Syrian
communities, far from where the cities where prostitution was traditionally

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