RE: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-10 Thread Max B. Sawicky

You "gather"?  In truth you haven't a clue as to
either what our "policies" are or how they are
"determined". Our relation to the 'bigwigs' is
similar to yours with dead Trotskyists.  We are
motivated by their interests, and we try to avoid
offending them.

To take the infamous example of trade, anyone who
tracked the respective statements and pubs of
EPI and trade union orgs, including the Federation,
would find EPI was a leading indicator, not
a lagging one.


From what I can gather, the policies of EPI are determined more by the
AFL-CIO bigwigs on the board rather than the philanthropic establishment.
But I would have assumed that EPI, following the lead of similar groups
such as the Sierra Club and Public Citizen, does not disclose the identity
of major donors. As far as getting funding from Stuart Mott and the
Rockefeller Foundation is concerned, virtually the entire liberal left is
implicated, from the Nation Magazine to all of the mainstream Green groups.
For that matter, my own organization was always hitting up Mott and the
Rockefellers, as well as the Ford Foundation. Sort of like Lenin taking a
ride on a German train.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list:

Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-10 Thread Brad De Long

  Brad,can you please read the rest of Steve's post, or the sentence that
prior to the sentence you cite? since Steve is not here, I can not talk
on behalf of him, but his work is an excellent piece in Marxian sociology.

Here's a precious snippet from this nitwit (Steve Rosenthal)
from a couple of years ago:

. . . This line of attack against the Clintonites is being led by Dick
Gephardt and the business and big labor forces behind him. The
Economic Policy Institute (EPI), whose funding comes from the
Rockefeller Foundation, C.S. Mott (GM), Russell Sage (Cabot gas and
banking money), sets forth the line Gephardt has been offering . . .

No I don't save this stuff.  I remembered since I wrote
a reply (which he didn't answer), and I thought I would
see if I could find it quickly with Google.  Came up
instantly.  Google rules.


Google Rules!

Brad DeLong

Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread md7148

On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Mine Aysen Doyran wrote:

the socio-biological claim that people differ because they differ
genetically is called RACISM, which is what Wilson does eventually.

This is the crux of the matter. If one supposes that culture is
by genes, then one is left explaining cultural differences in terms of
genetic differences. Different cultures, different people. If you claim
that there are different types of people, you are making a racist


this is *exactly* Wilson! finally somebody has attempted to challenge
socio-biology. i appreciate your contribution Andy!! where have
you been lately?

My problem is that why is this person popular among leftists so much given
that he is a self-proclaimed anti-marxist. What makes Wilson so
attractive and appealing to some people? and why? this the heart of the
matter that seems worth looking at. why are the marxists critical of
socio-biology are minority in every forum i have been to, and forced to
declare their own scientific status? I get from your reading that there
are "fundamental" problems with socio-biology? so one can not be, in
principle, progressive and socio-biologist? am i right?


RE: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Max B. Sawicky

Brad,can you please read the rest of Steve's post, or the sentence that
prior to the sentence you cite? since Steve is not here, I can not talk
on behalf of him, but his work is an excellent piece in Marxian sociology.

Here's a precious snippet from this nitwit (Steve Rosenthal)
from a couple of years ago:

. . . This line of attack against the Clintonites is being led by Dick 
Gephardt and the business and big labor forces behind him. The 
Economic Policy Institute (EPI), whose funding comes from the 
Rockefeller Foundation, C.S. Mott (GM), Russell Sage (Cabot gas and 
banking money), sets forth the line Gephardt has been offering . . .

No I don't save this stuff.  I remembered since I wrote
a reply (which he didn't answer), and I thought I would
see if I could find it quickly with Google.  Came up
instantly.  Google rules.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 00-04-09 00:04:25 EDT, you write:

 the socio-biological claim that
 people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM,  

No it's not. It would be racist (and genetically illiterate, for the most 
part) to say that some groups of people are inferior to another because of 
their genes, but it is not racist to say, for example, that Black people are  
different in the color of their skin from whites in large part because of 
their genes. That is just true.  Genes are causally efficaous; they do 
account for some of the variation in differences between groups and 
individuals, and anyone who denies that has no idea what he is talking about.


Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect

. . . This line of attack against the Clintonites is being led by Dick 
Gephardt and the business and big labor forces behind him. The 
Economic Policy Institute (EPI), whose funding comes from the 
Rockefeller Foundation, C.S. Mott (GM), Russell Sage (Cabot gas and 
banking money), sets forth the line Gephardt has been offering . . .

From what I can gather, the policies of EPI are determined more by the
AFL-CIO bigwigs on the board rather than the philanthropic establishment.
But I would have assumed that EPI, following the lead of similar groups
such as the Sierra Club and Public Citizen, does not disclose the identity
of major donors. As far as getting funding from Stuart Mott and the
Rockefeller Foundation is concerned, virtually the entire liberal left is
implicated, from the Nation Magazine to all of the mainstream Green groups.
For that matter, my own organization was always hitting up Mott and the
Rockefellers, as well as the Ford Foundation. Sort of like Lenin taking a
ride on a German train.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Mathew Forstater

part of what has made "race" -- and "gender" for that matter -- so confused,
etc. is that it regards the *social* assignment of meaning to traits that
are biologically inherited-- so people say "what are talking about, of
course gender is biological" because we see anatomical differences, but the
meaning of those differences is what is socially constructed.  people have
had a hard time making these distinctions.  so we either get the pure social
constructionist position, and some people feel uneasy about that because
they see anatomical differences, or we get the other extreme and people know
that isn't right.  racism takes physiognomic differences and assigns social
meaning to them.  the meaning is arbitrary and socially constructed and has
no basis in anatomy or biology, etc.  but there are biological reasons for
having whatever color hair you have, etc.  of course, now it is possible to
change one's biological features, too, so sex changes, and lightening skin
color, and etc., and this has to be dealt with and factored in.  but
constructing discrete categories out of what is essentially a continuum
(skin shades) is pure social construction, but a social construction that is
mediated by physiognamy? I still think Harry Chang in the special issue of
Review of Radical Political Economics had this right how many years ago now,
but we are still going around in circles some of us some of the time on all
this.  Of course, Chang wasn't the only one or the first or anything. the
discussion below is still sloppy in these regards, because, e.g., the
sentence that includes the categories "Black people" and "whites"
uncritically assumes that these term themselves are unproblematic with
regard to the very issues the sentence is discussing. which individuals end
up in the "Black" category and the "white" category depends. so it is true
that the shade of one's skin is biological but the categories that are
mediated by this are not, and either is the social meaning assigned to them.

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, April 09, 2000 10:46 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:17872] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

In a message dated 00-04-09 00:04:25 EDT, you write:

 the socio-biological claim that
 people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM,  

No it's not. It would be racist (and genetically illiterate, for the most
part) to say that some groups of people are inferior to another because of
their genes, but it is not racist to say, for example, that Black people
different in the color of their skin from whites in large part because of
their genes. That is just true.  Genes are causally efficaous; they do
account for some of the variation in differences between groups and
individuals, and anyone who denies that has no idea what he is talking


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 00-04-09 12:38:32 EDT, you write:

 sentence that includes the categories "Black people" and "whites"
 uncritically assumes that these term themselves are unproblematic with
 regard to the very issues the sentence is discussing. which individuals end
 up in the "Black" category and the "white" category depends. so it is true
 that the shade of one's skin is biological but the categories that are
 mediated by this are not, and either is the social meaning assigned to them. 

Don't assume any such thing. Of course I am aware of the social contruction 
of race, and I don't uncritically assume anything. I also don't need to do 
the dance every time I use a  loaded word,a t least, I hope, in this context. 
Among people to whom the social construction of race might bea  new thought, 
I'd emphasize it. Here, I might have hoped that I could take it for granted. 
How very foolish of me.

I might have said, I briefly contemplated it, that malinin content avrirs 
with geographic origin; that genetics explains why people from subSaharan 
Africa have darker skins, because of higher melanin content, on average, than 
people fron Northern Europe. But it is tiresome, particularly when one is 
talking about race, to pretend that one is not. Political correctness is very 

Incidentally, when I use the word "group" or "race"; I am not implying 
anything about a class of persons constututed by some feature entirely apart 
from human choice and conventions. I am not, in other words, being 
"essentialist." (Boo, hiss.)  Racism is not a matter of talking as if people 
are divided into differenbt groups,a nymore than it is natioanlsit of me to 
talk about Americans, Sudanese, French. It is a matter of buying into certain 
assumptions abour superiority, inferiority, entitlement, etc. These 
assumptions need not be tied to any beliefs about genetics or 
"blood"--cultural racism is pretty common. 


Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread md7148

This is the heart of the matter; very clear and to the point!

Andrew Wayne Austin wrote:

I do not believe sociobiology can be progressive. It is inherently
reactionary, no matter what spin its advocates put to it. And even if we
could put politics aside (in some theoretical world) it is flat-earth
science. Why do I think self-described leftists subscribe to the view?
Some, I think, are liberals claiming to be leftist. Others I know,
including Marxists, believe that everything operates on the principle of
the vulgar dialectic and that the phantoms of the brain reflect some
physiological process. They misunderstand Marxian materialism. For Marx,
materialism is the world human beings build through their collective
activities and their social being that is realized through the
construction of that world. Vulgar materialism is a species of
physicalism. There are others still who wish to articulate a vision of
human nature where the individual is altruistic (a nature undermined by
capitalism). These people do not disagree with the search for a human
nature, only with the human nature Wilson and others come up with. This is
an ideological position, however more desirable an altruistic nature is
over a selfish one. Of course, there is no human nature, since being human
is to stand at the intersection of an assemblage of social and historical
relations. I think the processual frightens the hell out of some people,
and they want that one essential truth that will give them ontological
security. The hard empirical body seems to afford them that truth. But
this is an illusion.


On Sun, 9 Apr 2000, Mine Aysen Doyran wrote:

the socio-biological claim that people differ because they differ
genetically is called RACISM, which is what Wilson does eventually.

This is the crux of the matter. If one supposes that culture is
by genes, then one is left explaining cultural differences in terms of
genetic differences. Different cultures, different people. If you claim
that there are different types of people, you are making a racist


this is *exactly* Wilson! finally somebody has attempted to challenge
socio-biology. i appreciate your contribution Andy!! where have
you been lately?

My problem is that why is this person popular among leftists so much given
that he is a self-proclaimed anti-marxist. What makes Wilson so
attractive and appealing to some people? and why? this the heart of the
matter that seems worth looking at. why are the marxists critical of
socio-biology are minority in every forum i have been to, and forced to
declare their own scientific status? I get from your reading that there
are "fundamental" problems with socio-biology? so one can not be, in
principle, progressive and socio-biologist? am i right?


Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Doyle Saylor
Title: Re: genome news (fwd)

Greetings Economists,
 JKS writes in reply to Mines,

No it's not. It would be racist (and genetically illiterate, for the most 
part) to say that some groups of people are inferior to another because of 
their genes, but it is not racist to say, for example, that Black people are 
different in the color of their skin from whites in large part because of 
their genes. That is just true. Genes are causally efficaous; they do 
account for some of the variation in differences between groups and 
individuals, and anyone who denies that has no idea what he is talking about.

The theory of sociobiology is that genes control behavior. In other words any social group are the way they are because of their genes. Is that true? Well you say above that is not true (falsifiable in the traditional sense of the words in science). 

Let's look at Mine's comment again,

 the socio-biological claim that
 people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM, 

JKS says anyone who claims sociobiology does not assert control over the human social behavior has no idea what he is talking about. And I have no idea from JKS what exactly makes him different from Sociobiology. If I pick up a book on evolutionary psychology is that not the whole thrust of their theory? See The Adapted Mind, Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture, Jerome H. Barkow Leda Cosmides, John Tooby, Oxford University Press, 1992.

In replying to M. Forstater, JKS writes,

Don't assume any such thing. Of course I am aware of the social contruction 
of race, and I don't uncritically assume anything. I also don't need to do 
the dance every time I use a loaded word,a t least, I hope, in this context. 
Among people to whom the social construction of race might bea new thought, 
I'd emphasize it. Here, I might have hoped that I could take it for granted. 
How very foolish of me.

I might have said, I briefly contemplated it, that malinin content avrirs 
with geographic origin; that genetics explains why people from subSaharan 
Africa have darker skins, because of higher melanin content, on average, than 
people fron Northern Europe. But it is tiresome, particularly when one is 
talking about race, to pretend that one is not. Political correctness is very 

Your comments do not explain black skin, because you don't understand genetics or you wouldn't so loosely assert something about black skins. When groups are relatively isolated from each other there are directions to that in changes arising or falling in a pool in relation to other pools otherwise related to the isolate, selection may make dark skin arise, and it may not according to a climate, because the source of change is contingent. Color vision in primates is interesting in that sense. But not in the crude way you articulate your views. That is why arguments such as yours fade away in time in the sciences because they are not sufficiently accurate and practical in understanding reality. In current times when all the human community intermarries there is not going to be a geographic origin to skin color and your point seems just plain Eurocentric to others. Which comes first, light or dark in skin? What about a Baboon's blue ass, why aren't humans blue skinned, since they are our relatives too. And your point is just how you insert yourself into this argument when you have no sense what so ever that Mine's outrage is justified and important about the re-rise of socio-biology under the name evolutionary psychology. Your remarks are as sloppy as you accuse Mine of being.
Doyle Saylor

RE: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread md7148

Brad,can you please read the rest of Steve's post, or the sentence that
prior to the sentence you cite? since Steve is not here, I can not talk
on behalf of him, but his work is an excellent piece in Marxian

Here's a precious snippet from this nitwit (Steve Rosenthal)
from a couple of years ago:

. . . This line of attack against the Clintonites is being led by Dick 
Gephardt and the business and big labor forces behind him. The 
Economic Policy Institute (EPI), whose funding comes from the 
Rockefeller Foundation, C.S. Mott (GM), Russell Sage (Cabot gas and 
banking money), sets forth the line Gephardt has been offering . . .

No I don't save this stuff.  I remembered since I wrote
a reply (which he didn't answer), and I thought I would
see if I could find it quickly with Google.  Came up
instantly.  Google rules.


Max, I appreciate the information you found in the archives of the list.
however, Steven Rosenthal is not here so I can not make
speculations about him. moreover, I don't know the context of the
discussion between you and him. It does not seem fair to me to interpret
somebody else's citation out of context, also because i don't have time
(seriously!) to go over past posts one by one. What I understand is that
Economic Policy Institute may have a finger in socio-biological research
in a similar way to Human genome project conducted by the Clinton
administration. Liberal position (as well as liberal leftist type) on
socio-biology is very clear. Their liberal leftism does not excuse their
implicit racism. These people think "scientific" exploration
of biological differences can help cure 1)certain diseases, physical and 
mental disorders. 2) can help promote an understanding of "individual
differences" for achieving a democratic pluralist society. If I have
a child scored a high degree in IQ test, let's say in humanities, I am
supposed to send her to a liberal arts college.So the argument locates
mental achievement in genetics, rather than looking at the social, class
and gender envioroment of the people. thus, it is class, race and gender
blind. I reject this argument becasue once you "presuppose"
certain biological differences, you are inevitably left with "explaining"
those differences or "attributing a meaning to them", so they will
inevitably be politicized or create a discourse of the "other",
essentialized identities, as Andy rightly said, "different people,
different cultures", irrational people, rational people, bla, bla..
Given that we are not living under ideal circumstances, but in a
society charecterized by all sorts of stratificaitons, politics
always underwrites biology. Just as allocation of resources is a
"political act" which vulgar economism conceals that it is not, production
of scientific knowledge is too a political act. One can not seperate the
two. Let's stick with the original article written by Steven Rosenthal
"How Science is Perverted to Build Fascism: A Marxist Critique of E.O.
Wilson's Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge."

If you  disagree with this article, we can talk about the specifics.

these are my last comments on this issue.I say no kudos to biological
and cultural racism!



RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Max B. Sawicky

. . . What I understand is that
Economic Policy Institute may have a finger in socio-biological research . .

We don't do sociology  we don't do biology.  I would
wager that the word 'socio-biology' does not appear
in one EPI publication.  I don't even know what it
means, but if you don't like it, I probably wouldn't


Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread md7148

Doyle,I agree! you too are getting the heart of the matter..
actually, check out the articles in _Mankind Quartely_, a journal edited
by Roger Pearson, and its liberal co-associate JCPES. see especially the
one called _Virtues in Racism_. the man is implying that it is not racist
to say that people differ because they differ genetically. It is somewhat
treathening to see how the liberal rhetoric of "individual differences"
relies on geneticist arguments to justify a morality of ethics of
difference! another one published by a Washington policy analyst "boldly" 
says that affirmative action has erased our differences, and created a
society of equals and conformity. See how equality is equated
there with "confirmity and sameness" and genetics is praised for
celebrating difference. Basically, you will find this as an interesting
example on post-modern version of right wing and neo-liberalism, which
approves my claim that socio-biology is inherently a reactionary science.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 11:02:54 -0700
From: Doyle Saylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PEN-L:17884] Re: genome news (fwd)

Greetings Economists,
   JKS writes in reply to Mines,

No it's not. It would be racist (and genetically illiterate, for the most
part) to say that some groups of people are inferior to another because of
their genes, but it is not racist to say, for example, that Black people are
different in the color of their skin from whites in large part because of
their genes. That is just true.  Genes are causally efficaous; they do
account for some of the variation in differences between groups and
individuals, and anyone who denies that has no idea what he is talking

The theory of sociobiology is that genes control behavior.  In other words
any social group are the way they are because of their genes.  Is that true?
Well you say above that is not true (falsifiable in the traditional sense of
the words in science).

Let's look at Mine's comment again,

 the socio-biological claim that
people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM,  

JKS says anyone who claims sociobiology does not assert control over the
human social behavior has no idea what he is talking about.   And I have no
idea from JKS what exactly makes him different from Sociobiology.   If I
pick up a book on evolutionary psychology is that not the whole thrust of
their theory?  See "The Adapted Mind, Evolutionary Psychology and the
Generation of Culture", Jerome H. Barkow Leda Cosmides, John Tooby, Oxford
University Press, 1992.

In replying to M. Forstater,  JKS writes,

Don't assume any such thing. Of course I am aware of the social contruction
of race, and I don't uncritically assume anything. I also don't need to do
the dance every time I use a  loaded word,a t least, I hope, in this
Among people to whom the social construction of race might bea  new thought,
I'd emphasize it. Here, I might have hoped that I could take it for granted.
How very foolish of me.

I might have said, I briefly contemplated it, that malinin content avrirs
with geographic origin; that genetics explains why people from subSaharan
Africa have darker skins, because of higher melanin content, on average,
people fron Northern Europe. But it is tiresome, particularly when one is
talking about race, to pretend that one is not. Political correctness is

Your comments do not explain "black" skin, because you don't understand
genetics or you wouldn't so loosely assert something about black skins.
When groups are relatively isolated from each other there are directions to
that in changes arising or falling in a pool in relation to other pools
otherwise related to the isolate, selection may make dark skin arise, and it
may not according to a climate, because the source of change is contingent.
Color vision in primates is interesting in that sense.  But not in the crude
way you articulate your views.  That is why arguments such as yours fade
away in time in the sciences because they are not sufficiently accurate and
practical in understanding reality.  In current times when all the human
community intermarries there is not going to be a geographic origin to skin
color and your point seems just plain Eurocentric to others.  Which comes
first, light or dark in skin?  What about a Baboon's blue ass, why aren't
humans blue skinned, since they are our relatives too.  And your point is
just how you insert yourself into this argument when you have no sense
so ever that Mine's outrage is justified and important about the re-rise of
socio-biology under the name evolutionary psychology.  Your remarks are as
sloppy as you accuse Mine of being.
Doyle Saylor

Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Rod Hay

Mine. You still haven't answered Brad's point. S.R. either tells a deliberate
lie or he doesn't know what he is talking about. Wilson did not "remake himself"


 Doyle,I agree! you too are getting the heart of the matter..
 actually, check out the articles in _Mankind Quartely_, a journal edited
 by Roger Pearson, and its liberal co-associate JCPES. see especially the
 one called _Virtues in Racism_. the man is implying that it is not racist
 to say that people differ because they differ genetically. It is somewhat
 treathening to see how the liberal rhetoric of "individual differences"
 relies on geneticist arguments to justify a morality of ethics of
 difference! another one published by a Washington policy analyst "boldly"
 says that affirmative action has erased our differences, and created a
 society of equals and conformity. See how equality is equated
 there with "confirmity and sameness" and genetics is praised for
 celebrating difference. Basically, you will find this as an interesting
 example on post-modern version of right wing and neo-liberalism, which
 approves my claim that socio-biology is inherently a reactionary science.


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 11:02:54 -0700
 From: Doyle Saylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PEN-L:17884] Re: genome news (fwd)

 Greetings Economists,
JKS writes in reply to Mines,

 No it's not. It would be racist (and genetically illiterate, for the most
 part) to say that some groups of people are inferior to another because of
 their genes, but it is not racist to say, for example, that Black people are
 different in the color of their skin from whites in large part because of
 their genes. That is just true.  Genes are causally efficaous; they do
 account for some of the variation in differences between groups and
 individuals, and anyone who denies that has no idea what he is talking

 The theory of sociobiology is that genes control behavior.  In other words
 any social group are the way they are because of their genes.  Is that true?
 Well you say above that is not true (falsifiable in the traditional sense of
 the words in science).

 Let's look at Mine's comment again,

  the socio-biological claim that
 people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM,  

 JKS says anyone who claims sociobiology does not assert control over the
 human social behavior has no idea what he is talking about.   And I have no
 idea from JKS what exactly makes him different from Sociobiology.   If I
 pick up a book on evolutionary psychology is that not the whole thrust of
 their theory?  See "The Adapted Mind, Evolutionary Psychology and the
 Generation of Culture", Jerome H. Barkow Leda Cosmides, John Tooby, Oxford
 University Press, 1992.

 In replying to M. Forstater,  JKS writes,

 Don't assume any such thing. Of course I am aware of the social contruction
 of race, and I don't uncritically assume anything. I also don't need to do
 the dance every time I use a  loaded word,a t least, I hope, in this
 Among people to whom the social construction of race might bea  new thought,
 I'd emphasize it. Here, I might have hoped that I could take it for granted.
 How very foolish of me.

 I might have said, I briefly contemplated it, that malinin content avrirs
 with geographic origin; that genetics explains why people from subSaharan
 Africa have darker skins, because of higher melanin content, on average,
 people fron Northern Europe. But it is tiresome, particularly when one is
 talking about race, to pretend that one is not. Political correctness is

 Your comments do not explain "black" skin, because you don't understand
 genetics or you wouldn't so loosely assert something about black skins.
 When groups are relatively isolated from each other there are directions to
 that in changes arising or falling in a pool in relation to other pools
 otherwise related to the isolate, selection may make dark skin arise, and it
 may not according to a climate, because the source of change is contingent.
 Color vision in primates is interesting in that sense.  But not in the crude
 way you articulate your views.  That is why arguments such as yours fade
 away in time in the sciences because they are not sufficiently accurate and
 practical in understanding reality.  In current times when all the human
 community intermarries there is not going to be a geographic origin to skin
 color and your point seems just plain Eurocentric to others.  Which comes
 first, light or dark in skin?  What about a Baboon's blue ass, why aren't
 humans blue skinned, since they are our relatives too.  And your point is
 just how you insert yourself into this argument when you have no sense
 so ever that Mine's outrage is justified and 

Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread md7148

Mine. You still haven't answered Brad's point. S.R. either tells a
lie or he doesn't know what he is talking about. Wilson did not "remake

okey!!! Whoever calls Steven Rosenthal a "lier" either does not have
any slightest notion of who Steven Rosenthal is or has not digested
his article completely. "Lier" is an uprofessional and disgusting
accusation, Rod! The fellow is an "honest" Marxist and a sociologist, who
has put his years on this topic. I am presenting "again" the context of
Steven's discusssion of Wilson, and the reasons why he thinks Wilson is
insincere when he remakes himself as an enviromentalist. Let's pay
attention to Wilson's main argument here rather than spending gas over
whether he prentends to be an enviromentalist or not.Even if we assume
that he is an enviromentalist (which is not sincere anway), this does not
justify his "real" side that "At my core, I am a social conservative, a
loyalist. I cherish traditional institutions, the more venerable and
ritual-laden the better." or when he talks about Rwandan genocide in 1994
as an example of "ethnic rivalry run amuck," reflecting our genetically
based tribal instincts" (quotes are from Steven's article).what an
enviromentalist bio-diversity!

Since it is asked, Steven says the following about Wilson's 
enviromentalist side (refer to article):

Wilson put these arguments into Sociobiology: The New Synthesis,
published in 1975 by Harvard University Press and widely promoted by
the popular media. Many natural and social scientists exposed human
sociobiology as an unscientific attempt to defend the capitalist
status quo as natural and unchangeable.

Because of these sharp critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.  A quarter century
and five books later, Wilson today poses as a reasonable advocate of
genetic and cultural "co-evolution" and as a proponent of
genetic/environmental interaction.  He pretends to reject biological
determinism, social Darwinism, and eugenics.  The ruling class has
extolled Consilience as the crowning achievement of a visionary elder
statesman of capitalist science.  The New York Times and The Wall
Street Journal lavishly praised his call for the subjugation of the
social sciences and the humanities to the natural sciences, and for
the elevation of his pseudo-science to state religion.  The Atlantic
Monthly interviewed Wilson and published excerpts of Consilience.

I continue:

Moreover, Edward Wilson says the following in introduction to _What
is Sociobiology_: 

"Sociobiology is defined as the systematic study of the biological
basis of all forms of social behavior, including sexual
and parental behavior, in all kinds of organisms including humans. As
such, it is a discipline inevitable discipline,
since there must be a systematic study of social behavior.
Sociobiology consists mostly of zoology. About 90 percent
of its current material concerns animals, even though over 90 percent
of the attention given to sociobiology by
nonscientists, and especially journalists, is due to its possible
applications to the study of human social behavior.
There is nothing unusual about deriving principles and methods, and
even terminology, from intensive examinations of
lower organisms and applying them to the study of human beings. Most
of the fundamental principles of genetics and
biochemistry applied to human biology are based on colon bacteria,
fruit flies, and white rats. To say that the same
science can be applied to human beings is not to reduce humanity to
the status of these simpler creatures".

(From Edward O. Wilson, "Introduction: What is Sociobiology?" In
Michael S. Gregory, Anita Silvers, and Diane Such (Eds.). 1978.
Sociobiology and Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary
Critique and Defense. San Francisco, CA:
Jossey-Bass, pp. 
1 - 12.) 


Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread Michael Perelman

We're at an impasse here.  Rosenthal is not here.  Nor is Wilson.  I wonder
however about how many people today would change their ideas just because
somebody remains unnamed showed that their ideas supported capitalism.
Perhaps the majority of academics would wear
the defense of capitalism as a batch of honor.

Let's not go back and forth on this anymore unless somebody has something
more substantial to contribute.


 Wilson put these arguments into Sociobiology: The New Synthesis,
 published in 1975 by Harvard University Press and widely promoted by
 the popular media. Many natural and social scientists exposed human
 sociobiology as an unscientific attempt to defend the capitalist
 status quo as natural and unchangeable.

 Because of these sharp critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
 environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

Re: genome news

2000-04-08 Thread Mine Aysen Doyran

A Marxist sociologist Steve Rosenthal replies to those who think that there is no 
with studying genome.

This is the "real" side of Wilson, not the progressive  Wilson as he is perceived by 

Steve Rosenthal

   How Science is Perverted to Build Fascism:
   A Marxist Critique of E.O. Wilson's
   Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge.

 For twenty-five years Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson has put
 forward the idea that it is human nature to be fascist.  In his
 latest book Consilience (an archaic word that means combining),
 Wilson insists that  sociobiology must be imposed on all academic

 E.O. Wilson is a Harvard professor emeritus of entomology, the study
 of insects.  In the 1970s he updated the old social Darwinist
 ideology that human societies are shaped by the biological nature of
 humans. Just as the nature of ants creates colonies of queens,
 drones, workers, and slaves, the nature of humans creates racism,
 sexism, patriotism, wars, religion, and class exploitation.  Wilson
 used this "revelation" to argue that efforts to fight against racism,
 sexism, and imperialism go against human nature and are thus
 exceedingly difficult, and to claim that communism is unscientific
 and cannot work.  Wilson proudly says of himself, "At my core, I am a
 social conservative, a loyalist.  I cherish traditional institutions,
 the more venerable and ritual-laden the better."

 Wilson put these arguments into Sociobiology: The New Synthesis,
 published in 1975 by Harvard University Press and widely promoted by
 the popular media. Many natural and social scientists exposed human
 sociobiology as an unscientific attempt to defend the capitalist
 status quo as natural and unchangeable.

 Because of these sharp critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
 environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.  A quarter century
 and five books later, Wilson today poses as a reasonable advocate of
 genetic and cultural "co-evolution" and as a proponent of
 genetic/environmental interaction.  He pretends to reject biological
 determinism, social Darwinism, and eugenics.  The ruling class has
 extolled Consilience as the crowning achievement of a visionary elder
 statesman of capitalist science.  The New York Times and The Wall
 Street Journal lavishly praised his call for the subjugation of the
 social sciences and the humanities to the natural sciences, and for
 the elevation of his pseudo-science to state religion.  The Atlantic
 Monthly interviewed Wilson and published excerpts of Consilience.

 The unifying concept of Consilience is human nature.  According to
 Wilson, human nature "is the_hereditary regularities of mental
 development that bias cultural evolution in one direction_and thus
 connect the genes to culture" (p. 164).  Therefore, in all human
 societies we favor our own family, ethnic and religious group,
 impose male dominance, create hierarchies of status, rank, and wealth
 and rules for inheritance, promote the territorial expansion and
 defense of our society, and enter into contractual agreements (pp.
 168-172). Recycling the main ideological assertions of Sociobiology,
 Wilson claims that racism, religious hatred, sexism, and war are not
 inevitable features of capitalism, but universal traits of our
 genetically evolved human nature.

  The natural sciences, Wilson claims, have discovered these truths,
  and the social sciences and the humanities must adopt them in order
  to achieve "consilience."   Cognitive neuroscience, human behavioral
  genetics, evolutionary biology, and the environmental sciences are
  the four "bridges of consilience" from the natural sciences to the
  social sciences and humanities.  Only "consilience" can rescue social
  scientists and humanists from "the pits of Marxism" and postmodernist

 To illustrate "consilience," Wilson interprets the 1994 genocide in
 Rwanda.  He writes that it was partly an example of "ethnic rivalry
 run amuck," reflecting our genetically based tribal instincts. It
 also had a "deeper cause, rooted in environment and demography."
 Population growth outstripped the carrying capacity of the land. "The
 teenage soldiers of the Hutu and Tutsi then set out to solve the
 population problem in the most direct possible way."  And, Wilson
 concludes, "Rwanda is a microcosm of the world" (pp. 287-88).

 Consider what Wilson omits from his analysis.  Hutus and Tutsis
 intermarried centuries ago, and there is no biological distinction
 between them.  European colonialists arbitrarily created an ethnic
 distinction and used the Tutsi minority to impose indirect rule on the
 Hutu majority.  The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
 imposed agricultural and financial reforms that shifted land use from
 subsistence food production to export crops such as coffee.
 Environmental scientists and demographers (specialists on population)
 have shown that famines and wars in 

Re: Re: genome news

2000-04-08 Thread Brad De Long

A Marxist sociologist Steve Rosenthal replies to those who think 
that there is no problem
with studying genome.

Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 1

  Because of these sharp critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
  environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

Serious critics of Wilson don't make such an accusation because it is 
false. One can be--and Wilson always has been--both a sociobiologist 
and an environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

And a critique of sociobiology is not an argument against trying to 
use knowledge about our genes to cure and prevent diseases...

Brad DeLong

Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-08 Thread md7148

Brad,can you please read the rest of Steve's post, or the sentence that
prior to the sentence you cite? since Steve is not here, I can not talk
on behalf of him, but his work is an excellent piece in Marxian sociology.
moreover, it is a serious critique of socio-biological assumptions about
human nature and biological determinism of Wilson. the man (wilson) is
briefly saying that capitalism, sexim and racism are in our genes, which
is what almost all the socio-biologists fundamentally share theoretically 
(Pearson, DAwkins, Lynn, Rushton, etc...).Racism is not "accidental" to
socio-biological assumptions; on the contrary, it is very intrinsic.

Steve wrote:

  Because of these sharp
critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
  environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

You replied:

Serious critics of Wilson don't make such an accusation because it is
false. One can be--and Wilson always has been--both a sociobiologist

this is not an accusation, Brad!; this is what Wilson says. Below *is*
real Wilson, not the enviromentalist Wilson you are talking
about. I have fought with folks elsewhere who tend to give a
progresive reading of Wilson, but this is *not* Wilson. Marxists should
solve the problem of socio-biology because this is completely an
an ideological science. Wilson is racist, sexist and
anti-labor..see below..

Steve wrote:

The unifying concept of Consilience is human nature.  According to
Wilson, human nature "is the_hereditary regularities of mental
development that bias cultural evolution in one direction_and thus
connect the genes to culture" (p. 164).  Therefore, in all human
societies we favor our own family, ethnic and religious group,
impose male dominance, create hierarchies of status, rank, and wealth
and rules for inheritance, promote the territorial expansion and
defense of our society, and enter into contractual agreements (pp.
168-172). Recycling the main ideological assertions of Sociobiology,
Wilson claims that racism, religious hatred, sexism, and war are not
inevitable features of capitalism, but universal traits of our
genetically evolved human nature.

I wrote:

 A Marxist sociologist Steve Rosenthal replies to those who
think that there is no problem
with studying genome.

Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 1

Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-08 Thread Brad De Long

Brad,can you please read the rest of Steve's post, or the sentence that
prior to the sentence you cite? since Steve is not here, I can not talk
on behalf of him, but his work is an excellent piece in Marxian sociology.
Steve wrote:

   Because of these sharp
critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

If it is an excellent piece of Marxian sociology, why does it make 
false claims about Wilson's intellectual development?

Either Steve does not know enough about E.O. Wilson to know that he 
was always *both* a sociobiologist and an environmentalist--in which 
I have better things to spend my time reading, things written by 
people who have done their homework--or Steve knows that he is lying 
when he claims that Wilson's environmentalism is an intellectual 
re-make--in which case I have better things to spend my time reading, 
things written by people who don't lie to me.

Brad DeLong

Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-08 Thread Mine Aysen Doyran

 Steve wrote:
Because of these sharp
 critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
 environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

Brad replied:

 If it is an excellent piece of Marxian sociology, why does it make
 false claims about Wilson's intellectual development?

 Either Steve does not know enough about E.O. Wilson to know that he
 was always *both* a sociobiologist and an environmentalist--in which
 I have better things to spend my time reading, things written by
 people who have done their homework--or Steve knows that he is lying
 when he claims that Wilson's environmentalism is an intellectual
 re-make--in which case I have better things to spend my time reading,
 things written by people who don't lie to me.

Brad, please know what you are saying. Nobody is a lier about Wilson's
intellectual development here. Steve is DOCUMENTING passages from Wilson's
book. Accordingly, he CITES Wilson who says that human nature "is
the_hereditary regularities of mental development that bias cultural evolution
in one direction_and thus connect the genes to culture" (p. 164). well, how do
you interpret this? just a naive bio-diversity or an objective scientific
statement?If you agree with what Wilson says, there is no point in continuing
this debate because my reading of him is that he is obviously racist. This is
because Wilson is reducing cultural and other social differences to genes, and
then reconstructing and universalizing an hypothetical theory of  human nature,
which is completely false and ideological. Human beings are *not* determined by
their genes. They are shaped by the social, cultural, ideological and
political-economic environment they live in. As cross-cultural anthropological
studies further proves that many societies such as tribal bands, small
communities, ancient groupings did not have the same perceptions of masculinity
and feminity that we have today. these are socio-historical constructions, sex
roles, broadly defined, not genetic givens. the socio-biological claim that
people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM, which is what
Wilson does eventually. thus, i don't understand why you support the man!


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 1

Of Steve Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-08 Thread Stephen E Philion

For the record, the Steve referred to below is Steve Rosenthal, not me...

Steve (The "PEN Steve")

Stephen Philion
Lecturer/PhD Candidate
Department of Sociology
2424 Maile Way
Social Sciences Bldg. # 247
Honolulu, HI 96822

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Mine Aysen Doyran wrote:

  Steve wrote:
 Because of these sharp
  critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
  environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.
 Brad replied:
  If it is an excellent piece of Marxian sociology, why does it make
  false claims about Wilson's intellectual development?
  Either Steve does not know enough about E.O. Wilson to know that he
  was always *both* a sociobiologist and an environmentalist--in which
  I have better things to spend my time reading, things written by
  people who have done their homework--or Steve knows that he is lying
  when he claims that Wilson's environmentalism is an intellectual
  re-make--in which case I have better things to spend my time reading,
  things written by people who don't lie to me.
 Brad, please know what you are saying. Nobody is a lier about Wilson's
 intellectual development here. Steve is DOCUMENTING passages from Wilson's
 book. Accordingly, he CITES Wilson who says that human nature "is
 the_hereditary regularities of mental development that bias cultural evolution
 in one direction_and thus connect the genes to culture" (p. 164). well, how do
 you interpret this? just a naive bio-diversity or an objective scientific
 statement?If you agree with what Wilson says, there is no point in continuing
 this debate because my reading of him is that he is obviously racist. This is
 because Wilson is reducing cultural and other social differences to genes, and
 then reconstructing and universalizing an hypothetical theory of  human nature,
 which is completely false and ideological. Human beings are *not* determined by
 their genes. They are shaped by the social, cultural, ideological and
 political-economic environment they live in. As cross-cultural anthropological
 studies further proves that many societies such as tribal bands, small
 communities, ancient groupings did not have the same perceptions of masculinity
 and feminity that we have today. these are socio-historical constructions, sex
 roles, broadly defined, not genetic givens. the socio-biological claim that
 people differ because they differ genetically is called RACISM, which is what
 Wilson does eventually. thus, i don't understand why you support the man!
 Mine Aysen Doyran
 PhD Student
 Department of Political Science
 SUNY at Albany
 Nelson A. Rockefeller College
 135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
 Albany, NY 1

genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Jim Devine

from SLATE: The LA [TIMES], USA [TODAY] and WS [JOURNAL] reefer word that 
a private company, the Celera Corporation, has announced it is in a 
position to assemble a complete map of a human being's 80,000 or so genes 
within three to six weeks, far earlier than expected, and apparently ahead 
of a publicly financed academic collaborative effort that started work on 
the project much earlier.

this sounds like an effort to drive up the value of Celera's stock (if it 
is a "public" company). Scientists aren't supposed to announce results 
before they have them.


Re: genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Louis Proyect

this sounds like an effort to drive up the value of Celera's stock (if it 
is a "public" company). Scientists aren't supposed to announce results 
before they have them.


There's something more insidious going on here besides insider trading.

The San Francisco Chronicle AUGUST 1, 1992:

A controversial notion that biology, not social factors, is to blame for
criminal behavior has ignited a debate among scholars and led a federal
agency to freeze money for a symposium dealing with the subject. 

The idea that humans may have a genetic predisposition to lawlessness has
disturbed researchers who say that the theories may provide a modern-day
underpinning for old racist beliefs and be used as a new form of control
for blacks and members of other minority groups. 

A conference planned for October at the Institute for Philosophy and Public
Policy at the University of Maryland was supposed to bring together
scholars and government officials to look at the genetic influences on
crime. The conference is sponsored by the Human Genome Project, a $ 3
billion government research project designed to identify 100,000 human genes. 

But the proposed gathering has come under fire for seeming to dismiss an
entire body of research that says that criminal behavior has its roots in
personality and socioeconomic background, as well as family influences. 

Louis Proyect

(The Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Jim Devine

  the proposed gathering has come under fire for seeming to dismiss an 
 entire body of research that says that criminal behavior has its roots in 
 personality and socioeconomic background, as well as family influences.

the genetic determinists strike again! (Their genes must program them to do 
so. Of course, it's always the "other" that's genetically determined.) When 
are those people going to learn that all that genes determine is 
_potential_, especially for complex critters like human beings? and that 
the nature of "crime" itself is determined socially?

But if we can get away from genetic determinism, there doesn't seem to be 
anything wrong with studying the genome.


Re: Re: genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Rod Hay

There is also the legal issue that people should be punished for their behaviour,
not for their "genetic predisposition"
It is also easy to imagine all sorts of discrimination by insurance companies,


Louis Proyect wrote:

 this sounds like an effort to drive up the value of Celera's stock (if it
 is a "public" company). Scientists aren't supposed to announce results
 before they have them.

 There's something more insidious going on here besides insider trading.

 The San Francisco Chronicle AUGUST 1, 1992:

 A controversial notion that biology, not social factors, is to blame for
 criminal behavior has ignited a debate among scholars and led a federal
 agency to freeze money for a symposium dealing with the subject.

 The idea that humans may have a genetic predisposition to lawlessness has
 disturbed researchers who say that the theories may provide a modern-day
 underpinning for old racist beliefs and be used as a new form of control
 for blacks and members of other minority groups.

 A conference planned for October at the Institute for Philosophy and Public
 Policy at the University of Maryland was supposed to bring together
 scholars and government officials to look at the genetic influences on
 crime. The conference is sponsored by the Human Genome Project, a $ 3
 billion government research project designed to identify 100,000 human genes.

 But the proposed gathering has come under fire for seeming to dismiss an
 entire body of research that says that criminal behavior has its roots in
 personality and socioeconomic background, as well as family influences.

 Louis Proyect

 (The Marxism mailing list:

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

never ending debate:Re: Re: genome news (fwd)

2000-04-07 Thread md7148

But if we can get away from genetic determinism, there does not seem to
to be anything wrong studying the genome.

Jim Devine.

It depends. genetics is a higly political issue, and I would add, biology
can not be seperated from ideology. If we once start studying the genome,
then we have to encounter the question of for what use and purposes. if
i am not mistaken at the moment, and I am pretty sure about it, the US
department of health or another state department has been  conducting the
"human genome project" lately. so there is something fishy there,
even though the liberal democratic type researchers seem to take control
over the issue. Basically, the "human genome project" is the product of a
combined effort initiated between the US government and university based
research institutions and think thanks, aiming to serve the purposes of
"genetic medicare". Thus, they heavily rely on the socio-biological
assumption of the genetic transmission of certain illnesses such as mental
and physical disorders. So their solution is "treat the genes rather then
changing the social environment". This, in socio-biological jargon, is
called "eugenics". To my knowledge, Roger Pearson, the famous
socio-biologist and the editor of _ManKind Quarterly_, who also dominates
the Washington based think thank _Center for Political and Economic
Studies, must have an interesting finger in this project. The man,
together with Lynn and Rushton, publishes articles in the same journal,
and is a self-proclaimed fascist for he has a book called _Eugenics and
Race_. He has also in the editorialship of several scientific magazines
such as _Reason_, and occupy several critical positions in Heritage and
Pioneer foundations.

I would remind geneticists the Lewontin proverb  "Not in Our Genes"!


Re: Re: Re: genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Jim Devine

At 03:21 PM 4/7/00 -0400, Rod wrote:
There is also the legal issue that people should be punished for their 
behaviour, not for their "genetic predisposition" It is also easy to 
imagine all sorts of discrimination by insurance companies, etc.

right. That's the trouble with science. It's a good thing in general, 
something to be encouraged, but can always be used for ill rather than for 
good. But ignorance can also be used for good or ill.


Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Rod Hay

I am not arguing for ignorance, just due caution and civil protection.


Jim Devine wrote:

 At 03:21 PM 4/7/00 -0400, Rod wrote:
 There is also the legal issue that people should be punished for their
 behaviour, not for their "genetic predisposition" It is also easy to
 imagine all sorts of discrimination by insurance companies, etc.

 right. That's the trouble with science. It's a good thing in general,
 something to be encouraged, but can always be used for ill rather than for
 good. But ignorance can also be used for good or ill.


Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: genome news

2000-04-07 Thread Jim Devine

then we agree

At 07:12 PM 04/07/2000 -0400, you wrote:
I am not arguing for ignorance, just due caution and civil protection.


Jim Devine wrote:

  At 03:21 PM 4/7/00 -0400, Rod wrote:
  There is also the legal issue that people should be punished for their
  behaviour, not for their "genetic predisposition" It is also easy to
  imagine all sorts of discrimination by insurance companies, etc.
  right. That's the trouble with science. It's a good thing in general,
  something to be encouraged, but can always be used for ill rather than for
  good. But ignorance can also be used for good or ill.

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1