Re: [PHP-DOC] table of contents (mess?)

2001-11-29 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:

 This is a general issue in the DocBook DSSSL (and I think also 
 in the XSL) style sheets.
 We are familiar with that special placings, but for novices,
 these can be annoying. What do others think about that?

I think the placement of TOCs can be controlled by setting some
parameters. If it can't, then we can do it ourselves... and I'd prefer
them to be at the start of the relevant section.

Funny how I (or anyone else) have never realized this problem to even
exist before.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /ar preface.xml

2001-11-18 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Salah Faya wrote:

 visualmindSun Nov 18 09:41:43 2001 EDT
   Added files: 
   Translated to Arabic
 Index: phpdoc/ar/preface.xml
 +++ phpdoc/ar/preface.xml
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?

Encoding can't be the right one...

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /ar preface.xml

2001-11-18 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Jouni Ahto wrote:
  Yes. Are there other new translations in work that aren't supported? Might
  add those as well...
 ar, tr, kr and hk (already added)

Turkish is already supported, also korean (but the subdir should be
renamed ko), and hk seems to have own versions of the needed. If they were
sent to Norman Walsh too, it will probably appear in some future version
of the stylesheets. So that leaves arabic.

There was some guy on the list a few months ago who spoke about a hebrew
translation. Has anyone heard about him after that?

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /ar preface.xml

2001-11-18 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Jouni Ahto wrote:
   Index: phpdoc/ar/preface.xml
   +++ phpdoc/ar/preface.xml
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
  Encoding can't be the right one...
 should be iso-8859-6 iirc
 And Jouni, the stylesheets do not support the 'ar' language out of the
 box, do you know what is needed to make it work?

Yes. Are there other new translations in work that aren't supported? Might
add those as well...

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /ar preface.xml

2001-11-18 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Jirka Kosek wrote:

 The best way is to create Arabic version of file

I know, I asked Norman.

 and send it as a patch to DocBook project on SourceForge. From this file
 are generated localizations for DSSSL and XSL stylesheets. For DSSSL
 stylesheets you should also make arabic version of
 Where are defined other subtle things related to localization. 

I'll try to help Salah with this whenever I can, but I think your
knowledge is needed at some phase.

 But I'm not sure wheter Jade and JadeTeX support right-to-left text, so
 if it is possible to get printed version of Arabic documentation.

Maybe one more reason to switch to an XSLT-based solution.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions oracle.xml

2001-11-12 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:

 hholzgra  Mon Nov 12 11:39:46 2001 EDT
   Modified files:  
 /phpdoc/en/functions  oracle.xml 
   there is no comment tag in DocBook4 :(
   - changed comment.../comment to !-- ... --

It's probably remark or something now...

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] New CHM manual opinions

2001-11-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 in a short time (although one of the goals of this new CHM is to show how
 many things can be using the current manual content as input).

Just to note, with some transformations with XSLT, almost anything can use
the current manual as input. And I'm learning that technology on a fast
pace. Because I'm under a non-disclosure agreement, I can't tell exactly
why, but it relates to some finnish banks, and they wouldn't like to the
old currency (FIM) to show up in a new (EUR) systems' reports. And it's
not only fixing the old system, they'll have a completely new system (that
seems to have a strange sentence 'This product includes software developed
by the Apache Software Foundation (' when it either
launches itself or the user selects 'Help-About'.)

So, I think, I'm going to have a few ideas about the manual and how to
produce some of the readable versions early in the next year.

(If those hints were not enough, go to

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Polish national characters

2001-10-22 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Egon Schmid wrote:

 Jouni Ahto is our guru and have access to

And the guru is both quite drunken now and thinking how to match 59
transactions with only 27 distinct transaction numbers that should finally
resolve to a dately changed Dow Jones STOXX 30 Nordic 30 index future
variation margin. With one transaction number. I hate BHF-Bank.

But back to the business. There is support for polish in dsssl
stylesheets. So, there should be no problems, unless the stylesheets have
some translations wrong. In that case, contact Norman Walsh.

I'll do the setup for polish language next wednesday evening, unless
someone beats me. Going to sleep now, and having something else tomorrow
evening to do.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] DocBook DTD upgrade

2001-10-21 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 Is anybody against upgrading the current DTD to the actual 4.1.2?
 I would happyly do the updates the weekend if nobody complains
 (sure I would test the whole module before, so it is working with
 the new DTD set).

Please don't do it yet... because our docs do *not* conform to it. There's
going to be a *lot* of errors. (But then, I can always make a
customization... :)

-- Jouni


2001-10-21 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Jirka Kosek wrote:

 If you want to customize DTD it is always better to create customization
 layer than to directly edit existing DTD. With this approach it is much
 more easy to upgrade to new version DocBook which is used as a base for
 your DTD. The customization DTD might look like:
 !-- PHPBook DTD 1.0 (based on DocBook 4.1.2) --
 !ENTITY % docbook PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN' 
 !ELEMENT funcprototype %ho; (funcdef, (void | varargs | (optional |
 !ELEMENT optional %hh; (paramdef+ | %cptr.char.mix;)*
 !ELEMENT parameter %hh; (optional | %smallcptr.char.mix;)*
 In PHPBook documents you then would use this DTD instead of standard
 DocBook DTD. 

Thanks. I never understood that it's so easy...

 I think that change to DocBook DTD which you propose would be useful in
 general. I suggest you to post this request as RFE for DocBook DTD at
 the sourceforge pages. DocBook Technical Commitee has meatings each
 month, so they should discuss it quite early. 


-- Jouni


2001-10-20 Thread Jouni Ahto

I'm beginning to think that because we don't actually conform to DocBook
anyway, we might as well do some small customization to the DTD and try get
the changes (or something that provides similar functionality) to 6.0, even
if it takes a few years. Before my reasoning why we should customize the DTD,
some snippets out of the current DocBook documentation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




A FuncSynopsis contains the syntax summary of a function prototype or a set
of function prototypes. The content model of this element was designed
specifically to capture the semantics of most C-language function prototypes
(for use in UNIX reference pages).

This is one of the few places where DocBook attempts to model as well as
describe. Using FuncSynopsis for languages that are unrelated to C may prove


Future Changes

Future versions of DocBook may provide additional environments for describing
the syntax summaries of functions in other programming languages.




Content Model

funcprototype ::=

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So, I take this to mean that DocBook isn't even meant to be the exactly right
DTD for our documentation purposes, although it could become that in the
future. The content model of funcprototype actually makes it impossible to
correctly describe the way how PHP functions take arguments, so we should
change it.

The proposed changes:

--- dbpoolx.mod Mon Mar 12 15:49:18 2001
+++ dbpoolx.mod.modifiedSat Oct 20 13:45:13 2001
@@ -3705,7 +3705,7 @@
 !ENTITY % funcprototype.element INCLUDE
-!ELEMENT funcprototype %ho; (funcdef, (void | varargs | paramdef+))
+!ELEMENT funcprototype %ho; (funcdef, (void | varargs | (optional | paramdef)+))
 !--end of funcprototype.element--]]
 !ENTITY % funcprototype.attlist INCLUDE
@@ -6493,7 +6493,7 @@
 !ENTITY % optional.element INCLUDE
-!ELEMENT optional %hh; (%cptr.char.mix;)*
+!ELEMENT optional %hh; (paramdef+ | %cptr.char.mix;)*
 !--end of optional.element--]]
 !ENTITY % optional.attlist INCLUDE
@@ -6513,7 +6513,7 @@
 !ENTITY % parameter.element INCLUDE
-!ELEMENT parameter %hh; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*
+!ELEMENT parameter %hh; (optional | %smallcptr.char.mix;)*
 !--end of parameter.element--]]
 !-- Class: Type of the Parameter; no default --

The last change is there just to stay compatible with the current way we write
the documentation, and could(|should?) be removed if we change the DTD after
fixing the current documentation.

The first two would allow us to model PHP functions the way they really
behave. For example:

 funcdefint functionfoo/function/funcdef
 paramdefint parameterbar/parameter/paramdef
  paramdefint parameterbaz/parameter/paramdef
  paramdefint parameteraaa/parameter/paramdef
   paramdefint parameterbbb/parameter/paramdef
   paramdefint parameterccc/parameter/paramdef

See how optional arguments could be grouped together, and later optional
arguments be made depented on on previous ones.

I'd like to hear Jirka's comments about alternative ways of doing this.
Preferably in a way that has some chance to get accepted into DocBook 6.0. 

Speaking about a former RFC that I haven't made much noise of lately... the
current DTD makes it very easy to split the function reference to smaller
pieces, because the following is allowed:

 titleDatabase functions/title
  [here go references...]
 titleMathematical functions/title
  [here go references...]

Was this actually forbidden in the old DTD, or were we all, including me, just
too stupid to see it? (Hartmut should prepare to rewrite his RFC...)

-- Jouni


2001-10-19 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:

 i have just uploaded the draft for the 'beyond' part of my conference
 talk The manual and beyond to
 comments  suggestions are highly appreciated :)

I really like the part 'Maybe its time to get invloved [typos not fixed]
into the DocBook project itself, [...]' (Jirka actually is doing exactly
that). If DocBook can't satisfy a programming projects' needs, someone is
not modeling something the right way. Currently, I refuse to have any
opinions about whether it's us or the team that defines DocBook.

-- Jouni


2001-10-19 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Egon Schmid wrote:

 From: Hojtsy Gabor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  So reworded: using namespaces to define tags, and use them
  along DocBook tags. This is exaclty not extending DocBook,
  but defining a DTD for our custom elements and use those
  two DTDs (DocBook and PHPDoc) side-by-side.
 This may be a misinformation. With tags I am always reffering to
 elements. Please don´t touch them. Customization is another deal.

Just to note: we are actually not using any official DocBook... manual.xml

!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC -//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V1.7//EN
  ./dbxml/docbookx.dtd [... etc

, then,  phpdoc/dbxml/docbookx.dtd starts with:

!-- DocBk XML V3.1.7 DTD
 Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Norman Walsh

 See COPYRIGHT for more information

 Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
 Norman Walsh, [EMAIL PROTECTED].


And then, when I went and poked around at, found


DocBook XML 4.1.2 is the current XML version of DocBook. There are no
official XML versions of DocBook prior to V4.0.

Maybe it should be the time to find out what the current DTD actually is,
and what it allows us to do? 

-- Jouni


2001-10-19 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:

 Jouni Ahto wrote:
  Maybe it should be the time to find out what the current DTD actually is,
  and what it allows us to do? 
 very good point!
 (i was always refereing to the book which is for V3.1.x AFAIR)

Besides, even if there's a clear need to change something, there's always
the possibility of getting it accepted in the official version. See

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-10-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Fri Oct  5 18:31:32 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  ... accidentally saw the right coding somewhere ...
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Aug 26 08:42:35 2001
+++ phpdoc/ Fri Oct  5 18:31:32 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl $Id:,v 1.75 2001/08/26 12:42:35 jah Exp $
+dnl $Id:,v 1.76 2001/10/05 22:31:32 jah Exp $
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@

[PHP-DOC] Re: i hate tex.

2001-10-04 Thread Jouni Ahto

Jim Winstead wrote:

 if anyone can provide notes on how to increase the string limit for
 jadetex on a debian box, it would be much appreciated. once again,
 i've spent way longer than it should take trying to get the limit to
 increase to no avail.
 (similarly, if anyone else has run across openjade 1.4devel barfing on
 the phpdoc stuff because of the pdflevels.dsl stuff, clues would be

I'll try to solve this problem next weekend.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] install.xml en

2001-10-04 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

It would be great then if someone could knowck up a script which
auto-generated the install.txt file from the install.xml one.
   Actually there is a txt downloadable version of the manual, so
   the install.txt file can be cropped from that file.
  It would still be nice if that could be automatic - otherwise it's liekly
  be forgotten when building a new release.
 OK, I'll see what I can do...

May I suppose adding a new target to Makefile? make install.txt... will
need some auxiliary files too, but should be anyway quite easy.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] Re: bz2 pdf only

2001-09-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 Is it intended that there is only a bz2 compressed
 version available from the PDF version, and the
 zip and tar.gz columns are empty? I looked at the
 distributions/manual dir, and only the bz2 files
 are there, so it is not a problem of phpweb I assume.

Strange. Did someone remove the other versions? I don't remember
doing it myself.

I think someone made a bug report last week about the zip and
tar.gz versions being somehow corrupted. Maybe they really were.
Anyway, the new versions will be there within 24 hours.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: phpdoc /de Translators /de/functions fdf.xml recode.xml satellite.xml wddx.xml zip.xml /en/functions satellite.xml wddx.xml zip.xml

2001-09-17 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

   yet another reason for putting each translation into
   a CVS module of its own
  Indeed, what about your not-so-recent-anymore proposals for changing the
  set-up of translations? IIRC, people were enthousiast about it...
  What's thet status of it again?
 We can hear more about this at the PHPConf in Frakfurt. :))
 There will be a session named The PHP Manual and beyond,
 if I remember correctly... Then there will be some live
 discussion about the subject with the people there.

It would be interesting to hear something about Hartmuts thoughts, if they
are something not already discussed on this list. There's a *lot* of 
bigger probability them being accepted as-is if we know something
beforehand. And yes, I'm too lazy to browse through mail archives, unless
someone clearly says RTFMLA. 

Hope I can be there in Frankfurt. Although, doesn't seem very probable.
Have to save some money. Working like hell with my current project hoping
I can get it finished. Stock exchange software seemed like a good idea 9
months ago. Doesn't seem so good now, at least in Finland. Possibbly
unemployed within the next 3 months, like 30-40% of dealers. Hints about
new possibilities would be appreciated. CV available at request.

-- Jouni

PS: Sorry for being a bit off-topic.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Finnish translation..(was: Re: [PHP-DOC] Revisioncheck, now working)

2001-09-03 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Jani Taskinen wrote:

 On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Jouni Ahto wrote:
 because he finds the exactly same things extremely useful. And if I would
 start a Finnish translation, I too would find them useful, so I side with
 Would you? :)
 Someone asked for CVS account for translating the manual to finnish some
 time ago. He didn't get the account I think..

A pity. Maybe he sent an example of his work and nobody in the group did
understand a word about it, which in itself would have been a good reason
to give that account...

 I could help a little on translating but I don't wanna do that all the time. :)

Same thing. Not enough time.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-09-02 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Sep  2 09:16:42 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  - Added -wno-idref option to jade arguments, so the manuals will be
generated even if the are missing IDs.
  - New target 'test_man_gen' that checks if its possible to generate the
  - No changes to target 'test'. It still complains about all errors.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Sun Aug 26 08:42:35 2001
+++ phpdoc/  Sun Sep  2 09:16:42 2001
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
-# $Id:,v 1.63 2001/08/26 12:42:35 jah Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.64 2001/09/02 13:16:42 jah Exp $
+JADE=@JADE@ -wno-idref
@@ -198,9 +198,13 @@
ps2pdf -p $@ $
+# test all possible errors
 test: manual.xml
$(NSGMLS) -i lang-$(LANG) -s $(srcdir)/phpdocxml.dcl $
+# ignore missing IDs and check if the manual can be generated anyway
+test_man_gen: manual.xml
+   $(NSGMLS) -wno-idref -i lang-$(LANG) -s $(srcdir)/phpdocxml.dcl $
rm -rf html php
rm -f manual.txt [a-z]*.html manual.rtf

Re: [PHP-DOC] Revision check, now working

2001-09-02 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Egon Schmid wrote:

 From: Hojtsy Gabor
  Hope this helps to start a discussion about the usefullness
  of this revision comment syntax...
 It may be working in the hu tree, there is only one maintainer :)
 This would not work in the German manual, because we have many
 maintainers and not every maintainer is active. So the only solution
 to this dilemma is, every translator have to lookup the changes
 ( in the en tree back to the time the translation was

I see a picture forming here. I think I remember at least Jeroen, Derick
and Damien strongly supporting Gobas idea. And all these translations are
maintained by a very small team, in Damiens case really just one.

So it seems that what works for and helps one translation team may be
completely useless for another. Although I think this could apply also to
different persons within a team.

I know that Egon won't change his mind, because he finds revision numbers
and comments totally useless. I also know that Goba won't change his mind,
because he finds the exactly same things extremely useful. And if I would
start a Finnish translation, I too would find them useful, so I side with
Goba in this.

Could we try to come to a solution that would let anyone to work the way
the find the easiest?

So, my two points:

- Are the revision numbers and comment actually harmful some way? I don't
  think so.

- Are these different ways of working mutually exclusive? At least they
  shouldn't be. That revcheck script could even be used to update the
  existing entries and create new ones in Translators file based on the
  information found in comments (unless it already does it...).

Let's find a way that allows those who want to use revision comments to do
it, but doesn't force it on those ones who think it to be totally useless.

 I say it again, revision numbers and comments are useless for every
 translation. All information you need is in --
 phpdoc --[en|de|hu ...]. There have been discussions to split every
 file in files which contain only one function description. But if we
 can do this we should reorganize the function reference first. The
 next days Hartmut will be back. The Linux Beer Hike 2001 in Belgium
 is over.

I'm actually trying to write the first draft of the new layout now. I hope
this discussion won't get so heated that it takes all my time...

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Revision check, now working

2001-09-02 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 As I wrote down in my last long letter (titled: 
 Re: [PHP-DOC] Revision longer example), we can
 think of the Revision comments as a splitup of
 translators and the script generated revheck.html
 as a HTML version of Translators with much extra
 stuff in it.

Yep, I received that long letter after writing my response. Very clear
explanation of the system.

 So this is just a renewal of the current system we
 have with some extra convinient features added.
 As I heard, we can make the revcheck.php script
 run on every commit, so the table can be autogenerated 
 on every commit, and there would be no need to run
 it manually in most of the cases.

Otherwise a good idea, but that would be also forcing everyone to the new
system... would it be OK if we just require the people using revision
comments system to also run a script that updates Translators too and
commit both ones?

Besides, I think that over the time most people just switch to use
revision comments, because the idea really is a good one, and this
problem slowly fades away. So, if we at some time in the future realize
that over 90% commits are using revision tags, we can come to the
conclusion that the revision comments system has won. Pure
survival-of-the-fittest game.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Revision check, now working

2001-09-02 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 If you think there will be too much extra processor time,
 the script will take on the server, doing nothing, because
 the commit changes no Revision number, we can introduce
 a flag in CVS commit messages, so eg:

No, I was just thinking about a scenario where someone who doesn't use
revision comments commits both a new version of a file and updates
Translators too (we should keep that one too, it too has useful purpose),
and somehow through a strange interaction of running scripts on the server
and the order of files committed, Translators gets changed back or there
comes CVS conflicts with files that are edited both manually and by a
script, or something. But I really didn't think about it more than 5
seconds, so there's a very strong possibility that what I'm saying is just
pure bullshit and doesn't need any more discussion, at least for now.

Anyway, a flag in commit messages would be a working solution to a
problem that I'm not sure even exists :)

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] RFC: Re-organizing function reference part

2001-09-02 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 What do you think about these additional groups?
 Variables, types and function handling
  Function handling
  Session handling
  Error handling and logging
  GNU readline
  PHP options  information
  Program execution
  Semaphore and shared memory
  Shared memory 

Fine. I was just too lazy to invent them myself :)

 Commenting the categories list, I don't think
 that categories, with only one item should be
 opened (eg. Search or URL or Data Exchange).

Yes, under Miscellaneous, unless some other module too gets moved under
those categories.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] RFC: Re-organizing function reference part

2001-09-02 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:

 I would merge string/character and Variables,types and function
 handling, and name it:
 basic functions, since they are very general-purpose, do NOT have external
 depencies (like mysql, etc), and are quite close to the language.
 Error-handling, program execution are also good candidates for basic
 functions, along with probably others?

That's quite a relevant way too to categorize sections. My problem is that
I actually haven't any kind of opinion, I could argue for both

I might go to a local bookstore next week and check some PHP books from
different publishers. If there's some common categories under which some
function groups seem to always fall, it could be because publishers may
have done some research on how to present information the most clear way.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] PHP version on function docs

2001-09-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, Marco Cucinato wrote:

 Since the PHP version numbers related to every function 
 (/version.xml) are applied to the doc every time they are generated, 
 the old docs are not updated: 
 Look at the array_walk function over the different translations. 
 EN: (PHP 3= 3.0.3, PHP 4 = 4.0b1) 
 CZ: (PHP 3= 3.0.3, PHP 4 = 4.0b1) 
 FR: (PHP 3= 3.0.3, PHP 4 = 4.0b1) 
 ES: (PHP 3= 3.0.3, PHP 4 ) because it was last updated on 
 2001/05/20, and version.xml was changed on 2001/06/25.
 If the docs were always reprocessed, the version numbers would be 

Seems that the spanish version isn't recreated automatically due to a few
errors in it. Mainly some references in the non-translated files (our
documentation generation system automatically substitutes the english
version for a non-translated one) to IDs in another file that exist in the
latest english version, but not yet added to a translated version.

I'd like to propose a small change in

+ JADE=@JADE@ -wno-idref

This way, the documentation will be generated even if parts of the
translation are a bit old and don't yet have those IDs needed, but 'make
test' still catches the errors.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu/functions image.xml

2001-09-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sat Sep  1 19:49:36 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Fixed tags.
Index: phpdoc/hu/functions/image.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/functions/image.xml:1.9 phpdoc/hu/functions/image.xml:1.10
--- phpdoc/hu/functions/image.xml:1.9   Sat Sep  1 16:22:05 2001
+++ phpdoc/hu/functions/image.xml   Sat Sep  1 19:49:36 2001
@@ -919,8 +919,10 @@
+  para
  Ha nem bal felsõ és jobb alsó koordinátákat adsz meg, akkor lehal a
  program, és a képbõl semmit sem fogsz látni!!![angol doksiba!]
+  /para
@@ -1109,7 +,7 @@
  kerül. Ha szeretnéd megadni a kép minõségét akkor, amikor a képet a
  kimenetre szeretnéd küldeni, akkor a kép nevének üres karakterláncot ('')
  adj meg! Ha egy image/jpg értékû content-type fejlécet írsz ki a
- functionheader/function függvénnyel, akkor a acronymJPEG/acrony
+ functionheader/function függvénnyel, akkor a acronymJPEG/acronym
  típusú kép közvetlenül a kimenetre küldhetõ.

Re: [PHP-DOC] PHP version on function docs

2001-09-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

On 2 Sep 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jouni Ahto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This way, the documentation will be generated even if parts of the
  translation are a bit old and don't yet have those IDs needed, but 'make
  test' still catches the errors.
 actually, the manual generation does a make test before making things
 for real, so that change alone won't help.

Oh, I see. Any chance of of slightly changing it, for example adding
target test_man_gen to the Makefile? Unlike other errors, like incorrect
XML tags etc., incorrect IDs are somewhat acceptable (at least to me). The
net result is just a link not being created. And it's just plain 
impossible that all the translations would be really up-to-date all the

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /tr language-snippets.ent /tr/faq general.xml

2001-08-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Aug 26 07:52:47 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/tr  language-snippets.ent 
/phpdoc/tr/faq  general.xml 
  Fixed problems 'make test' complained about (so I can found what the next ones
  are, especially concerning PDF version...).
Index: phpdoc/tr/language-snippets.ent
diff -u phpdoc/tr/language-snippets.ent:1.2 phpdoc/tr/language-snippets.ent:1.3
--- phpdoc/tr/language-snippets.ent:1.2 Fri Aug 10 17:40:19 2001
+++ phpdoc/tr/language-snippets.ent Sun Aug 26 07:52:46 2001
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-!ENTITY warn.experimental 'warningsimparaBu modül 
emphasisDENEYSELDYacute;R/emphasis. Bunun anlamyacute;, burada listenen 
fonksiyonlar, fonksiyon isimleri, kyacute;saca burada yazyacute;lan HER THORN;EY 
PHP'nin ilerki sürümlerinde UYARI YAPILMAKSIZIN 
DEETH;Yacute;THORN;TYacute;RYacute;LEBYacute;LYacute;R. Dikkatli olun, ve bu 
modülü aldyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z riski bilerek 
-!ENTITY warn.experimental.func 'warningsimparaBu modül 
emphasisDENEYSELDYacute;R/emphasis. Bunun anlamyacute;, burada listenen 
fonksiyonlar, fonksiyon isimleri, kyacute;saca burada yazyacute;lan HER THORN;EY 
PHP'nin ilerki sürümlerinde UYARI YAPILMAKSIZIN 
DEETH;Yacute;THORN;TYacute;RYacute;LEBYacute;LYacute;R. Dikkatli olun, ve bu 
modülü aldyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z riski bilerek 
+!ENTITY warn.experimental 'warningsimparaBu modül 
+emphasisDENEYSELDYacute;R/emphasis. Bunun anlamyacute;, burada listenen 
+fonksiyonlar, fonksiyon isimleri, kyacute;saca burada yazyacute;lan HER THORN;EY 
+PHPquot;nin ilerki sürümlerinde UYARI YAPILMAKSIZIN 
+DEETH;Yacute;THORN;TYacute;RYacute;LEBYacute;LYacute;R. Dikkatli olun, ve bu 
+modülü aldyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z riski bilerek 
+!ENTITY warn.experimental.func 'warningsimparaBu modül 
+emphasisDENEYSELDYacute;R/emphasis. Bunun anlamyacute;, burada listenen 
+fonksiyonlar, fonksiyon isimleri, kyacute;saca burada yazyacute;lan HER THORN;EY 
+PHPquot;nin ilerki sürümlerinde UYARI YAPILMAKSIZIN 
+DEETH;Yacute;THORN;TYacute;RYacute;LEBYacute;LYacute;R. Dikkatli olun, ve bu 
+modülü aldyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z riski bilerek 
 !ENTITY tip.ob-capture 'tipsimpara
 Normalde betiklerin ürettieth;i bütün çyacute;ktyacute;lar direk olarak 
tarayyacute;cyacute;ya gönderilir. link 
linkend=ref.outcontrolçyacute;ktyacute;-kontrol fonksiyonlaryacute;/link 
kullanyacute;larak çyacute;ktyacute; içerieth;inin farklyacute; bir deeth;ere 
kaydedilmesi mümkündür - örneeth;in typestring/type tipinde bir deeth;ere 
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 !ENTITY 'notesimparasm.disabled;/simpara/note'
 !ENTITY 'notesimparalink etkin oldueth;unda, PHP 
çalyacute;thorn;tyacute;rdyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z betieth;in
-ithorn;lem yaptyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z dosya(lar)/dizin(ler) ile aynyacute; 
UID'e sahip olup olmadyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute; kontrol eder.
+ithorn;lem yaptyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z dosya(lar)/dizin(ler) ile aynyacute; 
+UIDquot;e sahip olup olmadyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute; kontrol eder.
 !ENTITY 'notesimparalink etkin oldueth;unda, PHP 
çalyacute;thorn;tyacute;rdyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z betieth;in
-ithorn;lem yaptyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z dosya(lar)/dizin(ler) ile aynyacute; 
UID'e sahip olup olmadyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute; kontrol eder.
+ithorn;lem yaptyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute;z dosya(lar)/dizin(ler) ile aynyacute; 
+UIDquot;e sahip olup olmadyacute;eth;yacute;nyacute; kontrol eder.
 !-- Common pieces in features/safe-mode.xml 
Index: phpdoc/tr/faq/general.xml
diff -u phpdoc/tr/faq/general.xml:1.1 phpdoc/tr/faq/general.xml:1.2
--- phpdoc/tr/faq/general.xml:1.1   Fri Aug 10 17:12:42 2001
+++ phpdoc/tr/faq/general.xml   Sun Aug 26 07:52:46 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!-- $Revision: 1.1 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.2 $ --
 chapter id=faq.general
   titleGenel Bilgi/title
   titleabbrevGenel Bilgi/titleabbrev
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
qandaentry id=faq.general.differences-34
- paraPHP 3 ile PHP 4 arasyacute;ndaki farklar nelerdir?
+ paraPHP 3 ile PHP 4 arasyacute;ndaki farklar nelerdir?/para

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-08-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Aug 26 08:42:35 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Starting the move to the naming convention suggested by Goba. Now only for
  PDF version, let's wait for possible reactions before continuing.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Sun Jul  8 00:03:56 2001
+++ phpdoc/  Sun Aug 26 08:42:35 2001
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-# $Id:,v 1.62 2001/07/08 04:03:56 jimw Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.63 2001/08/26 12:42:35 jah Exp $
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 rtf: manual.rtf
 dvi: manual.dvi
-pdf: manual.pdf
+pdf: @MANUAL@.pdf
 howto: howto.html
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 manual.txt.gz: manual.txt
gzip -9 -c $  $@
-manual.pdf: manual.tex
+@MANUAL@.pdf: manual.tex
# a hack around bugs in jade/jadetex...
mv manual.tex manual.tex.tmp
sed -e '/HeadingText/,/endHeadPar/ s/_/\\137/g' manual.tex.tmp  manual.tex
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
-jadetex $
-jadetex $
-jadetex $
-   dvipdfm -p @PDF_PAPER_TYPE@ manual.dvi
+   dvipdfm -o @MANUAL@.pdf -p @PDF_PAPER_TYPE@ manual.dvi
 html/index.html: manual.xml $(HTML_DEPS)
@test -d html || mkdir html
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Aug 13 11:11:06 2001
+++ phpdoc/ Sun Aug 26 08:42:35 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl $Id:,v 1.74 2001/08/13 15:11:06 jkj Exp $
+dnl $Id:,v 1.75 2001/08/26 12:42:35 jah Exp $
@@ -191,6 +191,9 @@
 dnl localize paper size by language
 dnl (instead of using system-dependant default)

[PHP-DOC] RFC: Re-organizing function reference part

2001-08-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

This topic has popped up a few times before on the list, and I think I've
seen even bug report(s?) claiming that the current function reference
part makes it hard to find information, because it has grown so big. But I
don't remember that we would haver ever deciced either to do it or not do

The main problem is that in DocBook, we can't splice an additional level
between a part and reference. What I could come up with by reading
DocBook reference is the following:

part  -- Function reference
 chapter  -- General category of functions,
   ie. like Database functions
  section -- replaces reference, not allowed here,
   ie. like MySQL functions
   abstract   -- replaces partintro, not allowed here
   refentry   -- the original refentry text
I did some testing, and this seems to work quite well, although there are
of course some problems to solve first.

Things that must be modified, *if* we come to an agreement that we
reorganize the function reference:

Can be done without any hurry before the change:
- Modify the *.dsl files so that TOC is created the right way. Some small
  fixing with HTML version, a bit more with printable versions. I will
  volunteer, unless Hartmut explicitly requests to have the honour...
- New subtitles must be agreed on and added to each language-defs.ent.
- I guess that some scripts relating to the online HTML-manual should
  be fixed. Not sure though.
- Probably more...

Can be done only after the re-organization, and with great hurry, because
the change will temporarily break a lot of things:
- Change the tags, and within abstract, add para tags around notes
  and warnings and change simparas to paras, because the DTD
  requires this.
- Probably more...

So, if this will ever happen, the change should be planned carefully and
slowly, make sure that we've got everything ready, and all the translators
should be aware of what's going on and can make a few hours available to
fix broken things within a day or two after the change. Which should
happen on a day commonly agreed upon, preferable at least a week before.


-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] RFC: Re-organizing function reference part

2001-08-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 26 Aug 2001, Egon Schmid wrote:

 It would be nice, if someone could make a first draft about the
 names of new chapters and which sections could be within sections.

Something very near to the list of bug types I think there
actually was a draft some time ago, but I'll have to go through the

 I could only guess, but I think, Hartmut is at The
 Linuxbierwanderung (Linux Beer Hike) and this hike ends on

He'll have time to part in this discussion later. As the change is quite
big and needs cooperation from so many people, I think we should proceed
quite slowly and think everything really through. I'm thinking something
like the last weekend of September for a possible date for this change.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] RFC: Re-organizing function reference part

2001-08-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 26 Aug 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

  - New subtitles must be agreed on and added to each language-defs.ent.
 This is what needs to be the same for the bug system. So if it is
 not right, we should collect the functions and make a new category
 system, and start to use it in the bug system and here too.

Something very near to it, but not actually the same. I think we can 
safely leave out for example 'Website problems' and 'Reproducible crash'
from the manual :) 

  - I guess that some scripts relating to the online HTML-manual should
be fixed. Not sure though.
 As long as we can get the file names stay the same, there is
 nothing [I can think of] to modify in the scripts at phpweb.
 The notes are binded by file names, so this is why the file
 names are important for us.

At least the left part listing links to different parts Function reference
in the online manual should be re-organized the same way.

 Erm, if we start to change things in a way like that, we can
 also start paralelly on proofing the split up the function
 reference by functions into files plan. This was a great plan
 IMHO, and [if we can agree in both cases] we should make the
 two changes the same time, instead of two separate
 repository-wide changes.

Yes, let's wait for Hartmut to come back from hiking and drinking beer. If
we do these things at the same time, it should be possible to declare
maybe a 24-36 hours time when commits are not posted to the list. The
patches would be really mega-sized and this seems be a great inconvenience
to some of the people on this list.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] PDF updates

2001-08-16 Thread Jouni Ahto

New versions should be available within a few hours, for those languages
that compiled: cs, en, fr, it  nl. If your language is missing from the
list and you want the update too, please make sure it passes 'make test'
before 17:00 GMT. I'm a bit in hurry today, haven't time to fix anything,
and leaving the country for a few days very early tomorrow.

Note that the copyright notice has somehow creeped to the first page too,
and there could be some other surprises too, although I don't think
anything critical. Probably caused by switching to use docbook-dsssl 1.72,
but I didn't have time to investigate :(

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] Re: FOP problems :)

2001-08-08 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 I try to test that XML-PDF generation but get the folowing error:
   Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 What do I need to install to make this class be defined???

You shouldn't need ant for running FOP, it's just one of the tools used if
you actually compile FOP yourself. At least I think so, because I got FOP
working without adding ant to my classpath.

This probably won't help much, because you are running Windows, but I'm
attaching the script I use for running FOP anyway. Maybe you can get at
least some ideas on how to make it work on Windows.

-- Jouni


java -mx312m -cp 
 org.apache.fop.apps.Fop $@

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: PDF with internal links

2001-08-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 And you can read README.xsl in the phpdoc root to get some info
 how you can build the docs using XSLT.

Did it. Somehow I have missed realizing that there's already so much work
done... I'll start playing with this. Don't expect immediate results.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / README.xsl

2001-08-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Aug  5 04:47:50 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc README.xsl 
  Found out that saxons' homepage has moved.
Index: phpdoc/README.xsl
diff -u phpdoc/README.xsl:1.2 phpdoc/README.xsl:1.3
--- phpdoc/README.xsl:1.2   Mon Feb 19 06:52:11 2001
+++ phpdoc/README.xsl   Sun Aug  5 04:47:50 2001
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 XSLT processors:
-   Saxon:
+   Saxon:
 XSL DocBook Stylesheets:
@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@
-Last modified $Date: 2001/02/19 11:52:11 $
+Last modified $Date: 2001/08/05 08:47:50 $

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / README.xsl

2001-08-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Aug  5 05:24:09 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc README.xsl 
  Another changed link...
Index: phpdoc/README.xsl
diff -u phpdoc/README.xsl:1.3 phpdoc/README.xsl:1.4
--- phpdoc/README.xsl:1.3   Sun Aug  5 04:47:50 2001
+++ phpdoc/README.xsl   Sun Aug  5 05:24:09 2001
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 XSLT processors:
-   Xalan:
+   Xalan:
 XSL DocBook Stylesheets:
@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@
-Last modified $Date: 2001/08/05 08:47:50 $
+Last modified $Date: 2001/08/05 09:24:09 $

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en bookinfo.xml /en/chapters security.xml /en/faq languages.xml obtaining.xml using.xml /en/functions com.xml info.xml mbstring.xml ming.xml sockets.xml strings.xml xslt.xml /en/language variables.xml

2001-08-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Aug  5 06:51:48 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en  bookinfo.xml 
/phpdoc/en/chapters security.xml 
/phpdoc/en/faq  languages.xml obtaining.xml using.xml 
/phpdoc/en/functionscom.xml info.xml mbstring.xml ming.xml 
sockets.xml strings.xml xslt.xml 
/phpdoc/en/language variables.xml 
  Fixed a lot of things fop doesn't think to be legal.

Index: phpdoc/en/bookinfo.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/bookinfo.xml:1.12 phpdoc/en/bookinfo.xml:1.13
--- phpdoc/en/bookinfo.xml:1.12 Thu Aug  2 13:36:36 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/bookinfo.xml  Sun Aug  5 06:51:43 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!-- $Revision: 1.12 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.13 $ --
  bookinfo id=bookinfo
   authorgroup id=authors
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 This manual is copy; Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by
 the PHP Documentation Group.  The members of this group are listed
-link linkend=authorson the front page of this manual/link.
+on the front page of this manual.
 This manual can be redistributed under the terms of the GNU
Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml:1.22 phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml:1.23
--- phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml:1.22Fri Aug  3 03:12:58 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml Sun Aug  5 06:51:44 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!-- $Revision: 1.22 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.23 $ --
  chapter id=security
@@ -590,8 +590,8 @@
  titleDetecting simple variable poisoning/title
  programlisting role=php
-if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['username'] 
+if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['username'] amp;amp;
+!$HTTP_POST_VARS['username'] amp;amp;
 !$HTTP_GET_VARS['username'] ) { 
 // Perform other checks to validate the user name...
 $good_login = 1;
Index: phpdoc/en/faq/languages.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/languages.xml:1.3 phpdoc/en/faq/languages.xml:1.4
--- phpdoc/en/faq/languages.xml:1.3 Thu Aug  2 13:36:43 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/faq/languages.xml Sun Aug  5 06:51:44 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!-- $Revision: 1.3 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.4 $ --
  chapter id=faq.languages
   titlePHP and other languages/title
   titleabbrevPHP and other languages/titleabbrev
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   A great summary by Michael J Sheldon on this topic has
   been posted to the PHP mailing list. A copy can be found 
-  ulink url=faqurl.coldfusion.summaryhere/ulink.
+  ulink url=faqurl.coldfusion.summary;here/ulink.
Index: phpdoc/en/faq/obtaining.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/faq/obtaining.xml:1.4 phpdoc/en/faq/obtaining.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/en/faq/obtaining.xml:1.4 Thu Aug  2 13:36:43 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/faq/obtaining.xml Sun Aug  5 06:51:44 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-!-- $Revision: 1.4 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.5 $ --
 chapter id=faq.obtaining
  titleObtaining PHP/title
   titleabbrevObtaining PHP/titleabbrev
@@ -88,88 +88,88 @@
-ulink url=faqurl.snmpSNMP* (Unix): /ulink.
+ulink url=faqurl.snmp;SNMP* (Unix): /ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.gdGD* (Unix/Win)/ulink.
+ulink;GD* (Unix/Win)/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.msql.winmSQL* (Win)/ulink.
+ulink;mSQL* (Win)/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.msql.unixmSQL* (Unix)/ulink.
+ulink url=faqurl.msql.unix;mSQL* (Unix)/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.mysqlMySQL* (Unix)/ulink.
+ulink url=faqurl.mysql;MySQL* (Unix)/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.imapIMAP* (Win/Unix)/ulink.
+ulink url=faqurl.imap;IMAP* (Win/Unix)/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.snmpSybase-CT* (Linux, libc5)/ulink : 
+ulink url=faqurl.sybase;Sybase-CT* (Linux, libc5)/ulink : 
 Available locally.
-ulink url=faqurl.freetypeFreeType (libttf):/ulink.
+ulink url=faqurl.freetype;FreeType (libttf):/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.zlibZLib (Unix/Win32)/ulink.
+ulink url=faqurl.zlib;ZLib (Unix/Win32)/ulink.
-ulink url=faqurl.expatexpat XML parser (Unix/Win32)/ulink.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: PDF with internal links

2001-08-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

 Maybe Jirka Kosek can say something positive about the PDF version.
 He is involved closely in DocBook XSL stylesheets IMHO.

Let's hope so.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: PDF with internal links

2001-08-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Jirka Kosek wrote:

 The problem of generating PDFs with XSL stylesheet isn't in stylesheets
 but in FO processors. All current free implementations of XSL FO
 (PassiveTeX, FOP) have some serious limitations. IMHO for these days, it
 is better to use XSL for getting HTML and HTML Help output and stay with
 DSSSL for getting printed version. I think that in one year maturity of
 XSL FO processors will be better than Jade, but not for now.

Ah, I'm reliefed. There's still quite a lot of time to learn XSL.

If I have understood it right, you are somehow involved with the
development of DocBook XSL and, if not directly, you at least follow
the development of some FO processor. Please drop a note to this list when
you think it would be the time to test and seriously consider switching
the PDF generating tools. Unless, of course, you just do the switch 
yourself... I think you are one of the few (maybe the only one) who
actually knows what he's speaking about when it comes to XSL.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: oh, those pdfs [and chms]

2001-08-04 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Sascha Schumann wrote:

  Jouni Ahto genererated the PDFs, and uploaded them to, but noone had some minutes, to give some
  rights to Jouni, or just move the files to the webspace
  to let it spread across mirrors, and be downloadable.
 This is the first I personally hear that they are available.
 Was not Derick supposed to take care of it?  At least, I set
 up his account on the server and waited for the created `chm´
 directory to fill up (it is still empty as of today).
 Anyway, I'll take care of the pdfs.

Thanks. There has been some problems with my account on, and
I think Rasmus has just been too busy lately. See the message at the end.

Would someone please reset my password to something known and send it to
me? GPG public key id 8A6ED6B1 available at least from 

-- Jouni

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 20:25:52 +0300 (EEST)
From: Jouni Ahto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en preface.xml

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

 I have added you to the sudoers file on that machine.

Either I don't know how to create a correct md5-password (very possible, I
do understand almost nothing about crypting...), or then I don't know my
password on that machine.

The password I sent earlier was created (almost) with the following:

? print crypt('', '$1$*'); ?

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: oh, those pdfs [and chms]

2001-08-04 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Sascha Schumann wrote:

 If the PDFs are generated and uploaded automatically, please
 coordinate with us to set up a proper cron-job which moves
 the files into the right place automatically.

That's the plan, at least until the new toye is up and able to
autogenerate PDFs.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: oh, those pdfs [and chms]

2001-08-04 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

  Cannot anybody realize, that we are stating that the PDFs
  are temporary unavailable, but this is the case for months
  Jouni Ahto genererated the PDFs, and uploaded them to, but noone had some minutes, to give some
  rights to Jouni, or just move the files to the webspace
  to let it spread across mirrors, and be downloadable.
 Jouni has full sudo access on both and

It seems that some people on the lists have got the impression that
the main developers of PHP and the people administering servers
don't care about documentation, especially the PDF version. That's 110%
*not true*. The delays were caused by a slightly incorrect email-address
in cvsusers (it was found out today), which has probably made many
attempts to communicate fail with mail bouncing back. The situation is
corrected now.

Please re-adjust your attitudes accordingly.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / global.ent

2001-08-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 09:41:48AM +0200, Hojtsy Gábor wrote:
  I talked about global.ent, not de/language-defs.ent. We have sometimes
  errors if someone makes a reference to the install chapter. If this
  chapter is not uptodate in this language, the manual building 
  would fail.
  OK, I know what you said, but what is Jouni talking about
 I don't know :) If he doesn't have any beer he will come back.

Yes, and unfortunately having a terrible hangover...

What I meant (I guess I didn't express my thoughts quite coherently), is
that I do somewhat agree with Goba about that entities relevant only to a
specific language could go into that languages language-defs.ent. Note
that I'm not saying they *should*, but it makes somewhat more sense to me

And I was also hinting that Egon should translate those two snippets in
de/language-defs.ent. Note that I'm not saying he *could*... :)

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / global.ent

2001-08-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

Hojtsy Gábor wrote:

 I tried to understand this paragraph in connection with the DE language
 entities file. But nothing helped me to understand. These two new entities
 are not there for quite many years... Why are those guys are crazy?

It's best if you don't even try to understand, that paragraph doesn't 
make much sense even to myself.

-- Jouni

RE: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / global.ent

2001-07-31 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Hojtsy Gábor wrote:

 If Damien use his French ENTITY's, there is nothing wrong to 
 put them into global.ent. 
 globals.ent should contain global entities, as the name suggest.
 Language only entities should go IMHO to language-defs.ent
 (see hu dir). We started faqurls.ent for the same reason. This
 way you can find entities where they should be.

Language-only entities can (like any kind of errors) break the whole
documenting system. I'm not saying that all the translations should be the
same, and have exactly the same (link) entities. Actually, I think I'm
seconding Goba.


I'm not very sure what I'm writing about (had a few beers too much), but
it should be possible within the DSSSL / our configuration framework, to
just detect which version of a language specific *.ent should be used. I
mean after global.ent, overriding or adding something to it, according to
the needs of the translation team.

There is even a good example of this:

cat de/language-defs.ent
!ENTITY PHPManual  PHP Handbuch
!ENTITY Date   Datum:
!ENTITY GettingStarted Einführung
!ENTITY LanguageReference  Sprachreferenz
!ENTITY Features   Features
!ENTITY FunctionReference  Funktionsreferenz
!ENTITY Appendixes Anhang
!ENTITY PEAR PEAR: the PHP Extension and Application
!ENTITY FAQ FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Egon, this is something we have already been using quite many years. Now,
please fix that file :-; (But then some crazy guys added that PEAR and
FAQ. What the hell do they think about, especially with PEAR, that's
somewhat recent. ('FAQ' is not recent, many of those questions finally
answered are years old)

Yeah, it's possible that I haven't got a slightest idea what I'm writing
about. Just ranting.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-07-30 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Mon Jul 30 10:48:48 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Preparing for the turkish translation (I saw that Serdar got his CVS account).
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Jul 16 03:45:28 2001
+++ phpdoc/ Mon Jul 30 10:48:48 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl $Id:,v 1.70 2001/07/16 07:45:28 perugini Exp $
+dnl $Id:,v 1.71 2001/07/30 14:48:48 jah Exp $
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 dnl localize paper size by language
 dnl (instead of using system-dependant default)
 case $LANG in
-  cs|de|hu|it|ja|ko|zh_hk)
+  cs|de|hu|it|ja|ko|tr|zh_hk)
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@
   ja|tw|ko) ENCODING=UTF-8;;
   zh_hk) ENCODING=big5;;
   cs|hu) ENCODING=ISO-8859-2;;
+  tr) ENCODING=ISO-8859-9
   *) ENCODING=ISO-8859-1;;
@@ -277,6 +278,7 @@
   it) PALMDOCTITLE='Manuale PHP';;
   nl) PALMDOCTITLE='PHP Handleiding';;
   pt_BR) PALMDOCTITLE='Manual do PHP';;
   zh_hk) PALMDOCTITLE=PHP ¤â¥U;;
   *) PALMDOCTITLE='PHP Manual';;
@@ -325,6 +327,11 @@
+  ISO-8859-9)

Re: [PHP-DOC] Turkish Translation of Manual

2001-07-29 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

  A question for manual maintainers; is it enough to get a CVS account for
  /phpdoc/tr and put our translations in them, or we must also work on Jade
  and Docbook/DSSSL to help make different versions of manual?
 You need to somewhat know Docbook XML to translate the pages
 correctly, and you also need the utilities on your own computer,
 because every contributor is advised to test his/her contributions,
 before comitting (with make test). This means you need a CVS
 chechkout of the phpdoc modules main directory, the en language
 directory, and your languages dir, and all the tools to process
 XML. Although the generation of different formats are automatic, so
 this is actually only needed for testing.

The first thing to do is to make DocBook/DSSSL to support turkish. It
doesn't yet. But it's not very hard to get that support in. It didn't
support hungarian a year ago. It does now. The hungarian translation of
PHP manual had something to do with it...

Goba, let's help Serdar.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] offer re - PDF unavailable

2001-07-28 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

  Hi... i noticed that PDF editions of the PHP docs are temporarily
  I dunno whether this is due to a no-interest in having PDF versions
  available or maybe just the sheer cost of a copy of Acrobat being the
  Anyway, I got Acrobat 4.05 and 5 here, and my boss is quite happy for me
  use it for non-work purposes (he belives that since we don't make extreme
  use of it, we can afford to 'share the wealth').
  So, if a PDF edition of the manuals is still wanted, please let me know
  i'll get on to it as soon as possible.
 Thanks for the offer. But we do not use Acrobat for PDF
 generation :) The PDFs are ready and on the way to be online
 on the site, and updated weekly. Please be patient for some days.

Hmm. I guess that using Acrobat could cut down the size of PDF files a
lot. Let's do some testing. Bookmarks and internal links in the doc *must*

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / global.ent

2001-07-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Fri Jul 27 02:13:31 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc global.ent 
  Not available on old site anymore.
Index: phpdoc/global.ent
diff -u phpdoc/global.ent:1.101 phpdoc/global.ent:1.102
--- phpdoc/global.ent:1.101 Thu Jul 26 14:04:11 2001
+++ phpdoc/global.ent   Fri Jul 27 02:13:30 2001
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 !-- -*- SGML -*-
- $Id: global.ent,v 1.101 2001/07/26 18:04:11 goba Exp $
+ $Id: global.ent,v 1.102 2001/07/27 06:13:30 jah Exp $
  Contains global macros for all the XML documents.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 !ENTITY url.swf;
 !ENTITY url.swf.test;
 !ENTITY url.sybase;
-!ENTITY url.t1lib;
+!ENTITY url.t1lib;
 !ENTITY url.tenon;
 !ENTITY url.tiff;
 !ENTITY url.ucd-snmp;

[PHP-DOC] PDF manual - about compression

2001-07-25 Thread Jouni Ahto

As the PDF manuals should be coming back really soon now, I'm thinking
about compressing them, because the file size is is quite big (approx. 11M
per language). What do you think, should they be offered as .gz, .bz2 and
.zip versions like the HTML version (in many files), or would .gz suffice?
AFAIK some of the newer zip programs for Windows do handle .gz. But then,
.bz2 compression is the best one. See directory listing.

-- Jouni

-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff11073633 Jul 25 18:32 manual-de.pdf
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3596586 Jul 25 21:08 manual-de.pdf.bz2
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3938446 Jul 25 21:06 manual-de.pdf.gz
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3938572 Jul 25 21:12
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff11938128 Jul 25 19:11 manual-en.pdf
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3847560 Jul 25 21:08 manual-en.pdf.bz2
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 4228765 Jul 25 21:06 manual-en.pdf.gz
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 4228891 Jul 25 21:12
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff11001028 Jul 25 19:46 manual-it.pdf
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3538368 Jul 25 21:09 manual-it.pdf.bz2
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3873942 Jul 25 21:06 manual-it.pdf.gz
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3874068 Jul 25 21:12
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff11874674 Jul 25 20:17 manual-nl.pdf
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 3840079 Jul 25 21:09 manual-nl.pdf.bz2
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 4224977 Jul 25 21:07 manual-nl.pdf.gz
-rw-r--r--1 jah  staff 4225103 Jul 25 21:13

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions math.xml

2001-07-25 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Wed Jul 25 16:26:56 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Fixed last illegal chars. French version compiles now.
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/math.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/math.xml:1.11 phpdoc/fr/functions/math.xml:1.12
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/math.xml:1.11   Tue Jul 24 09:08:31 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/math.xmlWed Jul 25 16:26:56 2001
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
  refentry id=function.log
-   refpurposeLogarithme naturel (nŽpŽrien)/refpurpose
+   refpurposeLogarithme naturel (neacute;peacute;rien)/refpurpose
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@
 functionlog/function retourne le logarithme naturel 
-(ou nŽpŽrien) de parameterarg/parameter.
+(ou neacute;peacute;rien) de parameterarg/parameter.

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /cs/language constants.xml

2001-07-25 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Wed Jul 25 16:41:26 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/cs/language constants.xml 
  Added id so that it compiles again.
Index: phpdoc/cs/language/constants.xml
diff -u phpdoc/cs/language/constants.xml:1.4 phpdoc/cs/language/constants.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/cs/language/constants.xml:1.4Sat Jul  7 18:14:33 2001
+++ phpdoc/cs/language/constants.xmlWed Jul 25 16:41:26 2001
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   nemohou pozdìji nabývat jiných hodnot.
-  para
+  para  id=language.constants.predefined
   Pøeddefinované konstanty (dostupné v¾dy) jsou:

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / faqurls.ent

2001-07-20 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Fri Jul 20 15:46:48 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc faqurls.ent 
  Added missing entities, though mostly still empty :(
Index: phpdoc/faqurls.ent
diff -u phpdoc/faqurls.ent:1.5 phpdoc/faqurls.ent:1.6
--- phpdoc/faqurls.ent:1.5  Fri Jul 20 04:40:50 2001
+++ phpdoc/faqurls.ent  Fri Jul 20 15:46:48 2001
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
 !-- -*- SGML -*-
- $Id: faqurls.ent,v 1.5 2001/07/20 08:40:50 dams Exp $
+ $Id: faqurls.ent,v 1.6 2001/07/20 19:46:48 jah Exp $
  Contains macros for all the XML documents within the FAQ.
+!ENTITY faqurl.apache;
+!ENTITY faqurl.asp2php 
 !ENTITY faqurl.aspell;
+!ENTITY faqurl.bison 
 !ENTITY faqurl.browscap;
+!ENTITY faqurl.chilisoft;
+!ENTITY faqurl.chilisoft.asp;
+!ENTITY faqurl.coldfusion.summary 
 !ENTITY faqurl.dmalloc;
 !ENTITY faqurl.expat;
 !ENTITY faqurl.file.installation;
@@ -19,8 +25,11 @@
 !ENTITY faqurl.freetype;
+!ENTITY faqurl.halcyon 
+!ENTITY faqurl.iis 
 !ENTITY faqurl.imap;
 !ENTITY faqurl.install;
+!ENTITY faqurl.instantasp 
 !ENTITY faqurl.ldap;
@@ -30,15 +39,18 @@
 !ENTITY faqurl.msql.unix;
 !ENTITY faqurl.mysql;
+!ENTITY faqurl.openasp 
 !ENTITY faqurl.openlinksw;
 !ENTITY faqurl.pdflib;
 !ENTITY faqurl.php;
+!ENTITY faqurl.php.bugs;
 !ENTITY faqurl.php.cvs;
 !ENTITY faqurl.php.manual;
 !ENTITY faqurl.php.manual.config.nt;
+!ENTITY faqurl.popup 
 !ENTITY faqurl.readline;
 !ENTITY faqurl.sleepycat;
 !ENTITY faqurl.snmp;

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions domxml.xml

2001-07-18 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Wed Jul 18 13:13:24 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Removed some stray chars...
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/domxml.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/domxml.xml:1.17 phpdoc/en/functions/domxml.xml:1.18
--- phpdoc/en/functions/domxml.xml:1.17 Wed Jul 18 08:57:28 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/domxml.xml  Wed Jul 18 13:13:24 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-?gt; reference id=ref.domxml
+reference id=ref.domxml
   titleDOM XML functions/title
   titleabbrevDOM XML/titleabbrev

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: pdf manuals

2001-07-11 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Jim Winstead wrote:

 i haven't been able to set up the pdf generation on the current, because it is running an older version of redhat, and
 all the jvm's i tried to install wanted a newer glibc.
 (the pdf generation was using saxon and passivetex, right? it would be
 interesting to see if libxslt is up to the task, since it is
 reportedly quite fast.)

It was actually jade, tex and dvipdfm.

 On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 11:59:40AM +0200, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:
  Is there anybody interested in seting up the PDF
  generation framework again? This question was
  askes by Rasmus some days ago, but nobody seemed
  to answer.

I was on holiday :) If the old setup is ok, I could find some time the
next weekend. Anything java-based, and I'm out of the game.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it/functions oci8.xml

2001-04-01 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Apr  1 09:44:57 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Fixed incorrect closing tag.
Index: phpdoc/it/functions/oci8.xml
diff -u phpdoc/it/functions/oci8.xml:1.6 phpdoc/it/functions/oci8.xml:1.7
--- phpdoc/it/functions/oci8.xml:1.6Mon Mar 26 08:10:54 2001
+++ phpdoc/it/functions/oci8.xmlSun Apr  1 09:44:57 2001
@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@
  functionOCIColumnType/function restituisce il tipo del campo 
   corrispondente alla posizione (1 = primo campo) 
- /simpara
+ /para

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions session.xml

2001-03-19 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Egon Schmid wrote:

 eschmid   Mon Mar 19 09:18:07 2001 EDT
   Modified files:  
 /phpdoc/fr/functions  session.xml 
   Added two missing paras.

In general, should we be using paranotepara.../para/note/para,
or the simpler form notepara.../para/note? Both are valid.

-- Jouni

 Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/session.xml
 diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/session.xml:1.10 phpdoc/fr/functions/session.xml:1.11
 --- phpdoc/fr/functions/session.xml:1.10  Mon Mar 19 09:01:15 2001
 +++ phpdoc/fr/functions/session.xml   Mon Mar 19 09:18:06 2001
 @@ -126,15 +126,17 @@
  literalsession_name=session_id/literal, ou bien, c'est
  une chaicirc;ne vide.
 - note
 +   para
 + para
La fonction qui geacute;rera l'eacute;criture des donneacute;es ne sera 
qu'une fois le script aura envoyeacute; toutes ses donneacute;es. Ainsi,
les affichages tenteacute;s par cette fonction ne pourront jamais
ecirc;tre recus par le navigateur. Si un tel affichage est neacute;cessaire,
il est conseilleacute; d'eacute;crire les debugs dans un fichier.
 - /note
 + /para
 +   /para
  L'exemple suivant montre comment enregistrer une variable, et comment relier
  correctement des pages avec SID.
 @@ -161,11 +163,13 @@
  literal--enable-trans-sid/literal a eacute;teacute; utiliseacute;
  pour compiler PHP.
 +   para
 + para
   Les URL absolues sont consideacute;reacute;es comme des sites externes,
   et PHP ne leur attribuera pas le SID, qui pourrait repreacute;senter
   un risque de trou de seacute;curiteacute;.
 + /para

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/functions session.xml

2001-03-19 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Egon Schmid (@work) wrote:

 Jouni Ahto wrote:
  In general, should we be using paranotepara.../para/note/para,
  or the simpler form notepara.../para/note? Both are valid.
 I don't know but I think the appearance could be different. Compare the
 PDF or PostScript output for getallheaders() in the German manual. The
 paras following the examples are wrong indented.

Yes, I see. Print versions of the DSSSL-stylesheets seem to have a
problem. When any block element, like para, has a note inside it, the
whole block gets intended. Also, the more there are block elements inside
block elements, the more extra vertical white space gets generated after
the outermost one is closed.

So, I think my opinion will be: always use the simplest valid alternative.

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /fr/appendices resources.xml /fr/functions xslt.xml /fr/language oop.xml

2001-03-18 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sun Mar 18 03:11:58 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/fr/appendices   resources.xml 
/phpdoc/fr/language oop.xml 
  French version compiles ok again. Damien, please check the changes, I don't
  actually speak french... (Jouni)
Index: phpdoc/fr/appendices/resources.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/appendices/resources.xml:1.1 phpdoc/fr/appendices/resources.xml:1.2
--- phpdoc/fr/appendices/resources.xml:1.1  Thu Mar 15 06:22:43 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/appendices/resources.xml  Sun Mar 18 03:11:57 2001
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-appendix id=resources
+appendix id="resources"
  titleTypes des ressources PHP/title
-  Voici la liste des fonctions qui crŽent, utilisent ou dŽtruisent les
-  resources PHP. Vous pouvez dŽterminer si une variable contient une
+  Voici la liste des fonctions qui creacute;ent, utilisent ou deacute;truisent les
+  resources PHP. Vous pouvez deacute;terminer si une variable contient une
   resource avec la fonction functionis_resource/function, et 
   le type d'une resource que vous utilisez avec la fonction 
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
titleTypes de ressource/title
-   tgroup cols=5
+   tgroup cols="5"
entryConstruite par/entry
-   entryUtilisŽ par/entry
-   entryDŽtruite par/entry
-   entryDŽfinition/entry
+   entryUtiliseacute; par/entry
+   entryDeacute;truite par/entry
+   entryDeacute;finition/entry
@@ -626,4 +626,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/xslt.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/xslt.xml:1.9 phpdoc/fr/functions/xslt.xml:1.10
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/xslt.xml:1.9Fri Mar 16 08:17:44 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/xslt.xmlSun Mar 18 03:11:57 2001
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
  functionxslt_process/function prend la chaicirc;ne
- parameterstring parameterxsl_data/parameter comme feuille de style XSLT, et
+ string parameterxsl_data/parameter comme feuille de style XSLT, et
  des donneacute;es XML dans parameterxml_data/parameter. Le reacute;sultat
  de la transformation sera placeacute; dans parameterresult/parameter.
  functionxslt_process/function retourne literalTRUE/literal
Index: phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml:1.9 phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml:1.10
--- phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml:1.9  Mon Mar 12 04:12:37 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/language/oop.xml  Sun Mar 18 03:11:58 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- chapter id="oop"
+ chapter id="language.oop"
   titleClasses et objets/title
   sect1 id="keyword.class"
titleLes classes : literalclass/literal/title

Re: [PHP-DOC] PDF bug with -- operators

2001-02-20 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 03:58:32PM -0600, Daniel Beckham wrote:
  Yes, it would be a bit harder to read, but I think it might be worth it to
  correct readability issues with the PDF version of the manual.
 Please wait for Jouni. The problem is that we cannot pass a verbatim
 environment throu TeX. I was glad enough while Jouni produced my private
 PostScript and PDF versions of the PHP manual. "a" looked like ", "o"
 comes out as " and so on. With a pure english TeX version this problem
 don't appear. Probably the right person to blame is Norman Walsh with his
 modular stylesheets or the author of Jadetex.

No reason to wait, I don't have a solution for this problem :( (at least
now). Someone who knows a lot about TeX could probably prevent this from
happening. The only thing I know is that after processing from XML to TeX
format with Jade '--' is still '--', after jadetex it has changed. But I
don't think we can blame jadetex either.

-- Jouni

  - Original Message -
  From: "Damien Seguy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Daniel Beckham" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 3:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP-DOC] PDF bug with "--" operators
  le 19/02/01 20:20, Daniel Beckham  [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
   What would be the best way to turn them into entities, create them and put
   it in global.ent?  Or use the #xx; format?
  When I needed it (and I did, with French language), I created the
  @#xx; format. It is totally save, and easy to go.
  However, it makes it harder to read again.

Re: [PHP-DOC] windows-doc-generation

2001-02-07 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

  The error here is that //f/phpcvs type of paths are generated
  by cygwin, and jade.exe can't deal with this. So we need
  to put here f:/phpcvs/dsssl/html/docbook.dsl. Do anybody
  know an elegant way to do this?
 Well, cygwin understands f:/phpcvs... So use this insted,
 and the manual generation works!!! :)

There seems to be also /cygdrive/f/ alternative. Don't know which one
would be the best alternative...

-- Jouni (who now uses/must use NT4 daily in his new workplace)

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions mail.xml

2001-02-05 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Egon Schmid wrote:

 eschmid   Mon Feb  5 14:55:59 2001 EDT
   Modified files:  
 /phpdoc/en/functions  mail.xml 
   Tested only with the older Jade. Jouni, I need some help from you with Openjade.

Help is, of course, granted. But... the problem description was a little
bit vague. Unless you just need OpenJade installed somewhere. Or what?

-- Jouni

 Index: phpdoc/en/functions/mail.xml
 diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/mail.xml:1.10 phpdoc/en/functions/mail.xml:1.11
 --- phpdoc/en/functions/mail.xml:1.10 Mon Feb  5 13:50:59 2001
 +++ phpdoc/en/functions/mail.xml  Mon Feb  5 14:55:59 2001
 @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
paramdefstring parametersubject/parameter/paramdef
paramdefstring parametermessage/parameter/paramdef
 -   parameteroptionaladditional_headers/optional
 -   /parameter
 +   parameteroptionaladditional_headers/optional/parameter
 +  /paramdef

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-02-03 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sat Feb  3 13:51:52 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Missed setting papersize option for PDF.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Feb  1 06:26:03 2001
+++ phpdoc/ Sat Feb  3 13:51:51 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl $Id:,v 1.53 2001/02/01 14:26:03 jkj Exp $
+dnl $Id:,v 1.54 2001/02/03 21:51:51 jah Exp $
@@ -141,10 +141,17 @@
 dnl localize paper size by language
 dnl (instead of using system-dependant default)
 case "$LANG" in
-  cs|de|hu|ja|ko) PAPER_TYPE="A4" ;;
-  *)  PAPER_TYPE="USletter" ;;
+  cs|de|hu|ja|ko)
+  *)
 dnl localize order of number and element name
 dnl in some headers autogenerated by jade

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-02-03 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sat Feb  3 13:54:43 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Prefer OpenJade over the older Jade.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Feb  3 13:51:51 2001
+++ phpdoc/ Sat Feb  3 13:54:42 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl $Id:,v 1.54 2001/02/03 21:51:51 jah Exp $
+dnl $Id:,v 1.55 2001/02/03 21:54:42 jah Exp $
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@
-dnl look for the jade DSSSL parser
-AC_PATH_PROG(JADECHK, "jade", no)
-if test $JADECHK = "no"; then
-dnl Jade isnt present, so look for OpenJade instead
-AC_PATH_PROG(OPENJADECHK, "openjade", no)
-if test $OPENJADECHK = "no"; then
+dnl look for the OpenJade DSSSL parser
+AC_PATH_PROG(OPENJADECHK, "openjade", no)
+if test $OPENJADECHK = "no"; then
+dnl OpenJade isnt present, so look for the older Jade instead
+AC_PATH_PROG(JADECHK, "jade", no)
+if test $JADECHK = "no"; then
 AC_MSG_ERROR(unable to locate either Jade or OpenJade)
 case "$ENCODING" in

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-02-03 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sat Feb  3 13:55:57 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Ignore more errors from jadetex.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Sat Feb  3 13:51:07 2001
+++ phpdoc/  Sat Feb  3 13:55:56 2001
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # +--+
-# $Id:,v 1.53 2001/02/03 21:51:07 jah Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.54 2001/02/03 21:55:56 jah Exp $
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
rm manual.tex.tmp
-jadetex $
-   jadetex $
-   jadetex $
+   -jadetex $
+   -jadetex $
dvipdfm -p @PDF_PAPER_TYPE@ manual.dvi
 html/index.html: manual.xml $(HTML_DEPS)

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc / global.ent /fr/functions image.xml info.xml misc.xml pcre.xml session.xml strings.xml var.xml xml.xml /fr/language variables.xml

2001-02-03 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Sat Feb  3 16:33:29 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc global.ent 
/phpdoc/fr/functionsimage.xml info.xml misc.xml pcre.xml 
session.xml strings.xml var.xml xml.xml 
/phpdoc/fr/language variables.xml 
  Fixed some errors with tags in the french version. There are still a few other
  errors, someone who actually understands french, please fix them...
  nsgmls:./fr/functions/sem.xml:229:19:E: non SGML character number 146
  nsgmls:./fr/functions/sem.xml:240:40:E: non SGML character number 146
  nsgmls:./fr/functions/yaz.xml:260:55:E: non SGML character number 136

Index: phpdoc/global.ent
diff -u phpdoc/global.ent:1.70 phpdoc/global.ent:1.71
--- phpdoc/global.ent:1.70  Fri Jan 26 08:48:52 2001
+++ phpdoc/global.ent   Sat Feb  3 16:33:28 2001
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 !-- -*- SGML -*-
- $Id: global.ent,v 1.70 2001/01/26 16:48:52 jmoore Exp $
+ $Id: global.ent,v 1.71 2001/02/04 00:33:28 jah Exp $
  Contains global "macros" for all the SGML documents.
+!ENTITY % lang-hu "INCLUDE"
 !ENTITY url.adabas ""
 !ENTITY url.adobe ""
 !ENTITY url.apache ""
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml:1.13 phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml:1.14
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml:1.13  Tue Jan 30 00:45:19 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/image.xml   Sat Feb  3 16:33:28 2001
@@ -2252,8 +2252,11 @@
+  simpara
  Cet exemple va afficher :
-  computeroutput
+  /simpara
+  literallayout
+   computeroutput
 FileName: p0001807.jpg
 FileDateTime: 929353056
 FileSize: 378599
@@ -2274,7 +2277,8 @@
 RawFocusDistance: 16.65847412
 Orientation: 1
 ExifVersion: 0200
-  /computeroutput
+   /computeroutput
+  /literallayout
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/info.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/info.xml:1.9 phpdoc/fr/functions/info.xml:1.10
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/info.xml:1.9Tue Jan 30 01:05:50 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/info.xmlSat Feb  3 16:33:28 2001
@@ -998,7 +998,8 @@
  affichera la liste suivante :
-  computeroutput
+  literallayout
+   computeroutput
 [0] =gt; xml
@@ -1014,7 +1015,8 @@
  [10] =gt; Calendar
  [11] =gt; bcmath
-  /computeroutput
+   /computeroutput
+  /literallayout
@@ -1102,7 +1104,8 @@
  va geacute;neacute;rer l'affichage suivant :
-  computeroutput
+  literallayout
+   computeroutput
 Fichiers requis par required_once()
@@ -1117,7 +1120,8 @@
 [util3] =gt; util3.php
 [util4] =gt; util4.php
-  /computeroutput
+   /computeroutput
+  /literallayout
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/misc.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/misc.xml:1.4 phpdoc/fr/functions/misc.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/misc.xml:1.4Tue Jan 30 00:45:20 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/misc.xmlSat Feb  3 16:33:28 2001
@@ -326,7 +326,8 @@
  L'affichage devrait ressembler agrave; ceci :
+ computeroutput
 Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.9 i586)lt;hrgt;
 lt;Bgt;browser_name_pattern:lt;/Bgt; Mozilla/4\.5.*lt;brgt;
 lt;Bgt;parent:lt;/Bgt; Netscape 4.0lt;brgt;
@@ -347,7 +348,8 @@
 lt;Bgt;crawler:lt;/Bgt; lt;brgt;
 lt;Bgt;authenticodeupdate:lt;/Bgt; lt;brgt;
 lt;Bgt;msn:lt;/Bgt; lt;brgt;
+ /computeroutput
  Pour fonctionner, votre configuration
  link linkend="ini.sect.browscap"browscap/link
Index: phpdoc/fr/functions/pcre.xml
diff -u phpdoc/fr/functions/pcre.xml:1.13 phpdoc/fr/functions/pcre.xml:1.14
--- phpdoc/fr/functions/pcre.xml:1.13   Tue Jan 30 23:57:49 2001
+++ phpdoc/fr/functions/pcre.xmlSat Feb  3 16:33:28 2001
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
  titleExemples de masques valides/title
-  listitemsimpara/tl;\/\w+//simpara/listitem
+  listitemsimpara/lt;\/\w+//simpara/listitem
@@ -197,10 +197,12 @@
 Cet exemple va afficher :
- computeroutput
+  literallayout
+  computeroutput
 lt;bgt;exemple: lt/bgt;, lt;div align=leftgt;ceci est un testlt;/divgt;
 exemple: , ceci est un test
- /computeroutput
+  /computeroutput
+  /literallayout
   Ainsi, $out[0] est un tableau qui contient les reacute;sultats qui 
   satisfont le masque complet, et $out[1] est un tableau qui contient 
@@ -227,10 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-01-31 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Wed Jan 31 12:20:41 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Added specific rule to create manual.pdf.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Tue Jan 23 15:49:44 2001
+++ phpdoc/  Wed Jan 31 12:20:40 2001
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # +--+
-# $Id:,v 1.51 2001/01/23 23:49:44 jimw Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.52 2001/01/31 20:20:40 jah Exp $
@@ -127,6 +127,17 @@
 manual.txt.gz: manual.txt
gzip -9 -c $  $@
+manual.pdf: manual.tex
+   # a hack around bugs in jade/jadetex...
+   mv manual.tex manual.tex.tmp
+   sed -e '/HeadingText/,/endHeadPar/ s/_/\\137/g' manual.tex.tmp  manual.tex
+   rm manual.tex.tmp
+   jadetex $
+   jadetex $
+   jadetex $
+   dvipdfm -p @PDF_PAPER_TYPE@ manual.dvi
 html/index.html: manual.xml $(HTML_DEPS)
@test -d html || mkdir html

Re: [PHP-DOC] PHP manual

2001-01-30 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 07:51:43PM -0500, David Elrom wrote:
  Why r we using TeX ?
  why not some other XML format ?
 If you want a printed manual, DocBook uses a TeX backend. TeX is better than every 
 style shit.

To be more precise, we use DocBook XML format and then convert it to TeX
to get a printable version. To be even more precise, the TeX format is
then converted to printable/vievable versions. This is currently the best
way to do it. XSL/XSLT maybe the future, maybe not, but we ain't there

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] the php manual....

2001-01-29 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Jim Winstead wrote:

 In article 00dd01c0892d$1d296680$cd0110ac@shuttle, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Which also introduces the questions:
  1. What would it take to get the PDF versions into other languages
  besides english?
  I have asked this question some time ago. I guess the answer is just
  time. I don't know about any technological problems generating manuals
  in other languages...
 right now, producing the pdf with the table-of-contents is a
 non-scriptable process. if someone were to figure out the correct
 combination of tools to fix that, we could add automatically generated pdf
 versions to the list of things on the website.

This is fortunately old news. See the example at end, it could be added to
our Makefile with the necessary modifications. Would it be OK to proceed?

As for languages other that english, as long as dsssl-stylesheets support
it, it's uses one from the ISO-8859 character sets and the writing
direction is left-to-right, I can figure out how to do it. With japanese
and korean, I know a few hints, but without the necessary fonts available
for me, it's a bit hard to test.

-- Jouni

# must use openjade, the plain old jade (ie. 1.2 or older) didn't handle
# bookmarks/outlines so well

openjade  -V tex-backend -i lang-en -d ./print.dsl -t tex ./phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml

# a hack around bugs in jade/pdfjadetex...

mv manual.tex manual.tex.tmp
sed -e '/HeadingText/,/endHeadPar/ s/_/\\137/g' -e '/HeadingText/,/endHeadPar/ 
s/\$/\\044/g' manual.tex.tmp  manual.tex
rm manual.tex.tmp

jadetex manual.tex
jadetex manual.tex
jadetex manual.tex
dvipdfm -p a4 -v manual.dvi

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /cs/functions info.xml

2001-01-26 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Fri Jan 26 00:36:00 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Fixed a typo.
Index: phpdoc/cs/functions/info.xml
diff -u phpdoc/cs/functions/info.xml:1.2 phpdoc/cs/functions/info.xml:1.3
--- phpdoc/cs/functions/info.xml:1.2Thu Jan 25 22:39:53 2001
+++ phpdoc/cs/functions/info.xmlFri Jan 26 00:36:00 2001
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@
 èasu, skript vrátí fatální chybu. Standardní limit je 30 sekund, nebo,
 pokud existuje, hodnota direktivy max_execution_time definovaná v
 link linkend="configuration.file"konfiguraèním souboru/link. Pokud je
-parameterseconds-parameter nula, neexistuje ¾ádný èasový limit.
+parameterseconds/parameter nula, neexistuje ¾ádný èasový limit.
 functionset_time_limit/function pøi svém zavolání restartuje èítaè èasu

Re: [PHP-DOC] problem with cs translation

2001-01-25 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Cynic wrote:

 I've already found a commandline tool that seems to be perfect.
 Right now I'm configuring it, will try. 
 Could you please try and build the cs docs when I convert them?

Ok. I'll try to check the traffic on this list a few times during the
workday, but don't be surprised if it takes a few hours after your commit
before you get any response.

 Emacs? NT (No Thanks) - last time I tried win32 Emacs I felt 
 like a victim of a particularly bad joke.

Have to admit that I haven't yet tested it myself...

-- Jouni

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-01-25 Thread Jouni Ahto

jah Thu Jan 25 23:36:38 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Czech language support.
Index: phpdoc/
diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
--- phpdoc/ Jan 20 18:03:26 2001
+++ phpdoc/ Thu Jan 25 23:36:38 2001
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl $Id:,v 1.49 2001/01/21 02:03:26 avsm Exp $
+dnl $Id:,v 1.50 2001/01/26 07:36:38 jah Exp $
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 dnl localize paper size by language
 dnl (instead of using system-dependant default)
 case "$LANG" in
-  de|hu|ja|ko) PAPER_TYPE="A4" ;;
+  cs|de|hu|ja|ko) PAPER_TYPE="A4" ;;
   *)  PAPER_TYPE="USletter" ;;
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 case "$LANG" in
   ja|tw|ko) ENCODING="UTF-8";;
-  hu) ENCODING="ISO-8859-2";;
+  cs|hu) ENCODING="ISO-8859-2";;
   *) ENCODING="ISO-8859-1";;

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs trouble

2001-01-24 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

  Are you sure if cs is Czech. Create first a directory in the phpdoc tree
  on your local hard disk and then:
  cvs add cz
  You don't need an commit afterwards.
  yes, I'm sure. ISO codes for Czech language are ces/cze 
  (3-letter codes) or cs (2-letter). check out
 Well, your TLD is .cz... I wonder where .cs belongs...
 Good work on the translation :)

Yep, the country code is cz, but the language code is cs. Fortunately, the
DocBook dsssl stylesheets also use cs, so there's no need for any dirty
hacks. Cynic/Roman (don't know which one is appropriate), please fix also for your language. There are a few language-dependent things
there. Most important being the character set you are using, I'd guess it
to be ISO-8859-2, and as an European, your default paper size for printed
version is most probably A4.

-- Jouni

Re: [PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /

2001-01-13 Thread Jouni Ahto

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Jim Winstead wrote:

 jimw  Wed Jan 10 20:15:08 2001 EDT
   Modified files:  
   clean up building from seperate directory

 Index: phpdoc/
 diff -u phpdoc/ phpdoc/
 --- phpdoc/  Fri Jan  5 17:34:24 2001
 +++ phpdoc/   Wed Jan 10 20:15:08 2001
 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 -dnl $Id:,v 1.44 2001/01/06 01:34:24 hirokawa Exp $
 +dnl $Id:,v 1.45 2001/01/11 04:15:08 jimw Exp $
 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 /usr/local/lib/sgml/stylesheets/nwalsh-modular \
 /usr/local/lib/sgml/docbook \
 /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular ; do
 -if test -d "$dir"; then
 +if test -d "$srcdir/$dir"; then

This change actually breaks everything...

-- Jouni