Wildcard for domain instead of user?

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Weinberger
I don't know if this is possible in a virtual alias (or even virtual)  
set up, but I would like to be able to set up a user name with a  
wildcard domain. Here's what I mean:

I host several domains. I would like the address '[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
' to go to the same place (me). So my initial thought was to set up in  
my virtual alias table an entry like this:


I use MySQL lookup tables. Will this work? is there a different way to  
specify the wildcard? is there a different approach I should take to  
making this work?

Any help is much appreciated!


Jeff Weinberger

Content filtering using MySQL table

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Weinberger


I"m using content filtering by using the following (this is the  
example) syntax in master.cf:

smtp  inet  ...other stuff here, do not change...   smtpd
-o content_filter=myfilter:myfilter
myfilter unix  -   n   n   -   10  pipe

All is working as expected.

According to the directive documentation, the content_filter directive  
I am using above can take a transport(5) table (hash:, pcre:, etc.) to  
use different transports for different domains

Does anyone know if I can use a MySQL lookup for this? with a syntax  

smtp  inet  ...other stuff here, do not change...   smtpd
-o content_filter=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_filter_maps.cf
with mysql_filter_maps.cf using a syntax like:

user = postfix_sql_user
password = postfix_sql_password
hosts = localhost
dbname = postfix_sql_database_name
query = SELECT filter_result FROM filter_table WHERE domain='%s'

The reason I'd do this is to be able to add a domain or change content  
filtering for a domain on the fly without having to reload postfix

Also - what happens if I don't want content filtering for a domain,  
and I just don't have that domain in the lookup table? (i.e. the query  
returns a NULL result or no rows found result?

The desired outcome is that no content filtering is performed,

Any help or advice is much appreciated! Thank you!

Implementing autoreply for all received mail (including internally forwarded)

2008-12-27 Thread Jeff Weinberger


I am hoping I can ask for suggestions or pointers to help solve this  

I am trying to implement an autoreply capability. I am putting  
together a script that will handle the messages.

Many of the autoreply examples I've found suggest implementing this by:

   always_bcc = autoreply

   autoreply  '|/path/to/autoreply/script'

effectively causing all mail sent to anyone to be bcc'ed to the  
script, which then determines if an autoreply needs to be sent. This  
also ensures that delivery to the intended recipient (in my case, they  
are all virtual mailboxes) will also happen.

However, as I started to test this, I discovered a limitation that I  
am having difficulty finding a solution for. The scenario is that one  
user on one domain that I host sends mail to another user at another  
domain that I host.  The recipient has autoreply "turned on" in my  
script. However, according to http://www.postfix.com/ADDRESS_REWRITING_README.html 

"To avoid mailer loops, automatic BCC recipients are not generated for  
mail that Postfix forwards internally"

and the actual behavior matches that statement.

So my question:

Is there another mechanism I can use to send the mail to the script  
without interfering with normal mail delivery in all cases , including  
this internally forwarded mail?

Or, is there another way to handle autoreplies that anyone can suggest  
or point me to that avoids this issue?

(I don't want all mail forwarded to the script, as I do not want to -  
and am not sufficiently proficient to - handle reinjection into  
postfix and the associated handling of SMTP/LMTP protocol)

Thank you very much for any help or pointers you can offer!

Can recipient_bcc_maps be over-riden in master.cf?

2008-12-27 Thread Jeff Weinberger


I am having a problem with duplicate bcc's (from recipient_bcc_maps)  
and I suspect I know why - but I hope someone can point me to a  

I have a content filter set up for dspam (content_filter = dspam:dspam  
in main.cf) set up as described in the "Advanced content filter  
example" section of http://www.postfix.com/FILTER_README.html - it  
works fine.

Now I've added the ability for selected virtual mailbox addresses to  
trigger recipient_bcc_maps so that a bcc is generated to a specific  
address only when mail is sent to designated recipients.

This is where the problem arises.

When mail arrives, the bcc is generated and sent. Then when the mail  
is injected back into postfix after the content filter, another bcc is  
generated and sent. The secind bcc is, of course, undesireable.

I tried adding:

  -o recipient_bcc_maps=

to the overrides for localhost:10026 (where dspam reinjects the mail)  
but that did not change the behavior. It still generated the second bcc.

I don't see this documented per se (am I missing something?), but can  
recipient_bcc_maps be over-riden this way? If not, is there another  
way to avoid the second bcc?

Thank you for any help, pointers and/or advice you can offer!!

Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc?

2008-12-31 Thread Jeff Weinberger


After reading http://www.irbs.net/internet/postfix/0703/1471.html and http://www.irbs.net/internet/postfix/0703/1519.html 
 to help with my autoreply capability (and making sure i get it as  
close to "right" as possible!), I am trying to ensure that I can take  
all reasonable measures to get the autoreplies right (when they are  
sent). to this end, it's important that I capture the envelope-sender  
of each message in addition to the "From:" header, but I am having  
difficulty doing so.

I have tried to send the message to my autoreply script via bcc: (via  
always_bcc or recipient_bcc_maps) to a local autoreply address which  
then has the transport autoreply: which calls the autoreply script via  
pipe or is a local alias that resolves to '|/path/to/autoreply/ 
script'. The transport mechanism has the ability to pass information  
from postfix, but doesn't seem to capture the envelope-sender correctly.

I have tried using every single one of the macros listed in http://www.postfix.com/pipe.8.html 
 to no avail. I have even used some macros that are not listed, but  
I've found in other examples as I've searched for solutions.

This happens with mail sent to alias addresses as well as virtual  

Some e-mails from lists to which I subscribe include a "Sender: "  
header which looks like it contains the envelope-sender. Mail that  
shows up in my standard ISP account (not ever touching my postfix  
installation) seems to include the "Return-Path: " header which  
includes the envelope-sender.

Leading me to two questions:

1) on-topic: How can I be sure I can find the envelope-sender for  
every message and pass that to my script? Or maybe I should ask it  
this way: How do I get postfix to keep the correct envelope-sender?

2) broader: Is the list of macros that can be used as arguments to a  
pipe command (as listed in http://www.postfix.com/pipe.8.html)  
complete? or are there others (like the ones I've found)? and where  
can I find a complete list?

I would appreciate any help, direction or pointers that anyone can  

It might help to know that messages entering my postfix server are  
then passed to a content_filter (Dspam, specifically, using  
content_filter=dspam:dspam), which then re-injects them back into  
postfix which then handles them and sends them to a delivery agent  
(mostly maildrop, sometimes virtual). If the order of this (and the  
passing through dpsam is affecting the envelope-sender, is there way  
to either get the message to the autoreply script before it goes to  
dspam (I don't want that, since I don't autoreply to spam messages) or  
a way to pass the envelope-sender through dpsam, or something else I  
haven't considered?

Thank you!! and happy new year!!

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc?

2008-12-31 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Dec 31, 2008, at 6:11 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :


After reading http://www.irbs.net/internet/postfix/0703/1471.html and
http://www.irbs.net/internet/postfix/0703/1519.html to help with my
autoreply capability (and making sure i get it as close to "right" as
possible!), I am trying to ensure that I can take all reasonable
measures to get the autoreplies right (when they are sent). to this  

it's important that I capture the envelope-sender of each message in
addition to the "From:" header, but I am having difficulty doing so.

yes, don't reply to From: addresses. if you can't get the envelope
sender, don't autoreply.

I have tried to send the message to my autoreply script via bcc: (via
always_bcc or recipient_bcc_maps) to a local autoreply address which
then has the transport autoreply: which calls the autoreply script  
pipe or is a local alias that resolves to '|/path/to/autoreply/ 

The transport mechanism has the ability to pass information from
postfix, but doesn't seem to capture the envelope-sender correctly.

The envelope sender should be found in the Retrun-Path header. when
using a pipe, make sure to put the 'R' flag in the "flags=..."  

you can also use -f ${sender} in your pipe and have your scrpit parse
command line args.

I have tried using every single one of the macros listed in
http://www.postfix.com/pipe.8.html to no avail. I have even used some
macros that are not listed, but I've found in other examples as I've
searched for solutions.

This happens with mail sent to alias addresses as well as virtual

Some e-mails from lists to which I subscribe include a "Sender: "  
which looks like it contains the envelope-sender. Mail that shows  
up in

my standard ISP account (not ever touching my postfix installation)
seems to include the "Return-Path: " header which includes the

Leading me to two questions:

1) on-topic: How can I be sure I can find the envelope-sender for  
message and pass that to my script? Or maybe I should ask it this  

How do I get postfix to keep the correct envelope-sender?

always_bcc does not change the envelope sender (it changes the  

recipient). so you get the "correct" envelope sender.

2) broader: Is the list of macros that can be used as arguments to a
pipe command (as listed in http://www.postfix.com/pipe.8.html)  
or are there others (like the ones I've found)? and where can I  
find a

complete list?

I would appreciate any help, direction or pointers that anyone can  

It might help to know that messages entering my postfix server are  

passed to a content_filter (Dspam, specifically, using
content_filter=dspam:dspam), which then re-injects them back into
postfix which then handles them and sends them to a delivery agent
(mostly maildrop, sometimes virtual). If the order of this (and the
passing through dpsam is affecting the envelope-sender, is there  
way to
either get the message to the autoreply script before it goes to  
(I don't want that, since I don't autoreply to spam messages) or a  
to pass the envelope-sender through dpsam, or something else I  


check your logs to see if the envelope sender is present at delivery
time. if your content filters and other stuff reinjects mail using the
sendmail command, make sure to use -f to passe the (original)

Thank you!

I've verified that the "R" flag is there and I use -f ${sender} on the  
command line (the script does parse the arguments)

I think the envelope-sender is missing before it enters the content  
filter. This from my mail.log:

Dec 31 19:50:07 s postfix/qmgr[3345]: A4C5E2943D74:  
from=, size=1505, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec 31 19:50:07 s postfix/smtpd[3340]: disconnect from  
Dec 31 19:50:07 s dspam[3356]: query error: VERBOSE DEBUG (INFO ONLY -  
NOT AN ERROR): see sql.errors for more details

Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: connect from localhost[]
Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: 646A62943D79:  
Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/cleanup[3344]: 646A62943D79: message-id=>
Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/qmgr[3345]: 646A62943D79: from=<>,  
size=2936, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: disconnect from  
Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/pipe[3346]: A4C5E2943D74: to=>, relay=dspam, delay=5.1, delays=3.4/0/0/1.7, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent  
(delivered via dspam service)

(identifying information removed)

The "from=<>" in the third-to-last line I assume should be the  

This happens whether I send from my ISP mail address, another locally- 
hosted virtual mailbox or anywhere else.

Is this part of the problem?

If so, where can I start to look for a solution? or what information  
would be helpful?

Thank you!

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc?

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :
> I've verified that the "R" flag is there and I use -f ${sender} on  

> command line (the script does parse the arguments)
> I think the envelope-sender is missing before it enters the content
> filter. This from my mail.log:
> Dec 31 19:50:07 s postfix/qmgr[3345]: A4C5E2943D74: from=>,

> size=1505, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Dec 31 19:50:07 s postfix/smtpd[3340]: disconnect from
> smtp120.isp.mail.sp1.myisp.tld[]
> Dec 31 19:50:07 s dspam[3356]: query error: VERBOSE DEBUG (INFO  

> NOT AN ERROR): see sql.errors for more details
> Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: connect from  

> Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: 646A62943D79:
> client=localhost[]
> Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/cleanup[3344]: 646A62943D79:
> message-id=
> Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/qmgr[3345]: 646A62943D79: from=<>,  

> nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: disconnect from  

> Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/pipe[3346]: A4C5E2943D74:
> to=, relay=dspam, delay=5.1,
> delays=3.4/0/0/1.7, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via dspam  

> (identifying information removed)
> The "from=<>" in the third-to-last line I assume should be the
> envelope-sender?

yes. when mail is passed back to postfix, something loses the
envelope-sender. how do you pass mail from dspam to postfix?

From this log entry it looks like the envelope sender is empty before  
the mail is send to dspam - the "from=<>" three lines before the mail  
is delivered to dspam makes me think this.

When I look at the log entries for the message when it comes back into  
postfix from dspam the envelope sender is also empty (again "from=<>"

So isn't there something losing the envelope sender before it ever  
gets to dspam?

but to answer your question directly, dspam re-injects the mail into  
postfix using SMTP on  an alternate port, the same way as is  
illustrated in the CONTENT_FILTER_README for an after-queue content  

Does that help? or point to anything?

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc?

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 1, 2009, at 9:31 AM, mouss wrote:

jeff_homeip a écrit :

--- In post...@yahoogroups.com, mouss  wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :
I've verified that the "R" flag is there and I use -f ${sender}  
on the

command line (the script does parse the arguments)

I think the envelope-sender is missing before it enters the content
filter. This from my mail.log:

Dec 31 19:50:07 s postfix/qmgr[3345]: A4C5E2943D74: from=,
size=1505, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

look at the queue-id: A4C5E2943D74

Dec 31 19:50:07 s postfix/smtpd[3340]: disconnect from

postfix disconnects from

Dec 31 19:50:07 s dspam[3356]: query error: VERBOSE DEBUG (INFO  

NOT AN ERROR): see sql.errors for more details

dspam barks. so dspam got the message.

Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: connect from  

dspam connects to postfix (after the filter smtpd).

Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: 646A62943D79:

this dspam connection has a queue-id of 646A62943D79

Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/cleanup[3344]: 646A62943D79:
Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/qmgr[3345]: 646A62943D79: from=<>,  

nrcpt=1 (queue active)

the envelope sender is empty for queue-id 646A62943D79, which
corresponds to dspam re-injection. so dspam has reinjected the message
with an empty sender.

Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/smtpd[3348]: disconnect from  

Dec 31 19:50:09 s postfix/pipe[3346]: A4C5E2943D74:
to=, relay=dspam, delay=5.1,
delays=3.4/0/0/1.7, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via dspam  

once dspam has delivered the message, postfix tells you that the
original transaction was delivered. this comes late because dspam does
not queue mail, so postfix can't know that delivery _will_ succeed.


From this log entry it looks like the envelope sender is empty  
before the mail is send to
dspam - the "from=<>" three lines before the mail is delivered to  
dspam makes me think


don't rely on the order of log lines. Instead, look at the queue-id:

A4C5E2943D74 is the queue-id when postfix received the message from  
network. 646A62943D79 is the queue-id when postfix received the  

from localhost, which should be dspam re-injection.

When I look at the log entries for the message when it comes back  
into postfix from

dspam the envelope sender is also empty (again "from=<>"

see above. the log doesn't tell you "I am about to pass mail to  
it tells you "mail was delivered, and it was done via dspam". This  

that dspam took the message and said "OK" to postfix, and since dspam
doesn't have a queue manager, this means that the message was already
filtered and passed to postfix/smtpd (the "after the filter" one).

So isn't there something losing the envelope sender before it ever  
gets to dspam?

but to answer your question directly, dspam re-injects the mail  
into postfix using SMTP on
an alternate port, the same way as is illustrated in the  

after-queue content filter.

so the problem is in dspam.

Does that help?

I asked just to make sure it was not passing the message to something
else that does the re-injection.

Thank you! That helps clarify what I was missing in this - so clearly  
dspam is not passing the envelope sender back to postfix.

I suspect it doesn't know how via SMTP, but it can also use the  
sendmail  command to do this. I will experiment with this.

would the correct command be "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f" ?


Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc?

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 1, 2009, at 9:49 AM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

Thank you! That helps clarify what I was missing in this - so clearly
dspam is not passing the envelope sender back to postfix.

I suspect it doesn't know how via SMTP, but it can also use the
sendmail  command to do this. I will experiment with this.

no, keep using smtp. just check your setup (and see why dspam barks
about sql errors). ask on the dspam list.

If you wnat to keep using dspam, you should follow the (recent) fork:

would the correct command be "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f" ?

yes, but smtp is better.

Thank you!

I will ask on the dspam list about this.

I've been reading the dspam docs this morning and the project owner  
states fairly strongly that sendmail is far preferable to SMTP re- 
injection (in the postfix setup docs), but doesn't say why. I don't  
know enough about the workings of dspam (yet) to know, but I'd tend to  
agree with you on the use of SMTP as more desirable.

dspam has always had this mysql issue, which is related to its  
database of spam tokens, and I'll look into whether it might be related.

Thank you for your help!

issue connecting to mysql after upgrade

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

Hello again:

One more issue on which I would appreciate any help anyone can offer:

Yesterday I upgraded my postfix installation from 2.5.2 to 2.5.5 and  
my MySQL installation from 5.0.51b to 5.0.75. Immediately after  
restarting everything (the whole computer), I started seeing these  
messages in my mail log:

 Jan  1 09:48:35 s postfix/smtpd[13199]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
 Jan  1 09:48:35 s postfix/cleanup[13201]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
 Jan  1 09:48:42 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[13205]: warning:  
connect to mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server  
through socket '/tmp' (38)

As far as I can tell this has been consistent with smtpd, cleanup and  
trivial-rewrite, but nothing else. (there have been pre-existing  
issues, per my prior conversation with mouss, with dspam, but these  
have not changed at all - they existed before the upgrade and still  

I use mysql for nearly all my tables in postfix. All of my aliases are  
working and forwarding fine, which means that postfix can access my  
mysql database (and yes, postconf -m shows mysql). virtual is finding  
the maildirs correctly for my virtual mailboxes.

However, my sender_canonical_maps are no longer working after the  
upgrade (outbound addresses are not being rewritten at all as they  
were before the upgrade)

As an example, my main.cf contains:

and mysql_canonical_maps.cf contains:

user = postfixuser
password = postfixpassword
hosts = localhost,
dbname = postfixdatabase
query = SELECT result FROM canonical WHERE address='%s' AND  

(obvious information changed). This is unchanged before and after the  

The query works on all the addresses (I tested it at the mysql command  

I also tested a local telnet to on port 3306 which worked as  
expected and mysql responds perfectly. I also tested connection  
through the localhost socket with works as expected. Also several  
other parts of my mail system (e.g. courier_auth) connect through the  
socket and report success. And as noted, postfix is able to connect  
most of the time (aliases, virtual maildirs, etc.). Other software on  
my system, e.g. PHP, is also able to connect to mysql successfully.

I tried all the steps in the MySQL documentation on dev.mysql.com  
suggested to diagnose this error, and all confirmed that the MySQL  
server is working correctly.

So I find myself not knowing where to look next, and I hope someone  
here knows what might be happening or at least be able to point me in  
the right direction.

One additional piece of information: I am running on Mac OS/X and as  
part of this upgrade, I installed the 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 upgrade (thus  
needing to restart my computer). This upgrade is known to break  
postfix. So I reinstalled postfix and my main.cf and master.cf files  
after the upgrade and stopped and restarted postfix to be sure. (and  

What other information might be helpful in diagnosing this?

Thank you for any help you can offer!

Re: issue connecting to mysql after upgrade

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 1, 2009, at 1:55 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

Hello again:

One more issue on which I would appreciate any help anyone can offer:

Yesterday I upgraded my postfix installation from 2.5.2 to 2.5.5  
and my
MySQL installation from 5.0.51b to 5.0.75. Immediately after  
everything (the whole computer), I started seeing these messages in  

mail log:

Jan  1 09:48:35 s postfix/smtpd[13199]: warning: connect to mysql
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 09:48:35 s postfix/cleanup[13201]: warning: connect to  

server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 09:48:42 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[13205]: warning:  
to mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server  

socket '/tmp' (38)

As far as I can tell this has been consistent with smtpd, cleanup and
trivial-rewrite, but nothing else. (there have been pre-existing  

per my prior conversation with mouss, with dspam, but these have not
changed at all - they existed before the upgrade and still exist)

I use mysql for nearly all my tables in postfix. All of my aliases  

working and forwarding fine, which means that postfix can access my
mysql database (and yes, postconf -m shows mysql). virtual is finding
the maildirs correctly for my virtual mailboxes.

However, my sender_canonical_maps are no longer working after the
upgrade (outbound addresses are not being rewritten at all as they  

before the upgrade)

As an example, my main.cf contains:

and mysql_canonical_maps.cf contains:

   user = postfixuser
   password = postfixpassword
   hosts = localhost,
   dbname = postfixdatabase
   query = SELECT result FROM canonical WHERE address='%s' AND  

(obvious information changed). This is unchanged before and after the

The query works on all the addresses (I tested it at the mysql  


I also tested a local telnet to on port 3306 which worked  
expected and mysql responds perfectly. I also tested connection  
the localhost socket with works as expected. Also several other  
parts of
my mail system (e.g. courier_auth) connect through the socket and  

success. And as noted, postfix is able to connect most of the time
(aliases, virtual maildirs, etc.). Other software on my system, e.g.
PHP, is also able to connect to mysql successfully.

I tried all the steps in the MySQL documentation on dev.mysql.com
suggested to diagnose this error, and all confirmed that the MySQL
server is working correctly.

So I find myself not knowing where to look next, and I hope someone  

knows what might be happening or at least be able to point me in the
right direction.

One additional piece of information: I am running on Mac OS/X and as
part of this upgrade, I installed the 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 upgrade (thus
needing to restart my computer). This upgrade is known to break  

So I reinstalled postfix and my main.cf and master.cf files after the
upgrade and stopped and restarted postfix to be sure. (and mysql)

What other information might be helpful in diagnosing this?

- check whether any services are chrooted in master.cf (the 5th field
must be set to 'n' and not to 'y' or '-')?

All chroot flags are set to "n"

- try using proxymap (foo_maps=proxy:mysql:/etc/).

Tried this...no change :(

- make sure the mysql socket is accessible by postfix (and not just by

I checked looking at permissions and trying it as the postfix user and  
all works (I suspected it would, as many accesses work fine (aliases,  
etc. as I noted earlier)

- try with "hosts =" (without "localhost")

Tried this - no change. :(

I tried each of the suggestions you made with alias, virtual and local  

I noticed that when local complained about mysql access, it still did  
fine looking up the local alias and forwarding it correctly.

I'm starting to wonder whether this is a "can't connect" or a delay in  
connecting - is it possible that it's taking too long to connect so a  
warning is reported, but the connection happens eventually? or that it  
works on a retry?

The only thing I've found that doesn't work as expected is  
sender_canonical_maps which would invalidate this theory, but the  
local behavior makes me think it's a possibility?

Alternatively, is it possible that something in the mysql capabilities  
of postfix compiled wrong? I am not that familiar with gcc and the  
build process (I use what I know works) - is there something I can  
look at in the ./configure or make output that would tell me?

I did try rebuilding (./configure,. make, make in

Re: issue connecting to mysql after upgrade

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 1, 2009, at 4:53 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :


- try with "hosts =" (without "localhost")

Tried this - no change. :(

ahem. if you do this, you should not hear about a socket. it should  

a TCP connection. can you show the errors?

I would think so also.

I'm at a loss here, but I think this is no longer a problem. i was  
able to turn on very verbose logging in mysql, and it turns out that  
all the queries are in fact being made.

I also have to confess to a bit of stupidity about my own ability to  
hold enough configuration information in my head (making postfix much  
smarter than I am!). I have dspam set to filter all mail both inbound  
and outbound (this has to change, but served the purpose when I  
initially set it up. And to stop multiply always_bcc results,  
specified "-o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings" in the  
master.cf entry for re-injection. the pipe to dspam is case-folding  
and then the sender_canonical_maps are being ignored. I didn't event  
think to look at this as a reason canonical was failing.

I apologize sincerely for taking so much time and effort to get here  
and for leading you down this path. But still I appreciate the help.  
This will help me clean up this set of configuration issues.

As to the warnings, I still don't know. Everything seems to be  
working, but issuing warnings.

Here are a bunch of the errors - from more reading I think the key is  
in the (38) which I think(??) is a postfix error code...is it? do you  
know what it means?:

Jan  1 17:00:33 s postfix/smtpd[21502]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:00:33 s postfix/cleanup[21517]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:06:33 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[21546]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:06:34 s postfix/smtpd[21544]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:06:34 s postfix/cleanup[21547]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:09:42 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[21582]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:09:42 s postfix/smtpd[21581]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:09:42 s postfix/cleanup[21583]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:09:45 s postfix/local[21587]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:09:58 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[21592]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:11:50 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[21624]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:11:50 s postfix/smtpd[21623]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:11:50 s postfix/cleanup[21625]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:15:46 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[21648]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:15:49 s postfix/smtpd[21646]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:15:49 s postfix/cleanup[21649]: warning: connect to mysql  
server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ 
tmp' (38)
Jan  1 17:19:10 s postfix/trivial-rewrite[21675]: warning: connect to  
mysql server localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp' (38)


why do use sender_canonical instead of canonical? rewrite should be
consistent, and "your sender is the recipient's recipient"...

This is mostly because I use maildrop as the virtual delivery agent  
many of the virtual mailboxes. I'm really just testing this, and  
may end

up using canonical instead. But here's my thinking:

I have one user who wants a minor change - sounds silly, but gives  
me a

good chance to experimen

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 1, 2009, at 12:58 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

I've been reading the dspam docs this morning and the project owner
states fairly strongly that sendmail is far preferable to SMTP
re-injection (in the postfix setup docs), but doesn't say why.

if he doesn't say why, then we don't know whether there was a  
problem at
the time or if there is another reason. People have been using smtp  

without problems.

I don't
know enough about the workings of dspam (yet) to know, but I'd tend  

agree with you on the use of SMTP as more desirable.

dspam has always had this mysql issue, which is related to its  

of spam tokens, and I'll look into whether it might be related.

I don't think it is related, but check it though...

First let me thank mouss for all his generous help on this - as it  
turned out, I was able to solve it with the information in this thread  
and http://www.pubbs.net/postfix/200811/3719/ from Victor but it  
required some trickery to get the envelope-sender past dspam.

I'm posting my solution here in the hope that it might help someone  

I used a pcre: table for smtpd_sender_restrictions and the PREPEND  
action as follows:

 smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access pcre:/etc/ 

/^(.*)/  PREPEND X-Envelope-Sender: ${1}

this will insert into every message a header "X-Envelope-Sender: "  
followed  by the envelope sender value. It won't pass the envelope- 
sender as SMTP MAIL FROM (dspam wasn't designed to do that, and until  
I take the step to a better before-queue filter or something that  
does, this will work, since all I needed was to capture the envelope- 

Limited testing shows this to work. There might be cases beyond what I  
tested that will behave differently than I expect or very oddly.

Thanks again!

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 2, 2009, at 2:30 AM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

I used a pcre: table for smtpd_sender_restrictions and the PREPEND
action as follows:

smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access

   /^(.*)/  PREPEND X-Envelope-Sender: ${1}

this will insert into every message a header "X-Envelope-Sender: "
followed  by the envelope sender value. It won't pass the
envelope-sender as SMTP MAIL FROM (dspam wasn't designed to do that,

dspam gets it via LMTP MAIL FROM, and it will pass it back to postfix
with SMT MAIL FROM. I have used this in the past and I'm sure others  

using it now (ping steve?). something in your setup prevents this from
working but I don' think it is a dspam limitation.

It's definitely my set up. I don't use LMTP to pass the message to  
dspam, I use a transport called "dspam" that uses pipe. That means  
there's no S/LMTP dialog, just the message itself passed as STDIN.

I have to move dspam to use LMTP and then move it to a before-queue  
content filter so that this workaround becomes unnecessary, but until  
I go to make those changes, this will suffice.

I'm not completely convinced that dspam will work seamlessly as a  
before-queue content filter, so I'll have to do some testing to see  
how well that works and whether it can do what I need and hand fully  
formed messages with SMTP dialog information back to postfix.

Thank you!!

until I take the step to a better before-queue filter or something  

does, this will work, since all I needed was to capture the

Limited testing shows this to work. There might be cases beyond  
what I

tested that will behave differently than I expect or very oddly.

Thanks again!

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 2, 2009, at 9:20 AM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

It's definitely my set up. I don't use LMTP to pass the message to
dspam, I use a transport called "dspam" that uses pipe. That means
there's no S/LMTP dialog, just the message itself passed as STDIN.

so _you_ are not passing the envelope sender to dspam.

Consider running dspam in "relay mode":
postfix --(LMTP)--> dspam --(SMTP)--> postfix

I have to move dspam to use LMTP and then move it to a before-queue

why do you want to run it in pre-queue mode? This is not needed and is
not simple to setup.

If I understand your diagram, then the content_filter would look like:

content_filter=lmtp:unix:/path/to/dspam args

and that might pass through the envelope information (I'm not  
convinced, but if dspam can do it, that would be how).

But since dspam can speak LMTP and SMTP why would an smtpd proxy be  
hard to set up? It would certainly avoid the bcc issues, etc. that I"  
experiences by having the message run through postfix twice. After  
reading through SMTPD_PROXY_README, it seems like a bit of a challenge  
to  make it work, but not that hard...what do you think might be  

Thanks for all your help - over the course of thi dialog I've learned  
a lot about postfix and have become more aware of and proficient with  
parts I knew little about. This has been very helpful.

content filter so that this workaround becomes unnecessary, but  
until I

go to make those changes, this will suffice.

I'm not completely convinced that dspam will work seamlessly as a
before-queue content filter, so I'll have to do some testing to see  
well that works and whether it can do what I need and hand fully  

messages with SMTP dialog information back to postfix.

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

Wietse Venema wrote:

Jeff Weinberger:
[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> On Jan 2, 2009, at 2:30 AM, mouss wrote:
> > Jeff Weinberger a ?crit :
> >>
> >> I used a pcre: table for smtpd_sender_restrictions and the  

> >> action as follows:
> >>
> >> main.cf:
> >> smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access
> >> pcre:/etc/postfix/smtpd_sender_restrictions.pcre
> >>
> >> smtpd_sender_restrictions.pcre
> >> /^(.*)/ PREPEND X-Envelope-Sender: ${1}
> >>
> >> this will insert into every message a header "X-Envelope- 
Sender: "

> >> followed by the envelope sender value. It won't pass the
> >> envelope-sender as SMTP MAIL FROM (dspam wasn't designed to do  

> >
> > dspam gets it via LMTP MAIL FROM, and it will pass it back to  
> > with SMT MAIL FROM. I have used this in the past and I'm sure  

> > are
> > using it now (ping steve?). something in your setup prevents  
this from

> > working but I don' think it is a dspam limitation.
> It's definitely my set up. I don't use LMTP to pass the message to
> dspam, I use a transport called "dspam" that uses pipe. That means
> there's no S/LMTP dialog, just the message itself passed as STDIN.

If you can show what you've configured to pass mail into dspam,
then perhaps someone can tell you how to get that envelope sender
address into dspam, too.


I thought I had a while back, but I"m not sure it matters. Right now I  
am passing mail to dspam via pipe, which means dspam does not know how  
to handle the envelope-sender as a command-line argument. I need to  
change this to passing mail to dspam via LMTP.

I don't know how exactly, but I hope with some help, I can make it work!

That said, here's the current configuration:


and in master.cf:

 dspam unix  -   n   n   -   10  pipe
flags=Ru user=_dspam argv=/usr/local/bin/dspam -- 
deliver=innocent --user ${recipient} -i - f $sender -- $recipient

dspam is running as a daemon .and re-injects the mail as SMTP to an  
alternate port.

I assume the LMTP setup should look something like:


 content_filter=lmtp:unix:/path/to/dspam  --deliver=innocent -- 
user ${recipient} -i - f $sender -- $recipient

and the transport in master.cf becomes unnecessary.

I don't know how to handle the command line arguments (or even if I  
have to), so suggestions, help and especially examples would be most  

Thank you!


Jeff Weinberger

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 2, 2009, at 2:17 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

On Jan 2, 2009, at 9:20 AM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

It's definitely my set up. I don't use LMTP to pass the message to
dspam, I use a transport called "dspam" that uses pipe. That means
there's no S/LMTP dialog, just the message itself passed as STDIN.

so _you_ are not passing the envelope sender to dspam.

Consider running dspam in "relay mode":
   postfix --(LMTP)--> dspam --(SMTP)--> postfix

I have to move dspam to use LMTP and then move it to a before-queue

why do you want to run it in pre-queue mode? This is not needed  
and is

not simple to setup.

Is there a reason why you keep adding yahoo groups after I remove them
fro CC? This is starting to annoy me...

Sorry!! I was having problems with my messages not posting. I will  
stop adding :)

and by the way, disable the X-DSPAM-Factors header. dspam doesn't  

it, which results in things like:

X-DSPAM-Factors: 27,
a+écrit, 0.01000,

and this is not a valid header.

OK thanks!

If I understand your diagram, then the content_filter would look  

content_filter=lmtp:unix:/path/to/dspam args


where the 10024 is the same port used in dspam.conf:

of course, dspam must be running in daemon mode.

dspam is running in daemon mode. This makes sense as a setup.

The example in the dspam docs for postfix shows


which is why I thought unix: instead of inet:

is there any difference, other than performance?

On a related question (if more broad): some content_filter examples I  
see use content_filter in main.cf and some as "-o content_filter=..."  
in master.cf.

I understand from prior conversations here that you can't override  
content filters, they are global. (yes?)

So is there an advantage/disadvantage to specifying the content filter  
in main.cf vs. master.cf?

and that might pass through the envelope information (I'm not  

but if dspam can do it, that would be how).

LMTP is similar to SMTP, and dspam can run as an LMTP server (this is
configured in dspam.conf).

But since dspam can speak LMTP and SMTP

dspam has a server and a client. so which speaks what?

if we are talking about the server part:

$ cd dspam-3.8.0/src
$ cat daemon.c
input = daemon_expect(TTX, "LHLO");
if (input == NULL)
   goto CLOSE;

it wants LHLO (which is for LMTP), not HELO or EHLO. so no smtp there.

why would an smtpd proxy be hard
to set up? It would certainly avoid the bcc issues, etc.

I don't understand why you mix pre-queue and bcc. maybe you confuse
pre-queue with a "not simple content filter"?

I am new to pre-queue filtering and am clearly still confused :)

you had asked:

why do you want to run it in pre-queue mode? This is not needed  
and is

not simple to setu

so I thought it might be hard.

It's not important for now...getting dspam working as LMTP will be  
fine (assuming it passes along all the right information once it works)

Thank you!!

that I"
experiences by having the message run through postfix twice. After
reading through SMTPD_PROXY_README, it seems like a bit of a  
to  make it work, but not that hard...what do you think might be  

Thanks for all your help - over the course of thi dialog I've  
learned a

lot about postfix and have become more aware of and proficient with
parts I knew little about. This has been very helpful.

content filter so that this workaround becomes unnecessary, but  
until I

go to make those changes, this will suffice.

I'm not completely convinced that dspam will work seamlessly as a
before-queue content filter, so I'll have to do some testing to  
see how
well that works and whether it can do what I need and hand fully  

messages with SMTP dialog information back to postfix.

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 2, 2009, at 3:20 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

content_filter=lmtp:unix:/path/to/dspam args


where the 10024 is the same port used in dspam.conf:

of course, dspam must be running in daemon mode.

dspam is running in daemon mode. This makes sense as a setup.

The example in the dspam docs for postfix shows


which is why I thought unix: instead of inet:

it's ok to use a unix socket, but it's a socket, not the dspam binary
with args.

OK, thanks. I will set up dspam to listen on port 10024 - seems to  
make the most sense. I don't need a localhost:10024 entry in master.cf  
then? right?

is there any difference, other than performance?

I wouldn't put performances into the equation without measurements  

should tune where the bottleneck is, not in every small piece).

if you use a unix socket, you'll have to make sure it is accessible.  
particular, if someday you decide to chroot postfix, you'll need to  

the unix socket in the chroot jail.

exactly. Thanks

On a related question (if more broad): some content_filter examples I
see use content_filter in main.cf and some as "-o  
content_filter=..." in


I understand from prior conversations here that you can't override
content filters, they are global. (yes?)

no, they are not global. each smtpd may have its own content_filter.
(don't confuse with: "one message, one filter". The latter simply  
that postfix won't split a single message into one message per  

before passing it to the content filter).

That makes sense. thank you.

So is there an advantage/disadvantage to specifying the content  

in main.cf vs. master.cf?

I guess an example is better than literature, no?

here is a "not uncommon setup":
- port 25 is used for "MX" mail (aka inbound mail). it uses the
content_filter defined in main.cf

right, as I do right now.

- port 587 is used for "submission" (authenticated, ...). such mail is
scanned for viruses but not for spam (there's not much things a  

filter could do here, except in simple setups with a site-wide bayes).
so -o is used to set the filter for this service

I need to set this up also - seems easy, but is there an example of  
the localhost:587 master.cf entry somewhere I could start with?

- sendmail mail is not filtered, because we "trust" the box (there's  
user, ... etc) and we don't want anything blocking such mail. or we  
sendmail to reinject mail after filtering, so we don't want to  
create a

loop. for this, we set "-o content_filter=".

do you mean the re-injection into postfix? I have "-o content_filter="  
there already. I'm re-injecting mail via SMTP, not sendmail...

I am new to pre-queue filtering and am clearly still confused :)

- content_filter refers to after-the-queue filtering. This means  

saves the mail on disk, says "ok" to the client, and sometimes after
that, postfix passes the message to the filter

- proxy_filter refers to pre-queue: postfix keeps the client  

passed the message to the filter and waits for the filter response
before responding to the client. This assumes SMTP, because the  

was received via SMTP, so the client wants a single response for the
whole message, and not one response per recipient.

the pipe method that you were using is an example of a content_filter,
and is referred to as a "simple filter" in postfix docs. but a
content_filter need not be a pipe.

you had asked:

why do you want to run it in pre-queue mode? This is not needed  
and is

not simple to setu

so I thought it might be hard.

and it is. reread what I said about dspam and lmtp...

Thank you!

It's not important for now...getting dspam working as LMTP will be  

(assuming it passes along all the right information once it works)

Re: issue connecting to mysql after upgrade (issue not postfix)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 1, 2009, at 4:53 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :


- try with "hosts =" (without "localhost")

Tried this - no change. :(

ahem. if you do this, you should not hear about a socket. it should  

a TCP connection. can you show the errors?

OK, now I've taken out the localhost again and there's no more  
complaining. (not sure why It continued complaining last time...)

This is not a postfix issue. This is clearly a MySQL socket issue. I'm  
pursuing this on the MySQL lists.

Thank you!


why do use sender_canonical instead of canonical? rewrite should be
consistent, and "your sender is the recipient's recipient"...

This is mostly because I use maildrop as the virtual delivery agent  
many of the virtual mailboxes. I'm really just testing this, and  
may end

up using canonical instead. But here's my thinking:

I have one user who wants a minor change - sounds silly, but gives  
me a

good chance to experiment/learn. I'm rewriting the one address to a
specific capitalization. I know I'll be doing more with more users  

I want to rewrite when mail goes to someone outside my postfix  
canonical_maps would also rewrite inbound mail to that address,  
which is

not bad, but not the desired behavior.

So I am trying sender_canonical_maps to get the behavior I want.

Then you may want to use smtp_generic_maps instead of canonical.

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 2, 2009, at 4:03 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :

OK, thanks. I will set up dspam to listen on port 10024 - seems to  
the most sense. I don't need a localhost:10024 entry in master.cf  


no, 10024 will be used by dspam. your postfix should have a to get mail back.

perfect thanks!

So is there an advantage/disadvantage to specifying the content  

in main.cf vs. master.cf?

I guess an example is better than literature, no?

here is a "not uncommon setup":
- port 25 is used for "MX" mail (aka inbound mail). it uses the
content_filter defined in main.cf

right, as I do right now.

- port 587 is used for "submission" (authenticated, ...). such  
mail is
scanned for viruses but not for spam (there's not much things a  
filter could do here, except in simple setups with a site-wide  

so -o is used to set the filter for this service

I need to set this up also - seems easy, but is there an example of  

localhost:587 master.cf entry somewhere I could start with?

your master.cf should already contain a "submission" service (it's
commented out by default). you can add -o conten_filter and other

it didn't - but that's probably because apple modified the example  
file and took out the submission entry. I found it in the distribution.

I'm guessing I should leave my port 25 (smtp) entry to allow  
submission on that port with authentication (leaving  
"smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated...") - is there  
any harm in that?

- sendmail mail is not filtered, because we "trust" the box  
(there's no
user, ... etc) and we don't want anything blocking such mail. or  
we use
sendmail to reinject mail after filtering, so we don't want to  
create a

loop. for this, we set "-o content_filter=".

do you mean the re-injection into postfix? I have "-o  

there already. I'm re-injecting mail via SMTP, not sendmail...

so you already had an example that overrides the content_filter in
master.cf ;-)

I see that I did... oops ;)

Re: Finding the envelope-sender after always_bcc? (SOLVED)

2009-01-02 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 2, 2009, at 5:32 PM, mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a écrit :
I'm guessing I should leave my port 25 (smtp) entry to allow  

on that port with authentication (leaving
"smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated...") - is  
there any

harm in that?

no. but separating roles makes configuration easier. so encourage  

to use 587.

ok, thanks - that makes sense and it seems to be working fine for me.

dspam isn't working fine accepting messages via LMTP, so I'm taking  
that over to the dspam list

Thank you for your help!

Getting reject_sender_login_mismatch/smtpd_sender_login_maps and mysql to work together

2009-01-06 Thread Jeff Weinberger


I would very much appreciate any help, advice, pointers, etc. to  
resolve an issue I am encountering.

I am having a challenge trying to use a mysql table for  
smtpd_sender_login_maps. Right now I have:

In main.cf:

My virtual mailbox table contains the username for authentication  
(which is also the e-mail address), the password and I am using a text  
(VARCHAR) field to hold the list of e-mail addresses that each user is  
allowed to send from.

For example, my e-mail is jeff (at) jweinberger.homeip.net. I can send  
as that e-mail, but I also want to allow sending from someothername  
(at) jweinberger.homeip.net and from jeff (at) some-other-domain-I- 
own.tld. so the table row looks like:

field username: jeff (at) jweinberger.homeip.net
field password: (password)
field valid_from: jeff (at) jweinberger.homeip.net,  someothername  
(at) jweinberger.homeip.net, jeff (at) some-other-domain-I-own.tld

The select statement in the maps.cf file is "select username from  
virtual_mailbox_table where (INSTR(valid_from, "%s") > 0)" which  
successfully (tested outside postfix) looks up the sender address and  
returns the login name (field: username).

I run into problems when more than one login name is permitted to send  
from a given address. For example, say i include one of my valid  
addresses as postmaster (at) jweinberger.homeip.net (so I can send  
from it - mail to it goes into a postmaster mailbox as required). I  
also want someone else to be able to send from postmaster (at)  
jweinberger.homeip.net. So the virtual mailbox table would contain:

Row 1:

field username: jeff (at) jweinberger.homeip.net
field password: (password)
field valid_from: jeff (at) jweinberger.homeip.net,  someothername  
(at) jweinberger.homeip.net, jeff (at) some-other-domain-I-own.tld,  
postmaster (at) jweinberger.homeip.net

Row 2:

field username: someoneelse (at) jweinberger.homeip.net
field password: (password)
field valid_from: someoneelse (at) jweinberger.homeip.net,   
yetanothername (at) jweinberger.homeip.net, postmaster (at)  

And when I try to send mail authenticated at jeff (at)  
jweinberger.homeip.net from postmaster (at) jweinberger.homeip.net it  
fails with this log entry:

postfix/smtpd[83245]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]:  
553 5.7.1 : Sender address  
rejected: not owned by user jeff (at) jweinberger.homeip.net  
from= to=<--edited-->  
proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

The query in this case would return two rows, as both users are  
allowed to send from that address.

According to the description of smtpd_sender_login_maps in http://www.postfix.com/postconf.5.html 

"In all cases the result of table lookup must be either "not found" or  
a list of SASL login names separated by comma and/or whitespace"

I conclude that the mysql query is not returning the list in the right  
form. Since I don't know how mysql calls are implemented in postfix, I  
don't know what to do to correct this, if it's possible.

So my questions:

1) Is my analysis and conclusion (that mysql is not returning the  
result in the required form) correct?

2) Is there anything I can do to make the result come back in the form  
postfix needs it?

I would like to be able to do this in this way, as I think it makes  
sense to track which addresses are authorized for each user, rather  
than the other way around. If there is no direct way to do this, I can  
build a reverse lookup table that will return the list postfix expects.

And of course, if there is any additional information that would help  
in diagnosing or resolving this, I'd be happy to provide it.

Any help, direction, pointers, etc. are much appreciated!



Re: Getting reject_sender_login_mismatch/smtpd_sender_login_maps and mysql to work together

2009-01-06 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Tue Jan 6, 2009 2:42 pm Victor Duchovni wrote:

> I know that it is not a good model for the way postfix requires the
> query,

More stronly, an SQL schema in which multiple data items are stored
concatenated in a single table element is a poor schema regardless
of the application. This violates fundamental principles of database
schema design. Multi-valued elements are stored in separate tables  

are joined to the main table. This is not a Postfix requirement, it is
basic database design.

> but from a logical standpoint, I am trying to this about it
> as which addresses is a user allowed to send from.

The correct design has a address table which links address objects  
to user

objects, and a user table which holds attribtues of users. To discover
the addresses of a user, join the two tables. Implement appropriate
indices and forein keys to make the expected queries efficient.

> This makes sense
> when you think about a user having e-mail service through my server,
> and using that to send e-mail from another unrelated valid address  
> he/she owns. (validating that is also important, but not in the  

> of this issue).

> So I want to associate valid from addresses with the user, not the  

> way around.

In a correct SQL schema the question is moot, SQL stores relation  

there is no notion of which is the primary element in a relation.

x R y <=> row (x,y) is present in table R

> I understand fully the point of view that postfix takes, asking  
who is

> allowed to send from this e-mail address (more or less masquerade as
> this e-mail identity), which makes sense also.

Yes, but your schema is poorly designed. A good schema will naturally
support a variety of queries that select ether the "x" values for
which "x R y" is true for a given "y" or just as easily the converse.

> There may be better schema for answering the question I am asking,
> but it sounds from your response (I am assuming, possibly  
> That there is no way to do what I want to do without creating  
> table in the database, indexed by from address with resuting lists  

> users. Is that correct?

I am claiming that what you can't be done with your existing schema,
perhaps it can. I am claiming that you should change your schema
as soon as you can.

> Why does postfix reject the mail when the mysql query return one or
> several valid SASL users?

To solve such questions, divide and conquer:

- Use a simple indexed file to store the sasl_sender_login table.
Make this work, resolving any issues that you find.

- Once SASL sender validation is working without SQL, create
an SQL query that given verbatim keys from the indexed file,
returns the identical RHS values. Verify with multiple "postmap -q"
tests. Once this works, use SQL in the Postfix configuration.

The above approach allows you to identify and solve the right problem.



Thank you. I agree with all your comments about the database schema,  
which I have not yet built. I am in testing mode and want to make sure  
this kind of validation will work as expected and give me the desired  
results. So if I may, I'd like to focus on getting this to work.

I did the testing you suggested before I posted. Here are the tests:

I created a hash table (text file then used postmap hash:).  The text  
file had lines like this:

sender_address1  sasl_owner
sender_address2  sasl_owner2, sasl_owner3, sasl_owner4

and so on, for the several addresses I tested.

I then used postmap -q to verify that the lookup returned the correct  
values. As speficied in the documentation for smtpd_sender_login_maps,  
it returned one single SASL user name when only one user is authorized  
to send from that from address and a string of comma-separated names  
when multiple users are authorized to send from that from address.

I then added the line:


to my main.cf and send a few messages. Postfix correctly allowed and  
rejected all of the test messaages, and the logs showed the correct  
reason for the rejection, and no log entries showing a successful match.

I then, again just to test, added a field to my virtual users table to  
hold authorized addresses, and wrote the query noted above into a  
mysql_sender_login_maps.cf file.

I used postmap -q to verify that the results of the query were correct  
and were exactly the same as the results received when I used postmap - 
q on the hash: file. They all were identical for the same lookup keys.

I then changed the main.cf line to:


and tried the same series of test messages.

All of the test messages failed. The ones where the lookup produced  
the same comma-separated line as with the hash: file, and the ones  
where the lookup produced a single result. All were rejected (as noted  
in the log entry I posted previously) with the reason that the from  
address was

Re: Getting reject_sender_login_mismatch/smtpd_sender_login_maps and mysql to work together

2009-01-06 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 6, 2009, at 5:59 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

Jeff Weinberger:

I then added the line:


to my main.cf and send a few messages. Postfix correctly allowed and
rejected all of the test messaages, and the logs showed the correct
reason for the rejection, and no log entries showing a successful  

I then, again just to test, added a field to my virtual users table  

hold authorized addresses, and wrote the query noted above into a
mysql_sender_login_maps.cf file.

I used postmap -q to verify that the results of the query were  
and were exactly the same as the results received when I used  
postmap -
q on the hash: file. They all were identical for the same lookup  

smtpd does the same lookups as "postmap -q".

If the result is different than when you run "postmap -q" by hand,
then it is almost certain that you are using a different search
key than Postfix uses.  Postfix does the lookups as documented in
the postconf(5) manual page:

smtpd_sender_login_maps (default: empty)
  Optional  lookup  table with the SASL login names that own  
sender (MAIL

  FROM) addresses.

  Specify zero or more "type:table"  lookup  tables.  With   
lookups  from
  indexed  files such as DB or DBM, or from networked tables  
such as NIS,
  LDAP or SQL, the following search operations are  done  with   
a  sender

  address of u...@domain:

  1) u...@domain
 This table lookup is always done and has the highest  

  2) user
 This table lookup is done only  when  the  domain   
part  of  the
 sender  address  matches $myorigin, $mydestination,  

 faces or $proxy_interfaces.

  3) @domain
 This table lookup is done last and has the lowest  

You can see what lookups Postfix does by setting the debug_peer_list
parameter in main.cf. For example:

# postconf -e debug_peer_list=static:all
# postfix reload



Thank you very much for your help.

I just responded to Viktor as well, and plead stupid.

I just re-ran all the same tests (by hand this time) and everything  
worked. All postmap-q commands gave the correct results, and all  
messages were accepted or rejected as expected. I checked the scripts  
I used earlier for logical errors and typos, but found none. so I have  
no idea why I was  getting odd results.

Never-the-less, all works now. I thank you and Victor for your  
generous help.


how to specify an over-ride in master.cf that contains whitespace

2009-01-06 Thread Jeff Weinberger


Yet another question I hope I can impose upon your help for...

I am testing sender restrictions and have defined an alternate  
submission entry in master.cf for this purpose (and not to disrupt  
other users while I test).

I want to test the check_sender_access which requires the form  
"check_sender_access type:table" which includes whitespace, which is  
not permitted in master.cf

According to the master(5) documentation:
do not specify whitespace around the "=".   In  parameter  values,   
either  avoid whitespace altogether, use commas instead of spaces,
or  consider  overrides  like  "-o name=$override_parameter" 
with $over- ride_parameter set in main.cf.

So will this work:
   $my_test_sender_restrictions=check_sender_access pcre:/path/to/ 

   -o smtpd_sender_restrictions= 

or am I missing something?
Thank you!

"forcing" authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-07 Thread Jeff Weinberger


Based on good practice and the help and urging of some of the gurus on  

list, I am moving my users to using the submission service (port 587)
instead of port 25 to send mail from their mail clients.

Once most of them move, I'd like to start warning the ones who don't  
they should (ok, maybe just bugging them). But then I was thinking I  

eventually want to require that they use port 587.

My question is really two-fold:

1) using the controls in postfix, is it possible to prevent  
users from using port 25 to submit mail? Is there a construct that  
would do

that without interfering with incoming mail from anywhere?

2) even if it's possible, it is advisable (I know no one is shy about
offering opinions here, and I hope if you have one, you'll voice  
it :) )?

Thank you for any help and/or advice!


Re: "forcing" authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-08 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 8, 2009, at 5:49 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Jeff Weinberger wrote, at 01/08/2009 12:10 AM:


Based on good practice and the help and urging of some of the gurus  
on this

list, I am moving my users to using the submission service (port 587)
instead of port 25 to send mail from their mail clients.

Once most of them move, I'd like to start warning the ones who  
don't that
they should (ok, maybe just bugging them). But then I was thinking  
I might

eventually want to require that they use port 587.

My question is really two-fold:

1) using the controls in postfix, is it possible to prevent  
users from using port 25 to submit mail? Is there a construct that  
would do

that without interfering with incoming mail from anywhere?

Yes, you can simply set smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no (which is the
default, so you could also remove the line, but being explicit might  

more helpful in this case). You can also remove
permit_sasl_authenticated from smtpd_*_restrictions, but it might be
wise to leave it in place for the time being (it shouldn't cause any
problems). Your submission service in master.cf should already have -o
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes in it.

Keep in mind, however, that some users will still be able to use  
port 25

to send messages to domains that the server accepts mail for. To them,
it may seem that relaying works inconsistently.

2) even if it's possible, it is advisable (I know no one is shy about
offering opinions here, and I hope if you have one, you'll voice  
it :) )?

The decision to restrict mail submission to port 587 depends on your
needs. I manage some environments where this is enforced. I actually
like the separation, but it sometimes requires additional support for
legacy clients (achieved in various ways).

In other environments with a more diverse and general population, I
continue to allow submission on port 25, but only with mechanisms that
are considered secure. You'll probably want to begin with this
arrangement, as you are suggesting. It's kinder to your users, if  

not in any rush. The important thing is that you're opening port 587
(with sane settings) to support road warriors and users whose ISPs  
outgoing connections to port 25. This move benefits them as much (if  

more) as you.

Thank you for your help and insight.!!

I'm glad to hear that this is a fairly common option and one that can  
be supported, even if with some hoop-jumping.

As far as how to make it happen...

Setting smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no would mean that no authentication  
is required on port 25, but if I understand it correctly, it wouldn't  
actually stop an authenticated user from sending mail through port 25.  
If they tried to authenticate on port 25 with smtpd_sasl_auth_enable =  
no, would postfix refuse the connection?

In the final step of my scenario, that's the behavior I want to  
achieve. Will that simple step work?



Re: "forcing" authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-08 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 09:53:45 -0500, Jorey Bump  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger wrote, at 01/08/2009 09:27 AM:
>> Setting smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no would mean that no authentication is
>> required on port 25, but if I understand it correctly, it wouldn't
>> actually stop an authenticated user from sending mail through port 25.
>> If they tried to authenticate on port 25 with smtpd_sasl_auth_enable =
>> no, would postfix refuse the connection?
> Actually, smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no means that authentication is not
> enabled. IOW, Postfix won't offer 250-AUTH [mech list] after HELO/EHLO.
> Attempts to authenticate will generate an error. Most modern clients are
> intelligent enough to detect the absence of AUTH and will not attempt to
> authenticate. Good ones will abort and notify the user. Bad ones might
> attempt to continue, in case the server will still accept the message.
> If the domain is a destination your server handles, it will probably
> accept the message, otherwise it will reject it.
>> In the final step of my scenario, that's the behavior I want to achieve.
>> Will that simple step work?
> Yes. You can completely disable submission on port 25 and prevent
> relaying to destinations you don't accept by hosts outside of mynetworks.

Jory: Thanks again!

So it looks like it's as simple as smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no for port 25,
and then making sure everything else is set so that mail coming in on port
25 has to be for one of my domains or it's rejected.

Thanks! I appreciate the help!

Re: "forcing" authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-08 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 8, 2009, at 6:53 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Jeff Weinberger wrote, at 01/08/2009 09:27 AM:

Setting smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no would mean that no  
authentication is

required on port 25, but if I understand it correctly, it wouldn't
actually stop an authenticated user from sending mail through port  
If they tried to authenticate on port 25 with  
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable =

no, would postfix refuse the connection?

Actually, smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no means that authentication is not
enabled. IOW, Postfix won't offer 250-AUTH [mech list] after HELO/ 
Attempts to authenticate will generate an error. Most modern clients  
intelligent enough to detect the absence of AUTH and will not  
attempt to

authenticate. Good ones will abort and notify the user. Bad ones might
attempt to continue, in case the server will still accept the message.
If the domain is a destination your server handles, it will probably
accept the message, otherwise it will reject it.

In the final step of my scenario, that's the behavior I want to  

Will that simple step work?

Yes. You can completely disable submission on port 25 and prevent
relaying to destinations you don't accept by hosts outside of  

Thank you an thank you to Chris for your help on this! I just have  
two, maybe obvious questionsif I may;

I noticed that on several occasions,  and in the default master.cf:

-o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

is suggested for the submission service. I'm not familiar with Milters  
and can't find information on what this is or what this does (at least  
in my search of the docs). Can you offer any pointers to where I can  
learn more specifics about milter macro daemons and this specific one?

Also you noted:

In the final step of my scenario, that's the behavior I want to  

Will that simple step work?

Yes. You can completely disable submission on port 25 and prevent
relaying to destinations you don't accept by hosts outside of  

Does smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no completely disable submission and  
prevent relaying for hosts I don't accept? or is there more I have to  
make sure I do?

thank you again!


Question about reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mism atch

2009-01-12 Thread Jeff Weinberger

This question is just a request for information on this...

I currently use reject_sender_login_mismatch in my
smtpd_sender_restrictions as an added precaution against someone sending
undesirable mail.

I see that I can also use reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch, but
I don't understand how this would work.

reject_sender_login_mismatch checks the from address against
smtpd_sender_login_maps to be sure that the MAIL FROM address is owned by
the SASL-authenticated sender.

But with reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch, there is no
SASL-authenticated sender.

http://www.postfix.com/postconf.5.html says that
reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch  "Enforces the
reject_sender_login_mismatch restriction for unauthenticated clients only"
(and nothing more)

All of that to get to my question:

What does reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch check the MAIL FROM
address against?

Or does it just check the smtpd_sender_login_maps for a valid MAIL FROM
address (regardless of ownership)?

(yes, I'm trying to figure out if using this in my
smtpd_sender_restrictions would help and how it might do so)

Thank you!!


Re: Question about reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch

2009-01-12 Thread Jeff Weinberger

Viktor Duchovni wrote:

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 01:25:38PM -0800, Jeff Weinberger wrote:

reject_sender_login_mismatch checks the from address against
smtpd_sender_login_maps to be sure that the MAIL FROM address is  


the SASL-authenticated sender.

But with reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch, there is no
SASL-authenticated sender.

This subsumes the functionality of both:


OK, I missed the first one in the doc, so it makes sense.

if the session is authenticated the first test is applied, otherwise
the second test is applied.

http://www.postfix.com/postconf.5.html says that
reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch "Enforces the
reject_sender_login_mismatch restriction for unauthenticated clients


(and nothing more)

All of that to get to my question:

What does reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch check the MAIL


address against?

The smtpd_sender_login_maps table.

Sorry, I mis-asked the question. When
reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch is specified, postfix takes  

MAIL FROM address, looks it up in the smtpd_sender_login_maps table, and
checks to make sure the authenticated sender is in there and the MAIL  

address is owned by the authenticated sender.

Or does it just check the smtpd_sender_login_maps for a valid MAIL  

address (regardless of ownership)?


If an address is found in the table, and the sender is not  

the message is rejected.

When a sender is not authenticated, and
reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch is specified, postfix takes
the MAIL FROM address, looks it up in smtpd_sender_login_maps and if  

found, the message is rejected?

Essentially the lookup is just for the existence of the MAIL FROM  

in the smtpd_sender_login_maps table?

Am I then correct in concluding that with:

smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,
reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch, reject

that the permit_sasl_autheticated obviates the need for
(as there would never be an unauthenticated sender permitted...)

And am I also correct in concluding that is unauthenticated senders were
allowed (as they would have to be for smtpd to accept messages from the
internet), that reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch would  
any non-authenticated sender from sending a message from (with MAIL  

any address listed in my smtpd_sender_login_maps?

(yes, I'm trying to figure out if using this in my
smtpd_sender_restrictions would help and how it might do so)

If you are already using the combined restriction, there is no point
in adding either of the constituent building-block restrictions.

That makes perfect sense.

If you want to restrict your policy to either the authenticated, or  

unauthenticatd case, then replace the combined restriction with the
appropriate more specific restriction.

As you see, I'm more interested in whether
reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch makes sense at all for my
setup and if so, in which context. If my two conclusions above are  

it makes sense on the general access service, but not on the submission

Thank you so much for your help!!


holding messages for one address or one domain in the queue?

2009-01-14 Thread Jeff Weinberger
This may seem like an odd question, but I need to find a way to  
suspend delivery of mail to one account or one domain for a short  
period of time to allow me to do a bit of maintenance.

As it stands now, I use maildrop as my delivery transport for virtual  

Is there a way to tell postfix to hold the mail in its queue until I  
tell it I'm ready?

Is this as simple as having maildrop return a temporary failure code?  
and if that happens, postfix will retry at certain intervals (or on  
postqueue -f) right? And if that is a good way to do it, what return  
code should maildrop return?

Or is there a better way?

Thank you!

Re: holding messages for one address or one domain in the queue?

2009-01-14 Thread Jeff Weinberger

On Jan 14, 2009, at 3:53 PM, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

Jeff Weinberger wrote:
This may seem like an odd question, but I need to find a way to  
suspend delivery of mail to one account or one domain for a short  
period of time to allow me to do a bit of maintenance.
As it stands now, I use maildrop as my delivery transport for  
virtual mailboxes.
Is there a way to tell postfix to hold the mail in its queue until  
I tell it I'm ready?

I've used a pretty simple trick of putting the domain in the  
header_checks.regexp file.


/^To: @example.com/HOLD


nice trick! - thanks!

Is this as simple as having maildrop return a temporary failure  
code? and if that happens, postfix will retry at certain intervals  
(or on postqueue -f) right? And if that is a good way to do it,  
what return code should maildrop return?

Or is there a better way?
Thank you!

Re: Question about reject_unauthenticated_sender_login_mismatch (additional information)

2009-01-15 Thread Jeff Weinberger

Viktor Wrote:

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:01:51PM +0100, mouss wrote:

> jeff_homeip a ?crit :
> > [snip]
> > When I added this back, all worked fine. If I remove this one  

> > (check_sender_access), I can no longer send.
> >
> > is this check_sender_access, because it's not rejecting the  
sender, allowing it somehow?

> >
> no. it's more probable that you have errors in your config.

I this it's absolutely certain that I had errors in my config. As you  
noticed, I have been having a challenge trying to isolate and fix them.

> if you think you have a problem with one particular configuration,  

> we need to see that configuration, so
> 1) configure postfix to reproduce the problem
> 2) restart postfix
> 3) from now, don't change any setting until the end of this  

> 4) reproduce the problem (test...)
> 5) if you succeed, send us the
> -- contents of master.cf
> -- the output of 'postconf -n'
> -- the contents of main.cf (to see "custom" variables)

6) "postmap -q - " output for all relevant keys in all relevant
7) verbose logging from the smtpd(8) showing the events that lead
up to reject restriction. Configure via "debug_peer_list" or "-v"
entry in master.cf. It is enough to report just 10-20 lines of
logging above the "reject" event, that demonstrate which restrictions
is being processed and associated table lookup keys and results.

As I noted earlier, I restored my main.cf and master.cf from backup (a  
known working version) and started over.

I ran these tests with that version and found no problems. I then  
changed the configurations to the desired end-point and ran these (and  
a few other) tests again. Again no problems.

So I was not able to reproduce this. I have to conclude that I took  
interim steps on the way to the desired state, and one of those  
resulted in the errors I observed. Since I did not document my steps,  
only my goal, I cannot reproduce each one, and since I cannot find the  
combination that produced the error, I have to conclude that I did  
something seriously wrong at some point.

So I must apologize - I have asked  you to help chase an issue that  
seems to have been just an interim error. I appreciate your help and  
effort, but I am sorry that it appears unnecessary. (of course, if it  
recurs, I'll run these tests again, and if I can reproduce it, post  
all the information here)

I now have it working, as far as I can tell, as I want. The goal was  
to have a submission service that forces authentication and requires  
that authenticated users only send from addresses they own.

So I now have:

submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o smtpd_sender_restrictions= 

  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

with, in main.cf:

587_master_sender_restrictions=check_sender_access pcre:/etc/postfix/ 


smtpd_sender_restrictions.pcre containing one line:

/^(.*)/ PREPEND X-Envelope-Sender: <${1}>

I was concerned that the "match" on PREPEND would obviate the further  
sender_restrictions, but that appears not to be the case, in limited  
testing so far.

The recipient_restrictions are solely meant to avoid the many checks  
( e.g. RBL, unauth_pipelining, etc.) in my main.cf for my smtp service.

This appears to work. I am of course, open to any and all suggestions  
on how this can be improved.

Again, sorry for dragging you down an dead-end path, but thank you for  
your  help - I've learned a lot along the way.


Question on sendmail submission and master.cf -o overrides

2009-01-20 Thread Jeff Weinberger


I am hoping someone can offer help in determining this information  
about the specifics of how sendmail submits mail.

I have three different services configured in master.cf to accept  
mail: 1) the regular smtpd service on port 25, 2) a submission service  
for authenticated clients, and 3) a reinjection service (localhost: 
10026) to accept mail after an after-queue content filter (which is  
specified as an - o override on the port 25 service in master.cf, not  
in main.cf).

I am about to add a different after-queue content filter to the  
submission service (also via an -o override in master.cf), and this  
content filter re-injects mail via the sendmail command.

There is no content_filter specified in main.cf.

In this configuration, when mail is submitted via the sendmail  
command, will the content filter specified on the port 25 service  
apply? or will postfix only pay attention to the settings in main.cf  
for the purposes of transferring that mail?

I suppose the more general question is which set of configuration  
options is mail submitted via the sendmail command subject to?

(yes, I read the sendmail(1) documentation and did not find this  
information. The architecture documentation indicates only that it is  
subject to pretty much anything that local submission is subject to,  
but it's not clear what that is).

Any help or pointers are very much appreciated!



Re: Question on sendmail submission and master.cf -o overrides

2009-01-20 Thread Jeff Weinberger

Viktor Wrote:

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:26:23 -0500
From: Victor Duchovni 
Subject: Re: Question on sendmail submission and master.cf -o  

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 07:11:16PM -0800, Jeff Weinberger wrote:

I am hoping someone can offer help in determining this information  

the specifics of how sendmail submits mail.

The postdrop(1) helper places the mail in the maildrop sub-directory  
the Postfix queue. The pickup(8) daemon asynchronously injects mail  

the "incoming" queue (via cleanup(8)) one message at a time

There is no content_filter specified in main.cf.

In this configuration, when mail is submitted via the sendmail  
will the content filter specified on the port 25 service apply? or  
postfix only pay attention to the settings in main.cf for the  
purposes of

transferring that mail?

Local submission via sendmail(1) does not use SMTP, so the smtpd(8)
service on port 25 never sees the mail. Ergo, settings there do not  

I suppose the more general question is which set of configuration  

is mail submitted via the sendmail command subject to?

   1. "-o" options in the pickup(8) service master.cf(5) entry.
   2. main.cf parameter settings

Thank you . Make sense.

If I wanted to change any of the pickup(8) options, I'd need to define  
an alternate pickup service (not likely to do this).

(yes, I read the sendmail(1) documentation and did not find this
information. The architecture documentation indicates only that it is
subject to pretty much anything that local submission is subject  
to, but

it's not clear what that is).

Submission via sendmail(1) *is* "local submission". The latter is a  

of art for the former.


   o Local submissions are received with the Postfix sendmail(1)
   compatibility command, and are queued in the maildrop queue by the
   privileged postdrop(1) command. This arrangement even works while
   the Postfix mail system is not running. The local pickup(8) server
   picks up local submissions, enforces some sanity checks to protect
   Postfix, and gives the sender, recipients and message content to
   the cleanup(8) server.

- --

Thank you for your help - this is very clear.

Redirect all mail from one domain to the same u...@otherdomain?

2009-02-08 Thread Jeff Weinberger


I would appreciate any advice anyone can offer on how best to achieve  
this behavior:

I am trying to figure out the best way to map one domain to another  
with the same users...precisely the behavior I am trying to achieve  
is: when mail is sent (from outside, or from another user within my  
postfix installation) to u...@domain1.tld I want it redirected to u...@domain2.tld 
 - in otherwords, the user is preserved, but the domain is translated/ 
rewritten. To be more specific:

us...@domain1.tld gets re-routed to us...@domain2.tld
us...@domain1.tld gets re-routed to us...@domain2.tld

and so on.

My initial guess is to use recipient_canonical_maps and use a pcre map:

/^(.*)@domain1.tld/   {$1)@domain2.tld

I don't see a way to achieve this with alias_maps and header_checks  
(with action REDIRECT) would miss messages sent to u...@domain1.tld  
where that is not the To: or Cc: address (such as list mail).

Really, I am just checking with experts more knowledgeable than I  
whether I have chosen a good (or the best) way to achieve this, or if  
there is a better way.

Any advice and help are much appreciated!




Jeff Weinberger

Re: Redirect all mail from one domain to the same u...@otherdomain?

2009-02-10 Thread Jeff Weinberger

jeff_homeip a écrit :

 that creates some complications...and might be too difficult

a script and a Makefile... or sql as below:

 but why not use wildcard virtual aliases? You noted below that they  

 validations. Do you mean that smtp_recipient_restrictions won't  
work? at all

or parts?

no, it's not about smtpd restrictions. it's about rejecting mail to
invalid recipients.

 Wildcard virtual aliases seems like the best waybut I want to  

the implications
 on everything esle before I proceed.


 The reason is that if you use
 @example.com @example.org
 then this breaks recipient validation: smtpd will accept
 anything^example.com, then at delivery time, the user won't be  
found and
 a bounce will be generated. in short, you become a source of  
 (you send bounces to innocents whose addresses were forged by  

 Unless I don't bounce unknown addresses

and you'd do what with these? if you have a catchall, it's ok. but you
should not discard mail (people do mistype addresses some time, so  

not just spammers trying invalid addresses).

I use a catchall for some domains instead of rejecting unknown
recipients, for exactly that reason. I find about 2-3% of catchall mai
is user errors (like mis-spellings) rather than spam.

So in this case, I can use a wildcard catchall.

So an alias map of:

@domain1.tld   @domain2.tld

will produce the expected result of anyuser @ domain1.tld being
redirected to the same user (anyuser) @ domain2.tld?

That would be by far the easiest to do in my setup.

you can generate the individual mappings with a script.


if you store users in sql, you can use sql statements to generate

"on the fly". examples have been posted multiple times to the list  

long time ago, that said, but you may be lucky...).

it would be something like:

if (%d=3D'domain1.com') then select %...@domain2..com from

virtual_alias else select alias

from virtual_alias where address=3D%s

(that's not quite right in the syntax, but you get the idea). This

wont' work, as I'd have to
write a special select clause for each domain I want to work this  

assuming you have a User table containing valid email addresses and a
AliasDomain table containing (alias, destination) domains:

select User.user from AliasDomain, User where
AliasDomain.alias =3D '%d'
User.user =3D CONCAT('%u', '@', AliasDomain.destination)

you can avoid the CONCAT inside the "search" if you split your  
emails in

(user, domain) columns like I do. in which case, the query becomes

select CONCAT(User.user, '@', User.domain) where
AliasDomain.alias =3D '%d'
AliasDomain.destination =3D User.domain
User.user =3D '%u'

of course, this works for "1 depth" alias domains (it doesn't work if
example.net is an alis for example.org which is in turn an alias of
example.com). but this should be enough in most cases.

This is helpful, but I still need the query to take all the other
alias domains into account. So, I need the IF condition, or a second  

Thank you for your help...it's informative as always!

if the wildcard alias will produce the result I need then this is


Jeff Weinberger

allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-26 Thread Jeff Weinberger
I am hoping that this is something fairly simple that I am missing

I have a few lists on a mailman server that I run. Until recently, only
authenticated users (those who have actual accounts on my IMAP/Virtual
mailboxes server and can authenticate via SASL). Now I want to allow certain
users who are not authenticated (i. e. they are outside my server and
domains) to send mail to those lists.

as far as I can tell, mailman would allow this (I've made them list owners).
But when they try, I'm getting this in my mail log:

Jan 25 15:18:18 s postfix/smtpd[46331]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
ns1.siteground235.com[]: 554 5.7.1 <
myl...@lists.mylistserver.com>: Relay access denied; from=<
otheru...@otherdomain.com> to= proto=ESMTP

(names changed to protect the innocent, no data changes of relevance)

I've tried a few changes (I'd log them here, if I had documented them,
sorry) that I thought would have taken away the authentication requirement,
to no avail. this might also me an issue of the HELO domain and the FROM
domain being different (which is OK, in this case, but not sure how I have
prohibited it, so don't know what to change.

The goal is to allow outside users without opening up the mailserver (or the
mailman server) to spam, etc...

FYI: the transport for everything to lists.mylistserver.com is mailman: and
lists.mylistserver.com is in $relay_domains

Here are snips from my master.cf that show the path of the message (in smtp,
into amavisd content filter, out of amavisd on 10026 and to mailman)

smtp  inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o recipient_bcc_maps=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_recipient_bcc_maps.cf
   -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
   -o content_filter=amavisfeedl:[]:10027
amavisfeedl unix-   -   n-  2 lmtp
-o lmtp_data_done_timeout=1200
-o lmtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
-o max_use=20
localhost:10026 inet n - n - - smtpd
  -o content_filter=
  -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
  -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
  -o mynetworks=
  -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=
  -o smtpd_delay_reject=no
  -o smtpd_data_restrictions=reject_unauth_pipelining
  -o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_restriction_classes=
  -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0
  -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
  -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000
  -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0
  -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0
  -o local_header_rewrite_clients=
mailman unix  -   n   n   -   10   pipe
  flags=FR user=_mailman argv=/usr/local/mailman/postfix-to-mailman.py
${nexthop} ${user}

and my `postconf -n` output is below.

I'm running Postfix 2.6.5 on Mac OS/X (client) 10.5.8

Any help is appreciated and I will do my best to answer any questions.

Thank you!


-`postconf -n` output

alias_database = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_alias_maps.cf
alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_alias_maps.cf
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
data_directory = /var/lib/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
default_verp_delimiters = +=
disable_vrfy_command = yes
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks.pcre
html_directory = /etc/postfix/html
inet_interfaces = all
local_recipient_maps =
luser_relay = ot...@jeffweinberger.com
mail_owner = _postfix
mailbox_size_limit = 0
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
message_size_limit = 0
mydestination = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_mydestination_maps.cf
mydomain = jweinberger.homeip.net
myhostname = jweinberger.homeip.net
mynetworks =, !, !,
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
recipient_delimiter = +
relay_domains = $mydestination, mysql:/etc/postfix/
relay_recipient_maps =
relayhost = outbound.mailhop.org
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
sender_canonical_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_sender_canonical_maps.cf
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
setgid_group = _postdrop
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options =
smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/certs/demoCA/cacert.pem
smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/certs/postfix-cert.pem
smtp_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/certs/postfix-key.pem
smtp_tls_loglevel = 1
smtp_tls_security_level = may
smtp_tls_session_cache_database =
smtp_use_tls = yes

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-26 Thread Jeff Weinberger
--- In postfix-us...@yahoogroups.com, mouss  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger a �crit :
> > I am hoping that this is something fairly simple that I am missing
> >
> > I have a few lists on a mailman server that I run. Until recently, only
> > authenticated users (those who have actual accounts on my IMAP/Virtual
> > mailboxes server and can authenticate via SASL). Now I want to allow
> > certain users who are not authenticated (i. e. they are outside my
> > server and domains) to send mail to those lists.
> >
> > as far as I can tell, mailman would allow this (I've made them list
> > owners). But when they try, I'm getting this in my mail log:
> >
> > Jan 25 15:18:18 s postfix/smtpd[46331]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> > ns1.siteground235.com <http://ns1.siteground235.com/>[]: 554
> > 5.7.1  > <mailto:myl...@...>>: Relay access denied;
> > from=mailto:otheru...@...>>
> > to= > <mailto:myl...@...>> proto=ESMTP
> > helo=http://serv01.siteground235.com/>>
> >
> you need to add lists.mylistserver.com to one (and only one) of
> mydestination, relay_domains or virtual_maibox_domains.

>From my original post:

FYI: the transport for everything to lists.mylistserver.com is mailman: and
lists.mylistserver.com is in $relay_domains

which means that it is not working as you suggest it should

Any suggestions on where else to look?

> > [snip]

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-26 Thread Jeff Weinberger
--- In postfix-us...@yahoogroups.com, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger:
> [ Charset UTF-8 unsupported, converting... ]
> > --- In postfix-us...@yahoogroups.com, mouss  wrote:
> > >
> > > Jeff Weinberger a ?crit :
> > > > I am hoping that this is something fairly simple that I am
> > > >
> > > > I have a few lists on a mailman server that I run. Until recently,
> > > > authenticated users (those who have actual accounts on my
> > > > mailboxes server and can authenticate via SASL). Now I want to allow
> > > > certain users who are not authenticated (i. e. they are outside my
> > > > server and domains) to send mail to those lists.
> > > >
> > > > as far as I can tell, mailman would allow this (I've made them list
> > > > owners). But when they try, I'm getting this in my mail log:
> > > >
> > > > Jan 25 15:18:18 s postfix/smtpd[46331]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> > > > ns1.siteground235.com <http://ns1.siteground235.com/>[]:
> > > > 5.7.1  > > > <mailto:mylist@>>: Relay access denied;
> You have not listed the domain in relay_domains, virtual_alias_domains,
> virtual_mailbox_domains or mydestination.
> Convince yourself and examine the output from:
> # postconf relay_domains
> # postconf virtual_alias_domains
> # postconf mailbox_domains
> # postconf mydestination
> Wietse

I did this test prior to posting. You'll see in my postconf -n output that:

relay_domains = $mydestination, mysql:/etc/postfix/

I then checked with `postmap -q "maill...@lists.mylistserver.com"
mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domain_maps.cf` and it showed up fine.

There is a possibility that the MySQL query is returning a result that is
not what postfix needs. I have perused the documentation on this repeatedly
and found no specification as to what that query should return for postfix
to accept the domain.

I have tried it where postfix returns the domain ("lists.mylistserver.com"
without the quotes) and where it returns the value "OK" (again, without the
quotes) and neither one works.

If you can offer specifics on what that query should return, I will make it
do so and test again.

Otherwise, if the proper return value is one of those noted, I'd appreciate
other suggestions on why this might not be working.


Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-27 Thread Jeff Weinberger
--- In postfix-us...@yahoogroups.com, Wietse Venema  wrote: > >
Jeff Weinberger: > > > > > > Jeff Weinberger: > > > [ Charset UTF-8
unsupported, converting... ] > > > > --- In postfix-us...@yahoogroups.com,
mouss  wrote: > > > > > > > > > > Jeff Weinberger a ?crit : > > > >
> > I am hoping that this is something fairly simple that I am > >
missing > > > > > > > > > > > > I have a few lists on a mailman server
that I run. Until recently, > > only > > > > > > authenticated users (those
who have actual accounts on my > > IMAP/Virtual > > > > > > mailboxes server
and can authenticate via SASL). Now I want to allow > > > > > > certain
users who are not authenticated (i. e. they are outside my > > > > > >
server and domains) to send mail to those lists. > > > > > > > > > > > > as
far as I can tell, mailman would allow this (I've made them list > > > > > >
owners). But when they try, I'm getting this in my mail log: > > > > > > > >
> > > > Jan 25 15:18:18 s postfix/smtpd[46331]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from >
> > > > > ns1.siteground235.com <http://ns1.siteground235.com/>[]:
> > 554 > > > > > > 5.7.1  > > > > > <mailto:mylist@>>: Relay
access denied; > > > > > > You have not listed the domain in relay_domains,
virtual_alias_domains, > > > virtual_mailbox_domains or mydestination. > > >
> > > Convince yourself and examine the output from: > > > > > > # postconf
relay_domains > > > # postconf virtual_alias_domains > > > # postconf
mailbox_domains > > > # postconf mydestination > > > > > > Wietse > > > > >
> > I did this test prior to posting. You'll see in my postconf -n output
that: > > > > relay_domains = $mydestination, mysql:/etc/postfix/ > >
mysql_relay_domain_maps.cf > > > > I then checked with `postmap -q
"maill...@..." > > mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domain_maps.cf` and it
showed up fine. > > Sorry, that is incorrect. > > As documented, Postfix
searches relay_domains for the DOMAIN NAME > not the email address. >
http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#relay_domains > > Also, as
documented, relay_domains lookup ignores the result value, > it only cares
about existence. > http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#relay_domains > >
Finally, as documented, don't use MySQL databases BEFORE you have things >
working with simple main.cf lists or hash tables. >
http://www.postfix.org/DATABASE_README.html > > Wietse >

OK, point taken.

I have now, based on your suggestion tested the following:

`postmap -q "maill...@lists.mylistserver.com" mysql:/etc/postfix/


`postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com" mysql:/etc/postfix/

Both returned successful results.

I tested this extensively with the domains typed in to mail.cf before I
moved to mysql queries, but at your suggestion, I tested this also.

I changed main.cf so the only "relay_domains" entry is:


I executed `sudo postfix reload` and the confirmed the setting with
`postconf -n`

The result did not change. I received the same NOQUEUE message in my logs
(it is identical in every character to the one I posted previously, with the
exception of the timestamp).

I suspect you may have other suggestions as to how to address the relay
domain issue, and I would appreciate them, and will do my best to try them.

However, I am coming to believe that the issue is not in the relay domains,
but rather in a sender or recipient restriction.

I believe this because whenever I send to any address within
lists.mylistserver.com from a user who is SASL-authenticated on my server,
the message goes successfully. When I send to any address within
lists.mylistserver.com from any user (address) outside my server (not
authenticated on my server, simply sending to it), this error occurs.

I think in my attempts to ensure tight security on the server, I've
disallowed external senders to lists, but I can't see how exactly.

Any help on the question on how I might be disallowing external senders to
*...@lists.mylistserver.com would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-28 Thread Jeff Weinberger
--- In postfix-us...@yahoogroups.com, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger:
> > I changed main.cf so the only "relay_domains" entry is:
> >
> > relay_domains=lists.mylistserver.com
> You need to verify this with the command
> postconf -n
> It's no good posting unverified cut-and-paste to the mailing list.
> Wietse

So you want me to post the entire `postconf -n` again? copying and pasting
the one relevant line and stating clearly that I verified it exactly
that way doesn't suffice? How do you suggest I verify my cut-and-paste?
I'll be happy to do so, if it will help us move beyond log discussions
and to the issue at handthat said:

I executed `postconf -n | grep relay_domains` and the result was:


I made no other changes other than to relay_domains as suggested.

I am hoping that someone can please help with the authenticated user
issue and either help me determine why this happens or explain why my
interpretation of this is wrong?

The crux of this issue is there

To recap: Authenticated (SASL) senders can send successfully, outside
users can't. My interpretation is the problem lies in there. as that is
the only thing that makes any difference at all. I need help figuring
out what would cause that, or an explanation of why my interpretation
is wrong.

I would appreciate some help on this, if anyone has any ideas.

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-28 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger:
>> > Jeff Weinberger:
>> > > I changed main.cf so the only "relay_domains" entry is:
>> > >
>> > > relay_domains=lists.mylistserver.com
>> >
>> > You need to verify this with the command
>> >
>> > postconf -n
>> >
>> > It's no good posting unverified cut-and-paste to the mailing list.
>> >
>> > Wietse
>> >
>> So you want me to post the entire `postconf -n` again? copying and pasting
> I was trying to help, but posting tidbits out of their context
> makes support difficult.
>        Wietse

I get that - but I'm not sure what would help. I posted my entire
`postconf -n` then I posted the result of `postconf -n | grep
relay_domains` (as that's the only change I've been making -
especially to be sure that no other change could possibly affect

If there's something else that will help or a different way you want
me to post information to help you understand it better, I'm glad to -
just tell me what will help and I'll post it here.

You've made it clear I'm posting the wrong thing - but I don't know
what the "right" thing is

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-28 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Stan Hoeppner  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger put forth on 1/28/2010 4:18 PM:
>> You've made it clear I'm posting the wrong thing - but I don't know
>> what the "right" thing is
> Sorry to but in Wietse.
> Jeff, paste all of postconf -n output and obfuscate any sensitive information 
> in
> it such as hostnames or IP addresses that you don't want made public here.
> Wietse may not know what the "right" thing is until he sees all of postconf 
> -n.
>  There are interdependencies between various settings and often problems can't
> be identified without seeing the big picture.
> If you read the list welcome message and posting instructions you'd see that
> "postconf -n" output is a standard requirement here for receiving help.  You 
> are
> not being asked to provide anything beyond what everyone else is asked to
> provide.  If you want assistance, we need to see the data.  It's that's 
> simple.
> Cooperate and everything will work out fine, you'll have a solution.
> Best regards.
> --
> Stan

Stan - I can't speak for Wietse, but thanks for butting in. I posted
it in the original message, and only changed the one item on the
presumption that when diagnosing an issue, making other,
non-controlled changes just confuses things.

That said, here's the latest, still not working, `postconf -n`
complete output, If it got lost somewhere, I"m running Postfix 2.6.5
on Mac OS/X (client) 10.5.8

Again, if there is anything else I can post that will help, please let
me know and I will be glad to do so.

-`postconf -n` output

alias_database = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_alias_maps.cf
alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_alias_maps.cf
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
data_directory = /var/lib/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
default_verp_delimiters = +=
disable_vrfy_command = yes
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks.pcre
html_directory = /etc/postfix/html
inet_interfaces = all
local_recipient_maps =
luser_relay = ot...@jeffweinberger.com
mail_owner = _postfix
mailbox_size_limit = 0
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
message_size_limit = 0
mydestination = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_mydestination_maps.cf
mydomain = jweinberger.homeip.net
myhostname = jweinberger.homeip.net
mynetworks =, !, !,
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
recipient_delimiter = +
relay_domains = lists.mylistserver.com
relay_recipient_maps =
relayhost = outbound.mailhop.org
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
sender_canonical_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_sender_canonical_maps.cf
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
setgid_group = _postdrop
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options =
smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/certs/demoCA/cacert.pem
smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/certs/postfix-cert.pem
smtp_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/certs/postfix-key.pem
smtp_tls_loglevel = 1
smtp_tls_security_level = may
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtp_tls_session_cache
smtp_use_tls = yes
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining
smtpd_etrn_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access
permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination,
reject_unauth_pipelining, reject_non_fqdn_sender,
reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_rbl_client list.dsbl.org,
reject_rbl_client sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org, check_policy_service
inet:, permit
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_local_domain = $mydomain
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sender_login_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_smtpd_sender_login_maps.cf
smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access
smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/certs/demoCA/cacert.pem
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/certs/postfix-cert.pem
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/certs/postfix-key.pem
smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database =
smtpd_use_tls = yes
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
transport_maps =
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
verp_delimiter_filter = -=+
virtual_alias_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf
virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_maps.cf

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-28 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Noel Jones  wrote:
> On 1/28/2010 4:46 PM, Jeff Weinberger wrote:
>> virtual_alias_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf
> does lists.mylistserver.com match the above lookup?
> postmap -q lists.mylistserver.com mysql:...

No. `postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com"
mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf` returns nothing
(empty). However, `postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com"
mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domain_maps.cf returns "OK" (a constant
value, as recommended).

I was hopeful that you had identified something here...so I did test to be sure.

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-28 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Noel Jones  wrote:
> On 1/28/2010 5:36 PM, Jeff Weinberger wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Noel Jones
>>  wrote:
>>> On 1/28/2010 4:46 PM, Jeff Weinberger wrote:
>>>> virtual_alias_domains =
>>>> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf
>>> does lists.mylistserver.com match the above lookup?
>>> postmap -q lists.mylistserver.com mysql:...
>> No. `postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com"
>> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf` returns nothing
>> (empty). However, `postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com"
>> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domain_maps.cf returns "OK" (a constant
>> value, as recommended).
>> I was hopeful that you had identified something here...so I did test to be
>> sure.
> So enable debug output on smtpd (or add a test client to debug_peer_list)
> and show us the UNALTERED results of a failed transaction.
> http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#debug_peer

OK, I see what this will do - thanks for the suggestion. I'll post the
complete log here (naturally, anything sensitive masked, but otherwise

Re: allowing outside users access to mailman lists

2010-01-30 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Jeff Weinberger
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Noel Jones  wrote:
>> On 1/28/2010 5:36 PM, Jeff Weinberger wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Noel Jones
>>>  wrote:
>>>> On 1/28/2010 4:46 PM, Jeff Weinberger wrote:
>>>>> virtual_alias_domains =
>>>>> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf
>>>> does lists.mylistserver.com match the above lookup?
>>>> postmap -q lists.mylistserver.com mysql:...
>>> No. `postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com"
>>> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_domains.cf` returns nothing
>>> (empty). However, `postmap -q "lists.mylistserver.com"
>>> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domain_maps.cf returns "OK" (a constant
>>> value, as recommended).
>>> I was hopeful that you had identified something here...so I did test to be
>>> sure.
>> So enable debug output on smtpd (or add a test client to debug_peer_list)
>> and show us the UNALTERED results of a failed transaction.
>> http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#debug_peer
> OK, I see what this will do - thanks for the suggestion. I'll post the
> complete log here (naturally, anything sensitive masked, but otherwise
> unaltered).
I'm closing this request. I've found some issues with MySQL on my
system (no explanation other than user error for the attempts without
mysql), that have now been fixed. This has caused the postfix behavior
to return to normal and expected, and all is working as I want.

My apologies for bringing this to this forum (though I"m sure you'll
see how I thought this was a postfix issue). Thank you to all who
helped find the ways to diagnose this.

This has raised other questions that I do not fully understand, but
for clarity will post them separately.

Thank you.

%d and %s in mysql queries?

2010-01-30 Thread Jeff Weinberger
I am using mysql (quite successfully in most cases) to do lookups for
a variety of reasons in postfix.

Recently, I had some issues with a domain lookup and in the testing
tried varying my MySQL query between using %d and %s as the lookup

The documentation is clear on this when the query is for an address.
It may be as clear, and I may not be understanding this, but I would
like to ask for help understanding the difference when the lookup is
for a domain.

In this case, I have in main.cf:

relay_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domains.cf

and the query in /etc/postfix/mysql_relay_domains.cf is:

query = SELECT 'OK' FROM domain WHERE domain='%d' AND type='relay'

I chose %d because I'm looking up only the domain in this case. I
noticed that this worked fine when the domain in question is of the
form "domain.tld" but didn't work (meaning the result returned from
postmap -q... was null) when the domain is of the form
"sub.domain.tld" (even though "sub.domain.tld" is in the "domain"
table with type "relay").

When I changed the query to use %s, it worked in both cases. So my
questions are:

1) Is this expected behavior?
2) in the case where the lookup is for a domain, what is the operative
difference between using %d and %s

I am hoping to gain a better understanding of these two substitutions.
Recommendations on best-practices are appreciated as well, but I'd
like to understand the expected behavior.

If this is documented and I missed it or didn't understand it well,
please point me to the documentation page.

Re: %d and %s in mysql queries?

2010-01-30 Thread Jeff Weinberger
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> Jeff Weinberger:
>> I am using mysql (quite successfully in most cases) to do lookups for
>> a variety of reasons in postfix.
>> Recently, I had some issues with a domain lookup and in the testing
>> tried varying my MySQL query between using %d and %s as the lookup
>> key.
>> The documentation is clear on this when the query is for an address.
> The %d is defined when a key or result is an address:
>              %d     When the input key is an address of the form u...@domain,
>              %d     When  a  result attribute value is an address of the form
>                     u...@domain
> Therefore, %d is not defined for non-address forms.
>        Wieste

Thank you!

So my use of %d in the case of relay_domains lookup was just
incorrect. I understand this now - thanks.

Re: Redirect all mail from one domain to the same u...@otherdomain?

2009-02-12 Thread Jeff Weinberger

Mouss wrote:

Jeff Weinberger a �crit :
> [snip]
> This is helpful, but I still need the query to take all the other
> alias domains into account. So, I need the IF condition, or a  
second map.


I don't think so. I used this. I don't remember the details, but the
idea is that you can often get rid of flow control (if, ...) using
additional tables.

Thanks - yes, additional tables, maps, etc. would make the sql coding  
far simpler.

> Thank you for your help...it's informative as always!
> if the wildcard alias will produce the result I need then this is
> resolved.

@example.org @example.com

works, but smtpd will accept mail to anyth...@...
(virtual_alias_maps are used for recipient validation during the smtp
transaction). if all addresses are valid (catchall or whatver), this  
ok. otherwise, it's bad. in any case, you must make sure that mail  

bounced after it is accepted (queued). This is what happens by default
(after virtual alias expansion, a delivery error occurs, and an NDR is

Thank you - this will work well. I'll use a catchall mailbox to make  
sure that I don't generate an NDR.

thanks for your help!