Re: Printing a list of emails

2004-09-07 Thread david.gordon

cheshirekat wrote on 06.09.04 at 13:31 -0600

>Take a screenshot. Or use "Grab" type utilities.

A screenshot isn't going to work for a list of 300 messages! Not unless
you have a bigger screen than me ;)

"Grab" type utilities? What are you thinking of here?

>Use AppleScripts.

Someone more clever than what I is might like to post some general
pointers to get me started...?



Re: Printing a list of emails

2004-09-06 Thread david.gordon

Kjell Olausson wrote on 06.09.04 at 19:01 +0200

>1. Command+A/Command+C
>2. Command+V in a text editor
>3. Command+P

Close, but no cigar! ;)

That gets me a list of "subject". I need the "to", "date" etc fields as well.


Printing a list of emails

2004-09-06 Thread david.gordon

How can I print a list of emails?

Say I want to print the contents of my In Tray, not the emails, just the
list as you see in the Browser window. The "print" is greyed out...



Re: sending photos

2004-09-04 Thread david.gordon

cheshirekat wrote on 04.09.04 at 07:57 -0600

> Is there a plug-in or something to use PowerMail instead? 

iPhoto Mailer Patcher


However when I visit a nasty slide out advert appears so I no longer
recommend it...

BTW what you really need is a proper photo catalogue app like iView.
iPhoto is to iView what Mail is to Powermail - if you see what I mean...



Re: crash on startup

2004-09-04 Thread david.gordon

John R. Hopper wrote on 04.09.04 at 11:14 +0200

>"repair permissions" for disk utility, 

I recently had some disk problems which Disk Utility failed to fix. I did
sort myself by starting up in "Safe Mode" - hold down the shift key until
the spinning disk appears. This forces a proper disk repair to run so
your machine may take a long time to start up. When it does, restart in
the usual way to allow extensions to run.

Maybe of help...


Re(2): Norton Antivirus... disable alert?

2004-09-03 Thread david.gordon

Marlyse Comte wrote on 03.09.04 at 14:09 -0500

>it really does? Or was it just a specific version which they then quickly

I don't know. I don't use it so I wasn't paying full attention. Look/
search on


Re: Norton Antivirus... disable alert?

2004-09-03 Thread david.gordon

Tim Lapin wrote on 03.09.04 at 13:22 -0400

> It is for that reason I
>am considering Virex 

Is that the Virex which deletes your emails? The one Apple removed from
.Mac subscribers because of that?


Filtering BCC

2004-08-13 Thread david.gordon

I want to BCC myself mail from a phone. I want the mail to filter into my
"Sent Mail" folder in PM. I can do this fine with CC mail I send through
SquirrelMail  <> but not mail from the phone
which has to be BCC.

So how do I filter by BCC? "Envelope To:" perhaps? But that doesn't work
for me...


Re: MailSword spam

2004-08-05 Thread david.gordon

Midi Cox wrote on 04.08.04 at 15:20 -0700

>Did you get a MailSword message that quoted your email to the list
>completely? And had your message appeared on the list already?

No, it didn't quote my message. Also I now notice that the MailSword
message is "Subject: RE: does this list work" where as the message I sent
and has appeared was the just "does this list work".

Its all very confusing, wasting a lot of time and someone needs a slap.


Re: MailSword spam

2004-08-05 Thread david.gordon

Midi Cox wrote on 04.08.04 at 14:45 -0700

>The real
>culprit seems to be .mac and whatever they are doing with lists.

I don't have .mac account but I have received a MailSword message this

If CTM say they aren't responsible perhaps they should contact the ISP of
the person who is. It seems to me these mails are spoofing email addresses 


and that any ISP should not allow this.

>Received: from unknown (HELO
>  by with SMTP; 4 Aug 2004 18:41:50 -
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Mailer: SWAT SMTP Server 1.2
>Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 20:41:50 -429496729500
>Subject: RE: does this list work


Re(2): SpamSieve - redirect

2004-07-06 Thread david.gordon

Marlyse Comte wrote on 05.07.04 at 22:56 -0500

>well, the redirect seemed to work in the other script, so I thought you
>would just use that part in the 'move if spam' rule instead.

No, it wasn't a script. I added a redirect part to my SpamSieve Rule. The
SS rule calls the 'Move If Spam' script. Adding another action to
redirect redirects all mail. So I wanted some clues as to what to add to
the current script

Do I make sense - or am I talking pants again! ;)


Re: SpamSieve - redirect

2004-07-05 Thread david.gordon

Marlyse Comte wrote on 05.07.04 at 10:48 -0500

>the redirect should not be in the general spamsieve rule but in the 'move
>if spam' script instead.

Er, yes, I'd worked that out. ;) Not being an AppleScript expert I was
hoping someone could give me a clue as what to add to the script.

Please please! It'll take me a week to work it all out by myself.

Thank you


SpamSieve - redirect

2004-07-05 Thread david.gordon

I have a spam filter on my server which deals with 99% of all known
germs. SpamSieve catches the last 1%. I usually redirect any spam back to
the mail server where its added to the filters.

I want to automatically redirect any spam. I added a line to my SpamSieve
rule but I ended up redirecting _all_ my mail Perhaps a I need to add
something to my "SpamSieve - Move If Spam" script?

I want SpamSieve to carry on moving spam to the spam folder plus I also
want those messages redirected to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PM 4.2.1 - OS X 10.2.8



Re: signature delimiters

2004-07-01 Thread david.gordon

Tim Hodgson wrote on 01.07.04 at 10:30 +0100

>As far as I can see, PM doesn't respect the standard '-- \r' (i.e.
>hyphen-hyphen-space-return) sig delimiter, in that it doesn't remove the
>sig from an email you're replying to.

Oh! Is _that_ why its hyphen-hyphen-space-return? I didn't know any email
apps removed the signature - certainly not judging by the replies I get!


Of course, if you don't use it...


Re: iPhoto cannot choose PM

2004-06-28 Thread david.gordon

Daniel Ross, SJ wrote on 28.06.04 at 05:47 +0800

> I can no longer
>choose PM as the email application in iPhoto 

You need iPhoto Mailer Patcher

>What is it?
>iPhoto Mailer Patcher is a hack for Apple iPhoto. iPhoto 2.0 brings the
>ability to send pictures with America Online, Eudora, Mail and Microsoft
>Entourage. iPhoto Mailer Patcher adds support for Claris Emailer,
>Mailsmith, Outlook Express, PowerMail and QuickMail Pro.
>System requirements
>iPhoto Mailer Patcher 2.0 requires iPhoto version 2.0. A version for
>iPhoto 1.1.1 is available at <>.
>How much is it?
>iPhoto Mailer Patcher is free. 


Re: Re(2): new to powermail

2004-06-22 Thread david.gordon

marmara wrote on 22.06.04 at 08:00 -0400

>I am 
>troubled by the frequent crashes/quits I am getting with Powermail. 
>Anything I can do to reduce their chances?

>OS X.2.8
>Powerbook G3

Take Waynes's advice and update to Panther if you want - however I am
running PowerMail on 10.2.8 and an iBook G3 no problem. Done all the
permission repair stuff?

>  Mailsmith is so good at what it does

I extensively researched mail applications before coming to PowerMail. I
looked at them all again recently. Mailsmith _is_ nice but too hard-core
for me. I don't like not _ever_ being able to read an HTML message nor
not being able to click a URL address in a message to get to a web page.
In fact ISTR not even email addresses are clickable.

You'll never be 100% happy - PowerMail does it for me 90%!


Re: PM, iCal and Followups

2004-06-10 Thread david.gordon

fk wrote on 10.06.04 at 00:50 +0400

> script below to help handle followups to emails received 

Interesting but I think iCal is pants. Do you think it would work with
Palm Desktop?


Re: loss of messages

2004-06-08 Thread david.gordon

Edith & Jerry  Keller wrote on 08.06.04 at 11:49 -0400

> I seem to have lost all copies of my Sent mail which I have
>always had in my Out Tray. They are still there since I can do a search
>for them and the search result window shows the message as being in my
>out tray, but the tray itself has no messages in it.

View menu -> View all ?


How big is your database?

2004-06-03 Thread david.gordon

I noticed my database contains just over 39,000 messages. Is that a lot?
How big is yours? [ Pardon the juvenile expression... ;) ]

I was storing all my old messages (foldered up into years) in a separate
user database. After my recent export back from v5 via Mail I've got
everything in a single database. I don't want to start a single vs
multiple mailbox argument but... Why is the PM single database better
than the Mail separate file per mail folder?


Who White Lady?

2004-06-03 Thread david.gordon

Who is this While Lady Sead is having trouble with. How can I recognise
her and what trouble does she cause?


Re: its all gone wrong...

2004-06-02 Thread david.gordon

PowerMail Engineering wrote on 02.06.04 at 18:47 +0200

>No magic here. PowerMail always warn you before converting the database,
>and suggests to make a backup.

Yes I know! What seems to have happened is that I had another copy of PM
5 on my machine which ran when I thought I was launching PM 4. SO when it
said "convert?" I thought I was converting to PM4...

When I sorted myself out I tried to copy my Address Book from a PM5
folder. When I next ran PM4 it wanted to convert. So just by trying to
use a PM5 Address Book I nearly landed in it again!

>export your whole database (from PM5)
>to PowerMail Exchange format, and import that in PM 4.

I think I tried that and it didn't work. In the end I just imported
everything from Apple Mail. Took a while but I haven't lost any messages.

At least I've a nice clean install now ;)

Marlyse Comte wrote on 01.06.04 at 14:57 -0500

>you basically
>never can expect an older application to be able to read a file from a
>newer application because the newer application is newer because things
>have changed!

That's why standard file formats are better then. Like jpeg or in this
case Unix type mbox files.

BTW my 'demo' version 5 still opens, will it ever expire?


its all gone wrong...

2004-06-01 Thread david.gordon

Isn't PM 5 beta meant to have expired on 30.05.04? Mine still seems to 
work. However... All my databases appear to have been translated - as 
if by magic! - this afternoon. When I launch PM4 it wants to translate 
my PM4 database. I can open it in PM5.

In other-words - its all gone wrong...

I _had_ successfully returned to PM4 last week having decided PM5 
wasn't for me.

I _should_ be able to export from PM5 via unix mailboxes back to PM4 
but I seem to be all tied up in knots here. How do I tell which version 
my database is? Why are some databases database.old? Where did it all 
go wrong? ;)

This message is coming to you via Apple Mail. Yuk, but at least all my 
messages are here and it won't 'expire'...


correcing date

2004-05-31 Thread david.gordon

I have re-imported some mail into PM. A couple of messages have their
dates corrupted somehow. They list as 22.02.09 rather than 22.02.04. They
now sit like sore thumbs at the top of my mailbox and annoy me!

Can I reset the date to the correct year? I know there is a script "fix
incorrect dates" but doesn't that make the date today, which is also wrong?

(PM 4.2.1 BTW, I've decided 5 isn't for me...)



Re: searching

2004-05-18 Thread david.gordon

Richard Hart wrote on Tue 18 May 2004 at 07:07 -0700

>It sounds as though you're searching for John AND Jane. They can't both
>send the same message.

Yes, that's it!

>What you want is to find a message from John OR Jane.


>I cannot find a way to perform an OR search, though. So how are you
>doing the OR part?

I was just adding another line to the search.

I think this is the answer though

Barbara Needham wrote on Tue 18 May 2004 at 07:24 -0700

>It is a one line
>search, "From" includes at least one of and then put John Jane in the
>search box.


It would be better to have an OR search though wouldn't it? The search
entry box is quite small to get a lot of info into if you want to find
messages from (say) five people.



2004-05-18 Thread david.gordon

I want to find messages from two people in one mail box (imagine I want
to find all the messages John and Jane had sent to this list).

I can find messages from John

Search [in selected folder (PowerMail) only] for messages whose:
From or To - includes at least on of the words - John

OR I can find messages from Jane

But I can't find _any_ messages when I try to find them both at the same
time - which is what I want so I can follow a discussion they had on a
list last week.

I'm doing something wrong?


Re: PM5b26 - next message not selected

2004-05-18 Thread david.gordon

Richard Hart wrote on Mon 17 May 2004 at 11:53 -0700

>Pat O'Halloran wrote:
>>After moving a message to trash the next message is no longer selected.
>>The prefs are correctly set to do so.
>This is true for me too.

Sorry to write a "me too" but... me too!


Re: [ANN] Private testing of PM5b26 final candidate

2004-05-15 Thread david.gordon

PowerMail Engineering wrote on Sat 15 May 2004 at 11:55 +0200

>and for every icon file
>present in the Contents / Resources folder, you can put your own icon,
>with the same name, in a folder called "Custom Icons

Excellent! Death to the Spam Fly :)


Upgrade discount?

2004-05-11 Thread david.gordon

I seem to remember recommending people buy PowerMail and I had a link so
I got a €10 discount on the next upgrade.

How do I find out if I have any credits and how do I use them for the v5


Re: Threads

2004-05-11 Thread david.gordon

Jean de Crombrugghe wrote on Mon 10 May 2004 at 21:59 +0200

>Is it possible to have threads on PowerMail ? I don't find that  ...

Now _that_ would have made the price of the upgrade to version 5 worth
the money...


Re: keyboard shortcuts & PM 5

2004-04-25 Thread david.gordon

PowerMail Engineering wrote on Sat 24 Apr 2004 at 16:26 +0200

>david.gordon wrote:
>>To delete a message and move I seem to have the option of pressing
>>contol-alt or alt-cmd.
>No, only control-option.

No, I can bring up the 'trash' icon (replaces arrows) in a message window
by using _either_ ctrl-alt (aka option) _or_ alt-cmd. True I can only
actually delete the message using ctrl-alt and an arrow but that would
suggest a bug left over from PM 4.


Re: Text Encoding

2004-04-23 Thread david.gordon

Max Gossell wrote on Fri 23 Apr 2004 at 08:55 +0200

>In the sample text below, each line except the first one starts with a "
>" (square).

not here they don't... (sorry, I know that doesn't really help but even
the square you may have added isn't showing up)


Re: PM 5 icons and some observations

2004-04-23 Thread david.gordon

Gerald F. Carroll wrote on Thu 22 Apr 2004 at 16:59 -0500

>The HAND on mine works no matter where i grab the border with it. 

Yes it does. My point was that it shouldn't be a hand at all but a double
headed arrow. And that the wee arrow thing is annoying as it keeps
catching my eye especially when reading a message.

>The icons will take remembering again, i only wish they were a little
>darker. They seem sort of washed out.

That's a fair point. I have mine set to "small" size with text so I don't
have to keep wondering about the fly ;) None of the folder graphics have
changed though. The "In Tray" and "Out Tray" now look odd and dated.


Re: Unable to Send

2004-04-22 Thread david.gordon

Anthony Sanna wrote on Thu 22 Apr 2004 at 10:33 -0500

>No SMTP server on "".

Perhaps won't allow you to use their SMTP server unless you
are connected directly, ie not via Metrocom. That's usually how ISPs work
to prevent you using their servers for spam.

Some ISPs and hosts allow SMTP auth. In the "Sending" tab of your mail
account you can set this up.

Some ISPs and host allow you to send _after_ receiving even if you come
from outside their network, but as that's the way PM works this shouldn't
be your problem.

There ought to be a way of changing your outgoing SMTP server depending
on your location in PowerMail. I did once ask here but not sure if I ever
got or understood the reply. I now use a host which allows me to send
mail from any location having verified me by POP password or SMTP AUTH. 

When at home try changing your SMTP server to Metrocom's.


Re: Which SpamSieve?

2004-04-22 Thread david.gordon

PowerMail Engineering wrote on Thu 22 Apr 2004 at 12:58 +0200

>Your SpamSieve corpus is stored in your Library folder, so there is
>nothing to move.

So why does SS report that its only had a few hundred messages since
20.04.04 when I have been using it for well over a year and had thousands
of message filter through?

I want to use 2.1.4 (I'll update from 2.1) but surely I also want to keep
my original files and statistics?

PM 5 icons and some observations

2004-04-22 Thread david.gordon

In three pane mode...

There are two funny wee arrow things for resizing the window ratios. They
are horid. I keep trying to clean them off my screen. I find the one
between the folder list and my message pane a real pain.

And anyway, when I mouse over it my mouse becomes a hand. I would expect
it to become a double arrow <-|-> as the only way to move the borders in
up/down or left/right. You can't 'grab' the border and move it _anywhere_.

The arrows on the border aren't really required - are they.

I must say I'm not that impressed by the new icons in the toolbars. Take
for example the "Mark as Spam". Is that a fly? What has a fly got to do
with spam? And "Mark as Good" doesn't follow the theme (or vis versa).
I'm not sure "Reply", "Forward" or "Redirect" are clear either. I'll
probably turn off the icons - just like I did in PM 4.

I was actually expecting more from PM 5. So far I haven't found anything
really different from PM 4. I already have SpamSieve and that worked
seamlessly once set up. I haven't found that "wow" that I felt when
FoxTrot searching was introduced. I guess I'm committed now and I will
pay for the upgrade but I don't think its good value. It doesn't feel
like a full version upgrade to me so far.


Which SpamSieve?

2004-04-22 Thread david.gordon

I already had SpamSieve. I think that PM 5 is running the copy supplied.
Can I simply replace the copy in the PM folder with my original copy to
use my own corpus etc.


Re: SpamSieve problems

2004-04-22 Thread david.gordon

harryo wrote on Wed 21 Apr 2004 at 18:46 -0500

>I especially like the feature in Mail.APP that allows me to bounce
>an EMail back to its sender. 

Why don't you bounce over to <> and
leave us less insecure punters alone.


Re: PM5beta bug?

2004-04-21 Thread david.gordon

Karsten Liere wrote on Wed 21 Apr 2004 at 16:07 +0200

> the tab-key is not
>switching the selection/insertion point to the next window

I don't see this with OS X 10.2.8. New message window opens with "No
Subject" highlighted, tab goes to "Name" and then the message window. All
as expected here.

However I do note that the File -> New menu contains two new message
options, cmd-n and alt-cmd-n which is not as expected.


keyboard shortcuts & PM 5

2004-04-20 Thread david.gordon

I like to use the keyboard to open, close, delete messages. I prefer the
two pane view. I highlight a message, press 'return' to open it.

To move through a list of unread messages I use control-left arrow, this
take me 'up' my unread message which are in date order and I'm reading
from the bottom (earliest) up.

To delete a message and move I seem to have the option of pressing
contol-alt or alt-cmd. Both of these change the mail window arrows to
trash cans. However only the contol-alt-left arrow (or right arrow)
works. Although alt-cmd change the icon they can't be used to delete and
move to the next message.

I was hoping this 'feature' would be fixed in PM 5. Perhaps it is a
feature and I'm doing something wrong ;)

Can it be sorted please?

How are others moving through messages?


Re: Powermail 5 problems

2004-04-20 Thread david.gordon

Dan Webb wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 23:41 -0700

>3. In 2-pane mode, the horizontal scroll bar draws on top of the status
>bar after you resize the window.

I see this too. What I see is a blank area over the scroll bar where the
status appears. I assume we mean the same thing.

Don't know if attachments are permitted here, I'd be happy to send a
screen shot if anyone wants it!


Re: Understanding the Spam Filter in PM5

2004-04-20 Thread david.gordon

Midi wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 21:39 -0700

>I am interested in the Spam filtering because I am now starting to get
>Spam on my .mac account (after all these years with none). I would like
>to get it out of the in tray. 

Don't muck about, just buy SpamSieve and use that. 96-98% accuracy, drops
all spam to the spam folder.

Re: Trying PM 5

2004-04-20 Thread david.gordon

computer artwork by subhash wrote on Tue 20 Apr 2004 at 00:26 +0200

>I'm filtering SPAM on the Mailserver already. Do I need to buy SpamSieve
>with PM5? I don't need it, have almost no SPAM.

I have SpamSieve but since I got it (it blinking brilliant by the way) I
too am filtering mail on my server. As a result I hove maybe one or two
spam messages every so often. I keep SS working as these last spams are
filtered into my 'spam' folder. SS will always be much better than a
server filter as it 'knows' your mail and the kind of spam your get to a
very fine degree.

I will say this again, SpamSieve is brilliant, I highly recommend it.

However, if I didn't have it already I wouldn't buy it due to my server
filtering. If you don't have a spam filter on your server, but SS. If you
do and you get more than a few spam slipping through I should consider SS.


Re: PM5 unexpected quits

2004-04-19 Thread david.gordon

david.gordon wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 18:59 +0100

>PowerMail Engineering wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 19:18 +0200
>>Crash logs are stored in your Library/Logs/CrashReporter folder.
>I'm sorry but I don't see anything to do with PM there, and nothing with
>today's date. 

I've found them now! ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter. Spot the Difference!


Re: PM5 unexpected quits

2004-04-19 Thread david.gordon

PowerMail Engineering wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 19:18 +0200

>Crash logs are stored in your Library/Logs/CrashReporter folder.

I'm sorry but I don't see anything to do with PM there, and nothing with
today's date. 


Re(2): Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-24 Thread david.gordon

tass wrote on Mon 24 Nov 2003 at 01:38 -0700

>Yes, of course I put in my own returns.  That's proper typing; 
>whether on paper, in a computer window, or so it might be printed 
>at the other end. 

I think you'll find 99% of users disagree. That is not the accepted way
of using electronic communications, either for email or a letter to be
printed. Its already been pointed out to you the difference between a
screen and a piece of paper. By the way, what size paper do you think I'm
going to print your missives on anyway? If you're a North American maybe
you assume 'letter' size. Or a European then 'A4'.

Your theory and ways of working fall down at every hurdle. But then if
you are happy working your way in a closed loop system, carry on. There
are other applications which will work the way you want to right now.
This one doesn't. Like everything, its a compromise. 

Enough! Make your decision on the information to hand. Don't expect the
world to change just for you. None of us are that important!


Re: Nice program

2003-11-24 Thread david.gordon

tass wrote on Mon 24 Nov 2003 at 01:25 -0700

>"Hanagan" is one of my other accounts

Yes, it was obvious actually. Although I though you might be one of your
mates put up to wind the list up. 

>Every line break I typed made it through all those "server" breakers that 
>have been touted as being the problem when typing properly

The servers, I think you have been advised, which _may_ mess with your
mails. Not _will_, not _always_, just _possibly_.

>Oh, and, note the quoted text below
>Broken early by PM just as expected, and as compared to the original 

It didn't look like that when I received it. 

>I still do like the program though.  I just would still also like to see
>bug fixed.  

I still think its not for you. Go find another. 


Re: Nice program

2003-11-24 Thread david.gordon

Hanagan wrote on Mon 24 Nov 2003 at 00:38 -0700

>I was wondering though, before I spend the money, could anyone give me an
>of what some of the things I should watch out for are? 

There are no proper instructions. But this list is helpful!

The beat way to answer your question is to use the program. If you've got
the demo try it out, even if its only for this list. You'll soon find
anything which annoys you personally.

>But if someone could give me some 
>of the things that are still in the works

Its a mature application. It works. If you get a lot of HTML emails you
may dislike it though. If you dislike HTML emails, you will love it!


Re(2): Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-24 Thread david.gordon

tass wrote on Sun 23 Nov 2003 at 15:39 -0700

>If you'd been following the thread, actually reading all, this 
>question would never have come to mind.

There is a slight danger of the above being seen as offensive. I have
been following and reading this whole thread. I asked the question
because I am polite, would never assume and like to check the facts
before commenting.

>But the answer is:
>Of course not.

So you're not adding extra line breaks into your emails? That's not the
impression I got from your answer to Marlyse Comte;

>>Are you manually entering line-feeds in your paragraphs? 

[back to your message]

>Any and all weirdness viewed in these emails is strictly the 
>fault of PM not allowing me to type my emails as I have elsewhere 
>for many years. 

I think the people here, including myself, are saying that maybe you are
working in an odd way. Adding line breaks is odd. Its not the accepted
way of working because its not needed. Doesn't mean you can't but to
blame your tools for the weird way your message turns out is wrong.

>That "toe the line and do as I have set forth for you to do" 
>attitude is exactly why I left the Microsoft world behind. 

Perhaps there's nothing wrong with the Microsoft world. Perhaps it works
just fine for those who learn how to and use it correctly. Is it at all
possible that you are trying to force MS to work in your unconventional
way and that might be the reason you are leaving it behind?

Lots of people here are trying to help you out. It seems to me you have a
fixed way of working and aren't persuaded by the arguments that you are
at odds with the rest, not just this group, of the world's way of writing
emails. I think if you can't see that now, if you rally really want to
try to format your email correspondence like a paper letter, PowerMail is
not for you. Go and try where you can compose rich text mail. Or
even have a go at Mailsmith. With its vast array of preferences I'm sure
you'll be able to wrap text at 120 or whatever characters.

>And I don't "claim" anything.  I merely state as I know it to be. 

I don't know if that was aimed at me, if so it went over my head.


Re(2): Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-23 Thread david.gordon

tass wrote on Sun 23 Nov 2003 at 01:59 -0700

>I really didn't mean to get you, or anyone else hot about the collar. 
>I just asked a simple question about a long standing feature that's widely 

I've come back from a weekend away to too much of this! 

Tass, did you claim you are writing emails with line breaks where you
want them so readers see exactly what you want them to see formatting
wise. Am I correct? So did you really type the above quote as shown here?
"Initially," line break/ new line, "I just asked...". Pardon my criticism
of your style but why the new line after just one word?

And later 

>to be able to send a nice letter that, should it be printed, will look
>like the 
>letter I typed?  
>When did freedom become such a hateful concept?  :-) 

Do you really format your emails with only two words on a line? And
that's the way you wanted me to see your mail?

Just wondering...


Re: Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-21 Thread david.gordon

tass wrote on Thu 20 Nov 2003 at 21:31 -0700

>Show number of (at least) NEW emails present in each folder, not just "bold" 
>the folder with new mail in it.

I can see that already at the bottom of the Mail Browser window. I guess
you really want it next to each folder though?

>Ability to specify folders for accounts "IN" and "SENT" boxes as a basic
>function of 
>the account setting, instead of having to create a filter to do this.

Just like where everytime you create a new account it create a
new set of 'In', 'Out', 'Sent' folders and causes great confusion? A
filter is easy enough to do.

>Links in email are actually "click-able"

Mailto and URLs already are for me. I regularly double click links. Of
course sometimes they break when wrapped but that's the fault of the
sender not enclosing them in angle brackets, not PM. Maybe you are
confused after trying Mailsmith?

>more aggressive "Junk Mail" filter

What junk mail filter? I only have SpamSieve.

>User configurable toolbar - including the ability to have the button bar
>dock within 
>the window toolbar.

Like Actually the only good thing about Mail is its look.

>Option to "Bounce" an email back to the original sender.

As if it was any use :-(


Re: New Window Position

2003-11-19 Thread david.gordon

Michael Lewis wrote on Wed 19 Nov 2003 at 11:41 -0500

>He may not be using the three-panel view like we are

If I am 'he' then, yes, correct, I'm using two panes...

>only a couple inches of mouse movement and less than a second out of my

I bet you go all the way up to the menu bar and use 'Mail -> Send' too -
if you need the exercise...


Re: New Window Position

2003-11-19 Thread david.gordon

Jay wrote on Wed 19 Nov 2003 at 08:26 -0800

>I drag the current
>window (in your case, the Reply window) to a new position (in your case,
>the right side of the display), and from now on all new reply windows
>open there. As I type this, 

Okay, I'm trying what you suggest!

> I am in a window that it positioned against
>the right side of my display, and I see your email in the mail browser
>which is positioned on the left side of the display.

Following your instructions!

> Of course, since I
>use a 12" iBook, the windows overlap, but they are doing just what you
>are asking them to do.

Me too! So now all my new mail and reply windows will open on the right
and all incoming mail on the left? Okay, perfect. Thanks but this doesn't
work. I understand all windows now open on the left. But I also want all
my new outgoing mail to open on the right. When I send this mail, close
your mail, open another mail and reply to that - where does my new reply
open? On the left, above the mail I want to reply to. Sure I can drag my
reply over to the right but I'd rather my reply window opened there (or
where ever I had my last outgoing mail window open) automatically.

Like I said, PM is technically correct, but...


Re: New Window Position

2003-11-19 Thread david.gordon

PowerMail Engineering wrote on Wed 19 Nov 2003 at 16:23 +0100

>When you open a message window, and another message window is already
>opened, the new window is position staggered to the other. If no other
>message window is opened, then it is opened at the same location that the
>last message window you closed.
>Other windows (browser, address book...) should always open at their last

This may be technically correct but its not very useful in The Real
World. Right now I'm replying to a message, I want to review that message
as I type this, but that's hard to do as the original message is hidden.

I'd be happy if incoming messages always opened in the same position (as
described) but I could control the alternative placing of outgoing
messages. Then I'd have my incoming message on the left of screen and my
outgoing reply being edited on the right.


Re: reliable free POP?

2003-11-13 Thread david.gordon

Mikael Byström wrote on Wed 12 Nov 2003 at 23:00 +0100

>Any suggestions for free POPmail without problems

If you meet their criteria DSVR will give you a 'free' server to try.



Re: Copy Message?

2003-11-04 Thread david.gordon

cheshirekat wrote on Tue 4 Nov 2003 at 01:11 -0700

>This sounds like something that should be possible with AppleScript.

Agree, however using the Filters _should_ be a bit easier. Am I doing
something wrong to get some sort of loop going, or is it some other problem?

>>>I tried the following
>>>filter outgoing messages
>>>account is [account]
>>>auto-redirect to [email address]
>>>(I would actually rather have BCC to [email address])
>>>The above filter seems to work but get stuck in a loop. I end up sending
>>>multiple copies to the auto-redirect address and have to stop the smtp


Re: Copy Message?

2003-11-04 Thread david.gordon

Kathleen Lewis wrote on Sat 1 Nov 2003 at 11:24 -0600

>Is there a way to make a copy of a message so that it can be stored under
>two or more separate folders?

That's more or less what I was asking...

>I'm trying to set up a filter to archive outgoing mail to another email
>I tried the following
>filter outgoing messages
>account is [account]
>auto-redirect to [email address]
>(I would actually rather have BCC to [email address])
>The above filter seems to work but get stuck in a loop. I end up sending
>multiple copies to the auto-redirect address and have to stop the smtp
>Any ideas/solutions?

Although I want mail to go to two email addresses automatically rather
than two folders. 


Auto CC all outgoing mail - filter?

2003-10-31 Thread david.gordon

I'd like to save copies of outgoing mails to another place...

How can I create a rule

All outgoing messages (from account X)

I can see "auto-forward" but no CC or BCC options. I don't want to add
"FWD" to the mail subject so BCC is needed.



BCC by filter

2003-10-30 Thread david.gordon

I'm trying to set up a filter to archive outgoing mail to another email

I tried the following

filter outgoing messages
account is [account]
auto-redirect to [email address]

(I would actually rather have BCC to [email address])

The above filter seems to work but get stuck in a loop. I end up sending
multiple copies to the auto-redirect address and have to stop the smtp

Any ideas/solutions?


Re: server alternatives to Spamsieve?

2003-10-16 Thread david.gordon

Max Gossell wrote on Wed 15 Oct 2003 at 16:07 +0200

>. My ISP started to run SpamAssassin a while ago. So
>now I get a lot of spams with the phrase SPAM added in the
>beginning of the subject... I do not like it at all.

TrustedMail. You'll have to do your own Googling to find it... Don't know
if its Mac-able but I do know it runs on Linux and stops 90+% of spam and
has next to no false positives. My host ( sell it for GBP 30
per domain per year as an addition to their server packages.

Re(4): retro-style

2003-10-10 Thread david.gordon

Marlyse Comte wrote on Fri 10 Oct 2003 at 09:26 -0500

>I don't know if that means encrypted mail (I doubt it) - but you can
>easily encrypt your mail now already: PGP works great with PowerMail.

No, I am asking for secure SSL type mail. I asked my host and they said I
needed STARTTLS.


Re(3): retro-style

2003-10-10 Thread david.gordon

Emily Jackson wrote on Fri 10 Oct 2003 at 06:28 -0500

>That and adding STARTTLS capability.

YES - please, if that means encrypted mail...


Errors reporting to SpamCop

2003-10-06 Thread david.gordon

Using PM 4.2.1 and SpamSieve 2.0.2...

I get a spam message or message which I 'teach' SpamSieve is spam and use
SS's "Report to SpamCop" AppleScript. When finishing the report at
SpamCop I see the error

>Finding links in message body 
>Parsing text part 
>error:couldn't parse head 
>Message body parser requires full, accurate copy of message 
>More information on this error.. 
>no links found 

More information on this error says...

>One common pitfall that still seems to be prevalent is erroneous wrapping
>of long email header lines being submitted to SpamCop.  If this type of
>problem is present in submitted spam, SpamCop will refuse to scan the
>message body for links, instead producing an error. 


So PowerMail is incorrectly wrapping lines in the mail header when I send
it to SpamCop? Solutions?


Re: Can't Open Address Book

2003-10-05 Thread david.gordon

David Bourbon wrote on Sat 4 Oct 2003 at 18:51 -0500

>I can't open my Apple Address Book form PowerMail, directly, or through
>Apple Mail. ...snip... Could be a 10.2.8 problem, but I
>have the re-released version. 

I have the original (pulled) release of 10.2.8 and everything including
getting to the Address Book works fine for me.

SSH mail connection

2003-10-01 Thread david.gordon

I asked this - seemingly simple - question of my server provider...

>I'd like to send and receive mail using ssh on my VS account. Can I do
>this? When I select "Use SSH" in my mail client (Powermail in this case)
>it changes the incoming pop server from port 110 to 995 and the outgoing
>smtp from 25 to 465. I then get an error on checking mail. Do I need to
>connect using non standard ports, or activate ssh mail some other way 

...and received this reply...

>When TLS / SSL were only just being used for mail connections, people
>decided to follow the approach already taken with HTTP and HTTPS and use
>a second port for the service when encryption was in use. 
>Since then, upgrade mechanisms have been added to major protocols such as
>IMAP, POP, SMTP and HTTP so that a client can migrate from the insecure
>version to the secure version without reconnecting. This means that the
>double-assignment of ports isn't necessary. 
>Your virutal server doesn't support separate secure ports except for
>HTTPS, which is very well known as using port 443. For encrypted
>connections, you will need to use an email program which can accept a
>self-signed certificate and which can upgrade to TLS using the STARTTLS

Can I use secure mail with PowerMail and my server?


Re: Searching in headers

2003-09-11 Thread david.gordon

Rick Lecoat wrote on Thu 11 Sep 2003 at 14:50 +0100

>Filters *can* recognise specific headers. So,
>create a filter that looks for the header field that you want to search
>for, and set it to assign a particular label to any message with that
>field. Run this filter through all your messages (a bit tedious, I know)
>and then search for that label.

Brilliant! That worked! Thank you.


Searching in headers

2003-09-11 Thread david.gordon

Can I search the headers? I want to find emails received through a
particular server - I don't want to have to
look manually!


still got the minus messages error

2003-09-09 Thread david.gordon

I've still got the "-1 unread" messages error. Interestingly it now turns
my "In Tray" icon bold when stating there is a minus message unread. When
I do have real unread messages the "In Tray" remains plain.

The error seems to have returned after a message was forwarded and
deleted by an auto rule.

I know how to fix the error, but I'll have to do so every time a message
is auto deleted...


Re: recent mail doesn't display new mail *again*

2003-09-03 Thread david.gordon

Rick Lecoat wrote on Mon 1 Sep 2003 at 23:49 +0100

>an ability to mark chosen messages
>in the RMW with a "retain between sessions" checkbox (or similar).

>it would certainly make things much easier for me. Since all
>my mail is auto-sorted by filters  into various folders (numbering in the
>hundreds and nested to boot)

This doesn't keep mail in the RMW but...

If I see a message I want to reply to later or needs further attention I
mark it as "Label Priority 1" (cmd 1) which marks it red. Easy to see in
folders but you can now also use the search to find all messages by
filter ("Label is Prioriy 1").

Don't forget you can use the different priorities/labels and change them
in Preferences making "Priority 1" "Urgent Reply" or "Work" or whatever
and then search for those messages.


minus unread messages

2003-09-03 Thread david.gordon

Powermail 4.2b8, still getting the "0 messages, -1 unread" error.

I had this one last time in PM 4.2b6 just before I went to beta 6.
Running beta 8 fixed the error as promised in the docs.

Today I have had 4 messages filter into a mail folder using an automatic
filter. I selected all (cmd A) the messages in a two pane Mail Browser
window and deleted them (cmd <-, Move To Mail Trash). Now the folder says
"0 messages, -1 unread".

I know how to fix this but I wasn't expecting it to happen!

I am using SpamSieve by the way, if that's part of the proble/solution
(although none of these messages were Spam...)

STOP PRESS: I've just seen I have "5225 messages, -1 unread" in my In Tray.


Scheduling & Locations - what's it all about?

2003-08-31 Thread david.gordon

[resending as may have been lost in list downtime - sorry if it appears

Ben Kennedy asked a question here about Scheduling and Locations which
(although I couldn't answer it) sent me looking and wondering.

So what's it for and how do you use it? It seems to me to be a bit like
part of Location Manager under OS 9. I think I see that I can change the
SMTP server I use depending on Location. I'd do that when using another
ISP - that's the bit I get.

So once I've created a new Schedule/Location how do I use it. Right now
I'm in the middle of The Minch (its on the map!) with my iBook and mobile
phone so I want a "Mobile" Location. I can set that up, how do I switch about?

I actually have my own SMTP server for my domain which I use as my
default email account/address (not this one!). I can only see how to
change the SMTP server for the default account in Locations. I don't want
to do that but I do want to change the SMTP server mail from this account
goes through - if that makes sense. Can I change the SMTP server of a non
default account?


No messages, minus 1 read...

2003-08-19 Thread david.gordon

I'm running the latest Beta 4.2b3/final candidate (may or may not be

I have a folder with "0 messages, -1 unread". The folder icon is bold
suggesting I have unread messages. 'View All' and 'View Unread' make no

I'm reading mail by having the 'Recent Mail' window open automatically.
The messages which would have been in this folder would have been
filtered there automatically. On my last download there were two or three
messages for this folder. I deleted them from the 'Recent Mail' window
without reading them. So the folder should say "0 messages"... Emptying
the 'Mail Trash' has had no effect.

I also saw something like this a few days ago with another folder. It was
bold and said " messages, 1 unread" although I had no unread
messages. I put that down to aborting a mail download mid way through.

I have fixed the problem by re-launching with command & option and
running "verify database consistency". 

But it shouldn't have happened?


Re: Where did the intray contents go?

2003-08-13 Thread david.gordon

Steven Mayer wrote on Wed 13 Aug 2003 at 09:40 -0500

>It looks like all my preferences are gone and my intray contents are
>missing.  Where did they all go?

You didn't follow the instructions?!

File -> Database -> Switch User Environment


Re: Text Clippings

2003-08-13 Thread david.gordon

Sorted! Thanks to all. I hadn't seen the clipping icon! :-(

One day there will be an up to date PowerMail manual.


Text Clippings

2003-08-13 Thread david.gordon

Text clippings, gone them set up, how do I use them? Is there a way to
automatically  insert a clipping into a mail. I seem to have to open the
clipping and copy & paste.



Archiving mail

2003-07-30 Thread david.gordon

Some of my mail folders seem to be getting big and Powermail slowing
down. I'd like to archive some mail away but not sure the best way. For
example I have one mail folder with over 11,000 messages. I want to keep
them all. How do I filter out the messages by year - for example. If
that's a good plan. I'd like to have all my messages to hand but only
really need this years in my folder list. I'm not sure if I'm being
clear. Perhaps other people can tell me what they do.
