Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetserver performance plummeting a few hours after startup

2020-02-12 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi all,

It seems that in fact, setting ReservedCodeCacheSize has had a positive
impact on the performance. Since monday, catalog compilation times have
been steady at around 10 seconds average. Still not as good as the
secondary server, but acceptable!

For the record, we are not managing metaspace size or

I'll try to lower the numer of workers and see if that has a positive
effect on memory / cpu usage while keeping the compilation times down.

Thanks again for all your suggestions!!

Best regards,

Op 10-2-2020 om 19:02 schreef Justin Stoller:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 1:44 AM Martijn Grendelman
>>> wrote:
> Hi Kevin and others who have responded,
> Thanks all for your tips. Unfortunately, no breakthroughs yet.
> The current state is this:
>   * Both Puppetservers typically run at the latest version,
> currently both 6.8.0.
>   * The primary server has 8 virtual cores and 12 GB of physical
> (virtualized) RAM, Java is running with -Xms6g -Xmx6g.
>   * Max-active-instances is currently set to 7.
>   * This morning, I added -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1g to the JVM
> startup config.
>   * The size of our 'environments' directory is 131 MB. We
> currently have 3 environments.
> I've been looking at JVM stats with 'jstat', and the server
> doesn't appear to spend any significant amount of time doing GC
> (seems to be about 1%).
> fwiw, <> and their family of jvm analysis
> reports can be helpful if you have the gc logs, etc available. You
> might want to see if you're managing Metaspace (like
> -XX:MaxMetaspace=1G). Mostlikely not, and if you were having issues I
> think it'd cause full GCs so its not likely a problem, but its a thing
> to check. It should, if you have to manage it, have a similar value to
> CodeCache.
> After a server restart, compilation times typically drop to 9
> seconds on average (on the secondary server, it's 5 seconds
> consistently), but after a while, they go back to 30 or 40 seconds. 
> As I noted in my first post, our server has an average  of less
> than 2 concurrent agents talking to it, so I can't imagine this
> happening due to lack of resources. The fact that our secondary
> server handles a bigger load than the primary, with a third of the
> memory and only 2 cores, seems to confirm this.
> One thing that gets folks is that each worker instance is pretty
> heavy-weight (heap, non-heap, and cpu, even when relatively idle). If
> you only need 2 or 3 instances, you should try lowering your max
> active instances to that number and see what happens.
> So:
> - enough CPU power (I would think)
> - enough memory
> - no significant garbage collection
> - Puppetserver causing a load of 5
> I also asked about max-requests-per-instance, ideally it should be 0
> (ie off) or some very high number (like 100).
> Any more tips? Would it make sense to run PuppetDB and PostgreSQL
> on a different VM?
> If that's the biggest difference you might want to go in that
> direction. I've seen PSQL tuned to where it's different child
> processes would consume way more memory than intended. You'd probably
> want to confirm that with top, et al.
> Thanks,
> Martijn Grendelman.
> Op 6-2-2020 om 17:43 schreef KevinR:
>> Hi Martijn,
>> it sounds like you have a sub-optimal combination of:
>>   * The amount of JRubies
>>   * The total amount of java heap memory for puppetserver
>>   * The size of your code base
>> This typically causes the kind of problems you're experiencing.
>> What's happening in a nutshell is that puppet is loading so much
>> code in memory that is starts running out of it and starts
>> performing garbage collection more and more aggressively. At the
>> end, 95% of all cpu cycles are spent on garbage collection and
>> you don't have any cpu cycles left over to actually do work like
>> compile catalogs...
>> To understand how Puppet loads code into memory:
>> Your code base is:  ( [ size of your control-repo ] + [ size of
>> all the modules from the Puppetfile ] )  x  [ the amount of
>> puppet code environments]
>> So let's say:
>>   * your control repo is 5MB in size
>>   * all modules together are 95MB in size
>>   * you have 4 code environments: 

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppetserver performance plummeting a few hours after startup

2020-02-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi Kevin and others who have responded,

Thanks all for your tips. Unfortunately, no breakthroughs yet.

The current state is this:

  * Both Puppetservers typically run at the latest version, currently
both 6.8.0.
  * The primary server has 8 virtual cores and 12 GB of physical
(virtualized) RAM, Java is running with -Xms6g -Xmx6g.
  * Max-active-instances is currently set to 7.
  * This morning, I added -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1g to the JVM
startup config.
  * The size of our 'environments' directory is 131 MB. We currently
have 3 environments.

I've been looking at JVM stats with 'jstat', and the server doesn't
appear to spend any significant amount of time doing GC (seems to be
about 1%).

After a server restart, compilation times typically drop to 9 seconds on
average (on the secondary server, it's 5 seconds consistently), but
after a while, they go back to 30 or 40 seconds.

As I noted in my first post, our server has an average  of less than 2
concurrent agents talking to it, so I can't imagine this happening due
to lack of resources. The fact that our secondary server handles a
bigger load than the primary, with a third of the memory and only 2
cores, seems to confirm this.

- enough CPU power (I would think)
- enough memory
- no significant garbage collection
- Puppetserver causing a load of 5

Any more tips? Would it make sense to run PuppetDB and PostgreSQL on a
different VM?

Martijn Grendelman.

Op 6-2-2020 om 17:43 schreef KevinR:
> Hi Martijn,
> it sounds like you have a sub-optimal combination of:
>   * The amount of JRubies
>   * The total amount of java heap memory for puppetserver
>   * The size of your code base
> This typically causes the kind of problems you're experiencing. What's
> happening in a nutshell is that puppet is loading so much code in
> memory that is starts running out of it and starts performing garbage
> collection more and more aggressively. At the end, 95% of all cpu
> cycles are spent on garbage collection and you don't have any cpu
> cycles left over to actually do work like compile catalogs...
> To understand how Puppet loads code into memory:
> Your code base is:  ( [ size of your control-repo ] + [ size of all
> the modules from the Puppetfile ] )  x  [ the amount of puppet code
> environments]
> So let's say:
>   * your control repo is 5MB in size
>   * all modules together are 95MB in size
>   * you have 4 code environments: development, testing, acceptance and
> production
> That's 100MB of code to load in memory, per environment. For 4
> environments, that's 400MB.
> A different way to get this amount directly is to run *du -h
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments* on the puppet master and look at
> the size reported for */etc/puppetlabs/code/environments*
> Now every JRuby will load that entire code base into memory. So if you
> have 4 JRubies, that's 1600MB of java heap memory that's actually
> needed. You can imagine what problems will happen if there isn't this
> much heap memory configured...
> If you're using the defaults, Puppet will create the same amount of
> JRubies as the number of cpu cores on your master, minus 1, with a
> maximum of 4 JRubies for the system.
> If you override the defaults, you can specify any number of JRubies
> you want with the max-active-instances setting.
> So by default a 2-cpu puppet master will create 1 JRuby, a 4-cpu
> puppet master will create 3 JRubies, an 8-cpu puppet master will
> create 4 JRubies.
> So now you know how to determine the amount of java heap memory you
> need to configure, which you can do by configuring the -Xmx and -Xms
> options in the JAVA_ARGS section of the puppetserver startup command.
> Then finally make sure the host has enough physical memory available
> to provide this increased amount of java heap memory.
> Once enough java heap memory is provided, you'll see the cpu usage
> stay stable.
> Kind regards,
> Kevin Reeuwijk
> Principal Sales Engineer @ Puppet
> On Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 11:51:42 AM UTC+1, Martijn Grendelman
> wrote:
> Hi,
> A question about Puppetserver performance.
> For quite a while now, our primary Puppet server is suffering from
> severe slowness and high CPU usage. We have tried to tweak its
> settings, giving it more memory (Xmx = 6 GB at the moment) and
> toying with the 'max-active-instances' setting to no avail. The
> server has 8 virtual cores and 12 GB memory in total, to run
> Pupperserver, PuppetDB and PostgreSQL.
> Notably, after a restart, the performance is acceptable for a
> while (several hours, up to a almost day), but then it plummets again.
> We figured that the

[Puppet Users] Puppetserver performance plummeting a few hours after startup

2020-02-06 Thread Martijn Grendelman

A question about Puppetserver performance.

For quite a while now, our primary Puppet server is suffering from severe 
slowness and high CPU usage. We have tried to tweak its settings, giving it 
more memory (Xmx = 6 GB at the moment) and toying with the 
'max-active-instances' setting to no avail. The server has 8 virtual cores 
and 12 GB memory in total, to run Pupperserver, PuppetDB and PostgreSQL.

Notably, after a restart, the performance is acceptable for a while 
(several hours, up to a almost day), but then it plummets again.

We figured that the server was just unable to cope with the load (we had 
over 270 nodes talking to it in 30 min intervals), so we added a second 
master that now takes more than half of that load (150 nodes). That did not 
make any difference at all for the primary server. The secondary server 
however, has no trouble at all dealing with the load we gave it.

In the graph below, that displays catalog compilation times for both 
servers, you can see the new master in green. It has very constant high 
performance. The old master is in yellow. After a restart, the compile 
times are good (not great) for a while.The first dip represents ca. 4 
hours, the second dip was 18 hours. At some point, the catalog compilation 
times sky-rocket, as does the server load. 10 seconds in the graph below 
corresponds to a server load of around 2, while 40 seconds corresponds to a 
server load of around 5. It's the Puppetserver process using the CPU.

The second server, the green line, has a consistent server load of around 
1, with 4 GB memory (2 GB for the Puppetserver JVM) and 2 cores (it's an 
EC2 t3.medium).

If I have 110 nodes, doing two runs per hour, that each take 30 seconds to 
run, I would still have a concurrency of less than 2, so Puppet causing a 
consistent load of 5 seems strange. My first thought would be that it's 
garbage collection or something like that, but the server plenty of memory 
(OS cache has 2GB).

Any ideas on what makes the Puppetserver starting using so much CPU? What 
can we try to keep it down?

Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] Attempt to override an already evaluated resource

2017-08-22 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Since a recent Puppet  update, my logs contain a lot of these warnings:

2017-08-21 14:03:20,146 WARN [qtp2051525912-14813] [puppetserver] Puppet 
> Attempt to override an already evaluated resource, defined at 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/puppet/manifests/collections.pp:45,
> with new values at 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/puppet/manifests/collections.pp:40

The code leading to these warnings is this:

if $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' {

> $remove_packages = [






> linux::package { $remove_packages: ensure => purged }

> Linux::Package['puppet-agent'] {

require => Linux::Package[$remove_packages],



> linux::package { 'puppet-agent':

ensure  => installed,



I found PUP-6290 , which 
seems related to this, but I am not sure the use case described in that 
ticket is the same. Also, I don't think that adding a 'require' metaparam 
to an already evaluated resource should require a re-evaluation of the 
resource body.

If my pattern of conditionally adding to a resource's parameters is wrong, 
how should I go about this?

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Defined type parameter defaults not set (undef)

2014-12-04 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi Henrik and Wil,

 Is there ANY way that the notifys in the apache::vhost type would 
  display a different value? Shouldn't $apache::params::priority and 
  $priority not be the same? 
  I have a case where on /some/ nodes, $priority (and other parameters 
  that have defaults from $::apache::params that I omitted here) are 
  empty (undef). If I access $::apache::params::priority directly, the 
  correct value is presented. 
  This code is in use on many nodes, and most don't exhibit the problem. 
  Any idea what might be the problem here? I've been trying different 
  things for over an hour, and I'm afraid I'm losing my sanity... 
 You have an order of evaluation problem primarily. See here for an 
 explanation of in which order classes and defines are evaluated:

 The problem is that you have not included the class (and thus not 
 defined the parameter $::apache::params::priority) at the time 
 you are instantiating the resource apache::vhost{test: }. If you instead 
 include the class prior to instantiating the resource it may work better. 

 (Or organize the thing differently once you read about the order classes 
 and defines are evaluated.) 

Thank you both for helpful tips. I see I need to rethink some stuff :-)

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Defined type parameter defaults not set (undef)

2014-12-04 Thread Martijn Grendelman

On Thursday, December 4, 2014 9:50:56 AM UTC+1, Martijn Grendelman wrote:

 Hi Henrik and Wil,

  Is there ANY way that the notifys in the apache::vhost type would 
  display a different value? Shouldn't $apache::params::priority and 
  $priority not be the same? 
  I have a case where on /some/ nodes, $priority (and other parameters 
  that have defaults from $::apache::params that I omitted here) are 
  empty (undef). If I access $::apache::params::priority directly, the 
  correct value is presented. 
  This code is in use on many nodes, and most don't exhibit the problem. 
  Any idea what might be the problem here? I've been trying different 
  things for over an hour, and I'm afraid I'm losing my sanity... 
 You have an order of evaluation problem primarily. See here for an 
 explanation of in which order classes and defines are evaluated:

 The problem is that you have not included the class (and thus not 
 defined the parameter $::apache::params::priority) at the time 
 you are instantiating the resource apache::vhost{test: }. If you instead 
 include the class prior to instantiating the resource it may work better. 

 (Or organize the thing differently once you read about the order classes 
 and defines are evaluated.) 

 Thank you both for helpful tips. I see I need to rethink some stuff :-)

Hence the following code in puppetlabs-apache's vhost type:

  # The base class must be included first because it is used by parameter 
  if ! defined(Class['apache']) {
fail('You must include the apache base class before using any apache 
defined resources')
I get it now :-)

Thanks again,

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[Puppet Users] Defined type parameter defaults not set (undef)

2014-12-03 Thread Martijn Grendelman

Please consider the following simplified code:

class apache::params {
$priority = 25

define apache::vhost (
$priority = $::apache::params::priority
) {

include apache::params

notify { $name prio 1: $apache::params::priority: }
notify { $name prio 2: $priority: }

apache::vhost { 'test': }

Is there ANY way that the notifys in the apache::vhost type would display a 
different value? Shouldn't $apache::params::priority and $priority not be 
the same?

I have a case where on *some* nodes, $priority (and other parameters that 
have defaults from $::apache::params that I omitted here) are empty 
(undef). If I access $::apache::params::priority directly, the correct 
value is presented.
This code is in use on many nodes, and most don't exhibit the problem.

Any idea what might be the problem here? I've been trying different things 
for over an hour, and I'm afraid I'm losing my sanity...

Best regards,

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[Puppet Users] Hash iteration order in a template not consistent

2012-03-28 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I did some basic googling, but didn't find an answer yet. I am sorry if
this is a FAQ.

In a manifest for creating an Apache config file, I define a hash like this:

$aliases = {
'/foo/' = '/home/foo/www/',
'/bar/' = '/home/bar/www/',
'/baz/' = '/home/baz/www//'

Then, in a template, I have:

% aliases.each_pair do |key, val| -%
Alias %= key % %= val %
% end -%

The result is mostly what I expect, but every once in a while, the order
in which the Aliases are generated from the 'each_pair' loop changes,
resulting in a different file.

The Ruby docs state that hashes enumerate their values in the order that
the corresponding keys were inserted., but is that not true for Puppet

I did stumble across this post:

which suggests to do something like

% aliases.sort_by {|key, value| key}.each_pair do |key, val| -%
% end -%

Will it work? Is that a proper solution?

Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] Collecting resources from exporting node

2011-11-18 Thread Martijn Grendelman
No one? Is my question not clear (TL;DR, perhaps?), or doesn't anyone have
an answer?

Best regards,

On 17-11-11 17:18, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 A small addition at the bottom...
 I was looking at the basic example for exporting and collecting resources
 at :

 class ssh {
 @@sshkey { $hostname: type = dsa, key = $sshdsakey }
 Sshkey | |

 I quote:

 The above code would have every host export its SSH public key, and then
 collect every host’s key and install it in the ssh_known_hosts file; this
 would include the host doing the exporting.

 That last statement seems untrue in my experiments.

 I have the following manifest:

   # Export a firewall rule, requesting access to DIR/MRC replication ports
   @@firewall::rule {xtreemfs-repl-${hostname}:
   rule = [
   -A firewall-user-app -p tcp -s $primary_ipaddress --dport 35678
   -A firewall-user-app -p tcp -s $primary_ipaddress --dport 35676

   # Collect all firewall rules from DIR/MRC servers
   Firewall::Rule | tag == 'xtreemfs::dir_mrc' |

 This class is included on two servers, let's call them serverA and serverB.

 On serverA, I do get Firewall::Rule[xtreemfs-repl-serverB], but not
 Firewall::Rule[xtreemfs-repl-serverA], and on serverB, it's the other way
 When adding the class to a third server, all servers get the
 Firewall::Rule from the two others, but never from itself.
 So exporting works (confirmed by looking at the database). So does
 collecting, only not from the local node. What am I doing wrong?
 Most curious...
 Best regards,
 Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Duplicate definition

2011-11-18 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 18-11-11 15:58, Peter Horvath wrote:
 Seems i dont understand how get over this.
 I have this defined resource type
 define vhost ($docroot = /var/www, $servername =
 ${hostname}.${domain}, $serveralias = www.${hostname}.${domain},
 $inorout = 1) {
 file{ 'conf':

So, if you use this define twice, you would end up with two File resources
named 'conf'...

 ensure  = present,
 content =
 file{ 'link':

So, if you use this define twice, you would end up with two File resources
named 'link'...

Etcetera. You have to make sure that your resource names are globally
unique. Why not just do:

  file { /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${servername}: ... }

That would solve most of your problems, but keep on reading...

 path= /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${servername},
 ensure  = link,
 target  =
 require = File['conf'],
 file{ ${docroot}:
 ensure  = directory,

If you do this, you have to make sure your $docroot is different for each

 file{ ${docroot}/${servername}:
 ensure  = directory,
 require = File[${docroot}],
 file{ ${docroot}/${servername}/html/:
 ensure  = directory,
 require = File[${docroot}/${servername}],
 file{ 'defrem':
 path= '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default',
 ensure  = absent,

This resource doesn't contain any variable components at all, so this will
always result in a duplicate definition.

To fix this, you have to do what John Bollinger explained: move this
resource outside the defined type. You can either make it virtual and
realize() it here, or you can move it to a dedicated class and include the
class here. Both methods will work, but I think that current best
practices prefer the virual resource over the class inclusion.

 file{ 'index':
 path= ${docroot}/${servername}/html/index.html,
 ensure  = present,
 content = Welcome to hell of ${servername},
 service{ 'apache2':
 ensure  = running,
 restart = 'service apache2 reload',
 require = [ File['conf'], File['link'],
 File[${docroot}/${servername}/html/] ],
 subscribe   = [ File['conf'], File['defrem'] ],
 and this is my node config
 node eurwebtest02 {
 include apache2
 include apache2::mods
 include apache2::pringo
 import apache2/vhost.pp
 vhost { 'local':
 vhost { 'test':
 servername  = test.${domain},
 serveralias = www.test.${domain},
 inorout = '0',
 I tried to virtualize vhost in vhost.pp with @
 and realize them in the node config, but seems i cant get a working
 solution to use vhost resource type more than 1.
 Can you point me to the right direction? How can i create 100 vhost with
 that defined class or something like this

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

 On 18 November 2011 11:19, Peter Horvath wrote:
 As i figured out the source of my problem was that i used the defined
 resource type twice in a manifest.
 I didn't know that a defined resource type cannot be used twice in the
 same manifest as you can use multiple times a built in one.
 On 17 November 2011 22:14, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Nov 17, 1:50 pm, Peter Horvath wrote:
  i know all of this and i did grep before i wrote this email :)
  There is no other file[conf]
 In that case, the one declaration must be processed twice.  It must
 appear inside a defined type that you instantiate more than once.
 If both definition instances are supposed to declare the same file,
 then move the declaration outside the definition, make it virtual, and
 have the definition 'realize' it instead of declaring it.  If the
 definitions are each supposed to delare a different file then you have
 a bug in your manifest.  With respect to the latter possibility, I
 observe that the resource title is not an absolute path.  That could
 be a sign

[Puppet Users] Exported resources: how to avoid duplicate definitions?

2011-11-17 Thread Martijn Grendelman

Is there a way to 'unique-ify' a collection of resources?

Suppose that nodes export '@@nagios_hostgroup' resources for hostgroups
that they want to be a member of. The Nagios server node collect those:

  Nagios_hostgroup ||

But many nodes export the same hostgroups, because the whole point of
having hostgroups is, that multiple hosts can be a member :-) So, the
collection would lead to duplicate definitions. Is there a way to avoid that?

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] Collecting resources from exporting node

2011-11-17 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I was looking at the basic example for exporting and collecting resources
at :

class ssh {
@@sshkey { $hostname: type = dsa, key = $sshdsakey }
Sshkey | |

I quote:

The above code would have every host export its SSH public key, and then
collect every host’s key and install it in the ssh_known_hosts file; this
would include the host doing the exporting.

That last statement seems untrue in my experiments.

I have the following manifest:

  # Export a firewall rule, requesting access to DIR/MRC replication ports
  @@firewall::rule {xtreemfs-repl-${hostname}:
  rule = [
  -A firewall-user-app -p tcp -s $primary_ipaddress --dport 35678
  -A firewall-user-app -p tcp -s $primary_ipaddress --dport 35676

  # Collect all firewall rules from DIR/MRC servers
  Firewall::Rule | tag == 'xtreemfs::dir_mrc' |

This class is included on two servers, let's call them serverA and serverB.

On serverA, I do get Firewall::Rule[xtreemfs-repl-serverB], but not
Firewall::Rule[xtreemfs-repl-serverA], and on serverB, it's the other way

So exporting works (confirmed by looking at the database). So does
collecting, only not from the local node. What am I doing wrong?

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] Collecting resources from exporting node

2011-11-17 Thread Martijn Grendelman

A small addition at the bottom...

 I was looking at the basic example for exporting and collecting resources
 at :
 class ssh {
 @@sshkey { $hostname: type = dsa, key = $sshdsakey }
 Sshkey | |
 I quote:
 The above code would have every host export its SSH public key, and then
 collect every host’s key and install it in the ssh_known_hosts file; this
 would include the host doing the exporting.
 That last statement seems untrue in my experiments.
 I have the following manifest:
   # Export a firewall rule, requesting access to DIR/MRC replication ports
   @@firewall::rule {xtreemfs-repl-${hostname}:
   rule = [
   -A firewall-user-app -p tcp -s $primary_ipaddress --dport 35678
   -A firewall-user-app -p tcp -s $primary_ipaddress --dport 35676
   # Collect all firewall rules from DIR/MRC servers
   Firewall::Rule | tag == 'xtreemfs::dir_mrc' |
 This class is included on two servers, let's call them serverA and serverB.
 On serverA, I do get Firewall::Rule[xtreemfs-repl-serverB], but not
 Firewall::Rule[xtreemfs-repl-serverA], and on serverB, it's the other way

When adding the class to a third server, all servers get the
Firewall::Rule from the two others, but never from itself.

 So exporting works (confirmed by looking at the database). So does
 collecting, only not from the local node. What am I doing wrong?

Most curious...

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] Exported resources: how to avoid duplicate definitions?

2011-11-17 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 17-11-11 11:51, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 Is there a way to 'unique-ify' a collection of resources?
 Suppose that nodes export '@@nagios_hostgroup' resources for hostgroups
 that they want to be a member of. The Nagios server node collect those:
   Nagios_hostgroup ||
 But many nodes export the same hostgroups, because the whole point of
 having hostgroups is, that multiple hosts can be a member :-) So, the
 collection would lead to duplicate definitions. Is there a way to avoid that?

By Googling a bit, and reading some old stuff from the list, I got the
impression that it might be possible to just collect all those resources
without problems. So I set up a simple test case:

class testexport {

@@file {/tmp/blub:
content = fiep\n,

class testcollect {
File | tag == testexport |

node serverA {
include testexport

node serverB {
include testexport

node serverC {
include testcollect

As expected, on serverC, this leads to the following error:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Exported resource File[/tmp/blub] cannot override local resource on node

Is there a way around this?

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] Could not create RRD file

2011-10-18 Thread Martijn Grendelman

On 24 Dec 2010, I wrote to the mailing list about an issue with RRD reports:

Back then, there was no solution. At the time, we were on Puppet 2.6.3.

This week, I moved to Puppet 2.7.6rc3, and the problem is still here:

Oct 18 09:02:13 dolly puppet-master[31443]: Report processor failed: Could
not create RRD file
/var/lib/puppet/rrd/ you must define
at least one Data Source

Any idea what I could do to fix this?

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

iphion B.V.
TU/e Innovation Lab 1.15
Horsten 1 - 5612 AX Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Tel. +31 40 747 0117
CoC-number: 17194147

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Re: [Puppet Users] Type reference, Puppet versions

2011-10-17 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 14-10-11 20:14, Nigel Kersten wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Jacob Helwig wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 10:04:19 -0700, Nigel Kersten wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 7:05 AM, Martijn Grendelman mailto:mart...@iphion.nlwrote:
   I have no idea if this has come up before, I didn't bother to
 check the
   archives or anything, but I was wondering if it would be possible
 to have
   Puppet's documentation reflect the version in which a certain
 feature was
   For example, I just added a user to my catalog using the 'system'
   parameter, as per
  Whether the user is a system user with lower UID. Valid values are
  true, false.
   And now all my 2.6.3 nodes are complaining:
Invalid parameter system at /etc/puppet/manifests/...
   A little digging into the source revealed to me, that this feature
 is not
   present in 2.6.3, but it is in 2.7.5. I have no idea in what
 version it
   was introduced.
   It would be nice if the type reference would contain that information.
  If you go to the Quick Nav menu, you can get to the docs for other
  should contain what you need I believe ?
 I think he wants something more along the lines of the since sections
 you can create with newer versions of YARD when documenting methods.
 For for example:
 That's pretty sweet. 

Exactly what I meant!

FWIW, I knew where to find the docs for my particular version, but I just
have 'latest' in my bookmarks.

I did not know about 'puppet describe type', which is pretty nice! Thanks!

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] Variables syntax

2011-10-17 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I am trying to combine some rules from

1. Top scope variables are the same, but their scope is nameless. (For
example: $::top_scope_variable.)
2. To distinguish a ${variable} from the surrounding text, you should wrap
its name in curly braces.

So, to get a fact, I was writing:


To get a global var from site.pp, I was writing:


These give me errors like:

  Could not parse for environment production: Could not match
${::operatingsystem} at...

Isn't that supposed to work?

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] Type reference, Puppet versions

2011-10-14 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I have no idea if this has come up before, I didn't bother to check the
archives or anything, but I was wondering if it would be possible to have
Puppet's documentation reflect the version in which a certain feature was

For example, I just added a user to my catalog using the 'system'
parameter, as per

Whether the user is a system user with lower UID. Valid values are
true, false.

And now all my 2.6.3 nodes are complaining:

  Invalid parameter system at /etc/puppet/manifests/...

A little digging into the source revealed to me, that this feature is not
present in 2.6.3, but it is in 2.7.5. I have no idea in what version it
was introduced.

It would be nice if the type reference would contain that information.

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] ssh_authorized_key in 2.7.1 and up

2011-09-29 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I am currently testing my catalog, that runs fine with 2.6.3, with Puppet
2.7.4. Now I am running into a problem, and I wonder why this was 'fixed'
in Puppet the way it was.

Please consider

In Puppet 2.7.4, there is code [1] that prevents ssh_authorized_key
resources to contain whitespace in their names. This is a problem, because
I actually have authorized keys with whitespaces in the comments, and
these have been added through Puppet without problems.

Now, I could just decide to change the name of the keys, but the real
problem is, that I cannot use Puppet 2.7.4 to /remove/ the old key names,
due to the 'fix' above. That is rather inconvenient.

Besides, is there any REAL reason why a key comment (and the resource name
with it) can't contain any whitespace? I know that one should be careful
how to specify the resource to prevent it being added repeatedly on every
catalog run, but apart from that? I have never had any problems with it.

If whitespace is permitted from OpenSSH's point of view, shouldn't Puppet
allow it too, and fix problems like this the right way? Or am I missing

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman


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Re: [Puppet Users] ssh_authorized_key in 2.7.1 and up

2011-09-29 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 29-09-11 14:03, Jonathan Stanton wrote:
 On Sep 29, 2011, at 7:35 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:


 I am currently testing my catalog, that runs fine with 2.6.3, with Puppet
 2.7.4. Now I am running into a problem, and I wonder why this was 'fixed'
 in Puppet the way it was.

 Please consider

 In Puppet 2.7.4, there is code [1] that prevents ssh_authorized_key
 resources to contain whitespace in their names. This is a problem, because
 I actually have authorized keys with whitespaces in the comments, and
 these have been added through Puppet without problems.
 I also have numerous keys with whitespace in the comments and given
 that this is valid for SSH, I would agree it should work with Puppet.
 Besides, is there any REAL reason why a key comment (and the resource name
 with it) can't contain any whitespace? I know that one should be careful
 how to specify the resource to prevent it being added repeatedly on every
 catalog run, but apart from that? I have never had any problems with it.

 The fix for Issue 7888 doesn't require that the 'name' field not have
 whitespace, only that the 'key' field not have whitespace, so fixing
 that bug and allowing whitespace in comments seem compatible.
 I would suggest opening a bug report that the fix to 7888 was
 overzealous and they should revert the first part of that patch to
 allow whitespace in the name field.
 If whitespace is permitted from OpenSSH's point of view, shouldn't Puppet
 allow it too, and fix problems like this the right way? Or am I missing


Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

iphion B.V.
TU/e Innovation Lab 1.15
Horsten 1 - 5612 AX Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Tel. +31 40 747 0117
CoC-number: 17194147

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Re: [Puppet Users] Bind9 Ubuntu Lucid

2011-09-01 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I have this:

service { bind9:
ensure = running,
hasrestart = true,
pattern = named,
require = Package[bind9],

because the process is called 'named'.

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

On 31-08-11 22:56, Russell Van Tassell wrote:
 Just a couple odd questions... does the status return 0 or 1 when bind is
 running? If the process table is used, would you need a name parameter
 to differentiate the name versus the process name? And, what version of
 puppet? You might need a hasstatus in there, as well?
 On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Craig White wrote:
 Seems that every cycle, puppet thinks that bind9 service is stopped
 and wants to restart...
 info: Applying configuration version '1314822598'
 notice: /Stage[main]/Bind::Service/Service[bind9]/ensure: ensure
 changed 'stopped' to 'running'
 notice: Finished catalog run in 3.70 seconds
 But it's running and from the logs, puppet doesn't appear to have any
 impact at all (bind9 was running, continues to run and is not
 restarted by the puppet cycle).
 # /etc/init.d/bind9 status
  * bind9 is running
 # update-rc.d -n bind9 defaults
  System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/bind9 already exist.
 # ps aux | grep `cat /var/run/named/`|grep -v grep
 bind 21856  0.0  0.2 326644 39664 ?Ssl  Aug26   0:17
 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
 Extremely simple class...
 class bind::service {
  service { bind9:
ensure = running,
require = Class[bind::install],
 Craig White ~
 tel:1.800.869.6908 ~~
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 2.7.1, variable scoping, best practices

2011-08-03 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 02-08-11 17:18, Peter Meier wrote:
 On 08/02/2011 04:20 AM, Aaron Grewell wrote:
 I recommend taking a look at R I Pienaar's alternative extlookup
 implementation.  It supports YAML in addition to csv which allows for the
 full range of available variable types to be pulled in from external
 sources.   I've combined this with a YAML-based ENC to put all variables for
 a single node into one YAML file.  It's working well for me.
 but then, you should better directly go with hiera.

I'm currently checking my mileage with Hiera...

Thanks for all your input!

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 2.7.1, variable scoping, best practices

2011-08-01 Thread Martijn Grendelman
 what definition of the variable you're going
 to get.  That's not such a big deal, though, and it could even be
 considered an advantage -- the external variables a class uses can be
 considered de facto parameters for it.
 2) Classes can be included multiple times, by more than one path, and
 there is no guarantee that the values they see for unqualified
 external variable names will be the same at each inclusion.  This can
 result in unintended behavior, but the problem is not so much that
 dynamic scoping is inherently bad, but rather that it facilitates poor
 manifest design.
 Parameterized classes address problem (1) by formalizing class
 parameterization, and they address problem (2) by making it illegal to
 include a parameterized class more than once (even with the same
 parameters).  One of my main objections to parameterized classes is
 that the latter is too far-reaching and constraining.
 Further, it states:

   If you need to apply resource defaults more broadly, you can still set
 them at top scope in your primary site manifest. If you need the resource
 defaults in a class to change depending on where the class is being
 declared, you need parameterized classes.

 And we're back at parameterized classes. And what does 'top scope' mean
 exactly? I assume that would be in 'site.pp', outside any class or node
 Outside any class or node definition and inside site.pp or any
 manifest 'import'ed by it is certainly top-level.  Surely someone else
 around here knows offhand whether anywhere else, such as inside node
 definitions, is also top-level.  Or you can test: the fully-qualified
 name of a top-level variable $somevar is $::somevar.
 To make a long question short: what is the recommended way to override
 values for certain nodes or groups of nodes (by inheritance)? And I'd
 /really/ prefer to do that without having to pass on each and every value
 as a parameter to the next included class...
 Things to consider:
 1) I personally recommend avoiding deep node inheritance hierarchies.
 In fact, I recommend no more than two levels to your node inheritance
 tree.  This may or may not help with your present problem.

We have three levels: a basenode in which we set defaults, a level for
'internal' and 'external' servers, since that is the biggest distinction
in our server park, and every node definition inherits either 'internal'
or 'external'.

 2) As I mentioned above, you may be able to just change to fully-
 qualified variable names.  That would be quick and relatively

Yes. But it doesn't work ;-)

 3) There is another built-in alternative to dynamically-scoped
 variables: the extlookup() function.  Using extlookup() to retrieve
 data for your resources can allow you to minimize the number of
 parameters you need to pass, or even to avoid class parameterization
 altogether.  I think this is a great way to go, but Puppetlabs's style
 guide disfavors it.

The big question here is: would that be future-proof??

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet not installing relevant library files

2011-07-26 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 26-07-11 06:57, KarthiKeyan. Kesavan wrote:
 I tried to exec dpkg cmd to install the deb file in my puppet debian client .
 I am getting error due to related library files. Please suggest me how to
 automate the same.

Dpkg is not meant to resolve those dependencies for you, it just does what
you tell it to: install a single deb package. APT is made for what you want.

 Due to security reasons i cant enable repo urls in my /etc/apt
 sources-list file.

You could install the dependencies with 'package' resources, and have the
dpkg-exec depend on those.

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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[Puppet Users] Puppet 2.7.1, variable scoping, best practices

2011-06-30 Thread Martijn Grendelman

Having installed Puppet 2.7.1 on my testserver yesterday, I am now bugged
by log messages, that tell me not to use dynamic variable lookups:

Jun 29 13:31:09 os1 puppet-master[31910]: Dynamic lookup of
$ssh_permitrootlogin at /etc/puppet/templates/etc/ssh/sshd_config.erb:28
is deprecated.  Support will be removed in Puppet 2.8.  Use a
fully-qualified variable name (e.g., $classname::variable) or
parameterized classes.

Now, I have been reading up on variable scoping and trying to figure out
how to rewrite my manifests to embrace best practices, but I am confused
on how to proceed, and I can't really find any working examples, so I turn
here for help.

My current setup is something like this:

node basenode {
$somevar  = defaultvalue
$someothervar = anotherdefault

node internal inherits basenode {
$someothervar = internaloverride

node external inherits basenode {

node myinternalserver inherits internal {
$somevar = nodeoverride
include generic

node someexternalserver inherits external {
include generic

...another 40 node definitions, inheriting either internal or external...

class generic {
include someclass
include somemodule::anotherclass
include a whole bunch of other classes that every node needs

In any class or module I use $somevar and $someothervar as I please, and I
understand that this a) is not a recommended practice and b) will stop
working in Puppet 2.8.

So, what should I do?

Switching to parameterized classes sounds nice, but that would mean that
the 'generic' class would have to get /every/ variable I use as a
parameter and pass it on to subsequent classes where needed. That sounds
incredibly clumsy to me.

In I read:

  If you’re using dynamic scope to share resource defaults, there’s no
way around it: you’ll have to repeat yourself in each file that the
defaults apply to.

Is this what's biting me here? Well, this sounds like something I can live
with, after all: it's not the default values I care about, it's the
overriding values.

Further, it states:

  If you need to apply resource defaults more broadly, you can still set
them at top scope in your primary site manifest. If you need the resource
defaults in a class to change depending on where the class is being
declared, you need parameterized classes.

And we're back at parameterized classes. And what does 'top scope' mean
exactly? I assume that would be in 'site.pp', outside any class or node

To make a long question short: what is the recommended way to override
values for certain nodes or groups of nodes (by inheritance)? And I'd
/really/ prefer to do that without having to pass on each and every value
as a parameter to the next included class...

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] using memorysize fact in manifests

2011-06-30 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 30-06-11 11:20, Matthias Saou wrote:
 Andreas Kuntzagk wrote:
 I want some config depending on memorysize.

 What I tried was
if ($memorysize = 256 * 1024*1024) {

 But this fails because $memorysize is a string (and contains a G)
 and can't be compared to an int.

 Are all facts strings? How do I work with numbers?
 Typical problem. Not to mention that you happen to have G but that
 could very easily be M. Here's my workaround for that, which I use
 for calculations to then set some sysctl.conf values accordingly :
 # This is ugly, but very useful to get a standard kiB total RAM
 # to base further calculations upon. Note that we get a string
 $mem = inline_template(%
 mem,unit = scope.lookupvar('::memorysize').split
 mem = mem.to_f
 # Normalize mem to KiB
 case unit
 when nil:  mem *= (10)
 when 'kB': mem *= (110)
 when 'MB': mem *= (120)
 when 'GB': mem *= (130)
 when 'TB': mem *= (140)
 %%= mem.to_i %)

I use a custom fact, that returns the amount of system memory in
megabytes. This is, however, Linux-only, since it uses /proc/meminfo:

$ cat modules/common/lib/facter/memorysize_mb.rb

require 'facter'

Facter.add(memorysize_mb) do
confine :kernel = :Linux

ram = 0

# Steal linux's meminfo /proc/meminfo , 'r' ) do |f|
f.grep( /^MemTotal:/ ) { |mem|
ram = mem.split( / +/ )[1].to_i / 1024

setcode do

 Here's an example of how I then use it :
 # kernel.shmmax
 if $shmmax {
 $shmmax_final = $shmmax
 } else {
 if $oracle {
 # For non-shm half the RAM for = 4G, 2G otherwise
 if $mem = 4294967296 {
 $shmmax_final = $mem / 2
 } else {
 $shmmax_final = $mem - 2147483648
 } else {
 $shmmax_final = $mem

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet managed hosts in multiple nagios hostgroups

2011-06-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 08-06-11 16:29, Chris Phillips wrote:
 updated, and hopefully finished:
 Facter.add(:bp_nagios_hostgroups) do
 setcode do
 if FileTest.exists?(/var/lib/puppet/classes.txt)
 bp_nagios_hostgroups = { |file|
 file.each { |line|
 if line =~ /^(.+)::nagios-client/
 bp_nagios_hostgroups  $1 +  
 next bp_nagios_hostgroups if bp_nagios_hostgroups

So, if I understand correctly, you have Nagios hostgroups named exactly
like the Puppet modules, and in the module, you define an empty class
called 'modulename::nagios-client' to do the magic.

Clever, I didn't think of that.

One note: in the code above, you use /var/lib/puppet/classes.txt, but I
think that should be /var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt, as you correctely
stated in your first mail.

Question: does this solve the 2-run problem on the client? In other words:
during a puppet run, is 'classes.txt' updated before the facts are expanded?

Will explain my setup in a separate mail.

Best regards,

 On 8 June 2011 15:18, Chris Phillips wrote:
 Actually, I think I see what you mean here, I have a custom fact mid
 write which looks like this:
 Facter.add(:nagios_hostgroups) do
 setcode do
 if FileTest.exists?(/var/lib/puppet/classes.txt)
 nagios_hostgroups = { |file|
 file.each { |line|
 if line =~ /(\S+)::nagios_client/
 nagios_hostgroups  $1 +  
 next nagios_hostgroups if nagios_hostgroups
 So once finished this fact will return a list of all class names which
 are included with the nagios_client namespace. So there's actually
 hopefully nothing else to do at all here, no temp files or anything,
 it just requires a naming convention in the modules to be followed.
 On 8 June 2011 15:00, Brian Gallew wrote:
 I solved this in a similar manner.  I wrote a custom fact (which
 essentially returned /var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt) and then a
 custom function that generated a list of hostgroups based on that.
 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:47 AM, Chris Phillips wrote:
 On 8 June 2011 13:30, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
  i want to archive the following:
  i define an exported ressource for HostX to be monitored
 in nagios:
  @@nagios_host { $fqdn:
  ensure = present,
  alias  = $hostname,
  address= $ipadress,
  use= generic-host,
  hostgroups = ubuntu,
  target = $icingahostfile,
  That fine and works as expected and HostX is in
 hostgroup ubuntu.
  HostX has included a class ssh which installs the ssh
 services and
  configures them. Inside this class i want to define that
 HostX is also in
  hostgroup ssh-server.
  And another class, which puts the node in another
 environment = there i
  want to define, that HostX is in hostgroup
 testing-server and so on.
  How do i archive that? How must the definition inside
 all these classes
  look like?
 That's a lot more difficult than you might expect.
 I recently solved it, by collecting all the necessary
 hostgroups for a
 host in a file using 'concat', and creating a custom fact
 that joins all the lines in the hostgroups-file together,
 for use with
 nagios_host's hostgroups parameter.
 The biggest drawback is that it takes two puppet runs on
 the target (first
 one for populating the hostgroups-file, so that the custom
 fact is set
 properly on the second run) before the nagios server can

Re: [Puppet Users] extending puppet without hacking puppet

2011-05-09 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 09-05-11 14:29, Jeff wrote:
 Is it possible to extend 'package' without actually hacking the puppet
 code. I'd like to do this:
 package { httpd:
   name= httpd,
   ensure  = present,
   check   = newer,
 My goal is this. For every package I have in puppet, I'd like to check
 to see if I have a newer version in the repository than I have on the
 server. If that's the case I'd like to record that. (Probably in a log
 file). This will allow me to produce a report of packages that need
 upgraded. I can't just ensure = latest because it violates our
 change procedure.

You could define a type, that wraps Package and uses an Exec to do
whatever you want.

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: What to do if something is not required on the clients?

2011-04-15 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 15-04-11 10:20, Sans wrote:
 Thanks Patrick!
 Where can I get the list of attributes and their predefined values?

The type reference:

 On Apr 15, 9:12 am, Patrick wrote:
 For the package example, I'd try ensure = absent.  I think I remember 
 that works.

 For the httpd example, I'd try just ensuring that the httpd package isn't 


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Re: [Puppet Users] could not find class

2011-03-15 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 14-03-11 22:31, Brandon Metcalf wrote:
 I'm using the module
 but running into a problem where puppet can't find a class.  In /etc/
 puppet/manifests/nodes.pp I have
 node basenode {
include hosts
include groups::namidev
include users::people
include users::namidev
 node '' inherits basenode {
 In /etc/puppet/modules/users/manifests/init.pp I have
 class groups::namidev {
 @group { namidev:  ensure = present, gid = 2001, }
 class users::namidev {
 Useraccount | pgroup == namidev |
 users::namidev is located fine, but not groups::namidev.  What am I
 doing wrong?

Your module is called 'users', so the classes in it should be named
users::something to be found by the autoloading mechanism. groups::namidev
doesn't work, it would only be found in a module named 'groups'.

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[Puppet Users] schedule is a metaparam; this value will inherit to all contained resources ?

2011-03-15 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I have a type named apt::package, that installs packages on Debian base
systems. By default, it sets the schedule to something I defined, to
prevent package updates from happening outside maintenance hours.

Now, in a specific class, I do this:

# This is normally a manual puppet run, so ignore the maintenance window
Apt::Package {
schedule = common::schedule::always,

This results in the following text being written to the log:

puppet-master[30601]: schedule is a metaparam; this value will inherit to
all contained resources

This message doesn't give many results in Google, so I wonder:

What exactly does that mean?
Does it do something unexpected (I expect the default to apply to any
apt::package defined in that specific class, and nothing else)?
Why is it necessary to log this, if nothing is wrong?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Why is it so hard to make a sane nagios server config?

2011-03-11 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi Nick,

 I've tried to achieve my overall goals with several different features
 of Puppet, but I've hit a bit of a wall here.  I think it's time for me
 to explain what I'm trying to accomplish:
   I want the enabling of a service in my manifests to configure
   the monitoring of that service by a nagios server, without
   needless repetition.
 Let me explain how my non-automated nagios3 server is configured:
   Each service is declared once per type (or type+role, but there
   are very few types distinguished by role, so we'll ignore that
   for now).  Services are members of hostgroups and servicegroups,
   and hosts join hostgroups in order to activate monitoring.
   Servicegroups are mostly used for sorting in the Web UI.
 Now let's look at how Puppet wants to configure Nagios:
   Each host exports a unique service for each of the checks it
   should be subject to.
 Holy cow!  So if I have 25 checks per machine, and a thousand nodes,
 that's 25,000 entries!  We're talking about a nagios_services.cfg
 measured in the tens of *megabytes*!  I'm a little stunned by this
 I had created a system whereby nodes exported concat::fragments
 expressing desired membership in a hostgroup, and defines that created
 services, hostgroups, and servicegroups only if they hadn't already been
 made.  All this ground to a halt and with only 50 test nodes the
 compilation of the nagios server's catalog took 3 minutes on a
 reasonably spec'd machine.  I have to assume that the AST's mass of
 defines-of-defines was partly to blame.
 I'd like to make it as simple as possible for my module writers: Just
 use the nagios::nrpe_check define.  That'll make the nrpe config locally
 and export everything needed to ensure this host is checked for your
 module's behaviors! Forcing them to make a service check *here* and a
 hostgroup *there* and don't forget to add the hostgroup to the node that
 used the class *there*… well it just opens up too many opportunities for
 human fallibility.
 So what are my options here?  I don't want to probe the hosts to
 determine what should be monitored, because the whole *point* of
 monitoring is to alert you when your live system state isn't what you
 asked for.  I also worry that this Cartesian product of everything by
 everyone will not scale acceptably into the future.
 Fingers crossed that I'm just being dense and missed something big!

I'm afraid not.

Most of this past week I spent building my Puppet-induced Nagios
configuration, and after exploring my options, I decided that the
hostgroup-based configuration you describe is the only sensible way.

I did exactly what you did: use exported concat-fragments to collect the
hostgroups on the puppetmaster and then use generate() to provision the
hostgroups parameter of the nagios_host.

Catalog runs on the Nagios servers typically take less than a minute to
run, but I only have about 50 hosts defined so far. I hope that this
scheme will be sustainable.

The biggest downside of my system so far, is the fact that, in a
worst-case scenario, it takes 90 minutes for a configuration change to
propagate to Nagios.


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[Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

2011-03-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman

Yesterday I implemented a module for managing Nagios configurations. It
has turned out to be quite a complex beast, but in my test environment, it
seemed to do everything it should.

Now, in production, managing some 30 hosts, I get the following on the
node that is both Puppetmaster and Nagios server:

 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server017] (err): Could not evaluate: 
 undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Target/Nagios_host[offman01] (err): Could not evaluate: 
 undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server000-vpn] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

It does this for all nodes. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that means
or where to start looking. Google doesn't give any results when searching
for this error.

The strange thing that I notice is, that for any 'normal' node, it gives
the error as a result of the Nagios::Server class (which is only included
on the Nagios server i.e. 'this' node, and collects the Nagios_host
resources), but for the node itself (offman01, the middle line in the
excerpt above), the error is reported for the Nagios::Target class (which
is included on all monitored nodes, including the Nagios server itself,
which exports the @@nagios_host definitions).

I am not sure what more information to give you, so if anyone has ANY
idea, please let me know.

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

2011-03-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 10-03-11 12:49, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 Yesterday I implemented a module for managing Nagios configurations. It
 has turned out to be quite a complex beast, but in my test environment, it
 seemed to do everything it should.
 Now, in production, managing some 30 hosts, I get the following on the
 node that is both Puppetmaster and Nagios server:
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server017] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Target/Nagios_host[offman01] (err): Could not evaluate: 
 undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server000-vpn] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 It does this for all nodes. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that means
 or where to start looking. Google doesn't give any results when searching
 for this error.
 The strange thing that I notice is, that for any 'normal' node, it gives
 the error as a result of the Nagios::Server class (which is only included
 on the Nagios server i.e. 'this' node, and collects the Nagios_host
 resources), but for the node itself (offman01, the middle line in the
 excerpt above), the error is reported for the Nagios::Target class (which
 is included on all monitored nodes, including the Nagios server itself,
 which exports the @@nagios_host definitions).
 I am not sure what more information to give you, so if anyone has ANY
 idea, please let me know.

Some more information:

The nagios::target class has this:

class nagios::target {

include nagios::common

@@nagios_host { $hostname:
use = generic-host,
address = $fqdn,
alias = $hostname,
ensure = present,
target = $nagios::common::nagios_conf_test/host-$hostname.cfg,

$hostgroups_parameter = generate (some command)

if $hostgroups_parameter !=  {
Nagios_host[$hostname] {
hostgroups = $hostgroups_parameter,

Now, if I comment out the last 'if' with everything inside, the error
gradually disappers, with gradually meaning, that for each node that did a
catalog run /before/ the Nagios server node, the error is gone.

I have verified that 'some command' actually generates valid information,
and it does so for all hosts, or so it seems.

Hm, just wondering right now: could it be because there are no quotes
around $hostgroups_parameter after 'hostgroups = ' ?

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

2011-03-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman

On 10-03-11 13:46, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 Yesterday I implemented a module for managing Nagios configurations. It
 has turned out to be quite a complex beast, but in my test environment, it
 seemed to do everything it should.

 Now, in production, managing some 30 hosts, I get the following on the
 node that is both Puppetmaster and Nagios server:

 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server017] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Target/Nagios_host[offman01] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server000-vpn] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

 It does this for all nodes. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that means
 or where to start looking. Google doesn't give any results when searching
 for this error.

 The strange thing that I notice is, that for any 'normal' node, it gives
 the error as a result of the Nagios::Server class (which is only included
 on the Nagios server i.e. 'this' node, and collects the Nagios_host
 resources), but for the node itself (offman01, the middle line in the
 excerpt above), the error is reported for the Nagios::Target class (which
 is included on all monitored nodes, including the Nagios server itself,
 which exports the @@nagios_host definitions).

 I am not sure what more information to give you, so if anyone has ANY
 idea, please let me know.
 Some more information:
 The nagios::target class has this:
 class nagios::target {
 include nagios::common
 @@nagios_host { $hostname:
 use = generic-host,
 address = $fqdn,
 alias = $hostname,
 ensure = present,
 target = $nagios::common::nagios_conf_test/host-$hostname.cfg,
 $hostgroups_parameter = generate (some command)
 if $hostgroups_parameter !=  {
 Nagios_host[$hostname] {
 hostgroups = $hostgroups_parameter,
 Now, if I comment out the last 'if' with everything inside, the error
 gradually disappers, with gradually meaning, that for each node that did a
 catalog run /before/ the Nagios server node, the error is gone.
 I have verified that 'some command' actually generates valid information,
 and it does so for all hosts, or so it seems.
 Hm, just wondering right now: could it be because there are no quotes
 around $hostgroups_parameter after 'hostgroups = ' ?

No, that's not it, the error is back, even with quotes.

Pointers still very much appreciated!!

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

2011-03-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman

 Yesterday I implemented a module for managing Nagios configurations. It
 has turned out to be quite a complex beast, but in my test environment, it
 seemed to do everything it should.

 Now, in production, managing some 30 hosts, I get the following on the
 node that is both Puppetmaster and Nagios server:

 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server017] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Target/Nagios_host[offman01] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
 Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
 /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server000-vpn] (err): Could not 
 evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

 It does this for all nodes. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that means
 or where to start looking. Google doesn't give any results when searching
 for this error.

 The strange thing that I notice is, that for any 'normal' node, it gives
 the error as a result of the Nagios::Server class (which is only included
 on the Nagios server i.e. 'this' node, and collects the Nagios_host
 resources), but for the node itself (offman01, the middle line in the
 excerpt above), the error is reported for the Nagios::Target class (which
 is included on all monitored nodes, including the Nagios server itself,
 which exports the @@nagios_host definitions).

 I am not sure what more information to give you, so if anyone has ANY
 idea, please let me know.

 Some more information:

 The nagios::target class has this:

 class nagios::target {

 include nagios::common

 @@nagios_host { $hostname:
 use = generic-host,
 address = $fqdn,
 alias = $hostname,
 ensure = present,
 target = $nagios::common::nagios_conf_test/host-$hostname.cfg,

 $hostgroups_parameter = generate (some command)

 if $hostgroups_parameter !=  {
 Nagios_host[$hostname] {
 hostgroups = $hostgroups_parameter,

I now changed it to:

$hostgroups_parameter = generate (some command)

@@nagios_host { $hostname:
use = generic-host,
address = $fqdn,
alias = $hostname,
ensure = present,
target = $nagios::common::nagios_conf_test/host-$hostname.cfg,
hostgroups = $hostgroups_parameter ? {
 = undef,
default = $hostgroups_parameter,

but the error remains.

Pointers still very much appreciated!!

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol

2011-03-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 10-03-11 14:39, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 but the error remains.
 Pointers still very much appreciated!!

I am very sorry for the noise. The error was the result of a patch that I
recently added to my Puppetmaster, to allow Nagios_* parameters to be
specified as arrays. Stupid.

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[Puppet Users] Storeconfigs: facts not updated

2011-03-04 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I run the Puppetmaster with

storeconfigs = true
thin_storeconfigs = true
dbadapter = mysql

So far, this has been working perfectly, but today I noticed something
odd. Yesterday, I upgraded one of my nodes from Ubuntu Jaunty to Lucid,
but the facts from this node aren't updated in the database.

For example, the database still said (and notice the timestamps, they are

2011-03-04 11:39:05 kernelrelease   2.6.28-17-server
2011-03-04 11:39:05 lsbdistcodename jaunty
2011-03-04 11:39:05 lsbdistdescription  Ubuntu 9.04

While 'facter' on the machine itself correctly reports:

kernelrelease = 2.6.32-29-generic-pae
lsbdistcodename = lucid
lsbdistdescription = Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS

Then I thought I'd just remove all the facts from the database, to have
Puppet refresh them, so I did delete FROM `fact_values` where host_id=27.

On the next Puppet run, I got:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
No matching value for selector param 'undef' at
/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:37 on node abcxyz.

This error refers to a selector that uses the fact $operatingsystem, which
now appears to be 'undef'.

Now, if I completely disable storeconfigs on the master, a Puppet run
succeeds like ever before, but as soon as storeconfigs is re-enabled, the
'undef' error returns.

What could be the cause of this?

One thing possibly worth mentioning: this node runs the Puppetmaster. No
idea if that makes a difference. Everything is version 2.6.3.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Storeconfigs: facts not updated

2011-03-04 Thread Martijn Grendelman
After completely deleting the node from the database's 'host' table and
resources that referenced its host_id, a following catalog run refreshed
the database, adding all facts with their current values...

Best regards,

On 04-03-11 12:43, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 I run the Puppetmaster with
 storeconfigs = true
 thin_storeconfigs = true
 dbadapter = mysql
 So far, this has been working perfectly, but today I noticed something
 odd. Yesterday, I upgraded one of my nodes from Ubuntu Jaunty to Lucid,
 but the facts from this node aren't updated in the database.
 For example, the database still said (and notice the timestamps, they are
 2011-03-04 11:39:05 kernelrelease 2.6.28-17-server
 2011-03-04 11:39:05 lsbdistcodename   jaunty
 2011-03-04 11:39:05 lsbdistdescriptionUbuntu 9.04
 While 'facter' on the machine itself correctly reports:
 kernelrelease = 2.6.32-29-generic-pae
 lsbdistcodename = lucid
 lsbdistdescription = Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
 Then I thought I'd just remove all the facts from the database, to have
 Puppet refresh them, so I did delete FROM `fact_values` where host_id=27.
 On the next Puppet run, I got:
 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
 No matching value for selector param 'undef' at
 /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:37 on node abcxyz.
 This error refers to a selector that uses the fact $operatingsystem, which
 now appears to be 'undef'.
 Now, if I completely disable storeconfigs on the master, a Puppet run
 succeeds like ever before, but as soon as storeconfigs is re-enabled, the
 'undef' error returns.
 What could be the cause of this?
 One thing possibly worth mentioning: this node runs the Puppetmaster. No
 idea if that makes a difference. Everything is version 2.6.3.

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[Puppet Users] Nagios configuration arrays

2011-03-02 Thread Martijn Grendelman

A question for the devs. Will this:

make it into a release any time soon?

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Nagios configuration arrays

2011-03-02 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 02-03-11 14:49, Brian Gallew wrote:
 Sadly, signs point to no.

Too bad. But since I run a patched Puppetmaster anyway, I can do what I
want :-)

Unfortunately, it doesn't solve my problem.

I am trying to do the same thing as Gabriel Filion in this post:

So, I have a nagios-target class, that defines a virtual resource:

@@nagios_host { $hostname:
use = generic-host,
address = $fqdn,
alias = $hostname,
ensure = present,
hostgroups = [],

and I would like to do something along the lines of this: in a different
class (not a subclass of nagios-target), for example in the class that
configures the MTA:

Nagios_host [$hostname] {
hostgroups + mail-satellite-servers,

which results in this error:

Only subclasses can override parameters at ...

which sounds logical, but...

Is there any way to do what I want? I can't really think of anything,
since (variable) scoping will always be in my way, as far as I can see...

Best regards,

 On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 A question for the devs. Will this:
 make it into a release any time soon?
 Best regards,
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[Puppet Users] Class inheritance (was Re: Nagios configuration arrays)

2011-03-02 Thread Martijn Grendelman

After some reading and experimenting, I thought I had found the solution
to the problem below in class inheritance, but again... I'm stuck.

As said, I have class nagios-target, defined as listed below.

I now have this:

  class mta inherits nagios-target {

  Nagios_host [$hostname] {
  hostgroups + mail-satellite-servers,

This works; I get a Nagios host definition with the expected 'hostgroups'

Now I add a second class:

  class snmp inherits nagios-target {

  Nagios_host [$hostname] {
  hostgroups + snmp-servers,

but now I get:

Error 400 on SERVER: Parameter 'hostgroups' is already set on
Nagios_host[martijn] at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/mta.pp:43; cannot
redefine at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/snmp.pp:4 on node martijn.

What part of overriding parameters and the '+' operator am I missing here?

Best regards,

On 02-03-11 15:55, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 On 02-03-11 14:49, Brian Gallew wrote:
 Sadly, signs point to no.
 Too bad. But since I run a patched Puppetmaster anyway, I can do what I
 want :-)
 Unfortunately, it doesn't solve my problem.
 I am trying to do the same thing as Gabriel Filion in this post:
 So, I have a nagios-target class, that defines a virtual resource:
 @@nagios_host { $hostname:
 use = generic-host,
 address = $fqdn,
 alias = $hostname,
 ensure = present,
 hostgroups = [],
 and I would like to do something along the lines of this: in a different
 class (not a subclass of nagios-target), for example in the class that
 configures the MTA:
 Nagios_host [$hostname] {
 hostgroups + mail-satellite-servers,
 which results in this error:
 Only subclasses can override parameters at ...
 which sounds logical, but...
 Is there any way to do what I want? I can't really think of anything,
 since (variable) scoping will always be in my way, as far as I can see...
 Best regards,

 On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:


 A question for the devs. Will this:

 make it into a release any time soon?

 Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Nagios configuration arrays

2011-03-02 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 03-03-11 08:04, Gabriel Filion wrote:
 On 11-03-02 02:27 PM, Brian Gallew wrote:
 I've found that Puppet/Naginator has the bad habit of occasionally
 breaking the Nagios config.  Here's how I worked around this: 1) When
 you collect your Nagios resource, store them all in a temporary
 directory (in my case, ~nagios/var/tmp) 2) Purge that directory with
 a cron job every night (so deleted resources disappear) 3) Create an
 exec that creates a ~nagios/etc/nagios-tmp.cfg by running sed on
 ~nagios/etc/nagios.cfg and changing directories appropriately. 4)
 Create an exec that pre-flights Nagios using the nagios-tmp.cfg
 (which checks the tmp dir) and, if successful, sync the files over
 into the real Nagios config directory.
 It's a little clunky, but Nagios doesn't ever break anymore.
 Remember that your pre-flight exec should require all the Nagios
 resources (so the files get updated first), and should always run if
 the contents of the tmp dir vary at all from the real target (diff is
 your friend here).  Otherwise, the preflight may fail once and then
 never run again until the next time you make a substantive server
 hmm, that's an interesting approach. it sounds like it requires a lot
 of exec magic but it does cover for the config breakages and also for 
 purging resources. When I finally get some free time, I'll look into 
 implementing that. Thanks for the hint.

Nice! Currently, our Nagios config lives in a Git repository. Before
pulling changes to /etc/nagios3 and restarting Nagios, we pull them to a
temp dir, and with a nagios.conf with adapted paths, we test the config,
just like you describe. This is all pretty much automated, so it's
something I have been thinking about, how to implement that in Puppet.

Step 3 in your description is -in our setup- unnecessary, we just keep the
test-config in our repo as well.


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[Puppet Users] Puppetd sometimes not surviving a reload

2011-02-01 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I have one Puppet agent (2.6.3 on Ubuntu) that sometimes does not seem to
survive a reload (SIGHUP). The agent is reloaded by 'logrotate' every
morning, and usually this works OK, but just sometimes, puppetd gives up,
without writing anything extraordinary to syslog (without any debug options).

The strange coincidence is, that this only happens to the puppetd running
on the puppet master.

I haven't investigated the cause yet, I am curious if anyone else is
seeing this.

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] CIDR-matching in puppet manifests?

2011-01-28 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 27-01-11 22:21, Nick Moffitt wrote:
 Mohamed Lrhazi:
 I guess my answer was: you can use ruby's library ipaddr inside
 templates, not sure about manifests.
 That is an interesting approach, and suggests possible inline_template()
 hacks.  I note that of course Puppet itself can do CIDR tests in various
 conf file settings, so clearly the underlying ruby makes this possible.
 I'll think about this code you've pasted.  Thanks!

Would you be so kind to post the solution you cho(o)se in the end? I am
interested in this too.. Thank you!

Best regards,
Martijn Grendelman

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Re: [Puppet Users] REMOVE ME

2011-01-25 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Please step into my office, and I'll remove you :-)

Or look at the mail headers and take appropriate action:



On 25-01-11 07:48, wrote:
 [] *On Behalf Of
 *Sent:* Monday, January 24, 2011 1:00 PM
 *To:* Abridged Recipients
 *Subject:* [Puppet Users] Abridged summary of - 45 Messages in 9 Topics
   Today's Topic Summary
 * scheduler problem? #group_thread_0 [1 Update]
 * Do we need a new name for --test? #group_thread_1 [34 Updates]
 * mcollective for rhel 4 #group_thread_2 [2 Updates]
 * Puppet dashboard don't show current day #group_thread_3 [2
 * Behavior of local modules and their included facts
   #group_thread_4 [1 Update]
 * problems with dependencies #group_thread_5 [2 Updates]
 * high 500 error rate on file metadata operations
   #group_thread_6 [1 Update]
 * PSA: Please use pre tags when reporting bugs.
   #group_thread_7 [1 Update]
 * another 2.6 question... stages #group_thread_8 [1 Update] 
  Topic: scheduler problem?
   Antony Mayi Jan 24 11:29AM ^ #digest_top

   Hi Nan,

   thanks. I have removed the schedule (re)definition but it does
   still the same -
   the tidy is called on every run (every 30 minutes). the
   state.yaml after a
   typical run has following more...
  Topic: Do we need a new name for --test?
   Nigel Kersten Jan 23 01:33PM -0800 ^

   This does seem to confuse a fair few new users.

   What would be a better name for --test?
   Adam Nielsen Jan 24 07:50AM +1000 ^

This does seem to confuse a fair few new users.

What would be a better name for --test?

   Using Gentoo's emerge as an example, how about more...
   Nigel Kersten Jan 23 02:15PM -0800 ^

This does seem to confuse a fair few new users.

What would be a better name for --test?

Using Gentoo's emerge as an example, how about --oneshot?

   It's more than that though.
   Denmat Jan 24 09:35AM +1100 ^ #digest_top

   I was thinking '--update' as that is what it does but then that
   doesn't describe the '--one-time' nature of it explicitly.

   I always felt funny updating hosts with 'test' though :)

   Hard one.
   Patrick Jan 23 02:44PM -0800 ^ #digest_top

   On Jan 23, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Adam Nielsen wrote:

This does seem to confuse a fair few new users.

What would be a better name for --test?

Using Gentoo's emerge as an example, how more...
   Daniel Pittman Jan 23 03:35PM -0800 ^

   My inclination is to say that ontime or verbose have stolen
   the name for
   another concept; perhaps interactive covers the standard
   use-case well


What would be a better more...
   Dan Bode Jan 23 03:38PM -0800 ^ #digest_top


Re: [Puppet Users] Check version of installed RPM

2011-01-24 Thread Martijn Grendelman

 All that being said, if its just one or two packages you care about you can
 simply add a fact for the package versions, but this fact will only show the 
 version on the next puppet run not the one during which you install said 
 since the compile stage of the puppet run is happening on the master prior to
 installing the package.

Merely from an 'inventory' point of view, I felt the need to have facts
for reporting versions of installed packages. I wrote the following code,
that creates facts for package versions, based on a file that lists the
packages I am interested in on a particular server. This file can, of
course, be managed by puppet.

martijn:puppet cat modules/common/lib/facter/package_versions.rb
require 'puppet'

package_list = /etc/facter/package_versions_list

if File.exist?(package_list)
  File.readlines(package_list).each do |l|

@pname = 
l.split.each do |p|
  if @pname.eql? 
@pname = p
  pkg = Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name = p)
  v = pkg.retrieve[].to_s
  if !v.eql? purged and !v.eql? absent
Facter.add(pkg_ + @pname + _version) do
  setcode do

martijn@server002:~ cat /etc/facter/package_versions_list
mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-5.0


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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster 2.6.x on Ubuntu Lucid

2011-01-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman

On 10-01-11 14:34, Adam Ryczkowski wrote:
 I like the idea of parametrized classes very much, and I would like to
 use them. Unfortunately Ubuntu Lucid ships with puppet 2.5.4, which
 doesn't support it. Does anybody here can tell me, how can I get 2.6.x
 version of puppet and puppetmaster on Ubuntu?
 I tried to install puppet from sources, but I failed miserably: The
 internal installer does little more then copying the ruby scripts. It
 doesn't create users, directories nor permissions necessary to run
 puppetmaster, and error messages that are generated on such failed
 install are cryptic.
 I am aware of, but
 itsn't strictly Ubuntu and there are missing dependencies, so right
 now I can't install it (I used to be able to do it few weeks ago, when
 they had puppet 2.6.2).
 I am also aware of
 but mathiaz doesn't provide puppetmaster.
 Can anyone suggest me any hints on how to do it? Maybe there is
 someone, who actually managed to run puppetmaster on Ubuntu 10.4 and
 who would share how did he achieve it?

We always create our own backport of the official Ubunutu packages from
the latest release.

Just download/unpack the source and build it with your favourite
build-tool (pbuilder or similar). It currently builds even on Hardy
without modifications.

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster 2.6.x on Ubuntu Lucid

2011-01-10 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 10-01-11 14:47, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 ... Ubunutu packages ...

Damn. I STILL can't type 'Ubuntu' properly. Just use Debian, it's easier :-)


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Re: [Puppet Users] Report rrdgraph failed: could not create RRD file

2010-12-28 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 27-12-10 17:13, James Turnbull wrote:
 Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 On 24-12-10 16:47, Martijn Grendelman wrote:

 Today, I set up 'rrdgraph' reports. What could be the cause of this:

 Dec 24 15:52:35 offman01 puppet-master[20593]: Report rrdgraph failed:
 Could not create RRD file
 /var/lib/puppet/rrd/ you must define at
 least one Data Source
 I think this is an RRD bug as well as a Puppet.  What platform, RRD
 version and RRD Ruby bindings are you using?  Also what Puppet version?

This is an Ubuntu Jaunty install.

$ dpkg -l puppet rrdtool librrd-ruby

ii  librrd-ruby  1.3.1-4ubuntu1
ii  puppet   2.6.3-0ubuntu1-iphion2~9.04
ii  rrdtool  1.3.1-4ubuntu1

  If you search the bug database I think you'll find your issue.

I'll have a look, thanks!

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Unrecognised escape sequence '\~'

2010-12-28 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 27-12-10 15:05, Felix Frank wrote:
 On 12/27/2010 02:54 PM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 In one of my modules, I have the following:

   exec { /bin/sed -i '\~^${line}$~d' '${file}':

 The '\~' is there, to make sed use '~' as the command separator instead of
 '/', which is too common in the lines I am trying to delete.

 However, the puppet master now complains:

 Dec 27 14:07:11 offman01 puppet-master[821]: Unrecognised escape sequence
 '\~' in file /etc/puppet/modules/common/manifests/definitions/line.pp at
 line 15

 Should I worry about that?


 You probably want sed to see the backslash (so as to keep the shell from
 expanding ~ to $HOME? I'm not sure exec runs in a full-fledged shell,
 but I digress).

 The warning tells you that puppet ignores your attempt at escaping
 something, so the backslash is silently dropped.

 Long story short - you need to
 a) drop the unnecessary escape (optional) or
 b) escape the backslash itself (critical),
 depending on what you need to happen.

 In your case, b.

 Ah well, but the sed line actually works as expected, so my guess is, that
 Puppet may silently drop the backslash when setting the name/title of the
 resource, but it does not when it executes the code.

 If Puppet would drop the backslash, it would surely result in a sed error.
 If I test it on the command line, I get:

 /bin/sed: -e expression #1, char 2: unknown command: `^'

 Would it make sense to craft a $name for the resource without the escape
 sequence, and set the command explicitly with 'command = /bin/sed -i ...' ?
 You're right, I've got it backwards. Nothing is silently dropped.
 Do escape the backslash in order to get rid of that warning message.
 This will mean trouble *only* if at some point in the future \~ does
 become a valid escape (and you will lose the backslash to puppet then).

Crafting a name for the resource without the '\~' and putting the command
in a 'command =' parameter doesn't make any difference.

I have now escaped the backslash and that made the error go away.

  exec { /bin/sed -i '\\~^${line}$~d' '${file}':


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Re: [Puppet Users] Report rrdgraph failed: could not create RRD file

2010-12-28 Thread Martijn Grendelman

 Today, I set up 'rrdgraph' reports. What could be the cause of this:

 Dec 24 15:52:35 offman01 puppet-master[20593]: Report rrdgraph failed:
 Could not create RRD file
 /var/lib/puppet/rrd/ you must define at
 least one Data Source

 I think this is an RRD bug as well as a Puppet.  What platform, RRD
 version and RRD Ruby bindings are you using?  Also what Puppet version?
 This is an Ubuntu Jaunty install.
 $ dpkg -l puppet rrdtool librrd-ruby
 ii  librrd-ruby  1.3.1-4ubuntu1
 ii  puppet   2.6.3-0ubuntu1-iphion2~9.04
 ii  rrdtool  1.3.1-4ubuntu1
  If you search the bug database I think you'll find your issue.
 I'll have a look, thanks!

Besides (closed 3 months ago),
I haven't been able to find any issues that come close to what I'm seeing.

I have updated rrdtool (incl. librrd and the Ruby bindings) to version
1.4.3, but I didn't notice any improvement.

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Report rrdgraph failed: could not create RRD file

2010-12-27 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 24-12-10 16:47, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 Today, I set up 'rrdgraph' reports. What could be the cause of this:
 Dec 24 15:52:35 offman01 puppet-master[20593]: Report rrdgraph failed:
 Could not create RRD file
 /var/lib/puppet/rrd/ you must define at
 least one Data Source

A log excerpt:

 Dec 27 11:50:15 offman01 puppet-master[17211]: Report rrdgraph failed: Failed 
 to update resources: unknown DS name 'skipped'
 Dec 27 11:50:49 offman01 puppet-master[1133]: Report rrdgraph failed: Failed 
 to update changes: unknown DS name ''
 Dec 27 11:51:45 offman01 puppet-master[1133]: Report rrdgraph failed: Could 
 not create RRD file /var/lib/puppet/rrd/ 
 you must define at least one Data Source
 Dec 27 11:52:45 offman01 puppet-master[17211]: Report rrdgraph failed: Could 
 not create RRD file /var/lib/puppet/rrd/ you 
 must define at least one Data Source
 Dec 27 11:53:26 offman01 puppet-master[1133]: Report rrdgraph failed: Could 
 not create RRD file /var/lib/puppet/rrd/ 
 you must define at least one Data Source
 Dec 27 12:01:16 offman01 puppet-master[1133]: Report rrdgraph failed: Failed 
 to update changes: unknown DS name ''
 Dec 27 12:04:40 offman01 puppet-master[8107]: Report rrdgraph failed: Failed 
 to update events: unknown DS name 'success'
 Dec 27 12:05:11 offman01 puppet-master[1133]: Report rrdgraph failed: Failed 
 to update resources: unknown DS name 'changed'
 Dec 27 12:07:05 offman01 puppet-master[8107]: Report rrdgraph failed: Failed 
 to update events: unknown DS name 'success'

Seems to me like there are yet some bugs to fix here ;-) Should I file a

 This happens for some nodes, but for other nodes it works fine.
 For the nodes for which this happens, no HTML files (daily.html,
 events.html, etc.) are created either.
 So, for some (good) nodes, I have:
 total 248
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  7592 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8422 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8295 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9290 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-yearly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   226 2010-12-24 14:44 changes.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  2944 2010-12-24 14:44 changes.rrd
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   218 2010-12-24 14:44 daily.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  6142 2010-12-24 16:16 events-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8265 2010-12-24 16:16 events-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  6876 2010-12-24 16:16 events-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9013 2010-12-24 16:16 events-yearly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   221 2010-12-24 14:44 events.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  5656 2010-12-24 16:16 events.rrd
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   401 2010-12-24 14:44 index.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   228 2010-12-24 14:44 monthly.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  7583 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8694 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8605 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9897 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-yearly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   236 2010-12-24 14:44 resources.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 13792 2010-12-24 16:16 resources.rrd
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  7213 2010-12-24 16:16 time-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8339 2010-12-24 16:16 time-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8326 2010-12-24 16:16 time-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9272 2010-12-24 16:16 time-yearly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   211 2010-12-24 14:44 time.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  2944 2010-12-24 16:16 time.rrd
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   223 2010-12-24 14:44 weekly.html
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   223 2010-12-24 14:44 yearly.html
 And for others:
 total 144
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 7041 2010-12-24 16:28 events-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8124 2010-12-24 16:28 events-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8079 2010-12-24 16:28 events-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9013 2010-12-24 16:28 events-yearly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 2944 2010-12-24 16:28 events.rrd
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 6891 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9043 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 7682 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9897 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-yearly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 5656 2010-12-24 16:28 resources.rrd
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 7374 2010-12-24 16:28 time-daily.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8537 2010-12-24 16:28 time-monthly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8316 2010-12-24 16:28 time-weekly.png
 -rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9272 2010-12-24 16:28 time

[Puppet Users] Unrecognised escape sequence '\~'

2010-12-27 Thread Martijn Grendelman

In one of my modules, I have the following:

  exec { /bin/sed -i '\~^${line}$~d' '${file}':

The '\~' is there, to make sed use '~' as the command separator instead of
'/', which is too common in the lines I am trying to delete.

However, the puppet master now complains:

Dec 27 14:07:11 offman01 puppet-master[821]: Unrecognised escape sequence
'\~' in file /etc/puppet/modules/common/manifests/definitions/line.pp at
line 15

Should I worry about that?

Best regards,

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Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Unrecognised escape sequence '\~'

2010-12-27 Thread Martijn Grendelman
 In one of my modules, I have the following:

   exec { /bin/sed -i '\~^${line}$~d' '${file}':

 The '\~' is there, to make sed use '~' as the command separator instead of
 '/', which is too common in the lines I am trying to delete.

 However, the puppet master now complains:

 Dec 27 14:07:11 offman01 puppet-master[821]: Unrecognised escape sequence
 '\~' in file /etc/puppet/modules/common/manifests/definitions/line.pp at
 line 15

 Should I worry about that?
 You probably want sed to see the backslash (so as to keep the shell from
 expanding ~ to $HOME? I'm not sure exec runs in a full-fledged shell,
 but I digress).
 The warning tells you that puppet ignores your attempt at escaping
 something, so the backslash is silently dropped.
 Long story short - you need to
 a) drop the unnecessary escape (optional) or
 b) escape the backslash itself (critical),
 depending on what you need to happen.
 In your case, b.

Ah well, but the sed line actually works as expected, so my guess is, that
Puppet may silently drop the backslash when setting the name/title of the
resource, but it does not when it executes the code.

If Puppet would drop the backslash, it would surely result in a sed error.
If I test it on the command line, I get:

/bin/sed: -e expression #1, char 2: unknown command: `^'

Would it make sense to craft a $name for the resource without the escape
sequence, and set the command explicitly with 'command = /bin/sed -i ...' ?

Best regards,

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Puppet Users group.
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[Puppet Users] Report rrdgraph failed: could not create RRD file

2010-12-24 Thread Martijn Grendelman

Today, I set up 'rrdgraph' reports. What could be the cause of this:

Dec 24 15:52:35 offman01 puppet-master[20593]: Report rrdgraph failed:
Could not create RRD file
/var/lib/puppet/rrd/ you must define at
least one Data Source

This happens for some nodes, but for other nodes it works fine.

For the nodes for which this happens, no HTML files (daily.html,
events.html, etc.) are created either.

So, for some (good) nodes, I have:

total 248
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  7592 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8422 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8295 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9290 2010-12-24 14:44 changes-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   226 2010-12-24 14:44 changes.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  2944 2010-12-24 14:44 changes.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   218 2010-12-24 14:44 daily.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  6142 2010-12-24 16:16 events-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8265 2010-12-24 16:16 events-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  6876 2010-12-24 16:16 events-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9013 2010-12-24 16:16 events-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   221 2010-12-24 14:44 events.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  5656 2010-12-24 16:16 events.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   401 2010-12-24 14:44 index.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   228 2010-12-24 14:44 monthly.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  7583 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8694 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8605 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9897 2010-12-24 16:16 resources-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   236 2010-12-24 14:44 resources.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 13792 2010-12-24 16:16 resources.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  7213 2010-12-24 16:16 time-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8339 2010-12-24 16:16 time-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  8326 2010-12-24 16:16 time-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  9272 2010-12-24 16:16 time-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   211 2010-12-24 14:44 time.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet  2944 2010-12-24 16:16 time.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   223 2010-12-24 14:44 weekly.html
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet   223 2010-12-24 14:44 yearly.html

And for others:

total 144
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 7041 2010-12-24 16:28 events-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8124 2010-12-24 16:28 events-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8079 2010-12-24 16:28 events-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9013 2010-12-24 16:28 events-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 2944 2010-12-24 16:28 events.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 6891 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9043 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 7682 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9897 2010-12-24 16:28 resources-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 5656 2010-12-24 16:28 resources.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 7374 2010-12-24 16:28 time-daily.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8537 2010-12-24 16:28 time-monthly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 8316 2010-12-24 16:28 time-weekly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 9272 2010-12-24 16:28 time-yearly.png
-rw-r--r--  1 puppet puppet 2944 2010-12-24 16:28 time.rrd

All nodes are configured identically.

Best regards,

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[Puppet Users] Small documentation addition

2010-12-22 Thread Martijn Grendelman

At I read:

You must have the Ruby RRDtool library installed ... This package may
also be available as ruby-rrd or rrdtool-ruby in your distribution’s
package management system

Maybe it can be noted in the text, that on Debian and Ubuntu, the package
is called 'librrd-ruby'.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Small documentation addition

2010-12-22 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I was aware of the 'Contribute' page, and it does indeed seem like a lot
of work, even for a reasonably experienced Git user like myself. I will
file a documentation bug. Thanks.


On 22-12-10 16:54, Disconnect wrote:
 Wait, lets see if I understand the requirements for a 5 word addition to
 the documentation, from a user who doesn't already use git:
 1: go to the page below
 2: discover it requires git
 3: figure out what git is
 4: install a git client
 5: figure out how to use same
 6: clone the entire repo (I just cloned it, and it weighs in at 13 megs of
 download, 25 megs of storage)
 7: make the change
 8: Oops, the page finally links to the docs we needed at step 3 and 5. So
 now watch a bunch of screencasts.
 9: Generate patches. (Fortunately, we just spent an hour watching
 screencasts. This should be reasonably easy.)
 10: Open a ticket. Wait, gotta register with redmine.
 11: Register with bug tracker
 12: Create a ticket and attach the patch
 Doesn't that seem .. I dunno.. insanely bad?
 How about:
 1: go to the page below
 2: discover that the change passes the triviality criteria
 3: skip to 10 - register and open a ticket.
 On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Peter Meier wrote:
  Maybe it can be noted in the text, that on Debian and Ubuntu, the
  is called 'librrd-ruby'.
 the best thing would be to open a documentation bug report. Oh and maybe
 even supply a patch?

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Re: [Puppet Users] n00b questions - verbosity of config????

2010-12-15 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I haven't followed the entire discussion, but one small thing caught my

On 14-12-10 19:15, Rameses Mss wrote:
 In your base node (i.e., top level inheritance) set a default:
 node base {
 include sshd
 node myclient inherits base {
 node myserver inherits base {
 This would require sshd_config.client. Override it on a per-node basis.
 External nodes scripts make this sort of thing simpler.

AFAIK, it doesn't work if you write it like this. Please correct me if I
am wrong.

I have tried this, and spent the better part of a day trying to find out
why $ssh_type didn't have server on 'myserver', but client. The parse
order matters in this case, and it only works if you write it like this:

node base {

node myclient inherits base {
include sshd

node myserver inherits base {
include sshd

The obvious downside being, that you have to write the include-line for
each node separately.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Custom Functions that runs on the Client?

2010-12-14 Thread Martijn Grendelman

 On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Yushu Yao wrote:
 Another though:
 Can I do something like
 if $(return value of an Exec resource)==0 {
 } else {}
 I.e. I want to run an shell command first, and do something depend on
 the output of the command.
 You probably want to make the shell command a fact, and then case on the
 fact inside your manifests on the server.

What about 'onlyif' and 'unless'?

But I also have custom facts that -for example- check if a local directory
or its contents have changed before I run an Exec or a Concat...

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Re: [Puppet Users] Howto check if augeas is available

2010-12-09 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 09-12-10 09:44, Hubert Krause wrote:
 Am Wednesday 08 December 2010 22:22:10 schrieb Patrick:
 What distro are you using?
 CentOS and Debian. New server will always be Debian. Our Puppet Server is 
 CentOS at the moment.
 Why not just install Augeas when you install puppet?  That's usually much
 Yes, but I want something Idiot proof (I am the idiot in case of doubt). At 
 the moment we install our server by hand. In future we want to use some sort 
 of automatic install, but not at the moment.
 We get errormessages verry instantly If we forget to install augeas, so we 
 have not that big pressure to implement automatic augeas detection. But it 
 would be nice.

An example: add the following to


-- cut here --
require 'facter'

Facter.add(augeas_available) do

setcode do

avail = no
Dir.glob(/usr/lib/libaugeas*) { |filename|
  avail = yes
-- cut here --

It simple looks for files named /usr/lib/libaugeas*. I am not sure if that
is appropriate for CentOS too, but it works on Debian. Of course, this is
no guarantee that the Ruby-bindings are also available, so this is still
not idiot-proof.

After installing the fact, you can do something like this in a manifest:

if $augeas_availabe {

augeas { foo:


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Re: [Puppet Users] Howto check if augeas is available

2010-12-09 Thread Martijn Grendelman
I made a small mistake. Please see at the bottom.

On 09-12-10 15:30, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 An example: add the following to
 -- cut here --
 require 'facter'
 Facter.add(augeas_available) do
 setcode do
 avail = no
 Dir.glob(/usr/lib/libaugeas*) { |filename|
 avail = yes
 -- cut here --
 It simple looks for files named /usr/lib/libaugeas*. I am not sure if that
 is appropriate for CentOS too, but it works on Debian. Of course, this is
 no guarantee that the Ruby-bindings are also available, so this is still
 not idiot-proof.
 After installing the fact, you can do something like this in a manifest:
 if $augeas_availabe {
 augeas { foo:

Sorry, that should be:

if $augeas_availabe == yes {


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Re: [Puppet Users] Feature request: queued triggers

2010-12-09 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 08-12-10 21:10, Jason Lavoie wrote:
 On 12/08, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 I would like to have the possibility to tell Puppet to queue the trigger,
 and when the currently running catalog run is finished, process it and do
 another run.

 Does this sound like a good idea?
 I thought so, and proposed a similar feature a while back:

Ah, I didn't bother to check the issue tracker.

Updated by Luke Kanies about 1 year ago:
of course, a relatively low priority

I wonder what 'relatively' means in this respect ;-)


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Re: [Puppet Users] Add file size/md5 validation

2010-12-08 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 08-12-10 11:19, Leonko wrote:
 Anybody know how I can make checking file for verify for size/md5sum
 and if it not equal my value rewrite it from server.
 There may vriant than simple: file { /my/file: ensure   = present,
 checksum = true,source = puppet:///files/file}

Isn't that what Puppet does by default, compare the checksum of the file
on the client to the one on the server, and if they differ, transfer the file?



The default checksum parameter, if checksums are enabled, is md5. Valid
values are md5, md5lite, timestamp, mtime, time, none.


Copy a file over the current file. Uses checksum to determine when a file
should be copied


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Re: [Puppet Users] Converting to Ruby DSL

2010-12-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I'm sorry, this may not be the response you are waiting for.
Unfortunately, I have only questions to add...

 I'm experimenting with converting some of my live puppet content to
 Ruby DSL and have found a few gaps I wouldn't mind some advice on. I'm
 not sure how many of you have already experimented in this arena yet.
 I've already read Dan Bode's excellent blog article on the subject:
 I know the Ruby DSL is quite new - but I figured perhaps some of these
 items deserve to be tickets (or perhaps documented) and I thought I'd
 ask first :-).
 1. Defaults
 How do I set defaults in Ruby DSL? For example what is the ruby DSL
 equivalent to this:
   Service {
 hasstatus = true
 2. Top scope
 I notice the convenience methodology does not work at 'top scope' for
 this will fail:
   file /tmp/zzz, :content = foo
 But this will not:
   node default do
 file /tmp/zzz, :content = foo
 Is there a proper way to call resources without using the convenience
 methods? Or
 perhaps is there a way to define elements that reside in top scope?
 3. Class resource
 I think Dan Bode already raised this as a bug:
 The following returns an error 'method_missing':
   hostclass :foo do
 notify bar
   node default do
 hostclass foo, :stage = baz
 This is because hostclass has not been defined as a convenience method
 it would seem. Just like issues 2 If someone knows
 a way to call a resource directly without requiring the convenience
 method that would be a decent enough work-around.
 4. exec Resource
 The 'exec' resource as a convenience method is overlapping with the
 ruby 'exec'
 method. So if you do this:
   node default do
 exec ls, :command = /bin/ls
 You get:
   can't convert Hash into String on node
 Returned from the Kernel.exec call.
 5. Referencing other resources
 I'm not quite clear how to reference other resources that already
 exist. This is obviously a problem for the 'require' attribute:
   node default do
 package foo, :ensure = installed
 service foo, :enable = true, :ensure = running, :require
 = ???
 6. Chaining Resources
 Is there a syntactical equivalent to this in Ruby DSL yet? For
   Stage[pre] - Stage[main] - Stage[post]
 Without knowing how to solve 5 I'm kind of stuck when it comes to
 defining dependencies :-).
 Cheers :-).

Is there, besides the mentioned blog post, any official documentation? I
haven't been able to find any.

How can I use facts in pure-Ruby manifests? I don't know how to reference
them, and anything I have tried failed.

Best regards,

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[Puppet Users] Does Puppet depend on Augeas?

2010-12-06 Thread Martijn Grendelman

The lastest Puppet package in Ubuntu Natty /depends/ on libaugeas, rather
than merely recommending it, like it used to, up to and including version

Is there a strict reason for this from Puppet's point of view? If not,
I'll see if I can harrass the Ubuntu maintainer about this :-)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Schedule

2010-12-06 Thread Martijn Grendelman

On 03-12-10 23:24, Ken Barber wrote:
 Looking here and at source:
 It reads to me that you might be able to use:
 schedule { puppet: period = weekly, repeat = 3 }
 And have it ran three days a week for example, but being specific
 about the day does not seem possible.

Thanks, that's what I thought.

I have created a custom fact named 'wday', that returns '',
so I can test for '$wday  0 and $wday  6'.

Ugly, but it works.


 On Dec 2, 9:46 am, Martijn Grendelman wrote:

 If I understand correctly, it is not possible to use a Schedule resource
 to prevent a resource from running on certain days (i.e. weekend), only
 hours within any day, is that right?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Developing functions

2010-12-01 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 01-12-10 01:19, Roy Nielsen wrote:
 You also have to put the function in the right place on the server, not
 just in:
 Try putting it in:
 as well.  At least this is what was required in 0.25.1 :)

No, that doesn't seem to be necessary with 2.6.1, at least not to get the
function loaded /initially/. Perhaps it helps to copy the file there once
it is changed, it didn't try that. Reloading the Puppetmaster solves the
problem, I was just wondering if that is expected, or if it could be a bug.

Best regards,

 On 11/30/10 6:43 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:

 Today, while working on some functions in Puppet, I got back lots of
 unexpected results. Lots of times, it seemed like my changes in the code
 were not picked up when I re-ran the test-classes.

 Even functions that I removed from the code, after using them once or so,
 kept working after removal, until.. I restarted the puppetmaster.

 Is is necessary to restart the puppetmaster after making changes in

 I have been following

 I read it’ll be loaded by the Puppetmaster when you first use that
 function.. That, I can confirm, but is it REloaded, ever?

 The functions live in a module, in

 Everytime I do a catalog run on a test client, I see the diffs in the
 passing on the screen after info: Retrieving plugin, but the
 puppetmaster doesn't seem to pick up.

 I run Puppet 2.6.1.

 Best regards,


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Re: [Puppet Users] Developing functions

2010-12-01 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi Trevor,

  More likely just adding
 usecacheonfailure = false
 to the [puppetd] stanza in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf will help.

I am yet unfamiliar with that option, but just as a remark, there was
really no 'failure' involved here, it was just that enhancements to my
code weren't picked up, and Puppet was running an older incantation of my

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Re: [Puppet Users] Developing functions

2010-12-01 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 01-12-10 13:40, Gary Larizza wrote:
 How are you running puppet master - is it via Passenger and Apache?  I
 have noticed some caching going on with the 2.6 branch where I make
 changes to manifests and those changes don't propagate immediately.
  Usualy, a reload of Apache (and thus restarting the puppet master - we
 use Passenger 2.2.11) fixes these issues for me.

We run Puppet as a Mongrel server, however only in production, and the
issues I had were on our test server, which runs puppetmaster stand-alone.

 Is this issue limited
 to functions being loaded or do you have this problem with manifest
 changes too?  Unfortunately, I've not done enough troubleshooting to
 narrow down the cause.  I don't know if these issues are related, but
 thought I would suggest it.


 On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:33 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 On 01-12-10 01:19, Roy Nielsen wrote:
  You also have to put the function in the right place on the
 server, not
  just in:
  Try putting it in:
  as well.  At least this is what was required in 0.25.1 :)
 No, that doesn't seem to be necessary with 2.6.1, at least not to
 get the
 function loaded /initially/. Perhaps it helps to copy the file there
 it is changed, it didn't try that. Reloading the Puppetmaster solves the
 problem, I was just wondering if that is expected, or if it could be
 a bug.
 Best regards,
  On 11/30/10 6:43 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
  Today, while working on some functions in Puppet, I got back lots of
  unexpected results. Lots of times, it seemed like my changes in
 the code
  were not picked up when I re-ran the test-classes.
  Even functions that I removed from the code, after using them
 once or so,
  kept working after removal, until.. I restarted the puppetmaster.
  Is is necessary to restart the puppetmaster after making changes in
  I have been following
  I read it’ll be loaded by the Puppetmaster when you first use that
  function.. That, I can confirm, but is it REloaded, ever?
  The functions live in a module, in
  Everytime I do a catalog run on a test client, I see the diffs in the
  passing on the screen after info: Retrieving plugin, but the
  puppetmaster doesn't seem to pick up.
  I run Puppet 2.6.1.
  Best regards,
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[Puppet Users] Developing functions

2010-11-30 Thread Martijn Grendelman

Today, while working on some functions in Puppet, I got back lots of
unexpected results. Lots of times, it seemed like my changes in the code
were not picked up when I re-ran the test-classes.

Even functions that I removed from the code, after using them once or so,
kept working after removal, until.. I restarted the puppetmaster.

Is is necessary to restart the puppetmaster after making changes in functions?

I have been following
I read it’ll be loaded by the Puppetmaster when you first use that
function.. That, I can confirm, but is it REloaded, ever?

The functions live in a module, in

Everytime I do a catalog run on a test client, I see the diffs in the code
passing on the screen after info: Retrieving plugin, but the
puppetmaster doesn't seem to pick up.

I run Puppet 2.6.1.

Best regards,

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[Puppet Users] join()

2010-09-09 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi puppeteers,

In the function reference [1], I found a 'split' function for splitting a
string into an array, but not a 'join' function for joining an array into
a string. Why not? :)

I have a list of IP addresses, that I use with ssh_authorized_key to
restrict access. The list is now simply a comma-separated list in a
string, but if I want to use the list for other purposes as well, I
thought it might be better to store the list as an array and join() it
with the proper glue whenever needed.

What do you recommend?

Best regards,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] join()

2010-09-09 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 09-09-10 11:50, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
 In the function reference [1], I found a 'split' function for
 splitting a
 string into an array, but not a 'join' function for joining an array
 a string. Why not? :)

 I have a list of IP addresses, that I use with ssh_authorized_key to
 restrict access. The list is now simply a comma-separated list in a
 string, but if I want to use the list for other purposes as well, I
 thought it might be better to store the list as an array and join()
 with the proper glue whenever needed.

 What do you recommend?
 - you can write a join function and contribute it to the project, they are 
 very easy to write

I have added this function to my 'common' module:

puppet$ cat modules/common/lib/puppet/parser/functions/join.rb
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:join, :type = :rvalue) do |args|

I didn't come up with it myself though, I found it on the web somewhere.
Looking at the source for the 'split' function, I guess the function needs
documentation and maybe some error checking, like the number of arguments.

How would I contribute something like this to the project?

 - you can use something like $ips = inline_template(%= 
 ipaddress.split(/,/).join(' ') %)
   or use regex or something like that.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet + APT, I am lost...

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman

 But for this to work, the Puppet run needs to run aptitude update to
 pick up the new package name. Running the update periodically isn't
 enough, but running an update on every catalog run is just overkill.
 I understand your concern here, but have you done the timing tests?
 How long are your average puppet runs and how much time does an
 apt-get update take?
 I just wonder if you're prematurely optimizing your runs.

It's not actually about optimizing puppet runs, it's about the load
imposed on the package repository servers, when hundreds of servers do
updates twice an hour.

And even if that load isn't a real problem (which it probably isn't), it's
about politeness to the sysadmins of those servers. The behaviour that I'm
trying to avoid could easily be explained as abuse. I just like to play nice.

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[Puppet Users] Module availability, loading order

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman

I have create the following module:

`-- manifests
|-- definitions
|   `-- line.pp
`-- init.pp

$ cat modules/foo/manifests/init.pp
import definitions/*.pp

$ cat modules/foo/manifests/definitions/line.pp
define myline($file, $line, $ensure = 'present') {


I try to use the definition in a class:

class testfile {

file { /tmp/testfile:
ensure = present,

myline { test:
file = /tmp/testfile,
line = # This is a test,
ensure = present,

Now, if I do a catalog run on a fresh client, it errors out like this:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid
resource type myline at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/testfile.pp:7 on
node martijn.

However, if I first do a run /without/ the 'testfile' class included for
the node, and then re-enable it, everything is fine, and the class/define
do everything they're supposed to do.

Is the way I am trying to do things supposed to work?

What is the reason that this doesn't work? Is it an issue with loading order?

How can I ensure that the module is loaded/available before the 'testfile'
class is evaluated?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Module availability, loading order

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 07-09-10 14:41, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
 You define should be:
 define foo::myline {  }
 and it should be in modules/foo/manifests/myline.pp
 Is the way I am trying to do things supposed to work?
 What is the reason that this doesn't work? Is it an issue with
 loading order?
 How can I ensure that the module is loaded/available before the 
 'testfile' class is evaluated?
 name the files as documented.  The puppet master will not know to find
 your file in a weird location in a file not even called the same as the
 define, you can help it by just sticking to the way puppet is
 designed[1] to work, and then it will work.

Thank you, it appears to be working now.

It's probably my own lack of brainpower, but I feel the Puppet
documentation could use some more elaborate examples here and there.

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Module availability, loading order

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 07-09-10 16:34, James Turnbull wrote:
 Martijn Grendelman wrote:

 It's probably my own lack of brainpower, but I feel the Puppet
 documentation could use some more elaborate examples here and there.

 Patches welcomed!

I had a feeling this was going to come my way ;-) However, I hardly feel
competent as a Puppet /user/...

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: No ability to determine if ... exists

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman

What does this error mean?

Sep  7 17:15:54 racey puppet-agent[3291]:
(/Stage[main]/Sysctl/Sysctl[kernel.shmmax]) Could not evaluate: No ability
to determine if sysctl exists

I don't know where to start looking. If I should post my configuration,
please let me know.

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Could not evaluate: No ability to determine if ... exists

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 07-09-10 17:29, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 What does this error mean?
 Sep  7 17:15:54 racey puppet-agent[3291]:
 (/Stage[main]/Sysctl/Sysctl[kernel.shmmax]) Could not evaluate: No ability
 to determine if sysctl exists
 I don't know where to start looking. If I should post my configuration,
 please let me know.

I found this thread:

It's about the exact same problem that I'm having, but no solution.

I am running 2.6.0. I first tested my code/manifests/modules/etc. on a
small test environment, and it worked there. Then I moved it to the
production server, and the error above appeared.

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Help with puppet kick

2010-09-07 Thread Martijn Grendelman
M C schreef:
 We would like to avoid pre-scheduled updates in our production environment
 by puppet.  The solution I've come across is to instruct the puppet agent
 not to update on a schedule and instead use puppet kick from the puppet
 master to force updates when we're ready to deploy them.  I can't seem to
 get this to work.  I have asked around the IRC channel and received a few
 pointers, but it's still not working correctly.  I've added the listen =
 true line to the puppet.conf file on each node, as well as creating a
 namespaceauth.conf file on each node, with wide open permissions at the
 moment.  When I attempt to run puppet kick from the master, I receive the
 following error:
 [r...@admin puppet]# puppet kick -d
 Host failed: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read
 server certificate B: certificate verify failed finished with exit code 2
 I am running both the puppet master and agent services with full debugging
 and I do not see anything in the logs relating to this puppet kick.  Can
 anyone offer any insight?

We use triggered runs without problems. The only thing that we have,
that you did not mention, is a file named /etc/puppet/auth.conf with the
following contents on all clients:

path /run
method save
allow *

I think this is a new requirement with Puppet 2.6. I think I got it from
the release notes at

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet + APT, I am lost...

2010-09-06 Thread Martijn Grendelman
On 05-09-10 12:02, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 04:03:35PM +0200, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
 What I would like, is for Puppet to run `aptitude update` before it
 installs or upgrades packages.
 FYI you're likely to encounter problems when using aptitude provider for
 package management. See Debian bugs #445034 #445035

Thanks. The former is not really important to me, since I never use
aptitude that way. The latter is probably a little more tricky, but at
least the 'unknown package' case is handled by Puppet itself:

# Yay, stupid aptitude doesn't throw an error when the package is missing.
if args.include?(:install) and output =~ /Couldn't find any package/
Could not find package #{}

I have now solved my problem by using a custom provider for packages, that
is based on the aptitude provider, but simply adds this:

# See if we need to run aptitude update before installing this package
if not File.exists?(/tmp/puppet-iphionapt)

I just haven't found a suitable way to clean up the tempfile from within
Puppet without touching any of Puppet's own files, so I use a cronjob for
that now. Maybe I'll switch to a 'postrun_command', or does anyone have a
better idea?

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet + APT, I am lost...

2010-08-31 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Hi Nigel Kersten,

Thank you for your elaborate answer. I am not sure how to proceed, though...

 What I would like, is for Puppet to run `aptitude update` before it
 installs or upgrades packages. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary to
 me, but I can't make it work in Puppet.

 The approach I like best, is this one:

class apt-update {
exec { /usr/bin/aptitude update:
refreshonly = true,

define apt_package($ensure=latest) {
include apt-update
package { $name:
ensure  = $ensure,
require = Class[apt-update],

apt_package { foo:

 but that doesn't work, it doesn't run apt-update before installing 'foo',
 because of the refreshonly = true. If I remove it, it works, but then
 `aptitude update` is run on /every/ Puppet run, which is worse than not
 running it at all.

 Is it at all possible to achieve what I want with Puppet? If so, how?
 Why do you want to run this before every package install? That will
 add a fair bit of overhead. I don't quite understand the desire to run
 before every package install, and yet not simply have it run once
 before all package installs.

I am not sure how I said I want to do an update before /every/ package
install. Once at the start of a Puppet-run, /IF/ one or more packages
need to be installed, would suffice.

 We've used two approaches, both using our package::apt::update class
 which runs apt-get update/upgrade/dpkg --configure -a etc.

I think I read that in the posting that I referenced.

 1) Resource defaults:
 In the global scope, set a resource default for package to require the
 package::apt::update class
 The downside is that if you wish to set an additional require for a
 specific package, you need to remember to include the global default
 as well.
 2) Defined types:
 Define a type much like yours that has the same require on the package
 resource definition inside the defined type.

Isn't that what I decribed above? The problem is, that by including the
class in the define, it runs everytime, unless 'refreshonly = true' is
set, in which case it never runs. If I don't include the class in the
define, Puppet can't find the class when it evaluates the 'require'.

How does that work for you? Would it be possible for you to share
(relevant parts of) your configuration as-is?

 The downside is that you are no longer just using 'package' resources,
 which makes the use of other people's modules difficult.
 The upside is that we have a similar defined type 'apt_repo' that sets
 up repositories. With appropriate use of require in apt_package and
 before in apt_repo, you know your repositories are being laid down
 before apt-get update etc get run, and that the packages are installed
 Run stages make this a bit simpler, but you can achieve the same
 functionality without them.

I have been looking for examples using run stages, but they are scarce.
The examples in the release notes are too simple to go by.

 I have tried to fiddle around with the new run stages feature, but that
 got me in a circular dependency mess I couldn't get out of.

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet + APT, I am lost...

2010-08-31 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Mathias Gug schreef:
 I am not sure how I said I want to do an update before /every/ package
 install. Once at the start of a Puppet-run, /IF/ one or more packages
 need to be installed, would suffice.
 You may run into a chicken-egg problem. Packages that are configured as
 ensure = latest can only be upgraded by puppet if the local apt cache
 files are up-to-date. 
 IOW puppet relies on the local apt files to figure out if packages need
 to be updated. And to get new local apt files apt-get update needs to be

I am aware of that, but that's not a problem. I could easily run an
update every day outside of Puppet (on Debian, APT installs a cronjob
that can take care of this by default, it just needs to be configured).

That way, Puppet would pick up the new versions sooner or later. But
what I am trying to achieve, has a different background.

Our development team regularly releases new software, packaged in a
Debian package with a unique name. The idea is that we just give Puppet
a new package {foo: } and have these new packages be installed ASAP. We
even use triggered runs to speed things up and to make sure that several
servers remain identical.

But for this to work, the Puppet run needs to run aptitude update to
pick up the new package name. Running the update periodically isn't
enough, but running an update on every catalog run is just overkill.

Hope this explains my motives, and maybe someone has any more tips!

Best regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature