Trac - Does it make sense to keep open?

2008-03-09 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Response to message [1] on trac.devel (as I cannot write there, due to
an informally applied censorship)

Mr. Boos: I left that ticket open simply to avoid having someone to
reopen it over
and over...

(note to reader: this someone is me)

Mr. Boos, the ticket status should reflect reality. So, if reality
says the ticket is open, no one can (should close it.

The essens of the ticket is, that you should trust you own results.
You should use your development version, in order to obtain feedback.
Of course I understand (seeing the terrible processes of the team),
that you distrust your own results, prefering to let user do the dirty
work of development-version-usage.

Your inability to follow even the most rational suggestions subjecting
development-processes, e.g. this one:

will lead (together with the terrible quality of the trac source-code
base) soon to an even more stucked development progress. Be assured
that users see this (although they don't say much, like me).

Do you actually realize that you're working since over a year on

Nothing is more fun that to watch the trac project running into one
after another problem during development. At least you give other
teams a good example of how to ruine a good open-source product.


To readers:

The project hunts since months a memory-leak - without success.

I'm wondering that python makes so much trouble in finding it. Seems
to be another very fundamental reason to leave this joke of a
language (python).



From: Christian Boos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:

 Does it make sense to keep open?

I left that ticket open simply to avoid having someone to reopen it
and over... That ticket is a bit useless in that it has anyway always
been the policy of the project to run the latest stable release. And
that works quite well in practice. I imagine t.e.o would already be
running 0.11b1 now, if we didn't have those memory issues. As for
documenting the blocker issues, doing that directly on the milestone
page is more effective anyway. So I'd say let's just not make a fuss
about this one and we'll close it once t.e.o gets upgraded to 0.11.

-- Christian

Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[RESEND of answer to all initial groups]

On 16 Öåâ, 15:45, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 [...] Of course I'll not stay with trac, I'll leave the sinking ship, I've
  prepare long time ago to do so, step by step. An will migrate step by
  step away from trac and python - toward an own implementation based

  perl and it's libraries.

 I'm sure you will find the Perl community much more welcoming and
 receptive to your ideas about how open source projects should be run.

The perl projects can decide themselfs if they like to adopt the most
essential things:

I do not analyze languages and communities anymore, thus there is no
need for them to 'worry', e.g. that I attemp to transform them to an
high evolutive language system.

Ruby and Python were excellent for this (Ruby = weak puppets, Python =
egoism driven).

I'll just use perl until I've implemented my own language, around 2010
to 2011, which will be most possibly close to perl (or a perl
extension, if technically possibly and no legal barriers with

Perl is available in nearly every webserver, and has very nice a
logical OO functionality (although it's not very good marketed, this
OO part). And perl keeps you highly independent, you can work with
simple systems, close to the OS.

  Really, I don't understand the need for python. And after fighting
  with some indenting within html templates, I dislike the whitespace-
  syntax-thing of python again.

 Fortunately, as you have realized, you have choices and are under no
 compulsion to use any particular tool.

As said above: python (essentially it's community in a wider scope) is
an ideal domain to analyze how human egoism blocks evolution of
technical systems. Thus, python is an important educational tool.

  Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby, if
  you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
  brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.

 And, apparently, do it in Python if you want to avoind running into
 Ilias Lazaridis.

No, I'll be bound to python for some time, a year or so.

And good news: as I cannot post to the trac-user group, I'll post the
topics to comp.lang.python.

(you can thank the project lead of trac, his lack of courage is the
reason that the developers get out of control)

 I have to say your approach to IT systems seems somewhat pedestrian,

The IT industry has failed to provide simple standards, systems. AI
has failed to produce intelligent systems. So, maybe the IT industry
is somewhat pedestrian, as its failure to control egoism has led to
terrible software systems.

Restarting from the beginning can give the impression of a learning

 but I wish you well in whatever it is you are trying to achieve.

 I hope you have a good set of asbestos (i.e. flame-proof) trousers.

As said, the analysis phase is over.

But even if not: I've 'survived' within comp.lang.lisp for some months

I think no language community can be worser.



If you would adopt the open-source-processes to digital electronic
design, we would work today still with 8086.



Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[RESEND answer to all initial groups]

On 16 Öåâ, 19:15, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 snipSpam spam spam spam.../snip

 I just looked at your resume.

(need to update it, lot's of irrelevant stuff, should focus on my

 What is Abstract Project Management?

I've mentioned abstract _product_ management

Don't know exactly, I've never tried to articulate the meaning which
I've internally.

You could extract the meaning from Abstract Base Class or
Abstractness in general.

Something like universal product management.

Or managing a product without having many specific information about

Something like this _possibly_:

TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

 * Trac is deficient, cause of proud to be an egoism driven amateur
 * Python and it's communities is excellent for learning. Not
programming, but to learn from deficiency, community organization,
transparency, efficiency etc.!
 * Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby,
if you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.


I don't think that's a secret anymore. Anyone should know that the
trac team has huge problems to bring trac forward. People who have
looked at the code-base and project understand some reason: difficult
to maintain 'spaghetti-code' in many places, disorganized project,
missing separations of concerns etc.! I've provided an overview some
time ago

At this time the developers are searching like crazy to find a mem-
leak... since months.

But the main problem with the trac team is the processing within
project resources. Believe it or not, developers can act within this
project as they like, 'trimming' ticket comments in a way that a
ticket gets a totally other meaning.

The main specialist for this is Mr. Noah Kantrowitz. He calls it
sanitizing. The team hides behind him, cowardly, without any public

How did everything start?

I post a simple message to trac-users (note: the user resource, NOT
the developer resource), in order to extend my custom version of trac
0.11 a little. The message did not appear, as my email is under
moderation. I do not switch to another email, as I write always with
the same identity.

So i file a ticket within the ticket system (here you can see the
After a quick vote, it has been decided to sanitize this ticket. ...
I start to like this sanitize term, sounds really interesting)

Mr. Noah Kantrowitz deleted the discussion, but I've saved it here,
thus you can see that the developers of trac have no idea about their
own processes:

After the developers placed the usual irrelevant comments (remember: I
just asked them to stop blocking my messages to trac users), they
brute force closed the ticket.

I've opened a new one, directly adressed to the project lead, in order
to complain about the developers which violate the project processes,
and to ask for a formal vote:

Right! Mr. Noah Kantrowitz plays again wild west. I relly don't know
who of those two is more funny: the one who plays the dictator, or the
other joker who suggests to revers the process (I should find
developers to veto against the censorship and send the to the team).

Remember: we are talking about the trac-user group.

I really cannot believe that a whole team can be in such way confused,
nuts, blind, egoism-driven etc.! Possibly they have lost the password
to the trac-user group, and are not able to manage it - who knows. I
would not wonder, seeing thos terrible processes and the rejection to
improve them.

(btw: If you like to act against censorship, please post this message
to trac-users, thus the get informed about the teams processing)

And we are talking about censorship of a trac 0.11dev custom-version-
developer. A custom version with localization support, plugin-bundles
(product-plugin) which run out of the svn, an fully functional but
simple side-navigation, and... everything deactivatable with a very
simple way, thus the original trac is there again.

Open Source works like this: many many small human ego's need to be
fitted. There's no place for developers which could redesign the whole
thing within a few months. the trac-developers need to 'fight' with
tons of spaghetti. The developers plan like crazy, instead to merge
with a application framework like e.g. turbogears. Did you know that
trac has no support for... datetime fields?  Yes, its true.

You may say: do it yourself. Of course I could do it, even without
touching the main sources (using dyna-patches or monkeypatches). But
that's not how open-source works. You implement thing for yourself and
contribute things back to the core-project - but with trac there's one
problem: no one get's the core anymore (apparently the initial
developer has left)

Of course I'll not stay with trac, I'll leave the sinking ship, I've
prepare long time ago to do so, step by step. An will migrate step by
step away from trac and python - toward an own implementation based

perl and it's libraries.

Really, I don't understand the need for python. And after fighting
with some indenting within html templates, I dislike the whitespace-
syntax-thing of python again.

Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby, if
you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.

 Python and it's communities is excellent for learning. Not

Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On 16 Φεβ, 15:45, Robert Klemme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 16.02.2008 13:16, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:


 Oh, it's him again.  Please do not respond.

Thanks, nice message, I've added it to the section:

It's really funny how easily people fall into the
encyclopediadramatica-trap... really funny.

While the articles themselves are mostly satirical jabs at Internet
users (both individually and in groups) and phenomena, bear in mind
that the Encyclopedia Dramatica itself is a parody of a much less
funny online encyclopedia. As such, ED articles tend to make fun of
the supposed objectivity and accuracy, elitism, and stupid edit wars
of such sites. In other words, expect blatant, biased lies, and expect
boring truths to get deleted quickly.




Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On 16 Φεβ, 19:15, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 snipSpam spam spam spam.../snip

 I just looked at your resume.

(need to update it, lot's of irrelevant stuff, should focus on my

 What is Abstract Project Management?

I've mentioned abstract _product_ management

Don't know exactly, I've never tried to articulate the meaning which
I've internally.

You could extract the meaning from Abstract Base Class or
Abstractness in general.

Something like universal product management.

Or managing a product without having many specific information about

Something like this _possibly_:

Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On 16 Φεβ, 15:45, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 [...] Of course I'll not stay with trac, I'll leave the sinking ship, I've
  prepare long time ago to do so, step by step. An will migrate step by
  step away from trac and python - toward an own implementation based

  perl and it's libraries.

 I'm sure you will find the Perl community much more welcoming and
 receptive to your ideas about how open source projects should be run.

The perl projects can decide themselfs if they like to adopt the most
essential things:

I do not analyze languages and communities anymore, thus there is no
need for them to 'worry', e.g. that I attemp to transform them to an
high evolutive language system.

Ruby and Python were excellent for this (Ruby = weak puppets, Python =
egoism driven).

I'll just use perl until I've implemented my own language, around 2010
to 2011, which will be most possibly close to perl (or a perl
extension, if technically possibly and no legal barriers with

Perl is available in nearly every webserver, and has very nice a
logical OO functionality (although it's not very good marketed, this
OO part). And perl keeps you highly independent, you can work with
simple systems, close to the OS.

  Really, I don't understand the need for python. And after fighting
  with some indenting within html templates, I dislike the whitespace-
  syntax-thing of python again.

 Fortunately, as you have realized, you have choices and are under no
 compulsion to use any particular tool.

As said above: python (essentially it's community in a wider scope) is
an ideal domain to analyze how human egoism blocks evolution of
technical systems. Thus, python is an important educational tool.

  Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby, if
  you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
  brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.

 And, apparently, do it in Python if you want to avoind running into
 Ilias Lazaridis.

No, I'll be bound to python for some time, a year or so.

And good news: as I cannot post to the trac-user group, I'll post the
topics to comp.lang.python.

(you can thank the project lead of trac, his lack of courage is the
reason that the developers get out of control)

 I have to say your approach to IT systems seems somewhat pedestrian,

The IT industry has failed to provide simple standards, systems. AI
has failed to produce intelligent systems. So, maybe the IT industry
is somewhat pedestrian, as its failure to control egoism has led to
terrible software systems.

Restarting from the beginning can give the impression of a learning

 but I wish you well in whatever it is you are trying to achieve.

 I hope you have a good set of asbestos (i.e. flame-proof) trousers.

As said, the analysis phase is over.

But even if not: I've 'survived' within comp.lang.lisp for some months

I think no language community can be worser.



If you would adopt the open-source-processes to digital electronic
design, we would work today still with 8086.


Re: Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 23, 2:47 am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 13:05:23 -0800, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
  I've never encountered such items
  supported by the language.

 OS specific extensions MIGHT supply it...

 Picky picky... but of course you are right. When I said that programming
 languages I have used before had facilities to measure memory usage, I
 meant that the *implementation* had those facilities rather than the
 language itself.

yes, that's what this thread is about.

I'm really just looking for a low-level python (memory) profiling
tool, and thus i'm asking in c.l.p. for experiences, mainly in context
of an apache mod_python environment.

But seeing the responses within this thread, it looks like there's no
such tool available.


Re: Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On 22 Δεκ, 09:09, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For Python, standard process monitoring tools (combined with a basic
 understanding of how dynamic memory allocation works on modern
 platforms) are usually sufficient to get a good view of an application's
 memory usage patterns.

which standard process monitoring tools are those?

Aren't there any python specific tools (e.g. which list the python
modules which use the memory)?


Re: Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 19, 5:40 am, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 17, 8:41 am, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How to detect memory leaks of python programms, which run in an
  environment like this:

   * Suse Linux 9.3
   * Apache
   * mod_python

  The problem occoured after some updates on the infrastructure. It's
  most possibly caused by trac and it's dependencies, but several
  components of the OS where updated, too.

  Any nice tools which play with the above constellation?

  Thank's for any hints!

 No tool available to detect memory leaks for python applications?

So, anyone who hit's on this thread via a search will think

a) that there's really no memory leak detection for python
b) that this community is not very helpful



Re: Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 21, 3:21 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please get serious, Mr.!

(and avoid further off-topics)


Re: Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 21, 12:25 pm, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Dec 21, 7:42 pm, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 19, 5:40 am, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Dec 17, 8:41 am, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How to detect memory leaks of python programms, which run in an
environment like this:

 * Suse Linux 9.3
 * Apache

The problem occoured after some updates on the infrastructure. It's
most possibly caused by trac and it's dependencies, but several
components of the OS where updated, too.

Any nice tools which play with the above constellation?

Thank's for any hints!

   No tool available to detect memory leaks for python applications?

  So, anyone who hit's on this thread via a search will think

  a) that there's really no memory leak detection for python
  b) that this community is not very helpful

 Comments like (b) will not help your chances one bit in respect of
 getting an answer from anyone.

I'm really just looking for a low-level python (memory) profiling
tool, and thus i'm asking in c.l.p. for experiences, mainly in context
of an apache mod_python environment.

As to Open Source etc.:

Than you for your reply.


Re: Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 17, 8:41 am, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How to detect memory leaks of python programms, which run in an
 environment like this:

  * Suse Linux 9.3
  * Apache
  * mod_python

 The problem occoured after some updates on the infrastructure. It's
 most possibly caused by trac and it's dependencies, but several
 components of the OS where updated, too.

 Any nice tools which play with the above constellation?

 Thank's for any hints!

No tool available to detect memory leaks for python applications?



Re: WikiInclude on 0.11 - Noah Kantrowitz blocks bug-fix

2007-12-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 18, 9:15 pm, smallpond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 17, 9:23 pm, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   * Deletion of valid defect reports on trac community resources

  The WikiInclude plugin is not recognised on trac 0.11, thus I took a
  look an made a small addition to the (the entry_point).

  Other users have the same problem, thus I filed a ticket in the trac-
  hacks community resource.

  Mr. Noah Kantrowitz closed the ticket as invalid. My comments within
  this ticket are deleted, directly in the database, which is the same
  as censorship. I've copied the email-notification from my comment
  below. [1]

  Please realize:

   * this is a real-live defect, which remains unprocessed, thus more
  users run into this trouble.
   * My attemps to inform users in the user-threads do not show up in
  all threads (moderation on trac-users!!!)
   * The IncludeMacro is not compatible to the WikiInclude macro
   * My comments were deleted in a non-trackable way
   * Users of the WikiInclude plugin are not informed in any way

  You are may wondering why the trac project fails to produce a stable
  1.0 version since years. The answer is here:



  #2294: Plugin is not detectd on trac 0.11 (even the 0.11 specific one)
  Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Owner:  yu-ji
 Type:  defect   |   Status:  reopened
  Priority:  normal   |Component:  WikiIncludePlugin
  Severity:  critical |   Resolution:
  Keywords:   |  Release:  0.11
  Changes (by [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

   * status:  closed = reopened
   * resolution:  invalid =
   * summary:  Missing entry_point within = Plugin is not
   detectd on trac 0.11 (even the 0.11 specific


   (Mr. Kantrowitz. This is defenitely a defect, which occoured for
   users. The provided information helps any user which hits on this
   via a search. I ask you once more to stop with the deletions on this
   '''community''' resource).

   The resolution invalid is incorrect.

   The problem exists for me '''and other''' users, see e.g.:

   * [
  de454e7dcf9f0438/d9806ad4a31a14a7 thread 1]
   * [
  2ccf4b2855a6f242?q=WikiInclude thread 2]

   I've solved it whilst simply adding the entry point to the

   It is ok to point to the more flexible and maintained IncludeMacro,
   other people possibly just want to continue to use the simpler
   WikiInclude one.

   I suggest the maintainer of WikiInclude (or another developer)
   the in the repo, and additionally one should place a note in
   WikiInclude documentation, that there's a more flexible

 Trac is a python application.

yes, that's why the followup goes to c.l.p

 Please read the posting guidelines for c.l.p.m

no need.

the topic affects other open-source communities, too.

(hints: censorship, trac is used within open-source domain, ...)


[TRAC] WikiInclude on 0.11 - Noah Kantrowitz blocks bug-fix

2007-12-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

 * Deletion of valid defect reports on trac community resources

The WikiInclude plugin is not recognised on trac 0.11, thus I took a
look an made a small addition to the (the entry_point).

Other users have the same problem, thus I filed a ticket in the trac-
hacks community resource.

Mr. Noah Kantrowitz closed the ticket as invalid. My comments within
this ticket are deleted, directly in the database, which is the same
as censorship. I've copied the email-notification from my comment
below. [1]

Please realize:

 * this is a real-live defect, which remains unprocessed, thus more
users run into this trouble.
 * My attemps to inform users in the user-threads do not show up in
all threads (moderation on trac-users!!!)
 * The IncludeMacro is not compatible to the WikiInclude macro
 * My comments were deleted in a non-trackable way
 * Users of the WikiInclude plugin are not informed in any way

You are may wondering why the trac project fails to produce a stable
1.0 version since years. The answer is here:



#2294: Plugin is not detectd on trac 0.11 (even the 0.11 specific one)

Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Owner:  yu-ji
   Type:  defect   |   Status:  reopened
Priority:  normal   |Component:  WikiIncludePlugin
Severity:  critical |   Resolution:
Keywords:   |  Release:  0.11

Changes (by [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 * status:  closed = reopened
 * resolution:  invalid =
 * summary:  Missing entry_point within = Plugin is not
 detectd on trac 0.11 (even the 0.11 specific


 (Mr. Kantrowitz. This is defenitely a defect, which occoured for
 users. The provided information helps any user which hits on this
 via a search. I ask you once more to stop with the deletions on this
 '''community''' resource).

 The resolution invalid is incorrect.

 The problem exists for me '''and other''' users, see e.g.:

 * [
de454e7dcf9f0438/d9806ad4a31a14a7 thread 1]
 * [
2ccf4b2855a6f242?q=WikiInclude thread 2]

 I've solved it whilst simply adding the entry point to the

 It is ok to point to the more flexible and maintained IncludeMacro,
 other people possibly just want to continue to use the simpler
 WikiInclude one.

 I suggest the maintainer of WikiInclude (or another developer)
 the in the repo, and additionally one should place a note in
 WikiInclude documentation, that there's a more flexible

Re: WikiInclude on 0.11 - Noah Kantrowitz blocks bug-fix

2007-12-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
On Dec 18, 4:23 am, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  * Deletion of valid defect reports on trac community resources


Instead of fixing the WikiInclude in the repo (or at least leave the
ticket open, thus a developer can do it), Mr. Noah Kantrowitz goes his
very special way (hint: his nick coderanger) to suggest to use the

This plugin uses the older style trac_plugin.txt file. If you need
something more 0.11 compatible, try the IncludeMacro.

This is of course completely nonsense. I don't want to use the complex
and buggy IncludeMacro. The WikiInclude can be corrected with just
one line.

But ok, let's take a at Mr. Noah Kantrowitz creation, the
IncludeMacro. Does it work with 0.11? He does not know, thus he

What about the current version doesn't work in 0.11?

who received this question? A user, which has provided a 0.11
implementation of the plugin:

*  summary changed from [patch] 0.11 patch to 0.11 version of

Well, there's certainly no need to get snippy over semantics ;)

There wasn't a version of IncludeMacro for 0.11, so I created one in
the hopes that other Trac admins might find it useful -- humblest
apologies for erroneously referring to my submission as a patch.
Having said that, if you feel so inclined as to review my version,
then that would be superb, as I'm sure potential future users would
feel much better if my contribution had your blessing and/or fixes.

Other tickets remain completely unprocessed, although they give an
answer to his question does it work on 0.11:

The of Includewikimacro contain : macro = WikiProcessor?
(self.env, 'Include') for the rendering of the wiki page. Whereas now
with the version 0.11, the function WikiProcessor?() nead a formatter
as first argument and not anymore an environment.
08/27/07 05:13:21 changed by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr. Noah Kantrowitz does not care about the trac users, otherwise he
would update the svn of the WikiInclude macro and the documentation to
inform users, instead of violently closing a valid ticket as an
invalid one.

A few more wild-west CODERANGERS like Noah Kantrowitz can ruine the
already very slow progress of the trac-project completely.

User comments and user feedback is critical for any open-source
project. Engouraging contributions, instead of surpressing them is

Trac-Users, please do not accept such a surpressive behaviour - it
costs your time.

(btw: I am a 0.11dev user, see


 The WikiInclude plugin is not recognised on trac 0.11, thus I took a
 look an made a small addition to the (the entry_point).

 Other users have the same problem, thus I filed a ticket in the trac-
 hacks community resource.

 Mr. Noah Kantrowitz closed the ticket as invalid. My comments within
 this ticket are deleted, directly in the database, which is the same
 as censorship. I've copied the email-notification from my comment
 below. [1]

 Please realize:

  * this is a real-live defect, which remains unprocessed, thus more
 users run into this trouble.
  * My attemps to inform users in the user-threads do not show up in
 all threads (moderation on trac-users!!!)
  * The IncludeMacro is not compatible to the WikiInclude macro
  * My comments were deleted in a non-trackable way
  * Users of the WikiInclude plugin are not informed in any way

 You are may wondering why the trac project fails to produce a stable
 1.0 version since years. The answer is here:



 #2294: Plugin is not detectd on trac 0.11 (even the 0.11 specific one)
 Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Owner:  yu-ji
Type:  defect   |   Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal   |Component:  WikiIncludePlugin
 Severity:  critical |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |  Release:  0.11
 Changes (by [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  * status:  closed = reopened
  * resolution:  invalid =
  * summary:  Missing entry_point within = Plugin is not
  detectd on trac 0.11 (even the 0.11 specific


  (Mr. Kantrowitz. This is defenitely a defect, which occoured for
  users. The provided information helps any user which hits on this
  via a search. I ask you once more to stop with the deletions on this
  '''community''' resource).

  The resolution invalid is incorrect.

  The problem exists for me '''and other''' users, see e.g.:

  * [
 de454e7dcf9f0438/d9806ad4a31a14a7 thread 1]
  * [

Detecting memory leaks on apache, mod_python

2007-12-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
How to detect memory leaks of python programms, which run in an
environment like this:

 * Suse Linux 9.3
 * Apache
 * mod_python

The problem occoured after some updates on the infrastructure. It's
most possibly caused by trac and it's dependencies, but several
components of the OS where updated, too.

Any nice tools which play with the above constellation?

Thank's for any hints!


SQLALCHEMY - Method to have the last word, by Michael Bayer

2006-12-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis


Ο/Η metaperl:
 TurboEntity was quite sweet. Supposedly a complete rewrite as a new
 product is on its way though.

Ilias Lazaridis:
the first major problem of this rewrite:
it happens 'silently' (non-public)

Michael Bayer wrote within:
django was not available to the public until it was fully functional
(youd go to the site and just get a coming soon-style splash
page)..and even then it was already in production use in earlier forms.
they knew that if you release something that wasnt polished and would
lead to user frustration, people would get disinterested and leave.
the strategy seems to have worked for them.

I understand your elaborations.

Possibly sqlalchemy should do the same, until it's fully functional
and do not 'frustrate users'.

And Turbogears, too. And Django, as it's still not fully functional
(mainly due to it's deficient ORM layer).

Or all those projects remain open(!), allowing users and contributors
to review the source(!), in order to be able to contribute
requirements, ideas, patches, sources etc.!

its not your grandfather's open source community !

Please keep relatives out of discussions.


Continueing a thread from sqlalchemy group) within comp.lang.python
(closest public usenet group), because Michael Bayer has closed the
thread within google.groups (no reply possible to anyone) prior to
enabling my answer to his message.




Re: SQLALCHEMY - Method to have the last word, by Michael Bayer

2006-12-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ο/Η Diez B. Roggisch έγραψε:
... (several off-topics)

Please control yourself.

Ï/Ç metaperl:
 TurboEntity was quite sweet. Supposedly a complete rewrite as a new
 product is on its way though.

Ilias Lazaridis:
the first major problem of this rewrite:
it happens 'silently' (non-public)

3 projects (TurboEntity, ActiveMapper, and one unpublished) join, in
order to provide an better ORM layer for Python.

How is the project moving on?

How can one contribute?

I don't know - does anyone have more information?




Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I share the infrastructure which I use:

 But not quite yet, it appears. A public release is planned shortly

Thank you for you comment.

You are right.

I've not yet selected the license yet (this case is quite complex):

But I've placed a BSD2 license to the existent files:



Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter  Wang wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  looks interesting.


  what about persistency?

 Um... what about it?

As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.

Is one planned?




Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter  Wang wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Peter  Wang wrote:
   Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
what about persistency?
   Um... what about it?
  As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.
  Is one planned?

 This thread was just some name-calling between you and Robert Kern, but
 didn't really provide any details.

I've just asked about persistency.

No names called from my side.

 I guess I'm too dumb to understand the question... Does pickle not work
 for you?  What is a persistency binding?

I think I got my answer.

Thank's for your responses.




self (was: Python component model)

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Peter Maas wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
  their ignorance, in my opinion, since Python isn't the first language
  to use self in such a way, and many C++ and Java programs use this
  pervasively in order to make attribute scope explicit, whereas the
  indentation matter is only troublesome with bad editing practices. I
  don't think the community should spend any more time on these

 How many programmers don't use Python because of the self issue?
 I'm not for changing the semantics here but when I wrote a method with
 lots of selfs recently I tried how it would look like if it would be
 allowed not to write down 'self', i.e. from

 def deposit(self, amount):
 self.balance = self.balance + amount


 def deposit( , amount):
 .balance = .balance + amount

would like this.

I finally liked pythons 'forced-indentation' thing, but 'self' is just

def deposit(amount)
.balance = .balance + amount # a little thin this dot
@balance = @balance + amount # why not similar to ruby?

self = do this and that # self remains available

but this will have most possibly major implications (design,
compatibility etc.)

possibly the simplest way would be to agree on 's' (typing is very
fast, faster than SHIFT-2 for @)

def deposit(s, amount)
s.balance = s.balance + amount

so, python 2.6 = introduces agreement on 's' ?

this will never happen, but everyone is of course free to use 's'
instead of 'self' immedeately.

There's no problem (except possibly the tiny annoyancy when reading
through libraries which use 'self').




Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter Decker wrote:
 On 10/10/06, Peter Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I for my part would be happy to see a Delphi-like RAD tool for Python,
  a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
  library, Jython 2.5, Python for PHP or whatever attracts new programmers.

 I think you should take a good look at Dabo and the visual tools they
 are creating. While I would be the first one to admit that they are
 not polished to the level of Delphi, they are pretty amazing for a
 couple of guys working in their spare time! If we could get more of
 the community to contribute to this project, I don't think that there
 would be any other RAD tool that would come close.

 # p.d.

yes, an interesting tool.

But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be

really unattractive resources:


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 11 Oct 2006 18:56:30 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  yes, an interesting tool.
  But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be
  really unattractive resources:

 Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
 to do it for you?

I've contributed already (my contructive criticism).

It's up to the team to react.

 It really grinds my gears when people take something that involves
 hundreds if not thousands of hours of time that is offered to them for
 free, and then nitpicks on something completely tangential. If you

project infrastructure is not tangential.

It's essential

 want a polished website, then offer to contribute one!

Terrible this open source folks.

One cannot say one word without beeing asked to contribute.

 Don't whine
 about a couple of developers who are doing amazing things in their

doing amazing things is not enouth to bring a language-community
forward (or to create a python component model, which is the topic of
this thread)

 spare time while you're contributing absolutely nothing to the

I share the infrastructure which I use:


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Peter Decker wrote:
  On 11 Oct 2006 18:56:30 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  yes, an interesting tool.
  But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be
  really unattractive resources:
  Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
  to do it for you?

 No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try to 
 him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.

Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
am really wondering about your tenor.

can you please inform me (and the interested readers) about the
persistency mechanism within traits:



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote:

  No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try 
  to get
  him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
  Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
  am really wondering about your tenor.

 I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident that 
 record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you
 before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many times
 does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?

Please stay in-topic

can you please inform me (and the interested readers) about the
persistency mechanism within traits: 


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter Decker wrote:
 On 11 Oct 2006 20:08:12 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
   to do it for you?
  I've contributed already (my contructive criticism).
  It's up to the team to react.

 Wow! What a contribution! Amazing that Dabo hasn't taken over the
 world with that sort of help pouring in!

 Anybody can criticize. It's easy to find fault; it's much harder to
 create something valuable.

I share the infrastructure which I use:

 I saw the references to your being a troll, and thought I'd give you
 the benefit of the doubt. Guess I'm still too optimistic.


You're just ignoring given facts in a controlled manner.

Like many other people of this community.

And that's the main reason why python does not move forward in the
speed it could.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Robert Kern wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote:
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote:
  No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try 
  to get
  him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
  Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
  am really wondering about your tenor.
  I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident 
  that the
  record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you
  before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many 
  does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?
  Please stay in-topic

 Asking disruptive individuals to leave is always on-topic.

please realize: the only disruptive individual at this point is you.

 Now, please go away.

of course I stay.

 I will happily and pleasantly converse with anyone who has questions about
 Traits or any of Enthought's other tools if they ask in good faith. I believe
 that the record shows that you do not do so. Really, I'm quite nice and 
 to other people.

Sorry to say, but your behaviour is very ungentle.

I've place a simple question. If you are really helpful to other
people, then pleas just answer.

Many other people follow this discussion, and many will see the
question within the archives... unsanswered.

looks interesting.

what about persistency?

As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.

Is one planned?



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Peter Maas wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers schrieb:
   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 Python itself is a RAD tool.
   +1 QOTW

 No, please stop self-assuring, self-pleasing QOTWs! This afternoon
 I was in the local book warehouse and went to the computer book
 department. They had banned 2-3 Python books together with some
 Perl- and C/C++ stuff into the last row. At the regular place I found
 a huge pile of Java books and - in comparison to Java - a small but
 growing number of books about Ruby in general, Ruby on Rails and -
 new to me - JRuby.

 Now I don't think that Ruby is a bad language. But I think Python is
 better and it started earlier. I don't know whether Ruby on Rails was
 a fluke or the result of clever analysis. Since a large part of
 programming is web programming it is not bad to have a good and visible
 tool in place to attract programmers. It is also a good idea to hook on
 Java's success but while Jython 2.2 is in alpha state since 3 years I
 see an increasing number of books/articles telling how to migrate from
 Java to (J)Ruby. Since I started using Python 4 years ago I hear Ruby
 people announce with an amazing audacitiy that Ruby is bound to be number
 one and will for sure leave Python behind.

 To prevent this to happen parts of the Python community should have a
 more critical attitude to the language. Too often I hear the same
 mantras being repeated over and over again (GIL, self, IDE etc.). I
 don't say these mantras are all wrong but perhaps it would be good to
 remove the GIL just to stop people talking about Python's lack of
 multi-threading or polish Python's class syntax to stop people talking
 about Python's OO being bolted on etc. Programmers often choose their
 languages by very silly reasoning (silliest being the indentation issue)
 and maybe we should take the silliness into account instead of laughing
 about those silly folks.

 I for my part would be happy to see a Delphi-like RAD tool for Python,
 a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
 library, Jython 2.5, Python for PHP or whatever attracts new programmers.

 Peter Maas, Aachen

well said.

Based on a comment in this thread, I've just detected this one:

BSD2 licensed, so it's very attractive as a foundation for a

_very_ interesting stuff, i've placed in on the list for a later



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

  You'll definitely want to take a look at Enthought's Traits (disclaimer:
  I work for Enthought). I'm supposed to be on vacation now, so I'm not
  going to give you the full rundown of Traits and Traits UI, so I'm
  simply going to point you to the page we have about it:
  It looks as if traits is an attempt to create a property in the
  component terminology which I originally specified. I will take a look
  at it.

 It also provides an event model and a declarative UI layer as well as several
 other things besides.

looks interesting.

what about persistency?



Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-08 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ben Finney wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  As for Mr. Holden... it's not a matter of not respecting you.
  It is in his nature to babble in this way.
  Sometimes it's even funny!

 Oh my. You have *seriously* misjudged this group if you think that
 comment will give you any net gain in discussions here.

I'm not interested in any gain (except within the systems that I

My intention was mainly to place myself on the side of the OP, before
the 'Herd of Savages' (the 'Regular Posters') get's out of control and
eat's him.



Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-10-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Wednesday 27/9/2006 09:29, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 import sys
 def f(obj):
  if obj:
  print '::: ' + repr(obj)
 sys.displayhook = f

 Have you tried that? You have to filter out None, not *any* False value.

   And notice that this replaces the output of *evaluated* expressions,
   not any print statement executed inside your code.
 Any simple solution for this?

 Displaying things interactively is not the same as executing a print
 statement inside the code - I feel right they are not considered the
 same thing. print output goes to sys.stdout, you could replace it.

this is nicely described here:

do i need the getattr and writeline methods in MyStdOut?




Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-10-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 IDLE has an output format like this:

 type 'object'
 type 'type'
 type 'type'

 How can I customize it to become like that:

  type 'object'
  type 'type'
  type 'type'

 or that:

: type 'object'
: type 'type'
: type 'type'

 (preferably without modifying code)

I am close to finalizing this task, but have two tiny problems:

import the module from within a site_packages *.pth file, or
include the code into sitecustomize, or
import it withine an IDLE session:

import sys

class ClaimStdOut:
def __init__(self, stream, prefix):
self.stdout = stream   #remember original stream
self.prefix = prefix

def write(self, output):
self.stdout.write(self.prefix + output)

#this one is _not_ executed on import:
sys.stdout = ClaimStdOut(sys.stdout, '=== ')

def f(obj):
if obj is not None:
print repr(obj)
# Claiming StdOut here
sys.stdout = ClaimStdOut(sys.stdout, '::: ')
#disable displayhook (which is just used to set stdout)
sys.displayhook = sys.__displayhook__

# this one _is_ executed on import
sys.displayhook = f

So, why is this line not executed during import?

sys.stdout = ClaimStdOut(sys.stdout, '=== ')

additionally, the output of IDLE looks like this:

IDLE 1.1.3   No Subprocess 
[the new stdout is active now]
::: True:::

Possibly IDLE prints the CR/LF in a second call.

How can I compare this operating-system-independent?

if (output == os.line-end-marker):
self.stdout.write(self.prefix + output)




Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 Aahz wrote:

  Are you ever going to try and make a point which is not you are not
  entitled to have opinions because you do not act? Your sarcasm is
  getting annoying. And since I'm not trolling nor flaming, I think I
  deserve a little bit more of respect.
  IMO, regardless of whether you are trolling or flaming, you are
  certainly being disrespectful.  Why should we treat you with any more
  respect than you give others?

 Disrespectful? Because I say that I don't agree with some specific 
 trying to discuss and understand the rationale behind it?

there's really not much to understand, just one thing:

There are no rationales.

This is a 'decision by feeling':

As for Mr. Holden... it's not a matter of not respecting you.

It is in his nature to babble in this way.

Sometimes it's even funny!



Re: HOST - Assembla Inc. Breakout - Copyright Violation by Mr. Andy Singleton

2006-10-06 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Richard Brodie wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  This is on the same level of interest to the communities of python, ruby  
  java as the
  color of my socks this morning - a deep black with cute little skulls 

 I did find Andy's claim that he expected contributors to sing a
 copyright transfer agreement somewhat unreasonable. It would
 depend on the tune though, I guess.

Such agreements seem to be nothing special within Software Business
(although the Assembla one looks a little bit one-sided). Companies
have to ensure that they own the software, otherwise they cannot sell
the product.

For a contribution which happens based on reduced rates and in context
of Open Source, such an agreement is of course inacceptable (developer
looses all rights).

That's why I've provided an alternative agreement (Joint Copyright),
which covers the needs of both sides:



Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-06 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Michael Ströder wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  You need just 2 active contributors - and the python community, not

 Hmm, this number does not say much. It really depends on the required
 service level and how much time these two people can spend for
 maintaining the tracker service.

that was not the essence of the sentence, see full context:

You need just 2 active contributors - and the python community, not
more (it's open source - so do some plumbing yourself, even if you are
the Python Foundation).

Alternatively, why don't you place an requirement active open source
project which can process request from the foundation?

Because this could have a negative influence on selecting Roundup?

(this is the reverse selection process. Select the candidate and adjust
the requirements). 


Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-05 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 I just read this mail by Brett Cannon:
 where the PSF infrastracture committee, after weeks of evaluation, 
 using a non open source tracker (called JIRA - never heard before of course)
 for Python itself.
 Does this smell Bitkeeper fiasco to anyone else than me?
 Giovanni Bajo
  The python foundation suggests a non-python non-open-source bugtracking
  tool for python.
  It's like saying: The python community is not able to produce the
  tools needed to drive development of python forward.
  Anyway. The whole selection process is intransparent.
  The commitee should have stated goals and requirements with a
  public verification of the tools against them.

 Is there any stick in the known universe that you will grasp the *right*
 end of?

Please have a little bit more precision:

Because we are not sure exactly what are requirements for a tracker
are we do not have a comprehensive requirements document.

This document is empty:

This is what I call intransparent selection process or selectiong by


The central requirement for a development-infrastructure / Host is

My personal selection for a tracking-system for a python based projects
is Trac:

I context of the python project (which has own wiki), Roundup could
become the No.1 choice.

I am biased towards trac, but to be honest, I've not verified Roundup
deeper (due to the missing wiki-svn-ticket-integration, which is Trac's
major strength).

So, define the Goals, specify the resulting Requirements, and _after_
this, verify the Tools (Trac, Roundup) against those requirements -
otherwise the whole comitee thing becomes just a joke.

Another joke is to 'scare' the community with a non-open-source java
tracker, in order to get 6 to 10 contributors.

You need just 2 active contributors - and the python community, not
more (it's open source - so do some plumbing yourself, even if you are
the Python Foundation).

Alternatively, why don't you place an requirement active open source
project which can process request from the foundation?

Because this could have a negative influence on selecting Roundup?

(this is the reverse selection process. Select the candidate and adjust
the requirements).

In any way, the 'comitee' should really stop talking about JIRA in
context of python. This sounds really like a joke of bad taste.

btw: If JIRA is selected finally, the I have really to revise my
decision to choose python for my projects. Simply because I would be
afraid that the Python Foundation can't move Python into a leading


btw: I like both tools, JIRA (nice design) and Roundup (simplicity, db



Re: HOST - Assembla Inc. Breakout - Copyright Violation by Mr. Andy Singleton

2006-10-05 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[For some reason, the newsgroup server seems to not have distributed
the messages yet. Thus posting via groups-google now. first message was
from 2006-09-27, second message from 2006-09-28, both with a CC to Andy

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 CC to  : Andy Singleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 followup to: c.l.ruby

 Despite several notifications, Mr. Andy Singleton of Assembla Inc.
 continues to keep my contributions within the breakout project,
 without payment of the related invoices, violating this way my copyright.

 I ask Mr. Singleton of Assembla Inc. once more to remove all material
 (code, documentation, documentation changes, tickets) posted by my
 person to the Breakout project under the user-name lazaridis_com
 between 2006-07-15 00:00 and 2006-07-04 23:59 (GMT)

 correction: and 2006-08-04 23:59

 Mr. Singleton,

 In reply to your private message (which states that you removed all of
 my original code, tickets and wiki pages):

 I can confirm that you've removed:

 * all tickets and ticket-comments
 * all original wiki pages and wiki-page-modifications


 As to the code and other repository commits:

 You have removed a few (not all) of my commits from the repository...

 ...but this code is still active on the production server.

 As you said within the private email it's a small amount of code.

 Thus it should be no problem to _immediately_ revert _all_ my commits
 from the repository and to _remove_ the code from the production server
 (and of course from all other servers which run breakout):

 for your convenience, here is a list:

Mr. Singleton,

within privat email (2006-09-28), you've replied that you've looked at
the list and removed the original code. Additionally, you stated that
it will be deployed after testing (to the production server).

It's a small amount of code (and configuration-file changes), so why do
you need time for this simple task?

After waiting one further week, I ask you once more to revert the
commits from the repository and from the production server(s) (where my
contributions are still active):

Possibly missed during last revert:

Not reverted:

you do _not_ need to revert those commits (as they've been overridden
by the update or contain irrelevant commits):


I wish you good luck in further adopting Open Source Practices whilst
bringing them to commercial software development.

Hopefully your clients are aware of what can happen within public
projects: a public confrontation.

I am just one individual - imagine what happens if a whole community
detects an abuse...!


One final tip:

If you edit manually posts / your writings on a infrastructure under
your control (, whilst adding messages which you've
previously posted::

Also, I don’t want your code. I will replace any code that you

do not forget one thing:

The internet-caches (like e.g. google cache):

Also, I don’t want your code. I will replace any code that you
wrote, that is not covered by the GPL licensing that applies to our
Trac code, if I can find any.


Note to readers:

You can find the whole case here:


 I still don't understand why you've not kept you're offer of a partial

 (You can still do this, in order to avoid further effort.)


 Finally, to cover your curiosity about the objective of my request
 (and your hope that I've achieved it):

 a) To protect my rights and to avoid commercial use of my _commercial_
 (but unpaid) contributions to a _commercial_ project.

 b) Το showcase negative side-effects of Development Only Open Source
 Licenses (like Assembla Breakout uses).

 c) To inform other developers about upcoming Commercial Open Source
 projects and the importancy of the copyright-payment

Re: HOST - Assembla Inc. Breakout - Copyright Violation by Mr. Andy Singleton

2006-10-05 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Paul McGuire wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 snip - a bunch of back-and-forth correspondence of no interest to anyone
 here whatsoever


 If you want to make some sort of public notice of your aggrievement with
 Assembla, Breakout, Mr. Singleton, whatever, take out an ad in the

 No one here is interested in your soap opera.

 -- Paul McGuire

please relax and do not speak for all current and future readers

I admit it is difficult to detect that this post is in-topic.

But it is.

And the crosspost is valid, too.

The key for it's validity is within those two topics (to which the
original post connects):

I should have posted them immediately.



Re: HOST - Assembla Inc. Breakout - Copyright Violation by Mr. Andy Singleton

2006-10-05 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ben Finney wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I admit it is difficult to detect that this post is in-topic.
  But it is.

 Really, it's not. If you want a voice, you already have your
 website. Mailing lists and other discussion forums have conventions
 about topic for a good reason.

of course.
  I should have posted them immediately.

 No, you should have found a forum where you know that the topic is
 appropriate -- even if that restricts it to your own website.

??? my website is not a forum (and I'm currently reducing it to the
minimum necessary information.)

and once more: this topic _is_ appropriate for a python / ruby / java

really very important (if you don't look to much at the subject but the
message contents).

  \  In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn't |
   `\   danced on television.  -- Erma Bombeck |
 _o__)  |
 Ben Finney


Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-04 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Giovanni Bajo wrote:

 I just read this mail by Brett Cannon:
 where the PSF infrastracture committee, after weeks of evaluation, 
 using a non open source tracker (called JIRA - never heard before of course)
 for Python itself.

 Does this smell Bitkeeper fiasco to anyone else than me?
 Giovanni Bajo


The python foundation suggests a non-python non-open-source bugtracking
tool for python.

It's like saying: The python community is not able to produce the
tools needed to drive development of python forward.

Anyway. The whole selection process is intransparent.

The commitee should have stated goals and requirements with a
public verification of the tools against them.




Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-04 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Giovanni Bajo wrote:
  I just read this mail by Brett Cannon:
  where the PSF infrastracture committee, after weeks of evaluation, 
  using a non open source tracker (called JIRA - never heard before of course)
  for Python itself.
  Does this smell Bitkeeper fiasco to anyone else than me?


?? how do you know the answer??



I don't think that a non-open-source system will be selected by the
responsible people.

Most possibly, they are aware about the basic requirements of an
infrastructure - which is control:



Re: Leave the putdowns in the Perl community, the Python world does not need them

2006-09-30 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
metaperl wrote:
 I was shocked to see the personal insults hurled in this thread:

 I have been very pleased with Python developers regardless of skill
 levels in both the IRC channel as well as here - no hot attitudes. No
 holier than thou put ons. I was just sinking into the comradery and
 cooperative nature of this new powerful community when I saw that

 Well, I hope that the fact that 99% of the Python community, from Guido
 von Rossum on down continues to exemplify how a language can be good
 and the people can be friendly and that the other 1% get inspired by
 their positivity and switch as well...

I've reviewed a little the thread.

I've not evaluated the possible use-cases of cgi.escape.

The question is always: who start's the use of insults?

I just noticed one thing:

The OP wrote (refering to an implementationd detail, which btw. has
possible resulted after many days of thought/trials in context of
several use-cases):

This seems to me to be dumb

which could be interpreted as: the implementor seems to be dumb

So, personally I think the implementor was free to reply bla bla bla,
you idiot.

This was not an insult.

Just a gentle gesture (using similar wording as the OP).




Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-28 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Wednesday 27/9/2006 09:29, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 import sys
 def f(obj):
  if obj:
  print '::: ' + repr(obj)
 sys.displayhook = f

 Have you tried that? You have to filter out None, not *any* False value.

you are right. 1 == 0 showed an empty response.

this one seems to work:

def f(obj):
if obj is not None:
print '::: ' + repr(obj)

   And notice that this replaces the output of *evaluated* expressions,
   not any print statement executed inside your code.
 Any simple solution for this?

 Displaying things interactively is not the same as executing a print
 statement inside the code - I feel right they are not considered the
 same thing.


 print output goes to sys.stdout, you could replace it.

wouldn't this replace all sdtout of every python programm?

i've tried this one:

sys.sdtout = f

without success within IDLE.

 I've looked a little at the code, but get immediately demotivated
 seeing 72 files within a flat directroy:

 Remember that packages have not existed forever... I've seen worse things :)

ok, me too.

but placing at minimum 2 directories like:


could simpify things already very much.




Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-27 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
James Stroud wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Well, for example, the output (I'm indenting manually for visual clarity):

print 'bob'
 : bob
print [i for i in xrange(3)]
 : [0, 1, 2]

 Would create the following selection in doctest mode (again manually
 adding whitespace):

print 'bob'
print [i for i in xrange(3)]
   [0, 1, 2]

ok, I understand now.

then, for consistency reasons, the : could become :::.

doctest would need to get a tiny addition to be able to 'see' those

 But, say for 'code copy' mode, this selection would be appended to the
 clipboard (again manually adding whitespace for clarity):

   print 'bob'
   print [i for i in xrange(3)]

I understand.

 This way you could either make doctest blocks or copy code drafted in
 the interactive interpreter. I often get carried away and write complete
 useful functions in the interpreter then have to do commands like the
 following in vim:


 to fix s and ellipses, etc., in the copied function. Or if I want to
 tweak a function I'm writing in the interpreter, I painfully copy it one
 line at a time. This may or may not be the best way to use the
 interpreter (to draft actual code) but I find myself doing it all of the

I am wondering that this functionality (copy code) is not included
within IDLE.

It should be possible to add it quite simple.



Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-27 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Tuesday 26/9/2006 15:29, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 def f(obj):
 print '' + repr(obj)
 sys.displayhook = f
 I've placed this code within /Lib/, but have one
 strange result:
 Hello world
: None

 1st: Hello world comes still on the beginning.
 2nd: I got this None

import sys
def f(obj):
if obj:
print '::: ' + repr(obj)
sys.displayhook = f

 The replacement should be a bit more complicated, taking None into
 account - see the original PEP for details
 And notice that this replaces the output of *evaluated* expressions,
 not any print statement executed inside your code.

Any simple solution for this?

I've looked a little at the code, but get immediately demotivated
seeing 72 files within a flat directroy:




Re: String Pattern Matching: regex and Python regex documentation

2006-09-26 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
  This project was undertaken as a response to a challenge put forth to
  me with a $100 reward, on 2005-04-12 on comp.lang.python newsgroup. I
  never received the due reward.
 Your reading skills must be terrible. You never received the reward
 because it never became due. I offered you $100 if (I believe) five
 regular readers of wrote me to say your version was an
 improvement on the original documentation.

 So far (it's now been over a year since your publication, IIRC) not one
 single person has written to me. So while your version of the docs may
 have some merit, it certainly doesn't fulfil the advertised requirements
 for the reward. Which therefore isn't due.

This justification sounds rational.

Possibly this should be published in a seperate topic, asking people to
review the 2 doc's, whilst giving publically(!) their vote.

Finally, all this can contribute to better python documentation (and,
sorry, python doc's  need _really_ a rework).



Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-26 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Steve Holden wrote:

  And I am wondering at your continual surprise when the rest of the world
  fails to share your perceptions. Doesn't this carry *any* information?
  not the rest of the world, but the rest of the python community.

 Remember back when you first came to comp.lang.python and I told you that this
 was not the community that you were looking for?

 Good times.

yes, good times, for the memory:

but now I produce (using python):

 Anyways, against my better judgement, I will tell you that you can customize 
 output by replacing sys.displayhook with your own function:

   import sys
   def f(obj):
   print '' + repr(obj)

   sys.displayhook = f

I've placed this code within /Lib/, but have one
strange result:

 from talker import *
 t = Talker()
  : bound method Talker.sayHello of talker.Talker instance at
Hello world
  : None

1st: Hello world comes still on the beginning.
2nd: I got this None

class Talker:
def sayHello(self):
print 'Hello world'
def talk(self):


Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-26 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Sunday 24/9/2006 18:55, Robert Kern wrote:

 Anyways, against my better judgement, I will tell you that you can
 customize the
 output by replacing sys.displayhook with your own function:
import sys
def f(obj):
  print '' + repr(obj)
sys.displayhook = f

 Sometimes I enable a similar approach on my, using
 the pprint module. But I don't *always* like the output format.

Can you please show this approach using pprint?



Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-26 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
James Stroud wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

  I am wondering that other users are not annoyed by this reduced

 I'm sure its quite unpopular to agree with you, but I do. I am
 tremendously annoyed the format of the interactive interpreter. Lovely
 would be output as you describe, but with the option, when selecting for
 copy-paste, to include the prompts and/or your suggested whitespace
 margin (e.g. select in doctest mode).


I am not sure I understand what you meen with the option.

copy includes both, the  and the   :

possibly you can elaborate a little, as this could be an important


As for a solution to the output, just follow this ticket:



Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 IDLE has an output format like this:

 type 'object'
 type 'type'
 type 'type'

 How can I customize it to become like that:

  type 'object'
  type 'type'
  type 'type'

 or that:

: type 'object'
: type 'type'
: type 'type'

 (preferably without modifying code)

I assume this is not possible.

I am wondering that other users are not annoyed by this reduced





Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-24 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 IDLE has an output format like this:
 type 'object'
 type 'type'
 type 'type'
 How can I customize it to become like that:
  type 'object'
  type 'type'
  type 'type'
 or that:
: type 'object'
: type 'type'
: type 'type'
 (preferably without modifying code)
  I assume this is not possible.
  I am wondering that other users are not annoyed by this reduced
 And I am wondering at your continual surprise when the rest of the world
 fails to share your perceptions. Doesn't this carry *any* information?

not the rest of the world, but the rest of the python community.

That's a big difference.

So it looks that I have to code to change the output format.

Reminds me 'good old days'.



Re: CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes, build-in/extension types

2006-09-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 Though of course the easiest way to enforce your classes to new style is
 to begin each module with

 __metaclass__ = type

 I assume placing this in the central site import (e.g. would collapse python? (I don't want to try it, maybe
 someone has an isolated instance available for trials).

 I don't think it would collapse Python, but since each module requires 
 its own __metaclass__ setting it certainly wouldn't change much.

I understand.

Thus I cannot set __metaclass__ = object on e.g. project-level or 
site-level, but only module-level.



IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-23 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
IDLE has an output format like this:

type 'object'
type 'type'
type 'type'

How can I customize it to become like that:

 type 'object'
 type 'type'
 type 'type'

or that:

   : type 'object'
   : type 'type'
   : type 'type'

(preferably without modifying code)



CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes, build-in/extension types

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Another topic [1] has raised the need of a deeper teach-in.

Where can I find _compact_ documentation about

 * Differece between New Style / Old Style Classes

Are there any documents available (again: compact ones) which describe
unification attemps subjecting

 * New Style Classes
 * Old Style Classes
 * Build In Types
 * Extension Types

(note: I am aware about search engines. I ask for documentation which
other developers have found useful)


CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System



Re: CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes, build-in/extension types

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ben Finney wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Where can I find _compact_ documentation about
 Can you tell us what is lacking about the documentation at
 URL: ? Specifically, what problems have
 you found in understanding these topics from the documentation
 available at that site?

Of course:

Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2

Python Version: 2.2.3

Guido van Rossum

This paper is an incomplete draft. I am soliciting feedback. If you find 
any problems, please write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



* draft version
* written by the system designer
* size
* code examples uncolored
* code examples missaligned


I've looking for a _compact_ analysis of this topic, prefered in 
standard OO jargon. Around 100 lines and 1 diagramm (or 500 lines and 3 
diagramms, but not more).



Re: CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes, build-in/extension types

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 note: I am aware about search engines.
 but you're incapable of using them, or ?


 I ask for documentation which other developers have found useful
 most recent Python books contains good discussions of the things you're
 asking for.  maybe you should buy a book ?

I'm interested in online resources, experiences etc..

Maybe you can clarify some things (for me and for readers):

Do I need old style classes?

Does the python standard library use old style classes?

Have those old style classes any benefits?



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Michele Simionato wrote:
  (I don't believe I am responding to a notorious troll ...)
 Believe it. You are. Ain't life a bitch? :-)

  One (bad) solution is to write in your the following:
  $ echo /usr/lib/python/
  import __builtin__
  class Object(object):
  def debug(self):
  print 'some debug info'
  __builtin__.object = Object
  then you can do for instance
 class C(object): pass
  some debug info
  All class inheriting from object will have the additional debug method.

 But sadly not the built-in types like int and str, which is what our
 trollish friend wants to do (for some reason best known to himself).

Followup thread:

[Watching this topic]   CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes,
build-in/extension types


Re: CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes, build-in/extension types

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Have those old style classes any benefits?
  That you don't have to write the bizarre conceptual accident that is
  (object) when declaring a top-level class?
 Though of course the easiest way to enforce your classes to new style is
 to begin each module with

 __metaclass__ = type

I assume placing this in the central site import (e.g. would collapse python? (I don't want to try it, maybe
someone has an isolated instance available for trials).

__metaclass__ = type
class X: pass
 class '__main__.X'
 __main__.X object at 0x186c6f0c
x = X()
isinstance(x, object)
type(x), type(X)
 (class '__main__.X', type 'type')


Re: CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes, build-in/extension types

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Paul Boddie wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
... (helpful comments)

  Have those old style classes any benefits?

 That you don't have to write the bizarre conceptual accident that is
 (object) when declaring a top-level class?

This was most possibly done for back-compatibility reasons.

Although introducing a change like this:

def MyOldClass(oldstyle)
def MyNewClass()

an giving lazy developers the searchreplace patterns to migrate the
code would have been of benefit.

Possibly something for Python 2.6.



this page points to nice documentation (which I would place in top of
the list!!!):


Guido's essay on new-style classes and should be your starting point.

This article should _not_ be suggested as a starting point.




Re: String Pattern Matching: regex and Python regex documentation

2006-09-22 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[followup to]

Xah Lee wrote:
 the Python regex documentation is available at:
 Note that, i've just made the terms of use clear.
 Also, can anyone answer what is the precise terms of license of the
 official python documentation? The official doc site is not

I would be interested in this information, too.

 Note also, that the regex syntax used by Perl is the same as Python.
 So, this section
 which contains clear explanation of regex syntax, will be of interest
 to Perl programers as well.

Your tutorial has helped me to write my first regular expression:

your notes about documentation are interesting, too:

I have some notes, too:


I would like to read more on your website, but the usability is 
terrible, mainly due to the missing navigation.

What about an exchange?

I assist you with the navigation. you will just need apache 
server-side-include and one file navigation.html, which will contail 
all of the navigation, very simple.

And you make an real life example for a python regular expression use-case:

i want to scan a text for this line:


picking this=4 ...

and add the attributes to an object.

object = addCustomAttributes(text)

(ok, the regex part would be enouth).



Re: SETUP - Introducing setuptools to a project without risk

2006-09-20 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 If I understood things right, setuptools extends the functionality of

 Thus replacing within a

 from distutils.core import setup


 from setuptools import setup
 except ImportError:
 from distutils.core import setup

 should have the following behaviour:

 * does not change distutils functionality on any system (with or
 without setuptools installed)
 * adds setuptools functionality on a system with setuptools installed

 This is especially important to obtain the convenient python
 develop command.

 Can someone confirm that the addition is non-critical? (I've not asked
 on the setuptools list in order to get a neutral view of users).


After some conversation with the setuptools developer I've understood
that I had wrong assumptions.

setuptools alters the behaviour of the original distutils commands,
thus the migration in such a way could cause problems.

As suggested by the trac-team, the following is the workaround to use
the setuptools develop command:

python -c import setuptools; execfile('') develop


I think setuptools should be non-intrusive. All existent distutils
commands should remain unaltered, exept if the user configures it
differently. This would simplify migration to setuptools, as the
project lead does not have to worry about potential problems.



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-20 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
MonkeeSage wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  where do I place this function...

 The place where you want it to be.

  ...thus it becomes available within class Foo and all other Classes?

 Anything defined in the top-level (i.e., the sys.modules['__main__']
 namespace) is accessible in every scope...but I assume you already know

no, I don't know it.

how do I define something into the top-level namespace? I assume I
could place it into the root-package of my project, into the __init__

But how do I place it within my computers python installation (the big

 You could also use a super-duper super class from which to derive all
 your other classes, and add/replace any methods you want there:

 class lazaridis(object):

I am aware of this technique.

But I want to modify existent classes, without touching their code.

  Something like a central import?

 That would probably be the most logical thing to do.

 But again, I assume you already know all this, so why are you asking?
 Is this part of the evaluation process?

I am not evaluating Python, I've started using it:


I've noticed some interesting code on you website:

class file(file):
  def reopen(self, name=None, mode='w', bufsize=None):

fh = file('test.txt', 'rb')
print fh # open file 'test.txt', mode 'rb' at 0xb7c92814

does this mean that I can add a method to a class in a similar way with
ruby? (by using class class-name(class-name): )

but the limitation is that I cannot do this with the python build-in



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-20 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
MonkeeSage wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 no, I don't know it. how do you evaluate a language when you don't know its basic
 operations? Hmmm, sounds fishy.

The learning-process is an important part of the evaluation.

 how do I define something into the top-level namespace? I assume I
 could place it into the root-package of my project, into the __init__

 But how do I place it within my computers python installation (the big
 When you just say:
 def blah(): pass
 Now 'blah' function is in the top-level namespace, just like global
 variables. Or if it's in a different file, you'd say 'from blah import
 *'. You honestly don't know this?!??

I know how to define it:

--- ---
from mylib import blah

if (__name__ == '__main__'):
--- end file ---

what I dont know is, how to negate the need of the import statement.

--- ---
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
--- end file ---

 I am aware of this technique.

 But I want to modify existent classes, without touching their code.
 The only way to do this is to explicitly subclass the existent classes
 with your own class and modify what you want there in your subclass
 (see below), or use multiple inheritence as I suggested previously.
 I've noticed some interesting code on you website:

 class file(file):
   def reopen(self, name=None, mode='w', bufsize=None):

 fh = file('test.txt', 'rb')
 print fh # open file 'test.txt', mode 'rb' at 0xb7c92814

 does this mean that I can add a method to a class in a similar way with
 ruby? (by using class class-name(class-name): )
 Basically, yes. In ruby you can reopen base classes; in python you can
 get the same effect by subclassing the base classes with the same name
 as the base class, then instantiating all your objects as that class.
 This is the exact same idea as a super-duper super class as I
 mentioned above.

That's a part of the construct I was looking for.

 but the limitation is that I cannot do this with the python build-in
 You can subclass buit-in types using the same name as the parent class.

So, that's a 2nd part of the constrcut I was looking for.

btw: from which class does int inherit?

 In fact here is what I use:
 ## my little library to make python more OO
 ## i.e., to get rid of the top-level junk...
 ## or at least to hide it behind some pretty
 ## object attributes :)
 ## YMMV - and don't complain if you don't
 ## like it; I wrote it for ME, not you
 ## Jordan Callicoat  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ## some global methods so we can use them
 ## to set up the class methods
... (many code I'll review at a later point)

 It's not the most pythojnic way to do things, but it works for me.
 Ps. I still have a hard time belieiving that after all the time you've
 spent on comp.lang.lisp, comp.lang.ruby and comp.lang.python you still
 don't understand these basic concepts...if that's really true, I would
 never use your consulting service!

CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

This is not a basic concept.

Although in smaltalk and ruby is very simple.

But I've selected to use Python.



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-20 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
George Sakkis wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

  I like to add a method writeDebug(self, msg) to all (or the most
  possible) classes in the system.
  How do I do this?
  * with new style classes
  * with old style classes

 Short answer: you can't do it for builtin or extension types:
  list.writeDebug = lambda msg: You'd wish
 TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'list'

 Longer asnwer: Make it a function instead of a method. This function
 could try to call the respective method, and as a fallback it would
 have hardcoded what to do for each supported class, something like:

 def writeDebug(obj, msg):
 try: return obj.writeDebug(msg)
 except AttributeError:
 if isinstance(obj,list):
 # list msg
 elif isinstance(obj,tuple):
 # tuple msg
 # default object msg

 If you insist though that you'd rather not use functions but only
 methods, tough luck; you're better off with Ruby.

I insist on methods, and It seems that I stay with Python.

The effort for me to rework python to become more OO is much lesser,
than the effort I would have to rework Ruby to become more (this and

And I've already started to like 2 things on python:

* the missing end statement and
* (I don't believe I write this) enforced indentation.



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 I understand that I can use __metaclass__ to create a class which
 modifies the behaviour of another class.

 How can I add this metaclass to *all* classes in the system?

 (In ruby I would alter the Class class)

I got confused from the discussion about __metaclass__.

possibly a little more practical.

I like to add a method writeDebug(self, msg) to all (or the most
possible) classes in the system.

How do I do this?

* with new style classes
* with old style classes


Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  I understand that I can use __metaclass__ to create a class which
  modifies the behaviour of another class.
  How can I add this metaclass to *all* classes in the system?
  (In ruby I would alter the Class class)
  I got confused from the discussion about __metaclass__.
  possibly a little more practical.
  I like to add a method writeDebug(self, msg) to all (or the most
  possible) classes in the system.
  How do I do this?
  * with new style classes
  * with old style classes

 OMFG. For asking the question (paraphrased) why do you want to do this,
 Mr. Spealman received an

 But now you do exactly that - give more details. Maybe this could teach you
 the lesson that the variance of input you get here to your questions is
 worth considering?

 But I've got the wicked feeling that this won't happen...

I've not given more details, but less.

Just simplified my request.



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-19 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

MonkeeSage wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  How do I do this?

 It's easy:

 def writeDebug(msg):
   print I do not debug things, I _evaluate_ with professionals on the
 industries! See ticket 547!\n \
 Oh yeah, and %s % msg

where do I place this function...

 class Foo:
   writeDebug(how can I configure the interpreter for understand
 Klingon participals and noun-phrases? Must I rectify the standard
 dictionaries first?)

...thus it becomes available within class Foo and all other Classes?

Something like a central import?



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  I am not so much interested in old-style, as is start production with
  python 2.4 (possibly even with python 2.5).

 The fact remains that you won't be able to affect the built-in classes
 such as int and str - they are hard-coded in C (for CPython, at least),
 and so their metaclass is also implied and cannot be changed.

...except in C.

I assume the root class should be available/changeable in C, too.

Do I have to change the sources directly, or does python provide
C-level-extension/modication mechanisms, which can be applied to
core-level classes, too?

Is the Python Object Model documented anywhere in a diagram, something
similar to this?:



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Calvin Spealman wrote:
 On 18 Sep 2006 20:23:03 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Steve Holden wrote:
   Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
I am not so much interested in old-style, as is start production with
python 2.4 (possibly even with python 2.5).
   The fact remains that you won't be able to affect the built-in classes
   such as int and str - they are hard-coded in C (for CPython, at least),
   and so their metaclass is also implied and cannot be changed.
  ...except in C.
  I assume the root class should be available/changeable in C, too.
  Do I have to change the sources directly, or does python provide
  C-level-extension/modication mechanisms, which can be applied to
  core-level classes, too?
  Is the Python Object Model documented anywhere in a diagram, something
  similar to this?:

 What could you possibly want to do this for so badly that you would
 shun all alternatives and even resort to hacking up the runtime at the
 C-level to redefine core types in non-standard and unpredictable
 ways?! Seriously, please give a good reason for every doing this. I
 can't imagine there is any way it would justify all this in the face
 of just looking for an alternative. You aren't trying to use python,
 at this point, you are trying to fork it.



Re: EyeDB Object Database (ODBMS) - Python wrapper

2006-09-18 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
GinTon wrote:
 EyeDB is a free ODBMS based on the ODMG 3 specification with
 programming interfaces for C++ and Java. It is very powerfull, mature,
 safe and stable. In fact, it was developed in 1992 for the Genome View
 project althought rewritten in 1994, and has been used in a lot of
 bioinformatics projects

I've added this very interesting database to the selection case:

 Python does not have any programming interface to ODBMS and I believe
 that it would be very interesting that the Python community could
 access to a great object database like this one.

 If somebody is interested could to using SIP as Python wrapper. PyQT4
 bindings were made with SIP

 These are the conclusions of several Python wrappers that shows that
 SIP generates the fastest wrappers:

 *  Manual wrapping is still fastest and most versatile
 *  SIP, Boost and Babel generate native extension modules with low
 *  SWIG-generated modules rely on pure Python wrapper module and
 introduce a large overhead
 *  Wrapper tool highlights:
  - SIP generates the fastest wrappers
  - SWIG is mature and well documented
  - Boost.Python most elegant integration of C++ and Python
  - Babel supports languages as both target and source

I will take this information in account when selecting a binding:

Possibly more important that speed is the simplicity, e.g. how simple
is it to produce the wrapper and how simple is it to update the

 If you want to know more about ODBMS here you have some interesting


CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
I understand that I can use __metaclass__ to create a class which
modifies the behaviour of another class.

How can I add this metaclass to *all* classes in the system?

(In ruby I would alter the Class class)



Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Damjan wrote:
  I understand that I can use __metaclass__ to create a class which
  modifies the behaviour of another class.
  How can I add this metaclass to *all* classes in the system?
  (In ruby I would alter the Class class)
  You'd have to set
  __metaclass__ = whatever
  at the top of each module whose classes are to get the new behavior.

 I think '__metaclass__ = whatever' affects only the creation of classes that
 would otherwise be old-style classes?

It seems so:

  You can't alter classes which you don't control or create in your code.

 I remeber I've seen an implementation of import_with_metaclass somewhere on
 IBM's developerworks. I didn't quite undersntad it though.

I am not so much interested in old-style, as is start production with
python 2.4 (possibly even with python 2.5).




SETUP - Introducing setuptools to a project without risk

2006-09-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
If I understood things right, setuptools extends the functionality of

Thus replacing within a

from distutils.core import setup


from setuptools import setup
except ImportError:
from distutils.core import setup

should have the following behaviour:

* does not change distutils functionality on any system (with or
without setuptools installed)
* adds setuptools functionality on a system with setuptools installed

This is especially important to obtain the convenient python
develop command.

Can someone confirm that the addition is non-critical? (I've not asked
on the setuptools list in order to get a neutral view of users).






2006-09-12 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Simon Forman wrote:
  Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Simon Forman wrote:
 I'm sorry, your post makes very little sense.
 you're somewhat new here, right ? ;-)
  Yah, I've been posting here about three months now.   Why, did I miss
  something?  :-)
 Yes: the previous posts from the same poster. Ilias Lazaridis'
 communications can be a little obscure, to say the least, and it's
 apparent that his approach to language evaluaation doesn't emphasize
 community experience too heavily. Still, it takes all sorts to make a
 newsgroup ...

I'm not evaluation python anymore, I've selected it:

At this point, I just try to make it fit my personal requirements:

As a flexible dynamic language, python should allow me to change it a

but, as said:

What I would need to know is:

a) what would be the correct term for identifier?

b) is there a standard way to implement such an access mechanism in an
generic way?

c) is there an advanced mechanism available, which would allow to
implement a prefix (e.g. %name)

You've anwered question b).

Additionally, I had read an PEP which referenced this case, but cannot
find it again. It would be nice to have some answers to the topic, thus
this thread has at least some value for people finding it in archives
(those which agree with me that __name__ has a low readability).



Re: ANN: Dao 1.0.0-alpha is released

2006-06-13 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
 It is a pleasure to announce in this mailing list the newly released
 Dao. This is the first release after the Dao interpreter being

 Two modules are also released along with the virtual machine: DaoMySQL
 and DaoPyhon. DaoPython is particularly interesting, because it allows
 Python modules to be loaded by Dao, then Python variables, functions
 and classes can be used conviniently in Dao scripts.

 For more detail about this release: please visit,

the documentation looks nice!

hope you've implemented most of my suggestions subjecting reflection.

Whenever I have the time, I will take a closer look and check dao 
against this one:

 Your suggestions and comments are extremely welcome!
 Limin FU



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-10 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le Vendredi 09 Juin 2006 20:06, Ilias Lazaridis a écrit :
 the code below works, but has the limitation that I cannot import the
 syncdb_hook within
 In [4]: from b import CONS
 In [5]: import b
 In [6]: b.CONS = 3
 In [7]: CONS
 Out[7]: 5
 In [8]: from b import CONS
 In [9]: CONS
 Out[9]: 3
 So, if you change one module name, a function or a class or a constant, you 
 must do it before it is imported, or you must reload modules using it. But 
 either are not always possible, and the later is not what you want to achieve 
 here as it will re-execute all initialisation code in those modules.
 But think of that, a function is hopefully an  object in python, hmmm :
 In [1]: from temp import func
 In [2]: func(5)
 Out[2]: 5
 In [3]: def g(s) : return s*2
 In [4]: func.func_code = g.func_code
 In [5]: func(5)
 Out[5]: 10
 hey, that should work !

Great Construct! Much flexibility!

I'll try the implementation tomorrow.


The actual Versions of the hooks can be found here:

This construct has helped to simplify nearly all simplification goals:



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-09 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le Jeudi 08 Juin 2006 14:28, Ilias Lazaridis a écrit :
 Another possibility is to enlink (hook?) the functionality into an
 existent function

 Is there any way (beside a patch) to alter the behaviour to an existing
 function. Is ther a python construct similar to the alias_method of Ruby:

 No, there is no special construct to do this, but we do things very similar 
 every day in Zope, it's called monkey patch :
 from toto import service
 def my_impl(self, *args) :
   old_result = self._old_method(*args)
   # ...
   return new_result
 if not hasattr(service, '_old_method') :
   service._old_method = service.method
   service.method = my_impl
 once this file is imported, all future calls to method of service instances 
 will use my_impl.

Ok, just a small problem when a _function_ is to be hooked.

Looking a the code in the debugger shows that the function syncdb is 
correctly overridden. But when the code returns, syncdb has again it's 
original value.

Can I import syncdb by reference instead by value, thus the change 


from django.rework.evolve   import evolvedb
from import syncdb

def syncdb_new(*args) :
 syncdb_result = syncdb_old(*args)
 return syncdb_result

if syncdb != syncdb_new:
 syncdb_old = syncdb
 syncdb = syncdb_new



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-09 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Duncan Booth wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 from toto import service

 def my_impl(self, *args) :
  old_result = self._old_method(*args)
  # ...
  return new_result

 if not hasattr(service, '_old_method') :
  service._old_method = service.method
  service.method = my_impl

 once this file is imported, all future calls to method of service
 instances will use my_impl.
 Ok, just a small problem when a _function_ is to be hooked.

 Looking a the code in the debugger shows that the function syncdb is
 correctly overridden. But when the code returns, syncdb has again
 it's original value.

 Can I import syncdb by reference instead by value, thus the change 
 The difference is that Maric imported the module. To make the change affect 
 the original model you have to access the function as an attribute of its 
 module, not by importing the function from the module.

ok, I understand.

the code below works, but has the limitation that I cannot import the 
syncdb_hook within

There is no way to import/get syncdb but mutable?

 from django.rework.evolve   import evolvedb
 from import syncdb
 from django.core import management
 def syncdb_new(*args) :
  syncdb_result = syncdb_old(*args)
  return syncdb_result

 if syncdb != syncdb_new:
  syncdb_old = syncdb
  syncdb = syncdb_new

 if management.syncdb != syncdb_new:
 syncdb_old = management.syncdb
 management.syncdb = syncdb_new

works fine.



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-09 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Slawomir Nowaczyk wrote:
 On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 15:28:39 +0300
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 # I would like to know, if this construct is valid, or if it can
 # result in problems (that I do not see as a newcomer):
 The intricacies of import are far beyond me, but FWIW I do not see
 anything wrong in this code.
 # Is there any way (beside a patch) to alter the behaviour to an
 # existing function.
 You can just assign new function to the old name. There are a few
 loops to hop through if you want to alter the behaviour of an existing
 *method*... There is an example -- I do not know if a good one -- here:

This looks intresting, especially the comment, although I do not 
understand what is meant by creates a cycle in the object.

There is a Better Way to Add Methods To Classes, Moshe Zadka, 2001/03/15
This method creates a cycle in the object for no reason at all. The 
following function will add any function to an instance in a cycle free way:

def add_method(self, method, name=None):
   if name is None: name = method.func_name
   class new(self.__class__): pass
   setattr(new, name, method)
   self.__class__ = new

Use as follows:

def pretty_str(self): pass

add_method(C(), pretty_str, '__str__')


CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-08 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
I have a few small questions subjecting python functionality, most 
importantly the alias_method.



I would like to know, if this construct is valid, or if it can result in 
problems (that I do not see as a newcomer):

  1083from django.rework.evolve import evolvedb
  1084except ImportError:
  1085def evolvedb():
  1086Evolve Command Dummy
  1087print 'Command evolvedb not imported'
  1088evolvedb.args =''



A second problem is, how to make the setup for users (testers) more 
convenient. Is there e.g. any mechanism to apply a patch in an automated 
manner (e.g. using a python library)?



The django commands are hard-coded:

thus elegant/dynamic additions of commands seem not possible.

Another possibility is to enlink (hook?) the functionality into an 
existent function

Is there any way (beside a patch) to alter the behaviour to an existing 
function. Is ther a python construct similar to the alias_method of Ruby:

(example from an simple evolution support for a ruby orm)

# use alias_method to enlink the code

 class SqliteAdapter
 alias_method :old_create_table,  :create_table
 def create_table(*args)
 result = old_create_table(*args)
 return result


If anyone is interested to verify the results in order to stabelize the 
  simple schema evolution support for django, please review the results 



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-08 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-08 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le Jeudi 08 Juin 2006 15:15, Duncan Booth a écrit :
 but the more usual way is just to call the original method directly in the
 base class.

 class SqliteAdapter(BaseClass):
 def create_table(self, *args)
 result = BaseClass.create_table(self, *args)
 return result

 Yeah, this the right way to reuse ancestor's implementation of a method.
 If that isn't what you are trying to achieve you'll have to explain more.
 I'm not a ruby programmer, but I understood it like this : the prupose is to 
 modify the behavior of an existing third-party class, in all application 
 (even in existing third party modules), without any code modifications 
 (traditional patch) in those modules.

yes, you've understood right.

 Your proposal is not as good here, assuming BaseClass is defined in module 
 toto, you can still do toto.BaseClass = SqliteAdapter, but you must ensure 
 that this code is imported before any other where classes inherit from 
 BaseClass. The one I porpose in my other post is robust, several packages can 
 even patch the same method with no side effects.

Your suggestion is most possibly the relevant construct.

I'll post a note after changing the implementation.

Thank's a lot!



Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-08 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Duncan Booth wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 I would like to know, if this construct is valid, or if it can result in 
 problems (that I do not see as a newcomer):

   1083from django.rework.evolve import evolvedb
   1084except ImportError:
   1085def evolvedb():
   1086Evolve Command Dummy
   1087print 'Command evolvedb not imported'
   1088evolvedb.args =''
 The only real problem here is that if django.rework.evolve imports 
 something else which doesn't exist you get your fallback code instead of 
 reporting the error. In other words there is a chance that you could mask a 
 deeper problem.
 If this worries you then you could do:
 from django.rework.evolve import evolvedb
 except ImportError, e:
 if str(e).rsplit(' ')[-1] != 'django.rework.evolve':
 ... rest of code here ...

I thin I understand.

If the exception is _not_ caused by 'django.rework.evolve', then it will 
be raised, thus I can see what caused it.

Very nice!



CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6 
recipients relevant to the topic]

I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to 
a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:

As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)

My initial non-public complain [1] about censorship on django devel, 
sent to six relevant project recipients [2] remained unanswered.

The only 'answer' I got was an additional censorship on the _user_ list, 
which is _completely_ unjustified, as I've just requested comments to my 
code-level working results:


I understand that the community was possibly confused due to my past 
evaluations. But this gives in _no_ way the right to attack me 
personally and to apply censorship.

Django was originally created in late 2003 at World Online, the Web 
division2 of the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas

The Django Project should really avoid such non-liberal actions in future.

Please enable my access to the user list, thus I can complete my work.

Thank you.



If anyone is interested to verify the results, in order to stabelize the 
  simple schema evolution support for django, please review the results 



I've implemented the above as the suggestions from the django project 
(manually create an execute ALTER TABLE statements) would hinder me to 
develop my application incrementally:

If you do care about deleting data, you'll have to execute the ALTER 
TABLE statements manually in your database. That's the way we've always 
done it, because dealing with data is a very sensitive operation that 
we've wanted to avoid automating. That said, there's some work being 
done to add partially automated database-upgrade functionality.



Date   : 2006-06-03 08:32
Subject: pj.audit.django.censorship/offer.


* Censorship on django-developer
* Personal Projects
[...] - (non-public commercial part omitted)


I would like to know for which reason I was banned from the developers

Django comes from an newspaper environment, and I think you should
really evaluate your information twice before you *censor* someone on
the list, who has posted only topics relevant to django development in
order to fulfill several tasks for an Audit:

Is this here really enough to justify censorship?:

Please, Mr. Holovaty, enable my access to the development-list again
thus I can finalize my work.



Instead of blocking me without any justification from the
development-list, why don't you just look on my website, where I list
some links (including that one found' and explain the project:

I've worked several years on this Core Project, which is finalized,
and in 2006 I've started to define the resulting services:

As stated, I use django for a personal project (which I hope will secure
me some incomings). The evolve functionality was necessary in order to
start with development of my project. At the same time I made the audit
publicly, thus other people can benefit from my experiences.

Additionally, I look for a reference customer. Although I had planned to
finalize the Audit first and then to contact you, the missing access to
the developer list forces me to change my schedule.

[...] - (non-public commercial part omitted)


The recipients were take for the following file:

and from this file:



Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

What has this wikipedia entry to do with the topic here?

What is the credibility and value of the provided wikipedia entry?

Let's review the editor's list:


Howdy. I'm James Bennett, a web developer[...]and then moved to 
Lawrence, Kansas where I now work for World Online, the online division 
of the Lawrence Journal-World and home of the Django web framework.


- no profile available -


Note to readers:

Further links and explanations about my past evaluation work are 
publicized on my website:

Those evaluations are now closed, and I try to focus on personal 
projects, whilst contribution results back to other users in the open 
source way.


I try now to apply such Requirements Compliancy Audits in a more 
decent way:

For some reason, the Django Project Community and leadership has reacted 
extremely against my findings, writings and even code-level contributions.

At this point I don't know why.

But possibly I will do so shortly.



Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
[additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]

 yep.  i feel particularly hosed for trying to work with you offline to
 synchronize our efforts.  

I don't think that telling me when your project starts and stops can be
called working with me offline.

 and even more retarded for the time i spent and
 help i offered regarding your web site design, resume and general how to
 better present yourself as a consulting business.  

You suggestion subjecting the term failure was a positive one and I
have reacted.

But again, I think you exaggerate about the amount of time invested.

(overall conversation: 7 messages of yours, 20 lines, ~3 lines/message)

 (considering i've been
 a fulltime programmer/consultant for many years now and you were claiming
 to just be starting out)

I've just (Jan 2006) re-started with the _new_ services.

 however i am far from your largest detractor here.  and i don't wish to
 be, so i won't contribute any more to this discussion.  this will be my
 last post here regarding you.

I've not asked you to post about me, but about the SoC Schema Evolution

See further below:

 -- derek
 p.s. for the record i'm not totally convinced you're an intentional troll.
  i suspect you're just socially and professionally inept.  but with your
 history on other listservs, it seems that you are incapable of learning
 how to better interact with others.  so a rose by any other name...  the
 effect is the same.  

= {i suspect you're just socially and professinally inept}

I better don't take you as an example how to better interact with others.

And btw: why speculating, instead of just reading the explanations?:

 i recommend to all ignoring ilias here.

Possibly to avoid the basic question?

My question to you was basically:

May I ask you to point my to a resource which shows your current plans,
results etc.?

Mine is here:

And with a little support of the team, it could be now a stable working
temporary solution, and a reference/foundation for your SoC project.

 Derek Anderson wrote:
 i believe it's time for...
 Mr. Anderson,

 we had some private conversation at the start of my work with Django,
 where I had answered all of your questions.

 Based on this, you should have a better rating about me, especially when
 knowing my private situation (or at least some indicators).


 You are the Student which will execute the Google Summer of Code
 Project, which will implement the Schema Evolution Support for Django,

 May I ask you to point my to a resource which shows your current plans,
 results etc.?

 As you have seen, I have provided within a few days something what the
 django project and its community has not provided since a _very_ long

 A working draft version of a Schema Evolution Support for Django:


 You should understand that it looks really somehow, that especially you
 talk so loud about a 'troll'.

 Finally, you should be aware of something: all of your writings were
 publically archived.

/|  /|  |  |
||__||  |   Please don't   |
   /   O O\__   feed   |
  /  \   the trolls|
 /  \ \|
/   _\ \ --
   /|\\ \ ||
  / | | | |\/ ||
 /   \|_|_|/   |__||
/  /  \|| ||
   /   |   | /||  --|
   |   |   |// |  --|
* _|  |_|_|_|  | \-/
 *-- _--\ _ \ //   |
   /  _ \\ _ //   |/
 *  /   \_ /- | - |   |
   *  ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c

 -- derek  :)


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 Django users group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For more options, visit this group at



Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 [Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
 [additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]

 And yet you still don't see why people call you a troll?

Missing liberal qualities?

 This is completely inappropriate for comp.lang.python. Please take it 

This is perfectly appropriate for comp.lang.python, as it is the closest 
usenet group for django.

 This newsgroup is not a proxy for any other group who may have tired of 
 your postings, and is not an arbitration forum for disputes.


It's a place to discuss python.

And it's a place to continue discussions which were censored within 
other media of the python domain.



I forgot to post the link to the original article:



Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Brian wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 I would agree with you that this is a place to discuss python.
 However, your posts primarily deal with your expulsion from another
 group.  Instead of discussing that, why don't your discuss the python
 technicalities of your project and leave the rest alone since we want
 to hear about the former and not the later.

thank you.



I would like to know, if this construct is valid, or if it can result in 

1083from django.rework.evolve import evolvedb
1084except ImportError:
1085def evolvedb():
1086Evolve Command Dummy
1087print 'Command evolvedb not imported'
1088evolvedb.args =''



A second problem is, how to make the setup for users (testers) more 
convenient. Is there e.g. any mechanism to apply a patch in an automated 
manner (e.g. using a python library)?



The django commands are hard-coded:

thus elegant/dynamic additions of commands seem not possible.

Another possibility is to enlink (hook?) the functionality into an 
existent function

Is there any way (beside a patch) to alter the behaviour to an existing 
function. Is ther a python construct similar to the alias_method of Ruby:

(example from an simple evolution support for a ruby orm)

# use alias_method to enlink the code

 class SqliteAdapter
 alias_method :old_create_table,  :create_table
 def create_table(*args)
 result = old_create_table(*args)
 return result


If anyone is interested to verify the results in order to stabelize the 
  simple schema evolution support for django, please review the results 



Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

This thread is now technical.

Thank you for your comments.



Re: PUDGE - Project Status, Alternative Solutions

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 What is going on with the pudge project?
 Any chance to get an comment on this?

After a little bit off-list discussion, I understand that many python 
documentation projects stop at some point, and that efforts are in 
general not very synchronized.

Small overview here (work in progress):


btw: Still, the pudge.general list needs to be activated!!!

 Mr. Patrik O'Brien (Orbtech LLC) had told me that there is no similar 
 tool available within the python domain, thus I have invested some 
 effort to create a Website template, and to enable pudge to generate 
 colored code:

 I like to reuse the results for personal projects, but I am wondering 
 that the pudge email-list is death (since the server update) - and 
 that no one of the project reacts to personal and public postings.

 Additionally, the schevo project removes the pudge stuff, mscott, the 
 developer which has introduced pudge removes it again (although this 
 was done with several other tools in the past, too):


 Is there a similar tool available, with which I can generate python 
 documentation / websites or both based on templates and reST?

 Or an overview of such tools?

 I mean such an organized tool is essential for developmente with python.




Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis:
 What is the credibility and value of the provided wikipedia entry?
 Wikipedia always tells the Absolute Truth, because if it doesn't, we can
 edit it and fix it right away.




Re: HOST - / Liberality (Hosting, Basic Requirement)

2006-06-05 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Tim X wrote:
 I think the other point here is that everyone *assumes* Xah's account
 was cancelled simply because of a campaign to report him for spamming
 multiple newsgroups. I suspect there were other factors involved. for
 all anyone knows, the provider might have been getting complaints from
 people about Xah's account, website, e-mail and newsgorup posting for
 ages and just decided it was more trouble than it was worth to keep
 him as a customer. 

 On usernet, I think the secret is believe nothing, question
 everything and remember, on the net, nobody knows your a dog!

I understand what you mean.

I've written in my message:

It _seems_ that Mr. Xah Les's account was terminated by
because of 

Additionally, it would be gentle if your company would make a _public_ 
statement subjecting this case, thus any interested party can verify the 
validity of the statements. 



Re: John Bokma harassment

2006-06-05 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Xah Lee wrote:
 Thanks to the great many people who has written to my ISP in support of

 As to dreamhost my webhosting company canceling my account, i will try
 to reason with them, and see what is the final outcome. They have the
 legal right to kick me because in the contract that allowed them to do
 so with 30 days advanced noticed and without cause. However, it is my
 interest and my right, if they actually do kick me in the end, i'll try
 to contact Electronic Frontier Foundation and Better Business bureau
 for whatever advice or action i can solicit. Meanwhile, if you do know
 a web hosting company that can take some 80 G of bandwidth/month for
 less than $25 a month, please let me know! (i do hope if someone here
 runs a hosting business and can host my site. I will certainly return
 the favor.)

 Xah Lee wrote:

 I wrote some full detail here:

 If you believe this lobbying to my webhosting provider is unjust,
 please write to my web hosting provider [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Your help is appreciated. Thank you.

HOST - / Liberality (Hosting, Basic Requirement)



HOST - / Liberality (Hosting, Basic Requirement)

2006-06-04 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
crossposted to 5 groups, which are affected by this case.

followup not applicable.


I am currently selecting a Hosting Provider / Project Host...

For this larger scale project...


An incident within usenet has reminded me to include a very Basic
Requirement, which is Terms of Service / Liberality.


The incident:

It _seems_ that Mr. Xah Les's account was terminated by
because of

a) the inability of several people to detect the interconnections within 
writings which lead to perfectly valid cross-posts within the usenet.

b) the non-liberal and essentially non-professional way of how deals with abuse complaints.


The accusations of are simply wrong.

The behaviour of looks like a case of selective ruling, 
whilst using a right defined within the Terms of Service to terminate 
accounts essentially at free will.

Can someone trust his business or even his private activities to a
hosting company, which cancels accounts in such a way?

I do not:

But possibly I am wrong, and all this is just a missunderstanding.



You should install an autoresponder to your abuse email, which reminds
people that it is

* nearly inpossible to rate the content posted to usenet
* neally inpossible to detect validity of cross-posts
   especially within complex analytical/philosophical writings
* other important facts

People can then decide if they still wish to send the abuse complain
(e.g. can follow a link within the autoresponder).

You should additionally make a clear statement, that you do _not_ have
the right to cancel acounts _without_ any reason, and that you do _not_
intervene into a persons right to speek within the usenet, without a
clear and undoubtable proof of abuse (e.g. court decision, or at least 
verfication of independend entities or mediators).

Additionally, it would be gentle if your company would make a _public_ 
statement subjecting this case, thus any interested party can verify the 
validity of the statements.


To Mr. Xah Lee:

You should change to a more liberal services provider, one which
plays in the Major League and which respects free speech. Such a
provider would just reject such ridiculous abuse complaints.

If, for any reason, you are not able to switch to another hosting
provider, please let me know.

I will see what I can do for you to keep your free speech up.

Additionally, I would like to suggest you to not invest too much time 
into all this. Better use this time to find people and to react in an 
organized manner.


To the complaining people:

To which 'species' do you belong?

Setting up an thread filter:

I have seldom seen a more ridiculous argumentation-line than then 
spam/abuse one.


To anyone:

Any form of censorship and suppression of freedom of expression should 
be kept out of from open-source projects and from usenet.

It is the within the responsibility of every entity (including 
commercial companies) to act against it.





Re: PUDGE - Project Status, Alternative Solutions

2006-06-04 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 What is going on with the pudge project?

Any chance to get an comment on this?

 Mr. Patrik O'Brien (Orbtech LLC) had told me that there is no similar 
 tool available within the python domain, thus I have invested some 
 effort to create a Website template, and to enable pudge to generate 
 colored code:
 I like to reuse the results for personal projects, but I am wondering 
 that the pudge email-list is death (since the server update) - and that 
 no one of the project reacts to personal and public postings.
 Additionally, the schevo project removes the pudge stuff, mscott, the 
 developer which has introduced pudge removes it again (although this was 
 done with several other tools in the past, too):
 Is there a similar tool available, with which I can generate python 
 documentation / websites or both based on templates and reST?
 Or an overview of such tools?
 I mean such an organized tool is essential for developmente with python.


PUDGE - Project Status, Alternative Solutions

2006-05-26 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
What is going on with the pudge project?

Mr. Patrik O'Brien (Orbtech LLC) had told me that there is no similar 
tool available within the python domain, thus I have invested some 
effort to create a Website template, and to enable pudge to generate 
colored code:

I like to reuse the results for personal projects, but I am wondering 
that the pudge email-list is death (since the server update) - and that 
no one of the project reacts to personal and public postings.

Additionally, the schevo project removes the pudge stuff, mscott, the 
developer which has introduced pudge removes it again (although this was 
done with several other tools in the past, too):


Is there a similar tool available, with which I can generate python 
documentation / websites or both based on templates and reST?

Or an overview of such tools?

I mean such an organized tool is essential for developmente with python.



Re: Software Needs Philosophers

2006-05-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Mark Shelor wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
 Programming languages are religions. For a long while now I've been

 Is there really something new out there?  I would argue that software 
 needs innovation more than it needs philosophers.

software needs innovation.

innovation needs philosophy.

philosophy needs openness.


For readers which like a more compact overview of LISP (and its 
surrounding community):

Showcase for: how the human factor can negate, eliminate and even 
reverse the evolution of a Programming Language System.


Note: the results of this reviews are currently moved into several 



[OT] - Requesting Comments for Open Source Rework Business Concept

2006-05-20 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
You may remember the request for comments at the start of this year:


The services of Lazaridis System Design have reached pre-release state 
and will be soon released to the public:

You can find the overall picture of how the services interconnect with 
other company activities here:

The target groups for the services are mainly:

  * Open Source Projects
  * Individuals and Vendors (intrested in open source projects)
  * Commercial Vendors (proprietary systems)

I would like to ask for feedback subjecting the business concept 
especialy in the context of Open Source Projects.

You can reply publically or with private email.


The initial plan is the following:

The Initial Analysis week has a low rate (trial rate). This is to 
allow Vendors  Projects to try the services for a lower investment:

Small Scale Open Source Projects can benefit from very special prices, 
which can reach 1/5th of the current rates (80% off).

If the product category is currently under review, an open source 
project will be charged only a-day-for-a-week:

Actual Subsystems is for following:

  * persistency systems (python, ruby)
  * complete frameworks, which contain persistency (python, ruby)
  * project hosts and collaboration tools (python, ruby)

As an example, python persistence candidates for the reduced rates would 
be Axiom, Django and SQLObject:


Audits of other listed Subsystems will be charged with 2/5th of the 
current rates.

Large Scale Open Source Projects and/or fully commercialized Open Source 
Projects will be charged with 3/5th (actual subsystems) or 4/5th 
(scheduled subsystems).

Commercial Entities and Open Source Projects not within the Subsystem 
listing will be charged with 5/5ths of the rates.


Another possibility would be to make the audits freely and to ask for a 
small fee from the end-users which use the results (e.g. paypal link 
within the section).


This is a draft version and the facts and interconnections are most 
possibly not demonstrated very clearly.

You feedback will assist to clarify / adjust the concept.

Thank you very much for your time.



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