RBL-type header checking

2001-06-08 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I've written a filter in Python that scans for Received: lines and
checks IP addresses found therein against a configurable list of
RBL type services.  It is in beta stages and definately under
development, but it is very functional (doesn't crash for me


It uses threads to look up multiple IPs simultaneously and adds
a configurable header after applicable Received: lines in the form:
X-SPAM-service: notice from TXT
This allows the user to delete or re-file messages based on these
headers instead of just having the mail deleted by their ISP.

Its GPL'd and I'd appreciate any constructive feedback you might
have as well as patches from the Python gurus out there.

Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed

Re: RBL-type header checking

2001-06-08 Thread Michael T. Babcock


Thanks ...

Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed

Re: Inter7 introduces new software: vQregister

2001-06-06 Thread Michael T. Babcock

How inefficient do you think PHP is?  What do you consider to be so much
faster, native code running as a CGI?  Have you benchmarked the two

- Original Message -
 Not everyone has a single box devoted to Apache with
 PHP modules.  In fact, many people run a large amount
 of time consuming processes.  Efficiency is always a
 factor, when it can be taken into account.  Web
 based products should always be concerned with efficiency.

Re: qmail-pop3d not working?

2001-04-23 Thread Michael T. Babcock

On some systems, it can be helpful to do a grep -i pop /etc/services to
find out what the nomenclature is as well.

FYI (to the original poster), that POP3 you misspelt (un*x is usually case
sensitive) is just looked up in a file like /etc/services and the port
substituted in.

- Original Message -

 It means change the POP3 to pop3 and try the command again. If you
 get the same error, try pop-3. If none of those work, substitute 110
 instead. It's not necessary to include the quotes.

Re: qmail-pop3d not working?

2001-04-23 Thread Michael T. Babcock

 4. Oh, and you haven't told us whether you followed instructions
exactly when setting up qmail-pop3d/run. Do the instructions really
say to use POP3 in uppercase?

The page he referenced at
http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/8225/fid/223 does indeed
have POP3 in uppercase.  Dave Sill may wish to update that with a comment or

multilog: unable to lock directory

2001-04-09 Thread Michael T. Babcock

One of the 6 supervised services on one of my gateways stopped 
responding (tinydns) yesterday afternoon.  On the screen was "unable to 
lock directory /var/log/tinydns:", so I did an "svc -t 
/service/tinydns/log" and it worked fine.

Since the line that generates that log output exits 111, how would 
terminating the supervise process help?


Re: Tcpserver

2001-03-27 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Robin S. Socha wrote:

 * Sumith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010327 04:16]:
 Side note: would you *PLEASE* turn off HTML in your mail and fix your
 line width - you're wasting other people's resources and make your
 messages unnecessarily hard to read. http://learn.to/edit_messages

Further side note:

To improve the s/n ratio around here, would you cease responding to people 
whose comments you don't like, whose editors tweak you the wrong way or who
have funny haircuts?  Your "side notes" have been going on for _years_ on this
list and they aren't terribly profitable from the looks of the archives.

recordio, but not the whole message

2001-03-15 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I would like to be able to stop recordio after a certain number of lines
and/or after the first empty line (end of headers) to be able to record
the headers of all messages in the logs, but not the bodies, and more
importantly, not the attachments.

Is there any way I could pipe the output from recordio through another
program in the midst of my /service/smtp/run script's series of pipes, or
should I write an external script / program to handle it?

Re: qmail-pop3d bug

2001-03-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Peter van Dijk wrote:

  Not if it's calculated as the file is written to the Maildir.

 True, but that hurts writing performance.

Have you tested this?  It doesn't seem that qmail has ever been CPU bound --
and if the CPU has spare cycles while writing, then counting lines and adding
bytes for CR/LF won't hurt writing performance at all.

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Being verbose in error messages

2001-03-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Just an FYI to the group, this is what we've come up with for one of our
clients' configurations of qmail-notify.  qmail-notify notifies senders
that their E-mail did not reach the intended recipient within a certain
amount of time and optionally CC's the network administrator (which it
is configured to do in this case):

Your message has been received by %s but has been
undeliverable to the listed recipients for at least %s.

The mail system will continue to attempt to deliver your message
to these recipients for a total of %s.  Your network administrator
is aware of this situation.  This message is for your information;
you do not need to resend your message at this time.
If the message below is time-critical, consider faxing or calling
the intended recipient.  You will be notified again only if this
message ultimately fails to reach one or more of the recipients.


This _may_ finally be verbose enough to keep the users from E-mailing
their mail administrator with "Julie didn't get my E-mail yet!"

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: recordio / logging problem

2001-03-11 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Daniel Kelley wrote:

 this sends all recordio output to the terminal, not through syslog.
 following a couple of examples on this list, i inserted 21 directly
 after qmail-smtpd, but that generates 'Ambiguous Ouptut Redirect'.

 This is probably just a stupid shell thing (i'm using csh on linux), but i
 don't understand it.

| splogger
instead of
| splogger

will redirect stdout and stderr.

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: What is so sad... Re: OK I give up!!!

2001-03-10 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Sean C Truman wrote:

 I can download Redhat for free and so can you. They sell support for the
 product so they
 can have funding to continue the development. Just as OpenBSD sells t-shirts
 and CD's to help fund the project.
 only difference is that OpenBSD hasn't started selling support yet.

We actually download it before installing it on clients machines, then inform
them of their options for support from us as well as from RedHat.

OpenBSD may not sell support, but I know several companies that do.  I hope
those companies donate some of that profit back to OpenBSD either as cash or by
hiring developers.

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Slowing down for Exchange servers

2001-03-09 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I have a client who does a lot of business with a company that's using
an MS Exchange server.  Their server tends to crash when my client
"hammers" them with E-mails.  Is there any way to set the maximum remote
concurrency on a per-host basis, or a patch to allow this?

echo "2"  MAXREMOTE/mx.blah.com
echo "500"  MAXREMOTE/mx.cr.yp.to


Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: Selective relaying -Nonstandard style, tough one. Anyone got any ideas? A challenge!

2001-03-09 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Orie wrote:

 I am hoping to set up a Qmail (my favorite) smtp gateway (our mail is
 already routing out one, exchange's sucks) that can somehow allow relaying
 based on "FROM" (Aka from [EMAIL PROTECTED]) or allow the relay based on a
 keyword in the message. Or perhaps someone has a better idea?

Why not use AUTH SMTP patches?  If your E-mail clients support 
authenticated SMTP (many do), then you don't need to add those clients 
to a relay list at all.

See http://www.qmail.org/

Re: Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-23 Thread Michael T. Babcock

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 20:25:44 +0100, Jurjen Oskam wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 13:39:01 -0500 (EST), Russell Nelson
 That's a misconfiguration.  I'd rather that the email bounced than it

 got delivered via SMTP silently.  It could be that someone unaware of

 delivered via qmtpd but it is failing to run for some reason.  If we
 fall back to smtp, they'll never know that it's failing unless
 watching their qmail logs carefully.

 But isn't that a bit in contradiction with the concept of backup

If the goal is to deliver E-mail securely and quickly, falling back to
(a presumed functional) SMTP server fits the bill.
If the goal is to use QMTP "just because its there", then Russ' comments
make more sense.

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: some strange logs.

2000-11-23 Thread Michael T. Babcock

"Jagadish.N" wrote:

 I want to generate mail statistics from my Qmail server. It
 should give me bytes  of  messages  passed and number of smtp if possible
 pop connections attempted.

 I don't  use   multilog.  Log  messages are dumped to the screen and not to
 Can  any one tell me howto generate statistics and  enable logging in Qmail

I hope you're willing to start using multilog since that's the (best?) way to
store your logs for stats parsing.  Have you looked at the qmail stats program
(name?) that uses matchup  zoverall, etc. for an overview of your stats?

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Paul Jarc wrote:

  So when a lot of people download the files, they don't know what the
  licensing is and have to ask on the list(s)

 True, but not relevant to the question of what is legal.

The question is what the author permits the user to do -- this is what a license
is about.  Since the author gives no implicit license, we all come down to IANAL
legal battles over what is implied by his other writings.  A license would clear
(most of) this up -- that's the issue.

  He wrote it all -- its all DJB's theories -- they may be right or wrong, but
  he's not a lawyer so its not even really worth trusting his theories at all.

 Have you even read rights.html?

Many times unfortunately.

  When talking about what might be the
 correct interpretation of the law, it says "Some people think ..." and
 "Other people ...".  It doesn't say "I think".

He re-iterates specific thoughts in the form of hearsay.  The overall picture of
the file is his theory on implied rights of the user of software.  Since he does
not quote case law (which would be valid in the USA or Canada at least) or other
legal documents, the majority of that file constitues DJB's theories.

 Are you saying that
 these are simply false statements, and that no one actually holds the
 views that Dan says some do?

That's not necessary for what I said originally, and you know it -- so its not
worth a flame-war, is it?

  Even if so, why does it matter?  He says
 "I promise I won't sue you for copyright violation for downloading
 documents from my server."

Like I said -- where's the disclaimer from his employer if he's ever used
university time to write that software?

 Would you be more satisfied with something
 like "I hereby waive my right to sue ..."?  It still wouldn't be a
 contract.  He could still go back and edit it.  You'd still need
 others' copies to support your claim that you got it legally.

In fact, there's no guarantee that any document would form a legally binding
contract as contracts must be accepted by both parties in many (most?) countries
and "click" style licensing has proven not binding in some countries.  This is a
point the GPL (just an example) makes by reminding the user that they can either
accept the license as given, or ignore it, but if they choose to ignore it, they
get no rights whatsoever to modification or redistribution.

 There's also no statement that he wrote any of his software on the
 University's time.

More appropriately, there's no statement that he didn't.

 He could publish a statement (by himself, or by
 University officials) that he in fact is the copyright holder, but why
 would you trust such an explicit statement over the implicit one,
 since that statement could be false anyway?

Because then I could show my good faith that the statement was true, which makes a
legal case in my favor -- depending on an assumption considering the lack of such
a statement is strange.

  If I really cared, I'd
 want a signed document from the University.  Otherwise, the present
 situation is as good as any other.

The present situation is clearly not as good as a well-written license and
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Paul Jarc wrote:

 ... I don't see ambiguity in them [dist.html or softwarelaw.html or
 rights.html] ...

Are you not as analytical as those who criticise the situation?
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Paul Jarc wrote:

 "Michael T. Babcock" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Since the author gives no implicit license, we all come down to
  IANAL legal battles over what is implied by his other writings.  A
  license would clear (most of) this up -- that's the issue.

 A license has the potential to be just as ill-worded, confusing, or
 extremely technical as anything else.  A clearly worded, easily
 supportable legal document would be good, regardless of whether it
 were a license.

As DJB has said ... 'so?'  How does that make this argument any different?
Nobody asked for a poorly worded license ... ;-)

 Right.  So a non-contractual license wouldn't necessarily be better
 than a non-contractual, non-license legal statement.

Yes, it would be -- because (as I understand it) you have the right to waive
your rights -- such as by putting something into the public domain (as Dan has
done with libtai).  A license gives rights to others -- Dan's current documents
talk about the rights he thinks you have under the law as it is.

 The present documents are as good as a license *for some purposes*.
 For other purposes, such as packaging, we'd want irrevocable
 permission to redistribute.  But this permission need not take the
 form of a license, and a license need not grant that permission.  The
 ideas are compatible, and often come together, but they're orthogonal.
 I'll agree that a disclaimer might be beneficial in either case for
 good-faith purposes; I don't know enough to support or refute that.

Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-20 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Just like many others, IANAL, but ...

Paul Jarc wrote:

 "Pavel Kankovsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  But there are ABSOLUTELY no references to dist.html or softwarelaw.html in
  the source tarballs.

 So what?

So when a lot of people download the files, they don't know what the licensing
is and have to ask on the list(s) -- if he refered to those URLs at least (in
all distributions) and/or included text versions (is it really that hard?),
people would know what they're getting.

 I see no theories of his there.  The only part there he attributes to
 himself is:

He wrote it all -- its all DJB's theories -- they may be right or wrong, but
he's not a lawyer so its not even really worth trusting his theories at all.

 which makes it clear to me that downloading, e.g., qmail-1.03.tar.gz
 won't get me in trouble.

No, because there's no statement about whether the University he works at thinks
that they own the Copyright on software he may have worked on while being paid
by them -- he doesn't include a waiver statement by them either.  In fact, the
only thing that's very clear from his documents on Copyright is that he either
doesn't like licenses, or he is afraid to use one because it won't hold up in
court and he'll lose the control he likes having.

Both those reasons are valid to me, btw.
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-20 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Paul Jarc wrote:

 It's the same situation as with, say, Emacs.  The GPL doesn't give you
 permission to get a copy of Emacs; it only specifies what you can do
 once you have.  The nearest I could find to explicit permission to
 download it is "By FTP we provide source code for all GNU software,
 free of charge." at
 URL:http://www.gnu.org/software/software.html#HowToGetSoftware, and
 that covers only the GNU site itself, not mirrors.  I think
 rights.html is clearer.

For a lot of people, being able to obtain said software isn't the problem -- its
the right to use it in the ways they wish to do so in the long term.  That's what
licenses are about.  The fact that GNU software happens to be mirrored all over
the globe pretty much eliminates the obtaining factor ... especially since anyone
who has a copy has full rights to redistribution under the GPL.
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-18 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Raul Miller wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 10:43:50PM -0500, Al wrote:
  Don't care. What I care about is what the words mean in an actual
  language. In this case English.

 Oh?  And what does "OSI Certified Open Source Software" mean in an actual
 language, in this case English?

OSI == "Open Source Initiative" I believe ...


  I do not recognize OSI as a standards body

 Sounds like a personal issue.  But I'm interested in how you assign
 meaning to "OSI Certified Open Source Software" given your refusal
 to recognize something that you're willing to talk about.

I don't understand that either ;-).
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-15 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Charles Cazabon wrote:

 However, as far as qmail goes:  all the crackers in the world have had access
 to the qmail source code and design documentation for years, and none have
 yet found an exploitable security hole.  You could consider that a fairly
 thorough audit-by-fire.
There is no proof any were trying either.
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-15 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Adam McKenna wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 09:11:32PM +0100, Matthias Andree wrote:
 Mr. Schneier is respected for his expertise and cryptography, and just
 because he states that head money for bugs is no good, does not make him
 an M S type weenie.
 You're right, Bruce Scheiner is a god, and I'm really sorry for disagreeing
 with him.

No, no ... this is a djb list -- HE is god, and Bruce is just respected ;-).
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-15 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Bennett Todd wrote:

 2000-11-14-16:37:06 Lipscomb, Al:
 "Free Software" as promoted by the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
 is a different thing. I belive that the DJB software is Open
 Source, but not free.
 Unlike Open Source, the phrase "free software" strongly predates the
 Free Software Foundation and they've made no attempt at branding it;
 rather, they pursue branding the GNU General Public License (GPL),
 which is stricter than (but compatible with) the Open Source

I must disagree with you here -- the FSF does indeed spend time and 
effort to make sure that the term "Free Software" brings the FSF to 
peoples' minds.  Feel free to read the recent discussion between a 3D 
library programmer and RMS (last week's slashdot articles?) -- RMS 
spends much time pointing out that he will talk about "free software" 
but not "open source" because "open source" is one thing and "free 
software" is what the FSF is about.--
Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: Postfix: This release introduces DSN style notification of bounced or delayed mail, as per RFC 1894.

2000-09-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

 On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 09:34:27AM +0200, Olivier M. wrote:
  As seen on freshmeat.net this morning...
[ed. (Postfix now uses notifications as per RFC 1894) -- because of long
Subject: ]
  Any chance so see such improvments to qmail comming?

 Depends on whether you actually consider this an "improvement" as opposed
 an invasion of privacy.

Please explain why you feel that RFC 1894 describes an invasion of privacy
(or, to be fair, a potential one).

Part of 1894 is to try and track failed deliveries on mailing lists (in a
less efficient way than Dan's solution, mind you).
A major part of the goals of 1894 from my reading of it is to allow the
reporting of potential error conditions from different mailing
infrastructures operating on the other side of SMTP gateways (which there
are a lot of).

Re: Postfix: This release introduces DSN style notification of bounced or delayed mail, as per RFC 1894.

2000-09-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Read http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1894.html (honestly, read the first few
pages at least).

Basically it tries to solve issues that VERP does not.  It doesn't solve the
bouncing issue as well as VERP, but it tries to establish a standard way to
communicate between MTAs and MUAs about whether a message has been
successful and, if it was not, why and according to which MTA.

 Peter van Dijk wrote:

  On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 09:34:27AM +0200, Olivier M. wrote:
   As seen on freshmeat.net this morning...
   Any chance so see such improvments to qmail comming?
  No, because DSN is not an improvement. It's a bug. It is a misdesigned
  fix for a problem that can be solved much better with VERP.

 What is DSN, anyway? Can someone explain?

Re: Postfix: This release introduces DSN style notification of bounced or delayed mail, as per RFC 1894.

2000-09-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

 On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 12:30:03PM -0400, Michael T. Babcock wrote:
  Read http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1894.html (honestly, read the first few
  pages at least).

 The right way to support this, in qmail, would be to write a small little
 program you can drop into your .qmail file, to report successful delivery.

Part of the point seems to be having a standardised notification system,
which, if its functional, is a good idea.  About a third of the way down the
RFC they have a nice ASCII drawing of what happens if you have a mail system
running behind a gateway and how the message notifications are handled if
the necessary hosts support DSN.

It seems somewhat bulky (lots of long fields -- looks a lot like a message
header), but (fairly) functional.

I'd like to see some of it implemented just to be able to say that qmail
continues to adhere to the useful RFCs ...

Re: Postfix: This release introduces DSN style notification of bounced or delayed mail, as per RFC 1894.

2000-09-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

 On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 12:30:03PM -0400, Michael T. Babcock wrote:
  Read http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1894.html (honestly, read the first few
  pages at least).

 The right way to support this, in qmail, would be to write a small little
 program you can drop into your .qmail file, to report successful delivery.

Part of the point seems to be having a standardised notification system,
which, if its functional, is a good idea.  About a third of the way down the
RFC they have a nice ASCII drawing of what happens if you have a mail system
running behind a gateway and how the message notifications are handled if
the necessary hosts support DSN.

It seems somewhat bulky (lots of long fields -- looks a lot like a message
header), but (fairly) functional.

I'd like to see some of it implemented just to be able to say that qmail
continues to adhere to the useful RFCs ...

Received: based SPAM blocking

2000-09-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I want to run the IP addresses from the Received: lines in a message header
through something like rblsmtpd to block spam that was relayed to me.  So I
got all ready to set up my system-wide filters when I realised that DJB
didn't split rblsmtpd up into smaller pieces (joke) ... so I wondered if
anyone else thought it would be beneficial to have one program that did the
lookups against the RBL, etc., and have rblsmtpd run it to do those lookups,
as well as other programs that wanted to.

Instead of: Connection - rblsmtpd (do lookup) - send back brief SMTP
Have: Connection - rblsmtpd - send back brief SMTP message.
rblcheck(?) (do lookup)

This way, other filters could call rblcheck (better name?) as well.  Just
wondering if I've missed the boat on why this would be a bad idea, or if it
just hasn't been done yet.

Sample headers ...
Received: (qmail 25872 invoked from network); 21 Sep 2000 11:39:27 -
Received: from gw2.fibrespeed.net ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by web.fibrespeed.net with QMQP; 21 Sep 2000 11:39:27 -
Received: from growl.pobox.com (
  by gw.fibrespeed.net with SMTP; 21 Sep 2000 11:39:27 -
Received: from growl.pobox.com (localhost [])
 by growl.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 53F6014F46
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 21 Sep 2000 07:38:27 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from web.yn-tobacco.com (unknown [])
 by growl.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id B9CA914D34
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 21 Sep 2000 07:38:16 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from mickey (tnt6-szb.szptt.net.cn []) by
web.yn-tobacco.com with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange

Re: spam processing

2000-09-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

This program will only grab the most recent (last) Received: line's IP
It can be modified to do more if you like, or you could just have it dump
its output to a file listing IPs and every night run it through sort  uniq.



while ()
if (/Received: from/) { $received = $_; }
if (/To:.*$names/i)
$received =~ s/(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})/$1/;
$SpamIP = $1;
# If you want to print them out ...
print "$SpamIP\n";

 i would like to process them automatically via a .qmail* file, and one
 thing i would like to extract automatically is the IP of the SMTP relay
 that sent the mail to our server. example:
 so i would like to extract from the line
 Received: from unknown (HELO srvweb.IMPI-GIPSI.FR) (

Re: spam processing

2000-09-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

This program will only grab the most recent (last) Received: line's IP
It can be modified to do more if you like, or you could just have it dump
its output to a file listing IPs and every night run it through sort  uniq.



while ()
if (/Received: from/) { $received = $_; }
if (/To:.*$names/i)
$received =~ s/(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})/$1/;
$SpamIP = $1;
# If you want to print them out ...
print "$SpamIP\n";

 i would like to process them automatically via a .qmail* file, and one
 thing i would like to extract automatically is the IP of the SMTP relay
 that sent the mail to our server. example:
 so i would like to extract from the line
 Received: from unknown (HELO srvweb.IMPI-GIPSI.FR) (

Re: OT: Need some help with SSL

2000-09-15 Thread Michael T. Babcock

It also happens to support SSL (TLS) secure connections out-of-the-box (so
to speak) if you have openssl installed.

- Original Message -
From: "Jamie Heilman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Stephen F. Bosch wrote:

  I am trying to set up SSL with a UW IMAP server. Before I bother the
  list with this I thought I'd ask if anybody knew of a mailing list for
  SSL e-mail...

 We got your first message just fine, no need to keep sending it over and
 over again.

 To setup an SSL wrapper around UW's IMAP server I suggest you go to
 stunnel.org and read the documentation.

 It is, ofcourse, probably worth mentioning that any security you gain from
 using SSL connections you're going to circumvent by using something as
 poorly written as UW's IMAP server.  There's every indication that that
 the programers at UW just don't give a damn about security.  I suggest you
 look into courier-imap instead, provided that it's Maildir-only nature
 doesn't interfere with your plans.

Re: Mass Mailout Performance Tips

2000-09-13 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Petr Novotny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 12 Sep 2000, at 16:06, Michael T. Babcock wrote:

  How does a different filesystem, like ReiserFS help?  Hypothetically?

 Any system which doesn't scan directories in linear order but using
 binary search (keeping directory entries sorted, or indexed) helps a
 lot. Not only ReiserFS, but also NTFS lie in that domain. (Well, I
 *think* ReiserFS lies in that domain; I *know* NTFS does.)
  [ ... ]
 Hell, I would like to see ext2 with much better scaling - Maildirs
 would finally stop to suck when overcrowded. But *personally* I
 trust more the code from the "mainstream distribution" (read: ext2)
 then patching my kernel (read: reiserFS). I'll wait until a better
 filesystem claws its way into RedHat distro. :-)

I'm running ReiserFS on our non-critical partition (squid caching) and have
been for about 6 months solid.  The only errors or glitches I've come across
is running out of space incorrectly (df -h reports one amount, but the
filesystem reports an error when creating a file).  This would be an
issue -- but in this case, I'm running things close to the line (I've told
Squid to use 450M of a 500M partition).

There is a project to modify qmail 1.03 to work more efficiently with
ReiserFS' design; see their mailing list archives if you want details.

Re: linuxpeople thread

2000-09-13 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Robin S. Socha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Now?  Where have you been?  As far as pissing people off that seems to
  be the main goal of the peole that have replied to my posts.

 Doesn't that make you wonder why?

 Yeah, right: "Nameless idiot helps ML reader to death after being flamed
 by a Bastard." Film at 11. Anyone feel like buying popcorn shares?

You just have a bad attitude, plain and simple.  And like I said in private
before, you've come close to prosecutable offenses in some countries.

Note: your posts are more noise, less signal, than any of the people you've
flamed.  Most of my flames are done in private Email.  Start reading some of
those Internet newbie sites again, and learn how to deal with people you
don't like on mailing lists the recommended way -- in private.

I think you just enjoy being heard (anyone want to search 'socha' in the
mail archives?).

Note: which part of "discussion of qmail" eliminates asking for help?  Its
not a specific help list, no.  Its a _general_ list.

Re: Questions...

2000-09-13 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Petr Novotny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 12 Sep 2000, at 16:32, Michael T. Babcock wrote:

  cf. http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc974.html
  This is the only mention of the non-use of CNAMEs in the mail

 I beg to differ. Please have a look at RFC1912, called "Common
 DNS errors". Quoting section 2.4:

 [RFC 1034] in section 3.6.2 says this should not be done, and [RFC
 974] explicitly states that MX records shall not point to an alias
 defined by a CNAME.  This results in unnecessary indirection in
 accessing the data, and DNS resolvers and servers need to work more
 to get the answer.  If you really want to do this, you can
 accomplish the same thing by using a preprocessor such as m4 on
 your host files.

RFC1912 is "Category: Informational" and is a recommendation, not an
Internet standard (that was my original point).  RFC 1034 is also a
non-standard recommendation (only) from 1987 and I'm unable to open RFC 974
for perusal right now.

Please note the difference ... RFCs are good reading.  HTTP and several
other non-standard protocols are entirely implemented based on RFCs, but are
allowed to diverge from those RFCs without anyone having the right to be
terribly upset because they are /not/ Internet standards.  It is sometimes a
good idea to follow the recommendations in non-standards RFCs.  In many
cases, citing 'its in an RFC' is irrelevant though, as the carrier pigeon
implementation of IP should demonstrate.

Re: Linuxluser thread (Was: linuxpeople thread)

2000-09-13 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Because every other time someone posts an error message, they get told to
send ALL their logs.  So now, someone does, and they're told they're an
idiot for not reading your mind?

- Original Message -
From: "Robin S. Socha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hello I have documented each step up until they fail.

 Damn, you are *STUPID*. When someone tells you to post a *SHORT* and
 *PREGNANT* error message, why do you send  600 lines?

Re: Linuxluser thread (Was: linuxpeople thread)

2000-09-13 Thread Michael T. Babcock

How do you manage to get back to MUAs in most messages you write?

How exactly am I mis-using my MUA?  Hmmm?  I'm not misusing my MUA.  I
didn't complain about how messages looked, yours, mine or others'.  You're
the one who's been whining.  That can be verified by the archives if you
have some problem with your memory.

You whine CONSTANTLY about peoples' MUAs.  Don't tell us to change, follow
your own advice and shut-up.

- Original Message -
From: "Robin S. Socha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You call that a log? Why don't you learn to use your MUA in a decent way
 instead of lamenting the fate of an unknown luser. Your pathetic whining

Re: Spamming .....

2000-09-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

On which note, it is quite useful to create your newsletter in HTML on a
website, and then make a mailing list that simply gives the major headings
and points back to that website for the actual newsletter (many large
newsletters do this to save bandwidth and create a nicer looking

- Original Message -
From: "Rick Harris" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That being the case, you will probably need to look toward things like
 and do the whole mailing list thing. IMHO . YOu might notofy your ISP
 that you are running a listserv or going to email out that much. THe
 provider I work for , we monitor that kind of traffic and when you decide
 send 100k emails in a very short timespan , someone is very likely to
 and it wil raise an eyebrow or two. There is I would think better ways to
 disseminate this information than mass emails. Takes up to much servers
 space and just eats bandwitdh if you plan on doing this on any kind of
 regular basis ..

Re: Questions...

2000-09-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I'm missing the message where Scott said to ignore the RFC.  He may have
several times said the RFC was irrelevant, or hinted at that, but never said
(to my reading) that it should be ignored.  In fact, I understood him to be
saying it should be changed.

- Original Message -

 here's my summary of this issue that scott has been preseverating on for
 the past year and a half or so:

 -the RFC says MX records can't point to CNAMEs
 -scott thinks that is silly and doesn't understand why it should be
 -others point out that this was originally due to fears of efficiency
 (multiple lookups for the same record).
 -scott says:  'oh yeah?  it's not that inefficient and so are other things
 -others say:  then change the RFC to be compliant
 -scott says that we should ignore rfcs rather than update them.
 -people generally stop taking scott seriously.

 i've heard this conversation several times on the list so far and it
 always goes like this. am i missing the ways in which this is a productive
 conversation for anyone?


 On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Scott D. Yelich wrote:

  On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Petr Novotny wrote:
 Pointing to CNAMEs is close to forbidden.
ok, I can't resist:
"WHY" ?
   1. Because the law (RFC) says so.
  but why was the "law" put in place? perhaps...
   2. You also want some logic? Because you'd have to start over
   again resolving the CNAME chain. There were fears of efficiency.
  AH!  Someone once thought it might not be as efficient.
  Which is used more (ie: higher traffic?) -- email or web? No, in
  general...  not that it really matters, but lets just say web is a
  "whole heck of a lot more" on popular sites. What is that site uses
  cnames for www.domain?  Why is this not against the law, but
  doing the same for email -- is?
   I still don't understand why #1 is not enough for you. Are you in
   position to change the RFCs? If yes, please do. If not, well...
  I'm just questioning the validity of rabid insistance on this statement.
  It's only impossible until it's not.
  Certain types of laws can be changed.
  Lets approach it another way... just like the "perfect" documentation
  for qmail -- if something is so common -- yet the "law" controlling it
  is seemingly so obscure to locate and is constantly being trampled and
  may not even truly be relevant -- what seems like the more beneficial
  approach:  (1) change/ignore the law or (2) continue to try to get the
  seemingly ever increasing major of law breakers to see the err of their
  ways and rehabilitate and repent?
  Quick Qmail Quiz
  name all of them!
  Quick Qmail Quiz (for those who passed the first one):
  Actually, I'm honestly interested in learning the answer to those two
  questions -- without RTFMing all day, without reading FAQs all day and
  without INSTALLING and TRYING each mailer out there.

 Todd Underwood
 Chief Technology Officer
 Oso Grande Technologies, Inc.

Re: Mass Mailout Performance Tips

2000-09-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

How does a different filesystem, like ReiserFS help?  Hypothetically?

- Original Message - 
From: "Petr Novotny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 12 Sep 2000, at 20:10, Peter van Dijk wrote:
  I don't know if it sucks more than sendmail. Sendmail doesn't have a
  todo queue, and it often has several processes spawning at once,
  because of it's nature.
 However, sendmail (by default) also has a single queue directory 
 (like todo is); it is hit by the very same problem (scandir(), open(), 
 unlink() taking *too*long* in large directories) as qmail.
 If you get a big-todo patch for qmail, then 2 messages in todo 
 queue are no problem...

Re: Questions...

2000-09-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -

 If you're serious, the answer is that some people view that adherance
 to standards is important even if it seems to temporarily hamper
 interoperability. "Temporarily"? I'm talking the long-term view
 of the Internet not the next couple of years. Standards-rot over the
 last 20 years on the Internet has already caused serious problems and
 blithely ignoring them, no matter how vague, is a contributor to that

I'd just like to throw in a little comment, without disagreeing with you
outright, that CNAMEs are not 'prohibited' by any Internet Standards
documents (to my knowledge).

For those reading this who don't know, standards and rfcs are not
equivalent.  HTTP, for example (as someone on this list's homepage points
out) is not a standard.

For the sake of answering the original questionner w.r.t. reasoning, from
RFC974 (which is standard 0014):

   Note that the algorithm to delete irrelevant RRs breaks if LOCAL has
   a alias and the alias is listed in the MX records for REMOTE.  (E.g.
   REMOTE has an MX of ALIAS, where ALIAS has a CNAME of LOCAL).  This
   can be avoided if aliases are never used in the data section of MX

cf. http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc974.html

This is the only mention of the non-use of CNAMEs in the mail standards.

RBL checks and header modification

2000-09-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Does anyone have a program that does the checks rblsmtpd does, except that
it allows the modification of the message header instead of blocking the

I've mentionned this before, but after trying some things, didn't manage to
get it to work right.


- incoming message from server a.b.c.d
- software checks if a.b.c.d is in RBL (or RSS, etc.)
 - if so, adds "X-RBL-Failure: http://www...blah" (which is the failure
 - if not, ignores the message (as is currently done).

Return Receipts

2000-09-12 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I'm aware of how qmail currently handles receipts, but am wondering if it
would be possible (of course ;-) to (by adding a header?) request that
qmail-remote or qmail-local generate a return-receipt-verified E-mail once
they succeeded?

It doesn't seem that difficult to return a confirmation message (on request)
once the sending server has successfully delivered the message to where it
was going.  The user may not have received it yet, etc., but it is sent.

Re: ezmlm killing mail server

2000-09-07 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Sill" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The problem you seem to have with qmail-send is that it processes
 deliveries in the order in which they're received. This property is
 known as "fairness", and it's perfectly reasonable in a queuing system
 that doesn't support multiple priorities.

Actually, its just FIFO.  Fairness would involve queuing and re-ordering of
some form.  Fairness infers intelligence on the part of the queuer.  Now you
can say that there is fairness built in to the randomness of the queue's
order, but its not "fairness" in a queuing sense.  SFQ comes to mind w.r.t.
IP packets.

Incidentally, I don't agree with the original poster's assumptions.  But
qmail-send isn't "fair" -- thats a level of complexity that wasn't added and
won't (probably) be added because of possible implications for security and

Re: Slightly Off Topic

2000-09-06 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Petr Novotny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 6 Sep 2000, at 8:26, Dave Sill wrote:

  Wut? qmail supports fallback smtp hosts.
  If you're referring to alternate MX's, that's not the same thing as
  Sendmail's fallback host. With Sendmail, if the first delivery attempt
  fails, the message can be passed off to a fallback host for subsequent
  delivery attempts.
  Hmm...maybe if you set queuelifetime to 0 and redirect bounces to
  another host somehow you could achieve the same effect.

 A better way seems to try qmail-remote yourself, and if it fails,
 inject the mail to another qmail's queue via qmail-qmqpc. Interfaces
 to both qmail-remote and qmail-qmqpc are well documented.

I can't possibly believe you advise this as a 'better' way unless you're
expecting the issue to occur only once a day or less.  If the user wants
this feature, it may not be available in qmail, but I wouldn't advise manual
intervention on a server for such an automate-able event.

Re: Monitoring Email

2000-09-06 Thread Michael T. Babcock

To help discussion:

How do I keep a copy of all incoming and outgoing mail messages?
Answer: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h.
Recompile qmail. Put ./msg-log into ~alias/.qmail-log.

You can also use QUEUE_EXTRA to, e.g., record the Message-ID of every
message: run

 | awk '/^$/ { exit } /^[mM][eE][sS][sS][aA][gG][eE]-/ { print }'

from ~alias/.qmail-log.

This cannot be considered a good FAQ answer for beginners (and pointing that
out in the FAQ itself would be nice).  grep'ing for QUEUE_EXTRA in the
sources only gives:

BLURB3:*  optional logging of one-way hashes, entire contents, etc.
CHANGES:19961202 change: added FAQ entry on QUEUE_EXTRA.
extra.h:#define QUEUE_EXTRA ""
extra.h:#define QUEUE_EXTRALEN 0
FAQ:Answer: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h.
FAQ:You can also use QUEUE_EXTRA to, e.g., record the Message-ID of every
qmail-queue.c: if (substdio_bput(ssout,QUEUE_EXTRA,QUEUE_EXTRALEN) == -1)
THOUGHTS:contents of the message? With QUEUE_EXTRA it'd be possible to
record a

Considering the only source references to it are extra.h's defining (or not)
of their values and qmail-queue's "write to this", anyone not wanting to
figure out qmail by the sources (which honestly, should not be necessary to
_use_ it) will not figure out how to use QMAIL_EXTRA or what it

What happens, from my understanding, is this delivers the message not only
to the intended recipient, but also to whoever/whatever is specified in the
~alias/.qmail-log file.

Read up on aliases and once you understand how qmail deals with aliases,
you'll (maybe) 'get' what is happening here.

And yes, you would be able to configure that a user receive all the
deliveries of those messages.

- Original Message -

 So your answer is no then.  Okey, thanks for your "help".

 - Original Message -
 Is there a way to have all incoming and outgoing emails (with
 attachments) sent to a secret user for later viewing?
   Being new to Qmail, and even after going to the url that you so
   provided, I still do not see the answer.

Re: Monitoring Email - Clarified

2000-09-06 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Seeing as you so enjoy being sarcastic, lets ask a few extras:

- Original Message -
From: "Robin S. Socha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Jason Brooke [EMAIL PROTECTED] [000906 09:34]:
 Cool quoting style, honey...

  The URL http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/admin.html#copies that someone
  posted does in fact seem to say that what you need can be done,
  although it certainly appears to assume the user has a certain
  knowledge level -

 Like what? Reading ability? God bless America...

No, like knowing how qmail delivery works, etc.  Do you want me to explain
to you how quantum properties of light purportedly work without giving the
introductory physics?  It would be nice if that FAQ at least mentionned
cross-references for the other documentation related to the issue (note my
previous E-mail).

 | How do I keep a copy of all incoming and outgoing mail messages?
 | Answer: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h.

Ok, this begs the question, where do the copies end up?

 | Put ./msg-log into ~alias/.qmail-log.

And you are free to tell everyone (in the FAQ maybe?) what putting msg-log
in .qmail-log does.  Sure, it tells qmail how to handle deliveries intended
for the 'log' alias.  So, how does the user (as was asked) have these
messages delivered to an account for POP retrieval?

(Just to point out that you didn't answer the question, and neither does the


2000-09-05 Thread Michael T. Babcock

The code for serialmail comes with code to send via qmtp.

- Original Message -
From: "Austad, Jay" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 11:35 AM
Subject: QMTP

 Where would I find detailed specs on the QMTP protocol?  I've found some
 stuff at http://cr.yp.to/proto/qmtp.txt, but I need more.

 We're writing a little piece of code that's going to sit on a couple of
 hundred Win2000 webservers that can talk QMTP to our qmail box for faster
 delivery.  Users come to our site and sign up for automatically generated
 charts and other such things and the webservers generate the content for
 email and send it off using SMTP right now.  We need to speed this up as
 much as possible, and QMTP looks like the best way to do it since we
 have a qmail box sending most of our other subscriber mail.

spam relay follow-up

2000-09-01 Thread Michael T. Babcock

For the sake of following up on my previous questions about the spam relay
tests and Qmail's responses, also see RFC 2505
http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2505.txt, "Anti-Spam Recommendations for
SMTP MTAs"  (Feb, 1999).

Relay Testing

2000-08-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I just decided to manually run the RSS relay tests (telnet to
mail-abuse.org, and it will start a relay test on the machine that connected
to it).  qmail, of course, didn't relay any messages, but I was wondering
why it gave one response it did:

Relay test 7
 250 ok
 RCPT TO:"nobody%mail-abuse.org"
 250 ok
 250 flushed

Why the '250 ok' ?  Why would it accept "nobody%mail-abuse.org"?  Maybe I
need to re-read the RFCs?

Sender domain verification ...

2000-08-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

A quick one ... ?

... mail is being rejected from one of my clients to one of their partners
because their mail server is claiming that the sending machine's dns doesn't
resolve.  We aren't authoritative (in the Internet sense ;-) for our subnet
for our ISP, so we can't easily make it resolve if they're doing reverse DNS
and checking the host names (which I've seen some mail server software, like
Imail, do).  Logs:

Deferral reasons: (from qmailanalog)
 22   56.96  Connected to but my name was rejected./Remote
host said: 504 DNS verification of sending machine failed: no mail will be

From the mail logs:
qmail: 967569833.463729 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
smtpd: 967569833.603162 tcpserver: end 22548 status 0
smtpd: 967569833.603278 tcpserver: status: 0/50
qmail: 967569834.109640 delivery 6271: deferral:
Connected_to_209.146.143.99_but_my_name_was_rejected./RAug 29 13:23:54 web
qmail: 967569834.109757 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

The primary mail server there is running groupwise ...
"220 wwd.von.ca GroupWise Internet Agent 5.5.1 Ready (C)1993, 1998 Novell,

... which is the one rejecting our mail, but their secondary is running
"220 queue1.magma.ca ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3; Thu, 31 Aug 2000
15:11:03 -0400 (EDT)"

... and accepts our mail.

Is there an easy way to have mail destined for this domain (wwd.von.ca) go
to the secondary MX instead of the first?  Would the best way to do this be
to copy their domain data and claim to be authoritative for it on my mail


Re: Relay Testing

2000-08-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Thanks ... interesting reading ... a test message would be needed to truly
check I guess is the result.

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Green" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Relay test 7
   250 ok
   RCPT TO:"nobody%mail-abuse.org"
   250 ok
   250 flushed
  Why the '250 ok' ?  Why would it accept "nobody%mail-abuse.org"?  Maybe
  need to re-read the RFCs?

 Nope, just the archives. :)

 http://www-archive.ornl.gov:8000 and search on ``MAPS relay test''.

Re: Sender domain verification ...

2000-08-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Thank-you, I hadn't thought of that.

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Green" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes. This will route all mail to
 to the queue1.magma.ca server. See qmail-remote(8) for more info.


2000-08-30 Thread Michael T. Babcock

DJB: Are there any plans to release the official version of rblsmtpd (in
tcpserver) with the patch to work with the A records when TXT records aren't

Reasonable soft limits

2000-08-27 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Does anybody have suggested soft memory use, etc. limits to place on
smtpd and qmqpd on a machine with 48M RAM that typically has 10M free?

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Clean up syslog for analog

2000-08-27 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Just in case this is of any use to anyone else out there, I've been
using a quick little PERL program to clean up my tcpserver logs which
are output to syslog (no, I don't use multilog, because I send all my
logs to a remote server over our network and don't keep them locally for

I use:

cat /var/log/maillog \
  | qmail-syslog-cleanup.pl \
  | matchup \

... and then process that file with the various z* programs from


while ()
 if (/tcpserver/) {
  s/(.*: )(\d*\.\d* .*)/$2/;
  print $_;

Incidentally, if anyone has a better/faster version, feel free to tell

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: SMTP port 25

2000-08-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Brett Randall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 simply change an IP address on our port forwarding machine and its done -
 external DNS and TTL hell to live through... You COULD alternately try
 ipmasqadm with ipchains but I haven't had any luck with port forwarding

From my experience, the portfw code isn't quite as mature as it could be
(which is accessed by ipmasqadm) but it works quite well under medium load
situations at least.  We're using it in the same capacity as listed above
for a number of services.

Re: patching qmail with multiple patches

2000-08-21 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Also double-check with the appropriate patch author (especially if its a
larger patch, like LDAP) to see which configurations he/she has tested it

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Sill" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I would:

 1) Select only patches that I have a proven or mandated need for. For
example, I haven't seen DNS problems, so I'd skip that one.
 2) For the remaining patches, I'd construct a matrix showing which
patches modified which files.
 3) If any files are modified by more than one patch, I'd read the
patch files to see where the modifications are being made.
 4) If more than one patch modifies the same original qmail code, I'd
strongly consider dropping one of the patches or finding a
competent programmer to merge them. This could be tricky and/or a
lot of work.
 5) Use "patch" to install non-conflicting patches.
 6) Manually install conflicting and failed patches.
 7) Build qmail per INSTALL and patch-specific instructions.
 8) Test, test, test.
 9) Test some more, but still expect the unexpected.

Re: Queue Time

2000-08-18 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I'm not Dan, but this is slightly less mathematical than it sounds.  The
main point (if I understand DJB here) is:

Its only an hour late?  Another 10 minutes will hurt about "this much".
Its a day late?  Another hour will probably also hurt about "this much".
Its a week late?  Another (day?) won't hurt more than, oh, "this much".

"this much" being more or less equal ... djb: '...is worth the same as...'

... where the amount of delay is respective to the amount of accumulated

- Original Message -
From: "Rogerio Brito" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 BTW, Dan, where could I read more about optimal schedules? I'm
 particularly interested in learning more about the following
 paragraph of yours (I'm not very experienced on Statistics,
 but I'm willing to learn more about it):

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Mathematical amusement: The optimal retry schedule is essentially,
 though not exactly, independent of the actual distribution of message
 delay times. What really matters is how much cost you assign to retries
 and to particular increases in latency. qmail's current quadratic retry
 schedule says that an hour-long delay in a day-old message is worth the
 same as a ten-minute delay in an hour-old message; this doesn't seem so
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: rblsmtpd emergency

2000-08-18 Thread Michael T. Babcock

You're right -- there's no doubt that the TXT record is useful (or was
;-) ).  But my point is that the lookups (according to the spec) were to be
done on A records, and the TXT records fetched if you wanted that
description.  This is two lookups, so no qmail person would settle for that
(humour).  That was the jist of my original coment.

- Original Message -
From: "Mate Wierdl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 06:34:21PM -0400, Michael T. Babcock wrote:
  The best approach to this is to have rblsmtpd use A records, as it
  have from the beginning (that's what you get for optimising solely for
  speed, not for correctness).

 But then the TXT record is really useful: it does give a clue to the
 client how to get out of the mess.

Re: Queue Time

2000-08-17 Thread Michael T. Babcock

The current algorithm is probably fine for most users, but what about
configuring the initial frequency?  I can see some people being interested
in trying again in 5 or 30 seconds, and others wanting to wait a few hours.

- Original Message -
From: "David Dyer-Bennet" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Shane Wise [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on 17 August 2000 at
11:12:30 -0500
   Is there any way to change the queue time to where it will retry more

 No.  Why do you think you need this?

 The current algorithm is essentially exponential backoff by host.  It
 tries more often at first, and gradually less often as the message
 gets older, until eventually it gives up and bounces after one last

Proper secondary MX configuration

2000-08-17 Thread Michael T. Babcock

What is the correct way to configure a secondary MX machine (qmail using
qmqp) so that the messages are sent with the standard exponential backoff
until '24 hours', and then every day for two weeks?

I've been asked to secondary a machine that is down sometimes for extended
periods of time (they won't upgrade, but they'll pay us to host secondary
...) and they don't want to lose their mail.

Re: Queue Time

2000-08-17 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "David Dyer-Bennet" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on 17 August 2000 at
11:32:00 -0700

   I can't see much harm in being able to define the queuelifetime on
   an individual submission - perhaps limited to between 0 and some
   multiple of control/queuelifetime.

 The harm is in the increased complexity of the queue itself, and in
 the programs that manage and access it.  Increased complexity costs in
 reliability, security, and resources consumed.

 I do agree that that feature has some benefit.  I'm doubtful it's
 worth the cost, but I have little idea what the cost would *actually*
 be.  Remember that there'd have to be some way to get the information
 passed to the queueing engine, too.

Oh come now.  It may cost in speed.  But it adds functionality.  Any
functionality like this can be coded in a secure and reliable manner, so
those shouldn't be cited as reasons to avoid the issue.

Re: Proper secondary MX configuration

2000-08-17 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "David Dyer-Bennet" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Michael T. Babcock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on 17 August 2000 at
13:30:37 -0400
   What is the correct way to configure a secondary MX machine (qmail
   qmqp) so that the messages are sent with the standard exponential
   until '24 hours', and then every day for two weeks?
 One way is to configure that domain as virtual on the secondary, and
 direct it all into a maildir.  Then run maildirsmtp (or maildirqmtp)
 on the maildir under cron or other control to make attempts at
 delivery to the primary on whatever schedule you want.

 Remember that a small amount of mail will end up at the secondary even
 when the primary is actually up, due to connectivity and DNS
 flakiness; so you need a system that delivers that mail fairly
 promptly.  You can't, for example (as I wanted to before I realized
 this problem), hold the mail and require a manual trigger to deliver

Right ... because of ignorance of preference levels and/or the primary
simply rejecting a connection because of tcpserver hitting its max.

That said, there's no way to do this more ... integrated-ly with QMQP
without having the exponential failure rate increase and bounces?

Re: Queue Time

2000-08-17 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Cazabon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If I send an email to mother saying "I'll be home for lunch" I'd like to
tell my
  MTA to drop/bounce the mail after that event has occurred.

 One frequently-proposed (and possibly implemented) solution for such
 time-critical email is to avoid queuing the message in the first place.
 Instead, you call qmail-remote directly with your message.  If it
 you know immediately that the message reached the MX you pointed it at.
 If it fails -- then you can queue it, if you think it might still get
 before the information is obsolete.

... on which note ... how much of a hack would it be to qmail-inject to add
this as an option?

Re: rblsmtpd emergency

2000-08-17 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Mate Wierdl" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 09:55:53AM -0500, Ben Beuchler wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 07:08:28AM -0500, Mate Wierdl wrote:
  That would not allow for the rapid changes necessary in a blackhole
  list.  Imagine you are an ISP with several thousand customers.  Through
  an oversight, your mail server is blacklisted.  Would you rather wait
  for the tens or hundreds of thousands of sysadmins out there
  administering mail servers to remove you from their blackhole list or
  just submit it to the maintainer of the list and have it fixed in minute
  or hours?

 The fact is a few thousand mail servers running rblsmtpd cannot use
 relays.mail-abuse.org.  So now they all have to apply for a domain so
 that they can use rbldns.  Or they can start patching rblsmtpd to use
 A records---until relays.mail-abuse.org will change the record
 structure again.

The best approach to this is to have rblsmtpd use A records, as it should
have from the beginning (that's what you get for optimising solely for
speed, not for correctness).


2000-08-16 Thread Michael T. Babcock

The most-frequently used way to do this is with LDAP or vpopmail (both
well-used, "non-standard" qmail modifications).

- Original Message -

 Hello friend... I am from Peru
 I need change of Sendmail to Qmail agent MTA, but
 I would like use MYSQL as database of my users
 because I need have username majors of 8 characters
 and my system no could be.

 Where is these information?
 What is LDAP?

 Mysql 3.22.32 is very good with QMAIL?
 or need install other server database?

Re: filters

2000-08-14 Thread Michael T. Babcock

A slightly different version of the question: how would one go about
filtering for Mailing List (etc.) and adding [qmail] to the subject line on
one's own mail?

- Original Message -
From: "Raul Beltran" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hi, is there a possibility to automatically concatenate a string like
 "[qmail] " to the subjects of all the messages coming from this mailing

Re: rblsmtpd and relays.mail-abuse.org

2000-08-14 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I'm using it too -- but everything seemed fine with the patch so ... 

- Original Message - 
From: "Jon Rust" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Odd that this issue has been so quiet. Are there really so few people
 using rblsmtpd?

Re: legit mail being blocked because of relay methods

2000-08-14 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Exactly -- what if the 'relay server' accepted messages for delivery, and
then delivery failed.  It would notify the mailing list server that those
messages failed (if you're lucky).  Wouldn't one rather have one's own
mailing list server handle this work?

Definately sounds like a spammer's dream ;-)

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Long" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on 8/10/00 2:31 PM, Michael T. Babcock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What you're describing, if it is indeed happening, sounds more like an
  unintentional result of open relays and strange mailing list server
 Even so, I'm not sure I would want to rely on other people's systems to
 deliver important mailing list messages from a list I would host.

Re: rblsmtpd and relays.mail-abuse.org

2000-08-14 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Actually, no.  The output from one is automatically sent to the input of the
next as they execute each other.  The "\"'s are to allow the commands to be
on multiple lines.

- Original Message -

 * Robert Sander ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [11 Aug 2000 04:07]:
  It seems to me that rblsmtpd can only take one "-r" at a time, as I have
  version 0.70 that may be a bit old. But they can be ordered in a row, as
 rblsmtpd -r rbl.maps.vix.com \
 rblsmtpd -r dul.maps.vix.com \
 rblsmtpd -r relays.mail-abuse.org ...

 I believe you meant to write:

 rblsmtpd -r rbl.maps.vix.com |
 rblsmtpd -r dul.maps.vix.com |
 rblsmtpd -r relays.mail-abuse.org ...

Re: Someone have a bad experience with qmail once.

2000-08-14 Thread Michael T. Babcock

And those on each side still disagree with each other.

The mailing list archives are, of course, full of this discussion and should
be consulted so that you can draw your own conclusions.  Unless you disagree
with ORBS, stating your opinions here is probably hazardous.

- Original Message -
 Sean C Truman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This was taken straight from the www.orbs.org site.

 This is at best a gross misstatement of the facts, and at worst is two
 of horseshit in a one pound bad.  All of these supposed issues have also
 been discussed to death, on this list and elsewhere.  Let it die.

Re: legit mail being blocked because of relay methods

2000-08-10 Thread Michael T. Babcock

What you're describing, if it is indeed happening, sounds more like an
unintentional result of open relays and strange mailing list server logic.

To justify my opinion; how could this reduce Internet traffic unless the
mailing list server chose E-mails _purposely_ (not just "20 or so") for a
given mail server that had other servers "behind it" on the Internet?  If
they were just out on the public Internet and the server receiving this set
of addresses were just another mail server, it would relay the messages,
yes, but at no bandwidth savings over the original MDA simply sending it
directly to the resulting host.

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Long" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1.  Mail list server has 500 identical e-mails to send.
 2.  It gives that list of addresses to the mailserver, along with the
 3.  The mailserver then contacts teh first server on teh list, says
 an e-mail message", along with a list of addresses (usually 20 or so).
 Sometimes all those addresses are on that server, somtimes not.
 4.  To stop spam, the receiver then checks the list for at least one valid
 receiver.  if one is local, it delivers it and any other local mails, then
 relays the rest off to the first system in the list left over.

Re: Anti Virus

2000-08-04 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I beg you to cite the place where this list abides by these "Age-old
I've cited some standards about mailing lists to people before -- but
usually along the lines of "don't quote 100 lines and give only 1 of your
own" or "don't use 10 line signatures".  I don't complain about whether my
mail reader is only intelligent enough to recognise "-- " as a leader to a
signature instead of "--" or "- Michael" ...  That, and I much prefer to put
my statements above the quoted text if my statement deals with the entirety
of the comment (not just segments, as yours was), so that anyone following
the list can quickly read what I have to say without scrolling.

- Original Message -
From: "Robin S. Socha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Because I reformatted his mail according to age-old standards. In short,
it boils down to the following:

[ MTB: available in archives: http://www-archive.ornl.gov:8000/ ]

Rationale: some people
actually pay for download. Full quotes with HTML make an email
significantly bigger than necessary (like, 5 times per average) without
buying the reader anything. All it takes is a little thoughtfulness on
behalf of the users of inferior (or badly set up) software (cf. my sig
for a good tool). Is that asked too much, Paul?

[ MTB: cf. http://cr.yp.to/sarcasm/modest-proposal.txt ]

Re: Anti Virus

2000-08-04 Thread Michael T. Babcock

- Original Message -
From: "Robin S. Socha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So you are basically advocating running a piece of exremely expensive
 software with a mixed track record of functionality, running on an
 unstable, expensive and insecure operating system for production
 [ ... ]
 So, you're not only running an unstable OS but also an extremely
 flaky, bug-ridden MTA, and you actually have this setup connected to
 the internet. May I ask what your company is worth *to you*?

Sometimes its not their choice, you do realise.  It might be that any tech
that decides to change operating systems gets fired.  That happens.  Deal
with the question at hand, please.

 It's more up to one's TCO calculations, isn't it? So, you're not only
 running an unstable OS but also an extremely flaky, bug-ridden MTA, have
 this setup connected to the internet, but also throw in more money to
 buy unneeded functionality that is likely to introduce more bugs. Can
 you explain your rationale, please?

They have no need to justify their rationale to you.  You don't matter to
their corporation in all likelihood.  In that light, maybe you could have
stuck to answering what was asked?

 Wow, we're finally back on topic... *sigh*

The previous part of the message was to satisfy those folks who always say
'give us more detail about your setup' (like me).

Incidentally, I dislike NT, Microsoft Outlook and Exchange as much as you
probably do.

 I've said it once and I'll say it again: anti-virus software is snake
 oil. Under certain circumstances, it will buy you exactly nothing. Had I
 sent you ILOVEYOU the moment I got it, you would have been fucked. Real
 bad. Maybe your filter would have caught it, but who knows?

No, its not snake-oil.  Its just not perfect.  The anti-virus software
companies, by necessity, need to analyse a virus before they can add the
signature to their software.  That usually requires that the virus be "in
the wild" for some period of time first.  However, I've had client machines
come in with dozens of viruses -- usually some combination of Stoned or
Monkey with a few other oldies.  These are all caught by modern anti virus
software and thus it _should_ be installed on machines.  McAfee VirusScan
for workstations is only $15 (cost).

I don't classify that as snake-oil
Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed

Maildir archiving

2000-08-03 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I'm looking for an easy way to archive old messages in a Maildir (by
compressing them, like the gzip patch does, perhaps) for users who don't
believe in deleting old mail (especially their sent mail folder).
Incidentally, its an IMAP system, with several Maildirs (courier-imap).

scan folders, find messages older than 3 months and
1) (maybe) move to different folder with (3 month ago's) date attached
2) compress messages

I prefer something with the moving of the files as listing the contents
of the folder becomes much faster.

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

Re: why qmail is more secure, was: Mailing list performance

2000-08-02 Thread Michael T. Babcock

The multiple UIDs provide a few failsafes, if nothing else, whereby one
broken / buggy / replaced binary can't do damage to files it doesn't own.
DJB has comments about this in the readmes, if I'm not mistaken.

- Original Message -
From: "Ronny Haryanto" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 02-Aug-2000, Dave Sill wrote:
  1) Postfix only uses a single uid. qmail uses six.

 Why is using more than one uid better? What sort of security problem
 would using one uid potentially pose?

Re: updated load balancing qmail-qmqpc.c mods

2000-08-02 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Re-read my point: its unnecessary.  I didn't say it wouldn't work.  I said
the CPU use of doing it this way was unnecessary over a simpler round-robin
approach (After picking an initial random server).

Note: I think using an array of pointers to server addresses would allow you
to do your rotations a lot faster.  Think "point quicksort".

- Original Message -
From: "Austad, Jay" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Even if one server is getting hit multiple times in a row, I don't think
 will matter.  I put in 10 servers in my qmqpservers file and some well
 placed printf's in qmqpc and ran it 100,000 times several times through.
 Each server was getting picked about 10% of the time +/- 1% or so.  If
 sending millions of messages, this +/- 1% isn't going to make a

Re: updated load balancing qmail-qmqpc.c mods

2000-08-02 Thread Michael T. Babcock

My pseudo code was supposed to infer that one would re-select (randomly, if
you wish) a server at a certain % of the time, based on how many times it
had been polled and turned out to be down.  Simply replace my first
(increment, go to #2) with (go to #1).

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: updated load balancing qmail-qmqpc.c mods

 I agree with you both (Jay and Michael), at least partially. I agree that
 altough what Jay proposes will work, it is too much computation and that a
 simpler round-robin (after picking initial position) would suffice.

 My comment is that in the event of a down server, the simple round robin
 will flood the next server in the chain with twice the load of the others.
 Jay's solution does not do this (at a high computational cost).

Re: [offtopic?] RE: Encryption (was: Open letter)

2000-08-01 Thread Michael T. Babcock

True -- but that would require the countries the software manufacturers do business
in to relax their export regs. and allow for open encryption hooks in their tools.

Dave Sill wrote:

 It's not even this complicated with 6.5.  You click on the window whose text
 you want to encrypt, click on the try icon, and click "encrypt window" (or
 something like that).  PGP automatically does the copying and pasting for you.

 Still too hard. The way it *should* work is that I click "Send", a
 pop-up asks me for my pasword, and the message is sent signed and

Re: tai64n -- why?

2000-08-01 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Are you asking more for something like:

2000/07/31 06:02:10.42 (GMT+05)

This has always been the date format I've prefered ... its sortable (as the year
comes first -- although its quite narrow-minded of me to not allow for 5 digit
dates), its human-readable, and quite parsable.  The decimal portion after the time
allows for sub-second time measurement.  I'm pretty sure adding a function to your
copy of multilog/whatever that converted from the tai64n format to something more
like the above wouldn't be that hard.

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

   Would you prefer the splogger format (to wit, Unix timestamp with
   fractional part) instead? I'd do anything to use a logging format
   that avoids timezone dependency, and multilog/tai64n seems to do
   that job well.

 You mean this:
Jul 31 06:02:10 gw qmail: 965023330.820010 status: local 1/10 remote 0/50

 It's better than tai64n, because syslog puts a real timestamp on, but
 that big chunk of meaningless numbers in the middle wastes a lot of
 the line and adds no useful information.  It's what I'm using now on
 my main server, but it's quite wasteful and annoying.  (But
 qmailanalog expects it)

Re: RE: Blocking Spam, badmailfrom not working

2000-08-01 Thread Michael T. Babcock

That's more of what the RBL is for -- if you want to take that step.  The RBL
is supposed to be a good list of sites that are producing spam, not that are
necessarily open relays at all.

"Hubbard, David" wrote:

 Thanks for responding Chris.  I am currently using the MAPS
 relays.mail-abuse.org with rblsmtpd, I guess the spam I'm
 getting isn't coming from an open relay.  Actually, the
 spammers usually relay through a valid mail server for their
 network that isn't an open relay on the internet, it's just
 allowing users who are behind it to go through it.  I guess
 in this case my best bet would be to forward it to their
 admins since I can't block by originating IP...

Re: MUA HTML support (was: question)

2000-08-01 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Actually, no.  The problem is that his E-mail client (Outlook Express) has
the option of sending BOTH plain and html versions of the message and is
sending them encoded as seperate MIME segments.  Netscape Messenger also
supports this, but IMHO, its an incorrect reading of how MIME should be used.

"Robin S. Socha" wrote:

 * Chad Cranston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  1.  (*) text/plain ( ) text/html
 Turn this off. It only makes your mail 5x as big without adding anything.

Re: Open letter

2000-07-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Agreed: PGP (et. al.) is definately the answer, not server-to-server
encryption.  However, properly authenticated DNS (or an evolution
thereof) and resulting authenticated (S/Q)MTP sessions would be a leap
forward as well.


 The problem with your solution is that server to server encryption
 does not stop government and big corporations from looking at your
 mail on the mail server after it has arrived. Ask any system admin
 how hard it is to scan /var/mail or a users home directory. Answer,
 it's trivial.

Re: Open letter

2000-07-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

And unfortunately, zero-effort security is, with current technology, an oxymoron.
Swipe-card key systems that do the authentication would be low-effort.  Retina
scanning cameras built into your monitor to do authentication would be low effort
as well.  Until then, people have to decide if its worth their effort or not.


 Key management is a non-zero effort, installation is a non-zero effort,
 cost is a non-zero effort and actual usage is a non-zero effort.

 Total transparency is what I define as "easy to use" in the context
 of the average email user (who probably has an email address at AOL).
 I'm afraid anything less won't get there.

Re: [offtopic?] RE: Encryption (was: Open letter)

2000-07-31 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Potentially long, off-topic message: (follow-ups and/or flames probably best
kept private :)

"Ihnen, David" wrote:

 Would you consider PGP more than a low-effort?  It would be zero effort if
 we weren't concerned about the privacy of our own secret keys, thus keeping
 them encrypted behind passwords.

Personally?  Using PGP is very low-effort for me.  Typing my 25+ character
passphrase has become reflexive.  I've run a site re: PGP use since my first
website in 1993 or so, so I'm probably not a good test-case.  :-)

 Maybe an extra-low-effort system would consist of a simply speaking a
 keyword into a microphone, and using voiceprint authentication to decrypt
 the secret keys.  Fortunately almost all computers have the ability to read
 in decent quality audio.  Sending to particular people is no effort - the
 public key aquisition can be automated.

I saw some very interesting matrix-mapping software back in 1994 and 1995 for
DOS that converted individual words (expandable to phrases) into vectors
(stored as matrices) that could easily be compared against a stored file for
each person.  The idea was to do the "opposite" of voice-to-text recognition
software and store the portion of audio that is unique for each user instead of
using primarily the part that is similar.

 Its interesting to think of the change in load on list servers.  Would you
 encrypt to the list server, who then decrypts and re-encrypts for each
 client, or would there be a collaborative key for the list that everybody
 had the secret to and could decrypt?  More probably we would just
 cleartext-sign the messages for source authentication, for backwards
 compatibility, I suspect.

Assuming, like the original 'open letter' poster, that you don't want others to
snoop on the messages (but their being a subscriber to the list is "okay"),
then you'd want a public key for the mailing list that all messages are
encrypted to.  The mailing list would decrypt the session key for the message
(PGP only requires using CPU intensive P.K. cryptography to sign a session
key).  It would then re-encrypt the session key (effectively, the message) to
the public keys of each of the recipients on the list.  (It would not need to
necessarily verify the sender's signature, to avoid decrypting messages at
all).  The sender's signature (if used) would be intact in the encrypted
message and each person would be able to verify for themselves that that user
had sent 'them' the message in question.  The CPU intensive portion would be
encrypting the session keys to everyone on the list.  Assuming the old PGP
protocol, that would mean doing 1024 (or more) bit RSA on a 128 bit session key
(16 bytes).

 Either way, it can be zero-effort for the people generating the e-mail,
 outside of authenticating your personal secret key, though accepting the
 e-mail has the same effort problems.

 I would be signing my messages pgp, if I could, but I haven't gotten ahold
 of PGP 7 yet... and the earlier versions don't work on 2000.

Use any version of PGP or "PGP for Windows" and use the clipboard encryption
1) select all text (Ctrl-A)
2) "copy" (Ctrl-C)
3) click on PGP tray icon
4) click "sign  encrypt"
5) enter password
6) click window of program with selected text
7) "paste" (Ctrl-V) (replacing original with encrypted + signed cipher-text)

Re: QMTP MX encoding

2000-07-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Your arguments are interesting in so far as they pertain to the use of QMTP, but
my concern is more that at some point the Qmail community may want to have QMTP
as RFCxyz and used as a standard feature of mail exchange.  With that goal (in my
mind, maybe not yours), my proposal seemed to have more comatibility and
standards potential than the MX magic, especially when DJB mentionned not using
the MX magic preference values.

Russell Nelson wrote:

 Michael T. Babcock writes:


 I think that's a silly idea.  Better to pick a "magic" MX preference,

Re: orbs.org accuses qmail of mailbomb relaying!

2000-07-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

A package is the concatenation of three strings:
  first, an encoded 8-bit mail message;
  second, an encoded envelope sender address;
  third, an encoded series of encoded envelope recipient addresses.

The encoded envelope sender address isn't expanded on beyond the examples
given, but your proposal might give a good performance increase for very
large lists (a la redhat.com lists, etc.).  The qmtp documentation doesn't
seem to mention VERP at all.

for previous discussion on the issue (that went almost nowhere).

cf. http://cr.yp.to/proto/qmtp.txt

Paul Jarc wrote:

 Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Does QMTP support per-recipient envelope senders for a single copy of
   a single message?

 What I had in mind at first was a protocol that would have multiple
 sender, recipient tuples per message in the envelope.  This would
 also allow a list server to send just a single copy to each host
 having subscribers.

Re: QMTP via EHLO type command

2000-07-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

To make this a little more QMTP compatible, and to agree with some of Peter
Norton's comments from late 1998, the sending MTA could also immediately
'transfer' the request to the QMTP by opening a new connection on the QMTP
port when it 'saw' the QMTP response from the foreign SMTP MTA.  It would
not have to wait for the TCP session to close, etc. (this could be done in a
non-blocking manner) and the QMTP session could begin almost as quickly as
it would if it knew the foreign server supported QMTP to start with.

As someone else said over a year ago (and I'm sure its been repeated since),
the knowledge that a foreign MTA supports QMTP could be temporarily cached,
if it were desired (and proved faster than not) and reused instead of
opening new SMTP requests to those servers.

This would have the added benefit of using QMTP more often when
communicating with servers that receive a lot of repeated traffic.

I wrote:

 { Syntax: "" from server ... "" to server }

  (data stream)

 I see this last one as being best, since the opening message can be
 customised to mention QMTP in it easily, and once that is parsed by the
 sending MTA, no further foreign responses are required until the QMTP
 dialog is finished.  The initial "QHLO" would be added to inform the
 foreign MTA of our intentions.

rblsmtpd and not bouncing

2000-07-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I would like to offer an option similar to pobox.com's [spam: 84%]
"Subject:" munging for incoming messages from RBL or RSS listed sites.
Instead of actually bouncing the message as RBLSMTPD does, allow the
message but add [spam - rbl] or [spam - rss] or the like to the Subject:
field of the messages in question.

I'm wondering if anyone else has done this before I go making a
completely modified version of rblsmtpd to do so.

Re: ezmlm

2000-07-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Has anyone made an auto-responder to work with ezmlm (or others??) that
would reply to messages containing such "remove" messages to the list
and ask the sender if they wished to unsubscribe (with the proper

Guy Rosinbaum wrote:


Re: orbs.org accuses qmail of mailbomb relaying!

2000-07-25 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Replies are in private ... anyone actually interested may ask for ensuing
discussion :-).

Markus Stumpf wrote:

 This may get somewhat off topic ...

Re: orbs.org accuses qmail of mailbomb relaying!

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

No offense to DJB at all, but you have a very strange view of open sourced
software if you don't believe in using patches.  I presume you don't use
rolled distributions of Linux (if you run Linux at all) either, seeing as
they're usually packed with patches.

Patches are basically the equivalent of plug-ins, which you probably don't use
either (for your browser, if you use anything but Lynx).

That said, if DJB says 'this patch breaks the security in Qmail' I'd be
tempted not to use it, if he has no comment, that's another thing entirely.
If he just doesn't like the proliferation of patches for Qmail, I don't really

Example: I use vpopmail to replace the usual pop authentication, for
instance.  Do I think it should be part of the Qmail distribution?  No, I
think it works better on its own.

Russ Allbery wrote:

 Michael T Babcock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Considering the number of useful patches that aren't part of the qmail
  distribution that the average qmail admin seems to be using, I disagree.

 I disagree with the contention that the *average* qmail admin is using any
 patches at all, if by average you mean the mode, and possibly even the

 I'm running qmail on a half-dozen different machines and I've never used a
 third-party patch to qmail for anything.  I've never needed to.

 If your qmail installation is dependent on patches not written by Dan, I
 will echo my same recommendation:  Seriously consider using another MTA.
 My opinion as a system administrator is that attempting to use and support
 packages plus third-party patches not blessed by the package maintainer is
 a recipe for disaster.  With all due respect to the qmail-ldap people, for
 example, I'd be much more confident in Postfix's LDAP support because it's
 part of the main distribution.

Re: orbs.org accuses qmail of mailbomb relaying!

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Joe Kelsey wrote:

  If a major point of
   Qmail's existence is to provide reliable E-mail delivery, then this
   _must_ include cooperating with other MTAs (without violating
   standards) at least enough to keep from crashing / giving them
   headaches so that we don't 'encourage' them to lose mail ... (through
   failures of their own).

 You *REALLY* don't understand the point of Qmail.  Qmail is designed to
 be standards compliant, fast, reliable and secure.  Your belief seems to
 be that the designer of Qmail only cared about reliability.  That is
 demonstrably false, by DJB's own admission.

I didn't say it was "just" reliability ... I've quoted myself above, but
that isn't good enough, so I'll say it again, "major point  provide
reliable E-mail delivery".  I was commenting on trade-offs between speed and
reliability.  Helping to keep other MTAs from crashing is to help
reliability with a potential speed trade-off.

 Nothing in the design or implementation of Qmail was there ever
 consideration given to causing or preventing broken implementations of
 SMTP from crashing.

I realise that -- that's why I mentionned it.

 Now you have gone and changed the subject to secure e-mail.  There is no
 such thing in the defined SMTP protocol.  Security is an add-on and has
 nothing to do with Qmail.

Security has many definitions.  Come back later when you can interpret a
topic outside your preconceptions.

Re: orbs.org accuses qmail of mailbomb relaying!

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I must have mistakenly added the message to the list.  As my own comment stated,
I didn't mean to subject the list to our discussion.

I wrote:
  That said, I'm leaving this off the list because I don't like noise,
  so I'm not going to subject others to it.

Joe Kelsey wrote:

 You don't bother to read headers?  I sent a private message to you.  Why
 would you even consider broadcasting a private message over a public
 mailing list?

[Fwd: Attitude]

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

Apology for indirection: 1
Asanine comments: 1

Thanks everyone.  I think this discussion has been very helpful to the Qmail
cause ... really.

Adam McKenna wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 23, 2000 at 12:37:55AM -0500, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
  Probably our responses are by now somewhat cryptic, encoded in local
  language that's completely clear to those of us who've been through
  the argument umpteen times before.  And which is probably NOT clear to
  you; sorry about that!

 Yes, let me translate for David:

 "Shut Up and Go Away"


Re: Want to know your potential multiple recipient savings?

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

This is what I've asked for too -- and been given "do it yourself".

Best of luck.

Frank Tegtmeyer wrote:

  In his measurements that indicated that qmail used less bandwidth in
  real-life situations than sendmail, Dan counted the DNS traffic due to

 And I have never seen numbers, only Dan's claims. It's hard to argue using
 them without being backed up by numbers.

Re: Solaris / DoS / Broken bare LF mailers / thousands of qmail-smtpdqmail-queue procs

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

The 'problem' as it relates to RFCs, not to Qmail's implementation, is probably
the original question.

Dave Sill wrote:

 "James Blondin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The question I have is, and
 excuse my ignorance if it's something silly: why not just accept the bare
 linefeeds?  From what I can understand in RFC822, there's nothing wrong
 with bare linefeeds in the body of the messages as long as the headers
 have all the right CRLFs.  From looking through qmail archives and reading
 a few webpages, all I can find is some reference to the fact that you
 shouldn't have bare linefeeds after the smtpd process.  Anyone have any
 more specifics about this?  Is it to protect mailers that don't know how
 to interpret bare linefeeds? Or something integral to the MTA?

 The problem is simple. If a message contains a bare linefeed, qmail
 will convert it to a premature end-of-line if it resends the
 message. E.g.:

   This message consists of one line\012with an embedded linefeed.

 Will become:

   This message consists of one line
   with an embedded linefeed.


Re: void main (no, not a long one)

2000-07-24 Thread Michael T. Babcock

I don't see how "If there is ever a compiler dumb enough to break void main(), I
happily advise everyone to use a different compiler" engenders any trust in
someone's ability to write C code.

Qmail is well written, sure.  But void main() is and always has been wrong on 99%
of platforms and adding "return 0;" to the end of the function will shut up GCC
as well.  That said ...

Dave Sill wrote:

 Incidentally, is there a discussion in the past that I've missed about 'void
 main' declarations? :-)

 Yes. A quick search of the archives for "void main" yields:


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