Qmail .qmail-?

2000-10-11 Thread ROD

I've just set up qmail and I am a bit confused 
about the .qmail-extension files. I have created a user for a mailing the list 
'ezmlm' and also called the user 'ezmlm'.  It finds the user o.k. and I can 
post to him but qmail is not looking at the .qmail extension files.  So say 
if I have the list test and the extension file .qmail-test which sets ezmlm off, 
qmail just comes back and says it can't find the user [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Any help on the matter would be appreciated 

Best regards

Qmail .qmail file.

1999-11-07 Thread Bob ross

I have a question and have never seen it asked or 
I would like to set up a filter in the .qmail file 
that is in every user /home/userdir on my system.
I use a badmailfrom filter for the spam that each 
user maintains, but I would like to setup a filter to only allow mail from 
certian domains or users in a allowfrom file. Should be the oposite of 
denyfrom but me not knowing programing for qmail have been hitting a lot of dead 
any help would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Bob Ross

qmail-lspawn / qmail-local

2001-05-19 Thread qmail

Hi all,

1.  I need to get qmail-lspawn to deliver into

2. My footer program will identify the type of message, 
add the appropricate footer and feed the mail into

3. I need next to feed the mail from 
into qmail-local for local delevery.

Step 2 works quite ok on my remote mail, 
What I need help with is step 1 and step 3.

It might also be an idea to change qmail-lspawn 
to be some kind of wrapper, 
and feed into the real qmail-lspawn.

Help is much appriciated
thanks in advance

Sri Lanka.

A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
He who wholly subdues evil deeds both small and great, is called a monk because he has 
overcome all evil. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 265  

qmail-scanner + qmail-rewrite

2001-02-12 Thread Michel Boucey

Hi !

I've installed qmail-scanner, and I want it now to forward email to
qmail-rewrite. How I've to set correctly QMAILQUEUE variable to do this.

Thanks ... 


Michel Boucey   Administrateur Système
> Société Norm@net +33 2 31 27 13 45 <

qmail-qread qmail-qstat

2001-04-03 Thread Jeremy Suo-Anttila

I am trying to find out what mail is in my queue and who it is from / going
to. I read through the man pages on qmail-qstat and qmail-qread but they are
not very infomative. I was wondering if anyone out there that might know a
good URL for this or a better way for me to do this.

here is a small snip of my qmail-qread results

doneremote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ( i am assuming this is a
successfull delivery)
remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (this one i have no idea)
2 Apr 2001 01:03:20 GMT  #220462  1941

remote  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (this one i am assumming is a 
bounce waiting
for a retry)



Qmail + vpopmail + qmail admin problem

2001-07-28 Thread Dave Lewis

ok.. I got it all installed.. everything seems to be running.. except..

all my virtual domains cannot check mail.. pop3 won't authenticate.  my 
default domain with
local users can check pop3 no problem.  Mail is being delivered to the 
approperite /domain/xyz.com/user/Maildir/new

Also I can't seem to get my local domain to work as a virutal domain.. i.e. 
no local domains at all

on top of all this. Qmailadmin worked great... and now only gives me 
invalid login for any of my virtual
domains.. I even tried reinstalling qmailadmin and creating a new virtual 
domain.. same thing..

Please tell me that someone has seen this before and can help ??? I've been 
banging my head up
against a wall for about a week now.. and frankly it's getting a little sore :)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dave Lewis

.qmail-default vs .qmail-user

2000-09-07 Thread Manuel Gisbert

Hello everybody,

qmail 1.03
vpopmail 4.9

I discovered the following prob, which confuses me a lot:

I have set up virtualdomain without any users, instead i
use .qmail-user files in that dir to add all incoming mail to maildirs in
another virtual domain.
What confuses me is, that in case of .qmail-default being present and
nonempty .qmail-default is
processed instead of .qmail-user while in case of .qmail-default being
absent the
mail is correctly routed to the proper maildir...
Why is .qmail-default processed if .qmail-user is present and nonempty???


qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-08 Thread Mullen, Patrick

Has any work been done on qmail-imap since 0.02, dated 12 March 1999
at ftp://ftp.qmail.org/imap/  ?  I applied the patch (for qmail-1.02) to
qmail-1.03.  It applied cleanly, largely because what the patch really
did was create two new .c files and modify the Makefile.  It seems
to work, but like the documentation says, that seems to be about it.

Using Netscape, if I tried to read the INBOX., I get the response,
"too many args", which appears to be in the do command (docmd)
function in qmail-imapd.c.  Unfortunately, this is the better of the
results I've gotten.  I suspect this may be due to the bugs in
Netscape's IMAP client that causes other IMAP daemon's to complain.

If qmail-imap is dead, what other options are there?  I've used
Courier IMAP, which supports Maildirs, but it chokes with Netscape
quite often.  I installed and have used cyrus imapd, but I cannot
find anything anywhere on how to make it use Maildirs, or even
make it coexist with qmail effectively.

The ideal solution, I think, would be qmail-imapd because it uses
checkpassword, which I've patched for selective relaying, as
well as its native support for maildir.  It's also pretty cool that
qmail-imapd implemented as a bunch of perl files.  ;)



Qmail-popup or Qmail-pop3d

2000-03-08 Thread Spades

Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d..I want my
vpopmail to work, however i have no pop3 server, today i was told to:
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup i-shell.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I did it! now pop is running:   -> is there anything else i need to do to
run vpopmail?

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

Qmail-popup or Qmail-pop3d

2000-03-08 Thread Spades

I see a new mail in /Maildir of the user dir

However wrong passwd, err - auth failed

Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d..I want my
vpopmail to work, however i have no pop3 server, today i was told to:
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup i-shell.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I did it! now pop is running:   -> is there anything else i need to do to
run vpopmail?

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

Qmail-popup or Qmail-pop3d

2000-03-11 Thread Spades

Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d..I want my
vpopmail to work, however i have no pop3 server, today i was told to:
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup i-shell.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I did it! now pop is running:   -> is there anything else i need to do to
run vpopmail?

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

Qmail-popup or Qmail-pop3d

2000-03-11 Thread Spades

I see a new mail in /Maildir of the user dir

However wrong passwd, err - auth failed

Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d..I want my
vpopmail to work, however i have no pop3 server, today i was told to:
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup i-shell.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I did it! now pop is running:   -> is there anything else i need to do to
run vpopmail?

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

qmail with qmail-ldap patch ?

2001-02-01 Thread dennis

Hi all...

Being a newbie to qmail and ldap I am wondering if there is a qmail with the
qmail-ldap patch already applied.

qmail, qmail-command and procmail

2001-04-09 Thread Subba Rao


I have started qmail with the following option in /var/qmail/rc:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
    qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward |preline procmail' splogger qmail

Here I am explicitly using procmail as my MDA. My .qmail has one entry which is,

When a mail is delivered, I do not think that procmail is being used. The
procmailrc has the "VERBOSE" flag set to 'yes' and there is no logging being
done for this one particular user.

Is qmail-command an MDA for local users? If so, how can I use qmail-command to
execute a script before delivering the mail to the user's maildir? I don't know
if I am doing this right, but I have created .qmail-special and inserted,

    |preline /scripts/format.pl

Now I have .qmail and .qmail-special. How will or should .qmail-special be

Thank you in advance for any help.


Subba Rao

GPG public key ID 27FC9217


2001-07-11 Thread Bob Ross

I have a small problem with something I'm trying to do.

I have an old system that I want to upgrade 400+ users and Slackware kernel

The new system with all the users added Slackware kernel 2.2.13

How do I move the old mail from the old system to the new and get it to take
on the user IDs etc.

I'm using the Maildir setup.

The new system starts with user IDs much higher than what are on the old

Could be a little painful to move them one at a time and chown each user.

Bob Ross


2000-07-05 Thread Eddie Greer

I need a little help,

I got finally got qmail installed and everything appears to working fine.
The problem is when I telnet to localhost 25 and follow the direction from
the TEST.deliver, I connect to the port and run all the commands but the
mail does not get delivered.  I took a look at the log and it states the

deferral: uh-oh:_first_line_of_.qmail_file_is blank._(#4.2.1)/

I running Solaris 2.7 with deamontool, checkpassword, tcpserver and qmail

Has anyone ever seen this before and know how to fix it.  I did a search for
.qmail but did not find anything.

Also can someone tell me the proper way to add Maildir to every new user I


Eddie Greer

Network Systems Engineer
University of California San Diego

Ph: (858) 534.0526
Fax: (858) 534.7758
Pager: (619) 406.1055

Eddie Greer

Network Systems Engineer
University of California San Diego

Ph: (858) 534.0526
Fax: (858) 534.7758
Pager: (619) 406.1055


1999-05-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- well; as long as i consider myself a newbie, i don't think there's
things like "stupid questions"

- so: what is qmail, and what can u' do with it? - i'm in need of a
really fantastic mailklient; i downloaded "mahogany", but it will not be
rpm'ed on my system; i have no idea why..



1999-06-01 Thread L . Lanik

At the moment I get all mail addressed to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from my ISP
("mail.isp.at") to my MS-Exchange Mailserver ("hercules.mydomain.at"). The other
way my MS-Exchange Server ("hercules.mydomain.at") sends all mail to my isp's
relay host "mail.isp.at".

mail.isp.at  <-- dial-up -->  hercules.mydomain.at
hercules runs MS-Exchange on NT

I want to put a Linux server running qmail in between this configuration, so
that MS-Exchange ("hercules.mydomain.at") sends all mail to the Linux box
"smiley.mydomain.at" (as relay host) and smiley forwards it to my isp's relay
host "mail.isp.at".
The other way I want to receive my mail from my isp ("mail.isp.at") with
smiley.mydomain.at (that's no problem, my isp sends to a defined IP-address),
which forwards it to the MS-Exchange server "hercules.mydomain.at".
There are no local mail-users on smiley.
My ISP is not the problem and MS-Exchange is (for once) not the problem.

mail.isp.at  <-- dial-up -->  smiley.mydomain.at  <-- LAN -->
smiley runs qmail on linux
hercules runs MS-Exchange on NT

(As you might guess, the aim of this transaction is to drop MS-Exchange in the
future. But unfortunately not now.)

Can anyone tell me what control files I need to setup this scenario ?

Laurenz Lanik


1999-09-23 Thread william

Is an '=' an illegal character in an email 

I am running qmail-1.03 on two diferent machines 
and all seems to work well (indide and out) I 
have also installed ezmlm on one...

I send a message to subscribe and get a response 
from ezmlm withe the authorization message that 
has a huge email address that contains 1 equal 

When I try to reply to this my qmail (without the 
ezmlm) tells me that the address contains illegal 
Testing different addresses I have determined 
that it is the = that it is having trouble with...

(it dosen't make it to the machine with ezmlm, 
which is why I am asking on the qmail-list 
instead of the ezmlm list *wink*)

Any help appreciated..


(BTW, I used to be a devout sendmailist, but I 
will never look at it again! Qmail is the best!)

This message was sent using Imaginet WebMail.


1999-02-09 Thread WebMan at MountaiNet

Is there a way I can get around having to create a .qmail file for every
user?  Is it possible to have like a global change that does this?  I will
have a virtual domain on this box also, so would doing that coz a problem
with it?

Thanks again


1999-04-21 Thread Andy Walden

I'm sure there is a way to stop a user from creating additional email
aliases for themselves, can someone tell me what it is please? ie. I have
the user dixie and the user dixie-jo. I don't want dixie makeing a
.qmail-jo file. Thanks in advanced. andy

Andy WaldenWork Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator, Pers Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MTCO CommunicationsPhone: (800) 859-6826
  " Reality is just Chaos with better lighting. "


1999-10-21 Thread Neil Floris

I was wondering if anyone could give me feed back on qmail vs sendmail..  Is
it faster, more stable, less problematic ?? etc...


2000-01-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dear sir, 
i facing some prob with qmail . the prob is i want 
send unknown local user to another smtp server without doing any changes in 
header files.
means i got two location both got same domain. 
which is configure in qmail as local domain. so when x location send mess 
to y location then is try to send loacally . there should be do with 
.qmail-default but this useful when you got some other domain who received mail 
for your domain put in prop queue. pl tell me how 
to send mess to unkown local user to another smtp 
server without changin cotains of rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] the same domain is locally but 
user is not here .
sachin sawant


2000-02-21 Thread Andrew Doye


How ya doing :)

I was wondering, are you using Qmail to route your mail on your system? 

Andrew Doye


2000-03-13 Thread Ismal Hisham Darus

Let say i received email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
can i forward back the email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] only ? what shall i put inside 
my .qmail ?


2000-05-06 Thread Mark Lo


I just installed qmial following life with qmail.  After the auto
start...then I found two "qmaill" is running.  Any ideas???

Thank You

Mark Lo


2000-06-09 Thread Tushar . Shah


2001-03-17 Thread Vegard Jorgensen


I'm a newbie with qmail, so I hope you all will excuse this

I'm using '.qmail' to manage a mailing-list (I just forwards each mail
to several users). I would like to add a message to each incoming mail,
before sending the mail to all subscribers of the list. Can this be
done? How?
(I don't  have admin(root) - privileges on this system, just a user



2001-04-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi at all
I installed qmail as lwq said.
when i try to connect to port 25 i recive nothinks .
It means that i don't recieve any error .
i see the connection typing netstat -a  but don't recive the server presentation .

several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

2001-07-23 Thread alexus

i was checking something and i founds this

my mail server seems to have tons of 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

running at the same time.. about 30 of them

any ideas why?

nothin intersting in maillog

qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Andreas Grip


I'm using the qmail-queue-patch together with the qmail-scanner and I'm
also thinking about to put some spamfilters before or after the
antivirus scanning.

Then qmail receives a mail through smtp it wait with the response to the
sender that the mail was completly delivered until it has scanned the
mail for virus. If the attachments are big it can take a long time
before it release the connection. And if I add some filters that examine
the mail for unwanted words etc it will take much more time.

Is it ok to let the sending smtp server to wait so long time before it
has processed the mail? For me it sounds like a bad idea to let them
wait. So I'm thinking about to create another queue that the mail can be
placed in first so qmail can tell the sender that it has ben received
and then start to scan and filtering the mail in that queue before it
deliver it to the original queue.

Someone who have any thoughts about a qmail setup like this? Is it a
good idea to queue the message twice or to let the sending server wait?


IMP with qmail-inject / qmail-pop3d

2000-06-30 Thread Antonio S. Martins Jr.


   We had a qmail based mail server, using qmail with the MySQL patches
and Courier-IMAP (also with MySQL), using maildirs. I had instaled IMP for
the Webmail but, I can't figure out what parameters I need to supply to
qmail-inject for IMP will be able to send emails! Are there anyone with
IMP/Qmail working? 

   Another point, my last POP toaster where made using Qualcomm qpopper,
and since the change (to qmail-pop3d) my customers had noticed they didn't
had the status bar when downloading their email messages, the server (or
the client) didn't inform the number of emails and what email is currently
being downloaded, there is some parameter to change on qmail-pop3d to
alter that?

  Thanks in advance,


| Antonio S. Martins Jr. - System Analist |  "Only The Shadow Knows   |
| WorldNet Internet Maringa - PR - Brasil |   what evil lurks in the  |
| E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   Heart of Men!"  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | !!! Linux User: 52392 !!! |
   This e-mail message is 100% Microsoft free!

 / \

qmail-queue wrapper (like qmail-qfilter)

2000-08-30 Thread Ricardo Albano

Any had implemented qmail-qfilter sucefully or 
any qmail-queue wrapper ?

Re: .qmail-default vs .qmail-user

2000-09-07 Thread Guillermo Villasana Cardoza

Please send what you have in .qmail-default and in .qmail-user, I think
that will help to see what the problem might be

Manuel Gisbert wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> running
> qmail 1.03
> vpopmail 4.9
> I discovered the following prob, which confuses me a lot:
> I have set up virtualdomain without any users, instead i
> use .qmail-user files in that dir to add all incoming mail to maildirs in
> another virtual domain.
> What confuses me is, that in case of .qmail-default being present and
> nonempty .qmail-default is
> processed instead of .qmail-user while in case of .qmail-default being
> absent the
> mail is correctly routed to the proper maildir...
> Why is .qmail-default processed if .qmail-user is present and nonempty???
> Thanx
> Manuel

Re: .qmail-default vs .qmail-user

2000-09-07 Thread Ken Jones

Manuel Gisbert wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> running
> qmail 1.03
> vpopmail 4.9
> I discovered the following prob, which confuses me a lot:
> I have set up virtualdomain without any users, instead i
> use .qmail-user files in that dir to add all incoming mail to maildirs in
> another virtual domain.
> What confuses me is, that in case of .qmail-default being present and
> nonempty .qmail-default is
> processed instead of .qmail-user while in case of .qmail-default being
> absent the
> mail is correctly routed to the proper maildir...
> Why is .qmail-default processed if .qmail-user is present and nonempty???
> Thanx
> Manuel

Look into how qmail-local processes mail. It is the local delivery
agent. According to the qmail-local man page, it will look for
.qmail-user first and if found use it. It will only look at
.qmail-default if a .qmail-user file is not found.

Permissions and ownerships of the .qmail files are always a
good thing to check.

ken jones

qmail won't read ~alias/.qmail-root

1999-07-03 Thread Adam D . McKenna

I don't know why.  But qmail absolutely refuses to read ~alias/.qmail-root.

If I send e-mail to root, it goes to ~alias/.qmail-postmaster.

I've just recompiled and reinstalled qmail, and it's doing the same thing.

It doesn't do this on any of my other hosts.

Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?


atime / qmail-pop3d / qmail-1.01 / freebsd

1999-02-23 Thread Brett Rabe

Howdy, all.

Anyone have a take on why the access time for the
Maildir/cur directory would not be getting updated
specifically on machines using Network Appliance boxen
for disk storage (via NFS) when a user connects to POP

My take on qmail-pop3d is that it does opendir()/readdir()/
closedir() on Maildir/cur. Pretty simple. Should be
enough to trigger an atime update 

So. When I run a 5-line C program that does exactly
that and nothing more, and run it through tcpserver,
atime gets updated. When I connect and complete a POP
session it doesn't. I've tested this on FreeBSD
2.2.5-STABLE and 2.2.8-STABLE.

When I run my little 5-line program or transact a POP
session on a non-NetApp qmail-1.01 machine, atime
gets updated. When I do both of those things on machines
using NetApps for storage, it only gets updated with
the 5-line program.

Thoughts? I have that awful nagging feeling I missed
some documentation somewhere, but beats me where.

It seems fairly clear that I am not understanding the
way qmail-pop3d works, even though the code looks
pretty plain 'n simple.

And yes, I'm planning to upgrade to qmail-1.03 soon. :)


Brett RabeEmail :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator - U S West  Phone :  612.664.3078
Interact - 3S Pager :  612.613.2549
600 Stinson Blvd. Fax   :  612.664.4770
Minneapolis, MN 55413 USA Pager : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Absolute zero is cool.

Re: logging qmail and qmail-smtpd

1999-04-08 Thread Frank D. Cringle

Van Liedekerke Franky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> I'm using tcpserver and cyclog to log qmail and qmail-smtpd. Now I would
> like to know how to combine these two: in the qmail log I see who mailed to
> whom, but I don't know the IP address, this is in the qmail-smtpd log. So
> how can I combine these two logs?

Sort them...

% sort this-log that-log | tailocal

Here is a perl script that does this in a somewhat more comfortable
fashion.  It extracts a time-slice from the qmail-related logs and
merges them together.

You may need to change the names of the log directories, near the
beginning of the script.  Note: this script is strictly for raw cyclog 
files.  They must be named @<14-digit-timestamp> with each line
beginning with an accustamp time value.  Filenames ending in .gz will
be decompressed automatically.

You also need the Time::ParseDate module, available on CPAN.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Display merged pop3d, smtpd and qmail-send logs

# fdc, 1998-07-15

use strict;
use Time::ParseDate;
use Getopt::Std;

use vars qw($opt_g $opt_h $opt_p $opt_q $opt_s $opt_t);

my $pop3log = '/var/log/pop3d';
my $sendlog = '/var/log/qmail-send';
my $smtplog = '/var/log/smtpd';

getopts('g:hpqst') and !$opt_h or die < ] [ to|bis  ]

 -g re  only show lines matching re (grep)
 -p show POP3 log \\
 -q     show qmail-send log   | show all logs if none of pqs are given
 -s show qmail-smtpd log  /
 -t test (just show the start and end times)

start and end are date/time specifications (see man Time::ParseDate)
default:  = now -1 minute;  =  +1 minute

my $now = time;
my @extra = (PREFER_PAST=>1, UK=>1, WHOLE=>1);
if (@ARGV) {
my($from,$x,$till) =
split / (through|thru|to|until|till|bis) /, "@ARGV";
$start = parsedate($from, @extra);
die "$from?\n" unless $start;
if ($till) {
push @extra, (NOW=>$start) unless $till =~ /now/;
$end = parsedate($till, @extra);
die "$till?\n" unless $end;
else { $end = $start+60 }
else {
$start = $now-60;
$end = $now;

if ($opt_t) {
print isodate($start), " -> ", isodate($end), "\n";
exit 0;

my @files = ();
push @files, $pop3log if $opt_p;
push @files, $sendlog if $opt_q;
push @files, $smtplog if $opt_s;
@files = ($pop3log, $sendlog, $smtplog) unless @files;

my $tmp = "/tmp/mail-log.$$";
open(OUT, "|sort|tailocal >$tmp") or
die "Can't create output pipe: $!\n";

$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { close OUT; unlink $tmp; die @_ };

foreach my $file (@files) {
scan($file, $start, $end);

close(OUT) or die "Pipe error: $!\n";

open(IN, $tmp) or die "Can't read results file ($tmp): $!\n";
print while ();
unlink $tmp;
exit 0;

sub scan {
my($d,$s,$e) = @_;
opendir(D, $d) or die "Can't open $d: $!\n";
my @logs = sort grep /^@/, readdir(D);
my $limit = sprintf "\@%014d", $s;
while (@logs > 1) {
last if $logs[1] gt $limit;
shift @logs;
foreach my $f (@logs) {
$f = "$d/$f";
$f = "gzip -cdq 2>/dev/null $1|" if $f =~ /(.*\.gz)$/;
open(F, $f) or die "Can't read $f: $!\n";
while () {
next unless /^(\d+)/;
next unless $1 >= $s;
last unless $1 <= $e;
next if $opt_g and !/$opt_g/o;
print OUT;

sub isodate {
my(@t) = localtime $_[0];
sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]);

Frank Cringle,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: (+49 2304) 467101; fax: 943357

qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-11 Thread Dan Peterson

hi. at www.qmail.org(/top.html), there is a mention of a patch to
qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d to make the log stuff to splogger, but the link is
broken (it points to http://www.pharos.com.au/mbp/). anyone have any idea
where i can pick this patch up? any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

thanks in advance,

`--- dan peterson [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] http://erinyes.net
 `-- network engineer, digitaldune networks -- yuma, az
  `- (520) 344-1110 -- http://www.digitaldune.net

Re: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-08 Thread Russell Nelson

Mullen, Patrick writes:
 > Has any work been done on qmail-imap since 0.02, dated 12 March 1999
 > at ftp://ftp.qmail.org/imap/  ?  I applied the patch (for qmail-1.02) to
 > qmail-1.03.  It applied cleanly, largely because what the patch really
 > did was create two new .c files and modify the Makefile.  It seems
 > to work, but like the documentation says, that seems to be about it.

Yup, that's about it.

 > If qmail-imap is dead, what other options are there?  I've used
 > Courier IMAP, which supports Maildirs, but it chokes with Netscape
 > quite often.

I believe that fixing Courier IMAP is the best option.

 > The ideal solution, I think, would be qmail-imapd because it uses
 > checkpassword, which I've patched for selective relaying, as
 > well as its native support for maildir.  It's also pretty cool that
 > qmail-imapd implemented as a bunch of perl files.  ;)

I'm glad you like it, but unless you pick up the cross, nobody's
working on it.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

Re: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-08 Thread Greg Owen

>If qmail-imap is dead, what other options are there?  I've used
>Courier IMAP, which supports Maildirs, but it chokes with Netscape
>quite often.  I installed and have used cyrus imapd, but I cannot
>find anything anywhere on how to make it use Maildirs, or even
>make it coexist with qmail effectively.

Cyrus uses its own mailbox format, period.  You won't get it to use
Maildirs.  (Of course, unless you feel you truly need direct file access to
the mailbox or must run over NFS, Cyrus format is probably higher

It will of course exist happily with qmail; it's just a matter of using
the right invocation of 'deliver' in .qmail-default.

-- greg

Re: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-09 Thread Dave Sill


>Someone tracked this one down and confirmed it to be a bug in Netscape
>Messenger's IMAP client.

And the "fix" is to wait for Time/Warner/CNN/AOL/Netscape to release a 
working Messenger, and get all 50 million users to install it, rather
than accommodating the bug in the handful of courier-imap servers?

Sometimes "right" is wrong. I don't know if this is one of those
times, but it seems likely.

Another possible imap solution is David Harris' patches to the UW IMAP 
daemon. See:



RE: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-09 Thread Mullen, Patrick

> Cyrus format is probably higher performance)

Hm.  Good enough.  My mail concern is really that of I
have everything set up based around maildirs right now.

> It will of course exist happily with qmail; it's just a 
> matter of using
> the right invocation of 'deliver' in .qmail-default.

Could you expand upon this please?  Is there a global
.qmail-default somewhere, or would each user have to
have this?  Isn't .qmail-default only for addresses
in the form user-something, where the -something isn't
already handled by a specific .qmail- file?

Here is my real problem.  This is what I have right
now.  I want to keep this while expanding on to Cyrus
(if that seems the best choice).

Mail arrives.  If it is of the form user-something,
my perl script is called.  My perl script determines
if it needs to do anything special with the mail, and
if not, it hands it off to maildrop for delivery into
my Maildir.  Of course, maildrop could do further
filtering but that's not something I'm doing right now.

How can I get something similar to the above to work
using Cyrus?  For the curious, my perl script takes
certain emails and stuffs it into a database.
Otherwise, it is treated as a normal email.



Re: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-09 Thread Mitja Sarp

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 08:58:07AM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:
> >Someone tracked this one down and confirmed it to be a bug in Netscape
> >Messenger's IMAP client.
> And the "fix" is to wait for Time/Warner/CNN/AOL/Netscape to release a 
> working Messenger, and get all 50 million users to install it, rather
> than accommodating the bug in the handful of courier-imap servers?
> Sometimes "right" is wrong. I don't know if this is one of those
> times, but it seems likely.

I have to agree here, I understand it might be painful but a -DNETSCAPE_BUG
switch might make the life better for us that are planning to use Courier
for production/public environments.


RE: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-09 Thread Greg Owen

> > It will of course exist happily with qmail; it's just a 
> > matter of using the right invocation of 'deliver' in
> > .qmail-default.
> Could you expand upon this please?  Is there a global
> .qmail-default somewhere, or would each user have to
> have this?  Isn't .qmail-default only for addresses
> in the form user-something, where the -something isn't
> already handled by a specific .qmail- file?

    Ah, sorry, you're right.  I meant defaultdelivery, not
.qmail-default.  (I use some pretty funky setups on some of my relays and
get confused as to which I'm referring to).  Of course, you can put the
right line in defaultdelivery, in ~user/.qmail, in ~alias/.qmail-user, in
~alias/.qmail-default, etc. etc. etc.

So, for example, I have a machine that runs qmail and cyrus.  In the
/var/qmail/rc, the qmail-start invocation is:

qmail-start '|preline -f /usr/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -a $USER -- $USER' \ 
splogger qmail

The '|preline -f /usr/cyrus' portion is the "defaultdelivery"
recipe, and it says, "Pass the message onto cyrus's Deliver program after
stripping the 'From ' line which would cause Deliver to puke."

So, if I understand what you're saying below, all you'd need to do
is modify your perl script to call a similar cyrus/bin/deliver line instead
of maildrop.

> Here is my real problem.  This is what I have right
> now.  I want to keep this while expanding on to Cyrus
> (if that seems the best choice).

Just remember, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  I like cyrus a lot,
but you need to evaluate if your load is causing any problems, and then if
this sort of switch is the best fix.

> Mail arrives.  If it is of the form user-something,
> my perl script is called.  My perl script determines
> if it needs to do anything special with the mail, and
> if not, it hands it off to maildrop for delivery into
> my Maildir.  Of course, maildrop could do further
> filtering but that's not something I'm doing right now.
> How can I get something similar to the above to work
> using Cyrus?  For the curious, my perl script takes
> certain emails and stuffs it into a database.
> Otherwise, it is treated as a normal email.

There are some caveats about regular users using 'deliver' to put
mail in their mailboxes.  IIRC, it should be wrapped so that they can't
abuse it to get around mailbox quotas.  Then again, if not using quotas,
then it isn't a problem...  The cyrus documentation goes into these issues
better than I can remember.

gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: qmail-imap, cyrus imap, qmail

2000-02-09 Thread Sam

Dave Sill writes:

> >Someone tracked this one down and confirmed it to be a bug in Netscape
> >Messenger's IMAP client.
> And the "fix" is to wait for Time/Warner/CNN/AOL/Netscape to release a 
> working Messenger, and get all 50 million users to install it, rather
> than accommodating the bug in the handful of courier-imap servers?

And tolerating sheer incompetence, and lack of due diligence, on the part
of commercial software vendors is how we got into this situation in the
first place.

I've already given both Messenger and Outlook Express enough slack when it
could be reasonably argued that there is a difference of opinion as to what
IMAP4rev1 is actually saying, which I consider to be the worst written RFC
I have ever read - but that's another story.

However, when there's a failure in implementing a rather clear and
unambiguous portion of the protocol, working around that particular problem
is going to get the lowest priority.

I'll fix Netscape's bugs when I have the time for it.  But for now, I have
better things to do.

Until then, and I hate to say it, people should use Outlook Express's IMAP


Understanding qmail-qstat and qmail-qread...

2000-02-21 Thread Guillermo Villasana Cardoza

I have the following question:
When I run qmail-stat
I get the following:

messages in queue: 35
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

I understand that the first line tells me the amount of email that has
not been delivered yet, what I don't understand is what does it mean
that an email is not preprocessed... what preporcessing is required to
be done...
and then I enter the todo, and there is nothing (everything is in the
mess folder) so when I use qmail-qread I get a list of email... but some
of this email have already been delivered...and it starts sending the
same mail over and over...

I am using qmail+vpopmail in an AIX

Re: Qmail-popup or Qmail-pop3d

2000-03-10 Thread Dave Sill

Spades <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d.

man qmail-popup:
   qmail-popup - read a POP username and password

man qmail-pop3d:
   qmail-pop3d - distribute mail via POP

qmail-popup is a front-end for qmail-pop3d.


rblsmtp with qmail-qmail-ldap patch

2000-06-23 Thread prashant

hello everybody 
  can i use  rblsmtpd and tcpserver with already 
installed qmail  which is using ldap directory 
please suggest me how should i proceed 
Prashant desai

qmail-lspawn to qmail-local strangeness

2000-06-27 Thread Ben Giddings

Hey Everyone,

I've  been  trying  to  get qmail to work for a few days, and have had
almost no luck.  Local delivery just doesn't work.

When  I  do the local to local test the message bounces and eventually
goes to the ~alias/Mailbox (postmaster) location.

I've  been  trying to trace the problem for a while and I think I know
what it is.  It looks like qmail-lspawn is starting qmail-local with a
dash  as the "dash" argument.  Because of this it is never even trying
to  put  the mail in "Mailbox" in my home directory, instead it's just
checking  the  .qmail-X  files  and  when  they're  not found it's
bouncing the mail.

Now  the  local  to local picture shows qmail-local being started with
the  dash and ext being both unset.  The only time that doesn't appear
to   be  the  case  is when there's a dash in the username part of the
email address.  Since this isn't the case, what's going on?

(As  an  aside, qmail looks like a great, highly flexible program, but
man   the   source  needs  work.   Virtually  no  comments  anywhere,
meaningless  variable  and  function names.  Not a fun thing to search
through when you're trying to figure something out.)


No qmail in /var/qmail/bin

2000-10-30 Thread Ruprecht Helms


I have the problem when I download the qmail-1.03 tarball and install qmail
make setup check I can't found the programm qmail in /var/qmail/bin. This
file is nessesary for the startscript.

The unpacking of the tarball and the installation I have made diffent times. 

How can I do the installation and can be sure that the file qmail will be

INTERNOLIX   Standards for Ebusiness

Ruprecht Helms

Weiherstr. 20Tel: +49-[0]7533-9945-71
78465 Konstanz   Fax: +49-[0]7533-9945-79

reg. qmail-qmqpd and qmail-qmtpd

2000-11-14 Thread RamKumar

i would like to know what qmail-qmqpd and qmail-qmtpd are used for? and
where i could get more information about the same.


Separation of qmail-smtpd & qmail-remote

2000-11-20 Thread Gan
I want to separate my mail server into 2 machines , (simple relaying but
too many users) , How can I do that? Should i use controls/smtproutes file ?

Life w/qmail: multilog qmail link

2000-12-20 Thread rdrake

I am trying to get a better understanding of the interoperation and I have tried
the archives but can't find the answer I am looking for.

I have qmail working by using Sill's LWQ, but I don't understand how the programs
qmail-send and qmail-smtp are linked to the multilog program.  I see that they
are both started independently and that multilog accepts input in STDIN, but
I don't see how qmail-* knows about multilog and knows to send to its STDIN.

Further adding to my confusion is the line in section 2.9 "Note that using these
instructions, logging will be accomplished by multilog, not splogger".  My 
file (from LWQ)states 'qmail-start ./Maildir splogger qmail'.  That tells me
that splogger is being used.  

Can someone please describe the link for me?  Why does LWQ say to put splogger
on qmail-start command line if it does not even get used?

much thanks.

Re: qmail with qmail-ldap patch ?

2001-02-01 Thread Dave Sill

"dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Being a newbie to qmail and ldap

Danger, Will Robinson! qmail-ldap is not for newbies.

>I am wondering if there is a qmail with the
>qmail-ldap patch already applied.

Perhaps, but if you can't handle applying the patch, you're definitely 
not ready for qmail-ldap.


Re: qmail with qmail-ldap patch ?

2001-02-03 Thread prashant

visit www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap/

 there is a very nice documentation available at this url written by henning

hope this helps
prashant desai
- Original Message -
From: dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 6:17 AM
Subject: qmail with qmail-ldap patch ?

> Hi all...
> Being a newbie to qmail and ldap I am wondering if there is a qmail with
> qmail-ldap patch already applied.

Re: qmail with qmail-ldap patch ?

2001-02-04 Thread Henning Brauer

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 10:20:25AM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:
> >I am wondering if there is a qmail with the
> >qmail-ldap patch already applied. 
> Perhaps, but if you can't handle applying the patch, you're definitely 
> not ready for qmail-ldap.

Right. And we all are aware of Dan's licensing, so this is impossible.
prashant already pointed you to the documentation.

> -Dave

Henning Brauer | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS| Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

Re: qmail, qmail-command and procmail

2001-04-09 Thread Ricardo Cerqueira

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 07:57:37PM +, Subba Rao wrote:
> Hello,
> I have started qmail with the following option in /var/qmail/rc:
>   exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>   qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward |preline procmail' splogger qmail
> Here I am explicitly using procmail as my MDA. My .qmail has one entry which is,
> "./Maildir/"

You're wrong. You're NOT using procmail as your MDA. You're using procmail
as the system's MDA. From the moment you created a .qmail, you've overriden
the system default.
The default delivery mode only works when users don't specify their own.


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis Telecom  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 2 1010  - Fax: +351 2 1010 4459

 PGP signature

Re: qmail, qmail-command and procmail

2001-04-10 Thread Gerrit Pape

On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 02:15:44AM +0100, Ricardo Cerqueira wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 07:57:37PM +, Subba Rao wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have started qmail with the following option in /var/qmail/rc:
> > 
> > exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
> > qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward |preline procmail' splogger qmail
You also forgot a \n here:   ^^^

qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward
|preline procmail' splogger qmail


> > 
> > Here I am explicitly using procmail as my MDA. My .qmail has one entry which is,
> > "./Maildir/"
> You're wrong. You're NOT using procmail as your MDA. You're using procmail
> as the system's MDA. From the moment you created a .qmail, you've overriden
> the system default.
> The default delivery mode only works when users don't specify their own.

innominate AG
 the linux architects
tel: +49.30.308806-0  fax: -77  http://www.innominate.com

Re: qmail, qmail-command and procmail

2001-04-23 Thread jessica

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 07:57:37PM +, Subba Rao wrote:
> Hello,
> I have started qmail with the following option in /var/qmail/rc:
>   exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>   qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward |preline procmail' splogger qmail
> Here I am explicitly using procmail as my MDA. My .qmail has one entry which is,
> "./Maildir/"

You're wrong. You're NOT using procmail as your MDA. You're using procmail
as the system's MDA. From the moment you created a .qmail, you've overriden
the system default.
The default delivery mode only works when users don't specify their own.


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis Telecom  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 2 1010  - Fax: +351 2 1010 4459


Re: qmail, qmail-command and procmail

2001-04-23 Thread Forrest Sutton

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 07:57:37PM +, Subba Rao wrote:
> Hello,
> I have started qmail with the following option in /var/qmail/rc:
>   exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>   qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward |preline procmail' splogger qmail
> Here I am explicitly using procmail as my MDA. My .qmail has one entry
which is,
> "./Maildir/"

You're wrong. You're NOT using procmail as your MDA. You're using procmail
as the system's MDA. From the moment you created a .qmail, you've overriden
the system default.
The default delivery mode only works when users don't specify their own.


| Ricardo Cerqueira
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42
| Novis Telecom  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 2 1010  - Fax: +351 2 1010 4459


Re: several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

2001-07-23 Thread Greg White

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 09:58:04PM -0400, alexus wrote:
> i was checking something and i founds this
> my mail server seems to have tons of 
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue
> running at the same time.. about 30 of them

The process actually listening on port 25 forks a qmail-smtpd for every
incoming conneciton. qmail-queue is then run to place the mail safely in
the queue.

> any ideas why?

Read /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS.
> nothin intersting in maillog

I find that hard to believe. At the moment you see that many
qmail-queues hanging around, qmail-smtpd's logs should read something
like so, if logged through tcpserver:

@40003b5cd7620a221bcc tcpserver: status: 30/xx

where xx is either 40 or whatever is specified in the 'run' file for
qmail-smtpd. ISTR that inetd does some sort of logging of how many
processes it has opened, but it's been so long since I used inetd for
anything that I've forgotten.

Greg White

Re: several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

2001-07-23 Thread alexus

i can send you today's log.. but its really nothing intersting there

what i found intesting is

tcpserver servver shows 0/40

- Original Message - 
From: "Greg White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 09:58:04PM -0400, alexus wrote:
> > i was checking something and i founds this
> > 
> > my mail server seems to have tons of 
> > /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue
> > 
> > running at the same time.. about 30 of them
> > 
> The process actually listening on port 25 forks a qmail-smtpd for every
> incoming conneciton. qmail-queue is then run to place the mail safely in
> the queue.
> > any ideas why?
> Read /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS.
> > 
> > nothin intersting in maillog
> > 
> I find that hard to believe. At the moment you see that many
> qmail-queues hanging around, qmail-smtpd's logs should read something
> like so, if logged through tcpserver:
> @40003b5cd7620a221bcc tcpserver: status: 30/xx
> where xx is either 40 or whatever is specified in the 'run' file for
> qmail-smtpd. ISTR that inetd does some sort of logging of how many
> processes it has opened, but it's been so long since I used inetd for
> anything that I've forgotten.
> -- 
> Greg White

Re: several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

2001-07-24 Thread alexus

bash-2.05$ ls -al /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS
ls: /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS: No such file or directory

- Original Message - 
From: "Greg White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 09:58:04PM -0400, alexus wrote:
> > i was checking something and i founds this
> > 
> > my mail server seems to have tons of 
> > /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue
> > 
> > running at the same time.. about 30 of them
> > 
> The process actually listening on port 25 forks a qmail-smtpd for every
> incoming conneciton. qmail-queue is then run to place the mail safely in
> the queue.
> > any ideas why?
> Read /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS.
> > 
> > nothin intersting in maillog
> > 
> I find that hard to believe. At the moment you see that many
> qmail-queues hanging around, qmail-smtpd's logs should read something
> like so, if logged through tcpserver:
> @40003b5cd7620a221bcc tcpserver: status: 30/xx
> where xx is either 40 or whatever is specified in the 'run' file for
> qmail-smtpd. ISTR that inetd does some sort of logging of how many
> processes it has opened, but it's been so long since I used inetd for
> anything that I've forgotten.
> -- 
> Greg White

Re: several /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd and bin/qmail-queue

2001-07-24 Thread Greg White

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 01:23:13PM -0400, alexus wrote:
> bash-2.05$ ls -al /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS
> ls: /var/qmail/doc/INTERNALS: No such file or directory
> bash-2.05$ 

Apologies. Installing those files in /var/qmail/doc is a port-ism from
FreeBSD. It's in the source tree only in a default install.


Greg White

/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default vs virtualdomains

2001-05-22 Thread Dean Staff


I'd like to know if it's possible to edit the /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-
default file, so instead of it having a username or email address to 
deliver messages for undefined users to, you have a defined path to a 
specific mailbox. ie:  /home/bubba/Maildir/

The reason I ask is because we provide and internet fax service, and 
we recieve messages addressed to "a-fax-number"@domain.com
Obviously I can setup a user account for every possible fax number, 
so we deliver anything undefined to 1 mailbox. THe problem is that in 
the default setup qmail changes the Delivered To: address to the user 
listed in the /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default file. And if I use the 
virtualdomain feature it prepends the username defined for that 
domain to the Delivered To: field. 

Niether option is particularly useful, as we need to see the fax 
number unmodified.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Dean Staff
Protus IP Solutions
210 - 2379 Holly Lane
Ottawa, ON K1V 7P2 Canada
613-733- ex 546 Fax 613-248-4553
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.protus.com

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Charles Cazabon

Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using the qmail-queue-patch together with the qmail-scanner and I'm also
> thinking about to put some spamfilters before or after the antivirus
> scanning.
> Is it ok to let the sending smtp server to wait so long time before
> [qmail-scanner] has processed the mail? For me it sounds like a bad idea to
> let them wait.

No, a few minutes wait is perfectly fine.

> So I'm thinking about to create another queue that the mail can be placed in
> first so qmail can tell the sender that it has ben received and then start
> to scan and filtering the mail in that queue before it deliver it to the
> original queue.

I don't think this is a great idea; it means you have to accept every message,
then scan them, then generate late bounces, instead of rejecting them during
the initial SMTP conversation.

What problem are you trying to solve?  Why do you think making the SMTP client
wait a minute or two is a bad idea?

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Lukas Beeler

At 12:27 07.07.2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So I'm thinking about to create another queue that the mail can be 
> placed in
> > first so qmail can tell the sender that it has ben received and then start
> > to scan and filtering the mail in that queue before it deliver it to the
> > original queue.
>What problem are you trying to solve?  Why do you think making the SMTP client
>wait a minute or two is a bad idea?
hmm iam not sure, but what is, if the connected mta thinks that the remote 
has gone offline, closes the connection and sets the message deferred, and 
retries later.. getting the same problem again..
iam not if there exist's a such mta, but its possible that this will cause 
problems like that
Lukas "Maverick" Beeler / Telematiker
Project: D.R.E.A.M / every.de - Your Community
Web: http://www.projectdream.org

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Charles Cazabon

Lukas Beeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 12:27 07.07.2001 -0600, you wrote:
> >Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > So I'm thinking about to create another queue that the mail can be
> > > placed in first so qmail can tell the sender that it has ben received
> > > and then start to scan and filtering the mail in that queue before it
> > > deliver it to the original queue.
> >
> >What problem are you trying to solve?  Why do you think making the SMTP
> >client wait a minute or two is a bad idea?

> hmm iam not sure, but what is, if the connected mta thinks that the remote 
> has gone offline, closes the connection and sets the message deferred, and 
> retries later.. getting the same problem again..
> iam not if there exist's a such mta, but its possible that this will cause 
> problems like that

If there's such an MTA, it's broken.  RFC2821 states that the absolute minimum
timeout the sending MTA can use while waiting for the response to the end of
the DATA phase is 10 minutes:

   DATA Termination: 10 minutes.

 This is while awaiting the "250 OK" reply.  When the receiver gets the
 final period terminating the message data, it typically performs
 processing to deliver the message to a user mailbox.  A spurious timeout
 at this point would be very wasteful and would typically result in
 delivery of multiple copies of the message, since it has been
 successfully sent and the server has accepted responsibility for
 delivery.  See section 6.1 for additional discussion.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Andreas Grip

Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm using the qmail-queue-patch together with the qmail-scanner and I'm also
> > thinking about to put some spamfilters before or after the antivirus
> > scanning.
> [...]
> > Is it ok to let the sending smtp server to wait so long time before
> > [qmail-scanner] has processed the mail? For me it sounds like a bad idea to
> > let them wait.
> No, a few minutes wait is perfectly fine.
> > So I'm thinking about to create another queue that the mail can be placed in
> > first so qmail can tell the sender that it has ben received and then start
> > to scan and filtering the mail in that queue before it deliver it to the
> > original queue.
> I don't think this is a great idea; it means you have to accept every message,
> then scan them, then generate late bounces, instead of rejecting them during
> the initial SMTP conversation.

qmail-scanner do not reject them, it just bounce them. And what diffrent
should that make if the bunce is a few minutes late? It will be late for
the sender anyway because they use their ISP:s smtp server and the mail
will be sended from that to my smtp server that scan the mail.

> What problem are you trying to solve?  Why do you think making the SMTP client
> wait a minute or two is a bad idea?

Well, a smtp-server receiving a lot of mail can reach the limit of
maximum allowed simultanius connection. If the smtp server close the
connection faster there will be more time over and the server is able to
receive more mail. So I think a server, that are faster with closing the
connection should be more efficient.

> Charles
> --
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> ---

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> connection faster there will be more time over and the server is able to
> receive more mail. So I think a server, that are faster with closing the
> connection should be more efficient.

Then the backlog is on your server. You still have to scan the mails
and this is the time consuming thing. Additionally you get the
overhead of two queues.

Regards, Frank

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-07 Thread Charles Cazabon

Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I don't think this is a great idea; it means you have to accept every message,
> > then scan them, then generate late bounces, instead of rejecting them during
> > the initial SMTP conversation.
> qmail-scanner do not reject them, it just bounce them.

I think you're mistaken, although I don't use qmail-scanner.  Issuing a 4xx or
5xx code after DATA _is_ rejecting a message -- it's also a bounce, although
if it's done during the SMTP conversation, the sending MTA is responsible for
generating the bounce message.

> And what diffrent should that make if the bunce is a few minutes late? It
> will be late for the sender anyway because they use their ISP:s smtp server
> and the mail will be sended from that to my smtp server that scan the mail.

There's a big difference.  See above.  Late bounces have to be generated by
your MTA and delivered; if the message is bounced during the initial SMTP
conversion, the bounce message is the responsibility of the sending MTA, not
the receiving one.

> > What problem are you trying to solve?  Why do you think making the SMTP
> > client wait a minute or two is a bad idea?
> Well, a smtp-server receiving a lot of mail can reach the limit of maximum
> allowed simultanius connection. If the smtp server close the connection
> faster there will be more time over and the server is able to receive more
> mail. So I think a server, that are faster with closing the connection
> should be more efficient.

Profile, don't speculate.  You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-08 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 09:19:19PM +0200, Andreas Grip wrote:
> Well, a smtp-server receiving a lot of mail can reach the limit of
> maximum allowed simultanius connection. If the smtp server close the
> connection faster there will be more time over and the server is able to
> receive more mail. So I think a server, that are faster with closing the
> connection should be more efficient.

If scanning incoming mail takes that long, either upgrade your hardware
or push the scanning problem to the end-users (ie. get them to buy an
anti-virus package or something).

Trying to accept even more mail, when you're already having trouble
clearing the mail you've already received, is IMO A Really Bad Idea In
A World Full Of Bad Ideas.

- Adrian

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-08 Thread Andreas Grip

Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Andreas Grip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't think this is a great idea; it means you have to accept every message,
> > > then scan them, then generate late bounces, instead of rejecting them during
> > > the initial SMTP conversation.
> >
> > qmail-scanner do not reject them, it just bounce them.
> I think you're mistaken, although I don't use qmail-scanner.  Issuing a 4xx or
> 5xx code after DATA _is_ rejecting a message -- it's also a bounce, although
> if it's done during the SMTP conversation, the sending MTA is responsible for
> generating the bounce message.

Nope, I'm not misstaken. An infected mail is not rejected while my smtp
server is receiving the mail, it turn of the connection with an ok. No
bounce at this time. And then it sends an bounce to the sender with
virus warning message.

> > And what diffrent should that make if the bunce is a few minutes late? It
> > will be late for the sender anyway because they use their ISP:s smtp server
> > and the mail will be sended from that to my smtp server that scan the mail.
> There's a big difference.  See above.  Late bounces have to be generated by
> your MTA and delivered; if the message is bounced during the initial SMTP
> conversion, the bounce message is the responsibility of the sending MTA, not
> the receiving one.

Maybe there should be an idea to change the behavior of qmail-scanner so
it reject the mail instead of accepting it. But then where can not be so
much details in the virus report because the sending smtp do not know
anything about the virus.

> > > What problem are you trying to solve?  Why do you think making the SMTP
> > > client wait a minute or two is a bad idea?
> >
> > Well, a smtp-server receiving a lot of mail can reach the limit of maximum
> > allowed simultanius connection. If the smtp server close the connection
> > faster there will be more time over and the server is able to receive more
> > mail. So I think a server, that are faster with closing the connection
> > should be more efficient.
> Profile, don't speculate.  You're trying to solve a problem that doesn't
> exist.

I'm not trying to solve a problem that dosen't exist. I'm just trying to
make sure that there will not be any problems.

> Charles
> --
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> ---

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-08 Thread Jason Haar

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 10:57:08AM +0200, Andreas Grip wrote:
> Nope, I'm not misstaken. An infected mail is not rejected while my smtp
> server is receiving the mail, it turn of the connection with an ok. No
> bounce at this time. And then it sends an bounce to the sender with
> virus warning message.

Absolutely right. I cannot send a SMTP error back during the DATA phase
otherwise the sending SMTP server just bounces the Email message with little
or no reason. SMTP error messages aren't any good when you're wanting to
convey an elaborate reason why it bounced (e.g. "it was the KAK worm virus")
and in several languages :-)

OTOH it is still real-time. An original design decisions behind
Qmail-Scanner - which I am still happy with - was that I wasn't going to
re-invent the wheel and do post-scanning, and I would then have to design my
own queuing system, retries, etc. The way it is designed means all such
issues are taken care of by standard SMTP.

10-20 minutes is the standard maximum time a SMTP server expects to be
sitting in DATA phase, if a mail message takes longer than that to be
scanned by whatever virus scanner you have chosen (that will be where the
bottleneck is - not with Q-S), then you seriously have to look at:

a> your choice of scanner
b> upgrading your hardware.

I have seen thrown around the "fact" that to run a real-time SMTP virus
scanner requires around 10x the amount of hardware that not scanning would.
Sounds about right. That isn't as bad as it sounds as we all over-spec SMTP
relay servers these days anyway. We run two different virus scanners over
each piece of Email entering and leaving our network via Qmail-Scanner. The
load on these boxes has increased from a load average of 0.02 to 0.06, and
climbs to 30+ when we have hour+ network outages. The sudden onslaught of
mail after an outage is the killer.

Always spec for outages...

Also, don't forget, disk IO is most important for SMTP servers. When you
start virus scanning, you must add CPU and RAM to that as well. i.e. Big AV
mail servers need lots of RAM, lots of CPU as well as fast disks.


Jason Haar

Unix/Special Projects, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417

Qmail, tcpserver, environment variables, and qmail-smtpd

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Arlofski

Quick question regarding tcpserver, environment variables,  and 

I'd like to be able to stop inbound smtp connections for systems that 
don't have at least a DNS A record. I mean, c'mon... If you are running 
a mail server, it should have a valid DNS entry, no?   Anyway, here is 
where tcpserver comes in, or so I thought. I figure I can use the 
default -h option (or -p 'parinoid')  to set the $TCPREMOTEHOST variable 
for inbound servers with valid DNS entries, and have inbound connections 
stopped or allowed based on that, right?  Wrong. (or so far it appears 
to be wrong)

I am trying to understand the purpose of being able to set environment 
variables like $TCPREMOTEHOST with tcpserver for incoming connections 
(ie: using the -h option or -p 'paranoid' option to perform reverse DNS 
lookups) and set or unset the $TCPREMOTEHOST variable based on DNS 
information. when qmail-smtpd does not seem to care, or make any use of it.

Is a shell script to be called in place of qmail-smtpd to check 
environment variables, then pass control back onto qmail-smtpd?  

Any comments, or pointers would be appreciated, even if you are just 
going to tell me I am being too paranoid.:)  

Bill Arlofski
Unix Systems Administrator
The Hotchkiss School

Re: qmail-lspawn to qmail-local strangeness

2000-06-27 Thread Adam McKenna

On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 07:43:08AM +0200, clemensF wrote:
> > Ben Giddings:
> > (As  an  aside, qmail looks like a great, highly flexible program, but
> > man   the   source  needs  work.   Virtually  no  comments  anywhere,
> > meaningless  variable  and  function names.  Not a fun thing to search
> > through when you're trying to figure something out.)
> i give stags a few seconds and then browse through the sources without problems.
> i think they are a delight to read!

I agree, I am not even a programmer (unless you count bash) and I am 
generally able to easily read through the source and find the part I need.


urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

   hello friends 

   i want to run web-mail server using  qmail as  mail server , my web
server and qmail server is going to be run on same physical mechine .
, as apache runs under nobody  i have to give 777 to ~/home/Maildir   for
this as a new mail gets delievered under ~/home/Maildir/new. i want to
change the permission of  that newmail file to 777 , but how can i trigger
this event , 

  that is how can i detect the event when new mail gets delieverd to 
users ~home/Maildir/new

 please help me , its really urgent 

 with kindest regards 
Prashant Desai 

Re: qmail-queue wrapper (like qmail-qfilter)

2000-08-30 Thread Peter Samuel

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Ricardo Albano wrote:

> Any had implemented qmail-qfilter sucefully or any qmail-queue wrapper ?
> RDA.-

I have a generic qmail-queue-wrapper program. It's written in perl and
in its standard form, does nothing but add another Received header to
the message before calling the real qmail-queue. If you can program in
perl you can get it to do whatever you want. I'm using it to do header
rewrites at one site.

It should be installed with no special permissions

-rwx--x--x qmailq qmail /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue

Program is attached.

You can also have a look at Jason Haar's scan4virus program. It too is
a perl qmail-queue-wrapper. Details at www.qmail.org.

http://www.e-smith.org (development)http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
Phone: +1 613 368 4398  Fax: +1 613 564 7739
e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

#!/pkgs/bin/perl -w
# $Id: qmail-queue-wrapper.pl,v 1.1 2000/05/31 07:20:37 psamuel Exp $
# qmail-queue wrapper program.
# This program should be used when you wish to manipulate a mail
# message BEFORE it is placed in the queue. Possible uses include:
#- header rewriting
#- Firstname.Lastname replacements
#- virus scanning
#- anything else you can think of
# There are at least 2 ways of using this program:
#1) Replace the original qmail-queue with this program:
#   mv /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue.orig
#   cp qmail-queue-wrapper /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue
#Change the value of $qmailqueue below, to reflect the new name of
#the original qmail-queue program. For example
#   my $qmailqueue = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue.orig";
#2) Recompile qmail with Bruce Guenter's QMAILQUEUE patch. (See
#http://www.qmail.org/qmailqueue-patch). Then any program that
#needs to use this program can be called with the environment
#variable QMAILQUEUE set to /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-wrapper
# How does it work? The interface to the real qmail-queue is simple:
# - the body of the message is read from file descriptor 0
# - the envelope details are read from file descriptor 1.
# qmail-queue-wrapper also adheres to the same interface. After doing
# whatever manipulations are necessary, it calls the real qmail-queue
# and provides the message body on file descriptor 0 and the envelope
# details on file descriptor 1.
# Exit codes conform to those mentioned in the qmail-queue(8) manual page.

require 5;
use strict;

my $child;
my $debug = 0;
my $envelope;
my %errors;
my @months;
my $new_received_header;
my $qmailqueue = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue.orig";
my @recipients;
my $sender;



if ($child = fork())
# Parent

my $timeout = 86400;# See qmail-queue.c, line 20


&fatal(82) unless close MESSAGE_READER;
&fatal(82) unless close ENVELOPE_READER;


# Wait for the child to terminate

waitpid($child, 0);

# Return with the exit status of the child

exit($? % 255);
elsif (defined $child)
# Child

&fatal(82) unless close MESSAGE_WRITER;
&fatal(82) unless close ENVELOPE_WRITER;

&fatal(82) unless defined open(STDIN, "<&MESSAGE_READER");
&fatal(82) unless defined open(STDOUT, "<&ENVELOPE_READER");

if ($debug)
&debug_message("$$: Reading message from STDIN\n\n");

while ()
&debug_message("$$: $_");

&fatal(82) unless close MESSAGE_READER;

&debug_message("\n$$: \n\n");
&debug_message("$$: Reading envelope from STDOUT\n");

while ()
s/\0/ /g;
&debug_message("$$: $_\n");

&fatal(82) unless close ENVELOPE_READER;

unless (exec $qmailqueue)
# We shouldn't be here unless the exec failed

# Unable to fork



sub initialise

.qmail-user after .qmail-default? (WAS: Temporary_error..)

2000-09-05 Thread Manuel Gisbert

I was able to encircle that virtual domain prob
(descriped in my message "Temporary_error_on_maildir_delivery._(#4.3.0)/"):

The error is independend from my .qmail-user files, but shows up when I put
file in that directory containing path to Maildir of postmaster to catch all
non-matching mail.
Also I still don't understand that error, as Im able to deliver to
postmaster directly,
I wonder whether .qmail-default is processed before .qmail-user and NOT only
in case no matching Maildir or .qmail-user file exist???

Any comments on that?
Thanx Manuel

[Qmail]Can qmail be used with procmail?

2000-09-05 Thread Hazy Xu


I like the procmail. It can deliever my mail to many separate mailbox.
It is useful when I subscribe many mailing list. 


Re: qmail won't read ~alias/.qmail-root

1999-07-04 Thread Tomasz Papszun

Check if you haven't got in file users/assign a line like this:

 Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/   | ones and zeros.

On Sun, 04 Jul 1999 at  0:58:12 -0400, Adam D . McKenna wrote:
> I don't know why.  But qmail absolutely refuses to read ~alias/.qmail-root.
> If I send e-mail to root, it goes to ~alias/.qmail-postmaster.
> I've just recompiled and reinstalled qmail, and it's doing the same thing.
> It doesn't do this on any of my other hosts.
> Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?
> --Adam

Re: qmail won't read ~alias/.qmail-root

1999-07-04 Thread Adam D . McKenna

*ding ding ding*

I actually figured this out around 4am last night...  Some piece of software
(maybe vckpw) put a bunch of aliases there without telling me (or if it did
tell me, I didn't remember..)


On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 02:12:38PM +0200, Tomasz Papszun wrote:
> Check if you haven't got in file users/assign a line like this:
> =root:alias:70:65534:/var/qmail/alias:-:postmaster:
> -- 
>  Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/   | ones and zeros.
> On Sun, 04 Jul 1999 at  0:58:12 -0400, Adam D . McKenna wrote:
> > I don't know why.  But qmail absolutely refuses to read ~alias/.qmail-root.
> > If I send e-mail to root, it goes to ~alias/.qmail-postmaster.
> > I've just recompiled and reinstalled qmail, and it's doing the same thing.
> > It doesn't do this on any of my other hosts.
> > Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?
> > 
> > --Adam

Qmail, virtual domains, assign and .qmail files...

1999-07-21 Thread Stephen Casey

I am having terrible trouble getting qmail to
work for virtual domains. I have followed the advice
from one of the links on qmail.org, and used the
users/assign file to break up my site into domains.

This method seems fine for delivering to the
directories, however, when it gets there, I can't seem
to use a .qmail file to cause forwarding, or Maildir

Any idea what I could be doing wrong?  Some

* the entire directory tree for delivery is owned
by the correct user/group.  It is chmod 700,
except for the .qmail files which are 600.

* I am not sure what the difference between .qmail-user,
.qmail-default and .qmail is?

Anyone see any obvious gotchas?


-- Steve Casey  | A cynic is a person who insists
| on seeing things as
URL: http://www.kallisti.co.uk  | they are, not as they
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | ought to be.

Qmail Help for a new qmail user.

1999-08-15 Thread Larry H. Raab

Sorry to bother all of you but I just have a, I am sure, small problem.
Qmail can send mail and such.  But when I send mail to an address on the

POP3 no messages ever get to the users.
 I ran qmail-qstat and is says:

11 messages in queue.
0 preprocessed

Or something to that effect.  I have gone over the man pages and the
HOWTO and I can't get any where.  Could you please suggest a good place
to look for a problem or even a fix if you might know one?
Thanks a ton for all of your help.

Larry H. Raab

qmail-start (qmail 1.03) under RedHat 6.0

1999-09-20 Thread Vladimir Berezniker

First of all I am a newbie to the *nix.  I use supervise from deamon tools 0.61. 
To run the following run file:
Version a:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start "`cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery`" \
setuidgid qmaill multilog t /var/log/qmail/mail

Version b:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start "`cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery`" | \
setuidgid qmaill multilog t /var/log/qmail/mail

When I use version a, logging does not work.  I checked man page for qmail-start it 
says the following is a calling
convention:  qmail-start [ defaultdelivery [ logger arg ...  ] ].  As far as I 
understand that should work.  What am I

When I use version b (piping) the logging does work. But I can not use svc -dx to stop 
the service.  I can see using ps
-ef that sh ./run is there after starting the file.  After stopping (trying) the 
service sh ./run is gone but the
qmail-send and the rest of the bunch is there.  I can kill the service using kill or 
killall, but it just drives me

Vladimir Berezniker

var-qmail packages and qmail-run packages

1998-12-23 Thread D. J. Bernstein

Vern Hart writes:
> If I understand it correctly, a var-qmail package is not allowed to
> enable qmail to send and receive messages.

Right. Those features are handled by a qmail-run package. Different
qmail-run packages can offer different features: running qmail under
supervise, for example, or using tcpserver instead of inetd.

You can freely install a var-qmail package without affecting other MTAs.
qmail-run is different: it promotes qmail into the special position of
receiving messages on port 25.

> If not, how is a user supposed to know what file(s) to read
> to know what to do next?

See qmail-1.03/BIN.README. This would be README in a typical var-qmail
tarball. Other package systems might display a message on the screen.


Alias, dot-qmail, qmail-local, maildir, directories

1999-03-12 Thread Joaquim Homrighausen

Couple of questions:

1. I cannot get "redirection" to work when I use a .qmail
file containing a complete maildir path. If I replace the
maildir path with another local user, the redirection
works. In the former case, qmail(-local I assume) complains
about delivery being temporarily deferred.

What I had was:


In the default home directory. The file contained


The ./johndoe02 directory is owned by johndoe02 (not world writeable)
The same ownership applies to all of the directories below ./johndoe02

If I log-in as johndoe02, I can change to /home/special/mailadd..
although I cannot do a pwd.

What does qmail(-local) require as far as directory rights in the
above scenario.

I have temporarily circumvented the problem by replacing the path
specification in the .qmail-john:doe file with 'johndoe02', which
works but isn't an elegant solution (IMHO) since it requires extra
work on qmail's behalf.

2. Is there a file or document which describes which directories must
be owned/groupowned by the various qmail UIDs/GIDs as well as other
directories (such as the one in the first question above)?

I'm somewhat behind in this mailing list, so if you do reply, please
CC me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on your reply.


Joaquim Homrighausen * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 2:201/330@fidonet
Definite Solutions * Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 6505087 * Fax: +46 8 4410010 * http://www.defsol.se

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Balazs Nagy

On Tue, 11 May 1999, Dan Peterson wrote:

>   hi. at www.qmail.org(/top.html), there is a mention of a patch to
> qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d to make the log stuff to splogger, but the link is
> broken (it points to http://www.pharos.com.au/mbp/). anyone have any idea
> where i can pick this patch up? any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

I do have a logger patch but it's broken.  AFAIK it's a waste of time to
talk about logging qmail-pop* until we cannot do logging with tcpserver. 
The problem is:

    supervise tcpserver qmail-popup 2>&1 | {some logger}

This tcpserver opens stderr to print its log messages and opens a pipe to
stdin-stdout for qmail-popup's connection.  In fact there isn't a way to do
logging right now.
Regards: Kevin (Balazs)

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Andy Walden

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Balazs Nagy wrote:

> On Tue, 11 May 1999, Dan Peterson wrote:
> > hi. at www.qmail.org(/top.html), there is a mention of a patch to
> > qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d to make the log stuff to splogger, but the link is
> > broken (it points to http://www.pharos.com.au/mbp/). anyone have any idea
> > where i can pick this patch up? any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
> I do have a logger patch but it's broken.  AFAIK it's a waste of time to

It would be sweet to be able to log bad passwords when people try to get
their mail like cistron radius does when they are trying to dial in. Tha
treally provides a powerful tool to tech support to get right to the heart
of a problem.


Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:48 am -0500 12/5/99,the wonderful Andy Walden wrote:

>It would be sweet to be able to log bad passwords when people try to get
>their mail like cistron radius does when they are trying to dial in.

Paul Gregg's version of Checpassword does that



peter at gradwell dot com; http://www.gradwell.com/
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

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Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Lars Uffmann

Balazs Nagy wrote:
> On Tue, 11 May 1999, Dan Peterson wrote:
> >   hi. at www.qmail.org(/top.html), there is a mention of a patch to
> > qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d to make the log stuff to splogger, but the link is
> > broken (it points to http://www.pharos.com.au/mbp/). anyone have any idea
> > where i can pick this patch up? any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
> I do have a logger patch but it's broken.  AFAIK it's a waste of time to
> talk about logging qmail-pop* until we cannot do logging with tcpserver.
> The problem is:
> supervise tcpserver qmail-popup 2>&1 | {some logger}
> This tcpserver opens stderr to print its log messages and opens a pipe to
> stdin-stdout for qmail-popup's connection.  In fact there isn't a way to do
> logging right now.
> --
> Regards: Kevin (Balazs)

Try commenting out line 91 in qmail-popup.c:

 91   /* if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) die_pipe(); */
 92   close(3);
 93   if (pipe(pi) == -1) die_pipe();
 94   if (pi[0] != 3) die_pipe();
 95   switch(child = fork()) {

Now checkpasswords and qmail-pop3d's SDTERR should go where tcpservers
goes. Set a environment variable in qmail-popup, say LOGID to provide
a session wide unique tag to use in the popup -> checkpassword -> pop3d

-- lars

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Balazs Nagy

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Lars Uffmann wrote:

> Balazs Nagy wrote:
> > 
> > This tcpserver opens stderr to print its log messages and opens a pipe to
> > stdin-stdout for qmail-popup's connection.  In fact there isn't a way to do
> > logging right now.
> Try commenting out line 91 in qmail-popup.c:
>  91   /* if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) die_pipe(); */

Why DJB put this line in? If you run this program from command line, 0,1,2
are open.  If you run from inetd, it dups 2 and 1 fom 0 (eg. 2 is alive). 
Tcpserver does a good emulation of command line.  I don't know why this line
exists in the code.

> Now checkpasswords and qmail-pop3d's SDTERR should go where tcpservers
> STDERR goes. Set a environment variable in qmail-popup, say LOGID to
> provide a session wide unique tag to use in the popup -> checkpassword ->
> pop3d pipeline.

Sounds reasonable.

Error catch points:
login, stat, commands: qmail-pop3d
bad passwords: checkpassword
Regards: Kevin (Balazs)

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Lars Uffmann

Balazs Nagy wrote:
> On Wed, 12 May 1999, Lars Uffmann wrote:
> > Balazs Nagy wrote:
> > >
> > > This tcpserver opens stderr to print its log messages and opens a pipe to
> > > stdin-stdout for qmail-popup's connection.  In fact there isn't a way to do
> > > logging right now.
> >
> > Try commenting out line 91 in qmail-popup.c:
> >
> >  91   /* if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) die_pipe(); */
> Why DJB put this line in? If you run this program from command line, 0,1,2
> are open.  If you run from inetd, it dups 2 and 1 fom 0 (eg. 2 is alive).
> Tcpserver does a good emulation of command line.  I don't know why this line
> exists in the code.
To be compatible with inetd qmail-popup HAS to dup STDERR 2 STDIN.
If you will patch checkpassword/pop3d to log to STDERR, you will no
be able to run them from inetd, because the log messages would be
to the mail client. The same with qmail-smtpd. I guess this is one
qmail-smtpd does no logging at all.

-- lars

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Balazs Nagy

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Lars Uffmann wrote:

> Balazs Nagy wrote:
> > Why DJB put this line in? If you run this program from command line,
> > 0,1,2 are open.  If you run from inetd, it dups 2 and 1 fom 0 (eg. 2 is
> > alive). Tcpserver does a good emulation of command line.  I don't know
> > why this line exists in the code.
> To be compatible with inetd qmail-popup HAS to dup STDERR 2 STDIN. If you
> will patch checkpassword/pop3d to log to STDERR, you will no longer be
> able to run them from inetd, because the log messages would be redirected
> to the mail client. The same with qmail-smtpd. I guess this is one reason
> qmail-smtpd does no logging at all.

But you should use tcp-env to run qmail-popup and you should open a pipe to
a logger (esp. the stderr fd) which can be specified in command line.  Other
solution: use errorsto(daemontools).
Regards: Kevin (Balazs)

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Scott Schwartz

Lars Uffmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| To be compatible with inetd qmail-popup HAS to dup STDERR 2 STDIN.

Or, it can be called from a trivial wrapper that does the dup for it.

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Dan Peterson

On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 02:30:28PM -0400, Scott Schwartz wrote:
> Lars Uffmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | To be compatible with inetd qmail-popup HAS to dup STDERR 2 STDIN.
> Or, it can be called from a trivial wrapper that does the dup for it.

actually, what about a syslog solution? i tried adding a syslog()
call to checkpassword, but when i did that it stopped working for some
reason (compiled fine, but authorization failed for everyone). i just want
something similar to cucipop logging...for successful connects, it shows the
username, how many messages they have (and size), and how many they
downloaded during their POP session. that would be cool!


`--- dan peterson [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] http://erinyes.net
 `-- network engineer, digitaldune networks -- yuma, az
  `- (520) 344-1110 -- http://www.digitaldune.net

qmail-start vs .qmail vs users/assign

1999-12-06 Thread Matthew Schnierle

We are looking to implement quotas on a new qmail farm, and I just want to
make sure that my approach will work:

The courier-imap folks have the delivery agent invoked from qmail start to
the effect of:

'| /usr/local/bin/deliverquota ./Maildir 100S'

in qmail-start for a default quota of 1 million bytes.  If I have all
maildir's defined by users-assign, I can still manage "exceptions" to this
with a .qmail file in the user's homedir, can't I (users have no shell
access, so altering the .qmail file in the homedir should not be a problem). 
Is this the case, or am I smoking something?

--Matt Schnierle
--mgs at stargate dot net
--Stargate Industries, LLC
--"It's not that simple."

Re: Understanding qmail-qstat and qmail-qread...

2000-02-21 Thread Guillermo Villasana Cardoza

Guillermo Villasana Cardoza wrote:

> I forgot I am using this rc file:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
> qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward ./Maildir/' splogger qmail &
> env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" tcpserver 0 pop-3
> /var/qmail/bin/qmai
> l-popup /var/qmail/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3
> d Maildir &
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u2199 -g 206 0 smtp
> /var/
> qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &

I am also getting this warning:

Feb 21 19:36:20 ns qmail: 951161780.001515 warning: trouble opening
; will try again later
Feb 21 19:36:20 ns qmail: 951161780.002090 warning: trouble opening
; will try again later
Feb 21 19:36:24 ns qmail: 951161784.001896 warning: trouble opening
; will try again later

I looked and this files did not exist... I ran queue-fix and it told
me it
was fixed...

> Guillermo Villasana Cardoza wrote:
> > I have the following question:
> > When I run qmail-stat
> > I get the following:
> >
> > messages in queue: 35
> > messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
> >
> > I understand that the first line tells me the amount of email that has
> > not been delivered yet, what I don't understand is what does it mean
> > that an email is not preprocessed... what preporcessing is required to
> > be done...
> > and then I enter the todo, and there is nothing (everything is in the
> > mess folder) so when I use qmail-qread I get a list of email... but some
> > of this email have already been delivered...and it starts sending the
> > same mail over and over...
> >
> > I am using qmail+vpopmail in an AIX

Re: Understanding qmail-qstat and qmail-qread...

2000-02-21 Thread Dave Sill

Guillermo Villasana Cardoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have the following question:
>When I run qmail-stat
>I get the following:
>messages in queue: 35
>messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
>I understand that the first line tells me the amount of email that has
>not been delivered yet, what I don't understand is what does it mean
>that an email is not preprocessed... what preporcessing is required to
>be done...
>and then I enter the todo, and there is nothing (everything is in the
>mess folder)



>so when I use qmail-qread I get a list of email... but some
>of this email have already been delivered...and it starts sending the
>same mail over and over...




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