Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio stops playing after around 30 seconds

2020-05-24 Thread reinholdk

slartibartfast wrote: 
> This morning anything I played on my Radio went silent after between 25
> and 30 seconds. Radio stations and local files. I finally realised that
> slightly turning the volume knob resumed normal playback. Rebooting the
> Radio fixed the issue.
> Anyone else experienced this?

I've reported a similar issue a few years back and you've also reported
issues in that thread:
After the radios worked well since then, I have the issues again since a
few weeks (or months?). I thought it was my WiFi switching off but
meanwhile tried leaving it always on, but this doesn't help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery/charging behavior. Anyone else experiencing this?

2020-05-10 Thread reinholdk

I've also never seen that. Switching between plugged in and playing on
battery with one of my Radios quite often.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery peculiarities

2020-01-06 Thread reinholdk

whitman wrote: 
> Thanks again, Kidstypike... new charger purchased, problem solved.
> Battery is now charging as it should. I'm at a bit of a loss as for the
> explanation, though. I didn't think chargers would  just sort of wear
> out. Wha'appen?

The defect power supply of my radio got quite warm while plugged in.
Don't know if this was cause or effect of the malfunction. Maybe there
was a loose connection, because it did work for some (short) time...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery peculiarities

2019-12-28 Thread reinholdk

Yes, the battery loads completely again and the radio plays on battery
quite a few hours as expected.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Battery peculiarities

2019-12-27 Thread reinholdk

Experienced this with one of my radios, too. Using the power supply from
one of my spare radios made it work again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Second-hand Radio not functioning

2019-03-02 Thread reinholdk

One of my Radios has an issue with the power inlet (since years): it's
really hard to successfully plug the power connector into this Radio. I
have to twist and move the connector slowly while plugging in and retry
often until it succeeds. So I'm using it always plugged in and told the
family members to never ever pull the connector from the Radio...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection gets lost on two radio's

2019-02-12 Thread reinholdk

BertdeJong wrote: 
> I am successful in binding both radio's to the AP but overnight when in
> Stand By one of the two (not always the same) loses connection.

You mean the radio loses connection after it was in stand-by overnight?
Was it still connected to the AP and only disconnected from LMS or even
disconneted from the AP?
And it doesn't occur when only one radio was connected?
Can you try a different router?

For my Asus routers I disable Wifi for some hours during the night and
also the LMS server (old Win10 PC, wired to the router) sleeps when
idle, but the Radios don't have issues to reconnect to LMS in the
morning. They either send a WOL packet to wake up the server or they are
connected immediately if the server is running.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2019-02-12 Thread reinholdk

BertdeJong wrote: 
> Has it always worked for you or did you have to change anything?

Always worked. Had to change channels two or three times throughout the
years due to neighbour's Wifi.
Actually I have two RT-N66U routers in AP mode to have a better coverage
in the house. They have the same SSID. And there are 3 Radios connected
wireless, two of them to the same (nearer) router.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2019-02-11 Thread reinholdk

Thunder3dan3 wrote: 
> Also, I'm wondering if this an Asus issue that got introduce during a
> recent firmware upgrade.

I don't have Wifi issues with two radios connected to an Asus RT-N66U
(in AP mode), currently with firmware

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection gets lost on two radio's

2019-02-09 Thread reinholdk

Can you tell a little more what you tried except the fixed channel? Did
you check signal strengths and maybe interfering channels in the
neighborhood, for example?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio turns on by itself. Any idea why?

2018-12-19 Thread reinholdk

Occasionally I see one of my Radios or my Touch rebooting itself for no
obvious reason. Happens (always?) from stand-by (clock) screen, so
afterwards the device is on...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Cannot Connect to from Squeezebox Radio

2018-04-26 Thread reinholdk

diannabill wrote: 
> Michael - I wish there was some way we could meaningfully show our
> appreciation for all you are single-handedly doing to keep us running. 
> For me, this is the 2nd time over the past several years that you've
> fixed my radios.  
> I can tell from the comments that you've impacted lots of folks out
> there.  How about setting up a Paypal account and you could probably get
> at least a couple of nights out on the town on us!  I'd be willing to
> chip in.  
> Take Care - and Thanks!!!

He usually doesn't tell, but he has a Donate button at the bottom of his
plugins website:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Lost connection with Squeezebox Radio

2018-02-10 Thread reinholdk

Do you have internet connectivity problems with other devices in your
network when this happens?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio "freezes" periodically

2017-12-19 Thread reinholdk

Is this a current log file? The messages are from March. You don't have
a network issue?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox radio 'problem connecting' but works...

2017-09-17 Thread reinholdk

Not related to your problem, but hopefully you're connecting through a
VPN instead of forwarding a port, see 'this thread'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-08-21 Thread reinholdk

edwin2006 wrote: 
> Leave AP's on?

Sure, I could do so but I try to reduce energy consumption of the APs by
shutting down WiFi if nobody needs it in the night. And it worked like
this for years. Only with the recent different schedulings this caused

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-08-21 Thread reinholdk

bpa wrote: 
> IIRC If the different APs have the same ssid - you'll have problems. 
> Radio and Touch do not support roaming.

No, I use identical SSIDs for many years and I can take a Radio and
wander around in the house and the Radio connects to the AP with the
best signal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-07-05 Thread reinholdk

Yes, these are the changes I made using the Radio's volume control.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-07-04 Thread reinholdk

bpa wrote: 
> I can't see anything in logs indicating a voulme change but not all
> sources of change for Radio have been logged (e.g. IR control)

The volume changes are logged, search for "new volume from player" in
the Radio's messages file. I don't have any IR control in use for the
SBs, in fact they're packed away.

> When sound resume after knob clock - is it at same position (i.e paused)
> or has stream moved on (i.e. volumen set to zero) in the meantime.

The stream moved on. I can also see the progress in LMS web UI.

> Without more details (i.e. is stream paused - what does NP screen show ?
> does audio continue without a gap)  - I think the problem is hardware
> (e.g. could IR sensor be failing, could audio output have problems). 
> Not sure what you can do except possibly reload firmware and factory
> reset.

In this situation the NP screen shows what has been played before
switching the Radio to standby and doesn't show any progress indicator.
This morning I made another observation: after switching music from
Radio1 to Radio2 using SwitchPlayer plugin I went to the kitchen where
Radio2 is placed but it didn't play and the digital clock was shown. Now
I changed volume without switching it on(!) and it played the correct
track. The screen still showed the clock. It played only for 10 seconds
or so before it muted again. Another small twist of the volume knob let
it play for another short period and so on.

Since usually both Radios are affected and since there's the workaround
to switch to MYSB and back after which they are working fine at least
for the whole day, I doubt it's the hardware. But it's not impossible of
course. I can replace one of them by another Radio that I usually run on
battery so it's really off if not used and therefore not involved in
this mystery. And I have two spare Radios that I can try...

Thanks for your comments!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-07-03 Thread reinholdk

Now it gets even more strange.

The issue occurred again last week, but this time only RADIO2 was
affected. As usually when the issue occurs the now playing screen
doesn't show the currently played track but displays old information and
no progress indication. After roughly 10 minutes the audio muted as
usual in this situation. But this time I didn't switch to MYSB and back
to work around, but simply changed the volume a point or two using the
Radio's knob. And the music was back for another 10 or 11 minutes before
it muted again. I repeated this game a few times and the music played
always for about 10 or 11 minutes before it muted.

I cannot see any hint in the log files, but maybe somebody else can?
On the Radio, debug logging was enabled for audio.output,
applet.NowPlaying and applet.Playback.
For the server it's network.cometd and network.protocol.slimproto.

And here are the notes I made to help in relating the time to the


  05:45 switched on RADIO1 and it plays w/o issues
  06:00 WiFi on AP for RADIO2 switched on, RADIO2 connects
  06:10 SwitchPlayer plugin on RADIO1 sends album playlist to RADIO2, but 
RADIO2 doesn't play and is still in soft-off
  06:13 switched on RADIO2 manually, now it plays correct tracks, but NP screen 
shows old info and no progress => usual indication of the issue
  06:24±1   RADIO2 mutes suddenly, after changing volume a single point 
(knob) it continues to play
  06:34 (changed volume of RADIO2 slightly again)
  06:35 (changed volume of RADIO2 slightly again)
  06:42 album playlist reached the end on RADIO2
  06:46 restarted album playlist on RADIO2
  06:56 RADIO2 mutes suddenly, after changing volume a single point (knob) it 
continues to play
  07:08 RADIO2 mutes suddenly, after changing volume a single point (knob) it 
continues to play
  07:19 RADIO2 mutes suddenly, after changing volume a single point (knob) it 
continues to play
  07:30 RADIO2 mutes suddenly, after changing volume a single point (knob) it 
continues to play

Are there other logging settings that might help in finding the root

|Filename: messages(Radio2-0626).zip|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-18 Thread reinholdk

bpa wrote: 
> Initial suggestions:
> audio.output to DEBUG
> applet.NowPlaying to DEBUG

Did that. Will report back when the problem occurs again.

In the meanwhile: is there a way to configure the time span for which
the /var/log/messages file is storing the messages or to configure the
number of files that are kept. Currently there are two and this might be
not sufficient.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-15 Thread reinholdk

no and no: the radios are not synced and the touch is not affected.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-15 Thread reinholdk

Thanks for your effort so far, bpa!

The LMS log is shorter because Radio stopped audio output before -
either during the 3rd or 4th track. A few minutes later (cause if it
happens, I'm usually in the shower and I feel a real pain when the music
stops :() I went to the LMS PC, copied the server log and checked
various other details before I copied the messages file over from the

But if you really want to have another look, here is the server.log up
to the start of the 10th track:

I had to check for the applets, cause I wasn't aware: I had two applets
installed in both Radios: bluegaspode's Weather Forecast and erland's
Patch Installer (the latter indicated that an update was available). Now
I uninstalled both.

Note that when the problem occurs, often both Radios are affected!

|Filename: server(slimproto-debug2).zip |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-15 Thread reinholdk

bpa wrote: 
> When you say " music stopped playing"  - do you mean the audio stop (as
> if muted) or did the "Now playing" screen also show stopped and not
> playing and did elapsed time counterprogress bar also stop.

The audio output of the Radio stopped.
As mentioned, the "Now playing" screen doesn't work at all in those
situations. After turning the Radio on from stand-by mode and selecting
an album to play, it shows correct information only for a second or two
and then it displays the information of what has been played before
switching the Radio off (to stand-by) and it doesn't display progress
although the music is playing for ~10-15 minutes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-12 Thread reinholdk

It happened again this morning and here is the server.log with debug
messages for slimproto and the Radio's /var/log/messages file.
There are 3 players involved (I modified the mac addresses in the files
accordingly): TOUCH1 (wired), RADIO1 (wireless) and RADIO2 (wireless).
The LMS server pc that was woken up by a scheduled task at ~05:45 has IP
address of, the players have *.104, *.105 and *.106.

RADIO1 is the one that I've switched on in the morning at ~05:56 and
selected a local music album to play (the new Roger Waters album, btw).
The music stopped playing either before the 4th track started at ~06:07
or shortly after. I marked some events in the server log (using a #

If I interpret the messages correctly then the server was still sending
data to the Radio (which was also shown in LMS WebUi) and even the
Radio's messages file seem to indicate that data was received.

Is anybody able to find some hints for the problem in the files,


|Filename: server(slimproto-debug).zip  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-10 Thread reinholdk

Ok, I'll do. You've convinced me, because I'd give the same advices to
somebody else having these issues. ;)
Just waiting till the problem occurs again to see if there's some hint
in the slimproto debug messages.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-09 Thread reinholdk

Thanks for the hints. I know that there are many factors influencing
WiFi connectivity.

Wiring these two Radios temporarily would mean to run cables of ~10
meters over the floor. I'd rather want to avoid this. :) And I don't
like to invest in powerlan adapters, since this setup worked over years
- yes, I know, the neighborhood could have changed. And to answer your
questions: yes I've checked interferences with neighborhood signals and
it's still ok-ish and my access points use fixed control channels for

But what makes me think that it's not a typical WiFi issue are the
following points when the problem occurs:
- I've checked WiFi signal strength on the Radio and on LMS WebUI and it
was at least 60%
- I can switch the Radio to MYSB and back to LMS without problems (which
obviously involves network operations) and then the issue is gone
- the music plays 10-15 minutes without re-buffering before it stops
- after I've selected and started the local music, the now playing
screen shows correct track and cover information only for a second or
two and then it shows no progress indication and track and cover
information from before switching it to standby mode
- LMS WebUI shows correct track and progress is in sync with the music
playing on the Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-06-08 Thread reinholdk

It has happened again - with LMS 7.9.1.

Still don't think it's a WiFi issue.
DHCP server is configured to always provide the same pinned ip addresses
for the SB devices and LMS server PC (in fact, for all devices that are
regularly in the network).
And it usually (always?) happens for both Radios. And switching the
Radio to MYSB and back to LMS clears the issue. So the network seems to
be ok.

Now I have enabled debug logging for slimproto. Will report back when it
happened again. Thanks so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Not seeing Now Playing screensaver, or playlist

2017-06-05 Thread reinholdk

Seems to be not exactly like the problem I have
but I also suspect it's due to some issue with exchanging state between
Radio and LMS.

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[SlimDevices: Radio] Strange connection issues between Radio and LMS

2017-05-20 Thread reinholdk

I've got two Radios on WiFi that both have occasional connection issues
with LMS on a Win10 PC.
Don't know when it started, maybe some time after updating LMS to

The symptoms are:
- the local music I've selected to play is playing for maybe 10 or 15
mins and then stops
- the now playing screen shows the artist/album/artwork from the
previous playlist
- the now playing screen doesn't indicate that anything is playing (no
progress, no play symbol)

There are two workarounds that fix this behavior:
- rebooting the Radio, or
- switching to MYSB and then back to LMS from the Radio's menu

It doesn't seem to be a WiFi/network issue.
If the problem occurs, then:
- from the Radio's Settings/Advanced/Diagnosis/ServerInformation screen
both MYSB and LMS connections are shown as OK for all ports
- from the LMS WebUI the correct playlist for the player is shown and it
shows progress
- WiFi signal is more than 60%

Unfortunately I couldn't find any pattern for the occurances.
For some days all works fine and then for some days the problem

I typically find this problem in the morning after switching the Radio
on, but it seems to occur also during the day, even with radio stations
(according to family members).

Maybe it occurs when the server PC is woken up from energy saving mode?
During the night WiFi is switched off and the LMS server PC is sleeping
in energy saving mode and the Radio is in standby (displaying the
clock). But in the morning when I turn the Radio on, WiFi is already on
and the LMS PC is usually up and running (woken up by the Windows
scheduler; in cases when the PC is sleeping, the Radio wakes it up
promptly). I do it this way since years.
BTW, LMS runs as a Windows service and the music is stored on a local

Here's the server log. Maybe the "errorNeedsClient" message is relevant


  [17-05-11 21:35:27.5707] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.0, 1488878280, Wed Mar  8 14:37:44 CUT 2017) perl 5.014001 - 
  [17-05-11 21:35:30.1959] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374) 
Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
  [17-05-11 21:35:30.2754] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2149) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [17-05-11 21:35:31.4304] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374) 
Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
  [17-05-11 21:35:31.5016] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2149) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [17-05-11 21:35:32.0084] main::checkDataSource () Warning: Schema updated 
or no media found in the database, initiating scan.
  [17-05-11 21:49:17.0420] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.0, 1488878280, Wed Mar  8 14:37:44 CUT 2017) perl 5.014001 - 
  [17-05-12 05:44:37.7391] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-12 06:00:40.7148] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:yy:yy:yy, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-13 08:17:05.2652] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:yy:yy:yy, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-13 08:17:05.5287] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-14 09:25:25.9819] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:yy:yy:yy, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-14 09:25:26.8255] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-15 06:40:35.5276] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning: 
[06:40:35.5255] Error: Unable to read at least 16 bytes from file (only read 
  [17-05-16 05:44:35.8359] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:yy:yy:yy, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-18 02:35:58.3184] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx: request not dispatchable!
  [17-05-18 02:35:58.3235] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx: request not dispatchable!
  [17-05-18 02:36:04.3356] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx: request not dispatchable!
  [17-05-18 02:36:04.3398] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx: request not dispatchable!
  [17-05-18 02:36:10.3479] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx: request not dispatchable!
  [17-05-18 02:36:10.3521] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx: request not dispatchable!
  [17-05-19 05:44:36.0257] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
00:04:20:xx:xx:xx, status, -, 10, menu:menu, useContextMenu:1, subscribe:600
  [17-05-20 08:32:08.7240] 

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio charger recognition

2017-01-05 Thread reinholdk

One of my Radios is affected, too. Not a big problem with this one cause
it's usually plugged in. I reminded the family members to never ever
unplug it. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio and controller stopped

2015-10-26 Thread reinholdk

For me it seems that you are trying too much things at a time.

You said the Radio is connected to the network by cable now. That's
fine. So keep it like that until you succeed in connecting it with LMS.
But first, try connecting the Radio to from the Radio's
menu and try playing some internet radio station. Report back if this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio and controller stopped

2015-10-25 Thread reinholdk

toby10 wrote: 
> Nor does having LMS running affect player connection to WiFi.

That's true, but if the Radio indicates that there is no connection by
displaying the WiFi symbol in red it could also mean that there is no
connection to LMS although the WiFi connection is fine.
So in addition to your suggestion regarding the network I'd also look to
the state of LMS on the PC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio and controller stopped

2015-10-24 Thread reinholdk

Maybe a problem with LMS on your PC? Did you restart your PC already?
Which OS? Does the LMS WebUI look ok? Did you check the LMS server.log

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Bass amp problem

2015-08-17 Thread reinholdk

never experienced this on my Radios...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Several questions (stream / firmaware / soundcloud) on Squeezbox radio

2015-03-12 Thread reinholdk

For your use case of accessing your music remotely, you have several
ways (only the last one involves LMS):

- pre-load your mobile with a selection of songs before you leave home
- upload your songs to a cloud service (google, amazon, etc) and access
them from anywhere
- if your songs are available on a streaming service (spotify etc) you
can choose this
- if you are willing/knowledgeable enough to do the proper networking,
you can run LMS at home and access it remotely from your SB player

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Invalid Charger State on SB Radio

2014-04-21 Thread reinholdk

One of my radios has sometimes (fortunately seldom) an issue to detect
the power connection when I re-plug it after running it on battery for a
while. Looks like it's a mechanical issue and I have to move the plug a
bit to the left and right when I plug the power cord into the radio.

Maybe completely unrelated to your case, but...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio seems to be getting loose connection of power plug

2014-03-18 Thread reinholdk

Hmm, not sure if it's the same thing. Maybe I didn't describe it clear
enough, but I've tried the power supply from another SBRadio without
success. It didn't connect successfully either.

Only when I move the connector a bit while plugging it into the radio,
it gets connected. So I think it's more on the radio's socket, but I
have no knowledge in that area to be able to investigate more.

Fortunately it always worked for a week or more after re-plugging it,
but maybe these are the first signs of a failure.

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[SlimDevices: Radio] Radio seems to be getting loose connection of power plug

2014-03-15 Thread reinholdk

My 4-5 year old SBRadio seems to be getting a loose connection of the
power plug.

It happened two or three times during the last weeks that I've heard the
Radio playing a sound (as if it has booted up? - not sure) while it
should be in standby. It then displays that it's on battery while the
power plug is still connected as always. The power diagnosis does also
display that it's running on battery. Pulling the plug and re-plugging
it doesn't help. Same with another plug of a different radio. After
several tries I always managed to connect it again.

Today I detected that I need to move the plug a bit to the left and
right while re-plugging it. It seems it's getting a loose connection.

Anybody else experienced this?

This made me a bit nervous today and I immediately ordered another radio
(UE) that I'll add to my other radio and touch that I already have as
spares - of course after switching it from UE to SB firmware. I don't
want to imagine that I need to live without these nice devices. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Is the Smart Radio about to be discontinued?

2014-02-11 Thread reinholdk

durks wrote: 
 I notice that it's now dropped off the Logitech UK website, too.

Same is now true for Logitech Germany.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] What an idiot, clicked upgrade now no radio

2013-12-14 Thread reinholdk

Squeezd wrote: 
 What to do next?
Did you try to contact Logitech support already? From other posts here
it seems there's a good chance they can help in such cases.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Logitech UE Smart Radio @$98.94 on Amazon

2013-11-15 Thread reinholdk

DjTweed wrote: 
 They are identical, hardware-wise.

Depends. Found even two SB Radios being different, see

I'm also thinking about buying another one (have one spare already), but says it's shipping to U.S. only and is similar
in price as some retailers in Germany (129€), even the official shop on has reduced to that. Another indicator they might be
clearing out?

But I'd definitely prefer the US$100 price. :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio Battery

2013-04-05 Thread reinholdk

In the Radio's Extended Settings menu there is a menu about Power that
displays some measurements. One is whether the battery is loading. Don't
remember what other values are there and not sure whether they are
helpful in any way...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I moved houses and now my Radio and Transporter won't wake up the server

2012-12-22 Thread reinholdk

kidstypike wrote: 
 WOL will not work over wireless.

Sure it does. My wireless Radio wakes up my server successfully.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I moved houses and now my Radio and Transporter won't wake up the server

2012-12-22 Thread reinholdk

newy wrote: 
 Nope, nothing has chaged.  I just unplugged, moved and plugged back in. 
 Weird that everything else works except this feature.

Hm, are you using the same or different IP addresses? Not sure whether
this could have an impact.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio Price

2012-12-07 Thread reinholdk

CharlieG wrote: 
 Too late!  She has taken possession of the red radio :-(  
 Has wrapping paper on it now.
 I can wait
 I don't have to have it
 I can do without it
 It's not making me crazy
 Really it's not
 I can handle this...

Before you get sick while waiting for Xmas, try to find another box of
roughly the same size and -- no, forget that. I don't want to be
accountable for any calamity on Xmas!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio Price

2012-12-06 Thread reinholdk

CharlieG wrote: 
 I think she may notice that!

Put a brick into the box. :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] ASUS RT-N66U = Squeezebox Radio

2012-10-15 Thread reinholdk

You have to download the LMS software from or from and install
it on a Windows PC or a Mac or a Linux system or a NAS (Network Attached
Storage, e.g. a Netgear, Synology or QNAP).

Then the Radio can connect to the LMS software running in your network
and LMS provides access to your local music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] ASUS RT-N66U = Squeezebox Radio

2012-10-15 Thread reinholdk

If you are eager for running a minimum number of devices to access your
local music then you could use a Squeezebox Touch. The Touch has the LMS
software built-in for accessing a plugged-in USB drive.

But the built-in LMS server (tiny LMS) has some limitations (e.g.
performance) compared to a full LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] ASUS RT-N66U = Squeezebox Radio

2012-10-14 Thread reinholdk

You have to make the files on the router's drive available to other
devices in the network. There should be settings of a SMB server on the
router's configuration pages that allow to do this.

If you've configured this, try to access the files from the device where
your Squeezebox server (Logitech Media Server) runs. Then add the
network path to the router files in the basic settings tab of your
Squeezebox server's Web interface and start a rescan.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-10-06 Thread reinholdk

Finally I did another comparison, this time both Radios plugged in.
Other conditions as before: same firmware, same LMS settings ('smart
gain', 'both channels'), side-by-side comparison with positions swapped,
sync'd playing, volume level manually set to the same number, both on
wifi and both equipped with battery.

Again, a freeware SPL meter app - this time, Logitech's UE SPL on iPod
touch ;-) - did not measure a difference between the two.

But again, I could clearly hear a difference, both when playing syncd at
the same time, but also evident when one was muted and switched back
So my conclusion is that my new Radio with HW revision 7 doesn't sound
as good as the older one with revision 4. :-(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-10-01 Thread reinholdk

JJZolx wrote: 
 Why would you not expect that?
 If the second one is the result of 3 full hardware revisions over the
 first, then I would think it easily possible for there to be a
 difference in loudness between them at a given numeric setting.

Although I know that it's certainly possible to get a sound difference
by using different parts, I assumed that Logitech tries to keep the
sound characteristics the same.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-10-01 Thread reinholdk

ply3908 wrote: 
 Did you try swapping positions of the 2 radios while testing?

Yes. With the same result.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-10-01 Thread reinholdk

Didn't have the time yet to compare both plugged in, but I'll do that

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-09-30 Thread reinholdk

Mnyb wrote: 
 Yes that will do after all it's a relative and not absolute measurement
 you wan't . [Edit] important to keep the same distance if you measure.
 A lot of home theater enthusiast have that cheap and cheerful radio
 schack SPL meter (Sound Pressure Level ) to calibrate speaker and
 subwoofer levels .

I measured the two radios with a free SPL meter app for Android and it
showed -- no difference.

But I definitely *hear* a difference between the two.

And I'm not the only one. My teenaged daughter who probably has better
ears than me also told me that the new one sounds not like the old one.
And she did that before I spoke about hearing a difference myself.

The old one definitely sounds more dominant and clearer.

I hope that the new one might improve as mnyb indicated in his post

BTW, mnyb, congrats to your 1th post here in this forum! This is
highly appreciated by folks like me who seeking advice and only
sometimes taking part in the discussions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-09-30 Thread reinholdk

I'm using the new one w battery, so I compared both running on battery.
I'll try both plugged in.
Do you think it could even make a difference if the battery compartment
is empty or not?

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[SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-09-29 Thread reinholdk

When comparing my old SBRadio with my new one I got the impression that
they sound slightly differently.
I did a side-by-side comparison, playing them sync'd with both set to
the same volume manually. Both run the same firmware version, of course,
and both were connected via wifi with my LMS.

The old one seems to sound a bit louder and thus more dominant and
If I set both volumes to 60, for example, I have to reduce that of the
old one to nearly 50 to get the impression that both are playing at the
same volume.
I also switched the player positions to make sure that this has no

From the Settings menu I found that the hardware revision of the old one
is '4' while the new one is '7'. Don't know what Logitech changed, but I
wouldn't expect that one could hear a difference between different

Is this just my imagination (or my ears) or is this reality, and if it's
the latter, why?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-09-29 Thread reinholdk

Mnyb wrote: 
 Can be a difference , is it brand new does had many hours of playing
 ,the speaker driver may need some run in time to be at it's best (about
 the only thing in audio that may need burn in ) .
 But as they are of different hardware revisions ,who knows :-/ maybe
 they found a cheaper part .
 Do you have an SPL meter ?

Yes, the new is brand new. Didn't expect that it indeed might need some
time to burn in. Thought already about adding a comment like this -
meant as a joke - in my post.

And no, I don't have a SPL meter (didn't even know what you meant by
this). Just looked around and found that there are some apps for iThings
and Androids. Maybe these are good enough for this purpose. Guess I will
try that, thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can two SBRadios sound differently?

2012-09-29 Thread reinholdk

Mnyb wrote: 
 Btw same firmware in both radios ?

Yes, as mentioned already. Both run 7.7.2-r9663.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-15 Thread reinholdk

didjean wrote: 
 As I said previously, we should keep explaining them their mistakes...
 We should contact them via their different channels. They need to know
 we are unhappy! 
 E.g. I sent a mail to support and look at their answer:

  You will not have to be conected to the internet to play music on your
  local network as there will be a similar program to the Logitech media
  server for the
  UE smart radio.


This only shows that the support people don't know their products good
enough. The developer MHerger said the opposite several times here: the
URL of the selected local file is sent to, which controls the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Radio: spontaneous resume after standby (after upgrade to FW 7.5.3-r9283)

2011-02-25 Thread reinholdk

Guess I'm experiencing the same problem as the OP.

Since two weeks or so I'm trying to find the root cause of occasional
wake ups of the PC running Squeezebox server. I only could see that in
the Win7 PC's event log an unknown source is causing the wake up always
a few seconds after falling asleep.  

Up to now, I suspected other devices in the network. But the begining
of these problems could correlate with upgrading the server and the
radio to 7.5.3.

But in my case it doesn't happen every day. On some days, the server PC
is sleeping as expected and only wakes up after deliberately switching
on the radio from standby. But on some days the server PC is waking up
every half an hour (the configured time for going into standby mode)
without anybody listening to the radio.

Unfortunately I couldn't see the radio showing its home screen for a
short time as described by the OP. Will have to watch for this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Appears to be playing, but no sound?

2010-01-22 Thread reinholdk

I'm able to reproduce this situation easily. It's similar to what is
described in post #13 already:

While my radio is connected to and is playing a radio station
happily, I'm turning my PC on and when the local SBS is up and running I
switch to it and select an artist/album/song to play.
The dot in the title bar is moving now, but there's no sound.
Pausing/resuming or stopping and restarting the song or even selecting a
different album and song doesn't help. Fortunately I don't have to
reboot but simply switch the radio to standby mode and turn it on again
to be able to listen to my music.


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