2002-07-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I'm not so sure. Perhaps for very simple stuff that just requires you
>to modify an example from the user guide, but once you go beyond that
>you need some general programming skills and the right kind of mind
>and resources to get past the error messages or wrong results that
>are being returned. I'd say the learning curve is a bit bumpy with
>REBOL. Easy to begin with, then bumpy as you try to get your head
>around how the various pieces of REBOL fit together, then easy again
>after you've got the hang of it and the pieces seem simplier than you
>first thought. But you hit the bumpy bits quite soon I found.

I think Rebol has, like many other languages, its pro & cons. But there
are a lot of languages in the same position: Python, Perl, Ruby, maybe
Java (not a true scripting language, but with many fine features...),
Macromedia Flash (ok, not a scripting language, but with a good power if
used to develop internet-based software), etc...

I think Rebol becomes difficult just like other languages as soon as you
has to create a complex, full-featured software (not only small, fine

I agree with Carl when he says - "Could be. There's a problem with
understanding REBOL scripts written
by others though, in that they can be full of words defined by the
programmer and that you won't find in the user guide. This can make
other people's scripts difficult to figure out." -.

Power of Rebol is not only dialect (sometimes difficult to maintain,
since learn a new programming language is not always easy, but using
dialects you have to learn many different languages...!!!), the power of
Rebol is autoinstallation, is its compact dimensions, is its graphic
INTEGRATED GUI (yes integrated), is its encryption, its protocols, is
its system to write programs similar to HTML style.



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2002-07-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But can someone, in Rebol team (administration, Carl!, etc...) tell us
what do you think about all these ideas?



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2002-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I  only  see  one  problem here: how would the player be different
> from /View?
> Regards,

Good question! Some answers could be: player has not a true console (I
cannot directly type commands). Rebol interactive console is a powerful
instrument to create/debug programs. I could have a Rebol version where
I can create text-based software, but I cannot directly use it to
interact with Rebol (typeing Rebol command, or writing Rebol scripts in
console). Another feature that could be eliminated is executing Rebol
commands using Rebol command-line (when you exec Rebol from your
preferred shell).
Think for a moment to the difference from a Explorer browser and a full
featured HTML editor like Dreamweaver: Explorer can exec the
HTML/Javascript code, but it doesn't give you any instrument to create
HTML code. If you buy Dreamwever (or a similar product, like Hotdog,
etc...) you have a good instrument to create HTML & co. Rebol could work
with the same target: Rebol player is the smallest instrument to play
Rebol scripts (maybe, it could be even smaller than now): no console
(console is available only to play text-based programs, not to let the
programmer directly type code), no interactive help (> ? print); and
Rebol "for developers" could be a package which contains a full-featured
Rebol program, a good Rebol editor (syntax highlight, interactive help,
direct execution, etc...), a full console help, a good debugger.

What do you think about it?

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2002-07-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I send this email to everybody, but in expecially to Rebol creators, Rebol
administrators, etc...
Why? I wish to let you thinking it over Rebol licences, Macromedia Flash
MX licences, software features, etc...

These 2 programs are quite different, but for some software categories I
can use both of them. Think about client/server systems like browser web
and application server (like ColdFusion, like Zope, etc...).
I have this configuration:



I can use XML to communicate (expecially in Flash MX) and I can
dinamically generate Rebol code in Application server (I can always use
XML if I wish).

I don't want to make a deep analysis about 2 systems, but I want to
lightlight you a problem I found in my company.

I developed 2 different programs with the previous configuration
(either Rebol or Flash MX). I developed 2 very fine software, but I
encountered some problems about the licence.

In Flash MX, I bought a Macromedia Flash MX package (I paid it about 600
euros plus IVA), but every client I distribute is "Free of charge".
In contrast, by Rebol development system is cheaper (even using Command
version I pay about of $ 350) but I need to order and to pay every
client. Even if I wish use only Rebol/View or View/Pro I encounter the
following problems:

1) I must buy a licence for every client (too much expensive);
2) Users that obtain "client" version, can always use Rebol language
(Rebol does not distribute a "Player only", like Macromedia does) and it
can be dangerous.

Rebol is wonderful to use it for clients, but even Flash MX is a very
good program.

They have two different GUI systems, with pro & cons. But Rebol, for me,
is too much expensive, and a Rebol player-only is missing.

Please don't repeat me that if I buy a database like Oracle I have to buy
clients, since Oracle is a World-wide RDBMS standard, many managers
already know it, it is widespread, it is well-known from many people,
there are thousand of companies that already use it, there is very
much documentation, many companies the offer support, etc...
Rebol is not the same thing. It is a very very very good young
programming language. Rebol must spread itself. It is not yet so famous.
Even if it is a good product, I have very few weapons to convince my boss
to buy 50, 100, 200 licences of Rebol, but he made no problem when I
said: please buy 4 licences of Macromedia Flash MX (we are 4 software
developers). My flash clients are free! Result: Flash is still more
used in my company.
Please let me pay a Rebol development tool even 500 euros (like Flash)
but let my clients free of charge! Furthermore, more people use
Rebol, and more people directly debug it! More debug, better software!
I like very much the opportunity that I have to write to Rebol
mailing-list to solve my problems, but it is not enought.

Another question:
If I collaborate to develop Python (Open Source) I'm sure that I work for
a common project, free-of-charge project. But why I should help
(freely help) Rebol and Carl & co. to develop, debug, test, even write
documentation, etc... if they sell and gain money from the product?!
How many people exist that they think the same thing but they don't
say that?! (is the same if I think it about Macromedia Flash... why
I should help Macromedia if they SELL and gain money my work?!).
I think they should obtain more help if... do you know Python? Of course,
you must eat, and you need money! I propose a solution:

1) Rebol development kit (an example):
1a) Rebol/Core - FREE
1b) Rebol/View - FREE
1c) Rebol/View/Pro - $99
1d) Rebol/Command - $500 (maybe included a Rebol editor,
something like Komodo... see ActiveState.com about Python).

2) Rebol player (like Macromedia Flash player):
* ALL FREE! Free distribution! Free-of-charge! My customers will
* Be happy, since they will not pay for player.
* I can distribute applications over Internet and let my
customers use Rebol-GUI to access to my Internet site, and
everything could be free-of-charge. I could even use encrypted
communications, library and DB access, etc... Rebol full power!



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[REBOL] Re: Rebol/View price

2002-06-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok... my company has more than 5 users...

but how much I have to pay for every rebol/view (not PRO version)?


> On 14-Jun-02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I wish to know how much does Rebol/View cost? Not View/PRO, but View
> > only. Since I wish to use Rebol to develop programs in the company
> > where I work, but I don't need the extra-features of View/PRO
> > version (since I make many jobs in the server-side, using Macromedia
> > ColdFusion Server 5).
> > Can I freely use Rebol/View or I have to buy it?
> Hi Alessandro,
> Up until now I believe the situation has been that it's free for
> non-commercial use but if it's to be used commercially a licence has
> to be bought for every computer it is running on.  However, Carl
> Sassenrath recently made this post to the list...
> http://www.escribe.com/internet/rebol/m22427.html
> To quote...
> ---8<---
>  I think it's time to change the licensing for REBOL/Core
>  and REBOL/View. What do you think?  Here's what I'm thinking:
> "Core and View would be free for use and redistribution for
>  commercial and noncommercial use; however, if more than five
>  copies are in use at a single company, then purchasing would
>  be required. Exception would be the use of REBOL for any
>  educational purposes.
>  This mean you can use REBOL for creating and selling your
>  programs, for in-house servers, for small company clients,
>  and for use in consulting solutions.
> ---8<---
> And that, as far as I know, is where things currently stand.  My guess
> would be that any change to their licences would coincide with the
> release of their next versions, (due out real soon now - maybe:), so
> the new licences could be included within them.
> --
> Carl Read
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Rebol/View price

2002-06-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wish to know how much does Rebol/View cost? Not View/PRO, but View
only. Since I wish to use Rebol to develop programs in the company
where I work, but I don't need the extra-features of View/PRO version
(since I make many jobs in the server-side, using Macromedia ColdFusion
Server 5).

Can I freely use Rebol/View or I have to buy it?
thank you!

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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> If the two Rebol programs can't communicate directly,
> have them write to a .TXT file, and the other would look
> for keywords do do something, write something else to
> the file, etc,etc.
> I have tried and used Rebol for about 2 years now (at least,
> it seems like 2 years... I first started using it when /Core
> couldn't even do a Forever loop) and this seems like an OK
> idea, but I've never had a reason to try it.
>  Daniel S, 14 yrs old

Hi Daniel,
what you say is enought good. But this system has some problems. Infact:

1) two programs risk to attempt to write the file at the same time.
2) communication is slow.
3) the file must be accessible to every program (directory sharing?
sometimes is not possible!)

However your system is good to let two programs communicate with a


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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I think their special $49 pricing on View/Pro is gone, so it might be $99
> now, but still not an outrageous fee if you need those features.
> --Gregg

However... in this mailing-list many people ask to Carl to make
free-of-charge some Rebol resources and, as you told me, we obtain an
increment of the price of View/Pro version! I don't think this is the
right way.



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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> WAIT shouldn't be a problem except in VID, as Gabriele pointed out. My
> little test is very simple, and was based on an FSM engine I built. The
> engine itself does event dispatching and, on my P900, processes about
> events/sec. There's no need to WAIT for anything. Just do things in small
> chunks to be a good co-op citizen.

Ok. I will write a software dispacher to create a
multitasking-cooperative system.


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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!



> Hi Alessandro,
> On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 9:13:22 AM, you wrote:
> rei> how do you think you can implement multitasking (even
cooperative, but
> rei> enough efficient, with an enough fast task-switching) in Rebol Core?
> rei> Using WAIT instruction? And in View that the documentation
suggest NOT
> rei> TO USE wait command?
> I  think  you got this wrong here. :) WAIT is the basis of /View's
> event system, since events are coming from the event:// port. What
> you  cannot  do,  is call WAIT *inside* WAIT (i.e. inside an event
> handler, etc.).
> If you want an example of cooperative multitasking look at Rugby.
> Regards,
> --
> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
> Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-pekr- Wrote:
> Alessandro - you have to be new here, no? :-) Look, rebol base is just
> one - so - even your View contains sound, shell and library components.
> They are locked by license key.

Ok... and where is the difference for me?!

I have two options...

1) View does not contain sound, shell, etc...

2) View contain sound, shell, etc... but they are locked.

Result: I haven't those features!



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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gregg,

how do you think you can implement multitasking (even cooperative, but
enough efficient, with an enough fast task-switching) in Rebol Core?
Using WAIT instruction? And in View that the documentation suggest NOT
TO USE wait command?

If the standard Rebol/Core (royalty free version, base version) should
allow us to launch multiple programs (now I can do it in a script only
using Rebol/Command, with CALL instruction) I could launch two or more
Rebol programs and let them communicate (semaphore simulation,
data-sharing simulation) to let them cooperate. Yes, I know, what I'm
saying is weird, but it should be a good beginning to partially round
the multitasking problem.

  what do you think about it? Will you implement the possibility to
execute external programs (using "CALL"? Using "LAUNCH"?) even in



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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gabriele,

I partially agree with you. Multitasking is not needed only to develop
server processes, since there could be many occasions where I should
need more than one process in "parallel" at-a-time, even in client

I wish to simplify the life of Rebol developers, so I can say I can use
every instrument to create multiprocesses: multiprocess (like a FORK),
multithread (Ms Windows-style) either preemptive or cooperative (even if
the last one is not the best system... however is a good beginning!).



> Hi Mark,
> On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 6:30:46 AM, you wrote:
> MC> 1) Agree a lot of the function needed can not be implemented
well without
> MC> true multitasking especially a lot of Network programming that need
> MC> multithreads.
> I'd  like  to  point out, that multithreading would only be needed
> for  servers  that  occasionally  do  a lot of processing. In most
> situations, asynchronous I/O is sufficient and simpler to handle.
> Anyway,  I'd  really  like to have real preemptive multitasking in
> REBOL,  maybe just the ability to spawn N REBOL processes and have
> them  interconnected  by  a sort of rebol:// scheme more efficient
> than TCP/IP (for things that need to transfer a lot of data, where
> using shared memory should be preferred to copying around...).
> Regards,
> --
> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
> Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!



> Network programming: core 2.3 user guide
> set-modes: Core 2.5 release notes
> --Maarten
> > Where can I find documentation or infos about it?
> >
> >
> >>REBOL has low-level socket programming via ports and set-modes
> >>
> >>--Maarten
> >>
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Thank you (sigh!).
> >>>
> >>>When a Rebol version will include a multiprocessing/multithreading
> >>>feature?! It is a very important feature in a programming language!
> >>>multitasking! Python already does! Java already does!  And... how about
> >>>low level socket programming? Is Rebol an Internet programming language
> >>>or not?!
> >>>
> >>>Bye!
> >>>Thank you for your answers!
> >>>
> >>>-Alessandro-
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>===
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>--- Gregg Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Hi Allesandro,
> >>>>>
> >>>>><<
> >>>>>I was very interested to the function "launch" (I
> >>>>>didn't know it).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>But I didn't find enought documentation about it.
> >>>>>Can someone tell me more about launch refiniments?
> >>>>>(this function could
> >>>>>be used to simulate a multiprocessing system!).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Launch is fairly limited in practice because you
> >>>>>can't use it from within your scripts, only at the
> >>>>>console. It's handy, yes, but not for deployment
> >>>>>purposes. For that you need to have View/Pro or
> >>>>>/Command and use CALL or a native OS function.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>I thought 'launch could be used by a script if it was
> >>>>called directly from the REBOL command line, but was
> >>>>not usable (or predictable, maybe) in scripts
> >>>>themselves launched by other scripts, from the console
> >>>>prompt, or from view icons.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>__
> >>>>Do You Yahoo!?
> >>>>Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
> >>>>http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com
> >>>>--
> >>>>To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> >>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> >>>>subject, without the quotes.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>++++++++
> >>>
> >>>Alessandro Manotti
> >>>Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"
> >>>
> >>>Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
> >>>  http://riusa.150m.com
> >>>email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>Telefono: 347.63.43.231
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>--
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> >>>Clicca qui: http://adv2.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=441&d=10-6
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>--
> >>Maarten Koopmans
> >>Innovation manager  tel:   +31 30 2 305 324
> >>Surfnet BV  fax:   +31 30 2 305 329
> >>P.O.Box 19035   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>NL-3501 DA Utrecht  http://www.surfnet.nl
> >>The netherlands
> >>
> >>--
> >>To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> >>subject, without the quotes.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ++

[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where can I find documentation or infos about it?

> REBOL has low-level socket programming via ports and set-modes
> --Maarten
> > Thank you (sigh!).
> >
> > When a Rebol version will include a multiprocessing/multithreading
> > feature?! It is a very important feature in a programming language! True
> > multitasking! Python already does! Java already does!  And... how about
> > low level socket programming? Is Rebol an Internet programming language
> > or not?!
> >
> > Bye!
> > Thank you for your answers!
> >
> > -Alessandro-
> >
> >
> > ===
> >
> >
> >
> >>--- Gregg Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi Allesandro,
> >>>
> >>><<
> >>>I was very interested to the function "launch" (I
> >>>didn't know it).
> >>>
> >>>But I didn't find enought documentation about it.
> >>>Can someone tell me more about launch refiniments?
> >>>(this function could
> >>>be used to simulate a multiprocessing system!).
> >>>
> >>>Launch is fairly limited in practice because you
> >>>can't use it from within your scripts, only at the
> >>>console. It's handy, yes, but not for deployment
> >>>purposes. For that you need to have View/Pro or
> >>>/Command and use CALL or a native OS function.
> >>>
> >>I thought 'launch could be used by a script if it was
> >>called directly from the REBOL command line, but was
> >>not usable (or predictable, maybe) in scripts
> >>themselves launched by other scripts, from the console
> >>prompt, or from view icons.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>__
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > 
> >
> > Alessandro Manotti
> > Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"
> >
> > Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
> >   http://riusa.150m.com
> > mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Telefono: 347.63.43.231
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
> --
> Maarten Koopmans
> Innovation manager  tel:   +31 30 2 305 324
> Surfnet BV  fax:   +31 30 2 305 329
> P.O.Box 19035 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> NL-3501 DA Utrechthttp://www.surfnet.nl
> The netherlands
> --
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you (sigh!).

When a Rebol version will include a multiprocessing/multithreading
feature?! It is a very important feature in a programming language! True
multitasking! Python already does! Java already does!  And... how about
low level socket programming? Is Rebol an Internet programming language
or not?!

Thank you for your answers!



> --- Gregg Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Allesandro,
> >
> > <<
> > I was very interested to the function "launch" (I
> > didn't know it).
> >
> > But I didn't find enought documentation about it.
> > Can someone tell me more about launch refiniments?
> > (this function could
> > be used to simulate a multiprocessing system!).
> > >>
> >
> > Launch is fairly limited in practice because you
> > can't use it from within your scripts, only at the
> > console. It's handy, yes, but not for deployment
> > purposes. For that you need to have View/Pro or
> > /Command and use CALL or a native OS function.
> I thought 'launch could be used by a script if it was
> called directly from the REBOL command line, but was
> not usable (or predictable, maybe) in scripts
> themselves launched by other scripts, from the console
> prompt, or from view icons.
> ______
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
> http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com
> --
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione di volontariato O.N.L.U.S. "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Function "LAUNCH" - Usage questions

2002-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I was very interested to the function "launch" (I didn't know it).

But I didn't find enought documentation about it.
Can someone tell me more about launch refiniments? (this function could
be used to simulate a multiprocessing system!).

thank you!


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2002-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I was very interested to the function "launch" (I didn't know it).

But I didn't find enought documentation about it.
Can someone tell me more about launch refiniments? (this function could
be used to simulate a multiprocessing system!).

thank you!


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[REBOL] Re: MailCC script from REBOL Tech.

2002-06-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Except, since the script is creating an email header, wouldn't that screw up the 
header?  Or does leaving the to: under the 'header block, as well, make it safe?  
(erg, scope issue, right?)

If you replace the word 'to in the script
to something else, ie. 'target:

+   target: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It seems to fix it.
I should update the script library now, eh?


> Apologies if you have seen this already... I sent it out yesterday, and
> my machine crashed shortly thereafter. I cannot find the message on
> eScribe, so I assume it never got delivered.
> When using the MailCC.r script (from the REBOL library)
> http://www.reboltech.com/library/html/mailcc.html, I get the following
> error:
>  >> do %MailCC.r
> ** Script Error: tcp has no value
> ** Where: open-proto
> ** Near: scheme: tcp
> host: either all
>  >>
> So what gives, I ain't gotta clue. :)
> I assume it is an old script.
> --
> Ed Dana| you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

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[REBOL] Re: CASTRO (was: Will this mail arrive?)

2002-05-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've send two mails last week and they still didn't made it to the list.
Nevermind, they were just some bug reports (sent to feedback as well so
I hope they've made it at least there).
   Well, this one appears to have made it.  I'm starting to think that people should 
include a real-time stamp from REBOL just when they send it, so we can see what 
delivery patterns are like.  Granted, you could check the headers, but sometimes I'm 
not so sure which time zone they use, if it's the time from the sender's computer or 
from his mail server, etcetc

Yes, CASTRO, the [.r]ed Commander arrived right from Isle of Freedom to
REBOL near you.
   *doh!*  Clever! :)

You can:
show pictures
read and edit text files
browse directories (surprise ;)
   Any known limits on sizes of pictures and text files (what editor does it use?), or 
depth of subdirectories, and "funny-names", ie My%20Documents?

you cannot:
rename files
delete files
make directories
(no problem to code it but it was 1:00AM and I'm waking
up at 5:45AM ;)
   Yeah, those are relatively simple tasks.  And I understand the, "It's 1am, so deal 
with it." ;)  I do it too often myself.

copy files
(no problem for small files but copying some meg files
using write/binary read/binary combo doesn't look very wise to me...)
   If I recall previous discussions on here, some suggested that you create a temp 
buffer for copying, with a size cap; create and open the target file, read in the cap 
amount of data (if there is at least that much) from the source file, then dump it 
into the target file.  Once it's been dumped, re-fill the buffer from the source file, 
dump again, etcetc, until the remaining data is <= the buffer.  I'm sure this isn't 
the absolutely most efficient method, though.  I have yet to do it myself, but I 
haven't really needed to.  The only large files I've really manipulated with REBOL 
were when I wrote a static download assistant to download MP3s from a friend's machine 
via http and write them to disk locally.

Why am I releasing such unuseful tool?
   Because it has the potential to become useful? ;)

3. I don't know when I can enhance it as I'm pretty lazy and I like to
start something but I've got problems with finishing
4. So anybody use it, rewrite it, enhance it...
   Yeah, that's the beauty of open source.  At least, if you're willing to share your 
code.  If not, then you're screwed ;)  Hehehe.

PS (to Piss Someone ;-) : I still don't understand why US government is
still boycoting Cuba and in the same time supporting China. They're
occupating Tibet, killing people on stadiums etc etc.. and what is Cuba
doing compared to China? OK, Fidel's talking in TV for hours and hours
and hours and hours and hours and hours...
   *shrugs*  The same reason we keep assisting poorer countries with money and arms 
and food and medical supplies, even though they usually turn those supplies against us 
(ie, Iran).  But, we keep doing it.  We're dense, I guess ;)  Go figure

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[REBOL] Re: REBOL momentum builds

2002-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Carl,

I voted for Rebol!


> Dear REBOL List:
> I just wanted to drop by the list and say hi.  I wish I had
> more time to participate in the discussions here.  So many
> good ideas and questions!  I would like to comment on every
> message...
> ===Webby
> As you know, REBOL was recently nominated for a Webby.
> This is a huge honor for us, being picked as one of the top
> five technical achievements along with Google, Sony, and two
> others.
> Although the Webby itself is decided by a closed group of
> people, the People's Voice award is picked by the public.
> This is our opportunity to make REBOL stand out. I realize
> that it's not that easy to vote, but please do! Google now
> has the lead, but REBOL is second. Let's make REBOL first.
> http://www.webbyawards.com/peoplesvoice/index.html
> Be sure to tell your friends and coworkers to vote too.
> Also, send the REBOL Webby press release to your local
> newspapers.  Now that is REBOL networking.
> ===Bio Update
> For those of you in the CZ Republic, I've added a more
> detailed history/bio on myself and put a few photos along
> with it (including nice Amiga team photo). You can find
> it at:
> http://www.rebol.com/bio-carl.html
> ===New REBOL Licensing
> I think it's time to change the licensing for REBOL/Core
> and REBOL/View. What do you think?  Here's what I'm thinking:
> Core and View would be free for use and redistribution for
> commercial and noncommercial use; however, if more than five
> copies are in use at a single company, then purchasing would
> be required. Exception would be the use of REBOL for any
> educational purposes.
> This mean you can use REBOL for creating and selling your
> programs, for in-house servers, for small company clients,
> and for use in consulting solutions.
> What we're really trying to do is avoid XYZ Company using it
> for free with their 100,000 employees. They can afford to pay
> for it, and we need them to do so. (Unlike Linus, etc., we don't
> have any other jobs but REBOL!)
> ===Release of new Core and View
> It's good to see users reporting that the new Core and View fix
> a number of bugs and crashes.  We've been using this Core for
> so many months now, we've forgotten about those.
> Also, be sure to tell us about any additional types of crashes,
> and we'll get them fixed. Please use the new feedback form at:
> http://www.rebol.com/feedback.html
> If you post them to the REBOL-list, chances are we'll never see
> them. Sorry.
> ===Just Remember on IOS...
> I just wanted to point out that, just as VID is just a subsystem
> running on View (and you can write your own VID or similar GUI
> system), the IOS Desktop is just an application that runs on IOS.
> IOS is capable of a lot more than just that provided by the Desktop.
> In fact it is possible to create custom desktop apps that change
> it completely.  The desktop is written 100% in REBOL and is about
> 40K of code.
> We've been thinking of alternate types of desktops that are more
> organizational workflow specific. We've got some killer-app ideas
> too!
> That's it for now! Got to run. Remember to Vote for REBOL!
> -Carl
> Carl Sassenrath
> REBOL Founder
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: return to the red pill

2002-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Carl,
I love "IT", and this is the why I always look for new languages, new

I think Rebol is a very good system, but it is not very famous, and I'm
afraid... why? Think about BeOS... wonderful OS, but unknown OS...

I'm afraid Rebol could follow the same way. And this is the why I think
you should publicize your product.

In my company, I already developed a small but very efficient
application (my boss told me it was very actractive!). My "client" told
me it was functional. But the problem is the same: my boss does not let
me create large applications since he thinks Rebol is still to precarius!

So I wanted to do somethink to help you to spread Rebol (I think even
other people in this ML think the same).

So my question is easy: What can I do to help you to spread Rebol? What
do you suggest?



> Unfortunately, it takes time.  But, little by little the rest
> of the world starts to understand and changes happen.
> So, here's a bit of news that a REBOL consultant recently
> sent to us and perhaps it can help with your pitch:
> The Price Waterhouse Coopers Technology Outlook for 2002-2004
> has listed REBOL as one of nine companies creating the next
> generation of distributed Internet application platforms.
> A good thing. Folks are starting to get it. Finally.
> -Carl
> At 5/7/02 09:55 AM +0800, you wrote:
> >At 09:07 PM 5/6/2002 +0200, you wrote:
> >
> > >I can't seem to lose my REBOL addiction . All the others don't have
the same
> > >feature set in one compact interpreter. Or no GUI, no encryption,
no neat
> > >networking
> > >
> > >Just played with IOS on the DEV server, so cool
> > >But I still think Core needs to be Core Pro (and View Pro) for
everyone with
> > >ssl support...
> >
> >For my case, I have been quietly observing the list and the various
> >Much of my time is spend trying to sell REBOL IOS to paying customers.
> >

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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/Core 2.5.2 Released

2002-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Carl,

I have Rebol/View/Command version of Rebol. Can I install it without
loosing my licence?

thank you!

> Core 2.5.2 is the next beta release leading up to Core 2.6.
> There are some important changes in this release. Please
> give it a try.
> You can download an executable beta version from:
> http://www.rebol.com/downloads/core2502031.exe
> Detailed information and examples about changes can be found
> at http://www.rebol.com/docs/core-252.html
> If you find any new bugs, please let us know via feedback.
> -Carl
> Carl Sassenrath
> REBOL Technologies
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web:     http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: How to remove the last item of a serie ?

2002-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gabriele,
what you say is one of many other useful information found in this
mailing-list. Why nobody writes a technical book (HTML?) about these
advanced information?! If Rebol has these great features, but nobody
will  list and explain them, these features will be lost!

If I project a new car, with many enhancements, many features, in order
to better sell my new "creature", I must publicize these features! Air
bags, ABS, etc...



> Hi Jason,
> On Sunday, May 05, 2002, 9:30:04 PM, you wrote:
> JC> cool.. So why can't I also use a similar syntax to do
> >>> remove tail test -2
> remove skip tail test -2
> JC> Can you elaborate on that a little please.
> Most  scripting  languages  are  rather  slow  even if they can be
> compiled.  Java  is  rather  slow even with the JIT compiler. Why?
> Because there's a lot of implicit copying of data.
> I ask you, what happens when you write:
> $s .= "append";
> in  PHP?  What  happens  when  you  do  assignments  in  a  lot of
> languages?  I'll  tell you: a lot of data are being copied around.
> Without  you  even realizing, and worse, without you being able to
> do anything with it.
> REBOL   is  very  different  here.  Data  is  not  usually  copied
> implicitly; i.e. something like:
> a: b
> is  always  O(1)  whatever  datatype  B  is.  (The only "implicit"
> copying occurring in REBOL is during reallocation, when you grow a
> series  out of its limits. Even in this case, anyway, you are able
> to  avoid it, by preallocating the right amount of memory for your
> series.)
> This  means  that  in  REBOL  you  are  really able to control the
> complexity  of  your algorithms, if you are willing to. Most other
> scripting  languages  I  know are doing too much things behind the
> scenes to make this easy/feasible.
> I really think simplicity has too much advantages. :-)
> Regards,
> --
> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
> Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: Assorted bugs?

2002-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

about text-list, I found this problem (I think it is a problem!):

 view layout [text-list "a" "b" "a"]

If a user select the first "a" text-list even select the third "a".
It should be a good thing to manage text-list with an index and not
directly with the text (maybe creating a new component "text-list-index")?



> Hi Ashley,
> Work around for #2 is to use the AS-IS keyword.
> i.e. change the text-list to :
>  text-list data files as-is
> Cheers Phil
> === Original Message ===
> Another marathon weekend with REBOL and a few more "things that don't work
> the way I expect them to". Apologies in advance if some of these have
> already been covered in depth (eScribe searches just don't cut it ;) ).
> Problems I hit were:
> 1. Scrolled area text affecting other field(s)
> 2. text-list anomalies with first entry
> 3. alt-down SLOW under windows (but OK under Linux)
> 4. load treating a one line block as a block, but multi-lines as blocks
> within a block, makes it hard to write something like:
> foreach block load %test.dat [print block/1]  ; this handles 0 and > 1
> lines but not 1 line
> Anyway, the code to demo these "problems" is given below, any advice on
> simple work-arounds / misconceptions greatly appreciated. If any need
to go
> to feedback let me know. (On a related matter, how can one tell what has
> already been sent to feedback . . . is there a "reported bug" summary of
> some sort?).
> REBOL []
> files: copy []
> foreach file read %. [
>  insert tail files reform ["o^-" file]
> ]
> view center-face layout [
>  text 200 {Click "Area" then type two lines of text in the area,
close and reopen the window.
>   Notice how the field text has been repositioned.}
>  button 200 "Area" [
>   view/new center-face layout [
>field 50 "Text"
>area 50x30
>   ]
>  ]
>  text 200 {Notice how the first tab is ignored.}
>  text-list data files
>  text 200 {Click rapidly with the left then right mouse buttons.
>Notice how left clicks are faster than right clicks [on
>  box blue 200x50 "Click here" with [
>   data: now/time/precise
>   feel: make feel [
>engage: func [face action event] [
> if action = 'alt-down [
>  print reform ["Right" now/time/precise -
face/data] face/data: now/time/precise
> ]
> if action = 'down [
>  print reform ["Left" now/time/precise -
face/data] face/data: now/time/precise
> ]
>   ]
>  ]
>  text 200 {The first result counts values within a block, the
second the number of blocks.}
>  button 200 "Load block(s)" [
>   write/lines %test.dat remold [now now]
>   print length? load %test.dat
>   write/append/lines %test.dat remold [now now]
>   print length? load %test.dat
>  ]
> ]
> Regards,
>  Ashley
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.


Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: On Ipaq!

2002-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and... about view for iPaq?
Wow! Think of creating programs with GUI for iPaq! And I will finally
discard VISUAL BAxIC!

> Just couldn't resist it... it runs on the iPaq with PocketPC 2002 as
> well (Core that is).
> --Maarten
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web:     http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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2002-05-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi all,
a question:

why the following code does not work?
(it should call the loop every 10 seconds, and in the loop, show 3
random numbers: one per second).

I see always fast numbers running in the "info" (no pause!).

rebol []

view layout [
  a: info rate 10 feel [
engage: func [face act evt] [
  loop 3 [
face/text: random 100
show face
wait 1


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[REBOL] Network path

2002-04-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was searching in mailing-list how to manage network-shared dirs
(e.g.: \\computername\dir\file.ext).

The answer was the following:
On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 04:55:11PM +0100, READYSOFT, H.Knoblauch, wrote:
> Dear List,
> > how can I read such a file  \\computername\path\file.ext  ?


Ok... it functions. But why does not function the following code?

change-dir %/computername/path/


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[REBOL] Re: For loop and dynamic variable

2002-04-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Based on your original request...

>I have the following code :
>output1: %output1.tmp
>output2: %output2.tmp
>output3: %output3.tmp
>if exists? output1 [ delete output1 ]
>if exists? output2 [ delete output2 ]
>if exists? output3 [ delete output3 ]

you can try the following line (dynamic variables...):

output1: %output1.tmp
delete get 'output1

Using get is useful since you can "extract" an Obj reference from a



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[REBOL] Re: Using a printer in Windows

2002-04-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a non-profit organization, I solved the printing problem making a
rebol program which...
1) format my DB data in HTML format
2) save the file to disk
3) open the HTML file using function "BROWSE"

I think this is a very good solution.

> Andrew,
> Thanks for responding.  Does this mean that there is no way to print
> directly to a printer?  I have been unable to find even one reference to
> printing hardcopy in any of the 3 rebol books I have or on the rebol
> Here is my dilemma: we have a database that holds data of donations to
> non-profit organization.  I have made a program to create a receipt for
> each donation, and email it to the donor.  Problem: some donors don't
> email addresses.  To them I must print out a receipt on paper.  Also, I
> need to be able to print out mailing labels.
> Is there really actually no easy way to do this?
> The printer I use is not shared, but local to my computer (if that helps).
> Louis
> At 08:43 PM 4/17/2002 +1200, you wrote:
> >That code doesn't work well over a network operating system.
> >
> >Andrew Martin
> >ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/
> >-><-
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Dr. Louis A. Turk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 11:08 AM
> >Subject: [REBOL] Re: Using a printer in Windows
> >
> >
> > > Hi rebols,
> > >
> > > There doesn't seem to be much in the archives about printing to a real
> > > printer (in my case a HP LaserJet III).  I found the following
code from
> > > Andrew, but I can't seem to get it to work.  Perhaps my problem is
that my
> > > printer is on port lpr2:
> > >
> > > I thought that I had this figured out once, but I can't seem to
find the
> > > script that used it.
> > >
> > > I'm using Windows 2000, but also would like to do it running under
> > >
> > > For my particular need right now I want to print plain text
directly to
> >the
> > > printer.  I would rather not have to make html or pdf files first.
> > >
> > > Louis
> > >
> > > At 09:19 AM 1/9/2002 +1300, you wrote:
> > > >Philippe wrote:
> > > > > I want to know if it's possible to user a printer from a rebol
> >?
> > > >
> > > >Try something like this:
> > > >
> > > >REBOL [
> > > > Name: 'Printer
> > > > Title: "Printer"
> > > > File: %"Printer.r"
> > > > Author: "Andrew Martin"
> > > > eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Date: 27/Sep/2001
> > > > Example: [
> > > > Printer "This goes to the printer!"
> > > > Printer/Page "This prints this line and feeds a page!"
> > > > ]
> > > > ]
> > > >
> > > >Printer: func [
> > > > "Sends text to printer on //prn."
> > > > [catch]
> > > > Text [string!]    "The text to be printed."
> > > > /Page"Append Carriage Return (CR) and Page Feed."
> > > > ][
> > > > throw-on-error [
> > > > secure [
> > > > %//prn [allow write]
> > > >     ]
> > > > write %//prn Text
> > > > if Page [write/binary %//prn "^(0D)^(page)"]
> > > > Text
> > > > ]
> > > > ]
> > > >
> > > >]
> > > >
> > > >It works OK on Windows PCs. For other computers, you might have
to change
> > > >the %//PRN to something else.
> > > >
> > > >Andrew Martin
> > > >ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/
> > > >-><-
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >--
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> > > >subject, without the quotes.
> > >
> > > --
> > > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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> > >
> >
> >
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

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Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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2002-04-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   A friend told me about this.  He's very excited by it.  BEEP and APEX.

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[REBOL] Re: financial functions

2002-04-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Heh!  Perhaps if I had some idea as to what internal rate of return meant, I could 
give you a hand ;)
   Perhaps the difference between your function and Excel's function is a matter of 
rounding?  Since I see no decimals in your comparative values, and they are so close, 
it almost seems to suggest that you rounded up, where Excel rounded down  No?

Original Message:
From: Graham Chiu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 23:21:27 +1200
Subject: [REBOL] financial functions

Does anyone have an internal rate of return function?

something like

irr [ 0  -1073 -1459 -1364 -1247 -1110 31789 ]

= 70.56%

This example is from a book, and Excel says the IRR is 60%

The irr function I wrote says 61%, but it is very messy...

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: Extend system functions

2002-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the suggestion!


> Hi Alessandro,
> << Does anybody know how I can "extend" a system Rebol command? >>
> You can replace any system command you want, unless they're protected with
> the PROTECT function, *however* changing the behavior of standard system
> functions is generally frowned upon because it just gets too
confusing. The
> recommended approach is to create your own functions, with a similar name.
> As far as extending their functionality, try using the SOURCE
function. Many
> routines are written in REBOL (they are called mezzanine functions)
and you
> can see the source code to them so you can copy it right out and
extend it.
> --Gregg
> --

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[REBOL] Extend system functions

2002-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Does anybody know how I can "extend" a system Rebol command?

I wish to extend some commands (i.e. "Copy") to perform more jobs (I
wish to use COPY command to copy files from... to...): Can I add further
refiniments (i.e. /file or /directory) but maintaining all original
command functionality?



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[REBOL] Re: Some questions...

2002-04-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gregg,
it functions! I didn't find the correct refinement [colors/1 and colors/2].


> Hi Alessandro,
> <<
> 1) I want to store the name of a field in a variable and I want assign
> the focus to the field whose name (or obj reference) is stored in such
> variable. How can I do?
> 2) What can I do to change the color (which refiniment) of the
> background of a field?
> >>
> Let me know if this helps.
> view layout [
> f-1: field
> f-2: field
> button 200 "Goto Field 1" [focus f-1]
> button 200 "Goto Field 2" [focus f-2]
> button 200 "Set Field 2 color" [
> ;f-2/colors/1: red
> f-2/colors: reduce [red green]
> show f-2
> ]
> ]
> --Gregg

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[REBOL] Rebol mailing-list archive

2002-04-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all, can someone tell me where can I find all the emails written in
this mailing-list (archive or history).

I wish to see all technical infos and I want to publish a document
containing some useful tips & tricks extracted from this mailing-list
archive, since I found here many suggestions, technical solutions not
found anywhere.


-- Alessandro --

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[REBOL] Some questions...

2002-04-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all!

I have encountered some problems during a software development.

1) I want to store the name of a field in a variable and I want assign
the focus to the field whose name (or obj reference) is stored in such
variable. How can I do?

2) What can I do to change the color (which refiniment) of the
background of a field?

thank you !

-- Alessandro --

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[REBOL] Re: [ feature request /intelligence ]

2002-04-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I agree with you. If Rebol would automatically initialize words, I
cannot be advised if I made a typing error. Furthermore, I tested
another good language: Python... it behaves the same way: try this in


you will obtain this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'b' is not defined


> Hi Norman,
> << I would expect that a variable not defined could automaticly
> be assigned. ie -> >>
> It certainly could be, but REBOL isn't designed to do it (though I'm sure
> they could change it if they wanted to). While that kind of thing can be
> helpful in building very small scripts, it's also hard to find bugs
that can
> come from that behavior. E.g. you type a name incorrectly but REBOL
> warn you, and creates the new word silently. Now your code "runs" but
> doesn't work correctly. REBOL actually goes further toward "intelligence"
> than any other language I know in many ways. By that I mean it works
in such
> a way that makes your life easier, and works as expected. I often find
> I have a problem and start debugging it, by the time I've eliminated half
> the code, it works correctly. I just try to make it much too hard. REBOL
> almost always provides a simple solution. Often times the people on the ML
> will tell me about a built-in function that does what I want already, or
> will show me how to do something with 3 or 4 words that I wrote 20
lines of
> code to do.
> Just my 2c.
> --Gregg
> --
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[REBOL] Re: rebol/VIEW radio-buttons - zoom-radio style

2002-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wonderful! Just what I needed!

Maybe this new style could be added in standard rebol/view distribution!


> You should try it yourself before making such
> easy suggestions. :)
> Anyway, last night I wrote a new style, that draws
> a scalable radio button:
>   http://anton.idatam.com.au/rebol/gui/zoom-radio.r
> Run the demo to see it in action:
>   http://anton.idatam.com.au/rebol/gui/demo-zoom-radio.r
> Anton.
> > i think you can type radio 30x30 and it will work.
> > But you got a better solution : it exists a "click-face" function that
> > someone wrote. With it, the user will could click on the text associated
> > with the radio and the radio will be check..
> >
> > i think it's the original function
> >
> > rebol []
> >
> > click-face: func [face][face/feel/engage face 'down none]
> >
> > ; simple example
> > view layout [
> > chk: check text "click me" [click-face chk]
> > ]
> > - Original Message -
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 9:10 AM
> > Subject: [REBOL] rebol/VIEW radio-buttons
> > I used in /view the radio-buttons (very useful).
> > I created a little list with a large font (vh3) but, the little buttons
> > (little circles) that the user can click are very small. How can I do
> > (if possible) to enlarge them? If it is not possible, can I substitute
> > the image of the radio-button with another image (I will draw a larger
> > button).
> --
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: Curl

2002-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all! The same is for me!

My CURL installation dir is fairly large! And it seems more similar to a
Java applet than an independent full-featured application like Rebol can do!

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[REBOL] rebol/VIEW radio-buttons

2002-04-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I used in /view the radio-buttons (very useful).
I created a little list with a large font (vh3) but, the little buttons
(little circles) that the user can click are very small. How can I do
(if possible) to enlarge them? If it is not possible, can I substitute
the image of the radio-button with another image (I will draw a larger

Thanks a lot!


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[REBOL] Re: Rebol programs

2002-03-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm very happy to see many people create programs bigger than a tic-tac-
toe! This is important for me, since more people/companies use Rebol
for professional applications and more are the chance for Rebol to
impose itself in the market.


> Charles wrote:
> >I missed the original post somewhere, so I'm quoting from Greg's
> for those who missed it,
> the original post follows my reply.
> I have written quite a few heavy programs. I do not count lines.
> I call each an application to differentiate it from a utility.
>rebol as my solution foundation
> Sometimes the application is actually several rebol scripts
> which cooperate but run at different times or only when certain events
> happen.
> For example a rebol based CGI runs when the page is fetched,
> another when the form completes and another later when cron must
> do hourly processing and still another when distribution
> to mirror sites is complete.

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[REBOL] Re: Non-profits [was RE: Rebol programs]

2002-03-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all, talking about non-profit: I'm the president of an Italian ONLUS
association (non-profit organization which helps people less lucky than
me). I don't gain money from my organization (on the contrary, I spend
much money to maintain it!) and I think would be a great idea to make
Rebol free (even powerful versions like command/view) for non-profit.

1) Advertisement! I could create an entire Rebol site, making Rebol
more and more popular.
2) If I could use Rebol for free, I could make many things on my site
(more than I make now)... why? since now I have a free account
(XOOM.IT) and I cannot create DB, CGI, etc... but with Rebol I could
create full-featured client programs that manage data in the server.
3) Rebol company will make a very good action! Non-profit organizations
like mine work to improve the life of other people, to improve the
World were evrybody lives, etc... (many jobs can be done from non-
profit organizations). Rebol will help us to act our plans. This could
be a kind of charity. I think every company (with profit), every single
person would give something to help the people who already make
something to help (gratis!) other people, the nature, etc...


> Ryan:
> > This is a great idea Sunanda.  Not only is REBOL is free for non-
> > use
> >  and could use the exposure, but I could too.  I think I will make
a point
> to
> > help
> >  out some of the local non-profits.
> Don't let me discourage you, but there are licensing complications
even with
> non-profits.
> I started these applications as they are non-profits I support with
IT needs
> I could fulfil. Rebol was (still is) extremely attractive for its
> multi-platform support -- a typical non-profit of any size has
> stretching back to the stone age, as well as more recently donated hi-
> The problem for me is fourfold:
> -- that Rebol licensing is unclear for non-profits. The licence only
> distinguishes non-commercial from commercial. As far as I can tell,
that's a
> personal use / corporate use distinction. Where a non-profit who may
have a
> commercial wing (e.g. running thrift shops and the like) fits is not
> -- I'd like to use View/Pro not just View as I don't want to deploy
> applications with poor security, so I really need the encryption.
There's a
> cost there of USD49 or USD99 per seats. For some NPs that's okay --
I'd tell
> em to stop moaning any pay up. But for poorer ones who need tens of
> the several thousand dollar mark (even at the lower price) is too
high. I've
> asked RT several times about cheaper licencing or site licensing for
NPs, but
> with no result.
> -- Similarly, USD350 is way to much for Command/Pro, with which some
of the
> applications would benefit. Again no sugegstion from RT that a lower
price is
> possible.
> -- Encap looked a possibility. But it needs a developer licence for
> platform supported, and a cost model assuming I'm selling the
> rather than either donating them or passing them on at cost.
> RT are aware of the issues, but move slowly. Here's part of an
> exchange:
> Scott : (RT commercial manger)  [talking about IOS, not standalone
Rebol] For
> those Non-Profits that want to host their own server, we are
discussing plans
> right now.  Not quite sure what direction it will take, but I'll get
back to
> you for feed back as soon as I can.
> Sunanda: Thanks for the info. The sooner you have a pricing
structure, the
> quicker we could start haggling!
> Scott: Sounds fun!
> That was 26-Jan-2002. No further word,
> Sunanda.
> --
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Alessandro Manotti
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[REBOL] Re: Rebol programs

2002-03-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I understood well, Vanilla was built with CGI in Rebol. But Rebol is
not only a CGI language, but has much power in network protocol
management, GUI system, etc...
CGI can be built with a lot of languages (I write in Python, which is a
very good language for CGI programs...) but I think the power of Rebol
was in a very small client program that someone can download (small
like an HTML file, like a Macromedia Flash file), has a good GUI system
(always very few bytes!), I can create client programs which directly
use HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, etc... with very few lines of program. Further
more, Rebol interpreter (when it will become even a plug-in? Like a
Macromedia Flash player?!) is very small (think about Python (big!),
think about Java runtime machine (big!)).

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[REBOL] Rebol programs

2002-03-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

does anybody know someone who created (single persons or companies)
heavy programs in Rebol? For heavy programs I intend big programs, not
small utilities/games like mines, some email readers, etc...

Another question: why "www.rebol.com" has not a full-featured site
built using rebol interface? I can use Rebol only for some specific

I wish to create (or to see an existing one) a site visible totally
with Rebol. I think it could demonstrate the power of this system.

I'm not talking about IOS, but a freeware application, an
application ".r" not a ".exe" (executable) application like IOS.

What do you about this?

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[REBOL] Rebol tutorial from IBM

2002-03-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at here:


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[REBOL] Dynamic Layout creation

2002-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After some tests, I discovered I could create a block (dinamically, at
runtime) and use this to create a layout.
For example: if I want to create some radio buttons at runtime (I'm
reading some records in a database, and every record generates a radio
button), I can create a block and...

myBlock: [backcolor gray across]
append myBlock [radio label "test"]
view layout myBlock

the previous code functions. But how can I do to assign a different
variable to every radio-button (see the hypotetical result below):

var1: radio label "test 1" return
var2: radio label "test 2" return
var3: radio label "test 3" return

I cannot create var...

Can someone help me?

Thanks! bye!

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[REBOL] Debugging

2002-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you to everybody for your clarification!

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[REBOL] Re: Debugging [was REBOL/Zine]

2002-03-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm sorry, I made a mistake when I wrote my email.

When I wrote:
DEBUG: print myVar

it was not an assignement, but I meant I was in debugging session! (my
mistake, sorry!).

However, I made some tests, and it seems functioning.
You let me discover another rebol function: "??"
which is the difference from "probe" and "??" (I objtain the same

Thank you for your help!

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2002-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all, I have a problem:

I wish to interrupt a program when it is running, using something like:

   print "DEBUG: "

At this point, I want to analyze the variables used by my software,

   DEBUG: print myVar

where myVar is a variable previously defined in the software. But...
Rebol tell me the variable does not exist! I think because this break
(instruction "ask") create a new context, different from the one used
by the program while it is running. What can I do to evaluate the
instructions inserted in the "ask" block?


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[REBOL] Re: Question: [ searching for answer on GUI speed ]

2002-03-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where can we find detailed information how to handle "list" object? I
found only brief examples.

Thanks a lot!

> On 12-Mar-02, Gregg Irwin wrote:
> > I have a few ideas sketched out for how I might tackle a grid or
> > tree-view, but haven't made any stabs at implementations yet. The
> > design path I'm heading down is centered around DRAW commands rather
> > than individual faces. I have no idea, yet, what issues I'll run
> > into though.
> Wouldn't using View's 'list be the way to go?  It supports multiple
> faces per line.
> --
> Carl Read
> --
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: rebol.com SITE DESIGN => was {Re: Re: License Question => site links}

2002-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> 1. I wish the site were built with REBOL, proud of it and showed how
> was being used. I wish it had a search tool in Rebol visible on every
> 2. http://rebol.com The home page is now a poster for IOS. Fair
enough, but
> the prominent default "TAB"  in the header navbar is "Download". The
> are pretty of of sync with the site now. IOS is a big-enough deal
that it
> would propably be best to add one called IOS and group all those
pages under
> there. .. much more I could say about this.
> 3. Pages are not dated.
> 4. There is no navigation such as "next", even though there are some
> articles which have groupings. For example go to any page where IOS is
> mentioned. The various IOS pages are all fragmented. This is supposed
to be
> commercial flagship.. better communications. No real explanation of
> status of IOS reblets. Why do some have screenshots and a date,
others say
> available now, others have no screenshot. Are they an idea, in
> scheduled for autumn 2002? Is it not possible to at least put up draft
> screenshots for them and a proposed date/status.
> 5. Important link missing For example IOS a the top of
> http://www.rebol.com/download.html should surely link its big heading
> icon like the other items on the page? At themoment there is only
tiny link
> "IOS Express" with paragraph. Given the effort RT is putting into IOS
> is what I'd call careless-death-wish web design.
> 6. NEWS vs. What's new
> There is not much in the "News" as we know. hard times. people got
> heads down busy. But there are changes to the site. But no way to
know what
> they are.. Not a hard task for Rebol to track site changes, and render
> up-date "What's New" page with links?

I think you are right. The previous points say the true. I totally
agree with you!

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[REBOL] Re: What's Up Rebol?

2002-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hello to all,
> I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but your going to
> get it anyway.  I feel a real need to vent.  I have been tinkering
> with and watching the progression of Rebol for approx. two years
> now.  I am a Unix Systems Administrator/Programming Hack.
[... more ...]

Well, I agree with Jim Richards. I bounght Rebol/Command, since I tried
the free version and I liked it very much. Maybe for a "traditional"
programmer the language is really different (sometimes the debugging is
very difficult, since I don't exactly if a word is a user function, is
a function of another dialect, etc... and is difficult to follow the
flow) but there are a lot of wonderful features...
1) distribution is very compact;
2) not much code to make some operations like http, ftp, etc...;
3) GUI is enough good for an application (even if some components are
still missing...);
4) Language is enough fast an not very heavy for a computer (compared
to Java...);
5) Multiplatform;
6) ...


Documentation: ugly! VID dictionary is missing. Lot of features are not
mentioned (I downloaded much more doc from other sites to understand
how to handle sliders, sub panels, events on radio-buttons, etc...).
This situation should be normal (!) for an open source language (Perl,
Python, etc...) but not for a commercial one, which I paid! I know many
things because there is this mailing-list, else...

I have to say to my company if this a good language to develop future
programs: what can I say? There are a lot of advantages, but I have
many doubts about it: will the documentation be improved? Which
projects has, for the future, Carl Sassenrath? Will he continue for the
future to develop this system (since this software is not open source,
no one can continue to develop it if Carl will stop the development)?

Many questions... very few answers... can I suggest to my company to
use this system to develop programs? (the problem is very big: since I
work in Bridgestone/Firestone in Rome, and my answer will influence the
software development for many plants in the Europe and in the Technical


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[REBOL] Rebol news...

2002-03-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Today I visited Rebol site but... I found NO NEWS since from october
Where are Rebol news? Mhm...

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol & printers

2002-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good! You wish some suggestions? I say my suggestion...

Since Rebol is internet-oriented library should be created to let me
insert in my code only the needed functions, not the whole library. If
you create a rebol script, I can import it with "do ..." but I import
all the libraries... not only the functions I need.
I know Python, and it has a very interesting option to include external
functions: in "IMPORT" statement I can specify the functions to import:

  1) import string# to import the string manipulation library
  2) from string import xyz # to import only the function xyz


> Olivier,
> << Someone knows a TCP protocol for Rebol  to print a document on a
> NT/2000 ? >>
> I'm using Gabriele's pdf-maker to print things on a current project
and you
> can specify the printer it should use when you launch Acrobat, if
that will
> work for you. Other than that, I haven't made any attempt to tackle
> printing APIs from REBOL. I thought about it, but then someone from RT
> alluded to the fact that they were looking at printing issues as well
> I'm wiling to wait a bit for that.
> --Gregg

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[REBOL] Deeper documentation...

2002-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all, I'm deeply studying rebol, since I'm trying to persuade my
company to adopt Rebol to create some client applications
(internet/intranet based). The biggest problem I found is
documentation. Yes, Rebol has much documentation, but if I wish some
explanations about a particular argument the situation is problematic.
For example: View dialect is poor of documentation about some functions:
LIST, deeper usage of events (I discovered in this mailing-list some
tokens, functions, etc... I never found or I only saw mentioned), RADIO
BUTTONS (I wish information about their usage in a real-world not only
some basic examples), etc...

I created some forms with DHTML very simply, but I found a lot of
problems to create them in Rebol: why? because, beyond the source code
published in the rebol sites, there is not enought documentation about
some real-life jobs (which jobs? I don't want to fill this email with
examples, if someone wish, I can do it in another one).

1) I wish more specialized documentation about the usage of some tokens.
2) More documentation about real-applications (DB connectivity,
retrieve data and create lists dinamically (radio, list, text-list,
checkbox, etc...).
3) etc...


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[REBOL] Re: ROUND function (like TRUNC, FLOOR, etc...)

2002-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First of all: thank you for the function!

after this... a curiosity: why Rebol does not implement native round


> << I'm developing a program in my company, and an engineer asked how I
> round the numbers... but... I discovered (I'm still a newbie...) Rebol
> has only TO-INTEGER function to round a number! No FLOOR, no CEIL, no
> And... how about Banker's algorithm to round numbers? >>
> Here's what I came up with, based on some of Ladislav's excellent
> Watch for word-wrap.
> ; Ladislav Mecir, Gregg Irwin (minor adjustment)
> mod: func [
> {Compute a remainder.}
> value1 [number! money! time!] {The dividend}
> value2 [number! money! time!] {The divisor}
> /euclid {Compute a non-negative remainder such that: a = qb +
r and
> r < b}
> /local r
> ] [
> either euclid [
> either negative? r: value1 // value2 [r + abs value2] [r]
> ;-- Alternate implementation
> ;value1 // value2 + (value2: abs value2) // value2
> ][
> value1 // value2
> ]
> ]
> ;-- Note: to-interval does mod-like rounding. If the interval you
> ; specify is not evenly divisble into your base, the
> ; may not be what you expect. E.g. round/to-interval 133
> ; will round to 120, not 130, because 120 is an even
> ; (read interval) of 30.
> ; Ladislav Mecir, Gregg Irwin
> round: func [
> {Rounds numeric value with refinements for what kind of
>  you want performed, how many decimal places to round to,
> value [number! money! time!] {The value to round}
> /up {Round away from 0}
> /floor  {Round towards the next more negative digit}
> /ceiling{Round towards the next more positive digit}
> /truncate   {Remaining digits are unchanged. (a.k.a. down)}
> /places {The number of decimal places to keep}
> pl [integer!]
> /to-interval {Round to the nearest multiple of interval}
> interval [number! money! time!]
> /local
> factor
> ][
> ;-- places and to-interval are redundant. E.g.:
> ;   places 2 = to-interval .01
> ;   to-interval is more flexible so I may dump places.
> ;-- This sets factor in one line, under 80 chars, but is it
> ;factor: either places [10 ** (- pl)][either to-interval
> [interval][1]]
> factor: either places [
> 10 ** (negate pl)
> ] [
> either to-interval [interval] [1]
> ]
> ;-- We may set truncate, floor, or ceiling in this 'if block.
> if not any [up floor ceiling truncate] [
> ;-- Default rounding is even. Should we take the specified
> ;   decimal places into account when rounding? We do at
> ;   moment.
> either (abs value // factor) <> (.5 * factor) [
> value: (.5 * factor) + value
> return value - mod/euclid value factor
> ] [
> ;-- If we get here, it means we're rounding off
> ;   .5 (at the final decimal position that is).
> either even? value [
> truncate: true
> ] [
> either negative? value [floor: true][ceiling:
> ]
> ]
> ]
> if up   [either negative? value [floor: true][ceiling:
> if truncate [return value - (value // factor)]
> if floor[return value - mod/euclid value factor]
> if ceiling  [return value + mod/euclid (negate value) factor]
> ]
> HTH!
> --Gregg

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[REBOL] ROUND function (like TRUNC, FLOOR, etc...)

2002-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm developing a program in my company, and an engineer asked how I
round the numbers... but... I discovered (I'm still a newbie...) Rebol
has only TO-INTEGER function to round a number! No FLOOR, no CEIL, no

And... how about Banker's algorithm to round numbers?

I made some tests: TO-INTEGER only trunc the value, not round it:

1.3 -> 1
2.7 -> 2
3.5 -> 3

Why rebol has not a function to make the round more flexible?


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[REBOL] Re: leave field event...

2002-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No. Even if i modify the text in the field and click with the mouse 
into another field the event is NOT launched.

Maybe, it could be a bug of Rebol/MsWindows  version?

> Hi,
> If you make a change and click with the mouse in another field it 
will fire.
> No edits - no alert..
> Cheers!
> Brett.
> > Hi,
> >
> > I found a bizzarre behaviour about the fields:
> >
> > view layout [
> >field "Test 1" [alert "Hi! It'me! Test 1!"]
> >field "Test 2" [alert "Hello, world!"]
> > ]
> >
> > If I use ENTER key or TAB key to navigate across the fields, the 
> > (event leave field) works, but if I use the mouse (click into the
> > fields) the event was not launched: alert is not displayed.
> >
> > Is a Rebol bug? A view bug? is it the right behaviour?
> >
> > Bye!
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: 
> >
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> > Obiettivo Laurea? vuoi migliorare il tuo metodo di studio?
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> > Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=213&d=6-2
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> > subject, without the quotes.
> >
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
> subject, without the quotes.

Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

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mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] leave field event...

2002-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I found a bizzarre behaviour about the fields:

view layout [
   field "Test 1" [alert "Hi! It'me! Test 1!"]
   field "Test 2" [alert "Hello, world!"]

If I use ENTER key or TAB key to navigate across the fields, the alert 
(event leave field) works, but if I use the mouse (click into the 
fields) the event was not launched: alert is not displayed.

Is a Rebol bug? A view bug? is it the right behaviour?


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[REBOL] Re: what's cooking?

2002-02-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Actually, I just mentioned this on the list a day or two ago.
   When I wrote to The Folks Behind Such Decisions, asking about /View on RTP, 
essentially the answer was "Until we're convinced that enough people using RTP would 
purchase the /Pro version to make it worth our while, there won't be a /View."  Which 
makes sense, basically, because why devote $xx and yy resources to port an application 
to one platform, when the return is seen to be far too little, when xx and yy could be 
better devoted to projects to further the company in the world?  *shrugs*  Perhaps if 
enough people wrote in saying, "Hi, I use QNX RTP, and would be willing to purchase 
REBOL/View/Pro if it were available, with normal /View for my users," maybe then 
they'd get to it.  But until then .. *shrugs*  Bigger and badder fish to fry.


hmm...and one reminder to rebol..i am still waiting
for rebol/view on qnx rtp. Hurry up cause i have been
holding my breath too long ;-)



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[REBOL] Re: Pair comparison (was: native? :==)

2002-02-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I think I get what you're at.  Ie, if you can compare a "which comes first?" on 
strings, why not order simply based upon left-to-right in pairs, treating them as if 
they were strings as well.  So, 5x1 is greater than 4x9, but less than 5x2 .. yes?  
Although, what actual use this would be, I'm not sure of.
   *blinks*  What use /do/ you need (pair! > pair!) for, anyways? *pokes original 
poster* ;)  Thought exercise? :)


Dixit Allen Kamp (09.58 05.02.2002):
>Pairs also represent size. If you only compare X then this falls apart when
>dealing with size. Which is greater 5x1 or 3x2 ??

You miss my point. What I mean is, although there _are_ different ways to look at 
this, a simple left-to-right ordering is what is implemented in other cases, so...

But as I said, I'm just a Bear of Very Little Brain...


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[REBOL] Re: Pair comparison (was: native? :==)

2002-02-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   There's always the case to evaluate for area; whichever coordinate pair would take 
up the most area in a plane, that would be the greater one.  If they take up the same, 
then obviously (2x3 > 3x2) would fail - because it's equal area.  It's one solution :/


> Precedence or not, when presenting X/Y coordinates, I have yet to meet
with someone who places the Y before the X (ever heard about Y/X
> [...]

Pairs also represent size. If you only compare X then this falls apart when
dealing with size. Which is greater 5x1 or 3x2 ??


Allen K

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2002-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have a problem (!)... (sorry!)

I must update some field in a DB (ODBC->Ms Access).

I have to write a date or, if the user doesn't insert the date, I want 
to write "NULL".
DB Access has a field "myDate (type: DateTime)".

Using DB functions in Rebol/Command:

type? newDate = string (got from a field in layout... InputDate/text).

db: open odbc://accessODBC
dbp: first db

insert dbp { [update myTable set myDate=?] newDate }

if newDate is a date, everything is ok, but... if the user does not 
insert the date (blank)...

I always obtain the error:

"** Script Error: ODBC error: [Microsoft][Driver ODBC Microsoft Access] 
Data types do not correspond in the function-criteria.

** Where: func [face value][panels/pane: none
show panels

Help me! I need to accept either valid date or null values!

Thanks !

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[REBOL] Re: Unable to retrieve Lycos email in Rebol

2002-02-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Are you 100% sure you have access to the POP server?  Have you tried accessing your 
Lycos mail with a normal email client?  For instance, just because you have 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't mean me:[EMAIL PROTECTED] will work (in fact, it won't).  
Many webmail systems do not have POP access for their clients.
   And I don't know about POP/Lycos/etc, but with many systems (like *nix), if you try 
logging in, it will tell you the password is incorrect, even if the *user* doesn't 
exist - keeps you guessing.  I don't know if it would be reported that the user 
doesn't exist.  I'd suggest trying some gobbldy-gook username in your attempt next 
time - if it gives you "incorrect password", then you definitely do not have access to 
that server's POP system.


Original Message:
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 9:52:39 +0800
Subject: [REBOL] Unable to retrieve Lycos email in Rebol


Has anyone succesfully used Rebol to access their Lycos email?

Running a trace, my password is rejected, yet when I go to their site I can sign and 
get my mail using the password.

>> mailbox: open pop://philiphbevan:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL Parse: philiphbevan mypassword pop.lycos.co.uk none none none
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "POP"]
Net-log: [
none "+OK"]
Net-log: "+OK POP Lycos/Caramail (version 1.2a) starting"
Net-log: [
["USER" port/user] "+OK"]
Net-log: "+OK password required for philiphbevan."
Net-log: [
["PASS" port/pass] "+OK"]
** User Error: Server error: tcp -ERR Password supplied for philiphbevan is incorrect.
** Near: mailbox: open pop://philiphbevan:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any ideas ??

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: R: Re: [REBOL]

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using triples is a good idea! thanks for other suggestions!

> Hi, Alessandro,
> I suggest using strings instead of words.  Strings always evaluate
> to themselves, while some expressions could end up trying to take
> the value of MAR or GIU with unexpected results!  ;-)
> Alessandro Manotti wrote:
> > 
> > month-list: [gen jan feb feb mar mar apr apr mag may giu jun lug
> > jul ago aug set sep ott oct nov nov dic dec]
> > 
> > select month-list 'feb
> > select month-list 'giu
> > 
> > Of course, it is good only for ITALIAN->ENGLISH (for reverse, we
> > should reverse the order of the items...).
> >
> You can avoid having two lists by using triples instead of pairs,
> as follows:
>   translate-month: func [month-name [string!]] [
>   select [
>   "gen" "jan" "gen"   "feb" "feb" "feb"   "mar" "mar" "mar"
>   "apr" "apr" "apr"   "mag" "may" "mag"   "giu" "jun" "giu"
>   "lug" "jul" "lug"   "ago" "aug" "ago"   "set" "sep" "sep"
>   "ott" "oct" "ott"   "nov" "nov" "nov"   "dic" "dec" "dic"
>   ] month-name
>   ]
> which works as
>   >> translate-month "jan"== "gen"
>   >> translate-month "lug"== "jul"
>   >> translate-month "ott"== "oct"
>   >> translate-month "oct"== "ott"
> > 
> > date1: [gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic]
> > date2: [jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec]
> > 
> > idx: index? find date1 'gen
> > date2/:idx
> > 
> > * Advantage: reverse is ok...
> > 
> > idx: index? find date2 'gen
> > date1/:idx
> > 
> A drawback of using ... INDEX? FIND ... is the behavior when an
> invalid argument is supplied.  Packaged up as a function, with a
> refinement to control the direction of translation, we can use the
> above idea as:
>   trans-mon: func [mon-name [string!] /to-it /local date-it date-en] [
>   date-it: [
>   "gen" "feb" "mar" "apr" "mag" "giu"
>   "lug" "ago" "set" "ott" "nov" "dic"
>   ]
>   date-en: [
>   "jan" "feb" "mar" "apr" "may" "jun"
>   "jul" "aug" "sep" "oct" "nov" "dec"
>   ]
>   either to-it [
>   pick date-it index? find date-en mon-name
>   ][
>   pick date-en index? find date-it mon-name
>   ]
>   ]
> which behaves this way:
>   >> trans-mon "gen"  == "jan"
>   >> trans-mon "ott"  == "oct"
>   >> trans-mon/to-it "oct"== "ott"
>   >> trans-mon/to-it "may"== "mag"
> ... but ...
>   >> trans-mon "abc"
>   ** Script Error: index? expected series argument of type: series 
>   ** Where: trans-mon
>   ** Near: pick date-en index? find date-it
> So, regardless of the strategy chosen, handling erroneous cases should
> be part of the plan, IMHO.
> -jn-
> -- 

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[REBOL] Re: What no DOS

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Yeah, but who really develops for DOS anymore anyways?  No networking, 16-bit 
environment, 8.3 filenames, no threading...?
   And beware most Linux distributions these days anyways.  They LIKE to install a LOT 
of stuff now.  I'm not looking for a debate here - I'm just talking from personal 
experience.  In '93, I installed Slackware, and .. well, the installation was slow and 
annoying, I had to keep flipping through floppies because of a lack of HD space, and I 
had to cautiously select each little piece I wanted.  A couple years ago I installed 
Mandrake, using their own installation program, and.. well, good luck installing it 
without a GUI!  It kept forcing me to install a ton of crap I didn't need/want at all. 
 Ended up with >1GB of space taken up :(  Mostly from selecting this thing, and being 
told that it needed 50 other 'dependencies'...  *shrugs*  Just warning.

It's just that there is a lot of people who know DOS and have access to it, 
MS-DOS or FreeDOS.I can't seem tp find my CP/M disks ;-)

>From: Brian Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [REBOL] Re: What no DOS
>Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 10:29:28 -0800 (PST)
>I think DOS has a small footprint because it lacks features that would
>allow REBOL to run, like a reliable network stack and multitasking.
>Shake the dust off the PC and run linux on it, it should be fine.  I
>ran linux for years on a 486 w/ 16MB and a 250 MB hd.
>Hey, but what about this old Kaypro? How about a CP/M version? ;-)
>On Thu, 31
>Jan 2002, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> >
> >
> > rick falls wrote:
> >
> > > Hey why not a DOS version of REBOL. With the small footprint of REBOl 
>core I
> > > could dust off and make use of my old 486PC. And REBOl is way easier 
> > > Qbasic.
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[REBOL] Re: What no DOS

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Heh.  I don't think a DOS version of View would be necessary at all.  I mean, while 
I love Windows (that's right, you heard me:  I LOVE Windows!!), sometimes I just feel 
at home in a console.  Course, I've been using various personal computers for about 18 
years now (and I'm only 24..), since the Commodore Vic20.  I still don't like Linux 
much, but I DO like QNX RTP 6 - but it's a real-time OS with, uh, no real memory 
cache, so it doesn't really run on a 486 (among other reasons).
   However, what I *have* done is to install CygWin, which is quite yummy I think.  
Too bad there's no /core for it, though ;)

rick falls wrote:

> Hey why not a DOS version of REBOL. With the small footprint of REBOl core I
> could dust off and make use of my old 486PC. And REBOl is way easier than
> Qbasic.

I know that DOS is easier to use than Linux, but well, it is 16bit. And ... I
can hardly imagine RT would put their effort into DOS View version :-)


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2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


can someone tell me if exists a function (or similar) to map a serie 
over another one?

(used to translate the month names from italian to english):


Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

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[REBOL] Re: fields and keyboard

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is that?! I'm sorry, I still find some problems to understand 
Rebol code.

Can you explain me exactly what that program do? How does it function?

Thanks for your patience!

> Hi,
> I didn't read all about this thread but if I understand it here is 
> solution:
> stylize/master [
> upper-case-field: field with [
> feel: make feel [
> redraw: func first :redraw append second :redraw [if act 
= 'show
> [face/text: uppercase face/text]]
> ]
> ]
> ]
> view layout [
> upper-case-field
> ]
> regards
> Cyphre
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 9:10 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: fields and keyboard
> > Hi, can someone explain me what is exactly ctx-text? I tried using
> > "? ctx-text" but Rebol shown me a lot of code!
> >
> > ===
> >
> > > Thanks Romano and Gabriele,
> > >
> > > You confimed my suspicision. As the ctx-text/edit feel object is 
> > there
> > > is no simple way to extend the functionality. Adding a flag to the
> > face is a
> > > good idea.
> > >
> > > Maybe there should be some special user-defined editing function 
> > can
> > > be called for easy extended functionality.
> > >
> > > Brett.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
> --
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

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[REBOL] Re: fields and keyboard

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks a lot!

> Hi,
> > Hi, can someone explain me what is exactly ctx-text?
> > I tried using  "? ctx-text" but Rebol shown me a lot of
> > code!
> Short answer 1: It is a lot of code! :)
> Short answer 2: It holds a lot of the functions that FIELD, AREA, 
> H2, etc. need.
> Longer answer:
> You can build VID programs without knowing about it.
> ctx-text is an object! which holds some words, some objects and a lot 
> functions.
> All these things are grouped in the object ctx-text because they 
relate to
> text handling.
> For example, these functions and objects work together to give the 
> to copy text from a View window to the clipboard. Like this:
> view layout [text {Highlight this text with
> you mouse and copy it to the clipboard
> using ctrl-c.}]
> If I deliberately "cut the link" to ctx-text - see what happens:
> view layout [text "Try to copy this text now." with [feel: none]]
> Normally this prints true:
> layout [text-object: text "Some text"]
> print same? text-object/feel ctx-text/swipe
> So the summary is VID styles use ctx-text to handle keystrokes, and 
> text handling.
> Brett.
> -- 
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Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] Re: 'word...

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I send all the code, but... my source code (without extra square 
brakets) functions correctly!


SHOW-PANEL: func [  'panelName 
{Nome del pannello da 

sub-title' [string!]
{Titolo/sottotitolo del 
 ]] [
sub-title: sub-title'   ;; Set 
del tipo di inserimento


; Carica il codice che contiene 
la form richiesta


switch panelName [

panelInsert [   do %


panelSearch [   do %


; Mostra il nuovo pannello
panels/pane: get panelName
show panels 

I'm sorry for italian comments...

> > Why I should insert that extra square-bracket?
> > If I insert it Rebol reports me an error!
> > 
> > ** Syntax Error: Missing [ at end-of-block
> > ** Near: (line 68) ]] [
> You've got more missing square brackets! :-)
> Post the code to the list and we'll point it out.
> Andrew Martin
> ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/

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[REBOL] Re: 'word...

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why I should insert that extra square-bracket?
If I insert it Rebol reports me an error!

** Syntax Error: Missing [ at end-of-block
** Near: (line 68) ]] [


> Did anyone notice that Alessandro's function is missing a square 
> show-panel: func ['panelName] [
> should look like:
> show-panel: func ['panelName]] [
> Note the "extra" square bracket at the end.
> Plus all the extra bits that the others found as well. :-)
> Andrew Martin
> ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/
> -><-

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[REBOL] Re: 'word...

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WOW! It's true! Using "get panelName"... it functions! 

Thank you very much for your help!
I discovered another important Rebol word!

> Inside your function "panelName" stands for the actual literal word
> "insertAnagrafica" not the value
> you expected (a face object). This is because you defined the function
> argument using the '
> But you need the value that "insertAnagrafica" refers to. So try:
> show-panel: func ['panelName][
> panels/pane: get panelName
> ]
> show-panel insertAnagrafica
> Brett.

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[REBOL] Re: fields and keyboard

2002-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, can someone explain me what is exactly ctx-text? I tried using 
"? ctx-text" but Rebol shown me a lot of code!


> Thanks Romano and Gabriele,
> You confimed my suspicision. As the ctx-text/edit feel object is now, 
> is no simple way to extend the functionality. Adding a flag to the 
face is a
> good idea.
> Maybe there should be some special user-defined editing function that 
> be called for easy extended functionality.
> Brett.

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[REBOL] Re: 'word...

2002-01-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


this is a function when I supply the arguments I must call this 
function as follows:

   show-panel myPanel

but I cannot! Since Rebol tries to elaborate "myPanel" word! therefore 
I must the function as follows:
   show-panel 'myPanel

and... the problem is the same: the function does not... fuction.

> Hallo Riusa,
> > show-panel: func ['panelName] [
> >  panels/pane: panelName
> > ]
>Try (untested):
> show-panel: func [
> {Shows the given panel}
> panelName
> {the given panel}
> ] [
> panels/pane: panelName
> ]
>The leading ' shoud be avoided.
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
> subject, without the quotes.


Alessandro Manotti
Presidente dell'Associazione "RIUSA"

Sito web: http://riusa.apritisesamo.net
mailing-list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefono: 347.63.43.231

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[REBOL] 'word...

2002-01-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I created a sub-panel (insertAnagrafica), but I cannot show it using 
the following code (if I substitute the word reference (panelName) with 
the name of the panel, it functions!).

I found another problem... please look at the code below:

show-panel: func ['panelName] [
 panels/pane: panelName

show-panel insertAnagrafica

can someone help me? can someone explain me why does not function?

thank you!

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[REBOL] Re: fields and keyboard

2002-01-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you! This is a simple but good idea!

This solution reminds me of another question:
I didn't know the code following a "field" was executed as soon as the 
user left the field...
where can I find all the "default" actions executed by a object/view?
(buttons: "click button" then "exec the code";
  "exit field" then "exec the code";

  other actions/reactions?

thank you!

> > > I wish to create a routine to convert to uppercase everything 
> >  > inside the field.
> This is not automatic (you have to exit the field before it folds), 
but it 
> may be enough.
> rebol []
> fold-field: func [face /upper /lower] [
> if upper [face/text: uppercase face/text]
> if lower [face/text: lowercase face/text]
> show face
> ]
> unview/all
> view layout [field1: field [fold-field/upper face] 
>  field2: field [fold-field/lower face]
>  ]
> Sunanda.
> -- 

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[REBOL] Re: R: Re: VID: choice arguments

2002-01-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

but when I create a dialect, a can even create refiniments...


> Ciao Alessandro,
> > Hi, a question for Rebol creators: why Rebol does not use standard
> > refiniments for view?
>Well, I unfortunately am not a REBOL creator but I think I can
> answer you: view/vid is a dialect, not (only) a definition of
> functions. Take a look to the dialects info in core.pdf (you can
> get it from www.rebol.com) to understand the difference.
> > "choice data test" but it should be:
> > "choice/data test"
>Buon divertimento con 'parse
> Mario

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[REBOL] fields and keyboard

2002-01-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi to everyone!

I'm a almost new Rebol user, and I wish some inform about keyboard 
control in "field" of layout/view.

I wish to create a routine to convert to uppercase everything typed 
inside the field. 
I tried with "feel"->engage, but I cannot write anything inside the 
So I tried with "feel"->detect... I wrote inside the field, 
but "detect" didn't detect keypress!!! (windows 2000)
I found a top-level script to create a new event handler for the layout 
view, but the fuction is recalled before the key is written in the 
field... result? I have the most recent key never converted:
"ABCd" (and so on...)

Can I detect when the user enter in the field, and when he exits (mouse 
or tab or enter key)? Can I detect every keypress, but letting the 
control of the cursor to the user (a mix of "engage" and "detect").

Thank you! Bye!

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[REBOL] Palm DOC format

2001-12-12 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone written a REBOL-based conversion tool for converting text to the 
Palm's DOC format?

Also, if anyone knows where the specs are for the DOC format, I'd like to 
write my own. I looked on Google, but unfortunately I get a lot of references 
to Word .doc formats.



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[REBOL] Re: Swatch time

2001-10-06 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>




>Has anyone written a function that converts local time to
>Swatch or Internet time?
>Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Common Language Runtime

2001-10-06 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are there any plans to port REBOL to use Microsoft's Common Language Runtime? 
I understand besides C# and VB the new CLR will have third party support from 
smalltalk and even COBOL, among other languages, allowing them to make calls 
to the .Net objects Microsoft is developing.


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[REBOL] Re: need advice on parsing image data

2001-04-28 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We do have a CRLF 'word in REBOL, correct? That could help with parse.

Are you saying that with multipart/form-data, Apache is generating POST data 
which uses CRLF- instead of newline-terminated data?


>Me again.
>I realised a few holes in my script. And your problem has given my some
>angst with my message-tools.r script.
>When dealing with emails we can use import-email which assumes that the
>email has been read with a READ. The read does the line termination
>conversion. So ok. But your post data file has shown that to deal with
>binary data I would have to deal with CRLF line termination ( RFC1521
>appendix G talks about this). So now I'm somewhat confused as to what I
>should do to get my message-tools.r script handle mime-emails and

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[REBOL] Re: Random/seed

2001-04-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I get the same sequence on the BeOS


REBOL/View 6-Apr-2001
Copyright 2000-2001 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM

Internet Protocols 1.50.0 29-Mar-2001/23:18:14
REBOL Network Auto-Configure 1.5.0 2-Apr-2001/23:24:48
REBOL Installer 1.32.0 3-Apr-2001/20:55:54
View and VID 1.154.0 1-Apr-2001/0:25:53
REBOL Preferences 1.44.0 6-Apr-2001/23:11:57
Type DEMO for REBOL demo or SET-USER for settings.
>> random/seed 1 loop 20  [ print random 100 ]

>I get this set of numbers on my Windows and Linux boxes using PII's.  I 
>it might be different on non Intel machines.
>>> random/seed 1 loop 20  [ print random 100 ]
>Robert Lancaster wrote:
>> Hello All...
>> random/seed 1 while [ 1 ]  [ print random 100 ] ; on a Win
>> 98 box
>> Always produces an identical list of random numbers everytime it's run.
>> Can this be relied on to produce the same identical list of random 
>> each time it is run on varying platforms?
>> I have to ask because I  only have access to one type of platform.
>> Thanks..
>> p.s Glad to see I can open a UDP listen port under 2.5 nowI had great
>> trouble with it before...  Don't ask me why.. I just did!
>> Rob Lancaster
>> --
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> Ryan Cole
> Programmer Analyst
> www.iesco-dms.com
>"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
>Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
>limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Einstein
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[REBOL] Re: FAQ at REBOL Republic

2001-04-13 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Why are you using XML?
>I agree. It's easier writing Rebol script or a dialect directly. And it's
>far, far, far more understandable.

I'm only using XML as a storage medium.

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[REBOL] Re: FAQ at REBOL Republic

2001-04-13 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm using XML because:

1. When I began developing Messages a long time ago, there was no support in 
/Core for databases. Even now, MySQL is the only "supported" database, but 
not officially supported.

2. Portability. I COULD save the the data as make object! statements, but if 
I keep them in XML and need to use some other language in the future to 
access the data, it should be fairly simple (but not as simple as using 
REBOL, I know.)

3. Being able to say "I write applications using XML" looks good on a resume. 
Most employers don't know from XML from BMX, but they feel they *need* XML 
and so it looks better on a resume to use XML verses native REBOL storage 

>Why are you using XML?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 3:33 PM
>> Subject: [REBOL] Re: FAQ at REBOL Republic
>> Graham-
>> Eventually the FAQ will be run using the same engine as the news,
>> namely my
>> Messages script (see earlier posts.) :)
>> Anyways, the current problem I have with %messages.cgi is all
>> data is stored
>> as XML files and the data is loaded using load/markup. This makes it
>> impossible to store HTML tags in the data, especially tags such
>> as  and <
>> CODE> or , necessary for an FAQ.
>> I need to replace the simple load/markup mechanism with a smarter parser.
>> Then the FAQ will be run the same as the news and will include a
>> way to post
>> new FAQs and even to comment on FAQs.
>> >On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:23:42 -0500
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> >> The REBOL FAQ at Rebol Republic has begun. What I will do
>> >> is work backwards
>> >> from today on the rebol-list threads at eScribe to put
>> >> together the FAQ. If
>> >> anyone wants to volunteer to help with this HUGE effort,
>> >> it would be
>> >> greatly appreciated. See the FAQ at
>> >>
>> >> http://www.fargonews.com/rebolrepublic/
>> >
>> >Hi Ryan,
>> >
>> >Are you writing your own FAQ tool, or using an existing one?
>> >
>> >Will casual visitors be able to add to the FAQ ( questions
>> >and answers ) ?
>> >
>> >--
>> >Graham Chiu
>> >--
>> >To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
>> >subject, without the quotes.
>> >
>> >
>> --
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>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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[REBOL] Re: FAQ at REBOL Republic

2001-04-12 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Eventually the FAQ will be run using the same engine as the news, namely my 
Messages script (see earlier posts.) :)

Anyways, the current problem I have with %messages.cgi is all data is stored 
as XML files and the data is loaded using load/markup. This makes it 
impossible to store HTML tags in the data, especially tags such as  and <
CODE> or , necessary for an FAQ.

I need to replace the simple load/markup mechanism with a smarter parser. 
Then the FAQ will be run the same as the news and will include a way to post 
new FAQs and even to comment on FAQs.

>On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:23:42 -0500
>> The REBOL FAQ at Rebol Republic has begun. What I will do
>> is work backwards
>> from today on the rebol-list threads at eScribe to put
>> together the FAQ. If
>> anyone wants to volunteer to help with this HUGE effort,
>> it would be
>> greatly appreciated. See the FAQ at
>> http://www.fargonews.com/rebolrepublic/
>Hi Ryan,
>Are you writing your own FAQ tool, or using an existing one?
>Will casual visitors be able to add to the FAQ ( questions
>and answers ) ?
>Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: FAQ at REBOL Republic

2001-04-12 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry, Bruno. You're correct. My emotions got away from me. This happens to 
me for both BeOS and REBOL.


>BeOS is not dead.
>I'm sorry for posting this to this list, specially that it's not directly 
>related to BeOS, but I think I should make it clear in case the guys at 
>Technologies started wondering if it's true.
>Bruno G. Albuquerque [EMAIL PROTECTED] BeDevId #15362
>  Grupo Brasileiro de Usuários de BeOS - Presidente
>   http://www.bug-br.org.br
>Any philosophy that can be put in a nutshell belongs there.
>   -- Sydney J. Harris
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[REBOL] Re: Web Based Project Management

2001-04-02 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My favorite model:


>Has anyone written a web based project management program using REBOL?  It 
>seems to me that REBOL is the perfect language to use for developing such a 
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[REBOL] Re: mysql access denied for user

2001-03-21 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found it here in the docs...

shell> mysql --user=root mysql 
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO monty@localhost 
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO monty@"%" 

A full superuser who can connect to the server from 
anywhere, but who must use a password 'some_pass' to 
do so. Note that we must issue GRANT statements for 
both monty@localhost and monty@"%". If we don't 
add the entry with localhost, the anonymous user 
entry for localhost that is created by 
mysql_install_db will take precedence when we 
connect from the local host, because it has a more 
specific Host field value and thus comes earlier in the 
user table sort order. 

>> So does that mean the mysql:// protocol will only work using scripts
>> executed on the server where the database resides?
>With default MySQL privileges, yes. It's not specific to mysql://
>protocol, it's the same with PHP, Perl, ODBC driver or any other
>But MySQL administrator can grant access to specific or all users,
>domains or IP addresses. I tried it with Nenad when testing
>the mysql:// protocol and it worked. But it took some time to set up
>the privileges, and I don't remember the exact commands. This should
>allow connection and grant all privileges to all databases to user
>with name rebtest and password reb from any domain. It's good for
>testing, but it's insecure since it allows the user to accidentally
>delete all databases on the server.
>telnet as any user
>shell> mysql -uroot -p
>The only MySQL user with administrative rights is root by default.
>His password is by default empty, it's different from root's UNIX
>mysql> use mysql;
>mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO rebol@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'reb';
>mysql> quit;
>Hope this helps,
>Michal Kracik
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[REBOL] Re: mysql access denied for user

2001-03-19 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So does that mean the mysql:// protocol will only work using scripts executed 
on the server where the database resides?

>This is normal, MySQL always distinguishes user names with domains.
>When you login with telnet to the server running MySQL, you run MySQL
>client and server on the same machine. MySQL server recognizes you as
>user@localhost which is granted access by default. But all users in
>other domains are denied access, and you (or server's administrator)
>must first grant them access manually.
>Look here:
>It was not easy for me to understand and set up.
>Michal Kracik
>> I'm trying to access a database using the mysql scheme, but the server is
>> telling me access is denied for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" when I am only
>> logging in using "username," not "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" What am I doing
>> wrong?
>> For example.
>> >> db: open mysql://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/database
>> connecting to:
>> ** User Error: ERROR 1045 : Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>> (Using password: YES).
>> ** Where: db: open mysql://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/database
>> >>
>> I'm able to login OK via telnet with the same username/password.
>> Ryan C. Christiansen
>> Web Developer
>> Intellisol International
>> 4733 Amber Valley Parkway
>> Fargo, ND 58104
>> 701-235-3390 ext. 6671
>> FAX: 701-235-9940
>> http://www.intellisol.com
>> Global Leader in People Performance Software
>> _
>> Confidentiality Notice
>> This message may contain privileged and confidential information. If you
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[REBOL] Re: official guide dbms

2001-03-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Perhaps Elan could publish such a dialect word usage summary in a
>> downloadable .pdf for book purchasers? 
>It already is - the REBOL/Core Users Guide:

No. I'm speaking of the Database Management System Dialect as presented in 
REBOL: The Official Guide.

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[REBOL] log file statistics

2001-03-14 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone written a parser for web logs? I have nearly completed a parser 
for Apache logs which dumps data into .csv files. I will share it when it's 
done. I'm curious to know if anyone has created a script which analyses web 
log data, grouping similar hits, referrers, users, etc.? If so, are you 
willing to share?


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[REBOL] Re: live REBOLing

2001-02-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

BeShare is client software, while MUSCLE is the server software.


The MUSCLE system is a robust, somewhat scalable, cross-platform client-
server solution for dynamic distributed applications for BeOS and other 
operating systems. It's distributed in source code form, and includes a ready
-to-compile server, utility classes, and example clients. Tested under BeOS 
and Linux, but should compile and run under any POSIX compliant OS with a C++

With MUSCLE, you can run a "muscled server" on a central machine, or write/
download client programs to log in to the server and communicate through it. 
Once logged in, client programs can discover who else is logged in, send 
PortableMessages to other clients, and store PortableMessages in the server's 
RAM for other clients to download later. Clients can also "subscribe" to 
selected data on the server, and be automatically 
notified whenever it changes. Unicast, multicast, and broadcast messaging are 
all supported via an intelligent regular-expression based routing mechanism.

About BeShare:
BeShare is a BeOS-native file sharing program. It operates similarly to
other such programs (Napster, Hotline, etc) but with a few advantages:

- BeShare allows you to upload or download any type of file, not just mp3.
- When browsing files, you can see their attributes (similar to Be's
Tracker view)
- Your query is always "live", so if new files that match your query become
available, you will see them added to the results list right away (you
won't have to click "refresh" or anything first)
- BeShare includes a rudimentary chat mechanism for you social types.
- BeShare supports any number of simultaneous uploads and downloads in
parallel, but will serialize simultaneous file requests to any given
host for efficiency.


>For those of us who don't use Be, napster or the like, would it be
>possible for you to give a more detailed explanation of this?
>New sig in the works
>Explorer 2260, Designer and Coder
>Main's Law:
>For every action there is an equal and opposite government program.
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[REBOL] Re: live REBOLing

2001-02-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It would be cool if RT were to distribute a Lite version of /Express for use 
as a connection to other REBOL developers and to RT for submitting bugs, etc.

>On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 14:08:26 CST
> "Ryan C. Christiansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> purpose? Is /Express actually the same thing I'm thinking
>> about?
>My understanding is that /express will allow you to
>synchronise databases and allow this sort of activity - a
>programmable Napster as it were.
>Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: "else" with 'switch

2001-02-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you.

>> I'm trying to develop else-like logic using 'switch...
>What's wrong with /Default for 'Switch?
>>> help switch
>SWITCH value cases /default case
> Selects a choice and evaluates what follows it.
> SWITCH is a function value.
> value -- Value to search for. (Type: any)
> cases -- Block of cases to search. (Type: block)
> /default
> case -- Default case if no others are found. (Type: any)
>Like this:
>switch/default option [
>"a" [print "a"]
>"b" [print "b"]
>print "something else"
>Andrew Martin
>ICQ: 26227169 http://members.nbci.com/AndrewMartin/
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[REBOL] "else" with 'switch

2001-02-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm trying to develop else-like logic using 'switch...

testfunc: func [option][
switch option [
"A" [print "A"]
"B" [print "B"]
(not (all ["A" "B"])) [print "C"]

The above function doesn't work. Is there a way to get this to work?


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[REBOL] Re: "else" with 'switch

2001-02-17 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Getting closer. But how come...

>> testfunc "B"

Why doesn't 'switch work within 'either?

testfunc: func [option][
either option = any [("A")("B")][
switch option [
"A" [print "A"]
"B" [print "B"]
print "C"


>I'm trying to develop else-like logic using 'switch...
>testfunc: func [option][
>switch option [
>"A" [print "A"]
>"B" [print "B"]
>(not (all ["A" "B"])) [print "C"]
>The above function doesn't work. Is there a way to get this to work?

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[REBOL] Re: [ANN] mySQL driver for /Core

2001-02-14 Thread &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


500MB hard disk space
27GB bandwidth


I've been running /Core using this service for CGI. Very good customer 

I can't wait to try the mySQL driver on their server!


>> I would change ISPs. If they don't have MySQL, they've
>> probably cheaped out
>> on other stuff as well. And MySQL is free!
>I've been with them for 6 years. US$25/month.  They offer
>mSql but at the next level.  Guess it's time for a change.
>Anyone got any suggestions?
>Graham Chiu
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