Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Thierry ITTY

just my 2 cents :

when you start the smb daemon it reads the config file you specify on the
command line (or in the init.d/smb script) or the default one (depending on
compile-time options). when it gets a connection request it forks (or
spawns) a new dameon with the config file specified in the original config
file's config file option line (see what i mean ?) that's why you can
specify samba variables (like %L) which will be expanded at the time of the
child process creation.

in my opinion those config files (smb.conf.FILE and smb.conf.PRINT) have to
be "complete" that is identical but eventually with different share
sections or different parameters (auth lists and so on). anyway the must be
consistent enough to "work" standalone. that is, if you start the smb
daemon with either of those config files, you must have a "print only" or a
"files only" server running fine.

then, when your 2 configurations are well defined and working fine, you can
try to get a mix with a third config file in which you will specify the
alternatives config files with "config file = smb.conf.%L". of course take
care to case sensitivity and other stuff which may cause problems.

doing this that way, and with log files information (use debugging
parameter to help) you should be able to satisfy your wish.

but, i have just a question, what will it give you to have such a dual
configuration ???


A 15:27 18/01/2001 -0700, vous avez écrit :
>We've made  progress!
>Some times you just have to wait for things to propagate in netbios.  If you
>haven't altered any of your shares, they should come up.  You can also try
>rebooting  the workstation.
>Can you send me a copy of your smb.conf?  You can send it offline to
>- Original Message -
>From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 3:17 PM
>Subject: Re: samba
>> Hi Kevin
>> So far i have it showing two netbios names.
>> but nothing shows up when you click on the computer.
>> i have smb.conf smb.conf.Print smb.conf.File with
>> netibs aliases = File Print
>> config file = config.smb.%L
>> but for:
>> smb.conf.File
>> only home section
>> and for:
>> smb.conf.Print
>> only printer stuff
>> all have the sambe global section.
>> is that right?
>> I like to you in advance for your patience
>> and help on this.
>> Thank You
>Redhat-list mailing list
- * - * - * - * - * - * -
Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: no route to host?

2001-01-18 Thread Vineeta

yes,interrupt has to be different for 2 ethernet cards.


Peter Peltonen wrote:

> Vineeta wrote:
> >
> > First of all,are the services ,you mentioned,ftp,telnet e.t.c. running on
> > "antarctis" machine?
> Yes they are. I commented telnet and ftp out from /etc/services and restarted
> inetd. I also did ps ax |grep sshd and saw sshd running (and ssh localhost
> works fine). And as I wrote in my previous mail, I've tried this with two
> different servers.
> > Just some ideas...
> > Send the o/p of "traceroute" command from the other server till "antarctis".
> > We might be able to dig out something...
> Okay. Here is some info about the server:
> ifconfig:
> --snip--
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:B3:15:06:4D
>   inet addr:  Bcast:
> Mask:
>   RX packets:14 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xdf00
> eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:47:13:E5:53
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd000
> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>   inet addr:  Mask:
>   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
>   RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> --snip--
> (BTW: does it matter that the interfaces share the same Interrupt?)
> route:
> --snip--
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
> UH0  00 eth1
> UH0  00 eth0
> U 0  00 eth0
>   U 0  00 eth1
>   U 0  00 lo
> UG0  00 eth0
> --snip--
> ipchains -L:
> --snip--
> Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
> Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
> Chain output (policy ACCEPT):
> --snip--
> Now, when I do from traceroute from another host, I get:
> --snip--
>  1  peking (  1.722 ms  0.133 ms  0.128 ms
>  2 (  1.394 ms  2.967 ms  2.877 ms
>  3 (  2.479 ms  2.472 ms  2.509 ms
>  4 (  3.554 ms  3.416 ms
> 3.372 ms
>  5 (  4.774 ms  4.615 ms
> 4.271 ms
>  6 (  5.004 ms  5.067 ms  5.177 ms
>  7 (  6.185 ms  6.495 ms  6.631
> ms
>  8 (  8.349 ms  6.316 ms  7.248 ms
>  9 (  7.838 ms  7.922 ms
> 7.907 ms
> 10 (  18.694 ms  18.050 ms  17.777 ms
> 11  berliini (  16.999 ms  18.184 ms  17.138 ms
> --snip--
> ping:
> --snip--
> [peter@cayman peter]$ ping
> PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of
> data.
> 64 bytes from berliini ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=245 time=22.142 msec
> 64 bytes from berliini ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=20.691 msec
> 64 bytes from berliini ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=245 time=19.465 msec
> --snip--
> And then ssh and ftp:
> --snip--
> [peter@cayman peter]$ ssh -l root
> Secure connection to refused.
> [peter@cayman peter]$ ftp
> ftp: connect: No route to host
> ftp>
> --snip--
> >From another host (in different network) traceroute:
> --snip--
> [root@linux /root]# /usr/sbin/traceroute
> traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
>  1  gw (  0.951 ms  0.922 ms  0.910 ms
>  2 (  2.101 ms  1.663 ms  2.722 ms
>  3 (  66.020 ms  5.001 ms  3.070 ms
>  4 (  9.039 ms  11.111 ms
> 8.885 ms
>  5 (  7.190 ms  14.327 ms
> 7.688 ms
>  6 (  11.183 ms  9.003 ms  10.231
> ms
>  7 (  8.898 ms  10.992 ms
> 8.955 ms
>  8

RE: Compile Kernel....

2001-01-18 Thread Drew Hunt

Make sure multi-processor support is enabled in the .config.  I had issue
with a script that runs for this option regardless of whether you want it or
not and it requires the number of processors.  It will error out the compile
if it is set blank (no SMP support).  Including it won't hurt since it'll
use a value of 1 (processor) and continue on.  Just a little extra code.  At
least, that's how I fixed it.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Lei Ding
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: Compile Kernel

I also installed the redhat 7.0 with all packages,and the same problem as

>From: "Rodney Fulk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Compile Kernel
>Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 19:40:01 -0500
>I recently installed Redhat 7.0.
>I have tried to compile the kernel to no avail.
>I have been told there is a problem with one of the packages or something
>I am curious
>what I need to do.
>I installed "all the packages" when I installed it.
>I have support for all my devices so it wont kill me not to recompile it
>I like to be able to tune the kernel...
>I would appreciate anyone letting me know..
>Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread Cameron Simpson

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:28:23PM -0500, Justin Zygmont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > [root@ora3]:/usr/local/admin# ps -ef | grep ntpd
| > root 24634 1  0 Jan11 ?00:40:21 /usr/local/bin/ntpd -p
| > /var/log/
| just pipe it to the head command.

Except that there's NO guarrentee that the desired process is first in
the listing.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where else but in America can two maladjusted people leave the office
for an hour and return with both lunch and new rifles?  I tell ya, this
is a *great* country!   - Dan Sorenson

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Apache port 80 problem

2001-01-18 Thread Vineeta

You can do a couple of things.
First of all,try changing the port to say,8080 to run your httpd
Then,check by doing "telnet localhost" and see what you get.
Secondly,run your httpd in verbose mode.
Send across your httpd.conf file for a more clearer picture.
Let's sort it out.


Mark Basil wrote:

> Ok, let me describe this once more.  Upon trying to reload Apache (port 80),
> the following is what happens:
> Everything appears to be in working order.  Httpd is running -- ps aux shows
> this.  However, when attempting to view a website, it just hangs.  A telnet
> to port 80 give a 'connection refused' error.  When I checked the logs, the
> error was something to the effect of "address already in use: cannot bind to
> port 80".  I checked httpd.conf, and everything there seems good.  When
> checking netstat, nothing shows up under :www or :80.  Also, an lsof -i
> returns all secure ports *:443, but NONE at all for *:80.  I have no clue
> what this could possibly be.  Although, since I can't seem to find anything
> running on port 80, could the "address already in use" be something
> different?  Not a port, but something else?  Thanks again everyone.
> --Mark
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Manzabar
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 1:40 PM
> To: Red Hat eGroup
> Subject: RE: Apache port 80 problem
> Greetings, I've just joined this list, and missed the original problem
> here, but was there anything in your error log*?  Or is that where you're
> noticing the problem?
> Have you checked the Apache FAQ?
> Have you checked the Apache Bug database?
> Could you repost the problem with all the specifics including things that
> you've tried already to correct it?
> *Note: The default location of the error log is
> /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log, but you should check your the ErrorLog
> directive in your config files for the location on your system.
> ICQ#  8476502
> How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the
> discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
>  - Ruler of the Universe; Douglas Adams. The Restaurant at the End of the
> Universe
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: X-server Display on windows

2001-01-18 Thread Vineeta

I just downloaded it but it seems to have no setting for a firewall.
I need to connect to an extrenal machine from within my LAN...
I guess,ssh client from is fine but it doesn't connect even
to the internal ip of linuxbox from the windows m/c i am using...
Any problem/suggestions...?


"Anthony E . Greene" wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 04:44:51 Vineeta wrote:
> >I gather,i need a windows-ssh-client to connect through a firewall to the
> >remote server from my windows box?
> Look for "PuTTY". It's freeware, supports SSH2 and is easy to setup.
> >For this,i'll need "sshd" daemon to be running on the remote server??
> Yes. Remember that OpenSSH uses /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny to decide if
> it should accept a connection.
> Tony
> --
> Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> PGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
> Chat:  AOL/Yahoo: TonyG05ICQ: 91183266
> Linux. The choice of a GNU Generation. 
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread tc lewis

so i've done some investigating.  wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch is indeed
the functional equivalent of lreply-buffer-overflow.patch, which addresses
the exploit for wu-ftpd that was published on june 22, 2000.  this appears
to be the only major security problem and fix since october of 1999.  see for more info.

so the rpm from 5.2 updates i'm guessing is secure from this
vulnerability, just as the rpm from 6.2 updates, and the rpms from 7.0.

in fact, for more info, the 5.2 update and the 6.2 update for wu-ftpd were
both released on the same day (june 23, 2000) and addressed this same
issue.  respective page:

guess i should've just checked that stuff in the first place.

anyway, thanks all for your suggestions and other info.


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, tc lewis wrote:

> again, not trying to be antagonistic, just convey that i'm looking for
> certain information.
> obviously no one is obligated to answer my questions here.
> -tcl.
> On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, RaghuNath L wrote:
> > Hello Lewis,
> > 
> > 
> > No body whether it's Tom or Dick are not oblized to give you a solution when ever
> > you wan't
> > 
> > please be soft in your addressing to other person , this not stage for testing any
> > bodies skill's .
> > 
> > 
> > tc lewis wrote:
> > 
> > > you're still not adressing my question, so i'm assuming you don't know,
> > > and that's fine.  i'm not really looking for recommendations.  i'm looking
> > > for an answer as to whether that's the patch to prevent this vulnerability
> > > or not.  i'm not concerned with the worm's date/banner checking thing, i'm
> > > concerned about the vulnerability itself.  i'm fully aware of general
> > > upgrade vs non-upgrade issues and redhat's issues overall.  heh.
> > >
> > > not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to get the info about that
> > > patch vs the vulnerability.
> > >
> > 
> > --
> > Regards   ph:5099025
> > RaghuNath L   pager:9624395369
> > WSS-Team,Texas Instruments.
> >  You have to live on the edge of reality -
> >  to make your dreams come true!!!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list


2001-01-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

Hi all,
If anyone has seen this before, could you please respond.

Using up2date I can get a listing.

I then use up2date -b 

It hangs at 'retrieving headers for ...'

Then drops off to the prompt - no other warnings.

If I ftp in to RedHat on the same server and 'get' the relevant rpm myself
no problem, which kind of eliminates the possibility of ipchains problems

Does up2date use weird ports or anything? When I ftp from the server I DO
NOT need to run in passive mode to get the files manually.

Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024

Redhat-list mailing list

101 Linux Links

2001-01-18 Thread RaghuNath L

At 02:49 PM 1/19/2001 +0530, you wrote:
>issued in public interest.
> /

The mailing list archives are available at

bye raghu

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread tc lewis

again, not trying to be antagonistic, just convey that i'm looking for
certain information.

obviously no one is obligated to answer my questions here.


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, RaghuNath L wrote:

> Hello Lewis,
> No body whether it's Tom or Dick are not oblized to give you a solution when ever
> you wan't
> please be soft in your addressing to other person , this not stage for testing any
> bodies skill's .
> tc lewis wrote:
> > you're still not adressing my question, so i'm assuming you don't know,
> > and that's fine.  i'm not really looking for recommendations.  i'm looking
> > for an answer as to whether that's the patch to prevent this vulnerability
> > or not.  i'm not concerned with the worm's date/banner checking thing, i'm
> > concerned about the vulnerability itself.  i'm fully aware of general
> > upgrade vs non-upgrade issues and redhat's issues overall.  heh.
> >
> > not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to get the info about that
> > patch vs the vulnerability.
> >
> --
> Regards   ph:5099025
> RaghuNath L   pager:9624395369
> WSS-Team,Texas Instruments.
>  You have to live on the edge of reality -
>  to make your dreams come true!!!
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread jcunning

Another more consistent way to exclude the grep line is to say:

 ps -ef | grep ntp[d]

Jim Cunning

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Justin Zygmont wrote:

> just pipe it to the head command.
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Chuck Carson wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > I am trying to grep for a process as follows:
> > 
> > [root@ora3]:/usr/local/admin# ps -ef | grep ntpd
> > root 24634 1  0 Jan11 ?00:40:21 /usr/local/bin/ntpd -p
> > /var/log/
> > root 27476 27214  0 09:25 pts/21   00:00:00 grep ntpd
> > 
> > Solaris does not print the 2nd line, but RH 62 does. Does anyone know any
> > tricks to prevent the second line from being displayed.
> > 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Linux News Web Site

2001-01-18 Thread Anthony E . Greene

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 02:24:23PM +1100, Dan Horth a ecrit:
> Hiya - was just wondering what sites people would recommend as 
> interesting / valid news sites now that I have a little spare time 
> during my lunch breaks for reading...

Linux Today 

Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
PGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
Chat:  AOL/Yahoo: TonyG05ICQ: 91183266
Linux. The choice of a GNU Generation. 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: X-server Display on windows

2001-01-18 Thread Anthony E . Greene

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 04:44:51 Vineeta wrote:
>I gather,i need a windows-ssh-client to connect through a firewall to the
>remote server from my windows box?

Look for "PuTTY". It's freeware, supports SSH2 and is easy to setup.

>For this,i'll need "sshd" daemon to be running on the remote server??

Yes. Remember that OpenSSH uses /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny to decide if
it should accept a connection.

Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
PGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
Chat:  AOL/Yahoo: TonyG05ICQ: 91183266
Linux. The choice of a GNU Generation. 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread RaghuNath L

Hello Lewis,

No body whether it's Tom or Dick are not oblized to give you a solution when ever
you wan't

please be soft in your addressing to other person , this not stage for testing any
bodies skill's .

tc lewis wrote:

> you're still not adressing my question, so i'm assuming you don't know,
> and that's fine.  i'm not really looking for recommendations.  i'm looking
> for an answer as to whether that's the patch to prevent this vulnerability
> or not.  i'm not concerned with the worm's date/banner checking thing, i'm
> concerned about the vulnerability itself.  i'm fully aware of general
> upgrade vs non-upgrade issues and redhat's issues overall.  heh.
> not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to get the info about that
> patch vs the vulnerability.

Regards   ph:5099025
RaghuNath L   pager:9624395369
WSS-Team,Texas Instruments.
 You have to live on the edge of reality -
 to make your dreams come true!!!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread tc lewis

you're still not adressing my question, so i'm assuming you don't know,
and that's fine.  i'm not really looking for recommendations.  i'm looking
for an answer as to whether that's the patch to prevent this vulnerability
or not.  i'm not concerned with the worm's date/banner checking thing, i'm
concerned about the vulnerability itself.  i'm fully aware of general
upgrade vs non-upgrade issues and redhat's issues overall.  heh.

not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to get the info about that
patch vs the vulnerability.


On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:56:56PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:
> > the problem with simply updating to the latest rpms is the switch from
> > inetd to xinetd and other misc config problems that the rpms will bring
> > out.  granted i can upgrade a handful of packages, and maybe that's the
>   Not true...  Jumping revs will do that...  Keeping up to date
> should not.  RedHat 6.2 will ALL of the security updates is still on
> inetd, not xinetd.
> > safest choice, but i'd still be interested in knowing if
> > wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x is vulnerable to the attack or not / if that patch is
> > the one that fixes 2.6.0.
>   Granted that RedHat's record with regard to security and
> upgrades like this has been an abysmal embarrasment.  But it's still
> the only shot you've got.  As low as it is, you can only do
> worse by NOT upgrading.  That will not change until people start
> turning from RedHat and turning to more responsible vendors.
> Unfortunately, I can't recommend any that are any better.  TurboLinux
> was but has not been doing a good job lately.  All the others have
> pluses and minues.  Pick yer poison.
>   RedHat 7.0 was not the solution to RedHat 6.2 problems, nor
> will be 7.1.  RedHat wants to make technologically leaps with their
> .0 release and damn the torpedos, so be it.  For me, .0 means it
> won't work.  .1 means that it works but the security problems will
> screw you.  .2 means it's stable but keep up with the patches.
>   Don't complain about moving from a .2 to a next.0.  You move
> from a "keep it stable" to a "we have something new and wild in store
> for you" release.  If you are stable on 6.2, then keep up with the
> updates and you don't have to worry about the inetd/xinetd screwover.
>   Problem remains...  In this case, merely changing a date in
> a banner makes you immune to Ramen.  Doesn't mean you have fixed anything.
> Means you have only ducked this bullet.  Keep up to date with the rev
> you have installed.  Does NOT mean upgrading from 6.2 to 7.0 as soon
> as it comes out.  It means keeping up to date with the 6.2 updates.
> Good or bad, the alternative is only worse.
> > -tcl.
> > On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:56:13PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:
> > > > does anyone know specifically what patch to 2.6.0 takes care of this
> > > > problem?  i see a "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" in the source rpms.  is
> > > > that the one, or is it something else?
> > > 
> > > > the reason i'm asking is because one of my machines runs redhat 5.2 yet.
> > > > i have wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x (from 5.2 updates) on there right now, which
> > > > appears to include the same "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" file as
> > > > wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x (from 6.2 updates) does, but not some of the others.
> > > 
> > >   1) Update to the latest...  Don't quible about this or that.
> > > 
> > >   2) The worm is very anal about what it triggers on.  It triggers
> > > on the date in the ftp banner.  If you are anything OTHER than the release
> > > that is in 6.2 OOB or 7.0 First Edition OOB you are safe, not because you
> > > can not be exploited but because this worm doesn't know what to do with
> > > the date in that ftp banner.  Small comfort.  Next cut may include your
> > > date.
> > > 
> > >   LESSON:  Doesn't MATTER!  Get the latest or shut it down!
> > > 
> > > > -tcl.
> > > 
> > >   Mike
> -- 
>  Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
>   NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
>  PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: bash oddity

2001-01-18 Thread Hal Burgiss

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 08:03:56PM -0800, Thornton Prime wrote:
> I don't think shells have a concept between local and global scope. The
> issue is that the pipe creates a subshell, which inherits the first shell
> environment, but doesn't pass it back when it exits ... here's an example
> ...

Thanks, that is logical and indeed makes sense! 

Hal B

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:56:56PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:

> the problem with simply updating to the latest rpms is the switch from
> inetd to xinetd and other misc config problems that the rpms will bring
> out.  granted i can upgrade a handful of packages, and maybe that's the

Not true...  Jumping revs will do that...  Keeping up to date
should not.  RedHat 6.2 will ALL of the security updates is still on
inetd, not xinetd.

> safest choice, but i'd still be interested in knowing if
> wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x is vulnerable to the attack or not / if that patch is
> the one that fixes 2.6.0.

Granted that RedHat's record with regard to security and
upgrades like this has been an abysmal embarrasment.  But it's still
the only shot you've got.  As low as it is, you can only do
worse by NOT upgrading.  That will not change until people start
turning from RedHat and turning to more responsible vendors.
Unfortunately, I can't recommend any that are any better.  TurboLinux
was but has not been doing a good job lately.  All the others have
pluses and minues.  Pick yer poison.

RedHat 7.0 was not the solution to RedHat 6.2 problems, nor
will be 7.1.  RedHat wants to make technologically leaps with their
.0 release and damn the torpedos, so be it.  For me, .0 means it
won't work.  .1 means that it works but the security problems will
screw you.  .2 means it's stable but keep up with the patches.

Don't complain about moving from a .2 to a next.0.  You move
from a "keep it stable" to a "we have something new and wild in store
for you" release.  If you are stable on 6.2, then keep up with the
updates and you don't have to worry about the inetd/xinetd screwover.

Problem remains...  In this case, merely changing a date in
a banner makes you immune to Ramen.  Doesn't mean you have fixed anything.
Means you have only ducked this bullet.  Keep up to date with the rev
you have installed.  Does NOT mean upgrading from 6.2 to 7.0 as soon
as it comes out.  It means keeping up to date with the 6.2 updates.
Good or bad, the alternative is only worse.

> -tcl.

> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:56:13PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:

> > > does anyone know specifically what patch to 2.6.0 takes care of this
> > > problem?  i see a "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" in the source rpms.  is
> > > that the one, or is it something else?
> > 
> > > the reason i'm asking is because one of my machines runs redhat 5.2 yet.
> > > i have wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x (from 5.2 updates) on there right now, which
> > > appears to include the same "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" file as
> > > wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x (from 6.2 updates) does, but not some of the others.
> > 
> > 1) Update to the latest...  Don't quible about this or that.
> > 
> > 2) The worm is very anal about what it triggers on.  It triggers
> > on the date in the ftp banner.  If you are anything OTHER than the release
> > that is in 6.2 OOB or 7.0 First Edition OOB you are safe, not because you
> > can not be exploited but because this worm doesn't know what to do with
> > the date in that ftp banner.  Small comfort.  Next cut may include your
> > date.
> > 
> > LESSON:  Doesn't MATTER!  Get the latest or shut it down!
> > 
> > > -tcl.
> > 
> > Mike

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: bash oddity

2001-01-18 Thread Statux

That makes sense.. so I'm right about the scope to some degree :)

> I don't think shells have a concept between local and global scope. The
> issue is that the pipe creates a subshell, which inherits the first shell
> environment, but doesn't pass it back when it exits ... here's an example

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: bash oddity

2001-01-18 Thread Thornton Prime

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Hal Burgiss wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:34:30PM -0500, Statux wrote:
> > This is correct behavior (from what I've known). The variables in the loop
> > are defined as temporary variables.. they have scope limited to the loop.

I don't think shells have a concept between local and global scope. The
issue is that the pipe creates a subshell, which inherits the first shell
environment, but doesn't pass it back when it exits ... here's an example

The first three tests all create subshells that modify $num. The fourth
doesn't, and there $num is modified for the script.


echo "First test pipe to while"
echo 1 | while read line; do
echo $num
echo $num

echo "Second test while in subshell"
while [ $num -eq 0 ]; do
echo $num
echo $num

echo "Third test subshell without while"
echo $num
echo $num

echo "Fourth test while without subshell"
while [ $num -eq 0 ]; do
echo $num
echo $num

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Scratch last message

2001-01-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

> LOL Ed...9667 msgs and climbing...just in this filtered
> folder alone...which question was it?  About
> the up2date utility?  You probably found them in
> /var/spool/up2date, right?

Nope - It wouldn't download anything at all, but I got it to print a log
file and it told me authorization required. Found out update -h does
actually work.

Then further on it tells me to point to if I didn't pay.

sorry. I'm so used to typing man  to find what I need that I
forgot some progs allow  -h for info.

I've forgotten how many points I'm on, but I bet I lost a few with my
stupidity LOL.

Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread tc lewis

the problem with simply updating to the latest rpms is the switch from
inetd to xinetd and other misc config problems that the rpms will bring
out.  granted i can upgrade a handful of packages, and maybe that's the
safest choice, but i'd still be interested in knowing if
wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x is vulnerable to the attack or not / if that patch is
the one that fixes 2.6.0.


On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:56:13PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:
> > does anyone know specifically what patch to 2.6.0 takes care of this
> > problem?  i see a "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" in the source rpms.  is
> > that the one, or is it something else?
> > the reason i'm asking is because one of my machines runs redhat 5.2 yet.
> > i have wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x (from 5.2 updates) on there right now, which
> > appears to include the same "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" file as
> > wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x (from 6.2 updates) does, but not some of the others.
>   1) Update to the latest...  Don't quible about this or that.
>   2) The worm is very anal about what it triggers on.  It triggers
> on the date in the ftp banner.  If you are anything OTHER than the release
> that is in 6.2 OOB or 7.0 First Edition OOB you are safe, not because you
> can not be exploited but because this worm doesn't know what to do with
> the date in that ftp banner.  Small comfort.  Next cut may include your
> date.
>   LESSON:  Doesn't MATTER!  Get the latest or shut it down!
> > -tcl.
>   Mike
> -- 
>  Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
>   NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
>  PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Oddities brought on by new glibc?

2001-01-18 Thread Michael Burger


I have an executable that I had originally compiled on my RH6.1 box,
glibc-2.1.2-11, egcs-1.1.2-24, kernel 2.2.12-20.

This executable ran fine on my RH7 box when copied over, and running
with glibc-2.2-9.

Yesterday, I updated glibc to glibc-2.2-12, and the executable
wouldn't run.

Now, when I try to compile it, I get the following error:

Anybody have any clue what it means, and how to fix it?  It's not my
source code, and I'm not a programmer, so I'm not really likely to go
mucking about in the code. In function `ka_thread':
/home/mburger/citadel/commands.c:262: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [citadel] Error 1

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: bash oddity

2001-01-18 Thread Hal Burgiss

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:34:30PM -0500, Statux wrote:
> This is correct behavior (from what I've known). The variables in the loop
> are defined as temporary variables.. they have scope limited to the loop.

Not all loops:


#cat tmp | while read line ; do
while [ $num -eq 0 ]; do
 echo $num


echo $num

#--- eof %

[hal@feenix hal]$ testing

It has something to do with that 'cat'. I just can't think of a
logical reason why.

> > num=0
> > echo 1 > tmp
> >
> > cat tmp |while read line ; do
> >
> >  num=1
> >  echo $num
> >
> > done
> >
> > echo $num
> >
> >
> > #--- eof testing
> >
> > [hal@feenix hal]$ testing
> > 1
> > 0

bash 1.14 is the same.

Hal B

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: bash oddity

2001-01-18 Thread Statux

This is correct behavior (from what I've known). The variables in the loop
are defined as temporary variables.. they have scope limited to the loop.

> Is the below expected behavior? or bug? Values assigned to variables
> within the loop, are not visible outside the loop. Using something
> like 'while true' works as I would expect.
> #!/bin/bash
> ## script: testing
> ## test variable visibility
> num=0
> echo 1 > tmp
> cat tmp |while read line ; do
>  num=1
>  echo $num
> done
> echo $num
> #--- eof testing
> [hal@feenix hal]$ testing
> 1
> 0
> [hal@feenix hal]$ bash -version
> GNU bash, version 2.04.11(1)-release (i386-redhat-linux-gnu)
> Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Statux

Oh.. I see.. hmm.. well put. :)

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 06:24:21PM -0500, Statux wrote:
> > > I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
> > > determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
> > > and permanently.
> > > Can someone clue in?
> > /etc/rc.d/init.d/rstatd I believe it is.
>   That's for rpc.rstatd.  There are two of them statd and rstatd.
> > All of my rcX.d directories have rstatd K-linked. I shouldn't even have
> > this thing on my system.. not that I run it anyway :)
> > -Statux
>   Mike


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Linux to Linux Printing

2001-01-18 Thread Danny


You should consider installing apsfilter (the latest version) from

In the latest version of apsfilter there is the option of:

Printing from a UNIX to Windows (using Samba)
Printing from UNIX to UNIX

Looking forward ot your feedback.



On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Jamby wrote:
> Looking for help with a printing problem...
> Can't print to printer connected to one linux machine from a second
> linux machine...
> I have (2) linux machines capeblanco with a functioning printer
> and nubble without a printer.
> The printcap on nubble is:
> # /etc/printcap
> #
> lp:\
> The printcap on capeblanco is:
> #   printcap   for capeblanco 1/16/01  jrh
> #  
> ##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL ljet2p 300x300 letter {} LaserJet2p Default 1
> lp:\
> The hosts.lpd file on capeblanco is:
> #
> nubble  
> # 
> With the lpd -l option added to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd file I get
> the following output in the /var/log/messages file on capeblanco:
> Jan 18 11:26:38 capeblanco kernel: lp0 off-line
> Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: nubble requests recvjob lp
> Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: reading df file for lp
> Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: finished reading df file for lp
> Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: reading cf file for lp
> Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: finished reading cf file for lp
> If I shutdown the printer. Then print a file first from
> capeblanco then from nubble. When I use lpq to look at the 
> queue I see:
> [root@capeblanco /etc]# lpq
> lp is ready and printing
> Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
> active root   381  profile   546 bytes
> 1stjamby  42   printcap.6.20 0 bytes   
> Note the zero bytes on the last line. Yet when I check the
> /var/spool/lpd/lp
> directory I see:
> -rw-rx   1 root root4 Jan 18 11:47 .seq
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root  632 Jan 31  1999 README
> -rw-rw   1 root root   51 Jan 18 11:48 cfA042nubble
> -rw-rw   1 bin  lp 90 Jan 18 11:47 cfA381capeblanco
> -rw-rw   1 root root  543 Jan 18 11:48 dfA042nubble
> -rw-rw   1 root lp546 Jan 18 11:47
> dfA381capeblanco
> Then  cf files from nubble are there and have length but when I turn on
> the printer.. only the capeblanco file gets printed..
> Checking the /var/spool/lpd/lp directory confirms all cf files are
> gone..
> Also: Nubble is a router so I administer it from capeblanco using a
> remote shell.
>   Should I just mount the nubble file system on capeblanco and then
> print
>   on capeblanco and do the administration tasks from there? would it
> work?
> Thanks for your time...
> Jim H.
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Scratch last message

2001-01-18 Thread Luke C Gavel

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Edward Dekkers wrote:

> I found out why it doesn't work. sorry about that.

LOL Ed...9667 msgs and climbing...just in this filtered
folder alone...which question was it?  About
the up2date utility?  You probably found them in
/var/spool/up2date, right?

Redhat-list mailing list

Kernel 2.2.18 with PTPP and IPSpec

2001-01-18 Thread Sean Clarke

Just wondering if anyone might know where I can find rpm's for the above
mentioned kernel?

I have searched hi and low...


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: SCSI adapter recognizes external or internal but not both !?

2001-01-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

> I have an Adaptec AIC-7850 SCSI adapter, to which I want to attatch an
> internal Plextor CD-R drive and an external Nikon scanner.  My problem
> is that the scanner is not recognized if the CD-R drive is connected.
> I think that connecting the CD-R to the internal SCSI bus is somehow
> defeating the external bus.
> Is this supposed to happen?  Is this because this is a single bus
> card?  Can anyone recommend a PCI SCSI adapter that will support an
> external narrow bus and an internal narrow bus at the same time?

I'm not sure about the particular card you have, but IF IT HAS A BIOS:

Press  at startup for settings

Somewhere in there should be a setting for auto-terminating the card if it
is at the end of a SCSI chain. (SCSI Chains need to be terminated at both
ends, most ppl don't realise the card becomes the termination point if you
only have internal or external devices)

I think you need to turn this off if you want the chain to externd to the
external connection.

If it does not have a bios, there may be terminators on the card itself. You
need to remove these.

Hope This Helps.

Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024

Redhat-list mailing list

bash oddity

2001-01-18 Thread Hal Burgiss

Is the below expected behavior? or bug? Values assigned to variables
within the loop, are not visible outside the loop. Using something
like 'while true' works as I would expect.

## script: testing
## test variable visibility

echo 1 > tmp

cat tmp |while read line ; do 
 echo $num


echo $num

#--- eof testing

[hal@feenix hal]$ testing

[hal@feenix hal]$ bash -version
GNU bash, version 2.04.11(1)-release (i386-redhat-linux-gnu)
Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Hal B

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:56:13PM -0500, tc lewis wrote:

> does anyone know specifically what patch to 2.6.0 takes care of this
> problem?  i see a "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" in the source rpms.  is
> that the one, or is it something else?

> the reason i'm asking is because one of my machines runs redhat 5.2 yet.
> i have wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x (from 5.2 updates) on there right now, which
> appears to include the same "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" file as
> wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x (from 6.2 updates) does, but not some of the others.

1) Update to the latest...  Don't quible about this or that.

2) The worm is very anal about what it triggers on.  It triggers
on the date in the ftp banner.  If you are anything OTHER than the release
that is in 6.2 OOB or 7.0 First Edition OOB you are safe, not because you
can not be exploited but because this worm doesn't know what to do with
the date in that ftp banner.  Small comfort.  Next cut may include your

LESSON:  Doesn't MATTER!  Get the latest or shut it down!

> -tcl.

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: SCSI adapter recognizes external or internal but not both !?

2001-01-18 Thread Mikkel L. Ellertson

On 18 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have an Adaptec AIC-7850 SCSI adapter, to which I want to attatch an
> internal Plextor CD-R drive and an external Nikon scanner.  My problem
> is that the scanner is not recognized if the CD-R drive is connected.
> I think that connecting the CD-R to the internal SCSI bus is somehow
> defeating the external bus.
> Is this supposed to happen?  Is this because this is a single bus
> card?  Can anyone recommend a PCI SCSI adapter that will support an
> external narrow bus and an internal narrow bus at the same time?
> Thanks,
> Dave
Check to see if the card has a termination jumper.  I don't remember if
this card has auto-termination, but from your problem, it doesn't sound
like it.  The SCSI bus has to be terminated on both ends.  When you are
using only external or only internal devices, the card is one end, and has
to be terminated.  When you have both internal and external devices, then
the device at the end of each chain fathest from the card have to have
ternimators, and the card can not have termination enabled.


Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally to backup the primary one ??

2001-01-18 Thread Heman Leopando

also, check the logs after making a change on your primary to see if the
zone file has been transferred to the secondary.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Burger
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally
to backup the primary one ??




On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, timothy wrote:

> How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally to backup the
> primary one ??
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [RHL] Ramen hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-01-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

> up2date -u

HHmm. After finding and installing the numerous dependencies for up2date on
my 6.2 system, and finally getting to run up2date -u I get:

No display information -- gtkinit not called

STATUS:  Retrieving package list...

Then nothing except my prompt. Are you sure it's that easy?

no man page, and no docs in /usr/docs.

Where can I get information to figgur this bugger out?

Oh, and by the way, after doing all this X won't start either (execve failed
for /etc/X11/X (errno 2)). Why are things still so dang complicated?

Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024

Redhat-list mailing list

Scratch last message

2001-01-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

I found out why it doesn't work. sorry about that.

Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally to backup the primary one ??

2001-01-18 Thread Mike Burger




On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, timothy wrote:

> How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally to backup the
> primary one ??
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally to backup the primary one ??

2001-01-18 Thread timothy

How can i know my secondary DNS server is running normally to backup the 
primary one ??

Redhat-list mailing list

SCSI adapter recognizes external or internal but not both !?

2001-01-18 Thread dave-mlist

I have an Adaptec AIC-7850 SCSI adapter, to which I want to attatch an
internal Plextor CD-R drive and an external Nikon scanner.  My problem
is that the scanner is not recognized if the CD-R drive is connected.
I think that connecting the CD-R to the internal SCSI bus is somehow
defeating the external bus.

Is this supposed to happen?  Is this because this is a single bus
card?  Can anyone recommend a PCI SCSI adapter that will support an
external narrow bus and an internal narrow bus at the same time?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread tc lewis

does anyone know specifically what patch to 2.6.0 takes care of this
problem?  i see a "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" in the source rpms.  is
that the one, or is it something else?

the reason i'm asking is because one of my machines runs redhat 5.2 yet.
i have wu-ftpd-2.6.0-2.5.x (from 5.2 updates) on there right now, which
appears to include the same "wu-ftpd-2.6.0-security.patch" file as
wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x (from 6.2 updates) does, but not some of the others.


Redhat-list mailing list

Compile Kernel....

2001-01-18 Thread Lei Ding

I also installed the redhat 7.0 with all packages,and the same problem as 

>From: "Rodney Fulk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Compile Kernel
>Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 19:40:01 -0500
>I recently installed Redhat 7.0.
>I have tried to compile the kernel to no avail.
>I have been told there is a problem with one of the packages or something 
>I am curious
>what I need to do.
>I installed "all the packages" when I installed it.
>I have support for all my devices so it wont kill me not to recompile it 
>I like to be able to tune the kernel...
>I would appreciate anyone letting me know..
>Redhat-list mailing list

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Kirk

Try runningntsysv  that _should_ show you the rpc stuff. 

>At 04:24 PM 1/18/01 -0800, you wrote:
>On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
>> run the command "setup" and un-mark the RPC services. They are marked by
default. Also, there is more then one - 3 or 4, can't remember. stop
anything with "rpc" in it's name, and also portmapper
>[RH 6.1]
>I ran 'setup' (I'd forgotten about that program), but there were no 'rpc*'
>items.  I turned off 'NFS', but I see there's a 'netFS' as well.  What's
>the difference?
>- Martin J. Brown, Jr. -



>PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Compile Kernel....

2001-01-18 Thread Rodney Fulk

I recently installed Redhat 7.0.
I have tried to compile the kernel to no avail.
I have been told there is a problem with one of the packages or something so
I am curious
what I need to do.
I installed "all the packages" when I installed it.
I have support for all my devices so it wont kill me not to recompile it but
I like to be able to tune the kernel...

I would appreciate anyone letting me know..

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Justin Zygmont

type setup and select only the services you need.  If it's a server on the
internet and you don;t need NFS, then that should be disabled.  I got
hacked like that once.  I found a file called Spakit.c in a directory...

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Martin Brown wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Rick Warner wrote:
> > 
> > One person's opinion:  rpc.statd is only needed if running an NFS
> > server.  No NFS server should be 'exposed' to the Internet.  NFS and
> > components have been a security nightmare for over a decade now.   If you
> > need to run NFS for an internal net, make sure you have a good firewall
> > between you and the net to block all external access to NFS and
> > components.  Then do all the security updates as the second line of
> > defense.
> > 
> > - rick warner
> I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
> determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
> and permanently.
> Can someone clue in?
> Thank you.
> - Martin J. Brown, Jr. -   
> PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread Justin Zygmont

just pipe it to the head command.

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Chuck Carson wrote:

> I am trying to grep for a process as follows:
> [root@ora3]:/usr/local/admin# ps -ef | grep ntpd
> root 24634 1  0 Jan11 ?00:40:21 /usr/local/bin/ntpd -p
> /var/log/
> root 27476 27214  0 09:25 pts/21   00:00:00 grep ntpd
> Solaris does not print the 2nd line, but RH 62 does. Does anyone know any
> tricks to prevent the second line from being displayed.
> Thanks,
> CC
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2.4.0 upgrade

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Holmquist

8139too.o.  Your a genius.  I'm blind.

thanks, Bruce!

p.s. any idea of how to load a module depending on which kernel is booting
(2.2.16=rtl8139, 2.4.0=8139too)?

- Original Message -
From: "Bruce A. Mallett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: 2.4.0 upgrade

> I had the same problem.  It appears that it got renamed from rtl8139 to
> (or something like that).
> - Bruce

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Martin Brown

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

> run the command "setup" and un-mark the RPC services. They are marked by default. 
>Also, there is more then one - 3 or 4, can't remember. stop anything with "rpc" in 
>it's name, and also portmapper

[RH 6.1]

I ran 'setup' (I'd forgotten about that program), but there were no 'rpc*'
items.  I turned off 'NFS', but I see there's a 'netFS' as well.  What's
the difference?

- Martin J. Brown, Jr. -   
PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2.4.0 upgrade

2001-01-18 Thread Justin Zygmont

that's what I had thought too, but I had the same amount of services
going, just did an upgrade or install of 6.2 andthen tried 7.0.  The whole
computer only cost $20, it's a nice thing to be able to run NFS, Apache,
anonFTP, telnet, INN, PPPoE, ipchains, and many other things on a computer
like that.  Imagine win2000 doing that?  HA!!

 On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Statux wrote:

> > is it any slower?  When I upgraded RH 6.0 to 6.2 it got a lot slower on my
> > 486 with 8MB of RAM.   RH 7 was even slower...
> But it's not the kernel causing your slowdown issues if that's what you're
> inferring. On an 8MB 486, any extra processes/services will cause a
> noticable slowdown. 8MB RAM will fill in no time causing the much slower
> swapping method to be used. The kernel versions between those 3 RH distros
> aren't too much different in size. I think 6.0 was kernel 2.2.5 or
> somewhere in there.. 6.2 was about 2.2.14 I think, and 7.0 would be 2.2.16
> or 2.2.17.
> In short, there's only so much you can throw at an 8MB machine no matter
> what the CPU is :)
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Jonathan Wilson

run the command "setup" and un-mark the RPC services. They are marked by default. 
Also, there is more then one - 3 or 4, can't remember. stop anything with "rpc" in 
it's name, and also portmapper

At 03:15 PM 1/18/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Rick Warner wrote:
>> One person's opinion:  rpc.statd is only needed if running an NFS
>> server.  No NFS server should be 'exposed' to the Internet.  NFS and
>> components have been a security nightmare for over a decade now.   If you
>> need to run NFS for an internal net, make sure you have a good firewall
>> between you and the net to block all external access to NFS and
>> components.  Then do all the security updates as the second line of
>> defense.
>> - rick warner
>I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
>determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
>and permanently.
>Can someone clue in?
>Thank you.
>- Martin J. Brown, Jr. -   
>PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:
>Redhat-list mailing list

Jonathan Wilson
System Administrator

Cedar Creek Software

Central Texas IT

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 06:24:21PM -0500, Statux wrote:
> > I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
> > determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
> > and permanently.

> > Can someone clue in?

> /etc/rc.d/init.d/rstatd I believe it is.

That's for rpc.rstatd.  There are two of them statd and rstatd.

> All of my rcX.d directories have rstatd K-linked. I shouldn't even have
> this thing on my system.. not that I run it anyway :)

> -Statux

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Statux

> I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
> determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
> and permanently.
> Can someone clue in?

/etc/rc.d/init.d/rstatd I believe it is.

All of my rcX.d directories have rstatd K-linked. I shouldn't even have
this thing on my system.. not that I run it anyway :)


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 03:15:36PM -0800, Martin Brown wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Rick Warner wrote:

> > One person's opinion:  rpc.statd is only needed if running an NFS
> > server.  No NFS server should be 'exposed' to the Internet.  NFS and
> > components have been a security nightmare for over a decade now.   If you
> > need to run NFS for an internal net, make sure you have a good firewall
> > between you and the net to block all external access to NFS and
> > components.  Then do all the security updates as the second line of
> > defense.

> > - rick warner

> I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
> determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
> and permanently.

> Can someone clue in?

Check out /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfslock

> Thank you.

> - Martin J. Brown, Jr. -   
> PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Martin Brown

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Rick Warner wrote:

> One person's opinion:  rpc.statd is only needed if running an NFS
> server.  No NFS server should be 'exposed' to the Internet.  NFS and
> components have been a security nightmare for over a decade now.   If you
> need to run NFS for an internal net, make sure you have a good firewall
> between you and the net to block all external access to NFS and
> components.  Then do all the security updates as the second line of
> defense.
> - rick warner

I looked at my 6.2 box, and it is running 'rpc.statd', but I couldn't
determine how it was started, and hence, the proper way to stop it, now
and permanently.

Can someone clue in?

Thank you.

- Martin J. Brown, Jr. -   
PGP Public Key ID: 0xCED9BD8A  Key Server:

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cannot export display and run X stuff

2001-01-18 Thread Michael R. Jinks

I think just the Xfree86 package (no device drivers) should work -- I've
done this a few times myself and I don't think you need much else.

That will depend a little bit on the clients, though; if they use tk,
you'll need that, likewise with gtk, qt, whatever other dependencies
those clients might have.

Chuck Carson wrote:
> I installed a RH62 server with no X components. I need to be able to export
> my display and run X apps on another workstation from that machine. What are
> the minimum packages I need to install to allow this?
> Thanks,
> CC
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation
"Trouble ensues."

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Holmquist

We've made  progress!

Some times you just have to wait for things to propagate in netbios.  If you
haven't altered any of your shares, they should come up.  You can also try
rebooting  the workstation.

Can you send me a copy of your smb.conf?  You can send it offline to


- Original Message -
From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: samba

> Hi Kevin
> So far i have it showing two netbios names.
> but nothing shows up when you click on the computer.
> i have smb.conf smb.conf.Print smb.conf.File with
> netibs aliases = File Print
> config file = config.smb.%L
> but for:
> smb.conf.File
> only home section
> and for:
> smb.conf.Print
> only printer stuff
> all have the sambe global section.
> is that right?
> I like to you in advance for your patience
> and help on this.
> Thank You

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Lee

Hi Kevin

So far i have it showing two netbios names.
but nothing shows up when you click on the computer.

i have smb.conf smb.conf.Print smb.conf.File with

netibs aliases = File Print
config file = config.smb.%L

but for:
only home section

and for:
only printer stuff

all have the sambe global section.
is that right?

I like to you in advance for your patience 
and help on this.

Thank You

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Kevin Holmquist wrote:

> - Original Message -
> From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 11:21 AM
> Subject: Re: samba
> > can you tell me how to do it in a step by step.
> > sorry. i'm just not getting it.
> >
> FILER = servername workstations use to access directories
> PRINTS=servername workstations use to access printer services
> 1. add the following lines to smb.conf:
> netbios aliases = FILER PRINTS
> config file=config.smb.%L
> 2. copy smb.conf to smb.conf.FILER and smb.conf.PRINTS
> 3. edit smb.conf.FILER for file sharing specific configuration.  remove all
> printer sections
> 4. edit smb.conf.PRINTS for printer services configuration.  remove homes
> and all directory share sections.  Do not remove global section!
> 5. restart samba :
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
> 6. at each workstation, add a printer through PRINTS/{printer}.
> 7. at each worktstation, map network drives from FILER/{directories}
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: up2date problems

2001-01-18 Thread Trond Eivind Glomsrød

Mike Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks Trond.  Didn't work:
> [root@admin cajun]# up2date -u
> Retrieving list of all available packages...
> Removing installed packages from list of updates...
> 100.0%
> Removing packages marked to skip from list...
> 100.0%
> Getting headers for available packages...
> 100.0%
> Removing packages with files marked to skip from list...
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 394, in ?
> main()
> File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 377, in main
> sys.exit(batchRun(onlyList, pkgNames, fullUpdate))
> File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 139, in batchRun
> updated, skipped = up2date.getUpdatedPackageList(printit, percent)
> File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 897, in getUpdatedPackageList
> progressCallback)
> File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 854, in
> removeSkipFilesPackagesFromList
> if checkModified(h, f_i):
> File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 789, in checkModified
> if installedFileMD5s[j] != md5(fileName):
> File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 218, in md5
> f = open(fileName, "r")
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/usr/share/Eterm/pix/pixmaps.list.base'

Try removing eterm and see if this helps? If so, please put this in
bugzilla afterwards...

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: up2date problems

2001-01-18 Thread Mike Lewis

Thanks Trond.  Didn't work:

[root@admin cajun]# up2date -u

Retrieving list of all available packages...

Removing installed packages from list of updates...
Removing packages marked to skip from list...
Getting headers for available packages...
Removing packages with files marked to skip from list...
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 394, in ?
File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 377, in main
sys.exit(batchRun(onlyList, pkgNames, fullUpdate))
File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 139, in batchRun
updated, skipped = up2date.getUpdatedPackageList(printit, percent)
File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 897, in getUpdatedPackageList
File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 854, in 
if checkModified(h, f_i):
File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 789, in checkModified
if installedFileMD5s[j] != md5(fileName):
File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 218, in md5
f = open(fileName, "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
[root@admin cajun]#

Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:

> Mike Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> When trying to run up2date in the batch mode, (RH7.0), I get the
>> following message:
> Try without the "a" flag - just "up2date -u". If the error continues,
> put it in bugzilla (

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: no route to host?

2001-01-18 Thread Mikkel L. Ellertson

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Peter Peltonen wrote:

> Vineeta wrote:
> > 
> > First of all,are the services ,you mentioned,ftp,telnet e.t.c. running on
> > "antarctis" machine?
> Yes they are. I commented telnet and ftp out from /etc/services and restarted
> inetd. I also did ps ax |grep sshd and saw sshd running (and ssh localhost
> works fine). And as I wrote in my previous mail, I've tried this with two
> different servers.
If you want to disable services, you have to edit /etc/inetd.conf, not
/etc/services.  /etc/services lists what services are on what port, but
commenting them out does not disable incomming services.  Depending on the
program, it may disable outgoing services, depending on whether the port
they connected is hard coded into the program or read from /etc/services.
Also, not all the services listed in /etc/services are controlled by
inetd.  Some of them are stand alone daemons.  (sshd is on of the stand
alone daemons.)


Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: up2date problems

2001-01-18 Thread Trond Eivind Glomsrød

Mike Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When trying to run up2date in the batch mode, (RH7.0), I get the
> following message:

Try without the "a" flag - just "up2date -u". If the error continues,
put it in bugzilla (

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

up2date problems

2001-01-18 Thread Mike Lewis

When trying to run up2date in the batch mode, (RH7.0), I get the 
following message:

[root@admin cajun]# up2date -ua

Retrieving list of all available packages...

Removing installed packages from list of updates...
Removing packages marked to skip from list...
Getting headers for available packages...
Removing packages with files marked to skip from list...
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 394, in ?
  File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 377, in main
   sys.exit(batchRun(onlyList, pkgNames, fullUpdate))
  File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 139, in batchRun
   updated, skipped = up2date.getUpdatedPackageList(printit, percent)
  File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 897, in 
  File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 854, in 
   if checkModified(h, f_i):
  File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 773, in checkModified
   installedHdr = installedHeader(hdr['name'])
  File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date/", line 162, in installedHeader
   for index in db.findbyname(pkgName):
rpm.error: error reading from database
[root@admin cajun]#

I've tried rebuilding the rpm database by 'rpm --rebuilddb' but that has 
not helped. 
Can someone point me to the cause of the problem ?


Redhat-list mailing list


2001-01-18 Thread Ted Gervais

I currently have kde version 2.0.1 installed
and am struggling to bring in kde2.1beta1.

I just got the latest 'qt' files installed (qt-2.2.3-5)
so that much is out of the way. Next I tried to install the new support files 
but it said I:

package kdesupport-2.0.1-1 (which is newer than kdesupport-2.0.1-1) is 
already installed
package kdesupport-2.0.1-1 is already installed
package kdesupport-devel-2.0.1-1 (which is newer than 
kdesupport-devel-2.0.1-1) is already installed
package kdesupport-devel-2.0.1-1 is already installed
package kdesupport-wallpapers-2.0.1-1 is already installed I went unto the next file(s) . (LIBS).  
That installed ok or with very little resistance  so I finally moved to where 
I am now - the kde BASE files..

Now here I seem to have a real problem. Here is what I see when I try to 
installed  the kdebase* files:

# rpm -Uvh kdebase*.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
kdelibs = 2.1beta1 is needed by kdebase-2.1beta1-1 is needed by kdebase-2.1beta1-1

This seemed to tell me that I needed a new file so I went off to 
rpmfind and did a search and the bottom line is that the following  files 
was produced.

 A file compression utility, RedHat-6.2 for i386  -  bzip2-0.9.5d-2-i386.rpm

I ran 'rpm' on that file and here is what I saw:

# rpm -Uvh bzip2-0.9.5d-2.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
bzip2 = 1.0.1 is needed by bzip2-devel-1.0.1-3 is needed by gnorpm-0.95.1-5 is needed by ImageMagick-5.2.2-5 is needed by rpm-build-4.0-4 is needed by rpm-4.0-4 is needed by gnome-core-1.2.4-0_helix_2 is needed by gnome-vfs-   is needed by kdeadmin-2.0.1-1 is needed by rpm-python-4.0-4

Does this mean that I now need  ??

I did a search using rpmfind and it said to get this file:

  A file compression utility, (RedHat-7.0 for i386)  bzip2-1.0.1-3-i386.rpm   
 So I got it and ran 'rpm' on it and it said this:

# rpm -Uvh bzip2-1.0.1-3.i386.rpm
package bzip2-1.0.1-3 is already installed

That file is already installed. So that leaves me with alll those errors or 
'needs' as pointed out above.

This is where I now sit. I have QT, kdesupport,  and kdelibs installed but 
can't get anywhere with kdebase.

Does anyone see what I am doing wrong??


Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Apache port 80 problem

2001-01-18 Thread Mark Basil

Ok, let me describe this once more.  Upon trying to reload Apache (port 80),
the following is what happens:

Everything appears to be in working order.  Httpd is running -- ps aux shows
this.  However, when attempting to view a website, it just hangs.  A telnet
to port 80 give a 'connection refused' error.  When I checked the logs, the
error was something to the effect of "address already in use: cannot bind to
port 80".  I checked httpd.conf, and everything there seems good.  When
checking netstat, nothing shows up under :www or :80.  Also, an lsof -i
returns all secure ports *:443, but NONE at all for *:80.  I have no clue
what this could possibly be.  Although, since I can't seem to find anything
running on port 80, could the "address already in use" be something
different?  Not a port, but something else?  Thanks again everyone.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Manzabar
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 1:40 PM
To: Red Hat eGroup
Subject: RE: Apache port 80 problem

Greetings, I've just joined this list, and missed the original problem
here, but was there anything in your error log*?  Or is that where you're
noticing the problem?
Have you checked the Apache FAQ?
Have you checked the Apache Bug database?
Could you repost the problem with all the specifics including things that
you've tried already to correct it?

*Note: The default location of the error log is
/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log, but you should check your the ErrorLog
directive in your config files for the location on your system.

ICQ#  8476502

How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the
discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
 - Ruler of the Universe; Douglas Adams. The Restaurant at the End of the

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: changing kde login window

2001-01-18 Thread Hidong Kim

Thanks, Matthew!  Got it.

Matthew Melvin wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Hidong Kim wrote:
> > How do you change the kde login window on a kde workstation that boots
> > into runlevel 5?  I'd like to replace the kde logo with something else.
> > The kde logo is /usr/share/apps/kdm/pics/kdelogo.xpm.  I haven't been
> > able to find a configuration file that calls this file.  Thanks,
> LogoPixMap=/path/to/pixmap.xpm
> ... under the [KDM] section of /usr/share/config/kdmrc
> M.
> --
> WebCentral Pty Ltd   Australia's #1 Internet Web Hosting Company
> Level 1, 96 Lytton Road.   Network Operations - Systems Engineer
> PO Box 4169, East Brisbane.   phone: +61 7 3249 2583
> Queensland, Australia.pgp key id: 0x900E515F
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Linux to Linux Printing

2001-01-18 Thread Jamby

Looking for help with a printing problem...

Can't print to printer connected to one linux machine from a second
linux machine...

I have (2) linux machines capeblanco with a functioning printer
and nubble without a printer.

The printcap on nubble is:

# /etc/printcap


The printcap on capeblanco is:

#   printcap   for capeblanco 1/16/01  jrh
##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL ljet2p 300x300 letter {} LaserJet2p Default 1

The hosts.lpd file on capeblanco is:

With the lpd -l option added to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd file I get
the following output in the /var/log/messages file on capeblanco:

Jan 18 11:26:38 capeblanco kernel: lp0 off-line
Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: nubble requests recvjob lp
Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: reading df file for lp
Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: finished reading df file for lp
Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: reading cf file for lp
Jan 18 11:34:15 capeblanco lpd[870]: finished reading cf file for lp

If I shutdown the printer. Then print a file first from
capeblanco then from nubble. When I use lpq to look at the 
queue I see:

[root@capeblanco /etc]# lpq
lp is ready and printing
Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
active root   381  profile   546 bytes
1stjamby  42   printcap.6.20 0 bytes   

Note the zero bytes on the last line. Yet when I check the
directory I see:

-rw-rx   1 root root4 Jan 18 11:47 .seq
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  632 Jan 31  1999 README
-rw-rw   1 root root   51 Jan 18 11:48 cfA042nubble
-rw-rw   1 bin  lp 90 Jan 18 11:47 cfA381capeblanco
-rw-rw   1 root root  543 Jan 18 11:48 dfA042nubble
-rw-rw   1 root lp546 Jan 18 11:47

Then  cf files from nubble are there and have length but when I turn on
the printer.. only the capeblanco file gets printed..

Checking the /var/spool/lpd/lp directory confirms all cf files are

Also: Nubble is a router so I administer it from capeblanco using a
remote shell.
  Should I just mount the nubble file system on capeblanco and then
  on capeblanco and do the administration tasks from there? would it

Thanks for your time...

Jim H.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Holmquist

- Original Message -
From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: samba

> can you tell me how to do it in a step by step.
> sorry. i'm just not getting it.

FILER = servername workstations use to access directories
PRINTS=servername workstations use to access printer services

1. add the following lines to smb.conf:

netbios aliases = FILER PRINTS
config file=config.smb.%L

2. copy smb.conf to smb.conf.FILER and smb.conf.PRINTS

3. edit smb.conf.FILER for file sharing specific configuration.  remove all
printer sections

4. edit smb.conf.PRINTS for printer services configuration.  remove homes
and all directory share sections.  Do not remove global section!

5. restart samba :

/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart

6. at each workstation, add a printer through PRINTS/{printer}.

7. at each worktstation, map network drives from FILER/{directories}

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2.4.0 upgrade

2001-01-18 Thread Bruce A. Mallett

I had the same problem.  It appears that it got renamed from rtl8139 to 8139too
(or something like that).

- Bruce

Kevin Holmquist wrote:

> Hello all,
> I upgraded the kernel on one of my boxes to 2.4.0. The upgrade went smoothly
> except for one issue-- the kernel doesn't have a driver for my realtek 8139
> nic.
> I tried compiling rtl8139.c from the 2.2.16 kernel and a newer version from
> but gcc barfs on both versions.
> Does anyone have a driver for rtl8139 nics that works with 2.4.0 kernels?
> Thanks!
> Kevin
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> Adam Sleight wrote:
> > Just block port their master port 8875 at your firewall then clients can't find
> > any server.
> I believe the original poster wanted to OPEN the ports so *e could share his
> files with others.
You got it! :-)

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> The default port for the Napster client is 6699, but from what I could find
> in their technical forums, it looks like Napster also uses 6697, 6688,
> 6699, , & .
Ok. I can poke those ports into my router and tell it to forward 'em to my
windoze box. :-)

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner

Adam Sleight wrote:

> Just block port their master port 8875 at your firewall then clients can't find
> any server.

I believe the original poster wanted to OPEN the ports so *e could share his
files with others.


W |
  |  I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
  Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410 x130
  SysAdmin / Websmith   . 800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc. .eFax 248.671.0909  . 3550 Arapahoe Ave #6
  .. .  .  . .   Boulder, CO 80303, USA

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread Adam Sleight

Just block port their master port 8875 at your firewall then clients can't find
any server.

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 12:44:13 -0600
 "Manzabar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  | The default port for the Napster client is 6699, but from what I could find
  | in their technical forums, it looks like Napster also uses 6697, 6688,
  | 6699, , & .
 adam 4,000+ photos  

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Trond Eivind Glomsrød

Peter Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thornton Prime wrote:
>  am running that version. Am I vulnerable for the attack?
> > 
> > If you are running 6.2, and have upgraded with this advisory,
> > 
> >
> > 
> > then you are fine.
> Good. 
> Because people are talking about vulnerable 2.6.0 it got me a bit confused as
> the wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x.i386.rpm from the RH support site _is_ of version
> 2.6.0. 

A fix was applied to it before the release of 2.6.1

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread Manzabar

The default port for the Napster client is 6699, but from what I could find
in their technical forums, it looks like Napster also uses 6697, 6688,
6699, , & .

ICQ#  8476502

How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the
discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
 - Ruler of the Universe; Douglas Adams. The Restaurant at the End of the

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Apache port 80 problem

2001-01-18 Thread Manzabar

Greetings, I've just joined this list, and missed the original problem
here, but was there anything in your error log*?  Or is that where you're
noticing the problem?
Have you checked the Apache FAQ?
Have you checked the Apache Bug database?
Could you repost the problem with all the specifics including things that
you've tried already to correct it?

*Note: The default location of the error log is
/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log, but you should check your the ErrorLog
directive in your config files for the location on your system.

ICQ#  8476502

How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the
discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
 - Ruler of the Universe; Douglas Adams. The Restaurant at the End of the

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-01-18 Thread Rick Forrister

Please don't include large chunks of text, such as articles,
unnecessarily.  Ramen has been an ongoing discussion.  Better to include
links rather than articles.


Rick Forrister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Definition:  Honest Politician:  Once bought, stays bought."
--Robert Heinlein

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [RHL] Ramen hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-01-18 Thread Bernhard Rosenkraenzer

The Ramen worm is nothing to worry about for anyone who has kept up with
The last leak it tries to exploid was fixed way back, in October.

Protecting yourself is as easy as

up2date -u


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Lee

can you tell me how to do it in a step by step.
sorry. i'm just not getting it.

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Kevin Holmquist wrote:

> Why ipalias?
> 1) Assign two netbios names to your server.  Set each workstation to use one
> server name for files and a different server name for print services.  Then
> use 'config file = smb.conf.%L' to select the conf file for each server.
> i.e.:

I have one machine and want two netbios names.
there is a "config file = " in a smb.conf file
when you start samba does this tell samba that there
are two more files to load?

> server: filer -> file sharing -> smb.conf.filer
> server: print -> printer services -> smb.conf.print
> Instead of %L, you can use %U (user), or %G (group) and the clients use
> different logins for each service.
> It's cliche', but check out 'man smb.conf' for details.
> Kevin
> - Original Message -
> From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:27 AM
> Subject: Re: samba
> > i tried this, maybe i'm missing something.
> > when you do ip alias, you can bind to both ports for
> > smbd and nmbd on both address, right?
> > making a illusion on the network that there are
> > actuall two physical machine.
> >
> > Could you send me a detail description?
> > If, possible.  It will help a lot for me.
> > time is valuable.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Steve Lee wrote:
> > >
> > > > Has anyone setup samba to run on two separate config files?
> > > > I would like to run samba as a file server and a print server,
> > > > but have the name display as "Print Server" and "File Server"
> > > >
> > > > I have the running as just one name.
> > > > For clarity and beauty, but don't have the resource to
> > > > run two separate servers for each.
> > > >
> > > > I have tried starting samba as
> > > > smbd -D -s configfile1
> > > > nmbd -D -s configfile1
> > > > smbd -D -s configfile2
> > > > nmbd -D -s configfile2
> > > >
> > > > but doesn't work.
> > > > I even tried, IP alias and bind each config file to
> > > > an ip address, but the second config file
> > > > won't startup.
> > > >
> > > > I need some help Please.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > You should only need one copy of nmbd.  Now, to make two smbd, you are
> > > going to have to do something along the lines of using IP aliasing, and
> > > binding each copy of smbd to a specific interface.  Otherwise, when you
> > > try to start the other copy of smbd, it will error out with a port
> already
> > > in use error.  Two copies of smbd can not share the same port, and if
> you
> > > run on copy on a different port, windows will not find it.  The default
> > > setting will have smbd and nmbd using port 137 and 139 on all
> interfaces.
> > >
> > > Mikkel
> > >
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Jeff Lane

Maybe.  AFAIK, the only wu-ftp that is affected is the version that is
right off the install CDs for 6.2.

which is wu-ftpd-2.6.0-3.i386.rpm

I would imagine that the one listed on the errata page is probably
safe.  You could also try upgrading to 2.6.1, but I dont knwo if that will
break any dependencies anywere else (i.e. anonftp, or any libs that may be
deprecated or incompatible with 2.6.1 that may exist on a 6.2 install.)

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Peter Peltonen wrote:

> So wu-ftpd 2.6.0 is infected?
> When I look at RH Errata, I can see an update for wu-ftpd, but that is:
> wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x
> and I am running that version. Am I vulnerable for the attack?

Redhat-list mailing list

Ramen hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-01-18 Thread Szemerédy Gábor

Title: CNET TODAY for Wednesday, January 17, 2001

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  Wednesday, January 17, 2001



Today's Top News Stories: The tech news you need to know.

Linux worm holes
An Internet worm cobbled together from 
generally available hacking tools has 
compromised hundreds, perhaps thousands, 
of Linux servers by using two well-known 
security flaws in applications set up during
the default installation of Red Hat Linux 

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Apple cuts prices
In a move that may foreshadow the introduction 
of new consumer desktops, Apple Computer 
has launched a $200 instant rebate for two 
iMac models. In recent weeks, Apple has used 
a string of rebates and price cuts to clear out 
stocks of its PowerBook and Power Mac lines, 
which were updated at last week's Macworld 
Expo in San Francisco. An Apple spokeswoman 
declined to comment on the instant rebates. 

Power to portables with cooling technology
A San Francisco company has received two 
patents for technology that may help achieve 
the Holy Grail of portable devices: making 
something smaller while not decreasing its 
battery life. Novel Concepts has registered 
the patents for a passive cooling technology 
called IsoSkin. It consists of two pieces of 
metal separated by about 500 microns--less 
than the thickness of a credit card--and partly 
filled with fluid in a vacuum, according to the 

FCC eyes mandating wireless-roaming agreements
All wireless phone customers know the 
frustration of being too far away from their 
network to make a call--but should the 
government mandate that our phones work 
in these unserved areas? 

Do antipiracy measures rob consumers?
Recently unveiled antipiracy measures aimed at 
eliminating even casual copying of software have 
some experts questioning whether companies 
have gone too far in controlling the use of their 
copyrighted material. 

Hackers' video technology goes open source
The developers of hacker video technology DivX 
are going public, opening up much of their work to 
the open-source community. DivX, which has no 
relation to the failed Circuit City DVD player, has 
spread quickly in underground computer circles as 
a way to create and send extremely high-quality 
video files online. While no DivX programmers 
have been sued, the technology has featured 
prominently in other antipiracy cases brought 
by the movie industry. 


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Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Holmquist

Why ipalias?

1) Assign two netbios names to your server.  Set each workstation to use one
server name for files and a different server name for print services.  Then
use 'config file = smb.conf.%L' to select the conf file for each server.

server: filer -> file sharing -> smb.conf.filer
server: print -> printer services -> smb.conf.print

Instead of %L, you can use %U (user), or %G (group) and the clients use
different logins for each service.

It's cliche', but check out 'man smb.conf' for details.


- Original Message -
From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: samba

> i tried this, maybe i'm missing something.
> when you do ip alias, you can bind to both ports for
> smbd and nmbd on both address, right?
> making a illusion on the network that there are
> actuall two physical machine.
> Could you send me a detail description?
> If, possible.  It will help a lot for me.
> time is valuable.
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> > On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Steve Lee wrote:
> >
> > > Has anyone setup samba to run on two separate config files?
> > > I would like to run samba as a file server and a print server,
> > > but have the name display as "Print Server" and "File Server"
> > >
> > > I have the running as just one name.
> > > For clarity and beauty, but don't have the resource to
> > > run two separate servers for each.
> > >
> > > I have tried starting samba as
> > > smbd -D -s configfile1
> > > nmbd -D -s configfile1
> > > smbd -D -s configfile2
> > > nmbd -D -s configfile2
> > >
> > > but doesn't work.
> > > I even tried, IP alias and bind each config file to
> > > an ip address, but the second config file
> > > won't startup.
> > >
> > > I need some help Please.
> > >
> > >
> > You should only need one copy of nmbd.  Now, to make two smbd, you are
> > going to have to do something along the lines of using IP aliasing, and
> > binding each copy of smbd to a specific interface.  Otherwise, when you
> > try to start the other copy of smbd, it will error out with a port
> > in use error.  Two copies of smbd can not share the same port, and if
> > run on copy on a different port, windows will not find it.  The default
> > setting will have smbd and nmbd using port 137 and 139 on all
> >
> > Mikkel
> >

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread rpjday


$ ps -ef | grep [n]tpd

why this works is left as an exercise for the hacker.


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread John MacLean

> -Original Message-
> From: Chuck Carson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:33 PM
> To: Red Hat Mailing List (E-mail)
> Subject: Silly grep problem within script
> I am trying to grep for a process as follows:
> [root@ora3]:/usr/local/admin# ps -ef | grep ntpd
> root 24634 1  0 Jan11 ?00:40:21 /usr/local/bin/ntpd -p
> /var/log/
> root 27476 27214  0 09:25 pts/21   00:00:00 grep ntpd
How about
ps -ef | grep ntpd | grep -v grep

-v tells grep to display all lines that don't match the string.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread Joshua Hirsh

> Solaris does not print the 2nd line, but RH 62 does. Does anyone know any
> tricks to prevent the second line from being displayed.

An easy way around this would be:

ps -ef | grep ntpd | grep -v grep

> Solaris does not print the 2nd line, but RH 62 does. Does anyone know any
> tricks to prevent the second line from being displayed.

Actually, my Solaris boxen print out the second grep string..


Joshua Hirsh
UNIX Systems Administration
Tel: (705) 474-3364 ext. 2557
Fax: (705) 472-9202

Redhat-list mailing list

Problem running oracle installer remotely

2001-01-18 Thread Chuck Carson

I have a 6.2 server that has no X components installed. I am trying to
export my display to a gui workstation and get this error when trying to run
the oracle installer:

[oracle@ora1 Oracle8iR2]$ ./runInstaller 
[oracle@ora1 Oracle8iR2]$ Initializing Java Virtual Machine from
Please wait...
current locale is not supported in X11, locale is set to CX locale modifiers
are not supported, using defaultWarning: translation table syntax error:
Unknown keysym name:  osfActivate
Warning: ... found while parsing ':osfActivate:
Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name:  osfCancel
Warning: ... found while parsing ':osfCancel:

I can run rxvt fine from this machine. Does anyone have any ideas?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> what client?  I was using the latest gnapster which allows port
> selections.  I think the default is 6699, but you can change it in that
> client at least. so it may be that they changed the port.  I didnt notice
> any connects when I was on the napster servers...  but it could be a data
> connection request for people who are requesting files from your
> machine...
The official Windows Napster client.

Redhat-list mailing list

Cannot export display and run X stuff

2001-01-18 Thread Chuck Carson

I installed a RH62 server with no X components. I need to be able to export
my display and run X apps on another workstation from that machine. What are
the minimum packages I need to install to allow this?


Redhat-list mailing list

Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-18 Thread Chuck Carson

I am trying to grep for a process as follows:

[root@ora3]:/usr/local/admin# ps -ef | grep ntpd
root 24634 1  0 Jan11 ?00:40:21 /usr/local/bin/ntpd -p
root 27476 27214  0 09:25 pts/21   00:00:00 grep ntpd

Solaris does not print the 2nd line, but RH 62 does. Does anyone know any
tricks to prevent the second line from being displayed.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Steve Lee

i tried this, maybe i'm missing something.
when you do ip alias, you can bind to both ports for 
smbd and nmbd on both address, right?
making a illusion on the network that there are 
actuall two physical machine.

Could you send me a detail description?
If, possible.  It will help a lot for me.
time is valuable.

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Steve Lee wrote:
> > Has anyone setup samba to run on two separate config files?
> > I would like to run samba as a file server and a print server,
> > but have the name display as "Print Server" and "File Server"
> > 
> > I have the running as just one name.
> > For clarity and beauty, but don't have the resource to
> > run two separate servers for each.
> > 
> > I have tried starting samba as
> > smbd -D -s configfile1
> > nmbd -D -s configfile1
> > smbd -D -s configfile2
> > nmbd -D -s configfile2
> > 
> > but doesn't work.
> > I even tried, IP alias and bind each config file to
> > an ip address, but the second config file 
> > won't startup.
> > 
> > I need some help Please.
> > 
> > 
> You should only need one copy of nmbd.  Now, to make two smbd, you are
> going to have to do something along the lines of using IP aliasing, and
> binding each copy of smbd to a specific interface.  Otherwise, when you
> try to start the other copy of smbd, it will error out with a port already
> in use error.  Two copies of smbd can not share the same port, and if you
> run on copy on a different port, windows will not find it.  The default
> setting will have smbd and nmbd using port 137 and 139 on all interfaces.
> Mikkel

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 'Failed Dependencies'

2001-01-18 Thread Mike Burger

Hi, Ted.

What it's telling you is that qt-devel-2.2.2-2 needs qt-2.2.2-2.

You should probably update qt-devel first.

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Ted Gervais wrote:

> I wonder if someone could tell me what is happening or needed here.
> I ran ' rpm -Uvh qt-2.2.3-1.i386.rpm'.
> It responded with:
> Error: failed Dependencies
> qt=2.2.2-2 is needed by qt-devel-2.2.2-2.
> I have qt-devel-2.2.2-2 installed!  It seems to be telling me that it can' t
> find it??  What is the message here..

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 'Failed Dependencies'

2001-01-18 Thread Jeff Hogg

-Original Message-
From: Ted Gervais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:09 PM
Subject: 'Failed Dependencies'

>I wonder if someone could tell me what is happening or needed here.
>I ran ' rpm -Uvh qt-2.2.3-1.i386.rpm'.
>It responded with:
>Error: failed Dependencies
>qt=2.2.2-2 is needed by qt-devel-2.2.2-2.
>I have qt-devel-2.2.2-2 installed!  It seems to be telling me that it can'
>find it??  What is the message here..
Its saying that you can't upgrade qt 2.2.2-2 unless you upgrade
qt-devel-2.2.2-2 as well.  Just upgrade both at the same time, or remove the
devel library if you arent going to use qt in any programs you plan to
write.  Hope this helps.

Jeff Hogg

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Holmquist

Use the following line:

config file = smb.conf.%{your variable here}

This will allow samba to load different config files based on the variable
(user, machine, group, etc)

Hope this helps!


- Original Message -
From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: samba

> Has anyone setup samba to run on two separate config files?
> I would like to run samba as a file server and a print server,
> but have the name display as "Print Server" and "File Server"
> I have the running as just one name.
> For clarity and beauty, but don't have the resource to
> run two separate servers for each.
> I have tried starting samba as
> smbd -D -s configfile1
> nmbd -D -s configfile1
> smbd -D -s configfile2
> nmbd -D -s configfile2
> but doesn't work.
> I even tried, IP alias and bind each config file to
> an ip address, but the second config file
> won't startup.
> I need some help Please.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 06:31:37PM +0200, Peter Peltonen wrote:
> Jeff Lane wrote:

> > On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Mike Burger wrote:

> > > The reason that the article states that it can affect 7.0 is that 7.0
> > > ships with wu-ftpd 2.6.0, and the earlier version of rpc.statd.

> > No... its LPRng for 7.  the wu-ftp that ships with 7 is 2.6.1-6

> So wu-ftpd 2.6.0 is infected?

"Infected" is the wrong word.  Infected, no.  Vulnerable, probably.

> When I look at RH Errata, I can see an update for wu-ftpd, but that is:

> wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x

> and I am running that version. Am I vulnerable for the attack?

Probably not...  One very INTERESTING thing about this worm is
it's front end decision switch.  It retrieves the ftp banner from a
potential target and then switches based on the date in the banner.
It's got a whole different script depending on if it finds a date
indicating an unpatched 6.2 system from a 7.0 system.  If you don't
return one of the two dates that it's checking for, you are not going
to be attacked, even if you have vulnerable versions of the other
packages.  That's not to say that didling the banner is the answer.
The answer is to get your system up to date and keep it there.  It's
just that, in this case, the ftp service is this worm's Achilles heel.

> Peter

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Problems with console login

2001-01-18 Thread tajuka

Thank you both for quick response. I must admit that I didn't upgrade glibc.
By the way, when I use runlevel 5, I have nos problemos to log in as a KDE ore
Gnome desktop user.
Warren Melnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sanoi:

> Did you do the upgrades to glibc, etc before you did the upgrade?  If not,
> reboot with 2.2 and install the appropriate RPMs from the preview/ folder on
> the 7.0 CD.
> Warren Melnick
> Director of Research and Development
> Astata Corporation
> -Original Message-
> From: Bret Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Problems with console login
> > I use RH7.0 and just compiled a 2.4.0 kernel. When I try console login, I
> get the message: Id 3 respawning too fast, disabled for 5 minutes.
> > What gives? I'm a relatively new to Linux administration.
> >
> Sounds like something in your bashrc or profile  files that is crashing but
> only a guess.  Does this happen with all users or just one?
> Bret
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list


Ilmainen Internet @

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Peter Peltonen

Thornton Prime wrote:
 am running that version. Am I vulnerable for the attack?
> If you are running 6.2, and have upgraded with this advisory,
> then you are fine.


Because people are talking about vulnerable 2.6.0 it got me a bit confused as
the wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x.i386.rpm from the RH support site _is_ of version


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 11:33:14AM -0500, Jeff Lane wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Tomás García Ferrari wrote:
> > Any advices for the future? How often shall I check for updates / fixes /
> > patches and so on?

> Keep current on all the errata.  And heres a way to make that
> easier. There is the Red Hat network...  and also up2date

> the new up2date and up2date-gnome have a -u option which automatically
> gets and installs all new errata and updates from the redhat sites.

> taht way you can just run it, and go.  and actually, you could set it up
> as a cron job to run each night or each week at some odd hour.

I always liked autorpm.  I get an E-Mail telling my what I have
that can be upgraded and what is available that can be installed.  I'll
have to see if up2date has similar functionality.

> well.. its a thought.

And a damn good one!

> cheers

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Michael H. Warfield

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 11:45:24AM -0500, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 04:09:07PM +, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:45:54AM -0500, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 03:38:01PM +, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
> > > > IMO, at the very least you should be subscribed to the
> > > > redhat-announce list, where all RH patches are announced.
> > > > 
> > > It's redhat-watch I believe. Or maybe both? Well worth it. 

> > Ah. I was wondering about that - I've been subscribed to
> > redhat-announce since 1997 and suddenly something changed and I saw
> > mails with redhat-watch popping up. I never got an actual
> > announcement stating what was changing and why and the security
> > messages kept coming, so I never bothered to find out the details...
> > But then again, Red Hat never was very good with mailing lists
> > (remember the archives desaster?) >:-)

> Hmmmmaybe this is why I get so many duplicates of the errata
> announcements? I've been on both a long time.

Procmail duplicate filtering is your friend.  :-)

> -- 
> Hal B
> --

 Michael H. Warfield|  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)  |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9  |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471|  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread Gill, Vern

I have these in my firewall script, and I can share no problem

$IPMASQADM autofw -A -v -r tcp 6697 6697 -c tcp 6697 -u
$IPMASQADM autofw -A -v -r tcp 6699 6699 -c udp 6699 -u
$IPMASQADM autofw -A -v -r tcp   -c udp  -u

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Hal Burgiss

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 04:09:07PM +, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:45:54AM -0500, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 03:38:01PM +, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
> > > IMO, at the very least you should be subscribed to the
> > > redhat-announce list, where all RH patches are announced.
> > > 
> > It's redhat-watch I believe. Or maybe both? Well worth it. 
> Ah. I was wondering about that - I've been subscribed to
> redhat-announce since 1997 and suddenly something changed and I saw
> mails with redhat-watch popping up. I never got an actual
> announcement stating what was changing and why and the security
> messages kept coming, so I never bothered to find out the details...
> But then again, Red Hat never was very good with mailing lists
> (remember the archives desaster?) >:-)

Hmmmmaybe this is why I get so many duplicates of the errata
announcements? I've been on both a long time.

Hal B

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Ramen worm

2001-01-18 Thread Thornton Prime

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Peter Peltonen wrote:
> So wu-ftpd 2.6.0 is infected?

Infected, no, vulnerable, yes.

> When I look at RH Errata, I can see an update for wu-ftpd, but that is:
> wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x
> and I am running that version. Am I vulnerable for the attack?

If you are running 6.2, and have upgraded with this advisory,

then you are fine.

It sounds like you have.

RedHat 7.0 includes wu-ftpd 2.6.1 which includes the security patch. It is
not vulnerable.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2.4.0 upgrade

2001-01-18 Thread Kevin Holmquist

Did you compile or install via rpm?  I used the rpms from rawhide. there is
a 8129.o but it doesn't work.


- Original Message -
From: Denis J. Cirulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 1:33 AM
Subject: Re: 2.4.0 upgrade

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 12:47:51AM -0700, Kevin Holmquist wrote:
> kevinh> I upgraded the kernel on one of my boxes to 2.4.0. The upgrade
went smoothly
> kevinh> except for one issue-- the kernel doesn't have a driver for my
realtek 8139
> kevinh> nic.
> kevinh>
> kevinh> I tried compiling rtl8139.c from the 2.2.16 kernel and a newer
version from
> kevinh> but gcc barfs on both versions.
> kevinh>
> kevinh> Does anyone have a driver for rtl8139 nics that works with 2.4.0
> Please check yourself one more time, I'm running 2.4.0 from
> 2.4.0-test1 and my nic is rtl8139 and haven't had any problems at
> all.
> --
> Just GNU it.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Port 6688 (napster?)

2001-01-18 Thread Jeff Lane

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> >  I am seeing a lot of denied connections to port 6688 on a friends firewall. 
> > Some kids installed napster on one of his machines yesterday, and all these 
> > denies are in the period that they downloaded mp3's, so I think these events 
> > are related. I looked over some portlists, and for napster port 6699 is 
> > mentioned, not 6688.
> >  So I am wondering if it is default behaviour for napster to try to establish 
> > a connection to the requesting machine, and if it indeed uses this port 6688.
> >
> That would be nice to know, 'cause I'm on an ISDN router and would like to
> share a few of my files, but can't apparently because the router is blocking
> that port... 
>   John

what client?  I was using the latest gnapster which allows port
selections.  I think the default is 6699, but you can change it in that
client at least. so it may be that they changed the port.  I didnt notice
any connects when I was on the napster servers...  but it could be a data
connection request for people who are requesting files from your

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