RH7.2: Cannot install GRUB or LILO to MBR, or anywhere else

2002-01-21 Thread Lorenzo Sandini

Linux install on a simple machine should be easier that Windoze, but
apparently not on my computer. I remember Mandrake 7 was smooth as butta',
but Mandrake 8.1 won't simply install and now Red Hat behaves in the same

I have a Highpoint 370 RAID controller, but I disabled it in the BIOS, so it
is not even
seen. My computer runs a PIII 1 GB CPU, with 512 MB RAM.

IDE1 master : IBM 60 GXP 40GB (new, unparitioned)
IDE1 slave : HP9300 CD-RW burner
IDE2 master: Creative DVD drive
IDE2 slave : none

IDE3& 4 on HPT370 disabled.

Graphics : ASUS V7700 AGP (probed correctly)
Monitor : Sony Multiscan 420GS (probed correctly)
Sound : Soundblaster Live
Network : NIC1 in DHCP for cable modem connection, NIC2 static for LAN.

I boot from the CD (DVD drive or HP9300 burner), choose a very simple
workstation KDE environment, autoformat on an
empty drive, (50MB ext3 for /boot; 2000MB ext3 fixed for /; and 1024MB for
swap; the remaining 36000 are free space.

I choose GRUB, to be installed on the MBR, but LILO has the same problem:

Up to now install exited ~randomly telling me "abnormal install
termination - receiving signal 11", but since I skip X configuration, the
install process goes 99.5% normal until install completes, and I am prompted
to create a boot floppy. Although there
is a formatted empty floppy in the drive, I get a message "boot floppy could
not be created", and all I can do is "skip the floppy creation", after what
I am prompted to reboot. However, nothing appears in the MBR either since
"operating system is not found" as I reboot. (boot sequence CDROM / HDD-0 /

Alternatively, the installation crashed exactly as I try to create the boot
floppy, and I was able to capture the anacdump.txt to the floppy I had
prepared for making my boot disk...

Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iutil.py", line 61, in execWithRedirect
raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run"
RuntimeError: /sbin/grub-install can not be run

I noticed a few tings in the "anacdump.txt" log (I will skip the normal
events, 99.5%). Apparently GRUB wasn't installed... along with some other
(critical ?) packages.

Do I have a bad CD ??? Any other idea ? I cleared the MBR a few times with a
win98 boot floppy (fdisk /mbr), and tried to install Mandrake8.1, which
writes LILO without problem to the MBR.

Any help very much appreciated !
Lorenzo Sandini

Installing modutils.

Installing ncurses.

unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/share/terminfo/a/att610-w;3c4b49fe:
cpio: read failed - Bad file descriptor

Installing info.


Installing grep.

Installing ash.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.64424: grep: command not found

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.64424: grep: command not found

Installing dhcpcd.

Installing grub.

Installing gzip.

Installing tar.

Installing tcsh.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.79131: grep: command not found

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.79131: grep: command not found

Installing textutils.

Installing dev.


Installing pygnome-libglade.

Installing qt.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.50836: grep: command not found

Installing tcl.


Installing sane-backends.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.59026: grep: command not found

Installing kdegraphics.


Installing bc.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.26795: grep: command not found

Installing dump.


Installing wine.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.78039: grep: command not found

Lorenzo Sandini
Kirurgian Klinikka
Kansanterveyden Tutkimuslaitos
Kuopion Yliopisto
70200 Kuopio
+358.17.162.940 (FAX)


Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-21 Thread Enrique Bory Simon

my frind you just need a good book  ;-)
. any way I'll try tomorrow, now is to late. I just say "me" because
here not a lot of people speak spanish,,, (i think soo) !!!

my regards

- Original Message -
From: "David Gonzalez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 2:00 PM

Originally to: Todos

* Originally in ESP.LINUX.REDES
* Copiado en LINUX
* Copiado en LISTS.REDHAT
* Copiado en LINUX-USER

¡Hola Todos! Que dices?.

Tengo la siguiente inquietud:

Estoy usando RedHat 7.1 con todos los componentes para Servidor y una
ESTA con windows 2000 server, la conexion a INET que tengo es por modem y la
paso a linux usando el winroute en el server. Internet funciona bien en
pero el correo No. que es otro problema pero la cosa es que tengo un dominio
dbbs.d2g.com y que la BBS, el FTP y el WWW entran a este pc pero quiero
redireccionar el trafico al puerto 23 del linux es decir habilite el puerto
para que al intentar acceder a este redirija las peticiones al puerto 23 de
maquina (el linux) pero siempre manda las peticiones al 23 de
este y
cuando hago telnet a checher.dbbs.d2g.com:2300 (el linux) no me responde ni

Quiero saber como se hace para rutear los puertos pq pondre el servidor HTTP
el FTP en linux pero no se como hacerlo porque asi como yo pensaba *NO ME

Tambien quiero saber como configuro el samba para poder compartir archivos y
el pc de liux en w2k y viceversa pero estuve mirando el smb.conf pero no he
podido hacer que ander quiero ayuda en esto.

Tambien quiero saber como debo hacer para poder hacer telnet desde linx a
internet porque tampoco me va siempre devuelve "no route to hsot" y no se
configurar linux para que *todo* vaya atraves del proxy en (el

Garcias por la ayuda


First i want to know how to map ports so that traffic coming from Inet to
linux machine on my network using RedHat 7.1 which enters thru
server using w2k server adn going trhu winroute to linux so taht anybody who
telnets to port 2300 on this machine be redirected to port 23 on the linux
machine 'cause on this machine port 23 is used by the BBS, How do i set up
or wiinroute so that i can do that adn this Q aslo applies to ports 80 and
21. i
have a domain dbbs.d2g.com this machine is server and the linux machine is
chechere but when i telnet chechere.dbbs.d2g.com there's no reponse it just
"no route to host" how could i solve this.

I also want to share files and printer but haven't been able to set up samba
browsed and modified smb.conf but there was no way to get it working i
Workgroup to SKYNETBBS whic is the group w2k server uses but no response i
see the linuc machine on My Network places.

I'll appreciate your help lots



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Re: Problema!

2002-01-21 Thread Enrique Bory Simon

for me , it's bad idea put the NIC in auto mode!, just fix the ehternet to
10 or 100 mbs, then try the mode, first with half duplex and after with full

try to gain a switch, not a "simple" hub !!!

check utp wiring!, is it tested  Try with a fluke

- in spanish ---
Para me , es una mala idea poner las targetas de red in modo automatico,
Ponlas a 10 o a  100 Mb, tambien trata con modo  half duplex y luego  full

compra switch, no hub !!

chequea el cableado!, esta probado. Con un fluke resuelves

Lic. Enrique Bory

- Original Message -
From: "David Gonzalez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Problema!

> Originally to: Todos
> * Originally in ESP.WINDOWS.NT
> * Copiado en LINUX
> * Copiado en LINUX-USER
> * Copiado en LISTS.REDHAT
> * Copiado en WINDOWS-NT
> * Copiado en ESP.LAN
> * Copiado en ESP.LINUX
> * Copiado en ESP.LINUX.REDES
> |Hola Todos! Que dices?.
> No se porque pero desde que puse mi red con serbvidor w2k server y
> Linux y la otra w98 no se como hacer para que en el HUB deje de mostrarme
> coaliciones si no hay nada de trafico.
> Tengo este pc con una trajeta 10/100 en modo automatico pero antes cuando
> tenia con una RTL8029AS era igual uso cable UTP Nivel 5 para conectar la
> Ethernet al HUb y el resto del cable es UTP nivel 3 el |HUB tb es 10BASE-T
> que no se cuales sean las causas.
> Agradezco su ayuda porque me urge el tema.
> --
> I've gotta server with S2k Server and 2 more worstations one with W2000
pro and
> the other with Win98 connected thru a 10baseT hub. this the server uses a
> Ethernet adapter with UTP level 5 cable to connect to the HUB and the
others use
> RTL8029AS 10Base-T cards connected with level 3 cable.
> The problem is that it's very slow and the HUB doesn't stop showin
collision as
> traffic goes thru and there's just the server sendding data to the w2k
> workstation.
> It's Urget to solve thsi problem so please help me ASAP.
> --
> The other problem i have is that i want to set up SAMBA or whichever is
used to
> connect windows and linux, i've tried to change /etc/samba/smb.conf with
> results. I changed the Workgroup to SKYNETBBS which is W2k group as i'm
> using Domain controller. I can't get it to work and it's not phisical
> ping is answered so what do i have to change?.
> TIA :)
> -+-
> >>Cordialmente:
> >David<
> http://skynetbbs.8m.com
> ... S==lo los peces muertos siguen la corriente del r|o
> <-> Gateway Information.
> This message originated from a Fidonet System (http://www.fidonet.org)
> and was gated at TCOB1 (http://www.tcob1.net)
> Please do not respond direct to this message but via the list
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-21 Thread David Gonzalez

Originally to: Todos

* Originally in ESP.LINUX.REDES
* Copiado en LINUX
* Copiado en LISTS.REDHAT
* Copiado en LINUX-USER

¡Hola Todos! Que dices?.

Tengo la siguiente inquietud:

Estoy usando RedHat 7.1 con todos los componentes para Servidor y una maquina 
ESTA con windows 2000 server, la conexion a INET que tengo es por modem y la 
paso a linux usando el winroute en el server. Internet funciona bien en linux 
pero el correo No. que es otro problema pero la cosa es que tengo un dominio 
dbbs.d2g.com y que la BBS, el FTP y el WWW entran a este pc pero quiero 
redireccionar el trafico al puerto 23 del linux es decir habilite el puerto 2300 
para que al intentar acceder a este redirija las peticiones al puerto 23 de la 
maquina (el linux) pero siempre manda las peticiones al 23 de este y 
cuando hago telnet a checher.dbbs.d2g.com:2300 (el linux) no me responde ni va 

Quiero saber como se hace para rutear los puertos pq pondre el servidor HTTP y 
el FTP en linux pero no se como hacerlo porque asi como yo pensaba *NO ME FUE*.

Tambien quiero saber como configuro el samba para poder compartir archivos y ver 
el pc de liux en w2k y viceversa pero estuve mirando el smb.conf pero no he 
podido hacer que ander quiero ayuda en esto.

Tambien quiero saber como debo hacer para poder hacer telnet desde linx a 
internet porque tampoco me va siempre devuelve "no route to hsot" y no se como 
configurar linux para que *todo* vaya atraves del proxy en (el de 

Garcias por la ayuda

First i want to know how to map ports so that traffic coming from Inet to the 
linux machine on my network using RedHat 7.1 which enters thru this 
server using w2k server adn going trhu winroute to linux so taht anybody who 
telnets to port 2300 on this machine be redirected to port 23 on the linux 
machine 'cause on this machine port 23 is used by the BBS, How do i set up linux 
or wiinroute so that i can do that adn this Q aslo applies to ports 80 and 21. i 
have a domain dbbs.d2g.com this machine is server and the linux machine is 
chechere but when i telnet chechere.dbbs.d2g.com there's no reponse it just says 
"no route to host" how could i solve this.

I also want to share files and printer but haven't been able to set up samba i 
browsed and modified smb.conf but there was no way to get it working i changed 
Workgroup to SKYNETBBS whic is the group w2k server uses but no response i can't 
see the linuc machine on My Network places.

I'll appreciate your help lots



... En la paz se cuelga a los ladrones, en la guerra se les honra.
<-> Gateway Information.
This message originated from a Fidonet System (http://www.fidonet.org)
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2002-01-21 Thread David Gonzalez

Originally to: Todos

* Originally in ESP.WINDOWS.NT
* Copiado en LINUX
* Copiado en LINUX-USER
* Copiado en LISTS.REDHAT
* Copiado en WINDOWS-NT
* Copiado en ESP.LAN
* Copiado en ESP.LINUX
* Copiado en ESP.LINUX.REDES
|Hola Todos! Que dices?.

No se porque pero desde que puse mi red con serbvidor w2k server y termianles 
Linux y la otra w98 no se como hacer para que en el HUB deje de mostrarme 
coaliciones si no hay nada de trafico.

Tengo este pc con una trajeta 10/100 en modo automatico pero antes cuando lo 
tenia con una RTL8029AS era igual uso cable UTP Nivel 5 para conectar la Faste 
Ethernet al HUb y el resto del cable es UTP nivel 3 el |HUB tb es 10BASE-T asi 
que no se cuales sean las causas.

Agradezco su ayuda porque me urge el tema.

I've gotta server with S2k Server and 2 more worstations one with W2000 pro and 
the other with Win98 connected thru a 10baseT hub. this the server uses a Fast 
Ethernet adapter with UTP level 5 cable to connect to the HUB and the others use 
RTL8029AS 10Base-T cards connected with level 3 cable.

The problem is that it's very slow and the HUB doesn't stop showin collision as 
traffic goes thru and there's just the server sendding data to the w2k 

It's Urget to solve thsi problem so please help me ASAP.

The other problem i have is that i want to set up SAMBA or whichever is used to 
connect windows and linux, i've tried to change /etc/samba/smb.conf with no 
results. I changed the Workgroup to SKYNETBBS which is W2k group as i'm not 
using Domain controller. I can't get it to work and it's not phisical c'ause 
ping is answered so what do i have to change?.

TIA :)


... S==lo los peces muertos siguen la corriente del r|o
<-> Gateway Information.
This message originated from a Fidonet System (http://www.fidonet.org)
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Please do not respond direct to this message but via the list

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2002-01-21 Thread gary

Dear all,

I just started to explore to fetchmail
Any good/advise where can I get started from


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Re: Overriding original directory structure

2002-01-21 Thread Manuel A. Camacho Q.

Matthew Melvin wrote:

> I think just leave off the second {} so you give it the target dir and the
> target name is infered.  So...
> find /mnt/cdrom -type f -exec cp {} /home/BigDog/files/source/ \;

It is doing great. I just added an extra redirection of standard error
to an errorfile.



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Monte Milanuk

On Monday 21 January 2002 12:56, daniel wrote:
> i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
> since going that route apparently gives you total control
>   i can't speak from experience there though
> i CAN however speak of SuSE
> in a phrase: don't like it
> everything in the os is "special"
> programs and config files are kept in odd places
> and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as well

That's interesting.  Oddly enough, SuSE claims to be the most LSB compliant 
distro out there.  So who has the files in weird places now?  I will agree, 
though, that it (SuSE) does give the impression that changes had better be 
made w/ their special tools, or else.  In fact, there is an option to disable 
the SuSEconfig tool, but it specifically states not to come to them for 
support after turning it off and mucking up your system.  6 one way, half a 
dozen another, as far as I'm concerned.



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Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: try freebsd or openbsd

2002-01-21 Thread Manuel A. Camacho Q.

I bought FreeBSD 3.2 in 1999. Still have not found any hardware capable
of running it. It was really frustrating...


adrian kok wrote:
> Try Freebsd or openbsd
> They are stable and secure
> >  If one were to move from, say, Red Hat to another
> distro, what would be
> the most similar, and easiest to accomplish?
> --
> John P. Verel
> Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!
> ___
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> Get your free @yahoo.com.hk address at http://mail.english.yahoo.com.hk
> ___
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Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Manuel A. Camacho Q.

Trond, if I were a RH employee, I would take this chance to understand
not only how the AOL aquisition of RH would affect the customers we
*already* have, but also what is the real competitive advantage of the
company and/or product.

Haven't anyone wondered yet why, if so many ppl in this thread is saying
positive things about other distros, they still use RH? What haven't the
competitors done so far that this ppl are still RHs customers? How close
are the competitors to achieve what the customers expect from a superior

I just think it is nice to look at things from a couple of different
perspectives, and take advantage from the available information.


P.D.: I think Linux From Scratch is a good option. So you wont be
depending on any specific distribution.

Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> nit etc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > --- Trond Eivind Glomsrød <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > > If one were to move from, say, Red Hat to another
> > > distro, what would be
> > > > the most similar, and easiest to accomplish?
> > >
> > > That's a very inapproriate question on this list.
> >
> > I disagree. The author of the email wants to know of
> > other distributions that are similar to 'Redhat', and
> > that sounds pretty on-topic to me.
> >
> > I see that you are an employee of Redhat. I'd be
> > careful of such comments if I were you; you wouldn't
> > want something on Slashdot or Linuxtoday with the
> > topic of "Redhat censors their mailing lists"
> We don't. But switching away from RHL is, IMNSHO, better discussed on
> non-RH lists.
> --
> Trond Eivind Glomsrød
> Red Hat, Inc.
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Overriding original directory structure

2002-01-21 Thread Matthew Melvin

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 at 10:48pm (-0600), Manuel A. Camacho Q. wrote:

> I need to copy files from different directories in a CD-ROM to a single
> directory in my hard drive.
> So far, I tried with:
> find /mnt/cdrom/ -name * -type f -exec cp {}
> /home/BigDog/files/source/{} \;
> but I get errors as this try to create 
> /home/.../source//mnt/cdrom/.../filename
> (yes, it tries to preserve the orignal directory structure with a double
> /)

I think just leave off the second {} so you give it the target dir and the 
target name is infered.  So...

find /mnt/cdrom -type f -exec cp {} /home/BigDog/files/source/ \;


P.S.  I doubt '-name *' is what you want... since it expands to match what
ever files are in the dir where you run the command from... and if there 
were no files in your current workding dir.. * matches everything so is the 
same as giving no -name argument at all.

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Redhat-list mailing list

Overriding original directory structure

2002-01-21 Thread Manuel A. Camacho Q.

I need to copy files from different directories in a CD-ROM to a single
directory in my hard drive.

So far, I tried with:

find /mnt/cdrom/ -name * -type f -exec cp {}
/home/BigDog/files/source/{} \;

but I get errors as this try to create 


(yes, it tries to preserve the orignal directory structure with a double

I tried the cp and mv commands, but they preserve the directory
structure of the original files (i.e.

I have thought about using tar and gzip, but as far as I have read, both
commands will keep the original directory structure.

Any idea?



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Errata - How do I subscribe

2002-01-21 Thread Pieter De Wit

Re: Errata - How do I subscribeI think this is what Iam looking forwill
subscibe and see ! :)


- Original Message -
From: J Hayward
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: Errata - How do I subscribe

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 12:53, Pieter De Wit wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Is there a mailing list for errata ? How do I subscribe to it ?
> Thanks,
> Pieter De Wit
Do you mean you wish to be notified whenever updates are released? If
that is what you mean you can sign up here.
If you are looking for a list of bugs in Red Hat Linux, not that there
are any, ;-) look here.
Jim H

Redhat-list mailing list

windows messenger talk

2002-01-21 Thread Hyung Kim

I was just wondering if anyone has managed to get
windows messenger "talk" or "whiteboard" to work
behind a router running iptables?

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Re: rpm bug on 7.2? solved. sound server?

2002-01-21 Thread Lewi

thank you all of you, the problem solved,

now my sound server is the problem,
when i plays mp3 in the console and then another user login want to play mp3 too in 
the another computer in network,
it' possible??
if i want to hear music at server speaker or client speaker?
because when i try to hear from server both of them, then music can not play
how about from client speaker, how can i do it?

i use Sound Blaster Live value on my enigma

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 04:23:08PM -0500, Statux wrote:
> Ok.. solution is: Think before you do :)
> Why would you be hitting ctrl+c during an RPM install anyway? You were the 
> one who opted to have it installed in the first place. If you break it 
> half way through, you can possibly corrupt the RPM database, among other 
> things. You might want to try something like "rpm --rebuilddb" to undo 
> some damage you may have done.
> On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Lewi wrote:
> > i recently receive this error while install from rpm
> > error: db3 error(-30998) from db->close: DB_INCOMPLETE: Cache flush was unable to 
> > 
> > rpmdb: Unreferenced page 5783
> > error: db3 error(-30985) from db->verify: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification 
> > 
> > this problem occured when i press Ctrl+C to cancel while installation from rpm 
> > then when i want continue, the problem start
> > and then i try rpm -qa, the rpm listing is hang
> > i think that default rpm database is still open while i press Ctrl+C,
> > so when i try rpm -qa --dpath /usr/lib/rpmdb/i386-redhat-linux/redhat/
> > no problem
> > 
> > 
> > why? does someone have same experience with me?
> > 
> > 
> > i use 7.2,
> > with all updates
> > i must restart my enigma to resolve this problem :(
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> -Statux
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help installing rpm's a simple terms ...

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz) wrote:

>On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tracker wrote:
>>well it is installed, I just have to configure and it doesnt have the 
>>correct module or something like that to configure..here is what I got
>>copy and paste doesnt work.. sorry
>Are you getting the error when running the vmware-config.pl script?  What
>version of VMWare are you running?  VMWare Workstation 3.0?  Did you install
>on Red Hat Linux 7.2?
>You may want to read this too:
I am running  VMware 3.0 and have downloaded the modules.. but as the su 
running the config.pl it says the 63 memory is not supported? Should I 
try and use the 7.1 or early version of vmware?>

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help installing rpm's a simple terms ...

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tracker wrote:

> well it is installed, I just have to configure and it doesnt have the 
> correct module or something like that to configure..here is what I got
> copy and paste doesnt work.. sorry

Are you getting the error when running the vmware-config.pl script?  What
version of VMWare are you running?  VMWare Workstation 3.0?  Did you install
on Red Hat Linux 7.2?

You may want to read this too:



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Re: ISDN Terminal adapter Support for 7.2

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Graeme Jensen wrote:

>Does anyone know where I can find information about configuring an ISDN
>Terminal Adapter for REDHAT 7.2.  Is Red Hat not compatible with such
>peripherals??  I have actually got it to connect once but couldn't get back
>on again, despite not changing the settings. Have been messing around with
>the settings ever since but still no luck.  Have even reinstalled a few
>times.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Please Help me out.  I've been
>battling this for months.

Internal or external?  Externals are easy.  You just need to crank up 
the port speed and feed it both phone numbers, if applicable.  Other 
than that, it works just like a modem.  I have scripts that can set 
that up for you if you need them.

If it's an internal card, I can't help you, sorry.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Bret Hughes

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 20:53, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 09:18:55PM -0500, Jim Bija wrote:
> > All i know is the first time i install a desktop intall of RHL and i
> > see or hear "You've got mail" ill be downloading and learning some
> > other distro. I
> Well in bash, it's actually "You have mail." What is the default shell
> in AOL?

Now that is funny.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help installing rpm's a simple terms ...

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

Tracker wrote:

> Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz) wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tracker wrote:

 come someone direct me on how to install this vmware rpm please

>> What did you try?  What problems are you running into?  When I 
>> installed it,
>> a simplre 'rpm -Uvh ' worked fine. 
> well it is installed, I just have to configure and it doesnt have the 
> correct module or something like that to configure..here is what I got
> copy and paste doesnt work.. sorry
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
i hit the vmware & and  it says I have to config it.. so I hit 
vmware-config.p and it says that the modules is not foudnt that I need>

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: "/" ( /dev/hda1 ) Out of diskspace...help!

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, john-paul delaney wrote:

> Hello List...
> df -h shows that my /dev/hda1 has 0 space availability:
> Filesystem  Size   Used   Avail Use%  Mounted on
> /dev/hda1   484M   485M   0 100%  /
> However there's only one file left on the root directory (rhinstall-stage2.img: 
> 106MB).
> I had moved any others off to another partition (though the sum of their size 
> was only 200Mb)
> I don't understand what's filling up the space?  And how do I free it up?
> Thanks for any assistance...
> /j-p.

Are you sure you moved _everything_ out of that directory?  It seems to me 
that you may be confusing the concepts of directory, partitions and file
systems although I may be completely misunderstanding you.  If that's the
case, my apologies.

What's the _complete_ output of the 'df -h' command?  I'd say you are simply
moving files from "/" to, say, "/usr", but _both_ are actually mounted on the
root filesystem.  Does it make any sense?  The "mounted on" does not mean
that you have a whole partition mounted on a single directory.  It is mounted
on that directory and subdirectories too, and this includes /usr, /var, /tmp,
etc.  If that's the case, simply moving files from / to /usr would not save
any space at all.  


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ISDN Terminal adapter Support for 7.2

2002-01-21 Thread Graeme Jensen
Does anyone know where I can find information about configuring an ISDN
Terminal Adapter for REDHAT 7.2.  Is Red Hat not compatible with such
peripherals??  I have actually got it to connect once but couldn't get back
on again, despite not changing the settings. Have been messing around with
the settings ever since but still no luck.  Have even reinstalled a few
times.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Please Help me out.  I've been
battling this for months.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Telnet Banner but no prompt to login to - PLEASE help

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Jim VanEtten wrote:

> A few days ago my Redhat 6.0 server stopped letting me connect via SSH. I tried 
>connecting via telnet but that too did not let me in. I rebooted but still no 
>connection. The Banner comes up but there is no login prompt. I checked my 
>hosts.allow and hosts.deny files and they are all in order. I can FTP to the server 
>and do everything else as before just no shell access.
> I got a strace (attached to email) from one of my attempts to login but have no idea 
>how to read it. Would someone take a quick look at this strace and give me an idea of 
>what the problem could be. Like I said everything is working but I cannot get remote 
>shell access.
> Thanks
> Jim VE   

Can you think of any reason as to why nscd is returning the following error?

connect(6, {sun_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/var/run/.nscd_socket"}, 110) = -1 
ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)

Also, are you in a NIS environment by any chance?  I can see several system 
calls that involve a NIS configuration.  Are you running 'nscd'?  Check it 
out with 'ps auxw | grep nscd' for instance.  


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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Hal Burgiss

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 09:18:55PM -0500, Jim Bija wrote:
> All i know is the first time i install a desktop intall of RHL and i
> see or hear "You've got mail" ill be downloading and learning some
> other distro. I

Well in bash, it's actually "You have mail." What is the default shell
in AOL?

Hal Burgiss

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help installing rpm's a simple terms ...

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz) wrote:

>On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tracker wrote:
>>>come someone direct me on how to install this vmware rpm please
>What did you try?  What problems are you running into?  When I installed it,
>a simplre 'rpm -Uvh ' worked fine.  
well it is installed, I just have to configure and it doesnt have the 
correct module or something like that to configure..here is what I got

copy and paste doesnt work.. sorry

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-21 Thread Bret Hughes

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 18:09, Tracker wrote:
> Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux 
> rh7.2?

yep.  I am running 98 right now in a window on another desktop using
win4lin.  Sony Vaio PCGFXA32 800MHz duron laptop.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re[2]: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Brian Ashe wrote:

> I love when people make predictions that have already come true. AOL has had
> a Linux version for quite some time. It just hasn't been in wide
> circulation.
> AOL & Gateway to make Linux based set-top-box (with AOL on it)
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/1/14619.html
> Get the original AOL for Linux Alpha here (site no longer has it but this is
> the archive)
> http://web.archive.org/web/20001215092600/www.techpages.com/linux.htm
> Have fun,

Didn't they recently announced that this product would be discontinued though?
I'm referring to the AOL & Gateway set-top box.  


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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help installing rpm's a simple terms ...

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tracker wrote:

> >
> >
> >come someone direct me on how to install this vmware rpm please
> >

What did you try?  What problems are you running into?  When I installed it,
a simplre 'rpm -Uvh ' worked fine.  


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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Jim Bija wrote:

> All i know is the first time i install a desktop intall of RHL and i see or
> hear "You've got mail" ill be downloading and learning some other distro. I
> hear Debian is pretty good.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Jim. (a store bought owner/supporter of RHL since 5.2, and yes i have access
> to a t1 and a burner, no i didnt need to buy it)

Their installation is not so easy though, and it also takes a while to get
used to the other Debian-only tools.  I have to acknowledge though that their
apt-get kicks ass.  All in all, it needs some polish and I cannot see most
newbies feeling too comfortable with Debian.  


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Redhat-list mailing list

Re[2]: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Brian Ashe

Hello Devon,

Monday, January 21, 2002, 9:06:06 PM, you textually orated:

D> Oddly enough, CNN reported something along these lines earlier.

D> AOL will stun the world by releasing a beta AOL client for Linux. (AOL
D> Time Warner is the parent company of CNN.com.) This event will be marked 
D> by both howls of protest and celebration. Command-line interface (CLI) 
D> diehards will proclaim it to be the death of Linux. Most will simply 
D> acknowledge its growing popularity.
D> - - End quote.

I love when people make predictions that have already come true. AOL has had
a Linux version for quite some time. It just hasn't been in wide

AOL & Gateway to make Linux based set-top-box (with AOL on it)

Get the original AOL for Linux Alpha here (site no longer has it but this is
the archive)

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

Redhat-list mailing list

help installing rpm's a simple terms ...

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

>come someone direct me on how to install this vmware rpm please

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Jim Bija

All i know is the first time i install a desktop intall of RHL and i see or
hear "You've got mail" ill be downloading and learning some other distro. I
hear Debian is pretty good.
Just my 2 cents.
Jim. (a store bought owner/supporter of RHL since 5.2, and yes i have access
to a t1 and a burner, no i didnt need to buy it)

- Original Message -
From: "Devon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 21 January 2002 12:00 pm, Chuck Mead wrote:
> > On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Chris Montgomery posted the following:
> >
> > CM>There's a link to the story on the Reuters home page, under
> > Technology, so CM>I would say it's legit. http://www.reuters.com
> >
> > it's also found its way on to cnn.com!
> >
> > http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/industry/01/21/aol.red.hat.ap/index.html
> Both articles quote the initial report in the Washington Post as their
> sole source, however.
> Oddly enough, CNN reported something along these lines earlier.
> On December 31, 2001. :)
> It wasn't a merger the author predicted, but still...
> In their top 10 linux predictions for 2002, available at
> http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/industry/12/31/linux.predictions.idg/
> I quote:
> - --
> 8. You have (secure) mail
> AOL will stun the world by releasing a beta AOL client for Linux. (AOL
> Time Warner is the parent company of CNN.com.) This event will be marked
> by both howls of protest and celebration. Command-line interface (CLI)
> diehards will proclaim it to be the death of Linux. Most will simply
> acknowledge its growing popularity.
> - - End quote.
> My own (tongue in cheek) prediction:
> Personally, I think the merger talks are a diversion. They are really
> working out a marketing deal that puts an AOL icon on the default
> desktop.  Purchase of the Red Hat Linux (version X.P.) boxed set will
> include 2000 free hours of AOL service. Every time you insert one of the
> install CD's, you'll be asked if you are sure you don't want to subscribe
> to AOL. Each time you refuse to install it, another install CD will
> automatically appear in your mailbox, your cereal box, stuffed inside
> your morning paper.. along with a note saying, "Resistance is futile,
> you will be assimilated."
> Since this thread isn't going to just die on it's own, I figured I might
> as well quit trying to ignore it and have a little fun. :)
> - -D
> - --
> pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/pgpkey.txt
> - --
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> iD8DBQE8TMkOeMAUbzJhSVcRAl9aAKCYQQ7OzK3LaSwgYlRSxoj0k4ivpACfUt4Z
> vAfcreouxl+Xp/5q+7e6AyQ=
> =FgWA
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Now can we move on...

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

Brian Ashe wrote:

>Hello All,
>Gee, it looks like that was a lot to do about nothing.
>Have fun,

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Devon

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 21 January 2002 12:00 pm, Chuck Mead wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Chris Montgomery posted the following:
> CM>There's a link to the story on the Reuters home page, under
> Technology, so CM>I would say it's legit. http://www.reuters.com
> it's also found its way on to cnn.com!
> http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/industry/01/21/aol.red.hat.ap/index.html

Both articles quote the initial report in the Washington Post as their 
sole source, however.

Oddly enough, CNN reported something along these lines earlier.

On December 31, 2001. :)

It wasn't a merger the author predicted, but still...

In their top 10 linux predictions for 2002, available at 

I quote:
- --
8. You have (secure) mail

AOL will stun the world by releasing a beta AOL client for Linux. (AOL 
Time Warner is the parent company of CNN.com.) This event will be marked 
by both howls of protest and celebration. Command-line interface (CLI) 
diehards will proclaim it to be the death of Linux. Most will simply 
acknowledge its growing popularity.
- - End quote.

My own (tongue in cheek) prediction:

Personally, I think the merger talks are a diversion. They are really 
working out a marketing deal that puts an AOL icon on the default 
desktop.  Purchase of the Red Hat Linux (version X.P.) boxed set will 
include 2000 free hours of AOL service. Every time you insert one of the 
install CD's, you'll be asked if you are sure you don't want to subscribe 
to AOL. Each time you refuse to install it, another install CD will 
automatically appear in your mailbox, your cereal box, stuffed inside 
your morning paper.. along with a note saying, "Resistance is futile, 
you will be assimilated."

Since this thread isn't going to just die on it's own, I figured I might 
as well quit trying to ignore it and have a little fun. :)

- -D

- -- 

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/pgpkey.txt

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz) wrote:

> ... or maybe (and I'd like this idea way better than the one where AOL outright
> purchases Red Hat), they are simply negotiating a "strategical agreement" where
> AOL can "leverage" Red Hat's expertise to develop set-top boxes for American
> homes in order to fight Microsoft's expansion into other fields such as online
> access (MSN), online content (MSNBC, among others), gaming (the X-box), etc.
> Now, that could something to get excited about... although it's anybody's
> guess whether it would work or not.

Well, merely one hour after I sent this message to the queue CNet News
published the following:


Like I said, this makes more sense to me.  Basically, the whole thing boils
down to:

o "Sources familiar with the situation emphatically insisted the two 
  companies are not near an acquisition deal, nor have they discussed one."

o "Still, even if the two companies are not considering a merger, AOL 
  Time Warner could license Red Hat for use on PCs or other devices for use 
  with its online service."

Something like this would still be great news for Red Hat (especially since
they have been pushing their toolkit for embedded devices lately) and would
still keep the company's independence as we all like it.  On the other hand,
when it comes to AOL it seems to me that they have already seen the writing
in the wall, just like Netscape did several years ago.  If Microsoft's 
monopoly in the desktop market is left untouched (and the latest news we
got from the DOJ vs. Microsoft case seem to point in that direction), they'd
better figure out a way to steal market share from Windows XP et alii or
Microsoft will also end up imposing its own MSN and related applications in
that market.  

Summing up, it seems to me that we are not witnessing an acquisition but
rather a "strategical partnership".  


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Redhat-list mailing list

Now can we move on...

2002-01-21 Thread Brian Ashe

Hello All,

Gee, it looks like that was a lot to do about nothing.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

Redhat-list mailing list

Ping would be a start

2002-01-21 Thread cbsled

I'm trying to set up a router for a LAN to cable modem connection, by Wednesday. The 
box is an old 486dx4-100. I have installed RH 7.1 using the Server installation class. 
The network where this will be installed is at another location, so setup and testing 
there will have to wait. 

The current problem is that I can't get a ping out of it.
The ethernet cards are both Linksys ISA "Ether16 LAN Card".
The installation did not detect them, but they were detected by kudzu and configured 
on the reboot.
They are set with pnp enabled.
They are started at boot. (eth0 fails because it is set to use DHCP, and is not hooked 
to anything yet)

lsmod reports ne loaded, I assume this is the correct module.
Module  SizeUsedby
autofs  11008   1  (autoclean)
ne  70081  (autoclean)
839063040  (autoclean) [ne]
ipchains36128   0  (unused)

isapnp detects the cards, according to dmesg:
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: Card 'Ethernet PnP ISA Card /S'
isapnp: Card 'Ethernet PnP ISA Card /S'
isapnp: 2 Plug & Play cards detected total
ne then detects them:
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x240, using IRQ 5.
eth1: NE2000 found at 0x260, using IRQ 10.
 this is followed by a long string of Tx timeouts, eg:
NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit timed out
eth0: Tx timed out, lost interrupt? TSR=0x43, ISR=0x3, t=1110.

I'm sure that is because it's not connected to anything.

cat /proc/interrupts says:

5:  0   XT-PIC  NE2000
10: 1   XT-PIC  NE2000

(There are no conflicts)

cat /proc/ioports says:

0213-0213 : isapnp read
0240-025f : eth0
0260-027f : eth1
02f8-02ff : serial(auto)

The IP address for eth1 is set to (for now)

ping -c 10 -I eth1 

(my laptop) returns :

PING ( from eth1: 56(84) bytes of data.

>From Destination Host unreachable.

Ping from the laptop to reports "Host is down"

The PWR/Tx indicator on the card shows power on and flashes on the outgoing pings.
The LNK/rx indicator on the card shows connected and flashes on the outgoing pings.
The LNK/rx indicator on the card flashes on the incoming pings.
The two machines are connected with a functional crossover cable.
The laptop/cable combination works with another machine.
All indications show a functional setup, but it doesn't work.


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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Which Red Hat distro for 2.2.x?

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

7.0 and 7.1 came with 2.2.x kernels.

On 21 Jan 2002, David Krovich wrote:

>   Which Red Hat distro should I run if I want the 2.2.x kernel?
>   Is using Red Hat 7.2 with your own compiled 2.2.x kernel a bad idea?
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Which Red Hat distro for 2.2.x?

2002-01-21 Thread Ed Wilts

From: "David Krovich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Which Red Hat distro should I run if I want the 2.2.x kernel?

We're still quite happy running RH 6.2 at work on a half-dozen systems, and
I suspect so are many, many other users.  I don't know what the official
release support termination date is though.  I would guess that Red Hat will
not stop supporting the 2.2.x-based releases until well after the 2.4 kernel
has really, really stabilized, and I don't think it's there for everybody

Ed Wilts
Mounds View, MN, USA

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-21 Thread Ed Wilts

From: "Tracker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ed Wilts wrote:
> >>Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux
> >>rh7.2?
> >>
> >
> >Yes, you'll need to run VMware.  It's commercial, available from
> >http://www.vmware.com.  There is a free demo there.
> >
> is there any kinda draw backs\

Not really.  The biggest problem I've found is that if a new kernel comes
out, you'll have to rebuild the VMware modules.  Not a big problem for minor
release as long as you've got the development tools on your system.  If you
like to be on the bleeding of kernels, then VMware is probably not for you.
VMware did take a while to support RH 7.2 - typically the beta release are
not supported but the production releases usually are.

Another problem I found was with the device sharing.  You can't share the
same device between operating systems so you might have to do some juggling
if you have some USB devices that you want supported on Linux and not on
VMware or if you want to ensure that other plug-and-play devices are only
accessible from one OS.  Also, I don't believe that MIDI devices are
supported (they weren't in 2.0 and I can't remember if they are in 3.0).   I
primarily bought VMware to run some Windows applications that just aren't
there in Linux yet and it was working fine for that.

I no longer have the system I originally bought VMware for and I don't need
it for my server, so I'm willing to sell my copy of VMware 3.0.  Contact me
via e-mail if you're interested.

Ed Wilts
Mounds View, MN, USA

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: checking ports [FIXED]

2002-01-21 Thread Hidong Kim

David Talkington wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hidong Kim wrote:
> >Using this command, I saw that vmware-smbd was running on port 139.
> >After I rebooted the Samba server, I started VMware to turn on my
> >virtual Windows 2000 machine.  It must've grabbed this port before I
> >started Samba.  Now I have Samba running again.  Thanks,
> You got your local connection problem fixed too?  Glad it worked out.


The local connection problem got fixed, too.  I guess vmware-smbd
sitting on port 139 was the problem all along.  Thanks,


Redhat-list mailing list

Which Red Hat distro for 2.2.x?

2002-01-21 Thread David Krovich

Which Red Hat distro should I run if I want the 2.2.x kernel?

Is using Red Hat 7.2 with your own compiled 2.2.x kernel a bad idea?

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Errata - How do I subscribe

2002-01-21 Thread J Hayward

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 12:53, Pieter De Wit wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Is there a mailing list for errata ? How do I subscribe to it ?
> Thanks,
> Pieter De Wit

Do you mean you wish to be notified whenever updates are released? If
that is what you mean you can sign up here.


If you are looking for a list of bugs in Red Hat Linux, not that there
are any, ;-) look here.


Jim H

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: OT: digging up an old chestnut

2002-01-21 Thread Ben Logan


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

Would you *__really* want to get on a non-stop flight?
-- George Carlin

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

R P Herrold wrote:

>> * Trond Eivind Glomsrød said
>> > That's a very inapproriate question on this list. 
>> Why?
>> In light of other threads expressing the fears of many RH users about
>> this RH/AOL malarky I think it's *very* relevant.
>... It is rude and offensive here, no different than
>propositioning the chaste hostess: "Want to f*ck at a motel?"  
>at a formal dinner party in the presence of her husband.
>There are plenty of other venue to ply such troll-ish conduct
>in.  Begone to them.

This is silly, folks.  I will agree that the tone of some posts to
this thread has been quite rude, and that much of the bleating was of
the unenlightened, kneejerk variety.  But I hardly think, since
community volunteers carry much of the weight of the support duties
here, that it's any less rude to suggest that we should not speak our
minds freely, or that the original question was inappropriate.

Quality speaks for itself.  For as long as Red Hat maintains its
standards, the community isn't going anywhere, and I'll continue to
buy my copy every 6 months.  I don't see anything wrong with
periodically questioning our vendor decisions, and I think it's
equally valuable for Red Hat to witness the discussions, even if
they're occasionally rude and uncalled for.  You can sometimes learn
as much from your thoughtful detractors as from your fans.

That is my humble opinion.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

Sure...if you get a copy of something like VMWare or Win4Lin.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Tracker wrote:

> Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux 
> rh7.2?
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread R P Herrold

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:

> * Trond Eivind Glomsrød said

> > That's a very inapproriate question on this list. 
> Why?
> In light of other threads expressing the fears of many RH users about
> this RH/AOL malarky I think it's *very* relevant.

... It is rude and offensive here, no different than
propositioning the chaste hostess: "Want to f*ck at a motel?"  
at a formal dinner party in the presence of her husband.

There are plenty of other venue to ply such troll-ish conduct
in.  Begone to them.


  Why is an AOL ownership of RH scary?  They are spending the
market cap (1.6B$) not to kill Red Hat -- AOL is trying to
spend to avoid being killed (bled to death; having its air
supply cut off) by MS.

They (AOL) are trying to buy RH to roll what they consider a
mature OS onto desktops, selling a service -- Consider the 
marketing pitch:

For your AOL $25 a month, you NOW get a free selection of
polished word processor, spreadsheet, Photoshop, local games
(FreeCell), network games (a la EverQuest) ...  which inter op
with and look just like the MS or Adobe product.  Along with
Web and email and universal IRC/Chat Rooms.  They are already
used to pipe-lineing updates during a session, and so it
self-maintains as part of the bundle, for 'free'.  And it 
never crashes.


-- IF Charlotte were wiped off the Earth tomorrow, I'd start
selling Owl River Linux two weeks later, and with 90 % of the
RH featureset (including an automated backend development
operation support) off the bat.  I'd offer to hire (or a piece
of the action in a partnership, a la the accountancy firms)
the best and the brightest Red Hat'ians left -- They're not
hard to find -- they each sign their commits in Changelogs
every day (unlike other vendors); In working with them, I
find they are a unusually _nice_ group of people.

I mirror and archive all sources, and have for years -- and I
am not alone.  RH is a good GPL citizen (probably the best of
the commercial packagers), and the GPL builds on itself

-- Russ Herrold

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

Ed Wilts wrote:

>>Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux
>Yes, you'll need to run VMware.  It's commercial, available from
>http://www.vmware.com.  There is a free demo there.
>Ed Wilts
>Mounds View, MN, USA
>Redhat-list mailing list
is there any kinda draw backs\

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Running 2 copies of Apache

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Joe Bifano wrote:

>Is it okay or possible to run 2 seperate copies of apache on my development
>server?  I have a live site now that uses apache with SuExec and we are
>devolping a new site using mod_perl. If yes is there any good documnetation
>on this on the net.

Of course you can, but you'll have to put one of them on a
non-standard port.  Or put them both on non-standard ports, and then
link to them from an index page at port 80 so your customers don't
have to remember the port number.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Another distro? No!

2002-01-21 Thread John P Verel

I note that exactly 3 years ago today I bought my boxed Red Hat 5.2
set at J&R Computer World in lower Manhattan.  (I note that I've
since survived 6 upgrades ;)

I note that about 2.5 years  I read Bob Young's essay in. "Open
Sources" (O'Reilly, 1999).

I note that 17 months ago I bought (and still own) Red Hat stock.

Notice a pattern?  I'm a believer in Red Hat.  I have no interest in
another distro.  Nor in AOL.

Go Red Hat...and fellow listers!


John P. Verel
Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-21 Thread Ed Wilts

> Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux
> rh7.2?

Yes, you'll need to run VMware.  It's commercial, available from
http://www.vmware.com.  There is a free demo there.


Ed Wilts
Mounds View, MN, USA

Redhat-list mailing list

Usen windows within linux.. is the question

2002-01-21 Thread Tracker

Is it possiable to install and or operate windows98se from within linux 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: OT: Suggestions for web-based editor for users?

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Michael wrote:

>Sorry for the OT guys but I've been browsing for a few hours now to no avail. 
>I'm searching for a  tool that will allow my users to edit/create/delete 
>webpage via IE or Netscape on my RH box. 
>I found some of those community builders but not really looking for that. If 
>anyone has experience with this area I would really appreciate some 

Well, what exactly _are_ you looking for?  Wiki is great for this.  
You might also poke your nose into the W3C site and see what Amaya and 
Jigsaw look like these days.


- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Simple routing problem

2002-01-21 Thread Ben Logan is mach1; and are mach2.  I see
that I srewed up in my first message, and put as mach2's
eth0 IP instead of  If it weren't for typos, I'd have no
typing at all! :)

The problem is fixed now.  When I went to bed last night, I shut down
mach4 (the one running muLinux).  When I booted it again this morning,
the network problem was gone.  None of the routes changed, so I'm not
sure what the deal was.

Thanks for your help,

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:52:45AM -0600, dave brett wrote:
> Hi Ben
> Do you have the routing table for The second thing both
> mach1 and mach2 have the same ip address  My guess is mach2
> is supposed to have
> You will need IP forwarding on all the boxes except mach4 as well.
> david

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed.  It is not fair that some men
should be happier than others.
-- Oscar Wilde

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Mike Burger wrote:

>I don't know about earlier releases, but Enigma (7.2) comes with 
>showkey...I just ran it here.

Well, smack me with a limp noodle.  It does indeed.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

showkey does better, but you have to actually be at a text console...term 
doesn't fly.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Daniel L Quigley-Skillin wrote:

> Run it from an xterm.  You'll see the info in the term.
> D-
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike Burger
> > Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 6:38 PM
> > To: RedHat List
> > Subject: Re: laptop extra keys
> > 
> > 
> > Where should I see input while running xev?  All I see is a 
> > small window 
> > with a big box in its upper left corner.
> > 
> > On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, David Talkington wrote:
> > 
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > > 
> > > Ben Logan wrote:
> > > 
> > > >Run 'xev' to get the keycode.
> > > 
> > > Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that ... thank you for the tip.
> > > 
> > > - -d
> > > 
> > > - --
> > > David Talkington
> > > 
> > > PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> > > - --
> > > http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/pale_blue_dot.html
> > > 
> > > Version: PGP 6.5.8
> > > Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> > > 
> > > iQA/AwUBPEyc6b9BpdPKTBGtEQIxSwCg9aAiRgl6bdOS+/9HRwlifPgnPQwAoLIE
> > > FGIn+gxBXcgtR1wn81gkzhVZ
> > > =ccS+
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > Redhat-list mailing list
> > > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/re> dhat-list
> > 
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

OT: Suggestions for web-based editor for users?

2002-01-21 Thread Michael

Sorry for the OT guys but I've been browsing for a few hours now to no avail. 
I'm searching for a  tool that will allow my users to edit/create/delete 
webpage via IE or Netscape on my RH box. 

I found some of those community builders but not really looking for that. If 
anyone has experience with this area I would really appreciate some 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

I don't know about earlier releases, but Enigma (7.2) comes with 
showkey...I just ran it here.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, David Talkington wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Ian Truelsen wrote:
> >I just inherited a Compaq 1267 laptop that has these little keys on it for 
> >bringing up a browser, mail program and the like. I would like to set them 
> >up for use in linux, to bring up a terminal, galeon, that sort of thing. How 
> >would I go about doing something like that? Are there tools that can be used 
> >to identify the code that these keys are sending? 
> There's a little utility like that on Eric Raymond's site (showkey,
> http://tuxedo.org/~esr/software.html).  Scour the net for information
> on keycodes and the xmodmap command, and you'll find tons of info on
> this sort of thing.
> - -d
> - -- 
> David Talkington
> PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> - --
> http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/pale_blue_dot.html
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> iQA/AwUBPExsMr9BpdPKTBGtEQIaegCgoEB1vt8N8doBsAeo02gc31N2+A4An3k0
> Y+RK3J6gP7kBgXIHkmZ97txP
> =QIx/
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread Daniel L Quigley-Skillin

Run it from an xterm.  You'll see the info in the term.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike Burger
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 6:38 PM
> To: RedHat List
> Subject: Re: laptop extra keys
> Where should I see input while running xev?  All I see is a 
> small window 
> with a big box in its upper left corner.
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, David Talkington wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > Ben Logan wrote:
> > 
> > >Run 'xev' to get the keycode.
> > 
> > Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that ... thank you for the tip.
> > 
> > - -d
> > 
> > - --
> > David Talkington
> > 
> > PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> > - --
> > http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/pale_blue_dot.html
> > 
> > Version: PGP 6.5.8
> > Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> > 
> > iQA/AwUBPEyc6b9BpdPKTBGtEQIxSwCg9aAiRgl6bdOS+/9HRwlifPgnPQwAoLIE
> > FGIn+gxBXcgtR1wn81gkzhVZ
> > =ccS+
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> > 
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/re> dhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Running 2 copies of Apache

2002-01-21 Thread Joe Bifano


Is it okay or possible to run 2 seperate copies of apache on my development
server?  I have a live site now that uses apache with SuExec and we are
devolping a new site using mod_perl. If yes is there any good documnetation
on this on the net.



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

Where should I see input while running xev?  All I see is a small window 
with a big box in its upper left corner.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, David Talkington wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Ben Logan wrote:
> >Run 'xev' to get the keycode.
> Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that ... thank you for the tip.
> - -d
> - -- 
> David Talkington
> PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> - --
> http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/pale_blue_dot.html
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> iQA/AwUBPEyc6b9BpdPKTBGtEQIxSwCg9aAiRgl6bdOS+/9HRwlifPgnPQwAoLIE
> FGIn+gxBXcgtR1wn81gkzhVZ
> =ccS+
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

OT: digging up an old chestnut

2002-01-21 Thread Julian Opificius

Forgive the bandwidth, but I was cleaning out my attach directory (OK, I 
admit it, I use Eudora on Win98 for mail, for now), and I found this from 
back in '99, so I thought I'd share it. Hope it's worth the bytes, and 
apologies to all who have seen it already.

"Linux lacks the Blue Screen of Death (TM) (R)"

In a surprise announcement today, Microsoft President Steve Ballmer 
revealed that the Redmond-based company will allow computer resellers and 
end-users to customize the appearance of the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), 
the screen that displays when the Windows operating system crashes.

The move comes as the result of numerous focus groups and customer surveys 
done by Microsoft. Thousands of Microsoft customers were asked, "What do 
you spend the most time doing on your computer?"

A surprising number of respondents said, "Staring at a Blue Screen of 
Death." At 54 percent, it was the top answer, beating the second place 
answer "Downloading XXXScans" by an easy 12 points.

"We immediately recognized this as a great opportunity for ourselves, our 
channel partners, and especially our customers," explained the excited 
Ballmer to a room full of reporters.

Immense video displays were used to show images of the new customizable 
BSOD screen side-by-side with the older static version. Users can select 
from a collection of "BSOD Themes," allowing them to instead have a Mauve 
Screen of Death or even a Paisley Screen of Death. Graphics and multimedia 
content can now be incorporated into the screen, making the BSOD the 
perfect conduit for delivering product information and entertainment to 
Windows users.

The BSOD is by far the most recognized feature of the Windows operating 
system, and as a result, Microsoft has historically insisted on total 
control over its look and feel. This recent departure from that policy 
reflects Microsoft's recognition of the Windows desktop itself as the 
"ultimate information portal." By default, the new BSOD will be configured 
to show a random selection of Microsoft product information whenever the 
system crashes. Microsoft channel partners can negotiate with Microsoft for 
the right to customize the BSOD on systems they ship. Major computer 
resellers such as Compaq, Gateway, and Dell are already lining up for 
premier placement on the new and improved BSOD.

Ballmer concluded by getting a dig in against the Open Source community. 
"This just goes to show that Microsoft continues to innovate at a much 
faster pace than open source. I have yet to see any evidence that Linux 
even has a BSOD, let alone a customizable one."

Who knows - maybe AOL will create one when they corrupt - I mean buy - RH, 
just to appear competitive.


Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after me ...

Julian Opificius. ICQ 3268206.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread Ian Truelsen

Ben Logan writes: 

> I have a Logitech keyboard with similar keys.  I got them to work
> (under X) by using the following method: 
> Run 'xev' to get the keycode. 
> Use 'xmodmap' to map the code to a keysym known to X.  Once I got the
> commands right, I put them in my .xinitrc file.  Here's what it looks
> like for me: 
> xmodmap -e "keycode 236 = XF86Calculator"
> xmodmap -e "keycode 178 = XF86HomePage" 
> You can get a list of valid keysyms from 
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB 
> Hope this helps,
> Ben

That is pretty much what I was hoping for. Thanks. I'll have to go and play 
around for a while. 


Ian Truelsen
Masters program in Philosophy
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
BA (Wilfrid Laurier University)

Current favourite quote:
"No great civilisation likes forests."
K.F. O'Connor
Lincoln College, Christchurch, New Zealand 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Ben Logan wrote:

>Run 'xev' to get the keycode.

Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that ... thank you for the tip.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: laptop extra keys

2002-01-21 Thread Ben Logan

I have a Logitech keyboard with similar keys.  I got them to work
(under X) by using the following method:

Run 'xev' to get the keycode.

Use 'xmodmap' to map the code to a keysym known to X.  Once I got the
commands right, I put them in my .xinitrc file.  Here's what it looks
like for me:

xmodmap -e "keycode 236 = XF86Calculator"
xmodmap -e "keycode 178 = XF86HomePage"

You can get a list of valid keysyms from


Hope this helps,

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 04:18:44PM +, Ian Truelsen wrote:
> I just inherited a Compaq 1267 laptop that has these little keys on it for 
> bringing up a browser, mail program and the like. I would like to set them 
> up for use in linux, to bring up a terminal, galeon, that sort of thing. How 
> would I go about doing something like that? Are there tools that can be used 
> to identify the code that these keys are sending? 

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature.
- Thomas Jefferson

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-21 Thread psraj

Test message

Sign Up for NetZero Platinum Today
Only $9.95 per month!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: can't start samba

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

mike wrote:

>Have you tried deleting the last entry on the first line in /etc/hosts
>eg: localhost.localdomain localhost - remove localhost

I'm not sure what that would accomplish, except to break a whole lot 
of network-related services (including X).  What problem are you 
addressing that this might solve?

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: can't start samba

2002-01-21 Thread mike

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 19:36, Hidong Kim wrote:
> Hi,
> I still can't start Samba.  I just compiled Samba 2.2.2 to upgrade from
> 2.2.1a.  I'm going through the DIAGNOSIS.txt file.  So far, I can run
> testparm without errors, ping the Linux Samba server from Windows
> machines and vice versa.  But then I'm stuck at smbclient.  'smbclient
> -L localhost' gives:
> [root@ripley samba]# smbclient -L localhost
> added interface ip= bcast=
> nmask=
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> error connecting to (Connection refused)
> Connection to localhost failed

Have you tried deleting the last entry on the first line in /etc/hosts
eg: localhost.localdomain localhost - remove localhost

an old workaround in RH
> I'm trying to start Samba with the script /usr/local/samba/startsmb:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D
> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D
> In DIAGNOSIS.txt, it says that this smbclient error may be related to
> inetd.conf.  My Samba server is a Red Hat 7.2 machine.  It has no
> inetd.conf.  What file is equivalent?  I've checked that netbios-ssn is
> listening with 'netstat -a':
> tcp0  0 172.16.166.:netbios-ssn *:*
xinetd replaced inetd in RH7 - directory in /etc with seperate files for
each service
> DIAGNOSIS.txt says that this problem might be caused by something else,
> like Samba, already running on port 139.  How do I check this?  Thanks,
ps -aux|grep smb
hope this helps

> Hidong
> Gregory Hosler wrote:
> > 
> > grab th erespective Red Hat release SRPM and build from that. If you _really_
> > dislike doing that, get the SRPM anyways, and extract out the patch file(s) -
> > You will probably need to apply most if not all of those patchs anyways...
> > 
> > -G
> > 
> > On 21-Jan-02 Hidong Kim wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I tried to install the source RPM, but it crashed with this error:
> > >
> > > checking configure summary
> > > configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
> > > error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.21099 (%build)
> > >
> > >
> > > RPM build errors:
> > > Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.21099 (%build)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I'd like to compile Samba-2.2.2 from source.  Here's what my
> > > /usr/include/asm/statfs.h looks like:
> > >
> > >#ifndef _I386_STATFS_H
> > >#define _I386_STATFS_H
> > >
> > >#ifndef __KERNEL_STRICT_NAMES
> > >
> > >#include 
> > >
> > > typedef __kernel_fsid_t fsid_t;
> > >
> > >#endif
> > >
> > > struct statfs {
> > > long f_type;
> > > long f_bsize;
> > > long f_blocks;
> > > long f_bfree;
> > > long f_bavail;
> > > long f_files;
> > > long f_ffree;
> > > __kernel_fsid_t f_fsid;
> > > long f_namelen;
> > > long f_spare[6];
> > > };
> > >
> > >#endif
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Which parts should I comment out to get by this error during 'make':
> > >
> > > /usr/include/asm/statfs.h:12: redefinition of `struct statfs'
> > > make: *** [smbd/server.o] Error 1
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hidong
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > David Talkington wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Hash: SHA1
> > >>
> > >> Hidong Kim wrote:
> > >>
> > >> >[root@ripley bin]# ./testparm
> > >> >Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
> > >> >Processing section "[public]"
> > >> >Processing section "[public]"
> > >> >Processing section "[printers]"
> > >> >Loaded services file OK.
> > >> >Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
> > >> >
> > >> >My smb.conf is actually /etc/samba/smb.conf.  This is the file that has
> > >> >all of my share definitions, as it was working before today.
> > >>
> > >> smbd disagrees with you.  Specify it:
> > >>
> > >> # smbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf
> > >>
> > >> If you rebuilt samba, you probably didn't add --with-configdir.
> > >> - --sysconfdir isn't sufficient to override the default.
> > >>
> > >> - -d
> > >>
> > >> - --
> > >> David Talkington
> > >>
> > >> PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> > >> - --
> > >> http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/pale_blue_dot.html
> > >>
> > >> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> > >> Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> > >>
> > >> x1WjIg2gDV0OX+4OwJ6HBzBW
> > >> =PzXf
> > >>
> > >> ___
> > >> Redhat-list mailing list
> > >> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Redhat-list mailing list
> > > https://listman.redha

Re: The worst question ever [fixed]

2002-01-21 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner

Stefan Rieger wrote:

> But I won't tell why I receive them twice, it's too embarrassing!!

But that's the FUN part.

W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
  Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410 x130
  IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6
  http://www.pcraft.com . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever [fixed]

2002-01-21 Thread Stefan Rieger

I fixed this stupid problem. Thanks for help! 
But I won't tell why I receive them twice, it's too embarrassing!!



GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations? - freebsd

2002-01-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

Not the installation of software but the installation of FreeBSD itself. 
 It's very easy for a newbie to screw it up (the installation).  After 
using redhat these last few years I admit I'm spoiled :-)

Installation of the FreeBSD packages is rather easy.  pkg_add feels 
almost like Solaris's implementation.

BTW, their website has some great documentation available for anyone 


As I understand it they also have better SMP support than any Linux 
distro today (Is this true?).


adrian kok wrote:

>Hi Frank
>I don't think it is difficult to install software in
>In fact, it depends on you are familiar this product
>or not.
>Before I found RH rpm also is difficult because of
>many dependiences!!!
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Frank Carreiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "redhat list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:10 PM
>Subject: Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro:
>>If not SUSE then Slackware isn't bad.  I've messed
>with it awhile back 
>>and my experience was positive.
>>Also FreeBSD isn't bad.  I'm currently working with
>a FreeBSD system 
>>(version 4.4) and so far it's been stable and runs
>what I want just fine.
>>The ONLY thing I HATED about FreeBSD was the
>installer.  I've butchered 
>>it (the install) my first couple of tries.  On my
>third attempt I simply 
>>let it decide how to setup the kernel / hardware. 
>Worked fine at that 
>>point :-)
>>I just hope AOL doesn't screw up RedHat should they
>decide to acquire 
>>them.  RedHat IMHO is one of the better packages out
>> Installation is very easy and use of the product
>overall is easy for 
>>the newbie to the hard core user/developer.
>>/me nudges AOL... you hearing any of this guys?
>>>i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
>>>since going that route apparently gives you total
>>> i can't speak from experience there though
>>>i CAN however speak of SuSE
>>>in a phrase: don't like it
>>>everything in the os is "special"
>>>programs and config files are kept in odd places
>>>and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as
>>>i rather like redhat
>>>but if they get with aol
>>>even a little
>>>i'm leaving.
>>> i'll try out mandrake
>>>and then if that doesn't work
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get your free @yahoo.com.hk address at http://mail.english.yahoo.com.hk

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: checking ports [FIXED]

2002-01-21 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Hidong Kim wrote:

>Using this command, I saw that vmware-smbd was running on port 139. 
>After I rebooted the Samba server, I started VMware to turn on my
>virtual Windows 2000 machine.  It must've grabbed this port before I
>started Samba.  Now I have Samba running again.  Thanks,

You got your local connection problem fixed too?  Glad it worked out.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Statux

Well, it is interesting that a closed source commercial company would be 
buying a company like RedHat. Something not right about that picture.

As far as AOL benefitting from the 600 employees, there's always layoffs 
with aquisitions. These aren't the best times for people to be keeping 
their jobs in such situations. Stocks are stuggling, economy is a lil 
rocky right now. Now, in order for AOL to get anywhere from this deal, 
they'd have to keep most everyone from RedHat since AOL doesn't know jack 
crap about what they're getting into.

On the bright side of things, AOL brings with it... funds. Funding is much 
needed at this point in time. AOL's stock would probably increase in 
value, but they're gonna have to realize that they can't step on too many 
feet in the process. They aren't bringing the development experience to 
the table... RedHat is. Television advertising could also be a big 
possibility since I don't remember ever seeing a RedHat commercial on TV.

So, I think such a deal would be financially positive.. again, if AOL vows 
to let RH continue as they have been.

Sorry if any of this info has already been mentioned. I've been trying to 
keep up with this thread :)


On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Ezra Nugroho wrote:

> Well, if they are not running away, AOL would benefit from the 600 
> employees (minus Alan Cox) who are most experienced with RH.
> At 02:20 PM 1/21/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >   this may be a naive question but, what exactly would AOL
> >get from *buying* red hat, as opposed to simply *using* red hat.
> >after all, given the GPL nature of red hat, certainly they have
> >the right to build any technology around red hat that they want,
> >provided that they don't violate the terms of the GPL.  and they
> >can do that without buying any part of red hat.
> >
> >rday
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >Redhat-list mailing list
> >https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> Ezra Nugroho
> Web/Database Application Specialist
> Goshen College ITS
> Phone: (574) 535-7706
> "Don't be humble, you're not that great." -- Golda Meir
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ntpd problem

2002-01-21 Thread James Pifer

That didn't change anything when I do ntpdc -c sysinfo.

Interestingly, when I stop ntpd from Webmin and then restart it, it syncs 
the time just fine when it restarts. Then it never seems to do it again.


At 03:45 PM 1/21/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Try removing the multicastclient line in your ntp.conf file for your time
>"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 22:04 21 Jan 2002, Stefan Rieger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
| posting two times.
| I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
| That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
| I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
| It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
| (sorry about my bad englisch)

Ok, there are two possibilities:
- you have two subscriptions to the list
- something at your end is duplicating the email

Just to attack the 2nd in the background: do you have an mail filters
set up? And do you have more than one email address.

On the premise it's the first case:
- unsubscribe
- go to the list subscription page and request your password

If you really have two subscriptions then it should send you a password
and you can probably unsubscribe again to get the second one. If you
have more than one email address, ask for the password for each.

Otherwise, contact the list administrator directly and ask.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

Some people have all the luck.  When I find the guy with mine, I'm gonna
kick his teeth in.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations? - freebsd

2002-01-21 Thread adrian kok

Hi Frank

I don't think it is difficult to install software in

In fact, it depends on you are familiar this product
or not.

Before I found RH rpm also is difficult because of
many dependiences!!!

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Carreiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "redhat list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro:

> If not SUSE then Slackware isn't bad.  I've messed
with it awhile back 
> and my experience was positive.
> Also FreeBSD isn't bad.  I'm currently working with
a FreeBSD system 
> (version 4.4) and so far it's been stable and runs
what I want just fine.
> The ONLY thing I HATED about FreeBSD was the
installer.  I've butchered 
> it (the install) my first couple of tries.  On my
third attempt I simply 
> let it decide how to setup the kernel / hardware. 
Worked fine at that 
> point :-)
> I just hope AOL doesn't screw up RedHat should they
decide to acquire 
> them.  RedHat IMHO is one of the better packages out
>  Installation is very easy and use of the product
overall is easy for 
> the newbie to the hard core user/developer.
> /me nudges AOL... you hearing any of this guys?
> Frank
> >
> >i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
> >since going that route apparently gives you total
> >  i can't speak from experience there though
> >
> >i CAN however speak of SuSE
> >in a phrase: don't like it
> >everything in the os is "special"
> >programs and config files are kept in odd places
> >and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as
> >
> >i rather like redhat
> >but if they get with aol
> >even a little
> >i'm leaving.
> >  i'll try out mandrake
> >and then if that doesn't work

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com.hk address at http://mail.english.yahoo.com.hk

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: checking ports [FIXED]

2002-01-21 Thread Hidong Kim

Thank you!

Using this command, I saw that vmware-smbd was running on port 139. 
After I rebooted the Samba server, I started VMware to turn on my
virtual Windows 2000 machine.  It must've grabbed this port before I
started Samba.  Now I have Samba running again.  Thanks,


Brad Bonkoski wrote:
> I think they mean:
> netstat
> run 'netstat -pna | less'
> That will give you IP:Port combinations (for BOTH tcp and udp) as well
> as the program name

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread ABrady

> Hello!
> After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
> posting two times.
> I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
> That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
> I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a
> It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
> (sorry about my bad englisch)
> Stefan

I don't know why, but I get multiple copies sometimes, too. It doesn't
happen with everybody, and it's happened too many times for me to
believe that so many individuals are messing it all up.

Microsoft: Proof that P.T.Barnum was right.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: rpm bug on 7.2?

2002-01-21 Thread Statux

Ok.. solution is: Think before you do :)

Why would you be hitting ctrl+c during an RPM install anyway? You were the 
one who opted to have it installed in the first place. If you break it 
half way through, you can possibly corrupt the RPM database, among other 
things. You might want to try something like "rpm --rebuilddb" to undo 
some damage you may have done.

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Lewi wrote:

> i recently receive this error while install from rpm
> error: db3 error(-30998) from db->close: DB_INCOMPLETE: Cache flush was unable to 
> rpmdb: Unreferenced page 5783
> error: db3 error(-30985) from db->verify: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed
> this problem occured when i press Ctrl+C to cancel while installation from rpm 
> then when i want continue, the problem start
> and then i try rpm -qa, the rpm listing is hang
> i think that default rpm database is still open while i press Ctrl+C,
> so when i try rpm -qa --dpath /usr/lib/rpmdb/i386-redhat-linux/redhat/
> no problem
> why? does someone have same experience with me?
> i use 7.2,
> with all updates
> i must restart my enigma to resolve this problem :(


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread eric clover

i retract that.
i just got back from lunch and im all fat, dumb and happy :)

- Original Message -
From: "eric clover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: [RHL] Re: The worst question ever

taken from the headers of all of these emails:

List-Id: General Red Hat Linux discussion list 
List-Subscribe: ,
List-Unsubscribe: ,

- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Rieger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: [RHL] [RHL] The worst question ever


After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
posting two times.
I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
(sorry about my bad englisch)


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

Eric...he wasn't asking how to subscribe or unsubscribe...he's already 
done that proces...

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, eric clover wrote:

> taken from the headers of all of these emails:
> List-Id: General Red Hat Linux discussion list 
> List-Post: 
> List-Subscribe: ,
> List-Unsubscribe: ,
> eric
> - Original Message -
> From: "Stefan Rieger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:04 PM
> Subject: [RHL] The worst question ever
> Hello!
> After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
> posting two times.
> I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
> That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
> I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
> It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
> (sorry about my bad englisch)
> Stefan
> --
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 21-01-02 at 22:11 
* Stefan Rieger said

> Hello!

Hi there!

> After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
> posting two times.
> I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
> That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
> I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
> It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
> (sorry about my bad englisch)

Well, we got two copies of this mail sent to the list. I'm sure someone
will point out something embarrassingly obvious (can't think to straight
on mondays myself)

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread eric clover

taken from the headers of all of these emails:

List-Id: General Red Hat Linux discussion list 
List-Subscribe: ,
List-Unsubscribe: ,

- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Rieger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: [RHL] The worst question ever


After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
posting two times.
I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
(sorry about my bad englisch)


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Frank Carreiro

If not SUSE then Slackware isn't bad.  I've messed with it awhile back 
and my experience was positive.

Also FreeBSD isn't bad.  I'm currently working with a FreeBSD system 
(version 4.4) and so far it's been stable and runs what I want just fine.

The ONLY thing I HATED about FreeBSD was the installer.  I've butchered 
it (the install) my first couple of tries.  On my third attempt I simply 
let it decide how to setup the kernel / hardware.  Worked fine at that 
point :-)

I just hope AOL doesn't screw up RedHat should they decide to acquire 
them.  RedHat IMHO is one of the better packages out there. 
 Installation is very easy and use of the product overall is easy for 
the newbie to the hard core user/developer.

/me nudges AOL... you hearing any of this guys?


>i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
>since going that route apparently gives you total control
>  i can't speak from experience there though
>i CAN however speak of SuSE
>in a phrase: don't like it
>everything in the os is "special"
>programs and config files are kept in odd places
>and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as well
>i rather like redhat
>but if they get with aol
>even a little
>i'm leaving.
>  i'll try out mandrake
>and then if that doesn't work
>i'm going to slackware

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Michael Scottaline

On 21 Jan 2002 14:42:52 -0600
Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:

> On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 13:16, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> > We don't. But switching away from RHL is, IMNSHO, better discussed on
> > non-RH lists.
> > -- 
> I for one appreciate the loyalty to your employer that you show by your
> comments Trond.  It does not seem the norm nowadays.  It is exactly the
> employees like you that are (and should be) proud of building a product
> and even an apparently working business model that would make RH a
> viable target for acqusition.
> I do not however agree with your comments.  Why would it be pertainent
> for a debian list for instance to be discussing what would you switch to
> if you left Red Hat?  Since they are not, by and large, Red Hat Linux
> users it would not apply.
There are several distro agnostic lists to ask:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  come to mind. Mike

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there."
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century

Redhat-list mailing list

The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread Stefan Rieger


After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
posting two times.
I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
(sorry about my bad englisch)


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Redhat-list mailing list

The worst question ever

2002-01-21 Thread Stefan Rieger


After I subscribed (1 time) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I receive every
posting two times.
I unsubscribed and subcribed once again, but it causes the same error.
That's so...!!! I'm not sooo stupid, I think.
I'm a member of some other mailinglist and I've never had such a problem.
It would be nice, if someone could help me before go insane!
(sorry about my bad englisch)


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread daniel

i've heard nothing but good things about slackware
since going that route apparently gives you total control
  i can't speak from experience there though

i CAN however speak of SuSE
in a phrase: don't like it
everything in the os is "special"
programs and config files are kept in odd places
and the suse boot concept is non-linux standard as well

i rather like redhat
but if they get with aol
even a little
i'm leaving.
  i'll try out mandrake
and then if that doesn't work
i'm going to slackware

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

>> > If one were to move from, say, Red Hat to another
>> distro, what would be
>> > the most similar, and easiest to accomplish?

Bandwidth spartanly:

Be a Man! (Or *really* butch...)



Woop. ;))

All the best,

At 08:33 2002.01.21 -0800, nit etc wrote:

>--- Trond Eivind Glomsrød <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > If one were to move from, say, Red Hat to another
>> distro, what would be
>> > the most similar, and easiest to accomplish?
>> That's a very inapproriate question on this list.
>> --
>> Trond Eivind Glomsrød
>> Red Hat, Inc.
>I disagree. The author of the email wants to know of
>other distributions that are similar to 'Redhat', and
>that sounds pretty on-topic to me.
>I see that you are an employee of Redhat. I'd be
>careful of such comments if I were you; you wouldn't
>want something on Slashdot or Linuxtoday with the
>topic of "Redhat censors their mailing lists" or
>"Redhat doesn't like when you talk about other
>distributions on their mailing list", would you?
>Besides, no where in the mailing-list info does it
>list that it is 'inappropriate' to post questions like
>the above.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: can't start samba

2002-01-21 Thread Ezra Nugroho

Did you just change your kernel?
Do an 'ifconfig'. Check if  'lo' interface is up.

I have a hunch that maybe your kernel doesn't support local loopback 

At 11:36 AM 1/21/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>I still can't start Samba.  I just compiled Samba 2.2.2 to upgrade from
>2.2.1a.  I'm going through the DIAGNOSIS.txt file.  So far, I can run
>testparm without errors, ping the Linux Samba server from Windows
>machines and vice versa.  But then I'm stuck at smbclient.  'smbclient
>-L localhost' gives:
>[root@ripley samba]# smbclient -L localhost
>added interface ip= bcast=
>added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
>added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
>error connecting to (Connection refused)
>Connection to localhost failed
>I'm trying to start Samba with the script /usr/local/samba/startsmb:
>/usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D
>/usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D
>In DIAGNOSIS.txt, it says that this smbclient error may be related to
>inetd.conf.  My Samba server is a Red Hat 7.2 machine.  It has no
>inetd.conf.  What file is equivalent?  I've checked that netbios-ssn is
>listening with 'netstat -a':
>tcp0  0 172.16.166.:netbios-ssn *:*
>DIAGNOSIS.txt says that this problem might be caused by something else,
>like Samba, already running on port 139.  How do I check this?  Thanks,
>Gregory Hosler wrote:
> >
> > grab th erespective Red Hat release SRPM and build from that. If you 
> _really_
> > dislike doing that, get the SRPM anyways, and extract out the patch 
> file(s) -
> > You will probably need to apply most if not all of those patchs anyways...
> >
> > -G
> >
> > On 21-Jan-02 Hidong Kim wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I tried to install the source RPM, but it crashed with this error:
> > >
> > > checking configure summary
> > > configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
> > > error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.21099 (%build)
> > >
> > >
> > > RPM build errors:
> > > Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.21099 (%build)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I'd like to compile Samba-2.2.2 from source.  Here's what my
> > > /usr/include/asm/statfs.h looks like:
> > >
> > >#ifndef _I386_STATFS_H
> > >#define _I386_STATFS_H
> > >
> > >#ifndef __KERNEL_STRICT_NAMES
> > >
> > >#include 
> > >
> > > typedef __kernel_fsid_t fsid_t;
> > >
> > >#endif
> > >
> > > struct statfs {
> > > long f_type;
> > > long f_bsize;
> > > long f_blocks;
> > > long f_bfree;
> > > long f_bavail;
> > > long f_files;
> > > long f_ffree;
> > > __kernel_fsid_t f_fsid;
> > > long f_namelen;
> > > long f_spare[6];
> > > };
> > >
> > >#endif
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Which parts should I comment out to get by this error during 'make':
> > >
> > > /usr/include/asm/statfs.h:12: redefinition of `struct statfs'
> > > make: *** [smbd/server.o] Error 1
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hidong
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > David Talkington wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Hash: SHA1
> > >>
> > >> Hidong Kim wrote:
> > >>
> > >> >[root@ripley bin]# ./testparm
> > >> >Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
> > >> >Processing section "[public]"
> > >> >Processing section "[public]"
> > >> >Processing section "[printers]"
> > >> >Loaded services file OK.
> > >> >Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
> > >> >
> > >> >My smb.conf is actually /etc/samba/smb.conf.  This is the file that has
> > >> >all of my share definitions, as it was working before today.
> > >>
> > >> smbd disagrees with you.  Specify it:
> > >>
> > >> # smbd -s /etc/samba/smb.conf
> > >>
> > >> If you rebuilt samba, you probably didn't add --with-configdir.
> > >> - --sysconfdir isn't sufficient to override the default.
> > >>
> > >> - -d
> > >>
> > >> - --
> > >> David Talkington
> > >>
> > >> PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
> > >> - --
> > >> http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/pale_blue_dot.html
> > >>
> > >> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> > >> Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> > >>
> > >> x1WjIg2gDV0OX+4OwJ6HBzBW
> > >> =PzXf
> > >>
> > >> ___
> > >> Redhat-list mailing list
> > >> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Redhat-list mailing list
> > > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> >
> > --
> > E-Mail: Gregory Hosler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 21-Jan-02
> > Time: 17:02:06
> >
> >   If each

Errata - How do I subscribe

2002-01-21 Thread Pieter De Wit

Hello Everyone,

Is there a mailing list for errata ? How do I subscribe to it ?


Pieter De Wit

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ntpd problem

2002-01-21 Thread Gerry Doris

Try removing the multicastclient line in your ntp.conf file for your time 

"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Bret Hughes

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 13:16, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:

> We don't. But switching away from RHL is, IMNSHO, better discussed on
> non-RH lists.
> -- 

I for one appreciate the loyalty to your employer that you show by your
comments Trond.  It does not seem the norm nowadays.  It is exactly the
employees like you that are (and should be) proud of building a product
and even an apparently working business model that would make RH a
viable target for acqusition.

I do not however agree with your comments.  Why would it be pertainent
for a debian list for instance to be discussing what would you switch to
if you left Red Hat?  Since they are not, by and large, Red Hat Linux
users it would not apply.

I do however as I said can understand your discomfort with such


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: checking ports

2002-01-21 Thread Tom Bentley

netstat -ln

will show you all ports, numerically, that are listening.

- Original Message - 
From: "Hidong Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: checking ports

> Hi,
> How do I check if something's running on port 139 of my machine?  I want
> to see if something's already running on port 139 which is preventing me
> from starting Samba.  Thanks,
> Hidong
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

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Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-21 Thread Timothy R. Butler

> To John Verel:  I recommend either Mandrake or SUSE.  Both have been VERY
> good distro's in the past and have been happy with them.  I've pretty much
> standardized on RedHat personally.

  I would agree. I switched from RH to SuSE after RH 5.1, and then went to 
MDK in November. Just keep in mind that while Mandrake shares RedHat's 
commitment to Free Software, SuSE does not (YaST uses a license similar to 
Microsoft Shared Source). If this isn't important to you either is a good 
choice, if it is, then you probably do not want to switch to SuSE.



Timothy R. Butler | Universal  Networks | http://www.uninet.info
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 12495932 AIM: Uninettm
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Open Source Migration Guide:  http://www.ofb.biz
= "Christian Web Services Since 1996" ==

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: checking ports

2002-01-21 Thread Brad Bonkoski
Title: RE: checking ports

I think they mean:

run 'netstat -pna | less'
That will give you IP:Port combinations (for BOTH tcp and udp) as well as the program name

man netstat will give you the full array of options.

> -Original Message-
> From: nit etc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:14 PM
> Subject: Re: checking ports
> Try 'netsat', I think the -p option lets you see the
> process that is using the port.
> For quick check, you can just "telnet 139"
> to see if some process is listening on that port.
> --- Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > How do I check if something's running on port 139 of
> > my machine?  I want
> > to see if something's already running on port 139
> > which is preventing me
> > from starting Samba.  Thanks,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hidong
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
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RE: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-21 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Brenden Walker wrote:

> Who gnows, but perhaps we're missing an angle here.  Maybe RedHat is simply
> 'negotiating' for free press?

... or maybe (and I'd like this idea way better than the one where AOL outright
purchases Red Hat), they are simply negotiating a "strategical agreement" where
AOL can "leverage" Red Hat's expertise to develop set-top boxes for American
homes in order to fight Microsoft's expansion into other fields such as online
access (MSN), online content (MSNBC, among others), gaming (the X-box), etc.
Now, that could something to get excited about... although it's anybody's
guess whether it would work or not.


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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: checking ports

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

Of course, if the process on that port is running udp instead of tcp, 
telnet won't do anything.

The best bet is to get a port scanner, like nmap, and run that against the 
machine in question.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, nit etc wrote:

> Try 'netsat', I think the -p option lets you see the
> process that is using the port.
> For quick check, you can just "telnet 139"
> to see if some process is listening on that port.
> --- Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > How do I check if something's running on port 139 of
> > my machine?  I want
> > to see if something's already running on port 139
> > which is preventing me
> > from starting Samba.  Thanks,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hidong
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> __
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RE: slashdotted?

2002-01-21 Thread Mike Burger

Not only the site, but the fact that once a company/site is mentioned in a 
www.slashdot.org article, the company's site tends to get overrun with web 
requests, causing the site to be virtually unreachable.

That is that "being slashdotted" is all about. 

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Brad Bonkoski wrote:

> www.slashdot.org
> (linux friendly/geek news board)
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ian Truelsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 11:40 AM
> > To: RedHat List
> > Subject: slashdotted?
> > 
> > 
> > I have been seeing the term 'slashdotted' come up a few 
> > times, both here and 
> > in other lists. I am not sure if I am just dense, or if I am 
> > too new to this 
> > to know the lore, but what does the term refer to? 
> > 
> > Thanks for filling the knowledge gap. 
> > 
> > Ian. 
> > 
> > Ian Truelsen
> > Masters program in Philosophy
> > University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
> > BA (Wilfrid Laurier University)
> > 
> > Current favourite quote:
> > "No great civilisation likes forests."
> > K.F. O'Connor
> > Lincoln College, Christchurch, New Zealand 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
> > 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: checking ports

2002-01-21 Thread nit etc

Try 'netsat', I think the -p option lets you see the
process that is using the port.

For quick check, you can just "telnet 139"
to see if some process is listening on that port.

--- Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I check if something's running on port 139 of
> my machine?  I want
> to see if something's already running on port 139
> which is preventing me
> from starting Samba.  Thanks,
> Hidong
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

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checking ports

2002-01-21 Thread Hidong Kim


How do I check if something's running on port 139 of my machine?  I want
to see if something's already running on port 139 which is preventing me
from starting Samba.  Thanks,


Redhat-list mailing list

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