Re: mozilla's mail - counting msg's

2003-07-18 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 08:33 17 Jul 2003, Kelerion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I'm trying to find out how many emails I have stored in various 
| "personal folders" in mozilla's email..
| is there a way to count them? I've had a look but can't find anything 
| obvious other than doing a "Search Messages" and searching for every 
| email where the sender contains an "@" sign.. not very quick or 
| efficient..especially as I now have over 100,000 emails stored..

Cd to the directory holding the Mozilla email. Mozilla stores them as
standard UNIX mail files, so:

grep '^From ' mailfile | wc -l

will count every line beginning with a "From ", which is the start-of-message
marker for those files. So in that folder:

for mailfile in *
do  echo -n "$mailfile: ";
grep '^From ' "$mailfile" | wc -l

should be a good first cut. Note that this will probably also count
"deleted" messages if you haven't used the "compact folders" button
(which rewrites mail files without the deleted messages).

Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

As your attorney, it is my duty to inform you that it is not important that
you understand what I'm doing or why you're paying me so much money. What's
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special accents on mozilla 1.2.1 or 1.4 under redhat 9.0 - won'twork

2003-07-18 Thread Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto

  I just upgraded to RedHat 9.0 and now I can't get special characters
like ã, á, à, ê on Mozilla input.. which are important to me and work
just fine on all other programs, like they used to on RedHat 8.0
(Mozilla 1.0.1, which I used to have on RH 8.0, didn't have this
problem). I've been searching for the answer for quite some time and
couldn't manage to find anything conclusive on or google ...
it seems hard to figure, there are some big inconclusive discussions
about this out there. I thought maybe I should set the locale to pt_BR
(brazilian), but then again, why would that only matter to mozilla?
Anyway whenever I run

]$ export LANG=pt_BR

, when I enter mozilla it sets back to LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ..

I don't think that's the problem since accents work fine with en_US, for
example, on gedit.
Some outputs anyway:

]$ ps xce | grep mozilla | less

 2585 ?S  0:31 mozilla-bin SSH_AGENT_PID=2290
HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain SHELL=/bin/bash TERM=dumb HISTSIZE=1000
MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1 USER=heinloft
LS_COLORS= SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-XXesuRiA/agent.2247
INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc PWD=/home/heinloft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass HOME=/home/heinloft

]$ locale


Thanks in advance,
Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Software-RAID Issues on RH7.2

2003-07-18 Thread Ricky Boone
On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 15:39, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
>  What happens if you run raidstart /dev/md0 by hand? Getting the same errors?

# raidstart /dev/md0
/dev/md0: File exists


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Re: Software-RAID Issues on RH7.2

2003-07-18 Thread Ricky Boone
My apologies for the delay.  Real life and everything, ya know...  :|

On Fri, 2003-07-04 at 18:11, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> That looks like the initrd.img is usable - although I don't know what 
> "raidautorun" is, can you locate this script in the filesystem?

No, I'm not sure where it is.  :(  The inner workings of the kernel are
still a mystery to me...

>  - but you 
> might want to investigate it a little more thorough. Compare the two different 
> versions and see if anything looks different (different devices in /dev, 
> availability of /etc/raidtab etc.).

*scratches head*  I could imaging possible differences in /dev, but
/etc/raidtab is an actual file...  Why should that change when booting
with a different kernel?

> Another thing you could do is adjust linuxrc somewhat to make it produce some 
> output. F.e. verbose the insmod, put an lsmod after the insmod (plus a sleep 
> of a few secs to follow the output) to see if the module is actually loaded, 
> etc.

Now I can figure out how to edit the script, but does saving it and
gzipping the image again make it usable?  

> By the way, is the raid1.o module loaded on the running system? Do you get 
> errors when loading it? If you can load the module you could just recreate the 
> array as a last resort (not sure if this is possible on a running system, 
> probably need to boot a rescue cd, and be aware not to loose your data (try on 
> a test system first)). Not the neatest solution, I know, but the second disk 
> is no use to you like this anyway.

I'm able to use the system, I just boot from the 2.4.9 kernel.

The machine is not local, it's at an ISP, and having alternate methods
of booting is a bit tricky...

Here's what I can tell from browsing around the system.  

The two initrd images for 2.4.9 and 2.4.20, respectfully, are of equal
size when decompressed, and are virtually identical.  Files, modules,
scripts, etc.  (Though when looking at the images before decompressing
them the older one is about twice the size...  perhaps just not as good
of compression?)

This is really odd.  What could be so different between the two
kernels?  The newer one was even downloaded through up2date, and works
perfectly except for having no RAID.  

I would have liked to go through Red Hat Technical Support, but I have
very limited funds.  Hosting the server for non-profit takes enough of
it, too.  If this gets dragged out long enough I may have to bite the
bullet, though.

Argh.  What am I missing?  :(


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Re: Problems with clock

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 22:56, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> Kevin Breit wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 02:18, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > 
> >>If it's always a few hours - the wrong timezone is more than likely set, 
> >>or the UTC option is set incorrectly.
> > 
> > 
> > How can I check what the UTC is set to?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Kevin Breit
> I knew you were going to ask me that - but someone else will have to 
> help you. I just tried setup in my VT and the timezone configuration 
> part does not work. I don't know what the equivalent X thingo is, 
> because this is a server and X isn't installed.

I always used timeconfig from a term.  redhat-config-time I hit first
try :)


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Re: Problems with clock

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

Kevin Breit wrote:

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 02:18, Edward Dekkers wrote:

If it's always a few hours - the wrong timezone is more than likely set, 
or the UTC option is set incorrectly.

How can I check what the UTC is set to?


Kevin Breit
I knew you were going to ask me that - but someone else will have to 
help you. I just tried setup in my VT and the timezone configuration 
part does not work. I don't know what the equivalent X thingo is, 
because this is a server and X isn't installed.



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Re: Epson Stylus C82

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

Gary Stainburn wrote:

On Friday 18 Jul 2003 2:26 pm, Edward Dekkers wrote:

Gary Stainburn wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm thinking of getting my better half a new printer - Epson Stylus C82.

Anyone got any comments about this printer - specifically when connected
to a RH7.3 box
The only comment I can give you is - I LOVE THE PRINTER. Most definately
the best inkjet on the market for 'all round' performance. And by god is
it ever fast - it seems like a laser at times!!! 22 ppm certainly hoons
along and the quality is brilliant!!!
HOWEVER - I honestly don't think this is the printer you want for Linux :(

How well is it supported by the printing system (LPRNG etc)?

I can live with having to boot windows for a status when the ink gets low as 
it's a dual-boot box (I like playing MSFS - probably the only product I 
actually appreciate as well done).
The driver exists in CUPS, but I've tried printing to my Epson via Samba 
and it didn't work, so I can't tell you how good the included driver is.


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Re: Epson Stylus C82

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

Edward Croft wrote:
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 09:26, Edward Dekkers wrote:

Gary Stainburn wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm thinking of getting my better half a new printer - Epson Stylus C82.

Anyone got any comments about this printer - specifically when connected to a 
RH7.3 box
The only comment I can give you is - I LOVE THE PRINTER. Most definately 
the best inkjet on the market for 'all round' performance. And by god is 
it ever fast - it seems like a laser at times!!! 22 ppm certainly hoons 
along and the quality is brilliant!!!

HOWEVER - I honestly don't think this is the printer you want for Linux :(

It only comes with a simple 'out of ink' indicator at the front, and 
tragically this is its downfall. With 4 ink tanks to choose from, 1 led 
at the front is Epson's huge mistake. Basically, without the Epson 
status monitor, there's no way to tell which ink is out.

And ofcourse, the ESM only runs under windows and won't work through Samba.

In short - if you can hook it up to a Windows box - buy it. This is the 
best printer I've ever worked with bar none.

If you're going to hook it up to Linux - the lack of knowing the status 
of the ink cartridges makes it next to useless.


Ed, just curious, have you tried to run the ESM under wine? At least
maybe it would tell you which cartridge was out? 
Interesting concept. Never even thought of that. IF Wine emulates the 
USB port or PPT port even close to 100%, it should in theory work.

When I get a few moments I may give it a shot.


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2003-07-18 Thread Fryclau

I cant start httpd apache, my mail server dosnt work anymore... 

I had installed a new Ethernet card and with the car all this problems

My old card is the eth0
My new card is the eth1

They are in the same LAN.. 
The dns is in the same LAN ..

The problem is the route table:

# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface *   U 0  00
eth1 *   U 0  00
eth1 * U 0  00
eth1   *   U 0  00
default UG0  00

# ping -I eth0
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of
>From icmp_seq=1 Redirect Network(New nexthop:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=1.82 ms
>From icmp_seq=2 Redirect Network(New nexthop:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=1.35 ms


# ping -I eth1
PING ( from eth1: 56(84) bytes of
>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
>From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
>From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

# ping -I eth0
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of
Then nothing happened :( it hang up... need to use CTRL-C to come back

So, when I need to find de local network I can't reach any host... and
then I haven't got a DNS :(

Ping to a dns outside de network
# ping -I eth1
PING ( from eth1: 56(84) bytes of
>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
>From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
>From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

But the issue think is that I can ping from my machine outside the
network to the server and even connect to SSH !!!

What's wrong with the routing tables???


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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0)
Appreciate the thought, but the same XMMS player plays MP3s via my network and 
my Win95 server just fine...


On Friday 18 July 2003 21:36, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> It could be your mp3 player.  Perhaps the others are preloading to remove
> skips and your Linux one isn't?
> Jon

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Re: motherboard change

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 09:01, Win Toe wrote:
> pass LILO option at boot time at lilo prompt 
> For example, 
>   LILO boot: linux root=/dev/hd_X_y
>   where linux is kernel name and /dev/hd_X_Y is partition name

yep. even better.  Don't forget to fix lilo.conf and rerun lilo or you
will have to continue doing the LILO prompt stuff.


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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
It could be your mp3 player.  Perhaps the others are preloading to remove
skips and your Linux one isn't?


On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:

> Okay, something has to be wrong with the way I'm doing it.  On this same RH
> 8.0 desktop machine I have Win4Lin installed.  I just started it up and
> opened up Explorer.  Found my Linux server in the network neighborhood and
> double-clicked on an MP3 file.  This brought up FreeAmp, a known resource hog
> and played the song just fine.  All this with Mozilla and Kmail running in
> Gnome at the same time.  Can't be a resource problem, has to be the way I'm
> mounting the Samba share in Linux I think.  Anyone out there use this kind of
> setup to play MP3s in Gnome or KDE from a Linux server?  If so I'd like to
> get an idea of how you word your smbmount command.  Thanks for listening...
> Just a message from Doug...
> -
> --
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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0)
Okay, something has to be wrong with the way I'm doing it.  On this same RH 
8.0 desktop machine I have Win4Lin installed.  I just started it up and 
opened up Explorer.  Found my Linux server in the network neighborhood and 
double-clicked on an MP3 file.  This brought up FreeAmp, a known resource hog 
and played the song just fine.  All this with Mozilla and Kmail running in 
Gnome at the same time.  Can't be a resource problem, has to be the way I'm 
mounting the Samba share in Linux I think.  Anyone out there use this kind of 
setup to play MP3s in Gnome or KDE from a Linux server?  If so I'd like to 
get an idea of how you word your smbmount command.  Thanks for listening...

Just a message from Doug...

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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Why not use Postfix?  It comes w/ RH.  You have to do something like

alternatives mta /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix

followed by

chkconfig sendmail off
chkconfig postfix on
service sendmail stop
service sendmail start

But it works like a beauty, and is fully open source unlike Qmail.

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Lorenzo Prince wrote:

> John Nichel staggered into view and mumbled:
> > Ditch Sendmail, and install qmail with vmailmgr.  Works like a charm.
> But how do you get qmail to work on RH9?  I went to to try to get qmail 
> cause I heard it was good, but when I
> got there, it said it didn't work with later versions of gcc.  It said I needed a 
> lot of patches and that it would be a
> lot of trouble just to get it to work on any new distro.
> Loenzo Prince
> happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
> --
> "I once witnessed a long-winded, month-long flamewar over the use of
> mice vs. trackballs...It was very silly."
> (By Matt Welsh)
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Re: System Backups

2003-07-18 Thread Win Toe
dump is a great choice to make full system backup

Win Toe

At 01:08 PM 7/18/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello all.  I have what I hope will be a fairly simple question.  We
>have a Redhat system that we want to make sure we get a full system
>backup (image) of anytime a major change is made.  Does anyone have any
>suggestions or tips on how they are doing it?
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wu-ftpd & passive mode

2003-07-18 Thread Jim Marshall
If there is a better list for this question please point me to it.
I have Red Hat 8.0 with wu-ftp The machine was originally
hooked up to a DSL line and a network everywhere (LinkSys?)
router, I updated the ftpaccess file to specify the passive ports
and IP Address. I also opened the port range in the router. All
was working great, until the DSL provider decided it was a good
idea to renew the ip address lease each week and
forcing an address change. So I moved the machine to a T1 line
behind a Netopia R5300 router. I modified the IP address in the
ftpaccess file and opened the ports in the netopia. However
passive mode just refuses to work. If I telnet to the T1 address
and use the FTP port and issue the PASV command, it just sits
there forever (I think it may eventualy come back with some kind
of 425 error).

(telnet 21)
230 User wbemuser logged in. Access restrictions apply.
200 Type set to I.

it just sits there after issueing the PASV command.

Now if I telnet to the internal ip addy on the FTP port, things
seem to
work better. I issue the PASV command and I get the 227 response. If I
then try to telnet to the ip and port specified in the 227 response I
get an error about port theft:

first telnet session (telnet 21):
230 User wbemuser logged in. Access restrictions apply.
200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (64,6,181,158,74,235)

In another telnet session I do:

telnet 19179

This connection is closed immediatly and in the first telnet
session I get

"425 Possible PASV port theft, cannot open data connection."

which I expect (and implies that I have the ports open in the
router correctly?).

What have I configured wrong?

In the router I have port 21 open as well as a range (19000-21000)
for the passive ports (specified in the ftpaccess file).

thank you

Jim Marshall
The Internet ConneXtion 


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Re: motherboard change

2003-07-18 Thread Win Toe

pass LILO option at boot time at lilo prompt 
For example, 
LILO boot: linux root=/dev/hd_X_y

where linux is kernel name and /dev/hd_X_Y is partition name

At 06:19 PM 7/18/03 -0500, you wrote:
>On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 12:02, Johan Scheepers wrote:
>> May I enquire..
>> This swapping - was the drive position always drive one?
>> If I swap on my machine drive two to drive one I get a kernel panic. Are
>> somehow tricking linux to accept this?
>you will need to boot from a floppy and tell your bootloader (grub or
>lilo) to look for the kernel on the different drive.
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Re: How to send a global email with sendmail

2003-07-18 Thread Win Toe
If you want to send all users on one system , then you can use cut or awk
Using cut, 
mail `cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd` 499 {print $1}' /etc/passwd` 499 {print $1'. 

Note:- You must use back quote in quoting. 

At 06:47 PM 7/18/03 -0500, you wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 12:10:04PM -0700, YoloIts wrote:
>> I am an admin and I would like to send an email to all my ISP customers on
>>  my mail server.  How do I send a global email with send mail without
>> all the addresses indenpently?
>You can't, but you can write an easy script to parse all the users in
>/etc/passwd to send them e-mails.
>Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
>Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program
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Re: How to send a global email with sendmail

2003-07-18 Thread Ed Wilts
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 12:10:04PM -0700, YoloIts wrote:
> I am an admin and I would like to send an email to all my ISP customers on
>  my mail server.  How do I send a global email with send mail without adding
> all the addresses indenpently?

You can't, but you can write an easy script to parse all the users in
/etc/passwd to send them e-mails.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: motherboard change

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 12:02, Johan Scheepers wrote:
> May I enquire..
> This swapping - was the drive position always drive one?

> If I swap on my machine drive two to drive one I get a kernel panic. Are you
> somehow tricking linux to accept this?

you will need to boot from a floppy and tell your bootloader (grub or
lilo) to look for the kernel on the different drive.


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Re: connection to server interupted

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 16:38, jeff allen wrote:
> I hope this makes sense.
> I have 22 machines running RH7.3. One machine has a connection problem that 
> is intermitent. There is a folder on the server that all machines access. On 
> this one machine it will run into a problem connecting to it. The only way I 
> have found that tells me this is I do a df and that one drive can take 2-10 
> seconds to show up. Typically it will show immediately. I am stumped and 
> wondering how a newbie would go about determining what is causing the issue. 
> All 22 machines have the same hardware setup and checking the graphical 
> interface on the switch the setting are all the same there.

How is the remote folder accessed?

I would check the hostname resolution setup and look at the nic pretty
carefully.  Does ifconfig show any errors?  


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RE: Discovering Reasons For Crash

2003-07-18 Thread Nigel Peck - MIS Web Design

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Trevor
> Sent: 18 July 2003 22:47
> Subject: RE: Discovering Reasons For Crash
> cat /var/log/messages | more
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nigel Peck - MIS Web
> Design
> Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:10 PM
> Subject: Discovering Reasons For Crash
> I lease a Redhat 7.3 server from a hosting company. the server 
> has gone down and they are going to reboot it.
> What's the best place to start looking for reasons why it went down?
> Cheers,
> Nigel
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RE: DNS ? web and mail hosts in different domains.

2003-07-18 Thread Cowles, Steve
Timothy Stone wrote:
> Here's a slow pitch:


> imagine if you will:
> IN A
> IN A
> IN A
> IN A

I'm hoping your asking us to imagine that you actually added public IP
addresses for the above. :-)

> I have since hoped to correct the problem by adding a MX record:
> IN MX 10
> Would this be correct?

The above MX syntax looks correct. Hopefully you have also defined the
address record (A) for

Steve Cowles

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Re: Epson Stylus C82

2003-07-18 Thread fred smith
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 03:32:03PM +0100, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> On Friday 18 Jul 2003 2:26 pm, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > > Hi folks,
> > >
> > > I'm thinking of getting my better half a new printer - Epson Stylus C82.
> > >
> > > Anyone got any comments about this printer - specifically when connected
> > > to a RH7.3 box
> >
> > The only comment I can give you is - I LOVE THE PRINTER. Most definately
> > the best inkjet on the market for 'all round' performance. And by god is
> > it ever fast - it seems like a laser at times!!! 22 ppm certainly hoons
> > along and the quality is brilliant!!!
> >
> > HOWEVER - I honestly don't think this is the printer you want for Linux :(
> How well is it supported by the printing system (LPRNG etc)?

I refer you to They have all the scoop on 
printing on Linux. huge printer database.

> I can live with having to boot windows for a status when the ink gets low as 
> it's a dual-boot box (I like playing MSFS - probably the only product I 
> actually appreciate as well done).
> >
> > It only comes with a simple 'out of ink' indicator at the front, and
> > tragically this is its downfall. With 4 ink tanks to choose from, 1 led
> > at the front is Epson's huge mistake. Basically, without the Epson
> > status monitor, there's no way to tell which ink is out.
> >
> > And ofcourse, the ESM only runs under windows and won't work through Samba.
> >
> > In short - if you can hook it up to a Windows box - buy it. This is the
> > best printer I've ever worked with bar none.
> >
> > If you're going to hook it up to Linux - the lack of knowing the status
> > of the ink cartridges makes it next to useless.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ed.
> -- 
> Gary Stainburn
> This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
> may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
> and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000 
> -- 
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 Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Do you not know? Have you not heard? 
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. 
  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
- Isaiah 40:28 (niv) -

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Re: Antivirus for Linux

2003-07-18 Thread Lorenzo Prince
Trevor staggered into view and mumbled:
> Now that Microsoft has their own AntiVirus engine, I wonder how that's going
> to affect the big American AntiVirus companies like Norton, McAfee, etc.  I
> think they will be very, very upset (and worried).

Actually, in order to continue making money, the "big american antivirus companies"
will probably find it more profitable to develop antivirus software for Linux, as Linux
is now one of the most widely used operating systems in the corporate marketplace
today, and that number is growing fast.  This will also keep them from having to go 
against Microsoft, who is right there ready and willing to crush anything in its path.

Lorenzo Prince
happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
"How should I know if it works?  That's what beta testers are for.  I only
coded it."
(Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)

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Re: Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 03:21:04PM -0700, Jason Williams wrote:
> Now, if im correct, isn't something like 2.0 our?
> Is the version installed with 9.0 really that far behind?

Postfix 2.0 came out a day before the last RHL 9 beta shipped
so it was too late to include in the final version.

If you need Postfix 2.x , go grab the rawhide rpm or an rpm from
Simon Mudd's website (the latter being preferable to the former).


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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread Tom Hosiawa
> Okay, the next question is why?  It is difficult for me to believe that my 
> Windows machines have no problem accessing and playing MP3s from the Linux 
> server via Samba and yet my Linux machine can't do it either via Samba or 
> NFS?  So what was all the talk I heard about Linux being such a wonderful 
> networking OS?  BTW, the Linux desktop machine has 256 Mb of RAM while most 
> of my WIndows machines are running 128 Mb or less.  Assuming equal network 
> speed for all on the same net, why is this not enough RAM?  I'll grant you 
> running Gnome and XMMS is part of the problem, but it does not seem to bother 
> anything when I access the MP3s which reside on my old Win 95 server.  I'll 
> admit to being a relative Linux newbie, but I'm just trying to understand...
> Doug

I'm using samba to play mp3 files on my notebook (256MB of RAM and
11Mbps wireless connection) that reside on an WinXP computer (756MB RAM)
just fine


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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread SAQIB
Everything has specific purpsose. NFS was designed for something else, and
has lots of other functionality (e.g. NAS solutions are based on NFS
stack). For mp3 a open source streaming server or a http server is the way
to go.

Saqib Ali

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:

> Okay, the next question is why?  It is difficult for me to believe that my
> Windows machines have no problem accessing and playing MP3s from the Linux
> server via Samba and yet my Linux machine can't do it either via Samba or
> NFS?  So what was all the talk I heard about Linux being such a wonderful
> networking OS?  BTW, the Linux desktop machine has 256 Mb of RAM while most
> of my WIndows machines are running 128 Mb or less.  Assuming equal network
> speed for all on the same net, why is this not enough RAM?  I'll grant you
> running Gnome and XMMS is part of the problem, but it does not seem to bother
> anything when I access the MP3s which reside on my old Win 95 server.  I'll
> admit to being a relative Linux newbie, but I'm just trying to understand...
> Doug
> On Friday 18 July 2003 15:01, SAQIB wrote:
> > NFS has too much overhead. I would rather look into streaming via HTTP
> > (apache). or an open source streaming solution.
> >
> > Saqib Ali
> > -
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:
> > > I've recently tried to convert one of my fileservers (80 Gb RH8.0) to
> > > NFS.  I have it setup to use Samba for access from Windows machines on my
> > > net and they all work just fine when playing MP3s and transferring large
> > > files.  But now I want to use my RH 8.0 desktop machine to access the
> > > server and play MP3s etc.  I tried to use Samba at first and the sound
> > > was very choppy (assume from the extra Samba overhead), so I tried to
> > > switch to NFS.  Now the songs start off just fine, but then they pause
> > > for varying lengths of time (a few seconds to several minutes).
> > > Sometimes most of the song will play and then they come to a dead stop.
> > > This machine will play MP3s from my Windows server just fine using Samba.
> > >  I really thought NFS would be the answer I was looking for, any
> > > suggestions?
> > >
> > > Just a message from Doug...
> > > -
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
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> > >
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Re: Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Shaun T. Erickson
Lorenzo Prince wrote:

It actually took me forever to find an RPM for postfix 2.0.x.
The BEST place to get up to date rpms is from Simon Mudd's website. The 
URL is:


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Re: Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Lorenzo Prince
It actually took me forever to find an RPM for postfix 2.0.x.  The best I could come 
up with was 2.0.12.  If anyone 
would like a copy, you can get it from


Lorenzo Prince
Happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months.  I just love debugging ;-)
(Linus Torvalds)

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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0)
Okay, the next question is why?  It is difficult for me to believe that my 
Windows machines have no problem accessing and playing MP3s from the Linux 
server via Samba and yet my Linux machine can't do it either via Samba or 
NFS?  So what was all the talk I heard about Linux being such a wonderful 
networking OS?  BTW, the Linux desktop machine has 256 Mb of RAM while most 
of my WIndows machines are running 128 Mb or less.  Assuming equal network 
speed for all on the same net, why is this not enough RAM?  I'll grant you 
running Gnome and XMMS is part of the problem, but it does not seem to bother 
anything when I access the MP3s which reside on my old Win 95 server.  I'll 
admit to being a relative Linux newbie, but I'm just trying to understand...


On Friday 18 July 2003 15:01, SAQIB wrote:
> NFS has too much overhead. I would rather look into streaming via HTTP
> (apache). or an open source streaming solution.
> Saqib Ali
> -
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:
> > I've recently tried to convert one of my fileservers (80 Gb RH8.0) to
> > NFS.  I have it setup to use Samba for access from Windows machines on my
> > net and they all work just fine when playing MP3s and transferring large
> > files.  But now I want to use my RH 8.0 desktop machine to access the
> > server and play MP3s etc.  I tried to use Samba at first and the sound
> > was very choppy (assume from the extra Samba overhead), so I tried to
> > switch to NFS.  Now the songs start off just fine, but then they pause
> > for varying lengths of time (a few seconds to several minutes). 
> > Sometimes most of the song will play and then they come to a dead stop. 
> > This machine will play MP3s from my Windows server just fine using Samba.
> >  I really thought NFS would be the answer I was looking for, any
> > suggestions?
> >
> > Just a message from Doug...
> > -
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> >

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Re: Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Jason Williams
BTW, anyone running the latest version from Red Hat? Or is it best to get 
the latest release from and install from there?

Trying to weigh whether or now I should upgrade.


At 06:27 PM 7/18/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Jason Williams wrote:

Just a quick question here.
I recently installed RH 9.0 with Postfix. When I typed postconf 
mail_version, mine came back with 1.1.11
Now, if im correct, isn't something like 2.0 our?
Is the version installed with 9.0 really that far behind?
Or, have I just had a very long day and week and im missing something? :)
The latest version is 2.0.13. Red Hat is abysmally behind.


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Re: Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Jason Williams
Yes they are...time for a uninstall and compile from source.


At 06:27 PM 7/18/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Jason Williams wrote:

Just a quick question here.
I recently installed RH 9.0 with Postfix. When I typed postconf 
mail_version, mine came back with 1.1.11
Now, if im correct, isn't something like 2.0 our?
Is the version installed with 9.0 really that far behind?
Or, have I just had a very long day and week and im missing something? :)
The latest version is 2.0.13. Red Hat is abysmally behind.


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Re: Reiserfs Disk Usage

2003-07-18 Thread Javier Gostling
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 12:49:40PM -0400, Kent Borg wrote:
> All (except swap) are reiserfs.  The journal is whatever the default
> is (RH installer made the regular partitions. I made the backup by
> hand).  But the difference is many many megabytes.  
> Does Reiserfs allocate files space in bigger chunks on bigger volumes?
> That could make for more slop hanging off the end of files.

Hmm... Now You've gone over my reiserfs experience. Perhaps debugreiserfs
will help you figure things out...

Javier Gostling D.

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Re: Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Shaun T. Erickson
Jason Williams wrote:

Just a quick question here.

I recently installed RH 9.0 with Postfix. When I typed postconf 
mail_version, mine came back with 1.1.11

Now, if im correct, isn't something like 2.0 our?

Is the version installed with 9.0 really that far behind?

Or, have I just had a very long day and week and im missing something? :)
The latest version is 2.0.13. Red Hat is abysmally behind.


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RE: Antivirus for Linux

2003-07-18 Thread Trevor
No, don't bother with RAV.  I heard that Microsoft is planning to
discontinue support for Linux and shut down the company in a few months.

Now that Microsoft has their own AntiVirus engine, I wonder how that's going
to affect the big American AntiVirus companies like Norton, McAfee, etc.  I
think they will be very, very upset (and worried).

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 3:47 PM
To: rhlist
Subject: Re: Antivirus for Linux

sorry i meant GeCAD is NOW owned by Microsoft.

Saqib Ali

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, SAQIB wrote:

> you might wanna look at RAV Antivirus by GeCAD. However the company is not
> owned by MS.
> Saqib Ali
> -
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Postfix question

2003-07-18 Thread Jason Williams
Just a quick question here.

I recently installed RH 9.0 with Postfix. When I typed postconf 
mail_version, mine came back with 1.1.11

Now, if im correct, isn't something like 2.0 our?

Is the version installed with 9.0 really that far behind?

Or, have I just had a very long day and week and im missing something? :)


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Re: Package Management problems

2003-07-18 Thread Lorenzo Prince
The best package management I have seen so far is the apt package management
 for RPM systems.  First, download and install apt from or
several other sites that have it.  Then from a terminal as root, type:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install synaptic

Synaptic is the GUI front-end.  It already comes with a list of sites where it will 
download any packages and dependencies and install them for you automatically.

Lorenzo Prince
Happy  Red Hat 9 user ;)
Feel free to contact me (flames about my english and the useless of this
driver will be redirected to /dev/null, oh no, it's full...).
(Michael Beck, describing the PC-speaker sound device)

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Re: mysql backup?

2003-07-18 Thread SAQIB
we run mysqlhotcopy script to copy the database to a different slice on
the disk, and then make the backup of that slice to a magnetic tape.

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy password=your_passwd databasename

mysqlhotcopy is a perl script that locks the table for updates while the
copy is being made. This ensures the integrity.

If want a more robust solution, I would recommend creating replica(mirror)
db server and making backups of the replica server.

Saqib Ali

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Michael Sorrentino wrote:

> Greetings list
> Currently, I'm using tar to backup the /var/lib/mysql directory four
> times a day. Is this sufficient or is it possible for tar to skip over
> some files that may be in use? There are a lot of DB's and I need to
> make sure I'm not missing data on backup. Any suggestions?
> --
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mysql backup?

2003-07-18 Thread Michael Sorrentino
Greetings list

Currently, I'm using tar to backup the /var/lib/mysql directory four
times a day. Is this sufficient or is it possible for tar to skip over
some files that may be in use? There are a lot of DB's and I need to
make sure I'm not missing data on backup. Any suggestions?

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Re: Antivirus for Linux

2003-07-18 Thread SAQIB
sorry i meant GeCAD is NOW owned by Microsoft.

Saqib Ali

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, SAQIB wrote:

> you might wanna look at RAV Antivirus by GeCAD. However the company is not
> owned by MS.
> Saqib Ali
> -
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Re: motherboard change

2003-07-18 Thread Johan Scheepers
May I enquire..
This swapping - was the drive position always drive one?
If I swap on my machine drive two to drive one I get a kernel panic. Are you
somehow tricking linux to accept this?

- Original Message - 
From: "T. Ribbrock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: motherboard change

> On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 02:58:55PM -0400, Vince Scimeca wrote:
> > I have also pulled drives from one box and put them in others using RH
> > 7.2 with no real issues. These were vastly different boxes with
> > different boards, processors memory etc.   For me, RH detected the
> > changes in sound and video etc on bootup and asked me to accept the
> > changes.  I never had an issue doing this...maybe I was just lucky?!
> Nah, that's the way it should be. This isn't Windows...
> Same here, BTW. I've swapped drives between boxes quite often and never
> an issue. With one single exception: I once swapped a drive from a Pentium
> machine to a 486 - and forgot that I had recompiled the kernel for
> For obvious reasons, that didn't quite work... ;-)
> One thing to keep in mind, however, is that even with a stock kernel
> (which most people will use anyway) you will have to reconfigure a few
> bits and pieces. Things like video and sound come to mind, as well as
> network cards and USB, maybe even IDE and SCSI, depending on your
> setup. Personally, I usually disable kudzu, as it takes another few
> seconds during boot, so I either have to configure things manually or
> I run kudzu manually.
> Cheerio,
> Thomas
> -- 
> ==> RH List Archive:
> --
> Thomas Ribbrock
>   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come
> -- 
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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Lorenzo Prince
John Nichel staggered into view and mumbled:
> Ditch Sendmail, and install qmail with vmailmgr.  Works like a charm.

But how do you get qmail to work on RH9?  I went to to try to get qmail 
cause I heard it was good, but when I 
got there, it said it didn't work with later versions of gcc.  It said I needed a lot 
of patches and that it would be a 
lot of trouble just to get it to work on any new distro.

Loenzo Prince
happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
"I once witnessed a long-winded, month-long flamewar over the use of
mice vs. trackballs...It was very silly."
(By Matt Welsh)

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Re: Antivirus for Linux

2003-07-18 Thread Dana Holland
I'm using Sophos, and extremely happy.

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Trouble mounting SMB resources.

2003-07-18 Thread Kunkel, Mark
Title: Trouble mounting SMB resources.

I am attempting to setup mounting of SMB resources as a regular user.

I use the command mount /mnt/public

I have put the following line in /etc/fstab
//essrocbdc/Public  /mnt/public smbfs   noauto,users

I have set the setuid bit on the smbmnt command.

The error I get is:
cannot mount on /mnt/public: Operation not permitted.

Any ideas what the problem is. I of course have no problem running the same mount command as root.

Mark Kunkel
Election Systems & Software
(815) 397 - 8144  phone
(800) 800 - 8362

(815) 397 - 4299  fax

Re: Antivirus for Linux

2003-07-18 Thread SAQIB
you might wanna look at RAV Antivirus by GeCAD. However the company is not
owned by MS.

Saqib Ali

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connection to server interupted

2003-07-18 Thread jeff allen
I hope this makes sense.

I have 22 machines running RH7.3. One machine has a connection problem that 
is intermitent. There is a folder on the server that all machines access. On 
this one machine it will run into a problem connecting to it. The only way I 
have found that tells me this is I do a df and that one drive can take 2-10 
seconds to show up. Typically it will show immediately. I am stumped and 
wondering how a newbie would go about determining what is causing the issue. 
All 22 machines have the same hardware setup and checking the graphical 
interface on the switch the setting are all the same there.


MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

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RE: Discovering Reasons For Crash

2003-07-18 Thread Trevor
cat /var/log/messages | more

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nigel Peck - MIS Web
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:10 PM
Subject: Discovering Reasons For Crash

I lease a Redhat 7.3 server from a hosting company. the server has gone down and they 
are going to reboot it.

What's the best place to start looking for reasons why it went down?


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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 13:39, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:
> I've recently tried to convert one of my fileservers (80 Gb RH8.0) to NFS.  I 
> have it setup to use Samba for access from Windows machines on my net and 
> they all work just fine when playing MP3s and transferring large files.  But 
> now I want to use my RH 8.0 desktop machine to access the server and play 
> MP3s etc.  I tried to use Samba at first and the sound was very choppy 
> (assume from the extra Samba overhead), so I tried to switch to NFS.  Now the 
> songs start off just fine, but then they pause for varying lengths of time (a 
> few seconds to several minutes).  Sometimes most of the song will play and 
> then they come to a dead stop.  This machine will play MP3s from my Windows 
> server just fine using Samba.  I really thought NFS would be the answer I was 
> looking for, any suggestions?

What mount options did you use when mounting the nfs drive?  You can
increase the block size or something to speed up large file transfers.


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DNS ? web and mail hosts in different domains.

2003-07-18 Thread Timothy Stone
Here's a slow pitch:

I have been recently instructed to move a web domain to internally 
hosted servers.

In so doing I added 4 A records with our external DNS host (for round 
robin load sharing) to move the domain for web hosting. In so doing, 
partly because I missed the part about the customers email, I disabled 
email for the customer. We don't host email internally. To appease the 
demo gods, imagine if you will: IN A IN A IN A IN A
I have since hoped to correct the problem by adding a MX record: IN MX 10

Would this be correct? I'm waiting over the weekend for DNS to propogate 
at this point. Our DNS host didn't balk at the request, and trust me, if 
it was odd, they would have.

Thanks, Tim

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Re: Problems with clock

2003-07-18 Thread Kevin Breit
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 02:18, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> If it's always a few hours - the wrong timezone is more than likely set, 
> or the UTC option is set incorrectly.

How can I check what the UTC is set to?


Kevin Breit

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Discovering Reasons For Crash

2003-07-18 Thread Nigel Peck - MIS Web Design
I lease a Redhat 7.3 server from a hosting company. the server has gone down and they 
are going to reboot it.

What's the best place to start looking for reasons why it went down?


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Re: Procmail (???) error

2003-07-18 Thread Mark Neidorff
.oops. I forgot a few details System RedHat 7.3, Sendmail
8.11.6-25, procmail 3.22-5

Thanks again,


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How to send a global email with sendmail

2003-07-18 Thread YoloIts
I am an admin and I would like to send an email to all my ISP customers on
 my mail server.  How do I send a global email with send mail without adding
all the addresses indenpently?

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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread SAQIB
NFS has too much overhead. I would rather look into streaming via HTTP
(apache). or an open source streaming solution.

Saqib Ali

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:

> I've recently tried to convert one of my fileservers (80 Gb RH8.0) to NFS.  I
> have it setup to use Samba for access from Windows machines on my net and
> they all work just fine when playing MP3s and transferring large files.  But
> now I want to use my RH 8.0 desktop machine to access the server and play
> MP3s etc.  I tried to use Samba at first and the sound was very choppy
> (assume from the extra Samba overhead), so I tried to switch to NFS.  Now the
> songs start off just fine, but then they pause for varying lengths of time (a
> few seconds to several minutes).  Sometimes most of the song will play and
> then they come to a dead stop.  This machine will play MP3s from my Windows
> server just fine using Samba.  I really thought NFS would be the answer I was
> looking for, any suggestions?
> Just a message from Doug...
> -
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NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0)
I've recently tried to convert one of my fileservers (80 Gb RH8.0) to NFS.  I 
have it setup to use Samba for access from Windows machines on my net and 
they all work just fine when playing MP3s and transferring large files.  But 
now I want to use my RH 8.0 desktop machine to access the server and play 
MP3s etc.  I tried to use Samba at first and the sound was very choppy 
(assume from the extra Samba overhead), so I tried to switch to NFS.  Now the 
songs start off just fine, but then they pause for varying lengths of time (a 
few seconds to several minutes).  Sometimes most of the song will play and 
then they come to a dead stop.  This machine will play MP3s from my Windows 
server just fine using Samba.  I really thought NFS would be the answer I was 
looking for, any suggestions?

Just a message from Doug...

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Re: System Backups

2003-07-18 Thread Kent Borg
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 01:08:52PM -0500, Haley Crowe wrote:
> Hello all.  I have what I hope will be a fairly simple question.  We
> have a Redhat system that we want to make sure we get a full system
> backup (image) of anytime a major change is made.  Does anyone have any
> suggestions or tips on how they are doing it?

Look at: .

Do incremental backups to disk.  If you want to catch upgrade/operator
errors, backing up to the very same disk is useful.  If your disk is
really a pair of raid 1 disks mirroring each other, then backing up to
yourself is even pretty safe against hardware problems.

To be really safe backup over a network to a different box.


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Re: System Backups

2003-07-18 Thread Michael Gargiullo
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 14:08, Haley Crowe wrote:
> Hello all.  I have what I hope will be a fairly simple question.  We
> have a Redhat system that we want to make sure we get a full system
> backup (image) of anytime a major change is made.  Does anyone have any
> suggestions or tips on how they are doing it?

If you have a machine with a few gigs to spare use rsync to copy the
entire filesystem from the machine (exclude the /proc and /mnt
directories) to another machine.

To restore, you mount a HD, and copy the file system to it, create the
/proc and /mnt directories, then put the HD in the machine, and boot via
a boot disk. Boot into maintanance mode (It will automaticlly) enter
your root password and use e2label to label your partitions mount
points. Reboot with boot disk.  login as root, and run grub-install
/dev/. all done.  Takes an hour to restore at the outside.

You can always rsync back to the original machine to skip a few steps

I have simple scripts if you need it.

Michael Gargiullo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Warp Drive Networks

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Re: memory useage question

2003-07-18 Thread Kent Borg
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 10:54:49AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On my new RedHat 9 web server I see the physical memory is pretty much 
> always shown as 99% used, disk swap 0%. I have 768 megs ram, AMD 600mhz 
> Athlon cpu. 
> Is this normal? Should I reboot it when it gets like this?

No, don't reboot, it is likely just getting good.

Linux doesn't like keeping lots of RAM free, it justs seems like a
waste to have RAM sitting there not used for anything, so it uses
extra RAM of optional things, like caching disk contents.

When you try to read a file it might be in the cache, in which case
you will get it much faster.  Similar logic applies to IO buffering.
If later that RAM is needed for more specific uses it can be taken
back from on a moment's notice.  Only a little RAM is kept free in
Linux, and that is good.


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RE: Did we get hacked?

2003-07-18 Thread Nick White
Dude, that's pretty gross.  You should try applying the latest

-Original Message-
From: John Doesovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Did we get hacked?

hacked foot maybe

this is why computer people should not play softball. 

--- Frank Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You apparently have a bandwidth limitation on that
> site
> At 01:24 PM 7/18/03, John Doesovich wrote:
> >Have a look at these shots and let us know if we
> were
> >hacked
> >
> >
> >
> >__
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >redhat-list mailing list
> >unsubscribe
> >
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe

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SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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RH9 slowed after PS/2 to USB mouse change?!?

2003-07-18 Thread Bonny
Hello all!

I just changed my mouse from a 2-button PS/2 mouse to a 2-button+scroll
USB mouse.
What I've noticed is that before getting the login screen of RedHat 9, I
get the "nVIDIA" logo for about 10/15 sec.! Another thing is that the
keyboard doesn't respond on the login screen for about 15 seconds, too!

Could this be related to my USB mouse? What's wrong?

Thank you all!

Bonny - Registered Linux User #251752
   --- VB LUG Moderator ---
"Don't forget that MS-Windows is just a temporary workaround until you
can switch to a GNU system." - GnuPG creators

Description: PGP signature

System Backups

2003-07-18 Thread Haley Crowe
Hello all.  I have what I hope will be a fairly simple question.  We
have a Redhat system that we want to make sure we get a full system
backup (image) of anytime a major change is made.  Does anyone have any
suggestions or tips on how they are doing it?



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memory useage question

2003-07-18 Thread chip . wiegand
On my new RedHat 9 web server I see the physical memory is pretty much 
always shown as 99% used, disk swap 0%. I have 768 megs ram, AMD 600mhz 
Athlon cpu. 
Is this normal? Should I reboot it when it gets like this?
Chip Wiegand
Computer Services
Simrad, Inc

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
 --Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment 
Corporation, 1977
 (Then why do I have 8? Somebody help me!)

redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Incremental & scheduled copy of large data set over the net

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 11:25, Bret Hughes wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 08:43, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> > On Thursday 17 July 2003 07:52 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > > How bout simply running rsync against the whole shebang but having
> > > another cron job kill rysnc at the end of your time window? The next
> > 
> > OK, those seems to be a more viable solution. Just kill the rsync after an 
> > hour, regardless how much data get transported. 
> > 
> > Will 'killall rsync' do it? Since of course I don't want to get up at 3 AM in 
> > the morning to kill rsync. If not, then a script needs to be written to get 
> > the pid and kill it, which I am not on how to do it just yet.
> Yeah probably but not too clean as it would kill anything else rsync
> might be doing.  How about wrapping the rsync call in a wrapper script
> and writting the pid of the wrapper to a file:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Workingdir]$ cat ~/bin/testrsync 
> #!/bin/bash
> outfile="/tmp/rsync.out"
> echo $$ > "/tmp/"
> echo "beginning rysnc.job at " `date` > "$outfile"
> rsync -arvvze /usr/bin/ssh /home/bhughes/mydata compaq3:.  >>"$outfile"
> 2>&1
> then you can have the kill job do something like :
> kill `cat /tmp/`   
> Those are backtics

Sorry for the previous non-snip

After actually testing the script above I see that killing the wrapper
did not kill the rsync job.  is appears to work if you exec rsync
instead of allowing it to fork by simply calling it.

exec /usr/bin/rsync -arvvze /usr/bin/ssh remotehost:/remote/dir/path /local/mirror/dir 
 >>"$outfile" > 2>&1

This might be double compressing if ssh is also using compression but I
don't think it does by default.


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Re: Did we get hacked?

2003-07-18 Thread John Doesovich
hacked foot maybe

this is why computer people should not play softball. 

--- Frank Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You apparently have a bandwidth limitation on that
> site
> At 01:24 PM 7/18/03, John Doesovich wrote:
> >Have a look at these shots and let us know if we
> were
> >hacked
> >
> >
> >
> >__
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >redhat-list mailing list
> >unsubscribe
> >
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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Procmail (???) error

2003-07-18 Thread Mark Neidorff
I don't know what I must have been something that affected
mail delivery within my local domain.  I run a mail server on my linux box
and using procmail, it successfully receives and sends mail across the
Internet for me and my family (on 192.168.1.x).

But when I try to send mail to other computers on my local network, the
mail does not get delivered.  What happenes is that the mail "sits" in
/var/spool/mqueue along with a ".lock" file.  I can force the mail to get
delivered by rm'ing the .lock file repeatedly and checking for delivery
with mailq.  When the mail is finally delivered, I must manually "killall
procmail" and then rm all of the files in the /var/spool/mqueue directory.  
Once I do that, mail delivery resumes as normal.

My analysis of the procmail.log file is that at some point in the delivery
chain the ".lock" file isn't being removed and things stop there.  There
doesn't seem to be anything wrong in /var/log/messages or

Is there anything else thatCan anyone see how I can fix the problem?

Here is a "small" excerpt from my procmail.log file that shows the 
problem when I (mark) send an e-mail to another user on my local network 
(merri).  Thanks for any help,


procmail: No match on 
procmail: Match on 
procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: Executing "/usr/sbin/sendmail,-oi,merri"
procmail: [945] Fri Jul 18 13:13:08 2003
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi merri"
procmail: Unlocking ".lock"
procmail: Notified comsat: "merri@:/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi merri"
>From mark  Fri Jul 18 13:13:07 2003
 Subject: testing 1 2 3
  Folder: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi merri 3579
procmail: [950] Fri Jul 18 13:13:08 2003
procmail: Assigning "LOGABSTRACT=all"
procmail: No match on 
procmail: No match on 
procmail: No match on 
procmail: Match on 
procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: Executing "/usr/sbin/sendmail,-oi,merri"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:08 2003
procmail: Assigning "LOGABSTRACT=all"
procmail: No match on 
procmail: Match on 
procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:16 2003
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:24 2003
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:32 2003
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:40 2003
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:48 2003
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: [953] Fri Jul 18 13:13:56 2003
procmail: Locking ".lock"
procmail: Terminating prematurely
procmail: Notified comsat: "merri@:**Requeued**"
>From mark  Fri Jul 18 13:13:08 2003
  Folder: **Requeued** 3710
procmail: Unlocking ".lock"
procmail: Terminating prematurely whilst waiting for lockfile "0á°ßB"
procmail: Notified comsat: "mark@:**Requeued**"
>From mark  Fri Jul 18 13:13:08 2003
  Folder: **Requeued**0

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Re: Did we get hacked?

2003-07-18 Thread Frank Bax
You apparently have a bandwidth limitation on that site

At 01:24 PM 7/18/03, John Doesovich wrote:

Have a look at these shots and let us know if we were

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
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Did we get hacked?

2003-07-18 Thread John Doesovich
Have a look at these shots and let us know if we were

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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Re: Incremental & scheduled copy of large data set over the net

2003-07-18 Thread George Nicholls
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 15:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 17 Jul 2003, George Nicholls wrote:
> > On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 20:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 
> > > Perhaps you could tar-gzip the whole bunch, then use the "split" command 
> > > to chop them into bite-size pieces.
> > 
> > how do you then 'un-split' them on the other side?
> > 
> cat splitfile-1 splitfile-2 ... splitfile-n > unsplitfile
> will do it.
> Regards,
> Mike Anderson


> > Georgen
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > > Mike Anderson
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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Package Management problems

2003-07-18 Thread chip . wiegand
I recently set up a RedHat 9 box to test on our network and yesterday 
resolved a printing issue. Now today I am trying to install the rdesktop 
software but running up against a wall. First, the machine was set up 
using the default option for Personal Desktop. Okay, here's what I'm doing 


Open Package Management gui from the menu. 
 Select Development Tools and find GCC is selected by default, press 
the Update button
  Packages Not Found - krb5-libs and openssl
 Search around and find krb5-server in the Network servers tab (cannot 

find krb5-libs anywhere). Select krb5-server and select update
  Packages Not Found - krb5-libs, make, openssl, gettext, binutils

What's up with that? I thought Package Management meant it would find the 
dependencies and install them as needed, but apparently it doesn't. And 
where are the dependencies? Why can't can't it handle this by itself?

(I'm new to linux, but have been using FreeBSD for about 4 years now, the 
FreeBSD ports system installs all dependencies on its own as needed)

Mostly - What do I do now?

Chip Wiegand
Computer Services
Simrad, Inc

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
 --Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment 
Corporation, 1977
 (Then why do I have 8? Somebody help me!)

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Re: AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! was Re: (no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread John Nichel
Nate Golnik wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been removed from list.

I think I'll keep him in my /dev/null 'list' though. :o

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Re: Reiserfs Disk Usage

2003-07-18 Thread Kent Borg
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 12:36:02PM -0400, Javier Gostling wrote:
> What is the filesystem type on the other partitions? Ext2 has no
> journal, while ext3 does (though I don't recall how it sizes it). Check
> out journal size in reiserfs to see how much that is using up.

All (except swap) are reiserfs.  The journal is whatever the default
is (RH installer made the regular partitions. I made the backup by
hand).  But the difference is many many megabytes.  

Does Reiserfs allocate files space in bigger chunks on bigger volumes?
That could make for more slop hanging off the end of files.



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Re: Reiserfs Disk Usage

2003-07-18 Thread Javier Gostling
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 11:39:24AM -0400, Kent Borg wrote:
> Does Reiserfs have differing overhead depending upon volume size?  Is
> something else happening?

What is the filesystem type on the other partitions? Ext2 has no
journal, while ext3 does (though I don't recall how it sizes it). Check
out journal size in reiserfs to see how much that is using up.

Javier Gostling D.

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Re: AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! was Re: (no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread Nate Golnik

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been removed from list.

Nate Golnik Phone:  (919) 754-3700 x44382
Red Hat System Administrator
1801 Varsity Drive 
Raleigh, NC 27606

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RE: Network printer setup with CUPS

2003-07-18 Thread chip . wiegand
I recently set up a RedHat 9 box to test on our network and yesterday 
resolved a printing issue. Now today I am trying to install the rdesktop 
software but running up against a wall. First, the machine was set up 
using the default option for Personal Desktop. Okay, here's what I'm doing 

Open Package Management gui from the menu. 
 Select Development Tools and find GCC is selected by default, press 
the Update button
  Packages Not Found - krb5-libs and openssl
 Search around and find krb5-server in the Network servers tab (cannot 
find krb5-libs anywhere). Select krb5-server and select update
  Packages Not Found - krb5-libs, make, openssl, gettext, binutils

What's up with that? I thought Package Management meant it would find the 
dependencies and install them as needed, but apparently it doesn't. And 
where are the dependencies? Why can't can't it handle this by itself?

(I'm new to linux, but have been using FreeBSD for about 4 years now, the 
FreeBSD ports system installs all dependencies on its own as needed)

Mostly - What do I do now?

Chip Wiegand
Computer Services
Simrad, Inc

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
 --Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment 
Corporation, 1977
 (Then why do I have 8? Somebody help me!)

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Re: Incremental & scheduled copy of large data set over the net

2003-07-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 08:43, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:

> On Thursday 17 July 2003 07:52 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > How bout simply running rsync against the whole shebang but having
> > another cron job kill rysnc at the end of your time window? The next
> OK, those seems to be a more viable solution. Just kill the rsync after an 
> hour, regardless how much data get transported. 
> Will 'killall rsync' do it? Since of course I don't want to get up at 3 AM in 
> the morning to kill rsync. If not, then a script needs to be written to get 
> the pid and kill it, which I am not on how to do it just yet.

Yeah probably but not too clean as it would kill anything else rsync
might be doing.  How about wrapping the rsync call in a wrapper script
and writting the pid of the wrapper to a file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Workingdir]$ cat ~/bin/testrsync 
echo $$ > "/tmp/"
echo "beginning rysnc.job at " `date` > "$outfile"
rsync -arvvze /usr/bin/ssh /home/bhughes/mydata compaq3:.  >>"$outfile"

then you can have the kill job do something like :

kill `cat /tmp/`   

Those are backtics


> Thanks for all who replied. but certainly if anyone else think of something 
> cool would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> Reuben D. Budiardja
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! was Re: (no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Croft
A thousand pardons for the HTML. Rough day.

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 12:00, Edward Croft wrote:
> I am in the office, and I will be getting all of these out of office
> messages. If you would like to leave an out of office message and
> further clutter my email box. Please do so. I mean, I only have this
> and four other mailing lists to plow through and stay on top of. I
> think it is wonderful that you are shareing the fact that you get a
> vacation while I have not had one in three years. I do hope you are
> having a wonderful time. Please don't forget to send a postcard. 
> Sorry, bad hair day.
> Sarcasm mode off.
> On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 11:55, Gary Stainburn wrote: 
> > On Friday 18 Jul 2003 3:33 pm, Toralf Lund wrote:
> > > From: "Toralf Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: Re: Re: Epson Stylus C82
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1
> > > Precedence: bulk
> > >
> > > As I am out of the office, the e-mail message you just sent me
> > > (subject "
> > > may be left unread for some time. I will check my mailbox
> > > occasionally, but urgent, business related matters should be
> > > re-directed to one of the following addresses:
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]for issues concerning software or hardware
> > >   installations.
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for queries related to development libraries,
> > >   source code and porting.
> > >
> > > You may also be able to reach me on telephone no +47 91316691
> > >
> > > I will be back on Monday, 11 August 2003.

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Re: AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! was Re: (no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Croft

I am in the office, and I will be getting all of these out of office messages. If you would like to leave an out of office message and further clutter my email box. Please do so. I mean, I only have this and four other mailing lists to plow through and stay on top of. I think it is wonderful that you are shareing the fact that you get a vacation while I have not had one in three years. I do hope you are having a wonderful time. Please don't forget to send a postcard. 

Sorry, bad hair day.
Sarcasm mode off.

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 11:55, Gary Stainburn wrote:

On Friday 18 Jul 2003 3:33 pm, Toralf Lund wrote:
> From: "Toralf Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Re: Epson Stylus C82
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Precedence: bulk
> As I am out of the office, the e-mail message you just sent me
> (subject "
> may be left unread for some time. I will check my mailbox
> occasionally, but urgent, business related matters should be
> re-directed to one of the following addresses:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]for issues concerning software or hardware
>   installations.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for queries related to development libraries,
>   source code and porting.
> You may also be able to reach me on telephone no +47 91316691
> I will be back on Monday, 11 August 2003.

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000 

Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Hal Burgiss
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 11:34:29AM -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> On Thursday 17 July 2003 05:32 pm, Ivo Tijhaar wrote:
> >
> > I have the following question i have multiple users and they all
> > have there own mailbox. Some users want more then one mailbox and
> > pop account. Is there a way to achieve this? Without creating a
> > new user or buy commercial software?
> Well, the easises way that I know of would be creating a new user,
> and then delete the home directory and set the login shell of the
> new user to /bin/false in /etc/passwd.
> Is there any specific reason why you don't want to do this?

And how does "commercial software" get around the need to create new
user "accounts" intelligently? A proprietary password file? I don't
think so ... 

Hal Burgiss

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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Croft
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 11:34, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> On Thursday 17 July 2003 05:32 pm, Ivo Tijhaar wrote:

> Well, the easises way that I know of would be creating a new user, and then 
> delete the home directory and set the login shell of the new user to 
> /bin/false in /etc/passwd.
> Is there any specific reason why you don't want to do this?
> -- 
> Reuben D. Budiardja
useradd -M -s /bin/false username
The -M prevents the home directory from being created and -s sets the
login shell.

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AARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! was Re: (no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Friday 18 Jul 2003 3:33 pm, Toralf Lund wrote:
> From: "Toralf Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Re: Epson Stylus C82
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Precedence: bulk
> As I am out of the office, the e-mail message you just sent me
> (subject "
> may be left unread for some time. I will check my mailbox
> occasionally, but urgent, business related matters should be
> re-directed to one of the following addresses:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]for issues concerning software or hardware
>   installations.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for queries related to development libraries,
>   source code and porting.
> You may also be able to reach me on telephone no +47 91316691
> I will be back on Monday, 11 August 2003.

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000 

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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread John Nichel
Ivo Tijhaar wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have the following question i have multiple users and they all have there
own mailbox. Some users want more then one
mailbox and pop account. Is there a way to achieve this? Without creating a
new user or buy commercial software?
Thanks in advance,

Ivo Tijhaar
Eramco Systems BV
Ditch Sendmail, and install qmail with vmailmgr.  Works like a charm.
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Reiserfs Disk Usage

2003-07-18 Thread Kent Borg
My old 12GB notebook disk was dying, so I got a new 60GB, and after a
somewhat worrisome installation in my Vaio Z505LE, it works!

Now that I have all this nice space I decided to use some of it to
backup the rest (a la
).  I am using
Reiserfs, and made an extra partition for my backups.  I did my
initial rsync --archive (excluding /proc, /dev, and the backup volume
itself), and by the time it finished the backup was bigger than the

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# df
  Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hda2 15357664   4599040  10758624  30% /
  /dev/hda1   104380 38072 66308  37% /boot
  none 95312 0 95312   0% /dev/shm
  /dev/hda6 39068848   4774752  34294096  13% /root/backups

Does Reiserfs have differing overhead depending upon volume size?  Is
something else happening?



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dig behavior

2003-07-18 Thread Marvin Blackburn
We have experienced this behavior on rh 9.0, rh 8.0, and AS 2.1

We can use nslookup to resolve internal addresses by the shortnames and by
the fully qualified names.
However, we get a connection timeout; unable to connect to server when
"digging" on the shortname.
The fqn works fine.

I am trying to make sure that this is the expected behavior.

Marvin Blackburn
Systems Administrator
Glen Raven
"He's no failure.  He's not dead yet" --William Lloyd George

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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Thursday 17 July 2003 05:32 pm, Ivo Tijhaar wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have the following question i have multiple users and they all have there
> own mailbox. Some users want more then one
> mailbox and pop account. Is there a way to achieve this? Without creating a
> new user or buy commercial software?

Well, the easises way that I know of would be creating a new user, and then 
delete the home directory and set the login shell of the new user to 
/bin/false in /etc/passwd.

Is there any specific reason why you don't want to do this?


Reuben D. Budiardja

redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Win Toe
For one mailbox, multiple users, 
add aliases entry in /etc/aliase file like this

then as root
root#sendmail -bi

now if u send mail to users, the message will be received by [EMAIL PROTECTED],

for local users, u can omit domain name 
for more info refers to aliases manual

for one user with multiple mailboxes, use /etc/aliase file also. Add one
aliases entries for each mail boxes, 


then as root
root#sendmail -bi

now if u send mail to user_a or user_b or user_c will be redirected to bob
(which is local user bob). 

At 09:27 AM 7/18/03 -0400, you wrote:
>>On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 07:32, Ivo Tijhaar wrote:
>> > Hi everyone,
>> >
>> > I have the following question i have multiple users and they all have
>> > own mailbox. Some users want more then one
>> > mailbox and pop account. Is there a way to achieve this? Without
creating a
>> > new user or buy commercial software?
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance,
>> >
>> > Ivo Tijhaar
>> > Eramco Systems BV
>Do the users want multiple mailboxes or multiple addresses? You can use the 
>alias file in sendmail to give people multiple addresses. Then they can 
>filter messages in the mail client if they want them sorted out. This is 
>very easy to manage and very flexible.
>Tom Kovalcik 
>redhat-list mailing list
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Samba Problem Resolved - Not as Expected

2003-07-18 Thread David Hart
I gave up.

Apparently, it is impossible to mount an NTFS partition and then share
it by any means that a Windoze client can use. I even tried a trial run
of an NFS client for XP - no dice. It simply refuses to be

The solution is to re-format to Ext3 which seems ironic since this (now
SMB) share has network distributions exclusively for Win clients. Oh
well. Now the files are RWX as required. Since there are service packs
with about a gb of small files this would have been a good experiment
for ReiserFS but that's for another day. 

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(no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread Toralf Lund
From: "Toralf Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: Epson Stylus C82
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1
Precedence: bulk

As I am out of the office, the e-mail message you just sent me 
(subject " 
may be left unread for some time. I will check my mailbox 
occasionally, but urgent, business related matters should be 
re-directed to one of the following addresses:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]for issues concerning software or hardware
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for queries related to development libraries,
  source code and porting.

You may also be able to reach me on telephone no +47 91316691

I will be back on Monday, 11 August 2003.

ProCaptura AS

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Re: Epson Stylus C82

2003-07-18 Thread Gary Stainburn
On Friday 18 Jul 2003 2:26 pm, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I'm thinking of getting my better half a new printer - Epson Stylus C82.
> >
> > Anyone got any comments about this printer - specifically when connected
> > to a RH7.3 box
> The only comment I can give you is - I LOVE THE PRINTER. Most definately
> the best inkjet on the market for 'all round' performance. And by god is
> it ever fast - it seems like a laser at times!!! 22 ppm certainly hoons
> along and the quality is brilliant!!!
> HOWEVER - I honestly don't think this is the printer you want for Linux :(

How well is it supported by the printing system (LPRNG etc)?

I can live with having to boot windows for a status when the ink gets low as 
it's a dual-boot box (I like playing MSFS - probably the only product I 
actually appreciate as well done).

> It only comes with a simple 'out of ink' indicator at the front, and
> tragically this is its downfall. With 4 ink tanks to choose from, 1 led
> at the front is Epson's huge mistake. Basically, without the Epson
> status monitor, there's no way to tell which ink is out.
> And ofcourse, the ESM only runs under windows and won't work through Samba.
> In short - if you can hook it up to a Windows box - buy it. This is the
> best printer I've ever worked with bar none.
> If you're going to hook it up to Linux - the lack of knowing the status
> of the ink cartridges makes it next to useless.
> Regards,
> Ed.

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000 

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Re: Activating ETH0

2003-07-18 Thread Win Toe
log files are kept in /var/log/ directory.
but actual filename depends on configuration of /etc/syslog.conf
the easiest way to record err message is to use error redirection.

root#ifconfig eth0 up 2>error

then all errors will be kept in the file name in error. 

At 04:39 AM 7/19/03 -0700, you wrote:
>i tried "ifup eth0" and the message is something like this:
>"Determining IP information for eth09...  failed; no link present.  Check 
>what's up??  i am not too familiar with UNIX environment :^P
>and where is the log file??
>this message appears on the screen!!
>At 06:41 PM 7/17/2003 +0800, you wrote:
>>Farschad Torabi wrote:
>>>I have a PiV pc with a 3COM LAN card. the model of the card is 
>>>3c905c-tx-m and it worked
>>>properly with RH8.0 as well as RH9.0 longs ago. but now, i reinstalled 
>>>the RH9 but it messaged
>>>me that "unable to activate ETH0, check cable?"
>>>what's wrong?? what should i do??
>>>i don't know if i return to RH8.0 whether this problem is diminished or
>>Farschad, firstly - the RedHat version number is 9, not 9.0.
>>Secondly, the easiest thing to do is run 'ifup eth0', then check the 
>>message log and see if there is any more information. You usually get more 
>>information in the message log than at start-up.
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>   Farschad Torabi
>Ph. D. Student
>Department of Mechanical Eng.
> University of Tehran
> Tehran  / Iran
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(no subject)

2003-07-18 Thread Toralf Lund
From: "Toralf Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Precedence: bulk
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1

As I am out of the office, the e-mail message you just sent me 
(subject " 
may be left unread for some time. I will check my mailbox 
occasionally, but urgent, business related matters should be 
re-directed to one of the following addresses:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]for issues concerning software or hardware
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for queries related to development libraries,
  source code and porting.

You may also be able to reach me on telephone no +47 91316691

I will be back on Monday, 11 August 2003.

ProCaptura AS

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RE: Network printer setup with CUPS

2003-07-18 Thread chip . wiegand
Thanks for all the help guys, I found out where the problem was - the 
Netport Express itself. It has issues. Even though it allows printing from 
the entire MS Windoze network, it still has problems. The button on the 
side to print a test page results in no test page, the web interface 
button to print a test page results in no test page, and making any 
changes at all in the config from the web interface just locks it up. Even 
my spare, old Netport Express has the same issues. I replaced it with a 
spare Lexmark MarkNet box and everything is fine now.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/16/2003 07:47:56 PM:

> On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 17:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Thanks for the help so far. I have verified that the settings do 
appear to 
> > correct, it just always times out when attempting to print. I have 
> > the web interface to set up the printer, still no good.
> > Copied below is a section of the error_log, with debug turned on.
> > --
> > Chip
> > =
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob(2, 0x80b6598)
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob() id = 2, file = 0/1
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: Sending job to queue tagged 
> > raw...
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] job-sheets=none,none
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] banner_page = 0
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: argv = 
> > "Copyroom","2","root","","1","job-sheets=none,none 
> > page-bottom=36 cpi=12 lpi=7 scaling=100 page-right=36 page-left=36 
> > page-top=36 job-priority=50 
> > job-hold-until=no-hold","/var/spool/cups/d2-001"
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: envp = 
> > "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin","SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: statusfds = 5, 6
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: filterfds[1] = 7, -1
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: backend = 
> > "/usr/lib/cups/backend/Нÿ¿æ†"
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StartJob: filterfds[0] = -1, 8
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] 
> > start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/Нÿ¿æ†", 0xbfff9cc0, 
> > 0xbfff9170, 7, 8, 6)
> > E [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] PID 14128 stopped with status 22!
> > I [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] Started backend 
> > /usr/lib/cups/backend/Нÿ¿æ† (PID -14128) for job 2.
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] [Job 2] 
> > No such file or directory
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] UpdateJob: job 2, file 0 is complete.
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StopJob: id = 2, force = 0
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] StopJob: printer state is 5
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] AcceptClient() 5 from localhost:631.
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] ReadClient() 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
> > D [16/Jul/2003:13:42:34 -0700] CloseClient() 5
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/16/2003 12:12:44 PM:
> > 
> > > Yeah look in the "/etc/cups/printers.conf"
> > > DeviceURI socket://
> > > 
> > > That's the URI for jetdirect card you should see something like 
that. Or 
> > try
> > > from your web browser should bring up the web 
> > interface
> > > for CUPS
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 3:03 PM
> > > Subject: RE: Network printer setup with CUPS
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I don't know what you mean by the right backend or the web front end 
> > > CUPS. I am using the RedHat printer configuration gui from the GNOME 

> > menu. 
> > > Apparently there is more than this gui available. I do have it set 
> > with 
> > > the ip address and port 9100 though.
> > > --
> > > Chip
> > > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/16/2003 08:31:14 AM:
> > > 
> > > > Did you try xx.xx.xx.xx:9100
> > > > That would be the jetdirect port. Then you need to let CUPS know 
> > > right
> > > > backend to use.
> > > > If you use the web front end to CUPS it's real easy.
> > > > 
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:27 AM
> > > > Subject: Network printer setup with CUPS
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I have set up several printers for a RH9 box, all network printers 

> > > (shared 
> > > > Windoze printers), but am having trouble printing to a HP Lazerjet 
> > 
> > > on 
> > > > an Intel NetportExpress Pro. I point to the ip address of the box, 
> > 
> > > the 
> > >

Re: Epson Stylus C82

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Croft
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 09:26, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > I'm thinking of getting my better half a new printer - Epson Stylus C82.
> > 
> > Anyone got any comments about this printer - specifically when connected to a 
> > RH7.3 box
> The only comment I can give you is - I LOVE THE PRINTER. Most definately 
> the best inkjet on the market for 'all round' performance. And by god is 
> it ever fast - it seems like a laser at times!!! 22 ppm certainly hoons 
> along and the quality is brilliant!!!
> HOWEVER - I honestly don't think this is the printer you want for Linux :(
> It only comes with a simple 'out of ink' indicator at the front, and 
> tragically this is its downfall. With 4 ink tanks to choose from, 1 led 
> at the front is Epson's huge mistake. Basically, without the Epson 
> status monitor, there's no way to tell which ink is out.
> And ofcourse, the ESM only runs under windows and won't work through Samba.
> In short - if you can hook it up to a Windows box - buy it. This is the 
> best printer I've ever worked with bar none.
> If you're going to hook it up to Linux - the lack of knowing the status 
> of the ink cartridges makes it next to useless.
> Regards,
> Ed.
Ed, just curious, have you tried to run the ESM under wine? At least
maybe it would tell you which cartridge was out? 


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Re: Mozilla, Backup

2003-07-18 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Thursday 17 July 2003 09:42 pm, Sambit Nanda wrote:
> I asked this question before but did not get any
> answer,
>   I am using Mozilla on RH, I have more than 3000
> mails on my local folder, I like to export all the
> message and take backup, I did not find any option to
> export messages, what is the best way to take backup
> of all message, Last time i did a tar of .Mozilla
> directory, but that is not a correct solution if iu
> want to extract message some where else like outlook
> express.
>  In normal practise, what is the best way to handel

It's very easy. Mozilla stores mail in mbox format, meaning, it's just flat 
file. So you can copy around that files, and do whatever you want.

First, go to your .mozilla/your_profile_name/*.slt/Mail/

your_profile_name should be "default" if you haven't created your own profile.

You should see the "Local Folders" directory there. Go to that directory, and 
you should see something like

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Local Folders]$ ls
Drafts  Sent  Templates  Trash  Unsent Messages

Those are the files you want to copy for export, backup, etc. You should have 
Inbox file too. In my case, since my account is POP account from another 
server, I have the files in directory


Drafts  Inbox.msf   popstate.dat  Templates
Inbox   msgFilterRules.dat  Sent  Trash

So, you can backup your other account too.

Now, to import it to another mail client, if the mail client read mbox format 
(most of them can), just copy the Inbox file (probably rename it to something 
else to avoid conflict) to the mail directory of that client. For example, to 
import those file to my Kmail, I can just do

$> cp Inbox ~/Mail/mozillaInbox

and I will have a folder mozillaInbox in Kmail. 

In respond to other poster, I don't know if outlook reads mbox format. It 
should be able too, if its developers had any sense. I never use outlook, and 
never will.


Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
/"\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign against HTML
\ /  email and proprietary format  
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Have you been used by Microsoft today? 
Choose your life. Choose freedom. 
Choose LINUX.

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Re: Epson Stylus C82

2003-07-18 Thread Edward Dekkers

Gary Stainburn wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm thinking of getting my better half a new printer - Epson Stylus C82.

Anyone got any comments about this printer - specifically when connected to a 
RH7.3 box
The only comment I can give you is - I LOVE THE PRINTER. Most definately 
the best inkjet on the market for 'all round' performance. And by god is 
it ever fast - it seems like a laser at times!!! 22 ppm certainly hoons 
along and the quality is brilliant!!!

HOWEVER - I honestly don't think this is the printer you want for Linux :(

It only comes with a simple 'out of ink' indicator at the front, and 
tragically this is its downfall. With 4 ink tanks to choose from, 1 led 
at the front is Epson's huge mistake. Basically, without the Epson 
status monitor, there's no way to tell which ink is out.

And ofcourse, the ESM only runs under windows and won't work through Samba.

In short - if you can hook it up to a Windows box - buy it. This is the 
best printer I've ever worked with bar none.

If you're going to hook it up to Linux - the lack of knowing the status 
of the ink cartridges makes it next to useless.


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Re: RH 9 on a stick, er, laptop, and a pcmcia cdrom

2003-07-18 Thread mark
> From: "Benjamin J. Weiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:12:28 -0500
> > I've now got what I think is everything...except for one leetle
> > detail: /dev/cdrom was never created, and I haven't figured 
> > out how to identify what device to link to.
> Mine is linked to /dev/scd0.

Well, I worked at it later last night, and finally Got It.
For anyone reading this, here's what I had to do to get RH 9 to accept a 
PCMCIA-attached cdrom:
0. a) In my laptop's BIOS, I told it to not auto-detect for PCMCIA, 
but to use PCIC emulation.
b) $> sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom

1. The RH install, in spite of detecting pcmcia, defaults it off.
Edit /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia, to "yes". My laptop has an
indsutry-std. Intel, so I added the PCIC. The result looks
like this:

2. I've got an old EXP CD Traveler 2020. The PCMCIA info 
for Linux shows a couple of other EXP cards supported, 
including another, older model of Traveler, so
   a) Open a second xterm, and do 
$> sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
This will let you see new lines appended to the
messages file as they occur. This way, if something
Not Good happens, you'll see.
   b)   Start PCMCIA: 
$> sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
   c)  Enter $> cardctl ident
What I got was 
Socket 0:
  product info: "EXP", "CD+GAME", "C2"
Socket 1:
  no product info available
   d) edit /etc/pcmcia/config as necessary. What I did was
to simply copy the entry for the older Traveler,
then change it to match the output from the last
command. That is, here's the original, and the
cloned entry:

card "EXP Traveler 620 CD-ROM"
  version "EXP", "CD+GAME", "C1"
  bind "ide-cs"
card "EXP Traveler 2020 CD-ROM"
  version "EXP", "CD+GAME", "C2"
  bind "ide-cs"

   e) Since you've done all this editing of config files, 
stop PCMCIA services: 
$> sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia stop
and then start 'em again:
$> sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start 

At this point, what you should see in the messages is something like this:

Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel: Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel:   options:  [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel: Intel PCIC probe: 
Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel:   Intel i82365sl B step 
ISA-to-PCMCIA at port 0x3e0 ofs 0x00, 2 sockets
Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel: host opts [0]: none
Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel: host opts [1]: none
Jul 18 08:54:43  kernel: ISA irqs (scanned) = 
3,4,5,7,9,10,15 status change on irq 15
Jul 18 08:54:44  cardmgr[4658]: starting, version is 3.1.31
Jul 18 08:54:44  cardmgr[4658]: watching 2 sockets
Jul 18 08:54:44  cardmgr[4658]: Card Services release does 
not match
Jul 18 08:54:44  kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0c00-0x0cff: 
Jul 18 08:54:44  kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: 
excluding 0x4d0-0x4d7
Jul 18 08:54:44  kernel: cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: 
Jul 18 08:54:44  kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0d-0x0d: 
Jul 18 08:54:44  cardmgr[4658]: socket 0: EXP Traveler 2020 
Jul 18 08:54:44  cardmgr[4658]: executing: 'modprobe ide-cs'
Jul 18 08:54:47  kernel: hdc: OTI-911[10-3] ACE[0A.0A-08:20] 
Jul 18 08:54:47  kernel: ide1 at 0x320-0x327,0x32e on irq 3
Jul 18 08:54:47  kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
Jul 18 08:54:47  kernel: ide_cs: hdc: Vcc = 5.0, Vpp = 0.0
Jul 18 08:54:47  cardmgr[4658]: executing: './ide start hdc'
Jul 18 08:55:06  kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
Jul 18 08:55:06  kernel: hdc: attached ide-cdrom driver.
Jul 18 08:55:06  kernel: hdc: ATAPI 2X CD-ROM drive, 120kB 
Jul 18 08:55:06  kernel: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 

Note that it *tells* you what device to refer to; in my case, it's hdc. Hmm, 
even as I write this, I just took a look, and the link /dev/cdrom->/dev/hdc  
seems to have been automagically added, as did the line in /etc/fstab:
/dev/cdrom   /mnt/cdromudf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0

We're done. Users can mount CD's too, not just root.

mark "and there was much rejoicing"
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.
 It's the only way to be sure."
-- "Aliens"

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Re: Incremental & scheduled copy of large data set over the net

2003-07-18 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Thursday 17 July 2003 07:04 pm, Matthew Melvin wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 at 9:27am (-0400), Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> [...]
> > Now, I don't want to copy the whole thing in one sit since it's large. I
> > want to do it incrementally during off-peak hours, so, say everyday
> > between 2-3 AM I would copy 500 MB, and then the next day continue with
> > another ~500MB, and the next day, etc, etc, until it's completed. The
> > content of source directory will change, although not by much at all, so
> > this needs to be able to keep trakc of that and sync with the changes.

> root 30556  0.1  0.7  3200 2040 pts/5S08:48   0:00 ssh remote
> rsync --server -logDtpr . /target/dir
> ... so after an hour has gone by, and it's 3am...
> kill 30556
> ... which is cool since we've only killed that transport that leaves the
> rync processes themslves to clean up any particuarlly transfered files.
On Thursday 17 July 2003 07:52 pm, Bret Hughes wrote:
> How bout simply running rsync against the whole shebang but having
> another cron job kill rysnc at the end of your time window? The next

OK, those seems to be a more viable solution. Just kill the rsync after an 
hour, regardless how much data get transported. 

Will 'killall rsync' do it? Since of course I don't want to get up at 3 AM in 
the morning to kill rsync. If not, then a script needs to be written to get 
the pid and kill it, which I am not on how to do it just yet.

Thanks for all who replied. but certainly if anyone else think of something 
cool would be greatly appreciated.

Reuben D. Budiardja

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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Tom Kovalcik

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 07:32, Ivo Tijhaar wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have the following question i have multiple users and they all have there
> own mailbox. Some users want more then one
> mailbox and pop account. Is there a way to achieve this? Without creating a
> new user or buy commercial software?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ivo Tijhaar
> Eramco Systems BV
Do the users want multiple mailboxes or multiple addresses? You can use the 
alias file in sendmail to give people multiple addresses. Then they can 
filter messages in the mail client if they want them sorted out. This is 
very easy to manage and very flexible.

Tom Kovalcik 

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Re: Incremental & scheduled copy of large data set over the net

2003-07-18 Thread mike
On 17 Jul 2003, George Nicholls wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 20:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Perhaps you could tar-gzip the whole bunch, then use the "split" command 
> > to chop them into bite-size pieces.
> how do you then 'un-split' them on the other side?
cat splitfile-1 splitfile-2 ... splitfile-n > unsplitfile

will do it.


Mike Anderson

> Georgen
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Mike Anderson
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 

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Re: Dynamic DNS

2003-07-18 Thread Benjamin J. Weiss
> On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 20:01, Peter Kiem wrote:
> > > I'm no expert but I suspect that the best solution is a router
that is
> > > DynDNS compat - many are. If you don't have one, it's really a
> > > small investment anyway.
> >
> > I don't understand how does a router help here?  The server needs to
> > record it's host name and IP address in the target DNS.
> The router is configured to link to and send the changed IP to the
> DynDNS server instead of running software. There is ample information
> available at Netgear, Linksys and others about this process.

I think that there's probably been a mis-communication here.  If I
understand the original poster correctly, he's not actually trying to do
dydns.  What he is probably doing is WINS over TCPIP, which typically
uses a local dns server on the Windows server to serve up the computer
names.  Windows clients that are set for dhcp automatically update the
WINS database, which can then be set up to update the local dns server.

I don't have an answer for you, but I hope that the problem is now more


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