What does this mean? netstat --inet -an

2002-07-18 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I did a netstat -inet -an command with the following results:


I'm not sure what this is telling me.  The IP address, is 
for newsforge.org.  Is this saying that I am currently connected to 
newsforge.org's port 80?


Redhat-list mailing list

web server alternatives

2002-07-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Are there any reliable web servers available other than Apache?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: web server alternatives

2002-07-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

On Friday 05 July 2002 01:38 am, David Talkington wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
> >Are there any reliable web servers available other than Apache?
> That begs the question, are you simply experimenting, or is there
> something you wish to do which you (think) you cannot do with Apache?

I started looking when Apache wasn't loading existing pages, kicking out 
an error that the requested document wasn't on the server, even though 
it was.  I wasn't able to find anyone who could provide a fix.  Since 
then Apache 2.0.39 was released, which I installed.  That fixed the 

I had already installed AOLserver for testing and am using it on one IP 
address.  My initial impression of it is that it is designed primarily 
to be the web server for one heavily used domain with high database 
needs.  It will work, and I may run it simultaneously with Apache for 
one domain that needs the database features.  For general use I'm more 
in need of a web server that's designed for virtual domain hosting.

To answer your question, right now there's no immediate need.  But if I 
have trouble again and can't get support, I need a backup server.  And, 
frankly, if in the search for a backup I find a web server that peaks 
my fancy, I'll switch to it and use Apache as the backup.



Redhat-list mailing list

Changing a file system between ext2 and ext3

2002-05-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I've been told that you can change a file system between ext2 and ext3 without
corrupting the data.  How do you do that?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-07 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Rodolfo J. Paiz writes:
>It is true that Glen should never have been hacked three times, and that 
>this fact alone shows carelessness or ignorance bordering on 
>irresponsibility. It is also true that most of us are, at one time or 

Some things we need to get clear here:

The first time I was hacked was on a remote Linux server I was leasing which was
behind a firewall that I did not control.  That system was configured wholly
different from my home system and is in a different state.

The second time I was hacked, it was on my home system.  I immediately wiped the
computer and upgraded it as far as I could considering that the Red Hat
installer no longer runs on 16 MB RAM.


The only mistake I made was in remaining loyal to Red Hat after they adopted a
policy to put out distributions that I can't install.  I should have immediately
dumped them.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-06 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

>Dave T. wrote -
>> I feel compelled to quickly point out that NAT/masquerading is 
>> _not_ a 
>> security feature.  What you're describing is a stateful firewall, 
>> which 
>> allows only inbound traffic which is related to outgoing requests. 
>> This 
>> is not in any way related to network address translation, which is 
>> what 
>> NAT/masquerading does.  iptables can do both, but please don't 
>> confuse 
>> them, nor rely on NAT to protect you.
>Of course you are correct, David. But we have been skirting the central 
>issue. Glen seems to think that the responsibility for "safe internet 
>sex" rests in Red Hat's hands. I come down on the other side and 

I never said that.  What I said is that I'm not a computer geek, I'm a Red Hat
Linux end user.  The bottom line is, Linux is a computer geek's operating
system.  And no matter how much I study and learn and work on this system, there
is going to be someone out there who knows it better than I do, and if they want
to bad enough they'll find a way in.  The best I can hope for is to build a wall
big enough around my system so that the hackers will decide to pick on an easier

My understanding is that Red Hat primarily puts together the package, but they
don't write most of the programs that they include.  As such they can't be held
responsible for weaknesses in shipped programs unless they ship a product that
they know is flawed.  If don't believe for a minute they'd do that.

As for Red Hat's role in this.  They are culpable on one count - since I now
have my own subnet, I always upgrade my systems with the new releases.  However,
they have decided that most of us are rich, and that no one uses 486s and PIs
anymore.  Two thirds of my boxes have 16 MB RAM and can't install the current
releases.  One key reason why I was hacked is because I couldn't upgrade those
boxes.  So don't tell me that I'm solely responsible here.

Thanks to the Rule people and Miniconda I was finally able this weekend to
upgrade the hacked box to 7.2.  But Rule is an independent project and not
affiliated with Red Hat.  So if my system is secure now, the Rule people get the
credit.  I can install the programs, write the iptables, and shut down all ports
but those I absolutely have to use.  But all that's worthless if I can't upgrade
to current releases because the installer won't run on 16 MB RAM.

BTW, I've notified the FBI here in Minneapolis, and the respective foreign
authorities.  Some good may come out of this yet.


Redhat-list mailing list

Switching from LILO to Grub

2002-05-06 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

How do I switch from LILO to Grub on an already upgraded system?

A URL pointing to a HOWTO will suffice.  I didn't see one on the Red Hat site.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-06 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Yesterday, at 08:20, Ashwin Kutty sent through the Star Gate:

>If this is the third time, you might want to look into the security of
>your system as well; not to mention think of a honey pot in case you are
>being singled out by someone for some reason..

This doesn't appear to be a personal attack.  He picked the box I ran only DNS
on, and the one I *never* check up on.  Seems he built a nest there and used it
to probe other machines.  That's how I was alerted to the problem - I received
numerous emails from network security people last week complaining that someone
on my system was doing systematic probes on their boxes trying to find security
holes.  I had no users on that computer except root and myself.  I found a user
I didn't recognize with uid 47, and /var/log/messages had gaps in it, and showed
probes being sent out.  The mail queue had several letters in it from root
addressed to the presumed guilty party that contained my system information.

I can't prove it, but I think he got in through bind.  I didn't have trouble on 
the leased server until I started running my own DNS.  And he was easily able to 
hack into the local box in question even with an upgrade from 6.1 to 6.2, both 
of which contained older versions of bind.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Pieter De Wit writes:
>Hello Original Poster,
>Sorry I joined the thread late, but why don't you firewall the box(es) using
>ipchains or iptables ?

I haven't done that for several reasons:

1) If the firewall box goes down, the entire system goes down.

2) I had a leased server that was behind a firewall.  It frequently was a pain
to deal with.

3) Until recently I haven't needed to.

4) Putting in a firewall doesn't guarantee that you won't be hacked.  The first
time I was hacked the box in question was behind a firewall.  The jerk was still
able to gain root access.

5) Having a tight firewall is like living in a fenced in yard.  No one can get
in, but you can't get out.  I have no desire to live on an island.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Gordon Messmer writes:
>How's this for a script?
>rpm -ivh \
>cat > /etc/cron.daily/apt-upgrade <#!/bin/sh
>apt-get update >/dev/null 2>&1
>apt-get upgrade -S | grep '  from  '
>chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/apt-upgrade
>Installs apt, and sets it up to email you every day if there are
>updates.  All you have to do is log in and run:
>apt-get upgrade
>If you want less involvement, just run 'apt-get upgrade' in the script.
>: )

Great!  Thanks!


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Michael Fratoni writes:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Sunday 05 May 2002 03:42 pm, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> >3) register your system for up2date and let the up2date agent do its
>> > thing. It may take a while but a fully updated system is less prone
>> > to security holes.
>> Tried that.  It doesn't work - keeps dying part way through, saying
>> that I need authorization.  It's only good for one box, anyway.  If you
>> have multiple computers you have to pay.  I'm not going to be able to
>> pursued the rest of my family members to switch to Linux if they have
>> to pay them a regular fee for the privilege.
>I don't know Red Hat's position here, but I'd imagine that if each 
>machine belonged to a different family member, then each would be 
>entitled to updates. I'm under the impression that it is a one machine 
>per user limit for free up2date service.

I would think the fee would be intended for business accounts, not residential
or non-commercial accounts.  But I could be wrong.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Emmanuel Seyman writes:
>On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 02:42:27PM -0500, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Tried that. It doesn't work - keeps dying part way through, saying
>> that I need authorization.  It's only good for one box, anyway.
>up2date isn't the only way to update your system.
>You can also download the updates from a mirror near you and
>apply them yourself.

Yup.  And I can write my own cron job to daily check the updates site, compare
it with installed rpms, and alert me to what I need to update.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Jack Bowling writes:
>** Reply to message from Glen Lee Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sun, 05 May 2002 
>12:25:47 -0500
>> You're right.  I'm a RH Linux end user, not a geek.  I don't have the
>> tools/experience to track him down, find out how he got in, and plug the holes.
>> I just install what Red Hat sends and hope it works.
>Glen, such a defeatist attitude is unnecessary. After you re-install again (you must 
>assume that your friendly neighborhood hacker has already had free rein on your box), 
>do 3 things:

If you had several years of customized programming and added services that you
were going to lose because you've been told that you now can't trust any program
on your system and that it all must be wiped, you'd be defeated, too.  A fresh,
clean install shuts me down.

>1) Choose a difficult root password, one with a combo of letters and numbers. 

Root has always had that kind of password.

>2) Choose medium or high security firewall during install. 

Did that, and now named won't run.

>3) register your system for up2date and let the up2date agent do its thing. It may 
>take a while but a fully updated system is less prone to security holes.

Tried that.  It doesn't work - keeps dying part way through, saying that I need
authorization.  It's only good for one box, anyway.  If you have multiple
computers you have to pay.  I'm not going to be able to pursued the rest of my
family members to switch to Linux if they have to pay them a regular fee for the

>If the hacker does damage to somebody, you could be complicit if it is found out that 
>you willingly allowed him use of your box - especially since you emailed him your 
>root password.

That was a joke! -grin- My wife doesn't even know my passwords.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Ed Wilts writes:
>> I just install what Red Hat sends and hope it works.
>Red Hat provides for free security fixes via up2date.  This should be

>From what I read on their site last night, it's only free for the first box.
After that you have to pay a fee.  I have 3 Red Hat computers.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Hacked again...

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Ed Wilts writes:
>One of the first things you need to look at is why you were hacked for the
>3rd time.  Once I can understand, but after that your system should have
>been so tight and your procedures enhanced such that there is likely no 2nd
>time, and definitely no 3rd time.
>Please read the archives for this list over the last week or so - somebody
>else was hacked and there were a lot of good postings about how to prevent
>being hacked (you've done a fresh install now and run up2date haven't you?)
>and what to do now.
>Unless you're very skilled, it's my opinion that you're not going to be able
>to catch the hacker unless he's a moron.  They've typically got better tools
>than you do, and since you've been hacked 3 times in 2 months, it's unlikely
>that you're extremely skilled.  Any evidence you need to catch the sucker is
>probably gone,  and there will be enough relays in the middle through
>foreign countries that you're not going to catch the sob without a *lot* of
>work by somebody who really understands forensic intrusion analysis.

The first time I was hacked it was on a remote box I was leasing.  I
discontinued the lease on it.  The hacker then found my home system and got into
my 6.1 box.  I then wiped it clean and did a fresh install of 6.2, which he
immediately hacked.  Thanks to the good folks at the Rule Project I just
installed 7.2 on it.  This time I emailed the root password to the hacker.
Might as well save him some effort.

You're right.  I'm a RH Linux end user, not a geek.  I don't have the
tools/experience to track him down, find out how he got in, and plug the holes.
I just install what Red Hat sends and hope it works.

Have you tried Krispy Kreme yet?  We've been out there a couple of times, but
the wait is so long that we've given up.

Brooklyn Park, MN

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 240 megabyte update in 40 hours

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

R Talbot writes:

>Are other users accustomed to large updates or do they simply wait for a
>And are others interested in emailing RH management to request they
>update CDs.
>Comments Please.. No Flames :^)


I had been just doing the install from the CD and not doing the updates.  But in
the last 2 months my 6.[1|2] boxes have been hacked 3 times by the same guy who
was easily able to gain root access.  The purpose for the updates is to keep
plugging newly found security holes, and to keep hackers having to search for
new security holes in new updates.  If you don't update you're inviting
parasites to move into your system.  My experience is that they'll gladly do it.
You might just as well publish your root password.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: minimum ram required for install?

2002-05-05 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Michael Fratoni writes:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Saturday 04 May 2002 09:44 pm, fred smith wrote:
>> On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 07:50:02PM -0700, gabriel wrote:
>> > so what IS the minimum ram required for an install of rh7.2?  i've
>> > got an ibm aptiva here /w 16mb ram and it's telling me i can't
>> > install it 'cause i don't have enough ram
>> Dunno, really. I've installed 7.1 on a 20 meg machine and it insisted
>> on text mode.
>> if you can't get some more RAM for that machine, there's an installer
>> named RULE that is rumored to be able to install RH72 in small memory.
>> I've not personally checked it out myself. perhaps a search on
>> freshmeat would help you find it.
>The Rule project is here:

I believe you have to have 20 meg to install 7.2.  I just did an install on a
486-66 with 16 meg RAM using the rule installer.  The first time I tried to
install, anaconda died about half way through.  I'd added in about 300 MB extra
stuff I wanted.  The second time I tried it with just the minimal network
install and it worked.

2/3 of my working Linux machines have 16 MB RAM.  If it wasn't for the Rule
Project I'd have to run a different operating system since Red Hat wont install
on them as distributed.


Redhat-list mailing list

Hacked again...

2002-05-04 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I was hacked again.  This is the 3rd time in a couple of months.  The hacker
sent himself some emails from my computer with my system info on it.  Here are
the email addresses he used:


He was able to gain root access and do pretty much whatever he wanted. What
steps do I need to take now to turn him in?


>From: root 
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: BlaCkJaCkKit
>* Info : Linux nazarene 2.2.14-5.0 #1 Tue Mar 7 20:35:25 EST 2000 i486 unknown
>* Hostname : nazarene.fcwm.org
>* Uptime :   8:43pm  up  9:02,  0 users,  load average: 0.74, 0.20, 0.07
>* Cpu Vendor ID : vendor_id: GenuineIntel
>* Cpu Model : model: 3
>model name : 486 DX/2
>* Cpu Speed: 
>* Bogomips: bogomips   : 33.08
>* Spatiu Liber: FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>/dev/hda6 722M   54M  631M   8% /
>/dev/hda1  16M  2.4M   13M  16% /boot
>/dev/hdb1 800M  673M   86M  89% /usr
>* Free memory :  total   used   free sharedbuffers 
>Mem: 14392  13572820   8992596   5932
>-/+ buffers/cache:   7044   7348
>Swap:66488312  66176

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Firewall, telnet, ftp

2002-04-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Cesar Moya writes:
>Hi guys:
>Thanks for all your help. I know telnet/ftp are not as good
>as ssh, but I wanted to have them working because the other
>machines in the network do not have ssh installed.
>Just to make it safer, can I give permission to just
>certain machines to telnet/ftp to my linux box?  This is
>done in the /etc/hosts.allow or is this an option for NFS
>file sharing only?

Yes. hosts.allow and hosts.deny work through xinetd, so if you wish to use them
for telnet/ftp make sure that telnet and ftp are set up to be initialized
through xinetd and not set up to run as stand alone servers.

man hosts.allow
man hosts.deny


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: FTP Issues

2002-04-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

>Also, on rpmfind.net you 
>can put in the name of any file and it will tell you what RPM package it 
>came from, plus where to get it.

THANK YOU!!! -grin- (Love this list).


Redhat-list mailing list

keyboard problems

2002-04-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

My favorite keyboard just crashed - near as I can figure the cable where it
plugs into the pc has an open line.  This keyboard also has a serial connection
that I can plug into com1.  I can't find a configuration file or script that
allows me to configure a keyboard on an existing system (7.2) so I can set it up
for serial.  Suggestions?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Problems installing a module

2002-04-22 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Glen Lee Edwards writes:
>I have an old 486-66 with a Sound Blaster Pro CDRom.  Due to a hacker, I just
>did a fresh install of RH 6.1.  The install worked, but I can't get the CDRom to
>work.  It needs the sbpcd module, but I can't remember how to install it.
>"insmod sbpcd" installs the module (it shows up in "lsmod") but trying to mount
>the CDRom doesn't work.  I get an error message, 
>   "mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdd as a block device
>(maybe 'insmod driver'?)."
>I have the following in /etc/conf.modules:
>alias /dev/hdd sbpcd
>and the following in /etc/fstab:
>/dev/hdd   /mnt/cdrom   iso9660 owner,exec,device,suid,ro,noauto 0 0

I was using the wrong device: /dev/sbpcd is the correct one.


Redhat-list mailing list

Problems installing a module

2002-04-22 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I have an old 486-66 with a Sound Blaster Pro CDRom.  Due to a hacker, I just
did a fresh install of RH 6.1.  The install worked, but I can't get the CDRom to
work.  It needs the sbpcd module, but I can't remember how to install it.
"insmod sbpcd" installs the module (it shows up in "lsmod") but trying to mount
the CDRom doesn't work.  I get an error message, 

   "mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdd as a block device
(maybe 'insmod driver'?)."

I have the following in /etc/conf.modules:

alias /dev/hdd sbpcd

and the following in /etc/fstab:

/dev/hdd   /mnt/cdrom   iso9660 owner,exec,device,suid,ro,noauto 0 0



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Remote X

2002-04-22 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Cameron Simpson writes:
>On 16:52 21 Apr 2002, Glen Lee Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| Glen Lee Edwards writes:
>| >Cameron Simpson writes:
>| >>And given that startx (aka xinit-with-flashier-defaults) just runs your
>| >>~/.xinitrc script, you can do as above (start an X service on your Win2k box)
>| >>and then from your linux box say:
>| >>   sh ~/.xinitrc
>| >>and it should all come up on your Win2k box as normal if you have Putty's X11
>| >>forwarding working.
>| >
>| >I tried it on two Linux boxes.  With some fiddling it worked.  How do I tell the
>| >remote pc which X server to connect to?  sh ~/.xinitrc :1.0 doesn't work.  It
>| >wants to connect to :0.0.  I need to be able to tell it which X server to
>| >connect to.
>| I figured it out.  I had to add "-d myclient:1.0" to each line in the .xinitrc
>| file on the remote box.
>This is the wrong approach - it means your X11 forwarding isn't working.
>Anyway, until your forwarding is fixed, just set $DISPLAY to myclient:1
>instead of wiring a fixed sting into your script.

Where would I find documentation on how to fix X11 forwarding? man X didn't
mention forwarding.

I'd prefer not to set $DISPLAY. These boxes are on my lan.  I usually access
them from my main pc, but sometimes log in directly, so a default $DISPLAY works
against me. It's a little frustrating to start emacs from console on the 486
only to have it show up on the Athalon! -grin-



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Remote X

2002-04-21 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Glen Lee Edwards writes:
>Cameron Simpson writes:
>>And given that startx (aka xinit-with-flashier-defaults) just runs your
>>~/.xinitrc script, you can do as above (start an X service on your Win2k box)
>>and then from your linux box say:
>>  sh ~/.xinitrc
>>and it should all come up on your Win2k box as normal if you have Putty's X11
>>forwarding working.
>I tried it on two Linux boxes.  With some fiddling it worked.  How do I tell the
>remote pc which X server to connect to?  sh ~/.xinitrc :1.0 doesn't work.  It
>wants to connect to :0.0.  I need to be able to tell it which X server to
>connect to.

I figured it out.  I had to add "-d myclient:1.0" to each line in the .xinitrc
file on the remote box.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Remote X

2002-04-21 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Cameron Simpson writes:
>And given that startx (aka xinit-with-flashier-defaults) just runs your
>~/.xinitrc script, you can do as above (start an X service on your Win2k box)
>and then from your linux box say:
>   sh ~/.xinitrc
>and it should all come up on your Win2k box as normal if you have Putty's X11
>forwarding working.

I tried it on two Linux boxes.  With some fiddling it worked.  How do I tell the
remote pc which X server to connect to?  sh ~/.xinitrc :1.0 doesn't work.  It
wants to connect to :0.0.  I need to be able to tell it which X server to
connect to.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Remote X

2002-04-20 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Yesterday, at 13:52, Kevin Keithan sent through the Star Gate:

>I'm using my computer ,Windows2k Pro with Putty installed, to login to
>my Redhat 7.2 server.  I'm using ssh and have X Forwarding enabled.  I
>want to startx and see it from my 2000 Pro machine.  I am having trouble

Unfortunately X doesn't work that way - you can't run X from a remote location 
and have all its output displayed on your local machine.

You can, however, start X from your local machine, telnet/ssh into a remote pc, 
run a program from it, and have it's output display in a separate window on your 
local machine.  I frequently ssh into other PCs on my lan and start emacs.  A 
new window opens up on my local box, just as if the program was running on it 
instead of on the remote PC.



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: window manager choice ???

2002-04-20 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Tuesday, at 14:06, Yohann DESQUERRE (DSI NOISIEL) sent through the Star Gate:

>I've got a small configuration(2MO Video RAM), which window manager is
>better to use in that case !!!

Fvwm works well.  I don't recommend using any programs that are heavy in 
graphics.  Pine for email, Lynx as a web browser...

Here are the rpms for the latest Fvwm build for RH 7.x and RH 6.x, respectively.



Redhat-list mailing list

unauthorized user

2002-04-19 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

The following user keeps appearing in my RH 6.1 box:


As soon as I delete him he reappears, like some process is recreating him.
I don't show this user in my other 6.1 box or in my 6.2 box.  Have I been hacked


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Help with sendmail, please

2002-02-12 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

JW writes:

>I have a situation where I'm moving a web site off of a server running sendmail
>nto another server running postfix, but in the mean time there are still some
>rocesses running on the sendmail server that are causing problems.

>The whole story is too long to post here, but basically, the old server had 2
>eparate domain/host names. One of them (the correct one) is getting moved to
>he new server. In order for mail sent _by_ the old server to get to the new
>ne, I had to remove the old hostname ("gooddomain.com") from /etc/hosts. But
>ow, it's sending out mail as being from the other (remaining) host name, which
>s causing serious issues, because now mail appears to be coming for the other
>omain, which we do not want 

That's what it's supposed to do.

>it still needs like have a from address of gooddomain.com (does that make any sense?).

Sure.  You want mail sent from machine "a" to show that it's coming from machine
"b" instead.

>So basically what I'm needing it to force sendmail to make the from address still be 
>@gooddomain.com, but I cannot add that domain back to /etc/hosts, and also I can't do 
>anything that would make sendmail think it's still oldserver.gooddomain.com (because 
>if I do, any mail it send to old-domain.com will get trapped there, instead of being 
>sent to the new server like it needs to..
>So, is there a way to force the domain part of the sending address without screwing 
>up the rest of the system?

You can use envelope masquerading, and have machine "a" hand the mail off to
postfix on machine "b" which will then do the actual delivering.

In essence you would be setting up machine "a" to behave like a home Windows box
does when it sends out email - it transfers it first to the mail computer on the
customer's ISP, which then forwards it to the correct recipient computer.

If you are using an MUA like Mozilla Mail, you won't need to set up envelope
masquerading.  You can instead configure Mozilla Mail to hand the mail to your
respective user account on machine "b" for delivery.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: make problems

2002-02-09 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


The symlinks were broken.



Gordon Messmer writes:
>On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 07:27, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> /usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:27: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
>> 1) What am I missing?
>kernel-headers, either the package isn't installed or the symlinks are
>broken.  On 6.2, there should be symlinks something like:
>/usr/include/asm -> /usr/src/linux/include/asm
>/usr/include/linux -> /usr/src/linux/include/linux
>/usr/src/linux -> linux-
>Make sure all of those symlinks are correct if rpm says that the
>'kernel-headers' package is installed.
>> 2) Can I safely install the perl-5.6.0-17 rpm that I'm currently using on my RH 7.2
>> box?  I was able to install all 3 modules without any difficulty on it.
>Probably not.  Try it.  'rpm' should complain about the library

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: How do I change machine IP address thats behind a firewall?

2002-02-09 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

The network owner fixed the problem by installing a proxy ftp server.



Brian Ashe writes:
>On Thursday 07 February 2002 08:20, you said something about:
>> How do you know that their ftp program switches to the LAN ip address?
>> I think that it's a firewall issue.  FTP, by default, opens up a
>> connection BACK TO the clients to transmit data (including directory
>> listings).  Your firewall is most likely blocking those connections.  Have
>> your clients use "passive mode" and see if they connect (passive mode
>> causes the data transfers to occur on the original connection, rather than
>> starting one that goes back to the client.
>Actually, to clarify (just picking nits really, but I think it's important to 
>be accurate), in "standard" FTP, the client would initiate the control 
>connection and the server would initiate the data connection back to it. This 
>was a problem for firewalls because the server would normally choose a port 
>that was blocked by the average firewall. Using PASV (passive) mode, the 
>client intiates both the control _and_ the data ports and the server responds 
>> > RH 6.2, ProFtpd server, behind a firewall.  I'm having problems with some
>> > clients who are trying to ftp into the machine.  They can access the
>> > server with the www IP address, but immediately after authentication
>> > their ftp program switches to the LAN ip address, 198... and they are not
>> > able to upload files. My guess is that the local ftp client is reading
>> > the LAN ipaddress from "hostname -i" and switching to it.
>> >
>> > 1) How do I change the ipaddress the server sends back to ftp programs,
>> > etc., so it reads the necessary IP address; 216.254... but doesn't knock
>> > me off the LAN.
>> >
>> > 2) Is there a way to configure these Windows ftp clients so they don't do
>> > a hostname -i lookup, or so that ProFTPd sends back the correct IP
>> > address?
>You may want to try the above, but I won't say if it will work or not.
>My suggestion...
>Are you using a "VirtualHost" directive? If not, you probably should be. That 
>way you control how the server is reporting what it should be called. Else 
>you are likely having the connection initialized at the first address, being 
>given the internal hostname (not the virtual one you first tried to connect 
>on) and then having that address in turn resolved differently.
>Brian Ashe CTO
>Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

How do I change machine IP address thats behind a firewall?

2002-02-07 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

RH 6.2, ProFtpd server, behind a firewall.  I'm having problems with some
clients who are trying to ftp into the machine.  They can access the server with
the www IP address, but immediately after authentication their ftp program
switches to the LAN ip address, 198... and they are not able to upload files.
My guess is that the local ftp client is reading the LAN ipaddress from
"hostname -i" and switching to it.

1) How do I change the ipaddress the server sends back to ftp programs, etc., so
it reads the necessary IP address; 216.254... but doesn't knock me off the LAN.

2) Is there a way to configure these Windows ftp clients so they don't do a
hostname -i lookup, or so that ProFTPd sends back the correct IP address?



Redhat-list mailing list

make problems

2002-02-02 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I'm currently running RH 6.2 on a server I have, using the perl-5.00503-10 rpm
that shipped with 6.2.  I'm trying to install the GD, DBI, and DBD::mysql perl
modules but am not having any luck.  "$ perl Makefile.pl" works, but I'm getting the 
following errors when
trying to install DBI when I "$ make":

/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:27: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:367,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/sys/param.h:24: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
/usr/include/sys/param.h:25: linux/param.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:27,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:523,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/socket.h:295: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:580,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h:27,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:637,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/ioctls.h:24: asm/ioctls.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h:30,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:637,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/ioctl-types.h:25: asm/ioctls.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/signal.h:300,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/unixish.h:93,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:1121,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h:28: asm/sigcontext.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [Perl.o] Error 1

1) What am I missing?

2) Can I safely install the perl-5.6.0-17 rpm that I'm currently using on my RH 7.2
box?  I was able to install all 3 modules without any difficulty on it.



Redhat-list mailing list

Perl module install problems, and RH 6.2, dangers in upgrading perl rpm?

2002-01-30 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I'm currently running RH 6.2 on a server I have, using the perl-5.00503-10 rpm
that shipped with 6.2.  I'm trying to install the GD, DBI, and DBD::mysql perl
modules but am not having any luck.  I'm getting the following errors when
trying to install DBI:

/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:27: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:367,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/sys/param.h:24: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
/usr/include/sys/param.h:25: linux/param.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:27,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:523,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/socket.h:295: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:580,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h:27,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:637,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/ioctls.h:24: asm/ioctls.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h:30,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:637,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/ioctl-types.h:25: asm/ioctls.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/signal.h:300,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/unixish.h:93,
 from /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:1121,
 from DBIXS.h:19,
 from Perl.xs:1:
/usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h:28: asm/sigcontext.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [Perl.o] Error 1

1) What am I missing?

2) Can I safely install the perl-5.6.0-17 rpm that I'm currently using on my RH 7.2
box?  I was able to install all 3 modules without any difficulty on it.



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-29 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

The whole idea shows just how stupid the AOL people are.  Linux is free, and 
it's open source.  If they want to incorporate it into their system, they can 
get it for free, hire some of the Red Hat geniuses, and have their own AOL 
version of linux for pennies.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: I hate Gnome

2001-12-17 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Robert Canary writes:
>How do I get rid of this disgusting thing that Red Hat put on my
>desktop?  I want my old (fast) desktop from 5.2 back.  The one with fast
>opening xterms, and a slimmed down and simple taskbar.


You'll see some screenshots and my current configuration files.  2.4.4 was just
released.  The Red Hat rpms are available for download from either the fvwm home
page or from here:

For rh 7.x

For rh 6.x

BTW, I'm running Fvwm on a 486-66, PI 75, and my AMD K6-2/500.  Gnome will not
run on the first two.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: (lack of) help in KVirc

2001-12-17 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Gary Stainburn writes:
>Hi all,
>I'm using kvirc which I think is a great program.  Unfortunately, help does 
>not seem to work.
>I had 2.1.0 which installed (I think) along with RH7.1  I've since upgraded 
>to 2.1.1 but help still does not work.
>If I try to use help, I get a mime error to STDERR as shown in the following 
>example where I typed '/help join'
>QTextBrowser: no mimesource for join.kvihelp
>I don't know if it's a KVirc problem or a KDE one, and I've no idea where to 
>start looking.  I've checked thw KVirc FAQ and there's nothing in there about 


I initially had that problem when I installed the rpm package.  The folks at
Kvirc told me that the packager had left it out when they built the rpm.  They
suggested I use the tar.gz version.  Help has worked since.


Redhat-list mailing list

Can't log in from console or telnet

2001-12-16 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Running stock Red Hat 6.1 on a Packard Bell Legend 85CD Supreme 486-66. I can no
longer log in.  The login prompt is there, when I enter "root" or any username
the prompt goes to the next line, but the password request doesn't appear.  It
sits for about 40 seconds and then flashes the following error message across
the screen:

"Unable to load interpretor"

and then immediately brings back the username prompt.

How do I gain access to the system?  How do I fix it?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [REDHAT] Re: FUD alert!

2001-12-07 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

David Kramer writes:
>On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Gregory Cox writes:
>> >
>> >I think Linux, in general, is far superior to WinBLAHx.  The main problem is
>> >that people are scared of it. And M$ doesn't hesitate to exploit (no pun
>> >intended) that fact.  Then there's that whole "open source controversy"
>> Linux is still a geek's or computer nerd's operating system, although it's
>> making vast improvements in becoming a home users desktop environment.  Windows
>> was designed for the intellectually challenged - everything is decided for you,
>> you do it Bill Gate's way; you turn on the computer, then click on the pretty
>> picture...
>This is a very good point, Glen.  We need to stay reality-based, and not
>get caught up in the Linux hype, because if we do that, we really can't
>poke fun at M$FT for doing it.
>Face it: For most people, Windows is a better choice than Linux.  And you
>know what?  That's OK.  All efforts that have been made to turn Linux
>into a plug-and-play no-knowledge OS like Windows have failed, because
>that's not what Linux is supposed to be.  Most people need an OS that they
>know will work as shipped, and as long as they don't turn the power off
>without shutting down or install bad programs, it will work pretty
>reliably for a couple of years.
>Linux vendors should not try to replace Windows on the desktop.  That is
>an unwinnable battle.  They should focus on the web/mail/cluster market.
>That's where Linux shines, where the knowledgeable users are, and where
>the money is.

I wholly agree that Linux should stick with what made it great.  However, with
home PC's becoming faster and more powerful, Linux is no longer facing the
problem of cutting out projects and programs because of lack of HD space or
processor limitations.  

Because of this, I personally would like to see a group of Linux loving, GNU
supporting desk top gurus design a default desktop that would fit within the
existing system that would be designed for the average user.  It could be
pre-installed on new computers, would already be configured for the new pc
(modem and all), and would allow the home user to just turn it on and point at
the pretty picture.  Menu's would be preconfigured and would have the basic
programs that a home user needs - a web browser, an icq client, a simple text
editor (nedit, kword, whatever...), a quality point and click email client that
would allow for multiple POP3 accounts from the home user, etc.  It wouldn't
have to walk on water, just provide the basics.

It would have to some degree work like Windows in that it would *not* run any
local servers from this option.  Mail would have to be delivered directly to the
ISP's MTA. DNS would also be provided by the ISP, etc.

If, however, the purchaser was more computer astute, he/she could bypass this
option and configure his PC to run a more typical Linux configuration.

In life there is no such thing as "one size fits all."  When we're forced to live
this way a lot of people are miserable.  I hated Windows, still do.  It locked
me into a mold I just didn't fit into.  I love Linux because it lets me do it my
way.  I personally hope that no operating system corners the market.  But I
would love to see Red Hat Linux knock Microsoft on its greedy behind and take a
big hunk of the home users PC market!


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: fvwm2 instead of kde

2001-12-06 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

"Ian Truelsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Glen Lee Edwards writes: 
>> Robert Storey writes:
>>>XFCE is also on the Redhat Powertools CD as an RPM file. It works
>>>really well - speed is similar to FVWM2 but it's just so much more
>> Fvwm2 is a user-definable window manager.  You create the look.  The
>> out-of-the-box look is rather bland, but if you have the time and interest you
>> can make it do what you want and look the way you want. I have some screen shots
>> and current configuration files you can view at: 
>> http://members.fcwm.org/glen/fvwm 
>I must say that I am impressed with what I see on your sight, but do you 
>have any idea of how well it supports multiheaded displays with xinerama? 

Ian, I have no personal experience with multiheaded displays, so I'm not really
qualified to answer the question.  This is from "man fvwm2":

  Fvwm supports the Xinerama extension of newer X servers which is similar to
  multi head sup­ port (multiple screens) but allows to move windows between
  screens.  If Xinerama support has been compiled into fvwm, it is used whenever
  fvwm runs on an X server that supports and uses multiple screens via Xinerama.
  Without this option, the whole desktop is treated as one big screen.  For
  example, menus might pop up right between two screens.  The EdgeResis­ tance
  command allows to specify an explicit resistance value for moving windows over
  the screen edge between two Xinerama screens.  Xinerama support can be enabled
  or disabled on the fly or from the configuration file with the Xinerama
  command.  Many modules and com­ mands work nicely with Xinerama displays.

I cross posted this letter to the fvwm list - maybe someone who is using it will
respond to you personally.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: FUD alert!

2001-12-06 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Gregory Cox writes:
>I think Linux, in general, is far superior to WinBLAHx.  The main problem is 
>that people are scared of it. And M$ doesn't hesitate to exploit (no pun 
>intended) that fact.  Then there's that whole "open source controversy"

Linux is still a geek's or computer nerd's operating system, although it's
making vast improvements in becoming a home users desktop environment.  Windows
was designed for the intellectually challenged - everything is decided for you,
you do it Bill Gate's way; you turn on the computer, then click on the pretty


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: fvwm2 instead of kde

2001-12-06 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Robert Storey writes:
>XFCE is also on the Redhat Powertools CD as an RPM file. It works
>really well - speed is similar to FVWM2 but it's just so much more

Fvwm2 is a user-definable window manager.  You create the look.  The
out-of-the-box look is rather bland, but if you have the time and interest you
can make it do what you want and look the way you want. I have some screen shots
and current configuration files you can view at:



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Problems with info

2001-12-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


Thanks.  I have 7.2, and it worked great!

It's nice to have info lispref back.


Thomas Porter writes:
>On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 11:04:47PM -0600, Glen Lee Edwards thoughtfully expounded:
>> Using Red Hat 7.2, info 4.0b-3.  It isn't pulling up several info files,
>> including but not limited to xemacs and lispref.  The info files for these two
>> are installed in /usr/share/info, as is the info file for emacs, which is
>> working.  How do I get info to access all the info files on the system?
>I have had this problem with RH 6.2 as well.
>First see where /usr/share/info/dir is located.  For me it is symlinked to
>/etc/info-dir, but RH 7.2 may not do this.  The key point is that I had to run
>/sbin/install-info for each info file in the /usr/share/info directory, in
>order to update it fully.  This works on the foo.info.gz files as well.
>I did it (as root) with a bash loop like so:
># [tporter@vasili tporter] su
># Password: x
># [root@vasili tporter] cd /usr/share/info
># [root@vasili info]$ for i in *.gz
># > do
># > /sbin/install-info -d /etc/info-dir $i
># > done
>It will complain about already existing entries, but will add your new ones.  I
>had to do this for the non-.gz ones as well.
>"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 
>'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will 
>the right answers come out?'  I am not able rightly to apprehend the 
>kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Problems with info

2001-12-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Using Red Hat 7.2, info 4.0b-3.  It isn't pulling up several info files,
including but not limited to xemacs and lispref.  The info files for these two
are installed in /usr/share/info, as is the info file for emacs, which is
working.  How do I get info to access all the info files on the system?


Redhat-list mailing list

Changing default Crontab console text editor

2001-04-27 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

How do I change the default crontab text editor from vim to xemacs?
Unfortunately I don't speak vim, and I have neither the time nor the
desire to learn it.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Let the games begin!

2001-04-27 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I would find it hard to believe that an attorney with any brains would go after
a company that does most of it's business with freeloaders like me, who download
the product off the 'net for free.

Glen (or should I submit this anonymously?)

Apr 16, at 08:27, Lee Johnson sent through the Star Gate:

>Warren Melnick wrote:
>> Redhat has unprotected the directory - 7.1 is released!
>is it too late?
>did anyone read this?
>please tell me its not terribly serious and that redhat/linux will
>survive this
>or is this hoax?
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: netscape is a pig

2001-03-30 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Wow, what a difference!  I couldn't find the advertising version, and
the dynamic library version wouldn't run.  But the static version
looks like a race horse on this system compared to Netscape and
Mozilla!  So far it's downloaded all the sites I've tried without any


Bruce Embrey writes:
 > Thomas:
 > Have you given Opera a try yet? I have been quite pleased with it thus far.
 > You can get at http://www.opera.com
 > Bruce
 > -Original Message-
 > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thomas Duterme
 > Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 9:18 AM
 > To: RedHat List
 > Subject: netscape is a pig
 > Hi everyone,
 > I'm fed up with netscape..the default browser that came with RH 7.0.   If I
 > open up too many windows, it freezes and I have to kill everything before
 > loading it up again...its a resource hog and I want something slimmer.  It
 > exhibits a lot of other annoying behavior too..
 > I would even risk, (no bring it on!!!) saying that the default browser that
 > comes with Windows performs better than Redhat's default.
 > Does anyone use anything else that has the same functionality (no I don't
 > want to use Lynx...its not compatible with a lot of sites out there) but
 > isn't as fat as netscape?
 > TIA,
 > -Thomas
 > ___
 > Redhat-list mailing list
 > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
 > ___
 > Redhat-list mailing list
 > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Re: sendmail and Red Hat 6.2

2001-03-16 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

 > If the first line of file.txt is "Subject: readme", then your mail
 > will arrive "From: MyDescription", "Subject: readme".  That's how I do
 > it, though there may be a better way.  Be aware, though, that you
 > should only use the -f option as root.  If it's issued as a normal
 > user, a warning gets added to the message headers (man sendmail for
 > details).

You can fix this for specific users by adding the following to your
sendmail.mc file:


This tells sendmail to check /etc/sendmail.ct for a list of trusted
users.  /etc/sendmail.ct should look like this:

# /etc/sendmail.ct
# Place all trusted users here.  /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail restart

Redhat-list mailing list

Need printer driver for HP DeskJet 600C

2001-03-11 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

RH 7.0 on an IBM AMD-K5-2/500, HP DeskJet 600c printer.  None of the
default drivers listed in printtool are giving me anything close to
realistic colors.  Green and Cyan look identical, and appear to be
blue-green rather than green.  Gold is a series of red and white
dots.  Yellow is solid white.  Any way I can fix this so that yellow
is yellow, cyan is cyan, etc?



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Help: Can't receive mail

2001-02-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


This may or may not help, but I believe that the sendmail configuration file
under the old setup (6.2 and previous) used sendmail.cw as the default file for
declaring the domains to receive mail on your server.  7.0 doesn't.  You have to
add the following line[s] to sendmail.mc, and then rebuild your sendmail.cf

define(`confCW_FILE', `-o /etc/sendmail.cw')

I believe it was posted earlier to one of the redhat lists what file it defaults
to now, but I don't recall what it is, so I added the above to keep my
sendmail.cw file.


Yesterday, at 14:35, Joe sent through the Star Gate:

>About a month ago I did a clean install of RHL7 on my server at home.  One
>of the things I did before I wiped it out was backing up my copies of
>sendmail.cf/cw/mc to floppy.  I put those files back into the new install
>and fired up sendmail/IMAP.  The daemons are running (I was able to telnet
>into the IMAP port and sendmail appeared when I did ps -ef) but I'm still
>not able to get mail.  When I attempted to telnet into port 25 I got
>telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
>Are there any other possibilities I could try?
>FYI I have a firewall but that hasn't been touched in months.

Redhat-list mailing list

Problems with Biff detecting mail.

2001-02-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I'm using fvwm2, and have 4 copies of Biff running to detect mail in 4 different
boxes.  I've found this to not be a reliable way of doing it - Biff will tell me
I have mail in box 2, when the letter is actually in box 3.  And it rarely
notifies me when mail lands in the Inbox.  Is there another mail detection
program that is more reliable, and that is configurable so that I can run
multiple copies with each checking a different box, or run 1 copy that checks
several boxes?



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: How do I stop mail relaying through my box?

2001-01-30 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


Thanks.  I didn't find anything on either site that described an open relay hole
I have that should be plugged.  The only thing I found that might be causing it
is one line in my sendmail.mc file:

dnl FEATURE(`relay_based_on_MX')

This particular feature, if I understand it correctly, allows mail to be relayed
to your site if it's addressed to one of your hosts.  Meaning, a spammer could
use my mail server to spam my own users, but not to relay mail to outside boxes,
which near as I can tell is what is happening.

I thought I had disabled it by adding in the "dnl" at the beginning of the line.
Either I forgot to make a new sendmail.cf file, forgot to restart sendmail, or
just adding in dnl at the beginning of the line didn't "comment" it out.  I
deleted the line, remade sendmail.cf, and restarted sendmail.  I'll just have to
wait and see if this fixes the problem.



Today, at 14:30, John Aldrich sent through the Star Gate:

>On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, you wrote:
>> I've noticed that some spammers seem to be able to send mail through my box.
>> The msgid shows a return address of my server, while the sending party's IP
>> address is from a remote box:
>> Jan 29 20:01:24 glen sendmail[13323]: UAA13323: from=<>, size=21751, class=0,
>> pri=51751, nrcpts=1, msgid=<2001
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=SMTP, relay=[]
>> How do I stop this?
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

How do I stop mail relaying through my box?

2001-01-30 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I've noticed that some spammers seem to be able to send mail through my box.
The msgid shows a return address of my server, while the sending party's IP
address is from a remote box:

Jan 29 20:01:24 glen sendmail[13323]: UAA13323: from=<>, size=21751, class=0,
pri=51751, nrcpts=1, msgid=<2001
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=SMTP, relay=[]

How do I stop this?


Redhat-list mailing list

Is this a virus? How do I find the sender?

2001-01-30 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Do any of you know if this file is a virus file?


A client of mine received it from an unknown source.

How do I find out what ISP owns the IP address:



Redhat-list mailing list

Binding keys in Xemacs; Cperl-mode

2001-01-29 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

How do I bind keys in Xemacs in Cperl-mode?  I'd like to bind DEL to
delete-char, but nothing I've tried so far works.

Using 21.1-12



Redhat-list mailing list

Changing X background

2001-01-15 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

How do I change my background in X?  More specifically, I tried to add in a
graphics background using xsetroot, but keep getting the following error:

xsetroot: bad bitmap format file: /home/glenlee/graphics/bridge.jpg

Using Gimp I've changed the format to xpm, bmp, pix, and png, with the same


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: simple routing problem

2001-01-14 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Jan 5, at 15:40, Peter Peltonen sent through the Star Gate:

>Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> I was using the above with IP masquerading.  Eth0 on the Cisco was set to
>> my static IP address, but aliased to  I set eth0 on the Linux
>> router to (didn't use pump or dhcp in the Linux box), then set
>> eth1 in the Linux router (computer) to a LAN address as you've shown
>So your setup was like this:
>eth0:1 public address
> |
> |
>eth1 public address
>eth2 private address

eth1 private address: 192.168.0.
no eth2

>And you could do masquerading? May I ask how? If your Linux box does
>masquerading then all packets would seem to be sent from and that
>wouldn't work or would it?

I'm not real sure about the technicalities of this; but I had to get my ISP to
set up their DNS so that my machine name resolved.  I have a static IP address,
so when a lookup was done by my local system, either through mail or otherwise,
my static IP address was used instead of eth0 on the Linux router.  This
apparently works for all boxes, because the private network had no trouble
accessing the 'net for http, ftp, telnet, icq, etc.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: newbie questions

2001-01-04 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


You should be able to change resolutions on the fly by pressing down
 or .  Note that the "+" or
"-" must be the one on your keypad.

Also, if you wish a default change then run Xconfigurator from root:

$ Xconfigurator



Today, at 08:07, R Smith sent through the Star Gate:

>I hope nobody flames me too bad, but I'm an NT
>instructor trying to make the changeover to Linux.  I
>know I have a long way to go, and as evidence I can't
>seem to find the commands or utilities to change video
>resolution.  I've run the XF86Config and Xconfigurator
>utilities without any luck having my changes show up
>(even after a reboot, which I tried when all else
>Thanks for whatever help anyone is able to provide.  
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: simple routing problem

2001-01-04 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


>Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
>>  So, let's try again. What about the configuration of the CISCO? Guess you'll
>> have to configure this router to add an extra hop to the Linux router. No need
>> to contact your ISP over this if they route all your traffic over the CISCO('s
>Unfortunately I don't have access to the CISCO box. 

What do you mean by this?  The router isn't physically located in your
home, or your ISP won't give you the password to get into it?  If it's the
latter, unless they configured it before sending it to you and won't give
you the password, you should be able to access it.

>I told my ISP that I could
>configure the CISCO for my needs (if they don't give me the extra network). In
>that case I guess all that has to be done with the CISCO is the following:
>eth0 ip254/m252, static route xxx.xx.xxx.128/m128 gw ip253
> |
> |
>eth0 ip253/m252
>eth1 routes net128/m192, net192/m240, net208/m240, net224/m240
>Because of the network between CISCO and LINUX I "loose" net240/m240 (ip's
>If someone figures out a better subnetting scheme I'm open to suggestions... 

I was using the above with IP masquerading.  Eth0 on the Cisco was set to
my static IP address, but aliased to  I set eth0 on the Linux
router to (didn't use pump or dhcp in the Linux box), then set
eth1 in the Linux router (computer) to a LAN address as you've shown
above.  If I'm reading your schematic right, it looks like you have 4
different subnets running off of eth1.  Is that correct?

I had some difficulty getting the above to work. As I changed the netmask
and IP addresses on the LAN so I could subnet, linuxconf didn't delete the
old routes, even though it added in the new ones. My routing table was a
real mess! I finally had to go in and modify the routing by hand.

>I've been suggested to use a private network between CISCO and LINUX which
>would be otherwise ok but I'm planning to add a masqueraded network to LINUX
>and if I've undestood correctly in that case I need to have a public ip
>address for eth0?

You do.  I have an 8 IP subnet, but only 5 addresses are usable; one is
the broadcast address, one the network address, and one the router

There's no reason why you can't do the above as you wish if you set up
routing and ip masquerading properly without going the private network
route unless that's what you want to do.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Good CD burning software?

2001-01-02 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


I tried to install the xcdroast rpm from Red Hat into this 6.1 box but got
the following error from rpm:

only packages with major numbers <= 3 are supported by this version of RPM
error: xcdroast-0.98-1.i386.rpm cannot be installed

so I installed a copy from tucows that I had to compile.  That may be part
of the problem - my 6.1 box may not have the right libraries or whatever
to make it work.

I have 2 boxes with CD-RW drives; I can't get the Linux one to work at
all, and the WinME CD-RW can't seem to deal with *.iso files. ???


Yesterday, at 23:49, John Aldrich sent through the Star Gate:

>On Mon, 01 Jan 2001, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Can you point me to a HOWTO?  My understanding is that the kernel is
>> already configured for this out of the box.  "insmod sg" returns:
>> /lib/modules/2.2.12-20/scsi/sg.o: a module named sg already exists
>> I added the following line to /etc/lilo.conf and did the lilo -v -v bit,
>> append="cdrom1=ide-scsi"
>> but nothing seems to make a difference; xcdroast still returns the
>> message, "No generic-SCSI-support has been detected..."
>Yeah... I sent some info to the list the other day. If that
>doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. I've got a
>SCSI CDROM and it works fine with XCDRoast
>   John
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Good CD burning software?

2001-01-02 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Turns out it's hdd.  That improved things; xcdroast now says it can read
from the CD-RW drive, but it still can't write to it.


Yesterday, at 23:16, Ray Curtis sent through the Star Gate:

>>>>>> "gle" == Glen Lee Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>gle> Today, at 09:43, John Aldrich sent through the Star Gate:
>>> On Mon, 01 Jan 2001, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>>>> Can anyone recommend a good software program/driver for my CD-RW drive?  I
>>>> just tried installing cdrecord with xcdroast, but I can't get xcdroast to
>>>> let me enter the CD-RW info in the setup section.
>>> IDE CDRW? Do you have IDE-SCSI enabled/configured? Try
>>> installing/configuring ide-scsi emulation and then re-try
>>> XCDROOAST. I'm using that here just fine wiht my SCSI CDRW.
>>> John
>gle> Can you point me to a HOWTO?  My understanding is that the kernel is
>gle> already configured for this out of the box.  "insmod sg" returns:
>gle> /lib/modules/2.2.12-20/scsi/sg.o: a module named sg already exists
>gle> I added the following line to /etc/lilo.conf and did the lilo -v -v bit,
>gle> append="cdrom1=ide-scsi"
>How bout trying:
>Change X to whatever dmesg claims is your cdrom.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Good CD burning software?

2001-01-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Today, at 09:43, John Aldrich sent through the Star Gate:

>On Mon, 01 Jan 2001, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a good software program/driver for my CD-RW drive?  I
>> just tried installing cdrecord with xcdroast, but I can't get xcdroast to
>> let me enter the CD-RW info in the setup section.
>IDE CDRW? Do you have IDE-SCSI enabled/configured? Try
>installing/configuring ide-scsi emulation and then re-try
>XCDROOAST. I'm using that here just fine wiht my SCSI CDRW.
>   John

Can you point me to a HOWTO?  My understanding is that the kernel is
already configured for this out of the box.  "insmod sg" returns:

/lib/modules/2.2.12-20/scsi/sg.o: a module named sg already exists

I added the following line to /etc/lilo.conf and did the lilo -v -v bit,


but nothing seems to make a difference; xcdroast still returns the
message, "No generic-SCSI-support has been detected..."


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Can't get fvwm2 to work

2001-01-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Today, at 19:07, Mikkel L. Ellertson sent through the Star Gate:

>On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Any tips on the procedure to get fvwm2 to work with RH 6.1?  I did the
>> download, ./configure, make, make install bit.  Even copied
>> /etc/X11/AnotherLevel/fvwm2rc.defines.m4 and fvwm2rc.defstyles.m4 to ~/,
>> but no luck.
>> I get the "thatched" background that always appears when X first starts
>> before the window manager background appears, and when I left click the
>> fvwm2 menu appears on the screen, but I appear to be missing much of
>> fvwm2.
>> Suggestions?
>> Glen
>You would be better off installing from an RPM, 

Hmmm.  The older I get, the dumber I get...

Thanks Mikkel!


Redhat-list mailing list

Can't get fvwm2 to work

2001-01-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Any tips on the procedure to get fvwm2 to work with RH 6.1?  I did the
download, ./configure, make, make install bit.  Even copied
/etc/X11/AnotherLevel/fvwm2rc.defines.m4 and fvwm2rc.defstyles.m4 to ~/,
but no luck.

I get the "thatched" background that always appears when X first starts
before the window manager background appears, and when I left click the
fvwm2 menu appears on the screen, but I appear to be missing much of



Redhat-list mailing list

Good CD burning software?

2001-01-01 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Can anyone recommend a good software program/driver for my CD-RW drive?  I
just tried installing cdrecord with xcdroast, but I can't get xcdroast to
let me enter the CD-RW info in the setup section.



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Netscape 6.0

2000-12-31 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I gave up trying to run Netscape on a box with 16MB - took www
to long to run. I'm not having any trouble with speed on a box with 96MB.


Thursday, at 16:42, Steve Ettorre sent through the Star Gate:

>Has anyone tried running Netscape v6.0? My experience with RH 6.1 and
>7.0 is that it runs notably slower that v4.7x. I have an ATI video card
>with 8MB. I would be interested to here what experience others have had.
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: cant reach internal network anymore [Please Help]

2000-12-31 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


What do you get with "route -n" on each of the boxes?  They should all
have the same route set up to access the LAN. 

I'm not familiar with the new IProute rpm you installed, but it sounds to
me like when you rebooted, your routing tables were rewritten, and that
this is what knocked you off the LAN.  IP forwarding isn't going to work
whether it's installed properly or not until the other boxes on the LAN
can access your firewall box through the LAN.

If all the boxes on your LAN are on the same subnet you don't need to
define the path to each individual machine.  One network "catch-all" will
take care of that.

Check the routing on one of your other LAN boxes that is able to ping to
the other LAN boxes, and make sure it has the same broadcast address and
netmask as what you're showing for eth0 on the firewall box.  If not, then
you need to change it on the firewall box to match the others or they
won't be able to communicate.  This is what you're showing on the firewall

inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


Wednesday, at 13:15, eric clover sent through the Star Gate:

>im at the end of a rope here.
>i have a very angry wife that cant get on the internet.
>she is not very happy with me right now.
>_Please Help Me_
>- Original Message -
>From: "eric clover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "red hat list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 12:07 PM
>Subject: [RHL] cant reach internal network anymore
>im having some difficulty getting my internal network to work again. i have
>3 masq'd machines behind a firewall and i cant get the firewall'd machine to
>ping the other masq'd machines. the masq'd machines can ping each other but
>not the firewall machine and the firewall machine cant ping any of the other
>this is my output from route & ifconfig:
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
>spanky  bl UGH   0  00 eth0
>bl  * UH0  00 eth0
>burpbl UGH   0  00 eth0
>clogbl UGH   0  00 eth0
> *   U 0  00 eth0
>   *   U 0  00 lo
>eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:C7:87:5B:58
>  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>  RX packets:26 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>  TX packets:57 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>  collisions:1 txqueuelen:100
>  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe000
>loLink encap:Local Loopback
>  inet addr:  Mask:
>  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
>  RX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>  TX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>Please Help.
>Redhat-list mailing list
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MOZILLA - where are you?

2000-12-23 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

That would seem to be the obvious answer, but:

$ hostname 

$ dnsdomainname


Yesterday, at 19:10, Nitebirdz sent through the Star Gate:

>On Sat, 23 Dec 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> I tried this but it didn't work.  After installing from root, all
>> browsers I try to open from any user die with the same error, regardless
>> of whether I install it for Mozilla or Netscape 6:
>> $ /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla /usr/local/mozilla/run-mozilla.sh
>> /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla-b in MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/local/mozilla
>>   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla
>>  LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla:/usr/local/mozilla/compon ents
>>   LIBPATH=/usr/local/mozilla
>>   MOZ_PROGRAM=/usr/local/mozilla/mozilla-bin
>> moz_debug=0
>>  moz_debugger=
>>  SERVER ERROR ** gethostbyname() failed, errno
>> = 11
>>   ** # # An unexpected exception
>> has been detected in native code outside the VM.# Program
>> counter=0x48bea523 # # Problematic Thread: prio=1 tid=0x80547e8 nid=0x4b2
>> runnable
>> #
>> I'm running 6.1.
>> Glen
>Not that I'm an expert on these issue, but you seem to get the error when
>Mozilla calls the gethostbyname function.  You can obtain more information
>about that call by checking the "Linux Programmer's Manual" pages (i.e.,
>'man 3 gethostbyname').  And the error message you're getting appears
>defined in the "/usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386/errno.h" header file as
>"Try again".
>Is there any reason to believe that your own system is not correctly
>configured with a hostname perhaps?  A good way to tell for sure would be
>running the Mozilla binary in the context of a "strace" but I suppose that
>would get pretty hairy to explain over here.
>In any case, check into possible hostname issues affecting your system
>and perhaps also look into possible issues affecting XFree86 configuration
>problems (perhaps run the 'xhost +' command before running the program or
>something like that).
>Sorry I couldn't be much help.
>Thus spake the master programmer:
>"You can demonstrate a program for a corporate
>executive, but you can't make him computer literate."
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Sound broke

2000-12-23 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

$ cat /dev/sndstat
cat: /dev/sndstat: No such device 

Tuesday, at 19:19, Statux sent through the Star Gate:

>make sure you have a device looking something like the following:
>crw---1 statux   sys   14,   3 Apr 17  1999 /dev/dsp
>character special device with 600 permissions, major 14, minor 3
>eyeball "cat /dev/sndstat" and see what your system currently says is
>On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Several weeks ago my sound simply stopped working one day. I haven't had
>> time to mess with it until now. I have noticed this in my logs, something
>> that I've never seen before:
>> Dec 19 11:01:04 behne modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-0
>> Dec 19 11:01:05 behne modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-3
>> Attempting to play a .wav file results in this error:
>> sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': No such device
>> What could be causing this, and how can I repair my sound so that I can
>> once again use RealPlayer and my cdrom?
>> Soundboard is an AWE64
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
>> Russ.
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
>> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MOZILLA - where are you?

2000-12-23 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I tried this but it didn't work.  After installing from root, all
browsers I try to open from any user die with the same error, regardless
of whether I install it for Mozilla or Netscape 6:

$ /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla /usr/local/mozilla/run-mozilla.sh
/usr/local/mozilla/mozilla-b in MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/local/mozilla
 LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mozilla:/usr/local/mozilla/compon ents
 SERVER ERROR ** gethostbyname() failed, errno
= 11
  ** # # An unexpected exception
has been detected in native code outside the VM.# Program
counter=0x48bea523 # # Problematic Thread: prio=1 tid=0x80547e8 nid=0x4b2

I'm running 6.1.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MOZILLA - where are you?

2000-12-23 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


I don't know.  I'm using an AMD 500, 96MRAM.  It seems to work fine.  The
original startup takes several seconds, but otherwise it's working.


Monday, at 15:49, lee johnson sent through the Star Gate:

>On 18 Dec 2000 17:27:33 -0600, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Agreed.  I can't get the Java plugin to work either, but Mozilla is way
>> ahead of Netscape as a viable Linux browser.  I use it solely on my Linux
>> box.
>mine seems kinda slow to respond...PII450/128ram/16mbrivaTNT
>do i need to get cvs? or some other issue i need to to be aware of...

Redhat-list mailing list


2000-12-22 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Is there a GNU or freeware version of Miva available for Linux that's
compatible with the commercial version?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Another subnetting question

2000-12-21 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


That's the exact setup.  We did finally get it to work - I started on it
last Friday and just got it all going tonight, although mail is
jerry-rigged until I get the DNS set up right.  I have to tell you getting
this going made me think I'd made a big mistake!


Monday, at 21:10, David Brett sent through the Star Gate:

>Please give a description of the network configuration.
>If you are doing what I think it will behave exactly as you have described
>internet---isp---your cisco router-rest of the ip addresses.
>If what I have tried to draw is what yu have then it will not work.
>On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> I need to ask a question along these lines:  I just leased an 8ip subnet
>> from my ISP.  I assumed that all 5 usable IP addresses would be accessible
>> from anywhere on the www.  However, I've found out that it isn't working
>> that way. The only address that is externally accessible is the gw
>> address, which is assigned to my Cisco router.  When I ping to the other
>> addresses I get the following:
>> $ ping 
>> PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 
>> >From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded 
>> >From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded 
>> >From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded
>>  --- ping statistics --- 
>> 4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss  
>> The "ping" is being intercepted by one of my ISP's computer. It isn't
>> supposed to do this, is it?
>> Glen
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
>> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Another subnetting question

2000-12-20 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Well, not intentionally!

It's fixed now.  Apparently they didn't have it set up properly at the
ISP, plus I had to reconfigure the Cisco router, plus I had to redo the
routing of the LAN...


Monday, at 19:24, Bret Hughes sent through the Star Gate:

>Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> I need to ask a question along these lines:  I just leased an 8ip subnet
>> from my ISP.  I assumed that all 5 usable IP addresses would be accessible
>> from anywhere on the www.  However, I've found out that it isn't working
>> that way. The only address that is externally accessible is the gw
>> address, which is assigned to my Cisco router.  When I ping to the other
>> addresses I get the following:
>> $ ping
>> PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
>> >From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded
>> >From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded
>> >From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded
>>  --- ping statistics ---
>> 4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss
>> The "ping" is being intercepted by one of my ISP's computer. It isn't
>> supposed to do this, is it?
>For what is it worth:
># traceroute
>traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
> 1  tulfw1 (  1.195 ms  0.796 ms  0.716 ms
> 2  adsl-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)  28.351 ms
>15.693 ms  16.486 ms
> 3  core1-fa1-1-0.tulsok.swbell.net (  14.321 ms  14.926 ms
>13.167 ms
> 4  edge1-fa6-1-0.tulsok.swbell.net (  13.216 ms  12.167 ms
>13.166 ms
> 5  tulsok1wct1.sbc-tulsa.50meg.ipcc.wcg.net (  15.177 ms
>15.067 ms  16.457 ms
> 6 (  16.515 ms  16.494 ms  15.461 ms
> 7  chcgil1wcx2-oc12.ipcc.wcg.net (  40.116 ms  43.191 ms
>42.563 ms
> 8  chcgil1wcx3-oc48.ipcc.cg.net (  42.414 ms  41.664 ms
>43.042 ms
> 9  34.ATM3-0.GW1.CHI2.ALTER.NET (  44.771 ms  48.839 ms
>43.257 ms
>10  161.at-5-0-0.XR1.CHI2.ALTER.NET (  43.016 ms  45.753 ms
>42.306 ms
>11  0.so-7-0-0.XR1.CHI2.ALTER.NET (  49.213 ms  43.926 ms
>44.798 ms
>12  193.ATM7-0.XR1.CHI4.ALTER.NET (  45.553 ms  44.421 ms
>46.051 ms
>13  195.ATM10-0-0.GW3.MSP1.ALTER.NET (  55.801 ms  55.112 ms
>52.177 ms
>14  visi-gw.customer.ALTER.NET (  480.690 ms  613.678 ms
>853.625 ms
>15  fa0-0.c7200-1.border.mpls.visi.com (  1307.076 ms  702.864
>ms  559.991 ms
>16  citilink-gw.customer.visi.com (  60.453 ms  54.938 ms
>56.160 ms
>17  dsl.citilink.com (  61.047 ms  68.665 ms  66.134 ms
>18  * * *
>19  dsl.citilink.com (  90.510 ms  83.951 ms  87.929 ms
>20  * * *
>21  dsl.citilink.com (  127.149 ms  109.387 ms  107.835 ms
>I also got the same behavior going to  I assume you rejected me
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MOZILLA - where are you?

2000-12-18 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Agreed.  I can't get the Java plugin to work either, but Mozilla is way
ahead of Netscape as a viable Linux browser.  I use it solely on my Linux


Today, at 00:29, Hal Burgiss sent through the Star Gate:

>On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 12:05:53AM -0500, Statux wrote:
>> www.mozilla.org or whatever it is? or are you talking about a
>> rewrite of mozilla?
>> Mozilla sucks, to be completely honest and so does netscape 6
>> (mozilla is actually netscape 5 written under open source licensing,
>> which is why there is no netscape 5).
>We might have to do war over this ;) Mozilla is light years ahead of
>NS in some respects. The pages look so much better. I only use NS when
>Mozilla won't handle something (like Java since I have no luck getting
>the Java plugin loaded). I don't use either for mail or news so can't
>speak to that. But Mozilla is where its at for browsing. And the
>nightly builds are perfectly usable. Skip the M18 crap and go for the
>stuff right out of the oven. 
>Mozilla is one app I would hate to give up. Netscape I could live
>without at this point.

Redhat-list mailing list

Another subnetting question

2000-12-18 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I need to ask a question along these lines:  I just leased an 8ip subnet
from my ISP.  I assumed that all 5 usable IP addresses would be accessible
from anywhere on the www.  However, I've found out that it isn't working
that way. The only address that is externally accessible is the gw
address, which is assigned to my Cisco router.  When I ping to the other
addresses I get the following:

$ ping 
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 
>From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded 
>From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded 
>From dsl.citilink.com ( Time to live exceeded
 --- ping statistics --- 
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss 

The "ping" is being intercepted by one of my ISP's computer. It isn't
supposed to do this, is it?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: web browser

2000-12-17 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


We recently purchased a 700Mhz Celeron running WinME and had the same
trouble - the thing would shut down and reboot with no warning in the
middle of a program.  I'm currently running Mozilla with 6.1 on an
AMD-k6-2/500 and am very happy with it.  The only glitch I've run into is
that I can't install the java plugin - need to post a message about that.
I keep getting an error message something to the effect of, "error 2 -
gethostbyname() failed."


Nov 25, at 22:39, Mark Ivey sent through the Star Gate:

>On Sat, 25 Nov 2000, Thornton Prime wrote:
>> I'd actually strongly recommend a daily snapshot of Mozilla instead. I
>> found Netscape 6 buggy and bloated, but the more recent daily snapshots of
>> Mozilla have been, for the most part, as stable or more stable than
>> Netscape 4.7x.
>I was just wondering, is Mozilla ever going to become faster (i.e. will
>the final release be optimized?)  On my machine, it is much much slower
>than Netscape 4.7x. Plus it has a bad habit of simply quitting with no
>warnings or messages.  Does it behave like this for anyone else?  Am I
>doing something wrong?  (I'm running RH 6.2, on a Celeron 333, 128 mb) 
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: kppp / DNS suddenly won't resolve

2000-12-17 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

You might try restarting the network after modifying resolv.conf:

/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S10network reload


Nov 20, at 13:21, Chip Rose. sent through the Star Gate:

>I don't know what suddenly happened, but web pages won't load anymore.  I
>can log in the same internet connection I've been using all along, but now
>the DNS numbers won't resolve or something.  My kppp connection never
>required manually putting in the DNS numbers before.  I've tried manually
>putting them in, but they still aren't being accepted.  Kppp (Redhat 6.0) used
>to automatically put the DNS numbers in the /etc/resolv.conf file depending
>on which ISP I'd tell it to use, but everything's gone to poop now.  I
>tried deleting the /etc/resolv.conf file and putting a new one in with
>correct permissions, but no cigar.  
>Help IS appreciated!
>Chip Rose.
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Sound installation from scratch

2000-12-17 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Once that step is done how do you configure X for sound?  I'm running kde
instead of gnome, did the sndconfig thingy after installing X with the
test succeeding, but am not getting any sound from within X.


Nov 18, at 14:43, Mikkel L. Ellertson sent through the Star Gate:

>On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Vikas wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I had installed RHLinux6.2 a month ago after downloading those RPM's and
>> it is working nocely with gnone. Now i though it would be better if I
>> could run mp3's from linux...So what all it need to start installing
>> sound drivers.
>> Please help,
>> Vikas
>run sndconfig as root.
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Samba problems - can't mount

2000-11-04 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I'm trying to mount linux box "a" to linux box "b" or vice versa.  Both
are running samba-2.0.7-4.i386.rpm, samba-client-2.0.7-4.i386, and
samba-common-2.0.7-4.i386.  I have the following in /etc/fstab:

//glen/home/glenlee/firelight /home/glenlee/GlensPC/c smbfs
password=,user,rw,uid=510,gid=510 0 2

No matter what I do I keep getting the following error message:

$ session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password
pair in
a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)
SMB connection failed

I have the correct passwords in /etc/smbpasswd and in /etc/fstab.

Any thoughts?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Gnome running when it wasn't installed

2000-10-28 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Ah, .  I better see about doing it your way.


Today, at 20:34, Mikkel L. Ellertson sent through the Star Gate:

>On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> Mikkel,
>> I lost your letter until now, but I was able to get it to work by digging
>> out my old 5.2 configuration: I created an .xinitrc file and added
>> startkde to it.  Now kde starts instead of Gnome.
>   The only disadvantage I can see from doing it that way is that
>switchdesk may not work with it.  So if you deside to change window
>managers, you may have to hand edit .xinitrc.  Not a big problem,  I have
>to do something like that myself because I like blackBox as a window
>manager.  One of these days I'll make an addition to switchdesk to let me
>select it.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Gnome running when it wasn't installed

2000-10-28 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


I lost your letter until now, but I was able to get it to work by digging
out my old 5.2 configuration: I created an .xinitrc file and added
startkde to it.  Now kde starts instead of Gnome.

For awhile I was beginning to think that Bill Gates had taken over Gnome -
now matter what I did I couldn't get rid of it!  I didn't install it, but
there it was!


Wednesday, at 10:18, Mikkel L. Ellertson sent through the Star Gate:

>On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> >I'm not positive if perhaps you're referring to gdm.  In other words, when you
>> >boot up the system into runlevel 5 (with XFree86) it tries to bring up gdm for
>> >a visual login.  
>> No.  I boot into runlevel 3.  When I "$ startx" from the command prompt
>> from root or any user it brings up Gnome Enlightenment, not KDE.
>> I reinstalled 6.1, installing the KDE workstation instead, but with the
>> same results - when I "$ startx" from any user or root Gnome Enlightenment
>> runs instead of KDE.  I *don't* want Gnome, I want KDE.  What do I have to
>> do to get Gnome off this box?  And what do I have to do to get KDE to run?
>> No matter what I've tried I get Gnome.
>Check your home directory for files called .Xclients and
>.Xclients-default.  These are usualy what determin what window manager you
>get when you run startx.  You can also run switchdesk kde to set KDE as
>your default window manager.  This can be run from the command line, as
>well as working in X.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: New 6.1 install not detecting NIC

2000-10-25 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


You may have hit on something.  I originally posted the wrong card
(sorry); this is a netgear EA 201C ISA NIC 10BaseT, that can be set to run
on 3,5,9,10,11,12 or 15 IRQ.

I'll try to find Donald Beckers site and see if I can run his diagnostic



Today, at 09:58, Bret Hughes sent through the Star Gate:

>Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> It doesn't even show up:
>> $ less /proc/interrupts
>>   0: 705187  XT-PIC  timer
>>   1:230  XT-PIC  keyboard
>>   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
>>   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
>>  12:363  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
>>  13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
>>  14:  70078  XT-PIC  ide0
>> NMI:  0
>The ISA cards I have messed with in the past have required an entry to tell the
>driver where to find the card:  here is what my firewall conf.modules looks
>alias eth0 ne
>alias eth1 ne
>options ne io=0X260,0X300 irq=11,10
>This is, obviously for two NICs.  for one there would just be one entry for each
>without the commas.
>These are elcheapo linksys 10MB cards that had a dos based program to set the
>irq and io address settings.  I seem to recal that donald beckers nic
>diagnostics will probe for (and hopefully find ) cards and report the current
>irq and addresses that you can then use in conf.modules.
>This may or may not apply to the cards you are using but I have found beckers
>site to be a wealth of information as well as the hardware compatability list at
>redhat and of course the old faithful Ethernet-howto.
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: New 6.1 install not detecting NIC

2000-10-25 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

It doesn't even show up:

$ less /proc/interrupts
  0: 705187  XT-PIC  timer
  1:230  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 12:363  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
 14:  70078  XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:  0

Today, at 00:57, Eddie Strohmier sent through the Star Gate:

>Check /proc/interrupts for the IRQ assignment. Also does this card by chance
>have jumpers to set the IRQ? 


>Or a utility maybe via the manufacturers
>website to allow IRQ assignment? 

I'll have to check.  I'm not a computer expert, but at this point it seems
to me that Linux doesn't know the card even exists.  I can't try a
different card, because this box only takes ISA NICs and all my spares are

Could this message from dmesg have anything to do with it?

apm: BIOS not found.

I'm beginning to think that this processor isn't RH compatible.


>- Original Message -
>From: "Glen Lee Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 12:18 AM
>Subject: Re: New 6.1 install not detecting NIC
>> Yesterday, at 22:03, Statux sent through the Star Gate:
>> >did you try to manually insmod eepro100, or something of that nature?
>> I did "insmod eepro100", which added it to /etc/conf.modules, but I still
>> can't bring up the interface.  When I try "ifup eth0" I get a "no such
>> device" error message.  I get the same error message when I try
>> "route add -net dev eth0".
>> The fact is, Linux doesn't recognize that there is a NIC card plugged into
>> that ISA slot, and I don't know how to tell it that it's there.  Is there
>> some way that I could check to see if there's an IRQ conflict?
>> Also, I'm getting a couple of odd messages from dmesg:
>> ide2: ports already in use, skipping probe
>> ds: no socket drivers loaded!
>> I don't know for sure what these mean, but I'm sure it's not good.
>> Glen
>> >On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> >
>> >> I just installed 6.1 on an old 486-66 I had been running windows95 on.
>> >> This is a clean install - reformatted everything and installed from
>> >> scratch. This box doesn't have any PCI slots, so I've been using an
>> >> Pro/100+ ISA NIC.  It worked great in Windows95 but 6.1 can't detect
>> >> I just tried changing the bios to "other" instead of "dos" but that
>> >> make a difference.  Any suggestions as to how to get this box back as a
>> >> part of my LAN?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >>
>> >> Glen
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> Redhat-list mailing list
>> >> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
>> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: New 6.1 install not detecting NIC

2000-10-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Yesterday, at 22:03, Statux sent through the Star Gate:

>did you try to manually insmod eepro100, or something of that nature?

I did "insmod eepro100", which added it to /etc/conf.modules, but I still
can't bring up the interface.  When I try "ifup eth0" I get a "no such
device" error message.  I get the same error message when I try 
"route add -net dev eth0".

The fact is, Linux doesn't recognize that there is a NIC card plugged into
that ISA slot, and I don't know how to tell it that it's there.  Is there
some way that I could check to see if there's an IRQ conflict?

Also, I'm getting a couple of odd messages from dmesg:

ide2: ports already in use, skipping probe
ds: no socket drivers loaded!

I don't know for sure what these mean, but I'm sure it's not good.


>On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> I just installed 6.1 on an old 486-66 I had been running windows95 on.
>> This is a clean install - reformatted everything and installed from
>> scratch. This box doesn't have any PCI slots, so I've been using an Intel
>> Pro/100+ ISA NIC.  It worked great in Windows95 but 6.1 can't detect it.  
>> I just tried changing the bios to "other" instead of "dos" but that didn't
>> make a difference.  Any suggestions as to how to get this box back as a
>> part of my LAN?
>> Thanks,
>> Glen
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
>> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Gnome running when it wasn't installed

2000-10-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Today, at 21:31, Nitebirdz sent through the Star Gate:

>On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>> I just installed 6.1 on an old 486-66 I had been running windows95 on.  I
>> didn't install Gnome because I don't like it.  I want to run KDE.
>> However, when I "startx" Gnome runs, but I get a message that I'm running
>> some wrong gnome x package for it so it doesn't run correctly.  When I
>> tried rpm -q gnome it says "package not installed."  Why is Gnome running
>> when I installed KDE but not Gnome, and how do I get rid of it?
>> Thanks,
>> Glen
>I'm not positive if perhaps you're referring to gdm.  In other words, when you
>boot up the system into runlevel 5 (with XFree86) it tries to bring up gdm for
>a visual login.  

No.  I boot into runlevel 3.  When I "$ startx" from the command prompt
from root or any user it brings up Gnome Enlightenment, not KDE.

I reinstalled 6.1, installing the KDE workstation instead, but with the
same results - when I "$ startx" from any user or root Gnome Enlightenment
runs instead of KDE.  I *don't* want Gnome, I want KDE.  What do I have to
do to get Gnome off this box?  And what do I have to do to get KDE to run?
No matter what I've tried I get Gnome.

>That is only if the /etc/sysconfig/desktop file contains the
>word GNOME (see the /etc/X11/prefdm script for more information on this).  
>If that's what you're referring to, then reboot the system again.  When you see
>the LILO prompt, enter "linux 3" (without the quotes, of course).  This will
>boot the system into runlevel 3, which is multiuser mode without X support.
>Then, edit the /etc/sysconfig/desktop file I was referring to above and remove
>the word "GNOME" from it.  

That file doesn't exist on this system:

Directory: /etc/sysconfig
$ ls
apmd   console  init  network  routed
cbqhwconf   keyboard  network-scripts  sendmail
clock  i18n mouse pcmcia   static-routes


Redhat-list mailing list

New 6.1 install not detecting NIC

2000-10-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I just installed 6.1 on an old 486-66 I had been running windows95 on.
This is a clean install - reformatted everything and installed from
scratch. This box doesn't have any PCI slots, so I've been using an Intel
Pro/100+ ISA NIC.  It worked great in Windows95 but 6.1 can't detect it.  
I just tried changing the bios to "other" instead of "dos" but that didn't
make a difference.  Any suggestions as to how to get this box back as a
part of my LAN?



Redhat-list mailing list

Gnome running when it wasn't installed

2000-10-24 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

I just installed 6.1 on an old 486-66 I had been running windows95 on.  I
didn't install Gnome because I don't like it.  I want to run KDE.
However, when I "startx" Gnome runs, but I get a message that I'm running
some wrong gnome x package for it so it doesn't run correctly.  When I
tried rpm -q gnome it says "package not installed."  Why is Gnome running
when I installed KDE but not Gnome, and how do I get rid of it?



Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Network Problem

2000-10-23 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


I'm not real familiar with how ping works, so the following may be totally
off base: you might check what daemons are running every night when you
leave using ps fauwx > monitor (or any other file name you wish), and
compare that with a new readout in the morning if the network is down.
This will allow you to check and see if any daemons have died during the
evening - inetd, proftpd, httpd, etc.  I believe that restarting the
network only brings up the NICs, sets kernel routing, and turns on packet
forwarding.  To my knowledge it doesn't restart any of the daemons.

Also, if you have an extra NIC laying around you might try replacing it,
switching ports on the hub, and replacing your cabling (or the ends) to
the respective box (just a stab in the dark).


Oct 15, at 16:12, Jeff Grossman sent through the Star Gate:

>That is correct.
>Jeff Grossman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glen Lee Edwards
>Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 4:11 PM
>Subject: Re: Network Problem
>Today, at 10:42, Jeff Grossman sent through the Star Gate:
>>I am using a Redhat 6.2 box as a web, e-mail, and ftp server.  For some
>>reason, the machine will periodically not respond to the network. I will
>>find out in the morning that it has not been responding to any requests
>>all evening.  I log onto the machine and try to ping some internal
>>machines, it comes back and says machine unreachable.  I try to reload
>>the network and named services, but it does not fix the problem.  I have
>>to restart the server and then everything is fine.  This probably
>>happens about 3-4 times a week.  It is really starting to become a pain.  
>>Does anybody have any ideas as to what I might have setup wrong?
>So basically you're saying that the network connection died?  Nothing can
>be accessed; web, mail, ftp, ssh?
>Redhat-list mailing list
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Device not ready

2000-10-23 Thread Glen Lee Edwards


This may or may not be related, but I'm having the same problem now.  I've
narrowed it down to the CDRom not being able to read from the CDRW disc I
just cut.  A couple of possibilities might be; your system is trying to
mount the CDRom drive when there's no disc in it, or it might be trying to
mount a CDRom drive with an unreadable drive in it.  I think it's safe to
say that it's trying to mount the drive whether you're telling it to or


Oct 14, at 00:50, Charles Galpin sent through the Star Gate:

>I can't seem to find the answer to this, but I'm pretty sure it's an FAQ.
>I get this repeatedly in my logs:
>kernel: Device not ready. Make sure there is a disc in the drive.
>how can I stop these? I turned off automounting, but that didn't
>thanks charles
>p.s. Chuck Mead - I've suspected this for a while, but truly noticed
>tonight while searching the archives that it must only search a small
>(recent) portion. Just how much of it is searchable?
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Sorting incoming mails to individual mailboxes

2000-10-13 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Yes, Procmail will do exactly what you need.  Read

man procmailGeneral examples
man procmailex  For recipe examples
man procmailrc  For how to set up ~/.procmailrc
man procmailsc  Weighted scoring, can use for spam filter

If you're sorting for several users from one main mailbox you may want to
use a more generic recipe:

! frank

This tells procmail to search the header for any instance of the address
[EMAIL PROTECTED], meaning that it will usually match mail from lists,
but not to match if frank sends the letter.  Basically he can't mail a
letter to himself using this recipe , but the recipe assumes that if
his address is listed anywhere in the header then the letter is meant for

If you use a more conventional approach:

! frank

Mail addressed to frank will go to his username, but mail meant for him
from a talk list won't.  For this you'll have to have a separate recipe
per each talk list that he's subscribed to.  This can get confusing if you
have several users subscribed to varying talk lists with some overlapping.
That's why I suggested the first approach.


Today, at 22:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent through the Star Gate:

>Glen, thanks for the reply.
>However if I su as local user (example george) and local user george has
>.fetchmailrc all of the incomming mails endup in /var/spool/mail/george
>mailbox. Even if the message was fpr [EMAIL PROTECTED] My ISP is holding
>all of the messages in one mailbox. I am looking for some way to sort
>incoming mail to separate (proper) mailboxes.
>I su as george
>fetchmail -v
>all messages are delivered to george@localhost account acording to
>Maybe it is not posible to doit. Do I have to use procmail and
>.procmailrc file to somehow do this trick?

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Sorting incoming mails to individual mailboxes

2000-10-13 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Something I forgot to mention:

>ifup ppp0
>su ispuseraccount -c fetchmail

The above should read:

ifup ppp0
su localuser -c fetchmail

This tells the shell to run the fetchmail file in ~/, which should have
all your ISP login information.  Your local username can be the same or
different from your ISP username.


Today, at 17:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent through the Star Gate:

>Hi guys, I am new in procmail and sendmail and of course having trouble to
>set up simple mail distribution system.
>I have sendmail running on linux redhat 6.2, using ppp with pap to dial
>out, fetchmeil to get all my incoming mails.
>My ISP is storing all my e-mails for all users @mydomain.com
>I have to login as ispuseraccount to retrieve all my e-mails for mydomain
>from ispuseraccount @isp.com mailbox.
>My problem is all the messages will end up in ispuseraccount @mydomain.com
>mailbox instead of proper mailboxes in /var/spool.mail.
>I have seen article where was mentioned that this should work automatically
>on red hat without setting up any .procmailrc file and .forward file.
>Is this correct?
>my script to retrieve messages
>ifup ppp0
>su ispuseraccount -c fetchmail
>Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss something?
>BTW outgoing mails works fine.
>Thank you very much for help or any pointers
>George Nagy
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Sorting incoming mails to individual mailboxes

2000-10-13 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

If you set up ~/.fetchmailrc right it should download it to

As I recall sendmail can't work with usernames that are longer than 8
characters, at least it couldn't under Red Hat 5.2, don't know if that's

Your ~/.fetchmailrc file should read something like:

set daemon 540

poll mail.mydomain.com proto pop3
   user "ispuseraccount", with password a1s2d3, is "myuser" here;

man fetchmail


Today, at 17:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent through the Star Gate:

>Hi guys, I am new in procmail and sendmail and of course having trouble
>to set up simple mail distribution system. I have sendmail running on
>linux redhat 6.2, using ppp with pap to dial out, fetchmeil to get all
>my incoming mails. My ISP is storing all my e-mails for all users
>@mydomain.com I have to login as ispuseraccount to retrieve all my
>e-mails for mydomain from ispuseraccount @isp.com mailbox.
>My problem is all the messages will end up in ispuseraccount
>@mydomain.com mailbox instead of proper mailboxes in /var/spool.mail. I
>have seen article where was mentioned that this should work
>automatically on red hat without setting up any .procmailrc file and
>.forward file. Is this correct?
>my script to retrieve messages
>ifup ppp0 
>su ispuseraccount -c fetchmail
>Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss something? BTW outgoing mails
>works fine.
>Thank you very much for help or any pointers
>George Nagy
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: I've been hacked

2000-10-13 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Once hosts.allow and hosts.deny are modified do we need to restart a
daemon or something?  How does Linux know they've been updated?


Today, at 15:50, Eddie Strohmier sent through the Star Gate:

>Well you need to get hosts.allow and hosts.deny going. I usually place the
>statement ALL: ALL in my hosts.deny then I determine what if any IP's I will
>allow in and for what services so I can enter them into my hosts.allow. An
>example here would be ALL: 168.100.200.  This would allow any IP address
>from to in for any service. This will get you
>started. Then I would also run portsentry which is found here:
>It is easy to set up with the readme and will monitor port activity and shut
>a potential hack out of a port if they are not in the excluded IP's file.
>Then I would read up on IP Chains as you can actually produce a true
>firewall in front of your machine via IP Chains. You may want to dedicate a
>different machine if this is on a network to do this task for you. But first
>get hosts.allow/hosts.deny going and portsentry. That should eliminate most
>hacks. hosts.allow and hosts.deny should have stopped the anonymous ftp that
>you discovered.
>Eddie Strohmier
>- Original Message -
>From: "Spunk S. Spunk III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 3:16 PM
>Subject: I've been hacked
>> It's one of those things... I don't NEED anonymous ftp but I left it on
>> anyway. Either way, I had noticed last week that I had a few anonymous ftp
>> connections which raised my suspicions but I didn't see anything else that
>> alarmed me. But after getting back from a trip, I took a peek at my logs
>> found some bad things. Promiscuous eth0, garbage data in the logs, syslogd
>> restarts etc... No big deal for me at this point. This was a test server I
>> use and was planning on killing this weekend anyway. My questions are
>> 1. How does one go about hacking a machine via ftp? I mean, it would be
>> to understand HOW it is done in order to prevent it.
>> 2. Besides turning off anon. ftp, what else should I secure (ftp wise)
>> 3. As a case study, how can I tell what he/she did exactly (I guess a part
>> of question 1)
>> Thanx,
>> Spunk
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
>> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Network Problem

2000-10-13 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Today, at 10:42, Jeff Grossman sent through the Star Gate:

>I am using a Redhat 6.2 box as a web, e-mail, and ftp server.  For some
>reason, the machine will periodically not respond to the network. I will
>find out in the morning that it has not been responding to any requests
>all evening.  I log onto the machine and try to ping some internal
>machines, it comes back and says machine unreachable.  I try to reload
>the network and named services, but it does not fix the problem.  I have
>to restart the server and then everything is fine.  This probably
>happens about 3-4 times a week.  It is really starting to become a pain.  
>Does anybody have any ideas as to what I might have setup wrong?

So basically you're saying that the network connection died?  Nothing can
be accessed; web, mail, ftp, ssh?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MX Records

2000-10-12 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

You can use nslookup:

$ nslookup
Default Server:  glenlee.myhome.lan

Then enter the next line:

> set type=mx

Then just enter the domain:

> redhat.com
Server:  glenlee.myhome.lan

Non-authoritative answer:
redhat.com  preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.redhat.com

Authoritative answers can be found from:
redhat.com  nameserver = NS.redhat.com
redhat.com  nameserver = NS2.redhat.com
redhat.com  nameserver = NS3.redhat.com
mail.redhat.com internet address =
NS.redhat.com   internet address =
NS2.redhat.com  internet address =
NS3.redhat.com  internet address =


On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

>Is there anything like whois or nslookup for finding out MX records?
>   JW
>Redhat-list mailing list

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RE: mouting without root

2000-10-12 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

>There is a method of mounting a file-system and specifying a UID and/or GUID
>that will allow for other (non-root) users to access the file-system.   I'm
>sorry I don't recall what the statements are.  

Add "users" without the quote to /etc/fstab.  This will allow anyone to
mount the file system, and anyone else to umount it.

This doesn't work if you're using your user to try to mount a file system
to a mount point in some other user's ~/.  You don't have permission to
access that directory, so your attempt to mount to it is denied.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: FW: Trouble with Samba and Win 98

2000-10-12 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

In addition to what's already been said:

Make sure your netmasks match.

Have you had the "log onto the network" popup window appear in Win98?  I
had trouble with this one.  If not click on start, then logoff.  This will
restart a new session and bring up the logon window.

In smb.conf make sure the the IP address of the Win98 box is one you have
listed as allowed as part of the Samba net.


On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Drew Hunt wrote:

>I've scoured through the Samba HOWTO and guide and I just can't seem to find
>a fix!  I want to run SMB from my linux box so I can access it on my win 98
>host.  No matter what I try, though, I just can't get the win box to see the
>linux box in the Network Neighborhood.  does anyone have any suggestions for
>items I should be including in my smb.conf file?  What should I look for in
>the network properties on the win box to ensure correct confirguration?
>Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: Samba error messages printed to console

2000-10-12 Thread Glen Lee Edwards

Follow up:

I shut off the daemon, removed the Samba rpm.  Error messages were still
going to the console.  I then checked mount and noticed that all my Samba
files were mounted.  I umounted them and the error messages went away.  I
reinstalled Samba and started it.  So far no problem.  Apparently I had a
Samba process that was trying to mount a file system but couldn't do it.

I can read my mail now, and in the future if this happens I know I need to
umount all Samba processes and remount them.  But I'd still like to know
how to keep these error messages from being echoed to the console.  I'll
retry the redirection.  Obviously it didn't work on already active mounts.
Maybe it'll work this time.


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