Re: Memory Resources - Howto Refresh

2003-10-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
Eduardo A. dela Rosa wrote:
So I shutdown Eclipse, MySQL, and JBoss, hoping that it would release
resources that it ate up.  Waited for quite a while, I tried to check my
resources.  To my puzzle, it just looks the same as it was before those
major apps were properly shutdown.
Show us the resource use while those are running, and after you stop them.

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Re: patch management on production servers

2003-10-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
Marvin Blackburn wrote:
Has anyone developed a methodology for patch management in a production
Running up2date on the system regularly is not an option for us.
What limitation keeps you from testing a set of patches in your dev 
enironment, and then using up2date or RHN to apply those patches to the 
production system?

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Re: Install different libs for different C++ compilers?

2003-10-20 Thread Gordon Messmer
Toralf Lund wrote:
I'd really like to be able to use this 
software *and* Red Hat 9/g++-3 apps utilising the same library 
Maybe what I want is to put the libs on /usr/lib/i386-redhat-linux7/2.96 
or similar...
I discussed the simple options... you may just be making one of those 
more complex than it needs to be.

You're not going to get the gcc 3 C++ libraries unless you compile your 
software an all of the libraries it depends on using that compiler. 
Your options, then are to build your software once with each compiler 
and end up with one set of binaries optimal for 7.3 (gcc 2.96) and 
another set for 9 (gcc 3), or you can build all of the software on 7.3 
and get binaries that will work on either platform.

I suggest that you concentrate on the reason that you want to use the 
gcc 3 libraries.  What do you stand to gain from recompiling with gcc 3? 
 With that in mind, benchmark the differences between the binaries 
built by gcc 2.96 and those built by gcc 3 running on RHL 9.  Whatever 
you hope to gain by your compiler contortions, you should be able to 
easily figure out whether or not it's worth the effort required.

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Re: Raid and OS together - performace drop or not ?

2003-10-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
senthil wrote:
I would like to know from you gurus out there if there will be a performace 
drop when the operating system is located along with a RAID array in time 
when any paging ( swap ) operations are done.
That doesn't make much sense.  I'm going to assume you're asking if 
performance will degrade when you put your swap partitions on a RAID array.

The answer is:  depends on what type of RAID.

It would be silly to put your swap space on a RAID 5 array.  Doing so 
would definitely hurt performance, since swapping data out would incur 
the additional overhead of reading all of the stripes in the array, 
calculating the parity, and writing both the parity and the data swapped 

However, placing your swap partitions on a RAID 0 array with a small 
strip size will almost certainly increase the speed of paging both in 
and out by balancing the disk activity across several disks.

RAID 1 would probalby speed paging in to system RAM, but hurt paging out 
if you're using software RAID.  Probably a net loss, in that case.

Even in a trial testing installation which i did to test this out i found a 
performance drop.
Using RAID 5, I would assume.  Try on a RAID 0 volume with a small 
chunk-size (assuming you're using software RAID experiment to find 
the best values).

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Re: How do you tell what options are compiled in your kernel

2003-10-17 Thread Gordon Messmer
Douglas Phillipson wrote:

The easiest way is to do a make oldconfig.  That will load all of 
your old
configuration and then do a make xconfig or which ever one you use.

Forgive me for not yet being a kernel expert.  Before I do this what 
exactly does make oldconfig do?

Where does it get the config file from?
If there is no file named .config, then it will examine /boot/kernel.h 
and try to get a config from the configs directory that matches the 
running kernel.  That config should match /boot/config-`uname -r` exactly.

If .config exists, make oldconfig will use that.

If you are copying a config file to start from, why would you do a make 
You wouldn't need to.  Under stock kernels, make oldconfig will ask 
you for the settings you'd like, individually.  Under Red Hat's patched 
kernels, make oldconfig will try to find a prepared config that 
matches your arch, indicated by /boot/kernel.h.  In either case, if 
.config exists, then you'll only be asked about new configuration items 
(which there should not be any of, if it uses one of the prepared configs).

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Re: How do you tell what options are compiled in your kernel

2003-10-17 Thread Gordon Messmer
Michael Schwendt wrote:
On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 08:41:57 -0700, Gordon Messmer wrote:
In either case, if 
.config exists, then you'll only be asked about new configuration items 
(which there should not be any of, if it uses one of the prepared configs).

Isn't make oldconfig non-interactive?
Not entirely.  If the kernel has options which are not defined in 
.config (as in, you used the .config file from an older kernel, which 
did not have some of the drivers in the new kenel), then make 
oldconfig will ask you what you want to do with that new option.

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Re: Grrrrr .. Samba upgrade

2003-10-17 Thread Gordon Messmer

At this point I want to get rid of eveything samba and start over. Whats
the best way to do that?
rpm -e $(rpm -qa 'samba-*')

Then install a new samba which was built for your platform.

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Re: Samba 3.0 on RH7.2 : shared libraries problem - unable to make stack executable ...

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Paul Libert wrote:
I'm trying to get openLDAP 2.1 and Samba 3.0 on 7.2-enigma (reason : 
this machines has Veritas VXfs and VXvm on it and thus I cannot upgrade 
the kernel ...)
To achieve this, I've upgraded several packages with RawHide and RedHat 
9.0 versions.
Dependencies were OK but now, my system is mostly unusuable.
That's not unusual.  Don't (and by don't, I mean never) use binary 
packages from newer releases of the distribution.  They're almost never 
compatible.  The fact that your system is mostly unusable is no surprise.

Attempt to revert the packages to their original versions.  Failing 
that, reformat your system disks and reinstall the OS properly.

When you've restored your system to a working state, get the src.rpm for 
Samba 3.0 and recompile it on the platform you're using.  If it needs 
additional updates, get their src.rpm and recompile those, too.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
You are prone to dumb statements as I said. 
There's no reason to resort to personal insults in a technical forum.

You need to study the meaning
of democracy and the good points of debate.  There is a raging debate about
how to make things better.
I didn't see it as a debate, certainly not one raging.  Nor do I think 
anyone was struggling to justify g++'s behavior.  We were explaining 
the current state of affairs, and how that relates to behavior that one 
user observed.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
Look at it this way.  You should be able to move a c++ (not g++) compiler to
any version of RH and it works!!! LIB's and all period, no explanation
I agree.  You should be able to... but you can't.  Maybe someday you 
will be able to.  If the current promise of a stable ABI is kept, then 
someday may be now.

Fact, it doesn't.  The question is why.  The explanation is that it
is native to c++ and only c++ was stated.  I was pointing out that actually
it is a problem of the community that I believe is related to the resources
available to the developers.
That's where I think you're pointing fingers without understanding the 
situation.  As it's been said, this is not a problem that's unique to 
the Free Software community.  Generally, you can exect that different 
versions of a compiler will produce compatible C binaries.  You can also 
often expect that different vendors compilers will produce compatible C 
binaries.  There is a binary compatibility standard for C.  There is no 
such standard for C++.  You will not be able to link objects from one 
vendor's compilers against another's.

This has been true of Intel's C++ compiler.  It's been true of Sun's C++ 
compiler for Sparc.  Are you going to tell us that it's because those 
developers don't understand the CPUs well enough?  Or that they don't 
understand how to build binaries that run on those CPUs?  Or that they 
don't have the time/money/resources to do it right?  Get real.

The individual in question made a statement
that effectively, it should be accepted without complaints and I said and I
still say that is dumb.
I think the general idea is that no amount of bitching is going to 
change history, so don't.  Very intellegent, talented, experienced 
people work on the compiler, and history shows that they *still* weren't 
able to get a good ABI on the first try.  From your perspective, which 
as far as we know does *not* include extensive experience developing a 
compiler or an ABI, it seems like it should be a simple thing.  Good for 
you.  When you've *done* it, then you can preach about how everyone in 
the world has done it wrong so far.

This needs to be fixed to where anyone can select a
new compiler and not worry that it will break everything else and you need
resources to test it against all previous versions.  If you don't then no
one will accept open community software period.
OK.  Which compiler will they use?

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
I don't know where you been bud.  One of the complaints is that linux is for
programmers and tech people and not for the masses cause you need someone of
a technical frame to fix it cause it breaks everything.  So grow up to
reality.  Acceptance into the wide community requires that it works out of
the box for everyone and you don't need a technical person to get it to
work. Get your facts straight, people of a technical nature accept it but it
ain't number one.
Who are these non-technical people who are concerned about mixing 
objects from different versions of the g++ compiler?

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Toralf Lund wrote:

I see now why symbol resolution is not an issue even though an older 
compiler or OS has been used to build (as long as the same one is used 
for all object.) The runtime linker obviously only needs to concern 
itself with the symbols that are actually in the binaries; it doesn't 
need to know how they map into C++ objects or whatever, and it won't 
really notice that the symbol names are formatted differently from the 
way some other release of the compiler would.

Surely the lib version issues may be resolved by passing the 
appropriate linker command line arguments?
No, that will not be sufficient.
It should be sufficient for the libstdc++ version issue, but not the 
symbol naming one.
Yep.  And linking a library when none of the symbols match your 
executable isn't terribly useful.  ;)

  Until the ABI is stable (which is should be now), 
Shouldn't it have been *years* ago???
Perhaps it should.  Shouldn't compilers have supported the entire C++ 
language years ago?  Probably.  It's a terribly complicated language, 

Mixing libs from various releases of Red Hat 6 and 7 generally works 
For C libraries, that is probably true.  You can not, however, mix 
objects built by different major versions of the GCC C++ compiler.
Of course, GCC was on the same major version for *years* until 
relatively recent release of 3.0.
I actually meant *minor* version  I apologise.

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Re: Install different libs for different C++ compilers?

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Toralf Lund wrote:
Regarding the recent discussion on C++ binary compatibility, or lack 
thereof: I am now compiling some of my code with g++296 from compat-gcc, 
and it works rather well. One question, though: Is there a simple and 
direct way to have the different g++ versions pick up different versions 
of a given non-standard library?
option one:  Install only the -devel package for the library built by 
the appropriate compiler.  If the only in the search path is 
the one built by gcc-2.96, then you're fine.

option two:  You can try building a separate root directory for the 
compatible system:  (e.g. /opt/gcc296builds/usr/lib).  Install your 
gcc-2.96 libraries there and use -L/opt/gcc296builds/usr/lib for your 
builds (often as CXXFLAGS=-L/opt/gcc296builds/usr/lib ./configure)

option three: Install a full copy of the older OS in a separate root. 
 chroot there to do your compiling.  This is the option that I use, 
typically.  We have one machine with a fair sized disk and several 
releases of Red Hat Linux (and other Linux distros) installed.  When we 
need a package for a given release, we copy the required source there, 
chroot, and compile.

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Re: Memory Resources - Howto Refresh

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Eduardo A. dela Rosa wrote:
After days of work, without rebooting my box, it suddenly slowed down.  
My filesystem is just
[EMAIL PROTECTED] xxx]$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:505220 428728  76492  0  16860 195208
-/+ buffers/cache:   216660 288560
Swap:  1052248 194312 857936
Swapping *might* be the cause of your system suddenly slowing down, but
it doesn't seem like the most likely thing.  Over half of your physical
RAM is available.
Run vmstat 2 and watch the colums under swap.  From my own system:

procs  memory  swap  io system cpu
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy wa id
 0  0  19076 227272  92392 23682800 931  218   147  5  6  0 90
 0  0  19076 227248  92392 23682800 0 0  180   170  0  0  0 100
 0  0  19076 227248  92392 23682800 030  192   235  0  0  0 100
 0  0  19076 227116  92392 23682800 0 0  287   523  1  0  0 99
 0  0  19076 227116  92392 23682800 0 8  246  1294 38  3  0 59
So, over a period of 8 seconds, no blocks were swapped in (si column)
and no blocks of memory were swapped out (so column).  If you see
activity in one of those columns, then your machine is swapping.  You
can use that to judge whether swap is affecting your machine.
If not swap, you'll have to be more specific about what's slowed down to
get more useful advice.
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Re: OpenSSL Problem

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
rbragg wrote:
I'm using RH7.3 and apache. My site was running fine for a while, and 
all of a sudden, now when I try to go to my https site, openssl fails, 
my site is left un-encrypted, and this is in the error log.
Clarify what you mean by site is left un-encrypted.  If you telnet to 
port 443, can you type GET / and get a response?

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
You get there and decide to use version 7.3 and build
your apps using the default compiler that comes with 7.3.  You get
everything working with some effort.  Some A.H. comes along and says you
ought to upgrade to version 9 and you do and get the default compiler with
that version and in order to take advantage of the new version you rebuild
all of your apps and they neither compile and definitely won't run.
If you're recompiling an application against the system's libraries, 
then it works.

If your app needs additional libraries, you'd recompile those on the new 
system as well, and it works.

The only time the C++ binary compatibility becomes a problem is when you 
try to mix libraries from different compilers... as in you've brought 
some custom libraries from 7.3, but decide that recompiling the app 
would be nice.  That does not work.  Surprise!  If you do stupid things, 
the system breaks.

 This is
the non-technical person that does that.
I recommend that he move the working application to the new system 
without attempting to recompile only half of it.  Backwards 
compatibility is fine.  You can continue running applications built on 
7.3 on 9.

He did it all the time with the
other OS (MS)
He recompiled his applications on a win32 platform with a different 
compiler all the time?

, but this new and great OS doesn't allow him to do something
simple without causing him grief.
Compiling is not simple.  I think it's silly to pretend that it is.  If 
recompiling were a simple and straightforward thing, Red Hat would have 
documented and supported users recompiling their kernels.  Compiling is 
something that developers should do.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
The problem is moving apps from linux 7.3 to 9 without
breaking the world or merely upgrading from one c++ compiler to the latest
and the world breaking.  There is no reason for that to happen and it won't
happen in a MS, DEC or SUN environ.
Yes, it does:

From that page:

  The binary interface for C++ underwent a major revision in the 5.0
  release with the introduction of support for much of the ISO/ANSI C++
  standard. Prior to 5.0, Sun's 4.x series of C++ compilers allowed
  developers to enjoy many enhancements with relatively no effect on the
  C++ binary interface. In most cases, this resulted in developers being
  able to mix-and-match .o's created with the different 4.x C++
  As the numbering implies, the 5.0 release was incompatible with the
  4.x generated .o's. The ANSI features couldn't have been implemented
  without this change.
There you go...  Just as in gcc, the binary interface for C++ objects 
had to change to support the addition of more of the C++ language 
features.  C++ is a huge, HUGE language.  No one got it all in the first 
version of their compiler.  As a result, ABIs for C++ changed.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
You are completely of base as to what the point is.
Then be more specific when you describe the problem.

It is not the
developers that have the problem as you are talking about.  They don't have
the resources to thoroughly checkout the compilers.
That's why developers who distribute source are usually fairly clear 
about which compilers it's known to work with.

Actually, it is not the
compiler that is the problem.  Remember that when you compile a program, it
is the responsibility of the linker to resolve the symbols and the addresses
no matter what the objects look like.  So if a library contains a routine
with the same name as a routine in another library then it should resolve to
the routine it has.
Actually, if you have two libraries with the conflicting symbols, 
compilation should bomb and tell you fix the situation.

That isn't, however, the only problem with mixing objects from different 
compiler versions.  They changed the way that symbol names are mangled, 
so the compiler will produce an application binary that won't link 
against the library binary produced by another compiler.  The function 
name and call might be the same, but the mangled names are different, so 
they symbols can not be resolved.

This needs to be fixed to where anyone can select a
new compiler and not worry that it will break everything else and you
resources to test it against all previous versions.  If you don't then
no one will accept open community software period.

OK.  Which compiler will they use?

The one that works out of the box and if necessary will pay for the one that
In which case, they'll probably use the same compiler version on both 
releases of the distro... and it'll work.  Imagine that.

I think by your comments you completely missed the point.
If everyone you're talking to is missing the point, you're probably not 
making it clearly.

I know the situation sucks.  I'm not trying to say that it doesn't.  I'm 
mearly explaining part of why the situation arose (C++ is too 
complicated to have had a stable ABI from the very beginning), and what 
you can do about it (don't mix objects from different compilers).

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
And further, I could understand the problem if it was different vendors.
Imagine the problems if you bought a Borland compiler and then upgraded to a
latter version of the same compiler and it didn't work.  That's what you
have here and that is totally unacceptable.  It's okay if Borland c++ and
GCC c++ are incompatible you sort of expect that, although if they are using
the same standards they shouldn/t.
As the last thing I'd like to say in this thread, take a look at the 
hoops C++ developers are expected to jump through to build objects that 
are binary compatible:

No exceptions.
No vitual destructors.
Don't overload methods.
...might as well drop the charade and just write in C.

And that's on win32, where there's a stable binary interface.

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Re: How do you tell what options are compiled in your kernel

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Douglas Phillipson wrote:
I'm wanting to use Samba for a Domain Controller and was having trouble 
changing permissions on files through samba from the Microsoft desktop. 
IIRC, you have to have a PDC to do that, ACLs or no.

 I was told you need to turn ACL's on in the Linux filesystem.  How do 
you tell what options are compiled into the default kernel you get after 
an install from CD?
Look at /boot/config-`uname -r`

I would like 
to start with a config file that matches my kernel then add ACL's.
You'll have to patch kernels that don't have ACLs already.  I'd 
recommend using SGI's kernel and an XFS filesystem instead.

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Re: Error with gnutls

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
rahul b jain cs student wrote:
I have reached my level of patience with gnutls. everytime i try to run
the configure script of gnutls, i get the following error
Check the config.log file.  The exact compiler error should be in there, 
and will be more useful than the error from configure.

Also, remember to undo any change you make to the system which does not 
correct the problem.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
You do understand that win95 and win98 are of a different structure than
winxp and win 2000 so tasks for those operating system are different and
quite often win95 and win98 task won't run of winxp and win2000.  Win 95 is
16bit and win 98 is 16  32.  They have a different filesystem structure
etc  so that should tell you something.  I don't know what but maybe ...
the architecture 
Windows 95 was a 32bit kernel than was loaded by a 16bit DOS.  The 
kernel and applications were, however, 32bit software.

Certainly, win95 and NT are very different architectures, but not 
because they were not both 32bit kernels.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Otto Haliburton wrote:
You are finally catching up.  Maybe if you stop and think you'll figure
things out.  The developers are having to work out the kinks after the fact
cause they don't have the resources.
Assuming you're talking about the compiler developers, because you 
yelled at me for talking about them before:

Yes, they've had to work out kinks.  So have the developers of every 
other C++ compiler available.  That includes compilers from Intel and 
Sun, both of whom had plenty of resources.

This debate is not of much value and I wish you'd drop it.  There is now 
a stable ABI (or so we're told) for C++ objects.  You should be able to 
use C++ libraries built by gcc 3.2 with applications built by future 
versions of the compiler.  However, older versions of gcc did not 
support this standard, as it did not exist.

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-15 Thread Gordon Messmer
Toralf Lund wrote:
Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

RH9 uses an updated libstdc++ which can cause problems.  Also, if you are
exporting anything but c-style functions declared with extern c or
whatever that is, you will NOT have compatibility at all.  There is some
work for a standard C++ ABI, but it's still a little fluid.

So you're basically saying that I have to compile *all* my C++ code for 
Red Hat 9 (i.e. gcc 3)?
Yes.  DSO's from 7.3 would be linked against 
DSO's from 9 would be linked against  If you tried to 
link a C++ binary against both, it would end up linked against both 
libstdc++ versions, and no good could come of that.

Is there really no way around this?
You can either compile all of your libraries and applications on RHL9, 
or install the appropriate compat-* packages, including the older 
compiler, and compile using the older compiler set to link against the 
older libstdc++.  Until the ABI is stable (which is should be now), 
there won't be compatiblity between libraries built by different 
versions of the compiler.

I notice that the *runtime* linker 
is quite happy to accept binaries from Red Hat 7.3 (gcc 2)
As long as the libraries to be linked are coherent (as in, only on 
libstdc++ to load), you should expect older binaries to load properly.

I'm not sure what happens if you mix 
binaries from the two versions (e.g. by replacing one of the DSOs 
without relinking the app.)
The last time I saw that done was when I was using RHL 5.2.  I installed 
KDE from an older release and a version of QT for 5.2 (or something like 
that).  The mixture of libraries simply caused the loader to go into a 
loop and eat CPU time.

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Re: Postfix Spam Control

2003-10-15 Thread Gordon Messmer
Brett Franck wrote:
Postfix 2.0 is the MTA.  How can I allow a host of 450 
Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname to be allowed to 
transfer mail IN to my server but still use the reject_unknown_hostname 
recipient restriction?
Looks like you should create an alternate smtpd_restrictions_class and 
add your client to that class:

Your other option would be to fix the client:  either configure its name 
in DNS, or configure the mailer on that client to use an address that 
resolves (MASQUERADE under senmdail, mydomain under postfix, etc).

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-15 Thread Gordon Messmer
Toralf Lund wrote:
Gordon Messmer wrote:
Yes.  DSO's from 7.3 would be linked against 
DSO's from 9 would be linked against  If you tried to 
link a C++ binary against both, it would end up linked against both 
libstdc++ versions, and no good could come of that.

Actually, I think the runtime linker will try to load all relevant 
versions , and make sure the correct one is used in each case
But when the compiler/linker is trying to resolve symbols, how does it 
know which symbol to use?  The two, incompatible versions of the C++ 
library will provide conflicting symbols.  It won't work out.  You've 
seen that it does not.

You can either compile all of your libraries and applications on RHL9, 
or install the appropriate compat-* packages, including the older 
compiler, and compile using the older compiler set to link against the 
older libstdc++.

Why would I need the old *compiler*?
Because the binary interface used by C++ objects has changed.  It has 
changed with every major release of GCC for a very long time.  While C 
has had a well defined ABI, C++ has not (historically).  C++ objects 
compiled by different major versions of the compiler have never been 

I believe that a stable ABI has been reached, and objects compiled by 
the current version of GCC should be compatible with objects compiled by 
future versions.

Surely the lib version issues may 
be resolved by passing the appropriate linker command line arguments?
No, that will not be sufficient.

  Until the ABI is stable (which is should be now), 

Shouldn't it have been *years* ago???
Perhaps, but it was not.  I am not a GCC developer, so I don't know the 
situation well, but I believe that only recently has there been a C++ 
ABI that compiler vendors have agreed on.

The last time I saw that done was when I was using RHL 5.2.  I 
installed KDE from an older release and a version of QT for 5.2 (or 
something like that).  The mixture of libraries simply caused the 
loader to go into a loop and eat CPU time

Mixing libs from various releases of Red Hat 6 and 7 generally works 
For C libraries, that is probably true.  You can not, however, mix 
objects built by different major versions of the GCC C++ compiler.

Just like it should. Obviously, you shouldn't need to recompile 
everything every time there is a new OS release.
Has nothing to do with the OS, and everything to do with the compiler. 
As long as you stick with just one compiler (and libraries that it 
built), you should be fine.

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Re: rsync and ssh simple question

2003-10-10 Thread Gordon Messmer
MKlinke wrote:
I haven't tried it with crontab so I don't know if it'll fit here but 
with batch jobs like this via ssh the ssh-agent mechanism works very 
well. The thought of null passphrases just leave me a little cold and 
As well it should.  There is a more secure option, though.  It's 
possible to tie an SSH key to a specific command on a remote server, so 
that if the private key is stolen, it can only be used to execute the 
configured command.

For instance, when you run rsync over ssh, the local rsync command 
spawns an ssh session and runs rsync on the remote end.  If you were to 
issue the local command:
rsync -av -e ssh /home/data/
then the command executed on the server would be:
rsync --server -av . /home/data/

Notice that the arguments on the server side are basically the same as 
on the local side (mostly... I fibbed a little.  rsync on the server 
actually gets the expanded options, equivalent to -a).

Now, if you want this to happen at a regular interval, you might create 
an ssh key pair, and name the private file id_rsa-rsync-data.  You 
would then install the key on the server side by editing the appropriate 
authorized_keys file, and putting the command before the key:

command=rsync --server -av . /home/data/ ssh-rsa key

You'd then set up the cron job on the local side to use that private key:

rsync -av -e 'ssh -i id_rsa-sync-data' /home/data/ \
Using this configuration, if the private key is stolen, the attacker can 
only use rsync to modify the contens of /home/data on your server.  It 
can't be used for login shells.  It may still be dangerous, and you 
should still try to avoid running remote commands as root, but it's a 
huge step up from using a key with no passphrase to execute arbitrary 
commands on a remote server.

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Re: question on symbolic link

2003-09-27 Thread Gordon Messmer
TK wrote:
Let's say file A1 and A2 are symbolic links to file R. Is there a way to 
tell which files are linked to R by examing file R only (stat doesn't 
seem to reveal anything, but I noticed hard link will increase the Links 
number), instead of searching through all the files in the FS? 
Especially if the FS containing A2 is not mounted yet.

Or symbolic link is a one-way knowledge that only A2 knows about it but 
R has no clue at all?
One-way.  Creating backwards references would be difficult and ugly, 
especially when using filesystems from other machines, as in NFS.

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Re: Samba don't add users from NT PDC

2003-09-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
Cleber P. de Souza wrote:
I have been configuring smb.conf, but the system don't add automatic users
to the system.
The add user script has been configured like this:
Security = share
Password server =
Add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser -g users -M -c NT User -s /dev/null %u
 /usr/bin/smbpasswd -a %u
Delete user script = /usr/bin/smbpasswd -x %u  /usr/sbin/userdel %u
If the user was added manually it's ok.
What can to be wrong?
As man smb.conf states:

  In  order to use this option, smbd must NOT be set to security =
You set security = share.  Thus, it doesn't work.

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Re: nfs reporting stuff that isnt there anymore

2003-09-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ian L wrote:
in my exports file i have a few entries. When i run exportfs -a it has 
some entries where are no longer in the exports file. Anyone have any 
idea where its getting this old stuff from and how to fix it?

machine:/disk3: Function not implemented
machine:/disk2: Function not implemented
machine:/disk: Function not implemented
machine:/: Function not implemented
those entries are no longer in the exportfs file ... and havent been for 
a quite a while.

exportfs -r will fix that.  Until you run that command, changes made 
to /etc/exports aren't synced to the active files in /var/lib/nfs/.

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Re: rpm --root

2003-09-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
Allen Wayne Best wrote:
can anyone affirm that 'rpm --root /mnt/sysimage' will do what i think the man 
page is saying it will do: install the rpms in the system directories 
starting at /mnt/sysimage  and not in the current /. 
Yeah, that's what it'll do.

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Re: procmail folders and filters

2003-09-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
christopher j bottaro wrote:
yes it does.  so i set up my kmail to check mail using IMAP and it downloaded 
my entire home directory.
You need to tell kmail that the Prefix to folders is mail, or 
Mail, wherever mutt is keeping its messages.  (UW-IMAP is retarded).

right now, all my messages get put in $HOME/mailbox.  thats where mutt looks 
when i start it up.  i simply want procmail to filter certain emails into 
dirs in $HOME/my_mail/.  i want these dirs to be in Maildir format.  if an 
email doesn't match a procmail receipe, i want it to remain in $HOME/mailbox.
You're going to be stuffed there.  UW-IMAP doesn't read Maildir format 
mailboxes.  Use mbox files or convince your admins to run a better IMAP 
server, like Courier-IMAP.

 p.s. i never knew email could be so complicated...=(

Courier-IMAP is not retarded and will not cause your mail clients to 
download your entire home directory.  Email will not be complicated.  :)

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Re: nfs problem

2003-09-19 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ian L wrote:
i'm trying to mount machine1 to machine2.

machine1 mount machine2:/directory /machine2/directory
times out
Turn off the firewall on machine1, or make an exception to allow 
machine2 through the firewall rules.

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Re: Congrats on rh9 distr...but questions remain about choices made re: Apache/Samba

2003-09-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Mike Klein wrote:
Problem#1: Apache2 that you distribute doesn't seem to have apxs support
Install httpd-devel.  It's in there.

Problem#2: Your Samba distribution was linked against ssl libraries (ldd
shows this), yet for some reason all of the ssl params in smb.conf give
errors to effect of ignoring unknown parameter?
Samba is probably linked to libssl by way of libcups, rather than having 
been configure --with-ssl.

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Re: cron question

2003-09-17 Thread Gordon Messmer
At diferent time of the day the cron started to echo this message after
some scripts was started:
Sep 16 03:00:01 host CROND[27392]: (user) MAIL (mailed 55 bytes of output
but got status 0x0047 )
Does someone have an idea?
Check your maillog for the same date/time to see if there's an error 
reported there.

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Re: still kernel panic

2003-09-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Dana Holland wrote:
I take it back - I just *thought* the problem was fixed.  Turns out I 
had failed to remove the boot disk before rebooting (duh!).

So, I'm still getting kernel panic on reboot - but it's a different 
message this time:

EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode
pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot,initrd) failed: 2
umount /initrd/proc failed: 2
kernel panic: No init found Trying passing init= option to kernel
Boot with your floppy again, and make sure the directory /initrd exists.

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Re: still kernel panic

2003-09-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Dana Holland wrote:
Gordon Messmer wrote:

Dana Holland wrote:

So, I'm still getting kernel panic on reboot - but it's a different 
message this time:

EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode
pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot,initrd) failed: 2
umount /initrd/proc failed: 2
kernel panic: No init found Trying passing init= option to kernel

Boot with your floppy again, and make sure the directory /initrd exists.

 I did - and it does.  There's nothing in it - but it exists.
Are you sure that the kernel is mounting the correct root patition?  If 
your grub configuration tells the kernel to mount a root partitoin with 
LABEL=/, then use e2label to check the labels on all of your ext3 
partitions.  Make sure that only one is labeled /.

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Re: Prefered backup method?

2003-09-13 Thread Gordon Messmer
Kent Borg wrote:
Let me give and example.  Let's say I have:

 - initial backup
 - incremental backup 1
 - incremental backup 2
 - incremental backup 3
 - incremental backup 4
These backups share common files via hard links.  How much space does
backup 2 take?  Or, put another way, how much space will I recover if
I delete backup 2?
Need a little more information to be sure, but you should be able to 
figure it out using the number of links each of the files has.  (I 
missed the early posts, but I assume the initial backup is a copy of 
your disk, and not just hard links to those files)

Further assuming that incremental 3 is the difference of the initial, 
and not the previous incremental, you'd use this to find the files that 
are unique to that backup:

find /backup-root/incr3 -type f -links 1

And you might futher extend that to give you a byte count of the files:

find /backup-root/incr3 -type f -links 1 -printf '%s\n' | \
awk 'BEGIN { EST=0 }
   { EST=EST + $1 }
 END   { print EST }'
If, however, you're doing incremental backups against the previous 
incremental, it's going to be more difficult to find out exactly what 
you want to know.  It can be done, but I'd need more details to tell you 

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Re: server name

2003-09-12 Thread Gordon Messmer
Steve Buehler wrote:
I hope this isn't the wrong place to ask this.  If it is, please forgive 
me.  I am running RedHat 7.3.
Some things that are done by root on the system, like emailing shows it 
as coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  hostname shows the correct name of the 
host.  How do I get the system setup so that it shows as 
Have you restarted sendmail since you set the hostname?

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Re: Personalised tcp port not listening connections from outside RH7.3

2003-09-12 Thread Gordon Messmer
I made a Java application that listens on tcp/9696  (which of 
course is not already used), and i can connect locally to 
and to eth0's ip address, but not from the exterior.
Use netstat -tlnp to see what processes are listening, and identify 
yours.  Let us know what that line in netstat's output looks like.

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Re: root password and su (maybe)

2003-09-11 Thread Gordon Messmer
Kelerion wrote:
small world.. you must know my boss.. a) describes him perfectly!! :)

whats even more ironic.. is when I approached him about this.. he said
but changing the password on a regular basis sounds like a good idea
for security..
My suggestion to appease your security minded boss:

Configure SSH to allow only key-authenticated logins.  Once you've done 
so, the root password is useless for anything except logins at the 
physical console (at least, that's so unless you've done something else 
to weaken security) and su.  You can also change sus pam 
configuration if you don't trust users who have ssh access, and don't 
want the root password to work with that command either (there's an 
example in the default file that will restrict access to users in the 
wheel group, like most other Unix systems)

With the root password only useful at the physical console, your weak 
point becomes the physical access to the box, and you can mostly 
disregard your root password as a security concern.  (Be absolutely 
certain that all of your pam configurations prevent root logins, except 
for the login program)

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Re: linux in windows environment for file serving

2003-09-10 Thread Gordon Messmer
Chris W. Parker wrote:
To make a long story short (or is it too late for that?) I'd like to
know what the people on the list have to say about that. In particular,
are there any Windows houses out there that use Linux as just a file
I'm sure there are lots of them.  I wouldn't call my employer a Windows 
house by any means, but most of the desktops are Windows systems for now.

We start all of our RHL installs with this kickstart file, and customize 
from this base:

Our file server is a 2TB RAID5 system using SGI's XFS, running Red Hat 
Linux 7.3.  Samba has been recompiled to support ACLs.

It works exactly the way it should...  No problems at all.  :)

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Re: sshd authentication failure message

2003-09-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
lists wrote:
One work around that I have found is to comment out the first line in 
the sshd pam configuration.

#auth   required service=system-auth
auth   required
accountrequired service=system-auth
password   required service=system-auth
sessionrequired service=system-auth
Have you verified that users who enter the wrong password are not 
allowed to log in?  It looks to me like they would be.

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Re: strange email behavior

2003-09-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Marc Adler wrote:
Ok, just as soon as I sent the above message, I realized I also had a
startup script for fetchmail that might have something to do with it. I
su'ed into root status and sure enough there in root's mutt were all the
lost messages. So now the problem is, what's wrong with the startup
[snip init script]

Since running fetchmail as root is such an unbelievably bad idea that I 
can't believe anyone suggested it, I'm reposting a script based on one 
originally posted by Colin Cyr in 1998.  Consider using this instead of 
the init script that you've got.

This init script has two advantages.  First, it doesn't run as root, so 
you're less likely to have problems if someone finds an exploitable 
problem in fetchmail.  Second, it allows users control over their own 
fetchmail process, so they can change the password in the fetchmailrc 
and restart the process if they need to.

# fetchmail This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
#   fetchmail.
# chkconfig: 345 81 31
# description: Fetchmail is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program \
#  that moves mail from one machine to another.
# processname: fetchmail
# config: ~/.fetchmailrc
# pidfile: ~/

# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = no ]  exit 0

[ -f ${FETCHMAIL} ] || exit 0

# See how we were called.
case $1 in
# Start daemons.
echo -n Starting fetchmail:
for userdata in `getent passwd | cut -d: -f1,6`; do
username=`echo ${userdata} | cut -d: -f1`
userdir=`echo ${userdata} | cut -d: -f2`/.fetchmailrc
if [ -f ${userdir} ]; then
su - ${username} -c ${FETCHMAIL} -d300  /dev/null
echo -n  ${username}
# Stop daemons.
echo -n Shutting down fetchmail:
for userdata in `getent passwd | cut -d: -f1,6`; do
username=`echo ${userdata} | cut -d: -f1`
userdir=`echo ${userdata} | cut -d: -f2`/
if [ -f ${userdir} ]; then
su - ${username} -c ${FETCHMAIL} -q  /dev/null
echo -n  ${username}
$0 stop
$0 start
echo Usage: fetchmail {start|stop|restart}
exit 1

exit 0

Re: IP Masq Causes High Latency

2003-09-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ted Behling wrote:
I'm having a problem with IP Masq on a multihomed RedHat 7.0 box, running
kernels 2.4.22 or 2.2.19.  I've searched Google high and low to no avail.
The box is connected to an Ethernet LAN and an Ethernet-connected cable
modem, and performs IP Masq for the LAN.
Logged onto console, with an empty ipchains or iptables rule set, pinging shows 70ms of latency.  However, if I add an IP Masq rule, then
ping from the Linux box itself, I show latency of 0.5 to 1.4

For what it's worth, I can not reproduce this problem using a Red Hat 
Linux kernel.  Consider using a supported kernel, at least for testing 

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Re: Name the damen that runs on the desktop that has the drop down menu

2003-09-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Clark wrote:
Does any one know the name of the damen ( or program )that runs to
give you the Drop down menu on the desktop ( gnome ) when you right
click on the background ? ( you get terminal, new window and other
things ) Version RH 9 would okay,

What config file turns it back on ?
Just run nautilus .  When you log out, choose to save your session.

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Re: IPTables overhead

2003-09-06 Thread Gordon Messmer
Res wrote:
On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, David Hart wrote:

I've about had it with attacks to our web server emanating from certain
geographical areas. This is not a display of Xenophobia. I have never
really used IPT.
It takes about 4,000 lines for Korea and China alone and that's with
CIDR formatting.
You could shrink it a bit...

In addition to shrinking the list by using larger networks, you can 
optimize your IPTables setup by testing more specific packets.

For instance, if you only want to block connections to apache from those 
networks, create a new chain and only jump there on packets that 
initiate a connection to apache.  example:

# Create a chain which will filter out unwanted networks
# Populate the chain with rules which will drop packets from
# the unwanted networks
iptables -A DROP-ATTACKERS -s -j DROP
iptables -A DROP-ATTACKERS -s -j DROP
# etc...
# Create a rule in the input chain that will check incoming
# connections to apache against the rules in the new chain
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 --syn -j DROP-ATTACKERS
Now, an incoming syn packet destined for port 80 will run through the 
costly iptables check for unwanted source networks.  All other traffic 
will pass through the very short INPUT chain with minimal processing. 
This is a very effective optimization, especially when you plan to 
include a lot of filter rules.

Also, because you have your unwanted networks in an existing chain, you 
can later choose to filter other network ports using the same list of 
unwanted source networks.

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Re: segmentation fault in c progrmming

2003-08-31 Thread Gordon Messmer
reza saeidinia wrote:
I think that it is memory less error. in borland c when this error are 
accouring in options windows we check huge memory and this error is 
removed. but this option is'nt exist in kdeveloper (or I do'nt know it).
I don't believe there is such an option on any Unix system.  A program 
has access to as much memory as the system is configured to allow it at 
runtime, not compile time.  If n is so large that you're running out 
of memory, then you should be checking the return value of malloc 
(actually, you should check the return value regardless) and abort if 
malloc returns a NULL pointer.  You may want to call perror() before 

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Re: different clustering

2003-08-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
edy wrote:
any body want to give same explanation about clustering?
Availability clusters group sets of machines which may or may not be 
load-balanced, in which one or more members of the cluster will assume 
the workload of any member which fails.  This kind of cluster is useful 
when you're trying to provide service at 100% uptime:

Performance clusters group sets of machines which perform tasks in 
parallel.  Many distinct computers are connected together to form a 
single computing service.

what is the advantage of clustering and the different with non clusterig?
A cluster enables you to acheive some goals which are not possible with 
an individual computer.

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Re: Premature end of script

2003-08-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
Thomas E. Dukes wrote:

Since upgrading to RH 9.0, I have had a rash of previously running
.cgi's getting Premature end script.
Has anyone had these problems?  Is there a problem with perl in RH 9.0?
Openwebmail was one.  It did this twice, but a re-install fixed it for
now.  Now its my counter, wwwcount.  This is a compiled, perl binary.
You probably have perl modules installed in the old perl's site-lib 
folder.  IIRC, when you upgrade perl to a new major version, you must 
recompile all of your site-lib modules for the new version.

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Re: Sweet Success

2003-08-21 Thread Gordon Messmer
Bret Hughes wrote:
PS what is the deal with the SO.Big or whatever I have never received
over 2 or 3 of these in a single day and today fprot has found over 25!
Sobig.F is a variant of the sobig virus which uses a multi-threaded smtp 
engine.  Instead of spreading itself one message at a time to addresses 
in your address book/mailboxes, it delivers messages in parallel.  Since 
an SMTP conversation usually has a lot of dead time, this vastly 
increases the number of messages sent out by the virus.  It's slamming 
mail servers all over pretty damn hard.

From my own mail systems:
We're seeing upwards of 1000 connections *per minute*, most of which are 
either the virus, or a mail server on the internet informing us that its 
found a virus in a message with one of our return addresses.

There was a big dip this morning, and we believe that this corresponds 
with several major ISP's going offline.  I'm told that Qwest shut their 
mail systems *off* last night, and my own Comcast cable connection was 
down this morning.  Their support told me that their whole network was 

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Re: questions on /etc/fstab syntax

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
David Eduardo Gomez Noguera wrote:
1. Cant mount interpret shell variables on fstab?

I tried to  tell it
that samba credentials file for a mount are in their home directory, and
that the mount point should be there too to no effect.
Make smbmnt and smbumount SUID root, and users will be able to mount SMB 
shares in directories that they own.  You don't need to meddle with 
fstab for this.

chmod u+s /usr/bin/smbmnt
chmod u+s /usr/bin/smbumount

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Re: HELP -- Grub on a floppy!

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
John Aldrich wrote:
I recently reinstalled RedHat 9 from scratch. Thinking it would be good to 
have a boot-floppy, I said yes when prompted to make a boot floppy. Now, I 
realize, that was really asking if I wanted to make a boot floppy INSTEAD of 
installing GRUB on the /dev/hda.
I don't think that's correct.  Anaconda asks you where you want to 
install grub early on.  The boot floppy is created after grub is already 
installed to the hard drive (IIRC).

You probably chose to install grub to the first sector of the boot 
partition, rather than the MBR.  Check /boot/grub/grub.conf, the boot= 
line may confirm that (but may not... I've never installed grub anywhere 
but the MBR).

How do I get it to install on /dev/hda?
Boot the system up, and:
# grub-install /dev/hda

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Re: Using PAM for authentication

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Jason Williams wrote:
Through a little bit of testing, I was able to setup /etc/pam.d/ssh to 
use LDAP for authentication of users. Since then, my users can SSH to 
the box and log in correctly.
In addition to the resources that have been pointed out, I suggest you 
look at the authconfig application.  It almost certainly would have 
saved you a bunch of time and effort.

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Re: Upgrading OpenLDAP on 7.3

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
What is the best procedure to upgrade OpenLDAP on a RH7.3 server. The
rpm package (openldap-2.0.27-2.7.3) is installed now and from my
experience, I am trying to remove it before building a new version.
However, many dependencies :(  Should I go ahead and build with the
other version there making prefix /usr? If so, will up2date want to
update my openldap sometime or can I just configure not to and not have
a problem?
If you need some feature of a newer version of OpenLDAP, install it 
elsewhere (such as /usr/local).  This way, the programs which were built 
against the installed openldap will not be broken, and you can run the 
newer openldap out of a different directory.

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Re: Input/output error

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Leseney Thomas wrote:
Running any command that requires write access on the disk (touch
/tmp/foo for instance) results in  Input/output error.
What's dmesg say at that point?  If you can't run dmesg, look at the 
messages log after you reboot to see if the kernel logged any errors 
prior to the reboot.

My hosting provider claims that it has nothing to do with the server
itself and that it is due to a software misuse. A few Linux admins
told me that this could be related to a disk hardware or driver problem.
Disk errors seems the most likely thing to me.

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Re: kerberos update failed

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Marc Adler wrote:

Test install failed because of package conflicts: file
/usr/kerberos/bin/sclient from install of krb5-server-1.2.7-14 conflicts
with file from package krb5-devel-1.2.7-10

What's wrong and what should I do to fix the error and perform the
update successfully?
krb5-devel needs to be upgrade at the same time as krb5-server.

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Re: RPM dead?

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Miguel M. wrote:
thxs for the help. Is this process supppose to take a
while? Cause think its working but its going on for
some time and the __somefile i moved were put back in.
That suppose to happen?
Yes.  --rebuilddb takes a while, and the __db.* files are a normal part 
of operations.

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Re: RPM dead?

2003-08-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
Miguel M. wrote:
Doh! after like 3 mins I get this error message:

error: db4 error(16) from dbenv-remove: Device or
resource busy
This is a harmless error message.

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Re: Logrotate: 2 questions

2003-08-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Keith Soares wrote:
What happens is that each night a 4:02am it runs, but it seems to take a 
very long time to run and use a lot of resources. It shows up as using 
over 94% of the CPU time in Running Processes (Webmin). Plus to make 
matters worse, it doesnt complete before the next instance runs, so 
they continually build up (Ive seen 7 or 8 instances at once running) 
and this ends up severely slowing the system
Apply all of the avilable errata.  You probably have a release of 
mailman or samba that includes a bad logrotate script.

To confirm the problem, cut and paste this command:
grep '*' /etc/logrotate.conf /etc/logrotate.d/*
If any of your logrotate files contain a pattern where '*' is at the end 
of a glob, then that belongs to a broken package.  On my system, I get 
these results:

/etc/logrotate.d/cups:/var/log/cups/*_log {
/etc/logrotate.d/httpd:/var/log/httpd/*log {
/etc/logrotate.d/samba:/var/log/samba/*.log {
On each, the '*' is at the beginning of the filename, not the end.  If 
the '*' appears at the end, logrotate will attempt to also rotate the 
files it has already rotated, and your log directory will eventually 
fill with thousands of log files.

Figure out what directory now has all of those files, and clean it out 
like so:

cd /var/log/mailman; find . -type f -name '*.1*' | xargs rm

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Re: udp port 624 listening?

2003-08-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Mike Vanecek wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# service portmap start
Starting portmapper:   [  OK  ]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpcinfo -p
   program vers proto   port
102   tcp111  portmapper
102   udp111  portmapper
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# netstat -naup
udp0  0*
Testing indicates that portmap must be running when a portmap service 
starts in order for it to be registered properly.  Portmap services 
won't re-register with a portmap that starts up later.  You'd have to 
restart xinted after starting portmap to get valid data.

Thats new info to me, but there you go.

I must be doing something wrong, since it had not given me the same
informatinon you show above. The only way I could find it, based on the
suggestion of another poster, was to stop sig_fam and note that the connection
was closed.
Restart xinetd after you start portmap and you'll get better results.

I have never found any use for portmapper, hence do not run it. Am I missing
Yes.  Local RPC services use the portmapper.

I run sig_fam only because I have been told it improves the operation of some
apps. Despite my reading about it, I never have quite understood what it
really does. I am tempted to shut it down and see what happens.
FAM is the File Alertation Monitor.  It uses a kernel service to monitor 
files and directories for modifications, rather than poll(), select() or 
stat() the files/directories repeatedly.

If your portmapper is running, and fam is registered with it, an open 
Nautilus window should immediately reflect any changes made to the 
files/directories it displays.

Other GNOME applications use FAM as well.  I believe that the text 
editor will use it to watch for changes to files it has open.

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Re: what is sgi-fam used for on the default instal anyway?

2003-08-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Bret Hughes wrote:
What is it used for on the default install.  IIUC fam is used to monitor
the status of files and if changed do something.  Is there some desktop
sort of deal that this is used for? 
Yeah, the file manager and anything else that uses gnome 2's VFS library 
may use FAM to watch the files or directories that they've got open. 
It's much more efficient to use FAM, which can simply ping the 
application to let it know there's an update, rather than checking for 
updates repeatedly.

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Re: time_t size and year 2038 wrap

2003-08-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Andy Jackman wrote:
I'm using redhat 7.4 and in bits/types.h time_t is defined as long int.
This causes a wrap in 2038 (as I'm sure you all know).
That's only true if your long int is 32 bits.  On a 64 bit platform, 
which you're quite likely to be using in less than 35 years, a long int 
is probably 64 bits, and you will never have cause for concern.

I need both date and time. I can write my own date
to/from string routines.
For the love of everyone who will ever be associated with your code: 
don't do that.  You will probably be using a 64 bit platform such as 
PPC, Itanium, or Opteron very soon, and on that platform your clock will 
outlive the sun.  Stick with the libc date functions, and you'll be fine.

 Is there a 64 bit
version of time() available for the current version(s) of linux?
On 64 bit platforms, yes.

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Re: What is the difference between Samba and NFS?

2003-08-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
bEEnHeX wrote:
Sorry for some kind of a pitty question, but I would like to know what is
the difference between Samba and NFS and what are main purposes they are
used for?
NFS is a protocol native to UNIX systems, while Samba is a program that 
provides SMB, a protocol native to Windows systems.  Linux supports both 
as file systems.

From the point of view of a Windows user, SMB may be the only available 
option.  NFS isn't supported by Windows without additional software.

From the point of view of a Linux user, the question is more one of 
security (trust) and functionality.  NFS provides normal UNIX filesystem 
semantics (user, group, other and read, write, execute permissions) 
where SMB may not.  NFS relies entirely on trust security though. 
When you export a filesystem to a machine over NFS, you are trusting 
that machine's security to be equivalent to the server's.  NFS uses 
standard UNIX security semantics, so a given share may have several 
users' files on it, and on the client each user will only be able to 
access files that the UNIX permissions allow them.  However, if you 
export the filesystem to a system that is under the administrative 
control of a user, he can simply become any UID he wants on his own 
system, and access that user's files.  SMB does not do the same thing. 
When you connect to an FS over SMB, you authenticate with a 
username/password, and for the entire session, you will have that user's 
security clearance.

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Re: problem sync'ing 2 fs through network

2003-08-14 Thread Gordon Messmer
Thierry ITTY wrote:
each machine has 3 NICs, one for service (eth0), two for mirroring (eth1
and eth2) actually enslaved in a bond0 interface. they are all accton
en1207f/tx w/ tulip driver.
my problem is that during network load traffic stops between the 2 machines
and it looks like some nic just got frozen.
Tulip cards aren't known to be the most stable things in existance.  I 
would particularly shy away from cheap Accton cards.  Try using some 
intel cards.

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Re: what is sgi-fam used for on the default instal anyway?

2003-08-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Matthew Galgoci wrote:
You hit the nail on the head. rpm -q --whatrequires fam
Don't forget:

rpm -q --whatrequires

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Re: udp port 624 listening?

2003-08-08 Thread Gordon Messmer
Mike Vanecek wrote:
Portmap is stopped
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpcinfo -p
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection refused
So start the portmapper, and try again.

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Re: udp port 624 listening?

2003-08-07 Thread Gordon Messmer
Mike Vanecek wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpcinfo -p
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection
The suggestion to look at rpcinfo, rpc, and portmapper really has no relevance
to the issue. 
Yes, it does.  The variable port is a signature of portmap applications, 
and *using* the portmapper will tell you what requested the port:

$ /usr/sbin/rpcinfo -p
   program vers proto   port
102   tcp111  portmapper
102   udp111  portmapper
1000241   udp  32768  status
1000241   tcp  32768  status
3910022   tcp  32769  sgi_fam
fam is useful, but not critical, for your desktop applications.  Portmap 
is safe to use as long as you've got your firewall up.

Even if you don't want to use it normally, turning it on to answer your 
question would have been a trivial and quick solution.

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Re: Compiling courier-imap on RH 9.0 fails

2003-08-04 Thread Gordon Messmer
Jason Williams wrote:
Hello everyone. Im working on installing courier-imap on a RH 9.0 box.

You might try using the spec I've submitted to Sam, available here:

This spec should have a full list of prerequisites for the build, and 
let you exclude some components using --without (ldap|mysql|pgsql|fax)

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Re: OpenLdap issues

2003-08-03 Thread Gordon Messmer
Michael Hamam wrote:
Hello all,

I configured OpenLdap, but when I rebooted the server I could not login
even as root. The error is Authentication Failed.
What seems to be the problem.
You've probably got the LDAP server's hostname wrong, or some similar 

First, you're going to need to boot to single user mode, and use 
authconfig to fix your authentication settings.  After you've made 
your changes, start your network service network start.  With the 
network up, test your changes using the getent tool, like
getent passwd ldapuser.

When getent returns data that looks correct, you can then fix 
/etc/pam.d/system-auth.  Change the line:

account required  /lib/security/$ISA/


account sufficient  /lib/security/$ISA/

This fix will allow you to log in as root when the LDAP server is down 
or settings are wrong.  The current settings are hosed such that if you 
misconfigure your system, or the LDAP server is down, you cannot log in 
as any user.

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Re: Linux Mailserver

2003-08-03 Thread Gordon Messmer
Joseph Aphraim Kaliyadan wrote:
Hi All,
  I would like to know the best and free linux mail
server which is highly scalable. The traffic could be
around 1000 user accounts and around 200 users
accessing simutaneously. 

My vote will go to Courier every time.  Its architecture and 
configuration is similar to Qmail, but it provides a full mail suite 
(SMTP, POP3, IMAP, webmail, fax, mail filtering) which can be used as a 
whole or just the parts you like.

If you run most any other modern SMTP server (such as Postfix), you'll 
probably use Courier's IMAP server with it.  Give the suite a try.  It's 
easier (IMO) to configure everything once, than to do it once for each 
piece of your mail server.

I use the Courier system in my work environment, supporting about 1000 
users.  Our system uses an NFS backend and a cluster of identical mail 
servers.  Each of the three mail server is an 800Mhz P3 with 512MB of 
RAM.  Each one runs the Courier suite, plus SpamAssassin and RAV 
antivirus.  The system is designed to scale linearly;  if the load 
becomes too great, we just add another server and rsync the filesystem 
of an existing server onto the new one.

Let me know if you're interested in more details.

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Re: LDAP to csv or txt address book

2003-07-30 Thread Gordon Messmer
Hiten Desai wrote:
any info regarding configuring 
some web page which gives the 
current ldap users output which 
can be used as a csv or txt address book.
there is this feature in horde but
it is stopping at 500 entries 
I would like a simple webpage 
which can do this trick.
Perhaps your LDAP server is configured to return at most 500 replies to 
any query.  If that's the case, then you just need to fix the server.

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Re: Applied RHSA-2003:222 - now cat command corrupted

2003-07-30 Thread Gordon Messmer
Melissa Meyer wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# rpm -V $(rpm -qf $(which cat)) glibc
..5.   /bin/cat
...T c /etc/rpc

If rpm -V fileutils net-tools util-linux returns any executables that 
have been modified, you've probably been hacked.  /bin/cat is one of 
those.  You might also find ls, login, or netstat modified.  These are 
all modified by common rootkits.

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Re: ftp clients

2003-07-29 Thread Gordon Messmer
Paulo Schopf wrote:
   I have RH9 server running Squid, without nat or
iptables. My clients can access ftp pages using a
browser, but dont using ftp clients for Windows
   What is the easier way to let them access ftp using
ftp clients?
The easiest way would be to add NAT for non HTTP services.  Only 
applications specifically written to support proxy servers will work 
with the setup you've created.  If you want to support the rest of the 
applications your users are using, you'll need NAT.

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Re: OpenLdap errors

2003-07-29 Thread Gordon Messmer
Michael Hamam wrote:
I downloaded  BDB, and installed as per instructions. When I tried to
connect to ldap through a browser, I get the following errors,
  Invalid credentials, and error 32 no such object

Did you create a database, and put some structural units in it?

What is causing the error, and how can it be rectified.
You should probably look at one of the LDAP HOWTO's for the initial 
steps in creating and populating and LDAP database.

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Re: sendmail+imap to postfix+courier-imap

2003-07-26 Thread Gordon Messmer
Fryclau wrote:
I will move my mailserver from sendmail  imap to postfix +
The reason is the authentication features with mysql.
The hard thing is move the mailbox to the new maildirs without losing

Easiest way is to set up the new mail server the way it should be (and 
test it real well), change your DNS records so that mail gets delivered 
to the new system.  When that's done, copy the mail spools to the new 
server and use mbox2maildir or just:
	formail -s sendmail username  username.mbx
to inject the messages into the new mailboxes.

Is there anyway to do that well?? I think in fetchmail.. Could it be?

Using fetchmail would require you do know each user's password, and 
would do basically the same thing as the above formail command, with a 
lot more overhead.

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Re: RH: Please fix kernel make target rpm

2003-07-24 Thread Gordon Messmer
Eric Wood wrote:
# make mrproper `/bin/cp configs/kernel-2.4.20-i686.config .config`
oldconfig dep clean rpm
The above command will copy the configs/kernel-2.4.20-i686.config file 
to .config, then replace that part of the command line with cp's output 
(nothing, in most cases), and then run make mrproper oldconfig dep 
clean rpm, which will first delete .config.

How about:
make mrproper
cp configs/kernel-2.4.20-i686.config .config
make oldconfig dep clean rpm

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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-24 Thread Gordon Messmer
Aeryn wrote:
Now, I would like to upgrade to the glibc 2.3 version.  I have been told to
use the:

That set of packages should be fine.  You don't need to install any that 
aren't on your system already, so either remove glibc-debug, 
glibc-profile, and glibc-utils, or upgrade using:

rpm -Fvh glibc*.rpm

I mean, I don't remember it last summer being so difficult to upgrade the
glibc (ok, I am a little rusty with my has been a while)

In the past, the i386 and i686 packages didn't have feature sets that 
varied the way that these packages do.

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Re: Glibc updating

2003-07-23 Thread Gordon Messmer
Aeryn wrote:
Hello, I know this is an easy question, not much of a challenge, but...I am
going to update on my linux server the Glibc from 2.2 to 2.3.  Does anybody
know of any issues I may face with this upgrade? I am using the Glibc 2.3
rpm to do the upgrade.
Don't try to use the i386 rpm if you already have the i686 package 
installed.  Use up2date, apt, or yum if you're not sure.

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Re: A question.

2003-07-22 Thread Gordon Messmer
reza saeidinia wrote:
Is stdsyms.h a system file of linux? if it is true please send this file for me.
I want to run a program and the error no rule to make /usr/includs/sys/stdsyms.h is 
accured . please help me.

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Re: best smtp pop3 server for RH9 ????

2003-07-20 Thread Gordon Messmer
Fryclau wrote:
I need a security imap-pop3-smtp server for multiple domains
Authenticate users by mysql if is possible
 User login as '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' instead of user

Courier's MTA supports this.  You can get packages here:
They'll work on 7.3 or newer RHL.  Courier supports MySQL 
authentication, and is very easy to configure.  Documentation is here:

If you have trouble, subscribe to the user list.  One of us will help 
you out.

Mailing list administration
Courier includes courier-mlm, and it's also compatible with Mailman 
(which I recommend).  Mailman packages can be found at the same location 
as my courier packages.

Webmail interface with nice graphics and good functions
Courier includes SQWebmail, which will be faster than IMAP based 
clients, but I like the interface of Squirrelmail better (particularly 
in the LDAP address book functionality).

Sendmail it's safe but doesn't work with mysql.  Isn't it?
Sendmail will probably never be safe.  Its security model is extremely 

Need 4 o 3 programs to run a full mail server as isp with multiple
If you run Courier, you may only need one package.  Using Courier's 
SMTP, IMAP, and POP servers, you have only one configuration to learn 
and maintain.

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Re: Need help--x window client on windows

2003-07-18 Thread Gordon Messmer
John Aldrich wrote:
On Thursday 17 July 2003 06:00 pm, Gordon Messmer wrote:

And if you're afraid of the actual installation of an X11 server (not a
client) on the Windows terminals, you may be able to just run putty on
the PC, and use the c3270 client on the Linux server.
Why not VNC/TightVNC/XVnc? I use TightVNC on my linux box and connect to it 
from work via an encrypted PuTTY-SSH tunnel.. :-)
Because c3270 is a terminal mode client.  It's not windowed.  There's no 
need for VNC.  There's no need for X11.  Putty should be sufficient on 
its own, without the need for additional software on the PC.

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Re: Need help--x window client on windows

2003-07-17 Thread Gordon Messmer
Frank Bax wrote:
At 02:57 PM 7/17/03, Timothy Stone wrote:

I have 600+ clients on Windows desktops. Each connects to a mainframe 
data application via IBM Personal Communications 3270 Terminal 
Emulation over telnet (ugh!).

It sounds like you want something like PuTTY, but that allows an 
X-application running on a linux box uses a windows client for display. 
I've never done it, but the PuTTY docs mention forwarding X applications:

And if you're afraid of the actual installation of an X11 server (not a 
client) on the Windows terminals, you may be able to just run putty on 
the PC, and use the c3270 client on the Linux server.

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Re: How can I use Kdevelop with an already built executable

2003-07-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
I'd like to use Kdevelop to browse source calls in an executable that I've 
already built, which is dependent on a long list of .c and .h files. Kdevelop 
seems to be designed for building executables from scratch. How can I load my 
executable into Kdevelop?
I don't believe that kdevelop is designed to do that, but if the 
application is not stripped you can probaby load it into kdbg.

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Re: Proper way to keep users out of a directory

2003-07-16 Thread Gordon Messmer
Anton Piatek wrote:
set the dir to be owned by group httpd, make sure that the group can read 
the files.

chgrp httpd files
chmod 750 files
So long as apache/httpd is run as userid httpd it can read the files, other 
users cant!
One more thing that you must consider is that your users can probably 
run PHP as well.  That means that they can so something like:

system(tar cf servers-code.tar /var/www/html/private-php);
If you want to prevent abuse by users, you have to disable their ability 
to run PHP as well.

If you're on RHL 8 or 9, edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/php, and put a 
Directory limit around the Files section:

Directory /var/www
  Files *.php
SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 524288
You might want to duplicate that for /usr/share, so that applications 
like Squirrelmail will work.

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Re: recursive word count (wc)

2003-07-13 Thread Gordon Messmer
Tao Chen wrote:
find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l

Why 'cat' ?

find . -type f | xargs wc -l
Just to be succinct.  If you want the line count of each file, in 
addition to the line count of all of the files, then that will also work.

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Re: POP3 with full email as user name

2003-07-12 Thread Gordon Messmer
Fryclau wrote:
Thank a lot to answer!
Can I use mysql with ipop3?
AFAIK, you can't.

How you authenticate user with mysql from postfix and curier-imap? 
Both Courier IMAP and Postfix have special modules for MySQL support. 
In addition, Courier has a full MTA suite that you can use, rather than 
Courier's IMAP+Postfix.  The biggest advantage will be easier setup.  If 
you use Courier as a suite, you only need to configure MySQL 
authentication one time, rather than once for Courier's IMAP and again 
for Postfix.

Is't the same from ipop3?
No, it isn't.

Then I can authenticate ftp users either with vsftp  mysql?
You should be able to, yes.

P.S. Is't hard to move from ipop3 to postfix and courier-imap?
Not terribly, but the two are very different.  I'd recommend installing 
Courier on a separate box, configuring it the way you want it to work, 
and then putting it into the place of your existing server.  Once that's 
done, you can inject the mail spools from the old sendmail/ipop3 server 
to the Courier box.

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Re: recursive word count (wc)

2003-07-12 Thread Gordon Messmer
Mike McMullen wrote:
Brute force would be

cat */* | wc
... which doesn't recurse, and so fails the requirements of the poster.

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Re: recursive word count (wc)

2003-07-12 Thread Gordon Messmer
fred smith wrote:
On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:51:22AM -0400, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:

Just a quick question, wondering if somone can help. How do I do recursive 
word / line count using 'wc'? What I mean, eg if I have 3 directories in the 
current directory, I want wc to go inside each directory, cound the line / 
words for all the files in each directory, and display the total of the files 
in those 3 different directories.

Any help ?

Off the top of my head:

wc -w `find . -name \* -print`
...which will fail if there are too many files for the command line.

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Re: recursive word count (wc)

2003-07-11 Thread Gordon Messmer
Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
Just a quick question, wondering if somone can help. How do I do recursive 
word / line count using 'wc'? What I mean, eg if I have 3 directories in the 
current directory, I want wc to go inside each directory, cound the line / 
words for all the files in each directory, and display the total of the files 
in those 3 different directories.
If you want a simple aggregate:

find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l

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Re: Read Exec by default - RH9 - why?

2003-07-10 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ed Wilts wrote:
On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 11:31:29AM -0700, Gordon Messmer wrote:

Ed Wilts wrote:

You're right - there is a security hole there.  For example, I don't
think it's a good idea that the password file is world readable since it
gives information out that you may not want to share.
If you're using shadow password files (and you don't have any excuse not 
to): no, it doesn't.

Yes it does, even with shadow passwords.  If you give a local user the
list of all the userids on the system, he's got a head start on ids he
can crack.  Give him the last login time, and he's even better off - now
he knows that if crack Joe Blow's account, and Joe only signs on once a
month (as last while show), his nefarious activity might be hidden for a
while longer.  The more information you make public, the less secure you
should feel. 

You could find all that out with 'ls -lu /home'.  Even if you couldn't 
read the user database directly, you can find the information some other 
way.  If you couldn't, you'd destroy one of the primary functions of 
multi-user computer systems:  Helping users communicate with each other 
and work together.

Obscurity is not security.  Drawing your shutters closed does not make 
you safe.

For the record, if I'm being authenticated by an ldap entry, ls -l still
works, even though I'm not even in /etc/passwd. 

Big deal, your information is still in a user-accessible location.  The 
only difference between 'grep ewilts /etc/passwd' and 'ldapsearch -x 
uid=ewilts' is one of process.  The information is available to 
everyone, regardless of where it's stored.

Users *should* be able to read /etc/passwd.

I disagree with the last comment.  I know why it works that way and
understand that, but that doesn't mean it's the best way.  That's just
the way it is, for better or for worse.  You could, for example, solve
some of the issues with proper use of access control lists and various
privilege models (a la VMS).  On VMS, for example, the system username
file is not world readable.  You know what, dir/full works.

Perhaps you could expand on that by telling us *how* it works.  (Don't 
know...never used VMS).  What, exactly, allows dir to read the user 
database, but prevents other applications from doing so?

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Re: PHP Scripting - Hope you get all this

2003-07-10 Thread Gordon Messmer
Brian Ashe wrote:
Im getting an error when running a script

: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
If you ever see that in the shell, it means that the script you're
running has DOS linefeeds in it.  Use either dos2unix or
tr -d '\n'  oldfile  newfile to remove them.

Try it with a tr -d '\r' oldfile  newfile. Unix uses Line feeds not 
carriage returns.

Yeah... that'd certainly make a difference.  My mistake  :)

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Re: pop3 vs pop3s question

2003-07-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Gerry Doris wrote:
I believe that pop3s is the regular pop3 daemon with TLS support. 
However, if a client doesn't meet the TLS requirements will the pop3s
default back to regular usage or will mail just not work?

In other words, if I want to support TLS for only some users do I have to
run both a pop3 and a pop3s daemon or will the pop3s do the complete job. 
I'm assuming that imaps works the same as pop3s.
Both of those services run on alternate ports, providing SSL.

I believe that imap supports STARTTLS, but I'm not sure if pop3 
supports STLS.  You can telnet to port 110 and try the command to find out.

In other words, pop3s and imaps will not work for clients that don't do 
SSL, but imap (and maybe pop3) will work for all clients, including 
those that want SSL (as long as they can do STARTTLS, which isn't always 
the case).

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Re: Read Exec by default - RH9 - why?

2003-07-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Fryclau wrote:
I'am the the root user to applying the chmod...

The system works fine, but I don't like to leave the security access of
each file in the disk with R-X to other users..
When some user login without privileges he could do something like this:

Cat /etc/hosts 

And it works find  
Yeah, it's supposed to.  If the users can't read /etc/hosts, then they 
can't resolve hosts.  There's nothing magic about name resolution.  A 
program has to open /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/resolv.conf 
to figure out how to resolve a name, and then resolve it (in the normal 
case, nsswitch.conf might tell the program to operate differently).  If 
they can't read /etc/passwd, then ls -l can't show them login names. 
If they can't read /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile, then their shell won't 
have any PATH, or well, anything.

I don't think this is good to my security.
What can users do with the information in /etc/hosts that would impact 
your security?  Make sure you have a good answer to that before you make 
changes to your system.

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Re: sendmail vacation program

2003-07-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Richard Humphrey wrote:
Anyone know if this comes with RH 8.0 sendmail? I know it is a seperate
program, but sendmail includes it in their source. Does RH include it in
RPM. I could not locate it. Is it in a seperate RPM or do I just need to
d/l and compile?
Looks like you'll have to build your own.  I'm not seeing it anywhere in 
Red Hat's distribution.

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Re: Read Exec by default - RH9 - why?

2003-07-09 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ed Wilts wrote:
You're right - there is a security hole there.  For example, I don't
think it's a good idea that the password file is world readable since it
gives information out that you may not want to share.
If you're using shadow password files (and you don't have any excuse not 
to): no, it doesn't.

If users can't read /etc/password then:
* ls -l doesn't work, because users can't map numbers to names.
* web servers (like apache) can't serve user directories, because it 
can't figure out where ~user is supposed to point.
* MTA's that don't run smtpd as root (like Courier, and probably 
Postfix) can't verify whether or not a user exists, so they will 
probably fail outright.

Other stuff breaks too, I'm sure.  Those are just a few examples.  User 
data, with the exception of authentication tokens, is not privileged 
information.  Users *should* be able to read /etc/passwd.

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Re: rpath and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2003-07-08 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ajay Bansal wrote:
What is the difference between rpath and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in terms of
library search paths at link time?
Which one is better to use. I was using LD_LIB... But my customer says..
Remove it.. Use somethinig else..
You're probably best off making your application a shell script that 
locates its library directory and sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH without the 
user's intervention.  See the mozilla script for an example of how 
this is done.  mozilla is a shell script that sets some variables, and 
then runs the program mozilla-bin.

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Re: cgi-bin hardening

2003-07-08 Thread Gordon Messmer
prashant Kulkarni wrote:
can any body help me in hardening cgi-bin application.
Are you looking for general advice, or someone you can pay to do the work?

Assuming the former, please be specific about the language in which the 
CGI is written, and any library extensions that you're using.  That will 
at least give list members somewhere to start giving you pointers.

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Re: Redhat Squirrelmail install

2003-07-08 Thread Gordon Messmer
Ehrhart, Jay wrote:
I installed Squirrelmail through the standard Redhat package manager in
So it should be installed with all the standard RPM defaults.  How do I
access the web interface to check mail?
If you installed Red Hat's version, /webmail becomes an alias for the 
squirrelmail installation.  Point your browser at:

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Re: UTF-8

2003-07-08 Thread Gordon Messmer
João Borsoi Soares wrote:
I've asked before and had no answer. So, here I go again. I just want to
change my default LANG environment environment from pt_BR.UTF-8 to
pt_BR. I've tried changing /etc/sysconfig/i18n and it worked for the
text mode consoles, but it didn't work for applications on X, like
xterm, etc.
Modify /etc/X11/gdm/locale.alias

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