Re: SATA and RH 9 Woes

2003-09-11 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Aly Dharshi wrote:

> I hope that you are well. We have recently purchased a Dell Optiplex
> GX 270 with a 120GB SATA disk. RH 9 seems to not recognize this drive
> and doesn't allow me to proceed with a successful installation of Linux.

You might want to check the kernel mailing list to see if the 2.5 kernels 
have support for SATA yet. It's a new spec, so it may not; but if it has 
been worked on, the 2.5 series is where you'll find it.

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Crash leads to problems with USB

2003-08-03 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
After a crash caused by my own putzing around with swap files, USB no 
longer seems to work on my system. I reinstalled the dev RPM, and seem to 
have the necessary modules loaded:

ehci-hcd   20072   0 (unused)
usb-ohci   21704   0 (unused)
usbcore79040   1 [hid ehci-hcd usb-ohci]
usb-storage74496   0 (unused)

although after the crash I'm having to load usb-storage manually. Other
than the /dev files and the modules themselves, is there anything else
that I should try to verify to figure out what's broken?

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Re: RPC question

2003-07-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Joe Stuart wrote:

> kernel: RPC: impossible RPC reply size 0!

Sunspots? Reality TV overload? Port scanning?

If you keep seeing them, run tcpdump or ethereal--or call Geraldo to 
investigate. Otherwise, it will likely remain a mystery.

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Re: Firewall proxies and ssh, cvs

2003-07-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Chad Skinner wrote:

> these two systems. For example, will an ssl proxy work for ssh

No. SSL and SSH are two totally different protocols.

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Re: how to tell if pop3 or imap services are running?

2003-06-30 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sun, 29 Jun 2003, Jay Moore wrote:

> timeouts etc.  I have a Netgear firewall appliance that has port 110
> open, however, I am unsure if the box itself has this port open.  I'm
> slowly still figuring this stuff out, so any direction at all would be
> helpful. thanks jay

As root, run:

tcpdump -n port 110

and then as yourself run:

telnet  110

If you don't get a connection via telnet, check the output of tcpdump and 
see if your traffic is leaving the box, and if you're getting any response 

iptables/ipchains shouldn't be stopping client-side pop3 connections, but 
I suppose anything is possible. So, if your traffic is going nowhere fast, 
that's where I'd look next.

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Re: RHN servers are overloaded...

2003-06-27 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Panos Tsapralis wrote:

>, what other options do I have to download the latest patches
> without using the "up2date" mechanism? For example, can I download them
> via ftp into a local directory on my system and install them as regular
> RPM packages?

Yup. In fact, that's mostly what up2date is doing for you anyway. The 
trick is finding a current mirror for the updates. Check the Red Hat 
mirror list; that should give you some options.

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Re: HELP! - I've screwed up on security and now can't access root

2003-06-26 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
If you screwed up the shell, specify it manually:

su -l -s /bin/bash

should force a bash shell.

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Re: Which window manager I should use? Blackbox, FWM, or somethingelse?

2003-06-26 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:

> and a couple of icons but I'll go with IceWM or XFCE since they're easy
> to configure.

XFCE is nice when it's running, but getting it installed is a pain. Even 
with the RPM's, there are *way* too many of them to consider it a newbie 
installation. Last time I checked, there were six or seven different 
packages that needed to be installed to get XFCE functional. 

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Re: Which window manager I should use? Blackbox, FWM, or somethingelse?

2003-06-25 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Apollo (Carmel Entertainment) wrote:

> Which window manager I should go with?

Personally, I'm using ROX with TWM, and it flies. Note that if you use 
such a setup, you'll need to configure ROX's compatibility options to:

1. Overrride TWM's control of rox panels
2. Pass all backdrop clicks to TWM (or you lose TWM's menus)

You can then add 'rox -b bottom-panel &' to your .Xclients-default and 
away you go.

Note that ROX has some peculiarities. It isn't perfect. But it basically 
does the job that Nautilus does for GNOME, but faster. You can then setup 
applications in either TWM or ROX.

If you're looking for something less avante-garde and easier to install
and configure, I'd recommend WindowMaker instead. It's basic but
functional, and has built-in support for a clip and dock.

There's going to be a bit of a learning curve no matter what you choose,
so pick a window manager and filer that you like, and see how well they
work together for you.

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Re: what makes linux so secure?

2003-06-25 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

> Another thing is that I really think that for system data, ACLs cause
> more security problems than they help.  Auditting a Linux system is much
> easier than an NT box, because you don't have ACLs to worry with.

Linux is getting ACLs. I haven't checked the 2.5 tree recently, but I'm
pretty sure there are kernel hooks for them now. I'm less sure about
whether there are any utilities for managing them yet, or whether their
use breaks current applications. 

And where the line is drawn between "capabilities" and "ACLs" in the 
kernel is a bit of a mystery to me. I don't think there's much 
docoumentation on it outside the source itself.

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Re: mount USB drive

2003-06-25 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Alan Giltinan wrote:

> I am trying to mount my 120GB harddrive as hda3 (hda1 and 2 already
> taken) on RH8

You can't. It must be mounted as a SCSI drive. Check /proc/scsi/scsi to
see which device it is, but my guess is that you can mount it as
/dev/sda unless you have other USB/SCSI devices on the system already.

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Export sound to another server?

2003-06-25 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I'm interested in a way to redirect sound to another server. I know esd 
and arts have the capability to bind to sockets, but is there actually a 
way to export sound that isn't application-specific?

For example, I can run xine with the video exported to my local server,
but the sound still plays on the remote server. I'd like to be able to
treat both video *and* sound as a client. How can I do that?

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Problems with RPM and public keys

2003-06-24 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I'm getting an error about missing keys when verifying an RPM, but the key 
shows up as imported. Here's the output, showing that the key *is* 
installed. What gives?

$ rpm -K autospec-0.8-1.src.rpm
autospec-0.8-1.src.rpm: md5 (GPG) NOT OK (MISSING KEYS: GPG#077eccc5) 

$ rpm -qa gpg-pub*

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Re: Computer freezes when running cdrecord from INIT 5

2003-06-24 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 24 Jun 2003, Celso Pinto wrote:

> After that, I tried to burn a CD with XCDRoast and about 30 secs after
> starting to burn the CD the hole system stopped. The only thing I could
> do was to push the power off button and restart it again.

I can't speak to Xcdroast, but I had similar problems with cdrecord under 
RH 8. The USB code is still somewhat immature, and some devices don't play 
well with others. You might try disabling magicdev before running anything 
over USB...I've found that magicdev often goes into uninterruptable sleeps 
when communicating to USB 1.1 devices on my boxen.

Using the latest RH kernel and USB 2.0 with magicdev off has gotten rid of 
the problems for me. YMMV.

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Choppy Sound with i810/SiS7012

2003-06-24 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
Part of the problem may be IRQ sharing, but the BIOS doesn't allow me to 
change it. Does anyone know of any good workarounds for this chipset? 
Here's the relevant info.

>From procinfo:
irq  9: 94314 usb-ohci, SiS 7012

>From dmesg:

Intel 810 + AC97 Audio, version 0.24, 07:13:38 May 29 2003
i810: SiS 7012 found at IO 0xd400 and 0xd000, MEM 0x and 0x, IRQ 9
i810_audio: Audio Controller supports 6 channels.
i810_audio: Defaulting to base 2 channel mode.
i810_audio: Resetting connection 0
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: ALG32 (ALC650)
i810_audio: AC'97 codec 0 supports AMAP, total channels = 6 

>From lsmod:
Module  Size  Used byTainted: PF
i810_audio 27624   0
ac97_codec 14600   0 [i810_audio]
soundcore   6404   2 [i810_audio]

>From lspci:
00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
SiS7012 PCI Audio Accelerator (rev a0)

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Sound "scratchy" in RH9

2003-06-22 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I've tried the same AVI's on both RH8 and RH9. The files play fine on 8.0 
using Xine, but sound scratchy (like a bad FM channel) on 9. Has anyone 
else experienced this, or have any idea how I can tweak the sound quality?

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Re: Frontpage extensions (RH9)

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 20 Jun 2003, David Hart wrote:

> a Macromedia product. Linux needs a robust WYSIWYG web development tool.

I suppose that depends on how you feel about people who can't do HTML in
vim. But, for the vim-challenged, there's Bluefish and Quanta Plus. Both
are good, although Quanta's perhaps a bit more mature.

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Re: Where to call xset?

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Bart van Kuik wrote:

> I always turn the X Window System bell off with 'xset b off' manually.
> Where can I put this command so it is automatically run when X is
> started? I've already tried putting it in

Put it in $HOME/.Xclients-default (don't forget the ampersand) and it 
should run every time you start an X session.

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Re: sendmail/earthlink conflict?

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 19 Jun 2003, gregory mott wrote:

> seems something subtle has gone awry with sendmail.  i'm getting:
> <<< 550 relaying to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> prohibited by administrator (failed to find 
> host name from IP address)

It's a DNS problem. You don't have reverse DNS properly configured, and
the recipient is refusing mail without a valid reverse lookup.

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Re: case? switch? I need to write a script and neither of theseoptions work.

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, dlangschied wrote:

> I am having a bit of difficulty with writing a script.  I am on Linux 8.0
> and trying to run a case statement like a would in HP-UX.  This is not

If all you want to do is run a menu, you might want to look at the select 
command instead:

echo Press CTRL-C to quit...
select CMD in "echo Test 1" "echo Test 2" "more /etc/passwd"; do

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Re: Radius reccomendation RH8 and later?

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Willem van der Walt<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I googled for radius and found a few servers.

OpenRADIUS and FreeRADIUS are the two to look at. I don't really have an 
opinion as to which is better, though. They have some design differences. 

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Re: Encrypting filesystem?

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:

> I saw references to having encrypted filesystems available in the next
> kernel release.  If that's the case, and it's due out in the not to
> distant future, I could hold off.

I don't know if that's true or not. Check out to find out. 
AFAIK, there are no userland utilities for creating encrypted loopback 
filesystems, although you might want to check out LUFS to see if they 
support it yet (you'd still need to patch the kernel, though).

You might also want to look at Knoppix, which I'm pretty sure supports 
encrypted filesystems AND encrypted swap partitions in the latest release. 
You can run Knoppix without touching your HD at all, if you like.

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Re: simple question related to pop3

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 17 Jun 2003, David Richards wrote:

>Is there any way that I would be able to add a user to a server so
> that they are only able to use their username and password for pop3 ?
> Even tho the server is configured for ftp and ssh too?

Restrict users with the following.

- sshd: use AllowUsers or DenyUsers as appropriate in

- ftpd: deny users by naming them in /etc/ftpusers

And "tho" is not a word. It's spelled "though."

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Re: Procmail

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, A. S. Budden wrote:

> However, once in a while, mutual friends send both "me" and
> "somebody_else" emails, but since [EMAIL PROTECTED] is in the TO

Fetchmail will (by default) deliver to your local MTA after retrieving the
mail, according to the documentation. If you set up your aliases and
domains properly, sendmail/postfix should treat them as seperate emails 
and deliver them properly.

Otherwise, have fetchmail treat everything as a copy, with a default
delivery to /dev/null or a greymail box that you might sort through from
time to time.

* ^TO_foo\.com
* ^TO_me

* ^TO_you

# Pick one of the following:

By the way, you don't need the .* in your recipes, since the TO and TO_
aliases already include them in the regex.

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Re: assign prioity for user

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, santosh kumar wrote:

> assign high priority for X user to access a particular m/c. For example

What is an m/c?

> have a high end m/c which is meant for some simulation purpose but it
> will be usable by all users around the clock by which it hogs all the
> memory so I want to assign a high priority for a single user X that If

Linux doesn't support fair scheduling (yet), although I think someone is 
working on a patch for that. In the meantime, the proper thing to do is 
renice the memory-hogging process to give more priority to other tasks. 
Setting it to a niceness value of 16-18 should give you better 
performance without killing the process, although swap usage may be 

Limiting memory is more difficult. You can set a limit with ulimit or PAM, 
but if the application exceeds the limits it will probably segfault...not 
what you want. 

This is really an application problem. You should have your programmers 
(or vendor) add support for memory limits in the application so that you 
can specify a maximum memory size.

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Re: WineX 3 graphical problems

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Ivan Sivkov wrote:

> libraries and specific windows apps/games. After performing a couple of
> benchmark tests, we felt sorry to establish that most windows games run
> pretty slowly on RedHat with WineX 3. We have noticed that the

Red Hat does some weird tweaking to their kernels, and they don't really 
disclose what patches they've applied, so it's kind of hard to 
reverse-engineer the problems. Basically, you should build a new kernel 
from source, and see if that resolves your problem.

Of course, something may break in RH9 because of the new NPTL support. 
If so, you may want to use RH 8.0 with a stock kernel instead or the much 
more stable 7.3.

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Re: Why is RH9 slower than Windows98SE. Any advice?

2003-06-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Apollo (Carmel Entertainment) wrote:

> So... I intalled RH9.0 and all the workstations are so much slower, all

RH9 is dog-slow out of the box. Most of the blame probably belongs to
KDE/GNOME, though. I dumped them in favor of TWM, and my system now runs
faster than it did running 8.0.

KDE seems to use an inordinate amount of memory/swap/CPU switching between 
virtual desktops, and GNOME 2 uses Nautilus, which is a real memory pig 
AND a slow-poke to boot. Try a different window manager without a desktop 
environment, and see if that solves the problem for you.

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Re: Key bindings in twm

2003-06-16 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:

> "l" = a | m : all : f.exec "xscreensaver-command -lock &"

The proper command is:

"l" = c | m : all : f.exec "xscreensaver-command -lock &"

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Key bindings in twm

2003-06-16 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I'm trying to configure twm to bind an f.exec to CTRL-ALT-L to lock the 
screen. However, the following doesn't work:

"l" = a | m : all : f.exec "xscreensaver-command -lock &"

It works fine if I change it to:

"F12" = : all : f.exec "xscreensaver-command -lock &"

so the problem appears to be the use of a letter instead of a function 
key. However, other keys such as tab don't seem to be a problem. Can 
anyone offer some insight?

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Re: Desperate BASH Frustrations with Single Quotes

2003-06-15 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003, Ryan D. Egeland wrote:

> RUN="$UNISON -ignore 'Path $2'"

Escape weak quotes instead:

RUN="$UNISON -ignore \"Path $2\""

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Re: Enabling hardware 3D acceleration with ATI Rage 128

2003-06-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
Some additional info about my configuration:

$ lspci
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS 530 Virtual
PCI-to-PCI bridge (AGP)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128

>From /etc/X11/XF86Config:

Section "Module"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "extmod"
Load  "fbdevhw"
Load  "glx"
Load  "record"
Load  "freetype"
Load  "type1"
Load  "dri"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 16
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes"1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" 
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard0"
VendorName  "Videocard vendor"
BoardName   "ATI Rage 128"
Driver  "ati"
Option  "AGPMode" "1"
Option  "UseCCEFor2D" "false"

>From everything I've seen on Google, this should be sufficient to
support OpenGL and 3D acceleration, but some applications (WineX in
particular) insist that I don't have OpenGL or 3D capabilities.

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Enabling hardware 3D acceleration with ATI Rage 128

2003-06-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I have an ATI Rage 128-series card. I'm pretty sure it's the Fury Pro, but 
RH keeps insisting it's a standard Rage 128. Either way, there doesn't 
seem to be a way to enable 3D acceleration or OpenGL support through 
redhat-config-xfree86. Has anyone been able to get 3D accel. to work with 
this configuration?

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Re: Default tripwire policy: no libexec?

2003-06-09 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 9 Jun 2003, Patrick Nelson wrote:

> Although this may be correct... If you really plan to utilize tripwire
> to monitor you system you need to edit the policy file to exactly match
> your system.  The default policy is for a starting point to edit your
> policy to match your system.

Yes, but it's easier to comment out files that don't exist than it is to 
figure out what cruft RH installs by default. The default policy should 
vaguely reflect what goes into a standard RH install.

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Default tripwire policy: no libexec?

2003-06-08 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I was curious to know if there was a good reason for not including the 
libexec directories in the default tripwire policy. It seems like a lot of 
critical binaries are stored there.

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RH9 + KDE = flickering icons?

2003-06-07 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I am experiencing some flickering icons (e.g. the trash can, home 
directory, and other icons) along the left-hand side of my screen--almost 
like they're being constantly refreshed. Has anyone else experience this, 
and (if you fixed it) how did you solve the problem?

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"xset fp+" doesn't work

2003-06-06 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
Under RH 9, you can prepend fonts, but not append them. For example:

xset +fp /path/to/fonts/dir

works fine, but:

xset fp+ /path/to/fonts/dir

does nothing. What's going on here?

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Problem with MS Web Fonts

2003-06-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I've added the MS TrueType fonts to my font server, but when the web fonts
are in the font path, the default font for things like xfontsel get really
wacky. My guess is that one of the MS fonts is being used as the default
(probably Comic or Verdana), but I don't know what to do about it.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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Creating font sample sheets

2003-06-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I've got about 4,500 TrueType fonts in my system, and all are available 
via xfontsel. However, I'm looking for a way to create font samples so 
that I can quickly locate the fonts I need. Does anyone know how to do 
this easily?

Also, with the version of XFree86 in Shrike, do I require both fonts.dir 
and fonts.scale, or just fonts.dir? It seems to work with just fonts.dir, 
but I'm not sure of the implications. 

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PDF to RTF or SXW?

2003-06-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
Anyone know of a *Linux* utility that will convert PDF files into 
something editable? pdf2ps works (usually), but I don't know that raw 
postscript is any easier to modify.

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Re: ssh compression problem with openssh-clients-3.5p1-6

2003-06-03 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> 'man ssh' indicates that you can only control the compression level on
> ssh v1.

By golly, you're right. It's sort of buried in the ssh_config

Thanks for the tip.

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ssh compression problem with openssh-clients-3.5p1-6

2003-06-03 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I've got the following in ~/.ssh/config:

Compression yes
CompressionLevel 9

but when I run ssh verbosely, it still says compressing at level 6. Has 
anyone else experienced this?

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Re: My ntpd.conf doesn't accept hostames, just ip's

2003-06-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 27 May 2003, Bruno Negrao wrote:

> If I specify the ntp servers by their hostnames, I receive the following
> error messages:

Post your config file if you want help with this. But it's a resolver 
issue; is your /etc/resolv.conf file set up properly?

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Re: Strange Bash Script Behavior -- Doesn't Recognize $variable incd Statement

2003-04-06 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Ron Franke wrote:

> I'm having a strange problem with a bash script when trying to cd with a 
> $variable. A simple example script follows. The issue is on the line 

shopt -s cdable_vars

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Re: Sluggish SSH connections

2003-04-06 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Johnson, David wrote:

> We are having intermittant problems with some new Redhat 8 servers,
> whereby an SSH connection (as root), is hanging for 10-30 seconds before
> connecting.

Name resolution problems, perhaps? Make the ssh client verbose, and see 
what it's doing. Check the server side, too; you may need to turn off 
reverse DNS resolution.

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Re: Sluggish BitTorrent (Was RE: Stop the disinformation!)

2003-04-06 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Morgan Doocy wrote:

> system. Anyone know more detail about how it works? The FAQ [
> ] doesn't explain much.

Download speed can also be affected by upload speed. The tit-for-tat 
algorithm basically penalizes people for leeching or slow upload pipes, 
but I'm unsure whether this is on a per-peer or per-tracker basis. Maybe 
someone who knows python will look at the code and tell us.

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MD5SUM for Shrike ISOs?

2003-04-06 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I'm currently getting the Shrike ISOs from BitTorrent, but can't find the 
official RH md5sums to verify the images. Does anyone know where the sums 
are listed on the website?

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Re: list folder size

2003-04-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, J.Slim wrote:

> I've been reading all the man pages I though might clue me in but I
> can't find a command to list the total size of a folders contents.  

du -sh 

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Re: sharing sound with various users and doing a startx -- :1

2003-04-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Sergio Enrique Schvezov wrote:

> I'm using RedHat 8.0, have and nforce chipset. Whenever I logging
> (through gdm) as user A, this user somehow locks the sound device to all
> other users, how can I unlock it so that when user for example stops

This is Red Hat being "helpful." /etc/security/console.perms and
/etc/security/console.apps control permissions on various devices and
programs. You may need to edit one or both of these files, since they are 
designed for out-of-the-box single-user console sessions.

> Also a bugging thing is when i do a "startx -- :1" the screen doesn't
> display

Try startx without specifying a screen, or by specifying a specific 
virtual terminal. Usually, VT7 is mapped to :0, but if you're doing 
something weird, you might get weird results.

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Re: Visual Performance Monitor

2003-04-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, David Busby wrote:

> Is there a tool (or tools) that will allow me to watch my system
> performance?


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Re: vncserver

2003-03-25 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Simpson, Doug wrote:

> I am trying to get vncserver running on a RH7.3 box.  I ran the
> "vncserver" command and it created the .vnc directory and it appears to
> be running.

Where's the relevent logfile? Where's your process list? Where's your
ip{chains,tables} filter list? Without those, you won't get much help.

> Also for the http side do I need apache?

VNC runs its own server. It has nothing to do with Apache.

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Re: useraccount stange ness

2003-03-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Steve Lee wrote:

> i had created some useraccounts on my system. skipped some id to reserve
> some numbers and all users logged in is now know only by UID not by the
> name

You probably did this by hand, and probably skipped a field or added an 
extra one in /etc/passwd. Run pwck, and verify the file.

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Re: Bash script .bash_logout

2003-03-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 19 Mar 2003, will wrote:

> The .bash_logout script is not executing when my system is in run level

If your xterm is not defined as a login shell, it won't execute .bashrc or 
.bash_profile, either. You may need to define the xterm as a login shell 
to get .bash_logout working.

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RE: ReiserFS Support?

2003-03-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Robert Adkins II wrote:

> is supposedly far swifter at disk writes, which I need to quell the
> minor revolt a few of my users are beginning to threaten.

This is wrong. ReiserFS is faster on reads, but writes have a much higher
overhead because of Btree balancing. Look around for some recent

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User-Mode Linux not in arch/um

2003-03-15 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
The kernel-source rpm includes a config file for uml, but trying the 
standard "make ARCH=um menuconfig" chokes because there's no arch/um 

Has anyone successfully built uml from the Red Hat rpms (not the raw 
sources)? If so, what was the secret?

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Re: Practice Exams

2003-03-14 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> no, you can't pass by book alone, but that still doesn't mean that a
> book is entirely useless.  at the very least, any *decent* exam prep
> book (regardless of the topic) will give you some guidance about the
> areas that you should be relatively familiar with, that's all.

There's an RHCE Exam Cram book by Kara Pritchard. It's a little out of 
date in it's coverage (often the case with printed study guides), but does 
exactly what you want: gives you an overview of the test process, and some 
guidance about passing.

The problem is that the Red Hat-isms change from version to version. That 
might not matter too much on the hands-on, depending on what the task is, 
but Red Hat has been known to shift packages and config files between 
versions, so learning *how* to problem solve is probably a better strategy 
than learning how to solve a particular problem.

Personally, I'd recommend taking the LPI exams instead. They have a little
less prominence, but they don't expire the way the RHCE does, they cost
less, and they're vendor-neutral. You can pass LPI by being familiar with
Linux in general, and not have to learn all the -isms for a given distro
(other than RPM and APT package management).

Personally, I refuse to pay almost $800 as a single pass/fail unit. If 
your employer is paying, then give it a whirl; if you fail, you'll know 
what you need to study for the next time. But if you're paying out of your 
own pocket, I'd steer clear of RHCE and go for an LPIC instead.

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Re: a question about shell script

2003-03-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Jihuang Zhou wrote:

> Anybody knows how to get an input parameter list from the second
> parameter to the second last?  For example, if $*="aa bb cc mm nn",

Why not just shift away the first parameter?


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Re: Mysql VS postgreSQL

2003-03-10 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, DuSTiN KRySaK wrote:

> wondering what the diff was between Mysql VS postgreSQL? Is one easier

They are similar but different. The best thing to do is to determine what
functionality your relational database needs, and then pick the one that
comes closest to meeting those requirements. Asking general questions will
lead to general (and typically unuseful) answers like "MySQL has faster
inserts, but PostgreSQL has better support for unions."

If you don't have an Entity Relationship Diagram for your database yet,
then just spin the bottle. You can get commercial support for both; they
are both well-documented by O'Reilly, New Riders, and other publishers;
and both work with PHP.

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Re: User account lockout in Redhat

2003-03-10 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Paul Greene wrote:

> How do you implement user account lockout in Redhat Linux?

You need to configure pam_tally according to your lockout policy.

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Re: uml

2003-03-10 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Tuija wrote:

> Something like linux-inside-linux? Is this really possible and if it is
> how can I do that?

The UML project page is at:

Red Hat comes with UML support, as well as the kernel config files for 
building a UML kernel. Visit the project page and grab a suitable disk 
image in order to get started with UML.

If UML doesn't do what you want, you can also investigate bochs or plex86 
on the open source side, or VMware on the commercial side. If it does what 
you need, though, UML is by far the fastest and most resource-efficient 

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Re: ftp vs scp transfer speed.

2003-03-07 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Bret Hughes wrote:

> Does scp do a checksum or comparision like rsync and won't reall
> overwrite a file if it is the same?  Just WAGing.

SCP runs over TCP, so it has all the normal packet guarantees. It will 
also happily clobber files, so be careful.

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Re: ftp vs scp transfer speed.

2003-03-07 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Chad Skinner wrote:

> Does anyone know why there would be a 8500KBs difference between scp and
> ftp. I was downloading an 80MB file over ftp at 120KBps and when I uploaded

Well, ignoring your math for the moment, ftp will almost always be faster
since it doesn't need to continuously encrypt the data stream. Compressing
the data stream adds even more overhead, which will slow you down even
further, especially by comparison to an unencrypted, uncompressed protocol
on a fast link.

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Re: Weird Crash (revisited - again)

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

> thing is, it's going to cost upwards of $430 for a new board for this 

That's what I'm talking about: why try to fix it, when you can buy a brand 
new box from or similar for $299-399? Heck, you could get one 
of their Lindows boxes and install Red Hat on it instead for $199 plus 

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Re: Should the kernel be re-compiled when a new driver is added?

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Charlie Song wrote:

> When I develop a new driver, should the kernel be re-compiled at all?

I'm almost afraid to ask why you're developing a kernel driver when you
don't know enough about the kernel to answer this question yourself.

That said, probably yes if it's a module. The kernel needs stub code for
almost every loadable module; otherwise, it wouldn't know how to call it.
I don't know of any exceptions, but I think I remember someone telling me
there were a few. 

If it's a userland driver, then probably no as long as it uses standard
APIs to communicate with the kernel.

At any rate, you'd be better off asking this question on a kernel or
kernel-module development list.

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Re: How long does a socket sit in CLOSE_WAIT for?

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
Until it receives an ACK to the last FIN sent to the remote, or until
tcp_fin_timeout is exceeded: usually 60 seconds, but it's configurable.

A good state transition diagram can be found at:

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Re: How to make a second harddisk work?

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Charlie Song wrote:

> I'm adding a second harddisk to my computer. Why cann't I find that
> harddisk at Disk Management. Could anyone tell me how to make it work?

Does the disk show up on your BIOS boot screen?

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Re: Weird Crash (revisited - again)

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

> be causing this.  The system is two years old (give or take 6 months,
> and was running for months at a time under I can't even get
> one week uptime.

Can't really offer much help, except that you might want to order a board 
diagnostics kit from somewhere to test the board itself. 

Just some anecdotal (and completely unhelpful) info about weird things
that can go wrong: I have a system here that dies horribly if the load
goes over 50% for any length of time. I finally pinned it down to a heat
problem; without enough HLT cycles, the CPU fan can't keep up and the
system crashes. I can't replace the fan/heatsink without replacing the
CPU, so I just keep the load low and don't use it for anything important.

Sometimes hardware is just crappy--even when it's brand new. If you have 
lots of unexplainable errors, it's sometimes cheaper just to buy a new 
system than to troubleshoot the components.

Wish I had a better answer for you.

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Re: GnuCash QIF Import ???

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Dante Bell wrote:

> Anyone using QIF import for GnuCash?  I'm getting a failure and don't
> know why.  Any doc on what the expected file format is??  Did a search,
> but didn't find anything usefull.

Did you check the archives over at the gnucash site? Did you report the 
bug to them? Asking for help without providing version numbers and error 
messages is just begging to be ignored.

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Re: Encrypting file systems

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Adam Long wrote:

> Is there a way to do this under linux?  A gpg encrypted partition or
> container file?

Check out 

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Re: USB external hard drive

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Jedicosmonaut wrote:

> I recently bought a maxtor USB 120 gig external hard drive.  I have been
> trying to get it to work on Red Hat 8.0.  It does not seem to recognize

Check /proc/scsi/scsi for the device number, and then mount the 
appropriate /dev/sd device. You also need to make sure you have the usb 
mass storage module loaded to access a USB hard drive.

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Re: How can I change the default language?

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, P. E. Planques wrote:

> Where should I look for the way to do it?

One way to do it is to place "export LANG=" into /etc/profile. 
There's also a gdm/xdm/kdm for it somewhere; you might want to explore 

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Re: Weird CVS problem

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, MKlinke wrote:

> It's easy to overlook.  It isn't the file that dictates the revision ID. 
> It's the module; from the manual ...

Huh. Well, it looks like I can specify the revision at the first commit by 
specifying just the major number (e.g. cvs commit -r 1) so this isn't a 
huge deal. Kind of irritating when a program tries so hard to be helpful 
that it isn't, though.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

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Re: Weird CVS problem

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, MKlinke wrote:

> From the text, my guess is that you have another file in the module that
> has a 2.x revision ID so the newly assigned internal number would
> automatically be 2.1.

By definition, a new file in a module does not *have* a previous 
revision, so this would not be relevent. Since revision numbers are 
assigned per-file and not per-module, revision numbers of other files in 
the module should have no effect.

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Re: Kernel versions

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Cannon, Andrew wrote:

> I'm a newbie, and I was wondering what advantages there would be to
> upgrading the kernel on my RH8 boxes from the i386 version to the most
> current i686 and Athlon kernels? (I've got a couple of boxes in work

Bug-fixes, faster kernel execution, and more efficient use of the CPU come 
to mind.  

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Weird CVS problem

2003-03-05 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
I have a weird little CVS problem that I was wondering if anyone else had 
ever encountered. Whenever I create a new file in an existing module, it's 
created as revision 2.1 instead of 1.1.

This isn't really mission critical, but it sure is annoying. Anyone have 
any idea what could be wrong?

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Re: How to set automatically rename the old access_log toaccess_log.1 and create a new access_log file ?

2003-03-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Kevin Chan wrote:

> /server/logs/ will automatically rename the old access_log to
> access_log.1 and create a new access_log for reduce the file size ?

Explore the mysteries of logrotate.

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Re: anyone using port forwarding?

2003-03-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Chuck Dutrow wrote:

> Anyone using port forwarding successfully with one real address at the
> router and int addresses for mail server, DNS server and RADIUS? Have a

Firestarter supports port forwarding. Download it from Sourceforge.

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Re: How to get secureCRT and term to look right?

2003-03-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> I use SecureCRT 3.4.3 to ssh into my RH8 box all the time, but curses
> based programs (like setup or iptraf) don't look quite right -- where

vt100 with ansi color should work fine if you've also exported LANG=C.

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Re: What is Max Swap?

2003-03-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Richardson, Robert wrote:

> 1. What is the amount of swap that should be configured?

You shouldn't configure more than 1GB unless you expect your active memory 
requirements to exceed RAM + 1GB swap. Swapping is *slow*, so don't use it 
if you don't need it. And if you really do need huge amounts of swap, 
dedicate a spindle to it.

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Re: Relaxing passwd rules.

2003-03-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi, I'm finding that the rules for creating passwords under RH 8.0 are
> too restrictive for my "low security" office.  Any way to relax them?

You need to be more specific. What "rules" are you talking about? And 
whatever they aqre, they are doubtless controlled by PAM, so you may want 
to start your invetigations there.

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Re: Multiple ssh public keys

2003-03-04 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Roger wrote:

> keys file, and no matter what type of the new and the old keys?

ssh v1.5 and ssh v2.0 use different types of keys, and different key 
files. Check the relevent man pages from OpenSSH for details.

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Re: USB printer doesn't work

2003-03-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 2 Mar 2003, Kleiner Hampel wrote:

> usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x4b8/0x1) is not claimed by any active
> driver.

This is telling you that there is no driver for your printer. Check the 
hardware compatibility guide, and then see if there's a module you need to 
load to manage that printer.

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Re: tep by step NAT configuration needed please

2003-03-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, khalifa ally wrote:

> can any one give me step by step procedure to configure NAT and that
> this computer works as gw for other computers.

Sure. Here it is:

1. Download Firestarter from
2. Run Firestarter.
3. Use the Firestarter Configuration Wizard.
4. Move on with life.

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Re: Can i possibly do this? If not, what r my alternatives

2003-03-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Kapil Khanna wrote:

> I have always wondered if i can mount this additional windows file
> system on / (root) rather than a sub directory of /. That way i can add

No. You can't mount over the root of the filesystem. 

> Any ideas on how i can get around this problem? I have thought about

You might be able to mount /usr over samba or NFS if you don't plan to
ever use the laptop outside of your local area network. This isn't very
practical for portability, but it will cut your disk usage considerably
(under 800MB--most of that in /var).

On the other hand, if you want a portable solution, why not strip down
your Linux installation to the bare minimum needed to run X, VNC, and SSH,
and then connect to a more full-featured machine elsewhere?

You can do a basic install in less than 1GB of space. You could probably 
even squeeze that down to around 600MB, even with all the cruft that Red 
Hat tosses in by default.

You might also consider a different distro like ZipSlack (100MB) or the
Slackware Live Filesystem CD (zero disk space usage) and just use your
local hard drive for file storage.

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Re: Ethernet Blinking Light for Gnome Panel?

2003-03-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
You may also want to modify your X resources in .Xdefaults with:

   xosview*net: true
   xosview*netBandwith: 1375000
   xosview*netInColor: yellow
   xosview*netUsedFormat: autoscale

and run xosview. It's a little more CPU intensive, but I rather like it.

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Re: DHCP question

2003-03-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Kerry Miller wrote:

> Can you guys point me to a good How-To or something similar on DHCP?  I
> need to see if I can figure out a way to assign specific ranges of IP
> addresses on a single physical network to different departments.  I'm at

You can't do it on a single logical segment without assigning IPs by MAC
address, but you can on a single physical segment if you use distinct
network addresses on the wire. You'll want to set up a virtual interface
on your Linux box for the second logical segment, and then create two
seperate address pools, one for each distinct network address.

I don't know of any how-to that addresses the issue directly, but you may 
want to look at to see what's available.

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Re: module-info?

2003-03-01 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> With the exception that tools like redhat-config-network or anaconda use
> a customized copy of a module-info file.

I can't find a reference to module-info in /usr/sbin/redhat-config-network
or /usr/share/redhat-config-network/netconfpkg/* so I'm not sure what (if
anything) is using this file. Why do you say that redhat-config-network
depends on it?

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Re: module-info?

2003-02-28 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Mike Reed wrote:

> that someone from Red Hat who knows the answer would read this list.  
> As I said it makes you think that this is some guarded secret in Red

If it's module-related, then by definition it's kernel related. Why don't
you ask on a kernel-related list, rather than assuming that people on a
volunteer distribution-support list have an obligation to do research for
you? Also, I'm sure that if you have a paid contract with Red Hat, they'd
be glad to research it for you if they don't know the answer off-hand.

If nobody knows the answer, it's because it has zero impact on the
majority of people. So again, rather than expecting people to be
responsive about something that has no relevence to them, be proactive and
scratch your own itch: contact kernel developers, search the source for
references to modules-info, or experiment by moving the file and see what

When you find out, throw up a web page or a mini-howto, and share your
insights with other people who might have the same question. That's how 
the open source *community* works.

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Re: Browsing MS Workgroups from Linux

2003-02-28 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On 28 Feb 2003, Tim Willis wrote:

> Ok, so I'm trapped in a domain-less windows environment, and I need to
> be able to browse, graphically, the workgroups, and the shares in those
> workgroups.  I have Samba running on my machine...(RH8)..using Webmin to

Try xfsamba from the xfce desktop environment.

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Re: Ethernet Blinking Light for Gnome Panel?

2003-02-28 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there an RPM or utility that can show me basic network activity in
> the panel, preferebly near teh Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool?

What's wrong with the netload Gnome applet that comes standard?

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Re: ACT equiv. For Linux

2003-02-26 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Jeff Kinz wrote:

>  Does anyone know of a Linux application which does the same job as
> "ACT"?

There are some groupware products that have some contact capabilities, but 
nothing like act. I keep kicking around the idea of building something, 
but I never really find the time.

If you already have act, though, I hear it runs well under Wine.

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Re: Partitions size

2003-02-25 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Rodrigo Pereira wrote:

> I will install linux in a computer with a hard disk with12GB and 256MB
> of memory.  I want to create partitions to /boot, / (root), /var, /tmp,
> /usr, /home, swap.  What is the best size for each one ?

It depends. This is also a FAQ. 

Here's the best answer you will ever get: if you don't know what you are
doing, use the Red Hat defaults for workstation or server. If you know 
what you're doing, do a custom install with your preferred settings.

Good luck!

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Re: linux performance monitoring

2003-02-24 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there a list of performance monitoring tools for linux?  I am fighting 

sar? xosview? procinfo? top? iostat? Define what you want to monitor, 
*then* pick a tool. Doing it the other way around makes no sense.

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Re: silly script question

2003-02-21 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Kerry Miller wrote:

> back to the linux box.  I don't know how to put it into a script though.  
> Here's what I've got:

smbclient is not inherently scriptable. You'd need to use expect to 
automate it; you might try autoexpect, to see if you can do it without 
having to learn a lot of expect yourswelf. 

A better approach might be to use smbmount to mount the share, copy your
files, and then unmount it. You could use plain bash for that.

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Re: file's mod time

2003-02-21 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> | As such, there can be proof that a file had not been modified since a
> | certain date.
> This is not. Remember that implication is not equivalence.

Very true. In fact, for something to be repudiated, all you need to do is:

1. Break the chain of custody.
2. Call into question the accuracy of the time-stamping.
3. Show possible gaps in access/authentication controls.
4. Show that logs/files are kept on mutable media after the 
alleged electronic event.

I haven't really been following the whole thread, but it seems like the
question is "how do you prove a file hasn't been modified?" A computer
forensics person would need to show that the system was keeping accurate
time all along, and that the file shown is the original file with a chain
of custody going back to the original event, with adequate controls in
place to prevent unauthorized and unauthenticated transactions.

This is why computer records are usually not considered "proof," but
merely corroborating evidence to back up expert opinion. IANAL, so people 
should consult their resident ambulance-chaser for currest case law 
relating to rules of evidence and so forth.

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Re: Is someone trying to get me off the list?

2003-02-21 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

> I honestly think it should be disabled, until the person has the direct
> consent of the list owner to run such a bot.

You don't need anyone's permission to run a procmail filter. That would be 
a bad--and silly--precedent to set.

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Re: OT: Bash programming mailing lists?

2003-02-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Kevin - KD Micro Software wrote:

> I'm wondering if any of you have any recommendations for any good bash
> programming mailing lists (if one exists). I've searched and couldn't
> find even one! Any pointers would be appreciated.

My personal favorite is:

It's a small but lively group. It's not exclusively bash; it also covers 
pretty much any Linux-compatible scripting language. Bash and perl are the 
two most-represented, though.

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Re: Is someone trying to get me off the list?

2003-02-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Edward Dekkers wrote:

> I just received this. I never asked to be unsubscribed. It's here with
> full headers. Can any mail gurus check it and let me know what's going
> on?

I received a similar one. Due to the forged headers, I reported it as spam 
to, although I'm not sure what the purpose of the spam could 
have been unless the DNS or web site for Red Hat has been hijacked.

Basically, the forged email seemed to contain pointers to the real Red Hat
list management pages, so unless someone has reason to believe that Red
Hat's web server has been compromised or their DNS has been poisoned, I'm 
at a loss to determine the point of the exercise.

Since I couldn't figure it out, I didn't report it to the Red Hat webmins, 
although perhaps I should have. In the meantime, you may want to report 
the spam to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see what happens.

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Re: Default of GID=UID

2003-02-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Myhre, Julie wrote:

> from tampering and destruction, but can be viewed by members only in
> their group.  The Linux default requires the user to explicitly share
> every file he creates, since every new user has a unique GID.

First of all, most *nix distros create all users with the same GID, e.g. 
"users." Lots of distros also have the unfortunate tendency to create 
home directories group-writable, so users essentially have zero privacy 
out of the box.

The "user private groups" idea is primarily a Red Hat-ism. I don't know
any other distro that does this, but it's a well-known security truism
that things should "fail closed." In other words, if you want to share
stuff, you should have to make a conscious effort to do so.

It's actually quite easy to share group info on Red Hat. If you want to
create a group-shared folder, just set the directory SGID. Any files or
folders created in it will then have the group ID set to that of the SGID
directory, so all the members can share it without having to dink around
with permissions on their home directories to keep other group members

Can you do similar things without user private groups? Sure. Does it take 
more planning, auditing, and LARTs? Absolutely.

As always, your mileage may vary, and shares may be worth more or less at 
time of redemption. :)

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Re: HOW TO : force a process to be executed as soon as it's called

2003-02-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, cana rich wrote:

>  I have a RedHat 7.2 and i would like to know how to force a process
> to be executed as soon as i called it with : system("process"); or

First of all, this is NOT a programming list. You're asking questions 
in the wrong place. 

You also don't say what language you're using.  I suppose it doesn't
really matter, though, since you still have:

1. Fork overhead that you should design around
2. The Linux scheduler to deal with
3. Provided no metrics on system load
4. Provided no profiling of your application
5. Not explained why your process needs to fork faster

Usually, this is simply bad programming design or a failure to adequately
analyze your goals. If you need hard real-time response, you need to code
your application for a real-time OS, and probably optimize in assembler
while you're at it.

Otherwise, address items #3-5, and ask the question again on a list 
related to the language you're using for the task. Good luck. 

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RE: Folder authorisation

2003-02-20 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Ronald Hermans wrote:

> Is there a way of doing this without loggin out and in again?

Enjoy the power of newgrp.

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