Re: Mount new disk...

2003-10-04 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 04 Oct 2003 18:33:56 +0100
Paula Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sáb, 2003-10-04 at 17:03, Klaus Zahradnik wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 04:44:38PM +0100, Paula Fernandes wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi list,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I need to mount a disk with a windows system to recover some
> > > files from the disk. I plug it into the secondary IDE has slave.
> > > 
> > > I have created a new directory this way:
> > > 
> > > mkdir /mnt/alf
> > > 
> > > Then I try to mount the disk this way:
> > > 
> > > mount /dev/hdd /mnt/alf
> > > 
> > > And I get this answer: /dev/hdd is not a valid block device
> > > 
> > > Then I try /dev/hdd0 and hdd1, and the answer still the same.
> > Are you sure hdd is the right device?
> > Do you see the drive in with 'cat /proc/devices' ?
> > > 
> 1 ramdisk
> 2 fd
> 3 ide0
> 9 md
> 12, 14, 38 and 39 unnamed 
> 22 ide1
> > > 
> > > Do I need to give any other instruction the the mount command?
> > Usually not. Mount complains about a device which isn't there.
> > 
   Assuming that you have the disk installed as a slave on the
secondary IDE, do:

  fdisk -l /dev/hdd

to see a listing of the partitions on hdd and the partition's IDs. You
can then mount the partition you want to use.
  A 'man mount' will give you the particulars on options for mounting
most filesystems.



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Re: console image viewer

2003-09-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 17:06:24 -0500
christopher j bottaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> does redhat 9 come with a console image viewer?  something i can use
> to look at images without being in X?  if not, what is a good one to
> get/use?
  Try zgv at:


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Re: Suport for cedilha

2003-08-02 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 07:59:51 -0700 (PDT)
Robert Mena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Bret,
> I am facing the same problem.  I can use all accent
> characters but even with KDe configured the " and _
> dows not work under Redhat 9.
> Unfortunately no one in this list or redhat seems to
> have experience with that or interest of solving it.
> Valeu
> - rt
> Hi,
>   I've been an end user of Mandrake Linux for a number
> of years now, 
> but
> recently decided to give Red Hat 9 a try. I've had two
> big problems so
> far.
>   The second problem has to do with keying in the c
> cedilha. I use a US
> keyboard with dead keys to key in accented letters and
> the c cedilha. 
> In
> the bash shell and in emacs, Red Hat is acting the
> same as Mandrake 
> when
> I type in the usual '-c combination -- an accented c.
> That is not what 
> I
> want but is acceptable, since I normally don't use
> accented letters in
> bash or emacs. However, in several other programs in
> which I do, Ximian
> Evolution and Lyx, in particular, the key combination
> gives completely
> useless  results. In Evolution, the combination
> produces an underscore
> while in Lyx it isn't even recognized.
>I am using the us_intl keymap, as I did in
> Mandrake, and I think 
> I've
> tried every possible keyboard type that's within
> reason, but nothing
> works. So what's going on? If XFree86 isn't taking
> care of the 
> keyboard,
> what is?
 Check out:

I used it to get ¾ and ° mapped. Also works with ç.



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Re: Bugbear virus?

2003-07-26 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 21:44:08 -0500
MKlinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 26 July 2003 19:10, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > Hello,
> >   I just received the e-mail below. The file attachment scans
> > positive for the Bugbear virus by F-prot.
> >
> > /root/Mail/inbox/448->emails.doc.pif  Infection: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > I've sent a message about it to Nick White.
> >
> > You may want to look for it.
> >
> >   Best,
> >
> >   Tom
> >
> >
> > ---snip--
> > Received: from [] by
> >
> >   (SMTPD32-6.06) id AA6DCB30242; Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:02:21 -0400
> > Received: (qmail 5033 invoked by uid 509); 26 Jul 2003 22:01:22
> > - Received: from (HELO o0d9q9)
> > (
> >   by 0 with SMTP; 26 Jul 2003 22:01:22 -
> > From:  "Nick White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject:  RE: pop3s / Outlook
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--8CRN4GAJL2Y3KJ"
> > Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > X-Note: This E-mail was scanned by Declude JunkMail
> > ( for spam.
> > Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:02:26 -0400
> > X-UIDL: 43568
> > Status: U
> Tom,
> Unless there's something you left out this doesn't appear to have
> come from Nick White.  It originated on not in
> Nick's Domain and since Bugbear spoofs the from: address it
> almost certainly didn't come from Nick White.
  I understand that, and posted to his real address,"Nick White"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which I got from his original post to the List.
  I mainly wanted to make other List members aware of the fact that a
'List-related' e-mail may be lurking in their mailbox which looks as
though it came from a List member. Someone new to RedHat-List using a
Windows client without virus protection may inadvertently look at the
  I once helped a member of the Guinness-List (RH7.0) get a sound card
going. Most of our exchanges were 'off-list' as he was new to Linux,
and unfamiliar about even basic commands. Within a week or so, I was
getting complaints from stangers that "I" was sending them e-mail
viruses. One even got as far as the Guinnes-List, but RedHat had
'disinfected' it by then.
 Likely, the guy I was helping with the sound card had his addresses
hijacked, and some nasty stuff was being sent out in my name.
 Nick may be in a similar situation, and can pass on the alert.



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Re: Bugbear virus?

2003-07-26 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 26 Jul 2003 21:18:37 -0400
Ricky Boone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 20:10, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > Hello,
> >   I just received the e-mail below. The file attachment scans
> > positive for the Bugbear virus by F-prot.
> > 
> > /root/Mail/inbox/448->emails.doc.pif  Infection: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > 
> > I've sent a message about it to Nick White.
> > 
> > You may want to look for it.
> *laugh*  Look for it?  I get several of those per day on my server. 
> ;)

  Yes, and if the virus wasn't redhat-list related, I wouln't have
said anything.



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Bugbear virus?

2003-07-26 Thread Tom Pollerman
  I just received the e-mail below. The file attachment scans
positive for the Bugbear virus by F-prot.

/root/Mail/inbox/448->emails.doc.pif  Infection: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I've sent a message about it to Nick White.

You may want to look for it.



Received: from [] by
  (SMTPD32-6.06) id AA6DCB30242; Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:02:21 -0400
Received: (qmail 5033 invoked by uid 509); 26 Jul 2003 22:01:22 -
Received: from (HELO o0d9q9) (
  by 0 with SMTP; 26 Jul 2003 22:01:22 -
From:  "Nick White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  RE: pop3s / Outlook
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--8CRN4GAJL2Y3KJ"
X-Note: This E-mail was scanned by Declude JunkMail (
for spam.
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:02:26 -0400
X-UIDL: 43568
Status: U

Thanks for this randy

I have it working for Outlook Express, but Outlook still seems to not
working Weird.  I wonder what the difference between outlook and
outlook express is when using pop3s?

-Original Message-
From: Randy Perkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:16 PM
To: redhat list
Subject: RE: pop3s / Outlook

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 18:38, Nick White wrote:
> yeah, I 

[emails.doc.pif  application/x-msdownload (97680 bytes)]


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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 02:18:48 +0200
Michael Schwendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 18:42:01 -0400, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > > No, mc fails if rpm is broken. See /usr/share/mc/extfs/rpm
> > > 
> >   I apologize, if that is indeed the fact. 
> >   My version of Midnight Commander (mc-4.5.51) makes no mention of
> > needing a working rpm in the documentation (no
> > /usr/share/mc/extfs/rpm file.) My documentation does say that
> > there is an older 'text version' and a newer 'Gnome-version'
> > though. Mine doesn't need X11; I use it from console all the time
> > to look into .rpms and tar'ed or gzip'ed files.
> > 
> > # rpm -q -R mc
> > 
> > does show that mc requires rpmlib. 
> > 
> >   Is it possible have an intact rpmlib and a broken rpm?
> >   Thanks for the input.  
> $ rpm -q mc
> mc-4.6.0-4
> $ rpm -ql mc | grep rpm
> /usr/share/mc/extfs/rpm
> /usr/share/mc/extfs/rpms
> /usr/share/mc/extfs/trpm
> I refer to the terminal-mode mc as shipped with Red Hat Linux 9.
> And in the following, it is Red Hat Linux 7.3:
> $ rpm -q mc
> mc-4.5.55-5
> $ rpm -ql mc | grep rpm
> /usr/lib/mc/extfs/rpm
> /usr/lib/mc/extfs/rpms
> /usr/lib/mc/extfs/trpm
> Seems, with your 4.5.51 version you may need to look in
> /usr/lib/mc/extfs.
  Thank you! A quick look at the /usr/lib/mc/extfs/rpm script clearly
shows that a working rpm is necessary for mc to install or upgrade a
.rpm archieve.
   I did a quick install of Xrally, from the .rpm, file, using the mc
'install' script. Then:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# rpm -q xrally

I'm convinced ;)
 Thanks again.



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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 23:31:50 +0200
Michael Schwendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:37:35 -0400, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > Might Midnight Commander:
> > 
> >   /usr/bin/mc
> > 
> > be able to do the install? I see where mc displays the files
> > inside a.rpm (including CONTENTS.cpio), and also gives an
> > "install" and an"upgrade" executable. You just highlight the RPM
> > file in Midnight Commander and . 
> No, mc fails if rpm is broken. See /usr/share/mc/extfs/rpm
  I apologize, if that is indeed the fact. 
  My version of Midnight Commander (mc-4.5.51) makes no mention of
needing a working rpm in the documentation (no /usr/share/mc/extfs/rpm
file.) My documentation does say that there is an older 'text version'
and a newer 'Gnome-version' though. Mine doesn't need X11; I use it
from console all the time to look into .rpms and tar'ed or gzip'ed

# rpm -q -R mc

does show that mc requires rpmlib. 

  Is it possible have an intact rpmlib and a broken rpm?
  Thanks for the input.  



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Re: Disabling Gnome's halt and reboot options

2003-07-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 25 Jul 2003 09:07:06 -0400
Ben Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm preparing a small Linux lab and need to lock it down so that
> users cannot halt/reboot the system.  Whenever one logs out of gnome
> they are prompted with these options.  I searched the net to see how
> to disable this behaviour and it was suggested that I should change
> the settings in/etc/pam.d/shutdown and reboot.  I set both of these
> to: 
> auth   required
> Now users cannot reboot or halt the systems, but they are still
> given the options when they log out.  How does one remove these
> options? (Maybe the pam changes I made were incorrect?)
  On my RedHat 7.0 system, this seems to be controlled in:


  Look for the lines:


Perhaps commenting them out will do what you want.




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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 20:06:14 +0200
Michael Schwendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 19:14:03 +0200, Olivier Dony wrote:
> > On Friday, 25 July, 2003 17:57, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> > > I think you're stuck with rpm2cpio.  Alternatively, you could
> > > build RPM statically on your machine, but my guess is that
> > > rpm2cpio would be easier.
> > 
> > Ah yes but I have no idea as to how I can use rpm2cpio to bypass
> > rpm and install a package. Can you explain this a bit, I am very
> > new to redhat. (this is on RH7.2- Enigma)
> "man cpio" *grin*  cpio is not specific to Red Hat Linux. ;)
> Really, rpm2cpio gives you access to a cpio archive inside the rpm.
> Try something like
>   mkdir test ; cd test
>   rpm2cpio glibc-2.3.2-27.9.i686.rpm | cpio -id
>   --no-absolute-filenames
> to extract the files inside. You could also extract them within your
> top-level directory and overwrite what's installed.
Might Midnight Commander:


be able to do the install? I see where mc displays the files inside a
.rpm (including CONTENTS.cpio), and also gives an "install" and an
"upgrade" executable. You just highlight the RPM file in Midnight
Commander and . 
  Perhaps you can get the 'proper' glibc RPM to the remote stystem and
then fix it in that manner. You could make a "test" install of some
other .rpm, perhaps a game, just to see how it works.



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Re: Screenshots and movie players (mplayer/xine)

2003-07-16 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 07:07:18 -0700
"Vij Chau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Guys,
> I have a movie playing using gmplayer / xine.
> I try to take a screenshot of my desktop using the [prnt screen]
> button, but I never get the movie part. I get a solid blue screen in
> place of the movie in my screenshot. I also tried taking screenshots
> with GIMP & with gkrellm'shoot' plug-in but none work.
> I am looking for a fine screenshot; something like
> Any idea how this can be done? Do i need to use any special
> screenshot taking software??
I think it depends on whether mplayer is letting the hardware
drive the screen in that location or whether the images are going
through the X server.  If mplayer is using the Xv extension, then 
probably not, since that allows the hardware to draw directly to the
  You can change the video driver mplayer is using from Xv to X11. 
This will be slow but uses a normal X11 bitmap instead of the hardware
accelerated playback.

I believe the mplayer defaults to -vo xv. The option you want is:
-vo x11

With this you can take a normal screenshot using import, or whatever.
Works well with mplayer and ksnapshot - under KDE's Graphics menu.



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Re: KDE Troubles with Resolution and Windows

2003-06-26 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 19:36:34 +0200
Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * and then Tom Pollerman declared
> > > I've just installed RH9 and am having a spot of bother with KDE.
> > > The main thing is that since I changed my resolution from 1024
> > > to 800x600 all my windows are very slightly off the screen on
> > > the right side.
> > > 
> > > Can anyone help with that please?
> > > 
> >   I'm not sure if it comes with RH9, but 'xvidtune' can make
> >   various
> > adjustments to the screen size and location. As root, do:
> > 
> >   /usr/X11R6/bin/xvidtune
> Right! I have the program but it scared the crap out of me just
> looking at it! ;-)    Tips for what I should be doing anyone?
> Thankyou very much for the help. I will go look at the man page but
> would very much appreciate a little help with xvidtune.

  Yes, the 'disclaimer' screen can be a bit daunting, but for 'minor'
tweaks to your monitor's settings, there is little to fear. The only
advice I can give is to use the 'auto' button first. This allows any
changes you select to happen in 'real-time' ( are automatically
applied.) When you get the screen to your liking, just select 'apply'
and then 'quit.'
   Have fun



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Re: KDE Troubles with Resolution and Windows

2003-06-26 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 13:54:59 +0200
Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone, 
> I've just installed RH9 and am having a spot of bother with KDE. The
> main thing is that since I changed my resolution from 1024 to
> 800x600 all my windows are very slightly off the screen on the right
> side.
> Can anyone help with that please?
  I'm not sure if it comes with RH9, but 'xvidtune' can make various
adjustments to the screen size and location. As root, do:


Check out 'man xvidtune' for details.

> Secondly, I have no 'x' close button on any of my windows! It's very
> annoying and I just cannot find where to fix this

  Start KDE Control Center, then under Window Behavior select Buttons.
You can add or delete buttons from the window titlebar there. Or, you
can directly edit your ~/.kde/share/config/kwmrc file. Look for the
section titled [Buttons]. The default should look like this:



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Re: message pop-up onto a windows box?

2003-04-03 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 13:02:00 -0500
Jason Staudenmayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You have to install the winpopup service through add/remove progs
> /windblows setup.
> -Original Message-
> From: John Nichel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:10 PM
> Subject: Re: message pop-up onto a windows box?
> And to the best of my knowledge, neither does 95, 98, and ME
> Bret Hughes wrote:
> > FWIW I was told that XP no longer has this functionality
> > 

   If you have Samba configured, you can install a Linux 'clone" of
Winpopup named Linpopup on your RH box. You can find the latest
version at:



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Re: problem with single user belonging to large number of groups

2003-04-02 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 01:58:27 +0200
"Denis Jacobi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cliff Wells wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 13:43, John Nichel wrote:
> > > Cliff Wells wrote:


> :-) I thought I descriebed the problem pretty good using Bob and
> Emma.
> Well, sadly there is a more serious background to my problem. In my
> case Bob is the apache webserver. I installed a new server which
> should host just a small number of virtual sites. The customers
> should be able to use cgi scipts. The problem is that cgi's are
> executed with the rights of the apache, which would mean every
> virtual site could read all data out of all other virtual sites.
> That is why I use cgiwrap, which executes a cgi script with the
> owner/group of the file. So I gave every virtual site an own group
> and put apache in that group and chmoded the directory and files to
> e.g. 770. This way apache can read the directories (virtual sites
> documentroot), which of course is necessary, but users of one
> virtual site can't read via cgi script the contents of other virtual
> sites.
> Now I got the problem that if I put apache in yet another group (I
> guess apache would be in 33 then), it just is ignored and apache
> dosn't have permission to read the web directory of a new virtual
> site.
 A Google search for "more than 32 users per group" turned up a short
list of links. Hopefully these two will be useful.



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Re: Accidently deleted user--help

2003-04-01 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 18:25:06 +0200
Michael Schwendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 08:41:06 -0500, Stone, Timothy wrote:
> > > 
> > > Check /var/log/secure, your actions should have been logged
> > > there.
> > > 
> > 
> > Nothing but recent "sudo" actions. :( *Nothing* of my recent work
> in Users and Groups is logged there (when working as the
> authenticated root user). In a simple bid to secure the passwords of
> a number of users installed for various programs, i.e. user:mrtg
> password:mrtg, I changed many to a highly cryptic "offensive
> nonsense" phase 11 characters in length. These actions are *not*
> appearing in /var/log/secure
> >>>
> Well, useradd and userdel DO log when you add/remove a user or group
> account. But you didn't describe how you deleted a user. If, of
> course, you did it manually with a text editor, there would be no
> logs about that.
  Look in /etc for files, such as:


  These are previous 'copies' of /etc/passwd. If you have any of the
above files, then:

   diff /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.bak

  (or passwd-, or passwd.OLD, an so on); it
may give you an idea of what entries have changed recently, including
your deletion.



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Re: Can't mount floppy drive

2003-03-16 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:35:10 +0800
"Toto Gamez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> both gave me the same result, any more ideas
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Stephen Kuhn 
>   Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 10:04 AM
>   Subject: Re: Can't mount floppy drive
>   On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 12:49, Toto Gamez wrote:
>   > Hi,
>   > i was trying to copy a file from a floppy drive but cant mount
>   > my floppy.
>   > I issue "mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy" but it gave an error
>   > /dev/fd0: Input/Output error
>   > mount: you must specify the file system type
>   > 
>   > I issued "mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy"
>   > it gave me an error
>   > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad super block on /dev/fd0 or
>   > too any
>   > parameter
>   > Im using RH7.2, the floppy was formatted in win2k(FAT)
>   > Please help
>   > Regards,
>   > Toto
>   What about issuing the command without any -t params - does it do
>   the same thing? Or what about:
>   mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy -t vfat
   The 'mount' command doesn't natively recognize msdos or vfat
filesytems without some assistance. See 'man mount' for the details.
   ( Make sure that both vfat and msdos are listed in
Also, I'm sure you've encountered floppies formatted on one
Windows / MSDOS system that couldn't be read on another Windows /
MSDOS machine. Some floppy drives are just a bit out of alignment with
others. You can get around this by formatting the floppy on the same
machine that you intend to use to make the copy. In Linux you can use
the 'mkdosfs' command, or a utility such as Kfloppy to make an msdos




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Re: Automatically Mounting floppy with different types of formats

2003-03-13 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 22:13:59 -0700
"Jerome Dsilva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> I am having the option set to "auto" in the /etc/fstab for /dev/fd0
> . When I access the floppy formatted with ext2 , it works , but when
> I access the floppy formatted with vfat it doesn't mount ..
> Can anyone let me know what is the problem or does automatically
> mounting types of filesystem formats from floppy not supported in
> Redhat.
> I am able to manually mount through -t vfat option.

   The 'mount' command doesn't  automatically recognize vfat or msdos
filesytems, but does ext2; see:

 man mount

   But, if you have an /etc/filesystems file, 'mount' will read the
filesystem types listed from there and "try" to correctly decipher if
what you're trying to mount is one of those. 
   It seems to work well enough on my RH 7.0 machine.
   My /etc/filesystems file:

  nodev proc
  nodev devpts

   Check out the documentation for details.





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Re: [OT] StarOffice files not opening in Excel

2003-03-12 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 11 Mar 2003 23:47:15 -0600
"Rodolfo J. Paiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 23:33, Michael Wardle wrote:
> > On Wednesday, March 12, 2003 16:22, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> > > However, my coworkers cannot open my StarOffice files now. Oops.
> > 
> > At no point did you mention what file format you used.  For saving
> > 
> > spreadsheets in a format that is readable by Microsoft Office, you
> > would naturally need to use a format such as Microsoft Excel (XLS)
> > or Comma Separated Values (CSV).
> > 
> > Did you use one of these?
> I apologize for not being clear. I have indeed been saving files as
> XLS and DOC, and have had perfect or nearly-perfect results for
> months.
> Now, suddenly, Excel will not open my files. No error messages, just
> no open file. If Excel was minimized when I double-click the file,
> it does maximize as though to open, but the files is... not opened. 
   Does this affect ALL your SO files, or just the files created since
the updtae?


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Re: key bindings in KDE

2003-03-07 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 23:41:57 -0500 (EST)
dbrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know this is off topic, a little.  I had been using Gnome, but
> switched to KDE, because it was mising things I wanted.
> I know I find I can't do things would like to be able to do in KDE. 
> How do I configure the key binds to move between windows
> (applications)?  I found a setting defined as "Walk through
> Windows".  I don't know what it is supposed to do, but it does not
> do what I would like.
> Any help would be appreciated
  On my RH 7.0 (KDE 1.1):

cycles through active windows/Apps.

   cycles through Desktops.

  Settings are in K -> Settings -> Windows Behavior -> Advanced.



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Re: geting incorrect password from windows box

2003-03-05 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:33:15 -0500
"Larry Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, before you see the question about using un-encrypted passwords
> in 98 don't go and do so.  You're smb.conf file shows that you are
> enabling encrypted passwords which is sufficient.  When you create a
> user, the user must have a linux account with a password and then an
> smb account with the same username and password.  If you haven't
> done this, the order is...
> useradd tom 
> passwd tom 
> smbpasswd -a tom 
>   (I believe it asks to confirm)
> I'm not sure you have to restart smb, but I would just for the first
> time as a test to make sure the test has the best chance of success.
>  Easiest way to
> restart smb is...
> service smb restart
> Larry S. Brown
> Dimension Networks, Inc.
> (727) 723-8388
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mikkel L.
> Ellertson Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:05 AM
> To: Redhat (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: geting incorrect password from windows box
> On 5 Mar 2003, Muhd Ramley wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm a Linux newbie, running a RH8 box. Trying to configure samba.
> > I can see the shares from the windows machine connecting to samba.
> > But when I click on the shares I keep getting "incorrect password.
> > Try again". I followed every help docs that i could get my hands
> > on, but still same message. Please help
> >
   Also check that the Linux user's UID in /etc/passwd and that same
user's UID in /etc/Samba/smbpasswd are the identical.



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Re: What the hell is removeservice and why does it eat CPU cycles

2003-03-01 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 16:51:50 -0600
Nicholas Marsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yikes! I have never seen a process by that name before (running as
> root even), but it may or may not be an issue.
> Are you running any special or custom software that may own that 
> process? If not I would suggest you download and run chkrootkit at 
> Chkrootkit is kinda like a virus scanner for
> Linux.
   Removeservice is one of the LogWatch scripts:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ locate removeservice

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ cat /etc/log.d/scripts/shared/removeservice

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: removeservice,v 1.2 1998/02/23 01:17:04 kirk Exp $
# $Log: removeservice,v $
# Revision 1.2  1998/02/23 01:17:04  kirk
# Getting ready for a first distribution
# Revision 1.1  1998/02/22 23:28:31  kirk
# Commented and rearranged some things

# This was written and is maintained by:
# Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports,

# This will remove the unwanted service from a logfile
# in the standard /var/log/messages format.  Case insensitive

if ( $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} > 5 ) {
   print STDERR "DEBUG: Inside RemoveService...\n";

$ServiceName = $ARGV[0];

while (defined($ThisLine = )) {
unless ( ($ThisLine =~ m/^... .. ..:..:.. [^ ]*
$ServiceName\[[0123456789]*\]: /oi) or
 ($ThisLine =~ m/^... .. ..:..:.. [^ ]* $ServiceName: /oi)
) {
  print $ThisLine;



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Re: PLEASE HELP (IE issue)

2003-02-26 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 22:34:02 -0500
"Char C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wasn't sure who else to send this problem to, and this was the
> only logical support I found on the website.
> I am a typical computer user - I have never used, perchased, or even
> heard of Linux, until one day I opened my Internet Explorer and
> there was an error saying the page could not be found.
> I checked all my internet connections and tried again - same
> response. I tried going to a website and a "Red Hat User Management"
> page came up. It gave me a search and add option, as well as the
> following: a.. Search for Users by clicking SEARCH FOR USERS 
> a.. Add new users (Admin only) by clicking ADD A NEW USER 
> a.. Modify users details by clicking SEARCH FOR USERS first and then
> choosing the entry to Modify a.. Delete an existing entry (Admin
> only) by clicking SEARCH FOR USERS first and then choosing the entry
> to Delete
> At the bottom, it said "Powered by Linux". I tried going to ANOTHER
> website, and I got the same repsonse. Every time I open Internet
> Explorer and try to go ANYWHERE, I get the same response (but my
> internet connection is fine). As I stated before, I have never even
> HEARD of Red Hat Linux until this problem. Could you please tell me
> what I need to do, in the simplest terms possible, to get Internet
> Explorer working again? 
  How you get IE working again is best addresses on some other forum. 
  That said, I would check if the "RedHat User Management" page comes
up even if IE is "offline" ; not connected to the Web. Try to use IE
to view an .html document while NOT connected to your ISP. If it works
normally, call your ISP, as they may be using RedHat there, and you
are somehow getting one of their server's pages. If, on the other
hand, you get the RedHat page, even when offline, IE has probably been
corrupted somehow. If your ISP gave you some software to install in
order to connect with their service, it may be related to that. Check
with them.
   If you are interested in a more secure OS, install RedHat, and stay



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Re: kdeinit hanging

2003-02-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 24 Feb 2003 13:59:49 -0500
David Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Took over setup of an Advanced Server 2.1 running 2.4.9-e.3 kernel
> on a ProLiant DL380.  The only lingering problem seems to be
> removing items from panel.  Right-click and remove an applet and
> kdeinit seems to get stuck with CPU nailed >95%.  I just finished
> running up2date and got all packages current, including JRE and SDK.
> Don't want to re-install OS unless I'm sure problem can go away, but
> I don't know 100% what has been done to box before this.
  You might try editing the kpanelrc file and removing the reference
to the applet. Look in $HOME/.kde/share/config/kpanelrc. At the top is
the [kpanelButtons] section. You want to edit the Buttons= line. Make
a backup of the file ... in case.
   Restart X and see if that works.



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Re: Samba Printer Share

2003-02-24 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 24 Feb 2003 18:27:25 -0700
Joe Giles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, I tried the LPR driver and connected to the Linux server and to
> the printer que name, but still no luck. Is there somewhere where I
> need to check permissions?
> The password for my user account is different on the workstation
> than it is for the server..
   Fred Smith is correct - you want to set up just simple remote Unix
(lpd) printing rather than an smbprinter; you are printing from a
 linuxbox to another linuxbox, rather than from / to a MS Windows
   Run the RedHat Printer Tool on the workstation and set it up to
print to the remote server to which the printer is attached. Remember
to restart lpd after making changes to the /etc/printcap file.
   The machine controlling the printer should list the hosts permitted
to access the printer in the  /etc/hosts.lpd file. So, the server's 
/etc/hosts.lpd should have an entry for your workstation.

 Make sure that lpd is running on BOTH machines as a service. 
Note that there is still a spool directory on the local machine man­
 aged by lpd.  If the remote machine is busy or offline, print jobs
 from the local machine wait in the spool area until they can be

  Ensure that there is no firewall blocking TCP /port 515 between the
two machines.



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Re: What the heck is this??

2003-02-23 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 23 Feb 2003 21:39:16 -0500
"Thomas E. Dukes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 21:04, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > I wonder if you blow out the log file and restart the system - it
> > might be easier to track the  problem...hate to have huge logfiles
> > with mystical messages pertaining to unknown errors...
> I rebooted and the problem has not re-occurred.  It must have been
> portsentry.  I used an older version found on RH contrib because the
> portsentry site seems to be down.  I don't know if it was a bad
> version or what.
> Anyway the problem seems to be gone (for now).  But what makes me
> wonder is at times I have come home and found the system in
> "harddrive thrashing mode" and can only get it to stop by pulling
> the plug.  I don't know if the two are related but it seems
> something is out of sync.
  If you had configured Portsentry to do a nslookup on any "hits" the
monitored ports, and/or then make entries to iptables /ipchains or
/etc/hosts.deny, there may be a bit of harddrive activity if its
trying to resolve  a number of "unknown hosts."
  You may want to check your iptables / chains rules or
/etc/hosts.deny files for any "additions" Portsentry may have made.
   Just a thought


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Re: Is someone trying to get me off the list?

2003-02-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 09:59:53 +0800
"Kevin - KD Micro Software" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had one before also.
> /me thinks someone is trying to help those annoying people who send
> unsubscribe messages here, but the program isn't working how it
> should.

  Evidently, as my reply to Edward's original post in this thread
resulted in also getting the automated message about "how" to
unsubscribe. "No good deed goes unpunished." ran across my mind



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Re: Is someone trying to get me off the list?

2003-02-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:24:10 +0800
"Edward Dekkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just received this. I never asked to be unsubscribed. It's here
> with full headers. Can any mail gurus check it and let me know
> what's going on?

 I'm pasting a past post to the List from [EMAIL PROTECTED] that may
help clear things up. Maybe your reply to someone elses "unsubscribe"
post caused the auto-respond to send you a copy of the message also.

--> paste begins---

Subject: Unsubscribing from RedHat List
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 16:15:54 -0500
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hi all
The problem of folks posting unsubscribe messages has existed on
the RedHat install list for a long time and at a higher rate than
here.  It has been partially solved thru the use of an automated
responder which emails an informative (and non-hostile :-) )
message directly to the person needing a clue.

It does not post to the list and currently tries not to respond
to the same individual more than once.

I'll turn it on for this list as well.  If it turns out to
be disruptive I'll turn it off.  Please send complaints to me at:

Here is the message which is sent:

Subject: UNSUBSCRIBING from the RedHat list and the RedHat install

This is an automated response to your email containing the word
"unsubscribe" on the subject line.  It is intended to help you
from one of the RedHat mailing lists.  

If that is not what you wanted to do then please ignore this message.

   Go to the https link shown here:
for the RedHat List:

for the RedHat Install List:

   On the BOTTOM of that page, Find the box labeled "Edit Options".
   Put your email address in the box to its left 
   and then Click the box that says "Edit options".

   On the TOP of the next page put your password in the first box,
   (The one to the left of the box that says "Unsubscribe").
   Then click the box that says "Unsubscribe".  Thats all.


   Go to the https link shown here:
for the RedHat List:

for the RedHat Install List:

   On the BOTTOM of that page, Find the box labeled "Edit Options".
   Put your email address in the box to its left 
   and then Click the box that says "Edit options".

   On the next page find the box that says "Email My Password To Me".
   Click that box.  Thats all.

   Your password will be emailed to you. When you get it follow the
   instructions for #1 above.

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" copyright 2003.  Use is restricted. Any use is an

acceptance of the offer at

-->paste ends--

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Re: Turn on NumLock on System Start with RH 7.3

2003-02-11 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 11 Feb 2003 00:50:31 +0100
Arthur Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> See below:
> On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 22:40, Frank Bax wrote:
> > At 04:12 PM 2/10/03, Arthur Mueller wrote:
> >  >Does anyone know how to turn on numlock on system start
> >  >automatically with RedHat 7.3?
> > 
> > 
> > Isn't this set in BIOS, rather than OS?
> > 
> Unfortunately not. The same computer booting with Windows NT or 2000
> still activates NumLock. The same problem with emulated virtual OSs
> in VMware: RedHat always turns off Numlock, but Windows always turns
> it on. Just try it!
> So: how to solve this problem?

   See 'man setleds' for details on how to turn caplocks or numlocks
on or off.


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Re: KDesktop geometry for remote access via Cygwin/XFree86

2003-02-03 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 10:18:34 -0600
"Blackard, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I use Cygwin/XFree86 and ssh  on a Windows XP box to access a RedHat
> 8.0 machine remotely.  I am able to log in and start KDesktop, but I
> can't get access to the menu (bottom of the screen with the popup
> that lets me start applications).  I think the problem has to do
> with the title bars on both the X server window and the KDesktop
> window within that window - basically I'm loosing something like 42+
> pixels and can't get to the menu using the mouse.
> I've tried various settings for the KDesktop -geometry option but
> I'm shooting in the dark since I can't find the syntax for
>  specified anywhere.  Can anyone be of assistance?
  You may be able to edit your ~/.kde/share/config/kpanelrc file, and
change 'Position=bottom' to 'Position=right' in the [kpanel] section
of the remote machine. The 'Start' button is part of the Kpanel. By
default, it is placed at the bottom. This should move it along the
right side of the Desktop, and make to available to the mouse at the
next session.
  If that works, make sure you 'save settings' when you log out of
  As an alternative, you might run 'xvidtune' on the remote system,
and try to make the remote display smaller. In KDE, do:

and then xvidtune.



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Re: dmesg error

2003-01-30 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 19:11:26 -0500
"Sudhakar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All, 
> I've been getting this error message when I type dmesg:
> ROM checksum self-test: passed (0x04f4518b).
>   Receiver lock-up workaround activated.
> Attached scsi generic sg1 at scsi0, channel 1, id 6, lun 0,  type 3
> hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
> hda: DMA disabled
> hda: ATAPI reset complete
> hda: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
> hda: ATAPI reset complete
> hda: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
> end_request: I/O error, dev 03:00 (hda), sector 0
> hda: ATAPI CD-ROM drive, 0kB Cache
> Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
> hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
> hda: drive not ready for command
> hda: ATAPI reset complete
> IMy version details are  RH Linux 6.2 with kernel 2.4.16. I've seen
> my /var/log/messages but I do not anything unusual.I'd appreciate
> what could be the reason for these messages. 
   My Adaptec SCSI controller expects the Primary master IDE device to
be the "boot" drive. Without a Primary IDE device connected, the SCSI
drive becomes the "boot."
As your cdrom is hda, it is the master on the Primary IDE
controller. Your machine may be trying to "boot" from the cdrom. Move
the cdrom to the Secondary IDE controller, and see if that helps.



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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-21 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 21 Jan 2003 12:04:38 +0100
Mertens Bram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I reinstalled glibc-common again, created a backup op
> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels, logged out and logged back in.
> At this point date -R displays:
> Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:56:20 +0100
> Whil it is in fact 10 AM
> Then I 'su -'d to root and ran setup, but the timezone settings
> seemed ok (unless I must activate the option "Hardware clock set to
> GMT"). Is there any other way to set the time correctly? That is
> without dateconfig?  Because is looking more and more the cause of
> all this mess...
> By now I realised that on January 14 (the first date the Brussels
> file got corrupted) I also used dateconfig to alter the clock. (I
> had unplugged my pc off for a while)
> But according to rc dateconfig is fine:
> [root@localhost root]# rc wp dateconfig
> S | Channel   | Package| Version   | dateconfig Version
> --+---++---+---
> i | Red Hat Linux 7.3 | dateconfig | 0:0.7.5-7 | 0.7.5-7   
> i | Unknown   | dateconfig | 0.7.5-7   | 0.7.5-7   
> [root@localhost root]# rpm -V dateconfig
> [root@localhost root]# 
> Any ideas what might be causing this?
  Sorry, but I don't seem to have dateconfig even on my 7.0.
  If you need some other way to change the time or date, try the
'control panel' utility in Gnome. My KDE Desktop also has it under the
RedHat => System menu.



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Re: Is there a way to disable logins after N tries?

2003-01-21 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 22:13:11 -0500
Tony Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a client that would like his linux system to allow a user to
> try 3 times to login and if they keep making mistakes (or are trying
> to hack a password), disable that user until the root re-enables
> them.   
> Has anyone see an option like this?
> I know how I could mod the login to do this, but normally it would
> not be desirable...   This guy is paranoid and a paying
> customer...:)

  Although I haven't tried this, you can look at the file
/etc/security/limits.conf. The 'maxlogins' settings may be what you
want. There are 'usage' examples at:



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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 21 Jan 2003 02:43:49 +
Mertens Bram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the suggestions, reinstalling glibc-common with rpm -Uvh
> --force helped.
> For a while...
> At first the clock in the panel didn't change, but I started to
> write an e-mail the hour was increased by one. So instead of 2:20 AM
> it was 3:20 AM.  (Yes I know I should get some sleep)
> So I started dateconfig and corrected the time. Only the dialog box
> closed after pressing apply (not ok).
> I logged out og Gnme and logged back in, only to find that according
> to the panel-clockand date that it was 1 AM.  So I started
> dateconfig from the command line and I noticed something strange:
> shutting down the ntpd failed.
> Now the /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels file is corrupted
> again...
> So there has to be something else wrong as well...
> Any suggestions?
  Make sure that the glibc-common rpm version number matches the
version number for the glibc rpm package. If you have applied any
Errata Updates for 7.3, the glibc-common rpm package from the cd may
no longer be exactly compatible with your existing glibc package. You
can check each with:

   rpm -q glibc
   rpm -q glibc-common

The version numbers should match.
  Once your /usr/share/zoneinfo files are fixed, try running:


and selecting the proper timezone through that utility.




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Re: timezone settings

2003-01-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 18 Jan 2003 13:17:38 +
Mertens Bram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been told that the my timezone is set incorrectly.
> I live in Antwerp which is in GMT+0100 in the timezone
> Europe/Brussels.
> I have set this during installation of my RH7.3 and have verified
> this via the 'dateconfig' dialog box.
> However Evolution seems to think the timezone is set to GMT+
> (you should be able to check this through the headers of this
> message).
> 'date' also seems to report GMT+:
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ date
> Sat Jan 18 13:15:35 UTC 2003
> [M8ram@localhost M8ram]$ date -R
> Sat, 18 Jan 2003 13:15:38 +
> ^
> It is now 13:15 local time (GMT+0100)
> Can anybody tell what I've set up wrong?
 Ensure that file /etc/localtime reflects the file in
/sur/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussles. On my RH7.0 system,
/etc/localtime and /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York are identical.
On some systems this may be a symlink.



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Re: Setting up Zip 250?

2002-12-09 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 09:14:41 -0800 (PST)
CM Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone been successful in setting up a Zip 250
> that attaches via DB25 parrelle port?  
> I've made an entry under /etc/fstab 
> /dev/hdb /mnt/zip auto  noauto,rw,user,sync 0
> 0 
> And then under /mnt I issue the following to mount the
> zip 250 
> mount -t vfat /hdb/sda4 /mnt/zip 
> mount:  /dev/sda4 is not a valid block device 
> any ideas?
   The "Using a Parallel-Port ZIP Drive" section at:

should resolve your ZIP issues.



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Re: Print drivers for redhat 5.1 for a HP Deskjet 3420

2002-12-06 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:31:43 -0500
"Phil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know where I might find these drivers for a HP Deskjet
> 3420 running on a 5.1 Linux system ???
> a URL would be great :-)
   You can get the HPIJS 1.3 version driver source files, which
support the Deskjet 3420, from:


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Re: Slapper worm

2002-12-02 Thread Tom Pollerman

> On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 08:22:01AM +0800 or thereabouts, Toto Gamez
> wrote:
> > How would I know that my box is infected with slapper worm virus
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 18:37:22 -0600
Gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you will find all the info you need here.
  You can run chkrootkit, which scans for a variety of worms and
rootkits. Get the latest version from:



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Re: computers connected to samba server on linux

2002-12-01 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 00:22:21 +0100 (CET)
moises <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello! i have a DHCP server running on linux using SAMBA. My
> question is how can i get the list of computers connected at my
> server, i mean, a list with the number/name of client and the IP
> address asigned!!??
   man smbstatus


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Re: Newbie Questions - root password does not work

2002-11-30 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 12:01:42 -0600
"lrnobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > First, when you are logged in as root issue the passwd command and
> > recreate your password.  This may reset it and fix your problem.
> I changed the password but the failure still exists.  I also used
> another keyboard with no success.
> Startup, login as root - ok, login as user - ok, try to login again
> as root - login incorrect...
> Any other ideas, or is there some type of  log I can check?
> I could always reinstall from scratch, but this just makes no sense.
> Thanks,
> Larry Nobs
> > On Sat, 2002-11-30 at 11:31, lrnobs wrote:
> > > I am installing RH 7.3.  I had a problem of the root password
> > > not
> working.
> > > I found information on how to delete then recreate the root
> > > password.  I
> did
> > > that and it worked.
> > >
> > > Now, if I login as a user, then try to login as root the root
> > > password
> does
> > > not work, but if I power off the computer and restart then root
> > > password works?  Is this a known problem somewhere?

  The file /etc/securetty is used as a list of terminals from which
root is allowed to log in. It is possible that some of the tty?
entries are missing or corrupted. You can edit this file with an 
editor. Here is mine from a RH 7.0 machine:

 ]# cat /etc/securetty


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Re: stl.h

2002-11-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 04:12:38 -0800 (PST)
Dave Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all. Anyone know where  is hiding in
> RedHat 8.0?
> Thanks,
I'm not sure about 8.0, but in 7.0 it is hiding in:


 # rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/include/g++-2/stl.h



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Re: RH8.0 printed Man pages (wrong paper size)

2002-11-21 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 01:06:25 -0700

> OK, another RH8.0 gotcha...
> If you do a 
>   man -t  | lpr
> man uses groff (I assume) to format the page and generate postscript
> to pass to the printer.
> But SOMEWHERE groff is set to default to A4 paper (rather than
> letter).
> (Do a man page as above and you will see that the top line of
> the
>  man page is cut off, and that there is more space at the bottom
>  of the page than necessary).
> This all works as expected on RH7.3 and previous, so someone from
> Europe has touched the code (last) leaving a A4 paper size as
> default...
> Ive looked, but I dont see where I can set the groff page size, 
> be it a default for ALL groff output or just for man pages [ man
> pages are about the only thing that use groff any more ].
> Can someone POINT me to the place to make the change.
   The manpage for groff on my RH7.0 machine states:

  " /usr/share/groff/font/devname/DESC
Device description file for device name."

And, as ps is listed as the default device, you could look in


   In case RH8.0 puts it elsewhere, do:

   find / -name DESC -print|grep groff 

A man -t |lpr seems to print correctly for me, so I will
paste my ~/devps/DESC file below. You can do a comparison.
BTW, I'm using groff-1.16-7. 

--begin paste--
res 72000
hor 1
vert 1
sizescale 1000
unitwidth 1000
sizes 1000-1000 0
styles R I B BI
family T
fonts 9 0 0 0 0 0 SS S ZD ZDR
postpro grops
broken 7
paperlength 792000
print lpr  
--end paste--




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Re: X11/XLib.h missing ?

2002-11-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 21 Nov 2002 10:14:02 +0900
marc dobler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi everybody ! 
> currently, i use RH_8 with KDE. 
> i downloaded some program which needs the 
> /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h library file. 
> BUT, there is none on my system. 
> when i search it, i get : 
> > locate Xlib.h 
> /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.8/i386-redhat-linux/include/extw-Xlib.h
> is this file the same as the previous ? 
> if yes, how to configure the system to get it seen from the install
> ? if not, where to find a Xlib.h ? 
  On my RH 7.0, Xlib.h is included in the XFree86-devel package.


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Re: Sending a text messages from Linux

2002-11-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 20 Nov 2002 14:09:20 -0700
Joe Giles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> List,
> Is there a way to send a basic text message to a Windows user from a
> Linux machine on the same LAN?
> Like you can do with windows using WinPopup

LINPOPUP - A Linux enhanced port of Winpopup

You can get the last LinPopUp version (sources or binaries
RPM or DEB packages ) at :



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Re: Display problem

2002-11-15 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 16:42:33 +0200
Robert Golovniov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello redhat-list,
>   One more problem that I have: When I open Linux on my dual-boot
>   machine, I have to adjust my display view (move it a bit
>   leftward). With FreeBSD and Mandrake it was OK, since this
>   adjustment did not affect W2K. With RH 7.2, however, I can have my
>   display in optimal position either in Linux or in Windows. Is
>   there a way to fix it?
  Try 'xvidtune'. It comes as part of the XFree86-4.0.1-1.rpm on my
RH7.0 distribution. 
It allows you to 'tweek' your display settings - left, right, wider,
taller, etc. Set your Windows display, start  X in Linux, and (as
root) run xvidtune. Save your settings. Done.



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Re: busy inodes after umount??

2002-11-13 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 18:22:04 -0600
Tom Wike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, 
> We are seeing allot of messages like this (from /var/log/messages)
> on our Linux compute servers (IBM x330 & X335 boxes):
> Nov 13 14:49:21 lnx0129 automount[948]: attempting to mount entry
> /data/lsf Nov 13 14:50:36 lnx0129 automount[948]: attempting to
> mount entry /data/alpha1 Nov 13 14:54:52 lnx0129 kernel: VFS: Busy
> inodes after unmount. Self-destruct in 5+seconds.  Have a nice
> day... Nov 13 14:54:52 lnx0129 automount[27090]: expired /data/lsf
> Nov 13 14:59:52 lnx0129 automount[27092]: expired /data/alpha1
> I was wondering if anyone has ever seen this before? We are using
> the RedHat7.2 2.4.9-31Enterprise kernel, we are forced to stay with
> this version of kernel because of Clearcase v4.2 support is needed.
> I found this blurb from the linux-kernel mailing list:
> * From: Tad Dolphay
> * Subject: Re: Busy inodes after umount 
> * Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 17:15:38 -0700
> I know there was a fix for a "Busy inodes after unmount" problem in
> 2.4.6-pre3. Here's an excerpt from a posting to the NFS mailing list
> from Neil Brown:
> -Included message---
>   Previously anonymous dentries were hashed (though with no name,
>   the hash was pretty meaningless).  This meant that they would hang
>   around after the last reference was dropped.  This was actually
>   fairly pointless as they would never get referenced again, and
>   caused a real problem as umount wouldn't discard them and so you
>   got the message
> printk("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. "
>   "Self-destruct in 5 seconds.  Have a nice
>   day...\n");
>   In 2.4.6-pre3 I stopped hashing those dentries so now when the
>   last reference is dropped, the dentry is freed.  So now there will
>   never be more anonymous dentries than there are active nfsd
>   threads.
> ---end included message---
> So it appears to have been fixed? Anyways please let me know if you
> have any comments or questions in regards to this matter. Thanks!
  I haven't a clue, but did find this on a Google search ("busy
innodes after unmount" +clearcase).
  Mind the linewrap:

There is mention of a "bugfix" for Clearcase in the above .readme:

Bug CMBU00052877 Description

%severity Sv2
Corrects a defect that could cause the MVFS to hang after a cleartool
command. Kernel error messages associated with this hang include the
"VFS: Busy inodes after unmount."





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Re: printer help

2002-11-13 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:11:58 -0500
Tom Pollerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12 Nov 2002 23:16:04 -0600
> Andy Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I set it up as a lpd printer.  Tried sending the test ascii page
> > and it did not print.  Here is the output from lpq on the client
> > box
> > 
> > [root@pc-00071 andy]# lpq -Php
> > Printer: hp@pc-00071 (dest hpofficejet@gateway)
> >  Queue: no printable jobs in queue
> >  Server: no server active
> >  Status: keeping error job 'root@pc-00071+409' at 23:08:28.320
> >  Rank   Owner/ID  Class Job Files
> >  Size
> > Time
> > error  root@pc-00071+790A   790 ERROR: job removal
> > requested error  root@pc-00071+409A   409 ERROR: job
> > removal requested no connect permissions
> > 
> > 
> > Any idea what to check on the client or the server to see why it
> > won't connect?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 10:06, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > > On 11 Nov 2002 21:32:10 -0600
> > > Andy Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > I have a printer setup on an older redhat box as an smb share.
> > > > 
> > > > I can map the printer from windows and print to it fine from
> > > > windows. I also have a 7.3 redhat box that I would like to
> > > > print to the printer from.  I use the printer configuration
> > > > tool to add a smb printer and then print a test page but
> > > > nothing ever happens on the printer.  I can see the printer is
> > > > valid using smbclient.  Is there any log files I can look at
> > > > or something else to see why this is not printing?
> > > > 
> > >I believe that you want to set up just simple remote Unix
> > >(lpd)
> > > printing rather than an smbprinter, as you are printing from a
> > > linuxbox to another linuxbox; rather than from / to a MS Windows
> > > machine. Run the RedHat Printer Tool on the 7.3 machine and set
> > > it up to print to the remote older RedHat box to which the
> > > printer is attached.
> > > 
>The machine controlling the printer should list the hosts
> to access the printer in the  /etc/hosts.lpd file. So, your old
> RedHat machine's /etc/hosts.lpd should have an entry for your 7.3
> machine. Also, make sure that lpd is running as a service on the
> machine with the printer:
> service lpd start (or, restart)
> If you do:
>   netstat -pan
> you should see lpd "listening" on port 515.
> And, make sure that your firewall isn't blocking port 515.
>This all assumes that the networking between the two linux boxes
> properly configured; you can ping one machine from the other.

  Make sure that lpd is running on BOTH machines as a service. 
Note that there is still a spool directory on the local machine man­
  aged by lpd.  If the remote machine is busy or offline, print jobs
  from the local machine wait in the spool area until they can be
When lpr is executed on the local machine, it first copies the
specified file to a
certain directory (the spool directory) where the file remains until
  prints it.  Once lpd is told that there is a file to print, it will
  spawn a copy of itself (what  programmers call forking).  This
copy of lpd will print your file while the original lpd waits for more
  This allows for multiple jobs to be queued at once.


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Re: printer help

2002-11-13 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 12 Nov 2002 23:16:04 -0600
Andy Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I set it up as a lpd printer.  Tried sending the test ascii page and
> it did not print.  Here is the output from lpq on the client box
> [root@pc-00071 andy]# lpq -Php
> Printer: hp@pc-00071 (dest hpofficejet@gateway)
>  Queue: no printable jobs in queue
>  Server: no server active
>  Status: keeping error job 'root@pc-00071+409' at 23:08:28.320
>  Rank   Owner/ID  Class Job Files
>  Size
> Time
> error  root@pc-00071+790A   790 ERROR: job removal
> requested error  root@pc-00071+409A   409 ERROR: job
> removal requested no connect permissions
> Any idea what to check on the client or the server to see why it
> won't connect?
> Thanks
> On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 10:06, Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > On 11 Nov 2002 21:32:10 -0600
> > Andy Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > I have a printer setup on an older redhat box as an smb share. 
> > > I can map the printer from windows and print to it fine from
> > > windows. I also have a 7.3 redhat box that I would like to print
> > > to the printer from.  I use the printer configuration tool to
> > > add a smb printer and then print a test page but nothing ever
> > > happens on the printer.  I can see the printer is valid using
> > > smbclient.  Is there any log files I can look at or something
> > > else to see why this is not printing?
> > > 
> >I believe that you want to set up just simple remote Unix (lpd)
> > printing rather than an smbprinter, as you are printing from a
> > linuxbox to another linuxbox; rather than from / to a MS Windows
> > machine. Run the RedHat Printer Tool on the 7.3 machine and set it
> > up to print to the remote older RedHat box to which the printer is
> > attached.
> > 
   The machine controlling the printer should list the hosts permitted
to access the printer in the  /etc/hosts.lpd file. So, your old RedHat
machine's /etc/hosts.lpd should have an entry for your 7.3 machine.
Also, make sure that lpd is running as a service on the machine with
the printer:
service lpd start (or, restart)

If you do:

  netstat -pan

you should see lpd "listening" on port 515.

And, make sure that your firewall isn't blocking port 515.
   This all assumes that the networking between the two linux boxes is
properly configured; you can ping one machine from the other.



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Re: printer help

2002-11-12 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 11 Nov 2002 21:32:10 -0600
Andy Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a printer setup on an older redhat box as an smb share.  I
> can map the printer from windows and print to it fine from windows. 
> I also have a 7.3 redhat box that I would like to print to the
> printer from.  I use the printer configuration tool to add a smb
> printer and then print a test page but nothing ever happens on the
> printer.  I can see the printer is valid using smbclient.  Is there
> any log files I can look at or something else to see why this is not
> printing?
   I believe that you want to set up just simple remote Unix (lpd)
printing rather than an smbprinter, as you are printing from a
linuxbox to another linuxbox; rather than from / to a MS Windows
machine. Run the RedHat Printer Tool on the 7.3 machine and set it up
to print to the remote older RedHat box to which the printer is



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Re: Help With Samba

2002-11-08 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:57:40 -0800
"Naman Latif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am running Red Hat 7.3 and using Samba to share resources with
> Windows XP.
> I have the following share defined
> +++
> [web files]
> comment = For uploading web Files
> browsable = yes
> writable = yes
> valid users = nlatif root
> hosts allow =
> create mode = 0777
> path = /var/www/html
> ++
> This was working great till yesterday and then it just suddenly
> stopped working. I am pretty sure that there were no changes at any
> end. Previously when I used to connect from "", I got
> connected without any password prompt. But now it is asking for my
> password and my local account (nlatif) on this Linux machine doesn't
> work. Have restarted the SMB service but didn't help.
> Any Ideas ?
   There is a good "troubleshooting" file in the Samba documentation:

  I had a similar case on my RH 7.0 machine, and Win98; two users
(root, tom.) Everything worked for months on end, and one day user
'tom' somehow lost "permission" on the share. Using the above
DIAGNOSIS.txt, I found the fault to be a different uid for user 'tom'
in /etc/passwd and /etc/samba/smbpasswd. Making the uid the same in
both files, set things straight.
  BTW, I'm running Samba-2.0.7-21.



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Re: Minimum password length

2002-11-06 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 15:43:49 +0100 (MET)
Rune Berge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do i change the minimum password length? I would like users to
> be able to have passwords with as few as 4 characters, but currently
> the minimum seems to be 6.
> I'm using redhat 8.
  In RH7.0 it is set in the file  /etc/login.defs. 
  Change the value after PASS_MIN_LEN.



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Re: Killing an X window app

2002-11-02 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 23:52:28 -0500
David Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Long ago, there used to be this X Windows application where you
> started it, and the next window you clicked on would be killed.  Is
> that still around?  I can't find it.  
   The application is named 'xkill.' In KDE, you can do:

  to being up the command line popup window. Just type in
xkill, and then . Move the cursor over the window you wish to
kill, and click.
   A 'man xkill' will give you all the details.



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Re: RH8.0 and large file sizes.

2002-11-02 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 07:24:12 -0800
Rich Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> We have RH8.0 along with various other flavors of RH going back to
> 7.0. Here's my problem: I am having problems with WinNT '/mnt' 'ed
> servers that have very large files on them (In excess of 10GB). When
> I run my Perl programs to do some sort of 'Processing' be that a
> read of the file, or a system command like a 'cp' or 'mv' or even an
> 'ls', that it only processes 1.8 GB of the file. I was reading on
> the (I think that was it), that this issue was addressed
> in RH 7.3, yet even with 8.0, the mounted devices show a max size of
> 1.8GB. What I am guessing is, is this, that this is somehow
> 'Configurable' and the default is that 'Large file support' is not
> turned on. When I join other 'Forums' or seek help through some of
> the channels, including Samba, I get this type of response,
> 'Download this ALPHA rpm and rebuild the kernel'. But there isn't
> any information about HOW to do this and what kernel rpm I need,
> it's very vague. I also prefer not having something too 'Alpha', but
> I would consider a Beta patch. But again, I think on 8.0 it is "In
> there", just not 'turned on' somehow.
> Can ANYONE please give me some detailed "How to's", or better yet,
> WHERE to go (Be nice now)??? Because I've been hunting around on the
> Net for over a week now to NO AVAIL.
> HELP!!
> Thanks ahead of time for ANY information you guys can shed.

   The Linux NTFS Project has a RedHat page at:

   There you can find rpms for RH 7.X-8.0 compiled for NTFS, and some
instructions for selecting the correct one for your system.



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Re: Intresting problem after connecting to my ISP...

2002-10-28 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 22:46:56 -0800 (PST)
Balazs Laszlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
> I have Red Hat Linux 7.2, internal modem HSP56 MR (
> with pctel-0.9.4 driver ).
> I connect to the internet using the Kppp.
> The problem is that after i connect to my isp and log
> on, if i request a website (ex.
> ) the webbrowser's response is: unknow host
> I also tried the ping ; the response: unknow
> host.
> When i try ping ; the response: from
> unresolved destination.
> P.s. In the DNS tab i entered my isp's DNS server
> address. ( and it is correct !)
   If your ISP assigns you a  dynamic ip address ( your system gets a
different ip address each time you connect), rather than a static ip
address ( your system gets the same address each time) you need to
pass the 'noipdefault' arguement to pppd. You can set that in kppp,
under your account in the 'Dial' tab. Also, under the 'DNS' tab, make
sure that the 'Disable existing DNS servers' box is checked. Lastly,
uner the 'Gateway' tab, select 'Default Gateway' and check the box for
'Assign the default route to this gateway'. 
  Your /etc/resolv.conf file should NOT have your ISP's DNS entry in



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Re: How to send a pop up message to windows?

2002-10-27 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 11:51:29 -0500 (EST)
Mark Neidorff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know its dead easy to send a message from one linux workstation on
> a LAN to another linux workstation, but suppose I want to send a
> message from a linux workstation to a windows 98 workstation.  What
> should I use on the linux worksation and what should be running on
> the windows workstation? An example of what I want to do:  have a
> message pop up on the windows workstation saying "the server will be
> shut down in 5 minutes."
   LinPopUp is a Xwindow port of Winpopup, running over
   Samba.  It permits to communicate with a Windows computer
   that runs Winpopup, sending or receiving message. (It also
   provides an alternative way to communicate between Linux
   computers that run Samba).
You can get the last LinPopUp version, sources or binaries
   distribution, RedHat or Debian Packages, at :



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Re: NLSPATH question

2002-10-25 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 14:58:40 +0800
Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, All
> Now, when I run man, it always inform me that ' Failed to open the 
> message  catalog man on the path NLSPATH='. So where can I
> setup NLSPATH environment to point to? I am running redhat 7.3
  From man man:

  The environment variables NLSPATH  and  LC_MESSAGES
  (or  LANG  when  the  latter does not exist) play a
  role in locating the  message  catalog.   (But  the
  English  messages  are compiled in, and for English
  no catalog is required.)  Note that  programs  like
  col(1) called by man also use e.g. LC_CTYPE. "

 I got rid of these pesky messages by upgrading my RH7.0 version of
man to:




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Re: Promise IDE raid installation?

2002-10-24 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 06:16:49 -0800
Don Leeper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a machine that has a Promise IDE RAID PCI card. When I boot
> up and can get into the raid configuration utility and set the raid
> configuration. When I boot from the CD and try to install Redhat it
> gets to the beginning and after I press enter to install the
> software it just stops. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to
> fix this issue? Thanks in advance for you input.
  You may need a driver floppy for the IDE RAID card to be
  This link may help:



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Re: Problem with LPRng afer upgrade to 3.8.9-4

2002-10-23 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 12:06:33 -0400

> Hi, I'm running RH7.3 and ran up2date to get things
> updated. During the system update, LPRng 3.8.9-4 was
> installed.
> My problem now is that the printer will always feed
> an extra page when the report finishes printing.
> I have disabled the ff_separator and "of" and it still
> feeds a page. When I comment out the filter definition
> for the printer, the printer will stop on the last line
> that was printed.
> So i am guessing something is up with the filter. I am 
> using an Okidata 320 driver.
> Anyone have a clue??
   If you get an extra page at the end of every job, try turning off
the "Send EOF" option.
   In the RedHat menu: =>System=>Control Panel=>Printer Configuration.
Then highlight your printer, and select 'edit', then 'filter',and
'Send EOF."
   Remember to restart lpd, or select the 'lpd button' below the
Printool's main window menu. You can run another printer test from the
   Hopefully, that will make the printer behave.



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Re: RH7.1 doesn't recognize SMP system

2002-10-23 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:48:08 -0300
"Claudio Lapidus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an old Proliant 6000 (2-way Pentium II) from about 1998,
> currently is running RedHat 7.1 (last fixes and all), but it is
> unable to correctly detect the SMP motherboard. Follows relevant
> kernel output:
> [root@streamer /root]# cat /proc/cpuinfo
> processor   : 0
> vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
> cpu family  : 6
> model   : 5
> model name  : Pentium II (Deschutes)
> stepping: 3
> cpu MHz : 400.017
> cache size  : 512 KB
> Physical processor ID   : 0
> Number of siblings  : 1
> fdiv_bug: no
> hlt_bug : no
> f00f_bug: no
> coma_bug: no
> fpu : yes
> fpu_exception   : yes
> cpuid level : 2
> wp  : yes
> flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr
> pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr bogomips: 793.16
> [root@streamer /root]# dmesg
> Linux version 2.4.18-17.7.xsmp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> (gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-112)) #1 SMP Tue
> Oct 8 12:37:04 EDT 2002

> Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
> CPU: After generic, caps: 0183fbff   
> CPU: Common caps: 0183fbff   
> CPU0: Intel Pentium II (Deschutes) stepping 03
> per-CPU timeslice cutoff: 1460.51 usecs.
> task migration cache decay timeout: 1 msecs.
> SMP motherboard not detected.
> enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
> ESR value before enabling vector: 
> ESR value after enabling vector: 
> Using local APIC timer interrupts.

> snip
> ...
> -(rest of output supressed)-
> So, no reference to CPU#1. Even there is a line that explicitly says
> it doesn't detect the SMP motherboard. Any ideas to start debugging
> this one?
  A search on Google Groups, ("SMP motherboard not detected" +compaq)
came up with links that all seem to refer to a setting in the Compaq
bios for OS. If set to UnixWare, it seems to work properly. 
  You might give that a shot.



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Re: Problems configuring SAMBA

2002-10-21 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 21:27:21 -0600
"K. Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> Thanks for replying. This puts me in a quandry, however, as to my
> knowledge I can't change the username in Windows 2000 without
> blowing up the user's profile. I'll try editing the UIDs and see if
> that helps any. I have also posted my smb.conf file in another
> message, so if you see anything glaring in there, please let me
> know.

  In the section for the Drive_F share, the "valid users =" names have
no space between them. Try:

valid users = Sky, Cas

  If you have a user Sky on both machines, and the Win2000 password
for Sky matches the /etc/samba/smbpasswd (check for the same UID.) and
 you should be set. Your friend does have to login as Sky and give
Sky's samba password.
  I'm not a Samba expert by an means. The real Gurus on the List may
find other problem entries.
  I have  Win3.1 and a Win98 on a home LAN. I use them to mostly to
troubleshoot my friends' Windows apps. And whenever relatives come to
visit, they can access their AOL and Juno e-mail accounts.
  Try putting the spaces between the names, restart Samba (as root)

 service smb restart

In Win2000, when you map the share, it would be in form:




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Re: sis900 NIC post setup install

2002-10-21 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 20 Oct 2002 22:36:56 -0400
Justin Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I installed RH 8, and a number of devices on my laptop were not
> detected.
> at the moment the most critical is the sis900 network card, that
> isn't being detected, even though it's officially listed on RH
> website.
> How do I go about installing the sis900 NIC, and DHCP after initial
> OS install?
  I assume that your NIC is a pcmcia device, not some built-in on a
docking station. Check to see if you have pcmcia running as a service.
As root, do:
  chkconfig --list

to see if pcmcia is running. If not, you may have to install it from
the cd. 
  On my RH7.0 system it is the kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.16-22.rpm. From
the .rpm description:

"Summary : The daemon and device drivers for using PCMCIA



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Re: Problems configuring SAMBA

2002-10-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 19:49:30 -0600
"K. Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ->   Make sure that your user login names in Win2000 and RedHat are
> the-> same, and that the Win2000 login password is the same as the
> RedHat-> Samba password if you are using the login names as basis
> for access to-> the shares.. Also, check that the Samba users ID
> number in RedHat's-> /etc/passwd file match those in the
> /etc/samba/smbpasswd file ( or it-> could be just  /etcsmbpasswd.)
> ->   I have had instances where the regular Rehat /etc/passwd UID of
> user-> "Bob" and Samba's /etc/samba/smbpasswd UID for user "Bob" did
> not-> match; keeping that user "Bob" from mapping shares ( kept
> getting-> "wrong password" messages on the MS Windows machine.)
> ->   There is good troubleshooting read for Samaba in
> -> /usr/share/doc/samba/docs/textdocs/DIAGNOSTICS.txt
> Tom,
> Thank you for your reply; the usernames in both Linux and Windows
> don't match; however, Windows 2000's "Map Network Drive" dialogue
> has a place to enter both the username and password, so I've been
> trying through there. In the event that I need to change the
> username/make a new user for the person who is trying to access the
> shares, can *nix usernames contain spaces? (e.g. "John Smith")
  I'm not entirely sure about the linux usernames, but I believe that
they have to be one continuous phrase, and "case" does make a
difference; example: johnsmith and Johnsmith aren't the same user. You
can always use 'John.Smith" or "John_Smith." My MS Windows machines
(Win 3.11 and Win98) don't seem to care about case. In fact, the
Win3.11 machine will accept a "blank" password as well as a proper
  The usernames and passwords in Win2000 and Samba's 'valid users' and
the /etc/samba/smbpasswd file have to be the same. The linux password
and the samba do not have to be the same. So, you can can have a
regular root (user) password, and a Samba root ( samba user) password
that are different. But, then if the user logs in on Win2000 ( where
there is a valid user named 'root') as 'root', the login password has
to match the linux /etc/samba/smbpasswd entry. Otherwise, the user
'root' on
the Win2000 machine can't mount shares.
  The problem I was having, was that all my user names and password,
in linux, Samba,and in Win98, were identical. But only 'root' could
map drives from the Win98 machine. It turned out that root's UID=0 in
both the normal /etc/passwd and in Samba's  /etc/samba/smbpasswd. But
my other users UID's did not all match. Editing the
/etc/samba/smbpasswd file to make the UIDs the same fixed the problem.



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Re: SAMBA printing problem

2002-10-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 22:49:13 -0400
David Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 03 October 2002 09:33 pm, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > > I am in a bit of a quandary with my SAMBA server rejecting users
> > > that are attempting to print to a shared printer.  The issues
> > > that make this really perplexing are that the users being
> > > rejected are currently logged in to
> >
> > the
> >
> > > company folder and their own personal folders on that server.
> > > Another key
> >
> > to
> >
> > > this problem is that it is not happening to all of the users.
> >
> >
> > Excuse my excitement. I thought I was going mad (the only one with
> > this problem).
> Me too! I'm trying to track it down using tcpdump.  Yes, I'm, that
> desperate.
  For the users in question, check that the UID in /etc/passwd match
Samba user UID in Samba's /etc/smbpasswd, or /etc/samba/smbpasswd
file. I've had instances where they didn't.
  And, remember, all the Samba configuration stuff that used to be in
/etc got moved to /etc/samba. Make sure that your smb.conf is
referencing the correct "up-to-date" ones if you have been modifying
it manually.



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Re: Printing problem. - Lexmark printer.

2002-10-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 19 Oct 2002 13:15:25 -0400
Jim Moberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi.  I am trying to get an older Lexmark printer to work with Red
> Hat Linux 7.3.  There is a driver  listed in the printer
> configuration box for this printer but it does nothing.  The printer
> is a Lexmark 1100 color printer.  When ever I try to print using
> this driver the printer just does nothing.  Any suggestions other
> that ditching this printer?
  First, make sure that lpd (the printer daemon) is running; as root,

 checkconfig --list

Look to see if lpd is listed, and that it is "on" for the runlevels
that you use.
  If you don't see it listed, you may have to install it. Look for the
LPRng .rpm file on the install cd.
  If you use the RedHat Printool to set up the Lexmark, make sure that
you restart lpd after making any changes to the /etc/printcap entry.
Select the 'lpd' button at the top of the window, and then 'restart.' 

  Try some of the other "drivers" if the 1100 doesn't work. My HP 890
uses the 850 setup as the HP890 "driver' did nothing, my Panasonic
isn't listed, but works fine with an Epson dot-matrix "driver."



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Re: Problems configuring SAMBA

2002-10-20 Thread Tom Pollerman
On 17 Oct 2002 09:20:36 -0600
Kathy Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked. I've
> done some poking around in various HOW-TOs and archives, but I
> cannot find the exact answer to my question.
> I am trying to configure SAMBA 2.25 in Webmin 1.020 in RedHat 8.0.
> Here is the situation:
> - Computer A is a Windows 2000 computer that is trying to connect to
> Computer B, which is running RedHat 8.0/SAMBA 2.25. The SAMBA server
> is running on Computer B. Computer B has one share, "Drive_F", which
> is mapped to the mount point /mnt/Drive_F (which is /dev/hdb7).
> /dev/hdb7 is mounted and is browseable on Computer B. Both computers
> belong to the workgroup named "WORKGROUP". Computer A has "NetBIOS
> over TCP/IP" enabled.
> - Computer B has two users defined for SAMBA: user1 (me) and user2
> (the user for Computer A). No other users exist in the SAMBA user
> list in Webmin. Computer B has Lokkit running at "Low" security.
> Authentication is set to "User Level". Guest access is disabled.
> What is happening so far:
> - Computer A can see Computer B in Network Neighbourhood; however,
> if the user tries to view the shares for Computer B, the following
> message occurs:
> "\\ComputerB is not accessible. The network path was not found"
> - If Computer A tries to map to \\ComputerB\Drive_F and provide the
> SAMBA username and password, the following error occurs:
> "The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different
> username and password. To connect using a different username and
> password, first disconnect any existing mappings to this network
> share."
> Followed by:
> "The mapped network drive could not be created because the following
> error has occured:
> The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of
> credentials."
> Note that the share was not mapped to begin with on Computer A.
> I have tried the following:
> - Changing the password for user2 so that it matches the user's
> password in Windows 2000.
> - Mapping the user's Linux username to his Windows username.
> - Enabling guest access.
> - Setting it so that no password is required for user2.
> - Setting user2's account to "Workstation Trust Account".
> - Adding user2 and user2's group to "Valid Users" and "Valid
> Groups", respectively, for the share "Drive_F".
> The SAMBA server was restarted after implementing each of these
> changes. In every case the same errors mentioned above occured.
> Except for the addition of the user and group to the share, all the
> changes made above were discarded after the errors occured.
> If Computer B reboots into Windows 2000, both computers can connect
> to eachother and browse eachother's shares.
> I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get Computer A to
> connect to the share on Computer B. While I have read the man pages
> for SAMBA and looked through the troubleshooting sections on their
> website, I cannot seem to solve this problem. I am unfortunately
> very new to Linux, so I apologize if this is "old hat" to the people
> on this list.
> Thank you in advance for any help the list can provide.
  Make sure that your user login names in Win2000 and RedHat are the
same, and that the Win2000 login password is the same as the RedHat
Samba password if you are using the login names as basis for access to
the shares.. Also, check that the Samba users ID number in RedHat's
/etc/passwd file match those in the /etc/samba/smbpasswd file ( or it
could be just  /etcsmbpasswd.)
  I have had instances where the regular Rehat /etc/passwd UID of user
"Bob" and Samba's /etc/samba/smbpasswd UID for user "Bob" did not
match; keeping that user "Bob" from mapping shares ( kept getting
"wrong password" messages on the MS Windows machine.)
  There is good troubleshooting read for Samaba in




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Re: Virus - Hello!

2002-10-19 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Sat, 19 Oct 2002 12:45:56 -0700
Steve Coffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Well... My mother sent me a virus. OK, I tries to explain to her not
> to open files with more than 1 dot, but it was from a friend that
> said they could not open the file, so
> I'm trying to identify which virus it is so I can try to clean up
> her computer. Subject line was "Hello!" A file was simply attached -
> Budget.xsl.scr. The budget spreadsheet is an actual file of hers so
> the virus picked it up and attached itself then went through her
> address book and sent it out.
> Her components are: Opera 6.1 for all browsing, and Eudora Pro 4.3
> for her mail. Most e-mail virus warnings I've seen posted are due to
> the wonderful Microsoft Outlook products, so I'm not sure which
> virus this is.
> Any help or direction to look would be appreciated.
   A Google search for the "double" file extension  .xsl.scr yields
mostly links to the Bugbear virus.

But, with viruses it is best to check with the experts - McAfee,
Symantec, F-Prot, etc.
   Symantec has a Bugbear removal tool, and detailed instructions at:;mm.removal.tool.html



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Re: Load test

2002-10-19 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 14:30:57 -0600
"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there some way to stress load a system see if it will
> survive?  Last
> night I posted a kernel oops from a system that crashed and while I
> realize that I probably won't get much answers here, I would still
> like to figure out what happened.  And specially since it hasn't
> happen after that, I need to try and get this thing loaded up to
> where it might crash again.  Suggestions anyone?
  CTCS, the Cerberus Test Control System, is the hardware and software
 system stress test originally developed by VA Linux Systems to
 qualify Linux hardware platforms.



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Re: PCMCIA Network Cards

2002-10-18 Thread Tom Pollerman
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:25:28 -0400

> Folks:
> I'm still trying to solve an irritating issue. I have RH 7.3 on my
> laptop with a Netgear PCMCIA network card. The Linux boot process
> tries to start eth0 and mount my SMB drives BEFORE it initiates the
> PCMCIA slots. As a consequence, obviously, mount can't find the two
> computers with the SMB drives. So, I have to manually run mount
> every time I start up the computer. Granted, this isn't all that big
> a deal but it's inconvenient and I believe it can be made to work.
> The first thing that comes to my mind is to move up initiating the
> PCMCIA cards in the boot process. Unfortunately, I can't figure out
> how to do that. Further, I have no idea whether that even makes
> sense (are there dependencies that prevent initiating the PCMCIA
> slots earlier?). 
> Does anybody know what to do about this?
  There was a similar question posed in Linux Journal's "Best of Tech
Support" Forum in the Dec. 1999 issue. Here's the link:

Look for the last problem on the page - titled "Boot Process

Hope it helps.



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Re: RedHat 8.0 Install Problem on HP Pavilion (Athlon XP1800+) ze4145 Notebook PC

2002-10-16 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 21:19:14 -0700
"John C. Toman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi again,
> I've just verified that RedHat 7.3 installation crashes in exactly
> the same spot as the 8.0 install. The controller is a O2Micro
> OZ6912.
> Thanks,
> John
> John C. Toman wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I just tried to install psyche on my brand new HP Pavilion ze4145
> > and the installation crashes while initializing PC Card Devices
> > (there are no PCMCIA or CardBus cards in there, so it's got to be
> > something with the CardBus/PCMCIA controller). I'll follow up the
> > make and model of the controller; I don't have that information
> > right now.
> >
> > The words on the screen are: Bank 3: b400083b at
> > 0001fc0003b0
> >
> > Kernel Panic: Unable to continue
> >
> > The notebook seizes at this point and requires a hard reset (it's
> > got a reset button on the bottom of the case).
> >
> > Possibly relevant hardware information: mobile Athlon XP1800+,
> >
> > Any ideas? I'll be trying a copy of 7.3 tonight to see if there's
> > any difference.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> >
   There might be a "workaround" to at least continue the install, at:



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Re: Problem mounting cdrom

2002-10-16 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 13:06:36 -0400
"Paul DiMarco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Same thing.
> (dominoold:root) /># mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom/
> 32
> /dev/cdrom: Input/output error
> mount: you must specify the filesystem type
> Here is my dmesg line

>   Bret Hughes   
>>   cc:  
>   Sent by: Subject:  Re: Problem
>   mounting cdrom
>   redhat-list-admin 


>   10/16/2002 12:05  
>   PM
>   Please respond to 
>   redhat-list   


> On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 09:25, Paul DiMarco wrote:
> > I've got a Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness), Kernel 2.2.16-22
> > on an i686 system.
> >
> > When I put a CD into the CD-ROM and try to mount I get the
> > following.
> Not
> > matter what I do I can't mount my CD.
> >
> > (dominoold:paul) /home/paul> mount /dev/cdrom
> > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
> >or too many mounted file systems
> >
> >
> > I don't think there are any other filesystems mounted either so I
> > have no idea.
> >
> >
> try mounting it as /mnt/cdrom.  When using the mount command you
> need to use the mountpoint as defined in /etc/fstab.  it is the
> mount point most likely used in your /etc/fstab and it will use the
> /dev/cdrom device with is probably a symlink to the real device like
> /dev/hdc
> Bret
  The 'mount' command looks to the /ect/fstab file to see if the
device (/dev/cdrom) and it's mountpoint , as well as filesystem type
and ownership, are specified. Here is an example entry from my

  /dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom   iso9660 noauto,nosuid,owner,ro 0 0

So, if my cdrom is /dev/hdc, and there is an entry in /dev for cdrom
which symlinks to /dev/hdc, AND the filesystem type (iso9660) is
specified in /etc/fstab, AND the mountpoint (/mnt/cdrom) exists, just
a 'mount /dev/cdrom' will work. If the filesytem type ( or the cdrom
line itself) is missing from /etc/fstab, you would get your error
message.  In that case, you would have to give 'mount' that detailed

 mount /dev/hdc -t iso9660 /mnt/cdrom

See 'man mount' and 'man fstab' for more.



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Re: Useradd and automatic group creation.

2002-10-15 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 11:25:49 -0700
Cameron Mandrake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do I disable the automatic creation of groups for each user and
> just default to group 100 (users)?
> /etc/default/useradd has...
> GROUP=100
> HOME=/home
> SHELL=/bin/bash
> SKEL=/etc/skel
> I know I can just specify the group in the command line, but I
> should be able to change the defaults and have them work.
> Anyone have any ideas?
   When  invoked with the -D option, useradd will either dis­
   play the current default values,  or  update  the  default
   values from the command line. Try your new group defaults
   See 'man useradd.'



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Re: how to make bootsect.lnx

2002-10-15 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 17:12:39 -0700
"Joel Lopez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I didn't install a boot loader when I installed redhat 8 but I did
> make a boot disk.
> I've been trying to make a bootsect.lnx file to put on my C drive to
> allow add linux to the NT bootloader.  Is it possible to make it
> from my boot disk.
  There are step-by-step instructions for adding linux to the NT
loader at::



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Re: Sendmail from line header help please

2002-10-15 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 14:46:12 +0800
"Edward Dekkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >   There is an article in April 2001 of Linux Journal of a similar
> > scenario. As I know little (null) about sendmail, I will just
> > refer you to the article. It might shed some  more light.
> >   The named article is, "Providing E-mail Services for a Small
> >   Office"
> > by Stew Benedict.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >   Tom
> Tom, you never cease to help!
> It appears I was doing everything correctly (it was the
> genericstable I needed - not the virtusertable just to clarify).
> But there was another option I needed to add to the
> file, which I never knew about. It was listed in the article. The
> article was a little away from what I was trying to do, but when my
> eye fell on the M4 file, I knew that's what I was looking for.
> FEATURE(`limited_masquerade')
> From what I understand now - the MASQUERADE_AS('domain1') ALWAYS
> takes precedence UNLESS you have the FEATURE(`limited_masquerade').
> THEN basically, whatever is in the genericstable (the users I want
> to send with different domains), can take precedence just for those
> users.
  I figured that the masquerading section of the article would jog a
few "sendmail neurons."  ;)
  Does sendmail then re-masquerade the incoming mail for user@domain2
so the Delivery Agent can get it to the proper mailbox? Or, do you
have to write rules for the MDA? I'm working on sendmail null



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Re: Sendmail from line header help please

2002-10-14 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 10:35:07 +0800
"Edward Dekkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm at a loss as I believe this should be possible.
> I'm using RedHat 7.2 with all updates.
> I'm fetching mail for two domains hosted at an ISP. Let's say the
> domains are domain1 and domain2. They come into a single mailbox
> domain1@isp and domain2@isp. I'm using multidrop mode to map them to
> local users on this single box.
> This part is working fine.
> Sendmail is running through a smarthost (mail.isp), and masquerading
> as domain1.
> What I've been trying to figure out how to do is, allow 3 users
> here, user1, user2 and user3, to send mail with their From: header
> re-written to domain2.
> Someone suggested virtusertable. So I tried to add to virtusertable:
> user1@domain2user1
> user2@domain2user2
> user3@domain2user3
> I ran a make, re-started sendmail but when sending, these users
> still come through with a From line of user@domain1
> After some more reading I thought genericstable might be the go. So
> I added the feature to my, re-created my and
> made an/etc/mail/genericstable consisting of the reverse:
> user1user1@domain2
> user2user2@domain2
> user3user3@domain2
> again, I ran make, re-started sendmail but still the e-mails are
> coming through as user@domain1.
> What am I really looking for? Remember this is to have SENT mail
> re-written with a different domain in the From: line in the header
> for specific users.
> Can it be done?
  There is an article in April 2001 of Linux Journal of a similar
scenario. As I know little (null) about sendmail, I will just refer
you to the article. It might shed some  more light. 
  The named article is, "Providing E-mail Services for a Small Office"
by Stew Benedict.



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Re: Serial Console and mkbootdisk

2002-10-14 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 12:34:47 -0500
Robert Canary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good day listers,
> I have a machine that I always boot from floppy, with a disk created
> from mkbootdisk utility.  However, this machine is hardly ever
> accessed via the keyboard and is very combersome to hook up a
> monitor to as well because of the location.  What/how do I need to
> include on the bootdisk to tell it to use a serial port for the
> default display?  I want to connect to it on a serial cable and
> monitor it over a terminal.
  There's a good how-to for serial-console at:

  The boot disk should have a /etc/lilo.conf file. You can add any
parameters there, but if your kernel has serial support, it may be as
simple as adding

 serial=0, 9600n8  (or an equivilent line)

to the bootdisk /etc/lilo.conf. Of course you should read the how-to,
as there are issues with some serial busses, cables, modems, etc.

  Check out the above link..



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Re: Changing passwords

2002-10-13 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 19:38:52 -0600
"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Most of the users on our network simply use it for checking
> email, and
> hosting their websites.  Most of them don't know how to log in
> through SSH should they need to.  Consequently if and when their
> password expires, they don't know what to do, or where to go to get
> it reset.  And them picking up the phone and calling me isn't
> exactly efficient either.
> Is there some (secure) way of having them go to some webpage (on
> the
> system) that will ask for their username, current password and then
> give them the option to change their password?
> And on that same token, any suggestions on what to do when
> someone forgets
> their password?  Maybe some type of form that allows them to enter
> an alternative email address (that they have access to) and have the
> system generate a new, random one and mail it out?
> How do ISP's deal with these things really?

  Cgipaf is a combination of three CGI programs. passwd.cgi, which
allow users to update their password, viewmailcfg.cgi, which allows
users to view their current mail configuration, and mailcfg.cgi, which
updates the mail configuration. All programs use PAM for user
authentication. It is possible to run a script to update SAMBA
passwords or NIS configuration when a password is changed. mailcfg.cgi
creates a .procmailrc in the user's home directory. A user with too
many invalid logins can be locked. The minimum and maximum UID can be
set in the configuration file, so you can specify a range of UIDs that
are allowed to use cgipaf.



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Re: Unknown PAM message

2002-10-13 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 12:29:19 -0300
Sergio Tschá Wanderley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I´m in trouble trying to figure out the meaning of the following
> message in /var/log/messages on my Red Hat 7.2 (kernel
> 2.4.7-10custom) server:
> Oct  8 06:37:46 server su(pam_unix)[17201]: session opened for user
> root by (uid=0) Oct  8 06:37:51 server su(pam_unix)[17201]: session
> closed for user root
> First I thought It was something related to a root login on the
> console or an user opening a root session but the message in that
> case wouldn´t be like this one. Notice the missing username after
> the "by" on the message. 
> I´m really don´t know where this came from.
   I would check  the /etc/passwd file for changes; user with uid 0
and the file timestamp. Remember, the /var/log/messages can be altered
('by ' deleted.)
   You might also 'grep' through the /var/log/messages, .1, .2,.3,.4
and /var/log/secure, etc., for pam_unix entries of a similar nature.



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Re: How to use resize2fs?

2002-10-11 Thread Tom Pollerman

On 11 Oct 2002 08:43:05 -0400
Jake Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> TP> On 09 Oct 2002 11:35:50 -0400
> TP> Jake Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> I have a parition that, according to 'df', is only 50%
> >occupied.  I> would like to shrink the filesystem in that
> >partition.  How do I> specify the 'size' parameter to resize2fs
> >so that it can do what I> want?  No matter what value I give
> >it, based on what I think is> correct, it tells me I am wrong.
> >>
> >> Here is my 'df' output:
> >>
> >> Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda2
> >20158372> 9030876 10103496 48% /home
> >>
> >> I want to resize the parition so that it occupies a 10gb
> >parition> instead of a 19gb partition.
> >>
> >> What is the magic "size" value for resize2fs and how did you
> >figure it> out?
> >>
> >>
> TP>You need a utility such as parted to resize partitions.
> TP>It is found
> TP> on the 2nd cd in RH 7.0.
> TP> I've never used parted, but I'm sure that others on the
> TP> List have,
> TP> and will guide you through the process.
> I must not have been clear.  I am trying to resize the ext3
> filesystem that resides on the partition.  I mean t to saw that I
> want to resize the filesystem to 10gb so that it leaves free space
> in the partition.  I then plan on trying to use EVMS to manage that
> free space.
> How do I properly specify a value to resize2fs?  I've tried several
> (reasonable?) values and I get rejected each time.
   You can find an example exercise  using resize2fs here:

It should help figuring out the 'size' perameter to use.



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Re: How to use resize2fs?

2002-10-10 Thread Tom Pollerman

On 09 Oct 2002 11:35:50 -0400
Jake Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a parition that, according to 'df', is only 50% occupied.  I
> would like to shrink the filesystem in that partition.  How do I
> specify the 'size' parameter to resize2fs so that it can do what I
> want?  No matter what value I give it, based on what I think is
> correct, it tells me I am wrong.
> Here is my 'df' output:
> Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2 20158372   9030876  10103496  48% /home
> I want to resize the parition so that it occupies a 10gb parition
> instead of a 19gb partition.
> What is the magic "size" value for resize2fs and how did you figure
> it out?
 From 'man resize2fs':

"The resize2fs program does not manipulate the size of par­
   titions.  If you wish to enlarge a  filesystem,  you  must
   first  make sure you can expand the size of the underlying
   partition first.  This  can  be  done  using  fdisk(8)  by
   deleting  the  partition  and  recreating it with a larger
   size.  When recreating the partition, make sure you create
   it with the same starting disk cylinder as before!  Other­
   wise, the resize operation will certainly  not  work,  and
   you may lose your entire filesystem.

   If  you  wish  to  shrink the an ext2 partition, first use
   resize2fs to shrink the size of filesystem.  Then you  may
   use  fdisk(8)  to  shrink the size of the partition.  When
   shrinking the size of the partition, make sure you do  not
   make  it smaller than the new size of the ext2 filesystem! "

   You need a utility such as parted to resize partitions. It is found
on the 2nd cd in RH 7.0.
I've never used parted, but I'm sure that others on the List have,
and will guide you through the process.



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Re: Question on print spooling

2002-10-10 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 09:11:06 +0800
"Edward Dekkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Also, on my RH 7.0 system, the default setting for 'maximum
> > copies'(see /etc/lpd.conf) was set to one. I had to add:
> >
> > :mc=10:\
> >
> > to my /etc/printcap file to up the maximum to 10 copies. I believe
> > 'mc=@' means 'no maximum'. Someone on the list can correct me if
> > I'm wrong
> >   Remember to restart lpd if you make changes in /etc/printcap:
> >
> >   service lpd restart
> Tom, you're a legend!!!
> in the /etc/printcap file I added the :mc=10:\ and it worked
> straight away. I noticed the banner said to add it to
> printcap.local, as the printcap gets autogenerated. After the lpd
> restart I didn't notice any change to the printcap, but I added the
> change to printcap.local just to be safe anyway.
> .
   I'm just glad you happened to post a query for which I had a useful
answer.actually, after reading your original post, I tried to
print two copies of a flie on my printers, and got a message that one
copy maximum was the default. That's what got me to hunting.
   So, thanks to your query, I've also resolved a problem I didn't
even know I had.



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Re: how to convert ttf-fonts to pcf-format?

2002-10-10 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 15:58:14 +0300
Andrey Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi people!
> How to convert *ttf to *pcf? StarOffice can not accept some fonts 
> (russian), i want to convert windows-ttf fonts to pcf-format.
  Hopefully, the scripts here will do the job for you.



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Re: fstab file reset

2002-10-09 Thread Tom Pollerman

On 09 Oct 2002 17:51:25 -0400
Jonathan Gaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Here's my latest problem.  I've entered into the fstab file the
> following two entries
> /dev/hda1 /mnt/windowsvfatdefaults1 1
> /dev/hde5 /mnt/datahd vfatdefaults1 1
> Now, _sometimes_ when I restart, these two entries are removed.  I
> have no idea why, either, and have read through documentation and
> did a google linux search.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  I have
> also tried adding it to mtab, but the same thing happens.
 I'm not sure why your /ect/fstab entries are removed, but it may be
related to the " 1  1" at the end of each entry.
 The last two fields consist each of an integer value. The first one
is used by the dump command to determine if a filesystem needs to be
dumped, backing up the filesystem. The last field is used by fsck to
see if the filesystem should be checked at reboot and in what order.
If the last field has a value of 1, it indicates a boot partition, and
2 indicates other partitions. A 0 value means fsck need not check that
   Try changing the last two fields to 0  0 for the two entries, and
see how that works.



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Re: Question on print spooling

2002-10-09 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 12:18:18 +0800
"Edward Dekkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After much trouble (see previous posts), I have managed to secure my
> Epson Stylus Color 880 onto my Linux box and can print to it using
> the 860 driver from Windows XP.
> However, I can't print multiple copies. When I select it I only get
> one copy regardless. I have to print again to get another copy.
> Who is responsible for the multiple copies when I check it on the
> client PC?
> Does the print job just get spooled twice? Or is there like a
> printer command that is supposed to get sent telling the printer to
> print the same thing twice?
> Just trying to track down where to look to fix this problem - the
> client PC, Samba or lpr.
> I looked at google using the keywords 'linux print samba copies',
> but nothing pertinent came up related to my problem. If you have any
> better keywords, I'm all ears before I get flamed.
  A 'man lpr' lists -K or -# as the option flag to set for
multiple copies. So, to print two copies of the file
/reports/stuff.txt :

lpr -K2 /reports/stuff.txt or  lpr -#2 /reports/stuff.txt

Also, on my RH 7.0 system, the default setting for 'maximum copies'
(see /etc/lpd.conf) was set to one. I had to add:


to my /etc/printcap file to up the maximum to 10 copies. I believe
'mc=@' means 'no maximum'. Someone on the list can correct me if I'm
  Remember to restart lpd if you make changes in /etc/printcap:

  service lpd restart


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Re: Logcheck

2002-10-08 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Sun, 6 Oct 2002 09:22:05 -0700
ronald j roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My logs are full of attempts from this address. How can I pull an
> address to send a complaint? What are they trying to do? And is
> there any way to block this completely?
> thanks in advance
> Security Violations
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Oct  6 09:00:08 ralone kernel: Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
> + L=48 S=0x00 I=21790 F=0x4000
> T=112 SYN
> +(#1)
> Oct  6 09:00:11 ralone kernel: Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
> + L=48 S=0x00 I=21801 F=0x4000
> T=112 SYN
> +(#1)
> Oct  6 09:00:17 ralone kernel: Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
> + L=48 S=0x00 I=21816 F=0x4000
> T=112 SYN
> +(#1)
> Oct  6 09:00:32 ralone kernel: Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
> + L=48 S=0x00 I=21858 F=0x4000
> T=112 SYN
> +(#1)
> Oct  6 09:00:35 ralone kernel: Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
> + L=48 S=0x00 I=21872 F=0x4000
> T=112 SYN
> +(#1)
> Oct  6 09:00:41 ralone kernel: Packet log: input DENY ppp0 PROTO=6
   A machine at IP address ( port 2659) has scanned the
machine at IP address (port 6667). PROTO=6 means TCP, and
ppp0 is the interface. Ipchains rule #1 blocked the attempted
connection with DENY.
   A list of port numbers shows that 2659 is SN-query, and 6667 is
IRCU. So, someone from was scanning your machine looking
for an IRC server.
   You can further deny all services from in
/etc/host.deny, if you feel you must. See 'man hosts.deny.'
A very good introduction to interpreting firewall logs can be
found at:

   There is even a tutorial on how to find out who "owns", and other useful links.



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Re: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-0

2002-10-07 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 15:03:41 -0700
Robert Monical <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello
> Red Hat 7.2.  Installed on systems.with no sound hardware.
> up2datesd but did not up2date the kernel.
> Was getting a in /var/log/messages
>   modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-0
>   modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-0
> After much poking and googling around decided to add the following
> to to modules.conf
> alias sound-slot-0 off
> alias sound-service-0-0 off
> Now I am getting:
>   modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
>   modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0
> What is the real trick for disabling sound in the kernel?
  It could be that sound is running as a service, and you have no
card; I believe the kernel will try all the configured sound modules
(and dependencies) until something succeeds. To check do:

 chkconfig --list

setup -> System Services 

If sound is running, you can turn it off for the runlevels you use: 

chkconfig --level 35 sound off

would turn off sound for runlevels 3 and 5. See 'man chkconfig.'

If sound isn't running as a service, you might try:

alias sound-slot-0 null
alias sound-service-0-0 null

in /etc/modules.conf rather than 'off'. Maybe if modprobe succeeds, it
will quit. See 'man modules.conf.
   Short of a compile with N for the  whole sound section, one of
the above might work.



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Re: connecting to NT server

2002-10-07 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 18:30:02 -0400 (EDT)
dbrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to connect to an NT server from my linux workstation.
> I run the following command
> snmbclient //"ntdomain"/server/ "password" -U dbrett -n dbrett -D
> "public directory"
> I get the following error
> Connection to "ntdomain" failed
> It does try and connect to the right server.
   The general form for smbclient is:

  smbclient //server-name/service

For example, to specify the "myfiles" shared directory on the server
whose NETBIOS name was "":

  smbclient //

Note: the NETBIOS name is not always the same as the IP name.

  smbclient -L "server-name" (without the "") 

will give you a listing of the "services" available on that server.

The -D option is used for changing to a specified directory on your
machine before starting.
The -n option would be used to if you had to pass your NETBIOS name to
the server.
The -U is is your username that the server knows.

Most of the time
smbclient /// is
enough. You will be prompted for a password.



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Re: User Only FTP access ??

2002-10-05 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 07:19:28 +
Kalinga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How to create user,  who has access permison ftp only? All the
> services such as telnet and ssh are not accessible by this user.
You can allow or deny FTP access to ips and users by entries in

  man ftphosts

also see:
  man ftpaccess



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Re: blocking specific ips on a linux server

2002-10-05 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 16:03:39 -0400
Meghan Madel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you.  I have blocked using the following:
> ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
> Packets are not being received so that worked.  But my ultimate goal
> did not work...
> This is what I want to do...
> I work at a small school that runs on a linux network.  We are
> having a problem with students downloading AIM on our laptops and
> using it during class.  I want to block it on the server.  Any
> suggestions? Thanks so much,
> Meg
> On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 02:41 PM, juaid wrote:
> > From: "Meghan Madel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
>  I have found info on the ip's, port #, etc.just don't know
> >where>>> or how to block those.
> >
> > use iptables or ipchains
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > juaid
> >
> >

You might try this:


To block AIM, you should filter for incoming connections from port
5190 from AOL's servers and the login server 

To do this with ipchains:

ipchains -A input -b --sport 5190 -j DENY
ipchains -A input -b -s -j DENY

To do this with iptables:

iptables -A INPUT --sport 5190 -j REJECT
iptables -A INPUT -s -j REJECT



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Re: open port 21 for ftp

2002-10-04 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 02:34:49 -0400
"Thomas Amen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been having similar problems.  Have you added/uncommented the
> line:
> ftp stream tcp nowait root   /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd -l-a   
> to the file etc/xinetd.conf?
You shouldn't have to make any changes or add to the etc/xinetd.conf
file. But, you may have to change 'disable=yes' to 'no' in
/etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd. Then restart xinetd with:

service xinetd restart

To see if the service (ftp) is running, do:

   chkconfig --list

> I'm having timeout issues whenever I try to ftp to my linux box
> using windows XP.  Any suggestions?

  Are you able to 'ping' from/to the XP and Linux machines. If not,
you may have a firewall or networking setup issue.
  Also, look at the /etc/fthosts, /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.deny and
/etc/host.allow files. On my RH 7 machine,  the /etc/hosts.deny file
which means that all services are denied to all machines...except for
those specifically listed in /etc/hosts.allow. Make sure that the XP
machine has an entry in /etc/hosts, /etc/ftphosts and
/etc/hosts.allow. Add 'in.ftpd' (the service) to /etc/hosts.allow
along with the name of the machine allowed to use ftp. The 'man' pages
are your friends:

  man ftphosts
  man hosts.allow
  man hosts.deny

  And, remember, root is denied ftp access by default. You need to do
it as a valid user. I am unfamiliar with XP, but Win98 also has a
similar 'hosts' file which needs an entry in it for the Linux machine.
  Lastly, BEFORE you hook up FTP services to (or through) the outside
world, be aware that you need to have some strict security
implemented. If the XP machine and Linux machine are on the same
private LAN, or just hooked together, you can 'play' with the setups.



> - Original Message -
> From: Edward Dekkers
> Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 1:47 AM
> Subject: Re: open port 21 for ftp
> > I can't get port 21 to open for kwuftp (ftpd).
> >
> > does anyone know how, do I need a file in /etc/xinet.d or what?
> >
> > tried various things already but no cigar, everything else working
> great...
> HHmm. Various things doesn't tell us much.
> What does 'chkconfig --list' tell you about an ftp daemon?
> Regards,
> ---
> Edward Dekkers (Director)
> Triple D Computer Services P/L
> --  
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Installing Windows Ontop of Linux

2002-10-03 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 15:31:25 -0500
Joseph A Nagy Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matt Rowley wrote:
> >>I'm looking to install windows (although I just really need the
> >Windows >directory from Win95/98/ME) ontop of an existing Linux
> >(RH7.2) >installation, is this possible?
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, but you'll clobber the MBR.  Have a linux boot disk on hand
> > to reinstall lilo/grub when you're done with Windows.
> > It's always best to install the dumbest OS first.
> > 
> > --Matt
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Actually, I already have a boot disk because the BIOS doesn't
> recognize the HDD as it is LARGE and in CHARGE (100GB). I know I
> should have installed Windows first, but it wouldn't boot from the
> WinME cd-rom I have, so I figured I could install it from within
> Linux (and ontop of the ext3 filesystem, somehow, as I have my
> entire drive partitioned as ext3 (with 1GB set aside for SWAP).
   If you have, or can borrow, a smaller (say 2 gig drive)... you can
copy your existing Linux to it. Once you know it works on the small
drive, you can reformat and partition the 100 gig drive for both
Windows and Linux.
   The last Computer swap meet I went to, they were selling used 2 gig
IDE drives for about $5.



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Re: Find screen resolution and depth

2002-10-03 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Thu, 3 Oct 2002 10:06:52 -0400
"Reuben D. Budiardja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I checked my screen dept using xwininfo and xdpyinfo, and both gave
> me 15 and my screen depth. That's rather weird, since I think the
> option in Xconfiguration are only: 8,16,24,32. How can I get 15? How
> do I change it to 16?
> The reason I asked, I am trying a special mozilla build with SVG
> enabled, and get crashes. The mozilla mailing list says that only
> screen dept 8,16,24 is supported.
> Thanks for any help.
> Reuben D. Budiardja
> On Tuesday October 1 2002 08:23 pm, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
> > On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> > > A quick question. How do I find out what is my screen resolution
> > > and depth that I am using? I went through file
> > > /etc/x11/XF86Config but did
> >
> > Run xwininfo and select your root window.

   In /etc/X11/XF86Config, toward the end, is a section:

# ***
# Screen sections
# *** 

  There, under the various Servers (VGA, SVGA, Mono, Accelerated) are
the depth settings for your screen.
  Check to see if, in fact, you have:

depth  16

  You can always manually edit this file, and restart X. It is a good
idea to save your working copy of  XF86Config before making
changes...just in case.

   cd /etc/X11
   cp XF86Config  XF86Config.sav




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Re: All redhat fedora owners...

2002-09-30 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 21:47:18 -0300
"Marco Shaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sigh...  Darn it, how big is a S, M, L, or XL RedHat fedora that's
> available from their store?
> What's a comparable size for us Canadians up here?  :)
   These links may provide a clue:


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Re: I give up: AHA-1542 / kernel 2.4.18-10

2002-09-29 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 16:17:23 -0600
"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I give up.  Thank you to everyone who has responded and tried to
> help, but
> no matter what I tried, a stock kernel will just not boot up with an
> AHA-1542CP.  There are several suggestions both on the list, as well
> as on webpages, but none of them made any difference.  So, I'm stuck
> having to re-compile the kernel every time there is a new one just
> so I can boot up the system properly.
> Once again, thanks to everyone who tried to help.  It just
> doesn't work.
When you arrive at the next kernel upgrade, or if you happen to be
inside the machine, check to see if the SCSI card has 'plug-n-play'
enabled. It is SW 1 on the card's block of switches. By default PnP is
enabled (SW -1 = OFF.) The documentation for the 1542CP refers to
'some Unixes' not working well with PnP. I may well be the source of
your problems. 

My 1542CF doesn't have PnP as a 'feature.'



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Re: AHA-1542 / kernel 2.4.18-10

2002-09-28 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 21:34:57 -0400
Tom Pollerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:54:01 -0600
> "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > 
> > >   If you haven't tired this already, you may try adding the
> > >   'options'
> > > line to your /etc/modules.conf.
> > >
> > >alias scsi_hostadapter aha1542
> > >options aha1542 aha1542=0x330,10,7
> > 
> > No dice.  Same error while trying to boot up with a stock
> > kernel:
> > 
> > Loading scsi_mod module
> > SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> > Loading sd_mod module
> > kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k scsi_hostadapter, errno
> > = 2 Loading aha1542 module
> > Unable to determine Adaptec DMA priority.  Disabling board
> > /lib/aha1542.o: init_module:
> > Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
> > including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> > ERROR: /bin/insmod exited abnormally!
> > 
> > And it never loads.
> > 
> > 
> > Something else I'm noticing with this too.  When I boot up
> > with my compiled
> > kernel, everything works.  System comes up, works, everyone's
> > happy.
> >  Then I
> > try to use the stock kernel and get the above SCSI error.  So I go
> > back to my stock kernel and suddenly I'm faced with this:
> > 
> > EXT2-fs: ide0(3,1): couldn't mount because of unsupported optional
> > features(4).
> > Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01
> > 
> > The only way to "recover" from this is to boot up from the
> > install CD into
> > rescue mode, and just exiting (rebooting) again.  Then my kernel
> > works again. So, the stock kernel must be changing something
> > that's causing this.  Problem is, I don't have a clue.
> > 
> > Anyone have any ideas?
> > 
>   I checked RH6, RH7, and RH7.3 manuals. They all give the same
> example as a SCSI parameter for the AHA 1542:
> for an AHA1542 at port 330

   One final thought on this...In my search to get my aha1542 to
install, I ran across this:


3.8 Why doesn't my Adaptec 154x work?

"It appears that some 1540's and 1542's are a bit hosed by the
Buslogic probe. You will usually get an error referring to ``DMA'' in
the Adaptec probe when this happens. To fix it, you need to enter
command line parameters as follows: 

   boot:  linux aha154x=0x340 buslogic=0x334

This is assuming, of course, that the base address of your Adaptec is
0x340. If not, put your address in there instead. This will force the
buslogic to only probe an address where your Adaptec is not."

   It seems that the kernel scans for a Buslogic card first and then
the Adaptec, which can confuse some 1542's. It could be that you have
one of these.



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Re: AHA-1542 / kernel 2.4.18-10

2002-09-27 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:54:01 -0600
"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tom Pollerman wrote:
> >   If you haven't tired this already, you may try adding the
> >   'options'
> > line to your /etc/modules.conf.
> >
> >alias scsi_hostadapter aha1542
> >options aha1542 aha1542=0x330,10,7
> No dice.  Same error while trying to boot up with a stock
> kernel:
> Loading scsi_mod module
> SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> Loading sd_mod module
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k scsi_hostadapter, errno =
> 2 Loading aha1542 module
> Unable to determine Adaptec DMA priority.  Disabling board
> /lib/aha1542.o: init_module:
> Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
> including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> ERROR: /bin/insmod exited abnormally!
> And it never loads.
> Something else I'm noticing with this too.  When I boot up with
> my compiled
> kernel, everything works.  System comes up, works, everyone's happy.
>  Then I
> try to use the stock kernel and get the above SCSI error.  So I go
> back to my stock kernel and suddenly I'm faced with this:
> EXT2-fs: ide0(3,1): couldn't mount because of unsupported optional
> features(4).
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01
> The only way to "recover" from this is to boot up from the
> install CD into
> rescue mode, and just exiting (rebooting) again.  Then my kernel
> works again. So, the stock kernel must be changing something that's
> causing this.  Problem is, I don't have a clue.
> Anyone have any ideas?
  I checked RH6, RH7, and RH7.3 manuals. They all give the same
example as a SCSI parameter for the AHA 1542:


for an AHA1542 at port 330

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Re: How to turn off auto-mounting of CDs

2002-09-26 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:10:32 -0400
Joe Nestlerode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In RH7.3, whenever I insert a CD, it automatically mounts and a 
> Konquerer file browser is launched.  How do I turn this off, please?
> (ie, I would like to mount CD's via the command line, if and when I
> choose.)

   On my machine, I removed the 'Autorun' file from the Autostart
folder on the KDE Desktop. I just 'dragged' it to the Desktop, and
selected 'move' from the popup that KDE gives you. Restart KDE and the
"automounting" is gone.
   Removing the 'Autorun' entry in $HOME/Destktop/Autostart/ would
probably do the same thing.



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Re: AHA-1542 / kernel 2.4.18-10

2002-09-26 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 14:43:29 -0600
"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can not boot up with a stock kernel 2.4.18-10 with this card,
> I get this
> during bootup:
> Loading scsi_mod module
> SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> Loading sd_mod module
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k scsi_hostadapter, errno =
> 2 Loading aha1542 module
> Unable to determine Adaptec DMA priority.  Disabling board
> /lib/aha1542.o: init_module:
> Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
> including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> ERROR: /bin/insmod exited abnormally!
> However, if I recompile the kernel and just enable the AHA-1542
> built into
> the kernel (as opposed to a module), it comes up just fine:
> Configuring Adaptec (SCSI-ID 7) at IO:330, IRQ 10, DMA priority 7
> aha1542.c: Using extended bios translation
> scsi0 : Adaptec 1542
> I hate to have to re-compile the kernel every time there's a new
> one out,
> so is there anything I can do to the stock release (which uses
> modules) to get this card to work at bootup?
  If you haven't tired this already, you may try adding the 'options'
line to your /etc/modules.conf.   

   alias scsi_hostadapter aha1542
   options aha1542 aha1542=0x330,10,7



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Re: boot problems.

2002-09-26 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:02:10 -0700
Samuel Flory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Francisco Ruiz wrote:
> >Mounting root filesystem
> >EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem
> >EXT3-fs: Write access will be enabled during recovery
> >JBD: no valid journal superblock found
> >EXT3-fs: error loading journal.
> >mount : error 22 mounting ext3
> >Pivote root: pivote_root (/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd)failed :2
> >Freeing unused kernel memory:272 freed
> >kernel panic: no init found, try passing init=option to kernel
> >
> >  
> >
>   It generally means either your root file system has been trashed,
>   or 
> you are attempting to use the wrong partition as /.
  I'm not sure if it will fix your particular problem, but there is a
thread at:

discussing similar problems. A suggested solution offered there is to
try mounting the root filesystem as ext2, if you cannot mount as ext3.



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Re: Newbie needs 1-Graphic Process Status 2-Mem use 3-CPU Speed

2002-09-26 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 06:06:58 -0400
Will Standley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> H E L P !
> A friend has helped me install Redhat 7.3... using KDE GUI.
> Running on an AMD 450 Mhz K6 processor with 128 Megs of ram & a 30G
> HD.
> Apache, MySQL & PHP are also setup on the machine with a prototype
> web page I hope to play more with.
> Machine worked fine at his house, on his network, which was
> connected to Road Runner High Speed Cable.
> Runs _very_ slow at my house on the bench, on no network yet.
> We thought the processor is busy with a task but running "ps aux" we
> saw nothing using a big chunk of cpu time.
> During the search we couldn't find...
> 1) A GUI equivalent to the command line "process status" or ps
> command 2) A way to tell
>   a) how much memory the system thought was in the box and
>   b) how it was being used.
> 3) A tool for checking the speed of the processor.
> He knew of a utility for 1 above but couldn't remember the name...
> so we couldn't search for it.
> Can anyone help here with suggestions for tools for the above 3
> items... also if you have an idea why the unit is running so slow.

  Ktop (KDE Task Manager) should show all but the processor speed.
  KDEstart => System => Task Manager
  in and xterm, ktop 


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Re: kernal: Neighbor table overflow

2002-09-25 Thread Tom Pollerman

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 23:48:14 -0600
"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tom Pollerman wrote:
> > > Sep 21 16:23:38 ns2 xinetd[11924]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow,
> > > line 16: host name/address mismatch: !=
> > >
> =>
> =>
> xinetd has a right to complain.
> >   Are you sure that irq 31 is what you want for eth0? Is that a
> >   typo?
> What's wrong with IRQ 31?  My onboard eepro100 comes up as IRQ
> 31.
Never said it was wrong, I was just asking if it wasn't a typo, as
it is such an unusual irq value. Somewhere from 1-15 is more the norm,


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