Re: Backup KVM Guest VM in OVA or VMDK format

2022-09-19 Thread Kaushal Shriyan
On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 7:37 PM Kaushal Shriyan 

> On Sat, Sep 3, 2022 at 12:28 AM Kaushal Shriyan 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 9:43 PM Kaushal Shriyan 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to backup KVM Guest VM in kvmguestosimage.ova or
>>> kvmguestosimage.vmdk format as I am trying to restore it in AWS by
>>> referring to article as per the
>>> below supported file format.
>>> [1] Open Virtualization Archive (OVA)
>>> [2] Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK)
>>> [3] Virtual Hard Disk (VHD/VHDX)
>>> [4] raw
>>> Also any method to take full and incremental backup of KVM Guest VM.
>>> Any help will be highly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.
>>> Thanks in Advance.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Kaushal
>> Hi,
>> Checking in again if someone can pitch in for my earlier post to this
>> mailing list. Thanks in advance.
>> Best Regards,
>> Kaushal
> Hi,
> I followed the below steps by referring to
> .
> # qemu-img -h | grep Supported
> Supported formats: blkdebug blklogwrites blkverify compress
> copy-before-write copy-on-read file ftp ftps gluster host_cdrom host_device
> http https iscsi iser luks nbd null-aio null-co nvme preallocate qcow2
> quorum raw rbd ssh throttle vhdx vmdk vpc
> # qemu-img --version
> qemu-img version 6.2.0 (qemu-kvm-6.2.0-12.module_el8.7.0+1140+ff0772f9)
> Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
> #
> *Step No. 1*
> #qemu-img convert -O vmdk openapibox.img openapibox.vmdk -p
> *Step No. 2*
> #aws ec2 import-image --disk-containers
> Format=vmdk,UserBucket="{S3Bucket=daclabservers,S3Key=openapidbox.vmdk}"
> {
> "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0232f452194f6efe0",
> "Progress": "1",
> "SnapshotDetails": [
> {
> "DiskImageSize": 0.0,
> "Format": "VMDK",
> "UserBucket": {
> "S3Bucket": "daclabservers",
> "S3Key": "openapibox.vmdk"
> }
> }
> ],
> "Status": "active",
> "StatusMessage": "pending"
> }
> *Step No. 3*
> #aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids
> import-ami-0232f452194f6efe0
> {
> "ImportImageTasks": [
> {
> "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0232f452194f6efe0",
> "SnapshotDetails": [
> {
> "DiskImageSize": 0.0,
> "Status": "completed"
> }
> ],
> "Status": "deleted",
> "StatusMessage": "ClientError: Disk validation failed
> [Unsupported VMDK File Format]",
> "Tags": []
> }
> ]
> }
> Please guide me. Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Kaushal


I will appreciate it if someone can pitch in for my earlier post to this
mailing list and need guidance in this regard. I look forward to hearing
from you. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

redhat-list mailing list

Re: Backup KVM Guest VM in OVA or VMDK format

2022-09-14 Thread Kaushal Shriyan
On Sat, Sep 3, 2022 at 12:28 AM Kaushal Shriyan 

> On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 9:43 PM Kaushal Shriyan 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to backup KVM Guest VM in kvmguestosimage.ova or
>> kvmguestosimage.vmdk format as I am trying to restore it in AWS by
>> referring to article as per the
>> below supported file format.
>> [1] Open Virtualization Archive (OVA)
>> [2] Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK)
>> [3] Virtual Hard Disk (VHD/VHDX)
>> [4] raw
>> Also any method to take full and incremental backup of KVM Guest VM.
>> Any help will be highly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.
>> Thanks in Advance.
>> Best Regards,
>> Kaushal
> Hi,
> Checking in again if someone can pitch in for my earlier post to this
> mailing list. Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Kaushal


I followed the below steps by referring to

# qemu-img -h | grep Supported
Supported formats: blkdebug blklogwrites blkverify compress
copy-before-write copy-on-read file ftp ftps gluster host_cdrom host_device
http https iscsi iser luks nbd null-aio null-co nvme preallocate qcow2
quorum raw rbd ssh throttle vhdx vmdk vpc

# qemu-img --version
qemu-img version 6.2.0 (qemu-kvm-6.2.0-12.module_el8.7.0+1140+ff0772f9)
Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers

*Step No. 1*
#qemu-img convert -O vmdk openapibox.img openapibox.vmdk -p

*Step No. 2*
#aws ec2 import-image --disk-containers
"ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0232f452194f6efe0",
"Progress": "1",
"SnapshotDetails": [
"DiskImageSize": 0.0,
"Format": "VMDK",
"UserBucket": {
"S3Bucket": "daclabservers",
"S3Key": "openapibox.vmdk"
"Status": "active",
"StatusMessage": "pending"

*Step No. 3*
#aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids
"ImportImageTasks": [
"ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0232f452194f6efe0",
"SnapshotDetails": [
"DiskImageSize": 0.0,
"Status": "completed"
"Status": "deleted",
"StatusMessage": "ClientError: Disk validation failed
[Unsupported VMDK File Format]",
"Tags": []

Please guide me. Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

redhat-list mailing list

Re: Backup KVM Guest VM in OVA or VMDK format

2022-09-02 Thread Kaushal Shriyan
On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 9:43 PM Kaushal Shriyan 

> Hi,
> Is there a way to backup KVM Guest VM in kvmguestosimage.ova or
> kvmguestosimage.vmdk format as I am trying to restore it in AWS by
> referring to article as per the
> below supported file format.
> [1] Open Virtualization Archive (OVA)
> [2] Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK)
> [3] Virtual Hard Disk (VHD/VHDX)
> [4] raw
> Also any method to take full and incremental backup of KVM Guest VM.
> Any help will be highly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.
> Thanks in Advance.
> Best Regards,
> Kaushal

Checking in again if someone can pitch in for my earlier post to this
mailing list. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

redhat-list mailing list

Re: backup programs

2003-10-16 Thread Aly Dharshi
Try arkeia-lite is a good one !

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 11:00, Janyne Kizer wrote:
> I've been using mondo ( for the past 18 months or so 
> and it has worked great for us under 7.2.  Unfortunately, I have not 
> been successful getting it to work under RH 9 so I am looking for a 
> program for disaster recovery.  We do daily dumps and rotate tapes and 
> we do monthly offsite backups.  What I am looking for is somethat that 
> will create a boot disk and restore from tape without first requiring 
> that the OS be installed.  Any suggestions would be appreaciated.
> -- 
> Janyne Kizer
> Systems Programmer Administrator
> NC State University, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
> Extension Information Technology
Aly S.P Dharshi
Southern Alberta Digital Library Project
"A good speech is like a good dress
 that's short enough to be interesting
 and long enough to cover the subject"

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RE: Backup software suggestions

2003-10-08 Thread santosh kumar
The arkeia software is good for your requirement...


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Cokey de Percin
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 3:01 AM
To: redhat-list
Subject: Re: Backup software suggestions

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 11:30, YoloIts wrote:
> I have 4 Red Hat Linux servers that I want to backup.  I have a Sony
> tape drive.
> I am looking for backup software that I can use to backup all the
> I would like to get a package that has a GUI interface.  I have found
> packages on the web but I wanted to get your input and ideas.
> Any suggestions on what I should use?
> Thanks,
> Jay

I like and use BRU and BackupEdge (Microlite).  Both work well and have
good recovery tools.  Edge works well with tape libraries while the
varient of BRU I have doesn't.  Neither of my packages are the lastest
available, so I'm sure the both have advanced some.



F. 'Cokey' de Percin, DBA   Email:
Columbia, South Carolina Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Backup software suggestions

2003-10-06 Thread Cokey de Percin
On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 11:30, YoloIts wrote:
> I have 4 Red Hat Linux servers that I want to backup.  I have a Sony DDS-3
> tape drive.
> I am looking for backup software that I can use to backup all the servers.
> I would like to get a package that has a GUI interface.  I have found
> packages on the web but I wanted to get your input and ideas.
> Any suggestions on what I should use?
> Thanks,
> Jay

I like and use BRU and BackupEdge (Microlite).  Both work well and have
good recovery tools.  Edge works well with tape libraries while the
varient of BRU I have doesn't.  Neither of my packages are the lastest
available, so I'm sure the both have advanced some.



F. 'Cokey' de Percin, DBA   Email:
Columbia, South Carolina Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Backup Software for RedHat Linux 9.0

2003-10-02 Thread NfoCipher
On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 15:33, Dali Islam wrote:
> Hi! Everybody, I have an external usb hard drive. I
> have three servers running windows 2000 server(Soon,
> we will convert to Linux).
> My idea is to use Linux box to backup the data on the
> external drive as we are converting to linux in near
> future, there is no reason to use a windows server to
> do the backup.
> Now I am seeking for ideas of what software(that runs
> automatically and just backup the new data, things
> like that) I can use to do backup on the external hard
> drives from redhat 9.0. 
> Thanks
> Dali
Use rsync + cron.

ChickenWare, LLC
Co-lo or dedicated Linux box as low as $35/month -

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RE: Backup options and considerations

2003-09-29 Thread Buck

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jason Dixon
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 7:19 AM
To: Red Hat Mailing List
Subject: RE: Backup options and considerations

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 03:22, Buck wrote:
> Sorry,
> I am using this on RHL 9.  I got distracted and forgot to add the 
> question about what backup software would be best.

If that's the case, please search the archives.  This has been covered
ad nauseum.

P.S.  Please don't take this as a flame, but I'm curious.  Why would you
spend as much time writing up your original post, rather than just
searching the archives?  I'm really not trying to start an argument, I'm
just wondering.

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

Not a problem on the flame, Dixon.  

It sounds like you read the long predecessor to this message.  If so,
did you notice the unique setup to the computer I am replacing?  I think
the value of this and my previous post both have been lost by being spit
and me working on it at 3am.  

To briefly restate: I have a server setup in windows 2000 pro with
custom partitions and removable hard drives all designed to restore
server operations it the absolute minimum amount of time.  I started by
trying to lay out a Linux comparison, but after doing so realized that
Linux may not be compatible to that same configuration.  After that I
forgot to include several questions I had in mind when I started. I
intended to ask if what I had in windows could be easily duplicated in
Linux or if there were a backup program best suited for that particular
backup plan or if there were a better way to do this in Linux that I
haven't learned yet.

In my response above I only answered the statement about this being off
topic and I deleted all the old message that I wasn't addressing at that

Thanks for the link. I will be checking it out.


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Re: Backup options and considerations

2003-09-29 Thread Benjamin J. Weiss
> I am thinking about backup procedures for my server.

> I don't know what "normal" backup procedures look like, I don't think I
> have seen any since about 1990.
> Anyone have any helpful suggestions?
> Buck

Yeah, Unix Backup and Recovery.

It was recommended by somebody else on the list just this weekend, and I
have been using it for awhile also.  It's part of my "core" library that I
wouldn't do without.


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RE: Backup options and considerations

2003-09-29 Thread Gerry Doris
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Buck wrote:

> Sorry, 
> I am using this on RHL 9.  I got distracted and forgot to add the
> question about what backup software would be best.
> Thanks
> Buck

This is one of those questions similar to what religion is best...

However, Arkeia provides a commerical product that they allow to be used 
for free for a few boxes (I think 3 including the server).  Mondo is an
excellent open source product.

I just tried Mondo (nice write up in the last Linux Journal) and it worked 
as advertised.  I wanted to see if I could do a bare metal restore.  Mondo 
created the ISO's for three bootable CD's.  I just haven't had the guts to 
nuke my box to see if they actually work!


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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RE: Backup options and considerations

2003-09-29 Thread Jason Dixon
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 03:22, Buck wrote:
> Sorry, 
> I am using this on RHL 9.  I got distracted and forgot to add the
> question about what backup software would be best.

If that's the case, please search the archives.  This has been covered
ad nauseum.

P.S.  Please don't take this as a flame, but I'm curious.  Why would you
spend as much time writing up your original post, rather than just
searching the archives?  I'm really not trying to start an argument, I'm
just wondering.

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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RE: Backup options and considerations

2003-09-29 Thread Buck

I am using this on RHL 9.  I got distracted and forgot to add the
question about what backup software would be best.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jason Dixon
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:40 AM
To: Red Hat Mailing List
Subject: Re: Backup options and considerations

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 00:25, Buck wrote:
> I am thinking about backup procedures for my server.
> I don't know what "normal" backup procedures look like, I don't think 
> I have seen any since about 1990.
> Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

I really don't grok what your real question might be, but it definitely
doesn't sound like it has anything to do with Red Hat Linux.  Perhaps
you might invest in some good Backup/Restore literature or an
experienced storage consultant, particularly if your company is so
financially dependent on the data being handled properly.

In short, I think this is off-topic for this list.

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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Re: Backup options and considerations

2003-09-28 Thread Jason Dixon
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 00:25, Buck wrote:
> I am thinking about backup procedures for my server.
> I don't know what "normal" backup procedures look like, I don't think I
> have seen any since about 1990. 
> Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

I really don't grok what your real question might be, but it definitely
doesn't sound like it has anything to do with Red Hat Linux.  Perhaps
you might invest in some good Backup/Restore literature or an
experienced storage consultant, particularly if your company is so
financially dependent on the data being handled properly.

In short, I think this is off-topic for this list.

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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Re: backup using dvd burner and windows machine

2003-09-06 Thread Ian L
At 07:56 PM 9/5/2003, you wrote:
On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 19:04, Ian L wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering what the general opinion was on using a dvd burner in a
> windows machine to backup some directories/files on 2-3 redhat servers? I
> was thinking i could just mount the relevant directories using samba, and
> then just burn them directly to the dvd, or tar them up first and then 
> the tar file.

You can burn to dvd, but don't do it over a network. rsync or copy all
the files you want to backup to  a directory on your machine, then burn
from there.
> My personal machine is a win2k3 server. So it wouldnt be a pain for me to
> feed it 2-4 disc's to complete the backup while i'm sitting in front of it.
> i was thinking of going with a dvd burner for a few reasons:
> 1. cheaper then a tape drive
> 2. faster then a tape drive
> 3. media is cheaper then tape media and lasts longer
> 4. i can read the media in any dvd drive.
Why not buy 3 200 Gig IDE drives and backup to a RAID 5 array?  Total
cost would be less then a burner and 6 months worth of DVDs.
actually, i already suggested something similar ... couple of fat swapable 
hard drives. but for some reason i dont understand that idea was rejected.

> At this point the only reason i wouldnt go with this is if there is some
> technical limitation with this setup that i'm not aware of. Anyone have 
> feedback on this?

The answer is you can, but do you really want to do this?
well it seems better then using tape backup to me, since the hard drive 
back up idea was rejected.


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Re: backup using dvd burner and windows machine

2003-09-05 Thread Michael Gargiullo
On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 19:04, Ian L wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering what the general opinion was on using a dvd burner in a 
> windows machine to backup some directories/files on 2-3 redhat servers? I 
> was thinking i could just mount the relevant directories using samba, and 
> then just burn them directly to the dvd, or tar them up first and then burn 
> the tar file.

You can burn to dvd, but don't do it over a network. rsync or copy all
the files you want to backup to  a directory on your machine, then burn
from there.

> My personal machine is a win2k3 server. So it wouldnt be a pain for me to 
> feed it 2-4 disc's to complete the backup while i'm sitting in front of it.
> i was thinking of going with a dvd burner for a few reasons:
> 1. cheaper then a tape drive
> 2. faster then a tape drive
> 3. media is cheaper then tape media and lasts longer
> 4. i can read the media in any dvd drive.

Why not buy 3 200 Gig IDE drives and backup to a RAID 5 array?  Total
cost would be less then a burner and 6 months worth of DVDs.

> At this point the only reason i wouldnt go with this is if there is some 
> technical limitation with this setup that i'm not aware of. Anyone have any 
> feedback on this?

The answer is you can, but do you really want to do this?

> thanks,
> Ian

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Re: backup mac server from linux?

2003-07-22 Thread Nicholas Marsh
Are we talking about Mac OS X? If so it has a BSD core and includes 
NFS. Thus, I would mount the Mac's HD from my Linux server and use tar 
to get all it's data.

Alternatively, you can export a directory on your Linux server and tar 
from the Mac to the Linux box. However, the BSD tar isn't as good as 
the GNU/Linux tar. It might go faster thought since you can compress 
that data before you send it over the network.

Does that help?

nick marsh
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RE: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-20 Thread Jason Staudenmayer
Try Bacula. I just installed the linux client and server works great and
it's way fast.
The even have a win32 exe module for it.

-Original Message-
From: Zoki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 10:27 AM
To: rhlist
Subject: Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

>> Sevatio wrote:
>> What are some methods for doing Full and Incremental backups of files in
>> a Windows 2000 box located remotely using a Redhat 8.0 box?  Any

*** Too bad nobody thought about the default backup utility in Win2000 and
Samba. You share the backup destination on RH8 through Samba, you setup the
default backup utility on Win2000 to save what ever you want to save to the
shared directory, you plannify it and you go to sleep.

It's tested here and works ever since put in place. That's about the only
thing this Win box is able to do without f** it up, I might add.


Windows software isn't released, it's allowed to escape.

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Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-19 Thread Zoki
>> Sevatio wrote:
>> What are some methods for doing Full and Incremental backups of files in
>> a Windows 2000 box located remotely using a Redhat 8.0 box?  Any

*** Too bad nobody thought about the default backup utility in Win2000 and
Samba. You share the backup destination on RH8 through Samba, you setup the
default backup utility on Win2000 to save what ever you want to save to the
shared directory, you plannify it and you go to sleep.

It's tested here and works ever since put in place. That's about the only
thing this Win box is able to do without f** it up, I might add.


Windows software isn't released, it's allowed to escape.

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Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-15 Thread Alan Harding

WinAt for the great M$ GUI feel :)

On 15 Jul 2003 09:04:31 -0400
Edward Croft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 08:38, Alan Peery wrote:
> > One idea:
> > 
> > 1) install tightvnc as a service ( on the win2k box
> > 2) Use the scheduled tasks available (control panel) to have the win2k 
> > box write backups onto it's hard drive
> > 3) Once a week, fire up VNC to connect to connect to the Win2k box
> > 4) Once there, start winscp ( to connect back to your 
> > Linux box and push the most recent weekly backup across
> > 
> > This is obviously lacking as it has human in the loop, but it is quick 
> > to implment.  Also, unless you already have a VPN in place, the login 
> > credentials at step #3 are not strongly encrypted.
> > 
> > Alan
> > 
> > 
> Wasn't there an AT command to do scheduling in NT? That would take the
> human out of the loop. I am using Quick Restore on my Linux system to
> backup Windows clients. It is a commercial product, but it seems to work
> well.
> Ed
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alan Harding
alanh (at) flashmail (dot) com


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Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-15 Thread Sevatio
I also have to mention that these machines are located miles apart.

Bret Hughes wrote:
On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 22:22, Sevatio wrote:

What are some methods for doing Full and Incremental backups of files in
a Windows 2000 box located remotely using a Redhat 8.0 box?  Any
recommendations and sharing of your techniques would be greatly 
appreciated.  The connection speed between the boxes are typically 256kbps.



is smbtar an option here?  I have never used it but seems like it might
do the trick.  Part of the samba suite.

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Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-15 Thread Bret Hughes
On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 22:22, Sevatio wrote:
> What are some methods for doing Full and Incremental backups of files in
> a Windows 2000 box located remotely using a Redhat 8.0 box?  Any
> recommendations and sharing of your techniques would be greatly 
> appreciated.  The connection speed between the boxes are typically 256kbps.
> Thanks,
> Sevatio

is smbtar an option here?  I have never used it but seems like it might
do the trick.  Part of the samba suite.


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Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-15 Thread Edward Croft
On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 08:38, Alan Peery wrote:
> One idea:
> 1) install tightvnc as a service ( on the win2k box
> 2) Use the scheduled tasks available (control panel) to have the win2k 
> box write backups onto it's hard drive
> 3) Once a week, fire up VNC to connect to connect to the Win2k box
> 4) Once there, start winscp ( to connect back to your 
> Linux box and push the most recent weekly backup across
> This is obviously lacking as it has human in the loop, but it is quick 
> to implment.  Also, unless you already have a VPN in place, the login 
> credentials at step #3 are not strongly encrypted.
> Alan
Wasn't there an AT command to do scheduling in NT? That would take the
human out of the loop. I am using Quick Restore on my Linux system to
backup Windows clients. It is a commercial product, but it seems to work

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Re: Backup Remote Windows 2000 Box with Linux

2003-07-15 Thread Alan Peery
One idea:

1) install tightvnc as a service ( on the win2k box
2) Use the scheduled tasks available (control panel) to have the win2k 
box write backups onto it's hard drive
3) Once a week, fire up VNC to connect to connect to the Win2k box
4) Once there, start winscp ( to connect back to your 
Linux box and push the most recent weekly backup across

This is obviously lacking as it has human in the loop, but it is quick 
to implment.  Also, unless you already have a VPN in place, the login 
credentials at step #3 are not strongly encrypted.


Sevatio wrote:

What are some methods for doing Full and Incremental backups of files in
a Windows 2000 box located remotely using a Redhat 8.0 box?  Any
recommendations and sharing of your techniques would be greatly 
appreciated.  The connection speed between the boxes are typically 



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RE backup copy /home/user SUCCESS !

2003-06-22 Thread Christopher Russell
Thanks for the advice; Ed, Jason, John, Len, Lewi, Mike, et al.

I got the job done using tar, but as Lewi notes, there is the option to
retain permissions in mkisofs, I'll try that as well.


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Re: backup copy /home/user

2003-06-21 Thread Lewi
I used this for backup my "home" in CDRW media,

# mkisofs -R -l -L -V BACKUP -P ICHTUS -uid 500 -gid
500 -hide-rr-moved -graft-points /ichtus/=/home/ichtus
| cdrecord dev=0,0,0 fs=4096k -v driveropts=burnfree
speed=4 -eject -

change to your own setting for some parameter

Christopher Russell wrote:

> I am trying to copy /home/user from one RH9 machine
to another RH9
> machine, using a CDR; but the files and directories
lose their
> permissions. How should this be done properly,
> I used a CDR, and syntax from RH8 Bible by Negus,
> mkisofs -o /var/tmp/ /home/user
> cdrecord -v speed=10 dev=0,0,0 -data
> On copying the files and directories into the new
> icons are labeled as user not having necessary
permissions. e.g.,
> /evolution has changed from 700 to 555, /stuff has
changed from 755 
> 555, and a .html file has changed from 664 to 555.
> A CD is an archive media, and so it's something in
the way I made the
> CD,-
> but what should have been the way to do this,
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

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Re: backup copy /home/user

2003-06-21 Thread Benjamin J. Weiss
The folks who mentioned the rights problems with Joliet are correct, you
need to use tar.  However, one thing that they didn't also
need to ensure that the uid's and gid's for your users are the same between
the two machines.  Check in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.  If the uids and
gids don't match, you'll have users unable to access their own files, but
able to access somebody else's.

- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: backup copy /home/user

> I am trying to copy /home/user from one RH9 machine to another RH9
> machine, using a CDR; but the files and directories lose their
> permissions. How should this be done properly, please?
> I used a CDR, and syntax from RH8 Bible by Negus, p471.
> mkisofs -o /var/tmp/ /home/user
> cdrecord -v speed=10 dev=0,0,0 -data /var/tmp/
> On copying the files and directories into the new /home/user directory,
> icons are labeled as user not having necessary permissions. e.g.,
> /evolution has changed from 700 to 555, /stuff has changed from 755 to
> 555, and a .html file has changed from 664 to 555.
> A CD is an archive media, and so it's something in the way I made the
> CD,-
> but what should have been the way to do this, please?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: backup copy /home/user

2003-06-21 Thread Edward Dekkers
Christopher Russell wrote:

I am trying to copy /home/user from one RH9 machine to another RH9
machine, using a CDR; but the files and directories lose their
permissions. How should this be done properly, please?
I used a CDR, and syntax from RH8 Bible by Negus, p471.
mkisofs -o /var/tmp/ /home/user
cdrecord -v speed=10 dev=0,0,0 -data /var/tmp/
On copying the files and directories into the new /home/user directory,
icons are labeled as user not having necessary permissions. e.g.,
/evolution has changed from 700 to 555, /stuff has changed from 755 to
555, and a .html file has changed from 664 to 555.
A CD is an archive media, and so it's something in the way I made the
but what should have been the way to do this, please?

Thanks in advance,

Use a tar archive - you can specify it to keep permissions. You're 
correct - writing onto CD kills some permissions due to the way 
ISO/Joliet read-only is applied to the files.

Same happens when I use windows to back up a directory shared using 
samba - when the modified bit is set during the backup, the linux file 
loses it's linux permissions. Highly annoying.

'man tar' should give you what you need.


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Re: backup copy /home/user

2003-06-21 Thread Len Philpot
On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 11:19:24AM -0400, Christopher Russell wrote:
> I am trying to copy /home/user from one RH9 machine to another RH9
> machine, using a CDR; but the files and directories lose their
> permissions. How should this be done properly, please?

Well, CDR's are read-only once initially written - Same thing happened
to me. What I did was just to tar up the whole thing then burn the tar
to CD. That will preserve everything, since it's inside the tarball at
that point.


-- Len Philpot  ><>  --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (alternate email)   --

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RE: backup copy /home/user

2003-06-21 Thread Jason Staudenmayer
I think you'll have better luck using tar.
tar zcvf /var/tmp/ /home/usr
Then dump the tar in an iso and burn that to the cd.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:19 AM
Subject: backup copy /home/user

I am trying to copy /home/user from one RH9 machine to another RH9
machine, using a CDR; but the files and directories lose their
permissions. How should this be done properly, please?

I used a CDR, and syntax from RH8 Bible by Negus, p471.

mkisofs -o /var/tmp/ /home/user
cdrecord -v speed=10 dev=0,0,0 -data /var/tmp/

On copying the files and directories into the new /home/user directory,
icons are labeled as user not having necessary permissions. e.g.,
/evolution has changed from 700 to 555, /stuff has changed from 755 to
555, and a .html file has changed from 664 to 555.

A CD is an archive media, and so it's something in the way I made the

but what should have been the way to do this, please?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-30 Thread Bret Hughes
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 09:43, Andrew Williams wrote:
> I used amanda for a year or so to do just what you want.  It's not
> terribly difficult to setup (the first few tries are frustrating but
> eventually a light will come on and all will make sense)  The only bad
> thing about amanda (and the reason I stopped using it) is that it won't
> span a single volume across tapes.  Other than that it's pretty solid.
> - andrew

I concur on amanda.  IMNSHO one of the finest pieces of open source
software out there.  BTW seems like you can break up the volume by
specifying directories rather than the device.


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RE: backup scripts

2003-05-30 Thread AragonX
Great.  That's what I'm doing now but I wasn't sure if there was a better
way to do it.

> -Original Message-
> From: AragonX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:02 AM
> Subject: Re: backup scripts
> Is there an easy way to get dump to put multiple volumes on a single tape?
>> tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for anything
>> more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both
>> able to back up a directory without its contents, which is important if
>> you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an
>> incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.
> use the no rewind device for the tape (/dev/nst0).
> i.e. dump three partitions onto one tape:
> dump -a0uf /dev/nst0 /dev/sda1
> dump -a0uf /dev/nst0 /dev/sda2
> dump -a0uf /dev/st0 /dev/sda3 - last one one use the rewind device
> (/dev/st0)
> also to restore say /dev/sda2:
> mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 1
> restore -if /dev/nst0
> man dump
> man mt
> man st
> hth
> ~smbinyon
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-30 Thread Gordon Messmer
You should be able to use the non rewinding tape device.  To restore, 
you'd use 'mt' to find the correct file, and dump it.

Google can probably help you more, and if you're serious about backups 
there's O'Reilly's "UNIX Backup and Recovery".

AragonX wrote:
Is there an easy way to get dump to put multiple volumes on a single tape?

tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for anything
more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both
able to back up a directory without its contents, which is important if
you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an
incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.

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RE: backup scripts

2003-05-30 Thread Binyon Steve Contr Det 4 AFC2TIG/ASRCC

-Original Message-
From: AragonX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: backup scripts

Is there an easy way to get dump to put multiple volumes on a single tape?

> tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for anything
> more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both
> able to back up a directory without its contents, which is important if
> you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an
> incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.

use the no rewind device for the tape (/dev/nst0).
i.e. dump three partitions onto one tape:

dump -a0uf /dev/nst0 /dev/sda1
dump -a0uf /dev/nst0 /dev/sda2
dump -a0uf /dev/st0 /dev/sda3 - last one one use the rewind device

also to restore say /dev/sda2:
mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 1 
restore -if /dev/nst0

man dump
man mt
man st


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RE: backup scripts

2003-05-30 Thread David Demner
I like the script at:

It's configured to split the archives into CD sized files, but this is easy to change. 
 It supports incremental backups, gzip/bz2 compression, etc...



Message: 2
From: "Richard Humphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: backup scripts
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 09:18:45 -0500

Currently we are using tar (extremely simple script) to back up some
files to tape. I know this is probably not the best way of doing it. Is
anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc) and which do you prefer and
why? Any examples of scripts using these methods would be helpful as
well. I would like to make daily backups of only the files that were
changed, and then make a full backup over the weekend. Is this a
sufficient way of doing backups?

 Richard Humphrey
 System Administrator
 Multicam L.P.

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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-30 Thread AragonX
Is there an easy way to get dump to put multiple volumes on a single tape?

> tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for anything
> more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both
> able to back up a directory without its contents, which is important if
> you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an
> incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.

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RE: backup scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Ryan D. Egeland
I've been through a few myself, and found rdiff-backup (lookup in Google) to be 
the best.  

It uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine only the changed bits on your 
filesystem for each incremental backup.  Makes it possible to restore from any 
specified arbitrary time point without using much extra disk space.

A simple cron job can dump the entire filesystem to another machine via SSH 
every night (assuming you have root access on both devices to keep UID/GID's 
etc.  Only the changed data will be transfered over the wire.

I've done a full system reinstall using rdiff-backup (this week actually), so I 
know it works well.


Quoting Daevid Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've just spent the past few days writing this backup script...
> follow the link for it.
> It will do weekly full backups on Sunday and daily diff backups. It also
> does daily dumps of all databases in the mysql db directory then
> combines them into a single .tgz file for storage. It is best if you
> have /backups as a separate device because I mount it rw and then ro
> when finished storing the backups. Simply list what you want at the top
> and use the exclude file to omit what you don't.
> Ideally I'd like to make it so it only backs up the mysql databases that
> have changed (diff), but I'm not sure how to determine that, as the
> directory doesn't seem to change it's date as I would expect, if the
> contents within are updated. Hmmm. Ideas?
> Daevid Vincent
> Ps. And yes, I sent that as a link in my resume because I'm unemployed
> and would love any offers for coding work with PHP, Linux, SQL, etc...
> ;-)
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gordon Messmer
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:05 PM
> > Subject: Re: backup scripts
> > 
> > 
> > Richard Humphrey wrote:
> > > Is
> > > anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc)
> > 
> > I use cpio and this script:
> >
> > 
> > > and which do you prefer and
> > > why?
> > 
> > tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for 
> > anything 
> > more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both 
> > able to back up a directory without its contents, which is 
> > important if 
> > you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an 
> > incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.
> > 
> > Also, if your filesystem has any features outside of the 
> > standard POSIX 
> > spec, dump will be the only tool which will back up and restore them. 
> > This is important to consider when using XFS and ACLs, for instance.
> > 
> > If you're backing up more than one machine, I recommend using cpio or 
> > dump in conjunction with amanda, or another backup spooler.
> > 
> > More important, I think, than any other advice is this:
> > Make sure your backups work.  Attempt to restore your backups 
> > to a clean 
> > machine, or alternate root directory.  It doesn't matter what 
> > you use if 
> > they don't work.  If you're satisfied with the restore, then the 
> > question of tar vs. cpio vs. dump is less important.
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > redhat-list mailing list
> > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > 
> -- 
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RE: backup scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Daevid Vincent
I've just spent the past few days writing this backup script... follow the link for it.

It will do weekly full backups on Sunday and daily diff backups. It also
does daily dumps of all databases in the mysql db directory then
combines them into a single .tgz file for storage. It is best if you
have /backups as a separate device because I mount it rw and then ro
when finished storing the backups. Simply list what you want at the top
and use the exclude file to omit what you don't.

Ideally I'd like to make it so it only backs up the mysql databases that
have changed (diff), but I'm not sure how to determine that, as the
directory doesn't seem to change it's date as I would expect, if the
contents within are updated. Hmmm. Ideas?

Daevid Vincent

Ps. And yes, I sent that as a link in my resume because I'm unemployed
and would love any offers for coding work with PHP, Linux, SQL, etc...

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gordon Messmer
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:05 PM
> Subject: Re: backup scripts
> Richard Humphrey wrote:
> > Is
> > anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc)
> I use cpio and this script:
> > and which do you prefer and
> > why?
> tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for 
> anything 
> more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both 
> able to back up a directory without its contents, which is 
> important if 
> you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an 
> incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.
> Also, if your filesystem has any features outside of the 
> standard POSIX 
> spec, dump will be the only tool which will back up and restore them. 
> This is important to consider when using XFS and ACLs, for instance.
> If you're backing up more than one machine, I recommend using cpio or 
> dump in conjunction with amanda, or another backup spooler.
> More important, I think, than any other advice is this:
> Make sure your backups work.  Attempt to restore your backups 
> to a clean 
> machine, or alternate root directory.  It doesn't matter what 
> you use if 
> they don't work.  If you're satisfied with the restore, then the 
> question of tar vs. cpio vs. dump is less important.
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Gordon Messmer
Richard Humphrey wrote:
anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc)
I use cpio and this script:
and which do you prefer and
tar is fine for getting a directory and its contents, but for anything 
more complex, it's much harder to live with.  cpio and dump are both 
able to back up a directory without its contents, which is important if 
you expect that permissions may change (and should be restored) in an 
incremental backup.  tar handles only the most basic of situations.

Also, if your filesystem has any features outside of the standard POSIX 
spec, dump will be the only tool which will back up and restore them. 
This is important to consider when using XFS and ACLs, for instance.

If you're backing up more than one machine, I recommend using cpio or 
dump in conjunction with amanda, or another backup spooler.

More important, I think, than any other advice is this:
Make sure your backups work.  Attempt to restore your backups to a clean 
machine, or alternate root directory.  It doesn't matter what you use if 
they don't work.  If you're satisfied with the restore, then the 
question of tar vs. cpio vs. dump is less important.

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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Thierry ITTY
on small sized servers, we run every day a script which
- decides files to backup
- creates an archive
- makes an iso image
- burns a cd (or a dvd)

flat files are either taken as a whole (tar -zcvf ...) or depending on
their last update (find -xtime -x ...| cpio ...), databases are
exported/dumped via utility then resulting files are tar'ed
all thoses compressed files are stored in a directory from which an image
is build (mkisofs) then burnt (cdrecord)
the next day an operator removes the cd and inserts a fresh new one
works fine with rewritables of course (doing a "blank" before)


A 16:32 28/05/2003 +0200, vous avez écrit :
>On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 16:18, Richard Humphrey wrote:
>> Currently we are using tar (extremely simple script) to back up some
>> files to tape. I know this is probably not the best way of doing it. Is
>> anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc) and which do you prefer and
>> why? Any examples of scripts using these methods would be helpful as
>> well. I would like to make daily backups of only the files that were
>> changed, and then make a full backup over the weekend. Is this a
>> sufficient way of doing backups?
>unless you've got a very small amount of data, I would recommend using
>rsync (or rsync over ssh for encryption), as it can modify and backup
>only what has been modified very quickly. 
>Something like
>rsync -avv --delete -b --suffix='.1' --stats --progress \
>"/storage/folder" \
>"/storage/folder1" \
>"/storage/folder2" \
>"/storage/folder3" \
>"[EMAIL PROTECTED]::dest_folder/backup_foler" > ~/.rsync.log
> what I use via a daily cron each night on my servers (it doesn't
>really delete the last modified files, but renames them as .1 in case a
>problem in the day occur. During the next synchronization, those .1
>files are, this time, really and definitely deleted. Other options are
>either cosmetic or verbose for the logs.  
>And once a week, the rsync server has another cron that make a full
>weekly backup; until it has 4 full weekly backups, the last one becomes
>the monthly backup, and the 3 others are deleted, and so on. 
>That's what I do ... never said it was absolutely perfect.  
>>  Richard Humphrey
>>  System Administrator
>>  Multicam L.P.
>>  (972)929-4070
>Stéphane Jourdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>redhat-list mailing list
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- * - * - * - * - * - * -
Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
Thierry ITTY

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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Andrew Williams
I used amanda for a year or so to do just what you want.  It's not
terribly difficult to setup (the first few tries are frustrating but
eventually a light will come on and all will make sense)  The only bad
thing about amanda (and the reason I stopped using it) is that it won't
span a single volume across tapes.  Other than that it's pretty solid. 

- andrew

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 10:32, Stéphane Jourdan wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 16:18, Richard Humphrey wrote:
> > Currently we are using tar (extremely simple script) to back up some
> > files to tape. I know this is probably not the best way of doing it. Is
> > anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc) and which do you prefer and
> > why? Any examples of scripts using these methods would be helpful as
> > well. I would like to make daily backups of only the files that were
> > changed, and then make a full backup over the weekend. Is this a
> > sufficient way of doing backups?
> > 
> unless you've got a very small amount of data, I would recommend using
> rsync (or rsync over ssh for encryption), as it can modify and backup
> only what has been modified very quickly. 
> Something like
> rsync -avv --delete -b --suffix='.1' --stats --progress \
> "/storage/folder" \
> "/storage/folder1" \
> "/storage/folder2" \
> "/storage/folder3" \
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]::dest_folder/backup_foler" > ~/.rsync.log
> what I use via a daily cron each night on my servers (it doesn't
> really delete the last modified files, but renames them as .1 in case a
> problem in the day occur. During the next synchronization, those .1
> files are, this time, really and definitely deleted. Other options are
> either cosmetic or verbose for the logs.  
> And once a week, the rsync server has another cron that make a full
> weekly backup; until it has 4 full weekly backups, the last one becomes
> the monthly backup, and the 3 others are deleted, and so on. 
> That's what I do ... never said it was absolutely perfect.  
> >  Richard Humphrey
> >  System Administrator
> >  Multicam L.P.
> >  (972)929-4070
> -- 
> Stéphane Jourdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: backup scripts

2003-05-29 Thread Stéphane Jourdan
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 16:18, Richard Humphrey wrote:
> Currently we are using tar (extremely simple script) to back up some
> files to tape. I know this is probably not the best way of doing it. Is
> anyone using another method (cpio,dump etc) and which do you prefer and
> why? Any examples of scripts using these methods would be helpful as
> well. I would like to make daily backups of only the files that were
> changed, and then make a full backup over the weekend. Is this a
> sufficient way of doing backups?

unless you've got a very small amount of data, I would recommend using
rsync (or rsync over ssh for encryption), as it can modify and backup
only what has been modified very quickly. 

Something like

rsync -avv --delete -b --suffix='.1' --stats --progress \
"/storage/folder" \
"/storage/folder1" \
"/storage/folder2" \
"/storage/folder3" \
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]::dest_folder/backup_foler" > ~/.rsync.log what I use via a daily cron each night on my servers (it doesn't
really delete the last modified files, but renames them as .1 in case a
problem in the day occur. During the next synchronization, those .1
files are, this time, really and definitely deleted. Other options are
either cosmetic or verbose for the logs.  
And once a week, the rsync server has another cron that make a full
weekly backup; until it has 4 full weekly backups, the last one becomes
the monthly backup, and the 3 others are deleted, and so on. 

That's what I do ... never said it was absolutely perfect.  

>  Richard Humphrey
>  System Administrator
>  Multicam L.P.
>  (972)929-4070
Stéphane Jourdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: backup script

2003-04-03 Thread Burke, Thomas G.
Hash: SHA1

jed, but it's been fixed.

- -Original Message-
From: Zhi Cheng Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:35 AM
Subject: RE: backup script

what text editor did you use to write the script?

- -Original Message-
From: Burke, Thomas G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 April 2003 14:22
Subject: RE: backup script

*** PGP Signature Status: good
*** Signer: Tom Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
*** Signed: 04/03/2003 8:22:20 AM
*** Verified: 04/03/2003 9:04:07 AM

if I put in the #!/bin/sh, I just get the following:

bash: ./backup: No such file or directory

ugh.  I don't get it.  I've seen this problem when things have the
wrong style of quote before, but I don't see that as a problem
here...  or is it?

- -Original Message-
From: Bret Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: RE: backup script

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 13:04, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's the error when I run the script as is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /backup]# ./backup
> : command not found
> : No such file or directory
> : command not found
> ./backup: ./backup: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> Here's the script:
> BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/backup/tomii
> for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

I don't see anything wrong with this except we don't know what shell
is running in. I usually put #!/bin/bash as the first line.

yep just tested on my machine and killed it before I filled up my
:) no errors 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ cat testscript 



for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ 



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Re: backup script

2003-04-03 Thread Michael Schwendt
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 05:22:25 -0800, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:

> if I put in the #!/bin/sh, I just get the following:
>   bash: ./backup: No such file or directory
> ugh.  I don't get it.  I've seen this problem when things have the
> wrong style of quote before, but I don't see that as a problem
> here...  or is it?
> On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 13:04, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > Here's the error when I run the script as is:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] /backup]# ./backup
> > : command not found
> > : No such file or directory
> > : command not found
> > ./backup: ./backup: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> > 
> > Here's the script:
> > 
> > BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/backup/tomii
> > 
> > 
> > for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done
> > 
> > 
> I don't see anything wrong with this except we don't know what shell
> it is running in. I usually put #!/bin/bash as the first line.

Try running it through dos2unix. It smells a bit like you have created
it with a Windows machine and it contains wrong line delimiters.

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Re: backup script

2003-04-03 Thread Jon Haugsand
* Thomas G. Burke
> if I put in the #!/bin/sh, I just get the following:
>   bash: ./backup: No such file or directory
> ugh.  I don't get it.  I've seen this problem when things have the
> wrong style of quote before, but I don't see that as a problem
> here...  or is it?

(Incredible difficult to answer questions when one top posts, why can't
the news proper way also migrate to mailing lists?)

Anyway, one way to debug shell scripts is to start them with option v:

  sh -v ./backup

Then every line will be printet out before it is executed.

 Jon Haugsand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: backup script

2003-04-03 Thread Zhi Cheng Wang
what text editor did you use to write the script?

-Original Message-
From: Burke, Thomas G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 April 2003 14:22
Subject: RE: backup script

Hash: SHA1

if I put in the #!/bin/sh, I just get the following:

bash: ./backup: No such file or directory

ugh.  I don't get it.  I've seen this problem when things have the
wrong style of quote before, but I don't see that as a problem
here...  or is it?

- -Original Message-
From: Bret Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: RE: backup script

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 13:04, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's the error when I run the script as is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /backup]# ./backup
> : command not found
> : No such file or directory
> : command not found
> ./backup: ./backup: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> Here's the script:
> BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/backup/tomii
> for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

I don't see anything wrong with this except we don't know what shell
is running in. I usually put #!/bin/bash as the first line.

yep just tested on my machine and killed it before I filled up my
:) no errors 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ cat testscript 



for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ 



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RE: backup script

2003-04-03 Thread Burke, Thomas G.
Hash: SHA1

if I put in the #!/bin/sh, I just get the following:

bash: ./backup: No such file or directory

ugh.  I don't get it.  I've seen this problem when things have the
wrong style of quote before, but I don't see that as a problem
here...  or is it?

- -Original Message-
From: Bret Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: RE: backup script

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 13:04, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's the error when I run the script as is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /backup]# ./backup
> : command not found
> : No such file or directory
> : command not found
> ./backup: ./backup: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> Here's the script:
> BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/backup/tomii
> for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

I don't see anything wrong with this except we don't know what shell
is running in. I usually put #!/bin/bash as the first line.

yep just tested on my machine and killed it before I filled up my
:) no errors 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ cat testscript 



for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ 



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RE: backup script

2003-04-02 Thread Bret Hughes
On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 13:04, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's the error when I run the script as is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /backup]# ./backup
> : command not found
> : No such file or directory
> : command not found
> ./backup: ./backup: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> Here's the script:
> BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/backup/tomii
> for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

I don't see anything wrong with this except we don't know what shell it
is running in. I usually put #!/bin/bash as the first line.

yep just tested on my machine and killed it before I filled up my drive
:) no errors 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ cat testscript 



for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bhughes]$ 



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RE: backup script

2003-04-02 Thread Burke, Thomas G.
Hash: SHA1

Here's the error when I run the script as is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /backup]# ./backup
: command not found
: No such file or directory
: command not found
./backup: ./backup: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Here's the script:



for i in * ; do tar -zcvf "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ; done

- -Original Message-
From: Bret Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: RE: backup script

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 09:11, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> What do you need to do to run this script, or one like it?  I tried
> adding a #!/bin/sh to the beginning, but it just chokes.  I have
> installed perl, but never really used it, so if it's a perl script,
> how do I run it?

is it executable?  chmod a+x  scriptname will make it executable by
users chmod u+x will only allow the owner to run it.


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RE: backup script

2003-04-02 Thread Bret Hughes
On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 09:11, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> What do you need to do to run this script, or one like it?  I tried
> adding a #!/bin/sh to the beginning, but it just chokes.  I have
> installed perl, but never really used it, so if it's a perl script,
> how do I run it?

is it executable?  chmod a+x  scriptname will make it executable by all
users chmod u+x will only allow the owner to run it.


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RE: backup script

2003-04-02 Thread Burke, Thomas G.
Hash: SHA1

What do you need to do to run this script, or one like it?  I tried
adding a #!/bin/sh to the beginning, but it just chokes.  I have
installed perl, but never really used it, so if it's a perl script,
how do I run it?

- -Original Message-
From: Carlo Feliciano N. Aureus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 1:31 AM
Subject: RE: backup script


I usually use below script to backup every directory, which are under
SOURCE DIRECTORY, in a tar.gz format and store them in my backup

- ---

for i in * ; do tar cvfz "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ;done

Hope this helps.

Carlo Feliciano N. Aureus
Information and Communication Technology Center
Ateneo de Naga University
4400 Naga City Philippines
(+63 54) 4726810

- -Original Message-
On Behalf Of Steve Buehler
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: backup script

RedHat Linux 7.3
I am trying to create a backup script (/bin/sh type) that would read

directories and create a seperate backup file for each directory.  I

easily get the directories into a text file with "ls -d *".  How can
through that script one line at a time putting the contents of the
into a variable, then do something with it?

foreach line in file{
$variable="line contents"
run some commands that need $variable contents

Thank You in advance for any help.


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RE: backup script

2003-03-28 Thread Carlo Feliciano N. Aureus


I usually use below script to backup every directory, which are under
SOURCE DIRECTORY, in a tar.gz format and store them in my backup


for i in * ; do tar cvfz "$BACKUP_DIRECTORY/$i.tgz" $i ;done

Hope this helps.

Carlo Feliciano N. Aureus
Information and Communication Technology Center
Ateneo de Naga University
4400 Naga City Philippines
(+63 54) 4726810

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Steve Buehler
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: backup script

RedHat Linux 7.3
I am trying to create a backup script (/bin/sh type) that would read the

directories and create a seperate backup file for each directory.  I can

easily get the directories into a text file with "ls -d *".  How can I
through that script one line at a time putting the contents of the line 
into a variable, then do something with it?

foreach line in file{
$variable="line contents"
run some commands that need $variable contents

Thank You in advance for any help.


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Re: backup script

2003-03-28 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 11:14, Steve Buehler wrote:
> Ok.  I ended up finding the answer right after writing the email.
> cd /home/
> dirs=`ls -d *`
> cd /root
> for II in $dirs; do
>  TAR=`tar -czvf /root/$II.tgz /home/$II`
> done

BTW I don't think this will get hidden files/dirs ( those beginning
with  a .)


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Re: backup script

2003-03-28 Thread Steve Buehler
Ok.  I ended up finding the answer right after writing the email.

cd /home/
dirs=`ls -d *`
cd /root
for II in $dirs; do
TAR=`tar -czvf /root/$II.tgz /home/$II`
At 11:05 AM 3/28/2003 -0600, you wrote:
RedHat Linux 7.3
I am trying to create a backup script (/bin/sh type) that would read the 
directories and create a seperate backup file for each directory.  I can 
easily get the directories into a text file with "ls -d *".  How can I run 
through that script one line at a time putting the contents of the line 
into a variable, then do something with it?

foreach line in file{
$variable="line contents"
run some commands that need $variable contents
Thank You in advance for any help.


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RE: backup hard disks

2003-03-24 Thread Chris Mason
I've got two installations of VXA-1 drives using Arkeia software very
successfully. The setup is easy enough and the software is very competent.
VXA-1 drives are very reliable.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jianping Zhu
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:40 AM
> Subject: backup hard disks
> I have redhat 7.3, with serveral hard disks. I need mutiple 
> tapes (20G) 
> to backup the directories d1 d2 d3 d4 (totally about 
> 120G) scattered in all disks. Is there a way i can back all 
> directory together? (i mean, after first tape is full the 
> system will ask for second disk and so on utill we finish all
> backup)
> Thanks 
> Jianping Zhu
> Department of Computer Science
> Univerity of Georgia 
> Athens, GA 30602
> Tel 706 5423900
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RE: backup hard disks

2003-03-24 Thread christopher cuse
Hi Jianping,

Check out amanda --


Christopher CUSE

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jianping Zhu
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 2:40 PM
Subject: backup hard disks

I have redhat 7.3, with serveral hard disks. I need mutiple tapes (20G) 
to backup the directories d1 d2 d3 d4 (totally about 120G) scattered
in all disks. Is
there a way i can back all directory together? (i mean, after first tape
is full the system will ask for second disk and so on utill we finish all

Jianping Zhu
Department of Computer Science
Univerity of Georgia 
Athens, GA 30602
Tel 706 5423900

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Re: Backup MS SQL Database

2003-03-18 Thread David Busby
To get MS into a PG database I had to use the MS-SQL Enterprise Manager that
allowed me to "Script the Database".  This made some non SQL92/99 compliant
scripts for the schema of the database that I then had to edit to work with
my PG install (7.2.x).  Then I used some VBScript code to connect to both
databases and drag the data across.  I hated every minute of it.  It was not
very efficient but it did get the job done.  Every time I see a post like
this it reminds me to work on this code I started that would create the
necessary PgSQL Schema code from an MS-SQL DB.


- Original Message -
From: "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 13:22
Subject: Re: Backup MS SQL Database

> Jason M. Kuhlman said:
> > Is it possible to backup a MS SQL database to one of the open source
> > like SAPDB, PostGreSQL, or MySQL? If so how?
> really don't think so. but the MS SQL admin interface has a tool that
> allows you to dump the database to a text file, which can easily be
> backed up. Not sure what the tool is called since I've never used MS SQL
> but one of my co workers did and thats what he did for backups.
> similar to mysqldump.
> nate
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Re: Backup MS SQL Database

2003-03-18 Thread nate
Jason M. Kuhlman said:
> Is it possible to backup a MS SQL database to one of the open source RDBMS
> like SAPDB, PostGreSQL, or MySQL? If so how?

really don't think so. but the MS SQL admin interface has a tool that
allows you to dump the database to a text file, which can easily be
backed up. Not sure what the tool is called since I've never used MS SQL
but one of my co workers did and thats what he did for backups.

similar to mysqldump.


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Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-24 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Andy wrote:

> So I can either put " /dev/null 2>&1 " in the script itself or I can put
> it at the end of the crontab file such as this:

Yup. Putting it in your script in various places can help you fine-tune 
what will be emailed (if anything). Putting it in the crontab means you 
only have to type it once, and it will affect ALL output from the script.

> # Run morning backup script at 2 am every morning
> 0 2 * * * /root/backupscript  /dev/null 2>&1

You still need to redirect output. You can't skip the > to /dev/null if 
you want it to work. Otherwise, /dev/null is simply passed as a positional 
parameter to /root/backupscript. :)

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RE: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-24 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Cowles, Steve wrote:

>ls > dirlist 2>&1

I stand corrected. It *is* a little counter-intuitive, though, to have the 
file descriptors modified AFTER the redirection.

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Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-24 Thread Andy
>>Do this:
>>tar  > /dev/null 2>&1
>>That should work.
>'s cron.  To stop it from mailing you, add this to the end of the
> line in root's crontab:
> > /dev/null 2>&1

So I can either put " /dev/null 2>&1 " in the script itself or I can put
it at the end of the crontab file such as this:

# Run morning backup script at 2 am every morning
0 2 * * * /root/backupscript  /dev/null 2>&1

There are 2 ways to do this right?


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RE: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-23 Thread Cowles, Steve
> -Original Message-
> From: Todd A. Jacobs
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 5:28 PM
> Subject: Re: backup script sends large email to root?
> Is it cron doing it?
> On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Bapi Ghosh wrote:
> > tar  > /dev/null 2>&1
> This is backwards. You needs to redirect stderr before 
> redirecting stdout:
>   foo 2>&1 > /dev/null

Beg to differ on the above... from man bash

Note  that  the order of redirections is significant.  For example, the
   ls > dirlist 2>&1
directs both standard output and standard error to  the  file  dirlist,
while the command
   ls 2>&1 > dirlist

directs  only the standard output to file dirlist, because the standard
error was duplicated as standard output before the standard output  was
redirected to dirlist.

> Or, the MAILTO line in the crontab can be tweaked (it works 
> in a top-down fashion):
>   # Mail results to [EMAIL PROTECTED] until otherwise specified.
>   * * * * * foo
>   * * * * * bar
>   #
>   # No output on following items.
>   MAILTO=""
>   * * * * * baz
> The foo and bar lines will have output mailed, but baz won't. I still 
> don't think it's a good idea to close output, whether using MAILTO or 
> /dev/null, but those are the options.
> A much better technique would be to *minimize* output so that 
> you only get an email when a cron job fails. A simple way to
> do this would be:
>   * * * * * foo 2>&1 > /dev/null || echo "Foo failed. Fix me."
> Otherwise, you might never know there's been a problem.

Nod! I too, want to see stderr from all cronjobs. But the above syntax will
still print stderr before the echo statement should foo fail. Functionally,
the following is equivelent.

* * * * * foo >/dev/null || echo "Foo failed. Fix me."

If you just want to see the echo statment without stderr, then...
* * * * * foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "Foo failed. Fix me."

Steve Cowles

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Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-23 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Bapi Ghosh wrote:

> tar  > /dev/null 2>&1

This is backwards. You needs to redirect stderr before redirecting stdout:

foo 2>&1 > /dev/null

Or, the MAILTO line in the crontab can be tweaked (it works in a top-down 

# Mail results to [EMAIL PROTECTED] until otherwise specified.
* * * * * foo
* * * * * bar
# No output on following items.
* * * * * baz

The foo and bar lines will have output mailed, but baz won't. I still 
don't think it's a good idea to close output, whether using MAILTO or 
/dev/null, but those are the options.

A much better technique would be to *minimize* output so that you only get 
an email when a cron job fails. A simple way to do this would be:

* * * * * foo 2>&1 > /dev/null || echo "Foo failed. Fix me."

Otherwise, you might never know there's been a problem.

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Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-23 Thread Mike Burger's cron.  To stop it from mailing you, add this to the end of the 
line in root's crontab:

> /dev/null 2>&1

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Andy wrote:

> I created a backup script that copies our NT Server data drive to our
> Redhat box running samba.  All works fine except my root email account
> gets a 1.2 MB email sent to it every night. This will hog disk space.
> This is the beginning of the email:
> Subject: Cron  /root/backupscript
> Message part:
> Unknown parameter encountered: "oplock wait break time"
> Ignoring unknown parameter "oplock wait break time"
> tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
> mnt/
> This is the script:
> [root@yamaha root]# cat backupscript
> #!/bin/bash
> mount -t smbfs -o username=administrator,password=admin //ntserver/D$ /mnt
> ( tar cf - /mnt ) | ( cd /usr/local/samba/lib/back ; tar xvpf - )
> umount /mnt
> [root@yamaha root]#
> How do I tell cron NOT to send me a summary? (if that is what it is doing)

Mike Burger

Visit the Dog Pound II BBS
telnet:// or

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Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-23 Thread Bapi Ghosh
Do this:
tar  > /dev/null 2>&1
That should work.
JaideepDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now

Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-23 Thread Andy
> > ( tar cf - /mnt ) | ( cd /usr/local/samba/lib/back ; tar xvpf - )
> > How do I tell cron NOT to send me a summary? (if that is what it is
> > doing)
> Cron will send you output from programs that it runs. Close cout/cerr, or
> redirect output to /dev/null in your script.

That is what I need help with.  Can you give me more detail?
How do I tell cron to do something "within" the script?
As you stated, I probably should not change the global cron config.
I am very weak at scripts.  I used the above script from  


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Re: backup script sends large email to root? Is it cron doing it?

2003-01-23 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Andy wrote:

> ( tar cf - /mnt ) | ( cd /usr/local/samba/lib/back ; tar xvpf - )
> How do I tell cron NOT to send me a summary? (if that is what it is doing)

Cron will send you output from programs that it runs. Close cout/cerr, or 
redirect output to /dev/null in your script.

You can also set MAILTO="" in your crontab to turn off mail delivery, but 
I strongly recommend against doing so.

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Re: backup file to cdrom

2002-12-13 Thread Michael Schwendt
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 22:55:40 -0500 (EST), Jianping Zhu wrote:

> I tried but get error msg,
> no manual entry for cdrecord
> no manual entry for mkisofs 
> what can i do next?

Install the cdrecord and mkisofs packages, then try again.

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Re: backup file to cdrom

2002-12-12 Thread Yoink!
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Jianping Zhu wrote:
> I tried but get error msg,
> no manual entry for cdrecord
> no manual entry for mkisofs
> what can i do next?
> Thanks
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Yoink! wrote:
> > On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Jianping Zhu wrote:
> > > what is the command to backup files (directories) to CDROM in linux?
> >
> > man mkisofs
> > man cdrecord

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Re: backup file to cdrom

2002-12-12 Thread Jianping Zhu
I tried but get error msg,
no manual entry for cdrecord
no manual entry for mkisofs 
what can i do next?


On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Yoink! wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Jianping Zhu wrote:
> > what is the command to backup files (directories) to CDROM in linux?
> man mkisofs
> man cdrecord
> -- 
> \ \/ / _   |~\  _ In God We Trust. All Others Pay Cash.
>  >  < / \|\  /|+-< | |"The world is a comedy to those that think,
> / /\ \\_/| \/ ||__)|_| a tragedy to those who feel." - Horace Walpole
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Jianping Zhu
Department of Computer Science
Univerity of Georgia 
Athens, GA 30602
Tel 706 5423900

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Re: backup file to cdrom

2002-12-12 Thread Yoink!
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Jianping Zhu wrote:
> what is the command to backup files (directories) to CDROM in linux?

man mkisofs
man cdrecord

\ \/ / _   |~\  _ In God We Trust. All Others Pay Cash.
 >  < / \|\  /|+-< | |"The world is a comedy to those that think,
/ /\ \\_/| \/ ||__)|_| a tragedy to those who feel." - Horace Walpole

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Re: backup script

2002-12-12 Thread Ben Russo
On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 21:11, Jianping Zhu wrote:
>  I have redhat 7.1 server.
>   Because i have several dictories need to be backup, I want to write a
>  script do it automatically  say every Satuerday a 2:00am. is there a way
>  to do that?

Check this out.
I use this on my machines to back up critical files.
Working it in with a weekly job that does an rpm -y on things and 
finding files that are "custom" to build a list to back up works too.

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Re: backup script

2002-12-10 Thread Randy Franklin
Look into cron.  Add a line like the following to /etc/crontab:

00 2 * * 6 root /path/to/my/

You will need to write a script that executes the backup operation.  As 
soon as you modify the file, the setting changes are noticed by crond.  
Make sure your script is executable (chmod 755 and note that 
and output to STDOUT from the script will end up as a mail message sent 
to root.


On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 09:11  PM, Jianping Zhu wrote:

 I have redhat 7.1 server.
  Because i have several dictories need to be backup, I want to write a
 script do it automatically  say every Satuerday a 2:00am. is there a 
 to do that?

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Re: backup script

2002-12-10 Thread nate
Jianping Zhu said:
>  I have redhat 7.1 server.
>   Because i have several dictories need to be backup, I want to write a
>  script do it automatically  say every Satuerday a 2:00am. is there a way
> to do that?

how are you planning to back it up? I mean, some backup to CDR, some backup
to tape, some backup to remote systems some backup to a 2nd disk on the
same system 


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Re: backup via samba share

2002-12-05 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Hash: SHA1

On 04-Dec-2002/21:37 -0600, "Simpson, Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This is strange but here it is - I am backing up a directory on my Linux RH
>7.3 from a win2k box.
>I point the backup program to the samba share and do the backup.
>Unfortunately the user I use cannot access all the files in the share do to
>who is the owner.  Can I create a Samba user that has root permissions or
>sign-on to my windows box as root and have permissions to all the samba
>I know it is a bit back@$$wards.

Why not backup the files to the user's own home directory? That would
eliminate any ownership issues.

Or create a share in the desired partition on the Linux box and make sure
it is owned by the user that is running the backup.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene 0x6C94239D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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Re: Backup

2002-11-03 Thread Mike Burger
The easiest way is going to be to use tar, and create an archive.  That 
way, when untar'ing it, you should get all the ownerships and permissions 
back as they were.

On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Tobias wrote:

> Hi!
> How do I copy my 'home' dir the easiest way? When I try to copy it as root I 
> get some error msg of diffrent kinds.
> All I wanna do is a backup of my personal files so I can make a clean install.
> Regards
> Tobias

Mike Burger

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Re: Backup

2002-11-03 Thread Muhammad Faisal Rauf Danka
tar cvfz home.tgz /home
Keep that tarball in a safer place, while you get done with clean install.

tar vxfz home.tgz

man tar for more info.


Muhammad Faisal Rauf Danka

Head of GemSEC / Chief Technology Officer
Gem Internet Services (Pvt) Ltd.
Key Id: 0x784B0202
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784B 0202

--- Tobias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How do I copy my 'home' dir the easiest way? When I try to copy it as root I 
>get some error msg of diffrent kinds.
>All I wanna do is a backup of my personal files so I can make a clean install.
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Re: Backup script creating 2 mails

2002-10-20 Thread Daniel Tan
thanks.will try that
- Original Message -
From: "Cowles, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:57 PM
Subject: RE: Backup script creating 2 mails

> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Tan [mailto:danieltan@;]
> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:39 PM
> To: Redhat 2
> Subject: Backup script creating 2 mails
> Hi all,
> i have a backup script that will send me an email
> after backup has finished. But i keep receiving 2 mails
> instead of 1. The additional email contains do
> i prevent that mail from appearing?
> Subject: Cron  /root/bakupdaily
> Body: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
> My Backup Script:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo Backup started at `date` > bakupweekly.log
> tar -cvf /dev/st0 /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mqueue /var/www
> /etc /var/named /home /boot /root >> bakupweekly.log
> echo Backup stopped at `date` >> bakupweekly.log
> mail -s "Backup Weekly Log" "admin@mail" < bakupweekly.log

Based on your post, I think the reason you are receiving two e-mails is --
In your backup script, you are redirecting stdout to the file
bakupweekly.log, but you are NOT redirecting stderr to the same file. So
stderr is being sent to root@mail because its part of the cronjob output,
but stdout is being redirected to your backup file and then mailed to
another account. In other words, your tar syntax is causing tar to output to
both stdout and stderr.

To fix, choose one of the following options:

1) fix your tar syntax so that it does not generate stderr output.

2) Add the MAILTO variable to your backup script and then remove all
redirects along with your 'mail' command. It's no longer needed. Ex:

echo Backup started at `date`

3) Change each line in your shell script that redirects output to include
stderr... EX:
echo Backup started at `date` >bakupweekly.log 2>&1

Steve Cowles

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RE: Backup script creating 2 mails

2002-10-18 Thread Cowles, Steve
> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Tan [mailto:danieltan@;]
> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:39 PM
> To: Redhat 2
> Subject: Backup script creating 2 mails
> Hi all,
> i have a backup script that will send me an email 
> after backup has finished. But i keep receiving 2 mails
> instead of 1. The additional email contains do
> i prevent that mail from appearing?
> Subject: Cron mail> /root/bakupdaily
> Body: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
> My Backup Script:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo Backup started at `date` > bakupweekly.log
> tar -cvf /dev/st0 /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mqueue /var/www 
> /etc /var/named /home /boot /root >> bakupweekly.log
> echo Backup stopped at `date` >> bakupweekly.log
> mail -s "Backup Weekly Log" "admin@mail" < bakupweekly.log

Based on your post, I think the reason you are receiving two e-mails is --
In your backup script, you are redirecting stdout to the file
bakupweekly.log, but you are NOT redirecting stderr to the same file. So
stderr is being sent to root@mail because its part of the cronjob output,
but stdout is being redirected to your backup file and then mailed to
another account. In other words, your tar syntax is causing tar to output to
both stdout and stderr.

To fix, choose one of the following options:

1) fix your tar syntax so that it does not generate stderr output.

2) Add the MAILTO variable to your backup script and then remove all
redirects along with your 'mail' command. It's no longer needed. Ex:

echo Backup started at `date`

3) Change each line in your shell script that redirects output to include
stderr... EX:
echo Backup started at `date` >bakupweekly.log 2>&1

Steve Cowles

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Re: Backup

2002-10-18 Thread John the Kiwi
This is the best link on backing up in Linux I've been able to find.
Hope it helps.

John the Kiwi

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 13:45, Cohan, Sean wrote:
> Are there any open source or inexpensive backup/restore utilities for
> Redhat?  We will be using Jboss for our app server on one box and Oracle as
> the DB on another box.  Thanks.
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Backup

2002-10-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 13:45, Cohan, Sean wrote:
> Are there any open source or inexpensive backup/restore utilities for
> Redhat?  We will be using Jboss for our app server on one box and Oracle as
> the DB on another box.  Thanks.

We use amanda to backup 6 or seven linux boxes nightly onto a songle dlt
tape.  Awesome product and comes with redhat in rpm form.


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RE: ...Backup Laws

2002-08-28 Thread Ismael Touama


I just find ARCserve on the application CD of RH7.K2 distro.
Can someone give some feedbacks about it ?
What's the main difference with arkeia (except network capabilities) ?

Thank you, I go all over the web...

-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Ismael Touama
Envoyé : mercredi 28 août 2002 09:53
Objet : ...Backup Laws

Hi everyone,

I saw Ashley K.M send a topic on backups.
I wish you give some links where I can learn
to make backups. This including different case
so I can restore in the best and quick way lost
data, configuration or partition...
I'd like to know what partition to backup, what
kind of restore it gives, what to do when made
an integral backup and these incrementals ones
when just a partition had been erased...
What to do i.e when installed and configured
MySQL day d,  and then after installing and configured
severals stuff on my system until incremental backup
on day d+9, and crash my MySQL server...
All of thing like this that make me prevent huge cases
of losing face when something wrong happen.

Thank you for all good doc (is there nothing on it
on sourceforgee ?)...


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RE: Backup large files to tape

2002-07-16 Thread Bret Hughes

On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 22:20, Pranay Kumar wrote:
> I am using DLT (tape is 110 GB). So I don't need to span tapes. Also I
> do not need scheduled backups. I can manually backup as and when
> required. My file size ranges from 25G to 40G. I thought AMANDA was more
> for a central repository kind of backup??

amanda does do network backups too.  The cool thing is that with the
tools as a part of the package you can scan the index and retrieve a
backdated version. Locate the correct tape etc.

You did not say how many versions you need to keep.  Amanda will not
allow you to manage the tapes.  It will make a tape for each day.

If you are merely wanting to copy the file to tape there is always tar
or even cp.  Just write to the tape device like it was a directory.  

cat bigfile > /dev/st0

use nst0 if you don't want it to rewind.

you will have to keep up with tape position and the like for getting it
back though.  Multiple files on the tape can get confusing if you are
not used to it.

man mt for how to position the tape at the beginning of a file. and
other tape control commands,


> - Pranay
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Patrick May
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Backup large files to tape
> Depending on your situation, have you looked at AMANDA?
> Depending on your tape size and the file size(s) you may need to break
> up your data into multiple disklist entries to spread them across
> multiple tapes. I don't believe that AMANDA will span a single disklist
> entry across multiple tapes.
> For commercial solutions I know of BRU and Arkeia(spelling?). Bru isn't
> too hard on the pocketbook. Arkeia is very expensive. I was quoated
> about $3,500 for on machine. I went with AMANDA.
> Patrick
> On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 19:32, Pranay Kumar wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >  
> > I have to back up some large files ( ~ 30GB ) onto my tape drive.
> > Programs like Kdat and taper as shipped with RH7.3 cannot handle them.
> > Any suggestions.
> >  
> > - Pranay
> >  
> ___
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Re: Backup large files to tape

2002-07-16 Thread Mike Burger

Have you tried dump or tar?

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Pranay Kumar wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have to back up some large files ( ~ 30GB ) onto my tape drive.
> Programs like Kdat and taper as shipped with RH7.3 cannot handle them.
> Any suggestions.
> - Pranay

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Re: Backup large files to tape

2002-07-15 Thread Patrick May

Depending on your situation, have you looked at AMANDA?

Depending on your tape size and the file size(s) you may need to break
up your data into multiple disklist entries to spread them across
multiple tapes. I don't believe that AMANDA will span a single disklist
entry across multiple tapes.

For commercial solutions I know of BRU and Arkeia(spelling?). Bru isn't
too hard on the pocketbook. Arkeia is very expensive. I was quoated
about $3,500 for on machine. I went with AMANDA.


On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 19:32, Pranay Kumar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have to back up some large files ( ~ 30GB ) onto my tape drive.
> Programs like Kdat and taper as shipped with RH7.3 cannot handle them.
> Any suggestions.
> - Pranay

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Re: backup software/procedures

2002-06-18 Thread Ray Curtis

> "ed" == Ernie Dumas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ed> Hello All,
ed> I need some help. I am a Linux newbie; a Windows NT Admin who is
ed> exploring the wonderful world of Linux. We have brought a new Linux
ed> oracle server in house and I need to set up some type of back up
ed> routine. I would prefer some type of GUI application but have read that
ed> taper, the most recommended, has a limitation of 4GB. What does everyone
ed> else use? I would like not to have to pay for app as I know that Linux
ed> offers a wide-range of options. Any and all help would be GREATLY
ed> appreciated!

As far as a GUI app you have BRU, Archeia both of which are $

Then for command line packages I recommend Amanda, which is free
and will easily handle all your demands except the GUI frontend.
Redhat does provide rpms for Amanda in their distribution.

Amanda homepage:

Ray Curtis

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Re: backup Help

2002-06-11 Thread ramakrishna

> I have Two Solaris Servers ( Enterprise 250 ) then 10
> Ultra Clients,, and 50 Linux Clients,, and Microsoft
> Exchange server. These machines need to be backed up. 
> Disk space problem is not there,, 
> Can some one suggest a backup tool and also the hard
> ware requirements to backup all the machines which are
> listed above, 
Some of the commercial backup tools are well suited for 
your case. you can choose b/n amanda and bru. both support 
network backups.


Ramakrishna| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Exocore Consulting |
Bangalore, India   | +91 (80) 344-0397

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Re: backup question

2002-03-14 Thread hanfamily

Thanks Brian,
  I'll play with tar some this weekend. I rather like tar with compression
since it would mean making fewer cds. I just had read about it in Unix 
Backup and Recovery and when it said must list each subdirectory 
seperatelyy I had visions of typing for hours to create a script. 

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Re: backup question

2002-03-13 Thread Brian Ashe


On Wednesday March 13, 2002 11:39, you said something about:
> Mondo looks interesting but the cd drive is on my boss's  windows laptop
> not on the linux machines and reading the manual it looks like the
> linux machine must have a cdrw drive

Yes, I understood that. But at $75 to $100 for an excellent backup solution, 
I thought it was worth mentioning. But I understand how some bosses can be.

However you also didn't read the whole mondo page. ;)

 Use ISO files (CD images) as backup media. This is good for backing up your 
system to a spare hard drive. The -n switch is a wiser choice if you plan to 
restore from a remote filesystem. 

> > 1. Use Mondo.
> > This is by far the best and most flexible backup I've used. It is also
> > good for disaster recovery.
> >
> > 2. If that won't suit your needs, perhaps try tar. Then once everything
> > you want is tarred up, then do a mkisofs on the tar file(s). All of it
> > can be scripted.
> Reading about tar it looked like you have to enter every sub directory
> individually

Actually wildcards will get you everything (see command below). Then to 
exclude items make a file (also see below) as it will usually be more 
consistent as to what you don't want to back up (/proc /dev and so on).

Try this command as root from whatever directory you like. Careful though, if 
you use it from / you will backup the entire drive "." files and all. The 
preserve will make sure ownership, order and permissions are preserved in the 
# tar -czvf backup.tar.gz --preserve .* *

Look into --exclude-from to exclude files and dirs and keep them in a file.

> > 3. I thought (it's been a while) that pax could do . files. But you have
> > to use patterns. YMMV.
> I've been messing with patterns so far my attempts have led to pax trying
> to do everything when I try for . files. I'll keep searching and
> expermenting as this looks the most hopeful

I wound up not liking pax (though I honestly can't remember why) so I've 
stuck with tar and just used it in creative ways.

Good Luck.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: backup question

2002-03-13 Thread hanfamily

Mondo looks interesting but the cd drive is on my boss's  windows laptop
not on the linux machines and reading the manual it looks like the
linux machine must have a cdrw drive
> 1. Use Mondo.
> This is by far the best and most flexible backup I've used. It is also good 
> for disaster recovery.
> 2. If that won't suit your needs, perhaps try tar. Then once everything you 
> want is tarred up, then do a mkisofs on the tar file(s). All of it can be 
> scripted.
Reading about tar it looked like you have to enter every sub directory

> 3. I thought (it's been a while) that pax could do . files. But you have to 
> use patterns. YMMV.
I've been messing with patterns so far my attempts have led to pax trying
to do everything when I try for . files. I'll keep searching and
expermenting as this looks the most hopeful

> Hope it helps.

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Re: backup question

2002-03-13 Thread Brian Ashe


On Wednesday March 13, 2002 04:18, you said something about:
> I have always used cpio for backup. However I decided to
> play with different ways to backup that I could write to a
> a cdrom since they are alot cheaper than zip drives. The
> cd burner is not any of the linux computers but I tried
> using mkisofs to create a cd image and than burn it on
> a different computer. When I did this all of the files
> are owned by root and rx. This is okay for somethings
> but not so great for others. So I dug around and found
> pax. It seems to work great and you can restore files
> with the same owner and permissions.
> However if I use
> pax -w -f /tmp/home-3-12-02 /home/*
> It does not archive any file or directory that begins with .
> this means things like .fetchmailrc are not backed up.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for creating a backup that
> allows the backup to be done to a file rather than a device
> (so I can put it on a cd image) and still allows me to
> keep ownership and permission, backup subdirectories without
> listing them individualy, and get all the files even ones that
> start with .

1. Use Mondo.
This is by far the best and most flexible backup I've used. It is also good 
for disaster recovery.

2. If that won't suit your needs, perhaps try tar. Then once everything you 
want is tarred up, then do a mkisofs on the tar file(s). All of it can be 

3. I thought (it's been a while) that pax could do . files. But you have to 
use patterns. YMMV.

Hope it helps.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Backup recommendations

2002-03-06 Thread scott.list

Not quite what you are asking for - I have DAT's on each server and I
like bru.

- Original Message -
From: "Arthur H. Johnson II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: RE: Backup recommendations

> > > On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 08:35, Jeff Graves wrote:
> > > > I have 2 linux servers I would like to back up to a DLT tape
> > > > There's a total of about 15GB of data across the 2 servers
(mail and
> > > > ftp). Each system runs only the daemons it absolutely needs in
order to
> > > > function. (ie. the only remote access to the ftp server is via
ftp and
> > > > ssh, no other daemons are listening on any ports tcp or udp,
mail server
> > > > has a few more). What SECURE method can I use to back up data
on both of
> > > > these servers without having to physically attach drives to
each system?
> > > > Also, can someone recommend good backup software (maybe a
> > > > equivalent of backup exec)?
> > > >

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RE: Backup recommendations

2002-03-06 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

Or, you could run a command like this:

tar cvf - /backupdir | ssh user@remotehost "cat - > backup.tar"

You may need to use a program like Buffer if it is a remote machine and
far away to keep the stream from degrading.


On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 13:43, Paul Hamm wrote:
> Amanda is excellent.  You could use a vpn between the 2 machines which would
> give you the ability to mount nfs shares and would only require a single
> open port on the server to do so.  Check out CIPE.  If you have the space
> you could just copy all the files to the machine with the tape drive on it.
> Have cron start and stop the tunnel and services when you are backing up the
> machine.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Bearer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Backup recommendations
> By default the data transfer isn't encrypted, but you can run it through
> gpg.  
> Amanda is a wonderful program, and highly recommend it. And I recommend
> "Unix Backup & Recovery" from O'reilly,  Every admin who maintains unix
> backups should read it.  
> One thing to keep in mind is the version of dump that is current for
> redhat 7.2, 0.4b22 has problems with the 2.4 kernel, and will fail on
> some filesystems, while others work fine. The rawhide dump 0.4b25 has
> fixed the problem for me. 
> On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 09:59, Trevor Hamm wrote:
> > On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 08:35, Jeff Graves wrote:
> > > I have 2 linux servers I would like to back up to a DLT tape library.
> > > There's a total of about 15GB of data across the 2 servers (mail and
> > > ftp). Each system runs only the daemons it absolutely needs in order to
> > > function. (ie. the only remote access to the ftp server is via ftp and
> > > ssh, no other daemons are listening on any ports tcp or udp, mail server
> > > has a few more). What SECURE method can I use to back up data on both of
> > > these servers without having to physically attach drives to each system?
> > > Also, can someone recommend good backup software (maybe a linux
> > > equivalent of backup exec)?
> > > 
> > Hi Jeff,
> > 
> > You might want to check out Amanda (; don't worry,
> > that's not a person, it's the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk
> > Archiver :-) It's included in the Redhat 7.2 distribution.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Trevor Hamm
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> -- 
> Jeff Bearer, RHCE
> Webmaster
> 2002 EPpy Award, Best Online U.S. Newspaper
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Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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RE: Backup recommendations

2002-03-06 Thread Paul Hamm

Amanda is excellent.  You could use a vpn between the 2 machines which would
give you the ability to mount nfs shares and would only require a single
open port on the server to do so.  Check out CIPE.  If you have the space
you could just copy all the files to the machine with the tape drive on it.
Have cron start and stop the tunnel and services when you are backing up the

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Bearer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: Backup recommendations

By default the data transfer isn't encrypted, but you can run it through

Amanda is a wonderful program, and highly recommend it. And I recommend
"Unix Backup & Recovery" from O'reilly,  Every admin who maintains unix
backups should read it.

One thing to keep in mind is the version of dump that is current for
redhat 7.2, 0.4b22 has problems with the 2.4 kernel, and will fail on
some filesystems, while others work fine. The rawhide dump 0.4b25 has
fixed the problem for me. 

On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 09:59, Trevor Hamm wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 08:35, Jeff Graves wrote:
> > I have 2 linux servers I would like to back up to a DLT tape library.
> > There's a total of about 15GB of data across the 2 servers (mail and
> > ftp). Each system runs only the daemons it absolutely needs in order to
> > function. (ie. the only remote access to the ftp server is via ftp and
> > ssh, no other daemons are listening on any ports tcp or udp, mail server
> > has a few more). What SECURE method can I use to back up data on both of
> > these servers without having to physically attach drives to each system?
> > Also, can someone recommend good backup software (maybe a linux
> > equivalent of backup exec)?
> > 
> Hi Jeff,
> You might want to check out Amanda (; don't worry,
> that's not a person, it's the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk
> Archiver :-) It's included in the Redhat 7.2 distribution.
> -- 
> Trevor Hamm
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
Jeff Bearer, RHCE
2002 EPpy Award, Best Online U.S. Newspaper

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Backup recommendations

2002-03-06 Thread Jeff Bearer

By default the data transfer isn't encrypted, but you can run it through

Amanda is a wonderful program, and highly recommend it. And I recommend
"Unix Backup & Recovery" from O'reilly,  Every admin who maintains unix
backups should read it.

One thing to keep in mind is the version of dump that is current for
redhat 7.2, 0.4b22 has problems with the 2.4 kernel, and will fail on
some filesystems, while others work fine. The rawhide dump 0.4b25 has
fixed the problem for me. 

On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 09:59, Trevor Hamm wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 08:35, Jeff Graves wrote:
> > I have 2 linux servers I would like to back up to a DLT tape library.
> > There's a total of about 15GB of data across the 2 servers (mail and
> > ftp). Each system runs only the daemons it absolutely needs in order to
> > function. (ie. the only remote access to the ftp server is via ftp and
> > ssh, no other daemons are listening on any ports tcp or udp, mail server
> > has a few more). What SECURE method can I use to back up data on both of
> > these servers without having to physically attach drives to each system?
> > Also, can someone recommend good backup software (maybe a linux
> > equivalent of backup exec)?
> > 
> Hi Jeff,
> You might want to check out Amanda (; don't worry,
> that's not a person, it's the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk
> Archiver :-) It's included in the Redhat 7.2 distribution.
> -- 
> Trevor Hamm
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
Jeff Bearer, RHCE
2002 EPpy Award, Best Online U.S. Newspaper

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Backup recommendations

2002-03-06 Thread Trevor Hamm

On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 08:35, Jeff Graves wrote:
> I have 2 linux servers I would like to back up to a DLT tape library.
> There's a total of about 15GB of data across the 2 servers (mail and
> ftp). Each system runs only the daemons it absolutely needs in order to
> function. (ie. the only remote access to the ftp server is via ftp and
> ssh, no other daemons are listening on any ports tcp or udp, mail server
> has a few more). What SECURE method can I use to back up data on both of
> these servers without having to physically attach drives to each system?
> Also, can someone recommend good backup software (maybe a linux
> equivalent of backup exec)?
Hi Jeff,

You might want to check out Amanda (; don't worry,
that's not a person, it's the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk
Archiver :-) It's included in the Redhat 7.2 distribution.

Trevor Hamm

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Backup solution (withou tape)

2001-03-15 Thread Wayne Stout

Arkeia will do backups to disk, but I really dislike their documentation
when it comes to setting up a backup schedule. I fought with the silly
thing for several hours, including an email to their tech support,
before I figured out what I was doing. Let me know off list if you
decide to go with Arkeia and need any help.

OTOH, I like tar. Maybe not the most elegant solution, but I'm not an
elegant kind of guy. :)



Tomás García Ferrari wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm searching for a backup solution that allows me to backup (incrementally
> if possible) some directories inside another directory of the same disk.
> Then I can FTP this to another machine. All the recommended ones (amanda,
> Arkeia...) seems to work with a tape drive (yes, I know that's better,
> but...) Could you recommend something or I just tar.gz those directories...?

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [RedHat-List] Re: backup script

2000-12-21 Thread Cameron Simpson

On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 08:30:42AM -0800, Thornton Prime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > I would like to write a script for backup purpose. I have a file
| > which contains all the backup files list like,
| > # cat file.lst
| > ./a/foo.c
| > ./b/c/voo.c
| > At all, how can redirect this file list to perform the tar command
| The tar man page reports the flag:
|-T, --files-from F
|get names to extract or create from file F

Good suggestion.

| You could probably also do something like
|tar cv `cat file.lst` > mytarfile.tar

That, of course, will try to write to his tape drive, leaving an
empty file in mytarfile.tar.

Try this:

tar cvf mytarfile.tar `cat file.lst`

or a bit more robust:

tar cvfT mytarfile.tar file.lst

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The first ninety percent of the task takes ninety percent of the time, and
the last ten percent takes the other ninety percent.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: backup script

2000-12-21 Thread Andrew So Hing-pong


On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Thornton Prime wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Andrew So Hong-pong wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I would like to write a script for backup purpose. I have a file
> > which contains all the backup files list like,
> >
> > # cat file.lst
> > ./a/foo.c
> > ./b/c/voo.c
> >
> > At all, how can redirect this file list to perform the tar command
> The tar man page reports the flag:
>-T, --files-from F
>get names to extract or create from file F
> You could probably also do something like
>tar cv `cat file.lst` > mytarfile.tar
> thornton
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Andrew H.P. So

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: backup script

2000-12-20 Thread Thornton Prime

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Andrew So Hong-pong wrote:

> All,
> I would like to write a script for backup purpose. I have a file
> which contains all the backup files list like,
> # cat file.lst
> ./a/foo.c
> ./b/c/voo.c
> At all, how can redirect this file list to perform the tar command

The tar man page reports the flag:

   -T, --files-from F
   get names to extract or create from file F

You could probably also do something like

   tar cv `cat file.lst` > mytarfile.tar


Redhat-list mailing list

Subject: Re: backup via: cp -a /etc to nfs mount as root, permissionschange,..

2000-09-20 Thread Jack Byers

Ken responded:
>This looks like a permissions/id problem.

>Did you "su -" (i.e., to root) from an ordinary user account before
>running this?

uhh, not quite,  I did
just  'su'  (not 'su -') from an ordinary user account, before running

I am not sure what you are implying, but Iwill try again
doing the  'su -'

I think I want to be root (insome form), bc some of the files
in /etc  have  -r  or -r--r-,...
which then wont be picked up running 'cp -a' as an ordinary user

just tried again doing  'su -'same symptoms

copied files on the nfs target dir showup with weird permissions,eg
-rw---1 6553465534 516 Jun 29  1998 logrotate.conf

thanks for response, any advice?
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