[RDD] RML for external audio capture on 3.6.2

2021-09-20 Thread Brandon
Happy Monday, y'all!

So over the weekend, the power supply in our Rivendell server finally bit
the dust after nearly 7 years of 24/7/365 continuous use. The problem is,
I'm in Mexico and the computer's in Los Angeles, and I'm not planning to go
back to replace the PSU any time soon.

The situation sort of forced a migration from physical hardware to the
cloud. I installed v3.6.2 on CentOS 7 and imported the active library from
backup. Converted the database from 2.10.3 and everything is working,
except RML commands with a local audio adapter for capturing live remotes
(outside broadcasts).

The RML commands and GPIO configs migrated with the database, but when you
click on admin/manage hosts/*host*/switchers GPIO/local audio
adapter/configure inputs -- I get the error: "the primary serial device is
not active."

I tested with Florent's Ubuntu packages on a local VM with the same

Really need help solving this since we do a TON of live broadcasts.

I've tried changing the permissions for RML commands in rd.conf. Nothing
works. The commands don't do anything anymore and the system stops
responding to user input after trying to execute the remote RML requiring a

It's probably important to mention that we've added the value User=rd to
the Rivendell systemd unit so that Rivendell runs as the local user
(required for jackd and liquidsoap to communicate).

Anyone have any luck getting RML commands for local audio adapters to work
on 3.6.2?

Thank you!!
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Definitive Guide to Installing Rivendell v3 on a Digitalocean CentOS 7 Droplet

2019-12-09 Thread Brandon
Hello from the other side,

Got a lot of requests for how to get Rivendell working on a VPS, so I just
finished documenting the process
It's a work in progress and I still need to add sections for how to
create persistent Jack patches with QJackCtl, enabling Stereo Tool
processing, etc... I'll be updating as time permits.

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Rivendell on a Cloud (Part 2) issue with RML

2019-12-08 Thread Brandon
Hello again!

Remember How I said in my previous email that Rivendell on a Cloud "solved
several problems and created one new one for me (which I'll outline in a
separate email) and could use your input in solving?"

Buckle up, here's that email.

First, a little context...

Subliminal Radio does a TON of LIVE remotes... At least one a week,
sometimes 2 or more... For all of our remote broadcasts, we use James
Harrison's OpenOB (earlier stack from 2016) on a dedicated machine and
capture the audio on a Digigram VX222HR on the Rivendell machine, and have
a couple RML commands assigned to hotkeys in RDAirPlay to stop local
programming, start and capture LIVE programming... Then stop, drop capture
and resume local programming. These have been working flawlessly for
several years now...

OpenOBv4.0.3 has been less reliable in testing for us than earlier versions
and also not very accessible for guest DJs to use to connect and broadcast
live. The less-ideal work-around is VLC and vlc-plugin-jack installed on
Rivendell on a Cloud. We've configured an Azuracast droplet to use as a
relay -- where guest DJs can connect a BUTT client using Liquidsoap+Icecast
DJ credentials on the remote end -- and we can connect as a normal listener
on the Rivendell end.

Guest DJ connects to Azuracast relay and starts streaming
Open VLC in Rivendell on a Cloud
VLC manually connects to Icecast relay URL
VLC to Jack patches are defined in QJackCtl
Stream connectes
VLC output patches itself to JACK input -- Rivendell_0:Record_0
Press hotkey to Start LIVE REMOTE ON >> which plays an intro cued up in
RDAirPlay deck 2 >> fades out of previous song in deck 1 >> captures the
sound card and puts RDAirPlay in Manual mode until we finish.

These are the RD v2.10.3 RML commands we've been using for almost 4 years
to turn LIVE audio capture ON / OFF. For testing in Rivendell on a Cloud,
I've re-created them in a clean v3 database, not a converted DB.

001 PM3!
002 PS 0 0 250!
003 PN 1!
004 ST 0 1 1!
005 PS 0 4!

001 puts RDAirPlay into manual mode
002 fades current element, otherwise, RDAirPlay plays audio to end of file
instead of segue marker and trainwrecks with intro
003 plays intro for live broadcast
004 captures analog audio from Digigram VX222HR
005 waits 40 seconds so that live remote intro doesn't get clipped
006 displays LIVE mode

Everything WORKS up to this point... Then goes to hell in a handbag. You
don't notice it until you try to hit the hotkey to get out of a LIVE remote
broadcast and realize that the LIVE REM OFF RML hotkey is unresponsive. Oh,
and RDLibrary is EMPTY and the logs disappear from RDLogEdit even though
the active log is still visible in RDAirPlay... You can manually hit the
next element in the log, but the LIVE capture is STILL LIVE so it's a

This problem occurs immediately after executing LIVE REMOTE *ON*. Seems
related to the database since the library disappears, but some functions
still work (like RDAdmin, RDLogManager). I thought maybe the LIVE REM ON
RML was killing MariaDB, but restarting MariaDB fails to make any
difference. I've tried changing the order and deleting some of the commands
in each RML with the same results. The only way to get out (and get the
library back) is a reboot.

This is what the RML to get out of LIVE programming and back to local looks

001 PM 2!
003 PN 1!
004 SP 1500!
005 SR 0 1 1!

001 puts RDAirPlay back in automatic mode
002 updates mode
003 plays next element cued up in deck 1
004 sleeps for 1.5 seconds (can't remember why... wtf?)
005 drops soundcard capture from RDAirPlay input

*What do you guys think? Is this a bug in RDv3 RML commands? Something
specific to installing Rivendell on a VPS? Or... aliens?*

For now, still testing Rivendell on a Cloud. If we can resolve this issue,
we can move our whole Rivendell install from hardware based automation, to
cloud based! Ideally, we'd like to get OpenOBv4 working reliably for higher
quality remotes and automated connections -- and also tweak some of the RML
commands if there's a cleaner way to do what we need.

A few people reached out asking if I documented the steps to build
Rivendell on a Cloud... I haven't *yet, *but plan to*.* I'll cook up a
recipe from my notes and post them in the near future.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you 

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broken Rivendell Dropboxes on Rivendell v 3.1.0 appliance

2019-10-05 Thread Brandon
Hi Mike,

Yes, I read Fred's response after Robert's, but caught the context.

Thank you,

On Sat, Oct 5, 2019, 9:28 AM Mike Carroll  wrote:

> Hi, Brandon.  The fix isn't released into the packaging stream yet, so yum
> doesn't know anything about it.  See Fred's sentence:  "Known issue, fixed
> in Git ‘master’. >>It will appear in the next regular release.<<"
> If you're a site that builds Rivendell itself, rather than using the
> pre-packaged system, you would need to pull the latest Rivendell source
> updates from the github repository and do a mass build. Otherwise you'll
> need to wait until Fred & Co. release the next 3.x package.
> Mike
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 11:01 PM Brandon 
> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> So last night, we ran yum update -y as root on the server and there were
>> no updates to apply... Removing the %i wildcard on the server also didn't
>> fix the issue (even though it worked on my virtualbox Rivendell test
>> server/client setup).
>> We installed the client last night and ran yum update -y as root. The
>> dropboxes still fail to import with metadata wildcards. However, dropboxes
>> on the client successfully import to the server without the metadata
>> wildcards.
>> Thanks for the help!!
>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 10:56 AM Robert Jeffares <
>> jeffares.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Brandon,
>>> do a # yum update -y [as root] and the metadata wildcards should then
>>> work.
>>> as will the logging bit.
>>> The dropbox code was broken but has been fixed.
>>> I run update a couple of times after install as a matter of course.
>>> regards
>>> Robert
>>> On 10/3/19 8:07 PM, Brandon wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> Not sure if I discovered a bug in v3.1.0... Or a glitch specific to our
>>> install at UCLA Radio in LA.
>>> Just did a fresh Server/Client Riv 3.1.0 install on CentOS 7 with the
>>> appliance script. Converted the DB from previous V2.10.3 install.
>>> Everything seemed to go without a hitch.
>>> The problem: Dropbox is ignoring files and not reporting any errors in
>>> the error log. When I run rdimport from the command line, it threw an error
>>> (which I don't recall at the moment -- but Googling made it sound like an
>>> Apache error) -- but this seems unlikely since we installed from the
>>> appliance script.
>>> After experimenting with different Dropbox configs all night, removing
>>> %i from the Dropbox Metadata Pattern field fixed the issue and Dropbox
>>> resumes importing files. Using %t_%a metadata pattern also fails to import
>>> anything.
>>> Is anyone else experiencing Dropbox import issues when specifying
>>> metadata patterns?
>>> We can live without it, but %i gives us the cleanest cut titles without
>>> "imported from..." in the titles, although doesn't fix cart titles. Worked
>>> as expected in 2.10.3.
>>> Thank you!!
>>> --
>>> Brandon Anjeleno
>>> Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
>>> (213) 839-7667 
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing 
>>> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.orghttp://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
>> --
>> Brandon Anjeleno
>> Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
>> (213) 839-7667 
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broken Rivendell Dropboxes on Rivendell v 3.1.0 appliance

2019-10-04 Thread Brandon
Hi David,

Wonder what went wrong... I didn't have any issues after updating.

Were these fresh installs from the appliance, or upgrades from an earlier


On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 10:46 PM David Henderson 

> Hi Robert,
> I tried the yum update command - it downloaded a whole load of stuff for
> the operating system but nothing for Rivendell. After the update, Rivendell
> wouldn't run - error about being "unable to start the daemons".
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 03, 2019 at 6:56 PM
> *From:* "Robert Jeffares" 
> *To:* rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> *Subject:* Re: [RDD] Broken Rivendell Dropboxes on Rivendell v 3.1.0
> appliance
> Hi Brandon,
> do a # yum update -y [as root] and the metadata wildcards should then work.
> as will the logging bit.
> The dropbox code was broken but has been fixed.
> I run update a couple of times after install as a matter of course.
> regards
> Robert
> On 10/3/19 8:07 PM, Brandon wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> Not sure if I discovered a bug in v3.1.0... Or a glitch specific to our
> install at UCLA Radio in LA.
> Just did a fresh Server/Client Riv 3.1.0 install on CentOS 7 with the
> appliance script. Converted the DB from previous V2.10.3 install.
> Everything seemed to go without a hitch.
> The problem: Dropbox is ignoring files and not reporting any errors in the
> error log. When I run rdimport from the command line, it threw an error
> (which I don't recall at the moment -- but Googling made it sound like an
> Apache error) -- but this seems unlikely since we installed from the
> appliance script.
> After experimenting with different Dropbox configs all night, removing %i
> from the Dropbox Metadata Pattern field fixed the issue and Dropbox resumes
> importing files. Using %t_%a metadata pattern also fails to import
> anything.
> Is anyone else experiencing Dropbox import issues when specifying metadata
> patterns?
> We can live without it, but %i gives us the cleanest cut titles without
> "imported from..." in the titles, although doesn't fix cart titles. Worked
> as expected in 2.10.3.
> Thank you!!
> --
> Brandon Anjeleno
> Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
> (213) 839-7667
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing 
> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.orghttp://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> ___ Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broken Rivendell Dropboxes on Rivendell v 3.1.0 appliance

2019-10-04 Thread Brandon

Thank you for the update and workaround!

I probably won't get back over to UCLA until next week, but I'll try the
delimiter the next time I go in.

Appreciate all that you do!! Rivendell is an incredible product. Better
than all of the proprietary systems combined :)


On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 9:29 AM Fred Gleason 

> On Oct 3, 2019, at 03:07, Brandon  wrote:
> After experimenting with different Dropbox configs all night, removing %i
> from the Dropbox Metadata Pattern field fixed the issue and Dropbox resumes
> importing files. Using %t_%a metadata pattern also fails to import
> anything.
> Is anyone else experiencing Dropbox import issues when specifying metadata
> patterns?
> Known issue, fixed in Git ‘master’. It will appear in the next regular
> release.
> In the meantime, a workaround is to end the metadata pattern with a
> delimiter —e.g. ‘%t_%a.’ instead of ‘%t_%a’.
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
> |   | Paravel Systems |
> |-|
> | A room without books is like a body without a soul. |
> | |
> | -- Cicero   |
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Broken Rivendell Dropboxes on Rivendell v 3.1.0 appliance

2019-10-04 Thread Brandon
Hi Robert,

So last night, we ran yum update -y as root on the server and there were no
updates to apply... Removing the %i wildcard on the server also didn't fix
the issue (even though it worked on my virtualbox Rivendell test
server/client setup).

We installed the client last night and ran yum update -y as root. The
dropboxes still fail to import with metadata wildcards. However, dropboxes
on the client successfully import to the server without the metadata

Thanks for the help!!

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 10:56 AM Robert Jeffares 

> Hi Brandon,
> do a # yum update -y [as root] and the metadata wildcards should then work.
> as will the logging bit.
> The dropbox code was broken but has been fixed.
> I run update a couple of times after install as a matter of course.
> regards
> Robert
> On 10/3/19 8:07 PM, Brandon wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> Not sure if I discovered a bug in v3.1.0... Or a glitch specific to our
> install at UCLA Radio in LA.
> Just did a fresh Server/Client Riv 3.1.0 install on CentOS 7 with the
> appliance script. Converted the DB from previous V2.10.3 install.
> Everything seemed to go without a hitch.
> The problem: Dropbox is ignoring files and not reporting any errors in the
> error log. When I run rdimport from the command line, it threw an error
> (which I don't recall at the moment -- but Googling made it sound like an
> Apache error) -- but this seems unlikely since we installed from the
> appliance script.
> After experimenting with different Dropbox configs all night, removing %i
> from the Dropbox Metadata Pattern field fixed the issue and Dropbox resumes
> importing files. Using %t_%a metadata pattern also fails to import
> anything.
> Is anyone else experiencing Dropbox import issues when specifying metadata
> patterns?
> We can live without it, but %i gives us the cleanest cut titles without
> "imported from..." in the titles, although doesn't fix cart titles. Worked
> as expected in 2.10.3.
> Thank you!!
> --
> Brandon Anjeleno
> Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
> (213) 839-7667 
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing 
> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.orghttp://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> _______
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Broken Rivendell Dropboxes on Rivendell v 3.1.0 appliance

2019-10-03 Thread Brandon
Hello everyone!

Not sure if I discovered a bug in v3.1.0... Or a glitch specific to our
install at UCLA Radio in LA.

Just did a fresh Server/Client Riv 3.1.0 install on CentOS 7 with the
appliance script. Converted the DB from previous V2.10.3 install.
Everything seemed to go without a hitch.

The problem: Dropbox is ignoring files and not reporting any errors in the
error log. When I run rdimport from the command line, it threw an error
(which I don't recall at the moment -- but Googling made it sound like an
Apache error) -- but this seems unlikely since we installed from the
appliance script.

After experimenting with different Dropbox configs all night, removing %i
from the Dropbox Metadata Pattern field fixed the issue and Dropbox resumes
importing files. Using %t_%a metadata pattern also fails to import

Is anyone else experiencing Dropbox import issues when specifying metadata

We can live without it, but %i gives us the cleanest cut titles without
"imported from..." in the titles, although doesn't fix cart titles. Worked
as expected in 2.10.3.

Thank you!!

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Tryphon server is dead

2018-08-03 Thread Brandon
Really glad to hear that you have some plans to continue where Tryphon left
off, Florent. It's a valuable resource, for sure!!

Good luck with your ventures,


On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:51 AM, Florent Peyraud  wrote:

> Hi
> One of our servers is actually down since August 1st, as the company is
> progressively closing services.
> It means that for a while, resources (apt packages, legacy wiki, maybe
> some other services) are not responding, but I should transfer it on the
> second server soon, until the final closing which should occur end of
> September.
> I have a project warming up to durably host these resources and develop
> new ones also. I'll keep you updated as soon as I have good news on it and
> on the interim deb repo.
> Best Regards
> Florent
> On 01/08/2018 12:49, Andy Higginson wrote:
> Hi,
> It looks like the end of the Tryphon server is finally here.  I'm
> currently not getting any response from tryphon.org or tryphon.eu.
> As a community of users, we need to be ready for any questions that might
> be asked here on the list.  What might be useful to know is the status of
> any projects that are on the go to create a new Debian / Ubuntu repository.
> Lastly I think all that remains is to say a big thanks for everything that
> Alban and the Tryphon team have given to the community.
> Andy
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing 
> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.orghttp://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
(213) 839-7667 
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Sound cards

2018-07-05 Thread Brandon
+1 for that!!

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 9:30 PM Lorne Tyndale  wrote:

> Hi,
> As an FYI, I have never been able to get the "V2" version of that card
> working in Linux.  But the "HR" version has worked well for me in Linux
> with ALSA.
> Lorne Tyndale
> >  Original Message 
> > Subject: Re: [RDD] Sound cards
> > From: Luigino Bracci 
> > Date: Thu, July 05, 2018 7:01 pm
> > To: Brandon ,  Rivendell Dev List
> > 
> >
> >
> > Thanks you. I tested a Digigram VX222-V2 a long time ago (maybe 2010)
> using
> > Ubuntu, but this card was too unstable at the moment. Maybe I should test
> > it again.
> >
> > 2018-07-05 17:16 GMT-04:00 Brandon :
> >
> > > One station is running on Debian 8 Jessie... and another station is
> > > running Mint 17.1.
> > >
> > > Both run Rivendell (GASP!) 2.10.3 with the older Tryphon packages for
> ease
> > > and stability with Debian.
> > >
> > > Both machines are mission critical, so I'll probably migrate them over
> > > when I feel like the latest RD is
> > >
> > > stable in the Debian environment without things breaking (mostly QT and
> > > SQL issues, not directly related to RD --
> > >
> > > I don't have the time to compile from scratch and troubleshoot.)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 7:32 AM, Luigino Bracci 
> wrote:
> > >
> > >> What Linux distro are you using?
> > >>
> > >> 2018-07-03 21:27 GMT-04:00 Brandon :
> > >>
> > >>> We're using the Digigram VX222-HR PCI Soundcard with 2+2
> Analog+AES/EBU
> > >>> balanced XLR i/o.
> > >>>
> > >>> Probably one of the best sub $500 broadcast soundcards. Standard alsa
> > >>> drivers work out of the box.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 6:14 PM, al davis 
> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>> On Tue, 3 Jul 2018 14:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
> > >>>> Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:
> > >>>> > What are folks using these days for sound cards, particularly on
> > >>>> machines
> > >>>> > with only PCI express slots?
> > >>>>
> > >>>> My favorite so far for that is the ASUS Xonar DX.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Sound quality is better than most .. quieter than most, a little
> higher
> > >>>> output than most, has an extra cable inside for analog power.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Full 7.1 analog .. that Rivendell can use as 4 separate stereo
> outputs.
> > >>>> (cue/library, rdairplay, rdcatch, panel).
> > >>>> ___
> > >>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> > >>>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> > >>>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> > >>>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> --
> > >>> Brandon Anjeleno
> > >>> Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> ___
> > >>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> > >>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> > >>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> > Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> > http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Sound cards

2018-07-05 Thread Brandon
One station is running on Debian 8 Jessie... and another station is running
Mint 17.1.

Both run Rivendell (GASP!) 2.10.3 with the older Tryphon packages for ease
and stability with Debian.

Both machines are mission critical, so I'll probably migrate them over when
I feel like the latest RD is

stable in the Debian environment without things breaking (mostly QT and SQL
issues, not directly related to RD --

I don't have the time to compile from scratch and troubleshoot.)

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 7:32 AM, Luigino Bracci  wrote:

> What Linux distro are you using?
> 2018-07-03 21:27 GMT-04:00 Brandon :
>> We're using the Digigram VX222-HR PCI Soundcard with 2+2 Analog+AES/EBU
>> balanced XLR i/o.
>> Probably one of the best sub $500 broadcast soundcards. Standard alsa
>> drivers work out of the box.
>> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 6:14 PM, al davis  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 3 Jul 2018 14:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
>>> Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:
>>> > What are folks using these days for sound cards, particularly on
>>> machines
>>> > with only PCI express slots?
>>> My favorite so far for that is the ASUS Xonar DX.
>>> Sound quality is better than most .. quieter than most, a little higher
>>> output than most, has an extra cable inside for analog power.
>>> Full 7.1 analog .. that Rivendell can use as 4 separate stereo outputs.
>>> (cue/library, rdairplay, rdcatch, panel).
>>> _______
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
>> --
>> Brandon Anjeleno
>> Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Sound cards

2018-07-03 Thread Brandon
We're using the Digigram VX222-HR PCI Soundcard with 2+2 Analog+AES/EBU
balanced XLR i/o.

Probably one of the best sub $500 broadcast soundcards. Standard alsa
drivers work out of the box.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 6:14 PM, al davis  wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Jul 2018 14:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
> Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:
> > What are folks using these days for sound cards, particularly on
> machines
> > with only PCI express slots?
> My favorite so far for that is the ASUS Xonar DX.
> Sound quality is better than most .. quieter than most, a little higher
> output than most, has an extra cable inside for analog power.
> Full 7.1 analog .. that Rivendell can use as 4 separate stereo outputs.
> (cue/library, rdairplay, rdcatch, panel).
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Brandon Anjeleno
Subliminal Radio <http://subliminalradio.net/popup-player>
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Post Migration Issue with Audio Resources

2017-09-30 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I'll preface this with not being extremely well versed in Linux or
Rivendell back end.  I just migrated from a box running an old appliance
(CentOS 5) to a new box with the latest appliance.  I have followed the
migration instructions and created a new host and based it on the old one.
In the new host, nothing populates in the Audio Resources area however all
of the data is populated in the old host.  This being the case, I cannot
access log features or configure my audio card (ASI).  We've run the
scripts to start daemons, rebooted, etc.  Am I missing a simple step?

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Dealing with multi-hour carts (of variable length)

2017-07-04 Thread Brandon
I haven't done this, but I'm gonna weigh in with what seems like the
logical solution (to me) in hopes that it helps you...

It sounds like you need to build several clocks... Your normal clock with
the hard time marker at 00:00 to keep NORMAL PROGRAMMING on time -- that

And another clock(s) for your LONG-FORM programming hours WITHOUT the hard
time marker -- that is scheduled on the grid ONLY DURING THE HOURS OF
LONG-FORM PROGRAMMING -- with the specific cart(s) for your 3 hour program.

And if the length of the program varies, you might need another clock
specifically for the LAST HOUR of LONG-FORM with music categories
over-scheduled and allow Rivendell to drop songs based on the hard start of
the REGULAR CLOCK at the top of the 3rd/4th hour AFTER LONG-FORM ENDS.

OR... Maybe a clock for LONG-FORM PROGRAMMING without a hard time marker
but with an RML command to put automation into manual mode for 2 hours 50

That's where I'd begin if I needed to do what you're describing.

Hope that helps!

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Dan (Interesting Radio) <
m...@interestingradio.nz> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to work out how to build logs that contain multi-hour carts,
> but I'm having issues getting it lined up in my head.
> My standard clock is a full hour of music, with a hard play at 00:00 with
> a station ident and then a short (play-next) ident at 30:00.
> If I replace the music with a cart of a show that is, say, 3 hours, I
> don't want the hard play at the top of the hour to run, until the 3 hour
> cart is finished, so it doesn't get interrupted. They're usually more like
> 3 hours 15 minutes or 2 hours 50 minutes, so the next hard play, to keep
> everything on schedule, would be at hour 4 or 3 respectively.
> Is there any easy way to suspend the hard play while certain carts are
> playing? I don't want to do clocks without the hard plays for the hours
> where the long cart is playing as sometimes it might be 1 hour, sometimes
> 3, and I'm trying to get things as automated as possible!
> Any help or pointers appreciated
> Dan
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
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Owner / Operations Manager
Subliminal Radio - UNITED WE DANCE ®
m: (213) 839-7667
o:  (323) 364-3000

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rdlibrary Import Problem

2016-07-31 Thread Brandon
Hey guys,

Sorry to answer your question with a question... BUT...

What happens if you import the songs using the Rivendell dropbox feature?

Have you tried it? Curious to know the outcome.


On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Seth Stevenson <rcflye...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have this problem that I posted about last Friday. I hope someone has an
> answer. I haven't figured it out.
> On Jul 31, 2016 6:30 PM, "Emir Yapıcı" <emiryap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone
>> I have compiled the v2.15.0 on my Raspberry Pi2 and there were no problem.
>> But i am facing a problem while importing audio on rdlibrary.
>> Import process is so fast but there is no audio in the cut. When i run
>> rdlibrary in terminal, i get
>> "ReadAtom: "/media/pi/UUI/Funk Face (Radio Edit).mp3": invalid atom size,
>> extends outside parent atom - skipping to end of "" "" 4294676580 vs 3038144
>> ReadAtom: "/media/pi/UUI/Funk Face (Radio Edit).mp3": atom type  is
>> suspect
>> ReadChildAtoms: "/media/pi/UUI/Funk Face (Radio Edit).mp3": In atom
>> missing child atom moov
>> FindIntegerProperty: no such property - moov.mvhd.modificationTime
>> (src/mp4file.cpp,746)"
>> I have successfully imported this song on v2.10.3. Can anyone help me?
>> *Best Regards*
>> *Emir YAPICI*
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Owner / Operations Manager
Subliminal Radio - UNITED WE DANCE!
m: (213) 839-7667
o:  (323) 364-3000

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell dropbox with Dropbox.com

2016-07-11 Thread Brandon
Hey Seth,

Have a look at this article
Skip down to the "Automate Music Import with Custom Dropboxes" section.
Basically, install your dropbox.com linux client. Then, map it to your
Rivendell dropbox. Very easy. Works like a charm!


On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Seth Stevenson <rcflye...@gmail.com>

> How can I use the dropbox feature in Rivendell to look for a remote
> dropbox.com account? I want to import audio from a network that is not
> local.
> --
> Seth Stevenson
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

Owner / Operations Manager
Subliminal Radio - UNITED WE DANCE!

Get the NEW Subliminal Radio APP <https://m.subliminalradio.net>
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Desperately need help building clocks for Live Remote (outside broadcast)

2016-06-03 Thread Brandon
As a side note, I picked up an Asus Chromebox tonight to build a super
portable remote kit. Originally, I was just going to use a Raspberry Pi,
but the specs on the Chromebox are ridiculously impressive for the cost and
tiny footprint! As soon as I hack it up and get Debian/OpenOB installed,
I'll report my results for anyone interested. Also got a deep Smatree
GA700-2 GoPro travel case and portable USB powered monitor to mount inside
the lid of the case, so it will all be self-contained when I'm finished!
Still waiting for the monitor. Hope it fits inside the case!


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Brandon <bran...@subliminalradio.net> wrote:

> That's interesting, Wayne. I haven't played with the AUX logs at all. I
> assumed that they were independent of the primary log. So I can build
> macros in the AUX log that control events in the main log? I might have to
> experiment with that on my test box...
> How do you add the log chain manually? I did see an RML command for log
> load in the wiki, so maybe I need to build a specific clock for 11 pm with
> that macro.
> Thank you!
> Brandon
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Wayne Merricks <
> waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com> wrote:
>> The skipping thing might be related to timed events.  As noted in the
>> other reply there are many ways to do it.  I use the AUX log.
>> Normally I do this:
>> AUX
>> 59:55 --> Macro Fade MAIN log down over 5 seconds and stop
>> 00:00 --> Hard Timed Start (Stop transition if not yet time)
>> But for midnight I handle it differently:
>> 59:50 --> Make Next on the LOG CHAIN event (I use a marker/empty event as
>> the MN target)
>> AUX
>> 59:55 --> Fade Down MAIN log and Play Next
>> 00:00 --> This is not a timed event, otherwise you can get log glitches
>> due to machine timings (not fun when you run out of log at silly am).
>> The important bits are the make next and play next for the log chain
>> followed by no timed event for the start of the new log (midnight).
>> On 2016-06-02 11:28, Brandon wrote:
>>> Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial weekend!
>>> Following James Harrisons OpenOB tutorial [1] (Thanks James)
>>> and this wiki article [2] to capture the input of the sound card and
>>> route it to RDAirPlay, we managed to pull off our first live remote
>>> last night!!!
>>> * Created slightly modified* macro cart, based on the wiki
>>> above, in
>>> RDLibrary, to capture input of sound card and route it to RDAirPlay
>>> named REMOTE ON -- *We flip-flopped lines 3 and 4 in the RML macro,
>>> and extended the time to wait until the intro was finished playing
>>> before stopping RDAirPlay. (working)
>>> * Created macro cart in RDLibrary to shut off capture of sound
>>> card
>>> input named REMOTE OFF (working)
>>> * Created an event in RDLogManager with a hard start time set to
>>> make next with a pre-import cart for REMOTE ON.
>>> * Created an event in RDLogManager with a pre-import cart for
>>> OFF.
>>> * Built 3 generic (non-music) clocks as follows:
>>> * Live remote first hour: Produced :20 intro for the remote, then
>>> REMOTE ON from :20 to 59:59
>>> * During live remote: between the first and last hour of the
>>> remote
>>> that does nothing (except keep RDAirPlay on time and load the log at
>>> midnight)
>>> * Live remote last hour: does nothing for the first 59:40, then
>>> plays
>>> a TOH ID, then REMOTE OFF. It should automatically advance to the 2AM
>>> hour of local programming.
>>> * Scheduled clocks in the grid.
>>> 9PM went off without a hitch. Intro played and REMOTE ON routed
>>> capture of sound card to RDAirPlay. All programming  for the 5 hour
>>> duration was sent via OpenOB back to the studio and it sounded
>>> AMAZING!!! But things quickly devolved and the end was very sloppy.
>>> Steps 1-6 work. But steps 7-9 seem to get skipped over and fail
>>> miserably. Meaning, the log doesnt load at Midnight and RDAirPlay
>>> skips through the commands and plays the 1:59 am TOH at midnight. Dead
>>> air at 2:00 requiring a manual log load and start. :-/

Re: [RDD] Desperately need help building clocks for Live Remote (outside broadcast)

2016-06-03 Thread Brandon
That's a creative approach, Ermina. Ultimately, I'd like to build a little
more structure around how we execute remotes on the programming side.
Wonder how news/talk formats handle longform live programming, with long
stretches of talk? I think I could apply a similar strategy, but instead of
long talk breaks, it would be filled with live remote audio.  Anyone in
news/talk formats have any experience building clocks that keep RDAirPlay
on time for traffic, imaging, bumpers, IDs, etc?

Thanks :-)

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 4:00 AM, ermina <erm...@studioplume.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> i go a simpler route (imho).
> From the outside broadcasting place, we send the program to an icecast
> server. Then on the audio host at the station, we have a shell script:
> #!/bin/bash
> RDAIRPLAY_IP=192.168.x.x # rdairplay host ip
> if [ "$1" = "onAir" ]
> then
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP LC\ red\ outside\ broadcasting\
> live!
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP RR\ 1!
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP PS\ 1\ 3000!
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP RS\ 1\ 10020\ 1\ 2180! #
> record to cart 10020
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP SN\ now\ 1\ 10020! # display now
> data
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP PM\ 3!
> #
> mplayer -loop 0 -af volume=-5:0 -ao jack:port=[1-2]
> http://icecast.ip:8000/my_OB_stream
> fi
> if [ "$1" = "offAir" ]
> then
> pkill mplayer
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP RR\ 1!
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP PM\ 2!
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP PN\ 1!
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP SN\ now\ 1\ 10001! # default cart
> for now data
> rmlsend --to-host=$RDAIRPLAY_IP LC\ black\ STUDIO\ OFF\ AIR\ auto\
> on!
> fi
> # EOF
> When it's is time to go live, the script is executed:
> $ ./live_remote.sh onAir
> either by crontab or manually via ssh. Same thing when its over, with the
> "offAir" parameter.
> Works for me, and saves two trips into rdlogamanager/edit grids every time.
> . e
> On 06/02/2016 12:28 PM, Brandon wrote:
>> Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial weekend!
>> Following James Harrison's OpenOB tutorial
>> <https://jamesharrison.github.io/openob/> (Thanks James) and this
>> wiki article
>> <
>> http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/How_do_I_make_Rivendell_play_Audio_from_the_%22Line_In%22_of_the_Sound_Card_on_the_air%3F>
>> to
>> capture the input of the sound card and route it to RDAirPlay, we
>> managed to pull off our first live remote last night!!!
>> *Here's what we've done so far... *
>>  1. Created slightly modified* macro cart, based on the wiki above, in
>> RDLibrary, to capture input of sound card and route it to RDAirPlay
>> named REMOTE ON -- *We flip-flopped lines 3 and 4 in the RML macro,
>> and extended the time to wait until the intro was finished playing
>> before stopping RDAirPlay. (working)
>>  2. Created macro cart in RDLibrary to shut off capture of sound card
>> input named REMOTE OFF (working)
>>  3. Created an event in RDLogManager with a hard start time set to make
>> next with a pre-import cart for REMOTE ON.
>>  4. Created an event in RDLogManager with a pre-import cart for REMOTE
>> OFF.
>>  5. Built 3 generic (non-music) clocks as follows:
>>  6. Live remote first hour: Produced :20 intro for the remote, then
>> REMOTE ON from :20 to 59:59
>>  7. During live remote: between the first and last hour of the remote
>> that does nothing (except keep RDAirPlay on time and load the log at
>> midnight)
>>  8. Live remote last hour: does nothing for the first 59:40, then plays
>> a TOH ID, then REMOTE OFF. It should automatically advance to the
>> 2AM hour of local programming.
>>  9. Scheduled clocks in the grid.
>> 9PM went off without a hitch. Intro played and REMOTE ON routed capture
>> of sound card to RDAirPlay. All programming  for the 5 hour duration was
>> sent via OpenOB back to the studio and it sounded AMAZING!!! But things
>> quickly devolved and the end was very sloppy.
>> Steps 1-6 work. But steps 7-9 seem to get skipped over and fail
>> miserably. Meaning, the log doesn't load at Midnight and RDAirPlay skips
>> through the commands and plays the 1:59 am TOH at midnight. Dead air at
>> 2:00 requiring a manual log load and start. :-/
>> *Here's what we need to happen: *
>> *First hour of remote (9:00 PM) *
>>  1. 1st clock

[RDD] Desperately need help building clocks for Live Remote (outside broadcast)

2016-06-02 Thread Brandon
Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial weekend!

Following James Harrison's OpenOB tutorial
<https://jamesharrison.github.io/openob/> (Thanks James) and this wiki
capture the input of the sound card and route it to RDAirPlay, we managed
to pull off our first live remote last night!!!

*Here's what we've done so far... *

   1. Created slightly modified* macro cart, based on the wiki above, in
   RDLibrary, to capture input of sound card and route it to RDAirPlay named
   REMOTE ON -- *We flip-flopped lines 3 and 4 in the RML macro, and extended
   the time to wait until the intro was finished playing before stopping
   RDAirPlay. (working)
   2. Created macro cart in RDLibrary to shut off capture of sound card
   input named REMOTE OFF (working)
   3. Created an event in RDLogManager with a hard start time set to make
   next with a pre-import cart for REMOTE ON.
   4. Created an event in RDLogManager with a pre-import cart for REMOTE
   5. Built 3 generic (non-music) clocks as follows:
   6. Live remote first hour: Produced :20 intro for the remote, then
   REMOTE ON from :20 to 59:59
   7. During live remote: between the first and last hour of the remote
   that does nothing (except keep RDAirPlay on time and load the log at
   8. Live remote last hour: does nothing for the first 59:40, then plays a
   TOH ID, then REMOTE OFF. It should automatically advance to the 2AM hour of
   local programming.
   9. Scheduled clocks in the grid.

9PM went off without a hitch. Intro played and REMOTE ON routed capture of
sound card to RDAirPlay. All programming  for the 5 hour duration was sent
via OpenOB back to the studio and it sounded AMAZING!!! But things quickly
devolved and the end was very sloppy.

Steps 1-6 work. But steps 7-9 seem to get skipped over and fail miserably.
Meaning, the log doesn't load at Midnight and RDAirPlay skips through the
commands and plays the 1:59 am TOH at midnight. Dead air at 2:00 requiring
a manual log load and start. :-/

*Here's what we need to happen: *

*First hour of remote (9:00 PM) *

   1. 1st clock position:  :00 - :20 produced intro for remote
   2. 2nd clock position: :20 - 59:59 REMOTE ON

*Hours 2, 3, and 4 (10PM, 11PM and 12MN)*

   1. Timed event with NO AUDIO for 59:59.
   2. Do nothing, but keep time for RDAirPlay and load log at midnight.
   3. Maybe 11PM needs a dedicated clock for log load?

*Last hour of remote (1 AM)*

   1. 1st position: 00: - :05 REMOTE ON (Do nothing for 59:35)
   2. 2nd position: 59:40 TOH ID
   3. 3rd position: REMOTE OFF
   4. Fire first local song of 2AM clock

Any help would me appreciated!

Thank you,
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Dropbox not importing

2016-02-12 Thread Brandon
One more thing... Not sure if it matters when using dropboxes, but it
definitely does when importing audio from clients manually.

RDAdmin/Manage Hosts/[client host]/
Half-way down where it specifies HTTP Xport: you need to specify the
machine responsible for music ingestion. In my case, my Rivendell Server is
responsible and not the clients.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 1:08 PM, Brandon <bran...@subliminalradio.net>

> Hey Tom,
> Have you defined dropboxes in the RD Host file on each client workstation?
> RDAdmin/Manage Hosts/[client host]/Dropboxes
> Here's how the path to the dropboxes on my workstation look. Don't forget
> that .WAV and .wav are different files in Linux and should match the case
> of the suffix on your actual audio files (probably lower case).
> Default group: (optional)
> Import (I move everything after editing talk and segue markers manually)
> Path spec:
> /home/brandon/Music/MP3s/*.mp3
> ​/home/brandon/Music/WAVs/*.wav
> log file:
> /home/brandon/Music/error.log
> ​
> ​​I have the following options set:
> Delete source files after import
> Normalize levels -13 dbfs
> attempt to work around malformatted...
> ​Hope that helps!
> Brandon​
> <http://goog_1558540349>
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Tom Van Gorkom <tomvangor...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dropbox looks straight forward and worked for one set of audio files
>> first try but I can't seem to get it to work again on any client. I've
>> tried everything I know on different sets of files and have been adding
>> *.WAV extension to the path to match the audio file extensions. The folder
>> is mounted locally.  What could I be missing?
>> Tom Van Gorkom
>> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
>> Office: 956-380-8150
>> Cell: 865-803-7427
>> Rio Grande Bible Institute
>> 4300 S US Hwy 281
>> Edinburg, TX 78539
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Dropbox not importing

2016-02-12 Thread Brandon
Hey Tom,

Have you defined dropboxes in the RD Host file on each client workstation?
RDAdmin/Manage Hosts/[client host]/Dropboxes

Here's how the path to the dropboxes on my workstation look. Don't forget
that .WAV and .wav are different files in Linux and should match the case
of the suffix on your actual audio files (probably lower case).

Default group: (optional)
Import (I move everything after editing talk and segue markers manually)

Path spec:

log file:
​​I have the following options set:
Delete source files after import
Normalize levels -13 dbfs
attempt to work around malformatted...

​Hope that helps!


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Tom Van Gorkom <tomvangor...@gmail.com>

> Dropbox looks straight forward and worked for one set of audio files first
> try but I can't seem to get it to work again on any client. I've tried
> everything I know on different sets of files and have been adding *.WAV
> extension to the path to match the audio file extensions. The folder is
> mounted locally.  What could I be missing?
> Tom Van Gorkom
> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
> Office: 956-380-8150
> Cell: 865-803-7427
> Rio Grande Bible Institute
> 4300 S US Hwy 281
> Edinburg, TX 78539
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] TuneIn API?

2016-02-12 Thread Brandon
Hello again Everyone!

Unfortunately, I never managed to get the TuneIn AIR API working... But I'm
at it again... Using the RML line in now and next as Tim previously

RN wget http://air.radiotime.com/Playing.ashx?partnerId=

...doesn't update TuneIn for me... However, if I replace


with the TuneIn example


DUN DUN DUN... For the first time, it's actually sending data to TuneIn...
Of course, the problem is that it's sending Bad Romance - Lady Gaga as
static info. But at least I confirmed that Rivendell and TuneIn are in
fact, speaking...

SO... does anyone have any suggestions to get =%t=%a! working?
Or what the proper formatting is? Ermina mentioned URL encoding
and sanitizing in a shell script, but where would this be accomplished?

James Harrison has a curl example that seems to do the same thing on the
fly, but I'm not sure how to format the whole thing for artist and title. I
can paste James first example just fine... But when I try to add artist,
based on James' example, it won't let me paste the whole command into the
RML line. So either it's too long, or the formatting is wrong?

- -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "%t")"="$(perl
- -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "%a")"

I'm stumped...

Thank you!!!

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Brandon <bran...@subliminalradio.net> wrote:

> Thank you all for the suggestions! I'm trying to keep everything as clean
> and simple as possible without hacking a bunch of scripts together.
> Because, as we all know, when something breaks, it's messier to fix and I
> want to keep my installations standardized.
> Care to weigh in Fred? Any plans to support Tunein AirAPI natively?
> I still don't get why Tunein doesn't read the current metadata properly
> and consistently.
> Thanks!
> Brandon
> Brandon
> Operations Manager
> Subliminal Radio
> t: (323) 364-3000
> f: (323) 364-6363
> m: (213) 839-7667
> subliminalradio.net
> Follow Us:
> twitter <https://twitter.com/subliminalrdio>
> facebook <https://www.facebook.com/subliminalradiola>
> instagram <https://instagram.com/subliminalradio/>
> #subliminalradio
> LISTEN LIVE <http://live.subliminalradio.net/>! (Custom iOS/Android apps
> coming soon)
> On TuneIN <http://tun.in/sfofo> NOW
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 8:14 AM, ermina <erm...@studioplume.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> $title and $artist must be "url-encoded".
>> I use the following curl command as part of our shell script handling all
>> metadata :
>> curl -G "http://air.radiotime.com/Playing.ashx; --data
>> "partnerId=myPartnerId=myKey=myId" --data-urlencode
>> "title=$TITLE" --data-urlencode "artist=$ARTIST"
>> $TITLE and $ARTIST are "sanitized" to be valid ascii strings sooner in
>> the script.
>> . e
>> On 12/08/2015 05:19 AM, Brandon wrote:
>>> Hey Gang,
>>> I've got several issues I'm working on right now, but I'll break each
>>> issue into separate emails.
>>> Issue 1: Tunein AirAPI not updating
>>> I'm already embedding metadata with icecast2.conf and everything works
>>> perfect, however tunein (both website and and Android app) don't read my
>>> metadata. VLC and pretty much all other native clients read my metadata
>>> just fine. Oddly enough, if you listen to the station with Tunein on
>>> Sonos, it reads my the metadata (without artwork) properly. Contacted
>>> Tunein support and they told me that their Tunein AirAPI is more
>>> reliable than standard metadata embedding (not sure why?) and enabled
>>> support for me.
>>> I modified the command below with my Tunein IDs/Key and pasted it in the
>>> RML field in the Now & Next parameters. Rebooted Rivendell. But still no
>>> song metadata or artwork in Tunein. Anyone else have the Tunein AirAPI
>>> configured and working properly?
>>> I realize this is an old topic... But maybe something has changed in the
>>> way Rivendell handles this?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Brandon
>>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 6:24 AM, Tim Camp <t...@wnsp.com
>>> <mailto:t...@wnsp.com>> wrote:
>>> Also I should say that the RML line in now and next can be used to
>>> do this with this command
>>> R

Re: [RDD] when does this happen?

2016-02-10 Thread Brandon
Do you have your Rivendell Host configured properly? The Rivendell host
needs to exactly match the actual hostname of your physical machine. So, if
you called the machine "studio" when you installed Linux, then your
Rivendell Host (RDAdmin/Manage Hosts) for that machine would have to be
called studio, for everything to work.

Good luck!


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 7:02 AM, DreamStreamKicker <
dreamstreamkic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> upgrade 2.11, anybody any idea, working on this for 3 days now
> records in database
> no show in rdlibrary
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] when does this happen?

2016-02-10 Thread Brandon
Awesome! Glad that helped!! :-)


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 5:14 PM, DreamStreamKicker <
dreamstreamkic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I changed /etc/hostname to RDServer and let /etc/hosts to
> RDServer.mydomain.com problem solved, library now showing the correct
> data, it was in the end a mixed problem, my friend did his data entry
> somehow on a root account which caused some other troubles in /var/snd, and
> /etc/hostname was set to fqdn because this server template is also used for
> webservers in which case it needs to be fqdn, tnxs very much Brandon and
> Jorge for your assistance
> Op 10-2-2016 om 23:07 schreef jorge soto:
> There is a way to replace the Host Names using the "sed" command, I have
> done it before but I can't remember the syntax, probably google it.
> 2016-02-10 12:56 GMT-08:00 Brandon <bran...@subliminalradio.net>:
>> Do you have your Rivendell Host configured properly? The Rivendell host
>> needs to exactly match the actual hostname of your physical machine. So, if
>> you called the machine "studio" when you installed Linux, then your
>> Rivendell Host (RDAdmin/Manage Hosts) for that machine would have to be
>> called studio, for everything to work.
>> Good luck!
>> Brandon
>> <http://goog_1558540349>
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] anybody can help me please

2016-02-09 Thread Brandon
Unless you're using the same machine without performing a clean install... ?

[image: m.subliminalradio.net] <http://m.subliminalradio.net>

On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Brandon <bran...@subliminalradio.net> wrote:

> You should be able to run RDAdmin and use root for the user and whatever
> your MySQL root password is. Rivendell will build the default account for
> you. After it creates the default database just login to RDAdmin as 'admin'
> (without the quotes) and leave the password blank. Then you should be able
> to restore your RD database backup over the top of the default account. Let
> us know what happens!
> Brandon
> <http://goog_1558540349>
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 3:59 PM, DreamStreamKicker <
> dreamstreamkic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In order to recover from a RD mysql crash for a friend I need a mysql
>> dump (structure and data) of a fresh install including a newly initialized
>> admin account without the password and all other initial data in utf8 ,
>> anybody can help me please? So far I have all data from the old database
>> saved and also /var/snd . Version 2.11 or lower would do.
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] anybody can help me please

2016-02-09 Thread Brandon
You should be able to run RDAdmin and use root for the user and whatever
your MySQL root password is. Rivendell will build the default account for
you. After it creates the default database just login to RDAdmin as 'admin'
(without the quotes) and leave the password blank. Then you should be able
to restore your RD database backup over the top of the default account. Let
us know what happens!



On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 3:59 PM, DreamStreamKicker <
dreamstreamkic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In order to recover from a RD mysql crash for a friend I need a mysql dump
> (structure and data) of a fresh install including a newly initialized admin
> account without the password and all other initial data in utf8 , anybody
> can help me please? So far I have all data from the old database saved and
> also /var/snd . Version 2.11 or lower would do.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] TuneIn API?

2015-12-09 Thread Brandon
Thank you all for the suggestions! I'm trying to keep everything as clean
and simple as possible without hacking a bunch of scripts together.
Because, as we all know, when something breaks, it's messier to fix and I
want to keep my installations standardized.

Care to weigh in Fred? Any plans to support Tunein AirAPI natively?

I still don't get why Tunein doesn't read the current metadata properly and


Operations Manager
Subliminal Radio
t: (323) 364-3000
f: (323) 364-6363
m: (213) 839-7667

Follow Us:
twitter <https://twitter.com/subliminalrdio>
facebook <https://www.facebook.com/subliminalradiola>
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LISTEN LIVE <http://live.subliminalradio.net/>! (Custom iOS/Android apps
coming soon)
On TuneIN <http://tun.in/sfofo> NOW

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 8:14 AM, ermina <erm...@studioplume.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> $title and $artist must be "url-encoded".
> I use the following curl command as part of our shell script handling all
> metadata :
> curl -G "http://air.radiotime.com/Playing.ashx; --data
> "partnerId=myPartnerId=myKey=myId" --data-urlencode
> "title=$TITLE" --data-urlencode "artist=$ARTIST"
> $TITLE and $ARTIST are "sanitized" to be valid ascii strings sooner in the
> script.
> . e
> On 12/08/2015 05:19 AM, Brandon wrote:
>> Hey Gang,
>> I've got several issues I'm working on right now, but I'll break each
>> issue into separate emails.
>> Issue 1: Tunein AirAPI not updating
>> I'm already embedding metadata with icecast2.conf and everything works
>> perfect, however tunein (both website and and Android app) don't read my
>> metadata. VLC and pretty much all other native clients read my metadata
>> just fine. Oddly enough, if you listen to the station with Tunein on
>> Sonos, it reads my the metadata (without artwork) properly. Contacted
>> Tunein support and they told me that their Tunein AirAPI is more
>> reliable than standard metadata embedding (not sure why?) and enabled
>> support for me.
>> I modified the command below with my Tunein IDs/Key and pasted it in the
>> RML field in the Now & Next parameters. Rebooted Rivendell. But still no
>> song metadata or artwork in Tunein. Anyone else have the Tunein AirAPI
>> configured and working properly?
>> I realize this is an old topic... But maybe something has changed in the
>> way Rivendell handles this?
>> Thank you!
>> Brandon
>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 6:24 AM, Tim Camp <t...@wnsp.com
>> <mailto:t...@wnsp.com>> wrote:
>> Also I should say that the RML line in now and next can be used to
>> do this with this command
>> RN wget
>> http://air.radiotime.com/Playing.ashx?partnerId=
>> ===%t=%a!
>> Cheers
>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Bernardo J Mora <bjm...@mac.com
>> <mailto:bjm...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Thank you Tim!
>> in His service,
>> BJ Mora
>> On Aug 9, 2014, at 5:46 AM, Tim Camp <t...@wnsp.com
>> <mailto:t...@wnsp.com>> wrote:
>> Greetings,,
>>> I believe that if the album art is not available tunein will
>>> display the station logo
>>> or the picture of the DJ on air at the time if you have
>>> uploaded that info to them.
>>> Seems to me a edit/rewrite of the icecast2 RLM could be made
>>> to update the tunein API.
>>> Cheers
>>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Bernardo J Mora
>>> <bjm...@mac.com <mailto:bjm...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>> Has anyone listed their station at TuneIn, and accessed
>>> their API? I'm actually a little hesitant to do this as I
>>> suspect because I am playing more, um, eclectic music, the
>>> album art recognition will be WAY off. If possible I'd
>>> actually prefer to substitute our own logo for the album
>>> cover art.
>>> http://tunein.com/broadcasters/api/
>>> in His service,
>>> BJ Mora for GraceRadio - on the air at www.graceradio.net

[RDD] Rivendell+RCS GSelector questions

2015-12-09 Thread Brandon
Hello again!

Robert Orr was very helpful pointing me in the right direction to find the
SQL tables that contain the Rivendell library data I need. Thank you,

I'm about to send off my existing DB in a spreadsheet for RCS to convert to
GSelector and could use some more help with the following:

   1. RCS is going to convert the existing data to GSelector data but they
   require time in mm:ss format. It looks like the time is calculated in
   milliseconds?? Anyone know a shortcut (or a formula to convert to mm:ss
   format in a libreoffice / open document spreadsheet?) Google hasn't been
   much help with this one. Right now, I'm entering the times manually  --
using the the "Segue Start" parameter to specify the length of each cut
   -- and will continue to do so unless someone has a better idea :-)
   2. Since Title and Artist info is saved to the CART table and RDAirplay
   plays carts with multiple cuts, it seems logical to me that RDAirPlay only
   cares about CARTs not CUTs as far as log generation is concerned.
Is it correct
   to assume that the (CART) table holds the critical info for external music
   scheduling software log generation?
   3. I can't find any kind of Rivendell music log in a text format, only
   in the SQL database. Does RDAirPlay read it directly from the SQL DB? Or
   does it generate a text file somewhere?
   4. Which begs the next question... When you merge music in RDLogManager,
   is it actually importing your third-party log into SQL for RDAirPlay to
   read from?
   5. Just finished reading this Wiki
   this wiki
   on importing music from external software. Right now, in Rivendell, I
   specify a Timed(MakeNext), scheduler EVENT on my top of the hour IDs, which
   seems to do a pretty good job of keeping me on time and dropping songs and
   their associated imaging if I'm running over. All of my Rivendell Events
   have "segue" as the default transition. Should I let my pre-merge Rivendell
   Clock handle the Top of the Hour ID with the hard start time and drop it
   from the first position in my GSelector clock/log to keep things working
   the same way? Or can you achieve the same behavior with an external
   6. Wait, thinking out loud here: if the transition type and hard start
   times are functions of EVENTS (in RDLogmanager/Edit Events) then it's not
   dependent on Rivendell or Selector clocks... Correct? Does RDAirPlay
   interpret the transition and hard times as each cart is played? Can anyone
   confirm or correct?
   7. What are the absolute required fields from the Rivendell database for
   an external music scheduler, like GSelector, to generate a proper program
   log for Rivendell to read? Right now, I'm planning on sending: NUMBER,
   entering manually.
   8. Does Rivendell have a mechanism for reconciling played music logs
   back into GSelector to maintain proper rotation and keep actual play
   history vs. scheduled history?
   9. Not using any macros yet, but if/when I do, how is that handled with
   an external scheduler? Do they work like carts? Build them in Rivendell,
   assign a cart number and schedule the cart with external scheduler?

Sorry, I know that's a ton of info... but hopefully this will help someone
else down the road too :-)

With gratitude,
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] TuneIn API?

2015-12-07 Thread Brandon
Hey Gang,

I've got several issues I'm working on right now, but I'll break each issue
into separate emails.

Issue 1: Tunein AirAPI not updating

I'm already embedding metadata with icecast2.conf and everything works
perfect, however tunein (both website and and Android app) don't read my
metadata. VLC and pretty much all other native clients read my metadata
just fine. Oddly enough, if you listen to the station with Tunein on Sonos,
it reads my the metadata (without artwork) properly. Contacted Tunein
support and they told me that their Tunein AirAPI is more reliable than
standard metadata embedding (not sure why?) and enabled support for me.

I modified the command below with my Tunein IDs/Key and pasted it in the
RML field in the Now & Next parameters. Rebooted Rivendell. But still no
song metadata or artwork in Tunein. Anyone else have the Tunein AirAPI
configured and working properly?

I realize this is an old topic... But maybe something has changed in the
way Rivendell handles this?

Thank you!

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 6:24 AM, Tim Camp <t...@wnsp.com> wrote:

> Also I should say that the RML line in now and next can be used to do this
> with this command
> RN wget http://air.radiotime.com/Playing.ashx?partnerId=
> ===%t=%a!
> Cheers
> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Bernardo J Mora <bjm...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Tim!
>> in His service,
>> BJ Mora
>> On Aug 9, 2014, at 5:46 AM, Tim Camp <t...@wnsp.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,,
>> I believe that if the album art is not available tunein will display the
>> station logo
>> or the picture of the DJ on air at the time if you have uploaded that
>> info to them.
>> Seems to me a edit/rewrite of the icecast2 RLM could be made to update
>> the tunein API.
>> Cheers
>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Bernardo J Mora <bjm...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Has anyone listed their station at TuneIn, and accessed their API? I'm
>>> actually a little hesitant to do this as I suspect because I am playing
>>> more, um, eclectic music, the album art recognition will be WAY off. If
>>> possible I'd actually prefer to substitute our own logo for the album cover
>>> art.
>>> http://tunein.com/broadcasters/api/
>>> in His service,
>>> BJ Mora for GraceRadio - on the air at www.graceradio.net
>>> KGCE-LP/Modesto, CA
>>> "under construction"
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
>> --
>> Tim Camp
>> Director of Operations/Programming
>> Dot Com Plus L.L.C.
>> Mobile, Al.
> --
> Tim Camp
> Director of Operations/Programming
> Dot Com Plus L.L.C.
> Mobile, Al.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Need help exporting Rivendell library data to Excel, for import to Selector

2015-10-21 Thread Brandon
Hey everyone,

I'm about to start using RCS GSelector/Linker to schedule music and
imaging. They are requesting an excel spreadsheet with the data from my

I successfully exported the Rivendell SQL database as a CSV file, but when
I open it, a lot of the fields that contain information that I need only
say (NULL).

Anyone have experience exporting their RD database from import into

Thank you x1 million!
Rivendell-dev mailing list


2015-07-27 Thread Brandon
Hey gang,

RD 2.10.3 installed on Debian 8 Jessie (x64)

Configured reports in RDAdmin according to this
and this http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/Generating_Reports wiki.

Generating reports from RDLogManager, only generates blank text files with
headers. In fact, generating reports from anywhere only generates a blank
file with headers.

I can probably export a spreadsheet from CentovaCast, but I'd prefer to
send proper SoundExchange and ASCAP reports from Rivendell.

Any ideas?

Thank you!
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDAlsaConfig v2.10.3 Audio Problems

2015-07-25 Thread Brandon
Hey Ryan,

I find that this is usually a symptom of mis-matched host names. Your RD
hosts, MUST EXACTLY MATCH the hostname of each workstation.

So, if you named your on-air play-out machine onair without he quotes,
when you installed Linux. Then the RD host for that machine must be onair
without the quotes, or all audio will fail.

Also, make sure you assign system services for each host in the RD host
manager. Go to RDAdmin/Manage Hosts/[hostname] and make sure that
localhost is assigned to core audio engine, for that host.

If you're using static IP addresses for each work station, you will want to
replace the localhost IP ( with the static IP of each machine in
each RD host file...

Good luck!!!

Sent from outer space...

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 10:04 PM, Ryan Kingham k1n9h...@gmail.com wrote:

 Having problems running audio through any rivendell applications...
 And this is happening on almost all of my machines
 Nothing coming from the Audio Wall, Panel, RDAirPlay, or anything
 And this is my 2nd machine this is doing this to me

 The computer for the active sound deivces are HDA Intel PCH at
 0xf7e1 irq - ALC270 Analog [1] and HDA Intel PCH at 0xf7e1 irq
 - ALC270 Analog [4]

 Any help would be useful Thank's!!!
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Installing Rivendell on 3/4 Computers on Ubuntu 14.04

2015-06-12 Thread Brandon
Hey Ryan,

Actually, I wrote the tutorial, and as Wayne points out, there are
definitely simpler ways of achieving a basic Rivendell installation. It's
based on an installation I did for UCLA Radio here in Los Angeles. And I
wanted to document the process with as much detail as possible.

The biggest problem I have with most Linux documentation, is that there's a
lot of information scattered around, but sometimes it leaves out too much
detail or becomes obsolete.

I'm planning to update the tutorial soon. For example, Drew Roberts from
the Rivendell and Liquidsoap mailing lists -- shared his snippet that
finally got my Liquidsoap talking with Jack -- so I'd like to include that.
I'd also like to do a tutorial that focuses specifically on streaming. Feel
free to leave comments, so I can make changes/improvements to the tutorial.
All feedback is welcome!

The key areas the tutorial focuses on, are:

   - Setting up a Rivendell network (server and clients)
   - Sharing audio across the network with NFS
   - Auto-mounting the shares without messing with fstab
   - Improving boot time with the AutoNFS script.
   - Configuring Rivendell dropboxes for easily importing audio
   - Rivendell host examples for your network so you can dedicate
   individual machines for on-air, production, music, etc...

Hope it helps you.

Sent from outer space...

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 4:03 AM, Wayne Merricks 
waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com wrote:


 The guide seems fairly comprehensive and does some extra bits and bobs for
 very good reasons.  If you don't need pulse and jack etc its actually a lot
 simpler than it looks from that guide.

 Most guides can be cut down to adding the tryphon repos and running:

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install rivendell rivendell-server

 But as I mentioned, I can't fault the logic behind some of the
 decisions/scripts used from that guide.


 Wayne Merricks
 The Voice Asia

 On 12/06/15 01:04, Ryan Kingham wrote:

 Is this a good guide to use while installing Rivendell? There's 4
 parts to this

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Still don't know JACK

2015-06-10 Thread Brandon
Yes, ST sounds amazing! Unfortunately, I just haven't had any luck keeping
it running on 14.04 x64.

Posted to the ST forum
http://forums.stereotool.com/viewtopic.php?f=2t=5864p=29409#p29402, for
anyone interested.

Anyone else running into the same find a cure?

Keeps crashing with various errors:

$ ./stereo_tool_gui_64
jack_client_new: deprecated
SA Stereo Tool 7.70 (for Linux with Jack) (C) Hans van Zutphen, 2001-2015
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ ./stereo_tool_gui_64
jack_client_new: deprecated
SA Stereo Tool 7.70 (for Linux with Jack) (C) Hans van Zutphen, 2001-2015
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module canberra-gtk-module
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

And then, literally, while typing this to get the error... It decided to
work... for for 2 minutes before crashing...

$ ./stereo_tool_gui_64
jack_client_new: deprecated
SA Stereo Tool 7.70 (for Linux with Jack) (C) Hans van Zutphen, 2001-2015
Jack buffer granularity: 1024 samples
Activating Jack ba40830
Jack connection opened
JACK: Closing
Jack buffer granularity: 1024 samples
Activating Jack ba40830
Jack connection opened

Sent from outer space...

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Dan Gruner d...@loudaudio.co.uk wrote:

 I can second that there is nothing that touches Stereotool's capability
 given the price.  Just make sure you run it on a nice fast machine and use
 a good quality soundcard!


 On 10/06/2015 19:09, Chuck wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 09:02:41 -0400 (EDT)
 Rob Landry 41001...@interpring.com wrote:

  Alas, Stereo Tool is a binary -- no source code -- so there's no easy way
 to see what's going on. 

Stereo Tool's creator, Hans van Zutphin is very accessible.  A while
 back, he worked almost daily with a nearby colleague who built a rack
 unit around Stereo Tool to make a standalone processor.  You might try
 contacting Hans directly through his website.  Or, he is often seen on
 the Facebook group I Love Broadcast Audio Processing.

IMO, nothing out there matches ST's abilities.  As my friend
 maintains:  what comes out sounds better than the original, with clarity
 and detail you didn't even know was in the original.

 --Chuck W.

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
 Version: 2014.0.4800 / Virus Database: 4311/9988 - Release Date: 06/10/15

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Still don't know JACK

2015-06-10 Thread Brandon
Hey Dan,

You running 64bit Wheezy with the 64 bit ST?

And which version of ST? Current 7.70?

Sent from outer space...

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Dan Gruner d...@loudaudio.co.uk wrote:

 I run Stereotool on Debian 7 wheezy.  Been rock solid for a couple of
 years now without any crashes etc :)

 Dan Gruner
 Loud Audio

 Tel office: 01963 406102
 24hr mobile: 07590 044386


 On 10 Jun 2015, at 22:12, Brandon bran...@subliminalradio.net wrote:

 Yes, ST sounds amazing! Unfortunately, I just haven't had any luck keeping
 it running on 14.04 x64.

 Posted to the ST forum
 for anyone interested.

 Anyone else running into the same find a cure?

 Keeps crashing with various errors:

 $ ./stereo_tool_gui_64
 jack_client_new: deprecated
 SA Stereo Tool 7.70 (for Linux with Jack) (C) Hans van Zutphen, 2001-2015
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

 $ ./stereo_tool_gui_64
 jack_client_new: deprecated
 SA Stereo Tool 7.70 (for Linux with Jack) (C) Hans van Zutphen, 2001-2015
 Gtk-Message: Failed to load module canberra-gtk-module
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

 And then, literally, while typing this to get the error... It decided to
 work... for for 2 minutes before crashing...

 $ ./stereo_tool_gui_64
 jack_client_new: deprecated
 SA Stereo Tool 7.70 (for Linux with Jack) (C) Hans van Zutphen, 2001-2015
 Jack buffer granularity: 1024 samples
 Activating Jack ba40830
 Jack connection opened
 JACK: Closing
 Jack buffer granularity: 1024 samples
 Activating Jack ba40830
 Jack connection opened

 Sent from outer space...

 On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Dan Gruner d...@loudaudio.co.uk wrote:

 I can second that there is nothing that touches Stereotool's capability
 given the price.  Just make sure you run it on a nice fast machine and use
 a good quality soundcard!


 On 10/06/2015 19:09, Chuck wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 09:02:41 -0400 (EDT)
 Rob Landry 41001...@interpring.com wrote:

  Alas, Stereo Tool is a binary -- no source code -- so there's no easy
 to see what's going on. 

Stereo Tool's creator, Hans van Zutphin is very accessible.  A while
 back, he worked almost daily with a nearby colleague who built a rack
 unit around Stereo Tool to make a standalone processor.  You might try
 contacting Hans directly through his website.  Or, he is often seen on
 the Facebook group I Love Broadcast Audio Processing.

IMO, nothing out there matches ST's abilities.  As my friend
 maintains:  what comes out sounds better than the original, with clarity
 and detail you didn't even know was in the original.

 --Chuck W.

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
 Version: 2014.0.4800 / Virus Database: 4311/9988 - Release Date: 06/10/15

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list


2014-12-16 Thread Brandon
Hahahahahahaha, I literally just caught the typo you were taking about! I
read the post so many times while I was writing it, I didn't even see it in
your email, so I misinterpreted your comment. LOL
On Dec 15, 2014 4:39 PM, James L. Stewart jstew...@paceaudio.com wrote:

 Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:52:37 -0800
 From: Brandonbran...@subliminalradio.net

  ... I thought it would be a really good opportunity to document
 the project, for the student management to be able to
 maintain the system.

 This is great! (obviously not finished, but a good start)

 I love the following line, I'm assuming it is just a typo and that you are
 not simply showing bias against the CentOS based Appliance!

 ...It’s built on top of CentOS Linux so it’s pretty much bullet-proof. For
  those who prefer a turkey system with 24 hour tech support ...

 So for a few months now I've been threatening to do a similar
 documentation project on my setup for a lot of the same reasons, but have
 been torn about its scope, and perhaps you are (or will be) experiencing
 some similar tough decisions.  Here is my problem:  To make the a real
 comprehensive document to cover most everyones' needs as well having enough
 background information for newbies, one could easily end up with a
 documentation project that is too big to ever complete (or in my case, to
 even get started on!).  For example, in your document a few words about why
 you chose to go the Ubuntu/Peignier's route instead of the Paravel
 Appliance or perhaps a SuSE route might be helpful to many.  In my case I
 have a lot of specific reasons why I went with a custom Debian install.
 Then why or why not use Jackd?  You can see how a documentation project
 like this can grow out of control!

 So here is an idea I've been toying around with that perhaps might also
 encourage others:  How about a section in the Rivendell Wiki that is titled
 Example Setups where people can post some much more limited documents of
 Here is my setup, how to build/configure it, and unique things it does
 instead of trying to teach everything to everybody.  This way people can
 look through info on our real-world working systems and if they find
 something that fits them, they can choose to build it?  Some people might
 choose to simply post some cryptic notes meant just for their own
 internal staff to refer to (but still could be useful for the rest of us)
 while others might post a full step-by-step document like you are creating.

 So my point is for you to please complete your work, at least initially in
 a form that will work for you and your staff, and then only optionally
 choose to embellish it up with more general information that might only be
 suited for others, as your valuable time permits!  Oh, but make sure you
 have it dated with versions so people can make judgements down the road as
 to how obsolete your document might be.

 PS: It might be nice if we ALL pitched in and tried to complete the
 Administration Guide, If we all just pitched in a paragraph or two, it
 might actually get done.  The Rivendell Operations Guide, once very good,
 is getting a bit dated as well.

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list


2014-12-14 Thread Brandon
Greetings from Los Angeles:

First of all, I really appreciate the support here in the mailing list. You
guys (and gals) are the best!!!

I've been in the middle of a major hardware upgrade and installing
Rivendell automation at UCLARadio.com (the online radio station at UCLA). I
thought it would be a really good opportunity to document the project, for
the student management to be able to maintain the system.

The tutorial isn't completely finished yet, but I wanted to solicit your
feedback. If anyone has the time or curiosity to walk through the steps, it
would be great if you could confirm the accuracy and clarity of the

And I'd really appreciate it if anyone has any shortcuts, suggestions and
improvements, etc to post in the comments section.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Conference?

2014-11-07 Thread Brandon Sossamon
...or VNC out of a Windows machine.

brandon sossamon
 On Nov 7, 2014 4:49 AM, Stephen Ward auko...@aukondk.com wrote:

 The biggest problem I found with screen recording on Linux is most of them
 have the audio get wildly out of sync with the video, obviously a big
 problem when demoing Rivendell!

 That said I recently found that simplescreenrecorder works well with
 syncing and I've been using it to do some Minecraft vids. I've not tried it
 yet but it has JACK support:

 Steve (aukondk)

 On 7 November 2014 03:03, Brian McKelvey theturtl...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is a great idea!  YouTube is awesome for this kind of thing.  I use
 it constantly to learn about other things, particularly hobbyist
 electronics (Arduono, raspberry Pi, etc.), and the maker movement.  I'd
 offer to work on making a few videos but I'm afraid I wouldn't be best
 suited to it because of the aforementioned issues.

 Anyone know of good screencast-oriented video capture software for Linux?


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Nov 6, 2014, at 11:45 AM, Brandon Sossamon brandon.sossa...@gmail.com

 I'd support a conference but it may make more sense to host a webinar for
 those too far away or without time to dedicate to the travel.  At minimum,
 a YouTube channel for how-to's.  Perhaps folks could submit suggestions for
 content and a topic (or a topic suggested by more than one individual) is
 chosen each week and a video is produced.  I've found some Linux YouTube
 channels are helpful just to understand it in a general sense which has
 helped me grasp the inner workings of RD a little better/faster.

 brandon sossamon

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Stephen Ward
 Admin - aukondk.com

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Conference?

2014-11-06 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I'd support a conference but it may make more sense to host a webinar for
those too far away or without time to dedicate to the travel.  At minimum,
a YouTube channel for how-to's.  Perhaps folks could submit suggestions for
content and a topic (or a topic suggested by more than one individual) is
chosen each week and a video is produced.  I've found some Linux YouTube
channels are helpful just to understand it in a general sense which has
helped me grasp the inner workings of RD a little better/faster.

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] FOSS and Rivendell on TWiRT

2014-10-24 Thread Brandon
I'm about half-way through the interview right now. Great to see some
airtime spent on Rivendell!!! And hear more about the project directly from
it's creator. Kick ass!

Sent from outer space...

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Frederick Gleason 
fr...@paravelsystems.com wrote:

 On Oct 24, 2014, at 14:22 05, Cowboy c...@cwf1.com wrote:

  Apparently, whatever you were looking at is some distance
  displaced from your camera ?

 Yes, there’s a reason that I’m not a TV actor…  :)


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |  Chief Developer |
 |   |  Paravel Systems |
 |  It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both|
 |  incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted   |
 |  by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.   |
 |   -- Rod Serling |

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Steps to Migrate Between Appliance Versions

2014-03-31 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Hi All-
Can someone point me in the direction of the steps to migrate between
Appliance versions?  Perhaps there is already an email buried
somewhere in the archives?  I'm looking to migrate between CentOS-5
appliance to the latest appliance that's available for download.  I
have read the wiki:
http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/Migrating_Systems but that one
states ...installed Rivendell on the new host and that it is the SAME
version as the old host.  Seeing as how I would be moving between an
old appliance disc and the new DVD image, I want to make sure I take
precautions in preserving my database.  Thanks!

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Installing A Touchscreen on Appliance 2.8.1

2014-03-24 Thread Brandon Sossamon
 So, I read somewhere that serial is the way to go with touchscreens
and RD.  Based on the below, is USB an option?  If so, I can install
the USB driver and rule out Serial Card issues.  If that doesn't work
then I'll have a 1928L for sale!

Thanks all for the help.  In general, got the rig up over the weekend
and it's on the air.  Still learning as I go!


 FWIW, I have never in +10 years been able to get the (closed-source) 
 calibration software provided by ELO to work on Linux.  Unfortunately, there 
 are no good alternatives on BA1/CentOS 5 of which I?m aware.  BA2/CentOS 6 is 
 a different story, where xinput_calibrator(1) has worked well with all ELO 
 USB-based touch screens I?ve tested.


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
 |   |   Paravel Systems   |
 |  A room without books is like a body without a soul.|
 | -- Cicero   |
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Installing A Touchscreen on Appliance 2.8.1

2014-03-22 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I'm trying to install a touchscreen on my system (Appliance Disc,
v.2.8.1, CentOS-5) and getting some weird errors.  I'm wondering if
something with RD is not set right.  The drivers load, everything
seems to be happy.  Here's what I know:

Error when trying to run calibration (happens with elovaLite as well):
[root@studiomain elo-ser]# ./elova --nvram
Calibration data to be stored in Touchscreen NVRAM (Non-Volatile
Memory) if it exists.
Error: Touchscreen hardware not responding. Check physical connection.
error in ioctl get IOCTL_MM_DIAGNOSTICS
: Success
Elova:  All active touchscreens have been calibrated. [Calibrated 0

Shows the screen as an input device:
[root@studiomain elo-ser]# cat /dev/input/
elo_ser  event0   event1   event2   mice mouse0

[root@studiomain elo-ser]# ls /dev/input/elo_ser

System recognizes the serial card/port:
[root@studiomain elo-ser]# dmesg | grep ttyS
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A

Any ideas?
brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Touchscreens Serial Ports

2014-03-20 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Curious if the serial port for a touchscreen needs to be configured in
RDAdmin or is that just for switchers and the like?  I have not found any
definitive info in the manual or wiki. Thanks.

Sent from Gmail Mobile
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Log Skipping Hard Start Time Events

2014-03-17 Thread Brandon Sossamon
As mentioned before, I'm running my system thru the rigors before
putting it on air.  I've been running logs the past few days and it's
purging songs as needed in order to hit the hard start timed events
(set up as Make Next).  Every few hours it will actually skip the hard
start timed event.  How should I avoid this as some of these have
sponsors?  I've tried a couple of different scenarios:

The events are Top of the Hour and Bottom of the Hour.  TOH is weather
 Legal ID.  BOH is weather intro  weather sponsor  weather.  I've
tried setting each up as it's own event, scheduled the appropriate
time and Make Next.  I also, and currently have it set up as a TOH
event Pre-Importing the Weather cart and Legal ID Cart, and a BOH
event Pre-Importing the Weather Intro cart, Weather Sponsor Cart and
Weather cart.  Either way, the log occasionally skips these events.

Thanks in advance!

RD version 2.8 on CentOS appliance disc.

--brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Now Next Parameters

2014-03-17 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Theoretically, are you supposed to be able to use the Now  Next
feature in RD without a 3rd Party?  In other words, enter the IP, Port
and string and it will then transmit the metadata to the stream?  Or
do you have to have a 3rd party such as Emitworks or the like?
I have a Windows based program that will transmit to the IP after
pulling the metadata from a txt file.  I assumed it was the same for
Now  Next in RD but I don't get any title updates on the stream end.

I'm streaming via ShoutCast.  If 3rd party is required, who is
everyone using these days?  After looking at the wiki, it seems
Emitworks and RD Streamdata are no longer around by the links posted
in the article.

--brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Appliance HDD size

2014-03-17 Thread Brandon Sossamon
When I first looked into Rivendell, I installed from the appliance
disc onto an 80G Dell.  I was able to load a fair amount of music
(enough for trial purposes) and the features seemed to function just
fine.  Hope that helps.


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:00 AM,
 Subject: [RDD] Appliance HDD size

 I'm just reading over the install pdf for the appliance DVD.

 It says a minimum of 320GB HDD, I realise this is ideal, but will it still
 install on a modest 160GB drive?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Now Next Parameters

2014-03-17 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Thanks!  I don't think I'll have that issue as I don't have any of
those characters in my library.
Rick had mentioned something about using the RLM with the setup file
rlm_shoutcast1.conf as a parameter.  As I'm not well versed in Linux,
what do I need to do with this?
Additionally, I have my stream going out via a Windows box.  Should
the IP feed that box or does it need to go out over the stream

Many thanks!

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Fernando Della Torre f...@vdit.com.br wrote:
 Hi Brandon.

 It works, but I had rdairplay crashing and exiting when using special chars,
 as ç, é, ã. And I really need them, as I'm on Brazil.



 Fernando Della Torre

 Tecnologia da Informação

 (: +55 16 98137-1240

 (: +55 16 99137-2886

 *: f...@vdit.com.br

 V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização

 A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de poderes
 para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das empresas citadas, cuja
 representação considera-se válida se praticada exclusivamente por
 representante legal ou procurador devidamente constituído, na forma
 estabelecida em seu respectivo estatuto ou contrato social

 2014-03-17 13:30 GMT-03:00 Brandon Sossamon brandon.sossa...@gmail.com:

 Theoretically, are you supposed to be able to use the Now  Next
 feature in RD without a 3rd Party?  In other words, enter the IP, Port
 and string and it will then transmit the metadata to the stream?  Or
 do you have to have a 3rd party such as Emitworks or the like?
 I have a Windows based program that will transmit to the IP after
 pulling the metadata from a txt file.  I assumed it was the same for
 Now  Next in RD but I don't get any title updates on the stream end.

 I'm streaming via ShoutCast.  If 3rd party is required, who is
 everyone using these days?  After looking at the wiki, it seems
 Emitworks and RD Streamdata are no longer around by the links posted
 in the article.

 --brandon sossamon

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Download Issue

2014-03-17 Thread Brandon Sossamon
 I'll give this a run thru.  Thanks!  It at least gives me a starting point.


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Robert jeffares.rob...@gmail.com wrote:
 have a look at the files that download but don't cart and see what is in
 the mp3 tags.

 I have had issues with files which to all intents and purposes are OK
 but had obscure characters in tag files.

 mp3 players are not fussy but rdimport is!

 Somewhere I have a tag clean up script that sets everything to null
 except the Title and Artist.

 Solved the problem for me.

 Check the sample rate too. RD can be a bit fussy at low or odd sample

 resample fixed the problem on one source which would not play through on
 two different systems. [RD  Jasler]

 wget pulls the file in
 resample using lame
 output file with a different name to the dropbox

 One of our providers has an origination system which outputs files
 as .MP3 with filenames including spaces that RDCATCH would not handle.
 [and we tried everything] wget allows us to download, rename, and the
 file works!

 In summary there is a lot of vestigial junk in mp3 files which are
 definitely not all created equal. Programme originators don't understand
 or care.  Fortunately you can automate the clean up process.

 I look at each source on a case by case basis rather than have a jiffy
 fix all script because every time you resample audio you lose a little.
 Sometimes tags and renaming are all that is necessary.

 Cowboy will remember when all we had to do was switch RIAA/CCIR/LP/FLAT!


 Robert Jeffares

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Log Skipping Hard Start Time Events

2014-03-17 Thread Brandon Sossamon
 Yes.  I'll pull one when I get back to the machine this evening.  For
description; on the RDAirplay screen, the log in the right hand panel,
all of the events that played are GRAY, the skipped event is WHITE,
the playing is GREEN, the forthcoming is LIGHT GREEN.  I'll get a shot
to you this evening as I'm sure there were more skipped today.
Thanks for the help!

 Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:01:19 -0500
 From: Chris Howard - CBR c...@elfpen.com
 To: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
 Subject: Re: [RDD] Log Skipping Hard Start Time Events
 Message-ID: 5327467f.2080...@elfpen.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 Is it possible to see a screen shot of the log
 and the part it skipped?
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Download Issue

2014-03-15 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Perhaps this will garner a response...
I went back into RDCatch this morning and noticed that 1 of today's
events downloaded successfully and placed the audio in the correct
destination.  The other event scheduled for this morning is
highlighted pink.  If I right click on it and select edit cue
markers, it gives me the following error:

Unable to download peak data, error was: RDXport service returned an error.

I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't operator error.  I'm just
comparing all the events and they seem to be set up identically and
proper according to the ops manual and wiki.  Can someone lend some
advice as to what else I should be checking?  Many thanks!


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Brandon Sossamon
brandon.sossa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm currently running my machine in test before putting it on the air
 chain so pardon the string of questions that may follow in the coming
 week.  Just trying to learn all of this and get it on the air by

 I created a daily download event in RDCatch for a news report I
 subscribe to.  It's posted as an mp3 in an open website (no username
 or password).  The event in RDCatch turns green for 2 seconds at the
 download time but puts no audio in the destination cut and displays no
 error.  I've double checked my set up against the ops manual and the
 wiki article and everything seems to be done correctly.  Does this
 issue ring any bells?

 Furthermore, there is another mp3 file on the same site that I
 download daily.  The address is this format:


 In order to get this into RDCatch, do I need to use the wildcard %% to
 recognize the %20 and %203-13?  In other words, should the address
 be entered into RDCatch as:


 -- brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Download Issue

2014-03-15 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I might add that the Status states Unknown Audio Format yet they're
all mp3 including the one that downloaded successfully.

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Brandon Sossamon
brandon.sossa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Perhaps this will garner a response...
 I went back into RDCatch this morning and noticed that 1 of today's
 events downloaded successfully and placed the audio in the correct
 destination.  The other event scheduled for this morning is
 highlighted pink.  If I right click on it and select edit cue
 markers, it gives me the following error:

 Unable to download peak data, error was: RDXport service returned an error.

 I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't operator error.  I'm just
 comparing all the events and they seem to be set up identically and
 proper according to the ops manual and wiki.  Can someone lend some
 advice as to what else I should be checking?  Many thanks!


 On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Brandon Sossamon
 brandon.sossa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm currently running my machine in test before putting it on the air
 chain so pardon the string of questions that may follow in the coming
 week.  Just trying to learn all of this and get it on the air by

 I created a daily download event in RDCatch for a news report I
 subscribe to.  It's posted as an mp3 in an open website (no username
 or password).  The event in RDCatch turns green for 2 seconds at the
 download time but puts no audio in the destination cut and displays no
 error.  I've double checked my set up against the ops manual and the
 wiki article and everything seems to be done correctly.  Does this
 issue ring any bells?

 Furthermore, there is another mp3 file on the same site that I
 download daily.  The address is this format:


 In order to get this into RDCatch, do I need to use the wildcard %% to
 recognize the %20 and %203-13?  In other words, should the address
 be entered into RDCatch as:


 -- brandon sossamon

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Log Generation

2014-03-11 Thread Brandon Sossamon
That was the fix!  Thanks!  I would have never thought of that.  I
changed it to a simple %Y_%m_%d and it went thru just fine.

Thanks to Chris Howard for the same tip at almost the same time.

I sure I'll be back with more questions soon enough.

-- brandon


As I am a beginner too, this is probably NOT the reason, but thought I
would pass it along:

Back when I was testing the Rivendell Appliance V1 CD, I ran into an
issue where it would only schedule one song per hour.

Even though in the guide it is shown as an example, I found the problem
was a - in either the hostname or service name (I can't remember
which).  I had the servicename something like wxyz-fm. I submitted a
bug report when the mantis was online, but don't know if that ever got

Like I said, that probably is not your issue, but it sounded familiar so
thought I would throw in my half a cent worth.

As for the artist sep rules, it is my understanding that even if it has
to break a rule, it will put SOMETHING in the spot, even if its not what
you intended.'

Rivendell-dev mailing list


2014-03-10 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Here's a beginners question for ya.  I have my name set as the default user
in the Host menu.  When I go to RDLogIn and click Default User, it enters
my name at the top of the window, there's nothing other than user in the
drop down and none of my passwords allow me to log in.  What am I missing?
 I seem to be locked out of log functions at this point.  Thanks in advance!


Sent from Gmail Mobile
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Importing multiple files into rdlibrary via rdimport.

2014-02-28 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Hey Owen-
I was on this same learning curve just a few weeks ago.  I found it best to
copy all the files from the original location and paste them into a folder
on the desktop.  For simplicity, I labeled the folder musicimport.  I too
had several sub folders which I wanted to import into a respective Group in
RD.  That being said, I copied the files out of each sub folder, one folder
at a time so that it was only the files within the musicimport folder on
the desktop...no sub folders.

Once I had the files in place, I personally used this command in the

RDImport --verbose MUSIC /home/rd/Desktop/musicimport/*.mp3

Obviously you'll want to substitute the MUSIC group with whatever group
you'd like the files imported to.  Additionally, if the files you're
importing are WAV , you'll want to change the *.mp3 to *.wav.

Doing it this way allows you to keep your files in their original location
which would double as a back up.  Hope this helps.

--brandon sossamon


I'm still on a steep learning curve setting up and getting to know

I'm trying to import and convert to wav mp3 files from a removable drive
via usb. The drive is called 'Elements' the main music folder is called
'MUSIC'. Within the 'MUSIC' folder are many sub folders.

I've tried to import in terminal following these instructions

I get a reply. Can't open Elements, skipped. Can't open MUSIC skipped.
Can't open (name of sub folder). skipped. Can't open *.mp3. I thought
I'd place the files as cuts in carts that represented the folder it came
from on the removable drive 'Elements'.

I would appreciate it if somebody could tell me the string of
instructions I need to import files from Elements/MUSIC/subfoldername.

Also. As I don't want the files on the removable drive deleted I need to
be sure. Amongst the text that 'terminal' presents it does say that the
delete function is off, so I guess that the original files are safe.

Perhaps I need to copy the files from the removable drive onto the main
hard drive and import from there.

Many thanks,
Owen Dawe.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Need Help With Serial Problems

2014-02-27 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Interesting.  I wonder if that's the same issue with my Syba serial card.
I haven't been able to get my touchscreen going.  It outputs a few seconds
of data then just stops.  Won't work again until after a reboot but then
gives the same results.

-- brandon sossamon

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 14:20:25 -0600
From: Ryan Williams rya...@gmail.com
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
Subject: Re: [RDD] Need Help With Serial Problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I wanted to finally follow up on the serial port problem. I intended to
update this sooner, but I've had a lot going on. We are fully on the new
system now, so here it is...

There were actually a couple of separate issues going on which made it
difficult to figure out exactly where the problem was.

First, the Rosewill RC-301 PCI serial card just doesn't want to work with
CentOS  6.4. I tried a handful of things and never could get any activity
out of it. The specs claim Linux support, but I never had any luck.

Secondly, I mistakenly set up my switcher in Rivendell as a BroadcastTools
8X2, which is not the same thing as a BroadcastTools 8.2. This explains why
when I dropped in a known compatible card, the SIIG CyberPro S4, I saw
serial data coming out of the card, but I couldn't get Rivendell to
actually change channels.

Thirdly, there does appear to be some kind of bug in the Appliance v2
involving serial ports. Even now, on Rivendell 2.8.0, when I reboot the new
system, the serial ports don't work at first. They seem to not be enabled
or connected in Rivendell. This problem is remedied by opening up RDAdmin
and disabling each needed serial port and then re-enabling it.

Finally, if anyone is looking for a USB to serial adapter that works with
the Appliance, I can recommend this Manhattan model from Amazon, which is
currently available for a little over $8:

Thanks for everyone for trying to help; I'm glad to have this behind me.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Need Help With Serial Problems

2014-02-27 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Mine is not USB based so I can rule that out.  It's either the serial
controller in the monitor or the card not getting along with the ASUS
motherboard.  I still have a few tricks to try out and I'll add yours to
the list.  Next on the agenda...find time!

--brandon sossamon


I've often run into difficulties with USB-based serial adapters, to the
point where I've given up on them for all but the most trivial things.

If you're able to find something with an onboard serial port, or failing
that get a card-based port, you'll be likely to save a lot of headaches.

Another thing I've run into, some serial ports only seem to work
properly after they've been initially set up. I had one system a while
back where it would not see the serial port upon boot until I opened up
a terminal prompt and gave it the setup:

stty -F /dev/ttyS0 9600

Of course, replace the S0 and the 9600 with the port number and baud
rate you are using.

What I ended up doing on that computer is I put the command into a
script which runs upon boot, that solved the issue.  You could
potentially put this into the Rivendell daemon init script, trigger the
serial port before starting up the rest of the daemons.  I don't know if
this might help to fix the problem mentioned below where rdadmin needs
to be opened up first to diable and re-enable the serial port, but it
might be worth a try.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Segues respecting song intros...

2014-02-24 Thread Brandon
Thank you for the definitive answer, Fred. :-)

I've used all the major automation systems from AudioVault, Master Control,
to Prophet, etc. And Rivendell is more stable and does everything the
proprietary systems do and more with way less overhead.

In fact, when all of the markers are set properly, RD sounds VERY tight...
But, this little hiccup, makes it too tight in the scenarios mentioned

Is adding that support anywhere in the pipeline?

Thank you, sir!

Sent from outer space...

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:05 AM, Fred Gleason fr...@paravelsystems.comwrote:

 On Feb 22, 2014, at 03:15 37, Brandon bran...@subliminalradio.net wrote:

  Is there a setting to force RD to respect song intros when enforcing
 segue chains in the clock?

 There is not.  At present, the only thing that the 'intro length' (the
 'talk time', in Rivendell parlance) is used for is to run the countdown
 timer in the pie widget in RDAirPlay.


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
 |   |   Paravel Systems   |
 | Do not try to think outside of the box.  That's impossible.  Instead,   |
 | realise the truth. There is no box. |
 |   --Quoted by larsmjoh on GrokLaw.net |

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Segues respecting song intros...

2014-02-24 Thread Brandon
+1 for me! :-))

Sent from outer space...

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM, John Hodgson m...@johnhodgson.co.ukwrote:


 This is the one major feature we miss at our community station.

 Most other automation systems seem to do it but not Rivendell but we stay
 with it as it does everything else so well.

 If this is in the pipeline, I may get a little excited!

 Please say it is Fred :-)


 On 24 Feb 2014, at 19:09, Brandon bran...@subliminalradio.net wrote:

 Thank you for the definitive answer, Fred. :-)

 I've used all the major automation systems from AudioVault, Master
 Control, to Prophet, etc. And Rivendell is more stable and does everything
 the proprietary systems do and more with way less overhead.

 In fact, when all of the markers are set properly, RD sounds VERY tight...
 But, this little hiccup, makes it too tight in the scenarios mentioned

 Is adding that support anywhere in the pipeline?

 Thank you, sir!

 Sent from outer space...

 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:05 AM, Fred Gleason fr...@paravelsystems.comwrote:

 On Feb 22, 2014, at 03:15 37, Brandon bran...@subliminalradio.net

  Is there a setting to force RD to respect song intros when enforcing
 segue chains in the clock?

 There is not.  At present, the only thing that the 'intro length' (the
 'talk time', in Rivendell parlance) is used for is to run the countdown
 timer in the pie widget in RDAirPlay.


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
 |   |   Paravel Systems

 | Do not try to think outside of the box.  That's impossible.  Instead,
 | realise the truth. There is no box.
 |   --Quoted by larsmjoh on GrokLaw.net


 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDLibrary Auditing

2014-02-23 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I'm curious to know if there's a way to audit your library and see tracks
with markers/schedule codes vs. tracks without.  I'm on the appliance disc


brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Segues respecting song intros...

2014-02-22 Thread Brandon
Fellow Rivendellers,

Just upgraded to RD 2.7.0 on Mint 12 (Ubuntu Oneiric) using the
Tryphon/Debian packages . In all previous versions of RD, have had the
following problem.

Is there a setting to force RD to respect song intros when enforcing segue
chains in the clock?

I have every element in the library toned. Songs have intros (multiple
intros, in some cases) and imaging has tones where it should fire a song
and walk up an intro.

The problem is, that if a song has a cold intro, (begins with a vocal) or
is shorter than the duration of the imaging, RD doesn't respect the intro
of the song and walks all over the vocal. Very sloppy.


Tone at the end of current song fires :12 second sweeper. The first :06 of
the sweeper is fully produced with music or percussion so it can't play
over song intro. But the last :06 is dry or only semi-produced, so the tone
is set to start the next element (song) at :06.

Now, let's say the song has :04 second intro.

RD should calculate the difference and fire the song at :08 to hit the post
without causing a train-wreck.

Songs with intros the same length or longer than the next tone of an
imaging element sound great!!!

Now, If I could only figure out how to get Jack+Liquidsoap+Icecast with
liquidsoap performing compression, limiting and multiband EQ working... DUN

Thank you,

Sent from outer space...

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell-dev Digest, Vol 10, Issue 1

2014-02-01 Thread Brandon Sossamon
@Cowboy: Thanks for the tips!  That will come in handy!  With a name like
Cowboy, there's only one way to take you! ;)

@Fred:  I rebuilt an old box that had SS32 on it.  All new guts but I kept
the ASI6114!  That being said, I posed this question in an earlier email,
I'm assuming Rivendell comes with the drivers for this card but does it
also come with ASIControl?  The reason I ask is I am running my station
mono and would like to run the card in mono mode instead of building a
bunch of resistive networks to knock it down.  Also, I'm installing from
the Appliance CD you gave me last JAN which is 1.0.0-x86_64.  After
installing it on other machines, it looks like RD upgrades to v.2 with
updates but keeps the KDE3 and CentOS 5.

I'm about to start the install now.

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 11:00 AM, 
rivendell-dev-requ...@lists.rivendellaudio.org wrote:

 Send Rivendell-dev mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Rivendell-dev digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Re: First Steps Document (Cowboy)
2. Re: First Steps Document (Cowboy)
3. Re: First Steps Document (Fred Gleason)


 Message: 1
 Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 07:58:20 -0500
 From: Cowboy c...@cwf1.com
 To: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
 Subject: Re: [RDD] First Steps Document
 Message-ID: 201402010758.20563.c...@cwf1.com
 Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=iso-8859-1

 On Friday 31 January 2014 09:55:18 pm Brandon Sossamon wrote:
  Awesome! ?Thanks for the info! ?I'll give it a shot.
  On Friday, January 31, 2014, Chris Howard - CBR c...@elfpen.com wrote:
   Can't access /var/snd?
   do this command to show mounted filesystems:
   prompt ?df

  Maybe a bit more useful to you. More familiar anyway,
  df -h
  The -h means in human terms
  will give you sizing in more familiar terms.
  Usually, -h means help but not in this case.
  ( or a lot of things improved by FSF )
  df is a request for disk free
  There is also du for disk used, with several more options.

  Anything FSF GNU, the long option --help
  will get you a usage and syntax summary, so
  df --help
  will get you a usage summary.

  Every unix in the world has the manual installed, so
  man du
  will get you the manual page on du.
  Most FSF stuff has gone to INFO which is not on
  all systems, Kinda random on that one.

  If you're feeling especially masochistic, hit tab twice.
  You'll see how many command line commands there are
  on your system, and have the option of listing them all.
  If you hit one letter, then hit tab twice, you'll get a listing of
  all available commands starting with that letter.
  Can be very useful sometimes.



 BOO!  We changed Coke again!  BLEAH!  BLEAH!


 Message: 2
 Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 08:51:17 -0500
 From: Cowboy c...@cwf1.com
 To: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
 Subject: Re: [RDD] First Steps Document
 Message-ID: 201402010851.17298.c...@cwf1.com
 Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=iso-8859-1

 On Friday 31 January 2014 07:57:39 pm Brandon Sossamon wrote:
  No offense taken. That's the biggest downfall to email...perceived


  Truth be told, I'm just not a very nice person, so I'm
  often taken wrong.



 BOO!  We changed Coke again!  BLEAH!  BLEAH!


 Message: 3
 Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 11:31:11 -0500
 From: Fred Gleason fr...@paravelsystems.com
 To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
 Subject: Re: [RDD] First Steps Document
 Message-ID: f872b521-af92-4947-821d-305526cce...@paravelsystems.com
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

 On Jan 31, 2014, at 17:59 58, Robert Jeffares jeffares.rob...@gmail.com

  The appliance CD runs a cut down KDE desktop. Getting used to it is easy

 Version 1 (CentOS 5) uses KDE3.  Version 2 (CentOS 6) uses Gnome, mostly
 because KDE3 went away and KDE4 is a basket case.  Just as easy to use

  Get the best sound card you can afford. Check before you buy that it is
 ALSA compatible.

 Or better still, an AudioScience card (http://www.audioscience.com), in
 which case ALSA compatibility is irrelevant.

 One note of caution here: there are lots of used ASI cards for sale at
 places like eBay.  If you go that route, be sure to get an ASI5xxx or
 ASI6xxx series

Re: [RDD] First Steps Document

2014-01-31 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Its looking like a stand alone set up. I thought about networking with my
OptiPlex and using that as music import and log creation but it would have
to send it to the primary play out machine.
Mainly music rotation with a few features sprinkled in daily.

brandon sossamon
On Jan 31, 2014 10:00 AM, Alessio Elmi alessio_e...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Hi Brandon,
 there's no unique way to set up things, as there may be many
 configurations in response to the needs of every radio station.
 Are you considering an independent stand-alone workstation or a networked
 configuration (with a db and storage server and many clients)?
 Do you need live/presenter interaction or just music rotation?


 2014-01-31 Brandon Sossamon brandon.sossa...@gmail.com:

 Thanks.  I've been on the wiki for quite some time studying up.  Like
 most wiki's it's vague in some places and detailed in others.  I hadn't
 seen the First Steps doc in quite some time so just wanted to make sure I
 wasn't missing anything.  I've had RD installed on 2 machines to play
 around with and learn.  I'm now installing it on a pro machine so I want
 to make sure all is done right.
 I apologize to all for the basic questions.  As mentioned before, Linux
 is new to me but so far I'm loving it.  Thanks for the help!

 brandon sossamon

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] First Steps Document

2014-01-31 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I wasn't necessarily saying there should be more detailed info out there
(although it would be nice), I was just saying I want to get my hands on as
much detail as possible before doing the installation this weekend.  The
hardest part is the fact that this product is attractive to any and all
radio station operators but can be intimidating to those that have NO Linux
experience (such as myself).  Reading through the solutions on the wiki and
here on the list is a GREAT wealth of knowledge but some of the codes and
forms of executing these tasks are Greek to us newbies.
I agree with what Cowboy said regarding giving back.  I'm actually
documenting everything for a user review for an online community.  I'm
hoping I can post the notes in a public location to add to the knowledge
base.  I personally think the Brett Blog regarding building music schedules
and logs is brilliant.  I followed the steps listed and created a log on my
trial laptop installation and that's what pushed me to dive in 100% and
get it up and running on my community station.  It's also confusing to read
a solution to a problem written to Debian or Ubuntu when you've installed
from the Appliance Disc which installs CentOS.  Unless you're experienced
in Linux, you don't really know what crosses over if anything.  Not to say
it can't be learned.  It's just time consuming.  In a situation like mine,
you're trying to get it on the air ASAP so when you hit a roadblock, you
have to stop and reference the list, the wiki, Google or YouTube.   ...but,
it's educating.
I know us newbies with basic questions can weigh on the patience of those
more experienced with bigger problems.  That's where a lot of the give
and take is in this type of list.  Hence my apology for the basic
questions.  Luckily I have a brother-in-law that is a software engineer and
I'll start hounding him with all of my basic Linux questions.  Trust me, no
complaints here.  Just trying to soak up as much as I can without annoying

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Brandon Sossamon 
brandon.sossa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Its looking like a stand alone set up. I thought about networking with my
 OptiPlex and using that as music import and log creation but it would have
 to send it to the primary play out machine.
 Mainly music rotation with a few features sprinkled in daily.

 brandon sossamon
 On Jan 31, 2014 10:00 AM, Alessio Elmi alessio_e...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Hi Brandon,
 there's no unique way to set up things, as there may be many
 configurations in response to the needs of every radio station.
 Are you considering an independent stand-alone workstation or a networked
 configuration (with a db and storage server and many clients)?
 Do you need live/presenter interaction or just music rotation?


 2014-01-31 Brandon Sossamon brandon.sossa...@gmail.com:

 Thanks.  I've been on the wiki for quite some time studying up.  Like
 most wiki's it's vague in some places and detailed in others.  I hadn't
 seen the First Steps doc in quite some time so just wanted to make sure I
 wasn't missing anything.  I've had RD installed on 2 machines to play
 around with and learn.  I'm now installing it on a pro machine so I want
 to make sure all is done right.
 I apologize to all for the basic questions.  As mentioned before, Linux
 is new to me but so far I'm loving it.  Thanks for the help!

 brandon sossamon

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] First Steps Document

2014-01-31 Thread Brandon Sossamon
You have to know the OS and even basic code with the appliance CD.
I'm looking to move my library from one machine to another and can't access
/var/snd to get the files. I've tried as root and still no luck. All of
that is outside of the Appliance CD. Same goes for networking machines. You
have to know how to navigate the OS in order to establish and/or implement
some features of Rivendell. If you were just planning to load music fresh,
generate logs and press play then no, knowing much about the OS is not
I just learned how to use RDImport last week. What was my first mistake?
Knowing what a terminal is!  I was entering the command in the command
utility on CentOS.  So, yes, you should have a very basic understanding of
the OS even with the Appliance CD.

brandon sossamon

On Jan 31, 2014, Cowboy wrote:

Which is the basis of the Appliance CD.
( and the turn-key systems from Paravel )
Why would you need to know anything about the underlying OS ?
How much do you know about the OS that runs your car ?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] First Steps Document

2014-01-31 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Not at all. I just wanted to point out that you have to know a little and I
speak from experience. I'm a certified idiot when it comes to anything
IT...even on simple Windows machines. That being said, Linux is quite eye
opening.  Tying this back to topic, something like the Brett Blog for all
the main features of RD would be extremely helpful for those less
educated. Be it user submitted or Paravel. Being an open-source appliance,
you really can't ask for the world here as everyone will have varying
No offense taken. That's the biggest downfall to email...perceived emotion.

brandon sossamon

On Jan 31, 2014, Cowboy wrote:

I'm not criticizing you, and I appologize if it came across that way.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Moving Library From Machine to Another

2014-01-30 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I am planning to load into my new machine this weekend.  I have a good bit
of my library set with markers and would like to keep that.  Upon looking
into the wiki for help, I found the following article:

Can I move just my audio carts to another Rivendell System?

Q: I would like to do a total Rivendell database overhaul and basically
start over with a new system setup. The only thing that I would like to
keep is my music library. Is there a way that I can keep the music data
(name, artist, album, scheduler codes, etc.) and easily integrate it back
into a new rivendell database?

A: You might want to check out the 'rivendell-filter' utility (part of the
'rivendell-importers' package), which was designed to do precisely this
sort of thing --i.e. copy carts from one Rivendell DB to another.

Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. Chief Developer Paravel Systems

Note: See /usr/share/doc/rivendell/RIVENDELL_FILTER.txt on a computer with
Rivendell installed for more information.

I entered the above path and it gave me a no such file or directory
error.  Are there further directions elsewhere?  Anyone have any tips on
making this sort of move?  Will moving the database do the same or just the

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OT: SoundPanel

2014-01-30 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Is RDPanel what you're looking for in Rivendell?

As far as other panels available, I've used I-Jingle for iPad.  It's not

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Moving Library From Machine to Another

2014-01-30 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Thanks, Geoff.  There's not much to keep on the old machine.  I was
originally going to use it as my primary machine but discovered my
AudioScience card doesn't fit.  So...I took an old SS32 machine and rebuilt
it last weekend with all new guts.  I'm planning to install RD from the
appliance CD this weekend so as far as host names, it's a blank slate.  I
assume I can follow the steps in the Migration article on the wiki (
I'm new to all flavors of Linux so I'll have to figure out locating the
audio files in /var/snd.  I have RD installed on a laptop here at the
office just to help get the feel of it and CentOS.  This particular machine
won't let me into /var/snd even if logged in as su or root.

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Moving Library From Machine to Another

2014-01-30 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Sorry.  Maybe it's because I'm new to all of this but I am installing from
the Paravel Appliance Disc which is CentOS.  It has an early version of
RD on it but updates once installed.
Just for grins, I entered the path in the computer here and it came back
with no results.  There's a good chance I'm not doing something right.  I'm
a rookie at this so I may need a little step x step handholding.  Am I
entering it in a terminal or in the find files utility?

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Robert jeffares.rob...@gmail.com wrote:

 if you are using other then the appliance os your files may be in a
 different place

 use find / -name '*FILTER.txt' and you should track it down
 or locate if your system has it

 you need to be root

 It works fine

 You can also backup and restore and copy the /var/snd from the old
 system to the new system


 On Thu, 2014-01-30 at 14:04 -0600, Brandon Sossamon wrote:
  I am planning to load into my new machine this weekend.  I have a good
  bit of my library set with markers and would like to keep that.  Upon
  looking into the wiki for help, I found the following article:
  Can I move just my audio carts to another Rivendell System?
  Q: I would like to do a total Rivendell database overhaul and
  basically start over with a new system setup. The only thing that I
  would like to keep is my music library. Is there a way that I can keep
  the music data (name, artist, album, scheduler codes, etc.) and easily
  integrate it back into a new rivendell database?
  A: You might want to check out the 'rivendell-filter' utility (part of
  the 'rivendell-importers' package), which was designed to do precisely
  this sort of thing --i.e. copy carts from one Rivendell DB to another.
  Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. Chief Developer Paravel Systems
  Note: See /usr/share/doc/rivendell/RIVENDELL_FILTER.txt on a computer
  with Rivendell installed for more information.
  I entered the above path and it gave me a no such file or directory
  error.  Are there further directions elsewhere?  Anyone have any tips
  on making this sort of move?  Will moving the database do the same or
  just the data?
  brandon sossamon
  Rivendell-dev mailing list

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] First Steps Document

2014-01-30 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Is there a copy of the First Steps document floating around somewhere?  I
have Rivendell installed on 2 machines and both of them come up blank. I
just want to make sure I'm not missing anything when I do the new install
this weekend.

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RD and AudioScience Cards

2014-01-28 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I finished building my PC I plan to implement with Rivendell and have the
AS6114 installed.  I'm curious if RD comes loaded with the AudioScience
drivers or if I will need to download those.  Also, is ASIControl
included?  Curious as I will want to run my card in mono mode.  Perhaps
there's an RD utility that manages this?

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport Errors

2014-01-26 Thread Brandon Sossamon
Worked like a champ!  Thanks!

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDImport Errors

2014-01-25 Thread Brandon Sossamon
I'm new to RD and new to this list.  I've been trying to run RDImport for
the last 4 days and consistently get the invalid group specified error.
I've entered the command in countless variations.  The base line command
I'm using is as follows:

rdimport %t%a%l MUSIC /home/rd/Desktop/musichold/*.mp3

As it's written, I'm trying to import all mp3 files from a folder on the
desktop labeled musichold and place them in the MUSIC group with the title,
artist and album metadata.

The only time I have received a different result is when I entered the
following line:

rdimport --metadata-pattern='%t_%a_%l' MUSIC

This command gave me the following error:  Unable to open
/home/rd/Desktop/musichold/*.mp3, skipping...  When I tried to repeat
this, I get absolutely no reaction from the terminal.  No error, no new
line, no nothing.

As I'm new to Linux CentOS as well, I will say the Terminal opens with
[rd@localhost ~]$ already in the window.  I'm assuming this is supposed to
be there.

Other info that may be helpful to my case:
The music is being pulled off of a Windows machine via smb.  I have tried
both importing via the smb path as well as copying and pasting onto the
desktop.  Additionally the files have a '~4' within the name due to the
previous automation system.  The 4 being a variable number between
different files.  This is in the title before the file extension

I'm greatful for any help offered.  I've perused the google group as well
as any related help pages and so far, no solution.  Thanks!

brandon sossamon
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Fwd: HELP with dropbox and rdimport, please.

2013-11-12 Thread Brandon
Sorry for the double post, I think I sent this to a list I'm not subscribed
to previously... :-/

Greetings Everyone,

Running Rivendell 2.5.3 on Linux Mint 12 (Lucid).

Have 2 dropboxes setup in RDAdmin. I can see the log that is generated in
each dropbox folder with stop and start entries. No errors, but still not
importing files. Both dropboxes are on the local machine, so nothing
unusual with networking or permissions. Files sitting in Dropbox are
feeling lonely and neglected.

Then, I decided to try importing music into the default MUSIC group, using
rdimport with several variations; all with the same results:

cd /home/brandon/Music
rdimport --verbose --fix-broken-formats --normalization-level=-13
--segue-level=-10 -metadata-pattern=%t_%a MUSIC *.mp3 2 errorlog.txt

rdimport --verbose --fix-broken-formats --normalization-level=-13
--segue-level=-10 -metadata-pattern='%t_%a.' Music
/home/brandon/Music/xmas/*.mp3 2 errorlog.txt

rdimport –verbose –normalization-level=-13 /home/brandon/Music/xmas/*.mp3
2 errorlog.txt

Same error everytime!!! DUN, dun DUN!

rdimport: invalid group specified

Not sure what I'm missing... or if the 2 errors are related. But I'd really
like to resolve both issues.

Any ideas?

Thank you,
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] converting 1.7.2 DB to 2.2.0

2012-11-22 Thread Brandon

Benjamin D. Fillmore benjamin@... writes:

 Mine has always updated when I launch rdadmin for the first time
 after importing the DB. 
 Try closing everything down, and re-launching rdadmin.On 4/4/2012 
PM, James Akers wrote:
 I am an older (62) linux/unix programmer type volunteering to help with a 
 community-supported (read poor-as-a-church-mouse) radio station here in 
 Idaho, KRFY.  I am struggling to figure out how to convert our 1.7.2 DB to the
 2.1.2 schema.  Our live machine (the one running the station) is on 1.7.2, 
I have
 a fresh machine with Rivendell 2.1.2 on it.  All our machines are running 
Ubuntu 10.04
 (Lucid Lynx).  I have copied over the /var/snd directory (7000+ .wav files) 
the new machine,
 and followed Fred Gleason's directions (I think) about dumping the old DB, 
 it through rdadmin on the new machine.  Being an old mysql hand, I watched 
 with 'ps -ef | grep mysql' and didn't see any conversions going on - just 
 mysql dump and restore.  Though it could be that the design intent is for 
 process that I wasn't aware of to do the conversions to the new schema.  When 
I start
 rdadmin and rdlibrary on the new machine they seem unaware of groups, though 
 did see some carts.
 Does anyone have a recipe for migrating from Rivendell 1.7.2 to 2.1.2 ?
 thanks for the help,
 Jim Akers
 Rivendell-dev mailing list
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

I am having the same (or similar) problem...  I have a working 1.7.2 system on 
Linux Mint 12.  I decided to build a new Mint 13 system and upgrade to 2.2.0.  
have copied all audio in the /var/snd directory to the new system, but when I 
restore the old DB, I get the following error:

The Rivendell database needs to be updated...  But when you click yes, you 
an error that the Rivendell Database Schema modification failed.  

Can anyone point me in the right direction to convert the database and get the 
new system online?  

Thank you!! 


Rivendell-dev mailing list