Re: [RDD] rdimport - audio file location and ingestion

2018-11-06 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Nov 6, 2018, at 15:42, Fred Gleason  wrote:
> …
> They had an auxiliary program called the ‘SoundHound’ (derisively referred to 
> as the ‘SoundPig’ by one of my co-workers) that would continually scan the 
> set of audio files on the system, building and updating a searchable database 
> of the metadata.

That’s not the only name it was known by… but not all are fit to print. ;-)

I do *not* miss that particular automation system - at all.  As noted, it would 
frequently crash and caused no small amount of consternation and headache.  
With six or seven channels of audio running at our facility, it was ridiculous 
how many times per day we had to go restart that metadata scraper utility on 
multiple machines.

In contrast, dumping the entire mySQL database takes only a few moments 
(completely in the background, even on a running system) and the resulting file 
can be placed anywhere without effort (indeed; it can be written directly to a 
mapped share or RAID system, etc.) so there’s no excuse for not having a backup 
of the database.

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] USA: Satellite Downlink Sites - Interactive Map

2018-10-24 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Oct 24, 2018, at 04:42, Jonathan Cohen  wrote:
>  had not considered that might be impacted in future by 5G.

It's actually a worldwide trend (in developed countries, anyway) to be looking 
at 2-6 GHz for large swaths of spectrum to be used for the next generation of 
wireless connectivity, known as 5G.

Some other countries have already held auctions to give some 3.4-3.7 -ish bands 
to 5G, and others are cutting into the 3.7+ GHz range that encroaches satellite 
downlink frequencies.

It's certainly something to investigate if you're gathering any content from 
Sherrod Munday
(423) 310-5450 (C)
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] USA: Satellite Downlink Sites - Interactive Map

2018-10-23 Thread Sherrod Munday
(For everyone who doesn’t live here, please pardon the United States-centric 
nature of this post.  I realize there’s a fair contingent of international 
folks on this listserv, but this is very relevant to broadcasters in the United 

Here is an interactive, zoomable map of all 13,993 C-band satellite downlink 
sites registered as of 10/22/2018 with the Federal Communications Commission.

If you haven’t registered your sites yet with the FCC, you have until October 
31, 2018 to do so if you want to have any protection against future 
interference from 5G.  

See for instructions how.

And in case you haven’t heard, the C-Band Alliance (“CBA”) has now upped their 
ante to 200 MHz of bandwidth they think they can clear out of the C-band 4 GHz 
spectrum.  See for an article about the updated offer.

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OT: Carts invisible after upgraded

2018-07-25 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Jul 25, 2018, at 14:53, Rob Landry <> wrote:
> I spent an hour yesterday trying to find out why a Mac on someone's wireless 
> network couldn't see a printer on the same network; it turned out the Mac had 
> connected to a neighbor's network.

That’s the first troubleshooting step of the wireless generation: “Are you sure 
it’s plugged in?”

…virtually, anyway …

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Music Scheduler Codes - "Exclude" option instead of "Must Have Code"?

2018-03-06 Thread Sherrod Munday
A client of mine wants to *exclude* certain music scheduler codes from airing 
during a certain daypart.

Instead of setting the Daypart on every selected Cut for their entire library, 
has there been any thought to creating/setting a logical "NOT" flag for the 
"Must Have Code" logic that currently allows a logical "AND" -- but not a "NOT"?

The goal is to assign a chunk of their music library a scheduler code that 
would prevent it from airing overnights (i.e., they want slower-tempo songs 
only during nighttime).  I don't see a way of doing this in the Scheduler 
option in the current rev of RD.

If adding the "NOT" option isn't practical, are there any other ways of 
accomplishing this without burning up the one single Daypart field for the Cut?

(They're coming from an automation system that allows hour-by-hour selection of 
valid air times, with the practical effect that they can achieve multiple valid 
"dayparts" for each given day.)

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport: import into "Edit Notes" text box in RDLibrary?

2018-02-26 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Feb 26, 2018, at 11:16, Fred Gleason <> wrote:
> Correct. There is no such functionality at present.

Without having had time yet to look at the schema, are the Notes kept in a 
mysql table like other values?

While I recognize the CLI limitations on quoted text (to my chagrin, the 
"comments" fields in my situation have many double-quoted text strings 
therein), is there any reason that it could not be dumped into the database 
directly with a mysql command if the text is appropriately escaped?

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport: import into "Edit Notes" text box in RDLibrary?

2018-02-25 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Feb 25, 2018, at 23:41, Mike Carroll <> wrote:
> A quick look at the rdimport source at 
>  shows no references to "notes", so probably not.

Though I hadn't looked at the code yet, that confirms my expectations.   Thanks.

I can always brute-force/back-door it via 'mysql' CLI, but I'd rather not 
unless that's going to be the only way possible.  I've got ~10,000 carts to 
start with, and possible a couple times more than that to come in phase 2 of a 
migration I'm doing.  

I'm not really wanting to hand-type all that back in, understandably. 

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] rdimport: import into "Edit Notes" text box in RDLibrary?

2018-02-25 Thread Sherrod Munday

I've been looking through the manpage for 'rdimport' on the current rev of RD, 
and I cannot find the answer to this question:

Is it possible to import anything into the "Notes" for a cart so that the 
metadata that is entered from the CLI will be imported to the text entry box 
displayed when you click "Edit Notes" for a cart in RDLibrary?

Google is not my friend tonight; at least, not for this question.

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] The IT Rap

2017-11-06 Thread Sherrod Munday
How relevant this is... and a fun diversion for a couple of minutes.

>From Spiceworks comes a white man's musical version of his IT life.  Don't 
>worry - it's clean, and you might even see a bit of your own job description 
>in there.

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Compile on Antergos

2017-10-20 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Oct 20, 2017, at 0:29, Gary Hodder <> wrote:
> Just installed Antergos which is a branch of Arch linux.
> There doesn't seem to be a a qt3-devel package and copile failed to
> find matching components of a complete QT installation.
> Any ideas where to go from here?

Um, ... back to CentOS?


(Couldn't resist that slow-pitch softball arching (pardon the pun) lazily 
across the plate.)
Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Running shell commands via RML

2017-04-26 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Apr 26, 2017, at 8:47, Cowboy <> wrote:
> Hey, I know !
> Let's take something that works and has worked for decades perfectly fine,
> ( init ) and whole-sale replace it, because we can !

Without speaking for Rob, and not knowing his specific situation, my guess is 
that it's called preventative maintenance: replace the system hardware before 
it fails.  Those spinning disks don't last forever, after all, and neither do 
power supplies.

This issue is one where probability and statistics mean that the farther out 
you go on the distribution curve (i.e. the longer in time you wait), the higher 
the cumulative probability that you'll suffer a system failure.

The challenge for the broadcast engineer is knowing when to replace a 
seemingly-perfectly-functioning system with another brand-new one that has no 
known history (other than the initial burn-in).  And, of course as they tell 
you in financial markets, past performance is no guarantee of future 
performance -- so that new system could fail in a day, or the old system could 
last beyond your time at the station (or on this earth, but that's another 

But generally, it's a risky thing to keep 10-year-old computers running 24x7 - 
primarily if they were built with consumer-grade hardware.

Yes, we have 10-y-o servers running at my workplace, and I've only had one 
drive fail out of 48 SATA disks in a couple of NAS units around that vintage, 
but stats are stats ... 

The real question here is whether we would rather deal with hard downtime after 
a unit fails, or proactively swap it out prior to full systemic failure.  

The other option, of course, is to put the new system in place in parallel with 
the old and have a hot standby system.  That's the way we ran our Rivendell 
system for ~8 years ... but doing that does mean that maintenance doubles, and 
workload (i.e. normal operations usage of loading up new content, schedules, 
etc.) also doubles.

To each his own style and design... as to whatever makes the most sense in 
their environment.
Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Running shell commands via RML

2017-04-23 Thread Sherrod Munday

On Apr 23, 2017, at 23:30, Rob Landry <> wrote:

> If I create a macro with a line such as:
>   RN /home/scott/ 5!
> ... as which user will that command run?

I'll defer the specific answer to those who know offhand.
One idea is that you could add a script line that simply executes a 'who am i' 
(or 'whoami' depending on your OS) command and redirect the output to a 
world-writeable directory (or pre-created and 'chmod 777'd file).

The first command in your script would therefore be something like:
whoami > /tmp/user.txt

and you could go 'cat' that file thereafter.

Of course, you could also just look at the file permissions to see the owner 
and/or UID.

Yeah, it's a Rube Goldberg-ish way of finding out, but it should work in case 
nobody else answers quickly.

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDPanel output

2017-04-13 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Apr 13, 2017, at 12:50, Lorne Tyndale <> wrote:
> Unfortunately they are no longer manufactured, but for analog audio I've
> had excellent luck with the M-Audio Delta lines - the 44 or 66 if you
> only need 2 stereo outs (total of 4 outs), and the 1010 has 4 stereo
> outs (a total of 8 outputs).  In cases where I don't need balanced
> audio, I've also had luck with the Delta 410 (which has 8 analog outs or
> 4 stereo).  I imagine the 1010LT would also work but I've never had a
> 1010LT.
> The main drawback - since they're no longer made you're stuck with
> finding the product used.  Also they are a full size PCI card, many new
> computers don't have PCI slots any more.

My employer has a bunch of M-Audio Delta 1010LT cards available.  We do not 
have the digital breakout cables, but we do have the analog cables.

Contact me off-list if you're interested.
Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell and Broadcast Tools switcher.

2017-03-07 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Mar 7, 2017, at 10:29, James Greenlee <> wrote:
> This isn't a SS8.2, it's a straight 8x2 from 1995.  According to the manual 
> provided by Broadcast Tools, the default speed is 2400 8n1 which works fine 
> with minicom. Unfortunately, Rivendell doesn't for some reason.
> The solution of making shell scripts is workable, but I think we're just 
> going to step up to a new switcher.

Before going there, have you tried a null modem cable on the serial port of 
your Rivendell machine, connecting it up to another computer running at 2400 
(8N1) to see what minicom vs. Rivendell produces?

This is your best best to determine what's actually going on.  If you get 
strange characters from RD when doing this, but minicom works fine, then you 
may have to delve down to hex mode in minicom (or another terminal emulations 
program) to see the actual codes that are sent and then try to figure out what 
protocol/settings are being used by RD -- or, just manually brute-force try the 
many different settings with minicom on the RD machine and see what they come 
out as on the far end of the null modem cable until you hit a match.

My bet is that Rivendell isn't initializing the port correctly.  

BTW, you didn't mention the process you used to test minicom, but I'm 
hoping/guessing you stopped the RD daemons to run minicom on the same computer. 
 If you didn't stop the daemons but were able to successfully open up the port 
with minicom, I'd really wonder what port RD is actually opening.  Serial ports 
are generally only able to be controlled by one application at a time (the lock 
file that the first comm program creates usually tells subsequent programs to 
disallow accessing the same port).

(That being said, I have successfully used shell scripts in the past to send 
commands directly to the serial port while minicom had it open (this was useful 
to use a cron job to send a timestamp/keepalive and telemetry command to a 
device while using minicom to log the output), but I was not attempting to read 
data back out of the serial port back to the CLI.)

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCATCH 2.15.1 Export problem

2016-08-18 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Brett Patram
>... For some reason now, Rivendell
> is exporting the files corrupt. I can read them in Audacity, but all my
> other applications throw an error message up. It is almost as if its missing
> its header.

What does the output of 'file ' produce?

A copy of its output might be helpful here.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Synchronizing carts and logs

2016-06-24 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Fred Gleason  wrote:

> Here’s an idea: what say we embed a copy of the relevant ‘cartList’ XML
> object (such as is currently generated by Rivendell's ListCart Web API call)
> in every file export?

I just came across a mention of the "Archive eXchange Format" ("AXF")
specification from late 2014:


I know it comes from the TV world instead of radio, and it pertains
specifically to archiving content, but is there any sense to
implementing a published standard from a different industry instead of
a one-off?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Switcher labels for SAS router

2016-04-25 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 1:14 PM, Michael Barnes  wrote:
> ...
> Could someone please refresh my memory on how to update the Rivendell
> database with the port labels from SAS?

Many years ago, in a place far, far, away

Someone like myself simply extracted the source and destination labels
from an SAS router/switcher, and wrote a script to update the MySQL
database on a Rivendell system directly.  That proved a lot more
efficient than hand-entering names by opening each input and output in

You can of course edit/tweak the SAS short names to full-length
Rivendell labels in the process, if that suits your needs.

Your mileage may vary.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell with audio switcher

2016-03-08 Thread Sherrod Munday
That's what I did for one of my stations. All my IDs went in one Cart, all
the :30 liners went in another, all the :60s went in another, etc.

In the Sound Panel section of RDAirplay, set up a single button for each of
the Carts that contain the various liner types.

Then, wire up the relays from your satellite receiver to the GPI inputs of
your Rivendell computer.  Finally, set up the GPIs to push the appropriate
Panel buttons when triggered.

If you have to mute the network audio, then you'll need to have those GPIs
fire Macros instead of the simple audio carts. The Macros will first need
to send commands to your audio switcher to mute the Network audio, then
they would fire the audio cart. Finally, after the audio cart completes,
the Macro unmutes the Network audio again.

You can do these things with the Panel buttons (meaning, you put the Macros
on Panel buttons instead of just putting the audio Carts), but you could
also do the same with a log.  In reality, you could do them even without a
log or a panel, but then you'd have a hard time seeing what the system is
doing in real-time - and an even harder time overriding or assisting.  I
personally kind of prefer putting any floating liners on the Panel buttons,
because it also makes it easy to manually hit those same buttons if the
relay closures aren't connected or firing from the network end of things.

Hope this helps.

On Mar 8, 2016 3:52 PM, <> wrote:

> That's what I was trying to figure out. No it wouldn't be necessary. Would
> it be simpler to put the cuts in one cart and then trigger it with a macro?
> Just looking for any input. Will look into this.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 8, 2016, at 3:33 PM, Sherrod Munday <> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2016 1:56 PM, "Seth Stevenson" <> wrote:
> >...It needs to have a playlist of say 20-30 ID's that rotate in a loop.
> Once one is played then it needs to stop until the next switcher command to
> play the next cut. The log needs to be reloaded at midnight for the next
> day as well.
> Question:
> Is a log really necessary if the "spots" and IDs are just going to loop
> and they aren't paid/scheduled content?
> If not, you can just use the GPIs to push Panel buttons that fire off
> macros to mute the network (if necessary), play the necessary audio, and
> then return to the network.
> That would be simpler than worrying about log generation.
> --Sherrod
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Slow Start trigger

2015-11-09 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Stan Fotinos  wrote:
> I have a strange problem I am hoping someone has come across before. I have
> 4 clients and one server all running Centos 6 Rivendell appliance with all
> the updates. They are all setup exactly the same nfs etc...
> Only one of the four clients if it is left unused for approx 15 minutes or
> more, when you press start to play a cart it takes up to 3 seconds to start
> the cart. After the first start it works perfectly, triggering instantly.

Couple of ideas, in no particular order:

* Audio storage location (NFS server) hard drive spin-down (power
saving in BIOS) enabled?  Might it be that the other three clients
would exhibit the same behavior if no client were doing anything for
15 minutes too?

* SELinux settings different on various machines?

 New installations of CentOS come with SELinux enabled by default, but
I don't recall if Rivendell Appliance CentOS has it disabled or not

* Wireshark traffic (a.k.a. packet capture) (on both ends of the wire)
various systems looking for responsiveness/delay in the transport/IP
layer (2/3), the TCP layer (4), or the OS/Rivendell client (7) layer

* Check system logs for NFS timeout errors -- on both ends of the wire

* Check caed logs for errors, etc.

You might try to capture some snippets of logs from different systems
when you replicate the same steps on each, and just pore through them
for any differences.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] ¿Como Mezclo Pisadores con loa música que suena?

2014-05-02 Thread Sherrod Munday
2014-05-02 1:08 GMT-04:00 juan carlos navarro hernandez

 Me refiero a la parte derecha de RDAirplay

 I mean the right of RDAirplay

Ah, okay.  Entiendo que quiere Ud. usar los botones del SoundPanel
(Panel de sónidos), y quieres poner/cargar varios audios en los
botones, ¿sí?

¿Ha tratado el Configurar botón en la esquina derecha?

Si Ud. ya lo ha tratado, ¿hay algo que busca pero no se lo encuentra
cuando seleccione este botón, o es que necesita Ud, una explicación de
qué son los botones y para qué existen (o cómo usarlos)?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Migrating Wide Orbit to Rivendell.

2014-05-02 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Frederick Gleason wrote:
 On May 2, 2014, at 03:27 26, Rual Thompson 
 be warned though rdimport will freeze the best of machines
 I’d be checking my hardware if I were you.  Sounds like you have some 
 problems there.
 | The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. |
 | Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts  |
 | to fit their views. ... which can be very uncomfortable if you happen   |
 | to be one of the facts that needs altering. |
 |  -- Dr. Who |

I love Fred's .sig line... it speaks volumes.

What's scary is recognizing the nugget of truth therein that might
apply to my life every now and then, and it's not always because of
the powerful part...  ;-)


P.S.: If this were a different forum, that .sig quote could be applied
*so* many ways to many departments and individuals in the U.S.
government, businesses, etc., etc but that's a tangent for another
place. :-)
Rivendell-dev mailing list


2014-05-01 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
 Those who do not understand Usenet are doomed to reinvent it.  Poorly.
 -- Me, after Henry Spencer.

Wow.  Usenet.  There's a name I've not heard for a while.

I used to spend hours on Usenet groups.   Wy too many hours...
[alt|rec].radio.scanner, alt.guns, etc.

Nowadays we have *so* many other replacement ways to waste time --
Facebook, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, IRC, etc., etc., etc.

Life was simpler back then - if you could stay out of the newsgroup
reader, you *had* a life since there really wasn't much else to
compete for your time.

Of course, that was in my college and then bachelor days, so I had
time to waste ... now I'm married with children and have a job.  'Nuf


 I vote against.  Vehemently.

Ditto.  As if it mattered any more... Methinks it only matters to the
one proposing it.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] ¿Como Mezclo Pisadores con loa música que suena?

2014-05-01 Thread Sherrod Munday
En 2014-05-01 17:59 GMT-04:00 juan carlos navarro hernandez escribió:
 ¿Alguien me puede explicar como hacer para que los pisadores suenen junto a
 la música?

Unas preguntas ...

¿Qué son pisadores, y cómo se lo usan en un servício de rádio?

¿Son anúncios verbales que occuren ántes de una, o entre de dos
canciónes, o son algo diferente?

Una explicación nos permitiría asistirle un poco mejor...


And no, this didn't get run through an online translator...  Yo hablo
Español verdaderamente, pero es posible (probable) que soy un poco
rusty porque hace ~20 años que estudiaba Español, durante cual vivía
en México por un semestre.
Disculpa los errores, por favór...
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] New platfom.

2014-04-29 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 7:37 AM, Frederick Gleason wrote:
 Although that would require moving to new mailing lists atop Google, etc...
 Any downsides to it?

Um, Spam-a-lot? Google groups with targeted contextual ads?

Hmmm... let me think about that one for a while ...  I'd have to go
back and look at the other Google group I was in to remember - can
anyone clarify how Google inserts itself (and its ads) into the chain?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] New platfom.

2014-04-28 Thread Sherrod Munday
Cowboy's right -- real names may not be realizable these days.
There are lots of lurkers out there who don't use real names on the
'Net for whatever reason.

Besides, how would you (or anyone) figure out or validate if
someone's name on the forum is real -- especially if you don't
recognize a foreign name?  (I.e., is mine a fake name, or foreign?
And would it be foreign from *whose* perspective? And does a foreigner
really deserve ostracism or special treatment, anyway, just because
their name may not look familiar?  I think not, given the global
community of users that Rivendell shares already.)

Methinks it might be better to worry more about whether another forum
is really needed.  It would most likely fragment the population
instead of cohering it.

Just because a few people prefer a different method, style, or
dissemination of communication doesn't mean that it will be better for
everyone.  As a famous president of the United States (it was some guy
named Abe - oh, wait, that's a nickname - we'd have to ban him from
the new forum ;-) said once, You can please some of the people some
of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people
all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the

Sometimes you just have to accept that what others have done already
just may be adequate (yet not perfect) - it's not like the world needs
yet another mousetrap.  There are plenty of dead mice already around
this world from the imperfect and penultimate works of others...

I'll get back down from the soapbox now.

--Sherrod (Is that a real name, anyway?  And is that a girl's or a
boy's name?   Does it really matter?  ;-)
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell and satellite formats

2013-09-26 Thread Sherrod Munday

You are correct; what you're wanting is very do-able.  

Years ago, I coded up a complete template of a sample system that would 
respond to multiple triggers from Salem Music Network's service in the US.  
It's a live music service with floating breaks, liners, imaging jingles, etc. 
randomly placed through the hour.  They also have multiple DJs working on 
different shifts day and night, and it's possible to use simple functions 
(panel buttons, scheduled log events, even an RSS feed if you wanted to do some 
creative scripting etc.) to load a new set of voiceover liners to match the 
on-air DJ voice.

One thing to keep in mind is how to accommodate any possible contingency: e.g. 
what happens if the satellite service goes offline for a short time (e.g. 
during a solar transition fade) and it misses a required break window (a 
situation easily mitigated by a hard trigger to Make Next).  I can't list all 
the contingencies quickly here, but you get the idea.

I seem to recall that others have written very good and detailed procedures and 
generalities on this topic in the past.. 

Here are a couple of quick links:  
Follow the Next message links on this thread to get a basic primer to one 
specific topic of enabling triggers...!topic/rivendell-dev/BJ7xvOL2tVk

Another more wide-ranging discussion:

Google is your friend.

Also, the Rivendell Operations Guide and the Wikipedia are good reads -- even 
if they are exhaustive (and exhausting ;-).

Sherrod Munday

 From: Keith Thelen
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 11:39 PM
Subject: [RDD] Rivendell and satellite formats

Hello all!

Is there anyone out there using Rivendell with a live satellite-based format - 
one in which the programming is delivered in real-time (not recorded and played 
back), and uses contact closures to trigger imaging, stopsets, etc?

And, if you're one of those people, would you be willing to elaborate on how 
you configured Rivendell to handle it? Any tips, tricks, lessons you perhaps 
learned the hard way?

I know it can be done - I've just never had to do it.

Keith Thelen
Kanabec Systems
Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Timed Notified Deletions of RDCatch Material

2012-01-24 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Tue, 2012-01-24 at 08:53 -0500, Alan Peterson wrote:
 That's where I need a little aim in coming up with the syntax to
 execute a proper cron job.

From whatever user has read/write permissions to the files in question:,
run 'crontab -e' to put you into an editor where you enter commands for
cron.  On many systems, this would be 'vi', but you may have set the
variables for 'emacs' or another.  Just be sure you know how to edit and
save files and exit the program in whichever editor comes up. ;-)

Once in the editor, enter something like the following, tailoring the
path and time to your liking:

# field  allowed values
#  -  --
#  minute 0-59
#  hour   0-23
#  day of month   1-31
#  month  1-12 (or names, see below)
#  day of week0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

01 00 * * * find /audio/logger/*.wav -ctime +30 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f


You can leave out all the lines starting with the hash; they're here for
your reference.  The one line starting with 01 is the only relevant
one here.

1.  The system will find any *.wav file in the /audio/logger/
directory that was created thirty or more days ago.

2.  The 'rm -f' command after 'xargs' at the end of the find command
tells the system to absolutely delete any file that match the criteria
of the 'find' command.

In your case, you'll likely want to use another similar 'find' command
before this one to email you a summary (or the file, or whatever you
want to do).  Alternatively, something else you could do is to write a
bash script containing commands to move them to an archive [external|
flash] drive, email you the list of files it's going to modify/remove,
run the above find command, etc. and then simply call the script in
crontab instead of running the find command.

For a more detailed explanation, consult the man page of crontab and
'man 5 crontab'
'man 1 find'

Hope this helps.

| Sherrod Munday   |   |
| Senior VP, Engineering   |  (423) 396-8130 (W)  |
| Sky Angel U.S., LLC  |  |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] dail recording/re-broadcast our news

2012-01-13 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Fri, 2012-01-13 at 12:19 +0800, Stan Fotinos wrote:
 Maybe setup recordings for 1 week only and then have those recordings 
 uploaded using rdcatch to another location once done with them so
 can be archived. 

This would probably be the cleanest solution... capture the audio using
RDCatch, and have a post-record upload to a local (on the Rivendell
system) filesystem folder.  Use wildcards to export the file to a
timestamp-labeled filename (so you wouldn't overwrite the audio clip,
allowing long-term archiving if so desired).

Then, when you want to play it back later, you can use an automated
RDImport process (either via a cron job or a dropbox watch folder) to
get it back into a certain single cart that gets replayed for the
delayed-broadcast newscast.  (I.e. there would be a single [set of]
cart[s] that is|are scheduled repetitively in the log, and the RDImport
process would simply overwrite that audio with fresh audio coming from
the timestamped audio that was previously exported via RDCatch.)

It's a bit of a hack, but I think it's doable.  Hopefully this gives you
some ideas of how.

| Sherrod Munday   |   |
| Senior VP, Engineering   |  (423) 396-8130 (W)  |
| Sky Angel U.S., LLC  |  |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] GPI question

2011-12-05 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Sat, 2011-12-03 at 20:32 -0500, Rob Landry wrote:
 If I manually short the GPI input to ground, sometimes nothing at all 
 happens, and sometimes the commands work as they are supposed to.

Your word sometimes concerns me...  The whole point of the computer
*auto*mation is that it's supposed to be automatic and reliable, with
reproducible results.  It doesn't sound like you've been able to achieve
that yet.  (And, yes, I know *very* well how frustrating that can be.)

 But when the opera cue closure fired, the first command put Rivendell back 
 on line all right, but the second command didn't have any effect. 

If the first ST command in the macro makes the switcher go back as
expected, then it sounds like the macro is actually executing
(sometimes).  But if the macro fires and the first line executes, but
the PN command does not work, that's somewhat puzzling. 

I'd suggest doing some experimentation with an offline system to try to
determine if the transition type, cart type, etc. in the log/playlist
may have any effect on the reliability of the process.

And, as always, check your logs thoroughly and carefully.  If you cannot
resolve it from the logs yourself, you may want to post the relevant
sections of the logged output of ripcd and rdairplay to the list for
some additional eyes and thoughts.
Sherrod Munday
Sky Angel

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] GPI question

2011-12-05 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 12:54 -0500, Rob Landry wrote:
 It sounds like there aren't many Rivendell stations that put satellite 
 feeds on the air in real time. Otherwise, someone would have encountered 
 this problem before. 

I'd be surprised at that, but I guess that's possible. 

I actually have a pair of [redundant] Rivendell systems (only one of
which I've upgraded to the appliance so far), and I have closures from
three different satellite receivers that I've been planning to (one day)
connect up to my Rivendell systems for voice-over liner purposes: it's
currently running on hard-timed events only so no random/dynamic liners
are running at the moment even though I've fully built the configuration
for them and manually simulated the closures.

Question: How long are your pulses?  Are you trying to use latched input
triggers, or momentary?  My input triggers are one-second duration; I've
never heard that anyone else using trigger inputs has had this type of
problem, so I'm wondering if you've got something weird about your input

Really though, OTOH, if the Macro *is* firing based on a trigger input
but some events in the Macro aren't being executed, then Rivendell
(specifically, the ripcd process) properly detected the input trigger
state change and signaled the rest of the system to respond
appropriately.  A failure of something within the macro would be another
problem other than the possibility of the input trigger not being seen

Again, the logs are your best diagnostic tool here.

Hope this helps.

Sherrod Munday
Sky Angel

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] GPI question

2011-12-02 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Thu, 2011-12-01 at 13:25 -0500, Rob Landry wrote:
 will Rivendell proceed to the next 
 event on its log when the cart finishes? Or will it just sit and wait
 for another closure? 

If I understand correctly, the question of triggering the next cart from
the GPI is really not the focus of your question.  I think you're
primarily interested in how to keep Rivendell from continuing on to the
next cart automatically, or how to make it do it when you want to,

If so, the answer is that it depends on the transition type for the next
event in the log currently loaded and running in RDAirplay.  If it's
STOP, RDAirplay will stop at the end of the currently-playing cart and
wait for the next start command (either from the UI or RML or GPI,
etc.).  If the transition type is PLAY or SEGUE, etc. then it will
continue on to the next event without stopping.

Does this help?
| Sherrod Munday   |   |
| Senior VP, Engineering   |  (423) 396-8130 (W)  |
| Sky Angel U.S., LLC  |  |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Windows and Rivendell - commentaries

2011-10-12 Thread Sherrod Munday
On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 17:44 -0700, Jeremy Morris wrote:
 I've made enough go-rounds installing RD and other packages to know
 that even on Linux there are things that JUST DON'T WORK.

Agreed... and sometimes, what doesn't or just plain *won't* work is
what's in front of the console, not what's installed on the hard
drive ... 

Yes, sir... some folks just won't work, regardless of whether you give
'em a Windows, Linux, or Mac computer, and regardless of the

Let's get back to technical stuff and agree that Windows, Linux, Macs,
etc. each have their place - and their own pros and cons.

(And some of those cons are the folks marketing certain commercial
operating systems and/or programs, but that's a useless
digression... ;-)

Have a good day!

Sherrod Munday

Rivendell-dev mailing list