[rspec-users] DatabaseCleaner and EmailSpec are looking for new maintainers

2013-09-11 Thread Ben Mabey

Hi all,
I'm looking for new maintainers for my DatabaseCleaner and EmailSpec 
gems.  If you use them and would like to contribute to the community by 
taking over one or both of them please let me know. DatabaseCleaner in 
particular could use more attention and has a lot of room for 
improvement.  For more details see this blog post:



rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Why use DatabaseCleaner with rSpec?

2011-02-08 Thread Ben Mabey

On 2/8/11 10:49 AM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

Hi list,

I've used DatabaseCleaner in the past, but only when using Cucumber
and Selenium (or Steak + Celerity) since turning on
transactional_fixtures would prevent the data being accessible from
app-server that is also triggered for the tests. This works fine, and
is a de-facto solution for this problem.

I don't see why I would want to use DatabaseCleaner with rspec though,
since everything is in the same process, transactional_fixtures could
do fine, in theory. Or not?


If you are using RSpec with Rails and have a *single* ActiveRecord 
connection for your app then you do not need to use DatabaseCleaner and 
the built in transactional_fixtures method will do just great.  Once you 
need to either

  a) use a non-AR DB (e.g. mongodb, couchdb)
  b) have an out of process testing scenario (e.g. selenium)
  c) clean multiple connections (with an ActiveRecord DB or otherwise) or
  d) are not testing a Rails app (where the transactional_fixtures come 

then using DatabaseCleaner will make your life easier.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Comparing files

2010-12-11 Thread Ben Mabey

On 12/11/10 2:03 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:

On 10 Dec 2010, at 16:21, Ben Mabey wrote:

On 12/10/10 8:56 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:

Hello folks,

I'm writing some tests for file upload code. The files are binary, images 
mostly. I'm futzing around a bit, trying to figure out how to assert that the 
uploaded file is the same as some golden master. If I do this:

File.read(uploaded_file_path).should == File.read(path_to_expected_file)

Then when it fails, I get an ugly diff of the difference between the binary 
files. So I'm about to invent something of my own. Has anyone got a good 
pattern for doing this already?


I would compare the file's MD5 (or other) hash.  It won't tell you what is 
different.. just that they aren't identical which is what I think you want.   
So... something like:

Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(uploaded_file_path)).should == 


Great minds, Ben :)

I ended up with this:



Yeah, that is a keeper... I don't know why my last email took several 
hours to reach the mailing list.  Very odd...

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Comparing files

2010-12-10 Thread Ben Mabey

On 12/10/10 8:56 AM, Matt Wynne wrote:

Hello folks,

I'm writing some tests for file upload code. The files are binary, images 
mostly. I'm futzing around a bit, trying to figure out how to assert that the 
uploaded file is the same as some golden master. If I do this:

File.read(uploaded_file_path).should == File.read(path_to_expected_file)

Then when it fails, I get an ugly diff of the difference between the binary 
files. So I'm about to invent something of my own. Has anyone got a good 
pattern for doing this already?


I would compare the file's MD5 (or other) hash.  It won't tell you what 
is different.. just that they aren't identical which is what I think you 
want.   So... something like:

Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(uploaded_file_path)).should == 

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Where do a set the description on a should satisfy.

2010-09-27 Thread Ben Mabey

 On 9/27/10 8:23 AM, GregD wrote:

On Sep 27, 9:14 am, David Chelimsky  wrote:

On Sep 27, 2010, at 8:12 AM, David Chelimsky wrote:

re: how to include them: yes, in a module:

# in spec/support/custom_matchers.rb
module CustomMatchers

# in spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |c|
   c.include CustomMatchers

Okay, 1 more question and maybe this is more of a convention request.
I know in my rails apps that my environment is loaded when running my
specs from a rake task or from the spec command.  But for a non-rails
app, it would be nice to default spec program to load spec_helper if
it exists in the spec dir.  Like:

jruby -S spec spec

instead of having to do this to include the spec_helper every time:

jruby -S spec -r spec/spec_helper.rb spec

Or am I missing something?  Or is that just not desirable?  I know I
can use rake and create a rake task(s), but from the perspective of
the command line, it would be nice to not to have to supply the -r
option unless you want to include something "outside" of this

For rails and non-rails apps/libs the convention is to have each 
*_spec.rb file require the 'spec_helper' at the top of the spec like so:


By following this convention you will only have to specify the spec on 
the command line.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] How do I test my Module?

2010-09-21 Thread Ben Mabey

 On 9/21/10 6:51 AM, Gene Angelo wrote:

I think I understand basic Class testing, however, how do I test a
Module's behavior especially (in my case) where the Module will be used
as an extension primarily e.g. object.extend MyModule.

One option is to extend an object in your spec like so:

describe MyModule do
 subject { Object.new.extend(MyModule) }
 describe "#foo" do
  it "does blah" do
subject.foo.should == "stuff"

I often times will use an OpenStuct to help test modules because they 
allow you to easily set the state.  For example:

module MyModule
  def double
num * 2

require 'ostruct'
describe MyModule do
  def new_object(hash)
  describe "#double" do
it "doubles the num var" do
  new_object(:num => 2).double.should == 4


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Re-using Rspec Matchers

2010-09-08 Thread Ben Mabey

 On 9/8/10 11:42 AM, Brian Kaney wrote:

Hey Everyone,

Is it good practice to call matchers from within matchers?   Kinda like this 

   See: http://gist.github.com/570467

No, that should be avoided.  The problem is that the "internal" matcher 
will throw an exception that will bubble up and be reported.  Meaning 
that the parent matcher (link_one in your case) is not reported and the 
resulting stacktrace can be confusing.  Try something like this:

include_association(expected).matches?(actual) && 

(Note, I have not tried the above but I think it should work.)


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] How do I setup Rspec, Cucumber to test a Gem?

2010-07-20 Thread Ben Mabey

Walther Diechmann wrote:


my question unwields me as a complete noob - which is okay - but I
apologize for this totally basic question <:)

I've bought the PragProg Rspec Book and googled, been reading blogs and
what-have-I-not, but nowhere have I been able to find information
detailing how I setup a BDD environment for testing the construction of
a Gem.

I have a ../gem_folder which I hope eventually will be a Gem to use with
Rails 3 and I really would like to upload it to GitHub with a good test

From the Rspec Book  I've learned that within Rails Apps, I use Cucumber
and WebRat (among others) - but the book does not (or at least Iøve not
been able to discover it) show how to setup the environment, without the
Rails App.

I guess my question could boil down to: how do I create the environment
(folders, files) to test a Gem meant to work with Rails?

So far I have:


and a few files like Rakefile, Manifest, CHANGELOG, LICENSE - and I'm
able to push to Gemcutter and GitHub

but where in this picture does the Rails App fit in? How do I make sure
that the Gem will work went installed/utilized on Rails App's

best regards,
I like using jeweler to create the structure of my gems.  It is like 
Rail's generators but for gems.  Try it out:

gem install jeweler
jeweler my_gem --rspec --cucumber

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Mocking and specing command line (cli) execution, file operations etc. ?

2010-06-07 Thread Ben Mabey

Kristian Mandrup wrote:

What are the options for creating specs for file operations, executing
commands in the CLI etc.?

If I build a generator or something which runs a lot of things in the
command line, how do I check the results of these operations, fx
mocking file system updates and/or mocking the STDOUT/STDIN from the

There must be some add-on libraries or options for this out there to
make it easy to accomplish.

In addition to aruba if you want to just use RSpec with StringIO objects 
you might find this example group handy:


The example group assumes you follow the "runner" pattern where your 
Runner class has a ::run method that takes args, out_stream, 
error_stream.  Many libraries use this pattern including Cucumber and 
RSpec.  The RSpec Book CLI app is setup this way as well if you want to 
see an in-depth example.

In general, for simple CLIs aruba is probably the way to go though.  
This example group is probably best if you want/need to use mocking more 
to avoid expensive operations.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Running code on error

2010-04-30 Thread Ben Mabey

Ryan S wrote:

Well, I am using SauceOnDemand with rspec. So when a test fails I want
to download the video that corresponds to the failing test. I figured
I could do a:

it "should download video" do
#some failing test here
  rescue Exception => e
#download video
raise e

But this would get very repetitive for every rspec test.

Have you investigated creating a custom formatter?  I think that 
approach might be better suited for what you are doing.  It has been a 
while since I've dug into that code but I imagine that the exception 
will be passed to you for inspection. 

If that doesn't suit your needs you will have to decorate 'it' on 


On Apr 29, 7:31 pm, Pat Maddox  wrote:

Could you share a bit more about what you are actually trying to achieve?

On Apr 28, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Ryan S wrote:

describe "Test" do
 after(:each) do
 if ERRORS #execute custom code here
 it "should explode" do

   #Test.explode --> "fizzle"
   Test.explode.should == "KABOOM"
Let's say I have the above test and the validation fails and I want

some sort of custom action to take place. Is there a way to do that?
This is a very simplified example but I am just curious if it is
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rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Spork

2010-03-31 Thread Ben Mabey

Ashley Moran wrote:

On Mar 29, 2010, at 9:04 pm, David Chelimsky wrote:


How wide-reaching are your changes? i.e. how many files, etc?

I think it's only really the Runner stuff that's changed.  I've split it into 
InProcess and DRbProxy or some such... although I think really the DRb stuff 
belongs higher up.


This is an interesting catch 22. The dependency appears to be from Spork to 
RSpec (i.e. RSpec doesn't know about Spork), but RSpec needs to commit to an 
API so support Spork, which is very likely the only tool that needs this API.

I wonder if we got the dep backwards? i.e. why not have Spork expose and API 
and have RSpec hook into it?

Yep catch 22 indeed!  It's a circular dependency.  The way it works is Spork 
defines a DRb interface that takes arguments and the output streams.  RSpec and 
Cucumber are both using this the same way.  Seems like a stable interface so 
this dependency isn't a problem.

Prob is that then Spork needs to know what to do to use RSpec.  Currently that 
involves (and Cucumber does the same) just passing the ARGV along.  Which felt 
weird to write - because at the point you want to pass the ARGV along you've 
already parsed it to find out if it's a --drb run*.  But in theory you could 
pass anything as the args as long as the `Rspec.my_stable_api` call accepts it.

One thought I had was that maybe the join should be separate... ie have 
independent gems rspec-core and spork, and spork-rspec, spork-cucumber, 
spork-testunit etc that depend on both.  The prob with this is that while Spork 
is open to extension to new test frameworks, it doesn't provide an easy way to 
register them before Spork loads**.

Seems to come down to *is* Spork the only thing that would need this API?  
Would you maybe want to run specs directly in eg Redcar?  If not then I think 
you've talked me round that the dep is backwards.  But Spork would need 
refactoring for RSpec to be able provide its own Spork adapter.

Any thoughts based on that?

When we added Spork support for Cucumber we made it a point to say that 
we were not adding Spork support exclusively but rather a general 
purpose DRb client for Cucumber.  The idea was that someone could create 
a DRb based solution, other than Spork, and have it just work with the 
current Cucumber --drb flag.  For example, one could imagine setting up 
a DRb server that would run testjour to speed up large cucumber runs.

This same thinking could be applied to RSpec as well.  RSpec provides a 
DRb client that has simple API which people can write various libraries 
for and only have to worry about STDIN, STDOUT, and args.  Maybe we are 
fooling ourselves to think that other people may be writing these in 
addition to spork though.

David raises an interesting question about if we got the dependency 
backwards.  I've been thinking a little about this and I'm not sure if 
we did or not.  If you look at the Cucumber support for Spork we used 
the same interface that RSpec had, but in the end we had to do some 
special handling of Cucumber-specific needs (the StepMother) to make it 
work.  You would only need to have this special handling if you were 
doing something similar to Spork, and that handling can not be done on 
the client side.  Given that custom code has to be written to have the 
two play nicely the question is where does this code belong.  I think 
where it is currently, in Spork, is the correct place.  Since that is 
really the responsibility of Spork (serving up forked test runs that is) 
I think it makes sense from a maintenance point of view to have Spork 
responsible for that.

I'm still thinking it over though so if someone has a concrete idea of 
how to switch the dependency and what advantages it would bring I'm all 
ears. :)



If I'm wrong about this, I'd prefer to make it RSpec, since that's the name of 
the book and all :) Anybody have insights/opinions on this?

That's why I asked now, incase RSpec 3 changes it again and the circular dep 
bites once more ;)


* I'm not sure it's an easy one to solve because you have to figure out when to 
read in spec.opts.

** Sorta like how gem subcommands (eg gemedit) work.  I'd love to know how that 
mojo does its stuff :)


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] How to test an app with multiple databases?

2010-03-08 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Russell Fine  wrote:

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Russell Fine 

Our app connects to two databases. �The main database (through
ActiveRecord::Base) is automatically cleared before each test. �How do I
force the clear of the secondary database as well ?

There's no implicit support for this, so you'd have to do something
manually in a before(:each) block. You can do that in the
configuration (usually in spec_helper):

Spec::Runner.configure do |c|
  c.before(:each) do
# clear out 2ndary db


Thanks for the quick reply.  Do you happen to know where in the
framework I would call to clear out the db?  I can obviously do it
myself by hand by just deleting all elements, but I'm worried that the
testing framework may perform some unique actions that differ from what
I would do.

rspec-rails just wraps the rails testing framework facilities, so
whatever you're looking for is going to be found in the rails code.

I'm not sure how the database_cleaner gem handles multiple databases,
but you might find your answer there.

Can anybody else point Russell in the right direction?

DatabaseCleaner doesn't support multiple databases ATM.  I have had some 
discussions with people about adding support for multiple database types 
(i.e. AR and MongoMapper in the same app) but haven't thought about 
multiple DB connections for the same adapter.  Off the top of my head I 
don't think it should be too difficult to do for AR.  It sounds like you 
are using the standard rails transactional rollbacks for your tests 
right now.  In order to clear out your second database in a similar 
fashion (with transactions) I would try something like this in your 

require 'database_cleaner'
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

Spec::Runner.configure do |c|
 c.before(:each) do
   ActiveRecord::Base::establish_connection :secondary_db
   ActiveRecord::Base::establish_connection :primary_db

 c.after(:each) do
   ActiveRecord::Base::establish_connection :secondary_db
   ActiveRecord::Base::establish_connection :primary_db


I haven't tried the above code but it seems correct.  Give it a try and let me 
know if it works.  If it does I could add support to DatabaseCleaner so you can 
select which AR DB connections you want to clean.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] testing named_scope

2010-01-23 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Pat Maddox  wrote:

On Jan 17, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Nin wrote:

Hi! I'm new to rspec and was wondering how named_scopes are usually
tested? Is it enough to test that it's defined? or do you need to test
the behavior as well? I've been reading around and this seems to be
the tester's choice, i just want to get people's opinion on this :D

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
 named_scope :admins, :conditions => {:admin => true}

describe User, "admins" do
 it "should include users with admin flag" do
   admin = User.create! :admin => true
   User.admin.should include(admin)

 it "should not include users without admin flag" do
   admin = User.create! :admin => false
   User.admin.should_not include(admin)

Small style matter, but I've leaning towards more declarative sounding
example names:

describe User, ".admins" do
  it "includes users with admin flag" do
admin = User.create! :admin => true
User.admin.should include(admin)

  it "excludes users without admin flag" do
non_admin = User.create! :admin => false
User.admin.should_not include(non_admin)

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope :admins, :conditions => {:admin => true}

We still have 'should' in the examples, but this produces more
'spec-like' output:

  includes users with admin flag
  excludes users without admin flag


Another small style matter.. I like using the :: notation for class 
methods as that is what the documentation tools tend to use (RDoc and Yard):

describe User, "::admins" do

On the topic of RSpec as a form of documentation has anyone used the 
yard-doc rspec plugin?  It appears to be pretty limited ATM but seems 
very cool with a lot of potential.  Just like Ioke's docs it embeds the 
specs as part of the documentation with the option to view the source.  
Here is the example from the projects home page:


rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] running specs on JRuby w/nailgun

2010-01-21 Thread Ben Mabey

Hi all,
I know this is probably more of a JRuby question but I'm guessing that 
people on this list may have gone down this path before.  At work we are 
starting a new project using JRuby.  The startup speed for testing an 
app is very painful.  Nailgun helps a lot with that.  It only helps with 
the slow startup time of JRuby though and does not address the use case 
of having gems preloaded like Spork does for MRI.  We would like to have 
all of our gems (esp Rails) preloaded in Nailgun so we can run our tests 
against it with minimal startup time (just the loading of the app and 

Has anyone solved this problem to get lightning fast specs on JRuby just 
like we can with MRI and Spork?


rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] Fwd: [ANN] Announcing MountainWest RubyConf 2010

2009-12-07 Thread Ben Mabey

FYI, MWRC 2010 is accepting presentation proposals now (see link below).

I've been to this conference every year and it has been great each  
time.  If you have anything you would like to present please send in a  
proposal. :)


Begin forwarded message:

From: Mike Moore 
Date: December 7, 2009 5:47:17 PM MST
To: Ruby and URUG Discussion 
Subject: [urug] [ANN] Announcing MountainWest RubyConf 2010
Reply-To: u...@googlegroups.com

I'm pleased to announce the 4th iteration of MountainWest RubyConf  
on March 11-12, 2010 in Salt Lake City, Utah. MWRC is a two-day  
single-track Ruby conference full of WIN. Registration is not yet  
open, but our Call for Proposals is.


We are looking for code-heavy presentations about Ruby and Ruby- 
based technology that blows our minds. Give it a thought and submit  
a proposal. But don't over-think it, 'because you've only got until  
midnight (MST) on December 31st.


Questions? Comments? Let us know.


Mark your calendar now, then go get working on your proposal!

Utah Ruby Users Group

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Spec helper configuration problem

2009-11-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Andrew Premdas wrote:

Hi all,

I have a rails application whose specs run on about eight different 
boxes, but I can't get them to work on my integration server. The bit 
thats breaking concerns some modules that I have in 
spec/support/modules which are loaded by

the following line in spec_helper

# get any macros etc
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/support/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f}

one of these modules includes the other modules, and this generates 
the following stacktrace

 `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant 
OrderSpecHelper::BasketSpecHelper (NameError)
 from ./spec/helpers/../support/modules/order_spec_helper.rb:2
 from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
 from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
the line causing this is order_spec_helper.rb:2

  module OrderSpecHelper
include BasketSpecHelper
and BasketSpecHelper is defined in 

and is coded something like

  module BasketSpecHelper

I wonder if anyone has any ideas about the cause of this problem or 
some ideas about possible solutions

I've ran into similar issues.  The problem in my case was the my 
integration server was running linux but our dev boxes were OSx.  The 
issue was file ordering being different for the Dir::[] method on the 
OSes.  Try adding a sort call like so:

Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/support/**/*.rb"].sort.each {|f| require f}

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec_helper getting reloaded after specs run under Textmate/Spork

2009-11-23 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Elliot Winkler 
mailto:elliot.wink...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I'm having the hardest time trying to figure out something weird
I've suddenly run into. So I'm using Spork to run my specs.
Naturally I've got TM_RSPEC_OPTS in Textmate set to --drb and I'm
running `spork` from the command line to fire up the Spork server.
However, if I have a spec file open in Textmate and I press
Command-R, then the specs in the file get executed twice. I did a
quick test by having spec_helper print out something at the bottom
of the file and then wrote up a quick one-example spec file. When
I ran it, I saw the spinner spin, the debug line got printed to
the window, the output from the specs appeared, and then the
spinner spun some more and the debug line appeared again (but a
duplicate set of specs didn't appear because I think RSpec's smart
about not re-running tests). So it definitely looks like
spec_helper is getting loaded again, after all the specs are run.
(I know spec_helper should be run twice, once during preloading,
once during execution. But not again, AFTER execution.)

At first I thought it might be only specific to my project, but I
tried creating a fresh Rails project, installing RSpec into it,
and creating and running a quick spec file, but the same thing
happened -- spec_helper seems to get loaded again. I also tried
wiping and reinstalling the rspec, rspec-rails, and spork gems,
but that didn't work either.

Just to emphasize, this is only when Spork is running. If I leave
TM_RSPEC_OPTS at --drb but fail to leave the Spork server open,
the specs only get run once as they should.

Also, this is only for Textmate -- I've got --drb in my spec.opts
and `rake spec` works just fine when Spork is running.

So I really don't know who the culprit is: Spork, RSpec bundle, or
maybe it's just me. I noticed in Lighthouse a few people have had
this same problem, but those were a while back and anyway this
seems to be different.

David, can you think of a reason why something like this would be
happening? Exit status maybe? Or maybe this is more of a Spork

Sounds like a spork question to me :) I was able to duplicate your 
experience, but I don't have any initial thoughts about why this would 
be happening.

Hmm.. I can't think of why this would happen either.  Tim Harper is a 
textmate user so if you post this question to the spork mailing list he 
could probably help you.  (Spork ML: 


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] testing Rake tasks with FakeFS

2009-11-01 Thread Ben Mabey

Jake Benilov wrote:

Hello Ben,

Hi Jake,
I hope you don't mind but I am copying this response to the rspec-users 
list in case any one else is able to shed more light on it.

I have a bit of a newbie question regarding fakefs; I want to test Rake
tasks using fakefs and rspec:

require 'fakefs/safe'
require 'rake'
require 'spec'

task :create_file do
  touch "/abc"

describe "my rake script" do
  before do

  it "should create a file abc" do
File.should exist("/abc")

  after do

When I run this, a real file /abc is being created on the filesystem. I
am guessing that this has to do with the fact that the touch method
isn't FileUtils.touch, but rather that FileUtils is being included into
Rake and thus touch is not being mocked out.

Is my analysis correct? In any case, is there a way that you can think
of to write such a spec?

I've never tested a Rake task with FakeFS before so I looked into a 
bit.  In short, I think your analysis is correct.  However, it is a bit 
confusing because Rake does in fact use FileUtils::touch.  I discovered 
that when you fully qualify FileUtils::touch in the rake task then it 
works fine.  I stepped into rake's call to 'touch' and it seems to be 
doing some other logic specific to rake.  My hunch is that rake somehow 
retains a handle onto the original FileUtils const even though it is 
replaced by the fake ones with FakeFS.  I'm not familiar with Rake's 
code base so I can't say that for sure or how to really fix it.  
However, you can fully qualify the call if you want to but that will be 
going around some rake logic and may have some undesired effects (I 
can't think of what though).  I'm sure someone more familiar with Rake's 
code could offer a better solution.  Here is a gist of my explorations 
in case anyone else wants to play around with it:


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [BDD] View specs and cucumber -- duplication of effort?

2009-10-28 Thread Ben Mabey

nruth wrote:

Hi Guys

I'm going to put the cat amongst the pigeons here in the hope of some
clarity falling out of the sky on me.
My question is this: In a world with Cucumber what is the value of
view specs?

In the community (railscamp, for example) there are a fair number of
people using Cucumber and skipping view specs, but still speccing
controllers, models, tricky view helpers and so on.

Why? Because they don't find them helpful. Indeed they are seen as a
waste of time (money) not only duplicating Cucumber coverage, but also
introducing a high-maintenance example group which designers (who
don't run tests) will frequently break.

These people aren't stupid. They're producing working apps. I don't
claim that their work cycle is perfect: this is about utility and
efficiency, or about being lazy or avoiding boredom, if you prefer.

I've been working in a mixed environment, with an existing project
which uses rspec and cucumber (sans view specs) and my own green field
app for a different client.
I've been following the BDD approach prescribed by the RSpec book (or
so I think). This works, and has produced a lot of LOC.

I've not worried, as it has given me plenty of practice with the
various arms of rspec, webrat, and other tools.
Now that I'm more comfortable with them things are starting to get
tiresome, especially duplication, and I'm worried I'm creating a
monolith. Too many specs => TLDR ?

What should I try using view specs for? Why are they better than
cucumber for this?

"Driving views through examples helps us think about what the view
needs in order for it to do its job. It encourages us to write the
code we wish we had to fulfil those needs."

I'm not sure how this is any different to what I do in the outer
circle with Cucumber. If I write an explicit scenario like
http://gist.github.com/221004 then I already know what the view needs
to let me do.

If I write something more broad-brush (which you will do, if quickly
sketching out features during a design meeting) like "When I add a
page link" I have to then define that step so it goes red (or, heaven
forbid, green). But to write that step definition I have to know how I
can interact with the page. This example actually comes from a broad-
brush step being expanded in the scenario itself rather than hiding it
away in a step definition, but that's a different subject.

I'm specifying the page's behaviour in the scenario, or in the step
definition. Why duplicate this process with a view spec?

I keep coming back to the introduction of chapter 23 in the RSpec book
but don't seem to be getting anywhere from it.

For the time being I'm going to keep writing view specs, but try to
make them lighter and cut some of the dead wood by describing unusual
or interesting behaviour rather than all behaviour.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.



Hi Nick,
View specs can be useful but they can also be very brittle and add undue 
maintenance to a project.  The brittleness, which causes a lot of 
maintenance headaches, usually is caused by specing the design and 
structure too closely.  If the designer changes the layout this 
shouldn't break the view specs IMO.  I think a good strategy is to avoid 
this is by keeping things very general (as much as you can).  For 
example, you should only verify if the correct text was displayed 
instead of focusing on the HTML structure.  Verifying that certain 
elements are present via their ids but not tag type or css class which 
are subject to change by the designer will also help reduce brittleness.

I'm also of the opinion that view specs *only* make sense on large 
complicated views.  An example of such a page would be a users profile 
page on a social network site.  A lot of stuff is generally displayed on 
a page like that.  Setting up all the data required to test that via 
Cucumber can be very expensive/slow and cucumbersome.  (Especially 
considering that such a page will contain random data and be 
personalized to the person viewing the profile.)  Being able to isolate 
all of that complexity and test it individually with view specs (and 
probably with a Presenter and corresponding spec) will make your life a 
lot easier and actually save you time and from maintenance headaches.  
For simple pages that are already being exercised via Cucumber view 
specs are overkill IMO.  A simple form submission and checking the 
presence of some basic text is well within the bounds of what Cucumber 
should be testing.  If you are finding you want to write "Then I should 
see.. And I should see.. And I should see., etc" that is an indication 
that a view spec *may* be helpful in that situation.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Can't figure you why I am getting deliver_from == Nil Using EmailSpec

2009-10-22 Thread Ben Mabey

Tom Hoen wrote:

Using EmailSpec, I am testing the format of emails sent from an observer.


I can verify the deliver_to address, the bcc_to address, and that the 
message body has the appropriate text.

How are you verifying this?


However, when I test the deliver_from, I am getting an error saying my 
deliver_from is nil, though when I follow the same steps in 
development, an email is sent with the appropriate from address. This 
is the message I am getting:


'Event Notification should be sent from an address with the event 
description' FAILED

expected # 
bodyport=#> to deliver from "mytest 
Classroom 42 : Janet Teacher1 ", but it delievered 
from nil


Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

deliver_to's matches? method is as follows:

 def matches?(email)
   @email = email
   @actual_sender = (email.from || []).first
   @actual_sender.eql? @expected_email_addresses

On the email you are testing can you call 'from' on it and see what it 

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Mailing list for BDD?

2009-09-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Ed Howland wrote:

Sorry for the cross post, but does anyone know of a list dedicated to
just BDD? Seems like all the discussion is happening over on
rspec-users, some on the tdd list.

My interest is in the abstract concept of behavior driven
design/development, as expressed by Dave Astels and Dan North and
others.As opposed to a specific framework, like rSpec, ScrewUnit and

Would it be appropriate to create such a list, if none exists?


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problems while loading 'spec/stubs/cucumber'

2009-09-15 Thread Ben Mabey

Rodrigo Flores wrote:


I'm reading the rspec book and I'm having problems when I require the 
file 'spec/stubs/cucumber'. When I go to an IRB prompt and type 
require 'spec/stubs/cucumber' after requiring another libraries [1] I 
get the false in 'spec/expectations' and an error in 
'spec/stubs/cucumber'. The error message is [2]. Any ideas? I'm using 
rspec 1.2.8.

Thanks in advance


require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'
require 'spec/expectations'
require 'spec/stubs/cucumber'

NoMethodError: undefined method `Before' for main:Object
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 

from (irb):9
from :0

That file is only meant to be used when running Cucumber.  So you would 
place the require in your features/support/env.rb file for example.  
Without having Cucumber loaded first the Before method will not be 
defined and the above error is expected.

If you are just wanting to play around with rspec matchers in IRB then 
the top three requires is all you will need.  So, you could say:

require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'
require 'spec/expectations'

42.should == 42

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] running rake spec:remote

2009-08-25 Thread Ben Mabey

oren wrote:

When running autotest only 'rake spec' is running
and I want it to run 'rake spec:remote' as well.

How do i achieve that?


IIRC, autospec (not autotest) does not use rake at all.  It uses the 
opts defined in spec/spec.opts.  I would suggest making any needed 
changes in that file.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] arbitrary handling of received messages in mocks

2009-08-25 Thread Ben Mabey

Chuck Remes wrote:
I am trying to process a message sent to a mock to verify it contains 
the correct keys. In my case I am sending a JSON string to the mock 
built from data passed in via the test. The object internally builds a 
hash and then constructs the JSON string from it.

I can't get my mock to fail though. Here's an example similar to what 
I've got.

describe Foo
  it "should match the json string" do
# setup stubs & mocks
hsh = ... # keys and values used inside the method
@api.should_receive(:publish_to_bus) do |message|
  false # should always fail

Foo.new(@api).decode hsh

The documentation says the expectation passes or fails based upon the 
return value of the block. I can't even force it to fail by returning 
false. Once I figure this out, I plan to decode the JSON string in the 
mock block and compare the resulting collection with the data I 
originally passed in to the object. This behavior will likely become a 
helper method (if that matters).
The docs could wrong.. I dunno  When using the block form I always 
set expectation within the block.  This may be the wrong way to use it, 
but it works.  Like so:

describe Foo
 it "should match the json string" do
   # setup stubs & mocks
   hsh = ... # keys and values used inside the method
   @api.should_receive(:publish_to_bus) do |message|
JSON.parse(message).should == hsh # or whatever you need to do 


   Foo.new(@api).decode hsh

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] undefined method 'mock'

2009-08-23 Thread Ben Mabey

Jesterman81 wrote:


I am trying to use the mock method in rspec and it returns a undefined
method 'mock' error.  I am using this with the rspec book in chapter
6.3.  Do I have to configure rspec someone.  I have gem rspec 1.2.8
installed and using ruby 1.8.

any help will be appreciated.


Please post the failing spec and your spec_helper.rb.  Without those it 
is hard for us to diagnose the problem.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] testing emails with celerity - the best solution

2009-08-23 Thread Ben Mabey

Matt Wynne wrote:

On 22 Aug 2009, at 13:09, Sławosz Sławiński wrote:

I'm trying to test emails with Celerity. The problem is, because
Celerity browser uses environment 'cucumber', but Cucubmer runs in
'test'. Emails steps are running in 'test', so it is impossible to check
mails send in 'cucumber'. I think, I can use webrat for steps with email
sending, and cucmber for others (i.e. wiht Ajax). But maybe there is
more logical and elegant solution?

I'm not sure, but I think it's more likely the problem is that your 
tests are running in a different process to the app you're testing, so 
the usual railsey mail testing stuff doesn't work.

We got around this by writing the emails to disk, then having the 
tests check the files on disk to validate the emails. Could that work 
for you?

I agree with Matt.  You have three options to address this:

1. Run your server is the same process as Cucumber.  If you are using 
Rails then I'd reccomend the mainline lib: 
http://github.com/gaffo/mainline/tree/master  If you are using another 
Ruby framework this is trivially done by starting up the server in a new 

Or.. you can go the route Matt suggested.  If you are using email-spec 
you can use active record mailer or action mailer cache delivery.  The 
ActiveRecord Mailer will work out of the box right now.  For the 
ActionMailer cache lib you will need to use these forks ATM:


I plan on merging the above into email spec soon.

Even if you are not using email-spec then the above libs would be helpful.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Sharing code and still keeping a "only commit if all is green" discipline

2009-08-20 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Marcelo de Moraes
Serpa wrote:

Hello list,

I'm working in a big project in the company I'm working on as a "BDD
tech lead", this means I'm leading the implementation of BDD in
ongoing projects, most of them did not use BDD from the start.

I implemented the policy of "Only commit if all your tests are
passing", this in all tests abstraction levels: From Cucumber features
, scenarios, steps and rspec specs.

The point of this rule is: "Never commit partial code". If it's not
done/fully working (as the feature/specs say it should), don't commit

However, a co-worker of mine came to me and said that partial commits
are needed to share code. I don't agree with that, I think we can use
patches or branches to do that (like a development branch) but at
least one branch should have only stabe/deliverable code.

For patches, however, he mentioned that we might have conflicts/code
duplication, where the guy who shares the patches will have problems
later on when pulling from the server (he already had part of the code
that was committed).

What do you think? I'm looking for some enlightenment! Any
contributions welcome.

We use remote branches (we use git) to collaborate and share code that 
isn't ready to be merged down to our mainline.  Then when that branch is 
ready to be merged down we use git rebase --interactive to squash all 
the wip/garbage commits.  This gives you the best of both worlds IMO.  
Using rebase can be dangerous though as it rewrites the repo's history.  
That means once someone rebases everyone will have to delete that branch 
and pull it again if they want to continue working on it.  That is why 
we generally wait until the work on the branch is don't before we rebase.

My approach, which is not mine originally, nor very unique, is follows:

All developer specs (RSpec) should always be passing.
Previously passing customer specs should continue passing.
Customer specs for features in development are allowed to fail.

You can enforce those rules in a CI build in any number of ways.
Tagging features in development as @in_development, for example, and
not running those as part of the CI build, or running them separately
but allowing them to fail without considering the build a failed

That all make sense?

Cucumber actually ships now with some additional rake tasks to help with 

rake cucumber  # Alias for cucumber:ok
rake cucumber:all  # Run all features
rake cucumber:ok   # Run features that should pass
rake cucumber:wip  # Run features that are being worked on

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] specify a port for DRB

2009-08-12 Thread Ben Mabey

Chris Flipse wrote:

Pardon the crosspost, but this applies to both

So, at work, I'm one of several people developing on the same 
multi-user unix system.  I/we would like to be able to use the drb 
server, but at the moment rspec,cucumber and spork assume a single 
well known port number for drb.  That doesn't work well on a 
multi-user system.

My itch, and I'm starting to look through the codebases to scratch 
it.  I'm planning on patches for spork and cucumber as well.

There are two ways I can see to implement this, just wanted to see 
what people thought about it.  The first is through an environment 
variable, and  the second is through adding command line switches.

adding the switches to the command lines seems like it will be more 
invasive, and it would require people to remember to specify the port 
on any manual invocations.  Also need to pass the right port in to 
your spork invocations.  On the other hand, it's more consistant with 
the way the rest of the options are specified, and could be set in an 
indivudual user's cucumber.yml or spec.opts, mitigating the command 
line issue (though, frequently, I don't use my spec.opts file)

setting an environment variable, say RSPEC_DRB or CUCUMBER_DRB would 
be much less invasive, since the main codebases specify their global 
drb ports through a constant anyway.  It'd be fairly easy to have them 
check for an environment variable before accepting the default.  I'd 
just have to add the ability to specify a specific port to spork.  
Downside is that it's not as consistant with the rest of the 
configuration.  Upside from a user perspective is that it's completely 
fire-and-forget; just set an env variable in your .profile, and you're 
done worrying about it...


I can see where you are coming from and understand the tradeoffs...  It 
would be nice just to set an ENV var and have both cucumber and spork 
operate on it.  It does feel a little dirty though and could result in 
confusion if they were ever misspecified.  It is also harder to document 
the use of constants, whereas the the options already have a 
convention.  For the sake of consistently I would rather see them be 
specified using options.  Does anyone else have a preference or argument 
for using env vars?

BTW, thanks for doing this. :)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] table.hashes

2009-07-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Yi Wen wrote:


I had a couple features failed with cucumber 0.3.90 because 
table.hashes is frozen so I cannot change the hashes anymore. Just 
wonder what's the reason behind the change? Thanks



rspec-users mailing list

This change was added to avoid unintended side effects... I can't 
remember the exact use case though.  If you need to modify it call #dup 
on the hashes first.  Also, please use Cucumber's mailing list in the 


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] On Mocks vs Stubs in the context of rSpec

2009-07-24 Thread Ben Mabey

Rick DeNatale wrote:

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:

You can, IMO, use a "mock" like a stub and a "stub" like a
mock.. Take this for example:

describe "#some_method" do
 it "delegates to some_obejct" do
  some_object = stub('some object', :some_method => "foo")
  my_object = MyObject.new(some_object)

  my_object.some_method.should == "foo"

We are using a stub as a dummy object, and yet our expectation is clearing
testing the method call.  So is the above a stub or is it really a mock?  I
would say that it is acting like a mock.  I hope that others on the list
will correct me if I am wrong making this observation/conclusion.

Well, I'm not sure.

There's a difference here.

The stub simply sets things up so that IF some_object receives
:some_method it will return 'foo' instead of something else (including
a method_missing error).

If the implementation looks like:

class MyObject
def initialize(obj)

def some_method

Then the stub object proves nothing, the example will succeed whether
it's there or not.

On the other hand using a mock and setting a message expectation
asserts something about the implementation of some_method and it's
relationship to the intialize method.  It's more gray-box than

True, but I think the difference is very small in this case.  In the 
delegation example we want to ensure that the other method is called and 
that it's return value is returned.  Adjusting your implementation 
slightly you could still make the message expectation version pass as 
well but still be a false-positive:

class MyObject
   def initialize(obj)

   def some_method

In both cases another example would be needed to point out the problem- each of which 
would rely on returning another canned response.  Of course, using triangulation for 
something small as delegation is just plain silly. :)  FWIW, I would set a message 
expectation when specifying delegation.  However, to my point if a stub is being used in 
this manner I think it is crossing the line of being a dummy object and taking on more of 
a "mock"ish like role.  Perhaps it is going overboard to say that it is being 
used as a mock, but the intent feels the same in this case IMO.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] How detailed should error scenarios be?

2009-07-24 Thread Ben Mabey

Ben Mabey wrote:

Nathan Benes wrote:

I'm fairly new to cucumber and rspec but so far am falling in love with
both.  I've read up on several different articles concerning these
testing tools including the 'beta' BDD rspec/cucumber book.

I saw this thread here:  http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/183428

Which concerns how small or detailed specs and scenarios should be - and
the basic gist was to keep scenarios at a higher level and leave the
detailed form
fields etc to rspec specs.

This was all wonderfully insightful but it brings me to another
question.  How detailed (or should they be included in cucumber tests at
all?) should the error path be?  "Happy paths" are great to test, but
it's also necessary to test error paths so that users aren't
encountering rails stack traces, empty feedback, etc.

Should there be one scenario per "empty" field?  Should there be one
scenario per validation check per field?  Should it be condensed to a
single scenario that attempts to encompass all error paths?

I have one specific, seemingly overly complicated scenario that attempts
to go the one scenario per validation check per field route:

  Scenario Outline: Add account with invalid fields
Given I am logged in as BudgetTest
And I am on the New Account page
When I fill in the form for account "" with valid data
And I submit the data "" for the "" field,
And I submit the data "" for the "" field,
And I press "Add Account"
Then I should see the rendered template for "the new account page"
And I should see an error indicating "" was ""

I've removed the Scenarios:  blocks because they would wordwrap and look
terrible/undreadable.  Following this is two sets of scenarios:

Scenarios: missing required fields

Scenarios: submitting bad data

Some of the fields compare data with each other to determine validity
which is why there's two data entries in the scenario outline.  If the
second is left blank then the defaults that were set in "When I fill in
the form..." are used for it.  Each "Scenarios" block contains a table
with a of the fields defined by <> in the outline.  As you can see,
it seems to me to be overly complicated, overly verbose, and perhaps
doing more than it should be.

I think maybe this test goes overboard...but what level of detail is
good for error-path testing?

Hi Nathan,
I think testing all of the validations from Cucumber is going 
overboard *unless* the customer wants to see them there.  I have done 
something like that but it was when I was writing my own validation 
logic (in this case I wasn't even using AR or another standard 
library). It was a nice way of showing the customer what were and were 
not valid values.  However, if you are using ActiveRecord to do 
standard validations then I see little value in checking each 
validation separately.  It will take a long time to run and it seems 
like it would really not add much value in terms of regression 
catching beyond what the fast model-level code examples would provide. 
So, like I said, the only value I would see in that would be for a 
customer to see that it is working as they want it to.

In general, I like to keep happy paths in Cucumber features along with 
some special error cases.  Driving though the entire stack is a 
double-edged sword.  It provides great regression testing and is an 
excellent way to frame scenarios for customers.  However, the number 
of execution paths you can execute from such a high level is 
inherently limited... the number of objects and all of there potential 
states in concert with one another results in a combinatorial 
explosion of number of test cases required to test everything.  That 
is why isolated specs on a lower level are still very valuable and for 
me provide a great deal of confidence when used along side some 
happy-path full-stack tests.  (And even then you can never test 

Thats my current take on things at least... HTH,


BTW, please use the cucumber mailing list for cucumber related questions:


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] On Mocks vs Stubs in the context of rSpec

2009-07-24 Thread Ben Mabey

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

Thanks David and Ben for the comprehensive replies! I really appreciate it :)

These wikipedia articles helped me to understand on the more conceptual level:


So, if I understand it right -- Stub is for methods and Mocks are for
roles (or, in the technical-level -- objects).

In the context of rSpec/rSpec-Rails, however,  the API makes it
confusing, to be honest. Being able to create a Mock with
Spec::Mocks:Mock with Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods# confuses me.
Hmm.. I can see your point as far as where the methods live being 
confusing.  Reading about stub method in the RDoc pages for mock methods 
does seem odd.  The reason, as David, pointed out is really more due to 
reducing code duplication between the two.  Any suggestions on making it 

The same applies for stub_model() and mock_model(). I know that
mock_model is a convenience method that can be used to create an
object with an API similar to ActiveRecord::Base's. The API says
stub_model is basically the same, but prevents the object from
accessing the database. Ok, but why attaching these concepts to Stub?
Is this the right name to use for this method? (Stub == mock object
that is not allowed to access the database?).
I think you raise a good question whether or not stub_model is a best 
name for the functionality it provides.  I think stub_model is really 
called a partial stub.. or partial mock.  Hmm.. I'm not quite sure what 
the correct name is.  But basically, as you said, it is the real object 
but is not allowed to touch the DB.  So it is there for performance 
reasons mostly.  mock_model however gives you a dummy object with some 
predefined stubbed methods that you typically want for an AR object 
(i.e. #id).  However, it is very true that in many cases you will be 
using this "mock_model" as a stub.  I can see how having stub_model can 
cause confusion...

Perhaps, a better API would be to alias stub_model to mock_model (this 
would be more aligned with the #mock and #stub API) and then have a 
partial_stub_model or stub_model(Model, :partial => true)?   Changing it 
now I'm sure would make some people upset but it could be done with 
deprecation warnings if it is causing that much confusion... This would 
really be David's call to make and I'm guessing he had some good reasons 
for making the decision he did in the first place.

And there's the  Spec::Mocks::Methods#stub method, which is the one
that reflects the concept that "the Stub is a dummy method".

Again, this is due to the implementation..  I see your point, but I 
don't know if the typical user really cares where it lives.  Perhaps a 
little explanation in the RDoc would be sufficient to avoid confusion?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] How detailed should error scenarios be?

2009-07-24 Thread Ben Mabey

Nathan Benes wrote:

I'm fairly new to cucumber and rspec but so far am falling in love with
both.  I've read up on several different articles concerning these
testing tools including the 'beta' BDD rspec/cucumber book.

I saw this thread here:  http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/183428

Which concerns how small or detailed specs and scenarios should be - and
the basic gist was to keep scenarios at a higher level and leave the
detailed form
fields etc to rspec specs.

This was all wonderfully insightful but it brings me to another
question.  How detailed (or should they be included in cucumber tests at
all?) should the error path be?  "Happy paths" are great to test, but
it's also necessary to test error paths so that users aren't
encountering rails stack traces, empty feedback, etc.

Should there be one scenario per "empty" field?  Should there be one
scenario per validation check per field?  Should it be condensed to a
single scenario that attempts to encompass all error paths?

I have one specific, seemingly overly complicated scenario that attempts
to go the one scenario per validation check per field route:

  Scenario Outline: Add account with invalid fields
Given I am logged in as BudgetTest
And I am on the New Account page
When I fill in the form for account "" with valid data
And I submit the data "" for the "" field,
And I submit the data "" for the "" field,
And I press "Add Account"
Then I should see the rendered template for "the new account page"
And I should see an error indicating "" was ""

I've removed the Scenarios:  blocks because they would wordwrap and look
terrible/undreadable.  Following this is two sets of scenarios:

Scenarios: missing required fields

Scenarios: submitting bad data

Some of the fields compare data with each other to determine validity
which is why there's two data entries in the scenario outline.  If the
second is left blank then the defaults that were set in "When I fill in
the form..." are used for it.  Each "Scenarios" block contains a table
with a of the fields defined by <> in the outline.  As you can see,
it seems to me to be overly complicated, overly verbose, and perhaps
doing more than it should be.

I think maybe this test goes overboard...but what level of detail is
good for error-path testing?

Hi Nathan,
I think testing all of the validations from Cucumber is going overboard 
*unless* the customer wants to see them there.  I have done something 
like that but it was when I was writing my own validation logic (in this 
case I wasn't even using AR or another standard library). It was a nice 
way of showing the customer what were and were not valid values.  
However, if you are using ActiveRecord to do standard validations then I 
see little value in checking each validation separately.  It will take a 
long time to run and it seems like it would really not add much value in 
terms of regression catching beyond what the fast model-level code 
examples would provide. So, like I said, the only value I would see in 
that would be for a customer to see that it is working as they want it to.

In general, I like to keep happy paths in Cucumber features along with 
some special error cases.  Driving though the entire stack is a 
double-edged sword.  It provides great regression testing and is an 
excellent way to frame scenarios for customers.  However, the number of 
execution paths you can execute from such a high level is inherently 
limited... the number of objects and all of there potential states in 
concert with one another results in a combinatorial explosion of number 
of test cases required to test everything.  That is why isolated specs 
on a lower level are still very valuable and for me provide a great deal 
of confidence when used along side some happy-path full-stack tests.  
(And even then you can never test everything...)

Thats my current take on things at least... HTH,


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] On Mocks vs Stubs in the context of rSpec

2009-07-23 Thread Ben Mabey

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

Hello list,

>From what I could see, the lines between mocks and stubs are subtle,
but the general idea I got is that mocks set expectations and stubs
are only dummy objects/method calls. What confused me though, is that
the stub() method is an alias for mock() in
Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods. So a stub is a mock?
Yes, no, and maybe so. :p  I agree with your general understanding that 
"mocks set expectations and stubs are only dummy objects/method calls".  
The fact that rspec using the same machinery to provide stubs and mocks 
is really inconsequential because the deciding factor of what they are 
is how you use them.  You can, IMO, use a "mock" like a stub and a 
"stub" like a mock.. Take this for example:

describe "#some_method" do
 it "delegates to some_obejct" do
   some_object = stub('some object', :some_method => "foo")
   my_object = MyObject.new(some_object)

   my_object.some_method.should == "foo"

We are using a stub as a dummy object, and yet our expectation is 
clearing testing the method call.  So is the above a stub or is it 
really a mock?  I would say that it is acting like a mock.  I hope that 
others on the list will correct me if I am wrong making this 
observation/conclusion.   Likewise we could use a mock as a dummy object 
and never set any expectations on it and it would be acting like a 
stub.  Even though stub and mock is the same in RSpec you should still 
use the correct name when using them.

Also, another thing that is confusing: You have stub and stub! methods
in the Spec::Mocks::Methods namespace, what is the difference between
Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods#stub and Spec::Mocks::Methods#stub ?

Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods are the methods that you can call during the course of a code example.  
So when you say stub("something") the method in Spec::Mocks::ExampleMethods gets called 
and returns you a stub.  Now, that stub object now has it's own #stub method which lives on 
Spec::Mocks::Methods#stub.  That call will stub out the provided method and return value... So 
my_stub.stub(:foo, "bar"), however that is aliased from #stub! which is used most often.  
This is all from memory so I could be wrong but that is the general gist of it.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] My very fist spec file (not sure what's wrong..)

2009-07-21 Thread Ben Mabey

internetchris wrote:

I have one additional question after thinking about this for a while.
Forgive me if I'm about to read this in the book, It came to mind so I
thought I would ask. When writing specs for controllers am I always
going to mock the model? Are controllers always isolated from the
actual model? If that's the case then using cucumber with webrat is
the only time I will test the complete stack right? Just wondering if
I understand this correctly.

When I am using Cucumber and writing controller specs that is always how 
*I* do it.  I like having the isolation for the controllers and keeping 
them fast.  Any integration problems will be exposed by Cucumber so I 
think having the controller specs test more that the controller is a 
waste in most cases.  This is just my opinion however.  People on this 
list will agree with me and disagree, so don't think that it is *the* 
way of doing things.  This is what the book recommends IIRC so you are 
understanding it.




On Jul 21, 9:25 am, internetchris 

Ben that worked perfectly I appreciate the help.

Stephen, I appreciate the encouragement, it feels daunting to be
learning all of this at once, but each day I bite off a little more
understanding.  It's funny you mention scuba diving - "way back when"
right out of high school I thought it would be fun to go to school for
underwater construction/welding - so I did. I suppose if I was able to
tackle that, I will eventually get this. I'm thankful I decided to
switch my degree path to computer science after that however. It was
an interesting part of my life to say the least. Maybe it's a
personality quirk of mine :-)



On Jul 20, 9:59 pm, Stephen Eley  wrote:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Chris
Sund wrote:

I am finally to the point in the rspec book where it describes how to
implement controller specs, so I thought what the heck, I'll give it a

Heh.  Points to you for ambition!  You might not have realized this
(because the RSpec book makes it sound like it should *all* be easy)
but starting with a Rails controller spec for your very first spec is
a bit like saying "I was thinking of getting scuba certified...
Ooooh, CAVE DIVING!  Let's start with that first!"*
On the upside, if you start there and really get to *understand*

what's going on, you should be relieved when most of the rest of it is
pretty smooth sailing.  There are very few common Ruby idioms that
have such tight coupling as Rails controllers, so very few tasks are
so hard to spec in isolation.  You'll almost never have to mock
anything else as ferociously.  Model specs in particular will feel
like sunshine and puppies.
So go you!

Have Fun,  *(Granted, I don't think anyone has ever kicked up silt
while writing a controller spec, lost hold of their guide line, gotten
hopelessly lost, and died many hours later in the cold and dark.  Yet.
 That only happens to J2EE programmers.)
   Steve Eley (sfe...@gmail.com)
   ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine
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rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] My very fist spec file (not sure what's wrong..)

2009-07-20 Thread Ben Mabey

Chris Sund wrote:

Hey Everyone,

I am finally to the point in the rspec book where it describes how to
implement controller specs, so I thought what the heck, I'll give it a
try. I have an app I have been working on (Inside out) that I needed
to get test specs written for before I continue on with the app. Now
that I have read enough of the book I realize I was doing things a
little backwards in the "rspec" sense of BDD, but I thought I would
try to apply what I have learned so far to my existing code.

Here's the feedback I'm getting when I run my spec file

NoMethodError in 'AccountsController POST create should build a new
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.save
24:in `create'

Here's my spec file...

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' )

describe AccountsController, "POST create" do

it "should build a new account"  do
  Account.should_receive(:new).with("address" => "1201 washington

This is your problem.. you need to return something for 'save' to be 
called on.  i.e.

 Account.should_receive(:new).with("address" => "1201 washington

Notice the "and_return" at the end?  That way a mock_model of Account will be 
returned from the new call so that the controller can set it to @account and save it.

To see some examples of RSpec controller specs you can use a generator to 
general rspec scaffolding... like so:

./script/generate rspec_scaffold Account


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [ANN] rspec 1.2.8 Released

2009-07-16 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

rspec version 1.2.8 has been released!


Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.


### Version 1.2.8 / 2008-07-16

* enhancements
  * better messages for should[_not] be_nil (Chad Humphries and Rob Sanheim)
  * should and should_not accept optional custom message
(suggestion from Rob Sanheim)
Ahh, very nice.  I've been wanting something like this for a while.  For 
those interested in how to use this feature check out the examples in 
this cucumber feature for it:


Thanks for the release.


* result.should be_nil, "expected result to be nil"
  * added 'spec/stubs/cucumber' to plug RSpec's stubbing framework into
Cucumber scenarios.
  * added unstub method to remove a stub mid-example (Scott Taylor). Closes
  * add more readable diff when expected and actual are hashes (Ryan Bigg).
Closes #848.

* bug fixes
  * fixed --line option for ruby 1.9.1
  * fix stub_chain conflict between two chains starting with the same message
(Mike Rohland). Closes #846.
rspec-users mailing list

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] ZenTest, RSpec and Ruby 1.9.1

2009-07-11 Thread Ben Mabey

Robert Rouse wrote:


I thought maybe you guys could help. I'm trying to use RSpec along with

However, all I seem to get back when trying to run tests is an

Is there a place I can find out what that exception is? I have autospec
set up to do the notifications through growl. The growl output only
tells me there was an exception.

I'd like to get it working.

Any ideas?

The output should be in the terminal window that you started autotest 
in What are you seeing exactly?  Please post your output.  Do you 
have the latest ZenTest and RSpec gems?  Also, are you using the 
"autospec" command that comes with RSpec?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] loading custom matchers into cucumber

2009-07-08 Thread Ben Mabey

Joaquin Rivera Padron wrote:

hi there,
In a step I need to assert (don't know hoe to translate this into
"should" terms) state before keep going, example:

Perhaps you need to make an "expectation" instead of an "assert"?  :)

Given "I have signed up as tom who is an admin" do |user, role| do
# call some steps to create user tom


oops, sorry that was gone unfinished!

Given "I have signed up as tom who is an admin" do |user, role| do
# call some steps to create user tom
# I need to assert that tom really have the rol (this is not the 
most important, so please bear with me)

user_should_have_role user, role

that as you see is not very pretty, I would like to do:

Spec::Matchers.define :have_rol do |role|
  match do |user|
user.roles.collect{ |r| r.name  }.include?(role)

and then "assert":

tom.should have_role role

only I don't get to load the matcher. how you normally load custom 
machters to be used in cucumber?

Try putting your Spec::Matchers.define block in your env.rb file to see 
if that works.  I haven't looked closely at how the new matcher DSL adds 
the matchers but I would think that would work.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Noob syntax questions regarding rspec book...

2009-07-07 Thread Ben Mabey

Rick DeNatale wrote:

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Chris
Sund wrote:

Hey Everyone,

I've been working my way through the Rspec book trying to absorb and
understand everything. This is my first time with BDD and I'm just
trying to figure out some simple syntax stuff. My questions revolve
around some of the syntaxing used in the book. These are really simple

1.) Given /^the secret code is (. . . .)$/ do |code|
   Is (. . . .) simply a place holder? could I use something like
(- - - -) instead, or does it actually mean something?

Yes it actually means something. the stuff between // is a regular
expression, and some of the characters have meaning.

   ^ means the beginning of the string
   $ means the end of the string
   Each . will mark a single character, any character will do.
  The parens mark a group, the part of the string which marks the
group will be assigned to the code parameter.
  So when the whole regex matches code will be set to the four
characters of the code separated by spaces.

2.) Then /^the mark should be (.*)$/ do |mark|
   Similar questionwhat does .* represent?

it means zero or more arbitrary characters


3.) In the following example why don't I pass   |guess| to the When
statement? I'm sure it has something to do with the (code.split)
syntax, I'm just not sure what.

When /^I guess (. . . .)$/ do |code|

There isn't a variable named guess here. As I said in answer to the
first question, if the story says

When I guess 1 3 4 2

then when the step is executed the code parameter to the block will be
set to "1 3 4 2" and "1 3 4 2".split gives ["1", "3", "4", "2"]

4.) And finally what does ("\n") do?

Then /^the mark should be (.*)$/ do |mark|
 @messenger.string.split("\n").should include(mark)

"\n" is a ruby string literal representing a new-line, so
   @messenger.string.split("\n") results in an array comprising each
line within @messenger.string


FYI, a good resource to learn and play around with reg exps in ruby is: 

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Test doubles: expect "x" and don't care about anything else

2009-06-29 Thread Ben Mabey

Matt Wynne wrote:

On 28 Jun 2009, at 23:02, Wincent Colaiuta wrote:

El 28/6/2009, a las 23:04, Matt Wynne escribió:

On 28 Jun 2009, at 13:07, Wincent Colaiuta wrote:

I've had one of my recurring doubts about test doubles come up again.

The full post is here but I'll abbreviate the content in this 
message in any case:


Basically, in one of my controller specs I wanted to verify that 
the following line was being called and doing the right thing:

@comment = Comment.find params[:id]
I had a mock for this set up, but it broke when unrelated code in 
the model was modified (a complex callback which itself called 

I'd like to know more about how this happened. How did the model 
object's behaviour leak into the controller spec?

This was a spec for the controller's "update" action, which does a 
"save" on the record. At one point a change was made to the model to 
do some complex updates in the after_save callback, and these 
involved doing another Comment.find call, but with different parameters.

If I understand this correctly, there was only one call from 
Controller -> Comment that you wanted to test; the other one was a 
call from Comment -> Comment that happened as a side-effect.

So I'm wondering: if you'd returned a fake (mock, stub, whatever) 
comment from your stubbed Comment.find, would that have solved the 

In my ideal test-double framework, I'd like to really assert two 
things about the line of code in question:

1. That Comment.find gets called with a specific param at some 
point in time.
2. That the @comment instance variable gets the expected value 
assigned to it.

So why not use


Because there are actually two "find" calls here:

- the one I actually care about
- the other one in the after_save callback which is irrelevant to the 

I original used "should_receive", not "stub", so RSpec complained 
about getting "find" with the unexpected parameters. If I change to 
"stub" then I'm losing my assertion (no longer checking that the 
message gets sent), injecting a different return value (adding 
complexity), for no visible benefit (may as well just throw away the 

What I often do is put a stub in first, which will work in all the 
examples, then put a should_receive in one of the examples if (as 
seems to be the case here) it's important to me to test the 
collaboration between the objects. So it would look like this:

describe "#update" do
@comment = mock(Comment)

  it "should call the model to try and find the comment"

You probably know this, but for the benefit of others... Pat made a 
change a while back that makes it so the stubbed return value will still 
be returned even if an expectation is added.  Meaning, assuming the stub 
is in the before block, you can change the expectation to:
   Comment.should_receive(:find).with(123)  # this will still return 


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Integrate or isolate views?

2009-06-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Jesse Crockett wrote:

Ben Mabey wrote:

On Jun 28, 2009, at 8:32 AM, Jesse Crockett wrote:

When I use integrate_views, can I write view spec in what would
otherwise be isolated controller spec?

Correct, by default RSpec's controller specs will not render the
view.  This allows you to test the controller and view in complete
isolation.  By turning on integrate_views you can specify what the
rendered view should contain at the same time.  If you were to do
outside-in dev starting from the view you would start out by writing
an isolated view spec.  That spec would say that such and such would
be displayed.  This would in turn prompt you to assign something to
that view for it to be rendered.  That is then your signal that the
controller needs to assign that object.  So, you go up a level and
make sure that the controller action is assigning the needed object
for the view.  That object will most likely have to answer to some
methods used in the view so that prompts you to start writing examples
on the model level.  Isolation has it's benefits, however an
integration test (i.e. Cucumber scenario) is really needed to make
sure these parts are all working together as expected.

I read that I'm "encouraged" to do these in isolation, but IMHO the
chapter on spec'ing views is not very convincing in its own right, it
tells me that it's good, but doesn't show me as much, compared to the
examples and descriptions of circumstance that make several other
chapters very convincing.

FWIW Jesse, you are not alone on this list in thinking that view specs
are not that valuable.  A lot of people share your opinion, and I
think Cucumber is generally used to specify the views the majority of
the time.  This enables you to specify your controllers in isolation
since your Cucumber features are cutting through the entire stack. 

I gather that you are saying a balance of cucumber scenarios in tandem 
with spec'ing controllers and models in isolation is a reasonable 
conclusion and equally reasonable path to move forward?

Yes, IME this has worked well.

I personally think  view specs are a very nice tool to have available,
but I would only use them on complex views.  By complex I don't mean
riddled with logic, but a view that has a lot of stuff going on which
is hard to set up all in one integration test (or Cucumber scenario).
Since the majority of views are very simple then verifying them just
in Cucumber is good enough, IMO.


I gather that you are affirming that adequate testing of controllers and 
models in isolation as presscribed the the Rspec Book can be 
accomplished without spec'ing the views in the same isolation, but 
instead by using 'integrate_views' with adequate cucumber scenarios?

The last part of your sentence is confusing me: "but instead by using 
'integrate_views' with adequate cucumber scenarios?".  There is no 
"integrate_views" option in Cucumber as views are always rendered.  When 
I am using Cucumber I don't see the need to be using 'integrate_views' 
in my controller specs either. 

Keep in mind that I'm not affirming anything as a hard rule, but rather 
stating a guideline that I have gravitated towards in my past projects 
that were webapps.  You, like Sarah, may see enough value provided by 
view specs to warrant them.  I would encourage you to try them and then 
judge for yourself and the specific project you are working on.  If you 
don't get any value out of them then you can stop but you will at least 
know how to do it when a situation arises that seems better fit for them.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Integrate or isolate views?

2009-06-28 Thread Ben Mabey

On Jun 28, 2009, at 8:32 AM, Jesse Crockett wrote:


I've been trying for two years to pick up BDD.  I'm making progress,
have just read through the chapters in The RSpec Book on spec'ing  

and controllers.

What is the difference between using integrate_views and doing what
seems to be a lot of extra work to test the views in isolation?

When I use integrate_views, can I write view spec in what would
otherwise be isolated controller spec?

Correct, by default RSpec's controller specs will not render the  
view.  This allows you to test the controller and view in complete  
isolation.  By turning on integrate_views you can specify what the  
rendered view should contain at the same time.  If you were to do  
outside-in dev starting from the view you would start out by writing  
an isolated view spec.  That spec would say that such and such would  
be displayed.  This would in turn prompt you to assign something to  
that view for it to be rendered.  That is then your signal that the  
controller needs to assign that object.  So, you go up a level and  
make sure that the controller action is assigning the needed object  
for the view.  That object will most likely have to answer to some  
methods used in the view so that prompts you to start writing examples  
on the model level.  Isolation has it's benefits, however an  
integration test (i.e. Cucumber scenario) is really needed to make  
sure these parts are all working together as expected.

I read that I'm "encouraged" to do these in isolation, but IMHO the
chapter on spec'ing views is not very convincing in its own right, it
tells me that it's good, but doesn't show me as much, compared to the
examples and descriptions of circumstance that make several other
chapters very convincing.

FWIW Jesse, you are not alone on this list in thinking that view specs  
are not that valuable.  A lot of people share your opinion, and I  
think Cucumber is generally used to specify the views the majority of  
the time.  This enables you to specify your controllers in isolation  
since your Cucumber features are cutting through the entire stack.  I  
personally think  view specs are a very nice tool to have available,  
but I would only use them on complex views.  By complex I don't mean  
riddled with logic, but a view that has a lot of stuff going on which  
is hard to set up all in one integration test (or Cucumber scenario).   
Since the majority of views are very simple then verifying them just  
in Cucumber is good enough, IMO.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Testing with activerecord at ThoughtWorks (Stubbing vs real DB)

2009-06-27 Thread Ben Mabey

oren wrote:

I am reading the post by Fowler, 'Ruby at ThoughtWorks'.

He talks about testing with activerecord:

"Right at the beginning of our use of Ruby, there was a debate on how
best to organize testing in the presence of the Active Record database
layer in Rails. The basic problem is that most of the time,
performance of enterprise applications is dominated by database
access. We've found that by using a Test Double we can greatly speed
up our tests. Having fast tests is crucial to our test-intensive
development process. Kent Beck recommends a basic commit build of
under ten minutes. Most of our projects manage this these days, and
using a database double is a vital part of achieving it.

The problem with Active Record is that by combining database access
code with business logic, it's rather harder to create a database
double. The Mingle team's reaction to this was to accept that Rails
binds the database tightly and thus run all the commit tests against a
real database.

The contrary view was advocated most firmly by the Atlanta and Jersey
teams. Ruby has a powerful feature that allows you to redefine methods
at run-time. You can use this to take an active record class, and
redefine the the database access methods in that class as stubs. The
team started the gem unitrecord to help with this.

In the three years, we've not seen a generally accepted victor in this
debate. The Mingle team run a couple of thousand tests against a real
postgres database in around 8 minutes. (They parallelize the tests to
make use of multiple cores.) The Atlanta and Jersey teams consider it
valuable that their commit test runs in 2 minutes with stubs versus 8
minutes without. The trade-off is the simplicity of the direct
database tests versus the faster commit build of the stubbed tests.

While both teams are broadly happy with their positions in this
debate, the use of stubbing has led to another issue for the Atlanta/
Jersey teams. As the teams became familiar with using method stubbing,
they used it more and more - falling into the inevitable over-usage
where unit tests would stub out every method other than the one being
tested. The problem here, as often with using doubles, is brittle
tests. As you change the behavior of the application, you also have to
change lots of doubles that are mimicking the old behavior. This over-
usage has led both teams to move away from stubbed unit tests and to
use more rails-style functional tests with direct database access."

What do you think of the two tactics?

I have done both on past projects.  I did not use any of the TW gems to 
do it.  I used Avdi Grimm's nice NullDB plugin to do it.  IMO it is a 
much better and cleaner approach than the ones talked about in the 
article.  I gave a lightning talk about the tradeoffs of both approaches 
and how I used NullDB in my project.  Here are the slides for the talk:


The slides go through the benefits and tradeoffs of both approaches.  
Let me know if you want me to elaborate on anything else.  I should 
point out that another, but less extreme, solution to stubbing out the 
DB is to use an in-memory DB (like sqllite) to get a speed boost.  With 
this approach you may still need to switch to your real DB adapter for 
DB specific SQL but it all the basic AR stuff with work just fine.

Also, What does it mean and where can I see examples of "running all
the commit tests against a real database" ?

Sounds like they have configured there project to to allow you to hot 
swap which strategy to use.  So, for development you can use the 
stubbing approach and get faster feedback and then swap in the real 
database on the CI server to make sure there aren't any surprises when 
it is actually executed against the DB.  This is a good approach and can 
be done quite easily with NullDB.

Can I find it in "the rspec book" ?
I don't think so.  To be honest, I don't think it is done that much.  I 
think most teams just let there model tests hit the DB. (And thus are 
not "real" unit tests by some people's definition)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Where to put macros

2009-06-22 Thread Ben Mabey

On Jun 22, 2009, at 10:37 AM, David Chelimsky wrote:

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Andrew Premdas  
Recently I got some wonderful help from the list to create my  
module/macro which tests NamedAddresses for a number of different  
The question I have is where should I put this module? At the  
moment I've

got it in spec_helper, but this feels a bit messy
Many thanks

The convention that I see emerging is to keep macros, helpers, and any
other spec supporting material in spec/support/macros,
spec/support/matchers, etc. Then you do this in spec/spec_helper.rb:

Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/support/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f}

What would folks think if that was included in the generated
spec_helper in spec-rails?

Just as I said there was no written convention... :)

I like it.  +1

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Where to put macros

2009-06-22 Thread Ben Mabey

On Jun 22, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Andrew Premdas wrote:

Recently I got some wonderful help from the list to create my  
NamedAddress module/macro which tests NamedAddresses for a number of  
different resources.

The question I have is where should I put this module? At the moment  
I've got it in spec_helper, but this feels a bit messy

Many thanks

rspec-users mailing list

Hey Andrew,
I don't think there is a known convention for this.  If I only use the  
macro for a single set of examples then I leave the macro code inline  
with the actual examples.  Once I need it in multiple files then I  
will move it to my root spec dir.  I suppose you could create a spec/ 
macros dir if you want (this would make it easier to require all of  
the ones you have).  I generally don't have a whole lot so I just put  
my macros and matchers under spec/ and let spec_helper require them.   
Then in your spec helper if you want all of your examples to have  
access to these macros you can say:

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
  config.extend(MyMacro, MyOtherMacro)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] The problem with learning RSpec

2009-06-18 Thread Ben Mabey

Bill Kocik wrote:

Just to add a couple cents in...

I've been working as either a sysadmin or software developer for the
last 10 years (software development pretty much exclusively for the
last 5 or 6). I started picking up Rails about 2 years ago, and though
I was always aware of TDD - and even occasionally dabbled in it - I
never really embraced it. Not because I didn't see its importance, but
because the barrier to entry always seemed too high, and schedules
never allowed for it (as a friend of mine is fond of saying, "You mean
we don't have time to do it right, but we have time to do it over and
over again?").

Right now I'm working on a personal project for which I have no QA
team to watch my back, so instead I'm doggedly using top-down BDD with
Cucumber (and unit tests) to help keep me in line. I think the biggest
hurdle to learning it is this: Pretty much all the tutorials and docs
written on the topic center around some simple example app that's easy
to test. But in the real world, software is messy, and tends to resist
being tested. I know the traditional counter argument is that this
means your design is flawed, but that isn't always true. One of the
biggest challenges I faced was how to test authentication in my
application, in which users sign in using their Twitter credentials
via OAuth[1]. Another was in testing my own endpoints that create JSON
that's rendered via JS in the browser[2]. Maybe Selenium could have
helped here, but creating tests in general was already slowing me to
the point that I'm a good deal behind schedule, and I couldn't take
another day or so to learn how to use Selenium with the risk that it
might not really suit my situation for one reason or another - because
software is messy.

One that I haven't tackled yet but will have to soon is how to test
code that runs as a BackgrounDRb worker.

I came up with solutions for all of this (except for the BDRb stuff),
but I'm not entirely sure of their quality. They certainly feel
hackish, but I can't put my finger on why. I suspect David Chelimsky
or Ben Mabey or Aslak or any of a hundred or more other people could
have come up with beautiful, elegant solutions
I'm flattered, but FWIW I am always struggling on how best to test 
things as well.  In cases like you are describing it seems like testing 
it is often harder than the actual implementation.  Making those tests 
valuable without being too brittle can be challenging.

 to the challenges I
faced, but since none of them were standing over my shoulder I have no
way of knowing, and none of this is covered in the
write-a-blog-in-10-minutes Rails demo.

That has been my challenge in learning and using BDD.
Thanks for sharing Bill.  I totally understand where you are coming 
from.  IME, it is hard when writing a tutorial or giving a presentation 
to not teach to the least common denominator in the audience (the 
beginner).  Time constraints usually set in too that don't allow you to 
do more advanced topics that would require more explanation.  Thats why 
for most presentations I try to focus more on the process and ideas 
rather than the example and tools (i.e stuff you can't learn from a wiki 
so easily).  I do see your point however.  I often feel frustrated in 
other presentations at the simplicity of examples given and wish for 
more in-depth and challenging examples.  Your point is noted: a good 
tutorial app for BDD should involve harder to test components (web 
services, asynchronous messaging/processing, caching, etc) since this is 
what pops up in real projects.

[1] My solution: http://tr.im/oW8y
This is more or less how I would of done this with Cucumber.  And you 
were complaining about no advanced tutorials. ;)  Nice writeup.

[2] I defined these two custom steps (JSON_CALLBACK is defined as the
:callback arg I pass in my 'render :json' calls - but it will trip the
JSON parser if its there):

Then /^I should get valid JSON$/ do
  assert_nothing_raised do
assert JSON.parse(@response.body.gsub(/^#{JSON_CALLBACK}\((.*)\)/, '\1'))

Then /^I should find "(.+)" in JSON/ do |xpath|
  json_hash = JSON.parse(@response.body.gsub(/^#{JSON_CALLBACK}\((.*)\)/, '\1'))
  xmldoc = Nokogiri::XML(json_hash.to_xml)
  xpath.gsub!('_', '-') # in XML, underscores will be dashes.
  xpath = "./hash" + xpath unless xpath =~ /^\/\//
  assert !xmldoc.xpath(xpath).blank?

I probably would of done this in RSpec instead of Cucumber.  Then I 
would manually tested in a browser.. since you are going to want to do 
that anyways.  I take this stance quite a bit as I feel adding Selenium 
(or another automated browser solution) can potentially add much more of 
a maintenance burden than webrat in :rails mode.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] shared examples sharing methods

2009-06-17 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Andrew Premdas wrote:

Please have a look at
What I'd like to do is create a shared_examples group which I can parametize
a method. So my shared example would perhaps use method named_address=, or
set_named_address and then groups that behave like "Named address" would be
able to override this method so it sets the correct address e.g. the last
billing address

Here's the short version: There's been a lot of discussion on this
list about parameterizing shared examples. Basically, given the
current design it can't happen, and macros are a perfectly good
solution to the problem, so there's not much incentive to change the

I'll try to follow up later with a recommendation about a macro,
unless somebody else beats me to it :)

I beat David to it. :)  Here are some options:


I think I like  #7 and #8 the best with the eval and #subject use.  With 
#8 I intentionally modify the backtrace so that the when errors happen 
it points to where the macro was called, not defined.  Sometimes this is 
desirable, YMMV.  FWIW, I question the value of such specs... but that 
is the macro approach.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] shared examples sharing methods

2009-06-17 Thread Ben Mabey

David Chelimsky wrote:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Matt Wynne wrote:

On 17 Jun 2009, at 16:21, David Chelimsky wrote:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Andrew Premdas

Please have a look at
What I'd like to do is create a shared_examples group which I can
a method. So my shared example would perhaps use method named_address=,
set_named_address and then groups that behave like "Named address" would
able to override this method so it sets the correct address e.g. the last
billing address

Here's the short version: There's been a lot of discussion on this
list about parameterizing shared examples. Basically, given the
current design it can't happen, and macros are a perfectly good
solution to the problem, so there's not much incentive to change the

You can use instance variables to pass values to the shared examples,
though, right?

At your own risk, yes, of course :)

If you do go down that route, I recommend method calls instead of 
instance variables.  That way it will yell out you when you forget to 
define one. :)


Matt Wynne

+447974 430184

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Re: [rspec-users] Spork and Merb and rSpec

2009-06-15 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

On Jun 15, 2009, at 4:11 PM, Andy Shipman wrote:

On 15 Jun 2009, at 14:43, Scott Taylor wrote:

Andy Shipman wrote:
When running spork on a merb application, whenever a spec is run I 
get the following error from the Spork server.
[BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 0x3c(0x2203d0) non object

ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [i686-darwin9]

Which crashes the Spork server.

Have you tried it on 1.8.6?

I have now and it works on 1.8.6. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'd suggest filing a bug on their tracker, wherever it may lie.


Spork uses github issues.  Also, FYI, spork has it's own mailing list: 

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] The problem with learning RSpec

2009-06-13 Thread Ben Mabey

Stephen Eley wrote:

Ben and Rick,

Thanks very much to both of you for the encouraging responses.  Your
reply, Ben, came just in time as I was starting to wonder if I had
made a complete and irrevocable ass of myself.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Ben Mabey wrote:

In general though I don't know if I
really see all of this as a problem specific to RSpec.  The problem is that
many people coming to RSpec are not just RSpec novices but are in fact TDD
novices (and Rails, and Ruby novices too boot at times as well!).

FWIW, I agree totally.  In fact I re-read my message last night, and I
want to retract one of my statements for sure: the statement that
RSpec makes "some easy things easy, but other easy things very

On deeper thought, I don't believe this is true.  RSpec doesn't make
anything harder than it already is.  There's nothing _wrong_ with
RSpec in this sense.  I think a more incisive statement would be that
with RSpec, some complicated things _feel like they should be easier._
 If only because other things feel so easy.  And newbies tend to
confront those problem areas at a point in the growth curve where the
complexity can be misinterpreted as them Just Not Getting It.  Some
are driven off as a result.

You're right about practice.  You're right that bringing together too
many learning curves at once creates interference patterns that
shouldn't be blamed on RSpec.  And Rick's reference to Martin Fowler's
spiked learning curve -- "this is scary, this is nifty, WHOOPS I
overdid it, this is okay in its place" -- is an excellent point.

But I don't think it's totally out-of-bounds to frame it as an "RSpec
problem," even if it isn't RSpec's fault.  The thing is...  Well...
There are *opportunities* here.  If RSpec -- along with its tools and
resources and culture -- was a little better at some of this stuff,
how much easier would it be to learn *everything else?*

How many of us learned BDD at the same time we learned programming?
...Show of hands?  Anyone?  The only developers who could make that
claim would have to be pretty fresh out of the pond.  If that does
apply to anyone reading this, please speak up -- I'd like to hear your
thoughts on how you're doing.

How many of us used TDD or BDD out of the gate when we learned Rails
or Ruby?  This is plausible, but I get the sense it's uncommon.  Most
of us don't even think to work on good testing practices until we
believe we're getting the rest of the stuff down.  I know I didn't.

When learning a new technology I generally don't bother with testing let 
alone TDD (unless I think TDD could help the learning process).   It is 
like spiking and most of the stuff you are creating is throw-away code 
that won't need to be maintained.  There are times, like this, where 
testing isn't needed IMO.  But that isn't really your question is it.. 
You're wondering what effect teaching good testing practices up front 
would bring...  I've wondered this my self at times (in fact I'm helping 
prepare an intro rails course now and wresting with this very issue) and 
it seems like teaching good testing to people who don't even know OO can 
be like jumping in to the deep end of the pool.

Formal education in programming doesn't help.  Not by any evidence to
my eyes.  I've recently started seeing someone who's majoring in CS at
a well-known university, and he said the first class he took on
software design was in C.  Frickin' *C*.  _Then_ they did C++, and
then Java, but there was nothing significant about testing.  I told
him about Cucumber and it made his heart go pitter-patter.

I hear this complaint quite often and FWIW it is an untrue stereotype 
IME.  While I was at the university I was taught testing, design 
patterns, refactoring, Agile methodologies, pair programming, use cases, 
CI, etc...  In fact the first time I heard about TDD was in my first 
Java class where the professor would TDD all of his work in the lectures 
(live coding!).  We did team projects where we had a CI server setup and 
we were required to have tests and do pair programming at least part of 
the time.  We also had class projects where different teams would create 
different components and we had to work out our communication protocols, 
touch points, and integrate it all.  Anyways, I justed wanted to throw 
that out and say that formal education isn't totally failing like some 
people claim it is.  Only my "Software Engineering" courses taught and 
encouraged these practices, but I was still taught them.

The teaching resources for Rails and Ruby don't help.  Just about
every book makes a *nod* toward testing -- there's always a chapter,
they always say "do this constantly" -- but the chapter's inevitably
somewhere near the

Re: [rspec-users] The problem with learning RSpec

2009-06-12 Thread Ben Mabey

I'm rambling now, and I've spent *way* too much of my workday on this
message, so I'll just summarize:

* Some easy things are complicated in RSpec;
* Incomplete understanding of RSpec and a framework being spec'ed can
create learning deadlock;
* Novices need different answers than competent practitioners;
* The community as a whole should be aware and respectful of the
growth curve difficulty.

If anyone had the patience to read this far, any thoughts?  Am I
identifying real issues, or am I just full of hot air?


Hi Stephen,
I did in fact read your entire message, but I'm running out of time so 
I'm afraid I can't reply with the thoughtful response that it deserves.  
Here is my brief gut reaction.. I totally agree about your observation 
WRT the Dreyfus model.  I've thought about how how it relates to TDD/BDD 
in the past and have made similar conclusions.  I think you are spot on 
about an expert not being able to really answer a novice's question very 
well.. because they are suffering from the "curse of knowledge" and it 
is hard to remember what it was like without all that knowledge. 
In general though I don't know if I really see all of this as a problem 
specific to RSpec.  The problem is that many people coming to RSpec are 
not just RSpec novices but are in fact TDD novices (and Rails, and Ruby 
novices too boot at times as well!).   TDD, like you said, is a skill 
apart from programming and is really separate from learning the 
mechanics of RSpec.  A well practiced TDDer without much Ruby experience 
is in a much better position to use RSpec effectively than an 
experienced Ruby dev with no TDD experience.  So if the real problem is 
that people don't know TDD/BDD I think outside of the RSpec community 
there are a lot of resources to draw on.  There are great TDD books in 
addition to lists dedicated to TDD, presentations on TDD, etc...  
Perhaps one step would be to link to these resources?  I also agree with 
Rick in that it just takes experience to learn this stuff since the 
answers to questions are so context specific.  Anyways, I gotta run, but 
I those were some of the thoughts I had.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Given/When/Then blocks on Cucumber

2009-06-05 Thread Ben Mabey

Maurício Linhares wrote:

Hello guys,

I've been looking at Pyccuracy and found the "Given/Then/When" blocks
to be very interesting and easier to understand and write, specially
when writting scenarios with more than one of those. An example can be
found here: http://www.pyccuracy.org/getting_started_3.html

Here's how they do:

Scenario 1 - Searching for Hello World
  I go to "http://www.google.com";
  I fill "q" textbox with "Hello World"
  And I click "btnG" button
  I see "Hello World - Google Search" title

And here's how we would do with Cucumber

Scenario: Searching for Hello World
  Given I go to "http://www.google.com";
  When  I fill "q" textbox with "Hello World"
  When  I click "btnG" button
  Then I see "Hello World - Google Search" title

With cucumber we need to repeat the When's, Then's and Given's if
there's more than one, woudn't it be nice to avoid this?

Maurício Linhares
http://alinhavado.wordpress.com/ (pt-br) |
http://codeshooter.wordpress.com/ (en)
rspec-users mailing list

BTW, please use the new Cucumber ML for cucumber related posts:


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Given/When/Then blocks on Cucumber

2009-06-05 Thread Ben Mabey

Maurício Linhares wrote:

Hello guys,

I've been looking at Pyccuracy and found the "Given/Then/When" blocks
to be very interesting and easier to understand and write, specially
when writting scenarios with more than one of those. An example can be
found here: http://www.pyccuracy.org/getting_started_3.html

Here's how they do:

Scenario 1 - Searching for Hello World
  I go to "http://www.google.com";
  I fill "q" textbox with "Hello World"
  And I click "btnG" button
  I see "Hello World - Google Search" title

And here's how we would do with Cucumber

Scenario: Searching for Hello World
  Given I go to "http://www.google.com";
  When  I fill "q" textbox with "Hello World"
  When  I click "btnG" button
  Then I see "Hello World - Google Search" title

With cucumber we need to repeat the When's, Then's and Given's if
there's more than one, woudn't it be nice to avoid this?

Yep, and you can... (since Cucumber started you've been able to do this)

You can use "And" and "But":

Scenario: Searching for Hello World
 Given I go to "http://www.google.com";
 When  I fill "q" textbox with "Hello World"
 And  I click "btnG" button
 Then I see "Hello World - Google Search" title
 But I should not see "Whatever"

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Disabling cucumber for autotest

2009-05-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Ben Johnson wrote:


For some reason, no matter what, my entire cucumber suite is ran after 
every auto test. Is there a way to make auto test ignore cucumber all 

Thanks for your help.

Hi Ben,
The default behaviour is for it to not run the features at all.  In fact 
Cucumber will not even hook into autotest unless you have an environment 
variable called AUTOFEATURE set to true... Want to check to see if you 
have exported that variable?  If that env var is not set then I'm at a 
loss on why autotest would be picking up cucumber's autotest plugin... 
BTW, cucumber has it's own mailing list now: 

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] DeepTest with 1.2.6?

2009-05-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

Adam Anderson wrote:
Just curious if anyone is running DeepTest with rspec 1.2.6. I can't 
even do a '$ rake -T' on the deep-test repo at 

When I try to run deep_test using their provided rspec example at 
http://github.com/qxjit/deep-test it blows up and produces the 
Warning: DeepTest will run before(:all) and after(:all) blocks for 
*every* test that is run.  To remove this warning either convert all 
before/after blocks to each blocks or set 
$show_deep_test_all_block_warning to false
[DeepTest] Started DeepTest service at druby:// 

My impression is that it was always sort of buggy and it was hard to 
reproduce certain bugs in certain configurations - so I'm not sure if 
it ever worked.  I never got it to fully work on my own machine.

You might try contacting David Vollbracht, who was the one who added 
in rspec support (this was probably 6 months ago or so now).

I'd be interested in hearing if anyone is actually using it.

I tried using DeepTest but I never had success with it.  I was able to 
get it to run but on a single machine with two workers (for it's two 
cores) and it ran considerably slower than just running rspec alone.  I 
tried it on a brand new app and saw the same results.  Support was added 
for RSpec but I highly doubt anyone really used it in real life.  I 
would love to hear otherwise though.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] thoughts on this?

2009-05-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Stephen Eley wrote:

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Matt Wynne  wrote:




I'll add a *sigh* as well...

Robert says his "problem is with the definition of BDD itself". He 
points out that no one can really agree on what BDD is exactly, which is 
true to a certain extent. However, he then makes arguments against BDD 
using his poor understanding of it.


For that matter, I've never found that the semantic argument about
"What is BDD?" vs. "What is TDD?" has ever made any practical
difference to my code.  ...

I think Robert makes valid observations. If you ask anyone on this list 
what BDD is you will get different answers even though we are a very 
homogeneous bunch when it comes to the tools we use. ( I think Steve 
just illustrated this point. :) ) Now, if you ask people on the BDD 
Google Groups list you will get far different answers and people will 
have a hard time agreeing on terminology. I think this, more than 
anything, is what Robert is frustrated about. BDD has changed and 
evolved over the years and people are at different stages of 
understanding it. It is hard to pin down what an idea is when it is 
evolving and being fine tuned. Additionally, like Steve pointed out, it 
can mean different things in different contexts. Despite this being a 
valid observation he makes the wrong conclusion that this confusion over 
what IS BDD is a bad thing and therefore means "BDD isn't AN answer." I 
think this line points out his flawed logic the best:

"So what is the output of BDD: User Acceptance Tests? Functional Tests? 
Unit Tests? System Tests? A system design? The design of individual 
units? It depends on who you talk to."

Well.. guess what, this exact things applies to TDD:

"So what is the output of TDD: User Acceptance Tests? Functional Tests? 
Unit Tests? System Tests? A system design? The design of individual 
units? It depends on who you talk to."

You can ask people on the TDD list what TDD is and guess what- you will 
get different answers!! So, by Robert's logic TDD isn't AN answer 
either. This reminds me of the recent TDD tests are not unit tests 
debacle. I think Michael Feathers summed up the controversy pretty 
well[1]. In the end you have to realize, and accept, that people will 
have different ideas and terminology about the same practice. That 
doesn't invalidate the practice though.

I also don't understand his apparent assumption that using a
"structured textual format" for functional specs means it's the *only*
thing one uses.  Sometimes I make diagrams to understand my design
thoughts better.  Sometimes I do mind maps.  Sometimes I write long
rambling blog posts (http://tinyurl.com/d6w4t8).  And I still use
RSpec and Cucumber.  They're not exclusive of each other.  They're all
useful.  They all shine different lights on the same cave wall.

I picked up on this as well, and this goes back to my statement about 
him making arguments against BDD with a poor definition of it. Robert 
seems to have the misconception that as BDD has evolved different ways 
of writing tests that these ways are mutually exclusive. From what I can 
gather he seems to think that one must phrase all of your tests as 
customer facing tests when using Cucumber, and you are not allowed to 
use RSpec or Test::Unit at all. From his post:

"TDD, as a design methodology, forces you to write code that is used by 
two different clients: the tests and the final application. This is one 
of the ways that it helps promote flexibility. It gives you an early 
look at ‘how exactly am I going to use this class/object’. BDD 
frameworks don’t look or work like the code that will be calling the 
final code, so there really is no benefit here. Take easyb as an 
example, it doesn’t even use the same language as the code you’re 
writing (assuming the common use case of using easyb as a BDD framework 
for Java development).

TDD highlights pain points when writing tests, if it is hard to write a 
test for, your code probably needs a little work. BDD frameworks such as 
Cucumber, can quite happily support specs written in terms of ‘the 
system’ or ‘the application’ and you have to write grotesque code to 
make it work under the covers. This doesn’t make Cucumber a bad tool, 
just the wrong tool for the job of designing code."

He has very good points about how TDD is a design methodology, but he is 
misinformed about the use of BDD tools in this regard. I view RSpec as 
my design tool to be used in the exact way he as described. Why do you 
think we are calling them "code examples"?!? I agree with him about 
Cucumber not being fit for a design tool on that kind of level. I don't 
see Cucumber providing me the same type of detailed design cues that I 
get from RSpec. However, Cucumber helps me make sure that I am only 
designing (with RSpec) code that actually needs to be designed. It helps 
me write software, not code or as Dan North like

Re: [rspec-users] Cucmber Step to insert Test Data into Database

2009-05-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

David Chelimsky wrote:
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Smita Sreekanth 


We run the feature created for a form to identify the fields and 
also to

add data into the respective fields.

But while running the cucumber features, all the scenario and steps are
getting passed but the record is not getting inserted into the
application / the database.

We have also wrote the feature as:

Feature: Adding a user
 In order to add a user to the organization
 As a administrator
 I want to create and add new user

Scenario: Create User
 Given that I have no users
 And I am on the "List of users"
 When I follow "New User"
 And I fill in "First Name" with "Rebecca"
 And I fill in "Second Name" with "Martin"
 And I fill in "Title" with "Miss"
 And I fill in "Email" with "rebeccamar...@me.com"
 And I fill in "Telephone" with "01617867645"
 And I fill in "Mobile" with "01777867645"
 And I fill in "Fax" with "01617867640Î"
 And I fill in "Address Line 1" with "58"
 And I fill in "Address Line 2" with "West Tree rd"
 And I fill in "Address Line 3" with "Stockport"
 And I fill in "County" with "Cheshire"
 And I fill in "Country" with "United Kingdom"
 And I fill in "Zip Code" with "sk8 4ty"
 And I press "Create"
 Then I should have 1 user

And steps as:

Then /^I should have ([0-9]+) user$/ do |c|

Given /^that I have no users$/ do

If somebody could help us out, how to execute the steps so that the 

gets inserted into the database.


Hi Smita. Please use the new Cucumber google group for new threads
about Cucumber:


When was the decision made to split off the cucumber group?



rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec_server errors when reloading fixture replacement pl

2009-05-26 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

On May 26, 2009, at 2:31 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:

Scott Taylor wrote:

On May 26, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Ben Mabey <mailto:b...@benmabey.com>> wrote:

   Well, so Spork was really created with testing in mind.  It is
   more general purpose than spec_server though.  You can use it
   with any Ruby project, not just Rails.  You can also potentially
   use it with any other testing framework that adds support for it
   (I've been meaning to do this for Cucumber).  I know that Tim's
   original work with Kernel.fork was actually dealing with Mongrel
   but I'm not sure what the exact details of it are.  I'll try to
   find out for you though.

Spork seems to have the same problem that I have with spec_server: 
it doesn't reload classes I change. So if I'm doing TDD between a 
model and its spec, it doesn't help.

I noticed the same thing.  It must be a bug in spork, correct?


What does your spec_helper look like?

It should be something like:

require 'rubygems'
require 'spork'

Spork.prefork do
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + 
# Load other stuff that only needs to be setup once and never 
reloaded (i.e. rspec and configuring it)


Spork.each_run do
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection # make sure that the db 
connection is ready.
require File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT + "/spec/fixjour_builders.rb") # 
You could use FixtureReplacement, FactorGirl, etc...

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
  config.include Fixjour
  include SharedSpecHelpers
  include DatabaseHelpers
  include AuthenticatedTestHelper

Keep in mind that the code in Spork.prefork must not require any of 
your models inadvertently.  If your environment file does this or a 
plugin does then your models will not be reloaded.  Look over your 
spec_helper file and try to see who is requiring your models 
initially. We have really only tested this on is our apps where Tim 
and I work... So, there could very well be bugs we need to iron out.

Sweet!  Seems to be working great now.

Looks like the README has changed over the weekend - previously, I had 
been starting the spec server with script/spec_server.  Running spork 
directly seems to work just fine.

Thanks a TON!


Ok cool.  Seems like the bug may of been poor documentation... please 
send a pull request if you think it can be improved.  :)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec_server errors when reloading fixture replacement pl

2009-05-26 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

On May 26, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Mark Wilden wrote:

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Ben Mabey <mailto:b...@benmabey.com>> wrote:

Well, so Spork was really created with testing in mind.  It is
more general purpose than spec_server though.  You can use it
with any Ruby project, not just Rails.  You can also potentially
use it with any other testing framework that adds support for it
(I've been meaning to do this for Cucumber).  I know that Tim's
original work with Kernel.fork was actually dealing with Mongrel
but I'm not sure what the exact details of it are.  I'll try to
find out for you though.

Spork seems to have the same problem that I have with spec_server: it 
doesn't reload classes I change. So if I'm doing TDD between a model 
and its spec, it doesn't help.

I noticed the same thing.  It must be a bug in spork, correct?


What does your spec_helper look like?

It should be something like:

require 'rubygems'
require 'spork'

Spork.prefork do
 ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + 
 # Load other stuff that only needs to be setup once and never reloaded 
(i.e. rspec and configuring it)


Spork.each_run do
 ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection # make sure that the db 
connection is ready.
 require File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT + "/spec/fixjour_builders.rb") # 
You could use FixtureReplacement, FactorGirl, etc...

 Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
   config.include Fixjour
   include SharedSpecHelpers
   include DatabaseHelpers
   include AuthenticatedTestHelper


Keep in mind that the code in Spork.prefork must not require any of your 
models inadvertently.  If your environment file does this or a plugin 
does then your models will not be reloaded.  Look over your spec_helper 
file and try to see who is requiring your models initially. We have 
really only tested this on is our apps where Tim and I work... So, there 
could very well be bugs we need to iron out.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec_server errors when reloading fixture replacement pl

2009-05-24 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

Ben Mabey wrote:

Scott Taylor wrote:

Ben Johnson wrote:
Did anyone ever figure out the factory_girl / machinist issues? I 
am having the same problems and can figure out how to fix it for 
the life of me. The first run works fine, then afterwards I get a 
bunch of these errors:

No blueprint for class Venue

Any ideas? Thanks!
I don't know about Machinist or Factory Girl.  Basically, here's the 

If those libraries use require instead of load, you are screwed.  
Same goes for autoload'ing.
Yep.  You might want to check out Spork[1].  It is a drop-in 
replacement for spec_server that uses Kernel.fork instead of 
reloading classes to ensure a clean app state.  My coworker, Tim 
Harper, wrote it and it has been working great for us so far.   
(There is a little setup, so not quite drop-in but it just works with 
the --drb flag for rspec.)

1. http://github.com/timcharper/spork/tree/master


That's absolutely awesome.
Have there been any attempts to generalize this, so that mongrel will 
fork on each request (a la shotgun)?  (I'm still stuck on rails 2.0.2, 
so a non-rack based reloading scheme would be great).

Well, so Spork was really created with testing in mind.  It is more 
general purpose than spec_server though.  You can use it with any Ruby 
project, not just Rails.  You can also potentially use it with any other 
testing framework that adds support for it (I've been meaning to do this 
for Cucumber).  I know that Tim's original work with Kernel.fork was 
actually dealing with Mongrel but I'm not sure what the exact details of 
it are.  I'll try to find out for you though.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] spec_server errors when reloading fixture replacement pl

2009-05-23 Thread Ben Mabey

Scott Taylor wrote:

Ben Johnson wrote:
Did anyone ever figure out the factory_girl / machinist issues? I am 
having the same problems and can figure out how to fix it for the 
life of me. The first run works fine, then afterwards I get a bunch 
of these errors:

No blueprint for class Venue

Any ideas? Thanks!
I don't know about Machinist or Factory Girl.  Basically, here's the 

If those libraries use require instead of load, you are screwed.  Same 
goes for autoload'ing.
Yep.  You might want to check out Spork[1].  It is a drop-in replacement 
for spec_server that uses Kernel.fork instead of reloading classes to 
ensure a clean app state.  My coworker, Tim Harper, wrote it and it has 
been working great for us so far.   (There is a little setup, so not 
quite drop-in but it just works with the --drb flag for rspec.)

1. http://github.com/timcharper/spork/tree/master


If those libraries internally use load, or load_dependency, and you 
have cache_classes = false in your dev env, you could try manually 
reloading it.
Here's FixtureReplacement in script/console (@ version 2.1) after 
reload! is called:

rspec-users mailing list

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber: Running one feature under one profile

2009-05-22 Thread Ben Mabey

aslak hellesoy wrote:

Hey Folks,

Aargh profiles. The initial intention was that you could just do
cucumber -p foo.
And then you wouldn't have to type a lot of arguments.

The intention was *not* to use -p along with additional arguments,
although cucumber lets you do it by merging stuff together.

Using profiles as a mechanism to run various subsets of features and
step definitions that live underneath the same features directory is
something I do *not* recommend. It's much easier to have several
different root folders:

features # regular stuff
selenium_features # only selenium stuff

And a rake task for each. Or run cucumber selenium_features or
cucumber features as you see fit.

I know the wiki recommends all this crazy profile stuff. I'm sorry
about that - I didn't write it.

I somewhat disagree, the combination of profiles + tags is a good way to 
organize the features IMO.  The feature file talks about the feature 
regardless of if it uses JS or not.  So, if you have a feature that uses 
webrat 90% of the time but then has one or two scenarios that require JS 
you don't need to split that feature into two separate features files- 
you can just tag them.   I can see how having separate dirs can be 
helpful as well, but in general I kinda like the "crazy profile" stuff. :)




I followed the instructions on 
and created 2 profiles: default and selenium. It works, but not if I
want to run one feature under a specifc profile. For example, I tried:

cucumber -p default --require features features/plain/

and I get all the tests including the selenium server.

What's goin' on like?

Try to add --verbose to see what's going on. Or better - organise your
features like I described above, and lose the profiles.



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Re: [rspec-users] Change cache_classes on the fly?

2009-05-20 Thread Ben Mabey

tatyree wrote:

Strange request, I know...also seems pretty unlikely that it will
work, but:

Any thoughts on how I might change the setting on the fly (or stub
it)?  I'm stopping certain classes loading in production, and I'd like
to be able to test the behavior without having to manually change the
setting in test.rb.


Try changing the Rails.configuration.cache_classes setting at the 
appropriate times...

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber vs Rails Fixtures

2009-05-20 Thread Ben Mabey

Phlip wrote:


FYI, Cucumber now has it's own mailing list: 

Apologies for not jumping into some wild alternate fixture (or mock!) 
system, but the unit tests at my new day gig are >cough< hanging by a 
thread as it is.

I need to show off some cute Cuke, _without_ rocking the boat!

How do I actually use real, pre-existing Rails fixtures, the same as 
the unit tests use? For familiarity?



rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] Fail a scenario from After or AfterStep

2009-05-19 Thread Ben Mabey

Ben Mabey wrote:

Luke Melia wrote:
Any further thoughts on this, Aslak? I'd prefer to go with a solution 
in line with the future direction of Cucumber if possible.


Have you seen what Matt added recently?


I think this should cover your use case... WDYT?


Never mind, I just reread the thread...  :)

On May 15, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Luke Melia wrote:

On May 15, 2009, at 3:36 PM, aslak hellesoy wrote:

Thanks for doing that. I have one more favour to ask: Can you show me
an example of a StepDefinition that would cause the file to be

That is a tougher question, because any browser interaction that 
causes an HTTP request to the app under test could result in a 
server error.

Ajax requests can be triggered by javascript, and in various parts 
of our app, they are triggered by clicking on links, submitting 
forms, dragging and dropping divs, hovering over a div, waiting for 
a page load to complete, as a callback from interacting with a 3rd 
party web service, or waiting for a setTimeout to execute.

So one way I could tackle it is to add a step to the end of every 
scenario that says "Then the application should not have issued any 
responses with 50x status codes", but that would be a) repetitive, 
and b) not fail until all steps had run, making it harder to track 
down the step in the test where the failure occurred.

One way to look at may be that I'm trying to enforce an invariant. 
Under no circumstances in my test suite is it appropriate for my app 
to raise a 50x error. In my Rails integration suite, webrat enforces 
this particular invariant for me, but can't find a good hook in the 
selenium test stack to do this, which is why I'm looking at this route.


Luke Melia

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Luke Melia

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Re: [rspec-users] autotest?

2009-05-19 Thread Ben Mabey

Denis Haskin wrote:
Can someone point me to some decent doc on autotest?  Everything I'm 
finding seems either pretty old, or says "autotest and rspec work out 
of the box", which it isn't for me...

I installed the grosser-autotest gem (just guessing) and when I run 
autotest it only runs (legacy) test/unit tests.

RSpec now ships with an autospec command that acts as a wrapper.. are 
you using it?




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rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] Fail a scenario from After or AfterStep

2009-05-19 Thread Ben Mabey

Luke Melia wrote:
Any further thoughts on this, Aslak? I'd prefer to go with a solution 
in line with the future direction of Cucumber if possible.


Have you seen what Matt added recently?


I think this should cover your use case... WDYT?


On May 15, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Luke Melia wrote:

On May 15, 2009, at 3:36 PM, aslak hellesoy wrote:

Thanks for doing that. I have one more favour to ask: Can you show me
an example of a StepDefinition that would cause the file to be

That is a tougher question, because any browser interaction that 
causes an HTTP request to the app under test could result in a server 

Ajax requests can be triggered by javascript, and in various parts of 
our app, they are triggered by clicking on links, submitting forms, 
dragging and dropping divs, hovering over a div, waiting for a page 
load to complete, as a callback from interacting with a 3rd party web 
service, or waiting for a setTimeout to execute.

So one way I could tackle it is to add a step to the end of every 
scenario that says "Then the application should not have issued any 
responses with 50x status codes", but that would be a) repetitive, 
and b) not fail until all steps had run, making it harder to track 
down the step in the test where the failure occurred.

One way to look at may be that I'm trying to enforce an invariant. 
Under no circumstances in my test suite is it appropriate for my app 
to raise a 50x error. In my Rails integration suite, webrat enforces 
this particular invariant for me, but can't find a good hook in the 
selenium test stack to do this, which is why I'm looking at this route.


Luke Melia

rspec-users mailing list

Luke Melia

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rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber rake/webrat issue.

2009-05-18 Thread Ben Mabey

Matthew Van Horn wrote:
I'm probably missing something really obvious, but I just upgraded 
cucumber, rspec/rails, and webrat on a project, and for some reason, 
cucumber is not seeing any of the webrat steps (or bmabey's email 
steps) when running from rake.  It seems ok when running using the cucumb

Did you read the History on how to upgrade?  If not see if it helps.. 
here is the pertinent info:


Running Cucumber features in the same Ruby interpreter as Rake doesn't 
seem to work,
so you have to explicitly tell the task to fork (like it was doing by 
default in prior

versions). In lib/tasks/cucumber.rake:

 Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features) do |t|
   t.fork = true # Explicitly fork
   t.cucumber_opts = %w{--format pretty}

(If you run script/generate cucumber this will be done for you).
Alternatively you can omit forking and run features like this:

 RAILS_ENV=test rake features

However, setting the RAILS_ENV is easy to forget, so I don't recommend 
relying on this.


The versions are (most recent of the following):
bmabey-email_spec (0.1.3)
cucumber (0.3.5, 0.3.2, 0.3.0)
rspec (1.2.6, 1.2.4)
rspec-rails (1.2.6, 1.2.4)
webrat (0.4.4)

My env.rb looks like this:

# Sets up the Rails environment for Cucumber
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test"
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + 

require 'cucumber/rails/world'
require 'email_spec/cucumber'

require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode' # Comment out this line if you 
don't want Cucumber Unicode support

Cucumber::Rails.bypass_rescue # Comment out this line if you want 
Rails own error handling
  # (e.g. rescue_action_in_public / 
rescue_responses / rescue_from)

require 'webrat'

Webrat.configure do |config|
  config.mode = :rails

require 'cucumber/rails/rspec'
require 'webrat/core/matchers'

Lib tasks cucumber.rake looks like:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(RAILS_ROOT + '/vendor/plugins/cucumber/lib') if 
File.directory?(RAILS_ROOT + '/vendor/plugins/cucumber/lib')

  require 'cucumber/rake/task'

  Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features) do |t|
t.fork = true
t.cucumber_opts = %w{--format pretty}
  task :features => 'db:test:prepare'
rescue LoadError
  desc 'Cucumber rake task not available'
  task :features do
abort 'Cucumber rake task is not available. Be sure to install 
cucumber as a gem or plugin'


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Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber broke my rake tasks! 0.3.5

2009-05-15 Thread Ben Mabey

Andrew Premdas wrote:

Seem to be having a problem with the new releases 0.3.5 which
completely breaks my rake tasks http://gist.github.com/112149.

WIth the

  t.fork = true # Explicitly fork for cucumber 0.3.4 and rails

lines added to the tasks none of my steps are recognised (see second
file in gists)

Without t.fork line I get an error  < undefined method `differ=' >
(trace in third file in gist)

Running similar profiles using cucumber -p seems to work fine

All best


This looks similar to a ticket James opened earlier:

Please follow that ticket and comment there if you agree.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Rails HTML error page in the console.

2009-05-13 Thread Ben Mabey

Matt Wynne wrote:
I'm still bugged by the fact that when I get an exception during a 
feature run (e.g. Couldn't find partial) then what I see in the 
console is all the HTML to report that error in a browser.

I have had a few ideas for this bubbling around at the back of my 
mind. I wondered whether anyone else was thinking about this too.

I guess the idea would be to patch rails's 
ActionController#rescue_action_locally with something that threw the 
exception out at Cucumber rather than bubbling it up to the web. What 
do you think? Would it work? What are the drawbacks I haven't thought of?

Matt Wynne

Have you tried catching the error in an After block and opening up the 
page?  Aslak added that functionality:



rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Top level object in model specs

2009-05-12 Thread Ben Mabey

Steven Rogers wrote:

I want to stub a global method in a model spec, but I can't figure out 
what's the equivalent in model specs for controller.stub! in 
controller specs and template.stub! in view specs . . . at least, it 
seems like I need to do that in order to make acts_as_audited happy in 
models. Any thoughts?


I"m not sure what you mean by global method.  Do you mean class method? 
If so then ModelName.stub!(:class_method) should work.  If you are 
talking about an instance method then you just need to call stub! on the 
instance (it can be a mock object or a real object.)

What is the exact problem you are running into though?  Mocking may not 
be the best option

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Running single spec files -- how?

2009-05-11 Thread Ben Mabey

court3nay wrote:

Before upgrading from 1.1.11 to 1.2.4 I used to be able to do this:

  ruby spec/models/user_spec.rb

Now it looks like you have to do

  script/spec spec/models/user_spec.rb

Or something like this, which is actually kinda cool:

  script/spec spec/*/user*

Is that correct? Am I missing something?

There was a change that broke this behaviour, but it was documented in 
the History and how to get back the old behaviour:

=== Version 1.2.0 / 2009-03-15

* warnings:

 * If you use the ruby command to run specs instead of the spec 
command, you'll
   need to require 'spec/autorun' or they won't run. This won't affect 
you if
   you use the spec command or the Spec::Rake::SpecTask that ships with 

So... just add a require 'spec/autorun' in your spec_helper.rb and you 
should be good to go.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber 0.3.3 - Examples:

2009-05-11 Thread Ben Mabey

James Byrne wrote:

Am I correct when I infer that the "Examples" keyword is now only valid
in a Scenario Outline?  If so, in what version did this change take

Yes... "Examples" is only valid in Scenario Outlines, but you can also 
use "Scenarios" as well.  I don't remember being able to use "Examples" 
outside of the of Scenario Outlines.  Where were you using it before?  
My guess is that if you were using it before it was an unintentional 
feature that was removed when things were cleaned up.  Aslak or Joesph 
could give you a more definitive answer.  In short, I don't know what 
version this change happened in- sorry.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Test JSON with Cucumber

2009-05-11 Thread Ben Mabey

Bill Kocik wrote:

Hi Folks -

I'm hoping someone has come before me in trying to do this. I want to
use Cucumber to acceptance-test my JSON output. So far all I can do is
validate that the JSON is valid, with this step:

Then /^I should get valid JSON$/ do
  assert_nothing_raised do

What I'd really like to do is be able to drill down into the JSON
looking for the presence of certain elements in their correct places.
For example, if my JSON is {"foo":{"bar":"baz"}} and parses out to
{'foo' => {'bar' => 'baz'}} then I want to be able to test that
['foo']['bar'] gives me 'baz', or at least that ['foo']['bar'] exists.
Unfortunately I'm not sure how to go about writing step definitions to
do anything like this, since I haven't yet figured out a way to take a
regular expression or string and inspect a hash with it.

Anyone have any ideas? I could really use a brain-kick here.



Well.. IIRC ActiveSupport::JSON.decode will return a ruby hash of the 
JSON, correct?  So you should be able to make expectations on it just 
like a regular hash object.

json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
json['foo']['bar'].should == 'baz'.

Does that help or am I missing something about your question?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] how to debug cucumber with netbeans?

2009-05-09 Thread Ben Mabey

Jean-Michel Garnier wrote:

Jean-Michel Garnier wrote:

3 months ago, I submitted a patch to cucumber so I could run cucumber from
ruby script and use the debugger in netbeans

It worked well at the time but I can't make it work with cucumber 0.3.2.
Here is the stacktrace:

I wonder if fellow netbeans on cucumber users will have an idea ...
Ironically, debugging that script with netbeans crashes the debugger at

For the time being, I am using the "old school" ruby-debug which works
pretty well ...


Thanks for your answer, Ben

So, you can run the feature fine without the debugger?  

* yes, it run fine indeed, I mean it loads everything all right and then
crash in a cucumber step with  "segmentation fault"

What is 
confusing is that "lib/active_merchant" is showing up in the backtrace 
saying it can't be found... 

* I don' understand it either and I suspect it's a Rails / cucumber /
polyglot rubygems issue as I have found a few messages describing problems
with cucumber and "polyglot_original_require'
 from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/polyglot-0.2.5/lib/polyglot.rb:54"

* For the time being, I just give up debugging cucumber with netbeans ...

What if you try to run the feature with the 
debugger from outside of Netbeans?  

* You mean with classic ruby-debug? I had never used it before as I come
from a java + Eclispe background and always used an IDE to debug. 

I must admit that ruby-debug is very easy to use and it did well to find the
cause of my problem:
cucumber calling webrat visit with "eval". There was a bug in a
before_filter of a controller which was doing an infinite loop. Apparently,
the mac ruby interpreter did not like it and crashed with "segmentation
fault". Running Rails in "development" mode was working fine and showing an
exception stacktrace... 

This is the kind of situtation where TDD is actually slower than
"prehistoric development with no tests". I spent 3 hours looking for the
source of the problems and it took me 15 minutes running Rails in
developement mode. 

In order to improve webrat, I'll spend 1 hour this morning o try to write a
spec to reproduce the bug.
Glad you got it fixed.  Yeah, TDD/BDD certainly can slow you down at 
times especially on initial investments like this.  It just comes down 
to if it is worth it for you and this project or if you would be fine 
with some technical debt. :)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] how to debug cucumber with netbeans?

2009-05-08 Thread Ben Mabey

Jean-Michel Garnier wrote:

3 months ago, I submitted a patch to cucumber so I could run cucumber from a
ruby script and use the debugger in netbeans

It worked well at the time but I can't make it work with cucumber 0.3.2.
Here is the stacktrace:
ruby script/cucumber_netbeans_runner.rb 
cucumber features/_admin/projects.feature  --profile default 

`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- lib/active_merchant
Failed to load
./vendor/plugins/active_merchant/lib/support/gateway_support.rb from
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/polyglot-0.2.5/lib/polyglot.rb:54:in
from ./vendor/plugins/active_merchant/lib/support/gateway_support.rb:3
from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in
from /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in
 ... 8 levels...
from script/cucumber_netbeans_runner.rb:29:in `run'
from script/cucumber_netbeans_runner.rb:21:in `run_feature'
from script/cucumber_netbeans_runner.rb:37

And the script:

require 'rubygems'
require 'cucumber/cli/main'

module Cucumber
  module Netbeans
class Runner
  def initialize(cucumber_opts=nil)
@argv = []
@cucumber_opts = cucumber_opts || " --profile default"

  def run_scenario(line_number)
@cucumber_opts << " --line #{line_number}"

  def run_feature(feature)
@argv << "#{feature}"


  def run
@argv << @cucumber_opts

puts %Q{cucumber #...@argv.join(' ')} \n}


I wonder if fellow netbeans on cucumber users will have an idea ...
Ironically, debugging that script with netbeans crashes the debugger at

For the time being, I am using the "old school" ruby-debug which works
pretty well ...


So, you can run the feature fine without the debugger?  What is 
confusing is that "lib/active_merchant" is showing up in the backtrace 
saying it can't be found... What if you try to run the feature with the 
debugger from outside of Netbeans?  Just trying to get an idea of who 
the culprit really is here.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] -n command line option looks in every feature file

2009-05-08 Thread Ben Mabey

Mark Wilden wrote:
Running 'cucumber -n "asdf" features/challenge.feature' seems to load 
every feature file from the Rails root on down. In particular, it 
loads example features in vendor/gems like Ben's email_spec which 
requires Rails 2.2.2. This makes the command fail for us, since we've 
frozen 2.3.2. I would imagine it's also loading RSpec's own features, 
since that gem is also frozen in our app.

I don't know if this is defined behavior or not, but it was 
surprising. It makes the -n option less useful, IMO. What does the 
filespec do in this case?


What do you mean by "filespec"?  Regardless, I agree with you that this 
doesn't seem normal at all.  Care to add a ticket for it?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problem verifying routing error

2009-05-08 Thread Ben Mabey

Randy Harmon wrote:


When upgrading to rspec/rspec-rails 1.2.6 gem (from 1.1.12), I'm having
a new problem verifying routes that should not exist.

This is to support something like this in routes.rb:

map.resources :orders do |orders|
orders.resources :items, :except => [:index,:show]

I used to use lambda {}.should_raise( routing error ), but it stopped
detecting any raised error.  Requesting it through the browser produces
ActionController::MethodNotAllowed (Only post requests are allowed). But
that error wasn't detected.

When I skip the lambda, and just ask it to verify that the route does
exist (which *should* fail), I get the same result for those :except
actions as for a made-up action name.  Seems this must have something to
do with the change in how route_for delegates back to ActionController's
routing assertion (sez the backtrace :).

NoMethodError in 'ItemsController route generation should NOT map
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.first

I tried using bypass_rescue in my routing/items_routing_spec.rb file as
mentioned by the upgrade doc, but it wasn't valid in the "routing" spec
- worked fine when I moved the file back to spec/controllers/, though. 
Seems like that's not the issue, but I'm mentioning for more completeness.

Any ideas what I should be doing instead, or how I can troubleshoot further?

Hmm.. yeah, it seems like it might have to do with how the exceptions 
are being handled in the newer version of rspec-rials (see 
I don't use RSpec to verify my routes very often and have never used it 
to verify the non-existence of a route so I'm afraid I don't really have 
any ideas...

Does anyone else have an idea to do this?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] top posting and plain text

2009-05-06 Thread Ben Mabey

Rick DeNatale wrote:

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Ben Mabey  wrote:

+ 1

aslak hellesoy wrote:




So let me get this right,

you agreed with Aslak that you shouldn't top post.

by top posting

lol.. Yes.   :)  Sarcasm somethings doesn't come across well over email 
I suppose.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] top posting and plain text

2009-05-06 Thread Ben Mabey

+ 1

aslak hellesoy wrote:



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Re: [rspec-users] cucumber - referential (inherited?) scenarios

2009-05-02 Thread Ben Mabey

Julian Leviston wrote:

Fair enough.

The steps from step definitions one is the best approach for what I 
want, and it's actually what am doing, but I do notice that there's a 
lot of the time when I'm actually re-typing the same text (ie once in 
the explicit explanation of what it means to log in, and then once 
more in the step definitions to refer to that login procedure) when I 
do this approach. Re-typing the same stuff is pretty retarded, and 
never a good idea.

Hence... my interest in this feature :)

How about this... Whenever I refer to other steps from within my 
steps, they should be printed out on the output line... tabbed in a 
bit, like so:

Given I am logged in:
Given a default user exists
And I am on the login page
And I fill in "username" with "username"
And I fill in "password" with "password"
Then I should be on the superduper page

Then the option to turn this feature off or on on the command line.

We would definitely want it as a feature you could turn on or off.  By 
default I think it should be off.  I think it adds a lot of noise to the 
feature output.  In most cases I don't care what the exact steps of 
logging in are.  How I log in can change and it doesn't really effect 
this scenario at all.  What is important is that you are logged in- not 
how you got there.  So this is probably not a feature I would personally 
use.  (Especially, given that I don't use steps within steps a whole 
lot.)  That said it seems like a reasonable request... Any other 
opinions on the suggested feature?  Should we move the discussion to 


That'd be bloody brilliant. Okay so maybe I should go fork it and do 
it :)


On 03/05/2009, at 4:50 AM, Ben Mabey wrote:

Julian Leviston wrote:

You know what'd be awesome?

If Cucumber scenarios were referential.

I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if you could refer to them... so you 
could build on them...

So in a login.feature I'd define:

Scenario: logging in
Given that a default user exists
And I am on the login page
When I fill in "username" with "username"
And I fill in "password" with "password"
Then I should be logged in

And then in a different feature somewhere else, I could say:


Scenario: make toast
Given Scenario "logging in"
Given I am on the exciting logged in page
Then I  blah blah blah

and so on...


Believe it or not, this exact feature did exist in Cucumber at one 
time but was deprecated and is now removed.  You can find a good 
explanation of the reasoning behind that decision and what are the 
better alternatives on Joseph's blog:


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Re: [rspec-users] cucumber - referential (inherited?) scenarios

2009-05-02 Thread Ben Mabey

Julian Leviston wrote:

You know what'd be awesome?

If Cucumber scenarios were referential.

I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if you could refer to them... so you 
could build on them...

So in a login.feature I'd define:

Scenario: logging in
Given that a default user exists
And I am on the login page
When I fill in "username" with "username"
And I fill in "password" with "password"
Then I should be logged in

And then in a different feature somewhere else, I could say:


Scenario: make toast
Given Scenario "logging in"
Given I am on the exciting logged in page
Then I  blah blah blah

and so on...


Believe it or not, this exact feature did exist in Cucumber at one time 
but was deprecated and is now removed.  You can find a good explanation 
of the reasoning behind that decision and what are the better 
alternatives on Joseph's blog:


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] cucumber - how to bootstrap outside of rails?

2009-05-02 Thread Ben Mabey

Aslak Hellesøy wrote:

I use mkdir and touch.

Me too

Yeah, "mkdir -p features/support && mkdir -p features/step_defnintions 
&& touch features/support/env.rb" is really all you need.

However, for new projects I really like to use jeweler to bootstrap all 
the setup for Cucumber, RSpec, Rakefiles, etc...  With jeweler you just 
say "jeweler cool_gem --cucumber --rspec" and all of this gets generated 
for you:


Here is jewelers site:  http://technicalpickles.github.com/jeweler/


On May 1, 11:25 pm, James Byrne  wrote:

Setting up cucumber inside a Rails project is no more difficult than
running script/generate cucumber.  But what does one do when working
without Rails at all?  How do you generate the features tree and all of
its default files?
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] Using Cucumber to test Erlang servers directly

2009-05-02 Thread Ben Mabey

Jim Morris wrote:

I don't know if this will interest anyone, but I thought it was a
pretty cool use of Cucumber :)

I've posted a Blog article on how I use Cucumber to test an Erlang
Server directly by talking to my Erlang Nodes.


It uses Cucumber running under JRuby which uses JInterface to talk to
the Erlang servers.

I hope someone else finds this a fascinating use of Cucumber ;)


That is awesome.  Thanks for sharing!


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Re: [rspec-users] Command to run a single scenario using cucumber

2009-05-01 Thread Ben Mabey

Anil Gollaa wrote:

I have installed cucumber and was able to run all the scenarios using
rake features, but can body tell me.
What is the command to run a single scenario?

Anil kumar.

bma...@benzii:~/$ cucumber --help
Usage: cucumber [options] [ [FILE|DIR|URL][:LINE[:LINE]*] ]+

cucumber examples/i18n/en/features
cucumber --language it examples/i18n/it/features/somma.feature:6:98:113
cucumber -n -i http://rubyurl.com/eeCl

So, to run a single scenario you just need to specify it's line number 
with the colon syntax. "cucumber features/something.feature:42"

Using the cucumber binary is the preferred way of running cucumber.  I 
like to reserve using the rake task for CI servers.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Plugin to generate text logs using cucumber.

2009-05-01 Thread Ben Mabey

Ben Lovell wrote:
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Anil Gollaa <mailto:li...@ruby-forum.com>> wrote:

I was able to run the scenarios using rake features in cucmber,
All the respective results are displayed in colour in std output.

is there any plugin using which i can capture these results(that are
generated at run time).
Please let me know the procedure to capture these logs in to a files.

cucumber features -o FILE

Where FILE is the name of the file to redirect the output to.

You will probably not want the color so you can use the --no-color 
flag.  FYI, you can specify multiple formatters if you need to.  
"cucumber --help" for more.

Ben Mabey
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Before and After blocks for individual feature files?

2009-05-01 Thread Ben Mabey

Korny Sietsma wrote:

Celerity is very cool - when it works.  It didn't work with out messy
combination of javascript libraries, alas.  (Dojo 0.4-ish for legacy
bits, GWT for new bits) - apparently it will work with either of these
frameworks, but for us, with both, it died mysteriously (and we gave
up trying to fix it due to limited time)

- Korny

Yeah, I have had similar experiences with Celerity.  To be fair, it is 
not Celerity's shortcoming but rather it is HTMLUnit's and Rhino's for 
not being able to support all the JS frameworks yet.  If you don't have 
a legacy system though I think Celerity is the way to go for JS testing.


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Ben Lovell  wrote:

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Matt Wynne  wrote:

Have you looked at celerity? I'm not sure if webrat has an adapter for it
yet, but it's a 'headless' browser which drives a lot faster than selenium.
Some people on this list are getting a lot of joy out of it.

+1 to celerity. You need to jump through some hoops with JRuby/Java but it
cut the time it takes to run my features by 3-4 times almost.


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Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] Bug introduced in 0.3.1

2009-04-30 Thread Ben Mabey

Lee Hambley wrote:

Hi All,

I'm new to the list, but a happy cucumber user with a few weeks 
experience now... a bit of a shock this morning when someone upgraded 
here and happened to jump up to 0.3.1, we're seeing the following 

I haven't had chance to investigate more, but I will try to.. this 
goes away if we roll back to 0.3.0.

* http://gist.github.com/104429

I also listed the relevant local gems as far as I can see, I'll post 
back here if I come up with anything, pointers or suggestions would be 

Thank you,

 Lee Hambley

What is your rails environment file? (test.rb)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Noob question

2009-04-29 Thread Ben Mabey

Korny Sietsma wrote:

We are actively debating this very topic :)

For most stuff, we create data through the UI.

We have a "Before" block that prunes the database back to a known
state before each scenario, using the ruby 'sequel' library.  It's
pretty fast, but it does mean we have to be careful in our selenium,
that we wait for the database as seen by the app to catch up with the
database session committed by the ruby code.

And then our scenarios have stuff like "Given a top-level node called
"Foo" exists" - which creates the node via selenium.

However there are some areas where this is just too slow, and we have
created some 'Given' steps that use ruby-sequel code that build up
data directly in the database.  This does mean duplicating some of our
Java domain in the ruby code, but it seemed to be a pragmatic solution
to the problem.

Have you considered running Cucumber with JRuby so you can leverage your 
Java code to insert records into the DB?  Just an idea.

Currently we are debating whether to make more 'Given' steps directly
push data into the database - there are pros and cons either way;
using the UI gives us more confidence in our app (and less fragility
if our domain changes) and requires less code (we can reuse 'when'
steps from some scenarios as 'given' steps for others) but it's slower
- and the accumulated effect of slow builds can be terrible.

As far as the confidence aspect goes, it seems that you should gain 
enough confidence by having Cucumber fill out each form once then insert 
the data directly the other times.  That is at least how I approach 
things in webrat world.  But you are right about all of the trade-offs 
and that is why I am curious on how you are solving them.  Thanks for 


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Ben Mabey  wrote:

Korny Sietsma wrote:

True, but cucumber is useful for lots of different kinds of projects.
I'm currently using it to build a java webapp, so I don't need much
beyond cucumber, selenium, and selenium-client.


I'm curious, with your current setup do you insert data directly into your
database (i.e. in Given steps) or do you always use the selenium to enter in
data.  Meaning, if you needed a user to exist so you could have them log
in.. do you use ActiveRecord, or something similar, to create the user or do
you use the webforms to create the user?  Also, how do you handle cleaning
the database after each scenario?  Sorry, for the questions, but I'm curious
how you've solved these problems when using Cucumber to test a non-ruby


But agreed, if I was in rails-land (sigh) then I'd want webrat and

- Korny
p.s. I'm aware webrat works without rails, but when I looked it didn't
seem a big boost for our kind of app.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Chris Flipse  wrote:


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Korny Sietsma  wrote:

Presumably you only need these if you are *building* cucumber?

If you just want to use cucumber, it should be as simple as "gem
install cucumber", and it should get all the other dependencies.  On
my machine it seemed to install treetop, polyglot, and presumably a
few others - but I don't have rspec-rails nor webrat.


rspec(-rails) and webrat aren't actually *required* by Cucumber -- you
use it without them, which is why they're not force-installed.  However,
nearly every example you're going to find of Cucumber run against a rails
app is going to be using webrat and rspec-rails ...

// anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of
// http://blog.devcaffeine.com/

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Re: [rspec-users] Noob question

2009-04-29 Thread Ben Mabey

Korny Sietsma wrote:

True, but cucumber is useful for lots of different kinds of projects.
I'm currently using it to build a java webapp, so I don't need much
beyond cucumber, selenium, and selenium-client.
I'm curious, with your current setup do you insert data directly into 
your database (i.e. in Given steps) or do you always use the selenium to 
enter in data.  Meaning, if you needed a user to exist so you could have 
them log in.. do you use ActiveRecord, or something similar, to create 
the user or do you use the webforms to create the user?  Also, how do 
you handle cleaning the database after each scenario?  Sorry, for the 
questions, but I'm curious how you've solved these problems when using 
Cucumber to test a non-ruby webapp.


But agreed, if I was in rails-land (sigh) then I'd want webrat and rspec-rails.

- Korny
p.s. I'm aware webrat works without rails, but when I looked it didn't
seem a big boost for our kind of app.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Chris Flipse  wrote:

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Korny Sietsma  wrote:

Presumably you only need these if you are *building* cucumber?

If you just want to use cucumber, it should be as simple as "gem
install cucumber", and it should get all the other dependencies.  On
my machine it seemed to install treetop, polyglot, and presumably a
few others - but I don't have rspec-rails nor webrat.

rspec(-rails) and webrat aren't actually *required* by Cucumber -- you can
use it without them, which is why they're not force-installed.  However,
nearly every example you're going to find of Cucumber run against a rails
app is going to be using webrat and rspec-rails ...

// anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of
// http://blog.devcaffeine.com/

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Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber - Testing ActionMailer

2009-04-29 Thread Ben Mabey

James Byrne wrote:

James Byrne wrote:

I have reached this point in testing using email-spec:

The email To: header value and the current_email_address are the same 
insofar as I can tell.  But the email_spec matcher is not finding that 
address in the deliveries array.  Any ideas as to what I am missing?

I have determined what the problem is. I just do not know how to fix it.

What is happening is that I am testing a standalone (outside of a Rails 
instance) Ruby script that requires ActionMailer.  I call this script 
from inside the step definition using the %x alias for Kernel#`. When 
this runs it picks up the test environment and directs email output into 
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.  However, this array only exists during 
the script's existence and naturally disappears when he script 
terminates. In consequence, the results are not available for testing.

I have, up to now, simply accepted the magic of injecting test methods 
into classes and using the results.  Now I need to have explained how I 
get this to magic work with stand alone scripts.  How do I get 
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries created by ActionMailer in the script to 
remain available to cucumber/email-spec?

I have plans to make email-spec work with any SMTP mailer and thereby 
making it more "black-box"y and allow for external processes to be 
easily tested... However, that is not done yet.  As it stands now you 
have two options: a) have the test execution and script in the same 
process or b) Use ARMailer[1] in your testing environment.  ARMailer 
places the messages in a database for queuing.  So instead of checking 
the in-memory array EmailSpec will check the queue on the database.  
Since this is just for testing then you could use a lightweight sqlite3 
db to store this. 


1. http://github.com/seattlerb/ar_mailer/tree/master
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Before and After blocks for individual feature files?

2009-04-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Julian Leviston wrote:

Hey Ben,

It'd be kinda cool if there was a sort of before and after for a 
feature rather than each scenario. Is there?

Nope.  There is no before(:all) equivalent in cucumber.  Just the Before 
and After hooks, which are for scenarios.. and Backgrounds which are 
just for scenarios on the given feature.

(Rails context) We often need this. It'd be really helpful for things 
like when we want to test about 15 things on a particular web page, 
and they don't require fresh data. We end up with a login and setup 
type background which gets run every time rather than simply once.
In the context of webrat a before(:all) would not help you a whole lot 
since each scenario starts with a new session (so you have to login each 
time, for example).  I understand the argument for complex data setup 
though.  Having the same setup ran for each scenario can get costly.  I 
haven't felt enough pain though to really justify adding something like 
that.  Cleanup would be messy because we couldn't wrap it all in a 
transaction AFAIK, so you would have to have an after(:all) like method 
to clean up the feature.  For complex data that I rely on all the time I 
tend to load it once with fixtures at boot up time within env.rb.  This 
is usually for look-up data... but if you were really concerned about 
record creation you could do something similar.  The question is if the 
additional complexity of keeping all that global state in your head 
worth the faster execution time.  For me it generally is not.

I guess we could refactor it into a set of examples perhaps... would 
that work? It just strikes me as quite complicated. It'd be awesome if 
we had sub-scenarios (and they could be specified to levels) ;-) 
Perhaps I'm just being too complicated.

I would need more context to really answer your question.  However, can 
I ask if your scenarios are written in a declarative or imperative 
fashion[1]?  If they are written declaratively, or at least partly, then 
you can specify a lot more behavior in a step without adding too much 
noise to the scenario.  Another thing I should point out is that you 
don't need to, and you shouldn't, test everything on the Cucumber 
level.  For complex views, for example, it may be easier to do RSpec 
examples (view specs) and just use Cucumber to test the basics.  In 
general, I'm pretty wary about sub-scenarios and the like.  They could 
be powerful, but they could very easily get complicated and turn 
scenarios into a giant mess that only programmers could understand.  
Feel free to share any ideas you have on the subject though and we'll 
see what the tradeoffs are.  We love throwing new ideas around on the 
list. :)

I loved your rubyconf talk presentation, BTW. We kinda took exception 
to the bit where you said "Selenium just works", though. There are a 
number of things where the connection between selenium and webrat is a 
little tenuous and finicky about.

Thanks!  Yeah, the selenium adapter in webrat isn't nearly as mature as 
the rails adapter. :(  I haven't had a lot of issues with it, but I try 
to use it as least as possible and have only really used it on simple 
things.  And to be honest, I haven't used it since January.  So, YMMV.

Also we seem to be having timing issues for AJAX requests with 
Selenium. Webrat doesn't seem to want to wait until the AJAX request 
as finished before doing the next thing. Any ideas here? 
I think I have seen people in #webrat on irc.freenode.net talk about 
that and how they've had to add additional wait commands in. But, I 
really don't know any details.  Sorry!  Your best bet is to ask in 
#webrat, or on it's google group or lighthouse account.



On 29/04/2009, at 4:28 AM, Ben Mabey wrote:

Arco wrote:

I'd like to do this:

Feature: user signup
  Given I have a cleaned up database
Scenario Outline: Sign Up
  Given I am on the signup page
  When I sign up using 
  Then I should see 
  |userid |message   |
  |userX  |successful signup |
  |userX  |duplicate userid  |

"I have a cleaned up database" runs before every example, making the
second example ('duplicate userid') fail.

You could use Background and it would work just like you want it to:

Feature: user signup
 Given I have a cleaned up database
Scenario Outline: Sign Up
 Given I am on the signup page
 When I sign up using 
 Then I should see 
 |userid |message   |
 |userX  |successful signup |
 |userX  |duplicate userid  |

However, I would not encourage this.  You should try to avoid using 
technical words, such as database, in your features.  If anything you 
could say "Given no users exist" or something like that.  Keeping 
your d

Re: [rspec-users] Before and After blocks for individual feature files?

2009-04-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Arco wrote:

Thanks for your reply Ben.  +1 on your wording recommendation - I
understand and agree 100%

However - for me - the Background block executes before each example
in the table.  Therefore, the database is cleared twice, and the
second example ('duplicate userid') fails.

(Cucumber 0.3.1 / ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i386-cygwin])

Here are some snippets from a little workaround that i've employed...
in env.rb:
  State = {'feature_file'=>'initialize'}
in my_steps.rb:
  unless State['feature_file'] ==
  State['feature_file'] =

I'm sure there must be a better way!  I am still learning cucumber so
any advice is welcome!

While the above code is clever I would discourage its use.  IMO, it 
looks like you are trying too hard to phrase your scenarios all within a 
single scenario outline.  In this case I would not use tables but I 
would have separate scenarios.  For example:

 Feature: user signup

 Scenario: success
   Given I am on the signup page

   When I enter valid registration information
   And I press "Register"

   Then I should see "You have signed up successfully!"

 Scenario: duplicate user with email # dunno, what really qualifies as 
duplicate for you...
   Given I am on the signup page
   And a user with email "f...@bar.com" exists
   When I enter valid registration information
   And I fill in "Email" with "f...@bar.com"

   And I press "Register"

   Then I should see "A user has already signed up with f...@bar.com"

Does that make sense?  Basically, whenever you feel the need to embed a 
conditional in your scenario it means you need a separate one.  You can 
sometimes accomplish this by using scenario tables but that constrains you to 
the same setup steps.  In your case you wanted additional context for one of 
your scenarios in the table... this means that you probably should have a whole 
new scenario like above.  Your current solution obfuscates the additional 
context and therefore looses some of the documentation value that Cucumber 


Oh, and please try not to top-post in the future - it makes threads hard to 
follow. :)


On Apr 28, 11:28 am, Ben Mabey  wrote:

Arco wrote:

I'd like to do this:
  Feature: user signup

Given I have a cleaned up database
  Scenario Outline: Sign Up
Given I am on the signup page
When I sign up using 
Then I should see 
|userid |message   |
|userX  |successful signup |
|userX  |duplicate userid  |
"I have a cleaned up database" runs before every example, making the

second example ('duplicate userid') fail.

You could use Background and it would work just like you want it to:

  Feature: user signup
Given I have a cleaned up database
  Scenario Outline: Sign Up
Given I am on the signup page
When I sign up using 
Then I should see 
|userid |message   |
|userX  |successful signup |
|userX  |duplicate userid  |

However, I would not encourage this.  You should try to avoid using technical words, such as 
database, in your features.  If anything you could say "Given no users exist" or 
something like that.  Keeping your database clean is something you generally want for every 
scenario though.  So I would suggest putting the code in your "Given I have a cleaned up 
database" code into a Before block.  The wiki has a page on using the Before 

Basically, in your env.rb file you will add something like:

Before do
  Database.clean! # or however you clean your DB


On Apr 28, 9:38 am, aslak hellesoy  wrote:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Arco  wrote:

OK - I found a workaround.  I simply tag the first scenario with
'@first', then
do Before('@first') and i get what I want - executing a block once for
the feature file.
Except for one problem:  most of my scenarios are done as scenario

outlines, which
are run multiple times - once for each row of my Example table.
A workaround to that problem might be to put a 'dummy' scenario that

is run before the other scenarios in my feature file...

 Scenario: Call a before block before running other scenarios...
But this puts junk in my feature files.  Is there a better, cleaner


a) Why do you need one thing to happen before a feature?
b) Why can't you do it before each scenario?


Re: [rspec-users] Before and After blocks for individual feature files?

2009-04-28 Thread Ben Mabey

Arco wrote:

I'd like to do this:

  Feature: user signup
Given I have a cleaned up database
  Scenario Outline: Sign Up
Given I am on the signup page
When I sign up using 
Then I should see 
|userid |message   |
|userX  |successful signup |
|userX  |duplicate userid  |

"I have a cleaned up database" runs before every example, making the
second example ('duplicate userid') fail.

You could use Background and it would work just like you want it to:

 Feature: user signup
   Given I have a cleaned up database
 Scenario Outline: Sign Up
   Given I am on the signup page
   When I sign up using 
   Then I should see 
   |userid |message   |
   |userX  |successful signup |
   |userX  |duplicate userid  |

However, I would not encourage this.  You should try to avoid using technical words, such as 
database, in your features.  If anything you could say "Given no users exist" or 
something like that.  Keeping your database clean is something you generally want for every 
scenario though.  So I would suggest putting the code in your "Given I have a cleaned up 
database" code into a Before block.  The wiki has a page on using the Before hook: 

Basically, in your env.rb file you will add something like:

Before do
 Database.clean! # or however you clean your DB


On Apr 28, 9:38 am, aslak hellesoy  wrote:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Arco  wrote:

OK - I found a workaround.  I simply tag the first scenario with
'@first', then
do Before('@first') and i get what I want - executing a block once for
the feature file.
Except for one problem:  most of my scenarios are done as scenario

outlines, which
are run multiple times - once for each row of my Example table.
A workaround to that problem might be to put a 'dummy' scenario that

is run before the other scenarios in my feature file...

 Scenario: Call a before block before running other scenarios...
But this puts junk in my feature files.  Is there a better, cleaner


a) Why do you need one thing to happen before a feature?
b) Why can't you do it before each scenario?


On Apr 28, 8:32 am, Arco  wrote:

I also would like a hook that executes a block once before running a
feature file.

In my testing i found that:

- Background: executes before each scenario
- Before executes before each scenario
- Before('@tag') executes before each scenario

Is there a way to execute a block once before each feature, but not

before each scenario?

On Apr 28, 7:08 am, aslak hellesoy  wrote:

Hi -- is it possible to set before and after blocks for individual



Yes. Use tagged hooks:



I've tried putting them in step files, but they just get called


everything, like they'd been declared in env.rb, which is consistent


how I thought cucumber worked, but I thought I'd best try it anyway.
Anyway, I have some features that require a specific state be set up


they run -- is this possible to do, and how would I go about doing


Thanks for any & all help,


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Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber - Testing ActionMailer

2009-04-27 Thread Ben Mabey

James Byrne wrote:

I need some help with this.  I have installed email-spec (courtesy of
BMabey) and I have configure things thusly:

  Scenario: E-Mail Exchange Rates to notify parties
Given a currency exchange feed from the Bank of Canada
When the currency exchange retrieval script runs
Then I should receive an email

Then /should receive (an|\d+) e-?mails?/ do |amount|
  amount = 1 if amount == "an"
  unread_emails_for(current_email_address).size.should == amount.to_i

# Tell ActionMailer not to deliver emails to the real world.
# The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array.
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
config.gem 'bmabey-email_spec', :lib => 'email_spec'

class MailerPublic < ActionMailer::Base
  def forex_daily_notice(address,rates)
rates_effective = Date.today.to_s(:db)
recipients  address.to_a
subject "#{rates_effective} - Foreign Exchange Rates Notice"
body:rates_effective => rates_effective, :rates => rates

Canada Customs foreign currency exchange rates for
currency conversion of shipments made on <%...@rates_effective%>

When I run this

# Format and email the results.
if fx_hash_array
  puts "got an array"
  send_to = 'test_em...@example.com'
  puts ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length
  ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each { |m| puts m }

Then I see this:

got an array

This is my first attempt at using ActionMailer so no doubt I have
overlooked something basic.  Can anyone tell me what it is?

Looks right to me.  To be honest though I have not used ActionMailer 
outside of Rails (where it just works out of the box).  I don't see 
anything wrong with the approach you are taking.  Maybe the rails 
mailing list could provide better advice.   Sorry, I couldn't be of any 


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] Where does STDOUT go?

2009-04-27 Thread Ben Mabey

James Byrne wrote:

If one invokes a Ruby script from a cucumber step definition and that
script contains "puts" statements then where does the output go?  I have
a script that when run from the command line displays "puts" output in
the terminal session, but when run from a cucumber step definition
produces no console output.  It does however produce the expected output
file in either case.

If you are running the command with the backticks it is simply being 
returned to that call.  If you want to see that ouput you could add a 
puts.. for example:

puts `some_command`

If you are testing a CLI tool you may want to look how Cucumber's and 
RSpec's features capture and use the STDOUT and STDERR.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problems running features with Textmate Cucumber bundle

2009-04-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Ben Mabey wrote:

Rick DeNatale wrote:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Ben Mabey  wrote:
Do you happen to be explicitly requiring any of your step 
definitions from

your env.rb or other files?  What does your env.rb look like?

Yes, env.rb is right out of the RSpec book B4.0 'printing' p 43

$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../lib" )
require 'spec/expectations'
require 'mastermind'

You are right that the false is being output by running the command,
not the command line.  I hacked the runner.rb file in the bundle to
insert a  between outputting and running the command.

The mystery is why the same command running in Textmate reloads the
spec definition, but not when invoked by bash?  And when I add false
to the end of the command in bash it does.

Having just typed that I realize that I wasn't really sure that the
reload WAS the problem running under textmate. So I hacked the run
method in runner.rb in the bundle to show stderr as well as stdout:

in_project_dir do
  @output << %Q{Running: #{full_command = "bash \"2>&1
#{command} #...@file.rake_task} #{argv.join(' ')}\""} \n}
  @output << ""
  @output << Kernel.system(full_command)

And this outputs:

Running: bash "2>&1 cucumber
bash: 2>&1 cucumber
--format=html: No such file or directory false

I'm guessing that the file it isn't finding is cucumber?  Is there an
environment variable I need to set in textmate?


Ahh, I've had similar issues with RSpec's bundle before.  Basically, 
your PATH is not being used for all of your OSX applications. From the 
rspec site[1]:

You may need to adjust the PATH in your ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist 
file to point to the directory

where your ruby and spec executables live. For example:


I will also add a TM_CUCUMBER_BIN constant option so if that is set it 
will use that instead of assuming 'cucumber' is in your path.  I'll 
let you know when that is done.


Try updating the bundle and defining a TM_CUCUMBER_BIN in Textmate 
(Textmate -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Shell Variables).

Let me know how it goes.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problems running features with Textmate Cucumber bundle

2009-04-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Rick DeNatale wrote:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Ben Mabey  wrote:

Do you happen to be explicitly requiring any of your step definitions from
your env.rb or other files?  What does your env.rb look like?

Yes, env.rb is right out of the RSpec book B4.0 'printing' p 43

$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../lib" )
require 'spec/expectations'
require 'mastermind'

You are right that the false is being output by running the command,
not the command line.  I hacked the runner.rb file in the bundle to
insert a  between outputting and running the command.

The mystery is why the same command running in Textmate reloads the
spec definition, but not when invoked by bash?  And when I add false
to the end of the command in bash it does.

Having just typed that I realize that I wasn't really sure that the
reload WAS the problem running under textmate. So I hacked the run
method in runner.rb in the bundle to show stderr as well as stdout:

in_project_dir do
  @output << %Q{Running: #{full_command = "bash \"2>&1
#{command} #...@file.rake_task} #{argv.join(' ')}\""} \n}
  @output << ""
  @output << Kernel.system(full_command)

And this outputs:

Running: bash "2>&1 cucumber
bash: 2>&1 cucumber
--format=html: No such file or directory false

I'm guessing that the file it isn't finding is cucumber?  Is there an
environment variable I need to set in textmate?


Ahh, I've had similar issues with RSpec's bundle before.  Basically, 
your PATH is not being used for all of your OSX applications. From the 
rspec site[1]:

You may need to adjust the PATH in your ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file 
to point to the directory

where your ruby and spec executables live. For example:


I will also add a TM_CUCUMBER_BIN constant option so if that is set it 
will use that instead of assuming 'cucumber' is in your path.  I'll let 
you know when that is done.


rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Problems running features with Textmate Cucumber bundle

2009-04-27 Thread Ben Mabey

Rick DeNatale wrote:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:07 AM, aslak hellesoy

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Rick DeNatale 

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Rick DeNatale 

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Ben Mabey  wrote:

Rick DeNatale wrote:

I finally plunked down for the beta RSpec bundle and I'm working
through the initial example.  Although I'm a fairly experienced RSpec
user, I'm stlll learning new tricks.

Anyway,  I'm going though the mastermind example, and everything is
going well, except that I decided to also try out the Textmate bundle
for Cucumber.  I decided to use Ben Mabey's fork on github since it
seems to be the most evolved.

When I try to run a feature with cmd-R, instead of actually running I
see something like:

Running: cucumber

Cucumber runs fine from bash.

Am I missing some setup?

Hmm.. that is odd. What version of Cucumber are you using?  When you
that exact command from the shell does it output the HTML report?

I was runing 0.3.0 upgrading to 0.3.1 has the same result BUT

If I run that exact command

$ /Users/rick/mastermind/features/codebreaker_starts_game.feature
-bash: /Users/rick/mastermind/features/codebreaker_starts_game.feature:
Permission denied

It's trying to run the feature as an executable directly it's not
running the cucumber executable!

Why it be doin dat?

Actually, I was misreading the output in the run window, which was

$  cucumber
--format=html false

`Given': Multiple step definitions have the same Regexp:

features/step_definitions/mastermind.rb:13:in `/^I am not yet playing$/'
features/step_definitions/mastermind.rb:13:in `/^I am not yet playing$/'

   from ./features/step_definitions/mastermind.rb:13
   from /Users/rick/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.3.1/bin/cucumber:6
   from /opt/local/bin/cucumber:19:in `load'
   from /opt/local/bin/cucumber:19

If I do this from the project directory:

 $ cucumber features/codebreaker_starts_game.feature
Feature: Codebreaker starts game
 As a Codebreaker
 I want to start a game
 So that I can break the code

 Scenario: Start game#
   Given I am not yet playing#
   When I start a new game   #
   Then the game should say "Welcome to Mastermind!" #
   And the game should say "Enter guess:"#

1 scenario
4 passed steps

Running under textmate, cucumber seems to be somehow convincing itself
features/step_definitions/mastermind.rb:13:in `/^I am not yet playing$/'

Duplicates itself?!?

What's happening is that the file containing step defs is being loaded
twice, and therefore you get dupe step defs. Not sure why that's happening

Yes, I figured it was somehing like that. On a little more trial and
error, it appears that the bundle is adding false to the end of the
command string which is causing that steps def to be required

$ cucumber /Users/rick/mastermind/features/codebreaker_starts_game.feature
--format=html false -v
Ruby files required:
  * /Users/rick/mastermind/features/support/env.rb
  * ./features/support/env.rb
  * ./lib/mastermind/game.rb
  * /Users/rick/mastermind/features/step_definitions/mastermind

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