[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Paper publication of the book "Calcul Mathematique avec Sage"

2013-06-14 Thread tom d

This reminds me that I need to work on my paper interface to the Sage Cell 
Server.  :)

On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:18:21 AM UTC+3, Dox wrote:
> Great work! Congratulations!

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: a problem in the new permutation groups code (and a solution ?)

2013-03-27 Thread tom d

On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:34:32 PM UTC+3, Volker Braun wrote:
> The group action framework is just the implementation, you still haven't 
> answered the question that this thread was about: Should permutation 
> actions on nested containers automatically discover one possible action or 
> not. As you said, in the group action framework you can implement either 
> possibility. You can also implement either if you don't use it. 

Yeah, I was thinking that because of the ambiguity that was being discussed 
in dealing with the nested actions, the best approach would be to provide a 
simple framework for specifying actions, and easy-to-access examples of 
That Sort of Thing, for people interested in using it, rather than putting 
in an implementation which half of users will think is mussed up.

I'll be at the Sage-Combinat days in June; helping to build out the action 
code that others have already started developing sounds like a great way to 
spend at least a chunk of that week.

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: a problem in the new permutation groups code (and a solution ?)

2013-03-25 Thread tom d
oops, here's the code!  I keep getting server erros when trying to attach 
as a file, so I'm just including the text of the code file below:

class GroupAction(Parent):
def __init__(self, G, S, phi):
#phi a group action G\times S \rightarrow S

def __repr__(self):
return "Action of "+self.G.__repr__()+" on the set 

def action(self, g, s):
Gives the action of g on s.
return self.phi(g,s)

def group(self):
Group which acts.
return self.G

def gset(self):
Set on which the group acts.
return self.S

def action_function(self):
Function from `G\times S \rightarrow S`.
return self.phi

def check_action(self, g, h, s):
Checks whether g(hs)=(gh)s.
return self.phi(g*h,s)==self.phi(g,self.phi(h,s))

def check_action_full(self, gens=None, contragradiant=False):
Checks that this is actually a group action using a generating set 
the group acting on the full set.
assert self.S.is_finite(), 'Cannot check group action on an 
infinite set.'
if gens==None:
#Should check if g has gens implemented.
for g in gens:
for h in gens:
for s in S:
if contragradiant:
if not self.phi(g*h,s)==self.phi(g,self.phi(h,s)):
stringy=g.__repr__()+', '+h.__repr__()+' 
assert False, 'Action fails on '+stringy
if not self.phi(h*g,s)==self.phi(g,self.phi(h,s)):
stringy=g.__repr__()+', '+h.__repr__()+' 
assert False, 'Action fails on '+stringy
return True

def orbit(self, s):
return Set([self.action(g,s) for g in self.group()])

def is_transitive(self):
if len(self.gset())==0: return True
return orbit(s)==Set(self.gset())

def twist(self, endomorphism):
Twists this representation by an endomorphism of the group.
kappa=lambda g,s: phi( endomorphism(g), s)
return GroupAction(self.G, self.S, kappa)

def character(self):
Count fixed points for conjugacy class representatives.
for g in self.G.conjugacy_classes_representatives():
for s in self.S:
if self.action(g,s)==s: fix+=1
return c

def cayley_graph(self, gens=None):
Builds a cayley graph of the group action, using the specified 
generating set.
assert self.S.is_finite(), 'Cannot check group action on an 
infinite set.'
if gens==None:
#Should check if g has gens implemented.
for g in gens:
for s in self.gset():
G.add_edge( s, self.action(g,s) )
return G

def product_action(self, B):
Given a second group action B with the same group and set T, 
the product group action of self and B.

assert self.group()==B.group(), 'Actions need to have same group 
kappa=lambda g, u: U( [self.action_function()(g,u[0]), 
B.action(g,u[1])] )
return GroupAction(G,U,kappa)

#Example 1: Usual symmetric group action.
sage: G=SymmetricGroup(4)
sage: S=Set([1,2,3,4])
sage: phi = lambda g,s: g(s)
sage: A=GroupAction(G,S,phi)
sage: A.character()
[4, 2, 0, 1, 0]

#Example 2: Symmetric group acting on a set.
sage: rho=lambda g,s: Set([phi(g,t) for t in s])
sage: T=Subsets(S,2)
sage: B=GroupAction(G,T,rho)
sage: B.character()
[6, 2, 2, 0, 0]

#Example 3: Product action.
sage: C=A.product_action(B)
sage: C.character()
[24, 4, 0, 0, 0]

#Example 4: Twist by an automorphism.
sage: a=G.an_element()^2
sage: ai=a.inverse()
sage: auto=lambda g: a*g*ai
sage: At=A.twist(auto)
sage: y=G.simple_reflection(1)
sage: [A.action(y,s) for s in S]
[2, 1, 3, 4]
sage: [At.action(y,s) for s in S]
[1, 2, 4, 3]

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: a problem in the new permutation groups code (and a solution ?)

2013-03-25 Thread tom d
Specify the action!  By making a group action framework, we would also be 
providing the possibility of changing the action to something contrary to 
the assumptions of the original developers Yes, in fact I think this is 
one of the natural reasons for doing an explicit group action framework. 
 Even for the action of S_n on the set {1,2,3,...,n} one can twist the 
'usual' action with an automorphism \phi of S_n, so that \sigma acts on i 
by \phi(\sigma)(i).  

The 'usual' actions then become special predefined objects, like the 
special graphs, maybe summoned up automatically using the 
permutation/whatever's __call__ function if it's an idiomatic action like 

As a category, I would imagine we would have a GroupAction category and/or 
a GroupWithAction category, which would put some requirements on the group 
and its elements.

I've attached a bit of sample code, which could be used as a base to start 
a group action category.  (Currently just a class, as I need to go and read 
the category tutorials, though...)  The examples are at the bottom; 
includes products of actions, twisting by a group endomorphism, computing 
characters, orbits, checking the action definition, checking transitivity, 
and generating the Cayley graph of the action for a given generating 

On Monday, March 25, 2013 2:30:57 PM UTC+3, Volker Braun wrote:
> The group action category stuff would be nice, but you would run into 
> exactly the same question that Dima asked: What are you going to do if 
> there is more than one possible action. You'll have to either use some 
> heuristics (take the simpler / less nested action) or raise some exception 
> telling the user to explicitly disambiguate between them. 
> On Monday, March 25, 2013 8:33:57 AM UTC+1, tom d wrote:
>> Hm, wouldn't this just be a direct product of the individual group 
>> actions?  It seems to me that we're expecting the permutations to act 
>> according to an 'obvious' group action.  Should we also expect 'obvious' 
>> actions of things like a dihedral group when given a 2-dimensional vector?  
>> Probably the answer is to generalize and build up a proper group actions 
>> category (with obvious methods passing to representations!).

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: a problem in the new permutation groups code (and a solution ?)

2013-03-25 Thread tom d
Hm, wouldn't this just be a direct product of the individual group 
actions?  It seems to me that we're expecting the permutations to act 
according to an 'obvious' group action.  Should we also expect 'obvious' 
actions of things like a dihedral group when given a 2-dimensional vector?  
Probably the answer is to generalize and build up a proper group actions 
category (with obvious methods passing to representations!).

It looks like there's a bare semblance of a glimmer of the idea of actions 
in Sage:
but it's not very fleshed out

One way to deal with the problem at hand would be to define a direct 
product of group actions and behave/coerce accordingly.  This could look 
something like:
1) Look at the list of things the permutation is supposed to be acting on, 
like [1, Set([1,2])]
2) Build a group action parent for each of the components, which we then 
use to build a direct product parent
3) Return the appropriate element of the direct product.

Such a framework would have the advantage of being there to deal with 
similar problems in other groups.


On Friday, March 22, 2013 4:43:18 PM UTC+3, Volker Braun wrote:
> I think its unambiguous to define the orbit of x recursively as 
> 1. use the action on domain elements if x is a domain element
> 2. otherwise, assume that the x is a list/set/... of domain elements
> On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:10:38 PM UTC+1, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> While working on http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/14291, it 
>> came to my attention that one can now have permutation groups acting 
>> on quite arbitrary domains (the only requirement for the domain elements 
>> seems to be them being hashable). 
>> This leads to the following kind of confusing situations: 
>> suppose our permutation group G acts on, say, (1,2,3,4,(1,2),(2,3)). 
>> Then things like "the orbit (1,2) under G" can be interpreted in two 
>> different incompatible ways: 
>>   * the images under G of the pair of domain elements 1 and 2. 
>>   * the images under G of of the domain element (1,2). 
>> I can see two ways to remedy this: 
>>   1) a framework with parents, etc 
>>   2) "boxing" the most "primitive" elements of the domain, i.e. 
>> as in our example, using ((1),(2),(3),(4),(1,2),(2,3)) instead of 
>> (1,2,3,4,(1,2),(2,3)); then certainly ((1),(2)) and (1,2) are 
>> different things, problem solved. 
>> (and certainly you can tell me that actually it's OK as it is... :)) 
>> IMHO, 2) is relatively easy to put into place, and 1) is tricky and quite 
>> a bit of 
>> work. 
>> Dima 

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[sage-combinat-devel] Reviewer for #12940?

2013-03-17 Thread tom d
I think Ticket #12940 is probably ready for review, at long last, if anyone 
can find a bit of time to look it over.  It's a combinatorial 
implementation of the affine Weyl groups of types A,B,C,D and G.



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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Sage-combinat Days in Paris

2013-03-17 Thread tom d
I'll be at both FPSAC and the combinat meeting, and in my infinite wisdom 
just realized I missed the funding deadline for main fpsac.  Is there a 
sense of whether the meeting will be in Paris or Orsay yet?  (It has some 
obscure bearing on the question of whether I have a free roof to sleep 
under that week.)

On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:01:54 AM UTC+3, Anne Schilling wrote:
> Dear Sage-combinat Community! 
> Nicolas Thiery, Alejandro Morales and I are going to organize Sage Days 49 
> in Paris June 17th-21st 2013. For more details see: 
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/FPSAC13 
> For people from US institutions: We have some funds for travel and lodging 
> from our Sage-NSF grant. If you are applying for funding from FPSAC, 
> you can also indicate on the FPSAC funding website that you are going to 
> attend 
> the Sage Days (and indicate funding requests). Alternatively, you can send 
> your cv and estimated travel costs to me by March 30. 
> Hope to see you all in Paris in June, 
> Anne 

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] queue broken?

2013-03-17 Thread tom d

Just today there was another broken spot in the queue.  (I upgraded to 
5.8rc0 just in case, too.)  I was wanting to rebase my affine permutations 
patch for the new documentation system so that it can finally get a review, 
and it was under the broken patch, so I just made the fixes and pushed... 
 hope that's ok.

applying trac_12876_category-fix_abstract_class-nt-rel11521.patch
patching file sage/categories/homset.py
Hunk #6 FAILED at 261
1 out of 11 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
patch failed, unable to continue (try -v)
patch failed, rejects left in working dir
errors during apply, please fix and refresh 

On Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:57:22 AM UTC+3, Anne Schilling wrote:
> Hi Tom, 
> Yes, I got the same error with sage-5.8.bet4. I rebased Ben Salisbury's 
> patch. 
> It should work now. 
> Ben, please pull from the sage-combinat server before you keep working on 
> your patch! 
> Best, 
> Anne 
> On 3/15/13 2:51 PM, tom d wrote: 
> > From tonight's attempt to apply the queue in Sage 5.7rc0: 
> >   
> > 
> > applying trac_4327-root_system_plot_refactor-nt.patch 
> > patching file sage/combinat/root_system/type_affine.py 
> > Hunk #1 succeeded at 237 with fuzz 2 (offset -54 lines). 
> > applying trac_14143-alcove-path-al.patch 
> > applying trac_14192-infinity_crystal-bs.patch 
> > patching file sage/combinat/crystals/all.py 
> > Hunk #1 FAILED at 11 
> > 1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
> sage/combinat/crystals/all.py.rej 
> > patch failed, unable to continue (try -v) 
> > patch failed, rejects left in working dir 
> > errors during apply, please fix and refresh 
> trac_14192-infinity_crystal-bs.patch 
> > 
> > 
> > This persists after trying to qselect guards and recloning the combinat 
> branch.  Is this happening for others or do I need to suck it up and move 
> on to true 5.7? 

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[sage-combinat-devel] queue broken?

2013-03-15 Thread tom d
>From tonight's attempt to apply the queue in Sage 5.7rc0:

applying trac_4327-root_system_plot_refactor-nt.patch
patching file sage/combinat/root_system/type_affine.py
Hunk #1 succeeded at 237 with fuzz 2 (offset -54 lines).
applying trac_14143-alcove-path-al.patch
applying trac_14192-infinity_crystal-bs.patch
patching file sage/combinat/crystals/all.py
Hunk #1 FAILED at 11
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
patch failed, unable to continue (try -v)
patch failed, rejects left in working dir
errors during apply, please fix and refresh 

This persists after trying to qselect guards and recloning the combinat 
branch.  Is this happening for others or do I need to suck it up and move 
on to true 5.7?

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Longest element in a Coxeter Group - name decision

2013-03-05 Thread tom d
I think longest_element is fine; long_word indicates that there will be a 
word returned instead of an element, which is maybe not what we're after 

Wiser minds than mine will have more knowledge of how to handle 
deprecation, but here's an example from skew_partition.py:

sage: x.r_quotient??
Type:   instancemethod
String Form:
Definition: x.r_quotient(self, length)
def r_quotient(self, length):
  This method is deprecated.


  sage: SkewPartition([[3, 3, 2, 1], [2, 1]]).r_quotient(2)
  doctest:1: DeprecationWarning: r_quotient is deprecated. Use 
quotient instead.
  See http://trac.sagemath.org/5790 for details.
  [[[3], []], [[], []]]
  from sage.misc.superseded import deprecation
  deprecation(5790, 'r_quotient is deprecated. Use quotient instead.')
  return self.quotient(length)

On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 12:37:17 PM UTC+3, Kannappan Sampath wrote:
> Hello friends, 
> I am writing this mail to ask for your help in a naming decision. 
> In the file sage/categories/finite_coxeter_groups.py, there is a function 
> called long_element. The docstring asks if this should be renamed and if 
> so, to what?  
> There are two suggestions from the authors: longest_element, 
> maximal_element. 
> Now, I think "longest_element" is pretty common. But, LiE, Marc's Lie 
> Group computation software seems to call this `long_word()`. 
> 1) what should we pick?
> 2) I started a ticket to clean up this file on trac: 
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/14050 
> I understand that name changes are to be handled with care. How do we go 
> about this one? Deprecate? 
> With Sincere Regards, 
> Kannappan. 

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat installation fails on sage-5.7 (fixed)

2013-03-03 Thread tom d
Ok, thanks for the quick fix!

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 9:43:29 PM UTC+3, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> Hi Tom 
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2013 at 10:27:05AM -0800, tom d wrote: 
> >Yup, just hit this myself, also with a missing plot module?  here's 
> my 
> >crash report: 
> >   44 To describe the embedding, a root lattice realization 
> must 
> >  ImportError: No module named plot 
> Oops, I forgot to add that file indeed. Sorry! 
> Fixed and pushed. 
> Cheers, 
> Nicolas 
> -- 
> Nicolas M. Thi�ry "Isil" > 
> http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/ 

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Sage-combinat won't run with #12940 applied

2013-01-26 Thread tom d
Sorry, I was traveling and missed this.

The file name has been changed to 'affine_permtation.py' as recommended, 
which should remove the headaches mentioned.

On Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:14:01 PM UTC+3, Andrew Mathas wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 January 2013 20:31:36 UTC+11, Anne Schilling wrote:
>> Perhaps it should be disabled since *everyone* will have to remove those 
>> files (which is annoying). I am not sure. 
> Following Hugh's hint, I found that 
> sage -sync-build  
> took care of the problem.
> A

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: sage combinat on 5.5

2013-01-22 Thread tom d
Thanks!  That did the trick.  (And I've folded in your fix patch, Anne.)

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:34:20 PM UTC+3, Anne Schilling wrote:
> Hi! 
> In discussion with Christian Stump and Nicolas Thiery, I learned that the 
> way to fix a problem when sage remembers a wrong link (for example, 
> in Tom's case with affine permutations, he previously had the file 
> in a directory /combinat/affine_permutations/affine_permutations.py and 
> changed 
> it to a file in /combinat/affine_permutations.py), you need to remove the 
> old links by hand. 
> Make a small change somewhere, run 
> sage -br 
> Then sage tells you where it puts the files. For me: 
> ... 
> copying 
> build/lib.macosx-10.6-x86_64-2.7/sage/combinat/affine_permutations/affine_permutations.py
> -> 
> /Applications/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/combinat/affine_permutations
> copying 
> build/lib.macosx-10.6-x86_64-2.7/sage/combinat/affine_permutations/all.py 
> -> 
> /Applications/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/combinat/affine_permutations
> I had to remove the directory affine_permutations in these directories by 
> hand. Then it works. 
> Best, 
> Anne 
> On 1/19/13 8:39 PM, Hugh Thomas wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi! 
> > 
> > The short explanation of the problem is that 
> sage/combinat/some_hopf_algebras/all.py was not importing parking functions 
> from the right place.  It should have been using 
> > sage.combinat.parking_functions.  I have added a patch 
> temporary_parking_import_fix-ht.patch which fixes this.  Jean-Baptiste, 
> please feel free to fix the problem however you like and delete my 
> > patch.  Martin, sage should now run okay with the queue installed. 
> > 
> > I had trouble replicating this issue, and for a reason that is a bit 
> interesting (I think). 
> > 
> > The point is that the import statement used to be right; the parking 
> functions files moved.  And by default, sage does not clean up the old .py 
> and .pyc files from the old compilations, so they are 
> > still sitting in 
>  local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/combinat/some_hopf_algebra, and as 
> a result, sage is willing to import from them.  If you want sage to remove 
> them when doing the rebuild, you 
> > have to tell it to.  See #5977. 
> >   
> > cheers, 
> > 
> > Hugh 
> > 
> > On Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:29:20 AM UTC-4, Martin wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi there, 
> > 
> > I just installed sage 5.5 from source and then did 
> > 
> > sage -combinat install 
> > 
> > But now I get what's reproduced below. 
> > 
> > :-( What should I do?  (upgrade does not work, since sage doesn't 
> start) 
> > 
> > Martin 
> > 
> > rubey@convex3:~/sage-5.5$ sage 
> > 
> -- 
> > | Sage Version 5.5, Release Date: 2012-12-22 
> | 
> > | Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.   
>  | 
> > | Type "help()" for help.   
>  | 
> > 
> -- 
> > 
> --- 
> > ImportError   Traceback (most recent 
> call last) 
> > 
> > 
> /home/rubey/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/ipmaker.pyc 
> > in force_import(modname, force_reload) 
> >  61 reload(sys.modules[modname]) 
> >  62 else: 
> > ---> 63 __import__(modname) 
> >  64 
> >  65 
> > 
> > /home/rubey/sage-5.5/local/bin/ipy_profile_sage.py in () 
> >   5 preparser(True) 
> >   6 
> > > 7 import sage.all_cmdline 
> >   8 sage.all_cmdline._init_cmdline(globals()) 
> >   9 
> > 
> > 
> /home/rubey/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/all_cmdline.py 
> > in () 
> >  12 try: 
> >  13 
> > ---> 14 from sage.all import * 
> >  15 from sage.calculus.predefined import x 
> >  16 preparser(on=True) 
> > 
> > /home/rubey/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/all.py 
> in 
> > () 
> > 106 
> > 107 from sage.coding.all import * 
> > --> 108 from sage.combinat.all   import * 
> > 109 
> > 110 from sage.lfunctions.all import * 
> >   
> > 
> /home/rubey/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/combinat/all.py 
> in () 
> > 152 from sidon_sets import sidon_sets 
> > 153 
> > --> 154 from some_hopf_algebra.all import * 
> > 155 
> > 156 #Affine Permutation Group(s) 
> >   
> > 
> /home/rubey/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/combinat/some_hopf_algebra/all.py
> > in () 
> >   1 
> > > 2 from packed_words import PackedWord, PackedWords 
> >   

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Problem with the nilcoxeter algebra

2013-01-19 Thread tom d
Ok, thanks; I'll just stick to working lower in the queue for now then.

On Saturday, January 19, 2013 3:28:20 PM UTC+3, tom d wrote:
> There's been a change to the init function for the Iwahori Hecke Algebra 
> that causes the NilCoxeterAlgebra to fail.  I _think_ this is happening in 
> the affine_iwahori_hecke_algebras.patch; the nilcoxeter algebra is still 
> working fine with combinat unapplied.  
> There's an extra parameter (omega) in the IwahoriHecke Algebra now, and 
> since the NilCoxeter is calling the __init__ function directly, it's 
> apparently expected to provide a value for this new parameter.  I'm not 
> terribly sure if it's better to change the IHA constructor to not expect 
> the omega, or to change the Nilcoxeter to provide a value.
> Any thoughts?
> sage: W=WeylGroup(['A',5,1])
> sage: NilCoxeterAlgebra(W)
> ---
> TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/kaibutsu/ in ()
> /home/kaibutsu/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/classcall_metaclass.so
> in sage.misc.classcall_metaclass.ClasscallMetaclass.__call__ 
> (sage/misc/classcall_metaclass.c:991)()
> /home/kaibutsu/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/cachefunc.so
> in sage.misc.cachefunc.WeakCachedFunction.__call__ 
> (sage/misc/cachefunc.c:5077)()
> /home/kaibutsu/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/structure/unique_representation.pyc
> in __classcall__(cls, *args, **options)
> 464 True
> 465 """
> --> 466 instance = typecall(cls, *args, **options)
> 467 assert isinstance( instance, cls )
> 468 if instance.__class__.__reduce__ == 
> UniqueRepresentation.__reduce__:
> /home/kaibutsu/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/classcall_metaclass.so
> in sage.misc.classcall_metaclass.typecall 
> (sage/misc/classcall_metaclass.c:1350)()
> /home/kaibutsu/sage-5.5/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/algebras/nil_coxeter_algebra.pyc
> in __init__(self, W, base_ring, prefix)
>  63 self._base_ring = base_ring
>  64 self._cartan_type = W.cartan_type()
> ---> 65 IwahoriHeckeAlgebraT.__init__(self, W, 0, 0, base_ring, 
> prefix=prefix)
>  66 
>  67 def _repr_(self):
> TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 7 arguments (6 given)

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[sage-combinat-devel] Problem with the nilcoxeter algebra

2013-01-19 Thread tom d
There's been a change to the init function for the Iwahori Hecke Algebra 
that causes the NilCoxeterAlgebra to fail.  I _think_ this is happening in 
the affine_iwahori_hecke_algebras.patch; the nilcoxeter algebra is still 
working fine with combinat unapplied.  

There's an extra parameter (omega) in the IwahoriHecke Algebra now, and 
since the NilCoxeter is calling the __init__ function directly, it's 
apparently expected to provide a value for this new parameter.  I'm not 
terribly sure if it's better to change the IHA constructor to not expect 
the omega, or to change the Nilcoxeter to provide a value.

Any thoughts?

sage: W=WeylGroup(['A',5,1])
sage: NilCoxeterAlgebra(W)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/kaibutsu/ in ()

in sage.misc.classcall_metaclass.ClasscallMetaclass.__call__ 

in sage.misc.cachefunc.WeakCachedFunction.__call__ 

in __classcall__(cls, *args, **options)
464 True
465 """
--> 466 instance = typecall(cls, *args, **options)
467 assert isinstance( instance, cls )
468 if instance.__class__.__reduce__ == 

in sage.misc.classcall_metaclass.typecall 

in __init__(self, W, base_ring, prefix)
 63 self._base_ring = base_ring
 64 self._cartan_type = W.cartan_type()
---> 65 IwahoriHeckeAlgebraT.__init__(self, W, 0, 0, base_ring, 
 67 def _repr_(self):

TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 7 arguments (6 given)

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: k-Schur functions and affine Schubert calculus

2013-01-19 Thread tom d
Fantastic!  Good to know there's a solid book I can point people to now for 
some background!

On Thursday, January 17, 2013 6:24:05 AM UTC+3, Anne Schilling wrote:
> Hi All! 
> Mike just posted our book on $k$-Schur functions and affine Schubert 
> calculus 
> on the arXiv ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.3569 ). It contains many Sage 
> examples. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible! 
> Anne 
> Thomas Lam, Luc Lapointe, Jennifer Morse, Anne Schilling, Mark Shimozono, 
> Mike Zabrocki 
> k-Schur functions and affine Schubert calculus 
> (Submitted on 16 Jan 2013) 
> http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.3569 
> This book is an exposition of the current state of research of affine 
> Schubert calculus and $k$-Schur functions. This text is based on a series 
> of lectures given at a workshop titled "Affine 
> Schubert Calculus" that took place in July 2010 at the Fields Institute in 
> Toronto, Ontario. The story of this research is told in three parts: 1. 
> Primer on $k$-Schur Functions 2. Stanley symmetric 
> functions and Peterson algebras 3. Affine Schubert calculus 

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: comments on highlights for NSF

2012-12-19 Thread tom d

The write-up looks good!  I have a bunch of stuff planned for the coming 
term incorporating Sage in Kenya and South Africa.  Perhaps the line about 
Africa could be expanded to something like: 'The open nature of the Sage 
and Sage-Combinat projects encourages participation in developing countries 
like Kenya and Burkina Faso, increasing the breadth of the world 
mathematical community.' 

(I'm planning on doing a bunch of things around mathematical problem 
solving with Sage this coming term: we're giving a three week intensive 
course at AIMS in South Africa, and I'll be running a weekly 
seminar/problem solving session with undergrads in Kenya.  We're also going 
to be strategically deploying some Raspberry Pi computers with secondary 
students, hopefully with Sage included if I can get it to compile!  I'll 
also be running some sessions at an algebraic geometry conference in 
Mombasa in June.  So there's stuff happening with Sage (and sage-combinat!) 
on the secondary, undergrad and post grad levels here in Kenya.)


On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 3:40:35 AM UTC+3, Anne Schilling wrote:
> Hi All! 
> We were asked by the NSF to provide a short report on our 
> sage-combinat project. It is supposed to be in simple language 
> and to be understood by a lay person. 
> You can find the current version here: 
> http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~anne/highlights2012.pdf 
> If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements, please 
> let me know (this grant so far funded Sage Days 40 at IMA in July 2012, 
> the new sage-combinat server as well as individual students and 
> research meetings). 
> Thank you! 
> Anne 

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Sage Days in Bobo-Dioulasso debriefing; Sage in developping countries

2012-11-20 Thread tom d
Hey, all;

So the Mombasa algebraic geometry workshop is set for 6-28 July, 2013.  
Which is really long!  They're interested in having some sage sessions; if 
anyone's interested in coming out I can plan to be there for an overlapping 
time and co-hosting the Sage sessions.  (However, the first week I'll be in 
Ethiopia.)  Basically, drop me a line and we can talk about scope and 
further details that should be nailed down.


On Sunday, November 11, 2012 12:00:34 PM UTC+3, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> Dear Sage devs, 
> The fall school on Discrete Mathematics in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina 
> Faso, aka Sage Days 43, just finished. For two weeks we had courses 
> (combinatorics of words, dynamics, tilings, ...) interspersed with 
> on-hands tutorials using Sage. The public consisted mostly from 
> graduate students, from subsaharian Africa and some further away 
> countries. 
> That was a good occasion for a real-life evaluation of a claim I have 
> been desiring to make for a long time: �Sage, being open-source, is 
> well adapted for universities in developing countries�. 
> Let's see about this. 
> A couple words of context: 
> -- 
> - 70 participants total; in average 40-50 were there. 
> - Most participants had a laptop (or netbook for a few of them): 
>   - 90%: windows, 5% mac, 5% Linux Ubuntu (usually in double-boot with 
> Windows) 
>   - Laptop age ranging from 2003 to 2012; 4 years on average 
>   - RAM: 500k-6Gb; 1Gb on average? 
> - Network: one ADSL line for 60 persons in the conference center 
>   Well, when it actually worked, which was not that often. 
>   We finished using a cell-phone shared over wifi. 
>   The local wireless network itself was down quite often. 
>   No network at the university itself or nearby 
> - Among the organizers were Sage devs with good experience on running 
>   Sage workshops and doing system/network administration, ... 
> - Sam had brought a big bunch of power cables. I screwed up not 
>   bringing my own wireless router to at least guarantee a reliable 
>   local network. 
> Strategies we tried or considered: 
> -- 
> (a) Installing Sage on Linux/Mac with the binaries from Sagemath.org 
> (b) Installing Sage on Linux/Mac from sources 
> (c) Installing Sage on Linux from a custom built fat binary 
> (d) Installing Sage on Windows with the virtual machine 
> (e) Running a Sage server on my laptop (8 cores, 8Gb) 
> (f) Using a remote Sage server 
> (g) Installing Linux and reducing the problem to (a-c) 
> (h) Booting on a live Debian USB key, custom-build by Thierry Monteil 
> with Sage, self-cloning and persistence. 
> (i) Using a local PC lab after installing Sage on them 
> I would like to use the occasion to send my kudos to all those who 
> strive hard at making Sage easier to use one way or the other. 
> How it went: 
> (a) Went smoothly on Mac when appropriate binaries were available. We 
> had to recompile a few of those binaries. 
> (a) failed most of the time on Linux by lack of gfortran. Since we did 
> not have a reasonable network, apt-get install was not an option. 
> We did not have iso's of all the Ubuntu versions that were in use. 
> 3D plotting was usually not available (by lack of appropriate Java 
> plug-ins). 
> (b) Compiling from source was not a viable option on Linux for the 
> same reason as above: build-essentials was usually not there. On 
> Mac that was ok, provided we had under hand the appropriate 
> version of XCode. 
> (c) This fat binary was built by Thierry Monteil on an old pentium 3 
> (!) with a minimal Debian install. Installation and usage went 
> smoothly, except that 3D plotting was usually not available. 
> (d) Virtual machine: Installation went smoothly on about 20 machines 
> (with close guidance). It failed on 2-3 machines due to resource 
> limitations (disk, ...). 
> However, except for about five recent machines, the memory 
> footprint was just too high: any non trivial calculation or plot 
> made the laptop swap and become simply too slow to use. 
> The french keyboard was not properly self-detected. Due to the 
> network, we could not look up on the web for help. We ended up 
> finding how to configure it from a shell. I'll create a ticket. 
> The Sage version available was a bit old (5.1) though that was not 
> an issue for us this time (but it could have been). 
> The usage was on the complex side for most participants. They 
> typically tended to reclick on the ova, creating a new virtual 
> machine each time. Also uploading worksheets was tricky; it would 
> be much simpler if the virtual machine was setup to access the 
> user directory on the host machine or if the web client was 
> running on the host. 
> (e) Running a local Sage server: This is a priori good short term 

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Sage Days in Bobo-Dioulasso debriefing; Sage in developping countries

2012-11-20 Thread tom d
Hey, all!

Thanks for running this, Nicolas, and providing the detailed report!

For converting people to linux: I'm working with a computer lab in Maseno, 
where we've now got linux dual-booting on all of the machines (about 40).  
Over the last couple months, we've gained a number of linux converts: 
windows in the developing world tends to be pirated and without regularly 
updating anti-virus software.  So the machines 'gunk up' over the course of 
just a week or two of use to the point of being nigh-unusable.  Providing 
an easily-accessible linux desktop as an option lets people decide for 
themselves, and once they've tried it, they're overwhelmingly preferring 

Of course, live-usb's are a perfectly good way to provide such an 
experience as well.  I just got a pile of 8gb usb sticks for $5 each from 
Canada; setting aside $250 and a bit of time could then provide live usb 
sticks for up to 50 participants at a sage-days event (with leftovers going 
towards the next event, of course).  4gb is probably a bit tight for a full 
installation plus sage, but could cut cost a bit.  And with 8gb, we could 
also include open-office and a couple good text editors, making a good case 
for general linux use.

As a last note, there's an algebraic geometry workshop happening in 
Mombasa, Kenya, sometime between May and June next year; I'm trying to 
figure out what the dates are now!  We could potentially try some things 
out there, as well!


On Sunday, November 11, 2012 12:00:34 PM UTC+3, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> Dear Sage devs, 
> The fall school on Discrete Mathematics in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina 
> Faso, aka Sage Days 43, just finished. For two weeks we had courses 
> (combinatorics of words, dynamics, tilings, ...) interspersed with 
> on-hands tutorials using Sage. The public consisted mostly from 
> graduate students, from subsaharian Africa and some further away 
> countries. 
> That was a good occasion for a real-life evaluation of a claim I have 
> been desiring to make for a long time: �Sage, being open-source, is 
> well adapted for universities in developing countries�. 
> Let's see about this. 
> A couple words of context: 
> -- 
> - 70 participants total; in average 40-50 were there. 
> - Most participants had a laptop (or netbook for a few of them): 
>   - 90%: windows, 5% mac, 5% Linux Ubuntu (usually in double-boot with 
> Windows) 
>   - Laptop age ranging from 2003 to 2012; 4 years on average 
>   - RAM: 500k-6Gb; 1Gb on average? 
> - Network: one ADSL line for 60 persons in the conference center 
>   Well, when it actually worked, which was not that often. 
>   We finished using a cell-phone shared over wifi. 
>   The local wireless network itself was down quite often. 
>   No network at the university itself or nearby 
> - Among the organizers were Sage devs with good experience on running 
>   Sage workshops and doing system/network administration, ... 
> - Sam had brought a big bunch of power cables. I screwed up not 
>   bringing my own wireless router to at least guarantee a reliable 
>   local network. 
> Strategies we tried or considered: 
> -- 
> (a) Installing Sage on Linux/Mac with the binaries from Sagemath.org 
> (b) Installing Sage on Linux/Mac from sources 
> (c) Installing Sage on Linux from a custom built fat binary 
> (d) Installing Sage on Windows with the virtual machine 
> (e) Running a Sage server on my laptop (8 cores, 8Gb) 
> (f) Using a remote Sage server 
> (g) Installing Linux and reducing the problem to (a-c) 
> (h) Booting on a live Debian USB key, custom-build by Thierry Monteil 
> with Sage, self-cloning and persistence. 
> (i) Using a local PC lab after installing Sage on them 
> I would like to use the occasion to send my kudos to all those who 
> strive hard at making Sage easier to use one way or the other. 
> How it went: 
> (a) Went smoothly on Mac when appropriate binaries were available. We 
> had to recompile a few of those binaries. 
> (a) failed most of the time on Linux by lack of gfortran. Since we did 
> not have a reasonable network, apt-get install was not an option. 
> We did not have iso's of all the Ubuntu versions that were in use. 
> 3D plotting was usually not available (by lack of appropriate Java 
> plug-ins). 
> (b) Compiling from source was not a viable option on Linux for the 
> same reason as above: build-essentials was usually not there. On 
> Mac that was ok, provided we had under hand the appropriate 
> version of XCode. 
> (c) This fat binary was built by Thierry Monteil on an old pentium 3 
> (!) with a minimal Debian install. Installation and usage went 
> smoothly, except that 3D plotting was usually not available. 
> (d) Virtual machine: Installation went smoothly on about 20 machines 
> (with close guidance). It failed on 2-3 machines due to r

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Sage-Combinat days in Paris, June 2013

2012-11-19 Thread tom d
It's looking like there's a good chance that I'll be able to come through!

On Friday, September 28, 2012 11:12:05 AM UTC+3, Nicolas M. Thiéry wrote:
> Dear Sage / Sage-Combinat fans, 
> FPSAC (Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics) is the main 
> yearly international conference in algebraic combinatorics. It will 
> happen this year in Paris, June 24th-28th. We are planning to organize 
> a Sage-Combinat Days as a satellite event the week before: 
> Sage Days ???: Free and Practical Software for (Algebraic) 
> Combinatorics 
> Paris or Orsay (near Paris) 
> June 17th-21st 2013 
> To start organizing it, it would be helpful to have a rough idea of 
> how many people would attend. If you are considering to join, please 
> drop me a line. At this point, it is likely that we won't have much 
> funding, except for people from American institutions through our NSF 
> grant. So please mention if you would need funding for lodging and 
> travel, but don't plan too much on it! 
> If anyone interested in joining for the organization, please contact 
> me as well! 
> Cheers, 
> Nicolas 
> PS: the week after FPSAC, there will be the yearly conference 
> Permutation Patterns in the same location. 
> -- 
> Nicolas M. Thi�ry "Isil" > 
> http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/ 

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Fast check for updates?

2012-10-16 Thread tom d
I could certainly look into writing the modification - I've written a shell 
script or ten in my day.  How much different is the process for patching up 
the combinat script as opposed to the main sage sources?


On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:50:10 AM UTC+3, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 01:31:11AM -0700, tom d wrote: 
> > Is there a way to (easily) check whether there are updates on the 
> mercurial 
> > server without popping all patches, reapplying, and rebuilding?� With 
> the 
> > amount of cython in the queue, it's taking quite a while for sage to 
> rebuild 
> > itself after each check.� I just want to check that there are no 
> changes, then 
> > commit (or update if there are changes)!� In fact, if possible, this 
> should 
> > probably be the default behaviour for 'sage --combinat update'. 
> cd /devel/sage-combinat/.ht/patches 
> hg incoming 
> I agree that this would be a nice and easy to implement feature of the 
> sage-combinat script. Volunteers? 
> Cheers, 
> Nicolas 
> PS: It could even be fancy and only pop off those patches that 
> have been modified (but that's tricky, because we need to check the 
> series as well). 
> -- 
> Nicolas M. Thi�ry "Isil" > 
> http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/ 

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[sage-combinat-devel] Fast check for updates?

2012-10-16 Thread tom d
Is there a way to (easily) check whether there are updates on the mercurial 
server without popping all patches, reapplying, and rebuilding?  With the 
amount of cython in the queue, it's taking quite a while for sage to 
rebuild itself after each check.  I just want to check that there are no 
changes, then commit (or update if there are changes)!  In fact, if 
possible, this should probably be the default behaviour for 'sage 
--combinat update'.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] setup.py and the prime directive.

2012-10-16 Thread tom d
Ok, I just put my line in after all the other combinat stuff, and 
everything applies ok.  This has the disadvantage of (further) breaking the 
seeming convention that the combinat bits be listed alphabetically.  But if 
setup.py is headed for the graveyard in the long run, it may not matter 
much.  Also, there's only about fifteen lines for the combinat portion, so 
the failed lexicographic ordering may be not a terrible problem.

On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:11:32 AM UTC+3, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 08:59:16PM -0700, Anne Schilling wrote: 
> > On 10/15/12 4:34 PM, tom d wrote: 
> > > I'm working on a patch which contains a modification to the setup.py 
> file, in order to indicate that a new directory exists in Sage. 
> > ... patch conflicts issues ... 
> For information, I just asked on sage-devel if we could get rid of this 
> setup.py thingy: 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/sage-devel/tVTAQYFUgG0 
> Cheers, 
> Nicolas 
> -- 
> Nicolas M. Thi�ry "Isil" > 
> http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/ 

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[sage-combinat-devel] setup.py and the prime directive.

2012-10-15 Thread tom d
This is probably a simple question, but here goes.

I'm working on a patch which contains a modification to the setup.py file, 
in order to indicate that a new directory exists in Sage.  I'm following 
the instructions for exporting a patch on the mercurial howto, and it says 
to move the patch to the front of the queue.  When I do so, the queue 
breaks because many other people have also modified the setup.py file in 
their patches.  So I fix it up and refresh.  But now the setup.py doesn't 
match what the later patches expect, so they fail to apply.

The obvious solution seems to be to make the small modification to the 
setup.py file for each of these patches and merge in the changes.  But that 
violates the primary rule of the patch queue, which is to generally not 
mess with other people's patches.

What does one do in this circumstance?


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: reflection groups vs. Weyl groups and their root systems

2012-07-11 Thread tom d
Hey, all;

Christian asked for a way to get a permutation group without running 
through the matrix representation.  There's an object called the 'Numbers 
Game' which essentially constructs the Coxeter Group from a coxeter graph 
by tracking application of reflections to the simple roots.  This is all 
described in Bjorner-Brenti, chapter 4.  There's a really almost brain-dead 
way to build this without even saying the words 'root space,' but it's 
essentially tracking the action on the roots.

A while ago I wrote a (short) file to implement the numbers game, and now 
have it working for the following two kinds of input:
1) A cartan type (it then retrieves the associated dynkin diagram, and 
works from that), or
2) An edge-labeled graph, the Coxeter Graph.  

It seems like it would be reasonable to (re)factor my file to match your 
scheme.  I would imagine some functionality where one builds the 
CoxeterMatrix, and then have a numbers_game method that returns this 
permutation-type realization of the associated Coxeter group.  One would 
also want methods to recover the CoxterMatrix from th enumbers game, and 
also to recover a collection of roots from a numbers game element.  I've 
attached my file for your consideration...  Does this seem like a sensible 
thing to get into Sage, or is a Gap-type implementation preferable?  


On Thursday, April 26, 2012 6:16:04 AM UTC-4, Christian Stump wrote:
> Hi --
> last week, Nicolas and I had a first look at how to get root systems for 
> non-crystallographic and infinite Coxeter groups.
> Here is a basic problem of which I have either not yet understood its 
> reason in the implementation, or which might be done better:
> - all constructions depend on a Cartan matrix, but we do not have a class 
> CartanMatrix
> - we do have a class DynkinDiagram that (seems to me to) serve(s) as the 
> Cartan datum including the Cartan matrix. But Dynkin diagrams are hard to 
> manipulate, can only be constructed from known types, and keep their string 
> rep and pretty print after being manipulated. This makes it hard to 
> construct the Dynkin diagram from a given Cartan matrix, while I might only 
> want to use it to get its Cartan matrix in order to construct the root 
> system.
> Why don't we implement a class CartanMatrix containing a symmetrizable 
> matrix, and the indexing. If one constructs a Cartan matrix from a Cartan 
> type, then we might also want to store this. From this, one can then get 
> back everything including Dynkin diagrams and root systems.
> What do you think?
> After solving this, I would then go and start solving glitches when 
> working with Cartan matrices over the universal cyclotomic field.
> Christian

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#   Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Denton ,
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

#Implementation of certain coxeter groups via the numbers game of Eriksson.

from sage.structure.list_clone import ClonableArray, ClonableElement, ClonableList
from sage.interfaces.all import gap
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.categories.affine_weyl_groups import AffineWeylGroups
from sage.rings.arith import binomial
from sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_type import CartanType
from sage.misc.prandom import randint
from sage.combinat.root_system.weyl_group import WeylGroup
from sage.combinat.composition import Composition
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod

class NumbersGameElement(ClonableArray):
Realization of a Coxeter Group in terms of a numbers game.
Currently only builds crystallographic types, though the basic methods
should extend to arbitrary Coxeter type.
def __init__(self, parent, lst, reduced_word=None, check=True):
Initialize ``self``
ClonableArray.__init__(self, parent, lst, check)

def _repr_(self):
return "Numbers Game element with window " + str(self

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: [sage-devel] Call for vote: lrcalc as standard or optional spkg?

2011-06-29 Thread tom d
[x] standard package

(...sang the choir to itself)

On Jun 28, 1:57 pm, Franco Saliola  wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Florent Hivert
>  wrote:
> >      Hi,
> >> With Mike and Anne we are about to finalize an interface with lrcalc:
> >> --
> >> #10333: An interface to Anders Buch's Littlewood-Richardson Calculator 
> >> lrcalc
> >> The "Littlewood-Richardson Calculator" is a C library for fast
> >> computation of Littlewood-Richardson (LR) coefficients and products of
> >> Schubert polynomials. It handles single LR coefficients, products of
> >> and coproducts of Schur functions, skew Schur functions, and fusion
> >> products. All of the above are achieved by counting LR (skew)-tableaux
> >> of appropriate shape and content by iterating through
> >> them. Additionally, lrcalc handles products of Schubert polynomials.
> >> The web page of lrcalc is:  http://math.rutgers.edu/~asbuch/lrcalc/
> >> --
> >> lrcalc weights 500Ko (100Ko of C code + administrative files +
> >> mercurial repo). It's GLPV2+ with no dependencies. The code is quite
> >> clean and so far proved to be portable: we used it in MuPAD-Combinat,
> >> under MacOS, various flavors of Linux, and CYGWIN; tests on solaris
> >> are welcome!
> > One more argument for using it. Having it in standard Sage is a good step
> > toward getting rid of Symmetrica which often causes problems and is no more
> > maintained.
> >> lrcalc will progressively become a key low-level component for Sage's
> >> symmetric functions library. This evolution will be simpler if lrcalc
> >> is always available.
> >> I therefore would like to cast a vote. Should lrcalc become:
> > Therefore:
> >> [X] A standard spkg
> >> [ ] An optional spkg
> [X] A standard spkg
> Franco
> --

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-06-27 Thread tom d
Just as a heads-up, I just installed Ubuntu 11 on my laptop and
rebuilt Sage and it's now having tis same problem on a second
machine.  Perhaps something to do with a piece of upgraded software in
Ubuntu 11?

I'll play with this a bit more and see if I can make any headway in
identifying the issue.


On May 15, 12:25 pm, "Nicolas M. Thiery" 
> On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 03:29:41AM -0700, tom d wrote:
> > Yeah, so the failure's definitely happening in the check for version
> >guards.  I added a couple print statements in the update script to try
> > to figure out what's happening; does this look like the right kind of
> > thing to you?
> > current sage version:  [4, 6, 2]
> > hg_all_guards:  ['guardsin series file:', ' 1  +4_1_2', ' 2  -4_3_1',
> > ' 3  +4_3_1', ' 1  -4_3_2', ' 2  +4_3_2', ' 2  +4_3_3', ' 1  +4_3_3:',
> > ' 2  +4_3_4', ' 1  -4_4', ' 1  +4_4', ' 2  +4_4_1', ' 1  +4_4_2', ' 1
> > +4_4_3', ' 1  +4_4_4', ' 2  -4_5', ' 4  +4_5', ' 3  -4_5_2', ' 1
> > +4_5_2', ' 1  +4_5_3', ' 1  -4_6', ' 1  +4_6', ' 9  -4_6_1', ' 1
> > +4_6_1', ' 4  -4_6_2', ' 2  +4_6_2', ' 1  -4_7', '45  +4_7', ' 7
> > +4_7_1', ' 1  +5_0', '150  NONE', ' 3  +coerce', '18  +disabled', ' 3
> > +experimental', ' 1  +free_to_assign', ' 1  +fun', ' 1
> > +keep_for_possible_future_use', ' 1  +long_compilation', ' 1
> > +needs_rebase', ' 1  +not_finished', ' 1  +not_wanted', ' 1
> > +power_zero', ' 2  +tentative_implementation', ' 1  +words_ng_fixme']
> > versionguards:  []
> > allguards:  []
> > The script takes the output of the hg_all_guards() function (given
> > above) and then uses a method to figure out if it's a new version
> > guard or not; this check is apparently always returning false.  So the
> > question is whether the hg_all_guards output above looks sensible, or
> > whether it's funky somehow (like, say, those leading numerals).
> Ah! The leading numerals seem funky indeed, and could well point to
> the issue. I don't get them when I do
>         > sage -hg qselect -s
>         +4_1_2
>         -4_3_1
>         ...
> Can you try disabling everything in your hgrc except for the
> hgext.mq=, and see if sage -hg qselect -s returns to a normal
> behaviour?
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: strange examples behavior for crystals

2011-06-27 Thread tom d
Ok, so long as it's understood, I'm happy to ignore it, too.  I was
mainly concerned with making sure that old tests still worked with my
patched code.

On Jun 27, 12:26 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" 
>         Hi Anne!
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 07:18:16PM -0700, Anne Schilling wrote:
> > Whilst reviewing Tom's patch for the crystal Stembridge rules, the following
> > strange behavior came up:
> > sage: from sage.categories.examples.crystals import 
> > HighestWeightCrystalOfTypeA
> > sage: C = HighestWeightCrystalOfTypeA(n=4)
> > sage: D = Crystals().example(n=4)
> > sage: C is D
> > True
> > sage: C = HighestWeightCrystalOfTypeA(4)
> > sage: D = Crystals().example(4)
> > sage: C
> > Highest weight crystal of type A_4 of highest weight omega_1
> > sage: D
> > Highest weight crystal of type A_4 of highest weight omega_1
> > sage: C is D
> > False
> > So without specifying n=4 in the definition of the examples, the two 
> > crystals
> > are not considered as equal even though on print they appear to be the 
> > same. Why?
> In this example, UniqueRepresentation gets two different inputs:
>  - An optional named argument ``n=4`` in the first case
>  - A positional argument ``4`` in the second case
> and because of that creates two distinct objects.
> Ideally, UniqueRepresentation would handle this automatically by
> having its cached_method look up the optional arguments of __init__
> and do appropriate straightening as cached method usually does. This
> is not yet the case. So instead, we have been so far handling this
> issue by having a __classcall__ that straighten the arguments. And in
> the case of category examples, we just ignored this minor issue in
> favor of simplicity.
> You are welcome to open a ticket upon UniqueRepresentation and/or add
> a comment in some TEST section, but otherwise I vote for just ignoring
> this.
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-05-15 Thread tom d
Yeah, so the failure's definitely happening in the check for version
guards.  I added a couple print statements in the update script to try
to figure out what's happening; does this look like the right kind of
thing to you?

current sage version:  [4, 6, 2]
hg_all_guards:  ['guards in series file:', ' 1  +4_1_2', ' 2  -4_3_1',
' 3  +4_3_1', ' 1  -4_3_2', ' 2  +4_3_2', ' 2  +4_3_3', ' 1  +4_3_3:',
' 2  +4_3_4', ' 1  -4_4', ' 1  +4_4', ' 2  +4_4_1', ' 1  +4_4_2', ' 1
+4_4_3', ' 1  +4_4_4', ' 2  -4_5', ' 4  +4_5', ' 3  -4_5_2', ' 1
+4_5_2', ' 1  +4_5_3', ' 1  -4_6', ' 1  +4_6', ' 9  -4_6_1', ' 1
+4_6_1', ' 4  -4_6_2', ' 2  +4_6_2', ' 1  -4_7', '45  +4_7', ' 7
+4_7_1', ' 1  +5_0', '150  NONE', ' 3  +coerce', '18  +disabled', ' 3
+experimental', ' 1  +free_to_assign', ' 1  +fun', ' 1
+keep_for_possible_future_use', ' 1  +long_compilation', ' 1
+needs_rebase', ' 1  +not_finished', ' 1  +not_wanted', ' 1
+power_zero', ' 2  +tentative_implementation', ' 1  +words_ng_fixme']
version guards:  []
all guards:  []

The script takes the output of the hg_all_guards() function (given
above) and then uses a method to figure out if it's a new version
guard or not; this check is apparently always returning false.  So the
question is whether the hg_all_guards output above looks sensible, or
whether it's funky somehow (like, say, those leading numerals).


On May 12, 9:21 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" 
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:09:55AM -0700, tom d wrote:
> > 
> > :/mnt/data/sage-4.6.2/devel/sage-combinat$ sage -hg qselect -s
> > guards in series file:
> >  1  +4_1_2
> >  2  -4_3_1
> ...
> > 
> > info("Updating guards")
> >     system(hg+" qselect -q -n")
> >     system(hg+" qselect "+
> >            " ".join(non_version_guards + version_guards))
> > 
> > When a system hg call happens, does it use sage's local hg install, or
> > does it rely on hg being installed elsewhere on the host system?
> > Because I don't have hg installed outside of sage...
> It uses Sage's hg. See the def of `hg` earlier in the file.
> Hmm. I am pretty stuck at that point ...
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-05-11 Thread tom d

:/mnt/data/sage-4.6.2/devel/sage-combinat$ sage -hg qselect -s
guards in series file:
 1  +4_1_2
 2  -4_3_1
 3  +4_3_1
 1  -4_3_2
 2  +4_3_2
 2  +4_3_3
 1  +4_3_3:
 2  +4_3_4
 1  -4_4
 1  +4_4
 2  +4_4_1
 1  +4_4_2
 1  +4_4_3
 1  +4_4_4
 2  -4_5
 4  +4_5
 3  -4_5_2
 1  +4_5_2
 1  +4_5_3
 1  -4_6
 1  +4_6
 9  -4_6_1
 1  +4_6_1
 4  -4_6_2
 2  +4_6_2
 1  -4_7
45  +4_7
 7  +4_7_1
 1  +5_0
150  NONE
 3  +coerce
18  +disabled
 3  +experimental
 1  +free_to_assign
 1  +fun
 1  +keep_for_possible_future_use
 1  +long_compilation
 1  +needs_rebase
 1  +not_finished
 1  +not_wanted
 1  +nt
 1  +power_zero
 2  +tentative_implementation
 1  +words_ng_fixme

This is in the sage-combinat script:

info("Updating guards")
system(hg+" qselect -q -n")
system(hg+" qselect "+
   " ".join(non_version_guards + version_guards))

When a system hg call happens, does it use sage's local hg install, or
does it rely on hg being installed elsewhere on the host system?
Because I don't have hg installed outside of sage...


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-05-11 Thread tom d
Ah, the -v has to go before the update command; sorry.
Here's the (hopefully relevant) excerpt from the verbose update

patch queue now empty
Pulling the new version of the patches from the patch server
  (cd .hg/patches ; /mnt/data/sage-4.6.2/sage -hg --config
'extensions.hgext.mq=' pull -u http://combinat.sagemath.org/patches/)
pulling from http://combinat.sagemath.org/patches/
searching for changes
no changes found
Current non version guards:
Updated non version guards:
Updating guards
  /mnt/data/sage-4.6.2/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq='
qselect -q -n
  /mnt/data/sage-4.6.2/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq='
no active guards
Warning: the former top patch 70 A trac_10998-categories-posets-
nt.patch does not exist anymore
Applying all patches
  /mnt/data/sage-4.6.2/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qpush -

On May 11, 3:02 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" 
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:49:11AM +0200, Viviane Pons wrote:
> > I seem to have similar issues :
> > I am still with sage-4.6.2, I did a hg pull and hg update and then
> > tried to pop and push all the patches and here's what I get :
> > applying trac_10998-categories-posets-nt.patch
> > unable to find 'sage/categories/facade_sets.py' for patching
> > 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
> > sage/categories/facade_sets.py.rej
> > patch failed, unable to continue (try -v)
> > patch failed, rejects left in working dir
> > errors during apply, please fix and refresh
> > trac_10998-categories-posets-nt.patch
> > The above qselect fixed it but it should have worked without this fix,
> > the problem came from the update itself.
> "The above qselect": was this `sage -combinat qselect`, or a manual
> `hg select ...` as Tom had to do?
> As stated in the documentation: if you use hg pull and hg push
> directly to update instead of using the sage-combinat script, you are
> responsible for running `sage -combinat qselect` yourself.
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-05-10 Thread tom d
Here's information from 4.6.2.  I don't remember whether it was binary
or source-built.  The 4.7.1.rc2 that's having troubls was definitely
source-built, though.

Version output:

:/mnt/data/sage-4.6.2$ sage -version
| Sage Version 4.6.2, Release Date: 2011-02-25   |

Here's the output of sage -combinat update -v, run after setting up
the guards manually:

popping trac_10998-categories-posets-nt.patch
popping trac_8-finite_enumset_list_cache-review-nt.patch
popping trac_8-finite_enumset_list_cache-fh.patch
popping trac_11165-partitions_core_quotient_fix-fh.patch
popping trac_11224-lazy_import-get-nt.patch
popping trac_10333-lrcalc-final.patch
popping trac_11315-remove_pstricks_from_preamble-fs.patch
popping trac_11314-tableau-from-shape-and-word-ht.patch
popping trac_11290-nilCoxeter-cb.patch
popping trac_11292-inputs-lattice-meet-join.patch
popping trac_11293-all-relations-poset-v2.patch
popping trac_11289-docs-checks-random-poset.patch
popping trac_7922_alpha3-changes.patch
popping trac_7922-final-review-nt.patch
popping trac_7922-rebased-4.7.alpha2.patch
popping trac_9949_major_index_really_final-nb.patch
patch queue now empty
pulling from http://combinat.sagemath.org/patches/
searching for changes
no changes found
no active guards
applying trac_9949_major_index_really_final-nb.patch
patching file sage/groups/perm_gps/permgroup_named.py
skipping trac_10776_poset_top.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_10890_partitions_in_box-om.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_10939-graph-relabel_with_function-nt.patch - guarded by
skipping trac_10995-fixing_getitem_on_ambient_space-vp.patch - guarded
by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_9109-finite_set_maps-fh.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_11156-sage_unittest-init-nt.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_8670_folded-sl.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_10788_return_words-sl.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_10660_modify_str_of_word-sl.patch - guarded by
skipping trac_8673_out_of_range_index-sl.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_11128_word_conjugacy-sl.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_11128-minor_docfix-abm.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping trac_10055-words_clean_history-tm.patch - guarded by ['+4_7']
skipping sage-4.7.1.patch - guarded by ['+4_7_1']
skipping trac_10961-lie_bracket_in_rings-nt.patch - guarded by
skipping trac_10938-Set-issubset_issuperset-nt.patch - guarded by
skipping trac_11108-classgraph-nt.patch - guarded by ['+4_7_1']
skipping trac_10446_schuetzenberger_involution-as.patch - guarded by
skipping trac_11236-test_eq_for_python_2_7-nt.patch - guarded by
skipping trac_9065-facade_parents-nt.patch - guarded by ['+4_7_1']
skipping sage-5.0.patch - guarded by ['+5_0']
applying trac_7922-rebased-4.7.alpha2.patch
patching file doc/en/thematic_tutorials/lie/branching_rules.rst
patching file doc/en/thematic_tutorials/lie/weight_ring.rst
patching file doc/en/thematic_tutorials/lie/weyl_character_ring.rst
patching file sage/categories/classical_crystals.py
patching file sage/combinat/root_system/all.py
patching file sage/combinat/root_system/ambient_space.py
patching file sage/combinat/root_system/weyl_characters.py
applying trac_7922-final-review-nt.patch
patching file doc/en/thematic_tutorials/lie/weight_ring.rst
patching file doc/en/thematic_tutorials/lie/weyl_character_ring.rst
patching file sage/combinat/root_system/weyl_characters.py
applying trac_7922_alpha3-changes.patch
patching file doc/en/thematic_tutorials/lie/weyl_character_ring.rst
patching file sage/combinat/root_system/weyl_characters.py
applying trac_11289-docs-checks-random-poset.patch
patching file sage/combinat/posets/poset_examples.py
applying trac_11293-all-relations-poset-v2.patch
patching file sage/combinat/posets/posets.py
applying trac_11292-inputs-lattice-meet-join.patch
patching file sage/combinat/posets/lattices.py
applying trac_11290-nilCoxeter-cb.patch
patching file doc/en/reference/algebras.rst
patching file doc/en/reference/combinat/algebra.rst
patching file sage/algebras/affine_nil_temperley_lieb.py
patching file sage/algebras/all.py
patching file sage/algebras/iwahori_hecke_algebra.py
patching file sage/algebras/nil_coxeter_algebra.py
adding sage

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-05-09 Thread tom d
Ok, indeed it was an issue with the guards.
I ran:
 sage -hg qselect 4_7 4_7_1 5_0
with the 4.6.2 install, and then pushed all patches and it worked.

The funny part is that 'sage -combinat update' is clearing out all of
my guards, so I have to pull changes, manually set the guards, and
then manually push all of the patches.  I'm not sure what's going on


On May 9, 5:32 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" 
> On Sun, May 08, 2011 at 08:38:22PM -0700, Anne Schilling wrote:
> > It seems to me that for some reason (probably wrong guard selection)
> > the patch
> > trac_9065-facade_parents-nt.patch
> > is not applied for you. facade_sets.py is introduced there.
> > Can you pop all patches, run the qselect again, and push?
> Or alternatively do a `sage -combinat update` which will do the above
> for you.
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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"sage-combinat-devel" group.
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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: combinat queue issue?

2011-05-08 Thread tom d
Hmm...  Just tried that; the 4.7.rc2 install has no guards applied
(perhaps to be expected).  I found this line in both the 4.7.rc2 and
the 4.6.2 output when I tried to update:

patching file sage/categories/examples/posets.py
unable to find 'sage/categories/facade_sets.py' for patching
patching file sage/categories/facade_sets.py
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/categories/

Any idea what facade_sets.py is, and why it wouldn't exist in 4.6.1,
4.6.2, or 4.7.rc2?


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[sage-combinat-devel] combinat queue issue?

2011-05-08 Thread tom d
Hey, all;

I've been having trouble updating/installing combinat this last week.
I was hoping to (finally) finish up the stembridge patch, but updating
combinat has been uniformly failing.  Anne said it was working fine
during Sage Days, so I'm rather confused.

I have two different machine, both of which have had failures.
EEE PC running Ubuntu and Sage 4.6.1
Desktop running Ubuntu and Sage 4.6.2.  I also just tried Sage
4.7.rc2, built from source, both of which die with this message:
"errors during apply, please fix and refresh trac_10998-categories-

normally, I'd just wait for the patch queue to get patched up, but
it's been a week and it seems like I'm alone in having trouble...


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Patch queue woes: iet/iet.py not found

2010-03-23 Thread tom d
Indeed, all is well now.  Many thanks!

On Mar 23, 1:09 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" 
>         Hi!
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 08:34:13AM +0100, Florent hivert wrote:
> > > I just finished upgrading my Sage, and now Combinat cannot update...
> > > Here's the output:
> > > Skip backward compatibility patches for sage 4.3.4
> > > Keep backward compatibility patches for sage
> > > Keep backward compatibility patches for sage 5.0.0
> > > Updating guards
> > >   /home/kaibutsu/sage/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qselect
> > > -q -n
> > >   /home/kaibutsu/sage/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qselect
> > > 4_3_4_1
> > > 5
> > > _0_0
> > > number of unguarded, unapplied patches has changed from 107 to 109
> > >   /home/kaibutsu/sage/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qpush
> > > trac_8429_s
> > > plit_word-sl.patch
> > > applying sage-5.0.0.patch
> > > patch sage-5.0.0.patch is empty
> > > No username found, using 'kaibu...@gnosis' instead
> > > applying trac_8429_split_word-sl.patch
> > > unable to find 'sage/combinat/iet/iet.py' for patching
> > This is rather strange. File 'sage/combinat/iet/iet.py' was created by 
> > ticket
> > #7145 merged in sage-4.3.1.rc0. It seems that something went wrong during 
> > your
> > upgrade.
> Yup, that was it: the sage-combinat dir had not been updated since the
> upgrade. The installation is working now. Sorry for the noise!
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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[sage-combinat-devel] Patch queue woes: iet/iet.py not found

2010-03-23 Thread tom d

I just finished upgrading my Sage, and now Combinat cannot update...
Here's the output:

Skip backward compatibility patches for sage 4.3.4
Keep backward compatibility patches for sage
Keep backward compatibility patches for sage 5.0.0
Updating guards
  /home/kaibutsu/sage/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qselect
-q -n
  /home/kaibutsu/sage/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qselect
number of unguarded, unapplied patches has changed from 107 to 109
  /home/kaibutsu/sage/sage -hg --config 'extensions.hgext.mq=' qpush
applying sage-5.0.0.patch
patch sage-5.0.0.patch is empty
No username found, using 'kaibu...@gnosis' instead
applying trac_8429_split_word-sl.patch
unable to find 'sage/combinat/iet/iet.py' for patching
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/combinat/iet/
patching file sage/combinat/words/suffix_trees.py
Hunk #1 FAILED at 12
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/combinat/words/
patching file sage/combinat/words/word.py
Hunk #3 FAILED at 21
Hunk #4 FAILED at 229
2 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/combinat/words/
patching file sage/combinat/words/word_generators.py
Hunk #1 succeeded at 40 with fuzz 2 (offset -1 lines).
patching file sage/combinat/words/words.py
Hunk #1 FAILED at 469
Hunk #2 FAILED at 486
2 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/combinat/words/
patch failed, unable to continue (try -v)
sage/combinat/iet/iet.py: No such file or directory
No username found, using 'kaibu...@gnosis' instead
patch failed, rejects left in working dir
errors during apply, please fix and refresh trac_8429_split_word-


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