[Fwd: Solar Colliodal Silver Makers]

1998-05-22 Thread Cisco

Lets try this again with proper spelling the moron might just get his
message through!.Jeezz I need spell check!


I have had a multitude of requests for further information on how to
make a system for colliodal silver from solar or wind power. I will do
some further research for this List as the products we are forced to
utilize are rather inovative and there are obviously easier ways to
build a system.


Utilizing a solar panel to charge a battery or bank of batteries is a
slow process and usually requires an area where you have many days of
sun exposure. One system we utilize requires 3 Solar Panels. One for
each of the batteries to be charged, the panels are 16+ volts for
charging the 12 vdc Deep Cycle Marine batteries, and a 8-9 vdc panel for
the 6 vdc Deep Cycle Marine battery. By connecting the batteries in
series you get 30vdc. We use a 6 foot .999 Silver electrode on each wire
and separate them quite widewe utilize a laser pointer to tell us we
are in the neighborhood of the values we want. We then utilize a very
sensitive Ohm meter to give us a working ratio for production. This
sysyem works rather quickly and produces a good product for human
consumption. We have had several batches made completely in 11 minutes
and depending on the battery condition it has taken as long as an
hourso one must monitor the situation closely. These panels sell for
around $400.00 US each but have a 15 year life. Temperature has little
effect on the working of the solar panel, but it can slow it slightly if
sub-zero temps are reached.


This is the most efficient system for battery charging.  Although the
cost in some cases can stiffel your pocket book. The unit we utilize is
made in Austrailia and has the capibility of outputing 20amps. It has an
adjustable output for voltage from 12 volts DC to 32 volts DC. This
makes it ideal for charging the 30vdc bank as one system and not require
three wind generators to do the job. These units sell for about $850.00

We have gone so far as to utilize a Delco Alternator w/built in voltage
regulator and drove it with a wind turbine of our own fabrication the
total unit cost us about $100.00 US to build. It only charges the system
of twelve volt batteries and requires a small unit to lower the voltage
to charge the 6 volt battery.

The design and technical layout for these systems is being done for me
on a friends site when it is completed I will advise those still
interested where to look.

We have converted many homes to these systems and people are completely
self-sufficient from power companies. With a little adjustment you can
have all the systems you now have with very low maintenance and low cost
per year for power. This does not apply in places where neither wind nor
sun can be had for months at a timebut even in Wisconsin we had
these systems on line and functional. For the making of CS we have been
forced to find alternatives to make the product in places where
transporting the already made product would not be suitable. 

As it stands the different groups now produce 5 gallon per village per
week. Except where wells are being treated and in those cases the
production exceeds 5 gallon per day. The largest production day recorded
was 25 gallons which was for the initial treatment of a village well.

I hope this offers some insight for you into the Solar CS making
projects we utilize.

---End Message---

Re: CS/burns

1998-05-22 Thread NCOAMA
my pleasure

that is what i joined this list for.


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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CS nasal spray

1998-05-22 Thread NCOAMA
Mike D

I started to use cs for dandruff. I apply it in the morning before I head off
to work. How much i use is not easy to tell. I keep it in an old CS bottle i
got from some company. a squeez type plastic bottle, anyhow i just put in on
my head until it runs off. sounds funny i guess but there is a good saturation
going on. then i just comb the hair and let it dry by its self. i do rub it in
befor combing. the cs seems to make the hair set in place and holds it all
day. plain water will not do that for me. anyhow a lot of new hair has grown
and tends to maintain a more youthfull color than it had before.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net


1998-05-22 Thread Joyce Inouye
Re:  Melatonin  Fountain of Youth
I read that old mice who had their old pineal gland transplanted with
pineal glands from young mice became younger.  Melatonin is normally
abundant in young children, but decreases upon puberty.  Please recognize
that the drug cartel TARGETS the EFFECTIVE healing medicines, not impotent
ones. Go to the following site, scroll down the left menu, and click on
Canadian Battle For Health Freedom.  Also, it's very important to buy a
brand that is properly processed, or it might do you more harm than good. 

You will find at the site how planned nutritional scare tactics are
purposely released to the media to control the industry.
Remember that artificial drugs kill about 300,000 people in the USA each
year (180,000 according to Harvard; 100,000 according to AMA), making it
the LARGEST CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE USA.  Natural Medicines, in contract,
have a very safe record.  Please don't be fooled by the propaganda that is
purposely given to the news media.  The media have been controlled by
the Illuminati-NewWorldOrder since 1917, and are setting you up for

Take care,
:)  Joyce Inouye
On Fri, 22 May 1998, Hermes, Kristofer J wrote:

 I don't know much about melatonin, but I do know that it is outlawed in
 Canada.  Before anyone goes on a tirade about government controlling
 people's health freedom, I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the
 Canadian government's position, but they might have gathered some
 evidence that its use is dangerous.
 There might be a way to investigate this through the Internet...
  From:   It's not me[SMTP:rocke...@micron.net]
  Sent:   Friday, May 22, 1998 6:25 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject:Re: URINE PH
  What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not
  any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have
  I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and
  would hate
  to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people
  and let
  them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate
  info that you could provide to me.
  -Original Message-
  From: Cisco ci...@iftech.net
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
  Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
  Subject: Re: URINE PH
  Joe and Jim and Listers,
  pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use
  bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
  Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
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  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net


1998-05-22 Thread Debbie McDonald
Brooks Bradley wrote:
  Our limited, anectdotal
 experimentation (on older members of our staff's extended families60
 and over)  have yielded very satisfactory results, with no detectable side
Sorry off topic Mike but my experience with melatonin is not that
positive. If taken for more than a day or two , I wake up in the middle
of the night somewhat wired. On many nights I will also have
weird/bizarre dreams and this I have heard and read from others. Deb   

 Debbie McDonald


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CS/burns

1998-05-22 Thread Joyce Inouye

I met a man who told me he had 3rd and 4th degree burns on his face, hand,
and arms when something exploded while fixing his car. (I forgot what
exploded.) He then sprayed his face with a colloidal spray, which, he said
prevented scaring and infections. 

He showed me his before (face was redish-black and swollen) and after 
(face with no scars) pictures, which were quite impressive.  So, I would
think colloidal silver would be good on any burns, provided its a good
brand, and in a spray form (so bacteria doesn't spread with the liquid).

It seems that anti-bacterial substances help prevent scars from burns.  A
product sold as melaleuca was used in the Gulf War, and is mandatory on
buses in Israel (in case of bombings).  When put on burn victims, it
immediately cools the area, reduces the pain, provides anti-septic
affects, and helps prevent scarring.

:)  Joyce Inouye   jinou...@hills.ccsf.cc.ca.us

On Fri, 22 May 1998, Debbie McDonald wrote:

 Hi All,
   Some time back I had read here that someone used CS on sunburn?? I
 burned my face last friday(worse than first degree) and it was too late
 to call docs so I put some CS in a mister and kept spraying the burned
 area,(mouth, nose and surrounding) for two hours+, kept it wet with CS,
 any slack and the pain was pretty bad. By bedtime it was not too
 uncomfortable to sleep) It never formed blisters and today you cannot
 tell(unless you are very close) and the numbness in the lip is going
 away. Just wanted to let any know that had missed the original post. Had
 I not read it here, I would not have tried this on myself. Thanks
 whoever that was. Deb 
  Debbie McDonald
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: Swollen tonsil after cs

1998-05-22 Thread jeinert
 From:  vgnev...@hop-uky.campus.mci.net
 Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 20:36:45 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject:   Swollen tonsil after cs 
 Reply-to:  silver-list@eskimo.com

 I started taking 500 ppm cs made by Nutri Vison Inc Carson City,
 yesterday. About one teaspoon. Today I did the same. About three
 hours after the second dose my throat became  sore. I can see
 a white swelling the size of a very large pimple in my  right
 palatine tonsil.
 To confuse matters I started a new brand of Essiac Tea, Life Extension
 foundation and an antiparasitical program called paragon yesterday.

It's my bet that the Essiac Tea is doing the trick. It is a cleanser, 
and the tonsil is part of the lymph system. I believe the Essiac is 
causing the toxins and mucus to start flushing so fast that it is 
trying to release right out of the tonsil as pus. The CS should be a 
benefit to keep any infection at bay, as the pus that will come from 
the tonsil is going to be full of bacteria and germs, as well as 
Just my observation and opinion.
Jim Einert, N.D.

 I suspect its the silver since it taste so strong and produced a slight
 burning sensation in my throat. I was curious if anyone else has had
 this experience and if anyone would speculate as to why a germinal center
 would swell like this. It's my speculation its the silver, I have a feeling,
 its going to be a very interesting month or so.
 I have Hep C and am going for a PCR in July. I am going to do a high cs for
 the next two months. But I haven't a clue as to what would be a regeme to
 follow. I would deeply appreciate any remarks.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: mites

1998-05-22 Thread STEPHANIE J DALLAM

  Does anyone know a practical, proven way to stop mites from living  in
pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, etc. (without removing and boiling them)

Even if you did boil them, they would immediately be recolonized when you
put them back on your bed.  There are mites everywhere in our homes.  It is
best to cover mattresses and pillows with zip up plastic covers - these
permenantly separate mites from their food supply (flakes of dead skin -
which we continuously shed).  The mites will then die and not return which
the bedding is covered.

Stephanie Dallam RN

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net


1998-05-22 Thread Cisco
Genny and List,

Colliodal Copper is considered toxic to humans when taken in large
amounts. But for plants I would like to hear something tested on that
subject. We have entire farms effected by leaf molds which CS has a
great effect on but some of the different types it only slows the
progression. I will attempt to make some myselfI have a peach tree
being destroyed by this mold and if this does the trick we could be on
to something here!~ Getting away from the toxic chemicals Dow and others
create for our environment and the slow poisoning of our water supplies
as well as our selves has always been a concern for anyone who handles
them. Would it not be strange to find another useful tool from this
group which can help a food supply...even our own?


Zeigler, Virginia A. x1969 wrote:
 Hi, Everyone!
 Here in Virginia just about everything we try to grow is attacked by one
 sort of fungus or another (not to mention japanese beetles etc.).  We
 end up buying all sorts of fungicides and insecticides, which nobody
 wants to handle because of how toxic they are to humans and animals.
 I am excited about the prospect of using some CS as a foliar spray on my
 tomatoes, grapes, roses etc.  I have some powdered copper, which is
 supposed to be an effective fungacide, but which plugs up the sprayer 
 is otherwise messy enough that noone bothers to use itI wonder if
 colloidal copper might not be more useful.  Just a thought
 Also, I wonder if the CS would kill the nematodes (not the beneficial
 nematodes which kill grubs in the lawn) which ruin carrots and raise
 havoc with the roots of other plants???
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net


1998-05-22 Thread Cisco
Joe and Jim and Listers,

Over the past two years we have noticed that with Herxheimer Effect that
the urine Ph drops. We have found a multitude of foods which cause these
rapid rise and falls of Ph in the urine and blood. We use Papaya, guava,
passion fruit and bread fruits to help the body stabilize the Acid
levels. I would ask Jim to explain why the addition of acid to the body
causes an alkline reactionbecause I dont have the true explination.
We do find that in serious CS and Rife Herx reaction that Papaya and
Oranges in quantity help massively with stabilization of Ph.

As to sleep we have attempted a multitude of measures espically when
pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes
some massive problems for healing. With the imbalance of Ph in the
system an additional problem is created, the system is too stressed to
work properly and clean itself.

This is the point where we begin using Distilled water for the major
intake of the person in need. It causes the system to flush and the
absorbancy rate is incredible. The body of most of the people loses
quantities of water through fever and sweat. As far as Ph goes we remain
concerned with it every 6 to 12 hours. Your concern over the varying of
Joes Ph is a good thing but it does not swing into a real bad area yet.

It may be the dosage of CS which causes this swing...I would wonder
where the Ph level goes after each dosage of CS and how long before the
swing occursJoe if you can chart that you may have the answer to the
reason for the wide Ph levels your tracking.just thinking out loud.
Killoff will cause the blood and urine Ph to drop.


jein...@troi.csw.net wrote:
  From:  JOSEPH T HARRISON harris...@prodigy.net
  Cc:rife-l...@eskimo.com, silver-list@eskimo.com,
 Multiple recipients of list DOWSING dows...@intuition.org
  Subject:   Re: URINE PH
  Date:  Thu, 21 May 1998 20:52:53 -0400
   I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
   PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
   The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
   TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
   water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
  Hi Joe,
  I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat
  acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it
  can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first
  made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you
  should be drinking distilled water.
  I make my own distilled water, by the dual distalation process, this
  uses two containers separated  by a catch system and spout. The
  upper tank acts as a condenser by having an inverted funnel inside,
  and the water is preheated to drive off low temp distillates. This water
  is then manually poured into the lower tank where H2O is boiled off at
  a low flame to prevent splashing into the separator.  I don't believe that
  better distilled water can be had for a reasonable cost, and I only use
  store bought distilled water when traveling, which has been rare of late.
   The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
 Wakeuplate in day
   05/16  5.17.0
   Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
   test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
   The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
   which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
   and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
  In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of
  the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time
  to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH
  reading for that, and I can tell you more.
  I rarely eat anything in the morning, taking only a sip or two of distilled
  water until lunchtime.  So most of the ( late in day ) tests are fasting
   for 2 to 4 hrs.
 Hi Joe,
 That being the case, I see your pH is moving a quiet a bit. it went
 from alkaline at 7.0 then droped to 6.3 and went back up to alkaline
 again. You need to keep a record of what you eat to see what might be
 making you pH move around so much. Something you eat, drink or take
 is moving it around. You need some calcium to level it out. Probably
 a calcium citrate or a chelated calcium.

Re: CS nasal spray / hair

1998-05-22 Thread bjs1779
Bill Kingsbury wrote:
  Does anyone know a practical, proven way to stop mites from living
  in pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, etc. (without removing and
  boiling them) ?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CS/burns

1998-05-22 Thread Debbie McDonald
Hi All,
  Some time back I had read here that someone used CS on sunburn?? I
burned my face last friday(worse than first degree) and it was too late
to call docs so I put some CS in a mister and kept spraying the burned
area,(mouth, nose and surrounding) for two hours+, kept it wet with CS,
any slack and the pain was pretty bad. By bedtime it was not too
uncomfortable to sleep) It never formed blisters and today you cannot
tell(unless you are very close) and the numbness in the lip is going
away. Just wanted to let any know that had missed the original post. Had
I not read it here, I would not have tried this on myself. Thanks
whoever that was. Deb 

 Debbie McDonald


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net


1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not seen
any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have read.
I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and would hate
to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people and let
them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate any
info that you could provide to me.


-Original Message-
From: Cisco ci...@iftech.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: URINE PH

Joe and Jim and Listers,

pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

-Original Message-
From: Darryl Jones vital.ea...@hunterlink.net.au
To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: nutrients

You are harsh!

But  am I factual is a better question?

Any broad spectrum anti- biotic such as colloidal silver can not
discriminate between
  good and bad   bacteria ...though I think here we should have terms
pathogenic and non pathogenic.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that CS is NOT an
antibiotic.  If I am not mistaken, antibiotics generally come from mold and
bacteria.  I'm not sure how you would classify CS, maybe antibiotic-like.
More likely is that CS is in another class altogether.  Antibiotics kill
bacteria only.  Apparently, CS can kill bacteria, virus, and any simple,
single cell organism.

How are we  made up of bacteria  ?... I have never heard of that before?

We may not be made up of bacteria, but no doubt bacteria are vital to our
life processes.  Bacteria are present in our mouths, on our skin, and in our
digestive tracts to name a few.  Lactobacillus Acidophilus, and
Bifidobacterium Bifidum are a few that I take daily to keep my digestion
functioning properly.  And yes I can tell you from experience, you can kill
off the good bacteria with CS.  I use it sparingly, internally because it
tends to mess up my digestion.  By adding Acidophilus/Bifidum back to the
system, I can counteract the effect somewhat.  Others don't seem to have
this problem and I really don't know why.  Just a side note, in the absence
of the proper intestinal floura, candida yeast can take over and make you
pretty sick.  I'm fighting something along this order right now I think.

As for the whole argument about whether to apply CS to the soil, I think the
truth lies somewhere between both opinions expressed.  I see that CS could
be useful to kill molds, fungus and etc., and I can also see that CS could
ultimately cause some problems for the soil.  It is bacteria that converts
dead organisms into plant and animal usable molecules.  Bacteria is also
apparently responsible for nitrogen-fixing.  To quote my trusty World Book
Encyclopedia, Without these bacteria, the soil and water would soon become
poor in nitrogen, and all plants and animals would die.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CS nasal spray / hair

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me
Would this work?  I recall reading that CS kills simple, single cell
organisms, but not complex organisms.  I don't think that CS would help with
mites, but would certainly kill bacteria in the pores or on your pillow.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Kingsbury kings...@gte.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: CS nasal spray / hair

 5-21-98, NCOAMA wrote:
  i havn't used it in my nose for very long but i have put
  it on my head for nearly two years.  my scalp is still
  flesh color and my hair is much younger looking (even
  the new hair that the cs grew)

 This makes sense, considering the theory that hair-loss is
 infectious in nature, (usually?) due to fungus or mites living
 in the hair follicles.

 There was a news-slot on CBS channel 2, around six weeks ago,
 regarding the purported discovery of the root-cause of hair loss.
 I missed it, but I saw the two-second preview shot -- of a
 wiggly mite, somehow clearly filmed in a hair follicle.

 Does anyone have more info ?  I tried looking on their web
 page:  www.channel2000.com , but there was nothing there, at
 that time.

 There was a special on PBS TV (Nova ?) on mites earlier this
 year.  The largest mites (in humans) are found in the eye-lash
 follicles, and they are found in pores and follicles everywhere
 on the body -- unless you take peroxide baths often, I guess.

 Or colloidal silver baths...  Yes, a CS hair rinse makes sense.

 CS in the washing machine might make sense, also, since mites
 live in clothing and bedding -- where ever there's (dead) human
 skin flakes (or dandruff).  Pillows and mattresses are the most
 mite- populated places.  Would a CS pillow- spray work ?

 Dust mites, naturally, live on dust, but most dust is purported
 to be human skin flakes.  'Mite control' is important for those
 with allergies and asthma, since mites (and mite feces) are a
 MAJOR allergy trigger.


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Re: Finally - My first attempt ! How did I do ?

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me
I haven't had much success with just rubbing the CS in topically.  What
usually works is to saturate something with CS and leave it in contact with
the infected sight for some time.  Cold sores get about 10 min. and other
nastier infections get overnight or several days.  I would think that with
Mastitis, you would want the CS in contact at least overnight.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Matzka fmat...@senet.com.au
To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 8:59 AM
Subject: Finally - My first attempt ! How did I do ?

Well, after lurking for ages and humming and hahing, I finally got around
making not only the generator but a first batch ! Tonight.

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Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread It's not me

-Original Message-
From: Darryl vital.ea...@hunterlink.net.au
To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: nutrients

You make some good points, however.  I'm going to go out on a limb
here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, it is
way you go about it that causes the problem.

You may have noticed that I pointed out that you make some good points.  I
guess it bugs me a bit to see someone trying to contribute something and
their ideas are called dumb and ignorant.  The person who contributed this
experience (Cisco) has had some good information for some of us.  Maybe the
idea of using CS in the irigation is not one of the best ideas, but hardly
dumb or ignorant.  People here are experimenting and learning.  Some things
work and some don't.  I'm not opposed to pointing out error.

I am not being combative for the sake of it, but don't you think we loose
credibility here if we accept stuff just because it is contributed   [

I do.  Don't you also think we lose credibility if we forgoe common courtesy
in our discourse?

facts, not fantasies or  apologies after all he contributed the
information as  facts ...someone not knowing otherwise would make a big
error in accepting those  facts   and implementing them, C/S would
suffer, as would the user of C/S ...and all because just the opposite case
was not put up forcefully enough!

Forcefully yes, rudely no.  The quickest way to send a bunch of people
packing from a discussion is to let it deteriate into name calling and
bashing.  Your idea is incorrect is forcefull, Your idea is stupid is

Perhaps a sharper tone will cause people to think or check their facts
before they post, and that would mean a more useful and reliable source of
knowledge, then again I may have strayed on to a social ritual that would
prefer niceties to truth.
Someone please demolish my argument, not demolish me.

I was not interested in doing either.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread Joyce Inouye

I don't know anything about spraying soils, but it works for spraying
plants.  I sprayed diseased, yellow, geraniums with BioMin minerals and
colloid of silver from Total Health Concepts, and the plants became green
and healthy.  For a BioMin study, see:


About making statements--In the law of court, if you are a witness to
something, your word is credible (providing you yourself are trustworthy). 
Since Cisco is speaking from experience, I would believe him, rather than
your intellectualizations, however well-reasoned.

I would suggest that you experiment with colloid of silver, then report
your findings.  It would be simple to buy a cheap plant and water it with
a diluted colloidal silver mixture to test your hypothesis. I'd be very
interested to hear about your results. 

:)  Joyce Inouye   jinou...@hills.ccsf.cc.ca.us

On Thu, 21 May 1998 jein...@troi.csw.net wrote:
  Someone prove that sterilising the soil with an antibiotic like C/S will
  make for healthy plants please step forward ... If I am wrong this time
  and Cisco is right it is up to him and others to demonstrate that with
  facts, not fantasies or  apologies after all he contributed the
  information as  facts ...someone not knowing otherwise would make a big
  error in accepting those  facts   and implementing them, C/S would
  suffer, as would the user of C/S ...and all because just the opposite case
  was not put up forcefully enough!
  Someone please demolish my argument, not demolish me.
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  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net
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Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread Darryl Jones

You are harsh!

But  am I factual is a better question?

That is your way of doing things, I can stop that. I
agree that you do make some good points. I also agree that CS may not
be good for the soil. But lets look at this from a different
perspective. (Mind you, I don't have any proof one way or another,
this is just an idea I have.)
What if the CS only distroys the bad bacteria, or if you are of the
school of thought that thinks bacteria can change from good to bad
and back again (which I believe it can) then maybe the CS is not
killing the bacteria at all, but only changing it back to a good

This is streching the bow to flat.
Any broad spectrum anti- biotic such as colloidal silver can not
discriminate between
  good and bad   bacteria ...though I think here we should have terms like
pathogenic and non pathogenic.

If this is the case, the soil would only benefit from being
sprayed with CS, just as the body benefits from CS.

I still don't get it. What are we killing in the soil that is so harmful?

We are made up of
bacteria much like the soil, and the CS does not make us barren!

How are we  made up of bacteria  ?... I have never heard of that before?


Just a way to look at it different.
God Bless you all!
Jim Einert, N.D.

 You make some good points, however.  I'm going to go out on a limb
 here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, it is
 way you go about it that causes the problem.

 Well why pussy foot around ?
 Why should communications here be all nice touchy, feeley stuff ?  If we
 are to get to the truth about the use and abuse of C/S silver then if some
 of us have some really factual stuff to put up why not simply put it up
 ...if that means demolishing something that is nonsense what better way to
 do it if someone else  puts up something to knock out a wrongly held
 belief by me, I will be better off for it  if they have to apologise
 for putting me right just to keep some
  feel good   thing going, it might not knock out the wrongly held belief
 in me, or others.
 I am not being combative for the sake of it, but don't you think we loose
 credibility here if we accept stuff just because it is contributed   [
 From me or others! ]
 Someone prove that sterilising the soil with an antibiotic like C/S will
 make for healthy plants please step forward ... If I am wrong this
 and Cisco is right it is up to him and others to demonstrate that with
 facts, not fantasies or  apologies after all he contributed the
 information as  facts ...someone not knowing otherwise would make a big
 error in accepting those  facts   and implementing them, C/S would
 suffer, as would the user of C/S ...and all because just the opposite case
 was not put up forcefully enough!
 There are plenty of places on the Internet to have social chit chat, and
 accept any theory simply because you don't want to offend a new found
 friend, but they will not become repositories of truth, useful,  or
 information, when people are here searching for what could be life or
 Perhaps a sharper tone will cause people to think or check their facts
 before they post, and that would mean a more useful and reliable source of
 knowledge, then again I may have strayed on to a social ritual that would
 prefer niceties to truth.
 Someone please demolish my argument, not demolish me.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: nutrients

1998-05-22 Thread jeinert
 X-To:  silver-list@eskimo.com
 From:  Darryl Jones vital.ea...@hunterlink.net.au
 Subject:   Re: nutrients
 Date:  Fri, 22 May 1998 12:33:05 +1000
 Reply-to:  silver-list@eskimo.com

Sorry, I guess I got over your head with this post.
I have been studying dark field microscopy and the ideals of Dr. 
Enderlein of Germany. Let me see if I can explain this in a nutshell.
If you look at live blood under the dark field microscope, you can 
see the bacteria in the blood. Under a normal balanced chemistry this 
bacteria is considered a good bacteria. It helps us digest our food, 
and it helps the cells uptake the food. It also makes vitamins and 
enzymes. But, when the body chemistry starts to drift away from the 
normal levels, the bacteria change to a higher form, and the more the 
chemistry gets off the higher the form. Some of these forms are 
fungus, cell wall deficient, even virus. Once the chemistry balance 
is again normalized, the bacteria again revert back to the good form. 
And yes the good form is non-pathogenic, the bad form is pathogenic.
According to Enderlein, this bacterial form cannot be destroyed. It 
lives on even after our death. If what Enderlein said was true (and I 
believe it is.) then we are not really killing these bacteria, but 
only reverting them back to non-pathogenic forms where they once 
again become beneficial.
So, my point is that the CS sprayed on the soil may in fact keep the 
bacteria from becoming pathogenic, and if it has already became 
pathogenic then the CS may be reversing it back to a non-pathogenic 
form. There is much scientific evidence all the way back over 100 
years to prove these ideas.
It all started with Bechamp in France who said that bacteria changes 
to many forms. But the concept of a different bacteria/virus for 
every disease was brought out at the same time by Pasteur, and the 
scientific community believed Pasteur. (Actually it started before 
Bechamp by someone else, can't remember his name, but on his death 
bed Pasteur admitted that man was right all along!)
Well, I hope you are not overly confused. This subject gets very 
deep. I don't have a full understanding of it myself, but I continue 
to learn.

Check below for my reply to your individual questions.
 You are harsh!
 But  am I factual is a better question?

I don't know. We don't always have a way of checking to be sure what 
we say is fact. So called facts have a way of changing over time. It 
was once a fact that man could not fly. But that is no longer a fact.
 That is your way of doing things, I can stop that. I
 agree that you do make some good points. I also agree that CS may not
 be good for the soil. But lets look at this from a different
 perspective. (Mind you, I don't have any proof one way or another,
 this is just an idea I have.)
 What if the CS only distroys the bad bacteria, or if you are of the
 school of thought that thinks bacteria can change from good to bad
 and back again (which I believe it can) then maybe the CS is not
 killing the bacteria at all, but only changing it back to a good
 This is streching the bow to flat.
 Any broad spectrum anti- biotic such as colloidal silver can not
 discriminate between
   good and bad   bacteria ...though I think here we should have terms like
 pathogenic and non pathogenic.

Not at all. If the idea I gave you above is true, the silver doesn't 
kill anything, it only changes it or brings it back to balance, which 
is not such a great feat at all!
 If this is the case, the soil would only benefit from being
 sprayed with CS, just as the body benefits from CS.
 I still don't get it. What are we killing in the soil that is so harmful?

Again, are we KILLING anything. Maybe not!
 We are made up of
 bacteria much like the soil, and the CS does not make us barren!
 How are we  made up of bacteria  ?... I have never heard of that before?

I think I explained that above.
Take care!
 Just a way to look at it different.
 God Bless you all!
 Jim Einert, N.D.
  You make some good points, however.  I'm going to go out on a limb
  here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, it is
  way you go about it that causes the problem.
  Well why pussy foot around ?
  Why should communications here be all nice touchy, feeley stuff ?  If we
  are to get to the truth about the use and abuse of C/S silver then if some
  of us have some really factual stuff to put up why not simply put it up
  ...if that means demolishing something that is nonsense what better way to
  do it if someone else  puts up something to knock out a wrongly held
  belief by me, I will be better off for it  if they have to apologise
  for putting me right just to keep some
   feel good   thing going, it might not knock out the wrongly held belief


1998-05-22 Thread jeinert
 From:  JOSEPH T HARRISON harris...@prodigy.net
 Cc:rife-l...@eskimo.com, silver-list@eskimo.com,
Multiple recipients of list DOWSING dows...@intuition.org
 Subject:   Re: URINE PH
 Date:  Thu, 21 May 1998 20:52:53 -0400

  I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
  PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
  The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
  TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
  water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
 Hi Joe,
 I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat
 acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it
 can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first
 made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you
 should be drinking distilled water.
 I make my own distilled water, by the dual distalation process, this
 uses two containers separated  by a catch system and spout. The
 upper tank acts as a condenser by having an inverted funnel inside,
 and the water is preheated to drive off low temp distillates. This water
 is then manually poured into the lower tank where H2O is boiled off at
 a low flame to prevent splashing into the separator.  I don't believe that
 better distilled water can be had for a reasonable cost, and I only use
 store bought distilled water when traveling, which has been rare of late.
  The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
Wakeuplate in day
  05/16  5.17.0
  Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
  test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
  The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
  which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
  and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
 In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of
 the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time
 to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH
 reading for that, and I can tell you more.
 I rarely eat anything in the morning, taking only a sip or two of distilled
 water until lunchtime.  So most of the ( late in day ) tests are fasting
  for 2 to 4 hrs.

Hi Joe,
That being the case, I see your pH is moving a quiet a bit. it went 
from alkaline at 7.0 then droped to 6.3 and went back up to alkaline 
again. You need to keep a record of what you eat to see what might be 
making you pH move around so much. Something you eat, drink or take 
is moving it around. You need some calcium to level it out. Probably 
a calcium citrate or a chelated calcium.
  I have SLEEP APNEA and am on a Bi-PAP machine every night.
  Also have had anemia for 10 years and have had blood transfusions
  several times, last blood test RBC  was  4.84 just above the low
  of 4.40 to 5.90 normal range, several other  tests are low also.
  Have had kidney infections for 10 yrs also, have been on almost constant
  antibiotics until 9 mos ago started CS, three current urine tests have
  no bacteria growth.  One problem eliminated, I hope!
  Have kidney stones, many X-RAYs were negative, but in 95 got them to
  run an IVP X-RAY series which showed large stones  invisible to the
  X-RAYs.  Was to have removed in Jan 97 but canceled at last minute because
  of anemia.
  Have pain in feet, ankles, legs upper and lower, knees, and hips,
  being unable to walk, sometimes require cane, sometime no symptoms at all.
  X-RAYs unable to find any problem.
 The kidney stones that I have are STRUVITE the rarest type and are caused by
 bacterial action.
 My calcium levels at least according to the MDs and hospital blood test are
 normal at 9.5 with the normal range being mg/dl (8.7- 10.1). Is it  still
 to have a calcium deficiency when blood tests show normal?

Yes! The body will pull calcium from the bones to keep the blood 
calcium levels normal. If the blood pH gets off too much either way, 
you die! So the body uses calcium to buffer the pH of the blood. If 
you have a calcium deficiency the body will pull calcium from the 
bones to keep the blood pH at a normal level. I still think the 
kidney stones are made from calcium even if they are caused by 
bacterial action. 

 First off, I can tell you that you have a . The
 kidney stones are caused by a calcium deficiency, plus the pain you
 have in your legs and feet are probably caused by the calcium
 deficiency as well. When the body chemistry gets off, the body