Re: CSThe Hanna PWT meter, conductivity vs. ppm values

2004-04-22 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Pavel,

It sounds like you're getting your understanding pretty well 
straightened out. 

The PWT measures conductivity (in microsiemens), and any relationship 
with concentration (parts per million) has to be determined by 
comparison with measurements made by other methods. The calibration 
will only apply to a single brewing recipe and only so long as 
conditions remain the same from batch to batch. Make any changes to how 
you make your CS and you'd have to get another batch tested.

 I have looked for what the PWT means on the Hanna www.pages. Both
 devices mentioned below are from Hanna and are designated for measuring
 the conductivity. Both of them can ONLY measure the conductivity ...  I
 bet my year s income, that the resulting conductance measurements shall
 be absolutely different. I swear. Or can somebody mend my opinion?
 Where s the mistake? Thanks 

Well, keep your money! I bet you're right. grin

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS[Fwd: [ ] ASAP Tested against Probiotics...]

2004-04-22 Thread M. G. Devour
Also, did the testing they were reporting on include any pathogenic 
bacteria for contrast? If they used the same method and ASAP didn't 
kill the bad bugs, it would be a hoot!! grin

Be well,

Mike D.

 Hi Marshal:
 Thanks for that.  Upon referencing the orginal report:
 GYEA and TA were used - ( GYEA is a glucose/yeast agar )
 - Jason
 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:56 AM
 Subject: Re: CS[Fwd: [ ] ASAP Tested against
  I suspect they had no idea what they were doing in the test, or did
  purposefully to try and make it look like CS does not kill probiotics.
  Is there any information on how the test was run?  I suspect that they
 used agar
  for the test, and as we all know, and my own tests several years ago
 confirm, CS
  will not inhibit growth of ANYTHING when it is immobilized like that.
  tests can ONLY be done in a thin broth.  All our tests show 100% kill
  organisms in broth, and 0% kill of all organisms in gelled agar.
  James Holmes wrote:
   My initial un-thought-out response was;
   India...what are they trying to sell...
   Putting that aside,  I think there was some flaw.  No other tests
   this to be true.  The only reference I can come up with is the
   Dr. Bart A. Flick, the principal inventor of Silverlon.  He said,
   not found a bacteria that it does not kill.   It is an assumption
   on my part that the gut bacteria in this story were included in the

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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CSMS sufferer

2004-04-22 Thread Marie Hofman

Hi it's Marie ... I posted for the first time one week ago about my husband who is paralized with MS and I have him on CS ... oh yes I do and I will not stop. I have already seen results, the first of which I have ever seen in his devilish disease, please can anybody help me with withdrawing from Prozac. He takes Fluox and this week I stopped one (of his two) daily pills, he is feeling pain down the right side, I will not stop taking him off this terrifying drug but will do it slowly. I need to know what you guys think about it, the doctors will hate it, but he needs them out of his system. Any answers. Thanks so much. xx luv me.Need more speed?  Get  Xtra JetStream! 

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Re: CSNano Silver lab analysis

2004-04-22 Thread Ode Coyote
  Selling nano level consciousness and 2000 PPM silver water where 1,998 of
those PPM is mind silver? are entirely different animals when it comes to
proving fraud.

 Selling copper sculptures is one thing, selling copper sculptures with
magical properties for hundreds of times what they're worth without the
magical properties is another.

 Yes, I 'felt' Slim Spurings field, just as he suggested I should, when he
suggested I should.
 It would have been a lot more convincing had he turned it on without
telling us and  had  us each jot down when each of us thought it had happened.

 Perhaps his devices 'can' be the same way you can charge any
other object that you didn't buy.

 What Slim is selling is a belief...not that beliefs can't be very powerful.
 Paying a lot for a belief does make it more believable. In some cases
there may actually be some merit to that. But having merit doesn't change
the tactic behind the accomplishment.
 How much do you want to pay for your intentions? 
 Why is it that the intentions you already have are less powerful than the
ones paid dearly for?
 An economic investment is the same as an emotional one, both held valuable
by fear of loss and self image. 
 Every con man know this:  The harder ya screw em, the less likely they are
to feel the friction and complain about.
 Slap em in the face with their own vanity, desires and fears. They leave
smiling, you leave rich. [It's called ultimate nothing,
sell high.]

At 09:34 AM 4/20/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Sounds like your mer-ka-ba is going the right way.  Important to check the
spin on the CS too.  Intention or perhaps lack of attention can alter it.
After a while one can just 'feel it'. I believe nano level has consciousness
- it's just smaller but equally important to the whole.  Then it jumps up to
being able to address unsolvable health issues locked in the quantum ...
Kinda parallel to Slim's concepts... cleaning the air etc...

 From: Ode Coyote
 Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 05:52:41 -0400
 Subject: Re: CSNano Silver lab analysis
 Resent-Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 05:28:51 -0700
 Note: For any scientific body that wishes to verify these statements
 about the parts per million or size of the silver particles in Nano Silver,
 realize that almost all ordinary laboratory equipment that is used to
 identify ingredients in substances will not work with nano-ized particles,
 because they are so small. You must be able to see individual atoms or
 extremely small molecules to detect the silver's presence, and most
 equipment cannot do this. The strong silver presence in Nano Silver is
 obvious to anyone who tastes it, but for mechanical systems, it's very
 difficult to detect. That's why it works so well.
 Frank, Drunvalo says you must be blind!
 I'm sure he 'looked' at every single bottle to make sure it had the proper
 amount of molecules.
 Are you postive that your mercaba is spinning right?
 Hmmm.. Slim Spurling is still around.  5000 practitioners?  I bet he's not
 driving that old beat up truck anymore. [We've met]

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CSThe Foolish Experiment

2004-04-22 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Steve,

I am sure I have it.

A great article on sweat was researched and written by Bob Lee, who was the 
mastermind of that exrperiment.

I made a web page of the sweat article, with his permission.

 Some years ago someone posted a very interesting and humorous account of he

and his buddies
 having a few drinks, then deciding to try an ill-advised
 experiment by eating some very spoiled food - meat I think.

   Why Ill Advised?  I think it was a genius experiment.

 They got quite
 ill, then drank some CS (or EIS for you purists) and quickly recovered.

   Only one got Sick.

 If someone has that account, I and probably most of the rest of the list
 would appreciate seeing it reposted.

   Will see if I can locate it.


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Re: CSThe Foolish Experiment

2004-04-22 Thread Stuff

At 07:23 PM 4/21/2004 -0700, Jason wrote:

Hiya Steve:

That's from Bob Lee... Here's his account, with the names and locations
removed ( sorry about the name's removed, I use this on our testimonials
section ):

Greeting Glorious Ones of CS,

A Test: Do not do this at home.

The first I saw this was on Ode's site.

Whenever I travel, I keep a bottle of CS with me.

I know that in an emergency I can even eat road kill. Of course, I may have
to add some water to it and wash it off to get the tire treads and grease 
off of it.


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Re: CSMS sufferer

2004-04-22 Thread The Hatzfeld's
Hi, Marie,

I've heard that prozac comes in a liquid form, if so, it'd be easier to slowly 
reduce the amount.  Antidepressants are notorious for being near impossible to 
get off.  The doctors will usually try to step you down over two weeks, but 
that's not realistic - I've heard of some folks taking closer to a year.  If 
you search the web you'll probably find some groups that discuss this.

Sidebar to MS - my Mom got it in her mid-30's.  In her early 50's she began an 
exercise program where she walked around the track at the local high school.  
She built herself up and got much stronger and believes the exercise is crucial 
to managing MS.  



Re: CSThe Foolish Experiment

2004-04-22 Thread Garnet
I doubt they were dealing with Botulism, more likely Salmonella. Even E.
Coli would have been worse than what they had. Please do not conclude
that it is safe to risk Botulism toxins, they are not active organsims,
they are the end result and are chemicals that will NOT respond to CS,
since it kills organisms and does not inactivate endotoxins.

On another note when dealing with endotoxins here is an interesting
abstract of an article on DMSO use.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide Antagonizes Hypotensive, Metabolic, and Pathologic
Responses Induced by Endotoxin 
Daniel J. Brackett, Megan R. Lerner, and Michael F. Wilson 

Research Service, VA Medical Center and the Departments of Medicine and
Anesthesiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 

Circulatory Shock 33:156-163 (1991) 

There is evidence that free radical activity may be important in the
development of endotoxemia. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a hydroxyl radical
scavenger that readily penetrates cell membranes. Using the conscious,
instrumented rat this study tests the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to
modify the course of endotoxemia by evaluating cardiovascular,
metabolic, and tissue injury parameters for 4 hr after the toxic insult.
Treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide (6.5 g/kg; i.p.) evoked significant
decreases in cardiac output, stroke volume, and central venous pressure
and increases in heart rate, systemic vascular resistance, mean aortic
pressure, respiration rate, and concentrations of blood glucose and
plasma lactate. Following endotoxin (40 mg/kg, i.v. LD90-24 hr),
dimethyl sulfoxide pretreatment blocked the early hypotensive episode
but all other cardiovascular and respiratory responses to endotoxin were
essentially unaltered. The pH, PO2, PCO2, and hematocrit were the same
for both treated and untreated groups; however, dimethyl sulfoxide
prevented the endotoxin-induced hypoglycemia and significantly
attenuated the hyperlacticemia at 4 hr. The severe hemorrhagic
intestinal pathology characteristic of this model of endotoxemia was not
present in the dimethyl sulfoxide treated group. From these results we
conclude that dimethyl sulfoxide caused significant cardiovascular
alterations conducive to impaired systemic blood flow. However, when
administered prior to endotoxin, dimethyl sulfoxide induced significant
beneficial modifications in the course of endotoxemia despite few
improvements in cardiovascular function. The data indicate that the
hydroxyl radical may be a mediator of tissue injury in this model of

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 21:23, Jason Eaton wrote:
 Hiya Steve:
 That's from Bob Lee... Here's his account, with the names and locations
 removed ( sorry about the name's removed, I use this on our testimonials
 section ):
 Greeting Glorious Ones of CS,
 A Test: Do not do this at home.
 A few military friends of mine got together last week for the usual yak-yak
 about military things. The talk came around to the anthrax shots. I opened
 my mouth and said they wouldn`t need them if all the military were taking
 colloidal silver. A long discussion then went on, at the end we had decided
 to set up a real he-man, macho, walk the walk test.
 Cold brew will do things to normally intelligent people. This was not a
 smart thing to do, but please consider who our small group is. One was me,
 [ name removed ], ex-seal from Nam, One ex-Army Ranger, [ name removed ],
 from Desert Storm, and one ex 82nd Air Borne from Bosnia, [ name removed ],
 (paratrooper). I`m the oldest, they are young guys.
 The test was to eat rotten meat and see if the colloidal silver would
 prevent problems. We agreed that if anyone became ill we would wait for at
 least a 103 F degree fever before taking colloidal silver. If it (the CS)
 did not work we would go to the ER at a fever of 105 degrees F. The ER was
 only a few blocks away at [ name removed ] Hospital.
 Then we decided that one, [ Observer ], would be the observer, and the other
 two would eat the rotten meat. Then we decided that one meat would be
 treated with colloidal silver and one not. OK, so here we go to [ name
 removed ]'s house and get the rotten meat he was going to throw out, it
 smelled very bad and strong. [ Name Removed ] is baching, so whats new. We
 made two patties of about 1/4 lb each, hamburger size.
 One was put in a bowl and CS poured over it and kneeded well in the CS and
 made into a patty again. The other one was untreated. We drew straws to see
 who got each patty. I got the CS one and [ Victim ] got the untreated one.
 We ate them, with a little beer to blunt the taste of them. Really macho.
 :-) Then we waited.
 After half an hour [ Victim ] developed a stomach ache, which proceeded to
 get worse. He had classical symptoms of food poisoning (botulism). I did not
 develop any symptoms at all. His temperature began to rise so we decided to
 use the CS right away at about 101.5 F. [ Victim ] took four tablespoons of
 CS every 15 minutes for 90 minutes (1 1/2 

CSRE: CSThe Foolish Experiment

2004-04-22 Thread James Holmes
This is probably true.  Botulism, once created by the bacteria, must be
boiled to break it down.  The CS would have killed the bacteria, but
probably had no effect on the toxin already in the body.  


-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: CSThe Foolish Experiment

I doubt they were dealing with Botulism, more likely Salmonella. Even E.
Coli would have been worse than what they had.

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Re: CSRE: CSThe Foolish Experiment

2004-04-22 Thread Garnet

Botulism is an anaerob, does not grow in the presence of Oxygen. It is a
risk in canned foods for this reason. Sprores can be found in raw honey
as well, although rarely happens, it is recommended that raw honey not
be given to the immune deficient such as toddlers or the infirm.

It is said that boiling canned foods for 20 minutes is preventative, but
if there is a can or jar with a popped lid or swelling throw it away for
goodness sake. It is extremely toxic in small amounts.

As well E. coli takes only a very few organsims to make you sick. It can
shut down your kidneys in short order and kills quickly. Again not
something to experiment with.

Salmonella on the other hand is not so risky for mature immune systems
as they develop resistance. However still very risky for the immune
deficient or in sufficient quantity.

I would caution anyone to throw out any food that they think is spoiled,
it is simply not worth the risk. Even for daily EIS consumers.

On another note . .  A few weeks ago my husband and daugher got food
poisoning from something we all ate, at a restaurant. I had been
drinking EIS, up to a cup a day preventatively. I did not get sick.


On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 09:35, James Holmes wrote:
 This is probably true.  Botulism, once created by the bacteria, must be
 boiled to break it down.  The CS would have killed the bacteria, but
 probably had no effect on the toxin already in the body.  
 -Original Message-
 From: Garnet [] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:47 AM
 Subject: Re: CSThe Foolish Experiment
 I doubt they were dealing with Botulism, more likely Salmonella. Even E.
 Coli would have been worse than what they had.
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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSFood Poisoning

2004-04-22 Thread Tel Tofflemire

I found that Lugol's Iodine solution works very well for food  Poisoning,
dosage: 6 drops for adult 1/2 that for a child, in a cup of good water.
Be sure your not allergic to Iodine, you should know if your are..Don't 
take it if you are allergic.


Iodine is a basic element, as are calcium, zinc, oxygen and other 
elements. The word iodine usually refers to two iodine molecules 
chemically stuck together (I2), just as the word oxygen usually 
refers to two oxygen molecules stuck together (O2). Since iodine is 
more reactive, and therefore more likely to cause problems, iodine is 
usually used as iodide, a word which refers to one iodine molecule 
combined with another molecule such as potassium (KI) or sodium (NaI). 
In chemical terms, such molecules are called salts; the best known 
salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), a salt of chlorine (Cl2).

The SS in SSKI refers to Saturated Solution Potassium Iodide. 
Other medically useful forms of iodine include Lugol's solution, 
invented by Dr. Lugol of Paris in the 1840s, which contains a mixture of 
types of iodine and iodide, and di-atomic iodine, which is another 
name for iodine, but usually prepared as a solid in a capsule instead of 
a liquid.

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

Garnet wrote:

Botulism is an anaerob, does not grow in the presence of Oxygen. It is a
risk in canned foods for this reason. Sprores can be found in raw honey
as well, although rarely happens, it is recommended that raw honey not
be given to the immune deficient such as toddlers or the infirm.

It is said that boiling canned foods for 20 minutes is preventative, but
if there is a can or jar with a popped lid or swelling throw it away for
goodness sake. It is extremely toxic in small amounts.

As well E. coli takes only a very few organsims to make you sick. It can
shut down your kidneys in short order and kills quickly. Again not
something to experiment with.

Salmonella on the other hand is not so risky for mature immune systems
as they develop resistance. However still very risky for the immune
deficient or in sufficient quantity.

I would caution anyone to throw out any food that they think is spoiled,
it is simply not worth the risk. Even for daily EIS consumers.

On another note . .  A few weeks ago my husband and daugher got food
poisoning from something we all ate, at a restaurant. I had been
drinking EIS, up to a cup a day preventatively. I did not get sick.


On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 09:35, James Holmes wrote:

This is probably true.  Botulism, once created by the bacteria, must be
boiled to break it down.  The CS would have killed the bacteria, but
probably had no effect on the toxin already in the body.  


-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:47 AM

Subject: Re: CSThe Foolish Experiment

I doubt they were dealing with Botulism, more likely Salmonella. Even E.
Coli would have been worse than what they had.

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Re: CSFood Poisoning

2004-04-22 Thread Craig C Chamberlin

Hi Tel,

Do you know the shelf life of Lugol's. I bough a liter (smallest size 
they had) and it had an expiration of a year later. Seems to me this is 
pretty basic stuff and shouldn't deteriorate, but I am no chemist.



I found that Lugol's Iodine solution works very well for food  Poisoning,
dosage: 6 drops for adult 1/2 that for a child, in a cup of good water.
Be sure your not allergic to Iodine, you should know if your are..Don't 
take it if you are allergic.

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Re: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model

2004-04-22 Thread Christine Carleton

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

What would happen if we got rid of diagnosis and prognosis and let the body
make the repairs instead of listening to 'authorities' who seem to produce
increasing mortality rates?  Outrageous? Is political/pharma game a
'stacked' deck? If it is, how would one go beyond? What would 'Bucky' do?
Have you ever considered the body is 'divine' and knows all? (This is
aligned with any religion!) If it was, what could it do?  What potential
would one have with cleaning things up?

Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and limit
our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'.  However,
there may be a show that you want to watch on PBS Connections regarding
BodyTalk.  Could this be a new model like 'Bucky' suggests?  Why? Because I
know someone was downgraded from MS to Lymes and now is off all disability
insurance and back to work.

Why watch? Because this was scheduled to be a 30 min segment and has
already been chopped to 1/4 of that...  PBS Houston has film of a 12 year
old boy diagnosed with autism - typical resistance behaviours and not
interested in learning. After a number of BodyTalk sessions agreeable
behaviour and learning to read were of interest to him.  Sorry, I don't
know what 'Connections' will finally show by May 7th.

There will be a BodyTalk segment on PBS, the Connections show.
Dates:  Friday, May 7 at 9 p.m.
   Sunday, May 9 at 5 p.m.
The segment will be 5-7 minutes long and will be one of several on the
Connections show. 

This is not dissimilar to what Coyote was talking about with Slim... It's
challenging to 'get your head around', but when one starts to see clean air
that lasts or when one starts to feel better and better.  Who cares about
Newtonian science standards of proof?  Guidelines in the quantum are
different.  It's a hard test.  Are you the next 'sucker'?  Or are you
feeling better?  What does it mean - no antibiotics?  What are the
implications of that?  Healthwise? Financially? Social political?  Corporate
stock returns? As 'Bucky' says, build a new model ...


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.

Mike this is not to negate or suggest the CS will not be valuable. All
truths rise to the top.  I believe it will be and on a far expanded level
than we currently employ it on the physical levels.  Flu, herpes, virus,
bacteria are usually gone within 24-48 hours with BT.  Bigger issues take
longer.  Food quality counts. CS, DMSO, Vit. C, etc. count --- you know ---
the ones that seem harder and harder to find.

In the US most of the diagnostic disease descriptive language is legally
licensed for use only by a qualified allopathic doctor (MD). In pure legal
terms and liability I am not licensed MD and cannot say the 'C' word unless
in the privacy of a private personal conversation preferably at home.  Other
ailments like arthritis, asthma --- about 50+ sick goodies cannot be spoken
about because under Canadian law legally they are 'incurable' - only
remission is possible.  An MD can loose his right to practice if he
prescribes clean water, food or vitamins  minerals before a pharmaceutical
- (Knop vs College of Ontario Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO)- 1999).

Few of us are MD's, so maybe we do not need to 'buy it and the degrading
deterioration' if we want to feel better.  Been there, done that, moved on.

:)  :)  :)

 From: William Meyer
 Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 07:09:27 -0400
 Subject: CSRe: goverment and health
 Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 03:54:06 -0700
 let me mention some specifics. i cannot legally home test my saliva here in
new york for hormone  levels. i tried sending my samples through a third
party (a friend), but i am  still bein locked out currently. this is against
my health and freedom. a federal agency recently prohibited one of our beef
producers from  paying for and testing their own cattle for mad cow disease.
they are losing  35 million dollars in japanese sales because of this. think
about that.

 one lady is investigating a cluster of mad-cow like deaths traced to a new
jersey racetrack commisary. on her own. i know from getting lyme that the
goverment and med establishment and insurance companies are suppressing lyme
recognition. here in ny the ama prosecutes doctors who treat lyme with long
term  antibiotics.

on my lyme lists we have to refer to the few doctors who have survived by
the first initial of their last names.DR. B. for instance. older americans
don't know how bad this has all gotten. they don't  believe it. younger
americans are clueless. those who have access and inclination to spend
time on the net apparently spend all their time on video games. video games
will be the next 

CSms relief

2004-04-22 Thread Shirley Reed
   Congratulations on your seeing improvement in your loved one's condition 
with the cs.  It has been suggested that a 1 part cs to 2 parts Gatorade 
mixture gives even better results than cs alone.  It has done so for me.   
Also, Sota Instruments  makes and sells a device called a Cranial Electronic 
Stimulator, or CES for short, whose predecessor gained fame for enabling a 
famous rock star to get off needle type heroin (sp.) addiction in a very, very 
short time and with almost no withdrawal symptoms.  Although I am not an addict 
to anything and have not used it for that, it does give a better quality sleep. 
 It is also supposed to do that.  The device is not cheap and Sota is not 
allowed to legally tell you much of anything about it.  But you can find info 
on the 'net.  Maybe someone on this list can give more info.  I originally got 
it for possible pain treatment, but so far, have not needed it for that.  Best 
wishes.  pj

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢

Re: CSThe Hanna PWT meter, conductivity vs. ppm values

2004-04-22 Thread Pavel Hochmut
Hi Mike,
I am working on it day and night for almost two month. But you know, you
catch many different information here and there and it makes you to be
confused very often if you have no reference point.
Now, I get very closely and I get the rid of it.
I still have some inquisitive questions (mainly to Marshall) but I have to
think of it very much first.
You know, it´s electrochemistry and all of us (me and my friend from the
branch) we were likely sleeping when taking the lecture of it

 Hi Pavel,

 It sounds like you're getting your understanding pretty well
 straightened out.

 The PWT measures conductivity (in microsiemens), and any relationship
 with concentration (parts per million) has to be determined by
 comparison with measurements made by other methods. The calibration
 will only apply to a single brewing recipe and only so long as
 conditions remain the same from batch to batch. Make any changes to how
 you make your CS and you'd have to get another batch tested.

  I have looked for what the PWT means on the Hanna www.pages. Both
  devices mentioned below are from Hanna and are designated for measuring
  the conductivity. Both of them can ONLY measure the conductivity ...  I
  bet my year s income, that the resulting conductance measurements shall
  be absolutely different. I swear. Or can somebody mend my opinion?
  Where s the mistake? Thanks

 Well, keep your money! I bet you're right. grin

 Be well,

 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model

2004-04-22 Thread James Holmes

Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and
limit our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'

Attempting?  It seems to me to be a done deal.  The UNITED STATES, a
corporation,  sells the air space to the highest bidders.

To protect public decency---whatever that is---and to create the illusion of
acting in the best interest of the people, murder fantasies are allowed, but
fart noises and sex conversations are forbidden.


-Original Message-
From: Christine Carleton [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model


You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

What would happen if we got rid of diagnosis and prognosis and let the body
make the repairs instead of listening to 'authorities' who seem to produce
increasing mortality rates?  Outrageous? Is political/pharma game a
'stacked' deck? If it is, how would one go beyond? What would 'Bucky' do?
Have you ever considered the body is 'divine' and knows all? (This is
aligned with any religion!) If it was, what could it do?  What potential
would one have with cleaning things up?

Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and limit
our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'.  However,
there may be a show that you want to watch on PBS Connections regarding
BodyTalk.  Could this be a new model like 'Bucky' suggests?  Why? Because I
know someone was downgraded from MS to Lymes and now is off all disability
insurance and back to work.

Why watch? Because this was scheduled to be a 30 min segment and has already
been chopped to 1/4 of that...  PBS Houston has film of a 12 year old boy
diagnosed with autism - typical resistance behaviours and not interested in
learning. After a number of BodyTalk sessions agreeable behaviour and
learning to read were of interest to him.  Sorry, I don't know what
'Connections' will finally show by May 7th.

There will be a BodyTalk segment on PBS, the Connections show.
Dates:  Friday, May 7 at 9 p.m.
   Sunday, May 9 at 5 p.m.
The segment will be 5-7 minutes long and will be one of several on the
Connections show. 

This is not dissimilar to what Coyote was talking about with Slim... It's
challenging to 'get your head around', but when one starts to see clean air
that lasts or when one starts to feel better and better.  Who cares about
Newtonian science standards of proof?  Guidelines in the quantum are
different.  It's a hard test.  Are you the next 'sucker'?  Or are you
feeling better?  What does it mean - no antibiotics?  What are the
implications of that?  Healthwise? Financially? Social political?  Corporate
stock returns? As 'Bucky' says, build a new model ...


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.

Mike this is not to negate or suggest the CS will not be valuable. All
truths rise to the top.  I believe it will be and on a far expanded level
than we currently employ it on the physical levels.  Flu, herpes, virus,
bacteria are usually gone within 24-48 hours with BT.  Bigger issues take
longer.  Food quality counts. CS, DMSO, Vit. C, etc. count --- you know ---
the ones that seem harder and harder to find.

In the US most of the diagnostic disease descriptive language is legally
licensed for use only by a qualified allopathic doctor (MD). In pure legal
terms and liability I am not licensed MD and cannot say the 'C' word unless
in the privacy of a private personal conversation preferably at home.  Other
ailments like arthritis, asthma --- about 50+ sick goodies cannot be spoken
about because under Canadian law legally they are 'incurable' - only
remission is possible.  An MD can loose his right to practice if he
prescribes clean water, food or vitamins  minerals before a pharmaceutical
- (Knop vs College of Ontario Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO)- 1999).

Few of us are MD's, so maybe we do not need to 'buy it and the degrading
deterioration' if we want to feel better.  Been there, done that, moved on.

:)  :)  :)

 From: William Meyer
 Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 07:09:27 -0400
 Subject: CSRe: goverment and health
 Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 03:54:06 -0700
 let me mention some specifics. i cannot legally home test my saliva 
 here in
new york for hormone  levels. i tried sending my samples through a third
party (a friend), but i am  still bein locked out currently. this is against
my health and freedom. a federal agency recently prohibited one of our beef
producers from  paying for and testing their own cattle for mad cow disease.
they are losing  35 million dollars in japanese sales because of this. think
about that.

 one lady is 

CSIodine/Iodide was Re: CSFood Poisoning

2004-04-22 Thread sol

 Thanks for that. I have been compiling information on iodine content 
of foods ( I am very allergic) and sometime find things giving iodide 
content. I had been wondering what the difference was.


Tel Tofflemire wrote:


Iodine is a basic element, as are calcium, zinc, oxygen and other 
elements. The word iodine usually refers to two iodine molecules 
chemically stuck together (I2), just as the word oxygen usually 
refers to two oxygen molecules stuck together (O2). Since iodine is 
more reactive, and therefore more likely to cause problems, iodine is 
usually used as iodide, a word which refers to one iodine molecule 
combined with another molecule such as potassium (KI) or sodium (NaI).

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[Fwd: [ ] ASAP Tested against Probiotics...]

2004-04-22 Thread Jason Eaton
Hi Mike...

I've written the lab that did the research in India to determine exactly how
they performed their cultures.

The comparison they chose to use was ASAP @ 14PPM, 1.5% H2O2  Which of
course resulted in rapid inhibition of the bacterial growth.

Hopefully, they'll clarify how the testing was done!

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS[Fwd: [ ] ASAP Tested against

 Also, did the testing they were reporting on include any pathogenic
 bacteria for contrast? If they used the same method and ASAP didn't
 kill the bad bugs, it would be a hoot!! grin

 Be well,

 Mike D.

  Hi Marshal:
  Thanks for that.  Upon referencing the orginal report:
  GYEA and TA were used - ( GYEA is a glucose/yeast agar )
  - Jason
  - Original Message -
  From: Marshall Dudley
  Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:56 AM
  Subject: Re: CS[Fwd: [ ] ASAP Tested against
   I suspect they had no idea what they were doing in the test, or did
   purposefully to try and make it look like CS does not kill probiotics.
   Is there any information on how the test was run?  I suspect that they
  used agar
   for the test, and as we all know, and my own tests several years ago
  confirm, CS
   will not inhibit growth of ANYTHING when it is immobilized like that.
   tests can ONLY be done in a thin broth.  All our tests show 100% kill
   organisms in broth, and 0% kill of all organisms in gelled agar.
   James Holmes wrote:
My initial un-thought-out response was;
India...what are they trying to sell...
Putting that aside,  I think there was some flaw.  No other tests
this to be true.  The only reference I can come up with is the
Dr. Bart A. Flick, the principal inventor of Silverlon.  He said,
not found a bacteria that it does not kill.   It is an assumption
on my part that the gut bacteria in this story were included in the

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSThe Foolish Experiment

2004-04-22 Thread Jonathan B. Britten


Thanks for this.

Pity the poor rodent.

Other rodents have suffered to show that beta glucan is also a powerful 
anti-toxin.   People in the bioterrorism field consider beta glucan an 
important all-purpose prophylactic/therapeutic agent.In time it may 
become THE substance to take in an emergency.   I regret I lack time to 
keep up with the research, but I do recommend familiarity with this 
substance as well as DMSO.


On Thursday, Apr 22, 2004, at 22:46 Asia/Tokyo, Garnet wrote:

I doubt they were dealing with Botulism, more likely Salmonella. Even 

Coli would have been worse than what they had. Please do not conclude
that it is safe to risk Botulism toxins, they are not active organsims,
they are the end result and are chemicals that will NOT respond to CS,
since it kills organisms and does not inactivate endotoxins.

On another note when dealing with endotoxins here is an interesting
abstract of an article on DMSO use.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide Antagonizes Hypotensive, Metabolic, and Pathologic
Responses Induced by Endotoxin
Daniel J. Brackett, Megan R. Lerner, and Michael F. Wilson

Research Service, VA Medical Center and the Departments of Medicine and
Anesthesiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Circulatory Shock 33:156-163 (1991)

There is evidence that free radical activity may be important in the
development of endotoxemia. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a hydroxyl radical
scavenger that readily penetrates cell membranes. Using the conscious,
instrumented rat this study tests the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to
modify the course of endotoxemia by evaluating cardiovascular,
metabolic, and tissue injury parameters for 4 hr after the toxic 

Treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide (6.5 g/kg; i.p.) evoked significant
decreases in cardiac output, stroke volume, and central venous pressure
and increases in heart rate, systemic vascular resistance, mean aortic
pressure, respiration rate, and concentrations of blood glucose and
plasma lactate. Following endotoxin (40 mg/kg, i.v. LD90-24 hr),
dimethyl sulfoxide pretreatment blocked the early hypotensive episode
but all other cardiovascular and respiratory responses to endotoxin 

essentially unaltered. The pH, PO2, PCO2, and hematocrit were the same
for both treated and untreated groups; however, dimethyl sulfoxide
prevented the endotoxin-induced hypoglycemia and significantly
attenuated the hyperlacticemia at 4 hr. The severe hemorrhagic
intestinal pathology characteristic of this model of endotoxemia was 

present in the dimethyl sulfoxide treated group. From these results we
conclude that dimethyl sulfoxide caused significant cardiovascular
alterations conducive to impaired systemic blood flow. However, when
administered prior to endotoxin, dimethyl sulfoxide induced significant
beneficial modifications in the course of endotoxemia despite few
improvements in cardiovascular function. The data indicate that the
hydroxyl radical may be a mediator of tissue injury in this model of

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 21:23, Jason Eaton wrote:

Hiya Steve:

That's from Bob Lee... Here's his account, with the names and 
removed ( sorry about the name's removed, I use this on our 

section ):

Greeting Glorious Ones of CS,

A Test: Do not do this at home.

A few military friends of mine got together last week for the usual 
about military things. The talk came around to the anthrax shots. I 
my mouth and said they wouldn`t need them if all the military were 
colloidal silver. A long discussion then went on, at the end we had 

to set up a real he-man, macho, walk the walk test.

Cold brew will do things to normally intelligent people. This was not 
smart thing to do, but please consider who our small group is. One 
was me,
[ name removed ], ex-seal from Nam, One ex-Army Ranger, [ name 
removed ],
from Desert Storm, and one ex 82nd Air Borne from Bosnia, [ name 
removed ],

(paratrooper). I`m the oldest, they are young guys.

The test was to eat rotten meat and see if the colloidal silver would
prevent problems. We agreed that if anyone became ill we would wait 
for at
least a 103 F degree fever before taking colloidal silver. If it (the 
did not work we would go to the ER at a fever of 105 degrees F. The 
ER was

only a few blocks away at [ name removed ] Hospital.

Then we decided that one, [ Observer ], would be the observer, and 
the other

two would eat the rotten meat. Then we decided that one meat would be
treated with colloidal silver and one not. OK, so here we go to [ name
removed ]'s house and get the rotten meat he was going to throw out, 
smelled very bad and strong. [ Name Removed ] is baching, so whats 
new. We

made two patties of about 1/4 lb each, hamburger size.

One was put in a bowl and CS poured over it and kneeded well in the 
CS and
made into a patty again. The other one was untreated. We drew straws 
to see
who got each patty. I 

Re: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model

2004-04-22 Thread Christine Carleton

What can I say? Your absolutely right.


P.S. It's still acceptable to provide a good belch after a splendid meal in
Japan.  Perhaps that will be curtailed too...  On my, then what will all of
us mid century people do?  Enzymes and CS and MSM??  Health Canada
will not allow DHEA across the US border... They say 'ignorance is not an
excuse, and they can arrest one if they want to.  We have to get smarter...
Hey dude!  What happened to my country too?

 From: James Holmes
 Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 17:46:18 -0600
 Subject: RE: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model
 Resent-Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 16:44:23 -0700
 Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and
 limit our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'
 Attempting?  It seems to me to be a done deal.  The UNITED STATES, a
 corporation,  sells the air space to the highest bidders.
 To protect public decency---whatever that is---and to create the illusion of
 acting in the best interest of the people, murder fantasies are allowed, but
 fart noises and sex conversations are forbidden.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour