Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Christos! Welcome to the list, and thanks for contributing.

I've heard of these and seen some information on their construction. 
But there are different types. What was the design that you used, and 
can you point me to instructions for it?

This would be the sort of thing that falls in the it couldn't hurt to 
try it category, once we have them started on other protocols. I'm 
intrigued by the idea anyway, so maybe they'd try it as a favor to me. 

Thank you sir!

Mike D.

 After one year I'm saying again that the use of orgone accumulator is
 the best solution along with other good things. Stimulating the total
 energy of the organism is the presupposition for everything else. O.A
 cured my TB 30 years ago in one month. Before that time I had the
 smart. idea that using orgone and orgone accumulator is  totally
 ridiculous. Today I know hundreds - between them 5 cancers sufferers -
 who became healthy after the use of O.A. My best Christos Moussouliotis

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread M. G. Devour
 Go to: and look for cancer therapies.

Thanks Cliff! I've got it bookmarked. I'll obviously be going back 
there for some of their books.

Be well,

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CSwilma and question to himagain: Mycoplasma

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 04:54 PM 07/02/05, you wrote:

Mycoplasma is now classified as an acid fast bacterium.  Years ago it was
classified in the lmyphogranularium group because they couldn't decide
whether it was a virus or a bacterium, having some qualities of both

There is a STRONG body of evidence that suggests that what are being 
identified as mycoplasma  is simply the fundamental metamorphosis - the 
holy grail of the true scientific micobiologist. That strange half-life 
that BECOMES all of the identities that we associate with diseases.  Deep 

Many decades ago, while working as a Bacteriologist I discovered that many 
axioms of the trade weren't..   like pasteurisation.  Those were 
weird times.  I knew a fellow who only had to hold a danger-laden petrie 
dish on the flat of his hand for a minute or two and all of the colonies 
would regress almost visibly.
But then again, I've been marvelling at the human power we call the placebo 
effect almost since I could properly think/observe.



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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Jason my friend, it's excellent that you rang in. I was going to ask 
you specifically for suggestions regarding clay for detox and anything 
else you had to suggest. Thank you.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSCS use in a CPAP machine

2005-02-07 Thread David Bearrow

At 12:52 PM 1/17/05, you wrote:
My husband uses a nighttime breathing assist called a CPAP machine 
(Constant Positive Air Pressure) which also has the option of using a 
thermally-controlled humidifier to add moisture to the air as its 
pressurized to his mask. We were wondering if anyone has tried CS in a 
CPAP machine beforewe kind of think the possibility of fungus in the warm 
moist environment is real  we were wondering if anyone has tried it or 
has experienced mold/fungus in the hosing. I think using CS instead of 
plain water through the hose should still let CS do its thing, even if its 
slightly warmedright?

I also use a CPAP with a heated humidifier. I found that after 2 weeks the 
tubes would start to get a mildew smell and I would have to soak everything 
in vinegar to get rid of it. I then began to put CS into the humidifier 
about 2 years ago and I never have to clean the tubes anymore as they no 
longer get mildew in them. In fact after a couple months of running CS 
through the system I can only guess that all the tubes became coated with 
silver particles as I no longer have to put CS in the humidifier any more.

+-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
¦  ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Christos Moussouliotis

After one year I'm saying again that the use of orgone accumulator is 
the best solution along with other good things. Stimulating the total 
energy of the organism is the presupposition for everything else.
O.A cured my TB 30 years ago in one month. Before that time I had the 
smart. idea that using orgone and orgone accumulator is  totally 
Today I know hundreds - between them 5 cancers sufferers - who became 
healthy after the use of O.A.

My best
Christos Moussouliotis


I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer 
therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon 
cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the 
liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still 
quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has 
health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to 
provide support if they need it.

I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have 
any stories to tell about it, good or bad? 

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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread cliff hume

Go to: and look for cancer therapies.


- Original Message - 
From: Christos Moussouliotis

Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSCancer therapies...

After one year I'm saying again that the use of orgone accumulator is 
the best solution along with other good things. Stimulating the total 
energy of the organism is the presupposition for everything else.
O.A cured my TB 30 years ago in one month. Before that time I had the 
smart. idea that using orgone and orgone accumulator is  totally 
Today I know hundreds - between them 5 cancers sufferers - who became 
healthy after the use of O.A.

My best
Christos Moussouliotis


I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer 
therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon 
cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the 
liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still 
quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has 
health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to 
provide support if they need it.

I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have 
any stories to tell about it, good or bad? 

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2005-02-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do, All Countries
Especially America, Codex, Eugenics

IAHF List:

When I gave my speech at the ACAM Anti Codex Emergency Meeting on
November 18, 2004, I discussed the fact that Codex is part of a broader
Eugenics agenda to cull our numbers- and cited evidence to support this

On the videotape at when I said this
you can audibly hear one unbelieving physician in the crowd say thats
EXTREME in response to my statement.

See the detailed article below my comments by Alan W. Smith PhD about
how Bush has been looting the Social Security Trust Fund such that by
2018, when the tail end of the baby boom moves to retire and tries to
collect on what they think is due them, everyone will realize it and
this country will explode with rage as millions of armed citizens hit
the roof.

At that point, or perhaps even sooner, people like me will be rounded up
and murdered in the concentration camps which FEMA has ready for us
because they won't want us around to keep providing the rest of you with
leadership. These camps are ready now for us whenever the ruling elite
decides to trigger off martial law via another 911 type contrived event-

Yes, it IS extreme that we are in fact facing down a eugenics agenda and
that Bush has been looting the social security trust fund such that by
2018 everyone will fully realize it.

Politicians Prefer Unarmed Peasants- 

Strongly recommend all Americans join Gun Owners of America and Jews for
the Preservation of Firearm Ownership
and  to help defeat the raft of gun control
legislation the ruling elite are attempting to force through on us
because the Codex scam to ban our access to healing nutrients must be
seen in light of this information about the looting of Social
Security--- please snowball this information and encourage everyone you
know to sign on to the IAHF email distribution list at because there is SAFETY in NUMBERS. 

I got news for you Christine Lewis Taylor of FDA- when you move to fill
in the blanks on allowable potency levels in May for Codex at the World
Health Organization the whole

I had death threats for pushing for Congressional oversight on this
issue in 2001, and now you know why the pharma interests dominating the
vitamin trade associations worked so hard to whitewash the hearing on
March 20, 2001 that I pushed for for 5 years- read this and pass it
on each one. teach 10, each 10 teach 100, each 100, teach 1000,
each 1000, teach a million, each million, teach 10,000,000- especially
distributors of MLM companies like USANA who are being lied to by bought
off lawyers and myopic fools:;article=75248;title=APFN

Allen W. Smith, Ph.D.
Social Security Fraud May Become Bush's Watergate
Fri Feb 4, 2005 15:58

... in 1998 that they had in 1978, the Social ... One begins to suspect
that Bush actually meant it when ... points out, the long-term Social
Security shortfall everyone's ...
Press Release Source: Allen W. Smith

Social Security Trust Fund Fraud May Become Bush's Watergate, Suggests
Author of 'The Looting of Social Security'
Tuesday February 1, 11:47 am ET

WINTER HAVEN, Fla., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Economist and author Allen W.
Smith, Ph.D., argues that the biggest obstacle to getting clear debate
on the Social Security problem is the misinformation that continues to
be spread by the AARP and others who argue that the trust fund holds
real assets. It is amazing how many people, including some Social
Security experts, still just don't get it! Smith said. Weisbrot and
Baker continue to spread the myth that, 'The Social Security trust fund
will have more than $3.7 trillion in today's dollars in 2018.' Unless
there is a change in policy, the trust fund will not have even $1 of
real assets in 2018!

Smith points out that David Walker, Comptroller General of the
Government Accounting Office (GAO), while speaking at a Washington
luncheon, co-hosted by Centrists.Org and the Alliance for Worker
Retirement Security on January 21, 2005, said, The left hand owes the
right hand, and that has legal, political and moral significance. But it
doesn't have any economic significance whatsoever. There are no stocks
or bonds or real estate in the trust fund. It has nothing of real value
to draw down.

If the Comptroller General of the GAO says there is 'nothing of real
value' in the trust fund, then there is nothing of real value, Smith
said. So what happened to the $3.7 trillion that so many people believe
will be in the trust fund in 2018, or the $1.6 trillion that is 

Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Jason
Hi Mike!

I've had the opportunity to speak with 3 families whose ill family members
went to the Gerson Institute.

Ironically, all 3 were treated for late stage liver cancer.  To my
knowledge, all three did not survive.

However, all three families were very pleased with the treatment at Gerson.
Pain was reduced, and quality of life was improved.  These were cases of
we've tried everything the MD's wanted, which failed and destroyed the
body, now let's try alt med.

Gerson's success rate reported has been refuted by many; there are many
reports of their patients dying.  I tried on several occasions to contact
the Gerson Institute, to help them employ clay therapy more efficiently and
effectively.  They never responded.  I would not personally go to the Gerson

I corresponded with each family because they contacted me after being
released from the institute.  Gerson employs clay therapy for the treatment
of liver cancer.  To give you an idea of how ill of people we're talking
about, none of them could tolerate a clay poultice applied to the liver...
only a compress.

With cancer, there is no doubt we have to get back to basics.

It is very interesting to note that V. Earl Irons, one of the first people
to produce supplements for sale in the United States, was adamant that good
health begins and ends in the colon.

With cancer caused by toxemia, which is likely the causative factor in colon
cancer, it doesn't much matter what you add to the body if the body is not
capable of eliminating toxic substances.

I wish I could agree that simple dietary changes are the cure for cancer.
Despite hundreds to thousands of reports of dietary cures, many people do
change their diets completely and still perish.  Normally, we only hear
about the success cases, as the ones who fail are no longer capable of
filing a complaint.  Cancer can take on a life of its own.

Therefore, the best approach to curing cancer is to stay true to the

1.  Restore the body's ability to eliminate toxins

2.  Provide proper and adequate nutritional support to the body.

3.  Deliver a substance that will eliminate cancer cells.

If one can maintain clarity about what needs to be accomplished, then the
journey becomes much easier.  Actively engaging in the healing process
brings one's spiritual being into the therapy as well; without this, a cure
is hardly ever likely.

As an example, a real Qi Gong master can point his finger at a cancerous
growth, in body or in Petri Dish, and reduce the cancer by 50%... but no
more than 50%!  This has been scientifically established with clinical
studies done in Southern California.  Therefore, those lucky enough to be in
the care of a true medically trained and REAL Qi Gong master are responsible
for the rest ( I only personally know of one that lives in the United
States, even though many like to tout the title ).

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: CSCancer therapies...


 I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer
 therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon
 cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the
 liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

 From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still
 quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has
 health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to
 provide support if they need it.

 I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have
 any stories to tell about it, good or bad?

 I haven't found anything good enough on the Budwig diet and therapy
 that I'd be willing to give to somebody else. Any pointers? Web sites,
 books? Brooks has recommended Budwig in the past. I'll have to refer
 back to some of his posts to see what resources were suggested.
 Anything else?

 If they decide to add or substitute some alternative therapies, I'll be
 continuing this research for a while. Any other comments are welcome --
 direct experiences, particularly. I'd like to provide some first hand
 testimonials from folks I know, apart from the ones in books and

 Peace, all.

 Mike D.

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Re: CSCodex -- 1000 mg Vit.C into STORE!?

2005-02-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
I believe if you purchase ascorbic acid powder or vitamin C powder, it
will keep indefinitely. Vitamin C is a preservative and antioxidant, so
I doubt it degrades itself.  Not the tablets with filler are a
completely different thing.


Douglas Haack wrote:

 BROOKS B's suggestion of planting Rooted Rosa Rugosa is a timely and
 practical suggestion.

 My question is -- how does one put -- bottles of 1000 mg Vitamin C
 into store?? -- I ask the followint questions -- meant to be a short
 er term option. Vitamin C tablets and Powder obviously has a LIMITED

 What might be the best way TO EXTEND THIS SHELF LIFE? Can one extend

 1)Does one use VACUUM packing?
 3What is the practical Shelf Life of say, Vitamin C?

 These question are meant to be food for thought!!! Listers -- put on
 your thinking caps!!

 The questions apply to other vitamins etc etc.

 ••• HERE IS THE REAL QUESTION: Why should the average vitamin
 manufacturer object to CODEX??

 They will simply comply en masse without a murmur --  formulating the
 smaller/less milligram pill/s as the new law will demand.

 AND . . .  they'll all make lots more money!! You watch, they 'll ALL
 make more money for putting LESS into the formulations!!

 So let's not kid ourselves -- when did you see a product get really
 cheaper when reformulated??

 So start preparing yourself.

 The poorer people of Europe before and during the two world wars used
 large earthen jars to marinate vegetables -- cabbage, cucumbers etc in
 their cellars. This got them thru the long winters without scurvy etc.

 My German mother and her older sister related these practices to me. I
 must add my mother actually hated marinated cabbage, having been
 forced to eat this type of fare -- growing up before WWII and being
 forced to continue marinating and eating the results during the war in

 I can remember after emmigrating to Australia in 1949 at the age of 5,
 my family were placed on a lare acreage sheep farm as their first
 employment. I can still see the farm manager wheel in half a sheep and
 hang it up in a large wire meat safe -- for our consumtion.

 We had never seen so much meat -- especially so much at our personal
 disposal. With all the other produce, we though we were in heaven!!

 in SILvation, Douglas H

Re: CSHelp for Wilma?

2005-02-07 Thread Dan Nave
John wrote:

Especially stop eating all 
those health breads! They are lies. They are made from a Bakers
which contains horrific things and so-called wholemal bread is nothing
Wholemeal.   You will have to get on to a source of Spelt flour 
(invariably only available at health fanatic sources as
important) biodynamic wholemeal flour.
Make flat bread ( unleavened ) The exercise will do you good -
STRICTLY follow the Food Combining rules.  STRICTLY.

Can you elaborate on what you mean about Baker's Base and bread in
Do you feel that homemade whole grain bread is no good? And why?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-07 Thread Dan Nave
I tend to agree with what Tony has indicated.  

Slowing the rate of flow of water through an ionizer can only make the
resultant water more ionized, not less ionized.  

There may be a problem with the first filter putting something into the

There may be something in the water (from either the well or the
filter)  that is affecting the electrodes of the water ionizer causing
them to ionize less efficiently.  

Maybe your Singer machine is just plain broken...

Leaving the water out overnight for the CO2 to dissipate will only work
before the water is ionized.  You should ionize it after it sits out. 
Test the plain untreated well water before and after letting it sit out.

If you let alkaline water sit out it will get more acidic, at least
that's what I remember from ionizer literature I read.

Get the water tested, and go from there.  You'll want to know what is
in it anyway...


Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

From: Tony Moody (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 23:05:58 

Hi Nenah,
May you be very happy in your new home.

Have you tried connecting well water straight into the Ionizer? To test

whether the filter is the culprit. 

I can think of two potential problems.
1/ Something has got into the ionizer causing a problem, possibly 
blocking a port or covering an electrode or sensor.
2/ The new filter is functionally different so that the water leaving
filter is now strongly buffered by passing through the filter.

I can only imagine that slowing the water flow would cause the 
electrolysis process to be 'better' or 'stronger' 


On 6 Feb 2005 at 19:57, Nenah Sylver wrote:

 Dear People,
 I have a challenge with my water system and would like your input,
 especially from the chemistry-minded folk of this list.
 In November I moved my home and office 6 miles to an even more
 country location. The house's water supply is fed by a well. The
 water's pH tests at around 6.2, much too acidic to drink (it should
 at least a neutral 7.0).
 As with my prior location, the water purification setup at my new
 locale consists of two countertop water treatment units. The first
 a simple filter with coconut shell, to remove the particulate matter
 -- and save wear and tear on the second water unit. The second water
 unit is a Singer Ionizer Plus, which electrolizes the water and
 the acid and alkaline fluids to separate chambers. You drink the
 alkaline water and use the acidic water externally (the skin is
 and really benefits from the acid water). At my new location, the
 electrolyzed water initially tested from about 7.2 to 8.6, depending
 on the low or high settings of the Singer electrolysis system. The
 alkaline water tasted sweet and felt smooth.
 However, then we needed to replace the cartridge in Unit #1. The
 company that makes the first unit redesigned the cartridge and now
 we're having water problems. The mouth on both ends of the cartridge
 is much narrower than before. Presumably, this has lowered the
 pressure of the water flowing into the Singer. So now, even with the
 Singer unit on the highest setting, the water's pH doesn't get much
 higher than 6.6.
 The manufacturer of Unit #1 (the one that changed the cartridge)
 doesn't want to talk to us because we're not a large account. But
 someone at the Singer dealership did talk to us. We were told that
 well water is tricky to test for pH, because often there's carbonic
 acid (dissolved carbon dioxide) in the water. The remedy, the
 rep continued, is to let the water sit overnight so the carbon
 can dissipate -- and THEN test the water the next morning.
 So I followed their advice. I electrolyzed the water at the second
 setting and the highest setting, let the two containers of water sit
 overnight, and then retested the pH the next morning. There was no
 difference between the night before and the next morning. The
 pH was still about 6.6.
 Here are the mysteries:
 1) Why would changing the water pressure (narrowing the mouth of the
 cartridge on Machine #1) create a difference in pH?
 2) Why didn't the carbon dioxide escape from the open water?
 3) If the carbon dioxide didn't escape from the open water, it's
 possible that the acidic readings weren't the result of carbonic
 If not, what was creating the acid?
 All this leads to yet another issue:
 Obviously, we're going to filter our water to get rid of sediment
 chemicals. But drinking acidic water is out of the question. What
 we put into the water to raise the pH?
 I experimented with putting 50% concentrated pharmaceutical grade
 potassium hydroxide into the acidic water. I had to use at least
 drops to get the water to an acceptably alkaline level (it only gets
 to about 7.2)..But now there is an unpleasant taste to the water.


2005-02-07 Thread John Plumridge

Hello there,

I recently joined after  researching colloidal silver. I had in the 
past come across the idea of advanced colloidal preparations of metals, 
and it meant something at that time.

Right now my son of one , who has severe atopic eczema, contracted 
herpes. Atopics are susceptible to this and it has spread violently all 
over his body. It hits them hard, especially due to broken skin. It is 
frightening believe me. It is like his whole body is raw and skin 
peeled. It is round his eyes too.

The hospital (on Friday) ordered a swab, in order to screen the 
infection. The GP belivies it is Herpes Simplex. I do. My daughter had 
a small cold sore. SO did a friend in the house. The hospital gave us 
some antibiotics while we await the test results. (perhaps we'll get 
them tuesday. I couldn't wait that long to treat him, although also, I 
comfort the mother by saying let it run its course. `We take care to 
make sure he is loose wrapped in breathable cloth, and not overheated.

My brother is a surgeon. I asked him about colloidal silver. At first 
he was worried, saying silver is poisonous. He didn't want me to 
experiment on my child.  (he does support 'complimentary therapies'). 
He mentioned levels of research from A to D, and how no paper can be 
published unless level D . I know this means sound studies , double 
blind, placebo control.  I urged him to confirm or disconfirm my 
research. He came back after a day and said , well the evidence comes 
mainly from lab studies, colloidal silver at least is harmless and 
might do some good, even as a dietary supplement. Though he complained 
a little about the quality of some of the sites, I know some of what he 
came accross impressed him.

So I have started with some colloidal silver, internal and external, 
using the only source I could get locally from Holland and Barraty 
(UK). It is 3 ppm, and protein bound.
I gave him one teaspoon and upped this to two on day two. Today is day 
three, I also douched his body. I plan to keep up a course at this 
level for the next five days, but am reviewing this. Actually I would 
lilke to ensure asensible dose, that is more than dietary, but gives 
some quick assistance, because he is weak now. There are signs of 
healing in the oldest sores. There are difficulties with areas around 
the neck, which easily become wet and do not breath so well due to 
folds of the skin, and head position.

Obviously my son is in a an advanced acute phase of the infection. I am 
looking for any feedback concerning dosage and type of preparation. I 
have ordered a 20 ppm electrolytically prepared colloidal soloution, 
and hope it arrives soon.
One concern is the topical application, the strength and the method. 
The other is the internal dose. ALso any feedback concerning similar 
experience is welcome.

John Plumridge

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-07 Thread bbanever


   I'm surprised you didn't choose a good 6 stage Reverse Osmosis set 
up to treat your well water.  That's what I would have done... with the 1st 
or 6th stage being a UV light to sterilize the water.  I just installed a RO 
system in my home and never tasted sweeter water than it produces.  I had a 
very good carbon block filter in use before this, but the taste can't 
compare.  You might also want to check out the Crystal Clear Electron Water 
Machine.  It's  basically a distiller that emparts permanently charged left 
spinning electrons into the water, changing its structure permanently.  It's 
an interesting concept and claims for this water abound.  I purchased one 
but haven't used it yet.  The device is completely hand made and of very 
good quality.  You can call them and talk to Mr. Ellis, the inventor.  Here 
is the link;

Best of luck.

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

I tend to agree with what Tony has indicated.

Slowing the rate of flow of water through an ionizer can only make the
resultant water more ionized, not less ionized.

There may be a problem with the first filter putting something into the

There may be something in the water (from either the well or the
filter)  that is affecting the electrodes of the water ionizer causing
them to ionize less efficiently.

Maybe your Singer machine is just plain broken...

Leaving the water out overnight for the CO2 to dissipate will only work
before the water is ionized.  You should ionize it after it sits out.
Test the plain untreated well water before and after letting it sit out.

If you let alkaline water sit out it will get more acidic, at least
that's what I remember from ionizer literature I read.

Get the water tested, and go from there.  You'll want to know what is
in it anyway...


Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

From: Tony Moody (view other messages by this author)
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 23:05:58

Hi Nenah,
May you be very happy in your new home.

Have you tried connecting well water straight into the Ionizer? To test

whether the filter is the culprit.

I can think of two potential problems.
1/ Something has got into the ionizer causing a problem, possibly
blocking a port or covering an electrode or sensor.
2/ The new filter is functionally different so that the water leaving
filter is now strongly buffered by passing through the filter.

I can only imagine that slowing the water flow would cause the
electrolysis process to be 'better' or 'stronger'


On 6 Feb 2005 at 19:57, Nenah Sylver wrote:

Dear People,
I have a challenge with my water system and would like your input,
especially from the chemistry-minded folk of this list.

In November I moved my home and office 6 miles to an even more


country location. The house's water supply is fed by a well. The
water's pH tests at around 6.2, much too acidic to drink (it should


at least a neutral 7.0).

As with my prior location, the water purification setup at my new
locale consists of two countertop water treatment units. The first


a simple filter with coconut shell, to remove the particulate matter
-- and save wear and tear on the second water unit. The second water
unit is a Singer Ionizer Plus, which electrolizes the water and


the acid and alkaline fluids to separate chambers. You drink the
alkaline water and use the acidic water externally (the skin is


and really benefits from the acid water). At my new location, the
electrolyzed water initially tested from about 7.2 to 8.6, depending
on the low or high settings of the Singer electrolysis system. The
alkaline water tasted sweet and felt smooth.

However, then we needed to replace the cartridge in Unit #1. The
company that makes the first unit redesigned the cartridge and now
we're having water problems. The mouth on both ends of the cartridge
is much narrower than before. Presumably, this has lowered the
pressure of the water flowing into the Singer. So now, even with the
Singer unit on the highest setting, the water's pH doesn't get much
higher than 6.6.

The manufacturer of Unit #1 (the one that changed the cartridge)
doesn't want to talk to us because we're not a large account. But
someone at the Singer dealership did talk to us. We were told that
well water is tricky to test for pH, because often there's carbonic
acid (dissolved carbon dioxide) in the water. The remedy, the


rep continued, is to let the water sit overnight so the carbon


can dissipate -- and THEN test the water the next morning.

So I followed their advice. I electrolyzed the water at the second
setting and the highest setting, let the 

Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Trem

Hi Mike,

Dr. Robert O. Becker discovered silver caused cancer cells to 
dedifferentiate in vitro.  The links to that are on our site.

Of all the customers that ask, I mention the fact that it seems to have 
worked in every case we have tried it on.  I ask for feedback and I have not 
received any negative feedback.  Always positive responses which isn't to 
say that it may not help but I don't get any calls saying it didn't work.

I always mention the fact I'm not a physician so therefore cannot diagnose 
or prescribe.  I mention what I would do as far as using CS and what I've 
been told by those that have used it.  At least a quart daily spread out and 
taken on an empty stomach would be the preferred method of keeping the 
silver titer high in the blood as far as I'm concerned.

A neighbor with metastasized cancer had two tumors the size of racquet balls 
on her bowel and another behind her esophagus that impaired her ability to 
swallow or turn her head.  It was in also her bones and other places.  I 
gave her 2 liters a day with the proviso she give me feedback on the 
results.   She was able to start turning her head and also swallow within a 
few days and that made her feel better.  She had radiographs at the end of 
two weeks and the tumors had shrunk to the size of cotton balls.  After six 
weeks she got more radiographs and the tumors had disappeared.  Her blood 
work was normal at that point.  She decided to take a gallon per day for a 
while.  After some time she called and told me she had dropped down to a 
maintenance level of a pint to quart daily.  I haven't spoken to her 
recently but it has been about three years since she started on CS.

She did NOT take any chemo or radiation as the doctors wanted her to because 
she had done that 10 years earlier when the cancer was first diagnosed and 
she was pronounced in remission.  (they won't use the word cured).  She told 
them she would rather die with dignity than go through that again so the 
only thing she did was drink CS.  I guess that speaks volumes to me.

Several others have called and said their cancers disappeared after taking 

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: CSCancer therapies...


I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer
therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon
cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the
liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still

quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has
health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to
provide support if they need it.

I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have
any stories to tell about it, good or bad?

I haven't found anything good enough on the Budwig diet and therapy
that I'd be willing to give to somebody else. Any pointers? Web sites,
books? Brooks has recommended Budwig in the past. I'll have to refer
back to some of his posts to see what resources were suggested.
Anything else?

If they decide to add or substitute some alternative therapies, I'll be
continuing this research for a while. Any other comments are welcome -- 
direct experiences, particularly. I'd like to provide some first hand

testimonials from folks I know, apart from the ones in books and

Peace, all.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-07 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: bbanever
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks


 I'm surprised you didn't choose a good 6 stage Reverse Osmosis set
 up to treat your well water.  That's what I would have done... with the 1st
 or 6th stage being a UV light to sterilize the water.  I just installed a RO
 system in my home and never tasted sweeter water than it produces.  I had a
 very good carbon block filter in use before this, but the taste can't
 compare.  You might also want to check out the Crystal Clear Electron Water
 Machine.  It's  basically a distiller that emparts permanently charged left
 spinning electrons into the water, changing its structure permanently.  It's
 an interesting concept and claims for this water abound.  I purchased one
 but haven't used it yet.  The device is completely hand made and of very
 good quality.  You can call them and talk to Mr. Ellis, the inventor.  Here
 is the link;

 Best of luck.


Hi Bob.
If the water you drink is acidic, it is harmful to the system, no matter how
much it has been filtered. Water can taste good but if it's acidic, it will
cause damage over a period of time (see the book Reverse Aging). That's why I
had the Singer water electrolysis unit at my other house.

I just checked the John Ellis site and it is certainly intriguing, to say the
least! Thanks for this tip. I would love a report from you when you try the
water (what are you waiting for? I'm eager to hear the results).


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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread JS Campbell

Hi Mike,

Just a wee titbit of info on Gerson therapy, my homeopathic doctor, very bright 
guy, said the other day that he had been at a conference on it, many years ago 
now, and he was very impressed with the results people were getting on it, 
people who were really at the end of the line were making recoveries.

 He said that he always kept the gerson treatment in mind in case he ever was 
in that situation as it all really impressed him though he said it was all very 
hard work and you really needed someone to help you do all the juicing etc etc 
to let you rest and make the most of the treatment as it was quite demanding. 


Sunday, February 6, 2005, 7:45:22 PM, you wrote:
MGD Greetings,

MGD I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative cancer 
MGD therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with colon 
MGD cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on the 
MGD liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.

From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's still 
MGD quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has 
MGD health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to 
MGD provide support if they need it.

MGD I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody have 
MGD any stories to tell about it, good or bad? 

MGD I haven't found anything good enough on the Budwig diet and therapy 
MGD that I'd be willing to give to somebody else. Any pointers? Web sites, 
MGD books? Brooks has recommended Budwig in the past. I'll have to refer 
MGD back to some of his posts to see what resources were suggested. 
MGD Anything else?

MGD If they decide to add or substitute some alternative therapies, I'll be 
MGD continuing this research for a while. Any other comments are welcome -- 
MGD direct experiences, particularly. I'd like to provide some first hand 
MGD testimonials from folks I know, apart from the ones in books and 
MGD elsewhere.

MGD Peace, all.

MGD Mike D.

MGD [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
MGD []
MGD [Speaking only for myself...   ]

MGD --
MGD The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

MGD Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

MGD To post, address your message to:
MGD Silver List archive:

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MGD OT Archive:

MGD List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-07 Thread bbanever


 I just set it up but haven't had the time to use it.  I'm extremely 
busy these days in my practice.  I'll get around to it soon though.  Let us 
all know what Mr. Ellis says with regards to the PH factor, if you talk to 

- Original Message - 
From: Nenah Sylver

Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

- Original Message - 
From: bbanever

Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks


I'm surprised you didn't choose a good 6 stage Reverse Osmosis 
up to treat your well water.  That's what I would have done... with the 
or 6th stage being a UV light to sterilize the water.  I just installed a 
system in my home and never tasted sweeter water than it produces.  I had 

very good carbon block filter in use before this, but the taste can't
compare.  You might also want to check out the Crystal Clear Electron 
Machine.  It's  basically a distiller that emparts permanently charged 
spinning electrons into the water, changing its structure permanently. 

an interesting concept and claims for this water abound.  I purchased one
but haven't used it yet.  The device is completely hand made and of very
good quality.  You can call them and talk to Mr. Ellis, the inventor. 

is the link;

Best of luck.


Hi Bob.
If the water you drink is acidic, it is harmful to the system, no matter 
much it has been filtered. Water can taste good but if it's acidic, it 
cause damage over a period of time (see the book Reverse Aging). That's 
why I

had the Singer water electrolysis unit at my other house.

I just checked the John Ellis site and it is certainly intriguing, to say 
least! Thanks for this tip. I would love a report from you when you try 

water (what are you waiting for? I'm eager to hear the results).


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Re: CSHerpes

2005-02-07 Thread

 All of the cases I have seen CS used to treat eczema have brought total or 
partial healing and relief. Many of the folks who used my cs did not keep up 
with treatment so the eczema returned. In some cases I have heard cs does not 
work and I'm not sure why other than the fact that it may be a manifestation of 
a greater problem, perhaps a clogged liver or food allergy for instance. You 
may want to try a naturopath to go find out why the eczema is there to begin 

Health blessings

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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Jason
Hi Mike!

I've long been fascinated with cancer; it's metaphysical origins, and
treatments; especially failed treatments.  Sometimes, we can learn more by
studying things that should've worked and didn't, rather than ringing the
bell of the same successes.

Concerning diet, Raymond Dextreit employed his modified macrobiotic diet to
many cancer sufferers, with good results, but not perfect results.

It's frustrating that we as species do not yet have all of the nutritional
answers.  People are very individualistic, and lifelong patterns CERTAINLY
effect what a best recovery diet might be.  Applying a one dietary
formula cures all ideology is taking a big risk; one that I believe can be
safely avoided as nuero-sciences are developed and honed.

The ozone research I'm doing is dangerous.  It's dangerous only because it
is extremely powerful.

As an example, a co-researcher I'm working with has had ovarian and cervical
cysts since about age 9.  For years, the docs used various methods to remove
them, and they would simply come back.  The ozone sauna therapy is
destroying the cancerous cells as if they were the plague that they indeed
are.  It is amazing to witness, but the body must be supported adequately.
When the body starts to let go of these, there is quite a bit of blood,
sloughing flesh, and balls of tissue ejected; this would be a very scary
experience for many people, if not everyone.  The ozone sauna therapy
reactivates the immune system, and the ozone and organic peroxides created
attack the cancer directly.

Now, at age 9 diet certainly does not cause cancer.  Trauma can cause cancer
too.  Even severe emotional trauma and abuse.

One of the advantages to colon cancer is that one does have direct access to
the colon, even by ingesting substances orally.

If I were in this position, I would utilize both Illite and Bentonite
hydrated with EIS.  We know that silver ions do kill cancer cells, we just
have to find a way to deliver the silver to the location.  I would want this
mixture delivered to the colon each liver cycle, ie. every four hours, but
at least twice a day, preferrably upon first arising and just before bed.

I would consider doing colonics; specifically, with ozonated water.  The
ozone will begin to break down the outside of the cancerous tissue almost
immediately.  I imagine some of the German experts would advise ozone rectal
insufflations, but I personally will not do that without some real medical
supervision, not after what I've witnessed in my first five months of
personal research into ozone therapy.

So we have the ozonated water starting to break down cancerous tissue, we
have the healing clays and silver delivered directly to the colon to help
clean up and repair tissue.

It has to be the green clays, with a high PH, so the mixture acts primarily
at the colon.  I like the bentonites/montmorillonites because their sorptive
power is unmatched and the charge layers seem to be perfect for the silver;
I like the Illite because it's particle sizing is extraordinary.  PH Level
of the mixture really should be around 8.7.  If it is not, then one would
have to add some high alkaline water, such as Trinity water, which is an
excellent high PH water with a wonderful array of natural mineral contents.

When I make my mixtures, I primarily use green bentonite, and simply add a
small amount of hydrated illite to the pre-hydrated bentonite, and mix it

If constipation occurs, in this case, I would choose to add activated
charcoal to the clays rather than psyllium.  Fiber is DEFINATELY needed with
colon problems, however.  I just know that the activated charcoal slurry
with the clays will work very fast to clear to the large intestines.

I've seen clay packs eliminate cancer, and I've seen clay packs fail to
eliminate cancer.  Clay packs applied to the abdominal region of healthy
people has no pain or discomfort associated with it.  This is often not the
case with those with cancer.

The clay will begin to stimulate the area; if the body has enough energy
resouces available, this is excellent.  If it does not, it can result in
severe depletion and weakness.

The three areas to treat are the left side of the torso, just above the
hips; the center of the abdominal area, just below the belly button, and the
right side of the torso, just above the hips.

When I had my skin cancer, and was treating the area after successfully
restoring my PH level and after utilizing the black salve to destroy the
cancer, I apparently also had a colon problem.  The clay packs applied to
the left torso resulted in the ejection of a large stringy cancerous growth
( through the bowel ).  A few days afterward, I started to feel fantastic.

Proper breathing can also be miraculous with digestive problems, and
learning how to breath properly costs nothing!

As far as dietary concerns go, I'm with Christine Carlton 100%.

If one can find a BodyTalk System practitioner, one has a Golden resource.

The intellect doesn't 

CSGood Cancer Information Site

2005-02-07 Thread Alan Clough
   Hi Mike: I have found a great resource  this site :  It 
provides a great over view of the issues on using alternatives and goes over in 
great detail  many different types of treatments and what they are good for.  
Helps people design a program that will work for them  and avoid some of the 
pitfalls that may make alternative treatments not work for them .  It  also go 
over Dr Bidwigs  as one of the many treatments .Alan

CScs for lick granuloma- newcomer

2005-02-07 Thread joni


Hi all,


I am new to this list. I have a dog who has obsessively been licking her
legs and has created sores. She is on a homeopathic remedy and it seems to
be working. She also is wearing an e-collar and I am working to remove the
issues that might be causing her anxiety/obsessive lickng.. There is still
some infflammation though, and my vet has prescribed a
antibiotic/anti-iinflammitory cream ( animax) which I wont be using on her.
I would like to try CS instead and am wondering how I should apply it and
how much to use.


Thanks for any suggestions,



Re: CScs for lick granuloma- newcomer

2005-02-07 Thread Nenah Sylver
- Original Message - 
From: joni
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: CScs for lick granuloma- newcomer

 I am new to this list. I have a dog who has obsessively been licking her
 legs and has created sores. She is on a homeopathic remedy and it seems to
 be working. She also is wearing an e-collar and I am working to remove the
 issues that might be causing her anxiety/obsessive lickng.. There is still
 some infflammation though, and my vet has prescribed a
 antibiotic/anti-iinflammitory cream ( animax) which I wont be using on her.
 I would like to try CS instead and am wondering how I should apply it and
 how much to use.

To use CS topically, I mix a solution of about 10 parts CS to 1 part of DMSO.
The DMSO carries the CS into the body very effectively.

To help combat inflammation with my elder arthritic dog, I use Wobenzyme,
natural enzymes that have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. I cut a plain
tablet in half and feed it to the dog on an empty stomach, morning and night. It
really helps relieve stiffness and pain.


Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
and The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
Holistic health products, supplements and services

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Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-07 Thread Brickeyk
How deep would a UV light penetrate? Seems like we could clean our blood by 
shining the UV light on our near skin arteries similar to a Beck zapper. I just 
had 3 UV blood cleaning treatments in Mexico and they helped my 
Allergies/Asthma. My Beck zapper did not work that well for Allergies/ Asthma. 
Still get 
Aspergillus clumps from my sinuses during flushes but they are smaller and can 
go 4 days without seeing anything. Could the 660 nm red led simulate the UV 

Re: CScs for lick granuloma- newcomer

2005-02-07 Thread sol

 By plain do you mean the clear-coated Wobenzyme? In looking it up, 
there seem to be two forms: clear-coated, and red-coated, both say they 
are enteric-coated. Is there another type of Wobenzyme?


Nenah Sylver wrote:

To help combat inflammation with my elder arthritic dog, I use Wobenzyme,
natural enzymes that have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. I cut a plain
tablet in half and feed it to the dog on an empty stomach, morning and night. It
really helps relieve stiffness and pain.


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RE: CSHerpes

2005-02-07 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Steve,

Thanks for sharing your CS excema results--I feel that IF your friends had
been faithful in taking and applying CS and continued CS daily, they would
probably remain clear. Most people fail to realize that there is NO cure for
eczema, but continued relief and clear normal looking skin is my vote for
almost as good as a cure. DR. Bob BECK observed that 85% of people would
refuse to take or use alternative treatments like our Special Gift from God,
CS! Even if you GAVE it to them at No Charge, most would NOT use or take
it--saying, I'm waiting to ask my Doctor about it. At that point, I put them
on my prayer list and if their problem is Cancer or other serious problem;
usually within a year I attend their funeral.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSHerpes

 All of the cases I have seen CS used to treat eczema have brought total or
partial healing and relief. Many of the folks who used my cs did not keep up
with treatment so the eczema returned. In some cases I have heard cs does
not work and I'm not sure why other than the fact that it may be a
manifestation of a greater problem, perhaps a clogged liver or food allergy
for instance. You may want to try a naturopath to go find out why the eczema
is there to begin with.

Health blessings

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2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Here is an interesting if scary article about mycoplasmoids.
But a better starting point if you want to understand a far more reasonable 
view of pathology is here:  the beginnings of a complete Course 
understanding the Disease Industry.

Then come back here to the Silver OFF TOPIC list to discuss it. :-)


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Re: CScs for lick granuloma - WOBENZYME

2005-02-07 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: sol
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: CScs for lick granuloma- newcomer

   By plain do you mean the clear-coated Wobenzyme? In looking it up,
 there seem to be two forms: clear-coated, and red-coated, both say they
 are enteric-coated. Is there another type of Wobenzyme?

Hi Sol.
I mean the clear-coated Wobenzyme. The company puts stuff on the red coating to
make it tasty enough for pets to eat. But since it has junk in it that's not
healthy, I won't give it to my dogs. They learned to eat the clear-coated, given
time. My general rule is: I don't eat preservatives, colorings, fake food or
junk, so why feed it to my four-legged friends?

When I first gave Wobenzyme to either dog, she didn't know what to do with it. I
put a tablet in each dog's mouth and closed her mouth and stroked her throat,
trying to get her to chew and swallow the tablet. It was a miserable failure.

So I made it into a game, throwing the tablets onto the floor. They thought it
was great fun and at least put it into their mouth. But then they spit it out.

These are small dogs, so I understood that it might be easier halving the
tablets so they wouldn't feel overwhelmed. That worked great. Now, each morning
just after they awaken and at night just before they nod off to sleep, I give
them their divided tablets (easy to cut with a sharp knife). They look forward
to their treats and chomp them down with no problem.

Both dogs are rescued, and were abused, over-vaccinated, and fed poorly before I
adopted them. But they are alert, lively, and happy. I like to think that my
care of them has contributed to their longevity. This summer, Tali will be 15
and Zumi will be 13. Several years ago Tali completely recovered from Lyme,
thanks to Rife technology, and Zumi is still here despite having breast tumors,
thanks to various protocols that include rubbing CS into her belly with a little

Dogs are wonderful. I can't recommend Wobenzyme highly enough; it helped heal
Tali's cruciate ligament that had been damaged from the Lyme. It really makes a
huge difference in helping her stay limber and not getting stiff.

There are other good enzyme products on the market from Enzymatic Therapy for
instance, but they are in caps. The Wobenzyme is the only one I know of (except
for serropeptase tablets) that is in a form suitable for a dog to chomp on.

Keep in mind that enzymes given therapeutically must be taken on an empty
stomach, so the benefits will go toward functions other than digestion.


Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
and The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
Holistic health products, supplements and services

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CSsilver protein

2005-02-07 Thread Betsy Coffey
Someone mentioned using collodial silver that was
protein bound. I am wondering about silver protein. I
came across a web site when researching something
unrelated and this web site makes some interesting
claims in favor of silver protein and high ppms.
Isnt this what causes the grey condition? Any comments
on this web site?
What is watersil collodial silver?

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do? 

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Re: CSsilver protein

2005-02-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Betsy Coffey wrote:

 Someone mentioned using collodial silver that was
 protein bound. I am wondering about silver protein. I
 came across a web site when researching something
 unrelated and this web site makes some interesting
 claims in favor of silver protein and high ppms.
 Isnt this what causes the grey condition? Any comments
 on this web site?

Yes, it can and does cause argyria.  Basically they add protein, like
gelatine, to make their product stable, but the protein reduces the
effectiveness so much, they have to jack the concentration of silver up by
about a factor or 20 or so.


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CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Peter Rebaudo


The best primer, plus that I have found in the cancer battle is:
Bill Henderson's
Cure Your Cancer and Cancer-Free books



Peter R

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CSLife Extension Founders Arrested

2005-02-07 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Way back in 1991, the Life Extension Foundation founders were arrested  
and had their property confiscated in an attack similar to that which  
shut down  and put Greg Caton in jail.

I had not known about the LEF busts.  Those concerned about health  
freedom need to read this.

Those who believe the FDA is profoundly corrupt will appreciate the  
information and the victories by LEF, which I support wholeheartedly. 


On Monday, Feb 7, 2005, at 19:11 Asia/Tokyo, M. G. Devour wrote:

Christos! Welcome to the list, and thanks for contributing.

I've heard of these and seen some information on their construction.
But there are different types. What was the design that you used, and
can you point me to instructions for it?

This would be the sort of thing that falls in the it couldn't hurt to
try it category, once we have them started on other protocols. I'm
intrigued by the idea anyway, so maybe they'd try it as a favor to me.

Thank you sir!

Mike D.

After one year I'm saying again that the use of orgone accumulator is
the best solution along with other good things. Stimulating the total
energy of the organism is the presupposition for everything else. O.A
cured my TB 30 years ago in one month. Before that time I had the
smart. idea that using orgone and orgone accumulator is  totally
ridiculous. Today I know hundreds - between them 5 cancers sufferers -
who became healthy after the use of O.A. My best Christos  


[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Mr. Moussouliotis, you  may be aware that in the USA, orgone researcher 
Dr. Wilhelm Reich had his equipment smashed, his books burned, and his 
body thrown into prison, where he died in 1957 shortly before his 
release.   It was  one of the most grotesque miscarriages of justice I 
know of.

Reich was a very peculiar man and at one level,  seemed to attract 
persecutors with his displeasing messianic aspects,  but perhaps those 
personality quirks derived from the fact that was indeed persecuted!

In the USA, those who experiment with chi/orgone/od  wisely steer clear 
of any health claims.   If you can research this freely in Greece, you 
are fortunate.   I think in general Europeans are more free to work on 
the borders of mainstream science.   Germany is way ahead of the US in 
homeopathic and resonance studies, I think.

On Monday, Feb 7, 2005, at 22:11 Asia/Tokyo, Christos Moussouliotis 

After one year I'm saying again that the use of orgone accumulator is 
the best solution along with other good things. Stimulating the total 
energy of the organism is the presupposition for everything else.
O.A cured my TB 30 years ago in one month. Before that time I had the 
smart. idea that using orgone and orgone accumulator is  totally 
Today I know hundreds - between them 5 cancers sufferers - who became 
healthy after the use of O.A.

My best
Christos Moussouliotis

I've been working very hard the last week exploring alternative 
cancer therapies in greater depth. A good friend is diagnosed with 
colon cancer, with possible liver involvement. He'll get word back on 
the liver pathology tomorrow, so we'll know more soon.
From what I see, he's a good candidate for the alternatives. He's 
quite strong and healthy, his wife is open to these ideas and has 
health-care experience, and they have friends and family enough to 
provide support if they need it.
I've found good, solid information on the Gerson therapy. Anybody 
have any stories to tell about it, good or bad?

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RE: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-07 Thread Ed Kasper
according to research by Leon a Blue LED will be affective
when applied topically at the wrist artery.Though not as affective as laser
intravenously applied.  A RED LED would be less - though still affective.

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist  Herbalist
Acupuncture is a jab well done   Santa Cruz, CA.

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 10:21 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

  How deep would a UV light penetrate? Seems like we could clean our blood
by shining the UV light on our near skin arteries similar to a Beck zapper.
I just had 3 UV blood cleaning treatments in Mexico and they helped my
Allergies/Asthma. My Beck zapper did not work that well for Allergies/
Asthma. Still get Aspergillus clumps from my sinuses during flushes but they
are smaller and can go 4 days without seeing anything. Could the 660 nm red
led simulate the UV light?

RE: CSwilma and question to himagain

2005-02-07 Thread Jim Holmes
Lyme is not caused by a mycoplasma.  It is caused by an intracellular
organism, Borellia Burgdorfi. 

-Original Message-
From: Betsy Coffey [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 2:06 PM
Subject: CSwilma and question to himagain

I was just wondering if Wilma has been tested for
mycoplasma infections like lyme etc. which can cause
some of her bowel troubles. Also chronic systemic
candidias can be a problem esp if she has been on alot
of antibioitcs. If this is the case, I think that
supplements are helpful rather than harmful but it is
important to get them in a form that she can
A question for himagain- I agree that many supplements
are stressful to the body but I do think it is hard to
get what you need in food the way that it is
processed-even good food is lacking due to soil
depletion etc.
The question that I have regards the collodial
minerals that the tape you suggested recommends. I
wanted to know if you take this mineral supplement and
have you had luck with it? I keep hearing how
collodial minerals have heavy metals in them.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.

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Re: CSCancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 01:12 AM 08/02/05, Jason wrote:

With cancer caused by toxemia, which is likely the causative factor in colon
cancer, it doesn't much matter what you add to the body if the body is not
capable of eliminating toxic substances.

** Totally true.

I wish I could agree that simple dietary changes are the cure for cancer.
Despite hundreds to thousands of reports of dietary cures, many people do
change their diets completely and still perish.  Normally, we only hear
about the success cases, as the ones who fail are no longer capable of
filing a complaint.  Cancer can take on a life of its own.

* As usual we are dealing with half stories all the time, a priori 
. Dietary changes ALONE aren't the cure for Cancer, but without them as 
first action, nothing will save the afflicted.
The famous carrot diet alone had over 40,000 attested successes  50 years 

As stated before - sadly always anecdotally - the underground 
Cancervivor  groups have unknown thousands of complete cures.  My own 
experience had zero failures with the qualified people:  vis no major 
prior medical intervention/destruction by way of radiation/chemo.
Same results as the Medical Mafia mirror-reversed:  They have 100% failure 
in properly diagnosed cases - Cancervivors 100% success.
The only failures recorded were of participants. Nobody survived who broke 
the detox rule. Nobody died who followed it.

Not just going on a diet, but reversing the intoxicating activities that 
created the environment for the creation of Cancer.

I've passed on a few extra points over time here:
1. Correct defecation training
2. Environmental Sherlock management
3. The power of the spirit.  NOTHING works without the right state of mind.

Sorry, but just as the law of gravity is fixed for us down here, so is the 
Law of Retribution.
It takes a lng time to create a Cancer-attractive environment, so it 
takes a long time to reverse it.
There is NEVER going to be a Magic Pill to undo the bodily sins or 
iatrogenic damage.
It is also most definitely a case of the sins of the parents being 
visited in the case of the young,

from my own observations.

I really do wish there was a simple easy answer ..

Himagain. Who finally learned discipline way beyond his martial arts 
demands :-)

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Re: CSHelp for Wilma?

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 01:19 AM 08/02/05, Dan wrote:

Can you elaborate on what you mean about Baker's Base and bread in
Do you feel that homemade whole grain bread is no good? And why?

My old computer business once wrote a program to automate recipe handling 
in a specialty bakery chain once, many years ago.  I was stunned at what 
actually was in the Bakers Base  the flour from which they make 
EVERYTHING from  donuts to wholemeal bread to white bread, brown 
bread.  From memory there were well over 20 chemical components - oh, and 
flour.  Flour made with high pressure high speed steel rollers. ( nothing 
left of it to use in a human body)

All the textures and flavours are fakes.
The guy who owned the business was an international sportsman - was 
horrified at the idea that he might eat the stuff - it would wreck him!  He 
was very conscientious about *his* regime

NO NO! I am the reverse here:  The only bread safe to eat today is homemade 
bread - BY HAND - you should see what goes into the machine-ready mixes you 
buy for those dinky bread making machines!
You have to obtain the real thing.  Real flour is not white, it is at best 
a funny yellow, if made from a stone grinding mill will be universally 
rough in texture ( the fake ones have stuff added in to the talcum to 
make it look/feel a bit healthy).  The most healthful is a very old style 
grain called Spelt.
The worst sufferer of so-called gluten intolerance can eat their head off 
with it.  AND get healthier and defecate a bit normally.   Maybe even get a 
bit well  :-)

Occasional specialty info like this sort of thing about the tricks they 
play can be found here:

* About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks for 
you! Here:



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Re: CSHerpes

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 01:57 AM 08/02/05, you wrote:

Right now my son of one , who has severe atopic eczema, contracted herpes. 
Atopics are susceptible to this and it has spread violently all over his 
body. It hits them hard, especially due to broken skin. It is frightening 
believe me. It is like his whole body is raw and skin peeled. It is round 
his eyes too.

My extreme sympathies to you all.
It is extremely difficult to damage babies, actually.  It takes a lot of 
May I suggest that this sounds like something I've seen more than once 
If the baby is being bottle-fed - this is the first culprit to check.  It 
is more than likely that the child is pre-diabetic due to the lack of 
nutrition and fantastic doses of sugar.
If it was sudden onset - look for a change in detergent in washing - new 
synthetic clothing/ bedclothes.
If the child has been recently vaccinated. not much can be 
done.  It is up to the child and only decent food and clean water can help 
A young mother in a case mentioned has been spraying her regretfully 
recently vaccinated child with a mixture of  10 ppm CS with an H202 2% 
component  using a spray bottle every two hours  and keeping a gentle fan 
going to dry the baby slowly.
After 8 days of terror, the results are in her words a miracle after 2 
days treatment.

No more prepared baby toxics - she is making it at home.

Best wishes,


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CSthe spelling purist strikes again

2005-02-07 Thread Marshalee
It is mycoplasm, and the Lyme bacterium is a spirochete called 
Borellia burgdorferi named for a Dr. Burgdorf. 
I knew the latter bacteria all too well... :o(

Thank God for CS!!

Lyme is not caused by a mycoplasma.  It is caused by an intracellular
organism, Borellia Burgdorfi. 

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