CSFoods, Supplements, or both

2008-05-27 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Sol,

 At 10:31 PM 5/22/2008, you wrote:
You mean from supplements in addition to any dietary intake? or do you 
mean from diet and any supplements combined?

   I tend to believe this is the total as supplements were not mentioned 
in the few references I recall.

At times of the year, I do not feel I need any supplements when I can find 
fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables to eat all day long.

  It has been known since the 40's and 50's that one needs 750 mg per day.
   ( and 1500 mg of Calcium )

   It would be easy for foods to supply all this at times.Under some 
conditions, it would be impossible, if you don't have the variety and 
quantity of fresh produce.

One thought,   Bananas are called high in potassium which is only a half truth.
Other foods are higher.

Most fresh fruits and produce are virtually the same in potassium.
Usually about 300 to 350 mg per 100 grams. ( some a little lower, some a 
little higher )

Almonds are high, and black strap molasses are higher.



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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSTo Terri about T-cell Lymphoma therapy

2008-05-27 Thread Paula Perry
Hi Teri,
As I understand it, with the standard photophenesis they treat the white cells 
with a drug during the process. Sorry to hear it didn't have a more positive 
effect. Don't know if hydrogen peroxide would work better or not. I have read 
where ozone is used in a simular process with great effects. Some times the 
simple products out preform costly drugs. We are learning that all the time 
with the current failure of antibotics in many situations. Good luck. Hope your 
husband gets better soon.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Teri Kavakos 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 11:12 AM
  Subject: Re: CSTo Terri about T-cell Lymphoma therapy


  We have the UVB light machine in our house and Gary was treated with 
Photopheresis at Yale.  But his cancer did not respond to that treatment. After 
two years of Photopheresis he advanced from being 2B to Sezary this past 
January after taking MMS.  Now they want to do a transplant. Those other 
treatment are not new at all.


  At 07:30 AM 5/26/2008, you wrote:

In the Dr. Jonathan V. Wright newsletter this month he talked about a new 
treatment for cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma involving a UV light therapy that has 
been successful. The therapy is called UVBI and is very safe and effective and 
also relatively inexpensive. (it is used for serious infections and other 
diseases as well). It involves ultraviolet blood irradiation. I think they have 
a device that draws the blood out bathes it in the ultraviolet light and then 
puts it back in the body. It is often accompaied by UVBI therapy with hydrogen 
peroxide which acts as a synergist to increase the effectiveness. They do the 
procedure at the Tahoma Clinic. Phone (425) 264-0059. You could check with 
www.acam.org or phone 888-439-6891 to find a clinic near you, if your husband 
and you are interested.

Re: CSTo Terri about T-cell Lymphoma therapy

2008-05-27 Thread bbanever

Have you tried oleander soup?  This is an extract made from nerium 
oleander, a very toxic plant.  The soup is no longer toxic when made correctly 
however.  You can also try taking Sutherlandia OPC, a drug made from oleander 
and sutherlandia, a South African remedy for cancer.  Another drug made from 
oleander is Anvirzel.   Google for more info, but the results from these 
substances are astounding.  There is a group on yahoo for oleander soup as 
well, I suggest you join.   Here is a link to more information.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Paula Perry 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:33 AM
  Subject: Re: CSTo Terri about T-cell Lymphoma therapy

  Hi Teri,
  As I understand it, with the standard photophenesis they treat the white 
cells with a drug during the process. Sorry to hear it didn't have a more 
positive effect. Don't know if hydrogen peroxide would work better or not. I 
have read where ozone is used in a simular process with great effects. Some 
times the simple products out preform costly drugs. We are learning that all 
the time with the current failure of antibotics in many situations. Good luck. 
Hope your husband gets better soon.
- Original Message - 
From: Teri Kavakos 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSTo Terri about T-cell Lymphoma therapy


We have the UVB light machine in our house and Gary was treated with 
Photopheresis at Yale.  But his cancer did not respond to that treatment. After 
two years of Photopheresis he advanced from being 2B to Sezary this past 
January after taking MMS.  Now they want to do a transplant. Those other 
treatment are not new at all.


At 07:30 AM 5/26/2008, you wrote:

  In the Dr. Jonathan V. Wright newsletter this month he talked about a new 
treatment for cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma involving a UV light therapy that has 
been successful. The therapy is called UVBI and is very safe and effective and 
also relatively inexpensive. (it is used for serious infections and other 
diseases as well). It involves ultraviolet blood irradiation. I think they have 
a device that draws the blood out bathes it in the ultraviolet light and then 
puts it back in the body. It is often accompaied by UVBI therapy with hydrogen 
peroxide which acts as a synergist to increase the effectiveness. They do the 
procedure at the Tahoma Clinic. Phone (425) 264-0059. You could check with 
www.acam.org or phone 888-439-6891 to find a clinic near you, if your husband 
and you are interested.

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  The problem is that people want to lay all the blame for misconstruing 
complicated scenarios on someone else, in as simplistic a fashion as 
possible so they don't feel a need to listen to any facts in their proper 
contexts and actually think about why any *given* person doesn't think 
and doesn't even know that they aren't.

IOW  If you believe you know the answers, it's highly probable that many 
questions weren't asked and many real answers were discarded in favor of a 
simplistic but unreal catch-all picture.

Those who stop looking past 2 feet for any reason they've chosen, have zero 
comprehension of what a mile is and don't know that they don't have it.

America is getting dumber because Americans are on a trend of believing 
that they already know everything at the age of 10 and stop learning...and 
the schools have to follow that trend in order to have anyone graduate so 
they can qualify for funding.
No child left behind means that the slowest person in the class sets the 
Whoever thinks that an operational premis [all were created equal] means 
that all must *stay* equal... is that slow child setting that pace.
Those on the leading edge of the bell curve drop out from sheer boredom and 
learn on their own by following insatiable curiosity, often founding 
cutting edge industries without having degrees.

Meanwhile, others on the planet, living in a far more toxic environment, 
have not stopped themselves from learning anything they can and are well on 
their way to running us average slow poke know-nothing know-it-alls blaming 
toxins for being stupid vs **recognizing** stupidity of self,  itselfdown.

Those who exceeded the pace of the *no child* who wasn't left behind, must 
have cheated us who stuck with the plan.  Right??

Yea, right.

Well, the fact is that some folks just can't stand to not know, so they 
make up stories so they can stop looking.

If you know,  then you are smart?  [ Oh KaaayyyBuy this ! ]
NOT SO SWIFT!  [...stuck with an un-payable payment plan and no product ]
This guy is a rapist just because I dropped my drawers in an ally and feel 
screwedso *that* guy isn't.

.it's really the other way around.
It's what you don't buy that keeps you shopping.

5th graders don't often believe they have it all figured out. Are you 
smarter than a 5th grader?

Blaming something on some them who , by definition, has the least 
interest in repairing the supposed situation, is like putting truck brakes 
on a roller skate.

 Stopped yourself dead in your tracks?
 Yup, but at least you are right  [ about not being able to solve a 
problem ]  and that's comfortable.

Get a grip.
 Things are screwed up BECAUSE they aren't simple, have been MADE 
complicated by simpletons who disagree on what they tossed out .and 
tossing little pieces of what wasn't tossed out into another simpleton 
barrel doesn't un-complicate anything.

In a field of apparently random dots, the dots can be connected to look 
like any picture one wants to see. [which is usually any picture *other 
than*  the one you have constructed that you don't
 like because you can't understand complicated nonsense, therefore, pick 
any simplistic nonsense that you get sold]

..and once that picture is formed, one stops looking at all the dots that 
don't fit.

I know that I don't know, therefore I seek
I don't know that I don't know, therefore I whine 
in a field of the unknown and quite probably unknowable.

So.  What's the real problem?
 NO ONE can fully understand nonsense, but virtually no one knows that.

Everyone believes that nonsense should make sense and tries to cram their 
nonsensical version of sense made out of it,  into a frame that's far too 
small to hold the picture.
Then, endless argument over which too small frame works to MAKE sense out 
an overwhelming nonsense not even recognized as existing.
A partial nonsense doesn't make a greater nonsense make sense, but that's 
what we do...seeking comfort in riskless helplessness...damned if you do 
and damned if you don't, so blame somebody that doesn't care at 
all...anyone, else, will do.

We're ALL idiots... just because we don't believe we can be that stupid.

Humm.just look around in disbelief.
 We most certainly CAN be that stupid.
..and no idiot ever made another idiot smarter by being MORE stupid.

Sometimes I just don't believe myself.  I stare in disbelief at what I once 
That's a start that, if it's ever finished, spells the end to any 
possibility of the sensible.

Those who know are DOOMED. [ to helplessly live their creation in the 
comfort of knowledge claimed as true, when the whole truth is bigger than 
even CAN be acknowledged even if we DO use the limited tools we DO have TO 
USE, properly]


The builders of personal reality creed:
Gee, that looks like shit, but at least it took a long time and hurt a 
lot [ Maaaybe I oughta scrap it and call wasted time and effort a waste? ]

Re: CSFoods, Supplements, or both

2008-05-27 Thread sol

Thanks Wayne,
 I eat high magnesium foods almost daily, (almonds, and I didn't 
realize they were high potassium too) though I don't eat fruit except 
for the ocasional apple.
 I think this explains why I get very bad symptoms almost immediately 
when I supplement any extra magnesium or potassium, but I'm still 
keeping an eye on it.


Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Evening Sol,
   I tend to believe this is the total as supplements were not 
mentioned in the few references I recall.

At times of the year, I do not feel I need any supplements when I can 
find fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables to eat all day long.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSTo Terri about T-cell Lymphoma therapy

2008-05-27 Thread Teri Kavakos


No we have not tried it.  After the MMS almost killed him by causing the 
disease to advance I'm very weary to give him any other immune boosters.
As this is a disease of his immune system and I was warned by his Dr.'s at 
the beginning that we would need to be careful with immune boosters as 
there was a history of some causing the cancer to advance.

Thanks for the suggestion,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread Ode Coyote

 How about use the power you have

NO ONE can sell you something you won't buy.
If you buy fluoridated water and toothpaste, who's the uncaring idiot?
If you don't want lead in kid paint, stop buying toys made in China.

Arguing that buying that stuff made you too stupid to not buy that stuff 
doesn't quite wash.

Without you, THEY are out of business...right NOW.
It's a no quibble deal.

And another thing:  If you the consumer is not willing to pay the wages you 
demand to make something the right way, where do you suppose the jobs will go?

...exactly where they went and done the way they were done?

The consumer has 100% of the power...but we always want someone else who 
couldn't care less, to use it the way we want it to be used.

Help me, help me be helplessno, not like that. 

What's amazing is that they actually care a little bit more than you do. 
[sometimes not much more]
..and the truth is, not all errors are intentional.  They know everything 
beforehand because YOU discovered something after the fact?

Even *you* don't work that way.

   I'm mad as Hell and I won't take it anymore   has nothing to do with 
what they are, or aren't, handing out.
There is always an alternative if you are willing to risk taking 
it...but no one to blame.  [Except you, if you start supplying it, right? ]

I'll just buy a bigger car with more air bags so I can be safe in a crash 
and no one has to learn how to drive well enough that we don't roll those 
top heavy behemoths into the ditches that keep the roads safe to drive on 
in the rain.
Then blame the oil company for the cost of all the gas it takes to haul my 
heavy safe ass around after not buying a smaller car I have to actually 
steer to avoid getting hurt and blame GM for not making stuff now, that I 
didn't buy when they did. [Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG and 
it was inexpensive, but not enough of them sold to make continued 
production worth while and demand for more safety legislated them out of 
producability...ya'll got what ya'll wanted. Suck it up. That new $7,000 
car is now 14-19 years old and rare, is selling for $8,000+ today]

 Most states demand that you carry liability insurance, but no state says 
you can't be that insurer...but then, you are betting on yourself instead 
of paying someone else to take the risk.
Hospitals kill ALL of the people who chose to not die at home relying on 
themselves to be their own doctor and pharmacist.  Those that survive 
either case are never counted.

Lookie.  If Company A is putting waste into your water and you start 
buying Company Bs water that doesn't have it, Company A is going to have to 
stop doing that to stay in business...BUT...Company C will also have to 
find something else to do with that waste and you will have to pay that 
cost whenever you buy whatever they produce that you wanted to buy.

It doesn't matter if that waste is or isn't harmful.
If no one buys it, even for the wrong reasons, it won't be in the water 
that sells.
If any water company no longer sells water, it's no longer a company any 
more.  It committed suicide.
Don't like the pill pushers?  Stop buying pills and they'll go 
away.  You'll be no worse off than your great grandpa who had no pills to 
buy available...back in the good old days.


At 09:41 AM 5/24/2008 -0400, you wrote:

I will pass it along.  the problem is that some people are not willing to 
listen to this yet.  Faith G,

- Original Message - From: kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Cc: Faith Gagne jitte...@gis.net
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

No problem, just pass it along to those you know, and hopefully they'll 
do the same.

 Faith Gagne jitte...@gis.net wrote:

This message is getting louder and louder by the minute, thank God! Thank
you for this video.  Faith G.

- Original Message - From: kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:00 AM
Subject: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika


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Re: CSQ : Adding H2O2 to ionic silver

2008-05-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  You added the peroxide before all the other reactions were complete and 
it high jacked what should have happened first.
You tried making smaller particles out of bigger before there were any 
bigger ones to make smaller..and wound up making something else out of the 
building blocks that hadn't been stacked up yet.

H2O2 + Ag [+] + OH [-]  [depending on when added and how much]
Silver oxides [possibly 2 varieties ]
 Silver Hydroxide in disproportionate amounts.
Silver metallics.
Oxygen emulsion. [that murky cloudiness ]

None of it harmful..just ugly.
There's no more, or less silver there.
Better/ worse?  Who knows.
People don't test ugly much.
If it works and you don't mind how it looks, use it.
Don't like it?Toss it.
No reason is good enough to play it safe.

..if you pour it down the drain and it sterilizes your septic tank.it 
was good stuff.


At 07:24 AM 5/24/2008 -0700, you wrote:

Dear Friends,

Is it safe to add hydrogen peroxide to ionic
silver? Recently, I used a normal 3 x 9 volts device
to make a glass of ionic silver, stirring it every 2-3
minutes while working on the computer.  After one
hour, the solution was still totally clear, without
the slightest tinge of yellow colour.

I added 3 drops of 3% H2O2 to the colloidal silver
and immediately the colour became gray, then black!

Is this concotion safe to drink?  I had read that
adding H2O2 to ionic silver will make a yellow
solution become clear because it breaks down the
larger particles into small particles.  In this case,
my clear solution had become black.  Not wanting to
waste my effort, I drank the whole glass of silver

Does anyone have any explanation as to why my
clear solution turned black after adding the H2O2?
Also, is it advisable to drink the black solution?

Hope to get some insight/advice/recommendation
from the group.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely

Lee Chee Hoong
Sat 24 May 2008, 2130 hours
Phnom Penh

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSPotassium Chloride Source

2008-05-27 Thread Ode Coyote

  According to various medical TV shows, too much Potassium Chloride can 
be used to stop your heart pretty darned fast.

Check it out before over indulging..

Dr. Jack Kevorkian's thanatron machine injected a lethal dose of potassium 
chloride into the patient, which caused the heart to stop functioning, 
after a sodium thiopental-induced coma was achieved. A similar device, the 
German 'Perfusor', also uses potassium chloride as a suicide aid

Calcium chloride is the salt substitute?


At 10:08 PM 5/24/2008 -0400, you wrote:

Check ebay


If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

On 5/24/2008 9:17:01 PM, Sharlene Miyamura (fire888ea...@gmail.com)
 We were discussing this site under the thread with subject line on


 One of the tests includes a potassium test using potassium chloride, so I
 was looking for a source for it.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

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CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Racertim23
I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started  last year 
when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite that got  infected. It 
literally became a large puss filled abscess that exploded one day.  Doctor 
subscribed anti-biotic's it went away (for a while). Next was my wife,  she 
assumed she was bitten by a spider on top of her index toe. A small red spot  
turned out to be a huge swollen abscess on top of her foot that led to immense  
pain, a laceration for drainage and two weeks of wound packing. Since then my  
son and daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that were treated 
with  anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a temporary fix. We have 
popped  and squeezed them each time they came, knowing if we don't, they will 
become  abscesses' again. Well, my wife now has another abscess on top of her 
foot, she  went to the doctor this morning, they prescribed Ripafin and 
Bactrim. I was so  frustrated this morning, I began to research, leading me to 
list. Another  illness they all suffer from is the whooping cough. The only 
thing that's seams  to help is less dairy, cough suppressant, sleeping with 
heads elevated and  time. But the cough and sores always come back.
I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and states  
home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size particles. I can  
afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the silver coin in fresh milk  
trick. There must be a common ground here. Thanks, the Moore Family
Do you  think America has run off track? I think so. To get it back on track, 
this video  is a must see. If you agree, add it to your signature line as I 
did so it may be  passed on to millions. God Bless  America!


**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread kmilkowski
So when a parent takes thier 5 year old to the dentist for the mercury and the 
flouride and to the quack for the vaccines, the 5 year old should've known 
better?? The parents should've but they trusted the quacks and the government, 
that was a big mistake as history pretty clearly shows.

 Ode Coyote odecoy...@alltel.net wrote: 
   How about use the power you have
 NO ONE can sell you something you won't buy.
 If you buy fluoridated water and toothpaste, who's the uncaring idiot?
 If you don't want lead in kid paint, stop buying toys made in China.
 Arguing that buying that stuff made you too stupid to not buy that stuff 
 doesn't quite wash.
 Without you, THEY are out of business...right NOW.
 It's a no quibble deal.
 And another thing:  If you the consumer is not willing to pay the wages you 
 demand to make something the right way, where do you suppose the jobs will go?
 ...exactly where they went and done the way they were done?
 The consumer has 100% of the power...but we always want someone else who 
 couldn't care less, to use it the way we want it to be used.
 Help me, help me be helplessno, not like that. 
 What's amazing is that they actually care a little bit more than you do. 
 [sometimes not much more]
 ..and the truth is, not all errors are intentional.  They know everything 
 beforehand because YOU discovered something after the fact?
 Even *you* don't work that way.
 I'm mad as Hell and I won't take it anymore   has nothing to do with 
 what they are, or aren't, handing out.
 There is always an alternative if you are willing to risk taking 
 it...but no one to blame.  [Except you, if you start supplying it, right? 
 I'll just buy a bigger car with more air bags so I can be safe in a crash 
 and no one has to learn how to drive well enough that we don't roll those 
 top heavy behemoths into the ditches that keep the roads safe to drive on 
 in the rain.
 Then blame the oil company for the cost of all the gas it takes to haul my 
 heavy safe ass around after not buying a smaller car I have to actually 
 steer to avoid getting hurt and blame GM for not making stuff now, that I 
 didn't buy when they did. [Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG and 
 it was inexpensive, but not enough of them sold to make continued 
 production worth while and demand for more safety legislated them out of 
 producability...ya'll got what ya'll wanted. Suck it up. That new $7,000 
 car is now 14-19 years old and rare, is selling for $8,000+ today]
   Most states demand that you carry liability insurance, but no state says 
 you can't be that insurer...but then, you are betting on yourself instead 
 of paying someone else to take the risk.
 Hospitals kill ALL of the people who chose to not die at home relying on 
 themselves to be their own doctor and pharmacist.  Those that survive 
 either case are never counted.
 Lookie.  If Company A is putting waste into your water and you start 
 buying Company Bs water that doesn't have it, Company A is going to have to 
 stop doing that to stay in business...BUT...Company C will also have to 
 find something else to do with that waste and you will have to pay that 
 cost whenever you buy whatever they produce that you wanted to buy.
 It doesn't matter if that waste is or isn't harmful.
 If no one buys it, even for the wrong reasons, it won't be in the water 
 that sells.
 If any water company no longer sells water, it's no longer a company any 
 more.  It committed suicide.
 Don't like the pill pushers?  Stop buying pills and they'll go 
 away.  You'll be no worse off than your great grandpa who had no pills to 
 buy available...back in the good old days.
 At 09:41 AM 5/24/2008 -0400, you wrote:
 I will pass it along.  the problem is that some people are not willing to 
 listen to this yet.  Faith G,
 - Original Message - From: kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Cc: Faith Gagne jitte...@gis.net
 Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:39 AM
 Subject: Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika
 No problem, just pass it along to those you know, and hopefully they'll 
 do the same.
  Faith Gagne jitte...@gis.net wrote:
 This message is getting louder and louder by the minute, thank God! Thank
 you for this video.  Faith G.
 - Original Message - From: kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:00 AM
 Subject: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com
 No virus found 

RE: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts

2008-05-27 Thread Dan Nave
Many Japanese have taken to spraying some Nigari (Magnesium Chloride,
with some Magnesium Sulfate) on their food before eating.  They seem to
feel that it reduces weight gain.  You can also supplement with
Magnesium Chloride or sulfate but, reportedly, the Sulfate is less well
absorbed.  Just take less than that which causes loose stools...


 -Original Message-
 From: Faith Gagne [mailto:jitte...@gis.net] 
 Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 5:18 PM
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts
 It has probably been years since I bought or looked at epsom 
 salts so I really don't know much about the product.  But I 
 wonder if you could supplement your diet with it as you can 
 with magnesium supplements.  I take magnesium supplements 
 daily and since reading Brooks Bradley's comments I have 
 upped my intake considerably to great good effect.  Best 
 Wishes and happy Memorial Day to all.  Faith G.
 - Original Message -
 From: Clayton Family clay...@skypoint.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 6:00 PM
 Subject: Re: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts
  yes, they are. Right on the box it says to take between 2 and 4 
  tablespoons in case of constipation. So, taking 1/8 
 teaspoon in an 8 oz 
  cup of water is a tiny dose.  The main side effect I have 
 heard people 
  talking about is that it can cause loose stools at a 
 certain point. Of 
  course everyone is free to take whatever they want, but for 
 the purposes 
  of the taste tests, epsom salts work fine. Also for adding 
 a pinch with 
  some other electrolytes for a rehydration fluid.
  On May 26, 2008, at 4:52 PM, Faith Gagne wrote:
  To my knowledge epsom salts are not ingestible.  Buy magnesium 
  supplements at the health store.  Magnesium chloride and magnesium 
  aspartate are two of the forms of magnesium most easily 
 absorbed by the 
  body.  Faith G.
  - Original Message - From: Clayton Family 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 2:24 PM
  Subject: Re: CSPotassium Chloride Source
  epsom salts (magnesium)  are at the drug store, Nu Salt (potassium
  chloride) is at the grocery store, so is salt.  Simple.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


RE: CSQ : Adding H2O2 to ionic silver

2008-05-27 Thread Dan Nave
What type of water did you use to brew the CS?  What was the % purity of
the silver you used?

I have seen CS turn gray or cloudy with added CS but have never seen it
turn black.  Was it truly black (opaque) or just tinted?  Perhaps it was
a very strong concentration of silver.  Perhaps your H2O2 in Phnom Penh
has some additives.


 -Original Message-
 From: Chee Hoong Lee [mailto:cheehoong...@yahoo.com.sg] 
 Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:24 AM
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: CSQ : Adding H2O2 to ionic silver
 Dear Friends, 
 Is it safe to add hydrogen peroxide to ionic silver? 
 Recently, I used a normal 3 x 9 volts device to make a glass 
 of ionic silver, stirring it every 2-3 minutes while working 
 on the computer.  After one hour, the solution was still 
 totally clear, without the slightest tinge of yellow colour.  
 I added 3 drops of 3% H2O2 to the colloidal silver and 
 immediately the colour became gray, then black!  
 Is this concotion safe to drink?  I had read that adding 
 H2O2 to ionic silver will make a yellow solution become clear 
 because it breaks down the larger particles into small 
 particles.  In this case, my clear solution had become black. 
  Not wanting to waste my effort, I drank the whole glass of 
 silver water.  
 Does anyone have any explanation as to why my clear 
 solution turned black after adding the H2O2? 
 Also, is it advisable to drink the black solution?  
 Hope to get some insight/advice/recommendation from the group.  
 With best wishes
 Yours sincerely 
 Lee Chee Hoong
 Sat 24 May 2008, 2130 hours
 Phnom Penh 
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


CSWater distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-05-27 Thread Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

I got to thinking (terrible I know)  about my distiller and how I
measure the water.
I use my TDS and get a 0 maybe I should have something better to test
the water with.
Maybe I do not have as good a water as I think, this could explain why I
had problems in past 
(and some times now) where my wife says I am turning gray in the face.
I have backed off on consumption and strength of CS. Maybe I need to
look harder at my distilled water that I am using.
I back off on the CS and color gets better. What is best for testing the
distilled water and how good should it be.
I have never cleaned my distiller either, before I do clean it I should
test it first.
So what do I need to buy to test it with. I have been praising my Love
distiller, maybe it is not as good as I think.
I will let you all know what I find out before and after. Right now I
need some thing to test with.

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

Re: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts

2008-05-27 Thread Faith Gagne
I am still looking for a site where I can order Nigari and hwere I don't 
have to order 5 or 10+ lbs. at a time, plus buy a lot of other stuff to make 
up a certain dollar amount on the order.  If anyone can provide that I will 
be grateful.  Thanks.  FAith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave dan.n...@nilfisk-advance.com

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts

Many Japanese have taken to spraying some Nigari (Magnesium Chloride,
with some Magnesium Sulfate) on their food before eating.  They seem to
feel that it reduces weight gain.  You can also supplement with
Magnesium Chloride or sulfate but, reportedly, the Sulfate is less well
absorbed.  Just take less than that which causes loose stools...


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSWater distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-05-27 Thread Jason Eaton
Water distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)HI Robert:

I prefer using a PWT meter, such as one offered by Hanna Instruments.

I prefer to start with water that tests at 0.3 uS.

I test the water before I add the water to the container, after the water is 
placed in the container, and then after the silver electrodes are added to the 

I won't use distilled wtaer that reads 1.0 uS or greater.

I also test the PH of the distilled water.

If the PH is too far away from 7.0, or if I can't get a stable reading on the 
PH, I get suspicious ( one must use a calibrated digital PH meter, and not 
papers ).  I might then re-ozonate the water, as I suspect that it might be 
possible that the water is contaminated with dissolved plastics.

Dissolved plastics may not register on a PWT or TDS meter.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC 
  To: cs 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 11:26 AM
  Subject: CSWater distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

  Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
  Caveats: NONE 

  I got to thinking (terrible I know)  about my distiller and how I measure the 
  I use my TDS and get a 0 maybe I should have something better to test the 
water with. 
  Maybe I do not have as good a water as I think, this could explain why I had 
problems in past 
  (and some times now) where my wife says I am turning gray in the face. 
  I have backed off on consumption and strength of CS. Maybe I need to look 
harder at my distilled water that I am using. 
  I back off on the CS and color gets better. What is best for testing the 
distilled water and how good should it be. 
  I have never cleaned my distiller either, before I do clean it I should test 
it first. 
  So what do I need to buy to test it with. I have been praising my Love 
distiller, maybe it is not as good as I think. 
  I will let you all know what I find out before and after. Right now I need 
some thing to test with. 


  Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
  Caveats: NONE 

Re: CSPotassium Chloride Source

2008-05-27 Thread Faith Gagne

I am not using potassium chloride, but what is a lethal dose?  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote odecoy...@alltel.net

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSPotassium Chloride Source

  According to various medical TV shows, too much Potassium Chloride can 
be used to stop your heart pretty darned fast.

Check it out before over indulging..

Dr. Jack Kevorkian's thanatron machine injected a lethal dose of potassium 
chloride into the patient, which caused the heart to stop functioning, 
after a sodium thiopental-induced coma was achieved. A similar device, the 
German 'Perfusor', also uses potassium chloride as a suicide aid

Calcium chloride is the salt substitute?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Dee
Hi (?) I don't know your name!  These are just the things that CS (EIS) can
cure beautifully.  Mixed with DMSO (Dimethylsulphoxide) it can be applied
directly to the affected parts and should clear them up within days.  Also
take EIS internally a few times a day can do nothing but help.  Most people
on the list make their own and this is the best form of EIS (don't take any
notice of what Oxysilver say; they are wrong!!  Home made EIS is the best
and there are many very knowledgeable people on the list to help you with
this.  HTH.Dee 

---Original Message---
From: racerti...@aol.com
Date: 05/27/08 18:35:04
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children
I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started last year
when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite that got infected.
It literally became a large puss filled abscess that exploded one day.
Doctor subscribed anti-biotic's it went away (for a while). Next was my wife
 she assumed she was bitten by a spider on top of her index toe. A small red
spot turned out to be a huge swollen abscess on top of her foot that led to
immense pain, a laceration for drainage and two weeks of wound packing.
Since then my son and daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that
were treated with anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a
temporary fix. We have popped and squeezed them each time they came, knowing
if we don't, they will become abscesses' again. Well, my wife now has
another abscess on top of her foot, she went to the doctor this morning,
they prescribed Ripafin and Bactrim. I was so frustrated this morning, I
began to research, leading me to this list. Another illness they all suffer
from is the whooping cough. The only thing that's seams to help is less
dairy, cough suppressant, sleeping with their heads elevated and time. But
the cough and sores always come back.
I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and states
home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size particles. I can
afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the silver coin in fresh milk
trick. There must be a common ground here. Thanks, the Moore Family

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread Smitty
Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG . . . .

What make  year was this car ?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Clayton Family

On May 27, 2008, at 12:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:

I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started last  
year when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite that got  
infected. It literally became a large puss filled abscess that  
exploded one day. Doctor subscribed anti-biotic's it went away (for a  
while). Next was my wife, she assumed she was bitten by a spider on  
top of her index toe. A small red spot turned out to be a huge swollen  
abscess on top of her foot that led to immense pain, a laceration for  
drainage and two weeks of wound packing. Since then my son and  
daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that were treated  
with anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a temporary fix.  
We have popped and squeezed them each time they came, knowing if we  
don't, they will become abscesses' again. Well, my wife now has  
another abscess on top of her foot, she went to the doctor this  
morning, they prescribed Ripafin and Bactrim. I was so frustrated this  
morning, I began to research, leading me to this list. Another illness  
they all suffer from is the whooping cough. The only thing that's  
seams to help is less dairy, cough suppressant, sleeping with their  
heads elevated and time. But the cough and sores always come back.

I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and  
states home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size  
particles. I can afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the  
silver coin in fresh milk trick. There must be a common ground here.  
Thanks, the Moore Family

Do you think America has run off track? I think so. To get it back on  
track, this video is a must see. If you agree, add it to your  
signature line as I did so it may be passed on to millions. God Bless  


Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with Tyler  
Florence on AOL Food.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Clayton Family

Hi, Tim,

This is a good place to ask. There are lots of people making lots of 
claims, but beware of those that claim that only their product will 
work- silver can be a cure all of sorts, in any nearly any form, but 
there are some that can under certain circumstances, be not so good for 
long term use. Things to stay away from include any silver salts, as 
these can accumulate faster than the body can excrete them. Normally, 
ionic silver will not do that, unless consumed for extended lenghs of 
time at very high quantities.

Don't fall for the size arguments, as any ion is probably nano sized- 
there is no smaller unit of measurement for an element than an ion.

To get up to speed, some of the members have put together some intro 
info.  try this link:


Here's a site I like:


There can be a backlash if there is a systemic infection, if the body 
is overwhelmed when it is starting to kill something off. Also called 
herks reaction, or herx.  If there is, you can start slower with the 
oral route, and go all out with the topical application.

Best Wishes,


On May 27, 2008, at 12:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:

I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started last 
year when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite that got 
infected. It literally became a large puss filled abscess that 
exploded one day. Doctor subscribed anti-biotic's it went away (for a 
while). Next was my wife, she assumed she was bitten by a spider on 
top of her index toe. A small red spot turned out to be a huge swollen 
abscess on top of her foot that led to immense pain, a laceration for 
drainage and two weeks of wound packing. Since then my son and 
daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that were treated 
with anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a temporary fix. 
We have popped and squeezed them each time they came, knowing if we 
don't, they will become abscesses' again. Well, my wife now has 
another abscess on top of her foot, she went to the doctor this 
morning, they prescribed Ripafin and Bactrim. I was so frustrated this 
morning, I began to research, leading me to this list. Another illness 
they all suffer from is the whooping cough. The only thing that's 
seams to help is less dairy, cough suppressant, sleeping with their 
heads elevated and time. But the cough and sores always come back.

I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and 
states home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size 
particles. I can afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the 
silver coin in fresh milk trick. There must be a common ground here. 
Thanks, the Moore Family
Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with Tyler 
Florence on AOL Food.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Kirsteen Wright
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 6:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:


 I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and states
 home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size particles. I can
 afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the silver coin in fresh milk
 trick. There must be a common ground here. Thanks, the Moore Family

If you're wanting to know how to make your own simply and cheaply I've got a
pdf file that shows you step by step how to do it and has lots of info on
silver. someone on this list sent it to me ages ago (sorry forgot who)  If
you like I can email you a copy.


CSRe: [DMSO] Hyaluronic Acid

2008-05-27 Thread Tad Winiecki
I just tried googling the vegetables listed and satsumaimo looks like a 
yam, satoimo is a taro root, konnyaku turned out to be konjac or 
Glucomannan, and imoji.  The first two can be found on a site about 
Japanese foods-


And it turns out I just ordered Glucomannan (konnyaku or konjac) from 
iherb.com, but after looking at websites I could probably have found it 
much cheaper to eat already prepared in an Asian market, provided they 
name it something in English I could recognize.  I'll have to go look.  
The benefits of Glucomannan are impressive.


Imoji is a place name, I haven't yet found it as a food on google, too 
many pages, too little time.


On May 26, 2008, at 3:38 PM, Tad Winiecki wrote:

Answer: I have found very little information on this myself, though I
am aware of two possible sources. The first was mentioned in a segment
from ABC news about a hyaluronic acid consumption in a village in Japan
 In the 20/20 segment, The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic
Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy? the town doctor attributed the
villager's long lives to starchy root vegetables-- satsumaimo, a type
of sweet potato; satoimo, a sticky white potato; konyaku, a gelatinous
root vegetable concoction; and imoji, a potato root. The doctor
believes these locally grown starches help stimulate the body’s
natural creation of a substance called hyaluronic acid, or HA, which
aging bodies typically lose. This may ward off the aging process by
helping the cells of the body thrive and retain moisture, keeping
joints lubricated, protecting the retina in eyes and keeping skin
smooth and elastic. 'I have never seen anyone suffer from skin cancer
here, ' he says. 'I have seen a woman in her 90s with spotless skin.' ”

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread T. J. Garland

Sprint  3 cylinder.  i bought my son one for collefe.
Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a little 
Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  Benjamin Franklin, 
- Original Message - 
From: Smitty papad...@gmail.com

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG . . . .

What make  year was this car ?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Faith Gagne

Hello.  this video is unavailable.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Clayton Family clay...@skypoint.com

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

On May 27, 2008, at 12:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:


I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started last  
year when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite that got  
infected. It literally became a large puss filled abscess that  
exploded one day. Doctor subscribed anti-biotic's it went away (for a  
while). Next was my wife, she assumed she was bitten by a spider on  
top of her index toe. A small red spot turned out to be a huge swollen  
abscess on top of her foot that led to immense pain, a laceration for  
drainage and two weeks of wound packing. Since then my son and  
daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that were treated  
with anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a temporary fix.  
We have popped and squeezed them each time they came, knowing if we  
don't, they will become abscesses' again. Well, my wife now has  
another abscess on top of her foot, she went to the doctor this  
morning, they prescribed Ripafin and Bactrim. I was so frustrated this  
morning, I began to research, leading me to this list. Another illness  
they all suffer from is the whooping cough. The only thing that's  
seams to help is less dairy, cough suppressant, sleeping with their  
heads elevated and time. But the cough and sores always come back.

I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and  
states home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size  
particles. I can afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the  
silver coin in fresh milk trick. There must be a common ground here.  
Thanks, the Moore Family

Do you think America has run off track? I think so. To get it back on  
track, this video is a must see. If you agree, add it to your  
signature line as I did so it may be passed on to millions. God Bless  


Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with Tyler  
Florence on AOL Food.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread B Magnatta
Hi Could you also send me the PDF? 

We like to do things well, yet cheaply here too... Lol

Sincerely Barb M. 
---Original Message---
From: Kirsteen Wright
Date: 5/27/2008 3:59:36 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 6:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:

I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and states
home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size particles. I can
afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the silver coin in fresh milk
trick. There must be a common ground here. Thanks, the Moore Family
If you're wanting to know how to make your own simply and cheaply I've got a
pdf file that shows you step by step how to do it and has lots of info on
silver. someone on this list sent it to me ages ago (sorry forgot who)  If
you like I can email you a copy. 

Re: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts

2008-05-27 Thread mborgert

I got mine by the pound at our local food co-op
-- Original message from "Faith Gagne" jitte...@gis.net: --  I am still looking for a site where I can order Nigari and hwere I don't  have to order 5 or 10+ lbs. at a time, plus buy a lot of other stuff to make  up a certain dollar amount on the order. If anyone can provide that I will  be grateful. Thanks. FAith G.- Original Message -  From: "Dan Nave"  To:  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:08 PM  Subject: RE: CSPotassium- Epsom SaltsMany Japanese have taken to spraying some Nigari (Magnesium Chloride,  with some Magnesium Sulfate) on their food before eating. They seem to  feel that it reduces weight gain. You can also supplement with  Magnesium Chlo
ride or sulfate but, reportedly, the Sulfate is less well  absorbed. Just take less than that which causes loose stools...   Dan --  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org   To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com   Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re:Nigari magnesium oil -Was CSPotassium

2008-05-27 Thread Sharlene Miyamura

I bought it from   http://www.naturalimport.com
They have smaller sized packages and they don't charge for handling, just
shipping.  I've yet to purchase the powder form, the liquid is what I

The other company is http://www.simply-natural.biz/Nigari.php
They sell the same thing but I haven't bought anything from them yet.

My short experience with the magnesium oil that comes from Japan has been
one of detoxification.  I got a rash on my legs and arms that looks like
pimples but they don't break nor weep.  My skin also swelled up.  However, I
know that all of it is for the good.  Old skin rolls off the first few times
you wash your face or skin with it (I noticed it was only with certain
soaps).  In the meantime I look really bad.  If you're rubbing it on, make
sure you dilute it well.   I bought the liquid and should have diluted it as
they recommended on their site.  The wrinkles are slowly going.

My skin had been getting very, very dry and no amount of oil topically or
internally was working so I chalked it up to old age.  Now I realized my
skin needed magnesium.  It caused a sloughing of the skin (for me, may not
affect others the same) and makes the skin able to breathe, perspire, as
well as absorb emollients better. Gosh, I've never perspired this much
before, now I know why.  Since I practice iridology, I've always noticed the
dark perimeter of my iris which signifies toxic buildup in the skin.   I've
taken magnesium for many years, internally, but realize now that I needed a
particular type of magnesium externally.  The wrinkles are slowly going.
Still at an early stage of usage, so I'll report later if others are

Other than the skin incident, the pain in my thumb joint is gone.



On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Faith Gagne jitte...@gis.net wrote:

 I am still looking for a site where I can order Nigari and hwere I don't
 have to order 5 or 10+ lbs. at a time, plus buy a lot of other stuff to make
 up a certain dollar amount on the order.  If anyone can provide that I will
 be grateful.  Thanks.  FAith G.

 - Original Message - From: Dan Nave 
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:08 PM
 Subject: RE: CSPotassium- Epsom Salts

 Many Japanese have taken to spraying some Nigari (Magnesium Chloride,
 with some Magnesium Sulfate) on their food before eating.  They seem to
 feel that it reduces weight gain.  You can also supplement with
 Magnesium Chloride or sulfate but, reportedly, the Sulfate is less well
 absorbed.  Just take less than that which causes loose stools...


  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Hanneke

It worked for me. Perhaps try this one:


At 06:41 AM 28/05/2008, you wrote:
Hello. this video is
unavailable. Faith G.

- Original Message - From: Clayton Family
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and

On May 27, 2008, at 12:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:

I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started
year when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite that
infected. It literally became a large puss filled abscess that

exploded one day. Doctor subscribed anti-biotic's it went away (for
while). Next was my wife, she assumed she was bitten by a spider on

top of her index toe. A small red spot turned out to be a huge
abscess on top of her foot that led to immense pain, a laceration
drainage and two weeks of wound packing. Since then my son and

daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that were treated

with anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a temporary
We have popped and squeezed them each time they came, knowing if we

don't, they will become abscesses' again. Well, my wife now has

another abscess on top of her foot, she went to the doctor this

morning, they prescribed Ripafin and Bactrim. I was so frustrated
morning, I began to research, leading me to this list. Another
they all suffer from is the whooping cough. The only thing that's

seams to help is less dairy, cough suppressant, sleeping with their

heads elevated and time. But the cough and sores always come back.
I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and

states home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size

particles. I can afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the

silver coin in fresh milk trick. There must be a common ground
Thanks, the Moore Family
Do you think America has run off track? I think so. To get it back
track, this video is a must see. If you agree, add it to your 
signature line as I did so it may be passed on to millions. God


Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with
Florence on AOL Food.
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1469 -
Release Date: 27/05/2008 1:25 PM

Re: Re:Nigari magnesium oil -Was CSPotassium

2008-05-27 Thread Faith Gagne
Thanks you for these sites.  The 2nd site, however, is one I've looked at 
before, and they require a certain dollar amount for each order.  But I will 
look at the other site.  I hope you will do allright with your skin.  I hope it 
is for the good, for your sake.  Best wishes.  Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sharlene Miyamura 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:08 PM
  Subject: Re:Nigari magnesium oil -Was CSPotassium


  I bought it from   http://www.naturalimport.com
  They have smaller sized packages and they don't charge for handling, just 
shipping.  I've yet to purchase the powder form, the liquid is what I ordered.

  The other company is http://www.simply-natural.biz/Nigari.php
  They sell the same thing but I haven't bought anything from them yet.

  My short experience with the magnesium oil that comes from Japan has been one 
of detoxification.  I got a rash on my legs and arms that looks like pimples 
but they don't break nor weep.  My skin also swelled up.  However, I know that 
all of it is for the good.  Old skin rolls off the first few times you wash 
your face or skin with it (I noticed it was only with certain soaps).  In the 
meantime I look really bad.  If you're rubbing it on, make sure you dilute it 
well.   I bought the liquid and should have diluted it as they recommended on 
their site.  The wrinkles are slowly going.

  My skin had been getting very, very dry and no amount of oil topically or 
internally was working so I chalked it up to old age.  Now I realized my skin 
needed magnesium.  It caused a sloughing of the skin (for me, may not affect 
others the same) and makes the skin able to breathe, perspire, as well as 
absorb emollients better. Gosh, I've never perspired this much before, now I 
know why.  Since I practice iridology, I've always noticed the dark perimeter 
of my iris which signifies toxic buildup in the skin.   I've taken magnesium 
for many years, internally, but realize now that I needed a particular type of 
magnesium externally.  The wrinkles are slowly going.  Still at an early stage 
of usage, so I'll report later if others are interested.

  Other than the skin incident, the pain in my thumb joint is gone.

  On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Faith Gagne jitte...@gis.net wrote:

I am still looking for a site where I can order Nigari and hwere I don't 
have to order 5 or 10+ lbs. at a time, plus buy a lot of other stuff to make up 
a certain dollar amount on the order.  If anyone can provide that I will be 
grateful.  Thanks.  FAith G.

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Faith Gagne
Thanks.  Faith G.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Hanneke 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:19 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

  It worked for me.  Perhaps try this one: http://tinyurl.com/443h7l 


  At 06:41 AM 28/05/2008, you wrote:

Hello.  this video is unavailable.  Faith G.

Re: CSMRSA is running rapant in my wife and children

2008-05-27 Thread Tad Winiecki
Colloidal Silver kills the majority of bacteria, they don't become 
resistant, so making your own and drinking it as well as putting it on 
topically will help a lot.  You might want to think about your 
biological terrain, the state of the tissues and organs of your body 
that allow these conditions.  Some things to look at would be 
eliminating sugar, white flour, hydrogenated and most vegetable fats 
and oils.  I recommend Flaxseed oil blended with cottage cheese or 
drained yogurt for eating uncooked to rebuild cell membranes with Omega 
3 oils, and Coconut oil for cooking.  Coconut oil has medium chain 
fatty acids that become antibiotic in the body.

You might want to look at taking Probiotics regularly to reestablish 
beneficial bacteria in your bodies that can counter bad bacterial 

Some people swear by raw Manuka honey for wounds and abcesses, I've 
used herbs like Ribwort Plantain, others can be googled.


On May 27, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Faith Gagne wrote:

On May 27, 2008, at 12:34 PM, racerti...@aol.com wrote:

I am new to the list. I was referred by Hanneke. This all started 
last  year when my daughter had what we had assumed was a bug bite 
that got  infected. It literally became a large puss filled abscess 
that  exploded one day. Doctor subscribed anti-biotic's it went away 
(for a  while). Next was my wife, she assumed she was bitten by a 
spider on  top of her index toe. A small red spot turned out to be a 
huge swollen  abscess on top of her foot that led to immense pain, a 
laceration for  drainage and two weeks of wound packing. Since then 
my son and  daughter again have both had pussed filled sores that 
were treated  with anti-biotic's. Apparently anti-biotic's are only a 
temporary fix.  We have popped and squeezed them each time they came, 
knowing if we  don't, they will become abscesses' again. Well, my 
wife now has  another abscess on top of her foot, she went to the 
doctor this  morning, they prescribed Ripafin and Bactrim. I was so 
frustrated this  morning, I began to research, leading me to this 
list. Another illness  they all suffer from is the whooping cough. 
The only thing that's  seams to help is less dairy, cough 
suppressant, sleeping with their  heads elevated and time. But the 
cough and sores always come back.
I want to try CS, so whats the best way? OxySilver is expensive and  
states home brews are dangerous because they dont have nano size  
particles. I can afford Oxy Silver for a while, but what about the  
silver coin in fresh milk trick. There must be a common ground here.  
Thanks, the Moore Family

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCS: Potassium and salt mix,IES making

2008-05-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
Not much better way to make EIS than 3   9 volt batteries,Canadian silver 
maple leaf coins [. pure] or 99.99 silver wire and DW.
As for Potassium,I get 99.9% pure KCL,aluminum free from my HF store and mix 
it 50/50 with either Sea salt or Himalaya salt.To test for your need for 
it,sprinkle a bit of the mix on your palm,lick it,and if it tastes good, use 
it.If not,don't need it.This is the way I have found it to work for me.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread G Murray

It got over 60 miles to the imperial gallon.  It was a pretty tough 
little car for what it was made out of.  A friend had the sprint and I 
had the geo tracker.  Just a little cramped for space if more than 2 
people. or when the kids get bigger. : )

T. J. Garland wrote:

Sprint  3 cylinder.  i bought my son one for collefe.
Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a 
little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  
Benjamin Franklin, 1755

- Original Message - From: Smitty papad...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG . . . .

What make  year was this car ?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread Smitty
  It got over 60 miles to the imperial gallon.  It was a pretty tough little
 car for what it was made out of.  A friend had the sprint and I had the geo
 tracker.  Just a little cramped for space if more than 2 people. or when the
 kids get bigger. : )

What year were these ?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread G Murray
We bought 1989 models but the sprint may have been out a year or so 
before that and they were produced for 6-8 years for sure, maybe longer.

Smitty wrote:

 It got over 60 miles to the imperial gallon.  It was a pretty tough little
car for what it was made out of.  A friend had the sprint and I had the geo
tracker.  Just a little cramped for space if more than 2 people. or when the
kids get bigger. : )

What year were these ?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


RE: CSQ : Adding H2O2 to ionic silver

2008-05-27 Thread bob Larson
...or just set it aside for a couple months and it'll likely turn clear with
a pile of ugly silver stuff in the bottom.  pour off or filter, and use the
meanwhile, try again.

Ode, thanks for the explanation.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ode Coyote [mailto:odecoy...@alltel.net]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:18 PM
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSQ : Adding H2O2 to ionic silver

You added the peroxide before all the other reactions were
 complete and
 it high jacked what should have happened first.
 You tried making smaller particles out of bigger before there were any
 bigger ones to make smaller..and wound up making something else
 out of the
 building blocks that hadn't been stacked up yet.
 H2O2 + Ag [+] + OH [-]  [depending on when added and how much]
 Silver oxides [possibly 2 varieties ]
   Silver Hydroxide in disproportionate amounts.
 Silver metallics.
 Oxygen emulsion. [that murky cloudiness ]

 None of it harmful..just ugly.
 There's no more, or less silver there.
 Better/ worse?  Who knows.
 People don't test ugly much.
 If it works and you don't mind how it looks, use it.
 Don't like it?Toss it.
 No reason is good enough to play it safe.

 ..if you pour it down the drain and it sterilizes your septic tank.it
 was good stuff.


 At 07:24 AM 5/24/2008 -0700, you wrote:

 Dear Friends,
  Is it safe to add hydrogen peroxide to ionic
 silver? Recently, I used a normal 3 x 9 volts device
 to make a glass of ionic silver, stirring it every 2-3
 minutes while working on the computer.  After one
 hour, the solution was still totally clear, without
 the slightest tinge of yellow colour.
  I added 3 drops of 3% H2O2 to the colloidal silver
 and immediately the colour became gray, then black!
  Is this concotion safe to drink?  I had read that
 adding H2O2 to ionic silver will make a yellow
 solution become clear because it breaks down the
 larger particles into small particles.  In this case,
 my clear solution had become black.  Not wanting to
 waste my effort, I drank the whole glass of silver
  Does anyone have any explanation as to why my
 clear solution turned black after adding the H2O2?
 Also, is it advisable to drink the black solution?
  Hope to get some insight/advice/recommendation
 from the group.
  With best wishes
 Yours sincerely
 Lee Chee Hoong
 Sat 24 May 2008, 2130 hours
 Phnom Penh
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1463 - Release Date:
 3:36 PM
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG.
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 Checked by AVG.
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1463 - Release Date: 5/23/2008

Re: CSChemical ...cars

2008-05-27 Thread Clayton Family
That is pretty amazing. Anyone know what newer car (rust belt here) 
might get some darn good milage?  My toyota gets about 30.

On May 27, 2008, at 7:05 PM, G Murray wrote:

It got over 60 miles to the imperial gallon.  It was a pretty tough 
little car for what it was made out of.  A friend had the sprint and I 
had the geo tracker.  Just a little cramped for space if more than 2 
people. or when the kids get bigger. : )

T. J. Garland wrote:

Sprint  3 cylinder.  i bought my son one for collefe.
Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a 
little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  
Benjamin Franklin, 1755

- Original Message - From: Smitty papad...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG . . . .

What make  year was this car ?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-27 Thread bbanever


   Please... I mean get real my friend.  Nobody buys fluoridated water, it 
was mandated by criminal elements within our own government.  Lead paint was 
illegal BEFORE the recent recalls. Consumers had no way of knowing there was 
lead in the paint on their kids toys... the governments job it to PROTECT 
the consumer, and they have failed miserably on almost all fronts.   The EPA 
has become a criminal organization set up to protect polluters and allow 
industry to pollute our air, water, and food without government 
interference.  It isn't the consumer that isn't willing to pay the wages 
needed to make something the right way, it is the EMPLOYERS, the 
CORPORATIONS that are unwilling to pay the wages necessary.   You have it 
all backwards Ode.   You say we aren't willing to buy cars that get 50mpg 
yet the Toyota Prius hybrid is one of the biggest sellers in America while 
Ford, GM, and Chrysler loose more market share due to their lack of quality 
economical green cars.  Give us a good car that gets 40 - 50mpg and I 
GUARANTEE you they will sell like hotcakes.  People are STUCK with their 
SUV's, nobody wants them anymore and used car lots are overflowing with 
them.I could go on, but the consumer is NOT in control when big 
business, big pharma, big oil and big government is DICTATING what is to be 
- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote odecoy...@alltel.net

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

 How about use the power you have

NO ONE can sell you something you won't buy.
If you buy fluoridated water and toothpaste, who's the uncaring idiot?
If you don't want lead in kid paint, stop buying toys made in China.

Arguing that buying that stuff made you too stupid to not buy that stuff 
doesn't quite wash.

Without you, THEY are out of business...right NOW.
It's a no quibble deal.

And another thing:  If you the consumer is not willing to pay the wages 
you demand to make something the right way, where do you suppose the jobs 
will go?

...exactly where they went and done the way they were done?

The consumer has 100% of the power...but we always want someone else who 
couldn't care less, to use it the way we want it to be used.

Help me, help me be helplessno, not like that. 

What's amazing is that they actually care a little bit more than you do. 
[sometimes not much more]
..and the truth is, not all errors are intentional.  They know 
everything beforehand because YOU discovered something after the fact?

Even *you* don't work that way.

   I'm mad as Hell and I won't take it anymore   has nothing to do with 
what they are, or aren't, handing out.
There is always an alternative if you are willing to risk taking 
it...but no one to blame.  [Except you, if you start supplying it, 
right? ]

I'll just buy a bigger car with more air bags so I can be safe in a crash 
and no one has to learn how to drive well enough that we don't roll those 
top heavy behemoths into the ditches that keep the roads safe to drive on 
in the rain.
Then blame the oil company for the cost of all the gas it takes to haul my 
heavy safe ass around after not buying a smaller car I have to actually 
steer to avoid getting hurt and blame GM for not making stuff now, that I 
didn't buy when they did. [Yes, GM DID make a car that got over 50 MPG and 
it was inexpensive, but not enough of them sold to make continued 
production worth while and demand for more safety legislated them out of 
producability...ya'll got what ya'll wanted. Suck it up. That new $7,000 
car is now 14-19 years old and rare, is selling for $8,000+ today]

 Most states demand that you carry liability insurance, but no state says 
you can't be that insurer...but then, you are betting on yourself instead 
of paying someone else to take the risk.
Hospitals kill ALL of the people who chose to not die at home relying on 
themselves to be their own doctor and pharmacist.  Those that survive 
either case are never counted.

Lookie.  If Company A is putting waste into your water and you start 
buying Company Bs water that doesn't have it, Company A is going to have 
to stop doing that to stay in business...BUT...Company C will also have to 
find something else to do with that waste and you will have to pay that 
cost whenever you buy whatever they produce that you wanted to buy.

It doesn't matter if that waste is or isn't harmful.
If no one buys it, even for the wrong reasons, it won't be in the water 
that sells.
If any water company no longer sells water, it's no longer a company any 
more.  It committed suicide.
Don't like the pill pushers?  Stop buying pills and they'll go away. 
You'll be no worse off than your great grandpa who had no pills to buy 
available...back in the good old days.


At 09:41 AM 5/24/2008 -0400, you wrote:

I will pass it along.  the problem is that some people are not willing to 
listen to this yet.  Faith G,

CSCan CS be directly injected into an abscess?

2008-05-27 Thread Racertim23
My wife's foot is swollen and tender. The doctors should have lanced it to  
drain, but that would eliminate a follow up visit or two. If I can find silver  
wire tomorrow, then I will have some CS soon after for to take, and wondering 
 could it be injected into the swollen area? How long does it take to rid 
MRSA  with only CS? And do we have any issues with her still taking the Bactrim 
and  Ripafin?
Thanks again,
Do you  think America has run off track? I think so. To get it back on track, 
this video  is a must see. If you agree, add it to your signature line as I 
did so it may be  passed on to millions. God Bless  America!


**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  