Re: CShydrogen peroxide

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

Look on the label for stabilizers.
The cheapest stuff might be the best.


At 05:23 PM 8/23/2010 -0400, you wrote:

Can anyone tell me if 3% hydrogen peroxide is acceptable for breaking down 
the CS molecule size?  I cannot find any food grade 35% locally and I'll 
be dogonned if I'm going to pay $19 s/h for $18 worth of product!


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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSpederson's silver

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

   It would seem that a larger metallic particle would be made smaller, 
then maybe absorb before it completes the process. [and don't burp around 
matches ]
What happens to AgOH which is what most particles are in EIS ?  [AgOH + 
HCl AgCl + H2O ?? ]

Gee, you'd think that everything you ate would turn into a Pinto Chloride 
of something and methanethen what happens?

 Fulminating Silver theory ?? [bang]
Pass the bean salt please. [poot]

Last night on F'nScience, they made fireworks out of Chlorine Dioxide gas. 
[using sodium chlorite and formaldehyde]

So, MMS is an explosive too?
..will ceasers never wonder.


At 07:13 PM 8/23/2010 -0500, you wrote:

I tried to post this last Saturday but the servers wouldn't let me.

I know my previous post was brief. But working on a Blackberry is a pain 
for me. And since I can't specify plaintext with the Blackberry, the 
message quickly gets too large.
The brevity was not to try and cut off discussion. I knew my comment on 
silver oxide (SO) could be controversial and I hoped for feedback from others.

I had wondered about SO and getting through the stomach and so I looked 
for information on the web. As you know, a balanced equation for a 
reaction doesn't tell you everything. For example, does the reaction 
require heat, a certain concentration or a long reaction time?

I was confident regarding SO that is in solution but not as sure about SO 
bound to a silver particle and if the bound SO would be in HCl long enough 
to be converted. From what I have read, transition times through the 
stomach are typically 1 to 3 hours with liquids at the low end. That 
seemed like enough time to me.

There was a reason I included reduction of the SO to metallic silver as 
one of the possible reactions. I saw somewhere on the net that could 
happen. But I did not bookmark the site and I have not been able to found 
it again. It is entirely possible that I read it wrong, esp. since I was 
on the BB.

To further cloud the issue is particle size. I have found a multitude of 
claimed particle sizes for Silver Solutions. The patent claims 50% of 
particles are less than 15 nm. A safety analysis claims 2.34 nm particle 
size. And the Guardian Silver Sol vs Colloidal Silver page claims 0.05 to 
0.1 nm particle size. It would be nice if they would stick to one story. 
Those particle sizes would VERY roughly equate to the following quantities 
of silver atoms in a silver particle:

* 1 nm, approx 30 atoms
* 2.34, nm approx 400 atoms
* 15 nm, approx 100,000 atoms

The reason I mention the no. of atoms is the following report:

High chemical reactivity of silver nanoparticles toward hydrochloric acid

High chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles was observed in the reaction 
with hydrochloric acid: Ag (nanoparticles) +HCI - AgCl + H-2; the 
reaction product silver chloride was characterized by X-ray powder 
diffraction to give a direct evidence for the reaction which has been 
proved impossible for the bulk Ag.

I don't have access to the full report but even 15 nm is well within the 
definition of a nanoparticle ( or = to 100 nm). But is 100,000 atoms too 
large a particle to convert? This would indicate that stomach acid could 
potentially convert ALL silver in EIS and nanoparticle colloidal silvers, 
such as Mesosilver, to AgCl. It would also seem that HCl would not then 
have a problem converting all the silver and silver oxide in Silver Sol 
(Silver Solutions, ASAP, etc.) to AgCl as well.

I am not a chemist, so does anyone care to speculate?

Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Norton, Steve []
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:04 AM
Subject: Re:CSpederson's silver

I am on a Blackberry right now so my internet capabilities are limited. A 
couple references are below.

 - Steve N

The ionic portion is a combination of silver hydroxide and silver oxide. 
While in solution they continually convert from one to the other and back 
again. Each has a solubility of about 13 ppm, so any EIS which is less 
than about 26 ppm and a pH of 7 will be totally dissolved. Upon contact 
with the HCl (hydrochloric acid) of the stomach both of these compounds 
will immediately form silver chloride

2) A slurry of Ag2O is readily attacked by acids:Ag2O + 2 HX â†' 2 AgX + 
H2O where HX = HF, HCl, HBr, or HI,


Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  I've not been able to make ionic copper..only colloidal.


At 02:58 PM 8/24/2010 -0500, you wrote:
If I have some previously prepared ionic copper, can I just add the citric 
acid like with the silver? Or will that not work the same?


On 8/7/2010 1:00 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:
Just buy a short piece of electrical copper wire used for house wiring. 
It has a high purity.

  - Steve N

- Original Message -
Sent: Sat Aug 07 12:50:22 2010
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

Steve, where can I find the right copper electrodes, please?


On 8/4/2010 3:50 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:

Here is a method following the patent's described process:

Put 1/8 to1/4 cup of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Run current
through silver electrodes in the citric acid same as you would for
colloidal silver until you reach 50 ppm. Use the Faraday calculator (see
below) to estimate the silver ppm. You will get higher currents if you
do not have a current limiter due to the high conductivity of the citric
acid solution but that is not a problem because the silver ions bind
quickly with the citric acid to form silver citrate, e.g. no
agglomeration problems. Add potassium carbonate, to get a pH of 5.5.
Replace the silver electrodes with copper electrodes and do the same
till you get the desired concentration (400 ppm) of copper citrate. Then
adjust the pH of the solution to between 2.5 and 3.5 using additional
citric acid.

The Faraday calculator is available at:
To use the Faraday calculator you will need a digital multi-meter to
measure the current passing through the electrodes. This link shows how
to measure the current:
For this application two 9 volt batteries wired to the electrodes will
be ok to use since current limiting is not an issue. For the copper
electrodes just use any copper wire.

I make silver citrate regularly and it is very easy. If you are in a
hurry and have a local beer/wine makers supply store you should be able
to get citric acid and potassium carbonate there, although maybe not at
the lowest price.

I am not sure that the potassium carbonate is necessary but it is in the
formula used in the patent.

- Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Shirley Reed []
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

 Steve, Thank you for that 'recipe' for the MRSA treatment solution.
Is it possible for you to post a 'neighborhood' type formula for this?
I am not familiar with many of the things you mention so a simplified
version will be very greatly appreciated.  I am intending to try to use
3 nine volt batteries in series instead of my cs generator.  Do you
think that will work?  If my questions reflect so much ignorance that my
situation is hopeless, then please ignore this.   Since MRSA reportedly
killed more people last year than did AIDs, then it seems to me that
this Cu,Ag,citrate solution should be in everyone's grasp.  I can make
the CS, have the citric acid, copper wires, and can do the ph, but
cannot get proper ppm measurements. Anyhow, thanks for plowing through
this.   pj

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike

Re: CSYellow and Metallic - is this ok?

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  It'll work...and if you wait a few days and add 6 drops per quart of 3%'ll be colorless by morning.

 Add it too soon and it'll go brown murky instantly.
Try a sample first.


At 11:46 PM 8/24/2010 +0300, you wrote:


A batch with yet another different kind of distilled water came out yellow 
with a clearly metallic taste. Is this ok?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShydrogen peroxide

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  I've found that the cheap stuff has no stabilizers.
Just 2 ingredients  H2O2 and H2O.

 Breathing Ozone would probably do the same thing, the same way.
Unhealthy cells are easier to burn upgo too far and you also burn up 
the healthy ones.
Go too fast and you choke on the debris and protective defense reactions. 
[Why Ozone is more dangerous to those with lung problems ]

Both H2O2 and O3 have something in common.a Free Radical [ Mono-atomic 
Oxygen ] that will grab a partner from anywhere there is one to grab to do 
a hot molecule dance somewhere...easy ones on surfaces first.

Everybody is trying to destroy Free Radicals with anti-oxidants..but you 
don't suppose there's a reason they are there? [Those scrubbing bubbles ]
If all you have is weak cells, surecould be a problem. [It's easy to 
get a dance partner in a ball room full of sluts ]

If your shower stall is MADE out of slime, might not want to clean it too 
hard. [It's tough to get new paint to stick to no walls ]

PS  Feed your Ozone maker with pure OxygenNitric Acid prolly ain't real 
good for the wet parts.


At 12:12 PM 8/25/2010 -0700, you wrote:
   A man named Bill Munro has been breathing ordinary brown bottle 
grocery and drug store peroxide for well over 10 years with great 
results.  Youtube has video of him showing exactly how to use a nasal 
spray pump for this.  He also has a website with more info.  From what I 
can find out, all the peroxide of all concentrations have stabilizers in 
them.  The higher the concentration, the more stabilizers present.  The 
names of the stabilizers might as well be Greek to me and since he has 
had only good come from his practices with it, it seems to me it is okay 
to use via inhale.  Just start slowly or you may be sorry.  My experience.  pj

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSYellow and Metallic - is this ok?

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  It takes as long as it takes...test a sample first.

At 07:16 PM 8/25/2010 +0100, you wrote:
Yes, I had 2 5litre containers. One was completely clear and one was pale 
tranlucent yellow. I let them sit 3 days and then added a couple of drops 
of 35% food grade H2O2. The one that had been clear went a muddy yellow 
and more opaque and the one that had originally been pale yellow went 
really muddy looking.

So far all I've been using it for is to add to the washing machine because 
it looked so grotty. would it be safe to add some to the water for washing 
fruit and veg?

This has sort of put me off adding H2O2. I haven't added any to the latest 
lots and they're looking fine. I'm sort of scared to add any in case they 
go the same way.


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Are you letting it sit a minimum of 48 hours first?


Kirsteen Wright wrote:
Every time I add a couple of drops of H2O2 it goes muddy. It did this 
with a batch that was perfectly clear and one that was a bit yellow. 
What am I doing wrong and is the muddy stuff still OK?


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

   It would be good for topical use. For internal I would try adding
   a few drops of H2O2 to each glassful to see if that will clear it up.


   joy wrote:


   A batch with yet another different kind of distilled water
   came out yellow with a clearly metallic taste. Is this ok?


   -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 

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Re: CSYellow and Metallic - is this ok?

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  You are doing it too soon.
..murky won't kill ya.


At 06:37 PM 8/25/2010 +0100, you wrote:
Every time I add a couple of drops of H2O2 it goes muddy. It did this with 
a batch that was perfectly clear and one that was a bit yellow. What am I 
doing wrong and is the muddy stuff still OK?


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
It would be good for topical use. For internal I would try adding a few 
drops of H2O2 to each glassful to see if that will clear it up.


joy wrote:


A batch with yet another different kind of distilled water came out 
yellow with a clearly metallic taste. Is this ok?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: 


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  I use 6 drops of 3% per quart...AFTER I try it on a sample and see no 
immediate reaction.

  This ain't rocket surgery...
If a little bit doesn't do it, use a few more drops.


At 05:00 PM 8/25/2010 +0100, you wrote:
I can't find it either PT but Ode posted it in illustration form so 
hopefully he will jump in here.  dee

On 25 Aug 2010, at 15:50, needling around wrote:

 Hi Dee,
 I found the discussion of peroxide and what it does but I didn't find 
anything on the website that discussed 3% vs 35%.  Would you send the web 
address for the page?

 Or Ode if you read this would you comment on 3% v 35% peroxide for 
breaking down particle size?... or anyone else???


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSusing electricity for healing - Part 2

2010-08-26 Thread Ode Coyote

When you apply current at any voltage to a salt solution like blood, the 
salt splits into Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide respective to the 
polarity of the electrodes.
 Voltage may control how deep the effect goes, [voltage controls ion 
velocity and a fast bullet goes deeper, more directly seeking it's opposite 
ion] much chemical produced.

Both Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide will go ahead and kill 
marginally healthy cells, like cancer.
  Hypochlorous Acid will sterilize a wound and the corrosive irritation 
from that oxidizer will jump start new cell growth with no dead or 
marginalized cells in the way ??
Like sand blasting rust off steel to take paintchemical 
debriding...anything not up to snuff gets killed faster and removed along 
with the already dead.

Nothing left to have to grow *around*, likely far less scarring.
Nothing there to inhibit a stem cell ?
If there are any organic toxins present, the oxidizer Hypochlorous Acid 
will likely break up the compound.
Sodium Hydroxide dissolves fat cells with compromised cell walls. [turning 
the fat oils into water soluble soap with no clingy surface tension or 
adhesion, to be washed Formula 409 ]

If you overlook the obvious and complicate the simple, you get a new 
research grant.
The goal is not success or reaching conclusions, it's progress...the 
slower, the better.

If you succeed, you're done.

Everything they tried worked because there's a common set of factors in all 
the attempts.

ELECTRO-CHEMICALS..there is NO electricity involved other than to produce 
those chemicals at a rate, in a place.

Understand your Zapper and you need not stand under those bureaucratic 
money grubbing slow pokes.


At 01:18 PM 8/25/2010 -0500, you wrote:

Chronic dermal ulcer healing enhanced with monophasic pulsed electrical

The purposes of this randomized, double-blind, multicenter study were to
compare healing of chronic dermal ulcers treated with pulsed electrical
stimulation with healing of similar wounds treated with sham electrical
stimulation and to evaluate patient tolerance to the therapeutic
protocol. Forty-seven patients, aged 29 to 91 years, with 50 stage II,
III, and IV ulcers were randomly assigned to either a treatment group (n
= 26) or a control (sham treatment) group (n = 24). Treated wounds
received 30 minutes of pulsed cathodal electrical stimulation twice
daily at a pulse frequency of 128 pulses per second (pps) and a peak
amplitude of 29.2 mA if the wound contained necrotic tissue or any
drainage that was not serosanguinous. A saline-moistened nontreatment
electrode was applied 30.5 cm (12 in) cephalad from the wound. This
protocol was continued for 3 days after the wound was debrided or
exhibited serosanguinous drainage. Thereafter, the polarity of the
treatment electrode on the wound was changed every 3 days until the
wound progressed to a stage II classification. The pulse frequency was
then reduced to 64 pps, and the treatment electrode polarity was changed
daily until the wound was healed. Patients in the control group were
treated with the same protocol, except they received sham electrical
stimulation. After 4 weeks, wounds in the treatment and control groups
were 44% and 67% of their initial size, respectively. The healing rates
per week for the treatment and control groups were 14% and 8.25%,
respectively. The results of this study indicate that pulsed electrical
stimulation has a beneficial effect on healing stage II, III, and IV
chronic dermal ulcers.

Ultra-low microcurrent in the management of diabetes mellitus,
hypertension and chronic wounds: report of twelve cases and discussion
of mechanism of action.

Oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of both types of
diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases including hypertension.
The low levels of antioxidants accompanied by raised levels of markers
of free radical damage play a major role in delaying wound healing.
Ultra-low microcurrent presumably has an antioxidant effect, and it was
shown to accelerate wound healing. The purpose of the study is to
investigate the efficacy of ultra-low microcurrent delivered by the
Electro Pressure Regeneration Therapy (EPRT) device (EPRT
Technologies-USA, Simi Valley, CA) in the management of diabetes,
hypertension and chronic wounds. The EPRT device is an electrical device
that sends a pulsating stream of electrons in a relatively low
concentration throughout the body. The device is noninvasive and
delivers electrical currents that mimic the endogenous electric energy
of the human body. It is a rechargeable battery-operated device that
delivers a direct current (maximum of 3 milliAmperes) of one polarity
for 11.5 minutes, which then switched to the opposite polarity for
another 11.5 minutes. The resulting cycle time is 

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-26 Thread AnnieBSmythe

Ahhh but I can buy it if I have to:)


On 8/25/2010 6:21 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  I've not been able to make ionic copper..only colloidal.


At 02:58 PM 8/24/2010 -0500, you wrote:
If I have some previously prepared ionic copper, can I just add the 
citric acid like with the silver? Or will that not work the same?


On 8/7/2010 1:00 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:
Just buy a short piece of electrical copper wire used for house 
wiring. It has a high purity.

  - Steve N

- Original Message -
Sent: Sat Aug 07 12:50:22 2010
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate 

Steve, where can I find the right copper electrodes, please?


On 8/4/2010 3:50 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:

Here is a method following the patent's described process:

Put 1/8 to1/4 cup of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Run current
through silver electrodes in the citric acid same as you would for
colloidal silver until you reach 50 ppm. Use the Faraday calculator 

below) to estimate the silver ppm. You will get higher currents if you
do not have a current limiter due to the high conductivity of the 

acid solution but that is not a problem because the silver ions bind
quickly with the citric acid to form silver citrate, e.g. no
agglomeration problems. Add potassium carbonate, to get a pH of 5.5.
Replace the silver electrodes with copper electrodes and do the same
till you get the desired concentration (400 ppm) of copper citrate. 

adjust the pH of the solution to between 2.5 and 3.5 using additional
citric acid.

The Faraday calculator is available at:
To use the Faraday calculator you will need a digital multi-meter to
measure the current passing through the electrodes. This link shows 

to measure the current:
For this application two 9 volt batteries wired to the electrodes will
be ok to use since current limiting is not an issue. For the copper
electrodes just use any copper wire.

I make silver citrate regularly and it is very easy. If you are in a
hurry and have a local beer/wine makers supply store you should be 
to get citric acid and potassium carbonate there, although maybe 
not at

the lowest price.

I am not sure that the potassium carbonate is necessary but it is 
in the

formula used in the patent.

- Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Shirley Reed []
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

 Steve, Thank you for that 'recipe' for the MRSA treatment 

Is it possible for you to post a 'neighborhood' type formula for this?
I am not familiar with many of the things you mention so a simplified
version will be very greatly appreciated.  I am intending to try to 

3 nine volt batteries in series instead of my cs generator.  Do you
think that will work?  If my questions reflect so much ignorance 
that my
situation is hopeless, then please ignore this.   Since MRSA 

killed more people last year than did AIDs, then it seems to me that
this Cu,Ag,citrate solution should be in everyone's grasp.  I can make
the CS, have the citric acid, copper wires, and can do the ph, but
cannot get proper ppm measurements. Anyhow, thanks for plowing through
this.   pj

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


List Owner: Mike

Re: CSLL) My Thanks to all, Molly has passed.

2010-08-26 Thread Day Sutton
For anyone who has ever lost a beloved pet. Go here read the Rainbow Bridge

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Sandy wrote:

 So sorry for your loss, Lois. At least Molly is no longer in pain and I
 choose to believe she is now running and playing with the Angels.

 Blessings to you and your family at this sad time.


 --- On *Wed, 8/25/10,* wrote:

 *Thanks again, Lois*

Day Sutton

Re: CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Jones
I think calling this list a silvermine would be more appropo.  ;-)

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 10:02 PM, David AuBuchon

 Hi All,

 I'm new to this list.  I've been following every CS group on yahoo, but
 they all seem pretty dead!  This one looks like the goldmine I've been
 looking for!

Alan Jones

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

RE: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer Garden Applications By Bill Munro

2010-08-26 Thread Dianne France

Where can you purchase food grade hydrogen peroxide?
 Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:33:22 -0500
 Subject: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer  Garden Applications By Bill 
 Persons interested in obtaining
 information relating to Bill Munro's H2O2 protocol.will find it
 Brooks Bradley.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer Garden Applications By Bill Munro

2010-08-26 Thread Elizabeth Williams

Elizabeth Williams


Subject: RE: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer  Garden Applications By Bill 
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 10:34:20 -0400

Where can you purchase food grade hydrogen peroxide?
 Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:33:22 -0500
 Subject: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer  Garden Applications By Bill 
 Persons interested in obtaining
 information relating to Bill Munro's H2O2 protocol.will find it
 Brooks Bradley.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSLL) My Thanks to all, Molly has passed.

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve

This story has stuck with me ever since I read it. The link to it is

Years back, I had three white Akitas. The eldest, Keoki, died very
suddenly. He let out a piercing cry and was gone despite hours on my
part of trying to revive him. Keoki and I were almost like a married
couple and when a few days later, I looked at the youngest one, Runeka,
and asked if she missed her father, she looked at me as though she knew
something I was missing. 

Then, all of a sudden, Tilok moved to the part of the bed where Keoki
had always slept and Runeka moved to where Tilok had been. I felt that
they each promoted themselves a rank and this hierarchy became annoying
to me until I looked once again and saw Keoki's aura and realized that
he, too, had moved up a rank. 

After that, he was very happy because he knew I knew where he was. He
used to jump through the open window of the car and sit in the front
seat, another promotion, and he no longer needed my permission to do all
the things he always wanted to do. 

Then, when visiting Hawaii, I decided to drop in on my old Kahuna
friend, Morrnah Simeona. Morrnah asked immediately, Which one of your
dogs died? I asked why. She said, There is a white dog sitting on the
sidewalk who followed you here. I asked, Is he earthbound? She closed
her eyes in the way I had always remembered her doing when important
utterances were soon to follow. I was riveted on her and then her eyes
opened and her lips began to move. She said, He said to tell you that
it is his pleasure to be with you until the end of Time.

Maybe Molly isn't really gone, only changed.

-   Steve N

From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:14 PM
Subject: CSLL) My Thanks to all, Molly has passed. 

 Last night Molly was awake all night as were my son Dan  I. She was
crying  we knew she was in pain. We gave her Tylenol codeine which did
not help..This morning she could not get up.  We knew it was time to say
goodbye...The traveling Vet came at 11:00 to day  Molly gently 
quietly crossed over. The vet said that with the kind of cancer Molly
had it was often to late by the time it was causing a problem which was
Molly's problem. The ex ray  showed it had reached her lungs  the vet
said after that it was only a matter of one or two weeks before it did
total damage  spread to many more areas 
   I want to thank you all for your concern  caring   Her brother
Zeke , sister Abby, My sons Dan  John  I were all with her when she
left..The tears only stop for a little while  all those wonderful
memories can start the flow.. What an empty space there is in our lives
now... Thanks again, Lois

Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-26 Thread Donna

 I am in Ohio and don't know anyone around here that makes silver.
Donna ACS
Donna are you in the US?  Maybe you can find one of us home brewers in 
your area who will share.  I know I would be happy to share if you are 
in my area (Mpls, MN).  Because honestly it is cost prohibative to buy 
- if you're going to buy it in any quantity you might as well buy a 
silverpuppy because you make your money back pretty much from the 
first batch.


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Donna wrote:

How much silver did you put in the cats water?  And where is the
best place to buy it as I can't make my own.  My cat has a large
lump behind his front leg.
Donna ACS

Our cat had a big lump on his back that the vet said was
cancerous.  We put silver in his water, and after a few weeks we
could tell it was getting smaller.  Now, it's gone, and the vet
was amazed and asked us what we did.
For your dog's, you could try that (assuming she'll drink it) and
putting silver with some dmso on the shoulder, topically for
awhile.  Might have to shave the hair first, and I'd watch for
signs of skin irritation.
Hope things work out for you.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:28 AM, wrote:

Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old,
Lab--Australian Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The
vet said it is the fastest spreading type of cancer. The
lungs are next  then she said she would only give her 3 weeks.
   Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done 
where is the best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
  { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if
anyone at all can help }

Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread Homestead Springsberry
If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water in the 
reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the nanoparticle CS or 
still only the five.  The only difference is that the reservoir holds 
two gallons or more.  I want to use it on the homestead and I have two 
college students this fall.


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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-26 Thread Donna

Donna ACS

Donna ACS,
I think we put a splash - maybe a tablespoon - of silver in about a 
quart of the cat's water.  We use Mesosilver, which is, of course, 
spendier than making it yourself.


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Donna wrote:

How much silver did you put in the cats water?  And where is the
best place to buy it as I can't make my own.  My cat has a large
lump behind his front leg.
Donna ACS

Our cat had a big lump on his back that the vet said was
cancerous.  We put silver in his water, and after a few weeks we
could tell it was getting smaller.  Now, it's gone, and the vet
was amazed and asked us what we did.
For your dog's, you could try that (assuming she'll drink it) and
putting silver with some dmso on the shoulder, topically for
awhile.  Might have to shave the hair first, and I'd watch for
signs of skin irritation.
Hope things work out for you.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:28 AM, wrote:

Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old,
Lab--Australian Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The
vet said it is the fastest spreading type of cancer. The
lungs are next  then she said she would only give her 3 weeks.
   Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done 
where is the best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
  { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if
anyone at all can help }

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708

2010-08-26 Thread Melly Bag
Thanks for your tip on turp. Did you drink water immediately after ingesting 
the turp and sugar? Wasn't it hard to swallow with sugar quite thick?
Will putting EIS/CS in the ionic jewelry cleaner (like the lipo C) right after 
it finishes brewing make the particles smaller and unclump them?

--- On Thu, 8/26/10, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:14 AM

Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread jaxi
You didn't specify what generator you are using.  I think that would make a


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

 If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water in the
 reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the nanoparticle CS or still
 only the five.  The only difference is that the reservoir holds two gallons
 or more.  I want to use it on the homestead and I have two college students
 this fall.


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Re: CSusing electricity for healing - Part 2

2010-08-26 Thread jaxi
If you overlook the obvious and complicate the simple, you get a new
research grant.

Okay I am not sure if that makes me want to laugh or cry.  Because it is
too true.


Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread Homestead Springsberry

A homemade generator with three 9 volt batteries.


jaxi wrote:
You didn't specify what generator you are using.  I think that would 
make a difference.

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water in the
reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the nanoparticle CS
or still only the five.  The only difference is that the reservoir
holds two gallons or more.  I want to use it on the homestead and
I have two college students this fall.


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Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread jaxi
I'll let the far more experienced cover this one ... BUT ... I would say
trying to make 2 gallons at once with a homemade 9 volt battery generator is
a bad idea.  Silver rods probably aren't long enough to start - no stirring
device - etc ...


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

 A homemade generator with three 9 volt batteries.


 jaxi wrote:

 You didn't specify what generator you are using.  I think that would make
 a difference.

 On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water in the
reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the nanoparticle CS
or still only the five.  The only difference is that the reservoir
holds two gallons or more.  I want to use it on the homestead and
I have two college students this fall.


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 271.1.1/2798 - Release Date: 04/08/10 06:32:00

Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread jaxi
If you want/need to make large amounts I would say to consider looking into
a silvergen

SilverGen at:

If EIS usage is quite high the SG-7 pro unit because it is designed to
produce 5 gallons of EIS per batch.  It is fast and dependable, producing 5
gallons of crystal clear EIS in about 6 or 8 hours.

Yes, it is spendy on the front end, but you save money in the long run and
can produce a reliable consistent product.



On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

 A homemade generator with three 9 volt batteries.


 jaxi wrote:

 You didn't specify what generator you are using.  I think that would make
 a difference.

 On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water in the
reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the nanoparticle CS
or still only the five.  The only difference is that the reservoir
holds two gallons or more.  I want to use it on the homestead and
I have two college students this fall.


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 Internal Virus Database is out of date.
 Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database:
 271.1.1/2798 - Release Date: 04/08/10 06:32:00

Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread Marshall Dudley
Or really large amounts, build your own flow through unit with 55 gallon 
drums, a magnetic pump, flow meter, power supply with cc diode, polarity 
reversing relay, 6X8 inch silver plates and fish aquarium.  Total cost 
about $150.  This will produce 55 gallons in 1 to 2 days depending on 
the ppm desired.


jaxi wrote:
If you want/need to make large amounts I would say to consider looking 
into a silvergen
SilverGen at: 
If EIS usage is quite high the SG-7 pro unit because it is designed to 
produce 5 gallons of EIS per batch.  It is fast and dependable, 
producing 5 gallons of crystal clear EIS in about 6 or 8 hours.
Yes, it is spendy on the front end, but you save money in the long run 
and can produce a reliable consistent product.

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

A homemade generator with three 9 volt batteries.


jaxi wrote:

You didn't specify what generator you are using.  I think that
would make a difference.

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:

   If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water
in the
   reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the
nanoparticle CS
   or still only the five.  The only difference is that the
   holds two gallons or more.  I want to use it on the
homestead and
   I have two college students this fall.


   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver.
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   Off-Topic discussions:
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04/08/10 06:32:00


Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

2010-08-26 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Have you got that link Ode--the one which illustrates what happens to CS when 
H202 is added?  thanks.  dee

On 26 Aug 2010, at 10:00, Ode Coyote wrote:

  I use 6 drops of 3% per quart...AFTER I try it on a sample and see no 
 immediate reaction.
  This ain't rocket surgery...
 If a little bit doesn't do it, use a few more drops.

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Re: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer Garden Applications By Bill Munro

2010-08-26 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I got mine on ebay.  dee

On 26 Aug 2010, at 15:34, Dianne France wrote:

 Where can you purchase food grade hydrogen peroxide?
  Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:33:22 -0500
  Subject: CSHydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer  Garden Applications By Bill 
  Persons interested in obtaining
  information relating to Bill Munro's H2O2 protocol.will find it
  Brooks Bradley.

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CSDry eye

2010-08-26 Thread Pat
For dry eye, my ophthalmologist recommends any brand of eye lubricating drops 
except Visine.  I like Systane in the vials since there is less chance of 
infection when every day you open a fresh one, plus they're free of 
preservatives, but they are more expensive that way.
(cheaper at WalMart)



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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSPeripheral Neuropathy

2010-08-26 Thread Dan Nave
Read the whole article, especially the section on Nutritional Options
for Neuropathy at:


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Pat wrote:
 Found these things on the Life Extension Foundation website:

 Just five weeks of oral supplementation with  lipoic acid significantly 
 the stabbing pain, burning pain, and  numbness of the feet in patients 
 from diabetic neuropathy, with the dose-effectiveness range being 600-1,800 mg
 of lipoic acid dosed orally per day.

 The dose of R-lipoic acid to achieve this effect in diabetics would be  half
 this amount, since it is the “R” form of lipoic acid that is  biologically
 active in the body.

 Some of the most impressive research on  lipoic acid involves its role in
 fighting type 2 diabetes. Numerous  studies have shown that lipoic acid 
 glucose tolerance as well  as the peripheral nerve complications associated 
 full-blown diabetes.


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 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSDry eye

2010-08-26 Thread jaxi
My problem with products like that is the amount of landfill waste they
produce.  But I am glad they work for you.


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Pat wrote:

 For dry eye, my ophthalmologist recommends any brand of eye lubricating
 except Visine.  I like Systane in the vials since there is less chance of
 infection when every day you open a fresh one, plus they're free of
 preservatives, but they are more expensive that way.
 (cheaper at WalMart)


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

2010-08-26 Thread Alvin Rose

Hi Ode
you posted some information on Sodium Chlorite
a while ago..Can you post it again..
I lost my copy..

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 06:30
Subject: Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

  I use 6 drops of 3% per quart...AFTER I try it on a sample and see no 
immediate reaction.

  This ain't rocket surgery...
If a little bit doesn't do it, use a few more drops.


At 05:00 PM 8/25/2010 +0100, you wrote:
I can't find it either PT but Ode posted it in illustration form so 
hopefully he will jump in here.  dee

On 25 Aug 2010, at 15:50, needling around wrote:

 Hi Dee,
 I found the discussion of peroxide and what it does but I didn't find
anything on the website that discussed 3% vs 35%.  Would you send the web 
address for the page?

 Or Ode if you read this would you comment on 3% v 35% peroxide for
breaking down particle size?... or anyone else???

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RE: EXTERNAL:Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve
This one?

-Original Message-
From: Alvin Rose [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:33 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

Hi Ode
you posted some information on Sodium Chlorite
a while ago..Can you post it again..
I lost my copy..

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CSSources: Food Grade H202 (35%)

2010-08-26 Thread Brooks Bradley
Look at listings on the Left Hand Margin of this website and
click on  Listing note referring to finding source near you.   All of
the lower states are listed.
Good Luck in your research endeavors.
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

2010-08-26 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Laura,

You can do that. It is a good start. But you may need to do some 
homework. Its really important to know how much current is flowing 
because that is what strips the silver from one of the  rods. 

First question is what is the Anode area. This is the area of the rod 
connected to + of the batteries. we need this to work out what the max 
current should be.
It is almost essential to use some form of current controller to limit 
the current to 1mA per square inch of anode area. That should prevent a 
runaway condition where the silver goes murky. So you will need to 
connect up a milliAmp meter to get a reading to check the current.

So , What size electrodes do you have? 

In the archives is reference to a Faraday spreadsheet which will then 
help you work out how long to run the set up in the volume of container 
to get to 10 ppm. None of this is accurate because of all sorts of If's 
and Buts; there is just immense satisfaction knowing that you know a bit 
about the process. And almost anything you make will work satisfactorily.

I would perhaps experiment with smaller quantity of water to learn how to 
set and adjust and control current.

Oh, and you must have stirring if you are going to run it hours. That is 
unless you are going to give it a whirl every now and then. 


On 26 Aug 2010 at 12:40, Homestead Springsberry wrote about :
Subject : Re: CSmake two gallons at a time?

 A homemade generator with three 9 volt batteries.
 jaxi wrote:
  You didn't specify what generator you are using.  I think that would
  make a difference.
  On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Homestead Springsberry wrote:
  If I set up a generator with two gallons of distilled water in the
  reservoir, will it take ten hours to generate the nanoparticle CS or
  still only the five.  The only difference is that the reservoir
  holds two gallons or more.  I want to use it on the homestead and I
  have two college students this fall.
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  Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2798 - Release Date: 04/08/10

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve
I did drink some water after taking the turpentine to wash it down. It
was probably less than a half tsp of sugar. You just put the turpentine
in a spoon and add sugar till the turpentine is covered and a little
loose white sugar shows. It is very easy to take and I think it actually
tastes good.


If you put EIS/CS in a jewelry cleaner and turn it on, it will increase
clumping of the silver and increase particle size.


-  Steve N


From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:15 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708




Thanks for your tip on turp. Did you drink water immediately after
ingesting the turp and sugar? Wasn't it hard to swallow with sugar quite


Will putting EIS/CS in the ionic jewelry cleaner (like the lipo C) right
after it finishes brewing make the particles smaller and unclump them?





--- On Thu, 8/26/10, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:14 AM


CSCS Questions!

2010-08-26 Thread David AuBuchon
Lots of questions here!  I guess the only archives to speak of are the
actual emails?  I guess this group is intentionally low key.

1.  Ions in solution:

I've read that ionic silver is in pure water is saturated at 13.3PPM.  I
have also read that there are not ions in the solution, but a combination of
silver oxide and silverhydroxide, and that each has roughly 13PPM saturation
point, so the total ionic silver could get as high as 26PPM.  This
conflicts with the idea that only 13.3 can be reached.  Can anyone explain
what the ions are actually doing in solution?  Why wouldn't people brew up
to 26 PPM if that were the case.

2.  Filtering:

I use 2 layered white coffee filters to filter my CS.  I read filtering may
cause particles to clump together, which I guess is called agglomeration.
Is this really an issue?  Also, I don't immediately trash the filters. I let
them sit in the funnel and if they still look clean, I use them next time.
Sometimes they turn weird colors.  What is up with that?

3.  Charred anode:

Why does the anode turn black and look charred after brewing a batch.  Is
that just the color of silver that is no longer smooth, but roughed up?

4. Sparklies:

 I think my particle size is real good, and the maker of the gen measured it
at 2 to 4 nanometers at CSL.  Still it sometimes looks slightly yellow,
which makes me worry I am not clean enough in my process, and I am getting
large particles.  I can see a faint tyndall with a laser pointer in pitch
black.  In the stream of red light, I can see a tiny flash a light here and
there that looks like a tiny dust particle shining in the sunlight while
blowing through the air.  They are by no means able to be isolated.  Are
these the same thing as what people call sparklies?  Is that an indication
of large particles?

5.  Argyria:

FYI, I think I have a mild sign of argyria.  Only in the roof of my mouth
their is a grayish area.  I keep an eye on it.

6.  Making CS more effective:

I read that 1 drop of 35% food grade H2O2 per 8 oz of CS can break up
particles into diatomic size particles!  Is this for real?  If this is the
case, then what does it matter what kind of generator is used?  After adding
H2O2, it all ends up the same right?  In fact, if you brew to a very high
PPM (which would tend to get larger particles), that may actually allow more
mass of silver to ultimately end up in the solution after treating it with
H2O2.  From that standpoint, a bad generator might be best!  How do you know
you've used enough H2O2?  Is it more effective because of the new small
particles or for some other reason?  I have had IV H202 with no effect.
Also, diatomic particles would be smaller than mesosilver?

FYI, I use a generator that runs on 2 double A batteries.  Very very tiny
current.  Takes 2.5 days to brew a quart to about 12PPM.


p.s. the digest mode hurts my foggy brain, and now I am trying individual
email subscription.  I guess I am spoiled using yahoo groups were you don't
need to get emails.

Re: CSCS Questions!

2010-08-26 Thread needling around
Are you starting with distilled water? If you are, why are you filtering your 
CS?  I've only been doing it for a couple of months and I am using a 
silverpuppy and I have never had to run the CS through a filter.
Maybe some of the 'oldsters' will comment :-)
  - Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:54 PM
  Subject: CSCS Questions!

  Lots of questions here!  I guess the only archives to speak of are the 
actual emails?  I guess this group is intentionally low key.

  1.  Ions in solution:

  I've read that ionic silver is in pure water is saturated at 13.3PPM.  I have 
also read that there are not ions in the solution, but a combination of silver 
oxide and silverhydroxide, and that each has roughly 13PPM saturation point, so 
the total ionic silver could get as high as 26PPM.  This conflicts with the 
idea that only 13.3 can be reached.  Can anyone explain what the ions are 
actually doing in solution?  Why wouldn't people brew up to 26 PPM if that were 
the case.  

  2.  Filtering:

  I use 2 layered white coffee filters to filter my CS.  I read filtering may 
cause particles to clump together, which I guess is called agglomeration.  Is 
this really an issue?  Also, I don't immediately trash the filters. I let them 
sit in the funnel and if they still look clean, I use them next time.  
Sometimes they turn weird colors.  What is up with that?

  3.  Charred anode:

  Why does the anode turn black and look charred after brewing a batch.  Is 
that just the color of silver that is no longer smooth, but roughed up?

  4. Sparklies:

   I think my particle size is real good, and the maker of the gen measured it 
at 2 to 4 nanometers at CSL.  Still it sometimes looks slightly yellow, which 
makes me worry I am not clean enough in my process, and I am getting large 
particles.  I can see a faint tyndall with a laser pointer in pitch black.  In 
the stream of red light, I can see a tiny flash a light here and there that 
looks like a tiny dust particle shining in the sunlight while blowing through 
the air.  They are by no means able to be isolated.  Are these the same thing 
as what people call sparklies?  Is that an indication of large particles?

  5.  Argyria:

  FYI, I think I have a mild sign of argyria.  Only in the roof of my mouth 
their is a grayish area.  I keep an eye on it.  

  6.  Making CS more effective:

  I read that 1 drop of 35% food grade H2O2 per 8 oz of CS can break up 
particles into diatomic size particles!  Is this for real?  If this is the 
case, then what does it matter what kind of generator is used?  After adding 
H2O2, it all ends up the same right?  In fact, if you brew to a very high PPM 
(which would tend to get larger particles), that may actually allow more mass 
of silver to ultimately end up in the solution after treating it with H2O2.  
From that standpoint, a bad generator might be best!  How do you know you've 
used enough H2O2?  Is it more effective because of the new small particles or 
for some other reason?  I have had IV H202 with no effect.  Also, diatomic 
particles would be smaller than mesosilver?

  FYI, I use a generator that runs on 2 double A batteries.  Very very tiny 
current.  Takes 2.5 days to brew a quart to about 12PPM.


  p.s. the digest mode hurts my foggy brain, and now I am trying individual 
email subscription.  I guess I am spoiled using yahoo groups were you don't 
need to get emails.

Re:CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve
Welcome Dave,

I just read your second post as well, but would like to make a couple of 
comments to this post. 32 oz of 12 ppm CS daily is an awful lot of silver. Far 
more than your body can excrete in a day. If you use that much regularly the 
excess silver has to go somewhere. And that somewhere is your tissues. While I 
understand the severity of your condition having Lyme, etc., I would strongly 
recommend a lower dose.

I would also strongly recommend against the use of silver nitrate. There are 
alternatives that are more effective with less risk of argyria. Silver nitrate 
is notorious for causing argyria. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, can reduce it to 
metallic silver in the tissues where it then remains and contributes to 
argyria. A much better alternative is silver citrate, which is easy to make. 
However, you will still need to limit it's usage to reasonable quantities. 

If you are supplementing selenium while using large amounts of CS, and you 
should be, use the selenomethionine form of selenium. It will not complex with 
silver and cause the deposition of silver in the tissues. 

I first started using CS to get me away from a continuous use of antibiotics. 
The CS got me off antibiotics but I was using more CS than I liked. I found 
that cycling CS with iodine worked well for me and now I use fairly low amounts 
of either. I hope you find something that works for you.

  Steve N

From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 8:02 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSMy first post

Hi All,

I'm new to this list.  I've been following every CS group on yahoo, but they 
all seem pretty dead!  This one looks like the goldmine I've been looking for!

I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details of CS.  I am not in 
the biz, but have not ruled out the possibility that some day I might be.  
Hence I want to learn, learn, learn.  

I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and I don't know what 
else.  A regular swamp.  I believe Lyme is minimal now and candida is 
essentially a non issue now.  Bartonella I think is the main enemy by far right 
now.  I have been sick since age 16, and just kind of lived with it until age 
22.  I couldn't live with it anymore.  It was do or die.  In what I now think 
was truly a race for my life, I finally got diagnosed with Lyme at age 23.  
Somehow I finished grad school.  I am now 25, and too sick to work.  I have a 
B.S. and M.S. in industrial engineering from a top university.  

I've done all sorts of crazy therapies.  The ones that have helped the most for 
my particular case:

1.  Coconut oil absolutely ransacked candida where as nystatin and diflucan had 
no apparent effect at all.

2.  Doug coil rife machine herxed and improved on Lyme frequencies and 
eventually stopped being effective.  Presumably because the other infections 
are the bad guys left.

3.  Homemade ionic silver.  Sometimes as much as 32 oz a day.  Somewhat 
regularly for a few months.  Then it stopped being effective orally.  If I 
don't take it for 4 or 5 days, I feel some bugs edging up.  I take CS, then 
it knocks that feeling out for 4 or 5 days.  I think I might slowly head 
backwards if I did not keep doing this with the CS.

In general, I tend not to respond to treatments.  I am the guy who wishes he 
could get something to make him herx, but just can't.

The latest development in my treatment:

IV silver nitrate

I have had two treatments so far.  First one have me a herx that was almost 
literally identical to flu.  Fever, chills, weakness, etc.  I have never in my 
life had a herx that felt like the immune system was actually doing its job!  
The second treatment was lower dose cuz I was scared after the first 
treatment.  No flu symptoms but more usual herx symptoms (fatigue, 
depression, brain fog).  Round three is this friday!


p.s.  to reply to messages, do I just click reply to it when I get messages 
in my gmail inbox?  I subscribed to the digest.

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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708

2010-08-26 Thread Kathy Tankersley
My mother gave that turpentine mixture to me when I was a little girl, I 
haven't heard of it for years (I'm 72 now)..  I was wondering what the 
people on the list use for ear infection.  I've used CS, peroxide, 
peroxide,/alchol mix, etc.  I'm using swedish bitters now, anyone had any 
experience with swedish bitters?ThanksKathy
  - Original Message - 
  From: Norton, Steve 
  Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 4:36 PM
  Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708

  I did drink some water after taking the turpentine to wash it down. It was 
probably less than a half tsp of sugar. You just put the turpentine in a spoon 
and add sugar till the turpentine is covered and a little loose white sugar 
shows. It is very easy to take and I think it actually tastes good.


  If you put EIS/CS in a jewelry cleaner and turn it on, it will increase 
clumping of the silver and increase particle size.


  -  Steve N


  From: Melly Bag [] 
  Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:15 AM
  Subject: EXTERNAL:CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708




Thanks for your tip on turp. Did you drink water immediately after 
ingesting the turp and sugar? Wasn't it hard to swallow with sugar quite thick?


Will putting EIS/CS in the ionic jewelry cleaner (like the lipo C) 
right after it finishes brewing make the particles smaller and unclump them?





--- On Thu, 8/26/10, wrote:

  Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708
  Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:14 AM


Re: CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread Garnet_LDN

Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of the Puzzle 
in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease

In looking for possible explanations as to why some
patients struggle more than others to regain their health,
Dr. Klinghardt has found a high correlation between
patients with chronic Lyme disease and those with
Kryptopyrroluria (KPU), or more precisely Hemopyrrol-
lactamuria (HPU).

Garnet_LDN wrote:
You may want to investigate the treatments that Dr Dietrich Klinghardt 
uses for chronic Lyme patients. He is
also a chronic lyme patient himself. He is brilliant and at the 
forefront of treating the whole person as well as being forward 
thinking in his methods. He gets mostly the toughest cases and is 
highly thought of in the Lyme Disease world. He is in the Seattle 
area, but works with LLMD all over the country and trains doctors in 
his methods.

There is a disorder called Pyrroluria that he finds in some 80% of 
those with LD which is treated with Vitamins and Minerals. I recently 
started a list on this disorder so rather than take up space here I 
will give you the list address. You can check out Dr K's folder in the 
links section or just search on Dr K to find out more about his 
approach to treating Lyme. There may be a connection between 
Pyrroluria and the immune system challenges of many degnerative 
diseases. Please see the list description for more information.

Scott Forsgren is a Lyme patient of Dr K and has written extensively 
on his experience. You may want to write to Scott personally, I think 
he might have a lot to share with you. Here is a recent article he 
wrote on Pyrroluria:
Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of the 
Puzzle in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disea Public Health Alert, May 2010, 
Vol 5 Issue 5

Dr Klinghardt's Power Point ~ Lyme In Autism 2009 Conference. 
Excellent and fairly quick read.
This is the Power Point that he used in his presentation (video link 

This is an excellent video although I had trouble with it yesterday so 
it may not play all the way through
for you. Dr K talks about Lyme, Pyrroluria and Autism. Treatment and 
detox are major topics.

Dietritch Klinghardt, M.D.’s Presentation on HPU, Lyme Disease and Autism
LIA Foundation’s 2009 Annual Conference

Hope you find some useful information in these links,


David AuBuchon wrote:

Hi All,

I'm new to this list. I've been following every CS group on yahoo, 
but they all seem pretty dead! This one looks like the goldmine I've 
been looking for!

I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details of CS. I am 
not in the biz, but have not ruled out the possibility that some 
day I might be. Hence I want to learn, learn, learn.

I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and I don't 
know what else. A regular swamp. I believe Lyme is minimal now and 
candida is essentially a non issue now. Bartonella I think is the 
main enemy by far right now. I have been sick since age 16, and just 
kind of lived with it until age 22. I couldn't live with it anymore. 
It was do or die. In what I now think was truly a race for my life, I 
finally got diagnosed with Lyme at age 23. Somehow I finished grad 
school. I am now 25, and too sick to work. I have a B.S. and M.S. in 
industrial engineering from a top university.

I've done all sorts of crazy therapies. The ones that have helped the 
most for my particular case:

1. Coconut oil absolutely ransacked candida where as nystatin and 
diflucan had no apparent effect at all.

2. Doug coil rife machine herxed and improved on Lyme frequencies and 
eventually stopped being effective. Presumably because the other 
infections are the bad guys left.

3. Homemade ionic silver. Sometimes as much as 32 oz a day. Somewhat 
regularly for a few months. Then it stopped being effective orally. 
If I don't take it for 4 or 5 days, I feel some bugs edging up. I 
take CS, then it knocks that feeling out for 4 or 5 days. I think I 
might slowly head backwards if I did not keep doing this with the CS.

In general, I tend not to respond to treatments. I am the guy who 
wishes he could get something to make him herx, but just can't.

The latest development in my treatment:

IV silver nitrate

I have had two treatments so far. First one have me a herx that was 
almost literally identical to flu. Fever, chills, weakness, etc. I 
have never in my life had a herx that felt like the immune system was 
actually doing its job! The second treatment was lower dose cuz I was 
scared after the first treatment. No flu symptoms but more usual 
herx symptoms (fatigue, depression, brain fog). Round 

Re: CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread David AuBuchon
I tested negative for KPU actually.  I like Dr. K a lot and follow his
talks, etc.  I actually saw Scott in my Lyme doctor's office just 2 weeks
ago.  Small world!

I JUST got off the phone with a Lyme oriented nutritionist and possibly have
some answers!
Conclusions based on many lab tests:
-Severe mineral and amino acid deficiencies
-Severe flouride poisining
-Heavy metal poisoning
-selenoarsenate poisoning
-gall stones!! (wth...I'm only 25)
-sluggish kidneys
- a long standing virus and a parasite that have not yet been identified

This is in addition to the bugs I already know about! (lyme, bartonella,
mycoplasma ,and babesia [could be the parasite])


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Garnet_LDN garnet_...@austin.rr.comwrote:

 Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of the Puzzle in
 Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease

 In looking for possible explanations as to why some
 patients struggle more than others to regain their health,
 Dr. Klinghardt has found a high correlation between
 patients with chronic Lyme disease and those with
 Kryptopyrroluria (KPU), or more precisely Hemopyrrol-
 lactamuria (HPU).

 Garnet_LDN wrote:

 You may want to investigate the treatments that Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
 uses for chronic Lyme patients. He is
 also a chronic lyme patient himself. He is brilliant and at the forefront
 of treating the whole person as well as being forward thinking in his
 methods. He gets mostly the toughest cases and is highly thought of in the
 Lyme Disease world. He is in the Seattle area, but works with LLMD all over
 the country and trains doctors in his methods.

 There is a disorder called Pyrroluria that he finds in some 80% of those
 with LD which is treated with Vitamins and Minerals. I recently started a
 list on this disorder so rather than take up space here I will give you the
 list address. You can check out Dr K's folder in the links section or just
 search on Dr K to find out more about his approach to treating Lyme. There
 may be a connection between Pyrroluria and the immune system challenges of
 many degnerative diseases. Please see the list description for more

 Scott Forsgren is a Lyme patient of Dr K and has written extensively on
 his experience. You may want to write to Scott personally, I think he might
 have a lot to share with you. Here is a recent article he wrote on
 Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of the Puzzle
 in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disea Public Health Alert, May 2010, Vol 5 Issue

 Dr Klinghardt's Power Point ~ Lyme In Autism 2009 Conference. Excellent
 and fairly quick read.
 This is the Power Point that he used in his presentation (video link

 This is an excellent video although I had trouble with it yesterday so it
 may not play all the way through
 for you. Dr K talks about Lyme, Pyrroluria and Autism. Treatment and detox
 are major topics.

 Dietritch Klinghardt, M.D.’s Presentation on HPU, Lyme Disease and Autism
 LIA Foundation’s 2009 Annual Conference

 Hope you find some useful information in these links,


 David AuBuchon wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm new to this list. I've been following every CS group on yahoo, but
 they all seem pretty dead! This one looks like the goldmine I've been
 looking for!

 I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details of CS. I am not
 in the biz, but have not ruled out the possibility that some day I might
 be. Hence I want to learn, learn, learn.

 I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and I don't know
 what else. A regular swamp. I believe Lyme is minimal now and candida is
 essentially a non issue now. Bartonella I think is the main enemy by far
 right now. I have been sick since age 16, and just kind of lived with it
 until age 22. I couldn't live with it anymore. It was do or die. In what I
 now think was truly a race for my life, I finally got diagnosed with Lyme at
 age 23. Somehow I finished grad school. I am now 25, and too sick to work. I
 have a B.S. and M.S. in industrial engineering from a top university.

 I've done all sorts of crazy therapies. The ones that have helped the
 most for my particular case:

 1. Coconut oil absolutely ransacked candida where as nystatin and
 diflucan had no apparent effect at all.

 2. Doug coil rife machine herxed and improved on Lyme frequencies and
 eventually stopped being effective. Presumably because the other infections
 are the bad guys left.

 3. Homemade ionic silver. Sometimes as much as 32 oz a day. Somewhat
 regularly for a few months. Then it stopped being effective orally. If I

Re: Re:CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread needling around

Hi Steve,
Is there a dosage level of CS that requires the change to selenomethionine 
instead of selenium?  I take selenium once a day in the evening and am 
wondering if I need to change the formulation.  I take approximately 2 oz CS 
am and pm.  If the CS is taken hours away from the selenium does that help?

Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve

Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 6:38 PM
Subject: Re:CSMy first post

Welcome Dave,

I just read your second post as well, but would like to make a couple of 
comments to this post. 32 oz of 12 ppm CS daily is an awful lot of silver. 
Far more than your body can excrete in a day. If you use that much regularly 
the excess silver has to go somewhere. And that somewhere is your tissues. 
While I understand the severity of your condition having Lyme, etc., I would 
strongly recommend a lower dose.

I would also strongly recommend against the use of silver nitrate. There are 
alternatives that are more effective with less risk of argyria. Silver 
nitrate is notorious for causing argyria. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, can 
reduce it to metallic silver in the tissues where it then remains and 
contributes to argyria. A much better alternative is silver citrate, which 
is easy to make. However, you will still need to limit it's usage to 
reasonable quantities.

If you are supplementing selenium while using large amounts of CS, and you 
should be, use the selenomethionine form of selenium. It will not complex 
with silver and cause the deposition of silver in the tissues.

I first started using CS to get me away from a continuous use of 
antibiotics. The CS got me off antibiotics but I was using more CS than I 
liked. I found that cycling CS with iodine worked well for me and now I use 
fairly low amounts of either. I hope you find something that works for you.

 Steve N

From: David AuBuchon []
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 8:02 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSMy first post

Hi All,

I'm new to this list. I've been following every CS group on yahoo, but they 
all seem pretty dead! This one looks like the goldmine I've been looking 

I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details of CS. I am not in 
the biz, but have not ruled out the possibility that some day I might be. 
Hence I want to learn, learn, learn.

I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and I don't know what 
else. A regular swamp. I believe Lyme is minimal now and candida is 
essentially a non issue now. Bartonella I think is the main enemy by far 
right now. I have been sick since age 16, and just kind of lived with it 
until age 22. I couldn't live with it anymore. It was do or die. In what I 
now think was truly a race for my life, I finally got diagnosed with Lyme at 
age 23. Somehow I finished grad school. I am now 25, and too sick to work. I 
have a B.S. and M.S. in industrial engineering from a top university.

I've done all sorts of crazy therapies. The ones that have helped the most 
for my particular case:

1. Coconut oil absolutely ransacked candida where as nystatin and diflucan 
had no apparent effect at all.

2. Doug coil rife machine herxed and improved on Lyme frequencies and 
eventually stopped being effective. Presumably because the other infections 
are the bad guys left.

3. Homemade ionic silver. Sometimes as much as 32 oz a day. Somewhat 
regularly for a few months. Then it stopped being effective orally. If I 
don't take it for 4 or 5 days, I feel some bugs edging up. I take CS, then 
it knocks that feeling out for 4 or 5 days. I think I might slowly head 
backwards if I did not keep doing this with the CS.

In general, I tend not to respond to treatments. I am the guy who wishes he 
could get something to make him herx, but just can't.

The latest development in my treatment:

IV silver nitrate

I have had two treatments so far. First one have me a herx that was almost 
literally identical to flu. Fever, chills, weakness, etc. I have never in my 
life had a herx that felt like the immune system was actually doing its job! 
The second treatment was lower dose cuz I was scared after the first 
treatment. No flu symptoms but more usual herx symptoms (fatigue, 
depression, brain fog). Round three is this friday!


p.s. to reply to messages, do I just click reply to it when I get messages 
in my gmail inbox? I subscribed to the digest.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread Garnet_LDN
Not to beg the question but about 20% of KPU tests are false negatives. 
Pyrroles are very easily degraded
by heat and light and labs have been known to mishandle the samples, 
allowing them to get too warm and have been known to even refreeze them, 
something to consider if your symptoms are a really close match,
particularly low stress tolerance with an anger reaction and nightmares 
or no dream recall.

Taurine is good for gall stones BTW.

Pyrrolurics accumulate heavy metals because of Zinc deficiencies. Plasma 
Zinc levels are not an accurate



David AuBuchon wrote:
I tested negative for KPU actually. I like Dr. K a lot and follow his 
talks, etc. I actually saw Scott in my Lyme doctor's office just 2 
weeks ago. Small world!

I JUST got off the phone with a Lyme oriented nutritionist and 
possibly have some answers!

Conclusions based on many lab tests:
-Severe mineral and amino acid deficiencies
-Severe flouride poisining
-Heavy metal poisoning
-selenoarsenate poisoning
-gall stones!! (wth...I'm only 25)
-sluggish kidneys
- a long standing virus and a parasite that have not yet been identified

This is in addition to the bugs I already know about! (lyme, 
bartonella, mycoplasma ,and babesia [could be the parasite])


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Garnet_LDN wrote:

Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of the
Puzzle in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disease

In looking for possible explanations as to why some
patients struggle more than others to regain their health,
Dr. Klinghardt has found a high correlation between
patients with chronic Lyme disease and those with
Kryptopyrroluria (KPU), or more precisely Hemopyrrol-
lactamuria (HPU).

Garnet_LDN wrote:

You may want to investigate the treatments that Dr Dietrich
Klinghardt uses for chronic Lyme patients. He is
also a chronic lyme patient himself. He is brilliant and at
the forefront of treating the whole person as well as being
forward thinking in his methods. He gets mostly the toughest
cases and is highly thought of in the Lyme Disease world. He
is in the Seattle area, but works with LLMD all over the
country and trains doctors in his methods.

There is a disorder called Pyrroluria that he finds in some
80% of those with LD which is treated with Vitamins and
Minerals. I recently started a list on this disorder so rather
than take up space here I will give you the list address. You
can check out Dr K's folder in the links section or just
search on Dr K to find out more about his approach to treating
Lyme. There may be a connection between Pyrroluria and the
immune system challenges of many degnerative diseases. Please
see the list description for more information.

Scott Forsgren is a Lyme patient of Dr K and has written
extensively on his experience. You may want to write to Scott
personally, I think he might have a lot to share with you.
Here is a recent article he wrote on Pyrroluria:
Kryptopyrroluria (aka Hemopyrrollactamuria): A Major Piece of
the Puzzle in Overcoming Chronic Lyme Disea Public Health
Alert, May 2010, Vol 5 Issue 5

Dr Klinghardt's Power Point ~ Lyme In Autism 2009 Conference.
Excellent and fairly quick read.
This is the Power Point that he used in his presentation
(video link below)

This is an excellent video although I had trouble with it
yesterday so it may not play all the way through
for you. Dr K talks about Lyme, Pyrroluria and Autism.
Treatment and detox are major topics.

Dietritch Klinghardt, M.D.’s Presentation on HPU, Lyme Disease
and Autism
LIA Foundation’s 2009 Annual Conference

Hope you find some useful information in these links,


David AuBuchon wrote:

Hi All,

I'm new to this list. I've been following every CS group
on yahoo, but they all seem pretty dead! This one looks
like the goldmine I've been looking for!

I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details
of CS. I am not in the biz, but have not ruled out the
possibility that some day I might be. Hence I want to
learn, learn, learn.

I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and

CSother therapies

2010-08-26 Thread Shirley Reed
   There are so many very good alt therapies out there!!  Have you looked into 
the Beck Protocol?Or electricity in general for healing??  The Yahoo group 
called microelectricitygermkiller has info on nearly every disease condition 
known to man and some very, very inexpensive and very, very effective little 
homemade (read cheap) devices.  The files are a treasure trove for you.  And 
electricity works.  A site named, I think, has some of the 
original Don Croft devices for sale for less than $35.00.  They are great, 
especially for the money.  They are great anyway, regardless of the money.  And 
don't forget the chemical side of things.  Vitamin D3 can cure a lot of things 
by itself, but it will help with  every single thing.  Swamp critters--the bell 
tolls for thee!!  And EFT, strange though it seems, can do things that will 
knock your socks off and leave you sockless and speechless.  Anyway, don't give 
up.  You have just scratched
 the surface.  You can get well.  Or so close that life will be a pleasure and 
not just something to endure.  Best wishes to you.  pj


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS Questions!

2010-08-26 Thread David AuBuchon
I use steam distilled water from walgreens.  It reads 0.5 on the Hanna PWT

Some visibly large silver plating out on the cathode could accidentally be
consumed, which is why I filter.

I just noticed a batch I finished had Hanna PWT reading of 12.4.  Then I
filtered it and let it sit for 8 hours now.  Now it measures 9.5!  That must
mean there are fewer ions in the solution?  Does that mean particles
agglomerated?  I wonder if that would have happened if I transferred it
without filtering.  I even if I didn't transfer it at all.

Oh, you know what...I washed out the mason jar with distilled water before I
transferred.  I wonder if that technically adds more stuff to the solution
that ions react with.  Maybe the transfer jars should not even be washed?


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 3:17 PM, needling around ptf2...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 Are you starting with distilled water? If you are, why are you filtering
 your CS?  I've only been doing it for a couple of months and I am using a
 silverpuppy and I have never had to run the CS through a filter.
 Maybe some of the 'oldsters' will comment :-)

 - Original Message -
 *From:* David AuBuchon
 *Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:54 PM
 *Subject:* CSCS Questions!

 Lots of questions here!  I guess the only archives to speak of are the
 actual emails?  I guess this group is intentionally low key.

 1.  Ions in solution:

 I've read that ionic silver is in pure water is saturated at 13.3PPM.  I
 have also read that there are not ions in the solution, but a combination of
 silver oxide and silverhydroxide, and that each has roughly 13PPM saturation
 point, so the total ionic silver could get as high as 26PPM.  This
 conflicts with the idea that only 13.3 can be reached.  Can anyone explain
 what the ions are actually doing in solution?  Why wouldn't people brew up
 to 26 PPM if that were the case.

 2.  Filtering:

 I use 2 layered white coffee filters to filter my CS.  I read filtering may
 cause particles to clump together, which I guess is called agglomeration.
 Is this really an issue?  Also, I don't immediately trash the filters. I let
 them sit in the funnel and if they still look clean, I use them next time.
 Sometimes they turn weird colors.  What is up with that?

 3.  Charred anode:

 Why does the anode turn black and look charred after brewing a batch.  Is
 that just the color of silver that is no longer smooth, but roughed up?

 4. Sparklies:

  I think my particle size is real good, and the maker of the gen measured
 it at 2 to 4 nanometers at CSL.  Still it sometimes looks slightly yellow,
 which makes me worry I am not clean enough in my process, and I am getting
 large particles.  I can see a faint tyndall with a laser pointer in pitch
 black.  In the stream of red light, I can see a tiny flash a light here and
 there that looks like a tiny dust particle shining in the sunlight while
 blowing through the air.  They are by no means able to be isolated.  Are
 these the same thing as what people call sparklies?  Is that an indication
 of large particles?

 5.  Argyria:

 FYI, I think I have a mild sign of argyria.  Only in the roof of my mouth
 their is a grayish area.  I keep an eye on it.

 6.  Making CS more effective:

 I read that 1 drop of 35% food grade H2O2 per 8 oz of CS can break up
 particles into diatomic size particles!  Is this for real?  If this is the
 case, then what does it matter what kind of generator is used?  After adding
 H2O2, it all ends up the same right?  In fact, if you brew to a very high
 PPM (which would tend to get larger particles), that may actually allow more
 mass of silver to ultimately end up in the solution after treating it with
 H2O2.  From that standpoint, a bad generator might be best!  How do you know
 you've used enough H2O2?  Is it more effective because of the new small
 particles or for some other reason?  I have had IV H202 with no effect.
 Also, diatomic particles would be smaller than mesosilver?

 FYI, I use a generator that runs on 2 double A batteries.  Very very tiny
 current.  Takes 2.5 days to brew a quart to about 12PPM.


 p.s. the digest mode hurts my foggy brain, and now I am trying individual
 email subscription.  I guess I am spoiled using yahoo groups were you don't
 need to get emails.

Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-26 Thread Bob Banever

Make quark and feed it to Molly.  Get raw milk and buttermilk.  Make a 7 to 
1 mixture of raw milk to buttermilk and let it stand for at least one day.  
Skim off the whey, then make a mixture of 50% quart, 50% organic flax oil.  
This is the original Budwig diet.  Feed this mixture daily, a cup or more a 
day.  Also use CS as the water source.   There isn't much time, but get 
oleander capsules and feed two a day to her.  You can buy this at Utopia Silver 
online, it's called Rose Laurel.  I'm sorry there isn't much time.  If you are 
so inclined, call Ralph Schauss at Organic Resources and order their Vitae 
Elixxir.  This is an herbal chemotherapy and is very powerful.  Never feed on 
an empty stomach.  Start with one drop a day and work your way up to several... 
you can talk with Ralph or his daughter.  The tele # is 307-266-5310.  This 
stuff WORKS.  Good luck.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 8:28 AM
  Subject: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

  Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old, Lab--Australian 
Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The vet said it is the fastest 
spreading type of cancer. The lungs are next  then she said she would only 
give her 3 weeks. 
 Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done  where is the best 
site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
{ I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if anyone at all 
can help }

Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-26 Thread Bob Banever

You can feed a dog almost anything by putting the liquid in a syringe and 
squirting it down their throats in a gentle manner.  Lemon juice might be a bit 
tart though!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dave Darrin 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 9:11 AM
  Subject: Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

My opinion is to alkalise or die to coin a phrase.  With a dog that might 
be a challenge.
  I have recommended a maple syrup and baking soda paste to alkalise but it 
depends on the appetite 
  of the dog whether or not they will eat it, some will eat anything and others 
won't. There are a number of alkalising
  protocols that can be tried. They escape me now but there is probably someone 
here that can come up with more.
   I cured a cancerous growth on myself with eating half a lemon three times a 
day( gulp it down straight) but I can't feature
  getting a dog to do so.

  On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 8:28 AM, wrote:

Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old, Lab--Australian 
Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The vet said it is the fastest 
spreading type of cancer. The lungs are next  then she said she would only 
give her 3 weeks. 
   Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done  where is the 
best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
  { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if anyone at all 
can help }

Re: CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread David AuBuchon
Yes, that is a problem.  My results were not borderline.  It had some decent
margin.  Following Dr. K's suggestions, I added vitamin C to the collection
container, and covered it in aluminum foil.  Hopefully that helped keep it

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Garnet_LDN garnet_...@austin.rr.comwrote:

 Not to beg the question but about 20% of KPU tests are false negatives.
 Pyrroles are very easily degraded
 by heat and light and labs have been known to mishandle the samples,
 allowing them to get too warm and have been known to even refreeze them,
 something to consider if your symptoms are a really close match,
 particularly low stress tolerance with an anger reaction and nightmares or
 no dream recall.

 Taurine is good for gall stones BTW.

 Pyrrolurics accumulate heavy metals because of Zinc deficiencies. Plasma
 Zinc levels are not an accurate


Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

2010-08-26 Thread Bob Banever

Did you feed it to your dog or apply it topically?  Thanks.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Teri 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:57 AM
  Subject: Re: CSLL) Molly has osteo sarcoma

  I just used a black salve to remove a breast tumor from my dog.  Contact  about joining her group 2053 at google groups and getting 
her BS.

  Teri Kavakos

  At 11:28 AM 8/24/2010, you wrote:

Just got back from the vet. Exray shows Molly, { 10 yr old, Lab--Australian 
Shep. mix } has cancer in her shoulder. The vet said it is the fastest 
spreading type of cancer. The lungs are next  then she said she would only 
give her 3 weeks. 
   Any idea at all if there is anything that can be done  where is the 
best site to go for information... Thanks, Lois
  { I'm going to post this on a couple other sites to see if anyone at all 
can help }