RE: CS>Desulfurizing [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Neville Munn

[The current silver ion generators do not produce
> a high enough concentration to be useful in fighting them.]
# I'm not going to buy into any arguement with you lot, but this sounds a tad 
absurd to me.
Popular opinion from all and sundry in the public domain implies home made LVDC 
generators {or any other LVDC generator as far as I'm concerned} produce high 
ion content, how can this be so if the above statement is true?
Most everywhere one looks one will find statements of solutions containing 60% 
and up to 95% ion content.  Combine that with decades of testimonials of 
successful home produced EIS/CS usage and I find the above statement 
incredulous.  Are there differing forms of silver ions?  I think not.
I'm no chemist or hold any other qualifications, I'm just a mug punter {or just 
a mug if you like as I'm not phased} but now it sounds distinctly like a 
marketing blurb not unlike any other readily available in the public domain.
Ion content will be predominantly dependant on WHEN that solution is ingested 
surely.  To maximise ingestion of ion content, that solution should be ingested 
ASAP after production...Yes/No?  For every hour thereafter a percentage of 
those ions will be lost to ion clusters {particles} until a point of solution 
stabilization has been reached...Yes/No?
I contend that nobody can make hard and fast statements because most people 
will have there own design generator setups/procedures/practices and 
environments for the production thereof.
The above statement implies that anyone who produces their own product, using 
their own generator setups, produces a useless product?  Sorry, gotta take 
acception to that.
My lab analysis from 2008 showed a clear solution 10 days old was 51%/49% 
ion/particle ratio and another clear solution approximately 24 hours old was 
65%/35% ion/particle ratio.  What can I say?
Of course, some will probly say the lab didn't do something right or some such 
thing...phooee, I'm satisfied.

Re: CS>Desulfurizing [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Monett
  Marshall  wrote:

  >On 9/14/2011 9:42 PM, Mike Monett wrote

  >> 7. The  black  stuff  that  forms  on  the  electrodes  is silver
  >> hydroxide, AgOH, not silver oxide, Ag2O.

  >> Your statement is incorrect.

  >> You cannot produce silver Oxide, Ag2O, by using electrolysis.

  > As I pointed out before, Silver Hydroxide and Silver Oxide convert
  > back and  forth  between  each  other when  in  water.  Here  is a
  > reference for that:


  > 2   AgOH  ?  Ag_2 O  +  H_2  O   (/p/K
  >  = 2.875^[5]

  > )

  > Also as  I  pointed out in a  previous  message,  silver hydroxide
  > decomposes into  Silver oxide when it drys out. It does  not occur
  > except as a solution. Here they talk about that:


  > Thus, when  on a wet electrode, it can be silver  oxide  or silver
  > hydroxide, but when dried out it will always be silver oxide.


  Sorry, Marshall,  your  statement  is  incorrect.  The references are

  Silver hydroxide is insoluble.

  I posted  experiments long ago that shows this. I found one,  and am
  still looking for the other. They follow along these lines:

  First, silver  hydroxide  decomposes  at  60C  to  80C.  I  have the
  reference somewhere but can't put my finger on it at the moment. But
  you can prove it to yourself.

  Take the anode after a brew and let it dry.

  Put it on a hot plate with a microscope and thermometer.

  You will  find  it  changes from black to  gray  as  the temperature
  passes through  the 60C to 80C region. This means  the  compound has
  decomposed to oxygen and silver

  Silver oxide decomposes at 280C

  So the black stuff cannot be silver oxide. The only other suspect is
  silver hydroxide, AgOH. The equation is

  Ag+ + OH- --> AgOH

  This shows that silver hydroxide does not change to silver  oxide as
  it dries out.

  Your statements are incorrect, and your references are wrong.
  Second, if you do a brew with 20ppm that has 10% particles, the brew
  contains 2  ppm  of silver hydroxide. This  will  turn  the solution
  yellow due to plasmon absorbance.

  Silver oxide is soluble to 0.025 g/L, or 25ppm. Same reference.

  Ions are  not visible. So if the silver hydroxide changed  to silver
  oxide, the  yellow color would disappear as the compound  changed to

  This does  not  happen.  So  the   yellow  color  has  to  be silver
  hydroxide, AgOH, and not silver oxide, Ag2O.

  This shows  that  silver hydroxide is not soluble  in  dw,  and your
  statements are incorrect.
  Third, take  two electrodes and straighten them, then  separate them
  by the distance of a sheet of paper.

  Place them in a fresh jar of dw. Measure the conductance.

  Apply a small current until the electrodes show a black deposit.

  Monitor the current and perform the Faraday calculation.

  You may  find  that only 2 ppm of silver was  released.  Most  of it
  coats the electrodes.

  You will find very little change in the conductance of the dw.

  Remove the  electrodes  and place them in a fresh jar  of  dw. Leave
  them overnight.

  Look at them the next morning. There will be no change in  the black

  Perform the  thermal  test decribed above. You will  find  the black
  deposit turns gray as the temperature goes through 60C to 80C.

  That is  the  signature temperature for silver  hydroxide.  No other
  silver compound decomposes at such a low temperature.

  If the  silver hydroxide were soluble, it would have  disappeared in
  the fresh jug of dw overnight.

  It did  not. This shows that silver hydroxide is  insoluble,  and it
  does not change to silver oxide.
  I have  proven that your references are wrong, and  silver hydroxide
  does not spontaneously change to silver oxide.

  Therefore, as  I  have stated, you cannot  produce  silver  oxide by

  The silver ion concentration is the most important part of colloidal
  silver. A  weak  solution may be  ineffective  in  combating today's
  virulent pathogens. The current silver ion generators do not produce
  a high enough concentration to be useful in fighting them.

  If you  want  to  learn  more how  to  get  the  highest  silver ion
  concentration possible, visit my forum at

  You are most cordially welcome to join. It is free.

  I will post a copy of this on my forum.

  I will also post a reply to your previous post as soon as I complete
  the documentation for the Min

Re: CS>[List Owner] Caution, please... Mike, David, Jason, others...

2011-09-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear Jason,

Thanks for the response...

> After three emails of personal insults from Mike, long before the
> nebulizer issue, I simply got tired of the escalating language.

I counted this message as the first one with (mildly) intemperate 

Are you saying you took the previous 2 or 3 messages from Mike in that 
thread to be... condescending, shall we say? 

Okay, then I can see how you might feel the response in your message 
above was provoked. It's just that you'd handled the previous exchanges 
in the thread so graciously I guess I missed the sound of gritted 

> If I can't tell someone in a stern polite voice that I don't appreciate
> being personally insulted, and that I'm done with the situation, I'm not
> sure what you'd expect me to do.

I think by the time you got to this message, you had ample 
justification, if it's the one you're talking about...

> If you look at the comments he made to Jonathan and David, they are not
> only equally unjustified, but very bullying.


> I don't like bullies, and I don't tolerate bullying, even when the
> school principal isn't looking.
> Please take a few moments and review Mike's posts for the last two days.

Done, believe me.

Thanks for helping me understand.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Desulfurizing

2011-09-14 Thread Marshall

On 9/14/2011 9:42 PM, Mike Monett wrote

   7. The black stuff that forms on the electrodes is silver hydroxide,
   AgOH, not silver oxide, Ag2O.

   Your statement is incorrect.

   You cannot produce silver Oxide, Ag2O, by using electrolysis.
As I pointed out before, Silver Hydroxide and Silver Oxide convert back 
and forth between each other when in water.  Here is a reference for that:

2 AgOH ? Ag_2 O + H_2 O (/p/K 
 = 2.875^[5] 

Also as I pointed out in a previous message, silver hydroxide decomposes 
into Silver oxide when it drys out. It does not occur except as a 
solution.  Here they talk about that:

Thus, when on a wet electrode, it can be silver oxide or silver 
hydroxide, but when dried out it will always be silver oxide.


Re: CS>Desulfurizing [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Monett
  Update to complete the reply to my previous post.

  > Ode Coyote  wrote:


  >> I don't know why sulphur would be a problem unless you  live down
  >> wind of a coal power plant or something and leave  your distilled
  >> water, or electrodes open to the air for a long time.

  >> The black  stuff  that forms on electrodes is  silver  oxide, not
  >> sulphur oxides "tarnish".

  >> There is  no  need  to do anything but  wipe  it  off  and switch
  >> electrode positions to change the polarity now and then.


  1. As I described, sulfur is everywhere. if you own a car,  you burn
  gasoline. That releases a great deal of sulfur into the air.  If you
  have a  car, you are near a road. Other cars drive on  that road,and
  they release sulfur into the atmosphere. You will experience tarnish
  on your silver electrodes. It is unavoidable.

  2. As  I described, you probably find your kitchen sink  smells from
  time to  time.  This releases sulfur into the  air.  I  recommend to
  clean it often.

  3. If  you  have a car, you have a lead-acid  battery.  The  acid is
  sulfuric acid. This releases sulfur into the home. If you place your
  nose near the battery and sniff - that's what sulfur smells like.

  4. Sulfur   tarnishes   silver   readily.   It   is  inescapable and
  unavoidable. It can severely disrupt the brewing process,  and cause
  a significant  reduction in the conductance of the  solution  in the
  first 48 hours after the brew.

  5. Silver sulfide is yellow, not black. See


  6. Silver sulfide is not an oxide. I gave the equation in my post:

  2Ag + H2S --> Ag2S + H2(g)

  7. Reversing  the polarity does not eliminate the sulfur.  It merely
  moves it  from  the  cathode to the anode, and  leaves  some  in the
  solution. This is what disrupts the brewing process and  reduces the
  conductance after the brew is finished.

  8. Performing  the  desulfurizing process  I  described  reduces the
  conductance loss from 40%to 60% down to less than 12%.

  9. Wiping the electrodes has no effect on the tarnish, and  does not
  affect the drop in conductance.

  10. Wiping  the  electrodes is a very bad  habit  and  contributes to
  further contamination from the tissue and from your fingers.

  For example,  if  you look at the electrodes very  carefully  in the
  right angle,  you  will  see fragments of the  tissue  stuck  to the
  electrodes. This  contains  chemicals from the  paper  process, that
  contaminate the dw. So wiping contributes to the loss in  silver ion

  11. Since  the  SilverCell   process   does  not  produce  any silver
  hydroxide, there  is no need to wipe the electrodes.  You  no longer
  suffer the loss in silver ion concentration due to contamination.

  The myths,  misunderstandings  and  miscomprehension  of  the silver
  process have  severely diminished the capability  of  this wonderful

  I have, by a simple change to the process, increased the  silver ion
  concentration by  about a factor of ten, from less than  5%  to over

  I have  shown  how to reduce the drop in conductance  due  to sulfur
  contamination from 40% to 60% to less than 12%.

  I have shown how to eliminate the leaching of plain glass containers
  by changing  to borosilicate. These are readily  available  all over
  the world, and are called beakers. They are very inexpensive.

  These are very significant improvements.

  This is from studying the process carefully, and finding out  how it
  actually works. Then by finding what it needs to improve  the entire
  process, and by continually reviewing the results and improving them

  You can see the results on my forum at

  These advantages are not available anywhere else on the web.

  I will post a copy of these discussion to my forum.


  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Dave Darrin
I would imagine you could use a gallon jar and a low wattage food warmer of
some kind. I don't know but would suppose you wouldn't want it to boil.
Boiling would probably cause agglomeration.
 I make 20 ppm so it goes faster than you would at 10.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 6:19 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

> Why not let it get lower?  You would have to evaporate half the
> container like 8 times by my calculations if you had 10PPM EIS to get
> 200PPM.  Can you just evaporate 19/20ths of the container once?
> (Sorry...I own no coffee of coffee parafanaleeea).
> Is their another device I might own I can evaporate with?
> It seems I do not properly understand how the agglomerated particles
> come to be in the first place.  I assumed the solution gets crowded,
> and silver hydroxides collide.  If this were the mechanism, your
> evaporation experiments would not have been reversible.  Can someone
> enlighten me on the mechanism of formation of agglomerated particles
> in EIS?
> ~David
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:
> >
> > I've taken it to around 380 ppm. It was a light greenish brown and went
> back clear after adding the water.
> > I never let it get below 1/2 the carafe volume. At that point I topped it
> off and let it steam down again and again and again etc.
> > Dave
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
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> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Desulfurizing

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Monett

  Ode Coyote  wrote:

  > You can do the same thing by wrapping the electrodes in  foil with
  > a little salt water or vinegar...any conductive liquid.

  > What that  does is make a battery effect that strips  a  layer off
  > the silver by ionization and deposits it on the aluminum.

  > That's how  the  silver bandaids work...the  silver  ions released
  > sterilize the wound.

  > You don't need aluminum to reverse current clean electrodes.

  > I don't  know why sulphur would be a problem unless you  live down
  > wind of  a coal power plant or something and leave  your distilled
  > water, or electrodes open to the air for a long time.

  > The black  stuff  that forms on electrodes  is  silver  oxide, not
  > sulphur oxides "tarnish".

  > There is  no  need  to  do anything but  wipe  it  off  and switch
  > electrode positions to change the polarity now and then.



  1. We do not want to immerse the electrodes in a sodium solution. It
  will be very difficult to remove the ions.

  2. The galvanic series shows the electromotive force  when different
  metals are immersed in an electrolyte. One example is

  This shows  aluminum is positive with respect to silver.  This means
  we can  eliminate  the  sodium ions and use  our  own  dc  supply to
  accomplish the same thing.

  3. The classical equations show that the sulfur is deposited  on the
  aluminum. However, this produces aluminum sulfide,  which decomposes
  in water. Please see

  In distilled water, the classical equations are incorrect or  do not

  4. Instead of aluminum, you could use copper or zinc as the anode.

  However, metals other than aluminum release ions into  the solution,
  which would travel to the silver cathodes and contaminate them.

  5. The  typical  equations  posted on the  web  are  incorrect. They
  contain many fundamental flaws, such as mass and charge inbalance in
  the coefficients, and gross errors such as stating the sulfur ion is
  positive. It is not. The sulfur ion is S(2-), not S(2+)

  6. Aluminum  is  inert in this reaction. I have  posted  the correct
  equations to my Yahoo forum at

  I made one small error. It is corrected at

  7. The black stuff that forms on the electrodes is silver hydroxide,
  AgOH, not silver oxide, Ag2O.

  Your statement is incorrect.

  You cannot produce silver Oxide, Ag2O, by using electrolysis.

  8. Every silver surface tarnishes. You cannot wipe it off.  The film
  is invisible  at  the  beginning, but it  will  severely  impact the
  brewing process, and cause a significant reduction in the silver ion
  concentration in the 48 hours following the brew.

  9. The   reduction   in   ion   concentration   severly  reduces the
  effectiveness of  the colloidal silver. You may examine  my  post to
  sol to verify this:

  Please note that sol also remarked that a weak solution did not work
  as well.

  You cannot   remove   the   silver   tarnish   without  damaging the
  electrodes, except by the process I have described.

  When you  do, you may find your brew is much  stronger  than before,
  and much more effective.

  However, for  the  ultimate in colloidal  silver  generation, please
  visit my forum at

  Here you will find the most significant advance in  colloidal silver
  generators since the original 3 nines.

  Best Regards,

  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Why not let it get lower?  You would have to evaporate half the
container like 8 times by my calculations if you had 10PPM EIS to get
200PPM.  Can you just evaporate 19/20ths of the container once?
(Sorry...I own no coffee of coffee parafanaleeea).

Is their another device I might own I can evaporate with?

It seems I do not properly understand how the agglomerated particles
come to be in the first place.  I assumed the solution gets crowded,
and silver hydroxides collide.  If this were the mechanism, your
evaporation experiments would not have been reversible.  Can someone
enlighten me on the mechanism of formation of agglomerated particles
in EIS?


On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:
> I've taken it to around 380 ppm. It was a light greenish brown and went back 
> clear after adding the water.
> I never let it get below 1/2 the carafe volume. At that point I topped it off 
> and let it steam down again and again and again etc.
> Dave

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Desulfurizing

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Monett
 To All,
  I have  updated my Desulfurizing post to include the  equations that
  occur at the anode and cathode. The url is

  I also made one small error in the equations. The correction is
  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Dave Darrin
I've taken it to around 380 ppm. It was a light greenish brown and went back
clear after adding the water.
I never let it get below 1/2 the carafe volume. At that point I topped it
off and let it steam down again and again and again etc.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 5:56 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

> a really good suggestionhave you tried this evaporation and
> recombining and seen the color change back to clear?  And what is the most
> you've every tried concentrating it?  I would want to try concentrating a
> quart in to like 1/20th the volume, and do it sublingual/oral.  If it really
> does recombine with water well, I would think this does not increase the
> argyria profile.
> ~David
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:
>> David
>>   If you want a high concentration it's quite easy to make from the
>> product you make normally. Just put it in your well cleaned coffee carafe
>> and set it on the coffee hotplate. keep an eye on it occasionally as it
>> reduces ( steams off) part of the water. when half of the water is gone you
>> have doubled the PPM. just don't let it go dry.  Don't worry about the color
>> it changes to when the concentration gets high, it doesn't mean that the
>> particles are getting bigger. If you add the same amount of distilled water
>> you steamed off it returns to clear. Bigger particles would stay big not
>> disappear.
>>  Dave
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:36 PM, David AuBuchon > > wrote:
>>> I hope not.  I am very interested to see what all he is working on, and
>>> would be happy to use my site to seed it into the larger web if it is really
>>> a good thing.  I am also curious if it could help me beat my bugs.
>>> And man, new discoveries on the lyme community spread really fast, and
>>> something like Mike is working on just could be the next thing.
>>> ~David
>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:26 PM,  wrote:
 I'm in the pool, picking "less than a month" on MM... & silver list.




Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon a really good suggestionhave you tried this evaporation and
recombining and seen the color change back to clear?  And what is the most
you've every tried concentrating it?  I would want to try concentrating a
quart in to like 1/20th the volume, and do it sublingual/oral.  If it really
does recombine with water well, I would think this does not increase the
argyria profile.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:

> David
>   If you want a high concentration it's quite easy to make from the product
> you make normally. Just put it in your well cleaned coffee carafe and set it
> on the coffee hotplate. keep an eye on it occasionally as it reduces (
> steams off) part of the water. when half of the water is gone you have
> doubled the PPM. just don't let it go dry.  Don't worry about the color it
> changes to when the concentration gets high, it doesn't mean that the
> particles are getting bigger. If you add the same amount of distilled water
> you steamed off it returns to clear. Bigger particles would stay big not
> disappear.
> Dave
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:36 PM, David AuBuchon 
> wrote:
>> I hope not.  I am very interested to see what all he is working on, and
>> would be happy to use my site to seed it into the larger web if it is really
>> a good thing.  I am also curious if it could help me beat my bugs.
>> And man, new discoveries on the lyme community spread really fast, and
>> something like Mike is working on just could be the next thing.
>> ~David
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:26 PM,  wrote:
>>> Heh!
>>> I'm in the pool, picking "less than a month" on MM... & silver list.
>>> I

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Dave Darrin
  If you want a high concentration it's quite easy to make from the product
you make normally. Just put it in your well cleaned coffee carafe and set it
on the coffee hotplate. keep an eye on it occasionally as it reduces (
steams off) part of the water. when half of the water is gone you have
doubled the PPM. just don't let it go dry.  Don't worry about the color it
changes to when the concentration gets high, it doesn't mean that the
particles are getting bigger. If you add the same amount of distilled water
you steamed off it returns to clear. Bigger particles would stay big not

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:36 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

> I hope not.  I am very interested to see what all he is working on, and
> would be happy to use my site to seed it into the larger web if it is really
> a good thing.  I am also curious if it could help me beat my bugs.
> And man, new discoveries on the lyme community spread really fast, and
> something like Mike is working on just could be the next thing.
> ~David
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:26 PM,  wrote:
>> Heh!
>> I'm in the pool, picking "less than a month" on MM... & silver list.
>> I

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Winslow-Hansen
oh lol  
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...

Two full moons in the same month.
An infrequent occurrence

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming
She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3

I bought her a scale.

And then the fight started...

On 9/14/2011 3:30:31 PM, Mike Winslow-Hansen ( wrote:

what is a blue moon?

- Original Message -
From: "sol" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...

> Mike, and all,
>  Several years ago, I drank between a pint (500 ml) and a quart a day
> for approximately 2.5 years give or take..I never experienced a

> wiping out of my intestinal flora..what I did experience
> intestinally was all beneficial.  I also got rid of severe lactose
> intolerance of at least a
decade's standing, and it has never come back,
> and which I believe was due to intestinal candida. I also was trying to
> get rid of what I thought was chronic EBV, and I don't
really know if I
> succeeded in that or not, as I never got tested for re-activation.
>  Oh, yeah, I also got "blue moons" which I still have some 5+ years
> stop people wasting their time and effort, I have tried
> all measures for getting rid of them that have been suggested on this
> list over the intervening years, and they are still with me, though
> perhaps a little bit lighter.
> sol

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Winslow-Hansen

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...

Two full moons in the same month.
An infrequent occurrence

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming
She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3

I bought her a scale.

And then the fight started...

On 9/14/2011 3:30:31 PM, Mike Winslow-Hansen ( wrote:

what is a blue moon?

- Original Message -
From: "sol" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...

> Mike, and all,
>  Several years ago, I drank between a pint (500 ml) and a quart a day
> for approximately 2.5 years give or take..I never experienced a

> wiping out of my intestinal flora..what I did experience
> intestinally was all beneficial.  I also got rid of severe lactose
> intolerance of at least a
decade's standing, and it has never come back,
> and which I believe was due to intestinal candida. I also was trying to
> get rid of what I thought was chronic EBV, and I don't
really know if I
> succeeded in that or not, as I never got tested for re-activation.
>  Oh, yeah, I also got "blue moons" which I still have some 5+ years
> stop people wasting their time and effort, I have tried
> all measures for getting rid of them that have been suggested on this
> list over the intervening years, and they are still with me, though
> perhaps a little bit lighter.
> sol

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Hi Bob,

Yes I am wanting to use ASAP Health Max 30 PPM which is the same exact
product except 30 PPM.  They have that product under a bunch of different


Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Bob Banever  wrote:

> **
> David,
>   You might want to try silver sol (silver tetroxide) made by
> Guardian.  I had a severe food poisoning a month ago... woke up with nausea
> and severe aches and pains in my joints, felt very feverish (flu like) but
> with no respiratory symptoms.  Came out of nowhere but the night before I
> ate some chicken that tasted awful... I actually threw it out after eating a
> couple of mouthfuls.  Anyway... I took two tablespoons of this stuff every
> hour for three hours, then every two hours by the end of the day my
> symptoms were completely gone and they were getting worse by the minute when
> I awoke.  Amazing.
> Bob

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread cking001
Two full moons in the same month.
An infrequent occurrence

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming
She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3

I bought her a scale.

And then the fight started...

On 9/14/2011 3:30:31 PM, Mike Winslow-Hansen ( wrote:
> what is a blue moon?
> - Original Message -
> From: "sol" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:18 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...
> > Mike, and all,
> >  Several years ago, I drank between a pint (500 ml) and a quart a day
> > for approximately 2.5 years give or take..I never experienced a
> > wiping out of my intestinal flora..what I did experience
> > intestinally was all beneficial.  I also got rid of severe lactose
> > intolerance of at least a
> decade's standing, and it has never come back,
> > and which I believe was due to intestinal candida. I also was trying to
> > get rid of what I thought was chronic EBV, and I don't
> really know if I
> > succeeded in that or not, as I never got tested for re-activation.
> >  Oh, yeah, I also got "blue moons" which I still have some 5+ years
> > stop people wasting their time and effort, I have tried
> > all measures for getting rid of them that have been suggested on this
> > list over the intervening years, and they are still with me, though
> > perhaps a little bit lighter.
> > sol

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread Bob Banever

  You might want to try silver sol (silver tetroxide) made by Guardian.  I 
had a severe food poisoning a month ago... woke up with nausea and severe aches 
and pains in my joints, felt very feverish (flu like) but with no respiratory 
symptoms.  Came out of nowhere but the night before I ate some chicken that 
tasted awful... I actually threw it out after eating a couple of mouthfuls.  
Anyway... I took two tablespoons of this stuff every hour for three hours, then 
every two hours by the end of the day my symptoms were completely gone and 
they were getting worse by the minute when I awoke.  Amazing.

  - Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:27 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

  Thanks Jason.  So if you google silver 100, you get their site.  They claim 
the potassium silver citrate (not silver citrate) produces a gradual release of 
free silver ions, which is why I am thinking about it over regular EIS.  They 
claim it has a much higher ability to disassociate that regular EIS.  There are 
some anecdotes on a lyme forum of sublingual silver 100 causing immediate herx 
even after oral EIS no longer does anything for them.  I nebulized the stuff 
and got mold asthma for an hour.  I have infected lungs (and everything) that 
are super resistant to treatment.  Regular EIS produces no effect in me with 
nebulizer for example.  It could have just been more the higher PPM than the 
freeing of silver ions, but I tend to believe the company.   I am sure some 
chemists on this forum could shed some light in this.  

  The evidence I have for silver in the use of cancer as follows:

  - In brazil a study had 30 out of 30 breast cancer remitted with one IV 
treatment of Ag4O4.
  - I've read about 15 anecdotes in humans and 10 in dogs of tumors 
dissappearing thought to be due to a silver supplement.
  - an animal study showed showed silver nanoparticles have an anticancer effect
  - silver nanoparticles are known to target cancer.
  - in vitro studies show EIS kills breast cancer.  And I think I have seen

  I am hedging the risk and thinking about using both sublingual/oral silver 
100, nebulized silver 100, and oral ASAP health max 30PPM.  The silver 100 is 
resulting in ions, the ASAP is particles...which would target cancer.  And they 
are coated in Ag4O4, which was the chemical used in the breast cancer study.  
Plus they just found a bladder infection, which silver may solve quickly.  Plus 
I think he has Lyme...well I think everybody and their mom has lyme!

  Regarding peroxide, I had mentioned to the MD that I had head of people who 
had done 3% peroxide (Brooks).  He said it wasn't safe and 0.5% was the max.  I 
think he starts with 0.0375%...very little.

  Anyrate, no one here ever puts all their eggs in one basket, and we have 20 
other things in the pipeline.


Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Sandee George

Chuck thanks for the laugh !!!
Attitude is everything !!

57-Year-Old Mom Looks 25
Mom Reveals $5 Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

Understood.  Like I said, I can't offer an educated opinion on the +potassium 
silver citrate, but I would be interested to know how it works out.

Like most companies marketing silver compounds, I don't trust them as I review 
their information.  Statements like this:

There really is no "ppm" that is "best." Lower ppm is not safer and higher ppm 
is not more effective. 

...cause me to stop reading.

Argyria is dosage dependent.  The actual amount of silver is the most important 
consideration when evaluating the risk for argyria.  If one doesn't want to 
take the extensive time it requires to research argyria cases, and their 
causes, then at least one should offer fair warning to users that by using a 
highly concentrated silver product, they are at increased risk for cosmetic 

Some of the most infamous cases of argyria are from Water Oz, where the founder 
and staff swore up and down that there product produced no risk of argyria.  
They claimed their product was angstrom-sized silver, but it was a silver 
citrate.   For someone with massive health issues, fighting for their life, I 
doubt the individual would be that concerned about some skin discoloration, but 
I always strongly believe in a term popularized by The WHO at the geneva 
convention after World War II...  The idea of informed consent. 

Regarding reference #1:

Every medical experiment that I'm aware of regarding Ag4O4 was done with 
Tetrasil before it dissapeared off the market (not the topical tetrasil).

Best of luck with the aggressive protocols.

Regarding H2O2:

Thanks for this information.  Individuals commonly use 1.5% H2O2 for 
nebulization, and I have always thought that for ***some*** individuals, that 
concentration may be a little high.  Starting off with a concentration of 
0.0375% may be a very prudent and safe way for individuals to introduce 
themselves to this type of therapy.  To note, for systemic issues, an 
individual may have to work their way up to higher concentrations  but I 
wouldn't even make a suggestion for increased concentration to a lung cancer 
patient.  I'm just glad to know that it is possible for a lung cancer patient 
to even attempt such a therapy.
Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 16:27
  Subject: Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

  Thanks Jason.  So if you google silver 100, you get their site.  They claim 
the potassium silver citrate (not silver citrate) produces a gradual release of 
free silver ions, which is why I am thinking about it over regular EIS.  They 
claim it has a much higher ability to disassociate that regular EIS.  There are 
some anecdotes on a lyme forum of sublingual silver 100 causing immediate herx 
even after oral EIS no longer does anything for them.  I nebulized the stuff 
and got mold asthma for an hour.  I have infected lungs (and everything) that 
are super resistant to treatment.  Regular EIS produces no effect in me with 
nebulizer for example.  It could have just been more the higher PPM than the 
freeing of silver ions, but I tend to believe the company.   I am sure some 
chemists on this forum could shed some light in this.  

  The evidence I have for silver in the use of cancer as follows:

  - In brazil a study had 30 out of 30 breast cancer remitted with one IV 
treatment of Ag4O4.
  - I've read about 15 anecdotes in humans and 10 in dogs of tumors 
dissappearing thought to be due to a silver supplement.
  - an animal study showed showed silver nanoparticles have an anticancer effect
  - silver nanoparticles are known to target cancer.
  - in vitro studies show EIS kills breast cancer.  And I think I have seen

  I am hedging the risk and thinking about using both sublingual/oral silver 
100, nebulized silver 100, and oral ASAP health max 30PPM.  The silver 100 is 
resulting in ions, the ASAP is particles...which would target cancer.  And they 
are coated in Ag4O4, which was the chemical used in the breast cancer study.  
Plus they just found a bladder infection, which silver may solve quickly.  Plus 
I think he has Lyme...well I think everybody and their mom has lyme!

  Regarding peroxide, I had mentioned to the MD that I had head of people who 
had done 3% peroxide (Brooks).  He said it wasn't safe and 0.5% was the max.  I 
think he starts with 0.0375%...very little.

  Anyrate, no one here ever puts all their eggs in one basket, and we have 20 
other things in the pipeline.


Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon
I hope not.  I am very interested to see what all he is working on, and
would be happy to use my site to seed it into the larger web if it is really
a good thing.  I am also curious if it could help me beat my bugs.

And man, new discoveries on the lyme community spread really fast, and
something like Mike is working on just could be the next thing.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:26 PM,  wrote:

> Heh!
> I'm in the pool, picking "less than a month" on MM... & silver list.
> I

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread Deborah Gerard
-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:26:42 pm
Subject: Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

I'm in the pool, picking "less than a month" on MM... & silver list.


I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road
and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes
you just get s stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah,
well I couldn't believe it He was a DWARF!!!

He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, "I AM NOT

So, I looked down at him and said, "Well, then which one are you?"

And then the fight started.

On 9/14/2011 1:02:35 AM, Mike Monett ( wrote:
> David AuBuchon  wrote:
> >
> >Thank you Mike for you sincere comments, and they provide more
> objectivity
> >for me.  I actually make these suggestions to his integrative
> MD, and he
> >makes the decisions.  He routinely prescribes nebulized peroxide, which
> is
> >why he is taking it.  I personally
> wouldn't want to give him both at once,
> >and am probing as whet

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Thanks Jason.  So if you google silver 100, you get their site.  They claim
the potassium silver citrate (not silver citrate) produces a gradual release
of free silver ions, which is why I am thinking about it over regular EIS.
They claim it has a much higher ability to disassociate that regular EIS.
There are some anecdotes on a lyme forum of sublingual silver 100 causing
immediate herx even after oral EIS no longer does anything for them.  I
nebulized the stuff and got mold asthma for an hour.  I have infected lungs
(and everything) that are super resistant to treatment.  Regular EIS
produces no effect in me with nebulizer for example.  It could have just
been more the higher PPM than the freeing of silver ions, but I tend to
believe the company.   I am sure some chemists on this forum could shed some
light in this.

The evidence I have for silver in the use of cancer as follows:

- In brazil a study had 30 out of 30 breast cancer remitted with one IV
treatment of Ag4O4.
- I've read about 15 anecdotes in humans and 10 in dogs of tumors
dissappearing thought to be due to a silver supplement.
- an animal study showed showed silver nanoparticles have an anticancer
- silver nanoparticles are known to target cancer.
- in vitro studies show EIS kills breast cancer.  And I think I have seen

I am hedging the risk and thinking about using both sublingual/oral silver
100, nebulized silver 100, and oral ASAP health max 30PPM.  The silver 100
is resulting in ions, the ASAP is particles...which would target cancer.
And they are coated in Ag4O4, which was the chemical used in the breast
cancer study.  Plus they just found a bladder infection, which silver may
solve quickly.  Plus I think he has Lyme...well I think everybody and their
mom has lyme!

Regarding peroxide, I had mentioned to the MD that I had head of people who
had done 3% peroxide (Brooks).  He said it wasn't safe and 0.5% was the
max.  I think he starts with 0.0375%...very little.

Anyrate, no one here ever puts all their eggs in one basket, and we have 20
other things in the pipeline.


Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate? [GishPuppy]

2011-09-14 Thread cking001
I'm in the pool, picking "less than a month" on MM... & silver list.


I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road
and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes
you just get s stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah,
well I couldn't believe it He was a DWARF!!!

He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, "I AM NOT

So, I looked down at him and said, "Well, then which one are you?"

And then the fight started.

On 9/14/2011 1:02:35 AM, Mike Monett ( wrote:
> David AuBuchon  wrote:
> >
> >Thank you Mike for you sincere comments, and they provide more
> objectivity
> >for me.  I actually make these suggestions to his integrative
> MD, and he
> >makes the decisions.  He routinely prescribes nebulized peroxide, which
> is
> >why he is taking it.  I personally
> wouldn't want to give him both at once,
> >and am probing as whether or not I would really have to suggest to the
> >doctor to stop the peroxide which he prescribed.  Actually the patient is
> >doing much better off with his alternative treatment than had he not.  And
> >it is not clear he is destined to leave this world, though he may.  I
> >recently saw an elderly loved one who was weeks from death achieve complete
> >remission.  He had a large colon tumor, blood loss, several large metastases
> >in the liver, and he couldn't
> sit up on his own.
> >
> >~David
> David,
> Please try to find a day job that does not involve giving advise to MD's.
> There are many other fields that could benefit from your ministrations.
> Horiculture, fish farming, mining, airport security, even taxicab
> monitoring in large cities.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver Lung

2011-09-14 Thread olushola camara
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 2:55 PM,  wrote:

> **
> Problem could be you need to use ionic silverfrom P 2 generator
> Where are the P 2 generators sold?


RE: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread Neville Munn

No worries Mike.
I think I explained earlier regarding the rainwater solution that I only use/d 
it short term, I would not contemplate ingesting it long term.
But this is something that does have me wondering at times?  To me there are 
many facets to the forms of EIS/CS.  I supposed many months, if not years ago 
that I never want to see anything in my solutions either during or after 
production that I consider may compromise the quality or efficiency of my 
product.  This may be open to debate of course, but these are just rules and 
observations I set for myself.
And if I may, a question for you, or anyone I guess...I suspect if intestinal 
flora is compromised one would tend to get 'bound up' {constipated} as there is 
little or no bacteria to assist in the digestion or break down of food, would 
that be a fair assumption?

> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:05:24 -0500
> Subject: RE: CS>Flora effects...
> Neville writes:
> > P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
> > occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
> > administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that flora. 
> > Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested? Shop bought, or home
> > produced? LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
> > particle content? Plus the many other product variations available?
> I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long 
> enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are 
> noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for 
> a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.
> Just for future reference! 
> Peace,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [ ]
> [Speaking only for myself... ]

Re: CS>[List Owner] Caution, please... Mike, David, Jason, others...

2011-09-14 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Mike:

After three emails of personal insults from Mike, long before the nebulizer 
issue, I simply got tired of the escalating language.

If you start with this thread:

...and follow it from there, I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

There are things that some people say that need to be challenged, for the 
betterment of all, and I believe I did it in a very respectful and civil 
way, especially since nobody else seemed to pay much attention.

That third set of insults and I'd had enough.  Even then, I think my email 
was very responsible.

If I can't tell someone in a stern polite voice that I don't appreciate 
being personally insulted, and that I'm done with the situation, I'm not 
sure what you'd expect me to do.

If you look at the comments he made to Jonathan and David, they are not only 
equally unjustified, but very bullying.

I don't like bullies, and I don't tolerate bullying, even when the school 
principal isn't looking.

Please take a few moments and review Mike's posts for the last two days.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 15:31
Subject: CS>[List Owner] Caution, please... Mike, David, Jason, others...

Greetings folks! Long time since I've had to wade into the list on this
kind of mission! Thank you for that fact, and to the several members
who gave me the heads-up so promptly.

In catching up with the messages I was a bit surprised and disappointed
to see the first intemperate remarks coming from Jason, of all people,
in his too-vigorous rebuttal of Mike Monett's speculations about
possible hazards of nebulizing CS.

(Jason, if by chance the order of things in my mail program distorted
the sequence of events and you feel there was some other provocation
besides his nebulizing assertion, feel free to let me know.)

I tend to agree that nebulizing has an excellent track record, and that
Mike's statements were an example of unwarranted certituded by logic
rather than empirical evidence: Much clinical AND anecdotal experience
plus known information about the actual solubility of the supposedly
insoluble silver compounds involved, lead me to doubt Mike's

Here's the problem when folks with a lot of training, experience,
and/or expertise with overlapping but not congruent competencies start
stepping into each others' areas of interest and on each others' toes:
The next thing you know we've got external genital appendages wagging
around and egos engaged, and all progress goes out the window!

Stop it!

Now, Mike, I want to address you specifically:

I think your specifications for the device are wonderfully crafted and
your intention of releasing it to the public domain and seeking its
widespread use by the neediest are an exquisite example of the merging
of responsible engineering and activism. Thank you, it's a good plan.

But keep in mind that the universe and the powers that be will be more
than happy to sabotage such humane intentions and the first place it
will try to do this is within you...

Want to collaborate successfully with folks from this group? Use our
forum to help promote your project? Great! You're welcome.

DON'T, however, let yourself succumb to the temptation to engage with
both fists the moment somebody steps on your toes. People WILL disagree
on things, including things you hold dear. Let them. The truth will
carry the day, for or against your ideas. That's as it should be.

Your nastiness to David A. was uncalled for and unprovoked. He's well
within the charter of the group, and you're not the referee of what's
appropriate, nor are you in a competent position to judge the
circumstances he is dealing with. Be supportive or leave it be.

Jonathan effectively raised the same reasonable questions about
nebulizing peroxide that you are concerned with -- without the ad-
hominem that sabotages your credibility and effectiveness.

Take his example to heart.

All right, I used all the big words I could think of, just to make sure
all you experts could 'grok' what I'm saying.  Let's see if we
can actually stay on target and stop chaos from winning, just this
once, okay?


Mike D.
List owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Dave writes:
> Mike:
> Would ten years ,mostly using it for drinking water,be long enough?
> Never had a gut problem.

Well, hearing all the contra-experiences, makes me wonder if it was 
because I was doing that back in the bad old days before we'd refined 
the methods we now use to make our CS/EIS.

The stuff I had been using at that time was probably higher ppm and 
more particulate than the low ppm ionic stuff we're making now. So just 
maybe I'd sent enough non-reactive large silver particles through the 
stomach to make it to the intestine, where it was just barely soluble 
enough to do the deed.

I'll tell you, though, when you wipe your flora, you might be good for 
a few days, but some of those bugs are needed to properly assimilate 
some of your essential B-vitamins and calcium. When I started getting 
continuous cramps in the big muscles of my upper legs as well as just 
about everywhere else, I darn well knew something was amiss.

Turns out that's a perfect description of the symptoms of severe 
calcium deficiency, and calcium uptake requires the proper flora. So I 
sent my wife to the store to buy me one of those calcium supplemented 
orange juices. A couple of cups of that and within an hour or two the 
acute phase passed and my muscles were happy again. 


Mike D.

> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:10 AM, M. G. Devour 
> wrote:
> > Neville writes:
> >
> > > P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered
> > > on occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the
> > > person I administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on
> > > that flora. Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop
> > > bought, or home produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content
> > > as opposed to high particle content?  Plus the many other product
> > > variations available?
> >
> > I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long
> > enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are
> > noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for
> > a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.
> >
> > Just for future reference! 
> >
> > Peace,
> >
> > Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>[List Owner] Caution, please... Mike, David, Jason, others...

2011-09-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Greetings folks! Long time since I've had to wade into the list on this 
kind of mission! Thank you for that fact, and to the several members 
who gave me the heads-up so promptly.

In catching up with the messages I was a bit surprised and disappointed 
to see the first intemperate remarks coming from Jason, of all people, 
in his too-vigorous rebuttal of Mike Monett's speculations about 
possible hazards of nebulizing CS.

(Jason, if by chance the order of things in my mail program distorted 
the sequence of events and you feel there was some other provocation 
besides his nebulizing assertion, feel free to let me know.)

I tend to agree that nebulizing has an excellent track record, and that 
Mike's statements were an example of unwarranted certituded by logic 
rather than empirical evidence: Much clinical AND anecdotal experience 
plus known information about the actual solubility of the supposedly 
insoluble silver compounds involved, lead me to doubt Mike's 

Here's the problem when folks with a lot of training, experience, 
and/or expertise with overlapping but not congruent competencies start 
stepping into each others' areas of interest and on each others' toes: 
The next thing you know we've got external genital appendages wagging 
around and egos engaged, and all progress goes out the window! 

Stop it!

Now, Mike, I want to address you specifically:

I think your specifications for the device are wonderfully crafted and 
your intention of releasing it to the public domain and seeking its 
widespread use by the neediest are an exquisite example of the merging 
of responsible engineering and activism. Thank you, it's a good plan.

But keep in mind that the universe and the powers that be will be more 
than happy to sabotage such humane intentions and the first place it 
will try to do this is within you...

Want to collaborate successfully with folks from this group? Use our 
forum to help promote your project? Great! You're welcome.

DON'T, however, let yourself succumb to the temptation to engage with 
both fists the moment somebody steps on your toes. People WILL disagree 
on things, including things you hold dear. Let them. The truth will 
carry the day, for or against your ideas. That's as it should be.

Your nastiness to David A. was uncalled for and unprovoked. He's well 
within the charter of the group, and you're not the referee of what's 
appropriate, nor are you in a competent position to judge the 
circumstances he is dealing with. Be supportive or leave it be.

Jonathan effectively raised the same reasonable questions about 
nebulizing peroxide that you are concerned with -- without the ad-
hominem that sabotages your credibility and effectiveness. 

Take his example to heart.

All right, I used all the big words I could think of, just to make sure 
all you experts could 'grok' what I'm saying.  Let's see if we 
can actually stay on target and stop chaos from winning, just this 
once, okay?


Mike D.
List owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread sol

Mike Winslow-Hansen wrote:

what is a blue moon?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon
In hospitals, people get their guts flushed out but can eat food.  So flora
is not strictly needed at all times.  So if EIS killed both good and bad,
the bad have still been effectively prevented from taking over.  Also, in
vitro ASAP (Ag4O4 coated particles) kills pathogens easier than probiotics.
One might suspect that same would be true of all silver products.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:

> Mike:
> Would ten years ,mostly using it for drinking water,be long enough? Never
> had a gut problem.
> Now that I have a discoloration (argeria) I don't even have anything start
> to form such as colds,flu .
> Before the color change, colds would start and then within a few hours
> would go away.
> For the last two years I haven't been injesting the cs. I mix it 50/50 with
> Listerine and hold in my mouth while readying for bed .
> Dave
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:10 AM, M. G. Devour  wrote:
>> Neville writes:
>> > P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
>> > occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
>> > administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that flora.
>> > Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop bought, or home
>> > produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
>> > particle content?  Plus the many other product variations available?
>> I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long
>> enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are
>> noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for
>> a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.
>> Just for future reference! 
>> Peace,
>> Mike D.
>> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>> []
>> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread Dave Darrin
Would ten years ,mostly using it for drinking water,be long enough? Never
had a gut problem.
Now that I have a discoloration (argeria) I don't even have anything start
to form such as colds,flu .
Before the color change, colds would start and then within a few hours would
go away.
For the last two years I haven't been injesting the cs. I mix it 50/50 with
Listerine and hold in my mouth while readying for bed .

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:10 AM, M. G. Devour  wrote:

> Neville writes:
> > P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
> > occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
> > administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that flora.
> > Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop bought, or home
> > produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
> > particle content?  Plus the many other product variations available?
> I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long
> enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are
> noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for
> a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.
> Just for future reference! 
> Peace,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread Marshall
He is talking about the greying of the fingernail moons.  I covered this 
in my paper at

A picture is shown at


On 9/14/2011 3:30 PM, Mike Winslow-Hansen wrote:

what is a blue moon?

- Original Message - From: "sol" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...

Mike, and all,
 Several years ago, I drank between a pint (500 ml) and a quart a day 
for approximately 2.5 years give or take..I never experienced 
a wiping out of my intestinal flora..what I did experience 
intestinally was all beneficial.  I also got rid of severe lactose 
intolerance of at least a decade's standing, and it has never come 
back, and which I believe was due to intestinal candida. I also was 
trying to get rid of what I thought was chronic EBV, and I don't 
really know if I succeeded in that or not, as I never got tested for 
 Oh, yeah, I also got "blue moons" which I still have some 5+ years stop people wasting their time and effort, I have tried 
all measures for getting rid of them that have been suggested on this 
list over the intervening years, and they are still with me, though 
perhaps a little bit lighter.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Neville writes:

P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that 
flora. Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop 
bought, or home

produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
particle content?  Plus the many other product variations available?
I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long 
enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects 
are noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing 
it for a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.

Just for future reference! 


Mike D.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread Mike Winslow-Hansen

what is a blue moon?

- Original Message - 
From: "sol" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flora effects...

Mike, and all,
 Several years ago, I drank between a pint (500 ml) and a quart a day 
for approximately 2.5 years give or take..I never experienced a 
wiping out of my intestinal flora..what I did experience 
intestinally was all beneficial.  I also got rid of severe lactose 
intolerance of at least a decade's standing, and it has never come back, 
and which I believe was due to intestinal candida. I also was trying to 
get rid of what I thought was chronic EBV, and I don't really know if I 
succeeded in that or not, as I never got tested for re-activation.
 Oh, yeah, I also got "blue moons" which I still have some 5+ years stop people wasting their time and effort, I have tried 
all measures for getting rid of them that have been suggested on this 
list over the intervening years, and they are still with me, though 
perhaps a little bit lighter.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Neville writes:

P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that flora. 
Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop bought, or home

produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
particle content?  Plus the many other product variations available?

I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long 
enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are 
noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for 
a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.

Just for future reference! 


Mike D.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread David AuBuchon
I would be interested if you had any elaboration on the optimal
concentration for lung cancer, as being an illustration of "more" not always
being better.  I would have assumed whatever the largest safe concentration
is would simply be the concentration of choice.

Re: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread sol

Mike, and all,
 Several years ago, I drank between a pint (500 ml) and a quart a day 
for approximately 2.5 years give or take..I never experienced a 
wiping out of my intestinal flora..what I did experience 
intestinally was all beneficial.  I also got rid of severe lactose 
intolerance of at least a decade's standing, and it has never come back, 
and which I believe was due to intestinal candida. I also was trying to 
get rid of what I thought was chronic EBV, and I don't really know if I 
succeeded in that or not, as I never got tested for re-activation.
 Oh, yeah, I also got "blue moons" which I still have some 5+ years stop people wasting their time and effort, I have tried 
all measures for getting rid of them that have been suggested on this 
list over the intervening years, and they are still with me, though 
perhaps a little bit lighter.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Neville writes:

P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that flora. 
Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop bought, or home

produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
particle content?  Plus the many other product variations available?

I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long 
enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are 
noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for 
a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.

Just for future reference! 


Mike D.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Flora effects...

2011-09-14 Thread M. G. Devour
Neville writes:

> P.S. Regarding the 'friendly flora', I've consumed and administered on
> occasion 500ml plus every day for several days and I, nor the person I
> administered it to, have ever experienced any affects on that flora. 
> Perhaps it depends on what solution is ingested?  Shop bought, or home
> produced?  LVDC or HVAC produced? High ion content as opposed to high
> particle content?  Plus the many other product variations available?

I think the key to your success is you didn't keep doing it for long 
enough. Believe me, when you manage to wipe your flora the effects are 
noticeable! I wager you can get by for "several days" but doing it for 
a few *weeks* would have a good chance of doing the deed.

Just for future reference! 


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver Lung

2011-09-14 Thread Martsmail53
Problem could be you need to use ionic silverfrom P 2 generator
In a message dated 9/11/2011 6:55:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I've read of people using the nebulier for CS,  but it didn't work for me, 
it made it harder to breath, so I don't nebulize  it  If you do this, go slow

- Original Message - 
From:  _Deborah Gerard_ (  
To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 5:58  PM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Lung

You can nebulize  cs...Debbie


From: LouAnn Hough <_tlhough@suddenlink.net_ 
( >
To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 6:19  PM
Subject: CS>Silver  Lung


Hello, you  don’t know me but I have been reading posts off and on for a 
couple years.  Now I find I need advice about the silver lungs nebulizer. Have 
any of you  used it? My husband is a smoker and has been getting 
bronchitis. I am about  to move into the spare bedroom due to his coughing at 
It is bad  enough for him to be sick, without making me sick as well. But I 
remembered  you all talking about a machine ( humidifier or vaporizer) that 
had helped  someone, so I did some research and found the silver lung 
nebulizer. I  already have a silver puppy for making CS. Have used CS on 
ulcers  on my Mom before she passed away and for various other types of 
infections,  so I know it works. What do you all think of the silver lung  

Re: CS>Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-14 Thread Marshall

On 9/13/2011 10:16 PM, Mike Monett wrote:

   Re: CSspectrographs of CS

   >>  I am astonished to find anyone can get down to 0.3uS. The  best I
   >>  have seen is 0.5uS, and that is from the local Walmart.

   >  I use  high powered rare earth magnets in the  double distillation
   >  process.

   How does  that  work. There are no ions  in  distillation, therefore
   nothing for the magnets to exert a force against.

Actually there are ions in pure water.  Water splits into H+ and OH- 
spontaneously, that is the basis for pH measurements.  In a solution pH 
approximates but is not equal to p[H], the negative logarithm 
 (base 10) of the molar 
concentration  of 
dissolved hydronium ions  
(H_3 O^+ ). pH is defined as a negative decimal logarithm 
 of the hydrogen ion 
 activity in a solution.^[15] 

For pure water that works out to be 10^-7 moles of ions per liter.  
Using Avogadro constant, we find that one liter of pure water contains 
* 10-7 or approximately 6*10^16 ion pairs per liter.  Although 
percentage wise that is not much, that is still 120,000,000,000,000,000 
ions per liter.


Re: CS>Lyme disease

2011-09-14 Thread Trem


Thanks for your email.  You have me confused with someone else.  I have 
never had Lyme.

I hope this helps you.

Best regards,

Trem Williams

On 9/13/2011 6:41 PM, Rodney Samuelson wrote:



*I know you took CS for a year for Lyme.  At what month did you feel 


*How much CS did you drink per day?*


*Please call me at 860-881-3734*



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Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

I doubt there would be any need for the MD to recommend to stop the nebulizer 
treatment of H2O2.

One day cessation of H2O2 would certainly be plenty of time for to avoid any 
h2O2 reaction in-lungs with silver.

However, I know nothing about the use of silver citrate in-lungs.  One of the 
things I like about using a quality EIS product, is that a good product is very 
close to a neutral pH.  Certainly at first thought, I'm not a big fan of 
dumping acids into the lungs, although I do understand that there are those who 
believe that citrates in general have an increased adsorbtion rate in the body.

 For the sake of interested parties, you should share with the group the 
concentration the MD has this individual on with the H2O2 nebulization 
protocol.  I would imagine that the concentration used for someone with lung 
cancer would be different than someone without it.

If memory serves correctly, the ideal concentration of activated oxygen 
in-lungs for lung cancer is about 0.5 PPM.  

If the MD is not aware of the research done with Pycnogel (a pine bark extract) 
and lung cancer, then maybe you can spend some time doing some research.  
There's been some very promising clinical medical research done, as well as 
some very impressive experiences by those with lung cancer.

Since silver can be delivered directly into the lungs without very many 
titration issues, you may wish to at least consider an alternative approach.  
If you read Dr. Robert O Becker's work with silver ions, "Our Body Electric", 
you'll note that he pretty conclusively demonstrated that isolated silver ions, 
in combination with a minute amount of current, had a dramatic effect on 
cancerous cells.  I do not believe that anyone has demonstrated a similiar 
effect with silver compounds (perhaps nobody has ever tried).

If the medical doctor wishes to explore alternative possibilities, I know that 
unpublished research has been vitro... studying the direct effect of 
a high quality electrically isolated silver on human cancer cells.  While, to 
my knowledge, there has been little or no work done trying to translate this 
into an actual feasible treatment protocol, via MD to MD communication, some of 
these medical researchers may be available for at least a consultation.  If the 
MD is interested in exploring the issue further, please email me off list, and 
I'll get him in contact with some people, although the preferred contact has 
been out of the country for the last year or so.

P.S.:  The old adage:  Beware of a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, seems to 
be applicable of late.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 21:47
  Subject: Re: CS>nebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

  Thank you Mike for you sincere comments, and they provide more objectivity 
for me.  I actually make these suggestions to his integrative MD, and he makes 
the decisions.  He routinely prescribes nebulized peroxide, which is why he is 
taking it.  I personally wouldn't want to give him both at once, and am probing 
as whether or not I would really have to suggest to the doctor to stop the 
peroxide which he prescribed.  Actually the patient is doing much better off 
with his alternative treatment than had he not.  And it is not clear he is 
destined to leave this world, though he may.  I recently saw an elderly loved 
one who was weeks from death achieve complete remission.  He had a large colon 
tumor, blood loss, several large metastases in the liver, and he couldn't sit 
up on his own.  


  On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:27 PM, Mike Monett  wrote:

David AuBuchon  wrote:
>Can someone do nebulized silver and peroxide on alternating days?  I have 
>elderly person with lung cancer, diabetes, and mild parkinsons.  He is
>already doing nebulized peroxide.  I want to give him nebulized silver 100
>(100ppm potassium silver citrate).
>No chemical reactions between residual silver and peroxide going to cause a
>problem, don't you think?

Re: CS>Desulfurizing

2011-09-14 Thread Ode Coyote

  You can do the same thing by wrapping the electrodes in foil with a 
little salt water or vinegar...any conductive liquid.
What that does is make a battery effect that strips a layer off the silver 
by ionization and deposits it on the aluminum.
That's how the silver bandaids work...the silver ions released sterilize 
the wound.

You don't need aluminum to reverse current clean electrodes.

I don't know why sulphur would be a problem unless you live down wind of a 
coal power plant or something and leave your distilled water, or electrodes 
open to the air for a long time.
The black stuff that forms on electrodes is silver oxide, not sulphur 
oxides "tarnish".
There is no need to do anything but wipe it off and switch electrode 
positions to change the polarity now and then.


At 08:18 PM 9/13/2011 -0400, you wrote:

  Asif Nathekar  wrote:

  > Hi Mike,  Just to clarify you mentioned that to  clean  the silver
  > electrodes, use  the voltage from the generator and  the aluminium
  > strip should be the anode or positive and the silver should  be on
  > the cathode or negative.

  > If I  have understood this won't that release  the  aluminium from
  > the strip? Thanks.

  > Excuse me  if  the question shows my lack of  knowledge.  I  am an
  > electronics hobbyist not big on chemistry!.

  Hi Asif,

  You ask  a  very good question. I definitely want to  invite  you to
  join the SilverCell forum soon when it is ready.

  You can  use  just  about any voltage  or  current  source  you have
  available, for example, a simple 9 volt battery works fine. Unlike a
  3 nines,  the Desulfurizing process is self-limiting  and  won't run
  away on you.

  The aluminum foil is the positive electrode or anode, and  both your
  silver electrodes connect to the negative terminal or cathode.

  Your question  about  aluminum ions is extremely astute.  I  did not
  expect anyone would ask that.

  The reactions at the cathode are simple and easy to describe. I will
  do that in the web version of this paper.

  The reactions  at  the anode are  completely  different.  They could
  drive a saint to sin.

  The literature  is very confused about what happens at the  anode. I
  find most  of the available equations are incorrect, so I  have come
  up with my own explanation that fits the available facts.

  Unlike silver,  copper,  zinc, or steel,  aluminum  will  not donate
  aluminum ions  to  the solution. It is  so  reactive  it immediately
  forms aluminum oxide, which is insoluble.

  So I  believe all the reactions at the aluminum anode are as  if the
  aluminum were  completely  inert. Then the main  things  that happen
  involve the  hydrogen  ions that are released as  a  product  of the
  liberation of  oxygen at the anode. I will  formalize  the equations
  and present them in the web version of the paper.

  Very Good question!


  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour