CS>Best Day Ever

2016-02-13 Thread Jeff
Thanks everyone.

I will try and write up a brief summary of what we went through in the next
few days. But as I said in another response I am not really sure how to
describe the protocol in general because we had to make several changes
along the way that are unique to her situation and needs that popped up
along the way.  


I am going to erase and redo my computer in the next few days. I will try to
post before that if my computer will hold out that long for me :)



CS>Best Day Ever ( Wife Bladder Update)

2016-02-12 Thread Jeff
Just wanted to give an update on my wife's bladder. We stopped everything 2
weeks ago. No more irrigations or supplements. She told me she believed she
was cured 100% around the first week of January but we decided to continue
the procedure for another month just to be sure. We didn't quite make it the
full month because we decided to stop the first of February. 


Today we went to see the doc and have a cystoscopy and see what he had to
say. Remember in August we were told her bladder had to come out.


He was ( to use his own words) amazed. Her bladder is healthy, she held the
regular amount of fluid, her flow was tested and was better than normal, and
he admitted we blew his socks off. It was everything we wanted to hear. He
wanted to know how I did it and said I need to find a way to make this
available to others. ( wow I sounded like one of those internet ads on that
last part huh )


He was very impressed and we couldn't be more pleased. Thanks to God, and
everyone here for the helpful suggestions that helped me develop the
protocol that led to this.

And to my wife for volunteering to be the guinea pig for this mad scientist.



CS>RE:Update on Wife's Bladder

2015-11-12 Thread Jeff
Sounds great Raven



>I'll bring the iced tea and veggie platter for the Bladder Party. 




From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:40 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #223



CS>RE: Update on Wife's Bladder

2015-11-12 Thread Jeff
I agree John and she is only a little more than 2 months in right now. But
you know when you are a mad scientist and you see one of your experiments
actually working and you start getting the gitters and excited and wanting
thing to progress faster? Yea I may have a real problem with that LOL




>As raw and damaged as her bladder was, it may now have a lot of scar
tissue, >limiting its flexibility and elasticity.

>Dietary MSM should be good for improving that, but it is a process that may
take >a year or more.


>When I started taking MSM, (about 1000 mg, every day) it took about 6
months for >all my old, childhood scars to visibly reform into what looks
like normal skin. >And skin cells probably turn over a lot faster than
bladder cells.





John Popelish



From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:40 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #223



CS>RE:Update on Wife's Bladder

2015-11-12 Thread Jeff
I had thoughts  along the same lines somewhat. I thought that serrapaptase
might help with the brittleness and she took high dose ( can't remember the
exact dose at the moment) every day for four months and it had no effect.
Kinda bummed me out on that one because I really thought it would work.
However we are both continuing to take lower dosage daily for 15 months to
clean our blood vessels and such so it wasn't a total waste.



>If there is adhesion's you might want to consider adding Serrapenase to her
protocol as it breaks up adhesion's 



From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:40 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #223



CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2015 #223

2015-11-12 Thread Jeff
Lola, you have a very good point. In fact the doc in Dallas ( who is a very
good doc and been very good to us) told us that the silver protein
irrigations that the doc in our town had us do probably did damage or
burning to the nerves in her bladder. My wife was asking me if I thought
that was part of the reason for the shrinking and brittleness just
yesterday. I'm not smart enough to answer that confidently but it seems
reasonable to me that it could have at least contributed. I was quite
disappointed when we got the first bottle of the silver protein from the
pharmacy and the solution was brown and the bottle was warm to the touch.
Hopefully my CS has or is reversing any damage and that is why the pain is


>Jeff,  Is it possible that maybe... maybe... there is scarring in the
bladder?  although dmso is supposed to
>help with scars.  Or... maybe the bladder just isn't as flexible
(expandable) as it once was?  I am with your

>wife..lol.. just being able to live with some normalcy and being pain free
can be heavenly.  It will be very

>interesting to see how much healing has happened since your last doctor
visit.  I would love to see that

>doctor's face and what his response will be when he compares the before and




From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:40 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #223



CS>Update on Wife's Bladder

2015-11-12 Thread Jeff
Good suggestion PT. To tell the truth she really didn't like the hot tub
because she used a family owned one that is located elsewhere and it was a
hassle. The only reason she was doing it is because it would help with the
pain when nothing else would. We discovered this method while trying
anything we could think of that might help. But as I said in the previous
post she no longer has to use the hot tub and that is a big relief to her.
Makes life easier. 


Footnote: So far we have not had any infection, UTI, or adverse reaction of
any kind during this protocol. ( another blessing)



>This is wonderful news, Jeff.  One piece of information.  If you wife is
post-menopausal she might want to stay out of baths and hot >tubs.  As
tissues thin and lose tone it allows bacteria to infiltrate the urethra and
thus cause bladder infections.




From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:40 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #223



CS>Update on Wife's Bladder

2015-11-11 Thread Jeff
My wife and I thank you all for your encouragement and responses. I have
been documenting our journey just in case this worked so I could hopefully
help others. We still have a long way to go but there is no pain and the CS
I make does not hurt her in any way and never did from day one ( unlike the
silver protein the doc prescribed ) so we are hopeful for an eventual full


The reason I am upset about the being stuck at 4oz is that 4oz is only twice
as much as the doc could do before cracking and bleeding would start. I
think a healthy bladder will hold at least 16oz and we were wanting to be at
8oz or more by the time we go see the doc in Feb. We are excited about that
visit because we are going to request a cystoscopy and we want to hear there
is no evidence of lesions or hunners ulcers both of which she had and we
have pictures of. That being said, my wife has even told me that she is
happy if it just stays like it is.

CS>Update on Wife's Bladder

2015-11-11 Thread Jeff
Sorry it has taken so long to do this. I was given a lot of useful help and
suggestions from here and I wanted to update what we have been doing. As you
may remember, my wife has been suffering for almost 3 years with a bladder
problem ( that has never been really diagnosed because it doesn't fit
completely into any category ) that has caused her to be in almost constant
pain with flare ups of intense pain, frequency with flare ups of having to
go every 5 minutes, uncontrolled bladder function, bleeding, we were told
the inside of her bladder looked like hamburger meat, she has been on every
drug for bladder healing and every antibiotic and had 2 fulgurations after
which we were told the bladder would have to be removed. This was on 7-30 of
this year and confirmed the end of August at post op visit. After some
research and getting advice from the helpful folks here, this is what we


Starting on September 3 I began doing irrigations of CS ( made with silver
puppy and run on manual for tow hrs after light goes off. Not sure of the
ppm, maybe Ode can weigh in on that ) once a day. I would have preferred
more often but this is all we could manage. I won't go into a lot of details
on this because it would make for a very long post. 


We started with 30cc because that was all she could handle and she only held
it for 11 minutes.

After a few days she could hold it for 30 minutes which was our goal

She was also sitting in a hot tub for 15/20 minutes before the procedure to
help relax everything

We have had our share of failures due to different reasons but we got most
of the bugs worked out

I gradually increased the amount by 10cc a week and it was rough but she
fought hard to keep it for 30 min 

Also added 1200mg MSM capsules once a day after the first week

During the third week I started introducing some DMSO to the CS slowly
building up to 2ml

After 3 weeks she was out of the pain meds she was on and we decided not to
refill and see what happens

She had trouble sleeping for about a 4 days due to not taking one of the
meds but pain was bearable

She would experience involuntary spasms after stopping the muscle relaxer
that would push the CS out

And cause us to fail. I started her on D-Mannose and the spasms stopped.


That is pretty much our regiment now except we no longer use the hot tub

We don't do the procedure on the weekends

The pain reduced on a daily basis till last Friday when she told me she was
pain free

She has control of her bladder and has no more flare ups or frequency

She is on no medication at all for over a month

She can take 4oz of CS in her bladder and hold it for 30 minutes no problem
( up from 30cc )

I can't seem to break the 4oz barrier for some reason but we don't see the
doc till Feb

So we will keep plugging away. We are hoping to blow his socks off

Thanks again for all the help, hopefully more updates to come.


CS>RE:Bladder Problem like Interstitial cystitis

2015-09-03 Thread Jeff
Thanks Dee, 

I had actually looked into D-Mannose a while back. Perhaps it is a good time
to revisit that area again.


>Ive lost track of who posted so am tagging on here.  I just thought I'd
mention D-Mannose here as my sister uses this for recurring bladder
>infections.  I believe it is the active ingredient in cranberry
>Sent from my iPad



From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 12:16 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #192



CS>RE: vitamin A deficiency

2015-09-03 Thread Jeff
Thanks, this is one of the things we are going to talk to the doc about next


>My doctor ordered through SPECTRA-CELL 


> http://www.vitaminmineraltest.com/




From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 2:15 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #193



CS>RE: vitamin A deficiency

2015-09-02 Thread Jeff
>Thanks, PT, for this fascinating information of how bladders can have
chronic >bladder infections due to lack of Vitamin A. This all makes total
sense --- for years >I've suffered annoying on and off bladder infections -
especially with no-no >foods/drinks, stress, etc. I just found out this year
I have severe vitamin A >deficiency. Bladder infection has been reduced
dramatically but I couldn't figure >out why.  

>Thanks for demystifying this!





Hi Raven, How did you find out you have a vitamin deficiency?

From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:26 AM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #191



CS>RE:Bladder Problem like Interstitial cystitis

2015-09-02 Thread Jeff
>Jeff, I just remembered about a friend who had chronic bladder infections
and the doctors finally told her she would just have to learn to live with
>them.  She started researching nutrition and found that Vit A deficiency
will cause the bladder lining to become like a petri dish and bacteria will
just grow >uncontrolled.  She was too poor to purchase supplements but lived
in the country where violets grew wild.  The leaves she told me were the
highest natural >source of Vit A.  She started cooking them like spinach and
eating them in salads and before she knew it the bladder infections were

>I thought you might be interested so you could do some research.  I believe
at the time it was Adele Davis.


Thank you PT, I will look into this. Maybe we can find some kind of test to
detect vitamin/mineral deficiencies 


From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:26 AM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #191



CS>RE: Bladder Problem like Interstitial cystitis

2015-09-02 Thread Jeff
>Jeff.. my thoughts.  No on adding bentionite to the flush.. in my opinion.
I think CS is sufficient.  But yes .. to taking it in liquid form by mouth
on >empty stomach.. or an hour away from food or meds.
>I mix in large glass container and add one tsp of clay to each 8 oz of
water.  Let it sit on top until it drops ..then stir with wood of plastic ..
no metal >should touch it.
> I keep in fridge but not necessary..just tastes better... chug 3-4 oz 2x a
day .  It absorb over 600 diffeent toxins and pathogens.  If she doesn't
want to >drink it you can put clay in capsules and drink water.  I think it
is more powerful in liquid form.  You will be amazed.  I cured myself of
diverticulitis by >taking it 2x a day over a few months..and tests proved
it.  In my opinion the CS flush plus drinking it throughout day plus clay
2x.  Don't mix anything >with the clay...that detracts from its power.  
>I always run for the clay when I get sick with most anything.  I like the
Redmond Clay.  www.redmondclay.com  I have used others and this one seems
>more powerful...there is definitely a difference in the clays.Good

Thank you Patricia for the information, and thank you for the link


From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:26 AM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #191



CS>RE: Bladder Problem like Interstitial cystitis

2015-09-02 Thread Jeff
>I am not very knowledgeable about DMSO, except that it makes tissue
permeable to >many other molecules (maybe ionic silver, not so sure about
colloidal silver >particles) and the body metabolizes DMSO into MSM. That
was how MSM was discovered.


My CS is ionic, that's kind of what gave me the idea about adding the DMSO.
I did not realize it was metabolized into MSM. Neato


>The lining of the bladder normally has a protective lining that protects
the living >cells from constant contact with urine, just as your stomach and

>intestines have to protect themselves from digestive enzymes and acid.


That lining is the problem. It has been damaged and is not healing. When
urine come in contact with the exposed bladder wall that is what causes the
severe pain she experiences. I should also state that in the two years we
have been dealing with this she has never one time tested positive for a UTI
and she has had three biopsies and been tested for cancer all three times
and no cancer has ever been found. These are the biggest reasons I believe
this can be healed with the right regimen. I am getting a lot of really good
feedback from this forum and I thank everyone. Please continue. All
information is good information to me.


>Try to explain how more often irrigations are helpful with healing as well
as fighting >infection. If she thinks this procedure is a pain, remind her
that it is a walk in the >park, compared to living without a bladder.


We have been talking about and she is starting to come around. I think when
she sees results she will be more responsive. Right now she feels like she
is the guinea pig for her crazy mad scientist husband. J


>I am not aware of any specific benefit from bentonite in this situation.
I'm a little >worried that it provides lots of surface to gather up all the
silver. And the bladder >is not really equipped to handle sediment settling
on its surface.

I had the same concerns and also didn't think about it absorbing the silver.
Maybe I will try that orally to try and ease the stress on her immune system
if I use it. I think I will do MSM first. I am going to buy some today so we
can get started with that.


From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:26 AM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #191



CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2015 #190

2015-09-01 Thread Jeff
Thank you for your reply John. I was wondering if the MSM would do any good
adding it to the CS irrigation, or if it would do better with her taking it
by mouth. I was thinking to have her take it by mouth anyway and I think
1000 mg is a nice round number to use. As for the DMSO, that is something
that the doctors used to use when doing this and it seemed to be effective.
My thoughts are just using CS for a few treatments to kind of heal the
exposed areas of said hamburger and then adding small amount of DMSO so
there will be less or no irritation and the DMSO will allow the CS to travel
past what it has already done to the deeper problem. I would love to do two
treatments a day but she will not go for that. She hates the treatments and
I am lucky to get two a week, but I am going to press for more. I am in full
agreement with you that the more exposure to the CS the better. I keep
telling her that it is only working while it's touching the problem area.

Something I had forgotten about that I rediscovered by accident is
bentionite. I am also wondering if adding a pinch of bentonite to the CS
would be of any benefit. 


"Sorry, but I missed an ingredient in making salt water that is similar to
tears or blood plasma.  For each pint of water, you add a teaspoon of salt
and 1/3rd teaspoon of epsom salt.  These should be added after the silver
water is brewed."





John Popelish



From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 9:35 PM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #190



CS>Bladder Problem like Interstitial cystitis

2015-08-30 Thread Jeff
ying my CS now. We have already completed one treatment.
There was no pain or burning and she is amazed. 


This is where I am going to need some help, suggestions, advice. I don't
think the CS will get the job done on its own. After a few more treatments (
we are doing two treatments a week about three days apart for now with 40cc
CS ) I was thinking of starting to add a few drops of DMSO to the CS
thinking that may help the CS penetrate the bladder wall better. I was think
of starting with a couple of drops and the adding a drop or two until I
reach about six drops or it becomes uncomfortable for her whichever comes
first. I am also wondering if adding a little MSM would be helpful in any
way. Also I am thinking that I would like to try pulsing at the same time
and would like thoughts on that. This is a last ditch effort for us and we
would appreciate any and all help, suggestions, or experiences you would
care to share. Thank you for your time.


CS>Jumbled text in emails

2012-11-13 Thread Jeff L
Hello from Alaska!
I have difficulty reading your emails, the text is mixed up with a bunch of
symbols and text definitionswhat format do you use, and how can I fix
this?  Thank you,
Jeff Larsen

RE: CS>Wobenzym

2011-03-29 Thread Jeff Pascal
I've been using it for about a month,  It does seem to help.  I would
recommend Boswellia, if you want an nsaid alternative.  It works pretty





From: Pat [mailto:pattycake29...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 4:14 PM
To: silver list
Subject: CS>Wobenzym


Have any of you tried Wobenzym?  It is proteolytic enzymes.  I'd never heard
of it until today when I read a post by someone who said she couldn't afford
Celebrex, but this had helped her pain.  I'm trying to keep away from
Celebrex and Aleve, although they help so much for joint and tendon pain.  I
wonder if the Wobenzym enzymes are similar to Braggzyme or Serrapeptase
which I've used some (with no results to bragg about.)


Re: CS>"Trusted Activist Groups" try to Regulate SILVER as a pesticide

2011-01-18 Thread Jeff Maahs

I find this amazing. Not about Soros and his tentacles but rather colloidal 
silver being that big of a threat. 

Are there really that many people using it? Or do they realize it's a threat 
want to nip it now while they have friends in the administration?

Thank you so much for this information.


"If   people let the government decide what foods they eat and what 
medicines   they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a 
as are   the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~ Thomas Jefferson

From: Ode Coyote 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 5:34:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>"Trusted Activist Groups" try to Regulate SILVER as a  pesticide

  Tides Foundation pops up again.

Soros, ACORN, the stimulus bill, Obamacare..Gore, Clintons, Chicago Climate 
Exchange you name it webs of connections connected to connections 
"raking it in" and deflecting attention by pointing at Wall St, also raking 
it in.like rank amateurs.

"Trusted Activist Groups"  tools of manipulators.


At 07:36 PM 1/17/2011 -0700, you wrote:

>Sobering. Feel free to forward.


Re: CS>wifi?

2011-01-07 Thread Jeff Maahs
One co-worker used to place his cellphone under his computer monitor for 
convenience. Once in a while he'd hear a buzzing coming from the speakers built 
into the monitor.

Another co-worker kept his cellphone on top of his Zune while listening to 
music. Once in a while he'd get a little static through the earphones.

We surmised one day that as the phone communicates with the tower on a regular 
basis the interference was picked up. I've kept mine away from my body as much 
as possible since.


"If   people let the government decide what foods they eat and what 
medicines   they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a 
as are   the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~ Thomas Jefferson

From: Steve G 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, January 7, 2011 9:06:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>wifi?

I have no doubt that the noise is real.  However, I suspect that the wrong 
culprit may have been identified.  I'd like to throw out the possibility that 
the noise was not related to an electronic device or radio waves at all, but 
instead could be tinnitus.Mild case of it and only perceivable when things 
are ultra quiet.  And then when this person moves her head it disrupts the 
effect and the sound stops.

Or I could be all wet.


--- On Fri, 1/7/11, Kathy Tankersley  wrote:

>From: Kathy Tankersley 
>Subject: CS>wifi?
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Date: Friday, January 7, 2011, 5:22 PM
>This comes from a friend of mine,  any comment  anyone?  I'd appreciate any 
>input,  thanks,  Kathy.
>I got the email from the silver list that  said wireless iternet is harmful to 
>our health. At night I am hearing an  electronic noise that wakes me up, 
>between 4 and 6 am. It sounds sort of  like cell phone interference on a 
>a quick duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh  followed by a beep beep beep... that gets 
>louder and louder. The weird thing is,  that as soon as I lift my head from 
>pillow to locate the sound, it stops. It  has stopped like this every time I 
>tried to find it. I did hear it one night  before I went to bed, but it was 
>faint and I couldn't find a  location for the source of the sound before it 
>away. My husband can't hear  it. We do have internet service with wireless 
>capabilities, but we switched off  the wireless and only use the wired service 
>to our computers. We even unhooked  the main supply one night and I still 
>the sound. I wonder could it still  be the internet signal because of the 
>antenna on the house? Do you know of  anyone else with this experience? Any 


Re: CS>[List Owner] Thanks...

2010-12-24 Thread Jeff Maahs
While I lurk more than post you folks have been an inspiration to keep learning 
as well as a wealth of information.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas. 


"If   people let the government decide what foods they eat and what 
medicines   they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a 
as are   the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~ Thomas Jefferson

From: M. G. Devour 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, December 24, 2010 10:09:13 AM
Subject: CS>[List Owner] Thanks...

The tree is trimmed, the last present arrived with the smiling UPS guy, 
and strains of Mannheim Steamroller are wafting through the house with 
the smell of baking... 

Thank you for being in my life this past year, and past decade in the 
case of some of you! 

Above all, I wish the gift of healing and wellness to all.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]


Re: CS>quit smoking

2010-11-16 Thread Jeff Maahs

As a non-smoker (5 1/2 years now) I have to say one wont quit until they have a 
real reason to quit. Once you have that reason you wont need anything else. 

I was having some chest pains and decided that seeing my young daughters 
graduate high school was very important to me. I finished my pack, looked into 
the mirror and stated I was a non-smoker and haven't had one since.

I hope your friend finds their one reason and kicks the habit.

My 2 cents,

 "A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be 
Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." ~John Adams

From: Smitty 
To: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
Cc: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, November 16, 2010 2:43:54 PM
Subject: CS>quit smoking

I have a friend who wants to quit smoking
but procastinates.
Is there a supplement or herb that will help
a smoker quit ?
I know part of this is cleansing the body of toxins.



CS>Unsubscribe me

2010-02-01 Thread Davidson, Jeff
Please unsubscribe me from receiving further emails.


Thank You



Re: CS>Help me get my daughter and wife to take CS

2010-01-26 Thread Jeff Maahs
I explained to my family that cough syrup doesn't taste very good but it will 
do a job. They agreed. Silver (what we call CS in our house) may taste bad but 
it'll do the job also and better. They agreed to keep trying it.

Except for one week after Christmas we've been cold free this winter. Now if my 
daughters have a sore throat they will ask if they can have 
silver. They know the benefits.


From: Steve G 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 7:56:12 PM
Subject: CS>Help me get my daughter and wife to take CS

Here's my problem.  My daughter has the flu and my wife is coming down with a 

Neither one will drink the CS because they have drunk it before and hate the 
metallic taste.  i really don't notice much taste, it just seems a little flat 
to me, so no big deal for me.

My daughter tried mixing it with Gatorade once, but was really upset with me 
because I 'ruined' perfectly good Gatorade and it tasted gross.

Any suggestions on how to make it more palatable to finicky family members?


Re: CS>sniffing CS and loss of sense of smell

2010-01-14 Thread Jeff Maahs
I've been using Zicam rapidmelts for the past couple of years (not so much 
after finding out about CS this fall) and I've had no problem. Of course that's 
not the nasal version.

Snopes finding is "Undetermined."  http://www.snopes.com/medical/drugs/zicam.asp

Zicam is a big sponser of Rush Limbaugh and this could be politically motivated.



CS>OT Autism

2010-01-03 Thread Jeff Maahs
A friend of mine has a blog talk radio show and one of her subjects is Autism 
(the last one is here 
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/lorifinnila/2009/12/15/autism). I sent her a 
message with some of the information I've seen in some of your posts and she's 
interested to hear more. 

I'd like to pass any information, websites and product info along for her to 



Re: CS>OT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Jeff Maahs
Thank you all for the information. I'm starting to go through it now.

More information: What I mean is ability to focus. Usually I'll have trouble 
concentrating on something I'm reading, like
my screen at work while programming. Other times it might be a book or
long email.

I'm 48. Stopped smoking 5 years ago and gained weight. I've told the doctor 
maybe it's the crestor and he says its not enough blood to the brain cause I'm 
fat. (Yeah he tells it like it is so I stay with him.)

I've been taking Ginko (~120 mg/day) and Omega 3 along with some other 

From: "Norton, Steve" 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 5:50:32 PM
Subject: RE: CS>OT Mental Clarity

depends on what you mean by helping mental clarity. Is it mental tiredness or
something more like memory loss?


CS>OT Mental Clarity

2009-12-14 Thread Jeff Maahs

I was wondering if anyone had something that's worked for them in helping with 
mental clarity. Increasing it actually.



CS>OT Vitamin D

2009-11-09 Thread Jeff Maahs
Right after joining this group someone posted how important Vitamin D3 was to 
our health. My daily vitamin wasn't going to cut it during the flu season so 
following suggestions I ordered some for myself and smaller dosage for the 

I've been taking 2000IU daily for over 3 weeks. Today I got results from my 
physical blood test on Vit D and it was 25! The doctor called in a prescription 
for 50,000/week. 

Does Vit D take time to build up or was I simply not taking enough do you 

I also wanted to say thanks to those that had the Vit D discussion. I would not 
have thought to check otherwise.



Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-11-04 Thread Jeff Maahs
Thank you for your help.

The more I learn about this the more I think the Silver puppy is the way to go 
for consistent batches. I'll have to see if my wife will get me one for 
Christmas. :)


From: Ode Coyote 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, November 4, 2009 9:21:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

  Conductivity [uS] is conductivity, so 442, NaCl and KCl is irrelevant.
The uS conductivity number closely corresponds to the PPM number ..after the 
conductivity stops dropping...up to around 30 uSas derived by $$ Atomic 
Absorption Spectrophotometer tests $$ done on samples averaging 12 PPM @ 87% 
ionic as the middle of a range.
Little or no Tyndall Effect, [as seen in a laser beam] fudge the number down 
some...heavy dense TE fudge it up some, to compensate for the unreadable 

Beyond 30 uS water solubility limits create conditions where conductivity 
measuring is **pretty** much useless but can still offer some hints when taken 
before it drops.

Using constant current means a linear ion emission rate, so plotting 
conductivity rise over time at a given current, you can extend that line past 
30 uS where it starts going non linear with unreadable particle formation and 
predict PPM as uS that can't be read.
But a second uS drop back chart would make that a lot more accurate and that's 
probably not linear and would take many time stabilized batches to compile.

Some say that Faraday Equations correspond with conductivity measurements, but 
Faraday doesn't account for waste products...ie  "where" the silver is.
Obviously, not all of it stays in the water. [Yet another chart to average in? ]


In the REAL world where application is pure common sense intuition and no 
dosing recommendations make any sense at all because every person and every 
application is unique, "ballpark" is good enough.
It's nearly impossible to over do and the major difference is just water.
A particle too big to get out, never gets in and the sizes range all over the 
place in any given batch.  Your body has a great and intelligent filtration 
system if IT is working properly...and if it isn't, you'll likely be having 
some other much more serious problems than turning blue.

A Claymore mine and a sniper rifle do the same job when the scenery doesn't 

Do what works and if it doesn't, do it different till it does..and if it STILL 
doesn't, do something else as well. [Like, toss in some DMSO and eat a lot of 

When you forget that you need to, you are done. [Until something reminds you, 
if it does ]


At 06:17 PM 11/3/2009 -0800, you wrote:
> Just unpacked my brand spanking new COM-100. Many cool features that I know 
> nothing about. It's neat that the instructions actually mention CS.
> Can someone give me the short lesson?
> I'm thinking I want the mode at µS and 442. This is different than the ppm 
> that is talked about. Is there any conversions I have to do for say a 10 ppm 
> solution? Please help me understand.
> Thank you,
> Jeff
> From: Ode Coyote 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 4:48:39 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started
>   HM Digital makes a decent PPM meter [TDS3] ..but a PPM meter isn't what
> you want...they are designed to meter "salt water" and silver water isn't
> salt water.
> Looks like this one is on the low end of their line.
>   A PPM meter is useful for CS ...but not very.
>   Try an HM Digital EC3
> <http://cgi.ebay.com/HM-Digital-EC-3-Temp-Water-Conductivity-Tester-Meter_W0QQitemZ220494392013QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item33567d6acd>http://cgi.ebay.com/HM-Digital-EC-3-Temp-Water-Conductivity-Tester-Meter_W0QQitemZ220494392013QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item33567d6acd
> or COM-100
> Ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-11-03 Thread Jeff Maahs
Just unpacked my brand spanking new COM-100. Many cool features that I know 
nothing about. It's neat that the instructions actually mention CS.

Can someone give me the short lesson? 

I'm thinking I want the mode at µS and 442. This is different than the ppm that 
is talked about. Is there any conversions I have to do for say a 10 ppm 
solution? Please help me understand.

Thank you,

From: Ode Coyote 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 4:48:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

   HM Digital makes a decent PPM meter [TDS3] ..but a PPM meter isn't what 
you want...they are designed to meter "salt water" and silver water isn't 
salt water.
Looks like this one is on the low end of their line.
  A PPM meter is useful for CS ...but not very.

  Try an HM Digital EC3

or COM-100



Re: CS>Sore throat...

2009-10-30 Thread Jeff Maahs
I don't know if you are using something similar but to make it easier on myself 
and my family I bought one of these pump top nasal sprays. 


From: Lisa 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 3:01:22 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Sore throat...

I’ll keep spraying, gargling and attempt
to spray in my nose (not sure if that will go over well with me…haha).

Fitzpatrick [mailto:d...@deetroy.org] 
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009
10:31 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Sore throat...
In *all* cases of me and my family, plus friends who get CS from me,
they say that gargling with CS stops the sore throat.  Have you tried
spraying up your nose and also in your mouth?  This sometimes gets the
droplets (plus CS) into all the places.  You have to do it frequently
though.  Maybe adding DMSO would help?  dee
On 30 Oct 2009, at 12:12, Lisa wrote:

Hi All,
This is the 3rd day
of a sore throat (possibly the beginnings of strept). Can someone suggest
something so I can rid myself of it and/or at the very least not have the
I’ve done some gargling with CS (can’t determine if that’s
helped or maybe prevented it from getting worse).
Would love to hear from folks that have had something
similar and nipped it in the bud!
Thank you.


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-21 Thread Jeff Maahs
This is great info. After seeing the price at one web site I thought they were 
all very expensive.

Since I still have the packaging I'm going to return the one I bought and get 
one of the ones you mention.

Thank you all!


From: Ode Coyote 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 4:22:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

  $43.70 isn't too bad and maybe not a bad meter,  but you can do better.

Not sure what the measurement range is.  "EC" isn't a "unit of electrical 
conductivity" so far as I know so " 0- 20 EC " doesn't mean anything to me.
The spec should be in micro [uS] or milli -siemens [mS]  or, like, mS/CC of EC 
or uS/CC of EC

You would want a slightly higher range than 20 uS and better resolution than mS 
Since the PPM range is 20,000 PPM, that indicates that EC is in Milli Siemens 
or even Siemens

This one for $22.98 looks more suited..and it comes out of Florida vs Hong Kong.

   * LCD display: 4 digits
   * Measure Range: 0 ~ 1999 ¼s/cm
   * Resolution: 1 us/cm
   * Accuracy: ± 2% full scale
   * Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 50 °C (32 ~ 122 °F)
   * Power: 2 x CR2032 watch-type batteries included.
   * Item size: approx. 150 (L) x 27 (W) x 20 (D) mm (5.91' x 1.06' x 0.79' 
   * Item weight: approx. 46g with batteries installed.
   * Calibrated at factory
   * This listing does not include calibration fluid. 
 here for EC meter listings that do for a few dollars more.
   * Supplied with a mini-screw driver for calibration
   * Automatic temperature compensation
You can get a proven brand name EC meter [HM Digital] for $30, free shipping.


At 05:18 AM 10/20/2009 -0700, you wrote:
> It looks like EC meters are much less expensive than what I had seen 
> previously. One of the sites given to me earlier had a meter but it was well 
> over $100.
> I hate to be a pain but would  a meter such as this one on ebay 
> (<http://tinyurl.com/yzzzvbn>http://tinyurl.com/yzzzvbn) be appropriate for 
> these solutions?
> Jeff
> From: Ode Coyote 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 6:56:17 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started
>   You can use a voltmeter to tell when to stop, but only on a given setup
> that's always the same as referenced by an EC meter.
> Current, electrode spacing and surface exposure have to be constants for
> voltage to tell you anything.
>   In *making* CS, the voltage is nearly irrelevant, so it needn't be a
> constant.
>   A PPM meter is an EC meter that dilutes the info it gets to suit "salt
> water".
> Ode

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-20 Thread Jeff Maahs
I just got back after buying this one - http://tinyurl.com/ygwxnvh(ZeroWater 
Z-Tester TDS Meter). They didn't have the meter by itself but for $5 more I had 
to get their purifying jug that comes with the meter. Oh well.

I just measured my latest batch and it shows 9ppm so being a TDS meter it's 
about 20ppm?


From: Lisa 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 8:00:15 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Getting Started

I think I got that *same* one on ebay – so you’re
saying we double that number? (Coming out at about 12-14ppm it would be twice

From:Neville Munn
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
7:56 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Getting Started
I use several meters, EC, PPM etc and I got a couple
of ordinary ppm meters (for family) from over USA  way
for about 14 dollars each on ebay.  My comparison records to EC
meters etc are quite adequate, just double the reading on a ppm meter gets me
in the ballpark as a home producer, commercial solutions would probably need
more accurate testing equipment, but for the home producer they ' re fine, at 
least one isn ' t ' feeling their way around in the
dark ' , meters are a false sense of
security anyway without laboratory analysis, but what the heck, near enough

Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 16:15:20
From: jrf...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009
7:18:20 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started
It looks like EC meters are much
less expensive than what I had seen previously. One of the sites given to me
earlier had a meter but it was well over $100. 

I hate to be a pain but would  a meter such as this one on ebay 
(http://tinyurl.com/yzzzvbn) be appropriate
for these solutions?



To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009
6:56:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

  You can use a voltmeter to tell when to stop, but only on a given setup 
that ' s always the same as referenced
by an EC meter.
Current, electrode spacing and surface exposure have to be constants for 
voltage to tell you anything.
  In *making* CS, the voltage is nearly irrelevant, so it needn ' t be a 

  A PPM meter is an EC meter that dilutes the info it gets to suit



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Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-20 Thread Jeff Maahs
It looks like EC meters are much less expensive than what I had seen 
previously. One of the sites given to me earlier had a meter but it was well 
over $100. 

I hate to be a pain but would  a meter such as this one on ebay 
(http://tinyurl.com/yzzzvbn) be appropriate for these solutions?


From: Ode Coyote 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 6:56:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

   You can use a voltmeter to tell when to stop, but only on a given setup 
that's always the same as referenced by an EC meter.
Current, electrode spacing and surface exposure have to be constants for 
voltage to tell you anything.
  In *making* CS, the voltage is nearly irrelevant, so it needn't be a 

  A PPM meter is an EC meter that dilutes the info it gets to suit "salt 



Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-18 Thread Jeff Maahs
Suddenly might light went off. duh. Thanks. So now I'm circumventing that 
because I have the meter in the second set of holes in each leg of the lamp 

From: "cking...@nycap.rr.com" 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, October 18, 2009 4:57:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

The bulb's not supposed to light, except if you short the electrodes
together. It's just there to limit the current.


Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-18 Thread Jeff Maahs
I just checked and it's running 155mA. I'll go get a pot as suggested.

Does anyone know of a way to check ppm using voltage or conductivity somehow? 
As it is now I have no idea what my current batch would be.

I'm not getting any cloudiness this time. I wonder if I didn't rinse the glass 
enough with dw the first time.

From: Clayton Family 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, October 18, 2009 3:45:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

Sort of- it looks like your current may be on the high side, otherwise it would 
not be so much. It is normal- the water electrolyzes, the silver picks it up 
and it turns to the gunk you see. To control the amount of gunk, you can 
control the current  more. That you can do with a resistor, diode or 
potentiometer in series.

If you clip your wires to a multimeter set to measure milliamps, it should read 
zero when you start- that means there is no current flowing through the water 
to speak of. As the silver ions continue to  go into the water, the 
conductivity increases and the current flow increases along with that. I forget 
what the details are (read formula is), but less than 1 mA current is a good 
idea if your silver surface area is under a certain - yours looks close to 
mine, and 1mA is what I am using. Just looking to see what the current is gives 
you some clues.

I got a 75 ohm potentiometer at the surplus store  and put it in series to keep 
a lid on the current. Maybe it was a dollar.


On Oct 18, 2009, at 1:38 PM, Jeff Maahs wrote:

>I'm getting a buildup of gunk on one of the rods. I haven't seen this on any 
>of the videos or pictures. Is this normal?
>Here's an image if it helps: http://tinyurl.com/yfdskwb
>Thank you,


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-18 Thread Jeff Maahs

I'm getting a buildup of gunk on one of the rods. I haven't seen this on any of 
the videos or pictures. Is this normal?

Here's an image if it helps: http://tinyurl.com/yfdskwb

Thank you,


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-18 Thread Jeff Maahs

I used distilled water from a store.
They were about 3 inches apart and then ~1 inch when I moved them. I used a 
piece of plastic and  cut slots to hold them the inch apart. 
I turned off the light to shine the laser. 
I used a plan that calls for a light bulb in circuit but that never lit. 

I do have a multimeter I can use and would love to find out how. I'm using a 
pickle jar to make some more at the moment. 


From: Clayton Family 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, October 18, 2009 12:02:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started

Cloudy? What kind of water did you use?  How far apart were the electrodes at 
first, then how far apart when you moved them?  Did you use the laser in a dark 
room or was it well lit?  If you don't have a meter to check the conductivity 
of the water, do you have a multimeter to check the current flow and voltage? 



Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-18 Thread Jeff Maahs
Thank you Steve. I wonder what I read that said otherwise.

Dorothy is was just DW and Silver. Perhaps it was a high ppm? I have no way to 
judge that yet.


From: S&JY 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, October 17, 2009 11:41:34 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Getting Started

You don’t need to store your EIS/CS
in amber bottles.  Clear bottles are fine – light doesn’t
affect EIS/CS made with only distilled water and pure silver electrodes.
Steve Y.


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-17 Thread Jeff Maahs
 Finally made my first batch. The silver arrived today and I put together 4 9v 
batteries and started the process. Over an hour and nothing happened. So I 
moved the rods closer together and added a bit of the commercial CS we had 
bought. About 30 minutes later I looked and the solution was cloudy. Using a 
laser level I looked into the solution and could see the particles. No idea how 
concentrated it was though as I don't have a meter. I'd like to hear if there 
is a fairly good method.

 So we all rinsed our mouths and gargled as it had become a family event. I 
need to get some of the amber bottles and different tops now.

 We've had some interesting results with the commercial solution and my 
youngest's breathing at night. When we use the CS nose spray she doesn't snore 
or breath loudly. If we forget to have her spray we find out later from the 
snoring. She's been diagnosed with allergies but it happened so suddenly I'm 
not so convinced. It's been about 2 weeks with the CS spray so we'll continue 
and see what happens.

 ps - sorry Garnet


Re: CS>Getting Started

2009-10-01 Thread Jeff Maahs
Thank you Dan, Smitty and Garnet!

I've been going through the material. Looks like I'll start out by buying some 
(little pricey) and take it from there. 

Thanks again!

From: Dan Nave 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2009 10:48:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Getting Started


Here is something I came up with on how to use Colloidal Silver.  I
think the initial cautions are overstated, but unless you have
something like food poisoning it is probably better to start slowly.


How To Use Colloidal Silver

Do not drink directly out of the CS bottle, or add things directly to
the CS bottle!
Pour the CS into your mouth or another container.

If you have never used CS internally before, start slowly and increase
the dose over a period of time.

1.  Very few people are allergic to silver.  To test, place several
drops of CS  on your tongue.   Monitor for allergic reactions for up
to ½ hour.

2.  Place 1 tsp CS in your mouth.  Swish it around for 2 minutes, then
spit it out.  Start out with only one or two doses a day.
3.  Increase dose to 1 Tbs CS at a time.  Swish it in mouth for 2 to 5
minutes, then spit it out.   Later, if you want, you can swallow this.
Swallowing CS is most effective on an empty stomach.  You can repeat
every ½ hour as long as you are not experiencing a healing reaction.

CS is strong and effective if used properly.
CS is only effective while it is actually contacting bacteria, etc.
It doesn’t linger.
CS only acts for a short time in the body.  Therefore, divided doses
taken over a period of time make it more effective.

Preventative dose:  1 tsp to 1 Tbs taken once or twice a day.  Swish
in mouth for 2 minutes and then swallow or spit it out.

Colds:  Spray CS in eyes and nose.  Use as you would use a nasal
spray.  Most effective when used at first sign of a cold.  Repeat
treatment every ½ hour for best results.

Established Colds:  Spray in eyes and nose.  Swish 1 tsp to 1 Tbs in
mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute and swallow.  Repeat every ½ hour or
as often as you wish.

Sore Throat/Bronchitis:  Take as above for Established Colds.  Let the
CS trickle slowly down the throat over a period of time.  Spray CS
into the back of the mouth while breathing in.  Repeat every ½ hour.

Ears:  Fill ear canal with CS for 2 to 5 minutes.  Can mix with 3%
Hydrogen Peroxide at any ratio – try ½ CS and ½  Hydrogen Peroxide.
Some people recommend straight Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) or ½ CS and ½
Hydrogen Peroxide in the ear canals for colds.  Leave in until the
bubbling stops.

Eyes:  Spray or use drops in the eyes for colds or infections such as
Pinkeye.  Repeat several times.

Nose:  Remove the top from a saline or nasal spray bottle and dump out
the contents.  Rinse 3 times with distilled water or a little CS.
Fill half way with CS and use as a nasal spray.

Mouth:  Use 1 Tbs as you would a mouthwash (2 to 5 minutes) and then
spit out.  For more severe gum problems you can add either an equal
amount of  3% Hydrogen Peroxide to the CS, or 2 parts DMSO to 8 parts
CS.  (Don’t add Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO to the same mix.)  Both
Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO taste horrible, but the results can be
worth it.  Do not swallow.

Cuts or infections:  Saturate clean gauze, cotton, or cloth with CS.
Place this over the wound for as long as necessary.  Keep wet with CS.
Change as necessary.  Hydrogen Peroxide will help CS penetrate mucus,
etc.  Ten to 20 % DMSO will help it absorb into the skin for deeper
penetration.  It is possible to heal the surface of a wound and still
leave infection underneath for deep wounds.  Make sure it penetrates.
Use CS orally too.

Burns:  Silver is used to treat severe burns.  Treat as for Cuts or
Infections above.  Seek medical attention if badly burned.

Food Poisoning:  Drink ½ to 1 cup of CS in one dose.  Repeat if necessary.

Maximum Dose:  Many people have taken 1 pint to 1 quart of 5 to 20 ppm
CS daily without problems.  There is no concern with taking ¼ cup (4
Tbs) for long periods of time, or up to ½ cup (8 Tbs) for shorter

Note: Colloidal Silver (CS) as used here refers to 5 to 20 ppm silver
ions and particles liberated by electricity in pure distilled water
without salt or other additives.  Very good and inexpensive CS can be
made at home.  Stay away from commercial silver products with very
high ppms and those made with silver compounds or silver proteins.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Jeff Maahs  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to start out with CS. It would be mainly for myself but perhaps
> also for my young kids at some point.
> Is there a standard email that can be posted with some advice for beginners?
> If I buy some is there a better manufacturer?
> Is there a standard ppm to use?
> Dosage amounts for everyday versus when you have come down with something?
> Is there a guide for making it yourself?
> Thanks!
> Jeff


CS>Getting Started

2009-09-30 Thread Jeff Maahs

I would like to start out with CS. It would be mainly for myself but perhaps 
also for my young kids at some point.

Is there a standard email that can be posted with some advice for beginners? 

If I buy some is there a better manufacturer? 
Is there a standard ppm to use? 
Dosage amounts for everyday versus when you have come down with something?

Is there a guide for making it yourself? 



Re: CS>Carb Blocker

2009-09-24 Thread Jeff Maahs
Hi, new to the list. As someone with Type II diabetes and lately high level of 
uric acid I find this interesting. 

Do you know if this is available as a powder or supplement? 


From: Melly Bag 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:01:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Carb Blocker

The ripe skin of phaseolus vulgaris is boiled as a tea and  filtered,then put  
in the fridge overnight, and then filtered again in the morning and drank three 
times a day, following a sugar restricted diet also no carbs.  After a few 
months the patient is cured of diabetes.  It also cures other diseases. There 
is an Ellingwood website that contains this cure from the 1900s.



CS>Collodial Silver and Dry Eye Disease

2009-04-30 Thread Davidson, Jeff


I am New to this silver - list.


I have a Grandson that is 8 years old and he has had a Very Severe Case
of Dry Eye Disease and they 


Say that he will go Blind and that they have done all they can do for
him in the City I am in.


I was wondering if Collodial Silver might be safe to spray or put in his
eyes and if it might help him


Or even cure his Dry Eye Disease.


If anyone has experience using Collodial Silver on Dry Eye Disease I
would appreciate a shout back.


Thank You



Re: CS>CS for Chronic Fatigue

2008-07-31 Thread Jeff Shepler

  Must have been, thanks for the link!


Nope, not in this one. Maybe you looked at a different product.


On Jul 28, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Jeff Shepler wrote:

I looked it up and it has hydrogenated vegetable oil in it, which 
tells me the makers don't have a clue. Why would they put HVO in a 
vitamin, I don't know.

A note about chronic fatgiue: I found a new multi vitamin by Veg 
Life, called MultiVeg Energy formula, and it is really amazing. 
There is some combo in it that works really well. I think I am 
finally getting this living thing down- fresh air, sunshine, 
exercise, raw whole foods, CS for what ails me. Still gotta have my 
cup of Joe, though.   I love summer.


I've battled Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 8 1/2 years.  I had a 
remission that lasted a year (and thought a was "cured") but for 
the past week it has been back as strong as ever.  I can't figure 
out why it came back (or exactly why it went away for that 
matter).  I eat very well, am off of sugar, caffein, and wheat.

   I wonder what "I eat very well means". It would be interesting 
and reveling to know a typical days dietairy intake.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS for Chronic Fatigue

2008-07-28 Thread Jeff Shepler
I looked it up and it has hydrogenated vegetable oil in it, which 
tells me the makers don't have a clue. Why would they put HVO in a 
vitamin, I don't know.
A note about chronic fatgiue: I found a new multi vitamin by Veg Life, 
called MultiVeg Energy formula, and it is really amazing. There is 
some combo in it that works really well. I think I am finally getting 
this living thing down- fresh air, sunshine, exercise, raw whole 
foods, CS for what ails me. Still gotta have my cup of Joe, though.   
I love summer.


I've battled Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 8 1/2 years.  I had a 
remission that lasted a year (and thought a was "cured") but for the 
past week it has been back as strong as ever.  I can't figure out why 
it came back (or exactly why it went away for that matter).  I eat 
very well, am off of sugar, caffein, and wheat.

   I wonder what "I eat very well means". It would be interesting and 
reveling to know a typical days dietairy intake. 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Why Worry about Cholesterol ?

2008-07-24 Thread Jeff Shepler

Ho Hum

Lots of good reading at that site, thanks Wayne...

- Original Message -
*From:* Wayne Fugitt 
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com 
*Sent:* Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:53 PM
*Subject:* CS>Why Worry about Cholesterol ?

Evening Dee,

Interesting message.

>> At 02:27 PM 7/24/2008, you wrote:

Cholesterol hype is just another myth perpetuated to make money
for drug companies. 

  Yes, one of a million or two.

 Our bodies produce cholesterol to repair itself and we need more
of it as we get older, not less. 

  Sounds like you believe some of the myth.

 It is far more sensible to find out *why* we are producing more
cholesterol and to address the cause, sooner than lowering the
cholesterol with toxic drugs.  Dee 

  Now how in the world would you or anyone know, what is "Too Much" ?

  I fear you are back in the park with the mainstream theory and
the people.

  One of the toughest and healthiest people I have known, has a
count of 400 and has all his life.

  All my few healthy friend have a HDL about like mine.

  The sickest people I know have the highest HDL count.  Now
explain that  !

  I guess it is possible to believe some of the theory, but not
all of it.

  So, .. another of my favorite questions, ..

   "What else does the main stream say that you believe"?

  I believe that cholesterol is a nutrient, ( compound, hormone,
chelate, or whatever you want to call it ).  It is used by every
cell of the body.

  Cholesterol has a melting point.   One scientist, many years
ago, stated that..

  In the presence of lecithin, the melting point is below body
temperature.  In the absence of lecithin, it is higher than body

  Also, babies die that never breathe a single breath. They have
no lecithin in the lung tissue.
  The same is true with people that have Emphysema.

  Supposedly we can make lecithin.  I think some can and some
can't, depending on many things I have stated before.

 Nevertheless, I have taken lecithin off and on over the years. 

This site will tell you more than you ever wanted to know.  Take a
This site is devoted to exposing medical mis-information.

*Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information
Point ... *

/UK/ based website of researcher and author, /Barry Groves/,
offering online nutritional information, who also exposes dietary
and medical misinformation and *...


I have communicated a lot with Barry Groves long ago. He used to
come to the USA often but I never got to meet him.




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Re: CS>Silver resistant bacteria, Silver Rich Soils

2008-07-24 Thread Jeff Shepler
I find quite often , when studying biotheory that there is no language 
that expresses the symbolism needed. Analogies  fail to describe the 
simplicity of it all. It's like economics, analogies a la grande, but of 
course analogies manifest paradigm.
  Simplicity rules, silver has the ambiance to control the 
pleo/polymorphism ,of micro/macro expansionism, that has plenty of room 
in infinity...

At 11:04 AM 7/23/2008 -0400, you wrote:

Ode Coyote wrote:

Silver has no known role as a nutrient which is what makes it 
virtually nontoxic at any dose, thank goodness.

It keeps the wolves away from the sheep, but serves no
purpose for the sheep  in the absence of wolves.


##  How is triggering or stimulating a natural function "nutrition"?
 A nutrient would be a "building block" or something that feeds 
something that has been built to contribute energy to it?
It's more likely that stems cell production is increased rather than 
any cells reverting anyhow.

 Something has to 'fill' the voids to heal an abrasion...don't think 
existing cells do that after they've been rubbed away, nor would I 
think existing cells would migrate, reverted or not.
 Looking at it another way:  Is there any silver in a stem cell where 
that stem cell wouldn't be a stem cell were the silver not there??
 Gets a bit ticklish there, like the difference between a baby born 
that's raised by momma, influenced to behave like that momma and one 
that's an orphan at birth looking for a momma to raise it and copy.  
Does something "revert" or is it lack of family ties imprint, going 
 It seems unlikely that grandpa puts on diapers and moves out of down 
town to repopulate the burbs.

..no question it does "something good", but a bandaid isn't a nutrient 
 Maybe silver gets something out of the way, so stem cells can play 
better "hookup". [like a  50 in a pimps hand bribing the cop on the 
corner.impeding a prevention of a whore moan? ]
ummm, floozie cells with no "significant other" and a silver 
membership in a dating service?

 Will micro-electrical current stimulation do the same thing?  Heals 
up broken bones pretty fast.
 Maybe silver works like a traffic cop with a map and a whistle, but 
that's not a car in the traffic or anyone in a car...he's in the 
traffic but is not, the, traffic...never contacts a car.
 Definitely a process enhancer, but probably not part of "the" 
process... like a director isn't *in* a play with any part in the plot 
and that guy waving sticks around doesn't make the music... the actor 
is still the same actor with the same part and the notes played by the 
trumpet are still the same notes on the same sheet of paper.

 Architects don't build buildings.  A pencil never laid any bricks or 
peened any rivits.


You are only considering the pathogen killing ability of silver.  
What about the ability to make it so that injured (or blood) cells 
can revert back to stem cells and redifferentiate, and allow healing 
without scarring? It certainly serves that purpose, especially when 
used topically on abrasions, and burns.


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Re: CS>Silver resistant bacteria, Silver Rich Soils

2008-07-23 Thread Jeff Shepler

  Experts are known to make the biggest mistakes
Again, I think you are saying the experts have never made a mistake.



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Re: CS>Plant derived minerals, What other kind ?

2008-06-10 Thread Jeff Shepler

 Yep, the body uses plant derived minerals 

Not many, if any, chemists believe in Biological Transmutation. 

I get a kick our of the organic people. 

A molecule of nitrogen,  ( the kind a plant can eat ) is the same no
matter if another plant made it, 
man made it, or the soil and enzymes made it. No plant will eat  NH4,
they eat only NO3. 

Most chemists would agree with me.  I agree they may be chelated  and
in different forms, at times. 

But some forms, the plants will not eat.  They must be changed, (
chelated ) by soil and enzymes, 
unless MAN made them right the first time. 

I wasn't referring to biological transmutation.
The pithy put-down that says the plant doesn't know the difference
between nitrogen forms rates attention only as a curious form of
kindergarten nonsense.. 80% of the air is nitrogen all of it unusable
by green plants, it has to be combined with other elements to make
ammonium and nitrate compounds before it can be incorporated into
proteins. Microbes make the natural nitrogen cycle work, most notably
Rhizobium, which exists in a symbiotic  partnership  with plants/roots.
Nitrogen isn't alone in requiring the help of microbes before it can be
made fit for plant use. Just as nitrogen must first be converted to
nitrate, phosphorus must be converted to phosphate, sulfur to sulphate,
chlorine to chloride, boron to borate, and molybdenum to molybdate, and
so on. So you don't really feed the plants, you are actually feeding
the microbes. The plants food is predigested and only gets what the
microbes give it. 

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Re: CS>Plant derived minerals, What other kind ?

2008-06-09 Thread Jeff Shepler

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

   Yep, the body uses plant derived minerals

Not many, if any, chemists believe in Biological Transmutation.
I get a kick our of the organic people.
A molecule of nitrogen,  ( the kind a plant can eat ) is the same no
matter if another plant made it,
man made it, or the soil and enzymes made it. No plant will eat  NH4,
they eat only NO3.
Most chemists would agree with me.  I agree they may be chelated  and
in different forms, at times.
But some forms, the plants will not eat.  They must be changed, (
chelated ) by soil and enzymes,
unless MAN made them right the first time.

I wasn't referring to biological transmutation.

The pithy put-down that says the plant doesn't know the difference
between nitrogen forms rates attention only as a curious form of
kindergarten nonsense.. 80% of the air is nitrogen all of it unusable
by green plants, it has to be combined with other elements to make
ammonium and nitrate compounds before it can be incorporated into
proteins. Microbes make the natural nitrogen cycle work, most notably
Rhizobium, which exists in a symbiotic  partnership  with plants/roots.
Nitrogen isn't alone in requiring the help of microbes before it can be
made fit for plant use. Just as nitrogen must first be converted to
nitrate, phosphorus must be converted to phosphate, sulfur to sulphate,
chlorine to chloride, boron to borate, and molybdenum to molybdate, and
so on. So you don't really feed the plants, you are actually feeding
the microbes. The plants food is predigested and only gets what the
microbes give it. 


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Re: QUESTION = CS>Water can make some Sick, Some it Don't

2008-06-05 Thread Jeff Shepler

   Yep, the body uses plant derived minerals and also the ionic forms
in water...kelp is an excellent source , for iodine, too. If not we
could eat dirt, most commercial mineral supplements are the wrong form.
I mix Azomite in h2o , comes in 50lb bag...cheap
I think sol means we require more of those minerals than
we can get just from the salt.  There have been many discussions about
mineral supplementation here before.
On Jun 5, 2008, at 10:58 AM, Jeff Shepler wrote:
      Yes and those trace minerals are so
important for health...


Sea salts are mostly sodium chloride, I've
seen analyses of over 85% to 98%.
 Those trace minerals in sea salt really are traces.
treblcl...@aol.com wrote:

 Where is the chlorine coming from if you use unprocessed sea salt? 
And where is the sodium chloride coming from?  Thanks in advance for
your response.  I'm really curious, that's all.




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Re: QUESTION = CS>Water can make some Sick, Some it Don't

2008-06-05 Thread Jeff Shepler

   Yes and those trace minerals are so important for health...
salts are mostly sodium chloride, I've seen analyses of over 85% to
Those trace minerals in sea salt really are traces.
treblcl...@aol.com wrote:

Where is the chlorine coming from if you use unprocessed sea salt?  And
where is the sodium chloride coming from?  Thanks in advance for your
response.  I'm really curious, that's all.



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Re: CS>Water can make some Sick, Some it Don't

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

 I got rid of a bunch of stomach problems by increasing my salt
intake (unprocessed sea salt). Seems the body needs the chlorine from
the sodium chloride to make hydrochloric acid. No more acid reflux,
ulcer, and I can eat tomatoes and drink beer again!
think it is strong stomach acid, LOL. I have read that theoretically at
least, stomach acid should kill ALL ingested bacteria. Mine apparently
doens't, but for those times I have CS.
Dee wrote:
  I suppose the answer is, if you have a strong
immune system then it should be able to take care of anything thrown at
it.  Dee


/---Original Message---/



  Final note,.. a few years back me, my son, and two of his

friends were building a dam on

a creek.  The water was crystal clear.  We all drink some.  The other

got sick but me and my son did not.


Recently my son and two of his friends ate someplace.   They got food

poisoning but my son did not.


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Re: CS>Theory, The Mind, and Understanding

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

:   Yea, the 11th dimension and parallel universe, right too complex
Expansion Theory is so simple, well kinda. Right lol the earth blows..

On Jun 4, 2008, at 5:54 PM, Jeff Shepler wrote:
 I'm now toying with the idea that time doesn't exist, except
in our minds. "That it is a useful abstraction that we superimpose upon
our observations for the purpose of organization and convenience" Mark
McCutcheon  "The Final Theory, Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy"  

have you thought about syncronisity, or that all time exists
simultaneously, Simo-Time my other half calls it.  it goes into some
crazy ideas about alternate universes and wow, can't quite go there
right now.
  And he uniquely describes gravity as a result
of Expansion Theory, which removes most of the mystery . Basically all
atomic and sub-atomic particles are expanding VERY rapidly. So the
universe including the earth are expanding so fast that the simple
mechanical theory of inertia holds us on the surface. So there really
is no gravity , just a constant upward/outward movement. This is why
gravity stumps everyone by the way it seemingly attracts all things. 
Like an elevator going up.  You throw a ball up, it doesn't come down,
the earth has just expanded up to the ball! You can't see it because
everything is expanding at the same rate. I still haven't finished the
book, there is so much to absorb. But it's blown away many folk that
have read it.  I hope it is the final theory and my journey has lead me
to it. Another simply amazing theory is the electric universe,
Thunderbolts of the Gods etc. I really don't think it will be long
before many textbooks will have to be rewritten. These two concepts
just take all the wind out of the old thinking.


so gravity doesn't really suck, the earth blows?
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Re: CS>Theory, The Mind, and Understanding

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

Evening Shep,
I liked your message and agree with it, Even about Einstein.
You seem to see the world a bit like I do and you understand it as well
as anyone.
  Take electricity for example (and why not
since every thing is energy)  we use it daily for all types of
applications, but we still don't really know what it is. Which way does
it flow, + to - or - to +? You have the supposedly electron flow, but
then you have that nagging hole flow theory! I really liked the time
explanation! It really could be that simple, lol...

   Yes, I have wondered which is right.   Both I guess.
My summary and point of view is simple.  You might even agree.
Most of us understand things enough to satisfy our mind.
    My mind is not satisfied yet, I know that for sure.
  Once we decide that, we can go on to greater things.
Whether right or wrong, my understanding has served me many years and
allowed me to accomplish virtually all my goals.

  Ditto, but I don't have my sailboatyet.

When the cotton picking stuff works, something must be right.
Of course two people could talk about much of this for Years.
Again, thanks for your ideas and views.
Time, Space, and Force,  Three important elements 
    I'm now toying with the idea that time doesn't exist, except in
our minds. "That it is a useful abstraction that we superimpose upon
our observations for the purpose of organization and convenience" Mark
McCutcheon  "The Final Theory, Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy"   And
he uniquely describes gravity as a result of Expansion Theory, which
removes most of the mystery . Basically all atomic and sub-atomic
particles are expanding VERY rapidly. So the universe including the
earth are expanding so fast that the simple mechanical theory of
inertia holds us on the surface. So there really is no gravity , just a
constant upward/outward movement. This is why gravity stumps everyone
by the way it seemingly attracts all things.  Like an elevator going
up.  You throw a ball up, it doesn't come down, the earth has just
expanded up to the ball! You can't see it because everything is
expanding at the same rate. I still haven't finished the book, there is
so much to absorb. But it's blown away many folk that have read it.  I
hope it is the final theory and my journey has lead me to it. Another
simply amazing theory is the electric universe, Thunderbolts of the
Gods etc. I really don't think it will be long before many textbooks
will have to be rewritten. These two concepts just take all the wind
out of the old thinking.


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Re: CS>Water memory and magnetize?

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

and what background do you have that leads you to such ideas?
    Such ideas? How many degrees does one need to understand simplicity?
 are you an anti science person, like many people I have
met? sounds like you knpow some science, though, so maybe that's not

   Wouldn't one have to know something about science to be

if we understood them, what would be the point of studying them? 
  Well, there would always be new ways to utilize awareness.
I don't really know too many really smart people that
think they know what reality is, anyway. Just approximations of it,
based on some framework that can change according to new info.

    Same opinion I used just different words.

  Take electricity for example (and why not
since every thing is energy)  we use it daily for all types of
applications, but we still don't really know what it is. Which way does
it flow, + to - or - to +? You have the supposedly electron flow, but
then you have that nagging hole flow theory! I really liked the time
explanation! It really could be that simple, lol...


Marshall gave you some good answers,
thanks, Marshall.  I remember doing the equasions years ago, but do not
remember the specifics.

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Re: CS>Silver Puppy Question

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

    Thanks ...My Silver Puppy has the polarity switching built in. Now
I know why! It is reassuring to know they are solid also. I wiped them
with a paper towel and am not worried about wiping too hard and
possibly taking off a thin layer.

  Hey Shep,
  They are solid silver wires
and last until they are near nothin.  I swap my positive and negative
wires with each batch so that my wires wear evenly.  
  Hope that helps!
  Ruth B.

  Jeff Shepler 
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:30 AM
Re: CS>Silver Puppy Question
      Thanks, so I don't have to worry about wiping off the
silver plating? Do the wires have to be replaced every so often, or are
they solid and will last until very thin?


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Re: CS>Water memory and magnetize?

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

   Good is a concept. He is using flawed models of reality. Einstein
was an egotistical quack (not just my opinion). But what about atomic
energy, you may think. It all goes to show that the forces of nature
can still be harnessed  even without fully understanding them. Take
electricity for example (and why not since every thing is energy)  we
use it daily for all types of applications, but we still don't really
know what it is. Which way does it flow, + to - or - to +? You have the
supposedly electron flow, but then you have that nagging hole flow
theory! I really liked the time explanation! It really could be that
simple, lol...
Marshall gave you some good answers, thanks, Marshall.  I
remember doing the equasions years ago, but do not remember the
On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Jeff Shepler wrote:
      As if David or anyone has any idea what
reality is. Please explain gravity if you're the master of reality,or
why a refrigerator magnet can cling endlessly without any power source.
Why does light slow down when it enters water only to speed up upon
exiting? Don't these examples go against the theory of quantum
mechanics? While your at it please explain time for us? Has any of us
ever seen an atom? If I used the same logic for CS I'd be a smurf...by
now, well supposedly...


  Thanks! For injecting some reality into this discussion.
da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote:
  healthiest and most economical to make distilled,add ionic  minerals,
erase the memory and magnetize

 That's what I would do if I had the equipment. However, I would ... 
erase the memory, magnetize,..


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Re: CS>Water memory and magnetize?

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

 A fundamental reason all these fields cross over is because we
live in an electric universe. Physics boils down to electrical theory .
Chemistry boils down to electrical theory. Why wouldn't so called
biochemistry? Electromedicine is not a recent phenomenon,  but it is
suppressed.  Drugs are complex electrochemical substances. It's all
   Even feelings. David wasn't being disrespectful, as much as, just
being closed minded. When you look out of the box, you see a lonely

I did not read the cited website, but I do know for a fact that
chemists have to know alot about physics. I know several people that
double majored in phys and chem, because there was so much crossover. 
When you throw in biological systems, it changes everything, and
biochemistry is it's own field imho. And then Electromedicine, that is
so new it seems experimental to me.
I guess I am used to being mocked, because I did not feel like David
was too far out of line. I do not think he meant to hurt your feelings,
though, just that he felt strongly about the topic.
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Re: CS>Water memory and magnetize?

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

     As if David or anyone has any idea what
reality is. Please explain gravity if you're the master of reality,

It is a macro version of the casimir force, a direct result of the ZPE

 The effects of quantum theory are not evident on the macroscopic

  or why a refrigerator magnet can cling
endlessly without any power source.

It does have a power source, it draws its power from the ZPE, same
reason that electrons don't spiral down into their nuclei.
  Since most of Einsteins' theories  have been plagiarized and
equations found lacking , how can ZPE be credible? If the law of
conservation is correct the magnet should diminish over time?

  Why does light slow down when it enters water
only to speed up upon exiting? 
Because the speed of light is set by the electric field's permitivity
and magnetic fields permability, which are higher for water than a
vacuum. This comes out  of the equations which are derived from the
action of the ZPE field.

 But it takes energy to speed it up

  Don't these examples go against the theory of
quantum mechanics?

   Whoops , I meant the law of conservation of energy

Not at all.  In fact quantum mechanics and their experiments have
established the reality of the ZPE.

    There's that reality word again...

  While your at it please explain time for us? 
Keeps everything from happening all at once.

  LOL, I agree!

  Has any of us ever seen an atom? 
An atom is smaller than the wavelength of light, and thus cannot be
imaged via light. It can however be "seen" using a scanning tunneling
microscope, which uses the tunneling phenomenon caused by the ZPE to
display atoms. I have seen these.

 At this scale isn't it possible to imagine it into existence?
  If I used the same logic for CS I'd be a
smurf...by now, well supposedly...


 Thanks! For injecting some reality into this discussion.
da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote:
 healthiest and most economical to make distilled,add ionic  minerals,
erase the memory and magnetize

That's what I would do if I had the equipment. However, I would ... 
erase the memory, magnetize,..

Sorry but I think this is just total nonsense.  Don't fall for this
fantasy or waste your time worrying that your water is somehow
'inferior' or is 'dead'. There is absolutely no credible proof that
water can be magnetized or has a memory.

Google 'magnetised water myths' or 'scams' or 'hoaxes' and you'll find
plenty of perfectly reasonable explanations about this junk science.


Water is either pure or impure. If its unpleasent or has gone 'off'
then thats simply because its got impurities or bacteria in it, not
because its lost its 'energy' or some other bogus characteristic.

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Re: CS>Water memory and magnetize?

2008-06-04 Thread Jeff Shepler

   As if David or anyone has any idea what reality is. Please explain
gravity if you're the master of reality,or why a refrigerator magnet
can cling endlessly without any power source. Why does light slow down
when it enters water only to speed up upon exiting? Don't these
examples go against the theory of quantum mechanics? While your at it
please explain time for us? Has any of us ever seen an atom? If I used
the same logic for CS I'd be a smurf...by now, well supposedly...
 Thanks! For injecting some reality into this discussion.
da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote:
 healthiest and most economical to make distilled,add ionic  minerals,
erase the memory and magnetize

That's what I would do if I had the equipment. However, I would ... 
erase the memory, magnetize,..

Sorry but I think this is just total nonsense.  Don't fall for this
fantasy or waste your time worrying that your water is somehow
'inferior' or is 'dead'. There is absolutely no credible proof that
water can be magnetized or has a memory.

Google 'magnetised water myths' or 'scams' or 'hoaxes' and you'll find
plenty of perfectly reasonable explanations about this junk science.


Water is either pure or impure. If its unpleasent or has gone 'off'
then thats simply because its got impurities or bacteria in it, not
because its lost its 'energy' or some other bogus characteristic.

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Re: CS>Re: distilled water harmful / PLEOMORPHISM

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

   Thanks again Nenah, 
I'll be visiting your web site soon, and the Willard Water sight among
others I found linked to in your book. I keep finding we truly are what
we eat, and bacterium are actually our friends if fed right. Europe
sigh, sometimes I wish my ancestors never left. I was over in 1994 and
was simply blown away by the architecture alone. I remember not seeing
one house trailer, no vinyl siding or asphalt shingles, etc. that is so
common but repugnant  here. I also was aware that Europeans just looked
so much healthier and fit. When I landed back here the airport was
loaded with unhealthy appearing obese humans...Europe is my place to
daydream to.

  Hi Shep.
  Thanks for mentioning me, and I'm glad you are finding my book
so useful  ;-)  Periodically I see discussions on "distilled water --
yes or no?", I tell people to read the chapter excerpt on my website,
and then I see the same issue discussed yet again. So it's nice that
someone else is picking up the ball.
  You mention pleomorphism, the ability of microbes to change from
one form to another. In Europe, pleomorphism is no big deal. In Germany
alone, there are SIX books on it!
  If you have a hard time wrapping your mind around the idea of
pleomorphism, try this: healthful foods full of enzymes and other
nutrients improve cell function and actually help repair DNA. Sugar and
junk foods clog the system and degrade DNA. Similarly, microbes change
according to what they feed on. They degrade (and become more virulent)
when given crap to eat. Does this help any?
  Your low tech solution to reviving water (as mentioned in my
chapter excerpt) is perfect. There may be a time when power outages are
common, and we cannot rely on electricity. Shaking and sunlight are
  By the way, I always add Willard Water (which contains alkaline
minerals) to my colloidal silver solution after it's made. This way,
the fluid becomes alkaline. The silver remains in solution and works
the way it should. But I feel better knowing that the solution is
alkaline rather than acidic. At its highest pH reading, my freshly made
distilled water has registered 6.8, on account of the carbonic acid
content. It amazes me still how volatile distilled water can be. (This
is why the Natural Immunogenics people, when they make CS, cover their
distilled water tanks with a layer of argon gas. They don't want to
have carbonic acid in the final CS solution.)
  Nenah Sylver, PhD
  * author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
* author, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
   and wholesale prices for
* Transfer Factor - superior immune support
* VIBE - raw fruit & vegetable total nutrition concentrate
Original Message - 
Jeff Shepler 
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:05 AM
Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs

Wow, Hi Nenah,
   Sorry I didn't credit you when posting on this. You could probably
tell! But when I googled (DW minerals) it I came across your article on
water which I used, since you are most credible in mine eyes. I relish
your "The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing". Although I still haven't
read it all, and have been using it for finding and cross referencing
frequencies for my EMEM, mostly. As I take it off the shelf again I
realize what a valuable resource guide it is, and I am going to dive in
again. I have a hard time trying to comprehend pleomorphism and energy
healing ( and who isn't) since it's diametrically opposed to the germ
theory manufactured thoughts implanted into our heads. But I know it's
real and am actually used to contrary thinking. Conventional thinking
in almost every aspect of reality is on thin ice. Thank you for your
guidance, as I read on, and your wisdom and compassion! Is there a way
to make a good water, low tech, and without too much equipment. I was
reading about putting h2o in a glass jug and shaking it , then leaving
it out in the sun for a while and then adding the minerals?

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Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

All water will do that. Not just distilled water.
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Re: CS>Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

 In Dr Wilson's article "the Dangers of Toxic Metals" He states not
to fear toxic metals ( and other low level toxic substances?) the body
won't use them if the superior and correct minerals are available. So
maybe if you live a healthy lifestyle and have adequate minerals the
bad ones pass through?



I don't
have any trouble accessing his site and indeed, I find some really
helpful stuff on it including the link which was posted.  It makes a
lot of sense what he says and I'm sure he has done a lot of research
into the subject.  It also makes sense to me in that nature would not
provide distilled water.  However, neither would it provide fluoride as
in tap water so I don't know what the best advice to people would be. 
Personally, I just drink tap water and am a very healthy person with no
obvious problems.  Maybe the old adage is true here i.e. Moderation is
the key.  Dee 

From: Clayton
06/03/08 14:21:24
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Re: CS>Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

please don't bother posting stuff from this site- he won't
give free
access to his site for some reason, so there is no way for
me to know
what ison it. If you do feel it is so important that it
needs posting,
Maybe you can add a paragraph to the link so we can all
enjoy it. I
personally feel that limiting the access is against the
ideals of freedom of information, so I look crosswise at
it and him.
On Jun 2, 2008, at 11:46 PM, Jeff Shepler wrote:
> http://www.mercola.com/article/water/distilled_water.htm







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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

Wow, Hi Nenah,
   Sorry I didn't credit you when posting on this. You could probably
tell! But when I googled (DW minerals) it I came across your article on
water which I used, since you are most credible in mine eyes. I relish
your "The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing". Although I still haven't
read it all, and have been using it for finding and cross referencing
frequencies for my EMEM, mostly. As I take it off the shelf again I
realize what a valuable resource guide it is, and I am going to dive in
again. I have a hard time trying to comprehend pleomorphism and energy
healing ( and who isn't) since it's diametrically opposed to the germ
theory manufactured thoughts implanted into our heads. But I know it's
real and am actually used to contrary thinking. Conventional thinking
in almost every aspect of reality is on thin ice. Thank you for your
guidance, as I read on, and your wisdom and compassion! Is there a way
to make a good water, low tech, and without too much equipment. I was
reading about putting h2o in a glass jug and shaking it , then leaving
it out in the sun for a while and then adding the minerals?

Original Message - 
From: gmetrop...@aol.com 
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 7:51 AM
Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs
  With a large family I go
through 5 gallons of the purest natural spring water I can get from an
undergroung spring in the  high mountains but it gets costly. Distilled
is dead water. Is it  healthiest and most economical to make
distilled,add ionic  minerals, erase the memory and magnetize?
  That's what I would do if I had the
equipment. However, I would change the order slightly: distill, erase
the memory, magnetize, and then add minerals.

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Re: CS>Silver Puppy Question

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

    Thanks, so I don't have to worry about wiping off the silver
plating? Do the wires have to be replaced every so often, or are they
solid and will last until very thin?
Use a little scrubby pad and just rub the black stuff
off.  Simple.  Faith G.
- Original Message - From: "Jeff Shepler"

Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:01 AM
Subject: CS>Silver Puppy Question
     I've been using my SP for a year or more,
and the silver wire electrodes are getting some build up (oxidation?)
on them. How is this cleaned off and how often should they be cleaned .
I wiped them once with a paper towel but was unsure if these electrodes
were plated or solid, and maybe I would wipe off the silver , too?



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Re: CS>Gov't Forced Vaccinations

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

   The people of England years ago were forced by laws to vaccinate
with Jenners cow pus or go to jail. It was a hot issue then as it is
now. We're victims of manufactured consent backed up by the threat of
law. I hate it when they nervously  point guns at us and shout orders. 
Nowhere to run, no where to hide, there's nothing left but my fighting

Please take some time to check this out !
Mandated vaccinations and other gov't horror programs soon to come.. 

Alex Jones  video clips... very good !!
Stand back , 'cause Alex is really pissed about this issue.. so am I !!

My Best to All,
Pete Rogers

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CS>Silver Puppy Question

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler
   I've been using my SP for a year or more, and the silver wire 
electrodes are getting some build up (oxidation?) on them. How is this 
cleaned off and how often should they be cleaned . I wiped them once 
with a paper towel but was unsure if these electrodes were plated or 
solid, and maybe I would wipe off the silver , too?


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Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

 Oh it's true you just missed the point. Very low isn't pure! I've
been to the high Sierras and the water was actually so mineral rich it
was milky whiteDW will dissolve some metals it's so aggressive. I'm
happy to have learned so much on this subject, I'm neutral , just

On Jun 2, 2008, at 11:38 PM, Jeff Shepler wrote:
    Mineral devoid water does not exist in nature

Not quite true. The water in the high Sierras is almost pure water,
very very low ionic and/or dissolved content. Just H2O.
      The jury is still out on this


maybe, if you go by published studies. If you go by what tastes good to
you, and what agrees with you, no studies are needed.
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Re: CS>Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

Didn't cost me anything? I don't understand.
please don't bother posting stuff from this site- he won't
give free access to his site for some reason, so there is no way for me
to know what ison it. If you do feel it is so important that it needs
posting, maybe you can add a paragraph to the link so we can all enjoy
it. I personally feel that limiting the access is against the cherished
ideals of freedom of information, so I look crosswise at it and him.
On Jun 2, 2008, at 11:46 PM, Jeff Shepler wrote:

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[Fwd: Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs]

2008-06-03 Thread Jeff Shepler

--- Begin Message ---

   For such a contentious  subject, I'm surprised there isn't more
research on the effects of drinking distilled water. It makes all kinds
of "common sense" that DW , the most universal solvent might tend to
deplete minerals (electrolytes), being the nature of the beast. Some
people have been reported to have severe depletion when drinking DW,
while others report improved health! Most people that are ill have
electrolyte imbalances. 
  On the other hand there have been fifty studies in nine countries,
that show better health (especially cardiovascular) and longevity when
drinking hard water. So there is plenty of diametrically opposed
   Humans get most of their minerals that can be assimilated from
organic source (plant and animal). Ionic inorganic forms found in water
are the exception.
   Mineral devoid water does not exist in nature, DW is denatured. What
an excellent foundation for a mineral dense drink!!!
   The jury is still out on this controversy. 

 When I was online researching the "minerals stripped" statments a few
years back, I could not find a shred of actual research to support it.
da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote:

From: Jeff Shepler 
 Distilled H2O is stripped of all minerals. This makes it super
absorbent and will dissolve the minerals out of the body, add the good
minerals back. R/O strips the minerals out to making it acidic, too.

This statement doesn't really stand up to much 'common sense'
examination and I doubt there's any credible research to support it
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--- End Message ---

CS>Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: distilled water harmful, was Re: CS>Re: food prep with cs

2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler

   For such a contentious  subject, I'm surprised there isn't more
research on the effects of drinking distilled water. It makes all kinds
of "common sense" that DW , the most universal solvent might tend to
deplete minerals (electrolytes), being the nature of the beast. Some
people have been reported to have severe depletion when drinking DW,
while others report improved health! Most people that are ill have
electrolyte imbalances. 
  On the other hand there have been fifty studies in nine countries,
that show better health (especially cardiovascular) and longevity when
drinking hard water. So there is plenty of diametrically opposed
   Humans get most of their minerals that can be assimilated from
organic source (plant and animal). Ionic inorganic forms found in water
are the exception.
   Mineral devoid water does not exist in nature, DW is denatured. What
an excellent foundation for a mineral dense drink!!!
   The jury is still out on this controversy. 

 When I was online researching the "minerals stripped" statments a few
years back, I could not find a shred of actual research to support it.
da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote:

From: Jeff Shepler 
 Distilled H2O is stripped of all minerals. This makes it super
absorbent and will dissolve the minerals out of the body, add the good
minerals back. R/O strips the minerals out to making it acidic, too.

This statement doesn't really stand up to much 'common sense'
examination and I doubt there's any credible research to support it
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Re: CS>food prep with cs

2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler

    The low salt diet is only is fine for the bad commercially produced
salts. My health is much improved since I started using unprocessed sea
salt. I love salt. I sprinkle liberal amounts on my food, add it to my
R?O water to drink. Some times I take a little and throw it over my
shoulder...we are not scared of salt anymore, well except the Morton

I have not used salt in my cooking nor on my table for
years and I do not find it "awful".  Only lately have I begun using
tiny amounts of sea salt here and there but I am careful with it. 
Foods prepared elsewhere that others find "wonderful" are hideously
salty to me.  I just wonder what those people are doing to their blood
vessels (constricted with too much salt).  I used to eat that way, but
no more.  Faith G.
- Original Message - From: "sol"

Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: CS>food prep with cs
  If it was me, and this is just my personal
preference/taste, I'd use the salt and skip the CS. Vegetables and
foods canned without salt are awful, and it seems to take many times
the amount of salt after the fact to give them any flavor.

I use a pressure canner for low and non-acid foods.


Dianne France wrote:

I wasn't going to skip the water boiling
but planned on using boiled distilled but wondered if I could skip the
salt because the silver should do the same protection.  I wouldn't want
to combine silver and salt since there has been so much discussion
about the side effects.


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Re: CS>food prep with cs

2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler
   Tap water contains much more than minerals. It's disgusting what is 
in it.

  Water is the most universal solvent there is, it's ability to absorb 
increases in its pure form significantly

Tap water does contain minerals, but if you had to depend on water 
intake for your mineral needs, you'd probably be dead.

You would be dead not just probably, its called starvation.
In my experience, using distilled water does NOT deplete the body of 
minerals, it just doens't add any.


  Distilled water won't "deplete" minerals but it will draw out more 
than put in, obviously...
  I understand the controversy, so just to be on the safe side I add a 
pinch of Redmonds Real Sea Salt, but I won't drink tap


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CS>Drinking Water Contaminants | Safewater| Water | US EPA

2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>food prep with cs

2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler

 Distilled H2O is stripped of all minerals. This makes it super
absorbent and will dissolve the minerals out of the body, add the good
minerals back. R/O strips the minerals out to making it acidic, too.



Just a
question here.  I had always thought that water contained essential
minerals that are needed by the body.  My question is: if the water
given is distilled and/or just CS (also distilled) wouldn't the body
become depleted of minerals?  Dee 
My cats get CS (straight or half
distilled water) as their drinking
water, and I mix some into their wet food.
Always put some into half and half and cream when opened.
If I have some meat that isn't going to be cooked right
away, I spray it
with CS before putting it away in the fridge. I've done
the same to
cheese before wrapping it in a paper towel and storing in
a plastic bag,
it keeps the mold down.







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2008-06-02 Thread Jeff Shepler


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Re: CS>MS Cure - a real possibility

2008-06-01 Thread Jeff Shepler

and "Lyme" disease is chronic toxemia..With our entrenched "germ
theory" monomorphic view, the deep understanding of disease is lost,
which sells pharmaceuticals that set the stage for  degenerative 
symptomsTo heal Lyme, is to understand disease...


  MS is end stage lyme disease.

 chaha  wrote: 
We just got back from a party where I talked to a woman I've known for years who has had MS for about 7  years.  She was forwarded an article alerting her to look into wheat gluten/celiac disease for being the cause of MS.  Two days after she found out about it, on March 28th of this year, she began following the diet on http://www.msrecoverydiet.com/.  Now almost 2 months later she has so much more mobility, used to take naps now has too much energy for it, has lost weight in her stomach area (she's quite thin).  My friend has her PhD in nutrition and teaches at a local community college and at a local medical school (UT Southwestern).  She will be presenting her findings this Wed. to the medical school.  She wants her old MRI's there.  Although she is greatly improved, she said it's not time yet to do another MRI for comparison.  As a nutritionist, she couldn't believe her ailment w
as staring her in the face but remembered the Hippocrates quote "Let they food by they medicine and they medicine by thy food".   I hope the word gets out to the many people suffering from this disease that's considered neurological.  How many other neurological disorders are caused by wrong food choices?


Their book explains that there are five common trigger foods that can set off the symptoms of MS--dairy, grains containing gluten, legumes, eggs and yeast. Yet because MS is such a complex disease, other foods may also be the culprits. The MS Recovery Diet explains the background, science and development of this diet in one source for the first time, and shows readers how to pinpoint their specific problem foods and sensitivities. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>dog with lymph cancer

2008-05-30 Thread Jeff Shepler
 I can't say for sure if it was cancer  . She had many small tumors 
grow on her chest w/one big one half the size of my fist.
Cured my Jack Russell w/2 doses of MMS probably only needed 1, I 
might have gave too much (15 drops) which caused quite a dramatic 
healing. But she was almost dead and it was that orput her out. I 
was going to try CS, but was using the infamous eniee meenie miney mo 



CS is an excellent place to start, but I would add the use of 
nerium oleander extract in the form of Sutherlandia OPC, two capsules 
daily, and IP6, (inositol and inositol hexaphosphate).  Some might 
also add MMS (chlorine dioxide).  All are available legally.  
SutherlandiaOPC.com is the website to visit for the oleander 
extract.  It's track record for the eradication of cancer is 
stupendous.  IP6 is available from the Utopia Silver website.   Good 
luck in whatever you choose.

- Original Message - From: "Clayton Family" 

Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:21 AM
Subject: CS>dog with lymph cancer

My neighbor has a sick dog just diagnosed with cancer, in the  lymph 
around the neck. He was throwing up everything when she took him in. 
The vet is very happy to do chemo etc, but she does not want to 
pursue that route.  I am going down to give him some silver water 
and see if he can tolerate that, and what happens after.  He is a 
pretty sick dog.

any input?  Thanks.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dog with lymph cancer

2008-05-30 Thread Jeff Shepler
Cured my Jack Russell w/2 doses of MMS probably only needed 1, I 
might have gave too much (15 drops) which caused quite a dramatic 
healing. But she was almost dead and it was that orput her out. I 
was going to try CS, but was using the infamous eniee meenie miney mo 



CS is an excellent place to start, but I would add the use of 
nerium oleander extract in the form of Sutherlandia OPC, two capsules 
daily, and IP6, (inositol and inositol hexaphosphate).  Some might 
also add MMS (chlorine dioxide).  All are available legally.  
SutherlandiaOPC.com is the website to visit for the oleander extract.  
It's track record for the eradication of cancer is stupendous.  IP6 is 
available from the Utopia Silver website.   Good luck in whatever you 

- Original Message - From: "Clayton Family" 

Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:21 AM
Subject: CS>dog with lymph cancer

My neighbor has a sick dog just diagnosed with cancer, in the  lymph 
around the neck. He was throwing up everything when she took him in. 
The vet is very happy to do chemo etc, but she does not want to 
pursue that route.  I am going down to give him some silver water and 
see if he can tolerate that, and what happens after.  He is a pretty 
sick dog.

any input?  Thanks.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-30 Thread Jeff Shepler

My moms' one too, sister PHD  fluent German among many others

  Yeah, be careful here Shep, there are a few english teachers around.
 marmar...@bellsouth.net wrote: 

-- Original message from Jeff Shepler : -- 

"didgital alternitive undergroung"???  geez

 Did you mean *digital alternative underground*?  Pretty funny, considering the topic.  MA



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-30 Thread Jeff Shepler

bob Larson wrote:

  ...this is pretty far from "underground" actually.

"didgital alternitive undergroung"???  geez
-Original Message-
This system is why we have to go underground to discuss CS etc. Now do 
you see grasshopper?


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Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-29 Thread Jeff Shepler
  Sorry I'm new, don't want to step on any toes here, the discussion 
was intriguing for me, although off topic. The genius of the chemical 
lobotomizing  is the almost complete control with no self realization. 
It was one of the best attacks on the zombie slave system I've seen. 
This system is why we have to go underground to discuss CS etc. Now do 
you see grasshopper? I have a silver puppy, BTW..Shepdog and his silver 
puppy   hahahahah

What does this message have to do with CS anyway?  I am really tired 
of this discussion.  Faith G.

- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Shepler" 
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

  I agree with the libertarian pull your own damn ass up by your boot 
straps, and if you don't comprehend usury and it's enslavement ? It's 
for sure the banksters aren't going to fill you in. Henry Ford said 
the best invention in the world was 6% compound interest.
  I paid cash for my home and have been spending the interest I would 
have paid to some fat pencil pushing slob fixing it up and can say it 
was a good move.
 I do borrow money for cars unfortunately,  2 more years and we'll 
have her 2006 VW Beetle 1.9 diesel ( 50mpg) paid. I'd sell for what I 
paid HAHA ...I asked my brother way back (accountant works for 
Marathon) if gas was ever going down and he just laughed evilly and 
said probably not. They are investing billions up in the ND huge oil 
field w/new horizontal drilling techniques.


I'll tell you why.  The decision was made back in the 70's to make 
sure our country had some for the future, and in the meantime, we 
decided to buy oil from the rest of the world. Deplete their 
reserves, which were much larger than ours. I have been out of touch 
with the industry for more than 20 years, so I have no idea about 
the current state of affairs.

It was also decided we would use all those smarts to make more fuel 
efficient cars, furnaces, and decrease our consumption to improve 
our chances at survival in the case of a world war, with the 
reserves waiting for some future day's need.

Ode is correct about how insane it is for people to drive those gas 
guzzling SUV's in the name of safety (big joke, it was not a big 
problem before) when it is really just an ego trip, and putting our 
own desires before what I have seen as a national security issue for 
our grandkids.

This was inevitable.


On May 29, 2008, at 3:00 PM,  wrote:

The government is 3 steps ahead of us, not 3 steps behind. You have 
to realize who the government is, they don't get elected. What are 
they doing with all that oil up in Alaska, that we'll never see??? 
That's the 4th largest oil deposit in the world and it's just 
sitting there, why? The largest is in Suadi, second largest is 
Iraq. Want to take a guess at where the 3rd largest oil deposit 
is?? You know, the ones we are going to blast next-Iran.

 Ode Coyote  wrote:

At 09:56 PM 5/27/2008 -0700, you wrote:


   Please... I mean get real my friend.  Nobody buys fluoridated 
it was mandated by criminal elements within our own government.  

paint was illegal BEFORE the recent recalls. Consumers had no way of
knowing there was lead in the paint on their kids toys... the 
job it to PROTECT the consumer, and they have failed miserably on 

all fronts.

   ## The public has failed to fund the consumer protection agency 
so that

it CAN do that job.
  Water consumption averages around 40 gallons per person, but 2 
gallons is
plenty [especially when you pack it up a hill from the spring on 
your back]

and can be bought elsewhere.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-29 Thread Jeff Shepler
  I agree with the libertarian pull your own damn ass up by your boot 
straps, and if you don't comprehend usury and it's enslavement ? It's 
for sure the banksters aren't going to fill you in. Henry Ford said the 
best invention in the world was 6% compound interest.
  I paid cash for my home and have been spending the interest I would 
have paid to some fat pencil pushing slob fixing it up and can say it 
was a good move.
 I do borrow money for cars unfortunately,  2 more years and we'll have 
her 2006 VW Beetle 1.9 diesel ( 50mpg) paid. I'd sell for what I paid 
HAHA ...I asked my brother way back (accountant works for Marathon) if 
gas was ever going down and he just laughed evilly and said probably 
not. They are investing billions up in the ND huge oil field w/new 
horizontal drilling techniques.


I'll tell you why.  The decision was made back in the 70's to make 
sure our country had some for the future, and in the meantime, we 
decided to buy oil from the rest of the world. Deplete their reserves, 
which were much larger than ours. I have been out of touch with the 
industry for more than 20 years, so I have no idea about the current 
state of affairs.

It was also decided we would use all those smarts to make more fuel 
efficient cars, furnaces, and decrease our consumption to improve our 
chances at survival in the case of a world war, with the reserves 
waiting for some future day's need.

Ode is correct about how insane it is for people to drive those gas 
guzzling SUV's in the name of safety (big joke, it was not a big 
problem before) when it is really just an ego trip, and putting our 
own desires before what I have seen as a national security issue for 
our grandkids.

This was inevitable.


On May 29, 2008, at 3:00 PM,  wrote:

The government is 3 steps ahead of us, not 3 steps behind. You have 
to realize who the government is, they don't get elected. What are 
they doing with all that oil up in Alaska, that we'll never see??? 
That's the 4th largest oil deposit in the world and it's just sitting 
there, why? The largest is in Suadi, second largest is Iraq. Want to 
take a guess at where the 3rd largest oil deposit is?? You know, the 
ones we are going to blast next-Iran.

 Ode Coyote  wrote:

At 09:56 PM 5/27/2008 -0700, you wrote:


   Please... I mean get real my friend.  Nobody buys fluoridated 

it was mandated by criminal elements within our own government.  Lead
paint was illegal BEFORE the recent recalls. Consumers had no way of
knowing there was lead in the paint on their kids toys... the 
job it to PROTECT the consumer, and they have failed miserably on 

all fronts.

   ## The public has failed to fund the consumer protection agency 
so that

it CAN do that job.
  Water consumption averages around 40 gallons per person, but 2 
gallons is
plenty [especially when you pack it up a hill from the spring on 
your back]

and can be bought elsewhere.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-29 Thread Jeff Shepler

    Sure...get your globe out, take the longitudinal line north and
south of Baghdad,  the next phase will be eastward to Alaska. Where
else?  Those earthquakes really softened them up, so cut off the
Iranian pipeline to China. Should be a piece of cake, don't get
excited, think of the opportunities ...the power!!!   Wait a minute,
isn't the world radioactive enough?   Dig..dig dig dig dig a fallout
shelter that is. I'm going to bury an old school bus in concrete, how


  The government is 3 steps ahead of us, not 3 steps behind. You have to realize who the government is, they don't get elected. What are they doing with all that oil up in Alaska, that we'll never see??? That's the 4th largest oil deposit in the world and it's just sitting there, why? The largest is in Suadi, second largest is Iraq. Want to take a guess at where the 3rd largest oil deposit is?? You know, the ones we are going to blast next-Iran. 

 Ode Coyote  wrote: 
At 09:56 PM 5/27/2008 -0700, you wrote:


   Please... I mean get real my friend.  Nobody buys fluoridated water, 
it was mandated by criminal elements within our own government.  Lead 
paint was illegal BEFORE the recent recalls. Consumers had no way of 
knowing there was lead in the paint on their kids toys... the governments 
job it to PROTECT the consumer, and they have failed miserably on almost 
all fronts.

   ## The public has failed to fund the consumer protection agency so that 
it CAN do that job.
  Water consumption averages around 40 gallons per person, but 2 gallons is 
plenty [especially when you pack it up a hill from the spring on your back] 
and can be bought elsewhere.

   The EPA has become a criminal organization set up to protect polluters 
and allow industry to pollute our air, water, and food without government 
interference.  It isn't the consumer that isn't willing to pay the wages 
needed to make something the right way, it is the EMPLOYERS, the 
CORPORATIONS that are unwilling to pay the wages necessary.

## Who buys the cheapest product they can find and where do the costs get 
cut to make that price possible?
The "people" work at cross purposes to themselves.
Laws are all fine and dandy till the results and costs of enforcement come 
in...no business operates in a vacuum, nor can it.
  Gov't sneaks around the back door to resolve conflicting consumer 
demands, making a "show" for the voters who want and vote for the impossible.

You have it all backwards Ode.   You say we aren't willing to buy cars 
that get 50mpg yet the Toyota Prius hybrid is one of the biggest sellers 
in America while Ford, GM, and Chrysler loose more market share due to 
their lack of quality economical "green" cars.  Give us a good car that 
gets 40 - 50mpg and I GUARANTEE you they will sell like hotcakes.

##  NOW they will.  With all that hindsight at work.
  But "Now" due to all the consumers clamoring for big and heavy safety to 
protect against collisions with big and heavy safe cars, a heavy Prious 
NEEDS an expensive hybrid setup to get WORSE mileage than the cars that 
DIDN'T sell back when they WERE made.

People are STUCK with their SUV's, nobody wants them anymore and used 
car lots are overflowing with them.I could go on, but the consumer is 
NOT "in control" when big business, big pharma, big oil and big 
government is DICTATING what is to be available.

##  The Gov't dictates to satisfy conflicting consumer demands. [which is 
the sort of nonsense that make dictates necessary ]
If consumers had bought what they needed for the *utterly predictable 
future* rather than for their egoic present "desire", no dictate would have 
been necessary to make the difficult and expensive possible when cheap and 
simple economy that already exceeded the dictates was already a proven 
fact...IN USE.
So now people are "stuck" with their short sighted decisions and once AGAIN 
a nearly new 1975 Cadillac Fleetwood will sell for $50...and once AGAIN, 
I'll not be able to sell that 60,000 mile Buick Electra 225 that was given 
to me for anything but scrap.
3 really big warnings and no one learned a damned thing.

On top of that, even an SUV can get over 200 miles per gallon, per 
person.all it takes is some organization and planning,  but "people" 
just will not do it.

The Gov't is always 3 steps behind us, trying to make things work in SPITE 
of what we bought into and want.
So long as they can rob Peter to pay Paul to get elected to accomplish the 
impossible and retire before the bill gets passed back to them, they'll do 
just that.
"They" are people too.
"We" claim to love our grand kids, but expect someone else to BEHAVE like 
that's true.  No different than any politician we hired to be the *us* we 
deny we are.

I do not have it backwards.
Denial has warped reality perception to where the afte


2006-05-22 Thread Dr. Jeff



RE: CS>Re: Poison Ivy - WD40 discussion

2006-05-03 Thread Jeff
Ahhh, WD40seriously.is there anything it can't do?
WD40 and some duct tape and you can fix just about anything. Then when you
hurt yourself fixing what ever you need it for, you can treat yourself with
CS. Life is good. ( and a little itchy right now )

-Original Message-
From: Sandee George [mailto:oha...@juno.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 8:28 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Re: Poison Ivy - WD40 discussion

Now this is very interesting Marshall - however it is a
petrolium base product is it not ?

May your troubles be less, your blessings more, 
and nothing but happiness comes through your door!

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Poison Ivy

2006-05-02 Thread Jeff


Once again thanks to all for all the replies, info and links. I think I have
it on the run now. Good thing too. I have to be in my sisters wedding this


-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [mailto:ami...@starband.net] 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 7:25 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy


PI is not an infection; it is an allergic reaction.  


-Original Message-
From: Carol Ann [mailto:saffiresk...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 5:43 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy


When I was a kid I used to get poison Ivy every summer for years, regardless
of whether I built my tree house that summer or not.  I heard many years
later as an adult that once PI is contracted it has a 7 yr cycle. Dont know
if this is true or not  but i havent had it as an adult.

I remember going thru bottles if not gallons of Calamine lotion and hot
baths to open the blisters. 

Jeff  wrote:

That hurts just to think about it. Maybe mine is not so bad after all. :)

-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [mailto:ami...@starband.net] 
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:40 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy

One of the great horrors of my youth was to 

1. Fall asleep in the Florida sun on a beach nude, lying on my back
sun-burning my entire front. 

2. At the same time, touch some Poison Ivy and then touch my sunburned
...err thingy. 

-Original Message-
From: V [mailto:vzo...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:50 PM
To: Jeff
Subject: Re: CS>Poison Ivy

Hi Jeff,

poison ivy is really not an infection. what causes it is an oily acid called
carbolic acid. It soaks through the skin and combines with some substance in
a lower layer of the skin and produces a substance that the imuune system
then reacts to with blistering. I have had it many times and have not found
something that gets rid if it fast. I wonder if the DMSO might carry the
carbolic acid further into the body. It may not be good if it does that.

Take care,

> I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso
> mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have
> had it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and has
> anyone else had good results using cs for this?

> Thanks 

> Jeff





The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 



Carol Ann


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The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 


Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone
=39663/*http:/voice.yahoo.com>  Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

RE: CS>Poison Ivy

2006-04-30 Thread Jeff
That hurts just to think about it. Maybe mine is not so bad after all. :)

-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [mailto:ami...@starband.net] 
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:40 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Poison Ivy

One of the great horrors of my youth was to 

1.  Fall asleep in the Florida sun on a beach nude, lying on my back
sun-burning my entire front. 

2.  At the same time, touch some Poison Ivy and then touch my sunburned
...err   thingy. 

-Original Message-
From: V [mailto:vzo...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:50 PM
To: Jeff
Subject: Re: CS>Poison Ivy

Hi Jeff,

poison ivy is really not an infection. what causes it is an oily acid called
carbolic acid. It soaks through the skin and combines with some substance in
a lower layer of the skin and produces a substance that the imuune system
then reacts to with blistering. I have had it many times and have not found
something that gets rid if it fast. I wonder if the DMSO might carry the
carbolic acid further into the body. It may not be good if it does that.

Take care,

> I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso
> mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have
> had it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and has
> anyone else had good results using cs for this?

> Thanks 

> Jeff





The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Poison Ivy

2006-04-30 Thread Jeff
Thanks so much for all the replies. This is my first time having this and I
was unsure how to proceed. I will be getting the Rhus tox today for sure.

So far this is how I have been treating


Spray Cs/DMSO topically when ever I think about it or when itching
increases, ( I never thought about the DMSO taking the poison in further )

Gold Bond cream as needed to control itching ( topically of course)


I ingest 4 to 6 oz of CS twice daily

I drink a mixture of Ascorbic acid baking soda twice daily

And when I take the vitamin C I also take about 250mg of grape seed extract
to help absorb the C and to help the blood fight the poison.

1000 mg of Spirulina twice daily to help give my body what it needs to fight


I have nothing to compare this to so since there has been no reduction and
in fact a couple of new places popped

Up yesterday I guess the best  this treatment may be doing so far is holding
it at bay.




CS>Poison Ivy

2006-04-29 Thread Jeff
I recently have been infected with Poison Ivy. I am spraying with cs/dmso
mixture in hopes it will be a quick cure. This is the first time I have ever
had it. Is there anything else I should do to speed things along and has
anyone else had good results using cs for this?






RE: CS>dental mercury/WARTS- to Jeff

2006-02-22 Thread Jeff
Sorry it took so long for the reply. Yes there is a history of diabetes 

in my family and I have type 2 I just found out last year. Also I was 

asking for my self about the skin tags and I would be interested in any 

information you happen to have. I tried CS + MSM + DMSO + 100% Aloe 

jell but it didn't work.  



-Original Message-
From: Carol Ann [mailto:saffiresk...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:50 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>dental mercury/WARTS- to Jeff


Hi Jeff,
Skin tags have been associated with Diabetes.  Is there such a history in
your family, presuming you are asking for youself or someone you know.

In which case, actually, any case I would have to check my Homeopathic
reference materials regarding your question. 

Jeff  wrote: 

Do you think this might work on skin tags as well?






RE: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-18 Thread Jeff
Do you think this might work on skin tags as well?




-Original Message-
From: Carol Ann [mailto:saffiresk...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:23 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>dental mercury


Yes.  They are still perplexed and confused about simple warts.  They are
skin growth that are caused by a VIRUS.  What is usually recommend is the

"Stronger (prescription) medications may be required for removal of
persistent warts. Surgical removal or removal by freezing (cryotherapy
<http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002322.htm>  ), burning
(electrocautery <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002359.htm>
), or laser treatment may be needed."

There is a very effective, inexpensive remedy for warts that occur
especially in children.  It is a homeopathic remedy called Thuja.
Excellent!!!  Should be kept in the medicine cabinet. 


How can one logically eliminate growths caused by a systemic virus by
treating the site locally and externally?   Burning does nothing to resolve
the virus. 

Not one case of warts went unresolved to those whom I recommended it to. One
of my children had a severe case as a preschooler 15 yrs ago. The Doctors
wanted to burn them off.  No #...@%% way. He must have had hundreds on his
arms, legs, torso. Imagine.

So I did my own research.   In two weeks time, every wart was gone.  Thjua
has many other uses as well.  At least 1/2 of the Doctors get their
Diplomas, hang it on the wall, host Pharma reps and never open another book.

"Jonathan B. Britten"  wrote:

A fairly recent news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the 
USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori. 
They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest 
protocols. 50%. Can you imagine?

On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

> And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom 
> and education? 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Carol Ann


! The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 


Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus
o.com/features.php?page=221>  scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

RE: CS>2 Questions

2006-02-08 Thread Jeff
Yes, it's pretty common. I think even Wal-Mart has it. But as I said just be
observant of the dosage you are buying. I would try 1 or 2 of the 3 micro
grams and see how that works before going to the 1 milligram dosage. Also it
is important to eat nothing for about an hour and a half before you are
going to take it. Seems that it doesn't work well if your body is still at
work digesting and processing food. 





-Original Message-
From: marmar...@aol.com [mailto:marmar...@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 6:29 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>2 Questions


In a message dated 2/5/2006 9:42:42 AM Central Standard Time,
ssc...@grandecom.net writes:

I read that the Melatonin levels in the body decrease with age and that is
why most elderly people have trouble sleeping. I googled it when a friend
suggested it to me to find out more about it. I had trouble staying asleep
at night and it helped me. 

Hey Jeff -- is this something that you can buy OTC? MA

RE: CS>2 Questions

2006-02-05 Thread Jeff
I read that the Melatonin levels in the body decrease with age and that is
why most elderly people have trouble sleeping. I googled it when a friend
suggested it to me to find out more about it. I had trouble staying asleep
at night and it helped me. I would suggest that you try the 3 microgram
instead of the 1 milligram doses. Sometimes less is more with Melatonin.
Also I was told that the stronger doses sometimes cause vivid dreaming. 


-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten [mailto:jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp] 
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 1:10 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>2 Questions

Melatonin is probably safe for almost everyone, and could make an 
enormous difference to your friend and his mother.   NOW products makes 
a good, low-cost tablet, available from many suppliers.

On Saturday, Feb 4, 2006, at 08:20 Asia/Tokyo, mborg...@att.net wrote:

> HI
> M
>  -- Original message --
> From: gwms...@optonline.net
>> Hi List-  Help!  My friend is taking care of his 93 year old Mother . 
>> She is not
>> sleeping nights and keeps him up nearly 24-7.  He has had two heart 
>> attacks and
>> is near exhaustion from lack of rest.The doctors claim sleep 
>> medications
>> don't work on seniors, so  he just has to suffer,  I don't believe 
>> this.  I'll
>> pass along any advice.
>> 2nd-My big toe is very sore, there is a thickening of the nail and 
>> underneath
>> pushng the nail up into a point,  I think it is called keratin (a 
>> white
>> substance you can loosen and pick out with a nail file).  I was going 
>> to try CS
>> and DMSO.  The other day I tried some Oregano Oil on it, maybe that's 
>> why it is
>> soreand might be getting infectedThank you in advance.  for 
>> any advice.
>> Gladys
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Note to Marshalee in Utah

2003-07-08 Thread Jeff
Ditto Marlys,
I have the silverpuppy and have no problems with making cs, and any
question has been promptly answered along with good advice.

> -Original Message-
> From: Jack Dayton [mailto:jack...@harbornet.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 8:47 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Note to Marshalee in Utah
> patriot2...@mindspring.com  7/7/03   5:10 AM
> > I have been reading the CS Silver List for some time now, and have
> wanted
> > to learn to make it, but always get intimidated about all the
> > talk of the "pros" back and forth -- so much so that I have stepped
> > from my plan to attempt it.
> Marlys, do yourself a favor -- think back to those
> times when things didn't go right on turkey day.
> Take the time to go to:
> http://www.silverpuppy.com/current%20controlled%20CS%20generator.html
> and read about making silver and  spend the $99.00 -- I think Ken's
> generator will demystify the process of making your own CS and he's a
> great
> guy to deal with if you should have questions / problems.
> BTW, I use a generator made by a different manufacturer - but it's
> expensive.
> Jack
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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