CS>No comet hits

2006-05-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Well, here it is the 27th and no comet bits have smacked Earth.
So much for one guy`s prognostications...
Let`s see what happens on 21 December 2012.

Re: CS>Morgellon Type Illness

2006-05-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Well, my sister and a friend got dumped on by a plane while in her open jeep, 
now she has MS  and is majorly ill.
  The stuff was sticky and burned, maybe it was crop stuff, but they were in a 
forest area.
   hey jumped into a nearby creek and washed it off the best they could, but it 
didn`t help much.
  Don`t know what the year or place was, I`ll have to ask her.

  I thought I would let this go as you seem ultra high on
  something other than air! :) I have been around aircraft
  for nearly 50 years, and yes I have seen many "vapor" 
  trails plus some UFOs.  I have been fishing out in the Gulf
  at least two days a week, but have not spotted your Chem.

Re: CS>inconsistency in rules

2006-06-05 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Hi, Lew, 
  I`m an Anglophile, being descended of English folk. (I`m also a genealogist.)
  I like these lovely English names: Pontefract, pronounced "pomfret" and 
  pronounced "annick".
  I hear they have filmed some of the Harry Potter movies at Alnwick...
  I also love Harry Potter!!

  As no-one else seems to have jumped in with further information, I will.

  Worcestershire is pronounced: "Woostershire" or even: "Woostershuh" as most 
english folk tend not to emphasise the, "Shire".

  Leicester, (which is the county town of Leicestershire), is pronounced: 
"Lester" and "Lestershuh".

  There's a lovely one in Oxfordshire, (Oxfordshuh) that's spelt Bicester but 
of course we pronounce it differently as: "Bistuh".


  London, UK


2006-06-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Folks, one more question on CMO: 
Has anyone heard of Celadrin? It is the brand of CMO (and other stuff  that is 
in it)
I found at my local health food store. It was on sale for 24 bucks. They only 
had just this one brand. Is it any good?
BTW they had small bottles of CS for 22 bucks, sigh...

Re: CS>Human Papilloma Virus

2006-06-10 Thread Marshalee Hallett

CS cured me.

> In the news:
> Gardasil, a vaccine against the virus that causes most
> cervical cancers , most cancers of the vagina and
> vulva, and genital warts , won FDA approval today.
> I know a young woman with the Human Papilloma Virus. 
> Too late for the vaccine, but vaccines scare me
> anyway.  About 30% of the women with the virus develop
> pre-cancerous lesions.  Since this is a virus, CS
> should kill it, right?  Does anyone know of cases
> where CS has gotten rid or it?  I wonder how much one
> would need to use.  This woman is cautious about what
> she puts into her body and wants children soon.  I
> can't talk her into improving her diet though. She
> doesn't eat enough vegetables and has a hard time
> swallowing pills, so she doesn't take vitamins.
> Pat
> __
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> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>fingernail beds-blue

2006-06-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Huh...I`ve been taking CS for 10 years now, and no blue
  anywhere. Some gray in my hair, but that doesn`t count!

  Greetings, my thumb nail beds have been blue for about 3 years, but I din't 
worry about it.

  "Ole Bob"


2006-06-17 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, folks, 
Well my CMO just arrived, it is Duoflex CMO+ by Permahealth. I`ll let you know 
how I do!
Just shared CS info with another lady, met her at the Chinese restaurant I 
favor. You never know what can happen!
Be well!!!

Re: CS>yeast overgrowth

2006-06-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Dear Cheryl, 
  I just started taking CMO for my incipient arthritis, and learned from the 
  that came with it that it can help Lupus!
  Might want to look into it...
  Good luck!
  PS, after only 3 days on CMO my feet are feeling better, for the first time 
in years I can bend my toes, and my finger joint pains are easing. I think this 
is gonna work for me!!! Yay!

  I haven't had much luck with anything to get rid of mine in my gut and 
everywhere else.  My dr. says since I have such high mold allergies and 
constantly exposed to mold in the air, home, foods, my system can't handle the 
overload.  I'm on allergy serum but I also have lupus and MCS amongst other 
things.  I still take the CS everyday and have tried the Grapefruit seed, 
castroyl and everything else to no avail.  I may have to go on Spornax (sp?) he 
says since I have no luck clearing it from my system with continual exposure.  

  Citizens For Legitimate Government
  "Four hundred years ago, we were all illegal aliens according to the Comanche"

Re: CS>Just for info..

2006-06-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  So just who is passing that error along???

  The following is a snip from an email on "Tracy's corner"

  Here's a few suggestions.
  Mix your ACV with raw unheated white honey and a squirt of lemon juice per 
glass to replace the CS. The CS should be used externally, not internally for 
it accumulates as a heavy metal and by remaining in the system causes problems 

Re: CS>Orthodontia question...

2005-10-03 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Hi, Mike,
Oh, rats!!
I wish I`d known that back when we first were on this list! She was 
young enough then...
I have a huge diastema (gap) in my front teeth too, and guess what? It 
is hereditary! My dad had it, and all 4 of my kids did, too. Well, the 
kids all had what`s called a "frenectomy" done at age 8, after the front 
teeth had grown in, but just before the two teeth on either side had 
grown in. It was a cut in the muscle that runs above the top teeth.With 
the easing of the tension in that muscle, as the side teeth grew in, 
they forced the diastema closed. All 4 have perfect teeth now as adults.

Sorry this knowledge is too late, but maybe it will help someone else.
Too darn bad your dentist didn`t know about it.
PS, it is good to be back

Hi folks,

I have the greatest of respect for you all and treasure you as a most 
valuable resource. I beg your indulgence for a personal question that 
is not particularly CS related:

My 15 year old daughter needs braces. At least, she has a gap between 
her front teeth that needs closing. Of course we don't know what else 
the orthodontist will imagine needs doing until we go in there. 

May I pick your brains for anything you'd care to share with me about 
this subject? Things to avoid and seek out? Hazards? Risks? Costs? 
Resources and information?

Please educate me!

Thank you,

Mike D.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Orthodontia question...

2005-10-03 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Oh, I like that!!!
Marshalee, the gappy
PS, my gap was so big as a kid, I`d stick my pencil in it and have it 
hanging out, just to bug everyone in class.

Hmm, I must be really smart! :o)
Just think, all us gappies will never die from lockjaw starvation, as we 
can get a straw in there!

heh heh heh

Gaps in women's teeth are considered very socially acceptable now, and 
you'd be amazed to see who sports them -- some of the most 
intelligent, articulate women in modern life.  In fact, a woman's 
tooth gap is supposed to be a sign of intelligence (at least that's 
what my hyper-intelligent gap-toothed wife says).

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>OT: got birds??

2005-10-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett

*Dear Listmembers,
Just wondering, do any of you keep birds of any kind??
I`m getting big into finches right now, and would love to talk birds 
with folks,

privately, of course, so we don`t make Mike mad... :o)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: got birds??

2005-10-05 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Jeanne wrote:

i have birds but they are cockatiels which i am happy to say are gonna 
be parents soon

Hi, Jeanne,
 I have had cockatiels several times through the years, they are neat, 
but noisy, birds.
The last one I got several years ago at a bird fair was a handfed baby. 
A week later I realized she was sick. She had green doodoos. So I put a 
drop of CS down her little beak, and took her to the vet that afternoon. 
Well, the vet did a fecal exam and came back saying, "It looks like 
Giardia, but they aren`t moving!"

2 days later with nothing but CS for treatment, she was just fine.
CS is great!!!
 Good luck with your babies!! I have a pair of Lady Gouldians setting 
right now, I hope the babies make it OK, especially as they are 
incredibly beautiful and thus very valuable!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: got birds??

2005-10-05 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Hi, Jeanne,
Type in "Lady Gouldian finches" on your searcher, and you`ll find sites 
with pictures of these incredible living jewels! They are nice birds, 
not noisy and not too messy.
Now Java Rice Finches...they are nasty!!! I had one chomp the legs of 
two others and hurt them badly. They bite me when I have to catch them. 
Good thing they are small, imagine an eagle with a temper like that!!


Tell me about gouldians maybe i want them too hehehe

Hi, Jeanne,
 I have had cockatiels several times through the years, they are 
neat, but noisy, birds.
The last one I got several years ago at a bird fair was a handfed 
baby. A week later I realized she was sick. She had green doodoos. So 
I put a drop of CS down her little beak, and took her to the vet that 
afternoon. Well, the vet did a fecal exam and came back saying, "It 
looks like Giardia, but they aren`t moving!"

2 days later with nothing but CS for treatment, she was just fine.
CS is great!!!
 Good luck with your babies!! I have a pair of Lady Gouldians setting 
right now, I hope the babies make it OK, especially as they are 
incredibly beautiful and thus very valuable!



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: got birds??

2005-10-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
You should see the red-headed yellow and white male I have. He is 
Then there is my pair of Splendid Grass Parakeets; the male is 
turquoise, green, darker blue and yellow with a red chest! He`s really 

Birds are wonderful!

*Omigosh Marshalee -- they are gorgeous!! MA*

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: got birds??

2005-10-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Just type in "Splendid Parakeets" or "Red-chested Parakeets" (same 
bird) and you`ll find some pictures.
The grass parakeets are much nicer than the little birds Americans call 
parakeets, which are really budgerigars. (That name means "tasty little 
bird" in Aborigine!! Hmm, one bite per bird...)
Grass `Keets are quiet and peaceful. I have mine in with some Red-headed 
Buntings, and they get along fine, especially after I got the Javas out. 
Those nasties were trying to bite the legs of the newcomers. They are 
going up for sale shortly...
 I just got a pair of gorgeous Red-factor canaries last week. Wow! I 
have had canaries many times too, they are really nice.


You should see the red-headed yellow and white male I have. He is

*Oh my -- that sounds spectacular.*

Then there is my pair of Splendid Grass Parakeets; the male is
turquoise, green, darker blue and yellow with a red chest! He`s really

*Wow.  Is there someplace I can see a picture of that too?  I didn't 
know parakeets came in a color combination like that.*

Birds are wonderful!

**Yes they are.  I raised canaries for awhile, and really enjoyed 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>lemons and cancer

2005-10-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Dear Barbara,
Fortunately for me, not all veterinarians are greed meisters!
Mine spayed my Pug Barby, then he trimmed her claws, cleaned her teeth, 
and cleared her anal glands for 55 bucks total. That is really cheap, 
even for Utah.
He really cares about the animals too. He listend to me about CS, and is 
interested in it!

Now the doctor I`d been seeing...I fired her!

Hi V,

I agree with you that modern doctors are killers.   I always knew it.  I
avoid them like a plague.  They are the greediest people on earth.
Veterinarians too.

I'm going now to read what you sent and I see your next message too.  Thank
you for the help.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FW: CS>Smartpdrugs.net/SAMe

2001-12-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> SAMe is the ONLY thing that has any good effects on my chronic depression.
> Connie

Dear Connie, Just for curious, have you tried Colloidal Gold? I`ve heard it
is good for depression.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>argyria

2001-12-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Argyria following the use of dietary supplements containing colloidal
silver protein.
> Cutis 2000 Nov;66(5):373-4
>   This study has doubtless been discussed here on this list. Would someone
mind summarizing the
> study and the conclusions the users of CS have drawn for themselves? Does
anyone know the type of
> silver product used by the patient in this article?
>   Thanks --
>   Hilary (using CS for Lyme)

Dear Hilary, CSP is NOT Colloidal Silver, adn real CS doesn`t cause argyria.
Been using it for 6 years now, and I`m still as pink as a piggy. No smurfs

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs in milk

2001-12-18 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Re: CS>cs in milk
  Some bovine hormones are structurally identical to human hormones: same 
atoms, same bonding angles.  I think insulin is one of them.  Hopefully, the 
vibes are different per radionics theory.  One or more cow hormones are 
probably mainly responsible for all the precocious breasts and the too-early 
onset of puberty in the current crop of young women-to-be.  (snip)

  And women who are...I was NINE when I started the oh-so-fun of monthly 
mess... :o( 

  I was bottlefed. 

  I always felt that if God had wanted us to bottlefeed our babies, He`d have 
given women glass boobies!! 


Re: CS>cs in milk

2001-12-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Re: CS>cs in milkI think "God".whoever that is, made the right decision.  
Babies and everyone else likes them just as they are. 

  James-Osbourne: Holmes


  Except those who have them, they are either too much or not enough...

  Sorta like how guys feel about what they were born with! :o)


  (who nursed all four kids for 8 years straight...)

Re: CS>cs in milk

2001-12-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Re: CS>cs in milk
  So did I; I was a dairy famer's daughter.  But at the other end, I stopped 
the day I turned 45!  Ah bliss!

  Not fair!! I`m 49...sigh
  At least CS keeps me healthy! 
  There, ya happy, Mike??

Re: CS>Introduction

2001-12-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Dear Marlyn, Hi! I`m Marshalee, an oldby on the list! I use CS for my 2 Pug 
dogs, and my birds too. I have finches and cararies. CS also cured a cockatiel 
I had a few years ago of giardia.
  I take some myself every day as a preventive.
  CS cured me of Lyme disease. Good stuff!!
  What kind of dog do you have??

  Good morning!
  I am new to the list ~~ just subscribed this AM; I don't let any moss grow 
under *my* feet ;o)
  My experience with Colloidal Silver has been an extremely positive one. I 
learned about CS 2 years ago when my dog had an eye infection, and the owner of 
a local health food store suggested I try it. "it couldn't hurt," she said.
  BAM!! the infection was gone within 2 days. I was truly amazed! But I did 
continue the treatment for 3 days beyond that.
  Before the HFS visit, I had already taken my dog to the vet, but the medicine 
I was given, I wasn't familiar with; thus the trip to the health food store. 
  A couple days after the treatment, I took her back to the vet, and he was 
amazed that "his" medicine had cleared up the infection so quickly. I told him 
I had used CS. He was drawn back and shocked that I had put "foreign objects" 
in her eyes. Then I got the rolled eyes routine that usually comes from vets 
who do not practice or understand alternatives.
  Since then, I've been researching CS and using it on a when-needed basis, as 
opposed to a preventative, because during my research, I have read that it is 
important not to use it for extended periods; one article said 10 days on, 10 
off. Another said 3 weeks on, 3 off. Unfortunately neither article said "why." 
  I have also read it is alright to use it regularly without breaks.
  But what's the concept behind the intermittent use? 
  Whelp,  that's my intro.


Re: CS>Hello - New to List

2001-12-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> Hello, my name is Kathy Neff and I have just joined this list.   I have
> working with CS for about a year and am interested in the discussion and
> findings of others working with CS.   I want to learn as much as possible
> about CS and what others find really works or does not.
> Kathy
Dear Kathy, Hi!!
I`m Marshalee, been on this List a long time. Colloidal Silver cured me of
Lyme Disease when antibiotics couldn`t. It keeps me well now. I take some
daily as a preventive, and give it to my Pug dogs.
I make my own with a "plug it in the wall thingy" and silver wires.
How did you find out about CS?? Do you want my story?
Marshalee, in Provo, Utah for a while

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Kathryn,
Here`s my story!
I`m still alive thanks to Colloidal Silver. I`m currently a
returned student at Brigham Young University at age 49. I took a short break
(29 years!) to raise 4 kids. I`m studying to become a professional
Genealogist. CS keeps me going!

In the summer of 1990 I was living in Arkansas, where I was bitten by a
tiny tick on my lower leg. When I got the bullseye rash I knew what it was,
as I`d read an article about Lyme Disease in a magazine. So I went to the
doctor, who knew nothing about LD, and he undertreated me.
So the Lyme kept recurring. (Whenever I stopped the doxycycline, in a few
days I`d be back into active LD. This happened 6 times in nearly 6 years.)
Well, by that time I was living in Wisconsin, and the doc there refused to
believe that Lyme can withstand ABX and maddeningly refused to even look at
the computer info. I had brought that showed it can. He then refused to give
me any more doxy. In a few months I was dreadfully ill.
So finally I asked the Good Lord to either let me die soon, or help me to
get rid of the LD so I can do my beloved Genealogy. He heard me!
A couple of weeks later I got a letter from an old high school buddy. She`d
gotten a box in the mail, and on papers used as packing was some writing.
Curious, she read it. It was Mark Metcalf`s info. on CS: what it was, and
how to make it! It mentioned Lyme as one of the diseases it can cure, so she
sent the info. to me. My son and I went all over Kenosha and Racine, looking
for silver wire, found some, put the gadget together, and wihin 3 days of
starting the CS, I noticed that I felt a lot better! For the first time in
weeks I could shut my teeth properly, I could think clearly again, and my
joints weren`t aching. It took about 7 months for most of the damage to
heal. What a wonderful thing!
I have since used CS for numerous UTI`s caused by gallbladder removal, as
the Lyme had destroyed my GB. Any time I`d feel a cold coming on, I knew it
was time for fresh batteries.
I also take some every day as a preventive, which is fortunate, for I was
bitten by (possibly Brown Recluse) spiders while in Vallejo, CA. I have some
marks, not skin grafts, thanks to the CS.
I also give it to my Pug dogs and birds. It stopped a vet-diagnosed case of
Giardia in a baby cockatiel.
 I now have 2 missions in life, working on the genealogy, and sharing the CS
information with all who will listen!
Marshalee Hallett,
 mom to 4 and grandma to 4, 3 living.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>question about purity of CS wires

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Above .999 comes 100 % pure, not 1%.

> List,
> I would think that the designation regarding the purity of the silver
> "99.99% pure," would be correct. Why, then, do I see "." stamped on
> silver bullion? Because the next designation is 1.0, and "1.0 % pure"
> doesn't make sense. Please explain. (I'm putting this in the Appendix of
> Rife book, and the corrections are being made over the weekend, so I need
> answer FAST!)
> Many thanks.
> Nina Silver, no relation
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Marshalee, I still love your battery tester. Gives me a smile every time
> I see that! :-)
> Gary
What, my cold? Yeah, that was pretty weird.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>milk bad

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> >So did I; I was a dairy famer's daughter.  But at the other end, I
> >the day I turned 45!  Ah
> >bliss!
>   So. it did not kill you in 45 years?  Guess what?  It has not
> killed me in 63 years.  I still drink about a gallon per week.
>   Few people ever give the technical PLUS side of milk.
>   Wayne

Uh, Wayne, she wasn`t talking about drinking milk, she was talking about
Are you blushing yet?

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Marshalee, I still love your battery tester. Gives me a smile every time
  I see that! :-)

  ** Gary,
  Ok, what am I missing? Hu? hu? Hu?

  Marilyn, When my batteries were dead, I`d catch a cold! I was trying to cure 
it with Distilled water!!!
  Didn`t work.

Re: CS>Gotta Brag!

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear List, 
 Thanks to CS keeping me well, today I took my final final and finished my Fall 
Semester at BYU!!!
What an experience! I have met so many lovely students, and nice professors, 
and one not so nice...
  I began here on May 1st, and have earned 26 credits so far. I have also 
shared the knowledge of CS will all who would listen!
Had a nice time, did a lot of work, and Boy, I`m so glad to have 12 days in 
which to do NOTHING!!!
Pant, puff, puff...

Re: CS>Gotta Brag!

2001-12-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Congrats on conquering another semester.  Now you have the perfect
> opportunity to track down the BYU profs who have (still are?) researched
> and let us know the latest findings.
> --Steve
Dear Steve, I sent an email to the Professor, but never got an answer. I`ll
check the index and see if I can fine the other guy.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Gotta Brag!

2001-12-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Definitely worth bragging about!!
  Congratulations :o))
  For us elderly types, school is a bit more difficult, especially after taking 
a "few" years off.
  When I finished school in May, I was wiped out!! But sooo glad it was over.
  Those were my Echinacea hootin' days. I lived on it for 3 years.

  Thanks, Marilyn! What does echinacea do? Think it might help me?

Re: CS>Question: too much cs

2001-12-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  I am getting a cold and sore throat and wonder if I have over done the cs as 
I have just started taking it. I recently read about an effect that causes flu 
like symptoms when someone uses too much cs at first. Could someone refresh my 
memory and if this is what I am feeling, what should I do?

  Dear Judy, You have a cold. You aren`t geting enough CS! Take 3 big swallows, 
at least a cupful total a day, see if that`ll help. You need to saturate the 
tissues with CS at first to nail all the nasties lurking all over...
  Good luck!

Re: CS>The Spot: Off Topic

2001-12-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> But again, this is California and people do have their own reality here.
> Ed Kasper L.Ac., Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist
> Santa Cruz, California & www.happyherbalist.com

Dear Ed, 
 You are SO right!!!
Marshalee, who`s from Napa, the Wine Country!
(I used to canter my Arabian through the Cabernet Sauvignon vines...)

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS: Bettas

2001-12-28 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> >" Can one put CS in with our Beta? We've had it for 8 months!
> You ask about a Beta. I'm not familiar with this term, so can't make any
suggestions. As for fish--I have no idea! I tend to think not, but perhaps
someone else has had experience with this."

OK, you guys, listen up, Marshalee the Perfectionist here...
It is Betta, pronounced "Bet-uh" not "Bayta". Beta is a Greek letter. Betta
is a Siamese Fighting Fish.
Got it?
Sorry, that is one of my pet peeves, as I have been a Betta owner and
fancier for many years.
 Yes, CS is good for Bettas. Mine is in a one gallon glass bowl, not one of
those abominable tiny prisons, which also makes me cringe, as Bettas love to
swim freely. (They also appreciate a water temp. of 80 degrees, not room
temp. Amazing how active they are when given room, heat and good food!) When
I`m not so broke, I`m getting him a five gallon aquarium.
Now and then I put some CS into his freshly changed water, about a
teaspoonful. Doesn`t seem to hurt him any, and I`ve had this fellow for over
a year, so far so good!
He is unusual in color, he has a deep blue body, with blue-edged golden
(By the way, for the Newbies out there, who missed my rant of several months
ago, the word is "preventive", not "preventatative",
ie.what CS is so good at doing!)
OK, I`ll shut up for now!!! :o)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-12-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Tisk Marshalee, Tisk Tisk!
> > (By the way, for the Newbies out there, who missed my rant of several
months ago, the word is "preventive", not "preventative",
> > ie.what CS is so good at doing!)
> > OK, I`ll shut up for now!!! :o)
> > Love,
> > Marshalee
> My 3 nearest dictionaries [each is a standard doorstop weight ;) ] say :
>  DK Illustrated Oxford Dictionary
> lists preventative before preventive
> Reader's Digest Complete Word Finder:
> lists preventative before preventive
> The Macquarie Dictionary: [standard Australian reference]
> preventive [& gives definitions] then  says: Also preventative.
> [I collect dictionaries, just BTW.]
> Regards,
> Judith.

Dear Judith,
Just goes to show that even dictionaries can be wrong!
A preventive prevents, a preventative preventates.
See? It is an ambiguous word.
It just shows that the common misusage of a word breeds acceptance,
don`t it! :o)
(My most hated ever misusage is "seen" for "saw". And second are the cowboys
talkin` `bout "the horse that ain`t been rode".
I could kill...Arrgghhh)

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:Preventative

2001-12-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> What's the difference? 
> James-Osbourne: Holmes

The extra "ta" is redundant.
nuff said...

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2001-12-30 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> Well Marsha, you made me look it up.
> According to Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, unabridged 2nd
edition, 1974, you are "nice".  [Synonym for exact, correct, right,
normal,precise and some others I can't remember].  It says for
"preventative"...same as 'preventive'.
> James-Osbourne: Holmes

You know, James, just the other day I went to lunch with a friend.
Afterwards I just had to say: "My gastronomical solidity admonishes me that
further deglutition would be inconsistant with my dietetic integrity."
She said "Huh?"
I said: "I`m full".
"Nice" is my greatest goal! Why can`t all people be nice?
Shall we work over "Simplistically"?? "Simply" is just so much more, well,
I shall crawl back under my rock now, for further winter hibernation...
Love to you all!!
PS: I`m studying Spanish. Now why do they need 2 words for "for", por and
para, and why are there two "to be" verbs, ser and estar??
Ay de mi!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Filtering CS

2002-01-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Some folks think the silver oxide particles that form are a problem in some
way. Well, I`ve never filtered my CS, and in 6 years, no problems.
I don`t heat, or stir, the water either, I`m too lazy...It still works!

> I've noticed that several people talk about filtering the completed CS
> after the "brewing" is completed.  What is it that we need to filter out?
> What is it that settles to the bottom?
> Thanks,
> Roger Ragain
> Cahokia, Illinois
> United States of America
> E-mail:   rrag...@juno.com
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>blood pressure

2002-01-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Potassium (K) is the key to lower blood pressure.
One needs to have 4 times the amount of Potassium than Sodium.
There`s a book called "The K Factor" that explains it all.

> Hello Terry and other members.
> I think your two cents correct but I have still a question on high blood
pressure. What is the best way to handle high blood pressure? My best friend
49 years old was until a year ago a very healthy person. Then he started
feeling not so good sometimes blurred sight on his right eye, high blood
(185 over 115). After long discussions with his house-doctor he was allowed
to go to the hospital. He's had several investigation but nothing was found.
Conclusion there's nothing wrong with you. Now he get medication (antical)
for high blood pressure. This makes him not feel good and he's worrying to
death. Please what's your advice?
> thanks from me and my friend
> Jef
> >>> tcj...@yahoo.ca 08-01-02 17:31 >>>
> The whole issue of healthy vs unhealthy oils can be
> put in perspective by scrutinizing historical use. I
> am sure there were intelligent and educated scientists
> who have been objecting to the cholesterol myth for
> the last 100 years. If cholesterol causes heart
> disease, why aren't the Inuuit Eskimo indians dying
> like flies? They live on whale and seal blubber all
> winter. ("Hubby dear, tonite for supper we're having
> whale blubber steaks simmered in a tasty cholesterol
> gravy!") We all know the theory, we have been
> indoctrinated all our lives: "If you eat too much
> cholesterol, the excess cholesterol that your body
> doesn't use will float around in your blood and,
> because it is a sticky fat, will adhere to the sides
> of your arteries. As this process progresses, the
> opening in the artery becomes smaller, and
> insufficient blood can flow through to your heart,
> brain and other organs."
> If you go to a doctor and ask him to test you for your
> cholesterol level, he takes some blood out of your arm
> and sends it to the laboratory, where they check the
> cholesterol level in your blood. Now think about this:
> When he takes the blood out of your arm, what does he
> take blood from, an artery or a vein? He takes it from
> a vein. Ever heard of hardening of the veins?
> Veinerosclerosis? Why doesn't the sticky cholesterol
> adhere to the sides of your veins? It's because the
> cholesterol is SUPPOSED to adhere to the sides of your
> arteries, your body WANTS it to. Dr. Reams explained
> it this way: When you do not give your body the
> minerals it needs in food or supplements, your body
> will scavenge for those minerals within itself. If you
> have one type of biochemical imbalance (I see it
> regularly) your body will leach minerals from the
> walls of your arteries. (In another type, from joints
> and bones.) Why the walls of the arteries? Because the
> walls of the arteries are surrounded by a layer of
> muscle tissue (there to dilate or constrict your
> arteries to regulate blood pressure), and this muscle
> tissue is a rich source of minerals for the body to
> access. As time goes by, the artery walls begin to get
> thin, and the body says to itself, "Oops! Problem
> here! One of these arteries may burst and I might have
> an embolism or an aneurysm! I better fix this." So the
> body mixes up a batch of cement, which it plasters on
> the walls of the arteries. This cement does indeed
> strengthen the artery walls, but the cement is rigid
> and inflexible, so the arteries cannot dilate or
> constrict. So the first sign of heart disease is high
> or low blood pressure, indicating the artery's
> inflexibility. (This is not actually the first sign,
> just the first one a doctor would notice.) By the way,
> guess what a major ingredient is in this cement? Yep.
> Cholesterol, produced by the liver, not from foods.
> What happens when you begin giving your body the
> minerals it needs? It rebuilds the mineral-stripped
> artery walls and removes the plaque that isn't needed
> anymore.
> What is most amazing to me is how, in the face of the
> fact that whole civilizations have lived for thousands
> of years on a diet heavy with olive or corn or coconut
> oil, and never even heard of heart disease, the
> medical gurus tell us that now, suddenly (within one
> generation) these same oils CAUSE heart disease! Of
> course, even the best oils stop being good when cooked
> to death, or have their very genes adjusted.
> Dr. Weston Price, in his 9-year long trek all over the
> world visiting primitive societies, found that the
> healthiest societies (experiencing a level of health
> unheard-of in western society) were the ones who ate
> the MOST saturated fats! They also ate foods grown in
> mineral-rich soil, irrigated with water that was thick
> with minerals.
> Dr. Reams was saying for a long time (since the 30's)
> that olive and corn (before it became frankenstein
> oil) were the best oils. Nut and seed oils had good
> nutrients in them, but were difficult to diges

Re: CS>another newbie...

2002-01-10 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Hello all,
> I am new to colloidal silver, and to this list.  I want to learn
Hi, Allison! I`m Marshalee, and oldbie around here. CS cured me of Lyme
Disease several years ago, and I still use it. Good stuff!!

> I was told about colloidal silver recently and decided I wanted to
> use the product but I want to be informed first.
> I have made myself a generator using the "three nine-volt batteries,
> alligator clips and 2 rods of silver" method.
I made mine that way for a long time. I now use a plug in gadget, so I don`t
need to use batteries. The CS from both works just fine.

> I have been sitting here for hours each day searching and reading
> sites on colloidal silver and I am just getting more and more
> confused with different information.  I am hoping that some of my
> questions can be answered here without chastisement.
I promise I won`t smack you! :o)
I understand about the confusion...I have learned that simplest is best.
> I have read that grey colloidal silver is poor quality.  I have also read
> that it is very strong.  Which is it?  I was given some that was grey
> and it looked so awful I wouldnt drink it.  It has now settled tho and
> is clear except for being grey at the bottom.  I was told to shake
> the bottle always b4 drinking...
True CS should have no sediment. It is clear to pale yellow. One may get
fuzz on the wires which falls off, but that is just silver oxide. I don`t
sweat it.
> Using the above generator I have read that it makes CS at 1ppm
> per minute.  I have also read that it can take 2.5 minutes to make
> 1ppm.  I will have no way of testing my CS to find out for sure how
> many ppm I will be making so which is correct?  I am looking to
> make  a strength of 3-5ppm.
I make mine to about 18 PPM, by activating it for an hour, with 2 cups of
> Also using the above generator, some sites say to use a salt
> solution in the water and others say dont.  Again, which?
Salt isn`t necessary. It just speeds up the reaction, but one also makes
silver compounds.
> I am also very confused as to how much CS I should take.  I will
> not be taking it for any specific illness but rather to just keep me
> healthy I guess.  As CS is non toxic does it really matter how
> much I take at my obviously low ppm?  Should I take a large dose
> once a day or several smaller doses throughout the day?  I've read
> of doses of teaspoons full, tablespoons full, glasses and drops.
> Again, confusion...
One swallow a day of my homebrew keeps me free of nasties, and feeling well.
That`s about 1/3 cup. I take 3 swallows a day if I feel anything creeping
in, ( if it does it`s usually `cause I got lazy and didn`t get the one
swallow for a few days...)
> One more thing - I know of a woman with very bad psoriasis on her
> hands.  Apparently they are a mess and nothing she puts on them
> seems to work.  I have been told its psoriasis, then again I was
> also told that "they" think she is allergic to something she is using,
> eg, shampoo, washing powder, in which case I am thinking surely
> this is dermatitis not psoriasis.  Anyway, as I love aromatherapy
> my suggestion was that she needs to put some essential oils like
> lavender and chamomile (& maybe others) into an oil such as
> calendula oil and rub this into her hands and then wear cotton
> gloves to help the skin really absorb the healing elelments...but
> now I am wondering about CS and her condition.  Would anyone
> have any recommendations?
I have heard that CS is good for Psoriasis and other skin thingys.
It sure helped my sunburn, scratches, cuts and spider bites!
> Here's hoping this list is kind to newbies...
You are so welcome here! That`s what it`s for!
Marshalee in Provo, Utah, USA

> Alison
> in New Zealand

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>LYME disease

2002-01-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
LYME diseaseDear Philip, I HAD Lyme Disease, contracted in Arkansas in 1990.
  No more...CS did the trick, when 6 years worth of anitbiotics couldn`t.
  Let me know if you want my story...

  Since I have yet to unsubscribe from this list (the interest an my curiosity
  keeps me going) I would like to ask if there might  be anyone who has 
  with Lyme disease? If so, how  efficacious was Colloidal Silver in eradicating
  the spirochetes from the body. 

  One of my best friends, 'Ken', with whom I have hiked Canada's famed
  West Coast Trail three times, suffers from this dreaded disease.
  He acquired it during one of first two of seven hikes on that trail, having 
  bitten by a  nasty tick. Several years after the fact, while in Venezuela,
  he had suddenly  taken ill. The doctors there and in Montreal (once he 
  misdiagnosed his condition. Having later obtained sound medical counsel he is 
  undergoing treatment pursuant to the protocols of  the Lyme Disease experts. 
  He  has ameliorated some of his concerns but only moderately. This disease is 
  insidious and unpredictable, that he manifests different problems week
  by week.  The disease can mask many symptoms and be interpreted as some
  other disease such as epstine barr and a host of others.

  Last year while hiking the trail for my fourth time, I met a 72 year old
  gentleman who was hiking with two walking sticks and a back pack.
  I was concerned for him because he seem crippled somewhat. There is
  no way anyone should be on that trail that is not is sound physical condition
  in order to endure the 78 kilometer rigors of that trail. Conversation with
  that man revealed symptoms that were identical to those of Lyme disease.
  It appears he too has been misdiagnosed all these years. Origin of the
  disease? Hiking the trail. Now I meet a man here in central  Illinois
  who has the disease. He acquired it while bow hunting in Kentucky
  eight or nine years ago. I queried him and compared my physical concerns.

  This all concerns me personally, as I suspect some physical symptoms which 
  me, as possibly being attributed to Lyme.  Sore feet each and every morning
  when I wake up. Peripheral Neuropathy is what one friend suggested, a common
  malady for men over 45, on what appears to be a large scale. 
  This appears to be the common lot for men. And all along people thought it was
  prostrate disease. 
  I have been apprised that this condition (Peripheral Neuropathy) has been 
  with Lyme Disease.
  However, unless I personally travel to the LYME specialists in Pennsylvania I 
may not really know.
  I am, moreover, not convinced that I have it. 
  Testing is sensitive but purported to be extremely accurate in diagnosis.
  I do know this, that taking 7 wormwood capsules, seven clove capsules and 
  teaspoons of black walnut tincture has given me great relief for short 
periods of time.
  Following a one  week course of self treatment I found my energy level and 
  prowess to be that comparable to twenty years ago. I  suddenly became a power
  runner without foot  pain.  It  was fantastic. Gimmie a 65 pound back back 
and let me go.
  Results were not permanent however I have managed to repeat the experience. 
  Therefore, I am curious to know  if CS can offer permanent relief. If so,  in 
what quantity.  
  CS has likewise been recommended to me within the context of Dr. Hulda 
Clark's  protocols. 
  Again, any comments would be most welcomed.


  Philip Wylie

  "I have mountains yet to climb,  trails to hike and ocean waterways to 
explore by sea kayak.
  The moody rivers of Wisconsin wait for me, and the pristine waters of 
Georgian Bay's Precambrian shield
  beckon their call along with the land of 1001 lakes. I have an abundant life 
to live with my wife, creative 
  projects to undertake and complete and conceive. God willing we will make  
every effort to seize our moments 
  under the sun and do good to our fellow man. All the while taking 
responsibility for our own health and vitality."

Re: CS>LYME disease

2002-01-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Re: CS>LYME diseaseMarshall, this is splendid of you to offer your story. 
Please, yes, I would love to read it.

  Philip Wylie

  Dear Philip,
  My name is Marshalee. I`m still alive thanks to Colloidal Silver!
   I`m currently a returned student at Brigham Young University at age 49. I 
took a short break (29 years!) to raise 4 kids. (I`m studying to become a 
professional Genealogist.)
  Anyway, here`s my tale:
   In the summer of 1990 I was living in Arkansas, where I was bitten by a tiny 
tick on my lower leg. When I got the bullseye rash I knew what it was, as I`d 
read an article about Lyme Disease in a magazine. So I went to the doctor, who 
knew nothing about LD, and he undertreated me. So the Lyme kept recurring. 
(Whenever I stopped the doxycycline, in a few days I`d be back into active LD. 
This happened 6 times in nearly 6 years.)
  Well, by that time I was living in Wisconsin, and the doc there refused to 
believe that Lyme can withstand ABX and maddeningly refused to even look at the 
Internet info. I had brought that showed it can. He then refused to give me any 
more doxy. In a few months I was dreadfully ill.
  So finally I asked the Good Lord to either let me die soon, or help me to get 
rid of the LD so I can do my beloved Genealogy. He heard me!
  A couple of weeks later I got a letter from an old high school buddy. She`d 
gotten a box in the mail, and on papers used as packing was some writing. 
Curious, she read it. It was Mark Metcalf`s info. on CS: what it was, how it 
works, and how to make it! It mentioned Lyme as one of the diseases it can 
cure, so she sent the info. to me. My son and I went all over Kenosha and 
Racine, looking for silver wire, found some, put the gadget together, and 
within 3 days of starting the CS, I noticed that I was a lot better! For the 
first time in
  weeks I could shut my teeth properly, I could think clearly again, and my 
joints weren`t aching. It took about 7 months for most of the damage to heal. 
What a wonderful thing!
  I have since used CS for numerous UTI`s caused by gallbladder removal, as the 
Lyme had destroyed my GB. 
  Any time I`d feel a cold coming on, I knew it was time for fresh batteries.
  I also take some every day as a preventive, which is fortunate, for I was 
bitten by (possibly Brown Recluse) spiders while in Vallejo, CA. I have some 
tiny marks, not skin grafts, thanks to the CS.
  I also give it to my Pug dogs and birds. It stopped a vet-diagnosed case of 
Giardia in a baby cockatiel.
   I now have 2 missions in life, working on the genealogy, and sharing the CS 
information with all who will listen!
  Marshalee Hallett, mom to 4, and grandma to 4, 3 living.

Re: CS>Chronic Renal Kidney Disease CRF

2002-01-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Dyslexics of the world-UNTIE!!

Yes, and don`t forget to attend the Dyslexics Convention. 
Topic: Nug control!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Yeast infections

2002-01-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> You may be surprised at what does emerge when you cleanse adequately. A
> sixty year old lady I know couldn't comprehend what the small brightly
> coloured bits were that she was passing, so she had them analysed. They
> ended up being pieces of crayon that she had chewed as a child.
> Regards,
> Mike Fuller

Dear Mike, Why was it when I had a lower GI series done that my insides were
pink, clean, and pretty? I saw `em!
I think I clean out just fine every time I take a dump...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Newbe with news and questions.

2002-01-18 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Hello All, 
  New at this list business and hope I am doing it right. I seem to get 
duplicates of many messages, is this necessary evil? I will say that I have 
problems following the scientific side of the conversation,PPM, generators, 
Neon ect, but enjoy what I do get from it.  I have been making my clear to pale 
yellow CS for over a year.  I use the three   9 volt battery in quart of 
boiling hot water with 2 drops of saline solution brew for 45 minutes.  Is this 
concidered to be ionic or colloidal?  I like the way it works for me.  If I 
wake with a sore throat I take 4 oz and swish and gargle and swallow with in 15 
min the sore throat is gone.  I usually take at least 8 oz a day.  I am not 
blue or gray, but find my teeth do look a little gray at times.  I am trying to 
kill any virus, bacteria or spirochetes  which may be causing Multiple 
Sclerosis.  I am doing very well now and have no noticeable symptoms. I 
currently use supplements, diet, colloidal Silver, Histamines and LDN.  
  Thank you for the information Marlene

  Dear Marlene, Hi! I`m Marshalee, been on this list for years...CS cured me of 
Lyme disease. (Yay!)
  You don`t need the saline. That just makes silver cloride, which isn`t good. 
Nor do you need to heat the water, at least not so hot.
  I use room temp water, 2 cups, let it run for 1 hour. I don`t stir or 
anything else. (I`m lazy...)
  My CS works just fine!
  What is LDN??

Re: CS>source for silver wire

2002-01-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Houser and Miller in ST. Louis-about $7 to.-$50 min for wire.

That`s where I get mine from. Their number is 800-462-7447.
Minimum order is one ounce.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnesium oxide help

2002-01-23 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Hello
> Can anyone tell me if when using magnesium oxide to cleanse the collon
> it did not work at all. I recently purchased some and have not had one
> single movement. I take a heaped teaspoon with lemon juice and apple cider
> for a boost in acidity and still nothing. THe way people rave about it on
> the web i thought i would be like lightning. I drink lots of water as
> I am beggining to wonder if the product i bought is bogus, and maybe
> try another brand or supplier
> Thanks for your time
> Damian

Um, maybe your colon was already clean enough...

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS: dog lump

2002-02-11 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear List folks,
Here`s something weird. My 11 year old Pug dog Willy had a lump on his neck
for about a year. About the size of the end of my little finger. Well last
week I was feeling it, and it squished. I squeezed it and it popped open.
Out came some stuff that looked like fine black sand! I emptied it out over
about 4 days; it never seemed to hurt him at all.
I kept it clean with melaleuca oil, and he has CS in his water all the time.
Seems to be healing up OK. Any idea what it could be?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: CS: dog lump

2002-02-11 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> << Seems to be healing up OK. Any idea what it could be?
>  Thanks, >>
> Sounds like a sebaceous cyst. I saw them a lot when I owned a grooming
> they're kind of like huge, huge pimples. They often recur in the same spot
> unless every bit of the junk is out of it. IMO the tendency toward these
> related to the kind of food and treats they eat.
> Laura H.
> Texas

Dear Laura, I don`t think it is a seb. cyst, I get those myself. (So did my
dad, and my youngest son, they are hereditary.)
The stuff inside one of them is hard and white, kinda like cartilage, where
as Willy`s lump was full of squishy grainy black stuff. I wonder if it was a
cancerous something or other? After all, he`s nearly 80 in human terms.
Poor old guy is getting cataracts and has a hard time going down the stairs
now. sigh...I had to put his little Puggy wife to sleep last May; she had
hip dysplasia. I know he grieved for her.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>? about using electrolytes

2002-02-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett
  Dear Carl, No need to use any electrolytes at all. Period!
  The CS made without them works just fine, and no worry about making any 
silver compounds.
  Good luck!

  I am just beginning to make my own CS, and I have a number of questions:

  (1). If I should use salt as an electrolyte, what other products besides CS 
(colloidal silver) does that make. Some webb sites say that it would produce 
silver chloride salts. Would those silver chloride salts be injurious to the 

  (2) Same question as above, if I use a saline solution as an electrolyte. 
Would the saline solution be the same as salt (NaCl).

  (3).Same question as above, if I use Vitamin C as an electrolyte? What oher 
products would the Vitamin C produce and how would they effect the body?

  (4). Same questions as above, if I use baking soda as an electrolyte? What 
oher products would the Vitamin C produce and how would they effect the body?

  Any and all advice would be appreciated.

  Carl George




Re: CS>cs and insulin

2002-02-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Anyone know of any interactions or side effects of using CS with humulin
> Also any info related to diabetes would also be appreciated!
> Sincerely,
> Joseph Fritz

Take Vanadium! Its lack is the main cause of type 2. I`m 49, overweight, and
have perfect blood. I take V every day.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>list

2002-02-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> i have not received any email for 2 days i would like to know if i am
> on the list

You are, I just think no one has anything to say! Watching the Olympics,
maybe? Or looking at the nastiness on the OT list, which I left because of
Anyway, Silver is STILL great stuff... :o)

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flesh Eating Bacteria

2002-02-23 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Hi,
> Does anyone know if CS will work against this horrible bacteria?  There
> are two new cases in Charleston SC this week.  Thanks, Peggy

I don`t know from personal experience, but CS should work, as it can kill
bacteria easily, as well as viruses.
Why don`t you tell the parents about it, so their children won`t have to

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Eye test

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> <>
>Hmmm...I don't know about that.   Unless I have something in my
> head other than a brain, I counted 6 while scanning quickly for "F".
> Catherine

Me too!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear List, I`m finding out about diabetes and possible MS right now.
Anyone out there have any words of knowledge for me??
PS, My GTT numbers were 90 FBS and 160  2 hours after the nasty sweet stuff...
I`ll be having more blood work and possibly an MRI soon.
I`d rather have stage 4 liver cancer than MS, much quicker...

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
  I have been taking CS for nearly 6 years now, don`t you think that if MS is 
an infection, the CS would have nailed it by now? 
  I seriously think the Lyme Disease did permanent damage to my nerves, and 
even though the Lyme is gone, the nerves are still in bad shape.
  We shall see...

  I believe MS is an infection, period. Very possibly HHV-6 or chlamydia. Or is 
diagnosed as MS because many conditions can mimic MS. Either way, I still 
believe infection may be the root cause, maybe which has manifested itself many 
years after the initial infection. I'm interested in knowing if you received a 
polio shot prior to 1964? If you wish, email me and I'll give you a contact. 
One thing we must all understand is that there are literally thousands of 
pathogens for which they will never in anyone's lifetime be able to isolate. 
Plus, many are pleomorphic (protean) which makes the job of isolating them even 
harder. When the conventional medical folks say a condition is ideopathic or 
so-called auto-immune, what they are really saying is they simply don't know. 
It is my belief as time goes on, nearly all the devistating diseases will be 
linked to infection. There was a time when the consensus of the day was to 
scoff at the idea (Koch and Rife) that viruses cause cancer. Today there are 
five proven causations of cancer linked to viruses. Fungi, when it's better 
understood, will also be shown to be the cause of much illness (found in 
prostate cancer) as fungi release enormous amounts of toxins.virii and 
bacteria being two of them. Mycoplasma has just become a hot topic in recent 
years. Remember also that it took 13 years (1996) before mainstream medicine 
accepted that stomach ulcers are caused by infection. Now there are over 20 
known. Yet, in the 1940's there were doctors that knew what caused stomach 
ulcers, but were ignored. My point is, don't put all your eggs in one basket 
with respect to your doctor's dx. Do your own research and find a good 
physician that is not of the linear thinking cookie cutter variety. 
We had much experience with diabetes in my parents. My mother has been 
declared non-diabetic since January 1999. My father had it much worse, but we 
were able to all but eliminate his meds until his untimely death April 2001 due 
to a nosocomial infection while in the hospital. 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  I've been trying to find your email address so I could send you  some 
information off list.  You may have seen some of my messages about my MS.  The 
CS has definately changed my life, and improved it 80%.   
  Nancy DeLise  nancym...@prodigy.net

  Try liah...@utah-inter.net 
  I`ll be glad to hear more from you!

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Is there any good reason not to try a zapper?  I
> don't have ms, but my zapper has sure done me a lot of
> good for I don't know what all.  I am using a Don
> Croft model.   pj

I`ve been thinking about it. Where does one get a Zapper?

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Not necessarily. Many pathogens can hide in secluded places wreaking their 

  CS is supposed to go anywhere to get the bugs. It can`t reverse nerve damage 

Were were screened for chlamydial infection? HHV-6? If they didn't extract 
it from cerebrospinal fluid, how can they know for certain? 
  No, I`m just starting the testing.
Do you have a history of infectious mononucleosis (Epstein Barr)? Did you 
have mumps or measles after age 15?
http://www.asmusa.org/pcsrc/41icaac/36218.htm There are others.
  Now, as far as CS goes, the size of a virus ranges from 22 nm up to and over 
90 nm. I must admit I'm not an expert on the efficacy of CS against viruses, 
but common sense would tell me if the CS size is not optimal in relation to the 
intended target, it will not work. 
If it were me, I would not sacrifice my body to the Priesthood of medicine. 
I would go outside the accepted/approved "norm" if I in fact I was dx with MS. 
Be prepared to be excoriated by your doctor should you do this. Unless you want 
to be pumped full of drugs and live in misery the rest of your life, you may 
want to investigate this further.

  I know, My sister is a case in point...none of her doctor`s suggestions have 
helped her, but the CS I suggested has!
  my 2 cents
Have your heard of UVBI?

  I just began taking cod liver oil, and am noticing improvements with it. 
Could be the Vitamin A and D were too low.
  Thanks for the 2 Cents!!

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to try 
for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or 
experience, good or bad with this stuff??
I hesitate to take stuff like that...

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> Marsha:
> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are
the same.
No, they are not the same at all. I know what Lyme feels like, this ain`t
it. With Lyme my joints ached, I had brainfog, I was really TIRED, and so
on, for about 45 more symptoms. Now I have ringing in the ears, neuropathy,
skin thickening, and depression, only the last is also Lyme connected. My
sister has MS, badly, and she knows what it`s like.

> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it
> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and
> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a >
half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to
> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my
> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to
> swell to about triple normal size.
That does NOT sound like Lyme. I have, before Lyme, bumped myself slightly,
and because I broke some vessel or something, swelled up.

> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and
> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six
> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to
> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the
> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to
> return to 100 percent.
> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow
> before the first one quit.
> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill
> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an >
attack at any time.
What makes you think that CS can`t kill off the Lyme? It is so fine it can
get inside the cells where it hides. ABX can`t do that, that`s why they
can`t get rid of Lyme totally.

The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay
> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to
> drive it back when an attack happens.
> Dave
 I`m (hopefully) having an MRI done soon, it will show if it is MS or not.
I`ll keep you posted.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS & Argyria

2002-02-28 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Argyria is not a concern with electro-colloidal silver. The particles are so
fine they are easily excreted.
Take it with no worries! I have for almost 6 years now. It literally saved
my life.

> I am new to this list. I ordered my CS generator a few days ago, and I
> wait to get it.
> I have surfed the web extensively for possible dangers/risks of Colloidal
> Silver. And I keep seeing references to "Argyria". I also saw a homepage
> a woman that appearantly has this disease (?) and she looks like someone
> from Star-Trek. Well, not really, but she has a blue face anyway.
> The thought that I would wake up one day with a blue face seriously scares
> me. I searched for more information on Argyria, and it is often mentioned
> the same breath with Colloidal (?) Silver.
> Some say that onle the grinded and chemically "modiefied" silver zould
> Argyria in some rare cases. Other people claim that even Colloidal Silver
> can cause Argyria.
> I would like to know your comments. Is there any news on the CS/Argyria
> relationship? Does it only apply when you take the silver orally? Are
> any new cases of Argyria known?
> Looking foreward to your reply. Thanks a lot!
> -No Strezzz Cazzz
> Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic...
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Marshalee

2002-03-01 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Hilary, I had your wires all ready to go, but never received a check,
so they got sent to someone else. I emailed you twice, to see if you still
wanted them, but didn`t receive a reply.
Sorry, got the wires crossed somewhere...

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-03-01 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Craig, Thanks for your input! The samples are SR, but I`m going to
first try Colloidal Gold.
I`ve already began to cut back the sweets, (sigh... they`ve been my
emotional security blanket, as well as my killer...) and hope that I can
drop the blood glucose that way. I`m also looking into the Atkins diet.
Thanks again,

> Marshalee,
> While I am very reluctant to take antibiotics, and I am very
> anti-allopathic, etc., I have suffered chronic depression for at least
> the last 30 years.  I have tried anti-depressants from every catagory.
> SSRI side effects were horrible for me.  Recently, my doctor asked if I
> had ever taken Wellbutrin SR, and I hadn't...so being ever on the look
> out for something which would work, I tried it. I took the first 150mg
> pill at the pharmacy.  Twenty minutes later I arrived home and my wife
> could see the difference in my face. I was calm (not drugged) and smiled
> at her.  My concentration was vastly improved and I was laughing, like a
> normal person.
> This drug has broken the cycle of depression for me.  I am now able to
> funtion without fighting all of the side effects of depression.  I have
> learned how it feels to not be depressed and have concentrated on
> keeping those feelings.  After about a year of varying my dosage
> according to my needs, I am now taking only one 150mg tablet every other
> day, and sometimes I will take a 100mg on the off day. I experienced no
> side effects until I reached a dosage of over 300mg/day, and then I had
> some trouble sleeping and increased anxiety.
> My wife is experiencing the early stages of menopause and has also found
> that Wellbutrin SR provided immediate relief from depression and mood
> swings with no side effects.  She too, after reaching 300mg/day, has
> found that 150mg every day with an additional 150mg every now and then
> to be adequate.
> I have tried all of the other methods, St John's Wort, 5-HTP, etc.,
> etc., but none worked.  This has worked for me.
> Your mileage may vary.
> I don't want to start a thread on this and only offer my experience for
> you to consider.  Others who have had different experiences should speak
> about them and not to me, I am not going to debate anyone over
> this...got too many other fun things to do.  I will answer any relevant
> questions off list, however...but I won't defend what I am doing, so
> don't waste your time...I have been in the barrel too long and don't
> care.
> Warmest regards,
> Craig
> > Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> >
> > Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin
> > to try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any
> > knowledge or experience, good or bad with this stuff??
> > I hesitate to take stuff like that...
> > Marshalee
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-03-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett


  I looked it up .. And didn't like what I found.  I suggest some colloidal 
gold.  There are some on this list that make it and can supply you with it.  
The results of my seach on Wellbutrin follow your original message below. I 
made bold what I did not like. Your decision, my dear!Namase:  Bob Bartell


  Dear Bob, I just got some C gold that a fellow Silverlister mailed me. I`m 
hoping that it`ll do the trick! I saw a shrink for the first time this morning, 
and mentioned it to him, and he`s wanting to see how I do on it. He`s also 
interested in the CS. Cool!

  Thanks for the input and for caring enough to write!



Re: CS>? on dosage & approach

2002-03-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Hi CArl,
  It's great that you have found CS, but don't be too upset when your friends 
will not try CS no matter how hard you try.  It is very frustrating when you 
know it will help them, but they won't listen.  You can only try.

  Yeah, yand ou should see all the crap the members of the diabetes list threw 
at me when I mentioned CS...even had to mention Quackwatch.

Re: CS>Malaria

2002-03-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> A couple times awhile back, I had posted a message on a homeopathic site
> got bombed for mentioning colloidal silver as a possible cure for strep
> throat or bronchitis.  Don't you feel good that you can talk about
> homeopatic remedies on this site without getting insulted and bombed?  :-)
> Oh well, their loss and our gain.  It doesn't make sense to me not to
> co-mingle the two together if will help.
> Dick T.

Hoo boy, you should see what the idiots on the diabetes list did to me when
I mentioned CS!!! Being hung, drawn and quartered doesn`t even begin to
So they can be sick and miserable, I`m not going to care any more...

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Malaria

2002-03-07 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> You should mention stevia as an alternative sweetener on the diabetes
> list and see what happens.
> --
> John A. Stanley   j...@natel.net

Those people were downright vicious to me. I hope they enjoy their misery,
`cause they are going to keep it!!!
PS, I want to try stevia!!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Stevia (was: Re: CS>Malaria)

2002-03-08 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> >PS, I want to try stevia!!
> I've been using stevia for years; it's great stuff. It comes in several
> forms: powdered whole leaf, brown whole leaf extract, clear purified
> liquid extract, and powdered purified extract. My favorite is the clear
> purified liquid extract because it doesn't have the aftertaste of the
> whole leaf extract, and it's easier to regulate the sweetness than with
> the highly concentrated powder. I find two or three drops is enough to
> sweeten a cup of tea.
> -- 
> John A. Stanley   j...@natel.net

Dear John, 
Where do I find it? 

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS> OT, help!

2002-03-08 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Silverlisters, 
I`m supposed to have a nerve induction test this afternoon.
Has anyone had one of them? Is it gonna be nasty???

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>MEHPA update on proposed mandatory medicine

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Wow I join the Colloidal Silver List and I get to read some twisted 
  doctors science fiction!!! What a deal!! 

  Yeah, but now and then you get some really good stuff about Colloidal 
  Got any questions or ideas about it?
  I`ve been using it for years.

Re: CS>Fw: mineral oil

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Subject: mineral oil

  i use johnson & johnson baby oil once in a while for dry skin, etc., it 
states that it is mineral oil and fragrances only.
  is this stuff made of the bad stuff that clark, et al, say that we should not 
deal with? tyia.   jim

  Mineral oil can draw vitamin E directly out of the body. Not good.
  Adelle Davis`s old books, (still wise, IMHO) are my source.

CS> Welcome!!

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Thanks Marshalee I am very new to the CS scene. if I have any questions I 
will direct them to you personally, per your invitation!  Thanks,   Mike G 

  Dear Mike, I`m always glad to help! 
  I am one of the oldies on the List. CS cured me of Lyme Disease when nearly 6 
years of antibiotics couldn`t. I still take it as a preventive, and am now 
trying Colloidal Gold for my recent bouts of depression. (So far, I`m feeling 
  So, email me and tell me your story, will you?
  So glad you are here!!

Re: CS> OT, help!

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Malcolm, Well it went OK. It hurt some, but was bearable.
I did jump off one needle when he hit a particularly bad spot, but he was
behind me, so I didn`t get to kick him!! Actually the zappers were worse
than the needles.
Now I have to wait to find out what it all means!
If it is just diabetes, how did I get neuropathy when I never had a fasting
blood glucose go over normal???
Still think it is damage from the Lyme buggies.

> Hi Marshalee; I don't know if what you are getting is what I got, but I
> believe it is similar.  It may be an entirely different kettle of fish,
> though (in other words, you can't take my word for a darn thing!)  Anyway,
> my test consisted of several parts; one was to stimulate muscles with tiny
> electrical pulses introduced through - essentially - acupuncture needles
> to read the muscles' response througfh other needles.  This measured the
> extent to which the various parts of the muscle were still innervated, and
> also the degree of - I think it was called entrainment - where the part of
> the muscle acting from stimulation would itself stimulate the rest of it
> contract.  Another part sounds really awful, but really wasn't too bad.
> docs zapped me in the back of the knee with a cattle prod, or something
> pretty much like it, and measured the time it took the reflex arc to
> complete.  I nailed one doc in the stomach, and shoved him into his
> which broke it, which I guess meant my reflex arc was abnormally fast, but
> ended that part of the test, anyhow.
> So by now you probably know what you got; was it anything like this or are
> my docs just barbarians?  
> Malcolm

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Questions...wilting dandelion

2002-03-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett
> Darcie
> yeah it is warm here, I'm in the San Jose California
> area.

Dear Darcie, Hi, home girl!
I`m from Napa, but living in Provo, Utah right now, (going to school at
I also lived in Pleasanton and Fremont when I was young...a LONG time ago...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Questions...wilting dandelion

2002-03-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Hi Marshalee,
> Thanks for writing me!  Napa is a beautiful area, my
> Grandmomma used to live there.  I really am a "country
> bumpkim, but am living here until the kids grow up.
> We only have about 5 more years to go, then it's back
> to the Seirra Mountains!
> Thanks for the "High Girl"!
> Darcie
Dear Darcie, I`m a silver user fom away back, almost 6 years now. It cured
my Lyme Disease (yay!!)
Glad to have you on our list!
Here`s something to try: put 2 cups of milk out, one with, the other without
some CS in it. Now watch and see how many days the CS milk lasts!!!
PS, tell me about your kids!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Questions...wilting dandelion

2002-03-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Marshalee,
>  What happens to the milk
>  I am curious. Don't you make Kefir with your Milk???
> maxine

Dear Maxine, 
The milk stays fresh. It can`t rot with no bacteria in it.
I don`t make kefir, never have.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My first attempt at making CS

2002-03-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Darcie, Where did you get this wire from??

> Hello all,
> Well I got my (supposed).999 silver in the mail, it
> says on the package 149. fine.
> I am not sure this is so pure.  
> I used 4 9 volt batteries, distilled water and am sure
> I put all the components right.
> The reaction I got was:
> Immediately after connecting the negative connector,
> the negative wire starting reacting with whitish
> wisps, then at the bottom of the negative wire it
> started producing black stuff.  The positive wire then
> started reacting with finer wisps.  
> I only processed for about 2 minutes.  I used my laser
> pen and could see that it looked right, but I am
> concerned.
> The solution now is a kind of milky color.
> What to do, what to do.
> Your answers are very valuable to meI am looking
> forward to them.
> Thanks,
> Darcie
> __
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> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My first attempt at making CS

2002-03-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> OOPS  A BIG OOPS!  See now I rellay can see
> how this lyme disease is affecting my brain!  I went
> and bought a high quality "distilled" water,  I
> thought... well in looking at the label again.IT
> WAS "SPRING" water.  What a dummy I am!!!  So I am off
> to the store to get the right water.  SO sorry about
> this original post.  I am not normally so DUMB!
> Darcie...

Dear Darcie, 
as a former Lymie I can say: Been There, Done That!!!
You have my complete empathy!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver

2002-03-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Listers,
 I have a new order of silver wire on the way. If anyone wants some, just
let me know!!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE:Silver

2002-03-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett

   I would be interested in obtaining some of that wire Marshalee. Please 
contact me off-list.

  OK, send me your email address please. I`m at liah...@utah-inter.net
  PS, the wire is here.


2002-03-25 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Listers,
Just to let you all know, I have silver wire available again, 5 smackers a
set, which includes postage and all.
Email me if you need some.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Any Suggestions?

2002-03-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Here's a question I've been burning  and itching to ask! 
  Has anyone dealt with CS  for hemmorhoids? 
  I need a creative way to treat someone 
  (Namely, myself), and now, I hope not to meet any of you in 
  person!   Thanks! 

  Actually, if you take 800 IU of Vitamin E, (alpha tocopherol), a day, plus 
some cod liver oil in pearls with it, the hemorrhoids will go away. I`m proof 
  My bottom is fine now, thank you... :o) And no problems with varicose veins 
in the legs either.
  (Same problem, different place...)
  Be sure to take these with milk, as they need a bit of fat along with them, 
in order to be absorbed.

Re: CS>RE: Thrush

2002-03-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
For what it`s worth, when I was breastfeeding my last baby, oh, 23 years ago
as of tomorrow,  (!!!)
we both got thrush, he in his mouth and me on my nipples, which cracked and
bled when he`d nurse. Ouch!!
The La Leche League suggested I wipe me off, and his mouth out, with a cloth
dipped in a baking soda in water solution. It worked! 3 days later he was
back nursing from me, not a bottle, and I was so glad.
Apparently the baking soda changed the pH of the area, which killed off the
thrush yeasts.
Hope this might help...

> Greetings list members,
> My sister has metastasized breast cancer.  The cancer isn't killing her
> but the inability to eat and drink because of the Thrush.  We can get
> the candida which underlies the Thrush, if we can just get the Thrush
> under control in her mouth so she can eat and drink.
> We have used high concentration CS (from Frank Rey, thank you for making
> this available), white oak bark and some allopathic "swish & swallow"
> which didn't do anything...but neither did the others.
> We have been advised that 3% H2O2 is effective, won't know until
> tomorrow when she comes home.
> We are treating her for thrush with a 6C EM+ machine as well, but to no
> avail.  Mostly because she keeps getting dehydrated and it seems to
> deter the Rife Effect.
> I am wondering about a 5% Hydrochloric acid solution.
> I desparately need a thrush buster that works and works fast.  She is
> small and has always been thin, so not much in reserve.
> Thanks for your help,
> Craig
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fleme/ canker

2002-03-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett
  I found that in addition to CS healing them, vitamin C helps keep canker 
sores away. They can be either a mild case of scurvy, or a viral infection.
  Melaleuca oil stops the terrible pain, even though it tastes rather yucky. I 
just dip a fingertip into the oil, then touch it to the sore and keep it 
spitless for a couple of minutes. Really works!
  Hope this helps...
  PS, it is Phlegm. I`m a spelling freak... :o)

   I have fleme that collects in my throat for some reason.
   I do have Asthma,  had   shingles abt 15 mo's ago with still pain and  
numbness in face and the canker ous mouth.
   I sneeze   a lot and have to   TRY   to clear my throat a lot.
   I been using peroxide to rinse my mouth and brush my tounge and then rinse 
mouth with  CS  for abt 2 weeks now and no difference.
  Is there something or way I can also use CS for this.?
  I haven't been able to find out what causes the canker part but know it is a 
problem with getting exposed to Chicken Pox virus X ams 2000 by a stupid man 
who broiught his chciken pox kid to  dinner where we were invited to go .  We 
were not told this kid had Chciken Pox.
  I am taking CS for this Virus in the nerve in my face and hope in time it 
will help. The man's parents also got this Crude and used CS and their pain 
subsided but they still take some every day.
  I have hopes of mine helping so am keeping on it. night and morning.
  I also drink,  KT and Kefir but not same times.
   Anyone else have the Canker and Fleme problem???

Re: CS>Ointment for CS

2002-03-31 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> So, your is a good question - anyone else had problems - I thought and
> everyone CS was brilliant for eye problems, and indeed it was in my
> daughters case, but it doesn't seem to work for sties very well.
> Tracy

Dear Tracy,
CS made my stye go away. Guess it depends on the CS...

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>urinary track infection

2002-04-02 Thread Marshalee Hallett

>   In time past there was a thing called match makers disease. It was cause
> by injestion of phosphorus and depleted the bones.
>  Phosphoric acid is the active ingrediant in navel jelly [rust dissolver]
>  There's a lot of it in colas...and a cola soda pop will remove rust.
>  Not all sodas have phosphoric acids...mostly the cola sodas.
> Ken

Best toilet cleaner in the world is a can of Coke!! good for cleaning off
the battery posts, too...
Too bad the damn stuff tastes so good. :o(

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-04-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
 My Pug Lacy is 1 1/2 and has had no shots. She is the smartest Pug I have
ever had! she knows the names of all 12 of her toys, adn will bring me one
if I ask for it by name. I`ve never had a dog do that.
 She gets CS in her water bowl every day, so far so good!!

> An imal vaccines have mercury and aluminum in them and cause
> neurological and degenerative diseases in animals.   Nosodes  give
> antibody protection wit h no adverse effects.
> Since 1985 the federal Govt. has paid out over 802 million dollars to
> people who have had neurological damage or have died due to vaccines.At
> the present time Eli Lilly is being sued because of the mercury in
> vaccines.If you choose to give your children and animals vaccines, they
> are at risk of death or neurological damage.
> Noel

> http://www.naturalrearing.com/ARTICLES/GuestAuthors/RABIESSCAM.html

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-04-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Marshalee,
> Does your state require the vaccine?

I have no idea, probably...

I am battling with myself right now on
> whether to give my two retired, rescued greyhounds the rabies vaccines.
> vet does not advocate any of the other vaccines and I'm not sure where she
> stands on this as I just rescued these racers this year.  When I got my
> the track had just chucked him full of all the "normal" shots and he was
> sick with the big "D". It took me a month to get him well.  I have both
> on the BARF (bones and raw foods) diet and supplement with VCO, and other
> good herbs/vitamins.> I will start putting the CS into their water each
day.  How much do you add?

I just put in a big squirt in their one gallon water bowl.
Good luck!! Aren`t dogs wonderful??!!

> Bobbye
> Carmen (I love my brother)
> Merlin (Whatever you say, Mom)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-04-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Colloidal silver will probably kill the microfilaria stage of heartworm as
it is one celled organism. I wish I had a way to find out for sure. I don`t
give preventive here, as Utah has very little heartworm, too dry.

> Hi Bonnie,
> I'm in Georgia.  I THINK that Rabies is the only vaccine required here,
> not sure.  I will not give mine anything but heart worm pills if I can get
> by with it.  When we adopted the retired racers, I signed a commitment on
> the heart worm and since we travel a lot, that is one thing I'm cautious
> I had one white German Shepherd who had heart worms and the treatment was
> not good, although she recovered.
> Bobbye

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Flies

2002-04-11 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Does anyone out there know of a non-toxic solution to saving my doggies
> hordes of flies which just settle on them in bunches in this hot weather?
> They bite their ears to pieces.   Must say, however, that cs puts the
> to right rapidly!
> Thank you1
> Yvonne
Dear Yvonne, Make a thin syrup of CS and sugar, place it where the flies can
get at it. If it works on them like it does on bees, good bye flies!!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Anyone know of any good oral chelation ideas on removing silver?

2002-04-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Janis, Hi, I`m still here! Still pink as a piggy...
You need to write to Donna Earnest, she turned a bit gray too, she aslo 
switched from simple CS to some storebought stuff.
Now she`s studying homeopathy, thinking it may have a cure for it.
 I heard that the first place the gray shows up is in the eyeballs, and the 
nailbeds too.
Good luck!!
PS, I`m just about to complete my first year back at BYU. finals start on 
Saturday. (yuck...)

Re: CS>Silver Wire?

2002-04-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  I want to start making my own CS. Where are y'all purchasing your silver wire 
from ?

  Dear Kathie, I have some available. I get it from a jewelry supplier. 
  It is five bucks for a set of 2 five-inch .999 fine 14 gague wires.
  Email me if you are interested.

Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>Argyria and Beneficial Bugs

2002-04-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> I am beginning to think she is either a shill, or has a bone to pick
> with the manufacturer of WaterOz products. While this is purely
> speculation on my part, see if you can follow my thinking. This is all
> hypothetical, of course.

Be aware that Donna, also a former Silverlister, got gray too after taking
That stuff ain`t CS, fer sure.
Stick with the home made stuff, folks...

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Newbie

2002-04-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

> Hi All,
Hi and Welcome!! I`m Marshalee, an oldie but goodie around here.
> I'm new to the list.  I started making my own CS in October 01,  this
> was the first winter in years I did not have bronchitis.
> Anyone who has had bronchitis knows the instant it startsI wont
> describe the soggy details :),  a few sips of CS over a couple of days
> and my symptoms disappeared.

Hey, been there, done that!! CS is good stuff. Cured me of Lyme Disease.
How are you making your CS?
> I have read that CS is also used by diabetics,  has anyone on this list
> had first hand experience using CS for treatment?
> That is, have you been able to reduce the medication or give it up
> entirely?  I am type II, on glucophage,  I want off this 'under doctors
> care'.  Btw, I asked my doctor about taking CS, he said he experimented
> with it in college, with no side effects.
I had a GTT done recently, they said I had T2. The fasting BG was 93,
normal. The 2 hours reading after glucose was 140, 20 points high. I then
had the hemoglobin test run, it was 5.9, 7 is high end normal.
I don`t have diabetes IMHO.
I take 10 mcg of Vanadium every day, I think that is why. Have you heard of
Email me if you`d like more info on it.
I also take CS every day. I`m not sure if it stops diabetes or not, but what
diabetic needs colds or flu anyway??

> All comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Always glad to help!
> Thanks,
> Sandra
Glad you are here!!

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Argyria and Beneficial Bugs

2002-04-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  CS does not differentiate between good or bad or medias.  Try putting CS in 
an aquarium which is biologically balanced with good and bad bugs.  It kills 
them all.  This will eventually get the fish because the biological balance has 
been killed.  All successful aquariums are run using bioligical balance.  That 
is why if you buy a brand new aquarium set it up and overload it with fish they 
will all die.  

  Sorry, but the "good" bugs don`t kill the "bad" bugs in an aquarium. The 
biological filter works by the bacteria (neither good nor bad) converting 
nitrates from fish poo and uneated food into less harmful nitrites. The cure 
for it is less fish and more partial water changes.
  Nitrogen build-up is the real name for "new tank syndrome".
  Marshalee, former aquarist...

Re: CS>Argyria and Beneficial Bugs

2002-04-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Sorry, but the "good" bugs don`t kill the "bad" bugs in an aquarium. The 
biological filter works by the bacteria (neither good nor bad) converting 
nitrates from fish poo and uneated 

Oops, I meant uneaten...

CS>CS: Welcome back Janis!!

2002-04-17 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Janis,
 I`m Marsha and Marshalee both. 
When the idiot husband dumped me 2 years ago, I changed back to my real name. 
Lots has happened to me since then. I`m at BYU again, after my 29 year long 
break to raise four kids. I`m studying Genealogy. It`s been hard work, but lots 
of fun. 
I have 4 grandkids now. We lost one in 1998 at the age of 2 days. (Her heart 
was too small.sigh...)
I have a new Pug dog, who has made life worth living.
Been through and survived a major depression, thanks to the Colloidal Gold that 
Chip Hoyle so generously sent me.
Now I`m waiting to find out what the anomaly is on the MRI I had done 2 weeks 
ago is...
(Possibly MS. My sister has it.)
So that`s a thumbnail sketch of my life in the last 2 years.
 I`m glad you are back, and I hope we on the Silverlist can help you. (Donna, 
too! I still write to her after 5 years!!)
So, what have you been doing?

Re: CS>natural treatment for phlebitis or vericose veins

2002-04-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Hi, List
  I got my 2nd cousin on CS, Initially, she was very skeptical, but after she 
took it, it "cured" her eczema. So now, she is converted.
  Today, she asked me if I knew any natural treatments for phlebitis or 
varicose veins. I don't. Does anyone out there know any natural treatments for 
phlebitis or varicose veins?
  Any and all recommendations will be appreciated.
  Thanking you in advance.
  Carl George

  Dear Carl, I take 800 IU of vitamin E a day for varicose vein prevention. So 
far so good! Vitamins E and A keep the blood vessels stretchy. That is how they 
stop migraines, too.

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