RE: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2006-12-29 Thread Peter M. Stellas


I only offer this comment in the hope that it might help someone. Between
ages 19 and 30 I smoked a pack a day and tried to quit on many occasions.
You probably know the routine. Crumple the pack and throw it away, only to
un-crumple it later, straighten out a cigarette (sometimes using scotch
tape) in order to satisfy the craving. Nothing worked until I studied
something about the mind, visualization, subconscious perception of reality,


I prepared a side-by-side list of pros and cons to smoking versus not
smoking, and began to visualize myself as a non-smoker. This means that I
practiced seeing myself as a non-smoker, and began to imagine how well I
would feel, how much nicer I would smell, how much more "in control" I would
be as a non smoker. You have to do this exercise for about two weeks before
the subconscious mind accepts the new image of yourself and can support any
decision to stop smoking. All other efforts are difficult and often
impossible because we are using will power, chemicals, gum, etc. in a  fight
against what we really believe about ourselves, which is that we ARE
SMOKERS. The subconscious is always stronger than the conscious will power.
This technique is well known and practiced by athletes in a variety of


Only when the visualized "new self " (Non-smoker) was accepted as real in my
subconscious mind, was I able to just quite suddenly, and never crave it
again, because only then did the subconscious mind agree with my decision to
quit smoking and the fight was over.


On rare occasions, over the years, I have indulged in a few cigarettes or a
cigar, along with some beers when I was in the company of smoker friends.
But the next day it was all forgotten (even regretting the after-taste of
cigars) with no cravings for tobacco. I perceive myself as a non-smoker in
my conscious and subconscious mind so I can smoke on very rare occasions and
never be hooked on it again.


I hope that I offered something worth considering.





RE: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox

2006-12-27 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Hello folks,

On the matter of detoxing from nicotine, please allow me a thought here.
Instead of constantly seeking for a way to "medicate" for this or that,
would it not be better to just do the following:

1.  quit smoking
2.  start exercising so that the lungs can expel the toxins naturally.
3.  use a simple, general detox fast, such as the Master Cleanse.
4.  start eating healthy foods

All too often we seem to look for concoctions and unnatural procedures as a
remedy for other unnatural concoctions and procedures that we want to
correct from.



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RE: CS>Alfalfa and Kelp, amount and ingestion

2006-12-23 Thread Peter M. Stellas

No matter what the subject may be, you will find good, solid arguments in
favor and against it. The writers on both sides present themselves as
authorities or, at least, knowledgeable on their subject. So now I consider
both sides, then move in the direction that makes most sense to me at the
moment. I am responsible for my own health and destiny.

If and when new information is presented which persuasively contradicts what
I am practicing,  then I will reconsider and perhaps revise my actions. But
to endlessly read the pros and cons leads to frustration and inactivity, and
this frustration may, in itself, be more harmful than the problem that we
are trying to solve. As long as you take alfalfa, or anything else for that
matter, in a prudent and limited way, you will probably benefit from it. So
will the horses, rabbits, and anything else that eats vegetation.



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RE: CS>Alfalfa and Kelp, amount and ingestion

2006-12-23 Thread Peter M. Stellas
I am not knowledgeable about alfalfa either. However, here is something that
I found on the can of alfalfa, which may just be advertising hype, or worthy
of more in-depth research for factuality.


-Centuries ago the Arabs used nutrient-rich alfalfa as feed for their
horses because they claimed that it made the animals swift  and strong. They
eventually became so convinced of its benefits to their own health that they
named the grass Al-Fal-Fa, which means "father of foods".





Thanks Duncan and Peter. A teaspoon or so sounds fine to me, but I am not
sure I would worry about amounts slightly better than a teaspoon.  I've had
horses - but still am no expert - and they thrived on quantities of alfalfa
hay, as I recall. So I am now curious about this even more. And if in ground
and in caps perhaps 2-4. I'll try some in my cereal tomorrow morning.


RE: CS>Alfalfa and Kelp, amount and ingestion

2006-12-21 Thread Peter M. Stellas


I occasionally add a teaspoonful of alfalfa to my breakfast, along with two
teaspoonfuls of yeast flakes and an equal quantity of  semi-ground
flax-seeds. A rather good mixture, along with other items. I used to add
alfalfa to my dog's dinner too.





RE: CS>Comparing Meso and Sovereign.

2006-12-20 Thread Peter M. Stellas


I have the same problem discussing this topic with friends, even those who
have or had cancer. It seems that all of us have the lazy streak in us,
which makes it easier to believe and argue in favor of something that we
have heard all our lives, rather than have to exert effort to assimilate new


On the subject of CS I now get daily jokes at work, by people who have just
heard the word for the first time and know nothing about it. But there was a
time when I, too, was ready to just walk away from it without learning
anything about it. 


Thanks to Terry Chamberlain and Rowena I got pulled back into the circle
long enough to engage my brain.






RE: CS>skin cancer

2006-12-20 Thread Peter M. Stellas


The place where you will read all about the damage caused by processed
oils/fats (cancer, diabetes) is from the "oil lady" herself, who is Dr.
Johanna Budwig. If you are interested in this topic I will send you a number
of information sources. She was pushed out of her position as the nation's
top fats expert in Germany by the hydrogenated oils and fats industry, and
for obvious reasons.





I read somewhere that the surge in skin cancer has more to do with the type
of oils that are used in all of the processed and fast/fried foods that are
ingested today.  This source also was claiming that the oils/fats we ingest
also have a lot to do with the diabetes epidemic we are seeing in the
country.  I'll try and remember where I read that info.


RE: CS>Comparing Meso and Sovereign.

2006-12-20 Thread Peter M. Stellas


Thanks for that information about your health and that of your dogs. I lost
my dog to cancer last April. Even though money was never a consideration in
my effort to save his life, I probably spent in the vicinity of $7,000 on
that pet.


Since then I have become aware of  "vaccinosis",  and the effect of various
chemicals and contaminants that pets come in contact with, whether in the
form of lawn treatment/fertilizing, pesticides, or commercially produced pet
foods.  Now I am learning about CS. My next pet will start out with a much
better chance for good health, as I am also benefiting from this knowledge.
While it is obvious why the big pharmas are against effective home remedies,
I still can't understand why no independent, wealthy person cannot be found
who would fund the needed research. After all, such a person has no need for
profit, as for example, Warren Buffet who is transferring billions to the
Bill Gates foundation. For what? For more research into expensive apparatus
that diagnoses cancer more effectively and more expensively, or for new
drugs that attack certain symptoms while creating new side effects, which
now must also be treated by additional, expensive drugs?


I must now get off my soap box, before I get pushed off!





RE: CS>Comparing Meso and Sovereign.

2006-12-20 Thread Peter M. Stellas
While much more knowledgeable voices can answer this question, I, being
relative new to this, know that I have silver in my CS because the distilled
water alone measures 0.3 on the Hanna PWT  but measures 15.00 or so after
going through the electrolytic process. And, yes, I make sure that the
silver rods and glass jar are spotlessly clean and rinsed with DW. My CS is
usually clear, has little Tyndall effect and might taste a little metallic,
depending on how it was produced. After all the discussion that has taken
place here in the last few days I am convinced that what we are making at
home is most adequate for our intended use. If a wealthy dude  would put
some of his money to serious research on colloidal silver, some of these
questions would probably get definitively answered once and for all. But
until such a blessed event, we have to go on the best available evidence.
Speaking of  big money, I have always wondered why none of these people ever
fund projects such as CS  research, when the existing evidence and knowledge
suggest that the whole world could benefit from it. If they are seeking to
benefit mankind, what better opportunity than in alternative (less
expensive, more beneficial)  medicine?


If you somehow made mostly ionic CS and it had no flavor and no color and no
Tyndall, how could you be sure you even have silver in the water?


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RE: CS>/B.P. Meds

2006-12-19 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Hello GMet,


I do agree with you that Mediterranean types have a higher resistance to
burning than Scandinavians but, as a young lad,  I did burn when overexposed
to the sun. I recall many a painful experience. One would assume that, being
Greek, I would have an olive complexion that is hardy against sun-burn. I do
not have olive skin or look Greek. The Greek influence in my bloodline is
from my maternal grandfather, who was Greek. But his wife was Scottish. On
my father's side, his mother was German and his father Italian. Of all
these, my mother and her father had olive skin. I was surprised to notice
the difference in results from sun exposure before and after taking EFAs.




-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>/B.P. Meds


RE: CS>/B.P. Meds

2006-12-19 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Actually, Nancy, I have read somewhere that sun exposure is not the real
cause of skin cancer (melanoma) but other contributing factors, and that
exposure to the sun (within reasonable limits) actually helps against
melanoma. But I don't have the source readily available. If sun exposure
alone were the cause of melanoma, one would expect the citizens of
equatorial or sun-drenched countries to be dropping like flies from this
cancer, but I have not heard such.






Very good post about your experience with sun exposure.

It really gives one food for thought about the condition of the body in
relation to the dire warnings of sun and skin cancer, which are rampant.




RE: CS>comparing

2006-12-19 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Very well stated, Ode! There is no other answer to rock solid logic, except
acceptance. Thanks for presenting it so simply and so clearly and from the
knowledgeable vantage point. 


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: CS>comparing

  Nothing can be smaller than an ion except maybe the pinhead that calls 
one thing another then uses the mis-definition to prove a point smaller 
than the top of that head by making it bigger by drying it and adding air 
to it, then taking pictures of the larger results with a camera that can't 
take pictures of the smallest possible original.

"Look!  I made it much bigger to take a picture to prove how small it is 
even though it's not now what it was ! "

A silver ions diameter is about 0.000252 microns. An ion cannot exist 
without the water it is in.  That camera cannot take pictures of water and 
at 97% ionic, there are virtually no particles to take pictures of unless 
you call ions particles, but can't take pictures of them.

Particle size is not the only thing that can produce a color and more than 
one factor can play a role in anything.
  'This AND that', is much much more common than 'this OR that'.

If this is what does the job and it's in there along with that, it will do 
so despite the presence of that.
  Neither Meso Silver Or EIS is entirely this or that.

  One better does not make the other bad.


At 05:01 PM 12/18/2006 +0005, you wrote:

>Sandy writes:
> > From what I gathered, the meso is
> > smaller than Ionic, but even Marshall's paper explains/agrees that the
> > color is due to larger particle size..

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RE: CS>/B.P. Meds

2006-12-19 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Since sunlight and vitamin D were discussed, let me add my own experience
which is based on practicing the Budwig protocol as a general health
enhancer.  Dr, Budwig stated that a person who has been ingesting the
flax-oil/Quark mixture for a few months develops a very real resistance to
sun burn and that NO sun blocker should be used at all, using common sense
in determining the length of exposure to the sun. During July/August of 2006
I sunbathed under the mid-day sun for an hour at a time with no sun-blocker
at all. At times it got so hot that I even turned on a large fan on myself,
to cool down. I got a nice tan, but no sunburn. In November, while lying for
hours in the hot sun, on the deck of a cruise ship in Greece, I felt my face
get that hot, flushed feeling which lasted two days, but again no burn or
peeling. The whole theory is explained in Dr. Budwig's books, which are
available from Nexus and other book sellers. I just know from direct
experience that it works, and also builds up the body's vitamin D level.




-Original Message-
From: [] 


Same thing with Vitamin D...which is actually Pandemic...since we have been
told to slather sunblock on even if we go out for the mail...:(   (I
exaggerate, of course)...we have also blocked the benefits from exposure to
Sunlight...Vitamin D.

The answer is so simple...use the Sunblock if being in the Outdoors for long
periods of time..just be sure and get in 15 to 20 minutes of Sun
daily...minus the sunblock.


Two years ago in trying to find the reason for the pain in my bones and
muscles..tests..including a PTH- Intact showed that I had a -zero Vitamin D
in my system.

Not surprised.  As an Irishwoman ...I have always been very sensitive to the
sun...and avoid it like the plague.  This Had to result in a negative D
level...along with a genetic glitch in my family...makes for some nasty

Did intensive therapy and brought the levels to about 20...the numbers
should be minimum 

of 50..trying a new doc..will see what he says.

RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-14 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I do appreciate your information to my questions, and I don't doubt that
herbal treatment has good results. After all, alternative therapy is
concerned with natural substances instead of man-made ones. I have
difficulty seeing how acupuncture would affect floaters which, to my
understanding, are detached pieces of some inner part of the eye. While the
electrochemical activity of herbal substances may cause these loose flaps to
dissolve, I cannot see how acupuncture would result in the same thing, but
that is obviously my problem, since I do not care to get involved in the
whole philosophy of ying versus yang. But thanks again for your information.


-Original Message-
From: Vigilius Haufniensis [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

dont know all the particulars, but they use herbs for treatment.  herbs and 
can also treat hypertension.

- Original Message - 
From: "Peter M. Stellas" 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:29 PM
Subject: RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

> So how does TCM eliminate floaters from the eyes, without acupuncture?
> Peter
> -Original Message-
> From: Vigilius Haufniensis []
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes
> traditional chinese medicine.  floaters in the eyes.
> --
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.18/586 - Release Date: 
> 12/13/2006

RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-14 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I certainly can thank you for "a response", even though the beer under your
belt seems to have rendered it worthless, in terms of constructive
suggestion. Getting old does not mean giving up, nor does lack of interest
in Chinese medicine, (inter-related with Chinese philosophy) mean lack of
interest in learning new things. There are some on various websites who
advocate recycling their own urine as a therapeutic means, and I hope they
enjoy it and benefit from it. But I don't have to espouse that to be a "well
balanced" individual.

Lack of exercise is largely due to a full time job, a house remodel effort,
and an attempt to start a new business. Lack of interest in someone's pet
philosophical bent is not a lack of interest for life or knowledge, just a
lack of conforming to the latest craze that happens to be sweeping America.
There may be a lot of good to it, and a lot of "old world" superstition as
well. If a simple and tried method is available, which some have suggested
here, then it is sufficient for the need at hand without my having to adopt
a whole knew philosophy, and this is true at any and every age. I hope that
you don't limit your intellectual input only to occasions when you have had
a few beers under your belt. I would also like to hear the "unaffected you "


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RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-14 Thread Peter M. Stellas
So how does TCM eliminate floaters from the eyes, without acupuncture?


-Original Message-
From: Vigilius Haufniensis [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

traditional chinese medicine.  floaters in the eyes.


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RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-14 Thread Peter M. Stellas
I have no idea what my blood is like, except that it is type O. I also know
that I have hypertension because I am not as active as I need to be. Nothing
seems to ail me except trying to read through floaters. If they can be
eliminated through flax seed oil, or though the other concoctions that have
been mentioned here, I would like to look into that, particularly flax seed
oil that is absolutely harmless, as well as CS. 

Chinese medicine and philosophy are outside the scope of my interests, at
this stage of my life. After all , we are all going to leave this body
behind, sooner or later.
But thanks for the information thus far.



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RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-14 Thread Peter M. Stellas
What is TCM, and what is it that they can treat? Perhaps a more complete
sentence will make the message more understandable.


-Original Message-
From: Vigilius Haufniensis [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

lol, yeah, im a second year TCM student.  they can treat that.

- Original Message - 
From: "Peter M. Stellas" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:02 PM
Subject: RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

> One more thing. I am not looking for acupuncturists or Ayurvedic medicine,
> just a solution for the floaters in my eyes. One fellow claims that he has
> found it. That is all I want.
> Peter
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.18/586 - Release Date: 
> 12/13/2006

RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-13 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks for that reply, Chuck. The formula does not contain any ingredients
that I would fear putting in my eyes, and if you got good results it is
worth a try.



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RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-13 Thread Peter M. Stellas
One more thing. I am not looking for acupuncturists or Ayurvedic medicine,
just a solution for the floaters in my eyes. One fellow claims that he has
found it. That is all I want.



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RE: CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-13 Thread Peter M. Stellas
 I can't say that I have had any more vexation or anger than the next
person, nor have I had liver problems. All in all, I have been very healthy
and will be 70 years old in April, although most people don't put me past
50. So how does that relate to floaters?



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CS>RE: floaters in the eyes

2006-12-13 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Your post caught my interest because I am also bothered by heavy floaters.
Please give me a detailed description of the eye formula you have used,
meaning, the exact proportions of the mixture and where you get Dr.
Christopher's eye drops.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:19 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Eye cataracts options with MSM, NAC, etc.

I currently uses eyedrops using Dr Christophers eyedrop tincture that
contains eyebright, billberry, etc. and includes Cayenne also.

I created my own formula by using CS ,MSM, and 15 drops of
Christopher's extract in an ounce container.

My problem was heavy floaters. Not a problem anymore.

Stings a little, no big deal.


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RE: CS>Eye cataracts options with MSM, NAC, etc.

2006-12-13 Thread Peter M. Stellas

While I am not a medical professional by a long stretch, logic suggests that
Cayenne in the eyes could cause some serious damage. I don't perceive the
eyes to be tolerant to so strong an irritant, but if you have success, let
us know.


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RE: CS>Many questions from a new member!

2006-12-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Never heard of him, nor am I surprised about the views of Greeks on CS and
many other topics as well. Perhaps guru

Vithoukas needs to be educated in CS first.




-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Many questions from a new member!


Go Greeks! Relatives in Greece think consuming silver is insane. Do you know
anything about George Vithoukas who is the guru of homeopathy? In Athens any
contact numers to his clinics? I'd like to give the referral to relatives

RE: CS>Many questions from a new member!

2006-12-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I am also named Peter and I am originally from Athens, Greece. I visit there
every September/October and have recently become involved with the CS group
and had the same question as far as producing CS in Greece. My current plan
is to build two generators. One will be a 2 gal capacity for use here in the
U.S. and the other one will be powered by 4 nine volt batteries, with a 20K
resistor or current limiting diode that will be used when I am in Greece. 

If you are anywhere close to Athens contact my privately and I will look you
up when I get there in September.


-Original Message-
From: Misc. IP Group [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:27 AM
Subject: CS>Many questions from a new member!


I'm new to the list and was very pleased to find this list and sad to see
that the archives are down at present, so apologies if I'm asking questions
which have been answered thousands of times before in the archives.

I have a number of questions already so here goes:

1) What is the difference between colloidal silver and silver in the form of
silver gluconate?
2) I'm looking at making a colloidal silver generator as I enjoy making
things and I'm in Greece and wher I am colloidal silver etc is unheard of. I
was looking at going constant current at 0.5mA. Any comments on this current
level? I prefer to wait longer and get better quality if necessary. Also is
it better to use bigger pieces of pure silver to have a greater surface
area? I also read that by switching the poles at intervals, the probes
become self cleaning. What kind of interval should one use? Every 5 minutes?
3) I know this is a CS list but do people know and/or discuss other colloids
eg Gold, Copper and Zinc as there appears to be a lot less information on
these. (If so what doses to people recommend of these and can I make my own
generator to create these as well and if so what changes are needed?)
4) Anybody had experience of giving CS to horses. Have a horse with sweet
itch (an affliction which is not really understood but is considered to be
due to an allergic reaction or over reaction to Midge bites) and I was
considering if CS would be good (or Gold, Zinc, or Copper If I knew more
about them).

Many thanks


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RE: CS>Colon cleanser

2006-12-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas


I just posted information on colon cleansing that is safe, effective, and
will not break the bank.  Google the following:


Master cleanse


You will find the recipe, and commentaries of people who have used it




-Original Message-
From: Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:37 AM
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>Colon cleanser


I was wondering if any of you knew of a safe, homemade recipe that cleanses
the colon?  I saw some interesting things from a product sold as Colonix:  I can't afford to spend the astronomical prices
they want for this stuff.  Anyhow, I appreciate the feedback.

In His Service,
Scott Young <><

In His Service,

Scott <><



Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your
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RE: CS>Colon cleanser

2006-12-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas


Some time ago I went on the "Master Cleanse" fast for 10 days. It consists
of lemonade and maple syrup, two of the safest ingredients on this planet
and not subject to FDA meddling. It took all 10 days to completely cleanse
out my bowels and probably the liver and gall bladder as well and I felt no
bad symptoms, no weakness or slowdown whatsoever. At the end of that fast I
had also lost a few pounds and returned to eating with vegetables, juices,
the Budwig breakfast and some occasional meat, fish, and eggs (all organic).
I am no extremist. Now I eat about three or four prunes daily and have no
concept of such topics as constipation, bloating, or intestinal problems.
Why spend your money on artificial concoctions when you can use the most
natural ones and get the most benefit? Remember, at the end of each of the
myriads of product promotions there is a human who is holding out his hand
for money. All these "sophisticated" colon cleanses with tea, coffee, and
who knows what else, are not really natural at all.




-Original Message-
From: reglee [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:18 AM
Cc: Donna 
Subject: RE: CS>Colon cleanser


RE: CS>Eye cataracts options ?

2006-12-11 Thread Peter M. Stellas

The subject of cataracts and a possible treatment to avoid surgery came up
on a different website and I was directed to look into N-Acetylcarnosine.
Search under this heading and you will find a several offerors of eye-drops,
along with their testimonials.


-Original Message-
From: Carlos Pérez [] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: CS>Eye cataracts options ?

Hello, friends,

I am very glad Mike and team have fixed the list problem.

I have progressive eye cataracts that started around 10 years ago, when I 
got Ehrlichiosis. Even though they have evolved very slowly, maybe in great 
part due to a healthy life I try to live, I am approaching a point in which 
the normal recommendation would be surgery.

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RE: CS>[List Owner] Another list traffic question...

2006-12-10 Thread Peter M. Stellas
OK, here is my test. Is the list getting this post?


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 5:36 PM
Subject: CS>[List Owner] Another list traffic question...

Hi gang,

In the last couple of hours I've heard from a number of people who have 
only been receiving *my* messages and not those of any other member, 
even themselves, for at least the last 2 days.

Here's my question: Is there anybody who's gotten most or all of the 
messages that have gone out over the list in the last 2 days?

To refresh your memory:

Dec 11 ... one has come through for tomorrow, so far 

Dec 10 ... at least 10 so far, including this one

Dec 9 ... 9 posts

Dec 8 ... 14 posts

Dec 7 ... 24 posts

Please reply to me at and, if you don't hear back 
from me within 24 hours, send a message to ...

Thank you,

Mike D.
silver list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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RE: CS>Silver Puppy generator

2006-12-07 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Allow me to add my 2 cents on t his. Overt the past two months that I have
participated on this forum, the information that I have received has been
approximately as follows:

99% toward my building my own CS generator.
1% advertisement toward my purchasing a ready-made generator. 

I certainly appreciate the willingness of these product vendors to share
their information, particularly when such information reduces the chance
that they will sell me a unit.



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RE: CS>Fwd: [Beck-n-stuff] Silver Info

2006-12-03 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Reading the article that Meso provides on their website, and trusting it,
would cause everyone to dump their colloidal silver generators and other
paraphernalia into the garbage can and forget about this topic entirely. Out
of necessity, when getting information on the web, I have created a rule
which says "check if there is a money trail at the end of the article"
before reaching a conclusion. If an "order now" section exists, the article
needs to be understood in the proper context. In most cases the vendor has
to verbally destroy the competition, so his own product remains as the only
solution. Rather frustrating.


-Original Message-
From: V [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 6:33 PM
Subject: CS>Fwd: [Beck-n-stuff] Silver Info


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RE: CS>Etheric Biology/CS

2006-11-29 Thread Peter M. Stellas

This is an interesting article but, apart from the mention of colloidal
silver, does not point to any specific path of action. Is there more
elaborate discussion of this topic elsewhere?


Etheric biology.

Martin WJ.

Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, 3328 Stevens Avenue, Rosemead CA 
91770, USA.


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RE: CS>Puzzling & Polarity

2006-11-28 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Will greatly appreciate a reference to that large silver plate, if you dig
it up. That dimension eliminates all the work that multiple winds of wire
would require, if a person was trying to increase silver electrode exposure.


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RE: CS>Puzzling & Polarity

2006-11-27 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Where do you buy sheet stock that is 4" x 8"?



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RE: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>pups

2006-11-27 Thread Peter M. Stellas
But in what ratio would you mix CS with DMSO?

A primary purpose of the current is to form the ionic and colloidal 
silver.  Whether it has the additional benefit that it promotes the 
absorption and distribution of the silver, I cannot say, but I suspect 
that it does.  However I believe that one can probably come pretty close 
to matching or maybe even passing the absorption and distribution of 
using a current by simply mixing the CS with DMSO, which many on this 
list do.

> --

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RE: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>pups

2006-11-27 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Alright, Marshall. Since you ask that I elaborate, I will.

I have been following the Budwig Protocol since October of 2005, in a
desperate attempt to save my dog from cancer. I still participate on their
forum at
This forum is specifically set up to deal with the Budwig protocol and is
guided extremely well by moderators, some of whom are cancer patients in
remission, all of whom have studied all the materials produced by Dr.
Budwig. Their files contain testimonials, recipes, availability of books,
responses to questions such as "counter-productive" protocols, availability
of foods, materials, etc. I steer interested seekers to it, rather than
attempt to provide an answer myself, being less knowledgeable than others.
They cannot overemphasize on that forum that one must strictly adhere to the
Budwig protocol, without modifications that seem good to this or that
individual. (If that is the protocol that they have chosen to follow). While
other protocols may not directly cause harm, they can negate the effects of
the Budwig regimen. It is a mistake to start with private opinions of
individuals, no matter how "scientifically worded" they may be, on a forum
other than the one which specializes on a particular subject. 
It is like claiming to be studying the Bible by starting out with the
DaVinci Code.

There are individuals lurking on several health related forums, seeking
opportunities to act as consultants and providers of services and products.
The Flaxseed oil forum prohibits such mercenary practices. Last year I was
approached by one such individual, who has been banned from that site. That
individual is here, now. Without mentioning a name I ring the bell of

I cannot add anything else that is constructive.


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RE: CS>Puzzling & Polarity

2006-11-27 Thread Peter M. Stellas


This question is to you, and anyone who knows the correct answer. In your
post, you state . ..   "Sheet electrodes are greatly superior to 

wire as far as we are concerned because of the greatly enhanced area

& we believe that this produces a greater proportion of ICS.We have 

seen medical reports that ICS is much more deadly to pathogenic 

organisms  than the de-ionized CS.   700 + organisms at last count


 Others have posted that wire is superior, because sheet stock causes
buildup of silver oxide at the sharp edges. Also, I note that most of the
commercially available CS generators, except the silver-gen, are constructed
with wire electrodes. A vendor of an engineered CS generator argues that
sheet stock is the cheap way out that his competition has chosen. You see
that there is much contradiction and confusion here.


Would someone who knows the facts please state them in a definitive way so
that all of us newbies can construct a good generator? Which is really best?


Sheet or Wire 






RE: CS>Re: Re: CS>Budwig diet revision

2006-11-27 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Excuse me for jumping in again, when I said that I would not comment on this
subject anymore, but already we have questionable information being offered
here. Dr. Budwig did not use yogurt in her formula. You would be best served
if you go to the authentic forum first, read her books yourself, talk to
people who have and are using this protocol successfully, before following a
variety of private interpretations, opinions, adaptations, and alterations.
A word to the wise, before you find yourself being sold products and
services that should not be sold on such a forum.


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RE: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>pups

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Your answer makes sense. It did not occur to me that the current was merely
to cause CS to be formed at the site. I thought that it served in the
absorption and allocation of the CS, once it was formed. Thanks for the
clarification. I need to read "the body electric" to get an in-depth


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RE: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>pups

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I agree with you wholeheartedly that chemotherapy is a killer of the immune
system. However, some alternative protocols have been shown to be
counter-active to each other, but I am not going to elaborate on this forum.
The information presented here is extremely valuable and interesting in
itself, so I want to learn as much about CS as I can. Those who are
genuinely interested in different protocols will find them and study them on
their own initiative, in fact, they cannot be stopped from doing so. From my
own study of some of these topics I am left with the conviction that
cleansing the system from years and years of junk eating, then replacing the
junk with healthful foods that are devoid of chemicals, over-processing,
genetic modification, hormones, and the like, eating in moderation and
exercising will give a person the best chance of staying healthy. The use of
CS certainly is a factor toward good health.



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RE: CS>cs generator questions

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas

If I understand you correctly, a 90 ohm potentiometer hooked up in series
would allow me to vary the resistance from 0 to 90 ohms. Is that correct? Or
is that kiloOhms?


Dear Peter,

It says 150 on it, but it is 2 x 75 ohm units on top
of each other. When I check it with my multimeter, it
says 90 ohms each, so it is actually 180 ohms, not
150.  However, I buy my parts at a surplus store, so
they might not be the top of the line. I have it
hooked up to only one part, so it would be a 90 ohm
potentiometer (variable resistor).


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RE: CS>Re: FW: SO>Budwig protocol for cancer, Re: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re:

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas

In answer to your question about a cottage cheese substitute let me offer my
final comments on this topic. If additional information is needed, please
contact me in private.

1.  You can use quark, which is sold in QFC stores in the Northwest, but I
do not know where else. Additionally one can experiment with goat's milk,
making quark out of goat-milk yogurt or out of kefir. There are recipes for
making you own.
2.  Those who are knowledgeable in the mentioned protocol say that when flax
seed oil is properly mixed with sulfurated protein (cottage cheese or quark)
even people who are lactose intolerant seem to do fine because it is a new
compound that acts differently on the system. 
3.  The protocol is not "just" flaxseed oil and protein. It is a whole
regimen of food intake and food avoidance that cannot be properly discussed
here. One must read the books available.
4.  Interested parties should contact
and speak with the experts. Discussion on the CS forum is not producing
information that will be useful to a patient in need. In fact, quite the
contrary. The CS forum offers expertise in CS, and the one above offers
expertise in the Budwig protocol.



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RE: CS>Unidentified subject!

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I, for one, certainly appreciate your knowledgeable comments, such as the
one on ASAP solution and the patent claims. As you know, newbies come on
this forum and into this discipline every day and are easily snowed by
high-sounding techno-babble, as we try to educate ourselves on this subject.
I appreciate and admire your totally unselfish quality, in that you give of
your knowledge freely even though it helps someone to make his/her own
generator, rather than buying one from you.


   American Biotech is pretty much infamous for double talk and misleading 
ad copy.

  ASAP Solution is good silver water, but not better or significantly 
different than what you can make yourself.


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RE: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>pups

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas
A question comes to mind when I read your statement that CS causes cancerous
cells to de-differentiate, and return to stem cells. Are you certain that
this takes place without the use of current? Simply by drinking CS?

Whatever I read about Dr. Becker's research states that this takes place
only under the application of precise voltage, depending on the type of
wound, but I do not recall any mention of cancer cells de-differentiating by
the use of ingested CS. If I missed it please point it out to me.


> But it doesn't matter, silver causes cells that are injured or 
> misbehaving to revert back to stem cells, and then redifferentiate back 
> to the proper cell types.  This I believe is what when CS gets rid of 
> cancer often the tumor does not die, it simply changes back to what it 
> suppose to be (just like warts do).


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RE: CS>technical question

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Thanks for this great reference. That, and what I got from Ken and others
puts me on the road to producing a good generator, although the one I am
using now seems to do a fairly good job, as long as I watch the brewing time
and clean the electrodes often.



I have attached a post below that explains everything pretty well.  (Thanks

Go to 


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RE: CS>Re: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>pups

2006-11-24 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I am not a cancer patient and don't want to introduce an  "off-topic"
subject on this forum. But if a person is suffering from cancer it is good
to look at all possible alternatives, and also to be aware that mixing
different protocols can be, and is often counter productive. I became deeply
involved with this last year in a desperate attempt to save my dog whom I
dearly loved. It essentially has to do with eating correctly, getting lots
of sun and taking flaxseed oil in a certain formula. Now studies are coming
out of Universities and research centers confirming bits and pieces of her
protocol, without putting it all together, as she did 50 years ago.

It does seem too simple to work, though Dr. Budwig explains it in terms of
biochemistry and quantum physics. Testimonials come from doctors and clinics
in Germany,  and from many people on a different forum who are cancer
patients in remission. I follow it because it is a healthy regimen and as a
preventive. My urologist recently agreed that flaxseed oil definitely
contributes toward prostate health but would not accept that it has curing

I am now also drinking a pint of CS a day, as a preventive, instead of
vaccinations and medications. I have used it successfully to totally
eliminate athlete's foot in about three days. I also used it, along with
D-Mannose, to completely get rid of a painful urinary infection.  Now I keep
a pint at work and take a snort every so often throughout the day.



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RE: CS>technical question

2006-11-23 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks Dan,

That is the information that I am seeking and we are almost there. The
output from my transformer is now at 0.400 amps. I will go for the current
regulating diode that you mention, so what value diode must I buy?



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RE: CS>technical question

2006-11-23 Thread Peter M. Stellas
You are right, my transformer is putting out 0.400 amps not milliamps.



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RE: CS>cs generator questions

2006-11-22 Thread Peter M. Stellas

What is the rating of your variable resistor? If I can have that description
I can search to find one.  Thank you


-Original Message-

There are no stupid questions. A Voltmeter reads
volts, but a multimeter is so much more useful. The
batteries last  a long time. I don't know how long. I
have not run out yet.  

So if you get a multimeter you can keep track of many
parameters of this process, which I like to do. Mine
cost about 30 dollars, and can measure Volts, Ohms,
and Amperes, among other things. You would want one
that can measure amps down to a few milliamps, so you
can check your current strength. If you have fun with
this, you can get a variable resistor (mine was cheap,
under a dollar, I forget how much) in the correct
range, and can set it to keep the current under a set
level, which you can measure with the multimeter
gadget. It just gets attached in series with the wires
with the clips on the ends, and if you have the meter
hooked up in series also, you can read what is going
on. It is really fun.



Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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RE: CS>technical question

2006-11-22 Thread Peter M. Stellas


Thanks for that response. What I am about to construct is the following
experimental generator. The cathode will be a piece of stainless steel
tubing that will sit on a nylon base inside the glass container. This base
will center the tube in the glass jar and support it at three points, in an
elevated position so that water can circulate under it. The glass jar will
sit on the inverted can/night light heater described elsewhere. Thus the
heated water in the center will flow up the immersed s/s tube and flow over
it, flowing downward against the colder glass surface.


At a distance of about 1.5 " away from the inside or outside surface of the
s/s tube, I will position four, long, U-shaped 12 gauge silver electrodes,
at positions 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock with respect to the circumference of
the s/s tube as viewed from the top. This will provide a lot of silver
surface for the anode and a lot of s/s surface for the cathode. From here I
need some help from the experts on how to select diodes, resistors, etc, and
how to mount them in the circuitry to provide regulated current at the
suggested 0.002 amps. Ken suggested a 20KOhm resistor, but did not mention
the watt rating. I am assuming that the watt rating of the resistor is the
peak wattage that the dc generator can put out, i.e 12 watts for a 30 vdc
and 0.400 amp output. In this case I can find a 50 watt, 20K Ohm resistor
for my application. 


Does it make any difference how the resistor is hooked up, meaning which
side the power enters and which side it exits? I am sure that it makes a
difference in diodes. Amazingly, no one at the electronics supply store that
I visited knew anything about circuitry. Real professionals!





CS>technical question

2006-11-22 Thread Peter M. Stellas
My power supply generates 30 volts DC at 0.400 milliamps. If I were to
substantially increase the surface area of the electrodes, would that alone
serve to decrease the current between the then available electrode area??




RE: CS>LED therapy

2006-11-20 Thread Peter M. Stellas
I am not V, but have spent considerable time on another site which follows
the Johanna Budwig Protocol. Dr. Budwig was a 7 times Nobel Prize nominee
and cured hundreds of patients with a 95% success rate. There are
testimonies in books, written by established clinics and doctors who agreed
that her formula did, in fact, cure the patients. If you are interested go
to: and you can follow that
thread as far as you want to.


-Original Message-
From: G & K Murray [] 
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: CS>LED therapy

Hi V,

I hear you are the person to talk with about LED lights.  My cousin has 
an LED belt which che used for a couple of years over her abdomen-liver 
area.  She found out in June that she has pancreatic cancer. 

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RE: CS>Rabid Skunk attacks puppies

2006-11-18 Thread Peter M. Stellas
I, too, would like to know if CS can be effective against rabies, as a
precautionary treatment as well as therapeutic. As a dog lover I am very
distressed to hear this story about the skunk and the puppies.



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RE: CS>Puzzled!

2006-11-13 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks Ode,

I will try this one.


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 4:27 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Puzzled!

>To my recent surprize, putting a 20K ohm resistor in series with one 
>electrode with 36 volts DC, 1 1/2" electrode spacing / 6" x #12 wire 
>electrodes.does a pretty decent job.
>  It's not "absolute" current control but it doesn't go too far over ideal 
> at 20 PPM and under and doesn't slow things down , time wise, a whole lot 
> either.


>One more question. Is there a simple way that I can control the current in
>my generator, without going to an engineered circuit board with a variety
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RE: CS>Puzzled!

2006-11-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Hi Sol,

I thank you, as well as the others, who gave a meaningful answer to my
question. Apparently the Samsung Company agrees that ionic silver does the
job of killing bacteria, because they have produced a clothes washer that
offers ionic silver sanitization in cold water, and I do have a high regard
for the quality of Samsung engineering. So I will continue to produce a
higher PPM solution, as long as I don't get a color shift and solid
precipitates in it. 

Knowledge that is presented in a well structured form, such as yours, is an
invaluable tool to novices such as me.

One more question. Is there a simple way that I can control the current in
my generator, without going to an engineered circuit board with a variety of


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RE: CS>Puzzled!

2006-11-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Carol Ann, 


I don't think that your response answers the question that I posed in my
message. I don't understand what you are telling me. Are you just adding
your confusion to mine, in search of an answer?




-Original Message-
From: Carol Ann [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Puzzled!


Today I bought a bottle of Natural Path Silver Wings which and the bottle
says 250 pmm per teaspoon.  TDS meter measured 120. It has a strong Tyndall,
is the color of dark Tea with only the slightest metalic taste..  

If I doubled the TDS reading I would get 240 pmm. 

"Peter M. Stellas"  wrote:

I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life LLC),
which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions. 


It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get after
boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a laser pen,
it gave the following results:


1.  PPM = 8.1

2.  Tyndal effect = Very strong


The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and has
virtually no Tyndall effect.


I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso's is
colored, but without visible particles.


Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed
comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their samples for


Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 15
PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso's. How can I have clear water at 15
PPM and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing something here.




P.S. In  previous correspondence I mentioned using a PPM meter, when I
really meant the Hannah PWT meter that I got from Silver-Gen.


Regards, Carol Ann~

2000-08 Ends the Reign of the Mayberry Machiavellis. 



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RE: CS>Puzzled!

2006-11-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Thanks for that answer, the only one that responded to my question in a
useful way.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Puzzled!

2006-11-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thank you, Ronald and Susan for your promotion, but how does it answer my


-Original Message-
From: Ronald (& Susan) [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:44 PM
Subject: CS>Puzzled!

If one is going to buy pre-made CS then I would reccomend the product we 
fonud so good over time that we becam e distributors of it.
Colorless- no taste and the only silver product patented in the last 
about 80 years.
Several strengths and nano-particle sized. Even on contract with the US 
Fedral government.

We get it directly from the company at:

Peter M. Stellas wrote:

> I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life 
> LLC), which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions.
> It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get 
> after boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a 
> laser pen, it gave the following results:
> 1. PPM = 8.1
> 2. Tyndal effect = Very strong
> The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and 
> has virtually no Tyndall effect.
> I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso's is 
> colored, but without visible particles.
> Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed 
> comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their 
> samples for evaluation.
> Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 
> 15 PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso's. How can I have clear 
> water at 15 PPM and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing 
> something here.
> Peter
> P.S. In previous correspondence I mentioned using a PPM meter, when I 
> really meant the Hannah PWT meter that I got from Silver-Gen.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2006-11-12 Thread Peter M. Stellas
I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life LLC),
which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions. 


It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get after
boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a laser pen,
it gave the following results:


1.  PPM = 8.1

2.  Tyndal effect = Very strong


The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and has
virtually no Tyndall effect.


I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso's is
colored, but without visible particles.


Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed
comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their samples for


Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 15
PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso's. How can I have clear water at 15
PPM and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing something here.




P.S. In  previous correspondence I mentioned using a PPM meter, when I
really meant the Hannah PWT meter that I got from Silver-Gen.


RE: CS>Clear, clear water and a question

2006-11-11 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks for this detailed response. Regarding the hook-up of the multi-tester
to measure current, I understand what needs to be done. But the use of the
voltmeter to measure conductivity seems a bit complex and beyond the time
slot that I have, so I will not try that, but I appreciate the explanation.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>PPM Meter ?

2006-11-10 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Greetings Wayne,

The equation would logically appear to be the most accurate way to determine
PPM, but since we are not calculating thrust,  escape velocity and such, and
since I do hold down a full-time job, the PPM meter gives a fairly good idea
of the quality of the CS mixture. 

Because I do not have controlled current I just let the process go until I
have attained between 10 and 13 PPM then stop it. My concern is particle
size and the brew that I made yesterday was around 11 PPM and had a very
weak Tyndall effect, was clear with few sparklies, so I think that I got a
good result. Now I will just experiment with different generator
configurations and eventually will probably buy one of the ready made units
that are offered on the market. 

Before starting the brew I did measure the PPM of the DW and it was about
2.5 or so. I will see if I can get it elsewhere to find better purity, but I
have my doubts.



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RE: CS>Clear, clear water and a question

2006-11-10 Thread Peter M. Stellas
How would you use the voltmeter to monitor conductivity? I would like to
know such a process. Also, can you tell me how to hook up the ammeter in the
system so that I can monitor current? Thanks


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Clear, clear water and a question

   You can't really use time alone to predict PPM.
  Only slightly purer water can make a really big difference to get to the 
same stopping point

Best bet is to get a conductivity meter
  Next best , a PPM/TDS meter
Or even just an volt meter [multi meter ]

"Some" way to tell where you are in the process.


At 11:03 AM 11/9/2006 -0400, you wrote:

>My respected and beloved C S Forum Friends!
>After four years of happily and a bit proudly making my own Colloidal 
>Silver at home, and thriving by it for our health, giving it or selling it 
>to clients and friends, truth came up a few days ago:
>The water I have been using (Spa water) was okay, but not the best in the 
>world. The result was always a grayish mist, and it tasted strongly. Yet, 
>I only rejected it if there would be a yellowish cloud on the bottom of 
>the glass I make my water in. Then, I would use it for external things 
>like plants, animals and wounds. For the remainder cleanliness has been 
>our lead since day one.
>Now, an importer imported "le Bleu" ('the Blue' ­ not that movie). It is 
>absolutely clean (distilled) water, for drinking purposes. A 
>friend-in-healthcare alerted me to it. Of late he is preparing his CS with 
>this water, always being in search for the best. He told me that "le Bleu" 
>is the best quality of water on our (limited island) market. Clean, and my 
>C S water would come out transparent as any crystal cup.
>So I gave it a try the old way:
>Two silver rods in the water, three batteries, ½ hour of processing,
>This CS had hardly any taste, and I wondered. So I did my next batch 
>doubling the time, and it tasted a bit stronger, but by far not as strong 
>as the CS I had been making with Spa (although that always had splendid 
>My "old" product would have a visible reaction: pouring grayish material 
>from the anode, and little bubbles from the cathode. The result would be a 
>grayish CS.
>My "newly made" CS is absolutely clear. The cathode shows hardly any 
>reaction, nor does the anode. The taste is there, but is it okay?
>1 My new water is less metallic in taste
>2 It is absolutely transparent
>3 I have to double the time (2 x ½ hours).
>Question: Is it that the PPM is even finer with cleaner water?
>Does that indicate that the nano particles are more easily 
> absorbed?
>Is my cherished home-done product as good as I would want 
> it to
>  be?
>Thank you for your attention,
>As always: Faith with his turtle
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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RE: CS>How much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-09 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks for that information. I bought a PPM tester that I use to determine
at what point I want to stop the process, and that seems to work rather
well. I will also use the equation to cross check the PPM tester.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>How much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-08 Thread Peter M. Stellas

I am new to this group and have been following your discussion with other
members. Would you please tell me what process you used to determine that
your CS is indeed 14PPM?


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CS>composition of electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Hi folks,


I have been reading that one of the electrodes can be a metal other than
silver, however I am concerned that any metal other than stainless steel
might contribute undesirable contamination to the CS brew. On the other
hand, stainless steel is not the best electrical conductor, so I welcome
some comments on this.


One more question. What if the cathode is a strip of stainless steel and the
anode opposite this plate consists of several rods of silver wire,
appropriately spaced to equal the width of the stainless steel strip?




CS>composition of electrodes

2006-11-07 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Hi folks,


I have been reading that one of the electrodes can be a metal other than
silver, however I am concerned that any metal other than stainless steel
might contribute undesirable contamination to the CS brew. On the other
hand, stainless steel is not the best electrical conductor, so I welcome
some comments on this.


One more question. What if the cathode is a strip of stainless steel and the
anode opposite this plate consists of several rods of silver wire,
appropriately spaced to equal the width of the stainless steel strip?




RE: CS>Three 9's or Five 12's ( or ONE 52 Volt Source )

2006-11-06 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks for all that information


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RE: CS>Great Power Supply

2006-11-05 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Actually no, Wayne! Although I love tinkering and building, (mostly
mechanical), I am in a hurry to get started with a good CS generator so that
I can use it myself and help others who need the CS solution for their
health. There are many out there who are groping, as I am, to find answers,
who are at the mercy of promoters who are after the big buck. 

So this bit of information from V was invaluable, as it brings me quickly to
the desired results. Rather than pay $200.00 to a promoter on the internet,
for claims that I have not substantiated, I will gladly pay for this unit
and experiment to find the right combinations for generating different
quantities of CS,  and go forward. Whatever I learn I will gladly share with

Then I can return to my other tinkering that is in progress.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Three 9's or Five 12's ( or ONE 52 Volt Source )

2006-11-05 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thanks, V!

That was a quick and helpful response. I do want to make good CS, not build


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RE: CS>Three 9's or Five 12's ( or ONE 52 Volt Source )

2006-11-05 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Your comments are most interesting and helpful. I am fairly handy with basic
mechanics and  electrical theory. But I do need guidance in the assembly of
components that are compatible with each other in order to get a generator
that outputs 30 - 75  vDC at 1mA to30mA.The reason for these ranges is that
I want to experiment with:

Different voltages and intensities
Different spacing between electrodes
Double or quadruple passes per electrode, the way that broiler elements are
Brewing time

In other words, I need the help of someone who can tell me the
specifications of the various components needed, and how they are
interconnected (series, parallel) 


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RE: CS>New to group

2006-11-05 Thread Peter M. Stellas

Thank you for your response and information. I agree that this would be a
good idea for a back up but do you know where I can get a transformer that
will generate the correct DC voltage and current in order to make a plug-in



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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RE: CS>New to group

2006-11-04 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Thank you for this input. It appears that it is much more difficult for me
to assemble all those components, hoping not to make mistakes along the way,
while I am also working full time,  so I will probably end up buying one
that is already engineered with the best features.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>New to group

A home made one can be work fine.  You will need a constant current
source, set for about 1 mA per square inch of anode, a stirer, a control
circuit to measure the voltage and shut down when it drops to a specific
point, and a control to reverse the current flow about every minute.
You might find that purchasing these parts necessary off the shelf
independently may cost more than $200.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>New to group

2006-11-02 Thread Peter M. Stellas
I have gathered all the parts necessary to make the Lightwatcher's CS3
generator but have also been reading from the

SilverGen and other manufacturers' websites. Since I am naturally cautious
of anyone who is promoting a product or service for gain, I am approaching
this group for comments.


Is the CS3 really adequate for producing truly small silver particles or
does the current-stabilized, commercially produced version have a vast
advantage? I don't mind spending $200.00 or more for a generator that will
give me truly high quality CS, but don't want to be foolishly throwing away
money if the home made one can also do the required job. Please guide me to
some reliable information on this.


Thank you,





2006-08-09 Thread Peter M. Stellas
Hi all,


I am brand new to this forum and joined because I have heard colloidal
silver mentioned on another group in which I also participate. Would someone
please give me an introductory rundown on:


What colloidal silver is.

Where it is found or how it is produced

Its uses for health benefits.

Any supportive data for its usefulness in curing ailments


Thank you,


