RE: CS>Colloidal copper

2007-04-02 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Terry,

My son, Terry, a Desert Storm 1st Armored Division Vet--was injured during
that War and finds that after several surgeries, he can soak nightly in his
hot tub for 30 minutes and obtain much good pain relief without taking
strong pain medicines. I suggested that he use NO Chlorine treated water
(since that's hard on the skin and the fumes are NOT good for the lungs or
health); I make for him a gallon of strong CS (now EIS) and a quart of
strong CCu to which he adds about 8 oz.3% H2O2 to the water about every 4
weeks when he drains his hot tub--He requires that anyone going in the tub,
take a shower first and NOT pee in the tub so as to keep the water as clean
as possible. 

To make the CCu, I use two 6 inch lengths of the largest copper wire I can
get and with low dc current and steam-distilled, ozonated water make a quart
at the time--after 3 or 4 hours, it turns light brown and a red laser light
looks like a super highway. He also obtained a copper bar with silver
soldered around it and places this bar in the tub, which he feels helps to
maintain freshness. I would not estimate the CCu strength; however, if I
wanted to take some CCu internally, I'd dilute it quite a bit. I do use some
of this CCu in a Skin Lotion that I make in addition to Aloe and a few other
items which my lady customers describe in glowing terms.

Thank you, for this small opportunity to help pay you back for all of the
Wonderful, Helpful Information you so generously share with "us seekers"!
I include You in the list of generous Experts found on these Sites! Thanks,


Dr. Richard Harris, PD
59 years FL Pharmacist  

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:00 PM
Subject: CS>Colloidal copper

Can anyone tell me how to make homemade colloidal


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>faecal worm cure?

2007-03-30 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Marshall, Faith and Ms Luz,

Thank each of you for the excellent information you Experts so graciously
and unselfishly share with "us seekers"!

I sincerely believe that bG's 6 volt lantern battery described on:
microelectricitygermkil...@yahoogroups,com complete with photos; list of
items needed to assemble (total cost about $6); and many satisfied reports
shared by many users who have successful results. I sincerely believe that
EIS orally and misted regularly + using the Godzilla will give satisfactory
results. bG recommends making several size pads used on varying body parts
as his wonderful Site suggests for 10 minutes--reverse current for another
10 minutes; you may repeat this treatment as often as needed, provided that
the skin is not irritated. God is Good! All the Time!


Dr. Richard Harris, PD
59 year FL Pharmacist.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>faecal worm cure?

Check out walnut hull extract.

google for walnut hull worms 
is an example.


Faith Saint Francis wrote:
> Hello, my respected Forum Members!
> My wife encountered worms in her faeces and she did not like it much.
> She asked me to write to the Forum and ask if Colloidal Silver would 
> exterminate these unsympathetic creatures.
> Is there an alternative cure known to rid oneself of faecal worms?
> Any help is warmly appreciated!
> Luz and Faith
> _
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's 
> -- 
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>vitamin c- Lymes

2007-03-21 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Clayton Family and other Silver-list readers,

I agree that everyone should make their own silver to assure quality and
economy; however, I make an excellent 10 ppm EIS using ONLY .% silver +
steam-distilled, ozonated water using low voltage dc for the proper time,
testing with red laser beam + TDS reading of 6 to 8 x 2 = 12 to 16 ppm. At
time of ending generating, I remove the silver wires and test again, then
add 4 cc (1 long-handled ice-tea spoon) of 3% H2O2 to a gallon and seal and
label bottle--my understanding of the addition of the small amount of H2O2
is that it reduces the pathogen-killing time from 2 hours to less that 5
minutes and is tasteless. I make, take and sell a gallon of this EIS for $25
+ $10 S&H = $35, and would be honored to make and ship to your friend. 

Please check my Site: and let me know how I might be of
help. I also recommend that he assemble a 6 volt lantern battery Godzilla
seen on: This Godzilla use + EIS
makes a very effective, economical First Aid Kit for many things.


Dr. Richard Harris, PD
59 year FL Pharmacist

-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>vitamin c- Lymes

There have been people on this list who have said they cured lyme with 
some ounces of cs and are fine now.

with the amounts involved, most people buy a machine like the silver 
puppy and make it at home- it shuts off automatically, so it does not 
need babysitting. Then you just have to get good distilled water.

I am impressed that a dr is actually considering using it as a remedy!

On Mar 20, 2007, at 10:50 PM, zeb caffe wrote:

> I just read yet  another article stating that taking vitamin C 
> supplements can and do cause plaque build up in the necks of people 
> who injest it. I think it is called arterial plaque which can lead to 
> heart disease and stroke. I wonder if the type of vitamin C used makes 
> a difference? I take ester C.I think that the study was done on 
> ascorbic acid. I always thought that vitamin C was heart protective 
> actually strengthening the arteries. Me, I will continue to take it no 
> matter what. I personally am sick and tired of the negative studies 
> done on vitamins. Speaking of plaque desposits, does anyone know what 
> it means if you have calcium deposits scattered throughout the body? I 
> have them in lungs, renal pelvis,tonsils and lymph glands. The docs 
> say that it doesnt mean anything other than past trauma, scars, 
> illness  etc. They also say it is common on many xrays.
> Last question, I have a friend who has very bad lyme and is interested 
> in using silver to treat himself. There have been many discussions on 
> this but I was wondering if anyone could give me some good quality web 
> sites specifically about the usage of lyme and silver usage? There are 
> so many sites that sell silver. I dont think he is able to make his 
> own as he is very ill. He has been approached by a doctor about using 
> silver due to the fact that the antibiotics are not working any more. 
> The only advice i could give was to make sure that the doctor didnt 
> want to use silver protien as two other friends of mine have doctors 
> who use it in the IV form which worries me.
>  TV dinner still cooling?
> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Inquirey on RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)

2007-03-19 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Pat,


If me or a loved one had such a thing, I would be misting on CS + DMSO;
while taking CS + Gatorade orally several times a day + using bG's 6 volt
lanter battery Godzilla on the large electrodes as described on:
microelectricitygermkil...@yahoogroups,com I know this can help and I
sincerely believe this to be the most beneficial, economical treatment you
could find. Read my Site: <>
and let me know how I might be of help.




Dr. Richard Harris, PD

59 yr FL Pharmacist




From: Pat [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:25 PM
To: silver list
Subject: Re: CS>Inquirey on RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)


My daughter has had RSD/CRPS in one leg for about seven years.  She uses
quite a lot of colloidal silver, but it hasn't helped the RSD.  It is such
an awful disease.



Has anyone had any experience using cs on RSD/CRPS (Complex Regional Pain

This is a sympathetic nerve disease that can and often does follow surgery.
Possibly viral? It is 

extremely painfull at times. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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RE: CS>interview with a scientist

2007-03-14 Thread Richard Harris
Dear  Marshall, 

My friend, Ms Helen, introduced her friend with Dr. diagnosed Morgellon's
who prescribed a very expensive antibiotic (out of patient's financial
reach); gave her a quart of my EIS which she spray-mists all over body &
gives relief. Unfortunately, the patient chain smokes and drinks pepsis
which I feel sure is delaying her positive results. I told Ms Helen & the
patient's mother that they knew she should stop these undesirable habits,
but nagging won't help--Only prayer & EIS (which I hope she'll begin oral
EIS dosing as well as topical application. The patient is convinced the EIS
is helping improve her condition. The patient went to several doctors before
she found one that was familiar with Morgellons.

I'll keep sharing results as they progress.


Richard Harris

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS>interview with a scientist wrote:
> This was posted on the morgellons-disease-research group by someone 
> yesterdaydo you think silver could battle and win over this kind 
> of 
> stuff?
> iew2.asp?interview=3
I am not sure if you are asking about morgellons, or the stuff the 
Russians were/are working on.  For morgellons, inforamation thus far is 
that silver has little or no effect, except for keeping down secondary 
infections.  For the Russian stuff, I believe that CS would be effective 
against it all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Sota Instruments CS Gen

2007-03-13 Thread Richard Harris

I appreciate your using this sight and your right to express your impression
of SOTA Instruments; however, I want to suggest that you look a bit further
and give SOTA the opportunity to be as helpful as possible. I have found
their products very useful and effective and their personnel to be very
helpful and courteous. Please remember Carlene, that the Canadian govt. does
not give SOTA the freedom and leeway that you and I have in our USA; similar
to our FDA, FTC and other government agencies who are supposed to represent
you and I (the people) and in reality represent only the AMA and World wide
Pharmaceutical Companies. FDA allows you to make, take and sell EIS IF you
DO NOT make ANY medical claims--If you do, they'll shut you down and put you
out of business; which is why each person contributing information need to
have a Disclaimer that the advice is NOT to be treated as medical advice and
that if you need medical advice to see a Doctor.

I appreciate your kind words regarding the Experts on this fine SITE who are
so generous and willing to share their valuable expertise to "Us Seekers".


Dr. Richard Harris, PD
59 year FL Pharmacist

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Sota Instruments CS Gen

I bought one of their original alternating current generators ten years ago 
for about $30.  It makes EIS and has an attachment for zapping. My Silver 
Pulser arrived with almost no instructions for use; it did call for a pinch 
of salt in the distilled water.  In fairness to S.I., that was how many 
people were making EIS at the time. I have found the people at Sota 
Instruments to be courteous, although not as knowledgeable, in my opinion, 
as the members of the Silver List. I have learned everything I know about 
EIS from this list. I also don't find the information on their website and 
in their documentation particularly helpful.

I now make what I consider to be good EIS with my Silver Pulser after 
several months of trial and error and with a lot of help from the people on 
this list.

One person's experience with Sota Instruments.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 6:13 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2007 #125

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>interview with a scientist

2007-03-12 Thread Richard Harris
Good News!

I have a customer who reports after trying several doctors who were totally
ignorant re: Morgellon's she finally found a specialist who was familiar
with it. This doctor recommended a very expensive antibiotic (unaffordable
for the patient's budget). Her friend (one of my EIS customers) gave her
some of my EIS to which she is responding favorably; unfortunately she is a
chain smoker and drinks Pepsi throughout the day. The patient's mother and
my customer are disappointed that the patient is slowing down her own
recovery with these additives. I reminded them that Nagging will not help
and that their recourse was prayer and encouragement as she continues EIS.

Dr. Richard Harris, PD
59 yr. FL Pharmacist

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:20 PM
Subject: CS>interview with a scientist

This was posted on the morgellons-disease-research group by someone 
yesterdaydo you think silver could battle and win over this kind of 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>IV Question

2007-02-13 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Ms Pat


Sounds as though you're far ahead of most of "us seekers" and I congratulate
you! Have you made one of bG's marvelous 6 bolt Godzilla's to apply
concurrently with these other treatments? Go to and you'll find photos, needed
items and many beneficial results that others have had using it.


Please visit my Site;  read my background and let me know
if I can be of help.




Dr. Richard Harris, PD

448 W. Juniata St.

Clermont, FL 34711



From: Pat Lawrie [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>IV Question


Can an IV help with that delivery? I have a very debilitated rescue dog with
lymphoma and horrible skin condition and breathing problems. I have been
giving CS in milk thruout day and spraying his skin, putting it in eyes, and
up his nose for a week now. His skin is getting better but he is becoming
more debilitated. I think tumor is pressing on a nerve as his right side is
making walking difficult the past two days. He normally had a good appetite
in which I was giving him raw food with vitamins and flax oil. Today he ate
very little. I was thinking an IV of CS as a last hope effort as he is
drinking very little water also.


How much would be appropriate to add to the IV drip or should I use it full
strength? (gets back to ("how much is hard to quantify"). I have also
thought of IV Vit. C, but wanted to try the CS first.



Ode Coyote  wrote:

Due to the way that CS works, it's unlikely that ANY virus or bacterium 
is resistant, however, getting the CS to where it needs to be is always 
that challenge.
That's why "Kills 650 disease organisms" Isn't always *Cures* 650 
Contact is the key, delivery a challenge.
Some places are easy to deliver to, some aren't.


2007-02-09 Thread Richard Harris

Dear Ones,


I take several thousand mg MSM in capsules in 3 divided doses +  Vit
C-1000mg w/ Rose Hips 8 daily and have experienced much joint and knee pain
relief. Dr. Miller (on these sites) recommended this to me for my wife's
extremely painful Sciatic Neuritis. God has used these with + EIS and
occasional Godzilla treatments to give us both appreciated relief. At age
84, God has blessed us richly and uses us to help others daily in many ways.
I have a Pacemaker and Audrey has HBP and we both have been diagnosed with
irregular heart beats-so I certainly that our MSM intake will help with


In reading Pat McGrady's book, "The Persecuted Drug: The Story of DMSO"
several times and Dr Stanley Jacob's book (together with Dr. Ronald Lawrence
and Martin Zucker),. "The Miracle of MSM" I learned that Both MSM and DMSO
are present in our bodies and our body converts 1 to the other as needed.
Also, when God made us, He put a small amount in each of our body cells-and
we know that God doesn't make junk! 


Many ask, How does that work? My answer,, "We all are experimenting each
moment of our lives and if we find something that helps, don't argue, but
continue it, appreciate and enjoy it". I plan to live to 120 and challenge
each of you to do the same.



Richard Harris

59 year FL Pharmacist



From: Craig Chamberlin [mailto:craig@

MSM has been mentioned frequently on this list, so I thought I would mention
my experience with it.  About 5 years ago I had a problem with my heart
skipping beats occasionally.

A friend got me some MSM, not knowing my problem and suggested a teaspoon in
water or juice daily. One dose and the next day and after that the heartbeat
was normal.

I continued on it for about a year and stopped taking it.  My Doctor had
told me the Medication for this, I couldn't take since it would react with
something I was already on.

I contacted Dr Jacobs and discussed it with him and he said he had never
heard of MSM helping this problem.

Recently the skipping returned and I started on the MSM and two days later
the heartbeat is back to normal. I hope this information might be helpful to



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-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>LED therapy

2006-11-20 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Ken & Nancy,
Have you checked with V, who is one of the true Experts on this Site and who
experiments with much Light therapy? He made my Godzilla and my CS maker; is
very talented and generous with his information.
My best regards to you both. Let me know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Ken & Nancy Bagwell []
  Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 1:14 PM
  Subject: CS>LED therapy

  Can anyone recommend an inexpensive LED pain reducing unit that works
well?  Actually, I wouldn't mind a site that maybe has plans on how to build
one yourself, too.

  Ken Bagwell

  Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

RE: CS>Mother has bone cancer .. what now?

2006-11-17 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Faith & Ms Luz,
Thank you for your many wonderful contributions to this forum! Have tried to
contact you direct to answer your question, but haven't been successful.
Please contact me.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Leonardo van Goens []
  Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:59 PM
  Subject: CS>Mother has bone cancer .. what now?

  Respected members of this Forum!

  For once we have a very serious illness to deal with:

  My wife Luz’ mother was diagnosed with bone cancer, in the right side of
the sacrum area. It was confirmed after two biopsies, and Mother bravely
rejects the idea of either chemo therapy or radio therapy.

RE: CS>How much EIS to purify drinking water?

2006-11-09 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Carlos,
One of the Experts on this Site suggested that 1 oz. to a gallon of water,
shake well and allow to sit 30 minutes--there will be NO pathogens alive in
the jug and the water tastes as though it's only water. I prepare several
gallons of this formula to use for potable water in case of hurricanes here
in central FL--Delicious
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Staya Udanvti Bob Butler []
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>How much EIS to purify drinking water?


The entire "worlds'" ships have silver bullion welded into their fresh water
tanks, some like thousands of gallons.
The wave action will get the water circulating around and any contact with
that plate does the job.
So maybe just a tablespoon in a quart should be sufficient?..

I use very little (1 to 2 Oz) in my 16 Oz CPAP heated humidifier reservoir
because full strength will plate the plastic and metal base surfaces which I
consider to be a waste.
I do not have any idea how much silver is left in the dry container as the
ions are breathed-in controlling any possible fungal growth.
Long time use (week) without cleaning will produce tiny little bubbles or
beads of what looks like silver with a grayish deposit (fungus?) inside
rolling around on the bottom.

Staya Udanvti

- Original Message -
From: "Carlos Pérez" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 12:30 PM
Subject: CS>How much EIS to purify drinking water?

> Hello, friends,
> How much 14 ppm EIS should be used to purify 1 gallon non potable water in
> emergencies?
> Thank you.
> Carlos

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Making CS

2006-11-08 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Geoping,
Please click on and you should find items &
prices--please let me know if you have difficulty. Thanks.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:52 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

  went to site, could not find anything priced as you said,, please advise,,
thanks so much, geo.

RE: CS>Sorry I forgot!

2006-11-06 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Faith,
Everyone is entitled to one mistake and I truly believe you have yet to make
yours! Of course you can stay and continue to bless us with yout very
helpful information==expecially Reflexology.
Best to you you and yours!
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Leonardo van Goens []
  Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 7:09 AM
  Subject: CS>Sorry I forgot!

A humble “hello” to those who share this valuable CS Interchange Station.A
humble “excuse me” for forgetting to undo the Outlook Express Return Receipt


2006-10-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Dan,
Puritan's Pride sells many forms of Glucosamine that is a shellfish free
formula , vegetarian based and I've found it very good. Phone:
1-800-645-1030. Presently, they have a buy 2 and get 4 FREE. Good people.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave []
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 3:20 PM
Subject: CS>

Does anyone know of any affordable Glucosamine that is not made from
shellfish byproduct?



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re : - 28 Sept

2006-09-29 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Sandee,
Thanks for your revealing and I believe 100% true info.
Best wishes,
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711


-Original Message-
From: Acmeair []
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re : - 28 Sept

Ultra Silver provides you with a premium product at the best 
possible value.

*Ingredients:*  Steam Distilled Water, Pharmaceutical Grade Silver, 

the last ingredient listed is "protein".  therefore this is an argyria 
producing, non-colloidal product.  start asking them questions.

Sandee George wrote:

>Hi There Terry - this one sounds like a good receipt for Agyria - maybe I
>need to change my
>thinking !!! LOLIn my humble opinion we are now going to have to
>fight this next step which is
>that to make EIS as we all know here is not a  "quick fix" easy process
>it takes time, effort and
>patience - the big boys who are now jumping  in are going to use the HV
>system which as I cer-tainly understand does not produce nano particles
>as does the EIS  LV system - so here we go again - they are going to
>wreck a very useful and important ship for humanity - thank God I have
>eyes to see, hears to hear and a mind which will not simply take anything
>dealt out, and on we 
>go to the next event.
>Warmest regards
>Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS for dogs...

2006-09-29 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Chad,

I'm pleased to inform you that Many put an ounce of GOOD CS 1pm ppm (made
only from .999 % pure silver, Steam distilled water and low voltage dc
current) in their pet's clean waterbowl, finish filling with water and let
the dog or pets drink regularly. I'm told that if you give them 2
waterbowls--1 with the CS and 1 without, the pet will prefer the CS included
water. God uses CS to do many miracles for people and pets! Praise God! You
can also put CS in a spray mist bottle and mist eyes, ears and nose to help
with the cold.

Please read my Site and Blogspot and find FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1 page
of my CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Chad Sullivan []
  Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 11:12 AM
  Subject: CS>CS for dogs...

  is it ok to give CS to a dog for a cold? if so what is the best ratio to
mix w/ regular water? hes only weighs about 14lbs..

  thanks in advance for your help

RE: CS>Personal colonic device

2006-09-19 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Terry,
Please send the persona; colonic device plans,
Thanks for this and your other many contributions to "us seekers".
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS> - Re Colonics - 18 Sept

2006-09-19 Thread Richard Harris
Thanks, Sandee, for your usual helpful useful and clear information. Best
wishes for mild storms this year in your area.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Sandee George []
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: CS> - Re Colonics - 18 Sept

Hi There Linda - yes the top of the colon can be dirty and the bottom
clean - the
reason Colonics are good is because they massage the walls of the colon,
releasing the gunk which adheres to the walls normally and naturally -
the food
we eat is mostly junk/gunk no matter what we do or how hard we avoid what
know is not good for us - so in order to keep the body in as good working
order as
is possible - a clean and cared for colon is as important as every other
aspect of
the body cleanse - taking stuff to clean the colon is not as good as
having a series
of colonics - so be blessed and do what feels right for you -
Warmest regards

Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Sore Knee

2006-09-02 Thread Richard Harris
Sore KneeHi Marshalee,
I suggest you go to Dr. Mercola Site: and sign in with your
e-mail--He is very generous with his Free Newsletter (largest in the world,
I believe). He has a wonderful book & lots of good recipes on Site and a
Diet: "The No Grain diet" which can help you effectively lose weight, IF you
follow his simple directions and leave sugar and most grains from your diet.
It's NOT magic, but requires you to be a good patient and good to yourself.
You get to eat lots of good food, and still lose weight.
Best regards,
Richard Harris, 59Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Marshalee Hallett []
  Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 9:07 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Sore Knee

Yeah, but with these painful swollen feet, the thought of ibouncing on
them boggles my mind!
Plus I`m too darn near 300, probably break the tramp...


I understand jumping on a small trampoline will help with lymph



CS>FW: CS>AG Deodorant

2006-08-31 Thread Richard Harris

-Original Message-
From: Richard Harris []
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:11 PM
Cc: Richard Harris
Subject: RE: CS>AG Deodorant

Hi Jonathan,
I read your many interesting, helpful articles as you share them and thank
you for them. I have been using 19ppm CS twice daily as a splash-on
deodorant and have been very pleased with it. I would hesitate to store my
CS in any metal container because I feel the CS might be affected by the
Thanks again.
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten []
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:38 AM
Subject: CS>AG Deodorant

Japan's stores now offer "AG Ion Deodorant", in an aerosol can.

I hope the overuse of silver does not cause it to lose effectiveness.

Antibacterial soaps reportedly have helped create more virulent

Use of silver for unnecessary purposes might have the same effect.

Let's hope not.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS on mold?

2006-08-26 Thread Richard Harris

Cc: Richard Harris
Subject: RE: CS>CS on mold?

  Dear Debbie,
  I make the CCu the same way I make CS, substituting the largest copper
wires I can find. By using 3 or 4  9 volt batteries clipped together or my
RS 125/30v AC Adapter ( 1000mA) at 30 v; using a wide mouth glass jar with
plastic lid; keeping the wires about 1" apart and occasionally stir with
plastic or wooden spoon. In a short time, you'll have the prettiest red
laser beam (like a super highway). For my son's (a Desert Storm Army vet)
hot tub he uses a gallon of strong CS + 1 qt strong CCu + 8oz to 1 pt H2O2
3% in tub water omitting Chlorine and other irritating poisons in his tiub.
He reports much comfort from his shoulder and back injuries that keep him in
constant pain; he says that doing this nightly reduces the amount of
prescription pain medicine needed.
  I also use some of this CCu in a Wrinkle Skin Cream
  Debbie, I wrote another 2 paragraphs and the computer ATE it; did it also
send it to you?
  Sorry about that'
  let me know if I can help.
  Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
  448 West Juniata Street
  Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 11:36 PM
Subject: RE: CS>CS on mold?

Hi Richard would you be willing to share how to make CCu ? thanks debbie
  -- Original message ------
  From: "Richard Harris" 

  Hi Lance,

  I used CS and CCu (colloidal copper that I make) and sprayed on the
mold in my shower. It was very effective and removed the mold with little

  Please check my Site & Blogspot where you'll find FREE 3 pages of CS
Uses + 1 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often.
  Let me know if I can be of help.

  Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
  448 West Juniata Street
  Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS on mold?

Has anyone ever tried CS on Black mold or any other type of mold
growth in their home? If so, what did you use and how did it turn out?


RE: CS>CS on mold?

2006-08-24 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Lance,

I used CS and CCu (colloidal copper that I make) and sprayed on the mold in
my shower. It was very effective and removed the mold with little effort.

Please check my Site & Blogspot where you'll find FREE 3 pages of CS Uses +
1 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often.
Let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:46 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS on mold?

  Has anyone ever tried CS on Black mold or any other type of mold growth in
their home? If so, what did you use and how did it turn out?


RE: CS>CS and gatorade

2006-08-24 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Duane,

When fighting an infection, particularly UTI,  I suggest 1 oz CS + 2 oz
Gatorade (in swallow doses, holding each mouthful in mouth for 2 minutes,
then swallow) several times a day--when complete relief, 1 same dose 3 times
a day, making sure the patient drinks enough water (most women fail to do
this, I read). My wife takes this dose first thing in a.m. and then only CS
in toothbrushing and bedtime. At first sign of recurrence, begin original
larger dose. We hope and pray that your wife will receive this same welcome
relief. I believe the Gatorade+ CS is essential in the first dose--then many
use only the CS in other doses.

Duane, check bG's wonderful Site:
and sign in and read and assemble the 6 volt battery and the extention cord
for use on many body parts for many relieving occasions. It's easy, simple,
economical and there are Photos of several Godzillas, with directions of how
others have used this--you, too, are encouraged to share your experiences
upon using.

Let me know hor I might help.

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: dvoorman []
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:13 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS and gatorade

  RICH I obtained a gallon of cs from you. My wife is 74 and has had UTI
also. Would you please let me know how much and how offen my wife should
take the CS and Gatorade. Thanks inadvance for the help.Yours Duane R.
- Original Message -----
From: Richard Harris
    Cc: Richard Harris
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: RE: CS>CS and gatorade

Hi Becky,

Brooks Bradley, one of the True Experts who so generously share valuable
info on this excellent Site with "us seekers" shared the answer to your
question. Brooks shared that using 1 part good CS 10 ppm + 2 parts Gatorade
(as an electrolyte to take the CS deeper into tissues than CS can go alone)
would be much more effective! My wife (of 60 years) suffered from chronic
UTI, which reoccurred about every 3 to 4 weeks usually requiring her to go
to our wonderful MD for a prescription for an expensive antibiotic (with
it's many unpleasant side-effects) tried Brooks suggestion and has had NO
return of UTI in almost 3 years--nor does she want another ever! Praise God!

At once, there were many who wanted a substitute for Gatorade and I'm
sure there are many: however, I know that Gatorade works effectively; is
economical and was developed at U of F (my alma mater) and they make a
little money on every effective drop of Gatorade sold. Why look for a maybe
effective substitute? I buy
Gatorade on sale for economy.

Please read my Site & Blog where you'll find FREE 3 pages of CS uses and
1 page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can help.

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711
  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:26 AM
  Subject: CS>CS and gatorade

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.5/425 - Release Date:


2006-08-22 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Ms Ruth,

I would suggest using Godzilla pads found on bG's wonderful Site:
microelectricitygermkil...@yahooo This is simple, economical and
effective for many various problems and much easier on YOU than surgeries.

Please chek my Site & Blog where you'll find FREE 3 pages of CS Uses + 1
page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can help.

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: ruth strackbein []
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>IBS

Thanks, Marshalee, Will put in my folder as a route to try.  Am presently
working with juicing , H202 (3, not 30).  Am getting a little worried about

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS and gatorade

2006-08-22 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Becky,

Brooks Bradley, one of the True Experts who so generously share valuable
info on this excellent Site with "us seekers" shared the answer to your
question. Brooks shared that using 1 part good CS 10 ppm + 2 parts Gatorade
(as an electrolyte to take the CS deeper into tissues than CS can go alone)
would be much more effective! My wife (of 60 years) suffered from chronic
UTI, which reoccurred about every 3 to 4 weeks usually requiring her to go
to our wonderful MD for a prescription for an expensive antibiotic (with
it's many unpleasant side-effects) tried Brooks suggestion and has had NO
return of UTI in almost 3 years--nor does she want another ever! Praise God!

At once, there were many who wanted a substitute for Gatorade and I'm sure
there are many: however, I know that Gatorade works effectively; is
economical and was developed at U of F (my alma mater) and they make a
little money on every effective drop of Gatorade sold. Why look for a maybe
effective substitute? I buy
Gatorade on sale for economy.

Please read my Site & Blog where you'll find FREE 3 pages of CS uses and 1
page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can help.

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:26 AM
  Subject: CS>CS and gatorade

Could someone tell me again the correct proportions of
gatorade to use with the CS?



RE: CS>The National Uncomplementary Centre for Alternative Medicine

2006-07-15 Thread Richard Harris
Hi David,
Thank You and congratulations on your informative article shared with "us
seekers"! I have been using, making and taking CS (EIS) since I first became
acquainted with it several years ago and believe that CS is a special Gift
from God; in that Anyone, of Any age or size, with Any health problem or
disease, taking Any treatment or medication can safely add CS to their
routine without Any side effects! Nothing else is so safe including
necessary Oxygen or Water--either of which in excess can KILL you!
I'm sharing your excellent rebuttal to all of my CS customers and friends.
Please read my Site and Blog which contains FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of
help and Thanks Again!
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: alchemySA []
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 9:20 AM
Subject: CS>The National Uncomplementary Centre for Alternative Medicine

Hello all.
When anyone does a Google seach for colloidal silver here in Australia
one of the first sites they see is the US National Centre for
Complementary And Alternative Medicine. I'm sure you've all seen it too
and would agree that it's a pretty effective party pooper for anyone
thinking about using colloidal silver. So to amuse myself on a wet windy
day I've written a little rejoinder.  I hope this appears in a
reasonably readable format. For some reason my subject titles don't
usually appear so here it is just in case. "The National Uncomplementary
Centre for Alternative Medicine"



The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ( NCCAM)
a US Government watchdog, makes the following claim -

"Colloidal silver can cause serious side effects. One is argyria, a
bluish-gray discoloration of the body."

This is misleading. Argyria isn't one side effect, its the ONLY known
side effect from the excessive ingestion of colloidal silver. Once you
overcome the fear of argyria and understand how rare it is, and how
easily it's avoided, then the benefits of colloidal silver can be yours.

The NCCAM goes on to make the following statement -

"Other side effects from using colloidal silver products may include
neurologic problems (such as seizures), fatigue, headaches, kidney
failure, skin irritation and stomach distress".

Note they use the word MAY. But in fact they KNOW (or should know) these
possible side effects in humans are speculative and entirely unproven.

There are NO medical reports connecting human neurological problems with
silver of any kind, let alone colloidal silver of the type made by 'home
brewers'. The fear that colloidal silver might cause neurological
problems and fatigue probably comes from experiments on rather
unfortunate rats and mice. (Rungby and Danscher 1984 for example). In
these experiments, the animals were given large daily doses of silver
nitrate in their drinking water. Whilst abnormal behaviour
(sluggishness) was eventually and deliberately induced, these
experiments had little relevence to humans because the amounts ingested
were vastly in excess of any likely human consumption. The rats intake
of 18 mg/per kg/per day for 125 days is roughly the equivalent of an
adult human drinking 180 litres of 10ppm colloidal silver PER DAY for
125 days straight. (It should also be noted that the rats were given
silver nitrate which is known to be much more 'toxic' than pure silver.
Home-made colloidal silver contains no silver nitrate)

The "kidney failure" claim has no clear reference but it appears to be
related to an easily researched Indian case of  "Fatal renal and hepatic
failure following silver nitrate instillation for treatment of
chyluria". Put simply this means the unfortunate victim, I mean patient,
died after an operation to inject silver nitrate directly into the
centre of his kidney went horribly wrong. Apparently this is usually
quite a common and successful procedure (in India) but it has nothing at
all to do with drinking colloidal silver and the NCCAM should know it.

I can't find any authorative information about colloidal silver causing
"skin irritation" so I can only assume they are confusing colloidal
silver with silver jewellery. This is an understandable mistake.

Now, "stomach distress". Have you ever heard that term before? (What a
give-away that is!) But they might be on a winner here. I've read
thousands of testimonials and letters from regular users of home-made
colloidal silver and I must admit the occasional complaint of an upset
tummy does come up.

So, accepting that coll

RE: CS>Silver safety

2006-07-08 Thread Richard Harris
Your usual Execellent Useful Information, Terry!
Many thanks! I'm sending it to all my CS users to help them improve their
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin []
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 11:10 AM
Subject: CS>Silver safety

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>EIS Effect on Someone w/Thick Blood

2006-07-03 Thread Richard Harris

Hi Paul,

Sorry to read of your thick blood problem.

As a FL Pharmacist for 59 years, I have been taking 2 Vit E 400IU capsules
twice a day and 2 Lecithin 19 gr Capsule twice a day for many years--the E
according to the Dr.s' Shute in Canada to make the platelets slick and
non-sticking and the Lecithin to improve Cerebral circulation and
stimulation (to prevent strokes and blood clots). 4 years ago I had a
Pacemaker inserted and my Cardiologist recommended that I also take Warfarin
5 mg daily with 7 1/2 mg M, W, & F. I didn't feel that I needed this, but
after reasoning with my Dr. I agreed that since he felt I needed it and he
was my Dr. I would be a good patient and take the (rat poison). God has
blessed me abundantly and I've been getting along extremely well at age 83
and plan to continue being active and helping others for a total of 120
years. I keep my Pharmacy license active and do relief work as a pharmacist
occasionallly and treat my Alternative medicines as a Ministry to help
others. My blood vessels are clear and clean. I'd suggest that you look into
this regimin and adapt whatever you feel will apply to you.

I make, use and take 10 ppm EIS (CS) w/H2O2 about 4 oz. per day in divided
doses: 1oz CS + 2oz Gatorade (as electrolyte to take the CS deeper into the
tissues than CS can go alone)--mix this combination in a juice glass and
take orally by large mouthful, holding in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallow
& repeat till glass is empty--this allows many of the CS colloids with
(+)charge to penetrate under the tongue (like nitroglycerin) directly into
the blood stream and seek for any (-) charged pathogens to connect to and
suffocate the pathogen (killing it). Repeat this dose as often as you desire
(at least 4 times a day) More if you feel you need it.

Also, go to: and find bG's
wonderful Site and make your own Apprentice Godzilla to treat many things
that could help your condition economically and safely: always remembering
that YOU are responsible for your own health and like the doctor "practices
medicine" you and I are continually experimenting with new ideas based on
the successes of others who share with us.

You'll find many wonderful, generous, knowledgable Experts who are eager to
help "us seekers". You, too are requested to report your findings to the
groups to help expand our knowledge.

Read my Site and Blogspot where you'll find FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Paul Fehrnstrom []
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 1:08 PM
Subject: CS>EIS Effect on Someone w/Thick Blood

Hi Everyone and Happy 4th of July,

I'm wondering if anyone on this list has any knowledge about the
interaction of EIS on someone with thick blood, namely, me.

I carry the Factor V Leiden gene which makes my blood prone to
hypercoagulability, ie. thick blood.

About 2 weeks ago, I drank 6-8 oz. of 15ppm EIS over a period of
several hours. 2 days afterwards, I had an extreme Herx reaction, to the
point my wife took me to the ER we were so worried - high fever, chills,
trembling, severe headache, delirious.. I was in rough shape. Of course
the ER docs couldn't understand why I would ingest a silver solution and
due to lack of knowledge, called poison control to get more information
on the effects. They ended up giving me an IV in my left arm for saline
solution and something for the pain. 4 days later, I developed phlebitis
(superficial blood clot) in my left arm. Treated with aspirin and
antibiotics, I seem to be getting better but then this last Friday, I
experience tingling in my left hand and numbness. Another trip to the ER
and lo and behold, I now have my first case of DVT in my arm. I'm now on
heparin shots and coumadin and hoping this is the end of the cascading
effects I've experienced over the past several weeks.

Based on my extreme herx reaction, logic tells me that I must have some
serious pathogens making their home in my blood. I did some research and
found that yes, the fibrin layer coating the vessel walls due to my
thick blood makes
excellent hiding places for pathogens and makes treating them all the
more difficult. I'm thinking that their response to my EIS assault was to
create an even more hypercoagulable state as their line of defense. An
IV needle was just the thing to trigger a clot.

Has anyone heard or come across any research or similar experiences with
EIS on someone with a similar history and/or extreme herx reactions that
trigger more than the flu-like symptoms that are common? This

RE: CS>Bob Berger has passed away

2006-06-27 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Silver-list Group,

What a great loss to each of "us seekers" who are experimenting together
with Colloidal Silver and other Alternative medical treatments. Ole Bob
ranked among the great on the peak of this fine Site and I looked forward to
his wisdom that he shared so graciously in helping others with their
problems. Thanks to "Ole Bob" and the many others who reach out with wisdom
to help each seeker with their problems! He'll be greatly missed!


Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: bbanever []
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Bob Berger has passed away

My sincere condolences to the family of "Ole Bob" Berger.  I always enjoyed
his wisdom on this board and although I never knew the man I always felt he
was someone to be listened to and respected.  He will be sorely missed.  May
he rest in peace.

Bob Banever
- Original Message -
From: "Rich Adams" 
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Bob Berger has passed away

> Rest In Peace my friend.
> Rich Adams
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Unidentified subject!

2006-06-26 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Stuff,
Thank you for the good info you send to "us seekers" from time to time!
CheckASAP silver sourceand you'll find a company "Biogenics" who
went to Ghana W. Africa and passed their FDA and now can use the dirty
allopathic 4 letter word, CURE to describe their CS. They have millions of
 in contracts in Africa, S. America, C. America and the Far East. They
can claim that their CS cures Tuberculosis, Malaria, Hep A, B, C and
countless other health problems. At the present time, they are having CS
researched at BYU with excellent success. Let me know if I can be of more

Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Stuff []
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

All this should keep you busy...

The definitive study, last I heard...(pdf)

A lot more...


At 04:12 AM 6/26/2006, Nathan wrote:

>hello my name is Nathan,
>i use home made ionic collloidal silver regularly and have done for
>5-6 years now
>i love it and always find it speeds my recovery by a phenominal rate
>i have recomended it to my family and some close friends,
>hesitantly. Which has proven to be beneficial to them also.
>i believe that i have a fairly good understanding about how it works.
>but what i really dont understand is why there seems to be no
>available lab test results or definitive studies that have been
>undertaken to prove (or disprove) even the most basic benfits
>involved with its use, that i can find or  maybe i am just not
>looking in the right places.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.4/375 - Release Date: 6/25/2006

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2006-06-02 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Rowena,
Thanks for the wonderful information and insight you continually share with
"us seekers"! Are you on bG's
that has the many photos, equipment needed, tetimonials as to effective uses
many have enjoyed? I believe that adding a simple zapper to your listed
regimin can be of great help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Rowena []
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:22 AM
Subject: CS>Re: CS FMS Sol

This is why I almost never mention my own
fibromyalgia on this list, or to people in my life. They do not "get
it". Nobody knows what this is like unless they have lived it.

Here's one who gets it, Sol; one who's got it.  Right now, as we speak.
Winter here in Australia and the cooler weather might be what's worsening
it.  On the other hand, I'm also taking Salt and C - let's hope it's killing
a few of the critturs and that's why I'm crippled up.
I do coconut oil, CS, FIR sauna, guai to a degree, epsom salts hot bath,
throat and nose spray of List Mix (mix of everything I read about on this
list!), just started Maca if I would only remember to take it, Enar device,
microelectricitygermkiller when I get to it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Silver & Hepatitis C

2006-05-15 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Carol Ann,
Good observation; however, I suggest that if only ONE is protected, it's a
simple precaution; and really, who knows who might have become unknowingly
infected? Since this practice is simple, effective and inexpensive, I'm for
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Carol Ann []
  Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 2:28 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Silver & Hepatitis C

  Mike, what I find objectionable is that they have taken the practice of
putting an antibiotic into newborns eyes as a matter of standard procedure.
There are not that many women today who have  syphilis and/or gonorrhea
which is not discovered through prenatal care, blood tests, etc, available
to women of all walks of life, regardless of economic means.  The practice
may have once been applicable when women were more inclined to have home
births, midwives, or lived in rural areas with no medical services.  I see
it as a rather archaic, hold over practice in today's society.

  "M. G. Devour"  wrote:
Debbie writes:
> Mike what about the cs they use in newborns eyes as soon as they are
> born, and the use in the burn unit's today too or is that something
> different?

They used to use silver nitrate in the eyes of newborns. It stung and
sometimes caused temporary staining, if I remember right, but did
protect against blindness caused by syphilis and gonorrhea. Nowadays
most places are using antibiotic ointments or drops.


  Carol Ann

  God is what you can find in anything you look at if you look long enough.

  How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call

RE: CS>Silver & Hepatitis C

2006-05-14 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Scott,

Congratulations on accepting treatment that God used to treat your

Dr. Bob Beck stated that 85% of people that had "so called incurable
problems" would not take CS or his Protocol. I, too, have had many good
long-time friends with cancers that I shared CS info with, and each told me
that they had a good doctor, insurance and would be fine with the doctor's
medicines. I even contacted several of their wives hoping one of them would
love her husband enough and encourage them to give CS a try--to no avail.
Having done all that I could do, I put them on my prayer list and within a
year or so, attended their funeral. Sad!

Scott, since CS is NOT FDA approved in US, you might research Biogenics who
went to FDA in Ghana S. Africa and got their CS approved--they now have
millions in contracts in Africa, S. America, Central America and the Far
East and can STATE: CS can CURE Tuberculosis (#1 killer in the world);
Malaria and many other diseases. Presently they are getting BYU to
experiment with CS and hope to some day get CS approved in US--Big Pharma
will fight all the way. At age 83, I plan on living to 120, but that might
not be before our FDA approves CS here.

Are you familiar with bG's Site:
? Look it up and you'll find many experimental units that are economical,
effective and easy to assemble complete with Photos, needed equipment and
assembly directions. Bob also requests that all users report full info of
all uses and ways used. I believe that using one of these low voltage dc
zappers in addition to simultaneous CS dosage (good CS 10 ppm (1 part) + 2
parts Gatorade (as an electrolyte to take the CS deeper into body tissue
than CS can go alone)--1 oz CS + 2 oz Gatorade mixture taken in mouthful
doses (holding in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallowing) and continue taking
like this till glass empty--repeat this several times a day--follow bG's
zapper dosing suggestions. Also, if you give this info or the CS free, most
will feel that if it were any good, you wouldn't give it away--Charge them a
reasonable price; such as $25/gallon--when they have their money invested,
they'll have more faith in the actual benefits they might receive and will
perhaps get effective results.

Check my Site and blog and find FREE 3 pages of CS Uses + 1 page myc CS
Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Scott []
  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 3:11 PM
  Subject: CS>Silver & Hepatitis C

  To Whom It May Concern:

  I need to know what information is available regarding whether or not
colloidal silver kills the Hep C virus and how quickly.  I need information
that is empirical and scientifically supported by experts in the research
field.  I also need testimonials from people who have been "cured" of HCV as
a result of taking CS.

  The main reason I need this information is that I am an addictions
specialist in a methadone clinic and I counsel clients who are being treated
for opiate addiction.  The majority of our clients have a long history of
I.V. heroin use and our statistics show approximately 85% of our clientele
are infected with this horrific virus.  I also belong to an HCV support
group that meets regularly to provide education and support to persons
infected with HCV and their concerned others.  I, myself, was not infected
as I, too, was an illicit drug abuser/addict.

  Besides my counseling the addict, I have been educating them on the
realities of HCV, current forms of traditional treatment (which is primarily
chemotherapy, using pharmaceutical drugs that cause severe side effects) and
suggesting the use of alternative treatments including colloidal silver.
Even the folks in the support group are very skeptical about the use of CS.
When I first started going to the group, I gave them a synopsis of what I
knew of CS and asked if I could bring my "lab" and show them how it is made
and some information I had gleaned off of the internet telling of the uses
and successes of its use.  They said "sure, anything to kill this disease".
However, when it came down to actually using it, they were still skeptical
and not even one person has tried it.

  So, I am needing some information that shows empirical evidence that CS
does kill  HCV, other viruses and the supposedly hundreds of bacterias it
kills too.  I have been making and using CS for about a year now and have
not become ill except for a few allergies that I have had this spring.

  I know this stuff works but I need very strong evidence for the skeptics
that are needlessly dying, putting the 

RE: CS>99.9% Fine Silver Sheet>Chicken Flu paper

2006-05-02 Thread Richard Harris

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Berger []
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 6:38 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>99.9% Fine Silver Sheet>Chicken Flu paper

  Hi Jim, Yes and here are the first  page. If you can read it I well send
the rest to you at you email adderss.

  Answer off-list.

  "Ole Bob"

RE: CS>EIS & Pacemakers

2006-04-22 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Ed,
I have a pacemaker for several years and make, take and sell CS daily
regularly as needed and never any problems. My cardiologist and family
doctor know about this and sometimes take CS.
Properly made CS is the answer.
Read my Site and let me know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Ed White []
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 3:00 PM
Subject: CS>EIS & Pacemakers

Does anyone have information or searchable resources regarding cautions or
contraindications using colloidal silver by mouth &/or nasal irrigation in
the presence of pacemakers. I need to intervene soon.

Ed White

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>off topic...Comment

2006-04-21 Thread Richard Harris
I've had great success in using Vit E 400 IU capsules--stick a needle into
it and squeeze a small amount of oil--applying it and rubbing well in
desired location.
Best regards,
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
From: . . []
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>off topic...Comment

is it a synthetic version or natural?

this actually poins to a question on its own, would you use synthetic

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS Containers

2006-04-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Debbie,
Yes--they are plastic, as are the bottles in which you buy your Steam
Distilled water--nothing wrong with them.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 12:00 AM
Subject: RE: CS>CS Containers

 But aren't those plastic?
  -- Original message --
  From: "Richard Harris" 

  > Hi Dan,
  > Thanks for the excellent info you (together with other Experts on this
  > so generously share with "us seekers". If you use Gatorade with your CS
as I
  > do, you can buy it on Sale on quarts as you wateh the grocery store
  > Buy 5 quarts for $5--use the Gatorade, clean the bottles and fill with
  > CS to give away. My son also buys Lemon Juice conc. in 32 oz and saves
  > bottles.
  > Sincerely,
  > > ___
  > Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
  > 448 West Juniata Street
  > Clermont, FL 34711

RE: CS>off topic...

2006-04-19 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Pelachrum,
I would apply a folded paper towel wetted with CS to the scar, cover with
Seran wrap to keep wet and not wet everything around it--Reapply for an hour
or two as often as convenient--This dan be of great help nd very effective.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: . . []
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:44 AM
Subject: CS>off topic...

I realize this may not have much to do with with CS but since this place is
full of superior healing methods I though that maybe someone would have some
info regarding the below or could at least point me in a right direction.

have you ever come accross any natural ways of addressing skin scars?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS Containers

2006-04-19 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the excellent info you (together with other Experts on this Site)
so generously share with "us seekers". If you use Gatorade with your CS as I
do, you can buy it on Sale on quarts as you wateh the grocery store prices;
Buy 5 quarts for $5--use the Gatorade, clean the bottles and fill with the
CS to give away. My son also buys Lemon Juice conc. in 32 oz and saves the

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave []
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:30 AM
Subject: CS>CS Containers

What are people using for CS containers when giving it to people?

I am running out of suitable containers and don't usually give away
gallons at a time so can't just use the gallon DW jug.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Alkaline Water

2006-04-15 Thread Richard Harris
Your city water department regularlly tests water, check to see if they can
check yours.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:06 AM
Subject: CS>Alkaline Water

Hi Jim,

I should have put a smiley face on my letter.  :)

I would be very interested in any tests showing longer life or better health
in areas of alkaline water versus acid water.

Our water has a white substance (I'm assuming limestone but not sure), that
is obvious, especially when you make ice cubes and use them in tea, for

Does anyone know where one would be able to get tests on exactly what
minerals are in this water?

Thank you,


> pH 7.5 is very slightly alkaline.
> Jim
> -Original Message-
> Do you think I could make my fortune by selling alkaline water?  Our water
> pH is about 7.5 here, due to the lower rainfall mostly and the ground
> minerals.
> Jean
> What do they use to make water alkaline?  What do
>>> they use to make it acid?  Thanks.
>>> Steve Rose

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS & Multiple Myeloma

2006-04-08 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Debbie,
Sorry to hear of your Mother's problems. You have chosen a good Site on
which there are many Wise, Learned, Generous Experts that love to share good
info with "us seekers!"
Send me this request to my Site and I'll be happy to share a couple other
Sites that I believe can help your Mother.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

 -Original Message-
From: Deb&Mark []
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: CS>CS & Multiple Myeloma

 Hi all, my mother has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.  Within the
last 4 weeks she has had several compression fractures on her vertebrae.
Has anyone any information regarding this and the suggested dosage of CS
with possible topical applications on the spine using DMSO to bring it to
the bone.  It is apparently a bone marrow disease.   I would appreciate any
info that is out there.  There doesn't seem to be too much hope.
Researching this disease the only recommendations the "Medical Community"
has is chemo, radiation, and pain management as there is no cure and that it
can only prolong the persons life.  Not a life my mother would want.  Thanks
you all.  Debbie

RE: CS>Buying silver

2006-04-08 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Francis,

Congratulations on having OPEN EYES when dealing with someone half way
around the world that you don't personally know!

As a FL Pharmacist for 58 years, I share your caution. Barnum wisely
observed that "a sucker is born every minute!" Years ago, my wise Father
added to Barnum--"And two to take him!"

On this list, there are a number of Experts who are wise, learned and very
generous with their time and talents to help "us seekers" learn and NOT get
taken advantage of.

I buy my 99.99% round silver 12 guage wire from CCSG INC. because of V's
(one of the Experts) recommendation--V had bought from them and was highly
satisfied--as I am.

I would order the next batch from because I now know the
site owner and trust him and his products completely. He sells silver wire
very economically in 3 foot lengths and also orders (from Taiwan) & sells
the best Laser Pointer I have ever seen--it uses 2 AAA batteries which makes
it's use much more economical than the pointers that use the expensive 3
small batteries.

I have NO financial connections with them, but admire their quality and and

Please read my Site and Blog and find the 3 FREE pages of CS Uses and the 1
page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: francis luze []
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: CS>Buying silver


I'm a pretty trust worthy person. So here's my question to the group:
When buying silver 999 or  purity from a reliable? Or trust worthy?
Source, how do you know you are going to receive what you are paying
for? Short of getting a lab test on what you have purchased? Even if you
buy silver bullion from a bank, how can you determine if it is what they
say it is?

Don't mean to be the devil's advocate, just asking a logical question.

Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Coconut Oil

2006-03-29 Thread Richard Harris
To the many seekers or quality Coconut Oil:

I buy my Coconut Oil (Extra Virgin COCONUT OIL) 1 # jar from Puritan's Pride
presently priced @ $15.95 but--buy 2 get 3 free--phone 1-800-645-1030. I
have NO financial connections with this fine, economically priced company,
but am a very satisfied customer. This product is delicious.

Someone observed that if they lived in the tropics, they'd plant a coconut
tree--I was in the Pacific in the US Marines during WW II and we were
surrounded by towering coconut trees and the falling coconuts were a
constant danger during wind and storms. Have no ideas how long it takes for
a coconut tree to bear nor how many nuts they bear in a year. Good luck.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Gertrude []
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Coconut Oil

Pat hello,
I buy coconuttablets  PALMIN  since 1894 (in squares of 25 gr. divided) real
coconut in Germany in a supermarketfor only 1 euro
In a jambottle...almost the same...awfull to take it out...for 5 euro in a
reform shop.
Both came from The Orient...both the same colour and that the name
for it?
Sometimes people/sellers take to much for the products...the same as the
Pharma  Industry does.
The 12.70 dollar is  rare...I think...I would like to plant a palmtree if I
lived in a warm part of the world.

I am very glad I discouverd the German shop.

- Original Message -
From: "Pat" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Coconut Oil

> At the Coconut Oil Supreme site, I guess you just have
> to  click as if you are ordering to get to the price
> chart.  It's $12.70 a one pound bottle.  They have a
> larger amount in a glass jar. I don't like the bottle
> since you have to melt it to pour it out into a jar.
> But it's very good.  I'd ordered the Tropical
> Traditions through the Mercola site, two pint jars at
> around $18 each.  I need to go taste the jar I'd given
> to my son and see if it has the off taste too.  He
> said he'd fried something in it and he thought the
> smell of coconut was so strong that it would flavor
> the food too much, then he wasn't sure if it really
> flavored the food or if it was just the lingering
> smell. The Coconut Oil Supreme seems to have a milder
> scent and taste.
> It really bothers me that all those years (even as a
> dietary technician at the hospital) we advised
> patients to avoid coconut and olive oils along with
> the hydrogenated fats.  However, in spite of what
> every source said, I always used pure butter rather
> than margarine and have always believed the benefits
> found in eggs made them well worth eating.  Now if a
> recipe calls for butter, I'll use mostly coconut oil.
> Do they swap off evenly?  The coconut oil feels so
> light and different from all the others.
> Pat
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Natural Diuretic

2006-03-21 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Debb,
CS is a wonderful diuretic for you or your pets. I recommend to my customers
that they [lace 1 oz. 10 ppm CS into the dog's clean  water bowl filled with
fresh water--replenish regularly.
Check & read my Sitge and find the FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1 page of my
CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Debb Bos []
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 4:18 PM
Subject: CS>Natural Diuretic

 Sorry to bother the list with this.I am looking for a natural dirretic for
my dog any body have any Idea's ?Help
  Debb Bos
  S.Surrey BC Canada

RE: CS>IBS 2 SORRY .next time without indicator

2006-03-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Ms Gertrude,

Thank you for becoming a part of this wonderful forum with so many other
helpful Expert people that are so generous with their excellent information!

DMSO is short for Dimethyl Sulfoxide and our bodies make it: DMSO2 is also
MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane) and when God made you, He placed some MSM in
every body cell! As the body needs DMSO or MSM, it converts one into the
needed one for the proper body use. There is a Site that one of our Site
members made that you can search for; I believe it's

Please read my Site and let me know if I can be of help. On my blogspot, I
list 3 pages of FREE CS uses and 1 page of my CS Favorites that I believe
you'll enjoy. By the way, Marshall Dudley is one of those Experts who share
freely with "Us seekers".

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Gertrude []
  Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 1:25 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>IBS 2 SORRY .next time without indicator

  Marshall Hello,
  No  of course notI'm not collecting the adressesI'm a
DIGIBEET... (digital analfabeth...Miss E-learning) we call it here.

  I' m only an old lady surfing on the find a solution for my
  Maybe Hanna gave me some advice for the responce requested indicator. sons prepared the indicator for I can see my mails
going and pick up.I have to wait a while...they can help mam.
  It is also difficult to write in English...I' m was so long ago
I was at school .
  Sorry for this mail,now you know how comeI do my best to uninstall
the indicator.Maybe I cannot answer a while,only private...when I cannot
find how it worked..
  I learn so much and am happy to see all the questions on this forum.
  KInd regards,
  The Netherlands   happy with the CS for 3 years.Next time I hope
without indicator...feel so sorry about it.
- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: CS>IBS 2

Are you collecting everyone's email addresses for a reason?
It is still on.


Gertrude wrote:

  ""Gertrude: Please turn off you "response requested" indicator."" this what you mean?Thanks  William ! I have still a
question...Anybody of this forum knows about DMSO+ CS  for cysts and
polyps??? What will be an European word for DMSO...I' m searching a lot!I
saw a website I hope I find someone who
knows more about this problems + the use of DMSO+ polyps +kidney cysts Trudy

RE: CS>introductory article CS

2006-02-24 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Faith,
Hope you and all your loved ones are doing well this NEW Year!
Marshall Dudley has a very informative page you'llo want to save & share
regarding history of CS:
After reading, Marshall invites anyone to correct words or spelling or
suggest additions.
More later--Best regards.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Faith Saint Francis []
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:43 PM
Subject: CS>introductory article CS

Hi CS Forum-friends!

I was dashing through the messages, and found a question coming up:

Clients often ask me about CS .. the origin .. who thought it out .. history
.. them kinda things see?

What I'd like to ask is:
Does a kind of introductory article exist?
Can anyone send me the data of the article, or send it to me, so that I can
keep it for reference to clients? (send to

Thanks in advance,
and I'll be going on and on.
Faith St Francis.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS & urinary tract infections

2006-02-21 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Pat and Terry,
Sorry that Pat failed to get UTI relief from his CS. My wife of 59 years
suffered from a chronic UTI that recurred about every 3 to 4 weeks as she
was taking CS 10 ppm; resulting in her having to go to the MD and being
prescribed expensive antibiotics with accompanying unpleasant side effects.
Then 2 1/2 years ago Brooks Bradley reported that by adding 2 parts Gatorade
to 1 part CS and holding mouthfuls in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallow,
until juice glass was empty, the Gatorade served as an electrolyte and
carried the CS deeper into tissues than CS could go alone and since the
addition of Gatorade to her CS, Praise God, she has not had another UTI and
she looks forward to her daily dose for she Never wants another unpleasant
UTI attack. Also, at the same time, I would go to bG's Site,
"" and pick out a simple
Godzilla/zapper, go to RadioShack, purchas the simple, inexpensive supplies
and build the zapper and use it simultaneously while taking the CS. Let me
know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin []
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:33 AM
Subject: CS>CS & urinary tract infections

Pat said,
"I've found that CS doesn't prevent or cure urinary
tract infection."

I've had several reports of urinary tract infections
gone quickly from drinking CS. The key to remember is
that, in order to get the silver into and through the
urinary tract, you may need to drink generous amounts
- 8 oz or more, and drink it frequently - every few

Terry Chamberlin

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>"Risings" Daddybob

2006-01-11 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Daddybob and Rowena,

Many thanks to you and the many other Experts who so generously share good,
helpful information with "us seekers".

The history of Risings or boils was mentioned in the Bible, particularly in
the Book of Job and are just as common today as then. As a FL Pharmacist for
58 years, I found in helping countless sufferers that several home remedies
could be effectively used: I quote from my Book, "YESTERDAY'S REMEDIES FOR
TODAY'S ILLS": "One of the first remedies that I can remember was Ichthyol
or Ichthammol or Black Salve, that was applied to boils to draw them to a
head so they would rupture and drain. Sometimes, they took several weeks
with or without treatment to come to a head and always caused much pain and
discomfort to the patient. One old doctor expressed it well when he said
that the only good place on the body for a boil to be, was on someone else's
body. Ichythol was applied to the boil and then bandaged daily, as the
sufferer watched it grow (if it happened to be where he or she could see
it), then saw the head appear and finally turn white-topped and either
rupture and drain or the patient went to a doctor, who would open it with a
scalpel. No fun!

One friend remembered that his mother had made a poultice of red Georgia
Clay and Onion Juice to draw a boil to a head.

Apply a poultice made from scraped raw Irish Potatoes to the boil was a
standard cure of one friend.

Should you notice the boil when it first becomes red, inflamed and just
beginning to swell, you can probably cause it to go away with the following
remedy: paint 4 coats of Tincture of Merthiolate 4 times daily on the
spot--this usually will drive it back into the body and it will reappear on
some other spot, probably in a worse spot than the first. To prevent it from
reappearing, the old time remedy was to take Sulfur and Cream of Tartar
logenzes (adults, one lozenge four times a day for 2 or 3 weeks). At the
moment, I have not found a source of these lozenges and my friends who use
this remedy are taking one teaspoonful each of powdered Sulfur and powdered
Cream of Tartar the same dose as the lozenges with good results. You should
be taking a Vitamin-Mineral capsule daily and an extra Iron tablet.

A Georgia man told me that his family remedy for boils was to apply Hog Lard
and get a dog to liek off the lard."

Since the advent of Penicillin and Sulfa drugs and in today's world with
many excellent Alternative Treatments I now recommend that taking CS orally,
placing wet CS compresses on the affected area and taking 12 MSM 1,000mg
capsules + 6 Vit C 1,000mg in 3 divided doses daily should give the best
relief (When God made each of us, He included MSM in every body cell).

Please read my Site and Blogspot where you'll find my background and FREE 3
pages of CS Uses + 1 page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: ransley []
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:33 PM
To: 'Rowena'; The Silverlist
Subject: RE: CS>"Risings" Daddybob


I think the risings were pathogens, perhaps nanobacteria, coming out of my
neck/spine, the last vestiges of my Degenerative Disk Disease perhaps. Can't
prove a thing.

My unprofessional opinion that you are seeing the exodus of some sort of
pathogen. My opinion that nothing I've done yet stacks up to Himalayan Salt
and natural seasalt.

DMSO relieves pain right away, and these risings were painful, also it and
CS of course are pathogen killers, so I just wanted to kill 'em all and be
done with it.

The monster has not wiggled again:)


-Original Message-
From: Rowena []

R enquires: Daddybob, what is the reason for the risings as far as you know?

Germs, toxins, parasites, something else?
I'm not doing salt/C, but I am taking Himalayan salt solution in water and
sea salt in general in greater quantities.
I got a ring of spots or something like a hatband around my head, and a spot
on my forehead that is quite strange.
I've wondered whether I should put a bandaid or something on it in case it
is a worm exiting.  Quite often unthinkingly I will scratch one of the
itches and find it surprisingly "pimply".

What were you trying to do with the CS/DMSO?  Kill germs? Clean spots? Heal

Also experienced prickly skin.

I take Far Infrared saunas, too, and coconut oil.

Hope the monster under your tongue disappeared.


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RE: CS>vitamin c

2006-01-09 Thread Richard Harris
Greetings Marshalee and V,
At age 83 and enjoying excellent health with my beautiful wife (same age),
I've been planning on age 120 so God can continue using me to help and bless
Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2006 to YOU and YOURS!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: V []
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 12:20 AM
To: Marshalee Hallett
Subject: Re: CS>vitamin c

Hi Marshalee,

you must have a rough life I wolud like to live hundreds of years or more.
Seems I am jsut gettnig started and learning what I like and dont like so
now its time to start living, Im at 52 loL, Im still learnig but it seems
the first half of centurey was jsut an education for me, now to apply it in
the second half of the century and beyond. All you got to do is survive
another 20 years and they may solve the death problem. Man was designed to
live about 150 years as he is right now. the reason peopel die sooner and
suffer is due to ignorance of how to take care of them seleves mentally ,
emationally and phyiscaly

Take care,

>   Gad I hope I DON`T live that long.
>   After all I`ve been through I have come to the conclusion that this
world stinks.
>   And, why are people so afraid to leave?? It is much better on the other
>   I`m ready to go now, at 53.
>   Marshalee

>   p.s. why die at ninety if you can die at 120?


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2006-01-06 Thread Richard Harris
Happy New Year Marshall and ALL!
In 1995 I experienced radical prostate cancer surgery and my urologist had
me donate and save 2 units of my blood just in case; it wasn't required, but
they did in fact replace it. I believe the Blood Bank charged me $25/unit to
draw, store and deliver to my hospital. Praise God, everything went well and
that was 11 years ago and I've had no problems since. A year ago I met my
urologist in the hospital hall across from my cardiologist office and he
congratulated me on my good decision for my surgery and told me that had I
not opted for the radical, in his opinion, I would not have lived more than
2 years.
Not only is using your own blood preferable, you are spared the risks of
getting the wrong type--which can be B-a-a-d News!
May each of you enjoy a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2006!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: CS>AIDS

"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> I do not know whether something other than HIV is the cause of AIDS,
> and your ideas about HPV may be correct.
> The main point, so far as I am concerned, is that the heated blood
> products did not cause AIDS or raise HIV in hemophiliacs who received
> it.   Heating destroyed whatever pathogen causes elevated HIV readings
> and AIDS.

Maybe, or it could have destroyed or neutralized a toxin, such as benzene.

> If the infectious agent becomes resistant to heating, we are all in big
> trouble if we need an infusion.  However, there are artificial blood
> products now, and storage of one's own blood is an (expensive) option.
> . . .

This is actually done quite often when one knows that an operation is coming
up.  I think it is less expensive to do this then to buy blood.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2006-01-02 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Chad,
Go to your nearest feed & seed store and they have qts in the horse
section--99+% usually.
Happy New Year!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Chad []
  Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 8:42 PM
  Subject: CS>DMSO


  anyone know a good place to purchase DMSO at a good price? i've seen posts
on here about it and want to try it. i have done searches on it but know
which site would be best.

  thanks for your help

CS>RE: Good CS

2006-01-02 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Margaret,
Please get in touch with me re: economical CS purchasing. Sandee George
suggested that I contact you and on this list is my only successful address
with you. in Clermont, FL
Happy New Year to you and ALL!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Richard Harris []
  Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 5:47 PM
  Cc: Richard Harris
  Subject: Good CS

  Hi Margaret,
  Please contact me re: me supplying yoou with excellent, economical CS.
Read my Site & Blogspot.
  Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
  448 West Juniata Street
  Clermont, FL 34711


2005-12-24 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Marshall,
Thank you for all the wonderful, helpful info you so generously share with
"us seekers" together with the many other Experts!
I believe that the 3.5% came from someone using the 35% food grade and
diluting down 1/10 = 3.5% As a FL phamacist for 68 years, like you, I am
only aware of the 3% USP H202 grade; the 6% cosmetic grade and the 35% food

Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous New Year to You and ALL!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

Is there actually a 3.5% available?  Initially I thought it was a mistype,
but I
keep seeing 3.5% in messages. All I have ever seen is 3% and 35%.


Nancy DeLise wrote:

> The easiest and most precise is 3.5%.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jim Holmes" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:40 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>
> > Can someone clarify for me the concentration of H2O2 to use when putting
> > drops in 8 ounces.  Should it be 3.5% or 35%.
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ode Coyote []
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:23 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>
> >
> > At 09:53 AM 12/20/2005 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> > >Please give me some clarification
> > >
> > >Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?
> > >
> > >I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
> > >using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?
> >
> >   ##  That is the shelf 3%.
> > Ode
> >
> > >
> > >I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
> > >months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
> > >like to get a deep affect from the CS.
> >
> > ## Elimination rate IS quite fast..which also makes it very safe to use
> > LOT, like quarts even,  at least for a while.
> > Ode
> >
> > >
> > >Thanks for your help
> > >
> > >Gwlynda
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >From: Nancy DeLise []
> > >Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:34 PM
> > >To:
> > >
> > >I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
> > >about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that
> > >am about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the
> morning
> > >and 2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a virus and
> > >would never stop completely)
> > > As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let
> > > sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and
> > > the particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it
> > > gets utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
> > >Nancy
> > >- Original Message -
> > >From: <>Greg Ball
> > >To: <>
> > >Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM
> > >
> > >Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign
> did
> > >you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you
> > >your homemade silver?
> > >
> > >Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and
> > >drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is
> > >there something about the peroxide thats unique? Does it combine
> > >with the silver?
> > >
> > >Thanks so much for sharing!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >No virus found in this incoming message.
> > >Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > >Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.1 - Release Date: 12/19/2005
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.2 - Release Date: 12/20/2005
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.3/209 - Release Date:
> >
> >


2005-12-23 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Greg,
Upon CS generation with low dc current, 99.99% pure silver and 1 gal
ozonated, steam distilled water with 100cc previously made CS to seed &
speed up generation for the proper time, I test with red laser, and TDS-1
meter to reading of 6 to 8 which according to Ode x 2 = ppm. I remove the
silver wires, add 4 cc 3% H202, seal -cap, label 10ppm, gently shake and
take as needed immediately--the 4 cc 3% H3)3 in total of 3840 cc is so
minute that it's not noticed except by the reduced pathogen killing speed
from 4-6 hours down to 15 minutes according to Jason.

Blessing on you! Merry Christmas and Happy, Prosperous 2006!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Greg Ball []
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:29 PM

  How Long do you have to leave the silver before you drink it once you've
added the hydrogen peroxide?
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:59 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2005 #860

RE: CS>urgent reply...silver build up...

2005-12-22 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Debbie,

 I believe that properly made CS is safe for Anyone, of Any age or size, for
Any problem or condition taking Any kind of medication or treatment at any
dose daily for many years without Any side reactions. Safe to take up to 1/2
gallon daily (I don't recommend this large amount--wasteful, but safe) in
divided doses--the only side reaction if you have a bad infection, is a
Herxheimer reaction until the stool & bladder can eliminate the killed
pathogens. I take my first dose in the morning: 1 oz 10ppm CS + 2 oz
Gatorade (as an electrolyte which can take CS deeper into body tissues than
CS can go alone) in a juice glass--holding a mouthful in mouth for 2
minutes, then swallow & repeat until glass is empty. Holding each dose in
mouth for 2 minutes, allows many CS colloids to be absorbed under tongue
directly into the blood stream seeking pathogens to kill, then swallow CS to
be digested through the system. After the first dose, I use CS alone & if I
feel something coming on, I recommend taking a mouthful every 30 minutes to
1 hour thruout the day till you no longer feel the threat.

Read my Site and Blogspot and find FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1 page of CS
Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: debbie cozens []
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 12:16 PM
  Subject: CS>urgent reply...silver build up...

  Does anyone know if silver builds up in the liverthe lady at the local
health shop said not to take it for more than 10 days as it builds up in the
liverany comments???

  To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new
Yahoo! Security Centre.

RE: CS>CS misting

2005-12-22 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Sol & Chad,

Thanks to each of you for your generous sharing of useful CS info for "us
seekers"! I use and recommend the handy spray-mist bottle to spray on face
and hands when dealing with problem people and at bedtime, I spray CS mist
into open eyes to refresh them, in each nostril alternating 3 times with the
opposite nostril closed and sniffing, and twice into each ear (I'm told that
the ear is the source of colds & flu).

Read my Site & Blogspot for 3 FREE pages of CS Uses and 1 page of CS
Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.

Merry Christmas and the most Happy & Prosperous New Year ever!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: sol []
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS misting

Don't know that you need it, but misting keeps me from catching colds
and flus. I am very susceptible to them.
No need to rub it in. .

> do i have this right all i need a spray bottle w/ CS? spray it on my
> face & rub in after leaving work, stores, etc.. or is there more
> involved that what i stated?
> thanks alot
> chad

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Information on EIS and CS

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Congratulations, Marshall, on the clarity of your theory document! As your
usual high quality ideas so generouwsly shared by You and other Experts on
this list with "us seekers"--this document shines! Thank you for compiling
this and completing this document with us!

In the final Section: Theories on How EIS/CS kills pathogens--someone told
me or I read and like the theory that when holding the oral CS or
CS/Gatorade combination in mouth for 2 minutes before swallowing, Many CS
Colloids penetrate under the tongue directly into the blood stream (like
Nitroglycerin) and race along with their + charge looking for a pathogen
with its - charge and attach--thousands of other CS Colloids join and there
are so many CS colloids around each pathogen, until they suffocate the
pathogen--thus killing and possibly bringing on a herxheimer effect until
the bowel and kidney remove the killed pathogens.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 11:22 AM
Ode Coyote wrote:

>  Ode Coyote is a list and nik name that started being used when another
> 'Ken' joined the list.
>  Is it OK to post the theory [with credits and links] on websites?
> Ken [Ode]

Yes it is, but I would prefer if we wait until it is more complete, still
on it.  So should I change the Ode to Ken in the credits?


> At 06:13 PM 4/19/2005 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >OK, I have been working on a document that tries to bring a lot of what
> >been discussed here together into one concise and accurate document.  It
> can be
> >viewed at
> >
> >First I would like to get everyone who has contributed to any of the
> >information in this document listed in the top part. I know I have missed
> >bunch, so please speak up.  Also is Ode Coyote a real name, or a
> >
> >Secondly I would like everyone who has the technical expertise to
critique it
> >to do so. I want the document to be as accurate as possible, not a
> >of anyone's beliefs, including mine.  If there are some things that can
> >legitimately displuted, let me know so I can clarify or correct it.
> >
> >If there are sections I need to add, or more information, please let me
> >Also I need references to back up a lot of what is in there.  I am trying
> >get and add those right now, but if anyone can provide links or
references it
> >would help.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Marshall
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >Silver List archive:
> >
> >Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >OT Archive:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> >Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.10.1 - Release Date: 4/20/2005
> >
> >
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.10.2 - Release Date: 4/21/2005

RE: CS>Cheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Gwlynda,
As a FL Pharmacist for 58 years, I have only used 3% H202 USP and 6% H202
USP from drugstores and have gotten good results. I don't argue situations
that work for me and this is one.
Best wishes,
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: CS>Cheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?


I was under the impression that the 3% h2o2 from the drugstore wasn't what
I should be using. It sure would be cheaper and less hassle if it's okay
to use the cheap 3% instead of the 35% food grade.


> Hi Gwlynda,
> All H202 can be dangerous and explosive unless carefully handled. Many use
> food grade 35% H202, which I have never used, but which can be
> successfully
> diluted when carefully handled. Yes, I use the 3% H202 from the drugstore
> which is effective, and economical--Upon completion of generating my
> clear,
> very effective CS using ONLY pure ozonated, steam distilled water, 99.99%
> pure silver wires and love dc voltage--then testing with a red laser light
> for a Tyndall beam and a Hannah TDS-1 meter for a reading of 6 to 8 which
> x
> 2 = ppm, I label this 10 ppm , which is underrated, but assures that it's
> NOT over rated. To 1 gal. of this completed CS, I add 4 ml of 3% H202,
> which
> I'm told decreases the pathogen killing time from 4 to 6 hours to about 15
> minutes. God has used this excellent CS/H202 to cure bladder cancer,
> diabetes and many other problems--Praise God! I believe ALL HEALING COMES
> Check my Site and Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
> page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of
> help.
> Sincerely,
> ___
> Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
> 448 West Juniata Street
> Clermont, FL 34711
>   -Original Message-
>   From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek []
>   Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 AM
>   To:
>   Subject: CS>
>   Importance: High
>   Please give me some clarification
>   Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?
>   I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
> using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?
>   I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
> months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
> like
> to get a deep affect from the CS.
>   Thanks for your help
>   Gwlynda

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Laser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Pat,

I believe the RED laser to be better--I'm NOT convinced the other colored
lights I've seen are laser. The $3 should be as good as the more expensive
and I'd appreciate the source of this inexpensive red laser to share this
info with others.

Please read my Site & Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and
1 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Pat []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:12 AM
  Subject: CS>Laser Pointer

   I just found out laser pointers come in different colors.  Which should I
buy?  Also, are the $3 ones the same as the $30 ones as far as the light?
   Thanks, Pat

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2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Gwlynda,

All H202 can be dangerous and explosive unless carefully handled. Many use
food grade 35% H202, which I have never used, but which can be successfully
diluted when carefully handled. Yes, I use the 3% H202 from the drugstore
which is effective, and economical--Upon completion of generating my clear,
very effective CS using ONLY pure ozonated, steam distilled water, 99.99%
pure silver wires and love dc voltage--then testing with a red laser light
for a Tyndall beam and a Hannah TDS-1 meter for a reading of 6 to 8 which x
2 = ppm, I label this 10 ppm , which is underrated, but assures that it's
NOT over rated. To 1 gal. of this completed CS, I add 4 ml of 3% H202, which
I'm told decreases the pathogen killing time from 4 to 6 hours to about 15
minutes. God has used this excellent CS/H202 to cure bladder cancer,
diabetes and many other problems--Praise God! I believe ALL HEALING COMES

Check my Site and Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 AM
  Subject: CS>
  Importance: High

  Please give me some clarification

  Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?

  I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?

  I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would like
to get a deep affect from the CS.

  Thanks for your help


  From: Nancy DeLise []
  Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:34 PM

  I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that I am
about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the morning and
2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a virus and I would
never stop completely)
  As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it
sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes the
particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it gets
utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
- Original Message -
From: Greg Ball
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM

Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign
did you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you make
your homemade silver?

Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and
can drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is
there something about the peroxide that's unique? Does it combine somehow
with the silver?

Thanks so much for sharing!

RE: CS>dercums disease and CS

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Hannah,

Hope you're aware of bG's wonderful Site:
At the bottom of their Site, they have Photos, full directions for making
and many uses that people have reported--usually accompanying CS dosages
(oral and external applications). Be sure to make one of these simple
devices and experiment on treating your problem--always sharing your results
with bG--both positive and negative.

There are many items we add to CS for problem conditions to make CS more

Please read my Site & Blogspot where I offer 3 FREE pages of CS Uses + 1
page of Favorites CS Site to which I refer often.
Let me know if I can be of help. Merry Christmas & the finest New Year ever
to ALL!!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Hannah []
  Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 1:57 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>dercums disease and CS

  As a user of CS for quite a few years, but also the 'owner' of many
lipomas which as yet are still undiagnosed as to which variety
(Dercum's,Madelungs, or 'just'  familial multiple lipomas   - still
searching for a specialist here in Oz who knows about Dercum's and can
diagnose - ) I have not seen any positive  influence on the lipomas/fatty
benign tumors.  Neither in halting the development of news ones nor stopping
from existing ones in their growth.  It just continues.

  A fairly active support group by Dercum's sufferers can be found  at the
following website.

  However, I wouldn't want to be without CS to keep my immune system from
being overloaded.  My observation is that many Dercum's people do have a
number of other health issues often  auto immune system related.

  Hanneke ~ Australia

RE: CS>Cs and my 35 kids

2005-12-15 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Marshall and Faith,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story re: CS and its many useful
benefits! You both are SOOO generous with good helpful information!
Marshall, please elaborate on the Reiki touch addition--sounds fascinating!
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2006 to ALL!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cs and my 35 kids

Considering your position, and the possibility of getting charged with
illegal drugs to your students (Which you are), you might consider
the EIS, IE doing a hands on or Reiki on the water.  That also can help
it as well which would not be  a bad thing. Anyway, then if the principal
what it is you simply tell them that it is blessed water (which is will be,
not by a Priest), and they probably won't touch that with a 10 foot pole
that would be mixing religion and school policy.


Faith Saint Francis wrote:

> In my work as a government teacher I am by times confronted with strange
> situations:
> One girl had pain, and continuously, in her stomach, but I did not see
> of her mom taking her to a doctor. Money barriers maybe? So I first
> her hands Reflexology-wise: among other reflexes, the area of the stomach
> and the duodenum, and these were very painful. Then I could not help
> thinking of bacteria in her stomach (I forget the name of those now) and
> immediately thought of CS. I made a bottle of it, and had her drink, then
> gave it to her to use at home. She told me that it first caused her pain,
> and then the pain receded. Now, she is okay, although complaining of pain
> now and then .. she still uses her bottle of CS.
> Can you imagine your son with a nose dripping green mucus for weeks, and
> doing nothing? The boy told me he has "some allergy", does not what for,
> the docs are "looking for clues" yeah!
> So I did his hands as well, but he just is not alert to the possibilities.
> Yet the sight of his nose with the green stuff coming out continually is
> so attractive to the other kids, nor is it to their teacha. So I made him
> bottle of CS, and have him drink a zip every 90 minutes. I shall only stop
> when his parents make me (they know about my approaches, health-wise) or
> otherwise go on for at least three weeks.
> Well, the other kids (I have 35 little souls in a far too small classroom)
> just assaulted me .. to have a mouthful of 'that stuff' that heals you
> bacteria, and that cleans wounds, as I had explained to them. The
> after tasting were quite a thing to view! Some pretended to faint; others
> made a strange face, and some remarked that it tastes bitter, but not bad.
> So there went my first-aid bottle! Yet, I considered it a good investment
> have them know the alternative, and we spent a good half hour talking
> medicine, good and bad doctors (they are 12 to 14 year olds) and
> alternatives.
> The little guy with the green nose will have his share every 90 minutes
> tomorrow again, and I observe well the pain-in-tummy girl.
> I am convinced that both will be better after a time of taking CS
> consistently, and I hope to promote it as an efficient home-made remedy.
> Faith St Francis,
> Licensed Reflexologist,
> CS enthusiast
> _
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

2005-12-12 Thread Richard Harris
1) Since Brooks Bradley recommended Gatorade as an electrolyte to carry CS
deeper into the tissues than CS can go alone; and 2) since My UFL Gators
receive a stipend for every drop of Gatorade purchased; and 3) since my wife
had suffered for years with UTI attacks every 3 to 4 weeks not effectively
treated by CS alone (usually ending up seeing a doctor and getting an
expensive antibiotic with unpleasant side reactions and much discomfort and
4) 2 years ago, since reading Brooks excellent recommendation and following
it without seeking to find a substitute She has suffered NO attacks and
plans to use the combination as written throughout the hopefully many more
years (now age 82)--God uses this combination to do many of His miracles!
Praise God! Thank you, Brooks and the other generous Experts on this List
who share with "us seekers"!

I would be wary of using Pedialyte--the last time I checked, they used
aspartame as sweetener.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Connie Howard []
  Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:24 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

  Would the juice act as an electrolyte?  I thought electrolyte was more of
a saltine type liquid; but I'm not really that knowledgeable on this


  On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 01:58:33 -0800 Raine 
I don't know that I'd use Pedialyte either... Perhaps just adding it to
fresh juice, or at least organic store-bought juice, would be good enough?

-Raine wrote:
  Instead of the Gatorade, could one use the electrolyte for children,
Pedialyte?  If the electrolytes in Gatorade were the essential reason one
mixes this with CS, I was hoping to use Pedialyte instead to avoid the sugar
and other allergenic ingredients in Gatorade.


RE: CS>CS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

2005-12-09 Thread Richard Harris
Thank you, Marshall for your generous sharing you continually do for "us
seekers"! I really enjoyed and appreciate your compilation on Facts on
Colloidal Silver.

You state that H202 and Gatorade should not both be added at the same time
and I agree--In generating my CS, I use ONLY 99.88% silver wire, ozonated,
steam-distilled water and use low dc current till I get a nice red laser
tyndall beam; then I cut off electricity, remove silver wires, test with a
Hanna TDS1 meter to verify a reading of 6 to 8 x 2 = ppm and I label my CS
as 10ppm (which is slightly over strength, but is certainly 10ppm. To a
gallon, I add 4 cc. 3% H2O2, shake gently and seal and label; At the time of
first dose each morning, I mix 1 part CS + 2 parts Gatorade--to be taken by
holding mouthfuls in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallowing; until the glass
is empty. I also use CS in tooth brushing (rinsing mouth before and
following, swallowing the CS); I also splash or mist CS underarms last thing
before putting on pajamas and first thing in morning before dressing, as
deodorant. Last thing before sleep, I sit on edge of bed, & spray mist open
eyes, 3 times each nostril sniffing alternately and 2 sprays each ear.
Someone ( a teacher, I believe) shared that and stated she had been cold &
flu-free since beginning this routine. Should I feel any warnings of
oncoming problems, I take only 1 mouthful CS hourly for several doses--It
works for me and all that I have shared with.

I believe Dana will find this effective and each dose of CS/H2O2 should be
freshly mixed with Gatorade at time of dosage.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

Take a look at

You may mix H2O2 with CS, or Gatorade with CS, but it is not recommended to
both at the same time, See "Can I do both" in the above URL.

Marshall wrote:

> Hi,
> I know it's been posted numerous times but I need some input on how to
> prepare the CS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture. I'm dealing with Lyme/ALS and I feel
> this will really help. 2006 will be my year of recovery!
> Thanks,
> Dana
> in frozen Oklahoma
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>What did I do wrong?

2005-12-06 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Laurie,

Marshall, being one of the true Experts, IMHO, on this excellent Site,
always shares good info with "us seekers"! To his advice, I'd like to add,
"First dose each day, I always put 1 oz. 10ppm CS + 2 oz Gatorade (as an
electrolyte to carry the CS deeper into the tissues than CS could go
alone)--take in mouthfuls in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallow & repeat till
glass is empty--other doses throughout the day can be without Gatorade, if
preferred; for laryngitis, sore throat, colds or flu, I take a mouthful of
CS hourly (holding in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallow) throughout the day
or till relieved--also, using a spray-mist CS bottle, I mist into eyes, 3
times into each nostril (closing opposite nostril & sniffing, then blow
nose) and into each ear. The Gatorade idea came from one of the most highly
respected Experts here, Brooks Bradley, and really does the trick for
infections--expecially UTI.

Please check my Site and Blogspot where I offfer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses + 1
page of my CS Favorite Sites to which I refer often. Let me know how I might
be able to help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Laurie []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:05 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>What did I do wrong?

Thank you, guess that explains why I am still miserable.  What a
waste of money I guess I still am not "getting"/understanding this CS
stuff.  Thank you again! Laurie

---Original Message---

That is not colloidal silver.  Colloidal silver cannot be made and
stable above
about 30 or so ppm.  Most likely it is either fake or MSP, in which
the CS is
bound with a gelatin like protein so it is rendered almost
completely inactive.

> I took this amount in bottle water and noticed NO significant help
with my
> cold symptoms.  Is CS supposed to be taken undiluted?  Thank you.

I wouldn't expect any help with that.  You take true CS undiluted,
and if you
were to take a few ounces of true 10 ppm you would most likely found
that the
cold disappeared in a few hours at most.  The sinuses can be more
difficult if
you let a cold get that far, in that case nebulizing with CS is
often required.



RE: CS>CS and sleep

2005-12-06 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Faith,

Thank you for all the wonderful info you share with "us seekers"!

I enjoy good sleeping but have never attributed it to CS; however, one lady
CS customer reports that she takes CS+Gatorade in the morning and at bedtime
and that since she began the bedtime CS dose, she is sleeping much better
than in years. Let's wait for other reports and hope they'll corroborate my
lady customer. Best regards to you and your loved ones together with All the

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Faith Saint Francis []
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 7:31 PM
Subject: CS>CS and sleep

Hi Forum!
I asked a question about CS before sleeping .. if it disturbs the normal
sleeping cycle .. and did not get any reaction?
Mebbe now I will?

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-15 Thread Richard Harris
Thanks Liam. How do You make your colloidal copper and how do you test to
determine the strength?
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 2:52 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS for varicose veins

  This is my first message on this list I think. I hope I am not repeating
something said in a message I've deleted without mind, but I just have to
put in my two cents.

  Colloidal copper or about three chelated copper capsules a day plus a
suggested dose of full spectrum Vitamin E like the kind at
should cure this in a few months from what I've heard. No herbs, no
procedures[although I enjoy skin brushing also], just two common isolated
nutrients. Also I would suggest that you drink plenty of pure water to aid
in circulatory function. I haven't read the other posts so once again if I
am being redundant I apologize.
  If you try, let me know how it works okay?


RE: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2005 #633

2005-11-14 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Sol,
No glitch--the pages are side by side with the numbers at bottom and page 25
is on the right side.
Thanks for all the excellent info and ideas you together with the many other
Experts share with "us seekers"--they're much appreciated.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: sol []
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2005 #633

When I downloaded the publication at the link, it only goes to page 21.
Is this a glitch on my computer?

Dino Ciccarelli wrote:

>check out page 25 on this publication on ac- vs dc-produced cs:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

2005-11-14 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Frank,
I believe I got this valuable information from Brooks Bradley who does
research all the time. My wife had a chronic UTI that reoccurred about ever
3 to 4 weeks; usually requiring a Dr. visit and expensive antibiotic
Rx--Since we read of this addition of Gatorade (2 parts) to CS (1 part), she
has not had a UTI attack--this was 2 years ago and we take this daily
because she never wants another UTI.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 1:10 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

  List, Electrolite in Gatorade takes CS deeper into the tissues? Any
research on this?
- Original Message -
From: Richard Harris
Cc: Richard Harris
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

Hi Max,
I make, sell and take a good quality CS (1 part + 2 parts Gatorade--as
electrotyte to take the CS deeper into tissues than CS  can go alone); and
also recommend to everyone that they add BECK (or other) zapper to your
treatment. V made mine and I have ordered several for friends and highly
recommend V's quality workmanship, his very reasonable price, his promptness
in making and shipping and the FREE BECK Papers CD that he encloses with the
order (which to me seems worth it's weight in gold) + V monitors these Sites
and is handy to help with questions and valuable information. Many can use
bG's Site for simple directions to be able to make their own, but if you
prefer, send V an inquiry.
Please check my Site & Blogspot (in which I offer Free 3 pages of CS
Uses and 1 page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often.
Let me know if I might be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Max Sanders []
  Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:55 PM
  To: CS
  Subject: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

  Do most of you folk NOT take the flu vaccine due to your healthy
distrust of poison in the needles, or the more positive take that Silver and
other methods will protect?  I am interested in the various points of view.

  I myself have always distrusted vaccines, but evaluate continually
i.e. I have Hep C.  It is strongly recommended to get the antibodies to Hep
A and B because a case of either could sink the liver. So I tried the Hep A
and B series and my body did not make the antibodies.  So now I am retaking
the shots, but by a "travel dr" or immunologist, who uses a subdermal (as
opposed to intermuscular) technique that may help stimulate the antibodies.
I generally would rather not, but the risk scenario seemed OK...but then
again, I do not know that much about this situation.

  Does anyone know what a neg response to the Hep A and B vaccines
means?  The Dr's just shrug, but state that the response rate normally is in
the 99% range (have heard different).

  I still make my silver and loyally take it as one of the tools to keep
me healthy. (I am sure my quality and potency could be better)  But my viral
loads have remained steady, much to my dismay.  I would love, obviously, a
total clearance.  Any new info on Hep C approaches?  I haven't asked here in
a while.  The good news is that my liver is pretty healthy (never abused to
a great degree and protect w Milk Thistle), and recent tests show normal
liver enzymes for the first time in a decade.  So I have this sense that I
am holding strong, but the virus remains in an immune system sensitive
state.  As such, I feel vulnerable to a twist of fate that would lead to a
viral explosion.

  Thanks for any and all considered responses.


  Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

RE: CS>lemons and gaterade

2005-10-25 Thread Richard Harris
AOL EmailHi Pete,
Sorry to hear of your migraines. Have you tried not only taking CS regularly
but also folding a paper towel sheet to about 4 inches wide and wetting with
CS, placing it over your eyes & forehead as you relax in a recliner and
allow this to help make the headache disappear? I have many friends who use
this and depend on it for relief. My first CS dose daily consists of 1 oz.
CS 10 ppm + 2 oz. Gatorade--the rest of my CS intake is just my CS (with 4
cc H2O2 added to a gallon 10ppm CS upon completion of generating). God uses
this to do many of His Miracles! Praise God!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:24 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>lemons and gaterade

I am curious if there possibly is something else that you ate or
drank subsequently
after taking the cs/Gator Aide?!  I too am a "migraine" sufferer,
but I have had no ill
effects when taking the CS/gatorade on a dailybasis. Pete

RE: CS>CS & Confusion

2005-10-24 Thread Richard Harris
Welcome Bill,
You bring a great addition to the many other Experts who so willingly share
their expertise with "us seekers" on this marvelous Site. Thank you for your
valued info (a little deep, but very well expressed and sincerely
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Carty, William []
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 8:50 PM
To: Marshall Dudley;
Subject: RE: CS>CS & Confusion

I am new to this list-serve idea, so I hope I have not violated the

For clarity, you need to think of charged particles and ions differently.
Colloidal silver should be, by definition, a charged particle, not a charged
ion.  The charges on the particle, however, are due to ions, and strictly
speaking, the charges are formed by the reaction of the particle surface
with the suspension medium (in this case, as in most cases, water).  Water
has a nearly unique ability among fluids to ionize into two species:  H3O+
and OH-.  In chemical terms H3O+ is the correct terminology rather than H+.
(Most chemists will agree that H+ actually does not exist in water but is
actually in the form of H3O+.)

The charge on an ion is not random.  The charge is determined by the
willingness (or need) of an atom to either give up or accept an electron.
Because of its position on the periodic table, silver will happily give up
an electron to create a positively charged ion: Ag+.  The correct
terminology for two Ag+ ions is 2Ag+.  The "2" in front denotes two ions of
Ag+.  It is confusing to write Ag2+ because that implies that silver is a
divalent cation (cations are positively charged).  Ag is not likely, based
on its position in the periodic table, to form a divalent cation.  It will
happily give up one electron but not two and definitely not three.  Based on
its position in the Periodic Table, it might be forced, under special
circumstances, to give up three electrons, but my guess is (and I have not
studied the chemistry of silver) that this is quite unlikely.

Ag is located on the Periodic Table directly below copper (Cu), which we can
use as a learning example.  Cu will readily form either a monovalent cation
(Cu+) or a divalent cation (Cu++) but not a trivalent cation.  As a direct
example of the willingness of Cu to change it charge (referred to as the
valence or oxidation state), Cu added to ceramic glazes will impart color
that reflects the amount of oxygen in the kiln atmosphere.  Cu is well known
among ceramic artists in its ability to offer colors that range from blue to
green to red based on the oxidation state of copper.  Understanding the
behavior of Cu may help us understand Ag a little better.

Copper reds, that deep blood red color so coveted by ceramic artists, is
actually Cu reduced to the metal state -- that is, uncharged small (very
small) particles of metallic copper dispersed throughout the glaze.  The
color comes from the particles having a size that refracts light in the
proper wavelength to produce color, known as Mie scattering.  Copper reds
produce color in the same way that the sky is blue.  I suspect that the
yellow tinge associated with colloidal Ag is due to the same effect -- the
particle size of the Ag particles (colloids) is in the right size range to
produce the yellow.  (I am currently traveling, but when I get back I intend
to look at some colloidal Ag in the microscope and get an idea of size.  I
will share the pictures if successful.)  There is also a similar example for
Ag colloids in ceramic glazes.  The famous ruby glass is an example of
undissolved colloidal gold particles dispersed in a glass matrix.

Silver oxide is not a likely compound to form.  If formed it is not
particularly stable.  I doubt that it will readily form in water, but if
formed, will likely not be at all soluble.  Ag metal in water has a very
slight solubility (which I will look up when I return from traveling).
Silver is one of the few elements that can be found in its native form (that
is, as a metal).  Some others are gold, mercury, and sulfur.  Almost all
other metals are found naturally as an oxide, sulfide, carbonate, sulfate or
some other compound.  Thus Ag is quite stable as the metal (if not, it could
not occur that way in nature).

I hope this is helpful.  If this is helpful, I will provide some information
about colloids when time permits.



From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Mon 10/24/2005 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS & Confusion

Ode Coyote wrote:

>   Ag2 ++
> Would that not, then, be 2 ions?

Yes, you cannot have an anion without a corresponding cation, and vice

> Or would that 

RE: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

2005-10-21 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Max,
I make, sell and take a good quality CS (1 part + 2 parts Gatorade--as
electrotyte to take the CS deeper into tissues than CS  can go alone); and
also recommend to everyone that they add BECK (or other) zapper to your
treatment. V made mine and I have ordered several for friends and highly
recommend V's quality workmanship, his very reasonable price, his promptness
in making and shipping and the FREE BECK Papers CD that he encloses with the
order (which to me seems worth it's weight in gold) + V monitors these Sites
and is handy to help with questions and valuable information. Many can use
bG's Site for simple directions to be able to make their own, but if you
prefer, send V an inquiry.
Please check my Site & Blogspot (in which I offer Free 3 pages of CS Uses
and 1 page of my CS Favorites to which I refer often.
Let me know if I might be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Max Sanders []
  Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:55 PM
  To: CS
  Subject: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

  Do most of you folk NOT take the flu vaccine due to your healthy distrust
of poison in the needles, or the more positive take that Silver and other
methods will protect?  I am interested in the various points of view.

  I myself have always distrusted vaccines, but evaluate continually i.e. I
have Hep C.  It is strongly recommended to get the antibodies to Hep A and B
because a case of either could sink the liver. So I tried the Hep A and B
series and my body did not make the antibodies.  So now I am retaking the
shots, but by a "travel dr" or immunologist, who uses a subdermal (as
opposed to intermuscular) technique that may help stimulate the antibodies.
I generally would rather not, but the risk scenario seemed OK...but then
again, I do not know that much about this situation.

  Does anyone know what a neg response to the Hep A and B vaccines means?
The Dr's just shrug, but state that the response rate normally is in the 99%
range (have heard different).

  I still make my silver and loyally take it as one of the tools to keep me
healthy. (I am sure my quality and potency could be better)  But my viral
loads have remained steady, much to my dismay.  I would love, obviously, a
total clearance.  Any new info on Hep C approaches?  I haven't asked here in
a while.  The good news is that my liver is pretty healthy (never abused to
a great degree and protect w Milk Thistle), and recent tests show normal
liver enzymes for the first time in a decade.  So I have this sense that I
am holding strong, but the virus remains in an immune system sensitive
state.  As such, I feel vulnerable to a twist of fate that would lead to a
viral explosion.

  Thanks for any and all considered responses.


  Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

RE: CS>Bird plague reported

2005-10-19 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Sol,

Thank you for the helpful, useful CS information you continually share
together with the other Experts on this wonderful Site to "us seekers".

To this particular bit about spray misting hands, eyes and nose often, I
feel, the EARS should be added. I read this and have been practicing it
nightly at bedtime with great success. The author stated that EARS are where
flu and other infectious diseases enter the body.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: sol []
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Bird plague reported

Actually, I had similar experience early on in my CS usage. I caught a
cold, though I was taking oral CS daily. Someone here told me I should
have been misting my eyes and hands regularly, particularly when out in
public. Since starting this, I have only caught one further cold in 3
years, and that was when I started regularly forgetting to mist. As I'm
misting my eyes, I inhale as much of the mist as I can (I don't spray
eyes directly exactly, but mist a few inches back from my face and sort
of blink into the little cloud).

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Question about CS

2005-10-05 Thread Richard Harris
Thank you, Dan, for your kind words and recommendation of my properly made,
economical CS (made only with 99.99% silver, ozonated, steam-distilled water
at low dc for the proper time tested with a red laser beam and my Hanna TDS
1 Tester to a reading of 6-8 which reading Ode says x 2= ppm--meaning my 10
ppm CS is under-rated and over strength.

I appreciate all of the good information that you, together with other
Experts on this Site so generously share with "us seekers". I agree
wholeheartedly that it's much better for an individual to make their own CS
IF they feel comfortable doing so in order to assure that the CS is properly
made, economical and actually contains silver and is made with steam
distilled water. Unfortunately, I've read of some who had their purchased CS
checked and discovered that it contained NO silver and might have been made
with tap water. Pity. Barnum was right when he stated," There's a sucker
born every minute--and 2 to take him! "

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave []
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Question about CS

Check out

He sells reasonable Colloidal Silver.
Still, consider making it yourself...


Re: CS>Question about CS
"Rich Adams" 
Tue, 4 Oct 2005 15:30:38 -0500

- Original Message -
I really don't trust making it myself, but there has to be a reputable

 > company out there that sells it. Does anyone buy their CS?

Not a company, reputable, many folks buy it for their pets.

Rich Adams

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark/ESSENTIAL OILS

2005-09-17 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Dr. Nenah,
Thanks for this valuable information you shared with us--One might search
for days to unearth these valued suppliers. Best wishes to you!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711
  -Original Message-
  From: Nenah Sylver []
  Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 9:36 AM
  To: silver-l...@eskimo. Com
  Subject: Re: CS>aspirin vs. white willow bark/ESSENTIAL OILS

RE: CS>Do it yourself

2005-09-14 Thread Richard Harris
Thanks, Chuck, for sharing this nice summary of CS making--I'm saving it
together with many other contributions to share with beginners. I feel that
EVERYONE would benefit from making, taking and applying Properly made CS for
special health protection  for themse;ves and loved ones.

Check my Site & Blogspot for 3 FREE pages of CS Uses and 1 page of some of
my Favorites to which I refer often.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Do it yourself

Pretty good summary page for getting started in CS making without a
lot of money. Explainations starting with the simplest setups with


what do you get if you cross an elephant and a rhino???

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Thanks for the kind thoughts

2005-09-09 Thread Richard Harris
Dear Trem,

Thank you for all the wonderful information you and the other Experts on
this Site have shared with "us seekers"! Sorry about your temporary
inconvenience of a stroke, but am confident that as you continue to be good
to Trem, you'll enjoy a good recovery.

Audrey (my beautiful wife of 59 years) and I both have a large percentage of
stroke patients in our families and early on have been taking Vit. E, Vit C,
and Lecithin (which increases cerebral circulation) and helps prevent
strokes. I urge you to add these to your regular diet in conjunction with CS
and BECK's zapper to fortify your recovery so you can continue to help save
the world (as you state).

Of course, ALL HEALING COMES GOD! Properly made CS is a "special gift from
God" in that Any person of ANY age or size with Any ailment or contidion
taking Any medication or treatment can safely use CS and benefit from it
since God has made it safe without side effects (possibly temporary
herzheimer if taking large amounts of CS and body becomes filled with CS
killed pathogens). CS is safer than oxygen or water--two of life's
God bless you Trem and each of us who are striving daily to help others with
CS and other alternative treatments!

Please let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Trem []
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 7:58 AM
Subject: CS>Thanks for the kind thoughts

Fellow list-members and friends.
As some of you may know, I suffered a cerebral event *stroke* about three
weeks ago.  I have heard from some of you and  from others on different
lists that may also know about my problem.
In my terms I broke my brain.  I usually tell folks "we don't get out of
here alive".   Many of us get a few divots along the way of life. This is
just one of my divots. I have healed from most of the previous ones with
little scarring and suspect this one won't be much different. Time really
does heal.

As you may know or suspect, my life has been directed toward one end the
last 7 or eight years.  Once I discovered silver and what it could do I
wanted to let the world know of my discovery. I became something of a
proselyte. I have a saying I sometimes use. "I'm trying to save the
worldten or twenty parts per million at a time".   I do think it's been
working.   Silver is definitely one of nature's best gifts to the world.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your kind words and
thoughts.  I do appreciate them so much.

My best to you all.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Beck protocol?

2005-09-05 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Mike,
V offers a FREE BECK Papers CD that is worth it's weight in gold! Drop V a
note and I'll bet your questions are easily, clearly answered. Thank you for
making this EXCELLENT Site available for "us seekers" and for attracting so
many generous, knowledgeable Experts who Share.

Richard Harris, 58 yr FLPharmacist

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Beck protocol?

Excellent, Ian. I'll look it over more closely soon. It looks like just
the kind of site I want.

Be well,

Mike D.

> Hello:
> is a comprehensive site on the beck protocol.
> Ian
> - Original Message -
> From: "M. G. Devour" 
> >
> > Is there any single web site that discusses the 4 step Beck protocol
> > in reasonable depth, that would be a worthwhile referral for somebody
> > wanting to get familiar with it? A book for sale? Anything?

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>? about materials for making cs

2005-08-25 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Deb and All--
Anytime you go to a store and attempt to make a purchase, you're
complimenting them. Should the clerk or owner NOT offer to order such a
product for you when you give all the ordering info, they don't want or
appreciate your business--in the Bible, the word is "shake the dust off your
sandals" and go find a competing store that welcomes your business.
My Clermont, FL store stocks this item and would mail it to you upon your
order w/credit card or check including S&H.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshalee []
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>? about materials for making cs

Sure they do, Deb. This is what my friend uses:

"The name of the Power Adapter is a RadioShack brand, 13.5/30V 1000mA
Power Adapter using household electricity, filtered output. Number
263-1668. Cost under $25.00 at RadioShack."

Deborah Gerard wrote:

> * I went to radio shack they don't have them.*
> *Thanks loads...deb*

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>? about materials for making cs

2005-08-24 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Deb,
I use one from Radio Shack all the time--AC Adapter Cat # 273-1668
13.5/30v  1000mA
Get your RS to order one if they don't stock it.  They cost about $30 and
are very good and effective.. I operate it on 30v which compares to 3 or 4
nine v batteries.
Check my Site & Blog and let me know if I can be of help.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Deborah Gerard []
  Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:03 PM
  Subject: CS>? about materials for making cs

  What is the name of the device that holds the silver rods? It is not very
big, white plactic looking little thing.
  And the device that plugs into the wall that delivers the 120
voltage...where would you purchase these? I went to radio shack they don't
have them.
  Thanks loads...deb

RE: CS>Beck protocol?

2005-08-18 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Mike,
V gives a FREE BECK CD with each order and it's worth it's weight in gold in
my opinion. Has much valuable BECK info on it.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:44 PM
Subject: CS>Beck protocol?

Hi folks,

Is there any single web site that discusses the 4 step Beck protocol in
reasonable depth, that would be a worthwhile referral for somebody
wanting to get familiar with it? A book for sale? Anything?


Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Silver particles in the lungs

2005-08-16 Thread Richard Harris
Thank you, Frank for this and the other valuable items that you and the
other Experts share wo unselfishly with "us seekers"!
This is very valuable information and explains things we haven't reasoned
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Info - Silver Colloids []
  Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:43 AM
  Subject: CS>Silver particles in the lungs

  Nanometer size silver particles introduced into the lungs will be absorbed
into the blood stream. Particles that are to large to be absorbed will be
ionized (converted into ionic form) which will then be absorbed.

  The lungs have macrophages whose purpose is to clear particles that may
become caught in the lung tissue. The macrophages produce H2O2 (hydrogen
peroxide) which dissolves silver particles too large to be absorbed
directly. Once dissolved (converted to ionic form) the silver is then


  We know of thousands of users of nanoparticle colloidal silver who have
successfully used nebulized silver in the lungs for bacterial, fungal and
viral infections.

  Frank Key


2005-08-15 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Ms Ruth,
I'm sure that Terry will give a much more informed reply to your report:
however, I wanted to share a few observations that might help.
IMHO, I wonder IF you have been using Properly Made CS? Where have you
obtained it? Is your CS pure CS made only from pure Silver (.%, pure
steam distilled water with low voltage for the proper length of time--is it
clear or dark?) I make high quality CS that is clear and daily I use it in
mouth care and am proud of the results that I enjoy. I put about 1 oz. CS in
a juice glass, wet inside of mouth with a small amount, wet toothbrush and
paste with the CS solution by dipping in glass, then brush teeth and tongue
using water to rinse and finish by holding the remaining CS from glass in
mouth for about 2 minutes and end up with a clean mouth and teeth.
Many people make what they call CS using tapwater and by adding items to
rush the manufacturing time--ending with who knows what? I would hope your
daughter is not one of these--else, her CS is NOT CS, but a series of silver
salts, which can eventually bring on Algyria.
I do not believe that Properly made CS/EIS would leave your teeth and mouth
stained. Please read my Site and Blogspot in which I list 3 pages of CS Uses
(from Terry Chamberlin) and 1 page of my Favorites to which I refer often.
Please let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

 -Original Message-
From: ruth strackbein []
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: CS>

Hi! I received a bottle of homemade CS from my daughter awhile back, used it
by the teaspoonful up to a tablespoon per meal for a little over a month. I
always start new things in small amounts.  My digestive tract seems to be
extremely sensitive.  I am noticing now, that several of my front teeth have
sort of vertical black streaks on the which I never noticed before.  I spend
quite a little time morning and evening on care of my teeth and gums.
However don't look in the mirror with teeth in mind with any regularity.  I
am suspecting that the black streaks may have come as a result of ingestion
of CS, but can't prove that.  Any thoughts on this? Ruth


2005-08-15 Thread Richard Harris
Thanks again, Terry
I have just finished reading and enjoying part 2 and compliment you on
reading and research you have done to be able to share this with us!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin []
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:20 AM
Subject: CS>

Then there’s a last hypocrisy that needs attention.
The opponents of silver and CS must scour the
literature to find any evidence that the product we
are so enthusiastic about might actually be harmful in
any way, and the evidence they do find is rare and
suspect at best, non-existent at worst. But let’s say
that there are a couple or even a dozen cases that
indicate that folks who overdose on silver (although,
again, which silver?), turn gray or whatever. So what?
300+ people every YEAR die from aspirin overdose, and
it is available without prescription, and what actual
health benefit does aspirin give anyone? How many
people each year die from prescription drugs, yet they
are freely available. To have to diligently search to
even find what might be a problem with silver, while
steadfastly ignoring the slaughter that is all around
us is the height of hypocrisy, in my opinion.

Finally, there is a great need to agree on the same
vocabulary. We use the word “colloidal” to refer to
very small particles of silver that are floating
around in the water. These particles are not dissolved
into the water, they are suspended in the water, and
held in suspension by their identical charge, which
makes them repel each other like two north ends of two
magnets. So far, that is the same way the scientific
community uses that word (or pretty much). But we use
the word “ionic” to refer to particles that are so
small that they are considered to be dissolved into
the water, like a teaspoon of sugar stirred into a
glass of water. Colloids can fall out of suspension
and sink to the bottom (from light, or magnetism, or
freezing), but we do not believe that “ionic”
particles behave in that way. In other words,
suspensions can settle out, but solutions cannot.

We use these arbitrary definitions because science
does not give us words or terms that differentiate
between particles in suspension and particles in
solution, except to say “particles in suspension and
particles in solution”.

We differentiate between “colloidal/EIS” silver and
every other form of silver because we believe that is
the difference between safe and unsafe silver. In
fact, the properties of silver and its affects upon
the human body change considerably as the size
decreases, and as it becomes pure (not joined to other
substances). Dr. Robert Demling is the first I have
seen who identifies these property changes:

“Silver has been used for centuries to prevent and
treat a variety of diseases, most notably infections.
It has been well documented that silver coins were
used in ancient Greece and Rome as a disinfectant for
the storage of water and other liquids. (1,2) More
recently, NASA still uses silver to maintain water
purity on the space shuttle. Silver has extremely
potent antimicrobial properties, as only one part per
100 million of elemental silver is an effective
antimicrobial in a solution. Free silver ions, or
radicals, are known to be the active antimicrobial
agent. In order to achieve a bactericidal effect,
silver ions must be available in solution at the
bacterial surface. Efficacy depends on the aqueous
concentration of these ions. Silver ions appear to
kill micro-organisms instantly by blocking the
respiratory enzyme system (energy production), as well
as altering microbe DNA and the cell wall, while
having no toxic effect on human cells in vivo.

“Silver in solution has been used as an antimicrobial
for wound management for nearly a century. However,
crystalline silver is quite insoluble in water and in
dilute acids making the available silver cation
concentration inadequate for use as an antimicrobial
on a wound surface. Beginning in the 1920’s, a small
electrical charge was passed thru water and silver
crystals in order to obtain an effective silver
(electro-colloidal) ion solution to be used topically
on wounds. The charged silver solutions
(electro-colloidal) were approved in the 1920’s by the
FDA for use as an antibacterial agent. (3) Some wound
centers still use these solutions although silver ions
in solution are quite unstable. In addition to its
recognized antibacterial properties, beginning with
the electro-colloidal elemental form, silver solutions
have been reported to improve the healing of “indolent
wounds” and to “regenerate damaged tissue”. The
description of decreased rubor in wounds also reflects
an anti-inflammat


2005-08-15 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Terry,
Orchids to you and the other Experts who share with "us seekers" so
generously and unselfishly on this wonderful Site!
I enjoy and treasure ALL your CS sharing and particularly this part 1
lengthy post! I look forward to reading part 2!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin []
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:12 AM
Subject: CS>

This is the first of two halves of my post, as it is
too big for one post. The second is following

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Cs build-up in infants/children

2005-08-14 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your valuable contributions on this wonderful Site to "us
seekers"! I'm inbterested in your observation regarding EIS and dream
alterations--what dosage and times of day of dosage? I'll share your info
with other users of my 10 ppm EIS and ask them to test and report on their
results, then report back to you.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Jonathan B. Britten []
  Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 3:01 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Cs build-up in infants/children


  I believe I noticed this effect, but one anecdote is not of much value.
The effect was so strong, though, that I feel confident that it has to be

  You might try to see for yourself whether EIS alters your dreams. If so,
list members might be interested.

  Some have said they noticed no such effect. In my case, it was quite

  There may be explanations other than a BBB crossing.

  I tried to get a researcher interested in this with no success.


  On Friday, Aug 12, 2005, at 14:24 Asia/Tokyo, wrote:

In a message dated 8/11/2005 10:14:48 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

I believe that a double-blind study or dream activity would demonstrate
a direct and repeatable alteration of REM (dreaming) sleep, and EEG

Hey Jonathon -- you are suggesting, then, that Colloidal Silver alters
the natural state of REM sleep and EEG activity:  would you elaborate
please?  In what way are these things altered?  Thanks.MA

RE: CS>Us back as well

2005-08-13 Thread Richard Harris
Welcome back, Faith!
I know that everyone with whom you have shared valuable, useful information
are pleased that your sabbatical was so pleasant and restful and returns you
to continue sharing with "us seekers"!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Faith Saint Francis []
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 7:53 PM
Subject: CS>Us back as well

Hi my CS drinkin' 'n fully healthy Friends!
We saw the I'm back message by Mrs. Sandee, so we gave it a thought to let
you know that we are back as well .. from a most marvellous holiday in
Six weeks of woods, waterfalls, "termales", resting, and working on my
web-page "Healing Hands" which may be visible tomorrow.
Take good care of yourselves,  and let's go on sharing!
Faith and Vilma,
"Healing Hands"

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Nanobacteria, Calcification & Heart Disease

2005-08-09 Thread Richard Harris
Dear  Sandee,
Thank you for your expressions which are so readable and understandable for
"us seekers"!
Hope you're doing fine back home in Grenada!
Best wishes to you and yours!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Sandee George []
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Nanobacteria, Calcification & Heart Disease

Hi There Rowena - this is, in my opinion, a rehash of what I had
over ten years ago called chelation - and excellent procedure
although, what they are doing with it today may have changed
since my time, however I would recommend the procedure to
any and everyone who wants to have a clean unblocked system.
Then to change their diet for minimum rebuilding of all the gunk !!!
This is just my opinion.   As far as C.S. is concerned, I take per
diem whatever amount I feel is what I need, this ranges from one
swig of the bottle to many during the day depending upon what
my body is up to - I know that this would be considered a very
unethical way of dosage for most people however I have been listening to
my body for many years and now know more often
than not exactly what is needed - I will give you an example - if
I wake up in the morning with a scratchy throat then I swig three
times for the day by the end of the day all is back to normal.   This
is the best I can do for you as each one of us is different and this
is why each one of us needs to learn to listen to what our bodies
want, doctors etc., can only prescribe - we have to be the final
judge of what and how it works for us !I call this taking
responsibility for my own health - hope this sharing helps with
your final decision.   Let me put it this way I am never without
my C.S. even when travelling !   Especially when I am travelling
I use it in my eyes, nose plus the swig !   In my book dirt is the
breeding ground of all bugs regardless of what type they may be 
Man made antibiotics only hit certain ones, C.S. has a far wider
range because of the way in which it works !!Most important
of which is that it does no harm while it works it's magic !

"The one who accomplished it is the one
who failed to realize that he could not do it."

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>ecoli water treatment sorta emergency

2005-08-03 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Dan,
Thank you for sharing this very informative Silver info! Thank you also, for
the many other times you have contributed to "us seekers"!
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave []
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: CS>ecoli water treatment sorta emergency


VOLUME III, Number 5, May 1973


Russian scientists working on water recycling and purification problems
for the Soviet space ship and orbiting station program have decided on
silver as the best long-term sanitizing agent. Researching the problems
of water storage over periods of several months, as well as purification
for immediate use, they determined that ionized silver provides the
safest and longest lasting method of transtbrmiug polluted waste into
potable water.

A significant fact in support of their decision to use silver tbr
purification was their experimental confirmation of the absence of
toxicity in the silver treated water. In lengthy experiments on animals
they found that 100 parts and 200 parts of silver per billion in
drink-ing water does not accmnulate in the organism and does not produce
any detrimental effect on the functioning of the organs or systems of
the experimental animals.
This was also confirmed by year long experiments on volunteer human
subjects. The concentration of silver used in these tests . . . 100
parts and 200 parts per billion . . . is in striking comparison with the
10 to 50 parts per billion of silver found in potable water and in
swimming pools treated by silver purification systems in the United

The scientists, Drs.. S. V. Chizhov. S. P. Pak, N. N. Sitnikova and Y.
U. Koloskova. tried many methods of purifying regenerated water but all
except the silver system proved unsatisfactory over the long run.
Ultra-violet rays and ultra-high-frequency sound reduced micro-organisms
by as much as 97% but water thus treated failed to meet standards of
acceptibility if the water were stored for any considerable period of
time. Chlorine, which is widely used to kill bacteria, requires dosages
in thousands of parts per billion compared to the 100 ppb and 200 ppb
used in the Russian tests; the chlorine itself is a pollntant fbr
certain water uses and it often is dangerous to store or handle. In sum,
the Russians found silver to be the safest sterilizing agent, stable,
and long-lasting.

The research also showed that decontaminated water may change in
reaction to its container. They concluded that polyethylene containers
are suitable for the short-term storage of silver-ionized water. For
long-term storage of a few months or more, they decided it is better to
use a vessel made of polymers of the fluorine plastic group, or metal
containers of vitreous enameled aluninum alloy (for lightness in a space

Included among the many experiments conducted by Dr. Chizhov and his
associates were those designed to assay the purification of water
condensed from the atmosphere inside a simulated space vehicle. The
quantity of microorganisms in the regenerated water before the
introduction of the ionized silver varied from 200 to 1,900
microbiological parts per milliliter. Tests of the water made 15 to 20
minutes after contact with the ionized silver showed in most cases that
in this 15 to 20 minute period, full sterilization had occurred. In a
few cases, complete purity was achieved only after 30 to 40 minutes of
exposure. Study of controlled samples of the water after 24 to 72 hours
showed the continned and complete absence of microorganisms.

The Russians also suggested that the regeneration of water from the
byproducts of human activity seems feasible through the use of silver
ions as the decontamination agent. In this application they found it
desirable to introduce silver ions into the water with the aid of
various filtering materials in order to provide the slow dissolving of
the silver. Designing the filter and selecting the form in which silver
is introduced will allow engineers to establish any desired
concentration of silver ions in a given volume of water, they believe.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>[List Owner] I'm BAAACK!

2005-08-01 Thread Richard Harris
Welcome back, Mike--

How blessed we are to have such a knowledgable, compassionate, humor
appreciative list owner! Glad to hear of your well-deserved restful vacation
and your 25th Anniversary! Audrey & I just celebrated our 59th! I'm sure
you're aware that in today's world--long marriages like yours and ours in
old-fashioned--But Wonderful!

Thank you for all of your helpful, valuable information that you and the
other Experts associated with our Group provide so willingly and so
graciously to "us seekers".

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: elle roberts []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 4:27 AM
Subject: RE: CS>[List Owner] I'm BAAACK!

It's great to have you back Mike.
I kinda though there was a sort of vaccum there ... hehe


>From: "M. G. Devour" 
>Subject: CS>[List Owner] I'm BAAACK!
>Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 00:00:06 -5
>Hi gang!
>I feel like such a truant! 
>I snuck away for a week's vacation with the family. I said nothing and
>prayed for good behavior. Lo and behold, you've all managed remarkably
>in my absence. I hope you will understand how grateful I am that you
>are the fine people that you are. 
>I have to admit that Dave (Alchemy) being so rude to ... umm...
>HIMSELF! ... had my hand inching toward the big hammer for a minute
>there until Marshall pointed out he was responding to his own post!
>Wow! That was amazing...
>Humor can be a dangerous thing. Be careful how you use it! 
>And, yes, I presume we'll be dealing with fallout from CAFTA and CODEX
>for some time, but the general rule remains to discuss these things on
>the Off Topic List apart from occasional heads-up postings on the main
>list. (See the links in the footer at the bottom of all list messages.)
>We were at a cottage on Lake Chataqua in western New York. Got up to
>Niagara for a day, got some sailing in, read a bunch of books
>(McAffery's Pern series, Rowling's latest), and just relaxed with Rose
>and the kids.
>Tuesday was our 25th wedding anniversary.  The remarkable woman
>who is my wife still puts up with me after all these years. I am amazed
>and humbled.
>Had a nice dinner together at our second choice of restaurant after
>storms knocked power out in Mayville. The manager of the first place
>was standing out in the parking lot directing people to where there
>*was* power. Poor guy!
>Lovely area. Nice to spend time with our (almost) grown up children.
>Nice to be away from routine. Even nice to be away from the computer!
>Good, too, to come back to you.
>Thank you, one and all.
>Be well,
>Mike Devour
>da list owner guy
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[Speaking only for myself...   ]
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver List archive:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>OT Archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Read the latest Hollywood gossip  @

RE: CS>colloidal copper and fungus

2005-07-25 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Deb,
If you are already making CS, then you know how to make CCu by simply
replacing the silver electrodes with pure Copper wire--someone this week
suggested that you hook up 4 9volt batteries and short wires to the copper
wires in distilled water--a few hours will give you CCu for external use. Mr
son uses CCu + strong CS + H2O2 in his Hot tub to replace the harmful,
irritating Chlorine in the water--very successful..
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Deborah Gerard []
  Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 10:44 PM
  Subject: CS>colloidal copper and fungus

  Shirley can I get you to share with me how to make the ccthanks deb

RE: CS>Colloidal Copper-Dr. Kenney

2005-07-22 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Teri,

I make CCu just like I make lvdc CS using pure heavy copper wires and we get
wonderful results in our uses of it. If you or your friend make your own CS,
then remove the 2 silver electrodes and replace them with heavy copper wire.
Please read my Site & Blog & let me know how I can help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Teri Johnston []
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 12:46 PM
Subject: CS>Colloidal Copper-Dr. Kenney

I have a friend with a Rottie puppy with a face wound that we would like to
use CC on but she was unable to locate any in the local HFS in the Pacifica
CA area.  Can you recommend a source.  I did send her your warning to not
use much.

Thanks in advance,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Particle theory.

2005-07-20 Thread Richard Harris

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: alchemy []
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:23 AM
To: Richard Harris
Subject: Re: CS>Particle theory.

Thank you Richard

I hope you put this on the silverlist because I'm already receiving
direct emails suggesting I'm some kind of idiot!


Richard Harris wrote:

>Kudos and Thank You to you, David!
>You raise questions that many of us have contemplated and await answers as
>we continue to experiment and "practice" our search in Alternative
>I continue to appreciate the CS action that God has given us in this CS
>(Special Gift from God) with which He performs miracles which I have
>witnessed in myself, family and many others.
>I feel like the Bumble Bee who Scientists have studied and declared that
>bumblebee has too much body bulk and weight and too small wings to support
>it--the bumble bee can't fly! The Bumble Bee in his ignorance does continue
>to fly! Praise God!
>Please read my Site and Blog in which I ofer 3 FREE pages of CS Uses and 1
>page of my Favorites to which I refer often.
>Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
>448 West Juniata Street
>Clermont, FL 34711
>-Original Message-
>From: alchemySA []
>Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:31 AM
>Subject: CS>Particle theory.
>Unless I've misunderstood things, the popular wisdom at the
>moment seems to be that there are no real silver particles suspended in
>low voltage CS.  The theory goes that all these particles are really
>compounds (e.g. oxides) because the only silver is in the form of ions
>that can't reform
>into silver particles.  We are also told that low voltage DC doesn't
>have the
>grunt to simply blast solid silver pieces off the wire.
>But I was wondering if it's possible that as ions dissolve off the
>electrode they occasionally 'undercut' chunks of solid silver that then
>break off as tiny solid silver colloids. The same way that say a fallen
>log slowly disintegrates in the forest.  Some parts of the log virtually
>dissolve or are eaten by termites, til eventually a bigger chunk of
>timber just falls off.
>I believe that electricity usually travels on the surface of the wire
>(the path of least resistance?) but molten silver that's been rapidly
>solidified and formed into wire would probably have plenty of weak
>points that allow for undercutting ...maybe even gaps (alternative
>'surfaces') that an electron can travel through.
>How else can particles be present in the water to plate the glass or
>float as shiny flakes on the surface? (And are the flakes perhaps lifted
>up there by a rare oxygen bubble that was created during, or mabe even
>helped create, the aforementioned silver wire disintergration?)
>Another explanation for these silver particles is that maybe silver ions
>really can turn back into silver particles. All they need to do is to
>pick up a loose electron from somewhere. How hard can that be? With
>electricity running up and down both electrodes, and various chemical
>reactions happening, there must occasionally be an electron that loses
>it's way in all the excitement.
>Finally, when the experts dry the CS and do photos with TEMs or SEMs or
>whatever, can they really sort the wheat from the chaff?  Can they
>really pick the oxides from the particles (if there are any) or do they
>all look the same?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS>silver toxicity

2005-07-02 Thread Richard Harris
Thank You, Michael,  for sharing this English translation from German. I
find it very interesting and appreciate you sharing this tremendous task
with "us seekers". I don't accept all the theories involved; however, I do
find many truisms that coincide with other things I have read, heard and
experienced. From my personal observations of CS Usage and effectiveness, I
encourage YOU to consider making, applying and taking CS and give yourself
the possible benefits I have enjoyed and seen others enjoy. CS is NO
miracle; however, I consider CS to be a special gift from GOD from whom ALL
Healing comes; Because ANY Person, of ANY size or AGE with ANY ailment or
condition taking ANY treatment or medication, can safely use or take
properly made CS without side effects. Please read my Site and Blogspot in
which I offer 3 FREE pages of CS Uses + 1 page of my Favorites to which I
refer often. Please let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Stuff []
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS>silver toxicity

I have a German friend that I talk to quite often who has
the same outlook about CS.



At 02:42 PM 7/1/2005, you wrote:

>Hello out there !
>Ist my first posting here. My name is Michael, from
>northern Germany. Not a silver-seller ant not a
>consumer of CS. I observe your discussions somehow
>from „outside“. I am in a different business
>(meteorology), but i studied med long time ago.
>Acute toxicity of silver:
>it is considered that 10 g of silver nitrate taken
>orally is a lethal dose of man. The systemic effects
>of a lethal dose are preceded by severe haemorrhagic
>gastroenteritis and shock. According to Goodman and
>Gilman (1965) the silver ion seems first to stimulate
>and then depress structures in the brain stem as
>silver has a neurotoxic effect in higher doses.
>Central vasomotor stimulation results in a rise in
>blood pressure. At the same time there is bradycardia
>due to central vagal stimulation. Death eventually
>results from respiratory depression.
>I have read that value -3.8 grams- a couple of times.
>It was related to the amount of silver necessary to
>procduce argyria in man. But in the past argyria
>occured also at much lower amounts of silver. The
>lowest possible amount of silver that may start
>argyria may be around 900 mg to 1 gram in some
>particular sensitive people. That value of 3.8 gram is
>of course a calculated value, it does not mean that
>3.7 grams are safe and 3.9 gram are dangerous... and
>ist a value related to a prolonged use of silver, not
>to a single dose. Some people took hundreds of grams
>of silver over years and „survived“.
>For more details and references and some data
>concerning silver-reistance in bacteria, i translated
>a text into (simple) English. Please excuse may
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RE: CS>New Patent for CS - by Invision International Health Solutions, Inc

2005-06-30 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Trem,
Thank you and the other Experts who supply so much good, factual information
to "us seekers" on this Site! I appreciate and totally agree with your
outlook on these CS Patents. They are pioneering and getting "the CS Word"
out in the public eye and creating much good publicity.
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Trem []
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 2:16 PM
Subject: CS>New Patent for CS - by Invision International Health
Solutions, Inc

I think it's good to have some companies with deep enough pockets that are
able to do battle with the FDA, FTC or whoever it may be down the line when
the pharmas try to get CS banned so they can then push their silver
products..  It helps us all from being shut down in the future.  I saw this
as encouraging even if they can't stop infringement.  It gets silver into
the mainstream news and minds of the public.


- Original Message -
From: "Sandee George" 
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:08 AM
Subject: CS>Re: New Patent for CS - by Invision International Health
Solutions, Inc

> Thank you Trem for this piece - very interesting, and important to all of
> us !!!
> Thanks again
> Sandee
> "The one who accomplished it is the one
> who failed to realize that he could not do it."

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>cystitis

2005-06-29 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Debbie,

Please listen to Marshall's excellent advice!  For UTI and daily each
morning, we take 1 inch of CS + 2 inches of Gatorade in a juice glass--taken
1 mouthful at a time, hold in mouth for 2 minutes, then swallow--repeat
mouthfuls till glass empty; then if necessary, repeat this dosage every hour
all day long until results obtained. It pains me that regular contributors
to this wonderful Site fail to take CS daily in sufficient quantities to
allow CS to give favorable results, regularly to ward off these infections.
Brooks Bradley (another of the several Experts on this Site who so
generously share with "us seekers") shared about the Gatorade addition
and/or adding about 10% DMSO to the CS for increased effectiveness..

Please read my Site & Blogspot where I list FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
page of my Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>cystitis

 debbie cozens wrote:
Hello back on line. Thank you for all the on list and
personal e-mails..sorry i cant get back to each one personally.My cycstitus
started on tuesday last week and then on wed i had nbot ime to go to the doc
and drank lots of bicarb of soda and water and then it was a huge rush for 3
days as we had to get to London and travel around withj my i was
in pain but did not want to spoil everyones holidayi returned home
sunday..and by monday my kidney (left side) was aching so badlyi went to
the doc and she gave me an anti bacterial course of the mean
time i was taking a table spoon of CS a day and at one desperate time i had
2 table spoons and my CS is 10ppm!

For URI, I recommend between a quart and a half gallon of CS per day.  I
doubt a table spoon would do much at all.


 Im feeling a little better today..just nausea..i also did a urine test
yesterday and my doctor will send that to the lab..will keep you

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RE: CS>fleas and ticks OT

2005-06-14 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Rose,

Thanks for your report on tick killer--as for ants: I use Aspartame (Equal)
Powder--sprinkle a little on ant beds, the ants will carry it to the queen,
killing her and the others in the bed. Also, we sprinkle this in kitchen
cabinets or any room to kill tiny red sugar ants. (Someone told me this and
I tried it on a number of antbeds and it's done the job. (P.S. do not use
this on food or in drinks--the FDA had had more complaints on human
aspartame usage as a sweetner than any other product; besides, I understand
it's not legal to use in Europe--pretty smart leaders over there.

Read my Site & Blogspots (where I offer FREE 3 pages of  CS Uses and 1 page
of Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: rose []
  Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 1:17 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>fleas and ticks OT

  oh geez, had not even thought to try it on ants...of which we are
besieged.  the little black ones are so bad this year they even used a tree
limb to make a convoy to my husbands truck and started a nest in his

  a rose...

RE: CS>Type II diabetes

2005-06-10 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Marshall,
I'm delighted your wife is such a good patient that her diet has helped her
overcome Diabetes!  Would that everyone was that cooperative! Regarding
whether or not CS helped--while taking CS, if her immune system prevented
any ulcers or eye problems from occurring, I'd vote for CS taking and its
Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley []
  Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:14 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Type II diabetes

  My wife had type II diabetes for years. CS did not seem to help. She got
rid of it by changing her diet, namely going on the Adkin's diet and staying
on it. She no longer takes any diabetes medicine, and her blood sugar is

  Charles Sutton wrote:

I was reading on a website about silver helping with type II diabetes.
Now I can't find it again.  Has anyone heard what to do about type II ?

RE: CS>Is this colloidal silver? Algaedyn

2005-06-09 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Christine,

Thanks for sending this interesting info : CS, Algaedyn. My son, a Desert
Storm Army Vet. was injured in that War and soaking and bathing in his 700
gal. hot tub nightly relieves much of his pain. To eliminate irritating skin
and lung irritations and problems, we have been experimenting on NO Chlorine
and using CS, CCu and H2O2 in varying proportions. Please read my Site and
Blogs and let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:25 PM
Subject: CS>Is this colloidal silver? Algaedyn

Found this on a Gold site.  It says it's for pool maintenance.


Any opinions?


Christine Mc.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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