CS>Recommendations for Lyme Disease

2010-01-08 Thread sms
Hi Rainie,
I must have missed your first post to the group.  Sorry about that and sorry
that you found that you have Lyme Disease.  I did read both Peter and Mike's
response to you and they were excellent. 

The links below will guide you to major Lyme groups on line which will
enable you to find your way to much else as well.  In these groups you will
find support and information directly related to Lyme Disease, your
situation, your symptoms and how best to cope and deal with them, private
recommendations to LLMD's according to your location (they will not announce
this publicly), and answers to any questions you might have. They will help
you to understand how Lyme Disease affects one's psychology, body, emotions,
and behavior.  You will come to learn about supplements, protocols, and
symptomology and how to deal with co-infections if they exist, as well as
the medical/legal/political aspects of Lyme that the community is plagued
with. Most of all you will find a vast amount of friendship and support from
those who completely understand all aspects of Lyme Disease and will
consider you part of the family and welcome you with open arms.  They are
very experienced, and in various stages of Lyme, some of whom have had
chronic Lyme Disease for well over 30 years.  

For now, if you care to, join http://health.groups.yahoo
com/group/lymestrategies/ and http://health.groups.yahoo

All the best, 

---Original Message---
From: Rainie Cole
Date: 1/8/2010 10:31:39 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>recommendations for Lyme Disease
Thank you for taking the time to write, Mike & Peter.  I'm not sure if I'm
supposed to repond directly on the list or to you directly so I'll be safe
and do both.  It strikes me that by posting it, I may generate more remarks.

I have done quite a bit of research involving Lyme.  I have not found a LLMD
yet who takes my insurance.  I pay an incrredible amount for health
insurance and cannot really afford to see someone "out of network" which is
a major problem.

I have a friend who took CS after suffering 3 years with Lyme and she got
better.  Unfortunately, she cannot recall the brand, the dosage or even the

I am gong to read your post with care and follow up on any of the
suggestions I have not already tried.  I'll keep you "posted".

Very gratefully,


CS>Herniated disc's

2010-01-15 Thread sms
This may be a good start. 
Prolozone Therapy - not prolotherapy. Dr. Shallenberger pioneered this
method and also trains many other doctors to provide this method of healing
and it is useful where there is an infection as it uses ozone.  I have
investigated it and found that it does have a good reputation for many

Also, google Egoscue method. There are practitioners around the country who
have been trained in this method.  I have no idea where you are. 
Another option might be Decompression from a chiropractor who has the table
and has much experience. I did this and it was immensely helpful. 
From: Jason 
Date: 01/15/10 17:19:29 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Herniated disc's 
Hello, my name is Jason I'm 50 yr. 
> old male with a health issue.The problem is I have 2 herniated disc's that
seem to be inflamed with possible infection.They are pain full and are
causing me to loose muscle mass on my left side, and to walk with a limp.I
wish I 
> could find a alternative cure for the back problem other 
> then some type of conventional medicine like surgery,and antibiotics.I feel 
> if the infection could be cured then the disc's could possible heal 
> themselfs??? Does Any have experience treatment,or any good idea's for me? 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Loss of Smell Signals Alzheimers

2010-01-15 Thread sms
Excellent! Thank you patriot~! This is a keeper. 
From: patriot2...@cox.net 
Date: 01/15/10 16:04:48 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>Loss of Smell Signals Alzheimers 
Re: CS>Loss of Smell Signals Alzheim [ arthur rambo  ] 
I have read a number of times in recent years that senior citizens' ability
to smell often decreases, or vanishes altogether. I also have read that it
may be a precursor to Alzheimers' Disease. It can't be helped by CS, but we
share so many helpful things on this list in addition to CS I hope you won't
mind my taking up space with the following. 
I was sorry when I realized that my own sense of smell was almost gone, and sad 
to miss the delightful aroma of pot roast in the oven or bread baking, -- and 
don't get me started about losing the smell of popcorn! I counted it among the 
costs of living into my seventies, and resolved to watch for signs that might 
alert me to approaching Alzheimers'.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Recommendations for Lyme Disease

2010-01-16 Thread sms
Hi Rainie
Just sent you a private message.
---Original Message---
From: Rainie Cole
Date: 1/16/2010 3:42:01 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Recommendations for Lyme Disease
Thanks so much,  Sasha.  I really appreciate your recommendations.   I am in
a Lyme support group.  I haven't joined a discussion forum on lyme yet.  I
am finding I'm a little overwhelmed just being in this group and the support
group.  I new to how to respond.  I'm not sure if I should be writing to you
directly or posting here, so for now I'll do both.  

As I've posted previously, I have been on traditional antibiotics a few
times, with minimal success.  I would like to try CS, but don't want to
commit to a generator, so am looking for a recommendation on a specific
brand, if you can help in that regard.

Wishing you abundant health !



Re: CS>auto immune hepatitis

2010-01-19 Thread sms
Google Dr. Sandra Cabot.  She would be a great source of information and
help for you and your sisters.
I think if you write or call her, she will help you.
The liver is one of her many wonderful areas of expertise.
From: Cindy
Date: 01/19/10 05:37:51
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>auto immune hepatitis
Hi group, I rarely post but read from this group all the time.  I'm not sure
if this question is off topic, so if it is I apologize.  My sister has
recently been told she has a fatty liver and upon further blood test showed
her liver test (alt) was 3 times what it should be and more blood work
states she has auto immune hepatitis.  She is NOT a drinking or drug user.
She is having a biopsy done on Thursday.Now myself and my other sister
have been told we also have a fatty liver but our blood test are normal. 
Does anyone here have any input as to what may help a fatty liver?  All 3 of
us are close to 50 and sure we could drop some weight, my Dr. told me not to
worry.  Non of us over abuse Tylenol or Motrin but we are on a natural
hormone  Bio identical.

CS>EFT. . . . Depression/Anxiety

2010-01-30 Thread sms
For those that don't know, as of March 1, 2010, emofree.com may no longer be
available. Gary Craig (founder of EFT) retired Jauary 15, 2010, and is only
extending the use of his website until March 1, 2010. 
While there are many Practitioners trying desperately to find a way to save
the website, it is completely up to Gary Craig. It has a wealth of
information and is encyclopedic in content. There are now approximately 475
000 subscribers of EFT around the world, many of whom are practicing
professionally. His aim and goal was to make EFT a household word and he has
pretty much accomplished that aim. And it isn't because EFT doesn't work.
There is definitely an Art to mastering EFT and working with a qualified
practitioner is helpful when you find it doesn't work for you. There may be
a very small piece missing which when working on oneself remains invisible.
There inlays the key. 
---Original Message--- 
From: sol 
Date: 01/30/10 09:43:41 
At 06:55 AM 1/30/2010, you wrote: 
Hi Lou. This could be of some help. Have you heard of EFT (Emotional Freedom
Technique)? It is great for anxiety and depression (helped me), it is also
known to assist in physical issues. The DVD's are very inexpensive and the
technique is so easy to use. Your wife and yourself would greatly benefit
from EFT. Look at the site and look up the issue in mind and you will find
examples of how other people helped themselves. Wish you the best in your
search for you and your wife. Orrilia 
It did nothing for me. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Hair Growth?. . . .and Bone Growth

2010-02-01 Thread sms
Right!  According to the article below they prevent and reverse bone loss.
Did you know? 


While the article is long it is well worth the read. Here is an excerpt that
may peak your interest: 
 . . . . ."Aside from existing drug therapies, certain lifestyle and
nutritional factors are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Among
nutritional factors, recent observations suggest that dried plum, or prunes
(Prunus domestica L.) is the most effective fruit in both preventing and
reversing bone loss. " 
From: Del 
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Growth?
That's not the only thing they increase! 
From: Norton, Steve 
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Growth? 
Prunes have been found to ingrease HGH. 
Steve N 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Anxiety/Depression Thread. . . The World of Tapping

2010-02-01 Thread sms
It is somewhat daunting currently out there in the world of Tapping due to
Gary Craig's recent retirement and the way in which tapping took off around
the world.  There are literally, hundreds, actually, thousands of other
links directing one to Practitioners, various tapping methods, free
tutorials, exercises, videos, YouTube, books, DVD's, conferences, workshops,
articles, websites, etc., it can make your head spin if you are not familiar
with the players, both original and newcomers, let alone for some not even
knowing what EFT or Tapping is!

If you want to find out about Dr. Pat Carrington's 'Choices Method', you can
go directly to her Website. Here's the link.

If you want to discover Traditional EFT (the original) go to emofree.com and
download the free manual. 
News Bulletin (FYI) - Recently, as of January 15, 2010, Gary Craig, Founder
of EFT, officially retired.  He announced that he is leaving his emofree.com
website up only until March 1, 2010, delayed from January 2010.  He shocked
the EFT world with several other announcements, one of which was, that while
he considers 'The Choices Method' a form of EFT, it is NOT his Traditional
EFT. He set in place legal protection separating ALL other Tapping
Techniques and Methods outside of EFT which includes the well known and
practiced Choices Method.  This was understandable, unfortunate, and
inevitable the larger and more popular EFT became.

Dr. Carrington is in the midst of establishing an Association called
Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) for both professionals and lay persons. 
Other professional tappers are creating their own associations, etc.   So,
ultimately, there will be many associations, etc.  that are going to spring
up all over the world, added to those already in existence.

Gary's reason for retirement and dilemma was set forth in his retirement

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, Thyroid help

2010-02-01 Thread sms
Marshalee - 
What kind of a biopsy are you talking about?  Is it a fine needle biopsy?
And how large or small are the nodules?  

If it is fine needle biopsy. . . have you considered getting an ultra-sound
and blood test instead?  Also, join the Iodine list and ask Stephanie the
owner/mod for her advise.  It helps greatly to surround oneself with a
knowledgeable support team both the allopathic and alternative fields of
health.  The more the better, and then you can make up your own mind as to
alternatives you want to choose for yourself.  If you can shrink them which
is very possible, all the better.  I was able to do this with a nodule in my
left lobe with Iodine, Selenium, D3, Vit C, and Nature-Throid. 
Unfortunately, I didn't know about any of this for my right lobe. If they
are growing, consider seriously, that you might require immediate medical
attention.  Look up Dr. David Brownstein and call his office.
---Original Message---
From: Marshalee Hallett
Date: 02/01/10 03:07:59
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>OT, Thyroid help
Hi, Folks, 
I recently found out I have 3 nodules on my thyroid, so I have to have a
biopsy on Tuesday. I`m wondering if any of you wise ones have any experience
or info for me?
I`m rather worried...

Re: CS>My earlier Post on Dr. Patricia Carrington's EFT Choices

2010-02-01 Thread sms
I'm just delighted and amazed to know that you are a Tapper and have had
great results using Dr. Carrington's method.
What a very exceptional and most pleasant surprise!  Don't worry about the 
here today, gone tomorrow' link.  Has not a thing to do with you.  

For those who wish to go to Dr. Pat Carrington's website directly. 

From: Brooks Bradley
Date: 01/31/10 23:28:29
To: Silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>My earlier Post on Dr. Patricia Carrington's EFT Choices
Dear list members,
   My most sincere apologies..I just found out that the
"powers-that-be" have removed  ALL of the U=Tube videos for the 2009
EFT Conference.  It is
almost unbelievable--they were still there day-before-yesterday.
Here is my "fall-back" position.  While the information at this url is
much more limited in scope
and absent the dynamism of Dr. Carrington's personal excellent
delivery..the information should be of positive effect for all
those who read it.
At risk of tedious redundancy, I repeat..we have achieved
our "very best" results (especially among  those cases of MAJOR
anxiety challenges) through our
implementation of Dr. Carrington's  Choices protocol modification.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley

CS>Tapping World Summit 2010 An Internet Event (81,000 strong participation)

2010-02-01 Thread sms
And as Synchronicity would have it, I just received this from Dr. Pat
Brooks, this should help! 
From: Patricia Carrington 
Date: 02/01/10 09:14:59 
To: s...@emotap.com 
Subject: First chance for a seat at the 2010 F*R*E**E Tapping World Summit! 
It commences on February 21, 2010 
Register Now to reserve your seat for opening night! 
Let a friend know about it! 
BYOBeverage - Make it EIS 
Sasha aka EmoTap 
---Original Message--- 
From: Brooks Bradley 
Date: 01/31/10 15:20:49 
To: Silver-List@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Anxiety/Depression ThreadComment 
Although using the EFT methodology has, already, been suggested 
by other list members..I have an ancillary recommendation. The 
lady physician giving this video presentation at the 2000 Tapping 
World Summit relates a simple modification to the parent program, 
which has, 
simply, worked near miraculous results for us--most especially in 
the more challenging cases. Her implementation of the CHOICES method 
GREATLY increases the positive effects..and does so in an 
IMMEDIATE fashion. I believe all list members utilizing any form of 
Emotional Freedom 
Technique will find this modification to be a quite powerful---and 
immediateimprovement over the original "mantra" used. This is not 
to say that the original 
declarative statements are invalid..but that that this protocol 
improvement is a major oneindeed. At least in my opinion. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!

2010-02-01 Thread sms
Who's Stuart?  Pardon my ignorance.

Steve quotes the following:
> "Stuart exposed Frank as a scam artist with massive vested commercial
> interests in propounding his claim. One of Frank's accomplices, Mike

CS>Bone Health. . . Prunes. . .Recipe

2010-02-01 Thread sms
1/2 cup dried plums or prunes
1/4 cup raisins
1/8 cup or handful of roasted sunflower seeds
1 tsp. raw honey

Boil 16 ozs. pure water
Add above ingredients
Cover and let sit until cool
Makes  4 - 6 servings.

Eat with yogurt, or cottage cheese, or sour cream, or plain straight.
From: Annie B Smythe
Date: 02/01/10 10:39:34
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Growth?
OMG, man oh man, I'd have to work up to that many
in a day, LMAO. Gastric misadventures indeed! Well
maybe it wouldn't be too bad if they're split up
and can be eaten with meals.

Re: FW: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!

2010-02-01 Thread sms
Much appreciated Steve. 
From: Norton, Steve
Date: 02/01/10 12:02:38
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: FW: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!
From the paper I forwarded to Neville:
"The following is abstracted from an online debate between Francis Key,
Principal Scientist and Founder, Colloidal Science Laboratory, New Jersey,
USA, who holds that ionic silver
cannot possibly have anti-microbial utility in the human body, and Stuart
Director and Founder, the Gaia Research Institute, Knysna, Republic of South
Africa, who
argues that ionic silver is indeed so active via ammonia and metalloprotein

CS>OT - Hair Growth - OT

2010-02-01 Thread sms
Don't forget about blackstrap Molasses to keep hair color.
You eat it versus stick it to your head.
From: Vigilius Haufniensis
Date: 02/01/10 13:40:56
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Hair Growth?
You can also try "blacken the hair tea."  
As for food, try chinese sea cucumber, black chicken, black rice, black sesame, 
black beans, blackberries, raspberries, raspberry tea, royal jelly, shitake, 
beets, walnuts, just off the top of my head.

CS>Chlorine Dioxide (MMS1 and MMS2)

2010-02-02 Thread sms
Mike M., 
There is an ongoing Yahoo group utilizing both what has become known as MMS1
and MMS2 for varieties of health reasons.
This group uses both chlorine dioxide (activated MMS1) and I think it is
calcium hypochlorite (MMS2).
Also, google Jim Humble.  He brought attention of Miracle Mineral Supplement
(MMS) to the world.


CS>OT - hair growth

2010-02-02 Thread sms
Can you say what your 'high' dose of Iodoral is?
I take two 12.5 mg/day.  High dose suggested over on the Iodine group is
upwards of 50mg/day.

Also, all who suggested that their hair is filling in due to taking
Iodoral/Lugols, what was your dosage/day?
Just curious.
Also, maybe it might be best to move the discussion over to the Off-Topic
---Original Message---

Fw: CS>CMO Comment. . . . .Brooks Bradley

2010-02-03 Thread sms
This one?
---Original Message---
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: 11/16/09 09:34:55
To: Silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>CMO Comment
Recently, there appeared a comment by one list member, that his CMO protocol
did not seem to be improving his arthritis challenge. While is is true
(based upon our researches) that the standard (10 day regime) does evince
noticeable improvement in a matter of as little as 5 days.the AVERAGE
time-span (in our experiments) revealed to be about 19 days from the start
of the protocolfor definite, subjectively recognized, improvement to
manifest. This was the case, even if the protocol was stopped at the tenth
day. Lipase does, indeed, enhance and accelerate the beneficial effects of
CMO. Incidentally, it also improves greatly, the proper digestion of a
complete litany of fats. 
It may be of interest to reveal that our best results came from using about
25 mg of lipase 
per administration of each dose of CMO. 
One final comment of possible value; we have found CMO to be a SPLENDID
immune system modulator. The general, pain-free, mobility of a large
majority of our older 
(65 and over) volunteersespecially in improved
flexibility-manifested in nearly all of their afflicted articulating
joints (excepting fingers expressing Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes). The
thickened calcium deposits intruding into the capsule and surrounding area
seem to present an effect not fully addressed by our existing CMO protocols.
However, SOME of the Heberden's/Bouchard's cases DID, in fact, react with
positive improvement. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for
discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to: silver-l...@eskimo
com Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The
Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List
maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Brooks Bradley CMO Protocol

2010-02-03 Thread sms
Dear David,
Abstracts of the general protocol should be
found in the archives. However, I will attempt,
from memory, to summarize the basic protocol. It
may be used in conjunction with Glucosamine (2
to 4 grams daily)X Chondritin (1 to 2 grams daily),
or as a stand-alone protocol for both osteo and
Rheumatoid arthritic insults of the articulating
joints in experimental research projects.
Obtain Cetyl Myristloeate (CMO) from a reliable
source (in bulk or in pre-made 250 mg capsules
(no need to be exact) or nearly so.
The dosage employed was 6 capsules daily, divided
into three separate doses (taken during the
waking hours). The only proviso being that, since
CMO is a tallow-based waxy fat derivative, it is
subject to compromise (reduction of efficacy)
when ingested within one to two hours of consuming
high fat substances (e.g. butter, fat containing
meats, etc.). Be sure to ingest 10 ounces of plain
water, with each dosage taken. Actually, it would
be advisable to greatly restrict animal fat intake
during the entire 10 day protocol.
The ten day protocol (requires 60 capsules) has
demonstrated to be quite successful in about 90%
of our volunteer cases, yielding a 75% reduction
in presenting symptoms as a minimum. A majority
of all cases achieved, essentially, total remission
as the subjects reported a complete absence
of pain upon joint articulation within 10 days of
protocol conclusion.
One of the most encouraging results of this protocol
resulted from the arresting of further joint

CS>CMO Comment. . . . .Brooks Bradley - lipase‬

2010-02-03 Thread sms
Hmmm! Don't know the answer to that one.  Sorry.
I take my CMO with capsule form of Lipase from RGarden.

From: Norton, Steve
Date: 02/03/10 17:34:40
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>RE: CS>CMO Comment. . . . .Brooks Bradley - lipase‬
 No, my question is can you ingest lipase that is sold for cheese making to
take with CMO and will it increase the bioavailability of the CMO?
 - Steve N

Re: CS>Silver type for lyme & babesia

2010-02-09 Thread sms
Is it Angie or Greg?  The Silverlist is not particularly Lyme knowledge
oriented having to do with CS/EIS.  There may be a handful of experts on
here that will answer your question.  My suggestion is go to the Lyme Groups
and Forums where CS is discussed like Lymestrategies or Lyme_and_Rife with
Thane who is the owner/mod and ask there where you will find Lyme support
and where all of your questions, including this one will be answered.

But, to answer your question here: - If you have a Silvergen, in my opinion,
you don't need anything else. The others are prohibitively expensive to take
on a daily basis. 
I make 10ppm with mine, and have been using that for years. If you can
afford to use ACS on a daily basis go ahead; or Sovereign Silver which you
can get at Whole Foods. Never have taken Mesosilver, so I can't speak to
that, but continue to hear good things about it. 
If you stay at 10ppm with your Silvergen, that is totally sufficient.  Go to
Lymestrategies Yahoo Group and find out what the exact protocol is for
Salt/C.  Don't do the salt/C protocol any other way other than the right way
Other suggestions you can Google.
Dr. J. Shaller free e-book on Babesia 
Stephen H. Buhner Lyme herbs 
MMS1 and MMS2 
Bryan Rosner's Books
Connie Strasheim's new book

Hope that helps.
---Original Message--- 
From: Greg Ball 
Date: 02/08/10 21:18:29 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Silver type for lyme & babesia 
Hi all, 
I'm still hoping for an answer to my original question. What's the best and
most effective form of silver for me (lymes disease and babesia)? Should I
use my silvergen, or ACS, Mesosilver, Sovereign Silver I'd really
appreciate an answer if anyone has one, or if not, where can I look or ask..
Thanks!! Greg 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Toenail fungus

2010-03-18 Thread sms
From Dr. Jonathan Wright, Tahoma Clinic, Renton Washington

Fungus under the toenails ("onychomycosis") is a difficult problem to treat.
Even "conventional" anti-fungal drug treatment takes months to work, and
(for safety) monthly liver function tests are necessary. SSKI and DMSO
rubbed on, around, and under the affected toenails doesn't work any faster,
but it's just as effective, and definitely safer. Make sure to wear old
socks, because SSKI and other forms of iodine leave an orange-brown stain.
(Other safe and effective alternatives include geranium oil, oregano oil,
and tea tree oil. These and other anti-fungal oils also require "help" from
DMSO to penetrate the toenail and soak the fungus underneath.) 

From: Steve G
Date: 3/18/2010 8:24:03 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Toenail fungus
My son had athlete's foot for about a decadehadn't gotten into his
toenails though.

He tried a number of treatments, but what worked for him was tea tree oil. 
I'm not exactly sure how he applied it though.

 On Thu, 3/18/10, Paul Bond  wrote:

From: Paul Bond 
Subject: CS>Toenail fungus
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010, 9:49 AM

We recently had one of our customers say that they used MMS2 in a footbath
to rid themselves of a toe fungus that had been bothering him for decades. 
This had never occurred to me.  For external use it should be okay to use
standard pool shock as a cheap treatment.  I have no personal experience of
this, but for reference it was 400mg capsules (capsules not required in this
instance of course).
Paul B
>>Arthur -- we have a misunderstanding here.  You applied this to the nail
bed AFTER the toenail had already dropped off?  You never made that >>clear.
 That's an entirely different scenario than a fungal infection with the
toenail intact - which is my case.  So this may be totally ineffective in my
>>situation because the product cannot reach the toenail bed.  Which is the
problem with every treatment for toenail fungal infection.  Jeez.  Well -- I
>>bought the stuff -- I'll continue to use it for awhile.
>>Did you lose the toenail because of a fungal infection?  Did you try any
treatments while the toenail was still in place?

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CS>Toenail fungus

2010-03-18 Thread sms
Saturated Solution Potassium Iodide (SSKI)
It is well worth the read as there are a number of excellent uses for
potassium iodide.
From: MaryAnn Helland
Date: 3/18/2010 8:57:59 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Toenail fungus

What's SSKI??

From: sms 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 10:47:20 AM
Subject: CS>Toenail fungus

From Dr. Jonathan Wright, Tahoma Clinic, Renton Washington
Fungus under the toenails ("onychomycosis") is a difficult problem to treat.
Even "conventional" anti-fungal drug treatment takes months to work, and
(for safety) monthly liver function tests are necessary. SSKI and DMSO
rubbed on, around, and under the affected toenails doesn't work any faster,
but it's just as effective, and definitely safer. Make sure to wear old
socks, because SSKI and other forms of iodine leave an orange-brown stain.
(Other safe and effective alternatives include geranium oil, oregano oil,
and tea tree oil. These and other anti-fungal oils also require "help" from
DMSO to penetrate the toenail and soak the fungus underneath.) 



CS>Art Kunkin's Alchemy Revealed Life Extension ebook, Radiation Hormesis

2010-03-24 Thread sms

---Original Message---
From: rans...@atmc.net
Date: 03/24/10 05:20:16
To: crock_lakhov...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Crock_Lakhovsky] Art Kunkin's ebook, Radiation Hormesis
This comes under the heading of Radiation Hormesis and longevity. Art is
offering his $29 ebook for $9 until March 27, to raise money for his propane
bill after this winter's cold. I can certainly empathize with that.
I have tried to send this several times but it comes back undeliverable. I
am suspecting that the link I've been including is somehow at fault so I'm
not posting it as a link:
www dot alchemyrevealed dot com
There are problems with his PayPal hookup. If you order it and don't get it,
let me know, because he does give permission to share it to a certain extent
anyway. All I want is for you to give him $9.

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CS>Azomite Info and Website

2010-04-27 Thread sms
For Detox:
Use 1 -2 heaping teaspoons of Azomite (non-clumping kind ONLY)in water or
For General Drinking and Cooking Purposes:
Mix 1 teaspoon in 64 oz. of pure or distilled water, stir, and then use. 

Here is the Azomite Website page where many purchase their azomite (green
label), or look
at the Where To Buy tab in the menu.
---Original Message---
From: Peter Converse
Date: 4/27/2010 2:12:50 PM
To: cking...@nycap.rr.com; silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>ZAPPER or CS information?
and where's a good place to get Azomite for bottom dollar?
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>ZAPPER or CS information?
I've used from half a teaspoon to a full teaspoon in a smoothie or
just knocked it back followed by a glass of water.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
On 4/27/2010 1:53:58 PM, needling around (ptf2...@bellsouth.net)
> Hi,
> Would someone be willing to share what dose of Azomite they use for human
> consumption? I want to try it but I'm obviously not a plant or a steer!
> Thanks.
> PT
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread sms
My IPhone (3G) give GPS co-ordinates complete with a visual map.
Location Services and Wi-Fi settings must be turned on though, and GPS is
not available in some locations. 
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: 4/26/2010 10:19:03 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones
The thing that irks me about cell phones is that they have GPS, and they
will give the information to people you don't want having it, but will
not give it to you.  Lets say that I am lost on the lake and my son is
looking for me and has his GPS on the boat on, or I found a great
campground and want to tell everyone where it is.  Well the phone knows,
but there is no way to get it to give me the information.  If I call
Verizon they tell me the only people who can read the gps is if I call
911.  If I call 911 and ask them my co-ordinates they say they cannot
give me the information on where I am. I pay for the ability, but it is
disabled to where I cannot use it. It's crazy.

Re: CS>another question about cell phones

2010-04-28 Thread sms
bodhisattva -
You can also put on your list, targeted MD's who treated Lyme Disease and
who are now in financial ruin due to the same forces at work.
---Original Message---
From: bodhisattva
Date: 4/26/2010 1:53:22 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>another question about cell phones
I've been telling people for years not to use shopper cards, discount cards, or 
clubs at stores. Last year my sister got coupons tailored to exactly what she 
purchased, but didn't ever fill anything out. Rude awakening, they scanned her 
purchase history.  In addition, the CDC "Sort of" let out that they used these 
shopper/check cards to track down people that purchased potentially tainted 
meat. So we KNOW govt has access to this data, when they want it. So if I 
purchase Hummus, am I a terrorist? Surprising, it has been alluded that they 
want RFID listed under the patriot act to force people to accept this, and the 
tracking it involves. (with legal mandate)

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-13 Thread sms
Hi Jason,
Sorry about your friend.  Unfortunately, if your friend has had Lyme Disease
for a year, the disease would now be considered Chronic-long-term.  While CS
would be of tremendous help, it more than likely would not be able to
eliminate Lyme completely.  It takes other avenues to attack and kill the
spirochetes now as they rapidly reproduce and take various forms to hide
from the immune system and anti-biotics.  But, there is hope.  

Along with taking CS on a regular basis, your friend can add a well know
Lyme elimination protocol known as Salt/C. Here is the link to
Lymestrategies.  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lymestrategies/  
There your friend will find details about the Protocol, remedies to aid lyme
symptoms, information on cleanses and detoxes required for added support;
files and links, but most of all members willing to share what works and
what doesn't in support of one another.  

Another excellent and highly recommended companion group for your friend to
join whose members also use CS is: http://health.groups.yahoo
com/group/Lyme_and_Rife/The members in this group are experienced and
well educated in terms of most all elements having to do with Lyme.  They
have years of experience and a ton of knowledge.  All the best to your
friend. You are a great friend for helping.
From: Jason
Date: 5/13/2010 11:08:08 AM
To: To post @ Silverlist
Subject: CS>Lyme disease
Hello all,a good friend of mind has contracted Lyme disease about a year ago
working in the field up in Maryland last summer.I do believe I have read in
this forum that Lyme disease has been treated successfully with CS.Is that
also mean totally cured from it? Are there any posts from the past that give
specifics on treatment with CS? Thank you for any help you can give!

Re: CS>Lyme disease

2010-05-15 Thread sms
Hi PT,
I'm not Marshalee, but I can tell you what CMO stands for.
It is Cetylmyristoleate.  I can vouch for what Marshalee says about it.  I
wouldn't be without it, and take it on a regular basis.

Here is a little bit more information about it.  I first learned about CMO
several years back from both Brooks Bradley and Donna Crow.  It is great
stuff!  There are many brands.  The brand I use is Jarrow True CMO.
From: needling around
Date: 05/15/10 01:43:20
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease
To me CMO means Chief Marketing Officer... what does it mean here?

CS>Natural Soap

2009-07-06 Thread sms
Now this is a great natural soap. Take a look around the site and click on
the various other links.  I think you might like these products. 


---Original Message---
From: Annie B Smythe
Date: 7/5/2009 10:26:13 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Vit. D 3 'hype'
Sodium Laurel Sulfate, hmmm, I know it can penetrate the scalp if it's in a
shampoo, and it can effect vision. But of all the things I've read about it,
I've never read about it effecting Vit D manufactured in the skin. Not that
that is impossible, if it penetrates the skin and combines with other things
somehow..But I haven't done enough reading on it to say one way or the other
 But Malcom's explanation sounds reasonable. ;> If I do some digging and
find out something different I'll eat some crow I reckon, LOL.

CS>How to Fill a Cavity

2009-07-07 Thread sms
This is a post from I saved back in 2004.  
The only thing that I would do is sterilize it using Brooks method first
instead of just using H2O2.

Mon, 05 Jan 2004

I found a way to fix and fill your own cavities. If you have a cavity and
especially if it hurts, here is what you do.  Clean it out as best you can
with a pointed object then take hydrogen peroxide and put drops of it in the
cavity and keep doing it until it stops fizzing. 

Make sure you don't let saliva get in it anymore after you have it
sterilized like that. Then you get some dolomite powder or crush a dolomite
tablet and take a pinch of the powder and put it in the cavity. 

Take a toothpick and pack it full of the dolomite powder until it is tightly
filled with the dolomite. 

That's all. The pain should go away and one report I heard was the natural
re-enamaling of the teeth will cover it over and the cavity will disappear.
The things the can stop this from happening are use of toothpaste with
glycerin and too much acid food that you don't rinse out of the mouth. 

Make sure you have enough calcium and phosphorus in your diet and the teeth
will be re-enameled. Forget the toothpaste and use soap instead. 

On Tuesday, Jul 7, 2009, at 06:26 Asia/Tokyo, zzekel...@aol.com wrote:
Also does anyone know of anything to use to fill a tooth cavity ???


2009-07-10 Thread sms
Oh Geez, Jason!  I had no idea!  Congratulations!  I'm so sorry you had
to go through that.  

---Original Message---
From: Jason Vale
Date: 7/9/2009 6:13:10 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO
I know they charge the most but they have the pure stuff..purer then the
rest.  Christian Brothers...   www.apricotsfromgod.com


From: shmulik hecht 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 6:45:44 AM
Subject: CS>DMSO

Thanks to all of you that wrote about purchasing DMSO-Sam


CS>Eye Health Research Report

2009-07-15 Thread sms
Sandee - 
Can you mention the product name?

From: Sandee George
Date: 7/15/2009 9:23:27 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Eye Health Research Report


"I have also used another product which is the enzyme formula
for storing contact lenses which has an enzyme for removing the
protein from the lenses which does the same for the cataract which is
nothing more than an over production of protein over the lens" 


CS>Brook NAC/DMSO Eye Health Research Report

2009-07-15 Thread sms
Hi Brooks,
I'm interested in testing the NAC/DMSO for early onset cataracts.  
Wondering about a recipe and directions for use.  I'm assuming the mixed
solution would be sprayed onto the eye itself, but I certainly could be
wrong about that.

Also, is there an answer to how often this method should be used per day,
week, month?
Any additional information about this method would be appreciated.
Thank you so much.

---Original Message---
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: 7/14/2009 12:16:44 PM
To: Silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Eye Health Research Report
Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited, but
definitive, investigationsI am moved to call two supporting substances
to the attention of list members. 

From among a number of candidates addressed in searching for the most
economical/effective modalities for attenuating/preventing cataracts.we
achieved our best---and most rapid success using NAC (n-acetyl L-carnosine).
for cataract presentations. This substance, in mild solution, (amended
with low-percentage DMSO [ 5%] by volume)...effected very powerful
beneficial influence upon the cross-linked proteins which cause the clouding
of the normally clear tissue fields (i.e. cataracts). This simple protocol
yielded (in our view) splendid, non-invasive, results.for
literallypennies. Very positive benefits were achieved in ALL of the
early-onset presentations and sufficient improvement in 80% of the ADVANCED
PRESENTATIONS.to avoid or postpone surgical interventions.
Brooks Bradley 

CS>ebay reg

2009-07-16 Thread sms

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fungus - Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) - The World's Most Useful Product

2009-07-19 Thread sms
I wouldn't be without both GSE and Colloidal Silver
Below is an extract posted on the Silverlist back in 2007 by Carol Ann when
she was dialoging with Dee about Fungus. 
BTW, where is Carol Ann?
I purchased NutriBiotic (The Original) GSE Liquid Concentrate at Whole Foods
after reading about it and have never been without it since.
It is a Citricidal and is used successfully for both external as well as
internal conditions.
Sorry the article is so long - but, it is well worth it if you have never
come across it before. 

Why Grapefruit Seed Extract? 
After 30 years in use by naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general
public grapefruit seed extract has been proven to be a safe and effective
multipurpose (broad spectrum) compound with countless uses.
Grapefruit seed extract is being used successfully in humans and animals
alike to eliminate many types of internal and external infections caused
from parasites (single and multi-celled), viruses, bacteria, fungus and

The greatest benefit is due to it's multipurpose (broad spectrum) effect.
Grapefruit seed extract is effective even if the causes of the infections
are known, unknown or misdiagnosed. Grapefruit seed extract naturally
detoxifies, enhances and supports the immune system. 

Grapefruit seed extract contains high levels of vitamin C and E, and
bioflavonoids. The important substances have an antioxidant action and can
neutralize free radicals that damage cells and cause a number of illnesses. 

Another important benefit of grapefruit seed extract is that it is helpful
in alkalizing the blood. Alkalizing the body fluids (raising pH) is one of
the single most important health regeneration benefits available as disease
causing microforms (fungi, bacteria, virus etc.) cannot survive in an
alkaline oxygenated environment. Though lemons, limes, and grapefruits are
chemically acid, tests show that when they are metabolized in the body they
actually have an alkalizing effect. They have very little sugar and they
contain an abundance of oxygen. This is a plus for anyone fighting candida
or any other disease. Conclusion: Eat more fresh vegetables and less
processed foods as most all vegetables are alkaline forming in the body. 

Grapefruit seed extract is effective at very low concentrations. During
1989-90, an international research team (reported in the Journal of
Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 5, No. 3, USA, 1990) examined the effects of
GSE and compared this with 30 effective antibiotics and 18 proven fungicides
 GSE was found to perform as well as any and all of the tested agents.
Without the harsh side effects. It is a natural alternative to strong

Grapefruit seed extract is nontoxic. According to an independent laboratory
testing "Acute Oral Toxicity", it would take at least 4,000 times the normal
dose of gse to produce a 50% chance of poisoning (called LD50). 

Because grapefruit seed extract does not exhibit the harsh side effects and
high cost of pharmaceuticals it is becoming the alternative health choice
for naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general public. 
Internal uses include but not limited to: Digestive Upsets, Gastrointestinal
Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Infections from: Parasites (single
and multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections,
Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Oral Infections: Tooth Plaque, Gum Disorders,
Breath Freshener and Mouthwash. Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat,
Ear Inflammation / Pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis and much more!
External uses include but not limited to: Acne, Athletes Foot, Nail Fungus
Infections. Skin Infections: Fungal / Bacterial / Parasitic / Viral /
Ringworm, Cuts / Wounds. Warts, Poison Ivy/Poison Oak, Rashes, Jock Itch,
Shaving Itch, Dandruff, Cold Sores / Herpes, Head Lice, Chickenpox, Cracked
Lips, Toothbrush Cleaning and much more! 

Physicians have observed that the herpes simplex virus becomes inactive just
ten minutes after the application of grapefruit seed extract. 

One of the most important applications for grapefruit seed extract is in the
support and protection of individuals with chronic immune system problems.
See more: benefits of grapefruit seed extract. 
How Does Grapefruit Extract Work? 
According to studies, the activity of the active ingredient of grapefruit
seed extract appears to develop in the cytoplasmic membrane of the
microorganisms. The active ingredients of the extract disorganize the
cytoplasmic membrane, thereby preventing the uptake of amino acids. 

At the same time, there is a leakage of the cellular contents with low
molecular weight through the cytoplasmic membrane. The pathogen is then
inactivated. The time for this is generally shorter than that of most
comparable preparations. 

Grapefruit seed extract does not allow germs to build up a resistance. To
date there is no evidence that any type of organism has ever built up a

CS>Fungus - Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) - The World's Most Useful Product

2009-07-19 Thread sms
I wouldn't be without both GSE and Colloidal Silver 
Below is an extract posted on the Silverlist back in 2007 by Carol Ann when 
she was dialoging with Dee about Fungus. 
BTW, where is Carol Ann? 

I purchased 'NutriBiotic (The Original) GSE Liquid Concentrate' at Whole
after reading about it and have never been without it since. 
It is a Citricidal and has been used successfully for both external, as well
internal conditions. It comes in liquid and capsule form. 

What I have also read on these lists over the years is that it is especially
useful for bronchits, asthma, etc.  You have to highly dilute this product
with water before taking it internally.

Sorry the article is so long - but, it is well worth it if you have never 
come across it before. 
Why Grapefruit Seed Extract? 
After 30 years in use by naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general 
public grapefruit seed extract has been proven to be a safe and effective 
multipurpose (broad spectrum) compound with countless uses. 
Grapefruit seed extract is being used successfully in humans and animals 
alike to eliminate many types of internal and external infections caused 
from parasites (single and multi-celled), viruses, bacteria, fungus and 
The greatest benefit is due to it's multipurpose (broad spectrum) effect. 
Grapefruit seed extract is effective even if the causes of the infections 
are known, unknown or misdiagnosed. Grapefruit seed extract naturally 
detoxifies, enhances and supports the immune system. 
Grapefruit seed extract contains high levels of vitamin C and E, and 
bioflavonoids. The important substances have an antioxidant action and can 
neutralize free radicals that damage cells and cause a number of illnesses. 
Another important benefit of grapefruit seed extract is that it is helpful 
in alkalizing the blood. Alkalizing the body fluids (raising pH) is one of 
the single most important health regeneration benefits available as disease 
causing microforms (fungi, bacteria, virus etc.) cannot survive in an 
alkaline oxygenated environment. Though lemons, limes, and grapefruits are 
chemically acid, tests show that when they are metabolized in the body they 
actually have an alkalizing effect. They have very little sugar and they 
contain an abundance of oxygen. This is a plus for anyone fighting candida 
or any other disease. Conclusion: Eat more fresh vegetables and less 
processed foods as most all vegetables are alkaline forming in the body. 
Grapefruit seed extract is effective at very low concentrations. During 
1989-90, an international research team (reported in the Journal of 
Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 5, No. 3, USA, 1990) examined the effects of

GSE and compared this with 30 effective antibiotics and 18 proven fungicides

GSE was found to perform as well as any and all of the tested agents. 
Without the harsh side effects. It is a natural alternative to strong 
Grapefruit seed extract is nontoxic. According to an independent laboratory 
testing "Acute Oral Toxicity", it would take at least 4,000 times the normal

dose of gse to produce a 50% chance of poisoning (called LD50). 
Because grapefruit seed extract does not exhibit the harsh side effects and 
high cost of pharmaceuticals it is becoming the alternative health choice 
for naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general public. 
Internal uses include but not limited to: Digestive Upsets, Gastrointestinal

Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Infections from: Parasites (single 
and multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections, 
Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Oral Infections: Tooth Plaque, Gum Disorders, 
Breath Freshener and Mouthwash. Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat, 
Ear Inflammation / Pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis and much more! 
External uses include but not limited to: Acne, Athletes Foot, Nail Fungus 
Infections. Skin Infections: Fungal / Bacterial / Parasitic / Viral / 
Ringworm, Cuts / Wounds. Warts, Poison Ivy/Poison Oak, Rashes, Jock Itch, 
Shaving Itch, Dandruff, Cold Sores / Herpes, Head Lice, Chickenpox, Cracked 
Lips, Toothbrush Cleaning and much more! 
Physicians have observed that the herpes simplex virus becomes inactive just

ten minutes after the application of grapefruit seed extract. 
One of the most important applications for grapefruit seed extract is in the

support and protection of individuals with chronic immune system problems. 
See more: benefits of grapefruit seed extract. 
How Does Grapefruit Extract Work? 
According to studies, the activity of the active ingredient of grapefruit 
seed extract appears to develop in the cytoplasmic membrane of the 
microorganisms. The active ingredients of the extract disorganize the 
cytoplasmic membrane, thereby preventing the uptake of amino acids. 
At the same time, there is a leakage of the cellular contents with low 
molecular weight 

Re: CS>healing hands Spiritual Healing Sanctuary in England

2009-07-29 Thread sms
Go to the Silver Off-Topic list for a link I just posted which will direct
you to a full-on Pendulum Course.
It is entitled A Letter to Robin.

---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 7/29/2009 3:49:57 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>healing hands Spiritual Healing Sanctuary in England
   Hold a weight on a string still as you can without *making* it not move
and ask it for a yes answer and a no answer.

Re: CS>Tinnitus (OT)

2009-07-31 Thread sms
I have saved quite a few posts on tinnitus remedies over the years. Would
you like me to forward some of the remedies to you. 

From: john freese 
Date: 7/30/2009 8:10:13 PM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Tinnitus (OT) 
Thank you for all the suggestions. John. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Naltrexone

2009-08-02 Thread sms
Dee - 
Here are some of the LDN groups. Some one will surely know. 
Discussion Lists: 
Joseph Wouk's Activism List: 
Disorder Specific Lists: 
---Original Message--- 
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Date: 8/2/2009 6:42:40 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Naltrexone 
Was it Brooks who came up with low dose Naltrexone? I was just wondering if
this would be any good with motor neurone disease. dee 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>news RE: Wayne Fugitt

2009-08-02 Thread sms
Poor Wayne.  Darn.  I'm keeping a candle lit in his memory for a while in
front of a picture of a big ole healthy tomatoe patch.  I will miss him for
sure.  He was a definitely a very special one-of-a-kind character.
Rest in Peace Wayne.

---Original Message---
From: Peter Converse
Date: 8/2/2009 7:07:56 PM
To: Tel Tofflemire;  silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>news RE: Wayne Fugitt
- Original Message - 
From: Tel Tofflemire 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>news RE: Wayne Fugitt

Wayne was one of the good guys on this list, 
 He gave more than he took. 
 I will miss his wit, & humor and all the good advice. 
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ. 86327


Re: CS>Project [censored] again?

2009-08-03 Thread sms
Ooo!  That was really good, Ode.  If I were you, and I'm not, but still in a
way I Am, I would have charged a session fee, cause that was remarkable and
espoused many wonderful essential life lessons for any who could understand
it and wished to take advantage of your level of perspective.  Impressive

I doubt Mike will have anything other to say except - 'take it to the OT

---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 8/3/2009 7:35:58 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Project [censored] again?
   Again. People read meaning into statement according to reflected and
projected sensitivities...unexamined internal programming rules the day.
"List Tyrant" refers to the one and only Mike Devour and no possible
other..the only tyrant that actually exists...a fact as previously stated
but ignored.
I did not identify you as a tyrant, you identified yourself as such by
"claiming" that I did.
Usurped the title again, olde bean.
What you INITIALLY DID was attempt enforce a rule with the claim that you
knew what the rules were and break another in that attempt, demonstrating
that you didn't know what the rules were...just a simple logical fact.
I don't care about rules OR enforcement OR what you or anyone posts.
I, by no means, made an attack on anyone...just stated the facts with no
enforcements even implied as it was made clear and is well known that I
don't care one whit what posts get posted[I have the absolute power of
delete ] and it's off to the presumptive defensive races and the attempts
at counter attack which aren't possible eitherbecause no initial attack
was made to counter.
...very interesting.
What is really going on doesn't matter, people *see, read and hear* what
they WANT to *see, read and hear* ..and don't even know what that want is.
Par for the "of course"predictable.
One inter-generational feud over nothing, coming right up.
This will all die down when ya'll stop offending yourselves.
If I stop confusing people with the truth, then it will also die down, but
only temporarily because the truth will remain hidden once again with
powerlessness mistaken for power.
If YOU have the power of delete at YOUR fingertips [and you DO], what good
is attempting to use *anothers* REMOTE button when you won't even use yours
that's right in front of you?
...If you don't want to play, don't respond and delete any and all others
that do want to play. You are then *NOT involved*.   ALL points moot.  End
of story.
But what happens is that you are afraid you'll miss something interesting
under a given subject title and open it...then become angry when you are
wrong and blame someone else for that anger, *as though* it wasn't YOUR
anger and IT wasn't just a string of letters that YOU hung onto to set
yourself up with.
  Ya just gotta push that button marked "Do not push" and when it is what
it says it is, you get mad? [Gee whiz! ]
How do I know that?
  Because I do it all too often myself.but never get angry at someone
else for what *I* did to waste my time.
  Case in point. THIS little conversation.
It's MY time to waste in any way that pleases OR displeases me...and any
anger I feel is just mental masturbation, one of my favorite sports.
But you can't be stroking your own brain, when in fact, it's all any of us
do all the time as nothing means anything till YOU assign it a meaning for
YOURSELF...so it must be rape.  [ Oh boy! ]
On goes the chastity belt with the razor blades. "Don't you fuck with me"
How about you CAN'T fuck with me, I can screw myself up quite well, thank
you very much for being the trigger I made you into for me to fire myself
upall intentions aside and completely irrelevant.
If you are thinking YOUR thoughts with YOUR mind, how can you possibly be a
victim of ANYONE elses?
  Attack becomes impossible.
  Dude. I am MUCH better at fooling myself than you are...might even say
I'm an expert.
Practice makes perfect.
  All THAT said, the "actual" list tyrant is probably about to come down on
MY head, and that's OK.
He is, after all, THE [one and only] tyrant and can do whatever he wants
to...OR not... without any justification.
No defense possible, none offered.
If I come under the BIG DELETE button..I'll find something more useful
[or useless] to do...as I chooseno problem.
You cannot be free while controlling others.
Both the slave and the master are equally imprisoned.
You cannot not control yourself, in person or by proxy by defaults, deny
it, or not..doesn't matter.
The  U power is yours, it cannot not be used, use it, or let someone
else...it WILL be used as YOU will.

CS>Naxtrexone versus Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

2009-08-05 Thread sms
Yes, Betty is correct.  There is a substantial difference between the two.
Here is just one article on Naltrexone versus Low Dose Naltrexone.
Same drug different dosages.  LDN is 1/10th the dosage and is becoming
popular for a substantial variety of illnesses and diseases.
Also, there are now dozens of yahoo groups dedicated to the separate and
varying uses of Low Dose Naltrexone.

---Original Message---
From: Betty Shelly
Date: 8/5/2009 6:23:56 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Dorothy: low dose naltrexone
Dorothy, you are talking about Naltrexone, not Low Dose Naltrexone which is 
given in (as the name implies) very low amounts.  Please look it up on one of 
the lists before spreading misinformation about it.

CS>Just a Note about Wayne

2009-08-05 Thread sms
I wrote to Donna Crow, the owner of Beck-n-Stuff yahoo group.  If you aren't
aware of that group, it is a real treat.
Anyway, I knew that Wayne was a moderator of the group.  I didn't know if
Donna knew of Wayne's passing, so I wrote, specifically, to let her know and
for her to let the group know.  Wayne's passing was a surprise to her.  She
didn't know.

What I also didn't know was she had give moderation of another group she
owns to Wayne as well.  It is called StayinAlive.

I had forgotten completely about STayinAlive group and joined again to check
it out as Donna's groups are really good.  Anyway, it seems that Wayne spent
a lot of time over at that group moderating and posting and it was
delightful to have the chance to read his posts over there.  I thought maybe
some of you might like to join that group for nostalgia or just to join
another good group.  Not very much traffic. 

Here is the link:

CS>Emphysema-Brooks Bradley

2009-08-10 Thread sms
Just clip the link Dianne sent in at http://askwaltstollmd.com 
and look for emphysema and rebounding or click on the tinyurl which will 
take you directly. 
Here's the article. 
Forgot to mention - rebounding for emphysema 
Posted by KMD [517.155] on July 10, 2004 at 16:24:49: 
In Reply to: Re: How rebounding works posted by KMD [517.155] on July 10, 
2004 at 16:20:40: 
Walt has also sited the following, though unfortunately he didn't save the 
article. It could probably be found with some research effort: 
"In the late ‘70s or early ‘80s, the physical therapy department at the 
University of Michigan Medical School reported that the mild up and down 
motion from very gentle rebounding on a mini-trampoline significantly 
improved both the functional breathing capacity and the pulmonary function 
of patients with severe emphysema. This improvement was separate from the 
exercise portion of this motion since someone else could do the bouncing 
while the patient simply sat in the middle of the trampoline." 
---Original Message--- 
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Date: 8/10/2009 9:55:09 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>Emphysema-Brooks Bradley 
I couldn't make this link work. dee 
On 10 Aug 2009, at 17:16, Dianne France wrote: 
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 13:00:01 -0500 
From: Brooks Bradley  
Subject: CS>OT: Semi-coherent Ramblings 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Organization: Harborne Research Foundation 
Dear List members, 
I have a comment, regarding emphysema, I believe will be of some 
interest to some. However, in addition, I feel compelled to revisit 
another of my subliminal compulsions regarding the current 
"state-of-the-health" of the world ... an affliction I seem unable to 
Back in January, 2003, one of our staff happened across a posting made by Dr

Walt Stoll, on his website. It appeared innocuous on the surface of things, 
but our staffer decided to follow-up on the prospects ... himself. His 
immediate, excellent responses emanating from a single test case ... 
prompted great excitement on his behalf. I will not consume additional of 
your time and attention to elaborate further, than to say the positive 
results achieved with a 72 year old female (long-term smoker) were little 
short of astounding. For those interested in a possible aid for late-stage 
emphysema investigate for yourself. The url is: 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2009-08-11 Thread sms
I have used Serrapeptase now, on and off, for years.  The brand I am
currently using is Doctor's Best.
One capsule is 40,000 units.  The directions say to take up to three a day,
but I always only take one a day and get results.  I use them to eliminate
spider veins.  It does this beautifully.

I forget who; but, someone on this list (was it Trem?) who overdosed and
caused much medical grief to himself.  This is a product you do not want to
overdose on, but instead use with caution.  This product really works to
eliminate clogged veins and arteries.  If they are in a weakened state, I
can only imagine what would happen.  Please google Serrapeptase and read up
on it before you provide it to your husband, especially with by-pass surgery

Maybe the others will chime in here on this.

On 11 Aug 2009, at 12:51, Dianne France wrote:

When you start taking this supplement is there any danger at starting at
full dose?  It helps clean out arteries from what I've read and I know you
have discussed this but at the time
we weren't taking it.
Could it loosen to much plaque at the beginning I guess is what I was
asking?  Would starting at a lower dose and building up be more advisable? 
Since my husband had by-pass surgery we try to be very careful with his
supplements.  I would like to take it for the anti-inflamatory action.  I
don't have any problems that I know of in the artery area.

Re: CS>wayne fugitt-coconut oil

2009-08-11 Thread sms
For those pure virgin coconut oil lovers out there here is a group with over
3000 members who like it as well.  Daily CS and PVCO are a really wonderful


---Original Message---
From: Jean Baugh
Date: 8/11/2009 9:53:55 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>wayne fugitt-coconut oil
At the risk of repeating myself, one of my favorite recipes using coconut
oil is:
1/2 Coconut oil (organic, virgin)
1/2 butter (unsalted because my salt is better than theirs)
Celtic sea salt (ground in coffee mill or it will be gritty), to taste
Mix the three and used at room temperature, haven't eaten anything better as
a spread.

Re: CS>The taste of vit c & cs

2009-08-14 Thread sms
Very sorry to hear that you have Lyme.  
Are you aware of the two popular Lyme yahoo groups?
Let me know if you want the links.

---Original Message---
From: Joseph Metz
Date: 8/14/2009 2:56:35 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>The taste of vit c & cs
Hi Folks,

Since acquiring Lyme, my mental processes have slowed considerably.
The discussion of the taste of VS was at least several days ago, very
informative. But only now has the topic settled into my mind. Some of


2009-08-17 Thread sms
Do you know anything about the company that you order your zeolite from?
How long have they been in business and is their product pure zeolite?
I never heard of them before and would like to order zeolite.

---Original Message---
From: Norton, Steve
Date: 8/17/2009 8:54:44 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Re: zeolite question please
The bentonite I used then I got on eBay and I no longer see it for sale.
Currently I use bentonite from http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/triganic.
However it does not swell like the original one I used. 
I get my zeolite from  http://gandgnaturalproducts.com/default.aspx

 - Steve N


2009-08-17 Thread sms
Thank you Steve.  I will contact them.
---Original Message---
From: Norton, Steve
Date: 8/17/2009 12:10:44 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>zeolite
I don't think they have been selling zeolite to the public but for a couple
of years. I talked with the owner of the business several times. He was very
open and friendly. He has had the zeolite tested by an independent lab for
toxins and heavy metals. There  are no toxins present and very low traces of
heavy metals. The company will provide a copy of the lab test results if you
ask for them. The presence of trace heavy metals is not a problem since the
trace metals are locked within the cage-like structure of the zeolite's
molecular infrastructure and cannot be released within the body. The purity
percentage given is primarily an indicator of how much of the zeolite's
internal cage-like cells are available for use. 90 - 95% is high for natural
The owner of GanG was previously a co-owner of the mine but he now sells
zeolite from the mine as a side business. He, his wife and a number of their
friends use the zeolite daily and are real believers in its benefits and
 - Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS and Lyme Disease (LD)

2009-08-20 Thread sms
5 to 10 ppm is just fine.  There is no need to use anything higher than that

Join Lymestrategies or Lyme_and_Rife Yahoo group.  Both the owner moderators
of these two groups have had and have Lyme Disease.  These are the groups
with much experience, old time members, and know what they are talking about
 Excellent information, Expert owner/moderators of the group, and tremendous
support from Lyme members.

CS is considered to be a major adjunct to various Lyme Protocols and not a
cure-all.  It has only been known  to eliminate Lyme in a handful of people.
 And Lyme Disease is epidemic around the country, so that ought to give you
an idea as to whether it is regarded as a stand-alone protocol or an adjunct


On 20 Aug 2009, at 02:55, luv2h...@optonline.net wrote:

Dee.I've now read a number of posts regarding how much and how often
folks take CS in the attempt to treat Lyme.  However, no posts have actually
spoke to the strength of the solution, which to me seems to be a very
important variable.  For instance, one teaspoon of a 5000 ppm solution is a
heck of a lot more silver than 1 gallon of a 1 ppm solution.  I mean, for
you folks out there making your own silver solutionsdo you have any idea
how strong it is, or are you just guessing?  If you do, what do you use for
quality control?


CS>Links to Popular Yahoo Pet Groups Cat Won't Gain weight

2009-08-20 Thread sms
Here are a couple links to Yahoo groups that can help.

Excellent moderators and very dedicated members who love their pets.
Hope they help.

---Original Message---
From: Fuzzmom
Date: 8/20/2009 10:24:45 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Cat Won't Gain weight
Haven't seen any but doesn't mean he doesn't have. Wow..thanks. I don't dilute 
with water or anything..right? Also someone told me cs is a dewormer..I don't 
see how but have you ehard that, too

CS>Brooks: About GSH need. COMMENT.

2009-08-22 Thread sms

Growth Stimulating Hormone. . . . I think.

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Date: 8/21/2009 11:25:09 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [RE]CS>Brooks: About GSH need. COMMENT.
Sorry for being dense, but what is GSH please?  dee

On 21 Aug 2009, at 19:15, Brooks Bradley wrote:

Re: CS>CS Lyme test

2009-08-22 Thread sms
I don't know what you had.  I certainly wish I did.  If you speak with
someone like Marc Fett or Bryan Rosner, they might be able to tell you or
refer you to someone who will know what was most likely.  It might behoove
you to try to find out.  Currently, you could be keeping the Lyme and
co-infections at a minimum (in cyst form and L-form) which allows your
immune system to keep symptoms it under control.  

I, too, am relieved that you posted the 'rest of the story' about your CS
Protocol as that makes much more sense and isn't false or misleading.  I was
going to chime in with all the rest of the doubters when I read your first
post because what you said would have placed you in the category of a
medical miracle.  No one that I have ever read or heard about has cleared 42
year old late stage Lyme Disease with co-infections with three days use of

Unfortunately, since Lyme tests are so unreliable, that would be a less
feasible route to take to find out what you had or still have that is now in
remission or completely eliminated.  There are high-powered microscopes with
powerful cameras (CCD) connected to the unit that will show, in real time,
your blood specimen and any spirochetes transforming, encysting, or changing
form (L-form), and they can definitely be identified.  But again, you have
to get a blood specimen that holds the spirochete and also a practitioner
who uses this procedure which mostly excludes MD's.

These forms can lay dormant for years, and then all of a sudden something
within your physiological system changes or weakens in such a way as to
allow them to uncyst, change form, reappear and recirculate producing
symptoms and re-infection.

---Original Message---
From: Dave Darrin
Date: 8/22/2009 8:01:23 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>CS Lyme test
My three days may have been misleading as I didn't quit taking CS at that
I went on a maintenance dose of four oz. A day for the next six years or so.
Thereby keeping enough silver going through my blood stream to stop any
further replication as  the hidden ones
came out oh hiding.
Damn well worked for me. No flare ups--No more swollen inflamed
joints--gradual lessening of brain fog(I'm still dumber than a stump)--No
colds of flu or any other respiratory problems, I used to make so much snot
I couldn't attend public affairs as I would have drowned in it. No more! The
floaters have left my eyes--no more tennis elbow (I've had it in both
elbows) My knees would crackle and pop and swell up to nearly the size of my
waist--Each. I was on crutches and couldn't even walk across my kitchen
without them.
After the three day treatment with a little healing time I could out run an
18 year football player.
That is a look at a Small And I repeat Small part of my Lyme experience, So
Marshall and all you doubters WHAT IN THE HELL did I have.


2009-08-23 Thread sms

Have no fear.  Argentyn 23 is an excellent over the counter, high quality
silver product as is the company that produces it, Natural Immunogenics.
If you have no way to make your own - you can count on Argentyn 23 or
Sovereign Silver.
You can google it and the company and find out more.
And you can also contact the company to learn the quantity your son may
benefit from having Autism.
Check this link out for the use of colloidal silver and autism.


On 22 Aug 2009, at 19:55, Tara McClintick wrote:

I am new to this list.  I am looking for information regarding treating my
son with silver – specifically Argentyn 23.  A nutritional expert has
recommended this product for my 13 year old son.  I was given info. about
this list as a place to find out more info.  Any experience?  Risks?
Thank-you, Tara
Tara McClintick


CS>Friend With Lyme's

2009-08-27 Thread sms
Hi Joy,
Join lymestrategies Yahoo grouphttp://groups.yahoo
Salt/C is the Protocol where the salt is celtic, himalayan, and NOT table
Moderator/Owner - Marc Fett

Join Lyme_and_Rife Yahoo group   http://health.groups.yahoo
Varieties of Protocols are discussed in this group.
Moderator/Owner - Thane Frederickson

Both Lyme Disease groups are excellent resources and both owner/mods
have/had Lyme.

Two great support groups.  You will learn about other groups through joining
those two first.
Hope that helps.

---Original Message---
From: j.sherri
Date: 8/27/2009 7:58:43 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Friend With Lyme's
My friend has Lyme's. Is there a protocol out there that has actually
cured people? Any links, info, resources would be much appreciated. Will
pass it on to him.
Best wishes,

Re: CS>source for DMSO

2009-08-28 Thread sms
Try Harvest House (health food store) in Concord.  They have brown glass
bottles of DMSO 99.9% in both 4 oz. and 8 oz.
It is on Monument Blvd.

---Original Message---
From: Ken & Nancy Bagwell
Date: 8/27/2009 9:19:41 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>source for DMSO
Thank you, Tel.  I'll check my area to see if there are any tack stores
nearby.  I know there is one in Clayton, CA nearby where I live, but that is
about a 40 minute drive through busy areas.  Otherwise, I guess I'll just
order some online.

-Ken Bagwell


2009-08-28 Thread sms
If anyone has any NatureThroid that they are not taking can you e-mail me
off list?
Thank you.

Re: CS>slick tick

2009-08-29 Thread sms
Hopefully, he didn't inject you with Lyme!  While I don't wish to see you in
the Lyme groups, I know you would be a big hit and wholeheartedly welcomed. 
Let's hope we don't see you there.

---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 8/29/2009 7:52:13 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>slick tick
I just found a tick dug into my leg, looked like it had been there for a
  I smothered that little sucker with CS gel and worked him around a little
and he just about fell right out.
  I reckon his pinchers got so slick he couldn't hold on.
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>slick tick

2009-08-30 Thread sms
You can find tick removal tools at your local Pet Food Store. They are
typically $5 or less. Buy a few and give some to friends. 
They look similar to those shown in the links provided below. 

Each mfg. has their own look but the removal method is the same. The
appropriate and correct removal method is critical so that the embedded tick
cannot regurgitate it's stomach contents and saliva into your blood stream. 
This tool surrounds the head of the tick without cutting it off and allows
smooth and complete removal leaving the tick intact.  The germs and disease
producing organisms are contained in the contents of the stomach of the tick
and they will let it loose into your blood stream when provoked. That is why
other methods of suffocation, smoking, etc. are not advised. 

This is a handy tool to keep on every key ring and in any other area of your
home where you can remember to find it such as the medicine cabinet. 
It is important to note that other biting insects carry Lyme Disease as well
 such as, mosqitoes, horse flys, etc., and shockingly LD can be transmitted
sexually as well as by birth from a mother that is infected.  You don't have
to be bitten by a tick to contract Lyme Disease.  Oh, one other little tick
- Lyme not Lyme's.  No such thing as Lyme's Disease.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>slick tick

2009-08-30 Thread sms
You are fortunate!  And more than likely have an immune system that is made
of steel. . . no wait. . . make that titanium.  Oops!  Or should that be
Anyhoo - I think Congratulations are in order.  Let's hope you never have to
pound on Godzilla.  That would be too bad for Godzilla!  POW!
---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 8/30/2009 3:23:54 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>slick tick
   If I had every tick that bit me tested.well, I ain't a millionaire
and I if I was, I'd not be for long.
I mean, If I had a nickle for every tick I pulled, I'd be...about where I
am now.
I rather expect to be plucked a touch green, 'druther that than rot on the
vine worrying the whole time.
If I get Lymes, I'll chase down Godzilla and eat him. [from the inside out?
At 02:19 PM 8/29/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>Do you still have it? You can have it tested for lyme disease.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ode Coyote [mailto:odecoy...@windstream.net]
> > Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:52 AM
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Subject: CS>slick tick
> >
> > I just found a tick dug into my leg, looked like it had been
> > there for a "while".
> >   I smothered that little sucker with CS gel and worked him
> > around a little and he just about fell right out.
> >   I reckon his pinchers got so slick he couldn't hold on.
> >
> > Ode
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>slick tick now Tick Removers

2009-08-30 Thread sms
Oooo... I wish that were true for all of us Sandee.  
CS is not the be all and end all in the case with Lyme Disease.
I wish that were true.  Unfortunately, it is not.

---Original Message---
From: Sandee George
Date: 8/30/2009 7:11:06 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>slick tick now Tick Removers
What tick remover do you need when you have Colloidal Silver Gel - Ode
has told you all what happened to him when he used his - ticks have to
breathe just like anything else close off the oxygen and they die,
disintegrate and gone 
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>slick tick now Tick Removers

2009-08-30 Thread sms
If you were to join any number of Lyme groups and ask for a hand-count, I
think, you would more than likely be very surprised.  

---Original Message---
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Date: 8/30/2009 7:20:17 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>slick tick now Tick Removers
but what if they regurgitate their stomach contents in the meanwhile?  I
have a little tool which is like a sewing machine foot.  You just hook it
under the little bug...r and twist and off it comes with everything intact. 
Mind you, here in the UK it seems to be only the dogs that get these mainly
as we don't have a lot of them only in sheep country.  dee

On 30 Aug 2009, at 15:10, Sandee George wrote:

What tick remover do you need when you have Colloidal Silver Gel - Ode has
told you all what happened to him when he used his - ticks have to breathe
just like anything else close off the oxygen and they die, disintegrate and



Re: CS>Truly puzzled

2009-09-12 Thread sms
Have you ever heard of 'whatever sells' in the news industry?
They don't care - as long as it sells news.
They are in the news selling business.

---Original Message---
From: Annie B Smythe
Date: 9/11/2009 5:04:18 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Truly puzzled
Yeah, I get that, but not one major media source is explaining the
difference in their articles or news bytes. They're calling what he was
making CS and lambasting CS as quackery. That is mass deception and
disinfo in my book.
Then I searched for media coverage of the article I posted and didn't
find anything. They have forked tongues and talk out of both sides of
their mouths.
Norton, Steve wrote:
> The Blue Man was using silver nitrate. That was bad enough but he lived
> in a part of South Dakota that had natural selenium in the water The
> combination of the two caused a buildup of silver selenide in his
> tissues that turned him blue. See:
> http://www.jeolusa.com/APPLICATIONS/REALab/TheBlueMan/tabid/503/Default.
> aspx
>  - Steve N
> -Original Message-
> From: Annie B Smythe [mailto:anniebsmy...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:10 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Truly puzzled
> I've read the news articles about the "Blue Man". Then I read articles
> like the one I posted earlier today. And I'm confused about just what
> the behind the scenes pushers of the story think they're accomplishing
> with this two faced scenario. The studies say silver works on the one
> hand and then the mass media vehemently denies it on the other.
> I certainly hope people do their own digging and don't fall for the
> sensation spouting mass media. They've proven time and again how
> inaccurate they can be, and that they're the bought mouth pieces of
> whomever meets their price.
> If it were just one or two stories I would think it was just a space
> filler to make sensational headlines, but this looks like a targeted
> type story released in print and via television for the express purpose
> of confusing and scaring people. Again.
> There aren't any more Walter Conkrites. May he rest in peace.
> Annie
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Alex Jones. . . David Icke. . . . Off-Topic

2009-09-14 Thread sms
But Larry, 
Although I enjoy them both, I also wonder if both Alex Jones and David Icke
are part of the system.  My instinct relays a message that they are fear
mongering as set up by the system, otherwise, why are they still up and
about?  Don't you ever wonder?  Can you provide some rational feedback or a
reality check on that which my mind wonders?

---Original Message---
From: Larry Biggar
Date: 9/13/2009 8:38:36 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>MMS news
Hi Sandy! I enjoyed your rebuke. But i'm wondering, Since they have fumbled.
I wonder what and how far are they willing to go. To bring us back into
line? Another 9/11 type of scare. Or no shot, no food and go directly to a
friendly FEMA center? This government scares me. Is this the same country
for which i served? If you go to abovetopsecret.com, prisonplanet.com or
infowars,com.you will find other simular videos.Regards, Larry

--- On Sun, 9/13/09, Sandy  wrote:

From: Sandy 
Subject: Re: CS>MMS news
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 7:47 PM

Yes, I have done some investigating and is why I offered the link I did...it
s pretty apparent this person has an agenda if you had bothered to do your
own investigating.

Oh and BTW, anyone who will not name sources yet expect people to take their
word without proof not to mention lie, then yes, I'm very inclined to
believe they have an agenda.
Clearly in the Youtube vid the man told out and out lies...when someone does
that when making these kinds of accusations red flags go up...especially for
me anyway.
I have no intention of getting a swine flu vaccine even if mandatory but not
because some man is lying about it. 
--- On Sun, 9/13/09, slickpic...@cox.net  wrote:

From: slickpic...@cox.net 
Subject: Re: CS>MMS news
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 5:01 PM

"IMO, this is nothing more than fear mongering from a group who lost power
and will do anything they can to get it back...fed fear to the masses who
believe them without question."

It appears that you have made up your mind that person holding the meeting
has an "agenda" without doing any "investigating". 



CS>Fw: Integrative Holistic Cancer Treatment. . . . Additional Groups/Practitioners/Clinics/Health Institutes

2009-09-16 Thread sms
Here are additional resources for alternative cancer resources and health.
Yahoo Groups
Practitioners/Clinics/Health Institutes
http://www.Beating-Cancer-Gently.com (Bill Henderson)
vgamm...@adelphia.net; (Vincent Gammill's retreat Ctr. in Del Mar,Ca)
Dr. Munoz
Gerson Institute in San Diego
Savely YurkovskyMD (German New Medicine, NY)
Paracelsus clinic
Hippocrates Institute in Florida

CS>Garlic. . . .Mercury

2009-09-18 Thread sms

---Original Message---
From: Dan Nave
Date: 9/18/2009 10:58:46 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>GARLIC!!!
Not to mention composit dental fillings...  (composite of mercury and
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Norton, Steve 
> There is a lot of mercury in rivers, lakes ground water from old abandoned
> mercury mines in central and southern California. But the greatest source
> mercury contanmination is coal burning power stations.
>  - Steve N
> - Original Message -
> From: Annie B Smythe 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Fri Sep 18 11:45:16 2009
> Subject: Re: CS>GARLIC!!!
> Mercury can come from many different sources. For instance in the area
> where I live the mercury levels in the rivers are high, so even fresh
> water fish can increase body levels of mercury. Mercury has been found
> in rainwater also.
> Lead from water pipes in older homes, and from lead paints that have
> been painted over rather than stripped. Smog from leaded gasoline.
> There are probably other sources that I've left out also.
> Aluminum from canned drinks and the old tin cans without the coating
> inside. Aluminum pots and pans and etc.
> Even good metals can cause problems if your water source is high in
> those. Copper, zinc, magnesium, and etc.
> The way things are today, with all the toxic exposures we have every
> day, you could have been exposed anywhere at any time.
> Annie
> Del wrote:
>> Wow!
>> That really hits home.
>> The very smell of garlic drives me up the wall.
>> If I eat it, I get very ill.
>> I have always assumed I was allergic, although no test revealed this.
>> It's hard for me to believe that this is the result of heavy metal
>> poisoning, but
>> who knows???
>> If you get a dose of a heavy metal as a child, does this stay with you
>> all your life?
>> In sixth grade we had a science cabinet with a stopper bottle of mercury
>> in it.
>> We used to take it out and play with it - even let it roll around in my
>> hand.
>> I have since wondered why I am not dead from that.
>> Someone said very little of it would have penetrated my skin, and it did
>> not emit fumes or have any odor.
>> Can't think of any other possibilities for heavy metal exposure in my
>> history,
>> although I don't remember what kind of cookware my mother used as I was
>> growing up.
>> Del
>> - Original Message - From: "Marshall Dudley"
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 11:08 AM
>> Subject: Re: CS>EU666...US666 ]Leslie]
>>> An interesting thing for me is that for decades I could not eat
>>> anything with much garlic in it. That mean almost no Italian food. I
>>> thought I was sensitive to garlic.  Well a few years ago I took a
>>> round of oral chelation (The brand was Extreme Health ), and felt bad
>>> just like when I would eat Italian food. I called the company and told
>>> them I could not take their product because it contained garlic and
>>> was making me sick. They said that it was a result of the mercury and
>>> lead being broken loose and getting into my blood stream, to drink
>>> plenty of water, and within a few days it would stop. Well it did, and
>>> interestingly enough I have never gotten sick eating Italian food, or
>>> anything with lots of garlic in it since.  Little did I realize for
>>> decades that the problem with garlic was really a problem with heavy
>>> metal poisoning!
>>> Marshall
>>> Melly Bag wrote:
 Parsley has bigger leaves than cilantro.  Also coriander is the seed
 of the cilantro plant. It is the cilantro leaves that detoxes
 mercury.  I know very well if i ingested mercury laced food because
 my ears gets sharp "cricket" sounds for a long time, that i  have
 even learned to ignore it.

>>> --
>>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
>>> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>>> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Do i need a nebuliser?

2009-09-19 Thread sms
Oh my gosh!  Hope that helped, Dee! 
Aren't you glad you asked?

At 02:30 PM 9/18/2009 +0100, you wrote:
You're going to have to translate Ode!  dee
---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 9/19/2009 4:38:43 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Do i need a nebuliser?
   Doobie = joint, spliff, mary jane, what's sold at a Netherlands cough-ee
shop and to Californians suffering from the dread medical conditions
"LackOPot" and "Iwantsomeweed"
Bud= the flowering tops of the female named Margy Wanna. [With her sort
term mamory gone? ]
Budwiser = the King of Redneck NASCAR race fans beer  [Wheel hops? ]  Kasey
Khanes #9..so you're gonna have an over rev-olution?  Gentlemen, stop your
engines!  Take a Green Flag Pit Stop, Mr Whizz.
Bud Wiser = It's smarter to smoke weed and drive  than drink beer and
drive, not that either is all that smart, but hitting things at 2 miles per
hour while being distracted by every pebble in the road  beats the car up
less than at 80 MPH with no attention paid to be distracted from. [WAY too
conscious vs almost un conscious ? ]
Speeding down Pit Road?  "Pass through Penalty" That's another Green Flag
Pit Stop, Mr Whizz. [Ya ain't gonna win the human race thata way]
shedding cylindrical Aluminum objects = litter for the poor, currently at
40 cents a pound to someone that can get off a couch and wants some money.
[Walking Welfare for Winos, trade in cans for another bottle]
...discarding empty "Can O Whip Ass"..We drank the beer and tossed out the
can so no one would be the wiser, Bud...or so we thought we could think
after drinking all that beer.
IC Chip  = integrated circuit chip, digital logic stuff where it takes a
scientist to add up one and zero so anyone can send an e-mail.
reverse pressure = make things go in where they usually go out..not pissed
off, or pissed on, but pissed IN using CS rather than urine [or myan
]Cathy Ter has a squeeze bladder full of silver water and she is about
to take an un-leak.
Urine replacement therapy, out it comes, something else back in via the
same path.
...best done in privates.
No, you don't need a nebulizer, you can use a mystifier..pretty much the
same results.
Ode DeCodee  [I guess it's plain that somebody else should ex-plain ]
...the guy that named his little wild pet mouse, Enor and fed it peas to
fatten up the cat.

CS>"Ode's Road"

2009-09-19 Thread sms
Ode - I hope you are keeping your posts in a safe place.
Or, I hope someone on this list is.
The collection is a work of Art and worthy of a great Publisher.

"Ode's Road"


---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 9/19/2009 4:38:47 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2009 #553
   I'll question the idea that you can get grape juice to replace cell
fluids or become concentrated in the blood to any degree and remain alive.
  But then, death works just as well as grape juice to kill cancer.

CS>OT - Snails and moles - OT

2009-10-01 Thread sms
The easiest way for a non-toxic way to get rid of snails without having to
resort to killing them is:
Pick them all up in the early morning hours when they come out, and take
them to the nearest park with ducks or geese, or to a neighborhood pond,
lake etc.  I spent about a week (total of about an hour) in the early
morning picking them up and doing this, and I have never found another snail
on my lawn again.  Call it weird or just plain silly, I know.  But it worked
  If this has to be repeated, I don't find it a problem.  

Regarding moles, I haven't tried this, but have read about it on a few lists

Saturate cotton balls with peppermint oil, and place them around the holes.
Rodents don't like the smell and will disappear.

At 06:22 AM 9/30/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if they have any non-toxic ways of getting rid of both
>of these garden pests! My girl friend has cats they like to lay any where,
>and every where. And I don't like the idea of poison in my food from
>residues that might up-take into, or get on our veggies. Thanks for any
>idea's that might help with these two problems we are dealing with!

CS>Silver list at Eskimo

2009-10-05 Thread sms
No need to worry.  The silverlist is not about to become extinct.  What I
think happened is . . . .   

Eskimo just changed their home page or changed various properties which
affected how we get to the silverlist (probably temporarily, but I don't
know).   So now (in the interim) you have to find the silverlist using a
different method.  

Here is what to do.  Google silverlist.  Click on any one of the first links
that show up.  It will take you to eskimo.com.

Then on the eskimo.com home page scroll to the middle of the page and find
the google box and you will see that google.com is selected.  Change that
and click on eskimo.com which is right next to google.com.  Then type
silverlist in the dialog box.  What you will then see is the same usual
silverlist home page description that we are all accustomed to and where you
can subscribe or unsubscribe.

The Silverlist is still there/here - we are safe.  I think. . . . . 


---Original Message---
From: Day Sutton
Date: 10/5/2009 8:36:42 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Silver list at Eskimo
sounds like the "Silver-List" is about to become extinct.  Sure has been good.  
I have enjoyed it for many years now

Re: CS>THE COLORFUL--ionizing water

2009-10-06 Thread sms
Hi Garnet,
And what do use to add minerals back into your water?
I'm about to purchase a distiller and well as a Berky.

---Original Message---
From: Garnet
Date: 10/6/2009 7:57:10 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>THE COLORFUL--ionizing water
You are making distilled water into water with silver ions
in it. This is not the same as the "ionized" water that
people talk about. There are many types of ions,
silver is just one of them.
But for purposes related to medical benefits of silver
you do not want other ions in your EIS, just the silver.
Buy a water distiller from www. wholesalewaterdistillers
.com - remove spaces. They are about $130 for a one
gallon unit. I have had mine for 6 years and I make all
of my drinking water with it as I am on city water.

CS>Colorful History of Colloidal Silver & Other Silver

2009-10-06 Thread sms
H!  Sorry, just changed the subject so it reads w/o all Caps!
Change it back if you want to.

Re: CS>Nebulizers -- again

2009-10-08 Thread sms
Hi MaryAnn,
I just purchased an Omron MicroAir Model NE-U22V nebulizer.
I love this nebulizer and couldn't be happier. This is a fabulous hand held
nebulizer that produces a fine aerosol mist and operates on two batteries
and only weighs 6oz.  You can take it with you anywhere you go.  Below is
the link from the seller I purchased mine from on eBay. 


---Original Message---
From: MaryAnn Helland
Date: 10/8/2009 4:08:38 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Nebulizers -- again
With the advent of the flu season here (and I'm another one who avoids flu
shots), I decided that it would be prudent to have a nebulizer on hand.  So
I'm finally going to go ahead and buy one -- and of course can't remember
the *best* one to get (CRS disease actively ongoing here).
So, dear list members, which one should I get?  Thanks.  MA


CS>Nebulizers -- again

2009-10-08 Thread sms
Same one I got Dianne.  And, I too, just love it.

---Original Message---
From: Dianne France
Date: 10/8/2009 8:50:28 AM
To: silver-list
Subject: RE: CS>Nebulizers -- again
We just bought one recently and absolutely love it.  We bought the following
thru ebay.  It was the best price I could find for this model.  It's small,
ultrasonic and works off batteries.  

Item# 300342998400$169.95 USD1$169.95 USD
Shipping and handling$7.95 USD
Insurance - included
Total$177.90 USD
Payment$177.90 USD
Payment sent to kingof...@yahoo.com

CS>Bone Spur - Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

2009-10-08 Thread sms
OR, - 
Add a teaspoon of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar to a mug of boiling water and
stir in a teaspoon or two of clover honey.  Yummo!  

---Original Message---
From: zoe w
Date: 10/7/2009 3:45:06 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur
Well of course if ya drink it straight.  LOLTry putting it in a glass of
juice  it turns grape juice  sort of like winey  flavor.Once you reap
the benefits  you won't mind the taste a bit.But  yes   Dilute the stuff


MaryAnn Helland wrote: 
Seriously?  What did it taste like?  I mean -- I tried tasting Apple Cider
Vinegar once -- it was AWFUL!  MA

From: zoe w 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 5:35:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur

LOL,  I drank it.   8-) 

MaryAnn Helland wrote: 
Ummm Zoe?  After you put the cayenne pepper in the Bragg's Raw Apple Cider
vinegar -- what exactly did you do with this stuff?  MA


CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin

2009-10-10 Thread sms
That was inappropriate, rude, and totally unnecessary?  If you have such a
hard time figuring out what she is saying, move on, delete rather than post
an insult.  What's the matter with you?  Who do you think you are?

From: Dave Darrin
Date: 10/10/09 07:07:19
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur
-  I would very much like to read your postings but I have a hard time
figuring out what you are saying.
 Would it be to much inconvenience for you to read your postings before
sending? I always proof read mine and correct the content.
 What is:
anthing thyrod
na opponion
also bloodwork needs a space in it, and that is all in one short message.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Fuzzmom  wrote:

Walking and standing mae it worse oterwise the smptoms seem to be similar to 
the p.f. Also right between heel and arch along the side is a large swollen 
area of tissue..always painful. Never had anthing thyrod related come back from 
the doctors..I wish I would so I could get something to take and feel beter I 
have suspected both thyroid and circulation for the better part of 2 years but 
jst yesterday abain the doctor said it wasn't yet couldn't offer na oppinion. 
More bloodwork coming. 

CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin

2009-10-10 Thread sms
From: Fuzzmom
Date: 10/10/2009 7:32:24 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin
I am visually impaired and i also have an old comp. with keys that stick. i am 
here for informationNot to criticize. I am sorry if posts are hard to read. And 
if this is how members feel I can unsub. 

CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin

2009-10-10 Thread sms
Oops!  This came to me Donna, instead of the list.  
I'm forwarding it on to the list.
From: Donna
Date: 10/10/2009 9:36:15 AM
To: sms
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin
No don't go!  I was totally blind for a number of months but did regain
my sight and do have some damage to my eye sight.  So I would hope
people can have more compassion and caring and above all patience.
Caring for a handicapped daughter for 24yrs. I have alot of patience and
she taught me so much.
Donna ACS
> /*From:*/ Fuzzmom <mailto:fuzzm...@frontier.com>
> /*Date:*/ 10/10/2009 7:32:24 AM
> /*Subject:*/ Re: CS>Bone Spur . . . Rude Post by Dave Darrin
> I am visually impaired and i also have an old comp. with keys that
> stick. i am here for informationNot to criticize. I am sorry if posts
> are hard to read. And if this is how members feel I can unsub.

Re: CS>Bone Spur

2009-10-10 Thread sms
So glad to see you have not unsubbed.
P.S. Alan - Thank you for posting that.
From: Fuzzmom
Date: 10/10/2009 11:22:24 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur
Very interesting the mind sort of translates for you. cool.
From: "Alan Jones" 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur
 (My daughter recently forwarded this to me...)
 fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
 Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
 i cdnuolt20blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr
the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit
and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses
and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you
can raed tihs forwrad it

CS>4yr old with MRSA

2009-10-10 Thread sms
Are you still on line?
I will forward to you what docs I have on MRSA so that you can have them and
print them out.
Hopefully, others may be able to help as well if they are on line at this
time of night.
I'm so sorry for your four year old nephew and the family.
I will send what I have to you now.
From: Lin
Date: 10/10/09 20:46:33
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>4yr old with MRSA
Group I need as much help as I can get here ASAP.  My 4 year old nephew
has just landed in a hospital in Spokane, Washington , diagnosed with MRSA.
I'm 600 miles away across the State.
His Mom and family are not familar with colloidal silver.  Does anyone have
anything they can offer as far as advise?  Would taking oral CS be what he
might need, or is topical with a lttle DMSO enough?
Thanks for any advise you can offer.  We're frantic right now.
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>frozen shoulder

2009-10-20 Thread sms
Oh, good suggestion Orrilia!

Here is the Bowen Practitioner Therapist list.  
That is how I found my more than excellent practitioner.

From: jr orrilia
Date: 10/20/2009 7:25:23 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>frozen shoulder
Does anyone in your area do Bowen Therapy?  This type of therapy has helped
me a great deal in dealing with shoulder pain.  It is a very healing therapy

From: kath 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, October 20, 2009 8:39:05 AM
Subject: CS>frozen shoulder

Hi, just wondering if anyone has ideas for treatment of frozen shoulder.  My
husband has both shoulders affected, one is finally getting better after
three years of pain and immobility, and the other one is now really limited
and painful.  The doctors say just give it time, and that it is the result
of poor circulation to the area.  He tried physical therapy and acupuncture
with limited results, but hit a plateau very quickly with both.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

CS>CS and thyroid

2009-10-20 Thread sms
You might consider joining the Iodine List.
3257 members
The purpose and function of the list is to discuss Iodine and Thyroid Health

 CS and thyroid
[Lisa] Has anybody had any experience (or luck) in normalizing thyroid
function with CS?  Or even a combination of CS, MMS, DMSO or anything else?
I’ve been having issues (originally diagnosed at hypo…now possibly hyper).
I’ve got an appt with an endocrinologist at the end of the month: however, I
certainly would like to self-treat and use the dr. for tests/results and
possibly a diagnosis.

CS>OT OT Computer Stuff OT OT

2009-10-20 Thread sms
Does anyone know how to Export YEARS of Incredimail folders and files
containing thousands of documents to another mail client?
I need some techy help.  I investigated much online and it's a whole
different language to which my brain is not wired.  So if any of you techys
out there in Silverlistlandia know how to do this can you kindly e-mail me
Thank you very much.

CS>Question on thyroid (autoimmunity)

2009-11-02 Thread sms
My suggestion for you is to join the Iodine Group. 
Thyroid function, illness, disease, along with remedies are the main topic
of the group. I think you might find lots of good information and people
with common interest regarding thyroid health. 
---Original Message---
From: Lisa
Date: 11/2/2009 7:08:05 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com;  miracle_mineral_supplem...@yahoogroups.com; 
hormonesandhealth-natura...@yahoogroups.com;  herbal_remed...@yahoogroups
com;  alternativeansw...@yahoogroups.com; 
Subject: CS>Question on thyroid (autoimmunity)
Hi All,
I just received word from my endocrinologist this morning that I have
antibodies in my blood that’s attacking my thyroid. He stated: autoimmune
thyroid disease. At this point in time we’re not sure whether I have Graves
disease or Hashimoto’s because my numbers (T3, T4 etc.) have been up and
down within the last several months (and several blood tests). We’re waiting
for 6-7 weeks to go by to test again with my not taking any supplements
(including Lugol’s and kelp which he believes may be the culprit as far as
going back and forth).
Needless to say, I’m concerned as the last thing I’ll do is have my thyroid
removed – but he also mentioned that my body just might do it on its own
anyway. So, has anybody had any experience in this at all?
Currently I’m on an MMS1 protocol of 15 drops – 2x a day (I felt that my
body needed cleansing as I’m quite sure I’ve had rampant Candida). I also
have been taking some oregano oil and EIS for a sore throat which is just
about gone now. I do take EIS everyday ( an ounce or two “just because”).
Has anybody had any positive results with using MMS1 and “fixing” their
thyroid autoimmunity problem?!!??!?! Should I add MMS2??!?!?!
Please, I’d like very much if anybody can tell me if there’s a way that I
can get my thyroid to function properly and get rid of these antibodies. The
Dr. said that IF it were to happen it would take months (and the tests are
extremely expensive and insurance will cover the 1st one but may raise
questions down the road) to see any difference. I’m a member of the Iodine
group and also the Stop the Thyroid Madness which really focuses on
hypothyroid (and at this point I’m hyperthyroid).
ANY feedback would be greatly appreciated as I’m quite concerned!
Thank you!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Rennies and Tri-salts . . . Alka Seltzer Gold (ASG)

2009-12-13 Thread sms
Rowena - 
Thank you for an excellent article on Rennies and Tri-Salts.
It is a real Keeper.

Happen to have a box of ASG right here.
Which ingredient is it that you wouldn't accept?

The box reads as follows in terms of ingredients -

Ingredients of Alka Seltzer Gold

Active ingredients:
Anhydrous citric acid 1000 mg
Potassium bicarbonate 344 mg
Sodium bicarbonate (heat treated) 1050 mg

Each tablet contains:  potassium 135 mg
Each tablet contains:  sodium 309 mg

Inactive ingredients:
magnesium sterate
From: Rowena
Date: 12/13/09 07:41:16
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines Rennies and Tri-salts
The experiment with the ACV and honey didn't change anything, but the
subsequent bicarbonate of soda alone appeared to arrest progress of the
migraine - it didn't get better, but it didn't get worse.
I think now I have the Trisalts formula again I shall try to track some
down.  Also look for a source of Rennies.
By the way, while I was searching I came across (but didn't keep) a
reference to Alka Seltzer Gold, which had an ingredient that I wouldn't
be willing to accept.  Forget what it was.

CS>Prolotherapy Question

2009-12-29 Thread sms
Has anyone heard of Prolozone Therapy (not Prolotherapy)?

I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about this type of therapy.
Has anyone had it done or have some experience with it for the elimination
of joint pain or used it in lieu of Joint Replacement Surgery?



Re: CS>Do one of you guys have the link to:

2010-01-03 Thread sms
Here you go. 

---Original Message--- 
From: Annie B Smythe 
Date: 01/02/10 16:40:37 
To: CS ListSubject: CS>Do one of you guys have the link to: 
The low dose naltrexone group? 
Thank you:) 
If we could sell our experiences for what they 
cost us, we'd all be millionaires. 
Abigail Van Buren 

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CS>Sodium Bicarbonate for Curing Cancer Dr. Tullio Simoncini training

2007-06-24 Thread sms
I don't know if anyone is interested in this, but I thought I would pass it
along. Sounds very interesting. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Claudia 
Date: 6/24/2007 12:37:38 PM 
To: MagnesiumProfessionals; MagnesiumForLife 
Cc: MCS-Canada 
Subject: [MagnesiumForLife] IMVA - Cancer 
The IMVA cancer protocol is now online at: 
This addresses many of the basics necessary for cancer prevention and cure,
and highlights the work of Dr. Tullio Simoncini and his success with Sodium
Bicarbonate for curing cancers of all types. It also addresses the need for
detoxification and chelation of heavy metals, as their role in cancer is
significant. Of course magnesium is one of the basic necessities for healing
and prevention, along with other essential nutrients such as iodine,
selenium and ALA. 
As more data is accumulated updates will be provided to the IMVA mailing
list, which anyone can join, and its free. 
Dr. Tullio Simoncini will be coming to the US in July to train physicians in
his Sodium Bicarbonate protocol, and I have been invited to attend on behalf
of the IMVA. I plan on going, if arrangements can be made in time and I am
very excited to be welcomed by Dr. Simoncini. Hopefully his treatment
protocol will be available to many more in the US and other countries very
Claudia French RN, LPHA 
Assistant Director, IMVA 

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CS>( Idiot Programmers ) Silver-list Spat Subject

2007-06-26 Thread sms
Oh goody!  Another Silver-list spat!  Well, we haven't heard recently from
the conspicuously missing Mike.  So. . . . maybe this will bring him out
into the open.  Yippee~!  I miss him!!!
---Original Message--- 
From: Kirsteen Wright 
Date: 6/26/2007 6:38:51 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS> ( Idiot Programmers ) 
On 6/26/07, CWFugitt  wrote: 
Very unfortunate. 
I don't think you know the meaning of "IF" 
Oh I know the meaning of IF. Please don't continue to insult me. IF Gmail
allowed me to change it or IF it did not allow me to change it, I still have
absolutely no wish to change a program that suits me in so many ways. 
"Wise people change their mind, Fools never do". 
I change my mind whenever I'm presented with concrete evidence that
contradicts my present way of thinking. I'll consider changing my mind when
I'm presented with views that make sense by people I respect. I would never
consider changing my mind because you said I should. 

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CS>The Poor Colon

2007-06-26 Thread sms
Another EXCELLENT herbal remedy is one called Triphala Internal Cleanser. It
is an Ayurvedic Compound (1000 MG).  I learned about Triphala from a very
knowledgeable woman in my Lyme Group, and ever since I started taking it,
miracles began to happen in my intestines.  Now I wouldn't be without it,
because it truly is one of those herbs that works wonders. By the way,
Michael Tierra is highly regarded in the healing community.  
"Triphala provided protection gainst both gastrointestinal and hemopoetic
Triphala, according to Dr Michael Tierra, a practicing herbalist and 
author of The Wonders of Triphala: Ayurvedic Formula for Internal 
Purification, is "one of the safest and most strengthening of the 
cleansing herb formulas; it gently promotes internal detoxification 
of all conditions of stagnation and excess while improving digestion 
and assimilation." 
He adds: "It has been shown to be an effective blood purifier that 
stimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver. Triphala 
benefits circulation, improves digestion and regulates elimination 
without causing any laxative dependency. Triphala is also taken for 
all eye disorders including the treatment of conjunctivitis, 
progressive myopia, early stages of glaucoma and cataracts. Triphala 
can be highly effective in removing stagnation of both the liver and 
intestines and is one of the greatest and most popular rejuvenators 
in ayurvedic medicine; it helps to aid the body's natural 
detoxification and elimination processes without weakening systems or 
becoming habit forming." 
No wonder, observes Dr. Tierra, in India there is a saying comparing 
the importance of triphala to that of a mother. In `A Botanical 
Approach to the Treatment of Cancer' Tierra claims that Triphala is a 
herbal formula to maintain balanced elimination and detoxification. 
He notes that Triphala "is widely regarded as a purgative and 
laxative but in fact it is considered a rasayana and rejuvenator. Its 
special value, therefore, is both as a regulator of elimination as 
well as rejuvenator of the whole body." 
What is Triphala 
Triphala is a combination of the dried fruits of Terminalia chebula, 
Terminalia belerica, and Emblica officinalis in equal proportions. 
These are popularly known in India as harad, behada and amla. Harada 
and behada have a warm energy, while amla is cool. Triphala, being a 
combination of all three, is therefore balanced, making it useful as 
an internal cleansing, detoxifying formula for everyone including 
more sensitive type individuals and vegetarians. 
This formula and its individual ingredients are highly valued in 
Ayurveda, being compared to a "good manager of the house," aiding 
digestion, nutrient absorption and body metabolism. 
According to Ayurvedic practitioners, daily use of triphala promotes 
normal appetite, good digestion, the increase of red blood cells and 
hemoglobin, and removal of undesirable fat. Triphala is very 
beneficial for creating a favorable chemical environment for the 
proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria and an unfavorable 
environment for non-beneficial intestinal bacteria. Of primary 
importance is the use of triphala as a bowel regulator. It is 
considered as safe as food and is not habit forming, even when taken 
on a daily basis. Since triphala is a tonic, cleanser and blood 
purifier, there is still one other important use for it and that is 
as a strengthener of the eyes, useful for cataracts, conjunctivitis 
and glaucoma. Triphala can be used as daily eyewash to strengthen 
vision, counteract many eye defects and eliminate redness and 
Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine claim that Triphala 
will also eliminate what is called deficient heat in Chinese 
medicine. This is a feeling of heat and burning on the chest, legs, 
palms and/or soles of the feet, all representing a B-vitamin 
deficiency in Western medicine. Triphala taken regularly will promote 
absorption and utilization of the B vitamins and will completely 
relieve the symptoms of deficient heat.  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>( Idiot Programmers ) Silver-list Spat Subject

2007-06-26 Thread sms
I think so too, Kirsteen, big time!  :-))   And, I'll betcha - so does Wayne
 Don't you Wayne?  Wayne?  Where are you?  Calling Wwwaaayyynnee!?!?!?!? 
Get out of that Tomato Patch, and check in.
---Original Message--- 
From: Kirsteen Wright 
Date: 6/26/2007 8:49:23 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>( Idiot Programmers ) Silver-list Spat Subject 
On 6/26/07, sms  wrote: 
Oh goody! Another Silver-list spat! 
LOL Good to know I'm useful for something  
I do note with interest that old women in my books become young women on the
covers... this is discrimination against the chronologically gifted. 
-- (Terry Pratchett) 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>The Poor Colon

2007-06-26 Thread sms
I forgot to add one thing. Triphala is an anti-oxidant. So, if you should
decide to try Triphala, do not take it with oxidants; i.e., homozon,
ozonated water, etc. Oxidants and anti-oxidants should be taken separate
from one another. 
Another EXCELLENT herbal remedy is one called Triphala Internal Cleanser. It

is an Ayurvedic Compound (1000 MG). I learned about Triphala from a very 
knowledgeable woman in my Lyme Group, and ever since I started taking it, 
miracles began to happen in my intestines. Now I wouldn't be without it, 
because it truly is one of those herbs that works wonders. By the way, 
Michael Tierra is highly regarded in the healing community. 

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Food Combining

2007-06-26 Thread sms
There is a little pamphlet book entitled, "Food Combining Made Easy."  It
was written by the famous Herbert M. Shelton, author of probably more than a
dozen little books on Health, Healing, Natural Hygiene, Fasting, Superior
Nutrition, etc.. Charles is absolutely correct, and corroborates what H.
Shelton describes.  Great little book.  I highly recommend it for anyone
interested in proper food combining for healthy returns.
---Original Message--- 
From: CWFugitt 
Morning Charles, 
Thanks for the tips and ideas on proper food combining. 
>You should not mix them with any cooked foods, *especially* meat or
>Also - melons - the rule is 'eat them alone or LEAVE them alone'. 
Most people don't understand this very well, me included. 
And of course they don't practice anything along these lines. 
Any more information or rules, outlines you can provide would be appreciated
I often wonder about eating a salad before meals or with a meal. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Food Combining Made Easy

2007-06-26 Thread sms
There is a little pamphlet book entitled, "Food Combining Made Easy."  It
was written by the famous Herbert M. Shelton, author of probably more than a
dozen little books on Health, Healing, Natural Hygiene, Fasting, Superior
Nutrition, etc.. Charles is absolutely correct, and corroborates what H.
Shelton describes.  Great little book.  I highly recommend it for anyone
interested in proper food combining for healthy returns.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>OT - Apple Cider Vinegar Tea - OT

2007-06-26 Thread sms
I agree with you 100%, Charles.  I have known about Bragg's pure Apple Cider
Vinegar (ACV) for 25 years or more.  I used to use it for just about
everything internal and, as well, external - hair, skin, baths, kidney
stones,  digestion, indigestion  . . . . you name it.  Patricia Bragg still
publishes her father's Paul Braggs little booklet on Braggs Apple Cider
Vinegar with its hundreds of uses fully described.  You can pick both up at
your health food store, ACV and the booklet. 
One of my all time favorite things to do with ACV is make Tea.  One or two
teaspoons of ACV in 8-10 oz. of boiled pure water, with a teaspoon of good
honey.  YUM!  Especially after dinner, or for a treat during the day.
---Original Message--- 
From: Charles Marcus 
Would you describe this as 'heartburn', or 'indigestion'? If so, one 
very simple thing that will usually solve this kind of problem is, 
believe it or not, raw apple cider vinegar - say, a teaspoon or so in an 
8 oz glass of water. 
Most people don't know that heartburn is not a problem of too *much* 
acid, it is a problem of not *enough* - demonstrated by the fact that 
adding raw apple cider vinegar will cure the problem (it is good for 
many other things as well). 
Just be sure it is raw and organic (I like Braggs)... 
All my best to you... 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>The Poor Colon and Pro-Biotics

2007-06-26 Thread sms
I can't remember if anyone suggested regular use of Pro-Biotics.  If you
would like to know how to make your own kefir using kefir grains and organic
whole milk, let me know.  
From: ruth strackbein 
Hi, Charles, The burning pain that is very much stronger recently in the 
ileo area and the upper ribcage right center area, the kinks in my bowel 
that show up in the recent X-rays, and past experiences with my digestive 
track contribute to my fear. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver-list Spat Subject

2007-06-26 Thread sms
No problem, Wayne.  Forget it, and enjoy your catelopes.  They sound
scrumptous and mouth-watering good.  That's more important.
All meaning got lost in the swirl of posts this morning.  It was probably 
just a note to myself' anyhow.  I got caught in the excitement and welling
up of the banter back-and-forth between you and Kirsteen.
---Original Message--- 
From: CWFugitt 
Date: 6/26/2007 10:54:29 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Silver-list Spat Subject 
Morning Sasha, 
>> At 11:02 AM 6/26/2007, you wrote: 
>I think so too, Kirsteen, big time! :-)) And, I'll betcha - so does Wayne 
> Don't you Wayne? Wayne? 
Heck, I don't even know what you are referencing. 
> Where are you? Calling Wwwaaayyynnee!?!?!?!? 
>Get out of that Tomato Patch, and check in. 
The tomatoes have no work to do other than picking. 
I have been picking and patrolling the cantaloupes. 
I have in excess of 300 starting to get ripe. 
The big problem is deciding on who to give them to. 
I have two kinds of Honeydew and 5 other varieties. 
They all have identifying markers but I can tell most apart by looking at
Please tell me what you think I agree upon.  
Maybe you mean, Changing the Subject line. It appears you changed it. 
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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 
List maintainer: Mike Devour  

RE: CS>The Poor Colon and Pro-Biotics

2007-06-26 Thread sms
Hi Ruth,
I can empathize with what you are going through Ruth.  It must be horrible
and this colon problem must be wreaking havoc in your life.  Look at it this
way, surgery is always an option for you if that is what you ultimately
decide.  But, also think about it this way.  There is a reason you are on
this list and seeking advice.  That is a wise thing to do.  There is a
wealth of knowledge and probably hundreds of years of combined personal and
professional experience that you are receiving from our family of list
members.  Why not try some of the wonderful and excellent advice everyone is
sharing?  Trust that your body awareness knows what is right for you.  You
have got nothing to lose by doing that.  Personally, I agree with everyone
and would only do the surgery if it were a matter of life and death - but,
for no other reason other than that.  They have two ways of dealing with
illness - drugs or surgery.  That is what they have been trained to do.  But
there is a world of difference when you go to the alternative side of
medicine and health practices.  They look for everything natural to heal you
   May I ask - have you seen any doctors or practitioners outside of the
allopathic medical field such as alternative/holistic, energy medicine, or
ayurvedic master practitioners?  This might be a good balance and then with
professional assistance they can help you choose what is right for you.  If
you let us know where you reside, then we can avail you of those alternative
practitioners in your area that might be able to help you.  Let's try Ruth. 
So where are you?
From: ruth strackbein 
Hi , Sasha, I have used probiotics in the recent past. Lately have been 
involved with this routine the surgeon gave me to see if we can get my bowel

to work properly without the surgery. I have very little confidence in his 
scheme, but if surgery becomes necessary he will probably be the one to do 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fine Silver Wire .9999 silver

2008-12-08 Thread sms
Scuse me. . . but can you use 10 gauge fine silver wire that is round vs.
S -Max 
---Original Message--- 
From: Arnold Beland 
Date: 12/7/2008 3:34:35 PM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>(LL) Silver thanks---& yes--- a ?? 
Hi Lois, 
Just a little heads up on this. Looking at the CC silver website, the only
silver wire that they have in 10 gauge is sterling silver which is only 925
and not suitable for making colloidal silver. To my knowledge, the only
source of 10 gauge  silver wire is atlasnova.com. It also comes with a
certificate of analysis which shows it to be 7. 
Best regards, 

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