Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-09 Thread Ode Coyote

 I specified miracle water as a home surface cleaner like Chlorox and Lye.
You appear to be mixing your definitions according to other peoples claims 
and names.

Both acid and alkaline water are unstable. [Acids and bases are by 
definition unstable ]
 Many things can neutralize them, other than each other, if they are not 
kept isolated from many things. [not :just: each other ]
For instance. carbon dioxide in the air can form carbonic acid in the water 
which will neutralize alkaline water.


At 09:15 AM 4/8/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Ode.  I guess, what we have here, is a failure to communicate.  ;-)

I know they will not cancel each other out.  What I meant by going back to 
neutral was that you had said the h3o and acid/alkaline water would stay 
that way forever, as they are simply water.

But then as Sharlene stated, according to the Kangen company, the water 
holds the acid or alkaline rate for a few days.  Apparently they go back 
to normal ph (around 7 or whatever the base of the water was that was 
used?) after a while.

So I did not mean that the acid/alkaline would cancel each other, but that 
they would revert back to 7ph whether that was acid or alkaline after a 
few days.

And again--does adding salt (and how much) to the water in a home made 
ionizer make h3o, or just regular acid/alkaline water as per 
Kangen.  They do not call their acid water h3o.  Is the acid water 
actually h3o, miracle water, or simply acid water?  Is there even a 
difference in these 3 waters?

I'm still confused about the difference in the waters coming out of the 
home made ionizers.  Perhaps they are all the same water--just being 
called H3O by one company, miracle water by another, and acid water by 


---Original Message---

Electrolysis produces both [+] and [-] ionic products in equal
proportions. +1 [+] -1 = zero
  No matter what you are making, if they are kept apart,[by whatever means]
they won't neutralize each other.

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Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-09 Thread Gaiacita
Ok, thanks anyway Ode.  I appreciate you taking time with my questions.


---Original Message---
 Both acid and alkaline water are unstable. [Acids and bases are by
definition unstable ]

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Renee,

I think they are refering to the use of a calcium Salt or maybe some 
other kind of chemical salt like bicarbonate of soda or some such. 
common table salt is sodium chloride, but there are many other salts, 
chemistry speaking.


On 7 Apr 2009 at 21:52, Gaiacita wrote about Re: CSMagic Miracle Water:

 Ok Ode, I think I'm getting a bit closer to understanding the
 difference between these things.
 See if I have this right--if a person were to use TWO separate
 containers (the synthetic chamois in between)  and adding salt, with
 stainless steel plates, we would get H3O.  And this would last as long
 as the H3O listed by alpha omega and do the same things they mention.
 If a person used the same container (like the single jar used in
 making CS) and uses salt and stainless steel plates, they would get
 miracle water.  But this will only be stable for a few hours before
 reverting back to salt water
 If a person uses 2 separate containers with a chamois between), no
 salt, and titanium (or perhaps stainless steel) they would have one
 container of acid water and one of alkaline water, as in Kangen type
 ionizers.  Although apparently there is some salt solution being used
 in the Kangen machines. This acid water is useful for healing skin
 conditions and cleaning, while the alkaline water is for internal use,
 as per many Japanese hospital testimonials.  This water, too, reverts
 in a few hours?
 Did I get these right?  Or am I still missing something?  If this is
 right, do you have any idea how much salt would be used per amount of
 water to achieve H3O?  
 I'm just trying to sort out these different types of water and their
 uses, and if each can be made at home.  Without anything more than ph
 strips to determine what the waters consist of, I can only go by what
 I am learning here, and trust that the waters will turn out as easily
 and consistently as CS.  :-)Thanks, Ode, for taking the time to
 explain things.
 ---Original Message---
   If your H3O [ acid water, the counterpart to OH rich alkaline
   water ]
 Is made pure in separate containers with nothing to neutralize it,
 there's no reason it wouldn't last as long as anyone elses.
   These are pure water products.

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Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-08 Thread Ode Coyote

Electrolysis produces both [+] and [-] ionic products in equal 
proportions. +1 [+] -1 = zero
 No matter what you are making, if they are kept apart,[by whatever means] 
they won't neutralize each other.

In some cases, environmental elements may transform something into 
something else.
 For instance, sunlight can transform one Chlorine product into another 
which can then evaporate.


At 09:52 PM 4/7/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Ok Ode, I think I'm getting a bit closer to understanding the difference 
between these things.

See if I have this right--if a person were to use TWO separate containers 
(the synthetic chamois in between)  and adding salt, with stainless steel 
plates, we would get H3O.  And this would last as long as the H3O listed 
by alpha omega and do the same things they mention.

If a person used the same container (like the single jar used in making 
CS) and uses salt and stainless steel plates, they would get miracle 
water.  But this will only be stable for a few hours before reverting back 
to salt water.

If a person uses 2 separate containers with a chamois between), no salt, 
and titanium (or perhaps stainless steel) they would have one container of 
acid water and one of alkaline water, as in Kangen type 
ionizers.  Although apparently there is some salt solution being used in 
the Kangen machines.  This acid water is useful for healing skin 
conditions and cleaning, while the alkaline water is for internal use, as 
per many Japanese hospital testimonials.  This water, too, reverts in a 
few hours?

Did I get these right?  Or am I still missing something?  If this is 
right, do you have any idea how much salt would be used per amount of 
water to achieve H3O?

I'm just trying to sort out these different types of water and their uses, 
and if each can be made at home.  Without anything more than ph strips to 
determine what the waters consist of, I can only go by what I am learning 
here, and trust that the waters will turn out as easily and consistently 
as CS.  :-)Thanks, Ode, for taking the time to explain things.


---Original Message---
  If your H3O [ acid water, the counterpart to OH rich alkaline water ]
Is made pure in separate containers with nothing to neutralize it, there's
no reason it wouldn't last as long as anyone elses.
  These are pure water products.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-08 Thread Gaiacita
Hi Ode.  I guess, what we have here, is a failure to communicate.  ;-)

I know they will not cancel each other out.  What I meant by going back to
neutral was that you had said the h3o and acid/alkaline water would stay
that way forever, as they are simply water.

But then as Sharlene stated, according to the Kangen company, the water
holds the acid or alkaline rate for a few days.  Apparently they go back to
normal ph (around 7 or whatever the base of the water was that was used?)
after a while.  

So I did not mean that the acid/alkaline would cancel each other, but that
they would revert back to 7ph whether that was acid or alkaline after a few

And again--does adding salt (and how much) to the water in a home made
ionizer make h3o, or just regular acid/alkaline water as per Kangen.  They
do not call their acid water h3o.  Is the acid water actually h3o, miracle
water, or simply acid water?  Is there even a difference in these 3 waters?

I'm still confused about the difference in the waters coming out of the home
made ionizers.  Perhaps they are all the same water--just being called H3O
by one company, miracle water by another, and acid water by another?  


---Original Message---
Electrolysis produces both [+] and [-] ionic products in equal
proportions. +1 [+] -1 = zero
  No matter what you are making, if they are kept apart,[by whatever means]
they won't neutralize each other.

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-07 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
If memory serves me, once sold H30 as hydronium, and 
claimed many valuable uses for it.Regulators did not take kindly to 
those claims, to say the least.

On Sunday, Apr 5, 2009, at 21:26 Asia/Tokyo, Ode Coyote wrote:

Water dissociates into H3O [acid] and OH [base..the Ion in Ionized 

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Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  Not the same thing...different atomic structure.

Heavy water is 
that contains a higher proportion than normal of the, as deuterium oxide, D2O 
or ²H2O, or as deuterium protium oxide, HDO or 
¹H²HO.[1] Its 
physical and chemical properties are somewhat similar to those of, H2O

veddy interestink stuff...


At 10:00 AM 4/6/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Good Morning Renee,

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good 
for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with 
that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes or 
something. Or maybe you mean some other thing-or am I just confused again? 
It is beginning to be a beautiful spring here- the snow has just melted, 
so maybe I have spring fever.

I have really been enjoying the discussions, thanks you all.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-07 Thread Ode Coyote

 If your H3O [ acid water, the counterpart to OH rich alkaline water ] 
is made pure in separate containers with nothing to neutralize it, there's 
no reason it wouldn't last as long as anyone elses.

 These are pure water products.

If theirs is different, it's not just H3O.

 Miracle water  [the house hold cleaner... salt water  products], is 
NaCl [lye] and HClO [ Hypochlorus acid ]  made in the SAME container and 
quickly reverts back to salt water as that container has *everything* in it 
to neutralize itself with.
 If they are made in *separate* containers, they will also be 
stable..except the Chlorine might eventually outgas if not kept tightly 
capped and kept out of sunlight.

If you take our H3O concentrate, with a very acidic measure of under pH 
0.5, and you test it using spectrometry, chromotography, or any other 
analytical chemical measure (other the pH), what do you get? You would 
appear (though erroneously, read to have nothing more than 
an aqueous solution of diluted sulphuric acid 

Why in Hell would a spectrograph find any Sulphur in H3O..unless it isn't 
just H3O?

Bait and Switch  BS meter... DING!!

Note: The patented manufacturing process used to make H3O employs sulphuric 
acid and then uses an extraction process to strip out the sulphur

If the spec' found sulphur, that process doesn't work very well.

 Patents don't mean a danged thing.


At 10:51 AM 4/6/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Hey Kathryn.  No, you didn't miss anything.  We have just mentioned H3O 
without really saying what it's about, except I think Ode says it's the 
miracle water.

But here's the Alpha Omega labs H3O and what it does.

Very interesting stuff.  That's why I was wondering if we could make it 
here, but apparently what we'd make is not stable--won't keep for 
long.  Their's does.

Snow!!!  Here I am complaining because it's been unusually cold here in 
the mornings.  Gets up to 80 during the day, but the mornings have been in 
the 40's.  Yuck!


---Original Message---

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good
for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with
that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes
or something.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-07 Thread Gaiacita
Alpha Omega Labs are marketing it.  They are getting it passed in the Brazil
 I think they are in, and once it is passed there they will then be able to
ship it to the US.  They said they were a few weeks away from getting the ok
from their government.


---Original Message---
If memory serves me, once sold H30 as hydronium, and
claimed many valuable uses for it.Regulators did not take kindly to
those claims, to say the least.

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-07 Thread Gaiacita
Ok Ode, I think I'm getting a bit closer to understanding the difference
between these things.

See if I have this right--if a person were to use TWO separate containers
(the synthetic chamois in between)  and adding salt, with stainless steel
plates, we would get H3O.  And this would last as long as the H3O listed by
alpha omega and do the same things they mention.

If a person used the same container (like the single jar used in making CS)
and uses salt and stainless steel plates, they would get miracle water.  But
this will only be stable for a few hours before reverting back to salt water

If a person uses 2 separate containers with a chamois between), no salt, and
titanium (or perhaps stainless steel) they would have one container of acid
water and one of alkaline water, as in Kangen type ionizers.  Although
apparently there is some salt solution being used in the Kangen machines. 
This acid water is useful for healing skin conditions and cleaning, while
the alkaline water is for internal use, as per many Japanese hospital
testimonials.  This water, too, reverts in a few hours?

Did I get these right?  Or am I still missing something?  If this is right,
do you have any idea how much salt would be used per amount of water to
achieve H3O?  

I'm just trying to sort out these different types of water and their uses,
and if each can be made at home.  Without anything more than ph strips to
determine what the waters consist of, I can only go by what I am learning
here, and trust that the waters will turn out as easily and consistently as
CS.  :-)Thanks, Ode, for taking the time to explain things.


---Original Message---
  If your H3O [ acid water, the counterpart to OH rich alkaline water ]
Is made pure in separate containers with nothing to neutralize it, there's
no reason it wouldn't last as long as anyone elses.
  These are pure water products.

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-07 Thread Sharlene Miyamura

As far as the Kangen water is concerned, the acid water with 2.5 pH and 5.5
pH are used externally only and can last for many days in a dark container
in a cool place, the alkaline water is 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 pH are for internal use
and the 11.5 is for external use and will last over 3-7 days under the same
conditions.  Of course, fresh is best.The acid water and alkaline water
is used in many hospitals in Japan.  The video I saw used acid water for
gangrenous feet soaks.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Gaiacita wrote:

Ok Ode, I think I'm getting a bit closer to understanding the
 difference between these things.

 See if I have this right--if a person were to use TWO separate containers
 (the synthetic chamois in between)  and adding salt, with stainless steel
 plates, we would get H3O.  And this would last as long as the H3O listed by
 alpha omega and do the same things they mention.

 If a person used the same container (like the single jar used in making CS)
 and uses salt and stainless steel plates, they would get miracle water.  But
 this will only be stable for a few hours before reverting back to salt

 If a person uses 2 separate containers with a chamois between), no salt,
 and titanium (or perhaps stainless steel) they would have one container of
 acid water and one of alkaline water, as in Kangen type ionizers.  Although
 apparently there is some salt solution being used in the Kangen machines.
 This acid water is useful for healing skin conditions and cleaning, while
 the alkaline water is for internal use, as per many Japanese hospital
 testimonials.  This water, too, reverts in a few hours?

 Did I get these right?  Or am I still missing something?  If this is right,
 do you have any idea how much salt would be used per amount of water to
 achieve H3O?

 I'm just trying to sort out these different types of water and their uses,
 and if each can be made at home.  Without anything more than ph strips to
 determine what the waters consist of, I can only go by what I am learning
 here, and trust that the waters will turn out as easily and consistently as
 CS.  :-)Thanks, Ode, for taking the time to explain things.


 *---Original Message---*
   If your H3O [ acid water, the counterpart to OH rich alkaline water ]
 Is made pure in separate containers with nothing to neutralize it, there's
 no reason it wouldn't last as long as anyone elses.
   These are pure water products.

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-06 Thread Clayton Family

Good Morning Renee,

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good 
for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with 
that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes 
or something. Or maybe you mean some other thing-or am I just confused 
again? It is beginning to be a beautiful spring here- the snow has just 
melted, so maybe I have spring fever.

I have really been enjoying the discussions, thanks you all.


On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Gaiacita wrote:

Thanks Ode.  I'm kinda clear on this.  :-)  Thing is, there's a lady 
here saying that the Kangen machines DO use a salt solution--so 
perhaps their healthy water is the same as this miracle water.  To 
bad there isn't a way to test it at home, beyond the ph test.

There must be some way to keep H3O stable.  The same company that 
sells the original cansema salve has a new H3O product.  It sounds 
pretty miracle to me and I've been trying to buy some--but they are 
not selling it yet.  Have to get it past their government.  They moved 
to south America because the FDA had shut them down here.  But the 
lady said that as soon as their new country ok's the product they'll 
be able to ship it to the US. 

Apparently their H3O is stable, but maybe this acid water in these 
home ionizers does the same thing, only you'd have to make it and use 
it right away?  Very promising.

Thanks for taking the time for the great explanations.
---Original Message---
##  The process is the same, the substance the process is used on is 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-06 Thread Gaiacita
Hey Kathryn.  No, you didn't miss anything.  We have just mentioned H3O
without really saying what it's about, except I think Ode says it's the 
miracle water.

But here's the Alpha Omega labs H3O and what it does.

Very interesting stuff.  That's why I was wondering if we could make it here
 but apparently what we'd make is not stable--won't keep for long.  Their's

Snow!!!  Here I am complaining because it's been unusually cold here in the
mornings.  Gets up to 80 during the day, but the mornings have been in the
40's.  Yuck!


---Original Message---
H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good
for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with
that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes
or something. 

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-06 Thread Marshall Dudley

Clayton Family wrote:

Good Morning Renee,

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be 
good for- and why they can't sell it here.
H3O is NOT heavy water. Heavy water is D2O. Significant quantities of 
heavy water will kill you, although I have never understood exactly why.

Maybe it has something to do with that it is used in nuclear reactors 
to help absorb the stray isotopes or something. Or maybe you mean some 
other thing-or am I just confused again? It is beginning to be a 
beautiful spring here- the snow has just melted, so maybe I have 
spring fever.

I have really been enjoying the discussions, thanks you all.


On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Gaiacita wrote:

Thanks Ode.  I'm kinda clear on this.  :-)  Thing is, there's a lady 
here saying that the Kangen machines DO use a salt solution--so 
perhaps their healthy water is the same as this miracle water.  To 
bad there isn't a way to test it at home, beyond the ph test.
There must be some way to keep H3O stable.  The same company that 
sells the original cansema salve has a new H3O product.  It sounds 
pretty miracle to me and I've been trying to buy some--but they are 
not selling it yet.  Have to get it past their government.  They 
moved to south America because the FDA had shut them down here.  But 
the lady said that as soon as their new country ok's the product 
they'll be able to ship it to the US. 
Apparently their H3O is stable, but maybe this acid water in these 
home ionizers does the same thing, only you'd have to make it and use 
it right away?  Very promising.
Thanks for taking the time for the great explanations.

---Original Message---
##  The process is the same, the substance the process is used on is way


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-06 Thread Clayton Family

Thanks Marshall for setting me straight.   K.
On Apr 6, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Clayton Family wrote:

Good Morning Renee,

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be 
good for- and why they can't sell it here.
H3O is NOT heavy water. Heavy water is D2O. Significant quantities of 
heavy water will kill you, although I have never understood exactly 


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Re: CSMagic Miracle Water Puppy

2009-04-05 Thread Ode Coyote

  Might be needing some distinctions here.

 Magic Miracle Water = house hold disinfecting cleaner made by a device 
that dissociates salt water into something like Formula 409 and Chlorox 
mixed together...might not want to be drinking that as oral dosing isn't 
very accurate and digestive delays could make a mistake very unpleasant if 
not fatal.

...naturally clean; both inside and out  [a disturbing idea when applied 
to the above.  Out, sure.  In..I dunno 'bout that, sounds risky   ]

Zapper = might make similar substances in the body out of salt in the 
blood and work sort of like chemo, only very real time controllable and 
fast neutralizing with some control over targeting an area. [Unlike 
drinking or injecting similar substances such as .Miracle Mineral 
Supplement [ MMS]  Chlorine Dioxide.. or a doctors chemical cocktail, 
all of which can give you the toxic whoozies, big time, due to no real 
time control and no neutralizing agent always present in equal proportions ]

Or, the difference between a garden hose with a drain nearby and a flash 
flooded river with darned few sandbags around.

Water Ionizer = a device that makes OH [-] rich water aka Alkaline 
Water...which, incidentally, a CS generator does by default as a byproduct 
of making EIS CS as the Anion to the Silver the silver water 
that bitter flavor.


At 08:37 AM 4/4/2009 -0800, you wrote:

In answer to your question - I'm talkin' magic miracle water maker.

Since you have the Silver Puppy, which has gained world-wide primo status 
and 'pupularity', I entered my vote fir and nomination for your miracle 
water maker; The Water Puppy.

I like handy devices and would be the first in line to buy it!  I like 
naturally clean; both inside and out


---Original Message---

From: mailto:odecoy...@windstream.netOde Coyote
Date: 4/4/2009 6:57:06 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

  You talkin magic miracle water or Zapper here?
...mebbe both.

  How much Miracle Water does one actually need, seeing as it has a very
short shelf life.
  A 409 pumper full every few days on call maybe?

  Play time coming up.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-05 Thread Ode Coyote

At 11:30 AM 4/4/2009 -0500, you wrote:
So Ode, I'm still not understanding the difference between the miracle 
water and ionized (acid/alkaline) water.  Both seem to be made by a single 
device with 2 electrodes, each going into a separate container, with some 
sort of gateway between them.

##  The process is the same, the substance the process is used on is way 

Water dissociates into H3O [acid] and OH [base..the Ion in Ionized water]
 Salt dissociates into   HClO [ Hypochlorous acid..sorta like Swimming 
Pool Chlorine ] and NaOH [Lye..a dandy degreaser and sometimes paint 
stripper if the absence of paint on my range hood is any indication] be watching concentrations very close like.


About the only difference I see is that the miracle water uses salt 
whereas the ionized water (Kangen type) uses some calcium minerals.

Both running off electricity.  Is it a difference in voltage?

 ## Nope

One thought was that stainless steel electrodes were used--you thought 
with the miracle water.

The Kangen type uses titanium.

## Both electrode types do the same thing, Titanium might last longer or 
might be a marketing gimmick to validate the high price of a very simple 

Ideally, Platinum would be used.

 Can you explain the difference between what makes miracle water and what 
makes acid  alkaline water?  I guess I'm just being dense, but I don't 
understand by what has been explained already.  Is it just because the 
miracle water uses salt?  Is the salt in both water containers?

## If you want the dissociated products to not neutralize each other very 
soon after removing the power source, then different containers would be 
the thing to do in both cases.
 It's the same water in both containers...different polarity of 
electrical current.
If you use one container, each electrode produces different things which 
will mix back together and turn back into what it was, [salt...or...just 
water] soon after the power is turned off [short shelf life]

And I certainly don't get the zapper connection.  sigh

##  An original misnomer that throws away meaning: Blood Electrification
See, It looks to me that Beck, Clark and company got the effect right, but 
the REASON for the effect, wrong.

 You can't electrify a water based liquid like a metal's all 
chemical Ion transport of electrons, not electron flow.

 It's not an electron gun shooting enemy DNA soldiers.
It's electrons riding the chemical bus line around town. [running down 
criminal pedestrians in the road? ...and maybe scuffing the curbs a bit, 
just enough for a nice shiny new coat of paint to stick well ]

 Also, since the original premise is [likely] in error and chemical 
reactions take time..Frequency will be about penetration and 
concentration as chemicals are washed around by blood river...and polarity, 
a matter of what chemical is made where.

 You have at least 4 different chemical tweeks to work with...maybe more.

It's [theoretically] like making Miracle Cleaner Water in your veins and 
tissues where YOU are the single bucket of salt water and both  products 
made FROM the salt are ready to turn right back INTO salt  the moment 
you turn the Zapper off.

That's assuming that there is no real difference between a People bucket 
of salt water and a Mud bucket of salt water, with the same electricity 
applied to a pair of electrodes.
 The nice part is that controlling the concentration of either product can 
be done with relative electrode size [square inches of area]and WHERE 
that concentration concentrates, can be done with electrode placement...and 
how FAST both are produced, controlled by a simple current knob. [in either 
a bucket OR a body ]

IF [in fact] a cancer can't live in an Alkaline environment, you could 
configure the electrodes to concentrate the production of Lye near a tumor, 
and make the Chlorine very dilute over a much wider area...and where the 
two meet, they turn back into salt.
If you have a localized infection, you can concentrate the Chlorine there 
and dilute the Lye.

You get to chemically poison a targeted area, just right.and quit real 
fast...and sort of pick your poison.

 To me, [ in motorhead body work terms where paint represents bugs, 
parasites, damaged or malformed cells and fatty plaque deposits]  that 
sounds like a Chemo-Therapy sand blaster with a way to control the air 
pressure and direction of the blasting sand so you can wash the crappy 
paint off without cutting a hole in the steel, giving you a nice clean 
surface for new paint to grow  AND an easy way to keep sand from piling up 
on the floor. rather than a Chemo GRENADE where all you can do is pull 
the pin and RUN...hoping to stay out of the crater. [.flush a clogged 
toilet with a cherry bomb?  Well, that works, but what does the bathroom 
look like afterwards?  A little Draino and some Chlorox.a better 
idea...and applied in the right places 

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-05 Thread Gaiacita
Thanks Ode.  I'm kinda clear on this.  :-)  Thing is, there's a lady here
saying that the Kangen machines DO use a salt solution--so perhaps their 
healthy water is the same as this miracle water.  To bad there isn't a way
to test it at home, beyond the ph test.

There must be some way to keep H3O stable.  The same company that sells the
original cansema salve has a new H3O product.  It sounds pretty miracle to
me and I've been trying to buy some--but they are not selling it yet.  Have
to get it past their government.  They moved to south America because the
FDA had shut them down here.  But the lady said that as soon as their new
country ok's the product they'll be able to ship it to the US.  

Apparently their H3O is stable, but maybe this acid water in these home
ionizers does the same thing, only you'd have to make it and use it right
away?  Very promising.

Thanks for taking the time for the great explanations.


---Original Message---
##  The process is the same, the substance the process is used on is way

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-04 Thread Ode Coyote

 You talkin magic miracle water or Zapper here?
..mebbe both.

 How much Miracle Water does one actually need, seeing as it has a very 
short shelf life.

 A 409 pumper full every few days on call maybe?

 Play time coming up.


At 09:02 AM 4/3/2009 -0800, you wrote:

So Ode -
This really does sound like a leap into Green!  This seems to be a 
'Necessity' for home and health use.

Do I hear the words like - The Water Puppy?  Or, am I imagining them?  I 
hope the former.


---Original Message---

From: mailto:odecoy...@windstream.netOde Coyote
Date: 04/03/09 05:59:29
Subject: Re: CSSorta Like like godzilla?

help clear microbes, spirochetes, cyst form, L-form,
and all others, including bacteria, virus, fungus, and what
Hulda Clark sez about blood electrification and she might be right, but for
the wrong reasons.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-04 Thread Gaiacita
So Ode, I'm still not understanding the difference between the miracle water
and ionized (acid/alkaline) water.  Both seem to be made by a single device
with 2 electrodes, each going into a separate container, with some sort of 
gateway between them.  

About the only difference I see is that the miracle water uses salt whereas
the ionized water (Kangen type) uses some calcium minerals.

Both running off electricity.  Is it a difference in voltage?  One thought
was that stainless steel electrodes were used--you thought with the miracle
water.  The Kangen type uses titanium.   Can you explain the difference
between what makes miracle water and what makes acid  alkaline water?  I
guess I'm just being dense, but I don't understand by what has been
explained already.  Is it just because the miracle water uses salt?  Is the
salt in both water containers?  

And I certainly don't get the zapper connection.  sigh


---Original Message---
  You talkin magic miracle water or Zapper here?
...mebbe both.

CSMagic Miracle Water Puppy

2009-04-04 Thread sms
In answer to your question - I'm talkin' magic miracle water maker.   

Since you have the Silver Puppy, which has gained world-wide primo status
and 'pupularity', I entered my vote fir and nomination for your miracle
water maker; The Water Puppy.

I like handy devices and would be the first in line to buy it!  I like
naturally clean; both inside and out


---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 4/4/2009 6:57:06 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagic Miracle Water
  You talkin magic miracle water or Zapper here?
...mebbe both.
  How much Miracle Water does one actually need, seeing as it has a very
short shelf life.
  A 409 pumper full every few days on call maybe?
  Play time coming up.

CSMagic Miracle Water Puppy

2009-04-04 Thread sms
Oops! I thought I checked my spelling. That should be for; not fir. 
Scuse please! 
---Original Message--- 
From: sms 
Date: 4/4/2009 7:38:31 AM 
Subject: CSMagic Miracle Water Puppy 
In answer to your question - I'm talkin' magic miracle water maker. 
Since you have the Silver Puppy, which has gained world-wide primo status 
and 'pupularity', I entered my vote fir and nomination for your miracle 
water maker; The Water Puppy. 
I like handy devices and would be the first in line to buy it! I like 
naturally clean; both inside and out 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-03 Thread sms
So Ode - 
This really does sound like a leap into Green!  This seems to be a 
Necessity' for home and health use.

Do I hear the words like - The Water Puppy?  Or, am I imagining them?  I
hope the former.

---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 04/03/09 05:59:29
Subject: Re: CSSorta Like like godzilla?
help clear microbes, spirochetes, cyst form, L-form,
and all others, including bacteria, virus, fungus, and what
Hulda Clark sez about blood electrification and she might be right, but for
the wrong reasons.

Re: CSMagic Miracle Water

2009-04-03 Thread Dan Nave
I suppose, instead of Electrodes, it would have Dog Paddles...


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:02 PM, sms wrote:
 So Ode -
 This really does sound like a leap into Green!  This seems to be
 a 'Necessity' for home and health use.

 Do I hear the words like - The Water Puppy?  Or, am I imagining them?  I
 hope the former.

 ---Original Message---

 From: Ode Coyote
 Date: 04/03/09 05:59:29
 Subject: Re: CSSorta Like like godzilla?

 help clear microbes, spirochetes, cyst form, L-form,
 and all others, including bacteria, virus, fungus, and what
 Hulda Clark sez about blood electrification and she might be right, but for
 the wrong reasons.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour