Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-23 Thread Dave Darrin
Neville:  Than you for that!
My sentiments exactly.


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Neville Munn

  Funny you should mention 'patience'...mine's just run out!

 Where the bloody hell's your off switch or button?

 I unsubscribed from the OT List to get away from your mystical, magical
 airy fairy stuff.

 If I wanted a surmon I'd join a congregation {if I believed in that}.  Take
 it to the OT List, and take a copy of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
 with you and gimme a break from these fairy tales.

 # Apologies to the List owner, take whatever disciplinary action you deem
 fit for this posting. #


 Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 09:35:15 -0400

 Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

 Life is a kind of mirror, a school of souls if you will, reflections of
 that in ourselves which we love, and that which we need to improve on. It's
 up to each of us to understand the purpose of these lessons, and that's the
 intricacies of discovering our path. We're all like giant points of
 attraction, there is a certain symbolical nature to life, like a dream.

 So for example, years ago I examined all of my friends, and close family,
 and found them all to be comedians, literally, I was around 'funny people'.
 The lesson here was, bring out the funny in me, lighten the load, chill out,
 enjoy the humorous side of life. For much of last year, I've had a
 succession of people that demanded 'patience' come into my experience, and
 therefore, I am going to assume that the lesson I needed to learn, is to be
 more patient, which I worked on exhaustively last year..

 If a person comes into your experience that does things that are pleasing
 to you, and around you, then these are teachers there to show you an aspect
 of yourself that you aren't aware of, or need to cultivate. If someone
 appears that does something that infuriates you, consistently, then these
 are teachers to show you aspects of yourself that aren't in control, and
 need addressing. I know a lady(not on this list) that is very antagonistic,
 and thinks everyone is a smartass, when in reality, she's the one that has a
 highly antagonistic tone, and is being shown aspects of herself that aren't
 in harmony, and need addressing. If someone is opinionated, and bossy, they
 will find these aspects all around them, people they meet will appear so.
 That's the riddle of life, the great dissonance that precludes true
 understanding of this process, our ancestors understood, we do not.

 An example of this, one day a few weeks ago I was in a hurry, rushing
 around, and feeling rushed, and in the mood to push people out of my way to
 get what I needed to get done.  I took my son to Subway for a bite to eat,
 but on the way there, I was bombarded with a succession of cars cutting me
 off, or swerving into my lane. At Subway, there was a pushy lady with pushy
 kids behind us, pushing us away from ordering, being totally obnoxious,
 screaming into her cell phone, and acting like she was a pharoah or
 something.  I realized fairly quickly, this is what I was resonating with,
 and therefore, this is all I would attract. I changed my frequency - like a
 radio station to be one of love, and those hurried, arrogant people were
 replaced by compassionate ones. The people didn't disappear, they just sort
 of collected with another set of people or persons, their paths did not
 cross mine any longer. This is, the power of intention, it's a survival
 skill, a great teacher.

 Once this process is understood, you can become a great counselor for
 others, because finding the things that need addressing is simply a matter
 of looking at what is happening around them, then pointing the symbology out
 to them for addressing. Sometimes, we find that physical symptoms are great
 teachers as well, and that symptoms can often be indications of emotions, or
 thoughts that need addressing. One of the greatest health tonics available,
 is to understand this, accept responsibility for it, and stop handing power
 over to specific pathogens. They are there to address something, not the
 cause, the result of.  A compost bin attracts bacteria not because it is a
 compost bin, but because of the rotting trash inside of the compost bin.

 *All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this
 is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place.
 -David R. Hawkins*

 Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

 I don't enjoy being lectured by someone who is very opinionated and bossy.  I 
 don't consider some of your beliefs to be in any way either logical or 
 possible, but have refrained from saying so because I believe we are all 
 entitled to believe what we want.  Kindly just carry on believing what you 
 want, but allow me to do the same.  dee

 On 21 Jun 2010, at 21:08, bodhisattva wrote

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-23 Thread bodhisattva
*/And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be 
not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not 
receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or 
city, shake off the dust of your feet/*.*/ /* */-Matthew 10/*

Dave Darrin wrote:

Neville:  Than you for that!
My sentiments exactly.


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Neville Munn wrote:

Funny you should mention 'patience'...mine's just run out!
Where the bloody hell's your off switch or button?
I unsubscribed from the OT List to get away from your mystical,

magical airy fairy stuff.
If I wanted a surmon I'd join a congregation {if I believed in

that}.  Take it to the OT List, and take a copy of The God
Delusion by Richard Dawkins with you and gimme a break from these
fairy tales.
# Apologies to the List owner, take whatever disciplinary action

you deem fit for this posting. #

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Ode Coyote

That's not a skeptic.

 Believer [or Anti Believer...same thing] by default?

But like my Dad says about UFOs...unless they help or interfere with 
putting food on the table, whether or not they exist doesn't mattergot 
better things to do with my time.


We already have a fine example of a skeptic in a previous email, let me 
quote it here; (and this is totally fine, it's a reality he is comfortable 
with, God bless him)

I don't even look anymore, If I hadn't seen anything in the past 75 years 
it is highly unlikely I would recognize it anyway. 

Jason R Eaton wrote:

Hi Bodhisattva:


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Ode Coyote

  A true skeptic is a non believer.
 Most are really *anti* believers no different from their opposition, 
neither of which closely examines beliefs and both of which bolsters them 
with exclusion of all that doesn't apply.


At 06:06 PM 6/21/2010 -0400, you wrote:
You put it directly, I said the same thing nicely.  Basically, skeptics 
are 'dead energy', nothing moves either way, nothing happens.

Jane MacRoss wrote:
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they are 
usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my 
feet that are sore.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - From: Jason R Eaton

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an interesting
history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that science
can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, see
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version of
Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to mean
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words words
telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To examine
closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall apart
quickly under close examination.

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I don't enjoy being lectured by someone who is very opinionated and bossy.  I 
don't consider some of your beliefs to be in any way either logical or 
possible, but have refrained from saying so because I believe we are all 
entitled to believe what we want.  Kindly just carry on believing what you 
want, but allow me to do the same.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 21:08, bodhisattva wrote:

 Not an opinion, a fact.
 Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this 
 doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one 
 engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy 
 approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive and 
 especially discriminatory attitude or belief.
 All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good healthy, 
 open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical sense of 
 investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is probably considered 
 to be some degree of insanity, or irrational overzealousness.. Prill beads, 
 and this discussion I will continue on the off-topic list if it is warranted.
 Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Thanks Jason, this is what I have always tried to achieve--and then make a 
decision based on the result.  Always trying to keep an open mind though.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 22:35, Jason R Eaton wrote:

 Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To examine 
 closely in an orderly manner.
 Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word 
 skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall apart 
 quickly under close examination.
 Your experience may be different though.
 Best Regards,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Now *that* is a very well thought out, reasoned argument, and worthy of being 
taken on board.  I bet it won't be in some quarters though.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 23:37, Jason R Eaton wrote:

 Hi Bodhisattva:
 Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are not 
 armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of skill, 
 that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many people 
 who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal with 
 any belief system.
 The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real 
 existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) 
 and has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). And 
 while most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** fall 
 into the trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means that a 
 good skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a good 
 skeptic can afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.
 This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and 
 qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good 
 practitioner can be extremely rare.
 Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This 
 is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea 
 first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a healthy 
 spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember that the 
 end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack of 
 With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a 
 lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A 
 skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with 
 that uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has 
 demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, 
 spiritual and philisophical practices.
 I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which have 
 come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry (need I 
 neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self Inqiry from  
 atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with historic 
 figures for me:
 I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well 
 thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which 
 needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the 
 perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs 
 to remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit 
 of the people who do not believe as you do.
 If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been 
 banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism are 
 well tolerated.
 Best Regards,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
You might state that you enjoy it, but you don't actually *listen* to any of it 
though!  The only opinion you seem to take any notice of is your own, or 
someone who agrees with you.  That doesn't strike me as being open minded.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 23:56, bodhisattva wrote:

 This isn't relevant at all, since I clearly state - I ENJOY inquiry and 
 investigation, and encourage it.  That's healthy, but that's not skepticism, 
 which is not careful, rational, and intuitive 
 study/investigation/exploration/trial, but an extreme of such to the point 
 that outcomes are often ignored, or summarily discounted. Anything else is 
 arguing over semantics, and you are welcome to do that.. With yourself.
 We already have a fine example of a skeptic in a previous email, let me quote 
 it here; (and this is totally fine, it's a reality he is comfortable with, 
 God bless him)
 I don't even look anymore, If I hadn't seen anything in the past 75 years it 
 is highly unlikely I would recognize it anyway. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I think this is ridiculous.  To be a sceptic means to question things, not to 
dismiss things out of hand.  I question things--which means everything I'm 
told, and then if it turns out to be true or correct, then I will take it on 
board.  This is the opposite of blindly following what you are told and this 
includes everything from health, doctors, scientist, religions, everything!  
How can this be a bad thing?  dee

On 22 Jun 2010, at 01:39, Alan Jones wrote:

 Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as quackery?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread M. G. Devour
And hopefully, Dee will soon reach my post reqeusting that we end this 
topic, and stop responding to it!? evil grin

In the meantime, everybody please refrain from responding to Dee's 

Thank you.


 I think this is ridiculous.  To be a sceptic means to question things,
 not to dismiss things out of hand.  I question things--which means
 everything I'm told, and then if it turns out to be true or correct,
 then I will take it on board.  This is the opposite of blindly following
 what you are told and this includes everything from health, doctors,
 scientist, religions, everything!  How can this be a bad thing?  dee
 On 22 Jun 2010, at 01:39, Alan Jones wrote:
  Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread bodhisattva
Life is a kind of mirror, a school of souls if you will, reflections of 
that in ourselves which we love, and that which we need to improve on. 
It's up to each of us to understand the purpose of these lessons, and 
that's the intricacies of discovering our path. We're all like giant 
points of attraction, there is a certain symbolical nature to life, like 
a dream.

So for example, years ago I examined all of my friends, and close 
family, and found them all to be comedians, literally, I was around 
'funny people'. The lesson here was, bring out the funny in me, lighten 
the load, chill out, enjoy the humorous side of life. For much of last 
year, I've had a succession of people that demanded 'patience' come into 
my experience, and therefore, I am going to assume that the lesson I 
needed to learn, is to be more patient, which I worked on exhaustively 
last year..

If a person comes into your experience that does things that are 
pleasing to you, and around you, then these are teachers there to show 
you an aspect of yourself that you aren't aware of, or need to 
cultivate. If someone appears that does something that infuriates you, 
consistently, then these are teachers to show you aspects of yourself 
that aren't in control, and need addressing. I know a lady(not on this 
list) that is very antagonistic, and thinks everyone is a smartass, when 
in reality, she's the one that has a highly antagonistic tone, and is 
being shown aspects of herself that aren't in harmony, and need 
addressing. If someone is opinionated, and bossy, they will find these 
aspects all around them, people they meet will appear so. That's the 
riddle of life, the great dissonance that precludes true understanding 
of this process, our ancestors understood, we do not.

An example of this, one day a few weeks ago I was in a hurry, rushing 
around, and feeling rushed, and in the mood to push people out of my way 
to get what I needed to get done.  I took my son to Subway for a bite to 
eat, but on the way there, I was bombarded with a succession of cars 
cutting me off, or swerving into my lane. At Subway, there was a pushy 
lady with pushy kids behind us, pushing us away from ordering, being 
totally obnoxious, screaming into her cell phone, and acting like she 
was a pharoah or something.  I realized fairly quickly, this is what I 
was resonating with, and therefore, this is all I would attract. I 
changed my frequency - like a radio station to be one of love, and those 
hurried, arrogant people were replaced by compassionate ones. The people 
didn't disappear, they just sort of collected with another set of people 
or persons, their paths did not cross mine any longer. This is, the 
power of intention, it's a survival skill, a great teacher.

Once this process is understood, you can become a great counselor for 
others, because finding the things that need addressing is simply a 
matter of looking at what is happening around them, then pointing the 
symbology out to them for addressing. Sometimes, we find that physical 
symptoms are great teachers as well, and that symptoms can often be 
indications of emotions, or thoughts that need addressing. One of the 
greatest health tonics available, is to understand this, accept 
responsibility for it, and stop handing power over to specific 
pathogens. They are there to address something, not the cause, the 
result of.  A compost bin attracts bacteria not because it is a compost 
bin, but because of the rotting trash inside of the compost bin.

/*All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when 
this is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes 
its place. -David R. Hawkins*/

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I don't enjoy being lectured by someone who is very opinionated and bossy.  I 
don't consider some of your beliefs to be in any way either logical or 
possible, but have refrained from saying so because I believe we are all 
entitled to believe what we want.  Kindly just carry on believing what you 
want, but allow me to do the same.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 21:08, bodhisattva wrote:

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Dave Darrin
In my neck of the woods that is known as being solid  ( not gullible). CS is
real , you can see it and you can feel it's benefits.

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Ode Coyote odecoy...@windstream.netwrote:

  That's not a skeptic.

  Believer [or Anti Believer...same thing] by default?

 But like my Dad says about UFOs...unless they help or interfere with
 putting food on the table, whether or not they exist doesn't mattergot
 better things to do with my time.


  We already have a fine example of a skeptic in a previous email, let me
 quote it here; (and this is totally fine, it's a reality he is comfortable
 with, God bless him)

 I don't even look anymore, If I hadn't seen anything in the past 75 years
 it is highly unlikely I would recognize it anyway. 

 Jason R Eaton wrote:

 Hi Bodhisattva:


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-22 Thread Neville Munn

Funny you should mention 'patience'...mine's just run out!


Where the bloody hell's your off switch or button?


I unsubscribed from the OT List to get away from your mystical, magical airy 
fairy stuff.


If I wanted a surmon I'd join a congregation {if I believed in that}.  Take it 
to the OT List, and take a copy of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins with 
you and gimme a break from these fairy tales.


# Apologies to the List owner, take whatever disciplinary action you deem fit 
for this posting. #



Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 09:35:15 -0400
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Life is a kind of mirror, a school of souls if you will, reflections of that in 
ourselves which we love, and that which we need to improve on. It's up to each 
of us to understand the purpose of these lessons, and that's the intricacies of 
discovering our path. We're all like giant points of attraction, there is a 
certain symbolical nature to life, like a dream.

So for example, years ago I examined all of my friends, and close family, and 
found them all to be comedians, literally, I was around 'funny people'. The 
lesson here was, bring out the funny in me, lighten the load, chill out, enjoy 
the humorous side of life. For much of last year, I've had a succession of 
people that demanded 'patience' come into my experience, and therefore, I am 
going to assume that the lesson I needed to learn, is to be more patient, which 
I worked on exhaustively last year.. 

If a person comes into your experience that does things that are pleasing to 
you, and around you, then these are teachers there to show you an aspect of 
yourself that you aren't aware of, or need to cultivate. If someone appears 
that does something that infuriates you, consistently, then these are teachers 
to show you aspects of yourself that aren't in control, and need addressing. I 
know a lady(not on this list) that is very antagonistic, and thinks everyone is 
a smartass, when in reality, she's the one that has a highly antagonistic tone, 
and is being shown aspects of herself that aren't in harmony, and need 
addressing. If someone is opinionated, and bossy, they will find these aspects 
all around them, people they meet will appear so. That's the riddle of life, 
the great dissonance that precludes true understanding of this process, our 
ancestors understood, we do not.

An example of this, one day a few weeks ago I was in a hurry, rushing around, 
and feeling rushed, and in the mood to push people out of my way to get what I 
needed to get done.  I took my son to Subway for a bite to eat, but on the way 
there, I was bombarded with a succession of cars cutting me off, or swerving 
into my lane. At Subway, there was a pushy lady with pushy kids behind us, 
pushing us away from ordering, being totally obnoxious, screaming into her cell 
phone, and acting like she was a pharoah or something.  I realized fairly 
quickly, this is what I was resonating with, and therefore, this is all I would 
attract. I changed my frequency - like a radio station to be one of love, and 
those hurried, arrogant people were replaced by compassionate ones. The people 
didn't disappear, they just sort of collected with another set of people or 
persons, their paths did not cross mine any longer. This is, the power of 
intention, it's a survival skill, a great teacher.

Once this process is understood, you can become a great counselor for others, 
because finding the things that need addressing is simply a matter of looking 
at what is happening around them, then pointing the symbology out to them for 
addressing. Sometimes, we find that physical symptoms are great teachers as 
well, and that symptoms can often be indications of emotions, or thoughts that 
need addressing. One of the greatest health tonics available, is to understand 
this, accept responsibility for it, and stop handing power over to specific 
pathogens. They are there to address something, not the cause, the result of.  
A compost bin attracts bacteria not because it is a compost bin, but because of 
the rotting trash inside of the compost bin.

All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this is 
understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place. -David 
R. Hawkins

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote: 
I don't enjoy being lectured by someone who is very opinionated and bossy.  I 
don't consider some of your beliefs to be in any way either logical or 
possible, but have refrained from saying so because I believe we are all 
entitled to believe what we want.  Kindly just carry on believing what you 
want, but allow me to do the same.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 21:08, bodhisattva wrote:
If It Exists, You'll Find it on SEEK. Australia's #1 job site

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Cathy39etc
OK I am going to go full force with them, and use them all the  time right 
The only thing that concerns me is I want to put them in the  empty water 
bottles that I buy the case.  I read somewhere that they can't  be stored in 
plastic for long periods of time and they will effect the bottles  
themselves.  Any concerns or advice?  My last big glass jar/bottle has  stood 
for a 
couple of days with out any usage due to much work that needed to be  done 
and is almost finished.  Took some tonight and still really like the  taste.   
Has anyone used it with CS yet and what  are the  results?  Is there 
anywhere we can buy in bulk? I have so many ideas to use  them and pass on to 
Thank you
In a message dated 6/21/2010 12:11:53 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I agree,  we had to add another half gallon Mason Jar of them because we 
went  through 1 gallon so fast, not enough time to recharge them, the 
benefits  not fully realized.  Hopefully we're getting more benefit now 
that  they seem to be charing longer.

10 hours at least and they 'start' to  get good, but ideally, 24 hours as 
Bob says.

Bob Banever  wrote:

  I hope you are  letting the Prill beads soak in the water for at 
 least 24 hours  before drinking it.  If not, you aren't getting the 
 benefits of  them.

 - Original Message  - From: Sandee George
 Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:56  AM
 Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20  June

 Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads  from 
 -  now that I have them in hand -  they are distributed by Life 
 Enthusiast  - so I have no way  of telling whether these are the good 
 ones or the  bad ones.  They are called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came 
 in a 2 lb   bag which is mesh packaged in a plastic bag.   I did not  
 put the  entire mesh bag with the 2 lbs into a glass 1  gallon jar all 
 at once -  I opened the mesh bag and put  about
 1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them  about five  
 times under tap water - the water is clear, has  a taste and is good 
 to  drink once it is placed in a smaller  glass jug - closed - in the 
 fridg  - however, I have to say  this far, I have had none of the 
 intense  reactions that  others have had - with time I will be able to 
 report  more  on this aspect.

 When I first opened the plastic bag I  took my pendulum to check 
 them,  and it gave me a very  intense positive reaction - I then asked 
 both  Bodhi   Marshall to douse them and received the following 
 readings  :   550 ish 3-4 disharmonious freqs - I cleared them and  
 then asked for  another reading - I am still waiting for a  reply from 
 Bodhi who I know  is very busy. Marshall's was  firstly - can't find 
 this reading in  my files, however  after I did my clearing thing, he 
 gave me a reading  of 925  - which I believe was higher than his 
 first.I just  had a  glass to drink and used my pendulum on it 
 before  drinking it and got a  positive response however not as 
  intense as the first time I used it  on them before putting them into  
 the water or reducing the amount of  beads, so maybe this  has 
 something to do with the reduced reaction by  my  pendulum.

 Will keep you all posted as my experience  continues with time
 Regards to all

The Silver List is  a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and  Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions:
List Owner:  Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jane MacRoss
I occasionally have bought fruit juice in glass bottles, both 1L  350mL sizes 
- I was going to use these.  I threw my plastic bottles out.

I also bought a stainless steel bottle for the water i take in the car but for 
some reason I don't like it - but how would prill beads go in metal - anyone 

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 4:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

  OK I am going to go full force with them, and use them all the time right 
  The only thing that concerns me is I want to put them in the empty water 
bottles that I buy the case.  I read somewhere that they can't be stored in 
plastic for long periods of time and they will effect the bottles themselves.  
Any concerns or advice?  My last big glass jar/bottle has stood for a couple of 
days with out any usage due to much work that needed to be done and is almost 
finished.  Took some tonight and still really like the taste.   Has anyone used 
it with CS yet and what  are the results?  Is there anywhere we can buy in 
bulk? I have so many ideas to use them and pass on to friends.
  Thank you

  In a message dated 6/21/2010 12:11:53 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
I agree, we had to add another half gallon Mason Jar of them because we 
went through 1 gallon so fast, not enough time to recharge them, the 
benefits not fully realized.  Hopefully we're getting more benefit now 
that they seem to be charing longer.

10 hours at least and they 'start' to get good, but ideally, 24 hours as 
Bob says.

Bob Banever wrote:

  I hope you are letting the Prill beads soak in the water for at 
 least 24 hours before drinking it.  If not, you aren't getting the 
 benefits of them.

 - Original Message - From: Sandee George
 Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:56 AM
 Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

 Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads from 
 -  now that I have them in hand - they are distributed by Life 
 Enthusiast  - so I have no way of telling whether these are the good 
 ones or the  bad ones. They are called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came 
 in a 2 lb  bag which is mesh packaged in a plastic bag.   I did not 
 put the  entire mesh bag with the 2 lbs into a glass 1 gallon jar all 
 at once -  I opened the mesh bag and put about
 1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them about five  
 times under tap water - the water is clear, has a taste and is good 
 to  drink once it is placed in a smaller glass jug - closed - in the 
 fridg  - however, I have to say this far, I have had none of the 
 intense  reactions that others have had - with time I will be able to 
 report  more on this aspect.

 When I first opened the plastic bag I took my pendulum to check 
 them,  and it gave me a very intense positive reaction - I then asked 
 both  Bodhi  Marshall to douse them and received the following 
 readings :   550 ish 3-4 disharmonious freqs - I cleared them and 
 then asked for  another reading - I am still waiting for a reply from 
 Bodhi who I know  is very busy. Marshall's was firstly - can't find 
 this reading in  my files, however after I did my clearing thing, he 
 gave me a reading  of 925 - which I believe was higher than his 
 first.I just had a  glass to drink and used my pendulum on it 
 before drinking it and got a  positive response however not as 
 intense as the first time I used it  on them before putting them into 
 the water or reducing the amount of  beads, so maybe this has 
 something to do with the reduced reaction by  my pendulum.

 Will keep you all posted as my experience continues with time
 Regards to all

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


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  Checked by AVG - 
  Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2396 - Release Date: 09/26/09 

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I have great sympathy with this point of view Dave, as I am and always will be 
- I hopea skeptic.  My logical mind says it is all nonsense, but sometimes 
a tiny voice says'hmm - you never know'so I still keep an open mind, 
just in case someone can ever *prove* any of it to me lol  dee

On 20 Jun 2010, at 21:42, Dave Darrin wrote:

 You are right up to a point.
 My concern is that people on this list may take up on something outlandish 
 and miss out or delay using a factual protocol that could do them a world of 
 good if not save their lives.
   Whenever this kind of thing shows up it aggravates me to no end ( holy 
 water is ordinary tap water)
 (blessing before killing doesn't make it less dead) All the other mystic 
 stuff, too numerous to quantify is what I called CRAP. You are right that it 
 is all Perception, that is what gives us the placebo effect. But it seldom 
 ever continues to help over a period of time.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread bodhisattva
Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is 
therefore, harmful.  Many a person has suffered because of adherence to 
yet another 'ism', which in the case of being a skeptic, simply taking 
it too far. You can skepticism yourself right out of effective healing, 
miracles, and even a broader sense of reality.

So for example, remaining open, yet constantly seeking, is a wise move 
in my opinion, and this is what I do. I never take anything at face 
value, which is why I test, test, test again, physically and 
spiritually, and test over expanded time frames, and invest in what I 
need to run these tests, sometimes hundreds of dollars in testing gear.  
It's not because I subscribe to an 'ism', it's because I like to satiate 
the desire of my left hemisphere to see affirmation, while keeping my 
intuitive side on the right track.

For prills, it's a low cost investment, just a few dollars. The drum 
beat of them has been steadily increasing over the years, and a few 
people I consider pretty health conscious, are advocates of them. So I 
examined them over time, before ordering. Then a few more people chimed 
in, such as Mr. Booth, an expert spiritual dowser that indicated he 
found a 800% improvement in water treated with them. Then Marshall comes 
in with similar findings, then another guru I know chimes in.  So for a 
few dollars, I try it, and carefully, slowly, examine the processes of 
it, of which I am still doing. I run various water tests to determine 
the activity of it, and watch my biological processes for beneficial or 
negative responses to it. I test it on others willing to test, and some 
not knowing they are being tested. Even so, I still continue my 
research, Dave has actually provided me more information to further that 
research, and I am actually grateful.

The top scientists in the world are the ones conducting backroom and 
basement experiments, these are the movers and shakers. Not these white 
coated charlatans at major universities. I contacted one about Ice 
Spikes one time, and was told it is Impossible to duplicate them 
outside of controlled circumstances. I explained exactly how I can do 
it, and do it repeatedly, and he said That's nonsense, and stopped 
talking to me.  That's the kind of ridiculous close minded, skepticism 
that's screwing this country up - the one these so-called experts have 
an abundance of.

My friend Magda Havas proved, without doubt, that EMF exposure 
accelerates our aging, and in the process of doing that, accelerates the 
symptoms of aging, including tumors.  We wait around for study after 
study, discussion after discussion, and nothing ever gets done.. She 
invests in her own equipment, runs her own studies, and comes up with 
results that nobody can really deny.  She's a true scientist.

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I have great sympathy with this point of view Dave, as I am and always will be - I 
hopea skeptic.  My logical mind says it is all nonsense, but sometimes a tiny 
voice says'hmm - you never know'so I still keep an open mind, just in case 
someone can ever *prove* any of it to me lol  dee

On 20 Jun 2010, at 21:42, Dave Darrin wrote:


You are right up to a point.
My concern is that people on this list may take up on something outlandish and 
miss out or delay using a factual protocol that could do them a world of good 
if not save their lives.
  Whenever this kind of thing shows up it aggravates me to no end ( holy water 
is ordinary tap water)
(blessing before killing doesn't make it less dead) All the other mystic stuff, 
too numerous to quantify is what I called CRAP. You are right that it is all 
Perception, that is what gives us the placebo effect. But it seldom ever 
continues to help over a period of time.


Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Your opinion, not mine.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

 Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore, 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread bodhisattva

Not an opinion, a fact.

Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this 
doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one 
engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy 
approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive 
and especially discriminatory attitude or belief.


All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good 
healthy, open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical 
sense of investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is 
probably considered to be some degree of insanity, or irrational 
overzealousness.. Prill beads, and this discussion I will continue on 
the off-topic list if it is warranted.

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Your opinion, not mine.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore, harmful.  

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jason R Eaton, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an interesting 
history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and 

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of 
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which 
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that science 
can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word 
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine 
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, see 
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version of 
Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to mean 
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek 
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words words 
telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To examine 
closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word 
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall apart 
quickly under close examination.

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Not an opinion, a fact.

Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this 
doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one 
engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy 
approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive and 
especially discriminatory attitude or belief.


All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good healthy, 
open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical sense of 
investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is probably considered 
to be some degree of insanity, or irrational overzealousness.. Prill beads, 
and this discussion I will continue on the off-topic list if it is 

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Your opinion, not mine.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore, 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Dave Darrin
Thank you Dee
I've been around long enough now that I feel that if there was any
credibility to such stuff I would have run across some inkling of it by
now--So my mind is pretty well closed unless something hits me in the face.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 I have great sympathy with this point of view Dave, as I am and always will
 be - I hopea skeptic.  My logical mind says it is all nonsense, but
 sometimes a tiny voice says'hmm - you never know'so I still keep an
 open mind, just in case someone can ever *prove* any of it to me lol  dee

 On 20 Jun 2010, at 21:42, Dave Darrin wrote:

  You are right up to a point.
  My concern is that people on this list may take up on something
 outlandish and miss out or delay using a factual protocol that could do them
 a world of good if not save their lives.
Whenever this kind of thing shows up it aggravates me to no end ( holy
 water is ordinary tap water)
  (blessing before killing doesn't make it less dead) All the other mystic
 stuff, too numerous to quantify is what I called CRAP. You are right that it
 is all Perception, that is what gives us the placebo effect. But it seldom
 ever continues to help over a period of time.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jane MacRoss
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they are 
usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my 
feet that are sore.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - 
From: Jason R Eaton

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an interesting
history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that 

can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, see
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version 

Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to mean
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words 

telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To examine
closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall 

quickly under close examination.

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Not an opinion, a fact.

Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this
doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one
engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy
approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive 

especially discriminatory attitude or belief.


All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good 

open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical sense of
investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is probably 
to be some degree of insanity, or irrational overzealousness.. Prill 

and this discussion I will continue on the off-topic list if it is

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Your opinion, not mine.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2396 - Release Date: 09/26/09 

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread bodhisattva
You put it directly, I said the same thing nicely.  Basically, skeptics 
are 'dead energy', nothing moves either way, nothing happens.

Jane MacRoss wrote:
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they 
are usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so 
it's my feet that are sore.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - From: Jason R Eaton

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an 

history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that 

can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, 
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French 
version of
Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to 
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in 
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great 
words words

telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To 

closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall 

quickly under close examination.

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread bodhisattva
I value close scrutiny, and examination of my findings, I encourage 
others to explore anything I say, and determine if it is the truth for 
themselves. In fact, I encourage it, and will provide all of the data 
necessary to facilitate it, I've even recently sent off orgonite to 
scientists for examination - and have heard back remarkable results.  I 
love it!  Anyway..  Most Skeptics I know are some of the most limited, 
closed minded, and dogmatic individuals I've ever met.

Let's not forget, the source of something doesn't always have relevance 
for what it means today, so the history of Skepticism doesn't 
necessarily apply to what it means today. Giving someone the middle 
finger in the 17th century doesn't  mean what it means today. During 
WWII the phrase Whole Nine Yards, meant something very different than 
it does today.

Let's examine the dictionary on Skepticism..

Main Entry: *ism*
Pronunciation: \?i-z?m\
Function: /noun/
Etymology: /-ism/
Date: 1680

*1* *:* a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory
*2* *:* an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief 
we all have got to come to grips with our ism/s/ --- Joycelyn Elders

Line number one the key word is Distinctive, which means Specific 
Style or Different from accepted meaning.  For example if someone has 
a giant nose, twice the size of anyone else, he has a Distinctive 
nose.  So based on that, line would would probably mean that an ism is 
a extrapoliation of something - that is - to 'overblow' something, or to 
take something a bit too far.  Hence, Fundamentalism or Islamicism 
are basically an accepted norm, taken to 'Distinctive' (overblown) 
levels far beyond the intention. The second line is fairly self 
explanatory, and relates to the first quite closely. That is, 'isms' 
tend to be limiting, discriminatory, and oppressive. Such as Communism 
or Capitalism, or Corporatism.

Good healthy investigation, contemplation, and anecdotal testing are the 
trademarks of a wise, intelligent, and discerning person. Skepticism is 
the trademark of a zealot, and usually anyone that is into skepticism, 
is also into some other 'ism', they collect them, like beer cans or 
baseball caps. The owner of this list is someone I consider to have a 
healthy, investigative, and contemplating mind, willing to try things, 
discard what doesn't work, and keep what does, but open enough to 
actually try - a mark of a genius.  A /skepticism /person would quickly 
discount virtually anything, and everything.  Dr. Hawkin's says all 
skeptic sites calibrate below 200, or below the level of truth, and that 
skepticism itself calibrates under 200 as a 'doctrine'.

My father in-law is a huge skeptic, nothing shakes him, even the most 
miraculous events he always finds an 'explanation' to suit his 
skepticism.  It's incredibly limiting, but more than that, it is 
DANGEROUS because discernment is lost, and power is handed over to those 
that aren't skeptics, and are willing to 'do something'.  A silly 
example, I was over at my inlaws for dinner, he started cooking 
hamburger, I could smell it was ROTTED from the other room, I mentioned 
this. He said You can't know that, it's still red which means it is 
fine!.. Well Mr. Skeptic, they squirt Carbon Dioxide on meat to keep it 
red, even after it rots. But no convincing the skeptic, and chomp down 
the rotted meat they all did, and sick they all got.

Such is the life of an ism' skeptic.

Jason R Eaton wrote:, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an 
interesting history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at 
and characteristic.

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho 
of Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but 
which today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but 
that science can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from 
the latin word scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from 
skeptesthai to examine closely.  This word comes from a the root, 
PIE *spek-/*spok- look, see (i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice 
). Spice via the French version of Latin species, which originally 
meant kind, type, but later came to mean wares and then spice. 
Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek (metathesis), where we 
find skopein to see, like in some great words words telescope, 
microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To 
examine closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word 
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall 
apart quickly under close examination.

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Jason, Bodhi,

Jason, meet Bodhi. Bodhi, this is Jason.

I'd like to encourage both of you to take the time to explore either on 
the OT list or privately, the common ground between you as well as the 
areas in which you might differ. Both of you might be unaware that the 
other has considerable experience and thought behind their positions.

Jason, I suspect Bodhi's somewhat hyperbolic treatment of the word 
'skepticism' is in reaction to the kind of close orderly examination 
that meets all of alternative health and other enlightened thinking 
when it encounters mainstream resistance. He's had more experience with 
that sort of thing than most people, I suspect.

Bodhi, you might not want to let your brush sweep so widely. I'm a 
skeptic, you're a skeptic, Jason's a skeptic... You demonstrate it by 
your stubborn examination of things and lengthy testing periods. 
Skepticism *is* healthy -- *when* it's healthy.

If by 'skepticism' you mean closed-minded refusal to address any 
questioning of established dogma and rejection of all evidence that 
cannot be explained in conventional terms, then of course you're right. 
But such a corruption of language is just that, and distorts efforts at 
intelligent communication.

I wish you peace, my friends.

Mike D.

Jason writes:, what great science.

 Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an
 interesting history and word origin...

 Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To
 examine closely in an orderly manner.
 Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
 skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall
 apart quickly under close examination.

In response to the following comment (and follow-on) by Bodhi:
 Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is
 therefore, harmful.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Dave Darrin
 My answer to that is jump off the razor edge on the side of proven protocol
and give your feet a rest.
Of course looking on the other side to see if you missed anything good now
and then should be less perplexing. I don't even look anymore, If I hadn't
seen anything in the past 75 years it is highly unlikely I would recognise
it anyway.  Hurray for SPAM boxes and programs to send messages that offend
the sensibilitys there.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Jane MacRoss

 I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they are
 usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my
 feet that are sore.

 ~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
 - Original Message - From: Jason R Eaton
 Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
 Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

 Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

 Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an interesting
 history and word origin.

 The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

 The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
 Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
 today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that
 can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
 scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
 closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, see
 (i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version
 Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to mean
 wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek
 (metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words
 telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

 Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To examine
 closely in an orderly manner.

 Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
 skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall
 quickly under close examination.

 Your experience may be different though.

 Best Regards,


 - Original Message - From: bodhisattva
 Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 1:08 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

 Not an opinion, a fact.

 Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this
 doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one
 engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy
 approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive
 especially discriminatory attitude or belief.


 All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good
 open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical sense of
 investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is probably
 to be some degree of insanity, or irrational overzealousness.. Prill
 and this discussion I will continue on the off-topic list if it is

 Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
 Your opinion, not mine.  dee

 On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

 Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore,

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


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Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are not 
armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of skill, 
that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many people 
who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal 
with any belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real 
existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) 
and has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). 
And while most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** 
fall into the trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means 
that a good skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a 
good skeptic can afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and 
qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good 
practitioner can be extremely rare.

Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This 
is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea 
first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a 
healthy spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember 
that the end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack 
of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a 
lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A 
skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with 
that uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has 
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, 
spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which 
have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry 
(need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self 
Inqiry from  atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with 
historic figures for me:

I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well 
thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which 
needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the 
perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs 
to remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit 
of the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been 
banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism 
are well tolerated.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

You put it directly, I said the same thing nicely.  Basically, skeptics 
are 'dead energy', nothing moves either way, nothing happens.

Jane MacRoss wrote:
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they are 
usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my 
feet that are sore.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - From: Jason R Eaton

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an 

history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that 

can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, 
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version 
Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to 
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in 
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words 

telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To 

closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread bodhisattva
This isn't relevant at all, since I clearly state - I ENJOY inquiry and 
investigation, and encourage it.  That's healthy, but that's not 
skepticism, which is not careful, rational, and intuitive 
study/investigation/exploration/trial, but an extreme of such to the 
point that outcomes are often ignored, or summarily discounted. Anything 
else is arguing over semantics, and you are welcome to do that.. With 

We already have a fine example of a skeptic in a previous email, let me 
quote it here; (and this is totally fine, it's a reality he is 
comfortable with, God bless him)

/I don't even look anymore, If I hadn't seen anything in the past 75 
years it is highly unlikely I would recognize it anyway. /

Jason R Eaton wrote:

Hi Bodhisattva:


Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jane MacRoss
Science will eventually catch up with Spirit, but if it gets ahead of Spirit 
then we are in dire straits, and we are.

Science, the intellect,  is of no value without the Heart of Spirit.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - 
From: Jason R Eaton

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are 
armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of 

that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many people
who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal
with any belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real
existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually)
and has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived).
And while most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not 
fall into the trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course 

that a good skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a
good skeptic can afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and
qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a 

practitioner can be extremely rare.

Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism. 
is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic 

first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a
healthy spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to 

that the end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack
of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to 
lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data. 

skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with
that uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious,
spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which
have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry
(need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self
Inqiry from  atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with
historic figures for me:

I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very 

thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which
needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is 
perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list 
to remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the 

of the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been
banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism
are well tolerated.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

You put it directly, I said the same thing nicely.  Basically, skeptics
are 'dead energy', nothing moves either way, nothing happens.

Jane MacRoss wrote:
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they 

usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my
feet that are sore.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - From: Jason R Eaton
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an
history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho 
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but 

today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that
can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin 

scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look,
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Alan Jones
Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as quackery?


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Jason R Eaton

 Hi Bodhisattva:

 Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are
 not armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of
 skill, that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many
 people who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is
 universal with any belief system.

 The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real
 existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually)
 and has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived).
 And while most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever***
 fall into the trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means
 that a good skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a
 good skeptic can afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

 This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and
 qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good
 practitioner can be extremely rare.

 Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This
 is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea
 first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a
 healthy spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember
 that the end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack
 of conclusion.

 With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a
 lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A
 skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with
 that uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has
 demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious,
 spiritual and philisophical practices.

 I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which
 have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry
 (need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self
 Inqiry from  atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with
 historic figures for me:

 I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well
 thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which
 needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the
 perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs
 to remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit
 of the people who do not believe as you do.

 If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been
 banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism
 are well tolerated.

 Best Regards,


Alan Jones

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread bodhisattva
I'll answer, you are right, almost /*all */skeptic sites state colloidal 
silver is quackery.
*Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit*
*Hi-Yo, Colloidal Silver!*
*However, if the Blue Man Group is looking for members, I know a 
potential source that will save on makeup costs.*
*Precious metals nanowater? The panel is unimpressed. Is there insanity 
in there?*
*Colloidal Snake Oil *

Alan Jones wrote:
Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as 


Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jason R Eaton
\Hi Alan:

Not at all...  Sites such as Quackwatch, et al. aren't run by skeptics, they 
are run by individuals posing as some sort of authority.  

A skeptic, by definition, would actually DO the science to see if the claims 
made by CS had any valid (many of us skeptics did exaclty just that...  I've 
personally commissioned several scientific studies, as well as run test groups 
actually testing the effectiveness of CS for a basic data pool... ).  If a 
skeptic was not in a position to do the science, the skeptic would work 
diligently examining any and all scientific data available.

Best Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 5:39 PM
  Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

  Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as quackery?


  On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Jason R Eaton 

Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are 
not armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of 
skill, that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many 
people who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal 
with any belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real 
existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) and 
has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). And while 
most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** fall into the 
trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means that a good 
skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a good skeptic can 
afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and 
qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good 
practitioner can be extremely rare.

Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This 
is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea 
first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a healthy 
spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember that the 
end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a 
lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A 
skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with that 
uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has 
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, 
spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which 
have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry 
(need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self Inqiry 
from  atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with historic 
figures for me:

I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well 
thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which 
needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the 
perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs to 
remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit of 
the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been 
banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism are 
well tolerated.

Best Regards,


  Alan Jones

  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Dan Nave
Sometimes, rather than use the term Sceptic, I just substitute the
word Dumb-ass.  (Thanks Red.)


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 3:08 PM, bodhisattva wrote:
 Not an opinion, a fact.

 Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this
 doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one
 engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy
 approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive and
 especially discriminatory attitude or belief.


 All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good healthy,
 open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical sense of
 investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is probably considered
 to be some degree of insanity, or irrational overzealousness.. Prill beads,
 and this discussion I will continue on the off-topic list if it is

 Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

 Your opinion, not mine.  dee
 On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

 Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Neville Munn

[ test groups actually testing the effectiveness of CS...]

-Perhaps you could you elaborate a little on the 'testing of effectiveness'?  
In what form was that EIS/CS in?  Was it a stabilised form {after standing for 
a period of time}, or was it used immediately after cessation of production? 
{when it's at it's highest ionic silver content}, or was it using a product 
produced by some secret proprietary production method? {in which case one would 
know the ion/particulate ratio content...among many other things}.

[...the skeptic would work diligently examining any and all scientific data 

-This is about the only way of determining pretty much anything EIS/CS related 
nowadays.  The individual needs to make determinations for him/herself from 
most of the literature and published material available.



Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 18:31:17 -0700

\Hi Alan:
Not at all...  Sites such as Quackwatch, et al. aren't run by skeptics, they 
are run by individuals posing as some sort of authority.  
A skeptic, by definition, would actually DO the science to see if the claims 
made by CS had any valid (many of us skeptics did exaclty just that...  I've 
personally commissioned several scientific studies, as well as run test groups 
actually testing the effectiveness of CS for a basic data pool... ).  If a 
skeptic was not in a position to do the science, the skeptic would work 
diligently examining any and all scientific data available.
Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
From: Alan Jones 
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as quackery? 


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Jason R Eaton 

Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are not 
armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of skill, 
that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many people who 
don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal with any 
belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real 
existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) and 
has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). And while 
most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** fall into the 
trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means that a good 
skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a good skeptic can 
afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and 
qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good 
practitioner can be extremely rare.

Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This is 
quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea first 
and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a healthy 
spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember that the 
end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a 
lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A 
skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with that 
uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has 
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, 
spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which have 
come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry (need I 
neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self Inqiry from  
atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with historic figures 
for me:

I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well 
thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which 
needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the 
perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs to 
remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit of 
the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been banned 
from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism are well 

Best Regards,


Alan Jones

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jane MacRoss
That's not skepticism, that's ignorance or stupidity, silver has been used for 
hundreds if not thousands of years for various health issues.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
  - Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:39 AM
  Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

  Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as quackery?


Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Sandee George
Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads from -  
now that I have them in hand - they are distributed by Life Enthusiast  
- so I have no way of telling whether these are the good ones or the  
bad ones.   They are called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came in a 2 lb  
bag which is mesh packaged in a plastic bag.   I did not put the  
entire mesh bag with the 2 lbs into a glass 1 gallon jar all at once -  
I opened the mesh bag and put about
1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them about five  
times under tap water - the water is clear, has a taste and is good to  
drink once it is placed in a smaller glass jug - closed - in the fridg  
- however, I have to say this far, I have had none of the intense  
reactions that others have had - with time I will be able to report  
more on this aspect.

When I first opened the plastic bag I took my pendulum to check them,  
and it gave me a very intense positive reaction - I then asked both  
Bodhi  Marshall to douse them and received the following readings :   
550 ish 3-4 disharmonious freqs - I cleared them and then asked for  
another reading - I am still waiting for a reply from Bodhi who I know  
is very busy.Marshall's was firstly - can't find this reading in  
my files, however after I did my clearing thing, he gave me a reading  
of 925 - which I believe was higher than his first.I just had a  
glass to drink and used my pendulum on it before drinking it and got a  
positive response however not as intense as the first time I used it  
on them before putting them into the water or reducing the amount of  
beads, so maybe this has something to do with the reduced reaction by  
my pendulum.

Will keep you all posted as my experience continues with time
Regards to all

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread M. G. Devour
 I have to say this far, I have had none of the intense  reactions that
 others have had 

Hi Sandee,

Keep in mind who's reporting the reaction... grin Bodhi is so clear 
and sensitive, the stuff knocked him for a loop.

The most reaction I had was a strange set of nerve/muscle twinges up 
and down my right leg and up my back from the area of my right kidney. 
This happened just as I drank down my first glassful the second morning 
I'd been drinking the stuff. It was so sudden and intense my knee 
almost gave out.

Apart from that, I just find the stuff pleasantly refreshing. grin

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Christina Mattson

Hi Sandee, Back on May 22nd Smitty said the Transderma Prills were made in the 
US, not in China. I don't know how he got the info.
--- On Sun, 6/20/10, Sandee George wrote:

From: Sandee George
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June
Date: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 8:56 AM

Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads from - now that 
I have them in hand - they are distributed by Life Enthusiast - so I have no 
way of telling whether these are the good ones or the bad ones.   They are 
called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came in a 2 lb bag which is mesh packaged in a 
plastic bag.   I did not put the entire mesh bag with the 2 lbs into a glass 1 
gallon jar all at once - I opened the mesh bag and put about
1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them about five times under 
tap water - the water is clear, has a taste and is good to drink once it is 
placed in a smaller glass jug - closed - in the fridg - however, I have to say 
this far, I have had none of the intense reactions that others have had - with 
time I will be able to report more on this aspect.

When I first opened the plastic bag I took my pendulum to check them, and it 
gave me a very intense positive reaction - I then asked both Bodhi  Marshall 
to douse them and received the following readings :  550 ish 3-4 disharmonious 
freqs - I cleared them and then asked for another reading - I am still waiting 
for a reply from Bodhi who I know is very busy.    Marshall's was firstly - 
can't find this reading in my files, however after I did my clearing thing, he 
gave me a reading of 925 - which I believe was higher than his first.    I just 
had a glass to drink and used my pendulum on it before drinking it and got a 
positive response however not as intense as the first time I used it on them 
before putting them into the water or reducing the amount of beads, so maybe 
this has something to do with the reduced reaction by my pendulum.

Will keep you all posted as my experience continues with time
Regards to all

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Dave Darrin
  How about doing a comparison test with some well washed gravel from your
driveway ,dowsing and all , and see if this Bodhi crap has any factual value
or if it is just to en-richen someone?
 Ps. I don't get any of Bodhi's posts accept when someone passes it on as I
filtered them to my spam folder. Right at first he tried to make a bundle
off of the gullible with a very commercial post so I gave him a straight
line to spam.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Sandee George wrote:

 Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads from - now
 that I have them in hand - they are distributed by Life Enthusiast - so I
 have no way of telling whether these are the good ones or the bad ones.
 They are called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came in a 2 lb bag which is mesh
 packaged in a plastic bag.   I did not put the entire mesh bag with the 2
 lbs into a glass 1 gallon jar all at once - I opened the mesh bag and put
 1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them about five times
 under tap water - the water is clear, has a taste and is good to drink once
 it is placed in a smaller glass jug - closed - in the fridg - however, I
 have to say this far, I have had none of the intense reactions that others
 have had - with time I will be able to report more on this aspect.

 When I first opened the plastic bag I took my pendulum to check them, and
 it gave me a very intense positive reaction - I then asked both Bodhi 
 Marshall to douse them and received the following readings :  550 ish 3-4
 disharmonious freqs - I cleared them and then asked for another reading - I
 am still waiting for a reply from Bodhi who I know is very busy.
  Marshall's was firstly - can't find this reading in my files, however after
 I did my clearing thing, he gave me a reading of 925 - which I believe was
 higher than his first.I just had a glass to drink and used my pendulum
 on it before drinking it and got a positive response however not as intense
 as the first time I used it on them before putting them into the water or
 reducing the amount of beads, so maybe this has something to do with the
 reduced reaction by my pendulum.

 Will keep you all posted as my experience continues with time
 Regards to all

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread M. G. Devour
Hiya folks,

Dave D. wrote:
   How about doing a comparison test with some well washed gravel from
 your driveway ,dowsing and all , and see if this Bodhi crap has any
 factual value or if it is just to en-richen someone? Dave 

Please mind your language, Dave. Otherwise, it's a reasonable 
suggestion for an experiment, if Sandee or anyone is so inclined.

  Ps. I don't get any of Bodhi's posts accept when someone passes it on
 as I filtered them to my spam folder. Right at first he tried to make a
 bundle off of the gullible with a very commercial post so I gave him a
 straight line to spam. 

I don't filter messages before they go out, so when a new person joins, 
it may take a while to help them learn the ropes. In Bodhisattva's 
case, he has been among the more cooperative people I have ever had to 
give correction to, so I am generally satisfied with the suitability of 
his participation.

As for the nature of his beliefs, though I admit they're more than a 
bit out there by most people's standards, there seems to be enough 
value to his input to consider it part of the spectrum of opinion.

Especially on the main list, I expect all of our members with more far 
out beliefs to tone them down for general consumption, for the sake of 
new people who might be ready for colloidal silver but would be put off 
by anything more esoteric.

Meanwhile, on the OT list, things run considerably further afield. 

Thank you, all, for keeping the group on track. I'm always available 
and looking for your input, so don't hesitate to contact me privately 
with your opinions on how things are going.


Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Dave thanks for yours, I appreciate your concern.   I choose  
to go along with whatever, until I find out for myself that it is  
crap as you put it.   Then I choose again.   On Planet earth - where  
duality reigns supreme -
and choice is free, we can all think, feel, or do anything we choose  
because the choice has reprocussions/actions both for me the chooser;  
those who choose to put whatever they feel out there knowing it to be  
crap then they will get their due.   There is no right or wrong on  
this planet which is what most fail to understand, perception is  
everything, how I choose to see anything is my choice for which I have  
to take full responsibility, including the fallout.   So taking what  
you have said, if I choose to be fooled by anyone then the  
responsibility rests on me, no one else.   Within all of the above you  
apparently do not understand that what I choose to see is what I see,  
what I choose to work for me, will work - this is where spirit comes  
into all equations !   Which is why there is no one valid truth on  
Planet Earth, truth is what I choose to see, feel or deal with at my  
given time - however once again I thank you for your concern 

Be Blessed and have a wonderful day

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Christina Mattson
Does anyone know if it is possible to test for trace mineral content in a 
liquid or a powder taken from a mineral like rock? I have been wanting to test 
a powdered substance but do not want to have to take it to a lab. It would also 
be interesting to test the prill beads and the water that they have soaked in. 
I have some of the Trans Derma prill beads and the PH didn't chance until i 
soaked them for a least 8 hours after the initial 24 hour soak. Then i soaked 
them for 8 hours  and the PH tested at 8.5. 
The water i used is from a local company called Alaska Pure Water, they use 
Reverse Osmosis and they told me their water is around 6.5 to 6.8 PH. I 
comfirmed this with my own PH test from a local Hydroponic grow shop.
I would really like to know if it is possible to do my own Trace Mineral 
Thanks in advance.
--- On Sun, 6/20/10, Christina Mattson wrote:

From: Christina Mattson
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June
Date: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 9:54 AM

Hi Sandee, Back on May 22nd Smitty said the Transderma Prills were made in the 
US, not in China. I don't know how he got the info.
--- On Sun, 6/20/10, Sandee George wrote:

From: Sandee George
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Sandee George

Thanks Tina - I missed that one - well that is good news then 
Have a great day

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Sandee George
Hi There to you Mike, HFD,.   Yes I have taken what you have said  
here, into consideration and agree with you totally.   This morning I  
had a very long and full discharge of pee, when I made my first pit  
stop, which surprised me, the smell of toxins was not evident, so  
maybe what was going on for me was a washing out of my kidneys as  
well, who knows !???   Agreed I like the taste, am enjoying the trial  
period before making up my mind for myself as to what I will do or not  
do in the future  LOLI love giving everything a try as long as  
it appeals to me and my own madness    Now no comments on that one  
please   smile

Take good care and have a wonderful day

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Dave Darrin
You are right up to a point.
My concern is that people on this list may take up on something outlandish
and miss out or delay using a factual protocol that could do them a world of
good if not save their lives.
  Whenever this kind of thing shows up it aggravates me to no end ( holy
water is ordinary tap water)
(blessing before killing doesn't make it less dead) All the other mystic
stuff, too numerous to quantify is what I called CRAP. You are right that it
is all Perception, that is what gives us the placebo effect. But it seldom
ever continues to help over a period of time.


On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sandee George wrote:

 Hi There Dave thanks for yours, I appreciate your concern.   I choose to go
 along with whatever, until I find out for myself that it is crap as you
 put it.   Then I choose again.   On Planet earth - where duality reigns
 supreme -
 and choice is free, we can all think, feel, or do anything we choose
 because the choice has reprocussions/actions both for me the chooser; those
 who choose to put whatever they feel out there knowing it to be crap then
 they will get their due.   There is no right or wrong on this planet which
 is what most fail to understand, perception is everything, how I choose to
 see anything is my choice for which I have to take full responsibility,
 including the fallout.   So taking what you have said, if I choose to be
 fooled by anyone then the responsibility rests on me, no one else.   Within
 all of the above you apparently do not understand that what I choose to see
 is what I see, what I choose to work for me, will work - this is where
 spirit comes into all equations !   Which is why there is no one valid
 truth on Planet Earth, truth is what I choose to see, feel or deal with at
 my given time - however once again I thank you for your concern 
 Be Blessed and have a wonderful day


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread bodhisattva
Prill Water is aggressive. From this it sounds like an energy channel 
was pushed open, and you felt it. That's a good think, your kidney 
probably flushed some toxins pretty quickly. So far, about 90% of the 
people I have tested prill water on have a reaction of some type or 
another. Some of them are huge skeptics, which tends to reinforce that 
this water is quite noticeable.

I've spoken with Blind Guru himself, in great detail, we share */many/* 
similar experiences with prill water. In fact, he has seen people detox 
so rapidly, that he recommends they stop drinking it until it settles 
down, then go back, and very slowly build up. So once again, a primary 
vendor of prill beads, and a guru, has similar results as I have had. 
I've also spoken with Guru on how the energy is being a bit soiled in 
postage, and methods they can implement to avoid this.  He's working on 
a solution to this, and has verified my findings.  That's all pretty 
affirmative if I must say.

I'm pretty cognivcent of my credibility, which is why I test and study 
things from both a material, and spiritual perspective before making any 
claims, and usually test them for months, even years before making any 
proclamations. Orgonite was something I constructed and tested for 
several years before deciding it had extremely positive benefits, and 
selling it.  Negative Ionizers I have tested for just over a year, and 
know their benefits first hand.  Prill Water is new, I won't be heavily 
advocating it until a few more months, although early results are 

M. G. Devour wrote:

I have to say this far, I have had none of the intense  reactions that
others have had 

Hi Sandee,

Keep in mind who's reporting the reaction... grin Bodhi is so clear 
and sensitive, the stuff knocked him for a loop.

The most reaction I had was a strange set of nerve/muscle twinges up 
and down my right leg and up my back from the area of my right kidney. 
This happened just as I drank down my first glassful the second morning 
I'd been drinking the stuff. It was so sudden and intense my knee 
almost gave out.

Apart from that, I just find the stuff pleasantly refreshing. grin

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread bodhisattva
Those that wish to experience limitation, will experience it.  Those 
that wish to experience the miraculous, will experience that.  Someone 
operating from a materialistic approach, will see everything, and 
everyone around them as materialistic, and thus, conforming to their 
beliefs.  Someone seeing life from a magical perspective, sees the 
materialism in some people, and the magical in others.  Someone from the 
miraculous, sees all three of these, all around them, depending on who 
they are dealing with.  It has to be this way, so each person can 
experience based on their spiritual evolution, their consciousness. When 
one is ready for the miraculous, it will be revealed to them, but not 
before. It usually takes great suffering before someone operating from 
an egotistical, materialistic viewpoint of life will seek the 
miraculous, but it doesn't have to be this difficult.

Thankfully, we've got a way to quantify many things now, and when others 
quantify with the same results, without knowing other individuals 
answers, then we have a fairly good substantiation of the previously 
unquantifiable.  So for example, if I take a bottle water, and ask 3 
people to calibrate it, and they are located in different parts of the 
world, and their numbers are exactly the same, or extremely close, then 
we can best assume this situation is accurate.  Fortunately, Marshall 
(and many others) have been able to verify  my calibrations, so we don't 
really have a basis to 'doubt' at this point - regardless of attempts to 
instill that in us..

I have nothing I need to sell, or in fact worried about selling.. Most 
of what I do is free. God takes care of the rest, and thank God for 
that! My energy is sometimes too much for some, and I can appreciate 
that.. Some places,  I will sit down, and a few minutes later some will 
get up and leave to sit elsewhere - and it's not my perfume..  I will 
enter a space, make it sacred, and some will flee to the door. My home 
is sacred, and I know many that will  not enter it, similar to how many 
will not enter a church, a temple, or a monastery.. Some aren't ready 
for an awakening, and there is no problem with that. The fruit falls 
from the tree when it is ripe, not sooner. I have relatives that rarely 
speak to me in person, I send love, and compassion, they sound darkness, 
and anger. My vibration trumps theirs, they move off with angry looks, 
when you do not allow darkness to overrun you some become uncomfortable 
in their inability to draw energy from situations by creating chaos. I 
don't allow this to impede on me, they either rise up, or shuffle away. 
I don't dislike them for it, I just feel for their suffering and pain, 
and the trauma of them finding no answers in drugs and other things.  
The same goes for email. I've learned a long time ago to withdraw my 
energy from where is not appreciated.

You can always sort of tell a type of person, if in a conversation, 
GOD is mentioned, and they have this sort of 'horrified' or 'deflated 
balloon' look about them, you kind of know. I love saying May God Bless 
You when someone sneezes. I know Christians that say Gosh Bless you, 
it's quite astounding that they themselves, are afraid to say God in 
public.. How far we've fallen as a society is shocking - at times.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sandee George wrote:

Hi There Dave thanks for yours, I appreciate your concern.   I
choose to go along with whatever, until I find out for myself that
it is crap as you put it.   Then I choose again.   On Planet
earth - where duality reigns supreme -
and choice is free, we can all think, feel, or do anything we
choose because the choice has reprocussions/actions both for me
the chooser; those who choose to put whatever they feel out there
knowing it to be crap then they will get their due.   There is
no right or wrong on this planet which is what most fail to
understand, perception is everything, how I choose to see anything
is my choice for which I have to take full responsibility,
including the fallout.   So taking what you have said, if I choose
to be fooled by anyone then the responsibility rests on me, no one
else.   Within all of the above you apparently do not understand
that what I choose to see is what I see, what I choose to work for
me, will work - this is where spirit comes into all equations
!   Which is why there is no one valid truth on Planet Earth,
truth is what I choose to see, feel or deal with at my given time
- however once again I thank you for your concern 
Be Blessed and have a wonderful day


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread needling around
I've been around Christians all my life and I have never heard one of them 
say Gosh Bless you.  I don't know where you get your information from but 
this isn't accurate from my experience.


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Those that wish to experience limitation, will experience it.  Those that 
wish to experience the miraculous, will experience that.  Someone 
operating from a materialistic approach, will see everything, and everyone 
around them as materialistic, and thus, conforming to their beliefs. 
Someone seeing life from a magical perspective, sees the materialism in 
some people, and the magical in others.  Someone from the miraculous, sees 
all three of these, all around them, depending on who they are dealing 
with.  It has to be this way, so each person can experience based on their 
spiritual evolution, their consciousness. When one is ready for the 
miraculous, it will be revealed to them, but not before. It usually takes 
great suffering before someone operating from an egotistical, 
materialistic viewpoint of life will seek the miraculous, but it doesn't 
have to be this difficult.

Thankfully, we've got a way to quantify many things now, and when others 
quantify with the same results, without knowing other individuals answers, 
then we have a fairly good substantiation of the previously 
unquantifiable.  So for example, if I take a bottle water, and ask 3 
people to calibrate it, and they are located in different parts of the 
world, and their numbers are exactly the same, or extremely close, then we 
can best assume this situation is accurate.  Fortunately, Marshall (and 
many others) have been able to verify  my calibrations, so we don't really 
have a basis to 'doubt' at this point - regardless of attempts to instill 
that in us..

I have nothing I need to sell, or in fact worried about selling.. Most of 
what I do is free. God takes care of the rest, and thank God for that! My 
energy is sometimes too much for some, and I can appreciate that.. Some 
places,  I will sit down, and a few minutes later some will get up and 
leave to sit elsewhere - and it's not my perfume..  I will enter a space, 
make it sacred, and some will flee to the door. My home is sacred, and I 
know many that will  not enter it, similar to how many will not enter a 
church, a temple, or a monastery.. Some aren't ready for an awakening, and 
there is no problem with that. The fruit falls from the tree when it is 
ripe, not sooner. I have relatives that rarely speak to me in person, I 
send love, and compassion, they sound darkness, and anger. My vibration 
trumps theirs, they move off with angry looks, when you do not allow 
darkness to overrun you some become uncomfortable in their inability to 
draw energy from situations by creating chaos. I don't allow this to 
impede on me, they either rise up, or shuffle away. I don't dislike them 
for it, I just feel for their suffering and pain, and the trauma of them 
finding no answers in drugs and other things.  The same goes for email. 
I've learned a long time ago to withdraw my energy from where is not 

You can always sort of tell a type of person, if in a conversation, GOD 
is mentioned, and they have this sort of 'horrified' or 'deflated balloon' 
look about them, you kind of know. I love saying May God Bless You when 
someone sneezes. I know Christians that say Gosh Bless you, it's quite 
astounding that they themselves, are afraid to say God in public.. How 
far we've fallen as a society is shocking - at times.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sandee George wrote:

Hi There Dave thanks for yours, I appreciate your concern.   I
choose to go along with whatever, until I find out for myself that
it is crap as you put it.   Then I choose again.   On Planet
earth - where duality reigns supreme -
and choice is free, we can all think, feel, or do anything we
choose because the choice has reprocussions/actions both for me
the chooser; those who choose to put whatever they feel out there
knowing it to be crap then they will get their due.   There is
no right or wrong on this planet which is what most fail to
understand, perception is everything, how I choose to see anything
is my choice for which I have to take full responsibility,
including the fallout.   So taking what you have said, if I choose
to be fooled by anyone then the responsibility rests on me, no one
else.   Within all of the above you apparently do not understand
that what I choose to see is what I see, what I choose to work for
me, will work - this is where spirit comes into all equations
!   Which is why there is no one valid truth on Planet Earth,
truth is what I choose to see, feel or deal with at my

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread bodhisattva

My information?  How about my ears!

I hear Thank Gosh or Gosh Bless you or Thank Goodness (or any 
range of these) consistently, everyday, from Christians. But then I also 
see a lot of them subscribe to the deception of Do nothing, your deeds 
won't earn you heaven, just wait for Christ!..  That one tops them all, 
for sure. The bad guys really love it when people do nothing, surely do! 
If you wonder why things can be so bad these days, now you know.  One 
good person, with good intent, can change a whole lot of what is 
happening around them, I can prove it.

If you wish to discuss this more, and why I think it is important for 
anyone that wants to be a true Christian to wake the heck up and start 
doing something. Feel free to join me on the off topic list.

Thanks.  See you there. (hopefully)

needling around wrote:
I've been around Christians all my life and I have never heard one of 
them say Gosh Bless you.  I don't know where you get your 
information from but this isn't accurate from my experience.


- Original Message - From: bodhisattva

Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Those that wish to experience limitation, will experience it.  Those 
that wish to experience the miraculous, will experience that.  
Someone operating from a materialistic approach, will see everything, 
and everyone around them as materialistic, and thus, conforming to 
their beliefs. Someone seeing life from a magical perspective, sees 
the materialism in some people, and the magical in others.  Someone 
from the miraculous, sees all three of these, all around them, 
depending on who they are dealing with.  It has to be this way, so 
each person can experience based on their spiritual evolution, their 
consciousness. When one is ready for the miraculous, it will be 
revealed to them, but not before. It usually takes great suffering 
before someone operating from an egotistical, materialistic viewpoint 
of life will seek the miraculous, but it doesn't have to be this 

Thankfully, we've got a way to quantify many things now, and when 
others quantify with the same results, without knowing other 
individuals answers, then we have a fairly good substantiation of the 
previously unquantifiable.  So for example, if I take a bottle water, 
and ask 3 people to calibrate it, and they are located in different 
parts of the world, and their numbers are exactly the same, or 
extremely close, then we can best assume this situation is accurate.  
Fortunately, Marshall (and many others) have been able to verify  my 
calibrations, so we don't really have a basis to 'doubt' at this 
point - regardless of attempts to instill that in us..

I have nothing I need to sell, or in fact worried about selling.. 
Most of what I do is free. God takes care of the rest, and thank God 
for that! My energy is sometimes too much for some, and I can 
appreciate that.. Some places,  I will sit down, and a few minutes 
later some will get up and leave to sit elsewhere - and it's not my 
perfume..  I will enter a space, make it sacred, and some will flee 
to the door. My home is sacred, and I know many that will  not enter 
it, similar to how many will not enter a church, a temple, or a 
monastery.. Some aren't ready for an awakening, and there is no 
problem with that. The fruit falls from the tree when it is ripe, not 
sooner. I have relatives that rarely speak to me in person, I send 
love, and compassion, they sound darkness, and anger. My vibration 
trumps theirs, they move off with angry looks, when you do not allow 
darkness to overrun you some become uncomfortable in their inability 
to draw energy from situations by creating chaos. I don't allow this 
to impede on me, they either rise up, or shuffle away. I don't 
dislike them for it, I just feel for their suffering and pain, and 
the trauma of them finding no answers in drugs and other things.  The 
same goes for email. I've learned a long time ago to withdraw my 
energy from where is not appreciated.

You can always sort of tell a type of person, if in a conversation, 
GOD is mentioned, and they have this sort of 'horrified' or 
'deflated balloon' look about them, you kind of know. I love saying 
May God Bless You when someone sneezes. I know Christians that say 
Gosh Bless you, it's quite astounding that they themselves, are 
afraid to say God in public.. How far we've fallen as a society is 
shocking - at times.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread M. G. Devour
Bodhi answers PT:
 If you wish to discuss this more ... Feel free to join me on the off
 topic list. 
 Thanks.  See you there. (hopefully)

Exactly the best place to go further into the topic, the OT list.

We'll continue to steer clear of Religion, Politics and other 
frequently divisive subjects on the main list, please.

Please don't reply to this aspect of the thread any further. Don't 
reply if anybody else does before they read this message.

Thanks again, gents.


Mike Devour
wearing his list-owner hat...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread Bob Banever


 I hope you are letting the Prill beads soak in the water for at least 
24 hours before drinking it.  If not, you aren't getting the benefits of 

- Original Message - 
From: Sandee George

Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads from -  now 
that I have them in hand - they are distributed by Life Enthusiast  - so I 
have no way of telling whether these are the good ones or the  bad ones. 
They are called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came in a 2 lb  bag which is 
mesh packaged in a plastic bag.   I did not put the  entire mesh bag with 
the 2 lbs into a glass 1 gallon jar all at once -  I opened the mesh bag 
and put about
1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them about five  times 
under tap water - the water is clear, has a taste and is good to  drink 
once it is placed in a smaller glass jug - closed - in the fridg  - 
however, I have to say this far, I have had none of the intense  reactions 
that others have had - with time I will be able to report  more on this 

When I first opened the plastic bag I took my pendulum to check them,  and 
it gave me a very intense positive reaction - I then asked both  Bodhi  
Marshall to douse them and received the following readings :   550 ish 3-4 
disharmonious freqs - I cleared them and then asked for  another reading - 
I am still waiting for a reply from Bodhi who I know  is very busy. 
Marshall's was firstly - can't find this reading in  my files, however 
after I did my clearing thing, he gave me a reading  of 925 - which I 
believe was higher than his first.I just had a  glass to drink and 
used my pendulum on it before drinking it and got a  positive response 
however not as intense as the first time I used it  on them before putting 
them into the water or reducing the amount of  beads, so maybe this has 
something to do with the reduced reaction by  my pendulum.

Will keep you all posted as my experience continues with time
Regards to all

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-20 Thread bodhisattva
I agree, we had to add another half gallon Mason Jar of them because we 
went through 1 gallon so fast, not enough time to recharge them, the 
benefits not fully realized.  Hopefully we're getting more benefit now 
that they seem to be charing longer.

10 hours at least and they 'start' to get good, but ideally, 24 hours as 
Bob says.

Bob Banever wrote:


 I hope you are letting the Prill beads soak in the water for at 
least 24 hours before drinking it.  If not, you aren't getting the 
benefits of them.

- Original Message - From: Sandee George
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Hi There to all, I purchased my Prill Beads from 
-  now that I have them in hand - they are distributed by Life 
Enthusiast  - so I have no way of telling whether these are the good 
ones or the  bad ones. They are called Trans Derma Bath Prills - came 
in a 2 lb  bag which is mesh packaged in a plastic bag.   I did not 
put the  entire mesh bag with the 2 lbs into a glass 1 gallon jar all 
at once -  I opened the mesh bag and put about
1/3 of the beads into distilled water after washing them about five  
times under tap water - the water is clear, has a taste and is good 
to  drink once it is placed in a smaller glass jug - closed - in the 
fridg  - however, I have to say this far, I have had none of the 
intense  reactions that others have had - with time I will be able to 
report  more on this aspect.

When I first opened the plastic bag I took my pendulum to check 
them,  and it gave me a very intense positive reaction - I then asked 
both  Bodhi  Marshall to douse them and received the following 
readings :   550 ish 3-4 disharmonious freqs - I cleared them and 
then asked for  another reading - I am still waiting for a reply from 
Bodhi who I know  is very busy. Marshall's was firstly - can't find 
this reading in  my files, however after I did my clearing thing, he 
gave me a reading  of 925 - which I believe was higher than his 
first.I just had a  glass to drink and used my pendulum on it 
before drinking it and got a  positive response however not as 
intense as the first time I used it  on them before putting them into 
the water or reducing the amount of  beads, so maybe this has 
something to do with the reduced reaction by  my pendulum.

Will keep you all posted as my experience continues with time
Regards to all

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