Re: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

2004-03-17 Thread David Erickson
I'm still a little hazy on when reset is called on forms, but you may want
to try moving
marketing = marketingItems;

to the forms constructor, so when the form is created the first time its
holding the default values.
And inside the reset method:

marketing = null;


- Original Message - 
From: Wiebe de Jong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:14 PM
Subject: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

 I am having a problem with multibox. I need to have a set of checkboxes to
 default on in my form. I found and followed Ted Husted's Struts Tip #7  - Use Multibox to manage
 checkboxes and everything works well, except in one condition explained

 When everything is defaulted on, and the user checks off the boxes but
 leaves at least one checked on, everything works as planned. However, if
 the boxes are defaulted on (as in the code below) and the user checks all
 the boxes off, the marketing array is not updated. In this case, the form
 ends up telling me that the checkboxes are all on.

 How do I get it to work properly in this situation?



 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {


   marketing = marketingItems;


 private String[] marketing = {};

 private String[] marketingItems =

 public String[] getMarketing() { return; }

 public void setMarketing(String[] marketing) { =
marketing; }



 html:multibox property=marketing value=accountHolder


 html:multibox property=marketing value=user2 styleClass=form/


 html:multibox property=marketing value=user3 styleClass=form/


 html:multibox property=marketing value=user4 styleClass=form/


 html:multibox property=marketing value=user5 styleClass=form/



 String[] marketing = form.getMarketing();

 log.debug(marketing  + marketing.length);

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Re: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

2004-03-17 Thread David Erickson
Actually according to Ted inside the reset method your code should be:

marketing = new String[] {};


- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

 I'm still a little hazy on when reset is called on forms, but you may want
 to try moving
 marketing = marketingItems;

 to the forms constructor, so when the form is created the first time its
 holding the default values.
 And inside the reset method:

 marketing = null;


 - Original Message - 
 From: Wiebe de Jong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:14 PM
 Subject: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

  I am having a problem with multibox. I need to have a set of checkboxes
  default on in my form. I found and followed Ted Husted's Struts Tip #7  - Use Multibox to manage
  checkboxes and everything works well, except in one condition explained
  When everything is defaulted on, and the user checks off the boxes but
  leaves at least one checked on, everything works as planned. However, if
  the boxes are defaulted on (as in the code below) and the user checks
  the boxes off, the marketing array is not updated. In this case, the
  ends up telling me that the checkboxes are all on.
  How do I get it to work properly in this situation?
  public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
marketing = marketingItems;
  private String[] marketing = {};
  private String[] marketingItems =
  public String[] getMarketing() { return; }
  public void setMarketing(String[] marketing) { =
 marketing; }
  html:multibox property=marketing value=accountHolder
  html:multibox property=marketing value=user2 styleClass=form/
  html:multibox property=marketing value=user3 styleClass=form/
  html:multibox property=marketing value=user4 styleClass=form/
  html:multibox property=marketing value=user5 styleClass=form/
  String[] marketing = form.getMarketing();
  log.debug(marketing  + marketing.length);

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Re: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

2004-03-17 Thread David Erickson
 I don't think I explained myself quite clearly.

 WORKS: All the checkboxes on the form default to on.
 WORKS: User leaves all checkboxes on.
 WORKS: User turns some of the checkboxes off.
 DOESN'T WORK: User turns all of the checkboxes off.

 In the last situation, the form reports to the action that the marketing
 array still has the value of {accountHolder, user2, user3, user4,
 user5}, even though the user turned all the checkboxes off.

This is because when nothing is selected, nothing gets sent to the form to
be populated, so assuming your form is in session scope, whatever you had in
there when it was rendered, is still in there.  That's why inside the reset
method of the form you need to empty that string array.  That way if there
are value submitted they will be populated, and if there are none, it will
stay at none.


 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 12:28 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

 Actually according to Ted inside the reset method your code should be:

 marketing = new String[] {};


 - Original Message - 
 From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:22 PM
 Subject: Re: Multibox problem when defaulted all on

  I'm still a little hazy on when reset is called on forms, but you may
  to try moving
  marketing = marketingItems;
  to the forms constructor, so when the form is created the first time its
  holding the default values.
  And inside the reset method:
  marketing = null;
  - Original Message - 
  From: Wiebe de Jong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:14 PM
  Subject: Multibox problem when defaulted all on
   I am having a problem with multibox. I need to have a set of
   default on in my form. I found and followed Ted Husted's Struts Tip
#7  - Use Multibox to manage
   checkboxes and everything works well, except in one condition
   When everything is defaulted on, and the user checks off the boxes but
   leaves at least one checked on, everything works as planned. However,
   the boxes are defaulted on (as in the code below) and the user checks
   the boxes off, the marketing array is not updated. In this case, the
   ends up telling me that the checkboxes are all on.
   How do I get it to work properly in this situation?
   public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
 marketing = marketingItems;
   private String[] marketing = {};
   private String[] marketingItems =
   public String[] getMarketing() { return; }
   public void setMarketing(String[] marketing) { =
  marketing; }
   html:multibox property=marketing value=accountHolder
   html:multibox property=marketing value=user2 styleClass=form/
   html:multibox property=marketing value=user3 styleClass=form/
   html:multibox property=marketing value=user4 styleClass=form/
   html:multibox property=marketing value=user5 styleClass=form/
   String[] marketing = form.getMarketing();
   log.debug(marketing  + marketing.length);
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Re: Something after RequestProcessor adding extra / to URL?

2004-03-17 Thread David Erickson
Not certain where the trailing / is coming from, but I believe as soon as it
encounters the ? everything past there is considered parameters, so
basically if you seperate everything left of the ? and its a working url,
great.  And in essence is the same as

- Original Message - 
From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:08 PM
Subject: Something after RequestProcessor adding extra / to URL?

In the Action, I have: to: +redirectURL);
  return new ActionForward( redirectURL, true );

The logs say:
15:53:45,640 - INFO edu.asu.vpia.struts.HarrisLoginAction - redirecting
15:53:45,640 - DEBUG org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor -

So I'm pretty sure there is no / after, but what I see in
the browser is:

Does anyone know where the extra '/' is coming from, or if it matters at

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management

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Tomcat and matching actions

2004-03-09 Thread David Erickson
Hey all.. I have experienced some really stupid behavior of tomcat/struts
when combined.. let me explain.
In web.xml if you map *.do to the struts action servlet you are able to
match actions with paths, ie /blah/ correctly gets matched to
/blah/something (the .do gets stripped.. still don't understand why)

But what really irks me is I need to do some directory matching, ie in
web.xml i have /getDocument/* mapped to the struts servlet.  But in my
struts config I cannot match /getDocument/**, the only way I can match is
based on file extensions because the /getDocument/ gets stripped, so im
forced to matching *.pdf, *.zip.. etc!  Is there some way to fix this?? Or a
suitable good alternative?


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Tiles attributes problem

2004-03-05 Thread David Erickson
First the sample code:

XML defintion:
definition name=.default path=/tiles/layouts/base.jsp

put name=header value=/tiles/header.jsp/

put name=menu

put name=body value=${body}/

put name=footer value=/tiles/footer.jsp/

put name=logon value=/tiles/logon.jsp/

put name=title value=CMC/FLEX Sales Web/

put name=messages value=/tiles/messages.jsp/

put name=path value={path}/


my editUsers.jsp

%@ taglib uri=struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %

tiles:insert definition=.default controllerUrl=/admin/

tiles:put name=path value=/admin/userManagement/

tiles:put name=menu

tiles:put name=body value=/WEB-INF/apps/admin/editUsers.jsp/


Now here's the problem, my controller action basically prepares its view by
doing some logic and placing things in the request etc.  My editUsers.jsp
(the body content one) relies on the tiles attribute path for links to other
webpages.  This is the crazy thing, if i set my TilesAction (
to return null as its actionForward somehow the tiles context does not get
passed to my editUsers.jsp!! However if I DO return an actionForward its
fine!  What the heck is up with that?  Having to return an actionForward
defeats the purpose OF the tile does it not??  Any ideas?  (PS the way I
found out it works if I specify a forward was in my struts-config i set
success as the forward to /WEB-INF/apps/admin/editUsers.jsp... but that
obviously messed up my whole definition by not using anything but that
content page)

Thank in advance,


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Re: Starting time-consuming jobs early

2004-03-01 Thread David Erickson
You ought to be able to make a struts plugin or a servlet thats loaded by
your webserver that starts a thread that watches for a certain time each
week then wakes up and does stuff..

- Original Message - 
From: Andy Engle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 1:53 PM
Subject: Starting time-consuming jobs early

 Hi all,

 It looks like I am going to be involved with a project where the goal
 is to gather a bunch of product information from multiple databases,
 and then mix-n-match (a highly-technical term there) all that data to
 ultimately generate some metrics charts.  It seems that making this a
 web application would be good here becuase several groups within this
 company X can then share this information.  But since it will take so
 long to get the results, I'm wondering if there is some sort of way
 using servlets or whatever that I can have this job kick off at maybe
 midnight on Friday night so that all the data will be freshly available
 on Monday morning when it would be needed.  I've considered maybe using
 a cron job to fire off a Perl script to do all the work, and then load
 the database with the data that would be replaced each week.  But, I'd
 be interested in knowing if I could have it setup some slick way with


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Encode/Encrypt url parameters?

2004-02-24 Thread David Erickson
Hi I was wondering if there are any easy to use Java classes or otherwise
that could be used to encrypt or encode url parameters?  Basically what I
want to do is this:

Action (encodes the url parameters, puts them into the request object) -
forwards to jsp containing a link that grabs those parameters from the
request - click link takes you to an Action that decodes and uses them.

The parameters are to files on our site.. its no big deal because they are
in the web-inf directory and unaccessable from the web but I'd rather hide
them from the surfers anyway.  Is there any good way to do this?


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Re: Encode/Encrypt url parameters?

2004-02-24 Thread David Erickson
Aye Encrypt is exactly what I'm needing to do.  Thanks!

- Original Message - 
From: Dhaliwal, Pritpal (HQP) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 6:04 PM
Subject: RE: Encode/Encrypt url parameters?

 I think you really mean encrypt.. Not just code and decode..

 Look at this:

 URLDecoder is and URLEncoder is put put those %20 instead of space in the
 URL I think.. Doesn't really add any security to what is URLEncoded.

 I guess you can get the encrypted value.. URLEncode it.. Put it as a
 parameter.  Then decrypt it when you get back.. The little tutorial/code I
 linked should help you.

 Pritpal Dhaliwal

 -Original Message-
 From: Geeta Ramani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:42 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Encode/Encrypt url parameters?


 It's been a real long day and my brain's fuzzing over.. but I'm assuming
 know all about and geeta

 David Erickson wrote:

  Hi I was wondering if there are any easy to use Java classes or
  otherwise that could be used to encrypt or encode url parameters?
  Basically what I want to do is this:
  Action (encodes the url parameters, puts them into the request object)
  - forwards to jsp containing a link that grabs those parameters from
  the request - click link takes you to an Action that decodes and uses
  The parameters are to files on our site.. its no big deal because they
  are in the web-inf directory and unaccessable from the web but I'd
  rather hide them from the surfers anyway.  Is there any good way to do
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Re: REPOST: How to avoid bean:writeto print null on the screen

2004-02-23 Thread David Erickson
You could always extend that tag class to look for null and if found print
 instead of printing null as it currently does.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 1:46 AM
Subject: REPOST: How to avoid bean:writeto print null on the screen


I am using bean:write in a lot of places in my jsp's, Whenever the
form bean property is null It prints null on the screen,  I was hoping
if there could be some way in which I can force all null values to be
printed as  in my jsp's. I have tried giving  initial= in my form
property but If my Data Holder object contains null and I set it to the
form bean then it still prints null.

I know one way of achieving this is using logic:present every where
but that's a huge amount change in jsp's we have 150 of them, If anybody
can suggest a shortcut It would be of a great help

Any help is greatly appreciated



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Re: Persisting Messages/Errors when redirect=true

2004-02-12 Thread David Erickson
Ya I'd be interested to see your code if at all possible =)

- Original Message - 
From: Hubert Rabago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Persisting Messages/Errors when redirect=true

 There's no built-in support for this at the moment.  I add code to my
 projects to add that support.  I can share the code with you if you want.

 - Hubert

 --- David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to persist Messages/Errors around your site through the
  request when setting redirect=true on an action mapping?  An example I
  have right now is I have a delete action that forwards to a
  action on success.. however its persisting url parameters from my delete
  request that is interfering with my listcontacts action. If i set
  redirect='true' though it empties my request =(.  Help!
  (Plus I can't be the only one forwarding from action-action.. and it
  really annoying seeing the old action url listed in the url even though
  on a new one)
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Re: ActionErrors deprecated?

2004-02-09 Thread David Erickson
Can we expect to have struts 1.2 fully moved over to using solely
html:messages?  Including all the validate methods on actions etc?

- Original Message - 
From: Hubert Rabago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 1:32 PM
Subject: RE: ActionErrors deprecated?

 It's the new and improved way to display messages on your pages.
 html:errors/ sometimes needed html markup on the message resources file
 format the messages properly.  The new html:messages tag gives the JSP
 control over formatting, which is where it should be.

 --- Slattery, Tim - BLS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   in jsp use this:
   html:text property=foo/
   struts-html:messages id=error property=foo
  struts-bean:write name=error/
  Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't make any sense of this. Use it for what?
  Tim Slattery
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Persisting Messages/Errors when redirect=true

2004-02-09 Thread David Erickson
Is it possible to persist Messages/Errors around your site through the
request when setting redirect=true on an action mapping?  An example I
have right now is I have a delete action that forwards to a
action on success.. however its persisting url parameters from my delete
request that is interfering with my listcontacts action. If i set
redirect='true' though it empties my request =(.  Help!

(Plus I can't be the only one forwarding from action-action.. and it gets
really annoying seeing the old action url listed in the url even though your
on a new one)

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Re: [OT] Examining Response Headers

2004-02-06 Thread David Erickson
Filters + Eclipse + Debug?

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 11:44 AM
Subject: [OT] Examining Response Headers

 Sorry for the OT post, but Googling and searching the mailing list
archives are not producing much.
 I may not be asking the right question though.

 Anyhow, I need a tool (free) to examine the request and response headers.

 Any suggestions?


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Re: struts-menu from action

2004-02-04 Thread David Erickson
You would probably have to do that coding yourself to handle that.. what we
implemented is ALL our menus are stored in menu-config.xml and each one has
assigned a 'roll' to it and if the user has the roll the menu is shown.. etc

- Original Message - 
From: Vijay Kandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: struts-menu from action

 Hello All,

 I was going through examples of struts-menu and it looks like the menu
 are read from menu-config.xml. Is it possible to populate these items an
 Action class? I would like to get these from Action because the menu items
 are stored in a database and are retrieved based on whos logged in.

 Vijay Kandy

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Validator-How to put the fields value in the resulting error message?

2004-02-03 Thread David Erickson
Hey all, still new with the validator.. I'm using the emailAddress validator
and I just want it to put the value of the field in the error message if its
not valid.. ie:
blah! is not a valid email address.

however I can't seem to make that happen.. here's what I've tried:
form name=/getPassword

field property=userName depends=required

arg0 key=User Name resource=false/


field property=emailAddress depends=required,email

arg0 key=${emailAddress} resource=false/



and in my properties file{0} is an invalid e-mail address./li



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Re: bean:write

2004-01-30 Thread David Erickson
Greg: you could alternatively use the JSTL Core tags, if the bean is null it
doesn't write anything I believe.  The format is c:out

otherwise if you really want to use bean:write you could enclose it in a
logic:notEmpty name=mybean property=bean property/logic:notEmpty or
just logic:notEmpty name=mybean/logic:notEmpty

- Original Message - 
From: Gregory F. March [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 12:22 PM
Subject: bean:write

 I haven't been able to confirm this first hand, but one of my team members
 (who is not on this list) is trying to do a bean:write.

 The problem is that sometimes, the bean that is being displayed is null.
 question is what is the proper way to handle this?

 We tried to play with the ignore=true attribute for been:write should
 this, but it doesn't appear to work.  We could do a logic:ifPresent (or
 whatever that tag is), but if we had to do it in a bunch of places, it
 make things ugly.

 Any help would be appreciated...



 Gregory F. March-=-

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Re: bean:write

2004-01-30 Thread David Erickson
What type of formatting are you looking to do?

- Original Message - 
From: Gregory F. March [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: bean:write

 On Jan 30, 2004, David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

  |Greg: you could alternatively use the JSTL Core tags, if the bean is
null it
  |doesn't write anything I believe.  The format is c:out
  |otherwise if you really want to use bean:write you could enclose it in a
  |logic:notEmpty name=mybean property=bean property/logic:notEmpty
  |just logic:notEmpty name=mybean/logic:notEmpty


 Thanks for the response.  This would be the perfect solution (thank
 for emacs macros!) except we use the format attribute in many places.

 Not being a jstl expert, is there an option for formatting?



 Gregory F. March-=-

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Re: bean:write

2004-01-30 Thread David Erickson
Greg the answer to your question is yes, jstl has a fmt: tag library for
formatting text..  Good luck though, I've many times thought about extending
that bean to check for null as well :)

- Original Message - 
From: Gregory F. March [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: bean:write

 On Jan 30, 2004, David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

  |What type of formatting are you looking to do?

 We are formatting dates, currency, and numbers.

 I think we will extend the bean:write in a custom tag and just check for
 ourselves - very minimal code change this way (which is important for us
 this stage).



 Gregory F. March-=-

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Re: JSP to static html...

2004-01-23 Thread David Erickson
I don't know the layouts of your jsps or what you are doing in them.. but
JSP's are inherently non-static because they use runtime expressions to
generate the html, and that can change on a per request basis.  If you are
using strictly html and no RT expressions or tags or anything I don't see
why you couldnt just rename the extension from jsp to html and save it
wherever you want.

- Original Message - 
From: Jacob Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 12:30 PM
Subject: JSP to static html...

 Hi All...

 I have a specific requirement in my project... I want to convert the JSP
pages to static html pages and save them in a local directory... How do I
achieve this functionality??? Any suggestions appreciated.

 Thanks much.


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Re: New to struts, having an issue

2004-01-13 Thread David Erickson
I'm using execute in all of my actions.  You are implementing the execute
action properly in your viewDataAction action class correct?  Also you are
properly extending Action?  Posting some source code might help.

- Original Message - 
From: Bret Kumler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: New to struts, having an issue


 I'm using JBOSS 3.2.3, struts 1.1.

 When I try to execute my action I get the following on my server stdout.

 I thought this was depricated and to use execute()

 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Method perform() not yet


 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(



























[OT] Question about CSS inheritance/cascading

2004-01-09 Thread David Erickson
Hey I am using CSS like most everyone, I was wondering if its possible to
apply multiple styles to a single element?

IE I have a table cell, in my CSS it automatically receives this style:

TD {

color : #00;

font-family: Arial, Verdana, Times;

font-size: 10pt;


and by specifying class=Blue I can make it change the text color:


color: #323299;


however I'd also like to add a bottom border element to it ie:

.BlueThinBottomBorder {

border-bottom: 1px solid #323299;


Is it possible within the class= to specify multiple style sheets to apply
and if so how?

(The idea is to keep me from having to make a BlueTextBlueThinBottomBorder



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Re: [OT] Question about CSS inheritance/cascading

2004-01-09 Thread David Erickson
Answered my own question...
class=Blue BlueThinBorder

- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 12:54 PM
Subject: [OT] Question about CSS inheritance/cascading

 Hey I am using CSS like most everyone, I was wondering if its possible to
 apply multiple styles to a single element?

 IE I have a table cell, in my CSS it automatically receives this style:

 TD {

 color : #00;

 font-family: Arial, Verdana, Times;

 font-size: 10pt;


 and by specifying class=Blue I can make it change the text color:


 color: #323299;


 however I'd also like to add a bottom border element to it ie:

 .BlueThinBottomBorder {

 border-bottom: 1px solid #323299;


 Is it possible within the class= to specify multiple style sheets to
 and if so how?

 (The idea is to keep me from having to make a BlueTextBlueThinBottomBorder



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Re: [OT] Oldest Language

2004-01-08 Thread David Erickson
If your religious its Ademic, the language spoken by adam.

- Original Message - 
From: Ramadoss Chinnakuzhandai [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 11:49 AM
Subject: [OT] Oldest Language

 If anyone of you might be wizard of liguistics facts...may I know
the worlds oldest language?

my apology for posting other topic..thought some one is out there to answer.


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Re: [ot] hibernate jndi

2004-01-07 Thread David Erickson
I had initially setup my hibernate to try and bind to a JNDI name created by
tomcat in the server.xml and it failed to work with that, I ended up setting
up hibernate to create its own JNDI name put its SessionFactory there.  Then
I used a Filter based plugin to give out session's and close them as needed.
I'd imagine you could have your own servlet put hibernate into a JNDI name
and as long as that name is available to the other webapps they could have
plugins to grab sessions from that SessionFactory.

- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 4:20 AM
Subject: [ot] hibernate jndi

 Has anyone any words of wisdom when it comes to configuring a jndi
 service for hibernated classes that ideally only runs a service from a

 I've been using the hibernate plugin which tends to fall over daily.
 Ideally a servlet that's fired up via web.xml rather than a struts
 plugin could prove more reliable. I've used this approach with torque
 in the past albeit not using jndi.

 I'd prefer not to configure the service via server.xml as I don't need
 the service to be global but rather contain the service to a specific
 webapp or two.

 Cheers Mark

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Dependent Drop Down Boxes

2004-01-07 Thread David Erickson
Hi I was wondering if anyone knew of any taglibraries or javascript related
code that is meant to handle dependent drop down boxes.  IE your choice in
drop down box 1 choses the options you get in drop down box 2.  Ideally this
would not require a refresh of the browser.  An example of this is where you chose the vehicle manufacturer and in the next
box it shows you only cars made by that manufacturer.  They are using
javascript coded in house... I was wondering if there is an open source
project or solution to work with this.

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Re: Dependent Drop Down Boxes

2004-01-07 Thread David Erickson
Thanks Paul =)
- Original Message - 
From: Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: Dependent Drop Down Boxes

 Have a look at


  -Original Message-
  From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 07 January 2004 18:00
  To: Struts Mailing List
  Subject: Dependent Drop Down Boxes
  Hi I was wondering if anyone knew of any taglibraries or
  javascript related
  code that is meant to handle dependent drop down boxes.  IE
  your choice in
  drop down box 1 choses the options you get in drop down box
  2.  Ideally this
  would not require a refresh of the browser.  An example of this is where you chose the vehicle manufacturer and
  in the next
  box it shows you only cars made by that manufacturer.  They are using
  javascript coded in house... I was wondering if there is an
  open source
  project or solution to work with this.
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Best Practice: Dealing with null inner objects within forms

2004-01-07 Thread David Erickson
Ok well I've been fighting this problem for months now and have never really
figured out the best way to deal with it.  I'll give a short description
hopefully it makes sense:

public class Parent {
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
private Address address;
   .. getters/setters etc.

Ok now my form object basically just has a getter/setter for a Parenty

Within my jsp I want to use html:text elements for parent.firstname,
parent.lastname, AND parent.address.street,,
parent.address.state, etc.  Now the problem is address has the potential to
be loaded as null from the database if an address record is not tied to the
parent.  So in that case my jsp will throw a null pointer exception because
it tried to initialize the text element from a null'd variable member.  But
even if there is no record for that I want to be able to edit the field and
add one if its submitted.  This doesn't pose a problem for
firstname/lastname because the parent object will never be null.

The alternatives that I can see to solve this:
1) Use logic:notEmpty tags to display the textbox as long as there is a
record, but if theres not the user won't be able to edit on that page, so
that doesn't really solve the problem
2) Within my parent object in its constructor initialize any member object.
   public Parent () {
 address = new Address()
3) Within the form's constructor make sure all of its member variables
variables are non null. IE:
  public myActionForm() {
parent.setAddress(new Address());
  I don't like this though because that requires me to edit the form
everytime I change ANY of the objects contained therein.

4) ??

I hope that was clear.. any alternatives or what is everyone else doing to
deal with this problem?

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Re: Wrapping request - OT

2004-01-07 Thread David Erickson
Couldn't anything you would possible stick in the wrapped request be placed
into the request attributes?

- Original Message - 
From: Grassi Fabio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:49 AM
Subject: Wrapping request - OT

Is there something fundamentally wrong in wrapping the request object
that a Filter receives and pasing on the wrapping object? I would like
to add some parameters to the original request.

Thank for your comments. Fabio.
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Re: Its Safe to use the Action.ERROR_KEY ?

2004-01-06 Thread David Erickson
I don't see why not.. considering Action.ERROR_KEY is a static so if it ever
changes your already referencing the new location.

- Original Message - 
From: José Gustavo Zagato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 11:17 AM
Subject: Its Safe to use the Action.ERROR_KEY ?

Hi Folks !

I'd like to know if is a good practice to use the
Action.ERROR_KEY to access the errors at the request. I just want to
check if error already exists on the request.

Thank's !

  José Gustavo Zagato Rosa
System Analyst - Atos Origin

-Original Message-
From: Geeta Ramani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2004 13:54
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: server hangs after finite number of requests


Check any jdbc code you have.  If you don't close statements/result sets
release connections that you have opened, then this sort of thing can


Manfred Wolff wrote:


 Have you studied the tomcat logs?

 Manfred Wolff

 Heather Marie Buch wrote:

 Hi all,
 If I submit the same page more than 8 times, my server dies and I
have to
 restart. For example, the first 8 times I enter the wrong password,
 will simply return me to my original form with an error message.
 the 9th time - the server hangs.
 This also occurs if I enter the correct password, then press the
 back button and return to the original login screen and submit
again. I
 can only repeat this 8 times. The server hangs on the 9th try.
 I am using:
 tomcat 4.1.12
 httpd 2.0.43
 mysql 3.23.53
 struts 1.1
 I am not even sure if this is a struts problem. I suspect it is
because I
 tried that back  button trick with a plain old servlet, and I was
able to
 do it more than 9 times.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated! My boss wants users to be able
 try passwords more than 9 times!
 Heather Buch
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Re: weird

2004-01-05 Thread David Erickson
It looks to me like in your admin.jsp file you have something like

Something is wrong with your redirect tag.. make sure you are giving it the
correct parameters that are required etc... when all else fails use a
debugger and find out where exactly the null pointer exception is coming
from in the code.

- Original Message - 
From: Otávio Augusto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:03 PM
Subject: weird

please, i got a weird problem with struts. I haven't done anything different
from what i do hundres of times a day: edit something in an Action or
FormAction file, change small things in a jsp...ant build, shutdown,
startup...well, no matter what i do, it has never given me any problem. But
sundenly all the browser returns to me is a tomcat erros messagem like this:

at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.computeURL(
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.computeURL(
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.computeURL(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.RedirectTag.doEndTag(
at org.apache.jsp.admin_jsp._jspx_meth_logic_redirect_0(
at org.apache.jsp.admin_jsp._jspx_meth_logic_empty_0(
at org.apache.jsp.admin_jsp._jspService(

this message comes from a page where i have a logic:empty tag. it used to
work just as i expected. but even the logon page does not work. it has
nothing more than two fields and.. well, the last time i touched this page
was one week ago. it does not work any more ;(
This is the error i get when trying to access the logon page:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find ActionMappings or
ActionFormBeans collection
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

I've already checked if any file is missing...but everything is there. just
like 5 minutes ago, when everything was working fine.
What may be the problem??
Please, if someone can help me, do it. If i don't solve this, i'll be stuck
in my tasks.

Otávio Augusto

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Re: Still having problems with File upload (multipart-formdata)

2003-12-30 Thread David Erickson
construktor ;P

- Original Message - 
From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: Still having problems with File upload (multipart-formdata)

Hi Patrick,
okay attched is my class

it offers only two methods.
soon more... perhaps ;-)

one stores a form-file to a place, defined in a PROPERTIES-File
under uploadPath-KEY

the other stores the file to a place which is the second-parameter ;-)

both methods are static. The class has only a private Construktor,
so it is final... :-)


String placeString =

you get the Path of your Struts-App
like: C:\Tomcat\webapps\myStrutsApp

so you could use the second like:

UploadFile.saveFile(myFormFile, placeString);

your file is then in root.

hope this is what you needed.



-Original Message-
From: Patrick Scheuerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 5:15 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Still having problems with File upload (multipart-formdata)

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

 Hi Patrick,

 you want to get the path of /myapp
 like C:\Tomcat\webapps\myapp

That's exactly what i was trying to do!

 in an actionClass
 you now want to store
 in placeString\uploaddir
 isn´t it?

Right again :-)

 i wrote an Util-Class which managed the
 storage in my action.
 one parameter is the formfile the other the placeToStore.
 you can get it, if you want...

That would be wonderful! Thank you very much for your help!


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Re: doubt

2003-12-24 Thread David Erickson
What kind of problem are you referring to with lazy instantiation?  You can
disable or enable it.. but if you have big lists of items that you may or
may not use its good to leave it on..

- Original Message - 
From: Otávio Augusto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 1:16 PM
Subject: doubt

hi all

Maybe this is an inapropriate place to ask that, but i'm gonna take the risk
anyway. I imagine there are users who work with Struts and Hibernate, just
like i do (i haven't found any hibernate's discussion list, so i'm posting
this question here). is someone has ever had the lazy instantiation
problem when working whith Struts + Hibernate, please, notice me.

Thanks a lot, and, again, pardon if that was not polite.

Otávio Augusto

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Re: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson
Thanks for the heads up, I havn't been using any 'instance' variables.. but
I was getting a little confused reading about all the woe's of threads and
why my stuff appeared to be working =)  Makes more sense now.


- Original Message - 
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

 Quoting David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Hey I have been reading a lot about threading lately from the JLS and
  otherwise.. but my question is what would be an example of a
  action?  Struts manual said that only one instance of an action exists
  the JVM.. and when I run an action each thread creates its own versions
  all the variables within the action correct?

 More precisely, you get per-thread *local* variables (i.e. those defined
 a method).  If you use *instance* variables (those defined in the class,
 than inside the method, there is only one copy of those variables -- and
 get in trouble if you use those variables to store information that is
 to a particular request.

  So assuming I'm not accessing
  some outside 'global' variable, everything is inherintly threadsafe
  If anyone can give me an example of what 'not' to do that would help

 Consider the LogonAction class in the struts-example app.  Note that the
 username and password variables are defined inside the execute()
method, so
 they are local variables (and therefore have a copy per thread).

 What would happen to your logon processing if you moved those variable
 declarations to be outside the method instead of inside?  Then, if you had
 people logging on at the same time, the single copy of the username and
 password variables would be at risk for getting scribbled on by the second

 The most important rule for thread safety is to use local variables to
 anything that is specific to a particular request (using instance
variables to
 store read-only copies of things needed by multiple requests, on the other
 hand, is fine).


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Dynamic Errors with/Action Error?

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson
Is it possible to create any kind of a Dynamic Error using the ActionErrors
framework?  IE put a $1 or something in the file on
the error you want to use then parse and replace it?  Gets annoying having
to make a zillion static errors to display.

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Struts HTML tag rewriting url wrong

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson
Hi all, I'm using the html struts tags to do some url writing for me, with
forms etc.  I have tomcat setup to listen on port 8080, but its proxyPort
attribute is set as 80, and i have forwarding on the machine so requests
come in on 80 get routed to 8080.  Then whenever you call
request.getServerPort() it reports 80 so the requests stay correct.  However
I have just noticed that the struts tags are writing in :8080 as the server
port!  Any idea what method they are calling to get that as the port?  Or
how I can correct this?  I took a look at the tag source but didn't see

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Struts HTML tag rewriting url wrong

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson
Ya thats how my test env is setup as well.. but in a linux environment that
requires running tomcat under root access.. I'd rather avoid that so I have
a tomcat user setup to run it, with the side effect it can only bind to
ports  1024.

- Original Message - 
From: Brice Ruth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Struts HTML tag rewriting url wrong

 Any reason why you can't setup Tomcat to listen on port 80, instead of
 forwarding the requests? That's how my dev/test env is setup, and it
 seems to do the trick :)

 David Erickson wrote:

 Hi all, I'm using the html struts tags to do some url writing for me,
 forms etc.  I have tomcat setup to listen on port 8080, but its proxyPort
 attribute is set as 80, and i have forwarding on the machine so requests
 come in on 80 get routed to 8080.  Then whenever you call
 request.getServerPort() it reports 80 so the requests stay correct.
 I have just noticed that the struts tags are writing in :8080 as the
 port!  Any idea what method they are calling to get that as the port?  Or
 how I can correct this?  I took a look at the tag source but didn't see
 Thanks in advance,
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 Brice D. Ruth
 Sr. IT Analyst
 Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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Re: Dynamic Errors with/Action Error?

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson
Bingo, just what I was looking for, thanks!
- Original Message - 
From: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic Errors with/Action Error?

 try this solution From Gogeneni Pratima:

 errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new
 ActionError(, e.getMessage()));

 in the you should have: not construct view because: {0}/li

 e.getMessage() is substituted instead of {0}

 Makes sense?
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:33 AM
 Subject: Dynamic Errors with/Action Error?

  Is it possible to create any kind of a Dynamic Error using the
  framework?  IE put a $1 or something in the file
  the error you want to use then parse and replace it?  Gets annoying
  to make a zillion static errors to display.
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Re: Form and Pass the Form to the Business Tier

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson

 However, I have to supply a number of additional
 properties for the business tier to process.  For
 example, the property threadType is to be assigned to
 zero manually and the property parentPostID is to be
 found from another class, how do I code them in the
 form bean?  Do I use get methods shown below (without
 set methods)?

 public int getThreadType() {
return 0;

This is fine I assume.

 public int getParentPostID() {
return ParamUtil.getParameterInt( request, parent

This wouldn't work properly.  I would make a setter for parentPostID and in
the jsp write something like:
html:hidden name=yourformname property=parentPostID value=%=


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Re: Form and Pass the Form to the Business Tier

2003-12-23 Thread David Erickson

 Thank you for your response.

 According to my understanding of your advice, if I
 want to pass a hidden field from JSP to a form bean, I
 must have name=myFormName in the JSP's html:hidden
   tag?  Please confirm.

From the docs:
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when rendering
the current value of this input field. If not specified, the bean associated
with the form tag we are nested within is utilized. (RT EXPR).

I always put it as good practice.

 Another additional property that is to be assigned a
 value in my form bean is now with Timestamp type.
 Do I code this way in my form bean class?  Please

 pubic Timestamp getNow() {
return DateUtil.getCurrentGMTTimestamp():

Ya that looks fine.

 --- David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   However, I have to supply a number of additional
   properties for the business tier to process.  For
   example, the property threadType is to be assigned
   zero manually and the property parentPostID is to
   found from another class, how do I code them in
   form bean?  Do I use get methods shown below
   set methods)?
   public int getThreadType() {
  return 0;
  This is fine I assume.
   public int getParentPostID() {
  return ParamUtil.getParameterInt( request,
  This wouldn't work properly.  I would make a setter
  for parentPostID and in
  the jsp write something like:
  html:hidden name=yourformname
  property=parentPostID value=%=
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Example of a non-threadsafe Action?

2003-12-22 Thread David Erickson
Hey I have been reading a lot about threading lately from the JLS and
otherwise.. but my question is what would be an example of a non-threadsafe
action?  Struts manual said that only one instance of an action exists in
the JVM.. and when I run an action each thread creates its own versions of
all the variables within the action correct?  So assuming I'm not accessing
some outside 'global' variable, everything is inherintly threadsafe right?

If anyone can give me an example of what 'not' to do that would help

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Re: struts, hibernate, datasources .... so lost

2003-12-19 Thread David Erickson
Rich I know how you feel.  I just dealt with nearly the same problems the
other day.  I for the life of me could not get Hibernate to bind to my JNDI
datasource.. so I bailed on that and in my hibernate.cfg.xml I just had it
setup the datasource and manage it from there:


session-factory name=salesweb:/hibernate/SessionFactory

property name=dialectnet.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect/property

property name=show_sqltrue/property

property name=connection.usernameuser/property

property name=connection.passwordpass/property


property name=connection.driver_classcom.mysql.jdbc.Driver/property

property name=use_outer_jointrue/property


property name=dbcp.minIdle1/property



etc.  So what hibernate does when you build its config is load up a JNDI
name and bind its session to that at salesweb:/hibernate/SessionFactory.
Then I am using the hibernateFilter which the first run through will build
that config and also store a static instance of the factory within that
class.  The reason its important to use the filter (to my understanding) is

User requests a webpage, goes to struts action, action calls getSession()
from the hibernatefilter, it binds that session to the current executing
thread and ships it to the action.  Action loads the requested items,
perhaps the item has a collection that is loaded lazily, so it doesnt
actually get loaded in the action.  Action finishes and forwards to view
(Note this is in the same thread!!), the view is a jsp that wants to render
that lazily loaded collection.  Well if you closed the session in your
action this would fail.  but because the session is still maintained until
the request is fully finished it succeeds.  Make sense?  Anyway thats my
understanding, I could be flawed =)

Good luck!

- Original Message - 
From: Rich Garabedian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 7:35 AM
Subject: struts, hibernate, datasources  so lost

 After spending days on the net and the mailing lists I find something is
 just not getting through to me. I feel that what I'm doing is
 conceptually simple; yet I can't seem to actually implement any of it. I
 think I have a rudimentary understanding of how to integrate Hibernate
 into Struts, but I'm unsure on a few points.

 First the datasource. I'm trying to set up a default data source that
 all web applications can use. I use container based authentication and I
 want my realm to use it as well. Trolling these lists showed me a
 solution that does work with my realm (XML fragments follow below). But
 when I try to use that same datasource with Hibernate, my web
 application fails to load and I get the following error:

 SEVERE: Could not find datasource: java:comp/env/jdbc/prospectingDB
 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this

 Here are the XML fragments from server.xml.

 First, I set up a global resource:


 Resource name  = jdbc/prospectingDB
   auth  = Container
   scope = Shareable
   type  = javax.sql.DataSource/

 ResourceParams name=jdbc/prospectingDB

 ... Usual parameters go here

 Right under the engine tag I define my realm. This works for my
 container based auth

 Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost debug=10

 Realm className  = org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm
 debug  = 99
dataSourceName = jdbc/prospectingDB
userTable  = auth_roles_view
userNameCol= email
userCredCol= pwd
userRoleTable  = auth_roles_view
roleNameCol= role/

 Then I set up a resource link in the default context:

 ResourceLink name   = jdbc/prospectingDB
   global = jdbc/prospectingDB
   type   = javax.sql.DataSource /

 As I said, that all seems to work. But Hibernate bails:

   session-factory name=prospecting/hibernate/SessionFactory
   property name=show_sqlfalse/property
   mapping resource=Employee.hbm.xml/

 I can't seem to figure out why. If I change the server.xml to define the
 datasource in my web-app context, then I get problems with container
 based authentication not finding the datasource??

 ... and speaking of Hibernate, I think I figured out how to use the
 HibernatePlugIn. I use that to set-up a Hibernate session factory on web
 app instantiation. But what I'm not 100% sure on is why I need to set-up
 a filter to implement the open session in view pattern. One of the
 examples I 

Re: struts, hibernate, datasources .... so lost

2003-12-19 Thread David Erickson
Ya the binding thing with JNDI and tomcat is messed up.. for some reason
I've read its Read Only.. but the strange thing is I WAS able to get it
working when I bound to that resource from a static class, but as soon as I
used a filter or a struts plugin it no longer worked.. really lame.

Regarding what happens after you load something from Hibernate.  I'm still
learning this myself, but I assume if you don't load ANYTHING lazily then
you should be able to do anything with that variable and have no worries.
However if you have an object that contains say a set of other objects, ie a
team with a set of players, and set it to lazy loading, meaning when you
load team 1, the players arent loaded until you call, getPlayers(), then at
that point hibernate is still bound to your variable and will load that from
the db assuming the session you initially loaded the team with is still
open.  Make sense?  The way it works is hibernate has its own classes
inherited from set/list/map etc that handle that.. and it uses those when
you load sets.

- Original Message - 
From: Rich Garabedian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'David Erickson' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: struts, hibernate, datasources  so lost


 David, thanks so much for your note.

 I guess I'll try having Hibernate setup the datasource if I can't get it
 to work they way I'm trying now. Doing that really bothers me though. I
 thought datasources were supposed to allow us to configure a single
 point of entry and then just use the logical name everywhere ... and not
 to have to worry about anything else. Need to change your database? Just
 look in one location and change - easy as pie. Yeah, right. Configuring
 a JDBC realm for authentication, and then a datasource in an entirely
 different file just seems plain backwards to me. Grrrh.

 Sorry, I'm really frustrated right now. I spent hours trying to
 determine why my web app was crashing on load. Come to find out,
 ehcache.jar is required (at least it seems to be for me). Even though
 the hibernate lib/readme says it's optional. (I can't find anywhere
 where I specify cache useage).

 The explanation below helps clear things up, but there still is one
 thing I really don't understand. If, in my action, I use hibernate to
 grab something from the data layer and store it in a local variable ...
 don't I know hold that data in my hands. If the session closes now, then
 who cares? I've already copied it into a local variable and can do what
 I please with it. Right?

 Dunno, I'm sure that last question readily shows my ignorance of how the
 entire processes works :-)

  -Original Message-
  From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 1:00 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: struts, hibernate, datasources  so lost
  Rich I know how you feel.  I just dealt with nearly the same problems
  other day.  I for the life of me could not get Hibernate to bind to my
  datasource.. so I bailed on that and in my hibernate.cfg.xml I just
 had it
  setup the datasource and manage it from there:
  session-factory name=salesweb:/hibernate/SessionFactory
  property name=show_sqltrue/property
  property name=connection.usernameuser/property
  property name=connection.passwordpass/property
  property name=use_outer_jointrue/property
  property name=dbcp.minIdle1/property
  etc.  So what hibernate does when you build its config is load up a
  name and bind its session to that at
  Then I am using the hibernateFilter which the first run through will
  that config and also store a static instance of the factory within
  class.  The reason its important to use the filter (to my
  User requests a webpage, goes to struts action, action calls
  from the hibernatefilter, it binds that session to the current
  thread and ships it to the action.  Action loads the requested items,
  perhaps the item has a collection that is loaded lazily, so it doesnt
  actually get loaded in the action.  Action finishes and forwards to
  (Note this is in the same thread!!), the view is a jsp that wants to
  that lazily loaded collection.  Well if you closed the session in your
  action this would fail.  but because the session is still maintained
  the request is fully finished it succeeds.  Make sense?  Anyway thats

[OT] Debugging w/Eclipse Tomcat Sysdeo Plugin? Help!

2003-12-19 Thread David Erickson
So we are migrating our app from debugging with System.out.. (dont laugh..
even though I do).. to debugging it with Sysdeo's Eclipse plugin.  However
we have run into a showstopping snag unless we can get it resolved. Eclipse
is set to compile everything from /web/WEB-INF/src into /web/WEB-INF/classes
as it should so tomcat can run correctly and see the files.  However we have
configuration and other files also in /web/WEB-INF/classes.. and when
eclipse rebuilds the project it 'cleans' that directory by deleting
everything then compiling the source back into there.  Can this be stopped?
Or what is everyone else doing regarding this?  I'm sure I can't be the only
one with this problem.


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Re: [OT] Debugging w/Eclipse Tomcat Sysdeo Plugin? Help!

2003-12-19 Thread David Erickson
Thanks! #2 works great.  Another quick question to fire off if anyone
knows.. I want to keep that classes directory out of cvs, i have a
.cvsignore file in the root of my project, by putting classes in there is
that enough to accomplish this?  Would that filter out any other potential
directories named classes as well?  If so I just won't make any with that
name =)
- Original Message - 
From: Matt Bathje [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Debugging w/Eclipse Tomcat Sysdeo Plugin? Help!

 David - there are 2 options for this that I can think of:

 1. In your project settings in eclipse, in the java compiler category, go
 the build path tab and uncheck the clean output folders on full build

 2. Put your configuration/other files into the /src directory. When
 builds, it will copy the files over to the classes directory. (note: if
 doesn't work there may be a setting that turns it on, but I couldn't find
 one, and don't remember ever setting it...)

 I prefer situation 2 myself.

 Matt Bathje

 - Original Message - 
 From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 1:42 PM
 Subject: [OT] Debugging w/Eclipse Tomcat Sysdeo Plugin? Help!

  So we are migrating our app from debugging with System.out.. (dont
  even though I do).. to debugging it with Sysdeo's Eclipse plugin.
  we have run into a showstopping snag unless we can get it resolved.
  is set to compile everything from /web/WEB-INF/src into
  as it should so tomcat can run correctly and see the files.  However we
  configuration and other files also in /web/WEB-INF/classes.. and when
  eclipse rebuilds the project it 'cleans' that directory by deleting
  everything then compiling the source back into there.  Can this be
  Or what is everyone else doing regarding this?  I'm sure I can't be the
  one with this problem.
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Re: struts, hibernate, datasources .... so lost

2003-12-19 Thread David Erickson
That code should work assuming your object is fully loaded by the time it
gets to the view and no longer needs the session.  Also I would use
Transactions in your code even on simple query's.. that was the advice given
on hibernate's site.  ie: Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction().  then
tx.commit() when done or rollback or whatever.

Also I don't know what you are using as your log manager but using log4j
when I get a hibernate error I also send it the exception and it prints a
stack trace for me which gives more information on what went wrong.

Can't say that I've seen that behavior with tomcat myself =).. I have a
whole other can of worms I've had to deal with involving that...


- Original Message - 
From: Rich Garabedian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: struts, hibernate, datasources  so lost

 I think that makes sense. So basically you are saying I HAVE to
 implement the filter and doing something like this:

 Context ctx = new InitialContext();
 SessionFactory sf =
 Session session = sf.openSession();

 Query query = session.createQuery(select e.pwd from
 com.autorevenue.prospecting.hibernate.Employee e where =
 query.setString(email, email);

 e = (Employee)query.uniqueResult();

 if( e != null)
 password = e.getPwd();

 catch(Exception exc)
 servlet.log(Hibernate error  + exc.getMessage());

 Won't work??

 I've made some progress, I think. Log output shows Hibernate is
 returning a value for a given query  but the code above keeps
 throwing an exception that is simply Hibernate error null Perhaps I'm
 getting that because I'm not using the filter yet?

 Another frustrating thing is that my container based auth stopped
 working. Keep getting Name jdbc is not bound in this Context. Have to
 play with that some more.

 Another weird thing. Copying a new war to the war directory and having
 Tomcat reload my war doesn't seem to work anymore. I mean, it does load,
 but when it does changes to the Hibernate config aren't updated. Only
 way, so far, to see changes has been to shutdown server, deleted war
 filed and war directory, copy new war file to webapp directory, and
 restart. Does the same thing happen to anyone else?

  -Original Message-
  From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 1:31 PM
  Subject: Re: struts, hibernate, datasources  so lost
  Ya the binding thing with JNDI and tomcat is messed up.. for some
  I've read its Read Only.. but the strange thing is I WAS able to get
  working when I bound to that resource from a static class, but as soon
  used a filter or a struts plugin it no longer worked.. really lame.
  Regarding what happens after you load something from Hibernate.  I'm
  learning this myself, but I assume if you don't load ANYTHING lazily
  you should be able to do anything with that variable and have no
  However if you have an object that contains say a set of other
 objects, ie
  team with a set of players, and set it to lazy loading, meaning when
  load team 1, the players arent loaded until you call, getPlayers(),
  that point hibernate is still bound to your variable and will load
  the db assuming the session you initially loaded the team with is
  open.  Make sense?  The way it works is hibernate has its own classes
  inherited from set/list/map etc that handle that.. and it uses those
  you load sets.
  - Original Message -
  From: Rich Garabedian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'David Erickson' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 11:12 AM
  Subject: RE: struts, hibernate, datasources  so lost
   David, thanks so much for your note.
   I guess I'll try having Hibernate setup the datasource if I can't
 get it
   to work they way I'm trying now. Doing that really bothers me
 though. I
   thought datasources were supposed to allow us to configure a single
   point of entry and then just use the logical name everywhere ... and
   to have to worry about anything else. Need to change your database?
   look in one location and change - easy as pie. Yeah, right.
   a JDBC realm for authentication, and then a datasource in an
   different file just seems plain backwards to me. Grrrh.
   Sorry, I'm really frustrated right now. I spent hours trying to
   determine why my web app was crashing on load. Come to find out,
   ehcache.jar is required (at least it seems to be for me). Even
   the hibernate lib/readme says it's optional. (I can't find anywhere
   where I specify cache useage).
   The explanation below

Re: Are httpSessions thread safe?

2003-12-18 Thread David Erickson
Another question along the same vein.. each httpRequest that comes into say
Tomcat is given a seperate thread to operate under correct?

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 1:09 AM
Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?

 The sessions essentially just a sort of Map. Access to it may be
 but the stuff thats in it is another matter entirely. Multiple requests
 associated with the same session will execute simultaneously.

 If you have 1 threads playing with the same unsafe object (which you just
 happened to pull out of the session) then of course you will need to
 synchronise their access to it externally.


 Garthop unsafeObject = (Garthop)session.getAttribute(THE_GARTHOP);

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Hertz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 18 December 2003 15:56
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Are httpSessions thread safe?

 Not sure how OT this question is.

 My current plan (unless this is bad for some reason, but if so, Ted H
 should change his example app :-) is to stash the hibernate Session for
 a user into his httpSession, and reuse it on each request.

 A Hibernate Session instance isn't threadsafe. I imagine if two really
 quick http requests got generated out of the same browser, all hell
 could break out.

 I guess I want to know if mortals like me need to worry about this.

 Does Struts (or the Servlet container FAIK) prevent this from occuring,
 or do I need to ensure this doesn't happen? If so, how? With a token or
 is there a better strategy?



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Re: Are httpSessions thread safe?

2003-12-18 Thread David Erickson
That second one actually works great, 43.html.  Since each request is
running in its own thread it has the possiblity to create a new hibernate
session for every request, but it only creates it if you call the getSession
method on the filter.  And at the end of the request that session is

- Original Message - 
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?

 I saw these. I just had this grand idea of minimizing the Hibernate
 connections by doing what Ted did in his example -- not actually
 discarding a user's Hibernate Session until his httpSession expired.

 I've never messed with ThreadLocals before but I suspect that the
 attempt to put a ThreadLocal into a httpSession I suspect would be funny
 to watch.

  -Original Message-
  From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:45 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?
  Poked aroung on the Hibernate site for a few minutes and found these:
  Quoting Joe Hertz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Yuck. And may I say, Yuck, again?
   It's not the Session object per se, as much as it is the particular
   attribute I want to store there.
   It does strike me that the storage of a Hibernate Session in the
   httpSession is a fairly common thing, so I doubt this bites people
   very often. It does seem to have the potential to do so.
   In the real world why is this not too big of a deal? Or
  should it be
   considered one?
   I suppose that unless you've got time consuming requests,
  or the user
   hits some button on the browser twice in rapid succession, it's
   probably okay. A token could effectively prevent this type of
   condition I suppose.
-Original Message-
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:12 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?
Synchronizing on the session object may cause you all sorts
of grief...or it may not. It all depends on your container.
The spec makes no guarantees about the identity of the object
returned by methods like PageContext.getSession or
HttpServletRequest.getSession. For example, here's a test JSP:
%@ page contentType=text/plain %
out.println(session: + session);
out.println(pageContext.getSession:  +
out.println(request.getSession:  +
out.println(request.getSession:  +
Here's the output from TC 4.1.24:
And that's just within the same thread! I'm pretty sure TC
4.1.29 does return the same instance, but just remember it's
not guaranteed.
Quoting Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 At 4:09 PM +0800 12/18/03, Andrew Hill wrote:
 The sessions essentially just a sort of Map. Access to
  it may be
 but the stuff thats in it is another matter entirely. Multiple
 requests associated with the same session will execute

 There's nothing in the specs that guarantee threadsafe
  access to
 session attributes.

 A pattern I've become quite fond of is to create a
  single object
 (we call it a shell, analogous to an operating system shell)
 which encapsulates everything you want in session context for a
given user;
 then put just this object into session scope, and use
  methods on
 to do everything else.  This helps you apply
  synchronization where
 appropriate.  There's still a risk of a race condition
involving the
 initial creation of the shell (assuming you do something like
 the session to see if there's a value under the key you
  use for the
 shell) -- you can put that in a block synchronized on
  the session

 MyAppShell shell = null;
 synchronized (session)
shell = (MyAppShell) session.getAttribute(SHELL_KEY);
if (shell == null)
  shell = new MyAppShell ();
  session.setAttribute(SHELL_KEY, shell);

 If the shell concept seems like high overhead to you, you
can still
 synchronize accesses on the session object along those
lines; you may
 just have more trouble keeping track of all the places
  it needs to


 Joe Germuska
   We want beef in dessert if 

Re: Are httpSessions thread safe?

2003-12-18 Thread David Erickson
Well what that plugin does is IF you request a session from it, it binds a
Hibernate Session to your current executing thread.  thus if you are using
actions, anywhere in that action and in the resulting jsp the same session
is used if you requested it again.  And on requests for images or whatever
since its never requested it doesn't get created.  If you are using a
connection pool like DBCP or something it shouldnt be a problem at all.


- Original Message - 
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?

 I guess creating Hibernate Sessions and Destroying them on every request
 isn't as bad as I imagine it is?

 I figured creating the session when the user showed up, destroying it
 when his httpSession expired, and reconnecting/disconnecting on each
 request was strictly better.

 I guess doing this isn't quite worth the effort? No one else seems to
 mind :)


  -Original Message-
  From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:27 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Are httpSessions thread safe?
  That second one actually works great, 43.html.  Since each
  request is running in its own thread it has the possiblity to
  create a new hibernate session for every request, but it only
  creates it if you call the getSession method on the filter.
  And at the end of the request that session is destroyed. -David
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joe Hertz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:20 AM
  Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?
   I saw these. I just had this grand idea of minimizing the Hibernate
   connections by doing what Ted did in his example -- not actually
   discarding a user's Hibernate Session until his httpSession expired.
   I've never messed with ThreadLocals before but I suspect that the
   attempt to put a ThreadLocal into a httpSession I suspect would be
   funny to watch.
-Original Message-
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:45 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?
Poked aroung on the Hibernate site for a few minutes and found
Quoting Joe Hertz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Yuck. And may I say, Yuck, again?

 It's not the Session object per se, as much as it is the
 particular attribute I want to store there.

 It does strike me that the storage of a Hibernate
  Session in the
 httpSession is a fairly common thing, so I doubt this
  bites people
 very often. It does seem to have the potential to do so.

 In the real world why is this not too big of a deal? Or
should it be
 considered one?

 I suppose that unless you've got time consuming requests,
or the user
 hits some button on the browser twice in rapid succession, it's
 probably okay. A token could effectively prevent this type of
 condition I suppose.


  -Original Message-
  From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:12 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Are httpSessions thread safe?
  Synchronizing on the session object may cause you all
  sorts of
  grief...or it may not. It all depends on your container. The
  spec makes no guarantees about the identity of the object
  returned by methods like PageContext.getSession or
  HttpServletRequest.getSession. For example, here's a test JSP:
  %@ page contentType=text/plain %
  out.println(session: + session);
  out.println(pageContext.getSession:  +
  out.println(request.getSession:  +
  out.println(request.getSession:  +
  Here's the output from TC 4.1.24:
  And that's just within the same thread! I'm pretty sure TC
  4.1.29 does return the same instance, but just
  remember it's not
  Quoting Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   At 4:09 PM +0800 12/18/03, Andrew Hill wrote:
   The sessions essentially just a sort of Map. Access to
it may be
   but the stuff thats in it is another matter entirely.
   Multiple requests associated with the same session will

Re: Plea for help w/Struts-Hibernate Plugin that has it working!

2003-12-17 Thread David Erickson
Excellent I will give that a try.  What I was hoping to do was maintain one
JDNI location for my database, but I will definitly try this out.

- Original Message - 
From: David Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: RE: Plea for help w/Struts-Hibernate Plugin that has it working!


 There is an alternative Struts/Hibernate/JNDI combination.  All of it
 on one file: hibernate.cfg.xml.  It doesn't require any changes to
 server.xml or web.xml and works (at the very least) for me on Struts v1.0

 v1.1 with Hibernate v2.0.3  V2.1beta6 under Tomcat 4.1.24 through 4.1.29.

 * Use a hibernate.cfg.xml file like so (passwords changed and pardon
 MySQL slant)

 ?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
 !DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
 -//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 2.0//EN;
 session-factory name=dgf:/hibernate/SessionFactory
 property name=connection.usernameAA/property
 property name=connection.passwordBB/property
 property name=show_sqltrue/property
 property name=use_outer_jointrue/property

 property name=dbcp.minIdle1/property
 !-- Optional, I use this but it requires an download of
 property name=cache.use_query_cachetrue/property


 !-- insert any mapping file so you don't need to hardcode adding
 classes or adding files in a Java class --
 mapping resource=hibernate/Misc.hbm.xml/

 The JNDI location is set in the session-factory tag using the 'name='
 attribute.   Whatever name you choose, DO NOT use anything starting
 java:comp/env as that is read-only in Tomcat and will NOT work.  I made
 a context named dgf:/hibernate/SessionFactory and was pleasantly
 when hibernate created the context for me and stored the SessionFactory
 within it so I could us it in JNDI context lookups after I got the
 InitialContext and performed a
 ' SessionFactory sf = (SessionFactory)

 I see you want to use DBCP.  As long as you set a minimum of 1 dbcp
 property, hibernate will detect you want to use DBCP as your connection
 pool.  Feel free to set more than one DBCP property or even to use
 other than dbcp.minIdle as in my working example above.

 Hibernate can work with other connection pools.  I recommend avoiding C3P0
 as it can't shutdown (eats up memory unless you fully shutdown the JVM
 TOMCAT] and restart).  A Beta C3P0 allows shutdown of a C3P0 pool, but the
 last time I checked, the Hibernate controlling class for C3P0 pooling
 had an empty finalize() and never actually shutdown my C3P0 pool.


 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 7:20 PM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: Plea for help w/Struts-Hibernate Plugin that has it working!

 For some reason I just cannot make the Struts-Hibernate plugin work.. I
 can't make the Struts-Hibernate Listener work either.  Here is the link to
 class I am trying to use:

 Here is the error I get without fail every time.. now note that this jndi
 connection WORKS fine when I use the HibernateUtil class, or when I use my
 own JDNI tests.

 2003-12-16 17:10:31,452 [DEBUG] impl.SessionImpl - opened session
 2003-12-16 17:10:31,468 [DEBUG] transaction.JDBCTransaction - begin
 2003-12-16 17:10:31,484 [DEBUG] util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Exception
 java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'



  at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.openConnection(
  at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.connect(
  at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.connection(


 My setup:
 tomcat_home\common\lib contains:

Strategy for out of date items through forms using hibernate?

2003-12-17 Thread David Erickson
Hi I am using Struts with Hibernate in a webapplication.. we are using forms
etc. The problem I am currently trying to decide how to handle is thus:

Assume user 1 loads up an object in a form and is modifying it.
Assume user 2 loads up the same object in a form and is also modifying it.
User 1 submits the modified object.
User 2 also submits the object, however his is out of date and I would like
the webapp to tell him that and show the differences that exist.

What is the best way to use hibernate to deal with this? What I have
attempted is using the built in timestamp feature in MySQL, I have a field
in my object that is timestamp but does not insert or update, thus mysql
controls its value. Then when the user submits the object I loaded another
copy of that object from the DB and tried to compare their dates.. however
this gave me an error saying:

net.sf.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same
identifier value was already associated with the session: 1, of class:

because of the object I loaded to compare.

What do do? Is there a better strategy for tackling this? I tried using the
actual timestamp in the properties for my object, but then when I tried to
submit the object the generated sql said when id=? AND timestamp=? meaning
it would not update if the timestamp is different, and I'm unsure if I could
even determine if it did or did not update.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Strategy for out of date items through forms using hibernate?

2003-12-17 Thread David Erickson
 I have done this.  Hibernate supports versioning (using a version number
 column), if you use this Hibernate can make sure the changes are not

 The basic process is:
 1. Hibernate session A loads object A1 (with identifier 1234)
 2. Hibernate session B loads object B1 (also with identifier 1234)
 3. Session A modifies object A1 and saves it
 4. B modifies object B1 and attempts to save it
 5. Hibernate will detect the version number for the object has changed
 and generate an exception (StaleObjectStateException)
 6. Catch this exception, close the hibernate session, return an error
 message to the user using ActionErrors etc

 I also have a refresh button so that at any time the user can press
 refresh which reloads the object from hibernate so it is up to date.
 When I return my stale object error I also allow the user to either
 refresh (loses the users changes), cancel (do nothing, return to parent
 menu), or overwrite.  Overwrite can attempt to overwrite the changes by
 reloading the new object, but use the posted field changes to update and
 then save the object.

Yes I figured this out just barely, rather I used timestamp instead of
version (are there any drawbacks to that?).  I am interested in doing
exactly what you did, but how did you go about overwriting the things that
have been changed?


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Best way to parse a String and replace line feeds with br for html?

2003-12-17 Thread David Erickson
using the html:textarea element tag to enter notes on an object, thats
getting persisted as a blob in our database.  I would like to be able to
output this to html with the same formatting.. ie the line feeds work.
Whats the best way to do this?  I tried the jstl:core c:out tag and it didnt
work (did not goto the next line), tried the struts bean:write tag same
problem.  Is there another struts tag library I can use?

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Re: Best way to parse a String and replace line feeds with br for html?

2003-12-17 Thread David Erickson
Thanks for the tips.. I completely forgot about #1, and I think I will
implement #2 as it doesn't require me modifying my object at all.
- Original Message - 
From: Barett McGavock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: 'David Erickson'
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Best way to parse a String and replace line feeds with br for

 1) Assuming that you have a separate value object to carry this
 item to the view, try replacing any \n with br in the action.
 2) Have you also considered using the pre HTML tag?


 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 5:05 PM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: Best way to parse a String and replace line feeds with br for

 using the html:textarea element tag to enter notes on an object, thats
 getting persisted as a blob in our database.  I would like to be able to
 output this to html with the same formatting.. ie the line feeds work.
 the best way to do this?  I tried the jstl:core c:out tag and it didnt
 (did not goto the next line), tried the struts bean:write tag same
 Is there another struts tag library I can use? Thanks, David

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iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

2003-12-16 Thread David Erickson
We're needing to roll out DAO and ORM in our webapp... been evaluating
hibernate and it looks awesome, but we'd like to insulate our app from that,
has anyone tried using iBatis' DAO layer then plugging hibernate underneath

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Re: [OT] iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

2003-12-16 Thread David Erickson
What I'm trying to get away from is having to write an implementation of a
factory for each of my POJO's.. ie having something to load it, save it,
basically to interact with hibernate.  And it looked like iBatis can do that
well.. are there other alternatives?

- Original Message - 
From: Hookom, Jacob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: [OT] iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

 It seems kind of moot to use iBatis DAO over Hibernate.

 You are better off rolling out something to the tune of Sun's DAO spec.
 use the DAO with the same kind of behavior as iBatis. Depending on the
 we will make additional methods on the DAO that are specific to the
 or you can call them up in getMethod(by name).

 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:41 AM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

 We're needing to roll out DAO and ORM in our webapp... been evaluating
 hibernate and it looks awesome, but we'd like to insulate our app from
 has anyone tried using iBatis' DAO layer then plugging hibernate

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Re: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

2003-12-16 Thread David Erickson
Ok so if I chose to use solely hibernate would there be anything wrong with
putting code like this into my action?:

factory =

session = factory.openSession();

Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

myProspect = (Prospect)session.get(Prospect.class, id);



Ultimately I'll have to build some kind of a util class to handle giving me
sessions etc.. but in the short term for testing is this proper?



- Original Message - 
From: Larry Meadors [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

 I am working in an environment where we are mixing the two.

 My advice to you is to *not* do it. Pick one and use it as it was
 intended to be used.

 I personally prefer iBATIS. It is very simple; it plays well with
 existing databases; it allows you the flexibility, commodity and
 performance tuning of sql; it provides object wrappers for your data.
 All while staying in your DAO and out of your application.

 From my experience, if you are using hibernate, you write hibernate
 applications, not java applications that use hibernate - even if you try
 to wrap it so that it is not used directly. Trust me, we did. If you are
 willing to accept that, hibernate may work for you.

 Some other factors to consider:
  - How many developers know hql vs sql?
  - How much time will it take for a new person to learn the
 idiosyncrasies of the tool (and they both have them)?


  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/16/03 9:40 AM 
 We're needing to roll out DAO and ORM in our webapp... been evaluating
 hibernate and it looks awesome, but we'd like to insulate our app from
 has anyone tried using iBatis' DAO layer then plugging hibernate

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Re: [OT] RE: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

2003-12-16 Thread David Erickson
If you look towards the very end of the PDF it describes the DAO Wendy.

- Original Message - 
From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: [OT] RE: iBatis DAO + Hibernate?

 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 You might be confiusing the iBATIS SqlMaps framework with the 
 seperate and distict iBATIS DAO framework.
 The DAO framework is not linked to SqlMaps and should work with 
 anything. Otherwise, it could not be a DAO framework, since the whole 
 idea is that you can change persistence implementations.

Do you have a link to the iBATIS DAO framework?  All I can find is this: (iBATIS DB Layer) but the pdf
is all about SqlMap.  

Specifically, I'm looking for a DAO framework that does NOT assume JDBC.
I've already written my own, I just followed the J2EE Data Access
Objects pattern/blueprint, but I'd like to see if I can crib some
additional features and generally see if I can improve mine.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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Plea for help w/Struts-Hibernate Plugin that has it working!

2003-12-16 Thread David Erickson
For some reason I just cannot make the Struts-Hibernate plugin work.. I
can't make the Struts-Hibernate Listener work either.  Here is the link to
class I am trying to use:

Here is the error I get without fail every time.. now note that this jndi
connection WORKS fine when I use the HibernateUtil class, or when I use my
own JDNI tests.

2003-12-16 17:10:31,452 [DEBUG] impl.SessionImpl - opened session
2003-12-16 17:10:31,468 [DEBUG] transaction.JDBCTransaction - begin
2003-12-16 17:10:31,484 [DEBUG] util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Exception
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'
 at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.openConnection(
 at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.connect(
 at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.connection(

My setup:
tomcat_home\common\lib contains:

 Resource name=jdbc/Salesweb auth=Container
 ResourceParams name=jdbc/Salesweb


  descriptionSalesweb Database Connection/description

property name=show_sqltrue/property
  !-- Mapping files --
mapping resource=Prospect.hbm.xml/


Thanks for any help in advance!!!

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Indexed ArrayList Properties.. quick question

2003-11-03 Thread David Erickson
So I've been doing Indexed Arraylist Properties for awhile now but when I
tried to add some more to my form I'm a little miffed.  Here's the array
List code in my form:

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Indexed Array List Properties (Repost)

2003-11-03 Thread David Erickson
So I've been doing Indexed Arraylist Properties for awhile now but when I
tried to add some more to my form I'm a little miffed.  Here's the array
List code in my form:

private ArrayList forumGroups = new ArrayList();

now its a request scoped form, so I know I need a method that looks like

public ForumGroupLine getForumGroup(int index) {

while (index = this.forumGroups.size())

this.forumGroups.add(new ForumGroupLine());

return (ForumGroupLine) this.forumGroups.get(index);


However I can't figure out what to name it!  is the method supposed to be
named getForumGroup?  How does struts determine what to call to just get a
singular item from an array list?  On my other stuff my Arraylist was named
roles and my method for getting a single one was just getRole..

Thanks in advance,


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Solved - Re: Indexed Array List Properties (Repost)

2003-11-03 Thread David Erickson
Once again solved my own problem minutes after posting about it.. lol..
anyway for anyone else that searches this down the road.
It is ESSENTIAL in your form that your method for getting one element from
the list your iterating over matches your variable name in the jsp your
using or what not.  Example:
logic:iterate name=userForm property=forumGroups id=forumGroup

trtd width=1%html-el:checkbox name=forumGroup property=available

td width=25% nowraphtml-el:hidden name=forumGroup property=id
indexed=true write=false/

html-el:hidden name=forumGroup property=name indexed=true

tdhtml-el:hidden name=forumGroup property=description indexed=true


notice my arraylist is named forumGroups, and each object in that array is
assigned as forumGroup.  Therefore my method in the form that takes the
index as its parameter to return that object from the arraylist MUST be
named getForumGroup(int index).


- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: Indexed Array List Properties (Repost)

 So I've been doing Indexed Arraylist Properties for awhile now but when I
 tried to add some more to my form I'm a little miffed.  Here's the array
 List code in my form:

 private ArrayList forumGroups = new ArrayList();

 now its a request scoped form, so I know I need a method that looks like

 public ForumGroupLine getForumGroup(int index) {

 while (index = this.forumGroups.size())

 this.forumGroups.add(new ForumGroupLine());

 return (ForumGroupLine) this.forumGroups.get(index);


 However I can't figure out what to name it!  is the method supposed to be
 named getForumGroup?  How does struts determine what to call to just get a
 singular item from an array list?  On my other stuff my Arraylist was
 roles and my method for getting a single one was just getRole..

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

2003-10-31 Thread David Erickson
We currently have an ant function that just builds the directory structure
of a deployed webapp then points tomcat at that build directory.. is there
anyway to precompile the jsps in this situation without creating a war?  And
how does tomcat know to goto the precompiled files when a request for the
actual jsp comes in?

- Original Message - 
From: Ruth, Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

 Thanks for the pointer to your blog, between that and the example
 provided by the Tomcat docs, I was able to get what I was looking for -
 fully automated pre-compiling  deploying. Excellent!

 Holman, Cal wrote:

 I am using tomcat 5.0.12 and struts 1.1 with tiles and have been
successful in precompiling.  The tomcat documentation has a pretty good
example.  The hard part is translating someone else's directory structure
into yours to apply all the examples.  I posted my solution to my web site
 I also use Eclipse for development but due to the number of steps and
substitution in the various output xml and properties files still create the
final product with ant - invoked in Eclipse or externally.  Not sure I
explained it well enough and I left off my compile and war targets - let me
know if you have questions.
 -Original Message-
 From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:14
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat
 I've been doing some googling on having a webapp precompiled when
 deployed to Tomcat via an Ant task and I'm a bit intimidated with what's
 involved. Has anyone out there done this? Right now, I have an Ant build
 setup as an external build in Eclipse that does a variety of things,
 including building, packing up my WAR, and installing this WAR to Tomcat
 using the catalina-ant install command that uses the management URL
 and an external context file to install the webapp in a (local) running
 Tomcat instance.
 I'd like to follow-up the install with a directive to Tomcat to
 precompile the JSPs in the web application - does anyone have an Ant
 task that I could adapt to this purpose that they'd be willing to share?
 Brice D. Ruth
 Sr. IT Analyst
 Fiskars Brands, Inc.
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return e-mail and delete this message and any attachments from your
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 Brice D. Ruth
 Sr. IT Analyst
 Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

2003-10-31 Thread David Erickson
What values are expected to go into
jasper2 validateXml=false



outputDir=${WEB-INF.dir}/src /

the uriroot, webXMLFragment, and outputDir?  Are they the full path names on
the local file system? like c:\whatever or /home/whatever  or is it web
context path stuff like /salesweb/WEB-INF or whatever?



- Original Message - 
From: Ruth, Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

 Yep, the same setup works in that situation - and the way Tomcat knows
 to use the precompiled JSPs is that special entries for each of the
 servlets generated from jasper (the JSP compiler) are entered into the
 web.xml file (this, of course, can be automated).

 David Erickson wrote:

 We currently have an ant function that just builds the directory
 of a deployed webapp then points tomcat at that build directory.. is
 anyway to precompile the jsps in this situation without creating a war?
 how does tomcat know to goto the precompiled files when a request for the
 actual jsp comes in?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ruth, Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:45 AM
 Subject: Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat
 Thanks for the pointer to your blog, between that and the example
 provided by the Tomcat docs, I was able to get what I was looking for -
 fully automated pre-compiling  deploying. Excellent!
 Holman, Cal wrote:
 I am using tomcat 5.0.12 and struts 1.1 with tiles and have been
 successful in precompiling.  The tomcat documentation has a pretty good
 example.  The hard part is translating someone else's directory structure
 into yours to apply all the examples.  I posted my solution to my web
 I also use Eclipse for development but due to the number of steps and
 substitution in the various output xml and properties files still create
 final product with ant - invoked in Eclipse or externally.  Not sure I
 explained it well enough and I left off my compile and war targets - let
 know if you have questions.
 -Original Message-
 From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:14
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat
 I've been doing some googling on having a webapp precompiled when
 deployed to Tomcat via an Ant task and I'm a bit intimidated with
 involved. Has anyone out there done this? Right now, I have an Ant
 setup as an external build in Eclipse that does a variety of things,
 including building, packing up my WAR, and installing this WAR to
 using the catalina-ant install command that uses the management URL
 and an external context file to install the webapp in a (local) running
 Tomcat instance.
 I'd like to follow-up the install with a directive to Tomcat to
 precompile the JSPs in the web application - does anyone have an Ant
 task that I could adapt to this purpose that they'd be willing to
 Brice D. Ruth
 Sr. IT Analyst
 Fiskars Brands, Inc.
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 Brice D. Ruth
 Sr. IT Analyst
 Fiskars Brands, Inc.
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 Brice D. Ruth
 Sr. IT Analyst
 Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

2003-10-31 Thread David Erickson
Ok I solved that question its looking for an exact directory.  But now I'm
getting this error when trying to build:

And I made sure that my path has the newest versions of the xerces jars...
any ideas?

Here is my build file

target name=jspc

delete dir=${WEB-INF.dir}/src/

taskdef name=jasper2 classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC 

classpath id=jspc.classpath

pathelement location=${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar/

fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/server/lib

include name=*.jar/


fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/common/lib

include name=*.jar/


fileset dir=${basedir}/web/WEB-INF/lib

include name=*.jar/




mkdir dir=${WEB-INF.dir}/src/

jasper2 validateXml=false



outputDir=c:\projects\salesweb\uild\WEB-INF\src /


the xerces jars are in eveyr one of the fileset include dirs.. what gives?


- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

 What values are expected to go into
 jasper2 validateXml=false



 outputDir=${WEB-INF.dir}/src /

 the uriroot, webXMLFragment, and outputDir?  Are they the full path names
 the local file system? like c:\whatever or /home/whatever  or is it web
 context path stuff like /salesweb/WEB-INF or whatever?



 - Original Message - 
 From: Ruth, Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 12:42 PM
 Subject: Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat

  Yep, the same setup works in that situation - and the way Tomcat knows
  to use the precompiled JSPs is that special entries for each of the
  servlets generated from jasper (the JSP compiler) are entered into the
  web.xml file (this, of course, can be automated).
  David Erickson wrote:
  We currently have an ant function that just builds the directory
  of a deployed webapp then points tomcat at that build directory.. is
  anyway to precompile the jsps in this situation without creating a war?
  how does tomcat know to goto the precompiled files when a request for
  actual jsp comes in?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ruth, Brice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:45 AM
  Subject: Re: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat
  Thanks for the pointer to your blog, between that and the example
  provided by the Tomcat docs, I was able to get what I was looking
for -
  fully automated pre-compiling  deploying. Excellent!
  Holman, Cal wrote:
  I am using tomcat 5.0.12 and struts 1.1 with tiles and have been
  successful in precompiling.  The tomcat documentation has a pretty good
  example.  The hard part is translating someone else's directory
  into yours to apply all the examples.  I posted my solution to my web
  I also use Eclipse for development but due to the number of steps and
  substitution in the various output xml and properties files still
  final product with ant - invoked in Eclipse or externally.  Not sure I
  explained it well enough and I left off my compile and war targets -
  know if you have questions.
  -Original Message-
  From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:14
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Eclipse + Ant + precompile - Tomcat
  I've been doing some googling on having a webapp precompiled when
  deployed to Tomcat via an Ant task and I'm a bit intimidated with
  involved. Has anyone out there done this? Right now, I have an Ant
  setup as an external build in Eclipse that does a variety of things,
  including building, packing up my WAR, and installing this WAR to
  using the catalina-ant install command that uses the management URL
  and an external context file to install the webapp in a (local)
  Tomcat instance.
  I'd like to follow-up the install with a directive to Tomcat to
  precompile the JSPs in the web application - does anyone have an Ant
  task that I could adapt to this purpose that they'd be willing to
  Brice D. Ruth
  Sr. IT Analyst
  Fiskars Brands, Inc.
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Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

2003-10-30 Thread David Erickson
Essentially I just want to display a different content in that area of my
layout.  And I considered using a jsp:include, but by the point the logic
determines that a different page needs to be in that spot it has already
loaded a bunch of JSP variables and stuff into the page, by including
another page with variables potentially the same would it mess everything
up?  Also for example was:

if (x condition is met)
jsp:include blah.jsp


Would that return successfully quit running any logic from my original jsp?

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

 On 10/29/2003 11:52 PM David Erickson wrote:
  Ya sorry that is a hard question.. here let me give more explanation:
  definition name=.Default path=/tiles/layouts/base.jsp
  put name=header value=/tiles/header.jsp/
  put name=menu value=${menu}/
  put name=body value=${body}/
  put name=footer value=/tiles/footer.jsp/
  put name=logon value=/tiles/logon.jsp/
  put name=title value=Sales Web/
  put name=messages value=/tiles/messages.jsp/
  definition name=.Forum extends=.Default
  put name=body value=/forum/index.jsp/
  put name=menu
  These are my two tile definitions in my tiles-defs.xml file.  I call a
  file, for example test.jsp it contains:
  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
  tiles:insert definition=.Forum flush=true
  tiles:put name=body value=/forum/test-.jsp/
  (which is basically just a way to call a definition without using a
  action for right now)
  The above fills everything into our page layout and overrides body with
  test-.jsp.  Now test-.jsp goes into the body slot, the main area on the
  page.  I do some logic in it and determine, before its rendered, that
  user is not logged in or whatever else, and instead of it going into the
  body area it needs to redirect to another page to fill that slot.
  when I try that the body area just comes up blank.  And thats just
  url = response.encodeRedirectURL(request.getContextPath() +
  I know the above redirect code works, because when I put it in a .jsp
  does not includes our tiles layout it works fine.

 It's not clear whether you want to do a redirect to take the user to a
 different page, which is what I assumed from your first message, or
 whether you want to stay on that page and just have different content in
 your body slot.

 If you only need different content, why do a redirect? Why can't you
 just do a straight jsp:include?


 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

2003-10-30 Thread David Erickson
I agree with you.. I'm not a big fan of logic in jsps other than minimal
stuff, but in this circumstance we are retooling a jsp based forum and
eventually will port it to struts but at the moment time is scarce.

I was able to make it work using the jsp:include pageblah/ tag.  I found
some interesting stuff with it though.  The page url is relative to your
context.  So if my context was /salesweb, and i wanted the page at
/salesweb/forum/transition-.jsp  I would need to send it
/forum/transition-.jsp.  Also when I tried jsp:include page%=
request.getContextPath() %/forum/transition-.jsp/ I would get a compile
error (this was before I figured out it was context relative), however
jsp:include page%=  StringNameHere %/ would work.  Very odd.  I just
wish the original redirect would work, so my code doens't look all sloppy ;)
Thanks Adam,

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

 On 10/30/2003 07:01 PM David Erickson wrote:
  Essentially I just want to display a different content in that area of
  layout.  And I considered using a jsp:include, but by the point the
  determines that a different page needs to be in that spot it has already
  loaded a bunch of JSP variables and stuff into the page, by including
  another page with variables potentially the same would it mess
  up?  Also for example was:
  if (x condition is met)
  jsp:include blah.jsp
  Would that return successfully quit running any logic from my original

 Regarding the variables getting messed up: there are 2 types of includes
 - I think the one you have used above would be OK. There is also the
 straight @% include file= %. Again though JSP is not my forte.

 I'm not sure whether the return would end the JSP. A check in the
 compiled JSP file would show you. I never do too much logic in my JSPs
 so I'm not too hot on that.

 Perhaps you should make an else {} that encompasses the whole of the
 rest of the JSP. Horrible, but I take it you are modifying existing
 code, so it might be the easiest way.


 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

2003-10-30 Thread David Erickson
Ya I wish I knew why the redirects inside a tile aren't working..
theoretically they should unless there is a specific reason they were coded
not too... but nobody else seems to know either :p

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

 On 10/30/2003 11:26 PM David Erickson wrote:
  I was able to make it work using the jsp:include pageblah/ tag.  I
  some interesting stuff with it though.  The page url is relative to your
  context.  So if my context was /salesweb, and i wanted the page at
  /salesweb/forum/transition-.jsp  I would need to send it
  /forum/transition-.jsp.  Also when I tried jsp:include page%=
  request.getContextPath() %/forum/transition-.jsp/ I would get a
  error (this was before I figured out it was context relative), however
  jsp:include page%=  StringNameHere %/ would work.  Very odd.  I
  wish the original redirect would work, so my code doens't look all
sloppy ;)

 Nobody else has jumped in on this thread to say anything different, but
 I don't actually claim that the tiles redirect can't work. Originally I
 thought you wanted the whole lot to redirect, not just the tile, which I
 know will work.

 I just don't know enough about the internal Tiles machinations.


 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

2003-10-29 Thread David Erickson
Ya sorry that is a hard question.. here let me give more explanation:
definition name=.Default path=/tiles/layouts/base.jsp

put name=header value=/tiles/header.jsp/

put name=menu value=${menu}/

put name=body value=${body}/

put name=footer value=/tiles/footer.jsp/

put name=logon value=/tiles/logon.jsp/

put name=title value=Sales Web/

put name=messages value=/tiles/messages.jsp/


definition name=.Forum extends=.Default

put name=body value=/forum/index.jsp/

put name=menu


These are my two tile definitions in my tiles-defs.xml file.  I call a jsp
file, for example test.jsp it contains:

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %

tiles:insert definition=.Forum flush=true

tiles:put name=body value=/forum/test-.jsp/


(which is basically just a way to call a definition without using a struts
action for right now)

The above fills everything into our page layout and overrides body with
test-.jsp.  Now test-.jsp goes into the body slot, the main area on the
page.  I do some logic in it and determine, before its rendered, that the
user is not logged in or whatever else, and instead of it going into the
body area it needs to redirect to another page to fill that slot.  However
when I try that the body area just comes up blank.  And thats just using:

url = response.encodeRedirectURL(request.getContextPath() +



I know the above redirect code works, because when I put it in a .jsp that
does not includes our tiles layout it works fine.



- Original Message - 

From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Tiles Redirect Bug on a per Tile basis? Help!

 On 10/29/2003 11:04 PM David Erickson wrote:
  Bug description:
  Using tiles to handle our webpage.  I have an individual tile which is a
  that does some logic on our forums, if a certain situation occurs that
  when loaded will attempt to redirect to a error page.  However this does
  work.  Instead where that tile should be it just comes up blank.  I have
  also tried getting the request dispatcher and forwarding if that error
  occurs but it says that the response has been commited and throws an
  exception..  so how in the world am I supposed to insert a different
  there if this condition comes up!

 That is a demanding question. The problem is that the outer-most Tile
 controls its child Tiles. This is a complete stab in the dark but try
 writing the redirect URL into the request attributes, and then at the
 end of the outermost Tile, check to see if there is a non-null value,
 and if so, do the redirect there.


 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Cannot redirect within Tiles?

2003-10-15 Thread David Erickson
Essentially I have a tile that includes a bunch of little jsps.  Actually I
am integrating Yazd messageboard into our app.  But anyway it posts to
itself (has the logic to do so) and if the post is successful it does a
response.sendRedirect to another page instead of displaying itself again.
Well I'm not getting any errors on it sending the redirect, but when the
page loads its just empty in the spot where the redirected jsp should

Anyone else experiencing this or able to accomplish it?

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Getting a url inputstream from within an action loses the session?

2003-09-26 Thread David Erickson
Hi everyone, I'm doing some xml and xsl transformations within one of my
actions, and the action needs to get an inputstream or some type of reader
on a url for the xml and xsl, however when I request those URLS it goes
through our filter and gets denied because the request is somehow outside of
the session scope of the logged in user!

The code I was using :
SAXSource saxSrc = new SAXSource(new InputSource(myUrl.openStream()));

very simple.. our login management information is stored in the session, but
when this url is requested on our system from within an action that session
information does not propogate to the filter so when the filter checks the
session for a user its not there.  Any ideas?



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log4j configuration question

2003-09-25 Thread David Erickson
A couple quick questions:

1) Using tomcat is it possible to configure log4j to only be functional for
your particular webapp?  Because I put the log4j jar into my web-inf/lib
directory, built a and put it in /web-inf/classes and set
log4j's rootlogger to debug and got log messages from tns of stuff that
I certainly hadn't setup to log.. just wondering.

2) I'd like to keep my log files potentially in my /web-inf/logs directory,
however how can I get a handle on the realpath to that directory from the
config file if I don't know where the deployed path would be?!  I'm assuming
I'd have to do that programmatically after the config file loads and that
could be a major PITA if there are lots of log files correct?  Some help and
guidance in this direction would be appreciated.


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Passing information from action to action

2003-09-18 Thread David Erickson
Hi I am chaining to actions together, I have one that displays a form and if
you submit it calls the modify action then forwards straight back to the
action that displays the form.  Is there anyway for me to pass variables
inbetween the modify-display action other than using the session?  I tried
using the request but for some reason even though I set an item in the
request in modify it doesn't change the value that the display action sees.

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Re: Passing information from action to action

2003-09-18 Thread David Erickson
To further clarify what seems to be my problem.
Display action  sets begRecord and endRecord attributes in the request -
JSP renders a form - submitted form goes to Modify Action - modify action
tries to put something in begRecord and endRecord, appears to be ok -
forwards to display action, display action sees the same values in its
request object that were originally set by itself earlier.  Talk about
- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:10 PM
Subject: Passing information from action to action

 Hi I am chaining to actions together, I have one that displays a form and
 you submit it calls the modify action then forwards straight back to the
 action that displays the form.  Is there anyway for me to pass variables
 inbetween the modify-display action other than using the session?  I
 using the request but for some reason even though I set an item in the
 request in modify it doesn't change the value that the display action

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Re: Passing information from action to action

2003-09-18 Thread David Erickson
Eep I believe I may be performing a cardinal sin.  Currently its whatever
the default is set to.. how would I change it to a redirecting forward?
I tried using forward = mapping.findForward(success);
then doing forward.setRedirect(true); and it gave me some kind of config
frozen error..
help! =)

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: Passing information from action to action

 Is that an african or european swallow?

 umm... I mean is that a redirecting or non-redirecting forward from the
 modify to the display action?
 If redirecting then of course request attributes are lost. If
 non-redirecting, then you are performing the evil sin of action chaining
 the gods of struts shall surely punish you by running your request through
 the request processor a second time - one of the the many results of which
 is that your actionform is reset and repopulated from the submit data.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 19 September 2003 05:11
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: Passing information from action to action

 Hi I am chaining to actions together, I have one that displays a form and
 you submit it calls the modify action then forwards straight back to the
 action that displays the form.  Is there anyway for me to pass variables
 inbetween the modify-display action other than using the session?  I
 using the request but for some reason even though I set an item in the
 request in modify it doesn't change the value that the display action

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Re: Passing information from action to action

2003-09-18 Thread David Erickson
Excellent.. that worked great.  Is there any evilness to having redirect
false if the related actions do not have forms?

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:31 PM
Subject: RE: Passing information from action to action

 In the struts config for the forward you can write forward name=bob
 redirect=true path=/

 Or if you want to do it in code in your action you can create a new
 instance to return (which is also useful if you want to decorate the url
 with extra parameters):

 ActionForward f = mapping.findForward(bob);
 f = new ActionForward( f.getPath(), true);
 return f;

 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 19 September 2003 05:28
 To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Passing information from action to action

 Eep I believe I may be performing a cardinal sin.  Currently its whatever
 the default is set to.. how would I change it to a redirecting forward?
 I tried using forward = mapping.findForward(success);
 then doing forward.setRedirect(true); and it gave me some kind of config
 frozen error..
 help! =)

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:22 PM
 Subject: RE: Passing information from action to action

  Is that an african or european swallow?
  umm... I mean is that a redirecting or non-redirecting forward from the
  modify to the display action?
  If redirecting then of course request attributes are lost. If
  non-redirecting, then you are performing the evil sin of action chaining
  the gods of struts shall surely punish you by running your request
  the request processor a second time - one of the the many results of
  is that your actionform is reset and repopulated from the submit data.
  -Original Message-
  From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, 19 September 2003 05:11
  To: Struts Mailing List
  Subject: Passing information from action to action
  Hi I am chaining to actions together, I have one that displays a form
  you submit it calls the modify action then forwards straight back to the
  action that displays the form.  Is there anyway for me to pass variables
  inbetween the modify-display action other than using the session?  I
  using the request but for some reason even though I set an item in the
  request in modify it doesn't change the value that the display action
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Populating Indexed Forms Bug?

2003-09-17 Thread David Erickson
I'm getting an error populating indexed properties.. I'm wondering if its a
bug in struts.. has anyone else experienced this?


javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(

Root Cause
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No bean specified
at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.setProperty(
at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate(

Jsp Code:
html-el:form action=/

html-el:hidden name=testForm property=begRecord/

html-el:hidden name=testForm property=endRecord/

logic:iterate name=testForm property=flexReferenceLines

html-el:hidden name=flexReferenceLine
indexed=true write=true/ --- Offending Line

Meanwhile the next line works fine:

html-el:checkbox name=flexReferenceLine property=selected

My Form has the required:

public FlexReferenceLine getFlexReferenceLine(int index) {

while (index = this.flexReferenceLines.size())

this.flexReferenceLines.add(new FlexReferenceLine());

return (FlexReferenceLine) this.flexReferenceLines.get(index);


and the FlexReferenceLine object has a getter and setter for flexReference..
and the flexReference object has a getter and setter for ID... very

Anyone ran into this before?

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Re: Populating Indexed Forms Bug?

2003-09-17 Thread David Erickson
Solved my problem.. in my FlexReferenceLine object I needed to change my
declaration for the private FlexReference flexReference;
private FlexReference flexReference = new FlexReference();

- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 4:03 PM
Subject: Populating Indexed Forms Bug?

 I'm getting an error populating indexed properties.. I'm wondering if its
 bug in struts.. has anyone else experienced this?


 javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
 at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(


 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(

 Root Cause
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No bean specified

 at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.setProperty(
 at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate(

 Jsp Code:
 html-el:form action=/

 html-el:hidden name=testForm property=begRecord/

 html-el:hidden name=testForm property=endRecord/

 logic:iterate name=testForm property=flexReferenceLines

 html-el:hidden name=flexReferenceLine
 indexed=true write=true/ --- Offending Line

 Meanwhile the next line works fine:

 html-el:checkbox name=flexReferenceLine property=selected

 My Form has the required:

 public FlexReferenceLine getFlexReferenceLine(int index) {

 while (index = this.flexReferenceLines.size())

 this.flexReferenceLines.add(new FlexReferenceLine());

 return (FlexReferenceLine) this.flexReferenceLines.get(index);


 and the FlexReferenceLine object has a getter and setter for
 and the flexReference object has a getter and setter for ID... very

 Anyone ran into this before?

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Re: using struts with filters

2003-09-16 Thread David Erickson
Check this link:

We parse the requested url to get the action name.. then perform matching on
the logged in user to see if he has permission to that action or whatever
resource it may be.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:59 AM
Subject: using struts with filters


 I am trying to use filters for login authentication using Jakarta struts
framework with Tomcat. Has anyone done this earlier...any helpful


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Re: Dynamic links, Tiles and Actions

2003-09-16 Thread David Erickson
The usage of the Tiles Controller Actions are essentially to perform logic
on a per tile basis.. so yes you could have a TilesAction for each of your
tiles and inside each it could query the database, get the required
information and push it into the tiles context, from which your jsp could
get that data and display it.

- Original Message - 
From: Barry Volpe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: Dynamic links, Tiles and Actions

Let's say I have several groups of links grouped as tiles.
The displayed links will be dynamic based on the current
state of the database.

I have read what may be a possible solution: Tiles Controller feature
here is an article:

If I am understanding correctly it would not be good practice to
query the database (Mysql by the way) directly from my JSP.
(Not sure how to do this anyway - tags etc).

Could I use multiple forms (with an action for each) on one JSP?

What is the common solution?

Having a page which may for example
have several form controls and links that require querying the database
and would be dynamic?  Several queries will be required to be performed
at the same time for one jsp view.


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[OT] Java Class to match US state abbreviations with their full name?

2003-09-15 Thread David Erickson
Just wondering if anyone offhand knew of a open source java class for
matching state abbreviations with their full name.. I could write something
to do it myself easily enough but I'm not encredibly interested in doing it

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Re: [OT] Java Class to match US state abbreviations with their full name?

2003-09-15 Thread David Erickson
Thanks a bunch =)

- Original Message - 
From: Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] Java Class to match US state abbreviations with their full



 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:07 PM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: [OT] Java Class to match US state abbreviations with their full

 Just wondering if anyone offhand knew of a open source java class for
 matching state abbreviations with their full name.. I could write
 to do it myself easily enough but I'm not encredibly interested in doing

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Valid Regexp for MM/dd/yyyy matching in a string?

2003-09-10 Thread David Erickson
Here is what I came up with.. I don't know if its valid or not but I'd like
it to match a date in the format MM/dd/ for parsing.





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Re: How to forward back to including page

2003-09-03 Thread David Erickson
I'm a little confused, but when you submit the form the target should be an
action and couldnt you just do the processing within that action and if its
successful forward back to the page that includes the form?

- Original Message - 
From: Siggelkow, Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 2:19 PM
Subject: How to forward back to including page

 I have an included page (included using c:import) that contains a form.
If the form processes successfully I want to return
 back to the original including page.  Is there a clean way of doing this?
The problem I have is that my action for the included page
 does not know anything about the page that includes it.  Maybe I could use
pass a request attribute that specifies the original URL or action?
 Any ideas?

 Bill Siggelkow

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Weird messages sent to tomcat from struts tags

2003-09-02 Thread David Erickson
Hi all was just looking at what we are logging and we are getting a bunch of
stuff from struts tags it appears.. but I do not know what is causing it,
here is what we get in tomcat's console:

Sep 2, 2003 3:19:56 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources
INFO: Initializing, config='',
Sep 2, 2003 3:20:10 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources
INFO: Initializing, config='',
Sep 2, 2003 3:20:11 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.taglib.html.LocalStrings',
Sep 2, 2003 3:21:09 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources
INFO: Initializing, config='',

and we get at least 1 to 2 of those per page load.. we are using tiles.. any
idea on what this means or how i can get rid of it?

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Re: logic:iterate

2003-08-29 Thread David Erickson
logic:iterate name=editResourceAttributesForm property=indexedBeans

bean:write name=indexedBean property=id


This will use the editResourceAttributesForm bean and retrieve the arraylist
named indexedBeans from it, then will iterate through the list putting each
element in the arraylist into the variable named indexedBean.  then inside
the tags I output the id property of indexedBean.

-Good Luck


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: logic:iterate


 Can someone give me an example of how to iterate over an ArrayList of
 Strings using the iterate logic tag?


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Struts Tag Question

2003-08-28 Thread David Erickson
Here is the code I'm trying to get to work:


 but what I need are double quotes around the ${} part.  I've
tried using both quot; and \ both seem to not work because the link ends
up stopping at wherever I insert that at.. for example if I try:


the link when moused over shows: javascript:Start(

same thing if I try quot; instead of \

any ideas?



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Re: Struts Validator and Hidden Field

2003-08-28 Thread David Erickson
As far as I was aware validating a hidden field is the exact same as
validating any other field.. just make sure the name of the field in your
html:hidden corresponds to a setter method in your form.  Then create your
own validate function within the form to check the variable is correct..

- Original Message - 
From: Octavia Yung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:13 PM
Subject: Struts Validator and Hidden Field

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if it is possible to validate a hidden field using the
Struts Validator framework.  If so, an example would be extremely helpful.
Thanks in advance!


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Re: JSTL API docs?

2003-08-28 Thread David Erickson
fmt:message key=contextHeader/ I believe.
- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: JSTL API docs?

 Basically what I wanted to find out is what the jstl equivalent of

 bean:message name=contextHeader /

 would be?


 On 08/29/2003 12:22 AM Adam Hardy wrote:
  I can't find the docs for JSTL anywhere. I mean the API, like the API
  for the struts taglibs bean:, html: etc with every tag and it's required
  and optional attributes and a brief desc.
  I've looked all over jakarta and sun, and not found anything. I
  downloaded the jakarta taglibs and they have it for all their taglibs,
  but not for the JSTL standard taglib.
  I guess this is a taglibs mailing list question, but I've searched their
  archives and not found any mention of hundreds of people groping around
  in the dark for the API docs.
  I kind of looked in the J2EE api at sun but couldn't see anything.
  I've now downloaded sun's java webservices developer pack or whatever it
  is, and am looking at the xml for the tld. Is there anything better?

 struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Re: Problem with Checkboxes using logic:iterate

2003-08-22 Thread David Erickson
I am assuming you are using this form in a session scope then.. check back
through the archives on the reset function of the form there have been
numerous posts within the last few weeks on this topic.. Essentially what
happens is that if you deselect a checkbox and then submit the form, nothing
is submitted for that checkbox, the only values that are submitted are when
the checkbox is clicked and it submits true or on or whatever you tell it to
submit.  If the form is request scope its already gone and the values are
initialized to blank anyway so its no problem.  But in Session youll
typically have to work with the reset function of the form.. I haven't
worked with it though so check the archives.

- Original Message - 
From: Raghu.Ramakrishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject: Problem with Checkboxes using logic:iterate


I have one issue, that is I have some checkboxes within my
logic:iterate, and

1) When the user clicks on the checkbox, the property corresponding to
the checkbox is set to 'on'.
2) When the user de-clicks the checkbox(removes the check), the checkbox
is still set to 'on', how do we reset the checkbox...

My code is as follows:

logic:iterate name=WorkQueueForm property=workQueueArrList
indexId=clmIdx id=indexBean

html:select name=indexBean property=updtClaimStatus indexed=true

html:option value=nbsp;/html:option
html:option value=PP/html:option
html:option value=WW/html:option
html:option value=AA/html:option
html:option value=MM/html:option
html:option value=CC/html:option

html:checkbox name=indexBean property=updtClaimPriority


WorkQueueForm is the Form Bean
workQueueArrList is a property of the WorkQueue Form Bean which contains
WorkQueue Beans.

I would be obliged if you could let us know how to reset the checkbox,
when the user Deselects the checkbox, the checkbox property in the
WorkQeue Bean should be reset to null.


-Original Message-
From: Dan Tran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 10:45 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: struts test info

- Original Message - 
From: ronanoc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 6:13 AM
Subject: struts test info

 Can anyone point me in the direction of good examples and info about
 using/writing Struts tests other than the documentation that comes

 with Struts test it self...?

 Thanks in advance.

 Always ready to Discotogogo

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-Original Message-
From: atta-ur rehman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 5:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [OT] Tree Stucture in STRUTS

hi all,

excuse me if this sounds off topic!

can somebody please point to some references on how to incorporate a
dynamically built tree-like structure in a struts app? can struts-menu
be used for this purpose? any other suggestions?



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Quick Java question..

2003-08-21 Thread David Erickson
Hey as I've been building my actions I was thinking it could be useful for
me to have a method that does some database querying, but I would like to
give the user the ability to narrow down that query with as many input
fields as he needs.  Is there a way to write a method that takes a non-set
amount of arguments?  (Other than just passing the method a growable array..
which is a viable alternative)


public String myfunction(String a, String b, String c on down the line

I thought I had seen this done somewhere somehow but I may be wrong.

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Adding to a Tiles Definition at runtime?

2003-08-19 Thread David Erickson
Is there any possible way to add additional variables to a tiles definition
at runtime or to modify them? IE here is a definition:
definition path=/tiles/menu.jsp

putList name=menus

add value=Home/

add value=SW1/

add value=SW2/

add value=SW3/

add value=SW4/

add value=SW5/

add value=SW6/



And then my menu jsp iterates through that list of menus adding them.  The
problem is I need a seperate tiles definition for every possible menu
configuration, and then if I want an action that forwards to a definition
that could show different menus.. etc etc it gets to be a pain. So would it
be possible to change whats in that list or add to that list in my action
before I forward to a tiles def? *Shrug just trying to get some ideas
together here*.

If that is not possible then my next question is in my baselayout.jsp I have

tiles:insert attribute=menu/ tag.  In which scope does it search for a
variable named menu?  and if i changed that to tiles:insert
attribute=$menu/ or something of that nature could it change at runtime
based on something in my request/or session scope?

Thanks in advance!

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Adding to a tiles definition at runtime?

2003-08-19 Thread David Erickson
Is there any possible way to add additional variables to a tiles definition at runtime 
or to modify them? IE here is a definition:
definition path=/tiles/menu.jsp

putList name=menus

add value=Home/

add value=SW1/

add value=SW2/

add value=SW3/

add value=SW4/

add value=SW5/

add value=SW6/



And then my menu jsp iterates through that list of menus adding them.  The problem is 
I need a seperate tiles definition for every possible menu configuration, and then if 
I want an action that forwards to a definition that could show different menus.. etc 
etc it gets to be a pain. So would it be possible to change whats in that list or add 
to that list in my action before I forward to a tiles def? *Shrug just trying to get 
some ideas together here*.

If that is not possible then my next question is in my baselayout.jsp I have the 

tiles:insert attribute=menu/ tag.  In which scope does it search for a variable 
named menu?  and if i changed that to tiles:insert attribute=$menu/ or something 
of that nature could it change at runtime based on something in my request/or session 

Thanks in advance!

Re: html:checkbox, iterate and a value

2003-08-15 Thread David Erickson
Here's how I'm doing it:
table border=3 bordercolor=#323299
 html-el:form action=/${requestScope.userid}
 logic:iterate name=edituserForm property=indexedBeans
 trtdhtml:checkbox name=indexedBean property=available
 tdhtml-el:text name=indexedBean property=id indexed=true
 tdbean:write name=indexedBean property=description//td/tr


My form contains a getter for indexedBeans that returns an ArrayList, and it
iterates through each item of that storing my custom bean in indexedBean.
IndexedBean has getters and setters for available, id, description.  My
action that forwards to this jsp prepopulates all the items.. if oyu want
the checkbox to be checked on viewing the property must be set to on yes
or one other indicating yes, if you want it to be set to off just leave it
blank.  When the form is submitted if its not checked it submits no value at


- Original Message - 
From: Gregory F. March [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: html:checkbox, iterate and a value

 What is the proper way to build html:checkbox's inside of an
 logic:iterate loop?

 It seems that the html:checkbox's value parameter can't reference a
 property from the bean of the iterate loop.

 I have something close to:

 logic:iterate id=myItem name=myData type=...MyData indexId=index
   html:checkbox indexed=true property=uniqueKey name=myItem/
   html:link action=MyViewItemsAction
 bean:write name=myItem property=uniqueKey/

 The html:link works great.  I just don't know how to achieve the same
 for the checkbox.  What I get sent is:


 Not much of a help.  I really need the value of that uniqueKey to be the
 value of the checkbox.

 Any help steering me in the right direction would be appreciated.



 Gregory F. March-=-

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Stuts Tags Syntax Question

2003-08-15 Thread David Erickson
Hi I have a form bean named edituserForm which has a getter method getUser()
which returns my custom User class bean, and I'm trying to render the value
returned by my User Beans getId() method.. what syntax would I use? here's
what ive tried with no luck..

html-el:hidden name=edituserForm.user property=id/

html-el:hidden name=edituserForm

Both return error [ServletException in:/admin/edituser.jsp] Cannot find bean
userid in any scope'

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Stuts Tags Syntax Question

2003-08-15 Thread David Erickson
Solved my own question.. the second one i listed below is the correct one..
had to dig through some api stuff and realized my error was caused by
another problem on my page.. with a similar name, hate that =)

- Original Message - 
From: David Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 1:32 PM
Subject: Stuts Tags Syntax Question

 Hi I have a form bean named edituserForm which has a getter method
 which returns my custom User class bean, and I'm trying to render the
 returned by my User Beans getId() method.. what syntax would I use? here's
 what ive tried with no luck..

 html-el:hidden name=edituserForm.user property=id/

 html-el:hidden name=edituserForm

 Both return error [ServletException in:/admin/edituser.jsp] Cannot find
 userid in any scope'

 Thanks in advance!

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Designing a Form, help!

2003-08-14 Thread David Erickson
I need a form with a variable length list of items.  Each item needs to
contain 3 strings, 1) Permission name 2) Permission Description 3) If user
has permission (on/off)

The items will be used to populate a list of checkboxes with the
descriptions of the name and description.

So the big questions in my mind are what would i iterate through, and how
would i design the getters and setters, and how to store that information.

I'm sure someone has had to do something similar to this.. all help is
extremely appreciated.

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Form Populating Error, help!!

2003-08-14 Thread David Erickson
Getting this error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
root cause java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.setProperty(
at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate(
When trying to submit to my bean.  Here is my html code:table border=3
bordercolor=#3300CChtml-el:form action=/${param.user}
type=salesweb.EditUserFormlogic:iterate name=edituserForm
property=indexedBeans id=indexedBeanstrtdhtml:checkbox
name=indexedBeans property=available indexed=true//td
tdhtml:textarea name=indexedBeans property=id indexed=true //td
tdhtml:textarea name=indexedBeans property=description indexed=true
//td/tr/logic:iterate/tablehtml:submit value=Submit Changes
styleClass=submitButton//html-el:formAnd the relevant form code:public
class EditUserForm extends ActionForm {private ArrayList myBeans = new
ArrayList();public ArrayList getIndexedBeans() {return
this.myBeans;}public void setIndexedBeans(ArrayList myBeans)
{this.myBeans = myBeans;}   // THIS METHOD IS REQUIRED IF
YOUR FORM IS OF REQUEST SCOPE.public PermissionLine getIndexedBeans(int
index) {while (this.myBeans.size() + 1  index)
this.myBeans.add(new PermissionLine());return (PermissionLine)
this.myBeans.get(index);}}The beans are stored in request scope.. any

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Re: Form Populating Error, help!!

2003-08-14 Thread David Erickson
I was thinking it had something to do with this function:
public PermissionLine getIndexedBeans(int index) {

System.out.println(Index Requested:  + index +  Size of Array:  +

while (index = this.myBeans.size())

this.myBeans.add(new PermissionLine());

return (PermissionLine) this.myBeans.get(index);


But i through that debugging code in there and it never gets output at all..
so it must be something to do with the populate function on copying getters
and setters from the form to the bean, but its the exact same bean i used to
populate it with, doesnt make any sense.. anyone got any ideas?

- Original Message - 
From: Alawadhi, Mona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: RE: Form Populating Error, help!!

 It looks like there is a method expecting a certain type of param, and
 getting something other than expected.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 2:01 PM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: Form Populating Error, help!!

 Getting this error:

 javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate


 root cause java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
 at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
 at java.util.ArrayList.get(




 When trying to submit to my bean.  Here is my html code:table border=3
 type=salesweb.EditUserFormlogic:iterate name=edituserForm
 property=indexedBeans id=indexedBeanstrtdhtml:checkbox
 name=indexedBeans property=available indexed=true//td
 tdhtml:textarea name=indexedBeans property=id indexed=true
 tdhtml:textarea name=indexedBeans property=description
 //td/tr/logic:iterate/tablehtml:submit value=Submit
 styleClass=submitButton//html-el:formAnd the relevant form
 class EditUserForm extends ActionForm {private ArrayList myBeans = new
 ArrayList();public ArrayList getIndexedBeans() {return
 this.myBeans;}public void setIndexedBeans(ArrayList myBeans)
 {this.myBeans = myBeans;}   // THIS METHOD IS REQUIRED IF
 YOUR FORM IS OF REQUEST SCOPE.public PermissionLine
 index) {while (this.myBeans.size() + 1  index)
 this.myBeans.add(new PermissionLine());return (PermissionLine)
 this.myBeans.get(index);}}The beans are stored in request scope.. any

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Dynamic Form help

2003-08-14 Thread David Erickson
I'm developing some administrative functions for our web app, currently im
working on a page where it will list all the permissions available with a
checkbox by each, and the ones the current user has will be checked.

I'm trying to decide the best way to go about it, becaues the permissions
are pulled from a database and so they could change everytime the page is
loaded, and obviously every user will have different permissions which need
to be checked.

It shouldnt be a problem to iterate through a list of permissions, but the
question I have is when I go to submit a the form to modify the users
permissions, the names of each checkbox (permission) will change, so how
would I develop a form to handle that?  And is there an easy way to populate
all the checkboxes when the page loads?

I'm using JSP's to handle it.. would love to use struts html:XXX tags if

Reccomendations welcome =)

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